PL 02/18/1976 - 30438. /� � � � CITY OF FRIDLEY ^ l '� PLANNING COMMISSIOf� MEETING CALL TO ORDER: FEBRUARY 18, 1976 Chairman Harris called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. ROLL CALL: PAGE 1 Members Present; Bergman, Harris, Langenfeld, Peterson, Scott, Wahlberg Members Absent: None Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, C.ity Planner Ray Leek, Planning Interne Wait Starwalt, 2nd Ward Couneilman Mrs. Ginny Sfieinmetz, League of tiJomen Voters Nancy Lambert, Member of Human Resources Commission APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: FEBRUARY 4, 1976 Mrs. Walhberg said the statement made by Jerrold Boardman on page 6 of these minutes should read: Mr. Boardman said that he thought that you would find that in a deteri�ruting communi�y if some action ��as not taken, this deteri�ration arould tend to conicinuey if not aecelerate, ins�ead of the way it was written. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the P1an��ing Commission approve their minutES of Februar�y 5, Z976 as corrected. Upon a voice *✓ote, a11 vvting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECFT!i� C��P�1MU�!TTY DEVELOPME�lT COMMISSION MINUTES� JAhUARY 20, 1976 Mre t;�rgr:�an said h� wished to maE;e som� comments on �hese minutes. He said i:hat the c�r�I:eiit oi thzs� minutes had been previausly d-►scussed, but he urishzd `ta �.a�41 aLt�n�i�n to one pErt�inent item. He sa�d �his was item nun,uer three and per�ained t:o the �ign or��i?7ancP. It was recommended by Administra�ioo� t}�at a project co;�;mit��ee be set up to study and make recommend�tions to amend er improve the sign or�ir�Unce. I� was to be set us wi-th a member -�rom the Coriiinunii,y De��elopmenic Co�,unission, a. member �`rom a sign company, sonieone irorn .the Chambe•r of Comrnerce, etce H� sa�d that ii, was then pointed out that City administt°ative per�onnel were not assigned at proj�ct committee level. At that point the Community Developinent Cc�mmiss�icr, fel�: tha.t this sN�oul« come Lo the Planning Gommissi�n for clarification c�nsi���rir,g that ihis Ccmmissi�n was r�ot tha4 f�miliar �dith what the problems were on tl�e sign or�inanc�. He said �he motion was made to have sta�'-F rewrite t{ie sign orciinar�ce ar�d �cher, send it to the Planning Gommission. He sa�id the sign ordinance hadi�'� been direr_'caci to the Coilimunity Development Commission hv the Plarining Commis- �io�, so tF�ere Uaas s�r�e confusion on ho!�r �th;s could be handled. Fie said �;I�at no maLter ho�d this wa�� handled, he felt that some one from st�i�' should be pr�se��t because this would save � lot of time hecause �they worked with this ordinance all� the time and knevr the problems tiiat 1:he City had in enforcing this ordinance. �u Cha.irman Harris asked P�r. B��ardrnar� if it would be possible -io get staf� f�elp at the Nr�,jec� co;nmi i.tee level . P1r. Boardman said Tt would have to be �.p��rov?d by the C�ty P�anayer. Mr�. Bergman sa�d that hE thought iches� wou�d need staff �uid�:n.r..c� on anv s±�ady of the si gn ordi nance i f they were goi nc� to comP up �-ai th drly qU(i 1 1 ty recona��enr�ations. P�fr. Peterson said he agreed wiCh Mr. 6c:rg��an9 �but h� did ,yr�t �15�Ut°►�i�d ��af���� �::�. .w Planninq Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 2 we say that we who live in Fridley need staff to tell us what our City should be • like. He said it would seem that it would be imperative to get some input from the � Chamber of Commerce, and other groups who were interested in the City, moreso than � City Staff: _ Mr. Bergman said he agreed with most of what Mr. Peterson had said, but he felt that City staff was very talented, very knowledgeable, very experienced and they work with the related problems with the sign ordinance every day. They are in an outstanding position of providing guidance and identifyin� the problem areas, arid making suggestions. Mr. Peterson said he agreed completely. - � Mr. Langen�eld said he thought the Planning Commission and member Commissions should be able to tell staff what they didn't like about the sign ordinance and then have staff work from that inpu�. � Mr. Boardman said he thought that what Mr. Langenfeld was saying �ras that if staff was given a free hand in writing a new sign ordinance, they wauld put in their o►�n likes and dislikes although they �i�i try to be �esponsive to what the citizens wanted, but the more open citizen response was, the better the ordinance wnuld be. �He said it should be established as to what kir�d of sign control th� citizens would like and what would be the purpose of sign control. Mr. Peterson said that the problem he saw with staff preparing a new sign ordinance on their own was that it was always dirficult to change something once it was down on paper. Mr. Berc�man said that if the sign ordi�i�nce was y�ing to be sent to the Commur�i ty Devel opment Commi ssi or� he though-c they ��dere get�i ng qui te a bi i, o i ov�r !'� direction. He said it shouid be left to them whethcr they wanted this handled by a project commi�;tee, Mrs� Wahlberg said that if the Community Development Commission did set up a project committee she would appreciate it if one member of the Appeals Cornmission would be asked to be on this committee. She said �L-he AppPals Cammission had handled many requests for variances from the sign ordinance and fel'c -�ha� they could pi~ovide good input for an amended ordinance. Mr. Bergman said he f'elt that was a trcmendous sugges�ci on. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that t-he P1al�ninq Commi5sion receive the Community Development Cotrunission m�nutes of the J��nuary 20, 1976 meeting, and that the sign ordinance be referred to this Corrunissian to handle as they sar� fit. Mr. Scott said that if a projec� committee was formed he would like to see an ordinary.citizen with no special interest asked �o serve �n this committee. Mr. Bergman said he was in agreemen'c ��vith the r�otion but he would like to request an addendum to the motion that would includP ifi� provision of City staff advisory. Mr, Langenfeld said thatthe Connnunity Develo{�ment Commissian woul� have to give purpose and direction to the project con�ni�tee, and at that time the staff would let them: know if they were going in the rigf�t dii~ection. Nfr. Sco�t said �very Commission alre�dy has staf�, and if the Pianning Con�nissi was going ta vote to allo��t Community Develo��tnent ta i�ave staff ai the proje�t comm; r� levei, ��V�en this ►,�as in violation of the r�rdinance. P•1r. Qa��rdman said th� C�ity -� Manager had the fi�ir�al authority as t�n whether there cc�uld be staff involv�'�nent at -�...�, ,•, -- Plannimg Commission Meeting February T8, 1976 _ Page 3 project committee level. Mr. Peterson with the concurrence of Mr. Langenfeld WITHDREW THE MOTION. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Lan9enfeld, that the Planning Commission receive the Community Development Commission minutes of the January 20, 1976 meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Scott, that the Ylanning Commission direct the sign ordinance to the Community Development Commission to handle as they see fit. Mr. Bergman said the addendum he had requested for staff at the project committee level has been rejected by the Planning Commission. He said he felt that staff guidance on this particular item was important. t1r. Har��is said this had to sta.rt someplace. He said the first thing this Commission should do was to read the sign ordinance. Then get in touch with all the different people and orga��izations that had been mentioned before. Community Development can holcl an informal public hearir�g or go to a projeci, committee, or anyway they want to go. When you decide ho�a you want the sign ordinance to go, then sit down with staff and give them some guidance. Then sta�f can begin �o formulate an ordinance, and when that was done it could go back �o Community Development for their review, suggestions or changes. You could have another public hearing with �he original peop1e you had contacted. When yau have all the recommendations together it can came to the Planning Commission and we can ga !� through it again. ��9r. Qergn�an said he would yield to that. � UPON a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMf�ISSION MINUTES: JANUARY 27, 197G MOTIDN by PeLerson, seconded by Scott, that the Plannii�g Commission receive ihe Farks & Recreation Commission minutes of the January 27, 1976 meeting. Mr. Peterson said he would like to call the Planning Commission's attention to the letter of resignation from Faul Bro�vn, the Park Direc-tor. H� said that the membe�°s of the Pat°ks & Recreation Commission were very concerned tha�t they be irivolved in someway with the process of seleciing a new Park Director because we are the only Commission that tivas operating a budget, and a�e somehow get a lot of complaints from the citizenry when things weren't done right. M;,. Scott said he would like to commend the Parks & Recreation Commission on the bandstand proposal. i�1r. Peterson said that Mr. Henry Peterson of the 49'er's has been instructed to come before the Human Resources Commission to ge� input on the Fine Arts Committee. Mr. Scott said the City Charter did not provide for any input from tf�e Parks & Recrea�iai� Commission on the selec�ion of a ne��� Park Directoi°, but the Nui7�an Resources C�mmission would like to support the Parks & Recreation Coinmission's feelin�s on i;his because �hey �e1t citizen input was so impot°tant. He said the Charter C��mission should be asked to review the City Charter ��o provide �hat kind of input. He s�id he wasn't saying tha�: staff was ��ot capable of makir� a good chaice, bui; i�he communiiy benefits as a�'r�ale wh�n you get c�itizen com��issions involved in tflese things. I�r. Harris asked what was happening on �t.t�e Ri.ce �re�k-Lino !_al:��s rc�girn���l p�7rE:. e., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ��; � . Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 4_ Mr. Peterson said they were vuaiting for a proposal from Mr. Huff and the County. We suggested that after the proposal was written that it be sent back.through the . various Commissions. He said he didn't know if the proposal had been written because�� he had not seen Mr. Huff. � Chairma� Harris said he thought it was ridiculous that a project of this kind should be delayed while the City staff and the County argued over the swapping of lands and the one's who suffered were the citizens. Mr. Peterson said he didn't know how fast this was moving, but it was moving. UPON a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECETVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION P�INUTES: FEBRUARY 5, 1976 MOTION 1�y Scott, seconded b� Bergman, that- the Planning Commission receive the Human Resources Commission minutes of the �°ebruary 5, 1976 meeting. Mr. Scott said the motion on the Fine Arts Committee requestin� funds from � the Planning Co-nission should read through the Planning Commission. He said the Human Kesources Commission's recommendation on the B�er Licence requirements were in these minutes and he would explain them at the time that the Planning Cammission was studying this. . Mr. Bergman said that at the last Planning Commission meeting we had a proposal from a Mr. Mark Treuenfe'ls from the youth project committee on a youth cen�er. He said -�hat he got the impression from �i;hese minutes thati there was some type of co►ifl �i ct. , Mr. Scot� said that when �;h� Y�uth Projec� Cammittee was formed there were r'"� some members who wanted a teen center. Theiti^ progress in soiving this need was �- not as rapid as some people wanted it to be. Another group th�n suggested that they ��ake more rap�id action, which the project committee agreed to, but �hen tf�a� youth went his merry way and never came back �o the project committee. This caused a small problem because the Youch Project Committee felt 'they wanted to proc�ed with more cau�ion. The other group went straight to the Council. They then wcre referred all the way back to the Human Resources Commission. Subsequently �hese two groups have conferred and he understood that there was a considei°able amount of agreement now. They are planning a youth rally on March 18th in the Fridley libraryo Mrs. Wahlberg asked if they were still looking for in�ut from the member Commission`s on the proposal that had been pres�n�ed by h1r. Trueunfels? Mr. Scot� said there would be another proposal. Mrs. Wahlb�rg said she then wouldn't as6c her commission to spend time on this proposal. Mr. Qoardman said he would suggest that they table it until they get fur'ther input from the Human Resources Commission on the Youth Project Committe�. , UPON a voice vote, a1I voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE APPE�ILS COMMISSION MINUTES: FEBRUARY 10, 1976 M01^ION by Wahlberg, seconded by Peterson, tliat the. Planning Commission receive the Appeals C.ommission minutes of the February 10, 1976 meeting. Mrs. t�lahlberg said si�e would like to c�il the Planning Commission attention io item Nu. 2 in these minutes. This was a r�ques-`� for many variances to build'on n ihe �i,•st 4U fo�t lot i�� Fr•id1E;�. It was t��e reeling of the f1ppeals Commission -�,�.,�-�r� - , ;. �i � u Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Paqe 5 that to grant these variances would have�set a precedence on building on 40' 1ots within the City. The result of our discussion ended in a motion requesting an opinion from the Planning Commission regarding building on 40' lots and this will come up later in the agenda. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, the motion carried unanimously. 1 PUBLIC HEARING: -REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #76-01, BY NAEGELE 0l1TDOOR ADUERTISING COMPANY: To a11ow the construction of a 25' x 12' illboard in M-2 Zoning heavy industrial areas), per Fridley City Code, Section 214.042, loca�ed on Parcel 54�00 in the South Half of Section 2, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, the same being 8000 Universi�y Avenue N.E. Mr. Kraig Lofquis� was present to represent Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company. MG►TION by Scott, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission �_�pen the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-01, by Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company. Upon a vozce vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris dec.iared the Public Hearing open at 8:29 P.M. Mre Boardman said that this billboard met all the requirements of the sign ordinance and was located North of the pancake house and Souich of the driving range, on what was presently undeveloped proper-�y. �IDTION I�y Scott, secv�ided �iy Peterson, that the Planning Co.nmissior� receive ^ the administrativa staff report on a Naegele Outdcor Advertis.zng ComF�un�� �illboa.xti � at 800U University Avenue N.E, Upon a voice vute, a11 voting�aye; t.'h.e mation carried unanimousl�. srr�� rr,f or����,�rzo,�� l. I�c�;gnt: (2a`) ADl•1INISTRATIVE 5T�FF REPORT 25' 2. /��'�.� (3CL') P1�et:s Code (300 sc�iaa►�e feet) 3. U'is�t��nce [;et;v�en Sig�is (!3C�'7' } Excc�ds 50p� 4o 5;��:I?��cF: r; �m StreE't R�igh�t-of-4ti�ay Lir,es (30' ) Sign Locatic�n: �OQO Univ. Ave. Owner: Naegele 30' 5. Distanre �rnm Stree� Tn�cet��sectiUn (�500' )__ Greater than ,00' 6. D� s�`ar��c:e i�i~om R-1 UsES (5U� °} %o CQiiCal�'IUIi St��-cus {�t11 t�1���a1) 8. ZUi11179 (C-2S, M--1 S h4-.?_) Greater tf�an 500' Pietal and .►-"1 uorescent '` �`!n�►-�on�°ari^in� �o e;;fsting o�'C1711c�rice ** �`;��1-LGtll°01^fillnc� �L1 zC�i17;'l�J i^CaUlt^�i7iElli:;• i� Va��iance a}�plied �Fot� h1-2 � -�-�--�.;. Planninq Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 6 Mr. Scott asked if this billboard was replacing another billboard that • had been at this location. Mr. Boardman said no. Mr. Scott said he wondered how many billboards a community of size should have. He said this was the first !"�'� request w� have received on a billboard that met all the requirements of the sign ordinance. He said�he wouldn't have any problem approving �his Special Use Permit for this bil7board if we hadn't already approved so many that did not conform to the sign ordinance. Mr. Lofquist said that in response to Mr. Scott's question if this billboard was replacing another billboard. He said that the City Council did go along with almost everything the Planning Commission had recommended on the first requests on the existing billboards. He said the Planning Commission recommended denial of one of thebillboards on East River Roada We then decided we would move the billboard that had been denied a� East River Road to a location in Fridley that would meet all the requirements of the sign ordinance. Mr. Boardman said he wasn't sure that the billboard was denied on East River Road so that another bil1board could be placed on U�iversity AvPnue: Mrs. Wahlberg asked how ma�y requests have come to the City for new billboards in the last year. Mr. Boardman said there were �wo requests on the ayenda tonight9 and he thought they were ihe tirst requests in a year. Councilman Starwalt said that he happened to be an individual that was in favor of some signs and not in�favor of otherse H� said that as far as how many signs would be too many signs9 there �rere some people ii� the community to whom on� sign would be one too manya He sai� that he would fully agree that in his con�act wi�h peoples that there was noi ne�rly the prc'�lem �a�ith signs that �ome people seem !"1 to ��hink ther�e may be. He said �chai: he just didn't happen ta -�eel thai �ve need to throat all signs out. Ne said he was not in sympathy with those who saw all signs as a probler�. Eyesore maybe, but no� a b�g probleme Mr. Langenf�ld said he �hought there was a tendency to have one track mir�d when it came to billboards-and to say they were all bad. He said this sign met all the requirements of the sign ordinance and thought should be given to the effect on the economy and �he job si�uation �nd it was a form of inedia. He thougi�t all those things should be considered in making a decisio�i. Mr. Scatt said he wasn't against all billboards. He was against bill�oards that were in violation of the sign ordin�nce. � Mr. Lar�genfeld said that.when �hey considered the Special Use Peririi�:s for the other billboards in the City they were judg�d �n hov,� they complied with the sign ordinance, but he would like to go on record as sayin5 that the sign ordinance wasn't all that gooti. Ne said the sign ordinance must be amended to eliminate a11 this confusion. Mr. Bergman said he t�rould like to recognize and appreciate having a request for a Special Use Permit for a billl�oard that �1oes uniquely meet all the requirements of the sign ordinance. Chairman Harris said he had wondered i�� any hillboard could meet a?1 ihe requirements of the sign ordinance, but i;: �eerrs that it t�as possible. Ne askcd � �Ir. Lofquist what the term of lease was on tl�is billboar°d. Mr. Lofquist said ii wa� a 5 year lease with a 5 year option, but it had a concellation claus� �ahich stated that if t{�e p�°operty was develaped the billboard would be removed in CO d�.Ys• ,,�,,.�n Planni�g Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 7 � Mr. Harris said that on the other Special Use Permits for billboards we had limited them to the terms of the lease. He asked Mr. Lofquist if he had r� any objection to a stipulation like this on this billboard. Mr. Lofquist said he had no objection to that stipulation on this particular billboard. He said they had a five year lease, but this property could be developed before the lease �as up. Mr. Boardman said this billboard did meet all the requirements of the sign ordinance and the staff had no objection to the Special Use Permit being granted with the stipulation that when the property was developed the billboard would be removed. He said the cancellation clause would take care of this. Mr. Harris sai:d that if the Planning Commission recommended approval of this request, he thought that should be a stipulation. Mr. Boardman said it was possible that this property would be rezoned prior to development, but this sign would then be grandfathered in until the property was developed, so he didn't think that would be a big problem. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Scott, that the Planning Corranission close the Public Hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-01, by Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company. Upan a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Public Hea��ing closed at 8:47 P.M. �OTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council apprcval of the request for a SpeciaZ Use Permit, SP #76-01,•by Naegele Dutdoor Advertis?n� Company, to allow the construction of a 25' x Z2` billboard in M-2 Zoning (heavy industrial areas), per Fridley City Code, Sectior, 214.042, located or. Parcel 540C; i� the 5vuth Ha1f of Secti�n 2, T-30, R-24, City of FridZey, the same being 800� Universi�y �venue Nor�heast, with �he foZlowing stipulations: Ie When this property was developed, the billboard would be *emoved. 2, This special use permi� be cancelled with the termination of the lease. Mr. Langenfeld said he was in favor of ti�is motion bu-t he would abstain �rom voting 6ecause of the position o�� the Envir.onmental Quality Commission. Upon a voice vote, Berqman, Harris, Wahl�erg and Peierson voting aye, Sco�t voting nay and Langenfeld abstaining; the n�otion carried. Mr. Scott said he vored against this motion because so many billboards had already been approved �or this company that t�ere in violation o� the sign ordinance. He said that if this reques� had come �o the Planning Commission before the other billboards he wnuld have votea in favor of the motion. He said he had a problem wi�h how many billboards would be allowed in our community and he would like the Council in their wisdo►n �o give the Planning Commission some guidance on the.sign ordinance. Chairman Harris said the Community Development Con�niission would be working on this ordinance. 2. PUQLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR /� SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #76-02, BY PLYWOOD MINNESOTA, INC.: To allow the construction or a 10' x 30' billboard in M-2 zoning havy industrial areas), to desigr�ate the entrance to Plywood /'�°'� • Minnesota and 4Jickes, ��o r•eplace an existing n�n-conforming sign, per Fridley City Code, Section 214.042, located on Lot 9, Biock 1, Great Nor•thern Industrial�Cente�, the �ame being 5301 East River Road N.E. -�.W.�... � Planninq Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 8 Mr. Eugene Hunt who had signed the request for Plywood Minnesota was not present but Mr. J. Antell representing GTE Sylvania was present. MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission open the Public Hearing on a request for a 5pecial Use Permit, SP #76-02, by Plywood Minnesota, Inc. Upon a voi�e vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Public Hearing open at 8:52 P.M. ° MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission receive the administrative staff report for the billboard at 530Z East River Road, 5P #76-02, Plywood Minnesota, Inc. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting a�e, the motion carried unanimously. sr �� ��-02 ADMTNISTRATIVE STAFF REPURT , Sign Location: 53Q1 East River Road N.E. Oti•tner: Plywood f�innesoi;a, Inc. � 0 G SIGN TIdFORt�1ATI0N 1. Heic,�hi: (25' ) 20' . 2. Area ( 300 ) � 300 �u� re �1'�ei; _._._� 3. Dista.nce Eietv;een Signs (500' ) over }��0�' 4. Se�.back From Stree�� Righ�-of-i�,�ay Lines (30` j �* 5. Distance Frorn S'creet Int�rsec�ion (5�';') 50' �;�6. Disi:ance fi�om��R-i Uses (5G0' j 3�t?' 7. Con�iiion Status (All f�letal ) P�1et�.� 8. Zoning (C-2S, f�i-1 , P1-2) �d-2 J , 1 � � ', . � 50 ` . . .- . ' Q � * Non-Conforming to existii�g �rdir�ai�ce � � . � �* f�o��-Cor�forming to �o�i�ing ��equi���em�nts # Variance applied for . � ' Mr. Scatt sai� that th;s was another request for a non-conforming billboard. Mrs. Gdahlbe►�g said she would like to �efer the Planning Connnission members ,�--1 t�ack to the l�ppeals Commission minutes of Februar.y 10, 1976, pages 5- 8. Sl�e sai� thai there was an administrative report incl�+cied in thes� minutes that rnigf�t a��s�!er some c�uestions by �the Planning Conun�ission or� �:he non.-coi�forming use. She said , rr.: . Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 9 _ ° the variance request was approved by the Appeals Commission. She said there was an existing sign at this location at the present time, which has just'.�ickes Furniture �� on the sign. This would be an upgrading of the existing sign, which would add Plywood Minnesota on to the sign. The 50' from the street intersection was where the existing sign was located. There was no building in close proximity to this sign. She said the R-1 zoned property^that this was 380' away from,was across East River Road down by the river and there were no residences built on this property. Chairman Ba'rris asked if this was an advertising billboar°d or a free standi�ng identification sign? Mr. Boardman said this was an advertising billboard and had to be classified as such because it was located on property they dTd not.own. Because of a visual prob1em as to the entrance to P1ywood and Wickes, they felt they needed an identification sign on East River Road. Mr. Boardman said that both Wickes and Plywood had signs in this area. The Plywood sign did blow down and when they were in the process of putting it back up, they were tagged by the City because this was a non-conTOrming sign. In subsequent meetings with the stafr, this was the proposal that they had come with. He said the staff had been in contact wi�h Burl�ingtoi� Narthern about putting up one identifieation sign for the Industrial Park, but they didn't want to do tliis. As Plywood and 4Jickes were the only two commercial ventures in �this park and did rely on the public finding the entrance to �these properties, we felt there was a substantial hardship. He said that by not having this sign we found that several people do pass up the entrance and create a traffic hazard in trying to get back to this entrance. He said thai if other commercial ventures moved into this industrial park, these businesses would have to be included on this sign. He said that as far as he knew, Plywood Minnesoia had contacted GTE Sylvania, and they did not wish to be included.on this sign. � Mr. Feterson said that as a citizen of Fridley «ho travelled East River Road, he concurred wholeh�artedly i:hat this entrance t� Ply��ood and �Jickes was a traffic hazard and people had beer�known to do strange maneuvering when they have missed this entrance. He said he thought this sign might correct something that should never o-f happened in thE first p1ace. He said he couldn't see how building permi�ts could have been issued for these businesses with this type o�f entrance. Mr. Langenfeld said he agreed with Mr. Peterson and he said he wo�!ld consider this as a directional sign. He wondered if a sign like this would stand up well in the wind. Mr. Boardman said i� would be a V shaped sign that would be 10' by 30' and the structure wauld have to be metal. Mrs. Wahlberg said that because they felt this was a temporary sign aY�d would have to come down when the property was developed, they would lii%e �to I�ave this remain a wooden sign. Mr. Boardman said it would have to be a mefal sign. Mrs. 4Jahlberg.said they consider this a temporary sign ra�Lher than a permanen� si�n. She said the Appeals Commission approved the variances with two s�cipulations. One was that n� other billboards be allowed on this proper�y and that ih;s billboard be removed 60 days after the proper'cy was developed. Mr. Boardmar► said this was also the ag�reement that they had with Burlington Northern on the use of thaic property. Mr. Scott ashed department directional the staff did talk ta located further South� if the Appe�ls Commission had looked into having highway signs. Mrs. tJahlberg said 'chey didn't. Mr. Qoardman said the C��anty and they did agree to this if the entrance was �, Mr. Qergman said he had trouble ide�t�ifyi�ig this as a billboard r�i:her than a directional sign. h1r. Boaruman said thai: dir�c�t�onal signs were lin�ited to 6 square feet. -�- � .. Planning Commission Meeting - February la, 1976 Page 10 Mr. James Ante71, of GTE Sylvania, said they were opposed to this sign � for a couple of reasons. One of the reasons being that it would detract fr�m the beauty of the industrial park. Also, this plant went to a lot of expense � in constructing their building and landscaping so the plant would be a credit to Fridley. He presented a picture taken from East River Road which he said showed�that the p�esent sign blocks a view of their plant from East River Road, and the new sign would be larger, so they would be almost hidden. He said the Planning Commission had been discussing tfiat this sign would eliminate a traffic hazard, but how about the people coming from the North. If they slam on their brakes when they see this sign, it would still be a traffic hazard, and it would make more sense to have the County put up a small directional sign with an arrow poin�ing to the entrance. He felt the present proposal would distract tr2mendously from their building. - Mr. Harris asked if they had � sign on �their property. Ptr. Ante'il said they had a 5' x 3' sign in the frant of their bui�ding made of concrete block. He said it wasn't a,uite completed. Mrs. l�ahlberg asked Mr. Antell ir they had any me��nbers of the general public coming �o �their building? P1r. Antell said they just had different truck lines coming to the warehouse area. He said the ufrice had just been opened about two �reeks ago. He said they did noic sell to the general public, Mr. Antell said iha� as far as he knew, they hadn't been approached about h�ving their name on this sign, but they did not care to participate anyway. Chairman Harris said it was noi� �rue tha��. no one envisioned that there would be a traffiic problem because of t�� lc�cation o-P th� �n�rance an this �raperty. The � Ci 1;y and Lhe County di d not cho�e to l i szen -cc� �nyboc;y a � f.he time thi s propep,ty was pl at�ed o That entrance shoul d n�°ver F�ad bE=�n put where i t i s. It was tr�e Ci�c,� and the Coun�y that got us into this f:rai°1=ic problEm. Tr�ere was also a sign thaL prohibited left hand turns from 3e30 tc� 5 a� �his intersectie��.�Nhich 6A�ould cause diffic��l�ies with a directional sic�n at that in��er�ection. He said he thoughL it would behoove the City staff to contuct the County Engineet� and sit dawr and work out some icr�afric patterns for this area th�t would �aorl:, sa i;hat these b�:sinesses can be found and ensure tl�e safety of the citizens af the City. He said the entrance should f�ave been put on the south end of the industr•ial park to begin t�ith� He said he thouyht it was about time the City and th� �ounty began to act responsibly about this tra-ffic problem. �Nrs. 4lahlberg said that when this request can;e to the Appeals Commission this was called an advertising sign, it �aas not consid�red as a directio�al sign. Mrs. Wahlberg said th�t she felt she had heen rem�ss in telling the petitioner that he di d not �ave to be pt°eser�t a � �thE P1 a.nni ng Con�mi ssi ai� meeti ng, but he shoul d come to the Co�er�cil meeting. She said sre thaught the variance would be the only thing that <<rould came through the Planni��g Cor�:;,�iss�ian aiid was not aware a�: that time of the Public Hedring on a the Spec'ial Use Pernrito She thought that was perhaps wi►y the petitioner was not present. She said �:nat if ti7e Planning Commission was consider- ing a turn around action, she th�u�ht �t �vou�d be better to tab�le this item until the petitioner could be present. Cha i rman Naryi s sa i d tha �' f tt�i s was tabl ed , he woul d l i ke the Ci ty Engi ncer' �1 comments on what he thougi�t woul� happen when ci�is property was fully devcloped. He sai�i there a�ere 9� �cre�: in this p�a-c so tne?�r !,��s room for z bou t 3 0 b u i l d i n g s. � f this in�i;ersection was bad now, t��l7at tti�ili it bE th�n, Mr. Boardman said he Lhought T..�,,�..-�.�_� Planning Commission Meeting - November 18, 1976 Pa e 11 ° they anticip��ted. signalization on the south e�i�rance. Mr. Harris said that when all � else fails, put in a stop sign. � MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Scott, that the PZanning Commission close the Public Hearing on the_request for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-OZ, by Plywood Minnesota, Inc. