PL 06/23/1976 - 6587�-----
MAY 24. 1976
SP #76-07, BY NANCY MELBIE: To al ow a child care
center for ten children, per Fridley City Code, Section
205.051, 3, F, in an R-i Zone (single family dweiling
areas), to be located on Lot 12, BTock 3, Meadowmoor
Terrace Addition, the sa� being 1346 Meadowmoor Drive N.E.
, of Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, Blocks 21 through 26, and
also part of Lot l, Block 28, Innsbruck North 7ownhouses
Third Addition, to allow changes in the size of garages,
generally located on the West side of East Bavarian Pass
and South of Meister Road N.E.
76-08, BY PHILLIP M. WILLSON: To permit the convers5on
of a one family, two story house to a two family house
in an R-1 District (single family dwelling areas), per
Fridley City Code, Section 205.051, 3, D, to be located
on Lot 2, Block 1, Froid's Addition, the same being 401
Ironton Street N.E.
7:30 P.M.
6{4/76 Agenda
6/9/76 Agenda
6/9/76 Agenda
6/9/76 Agenda
8 - 14
15 - 18
19 - 25
6/9/76 Agenda
6/9/7fi Agenda
26 - 29
BY STAV'S SUPERETTE: Per Fridley City Code, Section 205.101,
3, N, to allow an outside display area fo a hydroponic
growing system, to be located on Lots 25 and 26, Block 3,
Ree's Addition, the same being 6483 University Avenue N.E.
Page 2
SCHROER: Vacate the street easement on the
Southerly 33 feet of the Easterly 2D0 feet of
Lot 4, Block 2, East Ranch Estates Second Addition
COMPANY (JOHN LOGAN): Split Lot z, Huaitor�s �uo-
division No. 94, into three building sites. (Zoned
R-2, will be developed as R-1). Generally located
at Hillwind Road and I.694.
37 - 39
(PETITION 8-1976).
40 - 41
JUNE 9, 197b
Ch&irtnazl Narris :'called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M.
Members Present: Aarris� Bergman, Gabel
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Due to lack of a
informallv, as no
Langenfeld, Peterson� Shea� Wahlberg
Jerrold Boardman, City Planner
this entire Plannine
could be made and no
_� Chairperson Harris asked if there was any discussion on the Planning Commission
minutes, and Mr. Boardman stated that every motion the Planning Commission
makes except when receiving material or opening or closing public hearings�
or sending something down to a member Commission�should be a recommendation
for approval by Council because the Planning Commission is only a recommending
body and cannot make final decisions.
Mrs. Gabel said that on page 3, the last paragraph should have read Appeals
Commission instead of Planning Commission.
Chairperson Harris asked i£ there was any in£ormal discussion on this� and
Mrs. Gabel asked how Petition No. 8-1976 came about. Mr. Boardman answered
that it was started by a group of people who live around Ruth Circle Park
who Nere concerned about total road development in that area.
Mr. Boardman pointed out that the Ehvironmental Commission made some good
points regarding the Youth Center,
Chairperson Harris asked if there was any discussion on the Appeals Comnission
minutes, and Mrs. Gabel stated that they did act on the Youth Center after
Ned Storla made his presentation� and made a motion that they were in favor
of it.
� ���
Planning Commission Meeting - Jvne 9, 1976 Pa�e 2
Chairperson Harris stated he thought there was a lot to be discussed, trut
without representation Yrom the Parks and Recreation Commission it would be
Mrs. Gabel said that on page 11 of their minutes it said that the Community
Schools had o£fered the Youth Center to come under their auspices� and it
had been previously stated that the school board was not interested in it,
She asked for clarification on that matter. Mr. Boardman explained that the
Community Schools are different from the School Board, and they are the ones
that made the offer. Mrs. Gabel asked what the Community Schools do, and
Mr, Boardman answered that they have the Fine Arts Committee, theatricals,
city band, etc. He added that there were people from District 11� xho were
involved in Community Schools, but it is not necessarily tied to the School
Chairperson Harris noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission had £ormed
a Recreation Study Project Coimnittee, and said that whenever a groject committee
is formed it should be requested that the Chairperson of that Commission
submit the names of the people on the project committee so it could go to
the City Council. Mr. Boardman said they would then keep a running acount
of project cocmnittees and what they are active in, and the Cor+missions would
be able to keep an up-to-date account of those committees and who was involved.
Mr. Bergman stated that the Community Development Commission had two project
committees now; a sign cormnittee and another for bike and walk�+ays, He said
that bike and walkways was a controversial topic and there would be some
discussion on it. He commented that the one on Mississippi Street looked
Zike a two-lane street instead of a bike lane. Mr. Boardman stated that the
bike system was not officially opened yet, and that striping and signing
xere not completed yet, Mr, Boardman explai.ned that the County had agreed
to a bike system and they had received some Federal monies that they had to
spend or lose, and that is what they did, He further explained that the
monies set aside by the Federal Government crere for edge striping. Mr.
Bergmsn stated that a goodly share of those stripes that were put down were
in the s+z�ong place, and mat�y Nere worn off already. Mr. Boardman said that
was because they went through a rrinter and winters were very tough on striping.
MELBIE: To allox a child care center for ten children� per Fridley City
Code� Section 20$.051� 3� F� in an R-1 Zone (single family dwelling areas)�
to be located on Lot 12, Block 3, Dieadowmoor Terrace Addition, the same
being 131t6 Meadowcnoor Drive N.E.
Chairperson Harris informed Mrs. Melbie that there wasn�t a quorum present
so they could not hold a public hearing. She asked if this wou2d be reschedu2ed
for the next Planning Commission meeting� and he replied it xould be.
a replat of Lots 1 to inclusive� Blocks 21 through 26, and also part oi'
Lot 1, Block 28� Innsbruck North Townhouses Third Addition� to allox changes
in the size of garages� generally located on the West side of East $avarian
Pass and South of Meister Road N.E.
Planning Cormnission Meetin� - June 9, 1976 Pap,e 3
Mr. James Lortkn� representing Darrel A, Farr Development Corporation, and
Mr. Lorin Woods, of 55l12 E. Bavarian Pa,s, Fridley, were present. Chairperson
Harris explained that the Commission would be more than happy to discuss
the petition informally but could not take any action on it at this meeting
� as they could not hold a public hearing beeause of lack of a quorum. Ne
stated that the public hearing items would be rescheduled for trhe next meeting.
Mr. London stated they were aking £or two double garages and two single
garages in each building instead of four single garages that they had now,
He said the ground cover would be increased by 16� per building� and they
felt the units would be more salable with that type of a double garage and
that was their reason £or it, He stated he had given this plan to the President
of the Townhouse Association some time ago� and also to the Architectural
Control Co�nittee Chairman, Jerry Anderson� and hadn't received any negative
responses from either one.
Mr. Woods said that since neither of those gentlemen could atiend the meetiag
he had been invited to come in their place� and he felt that since the public
hearing had to be postponed until a later date he would rather have one of
them state their position since he had gotten this second-hand and didn�t
have a chance to look over the plans himsel£.
Mr. London asked cahat his £eelings were on it, and t�ir. Woods stated that he
lived adjacent to where the first set oY' garage stalls would be built and his
own personal opinion was thaL he was against it. He asked what was the present
spacing between the garages that are presently constructed, and Air. London
said the spacing betr�een the garages varied. He said it seemed there were a
minimum of three parking spaces between any garage and sometimes four. Mr.
� Woods said that if they went along wi-th the plar.s it would eliminate at
least one parking space for guests, and this was essentially the biggest
complaint against seeing the garage sizes increased. He continued that many
times people who oxned garages still lei't their cars out Y'or convenience
Mr. London asked how this aYYected Mr, Y�oods, ano Mr. Woods replied that one
of' the larger garages would be right beside his dwelling. r1r. London said
yes� tnere would be, but that garage is being added to away S'rom t�r. Woods'
block rather than tioxards his side. He stated it afi'ected the people in iilocks
five and six in that tnere would be larger garages across the street.
Chairperson Harris asked if these units had automatic garage door openers,
and Mr, I,ondon replied that a few did, but the majority didn't. Mr. Harris
said he was wondering if they weren�t made an option but were part of the
deal if cars would be put away more o1'ten� and thought this might be a partial
solution, ru�. London agreed that it might help.
Mr. Woods said that even assuming the garage door openers were put on, the
amount of parking spaces between the garages would indicate that people who
have two cars who have single garages are still going to f'ill up those spaces
making a parking problem for the guests oY the units. Mr. London said they
had °X" amount of parking spaces whether the cars are in the garages or in
the parking lot, and what it does is reserve a parking area in a garage for
someone who wants to buy it that way, �, Woads stated that he could understand
why they wanted to put in double garages� but as it existed now the amount o2'
� space that is there would make it rather inconvenient and difficult. He added
that the space For parking was at a premium now Nith single car garages, and
he could see it xould still be at a premium as most people have two cars and
sometimes boats, recreational vehicles� and that sort of thing,
Plannin� Commission Meeting - June 9, 1976 Pa,e 1�
Mr. Woo@s stated that if everybody used their garages as they ougnt to, there
wouldn't be any problem. He added that if the double garages were allowed,
it should be mandatory that those people use thei.r �arages or there Would be � �
no outside parking. He £urther added that he just had to rely on past history
with Lhe way the situation is now when people have parties attracting many
guests and the resulting parking crunch. Chairperson Harris asked if he was
sayin� that in any case there was not enough parking there, and Ffr. Woods
stated that if everyone parked in their garage there would be enough parking,
but they don't.
Chairperson Harris said he understood they had a very viable Townhnuse Assoc-
iation� and suggested that throu�h a little education and a publicit,y progr�m
they could helpto remedy that situation.Mr, Woods said perhaps they could, but
what he was saying ti+as that when he went home he would like to park relatively
close to his own residence.
Mr. Boardman asked hovr many outside parking stalls were provided per unit,
and Mr. London replied there were 2,25 parking stalls for every unit. ?4r.
Boardman suggested designating an outside stall for every unit� but Mr.
Woods said he didn't Lhink that would work very well. He cited the example
that if :,omeone was having guests over and you came back to find your desi.gnated
space parke,d in� what could you do? He stated it wou2d be a very difficult
thing to manage.
Mr. Bergman asked if they had thought of any w�y to replace those tcaelve
Zost outside spaces, and hir. London replied.they hadn�t, He explained it
was suggested fairly recently that more garage space be provided� and he said
he thought that the double garages would sell. In fact� ne said� many people �
asked i£ two-car garages were available� and at the present time they are not.
Mr, London explained he had the surveyor take a look at it and asked what
could be done witnout the area� and this is ro�hat he came up with. He
said at least two spaces were le£t between each garage.
Chairperson Aarris said that perhaps they could think about it for awhile�
and at the next Planning Commission meeting some concrete suggestions and
recommendations could be made.
Mr. Bergman stated he thought this was very £ully covered in the minutes o£
the Environmental and Community ➢evelopment Commissions meetings. He said
the two Comrrtissions were in full agreement that they ought not lose existing
Mrs. Uabel said that from reading those minutes there wasn�t anything in the
future about a road� so she couldn't flally understand why the people petitioned.
Mr. Boardman explained the people where trying to avoid a situation that could
possibly happen in the fliture.
Chairperson Harris said that as far as railroad crossings go� he was not in
favor of' one on 83rd� but felt there should be one on 79th� and £elt the one
on 77th should be eliminated. Mr. Boardman said there was a cul-de-sac at
79th� but was not sure what would happen there. He said he would just as �
soon see 77th eliminated and no crossing to East River Road, Mr, liarris said
Planninn Commission Meetinp - June 9, 1976 __ pg�e 5
he vould agree �zt he had some neighbors xith dif£erent views� but he didn't
� Imow xhat their reasoning was off-hand.
Mr. Boardman said that he would like to see industrial property completely
cut off from East River Road. As far as 83�1 goes, he stated, he didn't
anticipate ever seeing a railroad crossing there. He said there were major
transportation routes that serviced that area (132� University and Osborne)
and he didn�t see any need £or any more service. Chairperson Harris said
there was some pressure from people in the area that they need another
crossing� and Mr. Boardman said he would liave to hear their reasoning on that.
He stated it was a very well-serviced axea and there would be a signal at
Mr, Bergman stated that for planning purposes it seemed ctear to him tnat
they should talk in terms oY right-of-ways o£ 66, 60 and 50 feet, and those
figures ought to be applied. Mrs. Gabel said that street r+idths seemed to
be a rather arbitrary thing, and developers were told different things. She
felt the criteria should be the same. Afr. Boardman explained there were
standards that are set up, but the City Council chooses to change those
Mr. Bergman asked how many feet per tra£fic lane built up to a 36' width,
and Mr. Boardman answered there were taro 10� driving lanes and tmo 8' parking
� lanes. Mr. Bergman said that is what was backed down to when a better situation
wasn�t available, and Mr. Boardman said if they couldn�t get what should be
there they could drop down to certain widths, such as 2!�' with no parking lanes,
Chairperson Harris said the thing he objected to was the way people were
assessed for their streets, and stated he didn't feel it was fair.
Mr. Boardman stated that a standard should be set up that 31' streets should
be posted "No Parking° on one side. Chairperson Harris said that was correct,
and added that if the streets c.ere running straight it was a different ba11
game. He said the long streets Lhat the houses i'ace on should be 36' streets
and the cross streets should be 31� streets, and if everything was running in
nice little squares that would be fine, but curved streets were different. Ae
stated that unless there were long curves people didn�t park right next to the
curve� so curved streets should be crider than straight streets. Mrs, Gabel
said she agreed� but that seemed like an excuse to make the streets narrower.
Mr. Bergmazt said that another philosophy was that on streets which the houses
face you want to discourage tra£fic and encourage it on the cross streets to
make them the collector streets. He said they have some in Columbia Heights
at the request of the citizens to sloyr down the cars.
Chairperson Fiarris said it seemed ridiculous to go through the acrobatics of
providing off-street parking and then put in 36' streets. Mr. Boardman said
that was a point, and wondered why a 56� street was needed in an industrial
� area xhere off-street parking has to be provided, Pir. Bergman said that was
a relief factor, because when industry makes its plans it doesn�t always stay
within the proposed head count and they can run out of parking space. He said
they have had this problem at Univac.
Plannittg Commission Meeting - June 9, 1976 Page 6
Mr. ber�rtan said that another element to this was the safety factor; kids
riding bikes, youngsters walking around parked cars� etc. Mr. Harris said
he would much rather see a 2�' street with sidewalks than a 36� street, He
asked why 28� or 2�" streets worked in Ittnsbruck and not elsewhere, and Mr, �
Boardman said they probably could. Mr, Harris said he would much rather see
them go to a 28� concrete street than a 36� asphalt street because of mainten-
ance problems,
Mr. Boardman said another thing they might want to consider with regard to
street width was the housing plan. He said that the larger the street the
more assessment there was per structure� and i£ people�s ability to pa,y
according to income level was considered� perhaps those streets should be
dropped back in low and moderate income level areas so they could more
easily afford the street system,
Mr. Boardman stated that in a residential area provisions had to be made
for some form of parking on the street, and suggested cut-ins. Mr. Bergman
said that Stinson Boulevard had done that wiih the cut-ins, and Mr. Boardman
said the reason they did that was because it was also their bikeway s,ystem
which they have separated from the road. He added that it was very attractive
and it would be nice to see that in some residential areas to see if it would
work, Mr. Bergman asked crhat someone would guess on the curb to curb widths
and parking cut-out widths on Stinson, and 13r. Boardman said it was probably
a 21�� road surface with 8' cut-outs.
Chairperson Aarris said that if we had narrower streets and are encouraging
off-street parking� we are setting a double standard, I+s. Sergman stated
that the street parking was necessary for guests for parties, etc., and Mr, �
Harris said that not every house in the block was going to have a party on
the same night. He said that Y7hat was happening now wiLh 36' streets was
instead of the garage being used for its intended purpose, it is being used
for boats, body shops} etc.� and the cars end up on the street. Ye said
perhaps what they should be is recommending larger accessory buildings.
Mr. Boardman said that as far as street widths go, most streets in the city
are in� curbed and guttered� and he didn't see xhere a lot of conversation was
going to make the streets narrower. He said he felt discussion on standards
was a little late.
• Mr. Bergman sai.d he supposed their discussion on this would carry over until
the next meeting� but he was wondering what their conclusion ought to be on
their concern about street widths; merely an off-hand suggestion� a resolution
or a policy statement. Chairperson Harris said he thought a policy statement.
