PL 10/22/1975 - 30429�
� �
Chairman Harris called th� meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Harris, Pe'cerson, Scott, Langenfeld
Members Absent: Drigans (out of tawn), Bergman (hospitalized)
Others Present: Mrs. Virginia Wahlberg, Vice Chairperson of Appeal� Commissian
Jerrold Boardman, City Planner
Mrs. WaE��lberg said tha� on p�ge 9, the fourth paragraph under revie�r�ng
the calandar da'ces for conu�iiss-ion meetings, ii: should be Mr. Scott making the
statemeni instea�i of Mr. Bergman. � �
MOTTON by Peterson, secon..ded by 5cott� that the Planning Commission
Q,�prove the minui:es of the October 8, 1975 meetzng as corrected. Upon a'voice
vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carri�d tznanimousl
N'OTION by Scott, seconded by Peterson,.that the P1ar.ning Commission
receive ihe minutes of the Human Resources �ommission meeting of Oct�ber 2, 1975.
Mr. Scott said �hat on page 12 of.these minu�es there was a presentatio►i by
Mary Van Dan from the Lynwood Nur�siiig Hameo He said he thought it was no�ew�rthy
that this tivas the �our�h privat� busi.ness that has come to the I-lum�n R�sources
Commissian, of �heir-• own vol���ion, to ass�ist the citizens afi Fridley. He said
the oiher three were Unity Hospital, Medtronics, and Fridley Plumbing Company.
Th�y have all come to volunteer services f.or our community. He sa�d this was a
tribute to our Chamber of. Commerce.
Mr. Peterson said the Parks & Recreati�n Commission had, o� d��ffereni ac�cayions;
a roomful of seniar citizens at their meet�r�g asking for various services from the
City. He wondered if tf�ere had k�Een any comm��nication with the senior citizen
groups so tha� they tivere aware of' these offers. Mr. Scott said they took their
CE'fA person off the prajEC� she was on, and assigned her to the senior citizens
projFC:�t. At �he last sen-iar citizens me��ing, she made a presen�ation at�
�E�at r��eeting �t the Frid'ey ��r�ited hlethodist Church. Ner project was to iden�ii`y
the social service agencies in th� area that could service senior citizens.�We are
trying to compile other in�crmation so we can help them in other ways. We are
limited by the statemen� in �he ordinance which states that a Commission member
must chair a project committee, and we don't have a commiss�on member available
to chair such a projecta
� � He said h� would also like to point out that there was going to be a joint
� Human Resources meeting at �he library on October 23, 1975. He said 1:his was the
� J fi'rs�c time this had b�en done. It will include all such commissions in th� County.
He said each group would give a p�esentatian �f what they were doing in �heir
. corranunity. He said �ha� Mayor Nee wo�ld be �resent to welcome these grouns. The
meeting would also be attended by Mr•. 0'Qannon, the County Commissior�er, an� Ray
� - � - ---- -- - -- - -- -
Planning Commission Meeting - October�22;'1975���'� ������ Page 2
Bozy, who is the Humarr Resources director of the Metrapolitan Council. He said
� he would appreciate it if other members of the Planning Commission cauld come
� to this meeting so they could see what the Human Resources Commissions were doing
in other cammunities. He said there would be se�en communities represented.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanirao�sly.
14, 1975
Mr. Peterson said it might be of interest to the Planning Commission that
there seems to be a movement iri the Parks & Recreation Commission toward. the
philosophy of providing facilities rather than park programs. There were a
couple of reasons for this. One was to save the Eity's resources, and the other
reason was that it allowed the people to have the type of program that they
particularly liked. He said he thought it wou1d also be correct to say that this
was not a unanimous conserisus of the Parks and Recreation, but it was the.majority
at this time. He said that as the Planning Corrnniss7on studied their goals and
objectives, they would note that they were more facility oriented than program
MOTION b� Feterson, seconded by Scott, that the Planning Commission receive
the minutes of the Parks & Recreations Commission special meeting of October .Z4,
1975. Upon a voice vote, aIZ voting a�e, the rnotion carried unanimousl�y.
ANDERSON, D/6/A AN KOP AUTO BODY: Located at 6385 University
Mr. Fred Anderson was present.
Mr. Harris said this special use perroit had been issued to an individual,
and�now this business was under different ownership.
Mr. Anderson said he wasn't aware that he needed a special use permit for
his business until a couple of months ago when he had an occasion to come into
City Hall. He was informed af this at that time, and was told that this would
be placed on the Planning Commission agenda.
