PL 07/13/1977 - 6613<� �
City of Fridley
A 6 E N D A
JULY 13> 1977
'LUS.IUI, �ilV, ot ttle Fridley
and service of recreational
Pearson`s Second Addition,
River Road N.E.
Public Hearing open.
City Code> to allow sales
vehicles, on Lot 1, Block 1,
the same being 7701 East
#77-Q7, AfIDREW R. EVA�lS: Per Section`205.051, 2A, af
the Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a
� second accessory building, a 27' x 24' attached garage,
on the East 167 feet of Lot 7, Auditor's Subdivision
' ` No. 92, the same being 6040 Benjamin Street N.E.
#77-08, ROGER STENE: For retaining tF�e use of both
existing attache garages, and to permit an existing
drive to his originaT 12 1/2 ft. by 22 ft. garage to
remain as is, per Fridley City Code, Section 205. 051,
2, A, *, located on Lot 1, Block 5, Brookview Terrace
7hird Addition, the same being 870 Pandora Drive N.E.
*Please note that when the permit for a second attached
garage was issued on May 26, 1972, it was stipulated that
the driveway to the original garage be removed, and the
original garage be used just for storage.'
#77-09, SHERWOOD JORDAHL: Per Section 205.051, 3D, of
ti�e Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a
double bungalow in R-1 zoning (single famiiy dwelling
units), on Lot 6, Block 2, Spring Valley Addition, the
same being 1441-1443 Rice Creek Road N.E.
��rormeriy I'.J. �ib4-U4J, being a repiat ot tne Nortn
� 153.64 feet of the South 551 feet front and rear ofi the
Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12,
�`-� T-30, R-24, Anoka County, generally 7ocated East of
Central Avenue N.E. and West of Arthur Street N.E., on
the Soutfi side of 76th Avenue N.E.
7:30 P.M.
1 - 27
28 - 32
33 - 36
37 - 43
44 - 47
48 - 56
Planning Commission Meeting July 13, 1977
� Agenda, Page 2
JUNE 21, 1977
JUNE 27, 977
ITY 57
58 - 64
65 - 74
75 - 84
JliP!E c�, 1977
Chairperson Harris called the June 22, 1977, Planning Commission
rr�eeting to ar�er at 7:35 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Otfiers Present:
Shea, Ber9man, Harris, Schnabel, Peterson
Jerrold Boardma�, City Planner
Mrs• Schnabel
June 8, 1477,
Mr. Peterson,
Absent Member•
indicated that since Ms. Suhrbier was at the
Planning GommissioR Meeting, representing
he should not have been listed on Page 1 as an
Mrs. Schnabel corrected a typographical error on Page 16,
eigfith paragraph• Clrs. Boandman should have been
Mr• Bo�rdman•
MQTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mrs• Schnabel� that the Planning
Commission minutes of June 8, 1977, be approved as amended.
Upon a voice vote, all voti�g aye, the motion carried u�animously•
P N R� er section � o t e
Frid ey City Co e to allow sales and services of recreational
vehicles on Lot 1, Block 1, Pearsons 2nd addition, tfie same
being 7701 East River Road N.E.
MOTION by Mr� Sergman, seconded by Ms• Shea, to open Che Public
Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened at 7:40 P•M•
Mr• James Pawelski and Mr• Ray Amundson of Apache Camping Center�
2465 Fairview Avenue North, St- Paul, were present at the Planning
Commission meeting.
Mr- Pawelski explained that they were requesting a special use
permit for the building located at 7?D1 East River Road N.E. for
the sales and servicing of recreational vehicles — Fold-Down
Trailers, Mini-Motor Homes, Pick-Up Campers, and Travel Trailers.
He said that they serviced the units themselves and are not
involved in any e�gine repair work• He indicated that they planned
to'use the present building. He said that they didn't plan to
change the building at all except to change the outside sign and
add one small sign that would indicate Apache Camping Center and
an ther that would indicate the brand of camper that they sold (the two
sma�ll s�9ns orould be 4xII}_
(is• Shea wanted to know if the City was asking for a better
landscapping plan•
t1r• Pawelski said that they had told him of no such request• �
Ne indicated that all he had been told was that the City
wanted some type of plan as to how he would display the vehicles.
Chairperson Harris referenced Page c2 of the agenda,
Commission Application Review, ^Must submit better layout for
Planning Commission showing landscaping and visitor parking^.
Mr• Pawelski said that he had never received the for^m or had ha
been told of that request•
Mr� Pawelski commented to the stateme�t that read, ^No objections
from Engineering with the excepCion that if existirtg harc!
surfaced area is changed and/or increased, a drawing and
grading plan must be approved to control the runoff into
Springbrook Creek^- He said that they wouldn't be changing
anythingtexcept they will clean the property and have better
maintenance on the shrubbery that was presently on the property.
Mrs. Schnabel asked if they planned to keep the driveways as
they were presently located•
Mr• Pawelski said that the gates and driveways would remain
exactly where they prese�tly were.
Mr• Paul 8urkholder of 7B6D Alden Way said that the prop2rty �
shouldn't be turned into a seles lot or a^car" lot for
recreational vehicles. He said that these types of sales
should be kept on University and Central Avenues. He said
that East River Road was not a Commercial Strip• He said
that the proposed establishment would encroach on the
aesthetics and values on the surrounding properties. He
referenced many of the recreational vehicle sale establishments
located on Hwy 65. He felt that since it was a business
venture it would involve bright lights, noise, and added traffic.
ke didn't feel that the area needed that type of activity.
Mr• Lloyd Meyers - 132 Stonybrook Way N.E. said that the term
Recreational Vehicles was really very broad• He wanted to know
if this Sales Building would be limited only to the four kinds
Mr• PaweZski talked about.
Mr• Pawelski again indicated the only four items that would be
handled by the proposed business•
Mr• Meyers asked if there would be any snowmobiles or all-terrain
!1r• Pawelski indicated that they would not be selling that type
of vehicle• �
Ms. Mary Martin of 133 Stor�eybrook Way N•E• strongly protested.
She'said she was in total agreement with Mr• Burkholder and
� said that the reasons not to grant the Special Use Permit would
be the same objections that were stated at the Datsun discussion.
Mr• ftay Wormsbecker of 2809 Hampshire Avenue North was the
Real Estate Broker for this property. He indicated that the
building had been vacant for some time and that he had been
working on trying to lease it out. He said that there wasn't
a lob of companies interested in that type of layout. He said
that the building was layed-out perfectly for the type of
business that Apache Camping Center would have. He felt that
the Planning Commission should recommend the granting of the
Special Use Permit.
Mrs. Schnabel asked Mr. Meyers what he thought of the business
occupying that building.
Mr• Meyers said that he didn't seriously object. He just didn't
want to get involved with all the noise that went with snow-
mobiles and motorcycles and the like• He was mostly against the
idea of a lot of lights and noise•
Mrs. $chnabel wanted to know the hours and days that business
would be conducted.
Mr• Pawelski indicated that they would be open Mondays thru Thursdays
�from,9:Q0 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. Fridays they would be open from
9�OD A.M. until 6:00 P•M. and on Saturdays they would be open
from 9:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. He said that they would not be
open on Sundays-
Mrs• Sch�abel wanted to know if there were any plans to extend
the hours once they were in the new building.
Mr• Pawelski said that they didn't anticipate any different hours.
He indicated that they were business people and that their
Iivlihood depended on customers- He said that if someone came
into the showroom close to closing time, that they would probably
remain open until that customer had been taken care of•
Mrs. Schnabel asked how many vehicles would be stored outside the
Mr• Amundson indicated that it would depend on the season• He
said that in the Spring the inventory was heavier than the other
seasons. He estimated that, including the units on the showroom
floor, there would°be about 3❑ units• He said that they didn't
keep a lot of inventory• He said that the business operated mostly
from orders-
Chairperson Harris said that the unit� would have to be small or
else the building and property would be crowded• He felt that
the petitioners had a lot of outside storage of units•
Mr• Pawelski said that the inventory was governed by their banker.
He said that at present they had seven travel trailers, five mini-
motor homes, nine pick-up campers, and 2Q cabs {the cabs are on
racks, 4 to a rack}. He said that basicaily they would have the
units on oisplay• The customer would order what he wanted
based on what he would see from the display.
Chairperson Harris questioned that only five parking stalls for
customers was provided on the drawing. He wanted to know if
they felt that was really all they would need.
Mr. Amundson indicated that their operation was basically small•
He didn't really feel that much more than five spaces would be
Chairperson Harris said that there was basically no room for
on-the-street parki�g• How would they arrange for over-load
Mr. P�welski said that it was hard to put on paper exactly
how many cars would be at the business at one time•
Chairperson Harris explained how he interrupted
he had before him. He said that he didn't feel
be adequate space for off-street parking.
the drawing
there would
Mr. Wormsbecker indicated that there was enough blacktop to
provide 43 parking spaces•
rlr• Pawelski said that the drawing was not to scale and that
there would be ample space for the outside display units as
well as off-street parking for customers•
Chairperson Harris said that he wanted the map revised.
Mr. Pawelski agreed that the map should be revised; basically,
drawn to scale•
In answer to a question by Mr• Aergman, Mr.Wormsbecker indicated
that evan though the property w�s zoned for commercial� they
need a special use permit to display outside the building.
Mr• Bergman wanted to know what the petitioner planned in way
of construction.
Mr• Amundson said that they only planned to change one of the
garage doors by making it higher- They also planned to change
the sign outside the building.
Mr. Burl;holder indicated thdt the owner of the property was only
planning to lease the front part of the building to the petitioners.
� He felt that as leasees the petitioners would, indeed, only do
as little as possible to the property. He also didn't believe
that the building was large enough to take care of the �isplaying
of their products during i�cclement weather. He said that he
didn't fai�lt the petitioners tor being ambitious and energetic
and hard-working businessmen who wanted to expand their 6usiness•
He felt that it wouldn`t be long before the units would be stor2d
all over the property and on the adjacent grass• He said that
East River Road already had enough traffic problems without a�ding
to it 6y allowing the petitioners a special �se permit• He felt
that the problems that would result would be the same as those
cited when Datsun was before the Commission.
Mrs• Schnabel discussed with Mr• Boardman the interpretation of
the Zoning Ordinance governing the property in question•
hir• Boardman indicated that anythi�g having outside display
of products needed a Special Use Permit.
Ms. Mary Martin asked the Planning Commission members to go back
and resd all that was done when Datsun wanted to go into that
building• She felt everything pertaining to that �ecision was
pertinent to the present request for a 5pecial Use Permit.
� Chairperson Harris asked what the Staff felt about this request.
Mr• Soardman said that Staff wanted an upgrading of the
property and �ot just a maintenance of the present property.
Staff would require an extensive landscaping plan similar to
what they needed from Datsun. He said that the blacktop in the
parking area would have to meet code standards. Since the
building was zoned commercial, he felt it was up to the
Commission to decide whetfier or not the type of business would
put an inordinate 6urden on the area.
Mr• Berqman asked Mr• Boardman to read the uses permitted in a
C2S zoning.
��r• Boardman read to the Commission and the audience the uses
permitted in a C2$ zoning.
�r• Bergman indicated that then the only conflict involved was
the fact that the petitioner planned to have outside storage/display.
Mr- Boardman said that that statement was true•
Chairperson Harris asked if a Special Use Permit had ever bee�
granted on that property.
Mr• Ecardman responded that if the establishmsnts were in the
builcing before 1969, they probably didn't need to have a
Special Use Permit•
Chairperson Harris declared a short recess at 8:15 �.M. while Mr
looked up the information re9arding whether a$pecial Use
Permit had ever been granted on that property•
The meeting was called back to order at 8:30 P.M.
Mr� 8oardman indicated that there was no record of any Special
Use Permit ever being granted for that property.
MOTION by Cis• Shea, seconded by Mr• Bergman, to close the Public
Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimausly• The Public Hearing was closed at 8:35 P.M.
Mrs. Schnabel indicated that the request for a Special Use
Permit could be falling into the catagory of causing an undue
hardsfiip on the adjacent land owners because of the amount
of outside vehicle storage� Because of that hardship she had
reservations on granting the Speciai Use Permit for that
type of operatio� on that property•
Ms. Shea wanted to know where the petitioners would perk the
vehicles that were in for servicing.
Mr. Pawelski indicated that the service area would hold three
or four vehicles and any more than that would have to be parked
outside by the service door•
Mr. Burkholder indicated that the petitioners would only be leasing
the front half of the 6uilding and all the land• He said that
the owner would be keeping the back of the building to use as
a warehouse•
Mr• Amundson said that he was a specialty dealer and that his
products were basitally seasonal• He indicated that they weren't
going to be a car lot, constantly expanding• He said that it
wasn't right to keep comparing the business to a tar lot — almost
everyone owns cars, not everyone buys campers or mini-mobile homes.
Chairperson Harris wanted to know how much traffic wo�ld be
generated by the owner of the building in regard to his half
of the building.
�ir• Wormsbecker said that he didn't know• He only knew that the
owner was in the carnival business and was out of town a lot• He
said tfaat there was no way of his knowing what was being stored
in the owner's part of the building.
Ms• Shea said that she k�ew for a fact that most of the units
� didn't sit on the lots for very long. She said that most of
the inventory moved very raoidly• She said that basically
m�st of the units are special ordered.
Mr. Bergman didn't feel a sense of conviction either way.
said it seemed that the general neiohoorhood preferred to
see the building vacant; but he could also see that the
property owner would want to put the building to some use,
said that both parties did have justifiable arguments.
He indicated that he w=nted to take a closer look at the
request. He also felt that more time would be beneficial
the requestor so that they could spend some time with the
City Staff so that he would know exactly what would be
required of him regarding the property
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Mr• Feterson, that the
Planning Commission continue the Public Hearing on the
request for a special use permit, SP �77-04, Apache Camping
Center� Per Section 205•101, 3N of the F�idley City Code
to allow sales and services of recreational vehicles on Lot y,
Block 1+ Pearsons 2nd addition, the same being
77D1 East River Road N.E.
Mrs� Schnabel didn't feel there would be any advantage in
�continuin9 the item. She said that she had drive� past the
property and had been previously on the property• She feit
the basic concern wes with the amount of vehicles that would
be stored outside the buildinq.
Ms. Shea said that she wanted to see the map drawn more to
scale. She felt that there would be no problems with over-
cr-owding on the outside lot.
llPON A VOICE VOTE+ Ms. Shea, Mr. Bergman, and Mr• Peterson
voting aye, Mrs. Schnabel and Chairperson Harris sustaining,
the motion passed•
Chairperson Harris indicated that the item would be continued
at the next Planning Commission Meeting ort July 13, 1977• He
asked the petitioners to meet with Mr• Boar@man with a better
layout of their plans.
___ .._._�_.-'_ ___.'___-___..'___._____ ___ -
City Cad�, Section �US, 1D�„�, PJ�'to a-ITow a t1obile HOme �
Sa1es Center on a 3�0' x 1�t1' strip of property lying in
Lot S;A.S. �153, located between the car wash and S?�ywood
Mall Shopping Center� same being Sc01 1/2 Central Avenue N.E.
MOTION by (1rs. Schnabel, seconded by Mr• Peterson, to open the
Public Hearing• tJpon a voice vote, all voting aya, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Nearing was opened at 8:�0 P.M-
Mr• Ralph Henriksen of Housing Corporation D/8lA, Znstant
Housing, 955� N.E. Highway �65 was present at the meeting.
fir• Boardman said that the plan had been revised since the
Pu61ic Nearing notices had been sent out. He indicated that
the petitioners had a new site plan of the operation• He said
that he had talked with the petitioners and had indicated wl�at
the City wanted them to put in the area.
Mr• Henriksen showed the Commission and the audience the site
plan he had for the mobile home sales center•
Mr• Henriksen said a�hat their intentions were to be if they
were granted the Special Use Permit. He said that they would
operate a sales display area of eight to ten �nits• He said
that the units wouZd be displayed and then orders would be
taken based on the displayed models. He said that their
intentions were to do much landscaping to the area to make the
area attractive to the eye. He inaicat,ed thst they hoped
to make a nice, clean-looking display area that wou].d be
attractive to the customers as well as to tne surrounding
Mrs• Schnabel asked that since a lot of the area will have
crushed rock and gravei, would there be some type of control to
keep this rock and gravel confined to their area.
Mr• Henriksen said that it would be planned for•
Mrs� Schnabel wanted to know where the customers would park.
Mr• Henriksen said that they had worked with the owner of
Skywood Mall, and that the parking lot presently located at the
site would be expanded and improved• The mobile home customers
would use that parki�g area.
Mrs� Schnabel pointed out that she had noticed that currently
cars are usually parked against tfie south wall of Skywood Mall
� buiiding. She wanted to know if this would continue to happen.
Mr• Henriksen said that there would be landscaping against the
mall building and that there would be no parking allowed against
the south wall of the building.
Mr� Peterson asked how large the units were that would be
Mr• Henriksen said that there would be some 14' x 70' mobile
homes and a few 24' x 60' mobile homes. He said that there
would be a nice mixture of both sizes.
Mr• Peterson wanted to know if the illustration that
Mr• Henriksen was displaying to the Commission actually showed
the number of units tfiat he planned to have on the lot.
Mr� Henriksen said that the number of units would vary• He
indicated that there would usually be eight, but sometimes
ten units and once in a while there would be 1'c units.
Mr• Baardman pointed out that the Special Use Permit would,be
issued to the owner of the property and not Mr• Henriksen.
�Mr. Bergman wanted to know what the petitioners plans were as
far as a waterlsewer system•
Mr. Nenriksen said that the office unit would be connected to the
already existing water/sewer system in Skywood Mall•
Mr• Bergman asked, that since the petitioner would be leasing
this piece of property from Skywood Mall, would the lease
include the parking and other uses of the adjoining properties•
Mr. Henriksen answered yes to the question.
Chairperson Harris asked if one of the display models would serve
as office area.
Mr� Henriksen answered that the office area would be located in
one of the display mobile homes. He said that the mobile home
closest to the parking area would serve as the office.
Chairperson Harris asked if the office mobile home would be a
permanent structure.
Mr• Henriksen said that it would be the one hooked up to the
water and sewer systems.
� _�
Chairperson Harris asked if there wo�ld only be the eight u�its
located on the property in ques�ion. �
�r. Henriksen said that they didn't want to be tied to just
eight units• He said that possibly there would be ten or 1c
units displayed at different times•
Ch�irperson Harris questioned if 12 mobile homes would fit on
the proposed property.
Mr• Nenriksen said that 1c mobile homes would fit bu� that
Chere would have to be a different arrangement of the display
homes. He pointed out that there may bz times that three or
four units would be stored on the property — not necessarily
on display.
Mrs. Schnabel asked about the business hours•
Mr• Henriksen said that the display would be open from
8:30 A.M. until 9:b0 P.M. Monday thru Friday; 9:0� A.M. until
5:0� P.M. Saturday; and Noon un�il Ss�O P.M. Sunday.
Mrs. Schnabel asked if they planned to have outside lighting•
Mr• Henriksen said thaC they would have a need for security
lighting• �
Mrs. Schnabel asked if the petitioners anticipated any late-
night operations, such as moving of the homes, etc•
Mr• Nenriksen indicated that the only possible activity at
night would be possibly showing the mobile homes to someone
who couldn't come during business hours. Not a usual occurance.
Mr• Peterson wanted to know if any equipment would be stored
on the property•
Mr• Henriksen said that all the equipment used in moving the homes,
etc. would be stored at the operation that was located in Blaine.
Ms. Shea asked if the display homes would be skirted.
�r• Henriksen said that they had very attractive pla�s for the
skirting of the mobile homes. He said that all the display models
would be skirted and attractively displayed.
Mr• Bergman asked where else in Ehe area the petitioners had
businesses already set up.
�r. Henriksen indicated that the headquarters was located in
Blaine on Hwy 65; there was a sales operation in Egan on Hwy 55 �
three miles east of the Mendota Bridge, and one in Farmington
that would be op�ned in 30 days.
Mr• Eoardman indicated that when he had talkec to the surveyors,
� that they had mentioned additionel �creeniro that k�a< beirg
planned along the border of the property. He asked if
Mn• Henrikse� was still planning that venture•
Mr• Henriksen said that he did plan for some screening around
the property borders. Ne said that the screening woul� be
located cn the owner's property. He showed the Commission a
pictu�e of the 6laine lccobion as an example or what he
planned to do.
Mrvs. Judith Engelbritson of 5216 Taylor Street ��.E. presented
Petition #12-1977 to the Flanning Ccmmission. The petition a�as
in oppcsition to the granting of Special Use Permit t77-O5.
She indicated that the people who signed the petition felt that
the size of the area was insufficient to have that type of
business located in 5kywood Mall• They also felt that the
existence ef suth a business along with the other structvres
located in Skykood Mall were and would be a depreciating factor
to their property•
MOTION by �s- Shea, secor,ded by �rs. Schnabel�-that the Planning
Commission receive the Petition �1c-1977. Upon a veice vote, all
votinq aye, the motion carried ur.anino4sly•
� Mr. Aaron Engeltritson of 5216 Taylor Street �!.E• felt that
Fridley had enough �obile Home Ccurts and Sales Centers and
that anether one would be entirely unnecessary. He irdicated
that the adjGcent neighbors had enough problems regarding
Skywoo� Mall and they �i�n't need a Mobile Home Sales Center
added to the prcblems. He hcped the Ccmmission would recommend
NO special use permit•
Mr. Gordon 61oom of Twin City Federal, 5305 Central Avenue N.E-
indicated that Twin City Federal also wanted the Speciel Use
Permit rejected• He said that a lease for that type cf use fcr
that property would not be beneficial to the area. He said that
they were opposed to anything that would require a Special Use
Permit. He proceeded to add his name to the petition �12-1977.
He also mentioned that the Fublic kearing Notice hed �ot specified
exactly where the Mobile Home Sales Center would be located-
Mr• Bloom also asked if the plan that Mr• �e�riksen had displayed
was still in the 1Q0' x 300' descriFtion thab had been indicated
on the Fublic ffearirq Netice• He cidn't believe that the number
c:f units that Mr. Nenriksen planned to display would fit on a
lot that was 100' x 300'•
Mr. Boardman said that the description sent out was based on
a previous sketch �r,d there hac been cc Ex<.ct location indicated
on the apFlication e>:cept betueer, the car wash and Skywocd Mall
� Shoppira Center• He a�:�r't sure ahat the requ:�rements were es tc
ir.cre�sino t.h� <_;ize ef the Mc6ile Ncme Sales Csnter �ree si.rce t.V-e
Speci�l L'se Perrrit woul� be crerted to the er,tire center•
Ch�irperson Narris askec how large the parce2 fn question a,as-
Mr• Eaardre�r ir.oicated that the p�rcel would be increased by �
approxim�ately 113 of the proposed sizP of 10�' x 3�0'. Ne ag�in
pointed oct that the cpecial Use Permit would be granted to the
entrire property and not a sepzrate pertion of the prcperty•
Chairperson Harris sdid that the Fublic Hearing A�ctice h:ad not
read that way.
Mr• George Hale of Sc34 Taylor Street h'.E. said that his viewpoint
in lookirg at the struct�res existing in Skyaocc �all and then
ccnsidering the cor,struction cf a temporary establishment did
not �eem ir. the best interest of improving that property• He
felt that the �cbile Hcme �ales Center wcald cre�te an a�ditionel
traffic hazard in the are�. He didn't feel it woul� either
enhance the property or result in lcwer taxes, so he hope� tFe
Commission woul� not Srant the �pecial Use Perrrit �77-05.
Mr• Sheldon Mortenson of 1289 Skywoo� Lane N-E., one of the owners
of the Skywood Mall Shopping Center, indicated that the area in
question was expansion space to make it possible to increase the
size of the F.hopping Center• According to the City Ordinance it
would be pcssible to increase tc an additional size of 44,000
square feet of retail sales cr for use as an office b4ilding, etc.
Ne said that they didn't have ar.y present immediate pians for a
development and sc Che land would remain vacant and in its presert �
cor.dition- Ne felt that the MoEile Home Sales Center would be an
imprcverr�er.t to the Center. He said that the procee�s from the
Mobile Home Sales Center lease wculd be used tc ircprove the
parkirg lot and try to do some landscaping around the property.
He indicated that if the Special Use Permit didn't go through, that
the property would probably remain in its present condition.
Mr• Engel6ritson said that the adjacent property owners have
tried to get some landsceping dene fcr the past 12 years with no
Mr• Bloom �creed that nothing is ever done to the property to help
its appearance. Ne felt there was no excuse for the pcor condition
of the prcperty• He f�lt the owners could mzke scrce effort to
shok the �omm�nity that they were willing tc upsrade the
property and then possibly the adjacent neigh6ors would show
some interest in a Speci�l llse Fermit enterprise• Ne said
that he di�n't have anything egainst the Hcusina Cerporation
except that usually in a Mobile Home S=1es Center the m.obile horces
�re =_tackEC in side-Ey-side. Hs said tFat if they would operate
their business exectly as they were indicating, the sales center
wouid indeed be nice• Nowever, he said that the owners of the
prcperty hoo never proven tc the adjacent neighbors and businesses
any good intentions of �pgr�ding the property and they couldn't
depend cn what was being said.
, ..
Mr. George Nale pointed o�t that f"r• Mortenson had thre=tened
•that if the S�ecial Use Perrrit wasn't gr�nted, ther he cic'n't
plan to dc anythino kith the prcperty. He'felt that the Ccuncil
sho�ld kee� ti�at staiemer:t in mir�d.
Mrs. Schr.abel askec if f^.r• Henriksen aculd do a12 the internal
Mr• Nenriksen said that he wculd do all the internal landscapirg.
Chairperson Narris asked how long the terrr,<_ c�f the lease wc�lc be•
Mr• Nenriksen said it was a two-year lease.with the option to
Mr• Mortenson said that he evEntually wanted tc see er office
Euilding on tFat parcel of land. He also said he didn't me�n
tc sound like he was threatening. F'.e said tFat presently there
j4st wereh't mor,ies available to do the prcFer 12ndscaFirq of
the Shoppir�g CEnter- k'e said the taxes go up sc fast that
eny extra money had to be used tc pay taxes. F!e felt that the
type of Specie•1 Use Ferrr•it in question wculd allow enough extra
money to er,able the �hopping Center to do scme cf the rrcch
r;eeded landscapirg.
f1rs. Schr,abel k-anted tc know who aoulc' be respcn<ible fcr the
� South side of the Shopping Center•
Mr• Mortenscn said ti-at he wculd work with Mr• Henriksen a�d
tcgether they would take care of the lendscaping, including the
extending of the perkino lct.
f^rs. Cchr.abel esked aEout the pl�ns for some type ef
at the rear of the lot.
Mr• Mortenscn indicateu' it really was awkwerd to plen
screening for that Shoppiro Center that wo�ld be totally effective•
Mrs. Schnabel egreed that it woul� be hard to find tre�s that
would grcw high enough to allow screening of the Shopping Center without ruining the view cf the hcn;eowners that very possibly
built on th.ose lcts for the beautiful 4iew of the City.
Mrs. EngelEritson said that she tF.o�sht there hec tc be scree type
of buffer zcne beta�een camrrercial and residential• She elso
indicated that they had been �rcer the irr:pression that there
kC41.G� be e better layout cf the SFopping Center. that wo�ld
include scme t.ype cf s.crEening. P11 they ever saw of that whole
de�l had been � few seedlinos.
Mr• Mortenson said that he had invoices to prove that he had
plan�ed 1�,0�0 seedlings on that hill- He said that every year �
he �lanted them, we had extremes in the weather that tended to
kiil them off.
Mr• Bloom wanted to know why, since they already had an operation
on Central Avenue, they would want to move closer in.
f1r• Henriksen said that for the same reason Twin City Federal
had branch offices. More exposure to the Public.
Chairperson Harris said that �3 on the petition concerned an
additional amount of traffic stress that would be placed on the
already congested traffic conditions. Ne asked for an
explanation of what was meant by that statement•
Mrs• EngelbriCson said thot on Fridays, when the bank was open
and the other businesses were doing their usual week-end
business, that there was a real traffic prablem. She said that
the residents of the area had to use the area as it was their
only access. She didn't feel it was right to bring more
businesses into the Shopping Center•
Chairperson Harris said that the City had signed contracts with
the State to upgrade that area.
Mrs. Engelbritson said that that contract was only involved with �
53rd Avenue. She said that 52nd Avenue was not included.
Chairperson Harris asked Mr• Henriksen approximately how much
traffic his business would generate in a 24 hour period.
Mr• Henriksen said that there would be no ^big sales" that
would be attracting multitudes of people• He inditated that
perhaps four to six customers per day as an average• He
didn't feel that there would be a great increase in the traffic
congestion or infringement on the available parking•
Chairperson Harris asked how much of an i�crease in traffic had
been noted at the Holiday Viilage operation•
Mr• Boardman said that there had been no appreciable trends,
Chairperson Harris questioned �4 of the Petition as to an
increase in noise volume-
Mrs. Engelbritson said that a problem already was apparent
regarding truck trafFic through the Shopping Ce�ter at 4:00 A.M.
{garbage/trash trucks, etc.}. She made a reference to tha
Hilltop Mobile Home operation and was afraid that the venture in
question would result in the same type of over-crowding and •
unpleasant appearance• She then said that as far as noise itself
that there wauld be people coming into the area, it would result
in noise from children that would be drawn to the area. She said
that it would be a seven-day operation and the area wouldn't have
any relief from the constant noise of business in progress•
Che,irperson Harri.s also questioned tf�e reFererce on the petition
regarding a potential fire hazard to the adjacent property owners.
tlrs. Eng�lbritson felt that whenever there was more people, the
risk of fire was always greater• She said that one carelessly
tossed cigarette could result in major damage due to the amount
af dry brush located on the property that borders directly to
the residential homes.
f7r• E31oom said tnat he was the sec�rity officer at Twin City
Federal and he proceeded to tell about many dangerous incidents
that had occurred at tf,e Twin City Federal 6ank. He said that
before another business was accepted into the Shopping Center
area that something should be done to try to alleviate the
type of problems that Twin City Federal had experienced•
Chairperson Harris asked if Mr• Bloom had been in contact with
Mr• Hill, the City of Fridley's Safety Director•
Mr. Bloom indicated that Twin City Federal had been in contact
with him at the times that the incidents happened. He said
that basically the FBI took over such incidents since Twin City
Federal is a Federal establishment. He indicated that if the
area was upgraded, it wouldn`t attract the type of trouble-makers
they had previously encountered.
• MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Peterson, to close the
Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was closed at 9:40 P.f1-
Mrs. Schnabel asked if there had been a Special Use Permit in
existence for the Photo Store.
Mr. Boardman indicated that there was.
Mrs• Schnabel wanted to know how many Special Use Permits a
property owner needed to apply for• She asked if each type of
business would require a new Special Use Permit.
Mr• Boardman expleined that a Special Use Permit would be granted
for a special use• He said that each special use on that Qroperty
would require separate Special Use Permits•
Mrs. Schnabel asked if the Special Use Permit would go to the
owner of the property or to the business itself•
Mr• Boardman indicated that a$pecial Use Permit always went
to the property owner.
Mrs. Schnabel questioned fiow many Special Usepermits• a property
owner could fiave- She also a�ked th��t if a Special Use Permit
was qranted to a specific parcel of land and the property changed
in nature and a dissimilar business moved in, could the new
owners use the Special Use Permit that had previously been granted
since the owner still had the Special Use Permit.
Mr• Boardman
of businESs
Use Permit,
said that if the
than what had �een
then a new Special
new business was a different type
allowed by the previous Special
Use Fermit woul� have to be applied
Chairperson Harris wanted to be sure that City Council read
his statement —^I TOLD YOU SO^. The precedence set with the
use of the parking lot at Holiday Village North that came before
the Planning Gommission had been voted �gainst exactZy for this
particular reason. Now we are flooded with requests from
everyone wanting to use their parking lots.or extra land around
their Shopping Centers for something else• He felt that a very
poor precedence had been set by ailowing the Holiday Village
North operation.
Mr• 8ergman said that the property owners were only trying to
• get the best use possible from their property. He felt that
there had already been incompatibility betwee� the Skywood �all
Shopping Center and the adjacent residents. He felt that the
approval of a Special Use Permit to add the outdoor sales of
mobile home units, even though an excellent plan was being
proposed, would only add to the degree of incompatibility that
already existed.
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Ms• Shea, that the Planning
Commission recommends to City Council the denial of the request
for a Special Use Permit, SP �77-05 by the Housing Corp, D/B/A
Instant Homes: Per Fridley City Code, section 2�5, 101, 3, N. to
allow a Mobile Home Sales Center on a 300' x 1�0' strip of
property lying in Lot 5.A.5. �153, located beLween the car wash
and Skywood Mall Shopping Center, same being 5201 1/2 Central
Avenue N.E.
Mrs- Schnabel said that since the property ow�ers had said they
eventually wanted to have an office building or an addition to
the Skywood Mall Shopping Center constructed on that lot, she
had a difficult time trying to understand why the petitioner
would want to go through the expense of upgrading the property
just for a two-year lease•
Mr- Mortenson s�;id that actually they were thinking of more
like five years;maxirnum. He stoted that as far as existing
incompatibility betwEen the Shopping Center and the adjacent
� home owners, he said that construction of the Shopping Center
bEydn in 1562, at wnich time very few of the surrounding homes
were in existence• He felt that when the people built on their
lots, they knew that the Shopping Center was in existence• He
said that when a person lived on a hill he would be exposed to
everything below the hill• He said that the distance between
their properties and the Shopping Center buildirgs was over
10❑ feet•
Mr� Engelbritson ciaimed that they had built their home in
1964,'and their had been no buildings existent in the Shopping
�r• Mortenson again said that construction of Skywood Ma11
had been started in 1962.
Mr- Engelbritson said that as the layout showed the Mobile
Nome Sales Center, it would look nice. He said that
the layout only showed eight units. He said that
M�. Henriksen was talking about possibly 12 units and he felt
that the layout would not be very nice with that many units
Mr. Henriksen said that what he was indicating was that if
�a delivery was made before another unit got out, it could
result in more units than indicated on the layout. He
indicated that their intentions were not to display any more
than the layout showed.
Chairperson Harris had a problem
Notice• He said that before it
had to be changed•
agreeing with the Public Hearing
went to City Co�ncil, the wording
Mr. Boardman didn't know how else the area in question. could 6e
described. He explained that the Special Use Permit would be
for the entire shopping center• He said that it was a completely
legal description and couldn't see any problem.
Mr� Boardman said that the only control as to the exact area
would be controlled by the Planning Commission/City Council
as stipulations put on the approval of the request.
Chairperson Harris felt that a Pubiic Hearing Notice left with
such broad terms could be very misleading to the general public.
Mr• Boardman indicated that originally the request had been for
a 1D0' x 30�' strip of land• Nowever, due to requests made Ly
the City, the area had to be laid out differe�tly, therefore,
the requestor needed more area to comply•
Chairperson Harris said that the precedent set by Holiday
Village North would make it difficult to deny the request
si.nce the City allowed Holiday Village to have the Mobile Home
sales center on their lot-
Mr� Bergman felt that it really was a different issue• H� said
that the Ho2iday Village North operation dzdn't infringe on
any residents. He said there was ,tio conflict of interest,
no incompatibility, or adjacency of occupancy, no effect on
other properties, and no zoning problems. He said that in the
case of Skywood Mall there was much public opposition. He was
also upseC that no buffer zoning had been established.
Mrs• Schnabel said that if the plan was to be exactly as it had
been drawn up and explained to the Commission, it would actually
be an upgrading of the area since all that was located presently
was a vacant lot overrun by weeds-
Ms. Shea said that she could appreciate the neighbors concern.
She said that tfie weeds would still be there, the mobile home
sales center would just be in the middle of the vacant lot,
surrounded by the weeds and grass•
Mr. Boardman sug9ested three things that the Planning Commission
could consider in granting the Special Use Permit:
1} Restrict the Special Use Permit to a specific area.
2} Limit the number oF Special Use Permits allowed a
property owner•
3} Planning Commission should get a commitment in writing
from the Shopping Center owners for an �pgrading of the
entire property which would include overall improvements•
UPON A VOICE VOTE, Ms. Shea, �r- Bergman, Mr• Peterson, and
Mr• Harris voting aye, Mrs• Schnabel voting nay, the motion
carried. •
. __ _----------�--- --- ----------- -
� BY IVOF:S1AN NALL: Per Fridle Cii,� Cod`�, Section 205.051,
3 D� to a11ow the construction of a duplex/double bungalow
in R-1 zo�ring {sinyie f'amily homes} on Lot 1, Block 4,
Sylvan Hills Plat 3, the same being 639�-6392 $tarlite Blvd
MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by fth- Peterson,
Public Hearing• L1pon a voice vote, all voting aye,
carried unanimously. The public Hearing was opened
Co open the
the motion
at 10:04 P.M.
f1r• Boardma� said that the request w�s to construct a duplex/
double bungalow on a presently existing single family dwe11in9
lot. He said that a duplex or double bungalow could be allowed
in a single family area with the Special Use Permit. He indicated
that he had a copy of the house plans• Also he indicated
tfiat a petition #11-1977 that had signatures of the people that
were in agreement with the plan was included in the agenda packet•
Mr• Boardman said that the lot backed up to lots zoned industrial�
He then proceeded to indicate all the zonings of the lots
located in Che area in question•
Mr• Norman Hall of 56-66 1/2 Way presented his plans to the
Commission and the audience• He said that he planned to build
a double bungalow or duplex style house on the property• He
felt that what he proposed wo�ld be an asset to that corner
as weli as the neighborhood. He said the cost of the proposed
dwelling would be approximately 565-75,00�.
Mr• Boardman informed the Commission that Mr. Hall wouid also
have to go through a variance request since the lot measured
9,942 square feet and code required 10,000 square feet•
Mr• Ha11 indicated that he really had the intention of dressing-
up the proposed structure so that it would resemble a single
family dwelling. He said that once he had the completed, final
plans he would be willing to get with the neighborhood and discuss
the plans with them before starting construction.
Mr• Sergman asked why Mr• Hall wanted to develop this property
with a dou6le bungalow rather than a single family dwelling.
Mr• Hall said that since he was a construction workerlbrick
layer he felt he had the knowledge and ability to attempt to
build that type of dwelling. He also indicated that since his
family was grown, perhaps in time, he would want to move into a
smaller dwelling and he thought that a part of the double
bungalow wo�ld suit him and his wife perfectly•
Mr• Bergman asked what Mr- Hall's plans were regarding rental
versus sales.
�r• Hall explained that he didn't plan to �ell the double bun9alow•
He �aid that he might keep it for rer,tal on1y; or� Iike he had
mentioned previously, possibly to live in• He did indica�e that �
he definitely did not plan to build ti�e �up1�x fo� sales purposes-
Mr•Robert Lee of 130 Satellite Lane asked if Mr� Hall owned any
other double bungalows or duplexes.
Mr• Ha11 said that he owned one duplex located on 53rd an� Sth Street
which he had recently purchased• He comrnented that anyone that
we:ntUd to drive by the duplex would agree that it was one of the
nicest kept houses in the area.
�r• Hall stated that it was not his intention to build a piece
of junk on that property• He said he planned to as cafeful
as possible with any rentai of the property•
Mr• Robert Lee informed the Commission that he was at the meeting
representing Mr• Hall {he was a Realtor}• He explained the
entire area around the lot in question. He said he had talked
to each of the neighbors that were on the mailing list• He said
that all the people he talked to were in agreement with
Mr• Hall's plans• He said that the entire area was we11 kept
and that Mr• Hall planned to be sure that the double bungalow
would be well kept and nice at all times.
Mrs. Judy Kidder of 636� Starlite Blvd said that she was at the •
mePting rr�ainly because of a misundzrstandi�g• She said that she
doubted the credibility of the Petition �1�-1977 since she had
signed because she had been led to believe that the only thing
that could be built on that property wos either an office building
or a multiple dwelling. She said that it had been a misu»derstanding
because if she had been told that a single family dwellinq could
also have been built on that property, then she would not have
signed the petition that was in favor of the construction of a
double bungalow• She felt that people who lived in rental units
did not have the pride that people had when they owned their homes.
She said that the entire area would suffer if someone moved
into that duplex and didn't take care of it.
Mrs• Kidder
said that she preferred to see a single-family dwelling
on that lot and wanted her name removed from the
Mr• Lee pointed out that rental property could be just as well kept
as privately owned property.
Ch_��rperson H��3rris ar.r:ed if Mrs. Y.idder wanted her name removed
frqm the petition �11-1977-
� Mrs• Kidder said that her name and Marv Auger of 6348 Starlite Blvd.
olso wanted her name removed. ilrs• Kidder explained that f1s. Auger
had to leave because of sitter problems due to the late hour•
Mr• Lee apologized for any misunderstanding and said that he had
not intentionally misled anyo�e regarding the property. He said
that h� had explsir,ed to th� pecple the po�sibility of using
the lot as a type of buffer zone between the industrial zone and
tP�e sir,gle-fa,r,ily dwelling zone. He indicated that he felt the
particular lot may have been a little harder to sell since it
bordered on the industrial lots.
M�. Hall said that, he agreed that sometimes an absent landlord
didn't have the tendency to take care of the property as much
as a person that lived on the property. He wanted to make
the point that he really couldn't make the statement that he
would definitely move into the duplex or for that matter when
exactly he might move in; but he felt that he did have intentions
of keeping the property up as well as his own was kept up and he
invited anyone to drive past his home and see for themselves
that he definitely kept a nice yard-
I�r• Hall also pointed out that sometimes people who own their
own homes don't always keep their yards nice.
Mr• Charles Sander of 101 Sylvan Lane submitted a petition to
the �ommission that had signatures of people in opposition to
the granting of Special Use Permit �77-p6• He said that the lot
was zoned R-1 and that it should remain as R-1. He said that
all the promises were probably well meant but that things didn`t
always work out the way someone plans.
MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Ms. Shea, that the Planning
Commission receive Petition #10-1977, opposing the Special Use
Permit �77-p6. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously•
MOTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Clr• Bergman, that the Planning
Commission receive the revised petition �11-1977, in favor of
the Special Use Permit �77-06. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Chairperson Harris indicated that the same names could not be
on both petitions and that if a name was on both petitions, that
the name would be removed from Petition �11-1977 and left on
Petition �1�-1977.
p�_l�r�p�Tn�� COM!1�� �'1p�! MEE1'TN� — Jtlh�� ?� , 7�977 nq(r ?�
f1s. Caroline Johnson of 6336 Starlite Dlvd. felt that since
there were still empty lots on ti�e South end of Starlite Bivd,
sf�t felt that sorneone else wouiti foliow f9r• Hall's exomple and
decide to construct a double bungalow• She said that rental
property had too much turnover of people• She wanted the lot in
question to remain R-l•
Mr• E• L• Rice of 100 Sylvan Lane gave his descrin�ion of
Starlite Blvd� He said that the entire area was single-family
dwellings and he said thet since the lot was zored as R-1, it
should be lefL as such•
Ms. Johnson wanted to know why only certain people were sent
Public Hearing notices and why f7r• Lee had anly talked to
certain people•
Mrs• Schnabel said that only properties within 30� feet of the
lot in question had to be notified of the Public Hearing•
Mr. Lee indicated that he had used the list he had received
from City Hall when he went and talked to the individual
neighbors• He pointed out that of all the people he talked to,
only one was against it and he said he wanted the lot to remair
vacant• He said that basically it did�'t make any difference at
aII to him whether the Specia2 tJse Permit was granted or not-
He said that he had not sold the property and had nothing
invested in the property• He said that he really believed
Mr• Nall had a good plan and he believed Mr• Hall had good
intentions of keeping tha property as nice as the adjacent yards•
Mrs. Kidder said that she too thought the lot was nice just as
it was and she didn't care if it wes left vacant either, at
least until someone decided to buy the lot and construct a
single-family dwelling.
Mr. Lee pointed out that the reason the lot Zookad so nice was
not an accident. He said that Mr• Hall, the City of Fridley,
and himself had the land leveled and cleaned up and developed
so that it would be pleasant to the eye.
Mr• Lee felt that everyone was assuming that all double bun9alows
are bad, unkept places.
Mrs. Kidder explained that from what everyone knew of rental
property, that was the trend.
f1r- Johnson said that it would only be a matter of time before
someone would buy that lot and build as an R-1• He wondered
if it was a matter of wanting something just to fi11 the lot
why would they want to spoil such a nice area with a double
P�r. Lee �<areed with �7r• Johnson that tF�e lot would definitely
sell sooner or later. He was only at the meeting 6ecause he
�felt tl-�at Mr• Hall had a good plan and that he thought it would
be an asset to the community. He said that the people adjacent
to the property weren't objecting.
Mr. Walter Shupien of 6299 Trinity Drive said that he moved out
of multiple dwellings to live in an area of single-family
homes. He asked that tFe lot remain an R-1 lot. He said that
it wa� only a ma*ter of time before rental property would go
down hill and it almost always happened faster than privately
owned•, owner-occupied, property cid•
MOTION 6y Ms• Shea, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was closed at 10:45 P.M.
Mrs. Schnabel said that to grant a Special Use Permit on that
lot was somewhat similar to a spot zoning — a direct change to
a neighborhood.
MOTI4N by Mrs• $chnabel, seconded by Ms. Shea, that the Planning
Commission recommends to City Council the denial of the request
for a Special Use Permit SP �77-06 by Norman Hall: Per Fridley
City Code, Section 205•051, 3•D, to allow the construction of a
duplex/double bvngalow in R-1 zoning isingle family homes} on
Lot 1, Block 4, Sylvan Hills Plat 3, the same being
6390-6392 Starlite Blvd.
Mr• Bergman said that he didn't consider it at all unusual
request to buffer other single-family homes with a doubie
bungalow that bordered on industrial•
Mrs. Schnabel said that the entire a�ea was single-family homes.
She said that the zoning hadn't been set up to buffer the
industrial and the single-family dwellings.
Mr• Bergman
as changing
thought that that had been a very drastic move as far
a zoning directly from Industrial to single-family
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Mr• Lee indicated that he had never been to a Planning Commission
meeting in Fridley City Hall and he thought that the Planning
Commission had handled themselves very well• He felt they had
given everyone a fair hearing. He said that he had enjoyed
being at the meeting and he thought that the Plan�ing Commission
had made a very wise decision in denying the request. He said
that if anyone contested something going into a residential
area, they should have the right to keep it residential• He
thanked the Commission for the opportunity of taking part in
their meeti�g.
SpTi�o�f i:�'e`no�t:Ke�Iy"-i"our-{�+3 ic�-L' G"f'tti�_7;;1-� rt3Y-0�`�-1�-- �
Hyde Park A�dition To aZlow for access to garage in back
yard of Lot 9•
Mrs• Sharon Jensen of 5946-4th Street N.E• was present at the
Mr• Boaroman explained that the lot to the south of 595�-4th Stre�'� r;,�
was an 80 foot lot. He said that Mr, Copoicus wanted to put in
a driveway- He said that in oreer to do that �r�d maintzin t'r�e
steps out of"the back-door of his home� he would have *o obtain
four feet from the property located at 5446-4th Street N.E•
Chairperson Harris wanted to know how close to the property
line the hovse at 5946-4th Street N.E. would be after losing
four feet to 594p-4th Street N.E•
Mrs. Jensen said that she wasn't�positive as to the number of
feet but that she was sure there would be plenty of space on
that side of the house• She indicated that her garage was locateci
to the South in the rear of the house and that .there was only
grass on the area that Mr• Coppicus wanted to buy•
Mr. Bergman indicated that Staff had gone out to the home and
measured and hac!z�'t indicated any problems.
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Ms. Shea, to recommend to
City Council the approval of the request for a Lot Split
L.S. 7?-06, by Clinto J• Coppicus: Split off the northerly
four {4} feet of Lot 1D, Block 13 Hyde Park Addition. To allow
for access to garage in back yard of Lot 9 subject to a
confirmation of no sideyard setback problems. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously�
Ghairperson Harris declared a short break at 11:00 P.M•
Chairperson Harris called the meeting back to order at ],1:10 P-M.
Mr• Boardman explained that he thought the Planning Commission
should go over the propsoec! Sign Code and discuss the changes
that had been made and to better understand what was being
attempted by the Ordinance•
Mr• Bergman commended Staff for the work they had put into the
Sign Code Ordinance• He said that they took the ideas from
Community Development and converted them into ordinance form and
language• He said a lot of timely el=fort had been spent putting
togethar the Sign Code Ordinance on very short notice. He said
that there had been a big and pleasant change from what
Community Development Commission had submitted and what they got
• Chairperson Harris, Mrs• Schnabel, and {1s. Shea wanted more time
to be able to read the proposed Sign Cade Ordinance•
Chairperson Harris suggested that the Planning Commission read
through the Sign Code Ordinance with Mr• Boardman and then
take;it home and read it in its entirety.
Mr• 8oardman went through the entire Sign fode Ordinance and
explained all the changes that tne Community Development
Commission had made at their June 14, 1977, meeting.
The Planning Commission made several comments/questions regarding
diffe�ent points in the Ordinance. flost of which �Ir. Boardman
answered or explained to their satisfaction-
MOTIDN 6y Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Mr• Bergman, to continue
the Proposed Sign Code Ordinance discussion until the �ext
Planning Commission meeting and extend an invitation to
Ms• Pat Gabel {Chairperson of the Project Committee} to be
present at the meeting to provide the Commission with any
additio�al information they may need. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
� MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Ms. Shea, that the Planning
Commission continue the Proposed Housing Maintenance Code• Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Ms. $hea indicated that Carol Ristae had been named the Citizen
of the Year•
11QTIQN by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr. Bergman, that the Planning
Commission receive the Human Resources Commission Minutes of
June 2, 1977. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously•
Mrs• Schnabel explained that the Appeals Commission felt that City
should take a look at the Zoning Ordinance. The Commission felt
that corner lots should be excluded when determining the average
setback for the other lots in the area.
MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the Planning
� Commission receive the Appeals Commission minutes of June 14, 1977•
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
PLk11tdITdG �OM�1S�SZCN f7EETING — JUNE 22, 1977 pAGE 26
9, p�rr����c �nr^,m(1'1ITY llEVELQPf7ENT C�Jf1i^ISSION MIP,UTE
,I.:,�yr, i���f, L`ii7
��11r• 8erymar� �aid that Mr• Eoardman had discusse�d any comments� �
tt�at f�ad been mad2 at the Comrnunity Development Commission meeting•
MOTION by Mr• Bergman,
Commission receive the
of June 14, 1977• Upon
car�ied unanimously•
seconded by Ms• Shea, that the Planning
Community Development Commission Minutes
a voice vote, all votin9 aye, the motion
Chairperson Harris explained that when the Planning Commission
went through the Special Use Permits, that section on non-use
was not very clear. He suggested that that section be re-written�
Mr• Boardman indicated that hopefully in August, Staff would be
rewriting the Zoning Code Ordinance•
Chairperson Harris stressed the fact cf attendance or representation
at the planning Commission meetings. He indicated that everyone
that was present always did do their jobs well• He said that
Parks and Recreation Commission was not represented on a usual
basis. He wanted to know if there was something that could be
done to try to make sure th`t all the Commissions were
represented at each Planning Commission meeting. �
rlr• Boardman said that presently Dorothy Evenson called all
the members of the Planning Commission to be sure they were
represented. He said that it was usually left up to the
chairperson to notify the vice-chairperson if ha can't make the
meeting. He we»t on to explain the reasons for the absence
of the members from the June 22, 1977, meating.
There was some discussion as to the actual importance of the
Parks and Recreation Commission having to be represented at
the Planning Commission Meetings• .
Mrs. Schnabel felt that either the Chairperson or Vice-Chair-
Person of the Parks and ftecreation Commission should be
present. She felt that they had valuabl.e things to offer.
Mr• 8ergman questioned her statement•
Mrs. Schnabel said that she respected the opinions of the Parks
and Recrea�ion Commission• She said that it was also one more
voice and at times bring up pertinent information that mi��ht not
have otherwise been brought up.
There was a discussion on items th�t have to go tnrough the
Plannin� Commis�ion before City Council and item� that can go
• directly to City Council bypassing the Planning Commission.
Also discusseo tF�e di�fereni: Cornrnissions thet hancle requests
that go neither to the Planning Commission nor City Council•
Chairperson Harris asked what would !��_ppen if the Planning
Commission didn't formally receive the minutes of the other
Mr• Bo�rdman said that the minutes would not go to City Council•
hi0TI0N by f1r• Bergman, seconded by Ms• Shea, to adjourn the
Jun2 22, 1977, Planning Commission Meeting• Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously-
Chairperson Harris declared the meeting adjourned at 12:35 A.i�.
Respectfully submitted,
�n A � �� ��
M_a�ee Carhill
Recording Secretary
-- f �JV
Notice is hereby given that there will be a public Hearing
of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City
Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, June 22,
1977 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of:
Consideration of a request for a Special Use
Permit, SP #77-04, by Apache Camping Center,
per Section 205.101, 3, N, of the Fridley City
Code, to allow sales and service of recreational
vehicles, on Lot l, Block 1, Pearson's Second
Addition, located in the South Half of Section
3, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka,
� Generally located at 7701 East River Road N.E.
Any and all persons desiring to be heard sha11 be given an
opportunity at the above stated time and place.
Publish: June 8, 1977
June 15, 1977
NLld16GR ._::l/ ���JQ��LAN�NIfJ�D ZONIN�F�
AddressiC �{�S�n/�a
c.t /�'�' �-
Telephone Number U � 3 �U��
Address g,.�/,«J iG{i�s�ssi�i ��J.lJ
Telcphone Number
Street Location of Property�770/ E/i/l1C2 /1 G'fi`/�
Legal Description of Property L
... . m
. _.. ,��
�_ Special Usc Pcrinit
Approval of Premin-
inary F, Pinal Plat
Strcets or Allcy
Feeli�__Receipt No. �`�(`/(
� 'vn�flJD. �
Prescnt Zoning ClassificationC'"��s Existing Use of Property_(//�t�s�i'�
Aereage of Property i'�('�+X' ��ae.Pescribe Uriefly the proposed zoning classiiicatio�
or type of use and improvement praposed �,B-�G3 ��iMO ��t.`/cG- OS�
/( G�GiL. r-.a �� e N!� C_ l%z /f i c/� S
Has the present applicant previously soagttit to rezone, plat, obtair. a]ot s lit or
variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes�no. .
What +eas requested and when?
Thc undcrsigned understands that: (a) a li5t of all residents and oi,�ners o£ property
within 300 feet (350 feet £or rezoning) must be attached to this applicatian.
(bJ 'fhis application must Ue signed by all o�smers of tlic property, or an explanation
' given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any Jefect in the proceedings from thc failure to list thc names and addresses of all �•esidents and
property o��niers of property in question, belongs to thc undcrsigned.
A skeich of proposed property and structure must be drai��� and attached, shotiaing the
following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposcd structure on the lot.
3. llimensions of property, proposcd struct�3rc, and front and sidc sctbacks.
4. Street Nanics. 5. t.ocation and use of ad}acent existing buildings (witliin 300 feet
7T�e undersignecl hereby cieclares thnt
ttpplication are true and correct. �
DAi'E ���� �� / _SICNnTURF�
Date Filcd
Datc o� tl�arin
Planning Connnissiai ApproveJ
(dates) Acnicd
t�zy �nund;�n
James J. Pat,relski
City Council Approvcd
(Jntes) Denicd �
s stated in tf�is
���LZN� L���
5P �-04, Apache Campinq Center
Jim Pawelski Elaine Hartman
Apache Camping Center 119 Craigway N.E.
2465 Fairview Ave. North Fridley, Mn 55432
St. Paul, Mn 55113
Northeast Securities Corp. Edward 3. Jonak
Mortgage Assoc. 133 Craigway N.E.
125 East Wells Fridley, Mn 55432
Milwaukee, Wisc. 53202
Mr. & Mrs. E. V. Afirens, Jr.
160 Criag Brook Way N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Barr Blower Company
99 �. 77th Way
Frid ey, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. David Berg
7680 East River Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. William Jawor
124 Craig Way N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. 12icAard Smith
146 5toneybrook Way N.E.
Fridley, Ain 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyci t�teyers
132 Stoneybrook i9ay N.E
Fri�, Mn 55932
Wesley D. Jensen
160 Stoneybrook Way N.E
Fridley, rin 55�132
Planning Commission 6/7/77
City Council ; ��
Mr. & Mrs. Kirylo Czichray
147 Craigway N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Joseph Ricter, Jr, and
Gladys M. Anderson
165 Stoneybrook Way N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Dumphy
155 Stoneybrook Way N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr.& Mrs. Charles Martin
133 Stoneybrook Way N.E.
Fr3dley, Mn 55432
Paul M, Surkholder
6229 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55932
� _. _
First American Natiorial Ban
of St. Cloud-Howard Donahue
Atty. for Mortgageee
601 1/2 S. Germain Stre�t
&t. Cloud, Minnesota 56301
Mr. & Mrs. John Van ICrevelen
7661 �ast River Road
Fridley, Mn 55432
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Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of
the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Ha11 at
6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, July 13, 1977 in the
Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M, to consider the following matter:
A request for a Special Use Permit, SP #77-07,
by Andrew R, fvans, per Fridley City Code, Section
205.051, 2, A, to allow the construction of a
second accessory building, a 27' x 24' attached
garage, on the East 167 Feet of Lot 7, Auditor's
Subdivision No. 92, located in the North Half of
Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County
of Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located at 6040 Benjamin Street N.E.
Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an
opportunity at the above stated time and place.
Publish: June 29, 1977
JuPy 6, 1977
CI7'Y 01� FItIUf.liY DSINNI3S0'1'A
NU6ICGR {�� �%�?-�'r/
�; APPLICAN7'' S S IGNA � URI: L� ^�. �. , x_ .��
.' Address ��//� �, -_„i,r.�,�[ •�r. .�''�`%t�
`-Y-=� �
'Telephone Number ,��i— .��/��'
Telephone Numb�r " .a �/ — Z-��L�"
Street Location of Property
Legal Description of Property
� 3�
�, Special Usc Pennit
npproval of nremin-
inary £, Finnl P1at
Streets or Alley
v �`
Fee ��� Receipt No. �'(n%c{�
Present Zaning Glassification Existing Use of Propexty f j� «�E
Acreage of Property Describe riefly_the proposed zoning classification
��r,ti:� C;r���rK;<� b%
or ,type of use and improvement proposed /�E �/l. f- iz c.�� .. �-/� t r, �: ��T_� -iTi<�
•' <=7�C r�! 1��...r�.,,.-,� ' :
Occz- ����• � 677�n<aF=F %zrc �;�7 � T"�.- r E /-�Ccc-/C � STcllc i �n-i<r/
Flas the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, oUtain a lot split or
variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes��.; no.
IVl�at was requested and when? _
7'he tmdersigned understands tliat: (a) n list of all residents and owners of property
ti¢itliin 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must U� aCtached to thi.s application.
(b) 'I'his application must be signed Uy all oiane��s o£ thc property, or aii esplanation
given IJIl)� this is not tlle casc. (c) I:esponsibility for any uefect in the proceedings
resultin� fi�om the failure to list the namcs and addresses of all resideiits and
property on�ners of property in question, Ueloirgs to tlic undersigncci.
A sketch of proposed prope-rty and structure must Ue dra�cn and attached, showinr the
£ollowing: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot.
3. Uimcnsions of propc.ty, proI�o�cd sCructurc, and front and sidc setbacks.
4. Strect Names. S. Location cuid use of a�ljacent existinp Uuildings (wii:hin 300 feet}.
7'he undcrsigncd hcrcUy declares that all thc facts and representations stated in this
application are true and correct.
•UATE � SICNATURE�.te1��-GV/� ����--_�i��
Date Filcd Datc of Ilcaring
Fianninf; Conunission A��t�roved City Council Approvcd
(dltes) Dcnicd (dates) Ucnicd
Mailing List
SP #77-07, Andrew Evans
2nd Accessory Building
Mr. & P4rs. Relay Lala
1591 60th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
t4r. & Mrs. William Phillips
6020 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Ms. Lynn P. Maillet
5995 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Reynalds
5993 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rice
. 1541 Ferndale Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Korin
6051 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Gunhus
1569 Ferndale Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Ms. Ellen L. Duval
1560 Ferndale Avenue N.E.
Frid7ey, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Evans
6a40 Benjamin Street N.E.
Eridley, M� 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Elmars Prieditis
6031 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Stevens
6121 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
� . .. ��
Planning Comnission June 28, 1977
City Council
Mr. Gary f, Phillips
1565 Gardena Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sorsoleil
1561 60th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Rickhoff
1567 60th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Sh'eldon Tarman
1581 6�th Ave�ue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Zander
6041 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
� � ... 3� .
SP #77-�7 Andrew Evans
second accessory building
N. £. CQR�&'ER
,�,.� s..�. ,. SEC.. ��
G•S. (2633.40J_' ___ � . . •
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caRa�crr_o ��oric�
pue�ic i,r_r�air��
iVoiice is hereby given that there will be a Pu61ic Nearing of the
Planning Cocimission of tl�e City of Fridley in the City Ha11 at 6�31
University Avenue flortheast o❑ �!ednesday, Ju1y 13, 1977 in the Council
Chamber at 7:30 P.hi. to corsidcr the following matter:
A request for a Speciai Use Perinit, SP ,=,'77-OF3,
by Rqg2r Stene, for retainin, i,he use of both
existing attacf�ed garages, and to perinit an
existing drive to his ori9inal 12 1J2 ft. by
22 ft. garag� to remain as is, per Fridley City
Code, Section 205.051, 2, A,*, located on Lot
1, Blocl 5, Broel:viea� Terrace 3rd kddition,
all lying in the ��ortn Half of Section ld, T-30,
R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Ilinnesota.
SGenerally located at 870 Pandora Drive N.E.
* Please note that when the permit for a second
attached garage �ras issued on P1ay 26, 1972, it
was stipuTated that the dri��esaay to the ori9ii�a1
garage be removed and the original garage be used
just for stora;e.
Any and all pei°sors desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity
at the abovu time and place.
Publish: June 29, 1977
July 6, 1977
r.... .
.� .
NUhiBGR j%� -O �
Address .�{ %d ,/ !'.
CXTY OI� fRIDL�Y MINNf:SOTA i....� a3L',�
Telephone Number 3%� — C`� � �
Address r� ��'
� �.it .� "!� iL.'`Y
_� Special Usc Pennit
Approval of Premin-
inary F� Final Plat
Strcets or Alley
� � Other
Telephone Number � � / — � `�� f {� • �' �,G�
7 /� � Fee t�� �Reccipt No. � �v
Street Gocation of ProPerty �5���' rl'=�°'� �L%�°L"�' n
Legal Description of Property `• �� i„ ��. c� S � �//,ac o�vfp o�!' !�� �'!r'A � e �"--X
--� �_ ► �
Present Zoning Classificationl�:S�c�%��'z Existing Use of Propexty /�,,%_lfc���'�'-�
Acreage of Property � l�� / Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification
or type of use and improvement proposed 7�` 1��i1��e }�/^/��X ��,�)' � � 7y�`''' �
%n...( .
�� ��1�� � � A�°�„ c �1,� t���, �;�,s,s� � s�.��> �'r:l�r� � ���.-z<�K��� �� ���<<�< :� �`!/'_-�k
--T-- � �--� .
Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, oUtain a Iot split or
variance or special use permit on the subject site or Part of it? yes no,
What was requested and when?
The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and oianers of property
within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application.
(b) This application must Ue signed by all owners of thc property, or an explanation
given irhy tliis is not the case. (c) P.esponsi6ility for any defect in the proceedin�s
resulting from the failure to list the names and addresscs of all residents and
property oianers of properLy in questioii, belongs to the undersi.gncd.
A sketch of proposeJ property and siruct.urc must be drati.•n and attached, sho:��ing the
following: 1. North Oirection. 2. Location of proposcd structure on tltie lot.
3. Dimensions of property, proposed structt�re, and frant and side setUacks.
4. Strect Names. 5. Location anJ use of aJjaccnt existing buildings (within 300 feet)
'Phe undersigned hereby declares tltiat all the facts and re resw�tations stated in Yhis
upplicaLion are truc and correct. -�
DATE ( � �'/ SIGI�ATURE ' C • ,^>t--�.�
. (Al'1'LI nv�r) . FG \ .
� 7 • 1
Datc Filcd �' � �/ Datc of llcaring/ ���` L y �3 ` � � � � �%
Plnntting Commission Approved City Council Approved
(dates) !)cnicd (dates) Denicd
REQU�ST: Special use permit £or a second accessory builaing, lnis er�,.�� .v•.. ,.��
n:.r�raii�;c any additional construction, It would only all.ow thc present hard surface drive
off Pandora Dr. to remain. 'I'his originally was stipulated to be removed on the building
permit. The garage door �vill remain as is in either case. The property owner can drive
overlawn and use garage for car storage in either case!!
� ���
860 Rice Creek Terrace ,-=<%��-'� �� ��-�--- —_ S-'�L -7/
., z
870 �� �� �� ��/ �i — �'.,-'-%�1
880 �� n �i� (L �?-/"`a%✓. `2-��t�it '�- � ��, _:.� �,!
'__"�s 7 - � '
sso „ „ „ � _ S-2 3 �7
910 ,� „ „ �,r� ��/,�� -�1--r-�
q28� �i �� ri �[�}�Ni' r"i�t�i Y-� `h1'�� ' ��_�``�"
830 Pandora Drive / �� ;i �' � : ,�_. '-�/�7/'�
. , �1o�L,.• v,
/ � �/ ,j / f -�j �� / �� �
840 �� n 1 .l'✓�/��f��I �/,-��%ni'fi�,Cti� �
� � � 1� , 5, �L �1 'J
841 �� �� �, ,.
850 �� �� -,� �:;,,,���, � \c�!.�.�.-� 5 -�3 1%
860 �� �� ' � �.h,�K , U �i��7, �'' � � % �
861 �� �� 1 � I v� �.--Z 5-7
' -2
a�o „ �� C. l .�,..�.' ,5 3- 7 �
� �' �ztr- �7
87] „ „ � ��j f:� .� �-'L jL�Z ` � - ,2 3 77
II 11 L�I �,i<.�� .:�+ /_�,-'�/)Cl,�-�'.?-( �' - /
$ 1� II �".� �
r9oo 6'v�'+}Ta}�( � �Gt.^�% � : ' �j.'�%_/ � % f' J 1'J.:Zz -i
`"-23 --
9 01 �A.�.'/�ts•iA � 2✓, Y } d% 2ti. �. % n:-.J '�
910 ii ii �� .. � i�.i.ti:� / li�---" �!�'�
911 �� ��
� = _� � �� - 2 G -7
830 Overton Drive % T� �% }�- s--f �
u n / � .f D _ �-�� / '} L . . <"� _ 'l .�_ .
841 " "
850 " "
851 �' "
860 " "
861 " "
90o PA�:.�4F,q
901 t7�CFf'olV
9Z1 " "
Mailing List
SP # 77-08 Roger Stene
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Higgins
901 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brown
881 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridiey, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Mewhorter
871 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Robert �'Nei11
861 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. David Schuur
851 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. George Zeglan
841 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Beverage
831 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lynch
890 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wuertz
880 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hines
870 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fri dl ey, 14n 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Brockman
860 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, htn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Milford
840 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Planning Commission �� ��� - 7,Z r
Ci ty Counci 1 _ —3i �
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene 0'Neill
830 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Jaksha
831 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Roberge
II41 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Micnael Hart
861 Pandora Qrive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Dupre
871 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Koskiniemi
881 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Jahn
891 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Stene
870 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Chlian
860 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Johnson
850 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
�. �U
� MEhfO TO: Richard �biech
ME140 FROrf: Ron Holden, F3uilding Inspector
I+IEMO DATE: t4ay 4, 1977
REGARDING: iXisting 2nd Accessory Suilding at 870 Pandora Drive N.E.
(Aoger Steen-Owner)
I have made several attempts in the past year to settle the problem
of an existing unapproved 2nd accessory building (attached garage) at
670 Pandora Drive. The owner, ilr, Roger Stene, has been difficult to
contact at times, but always has returned my calls and cor.responcience.
Recently, tdr. Stene was given a list of neighbors who would be
contacteci if he ti•rere to pursue the Special Use Permit alternative.
fIe hoped to "test the sentiment" of the neigi�ors affected before
applying. pver two saonths have elapsed since he was given Lhe list
and he hasn't �.ade aoplication to date.
I called and left o:ord with him to contact me. I drove by and took
a picture as a record for the file that the driveway has noL- been
� removed to date. (Renoval of the driveway v�as the other alternative
given to Mr. Stene.)
.�_ ���.�..
RO?� HOLDF.'i7
Bui.lding Inspector
City o£ Fridiey, Minn.
6431 Univcrsity Ave. N.E., 6linneapolis, R1inn. 55432
� ��CJ���1'�TG ���T
Date: ______�gY_�6,`1�72
Owner: �.Roger_C.._Sien�_.____ Builder ert„-i;n e„�,,.�,-
Address _��.8.ZA_Pandnra n,-;�.a K E..— — Address
. . �.�
No. _._.._$ZQ_.__ Sheet ___P3ndaza_I�ri7i.�__ Part oP Lot
I.ot .__..L..___._ Block _,.........._..5...._._.._..__........._ Addition or Sub-Division ._$.=nakui,ew—Tes7:ac�3xd..Adclj,tf,an
Corner X.ot ...__.g._._...._ Tnside Lot ______�._�_ Setback _� Sideyard
Sewer Elevation .._____.._,_.._.___�....__.____________ Foundation ElevaUon _�
To ee usea az: � .
_G3Ldg�__.�_.___ Front ---28� Depth _28' Height __10� Sq. Ft. _._.HQ�� Cu. Ft R(1/•�
_________—..__.__._.___ Front _.___.� Depth Height __� Sq. Ft _.__..` Cu. F�
1y�e of Construction __....F.x�zn�.____—� Est. Cost ___$3rfz.42...J,2___ To be Completed __13tear
S _�
Stipulations: Property owner guarantees existing house is 30 feet from the property
line on the east side and �aith the proposed constzuction it caould be 26 feet fxom the
property line. He would allow the City to go on his property and remove tfie tree if
the City puts in a storm sewer to drain Pandora and Able. �Pr ae e � o mov
the dxiueway to the exisCing garaQe onto Pandora and sod the area znd only use the
existinQ gaYaRe for storaQe. Provide a hard surface drive Co the proposed garage.
In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to construct the building descr�bed above, I agrce fo do
the proposed ��ork in accordance with the description above set fo� and in compL'�� all pcovSsions o[
ordinances of the city of Fridley. // ���j` �
1.82 State
In consideration of the payment of a fee o!$__15._QQ___., pernilt is hereUy gr;mted to M,�'��oger Stene
_—......__.__..__.._...._._..__.__.._......._ to conatruct the buildin� oc addition as descriUed a6ove: Tlus permit is +,*ranted upon
the express conditi�n that the person to ���hom it is gtanied nnd his agents, employeas and �corl:men, in a11 �co:k
done in, around and upon said buildin�, or any part thereof, shaA conforin in all respects�to the ordin2nce5 of
Fridley, Diinnesota reSarding location, ConstrUCtion, altcration, maintenance, repair acid movin� of buil3iag3
tf•iUiin Lhe city ]icnits and tLis permit may be revol:ed at any time unot� violation of any of the provisions of said
ordinancea �
� '�
. �_ ! .�--�,�..� .:�.. ��.�.�,c.u'1�L�ilaing r,sspector
7hia parmie doet nol covar the convtmct�on� inalalirfion far wirinp, plumbinp� paa heating, sawsr or wabG 6s sw� to sN
ihs 6vilding Impaclor fot sop�nle psrmih for the�� itemr.
� City of Friciley, Minn. {
�J �� / �
Datr. _._:.7._.._.`.__.�...`....L.t-'_.L�..__._.._..........___.__..._.__.__.._�---
p/_�' /
Owner: � ` ..l�C�L �:?T . . .. _. _. _ ... _..
� %
Address . _ .._ _ ... .. .. . .__ _ _.---...---.._ ._
� �
��� � �
�� �z
�I° 4463
Builder L_�C,�L?!�.!�..�i-r..i �... /�'.�.{` ♦ .�.c_._._
Address �_.!�`C'C '--y% °,�'2c(1..,. c � • '-�s i✓ 6'✓ -
4 /� � LfJCA710iV OF BU1LUlNG
rro. _O. ��!..... street � �2�//[f—"i.rCL>;-. _... . _ .__.. Pa� f Lot .
_. _.... _�.---
/ . 4
Lot ..--
_ �. .__.. Block _...._ � __. .... Addition or Sub Division�,���"1`.-�Z`'�-+YC'-t�111 t�"i'f �.�- .
r / /
Corner Lot .. � Inside Lot ..... _ _.. Setback _.��. _...___... ._ Sideyard , l. f . __ . .._...
r r �`�y
Sewer Elevation .._ ��,3_! ,� ......__. . _......._.._._.. Foundation Elevation ..,_ ,� / � ...._. _
__.. ....._...
. To e Used as:. i �
�� �/ /� �p / ��
;C(. �-r Glc�%_... Front t^�d "_. Depth � %� .. He�ght / ..� __ Sq. Ft �� L.-:.�j Cu. Ft. / ��,✓ �
LL-�.,/�f�i� �.. F ont`�'�,.�. Depth ��' FIei ht ���' Sq. F[. a2 J�.~ Cu. Ft. d/.l. G
Type bf Construction ��-���!?L �: Est. Co��.-=�."_..".-To 6e Completed ..___.. ._...
� �'� C�.�
�� ? i 2
� ° 1
L.!,, � _.....�+ __. .i :�'_:,�.�:�,�;.",.;';L�:r-
�. i� A
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v,,.�_.,._, i�t�)�.I...�i:�t1�J'.
.In consideration ot thc issuance to me of a permit to atruct the buildin� flescri��ove, I.�igree to do
the pmposed work in accordance with the description aUg��c set fo��and in�pli�wee-with a}Y fo��isions of
ordinances of the city of Fridley. � �, !� ///�� �� _-._
w t�_ �
In consideration of the p�yment of a fee o€.5-u�� -� �--��, permit is hcreby granted �u . __....
..._........__.____..._._.._____._...__...__... to construct t(ie building ar�addition as descri6ed ahoce. 'Phis P�imit is granted upm�
the express condition that the person to �vhom i[ is granted and his agents, empfoyec> and �corkmcn, in all wo:k
done in, around and upon said Uuilding, or any part ttiereof, shn11 conform in all respects to the ordinanms of
Fridiey, TSinnesota regarding lceaYion, cozistrdction, alteration, maintenancq repair and movin�; of bui]diu�s
���itltin the city limits and this pecmit may be re�vkcd at any time upon violatii7u of any of the provisions of said
ordiimnces. /j '
_ . (L.�l _4_.G ...�7� .._.�LG �.. � /'L: �.._. Building Iuspec[or
This permil doea nol <over Ihe aonservation, insbl6lion /or v.iring, plumbing, yas haating, sewer or wohr. Be sure to see
�he 8oilding Inspector for sepanb permih for thes� ilem�.
. � � ' yt '��.
� �' S iF '�'.
` o, ' � .' fB • .. ^..5., g � "' % `. � .s
�' ." ' ' �I ry . . � ; e � � � ? �
�.. � '' h Ri n�. h • ;v \
� ROGER STENE SP �77-08 `' ` � � . ' 111
fp er_. jl/ �,y .._�� . re n-�- vo—
�'P ,1 � - _- � w 2
;,j. �:.y �_� "'� ��..5 �D y � h� \ ~I (`a :�
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Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the
Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431
University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, July 13, 1977 in the Council
Chamber at 7:30 P.M. to consider the following matter:
A request for a Special Use Permit, SP #77-09,
by Sherwood Jordahl, per Fridley City Code, Section
205.051, 3, D, to allow the construction of a
double bungalow in R-1 zonin9 (single family
dwellin9 units), on lot 6, Block 2, Spring
Valley Addition, all lying in the South Half
of Section 13, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley,
County of Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located at 1441-1443 Rice Creek Road
i N.�.
Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an
opportunity at the above time and plce.
Publish: June 29, 1977
July 6, 1977
Nur�nra �5���i-G
�APPLICAN'l'�S SIGNA9'URL•.5��£� w�,�o � �c^ nnN�-
AddressJ�'(-o r'3-i'SS�SS'fiP� c� �2%�Lrv
Telephonc Number ��� �( � i� q� i
PROPER77 OIVNGR'S SIGNATURG �n� r ��s /�n��e'
'Celephone NumUer
t L t"on of Pro ert �� -�,. c �`�
. . `T: . . .. ;.
Trre oi� it�:qui:s�' ��
�<< Special Use Pci7nit
Approval of Premin-
inary � �inal Plat
Strccts or Allcy
P- '
Pee ��Q "� Reccipt No. �/, " <-�
Stree oca i p. Y r, � (��p-. ,� 1 s z
Legal Description of Property �p°�,i ��r�4y i� ��� � � C '�2 �'�� ��° r.
Present Zoning Classification 1�- 1 Existing Use of Property� — L-.- r
Acreage of Property 3")����� S,, G% Describe 6riefly Che proposed zoning classi.fication
or type of use and improvement proposed O c r� !!,� �iL a /�S`/-`r,
� 3 ��
������ �� C°��
Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, piat, oUtain a let split or
varilnce or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes ,\ no.
iVhat taas requcsted and iahen?
The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and oianers of property
t��ithin 300 f.eet (350 feet f.or rezoning) must Ue ai:tached to this applic�tion.
(b} 7']sis spplication must Ue signed by all o�aners of thc property, or an esplanati.on
given why this is not the case. (c) [:esponsibi.lity for any defect in thc proceedings
resulting from thc failure to list thc names and adclresses of all resi-dcnts and
property o�eners of property in qucstion, belongs to tlie undcrsigned.
A skeCch of proposed property and structurc must be Jra���� an�l attached, shoiaing thc
following: ]. North Direction. 2. Location of proposcd structure on thc lot.
3. Uimensions of propert��, proposed structurc, and £ront and side setbncks.
4. Street IJames, 5. Location and use of adjacent existinb buildings (taithin 300 feet).
The undersigned hercUy declares that all the facts and representations stated in this
application are truc and corrcct. �
� , � . t �
DAT� C��`l�% � SIG�ATURP. �'��'� "� '� � �
� '-'' (APPLIC,\\'I') � . '
�Iy�-�, ".`�
Date filed �/ �/�� Date of llcaring �1 , � ` �.,,�-,_,�,�,,� ':
Planning Commissia� A��provc� City Co�mcil Approved
(dates) Denicd (dates) Denic��
Mailing List
SP N77-09-Sherwood Jordahl
double bungalow in R-1 zoning
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Pundquist
7490 64th Avenue N.E.
Minneapolis, F4n 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Hjalmer Anderson
1491 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hallister
1466 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Eyler
145b 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hart
1450 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
� Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Olson
1442 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. Herbert Lennox III
1461 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mrs. Beulah 3. Lea
1426 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Paulson
1425 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. David Zerby
1400 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. R. John Whited
6241 Kerry Lane N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Ms, Heten Woodall
� 6283 Kerry Lane N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Planning Comnission �_�g_77
City Council
Mr. & Mrs. James Skog
6274 Ben More Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. Sherwood Jordahl
160 Mississippi Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. Edward Bauler
1420 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Jensem
1450 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
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Notice is hereby given that tfiere will be a Public Hearing of the
Planning Commission of the City of Fridley iri the City Hail at 6431
University Avenue Northeast on 4lednesday, July 13, 1977 in the Council
Chamber at 7:30 P.M, to consider the following matter:
Consideration of Reapproval of �+leadowmoor 7errace
Second Addition, P.S. �77-05, by Gary D. Aigle,
(formerly P.S. �64-04), being a replat of the North
163.6�4 feet of the South 551 feet front and rear
of the Northwest Quarter (NW',) of the Northeast
Quarter (NE',) of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City of
Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located lJest of Central Avenue N.E. and
East of Arthur Street N.E., �n the South side of
76th Avenue Northeast.
Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an
opportunity at the above time and place.
Publish: June 29, 1977
July 6, 1977
-,,.,..� :
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� NUhSQER 1:� �r1 rf -b5� �)
�l� � '
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Address � ��v �'""^�
Tclephonc Number f r��7� t� ���'�
PROPERTY 01t'hCR'S SIGNA7'URE � Ct�c�-c� �'%`�- '
7Ax S=aa� �4 � a
Address _
Special Use Pcnnit
�_ Approval of Premin-
�.nary F, Pinal Plat
Strcets or Allcy
Telephone Number �� .,�
Fee Receipt No. �,�.i�
Street Location of Property 7�_'-��".-.,- /';'>
Legal Description of Property�', } ---�� , L Pa,rcti.4 �� �
Present Zoning Classification £xisting Use of Property ti ;-��. f` ���r �
Acreage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classi.fication
or tYl?e of use and improvement proposed �"Z �\ �� t ��c'+--�� `��' S
, •�
Has tlie present applicant previously
variar.ce or special use permit on the
i4hat was requcsted and when?
souglit to rezone, plat, oUtain a lot split or
subject site or part of it? yes�_no.
The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and otaners of property
within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application.
(b) Tltis appiication must Ue signed Uy all oiancrs of thc property, or an eaplanation
� given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings
resulting from thc failurc to list the namcs and adJresscs of all residents and
property oa�ncrs of propert}• in qucstioii, belongs to thc undcrsigned.
A sketch of proposed property and struc±ure must be drat�n and attaclied, sltowin, tlte
followi»g: 1. North pirection. 2. Location of praposccl s u�ucture on tlie lot.
3, Dimcnsions of property, proposed 5t1�ucCUre, and front tuid sidc setbacks.
' 4. Strect Namcs. 5. Location aitd use of a�ijacent existing buildings (tiaithin 300 feet).
77ie undersigned hcreUy decl�res that all 1se facts and representations stated in this
application are true and correct.
�UATE , � 1�, � r SIGNAI'URE �'� Cx..�..�\ l 1�
(ANP L ] CAN'1'
Date Filed rp—�%�' �� Date of Ilcaring �� ��3 ���<�i ��
Planning Cowmissirnt Ap��roved City Council Approvect
(datcs) benicd (datcs) UcnicJ
� a
� • The park fee for residential subdivisions is $300.00 per lot tn be
paid at the time the City approves the final plat (raw land value
of $10,S00.U0/acre).
The parY. £ee on commercial and industrial subdivisions platted after
February 29, 1977 (Ordinance t�o. G33) is at the rate of 1.38 centW�en
($0.0138) per square foot to be collected on each lot separately
building Permit5 �re issued iraw land value of $Z0,000/acre).
Typical Agreement to be Executed at Time of Plat Approval for
Commercial or Industrial 2oned Property:
The undessigned understands that according to the City Plattiag
Ordinance the following land dedication or cash payment equiva-
lent, is required to p2at commerciaJ or industxial zoned property:
3% of the gross area of the property to be subdivided.
It is furthes understaod that the land dedication or cash payment
equivalent is at the discretion of the City.
iIt is agreed that a cash p?�.^!ent at the rate of per
square foot will be paid separately for each lot when the building
permits are issued for the following described plat:
The unders�gned furthez agrees to notify all future property owners
or assigns of the cash payment requirement.
� \
Siqnatur ro erty Owner)
Revised: 6/2/77
P1anning Commissi
City Counci
Mailing List
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mancuss
7561 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Karla Larson "
Real Five Realtors
7691 Centrai Avenue N.E
Fridley, Mn 55432
Gary D. Aigle
North Highway #65
Cambridge, t4n 55008
Kenneth Shervey
7571 Cent.ral Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Becker
7567 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ellingson
7627 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kline
7612 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Hennes
7600 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Ellwyn Healy
7601 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Sharp
7613 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr: & Mrs. Wallace Willman
7627 Bacon DRive N.E.
� Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. Gary S. Julkowski
7639 Bacon Drive N.E.
fridley, Mn 55432
6-28-77 ` J-�
Mr. & Mrs. William Compton
7627 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knoll
7613 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nalloran
7601 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Scribner
7600 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Czypta
7620 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. James Bauer
7630 8acon Drive N.E.
Fridley, M� 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morin
7635 Meadowmoor Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Allyn Beekman
7614 Meadowmoor Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ossenkop
7603 Meadowmoor Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Schermann
1315 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 550.32
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Bauer
1359 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Doo7ittle
1375 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, 14n 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Larson
13$3 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, MN 55432
P.S. N77-05, Page 2
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Steeve
1391 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Ingebretson
1401 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 5543Z
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Limesand
1404 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & P4rs. William Holte
1415 7bth Avenue N.E.
Fri dl ey, t4n 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Hendrickso�
1423 76th Avenue N.E.
fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kloers
1429 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & �4rs. F. William Addis
1437 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cisewski
1559 75th Avenue.N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Catheryn berntson
7527 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Hydeman
7517 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Don Park
7507 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. Kasimierz Gazda
627 Cheryl Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. James Hauge
7501 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Withan
7528 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. Allen Paul
7518 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holien
7508 Hayes Street NE
Fridley, Mn 55432
Spring Lake Park School Qistrict 16 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Johnson
8000 Highway #65 N.E. 7500 Hayes Street N.E.
Spring Lake Park, Mn 55432 Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cox
1501 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs.. Lloyd Dawson
1525 75th Avenue Ni,E.
fridiey, Mn 55432
Mr..& Mrs. Ronald Meyer
7638 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Zobana
1391 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Muyres
1381 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Ms. Kathleen Wethe
1371 75th Avenue N,E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
� Dahlmeier Construction Company Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schulte
1367 76th Avenue N.E. 1361 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432 Fridley, Mn 55432
Yiron REalty, Inc.
7585 Viron Road N.E.
Frid7ey, MN 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Dann 6attina
1351 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
P.S. #77-05 Reappoval of Meadowmoor Terrace 2nd Addition
• Page 3 of Mailing List
Mr. & Mrs. Gillman U1stad
1343 75th Avenue 4NE.
Fridley, t4n 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey
1335 75th Avenue N
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Amist
1453 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
DeAntoni Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chatlain
E. 1443 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. Norman iverson
1327 75th Avenue N,E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson
1319 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 5��i32
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Waite
1311 75th Avenue N.E..
Fridley, M� 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Ignac Vidervol, Jr.
7501 Central Avenue N.E.
� Fridley, Mn 55432
Oliver Tam & Sau Chun Tam
7513 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Herman
7551 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Anderson Trucking Service, Inc.
7600 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Povlitzki
7516 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Strasser
7508 Arthur Street N.E,
fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Thomsen
1483 75th Avenue N.E,
Fridley, Mn 55432
� Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Ishaug
1373 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. David Thomas
1463 75th Avenue N.E.
F1-idley, Mn 55432
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T= Anoka CounCy T:, _
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Tha folloaing �re-the pluta�which are procoeaed- ,�r. ;
;by�tha.City Council bu; not filed aC Anolcu.County. i
A rwed b �"
; P1_� � Y { Cftv Counoi�
� `Terry�a ,Additlon , ' � �`• September`Zl� 1964
!� Ironto� Yndusttial Paz3c:' �, ,,�:,y Octobar 19� 1964..>
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; p,i3•feadowmoor Torracn 2nd Additioa '� Julq 7.-19b4
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Marview'Addl.tt6n.: . , � 8ebruarq� 3, 1964
' �' On Docember 23,'1965 of those pinta
D! were noti£iad by thLc office nbout tlie Ordinance which requireu
that tha pl¢ta siiould be filed withiu ninety daye nfter Council
�,.appraval flt Anoka County. If ie�is nc� done so within tiiat time,
.tl�a d�veloper requira a new approval by ihe CiLy Council
" ,.. ,: .
. . , .' � .
' Aleo. the dcveloper of Dort�s 6th Addition c�rns.
informod pf the Plattin; Ordinanca tahiclt zequirad that ttie finnl
''.>�- plat bo aubmitted at City Iinll within six manths oE tho preliminary
..'.plat nppraved by Che Planning Coumission which wee July 13. 19G4.
`' As it hno been urore than aix morttho, he wne`infozmed he will have
.': to�xeprocess hia plat through Che Plannin� Coaaniseian nguin.
. . ..
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, � "�The developar of Pridley IndustriaT Purk P1aC 2 waa
' :�ulob infoicmad abouC the Ordinnnce that the fina2 plat ba filed at
: City HdI� within eix mDnthu of Plunnin�,Ca�iasion up,nroval oE
' �,¢limindxy p1aC which vaa pracessod an Suna 2G.. 1965.. '
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'' T see Che developer oE Geileview Addition and Fri3lcy
`'''� .��IndusCrin). Park Plat 2 ha� responded to our'infozmal-ion and aru
.. acCing uccoYdit�gly nnd tha hec�ringo-arn to,be held on January 17, 19G6.
� ,' `.but wa have;noC rnceived any raeponea from Cho:developera of 'the other �
,. �
. Plate. � ,
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Mailed to:
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C��"�P �3� ��1�]��'�
� TEL£PHONE ( 612)577-3450
June 2, 1977
Pat Gabel
Carol Donahue
Lloyd Lewis
Howard Mosman
Duane Prairie
Kraig Loftquist
I would like to express appreciation and recognition for
your efforts in reviewing and formulating the Fridley Sign
We of the Community Development Commission have reviewed
most of your input, and are impressed with your efiorts.
2 am sure that a sizeable amount of your time was required,
and that time is appreciated.
CC: Mayor Nee &
City Council ,
City Manager
Planning Commission Chaisman
� 5d
JUNE 21, 1977
MBNIDERS PRESENT: Bruce Peterson, I,ee Ann Sporre, Connie Metcalf, David Sabistina (left at
MEMBERS ABSENT: James Langenfeld
OTFIERS PRESENT: Ray Leek, Planning Aide
Vice Chairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.
Mr. Peterson took this opportunity to welcome Mr. Sabistina to the Conmission,
.�ir. Peterson sCated that on page 7, second paragraph, of the minutes, Mike Paripovich's
name should be inserted in place of Bruce peterson's name.
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, to approve the Fridley EnvironmentaZ
Coum�ission minutes of May 17, 1977, as amended. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Four sets of additional material to be inserted in the "Parks and Open Space Plan" were
passed out to the Coumiission members.
MOTION by Connie Metcalf, seconded by Lee Ann Sporre, to receive the four sets of updated
additional material for the "Parks and Open Space Plan". Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
To better explain the reason for the Plan to the Coumiission, Mr. Leek stated that back
in 1974, the City Planning Department underCOOk to put together a Parks & Recreation
Policy Plan for the City. About halfway thYOUgh that plan, at the stage the first
draft was written, an expressed interest came out in the Bikeway/Walkway System. Because
of the expressed interest from the citizenry and because of the feeling on the part of
Staff that the document they had arrived at was not wholly satisfactory, the plan was
shelved. Last year the City received a mandate from the State Legislature stating that
the City would have to do some mandatory planning and one of the portions of that
facilities plan was to include parks and open space. The City began work on the Parks
and Recreatzon Plan again. Mr. Leek said what the C�ission now had was the draft
copy of that document to date. jt was a working document before all the Commissions
to read, study, examine, and make recommendations beEore going on to City Council.
This document would even[uall,y go to Metro-Council in 1979 for final approval for the
total comprehensive program.
In the Plan, Ms. Metcalf stated that there already was a large overall city map and yet
each neighborhood also had a map of the whole city in such a reduced form that the
neighborhoods were hardly discernible. She felt these maps wexe meaningless, and suggested
that each neighborhood should have an enlarged map of the isolated neighborhood.
AIr. Leek explained the process of doing that would be quite expensive and the budget for
printing was limited. He stated, though, that a recommendation like that coutd be made
by the Cov¢nission for the final copy.
Ms. Sporre stated that she would like to suggest that the fotlowing segment concerning
Islands of Peace be included in the "Parks & OPen $pace Plan" as a statement of what
the Islands of Peace was and what it hoped to accomplish. Also, that there be developed
a facilities map of the Islands of Peace to be included in the Plan under "Regional
Review Facilitq.
The Islands of Peace Project is located within the urbanized Nfinneapolis-
St. Paul Metropolitan Area. It is approximately 5 miles north of the
Minneapolis Central Business District on the Mississippi River in the City
of Fridley. The river in this locality is generally shallow with heavy
vegetation covezing the numerous islands and banks. The amount of vegetation
and the river character lend to its attractiveness as a natural area for
study of a river environment. The proximity of the Islands of Peace to the
major population center makes it attractive as an area where the physically
handicapped can experience nature within a relativety short distance from
where he lives. Also, because of its proximity to a-major transit route
(East River Road) it is easily affordable to the elderly and Lower income
persons whose mobility is hampered.
The Islands of Peace Project is being developed and operated by the
goundation for the islands of Peace. Although it is totally open to the
public use, the projeet is being designed to allow the physically handicapped,
blind or disabled to use all of its facilities freely. The concept behind
the development of the project is to a1Zow those people who have been
restricted by design barriers to be able to enjoy nature first hand and take
part in the activities it affords.
The total project, when campleted, will consist of approximately 78.5 acres
of river island property, and 4.5 acres of river bank property that will be
used for access. The entire property wi11 be left in a natural state with
a major portion of activities provided on the Hayes river lots and Chase's
Island. (See map,) A reception-shelter building will be located on the
Hayes river lots to afford protection for those using the facilities as well
as making possible the year round operation of the project. (It is esCimated
that the development of the shelter building wi11 immediately triple the
present handicap usage.) pthex activities that will be available to those
people visiting the project will be picnicking, camping, fishing and nature
interpretive Crails. p, pontoon boat, especially designed for the handicapped,
3s in operation to provide access to the other islands in the project as we11
as provide excursions up the river. gandxails with specially designed plaques
in �raille will be placed along the nature trails so that the blind can also
experience the natural beauty of the river environment. Although prime concern
is being placed on design for the disabled and physically handicapped, the
project will also provide recreation facilities for the general public, including
snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.
The City NaturalistJgesource Coordinator has proposed to the pridley City
Council to designate the Islands of Peace, along with its other activities, as
one of five natural history areas within the community to be used for inter-
pretive nature programs with limited naturalist staff available to the Islands
of Peace Project for scheduled tours. It this program is approved by the City
Council and accepted by the Fo�ndation, it wi11 add another dimension to the
The scope of development of the Islands of Peace Project is unequalled in the
State of Minnesota and is unique to the metropolitan area where a great number
of the handicapped and disabled reside. prchitectural barriers and park design
without consideration for the handicapped person has severely limited, if not
negated, access to the vast number of natural and recreational resources that
are available to the average citizen.
Ms. Sporre stated that at the last Commission meeting, she had brought to the Commission's
attention that there needed to be a better definition in the category of Regional Parks.
There was a definitive description of the neighborhood parks but not of the regional
parks. In an effort to minimize time, she felt it wise to put an excerpt from already
written document under Regional Facility in the "Inventory and Analysis" section of
the"Parks & Open Space plan^.
MOTION by �,ee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie MeCcalf, to include the statements above
regarding rslands of Peace, plus a facilities map, in the "Parks & Open Space Plan"
under the "Inventory & Analysis" section.
Ms. Metcalf stated she did not feel all of the statements should go under �'Inventory &
pnalysis". She feit just a description of the Islands of Peace and North Park should
go in the ��Inventory & Analysis" section and then a more detailed description be put
in a separate section.
Mr. Peterson stated he agreed with Ms. Metcalf. A su�ary or statement about the
regional parks and listing them could go in the "Inventory & Analysis" section and
then a more detailed and complete information could be included in a separate section,
such as Section 6.
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie MetcaLf, to amend the preceding motion to
read: That the Commission direct the Planning Staff to include brief statements on
the regional parks in the City of Fridley with excerpts on North Park and Islands of
peace in the "Inventory & Analysis" section of the "Parks & Open Space P1an" and to include
clear, expanded statements of regional parks,including North Park and Islands of
Peace, with appropriate maps, in Section 6. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Sporre stated that she felt the following (Insertion Page iF5) should be substituted
for Objective 5, Pol"icies, and Recommendations in the "Policy & Recommendations" section
o# the Plan. She Eelt it more adequately described the attitude regarding the open
space planning for the City.
OB.TECTIVE: Provide for innovative space management to a11ow a balance of
use, freedom and control, with safety as a prime consider2tion.
*Establish regional/county/city areas of park and open space interest.
*Preserve remaining significant natural habitats.
*Pramote a better understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources
important to the community.
�cEnsure that development along the M2ssissippi River corridor take place in
accordance with Critical Areas standards and guidelines and the Great River
goad Project.
*Support efforts to develop North Park into a significant natural history area,
*Moore Lake's uses as a recreational resource should be re-evaluated on the
basis of hydrologic findings regarding the quality of its water.
�The North innsbruck and West Moore Lake Dunes natural history�areas should be
maintained for passive activities including nature hikes and tours administered
by the City Naturalist.
�Develop a natural history study program (for vse by schools and civic groups)
describing the ecology of West Moore Lake Dunes and North Innsbruck natural
history areas.
*Develop a recreation trail system in cooperation with the Metropolitan Council,
pnoka County and surrounding communities to link significant parks and other
public facilities in the community.
*Adopt a Critical Ateas Plan for the Mississippi as it flows through Fridley
to protect the natural and residential character along its banks.
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, that Insertion Page �5 be
substituted for Objective 5, Policies, and Reco�endations in the "Policy and
Recommendation" section.
Ms. Metcalf stated she was not totally in favor of this as she felt some of these
recommendations and policies should be in separate sections rather than totally inserted
for Objective 5, Policies, and Recommendations.
MOTION by Lee ,qnn 5porre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, to amend the preceding motion to
read; That the Policies and Recosm�endations in Insertion Page �5 be inserted in the
"Parks & Open Space Plan" wherever Staff deemed appropriate. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Sporre stated she had Looked at Richfield's Park P1an and same of it was related
to Fridley. She felt the following "Recommendations" from the Richfield Park P1an were
things that were not included in Fridley's Park Plan and that these kinds of statements
should be included.
1. I�ediate consideration should be given to steps which will stimulate
public or private interests in the cultural elements of a park system
(fountains, gardens, historic sites, facilities for performing arts).
2. Om�ental park character is a necessity throughout the entire system.
Topographic land forms, water features, and plant material must be
added in significant quantity to supplement present plant materials.
A concern for a continuing maiatenance program as an integral part of
the parks budget must be prograumied annually.
3. The Springbrook Nature Center must be developed, managed and inter-
preted for the benefit of the community.
4. Development o£ recreation facilities must be as�imilated wiY.hin the
ORNAMENTAL park rather than becoming the daminant feature. Active
competitive field games 3hould be concentrated in large park areas to
allow for adequate visual and ghysical separatian fr� other park uses
and adjacent residential development.
4. Early consideration should be given to the design and development o£
ornamental, non-park, urban spaces to augment the park system, such
as spaces in and araund cammercial centers, and community buildings,
possible pedestrian or bicycLe paths, railroad and utility easement
spaces, and vehicular parkways.
Mr. Leek stated thaC he felt Recommendations �2 and �4 were already covezed in the
"Parks and Open Space Plan".
MOTION by Lee Mn Sporre that Recommendations �kl and {�5 (with the exclusion of "covm�er-
cial centers, and�') be placed in the "Parks & dpen Space Plan" where Staft deemed to
be appropriate under "Recanmendations" and that Recommendation �k3 be replaced for
Recoum�endation �kl in Insertion Page �5.
The motion died for lack of a second.
Ms. Metcal£ felt this was a consideration that should be reviewed more thoroughly
by the Commission members before any action could be taken.
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, to table further discussion on
the "Parks & Open Space Plan" until the next Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Connie Metcalf, seconded by Lee Ann Sporre, to receive the Parks & Recreation
Couunission's Goals & Objectives. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION by Connie Metcalf, seconded by Lee Ann Sporre, to table this item until the
next Commission meeting, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Peterson stated that there was still need of a person who would work with tha
East River Road Project Committee and the Commission. At this time, there was no one
willing to take over as the Project Committee's chairperson.
Mr. Leek stated that at the previous Commission meeting, there had been the question o£
whether or not Mr. Langenfeld could serve as the Project Committee chairperson. Mr. Leek
stated this was discussed at the last Planning Commission meeting and it was decided
that there was no conflict. He said if the Commission decided to have Mr. Langenfeld
serve as chairperson o£ the Project Committee, it would be appropriate.
