PL 04/07/1976 - 30441�
APRIL 7, 1976
Chairman Harris called the meeting to order at 7:45 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Bergman, Harris, Peterson. Wahlberg, Langenfeld
CTark, Community Development Administrator
Mrs. Wahlberg said that before the Planning Commission began their
agenda items she wanted to propose a timetable for the Commission to
follow in �!Qaling with this agenda. She said the Planning Commission
meetings had been running extremely late, and her proposal`would allow
30 minutes for each item on this agenda so they could be through by
12:00. Mr, Bergman said that at the last meeting, some of the petitioners
had to leave before their item came up on the agenda, so i:i� this time-
table could be used as a guideline, he was in favor of it. Mr. Harris
said he was in favor of it also, but if there was an i.tem ihat brought
in a large audience, he fe1t that every citizen who wanted to speak
should be heard. Mrs. Wahlberg said that she thought the only alternative
was to hold additional meetings to handle the large ayenda's and she
wasn't in favor of additional meetings. �
MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Peterson,.that the Planning Commission
follow the guideline proposed by Virginia Wahlberg which wou.Zd Iimit the
time spent on each aqenda item to 30 minutes. Upon a voice vote, a1.Z voting
aye, the motion carried unanimousl�.
Mrs. Wahlberg said she didn't understand the motion made on the bottom
of page 8 of thesc minutes. Mr. Harris said it should say Appeals Commission
minutes instead of Appeals Commission meeti:ng.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission
minutes of the March .Z7, 1976 meeting h� approved as corrected. Upon a voice
vote, a2Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. .
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission
receive the Paaks & Recreation Commission minutes of the March 22, 1976
meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
�, MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Wahlberg, that the Planning Commis-
sion receive the Hvman Resources Commission mi.nutes of the March 11, 1976
meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried vnanimously,
, ,
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 2
Mr. Peterson questioned one of the recor�nendations on 4�0' �lots . �h�
from these minutes, but Chairman Harris said that as the 40' lot problem ,�
was the last item on this agenda, Mr: Peterson should save his remarks ;
until that time. �
MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission
�receive the Environmental Quality Commission minutes of the March 23, 1976
meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unaniircously.
Mr. B. Lee Johnson, Assistant Area Engineer for Burlingto.n IVorthern,
was present.
Mr. Clark said there wasn't administNative �eport.s prepared for these
two requests. Mr. Peterson asked why there hadn't been staff reports
on these two requests? Mr. Clark said i�,was because we still haven't
gotten confirmation from all the railroad officials in concurrence with
what the staff was going �o recommend.
Mr. Clark said that basically what the railroad wanted was to move an
existing stick built building to a location under the present overpass.
They later brought in another plan for another structure located between
the railroad overpass and the sewage treatment plant. This building was r—•�
of inetal construction. He said that we were_told that the first building
was going to be out of view from the East River Road traffic. We told them
that the City was quite discouraged that the landscaping that had been
talked about for four or five years that none of it had taken place. We
informed that railroad that we defin�tely needed a landscape plan before
any building permits were issued, for any structure on railroad property.
We went down and looked at the site and found tha-� both structures will
be in full view of East River Road. Therefore, the staff felt the structures
should be built out of brick since they will be adjacent to another brick
structure that the railroad had already built in the same v�icinity. We
couldn't reach the right officials who could say they would put up brick
or.they wouldn't put up brick.
Mr. Clark said that what he thought the Planning Commission could do
was to tell the railroad that the facilities that they want to put in at
these locations would be all right, if the structures were the same
architectural design as the buildings they were adjacent to and that they
would bring in landscaping plans for the oil storage �ank, the sewage
tr�eatment plant, the berm and around the, hump tower. They should agree
that they would bring these landscaping plans in with a timetable for
these plans before they request a building permit for these two buildings.
We couldn't get confirmation on the brick construction, therefore there
was no administrative staff report written.
Mr. Clark said the Planning Commission had several choices. Thev could �
continue these requests or tl'aey could just the typ�e of faci'lities ;
�that these buildings were going to house at these locations if they meet �
the architectural design, brick, and the screening plans are brought fortt��:
,' �
Planninq Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page_3
- Mr. Lee Johnson
,,� in this request. He
-. '� yard project and he
. - he could explain the
said he would like to further• explain what was involved
said that he was not direct1y involved in the Northtown
was not in a position to discuss the landscaping. but
use of these buildings.
Mr. Johnson said that first of all the small building that would be
located unde.r the bridge wou�d be used as an office, lunch and locker room
for our car men. The location was convenient to their work area. It was
important that they had that building at that location. The second larger
building would be�used as a luncheon and locker room for our main line
track forces, bridge and builder forces and our water service man. This �
location was picked because ' the track forces have on-track�main line
maintenance equipment and they have to have access to the main line. The
buildings we are propo�ing to use are good second hand surplus buildings
that were presently located in the City of Minneapolis. The reason we
have not proposed new buildings was because of economics. We already
have these buildings, and we would like to use them, and we would be
willing to screen the area if these buildings were approved.
Mr. Harris said then what Mr�. Johnson was telling the Planning Commis-
sion was that they wanted to move two buildings from Minneapolis into
Fridley, to these sites.
Mr. Clark said he understood that the smaller buildinq was being
moved in, but he didn't reayize that:the large metal bui�lding was ari exist-
ing building. The stick built bui�ding was open construction so it
,''� could be inspected as far as the construction. Mr. Johnson said thi�•
� was a wood frame building with aluminum sheeting. It was a modular build-
ing. Mr, Harris asked Mr. Johnson if the larger metal building was a
manu�actured building. Mr. Johnson said �it was a Armco building with
colored panels, and they intended to paint these buildings so they
would blend in with other existing buildings. Mr. Clark said there were
other metal buildings on this site, but they were surrounded by other
buildings and were not visable from the street.
Mrs. Wahlberg asked what would happen in case of fire for this building
that was under the overpass. Mr. Clark said the bridge was quite a bit
higher than this building. He said this structure was only about 10' high.
Mr. Clark said the staff saw no problem with this. Mr. Clark said that
at the present time there was no fire hydrant, but that ane would be insta1led..
Mrs. Wahlberg said that the administrative staff report would have
requested that these buildings conform to the exteriors of the other
6ui1dings that are adjacent to them. Mr. Clark said yes, and also that
they bring in landscape plans and a timetable of when the various plans
would be completed. The staff felt that all the buildings between the
railroad tracks and East River Road should be compatible. '
� Mr. Harris asked how large these buildings were. Mr. Clark said that
the small building was 10' x 56' or 560 square feet, and the large building
was about 1200 square feet. They aren't very large buildings and they are
one story structures. Mr. Clark said it may be possible to bring in heavy
growth year around screening for these structures: Mr. Harris said that
what bothered him was that there was a metal building almost directly across
the s�treet from this location which was put there by the City of Minneapolis
who didn't have to ask Fridley about anything.
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 4
Mr. Clark said that these structures would be located 30, 40, or 50'
away from the.boxcars. Mr: Harris said that because of that location, - ,�"'�
masonry construction may not be the best solution, with box ca�s humping -
around the area.
Mr. Johnson said that it was a matter of economics, or they would
construct new buildings instead of using used buildings. Mr. Harris
asked if they really thought they were going to be saving money by the
time they tore these buildings down and moved them and put them up again.
Mr. Johnson said they would only have to dismantle the large building,
the small building could be moved on a flat car. Mr. Harris asked if
they really thought they were going to save money? Mr. Johnson said
that was not his decisian. Mr. Harris said he had brought this up because
economics was the criteria they were using for bringing in used buildings.
Mrs. Wahlberg said Mr. Johnson mentioned that these buildings wauld
be painted to match existing buildings. Mr. Johnson said they would
be pajnted iigh-� green �to maich �the existing diesel shop and car shop.
Mr. Clark said that what the railroad really wanted to know was
if the City had any objections to the railroad having these types of
facilities at these locations. Mr. Clark said that he couldn't see
any problem with having these type of facilities. Mr.�Cla"rk said that
if it would help get the railroad off dead center in providing the
various landscape plans, he saw no problem in giving concept approval
to these requests.
MOTION by Langenfeld that the Planning Commission accept the
conversation that has taken p.Iace, but not approve any building permits
until we get an administrative staff report and�the complete package,
because this was quite make a decision.
Mr: Clark said he thought the railroad wanted assurance that these
facilities could be located at these �locations.
