PL 07/28/1976 - 30448;� � � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF FRIDLEY JULY 28, 1976 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: — Chairperson Harris called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Harris� Bergman, Bruce Peterson (attending for Langenfeld), 3chnabel, Lambert (attending for Shea) Members Absent: Others Present; Robert Peterson Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPftOVE PLANNING CONIMISSION MINUTES: JUI,Y 1!t 1976 MOTION by Schnabel, seconded by Lambert, that the Planning Commission mi,nutes nf July 11�� 1976 be approved as written. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the mot�on carried unanimously. RECEIVE SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION MINIJTES; JULY 6 1976 Mrs. Schnabel said she wasn't able to find the total dollar amount in the minutes, and asked if that was because they were tentative figures or if it was amitted. She stated she was just curious as to what dollar amount they were talking about for the iotal budget. Mr. Boardman stated that this was the total capiial outlay budget, so if all the items were added together it would be the total of capital outlay. � Chairperson Harris directed Mr. Boardman to look on page 29 under Administration and General Use (Program 237), and asked why there were so many zeros in that colwnn. He wondered why those particular items were listed if ther� was no budget for them. Mr. Boardman suggested that perhaps they were listed initially and have been deleted. Mrs. Schnabel said it appeaxed that items 11 through 15 in that same column took care of some of the items starting from 5 on. Mr. Boardman said in other words, they were asking originally for a tractor with a rotary mower� but instead dropped that r-equ�st and went with three hand mowers. Mr. Harris asked what type of hand fertilzzer spreader cost $150, and Mr. Boardman said it might be a large one, but he didn�t know. He added that if Mr. Peterson or Mr. Dave Harris had been at this meeting, they could have gotten some answers. � P40TTON by Bergman, seconded by Schnabel, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of. the Special Meeting of the Parks and P.ecreation Commission meeting � of July 6, 1976, and hold them for questions until the next regular meeting of _ the Planning Commission to get interpretations on some of the items. Upon a eoice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. - — - ..�,�.,,,,��.;�, Planning Commission Meeting - July 28, 1976 Page 2 .� ftECEIVE SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATION MINUTES: JULY 1lt, 1976 MOTION by Bergman� seconded by Lambert� that the �'lanning Commission receive the minutes of the Special Meeting'of the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting of July 11t, 1976, and hold them for questions until the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission to get interpretations. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Haxris called the Commission's attention to page 3� �d the list of project committee members that were present at the special Parks and Recreation meeting. Mr. Boaxdman explained that the meeting was just for the chairpersons, and all of the neighborhoods except one were represented at that meeting. He stated the chairperson for neighborhood 10 wasn't in attendance because she was sick. Mrs. Schnabel asked if she could receive a map of the various districts, and Mr. Boardman passed out maps to both Mrs. Schnabel and Mrs. Lambert. Mr. Boardman said he wanted to add that last Monday night there was a meeting of Parks and Recreation and the organization for the overall ftecreation Committee �as set up. RECEIVE APPEALS CONIMISSION MINUTF�S: JIILY 13, 1976 s MOTION by Schnabel� seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Appeals Commission meeting of July 13� 1976. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unani.mously. Chairperson Haxris said that it agaan appeared that the Appeals Commission had been working very diligently and hard� and they were to be commended for their good work. RECEIVE COMMUNITY DEVEZOPMENT MINUTES: NLY 13, 1976 MOTION by Bergman� seconded by Schnabel, that the Planning Commission receive the minutes of the Community Development meeting of July 13, 1976• Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bergman said that regarding the Sign Ordinance Committee, there have been two meetings of the project committee. He stated the second meeting was held July 26th, and he was not in attendance. He sai.d he did attend the first meeting and reported on that one previously. Mr. Bergman explained the subcommittee met on the fourth Monday of each month, and he thought it got fairly well organ- ized at the first meeting. He commented that he thought the committee members wauld find it was a much more complicated and diverse challenge than it appeared on the surface. Mr. Bergman said that three representatives from sign Aamganies were invited to the second meeting� and added that Dennis Schneider was spending quite a bit of his personal time. He stated that it would take awhile to �rade through a lot of detail and arrive at some breakdown and enumeration of what kirids of things they were really concerned about. iie sa.i.d that there was not yet a completion date� but they were moving forward. � �"\ � � Pi�nning Corrunission Meeting - July 28, 197b Page 3 Mr. Bergman continued that they had a second