PL 12/19/1973 - 31158/'�
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DECEMBER 19, 1973 PAGE 1
Chairm«n Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present: Fitzpatrick, Harris, Dri:gans
Members Absent: Lindblad, Blair
� Others Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator
MOTION by Drigans, seconded b� Harris, that the Planning
Commission approve the minutes of the joint meeting of the Planning
Commission and Board of Appeals on November 28, 1'973 as.'written.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl�.
�`� MOTION by Harris, seconded b� Drigans, that the Planning
'- Commission approve the minutes of the December 5, 1973 meeting
as written. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. . • "
DECE�ZBER 6, 19 7 3 �
MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the Planning
Commission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design
Control Subcommittee meeting of Decerrrber 6, 1973. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the Planning
Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals meeting
of December 11, 1973. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously. '
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning
n ' Commission receive the minutes of the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets
�,,, & Utilities Subcommittee meeting of December 19, 1973. Upon a
voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Meeting - December 19, 1973 Page 2
Split Lot 4, Block l., Sylvan Hills Plat 5, being 201 and 221
Satellite Lane N.E. so City records agree with County records.
Mr. Sharratt was present.
Mr. Clark said about 10 years ago these two apartment units
that had been under one ownership, were sold to separate owners.
At that time, the owners were notified by the Finance Department
that in order to have the special assessments split, a lot split '
would have to be approved by the City. There have been subsequent
owners on both apartments, but either it was forgotten or the owners
did not choose to apply for this.
Mr. Sharratt purchased 201 Satellite Lane �.bout three years ago,
and is now aware that he is paying the special assessments for both
properties, which he justly feels is unfair. This property has .been
split by the County and there are two tax statements. Each property
will meet the area requirements of our present code for an 11 unit
apartment building, a�ter the split is made, and administration has
no objection to this request for a lot split being approved.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked if the owner of 221 Satellite Lane was
in favor of this lot split. Mr. Clark said he probably doesn't care
if this property is ever split, because until it is, he is not being
� � assessed for specials.
� • �
Mr. Drigans asked how all the special assessments had been put
on the one property. . • �
Mr. Clark said he would make a guess that at the time these units
were built, they were all under one ownership. It may have been that
221 Satellite Lane was built first,.and was the first one sold, and.
the special assessments were left on the property of the original owner
of 201 Satellite Lane. Although the original owner sold 201 Satellite
Lane in 1963, the special assessments have stayed on this property
since 1964, because there never was a request for a lot split, which
isn't the City's fault.
� Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thought the lending institutions wonld
have noticed this. Mr�. 5harratt said both properties were handled by
the same lending agency.
Mr. Drigans asked what figures we are talkirig about for the
special assessments. Mr. Sharratt said the original assessment for
the storm sewer was $1500 in 1967. It is now down�to $990, all of
which has been paid by the owner of 201 Satellite Lane.
Mr. Clark told Mr. Sharratt to talk to Marvin Brunsell, Finance
� n Director, before this goes to the City Council, and if there is a
^, different solution than just splitting the remaining assessments
against both properties, after the lot split is approved, this would
have to be approved by Council also, and they should go to the Council
. at the same time. •
Planning Commission Meeting - December 1•9, 1973 �• Page 3
� MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Commission
� y recommend to CounciZ approval of the request for a 1ot split, L.S.
#73-10, by William F. Sharratt, to split Lot 4, B1ock 1,�Slyvan Hi11s
Plat 5, being 201 and 221 Satellite�Lane N.E., so City records agree
with County records. Upon a voic.e vote, a11 voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
BY A. DAVIDSON: To permit the sale of used cars at 7395
Highway #65 N.E., being a half block North of 732 Avenue N.E.
and Eas� of Highway #65, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.101,
3, I.
Mr. Earl H. Peterson, representing Mr. A. Davidson, was present.
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning
Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice for the
request for a Special Use Permit, SP #73-13, by A. Davidson. Upon
a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
• Mr. Psterson said this property is zo�ed commercial and it was
his understanding that if they.were selling new cars, they wouldn't
need a Special Use Pemit. Mr. Clark said both new and used car lots
have to h�ve a Special Use Permit.
�n Mr. Peterson said they already have three other locations where
they are doing business. In Minneapolis, the location is 5245 Lyndale
Avenue South, in Hopkins, at 502 East Excelsior Ave.nue, and in St. Paul,
at 990 University Avenue. He said their business is to list private
parties'cars. We sell other people's cars for commission. �The minimum
fee is $200 so we do not deal in old cars because of this minimum. Our
fee is 150, with a maximum of $500.
Mr. Drigans asked how long these cars are held on the lot. Mr.
Peterson said we keep them 30, 60, and 90 days, at the owner's option.
After 90 days, the owner either has to pick them up, or sign a contract
for a specified time again. • .
Chairman Fitzpatrick asked the present use of this property. Mr. .
Clark said it was vacant, all the way to Central Avenue.
Mr. Harris said there is a temporary building.on your plat plan.
Mr. Peterson said this would be a house trailer they would be using
for an office until Spring, when they would construct a permanent
building. -
Mr. Drigans asked how many cars they have at their other three
locations, on the average. Mr. Peterson said they-have between 75 to
100 cars on each lot.
