PL 06/04/1975 - 31185CITY OF FRIDLEY
� At �:00 P.M. only Chairman Narris and Mr. Lindblad were pr�sent so there
wasn't a quorum to begin the meeting. Mr. Peter�on was expec�ed for this meeting,
but he had in�ormed adminis'cration that he would be tardy due �o a previous
At 8:40 P.M. Chairman Harris said they would start the discussion on the
first item on the agenda.
SP #75-04 1�HOMAS MILES:
To allow construction of a 20 it. x 30 fte greenhouse, per� Fridley City Code,
Sec�ion 205.051, 3,�, to be located on Lo� 16, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22,
zoried R-1 (single family dwelling areasj, �he same being 1370 Rice Creek Road
Mr. Thomas Miles was present.
Chairman Harris exp�ained tha� the Public Nearing couldn'� be opened until
they had a quorum.
Mr. Clark explained that on Friday; May 2, 1975, Mr. Miles was in our o��ice9
� as he was previous to �ha� daLe, asking about building a greenhouse. We never
discussed tha� location or the size of the greenhousee Mr, Clark contin��d �hai
he i�properly assumed that Mr. Miles was talking about a typical greenhouse that
you see if� the rear yard of some residenc�s in Fridley. On P�{ay 5, tvhich was a
Monday, someone from our City s�a-if drove by 1370 Rice Creek Road ard called i�
to our at%enl:ion where this gree►�house was beir�g constructed, which was in Lh�
fronL yard at 1370 Rice Creek Road. Mr. Clark said that when he researched �he
records, he realized i� was the greenhouse which Mr, Mi1es had�obtainec� a building
permit for on May 2nd. Mr. Clark said he then wen�c out and put a stop t�vo�rk order
on this construction, and informed Mr. Miles Lhat he would need to reques� a varia��c
for �he location o-F this greenhouse whic{� wou1d be 33 feei from -the stree'c rigi�t af
way, and a reques� i�r a Special Use Permit, beca�se this was a second accessory
building tha� was over 240 square feet. Mr. ��iles made bo�h these req►aests, and�
the variance was �= �ecoinmencied for appror�al by �he Board of Appeals subject to
the Special Use being approved. �
Mr. Clark said that Mr. Miles r�ad originally asked if he could gro�,�r planting
s�tock.and sell ii. Mr. Clar!< said he tol� him that he could note Once Mro Miles
was delayed, he decided he might as well ask for the Special Use Per�nit that woulci
allow him �o do this, and tha� was what the Planninc� Commission was hea.ring a� this
meeting. Mr. Miles was asking to construct this greenh�use and then be allowed to
sell p1aniing stock from this greenhouse. He said �that there were no neighbors a�
the Board of Appeals meeting objecting i.o this request, and there was no one present
at this rneeting with anyobjeciions. Mr. Clark said that if Mr. Miles was granted this
Special Use Permit, he though it should be stipulated that no one ou�side his immed-
iate family could be hired to help Mr, Miles grow this stock, and he shouldn't be
� allowed to bring stock -�rom other location to sell from this greenhouse. Ne should
just be able to sell what he yrows himselfa
Chairman Harris said this should be operated as a typical ��ame occupai:ion.
Planning Corr�nission Meetinq - Jun� �, 197� Pa9� 2
Mr. Miles said he t��ought Mr, Clark hac! explained h�is position q�ai�e well, but
r--1 in regard to the stockq he v��ould have to purcr�ase the parent stock to get this
greenhouse going. He said F�e would like to gel; this Special Use Peril�it as soo�
as possible, because he alreaaiy had invested ot�er ��i9000 in this project. He
said he already had mos�� o� the strucf:ure up. He said he had drawn a rough sketch
to obtain the building permit, ar�d it had been issued, so he had started construction
right away. He said this s:etch did show that i� wculd be ir� the front yard.
Mr. Clark said the staff did make the error. Mr. Miles was granted a building
permii., �nd he did get permission to go ahead, which he did in good faith. Mr.
Clark said part of �he reasor ihe error was made was that both times Mr. Miles
came into the o-ffice at City Hall, there were about five people a� the counter, and
we were trying ta help �,11 of the�� at th��same Lime. He said ±hat if more time
had been give;� to P�r°. r�liles, and �i.he location {�acJ been discussed, we dvould have
known right avday what he needed be�or� the buildir�g permit was issued. Mr. Clark_
said that when he was g7vzn the building per;r;it to sign, he did look up the roof
design, and stir�alated �;hat the roof load had to be 10 �ounds per square ioot. �1r.