Mrs. Wahl6erg asked what effect this would have on the original stipulation
on the special use permit that this be issued to Clifford Anderson only. She said
she would interpret that to mean that Fred Rnderson should have made a new appli-
cation for a special use permit. She asked if administration had addressed.
themselves to the problem that it appears that Mr. Fred Anderson has been operating
this business for over 9 months without a valid special use permit?
Mr. Boardman said it was thought that the name could be changed on the
special use permit because it was exactly the same operation that had been
approved on the original special use permit. He said the City had received no
complaints on this operation, and the present operator of the business was living
up to all the stipulations of the original special wse permit.
Mrs. Wahlberg said she thought the stipulation was very clear that the special
;^ use permit had onjy been granted to Clifford Anderson as long as he was the
operator of the business, so she didn't see how administration could make that
kind of decision. �
Plannin Commission Meeting - October 22,�1975 Page 3
,.� Mr. Peterson asked if when a special�use permit was issued to an operator .
if there was anythir�g put on a deed or a license, so a new operator would be
aware that a special use permit was needed? Mr. Boardman said there wasn't
any license required, and this property was leased, not purchased. He said there
. was no record on the deed anyway:
Mr. Peterson asked if there was any way a prospective buyer could be made-aware
that a special use permit was need2d? Mr. Boardman said that he felt that anyone
contem�alating operating a business in Fridley should stop at City Hall to see if
there were any special things needed to operate that business. He said the only
way that staff could stay on top of these things would be to �o to an occupancy
permit. He said they would need three or more inspectors if the City was going
to require an occupancy permit every time a business changed hands.
Mr. Harris said he made the original motion back on May 22, 1974, and it was
the feeling of the Planning Commission at that time that there was concern about
tl�e operatior of this business, and they thought that Mr. Clifford Anderson would
abide by'the stipulations of the special use permit, but they didn't know what
subsequent aperators would do, and they may not have operated the business in
the same manner. This was why the special use permit was tied to the operator
of the business instead of to the property. He said there was limited parking
cn this property and they didn't want unrepaired cars standing around,'
from cars thrown around outside of the bui�lding. He said he thought that they
felt at that time that they would want a new owner to come in and apply for a
new special use permi�.
� �
Mr. Peterson said he agreed with the previous�recommendation, but it then
" � seemed to him that the City should set up some type of system so they would be
aware of when a business changed hands.
Mr. Boardman said he didn't see how this could be handled under the present
conditioris, but if the City did deny the new owner a special� use permi'c, he thought�
the new owner would have�iegal recourse from the past owner because he hadn't
made him aware of this special requirement. .
Mr. Langenfeld said we could probably add another stipulation that in the
event this busir�ess was sold, the present operator notify th� new owner that this
business required a spe�ial use permit. Mr. Harris said that if this was
to be handled as a transfer, i:hey couldn't add stipulations to the original special
use permi�. They would have to have a new request to change stipulations.
Mr. Langenfeld said it was mentioned in the original minutes that this operation
had io be checked by the Fire Marshall and the Electrical Inspector to make sure
everything was up to Code. He askecS if this business was still up to Code? Mr.
Boardman said he was sure that it was. He.said there would be periodical inspec-
tions made by the Fire Marshall because of the paint baoth. .
Mr. Scot-� said thai he agreed that there probably should have been a new
• special use permit requested by the new owner, but from the discussion it would
. seem that the new owner was fulfilling the stipulations of the original special
' use pet,mit. Mr. Harris said he felt he didn'i want to cause a hardship for the
,� present owner as long as he was operating under thestipulations of the special
- use permit.
MOTION by Sc�tt, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission recommend
to Ceunci.Z approval of ,the name transfer from Clifford Anderson to An.,Kop�,�lu�o;rBody
`"� �
Plan�in Commission Meetinq - October 22, 1975 Paqe 4
on Special Use Perrazt, SP #74-07, for 6385 University Avenue N.E.
Mr. �cott said he thought the Planning Commission was going to have to
address itself to this kind of probiem on special use pervnits. Fte said he was
sure tha� the staff did not let this happen on purpose, and there should be some
way the problem could be handled.
Mr. Harris said he could foresee a problem in transferring the name to An Kop
Auto Body, because this bu�iness could change ownership and sti11 keep the same
nam�. He thought the special use permit should be transferre:d from individual to
individual rather than by business name, otherwise we would lose control.
Mr. Scott said he would WITHDRAW his mot�on. Mr. Peterson said he would
WITHDRAW his second.
