PL 04/17/1974 - 31170�,�
Chairman Fitzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Darrel Clark,
Drigans, Blair, Lindblad, Harris
Community Development Administrator
MOTION T�y Harris, seconded by Lindblad, to approve the minutes
of the Apri1 3, 1974 Planning Commission rneeting as wri'tten. Upon a
voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by BZair; seconded by Drigans, that the Planning Commission
receive�the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Commission of March 25,
1974. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the zaotion carried unanimously.
�4, 1974
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by B1air, that the P.Zanning Commission
receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee
rr�eetinq of Apri1 4, Z974e Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
MOTTON by Drigans, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commis-
sion receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee meeting
of Apri1 9, 1974e Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried
� Mr. CTark said that the petitioner for the fourth item on the
agend.a would like to be last. _
MOTION by Blair, seconded b� Lindblad that the order of the items
on the.agenda be changed to 1, 2, 3, 5 and 4, Upon a voice vote, a1,1
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
PUMP COMPANY: To rezone lots 1 and.2, Block 13, Spring Brook Park
. Addition, from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to M-1 (light
industrial areas) to make zoning consistant with property lines a�
'�'� ' 181 Ely Street N.E.
� � Public Hearing open.
Mr. Clark said this it�m will have to be.delayed again because
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 2
� :the petitioner has not brought in his plans for Building Standards-
?'� Design Control Subcommittee review. This was one of the stipulations
you made at the time of the first presentativn. This will be on
the April 25th meeting of that subcommittee.
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Commis-
sion continue the Public Hearing on the rezoning request, ZOA #74-02,
by Berkeley Pump, to rezone from R-1 (single famil� dwelling areas) to
M-1 (light industrial areas) Lots Z and Z, Spring Brook Park Addition,
to make zoning consist'ent with property lines at 181 Ely Street N.E..
until the petitioner has presented his plans to the Building Standards-
Design Control Subcommittee. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, the
motaon carried unanimously.
NELSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: To rezone Lo�s 13, 1; , 15, and 16,
Block 2, Riverwood Manor, from R-1 (single family dwelling areas}
to R-3 (general multiple family dwelling areas) to allow construc-
tian of a 24 unit apaitment complex, to be located 5outh of 71st
Way and Wes� of East River Road.
Public Hearing closed.
Mr. Mark Reinertson was present to represent the petitioner.
Mr. Reinertson said �he Public Hearing notice said this was a
�� request £or a 24 unit apartment complex and the request was for a
townhouse type of development, so I think �his is an error.
Mr, Harris asked Mr. Clark if. there wasn't a special section
in our code on �ownhouses?
Mre Clark said he was going to correct the statement made by Mr.
Reinertson, because we do have a town�ouse section in our code which
states �hat you have to have a minimum of 5 acres for a townhouse
complex. This may be a townhouse type of development, but it will
still have to be described as an apar-�ment complex, so the hearing
notice is correct.
. Mr. Clark asked Mr. Reinertson if he still have .this
complex as rental units or if they would be owner occupied.
Mr. Reinertson said they could go either way. He said he was in
the situation where he had a problem with this property and what to
do with it. He was here to negotiate for what would be best for the
neighborhood and for the community. Ther:e has been some indication
from different people in the neighborhood that they would not be opposed
to townhouses, at this time.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said the Planning Commission received a letter
� from Independent School District 14 after the Public Hearing on this
request. He said the Planning Commission.had already received the
r'�i � letter at another me�ting but he would read it to the petitioner and to
the members of the audience who were here on this petition.
Mr. Reinertson said he was not at the meeting mentioned in the
Planning Commissio� Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 3
letter, and he didn't know where they got their information but he
��� thought there was a lot of prejudice involved and the request was
not given a fair evaluation. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that Mr. Gordon
Sangster was at the Public Hearing and we would assume that he gave
the School District the information he had gotten at this hearing.
Nlr. Harris said that the zoning ordinance calls for 5 acres for
a townhouse development, but.they can be built in R-1 zoning.
Mr. Clark said this was allowed at the r.ate of 9,000 square feet
per unit, the same as the single family home requirement and it mus�'
�e owner occupied. If a townhouse development is built in R-2 or R-3,
which allows a denser classification, then it does not have to be owner
occupied. R-2 requires 5,000 square feet per unit and R-3 requires
3,000 square feet per uni�o •
� p
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Reiner'cson how large a parcel of land he had.
Mr. Clark said the petition states its 1.4 acres.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Reinertson how many units he was looking
for. Mr. Reinertson.said that the maximum number of units he could
have on�this property would be 24, but he was willing to compromise as
long as the number of units were economically feasible.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mro
� could be built on this parcel.
^ if the zoning remained R-l. If
12 unitse �
Clark how many tow�xhouse type units
Mr. Clark said there could be 7 units
it was rezoned to R-2, there could be
Mr. Reinertson said he would like to get �the units dense enough
so it would be feasible to do something good for the area. He would
like to put zn a swimming pool that could be used by the complex and
the neighborhood.. He said we want to do something more than the minimum
so it would enhance the n�ighborhood and even help improve the valuation
of �the existing hames in this area. �
Mr. Drigans asked how the Planning Commission could base their
decision on econamics when we don't have any information �to base this
decision upon?
