PL 05/19/1976 - 30444� FLANidIP;G COA�7I"SION MF:FTING CITY (�F FRIDL�i MAY 3�9, 1.976 }'AGF'< 1 c�zz mo o��rp: Cn:�irrn�n ua.rris caJ_l�d the meeti.r� ta or�?r a.t 7 s33 psm. ?QI,�: f'�T�?.,: t,+� Q�^� P�^e�enta ?��r.ris, Ber�.n �9 .,�.n�,,,nfald, G ba.�, Peter�on ..E.*qt!. , r.? T n at� a 7 c Fla�'i1t7rT'� i1.�3SP.Tlti E Oth�rs �r.es�nt: T,'18h1beT'g y �`he � Jerrolc� Baar�3ma_ny C:i.ty Platin�r kPPR��r�: pT.�r�r,rTi1G CC�?,?'.'Tu�Ip;�j �.i7TdtJT�'S. "����' S 147ti .._. �.�__.�___ ._...._... �....�__ i�iOr7�� r.}r ?'�ter. son, secanr�e.c� r:�r Z�.n�enfe�.d q that thn �].^x�nin,; Co�.t^ � v:�l Un m7 nutf�� o*' ;'azT �, 1�?6 be anprov�d ��s ,:=rittena Upon �. vnice �,•ote, a�_i Zr{1tin� �V�, t^� :�oticn va.rrie�� u.�i��nimousl,ya �.ECEitJ!�. F.,kE�:S �� ?I;!;:�E sTT�'� CCi�i�1TS�1Ciu ?���1' ['�� : ',:'�TL "{�� 1� i 6 J,i()TIGh ��y P.r-:i:ersc�n, seco��c� Ly I,a.ngerafe�ids tha� �tti,G ?'�.rnn:i.n,�r !;��.rn�nissit�n re�e�.ve �11? i:17.Y1U�;.�'.;' Qfl ti^e P$x'�iS nS RAr1^F.��lOil TR�F;�.?.11€; O� �:��r1�. �hy �T,�.�j!`e 1Tu021 %? i'O1�'.P. �rot,e, <ill tiotir±�; �y�, th� rnotion c�rrie� Ikt'18]'ll?�1C11S��'. Cl?air�r,�n `riarris c�id that :-?3.t.n renarC�. t.0 't}?P. netiti��n r,n �the T»r^n� o�' �.a.nd. runr��.n:=� frC+i'1 �'! c31SS1��}7. St•i"^F'f. 'f,n �7l`�h t'��'r' }�9i,L•*F'rn �!��';L031 aV'�::11� ail:� t�,r� .ruilroaci t?'SCtti£ p.^ppar�n�ly �. pet3.f.ic�n had been � e�F7.Vr�d. ft3r :� n�rk in that u.re�:, Rsid �:skeci if tl�at i•r�s c�rrect, Mr, Pe�Ler�on reral:if>d it *,�,r�.�s� and in='n.rTM�ec? tiie Cornmiss�_on t?:at at their I-tav 3re� me�tin� a r�relimin��ry ^��'.f.,Ch f'I'C4'R ;;t�.if h«�l bEen .^va�lar,1G �natair.� tbh^.t Ttio�zl�? be dc�ne in. th�..t are�.e H� e��'_ained tYia� :i�, k��s tax-fcrfeit land =�r,d the;T rPall,y w�i�ldn't '.�cnot�r for sure �ahere i.fi. t•rou'l� a17. bQ uniil , the str'P,E� is in �nd the fi.n?1 s�zrvey t.*as in. He furtner e:cp� �.:zne�i tlle Par�•:5 �,nd Recreatian C�irmri� �ion trras nl<�nning an includin�; i.hi� in t�he bud�pt for de,•rel�pment in 77-78, and sa:id it ianuld be a conti.nuing type. of develap:nent ti•r5.�h � maste� plana I�ir. Boar�mari asked if theyr recora�nended holding a11 1.7 lots, anci ;•�ir. PetPr;�on replied i;hey had. �i0TI0�? by Ber�m�,.�9 seconded by PetErson, to c9nc:ur wii;h �.h? recor.Lmendal:ians �n pa.�;es 5.and 9 of the Parks ar�d Recreati�n Carr�fnissi�n m3nutes c�nc�rniri�; nar�ing of p�rks. Up�Sn :� voi.ce vote, �.1�. vatin� aye, the motion carried unanimously. REC�TVF PARKS & R��REATTON .COr^.i�iTSSTON �iII�TUUTFS : MAY 3, 1976 r?OTiON by Petei-son, secondQd by Ber�;man, that thP Flannin�; Comma.ssion recPive the minutes af the Parks �nd Rer,reation Commissic�n me�tin�; of. h4�y 3, �.976. Pl�nriin� Commis�ioi� 1�teetinp, - Ria,y 19 1y76 � � F'an� ?. tir. PFterson asked the Commission to note that it ��ras a reconvpned meetin�;, and nn�: a ^��cia1 meetin�;. � Chairm�n �-i�.rris sair� he �:ould certainl,y �n�oizra�e the Parks and Rr.rreation C,�nLnission � � to trv to �ret tY:e �'.;T'111;?,'h2'bOiC p�zn r.'c�r "drrth �'�rr- nri fi.z,m �Y.�1.,,�, �r i� �.�r,c�r�,} �r, ,f� un in +,}ie aa.r at tizis tirne. I�1r. Petrr'�np e}nlatned that z� i�he puhli�c infa^!�:at�.�n m��,ti.n� or t?�� Cit�T Cnuricil on lipril ?f�� the �prin�;l�rook r; ��.12T'!' Found ttion r��d.e a pres�ntation to thert concern3.n� re;negna;,i��tin�; the cantract. He s�.? _1 �!1�.t �hi.^ YTi:.J the re�s�n he had adiot�r'rled h:i� mnetinp, and e:;plaaned t�eT� h�d �•~��ntvd to �e there f'or ihe presrn�;a.t�.on. He stated tfle Cit,-�� Cotancil_ . h�.d �'�lt � t shoialc� come h^�is ta ?v.r�:^ anc� iieer��.ti�n �'or ther7 to I.aok ��t �nd n;,:�k° rrCnt'?17EAric3_a,ti.c�n�, �.n3 t'��n ser�d h�.ck t.a tnn Gonnc�.l» �ie s�.i�l that +h� di��us:>inn st`.rtznn on nage ��� ;pa�P b of t.h_eir mirnxtes), involv�d re�ne�=oti�tin� t�n pl.a.ne }?e stated th�,t ha: ic<a.11�r ;�hat ocr,urrf�d was th�.t :•rhen t.he contra_.r,t �,*a,s �ir^t cirrlec� b�,T +?��: cit�r� a.t ;=ner�n� i:.ha�; Spr. in�;hraok ha� then �l.ed�ec� t'r�<�t t:he}� �•*a�alc� rai; e mon�,y from o�itsir?e sozzr�°-�s "c�r the deti*P7_o�?rnent of' the o��er�tinR �ri.th the cit,y to i'urnish cpr�La�.n ser�rices. P�ir, Peterson furtrer e�;plain�d t,hat t'�e Sn,�].Yl£�;�Y'��i��C 1�i3t.ure Cer�t�r }�as a�.r?.nt o£ �27,C�r��J contin��nt c�n the iac;t tha':. it be mrt�'�eJ t+:�� �;aod°•, sert*icc�s, or moneY in ;an ec���.al am�7unt, tot�la.i�a �he �evelopmQnt, oi tlin n,:�1;ur� centPr, �e ;:aid t,ro;r hr.d asked th�t tnA city furn�i:;h the time oa the Ci.t.�= N�.tura].i.st t� �;?-ce Fnunda�ion . c�n a n�mcost b�.ci.^, He ^oniinued t•'-,a�L this �_nvolved cc=lsi�er� bl.e r�iscu^�ion snd. i.t c��ne ba.c�: tr, Parks ancl Rrcreat.ien, az�d �hn;I �e].�L ther� �.�Tere �,lsc� c��'�Pr i!'t7.11�:? f�l"i.t. L�'P2"t? 1.I11?70Tt^?'1� lI1 1.T1C�?1t�7.71r �Yi �Ylt' ''!7t`°O,ili�^Ylt ?�?�1:�'1 ��'l^ JT??"1T1r�T'(?Olt -, a rou:�c,...:ic�r�,e r.,YO :?rtF�-r�an ,�i_c'. t.'�at tn�. Cit�r Ccunci�?_ z.ccept��i zi�,r> i'P.IIF?Q(1'i._'.�i.tiE::!1 C!)pt,T'F�:�:• ;,'J.',�i� �:�i2 stir�ia:!.r��:�:an �tha � %.�1E? �: ��;�T �J�f'.il.."c?1 i , ;�n r � x`;'F� f'� 1 - `-:t C'7.1?'!�`� 7 (�. . J;' ll ° ; � '{' ,•r� ��'1 f1 ±' ,t nc �Y, _r�-•• (��• � �i n• � t- r, ; t__;�•-' :�•;z� out t•...� c,..r p�-�ir.*.s su.�,�.. ��ed h;y ,e �r, �:�n.i �..e..r.e�.t or. r�.��,�aa.,,�_on4 ( �;i.'. ?��?'r?5 �1ot��d th�t; T�%�m � c�?� ti��?? �1 st?i;nd f�'i:.fi: t?�e :k'7.�'�;., �]1r,'. �pC?^��?',�c;n i;1.1'�Cto.rt s�timn 11..r1rjt3T' ?"2(? C? 7^C..t'T���t•?I:��?^ 1�P. a�.�..Gi c i;E':� ti0 C:1T'i.'1�;'G''CL�:`t{ Il�;�tu.r� �r:•ntFr. , -an�' I�,r. Peterson s:,,id t,tiat it �,;a5 r�r,t pa.rt ofi' t,t�e �gie�ment �.s the. CS.t�r Cou�.^..il cho:;e t�, inclTade that. He rai�� tha ; he dic�.n't �cnoT., },�,T.r muc� of' i�rra Huif' �� +.,ime had bec�n allocatec.a Uut he h�.�3. benr� t.�lkir_�z ab�lat ��� �n;� 'hir. I'eter:son sZ-.�d Y:e objected to t?�a� b�r�usP he �?�dn'�:, f'eel a*��=c�ne c��zlc� Gperid 5`� of. t�eir t�.m� ��nd supervis� �. prG�?^cvr. tha'� 9.,�.;� goin� to be run b4.sical.ly T.,*ith voluntPCrso Chairm�si H�.rris sa.id he cai�hed tn call thei.r attnntion to pa.g�s 3� and 36 re�ardin� the t.a_�c-�'orfeit nrapAx�v hoid th=�t th� I'arks a.nd :�FCrea.ti�n Com+�i�sion ha.s reqvesi;ed ��r cert:ain arnas, an�3 said he had some aues�tions abc�ut �ome of t�ose 1.otc. H� �sked if it �aas the Farka ar�d Recreai;ic�ri C�mmis�ion�s intent to hald a11 of tho�e lots li:�tecl, and I�Ir. Peter:�on replier� t}7�.�t at the prnsent time it w�.s, He said that one of t�� �h:�n�^s they trir;d to c�o is hold as much pronert,y - a.� thetiT co�.�ld in the Rw�Ter;� et•r Hei�;hts ad�ition as they felt there tras �. clefinite shor�ta�e of r�crea.tional. �pace in that area. He statwd tha.t 17 1.ats involvcd the pronosed park, G.n�l �;he c�t•her Irts t•rere held bec�.use t,}�ev i•rere close to sc�me existiri� property and �•r�uld .fit in urith t.h� averall. schem� tarorked out b,y Afr. Bo�rdman and �Jr. Brotm, and they felt it trould k�e a m.isi:ake ta let that property �;o �.t this timeo I�ir. Harris st��te�l he w�s X�articnl�.r1,T int�rested in the v�1Z�lP l.ots alorle, ��nd ask�d if it �.*as th^�t tr,�: � r.�r�,icu� �r ones tied in nr�;f; t� existi.n�; parkc �r �aer? p;�rt:i cularlv �_ar�;e piere� of Fror��rt}r. NIre Petrrs�n _ s�id he was talkin� about the lots that �f,ere close to the proper�,y that �;iie city had in the Unit,y ( Pl^nninr� r�r^�1sr�.nn f•i�etin� - Tti1,y 1��, 1.976 _ Pn�n 3-" �re�, �nri I�Ir. ros�r.clman expl.ained the one lot is :�n �<3s�ment off of tTni.t,y I�ospital th�!� �•��s hein,� don�.ted. 1+9r. Harri:� ^.^kF!� if �11 of the lo�c bein� held �aere (� �nne� �ndustrial., �.nd Air. I-3c�ardman said t.hey ��rere. C���.r�:n i�arr-i.s _��i�3 th� r��..:>cn he brought th:is tzp vras becau^n an thP n3;-t, lots h?�? 1:;��n redat:�r�ryc;d �nd. h��7_� for a nlzmber c�f vc��rs �nd t.hen rele��eci br�c�tz�e the,y *..*� rc too r(131.� t0 d�ve� on. He �t�.tec� i-,hat if �,hev �:�ren � t l.ar�;e enou�;h ta de�: ei �p t�;�n t��e hold :-h��uld. n�t ;�ave been nut c>ri them in th� �'ir^f, p7.aee. ?�_r. ;'n�.rc�m3n �ai�i it h�.d pro�»b��,T r�en cione to t;ive th�: eit,y raorh �:i.me t� 1o�lc �.t i;h� rr��;ert;� to ��� i.f i�t; e�u7_d be dc�ve).o�e�3, :�nd adcled t!�af. �t thi� tiree 1�� T.-oulci 7 ikP. +c, hol.d all of' ��� locs that� a.r. e i.ax�-for�'eit until the p�r'rs p1.an t:=.a.s cr,mpletc��i. AIr. Pe�,.r,rs�n ^a.id the P�.rk� and Recrea.ti�n Carim9.s�i.