PL 03/12/1975 - 7508� ; CITY OF FRIDLEY AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 12, 1975 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORQER:� PAGES ROLL CALL: : APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: FEBRUNRY 19, 1975 1-`4 RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CQMMISSION MINUTES: JANUARY 5-�::�: 21, 1975 RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: FEBRUARY �7 - 9 � 18, 1975 � RECEIVE PARKS & RgCREATION COMMISSION.SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: l.b FEBRUARY 24, 1975 � �• RECEI1lE BOARD OF AFPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: FEBRtYARY 11 - 14 � � 25, 1975 1. (;ONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARING',: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE 15 - 18 ' PERMIT, SP #74-17, BY GEORGE 4JAL�UIST: To permit the construction of 'a building for rust-proofing of auto- mobiles, etc., per Fridley City Code, Section 205.131, (A,1�), in an M-1 zone (light industrial areas) to be• located on Lot 5, of proposed plat, Herwal� Rice Creek Terrace, the same being 1271 Rice Creek Road N.E. P bl ' u ic Hearing open. AfiJOURNMENT: . Informal workshop meeting discussing changes in the Fridley City Code will follow the conclu on of the regular meeting �91 � �� �y _ ` �3a � � �' � � � � �� _ � �� �� �-� 1� , . � . . . � . . � . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ..fi . . .. .� . � GITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 19, 1975 CALL T0 ORDER: Vice Chairman Harris called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. RQLL CALL: �AGE 1 Members Present: Harris, Lindblad, Blair, Drigans, Langenfeld Members Absent: None Others Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: JANUARY 22, 1975 Mr. Langenfeld said he would like the comments on page 10 clarified. He said that the basic concerns were what the Planning Commission should have, rather than him as an individual. Concern number 2 should read that if this Committee decides to tax the individual, it would be d�fficult to get community support. Concern number 5 should read check sources of immediate funding to see where the Bikeway Committee would stand on a Class I project. MOTION by Drigans, seconded by B1air, that the Planning Commission approve their minutes of the January 22, 1975 meeting as amended. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE THE JOINT MEETING OF CITIZEN BIKEWAY, PLANNING COMMISSION AND PARKS & RECREATION CUMMISSION MINUTES: JANUARY 7, 1975 � MOTION by Blair, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Coimnission receive the minutes of the joint meeting of the Citizen Bikeway, Planning Commission and Parks & Recreation Commission of January 7, 1975. Upon a voice vote, a1.Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. � 0 Mr. Drigans said he wouTd like to discuss if and how priorities were established in requesting funding for various projects with Mr. Boardman at their next workshop meeting. Mr. Langenfeld said he thought the Citizen Bikeway Committee had done a good job and had worked very hard. Mw. Clark said they had set a goal and have kept on schedule, which was an accomplishment in itself. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION GOMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: JANUARY 20, 1975 MOTION by B1air, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the January 20, 1975 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting of January 20, 1975. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE BUILDING STRNDAR�S-DESIGN CONTROL SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: JANUARY 23, 1975 MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Drigans, that the PZanning Commission receive the minutes of the Building Standards-Design ControZ Subcommittee meeting of January 23, 1975. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �� � -- Planning Commission.Meeting - February 19, 1975 Page 2 RECEIVE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MINUTES: JANUARY 28, 1975 � MOTION by Drigans, seconded by B1air, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Board of Appeals 5ubcommittee meeting of January 28, 1975. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONTINUED• PUBLIC HEARING• REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #74-17, BY GEORGE WALQUIST: To permit the construct�on of a building for rust proofing of automobiles, etc., per Fridley City Code, Section 205.131, (A,10), in an M-1 zone (light industrial areas) to be located on Lot 5, of proposed plat, P.S. #74-08, Herwal Rice Creek Estates, the same being 1271 Rice Creek Road N.E. Public Hearing open. Mr. Clark said the petitioner has not responded as yet. ?he person who will operate this business is from out of state. He said this had been on the Planning C:ommis:ion agenda for at least 60 days, so he wouTd write to the petitioner and tell him to respond so that action can be taken on this request, one way or the other. Mr. Drigans said the Planning Commission had requested specific informa- tion about this operation and felt that when they received this information they would still have to deliberate on this information before�a decision could be made. He said their original motion had been to continue this request indefinitely. Mr. Cla rk said that enough time has passed so that action should be taken. MOTION by BZair, seconded by Lindb�ad, that the Public Hearing for the xequest for a Special Use Permit, SP #74-17, by George Walqu�st be continued until � March 5, 1975 only to a11ow the administration time to cantact the petitioner. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A REZ'ONING Rf QUEST, ZOA #74-05, BY RAO MANUFACTURING COMPANY: To rezone from C-2S, general shopping areas to M-1, (light industrial areas), Lots 3- 15, Lots 27 - 32, and �arts of Lots 2 and 16, all in Block 9; vacated alleys in Block 9, and the East Ha1f of vacated Main Street lying adjacent to Block 9; all being in Lowell Addition to Fridley Park, the same being 200 Mississippi Street N.E. Public Hearing closed. Mr. Robert A. Olson, and Mr. Richard A. Olson of RAO Manufacturing Company were present. Vice Chairman Harris said that although the Public Hearing was closed, if the petitioners had any questions or comments they could do so. Mr. Clark said this request was continued until we couTd get a response from our City Attorne•y on whether this was an allowed use in M-1 zoning. Mr. C1ark said he did write to the City Attorney and this letter was on page 35 in the agenda and the response from the City Attorney was on page 36 and 37. He said this response does go into some detail on the Code, but the basic response was that this would be a permitted use in a M-1 district. � MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Blair, that the Planninc� Commission receive the letter from RA0 Manufacturing Company dated January 10, 1975, the memo from Darrel C1ark to Virgil Herrick, City Attorney dated January 23, 1975, and the memo from the City Attorney dated January 30, 1975. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, _� Planning Commission Meeting - Februar.y 19, 1975 Page 3 the motion carried unanimously. � Mr. Drigans said he felt that the question on whether this business was an allowed use in M-1 zoning has been answered to his satisfaction by the City Attorney. He said he didn't know if the Planning Commission had discussed any other stipulations. -- Mr. Clark said the stipulations had been pretty well covered by the Building Standards-Design Contro1 and Board of Appeals Subcommittees. Ne said both these subcommittees had recommended approval subject to the rezoning being approved. Mr. Clark said the only stipulation that shoujd be made was that this business meet the noise transmission section of the City Code and the P.C.A. standards. He said he was sure the petitioner was aware of these standards. MOTION by Drigans, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of the rezoning request, ZOA #74-05, by RAO Manufacturinq Gompany, to rezone from C-2S (general shopping areas) to M-I (Zight ind�strial area^), Lots 3 through 15, Lots 27 through 32, parts of Lots 2 and I6, a11 in B1ock 9; vacated alleys in Block 9; and the East Ha1f of vacated Main Street lying adjacent to B2ock 9, a1I being in Lowe11 Addition to Fridley Park, the same being 200 Mississippi Street N.E. with the stipuZation that RAO Manuafacturing Company meet a11 the noise tran�-_ ' mission requirements of the Fridley City Code and the M,�.C.A. standards. Upon a roZ1 ca11 vote, Lindblad, Blair, Drigans, Harris a1I voting aye, no nays, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Clark told the petitioner he would send them a copy of the City Attorney's � memo. 3. REQUEST FQR A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #?5-01, DEAN.HARMON: SpTit off the Easterly 8 feet of the North 1/3 of Lot 4, except the East 85 feet, except the West 25 feet, and except the North 30 feet for public utilities and street, Auditor's Subdivision No. 108, (Parcel 440) and add it to the East 85 feet of the North 1/3 of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 108, (Parcel 450), the �ame being 1600 and 1618 Onondaga Street N.E. Mr. & Mrs. Dean Harmon, 1618 Onondaga Street N.E. and Mr. & Mrs. Charles � Brisbin, who are purchasing 1618 Qnandaga Street N.E., were present. Mr. Clark said that Mr. Harmon �wns both parcels. When the attached garage was built at 1618 Onondaga Street an error was made and this garage infringes on the next parcel by 3 feet. This parcel is 85 feet and with the additional 8 feet the lot will be 93 feet wide. Then the garage will meet the sideyard requirement � of 5 foot. The remaining parcel will be 80 feet wide and this wi11 meet the front yard and area requirements of the code. This lot split was an obvious thing that should be done, to place the garage on the proper lot. The administration would like one stipulation and that was to obtain a fifteen foot triangle on the Northwest corner of parcel 440 (1600 Onondaga Street N.f.) for future radius on a street that will proaably go in sometime on the Western boundary. Mr. Harris said that request had not been before the Plats & Subdivisions- Streets & Utilities Subcommittee. Mr. Clark said that at the time this request � was made, the petitioner had a loan closing that would have prohibited the're�being time to schedule this meeting. Because of the cancellation of the February 5th Planning Commission Meeting, there would have been time, but as this was a fairly simple split, he felt that it would not be necessary to have this go to the Sub- _ /'1 �. � Plannin Commission Meetin Februar 19, 1975 _ _ Page 4 �— — — — — — -�- --- — --� —. Cb�nittee. Mr. Harmon said he was selling his property at 1618 Onondaga Street N.E. and just bought the adjoining parcel so he could split off the 8 feet. Mr. Harris asked if the street on the Western boundary was improved. Mr. Clark said it wasn't. It was part of a future street that fits in with a street pattern that would exit out to Lakeside. At the time this street would be put in, the other ha1f of the street would be taken from Lot 32. � Mr. Clark said that at the time the house and garage were built at 1618 Onondaga Street, the City �tid not require a verification survey and this was how the garage was incorrectly located in the first place. According to the applica�tion for the building permit, this garage was to be located 5 feet from the present lot line. Mr. Harmon said he was agreeable to the dedication of the 15 foot triangle on the Northwest corner of what will be 1600 Onondaga Street N.E. MOTION by Blair, seconded by Drigans, that the Planning Commission recommend to Counci.I approvaZ of the request for a 1ot.split, L.S. #75-03, by Dean Harmon, to split off the Easterly S feet of the North I/3 of Lot 4, except the East 85 feet, except the West 25 feet, and except the North 30 feet for public utilities and street, Auditor's Subdivision No. i08, (Parcel 440) and add it to the East 85 feet of the North 1/3 of Lot 4, Auditor`s Subdivision No. I08, (Parcel 450), the same being �.600 and 1618 Onondaga 5treet N.E., subject to a 15 foot triangle being dedicated on the Northwest corner of Parcel 440 (1600 Onondaga Street N.E.) for future radius , on the street easement. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: MOTYON by B1air, seconded by Lindblad, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a vaice vote, a11 voting aye, Vice Chairman Harris declared the Planning Commission meeting of February 19, 1975 adjorned at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ���� �C� a�2s-�-c./ �i��� Dorothy fv on, Secretary i' ;� � +c�' ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CO�Il`'IISSION Ja:�uary 21, 1975 ,/'1 . . MCMBERS PRESENT: Jim Lan�enfeld, Tom Sullivan, RussQ11 Houck, I.eRoy Oquist, • LeeAnn Sporre, sr►d Bob Erickson . � Mt;MBERS ABSENT: Mary Martin - Chair�an Langenfeld opened the m�eting at 7:40 p.m. . Mr. Langenfeld read com-nunications r�ceive3 from I�Iary Martin in rzgards to her absence. 0 MOTI0:1 BY IFEAvv SPORRE T0 AMEND THE MOTION UAIDER THE DISCUSSION OF ARMO�Y OF T:�E DECEMBER 17 MINUTES T� READ, "CITY COUNGIL SHOUI.rJ P,EQUI?'•E AN ENVIRON�NTAL ASSESSrIENT Or THE CITY IF THEY ARE T� TAI� THE. AREA BEHIND COLIT�IBIA ARENA." Secanded by Russ.Il Houck. Upon a voice vote, the motion carried unani�ously. � MpTI'�;V gy LEEADi�1 SPOP.RE T0 ADOPT T;� DECE�IB�R 1.7, 1974 MINUTES. Seconded by Russell Houck. Upon a voice vote, the �otian carried. . DISCUSSIO\ 0'� BUDG'�T rir, i,angenfeld gave an explanation of the budget which was requested at the last cn�eting. He state3 that the balanee of the 1974 budget could no� be carried aver into 1975 because of auditing procadures, the books arz close3 at the end of the year. He indicated the hudget included printing eosts, +� secretary's salary, and other e�p�nses. ENVIROI�n`'�NTAL POLICY ORDI�`iAI�E Mr, I,angenfeld said the discussion h�d been brought up at the last m-�eting to possibly begin s�tting up an ordinance wit:� the help of tachnical and quali.fied : � assi.stance. ,• I,eeAnn Sporr� said she had besn working with the State Planning Agency.' There had been a consultant study done (�iayworth & Anderso n) for the Minnesota Environmental .Quality Council, and one of the proposals was the sugg�s'4ion of decentralization of environm��ntal impact systQms. Lee�nn sai3 she proposed to them possibly usino Fridley as the mod�l pilot pr�ject, �nd providing us with the techni.cal assistance for environmental planning. She said they had • never �ad this tvpe of a requsst before where there is direction along with development. She said Jerry Boardman was to attend the meetin� on Monday but she had not hear3 of tne oatco�nz of that me�ting. Mr. Langenfeld said he had spoken with Jerry Boardman who had attende3, but they never got around to the topic, which would be cflnsider�d at a later date. Mrs. Sporre said she w��uld like to see the FEQC begin working with the State Planning Agency. MOTION BY LEEANN SPORFE Ti1t1T THE FEQC P.ECON�fEND TO CITY COUNCIL THAT TFIEY B�GIN NEGQTLATIONS WITki T1IE STl1T� PI.ANNI�IG AG�NCY TO S��I�. �CHNIC.AL ASSIST�INCE IN TIIE DRAFTING OF AN E"FVII'.O�I:tENTAL POLICY PL-'�N FOIt TI� CTTY SO TI;AT r� MOD�L Ol�'DIi�tANCE CAN BE ADOPTED. Seeonded by Tom Sullivan. Upon a voice vote, the �otion carried � tu�animously. . - r"'� s �, Page 2 � FEQC & CITY AD�[INISTR.ATION ' r„` Mr. Langenfeld said Oick �obiech, Publ.ic Works Director, had been designated to work on any projects involving the environment. This would include referrals � from Mr. Sobiech, and reco:nmendations from the �o:�miission, Mr. Langenfeld referred to the Stor:n Sewer Praposal. Through the request of the City Council, the F�QC will receive the preliminary plans c�E' this proposal which is located sauth of Mississippi, east of Highway 65, and norCh o.f 61st, prior to going to Council. The commission will receive a21 information, maps, and anything that affects the envir�nrnent after completion of studies in the;future. Le�Ann Sp�rr� felt som�one ir�m the Engineering Department should be at this . meeting before the mesting where it is to be considere3, so the co:n�nission knows beforehand what is going on, At the last meeting the m�tio� had been cnadp by Le�Ann Sporre to reco�nnend to the Parks Coaunission to revise the Co�prehensive Parks Plan to include the North Park Natur<: Center and incorporate it into the use of their plan. Mr. I,angenfeld said he checked on this matter and Council d�finitely f�els thi� should be a part of the pl�.n. It would be put as part �f an appendix or a�3ition to the Parks Co�prehensive Plan, but �othing will be finalized until February. 