PL 01/11/1978 - 30484�
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JANUARY 11, 1978
Vice-Chairperson Bergman called the January 11, 19?8, Planning
Commission meeting to order at 7:36 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Shea, Peterson, Bergman, Schnabel, Langenfeld
Jerrold Boardman, City Planner
MGTTON by Ms. Shea, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the Planning
Commission approve the December 21, 1977, Planning Commission
Ms. Shea requested that paragraph 6 on page 2, be changed to
read, ��Ms. Shea said that according to the Metro Council,
FridZey � have i;o conside.r allowing smaller houses,...."
1�1s. Schnabel correcied a typographical error on P age 7, last
sentence of the first paragraph� The word everY should be ever.
Mr. Langenfeld requested that the third par�graph on page 1 be
changed to read, "Mr. Langenfeld hoped that Mr. Boardman could
�ssure the Commission that a signal light would go at that
intersection very soon."
Mr. Langenfeld referenced Page 3, paragraph 7. He said that
at the City Council meeting the members of the Council couldn't
figure out what was being talked about.
Mr. Boardman said that ther� had been concern regarding the
Locke•Park issue. He said that the City felt that since they
had the deed for the park, that they otvned the park. He said
that the City Attorney �aould do some research on the subject.
Mr. Langenfeld referenced the ninth paragraph on page 4. He
said that a great deal of ��rork at the Islands of Peace Park
has now been done by the Anoka County CET� Forces.
The December
as corrected.
VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
21,.1977, Planning Commission minutes vrere approved
Sp /�7i-16, BY �TL��'.s_�n�_'7�; PTR FRIDLFY CITY CODE, ��"'�
ON LOTS 18, 19, 20, 38, AP1D PARTS OF' LOTS 23 and 37, ALL IN
BEING 51 - 37th AVENUE N.E. �
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to open
the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, the
motion carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened
at 7:42 P.M.
Mr. James A. Dov�ds of 51-37th Avenue NE, Fridley, was present
at the meeting.
Mr. Boardman explained the exact locations of the lots
involved. He indicated that the Auto Salvage Auction Center
purchased the land from Dunkley Surfacing Company tivhich had
gone out of business, He said that the Auto Salvage Auction
Center intended to expand their operation onto lots Z0, 37 & 38.
Mr. Boardman said that the Auto Salvage Auction Center had gone
before the City Council and asked for permission to expand
their business vrhiie they tivere going through the Special Use ,,�
Permit proceedings. He said that the City Council had allocre� -
them to ex.pand their operation into that area while they were
going ihrough the process of obtaining a Special Use Permit.
Mro Boardman said that Staff didn't feel there tivould be any
problems. He said that the operation tivas a fairly clean
operation and that the area ��as screened. He sa�_d that there
was one stipulation that Staff ��rould like. He iridicated
that when the Auto Salvage Auction Center �c� asked for a Special Use
Permit for their operation on Lot 18 they had said that all
parking of vehicles on sales days would be inside the fence.
He said that there had been soms occasions where some of the
parking had gone out onto the streets. He said that it should
be re-emphasized that a stipulation of the special use permit
should be that all the parking for the operation would be off-
street parking and that, if on-street parking should occur
there would be the possibility that tags �rrould be issued. He
said that Staff tivanted all off-street parliing in the fenced area.
Mr. Boardman said that some landscaping did exist on their existing
property and that some landscaping was present on the property '
to be purchased. �He said that the Auto Salvage Auction Center
had indicated that they would be planting some vines along the �
fence area and lie tivasn't sure if that haa been done as yet. He
said that some additional plantings ma.y be requested within the
County right-of-vray� with the County's approval, spaced otit along _'�
the fencing to help make East River Road a more attractive,
aesthetically pleasing roadvray.
Mr. Peterson expressed concern regarding the hazardous situations
that had been caused previously by cars parked in the ditches,
h,,._ on East River Roa.d, and basically all over the area, He wanted
- to know if Mr. Do�vds vrould actually have the room to have onl.y
off-str�et parking, all contained tivithin the fenced area.
Mr. Boardman
the customer
entire area
said that the area
parking, providing
�vith their salvaged
�rrould be able to handle all
the Center didn't fill up the
Mr. Dowds explained that the Auto Salvage Auction Center would
only utilize the land South of the Dunkley Surfacing Company
building. He said that the 1�, acres north of the building urould
be used entirely for customer parking. He said that the area tiras
already fenced and hard surfaced. He said that the multi-car
carriers u�rould be allorred to park in the aisles during the auctions
thereby allovring even more space for customer parking.
Mr. Do�vds indicated that the Auctions were held on Tuesday from
10:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. He said that they had to go from
bi-ti��eekly auctions to weekly auctions because of the volume of
business that they had.
Mr. Dov�ds said that George�s in �'ridley-Restaurant had given
their pe�mission to a11otF1 the Auction Center tv utilize their
entire back parking area during the aucicions. He said that
they usually parked the longer trucks in the George�'s parking
Mr. Dot�rds indicated that they were trying to alleviate the
parking problems and the dangerous situations that could
result from customers parking along East River Road by purchasing
the additional land.