Mr. Peterson said they could make a motion accepting the concept
and principle, expecting further clarification, which would not give
them permission to move the buildings in, but wodld give thero the
assurance that we have no objection to these facilities it they meet
our recammendation.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission
has no o�jection to the.concept and_�rinciple of Burlin�ton
Northern locating a freight car inspectors lunch and locker room and a
lunch and 1oc.F:�r room for railway maintenance employees at the proposed
.Iocations on theix property, expecting further clarification of the buildings
themse3ves and var.ious Iandscaping plans.� Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Northeast for a production and storage addition. �I
MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission a�
receive•an administrative staff report on a production and storage addition �
. ',
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 � Pa e 5
to Medtronic, Inc., 6975 Central Avenue N.E. Upon a voice vote, a11
voting aye, the mot.ion carried unanimously.
For: Medtronic, Inc., 6975 Central Avenue N.E.
General Descri tion:
This permit is
located at 6975 Central
addii;ional 67,200 square
existing design.
En �ineering:
for an addition to an exi;�:ing manufacturing plan
Avenue N�. E. Thi s addi ti or, �; i 11 be provi di ng an
feet to the existing facility and vrill match the
�Je foresee no engineering problems.
We foresee r
the surrounding area.
pr�servation o� Rice
� i i.s natura'I setti ng.
' is forthcam�ng.
, �,
o environmental problems. Design is compatib1e to
The company is extremely�conscientious in the
Creel: and provides every pt°ecaution in main�aining
Rice Creek 6Jatershed has been notified and approval
Building Permit St;pulation:
1. Tliat the landscap�ng on the North parking lot along Old
Central and along the Norih property boundary be completed
with th�s addition
Mr. Clark said there was a berm without an� plantings on it and we feel
that this landscaping should be completed along Central and also
the North boundary line for at least 200' West of Central Avenue.
said they did show some heavy landscaping between the building an
Avenue, which was acceptable. It may change slightly from what w
because this hasn't been approved by the Board of Directors as ye
are going to the Rice Creek Watershed, prior to this request goin
City Council. He said the estimated cost of this addition was ar
million dollars.
d Central
as shawn
t. They
g to the
ound two
Mr. Langenfeld said he felt it was a little premature to say that the
Rice Creek Watershed had been notified and approval was forthcoming. Mr.
Clark said that Medtronic had verbally talked to people from the Watershed
and they said that they saw no problem with this addition. It has not had
official action. They have brought their plan to the Rice Creek Wa�tershed
consulting engineers. Mr. Harris asked if there would be any traffic
problems or parking problems. Mr. Clark said no, they st�ll have quite a
bit of empty space in their North parking lot. They weren't anticipating
increasing their employee load very much. Most of the addition would be
used for their existing employees. .
,�_.�,: �
Plannin�Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 P�9e 6
� MOTION by Peterson, s2conded by 5hea, that the Planning Commission
concur with the Admini'strative Staff report on the request to construct
a production and storage addition to Medtronic, Inc., with the stipulation
that the landscaping on the North parking lot along OId Central and along
the North property boundary be completed with this addition. Upon a voice
vote, a1Z voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Avenue N.E. for an office building.
MOTION BY Bergmen, seconded by Wahlberg, that the Planning Commission
receive the administrative staff report for Lambert Peterson, Inc., for
the construction of an office building at 7691 Central Avenue N.E. Upon
a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
For: 769� Central Avenue �!ortheast by L'ambert Peterson, Inc.
General Description: .
This permit is for a four unit office building to be located at
7691 Central Avenue N.E. The building is a b�°ick structuv�e With a mansard
roof design providing approximately 2,704 square feet of office space.
The building meets all zoning code requiremeni:s and is providing largPr
par4�.ing facilities than is requi�°ed by present cades.
� Engineerin�.•
We do not foresee any engineering problems.
We do not foresee any environmental prob1ems. The design is co►r�patible
vrith the suri°ounding area.
Building Permi�t Stipula�;ions:
No s�L-ipulations necessary.
Mr. Clark covered the points in the administrative staff report and
said this building would be located at the intersection of Old Central
Avenue and Osborne Road, in the Southeast quadrant. He said it destedet
all the setback requirements and he thought Mr. Boardman had sugg
more berming to protect the lots to tfie rear of this property.
MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Comm�-ssion
concur with the Administrative Staff report on the request to construct
an office building at 7691 Central Avenue N.E. by La.mbert Peterson, Inc.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
for inside improvement and outside development plan by Donald Savekoul..
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 7
MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission
� receive the administrative staff report on the exterior development plan
� to be part of the interior davelopment at Map1e Lanes, 631D Highway �65
� N.E. by Donal.d Savelkoul. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
For: Maple Lanes, 6310 Highway #65 N.E.
General Description: Interior remodeling.
Enginee�°ing: We foresee no engineering problems.
Environment: We foresee no environmental pro6lems.�
This item was brought before the Pl.anrring Commission only for ihe purpose
of informing you of the required exterior landscaping that will be tied to
this huilding permit.
Building Pcrmit Stipulation:
. �1. That the exterior development for h9aple Lanes be completed
according to the attached plan dated 4-7-76.
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Mr. Donald Savelkoul was present.
Mr. Clark said that Maple Lanes was going to convert part of their .
eating area and some vacant��rea in their building to a restaurant so
that hopefully they can obtain a liquor. license from the C�ty.Council.
The exterior of the building will not change in size. He said the
Planning and Engineering Department have been mostly concerned '�
about t�e exterior development. He said the scheduling of outside
improvements have been scheduled over a three year period as shown in
the small drawing of this property. The dates on this plan were agreed
upon by our planner, Jerry Boardman, and Mr. Savelkoul. He felt the plan
was self-explanatory. � .
Mr. Savelkoul said that Maple Lanes had attempted to cooperate with
the City and we have agreed to the upgrading of the property. We have
encountered about $12,000 in road improvement, and even while that was
oing on, we have agreed with the City to landscape and we have put in
�2,000 in landscaping along the service road. We also installed a sprinkler
system so this landscaping will be permanen�t. He said �hat when he m�:�
with Jerry Boardman, he told us what the City would like to have done to
further upgrade this property. He said that they wanted to do it and
Wanted to cooperate 100% with the City.
MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council that they_concur.with the 1��cPscaping pZan for
Maple Lanes, 6310 Highway 65 N.E. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously. �"�
RECEIVE ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT: 7765-7795 Main Street N.E. by Richard -_
and aro d Harris
. Chairman Harris asked Mr. Peterson to take over the Planning Commission
meeting for this item and excused himself from the Commission.
MbTION by Bergman, seconded by Wahlberg, that the Planning Commission
receive the administrative staff report on an office-t�arehouse bu.ilding
to be located at 7765-7795 Main Street N.E., by Richard and Harold Harris.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
For: 7765-7795 Main Street N.E. , by Richard & Harold Harris
General Description:
This permit is for a 100' x.110' speculative office-warehouse
building to be constructed a� 7765-7795 ��1ain Street N.E. The building is
the first phase in a t�-�o phase developmeni: proposal, in v�hich another
structure, 100' x 110' would be attached to this structure and extend
North. It will be a masonry structure, with a break-off or split block
texture. The building meets all the zoning code.requirements.
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 9
41e don't foresee any engi neer� ng probl ems e The s�e 1;e provi des
sufficien� ea�ement to handle dr�inageo �
No foreseeable environmental impact on the area. The build�ng
wi 11 be 1 ocated vrhere presen� si yn storage '� s d:a ki ng r�1 �icc�. �h� s s i gn
storaye will now be removed. .
Bui1ding Permit Stipulations
1. To provide for shared dri�eway ��semen�s along South property
Mr. Clark said there had been discussions between Mr. Harris and
the staff for a couple weeks on this building, but when all the material
.had been assembled it was too late to put this item on the agenda, but
there was time to prepare a staff report, so this was why it was being
handled at this time.
Mr: C1ark said that this would be a block structure which will be
;"`� built on land presently used by Signcrafters for sign storage. The si:aff
report was quite self-explanatory. He said the driveway was on �che
�' property line, which normally should be five fee� away. He said that
Mr. Harris would probab1y build another structure South o� this structure.
and will put a driveway adjacent to it. 7hc��-� wial be joint u�� of this
driveway so there will be have 'to be some sort of an agreeme�� �or easemen�
for this driveways so that each would hxve rights to use 20'feet':of the
other person's driveway. This building will be quite similar to other
buildings in the area and he was sure it would be an asset to the area.
