PL 12/07/1977 - 6623��. ���I Pi.�NNiNG COMMISSION MEETING City of Fridley A6ENDA I�ED�dESDAY, OEGEMBER 7, 1977 CAtL TO QRDER. ROLL GAI�L: APPROYE, A�:ANNIN6 COi�fiISSION 19INUTESr NOtlEf36ER 23, 1977 T. .IC AEARING: REZOtJING F1Y SUNDIItE RE"RLT1'—C�t�iP�tdY: Rezane that part of the North 80 eet o Lot 6, udztor s Subdivision No. 25, lying Easterly of the Nortfieasterly right of way line of the outer drive of the State Trunk Nighwa;/ r65, and F7est of a line 1253.20 feet West of the East line of said Lot 8, as measured at right angles to, and parallel with, the East line of said Lot 6, from R-3 (general multiple family dwellingsa, ta CR-1 (general offices and limited businesses,}, the same being 961 Nitlwind Road N.E. (Public Hearing open} and 2. CONTZNI��D: REQUEST FOR LOT SPLIT, C.S. #77-14, BY SUNDIA �2EALTY'CO1�P�4NY: SpTit off that pari of Lot 6, Auditor's Su iv�s�on Clo. 25, as described in rezoning request, the same 6eing 961 Hiliwind Road N.E. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FQR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT proeessing dro -of tiooth, per Fridley City Code., Section 2a5.1b1, 3> (I�, to be located in the parking lat, whicfi is part Qf Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision No. i55, the same 6eing 250 57th Avenue N.E. ''4. PUBLIC HEARIN6: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #77-05, BY 5. � 6. tc,�;r.. �uKruKxttun: Kezone rrom �-za �generai snopp�ng areas to C- S loca7 shopping areas), Lot 1, Biock t, Pearson's Fist Addition, the same being 7899 East River Road N.E. H Miuil tYtKi'S HUU111Ut�, B7 HKlNUK L. tKtIHG t52TT19 d rep�at or lot 19, except t e fast 90 eet thereof; and except tfie i,fest �7 feet taken for highway purposes; and the West 147074 feet of Lot 18, all in Auditor's Subdivision No, 129� {This prelirninary plat replaces Central Townhouse Flat(not recorded) and is generally located at the Intersection of 73rd Avenue and Central Avenue N.E. €ONTINUED: PARK & OPEP; SPACE PLAN 7:30 P,M. PAGES 1 - 12 13 - !!7-A � 19 - 22 23 - 27 28-31 Separate Planning Corronission Agenda for 1Jednesday Decem6er 7, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. �� Page 2 _ _ PAGES �', RECEIVf GQMh1UNITY DEVELOPMENT COMIHISSION MINUTES: 32 - 35 NOY_ fR : 7 77 36 - 47 $. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES`. NOVEMBER 29, 197� 9. `REGEIVE'PARKS & RECREATION COh1MTSSION hIINUTES: NOVEMBER 48 - 53 28� 1Q. `REC�IY� ENYIRONP7ENTAL QUALITY-EOMMISSIOPJ MINUTES: AT MEETING N(}V�. R� 9 _ 1977 +' 11� OTHER BUSINESS: AD36URNMEPi7': �� , �;. »»'� CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAI3NING COMMISSION MEETING NOVI��IBER 23� � g77 x ;�, CALL T0 -0RDPR: ' Chairperson Harris called the November 2j, 19��, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:40 P,M, ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent; Others Present: Shea, Oquist, Harris, Peterson, Langenfeld Schnabel, Bergman (represented by Oquist) Ruben Acosta APPROVE PL9NNING COI�iMISS20N MIAIUTES; NOVEMBER 9� 1977 MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms, Shea, that the Planning Com�nission approve the November 9� 1977, Planning Commission minutes. Mr. Langenfeld requested that the last paragraph on Page 1 be taken out of the minutes. He said that the statement that Ms. Schnabel referred to had never been made by Ms, Sporre and that it tivas erroneously stated in the Environmental Commission minutes. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Planning Gomsnission minutes �uere approved zs amended at 7:43 P.M. 1. PUBLIC H?'ARING• COT?SI➢FRATT�T? ,QF 0. P��P�Srfl PT nT, � 5 lf77-06 � RRO�mr: r*n_,�;! S FT y,Z �nnrmTn�i Rv R n B�y C BROmT_UI3D: R�LF�T OF LOT 11� AUDITOR's SUBDIVISION N0. 23� ALONG .YITH THE `�'!r^,STERLY � OF GRAND AV�NUL� VACATED BY COURT DECREE� RECORD�D ON JUNE 30, 19i�8, FRIDL�Y PARK ADDITION� GENERALLY LOCATED IN TFiE 6400 BLOCK ON THE EAST SIDE OF EAST RIVER ROAD N.E, . MOTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:4t� P,M. Mr. Acosta explained the previous action that had occurred on the lots, He said that a question had come up regarding the vacation of Grand Avenue and wkether the vacation included Mr. Brottlund�s property, Mr. Acosta said that it did incZude Mr. Brottlund's property. � .o _ PLANNING COMMISSION M�PTING - NOVTT�iBrR 23, 1977 Pa�e 2 Mr. Acosta indicated that each of the lots in question were T2�327 square feet vrhich were adequate to build an R-1 dwelling, He said that service to the lots tivere provided near-by and that no easements were required. Chairperson Harris questioned hova much of the vacated Grand Avenue would go to Mr. Brottlund's property. He said that the original plat had showed the entire Grand Avenue as part of the parcel and he wanted to knotiv exaetly how much would �o to his property. Mr. Brottlund said that only z oi the vacated Grand Avenue �vould go to his property� Mr. Kenneth Hughes of 6424 Ashton Avenue DI, E, indicated that he had been led to believe that the entire Grand Avenue vacation was to go to the prop�erty o��rner to the �ast of Grand Avenue and not split in � v�ith � to the East property owners and � to the West pxoperty otivners, He said that he still was questioning the distribution of the land of the vacated Grand Avenue, Chairperson Harris said that the normal procedure tivas that in the original P1at if the dedication for the Street had come from z of Mr. Hughes' plat and z came fram Mr. Brottlund�s Plat then when the street was vacated, the land tisrould return to the original plat. Mr. Hughes said that so�eone v�ould have to go back to the ,� ORIGINAL plat and decide exactly vrhere ihe dedication for the Grand Avenue had come from, He said that he still had questions as to the exact ovmership of the vacated land. Mr. Hughes said that he felt the same regarding these lots as he had �vhen Mr, Brottlund had proposed to build duplexes on the lots� He said that due to the Iack of any parks in the area, he would like to see the lots remain vacant, to be used as park land rather than more houses. Mr. Brottlund indicated that it ��as part of a surveyor's job to do all the research necessary to knov� exactly tivhat belongs where when he does a replat of property. He said that before it can get final approval all the facts have to be substantiated. Chairperson Harris said that the lots �vere zoned R-1. He wanted to know h4r. Brottlund's intent for the property. Mr. Brottlund said that he planned to construct ttiao single family d�vellings� Mr. Acosta explained that vJithout the area in question the lots would still have over 10�000 square feet, � PI,ArT�dING COA9MISS70TI M?FTIPIG - NOVFMBFR 23� 1977 Pa�e MOTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr, Peterson, to close the � Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously, The Public Hearing was closed at 7;56 P.M. MOTION hy Ms. Shea, seconded by t4r. Langenfeld� that the Flanning Commission recommend approval of the consideration of a proposed p1at, P.S. �#77-06, Brottlund�s First Addition, by Barry C. Brottlund; Replat of Lot 11, Auditor�s Subdivision No. 23� alon� with the :YeUterly z of Grand Avenue, vacated by court decree, recorded on June 30, �gy.8, Fridley Park Addition, generally located in the 6400 Block on the East Side of East River Road N.y, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. 2. SUNDIl1L R�AI,TY C0;'IPr':?Y: R�ZOP�L THAT PART OF THE NORTH 80 FFET OP LOT 6� AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISTON N0. 25� LYING EASTERLY OF THE NORTIi�ASTERLY RIGHT-OF-';JAY I,INB OF TH� OUTLR DRIVE OF THE STATE TRUCK HIGHI'!AY t�65, AND bVEST OF 9 LII�Ty 1253.20 k'E�T ';7�ST OF THL EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 6� AS MEASURED AT RIGHT AATGLES T0� AND P9RALLLL "rlITH� THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 6� FROM R-3 (G�Pit,R�1L P4ULTIPLE PAMILY D:'JisLLINGS), to CR-1 (GENERAL OFI'IC�S 11ND I,IT•'IITE➢ BUSINESSES) � THE SAME BEING 961 HILL';IIND ROAD N,E. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by h1r. Public Hearing. IIpon a voice vote, all �; carried unanimously, The Public Hearin � Oquist, to open the voting aye, the motion g rtas opened at 8:00 P.M, Mr. Acosta explained that the request �vas to rezone a present R-3 lot to CR-1, He said that the building would be directly South of the Real Estate 10 building. He said that most of the surrounding areas tivas zoned R-1, He said that North of the Rea1 �state 10 office and the tiPausau Model Homes there ��rere some R-3 properties� but that basically it eras an R-t zoned area surrounding the proposed development site. Mr. Peterson questioned the zoning of the property that lvas East of the proposed site. He felt that Staff should look at the zoning because of the closeness of the land to ihe Freeway. Mr. Acosta said that there vras already R-1 d�vellings on Hillivind Road N.E. Ms. Shea said that that the residents property near-by. there �vere very nevr 3�omes along Hi1lNrind Road crould be very upset at a rezoning of the � PLANNING DOMMISSION M�ETING - NOVPMBER 23, 1977 Page 4 Mr. Acosta said that the only access to the property was off of Hillvaind Road, He said that with the development of lots 3� 4� 5� 6, 7, 8& 9� Polk Street NE is planned to be extended. He indicated that no exact date had been set for the street extension but that it �vould be extended at the time the plans go in to City Hall for the development of the above listed lots, He said that the planned street �ight of way would be a.tri�ngle on the pro��erty. He showed .�ke� Alanning Commission a map of the proposed Polk ;treet "triangle". Chairperson Harris questioned tivhat would be done regarding the lots that �erould be cut off once the ��street�� v�as put through. Mr. Acosta said thai he wasn'i sure. The Planning Commission also discussed the Plat of the area in question. The map that Mr. Acosta sho�ved them and the Plat did not agree in several aspects, Mr. Jim Villella of 5323 Matahorn Circle (representing Sundial Realty Company) indicated that most of the land that was c].ose to the proposed building had such a steep drop that he didn�t believe that anyone vrould or could build on that hi21. Chairperson Harris asked what Mr. Villella�s intent was �vith the building. � Mr. Villella said that it vrould be/J actl iike Real Estate 10. He said that the building arould blen`d t�e into the area. He said that it tivould be properly e�cavated and landscaped. He said that it vrould have a 2/3 walk-out basement. Mr. Peterson asked if the land �vas being purchased through Mr. Gearman. Mr. Villella said that they ti¢ere buyin� the land from a person who otiJned Lots 6&%. He said that it was not Mr. Gearman. � � Mr, Peterson referred to the land that had the steep incline and if it was possibly a��med by the same person ivho owned the property Sundial Realty ti�ras buying from, Mr. Villella said that the person they tivere buying from owned approximately 300 feet of that land. � �a,.--: PLAI�IJING COhiMTSSTON MFETITIG - NOVP�iBPR 23. 1977 Pa�e 5 � Mr. Peterson said that he has known of other pieces of property like the property vrith the steep incline and he said that strangely enough someone has come up tivith plans of how to use that land. He said that unless the Planning Commission has all the questions answered� they vaill eventually get into � � problems. Mr. Peterson ��ranted to knorr �rhen they planned to start construction. Mr. Villella said that they wanted to start in February 1978. Chairperson Harris asked about the sevrer and �vater that would serve the Sundial Realty Company, Mr. Acosta said that Sundial lvould have to pay for the extension of the se�ver facility off of Polk Street NE, He said that vaater �vould come off of Hilhvind Road. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to table Rezoning Request, ZOA #77-04, BY SUNDIAL RE_9LTY COMPANY: Rezone that part of the North 80 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, lying Easterly of the Northeasterly right- of-tiaay line of the Outer Drive of the State Truck Highvray #65 and 15Jest of a line 1253.20 feet ;7est of the sast line of said Lot 6� as measured at right an�les to, and parallel with, the East line of said Lot o, �rom R-3 (general multiple Family dwellings)� to CR-1 (�eneral offices and limited businesses}� the same being 961 Hi11�FJind Road Pd.�. Mr. Peterson said that there r�ere too many unansrrered questions. He ti�ranted Staff to gei; the Planning Commission a complete "picture" of �+rhat tivould happen to the property along Hillivind Road. Mr. Peterson explained that there �vas t�000 feet that the Planning Commission didn�t knorr e�hat ��as hap�ening l�rith, he said they didn't kno��f rrhere building v�as going-on on Hillivind Road coming from the other direction, he said that there tivere several property ot=�ners that �vere involved and he tivanted to be sure that no person's properties ti�rere cut off �rith the needed easements that i�rould be involved v�ith the extension of Polk Street, Ae felt that all the questions had to have anstrers before he could vote properly, Ghairperson Harris said that the location of Polk Street had to be indicated more accurately. Chairperson Harris explained that the reasons for tabling the itera e�as not the problem of Sundial Realty. He said that the Planning Commission and Staff had to do a little more research regarding the surrounding areas. PLf�NNING COMMISSIOPI T4PFTING - PdOVT3�iBPR 23� 1977 Pa�ie 6 Mr. Lan�enfeld said that he didn't see any problem v�ith the actual request. He said that the probleras couZd be the � result of the rezoning request and the surrounding problems that could take place and that vras �vhat the Planning Commi�sion has to be sure of 1•rhat they are doing so they don�t create further problems, Chairperson Harris said that he didn�t knora actually v�hat the Street plans ��rere for the area. UPON A VOIC� VOTE, all votin� aye the motion carriec3 unanimously. Rezoning Request, ZOA �77-04, by Sundial Realty Company rras tabZed until December 7� 1977. 3, RE�UEST FOR LOT SPLIT L.S_ #77-1G� B�'_. TPT�T_RF:A7,TV COMP11PdY: SPLIT OFF TH1lT PP.RT OP LOT 6S f�UDITOR'S SU$DIVISION PiO. 25� �15 D�SCRIB�D IN REZONING R��U�ST� THE SAME BEING 961 AILLI'JIND ROAD Id,E. MOTION by Mr. Peterson� seconded by t4r. Langenfeld, to table the request for Zot Sp1it, L.S. ;�77 1�, by Sundial Realty Company; Sp2it off that part of Lot 6, Auditor�s Subdivision rlo. 25, as described in rezoning request, the same being gol Hill1find Road N.y. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The item eras tabled until December 7� 1977. 4. MOTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to receive the November 3, 1977, Human Resources Commission minutes. Ms. Shea thanked the Planning Commission for the opportunity to look at the Housing Maintenance Code. Ms. Shea said thzt there vaas a new member on the Commission. She said that Dobson replaced Lynch. Chairperson Harris said that he felt Ms, Christlieb�s statement that FridZey r�as about 95% developed rras a little high. Mr. Acosta said that the number tivas approaching g0/. Chairperson Harris said that A4s. Christlieb also had stated that the only problem could be if some of the industrial land eaas rezoned as residential at some point in the future. Mr. Harris felt that Fridley irould probabl.y get sorae pressure in that direction, � There ti�ras some discussion regarding Pir. Harris' statement. � PLANNING COMMISSION ML'FTIDTG - NOVP,MBER 23, 1977 Pa�e 7 UPON A VOIC� VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Human Resources Commission minutes of � November 3, 1977, were received at 8:53 P.M, Chairperson Harris declared a ten minute break at 8;53 p,M, Mr. Peterson said that he t��as very disappointed vrith what had been furnished to the Planning Commission regarding the Rezoning Request, ZOA #77-04, by Sundial Realty Company, He felt that at that point in time they should have been furnished with more answers and more detail than ivhat they had received, He felt that the Planning Commission had embarrassed the gentlemen from the Real Estate Company because the Commission didn't know e�hat they srere doing. He wanted Staff to be infor�ned that wahen such items are to be handled by the Planning Commission, that the Commission get more complete information rather than having to �uess about it. 5. CONTINU�D: PARK AND OPBN SPACE PLAN Mr. Ray Leek y+as present at the Planning Commission meeting basically as an observer, but also to help ansvrer questions that he might have the ans�aers to. Chairperson Harris said that Mr. Boardman had been asked � for more information segarding Page 20 oY the Parks and Open Space Plan, "Acquisition of properties". Chairperson Harris said that the Planning Commission had felt that the acquisition of properties was a KEY ZSSUE of the Plan, Mr. Leek indicated that he preferred not to give his vierlpo?nts on the issue mainly because it had been quite some time since he had actually worked ivith the document. He said that he hadn�t formulized any ideas at that time. Mr. Peterson said that he understood that there was a problem of management and of reporting, but as the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Commission and knowing the problems of Administration and kno���ing of the problems they ran into v�hen dealing with the Public, he found it difficult to feel comfortable vrith all the statements that are made on the Planning Commission, Iie found it difficult tivith all that's inputted by Staff that really is not the actioi, of the Parks and Recreation Commission. He said that either the Parks and Recreation Commission is there for a purpose or it's not. He said that he didn�t feel comfortable �'tivith al1 the cooks that are workin� on the stev���. � PLANNING COMMISSIOAI t4T:ETING - NOVI�f�Bi;R 23, 1977 Pat�e 8 Mr. Peterson caid that specifically what he objected to was thai vrording should not be changed r�ithout the Parks and � Recreation Commission having somethin� to say about it. He said that the Parks and Recreation Commission had �vorked for better than a year on the Plan. He didn't think it utas the purpose of the Planning Commission to go through and change words and paragraphs. He didn't think the Planning Commission should be spending their time amending the Plan on a:vord-to- vaord basis, Mr. Peterson said that he c�as upset because of the fact that it is said io be okay to change it because Staff has drarm it up or Staff has put it in. He �ras upset because the Parks and Recreation Director has never appeared in front of the Commission. He said it wasn't right to do all the changing because the Parks and Recreation staff has spent many hours putting the document together, Mr. Langenfeld asked if Mr. Peterson ivas trying to say� �'this is our document, leave it alone"? Mr. Peterson said that rather than the Planning Commission spending their time amending the document, that if they disagreed 1•rith crhat tivas in the Plan, then they should send it back to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Ms. Shea said that she thought that it vaas the Planning Commission's job to go through the different ordinances and plans. She said that basically the sub-commissions are to � recommend to Planning Commission� who recommends to City Council. Chairperson Harris said that ivhen the planni.ng Commission ��ent through the Parks and Open Space Plan, there vrere some statements made� especially in the Summary of Findings� that could not be agreed eaith. Mr. Oquist said that he felt that that i*�as somebody�s findings and they have to be accepted as findings made, He said that it vJas a sunmary of findings, by a group of people that had permission to do that, He said some of the things stated, people have ,JOrked ��rith and they should be taken as facts� Mr. Peterson felt that a lot of time r�as being spent doing each others rvork. He said that he didn't quite understand rrhat City Council had in mind <<�hen they came up tvith the Charter Revision to change the Commission set-up and he didn't feel that City Council kne�v �vhat they �vere doing either. Chairperson Harris said that he personally felt that the 26 members of all the Commissions really made up the Planning Commission. He felt that the Planning Commission represented the member coMmission. He felt that if the Lnvironmental Commission had an idea that could be of benefit to the Human Resources Commission� he coul.dn�t see anything v�rong tivith tke cros�-over. � PLAT�'1ITTG COMMISSIOPd M�F.TIPIG - PIOVI3�4BER 2� 1977 Pat�e 9 Mr. Peterson said that he l�ras not uncamfortable rlith the cross- � over but ho��r the cross-over was accomplished. He said that his main concern i�ras to protect the integrity of rJhat the Parks and Recreation Comni�sion had done and to protect the integrity of the Planning Commission vaithin the Charter. Chairperson Fiarris felt that the Parks and Open Space Plan should be reviei�red by all the Commissions because it affected all the Commissions in some vray, Mr. Peterson agreed that it did affect a11 the Commissions. Iie said that the Parks and Recreation Commission should have been getting continuous feedback regarding all the amending that had been going on. Chairperson Harris said that there �vere some recommendations in the "Policy and RecoMmendations" section that effected every citizen in the Community and every piece of land in the community. He felt that it iras in the realm of the Planning Commission to have input on the docuraent. Chairperson Iiarris said that if Mr. Peterson wanted it, the document �rould go to City Council exactly in its original form but he said that another document ti��ith the input from Human Resources Commission, Community Development Commission, and the Environmental Commission t��ould also have to be submitted to � City Council. MOTiON by Ms, Shea� seconded by Mr, Oquist, that the Parks and Open Space Plan be continued and that Chairperson Harris meet v�ith City Council to find out r�hat they vrant in the Plan and what direction they vrant the Planning Commission to go in. Chairperson Harris said that the Planning Commission 1*�as looking at the parks and Open Space Plan as an overall thing �vhich vrould effect everybody in the City of Fridley. Chairperson Harris requested that the Parks and Open Space Plan be placed on the City Council agenda for November 28, 1977. Chairperson fIarris indicated that if a Plan is drativn up it �hould only be dravJn up for the purpose of implementing it. Mr, Oquist said that the Parks and Open Space P1an had been '�pushed�� through the Community Development Commission because of the time element to get the fundin�. Chairperson Harris said that he personally objected to drar�ing up plans just for funding purposes. Mr. Oquist said that tivhai ivas wanted �•ras a t�rorking document. : � PLAPINIPIG COP+R�IISSIQPd M��TING - NOVI:MB�R 23� 1977 Pa�e 10 Mr. Peterson said that tvith the Parks and Recreation�s budget and commitments, the Parks and Open Space Plan ��ras not a � �aorkint� document. Chairperson Harris asked why the Plan was being dravrn up. He said that it L�as ridiculous to draw a document so they had something to shorr the Metropolitan Council. If we don't fully intend to implement the Plan� then it shouldn't be dracm up. Mr. Peterson said that there vaould be no eray that the Parks and Open Space Plan could be implemented in the City of Fridley. UPOPd A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Parks and Open Space Plan <<ras continued and Chairperson Aarris v�ould take the issue to the City Council meeting on November 28, 1977, to clarify rahat they vaanted in regards to the Parks and Open Space P1an. There rJas a brief discussion regarding the actual role that the Commissions had in revie�ving documents� It v�as decided that it shouI.d be reviee�ed as a document and not proofread. If the Commission does not agree ti✓ith the document� then return it to the originator for retivriting. Mr. Peterson sazd that the PZanning Commission should either � accept the Parks and Open Space Plan as it v�as written or not accept it and send it back to the Parks and Recreation Commission to have it rei=rritten. He said that it ti�asn�t up to the Planning Commission to rewrite the Parks and Open Space Plan. Chairperson Harris stated that he was in disagreement tivith some of the findings, not all of them, and he felt it �vas the purpose of reviei�ring ihe Plan to indicate which items that he was in disagreement baith and t•ahy. Mr. Oquist said that if P4r. Harris e�ras in disa�reement vaith the Summary of Findings� then the rest of the document r�as useless because the rest of the document �vas based on the Summary of rindings, He said that vrithout first agreeing tiarith the Summary of Findings� you can't do anything vaith the rest of the document. He said that everyone should have been in agreement with the Summary of I�'indin�s before the rest of the document �vas even a�aritten, � PLANNING COt��(TSSION MF'PTIPTG - NOVPMBFR 23, 1977 Pat�e 11 Mr. Peterson said that that iF�as iahy he had been uncomfortable rtith vrhat v�as happening, He felt that at this point that the �, Summary of Findings should have either been accepted or rejected; and if it r�as rejected, then it should have been sent hacY, to the Parks and Recreation Gommission. He said that the Planning Commission should have said that they disagreed with certain findings for stated reasons and requested that they be retivritten and resubmitted for their revievr� 6. HOUSING MAINT�PiAPTCE COn^ Mr, Acosta said that the cost breakdo��fn of the Housing Maintenance Code ti�rould be ready in one month, He said that the Code i�ould be cliscussed at the January City Council Conference meeting. 