PL 03/08/1978 - 30487CITY OF FRIDLEY �
'� MARCH 8, 19 8
Chairperson Harris c�7.led the I�arch 8, 1978, planning Gommission meeting
to order at 7:39 P.M.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Shea, Bergman, Harris, Peterson, Schnabel
Langenfeld � ,
Jerrold Boardman, City Planner
Mra Peterson arrived at the Plan.ning Commission me�ting at 8:30 P.Me
Ms. Schnabel arr°iv�d at the Planning Commission meeting at 8:59 PaM.
MO�i'IO1V by i�Is. Shea, seco�ded by Mr. Bergman, to approve the
February 8, 1978, Planning Commission minutes as ��ritten, Upan a voice
voteq all voting aye the motion carried unanimously,
^ 1 � CQNTIrdUE� F 0�7 .�ANTTARy ���_] c�,7�� pTTRT IC H�9RINC. REQUEST FOR A
'�P�c:T.G 1, i1SE 1'ERM i T, S� �78�01 m BY MENAR� CA�H �"JAY LUMBER: PER
Public Heari�g Open.
Chairperson Harris indicated that a meeting had been held on
February 15, 1978, at 7:3a P.M� NZro Harris said that it was a
Workshop--type meeiing that included the riayox, Mr, Schneider
(the Ward Councilman), Mr. Menard, Mr6 Seeger, ana several of the
concerned citizens of the area, and�himself. He said that seve�al
problems �vere discussed that were connected �vith the Menard Cashway
Lumber Company. He said that th� potential problems were also
discussed that could arise from the proposed Garden Center� He
indicated that he felt some agreement� �re�e reach�d.
Chairperson Harris said that Mso Mary E. Gooney of 759-113th Aveo N.Eo
had called hi� explaining that she was not able �o attend the meeting;
He said that she sstresse� her opposition to the proposeci Garden Centero
Chairperson Harris said that a list of three items was agreed upon at
the February 15, �978 meeting: .
a) Public Address System off' ezcept in emergencies.
b) Eliminate the noisy air conditioning system.
c) Truck deliveries between the hour� of 8:00 A.M. and. 9:00 P.M.
Chairperson Harris asked if these three items had beea taken care of.
Mr. Menard of Menard Cashway Lumber, 5351 Central Ave. IVE, said that
they had shut off the Public Address System outside the rear building
area. He said that there had not been a truck at the operation before
8:00 A.M. or after 9:00 P.M. since the meeting. He said that he.
built a saw shed to eliminate some of the noise that the saw was
making� and he said that the air conditioning system was being worked
on by Minnegasco.
Mr. Seeger of Menard Cashway Lumber Company said that he had receided
a complaint that truck noise was coming from the direction of the
building at 6:15 A.M. on a given morning. He said that they had
checked all the Guard's records, and no truck was reported near their
operation at that time.' He �vasn't sure where the noise was coming from.
Ms. Mary Le Mathetivs of 1259 Skywood Lane N.E., said that the Menard� s
dumpster iruck was emptying the dumpster located on the left side
of the Menard's building. She said that the dumping occurred at
6:15 A.M, on a Saturday morning.
Mr. Menard said that they had no records of the fact that the dumpster
was emptied at that time on any Saturday.
Ms. Mathews pointed out that the lumber inventory in the Menards yard
was above the fence. She �ranted to know when they would be made to
abide by the present codes,.
Chairperson Harris asked Ms. Mathews if there had been any improvement
at all since the February 15th meeting.
Ms. Mathews said that she actually hadn�t been home that much. However,
she said that the noise was still bad. She did indicate that she had
not recently heard i;he Public Address System. She said that Menards
s�ill hadn�t cleaned up their operation from the visual aspect,
Ms. Mathews felt that Menards was a��cheap" operation. She said that
Menards did not want to put money into the cleaning up of the operation.
She had come to the realization that she doesn't believe that Menards
will ever be cleaned up. She said that �he tivas very bitter over the
whole situation. She didn't feel that Menards was really compatible
t�rith the area. She said that it ��1as obvious that they moved into the
wror.g area and were allovaed to expand at v�ill. Now she wanted to know
what could be done from the citizenry viewpoint.
�'� t�fe, Seeger said that in the past six months Menards had done almost
� everything possible to�restore �ome good-wi1T in the neighborhood.
He said ihey had black-topped the rear area, they had fixed-up the
racks, they provided trash barrels in the parking lots and replaced
them when they vrere desi;royed by people. He said that they _quit
pushing snow on property that didn�t belong to them. He said
Menards had the loud speakers turned away from the neighborhood
residential area and then shortly after that they had the Public
Address system turned off entirely at the rear of the rvilding.
He said that they had built a savr shed to help eliminate the noise.
Mr. Seeger said that Menards no longer allovred the trucks to make
delive�ies or pick-ups before 8:00 A.M. or after g:00 P.Me He said
that he felt that Menards was trying to do their best to cooperate.
He said that I�enards was really trying to do the right things.
Chairperson Harris tol.d Mre Menard that there was a City Ordinance
that said storage should not extencl above iche feneesA �
Mr. Boardman said that storage material had to ��e screened from the
Public Right of Way. He said that a11 materials that were screened
had to be scree�ed two feet beloau the highest level af t�ie fence
with the maximum heigh� of the fence being eight feet.