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Narris declared the Public Hearing closed at 9:23 P.M. M�. Bergman said he was having a problem in feeling positive about this request He thought that small County or State highway directional signs would better serve the purpose of directing people to these sites. Mr. Langenfeld said he could not feel that this was a directional sign when it did not have any time�of arrow on the sign. As far as he was concerned it aaas an advertising billboard and their only decision'was whether t.hey wanted to approve a special use p�rmit for this sign cr no�. Mr. Peterson said that as the Appeals C,mmission has already had � Public Hearing on this request, he said he would like to get some direction from the Chairwoman of that Commission. Mrs. Wahlberg said that no one appeared at �heir me�iing to speak against this request, nor were ther� any letters sen� to the Coi�mission. We acted in good faiih on the advice that was given to us at that time. The request was for an adver°tising sign. The in'cent was that by placing an adver�ising sign at this 1ocation, it would help to eliminate the �ra�fir problems tha� were � �ccurring a� this intersection, which both the petitioner and other members of the Appeals Commission �<:ere w�ll aware of. Acting on gacd iaith and w� agr�ed with the a;±ministrativc report and approved th� two variances wi-ch iche two stipulatio��s she had pa°eviously nientian�d. Mr. Scott said he would no�t want to vote on this re�ucs� Uaithout the petitioner being present. N� said we can discuss the ti�affic problem in �his area, bu1; we also have to consider the merits o�F this billboard. Chairman fiarris sa�d that regardless of what you call this sign, it will act as a di�-ectional sign, and we are saying �that �his was not the proper place for a direc�ional sign. Mrs. l�Jahlberg said she would like to see the petitioner given a chance to ar�swer some o�i the poir��s that have been raised ai this meeting. She said she thought the pe�itioner should be given the oppor�unity to change �his sign if he should so desire. She said �thc petitioner seemed to be agreeable to working wi th �he s��aff and the Com�r,i ssi ons. r10TION I�y Wahlberc�, s�:conded by PeL-erson, that th� Planning Comn�ission tab.Ze until March 3, Z9lG� t1,e re,�uest for a Special Use Permit, SP #76-02, by Ply�ti�ood Minnesota, Inc. Upori a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion car.z-ied iinanimously. Chairman I�arris sa�id tf�at in the interin�, he would like to request that the City Engin�er study the ini:ersection problem and come back with some recommendaiions. �,,,` He should get together with the County and g��t the problem straighened out. � Mr. Boardman said he ��ould call i:his i;o the att�n�ion of the City Enginee�r. e, J.:..-- 1.. i . Planninq Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 12 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #76-01, BY EONSOLIDATED CONTAINER CORPORATION: Split off the Easterly 1'LO' of Parcel 3190, located in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the South Half of Section 71, to make property line consistent with present use, located North of Osborne Road and West of Main Street. Mrs. J. Bernstein was present to represent Consolidated i;ontainer Corporation. Mr. Boardman said the purpose of this lot split was to allow Frank's Nursery tt� purchase the property they haue been leasing from Consolidated Container Cor- poration. This property was zoned M-2 and at th�e time it was purchased by Frank's Nursery they should com� in and make a request.to have this property rezoned to C-2S, the same as the balance of their property, and also have this property combined with their other property so that it wouldn't go tax forfeit. Mr. Boardman said this property ulas already included in the property that Frank's Nursery had obtained a Special Use Permit for in 1974. Mr. Harris asked how large 'che ba1ance of Rarcel 3190 would be when this 120 feet was sp'it off. Mr. Boardman said it ��aould be about 5 acres. Mr. Boardman said that Frank's Nursery vras supposeci to complete the landscaping on this proper-ty this year, and he would like to see them do an outstanding job as they were in the nursery business. MOTION by 9cott, seconded by Peterson, tha�L- �he Planning Commission recommend to Council approva.Z of the Iot split request, LeS. #76-01, by ConsoZidated Container Corporation, to split off the Eastezly 120 feei of Parcel 3090, located in the N[n� Z/4 of the NW 1/4 of the South Half of Seciion 1?, to make property line consistent � with present use, located North �f Csborne Raa� ard G�est of Main Street with the stipulations ti�at Frank's Nursery, 7620 Osborne Road N.E.: I. Petition to rezone �c�ie .I20' being split off of Parce2 3390 to C-ZS so this property would be zoned the same as the balance of their property. 2. Combine this Iot sp.Zit with their otl�er property for tax purposes. 3. Complete the landscaping on their pr�perty as agreed to in Special Use Permit, SP #74-15 by the spring of 1976. UPON a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mot_ion carried unanimously. 4. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #76-02, 6Y RONALD ENROOTN: Split off ihe Westerly 85.0 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Oak Creek l�dditio�i to create another building site, �he same being 109 Glen Creek Road N.E. Mr. Ronald Enrooth was present. Mr. Boardman said �his lot was 180' by 136` so it was large enough for two building sites. He said the portion split off ��ould be �5' by 136'. He said said there were t�vo residential lo�ts north of ti�is property who were already hooked up to sewer, and they already hud the easemen� for this hook up. He said 1:here was also a 10' utility easement on the Nort.h �r�o�erty line of Lot 1, Block 1, Oak Creek Addition, so there would no't be any add�itional easements necessary on �his property beca«se of' ti-�e lot s��lit. The sta-Ff has no objectiun to this lot split � being grantzd. Mr. [i�ardman saicl �f�e home that was on the Easterly portion of t{�e lot wo:�ld, �acc;orciiny i:o tl�e survey, have s�ven �°eet between the garage fur this house and the new prqperty line. e, r-... Plannin Commission Meeting - Februar 18, 1976 Page 13 Mr. Scott asked about the sewer line in this area. Mr. Boardman said it was deep and quite wet. � MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Scott, ihat the Planning Commission recommend � to City Council approval of the request for a lot split, L.S. #76-02, by Ronald Enrooth, to split off the Westerly 85.0 feet of Lot 1, B1ock I, Oak Creek Addition P1at 2, to create another building site, the same beinq 109 G1en Creek Ro3d N.E. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. -'Chairman Harris declared a recess at 9:50 P.M. and reconvened the meeting at 10:15 P.M. Mr. Peterson was excused. 5. REQUEST FOR FUNDING Ff•',OM THE CITY FOR THE FINE ARTS COMMITTEE: As recommended by the Human Resources Commission at their meeting oi` February 5, 1976. Nancy Lamber°t, a member of the Human Resources Commission, was present to explain the request. Mr. Scott read tP�e �two ri��-tions made by 'chis Commission a� their last mee�ing. "Motion by Nancy Lambert, seconded by Barbara Shea, that the Fine Arts Committee is requesting funds through the Planning Commission because we feel it is the responsibility of City governmen� to fo�ter and develop the fine arts life �n the communi�y so that our citizens will be able to enjoy a richer and more fulfilling life style". (All aye) "1�1otion by 6arbara Shea, seconded by Grace Lynch, that the Fine Arts Committee ask for �700 ior runding rrom �the Ciiy Co�ncil through the Plan�iing ��, Commission". (Al1 aye) Nancy Lambert gave the Planning Commission a proposed budget of the Fine Arts Committee which totaled �2800. She said this had started as a project commi-�Lee of the Human Rc�ou}�ces Gommission. Their ultimai:e goal was -to have a Fine Arts Co�nmissi�n es-cablished in Fridley. Ms. �Lambert said �ha� at about the same tim� that this praject committee was being formed, the Community School Program was doing a survey �t�d the establishirent o-� a community and children's threatre was one of i:he seven major areas of interest. She said that by November of last year, she had taiked �Lo 12 or 15 people �vho she knew were interested in Fine Arts and asked if they wanted to be on such a pYpoject committee. She continued that she had enthusiastic t°esultso Jim Bruder was elected Chairman of the Fine Arts Com�nit�ee and Ted Brockrnan was �lected Vice Chair°man. She said it was the concensus of ihis committee tu focus in �n one project which was the development of communi-ty threatre and their fir•st production was scheduled io� June 10-11, 1976 i.n the District Auditorium. Ms. Lambert said thcy did make a request frorn the Com�nunity Schoo�l Program for funding. They have a:;mail budc�et of about $35�0 and of this amount, th�y gave the Fine Arts Committee g1300, because they thought there was such a.high of int�r•est. She �'e1t that bv �them giving them sucri a large share of their budget showed that i;here was a dr�l=�ir�ite need for fine arts in the City of Fridley. Ms. Lambert said thafi som��of �he things that the Fine Arts Commit�ee planned to do was to to have a co�ceri; on October 16, 1976 which would �eature local musicians. � Ther� were many groups in the City of Fridley tvho c�o� together an rehearse and practice who have no v�hicle in wh�ch to display �I���ir talents. She said the�� pl�r�ried to schedu1e exhibi�ts o�� loca1 at�tists at the Frid1ey Library. Another area of interest was what they called 'ti�catre in th� pa'rks'. They have already discussed ��... Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 14 with Michael 0'Bannon the idea of putting on same plays in the park program, hopefully this summer. She said that Mr. 0'Bannon was enthusiastic about .this proposal and hoped to get some subdizing through the County Park Program for this purpose. This would utilize the teenagers in the area. hlso Lambert said they had already discussed � �he possibility of putting on a musical if there was enough interest in ihe first play Nancy Lambert said there were many things they could do for the City of F'ridley.in the mayter of.•fine arts. We are requesting $700 in funding from the City because we believe�it is a re��onsibility of the City to support local artists9 as well as fostering interest in the cultural life of the City. We have a fine Parks & Recreation program, but we need to broa�en our horizons. We need to provide for a more camplete development of our citizens and perhaps, educate those who were not know1ed�eable in the arts. Mr. Scott said that this followed his �houghts on li�e-lang learning. He. � said he had personal knowledge that tliis project committee was involving a lot of mature people in the City who have never been involved in any type of community activit.y. He said he thought this was a�ri5ute to this pt°oject committee on fine arts. He said now they wer•e talking about in��lving boii-� the young and older people in this type of activity and promoting tha� �type of harmony that was specii�ically addressed in the charter of the Human Resaurce� Corr�mission. He said he was in favor of this request, and he said it seemed strar�ge to I�im that while this request had come from a Commissiori of the City, 'chey had received their first funding from the school board, and they had f'und�c� them quste well. Chairman Harris said this request ��►as �or �700 from 'che City Council, yet the total budget figure was $�800 of la:hich the.�� had already r�eceived $1800 from the Cammunity School Pregram. He t�;d Ms> 1_����eric tViafi th>� ��;cin't add up. Ms. ,-1 Lambert said �he only explanatio;� in as�;irr� for the �?OJ '�"!