7. SIGN ORDINANC� Chairperson Harris said that he had been at the second reading of the Sign Ordinance, He said that the Ordinance cJas passed v�ithout amendments. He rrished to thank all the member commissions and the Sign Comr.iittee for all the hard r�ork and all the hours that they put on it, He felt that they had done a�ood job and he thought that it i-�ras a good Qrdinance, Mr. Acosta asl�ed a_f anyone from the Public r•rere present at the meeting that may have opposed the passing o£ the Sign � Ordinance. Chairperson Harris said that no one 1^ras there to oppose it from the Public. Mr. Oquist said ihat he felt that better communications ivas needed in the Community, He said that no one opposed because not,that many people t�rere really atirare of the fact that the Sign Ordinance rras being heard or voted on. Mr. Langenfeld said that if the people knetiv l��hat was happening, that City Hall vrould have been packed, There r�as a brief discussion regarding ivays to better inform the people of the City of rridley, 8. EN�RGY CONtMISSION Chairperson Harris said that an Energy Commission r•tas being proposed and he uranted to knora rrhat the Planning Commission members thoughts were on the idea. � PLANNING CON[MINSIOPt MTT'TING - PIOVL�IBT'R 2', 1977 Pa,�e 12 Chairperson Harris asked each of the members to think on the � idea and to let him kno��r their ideas. Mr. Peterson said that indeed the F�17:RGY CRISIS is a real thing. He felt that there i�iere other commicsions that could deal with the problem better than creating another separate commission. Mr. Lan�enfeld said that the entire Commission set up, the way it �aas, had qualified people that could deal vrith the �nergy problem. Mr. Oquist said that it ��ras a very narrow charter for a Commission. Mr. Peterson felt that it cauld be better handled as a citizen committee under Community Development. Chairperson Harris said that they rrere going to look around the Community and recommend eJays that the City of Fridley could save energy. Chairperson Harris asked the members to give soMe thoughts to the idea and �arite them doi+n as to i�rhai to do regarding an Energy Commission. He felt that if an Energy Commission was develcped then all the codes and ordinances �vould have to be looked at specifically from the Energy Standpoint, � which �vas usually done any��ay., He didn�t feel that another commission just for ��rnergy�� items �vas necessary. He had given some thought that very possibly the Energy item would actually belong under the jurisdiction of the ^nnvironmental Commission. He said that possibly the name of the commission could be changed to the �'Environmental and �nergy Commission", Mr, Langenfeld said that he felt that they did inter-relate, Chairperson Iiarris said that possibly the Planning Commission as a ti��hole shoul@ be the Energy Comarission. He said that every one of the menber commisUions tivere concerned with energy� Mr. Peterson requested that Mr. Iiarris not let them create a �vhole ne4v Commission for �ner�y. Chairperson FIarris asked that they think about the matter and also think about trhat the Pnergy Commission shou2d be looking at and doing and v�hat the goals should be. ADJOURNM�NT MOTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by rir, Peterson, to adjourn the November 23> >977, Planning ComMission meeting, Upon a voice � vote� all voting aye, �he motion carried unanimously. Chairperson IIarris declared the meeting adjourned at t0:24 P,M. R� ect�� submit� MaryL'ee Carhil.l Recordin� Secretary �I :� PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: P�otice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Cortanission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, November 23, 1977 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA #77-o4, 6y Sundial Realty Company, to rezone that part of the North 80 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, lying Easterly of the Northeasterly right- of-way line of the Outer Drive of the State Trunk Highway #65, and West of a line 1253:20 feet West of tfie East line of said Lot 6, as measured at right angles to an parallel with the East line of said Lot 6, from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings), to C4-1 (general offices and limited businesses), located in the South Half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. 6enerally located at 96l Hiliwind Road N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may 6e heard at thig time. Publish: November 9, 1977 Movember 16, 1977 RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNTNG COhB�tISSION :L.S ,�„- � CITY OP PRIDLEY MINNL•SUTA • PI.f1NNING AND ZONING PORM . � xur+aeR /1.�/ ? 7 0� APPLI uY1''S �SIGNA'NRC , , S'U,f/�l�# L_ :�Ef1LT y /�C; , AdJress ,?817 A�UT/�O�VN GAN� N�. • Telcphonc Number '78`�%- ^ � . `� 'PROPER'fY Olt'NER'S SLG�ATURG � � (,,,_ . • Address Telephone Number '%�jy-/�/.� Street Location of Progerty TYPG OF RGQUEST ,�_ Rezoning ✓ . �t � l Special usc Pcrmit Approval of Premin-� inary $ Pinal Plat � Strcets or Alley ' Vacations Other � � Fee ��,� Reccipt No.�; Legal Description of Property Present Zoning Classificati on � 3 Existing Use of Property 1/fIGW1�J j Acreage o£ PropertyQ�'vp}( p7a�+'� Describe briefly the proposed zoning classificatio;i • or type of use and improvement proposed C,R� -- % STD��'' �EsiL �s`'!f3%E :: . � C)�l� . Has the present applicant previousiy sought to rezone, plat, obtain a.lof split or variance or special use permit on t!ie subject site or part of it?'' yes��no. What was requested and iahen? The undersigned understands.that: (a} a list of all residents and owners �f_pro�erty within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attacf�ecl to this appiication. (bj This application must be signed by all owners of the property, oi an explanation given iehy this is not tlie case. (c) i espoiisibilit�� for any defect in the preeeedinas resulting from thc failurc to list the names and aJdresses of all residents and propert�� owners of praperty in question, belongs to thc undcrsigned. , A sketdi of propose3 property and structure inust bc dra���i and attached, sho�aing the followin�: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of prnposed structure on the lot. 3. Uimcnsions of pioperty, proposed structurc, and firont and sidc setb�cks. ' 4. Sireet Name�. •5. Location and use of aJjacenY existing builuings (��ithin 300 feet}. The undersigned hercby declares that 1 tlie facts nd representations,stated in tliis ' application arc truc and corrcct. �' Su,�n�pL tf•/t�y ' � DATG l� — «- 7% SICNA7'URE � � � _ �r"` � �/"' r � (APf'L I CAN'f ) Date Filed Date of Ncaring ' Planninr Commission A��proved City Council Approvcd .�__._. _ . . .. . _._ , ..,�-_.. -�-- � � Planning Commission November 8, 1977 City Council fMILING LIST ZOA #77-04, SUNDIAL REALTY C0. Rezone part of Lot 6, A.S. N25 from R-3 to CR-1 (general offices.and limited businesses) Sundial Realty Inc. 2817 Anthony Lane N.E. Minneapolis, Mn 55418 Real Estate 10, Inc. 7420 Unity Avenue North Minneaplis, Mn 55443 Arvin T. Gearman 6225 University Avenue NE Fridley, Mn 55432 Wheelock Enterprises 6225 University Avenue N.E. Fridtey, Mn 55432 Dona1d H. Bratt fi7�1 Overton Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr,.�&Mrs. Ravmond Sullivan 5525 Central Avenue N.E. Frid1ey, Mn 55432 Mr. &Mrs. Lorne 0'Donnell 5509 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Frank 5512 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 John Nordstrom 4530 W. 77th Street Minneapolis> Mn 55435 , Mr. & Mrs. Ted Field 1030 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Cathy M. Benson 1020 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � Mr. & Mrs. Harry McKinley 1010 Lynde DRive NE Fridley, Mn 55432 �1r. & Mrs. Frank Daily 1000 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Lynde Investment Co. 990 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 .CVI � � �d � �� � � ,y � �o � �z � �� �\ �� -� q � � �� �� �� ,,, � � h� J f�--- �o` ---�I r--�-----�-^ I I � ; � ,� ; i R1 I � � i \ � J � r ._ J � I� \ ' � a � � z � +/D tF3�' ; � .�., � � � 3 � � , � i � � ^ i � � 3 � ��� � �-� 2 ¢. � J ,.L � � \.� V �� x�r .-----�_ . ,,,�,�,,, � g.1{ � � e;4j (/ �;i+ 7 ���j ' 90; � I. � ' 'S , y� �' f . . 'r;�,`s;a 1y //4 CORNER • . . 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' — ��/,�\." ;) :;rt � cM �mo D, '.ec..rih� m f'i . �..��,' � i%� __ ` � r' o�.! „A �Y,r a� � l. _ � ' '` _=" _ � L� �,���� I � qa0 I 1-I I�'apa4'I k� (Z( � ' +_ r e a V�\�A�. s�no �� —�� � �K � \\\ z z , 01 � ; ,.� � .i ... Mes �.� � \\�. 2' �1 S pd • :::N�::�:�:.�.;i}53:i:°� . , . ' ��z� :.: . � � J �c � s I o-a �.. �,' CiTY •LIMITS'. .n /' . . , . � i I ' ZONING LEGEND AMILY OWG'S AREAS , 3 r— �-2 GENERAL BUSINESS AREAS � w IILY OWG'S AREAS C-2-S GENERAL SHOPPING AREAS � � Z 'IPLE FAMILY DWG'S �":'?�'"� CR-2 OFFICE SERV. 9 LTD. BUSINESS �_� I HOME PARK PO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT � �� ISINES� AREAS �� M-I LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AREAS � !OPPING AREAS r.T::-::;� M-2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAt AREAS � �� 8 LTD. BUSINESS P PUBLIC FACILITIES AREAS � �'"� , J <'� � cirrbROPearr GRP-I flOODWAY � I � SCHOOL VROPERTY � i 0 OROINANCE MUMBEN � � m 20NE USE LIMI7ATION � � I� ._..... ._'. � �/ ... '._ ..___." _ ._..__'.' . . ._.� .. � .,. orm �i 5-be ' �OT SPLIT A�PLIC�TI��N C1TY OF FRIDLEY xg �� cT�rv risr orar,Y Avnlicant' c l�ame APPLICANT: �c�NDl�I� ���L� y /rL`�• AllDRES5: �?�i 7 A�,�r�aN.� U! �'�� ��ls. s�r�' Street Cit Zip Code TELEPAONE � ��� �� �O � Home Business rROr�mx owrr�(s) F� li����S� �v8 Cf�K(-S�a�✓ ADDRESS�ES Lot split �{ . - � . pate Filea.: � Pee:$�Reaeipt �� 8���•, Council Action:Date! RFl4ARKS: TELEPIIOPiE �(S Street City Z�p Code . i -� i/ .-.n i Property Location on Street or Exact Street Address (IF ANY} �(pf �/L� �/! vU � ��� - Property: Sf� LFGrrL DF�',�iPr� o�t/ d'�d SuilvG . �, /iSt"3s Reason`for Lot To �o�f/S"TK�lGT �% iPf�1L ,�.S7�7T.� �G/c�. Area . ft. � Present The undersigned here�y declares that all the £acta and representations stated in this anolication are true and correct. nnT�:c��- �s�977 BEI,01d FOR CITY i15E ONI,Y CHHCKED BY STAFF DATE liemarks: (See reverse side for additional instructio. � PLANNING COASP�SISSION: Date oS Consideration - Remaxks: . CITY COUNCIL: Date of Conaideration - Remarks• - lJ PU[iLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COh1MISSION TO WHOP1 IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given tfiat tfiere will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6437 University Avenue Northeast on Idednesday, December 7, 1977 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: . Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #77-15, by Holiday Village, Inc., to permit a film processing drop-off booth, per Fridley City Code, Section 205.101, 3(I), to 6e located in the parking lot, which is part of Lot 13, Auditor's Su6division No. 155, all lying in the South Half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, t�linnesota. Generally located at 250 57th Avenue N.E. � . Anyone desiring to be heard witfi reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. Publish: November 23; 1977 November 30, 1977 � RTCNARD H. NARRIS CkAIRMAN PIANNING COh144ISSI0N ��� V; % �� . CI17 Of rRIDLBY MINyGSUTA ' • PIdINNING AND ZONING FORM •� NUMDER 5P-��I-/S f{a/' u.y i�,�if� t �"��- /° APPLICAN7''S SIGNATURC E, . , Address 4567 W 80th St. Minneapolis,I�i.nr,esota • Telcphonc Number 8�0-8700 !�y oLc,. I e /�r.....':,_.a/ G e, j� 'PROPER7'Y Olt'NGR'S SIG\'ATURTla � �, (,,,,ytt_• Address 4567 W80th St. Minneapolis,Minn � i �� r�rvc or• RtQuesT Rezoning Special Usc Pcrmit Approval of Premin- inary f� Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations ' Other Telephone Number 830-8700 . • � Street Location of Property �5`� 57th Ave. N.E. Fee ?�Receipt No. ��. Lega2 Description of Praperty A part oY lot 13 Auditor's subdivis�� No �55 Present Zoning Ciassificatian C Z S Existing Use of Property Parkin$ Lot Acreage of Property a�prey - zr a�..J Describe briefly the proposed zoning classificatio;� or type of use aiid improvement proposed Placing of a Photo Shop Building in Parking Lc :+ . 2\'\'`� Has the present applicant previously sought •�� variance or special use permit on �he subje �, \What was requested and ialien? ;r k. f )' � ,y�j'� . , } G%� ��' � ,�b _ _`� —� 7b' r�Ji�-r�C`� �.-�'-v . ��; T}te undersigned understands"that: (a) a list of all residents and oianers of property �"�� :tithin 30D iaet (3,0 'r'eet for rezoning) �a;:st be <^.ttached to tl:is apylication. � �� (b) This application must Ue signed by nll o�rncrs of tlie property, or an explanation � given ialty this is not the case. (c) Rcsponsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failurc to list ihc names and addresscs of all residents and property owncrs of property in question, belongs to thc imdcrsigned. , to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or t�S�te or part of it?�yes no. o' :`..1� �.��../ �s+� ' A sketdi of proposed property and stnscture must be drai�7i and attached, showing the following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. llimcnsions of property, propoced structtsre, and front and sidc setUacks. .' 4. Street Names. S. Location and use of aJjacent existing buildings (�aithin 300 feet). The un�lcrsigncd hcreby declares that all the facts nnd represcntations,stated in this application are true and correct. �o�� �� (r �� > � � DATC�%r1?/- y � /p 7 7 SIGNATURE � ii �� � � �,�..,.�_ � �A}�T'LICI�N"I•) � Dato Filed /� 0 J. �� `�9? 1 Oate of Flcaring ' � Plamling Cominission Approved City Council Approvcd _ i�.....� .. . . .. . . _ . � . .,ar-�,.. � � MAILING LIST SP #77-15 Holiday Village, Inc. Photo drop-off booth Holiday Village North 4567 West 80th Street Bloomington, Mn 55437 Attn: Jerome Jensen Bradley Steinman Burtington Northern 176 East 5th Street St. Paul, Mn 55101 Mr. & P•1rs. Richard Bistodeau 101 57th Place N.E. Eridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mostrom 131 57th Place N.E. Fridley, �•in 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ashlin 215 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Dricilla A. Sando 217 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms.Helen M. Szyplinski 233 57th Pl ace f1. E. Fridley, �4n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Riddel 247 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Wayne Sievert 3320 48th Avenue South Minneapolis, Mn Lucille A. Skovran 6033 Gardena Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � Edward �anak 133 Craigway N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � Planning Comrnission 11-22-77 �.! Mr. & Mrs. Orville Johnson 7936 6th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. William Talley 281 57th Place NE Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gabrelcik 5740 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432' Irving Herman & Irving Efron 262 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Theresa M. Abitz 216 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Phillips Petroleum Company 1750 Brentwood Blvd. St. Louis, �40 63144 Pizza Huts of N.W., Inc. 4620 West 77th Street �i.05 Edina, Mn 55435 Nathan Neff 9116 tJestmoreland Lane St. Louis Park, Mn 55426 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Harvet 271 57th Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 . q !? 10 J 1 1 � 13 ':i 15 �._.._ _�__.�__.—____ __ __ ICE • N. E i � _ . � ! � � � �; v � ; , , � : � a I 5� � Y % g 9;�U �r �. �. ' : � } r,, � , � r.: ---- _ - � _ -- — - - . , l_ _------ - - --- -___.__ .. -----_...__.. __---� _.___ _____ _ ._-.r-�-�."�---- _ _ ._ _. . _ _. . . _. - -- ---- _ , , . ' ` - - -- - _ _ __� _ _�-- � `�^ - �---�_�='�-== --+�a.-.�..e� q ,. _ - - � _— . a ' � � !' --�— + _ . , '°: o; i i : � S�' � I I � �.(•'VYO L6N'I'L.Q. �� � , COVNTPY � ..�r 9 _� IO :!f � �. .° 13 I M �5 . . � 2 � 3 4 5 �I f,'r� K�TCneu � i � , , ' i S, i � I-- u,} e��-�-� -,�- I ' � i J, - _ :'.:a.�__. -V.r" i � .. � _ � I�j j ' b,!Grr1 , Y�� __�_r ___1 �� '. I i , � e.-.�.�^ - . J� _ c.. _t.._ .. -.. h a^ - � � �av-•.+-+�+!� :r . d � � _ _ __ . - .. _ .•1nfsE: �'wR,iO✓f�:Cln'�I< _S/ac +e1N EN U E N. E. !,--.-�.--.—_— —.__--__.�T—�, �_---__, == /' J_O 56 1`� ��_�� "��� ' 't'1�.! _�_ „__�T�\'' f.� 1 !'�•�. �� � � � - � .s---r+.r �.-_ . _- � i L�' � d�f � i �.� i'„'a r;I r`Y�� . i �' I( � I.`�a'� � � � `J I i � i �i f�j T� (�_�.. �� ,r` rv- i �b' �� ti ' '�J �\\.. 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'__ �'_ ." .r ._ -^ L I ;♦ -- — �' �' ,— ' - - I . -,__ -�j i ; � _ _._ . _ __ _.� .. . ��� -{ , �� � � _ _ � r- '. � : _ �_ �� ,�, . � j-- ,�� - � iy - __ � � !� , , -�- � -M�-` � �3 _ .� ;p�a :.:.., . . ��' .._� rP'..� (�/ �e" _�� \_ ,: `� \ � . � � - _ � "��'. _ __—' � � .•` (�''� '`��\ .. , 1 ' 1 Itl __.. _ � NQL/DAY VILLAGE ---_-� 1 � ,`� _ NDRTH � ; - ,:; - _i � i9... � ' l'' � -f � �� �� r '�. Y !. � .. .. , . .�,_.:. � PUBLIC HEARIN6 BEFORE THE PLANNING COMN1ISSION TO WNOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Conmission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, December 7, 1977 in the Council Ghamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Rezoning Request, ZOA #77-05, by R,C.E. Corporation, to rezone from C-25 (general shopping areas) to C-1S (local shopping areas), Lot 1, Block 1, Pearson's First Addition, all lying in the South Half of Section 3, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located at 7899 East River Road N.E. � Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. � RICNARO H. HARRIS CHATRMAN PLANNING CONNIISSION Publish: November 23, 1977 November 30, 1977 �� _ t��. `�� CITY OP PRIDLGY MINNESUTA .�;..�, �� � ' � P1.JINNINC AND 2�NING PORM • HUMISGR 77-d'JL , T1fPE OF RGQUEST APPLI 7''S SIGNA7UR� _ G.� ,� Z'R _��J'_T/a,CJ � Rezoning Address Z� a U Si L.0 �c� G i� •�,��, �<� %5'� ,� y?�ul Special Use Permit Telephonc Number �. � �� —U �— �� C? PROPERTY Oh'NGR'S SICNATURE Address � %n /J/ `a — �/ � Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat 'C��.. Streets or Alley Vacations �S S39/ LL �— � U . Other Telephone Numbcr � �. � '" � � T � � � Fee�� � Receipt No. ��`�- Street Location of rropErry 7�5 �% -�AS T �'� ����n,,`� . Legal Description of Property �P�� , ��-o � � �� �S�.ti � ����J�/L-' Prescnt Zoning Classification �'�-.5 Existing Use of Property � �i�t Gf+ .i� / Acreage of Property �. Z S Describe briefly the proposed zoning classificatio;; ior ,type of use and improvement proposed C-/ S.-E c�� �a- /V csr C h�z,•C_/� �±y� � ,. . � C;, .�> v��v«,.,� � e.. �..�� Te,� � Has the present applicant previously soueht to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? �/ yes no. N1hat was requested and wlien? (),�.����c_ � %f�l�/� --�v_•t.�c P__ ' � • �. . . ic -�. . - � . 'fhe undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and o�+mers of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must Ue signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given i�hy this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedin;s iesulting from the fulure to list thc names and addresscs of all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to thc imdcrsigned. , A sketch of proposed property and structure must be dratirn and attached, sllowing thc following: 1. North Direction, 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3, llimensions of property, proposed siructure, and fx•ont and side setbacks. 4. Strect Names, 5. Location and use of ad}acent existing Uuildings (�vithin 300 fect). The undersigned hercby declares that '� application arc tx•uc and corrcct. DATC ! � ' �f " � � SIC�lATt1FE all tlic facts and representations,stated in this �,�.� . c�,�D,� �-T�o ,� _C �--��-Y-�-�, �2e Datc Filcd � Dnto of llcaring ' � � Planning Commission 11-22-77 City Council MAILING LIST Rezoning Request ZOA #77-05 Requested by Phone R.C.E. Corporation Lot 1, Block 1, Pearson's lst Addn. R,C.E. Corporation Mr. & �trs. Gary Stelton 2100 Silver Lake Road 230 Longfellow Street N.E. New Brighton, Mn 55112 Fridley, Mn 55432 Warren Caldwell 1b015 9th Avenue North Wayzata, Mn 55391 Five 5ands, Inc. Apt. 302 7845 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 East River Way 100. Woodridge Drive White Sear Lake, t1N Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cf�ristiansen . 