PL 06/05/1974 - 30401� CITY OF FRIDLEY
Chairman Fi�tzpatrick called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M.
Members Present: Fitzpatrick, Harris, Lindblad, Blair '
Members Absenta Drigans
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator
• � James Langen�eld, Chairman of Environmental
Quality Commission '
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Harris, fihat the Planning
Commission approve the minutes of their May 22, 1974 meeting as written.
Upon a voice vote, a.Il voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
^ MOTION by Ilarris, secbnded by Lindblad, that the Planning
Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee
meeting of May 28, I974a Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mo�ion
carried unanimousl�.
28, 1974
Mr. Lindblad said he had one comment to mak�. He said that he
noted that Council had concurred with the Building Standards°Design
Control Subcommittee recommendation on the Salt Storage building except .
that they deleted stipulation 5 which stated that Council work up an
agreement the Minnesota Highway Department stating either they
provide an area for multi-recreational use o.r provide an access to an
area for such usee Mr. Lindblad said they•thought a boat or canoe •
launching area coulci be provided as this would be an ideal site for
such a facility. N1r. Clark said there was a real need for thiso Mr.
Harris said he had been at the Council meeting and as he remembered i-t,
it seemed that they felt ichey might have problems of security in providin
this facility. '
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Har•ris, �hat the P.Ianning
Comm.ission receive the rrrinutes of the Building Standards-Design Control
Subcommittee meeting of May 28, 1974. Upon a voice vote, a1.I voting aye,
n� the motion carried unanimously. .
��> --
Planr�i�ng� Commiss�ion Meeting — June 5, 19�74 � �age 2
Chairman Fitzpatrick read �che Public Hearing �otice on the
proposed amendment to Chapter 205, Section 205.051., Paragraph 2, A,
�� Accessory Uses, of the City Code of the City of Fridley.
.Mr. Fitzpatrick said the purpose of this proposed change was
to set a i%aximum size on second accessory buildings �hat would.not
require a special permit.
Mr. Lindblad said he thought only ane accessory btzilding and
one additional accessory building is a11 that should be allowed on
a lot. He said he wouldn't like to see two or three little sheds
on a property.
Mr. Fi�tzpatrick asked how many accessory buildings under the
minimum square footage rec�uirement for a special use permii. would be
all'owed on a lot. � � '
� Mr. Clark said the inten�t is to allow a garage and one other
accessory building. Mr. Harris said he thought this should be
discussed so the intent was clear in the ordinance.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said we have to decide at what�point we want
a second accessory buiZding to require a special use permit so that
the requests be�ow this requiremen�t can be handled at the staff level.
Mr. C1ark said the intent of the ori¢�inal ordinance was so tha'c
n a second accessory building couldn't be built that would be used for
additional incomeo He thought any building up to a 12 foot x 20 foo-�
size would be too small �o allow any use but for the purpose in�tendedp
which would be for some �type of storage. You would need a building this
large to store a boat, for ins�ance.
Mr. Harris said we cou�ld specify thai any accessory building not
be used for home occupation. Mr. Clark said this is already in the
Code. Mr. %iarris said he thought it wouid be a good idea to restate
it in this section of the code also.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thought tha•L- anyone who was going to
try and use a second accessory building for additional income would
want a building larger than 240 square feet, and this would still
require a special use permit so �his cou.ld still be controlled.
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark if they should specify that these
second accessory buildings have to meet the State Building Code. I�ir.
Clark said he was sure that the metal storage sheds did not meet the
State Code. They didn't have 40 pound roof loads for one thing. He
said these aren't habitable buildings; and the metal storage sheds were
so popular, he didn't f_eel they should concern themselves with this. He
said people don't enter storage sheds that much in the win�ter time and
it would really be a coincidence if one collaped when someone was in it.
'� Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark how having this building affixed to �
`° a permanent foundation would be interpreted. Would this mean a concrete
.� slab? Mr. Clark said he didn�t think a concrete•slab could be required.
He said he has seen a post and beam used also and there may be other
Planning Commission Meeting - June 5, 1974 Paae 3
methods to keep these buildings permanently loca�ed. This is to
� prohibit people from buying a floor for these buildings and not
• at�aching these buildings to any foundation. He said he thought
the .statement could remain as it was as. the City wasn't having any
problems with i� now.
MOTION by Lindb.Zad, seconded by. Harris, that the Planning
Commission close the Public Hearing on the consideration of amending
Chapter 205, Section 205.051, Paragraph 2, A, Accessory Uses, of the
City Code of the City of Fridley. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting.aye,
the'motion carried ananimo�sly.