Mro Lang of 1278 Skywood Lane said that he mainly oPposed the
Special Use Permit because of the �raffic problem. He said tha�
�� the Garden Center woul3 only add �o alr�ady existing traffic hazard.
He said that he felt tha� orice the intersection improve�ent was �
finished, he bvould have no objections to Menards addin� a Garden Center�
He felt that the presen� time was bad for �uch a venture. He didn�t
feel it was the proper time to encourage additional usage o� the area0
Mse Mathetivs wanted to know how the Menard Cashcvay Lumber Company
could be considered a"compatible" operation. She said that no one
really gives her any ans�vers. She said that the Company originally
went in �he area as a sm�ll remodeling opera�Eion and �vas allowed
to expand campletely at �ville She didn°t feel it was fair that the
residents in the area merely had to '�live" with the fact that the
operation is in existence, She said she wasn�t actually suggesting
that Menards completeiy pull out of �he area but �nerely reduce back
to its.original intent0 She felt that as a citizen she had been
Chairperson H�rris said i;had the only answer he had was that there was
nothing in the Zoning Codes that prohibited that parti�ular t�*pe of
operation. He said they were trying to.make the best situation of
wha� they had0 He said they only had the codes that were in existencee
Ae said they could only try to work together to try to make the whole
situation a lot more liveable for everyone involved.
Mr. Langenfeld addressed Mr. Lang. He said.that he understood his
position as far as the traffic problem in that area, however, he � r'"�
personally felt that traffic alone was not enough to deny the Special
Use Permit. He said that if it could de.iinitely be proven i� was
against the health, safety, and welfare of the people, then possibly
it could be a reason for denialo
Mr. Lang agreed that his objections addressed a potential problem.
He wanted to know if everyone 1ras going to tivait until some tragedy
happened before ac�ion would be taken. He felt that the City should
try to preaent tragedies from happening. He said that the proposed
garden center would only add to the problem. He sa�.d that if the
h'ighway improvement was not scheduled for this time, he would have
no objections. He said that the issue was an unusual situation. He
said that not adding to the already existing confusion in that area
was the responsibility of the City, He said tha�; the least amount
of traffic should b� encouraged to use that area during the time
of the construction.
Mr. Langenfeld deiinitely agreed vaith Mr. Lang's comments. He said
that he felt the whole area wa� abnormal as iar as traveling and the
traffic situationa He said that .Mr.,"Lang's comments would be kept
in mind by the Commission in making their aecision.
Mr; Langenfeld asked if Ms. Mathews was satisfied with the
meeting that had been conducted on February 15, 1978.
Ms. Mathews said that she had no� been home much during the time �
since the meeting. She was upse't by the 6:15 A.M. incident with the
trash recepticle truck.and she said she had occasion to be home that
afternoon (March 8th) an.d that the noise was extreme, She said
that she �aanted Menards to lower the level of their storage so that _
it tis�asn't over the fences, She indicateci that the main reasons for
that request was that b� lowering the stacks, Menards would have to
lower their inventory and thus they �vould cut the loading and unloading
of _the lumber. She really believed that Menards had been�.allowed to
e�and at free will and she felt that if thsre was a code that
could control thei.r expansior� then she �vanted to see that code
Mr. Langenfeld said that at times the Commission came across situations
which perhaps as individuals they were not entirely for or �vhatever .
(not saying they were for or against the present issue), but he
esplained that they had to abide by certain rules and regulations and
with the particular issue it was zoning9 etc, He explained that no
ma'tter hotiv much the commission m�mbers did or did not like a situation
there was not much the,y could do �ther than abide by those rules and
regulations. He went on to explain that Menards was requesting a
Special Use Permit. He sai.d that the Commission coul.d set certain
.stipulations on that permit that could establish a l.ot of control by
the City on the Operation.
. . . .. ..... ...
Mro Lan�enfeld said that in the Planning Commission meeting minutes
�� ai Ja�uary 25, 1y78! he had pointed out that in the past Menards
had not alvrays been cooper�tive with the City ana he definitely
agreed that a complete study of the fire lanes, traffic flow and
general safety, and proper removal of rubbish and proper clean up
of �;he premises take place daily. He said that in other wor.ds
to give Menards a mear.s of showing ihe City a genuin� display of
"good faith". He felt that since the door had been opened bettiv�en
the parties invol�red in the conflict that perhaps an agreement could
be made.
Mr. Langenfeld asked �vhere the greenhouse would be lo�cated.
Mr. Seeger said tha� it would be located next to the building,
to the North.
Chairperson Harris asked how much ad�.itional traffic Menards'
garden center tivould generate.
Mre Menard said that they estimated the sales to be approximately
�75,OU0 for the periode He pointed out that due to the
time involved Vaith obtaining the Special Use Permit, he wasn't sure
� he would have the time enough �o order all that he warited to for
the Garden Center ventur�. He said that he didn�t have a figure
of how many adciitional people �vould be genex�ated� He said that he
�„ expected that a great number of tn� garden centEr customers would
be �eople 'that already patronized Menardso
Nlra Lang said that he felt Menards had to have some estimated
fi�ui�es b�iore they ever decided to take on sucn a venture, He said
that any business had to justify a garden center before actually
putting one in. He said that there had to be a definite profit
r�alized and that Menards must have had some f�gures to base that
expected profit on.