300 Longfellow Street N.E. Fridley, t4n 55432 „ � Mr. & P1rs. Ralph Hansen 290 Lonfellow Street N.E. Fridley, P1n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Fairbanks 7939 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Schomner 7905 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Virginia T. Jacobsen 231 79th Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. David Stivers 221 79th Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. M.A.�Biddle 4800 Cedar Lake Road Mineapolis, Mn 55416 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Davis 210 Longfellow Street N.E, Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Jarvis 240 Longfellow Street N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & P4rs. Daniel Gassler 260 Longfellow Street N.E Fr�dley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ferris 280 Longfellow Street N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Richard Rush 3619 Janssen Chicago, I11 Avenue North 60613. � " t�lr. � Mrs. Jeffrey htosiman 181 79th Way N.E. Fridley, h1n 55432 Mr. & i�lrs. Clarence Fischer 7897 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Miller 7II89 Firwood 4Jay N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Viola Froneyberger & Warren Dehnert 7885 Firwood lJay N.E. Fridley, �4n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Kirylo Czichray 7879 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55437 Dimitrious Arvantis 7875 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 �� Mr, & Mrs. Ken Kramer 520 Glencoe Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Peterson 7865 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tschettc 7861 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mary L. Hanson 7851 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. David Parke 7843 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Marilyn E. Johnson 7833 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Leske 7886 Firwood 4Jay N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Klopp 7880 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & N1rs. Bruce Miller 7872 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. David Kaliher 7866 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Nei 1 l,l. Hyatt 7858 Firwood iJay N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Cynthia M. Berg 7852 Firwood Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 'i4i�,✓`� �G`' ,,, :: ; ,, r . , , . . . , . , , t� � t `, � GJL� �A 6~� 1P J74[ q OI f, : Wi 4d tn �pl�. y �. i� /r � I � � � �' 1 + �,, � .� �t�� �c» l,rf z:� E Ia�4 ,+[�.4; aclsl.gi^ .>� ,� •��•:•r� :� �. _ 298 290 Y$0 R71 264 z62 7�6 233 2i8 fi0 212 20 .. � � ' s� ,�kt 7 :�05 , . . :. ,. �e , r 't, �� '�3 �` l� ' N f ' } �' � � .. � .. . . . . iY _ �. �. ti : . . .. . . � .. I .. .. . �,w i � '- y �iti ��.g� _ � � i Z ` M� 1. �'7` i�� ^ LL' . Ic T I S G "�E 9 X.i�/l i• .� 'C if E�/3 n 112 J� ! 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I^ J '��: °n�" �, . ., � • X vf P£J ' - -,�•� i') OjVO � !J - i !' pV�NO..�� u ,� �Q i1Rt fCWT] .T�4 — `'pO�{ ,� .�t � � M� LOOItllf.l ;,y�� .". � P � � Y � �`' �• `� .., ; �in za I �un I I � � ISw� Cw<V '�oso �m.m... 1 - , � _.... ,...�..., .�.. _... , .�.. r� d � .', /' �//✓///�fJ/. .�. --+ - �_ �,�^' ` �� ?'J ` '" `� �.. . :E�.J. �;�CITY � �4�� �GARAi': ,l ' 1 s� \ ... l ._. _� .. � .,,(,� ,.. n � PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNIN6 COMMISSION TO 41HOM IT P9AY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given tfiat there wi11 be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of tfie City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Rvenue Nortfieast on Wednesday, December 7, 1977 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Proposed Preliminary PTat, P,S. #77-07, Evert's Addition, by Arthur L. Fretag, 6eing a replat of Lot 19, except the East 190 feet thereof: and except the West 17 feet taken for fiighway purposes; and the West 147.74 feet of Lot 18, a11 in Auditor's Su6- division No. 129, aTl located in the North Half of Section 12, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. This preliminary plat replaces Central Townhouse . Plat, and is generally located at the intersection of 73rd Avenue N.E. and Central Avenue N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this meeting. RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: November 23, 1977 November 30, 1977 �r � /� . • CI1Y OC rRI�LEY MINh(iSUTA • ��� 77�U�LANNING AND ZONING r0f2M . � NUMQGR � APPLICA�I1''S SIGNATURG �'c.u�., �°- �.<.s:� . • • �---�---- Address �i�G �/ `T �j.�= �J . /%Ipl s , ' Telcphone Number S&.� -8 �7v m TYPG Or REQUEST Rezoning Special Usc Permit ApprovaI of Premin- inary � Pinal Plat X'PROPERT7 Ot4NGR'S SIC,yATI�JR£��y�� /i�,\��C����� Streets or Alley � j �� Vacations Address ,�� ���/�1���/� ,(�G/�� . �'� Other Telephone Number f� 3 3• o(, i� �., �/ ' ' Fee ,��� Reccipt No. Street Location of Property 73 "-° .,� �y,�/ CY„�(ra ��.+e. � fiel�lrevG�rt9, G�'c�r7xe E�iS�/%GFEEi'R�•«c��� •�•.�d Eaeepl 'l�e�l.�,'�� l� i� Legal Description of Propertyt��.:, .�,- l„���� �.��r�,rs s�A �.tJt�+ 14�.yq �ci� �(of �R. xl� r-. A L 1 Z'1 Present Zoning Classification �.-3 Fa�isting Use of Property J'�cHar Acreage of Property .3•c Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification • or type�of use and improvement proposed �! G.,r �� �i!w�31� (�uvY�Z�p�J. � .. . '•. . . . . . . . Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on tl�e subject site or part of it? ✓ yes no. 1Vhat taas requested and ialien? t"' S. � Zb-OE �R7b �z �wx�.,.s�s ' The undersigned understands that: (a� a list of all residents and oti�rners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b} This application must Ue signed by all owners of the pro��erty, or an explanation given n�hy this is not tlie case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proccedin;s resulting from the failurc to list the names and addresscs of all residents and property owners of property in question, belvngs to thc imdcrsigned. . A sketch of proposeJ property and stntcture must bc drai.zj and attached, showing the following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposcd structure on tl�e lot. 3, llimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setb�cks. 4. Street N�mes. S. Location and use of adjncent c�isting buildings (wi'thin 300 feet). "fie unciersigned hercUy declares that.all the facts and representations,stated in this ' 8pplicatio» are true and correct. �` DAT���-eti�,eEe� '�. /`/77 SIGNA7'URE ��w �� -' (Al'}'LICAN7' Datc Filed � bntc of 1lcaring ' � � Ylanning Connnission Approved City Council Approved ra_._..� ...._,.. � .. . . _ . . .�.., ,� � tdA1LING LIST P.S. #77-07 Evert's Addition John W. Haluptzok 15444 Hornsby Forest Lake, Mn 55025 Jenny M. Berg 1335 Onondaga N.E. Fridley, P4n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grant 7314 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ketil Osland 7345 Hayes Street N.E. Frid7ey, P1n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. �ohn Dickerson 1360 Onondaga N.E. Fridtey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Becklin 1405 Onondaga N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kohlrusch 1398 Fireside Drive PJ.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Hub 1395 Ononda9a Street N.E. Fri dl ey, �4n 55432 Mr. Charles Bitzen 1360 Fireside Drive N.E. Fridley, P1n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Tieden 1365 Onondaga Street N.E. Fridley, t4n 55432 A J L& S Investment Company 7500 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Rick Bochert 1366 Onondaga Street N..E Fridley, tdn 55432 Planning Canmission 11,-22-77 �v City Council Mr. & Mrs. Chester Cole 1382 Onondaga Street N.E fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roy fosse 1390 Onondaga Street FridTey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Young 7343 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Seger N.E. 1401 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. David Porath 184 Riveredge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Kevin Olson 1370 Fireside Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 John W. La Brecke 1381 Qnondaga Street Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Hallatz 7395 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. 4!m Rankin and Russell Rankin 7385 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 N.E. Mr. & Mrs. �ames Hinricks 7355 Hayes Street �I.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Arline E. Saba 7345 Central Avenue N.E Fridley, �1n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Melroy Krugerud 7365 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Laura A. Pomper 7370 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Evert Swanson 258 Windsor Lane New Brighton, Mn 55112 Mr. & tArs, Lawrence McCabe 7328 Nayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Harland 7342 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Jeanette B. Huber 7300 Hayes Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence fosse 1367 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Pirs. Allen Bradford 7371 Hayes Street NeE. Fridley, Mn 55432 John D. Babinski 1290 73rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Thoe 7250 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Walter & Floyd Gustafson 7410 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Onan Corporation 1400 Central Avenue N.E. Fri'dley, Mn 55432 Mr. Michael Virnig 1365 73rd Avenue N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Skoi.en 6341 Zealand Avenue No. Brooklyn Park, Mn 55428 Arthur Fretag 2106 61st Avenue North tdpls. Mn 55424 _1 � }i/UO� �:� /l!Y,� ZOA. k �i.63 Evert 5hehson i7�'+e% ii'ADA� (91JCJ H,ilionGCvime}!e fi"�rGoad ,Z�,3�,r�,� /3 ::i (4E9d) 39BFi. �!>:eJ /; ,� C0 q Y pl IC t3G0? � /S �f � /7 �. i ��' (9uo) Isn i ���'.� k :"'. _!l_ � h-rcR sEC, i2 «�.� E.. , i ��� , ��_ _. , ;:; ` `� �, ,,: ,,,, � ,: 4j''� `; �`I� f�f � ..a ' .• ..,. �'f�t , � =. `' '' °, lii � /�e"� /�. t k c r�, � '� i:. f�.. , ��� I% �i�/, ./.cf , � j � � f{ 4..'.J.�.0 � V) . � �' , } � ti,,'� v1 �` �`� ( '� -{ ��. !� ^� � : - � �'+ � l 1��� �� a ..! � (-r. �F i,\ � �, u' irl.;' '3 Fr;. � �� l4 � s � i �' �'V �i� � ,, 111� y� ��t S � ' „„ , . � :��— E;: J..- �; 1, c 7- �:I ' '' ,' '; � �� l� "i �7' E 3 `, � i ; � r, � , � ` � p ,I � ::.�� • � .� , <w..:j s� ��,, �. 1��� � �+ �.-:,,. 1 • „ �. . •. ': � . w... .... , , � ' ..: _ ..---- , e,,4. . dl/ F"F.� � er. . �w9fy>b i Fs � ' . iJJ� r =! " _ _.�� i, r ".._. �I � r: . F )s � � r I � r� i�; � � .. rr.: �fo :- -'`. ��� r ? 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F ���s=��',.,�..1 , - �✓.vn�l/�F•?K'� �`�I I �iQA"dS/�1 .-,. . . . ' . . :.u:. �,z .,..�. . -.... - . Cftv�Y--S-i'�rT-�--�t� -F�tt-G4�ft�i�r-�`--f�,',17:: -- .. � ,� Y'F . 44�' ea� . CYa�Y'AA��yLL IJYYYLOLl'!lil�l CN'Y'1yS�}yA-.. MBETING M�8R5 PRESENT: l�SRS ABSBNf: fYl'HSRS �'RESBNT: NOVEMBER 15, 1977 LeRoy Oquist, H�bert Lindblad, AL Gabel, Connie piodig Herman Bergman Reubea: A�osta, Planning Aide -TO ORDER• ` Vice-L'�tairpetson Oquist called the meeting to order at 7;45 p.m. Mr. Oquiat we�comed tls. liodig to the Co�ission. kP�i#17Ai. OF JULY 26, 1977, GOMM[1NITY DEVELOPI�1'P COiR�fISSION MLNUTES: �ON bq Hubert Lindblad, seconded by A1,Gabe1, to approve the July 26, 1977, C �o�iaity pevelopment Co�isaion minutes. Lipan a voice vote, all voting aye, the mcEion carried unani.mouslp. PR4FUSBD NOISE CONTROL ORDINANCE: � bq A1 Gabel, seconded by Hubert Lindblad, to receive the proposed �41;se Control Ordinance. Iis�a Oquist stated that he noted that this Noise Control Ord3nance was not due fox'zevi&w by the Planning Coamission until MBrch 2, 1978. He suggested that - the Caromiseioa members review the ordinance more fully at hoa� and come back Co Che uexC meeting with their camments. ��� Me. Mc+dig waated to Imow,who moutd enforce a noise coa;rol ordinance. l�t Acoata stated that thete would be a�Yloiee Control Officer" who would be dgsigneted by the Ci6p �ianager for carrying out enforcement of the ordinance. Ae'sCated`that, at 6his time, Mr. Steve Olson, the �ity's Environmental Officer, eheCked out complaints on garbage, health, food, animals, etc. Mr. Acosta staWpd'that noise levels wera specified in the present City Code and the Police i}epartment had a noise meter which measured Chqse levels. t�. pquist stated that he did not recall seeiag any �tatements in the proposed Nois� qrdinance regardiag enforcement. '��: MC.,k�.asta etatad he wossld refer that matter ta the Enviroamental Commisaion a� e�fozcement vas aomethimg that might have been left out. �� COD41i1NITY DEVELOPMENT CONII4ISSION MEETING, NOVF.MBER 15,_1977 _ - PAGE 2 � UPQt3 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, THE MOTION TO RECEIVE THE PROPOSED NOISE CONTROI. ORDINANCE CARRIED UNAAIIMOUSLY. t�pTipN by Hubert Lindblad, seconded by Connie Modig, to continue discussion of the proposed Noise Control Ordinance at the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all votiug aye, the motion carried unanimously. RECEIVE "ADVISORY STANDARDS FOR LAND USE REGULATION": MOTION by A1 Gahel, seconded by Hubert Lindblad, to receive the "Advisory Standards for Land Use Regulation^. Mr. Oquist stated that this document dealt with the problem he felt they had in Fridley in that lot sizes and house sizes should be cut down and a garage requiremenC should be considered in order to get houses in the price xange that people could aftord. He stated he did not necessarily agree with the garage requirement stated in the document, but realized garages were quite expensive. Ms. Modig stated that the garage requirement in the document stated that conatruction allow for pZacement af a future garage and not that the garage had to be buiZt at the same time as the house. Mr. Lindblad stated that this Couanission had discussed this before and he � felt there was no need to rehash it as Fridley really did not have that much land left for new housing. Mr. Acosta stated that the residentia2 areas were 90% built. However, he stated that there were huge tracts of land suitable for housing that were presently zoned indastrial. He'stated that these tracts of land could be rezoned as resideatiai at some point in the future. Mr. Acosta stated that Metro-Council may get to the point where they wwld want this regulation to supersede all present city zoning ordinances in the Twln City Metropolitan area. He believed the biggest thiag was the lot size. $e also stated that the Coa�ission might want to be aware nf what was called the "patchwork" where there were large houses next to smaller houses. gridley had that situation. There might be that odd lot between average size houses where someone would want to build a small house, and there might be some people who would object to that. I&'. Lindblad stated that he did not believe in the Metropolitan Council. �e thought that, in time, the cities and viliages were going to haye Less and less to say about what went on in their own cities. This document was a good example where Metro-Council was laying down the rules and telling the cities how they shou2d build. Mr. Oq�ist stated that the Co�ission should use this document as a guide when getting into'the Zoniicg Code and the Building Code. He stated he did � feel garages were necessary for storage and should be buiit. � ��� �,, � �4 i�s�R is. i - PAGE 3 UPON A VOICS VOTE, ALL ttOTiNG AYE, THE M(YLION 1`O''REGEIVS THE '"ADqiSOAY S�,AtA3ARDS FOR I.AiID USE REGULATIQN" CAR1tIEDiRiA�Qt3SLY. a�I0131?y A1 Gdbel, seconded by Hubert Liadblad, to receive 14r. Moen's letter Se�tember 7, 1977, and to accept his resignation as chairperson of t�ie $fkeway/Walkway ProjecC C�mittee. ?!r, pquiat explained to Ms. Modig that the City had been divided into niae teg,ioQS aad a representative from eaeh of those regions had formed the Bi;kewayf{dalkway Project Ccrcm�ittee which had put together the Bikeway/Walkway platt. As a result of that Plan, the City was-in Phase 2 of five phases. }Ir'. �yoen had been chairpersan of the Committee and had been having trouble getting the committee baGk together to meet twice a year as the Commission had rec mmeaded. I�'. OquisC stated that now that Hr. Moen had resigned, he titoaght that when 1�ir. $ergman returned, the eommission should talk about �iether or aot there wae aay £urther nead far the Project Comnittee. UF1?ti A VOIt:B VOTE, ALL 1TaTING AYS, THS MOTI0�7 CIIRRIED UIiANIMOUSLY. @N by A1 Gabel, secatded by Hubert Lindblad, that discussion on � eYmiaing the stakus of'the gikeway/Walkway Project eommittee be continued �� . 8t!anpChar meeting. i3pon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried tiittAn4mcusly. HEGEiVB_1R�1D TO FLANNING COMNIISSION DATED OCT. 3Y, 1977, �I WORK SCHEDULE ��:� : ON by AL Gabel, seconded by Hubert Liadblad, to seceive the memo to Platutiz�g C�iasion dated petober 31, 1977, on' Cite "Work Sehedule far the �nr8inder of 1977 and 1978, ". Mr. Oquiat atated that this was a very aggressive work gchedule for Plaaning Camlmission and Staff. He st�ted that the C�ission should indicate the items oa the list they waated tq be iavolved vi.th for review and rec�enda- tions to Planning Commissioa: UY4�i A VOICB VOTE, ALL VOTTtiG AYE, THS NUTIOBI CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1lt, Oquiat stated that tkte �e Park area was the art8 directly north of Holidey Village between �ia Street and Uaiver�ity Avenue to 61st Avenue. g8;atated that xhe City was daveloping a plan on what to do with that area, and it was something he thought this Commisaion ehould review. The Bca�ission would have Co review this at their December meeting. He,stated C�t1tt as soon a� the Hyde Park Plan was available, it should be sent directly tn t3�e Commisaion members. � ' �5 � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COI�ASISSION MEETING NOVEMRER 15, 1977 - PAGE 4 Mr. Oquist stated the Commission shonld start reviewing the Zoning Code at their Jaauary meeting. He stated he also felt the Coumiission should review Lhe Sewer Plan and asked 1�Sr, pcosta to get the Comnission more information regarding that plan. MOTION by Connie Modig, seconded by A1 Gabel, that the Coumunity pevelopment Co�ission had reviewed the 1977-78 Work Schedule and had indicated that they would like eo review the following items when the opportunitfes arose; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. I4. Hyde Park plan & Regulations Review Zoning Gode Review � Sev�er Plan Critical Areas Plan & Regulations Neighborhood Park Designs Housing Plan ,�mendments Noise Ordittance Land Use Plan City Code Update Transportation Plan S-Year Capital Improvement Program I.AWCON Applications Review Downtown Improvement Study M�ndatory Planning pmendments Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. LETTBR TO HYDE PARR RESIDENT ON NOVEMBER 16, 1977, MEBTING: ipDTION by Hubert Lindblad, seconded by A1 Gabel, to receive Che 2etter to Hyde Park residents on November 16, 1977. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS• Mr. Oquist stated that all the Co�ission members should review the C�ission's goals and objectives again to see what things the Commission should be interested in. He stated that the Conmiiss3on members also were encouraged to bring items of interest before the Commission at any time, other than just having Staff do all of it. MOTION by A1 Gabel, seconded by Aubert Lindblad, to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 p.m. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously Reapectfully submitted, �—... LYn Saba Recording Secretary � � � �. � �> CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEftLS C,QMMISSION MF.PTIPIG - NQVEt�IBT;R 29, 1977 �b CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Schnabel catled the November 29� 1977, Appeals Commission neeting to order at 7:38 P,M, ROLI, GALL: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Plemel, Kemper� Schnabel, Gabel, Barna None None APPROVE APPEALS COt�?ISSICN MIrNT�S: OCTOBER 25� �977 MOTION by Ms, Gabel, seconded by Mr. Barna, to approve the Appeals Commission minutes of October 25, 1977, Chairperson Schnabel referenced the eighth paragraph on page 9. She explained that there i�as a t•i0TI0N made to have the pictures depicting ihe visibility of the Real Estate 10 building on Hilltvind Road I3�' from Interstate 694 be brought up at the City Couttcil meeting. She wanied to know if that had been done, Ms, Gabel said that the pictures were shotivn to the City Council members. Chairperson Schnabel expressed surprise at the way the decision had been handled. Mr. Kemper suggested that they discuss this item later in the meeting, DPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 1, Road, Nevr Brighton, rs� 55> > z) , MOTION by Mr, Barna� seconded by Mr. Kemper, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motiori carried unanimously, The Public Hearing was opened at J:t�3 P,M, • -, �"I rarr�ri� a �urirtt;sstvtv r•9 st��'llrtr; — r� )�LT4B sR z9, � 977 P��*e 2 ADMINISTRATIVE STAFf REPORT 1406 West Danube Road A. PUQLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REgUIREMENT: � Section 205.053, 4, B,7, requiring a 70 foot side yard setback for living areas in an R-1 zone. Public purpose served by this section of the code is to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between 7iving areas in adjacent structures and 75 feet between garage and ]iving areas in adjacent structures ta reduce exposure to conflagration of fiire. Also to allow for ae�thetical7y pleasing open areas around residential structures. B. STATED NARDSHIP: Lot terrain made exact location of footings difficult, and swamp in rear made us hold the house close to the front lit�e. C. ADt7INISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEIJ: This house was brought forv�ard more than what was shown in the °� proposed site location submitted with the permit application. Staff notes that it was difficult to detercnine the exact location of the 5outh property line due to several traes, steep cuts i� the bank, and a southwest iot iron located across a swamp. The h��se Lo the south is 34.2 feet from the cormnon property ]ine involved. P4r, Richard Huss ti�as present at the meeting, representing Harstad & Todd Construction. Chairperson Schnabel asked �vhen the house in.question had been constructed and vrhen the discrepancy had been disconered. Mr, Huss said that the house had been constructed appro�timately 90 days previous and that the discrepancy had been discovered vrhen he applied for the certified survey. P4r. Huss agreed tivith Chairperson Schnabel that it cuas the front lot line that was off and not the rear ].ot line. Chairperson Schnabel requested Mr, Huss to indicate on the picture ivhere the lot line tivas exactly located. Mr, Huss indicated that the error had been attributed to a number of things. Iie said that on paper, it had looked like it woulck have wOrked, but in sea.lity there vaas no ti��ay that it could have been situated exactly as it had been draam in. � � • :�,. ,. APPPALS COMidISSION MrPTIPiG - NOVT�T-iBTR 29L 197i Pa�*e 3 ..5� Mr. Kemper indicated that �•rhen sitings were difficult and � that close of tolerence e3:isted betiveen the 1ot 1ine�, he ;elt that.all that much more care should have been taken, He said that it vras all the more difficult to approve a variance after the entire structure was complete. Chairperson Schnabel indicated that the only alternative the Appeals Commission had eias to recommend that some additional land be purchased from the adjacent property owners; or else they rrould have to grant the variance. Mr. Kemper said that the �ngineering Department and Staff should have really checked much more carefully. Chairperson Schnabel pointed out that when the petitioner ti+ent in to City Hall with his proposed site location, evidently it had showed a house that fit properly on the lot 'an3 required no variances, She said that most likel.y �vhen the footings had been dug� that the house had been shifted, Chairperson Schnabel read a comment that had been made on the Commission Application Revier�, ��It is after the fact� but islhy did property ovmer indicate a 12 ft, side yard setback with a smaller front yard setback initially. If accurate information had been submitted initially, a house revision could have been made and no variance required.