Mr. Reinertson said a complex of 12 to 16 units would be econom�-
ically �'easible to build. Below this numb�er of units it would have to
be double bungalows and this would not enhance the neighborhood.
Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Reinertson if he had met with the neighbors
since the Public Hearing. Mr. Reinertson said he had met with them
right after the last meeting. iie said one of the �.eighbors:( and he
didn't want �to mention his name) had said that he would be interested
in buying about 4 of these townhouse units.
� . Mr. Drigans asked when�this property was last offered for sale.
n , Mr. Reinertson said it is for s.ale all of.the time. Mr. Drigans asked
if it was posted or listed as property for sale.. Mr. Reinertson said it
has been advertised in the paper, but he believed the sign'on the propert�
has recently been demolished.
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 4
Mr. Harris said'there were some people in the audience on this
request, so he thought the Public Hearing should bE: reopened-. .,
MOTION by Harris, seconded by B.Iair, that the PZanning Commission
reopen the Public Hearing for the request for re�oning, ZOA #74-01, by
Henning Nelson Construction Company. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark if he had lieard from the County on
«ny additional right of way for East River Road because of �he jog.
Mre Clark said a letter had been written to the County, but as�far
as he knewo they hadnot received an answer'as yet. .
Mrse Lois 0'Neill, 158 7lst Way N.E., said she wanted to bring
it to the attention of the Planning Commission that the neighbors who
signed the petition aqainst any rezoning of this property were still
not in favor o� the zoning being changed from�R-l.
Mra David Adas, 168 71st Way N.E. said there were several questions
raised at the Public Hearing and he thought there should be some spec-
ific facts given as to why the petitioner cannot sell these lots for
single family homes.
Mr. Reinertson said he was here to compromise for something other
than the 24 unit plan he had presented. He was open to suggestions
�••� on how this property could best be developed that would be economically
^, feasible. He said there could be a committee formed by any people
who have an in�erest in how �this property should be developed.
� ..
Chairman Fitzpatrick said that Mrs. O'Neill has stated that �he
neighbors were still against any proposal that would involve rezoning.
Mr. Adas said that Mr. Reinertson_has stated that it was not
economically feasible to build a single family dwelling on the corner
of East River Road, but they are building other homes just as close
to East River Road and these houses are selling, so this disproves that
Mr. Reinertson said that the people who were interested in purchas-
in-g this proper-ty had no interest in single family housing. He said he
has had two or three people interested if there could be townhouses in
this area. ' '
Chairm�.n Fitzpatrick said if this property was not rezoned, there
would be four single family homesites. Mr. Reinertson said the lots
had 80 foot front footage and were 175 feet deep. They are huge lots
and could stand the extra.density. '
Mr. Harris said he went by this property recently, and it seemed
like there was a soil problem on part of the property. Tie said he
noticed a clump of po�ple arid these generally don't grow in sand. Mr.
Reinertson said somebody had dumped some black dirt in this area a long
time ago; �
Mr. Adas said he has only lived in this area a year, but during
�"� �
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 5
that time he hadn't seen any attempt to sell this property. He
said with lots of this calibre he thought they could be sold, but
he couldn't cite any specific offers for this property.
Mr. Reinertson said it was true that sometimes they wanted to
sell the property and other times they did not want to sell. He said
he didn't want to get into these discussions on whether the property
could be sold or not. He said that what they want to do is come up
with a plan that will enhance the neighborhood. He said they would
like to work with the neighbors and the Commission. He is open to any
suggestions and would like advice on how t4 develop this site in an
economically feasible way.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said on.e of the reasons given for rezoning
requests is because the petitioner feels that it is not economically
feasible to develop the property under its present zoning.
Mr. Drigans said he wasn°t r�ady to recominend rezoning on. hearsay
evidence, on just the statement that its not economically feasible to
develop this as sing�le family home sites, without any burden of proof
or any figures. There is enough opposition from the School Board and
the surrounding�property owners, so its up to Mr. Reinertson to f orm
a committee of the neighbors and work with �he school board for a
proposal for this property. The City Council or the Planning Commis-
sion is not going to do thiso Its up to the petitioner.
Chailcman Fitzpa�rick said the Planning Commission is faced with
a request for 24 units. We are faced with a pe�tztion from the neighbors
opposed to any rezoning in this area. We are faced with a resolution
by the School Board in opposition to this request.
Mr. Reinertson said he would like to meet with the School Board
and the homeowners to see what alicernative could be offered, and
bring this proposal back to the next meeting.
Mr. Clark said that action should have been taken on this request
within 60 days of the Public Hearing, and we are going beyond that�,
but this could perhaps be extended. Mr. Fitzpatrick said that if this
request was denied, it'would be a year before Mr. Reinertson could
make another request for rezoning of this property. He said that if .
Mr. Reinertson thought he could come back'with a modified request, they
cauld continue this Public Hearing to a later date.