Mi 1 es 1 eft Ci ty Nal 1 on F�ri da,y wi th the bui 1 d i r�g perm�i �, and an Monday, a.. st=�p wor!:
notice was pos�ted. ' •
Mr. Clark said th�t he d�dn't think the �lanning Commission and Council should
grant this Special Use Perm�it, j�st �ecause the staf-(' made a�� error. We mad� an
error, and we just have to accept �hat. I-le said that legally, Mr. (�iiles has sta�ed
thai he already has an $1,OOO�investm2nt in this cor�str�action, and it was already
half up, so we might have sorne responsibi7ity �th�re, if this was denied. Mr. Clark
said th7s Special Use Permi'c should be considered as if the construction hadn't
r"'� be�n s�tarted.
J' Mr. Mi1es said he had discussed �this wi�h the neighbors on both sides of this
property and �hey had no objection. Mr. Clark said they have a written, agreen�ent from
one neighbor. • .
Mr. Harris �sked h1r. Miles how he proposed to sell stock >from this gr�enhouse?
Mr. MiTes said heiri�tended i� sell from the si�e, and he worked for a wholesale florist
and thought he could sell some of h�s stock there.
Mr. Narris asked h�w he would get people to com� to this location? h9r. Miles
said r�e though� he �vould put up a small sign on the greenhouseo Ne said he didn't
think parking wouid be any problem'because they have a large lot with two horse shoe
drive�vayse Mr. Clarb; said they had between 4'00 feet to 500 feet of driveway on
this proper�ty.
Mr. Miles said he would be propagating his oUan stock from parent plants. Mr.
Clark said the house at 137U Rice Creek Road sits a long way back from the road,
as does the house on Lot 15. He said �the house on Lot 17 faces Central Avenue
and was quiLe close to Rice Creek Road.
Mr. Clark said the �easan for the locai:ion o� this greenhouse was because
the lo�t was heavily wooded. There was a row of evergreens between the greenhouse
location and the street. Just beyond the greenhouse, there were a lo� more trees
which makes a very si�aded area. Where Mr. Miles wan�s to locate this greenhouse
was the only open space where this struciure could get the sun.
Mr. Wyman �mith, who was �reser7�� on �noth�r request, pardcned himself �or
butting into �this reques��9 but he said as far as he I<new, there should still be a
statute on the books -�hat permits anyone raising farm pr�duce to sell �t most
Planning Commission Meeti��g - June 4, 1975 Page 3
any place, and he thought that still applied. He said he knew the present zoning
� codes may have had some modi�ic�tion, but our original zoning cod�s, and the
original zoning codes for all communities, did have greenho�ses as an allow�d use
in a residential district.
Mr. Harris said it was ihe size of ti�is greenhouse that required a Special
Use Permit. It was over 240 square �eet, and it was a second accessory build�ing.
Mr. Richard Wallin, 6761 Madison S�reet �+.E�, a friend of Mr. Miles, said tha�
�his was jus� a temporae�y building that �NOUId only be up about five years. Mr.
Harris asked if this a�ould be arichored down. �r. Clark said it woulda
Mr. Miles show�d the plans for_the greenhousea There were posts tha� would
be anchored in the ground. The building had metal hoops that would b� draped
with a special plastic for° greenhousese
Mr. Clark said �ihe def�nition in tr►e City Code doesn't di�fferentiate between
a temporary and a permanarat building.
Mr. Peterson came �o �he meeting a� 9:00 P.M. and Mr. Harris saicf they could
now follow normal procedure� as they had a qu��rum.
Chairman Harris called �he meeting to o�der officially at 9:00 P.M.
' Memb�rs Present: Harris, Lindblacl9 Peterson
�Members Absent: Drigans, Meissner
Others Present: Darrel Clar►:, Commurity Gev�l�pmen� Administra��ur
James.Lar�genfeld, Ex-officio Mer�ber
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission open
the Pub.Zic tlearing on the request for a 5pecial Use Permit, .SP #75-05, by Thorrtas
Mi.Zes. Upon a voice vote, a11 veting aye, Chairman Harris opened the Public Hearing
officially at 9:02 P.M.
Chai rman Narr°i s br°ough Mr. Peterson up to date ot� the di scussi on .
Mr. Peicerson asked ii �herc was any objectio;� from the reighbors on this
reques�. Mr. Harris said no.
Mr. Clark said Mr.. Miles was a student a� Anoka Ramsay studyir�g horticult«re,
and he wants to practice this at home. Mr°. P�iles said he intended to tra�sfer 'tc�
the University o-� Minnesota to continue his educ�tion in this -iield.
