PL 07/17/1974 - 7491CITY OF FRIDLEY �� A G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 17, 1974 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: �• 11 ' PAGES APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 19, 1974 1- 5 RECEIVE BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTRQL SUBCOMMITTEE 6- 7 MINUTES: JUNE 25, 1974 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOPM4ITTEE MINUTES: JUNE 25, 1974 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MTNUTES: JULY 9 i974 RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATT'4N O.OMMI`SSION SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: M�Y 20, 1974 : � 13 14 - 18 � RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE 19 - 20 MINUTES: JUATE 25, 1974 l. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #74-03, C�T�.' 21 - 25 OF FRIDLEY: Rezone Chases Island, Government Lot 5, from CRP-2 (flood plain) to CRP-1 (floodway) . � 2. PUBLIC FiEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, 26 - 34 SP #74-12, BY GORCO CONSTRUCTIQN COMPANY: Per Fridley City Code, Section 205.157, 5, D, to allow the con- struction of a garage in CRP-2 zoning (flood plain) on Lots 21 and 2.2, Block T, Riverview Heights, the same being 675 Fairmont Street N.E. 3. BILLBOARDS DISCUSSION: BILL-WETSS SIGN � � � r - � C G,%��- � ��`� 35 � CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 19, 1974 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meetin� to order at 8:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Fitz�atrick, Harris, Drigans Members Abserit: Blair, I,indbla.cl Others �?rese.nt: Jerrold Bcardn�a.n, Planning Asaistant Jarnes Langen�eld, Chai�man: Environmental Qua.lity Commission APPROVE P.L.ANNl'I3G Cni��S:ISS:COT? �tI�TUTES : JTJI`�E 5, 1 g7 4 MOT.IDN hv Dx.z���ns, seconded by Harris, that the miriutes of the June 5, 1974 meet.i.ng of the Planning Comm.zssion be app;�oved as written. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting a�e, the mo�tion carried unanzmously. RECEIVE ENVIi2C)i`3�gE�?::1.'Z1L QUZ-iLTTY' CO���ITSSTC?;� i�IINUTE:S� f�IfiX 1_�, 1g74 � 110T.IOPl by Fl�rris, seconded by Dzigans, that the Phunning Commisszan rcceiv� i_�ie rnvizon.neni:al Qual.ity �:ommissior� t�ninu�es of thcir meeting of May 14, 1974. Upon a voice vote, �?.ZI voting a�e. i,he mctian carried unanirtously. RECL:IVE "CRTTICA.L A-?EfiS P:L�`�I�Ti1ING �POCESS" FRGn� JAl1ES L71NGEt�TFELD MOTION br� Dricrans, seconded by Xurris, that the P.Zanning Commission receic�e °Critica.Z Areas Planning Process" from James L•,angenfe.Zd. Upor2 a voice vote, al_Z votzng aye, the motion carried unan.imously. R��`EIVT' L�t7II,DING S`1'A_IdD�RD5--D�ESIGN C�NTRGL suHCOr�zr��1ITTEE I�ZINLTTES: JUI�E 6 , l97 ��- -- - N_. ___. MOTTON by Dr.ig�ns, seconr�ed by Har.ris, for discussion, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the June 6, i974 meetil�g of i1�e Bu.i.Iding Standards�Design Con�L--ro1 Subcommittee. Mr. Fiarr_is sz:_d that he not�d the building that Mr, Pascke wanted to build would be c:,n twn Zots. Mr. Boarc�man said he wanted to build a 55 ft. �: 75 ft. bta.ildinq ���hich requir�d many variances. He said the vari��nce request� to reduc.e che sicie yard setback abutting a side str_eet of a corner lot from 35 feet to 25 feet had been denied so this wouZd l�av� ta be a 45 ft. building. The other variances were � approved. Nir. I3arris asked how many paricing stalls they would have. bSr. Boardman said there wauld be si.x. UPON A VOICF VOTE, a11 voiing aye, the mvtion carried unanimously. I i i � � � � i /'� Planning Commission Meeting - June 19, 1974 Paqe 2 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: JUNE 11, 1974 MOTION bg Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee meeting of June IZ, I974. Upon a voice vote, aZl voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. l. PUBLIC H�ARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL US� PERMTT, 5P #74-11, �Y CURTIS BARSNESS:�Per Fridley City Code, Section 205.051, l, A, to allow cc�nstructi�n of a secozzd accessory building to be located on the Wes�erly 168.5 feet of Lot 6, Revised Aud- itor's Subdivisian No. I0, the same being 6581 Central Avenue N.E. Mr. Curtis Barsness was present. MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice on the requc:�t for a Speczal Use Permit, SP #74--Z.Z, by Curtis Barsness. Upon a voice vote, aI1 voting ave, the mot?on carried unanimously. Mr. Barsness saic� he caani�d this 24 ft. x 26 ft. second gara.ge becau,e he h�s a 1967 Co���ette and a 1940 Euick that �aere ge-ctinq to be collector' s i �ems �nd he c�aan �ed them under cotTer . /� Nir. Harris asker� the pet.itoncr wha-� he for_ . M.r_ . t3a�sne 5s said hF cat�z get one car used th� r.es� o= �he gar_ue�e for iiis hobby. used his first garag� into thi.s garage anc� he Mr. Fit.zpatrick a�ke.ci if he ��as go�_ng to have tsaa drive�aays on h_i_s prc���rt��. Mr. B�r::r,�ss �aic'. ii� tnouc;i�t he ���uld }�e cornb��ning ���e driv,:ways to qo out to Cen t-r� l r�venue . He �aid �le had no acces s t� 66th Z�venue �ecause of a 2 foot outlot. He saic� �here was a 33 foo�t easement far a road SGt�t��i oi his property, arid th�re was a possibili��y that Bacon I�leciric, �M�?:o avan this prope:rty, might put this road in. He said he would prefer to have access to this road, Mr. Drigans askec� ti7.�' lagic behind the placcment of this garac�e o Mr. Barsnes� said he had a garden behind ttze garage and he has to stay behir�c.�. his hous� which h� s a 47 ioot front setback. He said if he ever sold part of his 101�, a11 his buil_ding <<Tould be on the orie lot. M.r. Driqai�s �ai.d the pa�ablem with the pl.acement of this garage is ihat the driveway ��.;_11 be 85 feet 1_or�g, which will maY� the requized hard surface dra_veway very expensive. Mr. Barsness said there would Ne 26 fcet more because of the boulevard. He said he knew this wauid �e costly. Mr. Drigaz�s asked �atiat type of construction this garage woul_d be and what utilities would be in it. Mr. Barsness said the garage would be wood frame.�nd he didn't intenc� to 'have any utilities, not even /'1 electricity, because it was too f� from the house. He said he thought he wauld install some kind of al.�� system. Planning Commission Meeting - June 19, 1974 Page 3 by Drigans, �that the Planning Commission request for a Special Use Permit, Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, ^ MOTION by Harris, seconded close the Public Hearing on the SP #74-11, by Curtis Barsness. the motian carried unanimously. Mr. Boardman said the biggest c.oncern of the City, although they are in favor of the granting of a Special Use Permit �or this second accessory buildinc�, is that the petit.ioner will accumulate more cars aften c� star�s t�e cars he has now in this second gar�ge. He aaid there is a nEed far a pl.ace to store things on this property and this second garage wi11 l�elp clean up th� area. M02'ION b� Harris, sec�onded by Drigans, that the Planning Commissior� recomm�nd to Coiai�ciZ approcTal of t.t�e request for a 5pecial Use Permit, SP #74•-I1, b� Curti_s Barsness, per Fr2d1e� C�ty Code, Section 205a051, I, A, to a.tlow canstruction of a second 3CC�-�r50Y'LJ bu�ldirzg on the Westerly 1G8.5 feet of Lot 6, Revised Aud?tor's 5ubdivision No. 10��p�N the san�e being �5�1 Central Avenue Northeas�, with the following Iations: 1. Pr_ovide a harcl su.� {ace dri�rEway ta bot31 garages. 2� Th<.� s��ond garage be usec� for storage only and not be used fo.r a car repair busiriess or other home occupation ^ and it can not be used for nun.an I�ab.itation. UI'ON a voice vote, a11 vot':ng a�e. tne mo�tian carried unan_im�usly. 2. F'UBIaIC H�z�E�i�^�: CC`t�TS�f)�'RI;TI"C�r� C)F' A PREi TT�iinI�RY �L1�T, P.S #}74-0� --_ ___ ---_____ ____ _. . _ . _ - — -- � ys _ ��. _.._�._____� D� k .. r r r 'r rT�r� , r � {�?' s' �\ Ti� . � z � �.J��l ,i.i � r��.��i _��i�r 1� a ''_' � Ii� a3�i�]C�: I4� �t A� �v� � �� � __- ' A n __ ____ _. _.� _ . _� - -- - __._ ,� �_.__.___ 7 a c� '% , F�il.�. DI'�`�1T�C�� r�����I`I' CC��� �'E��>?��r�IO 5 �_� re�1a � af Lots 5, � B1ack _�,._--Inr�:-b�uck� T�:�rth To�•m;toU.ses `l�hird. Addition, laca�ed at 5533 to 5��� �,ast B,��krariara Pdss 1�7.�. Mr. Roland I:rucr,er was prese.zt- MOTION b� Prigans; s^conded waive tr7e readin; o�r tPze PubZic A. Farr D�velo�•ment Coxpoz�tion. the mo�ion car_ried unanir,lou_sly. b� Iiarris, that the Planning Commisszort Hearirlg natice on P.5. #74-04. l�>� Dari`e-� Upon a voice vote, a1I vot� �y�. Mr. Harris said this request uras originally a 1ot split ;,> char:ge the property .lines for four garagLs. �ecause one d�scriptiori was quite lengthy �ve asked tha �. this be Yi�ndled as a plat .instead. Chairman Pitzpatrick said th� Planning Commission has already approv�d the l�nd division. This request is the result of our recommendation to the petita.oner. � MOTION by Drigans, seconded clase the Public i�earing on P.S. Corporation. Upon a voice vote, unanimously. ,,I by Harris, that the Planning Con�n��."��on #74-04, by Darrel A. Farr Develv�..? ��= all votin< aye, the motion carrie; Flar�ning Commission Meeting - June 19, 1974 �age 4 MOTION by Harris, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of the pre.Ziminary plat, P.S. #74-04, ^ Innsbruck North Townhouses Replat Second Addition, by Darrel A. Farr DeveZopment Corporation, a replat of Lot 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 4, Innsbruck North Townhouses Third Addition, Iocated at 5533 to 5539 East Bavarian Pass IV.E. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanin�ously. 3. VACATION REQUEST: SAV �7�-02, ROBERT STTXRUD: Vacate the Easterly and Westerly 10 feet of an e�isting 30 foot drainage and utility easement on B1ocYs.l and 2, Lyndale Builders 7th Addition, located between 5$th and 59th Avenue N.