Mrs. Wahlberg asked if Mr. Harris owned the adjacent property where
the easements would have to be obtained. Mr. Clark said he did, and
this didn't present any problems. Mr. Clark said the City encouraged
the use of joint driveways because then there were less driveways out onto
the street. .
Mr. Bergman asked what the zoning was in the area. Mr. Clark said
it was industrial.
Mrs. Wahlberg asked Mr. Harris if he intended to sell this property
�r to lease it. Mr. Harris said the building would be leased.
. MOTIDN by Langenfe.Zd, seconded by Berg�rtan, that the PZanning Commissivn
aoncur with the Administrative Staff Report an the request to construct
an office-warehouse at 7765-7795 Main Street N.E. by Richard and Harold
Harris. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting a�e, the motion carried unanimously.
i . iH��.tu: cuNrlNUt�TI
along with Lot 49,
Qe�ng a replat of Outlot B, Innsbruck North ddition,
except the Westerly 210', Auditor's Subdivision No.
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 10
92, generally located North of North Innsbruck Drive N.E. and West �
of Black Forest Apartment. � ' �
i.nnnnnnt�nu rnn r��unnn��nv ��r� � llnr -
Public Hearing Closed
Mr. Darrel Farr and Jim London were present.
MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by 5hea, that the Planning Commission
receive the exerpt from the minutes of the Human Resources Commission
meeting of Apri1 1, 1976,- on the deliberation on Darrel Farr's applica-
tion for development of Innsbruck Village. Upon a voice vote, a1.Z voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission
receive the letter written by Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation to
fhe Planning Commission members dated April 2, 1976. Upon a voice vote,
a1.I voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
h1r. Clark said the City had received a petition that was directed to
the City Council, but as it concerned the develeument of Innsbruck Village
he thought the Planning Commission should see it also.
MOZ'ION by Langenfeld, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commis- '
sion receive Petition #6-1976. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the -
motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Harris read the p.etition:
"Petition the Fridley City Counci�l to condition acceptance/approval
of proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. #76-02, Innsbruck Village Addition, by
�Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation, being a replat of 0!�tlot B, Audi-
tor's Subdivision No. 92, all lying in Section 24, T-30, R=24, City of
Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota...including the y°equest to waive the
City Setback Ordinance from 35 to 0 feet.
We the undersigned:
hereby petition the Fridley City Council to condition acceptance/approval
of the above captioned project upon compliance by the developer, Darrel
A. Farr Development Corporation, with the iollowing restrictions:
I. "That the City of Fridley in consideration of its tax paying residents, �
establish standards of year-round maintenance for the North Innsbruck
Drive Extension {that section of black top road beginning at the Black
Forest Apartment, and running East to Silver Lake Road) shall file a
suitable performance bond with the City of Fridl�y, which shall be .
renewed annually, and shall be adequate to properly maintain said
road through completion of construction activities in the Innsbruck F�l
North Addition." j
_ . ' �.-'
- Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Paqe 11 ._ _
II. "That the City of Fridley disallow waiving the City Setback Ordinance
in the above referenced area on grounds that it would be discrimina-
tory; that it would create an�unsafe condition due to a minimum of
two blind spots on the proposed City maintained road connecting North
Innsbruck Drive to Arthur Street; th�t due to the narrowness of this
City maintained road, and in view of assumed parallel parking on
both sides of this road, it will prove to be a major hinderance to
Fire and/or Police emergency vehicles access; and as a result of
garage/dwelling structures close approximation to the road itself,
prove to seriously inhibi� adequate snow plowing of road surfaces,
short of truck removal from the immediate area, at City expense."
III."That the City obtain from the Darrel A. Farr Development Corporation
an offic�al and acceptable understanding as to Quad-Townhouse homeowners
financial responsibilities for maintairing all non-City maintained roads
in i:he above referenced area, as well as the upkeep of townhouse exter-
iors and common grounds."
Concerned Area Residents,
Innsbruck North Addi�ion"
Chairman Harris said this petition was signed by many names.
� N9r. C1ark said the staff had a meeting with Darrel Farr after the date
of the letter wri�tten 6y Mr. Farr to the Planning Gom�nission, but prior
to us receiving it. There were a couple of items that were verbally agreed
�Go that would change come of the comments in the petition also. The
� first thing tha-� wasdiscussed was the wid�h of VJest Bavarian Pass. Ne
said the other stree�s in North Innsbruck were 28 feet back to back. Mr.
, Clark said that Darrel Farr was proposing tha�c West Bavarian Pass 6e built
to 31 feet wide.
Mr. Bergman asked for clarification of the street width. Mr. Clark
� said that North Innsbruck Drive and Matterhorn Drive were built to State
Aid�standards, but North Danube, South Danube, West Danube and East
Danube were all 28 foot streets, and they are public streets. Mr. Clark
said they recognized that there might be less residential parking on these
streets than there would be on West Bavarian Pass. As a compromise, we
have agreed that the 31 feet might be adequate, provided no parking was
allowed on one side of the street, preferably on the inside of the curve,
so you could see around the curves easier than if there were cars parked
on this side of the street. He said the second item that they discussed
was the setbacks. He said that if the 31' street was approved, there
� would be about a 10 foot boulevard, because there was a 50 foot right of
way. We felt that the garages should be at least 5' off of the right
of way so that we would have 15 feet for the storage of snow. The
exception to the 5 foot was at the point of a sharp curve in the road.
� He said that the minimum sight distance on a residential street with
�� ��� a 30 M.P.H. speed limit was 200 feet. To �et that 200 feet of sight
distance, one garage would have to be located about 10 feet from the
right of way. . '
Planning Commission Meetin - April 7, 1976 Page 12
Mr. Peterson asked if Mr. Farr had agreed to this and if there was •
room to move this garage,in 10 feet? Mr. Clark said this data was
just compiled by the Engineering Department and this was the first the ;--�
developer was hearing of this. He said that Mr. Farr did agree that
whatever it took to get the 200' sight distance on a 30 M.P.H. residential
street, that he would abide by that. Mr. Farr said that was correct.
Mr. Clark said that the third item discussed was the maintenance
of the extension road of North Innsbruck Drive to Silver Lake Road.
Darrel Farr agreed to. keep up the surface, patching it as necessary,
the same as was done on any other residential street. He asked the
City if we would plow it. We have said that we would, but at the lump
sum of $500 a year. Mr. Clark said that should be more than adequate
if we plow it when we plow our own streets, and sand it when we sand
our own streets. .
Mrs. Wahlberg asked Mr. Clark what conversations there had been
between the City of Fridley and the City of New Brighton regarding
that extension road. Mr. Clark said that North Innsbruck Drive �ill
be connected to Silver Lake Road, but not at the present alignment.
This was definitely a temporary situation. He said that New Brighton
had no plans for when this road will connect, but we do know that it
� wi11 be a State Aid street. A lot will depend upon the development of
the land in New Brighton. He said that if someone came in and purchased
this land, this road could be completed as soon as next year, or it
could be as long as ten years.
Mrs. Wahlberg said the reason she asked the question was because �
she wondered is some agreement couldn't be worked out with New Brighton ,
that they would pay Fridley something for maintaining and plowing this
street as New Brighton was receiving the taxes on the property adjacent
to the road. Mr. Clark said he didn't think they would go along with
anything like this because New Brighton could care less if the road was
there. It was not a raad that was necessary to New Brighton. It was a
road used by the residents of Fridley.
Mr. Clark said that as to the maintenance of this extension, when
the developer:finishes th�onstruction of the last townhouse, the maintenance
of this road would revert to the City of Fridley,Abecause we own the ease-
ment for this road. Mr, Peterson said this easement was 66 feet and he
didn't think that a 26' street would serve this area for 10 years. Mr..
Clark said the street width was adequate for what it was being used for.
Mr. Clark said that the problems that have occurred with this road in
the winter time was because of the way it was plowed. It was probably
only plowed to about 16 to 18 feet. He said that when the City plows
this street to its full width, this should eliminate a lo� of problems
mentioned at other meetings-on this development. He said that 26' was
two 13' driving lanes, and this was adequate when there was no reason
for anyone parking on this street. Mr. Bergman said it was brought out
at the Public Hearing that there were many people who walked this road
to catch the bus at Silver Lake Road, and he didn't think that this road
was wide enough to handle both automobile and pedestrian traffic.