Mr. Langenfeld said he had one q��estion i�or curiosity's sake. He asked P9r.
Miles if he had insured this greenhouse? Ne said he was an insurance under�wri�tE��°
and he thought Lhis would have to be insured as a commercial venture. Mr. h1iles
said he thought it was covered under homeowners insurance, and he thanked ��lr.
Langenfeld for calling this to his atten�ion, and he sai� he would check on this
n because it would be quite a large investmen� for him to lose.
Mr. Linclblad.asked Mr. Miles if {�e would ag�°ee 'co dismantl� this greenhouse
Planning Commission Meeting � J�ne 4, 1975 Page 4
and dispose o� it, if he should quit this busin�ss, and not use it for any oth�ti�
use than as a greenhouse. P�r. Miles said that was all he intended Lo use �his
� building for, and if he went out of business, he would sell this greenhouse.
MOTION by Lindblad, secorlded by Peterson, that t.�e Planning Corr�mission close
the Pub.Iic Hearing on the request for a Special Use Pc�rmit, SP #75-04, b� Tliomas
Mi1es. Upon a�voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Public
Hearing closed at 9:.I0 P.M.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Lindblad, tha� the Planning Commission
recommend to Counci.Z approval of the request far a Special Use Permi�, SP #75-C14,
b� Thomas Mi1�s, to allocti� construction of a 2n ft. by 35 ft. greenhouse, per Fridlea
City Code, Section 205.051, 3, �I, to be �+acated on Lot 16, Auditor`s Subdivision Noo
22, zoned R-I (s.zng.Ze family dwe.tZing ar�ds) t`_he same being 1370 Rice Creek Road N.E.
w.ith the following stipu.Zations:
1. I��o on-street parking be allowed on Rice Cre�k Road for this operation.
2. When this is no Ionger used as a grePnhouse, i� must be remove�.
3. T1�e greenhouse be propertly maintained.
4. Petitioner only be alZowed to sell products he propagates in �his gre�:�l�vuseo
5. This�be considered as a home occupation, and no one outside the immediate
family be allowed to wa�k in this greenhousea
�"'� iTPON A voice vote, a11 votin� aye, the motion carried u�zanimously.
DATSUN �ORIFI: To permit the sale o-F new and used cars, per Fridley Cit.y C�de,
Section 2050101, (3,B) and (3,G) in a C-2 zon� (general business areas) to be
located on the North 12G.�1 fee-� of the Eas� 20U �eec of Lot 3, Block 2, and
�the South 173.99 feet oi ihe Eas�� 200 feet o-F Lot 2, Block 2, all in Eas-t
Ranch Estates 2nd Addition, the sam� being 7810 Universi'cy Avenue N.E.
Mr. Wyman Smi�h, Mr. Roland Benjamin, Mr. Bob Schroer and Mr. Tim Nol were
prese►i�. .
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Lindblad, that the Planning Commission open
the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Perrnit, SP #75-05, by Win
5tephens Datsun North. Upon a voic� vote, a11 voting aye, Chairrrtan Flarris declared
the Public Hearing open at 9:Z2 P.M.
Mr. Clark said tl�at basically this was the same operation that �they had been
discussing for some time that was to have been located at 7701 East River Road, but
now it was going �o be a completely dif�erent location. The petitioner has wi�hdrawn
his request for the old location, and this new locaLion was going to be just nor�h
of the Town Crier Pancake House. He said there wer°e a couple of items that
the petitioner would have to take care or before they could start construction, if
this Special Use Permit was approved. One 4�;as, that ihey have to appear be-Fore
Building Standards which was was scheduled for June 5�h, and �he other was, that they
would have �o apply for, and get approval for, a lot split or a plato The P�anniny
� Commission have previousl,}� approved lot splits for both the pancake house and
Capp Homes, and this loc��ion riLS that plan which h1r•. Schroet° had shown us, and
vdhich migh� yo into effPCt at s�me fuiure date.
P1 anni n� Commi ssi on Meeti ng - J�ane 4, 1975 Pa�e 5
„� Mr. Clark said the plot plan presented shows that the plan meets all the se�back
� requiremen�s for both the building and parking. Because of the easements on th�s
property, the location of the building was som�wr�atc restricted. Whe�i 'chis request
goes to Building Standards, they will be going over° this plan more thoroughl,� an
th� landscaping9 park�ng, and how the building will iook aes�ihetica1ly. Wha�
the petitioner wants from the Planning Commission uvas a recommendation, so they
can go to the Ci�y Council and get a decision from Lhem.