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcali, to table the East River project
Co�ittee Report until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Ms. Metcalf stated she was interested in investigating the feasibility of a recycling
center in Fridley.
Ms. Spoore stated that the Commission had previously made a statement in support of
establishing a recycling center.
Ms. Metcalf stated that perhaps a project committee should be established. She indicated
that Mr. Langenfeld had a list of people who were interested in environmental kinds of
projects and ef€orts, and she would like to have access to that list to find out who
would be willing to serve. The project cammittee could then look aC the studi=s that
have already been made and determine the feasibility of a recycling center in Fridley.
She stated she wouid investigate as best she could and present it to the Commission at
the ,Tuly or August meeting.
Mr. Leek stated he would be willing to find whatever information he could for Ms. MetcaLf.
MOTZON by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, thaY the Fridiey Environmental
Commi.ssion authorize Connie MetcalF to form a p mject committee in a study for a
recycling center in the City of Fridley. Upon a voice voCe, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Ms. Sporre stated she had attended a Noise Pollution Seminar sponsored by the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency and the Metro Clean Air Committee. At the last Commission
meeting, the members had discussed the concern for noise abatement programs in the City
o£ Fridley. To better understand the problem, she had planned to have the Minnesota
Pollution Controi Noise Ahatement Division bring in their slide presentation. She had
found the slide presentation to be very sensitizing to the problem. She stated the slide
presentation would be scheduled at the July 19, 1977, Commission meeting at 7;30 p.m.
and would last approximately one-half hour. She would like to invite members of City
Council and other cammissions, interested community leaders, and the interested public
to atCend to better understand what the study was about and the motivations of Che study.
Ms. Metcalf expressed her concern about whether or not the Commission had set priorities
as to what issues were most important.
The Commission members
their priorities.
concurred that they should constantly be re-evaluating
MOTION by Connie Metcalf, seconded by Lee Ann Sporre, to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 p.m.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
I.L.S'�'�s�a �Cl/l:'�
Lylqie gaba
Recording Secretary
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June 21t 1977
nESCx�rzo�:s Fcs BAx-�t�r zisvES��rr coz�Arrt
G� The l•Iest 96 feet of that paxt of the South 2�3 �of Lot �,
9uditor's Subdivision ito. 108, Anoka Countf; 1'•:innesotz,
w) lies 1�'orth of the South line of the North Half oF
said Lot 1�. Subject .to road easement for %32 Avenue IT.E.
Area = 8210 square feet excluding road easemant.
�r,,, � 5
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That part of the South 2�3 0£ Lot ly, Audi'tor's Subdiviaion
`; No. 108, Anoka County, P1.innesota, which lies north of ihe
1J South line of the North Ha1f of said Lot l��ex_cept th� k'est
96 feet thereof. Subject .to road easement for 73� Fvenue I3.E.
Area = 8115 square feet ex.clu inQ roa.d easement.
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APPLICANT: !I J `"� � � � -
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Street /2 SC1tyr�/, Zip Code
iJ �e C� Home� y�! Ilu:,iness '
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Lot Split � �,��C��
Date Filecl:
Pee:$ ��eceipt �f
R�4ARI{S : _
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Street City Zip Code
Home . Business
Property Location on Street
or E�cact Street Address (IF ANY)
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Reason for Lot Split:
'- �l �.� ;��- % � �
Property sq. £t.
Zonina Classiiication
The undersigned hereby declares that all the Sacts and
representations stated in this pp�ic,tion are,�� e and
correct. �` ;✓� y�'! �"//�r v '-r°
DATE: /�' � / ' SIGNATURE (/�I� V�Y�'��✓ '
(See reverse side for additional instructior:
PLANNING COi•1f4ISSI0N: Date of Consideration -
CITY COUNCIL: Date of Consideration -
Ptanning Commission
Please amend your agenda to add this item as number 6.
7he balance of the agenda wilT each be moved down one number,
8Y WY14AN StdITH: Split the balance of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. i08,
into t�he fo�owing three parcels: A: The West 96 feet of that part of the
'Soutfi 2/3 of Lot 4, A.S. #108, Anoka County, which lies Noxth of the South
line of the North Ha]f of Lot 4, Subject to easement for 732 Avenue N.E.,
the same being 1601 73z Avenue PJ.E. B: That part of the South 2/3 of Lot 4,
A.S. �]08, Anoka County, which lies North of the South line of the North
Half of said Lot 4, except the West 96 feet thereof, subject to road easement
for 73'2 Avenue M.E., the same being 1611 73%2 Avenue N.E., and -
Parcel C: The South Z of Lot 4, Auditor's 5ubdivision No. 108, Anoka County,
subject ta road easement for 73z Avenue N.E.
".!�„� .,.
Chairwoman Schnabel called the meeting ta order at
7:45 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Plemel, Kemper, Schnabel, 6abel,
Ron Holden, Building Inspection Officer
MOTION by Ms. Gabel, secohded by Mr• Barna, that the
minutes of the June 14, 1977, Appeals Commission Meeting
be approved. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously•
fSy�-/SLS A�Lt �TKttl N.E•, rKillLt7,
{Request by Mr• Tim Chies, 8624 Mississippi
N.W., Coon Rapids, flinnesota 55433}-
MOTION by Mr• Barna, seconded by �r• Plemel, to open
the Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously� The Public Hearing was opened
at 8:46 P.M.
Section 2�5.�63, 4D� requirement of 35 ft. rear yard
setback on a double frontage lot•
Public purpose served by the requirement is to allow
for adequate open rear yard areas should any of the
buildings in a double frontage block face the "rear"•
sb B'
Owner wishes to maintain the same setback as the adjacent
In June of 1976, Portfolio Realty was granted 10
similar rear yard variances from 35 feet to 20•5 feet•
These garages have been constructed• This variance.
request is to match the setbacks oF the adjacent
garages• The proposed garage is adequately sized•
Please note that due to the R-2 zoning, this request
must proceed through the City Council• •
flr• Holden indicated that several garag�s located soutn of
this l�t had previously been granted variances to a11ow for
garage construction. This garage was being proposed to b�
in line with the other garages, but in tF�is case was under
a different ownership; therefore, it needed a variance. The
reasons the variances were allowed in the first place was
because of the double frontages, a 35 foot setback was
required in the front and a 35 foot setback was require� in
the rear. Without a variance, he said that �he garage would
have to be build right up against the house. He also explained
what else was located in the area — a fiobile Home Park across
the str2et tha* was camouflaged by trees and light
to the east/west.
Chairwoman Schnabel wanted
currently under construction at
a variance at a previous time•
to know if the garage
7431-743� had also received
Clr• Holden said that a variance had been granted about
one year ago•
Chairwoman Schnabel asked if that would be consistent
with the 2��5 foot setback•
Mr• Holden said that it would be consistent.
Mr• Tim Chies of 8624 ftississippi Blvd N•W• ask�d if he
would need to apply for a separate variance for each garage
that they would build• He indicated that ha.s father owned
several of the lots and that he did plan to put garages on
the lots at some time• He wanted to know if it would be
possible to be gr�nted a type of b),anket variance to cover
all the lots owned by his father in that area or if he would
have *o pay the $50 fee each time they needed the variance•
Chairwoman $chnabel said that he could apply for a 6F�
� blanket variance and pay the one fee. She pointed out to
him that technically a variance was only good for one year.
She informed him that unless construction was started during
that year, he would have to apply for an extension, which
would require no fee. She did point out that it would be
frowned on by the Commission if lie asked for a blanket
variance for 8 garages and only built one a year and extended
the variance for seven years out. She explained that if
construction was started on a number of the garages, e�nd
then for some re�son he found he would be unable to complete
all eight, a variance extension cculd be granted.
Mr. Plemel commented ±hat there had been many garages built
that required the same variance. He felt that garages
realiy had cleaned up the area. He said that cars and
miscellaneous items were out of the yards and streets and
put into a common area.
Chairwoman Schnabel asked when Mr• Chies planned to
start construction.
Mr• Chies said he planned to start building the garage
in two weeks or less.
Chairwoman Schnabel asked if the double bungalow would
� be totally rental property•
Mr. Chies said that he would be living in the subjecL
double bungalow.
Chairwoman Schnabel asked if the exterior finish of
the garage would be matched to the finish on the house.
Mr. Chies said that the exteriors would be all the same —
house and garage.
Ms. Gabel wanted to know what a double frontage lot
was and who determined which would be the front and which the
, Mr. Holden explained that the person building the house
could decide which direction the Y.ouse would face. He said
that the City did try to discourage houses facing every-which-
way on a block by avoiding heavier traffic flow on one of the
streets, thereby making that street the front, and the street
with the less traffic the rear. (N,ost garages on double
frontage lots are entered from the rear).
6� Mr• Kemper asked if there had been any negative responses
to the Public Hearing notice.
Chairwoman Schrabel said that no responses had been �
received at all•
MOTION by Mr• Plemel, seconded by Mr• Barna, to close
the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried u�animously• The Public Hearing was closed
at b:00 P.M.
Ms• Gabel pointed out that it sho��ld be brough�t to the
attention of Mr• Chies that the note on the bottom of the
Public HEaring notice that he had received was incorrect.
Chairwoman Schna�el explained to Mr• Chzes that due to
the fact that the Appeals Commission could only give final
approvals on lots zoned R-1, and since his was zoned R-2, the
finai decision would be up to the City C�uncil• She apologized
for the typographical error.
Mr• Chies wanted to know why he had to go to City Council
and when•
Chairwoman Schnabel explained that it was stated in the
Zoning Ordinance• She said that the only time the Appeals
Commission was allowed to give final approvai to anything was .
in an �-1 District. She pcinted out that ariything other tnan
K-1, the Commissien could only make a recommendation to
City Council who would have the final decision-
Chairwomzn Schna6el said that the next City Council
rneeting would be cn July 11, 1977•
Mr- Kemper asked f9r• Chies what type of problem going
to City Council would create.
Mr• Chies indicated that it mainly was the fact of another
delay. He said he was getting tired of the "red tape"
involved in getting a variance *hat had zlready been granted
for 12 other lots in the same area with the same situati.on.
He felt that someone should have the authority to grant the
variance since 12 other variances had been granted.
Chairwoman Schnabel said that everything that happened
relative to building had to follow within the Zoning
� Ordinance• She explained that Mr. Chies had not been
singled out. She said that if they cannot situate what they
proposed to build and meet the Z.oning Ordinance, then they
had to apply for a variance• She said that it took time
because once the owner applied for the variance, it had to
be published in the official paper and notices had to be
sent to the adjacent neighbors in case they had any concern
about the project, in which case they would have the
opportunity to make that concern known.
Mr• Chies questioned who could have been notified.
He said that one persen owned all ten lots to the south of
his property.
Chairwoman Schnabel said that every property owner for
20� feet had to be sent a Public Notice as per the Zoning
Ordinance• She said that everyone had to be allowed to
express themselves if they so desired-
Mr• Plemel pointed out that indeed Mr• Chies had a
special case, but the Appeals Commission still couldn't
grant the approval.
Chairwoman Schnabel said that it had be�n a
� typographical error and that Appeals Commission was not
permitted to have the f=na1 say on anything other than an
Mr• Barna encouraged Mr• Chies to bring up his
dissatisfaction to the City Council when he appeared before
Mr• Chies wanted to know if it would really do any good.
Chairwoman Schnabel said that definitely the City Council
would be interested in hearing what he had to say.
MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr• Barna, that the
Appeals Commission recommend to City Council the approval of
the request for a variance of Section 205•063, 4D, Fridley
City Code to reduce the rear yard setback on a double frontage
lot from the required 35 feet to 20•5 feet to allow the
construction of a detached garage to be located on Lat 7,
Block 2, Nagel's Woodlands, the same being 7513-7515 Able
Street N.E.� Fridley Minnesota 55432.
Mr� Barr�a pointed out that there was 12 other existing
�� garages in the block and that there will be additional
requests in the same area by the same Family�
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all votinq aye, the motion carried
Chairwoman Schnabel said that the request would go to
City Council on July 11, 1977, and encouraged Mr• Chies to
mention to the Council that he felt tha request could have
been handled by the Appeals Commission without going through
the City Council and he had been dissatisfied with the way
the whole request had been handled.
Chairwoman Schnabel also told him to call City Hall on
July 11th and the City �anager's Secretary would'be able to
tell him approximately when his request would be heard.
z o�vv. ��
N.l=, FRSDLEY•, fiiNNE.�.'OTA. {Request by Dr. Surendra
Cr au�d tary, 3808 P1acalester Drive, 11inneapolis, Minnesota
5541•6} .
MOTION by Mr• Barna, seconded by Mr• Plemel, Lo open
the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tne
motion carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened
at 8:L0 P.M.
Section 205.�53, 4, A, requiring a front yard setback
of 35 feet.
Public purpose served is to a11ow for off-street parkin9
without encroaching on the public right of way. Also
for aesthetic consideration to reduce the ^building
line of sight^ encroachment into the neigiibors frort yard•
Section 205.053, B5, corner lot side yard setback
of 17.5 feet for living area of structure.
� Public Purpose served by this section of the Code is
to maintain a higher degree of trafric visibility and
reduce the �ine of sight encroachment into the neighbor`s
front yard•
Due to nature of the lot both in terrain and shape, makes
it difficult to meet the City setback requirements.
If variances granted, there will be less existing
terrain and trees disturbed, and will allow more usable
rear space•
In field checking the proposed house lacation as shown
in blue on the plot plan, it appears that several
trees will be jeopardized by the excavation. Due to
poor soiZ conditions, an extended area beyond the house
limits must be excavated- This area is shown by the
dotted blue line on the plot plan. d 15 ft. boulevard
exists in this area. The house to the South fronts on
North Innsbruck Drive and not on the side street. The
proposed location will not impair traffic vision•
� Mr• Donald M• Wehlast of D& W Construction, 88�4 Lexington Ave,
was present at the meeting {Dr• Chaud'nary's builder}.
Mr. Holden and Dr• Chaudhary showed the proposed house
plans and site development plan to the Appeals Commission.
They explained exactly what Dr• Chaudhary planned to do with
the property.
Mr. Holden explained that the streets effected would be
Arthur Street and North Danube Road. He said that the house
had been specifically designed by Dr• Chaudhary's architect
who tried to keep the house away from the street and meet all
variances. He explained that staff had been willing to
accept the layout as presented, but after checking the lot in
question, that many trees would be threatened by the
excavation and the plan would situate the house very close
to the back yard of an adjacent lo�.
Mr. Kemper said that there would not have been a need
for the variance except for the fact of saving the trees•
Mr• Holden confirmed his statement-
Dr- Chaudhary indicated that the proposed plan had been
the only way that he could fit the house he wanted on the lot•
He felt that even if a variance would be granted, the house
would most definitely enhance the entire area. He said a11
the homes wouid fail into line with each other• He felt that
basically the property would be in perfect alignment with
the entire neighborhood and road. He said that he was going
to have a deck off the family room and that without a
variance it would fill almost the entire rear yard.
Chairwoman Schnabel pointed out that the rear yard
had quite a deep slope.
Mr• Plemel asked if he would have a walkout basement.
Dr• Chaudhary said Lhat the hous would have a walkout
basement. He explained that he had tried to keep conformity
of his hause to the neighborhood.
Mrs. Mulvihill of 5601 North Danube Road wanted
confirmation as to the exact location of the house.
Chairwoman Schnabel said it was located on the South
side of North Danube where Arthur Street went into North
Danube Road. She showed Mrs. flulvihill the plan.
�lrs. fluivihiZl explained that her concern had been if
t��e lct had been the one locate� on North Danube Road and
Inns6ruckDrive� She said that that corner w�s a very heavy
traffic corner and felt that safety of the children and the
residents in general would have been effected if a home would
have been proposed on that lot with a variance to reduce the
setback. She said that the proposed plan on the lot in
question didn't effect any of her concerns and she had no
objection or concerns with Dr. Chaudhary building on the lot.
Chairwoman Schnabel explained to t1rs. fiulvihill where
her home was located in relation to Dr• Chaudhary's
proposed home• She also explained to her exactly what was
being pronosed•
Mr• Plemel didn't feel that the Iot really had a rear
lot. He said it would be best described as two side yards
and one front yard•
MOTION by Mr• Kemper, seconded by f1r• Barna, to close
the Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was closed
at 8:30 P.M.
Mr- Plemel asked if there had been any response from
other neighbors.
� Chairwoman Sch�abel said there had been no responses
at all-
Mr• Barna added that except for Mrs. Mulvihill, who
wasn`t in objection to Dr• Chaudhary's plans• He said
that she had appeared because she had thought it was a
different lot on a different corner•
Ms� Gabel said that 9iven the lay of the land with the
large drop in elevation at the back of the lot and
Dr• Chaudhary's desire to perserve the trees, she felt
that the entire plan would be very aesthetically pleasing•
MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded 6y Mr• Barna, that the
Appeals Commission approve the request for variance of the
Fridley City Code as follows: Section 205•053, 4A, to reduce
the front yard.setback from the required 35 feet to 25 feet;
and Section 205.�53, 65, to reduce the side yard setback,
on the street side of a corner lot, from the required
17.5 feet to �5 feet, to allow the construction of a dwelling
and garage to be located on Lot 1, Block 2, Innsbruck North,
the same being 5640 North Danube Road N.E, Fridley� MN 55432.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
. unanimously•
Chairwoman Schnabel indicated to Dr• Chaudhary that
his variance requests had been approved and that he could
apply for his Building Permit.
Ms. Gabel suggested that a better checking on the Public
Notices was done to prevent the misunderstanding that had
happened regarding Mr• Chies. Even though it was an
understandable typographical error it should not have happened
and every endeavor should be made so it didn't happen in the
Ms. Gabel said that she felt that administratively
something should'oe done to enable the Appeals Commission to
approvevariances of the type that had been discussed regarding
Mr• Chies•
'7(� �r• Holden explained that because of the City Council
Bylaws regarding the approving of variances on Districts
other than R-L, they would be open to criticism if they
deviated from the laws.
Mr• Holden
be nice to look
grant a blanket
const��uction of
said that in
at the rest
variance to
that type.
the case of Mr�• Chies, it would
of the block in question and
take care or any future
M4TZON hy Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. P1eme1, to adjourn
the k�peals Commi.ssion Meeting of June 28, 19?7• Upon a
voice voL-e, aI1 voting aye, the metion carried.
Chairu�ornan Schnabel declared the meeting adjourned at
3:35 p.M.
Respectfully submitted,
�'��:a-�.� ��,��°�
f°aryLee Carhzll
� , . .
;�i, �
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,� � �.
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sL, ,
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� � JUNE 27, 197i � �
` MEt�SBERS PRBSBNT: Bob Peterson, Robin Sulirbier, Jau'-See$er, Betty Ann Mech
��IBERS ABSSI9T: Leanard Moore
q�gg�; i pggg�T; Charles B�dreau, Parks & Recreation iiirector
Sack Kirk, Program Director
Jerry Boardman, City planner
Ray Leek, Planniitg Aide ,
Tony,Petrangelo, Rice Creek WaterShed District
Geoxge pimke, Rice Creek Watershed District
Veru Moen, 8ikeway/Walkway ptoject Gammittee Chairpersan
Mr. @ Mrs. M. Denker, 619Q-Rice Greek Dr. - Neighborhood 13
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Allen, 6200 Itice G=eek Dr. - " "
t4xs. Wayne Lear, 1546 Briardale Rd. - " "
t4rs. Wm. Michaelis, 6180 Rice �reek'Dr'. - " "
,7ohn & Gerri Crane, 6170 Itice Creek Ur. " "
�q.` _ „ u
gichard Ferber, 6160 Rice Craek �r.
���� �
�-� T(}��fl1tiTBR:_ � � �
�hsirperacxi Peterson called the meeting to order at 7:1+(3-p.m•
�awv�A% OF MAX 23 I477, FA&KS S� RECREATION C6N@iISSZ(�� �S:
-��€$F�_ by Jan Seeger, �eeoAded ��by Robin S�rbier, to ��o've� the � May 23, 1977,� Parks 8
�x@ation Commission miautes as c+�itten. Upon a u�zi!�e vote, all voting aye, the motion
�erri�ed unan£mously.
�kP3�R(1VAL OF kGENt7A�
TpN-by Rohia Suhrbier, secoqded by Betty Ann Mech, �o approve the agenda as mailed.
�gqn a voice vote, alI'vating aye, xhe motion earxiedructanimously.
�Yr. t� B$SINBSS:
A, Rice Greek 4Iatershed District - Tony petrangelo
Mr, Peterson stated that he appreciated I•Sr. Petrangelo taking time out of his busy
achedule to agpear 8efore the C«nmission �egaxding tbe Rice Creek Watershed District.
{ 7Rte questfon had cane up several times aS Ca wh�'ti the Rice Creek Watershed District
� q��ttt, what it did; and how it fitted in with.trhat the City was doing with parks and
n�,�� � ��" X�i�:atAon. � �
> -; �
, _ �,
.�-$ a= , �
'76 ,
�� P�.RKS��& RECREATION CO?�A4ISS�i�i��'ING, 3UNE� 27� 197��. F PAGE-2
. Mr'. petrangelo stated thaY i�e had:also braught srl,th him, Mr. George Dimke, who �
was �ae o€ the manage�rs. di tk�`Rice-Creek Watershed District fran Ramsey Coun[y.
Mr. Petrangelo'szated �hai �ha Rf'ce Creek Watersitied District's background �rent back
to 1965 when the actua# �ve �ras afoot to do s�tfiing to preserve Rice Creek,
, Locke Lake, npstxeam �oag �ak�, etc., recagnizing ihe pressures of development in ;;
and around the water a�� of.this pistrict. The �fce Creek Associ$tion of Fridley °;
was formed shartiy afte'r that,; the 1Qew Brighton Aesociation was also fbrmed and the
two ass:ociat3ons got ic�etkeer aud paaled thei� Yesnurces to put pressuree: on the
county commissLoneass Yespective of Anoka and R�risey Counties,',primaYily.' This
eventuallg:generated in[v a petition by the county commissioners an a'joinb e€fort,
Ramsey, Auo&a, Washi�gCan Cownties (and a smalt'portion of Hennepin �ounty was in
this IIisCriet}; xo the Water 8esources Board of ii�anesota which then generated into
a public hearing,fn ,3utt� of I971 to aee whether the District should be',ordered:
The p�blic heariitg wxs<}�e�d 3.� June of 1971 and_the District was csrdered .to be formed
in JAnuar}+ 1472. q'he �,}i�tti�t trad tvow been in existence about S k/2,years. The
District worked and o�re'rALSd,iaF+&er the Minnesota gtaCe Statute;of Chagter 112,
- whith said *�tat the lliBtYi�t�'e }t�wers were, what- its ai�ar$e was and ��t it was
Cry�Ag to do whi¢h was-CO cott�rol,.preserve, and protect: the DtstricC. < The District
.aas caapoaed of about 24i eq{a�tre miles•of terriCnxy that constituCed the basin or
Watsrshed district that-ttent �tp ;to just a little soutix of Forest Lal�e, starting at
Clear L$ke, winding Chrough a cAain of lakes through Lino yake; Long-LBke, White
$eat'Lake; etc. The Watersh�d DisC�ict had 6een'dqing a lot of poiiGy making, a
lot sif $u�.deline dav�l�+piug,'imglecnpnting, etc. Mr. Petrangelo'felt that they were
naw'aC the-!'do"stage; sa far,, �hey had just beea in Che "talk^ stagQ. They were �.
startiug Gu pue pressures aa`��e=iacs#ticipalities-to get things done 6hat the they
tk�+ughf were gaod for the. Dia�,rict.
Mr. Dimke:stat�d Chat soma ye8is ag�, the managera of the DistricL had come up
with the fdea,.c��eh;t�sey had nurtu�ed, to impaund water tn the citaia o� lakes,
The�e lakes were all-h+�1ow the siatp ,at Centervil2e. St, Paul had drat`m its water
in the amount of about 6 bill'1cm gallons from ti�e 'upper chain of aakes and. had
sinee the laCe I89Q`s, when wate�'c�s"available,stE�ich it had �ot been th4 last
several yea�s. 'phiffi.��tl a#fect tlic�`flow o£ water of the Creek`� A ce+upla of
impounr}meut i�eas ti[at.�;�T1$e "mtln�gers, eame up with were to maintain the flow- in the
Creek of 'apprnximate�y 120 c.i,s.-(�ubic feet ger second) thr�gh the months af
June, JuTy, Au�ust, Segtember, and thYOUgh the 'fall. They hadrbe@n led to believe
that if you conErol the €low in any stream ar creek at a constant level, you `
decrease the eYosion potential.' �hett the wate�' f�ow fluctuated, �C �ncreased the
• erasion p9tential abcwt sixteen times. Anath@r titing'was aesthetics--i:ocke Lake
aicid Locke°1'ark wguld both ben�fik greatly by the impounding of this �ater.
iinother advantage, if ihay ec�ld:control that fla�f and make it more a:teady, ie
wou2d cuC'doum t,he eresion aad sediments deposiCed'fnto Lake Bake� i� atidition to
�he (,Yeek, wtti:ch cou'�d be us'eet more for reereaCional purposes and noC be an- eyesore.
The$e ,�re s�e of ttte tiiittg$ that the llistxicC ,epuld do for Fridley aad what
Fr3d'Ley cbuld do far t�te:=Disl�lict. It was a C�sa-£old effort because they needed
: tihe suppott of peopla ,�n-Ailat�a-Couuty and in �'Yidtey, particularlp, who'on a long
raage, �aould benefit €�C� Eie��' £mpounding` pf water. Ir had to be doae, hawever,
,� � -
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s�� 6c��REA�iQN CONAfISSIQN MEETING JiiNE 2,�,�,k��� PAGE 3
�� ,� = N r� � �
� w#�3� �8 ec�pQra�tiesn and support of the co�ctt'�t ,a���sioners . The a�ea in which
`�'`' the�Ei��d like tp`impound the water vas at3' 'aby Anoka County Ogen Space
_ prag�,8tlt now: The lakes thezs-vere all very,' verg; �.pw, There was ail sorts of
-f� a�.�.able,` atid tfiere were a lot of peup�:�:,��zFt�xested who �wera not really �
�''- txxpayexs,Ko the Kice Creek,Watershed Distriet bnt raere going to receive a benefit
;fr� 3,; St.a great distance. He said it'seera2d s;tange to ask the Fridley Parks &
�c���t�f.on fczr support for sa�ething that was. tere.,;ra��as away but yet they would :
° tec�ve .�e beneff� . ; � � � � �
I1r: petrangelo stat�d Chat=this project that`t�', ��i�ke had been talking about Was
a fQng raage aspeck; however,:-they were exesefs�.ag pressures to, hopefully, get
,�his ,�r<tgram moving ataxe s�ui,ckly than they had tl�auglit originally .'They did nat
'�ow.ttov iang it would t�ke to geC this major praje�� under way. In addition,
#tcejt had iarglemeuted several guideline-type thi�=Citae were related to trying to
iaaiataia water quality;.trying to contzol water:gt�,auLiCy, and trying to control
t�e eFtss�pa prc3blem that was continually oeessrring in the sandy areas of acres up
szr�eam. Right noi. they vere continually reeeisring germits from developers to
dav8lnp-large Eracts of land, They required on-site ponding to slow tha[ waeer
#}aWia lte#ore it actually wettt iato the �reek; in addition,:the slow-down,on-site,
p'c�sd3ng wou3.d improve the qua}ity of the wate� befare it found its the'Creek.
FFit#'ti� pezmitting procedure, they required a pei:a�it to be obtained from them
¢�qp, �g �}y developers, but also individuals,;who wanted to do anything alzuttiag
s�x'a+ija�eat ta auy water course, lake, poud, dY�4itage ditch, marshland, or wetland.
� �'he� egpecially wanted to preserue the marshla,nds.
_„ �=� 'f �lz�.; peC�#�igeko stated that this gave the �omniss'� sn idea of what the Rice Creek
, ..
=.�+(�t�rshed i3istricY had been dniug-, They'had m8�e�4�ewselves known and felt by
p�o}sis, municipalities, counties, State Highwaq gepatCment, e�c., that they wanted
, =4. tp;do-thing8 in their District that were going to adverse affect on their
wa�ers, and they fel.t theY were doing a good jatr:
�. �tr, p�terson stated that-some of the questions ChgC had come up were who made up
the-7}i.s�rict`,s &oard, how were the representat��s ek�osen, and did�it?have,taxing
gowet� as far as the politica� aspects vere cont��sl:ed'�
' 1�r;"�ex�at�gelo sCateB that Chapter 112 was ve�g �i�cit as to how the Board was
� fai'mad. The couiiCy etrmmigsianers would appai2kC`€� fihis partfcular dYstricC; two
. " repxestutstives were appvinted by Anoka Caunty C���sioners, two representatives
' yrer'@ a@poinLed ky �amsey Gounty Commissioners, ati{1- oae representative`was appointed
� Iby .�as�i�tg£on �ouutq £ou�m�ssi9pers. Hensaep#n ���� p��t3cipation was�negligible � �
am�`�tei�e �tas uq �r�tesenLaEion ��frw� thepi: 'gIX�"�#� o£-�_of£3ce far- the respective �
� , cp�nagers were Chs�B.Years:�and these terms caer� ����Ced;.; They had an`�n-ga�Ug Per pear-
'. <'�azing power to tha i�axi,meim o€ $t25 , 000 or 3 ui£�#:� :
_ `.23�c: Dfmke sGated tbat they had other taxtng pawers �imilar to the taxing authority
, af the-loraY government) for improvement. They did have some powers that the
' eiCiss did`na� have in that they could levy assesaments against,.Federal government, `.::
,��ate govertqnent; coanty gwernment, and other bodies. On the iaitial go-around to
,� , '
'k � � . . . . . . � . . .. . � . .
�„ .. . � •. . . .
. a^ti: �. . . . . . .. ... . .. . _ ... _ _ . ..._ . � . . . � . . _
�. ���_ .�.�.:, _.: . ._ _ ._._.. � �. _ .._ !'im'^-�' _
. .'.� .. • ....: ..e, •.�. 14�F .'�a. �. . �.. .re— . .. . . .
.. � ,: .- r:. , . ..
� � � :,rc. '`�e�. < ., • � ! : .. . ._:
� I �
PARKS & R�CREAfiIC7N CUMNlISS�N'�, JiJNE 27, 1977.`: ` � PkGS 4 ;
get th�ae pzogrems &e€ up, tlte 2aw provided for-a � mi23 levy or $bU,OQO for �
. a8mirt18tra£ios� a one-�ime �1tA�'ge, �'�'he Dfstrtct itad used thaC'in their £irsi : ,:
yiear of apetativn and`-��et was nev�alr tv be used'-again. Th� managers tould also
tax up to $I'Zs,�?66; �l�3_�ither,��{dts';,3.evy an assessa�nt, one time, ance ,a year,
�� - for a proj�ect. 7.fie rea�oa for`"'�"�vag-�that t,#��w�nagezs were�not elected,-�but �
i�ir, petrangela ctated'Lhat if th� Gtammission mer�iezs wanted to folia� thraugh
- furCirer with Lhis; ttt�y everld=talk tt� rtr. Virgfl,Hst'rick as he csDUld.. is�th�
more pertinent data. �'��"
` Mr, Petrangelo'etated��s.t cSixC o£ tP1e $125,p00 fund, they had engag�d a� engineering
consul�ing firm, a:h�dtbLogist, ieg81 eounsel, �td had an accouutant. �ie amount
was budgQte$ ev�ry ysaY�, agpraued b� the maaagers,.aad went to_the SCate+Watex
l�esources Board'CO be.iuspecced a�td appraved by�:t�$m. The Dfstri�t was=�udited
e anaually. A recet�t ��el�pmeat tha� the Di�trict had was a Drain�ge Ditch
Maiatenance Fund of $�.5;@t7p �. yeax. Tt�e nn#ort�nate part of Che �jrainags Dttch
Maintenanee gimd; haWe�er, was thst the draina�t;�;tch laws were ao a1d, an8 when
the dit�hes wexe lauflt,' �hey were builr in 3870 dnllars,. ,EighCeen-seventy dollars �
woui& no way cover t9?�.�osts, b�t the prohlem v�itki the diteh laws wss tttat they
cauid uat ; put more fAC€� ti�ie diteh t%an was arigrtnal.l:y expeaded' Eor it .'�he I�isErict
was trying to get th�t..i:cia 8 r�alis[ic frame, so they could wark with it satis-
£actorily, howevar, ft �aa� ga5ng to Cake time. :Tl�ey had judicial ditches and:county
diCChes, many of whi�it �tad not seen any repair -as�rlc s3ace the time theq were installed.
The rditelt situaCion, a� cau�se, °ciimpnunded the water grobiems in Yimas o€ heavy �
water flow.
; ... _, � �
�ie.:�ege�:asked that i�en kkey d�d,improve CRe�e ditches, did th�t 3a��r�ase-�he
prolilem ia sedfinentation i� �te �SEeek�
; ' ty: : 81mke <stat�d"'that ca�s t}i� rea$e�#t for preset'�ing the maYSbes, not because Chey
were marshea, but ti�e fuuctiort thaE tfiey did w�s �emoving nutri'ents in .the water,
als�s a�ilSiag the sete�ement# out- af the wflter. ''�.9teir ph3losophy, was ,to try to
pass �a8[�Y Chxcnigh mars�es whenever they could and that was the iptent:in all of
ttte#x ditrh prajaets. , Mr. Dimke said they 1tatY a'�roject in tota�. aE about $26 millipu
which was 50°,� iedst��3.y fund8d� and 25� sta�e f�ided on the treatiixg of all storm
watets'that came tkre�h:Raseville, Arden tIi118:,,�nd Shorevi�w before they entered
Lon� Lake. Theese stnr� wate�s were treatecF in;a;'�arsh area. Tha,"t marsh area was
abc�t 140 acre8.._ Ths intent was Ca suspend th��cp+emica3s in ti�e *aater, �n the ma�sh
�rea beftrse Che 'iaater �zit iAtto LQri�' bake . ° ; ;
1+&'.' $audrea,u a�ked if there were at�y �ong range;pians for cleanfng np the cre�:k
bed �£ Rfee Creek: _
M�r:: �tke staCed .eha# "g$DA t�azl progra¢�med for s�o�'t simimert3.tae attd fail pro,jects.
:= The� gxoblem was the � supervisor. If ��e City p p `
would rovide the sa er- f
xisi�oa; they would be �rillitig to ccwpesate. '`
: �r. Boudreau stated be had a�tked�ti�e question �s he thangtit that was orie of the ;
�rojects the City wa�Ld wisk to ci3�+pe�ate on. :
.: , � .
� €
� ��_�
� � �� °
re x
� � '�
. � �
�:-.� . �
��fi < � ��� ,
� � r�
_ - � � ' �� ��<.h.`4".�. °� '.� � -�f�� .
�, `- 6� �E�R$dLTI _ C(1%A�liS324bF-:1�1EE�IN& JtiNE 2�7 3� �''': PAGE'��
� -
�_ � :
�;: �#e�'s,qa stated that aE this -poiaC ict ���. ,� Commission appreeiated "� '
�; ��•.�i'�ar3ngelo actd;�jt. pimke caming to the ���� telling the Coum�ission
,� �t't.�.7tte Gre�� Watershecl pistrict workec� �<�tms of the tota•1 ptogram. As
� '..'. �.#,�u „�g. coaparation; the �o�f8sion wwld -be iu�e�±�ed in the program Mr. Boudreau
€� 'Itad'�Livaa$:and they were aS:l vitally tnEer,e���d�,,tu Locke Lake as it related to
°�" ' �<p�7rtc& and recre�tion ;program. The Cpanissi,t� �1so felt that Rice Creek was
ve�;,tt�pp�tant to their t�ta1 renre�tiom progxam; ;
r ; , � �
.Mr� $���u stated that;he �.rould like to reqpe�� t he and the Conmission,��, �t��� of the minukes of khe Rice Greek:��;� hed District's meetings.
,; ,' 1�SL. 1*etra�g�lv &ftated he would look ixcto it ax�d �,8dturged Mr. Boudreau and the
,C�ission aiembe�'s to attend the Rice-Creek Wa���t,8d meetings which were held
' evey�* seeoad 'asd fourth Wednesday at the Arde�,�;�,is City Hall, 1450 Highway 96.
��Ms, g�mke.aaked Mr'. Boudreau to formalize a prap€�a�, for the cleaning up of Rice :
Yr`. `Gre�k ia letter form thro�h Mr. Petrangelo far;gresentation to the �tice Creek
•'S78ts'r�hed' Bo$rd, Mr. Boudreau agreed to do so. ;`
`iJF< Yet;angelo stated they were always recegttve to citizen input,
'}�c, 8e�ers�,again thanked I$�. Petrangelo and �'. pimke for attending the meeting.
$. �ci seheasive Park & OPen Space Plan
�� �'Mr,''L�ei�.hacf,ded out a set of Criteria that tht� �o�iBSion members had requested.
«.'`" �.,=_y�feBlc-S:t�sted that [o a;mmarize what had be�t=-saic� at the last Commission,meeting
l" :,� c,�t they vauld betaiking ahout that evenl�ng-was the development of a park
�' .
k ���. �eqtly, the City had several parks th�k served particular functions
' ,.�ut;trere not necessarily in the order of a syste�,p�rk that served the Cfty as well
i �s �i�e�T �hould. S.o, these parks had to be Iinked it� what was referred to as a
;� .$r"9�&te�a�. j.:i,nkiag them tpgether, whether it be thrpugh the Bikeway/Walkway gystem
";.,;� pr'=�I3�x�..l�snds of:_apen. r��4r �annecEiona, provic_f�d certaia advantages.:- �'irst,� it �,
� �alit�ed aecreation oppor��s:that the City h�d and-it allowed fdr movement
"� #�aiet.pprk_;o park; it '�'more flex£ble ta the needs of the neighborhoods.
To fk� t�#�;an& to a�;� document they nis�,rh�d, gtaff had to go through a
��er�e�t t� gz�ces�e� ��sras the Zuventor�rey,t�� gather up� all the data about� �
�,-a, .,�,hCidl�; �,;'5ecoAdlg�, ���i�atfa�#,2�d info�matiotr aff�t `�Fte city park system as iY now �
���. T�rdly, tkt�y gv�.��tizen ingut fxom i.3�;2,�ighborhood project CoumiCEees
twi wha� Lttie C�iEteee feY't'"vas ,needed as far aa" paxk facilitiea in their neighbor-
�nod�, The final>set led to the policy plan fbr.�is,d�velopment of existing parks,
' ��'par�cs�:: and opea sPace within the coannun�t}€.
x } ` t�c,;.�p8rda�sn st�ted that .one of the isipprtant things they wanted to develop c�ithin
, `�' .:��ile pa�rk pkan ia the "Sumitary of gind3ngsi' wae tIka�t the City of Fridley, in iCs
� �reBei�C aLage af fc�nding, was lacking some kipd of strategic disbursement of fu�s.
_ �tt,��t;.nqw, it �ad beea done by a pressure system. i�at it was really based on was
� a 2aek of stansiard criteria for thes� fuads and.that-was a very impnrtant item that
" i�t},r'�o pe tio�. ,�h� �heet eat3tled �'Criteria�� s�ich Mr. Leek had handed out was the
� " ai*�e��ucgnded etaa#[g9s as Ear as settiag up cxiter3,a for regulation af dfsbursement o€
� � .- �t�nds ,
c ,�` .
s �� � �
�e� •�' . . . � . . � .� .
R ' f
� � � ' �� �. - ` �
'� '�,»` ��� � _a. , . . . , � .. . _ _ ._ . . . .. . '�I�k?'!�' ,
. . .. . .:... _ .. . . . � e,... . .
�KS & $�CR�A�iOIi �bNIMCSS2�.:1?�E'��N�, JfiTNE 27, ,1,�7"i - � PAGE 6
Sever�l p�agle frbm t�Tai�hborhs� '13;#xad attendeH thz meetiug with Che epncern'ot �
the garhage, tir�s, w;�,,-et�c.� tha� was ia Ben�amin-Briardale park. T�e City
trucks had braught iri,��Il cc�i;ta�iting this garb�ge. It was now overgrown with
weetls and was +tery datt�e�Ctttus �iel a fi3�alth hazar$:; They :waztted to know t,*hen this
raould be cleaned up,.
Mr. $aardman stated he �rou2d �3aeC€c into ft right amay.
A,aoCher cancern of 'th� $te�ghbe+rltotx2' 13 resident�swas that when they had received
their neighbonc�sod pt�, fiheq,'ha8 ,wt�ndered if t�re "'�ield games" area,zvas Yor "
ueighharhood use or w1i�t3�eS ��' wds }ilanned Co be used for city-wide organized
games. If`it was to ba usefl "�tyt`ci�y-wide ga�s; they warried about the traffic
and �tarking problems.
�lr. Soardman �Cated tha� i.t �S their'intent irE>the P1an that tfie neighborhood parks
be for neighbarhood ucsage': "
The questiaa was raised as ta when and if the �xghborhoads would be notified when
work was begun in plannting e�h nsfghbqrhood park area.
ASr> goardc,an stated the �ity wfluld �ontact the ttaighborhaods,Frobably by mail,
noti�ying'them when th�y vrau-?,xl be working on thc eomprehensive''pasle development
plan for each neighbo�hoorl a��sa and wcwld give'the dates of those.meetings.
pTr. petersan thanited t&e hei�hbanc��d people for Cheir inCerQSt and attendance. �
MOTii3R by J�� Seeger, 9eCande2l by $�tty Ann Mech, that the followiug recommendation
be ineluded in^the Parks � O�en Sp��e Plan; "�mediate'eot�sid�ration should be
�given to steps which w+i11 sef"�iuLate public or priv�te interes�s in the:cultural
elements of a partc sys�erri` (fzau�rCaina; gardens, arbaretum, historic sites, faeilities
for per€orming arts).'� ppon a voic� vote, a11 voting ays, the morio� carried
unanimously. .
' i a
p#�z�+7 by-$etty Ann I+lech,,seeflrtded by Jan �eeger, to add the fallowing'recommendation
to Cha Parks &(Spen Sp�ce pl3n, ���amental paxk character is a necessity titroughout
the eatise systevi. �opogra�ri%%e laad �orms, wa��r features, and�planC material must
he added in significant quariCity �tt5 supple,ment;�sCsent plant materials. Development
� of _�recreatiou faeilities' mus� be -a�simiLated w�;��in ttre pRNAMENTA�. p�Z€k-�'��er � than �
bect3ming [he dominanG featur�.° " t;. , a<,d'
Ais."24ech-stated'`she #aund the parks very bare and this recom�ndati4n spoke to that
ne�d. ; .
Mr. P�tetson stated �� fa�t �he maCian might bie an objective.but wa� not meant for
eve�� pa�k as there �*ere so��xity patks whexe :the damivant #eature was nat meant
� to'��be ornamen�al,� r ` r � � ;
; 2iO�T(H�T by Robin Suhrbier,'s�ton�ied by getty A� NYeck, to amend ttte previous motion
to`c3tange the wcsrtiii+g• •oE Poiicy #t' under pbjective 2 in the "Pol#cy & Recamnendations"
: section as follaws; 't�axefui design of parks and recreation areas for flexibili�
' a£ ^ttse aad aCtracGive; ]�at�t;�aped appearance is vital to. efficient grbgransnin�,
apera�fo�., !#n8 maint�i�c�.e �' the �� system�" i7pan a voife vote, a}:'1 voting �
� a��`, �;ds�. intsi7ECia carri�d 'utta3i�:r+l'eiuA.�. .
� �
. .. . . a . { . . .
.. . � .'�"'�.`'N . . .� S
— Yti �
. . . .. . . . t, ft:' ,.«� �` -`�.... `t� ..o .,. � wi....eia. u a—.v._.ce.= .. _. . . . . _. . - .
.:e..�f �.,�. x a _ _ . . ,�� !.
S �* �1
�t- < �u� � ��� � . � �
� . ., , � . ,� ., . � . �� � ... .
�, � : . .. _ �; � . .
�t�o- & ����'r�ot� cot�ss�aN �E�z� at� a�° �.�� 5 ,�,;, rAC� 7 : �
� ,,
t�e�e��4aFfg,to the "Goals & bbjectives" af Che E�r:Nb�. Boardman stated that each �'
` .� >,gs�I �itic�ld be listed bxie£Ly and Ehe lenge�ry���t"lption that had been added to :�
� �"�� �'.' � � ea��Y go,ai, g+se not � necessary and should be �ia#de�- �ecovmiendations". � � � �
�` � €�.�* ,�t�it "5eeger, seconded by Robin Su�rb:fe�, .�dtat; the "Goals & Objectives" �
�; �. �'�' � �
sta� �� they were originally adopted and zh�t' Ei�`'�+es�i'ite that was added to the ;
'�(`,ct&�'�„� �t��;tia+es" be included in "Reaamia�nc�ti�"._to be brought back to the t
' Ga��asicu� ��7C ;��i. approval . Upon a voic� vc�;. �i voting aye, the atotion �
t'arried una4ian�us3,g'. �
� by Jau'S�S�r, seconded by Betty Rnn M�cz%, that the rewrite of the Preamble `
`` -�� -the '+Goa1s & Object�ves" be adopted. U�SCn�-� v+��ce ,vote, all voting aye, the '
�tl.on carried unaaimeusly.
' t%s. ldech stated Chat ,Neighborhood 12 was showtt as :f�ving no input fro�q the Neighbor-
iit�od p�a�ect Go�nittee, She atated she had wariced ea'the Co�mmittee and they had
° s�bmiEted recoa�endations, ia addition to a p�api wh€eh she had prepared. She asked
J�'�: Boardv�an or Mr. Leek to please correct: tliis e�`rat.
i�: PeterBOn-a�ked that Mr: Soardman have the �avis�d."Parks & Open SEace Plan"
read'p bq t�te special July llth budget meeting. T1ie Co�ission members:would then
' s` �ca�e Lime t� review it for the regular 3u}y m��t2ng and for that meeCiug;; Staff
-i�uld,akso tsot��q the Neighborhood Project Gaimna�t�ees.that the Commission would be
`, wprkiqS-an ado�rting this document. ;
`G: Cit�o€:Fr�d�ep Bikeway/Walkway Plan - Qer� M�n �
a� -, , .. ._, .. . : , ' . _ , :_.
�� ^� Md,�ted that he had gotten a call from 1�(r. aoardman asking that the Bike-
"...w�gfi�a��Zray Project Eoam�i.Ctee 6e revived'after being de-activated for a,period of
8tik0 �aths, 'Iie said the City was divided into nine districts with a representative
£� e�ch dis�rict on the Pro�ect Co�ittee. Ths�e were still several,.�reas that
d%d;n� have representatiart. Tk�e Project CouanitGee had a short meeting on ,�une 2�
r.;i�f,tfi altly a feW membars, ''�ha� haped to have anot�i�"�neeting with all the members
sci Chey rwid go' on £ras� t�e ppsition they we�ce a� :�61e moment. Thep had implonented
�- �t�as.� i af��the �ik�wa�Fi�kk�'ay�PLan. There hAS#:�asred=�to be some probi�m areas
=` �C' wc�t�d r�quire atte�xCirna" earlier and one u£-'Lltose areas was the area aloag
� � � �
`_, �$a,st �€.Srex Road startin�,at 4sborne Ro�d and gaix�g s�uth. Part of this was
��citeduied far Phase`2,�nd 'part of the improvemene 4f this bikeway was scheduled
for Phase 2 and, beCa�3�e of the expense, parC was scheduled for Phase 3. The
noorth>&atxeh artery .�hat this would serve was very:impottant on the Bikeway/Walkway.
(#�:y pa�`ts o£ Egst �iver Road provided sufficient width for striping and parts of
Ch3.s �uid.have to'he constructed as an off-street pathWay which was mast expeusive.
;�ui, he said, this was &ach a vital area that it sfiould be considered earlier.
{ynothet thing the ProjecC:Gomnittee felt vas importauC was that the streets that
had marked_trike lanes'did-:not have any "no parking" signs, and they wauld like to
get certain:areas marked "nv parking", at Ieast:bett�sen certain hours so Mcycling
co�ld be saf$ and practical on the lanes they now--had-. Mr. Moen staEed he wnuld
licjte tv me�C with the Comnission again after the' Pru,�ect Co�ittee had their next
� me��#ng.
,;;. �
> �: .
s~ ��it�� ��E+1TTOe7 �S�
tir. Petexscazt thanked b!
like the $ikeway/W�lkw
whfch waa th�-tran§po�
6y bicycle.
Mr. i+k>ea stat�d thaE h
2�. &eegex sttat+�d that
wes�erri��ost part of �
of Chs b14t�waq t�ot:he7�
Zike io.kaou if"any c�s
peapYe cou'�c} us� other
there vr�thout andange�
2ir. Mcren stated that C
chaages as �he}t t�tent a
e21 districts. :
Ms. Aisch statett that �
Riverview T�rr�c�`and
Ma . S�Ses asked �rHy t
eas�; n�= �te gurli�gtc�d
chi'islr�tt c�trsa -the -tt�a
pir���oa€dman sCated [t
F beeause t�y vrere- look
` a regiona3 zrai.i rout�c
it roas pzetty mueh`u�hc
with aYl the industria
the}� £�lt they cou18'g
b+a}�:'sozitk� to �3.ce CC�Ei�
thfdki� at that: tivi�
aiT tive �tay sontii'fiG �
The main thing they ta8
areas; titep wanGed` tz�
facilities; s%opp3ag
their bfcyeYes fer ber!
��bsi. $�eger stated that
ur�:estcieg was chat �+aE*i
and elrildren''lt�i
L�' � E
irt; tt
oi tY.
. £a�` a
pardman stated
�.t%e neighbor
nre to the bitt
e use aY�as �h
a bicycle tr#:g
thay did no� h
c�e �ime.
w> � � -�� .,�..