Mr. Anderson said he ran hi� business on a car in and car out basis. He
had to repair or paint one car a day in order to stay in business. He sa�id he
would like to find a largerr area for his operations, but this wouldn't be for
one or two years. He said his lease ran from month to month. He said this was
his first business venture, and he had learned a lot in the past year. Ne said
he was young, but that regardless of his age, he still should have been made
aware that he needed a special use permit by the previous owner. Mr. Boardman
said he could have been faced with buying a business that could not have continued
if a special use permit had been denied. Mrs. Wahlberg explained to Mr. Anderson
that the questions the Planning Commission had were not directed against him. It
was just a problem they were trying to resolve amongst themselves. She asked
that a copy ofi the stipulations on this special use permit be given to Mr. Anderson,
Mr. Anderson read them, and said he would agree to all the stipu1ations.
Mr. Boardman said that sending or�t a renotification af an existing Special
Use.Permi� would not accomplish much. He thought the main concern should be that
the present operator .had kept this a clean operation.
Mr. Scott said he would like to see Fred Anderson be allowed to continue his
business, but how it could be handled, he didn't know.
Mrs. Wahlberg said that when any Commission deliberates on any reques�, and
to the best of their ability comes up with a stipulation, then it distur.bed her
to think that this stipulation could be ignored. She felt that the new owner
should petition separately. Mr, Harris said if they were going to ask for a
new request for a special use permit, he thought the petitioner should be allowed
to operate while this`process was going on.' He said that if they were going to
change any of the stipulations then this would have to be done. If we only
recommend a change of name, then he thought that could be done without a new
request. .
Mr. Peterson said if the na�e was transferredfrom Clifford Anderson to
Fred Anderson, and all the stipulations stayed the same, he could see no problem
with this. They could address the problem of how this could have been handled
better as a separate issue. He said he felt they had- an obligation to protect
the buyer in a case like this. He said he thought the property owner should be
told that a business couldn't be operated on this property without a special use
permi�, �nd he should give this information to anyone w b was going to rent thi�s
Mr. Scott asked if this Special Use Permit could be issued on the property?
Planning Commission Meeting - October 22, 1975 Page 5
Mr. Harris said he wouldn't be in favor of any special use on the property.
They would lose all control of this operation then. �
� � Mr. Langenfeld said that as long as none of the stipulations were changed
on the special use permit, he couldn't see any problem of transferring the name.
. He said that if they wanted the property owner to make any future tenant aware
, -. � that a special use permit was necessary for this operation, that could be a
separate motion. Mr_ Scott said this motion could notify the property owner that
' when the present operator's lease expires; any future lessee should be made aware
. that a special use permit was necessary before he cauld o�erate this business, and
� if it was to be used for some other purpose, the City shou1d be notified.�
MGTIDN by Langenfeld, seconded by Peterson, that the P3anning Conun.ission
recommend to Council approval of the transfer of Special Use Permit, SP #74-07,
from Clifford Anderson to Fred Anderson, and that aZ1 the stipulations stay the
same as in the minutes of the Planning Commission of May 22, I974.
Mr. Harris said the reason this was tied to the opera�or of the business
was because we were trying to eliminate multiple sales of the business and
ending up with an operator who was not as careful to main�tain a clean opera�ion
as the present operator was.
Mr. Scott said th�t i� another operator let this business deteriorate, the
City would get complaints, and if he hadn't applied for a special use permit,
this would be a way of closing_down a poor operator, so m��be this was a good:
r'°'� stipulation. • �
Mr. Pe.tersan said he wanted to speak in favor of the motion because he
didn't think we should place any hardship on the present operator because from
all reports he was rurining a clean operation, but he also shared Mrs. Wahlberg's
concerin on how we could keep control of special use permits that were granted
to individuals. He said that maybe the Chairman of the Planning Commissioi� could
request that we get a legal opinion from the City Attorney on how t;his could be
controlled, and how we could give protection to any subsequen�t owner so he would
be aware of this requirement.
Chairman Harris directed staff to seek such legal opinion.
Mro Anderson asked how long this special use would be in effect? Mr. Harris
said it would be in effect as long as he operated t{�e business and did not violate
any of the stipulations. °
Mr. Boardman said he would like to see people encouraged to come into City
Hall when they wanted to start a business in Fridley to find out if there were
any special requirements for that business. He said that perhaps there would be
some way that the Chamber of Cominerce and �he City could work together on this.
Mr. Boardman said if a new business required some type of license_or a new sign,
this would be one way to catch these things.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, a1.I voting aye, the motion carried•unanimously.