Mr. Doti��ds explained that the actual purchase of the Dunkley
lots �vas contingent on the obtaining of the Special Use Permit,
He said that it tivould still be a couple of months before the
actual sale trrould be final and he would be able to utilize the
area North of the Dunkley building.
Mr. Peterson suggested that Mr. Do�vds obtain '�No Parking�� signs
for use on Auction days. He said that the customers probably
wouldn't be very pleased. about getting a ticket should they
decide to park along East River Road.
Ms. Schnabel asked what Mr. Dowds� estimated number of customers
per sale day �vould be.
Mr. Dotivds said that it varied with the weather; but that it was
usually betd��een 100 and 150 customers.
Mse Schnabel asked if the area North of the Dunkley building would
be able to handle that manycars.
rZr. Dotirds said that it �vould handle that many cars as lon�; as
they get the big�er trai.lers to park either across the street
or in the aisles.
Ms. Schnabel asked if the entirearea ti'fould be hard surfaced.
Mr. Dorrds explained that tivhen they �equested the,_ Special Use
Permit for Lot 18, they had received an exemption from the
code requiring the type of hard surface. He said that
because of the kinds of vehicles that were auctioned at the
Center� he was allovred to have a hard-packed �ravel surface,
He said that black-top tivas really too eypensive to have
because of the cars leaking transmission fluids, battery
acids� etc., they ti�rould have to replace and repair the black-top
every six months. He explained that the entire area �vould be
fenced and screened properly. �
Ms. Schnabel suggested that Mr. Do���ds use some type of signage
that r�ould indicate to the customers that parking ti�rould be
to the North of the Dunkley building.
Mr. Dovrds said that actually most of his customers ti�rould prefer
to have off-street parking in a fenced, guarded area. He said
that he figured most of the customers tixrould be most pleased to
have the use of the parking area.
Mr. Do�=ads pointed out that they had planted vines along the
fencing and that they were beginning to grow.
T�Ir. Boardman asked if in Lhe future some type oi landscaping
plan could be incorporated.
Mro Dowds said that it vrould be difficult on some of the CountV
la.n.d because they don�t crant to contribute to the spread of
fire, so they keep much of the land near the tracks clear of
grass or plantings. �
Mr. Do�vds said that he would agree to some type _ of landscaping
program. He said that they ��•rouldnPt agree to anv landscaping
that.��ould contribute to the ease of i:��egal entrance onto his property.
He said that the eritire area �vas fenced and he �vouldn't want to
plant trees or such that ti�JOUld aid vandals in climbing over �he
fences to gain entrancee He explained that many of the damaged
vehicles stored on the property for auctions have equipment on
them that are prime targets for theft.
Mr. Langenfeld said that he hoped Mr. Dovrds used some caution
as far as oil leakage� tr�nsmission leakage, etc. as far as
pollutents into the soil.
Mre Langenfeld pointed out that Mr. Dotivds had been.very
cooperative tvith the City in re�ards to landscaping, etc.
and he v�as sure that N1r. llo:��ds t�rould do so in the futuree
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, �o close
the Public �Iearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimoulsy. The Public Hearing was closed at
�3;00 P.M.
PLAN�tI�1G COMMISaTOrl M��TING - J1lNUARY 11: 1978 Pa�;e �
MOTI0�1 by Mr. Langenfeld' seconded by Ms. Shea, that the Planning
Commission recommend approval of the request ior a Special Use
�'\_ Permit, ,.�'iP #?%-16, by James A. Dowds: Per Fridley City Code,
Section 205.131, 3, 8, to allow an Auto Salvage'Auction Center
on Lots 18, 1g, 20, 38, and parts of Lots 23 and 37, all in
Auditor�s Subdivision No. 39, generally locat�d on the east side
of �ast River Road, and includes all property bettrreen �ast River
Road and the Railroad right of ti��ay bet��reen 37th Avenue NE and
39th Avenue N.E., the same being 51-37th Avenue NE� �r�ith the
follovring stipulations:
1, All parking �•rill be inside the fenced area and off
East River Road;
2. That he checks �vith Staf f and the County as to iche
aesthetics of the area in regards to East River Road
and to landscaping; and to reserve space for a.mple
parking and shotiv proper identification for that
3. In the approval of the Special Use Permit, the
Planning Commission recognizes the exception to the
hard surface ordinance requirement.
Mr. Peterson indicated that he had a problem �vith requiring
property ovrners to do landscaping on County property. He said
that the property ov�rner ti�ras paying taxes as is and if land-
scaping should go on County property, then the County or the
City should be putting it in rather than burdening the tax
payers tivho happened to be unfortunate enough to have a business
!"�,� along side of that particular property.
Mr. Boardman indicated that usually �vhen the City looked at
landscaping for beautification of road�vays, they usually required
some kind of green area along the road right of tivay. He said
that in the Present situation there �vas a fence right up to the
property line. He said that when they originally �equested a
Special Use Permit� if City tvould have required the landscaping
that uras presently being required, they would have asked Mro Dotivds
to move the fence back in order to get that type of landscaping.
He said th�t in the present case, since the fence was already in
existence, they �aere trying to set up some type of landscaping
arrangement tivhere some of the County's land could be utilized
in lieu of the fact that there tivas no landscaping space on their
otivn property.