Mr. Steven Paaverud, 7045 East River, said he would be willing
to work with Mr. Reinertson in forming a neighborhood committee. He
said he would like Mr. Reinertson to give some substance to his state-
ment that it would be economically unfeasible to develop this property
as single family homesites.
� • Mr. Fitzpatrick said Mr. Reinertson hasn't stated this exactly,
� but if he is basing his request for rezoning for this reason, then
some figures would have to be given as Mr. Drigans mentioned before.
�l�n�ing Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 6
r.`,,�• MQTION by Harris, seconded by Drigans, that the PZanning Commission
continue un.til May 22, 1974, the rezoning request, ZOA #74-01, by
Hennzng NeZson Construction Company, to rezone Lots 13, 14, ZS and 16,
BZock 2, Riverwood Manor, from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to
R-3 (general multiple famil� dwelling areas) to a11ow construction
of a 24 unit apartment complex to be located South of 71st Wa� and
West of East River Road. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously. �
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark to check with the County to see if
they were going to need any right of way from this propertye
Mr. Lindblad asked Mr. Clark to compil� a list of the new homes
built.on East River Road during the past year. •
Mr. Clark said he would have this information on May 22nd.
CHARLES �r7, �N1iRA: Per Fridley City Code, Section 205 0 051, 2, A,
to allow construction of a second accessory building, on Outlot B,
� Part of Lo�t 29 and all o� Lot 30, Block l, Marion Hills Addition,
the same being 5180 Buchanan Street N.E.
Mr. Charles Nara was present.
� MOTION by B.Iair, seconded by Harris, that ihe Planning Commission
waive the reading of the PubZic Hearing notice for the request for a
Special Use Permit, SP #74-04, by Charles M. Nara. UpQn a voice vote,
a.Z1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimous.Z�.
Mr. Nara said he had presen�ted some simple renderings of his
property so the Planning Commission could see how this garage and
addition would look on his'propErty. He said he didn't know why this
was called a second accessory building when it was attached to his
housee Mr> Fitzpatrick asked him if he had another garage. Mr. Nara
said he did but this was attached to his house, also. Mr. Nara said
the neighbors thought he was going to build a detached garage when
they got the Public Hearing notice. Mr. Clark said this is a second
garage whether its at�ached or not, and our code says this requires
a special use permit.
Mr. Nara said his present garage has a driveway out to Buchanan '
Street and the dri.veway for this garage would face 52nd Avenue. He
said about 600 of this garage would be below grade, with a dining room,
kitchen and den built over it.
r1r. Nara presented colored pictures of his home and said the
garage and additibn would have the same�siding and roof lines and after
it was built, it would like it had always been there. �
�i • .
,..1; Mr. Drigans asked Mr. Clark if Mr. Nara didn't have any garage
at _'�,�� present time, could he build a four car garage? Mr. Clark
ara�- �:ed that he could build any size garage he wanted, but our code
da�.; say �hat a second accessory building requires a Special Use Permit.
Planning Commission Meetin - April 17, 1974 Page 7
�� �' Iuir. Drigans asked Mr. Nara if he was going to use these garages
for anything other than the storage of vehicles. Mr. Nara said he
has two cars and a third vehicle stored 200 miles away and a boa�
which he would like to have at his home. He said his present tuck-under
garage used about 600 of his basement so he has very limited storage
space. He does need more storage space.
Mr. R. D. Christensen, 5191 Buchanan Street N.E., said he came
to the meeting to see what was being proposed, but he has seen Mr. .
Nara's plan� at this mee�ing and he had no objection to this request.
Mro Nara said he had talked �o a couple o� neighbors about this
request and they had na objectiony in fact, it was one of his neighbors
who suggeste3„this addition when he was considering selling his home a
y�ar ar so ago. '
Mr. Drigans asked ig the driveway would be blacktb.p or concrete?
Mr. Nara said it would be concxetee
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Blair, that the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #74
04, by Charles M. Nara. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously,
,�"'� MOTTON by Drigans, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Commission
n � recommend to Counci3 approval of the request for a Special Use Permit�.
SP #74-0�, by Charles M. Nara, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.051, 2
A, to a11ow construction of a second accessory building on Outlot B,
part of Lot 29 and a11 of Lot 30, B1ock 1, Marion Hi11s Addition, the
same being 5180 Buchanan Street N.E. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
To be located at �he corner of 5th Street and Mississippi Stree�
N.E., the same being 410 Mississippi 5treet N.E.
Jerry Young and Joyce McCarron representing the Library Board
and Mr. Eugene G. Flynn, representing the architectural firm,;:were
present. �
Mr. Young presented a working model of the proposed library and
�xplained how it would be located on the site. He said one of the
significant features of this plan was that they would be able to sav.e
many of the trees. They might only have to take out about 8 trees.
They were saving two Oak trees that were 36" and 48" in .diameter, and
other major trees.