1�Ir, T,ange.zfeld ,s�ated it was importa:�t to be �au�ious and not let Che environm�nt . be the main concern and force business pr�spects out of the City, he felt progress, industry, and environm�nt can and should work together. Mr. Langenfeld asked me:mbers �o rea3 zoning in the Co3� Book, 205.02 to 205.071, . n "district regulations." He asked if they would bring any co�nents on thess ordinances at the nex� mzeting, along with reco�cn�ndations as to how �each cornmission mamber thought it wc�uld affect the environm�nt. GENERAL DISCUSSION I,e�.Ann Sp�rre brought up the parking lot prop��sa1. She suggested intsreste3 members attend the Planning Coannission m�:eting in reviewing the project on Wednesd�.,v, January 22. This was not on the Planning Commission agenda. The discussion of the Arueory wo�ald be postponed until the next meEtin�. (Copies of information regarding the Armory wili be s.nt to �ach m�mber), Mr. Langenfeld sai8 'the next maeting's agenda wiil i.nclude discussion of'parking proposal, code book, and a brief discussion of the FEQC model praposal for enviromm�ntat ordinances. Mr. Langenfeld said he w�uld a�k a staff m�mber from the �n�ineEring Degartment tb attend the next �eting. . ADJOURVrtENT MOTION by Bob Erickson to adjo�irn the mseting. Seconded by LeRoy Oquist. Upon a voice vote, the a�o*_ion carried and the meeting adjo�arned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, . n ,� i.�.+4;;' � ����� � � � � ^ � � ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION February 18, 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Langenfeld, LeeAnn Sporre, Mary Martin, Bob Erickson, Russell Houck, and Tom Sullivan MEMBERS ABSENT• OTHERS PRESENT: LeRoy Oquist Dick Sobiech and Arnold Bloomquist Chairmrin Langenfeld opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m. � APPROVAL OF MIN?TTES MOTION by LeeAnn Sporre to approve the mi.nutes of January 21, 1975. Seconded by Russell Houck. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR Mr. Langenfeld introduced Mr. Dick Sobiech to the committee, explaining he was to w ork with the committee on environmental ralated topics. Mr. Sobiech said they had discussed the role of the FEQC at previous m�etings, He said they do not exactly know wher� the FEQC stands to date. The City had been directed previously to submit a storm sewer plan for review and comments by the FEQ^, only under Council direction, This is an extension of the Aarris Lake Estates. In the future this will be discussed with Council and they will decide which way to go. Presently, they have �o xules or policies to follow. LeeAnn Sporre asked if they had a chance to look at the Hayworth-Anderson report. Mr. Sobiech said they had not. Mrs. Sporr� said� they do not have the expertise in Fridley to do somethin� like this alone. Mr. Sobiech agreed with this and said they should have professional people working with the FEQC who are familiar with the environment. Mrs. Sporre commented that it should be the determination of who should made the decision on envixonmental significance, she felt the final determination should come from the citizens. Mr. Sbbiech stated that sometim�s citizens can get too concerned with their ideas, and lose sight of the overall benefits to the City. Mary Martin felt this was true with the staff representatives as well, she felt it would be a good idea to get a staff person and a CotYUnission that can work together. � LeeAnn Sporre said the major question would be the significance. Mr.�Sobiech said the staff could prepare an environmental assessment for the committee's review to gather their data, in the form af a factual report. This would help determine whether there was to be significant detrimental affect. Mr. Sobiech said they could get involved with policies, he would like to see. something quickly so the City can cooperate. MODEL PROPOSAL Mrs. Sp�rre introduced Mr. Arnold Bloomquis� from National Biocentrics. Mr. Bloomquis,t spoke of a recent motion at the state EQC to adopt the concept of this Modei Ordinance instructing their staff to look at it. Mr. Bloomquist explained the processes that an environm�ntal policy act would go through. He said the new rules and regulations for considering environmental impact statements would require that highway departments and State agencies prepare guideliaes for their consideration and xeviewal, sub�ected to EQC for review. He said that the Hayworth-Anderson report suggests that munici- palities greater than 25;000 would be requi�ed to follow the same regulations to d�termin when and how it would be prepared. Mrs. Sporre commented that she thought t�iis wou�d work. � 6 Page 2 � Mr. Bloamquist said this would give the City the opportunity to consider preparing a new comprehensive plan, onnthe basisuofltheldevelopmentrofntheecomprehensivenplan. '� the resources of the City Any developer would be rsqusaid he wasSSUreathemdecentralizationpprocess willroccur. the staff. Mr. Bloomqul ot to be re uired in the_earliest stages to consider Project proponents have g q armits the sensitive environmental affects of projects. The kind of ordinance which p.. planning have got to occur within those projects developed. Mr, Sobiech said they Would be interested in pilot projects and a comprehensive plan, Mr. Bloomquist said that if the FEQC was interested in proposing Fridley as a model ordinance, National Biocentrics was more than anxious to work with them. Mr. Langenfeld commented that he felt it was advantngeoM�,tBloomhuistafeltnthis the FEQC was now a memver of the Planning Commissio . 