Mr. Bergman indicated that he was accustomed to seeing a site
plan Urhen someone til�as requestirig a Special Use Permit when the
person vlas discussing parking capacity, fencing, landscaping,
location of the fence, etc. He said he liked to see on paper
exactly ��rhat the petitioner tvas proposing. �
Mr. Langenfeld said that he hadn't taken into consideration the
absence of a site plan mainly because he� personally� was
familiar tivith the area that �vas being discussed.
��-- UPOi� 1� VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried
PLAr1NING COMMI �SION t�E�TINC - J�NIJARY 1 1, 1978 � Pa�e 6
� a Li, • r.. A: r., l� , L �� • � �
CONVENIENC� STOR�, ON LOTS 27, 28� 29 ana 30, BI,OCK 4'
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to open
the Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carriecl unanimously. The Public Hearing ti�ras opened at
8:07 P.r7�
Mr. Boardman e�:plained the location of the proposed building.
He indicated that the existing building on the lots tivould be
torn dorrn and an entirely neri building vJOUld be constructec� for
a Superamerica Station Convenience Store. He shotived the Planning
Commission the plans for the building.
Mr. Boardman said that they had checked into the previous permits
for the building that had existed previously and he said that
Special Use Permits had not been required at that time. He said
that Superamerica tivas reques�ing a Special Use Permit at that time.
Mr. Michael Holt and Mr. Leonard Feilmeier were present at the
meeting representing Superamerica.
Mr. Holt sho�ved a landscaping plan to the Planning Commission�
He also sho�ved them samples of material that would be used in
the construction of the building.
Mr. Peterson �vanted to the knotiv the access that bvould be used
far the proposed convenience store.
Mr. Boardman explained the feasible methods of ingress and
egress from the Superamerica Station. He.indicated on the
site plan the supposed traffic flow.
Ms. Schnabel suggested routing the traffic around the block
rather than directly onto 57th Aeenue. ,
Mr. Boardman showed them the Plat of the area and indicated
that it tivould be a possibility.
Mr. Peterson shotived concern regarding the traffic that exits
from the free�vay at that point. He felt that a Convenience
Store �vould add to the already existing problems at that
Ms. Schnabel tiranted to kno�v the hours of the proposed
Convenience Store.
Mr. Holt indicated that it �vould be opened 24 hours.
Mr. IIoardman wanted to knova dvhat types of lighting would be
utilized at the Con�eneience Store.
P�Ir. Holt showed the Planning Commission on the plans where and
indicated tivhat type of lighting tivould be used.
Vice-Chairperson Bergman asked what the parking capacity would
be at the proposed Convenience Store.
Mr. Holt indicated that there would be the capacity to park 12
cars at the Superamerica Station Convenience Store, countin�
the six spaces at the gas pumps. He said that the code required
1� car capacity.
Mr. Feilmeier indicated that the Convenience Store vrould most
likely not produce additional traffic to the area. He said
that they V�ould basically utilize the traffice that was already
Mr. Peterson pointed out that even though they wouldn�t
increase the traffic, they ��rould `be changing the traffic flow.
Mr. Langenfeld said that anything that tivent in at that location
ti�rould produce basically the same problems.
Mr. Peterson understood that point. He was on1.y indicat3_ng tha-t
that particular intersection tivas a very bad intersection and
�� everything possible should be done not to make it i�orse.
Mre Langenfeld asked if something could be done to help
direct the traffic to use certain routes of entry and exit.
Mr. Holt indicated on the plans �vhat the anticipated flow of
traffic would be of cars turning from University Avenue an.d
entering the proposed Convenience Store and then going back
onto University Avenus.
Mr. Boardman suggested a�vay of changing the flow of traffic
in the establi.shment by closing off one of the proposed drive-
tivays. He indicated on the plans what exactly he was suggesting.
Vice-Chairperson Bergman said that he felt that any opening for
the Superamerica Station tivould have to be for ingress and egress.
Mr. Peterson said that he agreed; but he felt they could use
signage that bvould indicate right turns only could be made
from one of the drivetivays, thereby alleviatin� the problem of
people making U-Turns around the island located on 57th �.venue
or using resident's driveways to turn around,
Mr. Bo�rdman said that the main thing that vras being attempted
was to get customers to use the proper driveway that would
enable them to get back onto University Avenue.
Ms. Schnabel �rranted to knoti�r vrhere people 1vould have to park
that just wani to utilize the �'store" part of the establishment.
t•Zr. Holt indicated on the plan where �aarking �rrould be allo�ved.
He also indicated ��rhere it �;rould be located if he follotived
a previous suggestion and slightly shifted the building.
Vice-Chairperson Bergman indicated tha.t the Superamerica people
should try to rnake parking as convenient as possible for all
their customers.
Ms. Schnabel asked exactly hotiv the gasoline truck would enter
and exit from the Superamerica Station.
Mr. Holt indicated that the gasoline trucks ti�aould deliver
during lo��r peak times. He sho�red ihe Commission on the plans
the route the truck ti��ould have to take.
Ms. Schnabel indicated that her concern ti�ras the possibility
that the gasoline truck i�rould have to drive through the
residential neighborhood in order to get back onto University
Ms. Shea asked if the gasoline truck �vauld be able to go around
the building in order to exit from the station�nather than use
the described route.