He said that basically from 5th Street, the major parking area
is South of the building and to.the rear of the building. One of the
� 'things we discussed with the Planning Commission when we were here
n on the original concept was whether or not it would be possible to get
a curb cut on Mississippi for either an exit orily, or use it for
an entrance and exit until such time as problems were created. The
concept being presented shows this as a right turn exit only. He said
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Pa e S
this would require some action by the City.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said they could have the left turn on 5th Street.
� Mr. Drigans asked the distance from 5th Street to the Mississippi
Street exit? Mr. Young said it was about 130 feet.
Mr. Harris asked how wide the access road would be to Mississippi.
Mr. Flynn said i�t would be 21 feet. Mr. Harris said this was a lit�le
narrow. I� should be 25 £eet.
Mr. Harris asked the status of the Wall Corporation. Mr. Clark
said they got approval of their plans last February and we have
written several le�ters,.but at this �ime we don't know when this
project will beqine Mr. Harris said that because of the difference
in grade between the library site and the Wall Corporation project,
th�re will have to be a retaining wall and probably a fence. He
asked who would be responsible for this? Mr. Clark said it would�be �he
Wall Corporation's responsibility.
Mr..Harris said the driveway for the�library and �he Wal1 Corpor-
ation will only be 50 �eet apart: Mr. Clark said the peak traffic
hours for the ��o proposals will be at di�feren� times, so this might
help this sitation. We did talk at one time of having a common drive-
way, but because of the loc��ion of the trees, this might not be possi-
.Mr. Fi�zpatrick said the library site has lost some parking in
trying ta save trees�and we will have to find someway so the roots
aren't destroyed when the Wall Corporation puts in a retaining wall,
if this is necessary.
Mr. Young said �he way �he parking lot is set up, it will hold
about 51 cars with special spaces laid out for the handicapped as
required. Mr. Lindblad said they should allow 10 �eet by 20 feet
per parking space to meet our code. Mr. F1ynn said that studies they
have made.have shown that ��is is adequate parking for t�is size
Iibrary. The meeting room will hold 100 people. Mr. Clark said that
when Court is in session, we sometimes have parking problems at City
Hall. There could possib�y be some agreement on using each others
parking for overflow as long as they are both public buildings.
Mr. Flynn said as to the mechanicals of the building, the boiler
would be in the building, but the air handling machinery will be on
the roof, which is behind a stucco wall. He said we have tried to
keep all the space in the interior of the building as f lexible as
possible. We find that in working with these libraries, that they
want to change everything around every five years or so.
Mr. DY•igans asked what was behind the thinking of having no
� windows on the ground floor? Mr, Flynn said it was thought that
^ this was a very busy corner and due to the amount of traffic, it
� was thought it was better to turn this into itself somewhat. Mrs.
McCarron said they do have vandalism problems also. Mr. Flynn said
it gives us a lot of potential wall space also. Mr. Young said one
- of the feelings of the Library Board and the staff, was that we were
• Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Pa e 9
�� dealing with a closed structure, and it would be difficult to add
on to this buil�ing. Consequently, we need to keep this building
flexible and we are partially responsible for this building not having
any windows on the lower level.. Mr. Flynn said in a library the
action is inside, not outside. He said the way the windows are placed
would be very pretty at night when the library is lit up. We hope
that the amenity af having trees on the site will make this very
Mr. Young said that the main entrance was from the parking lot.
You will enter into a display area in the foyer. From here you will
be able to go into the meeting room or the library.
Mr. Young said he�had talked previ.ously about the services that
would be provided by this branch librarye It will be a full service
library and will offer the same services as �he main library. The work
room is small in contrast with the size of th� librar.y because most
of the technical back-up service will be provided by the main library.
Nlr. Lindblad asked when they thought they would start constructiono
Mr. Young thought it would be late summer, and they would have it
closed in by winter and would hope to occupy it in the summer of 1975e
Mr. Drigans asked if this building would require any variances.
^� Mro Young said he didn't believe so. _ �
�Mr. Clark said he was concerned about the two driveways on 5th
Street but he didn°t see how this problem could be solved.
Mr. Harris said there will have to be traffic control for the
right hand turn onto Mississippi and there should be a stop sign on
5th Street.
Mr. Drigans said we shouldn't forget that we are going to Yiave
five single family residences on Mississippi Street also..
Mr. Young asked if there was going to be a mechanical signal at
5th Street and Mississippi. Mr. Drigans said the Wall Carporation had
asked for a m�chanical signal also.�
Mr. Fitzpatrick said we have known from the beginning of these
proposals that the �raffic on 5th Street was going to be a probl�m.
Every effort should be made to minimize the problem. .Mr. Young said
they were aware that this proposal might aggravate an already existing
Mr. Young said the Library Board was pleased with this concept,
and they have accepted these preliminary plans as presented. We are �
moving to the working drawing stage. The exterior will be white stucco
�� �vith dark trim and the windows will be solar type glass.
n �
Mr. Clark asked how large the sign would be. Mre Flynn said the
sign had not been designed yet. Mr. Young said he thought it would be
a 4' x 6' lighted sign. He said an unlighted sign wouldn't be efi'ective
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 10
during the peak hours which are at night. Mr. Young said he could
assure the Planning Commission that this would be an at�ractive sign
because they have no intention of ruining a good looking building
with an unattractive sign.