Mrs. Shea asked why Mr. Farr was the only developer in the area that ,����
had to maintain that extension road. Mr. Clark said it was because he _
had bee•n the petitioner for rezoning this property, and the City wanted
: .` - �
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 13
� this road so that it would be used during the construction of the townhouses
� and provide another access for the homeowners in this area. It seems as
this road was a more.�convenient route to I.694. He said that if this
road had only been used for automobile traffic, it wou1dn't have broken
� up as it has. Mr. Clark said that if this extension road had been a
public road, it would have been posted during the spring. As this was
about a 7 ton street, and the canstruction vehicles using this extens.ion
were probab1y about 9 ton, was the reason why this road has brok�n up.
Mr. Peterson said that after listening to people from this area
complaining about this road until all hours of the night, he felt that
something would have to be done with this road, but he didn't feel that
this was completely the problem of the Farr "Corporation. He felt the
City was going to continue to have problems and complaints on this road.
Mr. Clark said ��ha�: ii Darrel Fa�r wasn't involved in this street
at all, and it was the sole res-ponsibility of the City, as this was only
a temporary location of the road he couldn't see spending tax dollars to
upgrade this road to a wider width. He said that when the City plowed
this s�reet, they cAUld probably put the wing down and plow the boulevard
so people could walk along the side of the road.
Mr. Bergman said he had a problem with this because no one could
put a time frame on when this road would be permanently constructed in
n New Brighton. Mr. Harris asked if New Brighton would take over this
connector road when it was constructed in 11ew Brighton, or would Fridley
~ sti11� have an obligation. Mr. C1ark said that the raad in New Brighton
wou1d be a State Aid road when it was constructed and there wasn't a tax
burden on maintaining a State Aid road, so there was no reason for Fridley
to have an obligaiion in New Brighton, when the road was permanently located.
Mr. Harris said the Planning Commission was concerned because in
�the memo from Jerry Boardman to Dick Sobiech that they had received, it
was stated that the City had no responsibility for this extension, but
it was alsa brought out at these meetings, thai the contract between
Darrel Farr and the City had expired, so it seemed as if no one was
responsible for this road. Mr. Clark said it was the intent of the agree-
ment that the developer would maintain this road until the construction
was completed, and then the City of Fridley would take over this road
until the permarrent alignment was constructed by New Brighton. He said
the extension of this agreement during construction should be part of
the plat approval, and Nir. Farr has agreed to this if the City would
take over�the plowing of the road.
Mr. Peterson said that he felt that the problem still hadn't beer�}
solved with this street. It was so constructed that water stood in the
street, and it was not wide enough to provide for either pedestrian or
bicycle traffic.
` Mr. Clat�k said that the solution would be for the City to widen
��, the street and install sidewalks. In order ta do that, the City had to
get the money from some place, so we ►vould hold a Public Hearing on the
improvement. Ne would venture to say that the res.idents af Fridley may
not warrt that improvement made, when they had to pay for it. Mr. Harris
_ ����
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 14
said he didn't
Clark said then
know who the City could assess to improve this road. Mr.
the City Council may be reluctant to order that road
� Mr. Bergman asked if the City had a set of specifications for curb
to curb street width standards. Mr. Clark said there were many different
width streets in the City. He said that it may not sound logical, but
there was logic behind each street width. He said that on residential
streets that were side streets where there were no homes facing that
street, the normal standard was 31 feet. On residential streets such
as North Innsbruck and Riverview Terrace, the width was 36 feet, and
these were residential streets that had housing facing these streets.
He said that most collector streets were 40 ft. to 44 ft., unless it
carried a heavy traffic load, and then they could be as wide as 50 ft.
He said that some service drives, where there was no parking, are 26 ft.,
where we have a 30 ft. right of way, but in industrial parks, these
can be a wide as 36 ft. P1r. Peterson said then the extension of North
Innsbruck Drive w�s classified as a ser��ice ��oad. Mr. Clark said there
was another..width s.uch as or� .Nor�k� Danilbe and Sou'th Danube wh�re the
street was concrete the full width, and this was 28 ft.
Mr. Peterson said that he was sympathetic to �he Darrel A. Farr
Corporation because he felt they had tried to coopera�e with the City
and they seem to have developed a good rapport with the staff in terms
of their willingness to compromise, but he felt badly because we were
not solving the problems of the citizens in Fridley who have been to
these hearings complaining about the road extension.
Mr. Harris said that rather than widening out this extension
street, he wondered if it would be possible to grade a strip 6 to
8 feet wide along side of the road that could serve as a walkway.
He asked Mr. London what kind of soil was in this area: Mr. London
said it was clay. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Farr if it would be possible
to have his bulldozing equipment grade a 7 foot strip along this road.
Mr. Farr said he would be willing to do this. Mr. Clark said that
if the City had any extra wood chips available, they may be able to use
them on this walkway, so it wouldn't be so muddy, but he could not make
any commitrnent on that. Mr, Harris said that if the City plowed this
area in the winter time, it could provide a walkway in the winter also.
Mr. Peterson said that if the City would plow this street to the full
width, and if a walkway of some type was put in along the road for
pedestrians, he felt this was as far as they could go at this time in
solving the probiems with this road.
MOTION by Wahlberg, seconded by Peterson, that the �'Ianning
Commission take the consideration of a preliminary plat, P.S. #76-OZ,
Innsbruck Village, and the consideration of a 100 unit townhouse
development, T-#76-02, for Innsbruck Village, by Darrel A. Farr Develop-
ment Corporation, from the table. Upon a voice vote, all vot�.ng:.aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Bergman said that it seemed to him that Darrel Farr was doing
his job, but it seemed that the City of Fridley was remiss in putting
forth any effort for the residents ofi the City.
Planninq Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 �' �� Page�15
Mr. Harris said that probably in a moral sense, it should be the
�--� City of Fridley putting in the walkway, but to be realistic, he didn't
� � think that Fridley had the kind of equipment that wou1d be needed for such
a job. There might be complaints if Fridley equipment was seen working
in New Bright�n. He said tbat with the equipment that Mr. Farr had, this
job could probably be done in si�x hours, and it would take much longer for
the City to get it done, and it would cost a lot more money.
Mr. Bergman said his concern was more for who paid for this, rather
than who did the job.
. Mr. Farr said he thought that Mr. Harris' suggestion was a good
one and he agreed with it. He said that he agreed that the City should
do it, but they won't, so he would do it. Mr. Harris said that he really
appreciated that. '
� Mr.:Bergman said there was a wash area in this road that should be
handled. I��r: Harris asked Mr. Clark if there wasn't an old culvert arou:�d
that Mr. Farr could use. He said he thought the City should coopera�te
with Mr. Farr also. Mr. Clark said that probably wouldn't be any problem.
' Mr. Peterson said ;that in the last meeting t��..staff.h�,d wi:t�. Mre
Farr that they were in basic agreement on the plat as presented except
f.or the parking on the street and the changes in the 0' setbacks.
Mr. Narris said that he would rather see a 36 ft. wide street so
r'�1 parking could be on both sides of the street. Mr. Clark said -�this town-
� house plan was a li��le different than the other townhouse plans, in that
ther� could be parking in the driveway to the garage. He said tha� if
the street was widened there would be less room�for snow storage, and
more snow to put there. Mr. Harris said he thought that parking on one
side of the street could be a cause for neighborhood friction. Mr.�Clark
said that if the road was posied parking before the townhouses
were sold, people would know ihat this was the way it was going to be,
and there wou1d be a townhouse associa�tion to seitle any neighborhood
Mr. Harris asked how many units would be next to this street. Mr.
Clark said 60 units. They would have one car garages with space in the
driveway to park one car, so there would be off street parking for two
cars for each unit. He said that these were nne and two bedroom units,
designed ico attract the retired couples on a-fixed income, and young
marrieds, so they felt that most people would only have one or two cars.
These townhouses weren't designed for large family units. Mr. Clark said
that Mr. �arr has tried to have housing in a11 price ranges, and if there
were wider streets and two car garages in this development, then �he costs
would be much higher. He said that to provide housing in this price range,
there w�uldn't be all of the amenities that you would get in higher cost
housing. Mr. Bergman said they weren't talking about two car yarages, they
were talking about an extra 5 feet of street width. Mr. Clark said that
would add to the cost of the construction of these townhouses. Mr. London
said it would cost $3500 to widen this street. He said that in the Vienna
Townhouses, there were one car garages with no parking in the garage area,
and when people buy these units, they know what they are buying. He said
they may have lost�some sales on these townhouses because of this, but
any pro�lems the people had were handled internally by the Townhouse Assn.