Mro Holt said if the building tivere shi.fted as suggested,
it could possibly go around the building.
Uice-Chairperson Bergman indicated tha't Superamerica should
meet codes regarding the required parking spaces.
Mr.�Boardman said that if they shifted the building, they �vould
be able to have the parking spaces reauired by the Codes.
Ms. Schnabel indicated that she vrould not vote to approve the
request if the gasoline truck 1JOUld have to go through the
residential area..
Mrs. Grace Mathisen of 3�-8-57th Avenue N� indicated to the
Commission �Trhere her home ti�as located in relation to the
proposed Superamerica Station Convenience Storee She indicated
that ��hen the previous otiAmers had thei.r station on the lots,
that her drive-ti�ray had frequently been used �ior the turn-around
for cars tivanting to get back onto University Avenue. She said
tnat she had many nroblems �vith the lighting of the Stations
and the traffic produced by the sta�ian. She said that she
tras also dissatisfied etith the proposed �ray the gasoline truck
�rould entPr and leave the station. She lvould like to see
Superamerica plan a more agreeable :�ray to have the truck enter
and.leave the station.
rRs. Schnabel said that she had received a telephone call from
Mro Paul�on, ti��ho lived in the nei�hborhood. He had expressed
�_ conr_ern of the noise and air pollution in the �rea.
,—�, �
P�s. Mathisen said that Uince the Superamerica station would be
a 24-hour operation, there would be traffic into and out o£ the
place all ni6ht long. She saic� that ���hen the station �vas a
Phillips 66 Station she had er.perienced problems ti�rith people
parking in front of her house, running across the street for
some quick article, and.then coming back and driving a�ay.
She felt that once the Convenience Store t�ras there, the
problem ti�ould only be multiplied.
Ms. Schnabel asked if she vrould like U-Turns to be allovred
at that point.
Ms. Matliisen said that traffic �vas usually too heavy at that
point to permit a U-Turn. She said that during light-traffic
times the people make U-Turns anytivays.
Ms. Schnabel asked hoti�r many years Ms. P�Iathisen had lived in
the house she noti�r occupied.
Ms. Mathisen said that she has lived at 348-57th Avenue NE
for approxiniately 30 years. .
Ms. Schnabel indicated that Mr. Paulson had mentioned that
P�s. I�Zathi.�en may be thinking of selling the property�
Ms. Mathisen said that she figured tha.t some time she ��rould
have to sell her house because she �ras a senior citizen; but
she felt the value of her land has been lotivered so much because
of the street that had been routed past her house. She felt
that she could have better luck selling her property as
commercial rather than residential.
Mr. Langenfeld sai�d that he realized Ms. Mathisen�s concerns
in regards to pollution� noise, lights, etc. but he pointed
out that based on the uses allotived� something much zvorse thari
the proposed Superamerica Station Convenience Store could go
in on those lots.
Ms. Mathisen said that she understood that something much worse
could go into that area. She said that she tivanted to state her
feelings on the subject.
Pqr. Peterson said that he cras glad P�'is. Mathisen took the time
to appear at the meeting and he said that members of the �
Commission shared in some of her concerns. He felt that Mr. Holt
and rir. Feilmeier had demonstrated the desire to be good
"neighbors�� and he felt that they . make the effort to contact
her and shoti�r her exactly tvhat they planned to do and maybe be
able to r�ork ��rith her to try to help alleviate some of her problems.
_ ,
Mr. Boardman said that he had talked to the gentlemen and
he said that since the gasoline trucks would be the vehicles
ovrned and operated by Superamerica, they Urould have the ri�ht �1
to tell the drivers exactly what direction they should take
vrhen entering and exiting the area. Mr. Boardman suggested
a route using the service road up to 63rd Avenue that the
gasoline trucks could utilize so that some of the service station
problems could be vrorked out.
Ms. Mathisen �;�anted to knotiTr if her property could be rezoned
to commercial so that she could sell the property if she wanted
Mr. Peterson explained that Ms. Mathisen tivould have to make the
request through the Planning Department, then the request vrould
ap�ear before the Planning Commission, and then the request
crould go on to City Council for the final decision.
Mso Mathisen indicated that she personally had 19,200 square feet
and that another lot that tiras ot�med by Mro Graees could also be
sold alon� crith her property to equal over the 20,000 square feet
required for a commercial lot. Ms. Mathisen �vanted to know tivhat
exactly could be built on her lots if they were rezoned.
Mr. Boardman said that the lot definitely had more characteristics
of a Commercial lot than a residential loto He felt that a
smaller business-type venture vaould be best for the particular
area. �
Mr. Holt indicated to Ms. Mathisen that they would try to do
U�hat they could to help alleviate her problems. They said they
�vould provide her with "signs indicating "private drive" or
whatever to help her.
A70TION by PZr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Shea, to continue the
Public Hearing: Request for a Special Use Permit, SP �#77-17,
by Superamerica: Per Fridley City Code, Section z05.101,3,E�
to allov� the construction of a Superamerica Station Convenience
Store on Lots 27, 28, 29 and 30, Block 4, Hamilton�s Addition
to Mechanicsville, the same being 5667 University Avenue NE
for t��ro U�eeks to give Superamerica the chance to address some of
the questions that had been raised.