^C1� the City Councii was because they dido�'t want to r�o,�b�st �er �the 1 arger sum o� �1 ,OOC�. They fel t the ;300 they would s'cill need cov1d probably b:: raised by goin9 �to the Kiwanis, the Lions, the 49`er's and other ser��ice organ�iza�tior�s, ii necessary. Mr. Langer�feld asked if this �udget was just to gzt Lhe Fine Arts Committee s�tarted. Nancy Lambert said they r►a�. come up ti�ith a figure of $2,25� which would be necessary to have for their fir�L play. T��is was based or� previous experience w�ii;h s��ch productions, She said -ch�y will cnarg� admission for this play, but when you ge'c mone,y �irom tl�e Community School Program, their budgeting insists that any maney that comes in musi go back into their �roaram. If they n�ade $1,000 on this o1ay, it vrould have to go back i�io �chat budg�t. She said �hai: more than likely i;his woula be put into a fund fihai a�e could us�� ir� siicceedingyears �For putting on a play�. 4�1e could not then use tha-t fil ,000 �ta pui, on .� concert. She sa �d the reasor: they �ecame i nvol ved wi tr� the Commut� � ty Sch�a1 �'�°e�ram t��as thai then they coul d ma�p use the faci 1 i t�i es of tfie D� siti'1 C� AllG1 tOY�i um ,�ri �tr, r+o char,e. There wi 11 be no charge fo�� �;ani tori al fees , el ectr°i ci ty ces�;s ,�tc. ?he�� a!oial d al so be a5i e to use th� props or sets tliat ��rere av� �i 1 abl e. i hey fel t they coul d pui on a qual i f.�� production having these assets. She said �hey wo�eld like io have a concert.series, and subsidize sen�i��.�r cit�izens in �re�� of fine arts. �he saie these were ultimate goals, �ecausF t��ey were focusin� o�i j«st c�ne area row, which ���as community theatre. We pl an to work on one pr� ject at a 4�itr;e? and ��o ao i � �Nel l. Nancy Lambert said t.hat the Cit�� of Cc,or ►:��pids has a Fine Arts Comn�issian and 4heir lst yc�ar budget a11ac�:tic��� ,•J�s �3,0�!?• ;f�e said they have now b�en in �_^ apera4�ion far three or 7�c�Jr years g«z�d this year tl-�Eir� budge� a1locatiUn v,��s $30,OLeI 1 She s�id she didn't kno��r �ii they titi���.ild q�� i��ihi: n�ucF�, but. ih`i�� ti�ere n+ai�y, many ci�ic.� who have F;i�e Arts Com►nissions, �s part o-f� tV�°ir City go��°rnment, and sl�e felt this ��...�,� Planninq Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 15 � was an,area that the City should support. She said she would not want the Planning Commission to consider this a one time request. She felt this should �e an o�-going ;'� thing that deserved government support. She said that community theatre was a good project, but there �ere many other areas in fine arts. She said there were people . working in the area of music and others working with artists. Chairman Harris asked Councilman Starwalt that if the Council decided to honor this request for $700 to the Fine Arts Committee, where would that money come:from? Do we have funds available for �his. Mr. Starwalt said there was a contingency:�fund that was avaiTable for unexpected,.unknown, and unforeseen items. Mr. Harris asked if it would be possible for this contingency fund to support this request for $700. Mr. Starwa1t said with the vote of the Council, anything was possible. Mr. Harris said there would be enough in the fund if the Council decided to grant this request then. Mr. Starwalt said there would be enough, many times over. Mr. Starwalt asked Ms. Lambert if she had considered making her request through the Parks & Recreation Commission? Nancy Lambert said she hadn't, but Kay Nee had been in contact with Mr. 0'Bannon about taking a f'lat bed truck out to the parks and having t�e teenagers put�on a shdw for the kids as part of the program. Nancy Lambert said she didn't know why they would want to go to the Parks & Recreation Commission. Mr. Starwalt said that spea!<ing as a member of the City Council, but not for the City Council in this regard, he felt that the Council had . problems with requests such as this because the contingency fund was no� a frivolous fund, He s�id he had a tendency to vote no on these kinds of requests. He fel� that if there was a need for this, there was a logical progression, meaning through ihe logical development, and in this case, he meant the Park & Recreation Depar-�ment. � He sai� he didn't feel this wus �he use the contingency fund was meant for. It was rneanL to be used for additionai �unds ior snow plodving, if necessary, or if any ty;�e of disaster should come to Fr�dley. It was for dire needs that couldn't be forese��� ahead of tim�. Mr. S�arwalt said that he hadn't given too much thought abou� fine arts bef�re, bui he fel� thP Parks & Recrea�ian Departmen� was in that business. He said'he was sure the Parks & Recreation Departmen� did not have fine arts in their pi^ogram, but he �e1t that this was where it should be, if there was a need. Mrs. Wahlberg ask�d if the Parks & Recreation Deparment had enough money in their budget to provide the $700 in funding that was being requested. Mr. Boardman said that Parks and Recrea�ion usually overspent their budget, so he didn't feel there v�as money available for this request. Mr. S�arwalt said he would have to agree that �f�ey probably did not have enough in their budget for Parks & Recreation to handle thi s r°equest at thi s�cim�. Mr�s. Wahlberg said then if the City Council sent th�s to the Parks � Recreation Commission then v�h�� ichey would be doing was torpedoing the whole 1CIr'1, because knaaaing in advance t��at they ilon't have �he money, it tivould defeat the purpose to send the Fine Arts Committee to this Coi:�miss�on. She said she saw this as an important communi�y project, and it has gone thro�►gh the Numnn Resourc:es Cum�-�issio�i. If Parks & Recreat�on doesr�'t have any money in tt-�e h�idgei, then �this idLa �Jas c�oing to die. Mr. Starwalt said his recommendation tha� this sh���±l� qo to the Park�, and Recreation Commission would ►�ot torpEdo the Fin� Hr�:s Commiti;ee. He a5ked tti�hy these /`� peopl e weren't be i ore the Parks & Recrezti on Commi ssi c�n 2, 3 or G� years �ign. WY�y was it now so urgent ai, this time, that spec.ia1 arr•anc�em�nts i���d ta bc ri;ac)c�. He said that if it �ti�as that imp�rtant as a recrc«�ic�na�i i±em, then n�ayhc a soi'tball diamon� shauld be cut out af th� budget, and the Fir�e Arts project be ��!.�t �n the Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 16 _ budget. He said that from the Council's standpoint its a matter of how much money � was available for th� total services and needs of the c�mmunity. � Mr. Scott said that when the Planning Commission was reorganized, the Fine Arts Committee came out of this reorganization and we had absolutely nothing to do with any kind of budgetory process. The idea of a Fine Arts Commission was totally unthought of. This came out of Human Resources seminars. He said that a result of these seminars, when the Human Resources Commission started working on their goals and objectives, we identified from citizen participation, that a Fine Arts Committee was of viable interest to the City. This was not a Parks a�d Recreation fuction. This was a F�ne Arts function. This was a completely different type of activity than recreational activities. He said that no Fine Arts Commission in the State of Minnesota was affil�ated with a Parks & Recreation Commission. We don't even feel that this should be a part of the Human Resources Commission, but should be a Commission by itse1f, wi�h separate s�a�us. Nancy LamL�er� said she would vehemen�ly opnose fiaving the �ine Arts ��mmit�ee as a part of the Pari<s and Recrea-�ion,program. He said the emphasis o� fine arts was to get some emphasis away from h�ckey programs, foatball programs, etc., etc. She thought the City of Fridley ha� a fiind recreational program, but it was too one sided in this community and we jus-c �id not have any cultural life in Fridley. She said ihat she wanted to be on record as never wan�ing to see fine arts under.the c�� auspices of the Parks & Recreatian Dep�rtmen�. Ms. Lambert said she realizQd there ��as n� funding area or iunding program in the budget. She kne��� that if th�s reque�t was gr�nted, it would have to come out o� some other i�und, and Lha� �i��s t°eques�t �,�as not caming the normal �udget timee � She said tha� the can��miitee w�s i'or����ci ak�ou�: �tveo r��an�ci��s ago and tfie efrthusiasm was _ jus-t overwhelming, b�9t if we do�'i get support, that er.thusiasm will die. You ca��'t do any�thing these days without a li�i�le bit of rnoney9 and she �idn'� think they were asking for a whole lot. You can'i keep peaple enthusiasi;ic i-F they can't do ii, Phr. Boardroan said that in answer to Mr. S�arv�aalt's statement that this request should go thr�o�a;h the normal prc�cPdure, he felt this was the normal procedure9 accord.- ing to the reorganiza�cion. The Planning Comm�ssion had the authority to sen� this to the Parks.& Recreation Commission, or the Chairman ef the Parks & Recrea�ion Com�nission had the authorii�y to act for'th�s Commiss�ion: 'Th�refo're, i�f..�he.Planning Commiss�on wanted to make a recommendation to the City Council, they could, as such. Ne s�i d t{�e Ci ty Cou��ci 1 then ha� �the autV�ori ty to send i t down to the Parks � R Rect�eG tian Co mrnission, if the y so chase io do so, So i:h�is was the normal process, aiid �he process that was established in June wi�th the reo�°ganization. (�Ir. Start���alt said he d�vould fully agree with Mr. Boardmana Ne said it was almast a sLalemate. Who's go� i;h� ir�oney, and who's goir�g tc jar loose. He said that whether this r�quest vdou1d be succ�ss7`'u�l or not, no one kno��rs, but if it was not successful, he told Ms. Lambe�rt not to give up. You've got to figure for years down �ihe road. t�1r. Narr°i� said th�t �vas his original questione Did Council have money that �f�ey cou?d spend on �i,riis r�equest. Mrs. Stcarwalt said yes, whether they will or not, nobod� knows. ^ Mre Scott asker� Mr. Starwalt irour much weight a Planning Commission recommendat. �.) ha� u�t th� Ci�y Council 1ev�l. �1r. Star4��alt said he felt �h�t the Counci � gave gi�eat e�ei gh t t� the Pl ann i ng Comm� ssi oh recornmendat'i �ns , but i �f thei r reconunc�ncia L i uns yo � over-turned sometimes, it was noi: dr�ne wii:h i�ialice. He said that he knc4t th� Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 17 � Planning Cor�nission wasn't involved in the budgetory process, but if they were, they would see how many things were torn out af the budget because there were not r�"� funds availab1e for particular items. MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council that the Fine Arts Commif.tee receive $700 iri funding from the City. Mr. Boardman said that one thing the community was working on now was their goals and objectives. Hopefully when they are completed and approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council, it will set levels of priorities for this type of fun.ding. If this was a goal for the community and it was a high priority of the community, it would be so �F�inded. G?hat we were doing now was trying to take care of an interim request by the Fine Arts Committee, to keep this Commitee alive until those priorities were esta6lished. Nancy Lambert aske d how they wo�ald decide if this was a high prioity goal or not. Mr. Scott said tha�t all the member C��mmission's had wc,rked an goals and objectives. They