He said he thought the city should have a policy and should follow it.
Mr,.Boardman said he had xanted to talk about D-100 which concerned Parks
and Recreation, but didn't think the Commission would want to discuss it
at this meeting since there wasn't a representative from the Parks and Recrea-
tion Commission present,
Chairperson Harris agreed, and said he did have some questions for the Parks �
and Recreation Commission. Iie referred to the recreai.ion activities expenditures
information which had been handed out at the last meeting, and said that in
Planninp, Commission Meetin� - June 9, 1976 Page 7
some of those areas there was more in adr,�inistrative costs and for o£ficials
than was spent on the rest of the whole program� and he would like to know how
they got there.
� Mr. Boardman said that the program didntt go towards individual unor�anized
activities� and A�, Ber6man said something should be provided for youngsters
who weren't good in team sports. Mrs, Gabel saia she thought recreation shculd
encompass more than just sports,
Chairperson Harris said he understood the problem because there was a lot of
pressure in Fridley for hocke,y, so£tball, etc., but no one exerted pressure
for unorganized activities so they didn't happen.
Mrs. Gabel said that the Parks and Recreation Commission stated they don�t
have enou�h money to appropriate in their budget for a Youth Center, but in
the minutes of the last meeting they o£fered $90D that wasn't e��en asked :or
towards the building of a shed to store hockey and softball eouipment. She
said it made her feel the city is too sporLs oriented, and something should
be done.
Chairperson Harris said 'ne felt rridley coa13 use a good municipal scrimming
area. Re said that Richfield had taScen their liquor fund and puL it into a
capital improvements fund and built municipal pools� the city hall, a skaLing
arena� warming houses� tennis courts and a nature center, and maintain then
out of the liquor fund, He said that part oi Fridley�s liquor fund went Lo
build a very expensive liquor store, which has no design and r.o customers.
� Mrs. Gabel suggested better-designed buildings should be encouraged �:d pust�ed
for, and Mr. Harris said they were actually discouraged because the taxing
structure discouraged good design. Mr. Boardman pointed out that the taYing
structure was the same in Fridley as in idew Brighton and other corununities
which had well-designed buildings.
Chairperson Harris informally adjourned the meeting at 10:22 p.m.
Respect£ully submitted�
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�sive study. T�re
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t�? ihe motion s:tating
�-ipeeting of t#�e � �
��E�g'£ommission because
fs.iness community
y Lynch, to tab7e
�Ca�nmission meeting.
x�! Lynch voting aye,
( Lambert, that'the
Gommerce, Represent-
meeting and to review
Jp.on a voice vo�e,
� Lynch, to suspend
#avid Therkelsen on.
Upon a voice vote,
i�.faunding the League
Director unti11973.
into existence because
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t: ' He stated the '
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Officials and t4anagers
Proi.eciive 5e����ce
Office Clzrical
Skilled Craft
5ervice Workers
11 3 14(
90 30 � 119
Notes: �
(1) (CETA) ',
(2) * 2 Positions Open: I
1 Sr. Engr. Aide (T ch)
1 P/R Dir. (Mgr.)
(3) ** (A) CETA Pos. Show Op n
on Dec. 31, 19 5 r ort
Position chang d t
Office Clericali � ille
(C/T--Z P&R, '� PW)�
(6) 2 New CETA Position�s
added and fillc�d: �
1 Tech.
1 C/T (Police)�
B I 'A
14 �
DATE: March 31, 1976
% %
g$ Eiv TJES
24 4.167 4.167
4 0 0
� '
1 11 5 � 15.182 0
� 30 13.33� 0
20 4 100 0
_(_�I 17 0 0
14(2)�21.42a 0
(i) 120* 25 .826
(11 )**!
June 8, 1976
Herman Bergman, LeRoy Oquist, William Forster
Hubert Lindblad, Dennis Schneider
Tom Colbert, Assistant City Engineer
Ned Storla, Youth Project Committee Chairperson
Chairperson Bergman opened the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by William Forster, to approve
the minutes of the May 11, 1976 Community �evelopment Commission
meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
` Ned Storla of the YPC was present at the meeting at the request
of the Commissioners. He stated presently there are two foosball
tables and two ping pong tables in the room located next to the
Parks & Recreation Department. Persons are allowed to use these
games for a period of no longer than five minutes. Ne added
he had never seen those facilities used because of this five-
minute limit.
Mr. Colbert stated there have been complaints about the noise
The Commission took a few minutes to view the two rooms proposed
for the teen center.
Mr. Storla stated it was the YPC's intent that the teen center
should have a temporary board of directors under the age of 18.
He added the YPC had a meeting with representatives from other
communities which have teen centers, and the 9eneral feeling
was that if the kids did not feel they had control over their
own teen center, they would lose interest. He added he would
like to see organized activities.
Mr. Oquist stated he would like to see what the temporary
board of directors is going to set up in the way of a charter,
goals, etc. before the Commission gives its okay to reserve
space in City Hall. He added he felt very uneasy with this.
Mr. Storla's stated his subcommittee's function is to advise,
not to regulate. He added the YPC made a proposal which allowed
an.interested group to begin running the center.
,w-. _,
Mr. Storla explained a temporary board of directors will be set
up, but the final board will be voted in which will inspire a
feeling of unity.
Mr. Bergman stated he felt the teen center should be given a
try since so much interest has been shown. He added this
should receive some continual City communications. He felt
this should be entirely under the auspices of the Parks & Rec-
reation Department.
Mr. Colbert asked why the space would have to be guaranteed
before the kids come up with their charter, etc. Mr. Schneider
stated he felt this guarantee was necessary. It would inspire
Mr. Schneider questioned whether staff really needs the space
which may be available in the old library. He added the CETA
Program may be discontinued which would make the space available.
He stated it was a matter of priorities. He felt the citizens
should take priority over staff.
Mr. Forster and Mr. Lindblad stated they felt the young people
should be given a chance. Mr. Lindblad stated the old library
space would be the most suitable place because the ceiling
construction would limit the noise.
Mr. Colbert stated parking must be considered. On public
hearing nights, the parking lot is usually overcrowded.
MOTION by Dennis Schneider, seconded by Hubert Li:ndblad,
the Community Developinent Commission recommen to annlr
Commission concurrence with the creation o a teen center
Fridley to be operate as tn �ca e on age o z um�
Resources Commission meeting minu es o pri , par
graphs one through t ree and, urt er, a e i y guar
charter as a teen center. Also, that a time limit of one month
• e se or eac ommtsslon to appoint a person o e emporary
fioa d o irectors. a commision oes no ma�e e1r appoin -
ment wit in t e one-mont perio , t�en t e as e rig
to a oint a erson to fil t at osition on t e tem orar
board of directors. Further, that i e temporary oar of
irectors cons�st o an ex-o icio ar s ecrea �on ommission
mem er or eir esigna e.
Mr. Schneider stated he had not yet held a meeting of the Sign
Project Committee; however, he planned to do so within the
next couple of wee�:s. He added he spoken with those people
whom the Commission had approved as possible project committee
members. The following persons will be able to serve:
Lloyd Louis, Howard Mosstnan, Pat Gable, and Carol Donahue.
� He added Bob Schroer will not be able to serve. However,
Mr. Schneider stated he would contact Ed Dunn of the Chamber
of Commerce as to another appointee from the Chamber.
Mr. Schneider added he had also spoken with Virginia Steinmetz
from the League of Womert Voters as far as a person from that
organization serving on the project committee. She had stated
she would contact Mr. Schneider on this as soon as possible.
Mr. Bergman read aloud Mr. Schneider's resignation from the
Bikeway/Walkway Project Committee. As this project committee
will now be under the auspices of the Community �evelopment
Commission, Mr, Schneider felt it was best to resign.
MOTION by William Forster, seconded by Hubert Lindblad, to
accept Dennis Schneider's resignation from the Bikeway/Walkv�ay
Committee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by Dennis Schneider, to appoint
Joan Elwell as the replacement member on the Bikway/Walkway
project Committee. Upon a voice vote,all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
� Mr. Bergman stated 1lern Moen, Chairperson of the Bike�vayJtdalkway
Committee wiil be present at the Commission's next meeting.
Mr. Lindblad stated he felt garages should be required. He added
without a garage there is no place to put equipment such as
lawn mowers, etc.
Mr. Forster suggested looking into what other communities are
doing in regard to this ordinance.
MOTION by Wi77iam Forster, seconded by Dennis Schneider, that
the Commission table action on this item until the City administration
provides the Commission with a sampling of other R-1 garage ordinances
of comparible suburbs, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Lindblad stated he would like the Commission to address another
problem--an ordinance enforcement problem in the City of Fridley.
He stated there were many ordinance violations in the City of
Fridley which he did not see being enforced.
Mr. Bergman asked the Commission whether they would be able to
� come to the next meeting with a list of specific violations
which they are aware of. Each Commission member stated they
would come to the next meeting prepared with a list of this sort.
MOTION by LeRoy Oquist, seconded by Dennis Schneider, that �
Richard Sobiech attend the next meeting of the Community
Development Commission to discuss enforcement of ordinances.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unan-
MOTION by Dennis Schneider, seconded by LeRoy Oquist, to adjourn
the meeting at 9:50 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
l ' �' /�. � � l � ,-�/
Holly Fbnsager
Record`�ng Secre ry
�ur�E 15, 1976
MEMBERS PRESE1dT: Virginia Wahlberg, Alex Barna, Pat Gabel� Dick Kemper,
dim Ylemel
h1F?•f��RS ABSENT: None
OTHERS PRESENT: Ron Holden, Bui7.ding Inspecti�n Oi'ficer
The meeting was called to order by Ciiairperson Wahlberg at 7:28 P.M.
MQTIGN by Barna, seconded by Kemper, to approve the minutes o: �he N,ay 25, 1>l"c
Appeals Commission Meeting.
Mr. 9arna stated that on page 8, second paragraph, he would li'.�e "Tast,y Freeze"
changed to "Fast-Food Service+�, N,rs, Gabel stated that under the discussion i;a
�t0' Zots on page 9� second paragraun, !e0' lots should be changed to "dealing w:th
lots under 75 "'
� Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
SECTIO;V 205.053, LA� TO REDUCE T!iE P'ROI�T YARD S&TBACK A'RG?i TtIF. :?�e;UI�tED 3[ r': �"'
TO S' - 10' (P.0 SURVr.^C Ab`AILA?LE AT THIS "'T_�iF.) TO A;.I.C:d TH5 Cr,NST°JCmTr;�� r; t.
AUDIT.Oi?'S SUBDIVISICN �103, THE SA'�� �EIivG 295 IYONTON S1'R�ET, iV.E., FA.�lli�'Y,
Chairperson 4;ahlberg told the Commis�ion that no noiice of this request for
variance had been received� but it car,ie to them through the City Cour,cil meetin�
held last night, She explaitled that Hlrs. Sporre had aopeared before the Council
and the City Attorne,y's opinion was tnat i£ Mrs. Sporre could get approval from
adjacent neighbors within 200'� she could appear before the Appeals Commission
at this meeting,
MOTION by Gabel� seconded by Barna, to open the public hearing. Upon a voice
vote� all voting aye, tne motion carried unanimously,
Mrs. Sporre stated that all they were trying to do was put their home in line
with all the others.
Mrs. Gabel said that she felt this should have come before the Appeals Commission
� first before going to the City Council� and 41r. Barna sai.d it was on the Council
agenda as an additional item at their meeting.
r+a "
`� O
Mr. }iolden stated that the street right-of-wuy going by the house and lots was
way to the South, and that the houses ❑ext door were probably in the neighborhood �
of 10' setbacks.
Mrs. Gabel asked how soon they planned to start construction� and Mrs. Sporre
nnswered that the reason she was here was because the,y would like to start immed-
iately, She said she didn�t think they even needed a variance because they could
build now� but the house would sit way back. She added that no one else has had
to go through this procedure but them,
Chairperson Wahlberg said that the normal procedure was to apply for a building
permit first� then if the staff felt there was any variance needed it would ccme
before the Board to determine if it shoul.d or should not be granted. She said
it would then either be approved immediately, or i£ there was a discrepancy it
would then go to the Council; so if it had gone in the proper order it may not
ever have had to go to the City Council, She explained that if, at the Appeals
Commission level there was any dissension� it would have to go back to the Council
Mrs, Gabel asked why it couldn�t be determined i£ the setback should be 5 or ten
feet if all the other houses were in a straight line� and Mrs. Sporre said it was
because there was some con£lict on where the street was. Mrs. Gabel asked if
Mrs. Sporre would agree to a stipulation that her house be in line with all the
other houses if this request was granted, and Mrs, Sporre replied she would.
Chaixperson Wahlber� asked if they were planning on bvilding this house to live
in theinselves� �d Mrs. Sporre said they were. Mrs. Sporre explained they o4med �
both parts of lot 26� and hoped to kee� the additional section for a yard until
their children were grown and then someday sell it of£,
Mr. Plemel asked if there was a double boulevard in front, and Mr. Holden said
there was� roughly 1�0' from the front of the house to the curb. Mr. Plemel asked
if the only variance was to come up within five to ten feet p£ the lot line, and
Mrs. Sporre said yes, so their house would be set back the same as everybody elses,
Chairperson Wahlberg asked when the other homes in the area were built� end Mrs.
Sporre replied that the home she was in now was built in 1952. Mr. Kemper asked
what the time delays were in going through a building permi.t, and Mr. Holden said
that if there Were no complications as f'ar as setback� etc.� it usually took about
three days. Mr. Kemper asked Mrs. Sporre i£ she had plans� and sne replied she
Chairperson Wahlberg pointed out that not all of the property owners within 200
feet had signed letteis of approval. Mr. Plemel stated that the City Code stated
that all property owners within 200 feet be noti£ied� and there could be legal
ramifications i£ this wasn't adhered to.
MOTION by Plemel� seconded by Kemper� to receive eleven petitions of approval
presented by Mrs. Sporre. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried
Chairperson Wahlberg asked if Sta£F had time to look at this request toda,y and
MT�. Holden replied he hadn't.began work�on it until 3:00 this afternoon. I-�e caid �
the field problem o£ resurveying was great� and he could sympathize with the
petitioners just trying to survey the lot.
Chairperson Wahlberg asked if ther� was any opinion from anybod,y else on the
• statf regarding construction. 19r, i�olden answered there wasn�t� and as far as
what the staff lmew now the variance procedure would be reouired. Iie said he
thought it was a rea.>onable request to have the }�ouse set back the sar�e as tt�e
Mr, Kemper a.>ked what the public purpose served would be, and Mr. Barna said it
was to a17.ow for o1'f-street parking and to k�ep the front alignment with Lhe
other structures. 19r. Kemper asked hirs. Sporre how long they had been planning
on building this, and sne replied about six months. She stated that it wasn't
until they were approved by the bank that they were interested in starting.
Mr, Holden asked why tr,ey hudn't £iled for a building permit� and i•Srs. Sporre
said tney did intend to file as soon as the;,� hsd ihis prnblem cie;red u�, c�t
had wanted to solve this problem first. She =aid tney rrere tr,ying io gei ever;.-
thing taken care of witn lending agencies� neighbors on vacationsr etc.
Chairperson Wahlberg said she was sure Airs. Sporre could appreciate the Board's
situation, as it bec�ne a problen ior them F�hen they had something broagnt to
them without norir,al procedure that they were suppnsed to follo�a. She said t.�at
every�one had the same problems as far as financing and neighbors being gone, and
the Board had to be consistent in that procedure.
MOT10N by Barna� seconded by Kemper, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously.
• Chairperson Wahlberg explained that this variance would be reducing the front
yard setback £rom 35� to 5- 10' approximately� Lhere being an approximate
boulevard of 30' which would then place the house in line a�ith tre other existing
houses at approximatel,y I�O� fron th2 curb.
Mrs. Gabel said she had n o argument with the variance, but it bothered her that
not all the people had been notified.
h1r. Kemper stated that this had been re£erred to them by the Counc�l fo^ an
opinion� and the,y could give an ooinion� but there were some signatures that
hadn�t been obtained� a Staff Report that hadn't been obtained� snd the buildin�;
�ermit hadn't been applied for, He said he ,ronld like to approve ihe variance
if these loose �nds were tied up, rie added that he thou�ht from 2 hardshin st;and-
point and public purpose standpoint he didn�t see any problems� but the missin:�
elements dia bother him.