Mr. Peterson said that he also �vanted Mr. Holt and Mr. Feilmeier
to keep in touch �vith Ms. Mathisen 4vhile they draw up their plans
so that she can better understand exactly 1rhat they are proposing.
Vice-Chairperson Bergman suggested that Superamerica�also keep
in contact ��rith City Staff.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if the property had been purchased from
Phillips 66.
� �
Mr. Feilmeier said that they are purchasing the property on option
that the Special Use Permit is issued.
__,.. :.
PL/UdNITJG COI�fI'�fIS:�SOP1 MF?TIP1G - JANUARY 1 1, 1�78 Pa�,e 1 1
Mr. Langenfeld asked if Superamerica �rrould use the existing
�ndersround ga�oline tanks.
T�Ir. Feilmeier said that they tivould have ne�R� under�round
tanks installed� He said that the existing ones were too old
and too small.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye� the motion carried
unanimously. The Special Use Permit Request, SP #77-17, was
continued until January 2,5, 1978.
�i!'�i�IIr�L J. ICOCI:�•?B/l: BEIPJG A REPLAT OF LOTS 1, 2, and 3,
MOTION by I�s. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to open the
Public He�ring. Upon a voice vote, all voting�aye, the motion
carried unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 9:08 P.M.
Mr. Boardman exglained the situation to �he Planning Commission.
� �Te said that Lots 1, 2,&3 v�ere in Fridley and Lot 21�. ��ras in
` Coon Rapids. He said that the petitioner tivanted to combine
those lots into a Plaic tha.t vaould include �he portions from
Fridley and from Coon Rapids. He said that anneYation of that
portion of Coon Rapids into Fridley had been suggested to
Coon Rapids. He indicated that presently Fridley was providing
access to Lots 1, 2& 3; and sewer and tivater to the Coon Rapid
residents in the area. He said �vhat v�as being looked for
was a resolution from the City of Coon Rapids for the
annexation of thi� portion of land into Fridley. He said at
the next City Council. meeting they tivould be looking at a
resolution to the City of Coon Rapids for the annexation
of this property.
Mr. Boardman indicated that the Staff had no problems with
the request. He said that the stipulation that would go along
with the platting would be the condition of annexation.
Mr. Peterson asked if tivhen Fridley talked to the Coon Rapids
Planning Department, did they have any objections to the
suggestiono �
Mr. Boardman said that they had no problems with the annexation
because of the services that Fridley �vas providing to the areasa
�. `
Mr. Boardman said that the proceedings for the annexation would
take place by resolution from the City Council of the City of
Fridley to a�k the City of Coon Rapids to send a resolution for
Ms. Schnabel asked what would happen witYi the existing house,
r�r. Dan Kociemba o� 665 Ironton Street NE indicated that the
existing house vrould remain.
Mr. Kociemba explained that his uncle otimed the property in
question and had owned it for many y�earse He said that his
uncle vras getting older and that unless something ti��as resalved,
the lots in question vrould continue to be a problem. He said
that his uncle couldn't sell the property, he can't use the
property, and all the property vJas used for ��ras people to dump
things on, and vrhich. his ur�cle had to pay to have cleaned up.
He said that they vrould like to see the problem resolved so
that something positive could be done tivith the property.
Mr. Kociemba explained t11at on the survey that the Commission
had before them� a proposed easement had been shotivn. He said
that the person that had agreed to grant the easement had
changed his the last �inute and didn�t grant the City
the easement. He said that�there eaere no utilities on the
property at the present timeo He said that th� tvro existing
houses vrere served by their oti�m private ��:ells and septic systemso
Mr. B�ardman asked Mr. I�ociemba if the person i�rho oti=med the
other portion of Lot 17 ��danted to be part of the annexation.
Mr. Kociemba said that the person had expressed to him a desire
to be included in the anne�ation and part of the plat so he dvould
be in the City of Fridley.
AZr. Peterson asked if all of Lot 17 cauld be included in the
repl at. .
Mr. Boardma�, said that all of Lot 17 could be included in the
Mre Kociemba said that it S�ras a poor arrangement as it presently
�vas. He said that tvhen they had problems in �he area, they �+�ould
have to call the Anoka County Sheriff because he tiFras a neutral
party� He said that neither Coon Rapids or Fridley ever wanted
to get involved in any type of cross-over.
Vice-Chairperson �ergman asked if City had looked the request
over carefully and had they decided if all buildable lots trould
result from the replat �vith no variances required.
Mr. Boardman said that all the lots would be buildable lots.
He said that no variancas should be required�
PLRTIPIIAIG C�P�IMTaSION MrrTIrIG - J1�T1U:7RY l li 19?8 Pa�;e 13
Vice-Chairperson Berpnan asked Mr. Kociemba if he kneti�� �vhy the
� ad ja.cent lot ovrner� tivould also rrant to be annexed.