�. and between 7th Street and Jefferson Streei. N.E. Mr. Raber-t Sti�>i:uc� and Mr. Russel Lvenson we�e present. Mr. B��arc�nan sa�_d t�e utili�.y companies have no objection to this ease�srE:nt bPing 10 ieet instead of thE 30 fe�t and he had talkeci to the Engir�e,ering Depar�.ment and they said 1.0 feet vaas enough alsoa Chairr���n Fitzpa.trick asked Mr. �oardman if he knew why th.er� uaas a 30 foot easement put on this property in the first place. Mr. Boa.rd- man said he didrz't. Mr. Sti�rud said he ��ras reques�inc� the vacation because he ne��ed th� �0 feet to co�3str�r.�i a garac?e. He ha� a iarge tre�� in � his yard ��hich makes it iznpo:-;si.ble to laca'4e the garage any where else. M.r. I'itzp�tri::k said ��her� we�e quite a ie�,T garag�� al.reauy '�uilt ari 10 fc=et af �.he ease���.c�rit. � Mr. P.������1 Ever�:�a�r, 5�i01 N.E. V�.ash�r�r�ton Stre�tp sa�_� h� v,�as repre ,ei�tar�g the pc�c���.:L;�� i.n Bloc?c 1 in r��questing tYii� vacatic�n� �ar. Sti�rud sai.d the iee for a v�cation requ��t was $4Q but hE had to pay onZy $� af -�his becnusc ali �he otl�er n��_ghbors joined in th�_s .reques'c. Mr. Drigans askecl if this woula give tlze pro�erty a higher tax base. Mr. �aardm�an said it �aouldn't becaase the people k�ere alreac-1� payirig taxes c�n the enty.r_e Eas�men.t. This would just make it legaZ for L-hem to use anatr;c�r 10 feet of their p��operty. h1OTION by Dz�igans, seconded by fiaxris, tha� �he Planning Commission rec.ommend to Council approv�al of the vacation request, SAV #74-02, b� Robert St_i.xrud, to vacate the c^asterZy and WesterZy 10 feet of an e:�isL-- ing 30 foot dr�ainage and util_it� easeirreni on Blocks Z and 2, L�ndale Bui.Zders 7th Addition, .Zocated between 58th and 59th Avenue N.E. and between 7th Stre.e.t �nd Jefferson Street h'.E. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting a�e, the motion carried unanimously. 4. GENERIIL DISCUSSION Mr. Lanc�enfeld said he had a brochur.e entitled "Governmeilt, Environment and YOU" f.l�iat he would lik� t�� Planning Commis�ion to have. He said he woul.d give it to the secret�zry so copies could be made for them. � /'°� � Planninc� Commission Meetinq - June 19, 1974 Page 5 Chairman Fitzpatrick said the Planning Commission doesn't meet for four weeks now. One of the things that are pending is the Hyde Park Study. � Mr. Harris said he thought the Planning Commission shauld plan on handling this sonle way. He thought a Public Hearing should be set because he thGUght that was rahat the City Council wanted. Mr. Boardman aaid that at staff level they weren't sure how Council wanted to handle this. If any further studies are made, h� thought it �aould have to go the consultant rout�. Mr. Fitz�atrick sa_id the last time �,re went the consultant rau�e, we end�d up adopting a plun m�de by I��iz-o Ankrum< Nr. Harris said th�t most o.f th� tn.ings tri2 consu� tazzt saic� hav'e praved to be true. Mr. Harr is said maybe we shoul.d re°e�:amine He sa.zd hc� thouqht l�e h�ard �.xze Council say it the zaning �zs co�rcc7�. Mr. Baa.rdntan er>plained now. the action taken bc�fore. should be deterra� n�� if how Hyde P��rk is zorinc� Mr. H�.rris said h� thouunt the P? anning Cornznissian s1_zould rev? e�•b all the mate��.�al tli� y have r�ceived and d�rid� on a caurve of ac�i.�n so thcy couid givc the City sL-aff sc�me d.irectiano Mr, ��_�.gans �a:i_d it has bee�� a ccizsiderable time si�nce t.he Flatln�_zic� Cc�r��n�issior� h�s hac� a joiri�: meeti.ric� raif�h �tl�e Couxzcil. He ti�aL?gh� t!ze.re ��aere q�ite �� i���t decisiGns o�� diff�.rent items that would have to be .n�tde anc�. a. joirit meet�.rig �tiTa�.�.td be �T�ry riel��L71_ . The ott��.r m.em�c:rs agr;���d ;�zd s<�.i.d ti�n�T Fyruu7_d lzke to have tllis meetiny be�or� �the 17th af July i� poasiL�lew MOTION li� Drigar.s, seconded by Harris, that the Planni.ng Co�rmissicn request t.hat the Cit�� Counc_i1 collsider. having a joi.ng meeting witlr tiz� Planning Conm,ission to d�scuss any code changes in the zoning orciinance�, the t��de Par1c Stuc??�, t1�e arrnory request and the sign ordinance� Upon a vo.ice vate, a11 vo�ing aye, the motion carried unanirnous.Zy. Mr. Drig=:�ns said the Coi�ncil r�ceiv�d a resolution from the BEF.I�, Cl�airman in oppo:�itiori to th�� 7_ocation of an armory ir� Fridley. H� asked if the othC�° malnbPrs of tiie Commission were aware of t.his r�solu- tion. They said thcy wer_e. ��ir. Dric,*«ns said he would like the Planning Conunissicn to get a copy of this resol.ution. Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned �he meeting at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � /,�=� .. ��7 /,` � �.�.,�_"' 7 �--��- � � -? � t,�� �.,� `.i' �.if .�t_..�_�,�� 1 . _ Dorothy �v ��son, Secre�.ary � BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 25, 1974 � Chairman Lindblad called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Lindblad, Tonco, MEMBERS ABSENT: Simoneau OTHERS PRESENT: Jerry Boardman, Treuenfels, Cariolano Planning Assistant MOTION by Tonco to waive the approval of the June 6, 1974 meeting until the next meeting. Seconded by Cariolano. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONSIDI:i2�TI0�? OF A RI:QtJL:ST TO CONSTRUCT AN �IDDITIOV TO THE PRL:SI:N'F BUILDT:�G TO 13I: USL•D AS A S'TOP.AGE ANll �1'•�RfitiOUSE ARE�: LOCt1TF:D ON TIIE 1'JEST 5�CI:ES OF `1'IIE NO,tTH 310 FEET UF T'HL SOUI'ti 270 f�liF;T OI�Z'FIE NU;.TE1 1120 FEET, PI�RCEL 2750, SECTION 12, i:I'fY OP I�P.1liI.i:Y, ?�iI:`�LSO'I'r'1; TI-lE SAl'�'lE ]3EING 7585 VIRO:v ROAD, FRIDLF?�', itlNi`ESOi'A. (REQUEST BY OU}Z REALTY COi�IP�'VY, 7585 VII:ON ROE1D, FRIDLIiY, I�1INi�ESOT�1. 1'EiE SAI�1E BElNG STRITE-/U`DERSOi� GO�IP�NY. ) Mr. Perry Domaas, N1r. Keith Johnson and Mr. Bob Coyle were present for the request for Strite-Anderson. ^ Mr. Domaas explained that the addition that they are asking for is 100 feet x 190 feet extending south from the existing building along the rear of the lot. The building will be a metal building to match the existing structure. " � Mr. Boardman said that two variances h ave been recommended by the Board of Appeals. They are a rear yard variance from 25 feet to 13 feet and a variance for parking setback from 5 feet to 0 feet on the west side of the building, this will allow parking right up to the side of the building. Mr. Domaas said that the reason that they needed the variance to black- top up the building was to allow for easier maneuvering forthe present loeding docks. Mr. Lindblad asked if they will be doing any curbing or additional land- scaping. Keith Johnson said that they will be curbing all areas except along the south side of the parking lot for reasons of possible parking lot expansion. With this plan they will b e prov�ding 167 stalls and the City requirement is for 171 stalls and this area to the south could be used for additional parking if it is ever needed. They will also be bringing the front green area up to the required 20 feet planting strip (they presently have 13 feet). Mr. Tonco asked if they planned to s creen the prop ane tanks that was stipulated on the last additian they built. P�Ir. Domaas said that this will be done with this construciton. Mr. Boardman said that all other outside storage will have to be screened. He said he had noticed quite a bit of pallet and barrel stacking outside about a week ago. Air. Domaas said the barrels are gone now, but the pallets are a continuing storage problem. They have a high turnover on the pallets and are constantly going in and out. BUILDING STANDARDS-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCON�IITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 25, 1974, PAGE 2 � Air. Tanco asked if this could be stored in a screened area outside (around the tank area). r1r. Domaas said that they would like to do this but � are not sure about this year's budget. They would like to store all of this material inside the propased building until they can budget for the necessary outside screening. /"1 /1 Mrs. Treuenfels felt that this would b e alright, however, the screening on the tanks themselves must be done right away. Mr. Domaas agreed to this. MO'rION by Tonco, seconded by Treuenfels, to recommend to Council approval of the addition with the following stipulations: 1. That all curbing be completed except for temporary curbing along the south side of the parking lot to allow for possible expansion of the parking lot if it is ever needed. This should be reviewed in 5 years. 2. Planting strip along Viron Road be widened to the required 20 feet. 3. That all storage of materials will be stored on the inside until appropriate outside screening areas are provided. 4. The present tanks will be screened as previously stipulated on the building permit for their last addition. 5. The drainage system as presented be approved by the Engineering department. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. z, CONSIDF•.R�1TI�N OF A REQUFST TQ CONSTRUCT 1�'� ADDITION TO THE PItLS�hTT GARAGH STP.UC'TURE TO BE IJSED AS A GAI2AGF, : LOC�\TED ON LOT 6, liLOCY. 5, ItICE CREE1: PT.AZA SOU`1'fl ADDITIO�i; Tf-I� S�'`�ili BEING 25�-6%'1'H AVENUE NORTf-1CAS'I', FRIDI,F.Y, b9IN\ESOTA. (REQUES' BY `TII0�4AS A. EILLItS, 250-G7Tt1 AVENUE NOI:'1'1IEAST, FRIDLEY, ?9INNI;SOT�1) . Mr. Eilers was present for his reque� for a 24 feet x 24 feet addition to his present garage for the storage of paint to be used in his occupation. Mr. Boardman e�lained to the Board that this would not normally be handled by the Building Standards but was brought before the Board for the purposes of allowing his neighbors to be heard. They were all sent notices of the meeting and there is apparently no objection to the addition since none of the neighbors are here. Mr. Tonco asked if the garage addition will be fire proofed. Mr. Eilers said that he had already met with Bob Aldrich and will be constructing it to ' the fire codes. MOTION by Tonco, seconded by Cariolano to recommend to Council approval of the addition. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairman Lindblad Respectfully submitted, adjo rned the meeting at 9:00 p.m. , � y� � � �'� i f ' "� � �--� J erry Boardman � s.