Plannin Commission Meeting - April 7, 197fi Pa�e 16 _
Mr. London said he was not in favor of a wider street. He would rather
see more green area. �r�
Mr. Clark said that if the Planning Commission felt strongly that
they would like a 36 ft. street in this plat, then that was what their
recom+mendataon should be to the Council, and let the Counci1 decide how
they wanted it.
Mr. Langenfeld said that he had never seen a group of business
people such as the Farr Development Corporation who were so acco►r�nodating
to the City, but he thought that all the problems on this street should
be settled so they don't have another problem like the North Innsbruck
Drive extension.
Mrs. Shea and Mrs. Wahlberg said they lived on a 30 fi. street,
and there has never been any problems with parking or the movement of
traffic as far as they knew.
Mr. Peterson said that he felt that the extra 5 ft. of green
area that they would have with a 31 ft. street was very important.
�Mr. Langenfeld asked what street width was originally proposed
for this plat. Mr. London said 24 feet. Mr. Langenfeld said he thought
31 feet was already a compromise, so he was agreeable to the 31 foo� width.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Langenfeld, that the Planning
Commission zecorrunend to Council approval of a preliminary p1at, P.S. . r"1
#76-02, Innsbruck VilZage, and approval of a proposed townhouse develop-
ment.of 100 units, T-#76-02, for Innsbruck Villaqe, by Darrel A.�Farr
Aevelopment Corporation, being a replat of Outlot B, Innsbruck 1Vorth
Addition, along with Lot 49, except the Westerly 210', Auditor`s Subdivision
No. 92, generally located North of North Innsbruck Drive N.E. and West
of the Black �'orest Apartment, with the following stipulations:
1. Plan specificafions for streets.and utilities are to be
submitted to the City for approval.
2. Developer deed to the City, Innsbruck North Park, before any
plat approval or building permits are issued.
3. The part of Lot 49, except the Westerly 210 feet, Auditor's
Subdivision No. 92, that wasn'tpart of the p1at, be dedicated
to the City, as this raas adjacent to Innsbruck North Park.
4. Two tenr�is courts wi11 be built by. the develop�x on public
park property, the location to be decided by the City, with
. the completion of 20 townhouses in Innsbruck Village.
5. Road design on West Bavarian Pass must meet City approval.
6. West Bavarian Pass shall be 31' wide, with no parking allowed
on the Western curb of this street.
7. The minimum setback for any garage on West Bavarian Pass sha1l �
be 5'feet, with one garage being approximately 10 feet from
the property line so that 200' sight distance from the curb
' -��,�.�� .
Planning Commission Meeting -�pril 7, 1976 Page 17
is maintained�on the curb.
8. The developer will maintain the extension of
Drive from the City of Fridley line to SiZve
until the Iast townhouse was completed. Thi
be pZowed by the Czt� of Fridley for a fee o
to be paid by the developer.
North Innsbruck
r Lake Road
s extension wa11
f $500 per year,
9. The developer wi11 bulldoze a 7 foot str�p along the extension
road fio be used as a walkway.
Mr. Bergman said he questioned the setbacks for this plat. Mr.
Clark said that the reason they weren't following the 35' setback was
because it would push the units back so far that there wouldn't be any
open area. Mr. Bergman said the prob1em he had was that the City of
Fridley had set up certain standards and one c,f those standards was that
structures be 35' back from the property line. He said that he didn't
understand �h�t if a 35' setback was deemed good in all residential
districts, why it wasn't deemed good for a townhouse development. Mr.
Peterson said that he was sure that the houses on Rice Creek Boulevard he lived, were not 35' from the property line, and he assumed that
this was done to preserve the integrity of �che back yard which was next
to the Creek. He said that in looking at this townhouse plan, he personally
felt that the open space, the effort that had been made to have these
units fit into this site, and the integrity of the natural landscape and
the trees, was more important than a 35' setback „ because he didn't
see anything sacred about a 35' setback. He said that the se�;back
requirement sometimes.resulted in la��d wasie, and as Will Rogers said,
they aren't making any more of it. Mr, Peterson said that the way this
plat was being developed was good sound planning.
Mr. Clark said that the difference in a residential development
and a townhouse deve1opment was that there were no setback requirements
in the townhouse ordinance. He said the only reason the setback require-
ments applied to part of this plat was because there was going to be
a public street to meet the F.H.A. requiremen�ts. If this was a private
street, the 35' setback would not apply. Mr. Bergman said he didn't
think it was right not to have setback requirements for townhouses. Mr.
C7ark said then the code would have to be changed.
Mr. Langenfeld said that in Section 205.051 of the Code, it states
" for other uses, other than dwel,ling units, permitted uses and uses
requiring a special use permit, requirements as to lots, setbacks, build-
ings, parking, landscaping, screening, and exterior material shall be at
least comparable to similar uses in other districts, but also subject
to additional provisions as provided by the City:" He thought the
Planning Commission would be the one to establish the additional provisions
and therefore, we can eliminate the 35' setback.
Mr. Harris said that he felt that this proposal tears up less
landscape t�han if it had to have a 35' setback. He said that if this
development was held to a 35' setback, it would destroy the natural
�j characteristics of the area. He said that in his �travels through the
townhouse areas that have already been completed by the Farr Corporation,
he felt that they had done an excellent job of fitting the structures
into the landscape. He said the proposed plan for Innsbruck Village
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 18
was the best way to fit the units into the existing landscape. He said '
that he did not favor a 0�' setback on a public street because if a small
error was made, a structure could encroach into the public right of way, �"1
but with a 5' setback, there would be enough room so that this shouldn't 1
Mr. Harris said that at this time he would like to make a statement
to the City Administration, before we vote. As we are allowing a 31 ft.
street in this development, he felt it was incumb�nt upon the City Engineer-
ing Department to treat everybody else in town equally as fair, and it
was not necessary, therefore, that every frontage street be 36 ft. wide
in the rest of the City. -
Mr. Clark said that there was a street being built this year that
wouldn't be 36 ft. wide. Mr. Harris said he objected to that because he
felt it was arbitrary. Mr. Clark said that as he has said before, it
might not be logical, but there was logic behind �hese decisions. He
said that he was referring to the Leif Henrikson plat off of East River
Road, where there just wasn't room to provide for a 50' right of way and
a 36' street. Mr. Harris said that if they were going to pave Riverview
Terrace and it was 36' wide, he would have to pay for that. Mr. Clark
said that was not necessarily so, because there was a Public Hearing
before any improvement was ordered in, and if an entire block said
they didn't want a 36' street, it would not be ordered in. Mr. Harris
said that in the ten year street plan, which must be almost completed,
he felt tha� the attitude was to take it the way it was proposed,
regardless of whether the people in the area agreed or not. He said
he felt the City, the staff and the Engineering Department had been �
arbitrary in the meting out of street widths and assessments, and that -
it had been unfairly administered. He thought he could find 30,000 peaple
in Fridley who would agree with him. .
UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL voting aye, the MOTION carried unanimously.
Chairman Harris declared a recess at 10:10:,P.M. and reconvened the
Planriing Commission�meeting at 10:25 P.M.
replat of Lot 39, Revised uditor s Subdivision No 77, (excepting
parcel 5640), generally located on the West side of the intersection
of Osborne Road and East River Road.(Same property as the Dorstad
Plat which was never recorded.)
Mr. John Doyle, of Leigh Investments, Inc. was present.
MOTION by Wahlberg, seconded by Bergman, that the PZanning Commission
open the Public Hearing on the consideration of a preliminary plat, F.S.
#76-03, �29h Terrace, by Leigh Investments, Inc. Upon a voice vote, aIZ
voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Public Hearing open at 10:26 P.M.
Mr. Clark said that Mr. Doyle and the staff have worked on this plat ,,,,.�
for som�e time. He•said that the original plat that Mr. Doyle submitted '
was a•plat in which the lots were served with a cul-de-sac off of Talmadge
_ ri�M
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 19
Way. Mr. Doyle thought this was a good plan for his plat because he
^ wouldn't have any through traffic. ��
Mr. Clark said the old Dorstad Pl�a�' joined 75th Way to East River Road,
in.the�close�proximity of Osborne Road. The developer didn't feel that
this alignment would induce a qui�t neighborhood type atmosphere, but
after the petitioner had discussed the plat with the City, and was informed
of the problem that would arise �� this alignment wasn't followed, he
did bring in a different plan. This plan has gone back to connecting
up75thWay with Osborne Road, about 50 feet North of the present center
. line of Osborne Road, which means that the County or the City would have
, to bring this a1ignment up to meet the str��� ��"the plat. This can be �done
without the purchase o-F any structures. Mr. Doyle has also dedicated
additianal land for the widening of East River Road.
