PL 10/23/1974 - 31174�1
Chairman Fitzpaicrick called the meeting to order at 8:10 P.M.
Members Present:
Memb�rs Absent:
Others Present:
Darrel Clark,
Harris, Blair, Drigans
Community Developmen•� Administrator
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Driqans, that the Planning Comaaission
approve the minutes of the September 25, 1974 meeting as written. Upon
a voice vote, aII voting aye, the motion carried unanimous.Zye
MOTTON by Drigans, seconded by B1air, that the Planning Commission
approve the minutes of the October 9, 1974 meeting as wriften. Upon a
voice vote, a11 voting aye, �he motion carried unanimouslye
23, 1974
MOTION by B1air, seconded hy Drigans, that the Planning Commission
receive the minuL-es o.g the Parks & Recreation�Commission Subcommiitee
meeting of September 23, .Z974. Upon a�Toice vote, a11 voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
OCTO}3ER 10 , 19 7 4
MOTION by Harris, seconded by B1air, that the Planning Commission
receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee
meeting of October I0, 1974.
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Clark if stipulation 9 for the Medical
Clinic which reads " The medical building will be limi�ed:to occupa_tion
and uses as stated in a letter from the Unity Medical Center of
September 6, 1973 which states that this building shall be limited to
healich professionals which will include, bu-c not limited to, physicians,
dentists, oral surgeons, clinical psychologists, psychiatric social
workers and allied mental health personnel. Ancillary uses o�her than
office space shall be limited to those commercial enterprises des�_gned
to serve the doctors and dentists and their personnel and patients.
Such ancillary uses would include things such as professional pharmacy,
an optical comp�.ny, possibly a card and flower shop, and possibly at
a later date, a coffee shop, could be er�forced. Mr. Clar}: said the
reason the petitioner wanted this worded this way was becaus� ther�
migh�t be new health fields in subsequent years, and they might want
to ba in this building. Mr. Harris said that if they had trouble
reni:ing this building, they might be able to use this stipula'tion �to
Planning Commission Meeting - October 23, 1974 �" Page 2
n rent out to some type of business that wasn't �ompatible with the
primary use of this building.
Mr. Drig�ns said this was one of the stipulations the Planning
Commission had on the Special Use Permit.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said the statement says that it is limited
to health profe�sionals, but they didn't want to limit what type of
health professions they could rent the building too
Mra Drigans said he thinks their out is that the ancillary
uses other than office space shall be limited to those commercial
enterprises designed to serve the doctors and dentis�a and their
personnel and patien�s. He said this could include lawyers, insurance:•.
o�fices, auditor's etc.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said the petitioner's themselves are de�er�
mined to limit this building to health professionals so he didn't
think this would be a problem. Mr. Clark said as he understands
it,..the building is already 8Qo rented•
UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
n MOTION by Drigans, seconded by �1air, that the Planning Commission
receive the Board of Appeals Subcommittee minutes of their October 15,
1974 meeting.
Mr. Drigans said the Council tabled th.e v�riances for building
on 50 foo� lots� Mr. Cla�k said that these could come before the
Planning Commission if the petitioner decides to build these homes
because they are in the flood plain and will require Special Use Permits
Mr. Harris said he was interested in �he decision and the comments
made on the approval far vraham Testers. Mr. Drigans said he said the
Board felt this was a combination of the petitioner and administration
in that th�_s was allowed in the first place. Mr. Clark said the
petitioner was told that if he did this, he was doing it at his own
risk of it being approved. Mr. Drigans said that as this was different
from -the plan originally approved, he thought this project'should have
been red taggedo and no one seemed to know where the approval came from
to let them cut the green area to such a small amount by put�ing a
driveway through this area.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
OCTOBER 16, 1974
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Blair, that the Planning Commission
� receive the minutes of the. Plats & Subdivisions-Streets � Utilities
Subcommittee meeting of October 16, i974. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting
aye, the motion carried vnanimously.
Planning Commission Meeting - October 23, 1974 ' Page 3
MOTION by Harris, seconded by BZair, that the Planning Commission
�i receive the memo from Dan Huff, Naturalist/Resource'Coordinator, of
September 27, 1974. Upon a voice vote, aZl voting aye, the motion
carried unanimouslyo
replat of Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, except the North
169 feet of the West 164 feet thereof, generally located South
of 61st Avenue N.E., between Benjamin Street & Mc Kinley Street
Mr. Howard Nystrom was present to represent the pe�itioner.