�n tried• ta t�k� i.n�� the�_r con^ideratinn �.11 the pointu th�.t T�:e-re m�:�t��o�eds and �h�t the,y h��.d �pen'c a�c:on- sid�r�.h7.e �iot�nt oi tin�p �:�in� over t::e lotc �n � on� �-�o ot�e b:ssis. UPOi`J f? VOICE VOTF., ,�11 1=ozinn aye, the moti•on c�.-rri �;� l�r��li.r:ouslti*. RECFIV� CC�'�u:UPtiT`i'Y ?�F:Ur�L(`.r `.��I�TT CfJ'�±��iTSSTUI�e i,:IiN1^.i:,S� i�it Y 1]•y 1.97h l�0'PIOPd ��;yT �er�;;:►�, �ncon�ier� b;> pe�..�r�:�^n, �t,:�at th� Pl�.nnira�; Co;~�:i.s�ion racei�re t�ie minutes a.f the Coruminit;r L�etre? or�:n�nt Ccrn.�ic.^ior. meP';it1�; of �9�?r �_�_F 1Q76b Upon ��roice �Tc,te, �7_1 vot�n� a,yeg t::� r^�tion c�r�ier� un^�imot�sl.,-�To Ch�^.irm^.ii �3a.rris said it, ?,.nll�d b� in order to dis,^,a.ss t,hc� s�tr. �et � a�T�7uT.. n{=:-,..r i�dori:h P�-rk (nPt;iti.�n �-l� f6j, 2nd ��:lc�.d � f t?ii� ��?��ld h� :in �r4 ���nr�a. l�x±.er � on. Y�L a Br�3rclr�an repJ_a,e�?. it ?•.ould bA contin� k�rcic to thF� p1.::nnin� Com.r:i� C��.c�n �.t t,Y:e n�?>t 1'1£F�tin€;o R�C�I�?� �iUT�1�iJ RF� OU?�?C �� GOl`��`•`ICS7n3�1 '`:T1��T?�:,i: P�L'-�`.�Y C�� ?.�)7Ci AtOTI0a1 by Lsn�enield, se.r.oric���? ry P�t,erson, tr���� T'��''r' Pl�r�i?z� Cc�ma�is,�i.an r�c�:-�v� th� ma.nutP� t�f the H�irn�n �ec�urces Cor.-�ri-i.ss3.on mee:t,in ; of I�`�.;r bs J.�76, li??nn a vc,ice t�a.tep ��� X votin� ��r��, the motic�n ,^ �r�ied un�7irnousl.,; e 1��re Peterson said he :•ra.s a bit concernec� a:oout .tl:e Yoiit'.1 Project Com.mitt�e's Tec�n Center sta{,us. He �tatECl ifc ?,T�.s a iittle Uit l�lc� t.�l_kin�; again�t. God9 mo�Lherh�oc� 2�nd eountry, �ut it i��a.s easv to endorse thc, ide� of the Teen Center a.izd then sa,y it belangs uricler the �UpE'1^V1.S7.nYl. of anotl�er Com.mission. I�e said if a.t ;•:as tha.t �;r?�t of an idea., the otner Comnli� sions �hc�uld be �aill_in� to b� involved. H� add�d that th� Gom�r�un�ity Schoal Bu�.r. il a1.so sa:id it �ras a. ��•ea� i.dca, but *.•roul:in��. be i.nt,erested in supervisinn :it. He thou�ht that bPi'ore the Planning Co�ruii�sion tool: a st�nd ar� it ane t•ra�r ar zrzother, they should be T��illin� to do more th�n jus�. FOtn on a.t. A7r: Lan�renfeld asked •if. the Co:rv�ission Trrould minc� not disctzssin� this furth�r until their next meetin;� t•�hen ��1P, ininut�s from tl�e Envi.ronmental .�zal.ity Cor�missian �:ould rF ava-i1.�ble as they ;�^d Y,c,.^`Ie:;? c�n �it ^t their i��1', meetin;� �.nd c�m�, �ap wi �h sor�e valic� � d�as. P•ir. Bo�.rdm�n raicl h� c�u�? r� notif'}• the Youth Pro jec � Corvnitter to havn a. rerreGpnta- tive at �he next Planninn Commissz,on r�cetin�;, aa�r� I�Ir. L�ng�nfelci said t.hen t�hen everyc�ne i^ donc� revae�,:inE7 t.his they C�ll�_C� 't1��C zbout it ;aith a].1 of the ideas in mind. ' . P].��nn-i.n�* Cnrimis�i�n Pqh�tln� - i;�,Y 19 197E> p'"�= � T.?EC�",IV?�. APP?�,1!I�.S CO?n�4IS"IOP1 MTi1UTT;S: A�AY I1, I976 _____..�_ ti`UTIOid b�r P�:ters�n, ser_onded. b�r Lan�enfeld, �rat the Plannin�; Cornraission receive ( thP minutes of the Ap�eals C,or�un�.sainn meetin� oi I���y 11, 7.976. Uz�on �. vaice vate.:al.l voting aye, the moticn carri�d vna.�.i.mously. ��irs. Gab��_ stated that .^� the last App^a.ls Commis�ion me�tin� tl��:y had some difii�;uJ t�- inter:�rn-tin� t'�e cade concc�rnin� �;ar=:ges �n ��0 foot lo� ^. She said t,hat theJ h�d been o�F:ra.tin� under the ass�.ar��^tior_ th3.t �;3rapes z�rc�rP necQS��zr',r c�n t.h��� lotsr blzt, loaki.n�; at t,he co�?e t�ere i.� n�thin�; nnncific on KO' ln�s. ;re a�.r�pd 't,hat i,:�P•� rh�u].d l�ok a.t �t an terms �f I;�J' 1ots, zlso. Itr. ��r. �:m.�n askFd i.z tize 9c�ard of Appea.ls .•ra. � lc�oking �or sorne other Cammission invo7 ver�rnt or � innut., and I•Trs. Gr::cel said �the� T•:ere �Sk7�ra�; ho��� t,o �.ntierpret t�is code .�rhen it doe�n't, app.l,y to ��.0 or. 50 i oot ��+..s o Sh� s�id that sn.e z•ras n�aite cc�n�erned t�ai: :ait,hout aarares ther� ��oul� be a_r.roblem of �r� sua1. ��.�iitinne C�airn.ar� H�.rris si�a t�?d. t�ere ;•ra,s a prabl.em as far ?s cr�teria. #'or tahere �ara;;es were re7uir. ed, :..nd if th�,y �ot �n opinior� frc�rr� �n a�i:u��?�u,yr, �ie -�.�aculd s.�:.,y th w�� �ar�.�e� a.re re^uiz•p� on all lats h?z�in�; a minirrn.im 7.at arr-:a �f 9,1�0(? sr�uar� �'eet. ' 2"r. i3��.r�?��an s?id fi.hat it c*as renuired �h�.t a:z7_ 7.at, s�?�_�.t.s ha.v7n�; lflss than 7� fcE�t ?�a�� �. minim�i:� �f a sin�;?_e ��tu��hed 5.-r?ge, _an� st�ted the,y neecl�a an interiar.�t^tiGn on tlz�_s in that th�z^� Tn��s a mist�ke �•Tnen �.t ��ras Trint�a u�a !-Ie said -�"��t �,.rhu� it �h�uld %�a�rQ rea_d. is ior 7_ats 1 F'S12� �i.in�; ?'T'O'Q Iot spl:it� having •rore +,�':3n the 75 foot lot width have a single car garage. . i,Tr�r +:,�;bel asYiF� r�re p��.r��rnnn that ;�' ti�°j; ?�ad a pal;c�r 1;hat t�!ze:� fallo;•r�:c� i.n �'i.E'.<"n1S ��x €?'ci."?��'S ()Yl ceri;�in 1o1:s. i•it712.�t� }ic F,�ii t.�'l1S t�0:^7]1 GO �'rriP i�',Jb°3�..`� �::;T(1TIliSS1C�I1 c.o;z:� c� h�:3^ �;�rrtethin� to *.;Toz'k .�; � tri, �.�1�' i°i:c� F'r�;:?Y�1113:t1 r. epi:i.e3 hc ��roul.d. T.•3�^a ��r•�m=_�n sa�c� �;liat tz:� Cc�r��ritlni�;,y .��v� 1o:�r��^nL C��m?�.rs; c�n ha� lnoked i.r�t�;� t�is, but t�,FV hGCI bP,�?I7 cci�cerned aoc�ut• tl�ze size o? the ��ra.,es. �Zrs. G�'r,�? �,�.id ^��� .•ran�.F�r�d ii the.y shau�.d 1.o�k into ii: in �4��rras of T��h�.ther r_.r not a�ara�� should he r. �c��irPd �inr.e p�o�z7.e havL l�ecomn so rriuch more a„Tar� of visunl r.ollut.� ci� th�xi i�e�r tised ta b�, �.nd i�ir. �ex�;n?�r: sai d he taoul� be �,ti�7_inr +�o t�ke t?�at �uest� on io the .:o;nMUnit� Deve:�o�?c�ent.• 2i0TI0rT �av Gabel, seconded b;�r Peterson, that t:�ti Ccmmun? t�� Dev�l�pment Canunissi�n revieT.* the ordinanr.e •::itr re�ax�� io �':Sr��;�� �n �ny n-I j�rr�oprt-T. I�ir. Pr.,,,,,^on �t,at^�? tna�t s��mr-• t,i.rle ha.^.1: �.*hen the�* h�xd :aarkeci en the housi.n�; c�de for the C�.�Zr Of Fz'i.d1�'',Zry �.�hey h�.d f�lt tha-� �nyone �;Tho n*��.nted ta ].ive here should be able to. HP said he got, �. li.tt:f.e c�i�>turbed bzr such thin�;s as making a require- ment that a person has t.o haJe 3 n?T'c^.ge because that price� the dt•rellzri�; tio a cert�in l�t*e1 �ahi_ch r�i�;ht n�t fit in ::*ith our st«ted objec�:ive of encaura�;ing a?1 Feople t�ith 311 levels af income to live in this �rea. Mr, Langenfeld agrPed and � dr.led th�.i; it m�.y be pu�tin� hardsh�.ps on p�oplc's ?aishes to purchas� �, �urst�nd.ard lot, because if he has to purchase a g.�rage he mav not b� able to 3ff0?"d ite Mrs. Gak�el s�.id that t-,hose were goa� points and they should be taken into cc�nsid- eration ��hen t�k�n up bY Cammun�t,y DaveJ.opment. 5he stated i;he Appe�l^ Commission talked about this in terms of kEe�in�; the c�mmunity �. clea.n �.nd desirat�le p7_ace ( to I.ive. P1ann�in� f;orimissi an P�i�etin�; - ma,y 19 7�9'r6 p,�,e r I��r. L^n�renfeld ;;�icl that hc� i;hnu�;ht if the c.it}� had thlt �;ype of r�striet�i.a» they ��:au1� be vi.olatin�; t.he . holk::inF:; progr�.m �•rhich .thi � C�mmission di.d approve. l�ir. �erE��n .7tated h� had a littl� troubl� ;•rith that, bec xuse th� c;ode doe^ put ! r�strictaon.^ en �•rhat can be bui�l.t;, and thia irauld l�n merc�ly one rn�re itr�m. Mr. Pet.erson �a.id that in �nrms of the motion, :�,�henesTer r_r.�tr�.ctions *.�=er� ��uf, on the,y ;aF�re �ut on �c�r r: purpose, and t.,�the co^t of the dT�:*�ll�.n�; is be�n� �dde�j to th�,y T,aere �t�t.in7 l,rho ^oiz�.d li�e �.n a. ;�arti^lalar �rPa. He ;=�a.d thi� s�-io1<�.tes the objc�ci;ive t�i�y have in t.}�e housing co�e. i�tr. Pcrnm4n sa�d he T•�as su�pc:�t�_n� thc�,y dr� t}Ze stur.e thin� =..rhen the�T put a rninirnzr� ci.,.h an a home. ��rs. Ga.bel ;�ta.tr-,ci t•hat cm 1�?�e Ap�e�ls G�nirn�.ssi�n, �hr: £our�d it �-�?.� t.h� `r�ua.lcl�r =..,ho didn't ?�:,nt i,o �;a throu;h t„ne er.ren�e of a. r �ra-ge, �ie se11s ii:,, :-h� �xr,la�necl, �nd b�:ibre �.nn� th�� o�sner. s a7�e b�fc�rn th� /?pnra7.s G�rr��iccion �•r �ntin� �?T�.ri.��re to !�uild a. ��?^� c;ee She sa,id mart n��ple fi.nd a�a.r^F;e J,�c�.rat�7_e ?s th�,y n�e�? a plAcr� to �tit �l.t�e mc�T.-er, snr,ti� blo�•rery sprznkler. a.r.ci �11 th� �.tCrnG n�ee:�^^rv to masrit�in a.yard. Their. onl,y other recourse �rTaa].:i re to have � tin ���ed �'or stora�n, .she statn�. .�'i�1�.11i?12T? i�c�'T`1S �S'trof� i'!T`. ��2,1':_�I:ic?1'1 VO COTl�'i,�'�,.^:. �QT':,. �i:1B? �'.O �E?C? l� �1tlI`l:'.T? .n�� lltl"CP_� t•ranted tc� hai,dle this matiere i�re Ber���n s�id r�c� tho7�.F ht, the Env�.ronmental cual.�tv Comnuss�.an .-=oul� t.,ant to con�id�r t?���;, �nd ,'��?_re �'et�r:sc�n a,areed. ?�r. Lat��;Anf�?.d stat.ec� if trA�;,�� t-.�r? ju.st �;o�n�; t� �a,3l.zrz� an r,T'�3.1'l�?11C� .�n� d�;tU.rzn�ne ;•rhe%her or not a g�.ra ;e �nou].�i be re,^117.Y'BC� hE? d.i r?n' `c th� nl.c t?