�� Mr. Kemper said that : by the scale of that drarring, a person could see that it �aould not have ivorked. Chairperson Schnabel indicated that the adjacent house tvas 34.2 feet from the comnon property line, so that there tivas adequate space betiveen the structures. Mr. Kenper said that he didn't �eel that the public purpose ��ras being violated. He said that his concern ti�as vrith the ivay the entire thing had been handled, He said that it .vas obvious to untrained eye that the scale of the drawing 1�ras ivrong. He said that the construction of the house should not have been allo��ed r�ith the poor quality of drarring that had been presented. He said that the �ngineering Department should be cautioned to do a better job to see to it that the drati�rings submitted at the time that building permits are issued are scaled correctly. He again said that he had no problem irith the puolic purpose he only had a problem tvith the vray it was done. MOTION by P•4r. Plemel, seconded by hir, Barna, to close the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing ��ras closed at 7:56 P.M. � APPI;AI,� COi4MISSION MPrTING - PdOVT3�IT3rR 29, 19'7'] pa�e 4 �i'� Ms. Gabel agreed e�ith Mr. Kemper�s comments. She said that the situation should not have happened, She indicated � that since it vras already done, and there ��as enou�h open space between the structures to keep urithin the intent of the code, it rrould have to be ��lived" with, Mr. Barna supported the comments by Mr. Kemper. He said that it should not have happened, but it did happen, and the house ivas already constructed and he said it vlould be after-the-fact to deny the variance. He said that the expense of moving the structure rroul.d go onto the City Council and he doubted that they ��ould tell them to move the structure, Chairperson Schnabel didn't feel that moving the house t�aould be the alternative, She said that a motion could be made to have ths petitioner purchase some additional land from the adjacent property orrner. Mr. Barna said that any alternative vrould most likely be very expensive. He didn't feel it t•fas the Appeals Commission's position to ��punish" somebody for having made an obvious error, He did point out that this rias a very "obvious error" that should not have happened, MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Ms, Gabel, that the kppeals Commission approve the request for variance of the Fridley City Code� Section 205.053,1�,B, to reduce the side yard � adjoining living area from the required 10 feet to 8.8 feet, to accomodate an error in placement of the house on the lo�, located on Lot 20, Block 1, Innsbruch North Second Addition, the s�ane being i4o6 ':lest Danube Road N�E., Fridley, Minnesota, :�r. Barna made the comment that this �vas an avoidable error and he hoped that it did not happen again, Ms. Gabel said �hat she t�rould be eailling to vote against the variance if she �hought it �.ould do any good. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 2. REC�UPST POR VARI�]IvTCr OI�' ?� � 2. 5 4 T3 TO R�'DUCr TH� SID; YARD ADJOINING LIVING ARP�`�S FROii TH� R;:,u R:� i� ;�1, �, , .. ,., ;,- TO ALLO':! A r'P.�tii L :c �r �,, r i�;� :s � � � S�IMF I,OC;�TIOPd �Oi` Ll,`t �� � .,1.�� � rir, �� t' _ �� , ..� Ii:^ING 7[+ 1 LYP,IC 7�: f��s i. .� 1� 1� 1:, �. N c,.� i: . Reques y Ar ur ona ineer, f yric ane .E., F'ridley, hlinnesota 55432) . MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded by Mr, Plemel, to Open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing v�as opened at 8:01 P�M. APPFALS COMt4ISSI0I3 MrT:TTr1G - NOVL�'fBPR z�, 1977 Pa�e 5 AOMINISTR/ITIVE STAFF REPORT 7421 Lyric Lane N.E. A, PU6LIC PURP�SE SERVED BY REQUIRA7ENT: Section 205.053, 4, B,1, requiring a 10 foot side yard setback for living areas in an R-1 zone. �rl Public purpose served by this section of the code is to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet betsaen garage and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to conflagratian of fire. Also to allow for _ aesthetica1ly pleasing open areas around residential structures. B. STATED NARDSHIP: l+then we purched the house, one of the 6est features was a family room on the first floor, right off the kitchen. We would like . to rebuild the family room that was destroyed by fire on November 13, 1977. C. ADI4INISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT: � Field measurements show thet there will be 16 feet between the family room and neighboring attached garage at the closest point. The patio in the rear of the garage was converted into living area without a proper permit. !Je have no record of when the patio conversion took place. Mr, & P�4rs. Dondlinger were present at the meeting. Ms, Gabel asked �vhen Mr, Dondlinger had converted the paiio into living area. Mr. Dondlinger said that it was that ivay i�hen he purchased the house tti�ro months ago. Mr. Kemper asked if he planned to rebuild the family room in the exact location and v�ith the same dimensions as before. Mr. Dondlinger said that it c�ould be built in the same pZace but that he planned to go back into the rear yard a fetiv additional feet. He said that he wouldn't be going any furi;her into the side yard, � :�'.:.. I�S APPFALS C014t4ISSI0N M�:PTTNG - rTOVPN[BPR 29, 1977 Pat;e b Mr. Dondlinger indicated on the survey the exact locations of the house, garage� and family room. Mr. Kemper asked if the family room previously had been the patio. Mr. Dondlinger said that the original patio was converted into a family room previous to rrhen he purchased the house, Chairperson 5chnabel read a statement from the Buildin� Permit that had been issued 11/07/61, "Patio on back of garage cannot be enclosed, must remain patio or porch�t. She said that tivhen the family room svas added, the people adding the family room did so eJithout a building permit. Mr. Kemper asked hocv the fire started. Mr. Dondlinger said that it ���as caused by a Ben Franklin stove that didn't have an insulated chimney. Mr, Dondlinger said that he sras planning to extend the entire house back five feet into the rear yard, Mr. Dondlinger reinforced Chairperson Schnabel's statement that the neighbors' garage did get blistered by the fire in his family room. Ms. Gabel asked if the Fire Department had been able to go bet�aeen the tlro houses. Mr. Dondlinger said that they had been able to get bet�veen the te�o structures. MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Barna� that the Appeals Commission receive a letter dated November 15, 197�, from Mrs. ihomas Gronlund. Chairperson Schnabel re<�d the letter into the minutes of the meeting. "To: Mr. Clark; �°Je have no objections to the enclosure of the family room at 7421 Lyric Lane N.E.�� UPON A VOIC� VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The letter eras received at 8:09 P.P4. Ms. Gabe1 asked if hir. Dondlinger planned to have vrindo��s on the South Clall. Mr. Dondlin�er said that there previously had been tivindovas but that he didn't plan to have any. Mr. Kemper asked if he elould be doing the tirork himself, Mr. Dondlinger said that he �lanned to do some of the e�ork himself. � � i APPPALS COt�fI�fIS�I�N P9TT?TING - PdOV'�4I3FR 29,z 1977 PaP�e 7 ,� Chairperson Schnabel pointed out that in the early � 1970�s the reques.t to enclose patios and porches v�as going before the Appeals Commission very often, Ms. Gabel said that since the statement had been issued on a Building Permit in tg6ti, that the Anpeals Commission had to keep in mind that styles of living has chan�ed, She felt that family rooms had become a very big part of the lives of a lot of people, She said that I4r. Dond].inger had bought the house �vith the intent that he v�ould have a family room, She said that he had nothing to do vrith the fact that the family room had been built vrithout a building permit. Mr. Plemel said that he realized that to deny the request u7ould be penalizing T�r. Dondlinger, but he said to approve it would seem that the �lppeals Commission was undermining the Staff's objective of making the statement. Chairperson Schnabel said that the other side of the issue �=ras that had the fire not occurxed, PSr. Dondlinger ��rould be utilizing his family room that he had purchased �aith the house. She indicated that another point to consider tiras that in the course of the fire, the adjacent garage only blistered rather than actually catching fire, She felt that that could be a strong case for allo�rino the construction of the family room in the sarne location. She said that �,ith no opening� ir. � that adjacent ��all lvould reduce the chances even more of conflagration of fire. Mr. Barna indica�ed that Mr, Dondlinger vrould l�e required to have a fire lvall betrreen the living area and the garage. Mr. Dondlinger said that there would also be a fire vfall along the lot-line side of the family room. Mr, Plemel felt that the Appeals Commission i+rould be condoning un-authorized construction if they star.t routinely approving these types of requests, P�ir. Barna said that the �ppeals Commission could lo�ak_ai� the idea that there vras not a family room presently there and that his kitchen had been destroyed and that he vranted to add a iamily room in the area beiiind the �arage, FIe said that he ��rould have no objections raith that request at a11. P4r. Kemper said that if a person buys a house 1�rith a family room and the fanily room ti��as destroyed by fire, that person should be able to rebuild it if he so desires. . APPFALS COMP4ISSIOTI P4rETIDIG - NOVPMBPR 29, 197� Pa�;e 8 ��� MOTION by Mr. Barna� seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the Pub�ic IIearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the • motion carried unanimoi,isly. The Public Hearing �aas closed at 8:20 P.t�I. MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Kemper, that the Appeals Comsnission approve the request for variance of the I`ridley City Code� Section 205.o53>4,B, to reduce the side yard adjoining living areas from the required 10 feet� to approximately 6 feet, to allo��r a family room destroyed by fire, be rebuilt on the same location on Lot 27, Block 3, t4elody Pdanor� the same being 71�21 Lyric Lane N.P,� Fridley} Niinnesota, ��ith the stipulation that the adjacent t��all of the fanily room be a fire vrall tivith no openings, Chairperson Schnabel pointed out that the statement that had been made on the tg6t Building Permit had been keeping tvith the Zonin� Ordinance. Hoe�ever, she said that if the person chose to enclose the patio/porch, they tirould have had a right to appeal. Mr. Plemel didn�t feel there �•ras a hardship for Mr. DondZinger in terms of space for his family. Pis. Gabel said that PSr, Dondlinger had bou�ht a kouse ��rith a family room, She didn't think that the l�ppeals Commission r�as justified to devalue the price he paid for the � housa and penalizing him for something that happened prior to his ocrnership. She said that the true hardship vras that it �vould be taking something ati�iay from him that he had bougnt and paid for. UPON 11 VOICE VOTE� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. j. RPCFIVL M1�"N. f0 FROi�i SERROLD L, Chairperson Schnabel said that the purpose of the memo ��as to give the Planning Commission an idea of ��rhat v�ork that had to be done through the remzinder of 19�7 and througk 1978. Chairperson Schnabel explained that the reason the memo rras �oing to the sub-commissions �•ras to let them decide if there tvere some specific items that commission rrould like to reviert before the Planning Commission revietved it so that their inputs rrould be considered by the Planning Commission, � � Chairperson Schnabel said that the 'LOning Code was one item that she felt the Appeals Commission should take time to reviet�� bEfore the Plannin� Cornmission, She said ihat the Appeals Comr�issiom vrould probably revie�✓ it in December since it r�as schecluled to be handled by the Planning Commission in January. She said that if there t�iere certain areas that the Appeals Commission find that there are a repetitive number of appeals for variances� then maybe the original ordinance �aas no lon�er valid and those types of things should be reviev�ed. Chairperson Schnabel �sked the other members if they felt that the Zoning Ordinance should be first handled by them. r4s. Gabel said that basically the l�ppeals Commission u�orks ti�ith the Zoning Ordinance all the time� She agreed that the items that rrere being handled repeatedly should be the items that the Commission should look at. Mr, Kemper felt that it rras a good idea, but he dicln't feel that the members riould have the time to go through the entire Zoning Ordinance. Chairperson Schna:bel suggested that each Conmission member could take one section of the Zoning Ordinance, She said that the members could give their section some thought as to rrhat types of' recommendations could be made. She said that each member could brin� their recommendation� to the meeting and they could be discussed by the entire Commission, P4r. Kemper suggested that Staff be requested to make a summary of those Aaragraphs that have been subject to variance action, hovar�an� times each paragra�h hzd been addressed, and. vrhether or not the AppealU Commission approved or disapproved the request. He felt that that rray it vaould be more accurate rather than depending on the Appeals Commission member's memory entirely. Chairperson Schnabel said that she planned to talk to Mr. Boardman to get a better idea as to lvhat he ���ould be looking for in the revier;s by the sub-commissions, She said that she ��iould be finding ov.t the exact reason u�hy the Ordinance tiras being revierred - if there ;��as a specific reason or if it oras just for ihe fact tliat they don't like to leaae an item lilie the Zonir.g Ordinance go rrithout ever being revie»ed, Mr. Plemel felt that it ��rould be very beneficial to him to read through the Zoning Ordinance. Chairperson Schnabel agreed to tallz to Mr. Boardman re�arding ivhat direction the reviei�r of the Zoning Ordinance should go and to request that someone from Staff could do a study on the number of the paragraphs that have bean subject � to variance action (Ordinance Plumber)� and the number of times each of those paragraphs have been addressed. � APPPALa" C,OMPqI �SION MF;PTING - NOVT3�II3T;R 29, 19�'7 pap�e 10 :�� h4r. Kemper suggested that Ms� Schnabel ask Mr. Boardman to expand even more and indicate if the Appeals Commission � approved or denied the requests. He felt that even though it rroulcl not have any bearing on the revie��r of the Ordinance, it ti�aould be good statistical information. Chairperson Schnabel asked the members of the Appeals Commission Lo 7.00k at the items on the CTork Schedule and if they felt that thexe rrere any other items that should be discu�Uec2/revierred by the Commission to let her knoi�t. She said it ��rould be necessary to set up the meetings for their revieer ahead of the time that it was scheduled to be revie�•red by the Planning Commission. She pointed out that the Schedule r�ould only �vork ieell if each of the sub- commissions have their evork done ahead of time. She said that not a lot of time v�as being allo�ved. She said that many of the items had to be done by certain times in order to receive funding and that had been one of the guidelines in setting up the Scheclule. _ _ 4. December 13� 1977 Appeais Coramission Meetin� Chairperson Schnabel asked each of the members to "bone" up on all the discussions that had been had during the past year or so on 40 foot lots. She said that there rras going to be requests for 1�0 foot lots at the becember 13th meeting. Mr� Plemel said that they had just had a Iand sale � in lnoka Gounty. He said that he remembered someone buying five or six 1�0 foot lots at that time. Chairperson Schnabel indicated that that was �he person making the requests. She asked that the Commission members review the ma.eeri:al so that they had firm convictions as to hor� they felt about chat particular issue. Ms� Gabel asked if the person i�iho bought those lot had been totally airare of the fact that those Iots s�rere unbuildab2e. P1r� Plemel said that the buyer had been made:aware<of::�he fact that those lots vrere unbuildable. 5. Relocating the Ilppeals Commission Meetings Chairperson Schnabel zndicated that ahe had been asked if the AppealU Commission crould consider havins their mee�ings in the ne�:� Community Room .�2 rather than in the Court Room, She exnlained that the main reason for the request was for security purposes. She said that it had been felt that if everything could have been handled in the Community Room ;!2, then the up- stairs portion of City Hall could have been locked off totally� � nnPrnL, cor�ttl ;�zoN r�rrTZri� - rrovr��?�F,R z9,i,977 r� 3,;e � t Chairnerson Schnabel yaid the the Appeals Commission �•�as � not the type of Commi�sion that did a lot of diecussing amongst themselves. She said that most item� handled by the Appeals Corlmission involved Public liearir� ;s ancl �hai: the Court Room proaided a better setting to handle the public hearin�s and � to better control the dialo�. She said that she appreciated their concern about the security but that s11e preferred reraaining in the Court P,00n for the �_ppeals Commission meetings, The members of the Corcmmission concurred. 6. Discussion on Council. for Real Mr, Kenper said that the first paragraph on page 5 of the November 7� 1977, City Council meeting minutes indicated that the lppeals Commission heard the request and reco�:mended that ihe Maxiraum height be increzsed from six feet to 17 feet, He said that that had not been an unanimous decision. A'fs. Gabel added that that un-unanimous decision l��as reacheci after much deliberation. Mr. P1eu�e1 Uaid that the Appeals Commission had talked about 17 feet being the ma.ximur: height of the total structure� including the super-structure framing. P�4r. Kemroer said that the Appeals Commission had spent over one hour on the particular item. He said that he l�ras concerned that City Council had asked one councilman to try to ivork out a comprom;se. A4r. Kenper felt that if the compromise arrived at by that one councilman ��ras significantly different than r�hat had been a�reed upon, then he ���anted to see the issue appear before the 1'lppeals Commission again. Ms. Gabel saicl that the Appeals Commission had reauested that the City Council look at the pictures depicting the visibility of the Real �state 10 building on Hillr�ind Road NE from Interstate 69!}. She said that the poini hadn't been brought up that aiter the Appeals Commission studied the pictures that they all felt differently, hir. Kemper .fel.t that had the pictures been available at the initial time of the rea,uest� the Appea].s Commission's decision r�ould definitely been different. ��ti APP7'sALS C(?T4P4IN:�ION M�PTING - 1�IOVi?MBPR 29, 197� Patre 12 �� � } Chairperson Schnabel indicated that after the request left the Appeals Commission and went to City Council, that the petitioner decided to move the location of the sign. Mr. Kemper said that the Appeals Commission had approved a particular variance and he was avaare of the fact that City Council could change it. However, he said that if the request ���as materially changed from �vhat the Commission had approved� then he felt that it should go back to the Appeals Commission, He said that otherrrise there vaas no point in the Appeals Commission hearing the request at all, Mr. Plemel said that that type of thing made a Commission membex ti�fonder about their vuorth. Chairperson Schnabel said that many people t�ere becoming irritated because recommendations that 1��ere being made to the Council ��rere being totally ignored. P4s. Gabel indicated that the City Council had approved the request in question. She said that the size of the sign had been changed from a 6x8 si�n to a 5x7 sign. Mr. Yemper ivanted to knoi=✓ r-ihy, at the time the photographs t�rere shoern to City Council, tnat it hadn�t been pointed out that had the photographs been availa.be at the time of the or•iginal request, that the Appeals CommiUsion rrould definitely have reached a different conclusion. � Ms, Gabel said that it hadn�t come across in the rninutes �hat the Appeals Conmission indeed did feel differently after vietving the photo�raphs. Chairperson Schnabel said that it eaas unanimot.s that all the members of �fihe Appeals Commission ti�rere frustrated, She suggested that in the future rrhen things that �r�ere important to the �aembers �Jere to be sent on to City Council, that perhaps they should be more em�hatic about the item. A➢JOURNP�IrNT MOTION by Mr. Kemper� seconded by P4s, Gabel� to adjourn the November 2g, 1977� elppeals Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote, a17. votin� aye, the motion carried unanimously. The meeting i�as adjourned at 9:20 P,M. Respectfully submitted� �!.� ��}�^�!`i Mary �e Carhill Recording Secretary � � � ��; . R9t -�;:.., . � . � ^ a:afr . . � . �. . riE.z`?`. s2 �� � � � � �k8 �. �� � �; 4 �"`�� « � ��"�,�� ` n.s� , � x l, � �: +& 8E,C68ATION � ° "�� , ; MEBTING � � � � � �i `� : i= :-: �1�V{A�'W�i YO� InaF�� � : #. [n Suhrbfer, Leonard Hcore,:Bef'tp Mech �� �a�k K`�rl rYU� `, ` T� N#i�r. r''° .,i=<:�;. . ��� . . , � . . . �~ ,lk�. OF tICTQB$li ` .''� �. , , . , �r ,c ,�a.