Mro L�ngenfeld indicated �hat AZenards had said that� the Garden Center
was experimental. He said that possibly during that experiment,
Menards �vould then estimai�e exactly wha� amount of business the Center
t�riould generat�.
Mr. Langenfeld stated -Ehat he couldn't understand tvhy there v�as so
much trouble tivith the particular �situation. He hoped that P�Ienards
and the ritizenry could res�lve their problems and act accordinglyo
He said that he had never seen such a situation that keeps coming up
all the time as problems. He hoped �that with Mi•. Seeger's help�
tY�e situations c�uld be resolved.
Chairperson Harris asked about Menard�s plans for a"hoop house".
Mr. Menard said that the easiest way to protect the smaller plants
would be by use of a hoop house. He said that the poles supporting
the hoop house �vould be anchorecl by cement blocks.
Chairperson Harris asked if it was planned for a
In other words� he wanted to kno�� if it tivould be
of the season as well as all the fencing, etc.
temporary structure.
removed at the end
Mr. Menard said that at the end of the "season" everything would be
removed from the parking areao
Mr. Seeger said that some of the plans for the Garden Center were vague
because of the delays they �vere ha�ing getting the Special Use Permit.
He said that they hadn't gotten to the point of the actual planning
because they wanted to make sure they could get a Permit.
Ms. Mathevrs said that she strongly opposed Menard�s Garden Center.
She said it would add to the already deteriorating situation of
noise and visual pollution. The intersection vaith its forthcoming
upgrading ti�rould lend to an already existing traffic hazard. She_felt
that at that time� the proposed addition af a Garden Center �rould only
contribute to the already deteriorating environment on the hoa�es in
the areao
MOTION by �Is. Shea, seconded by Mr� Langenfeld, to close the Public
Hearin.b, tTpon a voice vote, all voting aye� the motion carried
unani�ously� The Public Hearing vras closed at 8:31 P.Mo
Ms. Shea said that she had mixed feelings on the issue. She said
that she didn't like the "hoop houGe" that Menard�s was proposing.
She said tha-t the traffic in the area couldn�t possibly get any bA�orse.
She said that a person actually took their lives in their own hands
vahen they traveled in that area, She said that it �vas greatly
against the public heal�h, safetys and U�elfare. �
Mr. Bergman said that he felt awk��ard about the conflicts that ti�rere
involved t�rith the request. He said that there really wasn't much that
could be done about some o£ the problems because 'chey tivere caused
by the Zonings of the area, He felt that the cause of some of the
problems ruas merely the incompatioility of the different zonings
abutting each other. He said that since they ��rere in the process of
reviewing the Zoning Codes, some of those issues �vould be studied at
that time.
� Mre Eer�man agreed that there was a traffic problem in the area. He
'��rsona_lly didn�t conclude that the difference in the amount of
traffic generated by the addition of the Garden Center would specifically
change the situation from non-hazardous to a hazardous.
Mr. Bergman said that Menards would have to abide by the ordi.nan,ces
governing the outside storage o� his inventory. �
Mr. Bergman said that directly effecting the request, the Garden
Center would not be adjacent to the residential area. He said that
if: was well screened from the residential area. He didn't think
that it had any direct bearing on any o� the residential conflicts
vrith M.enai�ds�
Mro Langenfeld said that his general opinion was that if the entire
situatian auas to be improved, then the improvement shoul�d be made by
Menards improving the �xisting facility. He said that he did not
feel that Menards �rrould suffer a hardship in the event that the
particular garden center did not existo He said that perhaps in �he
coming yearsy the traffic flow r�ould ba improved and Menards history
would most likely be a diiferent story. He said at that time, perhaps,
the Commission could act again on the issue.
Mr. Baardman said that from a Planning standpoint there vaere � eal
problems ti�r� th the reques-�, He sa� d that the City of �'rid? ey v�as
,,,� t-rying to eliminate the temporary-type requests. He said that
�a�cause of the type of situation and because ii; �vas a temporary
operation it appeared to be a liaphazard operation. H� said that
it seemed to be merely thro�Am together• He said that the fence
in existence on the Menards property was basically less than desirable
type of fencinga He said that it has been banged around and had many
dents in it. He said that from the visual aspect, it just didrl't look
good. He said that Menards didn't appear to tivan�L to make any type of
financial commitment to make the operation ti��ork, He said they merely
vranted to try it as an experimen� at the expense of the neighbors and
the Cityo He felt that the purpose would be defeated by allo�ving
anything but a total commitment by a business �or this type oi an out-
side operation.
Chairperson Harris reminded the Commission that there were certain
vehicles that the Commission co�a.ld use if, in i�s wisdom, decided to
permit such an operation, and that was by use nf stipulations on the
Special Use Permi�o
MOTION BY Mr. LangenY°eld, seconded by Ms. Shea9 that th-e Planning
Commission recommend denial of the request for a Special Use Permit,
SP #78-01, by Menard Cashtivay Lumber: Per Fridley City Code, Section
205.101, 3,N, to allow the development of a 5,000 square foot garden
center in th�ir parking lot, on Lot g, �luditor�s Subdiv:i.sion No. 94,
�th� same being 535i Central Avenue N. E.
Mr. Langenfeld said that some of the reasons for his recommending •
denial .vrere that he did not feel that the lack of a garden center
would create a hardship on the existing business. He said that it
was a speculative venture that Menards was hoping to undextake and �' '�
`the temporary nature of the entire garden center concept did not meet
to his liking. He said that he was deeply concerned about the
already abnormal traffic situation. He sai3 that he was not anti-
business� but he .felt it was tr,e proper motion to make. .