P�Ir. Koeiemba explained that presently they were serviced from
I'ridley. �ie said that the people that live� on lots 11� and 15
lived in Coon Rapids and had a Fridley.mailing address. He
said that �hey had experienced er.treme problems because of the
ad�ress. He said that Coon Rapids basically severed its ties to
the area rrhen they closed a piece of Broad Avenue that linked
Lafeyette and Broad to Mississippi Street. He said that there
tirere no streets connecting Fridley to Coon Rapids in the area
excePt for East River Road.
P�7r. Langenfeld stressed the hardship and inconvenience that ti�ras
in existence because of the present situation.
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Shea� to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimouslyo The Public Hearing ti=✓as closed at 9;30 P,M.
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the
Planning Commission goes on record as being in favor of the
consideration of a proposed preliminary plat, P.S. �77-08,
Thompson's Rivervieiv Heights� by Daniel J. Kociemba: Being a
replat of Lots 1� 2 and 3� Block 0, Riverview Heights, located
ir� the City of I'ridley; and Lot 21�, Block 1�, Mississippi Oaks
� Addition, also Lot 17, except the �rest 66.5 feet thereof�
Audi�or�s Subdivision 103 revised� located in the City of
Coon Rapids, gener� located in the 8300 block ti�rest of
Broad Avenue� and on the North side of Kimball.Street NE,
and that Mr. Boardman rrrite up the recommendation to City Council
to stress the hardship and -that the Planning Commission felt
very str�ngly that they rrould like to help the petitioner resolve
the problem tivith the stipulation that the plat tivould �nly be
approved vrith the annexation.
UPON A VOICF VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. �
MOTION by Ms. Shea, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, that the owner
ol the �ilest 66.5 feet of Lot 17 be contacted to see if the
they �vould like to be included in this replat and annexation.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Vice-Chairperson Bergman declarecl a short break at 9;46 P.M.
�... -
, '� • ,
P40TI01'J by t4s. Shea� seconded by Mr. Peterson� that the Planning
Commi�sion receive the December 13� 197?� minutes of the
Community Development Commission.
Mr. Langenfeld said that the Fridley Environmental �uality
Commission r�ould respond to the discussion that had been held
on the Noise Control Ordinance,
Mrs Ber�man said that the main thrus� in the comments had to do
t��ith the question, "Should the City of Fridley develop its o��rn
Pioise Control Ordinance� or should the City of Fridley adopt
existing Ordinances��.
Mr. Boardman indicated that the Noise Ordinance had been originally
initiated by the Environmental Commission. He said that it
had been recommended to Staff t�hat the City of Fridley adopt
the State Noise Ordinance. He said that the Ordinance that Uras
being v�orlied on presently �ras a little ��bulky" and could be
sometivhat difficult to administer in several areas, He felt
that actually both Qrdinances should be considered to see which
fit the needs of the City of Fridley best.
Mr. Langenfeld pointed out that he would �.nvite Mr� Lakens
Environmental Specialist, from the City �1" Bloomington, to
talk at the Planning Commission meeting on the Noise Ordinance
that nad been adopted by the City of Bloomington, if the
Commission members tivould so desireo
Mr. Boardman said that ttrhat had to be looked at in the adoption
of a Noise Ordinance <<ras to develop controls that tivould be there
tivhen control ti�rould be needed.
Vice-Chairperson Bergman said that the Bikeway/Walkway Project
Committee had met on J anuary 10, 1978. He said that it had been
moved unanimously to disban the project committee. He sai.d that
the Chairperson had resigned' they had less than 50% of the
membership, and they had trouble getting people to attend the
meetings that ti�rere to be held ttivice a year. He said that any
problems or concerns with bikeways/tivalkvrays ti=rould be handled by
Community Development.
Ms. Schnabel asked if Community Development had discussed
the subject of 40 foot lots at their J�nuary 10, 1g7$ meeting.
l�ir. L�ergman said that the Staff person had shotired the Commission
a��lan of ��hat <<ras bein� proposed for the 40 foot lot in
question before the Appeals Commission. Iie said that there ��Jas
a general negative feeling among the members of the Commission.
He said that a split-entry type rambler, situated five feet from
the property line� on a long narrovr l�t t��as not very appealing.
- ,'�1
PLAIV�IING C�NI�ZISSION Mr�TITtG - J.�NUARY 1 1, 197$ � Pa�e� 15
Vice-Chairperson Ber�man also said that the �40,000 price tag
on the proposed house on the 40 foot lot didn�t sound good
� either.
UPON l� VOICE VOT�, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The Community Development Commission minutes of December 13� 1977
vrere received at 10:12 p�M.
MOTION by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the
Planning Commission receive the December 13� 1977, Appeals
Commission minutes.
Ms. Schnabel pointed out that these rrere the minutes that c.ontainecl
the request for the building of homes on the 40 foot lots. She
said that the results of the particular requests had been a
continuation until January Z4, 1�78, at the petitioner's request.
She said that the normal Appeals Commission meeting of
January 17� 1978, had been changed to January 24� �97�.
She said on that date they tirould have to maYe their decision
regarding the construction of hames on 40 foot lots.
Mr. Boardman indicated that these ttivo pa�ticular lots drere
being used as +Ttest cases" by the petitioner, He said that
if the requests �rere to be denied� the petitioner �vould
most likely take the items to Court.