'�`` Chairrrian Harris directed that a letter be sent to Mr. Ryan, the owner of
this building requ�sting him to inform ar�y subsequent purchasers of this business
• � that they have to get approval of a Special Use Permit before their business goes
in�o operation. �
Planning Commission Meeting - October 22; 1975� �� Page 6
Mr. Langenfeld said that in reading this ordinance over, he wonder�d.
where the figures under Paragraph 115.01, 2, of 250 square feet and a volume
of 3,250 gallons came from. �
Mr. Boardman said that a lot of this was regulated,throu9h..the-.S�ate �
Department af Health. He said that the Amerir,an Public Health.Associati,an also
has ordinances and regulations covering private swimming pools.
Mr.�:Boardman said the things that had been deleted and added were just
to clarify the�existing ordinance.
Mr. Scott asked if the Environmental Commission had looked at this-
ordinance. Mr. Boardman said they had, and passed it onto th2 Planning Commission
without a recommendatione
Mr. Langenfeld said this.was before the Environmental Eommission at the same
meeting as the junk vehicle ordinance. He read the motion made at that meeting
which was made by Erickson, and seconded by Sporre, to pass i;his ordinance on
to the Planning Commission without recommendationa� There was a unanimous vo�e.
• Chairman Hari°is asked if there was some reason they didn't want to act on
this ordinance? Mre Langenfeld said he could refer to �he minutes, because
�hese were public recorc�s. He said that after the motion was made, Mrs. Mar.tin
r"� asked why they were get�ing these ordinances, Mr. Olson said that when he
� started working for the City of Fridley, it became his job �o enforce these
Codes. He said he had �apdated the junk vehicle code, the swimming pool code,
�. � and the refuse code almost a year�ago,'and they have sat in limbo since that
�ime. Since he was the Environmental Officer acting as liaison to the Environ-
mental Cormnission, he thought this was a good.way to get these proposed changes
moving. �
Mr. Boardman said that in reviewing the proposed changes, that all additions
were underlined, and all deletions were bracketed.
The Planning Commission review�d the ordinance i�em by item. The fo1lowing
discussion will only note the items where the Planning� Commission�did not agree
with the�propo�ed changes. � �
There were questions on Sectior� 115.16 Fencing, which rep7aced sec�ion 115.09
in the existing ordinance. In Paragraph 1. It read: The fencing shall
effec�tively prevent the entrance of children and be without hand or foot rails
that would enable a person to climb over it. In no instance, shall the fence
allow a six (6) ir�ch diameter object to pass throu h it. The under.lined sections
are the addit�ons .
Mr. Langenfeld asked the purpose of
this was so a small child could nat get
fall into the pool and possibly drown.
ordinance were for heal�h and safety.
the 6" requirement. Mr. Boardman said
through a fence opening and accidently
He said all the requirements of this
Mr. Scott asked how a fence could allow a 6" diameter objec� to pass through
it. The fence can't allow that. That's like telling a bus not to let arms
protrude from the windows. Mr. Boardman•said probably the wording should be
Planning Commission Meetin - Oc�ober 22, 1975 . Pa e 7
In no instance shall a six (�) inch diameter o6ject 6e ab�e to pass through a
n f.ence..
Mr. Scott said when the word effectively was added to that first sentence,
it seemed redwndant. Mr. Boardman said that maybe Mr. Olson thought this would
hold up better in court. Mr. Langenfeld said he felt this word s•hould come out
also. Mr. Boardman said he saw no prob1em in taking out the work 'effectively'.
In Paragraph 2 in this same section 115.16 it read: 'The fencing shall be
at least 4 feet high and entrances sha11 be equipped with self-closinq and
self-latchinq gates capable of being locked. Mr. Boardman said the present
ordinance says that these gates must be capable of be�ing locked, but this was
no longer in the State Code. They now say they must be self-closing and self-
latching. .
A general disc�ssion followed about the safety �actor of swimming pools
and it was the concensus of opinian that almos�c any child could climb a four
foot fence, and the requirement s�ould bE ct�anged to 6 fieet. They felt ihaL
this especially app ie o a c ain in ence, ecause ey thought.small
children could climb a four foot chain link fence. �
There was some discussion about making �his a screening fence to act as
a noise barrier and to eliminate nuisances, but this.was nat agreed upon by
all members. Some thought this was a too restrictive requir.mer�t. �
Mrs. Walhberg asked where safety devices were handled in �his ordinance,
n especially in public pools. Mr. Boardman said tMis v�as covered in P.���graph
� 115.18 where State Health Department rules were adop�ed by reference. This
section was reviewed in the State Nealth Department rules, and Mrs. Wahlberg
, said it was her concern that there were a sufficient number of lifie saving
rings and hooks provided, and also that enough ladders were provided.
