PL 04/19/1978 - 30490CITY OF �RIDLEY
APRIL 19y 1978
�, �ha:i:rp�rsc�n Harris calle� the April 19, 1978, planning Co�am�ssion
meeting to crder at ?:37 P.M.
r�Iembers Present: S�orla, �?quist, Harris, Suhrbier, Schna�iel,
Members Absent: Berg:nan - Oquist represEnting;
Pet�erson � Suhrbier representing-
Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Plann�r
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeldy seconded by RZre �torla, to approve t��
April 5, 197$, Planning Cornrnission minutes.
Ms. Schnabel asked tha� t�!To typographical errors be correc�ed:
Page 9' 11 paragraph, second sentence. The first word f�It4�
should. be changed to the word 14He�'.
Page � 10, 13th par°agrapn, second sentence. The word "hEre{g shoulcl
actual"ly be «her��.
UPON A VOSCE VOTE, a7.1 voting aye, the mo�ian carried unani�ouvZ3�o
Chairperson Ha�ris said that this item t��ould be handlecl und�r
Ite�a. i 3, ��Other Busines�" o
ar �-�o—��, rsr ts�ivtvl�; ttU,G�1r11V: Yr;t{ �'KlllLr:Y (:l'1'Y CUDE9 S�.CTIOP:
Public Hearing open.
Mr. Boardman explained that the City of Fridley Police ,�epa.ri;meric
checked with the Ea�an Palzc� Depa�tm�nt regarding t11e Disco �,n
Eagan. Each of the mem�ers of the Commisa�.on recezved a cnpy of
the correspondence fro�a �`he Fridley r�oli.ce Dapai^t,mer�� a.�d the
Eagan Pola.ce Department.
, ,�w
Mro Boardman also•pointed out that a Petiti�n was received from
12 businesses in the area against the proposal.
Chairperson Harris read the petition to the members of the Planning
Commission and the audience. .
MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld. to receive the.
petition opposing the construction of a teen disco recreation buildin�
to be located at 8031 Be�ch Street NE, Petition #8-1978.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The petition was received at 7:43 P.M.
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to receive the
memorandum from Ja.mes P. Hill of the City of Fridley Police Department
and the correspondence from Sergeant Patrick J. Geagan of the
Eagan Police Department.
IIPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Richard Carlson of 7900 B.eech Street NE, president of Park
Construction Company� said that he owned 20 acres directly across the
street from the proposed Disco. He indiGated that one of his major
concerns tivas the fact that presently Beech Street was a��speed way"
betv�een ?9th and 81st Avenues. Iie said that his property suffered
enough damage from those cars and that he didn't want the introduction
of more cars into that area. He also said �hat he experienced the
problem of refuse on his property. He said that the Company presently
had a maintenance person that keeps the property picked up� but again
he did noit feel that the proposed nwnber af individuals going into
the area would do any-�hing but multiply an already existing problem.
He said that the Company invested their money in the particular
property because they presumed that the area was industrial. He said
that it would be a great concern of any new people entering the area
that wanted to use the particular property for an industrial venture
if the Disco were allowed to be constructed at 8031 Beech Street.
Mr. Carlson said that he and the Company recognized the fact that such
a place was needed in the Cit� of Fridley, but he did not feel that
the industrial location was the proper place to put a Disco Center for
Mr. Don Harstad of 7101 Highway #65 NE, president of D. W. Harstad
Company said that the proposed Disco Center for teen-agers would
detract from vrhat the area was meant to be - an industrial park. He
did not feel that the proposed teen center should be located at
8031 Beech Street. He said that 1:he people conducting�business in
that industrial area have indicated that they are not in favor of
the proposed construction.
�`'� � I
Mr. Brama said that he was in favor of the propoaed discotheque.
He felt�it would be a development that could be integrated into
Fridley s comprehensive plan for the area. He said it would be
tolerable with the other industrial uses that �ere existent in the
area. He said it would be a great benefit to the cammunity in terms
of wholesome free-time activity for the teen-agers in the Ci�y.
Mr. Brama indicated that the teen-center di�cotheque would be good
for the Community and he felt that the development would be co�patible
with the industrial aspect of the area.
Ms. Suhrbier asked if it was known how much vandalism had taken place
as a result of the discotheque in Ea.gan.
Mr. Rozman said that there haa been very little�
Mr. Rozman said ihat he felt it was time to consider the teen-ager
� and their iree-time recreation. He said thai the discotheque would
of�er entertainment fcr the teens in Fridley. He said it �vaul� be
properly chaperonedo He said that not a11 �eens were bad and some
credit had to be_given to the "good'� teen� oi the societyo He said
' that not all teen-agers cause trouble and vandal.ize propertya He
felt that the proposed location was definitel
y good. He said t�a�t
the particular area had very little traffic during the evening hour�s
and �he building wouldn�t be located near resi�ential areas.