�ffiE'_ .�G: ,i�3NE ?7, 1977' — — FAGii 8
,�uen far eaaf�. He sta�ted that the C�miss%on would �
�. to tre sen9itive to sane of- the Cammission's eoiicems
E�g of' �eople, primarily'j?oung people, to the Cicy'e,pa�ka
� 1�eea considered aad was;covered very well in the Plani
�- of,tl�e a�sas of presbl+em^to ttte Commission wat8' Yke narth-
tdley �tich had a la¢k o£.}.�rge'park facilitfsA:' Beaause
; in rituat ates,'it c�s a.prUblem, 3he persna�lly would
si,cTera�ion was going to be given ta the £act ChaL those
Eacilities iq-the paxk s�stem if'ehey l�ad s� way to get
�g tfiei.r lives.
Ls wa� was a flexihl� gl�i'. They wc�ul& une�outitedly make
7ci�,; t.�e ide�l beiflg that C^I�eg woutd do thefr best to serve
are>� a i�svely area fcsr a walk�?ay aloag the rt"ver ac
�ggesCed tktat the PrajecL Ctmrmfttee give thaC sc�me aonsider-
ere w88 a bikeway path.gYOpnsal bn khe i�or�h-sa�Ch roa8
Nortke�sa Rai}.taad txaeke." tio one-caas gping �� t�at�e their
ks to" �et trr it. �
re�e8{� they had loaked;�C it at C�at' z:a8
ng :fo�t a rpute to connen£ 'tk�e Nor�h P��k PiaEU�e �eAter with
e,2st-west along Rice Cre2k. They chose ttuat.side because
u�TvF+�: 'and they were �la to get ease�neut r+�$ht--af-�ways
prap�zties in-that aren; With mast a$rEhe oth�r areas,
�.e;�s�t�nents for the zaho�e stretch from r�7orCli Y'�k a�l the ;
wiLi�'Che pnssibility af cross-aver pafnt&, 'Fh�y were also
f: posaibly d`evelopix�g �;: trail system f�cxi+ CoQn R�p�.da Dam
cyaeapoli8 :. They- hai3 not .yet solved thg c;ossYng: poi�nts .
ted �ti bring out w$s ta -sk�ow the ccnnE�tiptts o£ all the
eveldp some kind,o€ a sy�tsm that wouid conaecz alL.park
r�as,- eo u�ilize thf.s tsf%�aay system so p@ap�e-s�rould use �
recre�tion attd shoppi�.; '
as-a Farks & Recreation Ca�nmissioner, ahe fe�t oneof the ;
icuY�F area which �i�e h�d mentioned earliB� �o get the
Es �ast River �toa3 so'�hap could use Gas�enan� P�t'k or-some =
c L�ite City had. :
y3If�i'�e,Citp had to laok at first was the bik:e sgstems �.
k�sr�asai.v��-•cpying to prpvide the r�ximk�m amr,x�nt of
cy�+� wh�ch gave the ma�timi�n amount of sa€�ety consi3erations ,�';
hep had done extemsivg iesearch-and #oiind that most `.
plece were short xecreation trips;. �hey alsa"knew�
g�b develop the bfke pa� systebi afut wauld not .£ ;
. '�
s ^
', r.
� �,
).. ' Dhan
y #t
� �'
� �' Afi
i�. � the
>, JIINE 37, 1.��7r'
n€ Ca���� Z4�:etin
read the letter dated January 4, 14��;� �rom the City Manager to the
�sn sta[ing that the Parks S� Recrea�:�o�'�cinv�issfon met on the same night
C�uncil and sometfines this created prob3ea�s. At the February 28, 1977,
api�tteeCing, the Cou�ission memhera iadicated that they would keep their
ee�ing night-and have it brought up agair,�;'a� ti�e June 1977 meeting when
be'discussed with new Coumission a�e�#sexs.
r�e di,scus�ion, the C�mission members agreed to continue meeting on the
��ay of eaeh month. Mr. Peterson stgted it should be brought back on
d$-a[ the pc€obar �eting before tkxe ne� calendar was made up for Che 1978
„ .
' " .Z. i74W BUSIN�3S:
�e��est £�Y'Dunking Tub - John � Dariene Zurawski
2llr: Rirk stated that it was Mr. Boudreau's tecommendation that the Cosmission
Aot a11ow Chis groug to use the dunking machine because it was a money-making
?�UTIp$ 6y 3an Seegex, seconded by Robin Suhrbier; that the Coumiission give John and
Aarlene Z+�rawsKi permissio€� to use the dunking machine for recreation but that the
``' Go�tasion objected to it being used as a fund-raiser_ They could, howeqer, accept
�' don�tfons within their own group. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motiou
` c�a7ried unaaimously.
__ `� � � �
; :'
A. Soccer/P.Y-S.A.
M�r: Kixk.stated that Mr. Salas' soccer program had now become part of Che F.Y.S.A.
Mr. Peterson asked ihat-Mr. Kirk talk to pir. Tom;:Nshring with regard to bylaws
for the soccer program as Che Cormnission wauld like to be ,looking at these with
t6e oagani�atton in January.1978 to have time to discuss them before ttxe soccer
s@asoq �sg�n. This was one of the Co�ission's policies.
Bi Capital Outlay 1978 �udget Request - Set gpacial Meeting Date
�. $oudreau had stated that he.felt it was very-3�tartant for the C�ission
'to sek a special'meeti�g,: possibly Julp L1, to go aumr the capital osstlay 1978
budget.; Mr. Boudreau said:-he Would lilce the Co�uission members to put some time
and' e#fort into what they saw as their capital outlay needs. He would appreciate
' tiyeix giving him that #nformation the latter parC of the followiqg week to give
"liipi tixxie'to put it in synopsis £orn by July 11. Ae-was supposed to have a badget
" ptoposal be#ore the City Manager hy the th�Yd week in Suly,
�he special budget meeting was set for July 11,:-L97?.
. ;� °'�+0.4��- _ a
���� �� . � . . � � .
t��s a� a��t��a� cor��zs��:��s .�rri� z�,�.�:g'��: ` ra�E ia
�, yisftaCion to�Parlk.3lt'i&B�,�td 'R�treation pro�m '�i'
1'he Come�ission mee�bQrs Bgte�d=Eitat tha visi,tati�i ko the park areas and'the
reereatioa prograai on„�istt+d`s�-'�8'enjoyable-and "ftl�qrmative.
Ms, Mech atated thaE €�'�A�irg were:very:wekl malin�ained and improvement could
be �een. 1
I�fs: "$�eger stated that�Ftie L�titugtrt �tQ taur was informative and interesttng. `
Maze thaz: 'anything, s3� �3:i�e� 1�:arTTf�g the �lacement of the parks .
Ms; Mech st�ted she knew�a MiE; �on �oi`an who p�'t;fn prairie areas far ¢eople and
he had a slide prese�ttt�tivn t�t wa� 'very good, i If the Ctmwsis�ion was ag�eeable,
she woatd iike to have hfm r� be�ore the Cop�sBion and give-his pres�ntat£fln: ;
�Sr. Peterson atated that this was a gQal idea t�`keep in mind for a�eetfng in
pugust or possibly eve� iater in-Ehe fall as r%irt now Eheir u�etfngs'were c{uite Eu21. �
� MQTTt� by Robin ^sufir8fer, s��QUded by J�fl 3eegitt, to adjaurn the meetiaig at
? 11;4tt p.m. (Ipon a' vOice vote, �11 voting aye, the moCion carried uuan;imdusly.
E � `
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` Reapectively subb�3.tEed,
� �����- i
i, Saba
k��ording Secretary
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JULY 13, 1977
Chairperson Harris called the July 13, 1977, Planning Commission
Meeting to order at 7:35 P.M•
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Storla, Bergman, Harris, Peterson, Gabel,
Jerrold Boardman, tity Planner
Mr• Langenfeld corrected the ^Members Present� listed on Page 1
to read .••••. Bruce Peterson. He indicated that the "Members
Absent" should read Bob Peterson.
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seco�ded by Mr• Storla,
Planning Commission Minutes of June 22, 1977, be
amended. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
that the
approved as
motion carried
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Ms- Gabel, to amend the
agenda to include item 5A, REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT, L.S. #77-07,
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
SP #77-04, APACHE CAMPING CENTER� Per section 205-101,
3N, of the Fridley City Code, to allow sales and service
of recreational vehicles, on Lot 1, Block 1, Pearson's
Second Addition, the same being 7701 East River Road N.E•
Public Hearing open•
Mr. Boardma� presented the site plan from Apache Camping Center
to the Planning Commission. He said that the landscaping plan
had been drawn up by an architect• He pointed out that there
had been a meeting at the site involving Apache Camping Center
personnel and the neighbors. He said that nine items had been
drawn up at that time that were requested to be incorporated
into the Special Use Permit if it was granted.
The Planning Commission studied the plan they had before them.
Chairperson Harris wanted to know how many custamer parking places
were being provided• `
Mr• Pawelski of Apache Camping Center exp2ained that there would
be enough parking space to accommodate 14 cars.
Chairperson Harris questioned the number of tent trailers and
regular trailers shown on the plan•
Mr• Pawelski indicated that they were showing the maximum number
of units that would be on the lot at one time•
Chairperson Harris asked if Apache Camping Center had had a chance
to look over the nine stipulations.
Mr• Pawelski indicated that they had reviewed the nine
stipulations and were in agreement• He said that Ms. Martin
had requested most of the items to be included as stipulations
should a Special Use Permit be granted.
Mr• Pawelski felt that the number of kinds of shrubs being
required at the front of the building would obstruct the view
of the showroom from the street. He said that with some extra
care, the existing shrubs should be adequate•
Chairperson Harris questioned one of the stipulations dealing
with making sure the Special Use Permit would not be applicable
to any other business-
Mr- Pawelski clarified that Ms. Martin didn't want the Special
Use Permit to be allowed for use by someone else, should the
Camping Center move away at a future date•
Ms. Martin of 133 Stonybrook NE explained that she understood
that a Special Use Permit was issued to the owner of the property
and since Apache Camping Center would only be leasing the building
she didn't want to have to contend with an undesirable business
{used car lot, etc.} should the Camping Center move at a
future date-
Chairperson Harris explained that unless another Camping Center
moved into that building, the Special Use Permit would not
pertain• He said that each different business would need a
separate Special Use Permit. He indicated that the permit would
be issued for the outside storage of recreational vehicles.
Ms. Martin said that she and the Apache Camping Center are in
agreement on the thoughts, but.she wanted to be assured that
they are in agreement on the words. She didn't want to have the
thoughts misinterpreted. One thing in particular she wanted
to have the wording exact regarding the displaying of vehicles
in front of the showroom. She wanted it to read, ^two cement
slabs adjacent to the showroom with one vehicle each on each
of the slabs. She felt that the way it had originally been worded,
it could have been interpreted as two vehicle on each of the
slabs, resulting in a total of four vehicles displayed in front
of the showroom. She said that she and the Apache Camping
Center had agreed on a total of two vehicles displayed in fro�t
of the showroom.
At the request of Mr• Langenfeld, Chairperson Harris read the
nine stipulations to the audience. Mr• Pawelski clarified some
the the items as Chairperson Harris read them.
Mr• Pawelski indicated that he would be meeting with the owner
of the property regarding the nine stipulations• He said that
they were in agreement to fix the building, but didn`t feel they
should have to handle the total expense of upgrading someone
else's property•
Ms. Martin explained that she had noticed t.wA semi-truck trailers
were being stored at the rear of the property• She said that
there was no objections to the ones presently there. She asked
that since the Special Use Permit would be issued to the property
owner, would he be able to use that permit to enable him to park
more of the semi-truck trailers on the property. She indicated
that if that could happen, then she felt that there would be
a lot of objections. 3he was sure that the neighborhood did
not want any semi-truck traffic in the area. 3he also felt that
it would be aesthetically unpleasing to have semi-truck trailers
kept at the rear of that property.
Ms• Martin continued to say that she understood that the trailers
did belong to the owner of the property and not Apache Camping
Center• She only wanted to know if the owner would have the
right of outside storage.
Mr. Wormsbecker of 134�1 Southridge Road indicated that basically
the rear of the building in question was only being used as
cold storage and that it shouldn't be considered as a warehouse.
Mr• Boardman explained that if semi-trucks were going into the
area and delivering merchandise to be stored, then the building
would be considered as a warehouse and warehouses were not allowed
in the zoning presently on the property•
Ms. Martin wanted assurance that the neighborhood would be
protected from that type of situation being allowed. She felt
that the Permit should be worded NOW to assure there would be
no misinterpretation of the intent of the Permit.
Ms. Martin indicated that there would be definite opposition to
a warehouse in the area.
Mr• Langenfeld indicated that if the stipulations were incorporated
into the Special �se Pe�mit, that, in itself, would put a greart
deal of control on the property. He explained that if in the
event the neighbors felt that a warehouse operation was taking
place, ail they would have to do is call City Hall and someone
would be sent out to the property to check-out the complaint-
Ms. Martin explained that that was why she felt the stipulations
should be incorporated into the actual Permit — to be sure
the neighbors had a valid complaint should different occasions
Ms. Gabel wanted to know how long the_trailers had been on the
Ms. Martin indicated that she hadn't realized the trailers had
even been on the property until the night she met with the
personnel from Apache Camping Center at the site•
Mr- Pawelski didn't know the answer either• He was again in
agreement with Ms. Martin. He said that Apache Camping Center
didn't want to have the trailers parked on the property either•
He felt that the more room the owner utilized, the less room
they would have for their Camper business.
Mr• Peterson questioned the stipulation stating, ^Drive way on
East River Road not to be used by customers^- He wanted to
know how Apache Camping Center would be able to control what
driveway a customer would use•
Mr• Wormsbecker explained that there was a driveway onto the
property directly from East River Road. He said that Apache
Camping Center would keep the gate on that driveway locked so
as to discourage anyone from using the driveway• He indicated
that Apache Camping Center intended to use the driveways located
on 77th Street•
Mr• Pawelski explained that there could be occasions when Apache
Camping Center would want to use the gate/driveway on East Rlver
Road but that it would only be an occasional circumstance and
that customers would never be encouraged to use that particular
Mr. Bergman pointed out that there was an error on the plat.
He said that the two cement slabs in front of the showroom
had not been indicated.
Mr. Storia asked what type of security lighting Apache Camping
Center planned to use•
Mr• Amundsom of Apache Camping Center indicated that it would
only be security lighting and would only illuminate the
Camping Center•
In answer to a question by Mr• Langenfeld,
that the business hours of Apache Camping
Monday — Thursday 9:00 A.M. — 8:00
Friday 9:00 A.M. — 6:00
Saturday 9:U� A.M. — 5:0❑
Closed Sunday
Mr• Pawelski indicated
Center would be:
P . t1 .
He said that he felt the latest they would ever be open woUld be
9:00 P.M• He again indicated that all ingress and egress to the
Apache Camping Center would be via 77th Street.
Mr. Pawelski said that they had studied the landscape plan. He
indicated that basically it was an agreeable proposal and that the
only problem was that Apache Camping Center planned to get with
the landlord to discuss the plan a�d to find out if he would
handle some of the expenses involved with upgrading his property•
Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know the terms of Apache Camping Center's
lease agreement•
(1r. Wormsbecker indicated that there wasn't an actual lease
agreement. He said that it was still a negotiable thing•
Mr. Pawelski said that when Apache Camping Center found out that
they needed a Special Use Permit, tfiey decided to first find
out if they could get the Permit before they decided on the terms
of the lease•
Ms• Gabel asked what kind of lease Apache: Camping Center
Mr• Amundsom indicated it would be app�oximately a three-year
lease {minimum}.
Mr. Pawelski wanted to know why Apache Camping Center had to
replace all the shrubs presently on the property•
Mr. Boardman said that the landscaping architect had agreed that
some of the existing shrubbery could remain as long as the
entire property was upgraded.
Mr. Langenfeld wanted to know the purpose of the six foot redwood
Mr. Boardman indicated that the six foot redwood fence was
basically for decorative purposes.
Mr. Peterson felt that the showroom should not be obstructed by
Mr. Boardman explained that the proposed landscaping would not
block the showroom visibility. He said that the City was only
suggesting the ideas. He indicated that Apache Camping;
Center would have to submit a landscape plan for City approval
before they would receive the Permit. He said that the Permit
would be held up until the landscape plan met with City Council
Mr. Bergman said that when a business had a glass-front
that the City should be careful not to require anything
would conflict with the visibility of that showroom.
Due to a misunderstanding, the Public Hearing had been
at the June 22, 1977 meeting; therefore, it came to the
attention that the Public Nearing had not been opened.
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Mr• Bergman, to open the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to include
all the previous informal discussion into the Public Hearing.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Peterson, that the
Planning Commission receive the nine stipulations. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Chairperson Harris requested a show of hands of people who were
in the audience regarding the item•
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the
Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously and the Public Hearing was closed at 8:35 P.M.
Mr• Peterson indicated that the landscaping needs had to be
After some discussion, Chairperson Harris and Mr• Boardman
came to the agreement that the City Council had final
arbitration regarding the approval of the landscaping plans.
MOTION by Mr� Bergman, seconded by Mr• Peterson, that the
Planning Commission recommend to City Council the approval of
the Request for a Special Use Permit, SP #77-04, Apache Camping
Center: Per Section 205.101, 3N� of the Fridley City Code, to
allow sales and service of recreational vehicles, on Lot 1,
Block 1� Pearson`s Second Addition, the same being 7701 East
River Road N.E. subject to the following stipulations:
y} That the development of the property be generally
consistent with the plat plan {Exhibit A} submitted
by Apache Camping Center, corrected to sfiow two
concrete slabs adjacent to the showroom.
2} That landscaping be improved subject to the approval
of City Staff, with showroom visibility acceptable
to the tenants and adjacent neighbors.
3} That there be no outside loudspeakers-
4} That outside lighting after 10:00 P.M- be limited
to security lighting of the property {the illumination
being such a nature that it would not be annoying
to the adjacent neighborhood}•
5} That there be the maximum of two units {one on each
concrete slab located adjacent to the showroom} displayed
in front of the showroom•
6} That there be no test driving in the residential area•
7} Any unsightly sto�age be stored at the �ear of the
property {behind the building}•
8} That the driveway on East River Road not be used by
9} Sales of motorcycles and snowmobiles be excluded-
UPON A VOICE VOTE+ all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously-
SP �77-07, ANDREW R. EVANS: Per Section 205.051, 2A, of
the Fridley City �ode, to allow the construction of a
second accessory building, a 27' x 24' attached garage,
on the East 167 feet of Lot 7, Auditor's Subdivision No- 92,
the same being 6040 Benjami� Street N.E.
MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Bergman, to open the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened at 8:51 P.M•
Mr• Boardman indicated that there would be a second accessory
building. He said that they presently had an attached garage
and that they were building another attached garage at the rear
of the house• This would be considered a second accessory
Mr• Langenfeld asked what the purpose would be for the second
accessory building.
Mr• Evans said it would be used for storage of a car/boat/
snowmobiles and other items that needed to be stored.
Mr• Lange�feld asked if the accessory building would be compatible
with the existing building•
Mr- Evans said that the buildings would all be the same — stucco,
color, etc.
Mr• Peterson wanted to know what the access would be to the
Mr• Evans said that there would be an additional driveway. He
explained that they were located on a corner lot and that the
second driveway would enter from the street to the qarage at a
different point than the already existing garage•
Ms. Gabel asked on what street the current driveway existed•
Mr. Evans explained it was presently on Benjami� Street and the
other driveway would be on Ferndale Avenue•
Mr• Boardman showed the Planning Commission the proposed plan for
the additional structure•
Mr- Bergman wanted to know the size of Mr• Evans' current garage
Mr• Evans wasn't sure of the dimensions, but indicated that it
was a single car garage•
Ms. Gabel showed concern for the elevation of the house in relation
to the proposed deck/patio• She wanted to know if it would
encroach on the neighbor's privacy.
Mrs. Evans explained that they weren't really close enough to
anyone to encroach on their privacy.
Ms. Gabel asked what the dimensions were of the lot.
Mr• Boardman indicated that the lot was 165 feet from the back
lot line to Benjamin Street•
Mr- Bergman wanted to know what Mr• Evans planned to do with
all the buildings — single car garage and oversized double
Mr. Evans indicated he had two cars, one boat, two snowmobiles,
and other normal miscellaneous items that needed storage•
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Ms• Gabel, to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was closed at 9:D0 P.M.
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Mr• Storla, that the Planning
Commission recommend to City Council the approval
o�- the request for a Special Use Permit, 3P �77-07, Andrew R• Evans:
Per Section 205.051, 2A, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the
construction of a second accessory building, a 27' x 24' attached
garage, on the East 167 feet of Lot 7, Auditors's 3ubdivision
No. 92, the same being 6040 Benjamin Street N-E• Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
TROGER �TEflE: For retaining t�P use of bo�h existing-
attached garages, and to permit an existing drive to his
original 12-1/2 ft x 22 ft garage to remain as is, per
Fridley City Code, Section 2�5.051, 2, A, *, located on
Lot 1, Block 5, Brookview Terrace.Third Addition, the
same being 870 Pandora Drive N.E.
*Please note that when the permit for a second attached
garage was issued on May 26, 1972, it was stipulated that
the driveway to the original garage be removed, and the
original garage be used just for storage•
MOTION by Mr- Bergman, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened at 9:04 P-M.
Mr• Boardman pointed out that the main thing that should be
brought out was that in 1972, when a Permit was granted to build
an additional garage in the rear yard, it had been stipulated
that the original driveway was to be removed and the area filled
in and landscaped• The permit also stipulated that the original
garage was to be used for storage only• He went on to explain
that the petitioner was now before the Planning Commission for a
Special Use Permit that would enable him to use both garages
and both driveways•
Mr• 3tene explained to the Planning Commission that he was aware
of the fact that he hadn't complied with the stipulations of the
Building Permit that had been granted in 1972• Ne told them that
his original intent, when he built the new garage was that he
planned to put a print shop in his home• He said that since that
time he had almost gone out of the Printing business and
he doesn't plan to finish the original garage into a workshop
as he had previously intended to do. He said that now he
preferred to use the original garage as storage for material
he sells out of his home• He indicated that the material is
drop shipped at his home from the Manufacturer•
Mr• Stene went on to explain that the City had advised him
of the violation four days after he had parked his third new
car in the original garage• He_tal�ed to Ron Holden of
Fridley City Hall to find out what he had to do to resolve the
problem. He said he had been informed by City Hall that he would
have to apply for a Special Use Permit in order to legally
continue using the original garage/driveway. He quoted to the
Commission exactly what he had been told by City Hall:
^Request for Special Use Permit for second accessory
building. This permit will not require any additional
construction. It would only allow the present hard
surface drive off of Pandora Dri�e-to remain• This was
originally stipulated to be removed on the Building
Permit. The garage door would remain as is in either
case. The property owner can drive over the lawn and use
the garage for car storage in either case•^
Mr• Stene showed the Planning Commission a copy he had of the
original Building Permit. He also presented a petition that had
been signed by his adjacent neighbors approving of his current
intention• He indicated that only two of the neighbors wouldn't
sign the petition; one was an employee of the City and he was
not permitted to sign the petition and the other person lived
directly behind Mr• Stene and he had refused to sign.
Mr• 3tene showed the Planning Commission a picture of his house
as it currently appeared. He informed the Commission of all
the arti�les he needed all the additional space for — three cars,
two boats, six bicycles, snowblower, lawn mower, and other
miscellaneous items. He said he really wanted to be able to
park all his cars inside rather than having them parked outside•
He cited many incidents of va�dalism that had occurred in the
past years. He said he had had at least 55,000 worth of
vandalism done, primarily to his vehicles•
Mr• Langenfeld pointed out that Mr. Stene had been required to
remove the driveway to the original garage in 1972 and that he had
not removed it. He wanted to know if by this request Mr- Stene
was trying to make right his violation.
Chairperson Harris said that he felt the intent of Mr• Stene
was to rectify the violation•
Mr• Stene said that he wanted to be at peace with tfie neighbors
and with the City and that he was willing to do whatever was
necessary to rectify the matter- He especially wanted to have
some type of peace with the neighborhood in -hopes that possibly
some of the vandalism would stop•
Mr. Bergman wanted to know if Mr- Stene planned to leave the
garages exactly as they were-
Mr• Stene said that there would be no construction involved.
Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know why Mr• Stene had posts in
his front yard.
Mr• Stene indicated that after having ten ^yard jobs^ done last
year he decided to have the posts installed- He said that it
had cost him close to $1,500 to repair damages done by the
^yard jobs^. He said he felt better {and safer} having the
posts present. He indicated that he took pride in keeping his
yard nice and he couldn't Figure out why someone wanted to
keep ruining it• He said that he had even had his Home Owner's
Insurance dropped by one Company becaus� of the unusual amount
of damages and vandalism claims they had to cover•
Ms. Ga6e1 wanted to know what type of business Mr• Stene was
operating out of his house-
Mr. Stene indicated that he sold ink rolls. He said he had put
a print shop in his basement and operated it for 12 years• He
said when he had put the second garage on, the original garage
was primarily used as an access to the Printing Shop, plus
storage• With his decision to take a new course of employment,
Mr- Stene decided on the particular course of employment of
selling ink rolls. He said that he did have to keep some
inventory bUt that the total space utilized in his house was
an area 1-1/2 feet by six feet. He indicated that he would
primarily use the garages for storage• He said that he wouldn't
be usinq the garage as any business venture. He indicated that
there would be no workshop or office put into the garage.
He said he would basically use the garages as storage for his
personal belongings.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if Mr- Stene stored goods for resale in
his house•
Mr• Stene estimated that he stored approximately $750 — 51,000
worth of inventory for resale in his house•
Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know why Mr. Stene had not done as the
stipulations had required•
Mr• Stene said that he had not been prepared to finish the
oriqinal garage at the time he built the additional garage.
He said that there seemed to be too many other things that
seemed more pertinent to him than removing the existing
driveway. He said that he wasn't sure of which direction he
planned to go with his future and since he had decided against
having the workshop, he just never got around to removing the
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was closed at 9:22 P.M•
Mr• Langenfeld read the definition of a Home Occupation that
came out of the Code Book 205.�2 because he felt that the
Commission first had to determine if a home occupation did exist.
Chairperson Harris indicated that at present there was a
business in existence; however, he was not sure if there had
been a business venture in the past-
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Mr. Peterson, that the
Planning Commission recommend to City Council the approval of
the Request for a Special Use Permit, SP �77-08, Roger Stene:
For retaining the use of both existing attached garages, and to
permit an existing drive to his original 12-1/2 ft by 22 ft
garage to remain as is, per Fridley City Code, Section 205•051,
2, A, located on Lot 1, Block 5, Brookview Terrace Third Addition,
the same being 870 Pandora Drive N.E.
Mr- Bergman said that even though Mr• Stene had been in violation
of a previous Building Permit, he felt that Mr• Stene had a
reasonable reqUest.
Mr- Langenfeld wanted to know if there was any ordinance to
curtail home operations.
Mr. Stene said that he had been confronted at the time that a
semi-truck had jack-knifed in that intersection. He had been
told at that time that a home operation/business would not
get involved in anything involving color TV, nothing that
involved a lot of traffic {he pointed out that Beauty Shops
did not violate the ordinance and that for sure his business
did not generate as much traffic as a beauty shop}, and that a
home business could not result in a�y offensive noise to the
neighborhood. He said that any construction equipment had to be
stored in an enclosed building and that an 18 x 24 sign was
allowed but could not be directly lighted.
Mr• Langenfeld asked if any insurance company had denied him
coverage because of his home operation.
Mr• Stene said that he had never been cancelled by an insurance
company because of his home business- He said that his business
was not even large enough to require a fire extinquisher. He
said that he indeed had fire extinguishers, but he did so mainly
for his own safety and peace of mind.
Mr• Stene apologized to tfie Commission for not compling with the
previous permit.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried una�imously•
SHERWOOD JORDAHL: Per Section 205.051, 3D, of the Fridley
City Code, to allow the construction of a double bungalow
in R-1 zoning {singie family dwelling units}, on Lot 6,
Block 2, Spring Valley Addition, the same being 1441-1443
Rice Creek Road N.E•
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was opeRed at 9:33 P.M•
Mr• Boardman indicated that the petitioner was requesting a
Special Use Permit to enable him to build a double bungalow on
an oversised R-1 zoned lot• He said that the petitioner met
all the code requirements as far as lot size, etc. but that he
needed the Special Use Permit to allow a double bungalow on a
R-1 lot.
Mr• Jordahl showed the Planning Commission a plan of the double
bungalow indicating a few changes that had been decided since
the drawing up of the plan•
Mr• Peterson asked if Mr• Jordahl would be living in part of the
double bungalow.
Mr• Jordahl indicated that he would be living in part of the
proposed double bungalow.
Mr• Herbert Hart of 1450-64th Avenue NE voiced definite objection
to the constructing of a double bungalow on that lot• He said
he had brought his house five years prior after spending previous
years in a double bungalow• He didn't like the idea of the
constant turnover that went with rental property• He said that
too many times people rent the property that are basically
undesirable• He felt that rental property completely surrounded
by single family dwellings was a bad idea.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if Mr• Hart was still in objection if the
double bungalow was owner occupied.
Mr•Nart said that owner occupied would be better but that he
still opposed•
In answer to an inquiry from the audience, Mr• Jordahl said that
the double bungalow would be in the $90,000 range• He said that
there would be approximately 1,0�� square feet on each fioor•
Ms. Karia Larson of 7528-75 Ave NE pointed out that a�90,000 home
would have to indicate that a reasonably stable family would have
to live in the other part of the double bungalow since the rent
would have to be in an awfully high bracket•
Chairperson Harris wanted to know if all the property in the
area had been developed or built on.
Mr• Boardman explained what existed near the lot in question.
He went on to discuss where all the homes near the lot in
question were located.
Mr• Bergman asked if Mr. Jordahl owned the property-
Mr• Jordahl said that he did own the property-
Mr• �angenfeld asked if Mr• Jordahl planned to make the double
bungalow his permanent residence.
Mr• Jordahl said that he hoped to make_,the-house his permanent
residence. He said that he and his family liked the area and
that they would like to be able to build a home that would help
pay for itself•
�hairperson Harris as.kQd if it would be feasible for Mr• Jordahl
to build a single-family dwelling-
Mr� Jordahl said that he wanted to build a double bungalow and
did not want to have to consider building a single-family
Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know if it would cause Mr• Jordahl an
economical hardship if the request was denied-
Mr• Jordahl indicated that it probably wouldn't cause an
economical hardship but he felt it would be easier and better
if the request was granted-
Mr• Bergman wanted to know why the proposed house would have a
60 foot setback from the property line.
Mr• Jordahl
so that his
said that it had been recommended to him by the City
house would be in line with the other houses in the
At that point there was a discussion amongst the Planning
Commission and Mr• Boardman regarding required setbacks.
Ms. Gabel asked Mr• Jordahl if he realized that there was some
incompatibility created by his building a double bungalow in an
area of single-family dwellings•
Mr• Jordahl said that he felt tha main concern of the
neighborhoods regarding rental property would be the undesirability
of tenants. He felt that there would be no problems involved
since the rent would be in the upper bracket numbers.
A person from the audience stated that he felt the double bungalow
would actually be a nice addition to the area- He didn't feel
it would depreciate the value of the other homes in the area
at all•
Ms. Gabel asked if Mr• Hart felt any differently about the
proposed double bungalow after hearing the different discussions.
Mr• Hart said that it was still a shock- He said that perhaps
it would really be fine and everything would work out, but he
still felt it would be nicer if a single-family dwelling was
constructed on that lot.
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 9:55 p.M.
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Peterson, that the
Planning Commission recommend to City Gouncil the approval of
the request for a Special Use Permit, SP �77-09, Sherwood Jordahl:
Per Section 205.051, 3D, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the
construction of a double bungalow in R-1 zoning {single family
dwelling units}, on Lot 6, Block 2, Spring Valley Addition, the
same being 1441-1443 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Mr• Langenfeld pointed out that City Council would have to have
a 4/5 vote to approve the Special Use Permit.
Chairperson Harris indicated that he was voting against the motion
because he felt there would be an incompatibility in the area.
He felt that a single-family dwelling would be better-
Ms. Gabel i�dicated that she would be voting against the motion
for reasons of incompatibility- She said that there were all
single-family dwellings in the area and she felt it would be a
spot rezoning.
Mr• Bergman pointed out that there wasn't any objections obvious
since only one person had showed up at the meeting to voice his
Mr• Langenfeld didn't feel that the general welfare of the public
was being jeopardized•
UPON A VOICE VOTE� Mr• Langenfeld, Mr. Peterson, and Mr• Bergman
voting aye; and Ms. Gabel and Chairperson Harris voting nay,
the motion carried.
{Formerly P.S. t64-D4}, being a replat of the North 163.64
feet of the South 551 feet front,and rear of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, T-30,
R-24, Anoka County, generally located East of Central
Avenue N.E. and West of Arthur Street N•E, on
the South side of 76th Avenue N-E•
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded
hearing• Upon a voice vote, all
unanimously• The Public Hearing
by Ms• Gabel, to open the public
voting aye, the motion carried
was opened at 10:00 P-M.
Ms. Karla Larson was representing Mr• 6ary D Aigle.
Virgil Ishaug
Ray Czypta
John Hennes
Jan Thomas
Peggy Strasser
Susan Thomsen
Fred Limesand
Sharon Limesand
1373 - 75 Ave NE
7620 Bacon Drive NE
7600 Arthur Street NE
1463-75 Avenue NE
7508 Arthur Street NE
1483-75 Ave NE
1409-76 Ave NE
1409-76 Ave NE
All the above people were present at the meeting regarding the
above item•
Mr• Boardman explained that originally a plat went through in
1964. At that time he explained it had not been recorded to the
County and has not been recorded in the County since.
He said that according to Code, they have to have a plat recorded
in the County within 90 days otherwise they have to get
reapprovai from the City• He said that at this time they are
requesting reapproval on the plat• He indicated that
there had been some recommendations that should be placed on the
plat that were not on the plat previously, namely the
easements needed — a ten foot walkway easement along the south
side of lots 1& 2, Block 1, for access to the City Park property:
also five foot drainage and utility easement along the street
side of all the lots•
Chairperson Harris wanted to know why the City needed additional
easements over and above the already requested 6� feet•
Mr• Boardman indicated that he wasn't sure of the reasoning
but that it was standard procedure in the Engineering Department.
Ms. Gabel wanted to know if the easement could be used in the
frontage setback requirements.
Mr• Boardman said that the property owner couldn't build on the
easement but that they could use the footage when determining
the setback.
Chairperson Harris asked Ms- Karla Larson if she had had a�
opportunity to see the proposed plan.
Ms- Larson discussed the proposed plat with the Planning Commission-
Mr• Limesand wanted to know what would be built on the lots
that were being dis�ussed•
Ms. Larson indicated that there would be 13 single-family homes.
She asked if the audience was concerned that the plans would be
for low housing development.
The audience indicated that that was their main concern.
Ms• Larson indicated that the lowest price that would be
paid for any of the homes would be 549,900 and the cost would
only go up from that point. She explained that there would be
seven styles that would all be different.
The audience was very much against any type of home that would
resemble the 235 Program homes that had been build in the area.
Ms. Thomas wanted to know if there would be any guarantee that
all the homes wouldn't be the same-
Ms. Larson indicated that they couldn`t really know before the
lots were sold but again emphasized that it was not low income
housing and that it would be unlikely that all the homes would
be exactly the same�
Ms. Peggy 3trasser wanted to know if the seven homes would be
built and then used as display models.
Ms. Larson said that there would be no model homes built. She
said that people would go into the Realty office and decide
what they wanted and then the home would be built to their
Mrs. John Hennes said that when the 235 Program was brought into
the area they had been told that there would be a variety of
homes but because of the water table, they ended up all being
built as split entry homes. She wanted to know if the City
could check the water table to insure that that wouldn't happen
Mr- Bergman indicated that the Planning Commission was talking
about the approval of a preliminary plat a�d the approval of
that plat would not be any guarantee of the type of house that
would go on the lot nor would it involve any commitments as to
what would go on the lots. He said that the decision would
not tie the lots to ahything other than a single-family dwelling-
and the size of the lot.
Mr• Boardman said that the City didn't have much control over
whether a developer would or would not develop low income
housing- He indicated that the original 235 Program is no
longer available. He said that the only types of Programs
available would be the type of individual subsidy programs
or mortgage loan programs- He said that the City didn't always
have the control and that most of the time it would be between
the developer and HUD•
Mr. Peterson indicated that the City has developed through the
various hearing processes within the City a housing goal as far
as housing is concerned and part of that goal was to encourage
all types of housing within the City of Fridley.
Mrs. Ray Czypta indicated that the point they wanted to make was
that the area already had low income housing and that they
didn't want any more•
Chairperson Harris suggested that the neighbors concerned about
this item get together with Ms. Larson and discuss with her the
things they were concerned about• He thought that they would
get more satisfaction letting the developer-know what they
would and wouldn't like. He was sure the developer wanted to
be in harmony with the neighborhood•
Ms. Larson again pointed out that she was almost sure that the
developer didn't want to construct housing for low income programs.
She invited the neighbors to stop by the office at any time and
they could discuss all the plans that tMe developer had-
Mr• Boardman pointed out that in 1953 there had been a lot split•
He explained that the lot split split off parcels 9SD and 955
and the rest of the plat was parceled off as 960. He said that
the plat was first presented in 1964 which was 11 years after
the lot split• He said that the original plat was in error•
He gave the information to Ms. Larson and asked that she submit
it to Suburban Engineering and then get in contact with City Hall•
Chairperson Harris explained to the audience that there had been
a lot split on lots 7, 8 Block 2 which would be the west end
of the property. He indicated that the lot split took place in
1953 and if the people that split the lots had received a
mortgage, then a plat had to have been approved•
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously- The Public Hearing was closed at
10:47 P.M.
Ms. Gabel indicated to the audience that they should definitely
get together with the developer of the land and voice their
oppositions. She said that the Planning Commission really
couldn't do a lot regarding the styles of the houses. She said
that they, as the general public, could make themselves heard
by going directly to the developer and letting him know what
they did and did not want- Mr• Bergman, seconded by Mr• Peterso�, that the Planning
Commission recommend to City Council the reapproval of
Meadowmoor Terrace 3econd Addition, P.3. t77-O5, by Gary D Aigle:
{Formerly P.S. t64-04}, being a replat of the North 163-64 feet
of the Touth 551 feet front and rear of the Northwest Ruarter
of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, T-30, R-24, Anoka
County, generally located East of Lentral Avenue N.E. and West
of Arthur Street N.E.+ on the South side of 76th Avenue NE
with the following adjustments and/or corrections:
1} That Lot 7& 8, Block 2, be removed from the Plat.
2} That five foot easements as recommended by City
Engineering be included {76 Avenue, Garfield Street,
- and Arthur Street}.
3} A five foot easement off Lot 1& 2 of Block 1 and a
five foot easement off lot 1, Block 1, Don's Sth,
to provide egress to the park property to the west.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No• 108, into the following
three parcels: A: The West 96 feet of that part of the
South 2/3 of Lot 4, A.S. t108, Anoka County, which lies
North of the South line of the North Half of Lot 4, Subject
to easement for 73 1/2 Ave N.E. the same being 1601-73 1/2
pvenue N.E. B: That part of the South 2/3 of lot 4,
A.S. t108, Anoka County, which lies North of the South line
of the North Half of said Lot 4, except the West 96 feet
thereof, subject to road easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.+
the same being 1611-73 1/2 Avenue N.E•� and Parcel C: The
South 1/2 of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No• 108, Anoka
County, subject to road easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N-E•
Mr• Mark Haggerty and Mr• Zollie Barrett were present to discuss
the item.
Mr• Boardman explained that what they wanted to do is divide the
lot into three parcels of land• He pointed out that an area
had previously been vacated and split• He said that they wanted
to divide part of the lot into two parcels and the other half
of the lot into one parcel {south half of lot 4}.
Mr• Haggerty explained that all the parcels would be very deep
but not wide enough. He said that adjacent neighbors had been
contacted but that they didn't wish to sell any of their properLy•
He pointed out that originally when it had appeared that Lakeside
would have been contin�ing down, the lot would have been
155 x 85 feet and that would have resulted in a large corner
lot- When the City vacated Lakeside he said that 25 feet was
added and the decision made the lot a non-corner lot• He
pointed out that even if only one house was put on the two
parcels, they would still need a depth variance because there
would only be 85 feet• He felt that splitting the parcel would
be feasible• He said that they would be able to maintain a
quality building and, obviously, would be able to keep the costs
Mr• Haggerty felt that this was a hardship situation-
Chairperson Harris asked about the setbacks in relations to the
proposed cul-de-sac in the area.
Mr- Boardman explained that the houses would have to be placed
as far to the left of the property as possible• He also pointed
out that because of the fact that the street never went in, it
had created a hardship mainly because the lot had already been
split and had been predestined what the lot depth could be• He
said that with the vacation of the street a depth problem was
created. He felt that it was indeed a hardship situation•
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the Planning
Commission recommend to City Council the approval of the request
for a Lot Split, L.S. �77-07, K.B•M. Investment Company,
represented by Wyman Smith: Split the balance of Lot 4, Auditor's
Subdivision No• 108, into the following three parcels:
A} The West 96 Feet of that part of the South 2/3 of
Lot 4, A.S. �108, Anoka County, which lies North of the
South line of the North Half of Lot 4, Subject to
easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N.E., the same being
1601 - 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.
B} That part of the South 2/3 of Lot 4, A.S. �108,
Anoka County, which lies North of the South line of
the North half of said Lot 4, except the West 96 feet
thereof, subject to road easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.,
the same being 1611 - 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.4
C} The South 1/2 of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No• 108,
Anoka County, subject to road easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, alI voting aye, the motion carried unanimously�
Chairperson Harris declared a short break at 11:15 P.M.
Chairperson Harris called the meeting back to order at
11:25 P.M.
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, that the
Planning Commission receive the letter from Herman Bergman,
Chairman Community Development Commission, dated 06/�2/77.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Bergman requested that the name of Kraig Loftquist be
removed from the list of names that the memo was mailed to•
Chairperson Harris thanked the Sign Committee for their-diligent work.
Mr. Bergman indicated that Ms. Gabel had put in many hours on
the Sign Ordinance.
Mr. Langenfeld stated that it had been a job well done•
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, that the
Planning Commission receive the letter from Ms• Pat Gabel,
Chairperson of the Sign Project Committee, regarding the
Maintenance and enforcement• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously•
Mr- Boardman started to go through the Sign Ordinance explaining
the changes that previously had been made• He explained
that most of the definitations had been left as they were. He
said that a few c�attges �had been mac� 'and `some' cutting had been
'done if -tke item hadn't been needed or? a€ip�ared el-sewhere'"in the `
Ms• �abel indicated that the Committee understood that that
could happen since they did the definitions first and had decided
to put everything that they thougfit trcightb apply•
Mr• Bergman wanted to know if all the changes that had been made
at the Community Development meeting had been incorporated
into the Ordinance.
Mr• Boardman said that the changes/corrections had all been
incorporated except for one that had been erroneously overlooked
but he said that it would be put into the Ordinance•
Mr- Boardman explained that the very first portion was SIGNS
PROHIBITED IN ALL DISTRICTS: {he went on to list the signs}
All permanent signs placed within the street right-of
way except for government signs•
Signs or wall graphics that contain words/pictures that
are obscene-
Signs painted directly on the building•
Portable signs except those under Uses Permitted in all
Signs that resemble official traffic signs or signals that
bear words used for traffic control {Stop, 60, Slow, etc.}•
Signs by reason of size, location, movement, content, color
or manner of illumination may be confused with traffic
control signs•
Projecting signs, motion signs, illuminated signs that
change in either color or intensity of light or is animated
or has flashing intermittent lights including traveling or
electronic message centers or electronic message centers that
change more than once every 15 minutes except one showing
time, temperature, or other public information.
Ms. Gabel was concerned with this wording because
she was aware of a person who would be going before
City Council requesting a variance and she would
be very muth against the fact of having a traveling
electronic message center on 52nd 8 Central Ave NE•
Ms. Gabel wanted the words ^that change more than once
every 15 minutes^ removed•
Mr• Peterson wanted to know if Ms. Gabel was totally
against traveling electronic message centers or just
against the particular one on 52nd 8 Central•
Ms. Gabel said she was basically against the signs
in general• She didn't want to see the major highways
to turn into highways of flashing message centers.
Advertising signs except those allowed only in C1, C2, CR1,
C1S, C2S, CR2, etc.
Signs located within corner setback requirements•
Roof signs•
Revolving beacons, zip flashers, and similar devices and
other sources of lights that changes intensity are prohibited.
Portapanels and readerboards except those dispensing public
Ms. Gabel asked about Drive-In - Signs• She said that
the readerboard outside the Drive-In Theater was
vital to the livelihood of that Theater. She said
that the original intent of the Project Committee
was not to get rid of the readerboard at the Drive-
In Theater or City Hall or 8ob's Produce but rather
aimed at disposing of the ^Blue Signs^ that some
fly-by-night outfit sold throughout Fridley that were
now falling apart and aesthetically unpleasing in general•
There was some discussion amongst the Commission
regarding the actual definition of a reader board
and what would be allowed to be displayed on a
Reader Board.
Chairperson Harris suggested saying that NO Readerboards
would be allowed except by Special Use Permit-
Ms. Nancy Jorgensen of Naegele, 17�0 W 78 St, Minneapolis, spoke
in favor of Signs/Billboards• She felt that billboard advertising
was very vital to the livelihood of many industries and businesses
in Fridley {she had a list of several in Fridley}. She also
mentioned that it was also a very vital livelihood for Naegele-
Chairperson Harris brought up_a part of
read ^a sign which is used to advertise
services^ would be prohibited•
the Sign Ordinance that
products, goods, or
Discussion ensued regarding signs that could be either an
identifying sign or an advertising sign and who would determine
exactly what the sign was being used for•
Basically the question arose of where the line was drawn between
identification signs and advertising signs-
Ms• Gabel said that the item had to be readdressed and worked
on by the Project Committee•
Chairperson Harris wanted to know if the intent was to eliminate
any more billboards in Fridley•
Ms. 6abe1 said that that was the Project Committee's intent•
Ms. Jorgensen felt that the Committee was shutting down an
avenue of advertising for many business people in the City
of Fridley• She said that it was one of the least expensive
method of advertising. She felt that the Committee was
making a mistake•
MOTION by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Mr• Peterson, that the
Planning Commission discuss the Proposed Sign Ordinance at the
next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously•
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the
Planning Commission continue the Proposed Housing Mainte�ance
Code at the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, alI voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously•
JUNE 21, 1977
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, that the
Planning Commission receive the Environmental Commission Minutes
of June 21, 1977. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously•
Mr• Langenfeld urged the Planning Commission members to attend
the slide presentation of the Noise Pollution Seminar sponsored
by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on July 19, 1977, at
7:30 P.M. He felt that the meeting would be most worthwhile•
MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Ms- Gabel, that the
Planning Commission receive the Appeals Commission Minutes of
June 28, 1977.
Ms. Gabel asked that the last paragraph on Page 73 be changed
to read ^Ms. Gabel felt that something could possibly be done
administratively to enable the Appeals Commission to approve
variances of the type that had been discussed regarding
Mr• Chies^.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
JUNE 27, 1977
MOTION by Mr- Peterson, seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the
Planning Commission receive the Parks and Recreation Commission
Minutes of June 27, 1977• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously•
Mr• Peterson explained that there were several items/comments
in the minutes that would have to be incl�ded in the Parks
and Open Space Plan•
Mr• Langenfeld informed Mr• Peterson that the Environmental
Quality Commission had been deeply concerned that they had not
bee� invited to the meeting when Mr• Ton Petrangelo spoke on
v the subject of the Rice Creek Water 3hed District.
Mr• Peterson explained that the idea of inviting Mr• Petrangelo
to speak came up when it was discovered that no one on the Parks
and Recreation Commission really knew for sure how the Rice
Creek Watershed District related to what the City was doing with
Parks 8 Recreation•
Mr• Langenfeld indicated that he wasn't quite so upset since he
was now aware of the reasoning behind the decision.
A} City Manager's Letter regarding Code of Ethics
Chairperson Harris indicated that the Planning
Commission members were to take the letter to their
respective Commissions and discuss it• He said that
the Planning Commission would discuss the letter at
the July 27, 1977, meeting•
B} Parks and Open Space Plan
Mr• Boardman indicated that all the members of the
Planning Commission had received a copy. He said that
discussions would begin next month so the Planninq
Commission members were requested to review the Plan
before that time•
C} Revisi�g the Planning Commission Meetings
Mr• Boardman indicated that the Planning Commission
Meetings would be revised so that all the Public
Hearings would be taken care of at the first meeting
of the month and the general business would be
handled at the second meeting of the month.
He felt that by so_conducting the meetings, everything
would be handled in a^cleaner^ and more efficient
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Mr• Peterson, to adjourn
the July 13, 1977, Planning Commission Meeting• Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Chairperson Harris declared the meeting adjourned at 1:05 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
� �
MaryLee Carhill
Recording Secretary
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City of Fridley
JULY 13, 1977
zua.�ui, sn, or zne rriaiey
and service of recreational
Aearson's Second Addition,
River Road N.E.
Public Hearing open.
r.�!rinu �tiy�trc: rer aecLion
City Code, to altow sales
vehicles, on Lot 1, Block 1,
the same being 7701 East
#JT-07, AflDREW R. EVAtlS: Per Section 205.051, 2A, of
the Fridley City Code, to allow the constructioo of a
� second accessory building, a 27' x 24' attached garage,
on the East 167 feet ofi lot 7, Auditor's Subdivision
' '' No. 92, the same being 604(l Benjamin Street N.E.
#77-08, ROGER STENE: or r�efaining the use of both
existing attache garages, and to permit an existing
drive to his original 12 1J2 ft. by 22 ft. garage to
remain as is, per Fridley City Code, Section 205. 051,
2, A, *, lacated on Lot 1, Block 5, Brookview Terrace
Third Addition, the same being 870 Pandora Drive N.E.
*Please note that when the permit for a second attached
garage was issued on May 26, 1972, it was stipulated that
the driveway to the original garage be renoved, and the
original garage be used just for storage,�
#77-09, SHERWOOD JORDANL: Per Section 205.051, 3D, of
the Fridiey City Code, to allow the construction af a
double bungalow in R-1 zoning (single family dwelling
units), on Lot 6, Block 2, Spring Valley Addition, the
same being 1441-1443 Rice Creek Road N.E.