--�� S THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 25, i974 The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairwoman Wahlberg at 7:40 P.M. n MEMBERS PRESENT: Wahlberg, Gabel, Plemel NiEMBERS ABSENT: Drigans, Crowder • OTHERS PRESENT: Howard Mattson - Engineerinq Aide� Jerry Boardman - Planning Ass't. MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to approve the minutes of the June 11, 1974 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. 1. A RE UEST FOR VARIANCES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 205.103, 4, C2, TO REDUCE THE REAR YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT FROM 25 FEET TO 13 FEET, AND, _ SECTION 205.104, l, E3, TO REDUCE THE OFF STREET PARKING SETBACK FROM TFiE MAIN BUILDING, FROM 5 FEET AWAY TO ZERO FEET, TO BRING THE EXISTING BUILDING INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THE CODE AND TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION ONTO THE EXISTING BUILDING LOCATED ON PARCEL 2750, NORTH HALF OF SECTION 12, THE SAME BEING 7585 VIRON ROAD N E, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REQUEST BY STRITE-ANDERSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 7585 VIRON ROAD N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.) MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Perry Dommas and Mr. Keith Johnson of Strite-Anderson and their contractor, Mr. Bob Coyle, were present to present the request. Chairwoman Wahlberg asked them to explain the parking varianae sequested. Mr. � Dommas stated they want to blacktop right up to the buildzng on the west side of the propased addition but there will be no parking stalls there because of the loading docks, but the variance is still needed for the blacktop. He said the space will be available if they need it for parking. Chairwoman Wahlberg asked if the number of parking stalls meet the Code. Mr. Boardman stated they have 167 stalls and th; Code requires 170. He said if additional stalls are needed for parking, the City can require them to add more as the room is available. Mr. Boardman added the parking situation in this instance is different as they have 3 shifts, and the shifts are staggered enough to prevent a parking problem. Mr. Plemel asked wnat the maximum number of employees was on any shift. Mr. Dommas answered that 70 people was the maximum. He added that if they have to, they could install parking in the easement along the south I.ot line. Chairwoman Wahlberg asked why they needed a variance on the addition and the existing building. Mr. Boardman explained they built an addition onto their building in 1972 that the Council approved with the stipulation they they either request a variance or acquire 12 more feet of land. Strite-Anderson has not acquired the additional land so they are now asking for the variance on the existing building. Mr. Dommas added they would like the proposed addition to be flush with the existing building so they are asking for a variance on the addition also. /�, Chairwoman Wahlberg asked what type of �raffic protection will be provided along the building. Mr. Dommas answered they will probably put in steel posts that will be 4 feet high, heavy guage steel, and painted the same as the building. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. � � The Minutes of the Board of A eals Subcommittee Meetin of June 25, 1974 Page 2 Mr. Plemel stated he could see no problems as the existing building is there, and �,-� the proposed addition will be flush with it. He said there should be no parking problems as they do have 3 shifts, and the room to add more parking stalls if the need be. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to recommend approval of the variances, to reduce the the rear yard setback from 25 feet to 13 feet and the off street parking from 5 feet from the building to zero feet, to the City Council with the stipulation that bumpers or posts be installed along the building. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. 2. A RE UEST FOR VARIANCE S OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 214.053, 2, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND PYLON (COUNCIL STIPULATED NO PYLON TO BE ERECTED ON OSBORNE ROAD ON AUGUST 7, 1972), AND, SECTION 214.053, 2, TO INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE SECOND PYLON FROM 50 SQUARE FEET TO 80 SQUARE FEET, AND, SECTION 214.053, 2, TO INCR�A5E THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF THE SIGN FROM 25 FEET TO 30 FEET, ALL TO ALLOW THE ERECTION OF A SECOND PYLON SIGN TO BE LOCATED ON LOT l, BLOCK l, EAST RANCH ESTATE5 1ST ADDITION, THE SAME BEINC, 7620 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA (REQUEST BY FRANK'S NURSERY, 7620 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.) . MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to waive reading the public hearing notice. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Jack Lawrence, Signcrafters, Inc., was present to present the request. A plot plan of the location was shown to the Board. Mr. Lawrence explained they � wish to put a pylon on Osborne Road that will be the identification sign for Frank's Nursery. A sketch of the sign was shown to the Board. Mr. Lawrence added they also want to install a wall sign for Frank's Nursery that will be within the size requirement of the Code. ^ Chairwoman Wahlberg stated a separate variance will be required for the wall sign as the Council has previously stipulated that all sic}ns that had been on this building were to be removed. She added when Mr. Schroer came in on his variance request for his wall sign, it was stipulated that bath names be removed from the existing pylon. Mr. Lawrence said his company put up Mr. Schroer's sign and he understood that the names were to be removed from the pylon. He said he also thought the wagon would come down. The Board and Mr. Lawrence discussed the signs that are existing and Chairwoman Wahlberg read the Council Minutes of May 20, 1974 concerning the variance'request for Mr. Schroer. � Mr. Lawrence stated that Frank's Nursery needs the exposure this sign would bring. He added he had just received the sketch of the sign from Detroit and it shows the sign 6 feet x 12 feet so the variance can be reduced to 72 square feet instead of the requested 80 square feet. Chairwoman Wahlberg asked what signs Frank's Nursery now had. Mr. Lawrence said they have a temporary sign over their entrance cioor to show people which door to go in and then they�have their name on the pylon. Mr. Lawrence said the proposed sign will have plastic panels, be interior illuminated, double faced, and be approximately 20 feet back from the property line along Osborne Road. He said the top part of the sign will have a white background with red lettering spelling "Frank's", and the bottom portion of the sign will have �;.0 The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of June 25, 1974 Page 3 a green background with yellow lettering spelling "Ilursery & Trims" with the daisy trademark. Mr. Lawrence added he felt they could meet the Code of 25 feet ^ on the height so they would not need that variance. Mr. Plemel asked if Mr. Lawrence felt this sign could be seen from University Avenue and Mr. Lawrence felt it would be able to be seen. Mr. Plemel stated he felt the Board has been trying to get away from individual identification signs at this location. Mr. Lawrence said there is a definite break between businesses and he felt they should each have their own signs. He said the only thing they have in common is the parking area. Chairwoman Wahlberg said what bothers her is that the signs are becoming what was there before. She said she could see Mr. Schroer coming back next and asking for another pylon for Bob's Produce identification. There was a discussion on the number and types of signs allowed by the Code at this location. Mr. Mattson stated, according to the Code, this location is not classified as a shopping center, as yet, so they are allowed one pylon per each street frontage, plus wall signs that do not exceed 15 percent of the wall area. Iie stated if another building is built to make this location into a shopping center, they would be allowed 1 pylon for each street frontaqe plus an area identification sign plus the wall signs. Mr. Plemel stated he felt it would be nice to have the applicants stay with what they propose and live with the stipulations rather than having them come back every year aski�ng for more variances. i�•. Mr. Lawrence said Frank's Nursery does need the sign and they are only asking for a small variance on the size. Chairwoman Wahlberg said she did agree that they need the sign even though it goes against her better judgement. . Mr. Lawrence added as the landscaping shrubs and trees grow laxger, they will definitely need a sign that can be seen. Chairwoman Wahlberg asked how late the sign will be Iit. Mr. Lawrence stated it will probably be turned off at 10:00 to 10:30 P.M. He said they are trying to educate people to the fact that signs don't have to be lit during the day but only for about 2 hours at night. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mrs. Gabel stated she can see where they have a problem in being seen because of the service station in front of them and they do need a sign if their name is to be taken off the existing pylon. Chairwoman Wahlberg said two hardships that were brought out were; one is that they need their own identification to show they are in the building and secondly they need exposure for the traffic going east on Osborne Road. She said the sign is to be reduced to�72 sguare feet and the height will be kept at 25 feet. She �� said since the time when Cauncil stipulated no pylon was to be erected on Osborne, there has been changes in the building layout and in the number of signs that were existiing. .�.� The Minutes of the Board of A eals Subcommittee Meetin of June 25, 1974 Page 4 MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to recommend to the Council, approval of the variance to.construc� a second pylon and to increase the sign area from 50 square ^ feet to 72 square feet, the maximum height to conform to the requirement of 25 feet. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Chairwoman Wahlberg said the Board could not take any action on the wall sign at this time. Mr. Lawrence stated he understood that and he would bring this item up at the Council meeting to try and save some time. 3. A RE UEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 4A, FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE FR013T YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 19 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DWELLING. TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 6, BLOCK 1, MELOLAND LAKEVIE�9, THE SAME BEING 5928 WOODY LANE N E, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA (REQUEST BY MR G. CRAIG WILLEY, 3816 POLK STREET N.E., MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA.) Mr. Willey was present to present his request. A survey showing the proposed house location, and a picture of the lot were shown to the Board. Mr. Willey showed the Board a topography drawing of the lot that he had made. He said he had make 92 elevation shots so that he would know where to best position the dwelling. He added the neighbor's house to the north is set back 19 feet, the same distance as h.e is asking for, and for the same reason. He said the reason he would like to set the house closer to the street is that from the edge of the cul-de-sac running westerly through his property, there is a grade change of 20 feet. He said the steepest point exists within the first 30 feet from the street so if he were to maintain the 35 foot setback from the property line, and keep the top of the ^ foundation above the grade of the street, he would have to use excessive courses af block and additional fill. He said he has to have excessive courses of block as proposed, and even to stay back 25 feet, as suggested by Mr. Clark, would mean 2 to 3 feet of additional block and a lot of fill. He said there is a 6 foot boulevard for a sidewalk to be put in but he said he is not for a sidewalk and he didn't feel anyone else in the neighborhood wanted one put in either. He said he is asking for the variance on the basis that a sidewalk would not be needed. Mrs. Gabel asked if he intended to live in the house. Mr. Willey said that he did. Mrs. Gabel asked what type of a house was proposed. Mr. Willey said it would be rambler appearing from the front with a terraced down yard to expose one lower level window. He said the back will be a walk-out and most of the living area will be on this level. He said the qarage will have a spancrete floor with a recreation room beneath it. He added it will be valued around $45,000.00. Mrs. Agnes Johnson and son, 5947 Central Avenue, and Mrs. Lyle Halland, 1207 Gardena Avenue came forward to voice their opinions of the request. Mr. Johnson stated because of the grade of the land, they have had trouble with flooding basements for the past 5 years. He said they are just now getting this problem under control and feel that building this house will worsen their run off groblem. He felt that a drainfield or something like that should be installed. Mrs. Gabel asked what is involved in resolving a run off problem. Mr. Mattson said it is a matter of landscaping and sodding but this would have to be worked out with ^ the Engineering Department.. Mrs. Halland stated the storm sewer on Woody Lane doesn't take care of all the storm water and she felt itshould be checked. Mr. Willey said he realizes the problem exists but it would still exist whether �---� �2 The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of June 25, 1974 Page 5 he builds or not and he agreed the run off from his house could add to the problem. /� Chairwoman Wahlberg stated the problem of the storm sewer will have to be handled by the Engineering Department and the City Council. She said the Board is only authorized to act on the variance request. She asked if there was any objection to the variance itself. Mrs. Halland said her husband might have an objection but he had to work and could not be present. Chairwoman Wahlberg informed Mrs. Halland that her husband could come before the Council if he wanted to state any objections to the variance. Mr. Willey added he has purposely left 8 feet between his garage and the lot line so that he can put in a ditch drainage area for the roof run off. MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Plemel stated he could see no need for a sidewalk to ever be installed and considering that the house to the north is already set back 19 feet, and because this is on a cul-de-sac where the houses are not in line, he had no objection. Mrs. Gabel said she agreec� with Mr. Plemel. MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to recommend to the City Council, approval of the variance to reduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 19 feet. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. ^ MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Gabel, to recommend that the Council take notice of the drainage problems that exist in this area, as reported to the Board, and that this house might add to the problem, and to see if something can be worked out to alleviate the problem. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. 4. A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF SECTION 205.053, 4A. FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 18 FEET TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE TO BE LOCATED AHEAD OF THE EXISTING DWELLING, LOCATED ON LOT 17, BLOCK 7, CARLSON'S 5UMMIT MANOR NORTH ADDITION, THE SAME BEING 5465 ALTURA ROAD N F. , FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (REgUEST BY MR. MICHAEL ROBACK, 5465 ALTURA ROAD N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.) 130 one was present to present the request. MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Plemel, to table this item until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 by Acting Chairwoman Wahlberg. Respectfully submitted, ��7 ,> � � � < ^ MARY HINT?,' t Secretary TfiE h1Xid'J"iLS OL' 'PFiL BO�RD OI' APPI;?�LS SUBCO?-L�SI'.rTEE AIEETING OF JULY 9, 1974 ' �3 The meetincj was ca.l_icd to order by Ctlairman Driqans at 7:35 P,P�I. f•Ir.i•IBERS PI�L,Si.DIT: Driyans, Wahlbcrg, Gabel ^ tiEi�1BF,RS AF3S�NT: Crowder, Plemel OTHL•'FLS PRLSENT: Howard Matt:son - E*igineering �1ide DIOTION by Walilber.c�, seconded by Gabel, to approve tYie minutes of the June 25, 197� meeting as wzitten. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion cax�rieci. l. A RE: LIi�ST FO}2 I� V11R7Ai��C�': UF S�CTTO�t ?_05.053, 4C, F'RIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE TiIE Ft�AR 5.'t`,i�D SI_frBAC.�:�F.�;nU:LkLb.ENT FRO:_1 2.� FF;}:T Zti7 18.5 F};ET, TO ALLOti^I TFIE CONSTF:li;�TlQi�i O� A D;JFI,I,TivC; 1!,'vD C:��1RAC;r TO 13E ):�QCATED ON I,OT 10, f3LOCK 2, EVII F..RICKSQLI fi:LVRR idAidOR 'I'IIr SA?�1�: BFIivG �,3:�1 RIVI;kVIL�'d `I't;RRi�CE N.E. , FI2IDLEY, h1I�iNESOTr'1. (RL�UEST BY P•iR. ALI,A:d C� T�A'£^150;:1, 632� RI�7E12V=L"F•,�i�`i'.rRR1�CE N.F'. , 1 RIDLrY, MIN�iESOTA. ) r90TI0N b,� G^Iahlberg, seconded by Gabel., to v�ai,ve reading the public hearing notice. Upon a vc�ice vote, there beinq no nays, the motion carried. tlr. Allan Mattso;l vras not �resent at fix'st, to presen� the request. t•1r. Geor.ge Green �.f 199:-63z� 6�lay� 1�i.E, was present as he stated, to voice his objecti_nn, He felt that since the City hadn't allowed other people �_n the n��_gii;�ornc;od tc� bui_:Ld tl�ings, h� �•�as going to objeet to this reque.st. Chairman Dr_igans aske�d T•ar, Green to be morc expl.icit in his statemer�ts, Mr, Green ttlen referz-ec1 to �3ic: parl.y acr_os� ttie street from h�zn at 6351 Riverview Terrace who had wz.nted ta pizt up a ciot�ble car gar��e but couldn't because of some 30 fe�ot /1 easerne:�t �cr�ss tli�, north ei�cl of '�is lot. It was not knocon exactly what kind of easement t_his ��r«s I�ut Chairn:an Drigans infarmed P�7r. Green it was the property o�aners respor�sibility 1-:0 :C.ind oizt tiiese thinc�s about one's pro�erty. DIr. A11a,� biatLso:,.z arr_ived to present his request: It was s]io:vn }zow t-l�e �roposecl cltve.l_ting was oriented on t11e lot and how it related to the ne.igr,bor7.r�q houses. The pa:;i.tion c�f the house as sho�on on th� survey seemed to be tiie bes�t v�z��� t.o cieaZ coith the size arid shape of both house and 1ot �ahile keepii:g variance�s �c a mini.mt�l�i. P•IOTIO:�T by S�7ah1.U:,r_c;, seconded by Gabel, to close the public h�aring. Upon a voice vote, t'ri�.:re beii�.� no nays, t.l�xe motion r_at-.ried, • t•;OTIOrI b�� Wahlb��.r<J, seconded b�� Gabe.l, ta recornmend to the City Council, approval of the variar�ce. Up:�n a voice voi:�, there being no nays, the mo�ian r.arried, Chairman Dx=igai�:; i.nia-r.med Mr. I�iattson tliat �Lhis item t,rould qo before the Council Dionday niql:t, ,7u� y 15t1i, 197��. 11DJOU�:[v'�1T� iV :�' : Tne mec�;.:i.ng ��ras �.;�.joi.zrned by Chairtn�in Dri.gans at �3:OU P.r1. . Resp ct:flilly stib;nii�ted, � � ` , � /f/f /'� � j / / —r-�. --� � /'.� � /�/ l�/ � .! %�� � a . � i,t \._-r �'.A- 'r "�=�.ti—�.�----�..._..� I� ;J.'1RD i•L�1"1'�i)ia 1lctzng Sc�r��c:tar.