�e� r iriv�l vemer�t e,Ta_s n�ces;:arys nut wlzen ��ou st�rt talking � hc>>�t �,i<� she�ri" hr, ,,rou].d �:a�T� tn a�fre.eo Ch�ir���n Narri.;; s,�.��;ested that tier}zans �:}7ny sho�z7_d. ex�:sir �,h:i_� <:.nd ?oay� af: j_•h� .•-hole ^nectr�in of �.�'ce�v�rzr btrilr?in�;^. P•I.�r. G�.bel a.�knd 7_f �� �.t-cach��cl ;�ar�te T.ti�^C =?11 �CCFiO_°()Z��'}r Y71.111�1T2�;'e F�.Ti(�. ��7's �n3I"C�??I?'1 Se`i7_C�. J.�; '.•tc:�.;e � T�PUI�J A. VnTCF VOTF, al? ��ntin�; a,reg tr� r�r��::ion carr.�e� ,.in^nirr,c�u^�l�.a C}���irr;an Harri., :=a.id it 1•r�.s ur� to the ���Tir�rLmenta]. Co:�t�ission a_f rhe.y ��.=nt;:>d +�u :10��: at it., Chairraan i:arris r�orr�mende� y,hP ?.p?��als Cor�,-�ii.ssicn �'�r �.?.7. af t,�r�ir iro?^k, �:.nd noted the,y iza� ��21�'3i�C� I17%?11�p� J.�:C?I'!c Ar� , �,;p•.•�i iur.•� L,i ,�l n�r.t���r-�+ : - e ]. PT t.T(` T�, •pT;,-^, _� ;.r r.cm •-+� a n,-n, t� o^rr? en .t �a . J. T. ., ,. ,�. �i. '�J r C,:� :ti SFM,�,l:_Z U,��•, a�:IT�� �, 7n_��� 9 K M.;`Ti1ED� Tr< <idSIIISSIQ?� : To alla;: �.�.itomc�tirp tr. �ncm�.ss:ion r. �:��.i_r =:s�d �.nrvi ce, n�r F'.ric?lr�r Cit}r Co:?�, �PCt:i.an 24�>?.01.p 3, D, in �. Cp?.S .,one (nene.ra7. shoa���.n.Q �reas)s l� be l.�r.a.te� on tr:e �'�5teY'ltj 2iJU =e�t o? I�t ir, B1ock 2, �aCt Ra�zch �si;ate:; ::eccnd. .4c�dit.�nna ex.cert the 1TOrth l.h� feet t�-iereo.f? :�ub,j�ct to stre�t, ��.ti1i_t.Z* �nd c�r;�in?n� easements of record, the s� �rA bein� 77��J Uni.�-ersit.� n��22'2UP. PJO'.,"ti��asto 1�tr. �ri.ic� ICenned;.r �.nd i�tr. t��like �1ko of. Knnn�:�,y Transmi���.on ���rn �.r��ent, a7.on�; in}ith �3r. Cha��lns Vond�rh�rr,. c�z�m�r of Pfic?i-;est Tr�n.�rniG��.on at 6a�7 UniversirY Avenuh N.�, r70TSOV bv Ber�m��n, secon�.ed b,y G=�be1, �,hat the Yla.x�nin� Commiss�i.cin open th� FuY�7 ic He�.rin�; on �. re�,ue�t f��r a. sneci.al use permit, SP�'76-06, h�T K�nnedy Tr�nsmiss�on. Upon a voiee vate, all votin� ay�, Chairmryn Harri� on��ned �he �'�irlic Hearin� at -8:?2 P.rS. AIr. l���rclman exr.lained the 7.ot �hey taer� loe+l;9.n�; :�t i� jit�-t n�rth of B�b' c Produce a.nd � outh of Capp I�Ic�rne� alon�; Univer.:�it,y livenue ;just nortlZ �f Osborne. P].:�.r,nin�; Cornn�i.:;sion T�9Petin� - F��.v 19� 1976 p��� 6 H� s�id th].s �,-�c�uld be goin�; to the f�p��als Crm.�nis�ion i'or the side ,yard s�tback, �n�? it also re^ui.re5 a lc�t ::rlit, I�ie told -l•.h.� CO�Tli(Ilasion th�.i. the Yn�iJ.din� itse].f do�c meet coc�e rr.r,,liirements� excnPt for the : id^ �,rard �etrack, and, Ci-t1T Sta.ff has na �?°ob1F.m �•:i�h i±. �ie ^�id ther� �•�r�re severa.l t,h�.:n�s re��3rdi.nn the']ot ^p1.3t T•;hi �n stzot�l.d b° br�upY:t out as there '(•:�?"2 sever� 1. canf Iic:�l.in? road nattern� �i.n t:�� ��re.�. I�Ir. uoar�lman st�tc�l that Bob Sc!�roer has ��rox�osed road �;oin�; beh:ind th� commerci�l pra�e:^t•ies, and t?►er� is a. front��e roado T}�c� utili.t;x road, or servic� roa�., 17c?�ind this i�Tou? d be �-o service those cornrncrcial pronnrtic;� tr���.t . �.:'F' �.'_17f1�.00�y;�r7 0 J•�r, Bo�rc?r?�n �howed the Cc�r;�ni� ,ic�n �. map o{' th� a.rea and. e:�:plainec3 :�-hich cor�:nerc;a7. '�?^n;1C'?"t'.?C',5 ?�.OTl� the �X'Oilt S•�E31"!' tiJG�1.11c� �+�`,�.1� n1:r 71 �,��P Z`'.Y'('�'7' �.Ot,°,y i.'.)1�� :��(�l•;E`fj t?��:'1 +h� ditTider lyne sepnratin�; t'.�te i.ridu.stri�.:l ta t?�e T•rest znd t!�e c�mm�rr..�aZ . t� the �r,�t. H� st•�;teci th��t �t, t,he rlrc:�en�: +,ir�^ tlzerL ztia: � road er:s�ment �f �3 fe�t� �n!� th^.f, roa.d e��ment cuts �_nto KFnr_e�sr Tr�ncm� ssion nroperf,�T. _.�.�? st�,t�d th��.t trey T,.nu��: �•;a��t� to rec�r�:R,en� t}�a.t this t14ver�ant be t��.cated. an�'� th^ a��it:ional 33 .fc�et. ne �+i.c;:e�. uP, ?s�� a.daed th�t I�`-re Schroer T:Ta.s in a�reement �:*i�t,h U��i.so ?�ire �a�rdm�.ti -th�:n ^hos�r��? to t•he CommisGinn the Prop��:ed ro?.d ��rst��n t,?�ai� Z"SY'� ;;�_:r��.r h.�.d n�.r-�»n�c� y�.nd sa� d that b�T �.�rova_dir��; t,ha.�, rta��A n��emeni �cr�e _ r,s.t�r -rcu� {�. be abo�.z±, 7 feet o.f..f th�ir buJ.dinF, w;,d *,he r>>z:i.?_:�ins� �nt;�l�; prol�, ;7�I4r not he �'.evelc;�ed � f j;���, r02ri �.F?�f'.t11�71i', `,??� C�:'i'�.ed f,117'^un'hs �P C}��•,,rE't� t•�"l?1'R 2. �?1CiiUT't,' J?� }��.F' bu�.l�3ing its�? f and � s���rve,Y, n.nd s4.i��. t:�hai� t'�a•t ,..otald �^n�uire on tr9.� �p�cia_1 Us^ nex'7nit :•T�tJ.L� �P � s�ic.s�a��i.on on t.he nrc�p�x•i:�r th�� if tnr roa�. r�es i.n, tTrent;l ; ��} o f r.r�nn a"�a �•rn,z7.r.1 Ue rc;c?uirec�. H� st2.tc�d ��.:�t th�.s ;.T�-�1�? a11.aT�r ��lem tn r,-;t; �:� �►. �?, � G�?^� �� c. H� continu.ed that another suggestion he �aould make is that with the dedication of i1��s easemer�t, anotrzer fifteen ieet be dedicate3 as green s�:rip, wlzich is s� milar �o what was done at Win S-tephens . � ''h � � �:i�CeQ ??'.i2T'E'. t�l?f? �r;I"(:5�� ..;'.rn�� f'y�pi�g ^Tl�_ 1'1?'• .�'(�?.1^!3';;;?11 ^-�Yir3''.'P].'�^ _. 1°;"CTn t� (,. a.�.r�-.n :-i�..�°ri� . },r; f(�T' a.17. ].J't.t•t?n,t.^; �T:C1 'fi1P. �iQL�Ob°'�. "�"�r-iC,P. �7"1Z*n� T�;7'o :1�:�..ti,�c �2iC� f�'`•'_a�. j",.. 71 . c- � t,'.�e;� ��rvic� �.I+�tr� zT�l.'t�.� },2.47'� t� �f? l]: E,'C: y,.^-1�C1 J`T"e F14Slt'.:[!?�71 : c:.li� q11�.??' :Lf purno.,e.> '.11^ n •,�, �t -' 1; n!�77.Yitr`;3. o�a.t c,l t�l T'lr.'3.�J 7..> T.� t�n7�rj1� S•='1-�� � r0 ert„ .;nic :l " n � C?.�V:`� Or>P,�j., T'. �... ()j1t? �,Ct?.%iC� �,i�:..�'. T?tlZ'•',�f,'(? j�ti� '.T�g tli�ft T.l?� j'Q.^� r'O(�5 lI'la F3r1� �^�:�f� *;'�='_�% <`ltern�t+lt'E•; trere ,,.r:,.se 1�tr. :�c�ardr�.^n r..aid the b;:-c}: nrnp�r'c�r cr,ulci a.:�7 be ;yo?d, �,n� the;• ,,�ould ' 1 r .'-1� '- •, �,-• �'.rl3t v}?t?�r :^.:'�' 270t'i }:av� ta r��on�e H�� r'•X';��.'3.17]!:d t::z��t ihe nraY�_.e.n �a�.��. ��hi^ .j.::. c,wi C.'_l° �3'1@ T'O'� 1.S nQ1.1'?"; �O � C 111 t?I' not�� `"� �.?1 E'.�`%°^1e11�:, �'13.:� 't0 bn t�7'bV1C:t^d for it ^c� t"ey aen' � be�orne :! �ndlo��}:ec?.d A•'r. Flarris a�ked hotr ?ric:e t�c utr�:et ?�a�, a.nd i��tr. :�c�ardm�n ?^^nlied ?,� fe�1,. 1�ro 1'etcrsc�n s�.id t,h�zt zaac too narro��� �'�r �, c�mmerc� ul nronc�rty �,tr�et. P•:r. Boardmzn ;<�id that t�� Ci.t3r row�?ci � has a.ppr�tTed the at�tu�.]. pl�-n � a.r�d they hac� be�n pir.l>in�; u� 3pt ri.ght af tra.y to m?tch this p1an. He st?t.�d they �•Yould proi��bl.,y� ?•r?a1t a fourte�n ioot �?riti i.n�; ais?.e ?ai_th no ]]3T'1{:LI1 J' • :•�Ire Boardm�.n etated i�hat if the roa� �;oes �.n �:•l�.e ci.t,,� �1rni�l.d probabl.y 3sic for a�c?itional ri�?�t of. t,�av t�ff of these oropex ties, but th:�.t t,rould inake th�m smal].er �•et, .�.nd he ^cicied he didl��t know if he real.ly s:�..� th�.t �s a. ��.�.�i e comn��rcial zane. He s�sid there has be�n quit� a. problem ther� an�/:•.•'Y, first it ti•ras p].att��3 ini:o these 7 ots, and �hen lot sp]�it^ hav'e be�n �rantc� off of those in :�. piecem�al. faslzion. H�� s�id he z��ould much r�l:her see a tntal cletrclo?�ment p].an mak.ing the lctual �i�,e of' �he cortinercia.l lots a little 1as•�;er ��d tri�n going t�rith the industri:�l � . . � P��.nnin�; C:�mrna.ss�.an P•leetinr; - P•�a,y 19 7976 ' P��t�e 7 beh:in�i i�., biat hc said he: thouF;ht they z:*ere dc�ve7.opin� a patt�rn and this �frould ki� a canin.letian ��f the p�,tt.ern. . t•1i°. Boz-rd��n ;;�id a11 the c?rain:z�e .��ould be drainc�d of.f the ro�,d anto �he �Prv�.ce �iriv� t•�:�erP �t:ner. e i•: �.� t�ir;Jcizp, �.nd �;�id the l:�nd� caping; t•ras �;�od and. the Kenner�y TrarismiCsa.on buildin;* :aa� of nice design. I�?r. Kcrined:tr �.np_roacher3 the Commission �n� statrr3 thny had serued s lot of su�urbs ?,�xi �3irjn't nuite real.i�e t,he x�roblems t�cy ?,ould havs to ov�rc�m�o FTe sai.d he Tr�,nt�:d tn �tress tha.t the �:^af,f�.c frorn r�is buv�.ne^s F,roul�3. iae minimalo �ie further statnd th�t thev °•r��re ? c:le:�.s�, neat b��sines :^nd int,enc?ed to ^t.�,y that :�ra•r; a.n� �,Tou7�ei a.dc� to ihc� �r. F� � ra.t.►, ��r thari ta'r..e ���-��Y f.r�,m ;.t, Iie sa.i r3 +n�re ;.rai��.d � b�-', l_P.S$ tra.if'� �, i:n ttle �.rea l�ecav.se of t�,hPm, und -.r�uld.n't b� ^n � industri�.�. ttiTr� of: th�nr at aJ.ls =�n a.:;ked t.he Garun�ssion t� vieT•r �or�e ps.�t,ures and .,lid.es of t�-:e other t.�ro �xist dng� ooerations he h�.c� o Ch�.z^man Fiarris �.s�:ed if j;h�}F ���o�zld he hand�ina an,��c?��n�; ].arr;er -th�n a t:�ro-ton tru,^.i=:, �nd P{ra 1�Lcnn^�?,r r. ^�,l�.�d t,n��* •.•nu�.c? �:�.ndl.e ��trict7.,y �utrm�obilES �::.nd t9.�}<t tr�acks a.nd occ -.si7nally u met.or '.r.o�ie, iie �tated the�r �aere �pr�n:-ed tn r:iotor l�arRes �'?'.2�', TtiU'•2�_:�. OCC?.:; 1_C111.-^.��.'�r n?.l1'77 ^ 8=�t� P 071r' e"ff i_;E, �,,II.� ,t%�1F; �?O'.1� .-7 i-,r+ �.ta.:"t'' ^''71r;1.1;"h tc� E,et c�r.c in t?