�+,flF 1�D �� � "'3� €4���8 ite � . „ -�;:. rx. ��etter fra� ¢: �: son> Jan 5eeger oudreau, Parks�� & ��ticm�Director � , prpgram Directt>F z,,. ng. P.Y.S.A. � . v;° . s11ed the meeting to a�'tlar at 7;35 p.m. X, PARKS & RECREATIDR'Qf�ISSIQN MINUTEB: conded by Betty �ch,,t.ts.approve the pctober 24, 1977, on minutes as-�ritten: Upau-a vnice vote, a11 votfng �imously. s were ad�7e<1 to the ageadaz °, �� � ;�,,. '� ' r. La pailut,.$h�.D., Coe�rBe ��te�or at Che II��.verai�y aota� - �tear C� under "Direr�LOi����'�epoi'L" - � �* Setky Mech, s� �p.a&diCions. �F elq. �Q.,�.,..nT tated CtiaC � pa�ePie frnm thiak� ' #���. ��, , F%� l � ' � C : �..� � �CS House - I#e� 13 u+scter '�llirector's Report" ;.$eajamin/Briaxd�lE,��a - Item-E under "Director's Reporxt"',` �,��tq Mech - ICem �;�� "Other Business" '' ,: 3 +:1 ". � � � �' �d ,iiy Leonard Mtrw;�� ,'G� �pprove the agenda with ��'o�.ce vote, ail , `ay�, tfie motisan carried � ��'es' program 33�t��� at;�the printer and, �i�e ��dy to mai�Y E#�''£`tsliomi.ng week. R�B��:t�ation ' ��:��n on 1?ecemher .I�h. " Previously: thex� ltad ��:�w they ��were asl�%[%g that p�apte '��gi�ee�` at � .. '.; o£ any of the -�gtams . T�is tatyiuid p�8sibly s mld n�t � ' ���'.x�` :.`-N. i?,' 4°�Set". . ..) s.0 .. n�i� � k 3 £:r �. � ' ��"�` . !, .. , . . , �'� w � '. � . .s ' .,.. _ ` �� �� > ` � ; . �. .y _ ING N��*2$, 19i7 2 i �r�� w : �-: . , � �� ,_ � > t: � �`�. KiYk men2lon[sd �h�< goi��iing � ae some a� �ha'programs that viou't�1 ba � of£eted. �� during the winter, _ f.. Pu}�pet shaw '�t =�i� ,�t4 bTsrch; Wint�r Fut's iiaY i.n Febrnary; Phato contes[ � a�ti short � atbry� c��;ea�� �n i�farch; 2�e� p#��aa� pn� six dt£fereat' Fridays; Wa7.t D�,sney �,r1e' fe�}��lemei�tary age ctril8�gn; Lali,es ` Day aut - four' -tripe duriug �"rstti��r montshs; Winter pia�rgronnd program between C�riat�s and 1+'�W y�a�s; I�amiiy get-tpg�}y�r songfest Dec: 18th; � nature pro8�'���1��`�ez-Sehoal progcams; Gross eoentry ek�ing-,�Leasons � and twn trigs;n�rttgr�}n ia sstowshoetti8, �r�aideutia2 Sports q�sd; and U Leaznto £kate �aB�aps for ages 4-6. �is. Mer,i� sta#ed 'she tzc��d-'�tike t�p see the ci�y tiffer dzmmki�l skifvg trips and I�. Suhrbiar stat�i "thaC t�bi�g t�as a£un faati:ly sport.<: 2+8�. �uudreav stated ihat �� pra�lem they had had isx the paat Eor .the'down- hi3l ski9:ttg C��.pa s� �'l;a�k nf people to Ei11 a bus snd it :had b�en rather c48Cly to the citq' �oY� �. �xips; He st�ted, ltowever, that they $ucne#raged itip+� €rom city re��iies�ta�^ �nd it sras stated i,a the brachure that if residents ' �ad ang pfiagram i�ea�, Ci� were ea call ti�e Pa�cks � Aecreatiari Departwent at lesst Cwo 'iaeeks priar �o akt event . ", s: S. �8ete - AP?����z��e'� �Cizra3lstjReso�,isce Coordiaator P6siC�,on: � £,� . �:"Soudresu atat�d that a�.�s::time th�y lta� 30 applications for th:Ee pe>Sitioa a� tMep -�taped t4. beg,£tt reviewirtg these app3,i��9�i�tps withi.a a week ' o���sA: 7'hey hoged Ga narxcs�t rH�yte domn to ossibl 8-I�� � � "�"' p y p�nple w}�o would khen h� intexviewed. H� ��id ttteye appeared to' be aome vesy 4fkalif�csd .�., ' sg�rlicsnta, but rhep wonld uat tc�ow for �are unti2 Chey reviewed eaeh-appli- . cation, �e said he wouid -probahj:y be brf.ngfng this up :agaia a¢> tl�; $taumission `s xauw�arp meetiag. C. '"L�tter Ercan Dr. i.a Pa�t, ph.D. � Course �,n�trucCOr 4t the IIniueYSity of MitusesoCa : .�r: �c�dtaau atat�d;Chat pr. La po�at was an i.nstructa�-in phy$ic�i education �s�'Che II. �i.}�, ag�t<he +aae �,nCereated izr��ath�eti.cs. Dr.�f,a.Fc��a��pa�-a� � � reside�L of F�t3d2�.and h� �ad agproached Che �+arka & Recreati<st 7lepattment same t�m�s .aga viClt• �he fdea of camfng up wi,�- � cour�e in orga�tiization and �rsnagement ai epoirts. Ia �a4king' with Dt. ia� i�oint, �. $sxrdrtau seid- they fnuad it' i�ias gearod'axciunt�;a11 tAe info�mat��' that was bei,ag �ruL: ast now about coatpetitivextess ip ��ort� in high sch»aI�- and eolLeges atiid �b�Y ft all �ant. Dr:,La PoistL tgae �ring Co orgau�ize `s aourae winich would sastes'.such axeas as es�ablis�� a�i3osop�q for fnte�callegfata sparts, social factors reiating to ati�letie perfsiktcanee; persottali� assesamen�.as appli�d to � ath3etes 8nd athl¢��e�g��,�. p��:nciglea of-coaclitioniag. methods o-f eondi- t�or�,ing, legai liab�i�,t a��s�"s��ehing and managing oE an athlptic #�dget, � ; p�n;ctiasing� athYeklt agu��t, �tl.vaticm of the ���e€es, eta�: I?�`. i.8 Point �� '� had.'eett grograma w�r� E�r raere going to cenrer the� topica on sst. #cluea-' 3 �fttinal chanael. = ' �: � � � � ``� : .,_. `_; ; < ; � Si �R T y�{i� „ . � R'Si#� - t ' �' . — j�� �.. . . ' ;x � [" , , � } �� . ' .. , _ . _ _ �- _ . " � �z ,�e°� "'� � ��-'; ���.. , � �� G& 3 ' � ��, �� - iu read:the blavember 9, 1977, letCs7�'�� xQCeived from ;, .. , , � r i� .� w}ttch D�. �� La poirtt stated �te'�+ttdley athletic � #�d ixeen selected.CQ �'be videp, t��#;�;ti coa,�unction with "Organi- lia�agement of SparG'!, a televisiaA course to be offered for augh Sndependent Study at the U af M. ;The ten-gart series would <' ;t ns �;fCA-TV sp;i,�g ;quarter, -i97$. �r, �8 Point stated that � of this course was to examine the com,�+aaeats of coaching in Ff�xent sparte. The video Capes wrntid fpc3ude scenes of athletea :atiemal levels, as well as intesviews w�h administrators o€ rogra�s, coaches, Farenta, and rhe athlate6 themselves. au stated he thisught it looked like aa excellent program and`one ' �s happy to be:a {a�tst'of. He felt it would-da nothing but good taL sgorts pz'ograa4=within the City af Fridle�. He hoped to get a parCici.pants #r� F:Y.S.A. and H.A„�': i�oived, either as part �rviewed geaple-or the children pi�p,�s�g #q-the programs £o fsnd rcactly what their €eelings were in cE�at�tfveness in sports: �aiag Plans fci�.5anta House• � au stated Ci}�� ttae}* had contacted,the i,ions:' Club and the Lions' ofug to wqrk'�ftit the city in developing a Ssnta Claus WorkshQp. "' Co:have s� t�pe of enclosu=e that �ld be parked by Eisenhower - d����+� i �;K-� I.iaA ��„�. �. ��„ � t�t8 ; ,� - ��;,�dr�a �1� . cTO..�UJs .'NaC'� 'RtctF Ctg Hall, witifih caould be decorat� axtd Hould have musie plap�ng, :�e day sad,i�t�.o the evening. 1h�y h�@sd to have a gauCa and a�3,pg Parer�ts 'tn.�i�ing their chil3�eu dq�n to see 5aata. There �ad}.ights aad p�aYents were invites� Ea b9:��g ,their cameras to take Ehair childre3t with:Santa. Theze w+,��;,�{-�ie a drop box and ciiildren i to mail their �etters to 5anta in.�it� #xop box. All letters to be answered. ; Id�c. Bfludresu stated tliat t�ey hoped to promote ey spirit in.f� city and to let peagle knaw that the city cauld Lke this fmr f�te families. He said they were grateful and thankful s' Club €or t#��r paxUicipation fa this. �ft���.Grmnt �t�- $�,ni�n/8riaxdale Ar�at: � � � � ,� staGSd et�te#�#ae'Citg had �pnt ifl�atk:athi.�tic court gr�t for two- C$ S�iCi1 1i�i� 8�. Seujamin/Briarda�.e.'� ��, 0€fice of Local � IIrban� 3ently'feit C�4-at�a in question �8.:��ed. and the gramt was �.ctty-� £a��c��i�22`s.�' 7his xaas� a m���.tgx�u� .in��whi¢h the �eity �� 4are ap;;wit�t �,��5��. � The_ City hopre�? �e�.��we� �these couxta �built, ,� ths bui�,di�,a�=�.�. SprinBbroek, tfie earlas�+�nt of cwrts at Craig , and>thn ' ��.on- of the colo�. c:�di�tg o£ all the tennis court ,.,.... _4..rYy�,spria8 '_ �t ' - �� � _ ; ,, „�, ,.;, r � � ��.. . � � ., �-,�' : � ��_ �. . � � � _ � � ��, � . �� %� ' ,�� , � � r .� ���. J a�t pm" � � • � .. � ^ `3 a . .. . _ � -��,: � `-,-m4�, . . ;; _�' t 4 ' . u; ,. a��. ' - ;# _ �'A 4� l�'i ` 55 (� �IG " :28, 197T 4 � = ' �. 2. � �U'g�i+�SS � �~� Reviela and; ��ent o p�a�€ng �c�miission WoL��C Schedisle per Jerrokd goardman's M�b �?at�d Qctober � ,.��i�; - �� � � � Mr. S9udreau etated this i�t� was for the Coi�misaion's infarmatfpu;to let rhem know t�hat the sched�2�.�as snd the public tiearing achedule' on the $��� & Open Space p1an., 1�a the Commissfon eould see, it was a;� tite Planuing Go�miseion iigh�`:�, actd this was a repott oa the status, Mr. Boudrean asked"the Coa�issiou mambera if they wanld'2ik� hiti Co ait fu-`tm �ame a# the plaaning �oa�ission meetfn$s to find'out the �re�g�ess on �z. the Patks: & Open SP&ce Yla�, T�e Commaissioa :members t�torsght tliat would be` �taipful . T4Y. Boadreau staeed he would see about atteu$�ng a few Plaaning� Cc�aission m�etings to �heck o�t}the �rogress of the:Parks & 4Pen SPace Pl� ead mould ��@�8it �BCIC t6��ITe�� ('�Cbq�S���px! at'.the January a�eeting. �- .. � � 3. bLi} $iT.4IP7�{S3 A:' itegbrts by Jau " er• (1) 8ner8Y Sympo83um• (2) Going Uncler to Stay on Top; ; I�&: �oudreau stated that a�#�ct 1�. Seeger wa'a` absent, this :wod2d be gut on Che'Jaauary agenda, • ; B. S'aa�m�atiile Ar�ae €or 1977-7�s I�.: Boudreau etated that t$ie sa�mabile orditlance had been pass�d sa� time in tlpril ar Mag a£Get publi.+c heasrings thet eaaw�eobiles 'souid not be o�erated � stseers, roadws�s;, ihar»ug�fsres, etc., in the Ctty af FridLey, people cott�2d use them a¢ p��v�te pxoper�y, eiEher ttseir own properEy or other �'ivate p�npt�Cp wd,tlt w�ti�ten ge�arissiou fraar. the osmer. Thea,' at a later ��lag„ =ti�e Psrks & Secre�tton Go�issian waa given tke oPportunitp Lo ~ dssigr�te areaa as'�tptnved snowmobile a�eas.within the,City o� p�idley. iFpate 1Kr. Soudteau'8 �ccmem�adatfon, beca�sse i�� Che prohlems of ;tri3loring, ' parking, etc., the.�,omaiisg3an had voted not tn desigaate any p�hii,c snow- �ile.a��s i� Gb;e City nf �ridiey. That reet�aunendation weut tn �ftq �ovucii €or �3nai aczioit. ' Now tiiat snowmobil ixzg westher was here, as pre- dict�, �he gity �nd ���y �ouncii memberg wese getCing phone c�11s. �o, the` �ity .Couneil w�� pian�t�g on'discuseing 'sreas in Fridley tHat caild logica7,t� ise desf$ti�ed a�?snowmo6iliag areas. He staCed that the, ��ission had'$lready diseus}t�l tb�&.J theSr xeeoamenda�it� was ia� aud the deeision was up to �ity Ca��il. ,P�. Boudreau sGatecis`{te`had forwarded a§esatad- . reconmendation that �n pub'�.ia praperty, sn�b�ling was not feasf�zle, ' hecauae of [he dam�g� to k�e par�s. Mr. Boutl�eaa a�ated he had broug3tt �_� thia back Co Che Co�i�s3p� so they would kYU�w what was heing du�ae aad ��� wmat had ha�rpe�ed to- Eirei�' recou+�endation. � � � � � � .� x .,�. � �; � z�� � s _ � _. �. . � . �- � , ' � , .. , . _ � ; � � _. _ _. >� .F _ � _t., a•��`,� � _ . , f � . � . .�•i�-? � r� , x '. 4, , �� �k .� s�aEe z: at';�' .ti�x:., ,, , �� t�la:ii ���' � t : �,, She r�' ,� ,:' �C'�"-$�dsesu s .��r � ° ,. 8C�4 r�� .� �,' ` 'le �24 �� fr �� �. ,..� ���e ��g i�rga �; � � , v'� r *�;�� x � � ��� + � � x �.s < GFj ' �� , � , , ���� ; _ �lFr ��. = SIUN 1+�ETI2�3G N i' - PAGE 3 , ' .:� ; � �, ? 4 y rt Ff y� �pamis�#.taa�F BeC�tY Mech• d tkat this was the second mo1gFl�€t"#�-g =ow Chat ahe had uot a�vious month's minutes or �g$�da: �ated he srould check on thts-��at$l.y.. ei ahe had overheard her childrea `G�Lkit�g about "Dead Man'e a&ked �heare Ch�s: was, �b�y said C3i� raae a slide in I,ocke ��� �,��;�, ttre pavillion. if the chil+,ixen did not stay on }�y �eiQC;�etweea a-tree and a stump a�t children had been thou$iT�. �:.' .8audreau ehould chBeYc- tdxia Qut. t�st�il t.l�e<efty had nat re�aiued .�ug repz�rt o€ injury there. C�d �he had heea getting some f�cl4��k on }iarri$ :LBI� Par14. o i�sl��d,�4methiag to do with the;pask d�sign had wanted to of deeigrt gb in there aad weX�,coqearned because Lhe city had tYee in tha park. Boz �e�urity, �� had wanted law euer•greens, spruces. �taC�d"°that t� person who hsd.dott�Ced the Cree had dortated it' �L$tiorn# .th� it< go in Harr3s Lals+e• Paxk. s�egCiag, M&. Mech had mentiatQCl tp Mr. Boudreau-[hat Dick's �r�diey was; poiluting. .She we��es�::Eo know 1f t11k1k.- Boudreau its� rdb�ck on �hfs co�plaint. ;tated I� �rat1 turned this eanpl�i�;°�a�s to Steve Olsou, the Officer,.,bu� had not rece#vetb �tty ��iback: He stated Ghat ,d a�ctment was c�s�t#ed with what affeeted't�t� �rks> $nd suggesCe .��ch hrin$ tfii��;�o the attention o£ t�°�1S:C���,Torks Depattpi�t. ' h<atated=she wou}.d'�e�t with Mr. Dick Sn�iech,, Pub11c Worics Di�'ecCc�r, Stene Alson. �y;Q� ,��� �, ���e�.;�at tHe status was an general skatiag at �e, d�Cesu statecl ite " �1z�Cen a leLte�° �.�#e Homeowners' �,ssociatian bzuck explaining '� the city had �e��-i.,o,�et to the lake and fnr pex+afssion;;�`��e�s� to �aintaitl E�'��k, He sta�Eecl they; � � i ca� to use the b�-acktop.p�th, and becausa G�e-path was six ihclyes �yt. tcro na�t>w; Chere mig3�t ba same tur€' +��aage. If there was turf t.�e� a1�Y±� ask3.rig Ehe 8�own€ers` Asaoc�,aGi� Ca replaee �fs and '^• ,d: �he c.iE�* reapeaasi:ble. The CfCy taas rea��' Co go, but were wal�in& �,is$ia4-€� the,Homeos�merai Asaoe�.at��v �, -�� '�' '- � ------ ;� � - �,� H > .k �^� � �. � .. � . , t :� �. � i � � . ,� . � ;� '€ � � � a ..ti . .I: . '. . . i� .,: �. ..i ,: t P &&EGE:��4Ti0t� d�tl8' K NG 28 1477 - 6 '� _ . ' �x c � At the Oetottsr a����g,; �h�. Caami�ssion had requeste� s�sme tags �_E� each o£� � ��'` the Carffiiesfna memb�s•. Bo�lreau prebe�sted these rtame tags Co'the Comaeis�ion �emhers.= i'he �isslonera expr��ed their-��p�eciation to 3�. $ayclx�eau"#or haviug i3�;�e s�e.: A�13{1UR�__.__I�Ti : F�k`It7� by'yeanar3 i�ore, 8�a�8d.by Betty 2�ch, to sdjourn the -ateeting at : 8:35 p:m. [ipoq a voice'v�+t�;. Aki voting ayd�, tite moti.oa carrfed unanimously. Respectfullq enbmftt�d, :r:_,. � � s / .: �+ r . 4-1�-d,�, ; �se Sa�a " �ecord�ag� SeCr�ta�p, �°: - � � � - ` � � � ; �. �� �;, _ > <_ _ . - , +' � �� f � � � i . . � �� . . . - � • �.. '� � ~ � � � �� � � f 't y —.: ?. .p�a}.` . . tii f � -.�:f � � �. _ � .. .,Y; s `§-c. ` . x � . . ,. . ,_ ., . . a 4-i-:.. �_:.� . :;r.�t. . . ...: ,��«.�:-e'�:.� ...�.,� > ;.?,.:,_..,.�,... ��:. � ' .. r �.-..,.� . .�a�s -i�m�- ,p . . .,w. 3 ��' . ,�.:.�... . .. � t ,,. . ; , _ �, � � se: ,� .:�. : ��! y� ^ � n I 41<� ��"V �.rs^. � Y ` ._. �G - � . 1' I� . .. _ . ._.. _ ._._. . _.. ._. .. .. _ _ ... .. . ....... _ .. P � .__ _ "'___-- __.___ �__ . _ '. . _..... _ _. _. _. _ . .. _ _ . _.. . . _. . . __ _- ' � � � /�-- . �[.t�� . -- .. _-'�-- • - - -!�/�`�.C' _ . ._- _ _ — _ _... . /���` - � -- O . _... _ . . -- _ . __ _ __ _ � _ 7, _ / 9 �_Z__ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _�--4 G.a�� . __ _ . _ - _ __.. - __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ -- ----- - _ _ � 3 ��_ � �-, ,�� -- � G�;� __ _�2,3 �i ir�c ���iG` — — -- , - _;- - - --- - � � 36 zs S�( "?7 � _ _ _ - - -- �� _ /��D �e���,,�r,�� ..�-%% � � � a7y %� � _ --- �°°�'� - _- �' _ �, �_�� � _ _ __-- _ __ _ ,�i��-��s� � -n _ _ ?� _ -- - - - � - -�. �-�-� �/�_ � _ _ ; _ i��s: 73 ��,�1v.� .v�. _ _ _ _ - ; ; ? '�' ����� _ �s�, ' �.�� ��� - __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ - -- _ ___--- _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ —__ � . ��� K, i FRZDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMZSSION MEETING NOVEMBER 22, 1977 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim i,angenfeld, Dave Sabistina, Lee Ann Sporre Bruce Peterson (arrived at 8:30 p.m.) ME[�ERS ASSENT: Connie Metcal£ OTHERS PP.ESENT: Ray Leek, Planning Aide CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Langenfeld called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. APPROVAL OF AGENDA � . � Mr. Langenfeld announced an addition to agenda un@er Item 5"Other Business" as Item A. "Water - Our Delicate Life Membrane." Other items were added under "Other Business" with Mr. Leek asking the Commission to receive a memo from Jerry Boardman on tfie Planning Commission's work schedule � for 1977 and 1978, dated October 21, 1977, Mr. Langenfeld asked the Commissior. menbers to revie�a this schedule and indicate any items they feeZ should be brought to this Co�ission, at tfie next meeting. This became Item D under "Other Business:' Dther ap,enda items added were: B. Mi:nnesota Council; C. Recreation Consortium; E. East River Road Project. MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre to approve agenda with additions indicated above; seconded by Dave Sabistina and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. APPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL UALITY COMMISSION MINUTES DCTOBER 18 1977 MOTION by Lee Ann Sgorre, seconded by Dave Sabistina, to approve October 18 1977 Fridley Environmental Coamussion minutes. Ms. Sporre asked that paragraph 4, page 9, wherein she is quoted as saying "The government ought to get into the business before private business did." be deleted, as it does not represent what she said. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MOTION to approve minutes as amended, above, was carried. � d FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 22, 1977 Page 2. DISCDSSION OF PARKS AND OPEN SPACE PLAN �� Mr. Langenfeld stated that he appreciated the way in which the revisions of Park and Open Space Plan were accomplished, wherein the small type indicated changes Environmental Commission had made. He then asked for comments on changes thus far and stated if there were none he wished to move on to further corrections. He asked Commission members to follow him page by page as he reviewed changes recommended by Planning Coimnission: Page (1) - No change. Page (2) - No change. Page (3) - Bottom of page after GOAL: "Provide adequate park £acilities, recreation opportunities, and a quality living environment for the residents." Mr. Langenfeld stated Planning Commission did not agree with this being it is already an established goal and therefore repetitious. Ray Leek stated that he was not at the meeting, but assumed the re£erence was to the fact that the goaZs and objectives as contained in this section were adopted by the Planning Comm�ission. He then read from goal area for Human Development under D. 100 -"Provide adequate park facilities and recreational opportunities to insure health and well being of residents and to provide quality of living environment." Ms. Sporre asked if it was consistent with planning to put a Park statement under Human DeveSopment, and not put it under Parks; she commented that she had not heard of Human Development category before. Mr. Leek indicated that none of the goals or objectives in this plan are different from what is in the "goal statement" document for the City. The only area of consistency Commission should be concerned with is that the goal and objectives statement of the document agree with those estab- lished by the City of Fridley. He further indicated that it was his under- standing that Planning Comoussion position here was one of inerely reaffirm- ing statement of goal that has been officially established. MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre that a copy of "Goals and Objectives" as adopted by the City of Fridley be supplied for each member of the Environmental Commission. Motion seconded by Dave Sabistina, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, motion passed unanimously. Page 4, Item 2, top of page - Planning Coimnission asked that the secand sentence "It is imperative that conservation of natural resources be one of the prim- ery thrusts of parks and open space system." be deleted. First sentence was then reworded to read: "Provide for natural conservation manaqement and interpretation." Concurred. PaeS No change. Pa e 6. No chanqe. r� I. .. .. . . . . . Y- !� IS5ION i'��TTNG. ���""._- lained IgONMENTAL ��t'�' edone. Ns' • Leek eXP FFtIDLEY ENV that was ta be X t at this time- y�out t1�e chart that chaz' YYe asked recluded includin9 rovide neig��r- Ms. SP° of Staff time P �ks do not P �om�ssion ti�t lack City' S P laz�ninq item "Some o£ �e that elt Coo much negativism Pa e 17. 3;, �. Lan4enfeld stated f on the that +�ey statement needs. indicating u held the ndicated h�g recreational thls �han4e� had P„all." He also � did not a9ree with � Langenfeld said he as done herein. �, the City's parks, not ents, licit therein- tatem fYOm the oxig was i.mP t said "some �e u$e of negativa S�e �rdin4 qrounds that i tha� e Comroission do exist. ao not contribute te�dation � Pl�n�-ng the problo S�ea�ity's parks Yeco� brin9 "Some ental Co�ission S attention �aft xeliminary Will in and Environm inal. P S stem." stay total P�k Y ntal Cortanission xeaommenda- will be deleted. orre and �• S�istina asked if EnviYOn� hapPen52 ade up when all recom- MS• Sp or what ened tions stand. document eiof thi$ meetin4 lt haPP that a final as �is �o�nissionr enfeld reP�ied �at at the ��-tt' �, Lang ge stated ��e S�e qeneial a�ea mendations axe ln• ission Was 1 that the plannin4 ��ese chan9es. la�k atitractive` so he incosporated Wi� �hese "SOme of Fridley�sdid a5zee Middle �f a e• �o�yssi�n Page 17• ��eys of Plannin4 �, of facili�='. neGs and character. of energl, and protec'tion �esently chan3es. „ ation buildings aYe not P Conser�T Shelter S eazth ls b into two findinqs� Pa��' Bot���• ' e made Yrote�' . . �sougl� such practices a ended tr+ xacticed. vandalism Ssion recomm not being PaY� shelteY build- from plannin4 �O�' �tzon of eneYgY being used." Conser� h Such practices as e to be worded as follows: th=ouq tion of facilitles fr°m °andallsm not presently being used." identifY t�e ings are ^The City needs to better handicapped, unitY Ie•g' Middle of Page' S within the c� yrenthesi5. Pa�? 18' ecial gsoup tezial in P needs of SP ssion took out ma recxeational Plannin9 Commi youth� etc.)• eYS if theY agreed with Stzte- Pa�' No chan4e. �, yangenfeld asked Commission m� far re Parks and Open Space2 n Envisonmental Quality has m�ts made thus ission. pnn SporYe that Commission o ended changes bY planning Comm MOTSON bY Lee �Ve r�comm u on a voice vote, all voting aYer no fu�her com�ent on and P seconded by Dave Sabistlna N,otion assed unanimo usly• use of trees, sh�s• �tion P imaginative n and building �terlals 15. "JUdicious and desi9 visual character.'� pa e z4� zt� o� architecturaWl�� a�Pealin4 and lavm surfa�es' g arks vines to ensuze attractive P should be made �FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSZON MEETING NOVEMSER 22, 1977 Page 4: Ms. Sporre discussed Ttem 15 and indicated she felt water ponding should be in- cluded, stating there is a tendency to take wetlands and drain them to make parks. 