{Y �jN�ffF� OF THE REGI�I AR PARKS AND RECREATIO"� rnr''u�TSSION MEETING, MAY ZO, 1974� Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m., by Chairman Blair. / �� ^ p�ERS PRESELVT: Blair, Peterson, Caldwell, Harris, Wagar. ME,i��ERS EXCUSID: None. p�gS pRESII�T: Robert Bishop, 5417 Altura Road N.E., 55432, 560-2164, RE: Altura Park and a Fence. ' Christirie L. Hansen, 6530 2nd Stx�eet N.E., 55432, 561-9431, RE: Jay Park and a Fence. Lynn D. Hansen, 6530 2nd Street N.E., 55432, 561-9431, RE: Jay Park and a Fence. Ron Nelson, 755 53rd Avenue N.E., 55421, 788-9361, RE: Target Stores and sale of property. Rolan Anderson, 5194 Matterhorn Drive N.E., 55421, 788-7587, RE: � Tiny Tots min�m�un age requirement. TARGET STORES, Ron Nelson was present on behalf of Target Stores, Inc., to discuss the possibility of leasi.ng or selling the property adjacent to the Park property co�nonly referre�l to as Cheri L�ane. Target donated the Cheri Lane property when the store was built, and it was the feeling of Mr. Nelson that if additional property was purchased or leas�d, it could possi.bly encourage the develo�anent of the Park property. The proposed additional land could possibly house a ball diamond or other such recreational facilities, and perha.ps give the neighborhood youngsters a place to go and scanethin.g to do with spare time. Mr. Nelson said that he and Mr. Brown had ^ discussed the purchase possibilities and agreed that it was pretty much out of the question. The leasing idea would be more satisfactory for both parties involved. A lease could be set up on a 3 to 5 year basis an�3 at a naninal fee, and after that length of time, perhaps on an annual renewal. Mr. Blair stated that this was another area where we had a small pocket with no recreational facilities. Mr. Brown pointed out that the recent purchase at Hami.lton's Addition to Mechanicsville was nearby, but on the west side of 7th Street. We also have Oak Hill Park in this area, but it is not large enough to house a ball diamond. It's strictly a tot park. Mr. Wagar asked if money had been discussed and Mr_. Brown stated. that it had note Mr. Nelson was here to get the feelings of the Cc�unission and to discuss the existing facilities for the neighborhoocl. N',r. Brown went on to explain that this will benefit Target, also. At the present time, there is a fence which runs along the property and the property in question has becane a neighb�rhood dtanp. Mr. Brown said that the City tries to keep it cleaned up, but it really zsn't large enough to develop. Mr. Wagar asked if there was a need for a ball diamond here. Mr. Brown said that it really hadn't been discussed, but was merely,a suggestion on the part of Mr. Nelson. Mr. Nelson said that the ball park idea was just an idea to give the neighborhood kids scanething to do as opposed to nothing to do. He referred to the fact that th�y have had same vandalism problems in this area. He said that it doesn't have to be an elaborate field. Perhaps a hcgne plate and a couple of bare places which the kids ^ could use for bases, would suffice. Mr. Brawn and Mr. Nelson agreed that the installations would be tamporary, so that if Target decided to expand their facilities, the installations could be r�ved without a great deal of difficulty. Minutes of the Parks & Recreation Cca�uni.ssion Meeting, May 20, 1974. Page 2 _ . - . . � � , � TARGET �CON T). ^ Mrs. Caldwell asked about the possibility of Target developing the property, with the City to be in charge of maintenance? Mrs. Caldwell also suggested that this might make it more attractive to the employees if they had a picnic table or benches where they could eat their lunch. Mrs. Caldv�ell also suggested that perhaps the employees would be receptive to helping develop the property into a suitable park. Mr. Wagar stated that he is in favor of cc�mpiling more inforniation on leasing this property. Mrs. Caldwell asked about the possibility of installing a tennis court on this property? Mr. Blair stated that this would cost approximately $6,000.00 and would be a pezmanent type of installation, which would not be favorable when we enter into a lease agree�nent. • MU7IUN by Pe,teJr�an, Seevnded by �Uaga�r., �a c�sl� Pau,e Bnvwn �a .�.v�ve��i.gciie �he �ai���,b,i,?�i�i.e�s a� 2ea�s�ng �h.e �tc.Upetc�y ad�aeevvt �a Che�u. Lane Patefz, eu.i.th �he aay�an f�ucUsan Canpancc,#.i.vn and ti.e��an.t baelz �a �he C�mm.US�s�.a►2 a� �he Juv�e mee,t.i,v�g, w.i.ih deve,�.��mev�t �suyge�s�,i.a�� and ca�� �ac�o�. The Ma�.i.an ccctvu,ed. •JAY PARK FENCE PROJECT� Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Hansen were present to request the installation of a fence along their property line which is adjacent to Jay Park. The Hansens own an apartrnent building and receive quite a flow of traffic from the Park. Mr. Hansen stated that �• a four-foot fence weuld suffice. Mr. Hansen said that if he had to install his own fence, he would install a four-foot fence. Mr. Hansen stated that the contour of the land is s�tch that the Park is lower and he felt that four feet would be adequate. Mr. Brown agreed. Mr. Hansen stated that he and his wife live in the building. Mr. Peterson questioned the four-foot heighth. He said that he has watched kids go over th�n without any difficulty, ar� perhaps a higher fence would be requested at a later date. � Mr. Hansen felt that the �jority of the traffic is frcan the very young children and the older ones just pass through. Mr. Peterson stated that the City has, in the past, worked with the neighboring property owners, in the installation of such fences, and he guessed that his only question was whether or not the foux-foot fence cx�uld be adequate. Mr. Hansen said that he hasn't had any experience along these lines, so he really doesn't know. � Mr. Hansen stated that hi� neighbor, who also lives adjacent to the Park, has had sane probl�ns with ball playing and will probably be building a higher, privacy fence. Mr. Hansen stated that he has not had this type of probl�n since it's primarily the tots who are playing near his hane. Mr. Hansen said that it is his unpression that his neighbor �?lans to install his own fer�ce, at-his own expense. Mr. Brown asked Mr. Hansen if he wanted the fence inst�lled on his own property or � on the City propexty? Mr. Hans�n stated that it did not matter to him. He stated that there are scxne trees on the line, and this could be a determining factor. He also said that the Park propL.rty was quite a bit lower than his own, so maybe it should be put on higher ground. Mr. Brown felt that the four foot fence wauld be adequate. Mr. Hansen agreed. Minutes of the Parks & Recreation C��nission Meeting, May 20, 1974. Pag� 3 J� PARK FENCE iCON�T): � . MUTI�N b aun av ALTURA PARK: Hcvvu�s, Secvnded b Pe,tetc,san, �a nec�mme�id �a �he �ence 2�.n�s�a-Y-�e e.twee�� � e.�n��e�ty acc�,te a n.fz, cLS ��a�. a�s pa�5�5�,b�'e. T 2e �ti4a�,c.an eatvu.� �ha� a � Robert Bishop was present to discuss the probl�ns he is having with his property and the adjoini.ng Altura Park. Mr. Bishop's hane is located directly South of the Park, and he is constantly bothered with Park traffic, vandalism, and debris. Mr. Bishop explained that he has a white picket fence in his back yard, along the Park side of his property. Each night, he has to go out in his yard and repair the broken fence. In the Wintertime, all the snow blows across the Park and onto his driveway. .The dogs are running loose, and the txaffic fram the children using the Park is ruining his sr�-ubs. Mr. Bishop stated that he has no solutions to his problem, but he is tired of picking up trash and all of the other pr.oblems. One of his suggestions was to put more trash barrels i.n �he park and install a fence all the way to the curb. Mr. Bishop said that he is also havir� probl�r►s with the kids who play ball because they are dama.ging his sidi.ng on his hcane. Mr. Blair asked about installing a fence all the way to the curb? Mr. Brown said that this was against the City Ordinance. One of the reasons would be for snow plawing. ��Mr. Bishop asked how the kids could be stopped frcgn cutting through the shrubs? He also stated that he is ready to take down his picket fence because it's been d,amaged so many times. Mr. Bishop said that they cane up his driveway, to avoid jLUnping the curb which runs along the front of the Park. Mr. Blair asked Mr. Brawn for his opinion on a solution. He responded that the installation of the chain-link fence would be advisable, but that it cannot go all the way to the curb. He felt that the fence should be installed from the street right-of-way to the front of his home, and fran the back of his home to the freeway fence at the back of his lot. He felt that it was a bad idea to fence the area right along the side of Mr. Bishop's h�ne. Mr. Brown rec�nended that the site be reviewed and discussed again at the June meeting. b40TI0N by Hc�u�s, Seeav�ded by Pe.te��n, �a neeammev�d �h.cr.t M�.. Bnawn mee.t. w-i,ih Mn. B,i�sGcap ax h,i�s hvme, and tce�c,�r:t bac�Z �a �he Camn���s�.an ui�i.th neeammevtda.t,t.av�. The M��,i.on catrh�.ed. Mr. Bishop went on to explain that he fcels the apparatus at the Park is geared for older children. The majority of the children who play at Altura Park are tots, and he was inquiring about the installation of saddl�nates or tot-sized swings. He also asked for additional trash receptacles. • � Mr. Brown responded that he would see.that another trash barrel is placed in the Park. �. Mr. Bishop suggested that a kx-�rrel be placed by the basketbaZl court. Mr. Brown and Mr. Bishop will meet and discuss the problems ar� possible solutions, and report back to the Cc�m�ission at the next mecting. Minutes of the Parks & Recreation Cc�mission Meeting, May 20, 1974. Page 4 .�.� TINY TOTS'AGE REQUIREMENT� ` Rolan Ariderson was present to ask how the City had arrived the age cut off for the Siu►�er�er Recreation programs. It is presently the policy to allow a child to ' participate in the program, if he or she beccanes of age before the last day of the program. Mr. Anderson explained that this is terribly unfair to those youngsters who have birthdays between the last day of the program, and the first of September which makes then eligible for Kindergarten. Mr. Anderson gave two examples of his neighborhood children who were unable to participate in the Tiny Tots Program because their bisthdays fell within that one-=nionth period. These children were �deni� participation in the program because of this factor, and their playmates were allowed to register. Mr. Blair asked the Department for more backround on setting of the cut off dates. It was explained that before the present policy was set, the children were required to be of age before they registered for the program. This eliminated even more cYLildren who w�re denied participation in the program but who �,�uld be eligible to attend Kindergarten in Septembex. With this in mind, the cut-off date was changed to the last day �f the program. Mr. Wagar pointed out that a child who beccanes 4 on 8epte�nber lst, will only be able to participate in Tiny Tots for one year, also. Mr. Anderson said t�hat the Sept�r lst cut-off did enable those elig�ble for Kindergarten, to participate with his friends. ^ Mr. Peterson felt that the City should use the same cut-off date as that used by the school districts. �Mr. Harris �asked for an approximate ntunb�x of children who are affected by this problem. He was told that it was a very small nurnber. N1r. Brown said that perhaps we hadn't looked far enough into this situation, especially since Tiny Tots is such a new program. It was Mrs. M�ine Boone's reccarnnendation, as Playground Director, that perha�s the 4 year olds are too your�g for the program. M�T7UN by Pe,te�san, Secav�ded by Ca.Qdute,P.