project committee--the Bikeway/ ''1 Walkway Project Committee� which was a continuating project committee. He . staied that at their last meeting Mr. Vern Moen� the on-,go3.ng chairperson of Bikeway/Walkway, was in attendance: P2r. Bergman said they discussed the status and expectations of the committee with him� and approved a proposed project committee delineation scope with current view. He stated that the project committee had been dormant for some time, but Mr. Moen was planning to call a meeting sometime within the next month to month and a half to review where things are and identif`y things that ought to be attended to or further reviewed. Mr. Bergman said that at this point he would like to ra.i.se a problem they were having in the Sign Committee getting minutes recorded� typed and distributed. He said that as an example of that, he had requested at the last Community Development meeting that mi.nutes of the Sign Committee be attached to the Community Development minutes and carried forth as part of those minutes� but that'hadn�t been done. He said they also have the typed project comir�ittee description for Bikeway/`Walkway. Mr. Bergman said he would like to ask what was normally done with regard to l) How do other projects solve the secretaxial problem without Staff assistance, and 2) How do those mi.nutes get caxried fortha or don't they? He further stated that at the last CDC meeting they were handed roughly-typed copy of the Sign Committee meeting minutes, and did receive them at Community Development level. He said that unless something else happened� that was the end of the travel of those minutes. Chairperson Harris said he tr�ought that was probably a11 that was necessary for those minutes until Community Development took some type of action or made �^"� a recornmendation. Mr. Harris told Mr. Bergman that if he wished to include those minutes with the recommendation or action from that committee to the Planning Cormnission� it could be done that way. He then asked Mrs. Lambert how it was handled in Human Relations. Mrs. Lambert replied that as far as she lrnew, the Fine Arts Committee was the only active subcommittee in Human Relations at this time� and she happened to be the secretary of that. ��1 Chairperson Harris sa.id there was a problem w�th that in the ordinance. Mr. Bergman stated they wez'e working on the problem, but he didn't know how sucessful they would be. Mr. Bergman sai.d that as input from the Bikeway/6�dalkway Project Committee and from administration� they received and approved a project committee description for the Bikeway/Walkway Subcommittee. He said.that this should be then processed in the minutes of the Planning Commission as Community Development had taken action on this. Mr. Harris said that should then appear in the minutes from Commwnity Deeelopment. 1. TABLID: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PI,AT P.S. �76-05 T 0, B DARREL A. FARR DEVELOPMENT : eing a rep a o Lo s o inc usive, B ocks 21 through � an so part of Zot 1� Block 28, Innsbruck North Townhouses Third Addition� to a11ow changes in the size of gaxages� generally located �on the West side of East Bavarian Pass and South of Meister Road N.E. Public hearing open.. � .� � Plenning Corrmdssion Meeting - July 28� 1976 Page !t K Mr. Boardman explained to the Commission that he had talked with Jim London, and Mr. London asked again that this remain tabled because Darrel Farr has been gone and they haven't been able to sit dolan with the Townhouse Association '� yet. Mr. Boardman.brought to the Commission's attention a letter to the Chairman of the Planni.ng Commission from Mr. Jerry W. Anderson, Chairman of the Architectural Control Committee, dated Juljr 20, 1976 which said that in lieu of a request for withdrawal they would like this letter paxt of the record of the Planning Commission. . MOTION by Bergman� seconded by Peterson, that the Planning Commission receive the communication from Mr. Anderson to the Chaa.rman of the Planning Commission d.ated July 20, 1976. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. , MOTION by Peterson� seconded by I,ambert� that the Planning Commi.ssion table the Public Hearing on consideration of a preliminary plat� P.S. #76-05, Innsbruck North Replat Third Addition� by Darrel A. Farr Development Corpora- tion� with the Public Hearing open� until the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission. Upon a noice vote� a11 voting aye� the motion carried unanimousiy. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A�PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #76-06, RE ESTATE 10 SECOPID ADDITION BY BRATT-PAI�EN BUILDEF� Being a replat of Lot � Auditor°s Subdivision Id�. 2, to clarify the legal description of a building site generally located at 9�.1 Hillwind Road N.E. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson� that the Planning Commission open !� the Public Hearing on consideration of a preliminary plat� P.S. #76-06� Real Estate 10 5econd Addition� by Bratt-Palen �uilders. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye� Chairperson Harris declaxed the �ublic Hearing open at 8:05 P.M. Mr. Francis Girdler� representing Rea1 Estate 10, and Messrs Don Bratt and Elmer Palen� Builders, were present. . Mr. Boardman said that first of all, he wanted to correct the map on page 65, and explained the dash line should be moved to the property to the South of .tha� (parcel 1130). . He stated that this was a petition by the owner s�f the property to approve a preliminary plat on the property. He explained the reason for the preliminar� plat tiaas because the legal description on the property as is was very� very lengthy and the owner would like it simplified. Mr. Boardman said the property to the South of this had been platted in a similar situation to tris, the proper.ty to the East was platted in an apartment ownership, and the property to the North does have an existing building on it. Chairperson Harris asked if they were planning on building a iiiture buil.ding on this� and Mr. Bratt replied they had to get an easier legal description because they were building a home there. He e�:plained it was presently an empty lot. He added that Real Estate 10, Second Addition, was not the correct name� and asked that it be changed to Lot 1' Hillwind Addition. n � �� -,;�i y �lanning Commission Meeting - July 28, 1976 Page 5 � r'"� Chairperson Harris asked if that was the proposed structure pictured on page 6�� and Mr. Bratt replied it was. He said it was basically a L-shaped split- entry. . . �. Chairperson Harris asked if the lot met all of the zoning requirements, and Mr. Boardman replied they would have to pick up some easements on the property to the East of this in order to allow for sewer easement on this road. Mr. Bratt explained that the owner oi the apartments there owned that land, and they had arranged with him for that easement. Mr. Girdler stated that he owned the property to the South (1300) and had the same no-sewer situation. He agreed with Mr. Bratt that they should get together and pay for it. Mr. Bratt stated that if this Commission recommended to Council approval of this� they would also like to have them recommend that a building permit be issued upon approval of the preliminary plat, with the idea that they wouldn�t be able to move in {an.til� af�er final plat approvalMz'• Bratt said he understood this had been done before e�i.te a few times. I�e explained.the reason this request was made was because the cost of the proposed house would go up approxima.tely $1,000 by the middle of August, �d their mortgage commitment was about to run out. Mr. Boaxdman asked if a11 code requirements would be met, and I�r. Bratt replied they would. He said they even had a building permit subject to these things. Cha3rperson Haxris asked i.� -.,nere were any other dra.i.n�ge -requirements, and Mr. Boardman replied nothing else was necessary. Mr. Bergman stated that this particular lot was zoned R-3, and he believed some additional property in that area was zoned R-3. He said Mr. Bratt�s intention was to make a R-1 use of this particulax lot, and asked him if he knew if there were any�si.milax plans for surrounding land. Mr. Bratt replied that he didn't know. He said that Real Estate 10 had the property to the South, but beyond that point going South he didn't ]rnow what anybody�s plans were. Air. Bergman said that there were plans at one�time considering a neighborhood shopping area. Mr. Harris said he recalled that, but that would require re-zoning. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Peterson, that the Planni.ng Commission close the Public Hearing on consideration of a preliminary plat, P.S. #76-06, fteal Estate 10 Second Addition� by Bratt-Pa1en Builders. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, Chairperson Harris declared the Public Hearing closed at 8;17 P.M. MOTION by Bergman, seconded by Lambert, that the Planning Commission recommend to Council approval of a preliminary plat, P.So #�76-06, Rea1 Estate 10 Second Addition, by Bra%t-Palen Builderss Being a replat of part of Lot !�, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, to clarify the legal description of a building site �enerally Iocated at 9l�1 Hillwind Road N.E.� subject ta identification of sewer easement from the Easterly direction. Chairperson Haxris asked if Mr. Bergman wished to of .a building permit if the preliminary plat was ^'� said his motion did not include that. He said he _.., by that recommendation, and preferred to leave it also recommend the issuance approved, and Mr. Bergman felt nothing would be served to the City Council. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. -,�-� Planning Commission Meeting - July 28, 1976 Page 6,` 3. CONTINUID: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Mr. Bosrdman informed �he Commission that he had nothing further to discuss � on this at this meeting. � Mr. Boardman brought to the Commission�s attention the Official Publication Alotice of Hearing by the City of Spra:ng Lake Park. He explained it was a rezoning request concerning the general location of Centaal Avenue N.E. and Osborne Road� and that it would be heard by the Spring Lake Park City Council on August 2, 1976. MOTION b�i Schnabel, seconded by Peterson, that the Planni.ng Commission receive the Notice of a Public Hearing on the rezoning request concerning the general location of Central Avenue N.E. and Osborne Road. Upon a voice vote, all voting ayes the motion carried unanimously. ADJOt1RNMENT : MOTION by Peterson, seconded by Bergman, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon a voice vote-, all voting aye, Chairperson Ha.rris declared the Planning Commission meeting of July 28, 1976 adjourned at 8;l�3 by unanimous vote. Respectfully submitted,� ��l , y tTi ) �A Y iY1; -%c��l�, She ri 0'Donnell'�� _ Recording Secretary ��