Mr. �dyman �mith said that Roland Benjamin and Tim Hol were present, and
they would be running this opera�ion. There was some urgency in ge'ctir�g approval
of the Special Use Permit because they �rant to br�ak ground araund �the lst a�f
July, and be in operation about tiiree months after that. He said this new building
was going to be better for the pe�itioner�'�han the old building they vaou1d have
had with the first reques� for a Special Use Permit. ,
Mr. Harris asked if they had the elevations on �the plo� plan? Mr. Benjamin
said they d�dn'�- have tha�c �n-Formation for this meeting, but they would have i�
for the Bui1diny S�tandards mee�:ing.
Mr. Harris asked how 1arge this building would be? Mr. Benjamin said it
would be 8,OU0 square feete He said the building on Eas'c River Road was 10,000
square feet, so they would have had about 2,000 square �'eet o�F wasted space in
that building. The 8,000 squar� foot building meets the Datsun requirements,
He said tha-t it was in�eresti�ng tha� �he land cost and building cons'cruction cost
w�uld be about i:he same as if th�y could have started operations at the first
locatione This was because it would have been costly to bring the old building
up 'to the City requirem�nts and the Datsun requirements.
Mr. Clark asl<ed Mr. Benjamin what the new building would look like. Mr.
Qenjamin said it would be a block building except for the show �loor which would
be glass. The side �hat faces the highway will �ave a effec�. The roof
will be ila'c, wit{� a mansa rd �frect a11 around this roofe
Mr. Harris said tf�ey would have ta come back to �the Planning Commission on
the request for a lot split. Mr. Benjamin said theJ% didn't 4van-c to request a la�
split uiitil they exercise �heir op'cion to purchase this pro�erty. �1r. Narris
asked Mr. Clark if �chis wou1d hold them up in ge�ttirg s�t�rteci on this proj�c�?
Mr. Clarl< said he had talked zo Mr. Benjamin before this meeing, and if this came
to �he Planning Commission on �cheir meeting or June 25�th, it would go �o tf�e Cour,ci�
on J«ly 7th, and this was close enough to thPir proposed start�ng date. He sa�id
the previous tiveek was the 4th of July wcek, and he didn't think there would bt mavh
construction that w�ek. . �
Mr. Clark said that after the lot split9 the parcel thai; remains will have to
meet the requirements of C-2 zoning which was 20,000 square i�eet.
Mr. Bob Schroer said ihe proposed servicP road could be swung to the South
so it went along the 4Jin Step��ens propet�,.y. Mr. Ha�rris said it would change the
setback requirements i� this service road went right nex� to th� property. Mr.
Schroer said he could leave a 20 foot strip as a boulevard for this service road
then. Mr. Clark said he should give that 20 faot strip t� Win Stephens, as they
would probably have �o mainta�n it. P9r.Schroer said he would, if they changed
�he service dr.ive.
Mr., Harris asked if �hey ��ould have enaugh r�om an th�s parcel for tre new
cat�, used cars and customer a.nd employee parking? Mr. Benjamin said they had
Planning Commission hteeting - June �, 1975
Paae 6
an ar�� of land at their Ie694 site u�hich was adequate, and they wo�ld have �n
acreT and a i�alf at this site, so he said he d�idn°� �hink th�y woui� n�ed �to i�ave
� any additional land for storage of cars,
Mro Harris said he noticed that there was a drainage arid uf:ility easemer�t
right down the center oi' this parcel, and he ��dondered i-F this would {�ose ar��y
probl ems . h9r.� C1 �r� sai d i t vroul dn' � as �h2y co«1 d us� thi s for parE;i ng �r for
a driveway.
Mr. Langenfeld asked Mr�. Clarl: 7f �hey had go�t�n any response from Spring
Lalce Parke ��r. Clark said they hadn'�.
Mro Langen�Fe1d asked if �hey in�ended to do a grEat deal of service work9
because he noLiced that they had 9 service stalls. Mr. Benjamin sa�d that t��G.s
one of the Dats�an req��re��en�s, and �heir. �ntEO�i;ion t�ras to keep tf�esE stalls
busy if possible. He said they kn�w th�y e�rouldn'�t need this many st�11s wh�n
they �i rst s�at Led tile apera L�i ar� e
MOTIOP7 by Lindb�ad, seconded by Pei:er�sen, thuc the P.tanning Co.�i�sio�a c.1���e
the Public Hearing on ihe zequest for a Special Use Permit, SP �75�05, b1 GJin
Stephens Datsun Northe Upon a voice vote� �ZI vo�ing ayeP Chaixman Haxr:�.s declared
�he Publ,ic Hearing closed at g,27 P,M.