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Planning Commission Meeting - December 19, 1973 Page 4
Mr. Fi�zpatrick asked what hours they would be open and how
many employees would be on duty. Mr. Peterson said they would be
open from 9:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. and would have 4•employees on duty.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked how the administration felt about this
request for a special use.
Mr. Clark said there were trailer sales both North and South
of this property, under a special use that was granted for a certain�•
number of years. I don't know how much different this is because
it is cars. Because this is a narrow strip of property, it was
felt they should be encouraged to purchase Lots 3-10, Block 1, Central
View Manor, so they could have a more rectangular lot.
Nlr. Peterson said they did consider purchasing Lots 3-5, but the
assessments on Lot 3 are outrageous. Mr. Fitzpatrick asked why the
assessments were so high for this lot. Mr. Clark said because the
assessment for the new service drive to 732 Avenue were assessed
against this lot.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said your plan seems to be to not use all
the property zoned C-2S for the used car lot. Mr. Peterson said cve
are as)cing for a special use for the entire portion zoned C-2S, but
for this development we only intend to use 260 feet of this property.
This property is 550 feef and we may at a later date want to use the
balance of the commerical property for recreationa� vehicles. Mr.
Clark said this would require�an. additional special use permit.
Used cars are under 3,B of the Code and recreational vehicles are
under 3,C. .
Mr. Drigans asked Mre Peterson how long Mr. Davidson has been
in business at his other locations. Mr,
at 5245 Lyr�dlae Avenue South had opened aboutrMay lsta 19�3car lot
Mz'. Drigans asked the sales volume of the three lots alread
in operation. Mr. Peterson said he would estimate a�bout a million
dollars in sales.
Mr. Drigans asked how man
Peterson said at the L�ndale locationttheymmove�aboutn30Vtoa45•cars•
per month, and in St. Paul, about 20 t0 25 cars
the Hopkins location, about 25 to 30 cars Per month, and at
per month.
Mr. Petersongsaidabecauseythe�ydona chosen Fridley for a location.
area of the Metropolitan areay t have a location in the Northern
1"�'. Harris asked if they were leasing this property
�� it. Mr. Peterson said the
�� he then felt there should bewaneapplication madelfor� '�or purchasing
line with the zonin Mr• Harris said
g, as.this parcel has two zonings of 1CtZSPand�M11.
�'' �
Plarining Commission Meeting - December 19, 1973 Page 5
Mr. Harris said he would like this item continued until he
could look over the other locations that are already in operation.
Mr. Petersom said they have already started leveling this
property so they have already spent money on the site, but if
this was going to be delayed, they would have to look for another
location, because they were anxious to start another lot.
Mr. Harris said he couldn't in good conscience approve this
without checking the other locations.
Mr. Clark�said the next Planning Commission meeting was
January 9, 1974 and although the January 14th meeting of the Council
was their Public Hearing meeting, we could request that they consider
this item at tha� meeting, so it would only de1�y you a week. Mr.
Peterson said he thought it would mean a month delay,.but a week would
be all right.
Mr. Pet�rson said they would be putting in crushed rock on
thi�s property and woul.d blacktop in the spring. . .
Mr. Drigans asked what kind of signs they would be asking for.
Mr. Peterson said they would have three oval signs on the building
with one wo�� of their �ame in each oval, which is American Auto
MOTION by H�rris, seconded by Drigans, that the PZanning Commission
continue until January 9, 1973, the Public Hearing on the request for
a Special Use Permit, SP #73-13, b� A. Davidson,�to permit the sale
of used cars at 7395 Highway #65 N.E.,� per Fridley City Code, Section
205.101, 3, I. Upon a voice vote, a.Z1 voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Clark said we would mail Mr. Peterson an application for
a lot split and he should get the owner's signature. The lot split
request could then be processed at the same time as the special use
3. CONTINUED: ARMORY PROPOSAL Drigans; seconded by Narris, that t.he Planning •
Commission receive the letter from the Frid2ey Jaycees dated December
11, 1973, relating to the armory proposal. Upon a voice vote, a11
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �
Mr. Clark said this was an article from "Minnesota Municipalities"
on a court case involving a Special Use Permit. It states that you
must have logical reasons for denying a request, and it can't be based
on economics.
Planning Commission Meeting - December 19, 1973 Page 6
Mr. Fitzpatrick said it has been borne out that we would have
been justified to deny some special use perm�_ts for oil stations,
because of economics. . .
Mr. Clark said if you are going to base your denial on numbers
then the zoning ordinance will have to have some guidelines. He
said if you feel you want to deny a request for a special use permit,
you should probably continue the request until the City Attorney
can work out the terminology of the denial.
Mr. Harris said we have a clause in our zoning ordinance about
it not adversely affecting the public health, safety, or welfare of
the 'community. Mr. Clark said there might be some requests you would
want to deny rhat don't fall into these categories.
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Drigans,
recieve the article on Special Use Permits.
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
that the Planning Commission
Upon a voice vote, all
Mr. Drigans said he noticed in the '!action needed" agenda of
the Council meeting of December 17, 1973 tha� there had been opposition
of placement of signs stating "No right turn on red" on Highway #65
;� � and old Central. He asked Mr. Clark where this opposition had come
from because he fel��that anyone who traveled this area would realize
that this would help a bad situation at this intersection. .
Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meeting at 9:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Dorothy enson, Secretary
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