Mr.�Boardman said that Paragraph 11�.19 was the start of the regulations
for private pools. Mrs. Wahlberg asked by w,hat authority the City could
regulate private pools? Mr. Boardman said by the authority.of �his ordinance.
'T:t was�the consensus o-f the Planning Commission that in ordinances like this
the right� of proper�ty owners were taken away. They felt these righ�s should
be protected. In Paragraph 115.23 Inspection, they want this to read: " The
City shall be permit�ted access to all ublic swimming.pools for purposes of
inspection of the pool and equipment at reasonable times and as often as�deemed
necessary to ensure compliance with this Chapter. Access to private�pools shall
be with owners permission or due process. (The underl�ned portion being what the
Planning Commission wanted added to this paragraph.)
Mr. Boardman said he thought this section of the code was to allow inspection
of the pool during construction. He said he was sure that the inspector did not
go around checking the water quality of private pools. He said that it would
only be for reasons of health or ;afety that these pools would be checked after
the original construction. - �
Mrs. Wahlberg asked if there was any regulation on where you should drain
the water when it�was necessary to pump water�out of a pool? Mr. Boardman said
� he didn't think this was covered in the ordin.ance. Mr. Harris said he�wouldn't
want�them to be drained into the sanitary sewer. Mr. Peterson said that any one
who er�ptied a pool in his area would be draining it into Rice Creek, because that
Planning Commission Meeting - October 22, 1975 ° Page 8
was the natural drainage. Mrs. Wahlberg said she didn't tfiink that would be
such a probl.em because any chemicals in the pool water would be so diluted
�, by the time the water got to the Creek.
Mr. Harris said he was more concerned about the water going into a sanitary
sewer, because that was metered�, and the City had to pay for every gallon'of
water. He said that somewhere in this ordinance he would like to see the
statement that the water pumped from swimming pools not go into the sanitary
sewers. Mr. Boardman said that could probably be worked into the ordinance.
The next section of the code th�t was discussed was 115.25 Nuisance Prohibi�ed.
This was an added section to the present code. It read. "No person shall operate,
maintain or permit any swimming pool that creates a nuisance by annoying,
injuring or endangering the safety, health, comfart or repose of �he public."
The Planning Commission felt the wording should be checked on':this section of the�
Mr. Har�is said that some of the questions the Planning Commission`had on
this ordinance should be answered before it was sent on to the Council.
MOTION by Scot�, seconded by Peterson, that the proposed changes in Chapter
115, 5wi�ning Poo1s, of the Fridley City Code, be continued until November 5, 1975.
Upon a voice vote, aZl voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. �
^ � Mr. Scott said there had been a lot of controversy on this subject, and he
�hough� it would be appropriate to send this down to some of the other Commissions,
� . to get �heir input befare the Planning Commission acts on this. He said he knew
the Human Resource Commission would like to look at this. He thought ��� P�rks.�
. . Recreation Commission would like to look at tihis because of the beer consumpt9on
in the parks, and also Community Development.
Mr. Boardman�said �he key issue that was brought u� in th�s ordi�ance was
where we should allow this type of op�ration, and what should be the parking
requirements and other related questions.. �
Mr. Peterson said there was a separate ordinance adopted c�ncer.ning beer
consump�ion in the parks, so he didn't think the Parks & Recreation Commission
would be involved in this ordinance. Mr. Scott said that he thought that all
the ordinances that addressed themselves to the problem of beer should be in
one ordinance. We shouldn't baffle the people with having to look up three
ordinances on beer.
Mr. Langenfeld said that if 3.2 beer is described as non=intoxicating, then
why can't minors have it. Mr. Scott said .these were the kind of questions ihat
were asked at t'he Council meeting. Mr. Harris said he beliv.ed this definition was
given to 3.2 beer by the State Legislature.
. Mr. Harris said that Section 603.OE1 Persons Ineligible had a catch-all
phrase in it. It states thdt 2. Who is not of good moral.�. character and repute.
If applicanthas been an owner, manager or employee of a�saloon, hotel, restaurant,
� cafe, tavern or other business of a similar nature, the City Council may consider
the applicant's past performance record in determining whether a license shall
be granted or renewed. �
Planning Commission Meeting - October 22, 1975 Paqe 9
� Mr. Harris asked how it could be determined if some one was of good moral
' character and repute? Mr. Scott said it could be that the person had committed
a felony. Mr. Harris said that was not admiss,ible as evidence in a 1icense hearing.
� . He said th.e second part of this section was questionable also, and he thought
this should be checked by the City Attorney.