�, �a ehange �Gce m-�vu:mu.m age tcequ,�t�.emev�i ec�-a�� da�e �orc �he Summetc Rectcec�,t.c.an Pnagnam�s, �c, Sep�embe�r. i�s�, �i ca�.ne.ide w�ih �he dcLte eused by �:h.e Sehaa.2 �D.i�s�c,i.e�s. The Ma�',c.on eatcrc�,ed. DISCUSSION: The Cc�unissioners agreed that the Sept�r lst date woul.d be effective for the 1975 prc7grams. PROPOSED SALE OF PROF'ERTY ON EAST RIVER ROALI� Mr. Blair turned the Cc�anissioners attention to the letter su�mitted by Oliver Erickson, in r�ference to sane property which i_s offered for sale at Lot 28, Auditor's Subdivision #23, or 6214 r.,ast River Ftoa.d. There is a sizeable amount on money awing on the property in Special Assessnents and taxes. Mr. Slair said that he didn't feel we were interested in the property at this t�me. Mr. Wagar agreed that there were: /1 areas with higher priorities. Mr. Darris said that he felt we shouldn't flatly .refuse the offer, but rather, we shaulcl say that it's not within the scope of the budget at this time. MOTTON b� Na�h.�, Secvv►.ded by UJagatc, �a �.n�an►n h4h. �tc,ich��n, �ha� �he C.i.ty� wau,�d .?.i.f�e �o l2ave �he pn�r�e�c.ty, bu,t �6uc,t we do �a� have �he �unefi� w,��Gr,i,n �he budge� �� mah.e a�.arvsac,t,i.v�i a� �h,i� �i.me. The Ma�a�i calvr,i.er�. Minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting, May 20, 1974. Page 5 JOHN ERICKSON PARK, i"� � The City received a letter frcgn the Lakeside Park Comnission in reference to the spraying of Spring Lake, next to John Erickson Park. They explained that they treat the lake each Spring arxl were inquiring about the possibility of sharing the expense with the City of Fridley, and treating our area as well. Our share of the ex�nses wr�uld be about $200.00. It was the feeling of the Ccsanission, that since we already hire a company to treat Moore Lake, perhaps it could be done by the same campany, at a lesser expense. MCTIDN by Ha�vr,us, Secanded by �%agalr., �a �.v��r.u.c� �he �.vc.ec�an �o cav�ta.c,t �he c�mpanu wFu.ch �spn.ay�s M�vne LaFze, av�d ge.t an e�s�i.mcLte �n �he ca�s� a� c�a �c.ecr�,i.ng autc �vn.ti.an a� S�jc.i.ng Lafze, �.� -i.t'h nece�s�cvcy. The M��.t.vn ca�vc,i.ed. POLICE DEPARTMENT. LOCKE PARK SURVEY, The Ccs�mu.ssion had asked the Police Department for assistar�ce is counting the n�nl�r of Fridley residents making use of Locke Park. The Police Department responded with a letter suggesting the use of a counter. They didn't feel that a spot check by squad cars would be possible. SCHQOL DISTRICT. CITY N{E:ETINGS, Mr. Blair asked the Ca�issianers for volunteers to attend the meetings between the ^ School District #14 and the City of Fridley. He stated that he was unable to attend the meetings because cf his.own �nploym�nt, and asked if there was scgneone who could attend in his place. Mr. Harris stated that he w�uld be willing tc� meet, along with Paul Brown. MINUTES OF THE APRIL Z�. I9%� MEETING� M�TT�N by Ca2dwe,P.2., Seeanded by GJaga�c, �� a��nvve �he M.t.v�c.�e�s a� �he Pevclv, and Ree�ce.a�.i.an C�mm.v���.an Mee�t.i.vcg, dc�ted A�jc,i,Q. 22, 1974, The Ma�an eafe�u.ed. SMOKING AT MEETINGS� Mrs. Caldwell asked the Comnissioners to refrain from snoking at the meetings because she is allergic to smoke. The Cct�issioners said that they will try to respect her wishes. ADJOURNMENT� MOTION �a ad�vutcn �he mee�ing c�t 9:20 �.m�. The next regular meeting will be held on Mnnday., June 24, 1974, at 7:30 p.m., in the Canmunity Rocan of Fridley Civic Center. �ectfully su}znittc�d, . G2..� ' CATfiTE S'I'C)RDAHL, Secretary to the Cca�nission MINUT�S OF THE RErULAR PAP�KS ANf) kECREATT0:1 CO'�T�SSIQI� I�EE'�ING JIJ1V'E 25 i97�. �,`� pTeetin�; was caZled order at 7:►�0 p.m,, by Vice Chairnan Peterson. � 2�ti1a�S PFtESENT: Peterson, W�gar, Harris - r�i�1BERS ABSEi�IT: Blair, CaZ�rell _. OTHt�RS PPESENT: Richard & Karen Petersan 5554 W�aldeck Crossing Ph: 56a7865 RE; rlor�h Tnnsbrook Parle Ramona Ridig - Park Survey Intern - City of Fridley ;taff Jim �=;est - Planning - City of �'ridley Staff Paul T3rown - T�irector of Parks and P�ecreation Departznent Visitors Section. Innsbrook North Park - Ri.chard & Karen Peterson were present �o discuss �te Parks situation in Tnnsbrook Plorth area. The Petersonts represented a special i�taz•est group from the area. They presented to the Commissian their interes� in the ar�a. They asksd questians about what and when development of the park areas would be compl��ed. Mr. Peterson and Commissio� members .revicwd what is on the site and what is pl�,nned for the future. Questions were asked about facilities, ttte land, ar�d what happens if the project should stop? Commission statea that the City would have plans and devel.opmept of the area, even if the prvject would fail. The Commissiot� feels that the developer wil.l fulfiZl his obl.igation to the cit,i,zens and the project wi.11 be completed as outliqed. :Ct wa.s suggested to the Petersonrs thay they attend a rriciley Planning Comrd.ssion meetino in the future a.nd aUta.in additional detail also. Survey Study. ^ Ramona Ridig, w�as introduced to Comrnz.�sion rnembsrship by Ji� titi'est of plannin� Depart- ment, as survey iqtern, in our newly deveZo�ed city wide surv��r as outlined and �e- quested iq previous meetings. �ommission reviewed wi�h l�arr�apa and Jim the ob�eetive of the survey. Thsy reZated the survey to the overall camprehensiv�e parks at�d recreation plan. A quick review and summary �f �hat the survey will ,aecamp�.ish was presented. Commission asked questions a.s to the final resuli�s and trhat the survey will shcn� us. Th� goa_ls of the survey were re�r3.ewed iq deta7.1. Jim will be mailin� the Co:rm�.ission a11, printed iriformation to date on -this subjec�. The progra�u is schedu].ed for 10 weeks. Help will be caming fram various civic groups. It �ras poit�ted out that it is difficult to start once U�e ha�e the foundation though, it wil]. bs - easier in the fui:ure to make this surv�y an annual. event. Mit�tes of t�s MaY 20th Meetin�;� A correction �ras ncted on page �. Motian by Harris, Seconded by �lagar to approv� the miputes of the Parks and Recreation Commission 2�eeting, dated May 20, 197?�, The Motian carried. Fridley Jubilee Repart, Paul Bra��rn, D�.rector, and �a�re Harris�, gav� a short renart on the 2�th Anniver�a2y Ju:bilee weak of events. Tiany activities were handled with the us� of Park praperty pl.aying a large part. Overall� the week was very successful with very fe�a prablems. FGiC1Cia of North ParE�. Letters ��:ere received fram t2�e ;,�arin�broak i�atur� Center Found:�tion and the Urzivexs�.�}r of P�:innesota. i`Yiey mentioned concern otier North Yark and the fencing of certain ^ portions in or�ar ta keep out motorized vehicles. jhe letters su,�gested ttiat the department fence cert2irt areas �rith�.t� 1lorth Park to prevent this type oi traffa.c. Cammi.ssion advised the departansnt to cooperate �ri.th the su;gestians and help prevent this potential damage to the area. Softball Tourn�mept - Cnurch e. A pezmit was sut�.�;tPd for approual b� Rich Petersorz of tYze 'r,rid7.ey Cover�aat Athlet,ic Association for us� of Commons Park for a one day to�.zrnamer`it on July 13th t3ith a rain date of July 27th. ihe permit taas apprav�d by the Camr�issiaq. Permit z�il�. be Oi4ed. r�� Minutes of the Parks and Recreatiop Commission Meetinff June 2� 197� Pa e 2 Beer �rdinance. � Commission discussed possibl.e problems of control of B�er drinking in the parks. General review of the si�uation fallowed. No specific recommenc?ation was ma�e at this time. Name Park. The Commissian was asked for sug�estions for namin� the park praperty in Hamilton�s Addi.tion. Motion by 'rtagar, Seconded by Harris, to have the sunnner play�round program offer a Name the Park Cantest with final recommen�ations as to the aame of th� park to be approved �t a flzture m•��eting this summer. The Motion carried . Altura Park Fence Project. There have been no resul�s to date in respect to the request for a fence al.ong the south boundary of the park. Bids were x�eceived by the department and forwarded to the home owner for his choice. RTO decision. Cornmons #1 Fence Praject. Bids have been received and will go to the City Coupcil for approval on July lst. Goof & Gol.f Day. Dave Harris mentioned the Chamber of Corr�rtterce Gooi & Golf Day comipg up on August 22nd, �Ir. Harr3.s wanted to let tn� �om7nission t�no�r of the evectt and hop�d that some members of the City Adrriinis�tration will take part in the event this year. Cost is $12.50 for ools ar.d clinnPr and �6.�0 just for dinner. Mors infarmation will be caming out on this irom the Chamber offfice. 7`s�ee Preservatio� Qrdinanee. Co.�mission reeeived copies of the statement preser�ted to the City Council on April 22nd, Subject: Resporase to pr�posed Alternative lree Preser�ration Crdinance. Co Ynissior� members stated that they feZ�t some of the remarks in the stateraent were incorrect. Trees have not been removed from City Parks at will. The Cammission felt that a staiement frem the Co:i�mission to the City Counci2 was it� order. Mo�,ion by Harris, Seconded by �.