MOTION by Harris, seconded by Blair, that the PZanning Commis-
szon waive the reading of the Public Hearing notice for the consider-
ation of a preliminary p1at, P.Se #74-06, Zander`s Ist Addition, by
Dailey Homes, Ince Upon a voice vote, a1I voting aye, the motion
carried unanimouslym
Mr. Clark said t�at at the P1ats & Subs meeting of October 16,
1974 Mr. Korin, who owns the property �ha� is the exception to this
plat, said there was a two to four foo� discrepancy in the East-West
line of his South property linem Mre Dailey's surveyor made a call
to me and explained that the lot irons in the field were not in the
location where �ra Korin thought they were. Mr. Cla�k said he had not
been out in th.e field to check �hese irons, so we still have �his
s�a�vey discrepancy.
Mro Clark said that other i'cems which were discussed at this
meeting was the problem of drainage along the East line of Mr. Korin's
property, which was going to be taken care o� by a swale along Lot 6
ofi this plat. Mro Korin stated that he �rould agree to the encroachmen�
on his proper�y for �his sv,rale, so that in case �che storm sewer along
his South proper�.y line plugged up, �the excess water could drain towards
61st AvPnue. Excep'c for �the survey discrepancy, all the s�ipulations
,p�t the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets & Utilities Subcommittee
have been agreed to by the developer. These s�cipul�tions are to provide
an easement for the storzn sewer as shown on the plat, provide an ease-
ment along the rear lot lines for other utiliicies, solve �che drainage
problems with Mr. Korin, provide one tree per lot, 2" in diameter,
reduce the street dedication for 61st Avenue from 25 feet to 20 feet,
so Lot 6 will have the required 80' front footage and provide under-
ground utilities. There is an existing house on this plai which taill
be moved to Lot 1. The entire plat will have to be regraded and there
will be a lot o� excess fil1.
Mr. Drigans asked how the elevations were shocvn on the plato Mr.
Clark said the dash lines are the existing elevations and the solid
lines are the proposed elevations.
�"`� Mr. Elmars Prieditis, 6031 Benjamin Street N.E.o said his property
was South of this plat. �ie said that in looking at the proposed plat,
there would be an 8 foot drop in five feet and he wonaered if this met
the code requirements. Mr. Clark said the grade would have to be three
to one, that was code.
Planning Commission Meetirig -� Oc•taber� 23;� 1974� Page 4
� Mr. N strom said he thou ht there was
y g quite a drop at that location
at the present time. Mr. Prieditis said it was about a four foo� drop
in 10 feet nowe Mr. Clark said this will have to be changed to a three
to one slope. Mr. Nystrom said he knew this was code, and he didn't
know why the engineer hadn't drawn i.he elevations according to the code.
Mro Korin, 6051 Benjamin Stcreet N.E., asked Mr. Clark if he had
checked out the elevations for't.he storm sewer along the South line
of his property. He said he was told at the time this was installed
that it wouldn`t be low enough to drain his yaxd and he wondered if
this was true or not. Mr. Clark said this would be checked out, but
according to the drawing on the plat, it should be low enough to handle
the drainagem Mre Clark said it was at the �time that this was s�tubbed
into the street that Mr. Korin was told it would not be low enough.
Mr. Fitzpatrick asked Mro Korin if he had enough room on hi.s lo�t
to split off half of it for a building siteo Mr. Korin said this was
debatable. He feels that he has and everyone else has told him he
doesn't,',so for the time being, we're not discussing 'chato Mr. Fitz-
patrick said �chat Mr. Korin didnot have any curren�t plans for his
property then.
Mra Korin said tha� the discrepancy in the survey was thaic the
curb should be three feet from his property line, and wifh the new
n survey, the curb is on my property nowo He said that when the Ci�y
surveyed for the street, their survey agreed with hiso
Mre Prieditis asked if �this plat could be apnroved without the
three to one slope not being shown. Mr. Harris said this was only
the preliminary p1at, and this would be one of the stipulations Lor
the final platm
Mr. Harris asked wlzo would be responsible for main�aining the
20 feet of street dedication adjacent �ca Lot 6. Mr. Clark said the
property owner of Lo�. 6. Mr. Harris said he �hought this should be
spelled out as a stipulationo Mr. Clark said this was covered in the
zoning code.
Mro Korin said that at the Plats & Subs mee�ing, Mr. Thorson had
stated that there were no plans for adding a garage to the ho�se that
was being moved to Lot l. He said he had �.alked to the Zanders, and
they said they did plan to have a garage and it was in their contracte
Mr. Harris said the reason he had brought this up at that meeicing was
because of the grade on this lot. It seemed that it would almost have
to be a tuck under garage. Nlr. Korin said he thought that was wha� it
would be. Mro Fitzpatrick asked if this home belonged to the sellers
of the property. Mr. Korin said yes, it belonged to the Zander's.