Ms. Shea said that Mr. Menard had mentioned the possibility of
returning next year with the request for a garden center and she
hoped that he would decide to do that. She said that maybe a one-
year cooling off period might be a good idea. She said that possibly
by next year they ��ouldn't have the mau� underlying problems.
Mr. Bergman re-enforced Ms. Shea's commentso He felt that without
question the underlying neighborhood problems had put an excessive
burden on the issue. He said that he hoped Menards paid some
attention to the discussion that had gone on arid he hoped they �qould
re-address th� request at a future timeo
Chairperson Harris said that he would vote against the motion
because he didn9t feel there was a strong enougli case for denial. •
He said that the traffic situation tivas not the petitioner's problem�
he said it vaas the City's. He said that the situation between the
'neighborhood and Mr. Menard had been an on-going situation which he
didn't feel the City� in the past� had done its best to resolve
until recen�ly.. He dic�n't that the manner in which the ,,.�
�vhole situation was handled vaas in the best interest of the City, '
the neighbors� or Mr, Menard.
Chairperson Harris said that he clid not like semi-temporary operations.
However, he was not certain that the City really vranted that garden
center at that location, arid that maybe i�l another year it would be
decided that it would be better at a differenic location, if a't all.
He said that he had not heard a valid reason to deny the Special
Use Permit request.
Chairperson Harris reminded the Commission that the burden of denial
for a Per�it was upon the Citys He said tha�C the burden of proof for
a variance was upon the petitioner to show a hardship.
Mr. Boardman said t�at he was not necessarily a�ainst the granting
of a Special Use Permit for the Garden Cer�ter in general. He tivas
against the temporary feature of the garden cenicere He said it was
the type of thing that the City of Fridley was trying to clean-up.
He said the temporary garden cente� at that location �uould be ai the
exper�se of the visual aspects of the entire shopping center.
Mr. Peterson said that a precedent had been established tivhen the City
allowed Holiday Vill�ge to "try out" their garden center for a number
of years. He fe�t that the City had an obligation to encourage
that type of operation' He said that the City did have an obligation
to help businesses in the City. �� �i
�fi1ro �oardman said that the City of Fridley could not continue to
allo��r temporary operations v�ithin parking lots to see if they will
or vrill not "�vork". He said that he r�ally felt there were other
locations in the Menard�s opera�ticn where they could "try" a garden
center on a tem�orary basis v�There it woulcln�t contribute to the visual
pollution in the area.
Mr. Bergman said tY�at even though they were unable to come up with
a specific code related to the reasons for denial, he felt that
there were many concerns that were �11 relating to the outside
expansion of the Menard�s activity.
Mr. Langenfeld emphasized the f�.ct that he vras not against business.
He said that he was a�vare of the procedures �n �rhich Special Use
Permits could or could not be denied, especially in the legal aspects.
He felt that the whole sii;ua-tion was very interesting because he lvas
getting the feeling that any time a citizen ti�ranted to request something
that could be hard to ge'�' that perso�i could apply for a Special Use
Permit and because of the legal aspectis they would be able to be
granted the Permit ._ and they �vould have the Commission "licked�' !
U1'ON A VOICE VOTE� Ms, Shea� A4r. Bergman� and Mr. Langenfeld voting
aye; M�. Peterson and Mr.. Harris voting riay; and Ms. Schnabel
abstaining; the motion carried. �
!"1 C:?a.irperson Harris indicaied -that th� request for a S�ecial Use Permit,
ti��' ;�78--�1' by Nienard Cashtivay Lumber: Per Frid.ley City Code� �ection
Z05o 101,39N� to allativ trie developrnent of a 59000 sc�uare ioot garden
ceriter in t�ieir parking lo-t, on Zot 99 Aud.itor's �ubciivisior_ Nc� 94,
. i;he same being 5351 Central Avenue NE i�as recommended to City Council
for denial. He said that it v+rould go to Ci�ty Council on
March 20� 1g7$�
� L AD A T T A 0 H OF LOT 1�BLOCK 19 •
Mr. Boardman said that the request was to vacate 1�8th Avenue betvreen
University Avenue and Third Street. He said it vras similar to tivhat
had been requested on L�7th �lvenuee He said that the reason for the
vacation rec�uest was to make another buildable lot in the areae -
Iie said i;hat there was a lot to the south of 48th Avenue that tivas
38.1 feet and �rith trie �acation9. it tivoul.d result in a buii dable lot.
He said tliat th.e street involved tivas 60 feet vride. He said that
�here was a storm and sanitary se�ver in the street. He saic� that
utility easments would have to be maintained at the time of the
� �,
Upon further investigation� Mr. Boardman discovered that the sewer
systems in the street didn't appear to be connected to anything and
it wasn't kno1�n what it was used to drain. He said he vrould� of
course, checl; further on the problem.
Chairperson Harris said that as it stood9 Mr. Sinigalio had a
38foot lot and Nith the 30 feet from the stree� vacation� he would
have a�esulting 68 foot lot vrhich could be used figuring his
total lot area, However, Mr. Harris pointed out, he may not be
able to build on the north 2� feet of the 1ot.