�- Ms. Schnabel said that �ras tivhy the Appeals Commission 1Janted
to be as thorough and considerate as possible ti��hile dealing
ti��i�h the matter. She said they had �Janted to have the
continuation to be able to give as much thought as.possible
to the request.
Vice-Chairperson Bergman ��ranted to knorr ti�rhat the Metropolitan
Planning had to say regarding the size of the lots.
Mr. Boardman said that they recommended a minimum of 60 foot lots
or bet�feen 6000 and 7500 square feet,
Ms. Schnabel said that another point that ti�ras bothering several
members of the Appeals Commission tivas that they knotv how much
the petitioner paid for the particular lots and they felt that
he tJas inflating the value of the lot to buildable lo� priceo
She �aid that in terms of �talking about using'J�0 foot lots for
low cost housing, the particular situation tix�as not applicablea
She etplained that sc�me of the thoughts in the past rras to
try to utilize some of the existin� 40-foot lots for lotiv-cost
housing and the petitioner ti��as not fitting into that idea either.
Vice-Chairperson Bergman asked if there ti�ere any houses in the
City of Fridley on 40-foot lots.
�'1 P•4r. I3oardman said that there 4,rere many, especially in the
v Iiyc�e F�.rl� �rea.
PLATJNING C,OP�fMI ;SION T•Zr�TIPdC - J1�NtTARY 1 1, 1978 Pa�;e 16
Mr. Peterson s;�id that he �vas glad that the Appeals Commission
had r:orkeci so diligently an the subject of the 40-foot lots, -`'�
Iie appreciated that they took the time to be suse they considered
a1Z the problems that could be caused by allocrin� the construction
of homes on 40-foot lots, He said that it �vould ti�ork a hardship
on the neighbors alsa if houses are allotired on 40-foot lots.
UPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. The December 13� 1977, minutes of the Appeals
Comrnission ti�rere received at 10:29 P.rR.
L '
r•�CTIOid by P4r. Langenfeld� seconde� by r�1s. Schnabel, that the
Planning Commission receive the Environmental �uality
Commission minutes of December 20, 1977.
Mr. Langenfeld urged the Commission members to read the report
by Lee A.nn Sporre on "���J11TER: OUP D��LICI�T� LIFE Mr�•ZBRArdL". He
said that it tiras a very interesting report.
Mr. Boardman pointed out that on Page 8 of the minutes, the
first sentence of the fourth paragraph, I�s. Sparre's statement
was in error. He said tha� the manager for the P4eado�v Run
Apartments9 had been in favor of a store at tnat ?ocation.
Mr. Boardman said that the City had a letter on file indicating ,'�
that they tiJere in fa��or of �he 7-11 store. -
Mr. Langenfeld asked if a signalization at the intersec�ion of
79th and East River Road had been a stipulation of the request.
Mr. B�ardman said that it had not been made a stipulation
because they couldn't put the burden of the signalization
on the 7-11 Store.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. The Environmental �uality Commission minute� of
December 20, 19?79 was rece� ved at 10: 31� P.P�I.
MOTION by A7se Schnabel� seconded by Ms. Shea� that the Planning
Commission receive the December 27� 1977� minutes of the
Appeals Commission.
Ms. ScYinabel e�lained that Item ;�,�1 of the minutes . tivas to be
located on the lot that a mobile home exhibit had been on display
for the Aietro-Cc�uncil Contest that had been held during the year.
PLAriT1IP1G COAIMIS"ION MTT�,TIP1G - JPNTiARY 1 1, 1 q78 Pa�e 17 �
t�is. Schnabel said that the ovrner of that lot now tivas trying to
construct a house on the lot. She said that it tivas to be
;� a mvdular-type house that tir�s similar to a Pre-�'ab house.
�he indicated tliat the petitioner liaa shoti�red iche Commission
thQ plans of the house and a picture of �vhat the house would
look lilse. She said that it had been her impression that that
v�ould be the type oi' house that ti�rould be "bes� for a L�0-foot
lot rather than r�hat Mr. �Iedlund had �roposed for his 40-foot
Vice-Chairperson Bergman Uaid that it seemed the �lppeals
Commission rras more concerned about�the type of house that
�vould be constructed on a 1�0-foot lot rather than the
fact that rrhether or not a 40-foot lot should be built on
at allo
Mso Schnabel said that there ti=ras one member of the
Com�nission that felt that construction should be allotived on
�.Omfoot lots providing the house fit properly on the lot.
She said tha-t ti��as ti�rhy i;hey altiF�ays considere�i the style of
house so inter�tlyo
Vice-Chairperson Bergman felt that the first question that
should be addressed ti�ras ti��hether the lot �ras buildable and if
that ansrrer tis�as negative, then it ti�ouldn� t even matter tivhat
type of house rras being pr�posedo
�, Mse Schnabel said that she still feli; that all tiie issues
had. to be considered -to make an intelligent decision.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye the motion carried
unanimously� The Appeals Comr,�ission minutes of
December 27, 19779 tivere received at 10;39 P���
MOTION by A2s, Schnabel, seconded by Ms. Shea, to limit ihe
discussion on the Park and Open Space Plan to 30 minutes.