9 was one step forwar3. Mrs. Sporre said that Council had concurred with the FE�C following this direction at the January 20, 1975 Council meeting. GENERAL DISCUSSION Further discussion was held on the format of the model proposal and how it would be drafted. Mr. Langenfeld recommended the formation of a subcommittee to begin working on something and bring it back to the Commission by the next meeting. . Mrs. Sp�rre said she w�uld be willing to draft some type of regulations for an environmental ordinance. LeeAnn Sporre brought up the topic of the armory. She felt it was the :�ational � Guard's responsibility to prepare an environmental assessment. Mr. Sobiech explained this was useless if there is a negative response to the armory, it would be a w,aste of time, effort, and money to look into this. Mrs. Sporre said there had been no implementation. Mr. Bloomquist said they could request an environmental xeview from the National Guard. He said that either this Commission or a City official could send a letter requesting that the Guard prepar� an environmental asspssment. Mr. Bloomquist emphasized though by doing this, you may do more harm than good unless this topic comes back to life. Mrs. Sporre asked Mr. Sobiech about"the envirestedtthiseplan?prMreaSobiech explained national guard armory and asked if staff requ they had reviewed it as far as the location was concerned, on an acceptable site of City owned property. He said this was the only property that was not dedicated for park purposes. Mr. Sobiech said they do try to remain cognizant of environmental problems in their involvements. , �he commission discussed the parking lot proposal and Mr. Langenfeld asked where the City stood on this particular proposal? Mr. Sobiech said they had talked with a developer but he never came back. Mr. Langenfeld asked if the FEQC was going to be brought into this? Mr. Sobiech said yes. The committee discussed the Rice Creek Watershed District. Mrs. Sporre said in the present plan, there are no tools for preserving the Rice Creek adequately. She suggested a restrictive covenance in the flood plain. Mr. Bloomquist suggested that when Fridley adoQts, in their planning procedure should be the wa�er management facilities for Rice Creek. He state3 that the entire comprehensive plan and those � enforced Ordinances should have the author.ity to consider and to reject or accept proposQd development on what those developments will do to the quantity and flow of Rice Creek. r Page 3 � Mr. Bloo�nquist suggested that all me:nbers obtain pages 115-145 from the summary of the Hayworth-Anderson report from the State Planning Agency. Mary Martin asked /, that when the reports come in if each member could be notified from City Hall, so as to eliminate mailings and have each member pick up his own copy. rir. Langenfeld asked members to keep in mind the resolution the committee wishes to start with. Mrs. Sporre and Mrs. Martin agread to begin writing the philosophy to begin this project. Mr. Langenfeld asked that all members read through the Hayworth-Anderson report, the comprehensive develapment plan, and the summary before the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Tom �ullivan to adjourn the meeting, Seconded by Mary Martin, Upon a voice vote, all �rot�ng aye, the motion carried unanimously and the meeting closed at 10:24 p.m. The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 18. Respectfully suhmitted, �G�� /1_.1.1-z'iv Recordin Sec etary � n MLNUI'ES OF THE REG[JLAR PARKS AND Rr',GREA'I'ION CC1N�'ILSSION MEEI`ING, FEBRUARY 24, 1975 �. � Meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Mrs. Shirley Caldwell and after soane discussion �^ by guests, adjourned due to a lack of a quon�n. MEN�ERS PRESENT: Caldwell MENIBERS EXCUSID: Blair, Harris, Peterson, Wagar pTf�gS pRESIIVT: George Hanson, 1476 Onor�lago St.NE, Fridley, 784-5972, Concessions Lloyd Johnston, 540 54th Ave.,NE, Fridley, 560-5218, Horseshoe League Roger Plessel, 861 Overton Dr., Fridley, 560-1492, Horseshoe League Ron Seekamp, 6371 Madison St.,NE, Fridley, 560-2487, Horseshoe League Juan Salas, 5810 5th St. NE, Fridley 560-6750, Soccer Paul Brcnnm, Director, Parks & Recreation Director Judy Wyatt, Secretary HORSESHOE LF�GUE Messrs. Seekamp, Plessel, arxi Johnston were there to discuss the possibility of expanding a horseshoe league in Fridley using Cca�nons Park. � CONCESSIONS Mr. Hanson was present to discuss the possibility of acquiring the croncession rights at Moore Lake Beach during the sLmnner m�nths. • �• Mr. Salas was there to discuss the possibility of acqu�iring a soccer field in �'Fridley on which to play soccer. Al1 the above itens were put an the agenda for ne,xt'month. �'he next regular meetirig will be held on Monday, March 24, 1975, at 7:30 p.m. in the Cammunity Roc�n of Fridley Civic Center. Respectfully su�anitted, � G� udy Wyat�t, Secre to the Cca�mission � �� 1� � ^ THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF APPEALS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 25, 1975 �� The meeting was called to order by Chairman Drigans at 7:33 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Drigans, Crowder, Gabe1, Plemel Wahlberg Howard Mattson - Engineering Aide MOTION by Plemel, seconded by Crowder, to approve the minutes of the January 28, 1975 meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. 1. A RE UEST FOR VARIANCES OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 205.103, 4, B2, TO REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK RE UQ IREMEtJT, 4N THE STREET 5IDE OF A CORNER LOT, FROM 35 FEET TO 9 FEET, AND, SECTION 205.104, I, E3, TO REDUCE THE SETBACK FOR OFF-STREET PARKING FROM 5 FEET TO ZERO FEET FROM THE MAIN BUILDING, AND, SECTION 205.104, l, E2, TO REDUCE THE SETBACK FOR OFF-STREET PARKIPJG, FROM 5 FEET TO ZERO F�ET FROM A LOT LINE, AND, SECTION 205.104, 1, E1, TO ALLOW OFF- STREET PARKING IYd THE REQUIRED 20 FOOT FRONT YARD, AND SECTION 205.104, l, F3, -TO ALLOW CURB OPENINGS TO BE CLOS�R TO A STREET RIGHT OF �VAY INTERSECTION THAN THE REQUIRED 75 FEET, AND, SECTION 205.104, 1F, 4A, TO REDUCE THE DISTANCE A DRIVE�JAY IS FROM A LOT LINE FROM 5 FEET TO ZERO FEET, ALL TO ALLOta THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 16 FOOT ADDITION ONTO THE NORTH SIDE -0F AN EXISTING BUILDING, LOCATED ON PART OF LOT 18, (PARCEL 900)BLOCK 2, CENTRAL VIEW MANOR, TFiE SAME BEING 7250 CENTRAL AVENUE N E, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. (RE4UEST BY MR. CHARI,ES JORDAN, 7250 CENTRAL AVENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA.) MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Plemel, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Mr. Charles Jordan was present to present his request. A hand drawn plot plan was shown to the Board. Mr. Mattson pointed out where the various variances were needed on the plot plan. Chairman Drigans asked if there was a survey of the property available. Mr. Jordan said he did not want to get a survey until he was sure he had a chance of building the addition. Chairman Drigans stated the measurements for the variances are only approximate then as there is no survey. Mr. Mattson said the only variance that is approximate is the side yard setback from 35 feet to 9 feet. Mr. Mattson added that the Baard can �sume the plot plan has the correct measurements, and if a survey shows the measurements to be incorrect, the petitioner will have to come back before the Board. Mr. Jordan added that he was told he did not need a survey until he was sure he could build the addition. Mr. Plemel asked if Mr. Jordan was the owner of this property. Mr. Jardan answered that he was only leasing the station from Mr. Clifford Thoe. Mr. Jordan stated that if he gets approval to build the addition, that he will be asking for a lot split so he can buy the station from Mr. Thoe. The lot split would separate the station from Mr. Thoe's house and garageo Chairman Drigans said that a survey would have to be obtained before a lot split is applied for. Chairman Drigans stated he can't see approving variances without a survey. He added that this could be deferred to the Planning Commission, or the Board could make a recommendation to the Planning Commission, and they could consider the variances along with the lot splito He said.there is no sense in getting the variances if the lot split is not approved. He said he didn't think the City Council would act on the variances until they had.the minutes from the Building Standards and.the Planning Commission. � The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meetinq of February 25, I975 �,,`Z Discussion on the side yard variance from 35 feet to 9 feet. Mr. Crowder stated the side yard setback is already in violation with only a ^ 25 foot setback, and the variance is asking to go down �0 9 feet. Mr. Crowder asked why a 16 foot addition was decided on rather than another size. Mr. Jordan said the building has been there for years and that is probably why the side yard is already non-conforming. He added that the size of the addition was determined by the size of the trucks he has to work on;. Mr. Crowder asked where he works on them now. Mr. Jordan said he can't work on them in the wintertime because he has had to work on them outside the station because of.lack of space. Mr. Crowder asked why he didn't convert the existing building to accomodate the trucks. Mr. Jordam said the building is not high enough, but the addition will be higher with a mansard roof that will conceal the height. Discussion of�variance on off-street parking next to main building and off-street parking in the front yard. Mr. Jordan explained that the parking of vehicles is now all done in the front of the station and he would like to get the parking into the rear yard. These vehicles are either waiting to be picked up by the owners or are waiting �� be f�ed by himself. He said the front yard parking would be for short term parking only. Mr. Mattson explained the vehicles are being presently paxked on the Central • Avenue right of way. He added there is a narrow green island fapproximately 4 feet) along Gentral Avenue but it is located entirely in the right of way. He said he would like to see a greater measurement of green area that is defined more. He said the rest of the area is blacktopped. Mr. Mattson added the parking in the � rear yard would also make this corner loak cleaner. Discussion on variance for curb openings being closer than 75 feet to a street right of way intersection. Mr. Mattson expZained there are presently no real driveways at this location. He said when 73rd Avenue and 73� Avenue were constructed, the streets were just depressed. Mr. Jordan added there might be about 15 feet that isn't depressed. (There were no driveways located on the plot plan.? Mr. Crowder stated that it sounds like the Board would just be cleaning up paperwork by acting on most of these variances because they are already existing. He added that if the Board was.to approve the variance on curb openings to just less than 75 feet as requested, the petitioner could place the driveways anywhere. Chairman Drigans stated that curbs should be installed to control the traffic and to prohibit cars from entering the station haphazardly by coming in at, angles. He said people driving both ways on Central, angle across the intersection to enter the station. Mr. Plemel asked if it would be feasible to prohibit entering from 73� Avenue. Mr. Mattson said he didn't think this would be feasible. Mr. Mattson added that if a lot split is granted, the driveway coming into the station off from 73rd Avenue will be next to the lot line. Mr. Jordan stated he has the spouts for fillinq his gas tanks along this driveway and also a pump for diesel fuel. � Chairman Drigans said he would like to see this corner cleaned up and uniform. Mr. Mattson said this corner has been a problem for a long time and Mr. Jordan seems to want to work with the City to get it cleaned up. . �� The Minutes of the Board of Appeals Subcommittee Meeting of February 25,_tyi5 Mr. Crowder �sked if the addition would be going before Building Standards. Mr. Mattson answered that it would be, and Building Standards would be considering �f� the outside development such as plantings and curbing at that time. Mr. Crowder said he felt this property should be made to look less