� Formerly P.S. #64-04 , being a replat of the North
163.64 feet of the South 557 feet front and rear of ihe
� Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12,
�`-' T-30, R-24, Anoka County, generally located East of
Central Avenue N.E. and West of Arthur Street N.E., on
the South side of 76tfi Avenue N.E.
7:30 P.M.
1 - 27
28 - 32
33 - 36
37 - 43
44 - 47
48 - 5b
Planning Commission Meeting
� Agenda, Page 2
��u�� nrn�cn�T rnnnMTCC1nr�
July 13, 1977
JUNE 27, 1977
58 - 64
65 - 74
75 - 84
JUNE cc, 1977 �
Chairperso� Harris called the June 22, 1977, Planninq Commission
roeeting to order at 7:35 P�f.
P,OLt tAlL �
flembers Present:
Membzrs Absent:
Others Present:
Shea, Bergman, Harris, Schnabel� Peterson
Jerrold Boardman, City Planner
Mrs� Schnabel
June 8, 1977,
Mr. Peterson,
Absent Member•
indicated that since Ms. Suhrbier was at the
Planning Commission Meeting, representing
he should not have been listed on Page 1 as an
Mrs- Sehnabel corrected a typographical error on Page 16,
eighth pa�agraph• Mrs- Boardman should have been
Mr. Boordman.
MOTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mrs. Schnabel� that the Planning
Commissian minutes of June 8, 1977, be approved as amended.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried una�imously•
er section ,� o e
Fri ey City Co e to allow sales and services of recreational
vehicles on Lot 1, Block 1� Pearsons 2nd addition, the same
being 7701 East River Road N.E-
{10TION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Ms. Shea, to open the Public
Hearinq. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened at 7:40 P.M.
Mr- James Pawelski and Mr• Ray Amundson of Apache Camping Center�
2465 Fairview Avenue North, St. Paul� were present at the Planning
Commission meeting•
f1r� Pawelski explained that they were requesting a special use
permit for the building located at 77�1 East River Road N.E• for
the sales and serviting of recreational vehicles — Fold-Down
Trailers, Mini-Motor Homes� Pick-Up Campers, and Travel Trailers•
He said that they serviced the units themselves and a�e not
involved in any engine repair work. He indicated that they planned
to use the present building. He said that they didn't plan to
change the building at all except to change the outside sign and
add one small sign that would indicate Apache Camping Center and
an her that would indicate the brdnd of camper that they sold (the two
snia�l� signs r�ould be 4x3}.
�is• Shea wanted to k�ow if the City was asking for a better
landscapping plan•
Mr• Pawelski said that they had toid him of no such reqvest• �
He indicate� that all he had been told was that the �ity
wanted some type of plan as to how he would display the vehicles.
Chairperson Harris referenced Page c2 of the agenda,
�ommission Application Review, ^�ust submit better layout for
F1�nning Commission showing landscaping and visitor parking^•
Mr. Pawelski said that he had never received the form or had he
been told of that request.
Mr. Pawelski commented to the statement that read, "No objections
from Engineering with the exception that if existing hard
surfaced area is changed and/or increased, a drawing and
grading plan must be approved to control the runoff into
Springbrook Creek^. He seid that they wouldn't be changing
anythin� except they will clean the property and have better
maintenance on the shrubbery that was presently on the property.
Mrs• Schnabel asked if they planned to keep the. driveways as
they were presentiy located.
Mr• Pawelski said that the gates and driveways would remain
exactly where they presently were.
Mr. Paul Burkholder of 7860 Alden Way said that the property �
shouldn't be turned into a sales lot or a^car" lot for
recreational vehicles. He said that these types of sales
should 6e kept on University and Central Avenues. ke said
that East River Road was not a Commercial Strip. He said
that the proposed establishment would encraach on the
aesthetics and values on the surrounding properties. He
referenced many of the recreational vehicle sale esta6lishments
located on Hwy 65. He felt that since it was a business
venture it would involve bright lights, noise, and added traffic-
He didn't feel that the area needed that type of activity•
Mr• Lloyd Meyers - 132 3tonybrook Way N•E. said thaC the term
Recreational Vehicles was really very broad. He wanted to know
if this Sales Building would be limited only to the four kinds
Mr• Pawelski talked about-
Mr• pawelski again indicated the o�ly four items that wouid be
handled by the proposed business.
Mr. Meyers asked if there would be any snowmobiles or all-terrain
�r• Paweiski indicated that they wouid not be selling that type
of vehicle. �
Ms. Mary Mortin of 133 Stoneybrook Way N•E• strongly protested.
She'said she was i� totai agreement with Mr. Burkholder and
� said that the reasons not to grant the Sp�cial �se Permit would
be the same objections that were stated at the Datsun discussion.
Mr• Ray Wormsbecker of 2B09 Hampshire Avenue North was the
Rea1 Estate Broker for this property• He indicated that the
building had been vacant for some time and that he had been
working o� trying to Iease it out- He said that there wasn't
a lot of companies interested in that type of layout� He said
that the building was layed-out perfectly for the iype of
business that Apache Camping Center would have. He felt that
the Planning Commission should recommend the granting of the
Special Use Permit.
Mrs. Schnabel asked Mr. Meyers what he thought of the business
occupying that building•
Mr. Meyers said that he didn't seriously object. He just didn't
want to get involved with all the noise that went with snow-
mobiles and motorcycles and the 1ike. He was mostly against the
idea of a lot of lights and noise.
Mrs. Schnabel wanted to know the hours and days that business
would be conducted•
Mr• Pawelski indicated that they would be open Mondays thru Thurs�ays
�from 9:00 A.�. until 8:00 P.M. Fridays they would be open from
9:00 A.M. until 6:00 P.M- and on Saturdays they would be open
from 9:0� A.�i. until 5:DD P.M- He said that tfiey would not be
open on Sundays.
Mrs. Schnabel wanted to know if there were any plans to extend
the hours once they were i� the new building.
Mr. Pawelski said that they didn't anticipate any different hours.
He indicated that they were business people and that their
livlihood depended on customers. He said that if someone came
i�to the showroom close to closing time, that they would probably
remain open until that customer had been taken care of•
�rs. 3chnabel asked how many vehicles would be stored outside the
Mr. Amundson indicated that it would depend on the season• He
said that in the Spring the inventory was heavier than the other
seasons� He estimated that, inciuding the units on the showroom
floor� there would be about 3❑ units. He said that they didn't
keep a lot of inventory• He said that the business operated mostly
from orders.
Chairperson Harris said that the units would have to be small or
else the building and property would be crowded• He feit that
the petitioners had a lot af outside storage of u�its-
Mr. Pawelski said that the inventory was goverr.ed 6y their banker-
He said that at present they had seven travel trailers, five mini-
motor homes, nine pick-up campers, and 20 cabs {the cabs are on
racks, 4 Lo a rack}. rye said that basically they would have the
units on display• The customer would order what he wanted
based on what he would see from the display.
Chairperson Harris questioned that only five parking stalls for
customers was provided on the drawing. He wanted to know if
they feit that was really all they wouid need.
Mr• Amundson indicated that their operation was basically sma11•
He didn't really feel that much more than five spaces would be
Chairperson Harris said that there was basically no room for
on-the-street parking. How would they arrange for over-load
Mr• P�welski said that it was hard to put on paper exactly
how many cars would be at the business at one time.
Chairperson Harris explained how he interrupted
he had before him- He said that he didn't feel
be adequate space for off-street parking•
the drawing
there would
Mr• Wormsbecker indicated that there was enough blacktop to
provide 43 parking spaces.
fl r. Pawelski said that the drawing was not to scale and that
there would be ample space for the outside display units as
well as off-street parking for customers.
Chairperson Harris said that he wanted the map revised.
Mr. Pawelski agreed that the map should be revised; basicaily,
drawn to scale�
In answer to a question by Mr• Rergman, Mr.Wormsbecker indicated
that even though the property wcszoned for commercial, they
need a special use permit to display outside the building.
Mr• Bergman wanted to know what the petitioner planned in way
of construction•
Mr• Amundson said that they only plenned to change one of the
garage doars by making it higher• They also planned to change
the sign outside tfie building•
Mr• Burkholder indicated thnt the owner of tF�e property was only
planning to lease the front part of the building to the petitioners.
� He felt that as leaszes the petitioners would, indeed, only do
as littie as possible to the property. He also didn't believe
that the building was large enougn to take care of the displaying
of their products during i�eclement weather• He said that he
didn't fa��lt the petitioners tor being ambitious and energetic
and hard-working businessmen who wanted to expand their 6usiness.
He felt that it wouldn't be long before the units would be stored
all over the property and on the ao'jacer�t grass. He said that
East River Road already had enough traffic problems without a�ding
to it by allowing the petitioners a special use permit• He felt
that the problems that would result would be the same as those
cited when Datsun was before Che Gommission.
Mrs. Schnabel discussed with Mr. Soardman the interpretation of
the Zoning Ordinance governing the property in question•
Pir• Soardman indicated that anything having outside display
of products needed a Special Use Permic•
Ms. Mary Martin asked the Planning Commission members to go back
and read all that was done when Datsun wanted to go into that
building• She felt everything pertaining to that decision was
pertinent to the present request for a Special Use Permit.
� Chairperson Harris asked what the Staff felt about this reguest.
Mr. 9oardman said that Staff wanted an upgrading of the
property and not just a maintenance of the present property•
Staff would require an extensive landscaping plan similar to
what they needed from patsun• He said that the blacktop in the
parking area would have to meet code standards. Since the
building was zoned commercial� he felt it was up to the
Commission to decide whether or not the type of business would
put an inordinate burden on the area.
Mr. Bergman asked Mr• Boardman to read the uses permitted in a
C2S zoning.
Mr• Boardman read to the Commission and the audience the uses
permitted in a C2S zoning.
�r• Bergman i�dicated that then the only conflict involved was
the fact that the petitio�er planned to have outside storage/display.
Mr• Boardma� said that that statement was t�ue.
Chairperson Harris asked if a Special Use Permit had ever been
granted on that property.
Mr• Ecardman responded that if the establishments were in the
buildirg before 19E,9, they proba6ly didn't need to have a
Special Use Permit. �
Chairperson Harris deciared a short recess at 8:15 �'.M• while Mr• @oarcmar:
looked up the information regarding whether a Special Use
Permit had ever been granted on that property•
The meeting was called back tq order at $:30 P.M.
Mr• Boardman indicated that there was no record of any Special
Use Permit ever being grantad for that property.
f10TI0N by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr. Bergm�n, to close the Public
Nearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously• The Public Nearing was ciosed at 8:35 P.M.
Mrs. Schnabel indicated that the request for a Special Use
Permit could be falling into the catagory of causing an undue
hardship on the adjacent land owners because of the amou�t
of outside vehicle storage. Because of that hardship she had
reservations on granting the Special Use Permit for that
type of operation on that property.
Ms. Shea wanted to know where the petitioners would park the
vehicies that were in for servicing•
Mr. Pawel�ki indicaied that the servic� area would hold three
or four vehicles and any more than that would have to be parked
outside by the service door.
Mr. Burkholder indicated that the petitioners would only be leasing
the front half of the building and all the land. He said that
the owner would be keeping the back of the building to use as
a warehouse.
hir. Amunason said that he was a speciaZty dealer and that his
products were basicaliy seasonal• He indicated that they weren't
going to be a car lot, constantly expanding• ke said that it
wasn't right to keep comparing the business to a car lot — almost
everyone owns cars, not everyone buys campers or mini-mobile homes.
Chairperson Harris wanted to know how much traffic would be
generated by the owner of the building in regard to his half
of the buiiding.
!7r- Wormsbecker said that he didn't know• He only knew that the
owner was in the carnival business and was out o� Cown a lot• He
said tt�at there was no way of i-,is knowing what was being stored
in the owner's part of the buildi�g.
Ms. Shea said that she knew for a fact that most of the units
� didn't sit on the lots for very long• She said that most of
the inventory moved very raoidly. She said that basically
most of the units are special ordered.
Mr- Bergman didn't feel a sense of conviction either way•
said it seemed that the general neighoorhood preferred to
see the buildi�g vacant; but he could also see that the
property owner wculd want �o put the building to some use,
said that both parties did have justifiable arguments•
He indicated that he w=:nted to take a closer look at the
request. He also felt that more time would be beneficial
the requestor so that they could spend some time with the
City Staff so that he would know exactly what would be
required of him regarding the property
MOTION by Mr• Bergma�, seconded by �r• Peterson, that the
Planning Commission continue the Public Hearing on the
request for a special use permit, SP �77-04, Apache Camping
Ce�ter: Per Section 205.101, 3N of the Fridley City Code
to allow sales and services of recreational vehicles o� Lot y,
Block 1, Pearsons 2nd addition, the same being
7701 East River Road N.E.
Mrs. Schnabel didn`t feel there would be any advantage in
� conti�uing the item. She said that she had drive� past the
property and had been previously on the property• She felt
the basic concern was with the amount of vehicles that would
be stored outside the building.
Ms. Shea said that she wanted to see the map drawn more to
scale. She felt that there would be no problems with over-
cr.owding on the outside lot•
UPON A VOICE VOTE, Ms. Shea, Mr. Bergman, and Mr. Peterson
voting aye, Mrs• Schnabel and thairperson Harris sustaining,
the motion passed.
Chairperson Harris indicated that the item would be continued
at the next Planning Commission Meeting on July 13, 1977• He
asked the petitioners to meet with Mr. Boardman with a better
layout of their plans•
�� — -----
$Y THE NOUSIDlG CORP• D%8�A IfJSPANT Hb�FS:_Fi'er Frii3ley
City Code, Section �J�, 1U1; �', N. to al�ow a(�obile HOme
Sales Center on a 3�Q' x 1�0' strip of property lying in
Lot S;A.S. �153, locoted between the car wash and Skywood
Ma11 Shopping Center, same being ScOL 1/2 Central Avenue N•E.
MO'fION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Mr• Peterson, to open the
Public Hearinq. lJpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened at 8:�0 P•M•
Mr• Ralph Henriksen of Housin9 Corporation D/B/A, Instant
Housing, 9550 N-E- Highway �65 was present at the meeting•
fir• Boardman said that the plan had been revised since the
Pu61ic Hearing notices had been sent out. He indicated that
the petitioners had a new site plan of the operation. He said
that he had talked with the petitioners and had indicated wl�at
the City wanted them to put in the area•
Mr. Henriksen showed the Commission and the audience the site
plan he had for the mobile home sales center.
Mr• Henriksen said 4�hat their intentions were to be if they
were granted the Specia2 Use Permit• He said that they would
operate a sales display area of eight to ten units- He said
that the units would be displayed and then orders would be
take� based on the displayed models. He said that their
intent�ions were to do much lanoscaping to the area to make the
area attractive to the eye. He indicated that they hoped
to make a nice, clean-looking display area that would be
attractive to the customers as well as to the surrounding
t1rs. Schnabel asked that since a lot of the area wiZl have
crushed rock and graveZ, would there be some type of control to
keep th_s rock and gravel co�fined to their area.
Mr• Henriksen said that it would be planned for•
Mrs. Schnabel wa�ted to know where the customers would park.
Mr� Henriksen said that they had worked with the owner of
Skywood Mall, and that the parking lot presently located at the
site would be expanded and improved. The mobile home customers
would �se that parking area.
Mrs. $chna6el pointed out that she had noticed that currently
cars are usually parked against the south wall of Skywood Mall
� buiLding- She wanted to know if this would continue to happen-
Mr. Henriksen said that there would be landscaping against the
ma11 building and that there would be no parking allowed against
the sovth wall of the building-
Mr. Peterson asked how large the units were that would be
Mr< Henriksen said that there would be some 14' x 7�' mobile
homes and a few 24' x 60' mobile homes. He said that there
would be a nice mixture of both sizes.
Mr� Peterson wanted to know if the illustration that
Mr- Henriksen was displaying to the Commission actuslly showed
the number of units that he planned to have on the lot.
Mr• Henriksen said that the number of units would vary. He
indicated that there would usually be eight, but sometimes
ten units snd once in a while there would be 12 units.
Mr� Boardman pointed out that the 3pecial Use Permit
issued to the ow�er of the property and �ot Mr� Henriksen-
�i1r• Bergman wanted to know what the petitioners pians were as
far as a water/sewer system.
Ptr• Henriksen said that the office unit would be connected to the
already existing water/sewer system in Skywood Mall•
Mr• Bergman asked, that since the petitioner would be leasing
this piece of property from Skywood Mall, would the lease
include the parking and other uses of the adjoining proparties.
Mr. Henriksen answered yes to the question•
thairperson Harris asked if one of the display models would serve
as office area•
Mr. Henriksen answered that the office area would be located in
one of the display mobile homes• He said that the mobile home
closest to the parking area would serve as the office.
Chairperson Harris asked if the office mobile home would be a
permanent structure.
Mr. Fienriksen said that it would be the one hooked up to the
water and sewer systems•
m-,_A .
Chezrperson Harris asked if thare would only be the eight units
loc�ted on the property in que »ion• �
�r. Nenriksen szid that they didn't wanL to be tied to just
eight units• He said that possibly there would be ten or 12
vnits displayed at different times.
Ch�irperson Harris questioned if 12 mobile homes would fit on
the proposed property.
Mr• Henriksen said that ic mobil2 homes would fit nut that
there would have to be a aifferent arrar.gement of the display
homes• He poi�ted out that there may be times that three or
four units would be stored on the property — not necessarily
on display.
Mrs. Schnabel asked about the busi�ess hours•
Mr. Henriksen said that the display would be open from
8:30 A.M. untii 9:0� P.M. Monday thru Friday; 9:00 A.M. until
5:00 P.M. Saturday; and Noon until S:OQ P.M. 3unday.
Mrs• Schnabei asked if they planned to have outside lighting-
�r• Henriksen said that they would have a need for security
lighting. �
Mrs. Schnabel asked if the petitioners anticipated any late-
night operations, such as maving of the homes, etc.
Mr• Henriksen indicated that the only possible activity at
night would be possi6ly showin9 the mobilz homes to someone
who couldn't come during business hours• Not a usuai occurance•
Mr. Peterson wanted to know if any equipment would be stored
on the property•
Mr• Henriksen said that aIi tha equipment used in moving the homes,
etc. wouZd be stored at the operation that was located in Blaine.
Ms. Shea asked if the display homes would be skirted.
Mr• Henriksen said that they had very attractive plans for the
skirting of the mobile homes. He said that all the display modeis
would be skirted and attractively displayed•
Mr• Bergman asked where else in the area the petitioners had
businesses already set up.
Mr. Henriksen indicated that the headquarters was locatad in
Blaine on Nwy 65; there was a sales operation in Egan on Hwy 55 �
three miles east of the Mendota Bridge; and one in Farmington
that would be opened in 3� days.
Mr• Eoardman indicated that when he had talkec to the surveyors,
� that they had mentioned addition�l =creenino that was beirg
planned alonq the border of the property• He asked if
Mr� Nenriksen was still planning that venture•
Mr� Henriksen said that he did plan for some screening around
the property borders• He said that the screening woul� 6e
located cn the owner's property• He showed the Commission a
picture of the 6laine lccabion as an exsmple of wh�at he
planned to do•
Mrs. Judith Engelbritson of 5216 Taylor �treet N.E. presented
Petition �12-1977 to the Flanning Ccmmission. The petition k�as
in oppcsition to the granting of Speciel L�se Permit �77-05.
She indicated that the people who signed the petition felt that
the size of the area was insufficient to have that type of
business located in Skywood Mall• They also felt that the
existence ef such a business along with the other structures
located in Skykood Mall were and would be a depreciating factor
to their property.
MOTION by �s. Shea, secor.ded by Mrs. Schnabel, that the Planning
Commission receive the Petition �1c-19�7. Upon a veice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried L•r.aninously•
� Mr• Aaron Engelkritson of 5216 Taylor �treet N.E. felt that
Fridley had enough Mobile Home Ccurts and Sales Centers and
that anether one would be entirely unnecessary. He irdicated
that the adjacent neighbors had enough problems regarding
Skywoo� Mall and they �idn't need a Mobile Home Sales Center
added to tfie prcblems. He hoped the Ccmmission would recommend
NO specisl use permit.
Mr• 6ordon Bloom of Twin City Federal, 5305 Central Avenue N•E.
indicated that Twin City Federal also wanted the Speci�l Usa
Permit rejected. He said that a lease for that type ef use fcr
that property would not be beneficial to the area. He said that
they were opposed to anything that would require a �pecial Use
Permit. Ne proceeded to add his name to the petition �12-1977•
He also mentioned that the Fublic Hearing Notice had not specified
exactly where the Mobile Home Sales Center would be located.
Mr• 21oom also asked if the plan that Mr• Nenriksen had displayed
was still in the 1C�' x 300' descriFtion that had been indicated
on the F�blic NEarirg Netice• He cidn't believe that the number
of units Mr• Yenriksen planned to display would fit on a
lot that was L00' x 300'.
Mr. Boardman said that the description sent out was based on
a previous sketch �nd there h�c beEr: nc Exact location inoicated
on th:e application except betaeer. the car wash and Skywocd Mall
� Shoppiro Cent�r• Ne k�:�r't sure khat the re4uirements were =s tc
incre�sina r,he size c�f the Metile Ncme Sales C�nter are� si.nce the
Speci�l L=e Perrcit woul� be crarted to the entire shoppin9 center•
CF�airperson Narris askec how larye t}�e parcel in question was•
f1r• Foardrr�r ir.oicated that the p�rcel wouid be increased by �
anproximaroly �/3 of the nrr�osed siz� of l�Of)' x?00'- He aceir
pointed out that the �pecial L�se Permit would be granted to the
entire property and not a separate pertion of the prcperty-
Chairperson Narris said that the Fublic HEaring A'etice had not
read that way.
Mr• George Hale of 5�34 Tayior Street A'.E. said that his viewpaint
in lcokirg at the structcres existing in Skykocc f�all and then
ccnsidering the cor,structian ef a temporary establishment did
not seem ir. the bESt interest of improving that property- He
felt that the !"cbile Hcme Seles Center c.culd create an ac'ditional
traffic h�zard in the area. He didn't feel it woul� either
enhe�ce the property or result in lcwer taxes, so he hoped tFe
Comrri.ssion woul�' not Srant the Special Use Perrrit �77-�5.
Mr• Sheldon Mortenson of 1289 Skywooc' Lane N.E., one of the owners
of the Skywood Mall Shopping Center, indicated that the area in
question was expansion space to make it possible to increase the
size of the �hopping Center• According to the City Ordinance it
would be possible to increase ic an additional size of 44,a00
square feet of retail sales cr for use as an office ruilding, etc.
He said that they didn't have ar.y present immediate plans for a
development and se the land would remain vacant and in its presert •
cor.dition. He falt that the f1oEile Home Sales Center would be an
imprcverr�ent to the Center• He said that the procee�s from the
Mobile Home Sales Center lease wculd be used to improve the
parkir.g lot and try to do some landscaping around the property.
He indicated that if the Special Use Permit didn't go through, that
the property would probably remair+ in its present condition•
t1r. EngeZbritson said that the adjacent property owners have
tried to get some landscaping dcne fcr the past 12 years with no
Mr• Bloorr: acree� that noLhing is ever done to the property to help
its appearance• Ne felt there was no excuse for the pcor cor,dition
of the property- He felt the oaners cocld meke scme effort to
shoa the Comm�nity thai they were willing tc uPSrade the
property and then possibly the adjacent neighbors wouid show
some interest in a speci�l Use Fermit. enterprise• Ne said
that he dic'n't have anything against the Ncusina Ccrporation
except that ��sually in a Mobile Home Seles Genter the mobile horrFs
ere stackEC ir si�e-�y-side• Hs said that if they would oper=te
their business exactly as they were indicating, the sales center
would indeed be nice. N.owever, he said that the owners of the
prcperty hsd never proven tr_ the adjacent neighbors and businesses
any good intentibns of upgr�ding tfie property and they couldn't
depend cn whai was being said.
f1r• George Nale poir,ted o�t that f?r. Morten�on hac threetened
�that if the $Feciai Lse Ferrrit wa�c't grentEd, t.her. he cic'n't
plan to de anythina aith the prcperty. He'felt that the Ccuncil
sf�o�ld kse� ti-at sta'tement in rnind.
Mrs. Schr.abel askec if f^r. Henriksen aculd do a11 the ir,ternal
Mr• Nenriksen said that he wculd do all the internal landscapirg.
Chairperson Narris asked how lon9 the terrc.=_ c.f the lease wc41� be•
Mr. Nenriksen said it was a two-year lease.with the option to
t1r• Mortenson said that he evEntually war,ted tc see �r. office
building on that Fsrczl of land. F!e also s�id he didn't me�n
tc sound like he was threatening. Y.e said that presently there
j�st weren't mories available ta do the prcFer 1=ndscaFirg of
the Shopping Center. He said that the taxes go vp sc fast that
eny extra money had to be used tc pay taxes. h!e felt that the
type of Specie�l Use Ferrrit in question wculd allow enough extra
mor:ey to enable the �hopping Center to do scme cf the m�ch
r�eeded landscaping.
Mrs. Schnabel wanted tc know who koulc be resFcr�sible fcr the
� South side of the �:hopping Center•
I"r• Mortenscn said that he wculd wcrk with Mr• Henriksen and
tcgether they would take care of the landscaping, including the
extending of the perkina 1ct.
Mrs. Cchr.e6e1 esked atout the pl�ns for some type cf
at the rear ef the lot.
Mr• P1ortenscn indicate� tF,at it really was awkwerd to p1=n
screening for that Shoppiro Center that would be totally effective.
Mrs. Schnabel agreed that it" wo�lc' be herd to find trees thet
would grcw high enough to a11ow screening of the Shopping Center
also without ruining tF�s view cf the hcmecu:ners that very possibly
built on t6ose lcts for tFe beautiful �iew of the City-
Mrs. EngelEritson said that she thocsht there hec tc be scrr•e t.ype
oF buffer zcne betaeen camrrercial and residential. She eiso
indicated that tF.ey had been �rcer the irr:pression that there
kc�ld be e better layout cf the Shopping C�nter that would
include sc:me t.ype cf screening• P11 they ever saw of that whole
u'e�l had been � few seeolings•
Mr. Mortenson said that he had invoices
planted 1�,QU0 seedlings on chat hill•
he planted them, we had extremes zn the
kzll them off.
to prove that he had
He said that every year
weather that tended to
Mr• Bloom wanted to know why, since they already had an operation
on Central Avenue, they would want to mov� closer in•
Mr• Nenriksen said that for the same reason Twin City Federal
had branch offices. More exposure to the Public.
Chairperson Harris said that �3 on the petition concerned an
additional cmount of traffic stress that would be placed on the
alrea�y congested traffic conditions. Ne asked for an
explanation of what was meant by that statement.
Mrs• Engalbritson said that on Fridays, when the bank was open
and the other businesses were doing their usual week-end
business, that there was a real traffic prablem. She said that
the residents of the area had to use the area as it was their
only access. She didn't feei it was right to bring more
businesses into the 3hopping Center.
Chairperson Harris said that the City had signed contracts with
the State to upgrade that area•
Mrs. Engelbritson said that that contract was only involved with
53rd Avenue• She said that 52nd Avenue was not included•
Chairperson Harris asked Mr• Henriksen approximately how much
traffic his business would generate in a 24 hour period.
Mr� Henriksen said that there would be no ^big sales^ that
would be attracting multitudes of people. He indicated that
perhaps four to six customers per day as an average. He
didn't feel that there would be a great increase in the traffic
congestion or infringement o� the available parking•
Chairperson Narris asked how much of an increase in traffic had
been noted at the koliday Village operation•
Mr- Boardman said that there had been no appreciable trends.
Ghairperson Harris questioned #4 of the Petition as to an
increase in noise volume•
Mrs. Engelbritson said that a problem already was apparent
regarding truck traf�ic through the Shopping Center at 4:d0 A.M.
{garbage/trash trucks, etc.}. She made a reference to the
Hi2ltop �obale Home operation and was afraid that the venture in
question would result in the same type of over'crowding and
unpleasant appearance• She then said that as far as hoise itself
that there would be people cominy into the area, it would result
in noise from children that would be drawn to the area. She said
that it would be a seven-day operation and the area wouldn't have
any relief from the constant noise of business in progress.
C"��_�irper�on Harris also �ur-stioned the rerererce on the petition
regarding a potential fi�e hazard to the adjacent property owners•
Mrs• Engelbritson felt that whenever there was more people, the
risk of fire was always greater. She said thar. one carelessly
tossed cigarette could result in major damage due to th� amount
of dry brush located on the property that borders directly to
the residential homes.
11r• Qloom said th3t he was tF;e s�curity officer at Twin City
Federal and he proceeded to tell about many dangerous incidents
that had occurred at tre Twin City Federal Bank. He said that
before another business was accepted into the Shopping Center
area that something should be done to try to alleviate the
type of problems that Twin City Federal had experienced•
Chairperson Harris asked if Mr. Bloom had been in contact with
Mr• Hi11, the City of Fridley's Safety Director•
Mr. Sloom indicated that Twin City Federal had been in contact
with him at the times that the incidents happened. Ne sGid
that basically the FBI took over such incidents since Twin City
Federal is a Federal establishment- He indicated that if the
area was upgraded, it wouldn't attract the type of trouble-makers
they had previously encountered•
�MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Mr_ Peterson, to close the
Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was closed at 9:40 P.M.
Mrs. Schnabel asked if there had been e Special Use Permit in
existence for the Photo Store.
Mr• 6oardman indicated that there was.
Mrs. Schnabel wanted to know how many Special Use Permits a
property owner needed to apply for- She asked if each type of
business would require a new Special Use Permit.
!1r• Boardman explained that a Special Use Permit would be granted
for a special use. Ne said that each special use on that property
would require separate Special Use Permits.
Mrs. Schnabel asked if the Special Use Permit would go to the
owner of the property or to the business itself.
Mr• Boardman indicated that a Special Use Permit always went
to the property owner•
Mrs• Schnabel questioned haw many Special Usepermits• a property
owner could have. She also asked that if a Special Use PermiC
was qranted to a spetific parcel of land and the property changed
in nature and a dissimzlar business moved in, could the new
owners use the Special Use Permit that haa previously been granted
since the owner stiil had the Special Use Permit.
Mr. Boardman
or businc-ss
Use Permit,
said that if the new business was a different type
than what had been ailowed by tne previous Special
then a new Special Use Permit would have to be applied
Chairperson Harris wanted to be sure that City Council read
his statement —^I TO�D YOl1 SO^• The precedence set with the
use of the parking lot at Holiday Village North that came before
the Planning Commission had been voted agaznst exactly for this
particular reason• Now we are flooded with requests from
everyone wanting to use their parking lots or extra land around
their Shopping Centers for something else. He felt that a very
poor precedence had been set by allowing the Holiday Village
North operation•
Mr• 8ergman said that the property owners were only trying to
• get the best use possible from thair property. He felt that
there had already been incompatibility between the Skywood (1a11
Shopping Center and the adjacent residents. He felt that the
approval of a Special Use Permit to add the outdoor sales of
mobile home units, even though an excel2ent plan was being
proposed, would only add to the degree of incompatibility that
aiready existed.
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Ms. Shea, that the Planning
Commission recommends to City Council the denial of the request
for a$pecial Use Permi.t, SP �77-OS by the Housing Corp, D/B/A
Instant- Nomes: Per Fridley City Code, section 2Q5, 101, 3, N. to
allow a Mobile Home Sales Center on a 3DD' x 10a' strip of
property lying in Lot S.A.S. �153, located between the car wash
and Skywood Mall Shopping Center, same being 5201 1/2 Central
Avenue N•E•
Mrs. Schnabel said that since the property owners had said they
eventually wanted to have an office building or an addition to
the Skywood (1a11 Shopping Center constructed on that lot, she
had a difficult time trying to understand why the petitioner
wouJ.d want to go through the expense of upgrading the property
just for a two-year lease•
Mr- Mortenson sa�:d that actually they were thinking of more
like five years maximum. He stated that as far as existing
incompatibility between the Shopping Center a�d the adjacent
� hame owners, he said that construction of the Shopping Center
beg�n in 1962, at wnicn time very few of the surrounding homes
were in existence. He felt that when the people built on their
lots, they knew that the Shopping Center was in existence• He
said that when a person lived on a hill he would be exposed to
everything below the hill. He said that the distance between
their properties and the Shopping Cent�r buildirgs was over
100 feet.
Mr. Engelbritsan claimed that they had b�ilt their home in
1964 and their had been no buildings existent in the Shopping
Mr• Mortenson again said that construction of Skywood Mall
had been started in 1962.
Mr. Engelbritson said that as the layout showed the Mobile
Home Sales Center, it would look nice- He said that
the layout only showed eight units. He said that
Mr� Henriksen was talking about possibly 12 units and he felt
that the layout would not be very nice with that many units
Mr. Henriksen said that what he was indicating was that if
.a delivery was made before another unit got out, it could
result in more units than indicated on the layout• He
indicated that their intentions were not to display any more
than the layout showed.
Chairperson Harris had a problem agreeing with the Public Hearing
NoLice. He said that before it went to City Council, the wording
had to be changed.
Mr• Boardman didn't know how else the area in question. could be
described. Ne explained that the Special Use Permit would be
for the entire shopping center• He said that it was a completely
1e9a1 description and couldn't see any problem.
Mr• Boardman said that the only control as to the exact area
would be controlled by the Planning tommission/City Co�ncil
as stipulations put on the approval of the request.
Chairperson Narris felt that a Public Hearing Notice left with
such broad terms could be very misleading to the general public.
Mr• Boardman indicated that originally the request had been for
a L�0' x 3�0' strip of land• However� due to requests made by
the City, �he area had to be laid out differently, therefore,
the requestor needed more are� to comply.
Chairperson Harris said that the precedent set by Holiday
Village Norih would make it difficult to deny the reauest
since the City allowed Holiday Village to have the �obile Home
sale� center on their 1ot-
Mr• Bergman felt that it really was a different issue- He said
that the Holiday Village North operation didn't infringe on
any residents. He said there was no conflict of interest,
no incompatibility, or adjacency of oceupancy, no effect on
other properties, and no zoning probiems. He said that in the
case of Skywood Mall there was much public opposition. He was
also upset that no buffer zoning had been established.
Mrs. Schnabel said that if the plan was to be exactly as it had
been drawn up and explained to the Commission, it would actually
be an upgrading of the area since all that was located presently
was a vacant lot overrun by weeds.
Ms. Shea said that she could appreciate the neighbors concern.
She said that the weeds would still be there, the mobile home
sales center would just be in the middle of the vacant lot,
surrounded by the weeds snd qrass.
Mr. Boardman suggasted three things that the Planning Commission
could consider in granting the Special Use Permit:
1} Restrict the Special Use Permit to a specific area•
2} �imit the number of Special Use Permits allowed a
property owner•
3} pjanning Commission should get a commitment in writing
from the Shopping Center owners for an upgrading of the
entire property which wouZd include overall improvements.
UPON A VOICE VOTE� Ms. $hea, Mr• Bergman, Mr• Peterson, and
Mr• Harris voti�g aye, Mrs. Schnabel voting ney, the motion
carried. •
� �Y P,OftMAh HALL: �Per Fridley City Cude, Section 205-051,
3.D� to allow the construction of a duplex/double bungalow
in fi-L zo��ing {singie ramily homes} on Lot 1, Block 4,
Sylvan Hills Plat 3, the same being 6390-6392 3tarlite Blvd
MOTION by Mrs• Sch�abel� seconded by Mr. Peterson, to open the
Public Hearinq• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened at 10:04 P.M.
Mr• Boardmzn said that the request was to construct a duplex/
double bungalow on a presently existing single family dwellinq
lot. He said that a duplex or double bungalow could be allowed
in a single family area with the Special Use Permit• He indicated
that he had a copy of the house plans• Also he indicated
that a petition �11-1977 that had signatures of the people that
were in agreement with the plan was included in the agenda packet•
Mr• Boardman said that the lot backed up to lots zoned industrial•
He then proceeded to indicate all the zonings of the 14ts
located in the area in question�
Mr• Norman Hall of 56-66 1/2 Way presented his plans to the
Commission and the audience. He said that he planned to build
a double bungalow or duplex style house on the property. He
felt that what he proposed would be an asset to that corner
•as wel}. as the neighbo�hood. He said the cost of the proposed
dwelling would be approximately $65-75,Q�0•
Mr. Boardman informed the Commission that Mr• Hall would also
have to go through a variance request since the lot measured
9,942 square feet and code required 10,00� square feet-
t1r. Hall indicated that he really had the intention of dressing-
up the proposed structure so that it would resemble a single
family dwelling. He said that once he had the completed, 6ina1 ,
plans fie would be willing to get with the neighborhood and discuss
the plans with them before starting construction.
Mr• Bergman asked why Mr� Hall wanted to develop this property
with a double bungalow rather than a single family dwelling•
Mr• Hali said that since he was a construction worker/brick
layer he felt he had the knowledge and ability to attempt to
build that type of dwelling. He also indicated that since his
family was grown, perhaps in time, he would want to move into a
smaller dwelling and he thought that a part of the double
bungalow would suit him and his wife perfectly•
I1r• Bergman asked what Mr• Hall's plans were regarding rental
versus sales-
�r. Ha11 explained that he didn't plan to sell rhe double bungalow•
He sai� that he mi,ht keep it for r�ntal on1y; or, like he had
mentioned previously� possibly to live in• He did indicate that �
i�e derinitely did noL plan to build ti�e duplex f�r sales pu,�po��s.
Mr-Robert Lee of 1,3Q Satellite Lane asked if h1r• Hall owned any
other double bungalows or duplexes•
Mr• Hall said that he owned one duplex located on 53rd and Sth StrEet
which he had recentiy purchased• He commented that anyone that
w,.nt�d to drive by the duplex u�ould agree that it was one oF the
nicest kept houses in the a�ea.
Mr• Hall stated that it was not his inte�tion ta build a piece
of junk on that property• He said he planne� to as cafeful
as possible with any rental of the property•
Mr• Robert Lee informed the Commission that he was at the meeting
representing Mr. Nall {he was a Realtor}. He expiained the
entire area around the 1ot in question. He said he had talked
to each of the neighbors that were on the mailing list. He said
that all the people he talked to were in agreement with
Mr• Ha11's plans. He said that the entire area was we11 kept
and that Mr• Hall planned to be sure that the double bungalow
would be well kept a�d nice at all times-
Mrs• Judy Kidder of 636� Starlite Blvd said that she was at the �
meeting mainly because of a misunderstar,ding• She said that she
doubted the credibility of the Petition �11-1977 since she had
signed because she had been led to believe that the anly thing
that could be built on that property was either an office building
or a multiple dwelling� She said that, it had been a misunderstanding
because if she had 6een told �hat a singie family dwelling could
also have been built on that property, then she would not have
signed the petition that was in favor of the construction of a
double bungaiow• Sha felt that people who lived in rental units
did not have the pride that people had when they owned their homes•
She seid that the entire area would suffer if someone moved
into that duplex and didn't take care of it.
Mrs. Kidder
said that she preferred to see a single-family dweliing
on that lot and wanted her name removed from the
Mr• Lee pointed out that rental property could be just as well kept
as privately owned property•
CI-�:;irK��rson lf.3rris ar.�:eu if Mrs• Kidder wanted her name removed
frc�m Y,he petition �11-1977.
� Mrs. Kidder said tfiat her name and Mary A�ger of 6348 Starlite Blvd.
also wanted her name removed. firs. KidUer explained that f1s• Auger
had to leave because of sitter problems due to the late hour•
t1r• Lee �pologized for any misunderstanding and said that he had
not intentiona�ly mis2ed anyone regarding the property• He said
that'h� had�in�d to th� pe_cpl� the po�si�aility of using
the lot as a type of buffer zone between the industrial zone and
the sirgle-family d+,�elling zone. He indicated that he felt the
particular lot may have been a little harder to sell since it
bordered on the industrial lots•
Mr. Hall said that. he agreed *_hat sometimes an absent landlord
didn`t have the tendency to take care of the property as much
as a person that lived on the property. He wanted to make
the point that he really co�ldn't rrake the statement that he
would definitely move into the duplex or for that matter when
exactly he might move in; but he felt that he did have intentions
of keeping the property up as well as his own was kept up and he
invited anyone to drive past his home and see for themselves
that he definitely kept a nice yard.
Mr. Hall also pointed out that sometimes people who own their
own homes don't always keep their yards nice•
Mr. Charles Sander of 1�1 Sylvan Lane submitted a petition to
the Commission that had signatures of people in opposition to
the granting of Special Use Permit t77-06. He said that the lot
was zo�ed R-1 and that it should remain as R-1. he said that
all the promises were probabiy well meant but that things didn't
always work out the way someone plans.
MOTION by Mrs• Schnabel, seconded by Ms. Shea, that the Planning
Commission receive Petition #10-1977, opposing the Special Use
Permit �77-D6. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
MOTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the Planning
tommission receive the revised petition �11-1977, in favor of
the Special Use Permit #77-06• Upon a voice vote, a11 voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairperson Harris indicated that the same names could not be
o� both petitions and that if a name was on`both petitions, that
the name would be removed from Petition �11-1977 and left on
Petition t1�-1977.
P! Ar�h!rn��; �nMr?rc�TQn+ MEETIP1r _,�i}t�!E' 2�, 1�977 �nCr „
�s• Carolire Johnson of 6336 St3rlite Qlvd. felt that since
there were still empty iots on the South end of Starlite Blvd,
she� f�l� that sor��eone else wouiei follow t!r- H��ii`� ex�mple and
decide to cdnstruct a double bungalow• She said that rental
property had too much turnover of people• She wanted the lot in
question to remain R-1.
f7r. E• �• Rice of l00 Sylvan Lane gave his description of
Starlite Blvd• He said that the entire area was single-family
dwellir,gs and he said that since the lov was zo^ed as ft-1� it
should be left as such.
Ms. Johnson wanted to know why only certain people were sent
public Nearing notices and why Mr• Lee had anly talked to
certain people-
Mrs. Schnabel said that only properties within 300 feet of the
lot in question had to be notified of the Public Nearing.
Mr• Lee indicated that he had used the list he had received
from City Nall when he went and talked to the individual
neighbors• He pointed out that of all the people he talked to,
only one was against it and he said he wanted the lot to remain
vacant. He said that basically it didn't make any diffarence at
all to him wheCher the special Use Permit was granted or not•
He said that he had not sold the praperty and had nothing
invested in the property. He said that he really believed
Mr• Nall hacf a good plan and he 6elieved Mr• Na11 had good
intentions of keeping the property as nice as the adjacent yards.
Mrs• Kidder said that she too thought the lot was nice just as
it was and she didn't care if it wes left vacant eitfier, at
least until someone decided to buy the iot and construct a
single-family dweZling.
t�r. Lee pointed out that the reason the lot looked so nice was
not an accident• Ne said that Mr• Hall, the City of Fridiey,
and himself had the land leveled and cleaned up and developed
so that it would be pleasant to the eye.
Mr• Lee felt that everyone was assuming that all double bungalows
are bad, unkept places.
Mrs• Kidder explained that from what everyone knew of rental
property, that was the trend•
Mr• Johnson said that it would only be a matter of time before
someone would buy that lot and build as an R'1. He wondered
if it was a matter of wanting some�hing just to fill the Iot
why would they want to spoil such a nice area with a doubie
rr. �eF� �greed with f1r. Johnson that t4,c lot would definitely
sell sooner ar later. He was only at the meeting because he
�felt that Mr• Na11 had a good plan and that he thouqht it would
be an asset to the community. He said that the people adjacent
tp the property weren`t objecting.
Mr• Walter Shupien of 6299 Trinity Drive said that he moved out
of multiple dwellings to live in an area of single-family
homes• He asked that the lot remain an R'Z lot• He said that
it was pnly a ma±ter of time before rental property would go
down hill and it almost always happen2d faster than privately
owned, owner-occupied, property did.
MOTION by f1s• Shea, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to cl.ose the
Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was closed at 10:45 P.M.
Mrs. 3ch�abel said that to 9rant a Special IJse Permit on that
lot was somewhat similar to a spot zoning — a direct change to
a neighborhood•
MOTION by Mrs. Schnabel, seconded by Ms. Shea, that the Planning
Commission recommends to City �ouncil the denial of the request
for a Special Use Permit SP �77-�6 by Norman hall� Per Fridley
City Code, Section 205.051, 3.D� to allow the construction of a
duplex/double bungalow in R-1 zoning {single family homes} on
Lot 1, Block 4, Sylvan Hills Plat 3, the same being
� 6390-6392 Starlite Blvd•
Mr• Bergman said that he didn't consider it at all unusual
request to buffer other single-family homes with a double
bungalow that bordered on industrial.
Cirs. Schnabel said that the entire area was single-family homes.
3he said that the zoninq hadn't been set up to buffer the
industrial and the single-family dwelli�gs.
t1r• 8ergman
as changing
thought that that had been a very drastic move as far
a zoning directly from Industrial to single-family
UPON A VOICE VOTE� ail voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
f1r• Lee indicated that he had never been to a Planning Commission
meeting in Fridley City Hall and he thought that the Planning
Commission had handled themselves very we11- He felt they had
given everyone a fair hearing• He said that' he had enjoyed
being at the meeting and he thought that the Planning Commission
had made a very wise decision in denying the request• He said
that if anyone contested something going into a residential
area, they should have tfie right to keep it residential• He
thanked the Commission for the opportunity of taking part in
their meeting-
�'pTi� o�f i:Fie no'�T1}Prly'"`�'our {4} i�rsC`6`f L��_-ZQ'� BYLi�'r.'-J,3 -- �
HycSe Park Acdition To allow for access to garage in back
yard of Lot 9.
Mrs. Sharon Jensen of 5946-4th Street N.E• was present at the
Mr. Boardman explained that tt�2 lot to tl�e south of 5950-4th Strec'� °!•�.
was an 8i] foot lot. He said that Mr• Copaicus wanted to put in
a driveway. He said that in order to do that and maintain tr<e
steps out of'the back-door of his home, he would have to obtain
four feet from the property located at 5946-4th Street N•E.
Chairperson Harris wanted to know how close to the property
line the house at 5946-4th Street N.E• would be after losing
four feet to 5940-4th Street N.E.
f1rs• Jensen said that sF�e wasn't�positive as to the number of
feet but that she was sure there would be plenty of space on
that side of the house- She indicated that her garage was lacated
to the So�th in the rear of the house and that there was only
grass on the area that Mr• Coppicus wanted to 6uy•
Mr. 8ergman indicaL-ed that Staff had gone out to tfie home and
measured and had+-�'t indicated any probiems•
M9TI6N by fir• 8ergman, seconded by fts• Shea, to recommend to
City Council the approval of the request for a Lot Split
�.5. 77-p6, by Clinto J. Coppicus: Split off the �ortherly
four {y} feet of Lot Z0, Block 13 Hyde Park Addition. To allow
for access to garage in back yard of Lot 9 subject to a
confirmation of no sideyard setback problems. Upon a voice
vote, all aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Chairperson Harris deciared a short break at 11:�� P.M.
Chairperso� Harris called the meeting back to order at �1:10 P.M.
Mr. Boardman explained that he thought the Planning Commission
should go over the propsoed Sig� Code and discuss the changes
that had been made and to betCer understand wi�at was being
attempted by the Ordinance•
Mr• Bergman commended Staff for the work they had put into the
Sign Code Ordinance• He said that they took the ideas from
Community Development and converted them into ordinance form and
language• He said a lot of timely erfort had been spent putting
together the Sign Code Ordinance on very short notice. He said
that there had been a big and pleasant change from what
Community DevelopmenC Commi=_sio� had submitted and what they qot
� Chairparson Harris, Mrs• Schnabel, and f1s. Shea wanted more time
to 6e able to read the proposed Sign Code Ordinance•
Chairperson Harris suggested that the Planning Commission read
through the Sign Code Ordinance with Mr• Hoardman and then
take it home and read it in its entirety-
Mr- Boardman went through the entire Sign Code Ordinance and
explained all the changes that tne Community Development
Commission had made at their June 14, 1977, meeting.
The Planning Commission made several commentsfquestions regarding
different points in the Ordinance• Most af which Mr• Boardman
answered or explained to their satisfaction.
i10TI0N by Mrs. Schnabel, seconded by Mr� Bergman, to continue
the Proposed Sign Code Qrdinance discussion until the next
Planning Commission meeting and extend an invitation to
Ms• Pat Gabel {Chairperson of the Project Committee} to be
present at the meeting to pr4vide the Commission with any
additional information they may need- Upon a voice vote, all
voti�g aye, the motion carried unanimously.
� MOTION by Mrs. Schnabel, secanded by Ms. Shea, that the Planning
Commission continue the Proposed Housing Maintenance Code. Upon
a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Ms. Shea indicated that Carol Ristae had been Ramed the Citizen
of the Year•
110TION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr• Berqman, that the Planning
Commission receive the Human Resources Commission Minutes of
June 2, 1977. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Mrs. Schnabel explained that the Appeals Commission felt that City
should take a look at the Zoning Ordinance. The Commission felt
that corner lots should be excluded when determining the average
setback for the other lots in the area.
MOTION by Mrs- $chnabel, seconded by Mr• 8ergman, that the Planning
� Commission receive the Appeals Commission minutes of June 14, 197?•
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
PLAP3fJIf9, COf1�'4ISS��>N f1EETING �— JUNE c�2, 1977� PAGE 26 �
9. NECF 7'.!'� C�;'""I!.t��TT'f DFVCt_Of't��MT C011t"ISSION MIP!UTES:
11r• ��.,^gm�n �aid th�t C!r. Loarc:n�vn had discussed any ccmrnents �
that had been made at the Communiey DevelopmenL Commission meeting•
MO"fTON by Mr• Bergman,
Commission receive the
of June 14, b977- tJpon
carried unanimously•
seeonded by f1s. Shea, that the Planning
Community Development Commission Minutes
a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion
Chairperson Harris explained that when the Planning Commission
went through the Special Use Permits, thaC section on non-use
was not very clear� He suggest2d that that section be re-written�
t1r. Boardman indicated that hopefully in August, Staff wouid be
rewriting the Zoning Code Ordinance•
Chairperson Harris stressed the fact of attendance or representation
at the Pianning Commission meetings• He inoicated that everyone
that was present always did do their jobs well� ke said that
Parks and Recreation Commission was not represented on a usual
basis. He wanted to know if there was something that could'be
done to try to make sure that all the Commissions were
represented at each Planning Commission meeting• �
hlr• Boardman said that presently Dorothy Evenson called a1Z
the members of the Planning Commission to be sure they were
represented- He said that it was usually left up to the
chairperson to notify the vice-chairperson if he can't make t5e
meeting. Ne went on to explain the reasons for the absence
of the members from the.June 22, 1977, meeting.