Chairperson Wahlber� said that in all fairness to the petitioner, it was not
normally necessary to get the signature o£ everyone within 200 feet� but she
said she felt those people should at least Ue notified and then i£ they wished
Lo express any approval or disapproval they conld do so at the Council meeting.
Mr. Holden said he thought that would sdve the situation� as right now the Board
would be acting withoiit all the information being available.
Chairpersun Wahlberg said 'that another point was that Staff did not have adeqnate
� time to do the background research and she felt at least that part sliould be
completed for the City Council. She added that she felt the Board uould be acting
somewhat in the dark without the staFf's opinions.
Mr. Holden said another question he had was in re�;ard to f'encing in the front
yard, and N!rs. Sporre said the,y did not intend to fence it in but did intend to �
olant trees. :?rs. ,Jahlberg asked if there were an,y easements through the front
af the lot� and Mrs. Sporre said there were none. Mrs. Gabel asked i£ Mrs.
Sporre iaould obtain a building permit before the Council mer;ting, and she ansv�ered
she would. Mr. Kemper asked iS there was anyone in disagreement with what the
�porres uanted to do, and there was no response.
c:OTIO;i by KempP^, seconded by Gabel� to approve the request for variance Hrith
ihe following stipulations:
1. The building permit be applied for.
2, The faes associated witn the appe.als grocedure be paid.
3. The individuals iait,hin 200 feet of the property that have not respor,ded
be notified in writing of the hearing beSore the City Council on
June 21� 1976.
1�. The building be kept in the line-of-site with the other homes.
5. The Staff research the previous court case and prepare a recommendation
for the Council.
6, This request appear on the Council agenda at its next meeting.
Mr. Holden asked if it would be irregular to ask the petitioner to get the signa- .
tures� because if tne notice was mail.ed out there might not be enough response
time. Chairperson ;iahloerg said that was her point--that they receive for.nal
notice so they would have Lhe opportunity to voice their objections. She said
this would be £ollowing the code which states they shall be notified.
Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unani.mously.
Mrs. Sporre as`.wed if this interpretation would apply to the other lot also, and
Chairperson WanlUerg said it woLld not•, and that if thev intended to baild on the
other lot varying from the setback of 35' they would need another request for
Pir. Kemper said that he would like to go on record that he thought the City
Council was out of line in pushing this on the Board o£ Appeals on this short
notice� and Mrs. Gabel agreed.
MOT10N by Barna� seconded by Gabel� to open the public hearing. Upon a voice �
vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously.
# A. Public Yurpose Served by Requirement: Section 205,053� !t� B, &$� B, corner
lot side yard setbacl: of "l_5' for a detached garagc.
F'ublic purpo�e served by this secticn is to allow for of.-street oarking
without encroaching on the public ri�ht-of-aay. Also tne aesthetic consider-
ation of the nei�;hborhood to reduce the building line-oS-site encroacnment
into the neighbor's front ,yard.
B. Stated Hardship: The full 25 ft. setback would require additional fill,
appear as a"tti�o-story garage"� and be back further ihan sir.iilar y,ara.ges `
in the neighborhood. �
C, Administrative Staff Report: Staff ineasuremants show the. heuse at 6595
Anoka Street to be 3Lt feet from the curbing. The actual �etback is apgrox-
imatel,y 19 £eet, which cannot be determined without a surve�;. Sta£f
recommends that if approved� this request could be worded to state that
the granted variance not be so i.nterpreted as to a11oh* the garage to be
closer to the property line than the house. Sta£f has no objeetion to this
variance request.
Mr, and 2+{rs. 3aney approached tha Board� and Mr. 3aney said he thought there
was an error in the request for variance. He stated that it said 19�� and L�at
would make it two £eet beyond the side of his house� and he �aanted it even �r�ith
the ;�_de o£ his house. Mr. Holden sain the reason it was stated that way was
� because they didn't have a survey of' the lot.
pir. Kemper asked if he was indicating the reauest should read from 25 £eet to
17 feet� and Mr. Janey replied tnat was correct.
Ns. Holden said that what was most important as far as Staff rras concerned
was that the garage not be any closer to the lot line than ihe house ,ras. He
explained that the house x+as about 3it' from the curb� and I�1r, Janey wasted to
line up the garage witn the house.
Mr. Janey stated thai their back yard dropped off considerably in the rear,
so if the variance was not granted they would need quite a bit of £ill and it
would also make the garage look like a two-story structure.
Chairperson ldahlberg asked i£ they wanted to place the site line of the garage
to match with the house itself� and hfr. Janey replied they did and that all the
garages in the area are in line with their houses. Airs. Gabel noted that they
already had a tuck-under garage, and Mr. Janey said this would be converted
into living area. h1r. Janey stated the garage would be built by Ldestern Constructicn�
and would be a double garage.
Chairperson Wahlberg noted that a letter had been received from the adjacent
neighbor� Jean, stating that she had no objection to the construction of
a detached garage �t 6595 Anoka Street.
� MOTION by Barna� seconded b,y Plemel� to close the public hearing. Upon a voice
vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously.
� '
24rs. Uabel stated that this seemed like a reasonable request since setting it
back 25� would require additional fill and expense. �
MOTION by Gabel� seconded by Barna� to approve the request for variance with the
stipulation that the garage be no closer to the pro�erty line than the house ir.
Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimousl,y.
The Appeals Commission listened to the tape of the L'it,y Council Nceeting oF Iday 3�
1976 concerning lbrty foot lots� which ran approximatel,y 7�2 minutes.
Chairperson Gfafilberg co:nmented that it was stated several times in the tapv
that lots should be l�l�� - 1�6�. 5he said it had also been pointed out that if
building was not pe:mitted on !�0' lots, the cit,y would lose taxes on that
property that would have to be taken up through industr,y or commerce. Mr,
Plemel said he would like to see the building of smaller homes for less mone,y
ott these lots,
Chairperson 6dahlberg asked if anything had been decided on whether or not a garage
was required on less than a 60' lot� and Mr. Holden said no garage was required
on any lot less than 9,O�U square feet. Mrs. �abel said sne took this to the
Planning Commission and the Human Resources and Communit;y Development Commissions
said tney would handle it� but E7�vironmental did not want it.
Mr, Plemel said he £elt if a lot was big enoLgh for a house, it should be big �
enough for at least a single car garage. Mr. �arna said he ;elt it should have
either a garage or a suitable storage area. Mrs. Uabel stated that this point
had come up at the last Planning Cor,mission meeting with reference to street
widths� and that 2 garage ��as a valuable thing to have.
Chairperson Zdahlberg said that the point was that if a home was built without
a garage� they had no way of lmowing if the potential owner would have one, two
or three cars, plus bicycles, snowmobiles, boats� etc. She stated that the
aesthetic value of eliminating that pollution was important.
Mrs. Wahlberg stated that the problem with Mr. Villella�s lot snlit was that
it appeared to her that the Council did not have a true survey in front of them
Lhat night and didn�t know how far away the garage was £rom the lot line, She
said that if they were to require people to buy additional land along side their
lot� they may be creating non-conformin� use oF the adjacent property. Mrs.
Wahlberg said the other thing she was a Iittle disappointed in tiras that Council-
person Kukowski asked only one question as £ar as she could determine� and yet
she voted against it. Mrs. Wahlberg also added that Mayor Nee had said he had
no real problems with this� but yet he voted against it also.
Mr. Holden said that he £elt what had been done in essence was delay the solving
of the problem b,y adding an, addztional five £eet, which created an additional
hurdle for the petitioner to go over.
Chairperson Wah2berg said that each of the subcommissions that had handled it� .
and the Planning Commission� had concurred that building should be allowed on
40' lots but if land was available on either side of the lot which could be
� purchased the petitioner should purchase that land. She said the Appeals Commission
had felt the house size should be reduced to avoid ereating a non-conformin� lot.
Mrs, Wahl.berg said that the Board had asked Mr. Villella if he wanted to go for
a lot split and he had replied he didn't want to, but the tone at the Cnuncil
meeting was almost that he had to buy it. She added that this would raise the
total value of the house so it was a more expensive house. Mr. flarna said t�at
house was too expensive for that area� and Mr, Plemel agreed.
Mr. Kemoer asked if Chairperson idahlberg ha.d a list of the five points that
xere ultimately recommended concerning substandard lots, az�d if so� 1•rnich ones
the Council addressed themselves to, Mrs. Wahlberg replied she did, anci that
three out of the iive points were discussed, She said tnat they did mainta_in
the 25i lot coverage bv buyinp more land� and ;�fr. Kemper stated that the Councii
had combined the 2nd and third iLems.
Mr. Barna said he felt that the guidelines that were set forth were disre�arded
and a complete change of the plan uas brought about, therefore not coverir.g a
!�0' lot situation but bringing it up to a 115' lot situation and not solving an;;
of the problems.
Chairwoman Ylahlberg said that the Appeals Co.^enission had approved the reouests
£or variances ;�1� 2� !� and 6; and the only two that were denied 'nad to do ::ith
increasing the maximum lot coverage from 25h to 27.8io and to reduce tne setback
£or an attached garage £rom the required 25� to.13' (this because i•?r. Villella
had agreed to change the drivewa,y around), She said hasicall,y where tne Council
differed from them was with the m v:imum lot coverage in that they insisted he
buy an additional 5�� providing it was available to buy.
Mrs. Wahlberg said that hlr. C, L. Popp had ob�ected to Air. Villella�� plan,
and the Board had explained to him tnat the,y did not feel it vrould be creatins
a hazard as it met code and v*ould not obstrucL his view. She contirnsed that norr
she thougnt Mr. Popp would 'nave e legitimate concern if the drive•w�ay came ouL
onto the street. She added that :•here was nothing they could Co to solve the
problem now, but was glad they had taken the time to listen to the tape a�d couid
now £ee7. a little more secure in �hat the,y did, She said that the a.oning code
was going to Ue reviewed and she thought at that time some of this would come up.
Chairperson �;Jahlberg thanked the Corunission members for tal;ing the tine to lisien
to the tape.
MOTION by Barna� seconded by Kemper, to adjourn
Commission at 10:16 P.1•S. Upon a voice vote� all
Respectfully submitted�
, �
���� � + .
Sherri 0'Donnell
Recording Secretary
the meeting of the Appeals
voting aye� the motion carried
Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing
of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall
at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, Jur�e 23, 1976 in
the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of:
A request for a Special Use Permit, SP q76-08,
by Phillip M. Willson, to permit the conversion
of a one family, tw� story house to a two family
house in an R-1 District (single family dwellin9
areasj, Per Fridley City Code,.Section 205.051,
� 3, D, to be located on Lot 2, Block 1, Froid's
Addition, all lying in the North Half of Section
3, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka,
Generally located at 401 Ironton Street N.E.
Anyone who desires to be heard with reference to the above
mattter may be heard at this time.
Publish: June 9, 1976
June 16, 1976
NUh1t3GR ��!� � � U
� APPLICANT'S SIGNATURC���Q/%,tj ��7, GfI,��.�v�
Address �(� / �-,,�Tg,�`��`�%,'�,
Telephone Number �Q(P � ��D 5
� Special Use Permit
Approval of Premin-
inary $ Final Plat
PROPGRTY OiVNER'S SIGNATURG `� � L(/ � � Streets or Allcy �
� �� Vacations ;
Address��- . Q � �.yi.��.,c, �K ('I 7(c � , "
Other I
Telephone Number � � � •— l ,�L� `� ' �� y
Fee 7_j,OUReceipt No.,O/./� /
Street Location of Property �� �� ` �
Legal Description of Property �pT Z �OeIL � �it0105 �"l�. !
Present 2oning Classification ��-� Existing Use of Property 7GOp �jbR.y 1�l:L !
1�4f E LC.��iG
Acreage of Property S(�(�� Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification
or type of use and improvement proposed Cn�V�,(�,� � F�Rm►�4 TWO
'�ran.� uc�c 1b A Tw� F�.M «•, Houat� ,
Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or
variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes�_no.
What was requested and iahen?
The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property
within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application.
(b) 'Phis application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation
given why this is not tl�e casc. (c) ResponsiUility for any defect in the proceedings
.resulting from the failure to list the names and ad�lresses of all residmrts and
property owners of property in qucstion, Uclongs to the undcrsigned.
A sketch of proposed property and structure must be dra�vn and attached, slioiaing the
following: 1. Norr.h Direction. 2. Location oi' proposed structure on the lot.
3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side sethacks.
d. Street Names, S. Location and use of adjacent esisting buildings (within 300 feet)
The undcrsigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this
npplication are truc and corrcct.
DATE � ,� �� �%( SIGNATURE ���.C2� %2%/ C[/,,�.Q�1�v
(Al'PLIC �'P)
�ate Fiicd Date of Ficaring G�,3 9 L
unning Commission Approved City Council Approvcd
datcs) Denied (d:ites) Dcnicd
, ' �
Planning Commission 6-�
SP �76-08, Phillip M. Wiltson
convert 1 family home to
2 family home
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Willson
401 Ironton Street N.E.
fridley, Mn 55432
Sexter Development Corporation
3601 France Avenue North
Minneapolis, Mn 55422
Lucille Choinard
383 Ironton Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Choinard
420 Ironton Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn55432
Nazel J. Bourdeaux
Box 35
i Chisago City, Mn 55012
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bultena
381 Ironton Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. James Burnett
377 Ironton Street N.E.
fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Gardiner
371 Ironton Street N.E.
' Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Favre
8255 East River Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Rudy
8251 East River Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Kania
430 Ironton Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
� Wi1-Cast Investments, Inc.
6514 Bass Lake Road
Minneapolis, Mn 55428
V q! t �' �.�
�. : j3 ;V :
e r�e•�`� SP#76-06 PHILLTP M. WILLSON
' ' `.•� ���� ;J �, �; /� . ; Lot 2, 61ock 1, Froid's Addition
�,�,�� `, - ;
�: Li �'r-=—�' ��' °' 401 Ironton Street N.E.
,....�.."�� 'u' � "__iHilLr a 6L._ . .
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oFr-lcr���. riorrce
Notice is herchy given that there will be a Public Nea.riny
of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall
at 6431 Univer>ity Flvenue Plortl;east on 4!ednesday, June 23, 1976 in
the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.i�l. for the purpose of:
A request for a Special Use Permit, SP ;176-09,
by Stav's Superette, per Fridley City Code,
Section 205.101, 3, PJ, to allov! a display area
for a hydroponic gro�•ring system, to be located
on Lots 25 and 26, Bloc4; 3, Ree's Addition, all
lying in ti�e South Half of Section 14, T-30,
R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located at G483 University Avenue N.E.
� `�. Anyone who desires to be heard t•rith reference to the above
matter may be heard at this time.
Publish: June 9, 1976
June 16, 1976
� SP �76-09 Stav's Superette
0 N P Properties
Walquist Realty-Agent
4230 Central Avenue N.E.
Minneapolis, Mn 55421
Robert StaNanau
Stav's Superette
6483 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Madsen Building Company
6441 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
American Oil Company
4940 Viking Drive
Minneapolis, Mn 55435
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Marsolek
355 Mississippi Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
� Theisen Inc.
4495 North Shore Drive
Mound, Minnesota 55364
Champion Auto Stores
6471 University Avenue NOrtheast
Fridley Mn 55432
Poor Richard's Canterbury Pub
6479 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Planning Cormiission 6/�0/76
�— �.
APYLICANT'S SICNATURfi�� �.j� �`(�J�J�_�.�l�t�
, , � ��
Address�� ��i,,,_��,,,�i--��„�.,,
Telephonc Number 5� i-�� �� q
ON� r�� ,p e�-i-: �s�W <�< <.�<{ ��-z� J�yo.�cE
Addressy,Z�[� �2z,Lt�F' �v-� [��- 5S`�,C%
� Special Use Permit
Approval of Vrcmin-
inary $ Final Plat
Streets or Alley
Tel ephone NumUer 7 B 8-���o 0 1
� , � Fee Receipt No. � 5�' �� '
Street Location of Pro er.t "' �
P Y%�-��71.�_Z-'��., ��..� i� I �.