Ms. Schnabel indicated four areas that she was concerned uri�ch:
1) She wanted to know the square footage of the prc�posed building,
r'"'� Mr. Boardman sazd that the Fire Code indicated �here had �o be
15 square feet per person. .
Ms. Schnabel said that the proposed bui?ding would be 15,OOJ squar�
. feet, with 12,000 square feet of useable dance floor,
. Mr. Rozman said that there would never be more than th� allowed
�number of people in. the building at one time. He said the number
would be controlled by the issuance af tickets.
2) Ms. Schnabel said that she was conc�rned of the fire safety
of the building.
Mr. Rozman said that the building would be constructed some�hat
like a theater with ample exit doors. He said that the fire doo�s
t�ould only be locked fron� the outside, prohibiting entrance but
vrould never be locked from the inside. He said that at all t�mPS,
the people in the building would be �ble to get out.
3) Mse Schnabel was concerned about the traffic fl�w� She wanted
to know the expected flo��r of traffic into and out of the area.
Mro Rozman said that the main flow of tratfic would be from
Unieersity Avenue alang 83rd and 79th.
Mr. Rozman said that it would be main]y an evening operation and
,-� shouldn�t produce problems in the area as far as traffic aaas
� • concerned,
Ms. Schnabel was also concerned regarding the traffic flow onto
East River Road.
Mr. Rozman said that East River �oad �ould only be a secondary
traffic flow route.
4) Ms. Schnabel fourth area of concern �as in security. 5he
�an.ted to know if off-duty police officers would be employed.
She also wanted to know if there would be any security for
the adjacent businesses in the area.
Mr. Rozman said that Mr. Brama owned most of the land nearby.
Mr. Brama pointed out that P ark Construction Company had a fenced
equipment yard across.the street. "
Mr. Storla re�]. through #6 of the recommendations in the memorandum
irom the Fridley Police Department. He �ran�ed to know Mr. Rozman's
comments regarding the item.
Mr. Rozman felt �hat it �ras an awfully steep fee.
Mr. Boardman explained the item to the Commission and th� audience.
He said that the police department was greatly concerned about the
health, safety, and welfare factors for the citizens of the area,
including.the business otivners in the area. He said that there had
been an increased rise in vandalism over the past few years in the
ar.ea, a rise in theft complaints (which could be caused by the
isolated situation of the area), and a rise in disorderly conduct,
assults, drinking� and drug violations in the immediate area.
Mr. Boardman said that the Police Department felt that this would
be the problem �rith the proposed concepto He said that it would be
hard to control what would be happ�ning in the cars and they wouldn�t
be able to control the happenin�s once the teens left the establishment.
Mr. Boardman pointed out that because of the above there would have to
be an increase in police protection in that ared during those hours
of operatione He said that Mr, Hill did iadicate that the costs
mentioned were estimates and that they could be more and possibly less,
but vuould cost somewhere in that general area of dollars.
Mr. Boardma�n said that there would undoubtedly be an increase of litter
in the area9 of which the existing businesses are already plagued writh.
Mr. Rozman �vanted to kno�v t�hay all teens had to be downgraded, He
felt that people today had to believe that teens are really a lot
better than only 'thieves� drug addicts, and drunkso He didn't feel
that the establishment would draw the type of teens that cause trouble.
He said that the en�tire establishment and parking lot would be policed.
He said that the clientele at the Eagan Disco Center are not the type
of trouble-makers that the Police Department were worried about.
Mr. Rovman said t�iat a large'number of the teens are brought to the
disco center by their parents and picked up after the dancing is over. ^
He said that not all the teens would be driving themselves.
Mr� Boardman asked how �arty parking spaces would be provided for.
1�r. Rozman said that he wasn�t sure how many would be needed, He
said it �as hard to estimate because the Disco Center i�n Eagan shared
�°`` �he parking lot with the shopping center. He said that it wasn�t
even possible for him to estimate the number of spaces he would need.
Mr. Langenfeld pointed out that it should be remembered by the �embers
of the Commission that a Special IIse Permit was being requested. He
also said that Mr. Rozman had been supportative of any suggestions and
recommendations that had been made �y the Police Department.
Mra Rozman said that it was his intention to
the teen-agers in the area and he planned to
long as the Center held its own� dollar wise.
have a Disco Center for
operate the Center as
Ms. Suhrbier asked if the Disco Center in Eagan was still popular:
Mr. Rozman said that ii was more popular than ever. He said the problem
existed tivhere many times teens were turned away because there were
too many wanting admittances He said that was why he��anted to establish�
a center in the North suburbs.