� Mr. Boardman said we could send this ordinance to the Human Resources Commission
on this aspect of the ordinance and send it to the Community Development Commi;ssion
� � on the zoning questions. Mr. Peterson sai�d he didn't think the Parks & Recreation
Commission would want to look at this ordinance at this time. He said that after
� the other Commissions had reyiewed it, and if they recor�nended that the ordinance
on beer in the parks be combined with the other ordinances, they could look at it
�' at tha� time. Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to have the Environmental Commission
look at this ordinance also.
C.hairman Harris di:rected that the 3.2� beer license requirements be reviewed�
by the Human Resources Commiss�on, the Corrunu��ity DevelapmEnt Commissio��9 and the
Environmental Commission.
MOTION by Scott, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission continue
the review of the 3.2 beer license requirernents unti.Z they get the inpui from the
Sub-Commissions. Upon a voice vote, a1.Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimous.Iy.
MOTION by Scott, seconded by Peterson, that flae P.Zanning Commission suspend
their ru.Ies and handle�the .Zast item on their agenda at this time. Upon a voice
�''1 vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Scott, that the Planning Commi.ssion rece:ive
the letter from Edward H. Dunn, Jr., Manager of the Fridley Chamber of Cominerce,
dated Oc�ober 9, 1975, and addressed to Mr. Dick Harris, Chairman of the Planning
Commission. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye; the motion carried unanimousl�..
Mr. Scott said he wanted to call everyone's atttention to the last item
from the City Council meeting of October 20, 1975. The Mayor has asked the
Planning Commission members anc! the members �'of al l Commi ssi ons to �
attend the October 27�h conference meeting of the City Council to discuss how
the reorganization was working. He thought this fell into the same category as
this letter. -
Mr. Scott said that he thought they could handle this request to have an
economi�c Commission by making this a project committee of the Community Development
Commission, but he thought that as there was no one present at this meeting
representing that Commission, that they would be remiss in taking action at this
time. He also thought this would be a good item to brin�.up a� the Octobe� 27th
meeting with the'Council.
Mr. Boardman asked the purpose of bringing this item up at that meeting. Mr.
Scott said it could be use� to illustrate how a project committee could work.
�`� Mr. Peterson asked why the decision was made to drop the Industrial Development
Commission a�; the time of the reorganization? P9r. Boardman said this was not an
• � active committee and it was feli that this could be a project committee under
Community Development also, or eise by the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Scott said
Planning Commission Meeting - October'22, 1975� ••�� " ' Pa e 10
it was in the best interests of the City to cooperate with the Chamber of
Commerce to the fullest. �
Mr. Peterson said that as a member of the very inactive Industrial Development
Commission, he.just wondered what happened to it. He said it would seem to him
that if the Planning Commission felt that industrial development was good, then
it was more important than to be a project committee under Community Dev�lopment.
Mr. Boardman said he was not saying that this should be a project committee under
the Community Development Commission, but he thought a lot of what they did could.
be handled by �he Chambe� of Commerce. He �hought what a project commitee for
ind�s�rial development should concern themselVes with was tax financing, etc.,
to e�courage industrial development. Mr. Peterson said that one of the companies
he had worked for had been interested in moving their company, and the haphazard
way this had been handled had really been an eye-opene� to him. He didn't think
it was any way to encourage industrial development in Fridley. He said that if
something was good for ttie City. of Fridley, then it should be structured di�ferently
He said the Chamber of Commerce had no authority to act as the official represen�-
ative of Fridleyg per se; because this wa� a non-profit organizatio�� and it has
other things to do. It's main function was to encourage the businesses that were
already in existence. .
Mrs. bdahlberg said she did not tMink it was up to the Planning Commission to
establish an industrial Development Commissione That would be up to the City
Counci 1'.
Mr. Peterson said that was true, but he also thought the Planning Commission
^ should be taking a stand as to whether.industrial development was good for the
City of Fridley or not. Mr.e Scot� said this could still be a project committee
- to help formulate a policy.
Mr. Harris said he �vould like .to meet with Mr. Dunn and Mr. Mittelstadt to
�ind out their thinking on this problem. He asked Mr. Boardman to coordjnate
a meeting time, and ta le� him know ►�ahen he could meet wi�tH them. Mr. Boardn�ian
said he would do�that.
Mr. Peterson said he did not think it was necessary for Mr. Mittelstadt ta
be at this particular mee�ing, because his term was cancelled at the s.ame time
that Mr. Peterson's was as iar as being chairman of the Industrial Development
Commission. He though� Mro Harris should just mee� with Mr. Dunn, and he didn't
think they would be reaciy to discuss this witF� Council' at the meeting o� October
27th. � ' �
Mr. Boardman said the .information they were looking fon from the Project
Committees was a way to make some things easier to do, and other things more
difficult to doo W� wan� them to do the resea�°ch, and then make a recommendation.