would, in time, be sorted out by the Planning Comir�ission, and that decision would be star�ed by the Planning Commission. He said that decision would be based on the merit of the need. Mr. Starwalt said �cha� on some of these �hings, it was not always that the City should start it, but that the pe�ple should start it. Nancy Lambert said they were not asking the Cit,y to to�a1ly fund this Commitee. They were no�t even asking for 1/3 of their funding which the Hockey program got from the City. �"'� Mr. Starwalt said he 4vas in sympathy w�i:th this reques�t, but it v�as a matter of priorities. He said that ouL of every tax dollar collected ir� Fri�ley, the City got 15%, �he County got ZJ%, and the schocls got 60%. � Mr. Langenfeld said this reques�t w�s for funds from th� City t,�hicf� ;�rill revert right back to the City in ihe form of entertainment for our citizenry, He said this would not be a total loss even if �che Fine Arts Committee didr't succeed because�it wou1d be a good investment just to get some of the talent exposed in the community. He defini�cely fe1L tf�is should be a separat:e entity oil�er than Parks & Recreation. h1r. Ray Leek said t{�at he had been involved with a theatre group, and besides the time and ef-fort involved, there was r��oney spen�t on stac�e make-up, props and sets, which tivas done by individua1s, which �yas just aboui: the sam� as a parent buying hockey equipment:�ior their child. There �vere a lat of things tha� went into a produc�ion of a play, other than the acting. Chairman Harr�is aske�.; Nthat if��re was to dc iii �he commuia�fi:y except walk dativn to the Island of Pe�ce for ol� �Fogies l�ke you and me. We hav4 got a kid-oriented society. Mrs. Wahlberg said tha� she felt �his type oJi` project would add a new dimerision to the co�rnnunity. The fact that it has just sta�°ted i-,�as net anythin� against ii., in fact she thought it was ir its favor. She said she would feel very bad1y if the City couldn't find the money some��here to su�ply the fund�ir�g for the added dimension to the quality of lifi'e in Fridley. She said she kne,w this would have to be on a limited basis this year, but si►ice the idea has been conceived now, she �ti�ould feel very badly if the City would nat create a FTne Arts Comii�issions and incl��de this in the budget process next year. It's too bad that it hasn't been herP far 10 years �. Y� Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 � Page 18 � already, but now that it has started, she thought the City should support something • like this. � Mr. Langenfeld said that we had studied in the Comprehensive Housing Plan that Fridley was a maturing communtiy. Fle thought a more mature community was ready to take on something like this. Mr. Harris said he thought that Fridley had the finest Public Works department in the State. He mentioned some of the equipment that had been bought in the last year and the amount of money that had been spen on such equipment. He said we could always find money for things like that, bu� nAt for programs;for people. He said his neighbors couldn't relate to new snow plows or new warehouses to. �eep them in, but we seem to find money for these things. When ihe money was requested for something that ���ould relate right back to the citizenry, then was when we had - trouble �inding the money. Mr. Starwalt sa�id the point was well taken, but there were many things take � out �f the budget that ti�as re�ues�e� by v�.rio��s depart.ments of the City, so the Ci�y did watch how they spent the rnaney. Mr. Startvralt said it was a mat�er of tax dollars. Everyone of these requests uses tax dollarsa He said tha� if he couid just think of the individual requests and n�t the total tax bill., he wauid vote for all these reques'cs. He said he had to ask himself that if this was p�� to a vote by the people when t{iey knew it. woulc� 'raise �cheir.taxes, woul� they vo�:e far it. Mr. Narr;s asked if the people v��ould �+�t� for a n�w dur�y.� truck? Mr. Starwalt � said probably not, ur�til the sno��a v,asr't i:a'.<eii er-F the streeLS. Mr. Har} is said � it was a naLter oi priari�cies. Nlr. Langenfeld said he felt fir�e Fine Ar�s Com»itfee .".ad to start somei:ime. He said he fully under°s�ood P�r. Star���alt's con��rn in �?�ying �o save taxpayers dollarso Al1 these requests do iotal up. N� said that in regard to this particular item, he was willing to contribu't� his 6 or 7 cents from 30,000 peop1e as a taxpayer in Fridley. Mr. Bergman said that he ��aas in agreemerr 4vith this request as something of value and worthy of consideration within the priorities of �he City Council UPON A VQICE VOT�, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl�. Chairman Harris thanked Mr. Starwalt for his commen�:s and said he unders'cood on1y too well all ab�ut taxes. 6o i�UG�IC HtARING: HUD COMMUNITY DEVELOP��iEPdT 6LOC!� uR11NT !!PPLICATION 1�It?TT.C�P] by Wah_ibery, seeonded by Langenf�Zd t:aat the Planning Coirunission open the PuZiic H�aring on the HUD Community Develvpment B1ock Grant Application. Upon a voice votc:, a1l voting aye, Gha�rr.'zan Harris declared the Puylic liearing open at 11:19 P.�lo Mr. Boardm�n said this wus a��eapplication for a Comm�!nity Devela��nen�t Block Grant which ���F, i�ave su�mitted to Metro Council for the 95 review process. We did r�!n� _...��..,,.�,� 4 r -'. Planning Commission Meeting - Fe�ruary 18, 1976 Page 19 into a time problem with this preapplication so we did appear before the City r� Council and got approval to submit this preapplication before it had been approved � by the Council. If there were changes in the preapplication , we can submit the changes to the Metro Council. The deadline for submitting a preapplication for review by the Metro Council was February 17, 1976, so at this time the Planning Commission was looking at a preapplication that the Metro Council was also looking at. Any changes that were made in this preapplication can be made in the applica- ,tion to HUD. Mr. Boardman said the status of the Comprehensive Housing Plan and it's implementation was.that the Planning Comm�ssion had recommended approva] of the Housing Plan to the Council. The City Council would be holding a Public Hearing on the plan February 23, 1976. We anticipate tha� the City Council will be adopting the Comprehensive Fiousing Plan on March lst. We have scheduled a Public Hearing on the preapplication for a Community Development B1oEk Grant for March a'c�� by the City Council. The Section 8 housing proposal will be before the Council af: that same meeting. Mr. Boardmar said a preapplication for Community Development Bl�ock Grants requires two Public Hearings. The Planning Commission was having the first Public Hearing at this meetino, and they would still have time to continue this item, if �they so desired, to their next meeting on Marcf� 3, 1976. We still have some leeway anci still not miss out on making applicaiion for funding this year. P�r. Leek said that the preapplication that ma,y or may noi; go to Hud in Mar°ch, consists of four par�:s. Three of those par-ts consists of forms. Thc n most ia��por-tant part was i.he Program Narrative St�dtement. The first por�tion of �che �rogram Narrativ�: :�ta�r�mer�t was a statEr�er�� o��= cor�r��u��ity needs which ��er�e determined by i�he staff fr�m what had gone ori ai; the Planning Cor�nission and the City Council leve1, and sta�Pments of objectives relative to those needs. The secand part of the Program P!a�^r�ative Statement was the funding ii��aris ���hereby the City�hopes td accomplish same of these projec�ts. ThE i:hird part was the di�cription of the pr�jec�s that we were making application �or iunding to HUD. The ne:t por�ion was � discription or the 1ocai:ion of the projects. The n�x'c section was very important which a�as the e�;pec�ed benefits which would accrue from these projE�cts, the relationship of the pro��sec3 activities to the proposed needs. Th� l�as� section was a sta�emen� of wt�o the primary bene-iiciaries of these projects a�ould be. Chairman Harris saic� the s-tatment in this Program Narrative S�ate��ent th�t bothered him was number 4�m det Description ofi Project. This states "The Ciiy proposes to acquire approxima-�ely 4.5 acres of land adjacent �co the existin�, administra-�ive offic�s.a..�This property is expect.ed to cost �125,00 ta acq�Eire. � The total cost for� acquisi�iotz, relocation and clearing of the land is expccted to b` approxima�cely �125,Q�u. The City is requesi.ing �15U,000 for this ��r�},ject." He asked h1r. Boardman what land they d��ere talking abou�;. h1r. Leek said th�� land they we��e tall%ing abo�t was -�he land that was adjacent to the City Hali ��.� the North. They money we ��rere as�i ng for was �o cover° the cos� of c7C.qU1 51 t10t1 y sand the cos� o-F cl�aring those lands. l�r. Harris said jus�t suppose tha� HUD �.ays tf�ia va��; a goad idea and t,�e got the $150,000. Would this mc�ney have l:o bx�� used f���, f:htit purpose. Mr. Leek said that i-i we received funds we could use them ��r G�r�y uf tfie proposed projects, but NUD aaould revietv to see ho�v those funds had be�n u��i?tf. h1r. � harris said that othet�wise i,hi� request wou]d te11 me that the City had t�� came u�, wi1;h an�ther $100,000. h1r. Leek said that Hud did fund on an on�f�oir��] L���.,is, a��d we w�r� sa,�ing that this Utas a 5�ear program. An.Y '�uture ap�li��•tion for lfUt) fur7dir�g would be cor�sidered on that Uasise They wouldn't take a project rr�^ ���»' Yr���o•, funcl it, and then say they wouldn't cont�inue to fund it. Mr. Boardman said thc> �125.