There was some discussion as to the actual importance of the
Parks and Recreation Commission having to be represented at
ihe Planning Commission Meetings• .
Mrs. Schnabel felt that either the Chairperson or Vice-Chair-
Person of the Parks and Recreation Commission should be
present• She feit that they had valuable things to offer•
Mr. 6ergman questioned her statement•
Mrs. Schnabel said that she respected the opinions of Che Parks
and Racreation Commission• She said that it was also one more
voice and at times bring up pertinent information that mi�a!-it not
have otherwise been brought up.
� There was a discussion or� items that have to go through the
Planning Commis�icn before Ci�y Council and items ti�d* can go
� directly to City Council bypassing the Planning Commission•
Als� discusseu tl�� di� Ferent Cornn;issi�ns th�at hanc!le requests
that go neither to the Planning Commission nor City Council•
Chairperson Narris asked what would !,appen if the planning
Commission didn't formally receive the minutes of the other
Mr• Boardman said that the minutes would not go to �ity Council•
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Ms• Sh�a, to adjourn the
Jun2 22, 1977, Planning Commission Meeting. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimo�sly•
Chairperson Harris declared the meetinq adjourneci at 12:35 A.ft.
Respectfully submitted,
��.- P.� �:�
Recording Secretary
- f�JIJ
Notice is hereby given that there will be a public Hearing
of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City
Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, June 22,
1977 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of:
Consideration of a request for a Special Use
Permit, SP #77-04, by Apache Camping Center,
per Section 205.101, 3, N, of the Fridley City
Code, to allow sales and service of recreational
vehicles, on Lot 1, Block 1, Pearson's Second
Addition, located in the South Half of Section
3, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka,
� Generally located at 77o1 East River Road N.E.
Any and all persons desiring to be heard sha11 be given an
opportunity at the above stated time and place.
Publish: June 8, 1977
June 15, 1977
ci�ty or raio�.sY. r�iNr�r:so�rn
�� � ����PLAN�NYNC�iD 20NIN� F0�
� %�
Address � �{6Snl�a
Telcphone Numl�er C> � � – �U /�
Address�,.?�/l iL/ist�ss%ts'�i ��d.C!
Telcphone Number
Strcet Location of Property�7'70/ � /� /!%C2 �Cflf�
Legal Description of Property L,
... . n
i .. �., rl��
�, Spccial Use Permit
�PProval of Premin-
inary F, �in;il Plat
Strccts or Allcy
Fee �'�Q --Rcceipt No. �"�(`%�
�.�g�AO. �iQ�
Pxescnt Zoning Classificati_on �',Z"-$ Existing Use of Property j/��.�`�i�
Acreage of Property �'�f�k' �%�i �•Describe briefly the proposed zoning classifi.catio�
-----�— c
ox type of use and improvement proposed rj,9-�G�33 �MO J������ `��
�'C� ,a L � e ni v C (f-t if r c% S
Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, oUtair. a lot s lit or
variance or special use permit on tlie suhject site or part of it? yes�no.
What was requested and when?
The undcrsigned understands that: (a} a list of all residents and o�aners of property
within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application.
(b) 'fhis applicati.on must Ue signed by all oianers of tltc property, or an explanation
' given a�hy this is not the case. (c) Respoitsibility for any detect in the proceedings
rest� from thc failure to list thc names and '�ddresses of all residents and
propexty oti�*ncrs of property in question, bclongs to tlic undersigned.
A sketch of proposed property and structure must be dra���t and attached, sho+aing the
follotaing: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot,
3. Dimensions of property, proposed struc h�re, and front and side setb:icks.
d. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacenC existing buildings (witl�in 300 feet
7lic undcrsigncd hcrcby declares that a
aPl>licatiot� arc truc and correct.
f %
Date Filed
Datc o'� )lcarin
Planning Commission Appraved
(datcs) Pcnicd,
:�av �;:undson
James J. Pawelski
City Council Approvcd
(dates) Denicd
st;�ted in this
.. _ _�„�,�,,
M��LZN� Z���
SP �-04, Apache Camping Center
Jim Fawelski Elaine Hartman
Apache Camping Center 119 Craigway N.E.
24b5 Fairview Ave. North Fridley, Mn 55932
St. Paul, Mn 55113
Northeast Securities Corp. Edward S. Jonak
Mortgage Assoc. 133 Craigway N.E.
125 East Wells Fridley, Mn 55432
Milwaukee, Wisc. 53202
Mr. & Mrs. E. V. Afirens, Jr.
160 Criag Brook Way N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Barr Blower Company j
99 . 77th Way Mr. & Mrs. Rirylo
Frid ey, Mn 55432 147 Craiyway N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55932
Mr. & Mrs. David Berg
7680 East River Road N.E.
�'ridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. William �awor
124 Craig Way N.E,
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Ricfiard Smith
14b Stoneybrook Way N.E.
Fridley, h1n 55432
Mr. & P4rs. Lloyd PQeyers
132 Stoneybrook Way N.E
Fri�, Mn 55932
Wesley D. Jensen
160 Stoneybrook SVay N.E
Fridley� rin 55432
Planning Commission 6/7/77
City Council ; ` �
Joseph Ricter, Jr. and
Gladys M. Anderson
165 Stoneybrook Way N.E.
k'ridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Dumphy
155 Stoneybrook Way N,E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr.& Mrs. Charles Martin
133 Stoneybrook Way N.E.
Fs�ldley, Mn 55432
Paul M, Burkholder
6229 University Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
� _ _
Eirst American National Ban
of 5t. Cloud-Howard Donahue
Atty, for Mortgageee
601 1/2 S. Germain Stre�t
&t. Clpud, Minnesota 56301
Mr. & Mrs. John Van Krev2len
7661 East River Road
Fridley, Mn 55432
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Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of
the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at
6431 University Avenue Northeast on ldednesday, July 13, 1977 in the
Council Chamber at 7:30 P,M, to consider the following matter:
A request for a Special Use Permit, SP #77-07,
by Andrew R. Evans, per Frid7ey City Code, Section
205.051, 2, A, to allow the construction of a
second accessory building, a 27' x 24' attached
garage, on the East 167 Feet of Lot 7, Auditor's
Subdivision No. 92, located in the North Half of
Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County
of Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located at 6040 Benjamin Street N.E.
Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an
opportunity at the above stated time and place.
Publish: June 29, 1977
July 6, 1977
NUhiGC2 � � i%'?- �; rJ
; APPLICAN7''S SICMAiURI: L� ^ � • t� -- - .v;%
: Address� ,���1(�
`Telephone Number ��� ��2,��
�.PR�PERTY 0{t'�Elt'S SIGNA'fURE �/_y��f�^��;—��,�,r��
� 3�
9f Special Usc Pci:nit
Appro�al of Prcmin-
inary � Pinal P1at
Streets ox Allcy
/ • � Other
; elcphone Num'�er_ _� �� —��� yr � �� �
T Fee �£' Receipt No. ��>'cJ�
Street Location of Property
Legal Description of Property
Present Zoning Classification Existi�ig Use of Property t✓��-,E
Acreage of Property Describe riefly_the pro�osed zoning classification
�,;�ti.� (,�i,C�l:;<< j1
or type o£ use and zmproveinent proposed l� �-il. f- ile�-�,.. �-,�is �-, �, •� , �+� ic�
���� __.—�—�
=' s- 7�( r�f fi,,,.. ,^�
* Oc�cz_ �i-�N.o 5 ic:�vi=� %�,z �.a � i�. r�� /.�C_cc.�( v'_ SrcC�.� i:.,-;svi
Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, oUtain a lot split or
variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes v no.
1Vhat �aas requested a�id i�-lien?
The undersigned understands that: (a) a lzst of all residents and owners of property
within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must t�e attached to this application.
(b) This applicatio�i must Ue signed Uv all o�l�ners of tlte property, or an expl.anation
given �aliy this is not the case. (c) P.esponsibility for an}' defcct in the pi•oceedings
a•esu?*in� from the failurc to list the namcs and addresscs of all residents and
property oi}��crs of property in question, belongs ta tlic undersigneci.
A sketch of proposeJ property and structure must Ue drairn and attached, showing the
folla�,�i�ig: 1. Nori:li Direction. 2. Location of proposed structtii•e on tlte lot.
3. Uimensions of property, groposect stxucture, and front and side setbacks.
4. Street Names. 5. Location cuid use of a�ljacent existing buililin�s (wit:hin 3�0 Eeet).
77ie undcrsigned hcrcUy deciares that all thc facts and represcntat:ions stated in this
application are true :ind correcL.
�UATE �i����SIGNATURE���.�1��'G'U/1 �'��-�
� (AN1'1,1CAV'I')
Date Filcd Dat.c of llcaring
Pdnnning Commission A��provcd City Cnm�cil Approvcd
(dates) Ucnicd (dates) Denicd
Mailing List
SP #77-07, Andrew Evans
2nd Accessory Building
Mr. & P4rs. Relay Lala
1591 60th Avenue N.E,
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. William Phillips
6020 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Ms. Lynn P. Maillet
5995 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Reynolds
5993 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rice
• 1541 Ferndale Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. Kenneth Korin
6051 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Gunhus
1569 Ferndale Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Ms. Ellen L. �uval
1560 Ferndale Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Evans
6040 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Eimars Prieditis
6031 Benjamin Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & hirs. Joe Stevens
6121 Benjamin Street N.E.
Frid7ey, Mn 55432
� . . cSa�
Planning Commission June 28, 1977
City Council
Mr. Gary F. Phillips
1565 Gardena Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & 14rs. Roger Sorsoleil
1561 60th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Cliffiord Rickhoff
1567 6�th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. Sh'eldon Tarman
1581 60th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Zander
6041 Berjamin Street N.E.
f'ridley, Mn 55432
. 5392�
. � . _. 3a .
. SP #77-07 Andrew Evans
secbnd accessory building
. /K E COF�i&ER •
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PUDLIC �.r.nair��
Notice is he.reUy given that there vrill be a Public Nearing of the
Plannin9 Cor�missio� of tLe City of Fridley in the City Hall at 5^31
University Avenu2 �;ortheast o� �!ednesday, Jul,y 13, 1477 in the Council
Chamber at 7:30 P.(��. to corsider the follo4�ring mat�er:
A request for a Special Use Permit> SP �77-08,
by Rqger Stene, foi- retaining ��he use cf both
existing attached garages, and to permit an
er.isting drive to his ori9inal 12 U 2 ft. by
22 ft, garage to remain as is, per Fridley City
Cade, Section 205.051, 2, A,*, located on Lot
1, Block 5, Broel:view Terrace 3rd tiddition,
all lying in the �iorth Half of Sectiori 1�1, T-3�J,
R-24, City of Fridley, Coi�nty of Anoka, ifinnesota.
• �enerally lccated at 870 Pandora Drive Pd.E.
* Please note that ti•+hen the permit for a second
attached garage rras issued on hiay 26, 1972, it
v�as stipulated that the di�iveway to the original
ga.rage be reoioved and the ori9inal garage be used
just for stora,e,
Any and all persons desiring to be heard sha11 6e given aa opportunity
ati the abovN time and alace.
Publish: June 29, 1977
July fi, 1977
CITY 01� ]'2IpLGY MINN�SOTA t....._ a3Cv
NUAfDCR %�-U � � IJ �-
Address �i %d �l•'r�l=f'
Telephone Number 3 �� — `�� � ��
PROPHRTY Ol4NGR'S SIGNA7'URC ,/L%rjJi C / %�-c�'
/-:----v/ /
Address r��� ,7 -�-,.�<t-' �,t ,�l/� _r �e
Telephone Number�/ — � `�� f
. � � �
Street Location of Property � %�' ��`"'�`��• ��4z"r
Legal Description of Property f• �� 1_ $�. c,�� �/,�c
�_ Special Use Pennit
Approval of Premin-
inary G rinal Plat
Streets or Alley
ui �,� L''
Fee,��� �Reccipt No. �'�/` �v
�-P��r� c e � ?-`Q
' +'t�— ) �
Present Zoning Classification��:�i�i�� �' � Existing Use of Property % R'-S ���� �" 1
Acreage of Property �`�� / Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification
- or type of use and improvement proposed 7�� ��%/16�e �/�� L'4� L`"'� y�� 7 y�`'`'` �
1h �� .
�//� ��_ ��
� �� ��l � � � A ,-r`t 1 z 7"/� 7`"� !% � a(�, �<.s � .�%'•-�, �,2�.l��r� �-" ,1,�Lr:tz �T�'"tik�e-v� � '-.4 R�ir� � /J r /�,s
� � �.
Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, oUtain a lot split or
variance or special use pexmit on the subject site or part of it? yes no.
What was requested and iahen?
The undersigned understands that: (aJ a list of all residents and owners of pxoperty
within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application.
(b) This application must be signed 6y all osaners of the property, or an explanation
given �ahy th�s is not the case. (c) P.esponsibility for any defect in *he proccedin�s
resulting from the failure to list the namcs and aJdresscs of all residents and
property oianexs of property in question, belongs to thc undcrsi.gned. .
A sketch of proposed propexty and structurc must be drati.ot and attached, sho:��ing the
following: 1. North Oirection. 2. Location of proposcd structure on the lot.
3. Uimes�sions of property, proposed str�ecture, and front aiid side setbacks.
4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existzng buildings {wiChin 30D feet)
Tlie undersigned hereUy declares thnt all the facts and re resentations stated in this
npplication nrc truc and corrcct. -�
QATG C C� %'� SIGNATUP.E � C. .^,L-�J
(Al'PLI r1��'I'J /�
Aatc Filcd �' f�� Datc of Ilcaring� �it �- y'/,3 — 1 g7 / t"'G
Pluntting Conimission Approved City Council ApprOVed
(dates} DcnicJ (dates) Denied_
REQU�ST: 5pecial use permit for a second accessory bu11c1in�. "llzis ycr�r�a� .v��a ,.��
n:�rrui., e any additional construction. It would only allow the present hard surface drive
off Pandora Dr, to remain. 'Phis originally �vas stipulated to be removed on the building
permit. The garage door will remain as is in either case, The property o�vner can drive
overlawn and use garage for car storage in either case! ! ���
�i / .,�'C> - � /
Sb0 Rice Creek Terrace -=�%���'-< '"� �>'4'"''l� '------ S
F !'� � �� � �
870 �� �� �� � = �> - % �1
8 V � 11 11 l l i L J�WV /^�C.ii/ -��tit� � . i J.. : i f':
s90 �� �� �� -� s-z 3�7
910 „ „ �� r,y�' ��% _� -�1- �
O%R� II II II ��ii...i;r:�1,✓i i_:�! :/^L!� � __ �^�"_Z�
830 Pandora Arive
840 n n �
841 " " l
850 " " ':
860 �� " i
861 " "
s�o �� �� �
871 '� " �
8 11 II
g00 8't/�'s� T61w � �
901 }�Ati'/�L��A��rL
9io �� „ �
4z i �� ��
830 Overton Drive
841 " "
aso �� ��
85i n ��
860 " "
8 61 �' "
90o PA�'�7GF�4-
qQi �"Jv�R 7�oM
9Z1 " "
r'�-�L6 �")i
S -��' �%
c� -,Z 2 _7-
5 -23`77
4 �� -(�
- • �J �3 !
,�/;� I/77
Mailing List
SP � 77-08 Roger Stene
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Higgins
901 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brown
&8l Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Mewhorter
871 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Robert 0'Neill
861 Rice Creek 7errace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. David Schuur
851 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. George Zeglan
841 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph 8everaqe
831 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs, Peter Lynch
890 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wuertz
880 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hines
870 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, P4n 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Brockman
860 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, t4n 55432
Mr, & Mrs. Ambrose Milford
840 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Planning Cammission �
7 �
City Council ' ' ' 7�i �
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene 0'Neill
830 Rice Creek Terrace N.E.
Fridley, Mn:55432
t�r. & Mrs. Dennis Jaksha
831 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Roberge
II41 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Micnael Hart
861 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Dupre
871 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Koskiniemi
881 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Jahn
891 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Stene
870 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Chlian
II60 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Johnson
$50 Pandora Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
��-. �
�... ��
MEt•f0 T0: Richard �biech
MEMO PF20rt: Rc�n Halden, Building Inspector
idTMO DATE: t4ay 4, 1977
REGARDING: E�cisting 2nd Accessory Building at 870 Pandora Drive N.E.
iRoger Steen-O+rner)
I have made several attempts in the past year to settle the prob2em
of an existing unapproved 2nd accessory building (attached garaqe) at
870 Pandora Drive. The owner, Flr. Roger Stene, has been difficult to
contact at times, but always has returned my calls and cor.resp�ndence.
Recently, i4r. Stene was given a list of neighbors who would be
contacted if he arere to pursue the Special Use PermiL alternative.
FIe hoped to "test the sentiment" of the neighbors affected before
agplying. Qver two r�onths have elapsed since he was given Lhe list
and he hasn't �oade aoulication to date.
I called and left word with him to contact me. I drove by and took
a picture as a recozd for the file that the driveway has not been
removed to date. (Renoval of the driveway v�as the other alternative
given to Mr. Stene.)
�t ����
Bui.lding Inspector
City of JEridley� N3i7nn.
6431 Univcrsity Ave. N.�., hlinnenpolis, 1lfinn. 55432
F: - �I<i I;1� li� ,
Date: _ May_26, 1972
Owner: �Rogex_C.._&tene�.__ _�__, Builder Marli.n Arnci�.
Aadress _.._._._.B.Z.Q...Pandara m;,.o _g R .__ Adciress
. ,_ �a
No. _.._-8.7Q._— Street __._Eandara__Ilriv.e___ Part ot Lot
Lut �_..i_.�_,_ H]ock _...._._._..5..__._.._.._.__......_. Addition or Sub-Division ._$,c�n
Corner Lot _.,_g..._.�.__ Tnside Lot
Sewer Elevation
5etback .�� Sideyard
__..__ Foundatlon Elevation __
. To be Used as: X:
Sz32dg�_.._..._____ Front �_�$ � Depth ._...2.$ �_ Height __14.�___ Sq. Ft. ��l. Pt Rnln
--_—._.-_ Front ....___ Depth Height __._,._ Sq. Ft _.___..____ Cu. Ft
7y�pe of Construction �.....E.Lx?zRF.�.._.�__ Est. Cost _.__�.3.�..fz.4,2�12__.__ To be Completed _��.e�r
� '_"
StipulaCions; ProQerty owner guarantees existing house is 30 feet fxom the property
line on the east side and with the proposed construction it caould be 26 £eet from the
property line. He would allow the City to go on his property and remove the tree if
the City puts in a storm sewer to drain Pandora and Able. 'rhe ocan�ag�g,�s�q��myQ
the driueway to the existin� garage onto Pandora and sod the area and �nly use thg
existing garaRe for stora�e. Provide a hard sur£ace drive to the proposed gara�e.
In consideration of the issuance to me of a permit to constrvct the building descr�' ed above, I agree to do
the proposed work in accordance with the description above set fotkH and an compL�cv.vith all provisions ot
ordinances of the city of Fridley. /,/ ��
1.82 State
In consideration of the payment of a fee of�$__.15.�QQ__., permit is hereby granted to M�.,_goggr Stene
.._.._._..........._.._ to construct tlte buildin � '
-------------�� �� g or addition as descriUed aUo�r: Tl�is permit is gra,nted upon
the espress conditiva that the person to �chom it is gran[ed and his aSents,�emgloYees ancl worlunen, in all t�n.?c
done in, around mid upon said bvii3ing, or any part lhereof, shall conform in all respects�to the ordu�ances oE
Fridley, bfinnesota regarding locntion, constiUCtion, niteration, maintcnance, repair and movin� oF buil3:n,s
ts'ithin the city limits and tliis permit may be revol:ed a t any tin�e upon violntion of any of the provisions of said
ordinances. �
i , \--,
� . —�--- � �^`=_<• .{'. J\�.�--<.!�dzuilciing Inspector
Thia permie doss nof eavar iha eunstrocqan, inatallation for Wirinp� plumbinp� paf heatin0� aews� or walsp 6a fun !a tw
ih� 8uilding Mspacter for separafe permits for th>er ilama,
� City of Frielley, IV[inn. {
lY���JY/��� ��A�l1tJ0.1�
�- /_
Date: __s�._`..�..._`��._...___...__.......__.___...._.._.....--
�%� /
Owner: �� i . /�- (L c�-! . . ._ ._. __ ....
Addmss._ - - -..._ __ ._ . _. .._ ..._. � .. .-- --._......
� �
����� �
� �N
�r� 4�s3
8uilder .i.,_...-C_-�l!/2.r+-ti�c/�.�... �«...{`../! �_c__
Address �.,�. C.�C -.�.-. �,� �c�1..��. �11._' _�ii�(-6'r �
9�'} ,
No. _(J.. �C J..... Stmet . ._ .� 1 �T, ..�[� L.�GL.--. . __ ___.. __ ....,.. Part Jof I,ot . / --
. � � . . ___ . - �--._.-- - - --'
Lot ....... � ...__... Block ._..... �r._.. _ Addition or Sub Division{/-3.��'ZS--/1 c'-.4�LGl (1.�ir'� :Jf�- �
Corner Lot __. � . Inside Lot _.... .. _ Setback _ ��l �..____ _.... $idey(ar�d�'y �lj f ..__ . . . .....
Sewer Elevation ......���.�.�_� .�� ..._. . ___._._..__._ Foundataon Elwation .__J�_ / J _.. .
To e Used as:, � � ` '
��L-''E��4«�J�'__ Front �.id_ :.._ Depth d-�... FIeight �:� _. 5q. Ft ( �r�'� Cu. Ft. / �%✓. �
��.��Z� �%... F ont��'�� Depth ��' iTe� ht ,r �` Sq. FE. 02 j.5� Cu. Ft. o� J.J �
1'ype rf Construction ��-�'<--Cr I?Z �_ Est. Co, ��.� �- �-L�To be Completed ._._.... .._...
�i-�-`�"t �� ��C--
�. —
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T:i!,� ��._......� .___�. . .,t .U,.:r.!��v.c- •.'.)Li:.�^-
vt .. � .... -:_i :l��J :\ v�.:J 4"•
�_.__.,._. n,=-��i;,:;;ri:3?a,.
In consideration of the issuance to me oE a permit to atru^_t tlie� building �cscri�bo�•e, T<%ree to do
the proposed work in accordance with the description ab ��c set fortlr"and m pli;wer-with aJk- Po��isions oF
ordinances of the city of Fridley. � � i� !/ ��/i.� __ � f__ _
In wnsideration of the payment of a fee o€. S.v�,% ".�` , permit is hcreby granted �.:�- . __._ .. ._.......
___......__._.._......_...._........._._._._..__.._ . to construct the building or�addi[ion as described ahace. This permit is granted upon
the espress condition ihat the person to whom i[ is granted :vid his a.^,ents, emplo3'ees and x�orkmai, in all wock
done iu, around and u�an said buildi�ig, oi• any Part thereot, shull conform in 1I1 respects to tlie ordinances of
Fridlcy, kSinnesota regarding 3ocation, co�istrdction, fllteration, maintcnance, repair and mo�-ing ot Uvildi��,;s
�vithin the city linvts a��d this pern�it may be re��uked at any time upon ciotatiqn of nuy of tbe provisions of sxid
ordivances. /� " �
.... (;: Cl _l..t . .� )� _ ._ r. �i:l �_�.-..4 /-L: �...... Bui(ding Inspector
jhb permi� doe� no/ cover Ihe tonshucfion, ins�alfalien for v.ning, plum6ing� �jas heating, sewer or watsr. Be sure to u•
Ihe 0uilding Impector for separoL parmif� for thss� itemf.
�r .
. ,
i � , ' YI � � SA � �� . SB - ���. �� a �s . i t :.
' _ _ � q� . . � ; �t �� �° � �.
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ROGER STENE SP N77-OS I `ry� � � v. ' tU
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Notice is hereby given that there wi11 be a Public Hearing of the
Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Nall at 6431
University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, July 13, 1977 in the Council
Ctiamber at 7:30 P.M, to consider the following matter:
A request for a Special Use Permit, SP #77-09,
by 5herwood Jordahl, per Fridley City Code, Section
205.057, 3, �, to allow the construction of a
double bungalow in R-1 zoning (single family
dwelling units), on Lot 6, Block 2, Spring
Valley Addition, all lying in the South Half
of Section 13, 7-30, R-24, City of Fridley,
County of Anoka, Minnesota.
Generally located at 1A41-1443 Rice Creek Road
� N.E.
Any and all persons desiring to be heard sha11 be given an
opportunity at the above time and pice.
Publish: June 29, 1977
July 6, 1977
Nl1Nf1CR J`��?�-G
� APPLTCAN'C'S SIGNAI'URL• S�� t^ wr,e 0 + 1 i�' D/11��
l�ddress(;�C-� n�'sS�sc;fi"'� ST (���.�1�� r
Telephone Number �'� �( i� �j � i
Telophone NumUcr
Street Location of Property (y � : �. � � �� �x
�,- �
TYPL• 0}' RLQllIS'� �� ,
Special Use Pcnnit
Apprc�val of Prcmin-
inary �, �inal Plat
Strects or Allcy
c' — '
Fee��Q'� Receipt No. G�/.Y/�� _
(�LpT. S R I S L.
Legal Description of Property ��� �, ��AtL�y A DD ��, i(� �2� I�: a� i o r. ._
Present Zoning Classification l� - � Existing Use of Property ( r.-..— L_ r _
Acreage of Property 37 so•� S.; i=� Describe briefly the proposed zoning classi-fication
or type of use and improvement proposed_ (} � ��t 2- �„ �,i �+ / �l�lf - �f�'
�/�,�E� Cn«,� �'`"'
�/�� d..��3 .
Has Yhe present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a]oi split or
variance or special use permiC on the subject site or part of it? ycs �\ no. .
What was requested and when?
The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and o�aners of property
ti,�ithin 300 feet (350 feet for rezonin�) must Ue aLtachcd to this application.
(b) '1'his application must Ue signed by all oianers of U�c property, or an explanation
' given why this is not the case. (c) Pesponsi.bility for. any Jefect in the proccedings
resulfiin� from thc failurc Yo list thc namcs anct addresses af a11 resi.<lents and
property owners o£ property in quest�on, bclongs to the undersigned.
A sketch of proposcd property and structure must Ue Jr:u�n an�l attached, shov+ing thc
following: 1. Nortiti Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on t3ic lot.
3. llinicnsions of propert}�, proposcd structurc, ancl front :�nd sidc setbucks.
4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings {within 300 fect).
The tmdcrsigncd hcreby declares tttat
application are truc and corrcct.
� `/U�l YlViv�i� / L • .
� /n/ \ �
% �y / "CLti,�i.?'l-[-vc�
Date filod `/ �1 �� Date of !lcaring / � � � � � �", _'
cy,t-,��c.r-.z, .
all tlic facts and represcntations stated in ttiis
����� \,, ,(,, �
Planning Conimission Al�provcd
(dates) Dcnicd�
City Coimcil Approvecl
(dates) Denicd
� .�..,
Mailing List
SP #77-09-Sherwood Jordahl
double bungalow in R-1 zoning
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Pundquist
1490 64th Avenue N.E.
Minneapolis, t4n 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Njalmer Anderson
1491 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hailister
1466 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Eyler
1456 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hart
i450 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
iMr. & Mrs. Bruce Olson
1442 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. Herbert Lennox III
1461 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mrs. Beulah J. Lea
1426 64th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Paulson
1425 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55A32
Mr. & Mrs. David Zerby
1400 64th Avenue N,E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. R. John Whited
629i Kerry Lane N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Ms. Helen Woodall
6283 Kerry Lane N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Planning Comnission fi_2g_77
City Council
Mr. & Mrs. James Skog
6274 Ben More Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55A32
Mr. Sherwood Jordahl
160 Mississippi Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bauler
1420 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Jensem
1450 Rice Creek Road N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
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Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the
Planning Commission of the City of fridley in the City Nall at 6431
University Avenue Northeast on 4lednesday, July 13, 1977 in the Councii
Chamber at 7:30 P.M, to consider the following matter:
Consideration of Reapproval of 1�leadowmoor Terrace
Second Addition, P.S. �77-05, by Gary D. Ai91e,
(former7y P.S. r64-04), being a replat of the North
163.64 feet of the South 551 feet front and rear
of the Northi•�est Quarter (N41;) of the Iaortheast
Quarter (NE;) of Section 12, T-3�, R-24, Gity of
Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota,
Generally located tJest of Central Avenue N.E. and
East of Arthur Street N.E., on the 5outh side of
76th Avenue Northeast.
. .
Any and all persons desiring to be heard sha71 be given an
opportunity at the above time and place.
Publish: June 29, 1977
July 6, 1977
-7�^e x
CI7'Y Ol� I�lt1Ui.GY h1TNNfiSOTA
� NUMRER� �7 f% --L7S� � )
� ��
. \
Address �'� ' ��Z�
Telephonc Number ~ ��-�7� �` � � ���
'�Ax FUnF�4i °
Special Use Pennit
,�_ �PProval of Prcmin-
xnary $ Pinr�l Plat
Strcets or Al1cy
Telcphone Number -�.�;
Fee Receipt No. ',(.��
Street Location of Property 7i_ t� f�-, l' ,' >
Legal Description of Property ��'j,, � --z� , L k��-rcLl �L- C'
Present Zoning Classification Existing Use o£ Property �i.; ->. �. � /�:�Y •�_
Acreage of Property Describe Uriefly the proposed 2oning classi.fication
� or tYne of use and improvement proposed t"Z P 1 � � �� �� t�+�� ��� '�
i . ., ,� �_
� �a,.�,�' .; �'/?-.'t�,...,.. /�.i,:_._� 7-?�--'
Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, oUtain a lot split or
variar.ce or syecial use permit on tlie suh}ecY site or part of it? yes�no. .
iYhat was requested and when? '
The undersigned undcrstands t:hat: (a) a list of all residents and o+aners of property
within 300 feet (350 £eet for rezoning) must be attached to this aPplication.
(b) Tliis applieation must Ue signecl Uy all oioners of the property, or an eaplanation
given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility £or any defect in thc procce�iings
resulting from thc failure to list the names and adciresscs of all a•esidents znd
property o�,mcrs of property in qucstion, 6elongs to tlic undcrsigncd.
A sketcli of proposed proyerty and struc*_ure must be draien and attached, siiowin, titc
followi��g: 1. �orch Directioit. 2. Location of proposed sCa•ucture on tlie lot.
3. Dimensions of property, proposcd structure, and fro�rt anci side set:backs.
4. Street Namcs, 5. Gucation atid use of a�ljnccnt existing buildings (within 300 feet).
'11ie undexsigned'hereby declares tliat all itq facts and representations stated in tliis
np��lication arc txuc and correct.
DAT��� � l�"' ��� r� SIGNA7'UI:E �A!�- CX-w� ��"t]`—`<
Datc Filcd�p- i%�' �� Datc of licaring a"•� _� -1 �,� `��"���'i ��
� J
Flanning Commission A��proved City Counci.l Approvec!
(dates) Ucnicd (dates) Ucnied
� • The park fee for residential subdivisians is $300.00 per lot Y.o be
paid at the time the City approves the final plat (raw land value
of $10,S00.U0/acze).
The parY. fee on commercial and industYial subdivisions platted after
February 29eL1s7uareTfootnto be collectedaonteachaloC separatelytWhen
($0.0138) P q
buildin9 Permits are issued (raw land value of $20,000/acre).
xypical A9reemei,t to be Executed at Time of Plat Approval for
Commercial or Industrial Zoned Propertye
The und2rsigned understands that accozdinq to the City Platting
Ordinance the following land dedication or cash payment equiva-
lent, i� required to plat commercia] or industrial zoned property:
3� of the gross area of the property to be subdivided.
It is further understood that the land dedication or cash payment
equivalent is at the discretion of the City.
. It is agreed that a cash pa�^e�:t at the rate o£ per
squaze foot will be paid sepaxately for each lot Hhen the building
permits are issu�d for the following described plat:
The unders�gned further aqrees to notify all future property owners
es assigns of the cash payment requirement.
� `
Signatu� o erty Owner)
Revised: 6,/2/77
Planning Commission 6-28-17 �^ `�-�
City Counci
Mailing List
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mancuss
7561 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Karla Larson
Real Five Realtors
7691 Central Avenue N.E
Fridley, Mn 55432
Gary D. Aigle
North Highway #65
Cambridge, fM1n 55008
Kenneth Shervey
7571 CPn*rai Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Becker
7567 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ellingson
7627 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kline
1612 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Hennes
7600 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Ellwyn Healy
7601 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. W. M. Sharp
7613 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr: & Mrs. Wallace Willman
7627 Bacon DRive N.E.
� Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. Gary B. Julkowski
7639 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. William Compton
7627 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. Robert Knoll
7613 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Halloran
7601 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Scribner
7600 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Czypta
7620 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. James Bauer
7630 Bacon Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55A32
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morin
7635 Meadowmoor Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. A1lyn Beekman
7619 Meadowmoor Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ossenkop
7603 Meado�noor Drive N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Ralpfi Schermann
1315 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. Roger Bauer
1359 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Ooolittle
1375 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, t4n 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon tarson
1383 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, MN 55432
P.S. �77-05, Page 2
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Steeve
1391 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Ingebretson
1401 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs, fred Limesand
1409 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridiey, Mn 55432
Mr. & F4rs, William Holte
1415 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, t4n 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Hendrickson
1423 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kloers
1429 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, P1n 55432
Mr. & �Ars. F. William Addis
1437 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cisewski
1559 75th Avenue,N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Catheryn Bernison
7527 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Hydeman
7517 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Don Park
7507 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. Kasimierz Gazda
627 Cheryl Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. James Hauge
7501 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
tAr. & Mrs. Frank Withan
7528 Hayes Street fV.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & MrS. Allen Paul
7518 Hayes Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holien
7508 Hayes Street NE
Fridley, Mn 55432
Spring Lake Park School District 16 Mr, & Mrs. Donald Johnson
8000 Highway #65 N.E. 7500 Hayes 5treet N.E.
Spring Lake Park, Mn 55432 Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cox
1501 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs, Lloyd Dawson
1525 75th Avenue t�.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr..& Mrs. Ronald Meyer
7638 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Dahlmeier Construction
1367 76th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Viron REalty, Inc.
7585 Viron Road N.E.
Fridley, MN 55432
Mr. & Mrs. John Zobana
1391 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Muyres
1381 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Ms. Kathleen Wethe
1371 75th Avenue N,E.
fridley, Mn 55432
Company Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schulte
1361 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Dann Battina
1351 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
, ��
P.S. #77-05 Reappova� of Meadowmo�r Terrace 2nd Addition
• Page 3 of Mailing List
Mr. & Mrs. Gillman Ulstad
1343 75th Avenue {NE.
Fridley, 14n 55432
Mr. & Mrs, Jeffrey DeAntoni
1335 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr, & Mrs. Norman iverson
1327 75th Avenue NaE.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson
1319 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55�32
Mr. & Mrs, Francis Waite
1311 75th Avenue N.E..
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Ignac Vidervol, Jr.
7501 Centrat Avenue N.E.
� Fridley, Mn 55432
Oliver Tam & Sau Chun Tam
7513 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Herman
7551 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Anderson Trucking Service, Inc.
7600 Central Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Povlitzki
7516 Arthur Street N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Strasser
7508 Arthur Street N.E.
Frtidley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Thomsen
1483 75th Avenue N<E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
� Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Ishaug
1373 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. David Thomas
1463 75th Avenue N.E.
fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Amist
1453 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chatlain
1443 75th Avenue N.E.
Fridley, Mn 55432
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`Tho folloaittg axe-the platn tahich a=e proceaoed:� ,-: � ,, ;
by�thg,City Council bu� not filed ae Anoku,County.' ;r
>: .t.,,:APFrwed by. . �
, Plnt ,`� Citv Council
; ."Terry�s �Addition,� �� : '�',.SeptembeY'21� 1964 '
. '- ' :_ , - `; ;.. .
� Tronton IndusCYi81 Pazk: `., .�i:* Octobar 19..19G4. �
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' j,�ieadowmoor Terracu 2nd Adclition '� . Julq 7� 1964
_ <<, , �
i , : Marviesr.Additihn..� � . ` `Pebrnary 3. 1964
Qn Docember 23,'19G5 the.dcvelopers oE �thase pinte
D, ` -�aere riotified by thic office nbout tiie Ordinance which requirca
':thnC tha plate should be filed witl�in ninety daya a£ter Council.
��: epproval nG Anoka CounC}+. I£ it Ys nc� done eo witl�in thnt time�
<tha d�.w¢loper requfra a new approval by the City Council.
.. _ <' . _ _. ,. ,.. .
: - _ . �.
` Alao, tha dcveloper of Don's 6th Add2tion wrns.
infoYmed of the Pluttin; OrdinAnco whiclt requirad that tfle finnl
'�.; plat bo autniitCed at City Iinll within siX monthe of thn praliminary
.:'°plat upprwed by Che Plannin� Conc�ission wl�ich wes 3uly 13. 19G4. '
As it hpo.beea s�ra than nix months� he taae`infoxmed he will havct
�-to ieprocess hiu plat r.hrough khe Plunning Goumiiaelon again.
`The developar of Pxidley'InduetYlal Park Plut:2 wue
' ��aloa:informad abouC the Ordinunce thaC the final plat bo £iled at �
:' City i1u1L vithin eix snontha of Planning,Gos�iasion up,rwnl of
; �.pYelimin�lry p1aC whicli was proceaead on June 24, 19G5, :
,, � � � ,�
. i sea the developer of Gailsview Addition And Fri.dley
'' `; .��Tndustrit�J. Purh P1uC 2 ho� responded to oux`infoxmntion and are
.. acCing uccordingly und tha hat�zinp,n ur¢ to ba held on Jnnuary 17. 19GG,
rbut we have:aaC rnceived a�r xoeponsa fY6m tho:developcsa of Cha other
,' p2nts. ', ,
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Mailed to:
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� TELEPHONE (512)577-3450
Pat Gabel
Carol Donahue
Lloyd Lewis
Howard Mosman
Duane Prairie
Rraig Loftquist
3une 2, 1977
I would like to express appreciation and recognition for
your efforts in reviewing and formulating the Fridley Sign
We of the Community Development Commission have reviewed
most of your input, and are impressed with your ef£orts.
I am sure that a sizeable amount of your time was required,
and that time is appreciated.
CC: Mayor Nee 5
City Council ,
City bianager
Planning Commission Chairman
� `'�
JUNE 21, 1977
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bruce Peterson, Lee Ann Spozre, Connie Metcalf, David Sabistitta (left at
MEMBERS ABSENT: James Langenfeld
OTHERS PRESENT: Ray �,eek, Planning Aide
pice Chairperson Peterson called the meeting to order at 7;40 p.m,
Mr. PeCerson Cook this opportunity to welcome Mr. Sabistina to the Co�ission.
.�(r. Peterson stated that on page 7, second paragraph, of the minutes, Mike Paripovich's
name should be inserted in place of &ruce peterson's name.
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, to approve the Fridley Environmental
Commission minutes of May 17, 1977, as amended. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Four seta of additional matexial to be inserted in the "Parks and OPen Space Plan" were
passed out to the Commission members.
MOTION by Connie Metcalf, seconded by Lee Ann Sporre, to receive the four sets of updated
additional material for the "Parks and Open Space Plan". Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
To better explain the reason for the Plan Co the Covmiission, Mr. Leek stated that back
in 1974, the City Planning Department undertook to put together a Parks & Recreation
Policy Plan for the City. About halfway through that plan, at Che stage the first
draft was written, an expressed interest came out in the Bilceway/tiralkway System, Because
of the expressed interest from the citizenry and because of the feeling on the part of
Staff that the document they had arrived at was not wholly satisfactory, the plan was
shelved. Last year the City received a mandate from the State Legislature stating that
the City would have to do some mandatory planning and one of the portions of that
facilities plan was to include parks and open space. The City began work on the Parks
and Recreation Plan again. Mr. Leek said what the Commission now had was the draft
copy of that document to date. It was a working document before all the Cwimissions
to read, study, examine, and make recommendations before going on to City Council.
'1'his document would evenCuatly go to Metro-Council in 1979 for final approval for the
total comprehensive program.'
In the Plan, Ms. Metcalf stated that there already was a 2arge overall city map and yet
each neighborhood also had a map of the whole city in such a reduced form that the
nefghborhoods were hardly discernfble. She felt these maps were meaningless, and suggested
that each neighborhood should have an enlarged map of the isolated neighborhood.
Mr. I,eek explained the process of doing that would be quite expensive and the budget for
printing was limited, He stated, though, that a reco¢miendation like that could be made
by the Commission for the final copy.
Pis, Sporre stated that she would like to suggest that the following segment concerning
Islands of Peace be fncluded in the "Parks & OPen Space Plan" as a statement of what
the Tslands of Peace was and what it hoped to accomplish. Also, that there be developed
a facilities map of the Islands of Peace to be included in the Plan under "Rzgional
Review Facility.
The Islands of Peace Project is located within the urbanized Minneapolis-
St. Paul Metropolitan Area. It is approximately 5 miles north of the
Minneapolis Central Business District on the Mississippi River in the City
of Fridley. The river in this locality is generally shallow with heavy
vegetation covering the nuserous islands and banks. The amount of vegetation
and the river character lend to its attractiveness as a natural area for
study of a river environment. The proximity of the Islands of Peace to the
major population center makes it attractive as an area where the physically
handicapped can experience nature within a relatively short distance from
where he lives. Also, because oE its proximity to a major transit route
(East River Road) it is easily affordable to the elderly and lower income
persons whose mobility is hampered.
The Islands of Peace project is being developed and operated by the
Foundation for the Islands of Peace. Although it is totally open to the
public use, the project is being designed to allow the physically handicapped,
blind or disabled to use all of its facilities freely. The concept behind
t4e development of the ptoject is to allow those people who have been
restricted by design barrfers to be able to enjoy nature first hand and take
part in the activities it affords.
. �t9
The total project, when completed, will consist of approximately 78.5 acres
of river island property, and 4.5 acres of river bank property that will be
used for access. The entire property will be left 3n a natural state with
a major portion of activities provided on ehe Hayes river lots and Chase's
Island. (gee map.) p, reception-shel[er building will be located on the
Hayes river lots to afford protection for those using the facilities as well
as making possihle the year round operation of the project. (It is estimated
that the development of the shelter building will immediately triple the
present handicap usage.) Other activities that wi11 be available to those
people visiting the project will be picnicking, camping, fishing and nature
interpretive trails. A pontoon boat, especially designed for the handicapped,
is in operation to provide access to the other islands in the project as well
as provide excursions up the river. Handrails with specially designed plaques
in �raille will be placed along the nature trails so that the b13nd can also
experience the natural beauty of [he river environment. Although prime concern
is being placed on design for the disabled and physically handicapped, the
project will aLso provide recreation facilities for the general public, including
snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.
The City Naturalist/Resource Coordinator has proposed to the Fridley City
Council to designate the Islands of peace, along with its other activities, as
one of five natural history areas within the co�unity to 6e used for inter-
pretive nature programs with limited naturalist staff available to the Islands
o£ peace Project for scheduled tours. If this program is approved by the City
Council and accepted by the Foundation, it will add another dimension to the
The scope of development of the Islands o£ Peace Project is unequalled in the
State of Minnesota and is unique to the metropolitan area where a great number
of the handicapped and disabled reside. ArchiCectural barriers and park design
without consideration for the handicapped person has severely limited, if not
negated, access to the vast number of natural and recreational resources that
are available to the average citizen.
Ms. Sporre stated that at the last Conm�ission meeting, she had brought to the Com�ission's
attention that there needed to be a beCter definition in the category of Regional Parks.
There was a definitive description of the neighborhood pazks but not of the regional
parks. In an effort to minimize time, she felt it wise to put an excerpt trom already
written document under Regional Facility in Che "Inventory and Analysis" section of
the"Parks & Open Space Plan".
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, to include Che statements above
regarding Islands of peace, plus a£acilities map, in the "Parks & Open Space Plan"
under the "Inventory & Analysis" section.
Ms. Metcalf stated she did not feel all of the statements should go under "Inventory &
[�nalysis", She felt just a descripCion of the Islands of Peace and Narth Yark should
go in the '�Inventory & Analysis" section and then a more detailed description be put
in a separate section.
Mr. Peterson stated he agreed with Ms. Metcalf. A summary or statement about the
regional parics and Iisting them cou2d go in the "Inventory & Analysis" section and
then a more detailed and complete information could be included in a separate section,
such as Section 6.
MOTION by Lae Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcal£, to amend the preceding motion to
read; That the Commission direct the Plattning Staff to include hrief statements on
the regional parks in the City of Pridley with excerpts on North Park and Islands of
Peace in the "Inventory & Analysis" section of the "Parks & Open Space Plan" and to include
cZear, expanded statements of regional parks,including North park and Islands of
Peace, with appropriate maps, in Section 6. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Sporre stated that she felt the following (Insertion Page ��5) should be substituted
for ObSective S, Policies, and Recommendations in the "Policy & Recommendations" section
of the Plan. She felt it more adequately described the attitude xegarding the open
space planning for the City.
OBJECTIVE: Provide for innovative space management to allow a balance of
use, freedom and control, with safety as a prime consideration.
&gstablish regional/county/city areas of park and open space interest.
�preserve remaining significant natural habitats.
�Pramote a better understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources
important to the community.
*Ensure that development along the Mississippi River corridor take place in
accordance with Critical Areas standards and guidelines and the Great River
Road Project.
�Support efforts to develop North Park into a significant natural history area.
*Moore Lake's uses as a recreational resource shoutd be re-evaluated on the
basis of hydrologic findings re$arding the quality of its water.
�The North Innsbruck and West Moore Lake Dunes natural history�areas should be
maintained for passive activities including nature hikes and tours administered
by the Cify Naturalist.
*Develop a natural history study program (for use by schools and civic groups)
describing the ecology of West Moore Lake Dunes and North Innsbruck natural
history areas.
*Develop a recreation trail system in cooperation with the Metropolitan Council,
Anoka County and surrounding communities to link significant parks and other
public facilities in the community.
�Adopt a Critical Areas Plan for the Mississippi as it flows through Fridley
to protect the natural and residential chazacter along its banks.
MOTION by Lee l�nn Sporre, seconded hy Connie Metcalf, Chat Insertion Page #5 be
substituted for Objective S, Policies, and Recomnendations in the "Policy and
Recommendation" section.
Mg. Metcalf stated she was not Cotally in favor of this as she felt some of these
recommendat3ons and policies should be in separaCe sections rather than totally inserted
for Objective 5, Policies, and Recommendations.
MOTION by Lee ,�,nn Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, to amend the preceding motion to
read; That the Policies and Recommendations in Insertion page �5 be inserted in the
"parks & Open Space Plan" wherever Staff deemed appro�riate. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, the motion carried unanimausly,
Ms. 5porre stated she had looked at Richfield's Park plan and some of it was related
to Fridley. Slie felt the following "Recommendations" from the Richfield Park P1an were
things that were not included in Fridley's park Plan and that these kinds of statements
should be included.
1. I�ediate consideration should be given to steps which will stimulate
public or private interests in the cultural elements of a park system
(fountains, gardens, historic sites, facilities for performing arts).
2. Ornamental park character is a necessity throughout the entire system.
Topographic land forms, water features, and plant material must be
added in significant quantity to supplement present plant materials.
,1 concern for a continuing maintenance program as an integral part of
the parks budget must be progra¢m�ed annually.
3. The Springbrook Nature Centez must be developed, managed and inter-
preted for the benefit of the community.
4. Development of recreation facilities must be assimilated within the
ORNAMENTAL park rather than becoming the dominant feature. Active
competiCive field games should be c�centrated in large park areas to
allow for adequate visual and ghysical separation fr� oCher park uses
and adjacent residential development.
4. Early consideration should be given to the design and development of
oYnamental, non-paxk, urban spaces to augment the park system, such
as spaces in and around commercial centers, and communitq buildings,
possible pedestrian or bicycle paths, railroad and utility easement
spaces, and vehicular parkways.
Mr. Leek stated that he telt Recommendations �k2 and �4 were already covered in the
��parks and Open Space Plan�'.
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre that Recommendations ��l and �k5 (with the exclusion of "co�er-
cial centers, and") be placed in the "Parks & Open Space Plan" where Staff deemed to
be appropriate under "Recanmendations" and that Recommendation �k3 be replaced for
Recommendation �1 in Tnsertion Page �5.
The motion died £or lack of a second.
Ms. Metcalf felt this was a consideration that should be reviewed more thoroughly
by the Commission members before any action could be taken.
MOTION 6y Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie MetcalE, to table further discussion on
the "Parks & Open Space Plan" until the next Couunission meeting. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTIQH by Connie Metcalf, seconded by Lee Ann Sporre, to receive the Parks & Recreatian
Commission's Goals & Objectives. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, the motion carried
MOTION by Connie Metcalf, seconded by Lee Ann Sporre, to table this item until the
next Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr. Peterson stated that there was still need of a person who would work with the
East River Road Project Committee and the Commission. At this Cime, there was no one
willing to take over as the Project Committee's chairperson.
Mr. �,eek stated that at the previous Commission meeting, there had been the question of
whether or not Mr. Langenfeld could serve as the Project Co�mnittee chairperson. Mr. Leek
stated this was discussed at the last Planning Co�ission meeting and it was decided
that there was no conflict. He said if the C�ission decided to have Mr. Langenfeld
serve as chaizperson of the Project Co�ittee, it would be appropriate.