Mr. Boardman explained it vaould be possible to construct a living
structure vrith a detached garage tucked behind the house and the
drive�vay over the utility easement, it would be possible to
build a 33 foot wide house, without variances.
Mr. Bergman asked ti�hat the condi�ion o�' the street was.
Mr„ Sinigalio said tha�t
He said that the street
plotived in the winter.
it was blacktop bu� had no cur.b system.,
did not cross U�.iversity Avenue but was
Chairperson Harris sa:id that the Commission should have an
opportunity to talk to the adjacent land o�vner.
Mr. Sinigalio asked what would happen if the ad�iacent land odvner
didn't �vant the extra 30 feet that would come from the vacation
oi the street.
Chairperson Harris explained to Mr. Sinigalio hova street dec�ications
came about and the proper procedure that �rould have to be followed
vrhen vacating the street. He said that in the event the adjacent
land owner did not want the other � feetp P�r. Sinigalio would have
to obtain a deed from that person for �hat other 30 feet.
Mr. Bergman suggested that the petitioner keep in touch tivith
Mr. Boardman to see yahat he found out about the sevJer systems in
1�8th Avenue. He said that Mr. Boardman�s findin�s may have some
effect on how interes�ed the petitioner vrould still be about the
vacation request.
MOTION by Mr. Bergman, seconded by Mr. Peterson, that the Planning
Commission continue the Vacation Request, SAV #78-01, by
Joseph Sinigalio: Vacate 48th Avenue NE (adjacent �o and South of
Lot 16, Blocl� 1, Plymouth Addition, and adjaceiit to and North of
Lot 30, �lock 8� Plymouth Addition9 East of �rd Street NE and
1'dest of University Avenue NE) un�il such time that utility neec�s
had been identified and checked out and identification and contact
of the other property otivner has been accomplished and a� the
petitioner's satisfaction to return. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye� the motion carried unanimouslyo
Chairperson Harris declared a break at 9:35 P.�e
PLANriIPtG COMr4ISSI0N M�rTING - MARCH 8, 1978 Pa�e 11
^ 3�
Mr. Boardman said that it regarded the HUD program.° He said that it would
be used to get monies released for the Program. He said that
what the Commission had in their possession was a copy of the environmer_tal
review. He said that notz.ces had been put in the �apers f�r res�onse
by M arch 10, 1978. He said that they received no responses Q he
said that af�er March 10th ano:ther notice would be put in the papers
asking for release of funds. He sai.d that it would be published
March 15, 1978, He said that the,y vrould request the release of funds
by letter, to HUD, on March 20, 1978, for the rehabi.litation program.
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Bergman, that the Planning
Commission receive the Environmental Review Record and concur ti}rith
same. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
Mso Schnabel men.tioned two newspaper articles she had tall�ed
abov.t at a previous Planning Commission meeting. She felt that
the articles did pertain to the Hyde Park area and could be items
that r�ay be discussed regarding the reh�bilitation of that area.
She said that one of the points arldressed the taxing issue.
1$ �'Localities s�iould revise their t�x codes so that families
who improve their hones needn"t fear immediate, high p��operty-
tax hikese Sta Louis offers a 10-year abatement, for
instanceo And an Bostomos r�odel, ci�ies shoul� set up one-
stop officies to help people tivith rehabilitation problems.��
� She said 'that the other point addressed the building codes:
2. "Cities mus�t cuic do�an on the underbrush of -regulationss
permits, and special. taxes imposed on "reha.b" activity�
They shoul.d enac-� separate housing codes for
rehabilitation sometivhat less stringen� than those for
ne�v housing. ��
�lse Schnabel explained tha� it had to be realized that a great deal
of the brork that ti�ras being done on rehabil� tai:ion was being done by
the ocrnere She said that md.ybe some of the codes �vere t�o stringent
and possibly codes cauld be adopted that tivere a little-more
lenient so that the hame o1rner could bring the house into "safety"
but r_ot be burdenec� by great costso .
Mr, Boardman said that it could possibly be sen� to Conmunity
Develop�ent for their research and discussion, prior to the Planning
Commission actually discussing it.
Mr. Boardman said that he didn't think there �vould be a lot of
"do it yourself�' type ite�rs covered by the HUD program. He s�id �--�
that since Federal monies would be involved, before any money would _
be �eleasedn, inspectors tivould have to go to the site and make sure
that the job �vas done correctly and that it vras up to the code.
He said that the Ci�y was recommending that contractors be hired to
do the �rrork so that the �vork would have to be done correctly�before
any money would be released. �
Ms. Schnabel was not in full agreement with that concept.
Chairperson Harris said that he didn't think the City had the
choice. He said that the bvay the State-vride building code vras
set up tivas that the City could not be more restrictive or less
restrictivea He said that if a City was to have a building code
it had to adopt that particular building code. He said to get
variances to the Building Codes vaas a very difficult process.
Mr. Boardman said that he had ��aritten to the City of St. Louis
asking for more information on the 10-year tax abatement programo
He said that he still had not received a response to his reques�.
Ms. Schnabel felt thai there tinrere many people in the Hyde Park
area that could be reluctant to do some improvement because of the
taxes that would be assessed on the property.
MOTION by Mr. Peterson9 seconded by Ms. Shea, to receive the letter
to Richard Harris from Reserve Supply Company.