like a parking lot. He ^ said he would rather see the cars parked in back than the front and have the green area enlarged. Mr. Plemel asked if the property owner had run the station prior to Mr. Jordan's leasing it. Mr. Jordan said Mr. Thoe had run the station, but that there had been two other operators since that time. Mrs. Gabel said that obviously Mr. Thoe didn't object to the addition or the variances. Ghairman Drigans stated that even if the Board was to approve the variances, the Planning Commission would not necessarily have to approve the lot split. Mr. Jordan said that he had read the minutes from the meetings where Mr. Thoe had requested a lot split, and from what he gathered, the only reason it was not split was because Mr. Thoe had not followed through on it. Mr. Crowder asked how much land Mr. Thoe's house would end up with after the lot split. Mr. Jordan said approximately 7700 square feet. Chairman Drigans said the Board's action cauld be to convey only concept approval of the variances to the Council and.Planning Commission because of the stipulation that there is no final plot plan, that should have been submitted with the application, and unless ths lot split is granted, the petitioner does not plan on proceeding with the construction. Chairman Drigans also questioned why the ' variances were before the Board of Appeals before the lot split goes before the Planning Commission. Mr. Mattson said that because this item has to go before three boards, it really doesn`t matter which it goes before first as all the results are contingent upon the rest. Mr. Crowder added that going before the •� Planning Commission first for the lot split would cost money because of the needed survey. MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Crowder, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. Chairman Drigans stated he felt the Board should not act formally on the variances but make a recommendation on the concept only as there are questions that should be answered as to where the curbing should be placed and the lot split, before final approval on the variances. Also the final drawings shouZd be submitted to the Building Standards for their review. � Mr. Crowder said that would mean the applicant would have to come back before the Board of Appeals again so that the Board could see exactly where all the variances are located, especially the drivewayso Chairman Drigans said the Board could act on three of the variances, and the petitioner is aware that the Board is in favor of the concept so he can proceed with getting a survey and drawing up plans. Mr. Crowder said he could see where the Board could act on the concept for all the variances except for the curb openings. Mr. Crowder said that by approving 5 of the variances, the applicant would be capable of going ahead with the addition. Chairman Drigans said that approving the side yard variance would allow him to build the addition. The othex variances are clearing up a situation that is existing. He said the Board could approve them all, except for the curb openings, b�t then the applicant could sag he doesn't want that variance. � ine riiiiu�e5 v� �„� Mr. Jordan stated he doesn't see how the driveway off from 73� Avenue could be changed because of an existing light pole, street sign, and highline pole, and �,�� with the addition, there just isn't any room to change the entrance. He added the one entrance off from 73rd Avenue is between �he lot line and a light pole and sign, and is used by the gas transport to fill the tanks without blocking ^ the gas pumps. Mr. Crowder asked what the 75 foot setback is measured from. Mr. Mattson read from the Code, "The edge of the curb opening shall not be closer to the nearest portion of a street right of way intersection than 75 feet, or 2/3 of the lot width (whichever is smaller�." Mr. Crowder said the driveway setback would then be from the curb and not from the property line so the driveway on 73rd Avenue could legally be 60 feet from the curb on Central which would leave 30 feet for a driveway. Mr. Jordan said because his tanks are located alonq this driveway, there is about 12 feet that cannot be used, which would result in only an 18 foot driveway. Mr. Crowder s�ated the curb opening variance should be studied by the administration to come up with a proposal that will be restricting on Central Avenue but unrestricting enough to keep traffic flowing. Chairman Drigans stated he felt the entrances off from Central Avenue should be closed to prevent diagonal entrances by the �',.raffic. He agreed that the administration should eome up with a reasonable traffic flow pattern for this station. MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Plemel, to recommend to the City Council, based on a successful lot split and approval by Building Standards, concept approval on reducing the side yard setback on the street side of a corner lot from 35 feet to 9 feet, and on reducing the setback for off-street parking from 5 feet to zero feet from the main bui.lding, and on reducing the setback for off-street parking from 5 feet to zero feet from a lot line, and on allowing parking in the /'1 required front yard, and to deny the variance to reduce the distance a driveway is from a lot line from 5 feet to zero feet because it is not necessary, and to defer action to the Council when proper information has been made available, . on the variance to allow curb openings to be closer to a street right of way intersection than the required 75 feet, because of inadequate information and with the Board's suggestion to restrict diagonal entrances on Central, and let the Council grant the final action on the variances after the Planning Commission and Building 5tandards submit their recommendations on the lot split