Mr, Clark said the Engineering Department gave Mr. Doyle three differ-
ent alignments for the connecting stree� and Mr. Doyie chose the align-
ment that was being presented at this me��tingo This �lan was perfectly
acceptable to our Engineering Department, the exception being that the
center line of Osborne Read should be moved 5 feet to the South, which
Mr. Doyle has agreed to, so we would not have to obtain addition land
unnecessarily across the street.
Mr. Clark said the plat consisted of 11 lots. They all meet or
exceed the 1ot requiremen� of 9,000 square feet, with the exception
of the 3 lots North of Osborne Road. Lo� 1 will be 7,700 sqcrare feet,
�--� and Lots 2 and 3 will be 8,000 square feet. Mr. Doyle was going ta
try and negotiate wi-th the St. Paul Waterworks about being able to
use the 40' St. Pau1 Waterworks easement as par� of the lot. Obviously
the use of that part of the lot would be restricted as ico having any
�tructures on it, or the planting of any large trees,�etc., but the
• use of the easement for yards and gardens would not be prohibited. If,
he can utilize this land, then these 3 lots would meet or exceed the
9,000 square �Ft. requirement also. There is some question as to whether
the St. Paul Waterworks has fee title to this 40' strip, or i�' was just
an easement. If it was just an easement, then it would be Mr. Doyle's
land, and there would be no reason he couldn't include it with the
lots, because he would be the fee owner. If 'che St. Paul Waterworks
was the fee owner, then Mr. Doyle would like �o get permissian from i,hem
to allow a fenc�e to be put on this property, and from the street it would
look as if the easement was part of these lots.
Mr. Clark said that Talmadge Way would probably come up and dog-leg
to meet Osborne Road more or less at a right angle. �
Mr. Peterson asked Mr. Clark how �his plan affected the 8eveloper
in terms of lots as far as if it were developed according to the cul-
de-sac plan or the plan pr�sented at this meeting. Mr, Clark said he
would have one lot more with this plan. Mr. Peterson said then they were
not working an economic hardship on the developer by insisting on this
plan. Mr. Clark said that if you counted numbers, no, but if you could
the total value of single family residential lots, then maybe yes.
Mr. Peterson asked if from the City's standpoint, if it was necessary
to have this thoroughfare on the plat. Mr. Clark said that he could only
respond to what the Engineering�Department had�said, and that was that in
.. ��.
Planning Commission Meeting -�April 7, 1976 _ Page 20
working with the County, they were trying to eliminate as many streets
as possible coming on to East River Road at uncontrolled intersections.
This would allow the people in this area to come out to a signalized
intersection on East River Road. Mr. Peterson said that because of the
problems we have heard about on East River Road, he thought this was
desirable. Mr. Clark said the County Engineering Department has been
� confronted with this plan, and they: were in agreement with it.
Mr. A. J. Hogen, 133 75th Way N.E., asked what the width of the street
would be on the proposed Osborne Road in this plat. Mr. Clark said the
right of way width was 60'. The pavement width would be between 40' to
46' where they have the center median. It will allow one lane of traffic
comirtg � in and two lanes of traffic going' out. Mr. Hogen asked if this
property was going to be.developed as R-1.. Mr. Clark said that it would
be. Mr. Doyle didn't have�.�any plans to rezone the property as far as he
Judy Beine, 1&0 Talmadge Way N.E., asked i� 75th Way would be joined
to this road and if it would be improved. Mr. Clark thought that when
this plat had been approved by Council that Talmadge Way might be
upgraded, but then there would be a Public Hearing before any improvements
were made. Mr. Clark said that the North-South portion of Talmadge Way
was an unimproved street at the present time and was used for traffic
between Talmadge Way and 75th Way.
Mr. Hogen asked if there was anything about storm sewers in this plan
for 75th Way? Mr. Clark said thatall' the area in the plat wi11 drain to r^
East River Road on the road. Mr. Hogen said that some drainage was all �
that•he wanted. Mr.�Clark said he,couldn't answer that question. Mr.
Harris said that Mr. Hogen had a special problem where he had standing
water in front of his residence, and he wassu�e thatwas what he was
alluding to. He said that Mr. Hogen wanted to know if there was some
way to drain this water through this.plat.
Mr. Doyle said that he felt there was a very big problem with this
area. He said that on the South side of 75th Way, they were faced with
the problem of two water pipes which were 72" pipes, which would make
it impossible to put any kind of storm sewer from the South to the North
without going prohibitably deep. Then you would have the St. Paul
Waterworks to fight it out with, so you �rere almost faced with having
surface drainage. '
Mr. Clark said that he had misread the question. He thought they
were asking if a storm sewer system would be put in. He said that he
didn't think the Westerly part of 75�h Way was high enough to drain to
East River Road. He said that part of 75th Way was built to drain that
way, but at some point, and Mr. Hogen would know where that was, it
was designed to drain towards the river. There was a low swale that
wa�s apparently right in front of Mr. Hogen's property. Mr. Clark said
that originally there ��vas a shallow sump constructed on the St. Paul
Waterworks easement, for the water to drain into. He said it may work
in the summer time, but he could understand that during normal winter
thawing, that the water would stand in the street. He thought the only
way to remedy the problem was to put in a storm sewer conduit which would
more than likely have to run to the Mississippi River. Mr. Hogen said
that hard already been proposeci, but the St. Paul Waterworks would not
,..v _
f'lanning Commission Meeting - Apri1�7, 1976 Page 21
allow their property to be used for the water going towards the river.
�'"1 He said they had blocked tfiis proposal before, and they probably would
again. He said that sump was in the yard, but it did not drain any of the
water from the street, because the curb kept it from going into the sump.
Mr. Hogen felt that if they hadn't put that swale in front of his house,
the water would have drained to �East River Road. Mr. Clark said he didn't
� think the land in 1:hat area was high enough to drain to East River Road
on the surface. He said this road was dirt for many years, which was
sand. The reason there wasn't any water problem then, was because the water
just drained into the sand. When the street was constructed, it was put
in as flat as possible and drained as much as possible toward East River
Road. It got to the point that to continue that, it would have got above
the yards on the North side of the street.
Mr. Harris asked why ihey couldn't have�croti,rned the streets so the
rest of the water could have drained towards the river? Mr. Clark said
the corner that Mr. Hogen referred to was probably three or four feet
higher tha�, 75�h Ways and in order for the water to get �� the river
it wou1d have to run to Alden Way, North on Alden Way, around the
corner to the catch basin on Alden Way, a little further to the North.
Where Alden Way was going North and turns West was another hill. He
said that between 75th l�ay and the caich basin on Alden Way was where
the hill was located. Mr. Hogen said thatc 3' h711 could have been
graded down. He said that they have been pleading for a ditch on
the side of the road so the water could drain into a ditch, just to get
� it off of the street, but they won't give it to us. He said he had dug
some by hand, jusi: to get the water out of there, but the sand was hard
- to dig because when it was dry, it was just like cemen,t. Mr. Hogen said
the ditch t.�:as supposed to be part of the original plan for this area, but
for some reason the City would not give us this�ditch, which was some
thing��he just couldn't understand. Mr. Clark asked where this ditch was
supposed to run to. Mr. Hogen said �hey jus� needed the ditch to hold the
water until it had time �o soak in. Mr. Clark said tha�t this problem
could not be solved at this meeting. He said �hat he recalled that a
-sump was put in 8 to 10 years ago, and maybe this was silted in and
wasn't there anymoree Mr. Harris sa•�.d that maybe Mr. Clark could check on
this to see if they couldn't get some of the water drained from in front
of this man's house.
Mr. Clark said there was a small house on one of the lots in the plat.
The alignment of the street would make this house the required 35' from
the street. The alignment would necessitate the removal of the garage.
He said that if the road was pulled down to save the garage,athere would
be another lot that would be too small to make it feasible to build on.