Mr. Peterso�i said that if the Council was going �o consider the deletion of
the statement that every project committee had to be chaired by a Commission
member, then he thought the Planning Commission should take a stand on this
MOTIO�V by Scott, seconded by Peterson, tlaat the Planning Commission recommend
to Council' deletion of the Iast sentence under project committtee, which sta�ed
�hat each �roject committee must be chaired by a member of the Commission.
Pl�nning Commission NVeeting - October 22, 1975 ' � Page 11
Mr. Langenfeld said the Environmental Commission has already made�that
recommendati.on which would be reflected in their minutes.
Mr. Boardman said that at this time he was not prepared to make a formal
statem�nt. He would have this prepared before the Council meeting. He said
he wo�ld not have any problem w�th eliminating having a member of the Commission
being the chairperson, but he would still like to see a liaison connection between
the Cor�nission and the project committee. The reason he would like to see�this
vras number one, it gave the citizen group a person to contact so they were not
wasting their time on a lot of things the actual Commission did not want, and
number �wo, by not having a liaison connection between the Commission and
projec.t committee, yQU are wasting the Commission's time too, by having the
entire project committee reporting back to the entire Commission.
Mr. Scott had two charts, one showing how project committees would work under'
the present ordinance, and the other chart showing how the project committees could
work without the statement that a member of a Commission had to be a Chairpersdn
of a project committeeo He said he would be presenting this at the Counci�l meeting.
Mr. Peterson.said he wou7d like to speak in favor of the motion. He said
the Parks & Recreation Commission would like to have about 10 project committees.
If a member of the Commission had to chair a project committee, he knew as a
practical matter, that they would not be wil}ing to do so because they would not
have the time. If this statement was deleted, they could appoint a citizen to
chair a prQject commi�tee, and they could bring the report back to the Parks &
Recreation Commission.
'� � Mrs. Wahlberg asked i� it would be possibl� to change the statement to read
� ." The chairman of a project committee may be a Commission member". This would
not limit it to a commissian member only. This way, if a Commission member had
. a particular interest in a project committee, he might choose to chair the meetings.
She said she agreed wiih Mr. Boardman that the Commissions would lose a degree
of control when you di�fuse �he various committees, because there was a certain
amount of input 'chat the Commission member� could bring to a project committee.
Mr. Langenfeld said he could foresee a problem for the Human Resources
Corronission in going too fast and taking on too much at one time. Mr. Scott`�said
it took a lot oT research for each area in which they have concerns. He said
they have established 8 broad areas which were developed at their seminars.� He
said they want to find someo�e to investigate day care centers. They would like
to have a committee for the problems� of senior citizens. He mentioned that this
group had to quit mee�ing at City Hall because they couldn't get in and out of the
facility. He said they were also concerned abou� having some input about help
for the mentally retarded in Fridley. He said that all �hese things needed research
and the ci�izens who would be working on these concerns, and the other areas they
were already working on, would be making their reports at the second meeting of
the Commission each month. He said ihat would be the liaison and it would allow
the different groups t� have interface with each other.
Mr. H�rris said they should wait until they had met with the Council to get
their input on this ques�ion.
�� Mrs. Wahlberg asked P7r. Scott if he would be willing to amend his motion, so
tha� instead of deleting �he statement, to change the sentence to read, " The
project committee may be chaired by a memb�r of the Commission."
Planning Commission Meeting - October 22; 1975� � Page 12
Mr. Scott said he would WITHDRAW�his motion. Mr. Peterson said he would
� WITHDRAW his seeond.
MOTION by Scott, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission recommend
to Council that in the section of Ordinance No. 'S84 that deals with project
co�nittees, that the Iast paragraph be changed to read "The project committee
may (delete sha11) be chaired by a member of the Commission. Upon a voi¢e�vote,
Scott, Peterson, Harris and Wahlberg voting aye, Langenfeld abstaining, the motion
carried. '
Mr. Langenfeld said he abstained from voting because the Environmen�al Commis-
sion had already voted to have the sentence deleted. �
Chairman Harris said they would start this review with the goals and objectives
of the Environmental Commission.
Mr. Langenfeld said the Statement of Purpose was an introduction to the goals
and objectives.
Mrso Wahlberg asked why this statement didn't read "The Fridley Environmental
Cor�nission recognizes that individuals are not separate from their environment....."