Ms. Suhrbier said that it tivas hard for the teens in drive
all the tivay to Eagan to attend the Disco Center. She said that she
was a�v�re.of the fact that the teens were presently driving that dista_nce.
She agreed that there v��as a need to liave a Disco Center in the area,
mainly ta alleviate the problems of the area teens having to drive that
great distance.
Ms. Schn.abel asked what the hours �rere going to be. �
Mrm Rozman said that it vrauld be open until midnight on Friday and
Saicurday and until ,10:00 P,M. or� Sunday during the school year.
Mr. Langenfeld asked Mr. Storla if�he was aware of the need or desire
for the proposed Disco Center.
Mr. Storla said that presently he and Ms. Gabel chaperoned �een dances
each week-end. He said that it iaas mainly for the Junior High age
group, but he said that attendance was astounding. He said there was
al�vays 300+ teens at the dances. He said that they hadn.'t experienced
any really serious problems and he felt. the dances were v�orking out
Ms. Gabel pointed out that she felt one of t�he main reasons there
weren�t any s�rious problEms �ras because there was one cYiaperone for
every 30 teens. Sh� didn�t think that 8-10 chaperones for 1000+ teens
was adequate. �
. . .'''�°
Mr. Rozman assured everyone that. there would be adequate chaperones
at the Disco Center. He said that the teens would be at the cent�r,
dancing and having fun and he really didn't feel there would be that
much trouble.
Mr. Rozman said there would only be soft drinks and snacks available
at the Disco Center. �e said there would be absolutely no beer or
alcoholic bevera�es served. �
Mr. Burandt said that there was a real void in the recreation program
in Fridley for that age group. He felt �hat the concept of the Disco
Center was good and would be good for Fridley.
Mr. Trocke of 60�5 -2nd Street said that the Commission had before them
a petition from the businesses in the area stating that they did not
want the proposed Disco in that areaa He said that th� area was near
North Park. He said that anyone tivalking through the woods of North Park
could observe what a dumping place North Park had become. He said that
much of that trash was dumped th�re by teen-agers parking in the area
and showing no concern for the propertyo He said that some heed should
be given to the p�eople that signed the �e�ition because they tivere the
ones that would have to cope with the problems of trash and vandalism.
Mr. Bob Schroer of 490 Rice Creek Blvd said that he �as not nearly so
much opposed to the type of operation b�t he was mostly concerned that
it was being proposed for an inaustr�al area. He felt that it would
be encouraging too much traffic into the area.
Mr. Brama said that the traffic pxoblem �as one o� the reasons that
site was proposed. He said that the Disca Center �ould be an evening
business and would not add to any of tlie traffic that travels through
the area during the day.
Mr: Schroer said that the concern was tha-t once the customers left the
building, they would be ��wandering�� throu�h the neighborhood. He said
that the businesses in the area �vere concerned about the resulting
refuse and vandalism. He felt the Disco Center tivould be better if it
were located on the main high�vay instead of back in the industrial
Chairperson Harris said that in the Zoning Code under Section 2�5�101
Seetion B, C2 General Business and C2S General Shopping Areas the
particular type of comm�ercial recreation is in the accepted use wiihout
a Special Use Permit, He said that the Discu Center was being proposed
for an Industrial Area. He said �hat it �ras also a permitted use
of Section 2C?5o 131 under Section .3,3 tivith a Special Use Permito He
indicated to the Commission that it vras alla�red in ta►o places, one
with a Special, Use Permit and onP place without. �ie said it was before
the Commission because the drstrict was zoned M2.
,� ..
Chairperson Harris said �hat the total Section 23 Public Dances of
the Code �ould have to be complied with. He explained that the Section
laid out specifications for the applicant, exp]]�..ns the qualifications�
the fee that would have to be paid, and the details of the posti.n�
of the permit. He said it was also stated in the Code that the person
io whom the permit was to be issued woulcl be held responsible for the
manner and conduct of said dance. He said that a police officer/s
must be present at all times while public dancing was being held.�
Chairperson Harris said that Section 801 of the Code dealt �rith the
Curfevr laws. He said that the curfew for people under the age 18 �ras
9:30 P.M. Mr. Harris inc�icated that he was merely pointing out the
law for Mr. Rozman�s information. �
Ms. Suhrbier asked Mr. Storla what time the Junior High Disco was
Mr. Storla said that ii ran tuitil 10:00 P,M. However, he said that
since it �vas Junior High aged teens' none of them drove and �rere a11
picked up by parents.