Chai:rperson Harris said that the letter tvas in response to a
discussion that Dick Sobiech and he had with Mr. Robert J. �dJanzong
oi ihe Chamber of Commerce. He said that the letter ti�ras letting
them knctiv that they could go ahead ��rith the tivork of reco�ificationo
IIPON A VOICE VOT�,, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously
at 10:03 P.M,
MOTION by Mr. Peterson9 secondecl by Mr. Langenfeld, to receive the
minutes of the January 30, 1978' Parks and Recreaiion Commissiono
Mr, Langenfeld said that sonetimes a ve�y important item could be
in a letter that could be very pertinenta He wan�ed to knosv if
referenced letters�could be made a part of the minutes.
Mr. Boardm�n said tha� the Commission generally cliscussed the parts
of letters that they feli. �vere pertinent and tnat ti��ould be lvritten up
in �he minutes. Iie didn't feel that in most cases it ti�rould be �
necessary to include the actual letters as part of the minuteso
UPON A'VOICE VOTE� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously.
The minutes tivere received at 10:08 P.M.
..�,, ..
MOTION by Mso Shea, seconded by Mr. Bez�gman, to receive the
February 2, 1978 Human Resour�es Commission minutes.
Chairperson Harris said that he �uas hear that Ms. Shea
would no longer be Chairperson of the Human Resources Commission.
He said that the Planning Commission was sorry to lose her.
Chairperson Harris asked �vhat was happening regarding the Tenant/
Landlord Project Committeee �
M s. Shea felt that the Committee was presently looking for direction.
She said that the Committee wanted to be more of an action group
rather than an education-type group.
Mro Boardman said that it �hould be pointed out �co the Committee
that if they vrant to have action items it would have to be a
recommendatian that would have to be acted upon by the City Council,
He said that if the City Council approved an action committee, it
could give the authority to the Committee to do such items. He said
that at i'che present time the Tenant/Landlord Project�Committee
did not have the authority but ��ranted to have the action iter�s.
Mse ShEa said tnat originally the Project Committee was set up as an
i"� education grou� but that they no lon�er wanted to do that.
sJPON A VOICE VOTE9 all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously�
The Human Resources Commi�sion minutes of February 2, 1g78 vrere
received at 10:11 p�N[, .
A�OTI�ON by Msa Schnabel, seconded by Ms. Shea, to receive the
Appeals Commission minutes of February 14, 1978. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, the motiorl carried unanimouslyo The
minutes were received at 10:14 P.M.
�� ,
MOTION by Mr. Bergman, seconded
tr�e Community Development Commission
by Mro Langenfeld, to receive
minutes of February 14, 197g�
Mr. Langenfeld noted the resignation of rqr. Lindblad. He said
that he had contributed a great deal in the last fedv years.
Mr. Bergman said that there was a brief discussior� regarding.the
Advisory Standards for Land Use Regulationsa He said that under
the subject of garages8 Communa.�:y Development Commission restated
� its consensus that garages should be a requirement.
Mr. Bergman said that Community Development would like to be kept
aware of Noise Ordinance revisions particularly concerning snowmobiles
He said that Community Development wan�ted to maintain the position !�
they presently had with the Environmental Quality Commission. -
Mr. Langenfeld asked for an explanati�n of the first sentence of
the fourth paragraph on Page 3 of the minutes, He said tha�C the
word "if" seemed very strong. . �
Mr. Bergman indicated that the word �'if" could be removed because
there was snowmobiling allowed in the City of Fridley on the Sears
Mr. Bergman said that Community Development �vas getting back into
the "act" regarding Bike�vay/l"Jalktiaay Plan. He felt that policy and
direction had to be resurfaced regarding the Bikeway/[�lalkway Plan,
He said that they vrould probably looking for direction from the
Planning Commission.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The February 14, 197$, Community Development Commission minutes
were received at 10:23 P.M.
MOTION by �ir. Langenield, secandec� by Mro Bergman, to receive the
Environmental Quality Commission minutes of February 21, 1978.
Chairperson Harris asked what was happening on the Recycling Center.
Mr. Langenfeld said that Connie Metcalf tivas working on it.
Mr. Bergman said that in the Planning Commission Meeting minutes of
February 8, 1978, he m�de the statement:
"P�r. Bergman referred to to the Recycling Project Committee
Report. He explained the workings of a Recycling Collection Center
in Ste Anthony� He said that it wouid be worthwhile for someone
from the Environmental Quality Commission to do an observation
on that center.'�
Mr. Bergm�n ��as disappointed that the minutes did not read that
the other members of the Planning Commission also gave full support
to that statement and sugges-tion.
Mr. Langenfeld said that he did indicate to the members that the
Planning Commission members all believed Mrp Bergmans suggestion
was worthsvhile.
Mr. Langenfeld referred to Page 2 of the minutes, the secnnd
paragraph. He wanted to emphasize the comment made by Ms. Sporre
as to tivhere the threshold �vould be in regards to the Noise Impact
Statement. He wanted to create an awareness of the fact that a
threshold definitely was important.
�'1 .
_� _,
PL�'1P1A1�TdG COP�IMISSION MEETING - MARCH 8, 1�7$ � pa�e 15
Crairperson Harris wanted to know what was mean� by "Noise Impact
;,y S��t�ment�'.