8fter fuzther discussion, Item 15 was revised to read: "JUdicious and imaginative use of trees, shrubs, vines, lawn surfaces, and water resources; good architectural design and 6uilding materials shou2d be made to ensure attractive parks with appealing visual character." Concurred. Page 25, item 16. Ms. Sporre asked ior a clarification of this item. After some discussion, it was decided to revise to read: "Comparitively level terrai.n in City Parks should be considered for active game areas and courts. Natura2 slopes should be adapted to winter sports and activities, i.e. sledding and tubing, and significant vegetative stands should be saved for their aesthetic value." Ms. Sporre stated that this is consistent with planning definitions for use in the City's critical areas. Concurred. Referring to Item 18, Ms. Sporre asked if anyone knew what it costs to put in a sewer toilet, and suggested if toilet facilities are to be put in parks that City should consider the use of Clivus Multrum system, which is a com- pletely self-enclosed toilet faoility that is eEficient and clean and is not resource consuminq. Mr. Leek stated that the system interested him and that the Commission could be assured that it will be considered by staff, but felt the suggestion to be useful as a statement of information rather than to be , considered a part o£ the plan. Referring to Item Z8, Parking Areas, Ms. Sporre stated that there are methods of making them look very natural using block system with grass allowed to grow; they can be plovred and there is Iess visual intrusion than with asphalt. Mr. Leek noted that sometimes more conventional methods ars �urned to by staff when making final decisions because of budget con- " siderations. Mr. Langenfeld announced that on December 7 Parks and Open Space Plan wiil go before public hearing on Planning Commission level, and stated that anything Commission members want inserted should be put in now and that if review is not completed tonight, suggestions can still be made. OBJECTiVE 3 � Recommendations: Mr. Leek stated that Parks and Recreation Commission is setting up a pro- cedure where they can get back with neighborhood groups involved, beginning in January; staff has Iandscape architect working on a schema that they feel is good for each of the parks in the neiqhborhoods, and that will be pre- sented as a base foz discussion. FRIDliEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING, NQVEMBER 22, 1977 Page 5. RECOMMENDATIONS - continued OBJECTIVE 4: "Encourage the advancement of recreation opportunities for all residents." Lee Ann Sporre brought up question of snowbiling and her reservations about permission for this activity in City parks. Discussion followed, with Mr. Leek expressing feeling that it would be wrong to limit recreational opportunities for residents if restrictions of this type were written into the plan; that the plan should not regulate acCivity but simply set up a basic series of guides and criteria. Mr. Langenfeld stated that the City ordinances cover the various restrictions in this regard. Mr. Langenfeld stated he liked Recommendations (1) and (5) under this objective. Item 5. "Explore the possibility of written working agreements with area schools to use existing athletic facilities as intensive neighbor- hood recreation areas with the option of obtaining ownership should decreas- ing enrollments force the sale of such areas." There was lengthy discussios on this recommendation, with Ms. Sporre questioning why it is in the City's best interest to huy school facilities should decreasing enrollment force the sale of such area? hfr. I.eek emphas- ized that this did not exclude purchasing other property -- that it simply suggests a working agreement with the schools wherein City would explore the possibility of using existing facilities more intensively than presently and if declining enxollment would lead to the necessity of divesting them- selves of some property, then it is believed to be in City's best interest to have option to purchase that property. Mr. Langenfeld indicated he personally felt it was a good recommend- ation and other members of Commission concurred, Ms. Sporre excepted. He stated that it is important to remember here the definition of "option", stating that it does not mean "to buy." At this time Mr. Langenfeld suggested a time limit be set on discussion of Parks and Open Space Plan so that it wi11 be possible to complete agenda. Concurred. Mr. Langenfeld called a five minute break. OBJECTIVE 5: "Provide for innovative space management to allow a bal- ance of use, freedom and control, with safety as a prime consideration. Item 5. Delete "for the benefit of the community." (concurred) , Item 6. Delete "The North 2nnsbruck and West Moore Lake Dunes" so that sentence begins "Natural history areas..." (concurred). Item 7. Delete "West Moore Lake Dunes and North Innsbruck" so that sentence reaTs: "Develop a natural history study program (for use by schools and civic groups) describing the ecology of na�aral history areas. (concurred). fiRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 22, 1977 Page 6.� OIIJECTIVE S (cont'd) � � � Item 8. Add "and watershed districts" so that sentence reads: "The City should explore the possibility of organizing a land use seminar with surrounding communities, representatives of the County and Metropolitan region, and watershed districts to assess land use problems to be mutual2y worked upon." (Concurred) Mr. Langenfeld asked Mr. Leek if he wou2d make sure that when Commission made statements, like in a finding, that these will be incorporated in recommendations for the support of the finding. Mr. Leek responded that to the best of his ability he would do that. item 11. (new item) - there will be an item 11, Ms. Sporre said, which will direct itse2f to limiting fertilizers and related materials entering the City's waters. Item 12. (new item) - City not disturb or remove dead or dying trees in natural history or natural vegetative areas unless those trees present a health or safety hazard to users of the areas." Concurred. The above recommendation, item 12, came out of discussion of a study done for the city by Don Fondrick, Brauer & Assoc. wherein it suggests that City not remove dead trees in city parks unless they are in an area con- sidered to be a hazard to leave them; that those dead trees become homes to animal li£e that would ctherwise not be seen in Fridley if they were rot there. Ms. Sporre auoted from the study for the benefit of inembers of ' Commission. Mr. Leek asked for a copy because he said they are now in the process o£ writing the preliminary draft for the regulations for the critical areas -- it deals not only with the Missiissippi but the creeks, creek lands, etc. Ms. Sporre replied that City has fhis study. Mr. Langenfeld expressed the £eeling that one would have to stipulate other than diseased trees because of the tree ordinance. Ms. Sporre repZied that natural areas can submit for an exemption to dead tree removal and stated further that naturalists across the State disagree with the totality of the program requiring removal of dead diseased trees. MCTION by Ms. Sporre to approve the Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation PIan. as amended. Seconded by Bruce Peterson, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, MOTION carried unanimously. Mr. Leek added ior information of Commission members that staff will be making application, since Council gave appnoval, to have Islands of Peace Park and Springbrook Natuze Center designated Regional Special Use Parks. What has been written in those two sections will be somewhat affected by the research that was done for the application, i.e. becoming more specific. Beyond that, Mr. Leek said, a neighborhood discussion process is being set up and there are twro things happening: 1) He will be meeting with Parks and Recreation Committee at their next meeting and will be discussing what they and staff will do with neighborhoods in the way of stimulating further discussion regarding what they want in making design decisions for their garks; 2) At the same timQ, City resident landscape architect is checking land slopes, dimensions and general accuracy of maps and revising them, and then creating attendant site plans for the areas. FRIDLEX ENVIRONP�NTAL COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 22, 1977 Page 7. II. NOISE POLLUTION ORDTNANCE MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre to receive preli.minary draft 124 Noise Control of October 18, 1977. MOTION seconded by Dave Sabistina and upon a voice vote, a],1 voting aye, motion passed unani.mously. Item 8. Mr. Langenfeld defined meaning of following words: Spatial Oscillation -"dealing with the nature of space" Propagable -"measure or transmit, or even multigly" Attentuation -"to lessen in strength or density." Mr. Langenfeld said he would like to get away from the word "said" Page 3, Part B, Item 2, and use instead "The impact statement..." Item (b) under B.2. - Mr. Langenfeld asked Mr. Leek if this was taken care of and Mr. Leek responded in the affirmative. Paqe 4, Sec. 124.07 - Snowmobile Requirements. Mr. Langenfeld asked Mr. Leek if Chapter 703.04 is "our" Chaptex, and i£ it is incorporated. Mr. Leek replied in the affirmative and gave members a reading of 703.04. Ms. Sporre asked if 703.04 ordinance is en£ozceable without a DBA as Richfield ordinance has. Mr. Leek asked for concurrence of Commission members that if in going back to Richfield and other ordinances he were to find the DBA level indiaated that he just include it before ordinance goes on for iurther consideration. Unanimously concurred. 5ec. 124.10 Exceptions, last paragraph on page b. Mr. Langenfeld asked about "The City shall notify by mail all property owners within 500 feet of the source..." N3r. Leek explained "500 feet" complies with the woxding in the Bloomington ordinance. Mr. Langenfeld expressed thanks to Mr. Leek ior the hard work he had put into this, stating that he considers this ordinance very i.mportant, and that he liked it. MOTION by Ms. Sporre to submit draft 124 "NOise Ordinance" to Planninq Commission and recommend that the Planning Commission seek review and comment £rom the City Attorney, Minnesota Pollution ControL Agency, the Metro Clean Air Committee, and Mr. Lon C. Loken, Environmental Aealth Specialist, Environmental 5ervices Section, City o£ Bloomington on the proposed draft. MOY'ION seconded by Bruce Peterson and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, motion passed unanimously. Mr. Langenfeld asked that the copy going to Mr. Loken be forwarded with a covexing letter to be drafted by Mr. Leek expressing Commission' s appreciation for his help. He also asked that he be provided with a copy of that letter. MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre to receive the copy from "The Users Guide to the Protection of the Environment" pages 140 and 141 and submit to the Planning Commission, along with proposed Noise Ordinance 124. MOTION seconded by Bruce Peterson, and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, motion passed unanimously. FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 22 1977 Page 8. III. R�CYCLING PROJECT COMMITTEE REPORT MOTION by Ms. Sporre to continue this repozt to next meeting oE Environmental Quality Commission. MOTTON seconded by Bruce Peterson, and upon a voice vote, all voti.ng aye, motion carried unanimously. I�7. REPORT ON "PEOPLE, JOBS AND THE ENVIRONMENT CONFERENCE" Lee Ann Sporre attended conference on "People, Jobs and the Environment" conference. There were representatives from the Minnesota Pollution Control Aqency and the Environmental Protection Agency_ There was discussion of what's been done with the new laws that have been designed to control the various kinds of pollution. Following are some of the points Ms. Sporre found interestinq: MPCA Director talked about power plants and need for from 12 - 18 new ones in the State, explaining accompanying hazards; the need and siting of these plants is decided by Environmental Quality Board so orce the decision for need is made and siting accomplished, then MPCA can look at plant -- she felt this to be a prob- lem because h]PCA cannot enforce fiigh level conservation in this setting. Hazardous and solid waste was discussed and it was reported that there is no direct threat perceived in the area oE solid waste, so when it is finally perceived it will be massive and foo 1ate. She reported t11at there is a grant program now for resource recovery which might be checked into for recycling. There was a report on toxic waste and the hign level of exposure that some workers are experiencing, resulting in cancer and other health hazards; a speaker irom the unions explained that they are in the business of trying to protect people from this and provide the.'n with a healthy working environment (Mr. Wodka from Oi1. Chemical & Atomix Workers Union) -- he talked about radiation poisoning. Subject of nuclear waste disposal was covered. And Ms. Sporre reported on the afternoon discussion on transportation and there were representatives from Department of Transportation, so she had a chance to discuss high- ways and environmental i.mpact and she did find out that Northtown Corridors study is not in compliance with the Federal Transportation Plan, so it is going to have to be redone. There was discussion of personal rapid transit system in downtown St. Paul and cultural e£fect that will have on the who2e area. She stated that the Minnesota Department of Trans- portation is going to have their transportation plan ready in the Spring of 1978 and stated that she felt that is something City of Fridley should get into very soon. MOTTON by Dave Sabistina to receive report, seconded by Bruce Peterson. t7pon a voice vote, all voting aye, motion passed unanimously. Mr. Langen£eld complimented Ms. Sporre on her report of this conference. FRIDLEY ENVZRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING, NO�IEMBER 22, 1977 Page 9. V. OTHER BUSINESS A. Water -- Our Delicate�Life MembYane Ms. Sporre said there is going to be a r.unference entitled "Water -- our Delicate Life Membrane." It is sponsored by the 5cience Museum of Minnesota and the Frer>h Water Biological Research Foundation, and its emphasis will be on enhancing the public understanding of the present and future dimensions of water issues.It will be December 8, 9 and 10 at the Radisson South. She stated she thought it would be good if City staff and rnaybe members of Council and Conanissions could attend this three-day conference. Registration is $30.00 and includes meals. Mr. Langenfeld stated that he thought a member of City staff should attend this conference if at all possible. Ray Leek said he would like to take the announcement back to the office and discuss the possibility of someone attending from staff. MOTION by Bruce Peterson to designate Lee Ann Sporre to attend conference entitled "Wates -- Our Delicate Life Membrane" with Eee paid by allowable budqet and follow up with a report to this Comnission. MOTION seconded by Dave Sabistina and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, motion passed unanimously. B. Minnesota Council on Foundations MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre to Yeceive Minnesota Council on Foundati.ons paper regarding a series of ineetings about foundations in Minnesota. MOTION Seconded by Bruce Peterson and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, motien passed unana.mously. C. The rour District Environmental Consortium MOTION by Sruce Peterson to receive, accept and submit to the Planning Commission the Four District Consortium outline and pages of Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (attached). Seconded by Ms. Sporre and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, motion passed unanimously. Mr. Langenfeld said he had asked for copies of the pages on that Consortium. Ray Leek said he would get him copies. Mr. Langenfeld stated that he liked the definition of the Environment, page 10 and the "Glossary of Terms." Mr. Leek said he would make copies of pages for Cmmnission members and send along with next packet of informational material but that they would not be on agenda for reception. Mr. Langenfeld said that he liked the outline and called attention to "Action required: It is therefore proposed that City of Fridley serve as a catylist." D. Planning Commission Schedule MOTION by Lee Ann Sporre to receive the Planning Commission work schedule. MOTION seconded by Dave Sabistina and upon a voice vote, all voting aye, motion passed unanimously. Mr. Langenfeld asked each member to take a look at this sche3ule and mark what is felt should be brought to this Commission for review, and if it is then concurred by members of this Commission, such items will be referred. If inembers do not wish any referred, then he said perhaps he would simply indicate highlights or handle on an individual basis. Time limits as shown on this schedule have to be adfiered to, he stressed,. bec8use of staff's busy schedule, and he askad members to do this by next meeting of Commission. E. East River Road Above item tabled. Meeti.ng concluded with Ms. Sporre asking that when Planning Commission dis- cusses Noise Ordinance, Sue Blomquist, Noise Abatement Consultant, be invited to attend, and also that a member of Planning Commission discuss this ordin- ance with'Chamber of Commerce. Mr: Langenfeld then expressed his appreciation to aZl �nembers of Commission for their dedication and wished them a happy Thanksgiving. ADJOURNI�NT : MOTION by Bruce Peterson to adjourn the meeting at 11:31 p.m. submitted, � Verna Attachs: 2. Ear1y consideration should be given to the design and development of ornamental, non-park, urban spaces to augment the park system, such as spaces in and around comnunity buildings, possible pedestrian or bicycle paths, railroad and utility easement spaces, and vehicular parkways. 3. The City should attempt to obtain additional land when and where possible to improve the usability of its existing neighborhood parks. . 4. The following parks do not significantly cintribute to the City's park system and should either be dedicated to other uses or sold. A. Jubiiee Park B. 75th and Hayes property C. Innsbruck Park In addition, Burlington Norhzern Park•should be d-iscnntinued. � (24) 5. 6. . :. i".. , . , ' ' . . Where possible, land should be acquired to improve the usefulness of Cheri Lane Park, Flamlery Pas^k and Ruth Circl� Park. Thei,e is Y need for �;ub;i:antial park buildings to serve as she�te:x� Storag€� for equiprnent:.and ind�or gama faciliiies, in the followin, parks.: � A�. Cor�nans Park .,,„ _ : . < B. Craig Park . - ,,. _ C. Flaanery Park . . . D. Logan Park � . ;, E. Matlsore: Park F. Meadowlands Park G. Plaza Park _ _ . , ,; :: H. Syivan Plilis Pdrk , 7. The City shouicf e>;�1orc w�ys in which it can su�aplement �xisttng commun9L;-> °- �.ntensive «se or recre�iiorai facilicies. - : 8�.� The City should obtain or develop updated topographic maps anct aeria} - photographs for use in park p'�anning and design. , 4'. A site plan for each park area st�ould be prepared in advance af the development of any facility or the iocation of any equipm�r�t. , � . . . . .:..,..k'..�Sv�'� ' .. . 10�:! Park areas and activities havin9 close relationships or used by the same age groups should be placed close to one another in the City's parks. 11 : Standard dimensions should be used whenever possible for play.areas to ensure saiety and satisfying participatian. 12 . Safety should be obtained by p7acing apparatus areas away from Tines of foot traffic and play fields, so that batted balls, or other eGuipment; will not interfere with them. 13:. Activity areas requiring considerable supervision should be located 14 . near a cantral point of control in the park. T5.. Judicious and imaginative use of trees, :hrubs., vines and lawn surfaces, water resources, go0d � �25� ! .,� A architectural �-design�and buiiding materials should be made to ensure attractive parks with appealing visual character. i6. Comparatively 1eve1 terrain in C9ty Parks should be �g��u���'-'� �a�"tive game areas and courts. Natural s1opes should �e adapted. to winter i.nnifica v e ive star sports arid activities, ie.,s:leddi:ng and tubing. and �tr22- s�fi`�u�c� be saved:for ��'s�aesthetic value for picnickiny, hiking, nature stu¢y,. etc. 17:. The use o� permanent types of court surfacing, dura6le bui7dqrtg materia.lsy and.hardy plant materials help ensure low maintenance costs. CarePul locai.io�! of specialixed facilities wiTl reduce 9rading, draining, plumbing and savir�g costs. -`fhe location of trees, shrubbery, and plant materiais shauld be carefully plunnedy caualed" ��rith carefu7 desigr� of,w�lY.vaays to m�xr.�rmize use of large mai.ntenanc.e equipment and minimize costly us.e c�t l�a�7d operated equipm�n�. , ]8:.: P,dequa�e and convenient toilet facilities, �arking areas, seating accomodations and drinking fountuins should be placed in the City's parks. 14_. The City should install creative play equipment to substftute for its zlready outdated play equipment in City parks. Qbjective 3: Promote peop7e oriented parks through active citizen participation. Policies: 1. Ongoing information and educa*.ion processes $hnuld b� conducted makipg participants kncwledneable of existin� parlts programs and facilities. 2. Cortr�unity participation and interactinn is held to be a ben2ficial method to effectively interpret the needs and desires of the coi�unity. 3, Regular reevalution of the City's comprehensive plans is held to 6e necessary L� �nsure validity and workability. (26) ::; � Recommendations: 1. Nold community neighborhood pariicipation sessions between C1t1ZE115 3%'G representatives of the City, where facilities and program desires an.rJ needs are defined. 2. Design neighborhood park-facilities in cooperation with res��d�t�c to ensure the satisfaction of neighborhood recreation needs. 3. Promote continued interaction and cooperation amon� City Comnission's on park, recreation and open space issues. 4. Evaluate and update this pTan as necessary fhrough the use of comn�tnity surveys, needs index studies> observer surveys and other appropriate tools. Objective 4: Encourage the advancement of recreation opportunities for all residents. Policies: i. Establish principles that apply uniform7y to all programs, sites.a.nd faci)ities. A. Identify needs and .interests of the participants. B. Assure adequate funding, staff, personnel and facilities. 2. Cooperate with school� in the community to avoid duplication of recreation facilities.and programs, where possible. 3. Park and school facilities should be loaated on adjacent lands wh�n�: possible, to be tied together through facility use and progr�mning �• activity spaces. Recommendations: 1. Reevaluate staff responsibilitTes and permanent siaffing needs. 2. Esiabiish an internal policy manual for the operation of:the parks ar.d recrea±ion departmento 3• Planning for recreation experiences should be a continueing process of planning in terms of program eualuation measured against the natural and man made resources available �4. Estab]ish a prugram evaluation process, by which staff and program pei-sc,nu�l define program sCrengths and weaknesses on a continuing_basis. � ' 5. Explore the possibility of written working agreements with area schools to use existing athletic faiclities as intensive neighborhood recreation areas with the option of bbtaining ownership should decreasing enrollments force the sale of such areas. 6. Develop a natural hsitory study program for use by shcools and civic groups describing the ecalogy of natural history areas in the City of fridley. 7. Expiore ways of obtaining further indoor facilities for the implementation of currently unoffered recreation programs. 