Mr. Storla �ras� still concerned about the ��fee'� that �vas mentioned
in Item #6 of the memorandum received from the Fridley Police
Mr. Boardman said that it was felt tha-E some compensation should be
made to the Ci�y due to the increase polic� activity in the area due
to the operation of the Disco Genter.
�..� Mr. Rozman said it was not knovJn that the additional police
activity r�ould be nee�ed.
Mr. indicated that it wasn�t sure it would happen but if it
did require additional police activity then the City should be
compensated. He said that there had to be some correlation bet�reen.
Mr.�Rozman's establishment and the police force.
Mr. Rozman didn�t feel that the amount stated by the Police.Department
tvas a fai.r dollar figure. He said that no other operations �vere charged
$125 a.n hour extra for possible increase i:n police activity.
Mr. Rozman said that in the Ea�an operation it has proven that there
hasn�t been that much of an increase in the police activity resulting
from �he teen center. �
Mr. Carlson �vanted to knovr �rhy Mr. Rozman didn�t put the establishment
in one of the commercial areas in Frid1 ey. He said that the businesses
�►eren't opposed to the c�ncept of the Disco Center� only to the location
that Mr. Rozman tivants to He said that that type of operation
did not belong in an industrial areae
Mr. Rozman said that the reason he liked the particular area was becauss
it was by its�lf, He said it wasn�t around any residential areas and
it wouldn't interfere with any of the businesses because it would only
be in operation in the evening when the o�her businesses would be closede ,�
MOTION by Mr, Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Suhrbier, to close the
Public Hearin�. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. The Public Hearing was closed a.t 8:48 P.M.
Mr. Langenfeld pointed out the the C.ommission �+as considering
a Special Use Permit and not a Rezoning. He said that in considering
the Special Use Permit he said that the Commission coul�d exercise
control by various stipulations. Ae also wanted to-knotiv where the
teen-agers of Fridley tivere presently at. He said that since the area
was already a designated area, perhaps i� �rould be best to leave the
area alone and keep it entirely for its designated purpose.
Ms. Schn3bel said that she felt there was indeed a need for that
type of �ecreation for the teen-agers in Fridley. She suggested that
the maximum age for the Disco Center be 1`% rather than 19 to help
alleviate the possibility of drinking violations. She vras concerned
about the hours of operation that was being proposed with relationship
to the Curfevr laws in the City of Fridley.
Ms. Schnabel said that her main concern was that the area was designated �
as an industrial area and s�.e felt that the Disco Center �vould be
better for a commercial area. She said that vandal.ism �rould de�initsly
be a problem, She said that the other prGperty oumers tivould have to
increas� their security thus adding�itional financial burden on n
the business ot►mers. She also had a coz�cer_n regarding the traffic _
safetye She said that there could be up to 200 cars at the establishment the young people driving them. She said she �vas concerned about
the railread tracks and East River Road. She was also concerned about �
that number of cars being in that industrial area at that time of
Ms. Schnabel said that she felt the Disco Center �ras a worthwhile
facility to provide for that age group, riowever she did not feel it
would be warthwhile fo� that par�icular area.
Chairperson Harris said that he felt that it was a good concept and
was probably needed in the City of Fridley, hovrever he �uestioned the
advisability of putting the Dis�o Center in the industrai3 location.
MOTION BY I�qs. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Uquist, that the Planning
Cemmission recommend denial of the request for Special Use Permit,
SP �78-05: by Bennie Rozman: Per Fridley City Code, Section 205.131,
3,A,3, to alloti�r the construc�tion of a recreational use building on the
North 300 feet of the South 1105 feet�of the East halz of the Northeast
Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 3, the same being
8031 Beech Street NE.
PLAI�JIPTG COt�iMLSSIC:�I M�.�TING �- APRIL 19� 1978 �Page 9 � �
Ms. Schnabel.said that her. reason of recommendin� denial was based on
the many stated concerns, She said that she was concerned about the
,,,� health, safety, and crelfare of the adjacent property owners and
�articularly the safety and �relfare of the pTOSpective customers that
vrauld be using the particular facility in that area. She said she
vaas not opposed to a Disco Center, but she was opposed to it.going
into the particular location. She said that it was not a compatible
use b�,�ith the rest of the surrounding properties.
UPON A uOICE VOTE� Mr. Oquist, Ms. Schnabel, Mro Langenfeld voting
aye; l�ir. Storla and Ms. Suhrbier voting nay; Mr. Harris abstaining,
the motion carried.
Chairperson Harris indicated that he abstained his vote because he
was an affected property �wner.
Mr. Rozman thanked the two commission members that voted in his favor.