�� ��o�° �.*��? �-ne st��.I ,.;Gl).�r', be �;rovid�r�o 1�:'e 1\C?7T1^C�;y' 1.11�T't:C�.�1C^� �'.O i;?'1F3 r0:71M1SS.'..GY1 h7.c' 172.C?�i2f:?'� °'t"'a til�-;�le T�y�a .�'�l i{() c�F�c.�'i.!',fj. tha.t, ;:��is T:fiS � V�?'?�' St�E'.0 ��:� ].7,nL1 YtU$]..T!G'�.S '"i..'?C��l,'•,�s 211C� ti�lEzT T.•rg7+E VF'X'�T S��'.^7.?.17.?:C'� - z.n :i.t. i-?e c�.�c3 tl�a� th� �hop i�. Fr.�_dle,s ,,r�u�d bP -th�:ir. tl,�.ra nne, bc�;-�.c��^ their m��n one in B1���ai.nF i-,ono He �ta.tnd +,,haT, he and i•�,r. ?'en�edy ra.d h�:en :�n ri�s�nn:�s 't�Js;�''G}Z�'T' SJ.I:tCi '1'�i Si,?. �t'1 � �1 n.„ � �, y , r. ^t i?2 �lyb�, _�nci t11-,, h,. no at: �: }a:��r:.ner �����ri. rnns tha.-k; the�.r tock in =.•,-`?^n t.�����- nn�ne� a n�T.: r�a^e� `rIe �exl�1�.?.nec� th:�,y h2.�3 �. ��o�?e of � �tnir.,� that rlp.f':�i�ed Tti�h?t th��.z� s�op r��;�.1.] d�,, ^.nrl +..�:Fr,,, iuemi��� ��ch �f,t��l?�;. �in St��•E;tj ���:�Y i:E�T'B :��`!�t2C� !'�f' i;:"1�^?T' �t2�:T1°;7Q .^.r1!� %,:'lt„•' }'t�f? 13c °l7 ?. E?Ct�Cj ?7�7;''!"1�{3�T' 1.T1 Gol�?�n li�lle;,T ��d �7.00m3_�otcn9 �.n� t•?^1'lt?r.1 �o k��n t.he�r �no�i n�.:�e �.31C3. }�r, a gov�i n�i�;hhor in Fric�l.e:, s ?•1r. H�rri: �sk�� if �nyon� ��.np in t.Y:n ��uc?�,enr.n -•��z���3 J_il�r� tn ;�r,e�lc, ��n�� I•tr, Vonc?�rh=rr st:i.t�e;3 '�e ,,ras ,1�?�e r�-•n-ier oi r'i_cl;�:��t, '1'ransrni�sifln _a..t E�03�_ Un� •�ertiit,; ��*�n�_ze,, �.n l;izs±. f�:�nted to 7 et the Co:nanlicsion 1sno�.* that tY:ere T•lere t.,,� �r�.n�- Itl]_nc;i02�. cho�^ in Fri.r.37 e�r r:i�ht no*.:1e '�r. K�nn�d;,r �ta.-�ed. th�t t�i�3.r :�� oom3nr.=,ton shol� ,�as �Ter�r close to a J-1i�a•f,est `1'ransr�i�sic�n, �.nc� �iP d.idn't thin.k t.h�re .�:ou?.i� be ��,n;* .frictio� in this area. H� saici tnesr f'elt th�r� z•r�s a.d.c�cuZte business `for hone ,t, relia.ble Uu�:ine�s.r-:s ? ike botn af theirU. A�?Ui IOId b�T Pe�Ar. �on, ^econd�d bv S,an�;enfel.d, that t':e Plann�� n{� Chnvnissic�n clase the F1�h1ic Hearin�; on a r��,ue�t � �r a special use �ermit, SP 1�7�-�6, bTr I��nnp�y Transrnissi�n. i;pc�n H. lrC7:LC� vate, all v��tiz1� ��Te, Chairr;:a.n Harris cleclared the Puh7ic Hear�n�: close� at, g:02 P.i•i. Mr. P�`'f,CT'aUTl ��id tha.t r-ir� Kenn�dy had stated ihe onT�t time he and Tvlr. F1ko took another partner waA �a�en the;� �tarted �, nec•a operation, �n� asked I'ir. Kennec�y if . this meant t.hat the ��'ridl�,y� operfttion t•:oul.d have r;nothQr �?artner. I�Ir. Kennedy renli�d it T�+ould, and he taould be a 1_Cn�;-tir�r: eMployee of KAnned�T Tran:�mi5 �ions. Mr. L�ergman asked if �.t T1T �s �roperl,y wi�,hin the �rocess of a special use permit question to ;;et �.nvo2ved in s�Lreet right-af-tla,y, green area ti�idthsp street p�itterns a.nd even side yard v�.ri�nc;e^. He as.ked if thosF ��;ere reall.,y p;ermane to .the c�u�stion of.' a special use permit applicable to the property. Chairma.n .Harris PlanninEr rommi^si.on i�t��ti.n� -?�1�3.y 19. 1�7b pa�'� �_ re�lie� tl,�t, all those mgntioned exce,r,t the side v�rd sef,back k*�uld be �;ermane t.o t?:c� tonic, �nd tne side vard setback THould be undc�r the juri�di.r.tion of the Fi�ar.d of Appeal��. Mr. I,an£ enf'c;].c� ��.�ked r�r. 3o�,rdman about the l�ndsca.ping on t�iisa r.nd he r.ep.lied that he h�d 1_ookeci �.t the landsca.pin,* and he did approve it. He state�. he felt it t;as a�.�auate �.n�3. thP,y did a nire ,job on it. I�ie s:�:id he �sould auf:stinn the size �f th� trees, �s thc,g sha�� 11�" trees tiu�d the st�:nd.a.r� � iz,� is 2':s". � Ph^. Harx•i7 :�°ked P�trm B�ar�]m:a.n if the 1ot split ,•ras ��.pprcve�i if i�h?� �nTatild ha�rn to . come back *.,rith a vacation �^enunst, and 'ir. �3oardman rrt�?.iEd t?�ey -•r;,uld. :-�f� G,�.�;�=ESt,�d. wh a.t thi� Comriission mi.�ht. �•ran*., to do, hovrever, i� r��uest that t��e Cii�t Co�!r�cil �a�ca�;e the e�.G�m�nt Sa it, laovld not have �:o COtrlf; bac'� �erc�:.but ryould �.�;; pr�cc�::�� throu:;n a. pu�li.^ ."•U�riin� prr..c�:•.., �+, +h� ^�t.,T ��lz?�^.'.� o t� T 1 ti�y � °c� egr,nrid.��J F�GI^ �1.:�CU.S 7:(�il rl;' rF'.T':TMR�21� t0 �T'�^..il� t}7-G' Tf?i^11.`•.P.`±t �.{;T.�t��i I,�.xlr;r..�,. _ld.s _ . for �. �:�ecxal u^c rermit, SP ;`7h-"��, Kenr���jy Tr�nsmis::wor: Ta ��.1oU; autor�otive tr�.n��rri�.��7.G17 rep�.�.r ryizd ��:x��:�,.E, �e:r. Fri�ile;,r �i+,;;� r.��d�, F�^tirn ���e]_n1� 3P D, in_ � C��S ^�n� (�;enera�l_ sr�pp;_n�, are�s), ta �e lc�c^.tE:? �n thr E�s�,�„l�.r "'OC) f��'�'. of LOl: �.{� �ZO^}C iy ?•;?.�+ N.:^cn �Sf?1'.°S .�3E.'COT`i�� iC]'�.�.t'.l.O:la {'X:'??^•v ��"dE Pvnli:l� l_�}� fF?r-h �her�ofa sub,ject to streei-.9 ,.ztili.ty �nd dr•aina�e c:�s�mpr,ts n� rF�:��,z•d, t?;c� sr=rne �einr 77�1� Universi��• ??��-iue T�•]�rt}i�astq :�it� �re °a7.i�;.r7�,� st.in��il�tior.s 7f' a T'P??''J^O:i.fl �pU.�%�.1.0 x'1�11�<^rJf—T'�8'dj ic �U'7l� ?I2y �_�l:� :'1'rJ'.1�:� I'^��112'O tL'P. �7'£3IZSMIS.`:1C)T7 shc,p t�� nut in �: ^0' areen �re�. on 7,heir �zro�ert�re i•l1'. p(_'T'�?;?`1c:Ii t',i;iC:!�. l.{� �;I1G ��3Ca�',:iL�71 C)i +�}l:?'t T'7?,17�'.�^p�„r,:?.'. '•,-�� ..cl+rncr;n �.!� til'.,. ...,��f1C-^ �, �. . ti r c c - �'; �? ^? t�'1 t i1C�1�. L�% ?,�'] C`. i1'.i1� !a �.`I,? (:C;�J.i.fi i:�]_ar r:ue� �icn, ��n� P�: .:��_ r� �aid i�t ,�;as b�.. u, nc�t Le �:c:,��t>tract�,-i e ( Mr.. ;c��rc'��±a,i� ..'•:.�±rd '�Y��.t tti�ti ��.hos.e th:nU re�ro�vc.:,� ;�ro��nc� t,he �^^ae?, ar�o ±�e rca� r.,�s 'the ?,'L� �si{'tt 'l.n '�'.t�,�t�o tjt}'nTev�:T'y n? �aci(�� �.�r nZO�Tidit'?? ti;�' yot.Sp±].'ts '`•'8 are 1_andl_�cki.r.h r.ropert:, and because of ti-ie }.and:?�cic�:�i :���p�rt�,� easerl�:nts have t.n. bc, rr.�vi.d�� artc'A tizat �.s :•.73t the�,� are d�in�� "ti� c�.i.�-� +he,a ;•:e.re n�t ^ur° i?' t�a� r°�nper�l-.v ic moing ta deveJ op, but they did haT�e to provi�f? f.}1�i+� ��.ser.l�nte I�Ir. Pr-;t�rson s�:id t't,� "ifs" �aere c�!�zse:� her�.us� this had he�n dnne pi�cemeal, �,�ithout ,:Lny partir.�a.lar p1.�np ?�r. I,�?'��et1f�I.c? �a�;rre�d9 2nd �aid hry s:��r +,hat, the cit,y �hould be �-�f3.re af future pl�nnin� �_nd then pl�}n tris �.ccordinE;l.v. ?�Ir. Bo�.rcim�nn st�te� thi� project s,�o�il.d not be held U� bec��zse it �•r,�.s the onZy Iink to reality, 2nd un.ythin� behinc� � t TA�as th� bi.g ."i± ". P�ir. I.ar:�enfel d�sk�d if a11 these "if �" --ao�ild c�.use �nyunda n�r.?shz.P on ti�iis narticular. business at a.f'utu�e date, .n�i A;r. Harri` rep7_iec� l�i� couldr. ° t se�; them ca.usin� th3.s p�.rticular t�iece of pro��erty a lot a.f problems. P��r. Harris si.atc�d he cavl d �ee it causing tt�e nroperty l��hind a lot a�' prablems, an�i had �c�me r�a.l questicns in his min3 as t:o i�' it would he econom:ically feasible' to go �Tith lar�e industrial prepPrties because of the soild He s�.id he dZ.dn}t tPiink thi� p�r�icu7.ar parcel t•rould have ,�ray. problem �aith �L-his action. A?r. L�.ngenfeld razsed the ^ues�ior� of thr ^treet taid�h, �nd Mr. Fetsrson arid Mr. }iarris a�;re�� that thel felt it �ras tao small. �•�r. Lan�enfeld concurred, and asked• if there �aas a me�ans in tahich i.t could 'oe ch^n�;ed laitho�xt aJ.+.erin� plans. ChairMa�� �3arris s?id th�.t �uulcl be worked out :•rith "��ra Sr..hroer, and he didn�t � think it had �nythi.ng to do ��ii:h this particul3r piece of property. � i Pl�nnin�; �:omrnis^3.nn I�.?c��tin�; - 1111r 14t �-976 • Pry�r,� 9 A?r. R�r�r!��rZ st�.f,r�r3 i;h�ifi hP t�a:� conc�rne�3 �r.ith the ^t,��et ri�ht_of���ay, not rQl.ative �;� tha.s }�i�ce �.E' pro��rty, but •rel��tin�* to the lot sp:l.it. iie su��;e �ted t•ha.t they a..ddrt,Gs +he �tre�t c,1i�:-tion an the next i:t�m. UP01' A�IOT�r �JOTL, �.1.7 v�tin�; a;�te, the rnot�on r_a.rriec� unanimou4ly. ?_. LOT `�°LTT Rr„tJr.�,�,, I,.S. {f7<�0!�= �T �i�I3�i�'I' ,�.. SCF�RC):�.T�� �pl:it, of�' the Easterl..�T 20�� fr.��t of' L�t, ll, ulock. 2, E��t i�anr,h :s^�F;�.tc:, ?nd �ddition, �x.c�;•r�t ihe North 160 f�.'.E°t �}?C'T'E?Cf y �11:3,)E;C � �O ^t~`C:F?�'.g llt7..11t�I �'"i G�I^.`.i.1T14:�'� F?��.:�E:TRGY'1�. ! i� 'Fi(`O?'r7.t �:ln ."?i'1�_ r'''Yl�" 7'�nn i'';1` �rr�i. ;�1-• iV{�'��Zn •.x.�i��n�?- �8 .�`ro ,)cm P��t�r::�n, � renr�sentat,:i ,r�; �f �c�bc�rt SrI�Y'^��?Y'9 �fv�s nre��nt•. i1r. 1�s�ardr.i^n �x.�1a9.nc�c3. t'r�at b^,s�.eal�lr thi� n*as t.he ���ic� itr�m thca�r i��d previ�uclaT dis;.u�sc��. He ^�ir't +h��,� do ha=r�; the T�'."0���.E?1:15 of �t,hQ e�^t,�,..est road �-oin� t�?rou�h tri. s;�rnr�rtST, ard Staf'.f ,a�ulc? rF:ccr^rn�nd. th;�.�; ;'r,is ro::�?.7�:�r b� V3Cc:tE:t� �.nd t�e P.?CE'.]'RC?i?f, 1�� t�l.C�i',?(,'� ?7'lr �iE? Gfi$.f.c?+j �i-.'.�t� r•;�,.c��t:''?7� :Ta.�: 'Sj! I_ip �.l)n ,^•,J.!`��' �17� �(%� ?�� ?1f�nP, j:•ilr' .�'t;?.C�i e 1;T',. !��,'t;CI".