Mr. Young said he wasn't sure what the next step was. Mr. Clark
said they were to present this plan to Building Standards on April
Mr. Lindblad said.they should have a landscaping plan. Mr. Young�
said they wouldn't have that at the present time. They would have to
wait and see how many trees they have lef t. They would b� putting in
some plantings, bu� this•couldn't be determined at this time. Mr.
Lindblad said they would have to come back to Building Standards wi�h
a landscape p�an when this could be prepared.
MOTION by Blair, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council approval of the site plan and preliminery plans foz
the exterior architectural design for a branch Iibrary to be Iocated
at 410 Mississippi Street with the following stipulations:
1. The egress for Mississippi Street be for right turn on1y,
with a stop sign and the egress for 5th Street have a stop
sign also.
2. The Library Board and the City of Fridley endeavor to work
out a reciprocal agreement for overfZow parking.
UPON a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
S�EWART-C: WRIGHT, JR.: To allow a gas pump for high performance
engines, per Fridley City Code, Sec�ion 205.131, 3, A, on Lots
3, 4 and 5, Block 3, Ree's Addition, and to allow a garage for
the storage, repairs and servicing of motor vehicles not over
two-ton capacity, per Fridley City Code, Section 205:101, 3, D,
on Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 3, Ree's Addition, the same being
6475 University Avenue N.E.
Mr. Stewar� C. Wright, Jr. was present.
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Harris, that the Planning Commissio.
waive the readin.g of the PubZic Hearing notice on the request for a
Special Use Permit, SP #74-05, by Stewart C. Wz-�:rht, Jr. Upon a voice
vote, aI1 voting aye, the motion carried unanin,:; s1y,
Mr. Clark said this garage we are talking .:t�out is the oId bus
garage under the shopping center just North of City Hall. The gas
pump is the one that was used by the buses. The petitioner wants to
� use this for high performance gasoline for high performance cars.
�,�- This will change a private garage and a private gas pump into a commer�
cial garag� and a commercial gas pump. There is no new construction
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked what w�re the high performance cars that
�... r`i`1
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 11
needed high performance gasoline?
Mr. Wright said the quality of gasoline, as far as octane readings
are concerned, are dropping constantly. Federal"standards have been
set as to the amount of tetraethyl lead you can put in gasoline. Two
years ago you could have bought very adequate gasoline for the purpose
of racing, which is the purpose he was basically concerned with in
his operation. The kind of premium fuel you can buy today is much,
much poorer quality as far as the octane rating and the usage for high
performance engines. Many racing organizations have set up standards
for the gasoline that is used, and -those�standards meet what you used
to be able to buy at a gas pump which is no longer available. In order
to have a competative racing engine, the compression� has to be set
qui�te high and using the current gasoline that is avail�able, you can
destroy an engine. He said there was an organization headed by a
doctor of chemisiry in Terre Haute, Indiana, who has come up with a
dis�ributorship set-up, where you buy your gas locally, get an additive
from him to bring the gas you have up 'co the standard necessary for
high performance engines. He planned ta have such a distributorship.
You can.t burn aviation gas because �he racing organizations won't
allow it, and it°s almost impossible to find high octane gasoline
from other sources.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked how Mr. Wright would know rahat kind of
^/� gasoline he was buying before he put �hh,e additive :in. Mr. Wright
said you send a.sample of the gasoline you have purchased locally,
they send you �the additive, and another sample is sent after the
additive is mixed with the gas. Every time you get a mixture, it is
given a batch number. The person who gasoline for racing
will have to give the batch number before he can race. Mr. Wright
said this fuel will be used strictly for racing and will sell �or
around $1.50 a gallon, or more. He said this gasoline will go right
into a racing car or into 5 gallon cans, and he would be selling this
gas almost on an appointment basis. He said there are two �.umps at
this location, but they have been inspected by Bob Aldrich, the Fire
Prevention Chief, and only one pump was in good enough condition to.
be used for this purpose.
� Mr. Fitzpatri�k asked if the garage would be used for racing cars
also. Mr. Wright said the garage would be•for more of the average '
automobile. He said he wants to tie this in with his businesso Champion
Auto, and he wasn't sure he was going to run this garage. He has a
friend who is interested in taking over the garage portion of the
business. The portion 'that is directly under his store, the Southern
most part of the building, does not meet the fire specif•ications for
auto repair. This portion will be used strictly for storage of snow-
mobiles, boats, etc. The other side of•the basement is quite large.
This is under the Karati portion of the building. This is where the
r,.� auto repair work will be done.
^,. Mr. Drigans asked i�' the additive that would be put in the gasoline
will make it more volatile. Mr. Wright said a high octane gasoline
burns slower than regular gasoline.
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 12
Mr. Drigans said that if the owners
to make use of the garage facilities that
��� noise than regular cars. Mr. Wright said
a lot of noise all by itself, but he was
of the racing cars wanted
they would make a lot more
that the Karati school makes
aware of a noise problem.