MOTION by Harris, seconded b� Lindblad, that the Planning
Commission recommend to Council that Chapter 205, Section 205.051,
�Pa'ragraph 2, A, .Accesscry Uses, of the City Code of the City of �
Fridley be amended to read as folZows:
�� ' 2.� Accessory Uses
Ae Private garages or other accessory buildings. Only one
a�cessory building ?n excess of,240 square feet is a.Zlowed
per site. One addiiional accessory building is allowed
provided it does not exceed 240 square feet.
Any accessor� building in excess of the above requirernents
(square footage or number of buildings) requires a special
�"'� use permi t o
AIZ accessory buildings must be p.errnane'ntly a�tached to a
foundation and may not be used for home occupation. A1I
garages whether attached to, tucked under, or detached
from the main dwelling, are considered to be an accessory
Upon a voice vote, a1I voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark to contact Herb Meyer of the State
Building Code Division and ask about thes� metal storage buildings
having standards set by the State.
SP #7�-10, BY W. RED STANG: Per Fridley City Code, Section
205.051, 3, N, to allow trailers, campers, mobile homes, boats,
mach�nery, spor'cing equipment and like enterprises having its
merchandise in the open and not under cover of display salesroom,
to be located on Lots 1 and 2, Block l, C. D..Hutchinson Addition,
. loca-�ed at 6451 East River Road N.E.
Public Hearing open.
Mr. Clark said the petitioner has asked that this request be
r^� continued until he can meet with the Oil Company to see if he will
,l. be able to have a fenced in area for any outside storage he might
need. If he can obtain this, he wil.l withdraw his request. If he
' can't abtain this, he will still need a special use permit.
P•lanning Commission Meeting - June 5, 1974 Page 4
� MOTION by Harris, seconded by BZair, that the Planning Commission
continue the request for a Special Use Permit,. by W. Red 5tang, SP
#74-10, until the petitioner decides to withdraw his request or to
continue to seek this special use permit. Upon a voice vote, a11
voting aye,�the motion carried unanimously.
AND DENNIS D. SARKILAHTI: To continue a service station and
. permit the addi�ion of rental of local and one-way truck and
trailers, as per Frzdley City Code, Section 205.101, Paragraph
� B, 3, E, l, to be located on the East 119001 feet of Lots 28, 29,
and 30, Block 4, Hyde Park Addition, the same being a Texaco
Station at 6071 Universi�y Avenue N.E.
Mr. Dennis D. Sarkilahti was presente
Mr. Sarkilahti said Mro Swenson was no longer connected with
this request. He now has U-Haul trucks and trailers instead of
Mr. Clark said that as far as he was concerned this was one
of the cleanes� rental stations that he had seen in a long time.
The petitioner has kept the rental units in an orderly manner. Only
once or twice has there been more units on the property than there
should be and the petitioner said this would happen at times when
a lot of units came in on the week-end and they couldn'� be moved
until Mondaye
Mr. Clark said they have changed off on where they parked the
trailers and the trucks. Mr. Sarkilah�i said the reason this was chang-
ed was because where the trucks has been located, this had almost
caused an accident happening �n :comirig over the curb. Nlr. Blair •
said he liked the location of the units better where they were
:�ocated now, than where they were located before.
NIr. Clark said the Ci�y�Yias received no complaints on'this
operation. He said that the present operator of this sication was
doing a goad job in keeping a neat operation.
Mro Lindblad asked about the one year renewal. Mr. Clark said
he thought this was a good policy because it helped keep the operator
aware that he had to keep the property in good order. Also, if another
operator took over the property, they woulcl have to do the same.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked the petitioner if he had any object�on._
to a yearly review of the special use permit. Mr. SarkilaYi.'�i said
he had no objection. -
MOTION by Blair, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission
recommend to CounciZ that the special use permit, SP #73-03, by
� Denni& D. 5arkilahti, to continue a service station and permit the
°� addition of rental of .iocal and one-way truck and traiZers, as per
Fridley City Code, Section 205.101, Paragraph B, 3, E, 1, located on
the East 119.01 feet of :Lots 28, 29 and 30, B.Zock 4, Hyde Park Addition,
' the same being a Texaco��Station at 6071 University Avenue N.E. be
Planning Commission Meeting - June 5, 1974 P.age 5
renewed for�one year. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
that part of Hugo Street d�dicated in the plat of Swanson's
Terrace, lying Easterly of the Southerly extension of the West
line of Lots 1 and 3, Block l, Swanson's Terrace.