�i ,�
Legal Description of Property.-�T .� :� — ; ,� �%��i. " ! ,� d ��--2 �=""� �
Present Zoning Classification L—�:t/ Existing Use of Propert�,,�s,�z �
Acreage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification
or type of use and improvement proposed • c <.-c.,,�
, ���w ;
Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot s lit or
variance or special use per �rt �on the subject site or part.of it? yes � no.
lYhat was requested and iahen'�,K'K' '����a���,y-,��� �, � ca
The undersigned imderstands that: (a) a list of all residents and oianers of property
within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be atYached to tliis applicatio�i.
(b) Tltis application must be signed Uy all o�aners of the property, or an explanation
given �vhy this is not Lhe case. (c) 2esponsibility for any defect in the proceedings
�resulting from the failurc to list the names and addresses of all residents and
property owtters of property in question, belongs to the undersigned.
A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, showing the ;
following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lo`. �
3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. E
4. Street Names.. S. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 300 feet).�
•77ie undersigned hereUy declare 11 facts and representations stated in this �
application are true and correct�.� ��� l I
� •
Date Filed� � 7t� Date of Ncaring �,-'�,�.� %',�.
Planning Commission Approved
(datcs) Denicd
City Council Approvcd
(dates) Denied �
� (
, Outside display
6483 University Avenue N.E.
.,�._ . �. . . _ . ,
'_l r � — i' _��_--�-/---'—
G� I�i � i�.»aen � ���� . . �t .'... ._ ��. ; — . , ?O�-�^".r--� . � 7�iU
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Robert Schroer
Addres�90 Rice Creek Blvd. N.E.
Telephone Number H._ 574-9591 B. 571-6620
Telephone Number
Street Location of Property
Legal Description of Property
Present Zoning Classification
Acreage of Property
- 35
Special Usc Permit
Approval of Premin-
inary $ rinal Plat
x Streets or Alley
Fee Receipt No.
Existing Use of Property
Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification
or type of use and imgrovement proposed i�lC��, 7'�f S��P/,
Has the presenE applicant previously�sougtt to r ze one, plat, ob ait n a lot split or
variance or special use permit on the suUject sit:e or part.of i.t? X yes no,
fVhat was requested and when? lot split and special use permit May`T�T/6
The undersigned understands that: (a) a 2ist of a7.1 residents and owners of property
Nithin 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must he attached te this appli.cati.on.
(b) This application must be signed by all oianers.of the property, or an explanation
given �rhy this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings
resulting from the failure to list the names and addxesses of all residents and
property o�,�ners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned.
A sketch of proposed property and structure must be dra�an and attadied, sho��ing the '
follouing: 1. Korth Direction. 2. Location of pr.oposed structiree"on tlie loi, f
3. Uinensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks.
4. Street Names, S. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (iaithin 300 feet).'
•The mldersigned hereby decl�res that all the facYS and representations stated in this
application are true and corrcct.
(APk'LICA� 'C) � � ��
� Datc �iled Datc of Hcaring ,� C;`"L�f�
Plsnning Commission Approved City Council Approvcd
(<lates) DcnieJ (datcs) Denied -
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�p❑ PlG7NEERING �INC. Vacate the street easement
E�� � on the Southerly 33 feet
— r� �neers —
�.• � of the Easterl,� 200 feet of
{�� —Surveyors –6et 4, Block 2, East Ranch
�RC�.Ii�,4NARY 51'CC �71ZA1NAGE N-,�. ��,1�r�2
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✓��/ (�COh�i9`_'✓� �c. �7��aiU G'U.
ADDRESS: `iDO� %D.�% �G4--f. �iY>UI�i4� J6303
Street City `Lip Code
TELEPIIONE �{,y� /- 7v' �c� �o /- 73 7%
Home Business
PROPEEiTY OWPIEft( S) Lv l.Gl��i��r►a:L �"�✓
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Ayplicanti' � IJume
Lot Split �% : .d� 6-c
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City Zip Code
City Zip Code
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or Eacact Street Address IF ANY �) LG i[l !�v � /
Legal Descr_iption o£ Property: �
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D�nc�ri i�l+ T./1�' iT� l�'! . I
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Zonin;; Class
The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and
representations stated in Lhis appl'cation are true and
correct. � l , /;
DATE: (� " j0 -T6
side foi� additio.lial instructionc�
PLATS & SUIIS: Dnte of Consideration -
PI,ANNING COMMISSION: Date of Consideration -
CITY COUNCIL: Date of Consideration -
(o �l3/
b // �,5 7S
3� .
� 120t N.E. STH 57REET ��s� q76 "
1 /� DATE S�cS' Z� � 1 �
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R f� �. 4 sewer and water services available
p This split can be descri6ed as follows:
� O The Westerly 240 feet of Lot 2, A.S. �94, except
�" that part taken for highway purposes.
The Westerly 100feet of the Easterly 200 feet of Lot 2.
The Easterly 100 feet of Lot 2.
Survcy of
Lot 2, A�ditor's Sub No. 94, Anoka County, Minnesota. Subject to
Hi�hway No. 694
�, ,
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GOAL STAT[MENT D100: Provide adequate park facilities and recreation
opportunities to ensure the hcalth and well
being of the residents and provide a quality
living environment.
Program Objective D110: Develop an order of quality park facilities
that will be flexible to the changing needs
of the community.
Program Plan
D111: Develop Comprehensive Park Plan
D112: Tennis court survey
D113: City-wide need study - City-viide facilities
D114: Park Availability Study
Program Objective D120: Provide innovative park design with a balance
of functional and aesthetical considerations,
creating substantial recreational, educational,
social and psychological experiences.
Program Plan
D121: Develop design series for parks
D122: Develop file on maintenance free system
Program Objective D130: Provide for innovative space management to allow
a balance of use, freedom and control with safety
as a prime consideration
Program Plan
Program Objective
Program Plan
Program Objective
Program Plan
Program Objective
Program Plan
Encourage the advancement of recreation opportunities
for all residents.
Coordinate Activities Program
Teen Activities Program
Elderly Activities Program
D150: Promote "people oriented" parks through active
citizen participation.
D151: Project Committee by neighborhood
D152: Dispersing of information
D200: Help foster an attitude which stimulates tife-long
motivation for learning and cultural development.
D210: Promote an awareness and appreciation of the
T,.'"',� .
- . _ � �4✓�:F-r
JUNS 23, 1976
Chsirperson Harris called the meeting to order at %:35 P.M.
Mambers Preseat: Harris, Bergman, LangenYeld, Peterson, Shea, Gabel (attending
for Wahlberg)
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Jerrold Boardman, City Planner
Mr. Peterson asked if when the Vice Chairperson was in attendance the regular
Chairperson xas shown as absent, or if that xas only if there xas no one from
a particular Co�mnission present. Chairperson Harris said he believed ii was
listed as the person in attendance, Mr. Peterson said that at the May 19th
meeting, Mrs. Wahlberg shonldn't be counted as absent since Mrs. Gabel was there
represemting her� and Mr. Harris said that in the Ytxture it should be noted that
the Vice Chairperson was sitting in for the regular Chairperson at these meetings.
MOTION by Lengenfeld, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Cononission minutes
oY Mav 19� 1976 be approved as xritten. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the
motion carried unanimously.
Mr. LangenPeld referred to the discussion on page 1 under "Approve Planning
Co�i.ssion Minutes: May 19, 19T6", and asked Mr. Hoardman to exglain what he
meant. Mr. Boardman said that they had been debating if they could take action
vithout a quorum by sending action on to the Council, and they had decided they
could not send on any action to the Council �+ithout opening a public hesring
and they could not do that since they did not have a quorum.
Mr. Bergman requested that on page 5, second paragraph under "Street Width
Standards", the sentence "Mr. Bergman said that �a what waa backed dovn to vhen
a better situation xasn't avilable, and* be stricken and a nev sentence started
beginning "Mr. Boardman said...". He also noted that on page 5, the last
sentence in the second to last paragraph� he had been talking about street humps,
He said that aince this wasn't germaae he vould request that this senteace be
Mrs. Gabel said that on page 7� third paragraph� she xould like the sentence to
read "towards a buildfng to store hockey and sof'tball equip�nent" instead of "tovards
�e building oY a ahed to store hockey and softball equipmept".
Planning Co�nission Meeting - June 23� 1976 page 2 4 A
MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Gabel, that the Planning Commission mi.nutes
of June 9, 197(i be approved as corrected. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye�
the motion carried unanimously.
Hr. Peterson asked Mrs. Gabel, rrith reference to her statement on pege 7, i£ she
had read the xhole discussion pertaining to that building. Mrs. Gabel replied
she had and said she xas curious about this and asked if there r►as additional
information. Mr. Peterson explained that the sports associations aere asking
to build a buildiag free, on a lease basis, and xere asking to put it on city
property. He said that they had warated to put it behind the arena but there
xasn't room there, so someone suggested putting it at Comuons, Hoxener, he
continued, the Council requires brick facing at Commons so some of the members
oP the Parks and Recreation Conanission said if they xere going to Commons they
vould have to conform vith the building standards which would require brick
facing. He said that the sports associations irould be doing all the xork and
furnishing of the money for the building vith the ex¢eption of the brick facing�
and this is what the $900 yras to pay for. Mrs. Gabel said she understood that
and suggested this could be discussed a little later xhen the Parks and Recreation
minutes �+ere received.
Chairperson Harris asked Mr. I.angenfe2d if he xanted the P2anning Co�ission to
take action on the motion by Mrs. Sporre concerning the Teen Center, aad Mr.
Langenfeld said he just wanted to bring this to the attention of the Planning
Co�anission. Nr. Boardmen suggested that this be added to the agenda as en
additional item.
MOTTON by Bergman, seconded by Shea, that the Teea Center be added to the agenda
of the Planning Commission meeting, IIpon a voice vote, all voting qye, the motion
carried unan3mously.
MOTIpN by LangenPeld� aeconded by Gabel� that the Planning Co�mnission receive
the minntes of the Fhvironmental Quality Co�mnission meeting of May 18� 1976. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimonsly.
Chairperson Harris said he noted on page 38 that the Appeals Commi.ssion also
made a reco�nendation on the Youth Center.
MOTION by Gabel, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Coimnission receive
the minutes of the Appeals Co�auission meeting of Mqv 25, 1976. IIpon a eoice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
1Srs. liabel reYerred to the second paragraph from the bottom on psge 4 oP the
Parks and Recreation minutes, and said that this was the reason for her comment
at the last Planning Commission meeting. She sai.d she xas xondering in terms oY
Parks and Hecreation iY priorities didn't need to be reassessed, and added that
she got the Yeeling it vas sports oriented and could Yind the money Yor things
that rrere sports oriented� but that other thinga sometimes got pushed aside. Mrs,
Planning Commission Meeting - June 23� 197b Page 3 � B'
Gabel comnented that at the same time she xas plessed to see that they were setting
up a conunittee to look at this very thing, so perhaps her aosments were a little
prematyre. She added that some youths have other interests besides sports that
they xere not addreasing themselves to.
Mr. Peterson stated that xas difficult to co�ent on as no other specific programs
had been mentioned. Mrs. Gabei said she xas referring to the problem of getting
the Youth 6enter going� and kept hearing the co�nent that Parks and Recreatiott
doesn't have the money in their budget to help then out. Mr. Peterson stated
that he didn't think this xas irhat Parks and Recreation said. He said he thought
they said that a Youth Teen Center didn't fall under Parks and Recreation� end
they dida't see where that xould fit into the aoncept of Parks and Recreation
wi.thin the city. He added that based on the professional siaff report that was
given to them conceraing space requiremeats, and all things taken i.nto consideration,
it was the position of the Parks and Hecreation Co�ai.ssion that they didn't £eel
it tirould fit in vith their concept. Mrs. Gabel said that she thought that recrea-
tion should encompass something more than sports, and that perhaps it was time
to take a look at the program. She stated that this was the reason for her comment.
Chairperson Harris referred to the Comparison of Recreational Activities informa-
tioa ihat had been distributed at a previous meetiag� and Mr. Peterson said this
had been prepared by Staff. Ae stated that the Parks aad Becreation Co�ission
also had questions concerning xhat 'vas there� so they shouldn't be held responsible
for xhat xas on the sheet. Chairperson Harris said he just xanted to get Mr.
Peterson's input on some of the areas, and asked if he noticed that it se�ed a
lot of money xas spent on supervi.sors, officials, and that sort of thing and not
very �uch on the actual participants. Mr. Petereon said that xould probably be
true� because most of' the sports in the city were nui by volunteer organizations.
He stated that if the city vere to fund them, they xonldn�t have very many programs,
so it was done on a cooperative basis. Mr. Peterson said that in Babe Ruth base-
ball, for example� the city pays half of the umpire�s costs and Babe Ruth p�ys
the other half, furnishes the uniforma, and has volnnteer managers. He said the
city furnishes the maintenance. Chairperson Harris co�ented he hadn't understood
that as the sheet hadn't reflected that i.nformation.
Chairperson Harris said there xere a couple other areas that saere not organized
sporta that he was rrondering about, and in particular general skating. He asked
zrhat 32 W.H. me�nt� and Mr. Peterson said that xas 32 xA+,n�n� �youse supervisors.
Mr. Harris commented that maintenance ran almost $10,000 and Mr. Peterson said
they vere questioning the accuracy of these figurea because it seemed that in the
vintertime all the maintenance people xere charged aga3nst either general skating
or hoekey, attd they fe1L this vas ridiculous. Mr. Peterson explained it was nery
much like all of the Parks and Recreation programs; they are charged against the
budget as a charge� and xhen a fee is received from the participant in various
activities, this �aoney is then creditied to general revenue ratner than back
againat Parks and Recreation. He further explained that if the maintenance people
did street ploxing or other things for the Street Department� xhich they do every
xinter, it was still charged against general skating or hockey, He said there
would be an offset Yrom the Street budget, but it would be credited back into
general revenne.
Mr. Harris said he understood this a little better� and it sounded to him like
the accountittg should be refurbished a bit, He stated there vere two other areas
that concerned him; Playgrounds and Lifeguards. He said a considerable amount
xas spent in both those areas and they are both summertime activities� axad asked
Planning Couunission Meeting - June 23, 1976 Page 4 � �
if the same thing had happened in those areas as did vrith hockey and general
skating. Mr. Peterson answered no, not completely� because the maintenance
people do get some of their time charged into actual park maintenance such as
maintaining the ball diamonds for the boys and girls, beaches� etc. He said
they had talked to the person yrho had compiled this information and asked about
allocations� and she told them they had talked to the supervisor who made a
Chairperson Harris said the reason he asked was because under Supervisora
they had Director, Supervisor, Soccer, Archery, Arts & Crafts, and a total
of $15�178, which was a considerahle amount of money. He said there rras also
a total o£ $2,227 under Eqnipment For Games, Crafts, T.C.F., and non-oYfice
supplies. Mr. Peterson said that all of the money that was generated at the
beach concessions, for example, goes back into general revenue; but the help that
runa it is charged against the Parks and Recreation operating budget. Ae stated
that for a true picture the of credits iaould be needed to see xhat
the costs wonld actually be.
Mr. Harris sai.d he had one other question on Lifeguards, and asked if the partic-
ipant figure of 18,000 was correct. Mr. Peterson said he believed that figure
was arrived at on a sampling basis by park usage on a certain number of dqys.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by LangenPeld, that the Planning Commission receive
the minntes of the Parks and Recreation Cotmnission meeting of May 21�, 1976 .
Upon a eoice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimonsly.
Chairperson Harris noted that on page 1!t there was an Affirmative Action Program
9nalysis� and asked if this rras uhat has been done to date. Mrs. Shea replied
that this xas where they stood right nox. Mr. Harris asked if they had discussed
a goal in this area, and Mrs. Shea said that the city had a goal. Mr. Harris
asked xhere they tirere on this, and Mr. Boardmen replied that there vas no intent
on replacing anybody that is presently an smployee� but if certain people quit
then certain positions xould be £illed from this program. He said that to date
they vere about 50% there, and vere sitting prettg good as £ar as the state
reviex o£ the Af£irmative Action Program.
MOTION by Shea� seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Co�nission receive the
minutes of the Human &esonrces Conwission weeting of June 3, 1976. Upon a voice
vote� all voting sye� the motioxi carried nnanimonsly.
Mr. Langenfeld said the Commission should bear in miad the motion on page 16
concerning the Teen Center for fhrther discussion� end Chairperson Harris said
it xas so noted.