He said that he felt very sorry for the people that wanted the
Disco denied. He said that they �vere denying something that was
'really needed. He felt it ti�ras time to quit saying that teeris were
all bad. He said that the teens today are the citizens of tomorrow.
He felt that the prflblems r�ith the society was more v�rith the parents
than with the teens. �
Mr. Oquist said that the members of the Commission DID NOT deny the
d.isco center, They denied the request because of �rhere Mro Rozman
tva.nted that :disco located. He indicated that there were problems
tvith ma.ny of the teens today an.d that �as in any school
p�arking lot a person would �rant to observe, He said that because the
members of the Commission e�rere concerned citizens that they would
prefer to see the Disco Center located at a more accessible and better
cantrolled Comr�ercial site, '
TO S-1 ; ANn BLOCKS 9� � C y G�} & 23 y �IYDE PARK � FROM R-3 ( GENERAi,
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel� to�open the
Public Hearing' Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. .The Public Hearing tivas opened at 9:01� P,M. .
PL/INNING C,OtdP4ISSI0N MEF�TING - APRIL 199 19�8 Pa�e 10 '
Mr. Boardman said that the Hyde Park area has had a�umber of �
specific problems in the past. He said that hardships ivere put
on the residential homes in the area when 1/3 of the area was
rezoned to Commercial in 1g6g. He said ihat the residential homes
tivere classified as non-conforming use.. �He said that a resident group
�ranted to knoti7 ti�hat could be done to correct the problem. He said
tl�at t���o meetings v�ere held with the residents in the area and at�
those meetings the residents chose a 16 raember neighborhood council.
Iie said thai: si:� meetings were held ���ith the neighborhood courscil
at tivhich they decided upon the Ordinance that the Commission had
before them. ,
Mr. Boardman said that the Hyde Park area was a unique situation.
He said it v�as decided upon to call the area a Special Zoning district.
He said that 'the neighborhood council ti�anted the zoning set up so
that people �vould be able to u-�ilize their existing facilities and if
they were over �0/ destroyed, they would be allowed to �ebuild to their
present code restrictions. He said that the neighborhood generally
ti�anted to be reclassified as a single-famil,y areae They wan.ted to
retain the characteristics of a single�family area. He said that
further multiple dtivelling developmenis �Jauld be restricted ho�vever �he
present multiple and commercial property ovrners tiqould be allowed to
maintain their establishments. He said that because.of the conditions
of that type of zoning they had to go to a Special Zoning district,
Mr. Boardman read thx�ough the special features of the Ordinance.
He explained several points of the Ordinance as he read through th�m.
Mr. Robert Young of 5807 3rd Street 1V� said that it was dependent cii
the rezoning of the area as ta tivha� type o�' street vaas put in on
Third Streeto He said that he �aas preseatly Comm�rcial but ii that
area v�ras rezoned to S-1 he didn't feel they should have to pay for
the commercial street.
Mr..Boardman said that it would be a decision that City Couricil would
have to handle.
Chairperson Harris said that there �vas definitely a difference between
a residential s�reet and a co�mercial stre�t, He �aid that the
commercial streets were nine-t�n streets and the residential streets
were four-ton streets. He said that it would be a determination that
ti�aould have to be made by thE Ci�y Council.
Mra Boardman said that there �rould be no street improvements etarted
before the zoning tiAras determined. He said that any measuring that ti�ras
taking place was determinin.g the property linesm '
Mr. Boardman explained tYiat the type of street that �vould go into a
particular are� would be determined by the City Council. He said that
�vith the S-1 Dis�.rict, there �aould be no more e�.pansion of businesse�
in the area. He said that the existing businesses ti�ould be allov�ed to
rema�.n. He said that it �vould r.ave to be determined� at that time if
the e�isting busines�es �roulc3 put a loaci on a resiciential streEt. t�e
�aid if it rras determined tha.� the businesses would put a load on a
residential street, then the street �vould be made a commercial streeto
�Yr. Boarclm�n again said tha� i�L u�ould be a City Counci? decision,
PI�ANNING COMMI�SION MEETING -�1PRIL 1�, 1978 � Pa�e � 11 ��
Mr. Ron McClain of 600� t�Iain Street NE said that he had already
attended an assessment meeting at City Hall, He said that his
assessment �or a Commercial Street would be approximately y�28,61 and
�'` the residential streets vrould be approximately $$�(1.
Ms. Gabel saidthat it was the street improvement project hearing;
She said that the figures that Mr. McClain had were approximate costs.
Mr. Boardman said this =, v�as not the assessment heasing, He said
that everyone vrould be aware nf the fact.when the assessment public
hearing vrould be held. ,
Mr. L. A. Muggli of RR #2, North Branch, I�I�T, wanted to know �vho the
rezoning of the Hyde P ark area was requested by. He said that no
individual should have to go aut of their way to find out who made a
certain request.