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, to table the East River Project
�o�ittee Report until the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, aIl voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Ms. Metcatf stated she was interested in investigating the feasibility of a recycling
center in Fridley.
Ms. Spoore stated that the Conmiission had previously made a statement in support of
establishing a recyclfng center.
Ms. Metcalf sCated that perhaps a project committee should be established. She indicated
that Mr. Langenfeld had a list of people who were interested in environmental kinds of
projects and efforts, and she would like to have access to that list to find out who
would be willing to serve. The project committee could then look at the studizs that
have already been made and determine the feasibility of a recycling center in Fridley.
She sCated she would iavestigate as best she could and present it to the Commission at
the duly or August meeting.
Mr. leek stated he would be willing to find whatever information he could for Ms. Metcalf,
MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre, seconded by Connie Metcalf, that the Fridley Environmental
Commission authorize Connie Metcalf to form a p mject committee in a study for a
recycling center in the City of Fridley. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Ms. Sporre stated she had attended a�oise Pollution Seminar sponsored by the Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency and the Metro Clean Air Committee. At the last Commission
meeting, the members had discussed the concern for noise abatement programs in the City
of Fridley. To better understand the problem, she had planned to have the Minnesota
Pollution Control Noise Abatement Division bring in their slide presentation. She had
£ound the slide presentation to be very sensitizing to the problem. She stated the slide
pxesentation would be scheduled at the July 19, 1977, Commission meeting:at 7;30 p.m.
and would last approximately one-half hour. She would like to invite aembers of City
Council and other commissions, interested community leaders, and the interested public
to attend to better understand what the study was about and the motivations of the study.
Ms. Metcalf expressed her concern about whether or not the Co�ission had set priorities
as to what issues were most important.
The Commission members
their priorities.
concurred that they should constantly be re-evaluating
MOTION by Connie Metcalf, sec�ded by Lee Ann Sporre, to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 p.m.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motioa carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
��' �r ,7 �/) ✓`-n
Lyn}ie gaba
Recording Secretary
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June 21, 1977
v� The 1•�est 96 feet of that part of the South 2%3 �of Lot !�,
9ucLitor's Subdivision iJo. '108, Anoka CountJ; P•:irinesota,
which lies Idorth oY the South of the North Fialf of
said Lot !F. Subject to road easement for 73� Avenue 23.E.
Area - 8210 square feet exclu�� ro road easemant.
,ii,,C 1 ,.
That part of the Souih 2�3 of Lot 1�, Aucli'Eor's Subdivision
i; No. 10B, Anoka Caunty, rlinnesota� which lies north of ine
j�� $outh line of the rorth Half o£ said Lot 1��except the West
96 feet thereof. 5ubject to road easement for 732 Fve�+ue N.E.
Area = 8115 square feet road easement.
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APPLZCANT: /1 � � � � •�L
ADDRESS: G� l�v���" N -S P�I /�7� � _
Street /� yC�,tyr�� Zip Code
�� �Home� y�! Business �
I P'ROPEftTY O:dfiF�"ct( S) � f�' �%'! �- —
�' �
Lot Sp2it �/ "7 %-C��7_
Date Filed:
Pee:$ ��eceipt �f ' -
R�4ARKS: __
� . 30 �
Street 4ity Zip Code ..
Street City Zip Code
Home Business
Propexty Location on Street
or Exact Street Address (IF ANY)
s � ��
Reason for Lot Split:
� �� �� �r�
Prope?�ty sq. ft.
Zonin� Classiiicatior.
The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and
xepresentatio.ns stated in this �p`p�ic,tion are,��"�' e and
coxrect. vt` ✓� yiYl l'//h t� �
AATE: �� / 7� SIGNATiTRE 1/�ti Vr Y2'v��'
(See reverse side £or additional instructior.
PLANNING COi•1MISSIOPi: Aate o£ -Consideration -
CITY COUNCIL: Date of Consideration -
Planning Commissian
Please amend your agenda to add this item as number 6.
The balance of the agenda will each be moved down one number,
BY WY(4AfJ SMITH: Sp]it the balance o£ Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 108,
into the following three parcels: A; The West 96 feet of that part af the
'SouC� 2/3 of Lot 4, A.S. #108, Anoka County, which lies Nonth of the South
line of the North Half of Lot 4, 5ubject to easement for 732 Avenue H.E.,
the same being 1601 13Z Ave�ue Pi.E. B: That part of the South Z/3 of Lot 4,
A.S. �1D8, Anoka County, which lies North of the South line of the North
Haif of said Lot 4, except the West 96 feet thereof, subject to road easement
for 73'2 Avenue N.E., the same being 1611 73� Avenue N.E., and -
Parcel C: The 5outh 2 of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 108, Anoka County,
subject to road easement for 732 Avenue N.E.
-� .
Chairwoman Schnabel called the meeting to order at
7:45 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Plemel, Kemper, 3chnabel, Gabel,
Ron Holden, Building Inspection Officer
MOTION by Ms. Gabel� seconded by Mr. Barna, that the
minutes of the June 14, 1977, Appeals Commission fleetiRg
be approved• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously•
SEI1V�� fSL�-IS1S At3lt �TRtt'I� N.t., Y'K1llLtY�
ESOTA. {Request by Mr• Tim Chies, 8624 Mississippi
evard N.W., Coon Rapids, Plinnesota 55433}•
MOTION by Mr• Barna, secondea by f1r• Plemel, to open
the Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened
at 8:46 P-M.
Section 205.063, 4D� requirement of 35 ft. rear yard
setback on a double frontage lot.
Public purpose served by the requirement is to allow
for adequate open rear yard areas should any of the
buildings in a double frontage block face the ^rear^
sb B'
4wner wishes to maintain the same setback as the adjacent
In June of 1976, Portfclio Realty was granted 1�
similar rear yard variances from 35 feet to 2a•5 feet•
These garages have been constructed. This variance
request is to match the setbacks o'r the adjacent
garages. 'Phe proposed garagz is adequately sized•
Please note that due to the R-2 zoning, this request
rr�ust proceed throuqh the City Council• �
f1r• Holden indicated that several garag�s located south of
this lot had previously been granted variances to allow for
garage construction• This garage was being proposed to be
in line with the other garages, 6ut in this case was urrder
a different ownership; t-herefore, it needed a variance• The
reasons the variances were allowed in the first place was
because of the double frontages, a 35 foot setback was
reqi�ired in the front and a 35 foot setback was required in
the rear• Without a variance, he said that the garage �a�ould
have ta be build right up against the house• He also explained
wh�t else was located in the area — a Mobile Horne Park aeross
the st�2et that was camo��fl�ged by tre2s and light industrial.
�o the east/west•
Chairwoman Schnabel wanted
currently under construction at
a variance at a previous time•
to know if the garage
7431-743� had also received
Mr• Holden said that a variance had been granted about
one year ago.
Chairwoman Schnabel asked if that would be conszstent
with the 20•5 foot setback.
Mr• Hold�n said that it would be consistent-
Mr• Tim Chies of 8624 fiississ:ppi Blvd N-W• asked if he
would need to apply for a separate variance for each garage
that they would build. He indicated that hi.s father owned
several of the 1_ots and that he did plan to put garages on
the lots at some time. He wanted to know if it would be
possible to be granted a type of 6lanket variance to cover
all the lots owned by his fatl�er in that area or if he would
have ta pay the �50 fee each �ime they needed the variance•
Chairwoman Schna6el said that he could apply for a S�
� blanket variance and pay the one fee. She pointed out to
him that technically a variance was only good for one year.
She informed him that unless construction was started during
that year, he would have to apply for an extension, which
would require no fee. She did point o��t that it would be
frowned on by the Commission if fie as�;�d for a blanket
variance for 8 garages and only buiit one a year and extended
the variance for seven years out. 3he explained L-hat if
construction was started on a n�mber of the garages, and
then for some reason he found he would be unable to complete
all eight, a variance extersion cculd be granted.
Mr• Plemel commented ±hat there had been many garages built
that required the same variance. He felt that garages
really had cleaned up the area. Hz said that cars and
miscellaneous items were out of the yards and s�reets and
put into a common area.
Chairwoman Schnabel asked when Mr. Chies planned to
start construction.
Mr. Chies said he planned to start building the garage
in two weeks or less.
Chairwoman Schnabel asked if the double bungalow would
• be totally rental property.
Mr. Chies said that he would be living in the subject
double bungalow.
Chairwoman Schnabel asked if the exterior finish of
the garage would be matched to the finish on the house-
Mr• Chies said that the exteriors would be all the same —
house and garage.
Ms. Gabel wanted to know what a double frontage lot
was and who determined which would be the front and which the
, Mr. Holden explained that the person building the house
could decide which direction the house would face. He said
that the City did try to discouraqe houses facing everl>-which-
way on a block by avoiding heavier traffic flow on one of the
streets, thereby making that street the front, and the street
with the less traffic the rear. (Most garaqes on double
frontage lots are entered from the rear).
�� Yr• Kemper asked if there had been any negative responses
to the Public Hearing notice•
Chairwoman Schnabel said that no responses had been �
received at all•
MOTION 6y Mr• Plemel, seconded by Mr� Barna, to close
the Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried una�imously. The Public Hearing was closed
at fS:�O P.M.
Ms• 6abe1 pointed out that it should be brought to the
atten'tion of Mr• Chies that the note on the bottom of the
Public Hearing notice that he had received was incorrect.
Chairwoman Schnabel expl�ined to Mr• Chies that due to
the fact that the Appeals Commission could only give final
appro��als on Zots zoned R-1, and since his was zoned R-2, the
final decision would be up to the City Council. She apologized
for the typogra�hical error•
Mr• Chies wanted to know why he had to go to City Council
and when.
Chairwoman Schnabel explained that it was stated in the
Zoning Ordinance• She said that the only tiine the Appeals
Commissinn was a].lowed to give final approvai to anything was �
in an R-1 District. She pcinted out that anytning other tnan
R-1, the Commissien could only make a recommendation to
City Council who would have the final decision.
Chairwoman Schnabel said that the next City Council
meeting would be cn July 11, 1977•
Mr• Kemper asked f1r• Chies what type of problem going
to Cit;y Council would creat2•
Mr• Chies indicated that it mainly was the fact of another
delay• He said he was gatting tired of the ^red tape^
involved in getting a variance +hat had already been granted
for 12 other lots in the same area with the same situati.on.
He felt that someone should have the aut�ority to grant the
variance since y2 other variances had been granted.
Chairwoman Schnabel said that everything that happened
relative to building had to follow within the Zoning
� Ordinance• She explai�ed that �r. Ghies had not been
singled out. She said that if th�y cannot situate what they
proposed to build and meet the Z.oning Ordinance, then they
had to apply for a variarice• She said that it took time
because once the owner applied for the variance, it had to
be published in the official paper �nd notices had to be
sent to the adjacent neighbors in case they had any concern
about the project, in which case they would have the
opportunity to make that concern knawn-
Mr• Chies questioned who
He said that one person owned
his property•
could have been notified-
all ten lots to the south of
Chairwoman Schnabel said that every property owner for
200 feet had to be sent a Public Notice as per the Zoning
Ordinance• She said that everyone had to be allowed to
express themselves if they so desired.
Mr• Plemel pointed out that indeed Mr• Chies had a
special case� but the Appeals Commission still couldn't
grant the approval•
Chairwoman Schnabel said tha� it had be�n a
� typographical error and that Appeals Commission was not
permitted to have the final say on anything other than an
Mr• Barna encouraged Mr• Chies to bring up his
dissatisfaction to the City Council when he appeared before
Mr• Chies wanted to know if it would really do any good.
Chairwoman Schnabel said that definitely the City Council
would be interested in hearing what he had to say•
MOTION by Ms. 6abel, seconded by Mr. Barna, that the
Appeals Commission recommend to City Council the approval of
the request for a variance of Section 205.063, 4D� Fridley
City Code to reduce the rear yard setback On a double frontage
lot from the required 35 feet to e�.5 feet to allow the
construction of a detached garage to be located on Lot 7,
Block 2, Nagel's Woodlands, the same being 7513-7515 Able
Street N.E., Fridley Minnesota 55432•
r�� Mr• Barrra pointed out that there was 12 other existin9
garages in the block and that there will be additional
requests in the same area by the same ramily• �
UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting aye, the motion carried
Chairwoman Schnabel said that the request would go to
City Council on July 11, b977, and encouraged Mr• Chies to
mention to the Council that he felt the request could have
been handled by the Appeals Conimission without going through
the City Council and he had been dissatisfied with the way
the whole request had been handled.
Chairwoman Schnabel also told him to call City Hall on
July 11th and the City Manager's Secretary would'be able to
tell him approximately when his request would be heard.
-N.Ee, FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA. {Rec�uest 6y Ur• Surendra" .
C�i-du�d �arF�y, �808 Macaiester Drive, i'�inneapolis, �1innesota
MO'fION by t1r• Barna, seconded by Mr• Plemel, to open
the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, tl-�e
motian carried unanimously� The Public Hearing was opened
at 8:1D P.M.
Section 2D5•053, 4, A, requiring a front yard setback
of 35 feet.
Public purpose served is to allow for aff-street parking
without encroaching on the public right of way. Alsa
for aesthetic consideration to reduce the ^bui2ding
line of sight^ encroacnment into the neighbors frent yard.
Section 205.053, B5, corner lot side yard setback
of 17.5 feet for living area of structure.
� Public Purpose served by this section of the Code is
to maintain a higher degree of trafiic visibility and
reduce the �ine of sight encroachm�nt into the neighbor's
front yard.
Due to nature of the lot both in terrain and shape, makes
it difficult to meet the City setback requirements.
If variances granted, there will be less existing
terrain and trees disturbed, and will allow more usable
rear space•
In field checking the proposed house location as shown
in blue on the plot plan, it appears that several
trees will be jeopardized by the excavation. Due to
poor soil conditions, an extended area beyond the house
limits must be excavated. This area is sfiown by the
dotted blue line on the plot plan• A 15 ft. boulevard
exists in this area. The house to the South fronts on
North Innsbruck Drive and not on the side street• The
proposed location will not impair traffic vision•
� Mr. Donald M• Wehlast of D& W Construction, 88Q4 Lexington Ave,
was present at the meeting {�r- Chaudhary's builder}.
Mr• Holden and Dr. �haUdhary showed the proposed house
plans and site development plan to the Appeals Commission•
They explained exactly what Dr• Chaudhary planned to do with
the property.
Mr• Holden explained that the streets effected would be
Arthur Street and North Danube Road. He said that the house
had been specifically designed by Dr• thaudhary's architect
who tried to keep the house away from the street and meet all
variances. He explained that staff had been willing tio
accept the layout as presented, but after checking the 1ot in
question, that many trees would be threatened by the
excavation and the plan would situate the house very close
to the back yard of an adjacent lot-
Pir• Kemper said that there wouid not have been a need
for the variance except for the fact of saving the trees.
Mr• Holden confirmed his statement-
Dr• Chaudhary indicated that the proposed plan had been
the on�y way that he could fit the house he wanted on the lot.
He felt �hat even if a variance would be yrarted, the house
would most definitely enhance the entire area. He said all
the homes would fa7.1 into line with each other. He felt that
basically the property wouZd be in perfect alignrnent with
the entire neigh6orhood and road. He said that he was going
to have a deck off the family room and that aiithout a
variance it would fill almost the entire rear yard-
Chairwoman Schnabel pointed out that the rear yard
had q�ite a deep slope•
Mr• Plemel asked if he would have a walkout basement•
Dr• Chaudhary said that the hous would have a walkout
basement. He explained that he had tried to keep conformity
of his house to the neighborhood.
Mrs. Mulvihill of 56Q1 North Danube"Road wanted
confirmation as to the exact location of the house•
Chairwoman Schnabel said it was located on the South
side of North Danube where Arthur Street went into North
Danube Road. She showed Mrs. Mulvihill the plan.
Mrs. Mulvihill �xplained that her concern had been if
ty�e l�t had been the one loc�ted cn North Danube Road and
InnsbruckDrive. Sh2 said that that corner was a very heavy
traffic corner and felt that safety of the children ana the
residents in general would have been effected if a home would
have been proposed on that Iot with a variance to reduce the
setback. She said that the proposed plan on the lot in
question dadn't effect any of her concerns and she had no
objectian nr concerns with Dr• Chaudhary building on the lot.
Chairwoman Sc.hnabel explained to Mrs• Muluihill where
her home was located in relatian to Dr• Chaudhary's
proposed home. She also explained to her exactly what was
being proposed•
Mr• Plemel didn't feel that the lot realiy had a rear
lot. Ne said it would be best described as two side yards
and one front yard•
MOTION by Mr• Kemper, seconded by Mr• 8arna, to close
the Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously� The Public Hearing was closed
at 8:30 P.M.
Mr• Plemel asked if �here had been any response from
other neighbors.
� Chairwoman Schnabel said there had been no responses
at all-
Mr• Barna added that except for Mrs. Mulvihill� who
wasn`t in objection to Dr. Cha�dhary's plans. He said
that she had appeared because she had thought it was a
different lot on a different corner•
Ms. Gabel said that given the lay of the land with the
large drop in elevation at the back of the lot and
Dr• Chaudhary's desire to perserve the trees, she felt
that the entire plan would be very aesthetically pleasing•
MOTION by Ms• Gabe1, seconded by Mr• Barna, that the
Appeals Commission approve the request for variance of the
Fridley City Code as follows: Section 2�5•053, 4A, to reduce
the front yard.setback from the required 35 feet to 25 feet;
and Settion 205.d53, B5, to reduce the side yard setback,
on the street side of a corner lot, from the required
17-5 feet to 15 feet, to allow the construction af a dwelling
and garage to 6e located on �ot 1, Block 2, Innsbruck North,
the same being 5640 North Danube Road N.E, Fridley, MN 55432.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
� unanimously•
Chairwoman Schnabel indicated to Dr. Chaudhary that
his variance requests had been approved and that he could
apply for his Building Permit•
Ms. Gabel suggested that a better checking on the Public
Notices was done to prevent the misunderstanding that had
happened regarding Mr• Chies. Even though it was an
understandable typographical error it should not have happened
and every endeavor should be made so it didn't happen in the
Ms• 6abe1 said that she felt that administratively
something should'oe do�e to enable the Appeals Commission to
approvevariances of the type that had been discussed regarding
Mr• Chies.
'7 B� Mr• Holden explained that because of the City Council
Bylaws re�arding the approving of variances on Districts
other than R-1, they would be criticism if they
devi.ated frorn th� law:a.
Mr• Holden
be nice to look
grant a blanket
const�^uction af
said tha* in
at the rest
variance to
that type•
the case of Mr�• Chies, it w�uld
of the block in question and
take care or any future
MOTION by Ms. Gabel•� seconded by Mr• Plemel, to adjourn
the �ppeals Commissior� Meeting of June 28, 1977• Upon a
voice votc>_, all voting aye, the motion carried.
Chairu,oman Schnabel declared the rneeting adjourned at
3:35 R.M. submitted,
. � //y�
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1'aryLee Carhill
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�"� ������ � PARdF5� �& RECREATION CO�II�tS���( �
, " � � � t�ETIIIG
�, � � � �� Ji3Ng 27, 1977 ��
�" -�ggg{ggggg�; gob Peterson,, Robin Suhrbier, Jan Seeger, fletty Ann Hech
N�MBERS tABSE[�S: Leonard Moore
�$gg pREgEI1�; Gharles goudreau, Parks & Recreatioa 1Hrector
Jack Kirk, Program Director
Serzy BoaXdman, Gity Planner :
Ray Leek, Planning Aide
Tony Petrangelo, Rice Creek Watershed District
George Dicnke, Rice Creek Watershed �istrict
Vexa Moen, Bikeway/Watkway Project Cammittge Chairperson
Mr. � Mrs. M. Denker, 6190 Rice Creek Dr. - Neighborhood 13
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Allen, 6200 Rice Greek Ur. - " "
Mrs. Wayne Lear, 1546 Briardale Rd.: - " "
t4rs. Fkn. Michaelis, 6180 Rice Cceek;Dr. '- " "
�� , John � Gerri Grane; 6170 Rice �re�k Dr. - " "
�. Richard Ferber, 6I60 Rice �reek Ylr.' - " "
Ct��2i3 U.—IiAEIt'
:(�SSi.rperaou Yeterson called the meeting to order at 7-:40:�.m.
� � �x,
� �R9Y. �' OF I�#Y 23, �.�7i, �� &�REGREATION COI+A�SSIf�kFiNOT$S: �
� �.
�� tiy Jgg Seeger, seconded;by Rabin S�rbier, to'a��Ve-the May 23, 1977, Parks �
��eat;on Cammission minutes as Vzciiten. Upon a vnf�ie'vote, all voting aye, the motion
�(� by gobin, Suhrhier, seccKtdad by BetCy A�
�tt a;�{oice vote„ all voting aye, the motion ca
i . �.D BUSII�IESS :
Mech �' �
rried ia
l�. Rice Creek Watershed Bistxict - Tony petra
H�.: PeGarson st�ted �hat he appreciated Mr. Pe
; sr�hekdu�e to appe�ri�aefore-the Commission regax
'.� The.qnestion had cane up.several times as to a
' `` > a��to{t, what it d#d; and how iC fitted in with
apprave the agenda as mailed.
�€tt�anous ly .
Io C�king time out of his busy
kie gice Creek Watershed District.
e R3:ce Creek Watershed District
he Cfty was doiag with parks and
�..,;n .�;� Y8�8F..�.S3A+ . � _ � . . � . .� � . .. �
, ":���; . . . . . . .
� �
. � �'� . , � ' � .
.. . ..<� .-.-i . . . ... . . . _.. .. � . .. . ' �..:
�- �
_ ;_ ; ,
'�6 t�
pA�KS F�,RLC�i:hTIQ�Q C�.�IE1ff k�Tit�, JUNE 27, I�177 i PAGE 2
Mc. Petrattgelo sCaLed that he had alsa brought rrkth him,:Mr, George Dimke, who i
was �e o€ tlie maaag�rs of the Rice Creek Watershed �istricC from Ramsey County. '
Mr: Petrangel.o stated<that the Ri�se Creek Watershed District`s bactcground went back
to 1965 when the actval move was afaot ta do something to preserve Rice Creek,
Locke Lake, upstream Long I,ake, etc „ recognixiag the pressures.of development in
and arou�d the water arexs+ of [hi� District. �he Rice Greek Ass�ociation of Fridley ` �
w�s £ormed shortly after that; the Idew Brighton Assoeiation was!elso formed;and the
two assoeiat}osts got together and pooled thei� Yesources to put!gressures on the
co�ant�'commissione��x respattive of Anoke'and Ramsey Counties,.�trimariiy. This '
, eventual7.y;generatetl'ineo a petition by the county commiss3oners on a:joinb effort, ;
Ramaey, AnokS, Waslii7ggCon if,Si►ptmties (and a sma12 ;portion of Hennepin County was in
thats 13ierriet}, to t$e Wstez Resources Baard o£ 3�tinnesota which'then generated into
a gublic hearing ih �sstte af I471 to see whetfi'ex xhe pistrict shbuld he ordered. �
Tite puhlic hearing xs�s hel�` i�t Juae of 2471 �n8 the pistrict waS ordered to be formed '
itt Tanuary 1972. The DistY�cC had now been tu existence about 5 1/2 years. The
17fstrict worked and operat�ct, tFC;der the p(innesmta Stare Statute of C2zagter 122,
whi:eh said w�at th�.DietYi�t`s p�taers were, vBat its charge was:ax�d what it was
tryittg tct da which epuCSOI, presetve, and prOCect`the District.: y'he DistricC
was ccm�sosed o£ abont 20i square miles of tesritiAry thae conetituted the basfn'or
caaC�YShed district that t�ent ug to just a litEle south of Forest Laice, starting at �'
. i
CYsar Lake.; winding thratt$tr. a chain of lakes Chrough Lino Laice, Loqg, Lake, White
Bear'Lake, etc, '$he,WaterStaed District had been So�ng a Iot of poiicg making, a
Ytst tif guideline des�l�pi�'a implementing, eGG, Mr. Petraagelo €eIt that they were
na�r at the '-hia"stage;� 8a f�s, they had just fieen in the "talk" Stage. They were �
startiag ta �ut pre�surea;� Cfie.tnuniqipalities to get things done Ehat the Chey
tls�ught were good:for the ��strict.
Mr. Dimke :s'�ated Ciaa� some peax's �ago, the martagers of the Distr3ct had ccxne up ;
with the idea, w}tf�zlii.-C�tey,had nurtured, to impound water in the!-ch�in of lakes.
These lakes were a3.L be}.ow the d�m at Centerville. St. Paul had drawri its water
fn khe amaunt of b ili}�lian ga2Zons fr� the upper chain'of lakes and had
aince the late 189�'�, whep wate� was availak�le,which it hed nat been the last
s�veral yeare. T2i�.� did a�iect C�ee'flow o£ aiater of the Creek.; A: couple of
imposxndmeut "i�eas ttiat �'L�`manag�rs came, up saith were to maint�in the flow in the
Cteek �wf ap�rra�ci.mat�ly 124} c.f,s,;-(eubie feeG ger secxxtd) Ehra.igh the months of
�eae, julyi, August; September,`a�d Chrough t�te £all. They had he�n led to believe
tl�at if you ecantroi the flina in sny stream o"r ereek at a constant "3eve1,, you
dQe�r�ase the, eYOSio�3 poCecttial. When tl�e w��er flow €lustuated, it increased the
er�sioxi potent3al sbout si�cteen times. :AnoCher thing was aestHetics--Locke Lake
aAd Locke p�ric wottLd hoth'�eneff� greatly by the impoixndfng of;this water.-
AstoCher advantage;,if thep �twl�'control that flow and make i[',more steady, it
�c3uld eut dbvzn t�e;eresiori"and's�ditmenCS flep��ited into Lake Lak'ey in addition to
tlse CYeek, `which c�ld be uaed-ni�re for'xec�c:aLYo�nal purposes and ttot be an eyesore.
�4t�@e �re some oi the thi�gs et�C the �yistrfefi could do for Ftidley and cshat
�idiey c¢u}d do for the �isCri�t. It waa s fi�o-fold effort because they needed
�= tbe support of people iit=1�[��aa �a�nty attd ir�?�eidl�y,; particularly, who on a long �'
: r�nge, would bene£it fr�n:k�hi"s impoundittg`o€ water. It had to be dane, kowever,
� I
�' �,
� S r , .! _ .
� * � :$`
.�^ �'
�.' ��- . z , � � '
" �
� . .
� � �,..
„ . _ �'�. < ,'���- "�"�
�ucj �
- t�ipa�
, eiftspe�ati�si°aad support of the counEy
tld like to;-�;ucpound the water was ati;��
now. 1'�E' Ta�es �t�he�ce::rere all veip, v
ava33$b��> `anc� tkere were a lot of pso
� to t�e RiCe Creek,Watershed Di:striet
at'a great:distsnce. Se said it seee�e
#�e fdr su{lgort tor-someChing that was
t�e henefl:t.
'7'7 ,
mers. The area in which
�ka County Open Spaca
The=e was all sorCS of
sted who were �ot really
going to receive a benefit
to as�C the Fridkey parks &
away but yet they would
� ,�+ "
pir, Petsangelo s[at�d'Ct��� tfii� project that`2�4�'.. �Yltsihke;had been talking about was
a�kaug ran�,e aapect, hQC�,ver,-they vrere eaiezcisiu�, gxessures to,, get
.,!�his �XQgram moving uttrte qui,ckly than they had tlto9agklY orig,inally . They did not
kuow how long it>would t�ke Co get [his major graj��� under way. In addition,
t��L fiad implemeztteci several guideline-type thi� -�1i�t were related to trying to
malutain water qualaty, trying to control water�.i�s�titp, and Cryring to control
�t#� e��%3i3.vsp problem that was continually ocenrra.i� a.ts.the sandy areas of acres up
�titeaax. Rig&t now they were contfnually receiviug,�rmits from developers to
dayeiop laxge tracts of land. They required oa-sike ponding to slow that water
ilt�+a k�+�£csre it aetually went iato the Creek; in addition, .the slow-down,on-site:
`p�diug wouid impxove the:qualit}* of the water,beioxe it found its way Co the Creek. :
WiC}r �it� permittiug procedure, they required a pe�crit to be obtained fr�m them
f�v�t, not ciXtly developers,-byt also individuals,.who wanted to do anything abuttiag
�'�sr'a+ijs�ent td`au water eaurse lake pond dr�inage ditch marshland or wetland.
y : , > , :
P�aay �apecialYy wanted to preserve the marsLlanels.
�r.: Fet�Bitg�bn stated that this: gave the �o�aniss�c�n an idea of c�hat the _Rice Creek
iatershed:District had baet� daictg-. They'had wade'themselves known and felt by
red{s'�e,, counties,'State gighway pepa��meats etc., that they wanted
:a dc tkrings in their �Sa�trict that were going eo ha�re an adverse affecti on their
tat�zzs, aad they felt Cl��y were doing a good job.
3r.! Peterson- stated tltat� si� ,oi ehe questions that had come up were crho made up
pow� �s�far as�the p�lft���,�spects�tiere concera�ed? � -
_ �; - . �
Mt:: pe��ngdeio stated tt��� �pter 112 was very �p�#,cit as to how the B�rd was
f�d� "ilte eciut►tg cb�3.s��titters vould appoirtt €D�'�iiis particular district; two
� x�p�e�eu�taLivee zvere apgukntecl by Anoka� C�unty C���[sfnnera, two representatives
He.r� a�tg��d hy Ramsey Got��Sty Evm�issioners; an�;,c� representative was appointed
° -hy;GTas�ng�on �ouaty Cemmississ��;�. Aennepin Ers�i�a�"�s-participation was �negligible
i „ . ,. ✓ � . . S
� xiter� irss na �egresents�a�t: �Y�� them. The C±�� o� for- the respective
z mauagers were t�tea years `and t#�se terms were s' �iy They had an on-going per pesr
` ' "Ca�ring �ower to Che, maacimum of $125,000 or 3 mft��:�=
� �r.l`pi�ke staCed th�L they,.had other taxing pawers �ifn#�ar to the taxing-authority `
o€'�e i'ocal govariautent}°for"improvement. They did have some powexs, that the
' ci.t�s d3�d';aaC t�aa�e in tltat they could levy assesaments against;Federal government, `
��t� g,oyiernpn��t, county government, and other bodies. pn the initial go-around to
`� �" ,"= ;: ; , ; .. . . _..;-.- a ;.� : . _ _ ... ;� .: �.. :;�a X.:�°�'f�;^.�= _ .
� � '.,. -t. _ . t} .
: t � : :. 2 �; . .
PAI�KS & RLCREATI6N CO���fltT�PINCr„y JUNE 2t, r9�7 PAG8:4
$�t Cit�s� programs' 8�$ atp,�- t�e lx+�a, prov�.d�d f4a � 2 mfil: levy �� or §&#�, Q00 €or ��
acti�i,���atatior.t,. a on€�C#me �ha�ge,_, ,�he Distri�C^had used th�t 1n ti#eir flr�t ,,
pear of 6pe���ian �ad'"t[�aL i+aa nev+�i —to ba used again. The aasaager� couid aiso
ta� up to �Y'�S;QOP�; a�p. �ttte� w�x�r levy an asmessment, o�e time, vace a year,
for a ro ect. Ttre,xeasou ot'"��'�*ag t�at
P j $�►�,.manager8 werQ noC elected,:but
Mt. Petxangelq s�tateci: tk�at ii tlu i�amrniss3on s�etnbers wanted ta foila� through
fu�ther with this, chey Cots�,d EaY#c to Mr. Vir�ikcHerrick as he douLd�,�,�them
more pe�tinent data.�_; , �« 'i"
� �_ �. -��
' Mr, Petrangelo stat�'�ha:t c5ist of tiae $Y25,000 fund, they had engaged an engineering
consulCing firm, a,�ralOgi,st, .tegal couaseT� rt7ad had an aeeou��$stt. 1't€is' amount
was budgeted every yeet;,`agproved by the marta��rs, aud went to ihe State"Wazer �
Kesources Board ta b� inBpdeCed 3�ld approved 1�3*;;them, �he District was audited ;
apaually. , A recets�'��velQp�ent titat the DiaC�ict hsd was a Dralua�,e Diteh ;
Hiaintenance �+und .of $i5, k10ti-,a yea�. The unioi�tunate gart o£' the ihcainage Ditch
Maint�nance gund, ��eeer,, �*as ttiat the draitasgs ditch Laws w2re st� oid;and when
Che dit�h�s taexe bu1�E, thej* were built i:n 1$TQ'dollars.; $i$hteen-se+ve�ty dollars =g �
t�tould nq way cover:.l$7� co��s, b�t the problem.vtith khe"ditch Zaws was tlrat they
cauYd not-put uiare �11t� Ch� ditsh than w8s v�'#gi�al,Yy expendsd for ft.` �he District �
was,�rying Lo get:titAt in��.a �e�Yistic frame, �o they could work with i.t satis- �'
factt�rily; ho�iever:;:�t wae goiag to take time; .�hey k�ad ju3icial ditehes and county �'?
ci£�shas, many of wh�:� trad.fnoc seen any repa�� a+ibrk since the time they were installed`.
',�te ditch si,tuatiaii,, o� cai#YSa, �ompounded t#e- wate� problems in Cimes of heavy �
� wgter flrna�. ;� ; �
�`%s,- . , ,
° �.��sger_ asked Chst 'sritett` th�y� �id imprCve �hese dStehea, did �Ehat f:ricrease�� the ��
�oli'�ea� i:n.aedimen;�eCtion t�t t#�e't�ceek? . ; :
t�. Dfmke stated C�at iaas �3te` r�son fnr' preserving the warshes, xtot baeauae they
were marehes, but ths funrtlan [bat they:.did Was remaviug nutri`enEs fn the water,
aks:i? atilZiztg the sat�lemah�s out of the;waCer. xheir philosophy was tio try eo
pass w8ter thYOUg#i°sa�rskte� whenaver they coy,�d and that wa�,th� intent in ail of
tltei� ditch prnjea��. I�: Dimk� said they �iad a project �n toCa� af about $26 milli�#n
whiah was 50%, f�dersily.fu�utad-�td 25% state funded on the treating-of a12 storm
waGers that came th7eoit�h R,eseville, prden Hft118; and Shoreview he'faze they entered
� T,ong i,�ke; �hese,storm waters.vaese treated�`�,rt'a mateh azea. �t marsh aXea was �
abt�t 140 acres, ;q�xe infi�nt vs� to suspeicd'the chea�ica�:s in the w*ater.•3n the marsh
� aY�a be#nre "the waiter wen� �t�to }.i+� Lalte. ' ?
- � � �� � �:. :,�
tSC, $@udreau asked if the�e iper� any larig ra�ge plans #or clea��ng up the creek
bed,of Rice CreOkw '. � •
�':;'b�enlEe sCated Gtrat SEDA Ytad �tragrauaned Par shoYt �u�erEime and fa11 projacts. �
E; -'�It� ptoblem was t3i� need ts£ a supervisor. �f the City wo�sYd pro+tlde th� super-
afision, thep would �re vf��ing G+a cooperate,
2fr. Bow3reau st�ted he hsd ��ked the questiss� as he thought that.was-qne of the
' pr�rjects the E�ty a�2d t#��� to co�perate �r..
� �.
�z ,;_' '�
� , x; 9
, � �` 1.
J ` �s �>
� � ��� �.
: �-
y -_
A.�� t �..: .
j� }°
.f�. � . . , . : . ..
}�.,; �tere.on siated that at this point ia t:kme
-;��,;�Cangelo aad.T+t�. Af�ke caming to [he �
� �.�ice Creek Wat.ershed ptstrict worked �
f�i �;CnA��ratioa, Gl�e Coa�i�sian waald be ist
�ied �4L�p�,aqd th�y were a1:1 vitally intar.e
� ��
P� .S- f
Crnmntssion apprecisted -�
gac} telling the Co�ission '�
s of the tota•1 program. Rs
$d in the program �. Boudreau
a,yocke L8ke as it:related to
�' �;��ks and recreatina ,program. The ,�pmnissit�ta ��so felt thaC Rice Creek was
verq„`#f�poYtant eo thefr �otal :recresCion progr�:�;� '' :
i�t; gs�l:eau stated Claat :he would Zike to requea�i�ttt he and tke Covmission
;t$ce1�t& aop�e� of the minntes o€ Che Rice Cireek=„�ashed District's meeCings.
t�. T�ettBp$erlo"s��ted he would look iuto it and ��.at�-urged Mz. B�reau and the
�ommisaitui;�ambet8 Co attepd the: Rice Creek WateY.�}►ed meeCings which were held
, eyexy saecmd 'a'dd fausth Wednesday at the Ardea Iii;2i�'.City Hall, 1450 Highway 9b.
� ; p#�:' l�ice-asked Mr. Boudreau tq formalize a prope�&�. for the cleaning up of Rice
4'�,e,esler:#iF letter fomi through 1+&. Petrangelo £or prasentation to the Rice �reek
,. .
�aite�b�d Hoard. Mr. $wdreau agreed to do so.
�';� YeY.�aagelo stated they were=always receptive to citizen input,
' 3�Ir: p�LBrsora;again thanked Mr.:petrangelo aud MC. D#mke for attending the meeting.
, .t._ E. CqmPxe6�nsive Eark & Open S ee Plan -
� -
�,jyas}da8 aut a ses<of Criteria tha[ the Commission members had requested.
�c�rt&tecl_that to a�rize what had been Baid at the last Gommisaion meeting
�4� ��tey 3ocfu];d be talking abaut that evening was the deveiopment of: a park
r�, :�#�tj,�:, the City had several parks tha� eerued particular functions
����uot tte�essarily;ia the order of a system park that served the City as well
� should:,'So, these,parks had Eo be linked-�.n what was referred to as a
e�*. Y,iaking them re��,ther, whether it be [hrough the gikewayJWalkway System
. :
Irai^ �inds af op�u �<cg�ections, grovid�d certain advantages; First, it :r
ced recreation o}'s#�cs�;��s that the CiEy,h�d and- it allowed for movement
p�x�c>to park; it "�a�e more flexihle.�o Che needs of the neighbonc��ds.
c t� :and ta a.��q,� � ck�urmectt they tte�: ktad, Staff had to- go through a
��i pXVeesses � � sr�s the Iaventorj� tu gekther up all the data ahc�ut '
e� :;.;5scocully, �h��r;;��pi;2�d informa�ion ah'� klte c3ty park system as 3t now
� �3tizen in ut from 13 Nz borhood pro"ect Go�ittees
eti. .�hirdly, th�g gra�, , P �? J
a�.t�e Ca�i.ttees felt`vas ,needed as far as gask facilities in their ne#ghbor-
�`3ie €Snal set I.ed to the policy plan forr:�he.development of existing partcs, ,
�rlts�!,and a}�ea;space withia the comuwnity.
�n stated that one of the im�ortant -ti�ings th�y.wanted to develop within
3rk p�an i�-the "S��ry of,-Findingsr' was t13at the City of Fridley, in its ='`
t'i� SC.vge of funciing, was lacking same kind of strategic disbursement of Eunds.
`:nc+�+,:it,}�t� been done by a pressure system: is�at°it wa& realiy based on was
k bi-atazut$�i.,ctiterfa for these funds and that-was a very impartant-iEem that
o��l�e.x- .�#e- aheet entitled !�Criteria" Mr. Leek had handed out was tha '
�ed ch�g8s as far as s2tting up criterfs for regulatioa of disbursement of
�.. �s `: � ,
,. .
.. . ,f : _; ,
_ .
a�,�.:a__ _ . .� .. . _ . � . . . �. ..u,� �::� � . ... .. � . . :"i�?!'!R` :��..
�S & RI:CR�ATiUi� CflhHvF
Several people fran
the gatbage, tires,
trucks had brcrughr '
weeds ans] was'very
wasld be cleaned �p
Mr. Boardman sCatec2
A�tother concern a€'
their neighharhood +
neighborhood use-or
gatires . If ie was t
and garking probkem�:
�ir; Baaxdman atate
be`for neighborhoo
The question was r
wark was begun in
€, Mx'; Boardman s�tate
noti�ying,them whe
plan fcsr each neig
hir. Peterson thanksti
t�YT'TflN by 1an Seeger
be' i�acluded in the P,
giuen to steps whieh
elements ,of a pa�Tc` s;
for performitig arts)
unenitaous Lq .
i�E1TI�I by -8etty A�r 3
to the Parks � Opeu:^
t'� �iNG JUNE 27, 1�$i PAGE'b
� �
added tn significant
oz:recreatAan facilities n
b�comitag ths domttiant feat
iyas: i�fech srated she �eazud
tfir. ,,.�.�:...__ ....d..a:�... ��i
E V2
� a�e
i park as tkere were
: ornamenCal.-
� by Roha.n S�ttrbiex
as toti
__�. �1 r.` , ......., .�
rfdhoocl �,3 had attended the meeting with Che concem ot _,�
r�c., t�t was iit Benjaatin-gtiardale Patk. 'TFie Ci€y
esiuCa��2ng this ga�bage. It was now overgrorvn with
sa aud a health haz�rrcY:, They wanted to know when this
.� cixecic into it r3ght away,
��ac+rho�d 13 residep[s was that when theq had r�ceived
[ y Ntad'�a�nd�zed if" �l�ie ^€�e�d gat�es" rax'�a wa� ror
^'it wa� pianned eo 8e:us�d fQr city-wide organized
:d fo� riky-wide games; they worried about fhe traffic
.�,wa,s their intettt �n the Plan that ttie neighborhoocl parks ;
�Le� wheA and ff' the;neigltbOxhoods woutd be notified when
��ch neighborhood park area. `
� w�u'id contact tPt2 sf,eighborhoods,probably by mail,
n€7,d be woYking on Ehe camg�ehensive gar[c deneiopment
�Qa and would;give efie detes'of tho'se meetings.
ei"ghborhaod people°#or their interest and attendance. �
kdsd h� 8�tty Ann Mectt, titat the follnwi�g recommendation
ppeSa $pace Plan; !'j�tnediate conaide�a�3on shoultl be
rtimul.ate pubiic ok` piivate intereats: ixi' the- cultural
;fountafns, gardens; arboretum, htstoric sites, tacilities
m a vsice voC.e, a'i3 voting aye, the inoCion carried
�ecoIIded by Jan $�eger, to add the fcillowing reccm�mendation
rlan; ;T'p�namehtal �azk character is!a �ecassity throughout
i�±hie Iand fortns, �ter featurQS, and piant inaterial must
ttaCity'to supplem�r�t present plant m8terials. Development .
�st be assimilatec��i��thiA<the ARNAMENTAi. P�'?�`='�r�er than
�re. ° N,,�
:�e pn�'ks very bar� and this recopme�daCiqn spoke to that
: the mot3on might be an vbjective but was not meant for
ama ciCy parlts where the e�cmrinant feature was not' meant
xeecmded by getty p;�n Mee�',t, to ainend, the prevfous motion '
>lfcy �1 under Obj�e�ive'Z in�the "poii�y & Recommendations"� 1.
�u.I design of park� �ttd t�ereatian areas Eor"fiexfbili�,
i�e�'�cl appearanae is vita3, to e�ficient grograemin6,
�of `t�te entite sy"ste�#�.�"„�aA���a volae voee," ali voting �_ a
str��faees�iy . � . � "
s, s . . . �. .. � y
. . _ : _ . -. fi
.. :- C .:� . ,
,zmc:..'c... .. s. . � , psa�^� .�t�.� S , . e . .. _ _ s�em�.>'.
� � v 4�y+� yy�,s s r .r^ e � ¢ �r'� �' ' . � - � �,'�.S '� , � +y ';
H a
ru �- �' �yy,� �
" '°.->.t.� ` '` � 01 �
r� ` �
�� � ' � -: �- Y " �. ,��.� � .
� -. � .� � " ' ., �' �u'' '..` -
, . � .-
P1�� �&E�� CC.�fI55I0N MEETING JUNE 27' �,�,.�- �- - PdGE 7
_ �
�,f<�te�ar�sg,tp the "Gc3ala &°t�jeetives" of the PL�t'[, t?�:�PSo�rdman skated that each ���'
� go�jS �6i>vld be listed hrieE'Ly and the lengthy tfi�{����ivn that had been added to �,
�' r ;�ac��c"g6a�. �ra� not necessa�y aad should be under �'ii:�commeudatfons". �
�`.�• �.: � � s
��� �� �eeger, second�d by Robin Suhxbier, �ltaC Che °Goals & ObjBCtives" �.
Staiy a�;C`�ie� were originaliy adopted and that th€s sf�aEite that was xdded to the �
'TG���€, ��,}�ti�+es" be included in "Rec�me�da�f otisit to be brought back to the ;'
=`�Com�ss�ott:��°�3. approval . Upon a voice voL�,� �l voting aye, the i�vCinn ;
�ar'sf�i- s�tia��'ty. �
�0li hy�Jara $eeger, seconded by Betty Ann Mech, Chat Che rewrite of the Preamble
;.to he !fGna'�s tx (Nxjectives" be adopted. Upoa a voice vvte, all voting aye, the
�ot�on c�rried unanimously.
l�s.,`I4eeh-stated that ISe4gfiborhood 12 was shown se.hsvtng no input fram the Neighbor-
`,'iiood grvject C[�sAmittee. She stated she had wark�d en the Committee and they had
k ', stabmitted recoaenendations, in addition tp; a�na� isttidh;s3�e had prepared. She asked
�,, 8oaadm$n or ldr. Leek to please correct this ez�ro�:
IdE,;:Pete�son asked that Mr. Soardman have the revis�d."parks & OPen Space Plan��
� iead'p by tfie special July:llth budget meet3ng. 1'tze 8o�ission members wfluld Lhen
h� Li,�-t� revietv it for the regular Ju1y meet3ng and for that meeting; Staff
,s,ntauld a��a uat�#y the I�eighborhoad Project CanmitYees that the Coumiission would be
wor&#ttg .P� ada�rting Yhis document. „ ,:
�_� � �Ci�}r o€ Fz:Ld�ey Bikew�/Walkway Plan - Vern Moeu
�,� � < . � _._•_.--�---.- ,
"�,lit.;lioen.stated that ha had gotten a call from.t�c'; Boardman asking ehae the gike-
=;aapj�Wal�y Projec:t �ommitCee be revived after heit�g de-activated for a period of
'�-1D-�aths; $e said th�•;�3ty was divided into nis�_districts with a representative
�road eaeh district on tYse �+roject Conmittee. The���'rt�t�ere still several ai�eas that
� d�€i ±� heve �egresentat.$rm, The Project Coum�itte�,�iad a short meeting un ,�une 14
". .'with o[tly a few •�mbers .�hay hciped to have ano�te#.' meeting with all "the members
att;C�ey cvuld go on frc�m Clie gosition they wexe a� ,�kr�e mo�nt. They had+fmplemented
�itas4 1 a� °Lh+� �ikew�y/i�akk4�ay Plan. There had.,e�pearad-=to be sane proh2�m areas
' Chat' Wt�7ri�ci r�quire att�taCfan earlies and one o€ �lig8�: areas was the area along
'-$eat.R�i're�'.RQad starting at Osborne,Road and goi�� &uuth. 'Part of this was
sche{is���d fur Fhasa 1 and part of the 3mptovemeu.� o£ this bikeway was scheduled
'for:Pii�se 2'and, beea+��e of the expense, part was scheduled for Phase 3.` The
, no�th:snuEh-$ztery tix,�t Chis would serve was very 3�Po=tant on the gikeway/Walkway.
�ly_paacts_of Hest River Road groaided sufficient'Widih for striping and parts of
this wauld have to h� eonstrueted as an o£f-stxeet=gathWay which was most expensive.
$ut,�he said,, this was �uch a viCal area that it ��r�uld be considered earlier.
� Another thiag the:Pro}ectsCcxim�ittee felt waa �spa+r2ant was that the streets that
��ad .'marked bike lanes did not have any 'hao parking"-signs, and they woulii like to
get"eer�3in:`areae marked "no parking", at least-beCween certain hours'so bicycling
'` cau'kd be �afe and: practical on the lanes they nocs-had. Mr. Moen stated he would
I�k:e�to meeE with the Comni&sion again after the Pro}�ct Coirmittee had their next
c�t:[a$ .
XTi. y ' a% - . f ,� 'T
. e � —r
� �
r� � , T .: +,. ti dd . ��:: ' . . ` , .- � �_
��..\,� - _ . . �.0 *��.'p _
� '�1 ,' � _ � a' � � � .
t+e{R��i� �i"t�` �:3�t�1." TING JUNE ?7, i4'�'3. PAGB 8
Mr.'Pete�scm ti�anked Mt, t%to�ti £ost:�ning.' Ae sEated that': the Co�nission WQUid �
�, like the$�kewayjWaTksaay.�o 1s� secr�ftive to sde�e of the Cc�mmi�sion"s coricerns�� _
which was `Cha=�ras[spvft�ng: o# pets�j'.�e,. pria�er3�p young peaple, to th� CiCy'a parks
by bicycie,
Mr.;.Mpen sfiat�d that �iaa� baesa considered and was coverer� vsry weil fn the Plan.