MOTION by B1air, seconded by Ha�rris, that the Planning Commission
� close the Public Nearing on the consideration of a preliminary plat,
P.S. #74-06, Zander's 2st Addition, by Dailey Homes, Inca Upon a voice
vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
�lanning Commission Meeting - October 23, 1974 Page 5
Mr. Fitzpatrick said the survey discrepancy should be worked
� out before this plat goes to Council. Mr. Clark said it would
certainly have to be resolved before the hard shellswere made. Mr.
Fitzpatrick asked who would have to resolve the conflict in the
survey. Mr. Clark said he thought the petitioner should revise
his preliminary plat to show how the drainage problem �would be worked
out along Lot 6, �he grade change along the South property line, and
the street dedication chan�ed from 25 feet �0 20 feet. The Planning
Commission will have another meeting before this goes to Council, and
he thought they should get another look at this plat, with the revised
grade, befare this goes to Council. He told bir. Nystrom to show the
recommended changes and get the preliminary plat as close �o the final
plat without drawing up hard shells. Mr. Clark said he thought the
Council covld set the Public Hearing date for the final plat as long
as the Planning Commission would be able to see �he preliminary plat
Mr. Drigans said he didn't know how �he Council could set a
public hearing date when there was a suxvey discrepancy. How many
surveys were there? Mr. Clark said that on this particular piece
of property, there were two surveys, Mr. Korin's survey and Dailey
Home°s surveye He said there were other surveys in the area. Briardale,
Pine Tree Builders, Andy Gowel's Plat and the exception to the Zander
propertye These should all meet on the corner o� 61st and Benjamina
Mr. Drigans said this should be resolved by our next meeting then. Mr.
Clark sa'id it isn't only a City matter to resolve. Mro Drigans asked whc
was responsible for resolving this then. Mr. Clark said that both
surveyors have cer�ified that their survey is correct, so he would
assume this would be a legal mattero He said he would have to check
with the City Attorney on this. ThiS was why he felt the City Council
could set a hearing date and this problem would have to be resolved
at the Council levele Nlr, Dri�ans said he though� it was up to the
Planning Commission to resolve any problems before it wen� to Councile
Mr. Clark said there was no way the Planning Commission could resolve
a survey error.
Mr. Korin said that at the time
told him the retaining wall was right
curb was three feet from his property
three to four foot difference in the
the street was going in, the City
on his property line and the
line. He felt there was a
MOTION b� Harris, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning Commission
continue until November 5, 1974, the consideration o� a preliminary pZat,
P.Sa #74-06, Zander's 1st Addition, Dailey Homes, Inc., a replat of
Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, except the North 169 feet of the
West 164 feet thereof, qenerally located South of 61st Avenue N.E.,•
between Benjamin Street & Mc Kinley Street N.E., to determine the
difference in the two surveys and get the other chanqes made on the
pZat, such as the s�reet dedication for 61st Avenue being changed from
25 feet to 20 feet, show the swale in back of Lot 6, and change the
slope to three to one on the South property 1ine. Upon a voice vote,
a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Clark asked Mr. Nystrom when he wanted to start gradinga
Nystrom said they wanted to grade this property this �all.
��� r
Planning Commissiori Meeting = October 23,� 1974 � Page 6
�'1 Mr. Korin said that before any grading is done and the hole
South of his property is filled up, they better put the storm sewer
and catch basin in, or he would have wa�er problems in the spring.
Mr. Prieditis said if this was graded before the plat was
approved, he would want them to be sure of the slope on the South
property line also.
Mr. Fitzpa�rick said the plat would not be approved if �he grading
was dane differently from what was stipulated.
Vacate that portion of a 15 foot utility easement needed for
a 30` x 2�' addition to an existing garage, located on Lo� 12,
Block 5, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition, the same being 6551
2nd Street N.E.
Mr. Harris said there were Tetters from the �our utility companies
stating that they had no objection to that portion o� the I5 foot
easement being vacation where the petitioner wants to have his garage
addition encroach on this easement. Mr. Harris said the entire ease-
ment is 25 feet, so this is a wide easement.
Mre Clark said they had received the
portion that needs ta be vacated from the
�i quite long. He said tre petitioner could
easement with the app�oval of the utili�y
the pe�itioner to have it vacated so that
wouldn't be any prablems, such as getting
legal description of that
surveyor today, and i� is
have encroached on this
companies, but he had advised
10 years down the line, there
a.�mortgage commitment.