and addition. The recommendation of concept approval is made because of the hardship in Mr. Jordan's wanting to add a bigger stall onto his building to allow him to work on equipment, not possible now because of cold weather. Upon a voice vote, there being no nays, the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Drigans at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 2� . � �� MARY HI Z Secretary � � � ^ � OFFICIAL NOTICE CITY �OF FRIDLEY PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby give that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6931 Uriiversity Avenue Northeast on December 18, 1974 in the Council Chamber at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of: A xequest for a Special Use Permit, SP #74-17, by George Walquist, to permit the construction of a building for rust-proofing of automobiles, etc, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.131, A, `� 10, in an M-1 �one (light industrial areas), to be located on proposed Lot 5, of a new preliminary p1at, P.S. #74-08, by George Walquist, all lying in the South Half of 5ection 13, T-0, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. ^ Generally located 240 feet West of Central Avenue on the No'rth side of Rice Creek Road N.E. /'1 Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. Publish: December 4, 1974 December 11, 1974 EDWARD J. FITZPATRICK CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION � r ' o O' CITY 0}� F�RIULLY - 1�4I NI� f so•rn PLANNING /1Nll ZONING F012�1 � �1 �` 7s�—� NumUcr _ � , . APPI,ICAN"f' S SIGNIITURT:� ���-ca-2�= _ �C�(�.�� ,� � . > / � Address ��'��v ��,� z'� x�, � Tcl.ep}ione Nwnber � ��� �' � �i�� U i n (� PROP�I2TY OIV�}:R'S SIGN/'1J':1RC � /�ti[�--t' .,�'l��C_. Address LfZ--,� �r .�r��C%-�� �� _ , . Teleplione humber � � �' � � � v �� Street Location of Property` . Lega.l Description of Propexty r Present Zoning Classification �%� �� f Existing Use of Property �,�t� �(,� /'� ed Zoning Classificaiion, Special Use, or other request ,, � � � G'.-�"�2�1�GLLt`� ��i�cp ,�.-z� + �1-C.�; �/ ��v�1 �4'/ii�i?,_�l �c .� _r�-. ibe briefly the Typc of Use and Improvement�l''roposed Acreage of Property .���� � ��'�2.e� " � � TYPi: or �iLQu�sr Rezoni�ig �Special Usc Permit ; Approval nf � Prcl.imi�iary 1'l.,t Approval of: l;inal Plat Strects or A1ley Vacati.otis Other ' �aS.f3/ ��€'Lc Y r�' . 3 (,���) ., Has Llic Present A�pl.icant Previously Sought to Rezone, Plat, Obtain a Lot Spli.t, OUta.in a Variance or Special Use Permit on the Subject Site or Part of It?_ . {Vhen? 0 {�l�at ti��as requcsted Fce �ncloseci$�5^O—' Rec. No. �J �,/ /�2� .---t— Datc rilccl � Date of Ilcari.ng ^ � r ' • ' BLA�t1NZt:� Ar�p zor�Tt�c Fo�,M t�t,��bsr ���`� � n ' PAC7� � ;.�.i . � j�ttq �a�dert3f�ned undcratnnds that: (�a) A liat of all res�.dentn �nd �nero oi` �;a- � � � perty witllin 3G0 fect muat bw �ttocticr} j;� this a�plicattoi�. , (b� Thifi appiication c:ust be ��,n�d by cIl ' • o4�ners of thz proper[y� o� �n c�p��naCi�� ' • £iven wtiy thin in not tt�e �a�E. . (c} �Zesp�nsibility for esny deiect fn th� g�sa:- � � eeedir��s xesul.tin�; �ron tfie fai%ure rc� �;�!;r ' thc C►FitnCD nnd n�dre��es o� �,1� XeGici^nfi: . � ac�d propert� caar,erb �of prap��ty e+�it�=;c� ;���� .� feet of the pro�erCy �n queatipn, Wc�lo�i � ' � to Che unders��ned. � �.��£���C� �ad (�c�cra nf �'ro�e�-C�► �ithin 30� fcet:� . �*LRSOt;S ADDRESS ' . '�"""'*`"'"" . --;-r.,�. � � ' �,�� �� �"^...*°�'^"'+'r !" � - - - i� r � �.��r � �/�C/ �,�� , . � ' . �� ��;t;c�Ccb a� proposed Froperty and structvre �uat be drac�n on the bt�ck a� th$s �t�� P�' �tzA�h�d, GhoG�:n� the followfn�; 1. �orth Direction 2. IACACioai of F'�opo�ed atructuro ca lt��. � 3. ni.c�ens�ons af pro��rty� � ro�sQ�eci . , • �tructure� �nd �ront and sid� ���t.b��:�;�. . 4. Strc�1- F+p�es � S. Loc�tion �nd use of ed}ac�nt exi�t�n� � buildin�s {Uithln 304 ic�t). �4tQ t�nders��ned hcrc►by declarea thnt ell the facta end repre�entation,� atsted �p, tbt-o application a:e true c�n� correct. � � � � // /� � � , � ' ( ' _ - ,� � ��f�� �C.�� � � Sg��Ai'L'�� �� � �/�-��i�--Ut� �.f .___ \ '� (AF1'iICl�id'�) . . � . . �� • •«� n *itlti�7%*�$�' ��Prov�d DeaiQd B�r the �aa�ad o� Gppe�Le �fub#act .�o CI9e �'allowin� Conditiore; ' 0 � d��� �,pptcovpd n�nied • by thc. Planain� Crr.,aicrtion on �uti�Q�t Cp the 1;ollouin� ConJitionn: '"' ��Cct . ��?,n;�rc+ved Denied by the Council on S)c�b,�c[ La th� FQllot�ing C�n�itione: ' ` '"'' . dt►cc �Prc� FC 1(10 / • '• 0 ❑ � � 560-3450 . ,.� � �`� a ~ �a�te� c� � � ANOKA COUNTY 6431 UNIVERSIiY AVENUE NE FRIqLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 . February Z1, 1975 George L��alquist 4230 Central Avenue N.E. . Minneapolis, Mn 55421 � Dear Mr. Walquist: RE: Request for Specia� Use Permit, SP ��74-17 This is to confirm our telephone conversaiion of February 2], 1975. It is my understanding that the firm that �rrill be operating this rust- proofing service center is located out of Minnesota and wi11 not be back here for two or three months. I then stated that ��re could not continue the planning Commissi�on consideration for that lenyth of time, and that instead, I would recom- mend that the Planning Commission close the Public Hearinq and consider your request withdrawn. This means that if you want the item reconsidered, you would have to reapply and pay a neti,� fee of $25.00. � If for some reason I have misinterpreted our conversation or you change your mind about having the Planning Commission close the Hearing, would you please inform m� by letter or appear at the March 5, 1975 Plan- ning Commission meeting._ DC/de cc: Planning Commission Sincerely, ti' .),..1 , . �_..�.}4' f(l) , � . �C•�-'V'�._ . \ /` 4r ' .�h ;. i; DARREL CLlIRK T`� Community Development Administrator � � �3`��� � � j��.�-��.�� � � �� �� ��