Ms: Sgeger qtated tii� oqe: af �he �reas of pres6tem ta the Commissio[a .wsa,the north-
we�#s�ri-u�ost psrt o� •�ridl� w�ic�ti`: had a lack pf iarge park fari].3�i�s.: Because
af the b3kewa� nat �3.z�g inithat �tes, it was a problem. ' She pers�a}'�y wouid
, �fke to'know if any'ra�m'sid�rstictn_:was going to li� given to the fact that those
peap2e could use ati�r faciiitie8 in the park;�ystem if they 3iad' s��-way to get ;' ,
there wfthone en8angering C�ieir Zfves. �
' , ` ..i
pfr: I+taert stated tha� ;��5 �#� was a flexfble �i�a. '�icey wonid undeubtedly make '
changes �s tisey weut alrnTg�_*h� is�eal beiteg �trat'they would do iiMelY best to serve
all districts. i
Ms. ptech stateH th�t..�Eeese:mss a�ovely sraa ��r a walkway a2ong the r9:vex at t
Rfvervi�w Terrace aa�t� suggested tkiat the pta��ct C�ittee give th�t some consider- �'
ation. i"-
t�. S��er'.asked caity.''there �as a fiikeway path propassl on the noY�h-south road
ea�:t.o�"th2 �#urlin�t�n-Nor�hern Railraad 2racks.'' Nv oue was gof:n� ta hsve their
a��dr�tt cYOSa th�,.,C`raFks �o get to it. �C '
Mr.'�oardman stated G�te r�t+it� tlaey had kookesi at it at C�at titue n�ae prima�'ily
baeause th� �zere lootcing �or a 3coute to c�ect tha NorGh Pa�ic; �ure CQnEer with
a regional trail reut� �asf?west alang Kf:ce G'�eek. They-che�se th#� side because
it `was pret� mua3��d'e�tel�ped, insd Chey were able to get e.a�seai�ltC r�.ght-of=ways
with aYl tira indus:t�al p�t��ai'ti� in that area . With most of. ;the aticer areas ,
they �e�.t th�y cott2.t� get e�ements £or Ci�e Tahol:e stretc�' frGm 2�ort-h Paris ali the
ve�; south €o'Rice FE�eek wi�ii tihe-possibility nf cross-over poi�its. ghey were also
, � ,, �
, th3nkin� �t t,hat t#.� o� pvssibly d'evelopiteg a trai]: sy'6tem frqm Coon Rapida- Dam
ail the +aay �onth,>�'[s I�i�w��poiis': xhey had ��t -yet solved the cr4ssing po�iits .
;° �'he main th�i}g thay�r�ntec�=�t� bring out s�as `tro �hocr the caz�iec�ians of a11 the
�reas; Chey wantec� �o deve3dp scmie kind: of �.�+�tem that'wauld cv�ect all park
< fa.cilitias,.. shapp�ng areas, to utilize :tM�..t+�icew�y system so �es�pie-woatd use ;
: th�it bi�yctea foY`'isoth recreatian and shopp�u�'. �:
'y . .. .. . .:. . . . " � . ... ..
�. ,$�ger stated that as a Parks & BecY+eatfo� Co�nfssioner, s�e felt ac�eof the '
� was Chat �a�tic`ular area whicir' sh� "h,�d �ntioned earl3e� co get the ;. 3
p�dr�3e aad shildreri`aexos� East:Rivez Rei2d a�Chey could use Gbemt�4ne �ark or some
a� Che ca[her bigg�� parle� :Che City had. z
y , : ;; �
�. ' , ;
I�t.;�asrdman stated that t�C t�e City had tb }.aok ai €irst wag Che bike systems '.
4 ci�t�t��,tme ttei,ghbashoods �te�aselvea--trying to parnroide the max�.muin amc+unt of ;
e�iosure to the bfk+es+�ay �Cem which gave the maxis� amount af safetq cons3derations -
, i�l the ase aXea� Bi.�. ` q4sey had done exCensi:ve research and €ound that most
�, caf the bi.cycle tr� tkcg�'=�o�kC place were sMorL re�r�ation trips,' They alSO knew
3 �trat they did nai'�v� £� �.to devslpp �lte Tiiles gax�� syst;em and waule� �xot '� ;
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,:�5 b� R$�REARION COI4ILSSION MESTIIdG, JONE 27, ���`� '' < PAGE 9
. . . . . . . s*�*� . .
, B., Chancge Meeting; Date ancl Time of Cama�iss#a�t �;�ag
, � .,
3` Mr;.;�ir•k read the letter dated January 4, 19713 $�e9i Che City Manager to the
t `�` s Gd�i��,�� stating that ttee Parks & Recreation ion met on the same night
y A'x.
' as Citj* �pua�cil and sometia�es #his created praii�r;�. At the February 28, 1977,
� Ct�iB.�i�t;�eeCing, the �onmiission members ind%eat�d that they would keep their
,y, Mv�tda� s�eti,t� night and have it brought up agaitt'at the June 1977 meeting when
�� � ie e�ID��-,b,te ctiscussed with new Co�ission memhers.
F ` �
�` t' A��h t id�SCUSSion, the Commission members agieed:Co continue meeting on the
fo�hi'tTti i%YU�3dajx of each manth. Air, Peterson stated it should be brought back on
"' the agenda at the October meeting before the ne� calendar was made up for the 1978
�`, +i2: NEW BU&1NESS:
$e,�st �t�r Dunkfng Tub - John_� Darlene Zurawski
iRc:: Xirk stated that it was Mr. Boadreau's recoumendation that the Cou�ission
uot; al],ow_this group to use the dunking machine because it was a money-making
MOTSOrI bg J�n Seeger, ss.conded by Robin Suhrbier,-that the Ca�nissian give John and
Darlene Zurawski permission to use the dunking ma�hine for recreation but that the
Commission'objected Co it being used as a fund raiser. They could, however, accept
� dortaCfons withfn their �wa group. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
r �a�'riad uaa�fmously.
�''��. 33�GTf>R'S �8P(IRT:
Mr,;ftir]c stated that Mr.-Salas' soccer program had now become part af the F.Y.S.A.
pir. Pete�soa asked that M�r. Kirk talk to Mr. Tom;�(e�ring with regard to bylaws
for the &ocaer psogram ag the Co�ission would like:�o be looking at these with
the o�rgan�z8tion �n Janua�'y 1978 to have time to discuss'them before the soccer
seasvn tregan. This was o�e of the Coum�ission's palitsies.
$,. {CapiGai butlay.197$ $udget Request - Set $pecial.Meeting Date
Z+ir:; �oudreau had stated that he.felt it was very. tm�z,prtant £or the Coaunission
Co:set e special•meeting,;possibly July 11, to go'c�vezr the capital outlay 1978
�' ���� bt�dget., I�xr. $z�udreau said�-.he would like the Co�iss3,Qxt �members to put sos�e time
"��` �nd �#fptt inCo what they<saw as their capital outtt€�,needs. He would appreciate
'_' the�� g$vi,ng��him�that information the Iatter parC c��`�"t�ie=��foklowing week to give_
�tim Lim� io put it in synopsis form by July 11. He was supposed to have a budget
propbsal be#ore the City Manager by the th�rd w�ek in July.
xIte special 6udget meeting vas set for luly 11,::1977:.
t `-:;
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PARKS � It�C�EA CD •' I `�1�[tTBS J�iNE 21, Z- PAGB 10 }
C. ; Yisitation to P�� A��� �d gecteaeion A'tsgtam �ii
Rhe Co�nission meml��s agre�d ti�ai the vi�iti�Gi,ar� to the'park areas and the "'
reereation program o� Juue''23 �rag enjoyable �d Xnformative.
N�., kfecti-stated tha[`,the``pr,�ks aere very well,�ar�intained and improvement could
be `�$en. _ i
� � � � . �� � ,� �
Ms`, Seager stated th�t fihe ��aught [he tour c�+ts in#ozznaCive and: ifltete�tingi ` '
Mare than anything; �he S.i�sii l�arning C14e pla�ement of the parks.
U1`EiEit $USIt�SS: f ,„
; w .;
� � � �:<c..
t�is. Flech -stated ahg knew �:-id€. Ron $olan who-�iui in-prairie areas for peop3e and €
he had a slide prese�tta�i�i?�ha't was very goozi, " if [he Gomaiissian was agreeable, �" '
she would ifke t"9 `�iava hiai come ii�fore the Cr�ssion and g3ve his- ptessntation. ;'
MY..PeG^ersan stated �hat Chie was a good idea te keeg in mfnd Por'a meeting,in
August or gassibly`e'!�++en later ia>the fall as �iglit now their msek�ngs were quite full., '
g i�iTgi�d by Robin 3uhY�ier, secos�ded fiy J�tt geeger, tq adjourn tlie meetzng at
11;4Q p.m. �Ipon g votce vot�, akl voting apa, Che m�tion carried �nan�imously.
R .,�:'
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JULY 13, 1977
Chairperson Harris called the July 13, 1977, Planning Commission
Meeting to order at 7:35 P.M.
Members Present: Storla, Bergman, Harris, Peterson, Gabel+
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner
Mr• Langenfeld corrected the ^Members Present° listed on Page 1
to read •••••• Bruce Peterson. He indicated that the ^Members
Absent^ should read Bob Peterson.
MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Storla, that the
Planning Commission Minutes of June 22, 1977, be approved as
amended• Upon a voice vote+ all voting aye� the motion carried
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Ms• Gabel, to amend the
agenda to include item 5A, REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT, L•S. t77-07,
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
SP �77-04, APACHE CAMPING CENTER� Per section 205.101,
3N� of the Fridley City Code+ to allow sales and service
of recreational vehicles, on Lot 1, Block 1, Pearson's
Second Addition, the same being 77�1 East River Road N•E.
Public Hearing open-
Mr• Boardman presented the site plan from Apache Camping Center
to the Planning Commission. He said that the landscaping plan
had been drawn up by an architect. He pointed out that there
had been a meeting at the site involving Apache Camping Center
personnel and the neighbors. He said that nine items had been
drawn up at that time that were requested to be incorporated
into the Special Use Permit if it was granted.
The Planning Commission studied the plan they had before them.
Chairperson Harris wanted to know how many customer parking places
were being provided.
Mr• Paweiski of Apache Camping Center explained that there would
be enough parking space to accommodate 14 cars.
Chairperson Harris questioned the number of tent trailers and
regular trailers shown on the plan.
Mr• Pawelski indicated that they were showing the maximum number
of units that would be on the lot at one time•
Chairperson Harris asked if Apache Camping Center had had a chance
to look over the nine stipulations.
Mr� Pawelski indicated that they had reviewed the nine
stipulations and were in agreement. He said that Ms. Martin
had requested most of the items to be included as stipulations
should a Special Use Permit be granted•
Mr. Pawelski felt that the number of kinds of shrubs bei�g
required at the front of the building would obstruct the view
of the showroom from the street- He said that with some extra
care, the existing shrubs should be adequate.
Chairperson Harris questioned one of the stipulations dealing
with making sure the Special Use Permit would not be applicable
to any other business.
Mr. Pawelski clarified that Ms. Martin didn't want the Special
Use Permit to be allowed for use by someone else, should the
Camping Center move away at a future date•
Ms. Martin of 133 Stonybrook NE explained that she understood
that a Special Use Permit was issued to the owner of the property
and since Apache Camping Center would only be leasing the building
she didn't want to have to contend with an undesirable business
{used car lot, etc.} should the Campi�g Center move at a
future date•
Chairperson Harris explained that unless another Camping Center
moved into that building, the Special Use Permit would not
pertain. Ne said that each different business would need a
separate Special Use Permit. He indicated that the permit would
be issued for the outside storage of recreational vehicles.
Ms. Martin said that she and the Apache Camping Center are in
agreement on the thoughts, but she wanted to be assured that
they are in agreement on the words. 5he didn't want to have the
thoughts misinterpreted• One thing in particular she wanted
to have the wording exact regarding the displaying of vehicles
in front of the showroom. She wanted it to read, ^two cement
slabs adjacent to the showroom with one vehicle each on each
of the slabs. She felt that the way it had originally been worded,
it could have been interpreted as two vehicle on each of the
slabs, resulting in a total of four vehicles dispLayed in front
of the showroom. She said that she and the Apache Camping
Center had agreed on a total of two vehicles displayed in front
of the showroom.
At the request of Mr• Langenfeld, Chairperson Harris read the
nine stipulations to the audience• Mr• Paweiski clarified some
the the items as Chairperson Harris read them.
Mr� Pawelski indicated that he wo�ld be meeting with the owner
of the property regarding the nine stipulations• He said that
they were in agreement to fix the building, but didn't feel they
should have to handle the total expense of upgrading someone
else's property.
Ms. Martin explained that she had noticed t.wp semi-truck trailers
were being stored at the rear of the property. She said that
there was no objections to the ones presently there• She asked
that since the Special Use Permit would be issued to the property
owner, would he be able to use that permit to enable him to park
more of the semi-truck trailers on the property. She indicated
that if that could happen, then she felt that there would be
a lot of objections. She was sure that the neighborhood did
not want any semi-truck traffic in the area. She also felt that
it would be aesthetically unpleasing to have semi-truck trailers
kept at the rear of that property.
Ms. Martin continued to say that she understood that the trailers
did belong to the owner of the property and not Apache Camping
Center• She only wanted to know if the owner would have the
right of outside storage.
Mr• Wormsbecker of 13401 Southridge Road indicated that basically
the rear of the building in question was only being used as
cold storage and that it shouldn't be considered as a warehouse•
Mr• Boardman explained that if semi-trucks were going into the
area and delivering merchandise to be stored, then the building
would be considered as a warehouse and warehouses were not allowed
in the zoning presently on the property•
Ms• Martin wanted assurance that the neighborhood would be
protected from that type of situation being allowed. She felt
that the Permit should be worded NOW to assure there woUld be
�o misinterpretation of the intent of the Permit.
Ms. Martin indicated that there would be definite opposition to
a warehouse in the area.
Mr• Langenfeld indicated that if the stipulations were incorporated
into the Special Use Permit, that, in itself, would put a great
deal of control on the property• He explained that if in the
event the neighbors felt that a warehouse operation was taking
place, all they would have to do is call City Hall and someone
would be sent out to the property to check-out the complaint.
Ms. Martin explained that that was why she felt the stipulations
should be incorporated into the actual Permit — to be sure
the neighbors had a valid complaint should different occasions
Ms. Gabel wanted to know how long the_trailers had been on the
Ms. Martin indicated that she hadn't realized the trailers had
even been on the property until the night she met with the
personnel from Apache Camping Center at the site•
Mr• Pawelski didn't know the answer either• He was again in
agreement with Ms. Martin• He said that Apache Camping Center
didn•t want to have the trailers parked on the property either•
He felt that the more room the owner utilized, the less room
they would have for their Camper business.
Mr• Peterson questioned the stipulation stating, ^Drive way on
East River Road not to be used by customers^. He wanted to
know how Apache Camping Center would be able to control what
driveway a customer would use-
Mr• Wormsbecker explained that there was a driveway onto the
property directly from East River Road. He said that Apache
Camping Center would keep the gate on that driveway locked so
as to discourage anyone from using the driveway. He indicated
that Apache Camping Center intended to use the driveways located
on 77th Street-
Mr• Pawelski explained that there could be occasions when Apache
Camping Center would want to use the gate/driveway on East River
Road but that it would only be an occasional circumstance and
that customers would never be encouraged to use that particular
Mr. Ber9man pointed out that there was an error on the plat•
He said that the two cement slabs in front of the showroom
had not been indicated.
Mr• Storla asked what type of security lighting Apache Camping
Center planned to use•
Mr• Amundsom of Apache Camping Center indicated that it would
only be security lighting and would only illuminate the
Camping Center•
In answer to a question by Mr. Langenfeld, Mr• Pawelski indicated
that the business hours of Apache Camping Center would be�
Monday — Thursday
Closed Sunday
9:00 A.M. — 8:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M. — 6:00 P.M.
9:00 A.M. — 5:00 P.M.
He said that he felt the latest they would ever be open would be
9:00 P•M. He again indicated that all ingress and egress to the
Apache Camping Center would be via 77th Street.
Mr• Pawelski said that they had studied the landscape plan• He
indicated that basically it was an agreeable proposal and that the
only problem was that Apache Camping Center planned to get with
the landlord to discuss the plan and to find out if he would
handle some of the expenses involved with upgrading his property.
Mr• Langenfeld wanted to know the terms of Apache Camping Center's
lease agreement•
�r• Wormsbecker indicated that there wasn't an actual lease
agreement. He said that it was still a negotiable thing.
Mr• Pawelski said that when Apache Camping Center found out that
they needed a Special Use Permit, they decided to first find
out if they could get the Permit before they decided on the terms
of the lease•
Ms. Gabel asked what kind of lease Apache. Camping Center
Mr• Amundsom indicated it would be approximately a three-year
lease {minimum}.
Mr. Pawelski wanted to know why Apache Camping Center had to
replace all the shrubs presently on the property.
Mr• Boardman said that the landscaping architect had agreed that
some of the existing shrubbery couid remain as long as the
entire property was upgraded.
Mr. Langenfeld wanted to know the purpose of the six foot redwood
Mr• Boardman indicated that the six foot redwood fence was
basically for decorative purposes.
Mr- Peterson felt that the showroom should not be obstructed by
Mr- Boardman explained that the proposed landscaping would not
block the showroom visibility. He said that the City was only
suggesting the ideas. He indicated that Apache Camping:
Center would have to submit a landscape plan for City approval
before they would receive the Permit. He said that the Permit
would be held up until the landscape plan met with City Council
Mr. Bergman said that when a business had a glass-front showroom,
that the City should be careful �ot to require anything that
would conflict with the visibility of that showroom.
Due to a misunderstanding, the Public Hearing had been closed
at the June 22, 1977 meeting; therefore, it came to the Commission's
attention that the Public Hearing had not been opened.
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Mr• Bergman, to open the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
MOTION by Mr- Lange�feld, seconded by Mr• Peterson, to include
all the previous informal discussion into the Public Hearing.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Peterson, that the
Planning Commission receive the nine stipulations. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion car�ied unanimously-
Chairperson Harris requested a show of hands of people who were
in the audience regarding the item.
MOTION by Mr. peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the
public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion
carried unanimously and the Public Hearing was closed at 8:35 P.M.
Mr- Peterson indicated that the landscaping needs had to be
After some discussion, Chairperson Harris and Mr• Boardman
came to the agreement that the City Council had final
arbiCration regarding the approval of the landscaping plans•
MOTION by Mr• Ber9man, seconded by Mr• Peterson, that the
Planning Commission recommend to City Council the approval of
the Request for a Special Use Permit, SP �77-04, Apache Camping
Center: Per Section 205.101, 3N, of the Fridiey City Code, to
allow sales and service of recreational vehicles, on Lot 1,
Block 1, Pearson's Second Addition, the same being 7701 East
River Road N.E. subject to the following stipulations:
1} That the development of the property be generally
consistent with the plat plan {Exhibit A} submitted
by Apache Camping Center, corrected to show two
concrete slabs adjacent to the showroom-
2} That landscaping be improved subject to the approval
of City Staff, with showroom visibility acceptable
to the tenants and adjacent neighbors•
3} That there be no outside loudspeakers•
4} That outside lighting after 10:00 P.M- be limited
to security lighting of the property {the illumination
being such a nature that it would not be annoying
to the adjacent neighborhood}.
5} That there be the maximum of two units {one on each
concrete slab located adjacent to the showroom} displayed
in front of the showroom.
6} That there be no test driving in the residential area.
7} A�y unsightly storage be stored at the rear of the
property {behind the building}.
8} That the driveway on East River Road not be used by
9} Sales of motorcycles and snowmobiles be excluded•
UPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
$P �77-�7, ANDREW ft. EVANS: Per Section 205.051, 2A, of
the Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a
second accessory 5uilding, a 27' x 24' attached garage,
on the East 167 feet of Lot 7, Auditor's Subdivision No• 92,
the same being 6040 Benjamin Street N.E.
MOTION by Mr• Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Bergman, to open the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened at 8:51 P.M.
Mr• Boardman indicated that there would be a second accessory
building• He said that they presently had an attached garage
and that they were building another attached garage at the rear
of the house• This would be considered a second accessory
Mr• Langenfeld asked what the purpose would be for the second
accessory building.
Mr• Evans said it would be used for storage of a car/boat/
snowmobiles and other items that needed to be stored.
Mr• Langenfeld asked if the accessory building would be compatible
with the existing building.
Mr• Evans said that the buildings would all be the same — stucco,
color, etc.
Mr• Peterson wanted to know what the access would be to the
Mr• Evans said that there would be an additional driveway. He
explained that they were located on a corner lot and that the
second driveway would enter from the street to the garage at a
different point than the already existing garage•
Ms. Gabel asked on what street the current driveway existed.
Mr- Evans explained it was presently on Benjamin Street and the
other driveway would be on Ferndale Avenue.
Mr• Boardman showed the Planning Commission the proposed plan for
the additional structure.
Mr• Bergman wanted to know the size of Mr• Evans' current garage
Mr• Evans wasn`t sure of the dimensions, but indicated that it
was a single car garage.
Ms. Gabel showed concern for the elevation of the fiouse in relation
to the proposed deck/patio. She wanted to know if it would
encroach on the neighbor's privacy.
Mrs- Evans explained that they weren't really close enough to
anyone to encroach on their privacy•
Ms. Gabel asked what the dimensions were of the lot.
Mr. Boardman indicated that the lot was 165 feet from the back
lot line to Benjamin Street-
Mr- Bergman wanted to know what Mr• Evans planned to do with
all the buildings — single car garage and oversized double
Mr. Eva�s i�dicated he had two cars, one boat, two snowmobiles,
and other normal miscellaneous items that needed storage.
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the
public Hearing• Upo� a voice vote+ all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 9:00 P.M.
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Mr• Storla, that the Planning
Commission recommend to City Council the approval '
o�� the request for a Special Use Permit, SP �77-07, Andrew R• Evans:
Per Section 205•051, 2A, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the
construction of a second accessory building, a 27' x 24' attached
garage, on the East 167 feet of Lot 7, Auditors's Subdivision
No. 92, the same being 6040 Benjamin Street N•E• Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
'-TROGER STEflE: For retaining th� use of bo�h existing�
attached garages, and to permit an existing drive to his
original 12-1/2 ft x 22 ft garage to remain as is, per
Fridley City Code, Section 205•051, 2, A, *, located on
Lot 1, Block 5, Brookview Terrace.Third Addition, the
same being 870 Pandora Drive N.E.
*Please note that when the permit for a second attached
garage was issued on May 26, 1972, it was stipulated that
the driveway to the original garage be removed, and the
original garage be used just for storage.
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the
public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 9:�4 P.M-
Mr. Boardman pointed out that the main thing that should be
brought out was that in 1972, when a Permit was granted to build
an additional garage in the rear yard, it had been stipulated
that the original driveway was to be removed and the area filled
in and landscaped. The permit also stipulated that the original
garage was to be used for storage only• He went on to explai� -
that the petitione� was now before the Planning Commission for a
Special Use Permit that would enable him to use both garages
and both driveways.
Mr• Stene explained to the Planning Commission that he was aware
of the fact that he hadn't complied with the stipulations of the
Building Permit that had been granted in 1972. He told them that
his original intent, when he built the new garage was that he
planned to put a print shop in his home• He said that since that
time he had almost gone out of the Printing business and
he doesn`t plan to finish the original garage into a workshop
as he had previously intended to do• He said that now he
preferred to use the original garage as storage for material
he sells out of his home• He indicated that the material is
drop shipped at his home from the Manufacturer•
Mr• Stene went on to explain that the City had advised him
of the violation four days after he had parked his third �ew
car in the original garage. He_talked to Ron Holden of
Fridley City Hall to find out what he had to do to resolve the
problem. He said he had been informed by City Hall that he would
have to apply for a Special Use Permit in order to legally
continue using the original garage/driveway. He quoted to the
Commission exactly what he had been told by City Hall:
^Request for Special Use Permit for second accessory
building• This permit will not require any additional
construction. It would only allow the present hard
surface drive off of Pandora Dri�e-to remain• This was
originally stipulated to be removed on the Building
Permit. The garage door would remain as is in either
case• The property owner can drive over the lawn and use
the garage for car storage in either case."
Mr• Stene showed the Planning Commission a copy he had of the
original Building Permit. He also presented a petition that had
been signed by his adjacent neighbors approving of his current
intention• He indicated that only two of the neighbors wouldn't
sign the petition; one was an employee of the City and he was
not permitted to sign the petition and the other person lived
directly behind Mr. Stene and he had refused to sign.
Mr• 3tene showed the Planning Commission a picture of his house
as it currently appeared• He informed the Commission of all
the arti�les he needed all the additional space for — three cars,
two boats, six bicycles, snowblower, lawn mower, and other
miscellaneous items. He said he really wanted to be able to
park all his cars inside rather than having them parked outside•
He cited many incidents of vandalism that had occurred in the
past years• He said he had had at least 55,000 worth of
vandalism done, primarily to his vehicles.
Mr. Langenfeld pointed out that Mr. Stene had been required to
remove the driveway to the original garage in 1972 and that he had
not removed it. He wanted to know if by this request Mr• Stene
was trying to make right his violation.
Chairperson Harris said that he felt the intent of Mr• Stene
was to rectify the violation•
Mr• Stene said that he wanted to be at peace with the neighbors
and with the City and that he was willing to do whatever was
necessary to rectify the matter• He especially wanted to have
some type of peace with the neighborhood in -hopes that possibly
some of the vandalism would stop-
Mr. Bergman wanted to know if Mr• Stene planned to leave the
garages exactly as they were.
Mr• Stene said that there would be no construction involved.
Mr. Langenfeld wanted to know why Mr• Stene had posts in
his front yard.
Mr• Stene indicated that after having ten ^yard jobs^ done last
year he decided to have the posts installed. He said that it
had cost him close to 51,500 to repair damages done by the
^yard jobs^. He said he felt better {and safer} having the
posts present- He indicated that he took pride in keeping his
yard nice and he couldn't figure out why someone wanted to
keep ruini�g it. He said that he had even had his Home Owner's
InsuraRCe dropped by one Company because of the unusual amount
of damages and vandalism claims they had to cover.
Ms. Gabel wanted to know what type of business Mr- Stene was
operating out of his house•
Mr. Stene indicated tfiat he sold ink rolls. He said he had put
a print shop in his basement and operated it for 12 years. He
said when he had put the second garage on, the original garage
was primarily used as an access to the Printing Shop, plus
storage. With his decision to take a new course of employment,
Mr� Stene decided on the particular course of employment of
selling ink rolls• He said that he did have to keep some
inventory but that the total space utilized in his house was
an area 1-1/2 feet by six feet. He indicated that he would
primarily use the garages for storage• He said that he wouldn't
be using the garage as any business venture• He indicated that
there would be no workshop or office put into the garage•
He said he would basically use the garages as storage for his
personal belongings.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if Mr• Stene stored goods for resale in
his house•
Mr• Stene estimated that he stored approximately 5750 — 51,000
worth of inventory for resale in his house•
Mr. Langenfeld wanted to know why Mr• Stene had not done as the
stipulations had required•
Mr. Stene said that he had not been prepared to finish the
original garage at the time he built the additional garage-
He said that there seemed to be too many other things that
seemed more pertinent to him than removing the existing
driveway. He said that he wasn't sure of which direction he
planned to go with his future and since he had decided against
having the workshop, he just never got around to removing the
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was closed at 9:22 P.M.
Mr• Langenfeld read the definition of a Home Occupation that
came out of the Code Book 205.02 because he felt that the
Commission first had to determine if a home occupation did exist.
Chairperson Harris indicated that at present there was a
business in existence; however, he was not sure if there had
been a business venture in the past•
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Mr. Peterson, that the
Planning Commission recommend to City Council the approval of
the Request for a 3pecial Use Permit, 3P �77-08, Roger Stene:
For retaining the use of both existing attached garages, and to
permit an existing drive to his original 12-1/2 ft by 22 ft
garage to remain as is, per Fridley City Code, Section 2D5.051,
2, A, located on Lot 1, Block 5, Brookview Terrace Thivd Addition,
the same being 870 Pandora Drive N.E.
Mr. Bergman said that even though Mr• Stene had been in violation
of a previous Building Permit, he felt that Mr• Stene had a
reasonable request.
Mr. Langenfeld wanted to know if there was any ordinance to
curtail home operations-
Mr. Stene said that he had been confronted at the time that a
semi-truck had jack-knifed in that intersection. He had been
told at that time that a home operation/business would not
get involved in anything involving color TV, nothing that
involved a lot of traffic {he pointed out that Beauty Shops
did not violate the ordinance and that for sure his business
did not generate as much traffic as a beauty shop}, and that a
home business could not result in any offe�sive noise to the
neighborhood• He said that any construction equipment had to be
stored in an enclosed building and that an 18 x 24 sign was
allowed but could not be directly lighted.
Mr• Langenfeld asked if any insurance company had denied him
coverage because of his home operation.
Mr- Stene said that he had never been caneelled by an insurance
company because of his home business. He said that his business
was not even large enough to require a fire extinguisher• He
said that he indeed had fire extinguishers, but he did so mainly
for his own safety and peace of mind.
Mr• Stene apologized to the Commission for not compling with the
previous permit.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
SHERWOOD JORDAHL: Per Section 205.051, 3D� of the Fridley
City Code, to allow the construction of a double bungalow
in R-1 zoning {single family dwelling units}, on Lot 6,
Block 2, Spring Valley Addition, the same being 1441-1443
Rice Creek Road N.E•
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Ms• 6abe1, to open the
Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened at 9:33 P.M.
Mr• Boardman indicated that the petitioner was requesting a
Special Use Permit to enable him to build a double bungalow on
an oversized R-1 zoned lot. He said that the petitioner met
all the code requirements as far as lot size, etc. but that he
needed the Special Use Permit to allow a double bungalow on a
R-1 lot.
Mr• Jordahl showed the Planning Commission a plan of the double
bungalow indicating a few changes that had been decided since
the drawing up of the plan.
Mr• Peterson asked if Mr• Jordahl would be living in part of the
double bungalow.
Mr. Jordahl indicated that he would be living in part of the
proposed double bungalow-
Mr• Herbert Hart of 1450-64th Avenue NE voiced definite objection
to the constructing of a double bungalow on that lot. He said
he had brought his house five years prior after spending previous
years in a double bungalow. He didn't like the idea of the
constant turnover that went with rental property• He said that
too many times people rent the property that are basically
undesirable. He felt that rental property completely surrounded
by single family dwellings was a bad idea.
Mr- Langenfeld asked if Mr• Hart was still in objection if the
double bungalow was owner occupied.
Mr• said that owner occupied would be better but that he
still opposed•
In answer to an inquiry from the audience, Mr• Jordahl said that
the double bungalow would be in the S90,OD0 range. He said that
there would be approximately 1,000 square feet on each floor•
Ms• Karla Larson of 7528-75 Ave NE pointed out that a$90,000 home
would have to indicate that a reasonably stable family would have
to live in the other part of the double bungalow since the rent
would have to be in an awfully high bracket•
Chairperson Harris wanted to know if all the property in the
area had been developed or built on.
Mr- Boardman explained what existed near the lot in question-
He went on to discuss where all the homes near the lot in
question were located.
Bergman asked if Mr• Jordahl owned the property•
Jordahl said that he did own the property.
Mr- Langenfeld asked if Mr• Jordahl planned to make the double
bungalow his permanent residence.
Mr• Jordahl said that he hoped to make.,ihe-house his permene�t-
residence- He said that he and his family liked the area and
that they would like to be able to build a home that would help
pay for itself•
Chairperson Harris �skQd if it would be feasible for Mr• Jordahl
to build a single-family dwelling-
Mr• Jordahl said that he wanted to build a double bungalow and
did not want to have to consider building a single-family
Mr• Langenfeid wanted to know if it would cause Mr• Jordahl an
economical hardship if the request was denied.
Mr• Jordahl indicated that it probably wouldn't cause an
economical hardship but he felt it would be easier and better
if the request was granted•
Mr. Bergman wanted to know why the proposed house would have a
60 foot setback from the property line.
Mr• Jordahl said that it had been recommended to him by the City
so that his house would be in line with the other houses in the
At that point there was a discussion amongst the Planning
Commission and Mr• Boardman regarding required setbacks.
Ms. 6abe1 asked Mr• Jordahl if he realized that there was some
incompatibi2ity created by his building a double bungalow in an
area of single-family dwellings•
Mr. Jordahl said that he felt the main concern of the
neighborhoods regarding rental property would be the undesirability
of tenants. He felt that there would be no problems involved
since the rent would be in the upper bracket numbers•
A person from the audience stated that he felt the double bungalow
would actually be a nice addition to the area. He didn't feel
it would depreciate the value of the other homes in the area
at all•
Ms. Gabel asked if Mr• Hart felt any differently about the
proposed double bungalow after hearing the different discussions.
Mr. Hart said that it was still a shock• He said that perhaps
it would really be fine and everything would work out, but he
still felt it would be nicer if a single-family dwelling was
constructed on that lot.
MOTION by Mr• Langenfe2d, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the
Public Hearing• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried una�imously. The Public Hearing was closed at 9:55 P.M.
MOTION by Mr- Langenfeld, seconded by Mr• Peterson, that the
Planning Commission recommend to City Council the approval of
the request for a Special Use Permit, SP �77-09, Sherwood Jordahl:
Per Section Z�5.051, 3D� of the Fridley City Code, to allow the
construction of a double bungalow i� R-1 zoning {single family
dwelling units}, on Lot 6, Block 2, 3pring Valley Addition, the
same being 1441-1443 Rice Creek Road N•E.
Mr. Langenfeld pointed out that City Council would have to have
a 4/5 vote to approve the Special Use Permit.
Chairperson Harris indicated that he was voting against the motion
because he felt there would be an incompatibility in the area.
He felt that a single-family dwelling would be better•
Ms. Gabel indicated that she would be voting against the motion
for reasons of incompatibility• She said that there were all
single-family dwellings in the area and she felt it would be a
spot rezoning-
Mr• Bergman pointed out that there wasn't any objections obvious
since only one person had showed up at the meeting to voice his
Mr• Langenfeld didn't feel that the general welfare of the public
was being jeopardized.
UPON A VOICE VOTE� Mr. Langenfeld, Mr• Peterson, and Mr• Bergman
voting aye; and Ms. Gabel and Chairperson Harris voting nay,
the motion carried•
{Formerly P.S. �64-04}, being a replat of the North 163.64
feet of the South 551 feet front and rear of the Northwest
Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, T-30,
R-24, Anoka County, generally located East of Central
Avenue N-E• and West of Arthur Street N•E, on
the South side of 76th Avenue N.E.
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the public
hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously• The Public Hearing was opened at 10:00 P•M.
Ms. Karla Larson was representing Mr• Gary D Aigle•
Virgil Ishaug
Ray Czypta
John Hennes
Jan Thomas
Peggy Strasser
Susan Thomsen
Fred Limesand
Sharon Limesand
1373 - 75 Ave NE
7620 Bacon Drive NE
7600 Arthur Street
1463-75 Avenue NE
75�8 Arthur Street
1483-75 Ave NE
1409-76 Ave NE
1409-76 Ave NE
AlI the above people were present at the meeting regarding the
above item•
Mr• Boardma� explained that originally a plat went through in
1964. At that time he explained it had not been recorded to the
County and has not been recorded in the County since•
He said that according to Code, they have to have a plat recorded
in the County within 90 days otherwise they have to get
reapproval from the City. He said that at this time they are
requesting reapproval on the plat• He indicated that
there had been some recommendations that should be placed on the
plat that were not on the plat previously, namely the
easements needed — a ten foot walkway easement along the south
side of lots 1& 2, Block 1, for access to the City Park property;
also five foot drainage and utility easement along the street
side of all the lots-
Chairperson Harris wanted to know why the City needed additional
easements over and above the already requested 60 feet•
Mr• Boardman indicated that he wasn't sure of the reasoning
but that it was standard procedure in the Engineering Department•
Ms. Gabel wanted to know if the easement could be used in the
frontage setback requirements•
Mr• Boardman said that the property owner couldn't build on the
easement but that they could use the footage when determining
the setback•
Chairperso� Harris asked Ms. Karla Larson if she had had an
opportunity to see the proposed plan.
Ms. Larson discussed the proposed plat with the Planning Commission
Mr• Limesand wanted to know what would be built on the lots
that were being discussed•
Ms. Larson indicated that there would be 13 single-family homes•
She asked if the audience was concerned that the plans would be
for low housing development•
The audience indicated that that was their main concern.
Ms. Larson indicated that the lowest price that would be
paid for any of the homes would be $49,900 and the cost would
only go up from that point• She explained that there would be
seven styles that would all be different.
The audience was very much against any type of home that would
resemble the 235 Program homes that had been build in the area•
Ms. Thomas wanted to know if there would be any guarantee that
all the homes wouldn't be the same•
Ms. Larson indicated that they couldn't really know before the
lots were sold but again emphasized that it was not low i�come
housing and that it would be unlikely that all the homes would
be exactly the same•
Ms. Peggy Strasser wanted to know if the seven homes would be
b�ilt and then used as display models.
Ms. Larson said that there would be no model homes built. She
said that people would go into the Realty office and decide
what they wanted and then the home would be built to their
Mrs. John Hennes said that when the 235 Program was brought into
the area they had been told that there would be a variety of
homes but because of the water table, they ended up all being
built as split entry homes- She wanted to know if the City
could check the water table to insure that that wouldn't happen
Mr- Bergman indicated that the Planning Commission was talking
about the approval of a preliminary plat and the approval of
that plat would not be any guarantee of the type of house that
would go on the lot nor would it involve any commitments as to
what would go on the lots• He said that the decision would
not tie the lots to anything other than a single-family dwelling,
and the size of the lot•
nr• Boardman said that the City didn't have much control over
whether a developer would or would not develop low income
housing• He indicated that the origina2 235 program is no
longer available• He said that the only types of Programs
available would be the type of individual subsidy programs
or mortgage loan programs• He said that the City didn't always
have the control and that most of the time it would be between
the developer and HUD•
Mr• Peterson indicated that the City has developed through the
various hearing processes within the City a housing goal as far
as housing is concerned a�d part of that goal was to encourage
all types of housing within the City of Fridley.
Mrs. Ray Czypta indicated that the point they wanted to make was
that the area already had low income housing and that they
didn't want any more.
Chairperson Harris suggested that the neighbors concerned about
this item get together with Ms• Larson and discuss with her the
things they were concerned about. He thought that they would
get more satisfaction letting the developer-know what they
would and wouldn't like. He was sure the developer wanted to
be in harmony with the neighborhood.
Ms. Larson again pointed out that she was almost sure that the
developer didn`t want to construct housing for low income programs.
She invited the neighbors to stop by the office at any time and
they could discuss all the plans that the developer had-
Mr• Boardman pointed out that in 1953 there had been a lot split•
He explained that the lot split split off parcels 950 and 955
and the rest of the plat was parceled off as 960• He said that
the plat was first presented in 1964 which was 11 years after
the lot split. He said that the original plat was in error•
He gave the information to Ms• Larson and asked that she submit
it to Suburban Engineering and then get in contact with City Hall•
Chairperson Harris explained to the audience that there had been
a lot split on lots 7, 8 Block 2 which would be the west end
of the property. He indicated that the lot split took place in
1953 and if the people that split the lots had received a
mortgage, then a plat had to have been approved-
MOTION by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously• The Public Hearing was closed at
10:47 P.M.
Ms. Gabel indicated to the audience that they should definitely
get together with the developer of the land and voice their
oppositions. She said that the Planning Commission really
couldn't do a lot regarding the styles of the houses. She said
that they, as the general public, could make themselves heard
by going directly to the developer and letting him know what
they did and did not want-
MOTION by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Mr• Peterson, that the Planning
Commission recommend to City Council the reapproval of
Meadowmoor Terrace Second Addition, P.S. �77-05, by Gary D Aigle:
{Formerly P•S. �64-04}, being a replat of the North 163•64 feet
of the South 551 feet front and rear of the Northwest Quarter
of the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, T-30, R'24, Anoka
County, generally located East of Central Avenue N.E. and West
of Arthur Street N.E., on the South side of 76th Avenue NE
with the following adjustments and/or corrections:
That Lot 7& 8, Block 2, be removed from the Plat•
That five foot easements as recommended by City
Engi�eering be included {76 Avenue, Garfield Street,
and Arthur Street}-
A five foot easement off Lot 1& 2 of Block 1 and a
five foot easement off lot 1, Block 1, Don's 5th,
to provide egress to the park property to the west•
UPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No• 108, into the following
three parcels: A: The West 96 feet of that part of the
3outh 2/3 of Lot 4, A.S. �1�8, Anoka {ounty, which lies
North of the South line of the North Half of Lot 4, Subject
to easement for 73 1/2 Ave N.E. the same being 1601-73 1/2
Avenue N.E. B� That part of the South 2/3 of Lot 4,
A.S. �108, Anoka County, which lies North of the South line
of the North Half of said Lot 4, except the West 96 feet
thereof, subject to road easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N•E•�
the same being 1611-73 1/2 Avenue N.E., and Parcel C: The
South 1/2 of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No• 108, Anoka
County, subject to road easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N•E•
Mr• Mark Haggerty and Mr• Zollie Barrett were present to discuss
the item.
Mr• Boardman explained that what they wanted to do is divide the
lot into three parcels of land• He pointed out that an area
had previously been vacated and split• He said that they wanted
to divide part of the lot into two parcels and the other half
of the lot into one parcel {south half of lot 4}.
Mr• Haggerty explained that all the parcels would be very deep
but not wide enough. He said that adjacent neighbors had been
contacted but that they didn't wish to sell any of their property•
He pointed out that originally when it had appeared that Lakeside
would have been continui�g down, the lot would have been
155 x 85 feet and that would have resulted in a large corner
lot. When the City vacated Lakeside he said that 25 feet was
added and the decision made the lot a non-corner lot. He
pointed out that even if only one house was put on the two
parcels, they would still need a depth variance because there
would only be 85 feet. He felt that splitting the parcel would
be feasible- He said that they would be able to maintain a
quality building and, obviously, would be able to keep the costs
Mr• Haggerty felt that this was a hardship situation.
Chairperson Harris asked about the setbacks in relations to the
proposed cul-de-sac in the area.
Mr• Boardman explained that the houses would have to be placed
as far to the left of the property as possible- He also pointed
out that because of the fact that the street never went in, it
had created a hardship mainly because the lot had already been
split and had been predestined what the lot depth could be. He
said that with the vacation of the street a depth problem was
created. He felt that it was indeed a hardship situation.
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seco�ded by Mr. Bergman, that the Planning
Commission recommend to City Council the approval of the request
for a Lot Split, L.S. #77-07, K.B•n. Investment Company,
represented by Wyman Smith: Split the balance of Lot 4, Auditor's
Subdivision No. 108, into the following three parcels:
A} The West 96 Feet of that part of the South 2/3 of
Lot 4, A.S. �108, Anoka County, which lies North of the
South line of the North Half of Lot 4, Subject to
easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.� the same being
1601 - 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.
B} That part of the South 2/3 of Lot 4, A.S. t108,
Anoka County, which lies North of the South line of
the North half of said Lot 4, except the West 96 feet
thereof, subject to road easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.,
the same being 1611 - 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.;
C} The South 1/2 of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No- 1DB,
Anoka County, subject to road easement for 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.
UPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Chairperson Harris declared a short break at 11:15 P.M•
Chairperson Harris called the meeting back to order at
11:25 P.M.
MOTION by Mr- Peterson, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the
Planning Commission receive the letter from Herman Bergman,
Chairman Community Development Commission, dated D6/02/77.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mr• Bergman requested that the name of Kraig Loftquist be
removed from the list of names that the memo was mailed to•
Chairperson karris thanked the Sign Committee for their=diligent work.
Mr• Bergman indicated that Ms. Gabel had put in many hours on
the Sign Ordinance•
Mr• �angenfeld stated that it had been a job well done•
MOTION by Mr• Bergman, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, that the
Planning Commission receive the letter from Ms. Pat Gabel,
Chairperson of the Sign Project Committee, regarding the
Maintenance and enforcement• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously•
Mr. Boardman started to go through the 3ign Ordinance explaining
the changes that previously had been made- He explained
that most of the definitations had been left as they were. He
said that a few c#ianges �ad been maae `and 'som�' cutting tvad been
�done if ttre item hadn`t been needed or�!�ed el-sewhere ln the°
Ms• Gabel indicated that the Committee understood that that
could happen since they did the definitions first and had decided
to put everything tNat they thougFit migkt-appl.y-
Mr• Bergman wanted to know if all the changes that had been made
at the Community Development meeting had been incorporated
into the Ordinance.
Mr• Boardman said that the changes/corrections had all been
incorporated except for one that had been erroneously overlooked
but he said that it would be put into the Ordinance.
Mr• Boardman explained that the very first portion was SIGNS
PROHIBITED IN ALL DISTRICTS: {he went on to list the signs}
All permanent signs placed within the street right-of
way except for government signs•
Signs or wall graphics that contain words/pictures that
are obscene.
Signs painted directly on the building•
Portable signs except those under Uses Permitted in all
3igns that resemble official traffic signs or signals that
bear words used for traffic control {Stop, Go, Slow, etc•}�
Signs by reason of size, location, moveme�t, content, color
or manner of illumination may be confused with traffic
control signs.
Projecting signs, motion signs, illuminated signs that
change in either color or intensity of light or is animated
or has flashing intermittent lights including traveling or
electronic message centers or electronic message centers that
change more than once every 15 minutes except one showing
time, temperature, or other public information•
Ms. Gabel was concerned with this wording because
she was aware of a person who would be going before
City Council requesting a variance and she would
be very much against the fact of having a traveling
electronic message center on 52nd 8�entral Ave NE.•
Ms• Gabel wanted the words ^that change more than once
every 15 minutes^ removed•
Mr• Peterson wanted to know if Ms. Gabel was totally
against traveling electronic message centers or just
against the particular one on 52nd & Central•
Ms. Gabel said she was basically against the signs
in general• She didn't want to see the major highways
to turn into highways of flashing message centers•
Advertising signs except those allowed only in C1, C2, CR1,
C1S, C2S, CR2, etc.
Signs located within corner setback requirements.
Roof signs.
Revolving beacons, zip flashers, and similar devices and
other sources of lights that changes intensity are prohibited.
Portapanels and readerboards except those dispensing public
Ms. 6abe1 asked about Drive-In - Tigns• She said that
the readerboard outside the Drive-In Theater was
vital to the livelihood of that Theater. She said
that the original intent of the Project Committee
was not to get rid of the readerboard at the Drive-
In Theater or City Hall or Bob`s Produce but rather
aimed at disposing of the ^Blue 3igns^ that some
fly-by-night outfit sold throughout Fridley that were
now falling apart and aesthetically unpleasing in general•
There was some discussion amongst the Commission
regarding the actual definition of a reader board
and what would be allowed to be displayed on a
Reader Board.
Chairperson Harris suggested saying that NO Readerboards
would be allowed except by Special Use Permit.
Ms. Nancy Jorgensen of Naegele, 1700 W 78 St. Minneapolis, spoke
in favor of Signs/Billboards. She felt that billboard advertising
was very vital to the livelihood of many industries and businesses
in Fridley {she had a list of several in Fridley}• 3he also
mentioned that it was also a very vital livelihood for Naegele•
Chairperson Harris
read ^a sign which
services^;would be
brought up_a part of
is used to advertise
the Sign Ordinance that
products, goods, or
Discussion ensued regardi�g signs that could be either an
identifying sign or an advertising sign and who would determine
exactly what the sign was being used for•
Basically the question arose of where the line was drawn between
identification signs and advertising signs.
Ms• Gabel said that the item had to be readdressed and worked
on by the Project Committee-
Chairperson Harris wanted to know if the intent was to eliminate
any more billboards in Fridley•
Ms. Gabel said that that was the Project Committee's intent•
Ms. Jorgensen felt that the Committee was shutting down an
avenue of advertising for many business people in the City
of Fridley• She said that it was one of the least expensive
method of advertising• She felt that the Committee was
making a mistake•
MOTION by Mr• 9ergman, seconded by Mr. Peterson, that the
Planning Commission discuss the Proposed Sign Ordinance at the
next meeting• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously-
MOTION by Mr- Peterson, seconded by Mr- Bergman, that the
Planning Commission continue the Proposed Housing Maintenance
Code at the next meeting- Upon a voice vote, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously-
JUNE 21, 1977
MOTION by Mr• Peterson, seconded by Mr• Langenfeld, that the
Planning Commission receive the Environmental Commission Minutes
of June 21, 1977. Upon a voice vote, all voti�g aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
Mr• Langenfeld urged the Planning Commission members to attend
the slide presentation of the Noise Pollution Seminar sponsored
by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on July 19, 1977, at
7:30 P.M• He felt that the meeting would be most worthwhile.
MOTION by Mr- Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Gabel, that the
Planning Commission receive the Appeals Commission Minutes of
June 28, 1977.
Ms. Gabel asked that the last paragraph on Page 73 be changed
to read ^Ms. Gabel felt that something could possibly be done
administratively to enable the Appeals Commission to approve
variances of the type that had been discussed regarding
Mr• Chies".
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously-
JUNE 27, 1977
MOTION by Mr- Peterson� seconded by Mr• Bergman, that the
Planning Commission receive the Parks and Recreation Commission
Minutes of June 27, 1977• Upon a voice vote, all voting aye�
the motion carried unanimously•
Mr• Peterson explained that there were several items/comments
in the minutes that would have to be included in the Parks
and Open Space Plan.
Mr- Langenfeld informed Mr• Peterson that the Environmental
Quality Commission had been deeply concerned that they had not
been invited to the meeting whe� Mr• Ton Petrangelo spoke on
� the subject of the Rice Creek Water Shed District-
Mr• Peterson explained that the idea of inviting Mr• Petrangelo
to speak came up when it was discovered that no one on the Parks
and Recreation Commission really knew for sure how the Rice
Creek Watershed District related to what the City was doing with
Parks 8 Recreation-
Mr. Langenfeld indicated that he wasn't quite so upset since he
was now aware of the reasoning behind the decision.
A} City Manager's Letter regarding Code of Ethics
Chairperson Harris indicated that the Planning
Commission members were to take the letter to their
respective Commissions and discuss it• He said that
the Planning Commission would discuss the letter at
the July 27, 1977, meeting.
B} parks and Open Space Plan
Mr. Boardman indicated that all the membe�s of the
Planning Commission had received a copy• He said that
discussions would begin next month so the Planninq
Commission members were requested to review the Plan
before that time•
C} Revising the Planning Commission �eetings
Mr. Boardman indicated that the Planning Commission
Meetings would be revised so that all the Public
Hearings would be taken care of at the first meeting
of the month and the general business would be .
handled at the second meeting of the month.
He felt that by so_conducting the meetings, everything
would be handled in a^cleaner^ and more efficient
MOTION by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Mr- Peterson, to adjourn
the July 13, 1977, Planning Commission Meeting• Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously•
Chairperson Harris declared the meeting adjourned at 1:05 A.M•
Respectfully submitted,
MaryLee Carhill •
Recording Secretary
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