Mr, Muggli saad th�at in �ost of the discussion that he had heard so
far the term "resident11 �:as freely used. He said that the term
"property owner" should be used. Any rezoning or street improvements
or anything else was the concern of the property owners and not the
residents that.lived in the buildings.
Chairperson Harris said that a petition ��as submitted to City.Hall
requesting the rezoning of certain areaso
Mr. Muggli pointed out that at the time the area was zoned commercial,
�` i;h� property owners tivere rot informed that thef ivould be considered
non-conforming uses.
Mr. Aiuggli ��anted to know if the Special Zoning would prevent a-
property o�vner.from recourse if he would want to build on a piece o�
property that zvas formally zoned commercial, but with the rezoning
would be made residential.
Chairperson Harris said that property ov�n.ers would never lose that
right to recourse.
Mr. Muggli wanted to kn�tiv if the city ordinance said that a person
could not build on a 40 foot lot.
Chairperson Harris said ihat i� was a City pc,licya
Mr. Muggli indicated that the City was then preventing°someone from
doing something � a piece af property that they otvned.
Mr. Muggli said that he owned a 40 foot 1ot which was a cornar lot.
He �aid that he isn't permittecl to do any�hing with that lot, but
that he v�ould be assessed for street improvements for that lot. He
said that he pays taxes on that lot but r�e still can't do anything with
the lot. He didn't like the idea that tne C3ty officials were telling
him that he can't build on that piece of property, but he has to pay
e�ery time the City officials decide to do something with the progerty
or the area. He wanted �o knoiv if there �vas a solution.
Chairperson Harris said that at any time, a citizen had the optio n to
appeal any ruling made by the City of Fridley.
Mr. Boardman said that all the notices for Public Hearings are always
sent to the �roperty owners and not to the residents.
Ms. Gabel said that in terms of the rezoning, no one was asking for
anything special. She said tri�y .merely vranted to grotect and preserve
their p�opertyo She said that many people were living in over-
croti��ded conditions because they can't afford to move out of the area
and they can't add-or_ because tr�ey are consider�d non-conforming use
� and it tivas not permitted.
Ms9 Gabel pointed out that everyone th�t serued on the neighborhood
commi�cvee �vere residents of the area and pr.operty ownerse
Mse Gabel indicated th�at there �rere 200 d�vEllin�s in the Hyde Park
area �hat were used as residential and �here tivas three businesses
plus North���es�ern Bell� She said tha-t she �vas speal�ing in favor
oi the ra�o:�ing.
Ms. Cal�uire of �780-�22 Street NE said that she v�ras in fav�� of the
r�zan�ng� She vranted to krow about the use of the property �hat was
o�med by Burlington on the 1�est side of Main Street. �
�Zr� Boardman said that the City had a letter from the Superintendent
of'�urlington on the weed proble�n that has exi�ted on that propertys
The Superintendent said that a;�yone who had prablems with that property
should call him directly� He sai.d tha� they were conscious of the weed
Ms. Calquire said that she �ralked through that area evEry day and �ras
continually surprised by the conc�itic�ns oi the area. She said she
couldn't understand ��fhy the residents all�wed the condition to continue.
d�he felt 'that there should be more pride on the part of the residents
or there should be some motivation from City Hall to �et that area
cleaned up and ke�;� cleaned up. .� _
Chairperson Harris said that �eas tvhat tlie �hole thing was aboute He
said that ti�ras �Nhy they �vere at City Hail that night - to clean up the
Hyde Park area.
,� i
. �,�.,,�.
l�ir. Oquist indicated that the residents should work with and through
the neighborhood committee. �
Ms. Calquire c�anted to know what could be done about a parcel of land
;�- located a� the intersection of 2nd Street� 2� Street and the part of
57� Stre�t that joins the two.
Cha.irpersora H�rris said that any improvements on that piece'of land
ti��oulei have to be requested by the adja�ent land om►ners; however, he
said that Staff could contact those land owners,
Mr. Boardman said that a part of that intersection was included in the
s��reet imrpovement plan ior the area. He said that he would look into
the possibilities of that piece of land.
Ms. Calquire said that she wasn't interested in a vacation, but she
felt that perha�s the City of Fridley could clean up that land and
improve on the �'nature" �hat t�as already present there.
Mre Boardman said that he �vould look into the matter.