Mr„ Langenfeld quoted a statement, '�The general provisions of the
Im�act Statement - No owner of any land shall commence cons'truction
or cause construction to be commenced on any structure covered by
�his section unless a Noise Impact Statement has firs� been approved
as provided in this section.�' �
Mr, Langenfeld then quoted another statement. "The Idoise Impact
Statement - includes all residential, office, commercial, industri�l,
Mr. Langenfeld sai.d that it came ta the general conclusion of the
Environmental Commission thai those statements were too harsh and
r�ore restrictive than ever. He �anted to l�.no�v where the ��].ine��
b�as to be dratirn for the threshold, He said ichat the Environmental
Commission ti�rantec� to completely abolish it, however9 he said that
the provisions of a Noise Impact Statement should still be available.
Ghairperson Harris said that �he Environment�.l Commission should
arrive a�t some recommendations and then the Planning Commissior.
could discuss them.
Mro Langenfeld said that a Noise Impact Statement was a ver.y
valuable tool to have avail�ble, but they wera not putting it in
,� tl�ie Ordinance as such.
Mr, Langenfeld r�ferenced the third paragraph on Page 6 of the
Environmental Commissior� meetin� minutes. '�The Eizvironmental
Corr�nission highly reco�mended that if �he Planning Com�ission members
knew of anyone interestec�. in serving on the Recycling Project Committee,
they submit those names to either Ray Leek or Connie Metcalf.rr
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all votin� aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The Environmental Quali'�.y Comr�ission minutes of February 21, 1978
were received at 10; 33 Y.P�2. �
Mr. Boardman said that Staff �vas in the process of revising the
Park & Open Space Plan� He said that it would be before the
Planning Coinmission on March 22, 1978, He indica.ted that
Mr. Charles Boudreau would be at the March 22r.d meeting, He said
that a Public Hearing tvas scheduled (tentatively) for April 5, 19?8.
Mr. Boardman said that the Planning Commission lvould_ receive a copy
of iche Park & Open Srace Plan before the planned meetings.
Mi�. Ba�rdman explained that the pamphlet from the Tie�ropolitar�
�1 Council had gone through all the Commissivns. He said that
recommendations had been made and it was now up to the Plan�ing
Commission as to what they wanted io do with the issue.
rLK�v,v�,vc� l:Ui`9M15:i1_U1V Mr,�;1'1NG MARCH 8, 1978 Pa�e 16
Mr. Bergman said that there had been a misunderstanding
the Adivsory Standards for Land Use Regulation pamphlet. He said
�hat the Community Development Commission had understood that r�
the information was just for informational purposes and th�y had�
not revievred the issue or made any recbmmendations. He said
that Community Development ivanted to re-look at the article.
Mr. Boardman said that it had been the original intent, but that
different Commission had made recommendations. He sa9:d that he
would have the item put on the Agenda for Community Development.
Mr. Boardman suggested that the Planning Commission discuss the
Advisory Standards for Land Use Regulation at the time th�y
discussed the Zoning Code, .
Chairperson Harris explained that Mr. Q�areshi had received a
mem� on the subject of HUD Small Cities Program.
Mr. Boardman explained that the Program had changecl somevrhat
in that Comprehensive Programs tivere being looked at this year
in which the City would be applying for a three-year step Program.
He said that if the Program was approved it would approve monies
over a three-year period in which the City of Fridley would be
funded certain numbers of dollars for those three years. He
indic�ated that it tivas merely a tentative program that was �ap for
discussion. He said that the City Council would discuUs it �
at their March 27, 1978, discussion meeting0 He said that the
City didn't have all the information necessary because the �
Federal Government hadn't writ�en all the rules and regulations
for the Program. He said that he ha� submitted a list of
recommendations for projects and programs over that three-year
period. He said that all the Planning Commission members would -
receive a copy of that list.
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld� seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to receive the
memo to Dick Sobiech from Jerrold L. Boardman regarding General
Poli�y for the Enforcement of the Housing Maintenance Code.
Mr. Boardman said that Item 3a was set up on the Staff time that tivould
be available. He said that it tvas set up on the basis of every tv✓o
years because the Planning Commission evanted a review of the Housing
Maintenance Code and the operation of it after a tti�ro year period.
Mr. Bergman had questions -regarding #5 of the memo. He said he had
kno�vn of cases �vhere an inspector had been invited into a building
`for helpful advice only to end up with the o��rner being issued tickets
for a number of items that t�ould have to be corrected within a certain
period of time or else fines �vould be levied. He didn't want to have �
that sort of thirig happening. i"1
.� `.
Mr. Boardman indicated that if an Inspecotr came across one of
t�e seven immediate health/safety hazards' that the ovrner would
� be informed that the particular item/s tixrould have to be corrected.
He said that the violation/s �aere not only hazardous to the �
immediate home o�vner but dvould also be c'�angerous to surrounding
neighbors. He said that those would be �he onl.y items i;hat the
Inspectors �vould be able to issue tags for.
Ms,.Shea pointed out that the Appeals Process could be
ex�rcis�d if the home o��ner felt the tag issued was unjustified,
UPON A VOICE VOTE� all voting aye� the motion carried
unanimously. The memo �ras received at 10:y.? p.M,
MOTION by P�s. Shea� sec�nded by Ms. Schnabel, to receive the
March 2, 1978, minutes of the Human Resources Commission meeting,
Ms. Shea said that the item she wan.ted to discuss �vith the Planning
Commission tixras the Request for Funding for a Medica? �thiGS Program
by Ro John Singh' Ph.D.