She said the statement which recog��izes that man is not separate from his environ-
ment was leaving out half the population.
n Mro Langenfeld said he thought some of the words sho�ld be defined. He said
biosphere m�ant all life contained in an area. Mr. Boardman said that stewardship
` meant a constan� watch. Mr. Boardman said thai environn�en� was ihe to�al surround-
- ings and ecology was a natural habitat.
Mr. Harris asked why this was not stated so tha� everyone could understand
it. Mr. Langenfel�d said that in Goal 2, the objectives could have been condensed
to only f, but there were others who thought tf�e additional goals. were important
enough to add to goal 2. �
Mr. Harris said he had a problem with i. This states "to foster innovative
community design". He said that innovative dESign was a catch-all phras�e for
something that was not here yet, and may never get here.
Mr. Harris said he liked the objective-m, under the second goal. "Ens�re�rnore.
effective.citizen participation through such measures as a�iequate public notice and
�eview"; and in St. Louis Park they have a sign whiGh states that a certain proper�y
was going to be rezoned. It has inserts in the sign so it can give the date of
the hearing, and what.rezoning is being requested. This sign is pu� on the �
property that was up for rezoning and is part of the hearing notice. He said he
thought such a policy would solve a lot of problems.
On object�ve b, under the second goal, which read "Promote the reduction of
unnecessary and wasteful practices in the utilization of our renewable and non-
renewable resources and the generation of solid waste", there was a lot of
d:scussion which started with Mr. Harris' comment on the conservation of water.
He said he thought a lot of water was Wasted on the watering of lawns. There was
a general discussion on how people fertilize their lawns, then pour a lot of water
on them to make them grow, and then use gasoline opera�ed lawn mowers to keep it
cut. They thought this objective was something the entire country should be using
Planning Commission Meeting - October 22, 1975 Page 13
as a guide. �
Mr. Peterson asked how the goals'and objectives of eaGh Commission would
be handled. Mr. Harris said the goals and objectives would be reviewed by the
Pl.anning Commission and they would be used as the basis for the Planning Commissions
goals and objectives. He said this would be an on-going thing because the goals
and objectives would change as situations chang�d. He said this was just the
beginning. He said the Planning Commission would have to�be flexible enough to
adjust to the community needs as they arise.
Mr. Scott said they had someone working on a referral�service. He said �here
was a federal iaw which stated that there should be referral service available.
He said this referral service could be at the metropolitan level, the County level,
and even at the local level. He said the person working was having a hard time
putting a handle on this. What Mr. Scott would like would be for the different
Commissioners to bring this up at their meetings to get some input to see what�
kind of inf�rmation �these people would like to have available at �he l�Jcal level.
He said he knew there would be some duplication of services, but he thought it
would be a good ser�ice to �he community to have some type of referral service
locally. Mr. Boardman said they should determine if this should be handled as
a private or public service.
Mr. Langenfeld•said that he noted in the other Commission's goals and
obj.ectives that there was meniion of the environment, so the awareness was already
starting. .
� � .
� Mrs. Wahlberg said these goals and objectives could help the Appeals Gommission
in some of icheir decisions. She said they were not always sure that some of thr�
decisions that they had to make would enhance the community. "
Chairman Harris thanked the members of the Planning Commission for all the
hard work they�had done on the goals and objectives, and fo'r getting them done
so promptly. He said he appreciated ail the hard work that. had gone into them.
Mr. Boardman said it should be explained to �he difrferent Commissions that these
goals and objectides may not be used exactly as they were written, but would be
used by the Planniny Commission as a guideline to establish their own goals and
objectives. � �
Mr. Harris asked why the bike lanes were so wide, and'why they dipped in at
the corners. Mr. Boardman said this was something the County did, and they
didn'1: coordinate it very well with our bikelane plan. Mr. Boardman said they
wanted to maintain a two lane system on the highway, and with the wide stripe to
show that 1:his area was not for motorized vehicles. They reasorr they were dipped
at the corners was beca�se they needed a turning lane for cars, and they wac�ted
to channel the b'ikelane over to the corner at intersections. Mro Harris said he
thought they were going to have problems with these bikelanes. Mr. Boardman said
he didn't like the way it was done, but it was done before he knew anything about
it. •
� Mr. Langenfeld said the lane change on East River Road had caused quite a�
- problem too.
P1_anning Commission Meeting - October 22, 1975 ' Paqe 14
n MOTION by Scott, seconded by Peterson, that the meeting be adjourned.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Planning
Commission meeting of October 22, 1975 adjourned at 1Z:30 P.M.
I n
Respectfully submitted,
e������c� �JJUl7/j�
Dorothy Everi on, Secretary