^-nTl �'81,C% !1f? T•7^LZ� � f'nci �)F?T,t,E?.^ Z � +:}1P.Z'? ;,�iS ? i�? � i?c^,Sn— me�t. 1''�T'. `S!?:�'i�''T"l=:.I'1 ^t?%;�C�. j',hf?,jr i.'E?T'P �'.��_'.✓.12>Y' �})n11t, ^�*,I^t?r;S t:� caruner�iaJ_ �n�i inc',,.�strisll I3T'OI��2"i.?*y ?.�1�. �"1� :'1Sl�r;�i �'i�'3f: :3:�Y�? YI? ° ul" :'.�i1()r -�lilt+ .Tr?'„1:'� �) � '� g �^ ' �: . . � �., f:^�n�a.r;� . i.�;n�-�.t-;•,a, �^?�.!�.t.tl �"??.^C?+:� QY2 ^7tZr �{-i?Sl'�.%?T'i�'3e ��7,�,0 �n$7'0'111=�Y1 7'F','.��.1C-'� �'"F'.V :Zf�?"I'?%i�Z.V t;2'�t -h,�j c;(;�.�', 8. 3E� ► ro �d>'3.�'s �,,�a t?Z �5�' �^�. ght n f ,r�zT, � : , �h�_�rman r��rr; s �a.i.r? t.ha�t, i.n t,'r,YS �::�..rt.;.�^���l�:r. are^ ��, t,l:c i;�i.me �i' r.i a-t,-�iri�T, i�; �.rGC � f,?')llc.ct�r7 �;r^f, �:1^c? rf�:it O? �,!!E? ?"(•-'?.G' `;V��.t?171 �iC (',r� s, a.}� / t • �ser;ri .�. r:�.,,, =t fic, ri��};;.wL,f-':,rajr, �"1° S�C,c�..tL'� t17�t C�Il L�P.@ cP7'V10E' C�.?„?VC' ?t 15 ? r�� ;'li''}1t•,.��'��.�.r?try 321!i 7�tI?3 �r%�7I1 ���„p��a �eec?? Stran-t, �,1.r� S�`.re�t �nd 77th ar� a-t l c�c� �, +ie� �xT�7 �� i7��d ±,�iat �.t thr �Uim� o�' pla.tt.ir_r th�a sdini.ni.^,t.:-.^.t.7.an ��T�s ���aeT��n-� i:,���.t -tr��{ ^�t.a�.n a 6� �-r�.gn�.�.o�'-.,a,�r iar ?�Ia;.n :t�eet, and h�: COil;i1n21'�E'r,� TJ��I.�^�..1! it se:emer3 17k� �t�.nr?a.rris �han�;ed d.rn.mrltio�.l]�v. '1t:1'. PP1:.°.2^^bSl B.c�CEC� ?.r'(1F.i�: 3C�'ilOri f:':'lf? r�tV r`O171'7C1.�. !7_?.C3 '��;»1iE'11 021 t.'fl?.°.g �.Yl!� 1�1]^. ,. �3o�rdm:n ^^1.�? ].'L i�7',� Y?1`? �an^?e�r'."'�:'Tl!�?.YlE' i.!ISt', �i1��T 'j_„c�kt3� �,� f.}7E D�"31 `3I1� �nncarre� ?.:ith. the actt�al pl�r*�nin� af ttie i��;ou.to H� ^�id t��y ci;d not ta.k� ��ction nn �.l�e f�nzl p.lat, hut �.hn;r� concvrr�d t��.ti� the r_.oncFr.t benind it, Chai.rm:ul h^rris aske� i..f the1r r�a:?e a r�cc7r.v-acn�at-i.o� to t?�t� Cit�r rol;.nci? to r;rant t}ie lot ^nl:it, �x:-iat �•:oul.c! ha.ppnn in th� �'7zt.zz.r!� ur�cn th� road ;:�2s put .znp and ZrherP *..;ou1�t t'�::�•;t p3o?�: �'�e �no,•;? I��r. Boar�m��xa. su��e�tcd shn�::z?zr t,heir concern �n the ro�,�i *.:*7.dth a.n �. snc��i.�l mc�ticnQ T�Ir. PPt,e:rsc�n .^ai_d ry soecia7. m�tion 1•:cu1!�n�t s�ean a.n}rthinm bea�lzs? �he lot snlit T,=nuld al.rp� d�,r t�e ,7rantF�d. :�Ir, B�r�Jmry.n s�.id th!�re tia�s a rec�u.�st frnm �,�3rnini�i:.r�tion to pr��vide dwta toz•ra.rd a set of si,reet stanc?ard� for the Citv of 'r'r�d?.e�r b�..�ed on �onin�;; off-stre�t vprsus on-Gtreet par�cin�, zc�entif�ti.n�; streets �s t� res-i.d�ntial, thrc�z�;'� st.reets, etc. . He �tated he did not k-noir the st:�.tus �f ti,:�t re7urs�L� b��t felt. it i•�as pQrtin�nt to wh�.t they ;•*ere ciiscussin�. He caid ht� 1-:auld not be adver�e thut � the dat� ioward s�reet st�.n�3arc�i7_a,tion, a.7.oi7g wi�h t}�ir plan, L�? � ent t,o C�mnnini_t,y Aevelo�mc�n-t to put to�re{;her a set of stre�t ;�tarida.rds �.nd appl�r them a�;�inst ctre�:t plarirrin� t�robl ems. ?�tre Boar�ir�an a�ke�3 if he t.r�s t��.J k�.n�; ahout h�alc�in�; up this tot spli�t, and �lr. BAr�man repla.ed 'ne t�rz,;. ��In adr3ed t.hat he just ta�n�ted to l�y these t)toughts out on the t3ale, ;�.nd :ti*ould accept ull�;�;'E' ,ti.on�. P]�nn1n�? CoiTunic�i.on 1�iePtin� - r�3v 19, 79'l6 Y�e;c 10 0 P�"r.� Boarc�mr�n st.ated thai; if the roa��•r�,y easemenf, takn:� �;����,y 33' of their �z^�.hl.e rr�pert�t t•rhi.ch t�Tr�uld b� used for ��rkin�; a.n�3. 1?s�cisc�::�inFf, they *.�ra�ilci l�e p�rkin�; on tlz�� e�.seraent, wt��ici1 ,•rould b� allo.��ed. FIat�r�ver, n� exi�l�.ir.��3., :i.f ��r� r�^�.nt.a.in�d � },���:t ��;- a stree�; ri��h�-of.'-�•rnt� :�nd thry .re�� ,.�c�nf. i.�rn,zf:�`!� t}:�_,,. ,..��u�d ?.n~o t}��`. �r�^ .-�. i,r. P�^t�:rsnn s��.r�. h� tihn,.l.*ht. l.haf -.; �., ��n ?^cer�a�le r.1�n, riit th.^r�: c•r.3s ct: ] 7.Tt;�ie 30 �: trect. ?•�r. Board.,-� �n �u�;ge^t�°�d the.,y � c�ue ;t � �0 � r; g'�t._nj•_,;.�,y� . °�ir. �ert;m^n said he fel.t ;�rhn.t �,his �oc?y n?���u1c? be �?��;r.e; is •,,•nc�t th�;;r fe�.t, -••�.s 1,},e ^roncr tnin� to c?.o. He said he fei� t,h:�t t•rh�.t h,� be��n pron�srd, ��rnich i� in nc�•�>T�nn �'i,Q t•�?rn h.�.cic }�nl_r n:r Fl�l3'�: ':.�^,-�S 171�:�^11�f?•:1 tf? �?!? c. �� rir-ht—nf'—'.;�iT, !�J:':S I'l��t �7"?rFr ^�.?_fl]11T',n. Ch��.r,,��n I�^.wris �<��.�1 he undryr:-tac�? th �.1, p;,r, Scnro�i,' <; �,��r.,bl;�rn .:�:' +,h��t t}�is �;hc.}]e t�in�; i� u�+ in t•h� ��.r .�nd u;�.�?��id=��e �.n e-c�ted ?�e ;�i^hed t,hc -:Th�7n �ir��t �-i+ • ± .� �7� C: �lP. ;'f't, �Z.�'(j' ?.S 1 "; i•�nll. ! i�. �r' '; n ,- r1,� 9 c C3 � 1 ""r'. _•�?° P;.,t. ('� .,U,� ,i��. ,�c ,:, �::v._r., },o. =�. v�.n�..,r. , �;.�, n S17.f3 �'E' Sj=7f`C7I1C�� ZV r. c�m��hered. ,�s^:l?^_�?; ?t. f'.Yj° �1.(�!E; 'T,?:E �..t]t. S•;l ]_�: :�.•� � S:�'.�i'��VC1� .�or T,ri_n Stt:ph�n� r'2.tsun that rlore T� �.nninr; Ln d�ne, �n:? he ��.i.�. tney had ���en ::S`'17l"�� i.t• t^.'�tllci •h:?.*lil�?!l b�;'orP ther•? I?t�!Z';? ?.2�V T'�C�T'P 7'4'ql1�:St'i ?'OT' �.Of� ;''•7�'1`t.:".:,. '[�.E ��.il]j'it`i� 011v �.�i�'?�l.t �''_��r�: til^,'T .dt?T':? 3;}rC=3I' � 3�'i�:�" �.Ut7;.�i.11v' 7.fii an�thr:S' �Oi+ "7?�.�.�f 211� ST°T'A "i.l.�_Z --�i rt?n �^l ,,.,_f-�., l�ti.._]71E;. i'i.'.'• eTCl': !�E1;E:Y'�^?7y �'C�1�1'u�:�:'11j:'IYI.� \T.�.a cnl1r.>c'.'� S�'..�.L�(j. i�'f12.t 1fi �'.i]T,`r±.?x•C:(j. K�71ri�.ia"t.. need.; �n:� tize ��itjT'� nn�d^ -.aol��l..a h�.v� #.o b� mF�t in or�?r-�r �'ox tn�:n ta dc�;�.'�Or� t'�e nrc ^ri;,�tr tY�e •,.;t�,j x.l:�,r „�.���t t�o H� r_�.a.;_d trat, iT the ci_t,�r told t:r�::�i t� ^t,�ke it a . P�_ • . ::��.C�P,?'' ;=tre�t, it 3:?pE''?.TF'C� t,iiS� �t?'1r';, _�.:��,��. i:a.s�e t�o do i.te t.12'li,''r^..21 F�?'r'Y'?,r •`_�'�?.i.P'� i-�:t ;?j�;-F, ';hnzJ i.+t'2'E: r3��i�-�_J^jcr ,qt .;,° a�}��J:C. {::7i� ^7'F'.r T'i?;I"lt T10!•' �.S �Yt :]. .."�:,.":fP ( 1 ���llX� �:TI'� �'rf . i."'.+C'11°O!�1" it�r??11� �• k_10�,+ '•Tfl].C�1 ':�:;� i.0 'U, ..E: ��=x1'i t„?�.{; ;.�r� �C�1T. �`��„ :�,�lGU �.�1 S#, �;r � �S��. ; C !} �7C; �)?tirlf:,^,�1'-I �.n7.S t• - - • .�T'"G .�' ':�;i].ii;; L? �%il "tt.'. t', n' �.i-, � •� v� �7•i� %t� IP''�? o.^ �r.dii.•tri �1 and iP �.���rF . .-... �^n:i_nr to h� a .F,rrE . i� tt-,.e� t�� �i .� . �,t. .. C r '�;^' Y) i5. ',�',? } F h!'i"o �1'i�� U:;{,n1+i��i'? �?1d� +.:'lci't, �?', '?'% �"'7'..°,�. ��:��re :;�ae,.ti �ns c: .... z �,o 1�.� � .i•:1 :d, . P. that th� r� �.rcn no m�re oi this had been �ett� c:� -,,^_:. the ,�T,'r �r�„e of 1:n� s;^r�e1 I'�T'7=3�_117TIue 1'•i7'o t�.^_rrj,�; .^UFC�e^'fn� T°IY'. �C±]T�PT' (;FL T.OQCtNIP?' 'i•71t.Y1 t�1P r�r�ner.t�I OZa:1P.7'S and fin� out ���rh�.t t�ieir p' �ns ��c�r�m �i2'e u01"1 Feterson SJ�°,m�ti�:G'�� ��'13'�: Sl'I:CE k)'1?CC �•1�°_S rr,or�:� fron�� carir��rr,ial ��I'1�.� t0 bL, dr.•-Tc,1.o�:?�3 �nd c�nce the rF�.u:ir^l�ent,s for t,he �i;r��Pt, z��ere t,o bP t.-ider. , m�..ybe elimin�tin� the nc�ed �'or s-�i7�; �{' the b�.� ckton, rri^?:i.n� the lots . f'acir,� thP ��:est ,•rit� indust,rial �oning �.nd t:��� b;�ck da�t° c�ntrnlled 1;�� z.he cit,y nl.anners ,,rou, :� b� a ;:olution. . Ch�irm�-�n �I•�rris U�?.id A�.r. S�hroer s�i�ul.ci be t�r�e� to de��.ermine ho��: the t�fiole area is geing to be �evel.o,�ed� P�i0TI0N by �er�man, �ecnnded b� P��,erso;�, ti�i«t t.}�� U1��-ininQ Comm�ssian z�ecommAnd 2pprova.]_ of Lot S�lit Requesi LoS. ,'r176-�0).�, hv Kober.t Ae Schroer: Sr�lit off the E�st�rly 200 feet of .Lc�t la, Blocic 2., �',.�st P^nch F..st��.�tes �nd Addition, e}:cept the North 160 f'eet� thereo.f, cubject ta str�et., utilitiv and dx•aina�e easements of recordy the sart� t��ing 7700 Universit}T Avenue l�orti�e�.st� with t?ie fo11oT•:in� conditions: 1. That the existin� str?�t dedication of 33' �n the soui;h side of the property be v�c�,ted and iepl�ced b,y r� 50' �trc��:i; deciication on the pro�ert,y immeciiatrl.,y to th� south (F,:zst I�aneh F'�iSt`citF':', lst ��dciit.fan). l � pl.vzn�.��; C�r�rni;;�ion ?�-t��tar�F; - Ma}r 1q� 1976 P��e 11 '. T}1�� the cit.}r t�rnhih� t per�anent c�n�tr��c+,ion on tY;� pron�sed roadT�ray on ' t�1C 'v?�^,?fi c7!�n Of �11'.: t�T'QC3t�Y•�f,�!'. U?1"!'.].1 f.'��r. LhrT' {�� �'+''� pCli�!'I1�', nr �;Ou�3,� �,�.,F: i f tnl;?!:il�!1�?� �.11:;�'.2'��31F' � ?7tOT'E? r7�T'1 ;'{'.r•�'E't ��f?�?1C$t].nCl �1�...11' ?Tl rf;co�nitior. }�a�t �he 30� pla.nned t:i.ci�h i� not- ad�au��te, TJ^on � voi�e vote, all vnt:in�; aye, ttie m�tion c:j.rri.eci un^n�rr:r,u�7�,�, Chai_rm.a.n Harr3_s declar��d a, rec.ess ;j.t 1�:1.0 �,nd T'E'COYl'4''F'rinrj t�:e innetin� �,t �0;320 _ =[�'VI:-'l FROi'Oc;::�l C��??Zi�1:�i �.�, f„ p..- ,.r �:�����;;�� � �, �� : �.-, c. �:, ,-T�. ,. �-' _.._. _ '�i.,.� .i�i.�aG1 1�� Ci., 1,t t�� , Ii .,r,:2 LI�,r.1~:�..?� RF,� UII�)�;:IL;�ti a _._.. ..