Mr. Harris asked how the Sign Co�ittee xas coming� and Mr. Bergman said they
had their first meeting Mond�y night. fle said they were lacking a member from
the beague oP Women Voters, bnt have found that the Lesgue does not meet in the
summer. He said they were told that the representative from the League vould be
3ndependent, Mr. Ber�nen added that a substitute representative from the Chamber
had attended the Yirst meeting, He commented that it was a good meeting� and
Planning Commission Keetiag - June 23s 1976 page 5 4 D
successful to get it off the gronnd� and told the Co�mi.ssion they had agreed to
meet oxice a month.
Chairperson Harris asked if the Bikejrqy Comaittee vas doing anything, and Mr.
Bergman said that the Chairman of that cou�.ittee should be at the next Planning
Co�iasioa meeting to bring there up to date.
t4UTI0lY by Bergman� seconded by Langenfeld� that the Planning Co�mnission receive
the minutes of the Community Development Co�ission meeting of June 8� 1976.
IIpos a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Gabel said she wonld like a correction made on page !t of the minutes, third
paragraph from the bottom. She stated she vould like the follosring sentence
added before that par�graptz "Mrs. Gabel sai.d she did not like this procednre,
and that while the variaace was in order the procednre was not, and if it xould
kappen again she s+ould very strong�y object", She said this should be folloved
by the sentesce starting "Mr. Remper said,..." and "and Mrs. Gabel agreed" should
be stricken. She stated that �rhen she said she egreed she meant her statement
ahould also go on the record.
MOTI0IV by Gabel� seconded by Peterson� that the Plsaning Coranission receive
the minutea of the Appeals Cownission meeting of June 15� 1976. Upon a voice
vote� all voting a,qe, the motioa carried unanimously.
Atr. Boardman told the Commi.ssion that the City Conncil had acted on the variance
reqnest by Mrs. Sporre at their last meeting, and had approved it according to
xhat the Board of Appeals said. He ewmiented that it was a bit out of order and
the StafP was a little upset by this also. Mr. Boardman said tne :Appeais commission
should h�ve tabled the item siace she did not have all the necessary signatures
that night and requested that City StaYY send out notic�s per procednre. lArs.
t;abel said that vas xhy they put on all the stipulations.
M�;LdI�: To allow a child care center for ten ahil ren, per I�idley City
o�is��uection 205.Oy1� 3, F� in an H-1 Zone (single familq dwelling areas),
to be located ott Lot 12, block 3, Ke�lovmoor Terrace Addition, the same
being 13![b Headovmoor Drive N.E.
Hrs. Nancy Helbie was present� along frith Terry Nagel of the Social Services
Depart�ent of the Anoka County Wel£are Board,
HOTIOH by Ber�aan� seconded by Gabel� that the Planning Coauaission open the
Public Hesring on the request for a Special Use Permit� SP �j76-O7� by Nancy
� Melbie. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� Chairperson Harris declared the
Pnblic Hesrin� open at 8:25 P,ti.
NIr. Board�asn sai�tha� as s���this xould be a 5pecial Use Permi� for a -
I ehild day care center, and Mrs. Melbie vould be having ten children there. He
suL�mitted to the Coimnission a statement oY approval aigned by ten o£ Mrs. Melbie's
Flannimg Coauaission Meeting - June 23, 197b peSe 6 � E
Chairperaon Barris read the folloxing statement out loud: "I, �Iancy Melbie,
aa naking sppliaation for a Special Use Permit to the City of Fridley, for having
ten full-tiae children at � Day Care. t�v yard xill be fenced and they xill be
kept on my ovn property. I need to advise you of this, and I request your
signatnre for permission or refhsal of permission. If you reflise, please state
reason for refusal.° Mz'. Harris noted that all ten neighbors had given their
MOTION by Shea, seconded by Bergman, to receive the petition o£ approval. Upon
a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried uttanimously.
1lr, Boardaan stated that since the neighbors have been contacted and there are
no written ohjectioas� City Stsff has ao ohjectiona to the proposal. He asked
if Mrs. Melbie Was licensed xith the state� attd Ma. Nagel replied she xas licensed
by the State of Mixmesota to care for five, and had been operating since November,
1975. She stated that Mrs. Melbie xould like to ezpand to include a greater
number oY children; end although the state didn't necessarily require a nex
pex�ait she must meet city codes to carry on her business.
Mr, gaardman said that Fridley City Code, Section 205.051� 3� F� s+onld allox
a child day care center Yor ten childrea in a R-1 Zone. Hr. Langenfeld asked
if this xould fall nnder the category of nursing homes� and Hr. Boardman said
the code did not really say d�v care center� but they interpreted a day care
center as that type of operation in which there is caring for more than five
Ha, Nagel said she vnderstood the reason they n�s+aded a Special Use Permit xas
because Hrs. Melbie planned to hire someone to help her since she vould be
taking children unier three years old. Mr. Boardman atated that as far as the
Special Use Permit vas concerned� theq felt this would be regulated under the
hospitals� nursing homes, etc.! since Hrs. 2ielbie �ronld be hiring ontside of
her home.
Chairperson Harris asked abont the traffic involved in loading and unloading
children� and Mr. Boardman replied that ten children wouldn't provide heavy
traffic, Mr. Harris asked xhat the hours of operation xould be� and Mrs. Melbie
said basically from 6:00 - 5:30� but they varied depending on the hours of the
parent. Mr. Harris questioned iP there srould be parking Yor long periods, and
Mrs. Melbie replied it would only be a matter of seconds. Hr. Harris then asked
if aYP-'street parking would be provided for the assistant, and Mrs. Melbie said
that ber assistant lived right next door.
Chairperson Harris asked if they didn't require the Fire Marshall to look at
this, and Mr. Boardman replied that the Welfare Department checked that. Mr.
Harris asked how large the fenced-in area vas� and Mr. Boardman replied that
the lot aize was 75 g 120 so there xas probablq a 50 % 75 back yard. Mr. I.angen-
feld asked if Mrs. Melbie had the proper liabilitq coverage from an insurance
standpoint� and she said she did,
Ii0TI0N by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Plenning Commission close
the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #7b-07� by
Nsncy Helbie. Upon a voice vote, all voting �e� Chairperson Harris declared
the Rxblic A�aring closed at 8:35 P.M.
Planning Corn�ission Keeting - Jvne 23, 1976
�a �
P�e � 4 F ;;.
MOTION by Peterson� seconded by LangenPeld� that the Planning Commission recommend
to the City Conncil approval of the reqnest for a Special Use Permit, SP �{76-07,
by Nancy Melbie� to allox a child care center for ten children� per Fridley City
Code� Section 205.051, 3, F� in an R-1 Zone (single family dwelling areas), to
be located on Lot 12, Block 3� lieados�or Terrace Addition� the same 1346
Heados+awor Drive N.E. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
a TBPlSt OT LOt3 1 LO fl 1T1C11181Ye� HlOCKS 11
Lot 1� Block 28� Innsbruck Horth Townhonses
in the size oP garages, generally located on
Pass and South of Meister Road N.E.
t[li L15V1�:l.V!'!llilY'1' l:VltYUtLA'1'1VN: nei
t rough 2, an so part of
Third Addition, to allox changes
the West side of East Bavarian
Chairperson Harris informed the Co�mo.ission that Mr. Jim London had called him
before the meeting to let him lmorr he vould be late� and he suggested that this
public hearing be del�yed until the arrival of Mr. London.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Gabel, to temporarily table the Public Hearing
on consideration of a preliiainary plat, P.S. J�b-O5� �sbruck North Replat
Third Addition� by Darrel A. Farr I�velopment Corporation, until Mr. London arrived.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
W1L1,7UN: 1'o permit the converslon or a one-2'amily� txo-story house to a
tw fo-'�amilq house in an R-1 District (single family dwelling areas), per
Fridley City Code, Section 205•051, 3, D, to be located on Lot 2, Block 1,
Froid�s Addition� the same being �O1 Ironton Street N.E.
Mrs. Phillip iiillson ezplained she was present to represent her hnsband, s�ho
xas ill and conld not attend the meeting.
MOTION by Bergman� seconded by Shea, that the Planniag Co�aisaion open the
Publie Hearing on the request for a Special Use Perndt� SP #76-08� by Pl�illip
M. Willson. Upon a voice vote, all voting a�ye� Chairperson Harris declared the
Public Hearing open at 8:lt0 P.M.
Afr. Boardman ezplained that this xas a two-story frame home� and according to
the Citq Code they can't develop a txrfarily home vithia a R-1 area. He shoxed
the Commission a picture of the house, and said it xas located on the North aide
of Ironton Street just East of a present two-famiiy dwelling unit that was=b�ng
bnilt. Hr. Boardman said that at this the City StaYf would have no objections
to a two-iamily dxelling as far as zoning pnrposes go; and they felt that if the
design of the structnre xas proper they could envision a txo-family dvelling with
no trouble.
Mr. Bergman asked if the tuo-dxelling structure that xas being built next door
wonld be elassiPied as a donble bungalow and fall under those requirements. I�^.
Boardman said it fell nader the requirements of a txo-fami.lq structure as far as
parking requirements, etc.� but it still is in a R-1 area.
Planning Co�mnission Meeting - June [3� 147o P88e 8 �� 1
Mrs. Shes asked xhat the square Yootage oi' tne bonse tras, ana Mr. Boardman and
Mrs. Willaon ensxered Lhey did not tmox. lir. 13oarda�an said that the lot uas
13�5bb square Yeet and that lu,utR1 square Yeet vas required Yor a douole bungalov.
Mrs. Gabel asked how many rooms there were, end Mrs. Willson answered there vere
Your rooms upstairs that xould be made into an apartment, plus a large porcn. She
added that they would be living in the domstairs apartment �hich also consisted
af four rooras and a porch, and there xould ne txo stainrays.
Chairperson Harris asked if they xere a considerable amount oY remodeling,
amd lSrs. Willson said they Were. Mr. LangenYeld asked if they had complete
heatiag and cooking elements separate Yor thrs rental area, and Mrs. Willson said
tdat was right. Mrs. Gabel asked iY they would be making the upstairs apartment
into a one or two bedroom, and Mr�. Willaon replied it xould be a two-bedrnom
apartment Kith separate nathroom and kitchen facilities.
Mr, tter�nan asked ii' a petition had been circulated or any Yormal document signed
by the neighbors, and Mrs. Willson said she had no signed statement but tne
neighbors she had talked to didn't object. She said she felt iY anyone had an
objection they vould be at this meeting to voice their opinions. Cnairperson
Harris asked iY they had a one-car garage, and Mrs. iiillson said they xere planning
on building a gsrage that vould be large enough to include a tennent. Mr. Harris
then aaked iY they xere planning on paving tne drivexay� and Mrs. Yfillson said
she vasn't sure, but Mr. Hoaraman said it xould ve required to meet all codes.
Mr. LangenYeld said he vould like to indicate that due to the age oY this drelling
it should be approved as Yar as iYre saYety vas concerned, and Hr. tsoardman said
it xould be required to meet code.
Mr. Hergman asked xhac type oY dwelling ra�isted on sach oi' the four aides, lirs.
Willson ansvered that there were two double bungaloxs on one side, 8 98C8T1L lot
xhich they owued on the other aide� a four-plex across the street, a five-family
apartment kitty-corner across the street, and a Metro 500 gas station behind them.
Mr, Boardman explained that the area behind them xas xoned M-1 and R-1,
MOTION by Peterson, secoaded by Shea, that the Planning Coimnission close the
Public Hesring on the request for a Speeial Use Permit, SP �%/6-08, by �illip
M. Willsoa. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared
the Public Hearing closed at 8:50 P.H.
14UPION by Bergman, seconded by Gabel, that the Planning Co�isaion recoaanend
to the City Council approval of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-08,
by Phillip K. Willson, to permit the conversion oY a one-family, trro-story house
to a txo-family house in an R-1 District (single family dxelling areas}, per
Fridley City Code� Section 205•051, 3, D� to be located on Lot 2, Block 1,
Froid�s Addition, the same being 401 Ironton Street H.E. Upon a voice vote� all
voting aye� the motion carried unanimousl,y.
U TE: Per Fridley C ty C e� ect on 0. � 3s N, to al orr an outside
s�ipTay azea for a hydroponic growing system, to be located on Lots 25 and
26, Block 3, Ree's Addition, the same being 6}t83 University Avenue N.E.
Iir. Robert 5tavanau was present to represent Stav's Sttperette.
MOTION by Peterson� seconded by Hergman, that the P].anning Co�aission open the
Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #?b-09, by Stav's
Plaaning Coamiission Heeting - June 23, 1976
Page 9 �i H
Superette. Upon a voice nate, all voting aye, Chairperson Harris deelared the
Public Hesring open at 8:51� P,M. ,
Mr. Boardman explained that this wonld be a Special Use Permit for an outside
display area used for displaying small greenhouses, to be located in the front
of the building in the present parking lot on the University and Mississippi
Street side. He said it xas already there onJ,y because Mr. Stavanau had no other
place to store it, and with the understanding that iP the Special Use Permit was
denied he wonld remove it iimnediately. Mr. Boardman shoWed the Commission
Mr. 5tavaaau's proposal depicting vhat he planned to do. He explained it srould
be in a fenced area built up xith railroad ties aud landscaping would be provided,
and the present boulevard area vrould be resodded and trees srould be planted. He
stated that the access through the parking lot on Mississippi Street would be
cut off. He said this xas a portable, for-sale unit.
Mrs. Gabel said she sax a traffic problem xith the sridth that xas left for cars,
and Mr. Boardman shoved jrhere the people drove on the service drive. He said
this �as a proposal to block that off, and shoxed Trhere it would be open for a
bike path and xalk path. He ezplained that there xas a stTeet improvement
project, and this proposal may save the city money as far as acquisition from
Eed Owl, too, because if this xas cut off they could start their acquisition
back further and might not have to pick np as much properiy. He said he wonld
like to add that � this i.mprovement there vould also be a building improvement,
as they xould be taking down the yellox facade and putting on a ahake roof mansard.
He added that any improvement that xas done� and Mr. Stavanau vas aware of this,
would be a temporary situatioa since he is a renter. Mr. Boardman explained that
the property was oxned by a doctor, and he vas attempting to sell it.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if this xas going to be there permanently, including the
xinter� and Mr. Boardman replied it xas. He sai.d it was a permanent display
area for this type of sqstem. Mr. Langenfeld said that here again they xould
be giving a Special Use Permit to the property� and Mr. Boardman said that xas
correct. Chairperson Harris asked xhat a hydroponie growing system xas� and
Mr. Stavanau answered it was growing food stu£fs xithont soil. He ilirther
explained it xas asoii-less garden using strictly water, and all the buildi,ngs
vere heated. Mr. Langenfeld asked if there was a large degree of heat� and what
the maximum temperature xas. Mr. Stavanan replied it went up to eighty degrees�
and everything was thermostatically controlled. He said it was all self-contai.ned
in the unit� and a typical heating cost for that size of unit Por one year was
only abont $200.
Hr. Peterson asked i£ he vas planning on grosring things in that unit, and Mr,
Stavanau replied he Was, Mr, Bergman asked vhat his objective xas, and 14r,
Stavanau ansxered hydroponic system sales.
Mr. Ber�nsn stated that he xas somerrhat turned off, and Mr, Stavanau said this
xould all tie in srith a method of justifying the expense of overall beautification
of a not too sightly building. He said that looking at the plan� a garden type
of spot would be easier to visualize than the littered parking lot they had now.
Hr. Bergman explained he hadn't meant to drop his statement there� and said that
if there xas such a thing as the center of the city� that corner vas very posaibly
it, He said that he thought aesthetically that corner� and particularly that side
Planning Commission Meeting - June 23� 1976 Page 10 � 1
of the street the superette was located on� lacked sesthetic besuty right now,
and to him the addition of vhai Mr. Stavanau xas proposing vould merely add to
the lack oP uniformity of building design. He contimied that that side of the
street right now gave him the impression oY crovdedness� it was aesthetically
unpleasant, there r2re parking problems, the occupancy and structures were
ineonsi�tent� and visualizing the addition of this structure in the front merelq
added to that,
24r. Stavan�u replied that he felt just the opposite� and also felt it rmuld
add to his busiaess. He said they xould be working with the Staff and they
wonld haoe to a�ree th�t it xas appropriate and actually doing what their intent
vas. He stated that there was quite a bit of dollars and cents involved in
the landacaping to replace what is nov blacktop. He explained it xould all be
terraced and redwood chip, shrubhery, and landscaping that would *m�ap around the
front of the strncture. He added that they plaaned to include the boulevard
srhich jras at present just a xeed patch.