� Mr. Drigans said he has seen this type of operation and most of
the repair work is done at night on racing cars, because these people
have other jobs during the day. He said he didn't know how many single
family homes would be affected by this noise, but he would hate to be
sitting on the Planning Commission trying to hear over the noise of a
high performance engineo This is also going to be close to the library,
He said this was the only reserva-tion he would have in granting this
special use permit, and he thought there should be a time pe�iod put
on this permit to see how it goes.
Mr. Lin3blad asked if when Mr. Wright ran out of gas or the tank
got�low, would he have to stop selling gas until he got a new batch, or
could he mix batches. Mr. Wright said he didn't know how this was going
to be handled so he couldn't answer that question at this time.
Mr. Wright said there was a very definite need �or �his gasoline
� and he has had a number of people asking him to make �his gasoline
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked where these people were getting their gas
now? Mr. Wright said he had talked �.o one man who said he was mixing
� half premium gas and half aviation gas, but he didn't know how long he
n � would get away with�this mixture. Aviation gas is hard to get too.
Mr. Blair asked if the Fire Departmenf. requested any changes before
this was used as a garageo Mr. Wright said he had asked Bob Aldrich
to go over the proposed garage and he said�a 100 gallon water heater
that sits on the fl000r will have to be moved to the other side of the
Mr. Fitzpatrick said this use is very similar to what this building
was used for before, because they did repair buses there.
P�r. Harris asked Mr. Wright if he was going to do any body work or
painting in this garage. Mr. Wright said they would be doing tune-up
work, brakes, nothing very heavy. There would be no hoists and they
wouldn t be doing any body work or painting.
Mr. Drigans asked how much storage would be available. Mr. Wright
said the�e was a total of 9,000 square feet.. Mr. Drigans said then therE
shouldn't be any outside storage of cars. Mr. Wright said they were
worried about vandalism so they didn't intend to have an.y outside storagE
There is room inside for at least 30 cars.
Mr. Harris said if the Planning Commission was going to approve thi:
r,,, request he thought they sho�,ld ask for security fencing around the gas
pump. Mr. Wright said he thought of putting posts into concrete around
,� the pump so no vehicle could drive into the pump. Mr. Harris said he
could ask N.S.P. to put a night light on the power pole and light up
the whole area in the back of tY:.e building. He said this is close to
City Hall, if the police did hear something going on back there, they
Planning Commission Meeting - April .17, 1974 Pa e 13
wouldn't be checking on this area in the dark.
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark if the lower level had all the
bathroom facilities. Mr. Clark s.aid it did.
Mr. Drigans said that in reading a copy of the lease for this
property, it runs until September of 1975 and he thought the Planning
Commission should set this as the �ime limit for review of this business
MOTION by brigans, seconded by Blair, that the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing on the request for a 5pecial Use Permit, SP
#74-05, by 5tewart C. GTright, Jr. Upon a voice vote, a11 voiing aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Harris, that the Flanning Commissio
recommend to Council approval of the request for a 5pecial Use Permit,
SP #74-05, by Stewart C. Wright, Jr., to aZ1ow a gas pump for high�:
performance engines, per Fridley City Code, Sec�ion 205.I31, 3, A, on
Lots 3, 4, and 5, BZock 3, Ree's Addition, and to a11ow a garage for the
storage, repairs and•servicing of motor vehicles not over two.-ton �-
ca�pacity, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.101, 3, D, on Lots 22, 23
and 24, B2ock 3, Ree's Addi�ion, the same being 6475 University Avenue
N.E., with the following stipulations:
1. This SpeciaZ vse Permit, SP #74-05, to run concurrently with
the presen.t lease dated to expire September 30, 1975, and be
review�d at that time.
2. Provide a nzgh.tlight system for the gas pump.
UPON a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Langenfeld had b�en present during the entire meeting.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mr. Langenf�ld if he had read the comments �
made by the Planning Commission on their request that a member of the
Environmental Quality eommission become a germanent member of the
Planning Commissiono He said as you know from the minutes, we didn't
make any recommendation but we were favorable to this request, especiall�
because of the growing importance of the concern of environmen�al impact
Mr. Clark said the Chairman of the Environmental Quality Commission
could be an ex-officio member of the Planning Commission. He said
that Mr. Langenfld at�ends almost all of the Planning Commission meet-
ings and instead of sitting in the audience, he could sit with the
other members and contribute to the discussion even if he couldn't vote.
� • Mr. Langenfeld said he�wasn`t too concerned about voting, but there
� were comments he would like to make on some proposals. He said he told
the other members of his Commission, that while he was neither the
smartest man, or a dummy, he wouldn't be Chairman ind�tinitely, and
whoever succeeds him, would have to know something besides trees, to
be a member of the Planning Commission.