(li)O R, �...: Planning Commission Meeting February 18, 1976 Page 20 figure was a type error and it should read $25,000. Mr. Langenfeld asked how much the total reques� for funding from HUD amounted to. Mr. Leek said the total amount was $335,000. Mrs. Wahlberg said she added it up and it came to $495,000. Mr. Leek said that was the total but there were funds forthcoming potentially from other sources. These potential funds weresubtracted from the amount we were requsting from HUD. Section 8 funding would take care of a large portion of the difference in the two �otals. Mr. Harris said that if HU� said they wouldn't give us the entire $335,000 and they gave us $200,000. Would v�e have to apportion that amount to each project? Mr. Leek said no. Mr. Langenfeld said then how would you establish a priority as to which project you would use the funding for. � Mro Leek said this preapplication would go to HUD. They would decide if we were goi ng i n th'� ri ght di rec�i on. i hen Lhey i nvi te us to make i.i��e f � r�al appl i cai. � cr . That was when we would set up our 5 year program. Chairman Harris said he questi�ned if even a couple of items should be included i n the preapp1 i cati on . One was i�em 6 y abo�at the p�°opErty i n P.i vervi e��a Hei ghts . Mr. Boardman said this iiem came up ai a City Council me�ting about six months ac�o. They discussecl purchasing th�se properties �ecause of the hazard of flooding. Another reason for purchasing this rro�er�Ly was for a river acce�s property. We felt that �ihis project could relate tc a Community De��elopment Block Grant. We have to rela-ce any projec'c tha� we r�eques� funGS for to a s�ecific section of the City. This also was one of the three prir�a.ry foc�as areas o-F the housi�}g plan. If the City Council � was still interested in �11�viatir�g the p}°oblem �f flood damaged homes and iri acquiring some park1and in the area, vde thouc�ht i-L should be in this Conununi�y Block Gran�c applicati�n. Mro Leek said t{�at under i�cem 3, thv -figure should be $4,000 instead of $i4,OQ0. Mr. Bergman said that as long as they w�re checking figures, he wondered about the fi gure. in the 2nd iter�. t'e asked i f yc�u coul d reiiabi 1 i tate 20 homes for $12,Q00? Mr. Leek said ihat $12,000 would be used to pr�ovide low interest rates for home impravements9 so that ii�ure was correct. Mr> Bergman said then this was $12,000 interest subsidy. Mr. Leek said tha�L �aas right. Mr. Langenfeld said he w�u?d not wan� to see al� these a five year plan, and aiter we were well into t�e,�1 all, have the City ��aoiild be in the position of having fia come up ��aith the nrojects. He felt �cnat one p►,o;iec�t shauld be completed projects started on HUD funding stop. Then ihe money to finish all at a time. M�^. Qoardman said most of tiie money fron; I�UD would be to ini��iate progran►s and ir the funds should stop, �he program woulu stope The C�ity would not be responsible to continue �:hose programs. Mr. Goardman said it woulc4 depend upon what priorities we► e given to the pro;;ects by the City as to h�;�� many ���oiects 4vould be started. f-ie sai d the devel opment and impl �mentati on o� a r,�ai nter�ance code mi ght be one th�� ng that �vouid cantiniae if federal funding was sio;�p�d. He said that providing l�w intet°est rates for hom� improvements would be one program that would stop when funding ti�1as no� lor�ger av��i1able. Ne said that as far as an acquisition program, we 4vould h�ve tc� a�quire all the praperty in oi�e year•. Mr. Leak said that when I�UD sa?d up � t�on�mui�ity Development alock Grant, they Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Paqe 21 combined many different types of funding into one program and they made a commitment n that these funds would be available for at least 5 years, so as not to leave corr�nunities �. just hanging. This was the information that he had received from our area office in St. Paul. Mr. Boardman felt that for every year thatFridley got funding, they would be ahead of the game. Mr. Boardman said he thought every effort should be made in applying for these funds to help the residents of Fridley. Mre Bergman said he had some problems with both numbers 4 and 6 of this proposal for funding. He asked if the 4.5 acres of land discussed in number 4 actually for sale? Mr. Boardman said it wasn't. Mr. Bergman said i� puzzled him how we could be s� specific that we were going to buy it. Mr. Boardman said this was an estimated market value offer. Mr. Bergman said he read this as a positive statement. Mr. Bergman said that on proposal 6 wher°e they want to acquire 10 properties, were these in the flood plain? This was the area that would be most directly affected by the threai of a flood. Mr. Scott said the Human Resources Commission would be involved in revi�ewing the HUD Community Block Grant applic�tion at some point. He said that there were many projects that would �b� revie��ved by�the Human.Resources Commission. Mr. Scot� said that the mot°e �hese projects were related to human needs, the mucl� better chance they had of being funded. Mr. Sco�t said thcre was a great movemenic in our country to reallocate iche economic wealth in this Country. He said �ha� social frame�-dorl: planning was in � the near future, and mor•e and mor� �;he human element was being cons�dered and he thouyht people st�ould F�e alerted to this. Mrs. Wahlberg asked �vhere the idea was conceived to acquire 'che 4.5 acres on the Pdorth side of City Hall? Mr. Boardman said i-t ti��as an «d�riinisi,rative idea> HP said it was sort of a pie in the sky idea, bu� if �`unds should become available for tnis type of project, it coul.d be done. He said a civic center with a� indoor swimming pool and other facilities has been discussed quite often. He said it was also 1:h�t this project would be tossed out during this public hearing process. P�rs. Wahlberg said that she had never heard of this proposal before, and Mr. Harris said that he hadn't either. Mrs. Wahlberg said she had no quarrel with projects that had been discussed under the housing plan9 but � couple o�� these projects were foreign to the Planning Commission. Th��se ��ere items 4 and 6. h1r. Boardman said that bo�th tfi�se projects tUere based on necds thai ha�l been mentioned at a member Commission m�eting or• by i;he Ci ty Counci 1, but they co�il dn't mal;e �ppl ication for any fundi ng that �yasn't recommended by the Planniny'Commission ar�d the Gity Councii. i;1rs. Wah1berg asked what infoi�riation the Cit,y had to back up the requests for a civic center and for �cquiring the p�°operty in Rivervie�v Heights? h9rs. 6�ahlbcrg said she thought $5,000 was a lot of money to ask i'or a feasit�ility stuc{y c�n transit. Chairman Harris said he didn'� i:i�ink i± was eno�gh. h1r. Qergman coneurred. � Mr. Harris said he thought the people who ot�ned the 4.5 acres on the P�or�:h side of City Hall sho�elci be appr��achec� ��efor�e a�.�roposal for a projec� w�s seni; in for funding. Mr. �oardman s��id 1;hai: maybe i:he i larininc� Co►rni�ission would d�cide that this project was not neede�i, an� they could recommend that this project be �1iminat�d from �;he �ppli�+.ation. Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 22 Chairman Harris said he thought it was a matter or priorities and he thought �he City needed other -chings before it needed a civic center. Mr. Bergman said that in considering this preapplication for a Community Development Block Grant, he thought that the projects mentioned applied to the goa1s and objectives set up in the housing plan except for items 4 and 6. He said they were both a surprise to him, and he thought that in both these items we had the cart out in front of the horse. Mr. Boardman said that Mr. Bergman was probably right, and they should only request funding that related to the goals and objectives of the housing plan. Mr. Scott said he had some problems with this preapplication. He said that what this document was for was tc stir�ulate thP interest of HUD. He didn't think �here was much in this document te do that. Mr. Boardman said he was open to any suggestions that Mr. Scott would 1�k� to maE:e. He said that this was not a s�aff exercise, i�t was an attempt to get funding, ar�� if the Planning Commission had any ideas on how this application could be improved, he would be very happy to use those ideas. Mr. Scott said there could bP a statement that these projects would e1imina'ce, reduce or preven� ghettoiza�;ion.� He said it could say that they waniced �co sustain human deve'o;�ment with a good life so our community could continue to grow and be a viable cor:munity. Ne said the second need, which was to rid the City of substar�dard housing, he th�u��h�� was an impossible thing to do. Mr. Boardmar� said tha�c ��hen Mr. Scott. had �ime to go through this document, he should write down some of' his recon�ii�endations and give them to the Planning Depar�ment> Mre Starvaal� sa�d that what he was goi��q �o say was ior himself, and no�: as a represen�:ative of �he City Council. He said that to the best of his knowledge, the City had never prov�ded housirg for anyone in the City, evere All housing, �° a11 develcpment, all aci:ivities that have taken place in �he City, other than City items, ha�!e been done 4vith individu�l ini�iativc, He said �his was all done within the frame��ark of Ciiy ordinances5 �nd 'ne thought this had worked out pre'cty well. He said i�; would be hard �or him tc: te11 the people he represented that the City was consider�ir�g enga�-ing in a rental subsidy progr�m -�or some indivicivals at tax- payers' expense. Hp did not want to �tcll the people that the City was c�:�sidering pushing for subdi�iz�ci fious�ng for some individuals a�t taxpGyer's expensee He did not want to do that. He did no� want to have to say that ths City was undertaking housing for tlie elderly or housing for the underpr°ivilec�ged. Ne said he thought a11 �hese ma�ters were individual initiative ai�c1, �iothin the frameworfc of Ciiy codes and ordinances, can be provided on an individuul or cooperative basis. He said he thought that 1:his was the way to go. He didn'� wa�t to tell people that the City was con�idering doing any different from that. He :,aid that in this regard, there were items in the neGVSpaper saying the City t�a� doing this, and he {�oped the City planning s�aff wasn'� dreaming up projects, or i�eas, vahic:l� he hon�stly believ�d would not be con�isi:ent YJl�il �hE desires of the peaple he �epresente�I. .; �� � � mr. �angenteld sa,id he had asked the qu?stion may times, and that was if this � money ►�aas a� ready �et asi de far t�iese programs 9�nd i t:�ras , so wh��her Fri dl ey appl �i ed �'�r this fun�ing or not, the taxpa��er�s dollars would s�ill (�� spent. Th� pe�p1� in � F�^i d l ey have coniri bute c! to thi s f�!nd through thei r taxes , and i f �ve do not apply f'cr �hese funds, then another City would get ther�. f�e said that if we did not apply for these funds and neigh5o.°hoods becam� run dovrn in Fi�idley, the� that de��initely would be an expense to the Fridley taxpayers. He saici tl�at ►��hen the fact was known that ��h�s money had a'Iready bee�� set aside by the federal government, he didn't think Nir. Planning Cor�nission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page 23 Starwalt should have any problem in explaining this to the citizenry. � Mr. Starwalt said the Council was in favor �f the housing main�enance code. i He said that he was interested in��a�ing low-interest loar;s available for home improvements. He said that these would not be administrated by the City but by savings and loan associations and banks. He said the aspect of having a resource center available to provide ideas and expertise for people who want to do-it-yourself, so to speak, he thought was good. _ Mr, Starwalt said that back on the money, you are saying that money was available. He said that the last information he had was that the Federal Government was.going to be in the red a� ad�itional 45 billion dollars this year. That's tax money, being borrowed to make these programs available. He said there were two theories about money. One was the spend yourself into prosperity, which he had - never subscribed to, and �he other was pay as you go. He said to say that other communities would get �his money, if we don't, was in a certain sense true. He said but who are we kidding when every year the federal government goes further in deht, and he felt this was breaking this coun�:^y down, and he didn't wan-� t� see that ha�pen, and philosophically, he was jus� trying to point out that all t{ie things we see and hear and read about available money just doesn't stack up when you look a�t it in the long stretch. Mr. Harris said tha� he thought we were back to buying dump trucks at