Upon a-voice vote, all vo�ing aye9 the motion carried
It was decided by the Planning Commission that Items # 8& 9 on
Pa�e 25 of the P arks and Open Space Plan were acceptable as
Ms. Schnabel suggested that Item �#10 on P age 25 be changed to
read, �� 10� Park areas and activities vrithin the parks having
clese relationships or used by the same age groups should be
placed close to one another in the City�s parks". The other
members of the Planning Commission agreed.
It t�ras decided by the Planning Commission that Items �11, 12
& 13 on Page z5 of the Parks and Open Space Plan vrere acceptable
as r�ritten.
Mr. Boardman su�gested that the item numbered 15 should be
chan�ed to read, ��15� Judicious and imaginative use of trees,
shrubs, vines, la�vn surfaces and other natural characters;
good architectural and design and building materials should be
made to erisure attractive parks ti�rith appea.ling visual
character and consistent �vith the use of the park". The members
of the Planning Commission ti�rere in agreement �vith the change.
Mr. Boardr�an indicated that Staff tirould re-vrrite Item 16 on
page 26 of the P arks and Open Space Plan. He said that they
��ould include in the item something more com�rehensive as far
as �:�h�t the City ti�anted in the iter�. The meMbers of the
Planning Commission rrere in a�reement to have the item re-vrritten.
Ms. Shea suggeste� that Ttem �17 on Page 26 be rer�ritten to read,
"17. The use of permanent types of court surfacing, durable
building materials� and hardy pl ant materials help ensure lorr
maintenance costs. Careful location of specialized facilities
tx�ill reduce grading, draining� plumbing; and thereb,y reducing
the costso....," The other members of the Planning Commission
tvere in a�reement. '
It ��as sugoested by Vice-Chairperson Bergman that the t=TOrding
of Item �€18 be changed to read, "18. Aclequate and conven.ient
toilet facilities� parking areas, seating accomodations
and drinking fountains should be placed in the City's parks
�vhere appropriate"� The other members of the Planning Commission
vrere in agreenent.
Mr. Boardman said that Item �19 on page 26 rvould be retTJritten.
He said that the City shouldtry to maintain updated play
facilities to allol� for a higher use by the citizens.
Mr. Peterson felt that the equipment in the City parks should
keep up ti��ith "tivhat tiras happening".
The member.� of the Planning Commission tivere in agreement tirith the
retiv.ritin� of Item 19�
It d�aas decided by the Planning Commission that Objective 3 and
Policies 1& Z on Page 26 of the Parks and Open Space Plan rvere
acceptable as bvritten.
At the suggestion by the Pl�nning CommiUsion, Item 3 under
Objective 3 on Pa�e Z6, 1vouZd be entirely revrritten by Mr. Boardman.
NSr. Boardman said that he n�ould include in the retivriting some type
of statement indic�.tin� that the entire plan ��rould be revieived
every five years tivith yearly evaluation of the implementation n
process. _
PI�AT�TPIIPIG COI-1I�•1IS,STON MEt?,TING - JAPdU1�RY l li 1978 Pa�e 1
;.., It ti�ras decided by the members of the Planning Commission that
Recomraendations 1- 1� on Page 27 of the Parks and Open Space
Plan �Trere acceptable as ���ritten.
Vice-Chairperson Ber�man indicated that he still felt that there
ti�as a�ross inequity in the established neighborhoods.
Mr. Boardman indicated that Staff vras in the process of re-
evaluating that inequity at the present time. He felt that
before Spring they l�ould have a good idea of vrhat the people
themselves feel ti�rhat the neighborhoods are. He said that
�CETA People ���ould be utilized to implement a survey process.
F:e felt that by Spring or early summer they ��rould have a
good «handle" on neighborhoods and �;rill be able to better defii�e
actual neighborhoods.
It vras decided by the members of the Planning Commission that
Objective 4 on Page 27 of the Parks and Open Space Plan �vas
acceptable as tirritten.
Mr. Boardman suggested a rev�riting of Policy �1 under
Objective l.f. He said that it ��ould better define exactly
l�rhat the idea 1Jas behind the item.
It ��as decided by the members of the Planning Commission
�..1 that Policies 2& 3 under Ob jective !� ti��ere acceptable as
The Parks and Open Space Plan tivas continued at 11:1g P�M.
Ms. Shea said that the Department of Human Rights z�ras ten years
old. She said that on January 21 , 1978, they 1�rould be holding
a Continental Breakfast ��rith Hubert Humphrey as guest of honoro
She said that Vernon Jordan 1rould be the guest speaker.
Ms. Shea indicated that the breakfast tvould be at the St. Paul
Civic Cen�er starting at 8:30 A.M. She said the speaker tivould
be at 9:30 A.M. She indicated that the price ��ras �3.50 per
Mr. Boardman said that they �frould make a copy of the invitation
for each of the members of the Commissions.
MOTION by P�r. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Shea, to adjourn the
January 11, 19?8� Planning Commission meeting. Upon a voice vote,.
al]. voting aye �
Vice-Chairperson Bergman declared the meeting adjourned at
� 11; 22 P.M.
Respectfully submitted�
�Q�f��e� .
M aryLee Carhill
Recording Secretary