Hrs. Gabel asked if there would be direct access from the store to this unit,
and Mr. Stavanau replied there would be. Mrs. Gabel asked if he believed that
vanda7.ism rronld be less by putting this in the front. Mr. Stavanau answered
he did� and stated there xas better lighting and the traffic would add as a
dete�t for vandalism. Mrs. Gabel asked if he didn't see a degree of risk
involved since the oi+nership was up in the sir� and Mr. Stavanau replied he
had waited for seven years for the oxner to make impronements. He said that
looking at the potential retnrn profit-xise, theq Pelt they conld justif� the
ezpense as a lease holder, too.
Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to i.ndicate one thing that upset him a bit�
and that ras even though it had been prearranged srith StaPf this had gone up
vi.thout a permit� and if a fellox neighbor had stuck this in the ba�k yard
he rould have had to act quickly. He said he certainly rrished Fridley busines�s
vell� but this type of thiag surprised him. ISr. Boardmen eaPlained that it
weat there for security pnrposes only and with the understanding that if they
received aRy complaints it vonld be moved. He stated it was a$2�000 structure
and by placing it in the rear yard xhere they have present parking problems
it frould be hampering present traffic flov. He added that they had not received
aay complaints.
Mr. Peterson stated that there were certainly a great deal of i21ega1 turns
on Mississippi going West, and if some of these problems were eliminated it
would be a good thin�. Re said he felt Mr. Stavanau should be co�maended for
improving the building since he xas not the osmer� and added that he had been
a good citiaen in the bnsiness eo�aunity. Fie added that he was willing to take
Mr. Stavaz►an's xoxd that this would improve the sesthetics of that corner and
not detract from it.
Mrs. Gabel asked if there xould be room for a car to get through� and Mr. Boardman
replied there vonld not be as there vonld only be a Pive foot walk area.
Chairperson Harris asked if he planned to eliminate the blacktop along Mississippi
Street also� and Mr. Stavanau replied he did and added that it xonld tie in with
the bikexay. Mr. Boardman said that by request of the city they �rould be leaving
a five foot strip of blacktop so the city could get the bikeway system out of the
Plenning Gommission Meeting - June 23� 1976
Page 11 4 �
Chairperson Harris asked horr tall the fence xas� and Mr. Stavanau replied it was
a b� ehain link Fence. Mr. Harris asked hov long he envisioned this strueture
being there. Mr. Stavanan replied it xas strictly a displ�* unit, but it was for
sale� so he real�y didn't lmov at this point. Mr. Harris then asked xhat xonld
happen if this venture didn't work out very vell� and xhat rrould happen to the
area. Mr. Stavanau ansxered that they xould have a lovely looking front yard.
Mr. Iiarris asked what wonld happen if somebody bought this particular nnit and
it vas �ooed off. Mr. Stavanau said another display would go in there as their
itttentioa vas continuing displays. Mr. Harris said he xas looking Yor some type
of aasnrance that it would not be used for something like a storage area� and
Mr. Stavanau said that as he understood it he Would then need another Special
llse Permit as this one was specifically for a k�ydroponic display.
Chairperson Harris asked iP for some reason this unit Was removed and not replaced�
if Hr. Stavanan would agree to the area� snd he replied he would.
Mr. 5tavanau added tnat a certain amount oY this landscaping and building improve-
ment had been their intention for some time� and they had just reached the point
that since the landlord uasn't going to do it they £elt they must as a part oY
good business. 1lr. Hoardman said that rather tnan make a statement of sodding,
Staf1' xould prefer to s�r complete landscaping in the area where the strneture
xas located.
Mr. Bergman said that aside from the landscaping improvements which ne agreed
xere needed� it seemed to him that this kind of an i.nstallat3on ought more
astnrally be placed in the back of the bnilding iastead of the front, and asked
iP Hr. Stavanau nad considered tnat. He answered that he had� but xould like
it located in front partly for security reasons and partly for exposure. He
added that it would look better xhen it xas gro`ring and there were green plants
inside� and said he thonght the Co�mnissioa would be pleasantly surprised when
it Was doxa.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if this hydroponic system vas a Japanese procedure� and
2�Ix�. Stavanau replied it xas not. He said this system has been arovnd for
centuries and added as a point of interest that during World War II there yrere
13 million tons oY produce produced this way. He stated that it has really
progressed rapidly £rom that point, but had never become a very profitable thing
until the more extensive use of PVC and poly because the nutrients that are fed
to the plants are all xater soluable. Hr. Langenfeld asked if he had at least
$3,000 invested in this nox, and Mr. Stavanau replied he did. Mr. Langenfeld
asked if there xould be a considerable hardehip plaeed on him ii the permit was
denied� other than the initial i.nvestment. Mr. Stavan� answered that he would
have to find a nesr home for it.
Chairperson Harris said that when he talked to the oxners of that property in
the past he alrqys heard it xould only be there for a couple more years, and
asked i£ Nr. Stavanau thought that was ever going to come to pass. Mr. Stavanau
replied he did not,
MOTIODI by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld� that the Planning Couoission close
the Public Hearing on the request Yor a Special Use-•Permit� SP jY76-09� bY Stae's
Sxiperette. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the
Pnblic Hearing closed at 9:30 P.H.
P1Qnning Commission Meetittg - June 23, 1976
Page 12
iSOTI0A1 by Peterson� seconded by Langenfeld? that the Plazuaing Co�eission recommend
to the City Council approval of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #7b-09,
By $tav�s Superette, per Fridley City Code� Section 205.101� 3, N, to allov an
autside display area £or a hydroponic growing systey to be located on Lots 25
and 26, Block 3� Ree's Addition� the same being 6lt83 Dniversity Avenue N.E.� �rith
the stipulations as outlined in terms o� landscaping and building modification�
and with the understanding that some tppe of landscape would be put into the space
if 3L srere no longer occnplied by a Y�ydropottic strncture.
Mr. Bergmau atated he could not enviaion at�y well-organized, sesthetically-
pleasiag archfiteatural plan made by proYessional people placing that unique,
nnnaual� and very different structure in Pront of that building on that particular
corner. He said he thought there xas a sizeable amenznt o£ visual blight in that
general area nox, and thought this kind of uniqne facility Wau1d just add to it.
He stated Por these reasons he rmuld have to vote a�sinst it,
Mr. Langenfeld asked i£ it xas correct that under the Special Use Pez�ait this
xould have the element oP control for approaimately one year, and Mr. Harris
said that was correct. Mr. Langenfeld said the vay he looked at it nox he agreed
xith PSr. Bergman� but if there xas the element of control on an annual basis
perhaps it conld be watched more closely and then be more aesthetically pleasing
than it xas right nox.
Mr. Peterson AMENDED the MOTlON to include the st3pulation that Staff revier
the Special Use Permit after one year. Secoaded by LangenfeZd.
Mr. Bosrdman said he xould like to reco�end that the that is placed
around this strncture be to such a period in its growth that it yrould provide
the type of landscaping+ shrubbery and trees that xould be necessary to promote
a garden area. Mr. Feterson stated that xas implied in the motion that he made
because both the patitioner and Staff had ment3aned it was going to be a
cooperative venture betveen them and so he assumed that between them there would
be a meeting of the minds, lRr. Boardman cormaented he felt Mr. Bergman might
be more comfortable xith that type of a stipulation.
Chairperson Harris said that under the existing circumstanees he disagreed with
iir. Bergman. He stated he thought any improvement ia that area would be beneficial
to the corner, and if this xas denied there xould be no improvement and the status
quo uould remain the same for another seven years or until the building fell doxn.
Mr. Hsrris said that he agreed Yiom the standpoint of aesthetics that he probably
would not want to see it in front of City Hall, but he thought it xas a move in
the right direction and ii xould solve some trafYic problems in there. He added
that he wished there could be a barrier Prom the reat oi that parking lot, and
su�gested some temporary curbing across where it seid "!t0 feeta to keep the patrons
frora the Canterbury £rom wandering into the srea inadvertently. Mr. Stavanau
said he understood what Mr, Harris vas talking about� and stated there Was no
reason they couldn't go right acroas there �+ith the landscaping. Mr. Harris said
he was thinking they might have a Walks+ay along side the ties snd in through the
gate, and added that this might start something fresh in the vhole center.
Mr. Boardman said he had talked to the Center Manager and while he is willing
to have City Staff talk to the other owners, he said he is unwilling to do any
improvements on this thing. Mr. Boardman explained he xas trying to phase that
build3ng out af operation, snd a.fter another ten-year period the structure Would
� �ri
Planning Comaission tieeting - June 23, 1976 Page 13 lj �
no longer be a cost to the property, He said that az�y improvement on th�
building would incresse the length of time that they rrould have to operate
it in order to get the money back from that bu3lding.
Mr. I,angenPeld said he vould like to comment that he hoped this Would not start
a trend that everything from soup to nuts Would go out in front o£ other places.
Mr. Harris said he believed that the City Council had already set a precadent
as far as this was concerned when they allowed the tr�siler sales park in front
of Holiday Village. He stated that if the city allows trailer sales
694 in the Holidy parking lot, then ar�ybody xho has nacant parking area that is
not used hes the same rights to apply for the same uses, Hr, Bergman said if
the trailer sales fluictioa were requested on the corner of Mississippi and Univ-
ersity, his vote xould have been diPferent. Chairperson Harris sai.d that the
trailer sales park was on the corner of 69k and University and that corner xas
a far busier one. He stated that many more people visiti,ng the city would see
that operation than this one. Mr. Langenfeld said he vanted to point out that
he vas not questioning anyone�s rights. Mr. Harris stated that uith the precedent
being set� as far as he was concerned, he aas going to vote for this particular
UPON A ROLL CALL YOTE� Harris, Langenfeld� Peterson, Shea and Gabel voting aye�
Ber�nan voting nay� the motion carried 5- 1.
Block 28, Innsbrnck North Tojrnhouses Third Addition� to allow changes in the
size of garages, generally located on the West side of East Bavarian Pass and
South of Meister Road N.E.
Afr, Jim London� Mr. Jerry Anderson and I�[x�. Lorin Woods were present.
MOPION by Peterson� seconded by Langenfeld, that the Coimnission open
the Public Aearing on the consideration of a preliminary plat, P.S. �/76-05�
Innsbruck North Replat Third Addition� by barrel A. Farr Development Corporation.
Upon a voice vote, all eoting aye� Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing
open at 9:115 P.M.
Mr. London� representing Darrel A. Farr DeveloFnnent Corporation� stated that
after talking to Hr. Anderson and Mr. Woods he xould 2ike to request that this
be tabled until the next meeting of the Planning Co�nission as they had some
problems to r+ork out at the Innsbruck North Tor+nhouse Architectural Control
Committee level. He said that these problems would have to be vorked out before
they could go ahead rrith their plan, or it xonld be withdrarm.
MOTION by Langenfeld� seconded by Peterson� that the Public Hearing on consider-
ation oY a preliminary plat� P.S. #'T6-O5� Innsbrnck North Replat Third Addition�
by Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation, be tabled until the nea�t Planning
Coymnission naeeting on July ].It, 1976, rrith the Public Hearing open. Upon a voice
vote� aI.2 aoting aye� the motion carried unanimously.
Planning Coaepission Meeting - June 23� 1976 Page 11�
lir. liergman said he had received some comnents from townhouse owners� and tn�.r
concern seems to be the lack of open parking and loss of some of same �rith the
proposal. Mr, London said it xas so noted.
easement on tae Southerty 3j ieet oi
2� fiast Ranch Estates Second Addtion.
Mr. Itobert Schroer rras prssent.
Vacate the street
et of I,ot !y, Block
Mr. F3oardmazt explained that this request rras brought before the Planning Co�ission
from the Special Use Permit granted to gennedy Transmission Company, and that
Bob Schroer had submitted a request for vacation of that street. Mr. Boardman
sai.d Mr. Schroer had agreed to the easement of 50' as reqnested by the Pla�ning
Coimnission, snd the vacation xas Yor the 33' that �rent through the transmission
company�s property. Mr. Harris asked if there vere suy lines of azty sort in
that 33'� and Mr. Hoardman replied yes, the city xould have to maintain for
sanitary sexer.
MOTION by Peterson� seconded by Langenfeld� that the Planning Co�nission
reco�maend to the City Council approval of the request for a vacation, SAV
�i76-03, bY Nobert Schroer� to vacate the street easement on the Southerly 33
feet of the Easterly 200 f'eet o2' Lot !�, Block 2� East xanch Fstates Second
Addition� xith the stipulations Yor drainage and utility easements as ontlined
by Staff.
Nr. Boardman said that it xas his understanding that Mr. Schroer rrould eliminate
the proposed street in the rear and all the indnstrial property will be faced orf
af 8anchers Road,
Chairpersott riarris said that perhaps at that time they should make a note and
tie those split-off lots to the rear lots somehoW� as tne abandonment of the
road idea wonld create some lattd-locked property. Hr, Boardman said that the
city would maintain a road easement as long as those lots �rere msintained, and
crith a replat that road vould be vacated.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye� the motion carried waenimouslq.
Mr. Ned Storla ras present representing the Youth Project Co�nittee.
Mr. Boardman said he wanted to apologize for not getting this on the agenda.
He stated he xas going to bring it to the Planning Co�i.ssion after it went to
all the member co�issions� and it xas overlooked. He added that all the member
eo�issions have looked at the proposal and made their recoromendations to the
Plsaning Commission.
Hr. Langenfeld said he vonld to hear the motions from the Human Resources
Commission and the Community Develo�ent Co�mnissioas to get updated.
Planning Comn�ission Meeting - June 23� 1976 Page 15 ��'
Mrs. Shea read the folloxing motion from the Human 8esources Commission neeting
of April 1, 1976: MOTSON by Barbara Shea� seconded by Nancy Lambert� that the
Human Resources Cotmoission approve the resolution by the YPC and ask the City
through the Planning Commission to bring the Iouth Center under the auspices
of the Parks and Recreation Department,
Mr. Bergman read the following motion from the Co�mm�nity Development Co�.ission
meeting of June 8, 197Ei: MOTION by Dennis Schneider� seconded by Hubert Lindblad�
that the Co�amunity Develo�aent Commission recommend to Planning Commission
concnrrence rrith the creation of a teen center in F4�idley to be operated as
indicated oa Page 2 of the Humen xesources Commission meeting minutes of April
1, 1976 paragraphs oae through three and, flu�ther, that the City guarantee
the use of the library within 30 daqs after acceptance of the charter as a teen
center, Also, that a time limit of one �nth be set for each Cowaission to
appoint a person to the temporary board of directors, If a Coimnission does
not make their appointaaent xithin the one month period, then the YPC has the
right to appoint a person to fill that position on the temporarq board of directors.
F�rther, that the temporary board of directors consisi of an ex-officio Parks
& Recreation Commission member or their designate.
Hr. Bergman said he would like to comment flirther� and stated that the Comminity
Derelo�ent Commi.ssion had this on their agenda on and off for six months. fle
stated that they had all gotten involved in general discussion, had listened
to other�s coum�ents, and had finally gotten to the guts of the matter at their
last meeting when Mr. Storla was present, He contimied that i.nitially they had
been concerned that there xas not a formal operating procedurel of horr this vould
be run,-what hours it would be open, what they would do in it� iY it rrould be
strnctured or unstructured, as all of these questions were not ans�rered. He
stated that they finally backed off to the Human 8esources position at one of
their previous meetings xhere the statement was made that the youth had put in
enongh time on this and should not, at this point� be burdened xith a lot of
detailed questions. He eo�mnented that these could be worked out during the
develogaent of the charter.
Mr. Bergman said they had gottea into a discussion on C3ty Hall space, and they
took a look at the old library and the Parks and Recreation office and the outer
office� and concluded that in their opinion there vas enough space in the Frid�ey
City Hall. He stated that there might have to be some adjustment to occupaney�
but it could be made to wvrk. Mr. Ber�nan contirrued that they had talked about
poasible problems in a lengti�y conversation� and from having started from a
position oP ronghly 50� for and 50% aga:i.nst, it xas interesting that by the time
they completed their discussions and considerations there xas unanimous agreement
on one key point--the thing should be given a chance. He stated that xas the
basic position of Community Developnent; it mqy or may not vork� but it should
be given a chance.