Mr. Doyle said he had talked to the Engineers of the St. Paul Water-
works concerning the use of their property, and they declined in making
any absolute comment about whether it would be allowable to use part of
their easement on the three lots adjacent to this easement. He was going
to discuss this with the Commissions, but he did assure me:that there
were many people making use of this easement for green area. Essentially
they do object to the placement of buildings or trees on this easement,
because these things would have to be removed if they had to come in and
work on these lines, but they didn't objeet to grass or a garden. Me
said the Engineer said they were also working with the County and the
City, and he wanted to reserve and comment until they had it all in one
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Pa�e 22
Mrs. Wahlberg asked if it would be the developer's responsibility to `
inform the buyers of these three lots that if they were al1owed to use
this easement as part of their lot, that they couldn't locate any structures ^
or plant any tree� on that portion of the lot? Mr. Doyle said he would �
put a covenant on those lots, so that the buyers wauld be aware of the
restrictions on this easement. Mr. Clark said that if it was a private
covenant, it would be part of the abstract.
Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to have the East River Road Project
Committee look at thiS development. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Langenfeld if
he ihought this was going to have a significant impact on East River Road? ,.
Mr. Langenfeld said he thought that giving them a chance to review this .
proposal would be in order. He said that if the Planning Commission
recommended approval of this plat at this meeting, then they could review
the recommendaions. Mr. Clark said there would still be a hearing on
the final plat by the Council, so there would be time for the Environmental
Quality Commission's project committee to review the plat, even if it was
approved a� this meeting. We are getting to the time of the year when
any developer was anxious to get started on iheir projects, so this had
to be a consideration also. He said �hat by the time the contracts had
been let for the sewer and water and the streets, sometimes weeks, or
even days, get to be quite valuable to the developer. Mr. Langenfeld
said it wasn't his intention to hold up the approval of this plat, or t.o
delay the developer.
Mr. Doyle said that this plat was the result o� very close coordination
between the Administrative S�aff of the City of Fridley and the County
of Anoka, taking into consideration their apparent plans for the improve- '�
ment o� East River Road, which included the area up to 7.9th. This plat �—
was the result of those plans. He said that Osborne Road would be
blocked off on his plat until the intersection of East River Road and
Osborne Road had been improved.
Mr. Bergman asked about drainage�and utility easements on the plat.
Mr. Clark said that all the necessary easements were already included in
the plat. �
Mr. Harris asked Mr. Doyle if he had considered underground utilities?
Mr. Doyle said that he would explore the possibility of having underground
services, but it would depend upon the existing area and if Northern States
Power Company felt they were practical in thi.s area.
Mr. Harris asked if there had been any negotiations by the City or
the County to obtain the property they would need to change the alignment
of Osborne Road. Mr. Clark said he didn't think so. Mr. Clark said Osborne
Road and East River Road were both County roads, so he didn't know who would
be negotiating for the purchase of the property. Mr. Peterson said that
Mr. Doyle has already dedicated land from his plat for the widening of
East River Road.
Mr. Bergman said he was .concerned about the configuration of Osborne
Road in this plat. He said the present location makes Lots 1-3 less than
the 9,000 square ft. code requirement, and due to the extensive changes
the�e would have to be across East River Road to have the'�Osborne Road �''`�
meet this extension, he wondered if it wouldn't be better to have the
Osborne Road in this plat �� moved still further South. 'Mr. Clark said
Planning Commission Meeting- April 7, 1976 Paqe 23
e —
then Lot 7 wou1d be unbuildable. Mr. Bergm�n said there wasn't much land
,� to work with. Mr. Clark said the configuration of Osborne Road was not
�� the most desirable because it wasn',t at right angles, and pulling it up
to meet the Osborne Road of this plat will improve that situation. He
said that as far as Mr. Doyle's comments on whether he would be able to
use the St. Paul Waterworks easement in this p1at physically or on paper,
as you drive past this area it will look like it was part of the rear
yards of these 1ots.
Mr. Hogen asked if there would have to be any more land dedicated
for the widening of 75th 4day. Mr. Clark said there was enough of the
existing right of way to allow the widening of this street.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Wahlberg, tha� the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing on the preliminary p1at, P,S. #76-03, Leigh
Terrace, by Leigh Tnvestrr�ents, Inc. Upon a voice vote, a1l voting aye,
Chairman Harris declared the Public Hearing cZosed at .Z1:10 P.M.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission
recorrunend to Council approva.Z of a preliminary p1at, P.S. #76-03, Leigh
Terrace, b� Leigh Investments, Inc., being a replat of Lot 39, Auditor's
Subdivision No. 77, excepting Parcel 5640, generally located on the West
side of the intersecion of Osborne Road and East River Road, (former porstad
P1at), with the following stipulations:
1. The alignment of Osborne Road be moved 5' to the South.
. 2. That confirraation be obtained from the St. Pau1 Waterworks as to
the specific use of the property, and that be ref.Zected in a
private covenant to be filed with the pZat.
Upon a voice vote, a.Z1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Rezone from C-1S local shopping areas to M-1 light industrial
areas), Lot 17, Block 2, Central View Manor Addition, to make
zoning consisteni, with adjoining property, generally located just
West of 1240 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.
MOTI�UN by Bergman, seconded .�y Peterson, that the Planning Cozrmiission o�tien
the Public Hearing on a rezoning request, ZOA #76-01, by John Haluptzok.
Upon a voice vote, aZ1 vofing aye, Chairman Harris decZared the Public
Hearing open at 11:11 P.M,
Mr. Clark said �hat this rezoning reques`t was the result of a stipulation
of the Planning Commission on a previous rezoning request, ZOA #75-07, to
rezone Lot 18. This will make the zoning consistent with the adjacent
MOTTON by Wahlberg, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission
close the Public Hearing on a rezoning request, ZOA #76-01, by John
Naluptzok. Upon.a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, Chaixman Harris declared
''~' the Publac Hearing c.Zosed at .Z1:12 P.M.
MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Wahlberg, that the Planning Commission
Planninq Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 24
recommend to Council approval of a rezoning zequest, ZOA #76-01, by John
Naluptzok, to rezone from C-IS (1oca1 shopping areas) to M-1 (light �
industrial areas), Lot 17, Block 2, Central View Manor Addition, to make �
zoning consistent with adjoining property. Upon a voice vote, aZ1 voting
aye, the motion carried unanimousZy.
3, B1ock 1, Froid's Addition into two building sites, each at least
10,000 square feet, for the construction of double bungalows. (Property
zoned R-3), generally located on the corner of East River Road N.E.
and Ironton Street N.E. �
Mr. Donald Sexter was present.
Mr. Clark said this property was zoned multiple, and as recently as
last October, Mr. Sexter planned to build an 8-plex on this site, and due
to the har�dicap requirements that come into play wher� you build an 8-plex,
and other problems 'rela�ing to the_l�t, such as drainage, made it econ�mically
unfeasible to build the 8-plex. He was now proposing to spjit the lot
into two pieces� and construct double bungalows on this property. Mr.
Sexter has presented surveys of the two lots which show that both lots will
exceed the 10,000 square foot requirement for double bungalows. Mr. Clark
said one of the surveys shows the setback as 30' for the structure, and
this will have to be moved back 5' to meet the 35` front yard setback
requirement. Mr, Clark said there was another small problem in that he
did not quite meet the garage requirements for a double bungalow. The
zoning code states that you have to have 1 1/2 stall garage for each
unit of a double bungalow. Mr. Clark said that if you use the parking
stall r.'equirement of 200', this would mean that there would have to be
300 square feet of garage area for each unit. He said the garages in this
plan total 572 square feet. He said he felt that it was the intent of
the ordinance tv provide two stalls for storage, and one sta71 for parking.
Mr. Clark said that maybe the garages could be enlarged to meet this
requirement. Mr. Clark said Mr. Sexter didn't want to widen the garages
because it would obstruct the view from the house, bwt they could be built
two feet deeper.
Mr. Bergman asked Mr. Sexter if he was in agreement to increasing the
size of the garage by 2 feet? Mr. Sexter said he was in agreement becaase
the house could be moved back two feet �n the lot. He said that everything
could be adjusted so they met the setback requirements of the code.
Ptr. Clark said the staff recorrannendation was that this lot split be
MdTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission
recommend to Council approval of a request for a 1ot sP1it,,L.S. #76-02, by .
Donald F. 5exter, to split Lot 3, B1ock 1, Froid's Addition, into two
building sites, each at least 10,000 squaenerally located onntheucorner�f
double bungalows on R-3 zoned property, g
of East River Road N.E. and Ironton Street N.E. Upon a voice vote, a11
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. . s�
. Mrs. Wahlberg said she appreciated the consideration that each of �
the other Correnission's made on this request that came from the Appeals
Corfonission, through the Planning Commission. She appreciated the diligence
and speediness with which they were able to get this information back to
the Planning Co►�nission, because she was sure that the petiii�oner who
wanted to build on a 40' lot was anxious to have his request handled
so he could start construction now that the warmer weather was here.