�.�._.___�_._� ..,�.�.....�._.._.... .____.�...,..___.. r`ro �+`J3.'_^a:'7?11 said h�� ha..r� ?,en�1 �st;�d -�c �r:��fT ��n i;he orc'.in?;^_ee ner tl;e �!.- ^c�,r.:=i.an $�i �il'1� Z<^�°t. •."iC:q'.?ll.:',�+1QT1 7"Ir=�.•t1.21� .'?171� '-�v'1?l�n' Zt, t1•-^,C�C ��J �:•1?E; . �� �^-,llTlltlf?' f�rt7t•��� Sc� _C�il f'OT' �!lt?1T' T'�V.'..E?T,q .?IICj ;"E?C^'!1`'iE?I'lci?t102'1�. Ci2 5����P,� �.ti1( C?1'��lii?31�C', ..%sS nllP E.'.`'t,?�iZ:tii111r! r."1?T�t:G'T' FJn% ,'-_y't%� '_'•?L�°�=:� 11�^' ±'1£' nl C3 (;t��r�t,or Ej()7e �A p?�;x}l �:;�CCl }�� ii3� �3'D,a ry -j . . n�,e�. '.tne �?e�'initions to inc]udc �rh�t a±.?.vc�rn is ('Pre t��rrn �ria�,Frn" �h?1� �ne��n r�r,;, ryn_s;�le heer. ODc;r'��I.OTl ?Tl+,en�?in�; �? QT3E�'.�'�? O�IC'�" �.27�j 6 G?�.' C�I"�•"�'C�J'rl.t*�.' �^T'10� OT' t^.!,1°� t,han ���.VS r1�17'lI`i,F, 21'I,�r h;i1C>l'lt�'1 t�E?T'..^�� �I1� �,ir�T, ^�t ��;Tt?nr]:^^,T'�T ?���r o��e?��.tion 15 ��r!1e tB7'.1 ��tf�rQ�C�1'?7'V J�'^?^ nriF�J'?�1p1"1�� S�}��.1 ?rl�'211 �-.�'1,',r OYl—".a.l� r�P_r r�pg"t-L•77t1 riOt Sl.��PCt tQ �'nn Dr'��V1�; nJ-,q r,i �prrj�lnl? �7�.!?]. rar.�F ra.pn �' �it' t1_"i1G �� �G8 ?r:� S�"]?.� 1 AlP 51.1�7jE:C�t v� i_i��iilC11 �:.n.�)Z�tir��fe �fY'� �02��'!!?'1�411 : �.1(� ��'lP.. C7;`OCi�SS �"1? �'?%1.� l`:7 �,O ?.�:I'Oil+,-rh *,+n;; t.0 .�!�'� �'.}'.E', Cs?j'_727�i:=�f?'1`�• a.nd r�rno-�,n �.1_I fihe SP.Xl �t 1.�r��u�r�fle i?� :+..=;�i.•f?ij �.�c`�.�G ,I;n �7.:.;� h �a ica �_��te , re��? sion +.,C; (s r`3 � t. T' �'', P i� ',� -n � •a rn_ r e n< tl s-i ,,- '�: i Q 1.1.9 t fee n;:�. te. p^�: hc� 5����.,tit.r; �l :i. t.. _.,� .'.d . nF� r��F> >�r.�^pr s�.i���rt O:i' � 1, ^1)r�7' �fl()Tla^?.Ti'�,nliC�?'•11'1? ^'(;.�.i',� i O1' '�� lt"' '.g'"�' �.._C'F � C?, ;tE' t T.x]""� T 'i CC � F? t7 � � � ; �. F 'T" c� ��,, �-., �> f . ., ., _ ._ E�l� LL'np �.n,:,�1. �n 4�^;'�e ��,y� -,d.,�r��� n ��.1� r,���it��t 1 ^���r-' f,'i -7 ,. � . i,� r. : � cr- :., zn�; �.e r� � i �,� � t�era�o»ar}� r�.. . �71� .L�.('.�.'.Y?�f' �S :iil��r T;�;�i).,.� {!�7i' 7. ';'`nnr(�!3.i�.L��� !".��it�. 7^� �.�.rF;Y1,jt? T.,j:��.%�: �: �1�.��'.�.V `lc?4',!lliC° lt, `M1'(11��.(�. �"�r S13ft:L�.:.?.' f.0 3:.`_'t71.�.�u7.P.'.? r.��.r_i�.il'�'iO:le ¢ 9 T•�.r, L�an�*enf��ld c�,m�ented -�hat he {'P1; six da�,rs ,.J;3.� �no �hnrt :;�1�-? the �'�2�� fee �,ia. too hi�!�, ,-ir. B�ard�n�n e- 1ainFd t e,•�-2mis^ie� raci ��� � ry �S=, hut r. �p �;, n��.: .3 �.n t•'r� s�..x ;�. � 9 tre ��^ m�1r �,� too h?g�. . .�'TI'• �i.tBl"G031 ST.,B:.nr? j',1-�ai'� t��1lY':��it'1�?1���> 12SU^l ��r lc3F��?� `�!3?I1 .�'- °� ;-� i�i.• . — , -,} T!!� th� !"i :n�.111 nTIC� *�:Pt^(' ttilf� LT2yCr'�:;� ,.^-.TI:� i,��8 nQ].:iCt� '321C� i�ire �L�L�3:i'Y•i4:'.1�t y;•1}77.C1? ;'a'PT�P, IlOI7—,77.^:)i�l�• 2�1r. 3oarclm�,n ex.�?lain�c�. th�.t th�re •.:as ;ornethin� inc�udr� �n tne ordin.�r.ce sfia±,in�; that n�n-proi'it or�aniza_t.5.on� coi�l.�? renuer�, tt:e �'e�s i�E�waived. !�:r. p�t�rson s=�id th�t in thn P�r�s �n� RBCrnr�tion Comm�:�sion t!,P17 i��,?cj Pc±.1�?ia.ter� th� c.ost ,,r�.s �1Q0 to clea.n up the c?iamcr,ds oi�.h�.r t.h�n norrn�.1 m�int,enanr� �i'ter �. tatirnar�ent, so v?�e,y h:�.d r�ry?ie�te� t?�^t, .:�1�0 be nn.^tedo Tf th:�.1�G1� �,J�.s Ele���d up t,o t:�e city�s satisfaction, he e_tp��,inec�, t'rie�T�,*ou1�? �;ei, it back; if n�t, the cit;r kQpt the �].OQ. NIr. Petez�s�n ssid that. �.n se.r,ti�n 6'.)2>Ol th� t�rm �:nan-�i.n+.,�x:i,c�.t.i.n�; ;,���lt �1C1101,�r t,i�s usPC� ar.d ,�.lso t1�ntoxicatinR I.� �uor"p a.riri quAstianed .1};ai; �h.�t me�nt. }ie �t�.�ter3 he o:?�PCted. to the term "non-intc�.,,i�.�tir.g�� ;ah��n rc�i'errin� to malt ].iquor.. t�°r. Board- msn explaincd th�t this ��r?.� thP t�rmino'o�:,y tt-�at, i.s pre�pntly iis�c3 in thf� cod�. Ch�iirm:�� H^rris s� id t.}�zt f'or somc reasor� ;,nc���z trie,y c,rex•� ?.Torkinn on ordina.ncr�s the�, r;�mc� i.ni.•� ��statF, lanF t�a�;e+o' �,.nd �?��.t dic-ln't nere:�sarily make it. rim':�t. Mr.. Bo�rc�m�n said it may not be ri�h :9 h�it it �G!�zs consistent. He said tti�er� �re man,y T�O,�7S1�1F? COT1��.I.Ct�S ?�. fliT' �9s t�rmi.nol��y, �(J l�� L?�l..i �'C?;�j'� t0 }1?''f.? �'..11:' �'.C�7^nin��c�;��= consi Gt,�nt u; i t!: tt-at �r�::nizati•;,n t�at is �n^k.i.n:� th? rc�rTiilations ,for le�;al nurposcs. I�r. 7,�n?�nfe1�3 si��.,�*este�i -th�t the reason the :>t:ate h�ord�.nn �•�as used �ti�as� bec ause thn,y have al.read�* appr�ached t?�e le�al ,�,snect^. Pl �nnin� Commis^i�7n T4ec;tin�; � t�'tay ].q 197b Pa��e 12 Mr. F3r'.Tf?P]•12'1 :�zid it �d�s ha.� l3nder�tandin�; that ::n,y party or orPani�:,.tion co��1d app].,y for �. teM�or=�ry li cense, and over � tt•ae].��e-month pEriol oi ti;ne could o�erate for t�:^l�re da.y;� �f nnn-°into::icat,inp ?�eer sa`! es durin� ti;e y��r, and in d�i.n�; sa ,_ T�ao»ld then p�y tT�rir,� Zs much in orci�:r ta on�rate f'�r ��r=c�lve d�x,ys 3.s �.he prPS�nt ! � anrna=�1 ;.ic�nse fee, i-Ie st�t,�ci tha.t, d.id not sour,d reasn�arl.e t� him. I',re Boarr3.man 8*J�?aCSi;ed a�1� fF�^, �nd i�Ir. Ber�rnan said thaf, soun�ed more a.ppropriat�. P1r. B��.rdn;�n �aid. t,hc;�T �.rn makiny chan��s �_n �;'r.�re� �:.�ctians: Chapter b02 (beer ordin:.�azc�7, Chapter 11 (lic�nsinm), �nd Ghapt�:r 2�5 (zor.i_n�* ord�n^.nce). '�?r�. C�abn]_ ^s�.ed �f t�er� *��as a li.mit on t��e r.urr,ber of tnese licen�es, and I��r. Bo�rdma.n renl i,�d i.hc:re �r^.s t�ata �ir. o i-IarriG 2.�l:ec? hc���r �.n �r�zni�ation ;aol�lci �o :�.bout a�f���1TiI�� �pT' 2 tP_17t�0?'��..ry licen.se, �znd ��r, �:�:�rdmaaa said :i.t c•�c?u3d be thF: 52..1�12 �i5 fOT' 7'G',f;Ul.2 ?.l�rTl^2 "`4.�».1T'(:I":ET1�So !•:�I'e t�c.T''�1e ?S'.✓.�'!��1.f t�}'tP.T'f'. .•rere ?.Yll'' 1.ocation rpstrict-i_�ns for +�,;,pora.: �T 1 icr>n ��s 4 an� ?�ir. �ozrc3iaa.n ans�aered �t��.t ther� i�ras a rnst�^ictinn regarc�.in� h��ars, t�ut. nat 1.oc�t:i�ns. He said it cotzlci be sold <.n�pl2.ce TAith Cit.,.yr Caui�cil :Apnrc��T�.l, ��n�a tize controll.in; �"ar.,tor on that iti<�.s t�Ze Council. Cna� r�nan i-�arris I'cL'! �P,(� �,I'i(' 011�s��-i.an o}.' d-riz�ki,��; i;z j:.':r•ks, �nd P•ir. �oarc3j���! s�.id 3,2 beer ,.,�s -�:�rr���.�:sable for �rink�n� ^nci �ellir_g i.n L.prl%P. Park �nd. Comm�ns, and am� at?^er n��.�;hborh�aod park ��-a.th C:ifi.�,� Cauncil a��rov:�l m��r. PPt�rs�n s�id th?t This s�me�tim�> g�t� out c�.f' hana z,�i �h the u�i'tua11_ te.-}mss �nd th�rA tra.s the r_��a.blic nuis_a.r�ce a�;,ect nf it, MGTI(�N hv rerf;ana:n} Ct'C4i'1C!�t� ^y P�t^r.son, ihai:, the P:1_anning Comrnission concu.r r•rith th? prot7� �rti�i cr�ir,�nce c.'-��,;�,�:: �:7 fo� 1 o�,1s :�:�a.t : Cria�t.er .��0� aG -v�i+,ten; ��T�.th �313.1Jt;f`�" �.1 i�;�7, i t,hP T'�V1.S�r?"1 C':i t��L �'.P7�t�%��'�?'u 11�£':1"E'• �'�� �.:°l.T'? !:�'?:�.T:��u IY'GI?] �?�J• to �;1.� t�er d ��� �:i1 �,�; th Gh �:�t�r ?0�47 G7.� ^.s -�,-ri. �,t.nr_, _ ( +hY', r�� m� r �ei '� .i' 'j .{• ��t���.h. +jtr �r�{� �';'}�<ti� �f� :�'T1i:Y1E�S�T,�i ��.�_�.t�i°7r:''.�. l.�:rnr..nrax�jT . 1 �� � rd. �,�� �. �hs.., �a: � n �__.: . b�Bl' �r��;�.r�-.:i��t1 r��? c��)�,n_I ;�r,�4�c:it_��$ ��Tlr ,,?.1.�, t1� P�.Z b�Qn t,r'V�].S'i,� �,� f�-nd 1� 3.n t�1° ar�in.anc� .�-Ie �t3te� that tnn ^.it�: �hould t���,T t•� t�e consistent �*:� th the schoci :; and if a school soci3l ��ar�-tec3 ro sell 3.? ��'F�z , he LelieT�e�a t}��y :,,oulc� reauirQ a license. Chai�n.an Narris sGi,�3 he aues:t�.one�. tra� be�:a�ase s."�o�l n�.i:��s ar� no+� Under the dornain c�� the Hi�hi�;3�t Department, but; c�ere vn�ler t:�.e domain o�' t?7e schoal rJS.st,ri_ct. trir. b���rc�rr�a_n s��.�� hE T�r:�s 5U?"� they r.auldn't, b� :�ess r�st•rictive than the state. P•ar. Harri^ :;tatecl i;���t i�he SC'73'�O.I. ,]U.T'I�C].C'G1nT1 :a^s just 1i}:� any'bther unit_of �overnment, �nd he t�:��.�n't su;�e tlze c� +.,,,T >�c�u:t.d h^�re anv .iu•risd; r.,t�ian as to �,�hat goes on on school nropert�T. 1�^r. Ro�r!�n�.n sa.id he *.•*c?uld check in+.,o it9 ar.d if hlr. Herrick �'elt :it shauld be �n, �.t, �:rould be ar�decl, Mr. 'ri�rx�.s s�.id he di�n't fee7. that shpuJ.cl. be <ione ;��iihol.i�t crsecki�z� z�aitl? the sr.hool bo��jrds involved; �.nd st�.i�d he Taou?.d a1�, nst thzn?�; tn31; rys �'ar as t�z�:� �c�:j�ols n�, t?�a�, '::hc���� d h!� han�7�ed as � .����arate �n�t.�.ty. UFC`N A VOTCE VOTE, aJ.l. vntint� a;re, the motio:� carr�.eri unanimausl��. �. GOIdTINUED: R�CO?•��'t3DATIC1iVS Q:� NiJp:AN DEVELO��1r�I�IT GC�nLS AND OBJECTSVES Mre Boarc�m�n sa.id that co}�i�s of t�^� rec�mm�nr.l�,ti�ns had not been run off the . co�y machine yet� t�it goa]. ,�tatement �l�-lOQ had been reviewed at the last meetin� and he c3id rewrite it �.nc� narr�tJ it d.oim to fitre ohjectivfls.. He asked thp Commission � if the,y ���ould prefer t,o po^i�pone discussion on t}iis �ntil copiPS taere available. P1��nnin�; Co.