Mr. Trocke said that he d�vas in favor of the rezoning and the planned
improvements for the area. He said that the way the ordinance was
set up, no one in the Hyde Pask area tivould be hurt. He said that the
present landlords ��ould be permitted to rebuild their multiple dwellings
should they be destroyed; he said that the commercial owners �vould be
permitted to rebuild their establishments shauld trey be destro�*ed. He
said that the Committee t�ras basically trying to make the area a
residential neighborh�od and since the majority of the dwellings were
re�idential, he felt it should be rezonzd.
Mr. Ben F. Carman of 5955-?z S�reet iYE said that he ti�as in favor of
rezoning the are� to residentialo �
Mr. John Bachan� of 5945 2nd Street NE spoke in favor of the rezoning.
He' said he also wanted to see Burlington clean, up their part of
the area. He said that.the residents in the neighbor.hood are
continually having to clean up their yards of tumble tveeds and litter.
Ms. Peggy Netivland af �8�-1-2� Street NE said that she cvorked on the
commi.ttee and rras very much in favor of the rezoning. She said that
everything had been discussed at len.gth and many compromises had to
be made. Ho�rever, she felt it �ras a v�orth�vhile pro ject and sne really
wanted to see the rezaning take place.
A person in the audience said that he o�rrned a vacant lot in the Hyde
Park area. He ��ranted to knotv vrhat he could put oa that lot.
Mr. Bo�rdmans�said that the only allowable use would be a single
family d;�relling.
PLAI�NING COP�iMISSION P�IEETING - APRIL 19, 1978 � pa�,�e 14 ��
Mr. Langenfeld said that it tivas really nice to see tY�e citizens group
to�ether, and with the City� m�et and approach a common.goal - to make =�
the kyde Park area a better place in tiv�iich to live. He indicated that
no�y they ti�lere a11 joined together, the citizens shouldn�t let the City
forget that-they exist.
Ms. .5chnabel sai.d that there had b�en a lot of �ive and �Lake done �m�ng
the property oti�mers and residents� who have been involved in the meetings
of the neighborhood group. She felt that everyone had worked hard
to come up vrith the plan that had been presentedo She.complimented
them on the struggles they have had. She said the;� had demonstrated
a very valuable thing for the Con�munity
Mro Frank Gabrelcek felt that property zoned commercial tivere much more
valuable than residential properties. He ti�as not in favor of the
� person from �he audience svbgested that the p�ople presently owning
vacant lots could have the decision as to �rhether they kept the lots
commercial or rezoned them to residential.
Mr. Boardman said that the purpose of the rezoning was to stablize the
area and to start getting a residential quality into the area.
Ms. Theresa Abitz of 216-57th Place AtE said that she �ranted to be
included in the area to be rezoned�
Mr. Boardman said that Mso A`bitz's problems with her pr�perty were
realized by City Hall. Hotivever he said that it �*aas mox°e logical to
leave that particular property as commercial zoning.
Chairperson Harris suggested that Staff give t�e request by Ms. Abitz
some close consideration,
Ms. Abitz said that she tivaxited to sell her houseo She said sh� would
have a buyer if the lan3 ti�a.s 2oned residentiale She said that nc� or.e
was interested in her house as long as it tivas zoned conmercial.
Ms. Schnabel said that the only tning that tivas happening on th� proper�y
3s commercial �►as that the homes on the lots ���ere deteriorating� She
said that if the lot �ras zoned residential, at leas� the existing
structure could be upgraded.
Mr, Joseph Zizak of 579� -2�- Street NE wanted to know �vhy curbings
were being pu�t into the are�.
Ch�i.rperson Harris said that it �vas a poliGy of the City of Fridley
that all the streets in Fridley �rould be upgraded �;rith curbs and gutters.
Fie said �hat the policy tivas adopt�cl fifteen ye-ars ago.
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Storla, to close the Public
Hearing. Upon a voice vote9 all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimou�ly. The Public Hearing ti°ras r1 osed at 10: 37 P�M�
�- Chairperson Harris said that under Section 205.228 Landscapin�,
it'em 2 A should have the word ¢�sodding" changed to ��grass��,
N�r. Boardman said that he would make that change.
Chai.rperson Harris c�mplimented staff on their indulgence in working
tvith the neighborhood.. He said he would like to see that type of
cooperation spread out through the whole City of Fridley. �
Mr. Oquist said that the Committee did an excellent job. He reminded
that Committee to keep very active and promote �heir neighborhood.
Ms. Schnabel said that she �ras still concerned about Ms. Abitz's
property. She said that she had mixed feelings on the subjecte She
said that spot rezonings should not be encouraged, However, she Felt
that the property oivner Uras being penalized in the sale of her pro�erty@
She also said that if the adjacent property �vas deteriorating
that perhags by changing it to a residential zoning vaould enable them
to update the property because they �vould be qualified to receive funding.