The over-viex and control of this kind of thing, I�Sr. Her�nan stated, logically
should fall rrithin Parks and Recreation. He said that commasts had been made
that Parks and Recreation spends a lot of tvne young kids� but not too much
time vas applied to teenagers. Hr. Bergman continued that Community DeveloFanient
felt cormnitments should be made by the city at this time, prior to a detailed
charter. He stated he xanted to point out that all five subcommi.ttees have
studied the proposal and all five have stated on record that they are in favor
of a youth center. He added that there have been some concerns as to ahere it
should be located� aho should operate it� xill it work� parking problems�
Planning Comaission Meeting - June 23, 1976 Page 16 4 �
noise� etc.� bnt yet everyone s�ys they are in favor of it so a stand should he
made on it.
Mr. Boardman read to the Co�nission the motion from the Parks and Recreation
Comnission of April 26� 1976: MOTION Dy Harris, seconded by Seeger�
that since the Coimnission is in favor oY a youth center but not in favor of
locating it in the City Hall� the Human Resources Co�ai.ssion be ssked to talk
to the people at the Northeast Y and find out the status of their prograzn and
see if a workable solution can be made with their facility and our intended use.
Mr. Boardma� then read to the Commission a subsequent discussion on the youth
center at the Parks and Recreation meetiag of May 2l�, 1976: Mr. Moore referred
to a letter from the Youth Pxroject Conunittee and said he vould like to make his
feelings lmorm to the Parks and Recreatiop Goimnission. He stated he had talked
to several people on this subject, and he would not be against having them use
the Parks and Recreation Department�s space if they were to move out to
the library area. Director Huf£ said he would sti11 be a bit negative to having
the Youth Center Iocated at the City Hall. Mr. Harris stated that he had given
some thought to that� and he xas not snre that Parks and Recreation should be
involved in the Youth Center. Director Huff cocmnented that Conumueity Schools
had offered the group to come under their auspices.
Mr. Storla said that Community Schools, as he understood it� xould require raore
statistics be compiled before they vou2d f1u►d the teen center. Ae explai.ned
that the YPC did not have the manpower to compile how many cars would need
parking� how many people a day would be using it, whzch programs would be the
best for it� etc.� and Co�nunity Schools uas not xilling to flmd it on the
original proposal.
Mr. Peterson sai.d he xould like to point out that neither the Planning Cammission
or anq of:the other Commissions had ar�y power to create He stated that
this hsd to be done through->the City Council� and he thought this Co�ni.ssion
should be very careful xhen they say that Parks and Recreation should be doing
this, because they don't have that po�rer. He stated he thought they could save
all kinds of tivae and debate i£ they just recommend to Council that either they
create it or not; then if Council wants to appropriate money that �rould be fine�
and they could put it wherever they wanted to, He added that he still didn't
think it be2onged under Psrks and Recreation� but if Council xanted to put it
there, then that is rrhere it xould be.
Atrs, Shea asked Mr. Peterson where the Youtn Center would go� if not under Parks
and Recreation, and ?1r. Peterson asked where the other ones other
communities. Mrs. Shea answered tnat most xere under the Parks and Hecreation
Bepartment, and cited RichPield as an example. Mr. Storla agreed that the majority
were, and said that the youth centers that xere most similiar to tne one they were
setting up vere under the suspices oY the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr.
Peterson said that in all the materisl ne nad seen presented, he hadn't seen
"Town A" aad stabistics on hox it was operated� its budget� and so on. He
continued that xhen they start talking about Parks and Recreation and start
comparing programs, they have to contact ten cities and come back vith dsta on
the activity, funding, etc, He stated he hadn't seen anything like that. Mrs.
Shea said that vas pretty much rrhat they vere asking for now--to have StafY do
something. She stated they did not have the facilities in their Commission.
Plsnning Commission Meeting - June 23� 197b Paqe 17 4 P
Mr. Storla said tnat they had conducted an educational seminar across the street
and about iifty people had turned out. He stated that five directors from five
diYYerent teen centers had attended and discnssed their operations, so they nad
been through that. Mr. Peterson asked iY they had contacted teen centers in
other cities. Mr. Storla replied ttcey had gone to Crystal, nad talked to the
police in Minneapolis and the Couununity Activities Director, and had gone to
tne Northern Suburben one in Coon kapids. He added that iY they had the time
and money they eould hsve had statistics compiled, but they dicln't have the staY£
and thought perhaps the City did. He said tnat after looking at this for six
months they vould like to see it set up.
Mr. LangenYeld read to the Commission the motion made bq the Fhvironmental Quality
Commiseion fron the minutes of their May lti, 1976 meeting: MOTION by bee Ann
Sporre� seconded 1'or discussion by itrother Sullivan� to recommend to Planning
Commission that the City provide comprehensive recreation planning services and
tnat Yunds be used to estaolish diverse recreation options Yor people oF all
ages and that a xouth Program Conmittee be developed naving a temporary board
of directors consisting oi' sie regular members and two ex-oY'ficio members.
Regular members shall be appointed by the Yoiloxing groups: one by tne r'ridley
City Council, one by tha Fridley Planuing Co�moission, one by the N'ridley Human
B.esources Comunission, one by the Parks and Hecreation Commission� and txo by
the Fridley Youth Project Committee. One ex-ox'Yicio member shall be appointed
by the A'ridley City Council and one oy the r'ridley Police Department.
lir. Langeni'eld said they haa discussed this at great length, and he agreed Trith
Mr. rioardnan that perhaps a space may not be quiLe as important as to get the
proper planning and so Yorth to get the projecL oYY the ground. He stated it
was nis i'eeling that once ihis particular motion xas implemented the answer
Yor the center vould take place by establishing all the committees, boards,
etc., then they could make the final determination as to irhat they feel is
necessary. He added that they had not made an official motion on the use of
the City Hall as they felt not enough information was available.
Mrs. Eiabel said that the Board of Appeals had also made a motion stating they
were in favor of the concept of the Youth Center, but their motion said a
"temporary facility° in the City Ha21 as they felt the space there �eight prove
to be not adequate, She stated the point xas they could talk this thing to
death� and the kids had been sent around and around long enough, and it was
nw time to take some forward direction so they conld move on it.
Mr, Boardman said it was Staff�s recomnendation that there be a three-year or
possible five-yesr expansion program xithin the City Hall area. He atated that
the first anticipated space for development would be the library area� and the
last space that xould be designated (possibly the third year down the line) xould
by the Parks and Recreation area. There£ore, he said, if the teen center does
go into City Hall� Staff would reco�end it go into the Parks and Recreation
area on a temporary basis (one to three years).
Mr. Boardman stated he had been involned rrith this project since its beginning,
and he had a real hang-up that all the Cormni.ssions agreed a teen center is needed.
He said that as he discussed xith the l�hvironaeatal Commission, he questioned
if a center is what is really needed or if some kind of recreational activity
program for youth is the thing that would be the most beneficisl. He atated
he had just heard that St. Louis Park has an operation going on in xhich they
ogen the junior high school three da4ys a week for teenage youth activities
such as dances, use of siri.iruaing pool faeilitiss, use of tennis courts, basket-
Planning Com¢nission Meeting - June 23� 1976 Page 18 ��� �
ball facilities� games, etc. He stated the question that came to his mind was
if the center xas really needed or not, and he hadn�t seen ar�}*thing that said
a teen location is needed. He continued that he had the Yeeling if it xas
developed and if it failed, it xould be detrioiental to the youth developnent
Within the co�unity. Mr. Boardman said he xould like to see several things
happen as far as if the city is going to be coimaitted to youth; it should be
committec3 in the organ3zation of youth and the recreational activities of youth.
He thought if this was to get going there would hane to be more there that said
they were going to coordinate this whole progrem� and maybe what they need is
not a center but the Whole gamut of recreational flu►etion like they have in
St. Louis Park.
Hrs. Gabel said she xould have to disagree srith that� and she didn't think
the youth vould have spent so much time going around in circles if they didn't
feel that xas what they needed. She stated that their feelings didn't necessarily
reflect the youth�s, azzd suggested they listen to the youths to a degree and
give them a chance to set their guidelines. Mr. Boardman said he thought the
program was fine to be started but it should be carried on� aud said there had
to be something fron the city to support this action. He continued that if
it rras Pelt a teen center should be started and space was allocated i.n City
Hall� there should be more backing it up and more interest in it than just
givitig them a space.
Mr. Langenfeld said he got the impression that what they were real�y after was
monentum. He stated it was true the youths had been going to Connni.ssion after
Co�mnission for some time, but if they were given a temporary area there might
be a big sigh of relie£ and the xhole momentum might fizzle out. Hovever, he
added, he did think it should be given a chance so they could find out.
Mr. Bergman stated he did not agree xith Mr. Hoardman's comments, and felt xhat
they were talking about uas a matter of priorities as far as space vas concerned
and whs� Parks and Recrestion should be doing.
MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Shea� that the PZanning Coimrui.ssion concar with
the motion £rom the Co�mmuiity Development meeting of June 8, 1976, and recormnend
to City Council the creation of a teen center in Fridley to be operated as
This youth center should have a temporary board of directors consist3ng
of sia regular members and txo ex-o£ficio members. Regular members shall
be appointed by the foZloxing gronps: one by the Fridley City Council� ane
by the FYidley Coimnission, one by the Fridley Human $esources
Co�i.ssion, and tiro by the FY�idley Youth Project Corurtittee. One es-officio
member shall be appointed by the Fridley City Gouncil and one by the
Fridley Police Department,
The temporary board of directors should serve for not more than thirty
d�ys during which time they will xrite the charter, establish the interim
rules for the youth center and facilitate the elect3on for regular members
to the permanent bosr@. The appointed ex-officio members xill also serve
on the permanent board.
Administratively, the youth center will be under the suspices of the Parks
and Recreation Department who will assign staPf to supervise and carry out
the guidelines established by the board o£ directors.
Planning Conunission Meeting - June 23, 1976 Page 19 4 R
Flirther, that the City guarantee the use of the library within 30 dqys after
acceptance of the charter as a teen center. Also, that a time limit of one
month be set for each Commission to appoint a person to the temporary board
of directors. If a commission does not make their appointment within the
one-month period, then the YPC has the right to appoint a person to fill that
position on the temporary board of directors. Flirther, that the temporary board
of directors consist of an ez-officio Parks and Recreation Coimhission member
or their designate.
Mr, Peterson said if he xere on the City Council he would ask several questions
that have not been answered yet� as far as he sras concerned� such as hox many
people vould be involved� xe�e there any duplicate services within the community,
etc. He stated that in Parks and Recreation they had asked that the Y be
contacted� Cormminity Schools� and if it xas going to be a duplication of sex�rices
that already exist or if they rrere talking a6�ut thirty people out of a pop-
ulation of several thousand. He stated he did not think the City Council was
going to take action based on the information available� and he would be a
little unhappy ii they did.
Mrs. Shea said that as far as the Y goes that uas still five years ax�y, and
wonld be strictly iamily membership and not individual membership. She added
if a Yamily couldn't pay about $200 to belong� a member of that family could
not go there. Mr. Peterson said that xasn't true because he happened to be
on the Board of Directors for Northwest Y in St. Paul xhich was a family Y�
aad there xere many teenagers tlaat participated. Mrs. Shea stated that they
had a one-night a xeek prograzn in that Y� and Mr. Peterson said he didn't
think that xas true, He added that he didn't lmox xhat the timetable xas
Por the Northeast Y� but maybe there srere other services that xere duplicated.
Mr, Storla said that if a youth vanted to go somexhere tonight, for example,
the only place xould be the Family F1�n Center which was a pinball hall, and
there was the question of value oP the atmosphere there. He added that they
had not come up with any other activities �rhere a yonth could go right nox�
and haven't seen aqy duplications,
Chairperson Harris said they had been talking around in circles, and srhat it
boiled down to was space allocation� and that was the hang-up with Staff and
Parks and Recreation. He said he honestly didtt't lmo�r in his mind if putting
it in City Hall xas going to work, but he felt there should be one. Mr.
Boardman said he didn�t think that xas the main hang-up� and sai.d he felt
they conld go xith temporary space in the City Hall xith no problem. He stated
he felt they should be thinking of a more permanent type situation, and about
the programs Por youth and i£ that space is oriented to the programs they want.
Mr. Harris said that then the next step in his mind was to get the thing off
the ground� have them put together a board of directors, and at that time
determine vhere the space should be.
UPON A 110ICE VOTE� HarrSs� Bergman, Langenfeld� Shea and Gabe1 voting �ye�
Peterson voting nt�v� the motion carried 5- 1.
Mrs, Gabel said that a number of youths had told her abont the ridiculons
rules and regulations that xere imposed i.n the downstairs Parks and Recreation
area xhere there vrere some facilities for them to nse. She stated she xas
told that when the youth�s ten minutes were up� some person gets crabby and
Planning Couwission Heetittg - June 23, 1976 Page 20 4_S
and tella them their time is up and not to come back for the rest of the day.
Mr. Bergiaan said it was a five-minute limit, and vould like to ask how nany
games of ping-pong a youth could play in five mi.nutes. Mr. Hoardman explained
that the Parks and Recreation offices xere right off the outside pl�y area�
and it vas disturbing to those offices� and that rras the reason the time limits
xere imposed. He added that he rras npset about the li.mits� too� but they
were the rules that Paul Brotm set on those things because of the type of admin-
istrative actinity going on,
Chairperaon Harris asked Mr. Storla iP he had talked to District ].1�, and I�Ir,
Storla explai.aed that they couldn�t be in schools during school hours, and
after school hours theq xould be dealing with Community Schools. Mr. Harris
said he wondered if the Board of Directors couldn't be appointed and the xhole
thing organiz �.� ana at that time some discus�ion could be held xith District
1l�. He said it seemed to him ihai the school districts had to be involved in
it somehov. Mr. Boardman said that to lus understanding, that was the direction
it xonld have to go to be any kind of snccessflil operation� as a teen center
vould not provide the type of activites that teens wanted, ie: dances, h�*rides,
etc. Mr. iiarris stated that it seemed to him that these people had carried
the ball about as Yar as they could and hav+e come to the city to help them.
Split Lot 2, Auci�.tor�s Junalvlsion ro, yr1, 1nLO cnree �uilau+K sii.o�.
(Zoned R-2� �rill be developed as tc-1), l;enerallq located at Hillxind
Road and I.-694.
Mr. John Logan� representing tinJ Constraction Compa�y xas present. He passed
ont to the Co�uaission updated copies of the application for the lot split as
the original ones lacked the name and address of the property ovner. He also
distributed copies of a lat�er from l�r. Kark Z. dones, the property ozrner�
granting permission for the lot split. He informed the Co�maission that Mr.
Jones Was selling GHJ the land contract subject to the lot split, and introduced
Mr, and Mrs. Del Johnson, prospective o�rners. He explai.ned they wanted to
buy the second lot for a future home site. Mr. Logan said he checked tirith the
City Eagineering Departmeat to get the vater and sesrer locations so the connections
Would be available to each of the three lots.
Chairperson Harris esked if he intended on building single-family houses� and
Mr. Logan replied he did. Hr. Harris asked if the lots had been checked for
size, and Mr. Boardman answered they vere all large eaough for sittgle-family
nnder the code and sexer and �+ater xas available to a11 three lots. He added
that the City StaPf had no problem xith the application.
Mrs. Shea questioned if he xas going to have to use quite a bit of fill� and
Mr. Logan replied the first two lots �rould need 13ttle or no fill but the third
lot m� require some. He added that the building site itself wuld be on solid
Chairperson Harris asked if there was a ten foot easement on the side of one
of the lots� and Mr. Boardman said that was vhere the seaer and Water lines
Were. Mrs"t3oardman explained that these lots would face on Hillwina Hoad,
and on the other side xas more H-1 property.
Planning Commission Meeting - June 23� 1976 Page 21
4 'T
Chairperson Harris asked about the poxer and gas, and Hr. Logan said he vas not
sure how far the gas went� but there was gas to the last house on Sheridan Acrea.
He stated he had talked to bhe gas company and they said there xould be no problem.
He added that he hadn't talked xith the poxer coapany but there �rere overhead
xires avai.lable, and he said tHey xere applying for underground service. lir.