MOTION by Lindblaci, secon�ed by Peterson, that �he Planning Commis.sia�a
recommend to CounciZ apps�oval oz° the request for a Specia.� Use Permzt,. SP r�75�05,.
by Win Stephens Datsun North, to per-mit the sale of ner�r arzd used cars, per Friciley
City Code, Sec�ion 205e1tJ1, (3,B) and (3,G) .in a C-2 zone (general business �reas)
� to he locat_�d on i-he North �26.01 feet of �h� East 200 feet �f T,ot 3, B1ock 2P
ahd th2 SouLh I73.99 fee� of the East 200 fee�� of Let 2, Slock 2, aII in Eas�
Ranch�Estates 2nd Addition, the same being 7810 Universit� Avenue N.E., with '�1-ie
following s�ipula�zons:
Ia �ubject to the review and recommendations af the Build.zng Stand�rds-
Design COI2tPOI Subcammitt-ee.
2o Subject �o the approval of a 1ot splite
UPON a voice vote, a11 vo�ing'aye, the motion carried urzanimousZy.
Chai �riian H��!�i s said they w�ul d go baci< f:o the f`i rs t part o-f thei r agenda
now that �he Public Nearings were over.
MOTION by Lindblad, seconded b� P�tersora, that thc� Planning Commission
approve the minutes of their 1�9ay 2.Z, 1975 meeting ��- written. Upon a voice vote,
a11 voting aye, the motion carried unariimousZy.
' MOTION by Lindblad, seconded l�y Peters�n, that the Ylanninq Commission receive
�� thc Board of Appeals minu�es of the May 13, 1975 meeting. Upon a voice vot�, a11
. voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Planning Commission Meeting - Jur�e 4, i975 Page 7
MOTION hy Peterson, seconded by LindbZad, that the Planning Commission receive
the mina�es of tiie Parks � Recreati�n Subcommittee mee-':ing of May 19, 1975. Upon
a voic� vote, a11 voting aye, th�� motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Lindblad, seconde'd by Peterson, that the Planning Commission receive
the minutes of Building Standards-Design Control Subcommittee meeting of May 22, 197�.
Mr. Harris asked about the request by C�co. He asked if this was an addition.
Mr. Clark said it was a new building that was the second phase of th�ir building
program. The third phase would be for �he office building. He said ichey were
anxious to get th�ir entire operation into Fridley, b«t it was a ques�ion or �Financir�g.
UPON A VOIeE VOT", a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslye
Mr. Clark said they intended set�ing up a m�eting towar�s �he end of June
that would inr_lude all the men�bers of the Subcommitiees of the Plannir�g Commission.
1'hey planned to have this meeting start at 7:OG Peh10 The firsi, hour, �he separai.�
Commissions would meet to pick fiheir chairman ar�d v�ice-chairman. Then at 8:00, t4�e,�
wouid a17 meet tagether to discuss the duties and responsibilities of each Comiriiss�iun.
,� Mr. Langeni�eld asked if new chairme� would be pickc� each year. Mr. C1ark
said each Commission would vote far a chairman eac6� ;rear and it would be up 'to
' them how long each chairman served.
Mr. Lindblad asked wha-t was hzppening on the billboards? �Mr. Clark said
he didn't know. He said Nag�le mef wi�h the Council some �ime in May. He sai�l
that he had heard that the Council didn't vran� to rezone for these bil1boards', and
he i:hought the Planning Commission would agree with �hat. As -�ar as he.kne��r the
Specia1 Use Perrni�s would s�ill have �o be processed. �
Mr. Harris said that Mr. Lange�ifeld had received a certiiicate from a
seminar and he thought the Planning Commission'should receive it, and �t sfiauld
be included in �che minidtes.
MOTION by I,indblad, seconded by Peter.son, tllat a copy of the certificate
earned by James Langenfeld from North Heranepin College be included in the rainutes
of this meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting a�e, the motian carried unanimously.
(See page s for the certificate)
� Mr. Langenfeld said he had really enjoyed this seminar and it was very up-
to date. They ��ad covered or�in�:nces, land use, laws and groUath managemer�to
Planning Commission Meeti�cn - June 4, 1975 Rage 8
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:�10TION BY I,indblad, secanded by Peter.son, th_at the meeting be adjaurned.
Upon a voice voie, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Planning Commission
meeting of June 4, 1975 adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
,Ls� � � �.{,�?�z:J.�./
DORO7HY EVEN��N,�Secretary
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