�la�ar, to prepare a statem�nt on 'I'ree Preservatior� Orclinanc� from the membership of ihe Co:nmission in answer to the statement fram the Petition Sponsors. The Motion carried. Ad j o�zrrnnent. Motion by Harris, seconded. by Wagar to adjourn the mee�ing at 9:18 p.m. The next reguZar meeting �rill bQ held on Monda.y, July 22, 1971�� �t 7:30 p.m., in the Community Room of Fridley Ca.vic Cepter. . Respec ully bmi.tted, .- - P UL_ , Secretary to the Co_�nriission. � � OFFICIAL NOTICE CTTY OF FRIDLEY' PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby give that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, July 17, 1974 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M, for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #74-03, by the City of Fridley, to rezone Chases Island, Government Lot 5, from CRP-2 (flood plain) to CRP-1 (floodway), all lying in the North Half of Section 22, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County � of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located in the Mississippi River and Charles Street Northeast. .�1 �nyone who desires to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this time. Publish: July 3, 1974 JuZy 10, 1974 EDWARD J. FITZPATRICK CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION �1 �� ' � ° c1��Y or r•RZi�r.�:i� �srN�v�:so•rn PLARNXNG AND ZONING FOlL�1 � Nwnber ZOA #74-03 APPLTCANT' S SIGNA'TURL���.�'� �� City o- Fridley Address 6431 University Avenue N.E. Te].el�hone Nw��ber 560-3450 PR01'LItT1' Ol'�:�)1R' S SIG;�,�1'1';IRE Address 7'eleplione Nun�ber TYP1i OF RI'_QU�S'I' �� I ` � Rezoni.n� Special Use ? _ Permit ' Approval of > Prelirrzina:ry P1��t Approval of: l�inal. 1'l��t � Streets or Alley Vacat:i��ls Other ' Street Location of Property 5960 East River Road (Mississippi River & Charles � � Street - � Legal Descr.iptioil of Property Government Lot 5. (Chase` s I�,land) �'1 _ _ ---- , Present Zoning Classific.ai;ion CRP-2 �. (flood plain) Existing Use of Propexty park , Pr.oposed Zaning Classi.ficaiioti, Special Use, or other rec{ues� DescxiUe briefly the 'I'ype oi Use and Improvement Proposed CRP-1 ( f l.00dway ) Aereage of Proper�:y � a�;��,e% _ � Has the Prescnt Applica.nt Previously Sought to Rezone, Plat, Obtain a Lot Split, �btain a Varia.nce or Spccial Use Permit on the Subject Site or Part of It? � 1Vlien? • � �� . {�}ia� was rcc�uested I�ee rnclosecl$ �-- Rec. No. � Datc Pxled Date of Iiearin� � " �'�Attt��t,� An� zaNi11C FO.,td IPt��bar � � 7 f�°l�3 d ' � I'ACt: � �� . '. �..� Trt4 �����Ai�tied underctc�nds that: (s) A liaC of all resident� �nd ��n�ra Qf �•:t�- � perty within 3G0 feec usust �i� �tCaci�ec� (;c,� . th�s r�nplicatic�i�. .. (b) Th1s �pplic�ti.on niust be ���;n�c3 b� cil ' • owners af th� pro�crty� or r.n e:p�An�eia�x • . Eivr_n wF�y thi� �La r►ot the cn��. . (c) Etesponsibflity $or cny cfeYect fq the �i;�r ee�dir��� �csul.ting �ro� the ��iii�re tt� �,f: �r the ne.c�ea t+�nd n3dre4sea of �l.I� ke���a�nC� . snd p�-opert� cr�r�erta of prop��ty e�a,tl? �� ;;,<'�t) �ee°t af the proP�r�y in ques�:S.on, bel�;; ;�: � . � �o thc undcrsiune�. � X;�;6�f.���t��:t3 &r.c� �.anc�r� o£ �FQ�se�t� �Ltihit� 30{� fcet,� . �'i; K S 0�; } ' �DItE S 5 ' 4�sa�*M , • ��«s��.,� Q'�.-'�'�,�r�^ _ ���� �� "'� . .......Y..., ,� . . . a.-e.�; r.:"'r'„"-r,-�"" ""---- �..,,..,, � � - � �� . . _ � ��� �3t,�tc�z cs� ��opased prc�pezty And �tructurc c�uat be drt�4�n on the bnc4c of t�i�3 ���„n p� ��tacl��cit �how;r�� the follo�tfn�; 1. tic�a�th Direction 2. Y�ocptioiz of i'ropo�ed Strt3cturQ ea fQ�;. 3. pl.nenstons at pro��rty, �rnno: cci ' ceructure� r�nd front tand cid� ��;tY���:;�� - 4. Street ��ac�es 5. i.ac�.tfon Lnd use o� edjacenC exicrin� � buildin�,s (�ithin 3Q0 feet) . �� t�nc3e�e�.�ned .herehy� �cclsr48 thgt �11 the iacta and repre�enc�tian�'�tated �,�, �(;�.4 applfcatS.on ure ex�i�Q nn� eorzect. . W�'pE�l��_' � � � � � � .�i�Citr�dtii� v (APi�2.Y�A?:'T) , , ' . . . .a. Q tt 'Ai %4 tA' dt � t'r A' l►F�i��oved ---- - - �uug�d -- �ty thQ aaBrrQ o� C:g��e�8s F�t�a�GtcC .Co C��c Follo;ainB Conditian�;; ' " , ���,� �„� �;;�� tov�sd� --_ D^ni�;d � by t5� i'l�nctin� Cc�ior�t.on on-77����� �u�a,���C Co the �,.olio�ain�; C:onc3iCioc��; ���e� �!.�hroved Danied_ __ by the Council on �a�t���cC L� Chc_ �Qllot�ing Con�f.tionn: � ' . d� tc� �'�T� i'C $QO � � , � , - , . �.,�-� � MAILING LIST ZOA #74-03, City of Fridley Chase :Island from CRP-2 (flood plain) to CRP-1 (fl.00dwayj Georgetown Court Partnership 5750 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Irving Gunderson 5960-5980 Anna Street N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr�. & Mrs. Robert Minder 550 Rice Creek B1vd. N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Peter Lametti c/o Mile� E. Efron Atty �050 Midland Bank Building Minneapolis, Mn 55401 Mr. & Mrs. Chester Potasek ^ 3}.0 62nd Way N.E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Farr 157 River Edge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Pragal 152 Rivers Edge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Jerome Krist 148 Rivers Edge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 hir. & Mrs. Joseph Maertens 14 4 River s Ec�ge Way N. E. Fridley Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs: Lary Johnson 140 Rivers Edge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hess 136 Rivers Ed�e Way N.E. ^ Fridley, Mn �5432 Mr. Kenneth Anderson 132 Rivers Edqe Way N.E. Fridley, bin 55432 0 Planning Commission �.z/r,�.�� �� �y7 Counc i l T��— Mr. & Mrs. Bert Slater 128 River Edge Way N"E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Byzewski 164 River Edge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Helen Mikulak 129 River Edg� Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Independent School District 14 6000 West Moore Lake Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 0 � �! l ' I, \ ��';�, � . • �i I . _ . , , �J� �. ZOA #74-03 CITY OF �'R�DLEY ;�: � � Rezone Chases IslA'fid' --�r — r<;fa��.t _ ; �9C ' � - � f/7 .:�, a' �in � b7 c!, _ _ ,, — , ..__� � — -- , _-------- CRP=2-"�f rood plain) ; tp �, �.�,� ,.. � ; � CRP-1 (floodway) �; � �`� � � � � � � � � � � �'` ',_�i � � i� ; � � ' ��� _ � � / � � � � a . � � �� � :_.g ;. x ? + . . � �, /� : � �. . , � � a� . � f ; - �. �' � �a , � p�� ;'�' � ' " . ` M .�. �9 - ; ,, , �-� �� ;,/; , . . �. .� ; �_; % � a ; � -� � � /,:�F� ��.� _ � �, � � � � � �� � � � �• . ; . , ;:, /_ � � . � � .. � �i ��1� ����z�� � � . ;�� , � � • ! r� :: �, . _ . :._...._...... • ' .; : � � /� . .. . .. � . rf i i � �, ,� -.:� � `� -��_,. . : 59Gf1: ' � � ( ' r �� �r � , , � � �,� , ' r;vY y �.. v� 3 , ' , � � . ,� \ �;, �� ; ' , �� � .`;�" �;� i .... , -.. ; . . , . .: � . . _. - ; , . �. ..... i � �1 ` `� � --•_•.•- ' �n �,,.__ _ ' � . j�i � � . � �"�^ �. .� `\ ,". . . 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'R k� � � �l ��'� ��L .` , � � f� l � ; � � � �: l� ,. �� � �� . . , � � ��: �,; � �� ;,�� ��� . �' ' � � -� ,� � , ,J , , >>� f a �' � F F /.y/ _ .�. _ � p C ` ; \ � , '.�.,.�`YS f�'��� / � r rl.�� ', f � `. . . �, � 1 4 � r '*/ya � ' ' • a ♦ I, � . � �.h 4• d' Rp „i„ •+ �..r -�'e �� ^ OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISS�ON TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: , Notice is hereby given that there wi11 be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley.in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, July 17, 1974 in the Council Chamber for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Sx�ecial Use Permit, 5P #74-12, by Gorco Construction,Company, per Fridley City Code, Section.205.157 5, D, to . allow the construction of a detached 16 ft. x 22 ft. garage in GRP-2 zoning (flood plain) on Lots 21 and 22, Block T, River View Heights lying /"\ in the North Half of Section 3, T-30, R-24, City � o£ Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located at 675 Fairmont Street N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given �n opportunity at the above stated time and place. ; EDWARD J. FITZPATRICK CHAIRM�N PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: July 3, 1974 July 10, 1974 � -�� _ „- � � •. . /'� . CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA � pZ,ANNiNG AND ZbNINC FORM ��x � � ��� ,�PP'L�C,4�N�' S $�GrtA Ac�c�x� e s, .,. �..� . ,,, TRt��phone Number 'i %'`��-' _ '• �-�� `� 1 � % �R��k'.?Y OWNEit' S SICNAi`I3RE s�` .:z= , J � .�-i ���� Addx�OaP � `-� -j"r, � ;' ,,....��' �`" ��` ` �� ��� _ . � �. �� icAh4�� Number % �`�' �� �' � � : �, �... �2 S �� TYYE 0� R�aUEST �t��oning —�SPecial tiee Pe��.� v�rs���� _____-__,,,pAprov+�l P� ��' 1 �tpinary $l�yt _____,_,_,�APProval o$` ��,r��� P1aC _�..._.,.�.._�trec�a oc ��,�:_-�•�,. V�►cat 1or� � Oth�e r ��R�e� j.4��tion of Proparty (� � ��, y ;_., .:� & '�_��-- �� . . , �" >.��.�, `'s �. "" :,. � y � �y .-. .._.�. , _; /'� ��$e�� UeBCSiption of . Property '�;`:� �. -: .1 ..�, ; . � � ��� �.. +. �� �\,f �1, e4 �~? i" .. � �_ .,�.. +.... . Y f f �`� _ — ^ . . . � � � � . � ��' . 1 p�as�ctt xoning.Claesffication �`"� a , � r� . • � . $�c�,q�Gin$ U�e of the Property � .�""�� � � .s �--�--�,- P�qpo�ed Zpning C1 ssification, Spec��l Use� V�riaace nr othe: XequesC � ° ,�.�� a �� s . �s 7 �i � � i> s-� , ' - v _ _ _.. .-�. -, . � _. ,° � � �._�; '•_.�._.�.r`.L�..{.._�41,.,;-�^ ',.- �.. � � �.. ,'�: �`— "�. � ' � ' � � . , � , � ,4 .,._. : � 3 . • - � l.� , t �'� ,,.�al i„ �j�pcY�.b� btiefly the Tjipe of Use and eh� Improves�ene Pzapa�e� � r �., .r � �---- , /� � r�. — � � r . -_ ::, , ° . ' _ ,.�. ` �'� � �:, X -� x � _� � � _� .�� , i v:.�'�:a� �- , �(Z—� Y' v v ¢�ze�$c Of Property `�:> �`' � � � � �p�q �he �r�wet�t Applican[ Pravioualy Saught ta Rason�. P1st� Obtaic� e�t Sp�1t, p�itei� a Vt�riance or Specia2 tlae Permit on the Sub ject Site or part a� it?___,��;,-� ` Nhen4 � . {��� yras Requeoted � Fee Enclaaed ��'�1t� -• � ��.� �-� ,t. � �L''�� Q$to Filed Dnte oi Keaarin � �"� � � .'''� 0 � PLANNIN�; ANI� Z4NING FORM ; ,� Humber $ "% f� %� /� __.