the federal level. He said that 45 billion do1lars was an astronomical amount of money. Our to�al budge�c was an astromonical amoun� o-� money, of which 108 b�illion dollars were for defense, and on and on and on. He said that it ��ras up to the politicians, including you and me, to sit down and start figuring out som� priorities in Lhis eouri�.ry. What is impor�ar,�c? Are ihe people ir� this cou;itry with f:heir nee�s imporiant: �` or was buyi�ig dump trucks. He said he didn'�c car� if iL was the CiLy of Fr�idley, �he State of Minnesota, or the Fede�°a1 government, he thought the priorities in ttiis counLi:y wei°e all mixed up. He said we need people to si� down and �hink about what really counts. He said there werE old people in this country who were ea�I;ing do� �Food. But 4ve aren't supposed to help tl�c;;: people, no, we`ve got to draw �he line. Mr. Harris said he didn't buy Mr. S�t«. �':'s argumento Mr. Starwalt said he agree�� ;ch Mr. Harris up to a point, but �re didn't have a hold on the federal goverment. : said that he couldn't go beyond the City's activities. He said the City Cour�cil could take care of local items. Ne �ie1t thaL if ti��e didn't try to take care o�` ourselves, no one else can do it for us. He said he was not against �he �lderly or agair�st people who had temporary adversity, and need help. He said he was �ot iri favor oi ��hat appears �o be a continuing effort by a few people for a rree ride a�: the expense of a large majority of the people h� r�p►�eser�ted. Pir. Harris said he wasn't angry with Mr. Starwal�, he was angry with himse�f, biat he �ound this matter of priorities very irustrai;ing. Mr. Scott said that for the City not to tahe advaniag� oi these programs he felt ��ras a step backward instead of fiorward. He thought it would be a diss�rvice to the people in Fridley i-f t,�e didn't have these programs. Mrs. Walhberg sa;d she �Mas displeased with item number 4, because after we get the money to acquire and clea�^ �his land, then we �NOUId have to build a civic center, and we, as taxp�:yers, would have to pay for, so she was not in favor of having � tPiis project included in the Community Development alock Grant. M�JTION by [1�ahlb�rg�, secvrt�'�ei by Lang�rifeld, ihat the Plal�l�itlg Cotr,.�usi�n c1o� e th� publiu hearing on L-he HUD Comrnunity Development Block Grant Applicatzoi�. Upon a � Plannirig Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Pa4e 24 voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Public Hearing closed at 12:29 A.M. Mr. Boardman reminded the Planning Commission that this document had already been submitted to the Metropolitan Council but it could still be withdrawn or changed. Mr. Leek said this preapplication would be going through variaus stages of review until it was heard by the f�S�aM�tthpoughathatureviewn MWeCwill�have6. We will be getting �eports and commen 3 or 4 days after March 12th to actho� a¢Ytheynweretgoingltotsendran� addendumt that time. Chairman Harris asked t to this original preapplication, if the Planning Commission could get a copy of that. P�r. Boardman said they wou1d get such a copy. Ne said that any changes 'tt�at we�send to the Metropa litan Council would be as a direct result °estedsby t he hearinge He said they also would ge't copies o� anything that was sugg Metrop�li�an Council. Mr. Boardman said �hey ant'icinated re-working par�t of this document. He said he agreed ��i'ch the Planning Commission that our p►°ojects should be related more to the housing and implementa�ion programs. ��IDTION by Bergman, seconded by Langenfeld,- that the City Administrativn be reqi1est�d �o consider the recommenda��and to modifyr�he�document,land to inoluc�e�s a'ocument mad� at this �ublic hear g, a future rev�eco by the the Planning Cammission of the zewritten proposal. Upon a vaic.e cc�te, a11 voting aye, the m_ntion carried unanimcusly. Mr. Boardrnan said 'chat if the Planning Con��mission, in re-reading tn�is • proposa1, had anyadditional commen��s to make,tney weren't to hesitate in calli�g either himself ar Ray L°ei;. W� vaould li4:c zo have a more enlightened docurr�ent by the time this came back to the Planning Commission. Mr. Starwalt said tha� he thouqh'c that �h� Planning staff had done a 'tremendous job or� all of this, a�a�1h���sadur�l��navlimitedaf:gme,�andrhe Lhought sai d he kne�� -�hey had be�n doi ng it was a job ���ell done. Ne said th� fact tha� he didri't agree wi'th it all, 4vas b�side �t.h� q�_iestion. 7 RECOMh1ENDATION ON SEC I ION �5 HOUSIfdG RESOLUTIOPe ''� ' � ' I . Nlr. Boardman said they neecie�i are1�luyt��o�e�°toSopera�te�under1t1�Harlsaadstha� I'' a decision on wV�ich of t�paa options the C y one option �,��s whether th� City wan�ed to ga, aw��th sti ickly onl�t^ the i�n ,plec o�on n9 Auth�rity and le�t them do the entire proJec� pracess at i:he City level, or do we want h1etro Counc��rsor�ne1afromhMe�tro�Counc�l and vae t��ill, �ii��ough our sta�i'f, ar�a with reinforced p. liandle 'th� scr•eenir�y of appiicants, screenir.q of apart�r�ni complexes, and the insper_,�:ion. ihese vaern ir►� �cwo ��p��ons. i�ir. Sc��t said he ielt th°re was d��nc��t• in both options, M�d �p�l�r�perit0�id sia►°i. t�j1�:ing about a local Nousing and t��v�iopmc.n�; F�utf����ity. ' w�,r�� dc�ii�g r--� 'that �ridley vaould nat need an HRA i:c fl�erate �his �arogram.r��ramw�They �,�'e �iGing �v�s cotitracting with the Pfe�ro C��ai��::il Ei�.N tc, o��crat.e "�he p'�l ail.i"ecieral applicatio;� thrauyh il�eir progra�n. Hu��a��i��°, i� we do have �r� a�=tivE'- Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Paqe 25� � HRA, we need an HRA recommendation to the City Council to follow this program. We � do have an existing HRA. They will be meeting to make a recommendation to the Council. i � MOTION BY Scott, seconded by Wahlberg, that the Planning Corrunission recorr¢nend to Council that they pass a resolution authorizing the Metropolitan Council to apply for Section 8 housing assistance fund. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. It r�as the concensus of the Planning Commission that they favored the second option for this program so that there wou1d be more local control. MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Bergman, that the P.Zanrling Commission recommend to Council that the City of Fridley operate the Section 8 progr�m under option 2, where Metropolitan Council would handle the applications for funding, but a11 the screening of applicants and apartment complexes and inspection would be under the control of the City. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mo�ion carried unanimously. 8. POLICY STATEMEfJT ON 40' A�dD OTHER SUBSTANDARD SIZE LOTS AND HOt�f THEY FIT INT� THE CITY PLAN This item was referred to �he Planning Commission by the Anp�als Commission at their meeting of February 10, 1976, Mrs. Wahl�erg said we table this first requ�st to bui�Td on a 40' lo��in-Fridley because we felt �t was importan� tfiat the Planning Commission ana some of the member Commiss�ons �ake a l�ok at the number of 40' lo�s �there were in Fridley, n, dvhich are listed9 ancl-t�ke a look at these lots, and de�ermine how they should � be used in the future. She said that low and n�od�rate housing was discussed very much in the Comprehensive Housing Plan. There may be a necessity to use some of these lots i'or this housing. Mr��. W�hlberg s�id th� property that they considered the variances on was for a house t.hai would be in the �36,000 to $37,000 bracket. She said the �lppeals Commission just did not feel comfartable about opening up Pandora's Eox on all the 40' lots in Fridley. What we are requesting was i�hat i;he Community Developmen� Cc�mmissian, the Hun�an R�sources Commission and the Environmenta1 Q�ality Commissi�n study this �r•oblem, and bring their commen�s and recommendations bach to the Planning Commission so the Appeals Conunission would have some guidance and direction. P�Ir•s. Wahlher°g said there ��vas an urg�ncy on �this because the Appeals Commission tabled the petitioi�er's requesi un�il -�hey got these recommendations. The petitioner said he ��ouldn't mind being held up for a feva weeks, but he would like to start cons�r��ction in about two mon-�.hs. h10TTON by Scott, secondeci by Bergman, that tne Community Developn�ent Comrnissi�n, Human Resources Commission and fhe Environmental Quality Commiss�.on study and make ! r.ecommend:ztions an the•best Use of the vacant �0' lots in the Gity of FridZey, and return th�,se recorrun�.ndaLions as soon as possible. Upan a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the mot_ivn carri ed unani�nousJ y. Mr, t3oardman said not to forget that the City C�uncil would have to determin� ;�. the plariniric poliey on �10' lo�s. Mrs. Wahlberg said that was why she wanted �:his haridl ed �t thi s meeti ng so the peti �i one�r ��foul dn't be hel d up any 1 r�nger than wa ; necessary. ,... ,. Planning Commission Meeting - February 18, 1976 Page_26 Mrs. Wahlberg said there was a study made in 1971 by the Planning Commission - _and an ±his par°ticular lot, they did feel it was 6uildable with a small one story � house. She said the request they received for this lot �vas for a split level house � with an attached tvru car garage. She thought that maybe the guidelines set up in 1971 were no longer applicable. Mr. Harris said th«t at that time he thought the Planning Commission had requested an opinion from the City Attorney on whether we could deny a building permit on 40' ?ots. He said that if the legal opinion hadn't been received, because it may hav� been done ve►°bally, he v��ould like to get a memo on the legal stand for 40' lots. He said this would help the Planning Commission with their recorr�nendation. Mrs. ldah7berg said that our present_code said that the minimum lot size was 50' in the old plats. ' Mr. Boardman said that the City Council said in 1971 that all lots in Fridley should be considered buildable. 1�1rs . Wah � 4• �rg sa �i o�ci�a � i ri 1372 th� Cuur�i:i l sai d there coul dr�' �i: ue gi ven blanket approvai on all 40' lots because some o-f them were cot°ner lots and some were in ihe interior of a b1ock so each lot w�uld have to be considered on an individ�al basise 9. RECFII'E l��JTICE 0� C0�•1TI�UATIOid �JF PlicL?C HEk�.I�dG IN THE MATTER OF TF{E E;�C0;�1"Vi�hL�,TIU°d BY I HE ��IETROuGLITAN COl!NCIL IfJ THE MINNESOTA E(vi1J(:QNME�JTAL ��Jl�.!.t �'� C�UNCIL �I"HAT THE h1IS�ISSIPPI RIVER C^uRnIQOR BE DESIGNATED LY _IHE (�Cb'ERi�i�)i: i�S N C�ITICA! AREho h1UTT�Tti' l�y ivah'lberg, seconded by Bergman, thai the Planning Comrcission cor�tinue ur.til �•:arcrz 3, .I976, the propQSa1 that the Mississ_i_pp.i Ri.ver Corridor be ��sigrated as a c-�atical ax�ea. U�or� a voic� vote, a11 voting aye, thP m��t.ion carricci za"an.ir,���sZy�, FlDJOUi'��;I�1EPlT: F•IC�TIOPT by Lar��7enfeld , seconed by Wahlbe.� g, U��n a voicr vot�., �.?1 :Tct-ing ay°, Cl�airman Narris mee�.i.n� vi` �'e.�z�zaz'y 1E, �97ti adjorne3 at 1:02 A�I�i. RespPCtfully su�7iitted, � '�' %� . t�� / � '�.,/'.L-� ,,,��f � �,. �lLt �'.c.; :: >.-z..,—,?¢s� Ur ` `°- _______ "` , �; � � Cor•of:hy Ev�ii���i, Secretary thut the tneeting be adjourned. declared t.he Planning Co?nmission � �. t