Reloca�e the division line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Swanson°s
Terrace, to be located parallel to and 80 feet South of the '
South line of Lots 1 and 2, Block l, Swanson's Terrace.
Mr. Clark said that what prompted this request was the sale
of Lots 4 and 5 to the City for park property. Lo� 3 will remain
a residential lote The reason for the dedication for t�e bubble
for the cul-de-sac was to give access to Hugo.Street for �hese lots
which isn'� needed now.
Mr. Harris said he had talked to Mrs. Swanson's representative
._on the telephone before the meeting. He wondered if he had to come
to�the mee�ing, and he �old him he didn°t �hink he had to be t�ere.
Mr. Harris said Mre Sporre told him this is torrens property.
Mr. Clark said they may have a problem at the County. He said
. �hat if this had to be platted, the City would probably have to share
^ .in the cost because of the park land. M[r. Harris said i� was worth
a try to handle this as a lo� splito Mr. Clark said the legal descrip-
tion was quite simple so this might help. - �
Mr. Harris asked if i� was going to be hard to describe the
vacation? Mr. Clark said no. It could be described as all of Hugo
Street lying East of the Westerly line.of Lot 1 extended South.
MOTION by Harris, seconded b�.Bla,ir, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council approval of a vacation request, SAV #74-01, by
Florence E. Swanson, to vacate tha.t part of Hugo Street dedicated in
fhe p2at of Swanson's Terrace Iying Easterly of the 5outherly extension
of the West Line of Lots 1 and 3, Block Z, Swanson`s Terrace. Upon a
�voace vote,�a1l voting �aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said he thought the request for a lot split was
a re�sonable reques� to straighten ou� the lot line of Lot 3e
Mr. Harris asked if there would be a fence between the park
property and Lot 3. Mr. Clark said he was not familiar enough with
the development oi tlze park property to know i� this would be fenced.
They ususally do put up a fence. Mr. Harris said it would look better
to have the fence go on a straight line�than at an angle.
• Mr. Harris �said what this lot split request amounts to is
a land trade off between Lots 3 and 4.
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Harris, that the Planning
Commission recommend to CounciZ approvaZ of the request for a 1ot split,
�„� _�
Planning Commission Meeting - June 5, 1974 Pa e 6
L.S.�#74-11, by Florence E. Swanson, to relocate the division Iine
betw�en Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Swanson's Terrace, to be Iocated
parallel to and 80 feet South of the South line of Lofs I and 2, Block 1
Swans�n's Terrace.
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark if it was necessary to state that
if this di�n'�t get accepted by the torrens examiner it will have
to come back as a plat? Mr. Clark said no, it will just have to
come back as a plat and have Public Hearings.
Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslye
Mr. Clark said the petitioner had stated orally tha� they thought
ihe fee should be waived on these requests because the City is benefit-
ing from these requests also.
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Lindblad, that the Council consider
waiving the fees for the requests for a vacation, SA V#74-01, and
a lot split, L.S. #74-11, by Florence E. Swanson, because the City
wi11 benefit as much as the petitioner from these requests. Upon a
voice vote, aZI voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Nir'. Clark said the City had received a letter from the State
saying tha•t they will approve our flood plain ordinance with the
change that Chases Island be changed.from CRP-2, flood plain, to
CRP-1, floodway. This doesn°t affect the use of this property as
far as the use the City can make of 'this property. Boat docks and
shelters or anything else ichat would not f loa�t away during a flood
can be buil�t on this property. The reason for this change was because
CRP-2 would allow the filling of land, and they wan� to make sure
-the channel could not be narrowed with land fill. He said the City
had no objection to this change.
MOTION by, seconded by Lindb.Zad, that the Planning �
Commission receive the memo from Jerrold Boardman on the zoning
change for Chases Island. Upon a voice vote, a.I1 vofing aye, the
motion carried unanimouslye .
Mr. Fitzpatrick said this is still under discussion by the Council
and as �the Planning Commission had received all this information on
Monday, he didn't thinlc anyone had been able to read it all yete
Mre Harris said he was at the Council meeting on June 3, 1974. He
ichought the Couricil was thinking abou�t having the Planning Commission
hold a Public Hearing. .
Mr. Clark sa�.d the Planning Commission should probably wait on
•�his until they get the minutes of �that Council meeting so this could
�, be clarified. �
''� MOZ'ION by Harris, seconded by B1air, that the PZanning Commission •
� receive the information for the Hyde Park S�uc1yand continue this item
��� ...