Mrs. Wahlberg said that she thought what the Appeals Commission would
like would be a surrm�ary of the recommendations made by the Commissionse
She said that most of the recommendations were quite similar, and the
only thing that 6othered her was the recommendation that each 40' lot
be handled individually.
Mr. Cla►°k said he didn't think these lots could be handled any
difterently tnan that, because i� was a dariance �a �he zoni�g code, and
he thought what they were saying was that there shouldn't be one standard
p1aced on all 40' vacant lots in our City. Each one should be considered
separatel�, and_have separa�te action because each lo� may be unique in
its own way.
Mr. Langenfeld said that he thought the recommendations of the Human
Resources Commission could be used as the guideline.
n Mr. Bergman said he would like to call atten�ion to the recommendations �
made by the Community Development Commission at their meeting of March 9,
1976. He said that the Environmental Quality Commission concurred with
these recommendations, and -rhe Human Resources Commiss.ion's recommendations �
, had some of the same stipulations, so he thought the� could use the motion
of the Eorrununity Development Commission as a guideline.
Mr. Bergman said the firs'c recommendation was "If the land is available
on either side which can be purchased,such that the lot can be brought up
to code, then building would be denied on a 40 foot lot". Mr. Harris said
he didn't think that recommendation would stand up in courto
� Mrs. Wahlberg said that back in 1971 they did make some recommendations
as to what type of home should be built on a 40` lot, bu� she didn't think
that recommer.dation was good now wi�h the present housing trends. She said
that one pertinent fact was that water, sewer and electrici�� were already
in on these lots�s so they problably should be developed.
Mrs. Wahlberg said that she had a problem with the 3rd recommendation
that the proposed house on a 40' lot�blend in aesthetically with the rest
of the neighborhood, and her guess was that most of these 40' lots were
� in older neighborhoods. Mr. Bergman said he could understand the problem
with this, but these recommendations were only meant as guid'elines, and
maybe they all couldn't be met all of the time. Mrs. Wahlberg said that
what she got from all the Commissions was that there was concurrence that
building on 40' lots should be allowed in the City of Fridley. She said
i=�, that had been the basic question that the Appeals Commission had. They
_ , didn't know if they should open the door on this kind of a request.
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 2B _
Mr. Harris said that he was more concerned with what size house they
� were 9oing to allow to be bui1t on 40' lots. He said it was addressed
^ by sayin� that there be no variance alfiowed from the present ordinance �
requiring a maximum of 25% lot coverage. Mr. Clark said that most 40' '
lots had about 5200 square feet. This would mean that the house and
garage could only cover 1300 square feet of the lot. He said this
would allow for a 1,020 square foot rambler, which was code, with a
� 14' x 20' garage. He said that if they built a split entry home, they
coul� build one with 768 square feet of living area with a 252 square f6ot
attached garage.
Mr. 6ergman said they didn't want to get more restrictive on 40'
lots and that was why they stayed with the 25% of �ot coverage which
was in the existing code. We recommended that no variance be granted
which exceeded �his requirement, because this would tend to control the
size of the house on these 1ots. Mr. Clark said it would be possible
to build a marke�table house on these lo�s, even if they had to stay
within the code requiremen�.
Mr. Harris asked if the City was requiring attached garages, Mr.
Clark said they were required on a two story house. Attached garages
were req�ired except on ramblers and split level housing. You also
have to have an attached garage on any property that was the result
of a lot split.
Mr. Peterson said he thought it �aould be consistent with the
n housing plan they had develo�ed that they encourage the development
of 40' lots because it would decrease the cost of building a home. If � �
we don't encourage people of difterent economic levels �:o move into �
our Gity, ther� we vaouldn't be following the goals that we established.
Mrs. Wahlberg said that if they allowed more than 25% lot coverage,
then.there woulcl be more variances needed also. She wondered if they
could set the maximum square iootage they would allow for a house on
a 40' lot such as 1300 square feet for the house and garage. Mr. Clark
-said he would hesita�te to mertion square footage, because some lots may
be 39' and sonte may be 42' so the square foo�age allo4ved in the 25% of
lot coverage could vary also. Mr. Harris said that maybe they could
have a s�andard requirement for the size o� a house on a 40' house. Mr.
Clark said this would just be something else that they would ask for
a variance on. Mr. Clark said f7e thought that these recommendations were
meant as a g�ideline and the Appeals Commission can try the 25% and if
this was unworkable, they may have to come up with a dif�erent percentage
MOTION by Langenfeld, seconded by Bergman, that the Planning Commission
felt that 40' lots should be developed in Fridley, each 1ot to be considered
on an individual basis, subject to the guidelines set forth by the various
Merr�er Corrm�issions.
Mr. Narris asked how they were going to deny a var.iance f�r a
house on a 40' lot just because there was a vacant lot adjoining it. Mr.
Clark said that every time you denied anything, you could end up in court,
^ but he thought that the Commission owed it to the other people in a block -'''"`'�
who had built on 2 40' lots so they had 80', to try to have the other building
site be 80'. This would depend upon the person who had a lot to sell, offering
..,.. -- .+ _
Planning Commission Meeting - April 7, 1976 Page 21
it at a reasonable market value price. Mr. Clark said that if two 40'
� lots were side by side and under two ownerships, he thought these owners
should reveal to the Appeals Commission what their differences were in
� regard to the price of either lot,
Mr. Bergman said that anyone who owned a 40' lot had a problem lot.
The purpose of the first recommendation was that the Corr�nunity Developme.nt
Commission felt that the owner of such a lot should make some effort to
solve that problem. They felt that if there was vacant property next
to this lot, that an e�ffort should be ma�e to purchase the lot, so �h�t
a house could be built on a combinaiion of �ots that would meet the
code requirements. He said tha� in that contex�t, he thought it was a
reasonable request.
Mr. Harris said he had a problem with t�he denial of a building permit
on any 40' lot, whether there were two vacant lots tog�ther, or 10 vacant
lots together. Mr. Harris said he thought the combining of 40'��ots should
be encoura��.d,� bta� i�� �'�dc�'t want the City t� be in a p�sition of using a
club be�;ween t�•�o owners of 40' lots. Mr. Harris said they could try it,
but if any denials were made, the reasons for the denial should be stated
and documented.
Mrs. Wahlberg said she would like the Appeals Commission to get a
copy of these minutes on this item, and she would like the guidelines
put in a concise form, so the Appeals Commission could refer to them
for any requests to build on 40' lots.
Mr. Harris said that if this was going to be a policy statement, he
thou.ght that would have to be approved by �he City Counci1. h1rs. Wahlberg
said �he Appeals Commission only asked for an o.pinion from the member
Commission's and the Planning Commission. Mr. Harris said that any policy
statemeni had to be approvecl by the City Counc�l. Mrs. Wahlberg said the
Appeals Commission was concerned with the request they had tabled on a
variance �or a 40' 1ot and this peti�:ioner had been delayed quite some
time already. Mr. Harris said iic would be bet�er in the long run to have
Council approval on a policy statement, but they could use �he recommendations
from this meeting as guidelines until the policy statement had been
approved by Council.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the.motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Harris said that the Planning Commission hadn't had a Vice Chairman
since Mr.. Drigans resigned from the Planning Commission and he thought they
should take care of this at this meeting. Ne said he was open to nominations.
Mr. Bergman nominated Mr. Peterson, and Mr. Pe�erson nominated Mr. Bergman.
Mr. Harris said they would vote by ballot, �;�d when the votes were counted,
he declared Mr. Peterson Vice Chairmart of the Planning Commission.
� Mr. Harris said he felt that setting a time period on each agenda item
was a good idea and thought it should be continued. Mr. Clark asked how
they wanted to handle this. Mr. Harris said that after he received his
Planning Co�unission Meeting- April 7, 1976 Page 28 �
agenda, he would call Mr. Boardman or Mr. Clark, and they couTd,work out
a time schedule so the petitioner could be told approximately what time �
their i.tem would come up on the agenda. Mr. Peterson said this would
eliminate people waiting three hours'for discussion on the item they
MOTION by Shea, seconded by Peterson, that the meeting be adjourned.
Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the P.Zanning
Commission meeting of Apri1 7, 1976 adjourned at 12:16 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
D�rothy Ever,sq�, Secretary
r-- .,--