Harris asked if an easament xould be needed for that, and Mr, Boardman said that
at this time he would anticipate there aould be enough room in the boulevard area
for gas and the poxer company both� but he vould check it out before this xent
to Council,
HOTION by Bergman� seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission recommend
to City Council approval of the Lot Split Request� L.S. #76-05� by GHJ Construction
Company (John Logan); Split I.ot 2� Auditor's Subdivision No. 94, into three
building sites. (Zoned R-2� xill be developed as R-1). Generally located at
Hillwind Road and I.69�t., subject to necessary utility easements. Upon a voice
vote� a11 aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairperson Harris declared a recess at 11:00 and reconvened the meeting at
11:20 P.M.
Mr, Hargman stated that Co'maiunity Development had looked at this and spent
considerable time on it, getting into a lot of detail, and had Tom Colbert
point ont the engineering aspects. He said they had gotten involved in state
aid funding, xhich would be lost if some of these vacations xere granted,
and got involved in the reco�endation of the cul-de-sac and agreed they zrere
undesirable and particulary so when they cut off an access to industrial-type
property. He sai.d they also agreed that as far as preserving the oak tree,
it xas in the right-of-way bnt there was no plan for street improvement and
therefore not pertinent that ar�y change be made at this time. He continued
that if and when street improvement ever vould go in� the approval of this
request xould landlock some property xithout street access. In essence, he
stated, they saw no reason for the City to yield back gained rights-of-x�y
at the risk oP not getting them back or having to buy back property vhen it
mi�ht be necessary-because of someone�s concern that something at some time
might happen.
Hr. Lengenfeld referred the Planning Comnission to the minutes of the May 1$�
1976, o£ the E�vironmental Quality Co�ission� and the motion they
made on page 12 of those minutes. Chairperson Harris said it appeared from
that motion that they concurred with Co�unity Developonent. Mr. Langenfeld
agreed, and said they had a good discussion on this and Mr. Boardman had done
a good job explaining some of this. He said he had indicated that he thought
Mrs. Sporre might be creating more problems than they would be solving.
Chairperson Harris asked �rhat they were really trying to get at� and Mr. Board-
man said they were concerned rrith several things:
1. They are concerned abod the traffic from the industrial traffic
doxn Ironton on to East ktiver Road. The people who live along
there have small children, and think the traf£ic would be detriraental
to the neighborhood.
Planning Coimnission Meeting - June 23� 1976 page 22 4 U
2, Another one oY their concerns rras the vacation of streets� and were
vorried that if it shows oa a �aap that there is a street easement
then developers vould anticipate that to be in.
3, Another concern xas that the map sho�rs behind the residential property
a right-of-xay at 83=d between East River Rosd and the railroad tracks.
That right oY way is not in. 83rd has been designated as a state-sid
road� and Staff has agreed to change this map.
k. They rrere alsa concerned about 83� � North Park side. That is a
dedicated right-of-Waq there. They want to vacate that portion of
Ashton� eliminate the railroad crossing, and vacate all of 83�•
Mr, tioardman stated that City Staff ielt that al�hough there would probably
never be a railroad crossing at that location, Ashton to 83n1 vould have to be
maintained in order to service the properties on Ironton if lot splits occur.
He said there xas one lot split in there already� and although the people in the
area say they<.are going to keep those properties snd never request it� iY they
did sell there xould be the possibility that the new ormers might request it.
Therefore� he stated� they did not feel the vacation o£ Ashton rras a good idea.
Mr. Boardmen continued that as far as on the East side of the railroad tracks
xas concerned, he didn�t feel that vacating the right of waty at this time uould
be a good idea either� and said he didn't see any purpose in it. He said that
if the area develops� it most likely xouldn't develop along 83rd, and thought
it would just be an exercise i.n futility. He stated that there was a utility
on 81st, and utility easements would have to be maintained.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if there wasn�t an implied notation in this for preservation
of North Park, and Mr. Boardman replied that to a certain extent there was. He
said he didn't think North Park xanted an industrial road on its south boundary.
He added that he felt it xas a mistake in the Pirst place to run the sexer lines
where they ran them� because if any kind of developnent goes in there the line
could be detrimental to the road.
Mr, Boardman said that as to the question of the oak tree, it rras located on
Ironton just &ast o£ the interesection of Ironton and Hugo Street. He stated
that the curb that xas presently on Ironton runs to Hugo Street, is blacktop
for a Zittle x�ys and then is dirt road to Ashton and down to Ely, and the oak
tree did stick xithin the curb line. 14r. Harris asked what type of oak tree
it xas, and Mrs. Shea answered a xhite oak.
Mr. Lengenfeld said he xould like to bring up txo points. First� he said� the
Environmental Quality Coaunissioa felt that the petftion xas trying to stop
something that wasn't even planned yet; and secondly� the Fhvironmental Commission
made a motion that any develo�unent that took place in this area be referred to the
5hvironmental Quality Cownission in the beginning stages. He stated he xould
also like to bring up that he would like this Co�nission to be referred to as
the Fridley Snvironmental Quality Cononission because sometimes there s+as reference
to the State Commission and there was conl�sion.
HOTION by Bergman, seconded by LangenFeld, that the Planning Commission concur
frith the motion made by the Community Developnent Couunission and recommend to
the City Conncil that there be no change to present street patterns as requested
by petition 8-1976 at the present time, and that signs be placed at Ironton
5treet to prohibit industrial truck traf£ic on Ironton Street. The following
considerations apply:
Plsnning Co�uission Meeting - June 23, 1976
Paga 2s 4 V
1. Some oY the involned property is not yet developed and may require
street service.
2, industrial activity may result from additional denelopment adding
access pressure.
3. Until flirther and more final denelo�rtent plans are presented, the
possibility of the right-oi-weiy and railroad crossing on 83� should
not be dropped.
4. Every consideratioa should be taken to preserve the tree if road
develop�ent occurs.
Chairperson asked hox truck traffic would get ont if not dorm Ironton. Mr.
&�ardman ansxered that Ashton Street was designated as a State-Aid road� and the
xhole idea behind 83rd as an industrial road was to tie in xith the �oon Kapids
Development. Hoxever, he continued, Coon Rapids has tentatively come up xith
an internal road system in that area; and therefore if tl3rd xould go in it xould
be a residential road xithin the city. He said that truck traffic out oY that
industrial area should be routed doun Ashton to 79th and out at 79th.
UPON A VOICE VOTE� all qye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr, Boardman stated that the memo from '1'om Colbert dated May 28, 1976 on this
subject xas selY-e�cplanatory. kie said there are set street r�idth standards
as Yollows:
Heavy industrial Park
Kunicipal State Aid Street
Arterial & Collector Resi-
50 feet
44 ieet
3o reet
Hoxever, he said, there are examples oi otner size streets. He continued that
some oY them are based on environmental reasons, some on certain conditions in
the area, or other things. Mr. Boardman said that the City Council has the
suthority trhen a plat Was being done to determine the road size. Another tning
that determines it� he said� was the amount oi' parking that would De naeded in
tne area; or if no ofY-street parking vas going to be allorred that vould also
have some determination on the rosd xidth. He stated there rrere variables that
could be looked into.
Mr. LangenYeld ref'erred the Cwmnission to page 6 0£ the minutes of the Planning
Coo�ission meeting oP June 9, 1976, and said Mr. Hergman's statement in the 6th
paragraph very clearly e�cpressed his feeling at this time. He asked i£ they
were supposed to make a poliey statement or just agree with what they had read.
Mr. Bergman said that he and Chairperson Harris had discussed this and agreed
that a policy statement shonld be presented from this Co�nission to identify
and reinforce the propriety of standards. He suggested the folloring in addition
to rihat Mr. Colbert had deYined:
Planning Coimnission Meeting - June 23� 1976
Pa�e 2!� 4 W
Heavy Industrial Park
Municipal State Aid Street
Arterial & Collector Residential
S e.lected or Problem Areas
50� curb to curb - 66� right-oY-way
!ila� curb to curb - 60� right-of-xay
36 ' curb to curb (provi.ding parking
on both sides) - 50' right-of-rraY
31� curb to curb (parking on one side) -
45� right-of-va�y
Mr. Lartgenfeld asked if the last one was more in line with something like Inns-
brnek� and Mr. Boardman said it xould be. He said that due to the development
of the terrain� it might be such that those structures could not be shifted and
still preaerve the character of the developPnent. He stated i.n that case a se�aller
street rridth xould be appropriate, and added that another thing to consider vas
if the road xas concrete.
Chairperson Harris said he thought some mention should be made of that. He
stated it seemed to hi.m that under certain circumstances it Frould be to the
city's advantage to have the concrete streets. He continued that in those cases
Where there was a narrow street and parking xas restricted� or if there xas a
problem area for one reason or another� he thonght they should seriously
think alwut going to concrete streets. He added that they may cost more to
begin with� but 3n the long run the streets last longer� maintenance is much
less� plus there is a better driving surface.
Mr. Bergman said they had gotten down to a 31� cur6 to curh xidth xhich provides
for parking on ane side and asked if there should be consideration for a
narrower street than that within a standard. Chairperson Harris replied that
he felt under certain circumstances there conld be� but there rrould have to be
a couple of crfteria met. First of all, he said, there could be no on-streei
parking; and secondly� he thought they shwld be concrete streets. Mr. Boardman
said he felt a narror street like that should not be in a residential area
becau�e of parking, and Hr. Harris said the groblem xas that they had already
done it. He cited Innsbruck as an example� vhere even the private roads were
set up with a 21t' drieitsg surface. Hr. Boardman s�13,d that if they did go to
a reaidential area �rith a 21�� street xith no on-street parking, it should be
si�i.lar io what they did in Minneapolis xith their parkway system. He continued
that in a residential area pull-offs should be provided to allox £or some off-
street parking. Mrs. Gabel asked about snox plo�ing, and Mr. Boardnan said he
didn't think there was much of a problem.
Mr. Bergman stated he was trying to thi.nk of a case Where that would be done,
if not in residential. Certai.nly it wouldn't be in industrial� he said. Mr.
Boardman said the only place he could think of rwld be perhaps a service road
i.nto a park area. He said another thing it wonld do is narrow the road enough
so it srouldn�t be used as a dragstrip, and added that if oa•etreet xasn�t
needed there Was no sense in going xith a vider road.
Mra. Gabel said she felt it xas time some firm policy xas set up and that it not
be so negotiable. Mr. Langenfeld said he xas very coneerned and thought the
city should stick to its guns as Yar as the standard *aas concerned.
Planning Coamission Meeting - June 23, 1976
Page 25 � X
KOTION by Ber�nan, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commisaion announce
to the City Council and to the City Administration their concern for standardization
of street widths� and reco�end to Council the adoption of street iridth policy
as follows:
Heavy Industrial Park
Mnnicipal State Aid Street
Arterial & Collector Residential
Selected or Problem 6reas
Service Drives
50' curb to curb - 66� right-o£-way
Iyli� curb to curb - 60' right-of-way
36' cnrb to cnrb (providing parking on
both sides) - 50' right-of-way
31' curb to curb (parking on one side) -
1�$' right-of-Way
2l�� curb to curb (no parking) - 1t0'
It is the intention of the Planning Conusission that these standards be adhered
to in any considerations and reco�mnendations street widths.
Mrs. Gabel asked what criteria would be used to determine selected or problem
areas� and Mr. Peterson suggested it xould be well to strike the selected or
problem areas from the motion. He suggested handling anything that xas a unique
situation as it came up, and thought they should come before the various
Commissions and be debated on the merits of that particular street, Mr. Boardman
said if this xas established as policy, they could then request a variance from
this and go through that procednre.
Mr. Bergman agreed that the label "selected or problem areas" was a bad choice�
and suggested the term "liroited parking". Mr. Harris suggested saying 31� and
2kt' streets xiih variance, but Mr. Bergman sai.d he was thinking that in some
cases a 31' vith parking on one side would be the proper street width, and it
rrouldn�t make sense that there xould have to b� a variance for that.
Mr. Peterson said that in all the areas in Fi�idley that had a 31' street with
parking on one side, he was not sure he lrnex of ar�y area where it really £it in.
Therefore, he continued, the 31� and 24' streets should require a variance because
it should be a special use for a speciYic purpose. Mr. Harris said then if one-
side parking xas desired, it could be stipulated at the time oY the variance
Mr. Bergmsn AMENDED the MOTlON to delete the Selected or Problem Areas and
Service Drives� and add the folloxing: In special situations 31� curb to curb
(1t5� right oF way) or 211' curb to curb (ly0' right-of-way)� requiring a variance
request. Seconded by Langenfeld.
UPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting z�ye� the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Peterson� seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission table
this subject until the next scheduled meeting. Comnission Meeting - June 23, 1976
Page 2(i � Y
I�TION by Gabel� seconded by Bergman� that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a
voice vote� all voting �ye� Chairperson Harris declared the Planning Commission
meeting of June 23, 1976 adjourned at 12:17 A.M. by unanimous vote.
Respect.ftilly submitted�
�D/nnu fl%� l mo�
Sherri 0'Donnell
--�'~ A 6 E N DA
7:30 P.M.
MAY 24, 1976
SP #76-07, SY NANCY MELBIE: o ai'iow a ch ld care
center for ten c il ren, per Fridley City Code, Section
205.051, 3, F, in an R-1 Zone (single family dwelling
areas), to be located on Lot 12, Block 3, MeadoHrtnoor
Terrace Addition, the same being 1346 Meadowmoor Drive N.E.
of Lots 1 to 4 inclusive, B ocks 21 through 26, and
also part of Lot 1, Block 28, Innsbruck North Townhouses
Third Addition, to allow changes in the size of garages,
ge�erally located on the West side of East Bavarian Pass
and South of Meister Road N.E.
rv-�o� o� rni��ir i�. w14t�Uf1: 10 permit ifle conversion
of a one family, two story house to a two family house
in an R-i Qistrict (single family dwelling areas}, per
Fridley City Code, Section 205.051, 3, D, to be located
on Lot 2, Block 1, Froid's Addition, the same being A01
Ironton S�reet N.E.
6/9/76 Agenda
6/9/76 Agenda
6/9/76 Agenda
6/9/76 Agenda
8 - 74
15 - 18'
79 - 25
6{9/76 Agenda
6/9/76 Agenda
26 - 29
BY STAV'S SUPERETTE: Per Fr�dley City Code, Sectian 205.101,
3, N, to allow an outside display area fo a hydroponic
growing system, to be located on Lots 25 and 26, Block 3,
Ree's Addition, the same being 6483 University Avenue N.E.
_�..�%a�� � ��
Page 2
7:30 P.M.
SCHROER: Vacate the street easement on the
Southerly 33 feet of the Easterly 200 feet of
Lot 4, Block 2, East Ranch Estates Second Addition
COMPANY JOHN LOGAN : Split Lot 2, Auditor's Sub-
division No. 94, into three building sites. (Zoned
R-2, will be developed as R-1). Generally located
at Hillwind Road and I.694.
(PETITION 8-1976).
37 - 39
40 - 41
� — - �^�
MEMO FROM: Dorothy Evenson, Planning Department Secretary
MEMO DATE: June 21, 1976
RE; AMENDED AGENDA FOR JUNE 23, 1976 Planning Comnission Meeting
I am sending you an amended agenda for the Planning Comnission
meeting, June 23, 1976. The item that has been added is a request for
a lot split. If you will note that on the original agenda, there were
three p�ges missing, because I had left room for this item. The petitioner
was supposed to come to City Hall in time to put this item in the Agenda
originally. He did have a legitimate excuse for being late, and as you
know, the Agenda has to be ready for delivery by 3:00 now so it can be
had delivered by a member of the City staff. Because the next Planning
Comnission meeting isn't until July 14th, it would be quite a delay for
the petitioner if he had to wait until that meeting.
Please add this to your agenda book of June 23, 1976.
Thank you.
Page 2
SCHROER: Vacate the street easement on the
Southerly 33 feet of the Easterly 200 feet of
Lot 4, Block 2, East Ranch Estates Second Addition
COMP NY JOHN LOGAN : Split Lot 2, Auditor`s Sub-
'division No. 94, into three building sites. (Zoned
R-2, will be developed as R-1). Generally located
at Hillwind Road and I.694.
(PETITDON 8-1976).
7:30 P.M.
SCHROER: Vacate the street easement on the
Southerly 33 feet of the Easterly 200 feet of
Lot 4, Block 2, East Ranch Estates Second Addition
• PETITION 8-1976
6/9/76 AGENDA
40 - 41
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