Mr. Clark said the petitioner has a 2 car garage now for a seven
unit apar�tment building. This 30 foot addition will give him three
more spaces to make this a 5 car garage. To do this, the front corner
of the garage will encroach about seven feet on the easement and the
back corner will encroach about 32 feet. The normal way we vacate an•usually the entire strip, but there is a telephone pole
just one foot from the new garage wall. This happens to be a corner
post, which is used by the �telephone company, the power company, a�d
General Television. It would cost in e�;cess of $2,000 to move this
pole. The utility coinpanies do no� want to move �his pole, and have
given permission for ichis garage to be one foot from the pole.
Mr. Drigans asked if this could be a safety hazard. Could
someone climb on the garage and then climb ,the pole? Mr. Clark
said the pole has no pegs on it, so this shouldn't be a problem.
MOTION by Drigan, seconded by Blair, that the Planning Corrimission
recommend to Council approval of the vacation request, SAV #74-04, by
Jerry Guimont, to vacate an .zrregular strip of land �ying within a Z5
foot utility easement at the rear of Lot Z2, B.Zock 5, Rice Creek P1aza
South Addition, Anoka eou�nty, the same being 6551 2nd Street N.E.,
lying 5outh of the North Iine of said Lot 12, and adjoining the Westerly
Iine of said 15 foot utility easemen� described as folZowsa Commencinc�
ai the Northeast corner of �aid Lot 12; thence West along the North
Zine of said Lvt I2, a distance of 11.50 feet; thence South and para11e1
Planning Commission Meeting - October 23, 1974 Page 7
with the West Zine of said Lot 12, a distance of 8.40 feet to the
point of beginning; thence continuing along said para11e1 line a
distance of 24.70 feet; thence West and paraZle� with the North Zine
of said Lot 12, to the Westerl� line of said 15 foot utility easement;
thence Northeasterly along the Westerl� Zine of said 15 foot utilit�
easement to a point 8.40 feet South of the North Iine of said Lot 12;
�hence East and para11e1 with the North Zine of said Lot 12, to the
point of beginning, to aZlow fhe construction of a 30 foot x 24 foot
addition to an existing garage. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye,
the motzon carr�ed unanimously.
MOTTON by Harris, seconded by Blair, that �he Planning
Commission receive the Zetter sent to the Anoka County Attorney by
four citizens of Fridley, and the Zetter from Weaver, Ta11e & Herrick,
sent to the Cit� Council, dated October 21, 1974. Upon a voice vote,
a11 �oting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Drigans said he hoped that these four citizens were genuinely
in�erested in �he enforcement of the open meeting l�w and not pursuing
this m�tter for political reasonso He said he was opposed to the
Planning Cammission being used for political purposes.
Chairman Fitzpatrick said this is. in the hands of the County
Attorney nowo
Mr. Drigans said the Pl�nning Commission had set aside one night
a mon�h, the same night as the Public Hearing meeting o� the City
Council, for having their workshop mee�ings. They hadn't had one
in October, and he thought they should requ�st one for November.
Mr. Clark said he though� November 18th would be �he Public Hearing
night for the Council, because November llth was a legal holidayo
Mr< Clark said he thought he should check with
the City Attorney, to see if these meetings were in
open meeting law. There may have to be some notice
Virgil Herrick,
violation of the
given for �hese
Mr. Harris said he thought Mr. Huff should be invited io make
his presentation at the next Planning Commission meeting.
1�IOTION by Harris, seconded by Drigans, that Mr. Huff make his
preseritation to the Planning Commission on November 6, .Z974. Upon a
voice vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimous.Zy.
Mr. Harris saicl he had an occasiQn for visiting in the Riverview
i3eights area recentlyd He said that during the flooding in 1965, he
had felt that this was a disadvantaged area, and was pleasently,r sur-
Planning Commission� Mee�ing = October 23, 1974 Page 8
prised to find what a nice area this has becomee He said it had
a small town atmosphere with very light �raf.fic. He said he was
�� impressed with the neighborliness shown, and a lot �f people were
just out walking.
Mr. Clark said this area had come a long way in the last few
years. Mro Harris said the lighting in the area was very we11 done.
Mr. Clark said there was so much ccnfusian on how N.S.Pe charged
for underground utilities, and as the Planning Commission usually
requested underground utilities on new plats, he thought a represent-
ative of NeSoP. should be asked to a Planning Commission meeting to
explain their policyo
Mre Fitzpatrick said Mr. Clark should make these arrangements
and if the representative could come �o their next mee�ing on November
6, I974, �his could be added to the agendae
Chairman Fitzpatrick adjourned the meeting at 9:50 P.M.
� Respectfully submit�ed,
� ,.
G��?.,Ti� 2�.-�.�
Doro�hy enson, Secretary
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