*ni��.:>sion I�Ieetin� - t:ay t9, �976 Pa�;e 13 :�10`I'TOT1 b;rr t��r�ma.n, ^�c�nd�c� h.y Peter��n9 �� t�b7.�: C31�G11S�:'LrT1 of t,he ree�r�r•tenria,i-,ions on i�um::n Df� J�l�n�^ent r;n�l� an!� Cb,ject� vec un �::.1 t.hn r.� ;t#: �?:cetin�. Upon a ttoice �rote, ,��11. vnti.n� a,res t��e m�tinn c�.rried un��niraou:;ly. r. R??-riT.'�T�U,"•.7'IQ�1 nt� .`:T:��,C?T 7•t�Yf�UT JdI:itI? J�?C7�Ttl PkpK s(.P?�TI`�7C?�1 �_7.976 ) T�Ir. Lanryen.fel.d ��id t.�at �this h.a.;? t�een hanc�l.��i at ±,h� �'r�v�.ronment�l C,1�a.Zit,y Co�n.�ni.�sion M�eti nn the n7.�ri � bc��'or�, ^nd. tne r�, �I,7�'�n� �.,oulc? L�e re��ciY at the nex�L meetin� of' ihF� ?'l?rn�n�r �:;omrni� si�r.. ?°tro Peter4o.z �� icl th�t 7�f'�re r�a�rin�r or. to It�:rl � h�� ,:�isi�nd to c.ry1.l �?�c Com.r�iC>inn �^ atien+.,i.on to tre C�mr.-x���.sor Of �t!'^..�"�'.`•.t't.�.on �1r�,��r:ti�� :;Th:_�h h�.d �� t�. � c�i. 3.^^c�;� out. Fie st.'fi nr} {;;i�,�; {;his ��Ta.s the fi-r �t timn that ?'.�rks an� i�.� �r�ati.on h��.d an,�tn�.n�; �ike 't�`1�.S� '311:�. a. ]_!T� �f tne COn"7iF?l1� OIl ].t :,??c j.11 i���'1�? ;11]'?U"t�S Of �:2?g7.7' ",•i"�r �r!; mpetin�e He addec� t,:�at. :ne had r�;•u�stcd e��ies �.f tlii.s �nfc�r;r.a.t�rin lan ?�ta.de fc�r this �ornni.ssion. Cny� rm3n H�.rris saict a�t�tio� ���ou?_d �ae in c� der t•o recei.•*� trn Guidc�? ine;: To En� Un^on��'.�.C;U� Ce.�ll?.1. �=s1r.Z�P_.5 :•.*}?1.�:1 rl?!� nr:E'.I7 I;;i�^PCj. 01).T .'�t �;}1C' l:t^�?t,l?"1�". I�OTT�rd bv .L,^ng�nie7.�?a CE:CC�ii�?�. }�,1�* �err;r.::.n, E� recei�ae ��ze su�.d�?i.nes To :�nd j.�11C011�CZC�l7.° S.P.�ti.7,�H,I. �.l.n.C?�. I.%TJ�I?1 c V02f`c? zT{�T�t^.9 ?��_ iTn'�%�Tl�" •=�rf?y l��r' Y'ICt�',..OI1 ('�9.�''r:ie:a. 111'j -'�„Tj 1!Yl!7� 1.� 1'r a 1'�T'� p�'tPr. c�n ,`+21.C�.t 1'S:? }1n!3 8. T-7T`Cr!�.P.:'1 •^..C^f'i�'t]_I7:? U11�'?7' Til].1Titi�c'I^ �' j 11fi �%n' Itrn��': T`t?��;p�l ft 1T1.�'a{..w`e.i.^�. O.� �? f�e- ^+• 11� t- 1� •ne+ n caln''�' "� A•d!?c, Y• tti f' n �' �' 1.,:�;:.z HP �ta "�,� e�.�..� rr�r< <n. ri._ . n:. o� n,. it. 1=°r _ �I:rJ�.�.. `+?�}.C� a.�G �,'a.`_: :'�)r1�1 i.!i �?L�i 'r_.`":<iZr 'i�:.^t�7"t cf',•1'��:i li.! •:GC? � q �17.1. 1. l�' fj.!�1 f�c -�hL� E± °��nt!t�r r?yjR Y C 1.�?P,Yl'�1''.y t�J C�11"1;.^:I'li.�?�' U.�F? ttr�.a,?"'cnr�tro '.tra :''^' ...�"'f)]'? r?.'1.� h� t}70'��'}'?'f, '�'Ct'� �'��T1'�' t?� 7.23?�1�.("i', C;j'1�?Sl :'. ,ti3S ]_Il OI'(��T.'� r�l�t. ,Ml�? (�=Cj �.},�n n i•;. cr �i ��i r?n i-�r ± „� .� � ! - - .. .Cfi ��,, ?UlT],., C- - Tlt�'I. �„ ='�`:Fi1 .:.`dt o I�•?.r. L.;r.tienfeln st�a.�';�d �� felt t•l1� ��rr!ole. „urr.c��� at �,'r�y ��:Tr•� t� f�;r +�o �i.irnin�'�e some C:i 'F,t;B dc�minat�.G11 �'n?� ZS c?;)T:�.1C'.a �V i:nf' USG !)i: ttm_�tt a11. t?�E' �1.P1^, 6. RF�TI�;:•? "��:CG?•��?•f�'�Ir)�.TTO;•i �'L ���1 ?? �C Oti �Fpr �CI'iv � C�j^t ^'�,:3 ?, ?. I�'?:i'?TP�Cr � :�i?? f�.t•�I;`. G�? z�rPI� f�;T"�;I r:�:apTF�? 7f1 f_lk 'T1i.1; ir.�rCm _ _ R`.r, Bo�r�ir�a.n sa.id th?t t?�� s n^a �one t� the Ci t?r Covn^i l. ?.�st ?�T�n�l�v, an�] i+, t•ras a recomT*i�nd�_tion �'ro�a Gii;,;� St�i�' -�ra� this t1A�m!'. C�za.nt,er j0 nri E.-r,�;,v2tion �n�3 Gr�.�linr; be in�lu�?�d itate� t?,e htti)_•�in� Co•:ae. I�� �t.���c� he ��z.d not �,�nt ta de7.ete 21�. hiinin�; Sand �nd Gravel_ �:; th�:v h���e tt-Do se,;.��rate fv.nct:.ons. 1�t�n�n� Sr.nd and Gravel ��?ti'(??^S ^.t1 �.C-Gt1^� ^C:I'LT1t�2'c�'?1 o��r^L1011y ';•;�^':':'':.i t.}^;r3 LT,,:�pi.'•a �?F;d7.(��P:i nti,,�,..,l;r..,r .��d. ....-�-.. r�r�L� et,�.r.���rd^ fnr ��t.�i�z�; �.r^.deL�, :,+c. i��ir. I3E�rr*ma;� �t:�te� he thou�ht ;�rhe�c the Cit�r �.dmi.r.i.^t.ratao� ��r3� ��ving �_G t.hat the,y have a�?�pted sectien rnamber such and �uch �f the ?1n�_f�rin Bu�.I.din�; C�d�, �nd �v��t they tver� t.�lka.ng a.haut �:as replacing a minin� �rdi.n4nce �•lith that ^as^� thing. He said he fclt. they T.rer� talk�.n� about t,•Tn dif°er�n1: a.rc��.n�tces. rtr. Pet�r^nn said thai: M:�.y be so, but he �;t�t disturbec�, :�T�en 5iaff. �:�I�t, diT'FC��,y to th� Cit,y C�izncil �nd byp�::���a the Pl��u-,nin�, Can•.miss�_on. Mr. �3oardman c<�id that the Pla.nninn Comrli��ion. dc�es n��t hanc�le �n��t��in�; that �=,c,es. an '.T1.f.!1 tI1P U.R.Ca He ex�lained th�zt �vcr;� Ye�,� there are nc�i�r amen�m�nt.� that come aut under the st�te Plann.in� Comrn-issa.on hl�cti.n�; -?i�,y 7.9 197C� P���;e 1�.�. � b�ii_1.ciint� r,ode and it �oe } to the City Gouncil f.br ,�.d�ption into th� hui.ldin� code. i{� �aid th� build9.n� code cioe� nat �;o f•hrov.�h th� �'l�,nn:in� Cr�mriissi.nn. '°.r. L:;n�;�nz���3. r�?d t�;n fo)_lot�T:i_n� r�.otion fram t}�e i.n-rironmental Commi_ssian I•i�etin�; n#' !',nr�il ?n, 197E�: ��IOTTON l,�r i••`i.ke Pari n�vich, ser,on�?�cl b�� 3ru�� Pr=ter::on, t�at *:he ?�azvir�nmental Coru�►ission r�:commend to thc Pl�nnir�;� C,omrni�:��ir,n the adop�,ion of C�zapt�r ''0 af the I1ni.fo�m r'3uil d�r��* C;c��� �c a. r<�pl�c�m�nt for tr� nresent ChaptFr 2l.? Y.nnY.Tn �s � M�ning ord.in^���h, �nd th�.t �n�,� prc�:�osrd ard:i.n:�,nce be hrr�upht !�ef"oz�e t,�i s�nnmis��ion for revie,•r t�r-i.�i° �o �einn suhmi+.,-��d �I,�, t�.^-. �i_t�r �ou».cil fc�r �tc �.:��ro�T�� , Iy°:r�. L�n��n�'eld �+�.t;�� t.her� -�rr:.s t�o ne�c3 f'or them to �ven consid.er thec>E� th.ir�RS if t���t• ..r�.rp �;oin� t� �o �1�.rr;�t. '�jr. �oardm?n e:�p]_ainrci +he;}r ?•rFr� �!�.^ll=:�.n? about ��•;o sen�r��e thin�^. Fi� ;�a.i�. they .��r� ��.d.apt.a.n�; Crzapt��r 7� of �the U,F3.Co ��s �. ::��wnent• +� '`�� an�t,:? t�e b�zilding �orlea He f.urfi.her exp�.�ined �r.�.t tre buzld.:in� code �r��r�tion -.r�s ��P::.r�.te �rom the actlzul ..�nin� ca�e on�x �:tion tib;�ich ^,�ntralle�l ?.�.nds; a.r�� t?^P build�.n� code -a-�.s for actual deta.:ii_int �f con5 i Y•7�.r_. �1Uri oi i�}.t:ilc:zn�:° o He� sa9 d t,Ya� re ws�n t%1i� doesn i t f?n '%,O �.h:=? PZ.'?I�71111:r (Jnt?�nt.1S5? O11 7 � l��?C?U:'F? t}11?ti• ,•n�)l ��n �Q.tfv�°P.(� CIO::72 "G t}!l�t"E ??'P. consfi,�:nt Gxnen�?mentse �•i:^. B•�-r�m::n st�th� that he �.,ou, d:�ik.e �-,o �;et h�.r.'�c tc th� 4�zh;�c±, nf Tt�,-1 C� ��.n�? .�. .. . :'P.,V1Q1•T t,'I1B Y'C,'COIT'�'�C'11f��,�1.C?I7 �'i Otfl 't�'2¢ liR�� �.ri:t"l:i:E'.2'1T 3.�. �:?:�8.?P S: :LOI'l. OTl I'@T:�?C1.Y1� ��t1c�..pL�'t' c�.7.� Zn'7.t�"1 rI'l�:i?J�P7' 7l7 p� tiE'1(? 1.Ja$s(;Q :�E :'31C3. t.hc'�..i, 1.t: �G?Iiln:l' TU �11T�1 TO •�1P. �Ut t7�' conte�,t as h� cou�dr.'� full,y uncierst=�n�i •::h�� u?���r �:},,��z?�3 r��l�.^,e �. c�nmmerr,ial rninin,U CFC�'.�OIl ?:T7.1".�'l�.Tl T,�?'.? 74?�l�f% Ul'� �.1�7210E? *,�d1."'v:'1 SO?''1!:��I1a.12� .'..7't�2Ti 7:'(lE,-' r.,»i�.ir,�; GCC�.!?• ;°Yre �]�ti��`:�i�'ii: �;ry:ii?t'f�w�.'1if'?(� ?1_. ?`tl� i, �"i;� r.��:.j� � i's�y� Yi '±!7 �Y' .. i :, � th i c,. c �. .�. �� ��' t'i^ b wcit � e�n-ri.ron~n �•ri - n .�%t1^li tiV i�n?'�i?7114`•S1U12 'i :;E'r' i° 1��; .. ni•,1., -�.;�. � � Pf• r,�,� jt,`•;^�y T :�'i.,Z-i'f:� �t .c� _..1 t'�.... �,1. _ .c: nc�'��, . 1.� a�. it�o _a�xd.., a � r n -. � �., � .4 r', ` ry{• a , n p r r• y, ,: n c , .,�-:i� t,._.�t herr ���;� rz t.nF. r-.rt�r. Si.�i?°tin� i.� ,,? b..�.tT� 1_,.r�ci :.a.�L.z•�r-�i.;i� �-.t.�n��nc,._, 2.r:C� 'ri}•.Cv C��;1�1I111�F-.'1.V �'��. .t.�,,.,.� �}.,�., .r` � n. �`�s'1�� ?'"1."i ("�z"'r'..i'f?.�i. ?.;c�c 1„1(7�'v '.l.t-��-�lic?b:.� .,(; �._ � �,_. �, �: n�n� .,.,.� ,: �.:�ca alt�r,�� i:F °.�. r ; �, r,�• „ �„ .; , ,�;�. , � ^ n, ?. 7 N „iorr^e .�a_�� the t:_o�.b:i.,. ,.. ._A �•..�.�t ii..r,-i.r.�; _. r':. �n� ur��r_..� aas car�strt�rd t� b� the gav��rninr orci-�a;<zn�t� for <�;11,�.•z°rytion �� 1.=:nc3. C'r�airman H�ri is r?ad f'rom ,'�apt�-r ?C} .�i �he TJni.fo„rn f?�ui� dzr� Cncte �:nd.�r Section 7��,3 Z•I}2�x'A l.t St�%?.t�8(� f'.:�&t'i 1�0 ;CIE'.T'ut7T1 Sl?� �.�. f�t� '3:''.�f r�T''"?�?'l.n; ;d?i.?l.`U� t:.1'�t� 't?'��,nl��" Qt)'�,�i:��d_�: •Tr.�> �nf:. rer'".�.a. ,•�.,C� +t.�. T%;l].�.�'7'i:'ir' !�`�f7.�;i.^� - ^f'P� '�'C'„" a��1E f'��'In�.ri.paq ?1::� lZI1C3.°1^ T'et.II"1�)�7' E7 1'G 5�.��'.a!a.: :'.`.�711��r F r"-'=:i.:^:'ti;�i 1?q °};�c.'?:?�:=i:7^'� TJI'QCF�:�ip�r� gt,prll�. �il�.n�; of rock, s�.nd, e�ravel, a�rn-re�;�:.te c�r rl�v .•rhe�^,� �:st�::.�.1_�.l��c� ?nc� pro��a.d�d for bzT l�:r� pro�n dr�d �nc'ri arer�.tia�� �?a nai; �zf F�c'.C� vi1�' late�^al Gup�ort nr increase �re stresGes in or pre�cuc�A� upon �t�;y� udjac�n*, nT� contin�nio_�� pro�e�r�v6 He stated th�t this is wr.��r� thc mini.n� cod.e �,ro�.�ld cotnt� �t��ta Ef�'Pr�,y �,5 (;��.pter 70 T�Tou?d cover eve�,�t.hi.n�; '�ut thate Tir, L�n��nfPlc� �aid th�,t �.his part9.cla.l.�.r motion z•oa5 the aft.erm�.t}3 �f <.