Planning Commission Meeting-- June 5, 1974 Page 7
for further consideration. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
mot�on carried unanimously.
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by B1air, that the Planning Commission
receive the'article from Public Mlanagement 1970 from Jerrold Boardman
entitled Aesthetic Po1.Zution. Upon a uoice vote, a1Z vo�ing aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
. Mr. Clark said �his was an article had been called to
Mr. Boardman°s attention and he thought it was something the Planning
Commission would be interesied in.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said this is something we have talked aboui from
time to time in relation�to billboards. He sa'id he had been to�the
Fridley D.F.L. convention and there seemed to be supporic �or tl�e
enforcement of the sign ordinancea He said they weren't as speci�ic
as he woulci have liked them to be.
Mr. Harris said there �,ras discussion at the Council meeting on
having the�Environmental Quality Commission study and make recommenda-
tions on the applications for variances and special use permi�cs on
the billboards. These would come back to the Planning Commission and
Board of Appeals.
j..� Nlr. Langenfeld said that someone on the Council has said that
the Environmentcal Quality Commission cauld make recommendations on
� whether the variance should be allowed and this had been questioned
by the City Actorney. Mr. Harris said this was,.because only the
Board of Appeals were authorized to make recommendations on variances.
� What the Board of Appeals an.d the Planning Commission want from the
Environmental Quality Commission is a recommendation on the environmental
impact of each billboard which would help these two bodies in their
. recommendations.
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded,by Harris, that the Planning Comrnission
receive the information from James Langenfeld. Upon a voice vote, aI1
voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslv_ �
Mr. Langenfeld said that mos�t of this information was selfeer.plana-
tory. He had given them a copy of the Environmental Quality Commission
by-laws and informa-tion he had received at an environmental symposium
at the University ot Minnesota.
Mr. Fitzpatrick said the Planning Commission was glad to get this
informatione He said the summary of environmental legislation by the
State of Minnesota would be very helpful.
`...1 Mr. Langenfeld said he had just received a copy of "Critical
Areas of the Planning Process'° from the State Environmental Quality
Council. He only had one capy of this. He asked the Planning
Commission secretary to make copies of this and see that all the
Plann�i•ng• Commission Meeting - June 5, 1974 P.age 8
niembers of the Planning Commission gqt a copy.
� • Mr. Langenfeld said he often got material �that he thought the
Planning Corimission should have. Mr. Fi�zpatrick said the Planning
Commission would like to have copies of the Environmenal Quality
Commission minutes. Mr. Langenfeld said he would ask the secretary
to see that they got them and then he could include any other inf�orma-
I tion along with this�
Mro Lindblad asked when Burlington Northern was going to clean �
up �heir junk yard between 47�h and 49th Avenue. He said �this should
either b� cleaned up or fenced. Mr. Clark said this should be taken
care of by late summ�r or in iche fall.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if there had been a possible .�ite picked
out for a recycling center. Mr. Clark said he had no knowledge of
this as yete
Mro Harris said that up in East Ranch Estates by the 78th Stree�t
exit between Rancher'.s Road and University th.ere was a break in
the sanitary sewer line and surface water was running into the
sanitary sewer. He said the Metropolitan Sewer Board should be
no�ified of �this to see if some crediic could be given. This should
be repaired.
�� . NOTE: This has. been fixed temporarily until there is storm
sewer construction.
Mr. Harris asked when they were going to work on the drainage
ditch for %8th Street and get the storm sewer for this area comple'ced.
NOTE: August 15th is the completion date. .
Mr. Langenfeld asked who would be doing th� testing for
Moore Lake. Mr. Clark said he knew there had been bids taken, but
he didn't know who had gotten the bido
Mr. Langenfeld said tha�c he wondered if anyone on the Planning
Cominission had seen all�the trees that had been cut down in the
County park west of East River Road. He said that when you see this,
anyone would vote for a tree ordinance. He said you can see all the
way to the river now.
NOTE: The County went in to clear some brush and found d�_seased
trees. They had no chcaice but to cut them down.
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark to check on a sign by the Town Crier
that was in City right of way. �
, • Chairman Fitzpatrick�adjourned the meeting at 9:40 P.M.
r.^"� . .
Respectfully submitted, �
, - �
� `Jl(1i ..c-�i''/ �. � �!. . 1 �'!�-;�t ' E.3�/ •
orot y Evenson, Secretary
. . �� :.