8. Explore ways of supplementing tAe City's existing intensive use recreational areas either by redevelopment of them or by obtaining :. additional ]and for development. ' Objective 5: Provfde for innovative space management to allow a balanee of use> freedom and controi, a�ith safety as a prime consideratiion. Po7icies: 1. Establish regional, county, city areas of park and open space interest. 2. Preserve rernaining significant natural havitats. 3. Promote a better understanding of the ecological systems and natural resources important to the comnunity: 4. Ensure that development along the Mississippi River corridor take place in accordance with critical area standards and guidelines, in the great River Road proje;:t. Recanmendations: 1. It 95 imperative that conservation of natural resources be one of the primary thrusts of the Parks and Recreation Open Space system, and conservation within ur6an areas requires management and interpretation. 2. It is recommended that this park and open space plan be adopted and that a future update of the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan be done, in order to more adequately inventory and analyze the baTance (28) ' of open space uses in the City of Fridley. 3. Adopt a critical areas plan for the P4ississippi River as it flows through Fridley to protect the natural and residential character along its banks. " 4. Develop a recreation trail system in cooperation with the Metro��l'itan. Council, Anoka County and surrounding communities, to link signi- ficant parks and other public facilities in the co�nunity. 5. The Springbrook Nature Center mu°s��ie�e.vdaVe7a�ie�ra,' '�e�d�an,�d��eP�pe�e�ed. f��-b�rre#�'rt-o�F-th�zorrtrnurri-ty. b' �'�'�+r-�Stn"vck'-a�sT�"W�st-trtvor�rtake'i1uYi�� natural history areas •" `-- should be maintained for passive activities including nature hikes and toars administered by the City Pi�turalist. 7. Develop a natural histor, study program (for use by schools and civic the groups) desct°ibing the ecology of-1,Ie�,=�4c�-i{_�-pfzr�e��.-��.� Ix�§r�c�C natural history areas 8. The City should explore the possibility of organizing a 7and use seminar with surrounding communitie� ztt�d representatives of the Count�� and and the Watershed Districts Metropolitan region,fto asses5 land use problems to be mutually worked WOl'ked 11p011. �Preposition) 9. A recreation potential study of existing water resources in the City of Fridley should be done. 10. Support efforts to develop and maintain significant natural history areas in the Gity of Fridley. 11. Fertilizers and other related material levels will be limited in the City's waterways. 12. City not disiurb or remove dead or dying trees in naCural history or natural vegetative areas unless ttiose.trees present a health or safety hazard to users of the areas. (29) ; Y�m w� . t CITY OF FRIDLEY � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING � C'hairperson Harris called the December 7, 1977, Planning Cammission meeting to order at %:31 P.M, ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Absent: Others Present: Storla, Oquist, Harris, Schnabel, Langenfeld Peterson Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: NOVF�T�IBER 23, 1977 MOTION by Mr, Oquist, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld� that the Planning Commission approve the November 23, 197'], Planning Commission minutes as written, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, The minutes were approved at 7:33 P.M. TENANT/LANDLORD COMMISSION Mr. Storla announced that the Tenant/Zandlord Commission that was a sub-committee of the Human Resource Commission would have a presentation on Monday, December 12, 19?7, in the Classroom, starting at approximately 8:00 P,M. He said that they would be discussing what type of policy the landlords could adopt in order to lower the crime rate in their rental units. He indicated that someone from the State Planning Commission and someone from the State Aousing Association would be giving a slide presentation regarding what the renters could do to help lower the crime rate within their rental units, He encouraged anyone that would be interested to attend the meeting. 1, CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING RE�UEST� ZOA �7�-04r 80 FEET OF LOT 6� AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0, 25, LYING EASTERLY OF `PHE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE OUTER DRIVE OF TH� STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY #65, AND 4VEST OF A LINE tz53,20 FEET UJEST OF THE EAST I,INE OF SAID LOT 8, AS MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES T0� AND PARALLEL VJITH, THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 6� FROM R-3 (GENERAL MULTIPLE FAMILY DIVEZLINGS), TO CR-1 (GENERAL OFFICES AND LIMIT�D BUSINESSES) THE SAME BEING 961 HILLVIIND ROAD N,E, (Public Hearing open), PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - DECEMBER 7, 1977 Pa�e 2 Mr. Boardman explained some of the items that had confused the Planning Commission at the November 23, 1977, meeting, He said that one of the plats that they had been shown had never been filed and he indicated to the members the plat that they should study, On the approved plat, Mr. Boardman, explained the exact lots that were involved. Mr, Boardman indicated that if the road is ever put in that it would connect to FillmoreZhe was speaking of the Polk Street extension).He said that depending on how the area in question actually develops, it was possible that Polk Street would form a cul-de-sac. He said that it was not foreseeable that anything constructed on Po1k Street NE would be made accessable from Hillwind Road, Mr. Boardman said that another problem in the area was the configuration of Hillwind and also the configuration of the lots. He said ihat at some point in time, they would probably be getting a replat of the area. Chairperson Harris asked if a11 the lots in question were under one owner. Mr. Boardman said that there was multiple ownership in the area, Mr. Boardman explained the zoning of the entire area, Chairperson Harris specifically wanted to know the zonings of the Wausau Homes building and the Real Estate 10 lots. Mr. Boardman said that the Vfausau Homes building was zoned R-3 and that the Real Estate 10 lot was the only lot in the area that had been zoned CR-1. He said that it was zoned CR-1 in 1971. Ms, Schnabel asked if there tivould be a chance that the Planning Commission would be hearing any more requests for rezonings from anything else that would go on Hillwind Road. Mr. Boardman said that this request was the last property going up Hillwind, due to the steep inclines further up Fiilltivind, Chairperson Harris asked if the Staff had any objections to the request. Mr, Boardman said that they had no problems with the request. He said that he felt it was as good of a use for that lot as any. He didn't feel that it would be detrimental to the area. He indicated that they proposed a well designed building that would fit vrell into the area. PI,ANNING COMMI5SION MEETING - DECEMBER 7, 19,'� Pa�e 3 Chairperson Harris asked if the 1ot met all the requirements for a CR-1, Mr. Boardman said that it was a larger lot than Real Estate 10 had; and, yes, it did meet all the requirements. Mr, Oquist expressed concern of the traffic problem on the intersection of I�ighway #65 and Old Central Avenue, He tivanted to knova if this type of operation would negatively effect that already conjested intersection. Mr, Boardman explained the proposed traffic pattern, He said that basically that type of operation didn't generate that much traffic. Ms. Schnabel asked if the proposed parking lot could be made accessahle from Polk Street. Mr. Boardman said that it could be a possibility, Iie said, that again, since that type of operation didn't usually produce that much traffic that it wouldn't be that important to try to keep the Sundial Realty traffic off of Polk Street. Ms, Schnabel asked about the sewer and water easements for the Sundial Realty Company, Mr, Boardman said that the sewer would be off of Polk Street NL and that the Urater i-vould be from Hillevind Road, MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. the Public Hearino. Upon a voice vote, motion carried unanimously, The public at 7:59 P.M. Langenfeld, to close all voting aye, the hearing was closed MOTION by Mr. I,angenfeld, seconded by Mr. Storla, that the Planning Commission recommend the approval of the rezoning request, ZOA #77-0�., by Sundial Realty Company: Rezone that part of the North 80 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No, 25, lying easterly of the northeasterly right of v�ay line of the outer drive of the State Trunk Highway #65, and LNest of a line 7253,20 feet west of the east line of sa.id Lot 8, as measured at right angles to� and parallel vrith, the east line of said Lot 6� from R-3 (General Multiple Family Dvrellings), to CR-1 (General Offices and Limited Businesses), the same bein� 961 Hillwind Road N,E, urith the stipulation that the rezoning is tied to the issuance of the Building Permit as per the plan that had been submitted to the Planning Commission, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - DEC�y'MBER 7, 1977 Pa�e 4 Chairperson Harris explained that the reason for the stipulation was +�just in case'� something happened in the interim that vrould make it impossible for the petitioners to do what they planned tivith that lot, He said that it would be possible, i�rith the CR-1 Zoning to put some other type of establishment on that lot that waid not be desirable for the area, NIr. Langenfeld indicated that after receiving the needed information from Mr, Boardman, that even though it is, in a sense spot rezoning, he didn�t feel it would be a hinderance to the particular a.rea. He said that the type of rezoning and construction vrould be compatible with the area. Mr,. Boardman ��las-not in complete agreement vrith the stipula�ion put on the xeauest, - Chairperson Harris said that it only indicated that the second reading of the Rezoning Ordinance would be held until the issuance of the Building Permit. Mr. Langenfeld said that the purpose of the stipulation tivas to be sure that that type of building went into the area and not something else that may be less desirable. Mr, Boarciman read to the Planning Commission a11 the uses that could be in a CR-1 Zoning. He said that, supposedly, all the uses of a CR-1 �JOUld be compatible with the area. Ms. Schnabel said that she did not intend to vote aye for this motion. She expiained that she felt that the requested construction would only add to the vast confusion already in existance along Hillwind Road. She said that the construction of the Sundial Realty Company ivould only add to the "clutter" of the area. She wanted it to remain as an R-3 Zoning and she was not in favor of the ��spot rezoning". Mr. Boardman felt that the stipulation tivould infringe on the rights of the petitioner, Upon a voice vote, Storla, Oquist, Harris and Langenfeld voting aye; Schnabel voting nay, the motion carried, Mr. Jim Villella of 5323 Matahorn Circle (representing Sundial Realty Company) asked permission to address the Planning Commission. Mr, Villella said that they were spending a lot of money on the property. He said that a lot with a CR-1 Zoning was a valuable piece of property. He said that they had also spent a lot of money on the plans for the building and they were going to try to go through 1+rith their proposed plans� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - D�CEMBER 7� 1977 Pa�e 5 Mr. Villella indicated that �'things�� could happen, FIe said that they were purchasing the property contingent upon the rezoning to CR-1, He said that should anything happen to the plans for their Real Estate Office and they tiaould have to sell that land or build something else; and if they vaere not able to build anything except a Real Estate office, They could be out a lot of money. Chairperson Harris indicated that their request was to build a certain Real Estate office on that particular lot. He said that all the Plannir� Commission �vas doing vaas that in good faith they apply and take out a building permit preceeding the second reading of the Ordinance that would make it final. He indicated that if P�r. Vi11e11a intended to build something else� then he should have said that earlier. Mr. Harris said that the stipulation merely indicated that they had to construct the building that they had shovaed the Planning Commission, Mr. Boardman indicated that the Planning Commission's stipulation on the property was that they did approve the rezoning �uith the stipulation that the second reading of that rezoning be held until the Building Permit tivas issued for that proposed building. He said that it didn't indicate that after they constructed the building that they couldn't sell the building; it merely indicated that the building could only be used for the purpose indicated for a CR-1 zoning. Chairperson Harris said that the Planning Commission wanted that building� on that lot� and only used for the purpose allotived under a CR-1 Zoning. Mr, Oquist explained that that particular piece of property would not be rezoned until Sundial Realty takes out a Building Permit, Chairperson Harris said that actually vrhat �vas being stipulated �vas that Sundial Realty construct that building on that lot, Mr. Villella asked if they could take out a Building Permit on that lot without otivning the land. He said that they are purchasing that lot contingent upon the rezoning of the lot to CR-1, Mr. Boardman indicated that usually a Building Permit is only issued to the property owner. Mr, Villella asked if the stipulation could be changed to indicate that it has to conforn to the CR-1 allovrable establishments with the exception of Drug Stores. That tivay, he said� the Commission could eliminate their main ti�rorry. PLANNING COMMISSION P4rLTING - DECL'MBER 7 197'Z Pa�e 6 Chairperson Harris said that the Planning Commission tivanted to control what went on that lot. He said that they reviewed the plans and had liked what they saw, They wanted to be sure that that type of construction was put on that lot. He said that they wanted that building, on that property. Mr, Villella said that they would be closing on the lot as soon as the lot was rezoned, He said that after that, they would submit their plans to the bank for financing and bidding and such. He said that there tivas a possibility that it could take a certain period of time, iie said that from the offset they have not been absolutely sure that they could build the building that had been shown to the Planning Commission, He said that they didn't desire to spend the money having the plans bid out and all until they could find out if they could get the 1ot rezoned. He said that certain things had to be before other things. Ae said that their first thing was to get the lot rezoned� He said that you always had to be prepared for the chance that something could go astray. Mr. Langenfeld said that his motion to approve the rezoning request had been made based on the fact that he had had the chance to see the plans and he had the assumption that that vrould be the type of structure that would be put on that lot. Chairperson Harris said that the motion was merely a recommendation to City Council. Mr. Villella said that he tivould like the Planning Commission to indicate something in their recommendation that would allow them a little flexibility in the construction, He felt it was unfair to tie him to that exact building with no margin of flexibility. Ms, Schnabel agreed with Mr, Villella as far as being a bit restrictive. She felt that something could be done to alloti^r him a little flexibility, MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to amend the original motion to recommend approval of the rezoning request ZOA #77-0�� by Sundial Realty Company: Rezone that part of the North 80 feet of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, lying easterly of the northeasterly right of way line of the outer drive of the State Trunk High�vay ;�65, and �'Vest of a line i253,20 feet tivest of the east line of said Lot 8, as measured at right angles to� and parallel with� the east line of said Lot 6, from R-3 (General Multiple Family Dvaellings), to CR-1 (General Offices and Limited Businesses), the same being 961 Hillwind Road N.E, with the stipulation that a similar-like structure that wpuld remain compatibile vJith the area and allov�ing some flexibil.ity that v�oul.d ease any hardship that may be placed upon the petitioner. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - DECEMBER 7, 1977 Pa�e 7 Mr, Oquist agreed that the exact plan cannot be "pinned" down, He said that some flexibility does have to be allovaed, He did indicate that he didn't vaant to see any more apartment buildings going into the area; therefore, he tvas more in favor of having the real estate office. Mr. Oquist said that the motion tivas really only tying Mr, Villella down to a similar-type structure. Chairperson Harris indicated that Mr. Villella had best find out if he would be able to build the building, He felt it uras that point in time £or Mr. Villella, Mr, Villella said that they had done some of the preliminary work for the building. He said that it was tied down as much as possible. He said that until the Building Permit Uras taken out and the bank put a mortgage on the building, anything could happen. He said that they were not 100°fo sure that that exact building vaould be constructed on that lot, Mr. Vince Villella of 3625 Edward Street I3E said he felt that the stipulation vaas out of line, He said that there vrere restrictions enough on the CR-1 Zone. Mr. Vince Villella said that he understood the motion to say that they don't actually get the rezoning until the Building Permit is applied for, He said that if that vJas the case, then they were back to the original problem. He said that they could not close on the lot until they get the rezoning; they cannot get the rezoning until they apply for a building permit, that cannot be issued to them unless they ov,m the lot. Chairperson Harris said that the motion uras the feeling of the Planning Commission. He said that if Sundial Realty had different feelings about the motion, then they should bring it to the attention of the City Council since this was only a recommendation to City Council. UPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. The amended motion tivas approved at 8:58 P.M, 2. CONTiNUED; REQUEST FOR LOT SPLIT, L_,_S�_, _��# 7__-�1 �,__B_Y_ SUNDIAL REAI�TY COI�II'ANY: �L'1.���I�C P� 0' F L6'r 6� AUD T0� , 25� AS D�SCRIBED TN REZONING RE�UEST� THE 5A1�1E BEIPdG 961 HILLBJIND ROAD N, E, PLANNING COAIMISSION ML'ETING - DECF�IBER 7, 1977 Pa�e 8 MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld� seconded by Mr. Storla, to approve the request for Lot Split� L,S, #77-14, by Sundial Realty Company: Split off that part of I,ot 6� Auditor's Subdivision No. 25� as described in rezoning request, the same being 961 Hillvrind Road NE vrith the stipulation that there be a dedication of the right-of tiray and the extension of services. Upon a voice vote, Storla� Oquist, Harris, Langenfeld voting aye; Schnabel voting nay; the motion carried at 9:00 P,M. 3, PUBLIC HEARIiVG: _IiEDUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT - � � .: IT A FILM � I,EY CITY CODE� SECTION 205.101� 3� (I)� TO BE LOCATED IN THE PARKING LOT� WHICH IS PART OF LOT 13� AIIDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0, i55� THE SAME BEING 250 57th AVENUE N,�. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote� all voting �ye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing 1+ras opened at 9:01 P�M, Mr. Boardman explained that Holiday Village Nortk tivanted to move their film shop outside to the parking 1ot. He said that there had been a stipulation on the lot that no outside lease operation could be granted, He indicated that the request was not a lease operation. He said that it would be owned and operated by Holiday Village, He said that it would be a pick-up/drop-off type operation in a booth in the parking lot, Mr, Oquist asked if it would be permitted as long as it was a Holiday Village Photo Shop. Mr, Boardman said that when tr it was a lease operation, He Council allowed that business, other outside lease operation that they had made it a point e Trailor Operation went in, said that at the time the City it put a stipulation that no would be permitted. He said to stipulate a lease operation. Mr. Oquist asked if the booth would be attended. Mr. Bradley Steinman representing Holiday Village North said that it would be attended approximately 9:00 A.M, until 7:00 P.M, Mr. Langenfeld asked if this operation would add further to the traffic problem already existent at the Holiday Village North store, Mr, Boardman said that the traffic problem would be no more than it was presently, Mr, Steinman said that the booth would basically be for the sale and developing of film, He said that the trend tivas to be able to pick up your film right from your car, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - DECII�iBER 7, 19�� pa�e 9 Chairperson Harris said that it appeared that there was adequate parking at the Holiday Village North store. Mr, Boardman said that there was adequate parking. He said that it was Holiday Village's plans to relocate the garden shop next spring, He said that they intended to move it closer to the building. He said that Holiday Village had assured the City of Fridley that things would be done to improve the area, Mr, Steinman indicated that they would be purchasing from the Lund Manufacturing Company attractive type litter containers, He said that instead of using barrels, these new containers would look like beetles, He said that possibly these would attxract people and thereby remind them to put their litter into a proper container. Mr, Langenfeld asked what the dimensions of the building would be. Mr. Steinman said that the booth would be 5 ft 2 in x 9 ft 2 in. Ms. Schnabel asked if it would be a concrete slab, Mr. Steinman said that it would be on a concrete slab, he said there would be the proper curbing, there would be electric heating inside the booth with proper illumination. Mr, Oquist asked if the building was already constructed, Mr. Steinman said that it ivas a pre-fab building, Chairperson Harris asked if there tivould be any utilities run to the booth, Mr, Steinman said that the el.ectricity would be underground, MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms, Schnabel, to close the Public Hearing, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, The Public Hearing ���as closed at 9:�3 P.M. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms, Schnabel, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the request for a Specail Use Permit� SP #77-15, by Holiday Village, Inc,; to permit a film processing drop-off booth, per Fridley City Code, Section 205,101� 3, (I), to be located in the parking lot, which is part of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision No. �55, the same being 250 57th Avenue N,E, with the stipulation that it would be a Holiday Village Inc, function and that in the event that the Booth is moved, that the concrete base also be moved from the area. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, PLANNING COha�IISSION MEETING - DECEMB�R 7� 19� Pa�e 10 1}. �UBT.7C HRARTNG• RF'7(�N7N(' RFQiTFST,r„ 7(lA #£77 05,� RY R(' F t,`OR�bRAT_TON_ REZON� FROM C-2S (GLN�RAL SHOPPING AREAS) TO C-1 (LOCAL BUSINESS AREAS)� LOT 1� BLOCK 1� PEARSON'S FIRST ADDITION� THE SAN[E BEING 7899 EAST RIVER ROAD NE MOTION by Mr, Oquist, seconded by Ms, Schnabel, to open the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, The Public Hearing was opened at 9:15 P,P�, Mr. Boardman said that this piece of property had gone through several variances and rezonings, He said that it was the intent of 7-11 Stores to build on that lot, He said that a condition of the last City Council approval was that it v�as rezoned to C-1, He said that property �vas already zoned C-2S. Mr. Langenfeld asked about the stipulations that had been requested for that property by a group of Citizens. Mr. Boardman indicated that there were 15 stipulations that �vere incorporated as stipulations of a variance at a. variance meeting held on March 15, �977. He said that those were the same stipulations that the Planning Commission may or may not urant to put on the rezoning, Chairperson Harris read the 15 stipulations: 1, Extensive landscaping on the site; plan filed ivith Planning Department, 2. Berming to be of sufficient height to protect the residents from automobile lighting, (as indicated on the plans) 3. Additional plants (as marked on the plans), 4. Entire building would be brick, 5. Buffer plantings incorporated with berm, 6. Lighting focused down so as not to shine into the residential property owner's vaindovrs. 7. All blacktop adjoining green area to be separated by poured concrete curbing, 8, AIo egress from the development onto East River Road; ingress only. PLANNING COMMISSION M�ETING - DECEMBER 7, 1977 Pa�e 11 9. Refuse area should have solid screen� no gate opening onto the service drive, the portion not being used for refuse storage and handling to be used for plantings. 10, Sidewalk connection constructed to Lincoln Street, If an agreement cannot be reached between Meridian and Fudali, the sidev�alk connection should be constructed anyway, but only on Meridian's property� This vaill offer property protection from nearby residents, 11, Parking moved down to 20 feei to pick up additional room to enable cars to face in instead of against each other, 12. Applicant will petition the City for rezoning from C-2S to C-1 and there will be no contest on zoning change in future, 13, Easements to be dedicated to City of Fridley as noted on attached map, 11�. Applicant �a�il1 construct a deceleration lane from the driveivay abutting East River Road to the south. The deceleration lane is to be a 12 foot wide bituminous section vaith a 2 foot gravel shoulder and is to extend southtivard from the driveway entrance 100 feet southtivard from the south radius and then taper at 15:1 to tie back into the existing roadway. The typical section shall consist of 8" Class V base, 1��+ asphalt binder course (MHD 2341) and 1f�� asphalt �vearing course (MHD 23�1), All construction shall be in accordance with the Minnesota Department of High�vays Standard Specifications for Highway Construction dated January 1, 1972, and as amended by Supplemental Specification for Highway Construction dated January 1 , 1 g']4, 15, A bond covering the cost of all stipulated improvements would be required, Chairperson Harris pointed out that what was actually being done was the petitioner was fu1fi11ing No. 12 of the stipulations, Mr, Oquist asked if all the above stipulations ti�rere already covered in a previous variance, Mr, Boardman said that these stipulations were placed by City Council, He said that the petitioner was now requesting the rezoning to fulfill No, 12 of the stipulations. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by hTs, Schnabel, that the Planning Commission receive a letter from Ms. John Benton, the Property Manager of the Meadow Run Apartmentsa indicating the they v�ere in favor of the rezoning of the property ir_ question. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIIdG - DECr^.P�[BER 7, 1977 Pa�e 12 Mr. Langenfeld said that it lvas his understanding that these stipulations, if incorporated, there would be no problems as far as the rezoning was concerned, In other words, he said, the rezoning �✓as fine with the citizens as long as all the stipulations were met, Chairperson Harris confirmed tiahat Mr. Langenfeld said, Mr, Boardman showed the Planning Commission a plan of the 7-11 Store, hir, Oquist asked about stop lights at that intersection. Mr. Boardman said that the City had asked for lighting at that intersection, He said that the County said that there �vas no vrarrant for a tra£fic light at that intersection, He indicated that City felt that enough traffic was generated at that point, He was relatively sure that traffic Iights would eventually be put at that intersection. Mr. Storla had to leave the meeting at 9;25 P,M, due to a previous commitment, Mr. Oquist said that it �vould be called a neighborhood convenience center. He pointed out that there ivould probably be more than a 7-11 store on that property. Chairperson Harris said that there would be something other than the '7-11 Store, however, he vaas not certain what, He read what was allowed in a C-1 Zone, The Pianning Commission pointed out that there had been a typographical error in the Public Hearing Notice that indicated the rezoning was from a C-2S to C-1S, They fe2t that the rezoning request was from a C-2S to C-1, They decided to handle the request as a C-1 and make their motions as such, If Mr. Boardman found out that they tivould have to re-publish and re-notify the adjacent property owners, then it would also have to re-appear before the Planning Commission, Mr. Langenfeld said that without question they would have to again consider the requests of the citizen group. Ms, Schnabel said that those requests had already been considered and the City Council stipulations had stated that the request would go through and be rezoned vaithout any contest on the rezoning, MOTION by Mr, Langenfeld� seconded by Ms, Schnabel, to close the Public Hearing, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed at 9:33 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION M�ETING - DECEMBER 7. 1977 Pa�e 13 MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the Rezoning Request, ZOA �#77-05, by R.C.E, Corporation: Rezone from C-2S (General Shopping Areas) to C-1 (Local Business Areas), Lot 1, Block 1� Pearson's First Addition� the same being 7899 East River Road NE, Ms, Schnabel said that it �vould not be necessary to include all the stipulations in the motion since City Council had already made them. Mr, Langenfe].d pointed out that tke Citizen Group tivould not contest such a rezoning as long as the stipulations vaere met and they had already been pre-arranged prior to the request. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. 5. PUBLIC HEAR3NG• 0 - P S #77-07� ERT"S'ADDI I` N BY ARTHUR L FRETAG: BEING A REPLAT OF I,OT 19� �XCEPT THE EAST 190 FEET THFREOF: AND EXCEPT TH� 4YEST 17 FEET TAKEN FOR HIGH�9AY PURPOSES: APTD THE '�9EST 147.74 F�ET OF LOT 18, ALL IN AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0, 129, (THIS PRELIAIINliRY PLAT REPLACES CET?TRAL TOPdNHOUSE PLAT {NOT RECORDED) AND IS GENERAZLY LOCATED AT THE IPdTERSECTION OF 73rd AVENUE AND C�PdTRAL AVL'NU� N,�, MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld� seconded by Ms, Schnabel, to open the Public Hearing, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing tivas opened at 9:36 P,M. Mr, Boardman showed the Planning Commission a Plat of the area, He indicated that i�hat tivas being proposed tit�as ten lots that would be designed for duplexes. I�e explained that the proposal was to run the street thraugh and have it cul-de-sac'd. He said that the Czty of Fridley had requested that the petitioner attempt to purchase an adjacent lot, He indicated that the person otivning that lot did not tiaish to selZ. Mr, Boardman said that it �aas felt that the proposed development lvould be better if the cluplexes could be served by a better road system. He indicated that the owner of the adjacent property did not ti�ish to se11 to Mr. Fretag. He said that the adjacent property was zoned commercial and the oiztner wished tos�11 the lot as commercial, Mr, Boardman pointed out that Mr, Fretag's lot v�as zoned as R-3, Chairperson Harris said that the only way to be able to put another street in tivould be to condemn land for the right of i+Jay, tivhich ivould, then, make the adjacent 1ot unbuildable as a Commercial lot, Ms, Schnabel didn't believe that the City Council i�aould condemn land for a right of ��ay since there v�ould be an alternate ti�ray to reach the duplexes� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - DECII�IBER 7, 1977 Pa�e 11� Mr, Fretag of 3106 - 61st Avenue North indicated to the �lanning Commission that both he and Mr, Evert Swanson of 25& Windsor Lane (the property owner) had approached the neighbor directly North of his property and offered them $20,000 for the back 1/3 of the lot.and the additional 25 feet that would enable them to run the road into the area from Central Avenue. He said that the neighbor had refused the offer, He said that they had tried to come up with other alternatives, bu� none of them seemed advantageous to Mr. Swanson, Mr, Boardman said that he did understand that Mr. Fretag had tried to purchase the land from the neighbor, He was oniy saying that a.nother alternative would be to have the city condemn the land for the road right of way, He said that he wasn't telling the City they should, just that it �vould be another alternative for the petitioner, Chairperson Harris said that by using condemnation to get the road right of �vay, the City may end up having to pay for the entire lot because by taking that 30 feet, it would almost make the lot unbuildable as a C-1, Mr, Boardman said that it could be buildable as C-1 since the Code indicated minimum frontage of 160 feet or a total lot size of 20�000 square feet. He said that the remaining lot, after the condemnation, would be just about 20,000 sq ft. Chairperson Harris asked if all the petitioner's proposed lots met all the requirements, Mr, Boardman indiczted that Mr, Fretag's entire plan met all the requirements, Chairperson Harris asked 'no�a the area �vould be serviced, Mr. Fretag said that all the service would be underground, Ms, Schnabel asked if all the duplexes v✓ould be built at once, and if they z!rould be built for sale purposes. Mr. Fretag said that until the weather got better, they c�rould only build one duplex at a time. Iie said that they vaould vrork on more than one at a time once the vreather gat �varmer, He indicated that all ten of them vaould be completed in a 12-month period of time, He also indicated that all of the duplexes would be built for sale purposes, Mr. Fretag said that there �vould be 1,150 square feet per unit and that the units would be 2-story units, He said that the units ti�rould be priced in the $g0,000 bracket. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - DECEMBER 7 1��7 Pa�e 15 Mr, Virnig of 1365 - 73rd Avenue NE (adjacent land oivner) said that he had the same comments that he had previously vahen this property had been discussed. He wanted any assessments involved with the property to be absorbed by the area and not passed on to the adjacent landowners in form of t�es, etc. He said that he had no objections to the plan, MOTION by Mr, Langenfeld� seconded by Mr. Oquist, to close the Public Hearing, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing �vas closed at 9:58 P.M. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr, Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the proposed preliminary Plat, P,S, #77-07, Evert's �ddition, by Arthur L. Fretag: Being a replat of Lot 19, Except the East 1g0 feet thereof; and except the Plest 17 feet taken for highwNay purposes; and the west 11+7,74 feet of Lot 18, all in Auditor's Subdivision No, 129. (This preliminary plat replaces Central To�vnhouse Plat) (Not recorded) and is generally located at the intersection of 73rd Avenue and Central Avenue N.E, tivith the understanding that as approved in the preceeding re-plat request that the assessments for the curbing, sewers, water, be assessed to the Peti:tioner and not assessed to the adjacent property owners, Also that the easements as shovm on Exhibit A be dedicated and that the property to the East of the access road be dedicated to the property owner at 1365 - 73rd Avenue NE as shown on Exhibit A, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, Chairperson Harris declared a ten minute break at 10:01� P.P4. Mr, Oquist left the meeting at 10:04 P,M, due to a previous commitment, 6. CONTINULD: PARK & OPLN SPACE PLAN Mr, Boardman commented that at the previous planning Commission meeting the statement had been made that the reason for the Park & Open Space Plan being done e�ras for funding purposes, He said that that statement had not been true, He said that the reason for Parks and Open Space plan tivas to direct park development for the City of Pridley for the purpose of getting a better system than what they had in the City. A4r, Boardman also commented that it had been stated at the previous meeting that the Parks & Open Space Plan �vas not a working document. He felt that there had to be changes in the attitudes of the Parks and Recreations Commission and commitments made to meet an overall p1an. PLANNING COMMISSION M�ETING - DECEMB�R 7, 19%% Pa�e 16 Chairperson Harris said that he had gone to the City Council ZVorkshop meeting on November 28' 1977, and brought up the point of acquisition of park property. He said that the City Council indicated they t�rould consider taking priv�te land for park purposes under special conditions. He said that they did not state any specific guidelines. He said that each individual park would be handled as an individual case. Chairperson Harris felt that it should be indicated on page 20 of the Parks and Open Space Plan that it would be considered, Mr. Boardman suggested inserting the vaords "Proven need for" in the section of "Acquisition" in Neighborhood Areas, Chairperson Harris also suggested taking out the percentages on page 20, The Commission members agreed with his suggestion, Page 22, C. Regional Park Ms. Schnabel and Mr. Boardman collaborated on the wording and it �vas agreed by the members of the Planning Commission to change the vrording to,"Regional Park: An area of Natural Quality oriented totivards open space activities, Regional Parks usually contain at least 100 acres and are located tvhere natural resources occur'�, Page 22, D. Community Park I�4r. Boardman suggested the item be reworded to, �Community Park: An area of natural or ornamental quality for passive outdoor recreation and some field or court games, A Community park usually consist of 25 to 50 acres and are placed in proximity to other community facilities and are irithin easy reach of all residents of the community." The members of the Planning Commission were in agreement, Page 22, E. Community Playfield The Planning Commission suggested rev�ording the item to� "Community Playfield: An area for intense recreational facilities, such as atkletic fields, consisting of 25 to 50 acres placed, tirhen possible� in close proximity to secondary schools or other community facilities.�� They tiFranted the term stivimming pool removed from the definition, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - DECEMBER 7 1977 Pa�e 17 Page 22, F. Neighborhood Park Playground: The Planning Commission agreed that that item r,ras worded OK. Page 22� G, Mini Park Ms, Schnabel suggested that the item be revrorded to, "Mini Park: Mini Parks are specialized facilities serving a concentrated or limited population or specific groups and should be located ti�rithin tvalking distance of those areas not served by larger park sites, They should be less than 1 acre in size," The other members of the Planning Commission agreed tivith the leaving out of the terms, '�such as tots or senior citizens", Page 22� H, Open Space Mr, Boardman suggested that H b "H. Open Space/Linear Park, He percentages should be left out e rei��orded also said of all the to, that any descriptions, Chairperson Harris said that Tables 2,3,4, & 5 should be left out. He said that the draurings could be left in and that some of the concepts should be integrated into the definitions of the Parks & Opens Space P1an, Page 23, Recommendation 2 Mr. Boardman said that he would indicate that the Planning Commission hac� many questions on the recommendation. Chairperson Harris said that it seemed like the recommendation suggests reserving land for possible future use. He vranted it clarified, Page 23� Recommendation 3 Mr, Boardman said that i^rhat had to be done �vas to insure that park facilities are available to service the population, that cre don't double-up on the services, It should service the needs ancl not over- service the population. He said that the objective taas to develop an order of park facilities that would be flexible to the changing needs of the population. Mr. Boardr�an that it referred to the compatibility of the different uses in the parks and each of the areas should be developed accordingly, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - DECP^'IBER 7+ �9,27 Pa�e 18 Mr, Boardman said that he tivould look into the actual purpose of this recommendation and Iet the Planning Cemmission know ivhat it ivas trying to accomplish, Page 2�� Recommendation 4 The Planning Commission �ras in agreement s•✓ith that recommendation. Page 23, Recommendation 5 It was decided by the Planning Commission that this recommendation belonged under Objective 3, Page 23� Objective 2� Policies 1& 2 The Planning Commission agreecl with these items, Page 23: Recommendation 1 at the bottom of the page The Planning Commission suggested leaving out the word �rimmediate", Page 24, Recommendation 2 The Planning Commission suggested leavin� out the vrord "Early�+, Page 24, Recommendation 3 The Planning Commission agreed with the item, Page 21�, Recommendation 4. Mr� Boardman said that the recommendation �vas to either develop the parks indicated under the recommendation as park property or else be dedicated or sold. It ivas suggested by Mr. Langenfeld and Ms. Schnabel to acid a Recommendation 5 nnder Objective 2. It tivonld be bvorded, "Conservation of Energy and Protection of facilities frorn vandalism", MOTION by P-Ts. Schnabel, seconded by Mr, Langenfeld to continue the Parks & Open Space Plan, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously at 11:1�2 P,M, 7. RECEIVE COMMUNITY DEV�E,OPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: NOVII�IBER 15� 1977 MOTION by Ms, Schnabel, seconded by Mr, Langenfeld, to receive the Community Development Commission minutes of November 15, 1977. PLANNING COMMISSION MEFTIDiG - DECEMBER 7, 1977 Pa�e lg Mr, Langenfeld asked if the Planning•Commission would like Mr. Ron Lokken from Bloomington to talk to the Commission regarding the Proposed Noise Control Ordinance and hoLV it was handled in Bloomington, Chairperson Harris said that that would be agreeable and informative. UPON A VOICE VOTE' all voting aye� the motion carx�ied,unanimously. The minutes vaere received at 1 1: i�� p,M. 8. RECEIVE APP�ALS COMMISSION MINUTES: NOV:�IBER 29 1977 MOTION by Ms, Schnabel� seconded by ATr, Langenfeld, to receive the Appeals Commission minutes of November 29, 197�, Ms, Schnabel indicated that the discussion on Council �lction on Variance on sign for Real Estate 10 at 951 Hilltivind Road PTE had occurred because at the time the �lppeals Commission first heard the request they didn't have the pictures, After the meeting the Staff person had gone out and taken pictures depicting the visibility of the Real Estate 10 building on Hillwind Road NE from Interstate 694. She said that at the following Appeals Commission meeting� the Commission savr the pictures and the Commission felt very differently about the decision that they had previously made, The Commission had asked that the pictures be shown to the City Council at the time of the request and that the Appeals Commission's feelings be eapressed, She said that the Appeals Commission had not been sure that that had happened, She said that she had stated at the Appeals Commission that she sometimes felt that at the time the petitioners have to appear at previous Commissions before they appear before the City Council it is like a trial run. She said that i�hen the petitioner gets before the City Council they have it all figured out as to hotiv to state their case, UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously, The minutes vaere received at 11:51 P,M, 9. MOTION by P4r. the November Commission. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms, Schnabel, to receive 28, 19']7a minutes of the Parks & Recreation Chairperson Harris asked what i�as attempted to be accomplished by handling the Applications of Naturalist/Resource Coordinator position in the manner described, Mr. Boardman said that he wasn't sure ivhat the position wauld involve, He explained that the previous person had accepted another position. UPON A VOICE VOTE� al1 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The minutes vJere received at i�:53 P.M. PLAIdNING COMMISSION P�IEETING - DECEMBER 7� 19']7 pa�e 20 1,0. � MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to receive the November 22� 1977, minutes of the Environmental �uality Commission. Mr, Langenfeld said that he had taken it upon himself to define the terms used in discussing the Noise Pollution Ordinance because the terms are used so often and many times people don't even know ti�rhat the �vords mean. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. The minutes �A�ere received at �i:55 P.M. 11, OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Boardman commented that many people in the Commissions v�ere going to conferences, etc. He said that it should be upon the Commission to approve yrhether or not a member goes to a conference or not and then be sure that monies are available, Mr, Boardman explained several fundings that had been apnlied for by the City of Fridley and the programs that alreaay� ha� fund9.ngs approved, Mr. Boardman explained the proposed bikeway system to the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to adjourn the December 7, 1977' planning Commission meeting, Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Harris declared the meeting adjourned at 12:09 A.M. Respectfully submitted� MaryL e Carhill Recording Secretary