� su�gr.stion Made bv the St��'f ine:r,.�er �t the m�etin=. it:r, H^rri:s �aid that ne a�reed ti,ri_th the F�vir�nmental Commi ^�i�n on S�:cti.on 21? ?-.� ?;�: fPl t�;�:�r�,.�; l�.:cki.ng. H� si:ated he t��� cc�ncerned aroz�t thc� c�t7dition �Lh�t th�, :1anc� t.��s left in �i'ter minin�p �id t�ie fi].1, ?•:hich could he �. prok�l+:m later an. x�r,. Ga�el s�a�;�csted i�h�at somethin� .for restorat:ion shauld be i.ncl.uded, �?�n�; t:it'� a,a�y of �niorcing it. riC�TTOId btF Rcr�m.�n, Sf?COI�C�ed by Lan�;enfeld, tlzr.it the Pl�nnin�; Cominissien, in rcco�;- nition tt�at Chapter 70 �f t.he U.BoC. lias h��en sdc�j�-t�d with:in the Cit�r of Fridle,y r"3�zil.din�; Code, and t�at a.t s��cif�.c�llv trezts mining; anera�ions as �. separ�.te � considera�.ian f:.°om th7t chapter, �z�i i�hat the Ylarining Cor:�-ni.ssian does not concur � P]_anriin� Comnti.� sion �`:Tnf'. F.�.i2j; � i�'[7,y ].9 , 1976 -- - l'a�e 1� ;•riti� i;��c� r{�r,ommr�ndzta.�n t� renl��e Chapte� 212 taith C�!apt�;r 70 0.� the U.B.C. but dae:s r�commend t'�at �.he Environr�ental !'ualit.y Cn;�Mis�i�?Z revic-•T Ch�.pter 21? fnr impi�r�ti•cr�,entn. tln�n a voic� �roi;e, ?11 votin� a��e, the rnnta.on c�rr-i.er1 unanimousl.;r. � t�'r. 7��n�;�n:CcZd si��tcd thai; ax�di.n<�n.c�s t•:er� difficult thi.n�;� far any commis�i�n f,� �,.Tl`i.1.}'?6• ?I1�3 511(1171].t. (iT2 1"fltPll.7.�rE'Ylt ?'f-?CG?TII4�'.71(�fl.�'i,1021 (?Tl' ^t1(j ]t'. '.•77:: I7t:3�6 �nore difficiilL T�:ht�n inr,.nnrnpriate r�cc�rr;?nPnd�t�ior�G �.Tern z�:�.c�e frr��� St�.f1:. ' H� �aid th��.. f'ror� no;•, on �h�� t-�ould. an?.l..v..c t,hese �.s a Com:rni;sicn f�.nd. a.c� on i,h.it h�.^is, ti�iU�T;1G '•)T°^'JSiTi?1'�?; ;`'�7'. Fiq?rti(tl^,I'] 2Yli�C7?'i'l�:j �;}1B (�OP?T?t1.:�S10I1 ��'1?t, 1;[;E! rC?'i1rIlU11].f,'r L)PV� ].Ot�rr1�:31�i. :3� Q�^. ;�;T'?.;'lt +:n.�t h«d bncn suhrni±ted ,�,-�.s !�eni��ie HP' •`"'r3.:1 C�. �'i�c�,+ i?� t� �t bloc?c �;rant �or�e o�' th� filGill�S t•t011l.i'�, })�' 11 i�'C�. ?�C1T' �idc:11S p T'P.I]'?.ul �:L'f.�i:1011, Pt,,!'.. y,-�nd tha.t ��lc'd T�Tf 7'�:' ].]1t0 f✓:l!i Gc^.r�r�.l.e r�..rp^��.: �t�� T"lli:. f� ' 17c� C� lin r� �C* 1 C n:'oi.a. I�c,,,_,in�, r�.. �.� �: /,,,���c,� �nd t?�:�; k'_ri�ley �ta.te �an)�1, •;hich h3s a�n?�..ed f'�r a'�_l�� 000 ���.n so t"!�-�,y c�r_ o a.heyc� � ` � - �; ,��i.th �he lo�-� �.nterc}st lo•�n �.t�nlicat.:;_�nra. �ie e}�plained th.�� nc�;,T Iie+rn Gni:nc�1 h_=�.s com� to n9m nn �:r.ot:-ier �rc,�-r^m the;T are Urorkin� nYl ��:T'nttk�'ll Qt,};E'T' t'�?�8T`R..� r'l11`�?ll� :O'.�?'C�5 i.l'1 ;';��11.i.Tl�f�1�, ?I'?,� ��3C? i'.hc�.'�, the Q�,�'1 .P.;,"C . rn �+,at.�. ��c�nra �s r t?n state�. th�t hF �,r,r,u �. � �_ - ' � ' I_ l� ��.�n; to tne City G�anc9.1 !t;t'�I1��V illE?:?� f.7 ?S: �'nT' �. *^evom.�lr??':C�.`itlC°Y] iY`p;;� �Li1C'ii] t,� �E'.r.• 7.{� !'E? SYlOU�f�. ��3't 1.11'S'Ol trr?i� 111 �res� �.r�{;T'=��1715 ?':C'r.,i!i i��E�T'n ('•niipC:_l � , ��: ^;C�C?t?C� fh :t. ���-j of the {'J1��S ±r1E�;jr rF'C('LVr,j �'T'i)"I 1�j!1) r.ou�_d b? 1.)°E?!�. IOr' �xCil'11.T1�_Si'.:"�:i'.I.�IE? Cb^f.S, 1`57'S e 1X•'i�E?�. ?,`?'r:C?L ?S�i�r t�'�,'_in }?� O�!r, (i.r2r.1; '�d;�.`'�'. :a.�°21 �.P.C� n•-1 '( '(?n.2"�I 1 E!:� ..f?C� NS t• O 1012Y!r`;l.i ,`r q .ft _.: � r o 1, r� -� �r ,�. �; o v. T': '�T12•'p.'� t i-.A �p,�l_ 1C :f, j:�l'1 `:T' ^� ��''cn"�: �' C c�y i�i, *.T'11 • �r � .. .. . w = , ,i�_ .... iu 1'J.T. 1� :l.Yl t l; c :•_'LT' ^7'��'�p�"1? �'i•�,;.2'!;; � 2•1??O1�TJt. C?f {1Vt�;.^C"t°t7.v'37.r1t, 2i1� 21"4bltn?, pj' �;7�To,••-i,�r. ,iT'< �;. :X'C7:'1•9I� ^Xr�r211!=!� ,'��?^1(a�.�'lT I'fyf)�:^�� �n`�: 1_I7 b^�}7 nt tt'.��5� ??^'�"�..,� '^�?.i ;". ,=+!! i-Ta?"7'1 �. . , �{ •�I i f' ?�.':a . l �1-�7^�` ,-�n��{�,-..-r.,� .�;.i'F; "a;"i 277 ��n,..�'r1 ?-��r ;��j�l �� ,.,t, . ?�t�l:� T'i�e �tl=l1'i�'�'"_rI! �;.�n» .a �',hnv 1 =� -� '("+ �o tl �.'.�. " , � ,9 I1 f�, .7.r� ,"1 t P ��.'?�.1iC'� t�.�i^,-1 '�'7' ;f:U�r�t,a F�e�a,�i.31 nro�r.,.r:^ �;=Pzat :>��rn available t;� ,�,-.r�; c�:a�.l Lor.�? es, �nn t.h�t rc��;iorz:,�. Lo�; .�*a� ��'�txo n ' Coi:n�il.n He st�th� ;�e h�.d jv.��t; ta].ked to I�ntro ��Unr,:�_1 on t}���.s, and ;•ra.:� sor.c;�Th:,t c(?r'ir� rz ' .� F �rn �7 � b-�u�,. ��; tzT �+���"T c�n�=:r :,*.i n� t�e �.^t���l 1 o<.n .�^,,�c�. :�t l:� .s�; T.z=i i,l; the p:r;nne;at� i-fo,i�;n�; F;n.,,l.^.e �grnnv it .r�s a7.7. h�nd �c�d �:r,r•�u�r�i +he F„ic11e�T S]nL;e He cont:mz��d t,�at, t?�erP -•r�:�� sc:ra^ ra�aestior�s ?�e na.d :•ii.t•I�z 1�i�-�tro C�tmcil t�n t,hi.s, t Tl(� tlE? �lc �rl r t :('C; �n7_tr�C� ^I": :�.)'teT.in;n ,7rC?��. T c^_J.C� 1 7.:�� t��lf.'. C:l.f1' . �7� .� �1�.F? �•i'i� .. �O13�.�' h%iV� A hank or_�r�.t^ r_t �.r�� then chaT��Y �f�' to t�e b:�nk. . �iz�. Bo�,i��rna.�� e�;p1_^��ed. th� pers�n ��roul.cl b� t2.ki.7�n th� 7.a��n outg ^nd �;hp ci�:y =aould br subsid�.�.1n� the irl�;�r��t rau�e Tir. Harr:?S :�.:�1C@�� :ti*h� 7,*culd hn on t,hP hook in c:,. �e r,r -?n�'aul.t, �nc� ��'�. 3oar�Jma.n re�l_:i �d it t�r�a:: hi.s i�.ders�.:�n�?in�; the b3nk �,�oulci �.�, H�: s;id tlie cit,y T•:aul� �u� t be psvin�; �,ne di�'ferenc� bett;TC�en tne interest �.�t�s, but the b�^nk -,,rould have the contr�ct �:*i.�h,h �t3�ie person. I•?r. H.�rr�.s asked i.f he wa,s sa3T7n��; •th�.t the city admina.�trat,?s �thisp a�d Pvlr. Boardma.,n ���.�1 the cit�r *:*oulci ��dr�inis�rate t}�e m;�nc�y ta the b�.nk, I�Sro Harr. is que:�tioned if the cit,y tdould he invol.ved in g,rantinry the lo�ns, r,nd P�•ir. '3oarclr.i�n reuliect'thE,y :�rould not, but. i:hey �,*outd �rot��b7.y be invn�ved �.n do�nti the crec�i.t chec�.� to sPe ;f the �pplicant� were quali.fiPd. P�ir. Harris �.�ked if the city had t11e staff personnel to do this. AIr. ?3oa.rdmzn sas.d triat theS* �,Tr��z�.d be �;��ttin� a:'OI re�irnbur�er�ent; for �.nstanc�, if the �it,y �o{; rnonies i'rom this pro�r�m for �lOQ,Q00, then $�Q,000 ai' th��t is administrative manies a.nd ,�''pf30,000 i^ le.ft f�r the np�ration of tt�e pro�reun. 1'1=�nninn Com�n�i ssion T�ic;�tin�; - t�iay 19, 1476 P�Z�e 16 yd?r. I,a.ng�1�J'�1d ;~a1d th�t if �Iohn D�e �.�ecides he is �oin� to get this 1.o^,ri, �rha_ch th� city has rz�rced t.o �ubsidize, h� thaugh� it; wauld bc: conr,eivab].e tlz�z� th� bank is ;�aing tr, rret the hi�:����t, possi.bl}� int.�res�L on thi.s la�t.n anc� chlr�;e the ci.t,y n�rl:aps 12i�. Hc� ^�id ti�:�n �;h� in�ivie3iial J�cnilcl onl,y h.ve t� na,y ?.'; �..nd the eii:,� � r:c,l�ld b� f.nrc�d t�� nav th�� 14`�, an�' aslted if �,h�.t�. :,tas hot.: it T,:�a ��;oin� to tbor.ke Chairrnan H��rr�s r. ep17 �d_ t.t,at he t,n�u���t the le�;�� l.en�3in�; r�:te tir�.s set �t �3-?/11�, ?nd ��he^e s•rer� ����, r�v t',^ ^t.��e �n n��z�rterl.�T r�a.�is. He a^swm�d �,hr_+t these lo?n r=�t�; � t?�at ��-:�: i��nit t,oulcl c.har�;e tn �he individ;xai �°auld b�: 8-3/I���. I�"r. Eer.gm�:n noirtp�? ou.�, i-:hat 1;he r�te� t;he;�; h�c3 uzen ryuoi.in�* �l�ere �+.pplicabin r�n:l.;r r�n cc,n.mercial 1n�ns.. • �n�r. Lan.�;enfeld ct.a,��d ne n��ve�•, �:nr.,-, ;;,�� ri.t�r T,f��� ,-o��n�f t,� �,�-^f s-, �.nt�N�r�: .`�:.e^g .-r, nr � „ Ytr.7 z c; c'7^.'"-�'i Of t.!�lE': !1'J!� '-?.T_'.T.'•�'.C:is.�`'..�.021 ?..'iC� �^'?S 11Z th�� ... .. �. ?0?2' . � `3.'�. . ? � ��:i.'.'t'.%.i =� l. _ . i t,� .L _. i�; i�3. � t . . , �_ .. _ ' � - L?Ot]S1I]�; :�l':;:21. �P "?:tCj '�-°,g ;1n;?(�'�`:T''g !�l.0 :ZOt �!r17':' �F}�;� nittr •.rnc t�OlI17 �;a �e�ome involve�? ir_ t��e �c:�,lial le��?i.n? or" t:�e prr_�ram. Fi-� Jtated he did na� t.hink thP cit,-}r �r2.5 ecui.�,red or st�f.f�d tr� t;et ?nt� i:'�p ?_�ndin� buGir,�ss. J''1"s �Q•`3?"�:11'=1� q-,j,.a �@ i:1CJL1l`.1 r��CV ?Tl'f.b t;11:�.� i'lli';'?P,2' t'.O SEC-? i':�i13�. 'GjT�P Oi' OTJP;^��h1�i1 3_t is, r�1� th:�t he �::d�l't �ne ._�.r.;* r_.r•oUl_��� T:ri.t�� -� �;»�n� z}r.�nram. He �-��.� it�, bct�.ered �71:f? f..!13'� ?%}�E' Clt,�' �,r��a? d have '�.O ?(�iil]Tl" �?'�°':"�� � l O?.�l i�7'O;"�'�IR. �'C' ^t,S���'�. ;1P. T'�"?�,. a�.�. he dici r�ot h^tiT� a.11 isne a.ia�'nrrn^t�.nn �o pr^�-�nU `�� f.he :^,orn�n�_°�ion, t�,:t ��� l�:�nt,er� to l�t th��m lrr,o�,; t.}-ie ;3i^ec-ti_on 1,ht;;,i; ���as bein�r tr.k,�n �azd ,�t, t.sze:�r ferl_;n�; �Y� 7_tm A���C?t7 t����i �I'dT � �� �-� C n pf+�� ���. r?.I7C:1.� �G:12� ?•:'E: .?i'�:'�7"1lT �')F? ^•�l;n�r-t;f�i�o 1i17�J12 ?_ / 1•S�Z. T��d ,y' � Y'_ 27L��Tl y s �n:..�. � h�- ,... ,. .: z,� �CE' Vc��:C' cxl? yC,.it•1.i'R; 13-r�,� (�`1i^-.:l't'rn:aa2 ii:s�'?°� .. �c3.��.� :::r.,-,t� '`,titF� ?'� '=.17I?1lieT, `�(�T1y`?7.� S7.OT2 l. �.Ar±.;rzw� �fif�'_.,,y ��9 ��7h �,a�c,lzrned �.t� 1?o1.��ry�:a'.•�•I. '�y t,r��n;r,�u� vot�A, r KB��,���iL1��.;.' Sl.'.�?iT]l�L� q She•rri 0'DannalZ, Acting Sec�etary