�� -
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 14
Mr. Fitzpatrick said that in our discussion there weren't any
comments that were unfavorable to this suggestion. It was mostly
questions on details and procedures, appointment schedules and
things like that. -
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark what the City Attorney had said about
having six members on the Planning Commission. Mr. Clark answered
that he didn't make any firm decision, but he said perhaps the Chairman
of the Planning Commission not vote unless there was a tie vote, or
else the Chairman of the Environmental Quality Commission could be
an ex-ofricio member and not vote. There was some discussion at a
staff ineeting that it was rather hard to judge the importance of
a11 the subcommit�ees that the Council has appointed, and how many
of them should, have representation on the Planning Commission and how
many of them should note �
Mr. Clark said the Environmental Quality Commission has been
in existance for about two or three years and grew out of a task
force to study Moore Lalce.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said there was also comment made that perhaps
the Chairman or another member of this Commission should be part of
the Parks & Recreation Commission.
n^ Mr. Langenfeld said he didn`t mean to imply that there was any
problem with get.ting alongo but he thought the Environmental Quality
Commission and the Planning Commission could wo�k together better than
they have because so many 'chings are inter-related.
Mr. Langenfeld said at their last meeting, the suggestion was made
that the Chairman of the Human Relations Committee be the tie breaker.
Mre Fitzpatrick said this was another problem in that the Planning
Commission daesn°t ordinarily get the minutes of the Environmental
Quality Commission. It only rec��ves the minutes from the subcommittees
of the Planning Commission.
Mr. Drigans said if these committees follow parAi.amentary procedure
the Chairman of any Board or Commission does no�t have to vote if he
so chooses. Mr. Fitzpatrick said the Chairman of the Planning Commissio�
has always voted.
Mr. Drigans said he was not at the last.meeting when this was
discussed. He asked Mr. Clark•if there were any ordinances or policies
that state that before a citizen came in to make a request that some
type of referral is made to the �nvironmental Quality Commission? Mr.
Clark said not at the present time. Mr. Drigans asked if the Council
referred anybody to the Environmental Quality Commission. He said he
felt this was mainly as issue type thing.
Mr. Langenfeld said we advise the Council on certain things. Some
of the things are Moore Lake, North Park and nowr the tree ordinance.
Planning Commission Meeting - April.l7, 1974 Page 15
��' Mr. Drigans said the Subcommittees and the Planning� Commission
_ were set up by Council to obtain background from petitioners so
the minutes of our meetings could be studied by the Council before
their action. There has been no ordinances or codes modified to
direct petitioners to the Environmental Quality Commission. He said
he had no objection to another member of the Planning Commission if
. that member has some jurisdiction for citizen input.
Mr. Fitzpa-trick asked Mr. Langenfeld when his Commission was
set up, what were they charged with? Mro I�angen�eld things are
referred to them directly from the Council.
Mr. �'itzpa�trick said that what Mr. Drigans w�s pointing out was
that the other Subcommittees of the Planning Commission have things
referred to them by definition which come to them rout�nely. Mr.
Fitzpatrick said this is why your Commission has been by-passed by the
Planning Commission and why we do na�t receive your minutes. Things
are referred to your Commission by the Council and you make your
recommendations directly back to the Council.
� Mr�. Fitzpatrick said he thought we were very close to the time
when there are going to have to be environmental statements made and
environmental regulations complied with, which is going to make a
Commission such as Mr. Langenfeld is on, have regular referrals. I
� see no reason the City of Fridley can'� be t.i.rst'.on .this and h.e couldn't
n see any objection to having the Chairman of the Environmental Quality
Commission a member of the Planning Commission under these circumstances
Mr. Langenfeld asked if 5ection 5 of the ordinance draf ted by
the Planning Commission was mean�t to be an advisory referendum. Mr.
Fitzpatrick said this was not the intent of Section 5. Our intent was
that this be a binding referendum. He said �he proposed tree ordinance
that we recommended was a serious proposal.
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Lindblad, that the Council be advised
that the referendum in Section 5 of the proposed ordinance was meant
to be a binding referendum and not an advisory referendum. Upon a voice
vote, Narris, LindbZad, Fitzpatrick voting aye, Blair, nay, Drigans
abstaining, the motion carried. ' �
Mr..Driqans said he was personally against government by referendum
He believed we elect our public officials to govern and they speak for
all the members of the comanunity. The small number of people who vote
in a special election should not determine the policy of the City.
Mr. B1air said he wasn't in favor of making this a�inding
n referendum.
^ Mr. Langenfeld asked if both these ar-dinances could be put to a
referendum vote. Mr. Fi�tzpatrick said he didn'� know how this would
be handled. Mr. Liangenfeld asked if an ordinance passed by referendum
.vote could be amended. Mr. Clark said he didn't know �he policy on
this. He said both these questions taould have to be answered at the
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 16
City Council meeting when the City Attorney was present.
Mr. Clark said he had made reservations for two members of the
Planning Commission to this seminar and he wondered who would be going.