Ms. Shea indicated that Mr. Singh had stated that there would. be
no philosophizing in his presenta�ions, He said that he would
simply pres�nt the rights of the citizens along with the laws
governing tr�ose rights.
�"'� Ms. Shea sai� ichat the Hu�an Resources
Mr. Singh's request was ivorthtivhile as
Ci.-ty of Fridley and they had voted to
City to heJ.p sponsor iche Program.
Commission felt that
a Pilct Program for the
request for y�,500 from the
Mr. Boardman. said that the Grant Application had been submitted
in error. He said �hat tr.e names of the City of Fri.dley, the
Human Resources Commission, and Nis. Shea had been used ti�ithout
going through the approval of City Council.
Ms. Schnabel felt that hospitals should sponsor that type of funding
rather than �he City of �ridleye
Chairperson Harris didn't fe�l that the Ci�y of Fridley should
enter into the issue. He felt that it was something that probably
should be done, but felt it �a►ould be better i-F sponsQred by
hospitals, etc. .
Mso Shea agreed� except she pointed out that part of Mr. Singh�s
presen-L-ation tivas presenting thE riglz�ts of the lay-people which
was not altivays tivhat was hearc� from the Medical professian.
Mr. Peterson said that there tivere several points that he was in
disagreement with: .
It ��ras not really the City�s function;
ti'�hen people start discussing Euthanasia and Abortion
an area that the City of Fridley did not belong existed.
He didn't feel that a person could discuss those.particular
items tirithout some tyne of philosophizin� or some type of
ethical, religious position� and that was not the City's
Mr. Langenfeld agreed that various rights,should be brought
�o the attention of the lay-people that they may not be ativare of.
He said that if the request ti�ras approved as tivritten, it would
give the Planning Commission's stamp-of-approval and �the City's
endorcement and therefore he could not agree tivith the Human
Resources Commission.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The minutes were received at 1�:58 P.1�4.
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, that the Planning
Commission not concur ��rith the Human Resources Commission
recommendation. as far as funding �vas concerned.
Chairperson Harris said that he felt it d�ras a worth��dhile pro ject
but titaasn't sure it should be a'� a City level.
UPON A VOICE VOTE9 Mr. Bergman, P�Ir, Harris� Mre Peterson,
Mso Schnabel' and Mr. Langenield voting aye; Ms. Shea voting
nay; the motion carried, .
Chairperson Harris indicated that a Ms, Iiarper from the State
of Minnesota Energy Commission met �vith him and Mr, Boardman
regarding the formation of an Energy Committee for the City of
Chairperson Harris said that a Energy Committee should be
established directly under the Planning Commission because of the
vride realm of interest in the item� He said that the first item
that should be established �vould be a Scope of the Project and
try to set up a recommendation for an Energy Policy. He said
that the rest of the "package" tivould probably be handled with
a separate project committee or an on-going Commission.
Mr. Boardt�.an said that the direction the Energy Committee �rould
go tivould to set up a City Policy on Energy and �vithin that
Policy there may be recommendations for the carrying out of the
Energy-iVide Program that could possibly include C�TA personnel
tliat could include housing evaluations that �vould provide
services to the people to evaluate their energy consumption
�vithin the residential units. He said that it �vould be the
direction that �vould be desired from the Energy Committee.
/"~ �
�� �
r. r ���
Chairperson Harris pointed out that at the present time, the
�� �nergy area tivas not an area where Staff had a lot of �xpertise.
' He felt that the people on the Energy Committee wauld have to
be people knor�ledgeable in the Energy area.
Mr. Boardman said t;hat he �rrasn't sure hov�r far the City of
Fridley �vould ��rant to �et into the Energy issue, He said that
definitely a scope/objectives had to be set up�for the limits
upon �rhich the �nergy Committee �vould onerate and that had to
be set by the Planning Commission.
Chairperson Harris indicated that it �vas brought up mainly for
�thinking matter at that time. He asked that the Commission members
give the subject some thought and possibly come up with a Scope
and decide tilfhat areas the Energy Committee should get into and it
would be discussed again at another Planning Commission meeting.
P�r. Boardman said that he definitely tivanted to hear from the
Planning Commission �vhat direction they felt thai; the Energy
Committee should goo
Mr. Bergman read the letter of resignation
Iiuber+ F. Lindblad. ���Ihile I have enjoyed
n serve the Community of rridley on various
several years, I find I novr have toa many
committments to contin�ae. Therefore� I am
resignation from the Co�munity Development
FeUruary 15� �978.,'
given to him by
the opportunity to
committees the past
conflicting personal
submitting my
Committee effective
MOTION' by Mre Bergman, second�d by Mro Peterson, that the
of resignation from Hubert Fo Lindblad be received by th.e
Planning Commission and sent on to City Council tirith tlle
that a replacement be named at the earliest opportunity.
UPON A VOICE VOT�� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairperson Harris said that, �irith regrets, the letter vras received
and would be sent on to City Council at 11:13 P,M.
MOTION by 1�4r. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Bergman, to adjourn the
March 8, 1978, Planning Commission meetingo Upon a voice vote� all
voting aye� Chairperson Harris declared the Planning Commission meeting
adjourned at 11;13 p�M�
Respectfully submitted,
MaryL Carhill
Recording Secretary