______ �v � i'ACi; 2 - T�a urs�erai$ned understands thet: (a) A�I'ist of aIl residrnta and csxners af�f'a- , _ perty?within 300 feet must be.att8�hed ta this applic�ation. ` . �b) This �ppli.cat�.�,n must be $i�sed by eI� .' owners of tha �prop�erty� �or"�a�t explansti.oa ' . Eiven why this fa no�he ca�e. . (c) Responsibility for-�eny �e��ct in the pxo- • ceediag� resulti'ng from the�'failure to liat ' � the names�t'ri'd a3d•reeses of all reaidentg cnd pro,pert� oa�r.er8 of property witir�i 300 - fee of the prop�xty in qu�stLan, belan ' �E Che undersi�ned. Res�dents and Owners of �roperty within 300 fcet:� i'�RSOf�S ADDRESS 0 � foYta or attached, shawing the folLowfng; 2. Yotth Direction �"' v_ �..«� � 2. Locatiaa of Proposed Structure oa iot. 3. Dimensions of property, propased Rtructur�, and front and side aet-bac�. b. Street tv'ar�es S. Locatian sn� uac of adjacent ex�attng � bufldings (aithin 300 geet). �t underaioned hereby declarea �hst elI the facta and representaticns atated A�a tbia epplication are trua and correct. ;` �� r�, ;...% ,� )'� ; ' � '`. .-�'; , t � � ��> ..� „� � DAYS �'"��.��r7"� SIG"i`ATL►RE �� � � ��� _ :� IIt- -- J , F . ���rr � ,. -.. , , , s _. _ .,.-r ., '.... ' s k "�^:. .-_a . , ,�..% (APPLICAI�'T) -.� _ `• . .. . , , � � ft � +t �► * *St,� * Approvsd D:aied By ths �ossd o� ap�ei��a Subsect.to the Fo1loWing Conditiona: �,��e Appraved Denied by the Plannin� Cc�taSssian on Subject [o the �ollawing Cenditioas: �ate Approved Denied by the Council oa 8ubject to the Following Con,�'.itiana: ' ' ��t� , ozm 0 � � � /'1 _ ��� Planning Commissiori 7-2-74 r�zLZrr� LzsT SP#74-1:2, GORCO CON5'TRUCTION COMPANY Mr. Kenneth McCoy To allow construction of a:garage 645 Fairmont Street N.E. in CRP-2 Zoning (Flood Plain) Fridley 55432 Gorco Construction Company Mr. Jo��ph Palick 3384 Brownlow Avenue 689 Fairmont Street N.E. St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426 Fridl�y� 55432 • Robert C. Eastman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wolmutt 641 Glencoe Street N.E. 675 Fairmont Street N.E. Fridley 55432 Fridley 55432 Kenneth Lee Kerssen David Johnson, Jr. 681 Glencoe Street N.E. Box 57 Fridley, Minnesota 55432 � Pierre South Dakota 57704 Mr. & Mrs. John Rice Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ta�lor 683 Glencoe Street N.E. 5064 Irondale Road Fridley, Minn. 55432 Moundsview, Mn 55112 ` i Mr. & Mrs. Chester Schack Mr. & Mrs. Rolfe McAfee 685 Glencoe Street N.E. 8065 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley 55432 Fridley 55432 { � � Viola M. Teig Mr. & Mrs. Edward Girard ` $125 Riverview Terrace N.E. 680 Glencoe Street N.E. Fridley 55432 Fridley, Minn. 55432 Mr. Thomas J. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Rich.ard Stadfelt c% Magner Berthelson 670 Glencoe Street N.E. , 645 Fairmont Street N.E. Fridle , Mn 55432 Y Fridley 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Joel Dumphy Mr. & Mrs. Casper posch 640 Glencae Street N.E. 696 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley 55432 Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Jacob V. Kuusisto Mt. & Mrs. Gerald Blilie 635 Ely Street N.E. , 680 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley 55432 ; I Fridley, Mn 55432 � Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Mick Mr. & Nlrs. Richard Burgess 651 Ely Street N.E. 670 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley 55432 Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Werner Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Cloutier 655 ly Street N.E. 666 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley 55432 Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Mary Lou Ridge Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Acker 681 Ely Street N.E. 630 Glencoe Street N.E. Fridley 55432 Fridley 55432 , Martha Haugh 8101 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley 55432 �. _ , � Mailing List Page 2 SP #74-12 Mr. Russell H. Sass ^ 1153 Main Street Elk River, Mn 55330 Myrle Rundle & Einar G. Erickson 631 Dover Way N.E. - Fridley 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cook 690 Fairmont Street N.E. Fridley 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Bestul 688 Fairmont Street N::E. Fridley, 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Arvid Hass 21-504-H Kenib Street Edmendor Air Force Base Anchorage, Alaska APO Seattle Washington 98742 Commissioner-Department of Natural Resouces Centennial Office Building � St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 � � WILLfAM a. CARr_SON, PRES. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY - ,� 2324 WEST i tOth STREET �� 888•2084 - - � � 5�.3� . � �. . . L ARLSON �N� � � , . . . . .. . . 'I � . . � .. . . . � .. � � ARLSON _ _ � � . � � . � ��� SP #74-12 _ ^• � Gorco Construcir.ion Comp ny � LAND SURVEYORS � $URVEY FOR: Litensed, insured 8� Bondsd � . . . . . �. . � �}. G�RCO CONSTRUCTiGN C0. - . . . __ . �- . - -s�.^-- � ----�-�- �,--•- ,,�,; . : ,�.,� .; t.�r '� � � ,' t � ' �„�. i °� ^', ' :� 4 . � 4��' f . 4 C �� � , / � r-�J . " �.�. s , ; . . ` � :f t ' _� � <;y <� ts j � �i C� � ! � ��� , ta. t. � � � � . � . . � � M � Ai .. �F1 �; �. \ . � . . . � .. . .. . . � . . ,� ,ti.� . . . � , � � � � . . � . � � ' � 4� ` . . � . . . . . � { . ` � � . . � f ^ J,� • + ' l � f 1 _ " .LSc _ . , • . i . � , _ _ • `� , � ., _, �j 1 �� � � `- ' � _ :. "� ; � �a. . ,, t � � _ 1 � . >r: iv � ; ra . . � _ : 5 J. � I ^_ _ . _ •' v 1t'.�i�.r. .'rQi.✓T —' `p• . __ y L LEGAL DESCRIPTION: L0�'S21 AND �2� $L(3CK T� OF RIVER VtEW HE1GHiS, i- � � � "�E NEREBY CERT I�'Y TNAT TH 1 6 1 S A TRIfE AND CORRECT REPRESENTAT I ON �F A SURVEY OF TME BOtJNDAR 1 ES OF THE tAND ABOVE DESCR 1 BED AND OF '� TNE LOCATION Of AI.L BUiIDINGS� IF ANY� THEREON� AND ACL �ViS18LE . ENCROACHMENTS� IF ANY� FROM OR ON SArD LAND� AS SURVE�G,ED 8Y US 7H 1 S ��TH DAY OF .�UNE� 1974.• .; • , `. . ...... .� a . . . � . . M1rorv. REC. No.�'S64� _ - : . . ., . _ �� � � - � . . ; . , . , . _ � . � :.�<�, � . . , ;: . . . s � .. . . ., , _ i�.;.1.� 15�.. _. , v.., _ ., - ., �,:� . . ._ � . � � .. :..., .: ..,� �s� , SP #74-12 GORCO CONSTRUCTION CO. -'"�'� �.,, :: ots - , B c T Riverview �� � �{'1 r•'•- �� s� �' �eights. To allow construction r''� `' �". �"�`'�, ��;� f a ara e n CRP-2 ��j 1 3�'f `'� ��'�' ; 7� 9- Zoning �, , � .. y� " t.° %•,,,,r f � V 7 r a� 5� � y �• . 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I, .. � /�•�+ .... •.,r �•^��, �'�. � � � ' .,��'` ` �,C.. . � . . ,,.�- ♦ • . � ! �' � . f ��, t `. �jd, �✓ r ' •' �%` � i • : . . . : +�' �r ~ � �W1 ♦ r� ... �,,,,� . �� ��� � ' , � ,.� ! � . y � ! L.,!.t� v . , y 'ti;A. t.-� � • ±�, r�`� � . i , x.� � ` ' r � ' "�`' �' o � y � �,d"" s .,, � ' a�_ .. .►�, ,,, �0 � ..� G :� i, � �c.-�. � . ��i. � �.. L'��� . .� . , i , `'� i t.-L�.l-�Y'�iT. _J 560-3450 ^ ^ �� �..L��G O �b't G� �e � p� _ ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSITY AVENUE NE June 6, 1974 FRIQLEY, MINNESOTA 55d21 Mr. Sheldan Coplin Gorco Construction Co. 3384 Brownlow Avenue St. Louis Park, Minn. 55426 Re: Detached Garage Construction at 675 Fairmont Street N.E. Dear Mr. Coplin: You have violated the City Code by starting to construct a detached garage �oithout a building permit. We have posted the construction site with a stop work order until such ti.me as you have a permit for the construction of it. Before we can issue a permit, we will need a survey of the property which must indicate the location of all_existing structures. You might call the mortage holder, if there is one, to see if they have one on file. This property also lies in the flood plain (zoned CRP-2} and therefore you nust also apply for a Special Use Permit and get City Council approval priar to our issuance of the building pennit. The Ordinance pertaining ta the constructian in a CRP-2 zor�e is enclased herewith. If it is your intent to bui3d closer than 5 feet to the rear iot line, you will also need a letter from N.S,P. granting you permission to do so. ' If.we.can be of assistance ta you in filling out the enclosed forms, please feel free to eall us. �, G/mh ENC: 1 CC: Mr. Walmott 675 Fairmont Street I3.E. Fridley, Minnesota in rely, � L G. CLARK Community Development Adm. ��� �. � '..Y:` �. -, �� \` t�`�` Ir � ; ��1 „t � i(���-L--a �.�', � �f , .; '.: �_.. � . �( . ' � t t��� ' ' 1 � 1 ✓ � � ( �,� � `� �,; , '� �,. �� ,, � ' � � �; si` k , ��j '.1� �� t: r::: t..}���LIi j 1 �� ..�' C-�'L't��>_J ' � ��;. ,��c''. k��� � ; _,.� ��� _� 560-3450 �� �� � � ��` ���% � � ANOKA COUN7Y 6431 Ut�IIVEP.SITY AV[NUE NE Ju2y 11, 1974 FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55421 r�r, wi11�.�.�n �•rc�.ss 6490 Centl-al Avenue l� � L a Fridley, i•9innesota 55432 Re: Sandee`s Sign at Highway #65 & Mississippi Street Dear rSr, t-deiss: Yesi�etday 'you called to inqi�i.re if you could rebuild your sign that r.ecently b].e:ti down, that was located at the intersection of Mississippi Street � and Ha.c�h�•aay #G5. � I am sorry 2iowever as there is no way that we could issue you a permit for the sign you wish to construct at thai� site, unless you first could successfull.y be granted a rezoning request, from�R-1 (single family dwelling) to either C-?.S (genc�i°al shopping area) or M-1 or �2-2 (industrial) . You also in addi.L-.i.o�l to gettincl it rezoned, woul.d need a Special Use Permit for an advertisin� si.g�Z, pl_us a variance foz being closer tlian 500 feet to residen�i<-�1. property and closer than 500 feet to an intersection. Thi.s process, ii you should desire to make all the applications, could take t�p t:o 3 morltlis to complete. I}�ave enclos�d t11e ��pplic�]_e ordinance for the above requirements and if you havc� any questions, that. T may be of some help to you to interpret, please fcel free i�o cayl me. I clid consult with aur City �ttorney in r.eference to this i��a tt.er �znd lie too agrees that i� �•aould be impossible i.o legally grant a permi.L �•aithout going through the steps as I I�iave earlier outlined. I)GC/mt � CC: City Attorney City Manager ENC: 1 Sincerely, D11fiRI,I. G. CLAFZiC Conununity U`velopment Adm. � �1� �