Mr. Harris said he would go. Mr. Fitzpatrick said he had a breakfast
meeting on April 20th, but he would get to this seminar as saon as he
could. Mr. Clark said he was planning on attending if he didn'� have
to go out of town for.the week-end. �
Mr. Harris said he thought the City streets were in very good
con�i�ion, but he could not say the same for County roadso He said
Mississippi Street, especially along the railroad tracks, was in very
bad condition. He asked Mr. Clark to call Mr. Lundheim's office and
see if this street could be kept in some kind of repair. Mr. Clark
said the best route for this was to the Council bring it to the
County Commissioner's attention.
Mr. Clark presented a form that would be used as an application
�"� for a special use permit for billboards and the answers on �his
� application would determine whether a variance was need�d or not. Mr.
Clark said he believed that the Board of Appeals and the Planning
Commission were going to draft up some g.uidelines they were going to
use in granting or denying special use permits and variances.
Mr. Drigans said the Board of Appeals doesn't have a very good
record as far as the variances they deny and the Council approves.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said rather than have any more joint meetings,
that whatever was going to be done should ba at the Board of Appeals
level. Mr. Drigans said he thought the agreement was that the two
Boards sit down together and decide this, because some billboards
may need a variance and others just need a special use permit. He
said he thought there should be joint �eetings for these billboards, or
just have one body hear these requests. ,
Mr. Fitzpatrick said there are complications with joint meetings.
Mr. Clark said this was why the City Attorney had suggested that they
draft up guidelines that would be used in considering these requests.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said'that it was decided that each request be
considered on its own merits, b�t guidelines should be established.
Mr. Fitzpatrick continued that if he were a petitioner, he would hate
to be told ahead of time which variaiic°�s would be granted and which
�ould be denied, because that would � why he would be going for an
appeal. �
Mr. Drigans said this was true. Fie said we would have to look
at the pattern of the variances that would be needed and see which ones
would really be extreme. �
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Pa e 17
%'���� __ Mr. Clark said maybe we should just send these forms out on
� the existing billboards and see what the variances are going to be,
and then make up the guidelines. Mr. Fitzpatrick said it seemed to
him that we had gotten most of this information at the joint meeting.
Mr. Clark said Howard Mattson had gathere� this information for
the joint meeting of the Planning Commission ai��• the Board of Appeals.
Mr. Drigans said we need to have some type of guid�lines because, th�
make up of.the differen-� committees changes from time to time, and then
their decisions could be different.
Mro Fitzpatrick said his feeling was that the or�dinance was the
Mrm Harris said if we deny all the requests, �ae would be pu-tting
our legal staff on �the spo:� in defending this position in Court. He
said if we establish stringent guidelines, at least this will help the
legal staff.
� 1�': Drigar:s said �that before we start looking at variances and
special use pern►its individually,�. he thought a pattern should be
established so we would know what kind of requests we would be getting.
� Mr. Drigans said it could happen that the Board of Appeals could
/'1 ge�t two or three.requests for one meeting. Th� decision could be that
if the members fel,t that there was no 'Zardship involved, they could
tell the petitioner that he had to abi,de by the code. Wl�en the Plan-
ning Commission gets the request for a special use permit, they may
approve or deny it. Then the Council can turn around and start approv-
ing the variances and Special Use Permits. Mr. Harris said the Council
can make any decision it sees fit to m�ke. All we can do is try to do
our best and give the Council our recommendation.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thovght any ordinance that �ras constantly
appealed should be looked into, because perhaps the ordinance needed
to be changed.
� Mr. Harris asked if there are any signs that met the code when they
were erected but because of rezoning or develapment, they don't meet the
Code now. Mr. Clark said there are some on the North end of University
Avenue i.hat have been affected by new intersections.
Mr. Clark said the Board of Appeals and Planning Commission might
think abou�. whether they might give total denial or tota,l approval to
these requests. He said �they could also extend these billboards for
a certain limited time, say three years, which would be in addition to
the five years the petitioners have had on these billboards.
^. ' Mr. Drigans said he felt that both the variances and special use
n permits should be handled at the Planning�Commission level. This would
allow the people to come�to one meeting. �
Mr. Harris said he thought this would have to be a joint meeting
then because the Planning Commission�was not au';:;rized to make
recommendations on variances. • .
�� �
Planning Commission Meeting - April 17, 1974 Page 18'
Mr. Cl.ark said he could check with the City Attorney on this
to see if both requests could be handled by the Planning Commission.
Mr. Harris said maybe we could call them visual pollution and
refer them all to the Environmental Quality Commission. He said he
thought the Chairman of this Commission should be an ex-officio member
of the Planning Commission when these requests are to be heard.
Mr. Lindblad asked on what basis would the Planning Commission �.
deny these requestse We will have to have a reason. Mro Harris said
the reasons wouldn°t be the same as the Board of Appeals woulcl have.
We would have to come up with reasons like environmental pol.ltztion,
urisightly, violates the codes, etc. What might hapgen on some of
these requests is that we would extend them for the length of the lease,
He would not lilce to see anyone financially hurte These could be
extended for a maximum.of two to three yearse
Mr. Clark said there were some small billboards that were on
such small pieces, that the property has no other use,
and this will have to be considered also.
Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned �che meeting at 11:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
,c:� .-C � � ��, �t'�✓?
Dorothy E nson, Secretary
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