Mso Schnabel said that if the zoning wasn't changed and someone
tivanted to buy the property to develop as residential, finan.cing Moul�
be very difficult to obtaino .
Mr` Boardmars said that it would be very hard to promote residential
developmen-t on that land be�ause of its location.
Nt�. Schnabel said that Commercial developers �vould be very limited as
to t�rhat could be put on that piece of property because�of the size
of 'the parcel of land.
Mr; .Bo�.rdman said that he v�as concerned abou�t the property oRner
ho�vever the total development of the property should also be
considered. He said it had to be decided whether to promote commercial
development or residential.
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded b�r Ms. Suhrbier, that the Planning
Commission recommend approval of the Rezoning Request� ZOA #78-01�,
city of Fridley: To establish a ne�v Zoning District, S-1 (Special
Zoning District) and to rezone the follo�ring property to this district:
Blocks 5,6,7 & 8 Hyde Park Addition from R-2 (t�ro family dwelling
areas) to S-1 ; • .
Blocks 9,10,21� & 23, Hyde Park, from R-3 (general multiple family
dtivelling areas) to S-1 ;
Blocks 11, 12, 21, 2Z, 25, Z6, 27 & 28� Hyde Park� from C-C (general
business areas) to S-1; and
Blocks 1& 2� City View Addition' from C-2 (general business areas)
to S-1,
�enerally located from 5?th Place NE to 61st Avenue NE, and IIniversity
Avenue to Main Streetm
- �.�
PLANNII`dG COt�ISSION tRE�TING - APRTL 19� 19?8 Pa�e 16 �
Mr. Lan�enfeld sa3.d that he �tas fully aware of the problem regarding
Ms. Abit��s property but he felt that it could be the start of a
movement toti^ards spot rezoning a�.d he wasn't in agreement �vith that
concept. .
` Ms. Schnabel said that the City Council could be alerted of the probleffis
of the lots and perhaps they may have some solutic�n thai; the Planning
Commission had not thought of.
UPON A VOTCE VOTE' all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Boardmarb said that Mr, Ray Leek vras t�e City Staff representative
to the Hyde P ark area. •
tTt T II A DAT'�D T l7 •
13�i.LNCi A H�t'LA'1' UI' LV'1' C�� 1�Vl�J�U KU1Jl.LVtt'�J �JUDLlUl.�lvlY lvv� c.J9
MOTION by rir. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to open the Public
Hearing. Upon a vaice vote, all voting aye, the moti�on carried
unanimously. The Public Hearin� �vas opened a� 11:11 P.M.
i�ir� Boar�cirman said tha� the prop�sal wa� f�r the development of four
residential lots� FIe said that three of lots v�ere being proposed
for duplex lots and the fourth lo'c u►as the existent Judge Johnson's
property along the river bank. �e said tbat the exisi`.ing property
Uaas zoned R-3 and the lot sizes being preposed vrould meet the cade
requirements. Mr. Harrier tivould provide private easement for access
into the areao rRr. Boardman said that he would also provide private
sanitary setiver systems.
Mr. Boa�d�an said that the City of Fridley �ould �vant certain conditiQr�s
on the property as laid out �vith the private roadtivay and private sewer
systemse He said tilat the Gity in no vray would take over the maintenanee
of thP private access unless i� t�ras developed tb City Code. Also he
said that the cleaning of the lift stations tivould have to be a privat�
op�ration a].�os He inclicated that lift stations vaould have to be
provided. -
Mr. Boarc�man said that the area vrould fal� in the critical flood areas
of the Code and a1Z tlie setbacks would have to be �00 feet.
Ch�irperson Harris �vanted tb kno}v if the existing structure could remain
�t its present location. ��
Mr. Harrier said that the garage would have to be movedo He said that
most likely it vvould be taken do�rrn and a ne�r garage would be added to
the existing house.
Chairperson Harris askec� it�ho would maintain the access into the
� in�the developmentt 1�J°uld be the responsibility of the residents
r1r. Boardman said that it would have to be recorded as part of the
deed requirements,
Chairperson Harris asked raho bvould maintain the lift stations.
Mr. Harrier said that each individual duplex vJOUld have an
ejection pump.
Mr. Boardman said that it tivould have to be v�ritten in the deed
requirements that it �rould �e the responsibilit� of the owners
for the operation of the lift station. He saicl there vrould have
to be equal responsibility of all the people living in that
Chairperson Harris said that there tivould have to be some vehicl� or
way of binding all the properties together to make them collectively
responsible for the maintenance of the lift station and the maintenance
of the access roadNaf.
Mro Harrier said that those respcnsibilities tiioulcl be vrritt�n into the
purchase agreem�nts of all the property �timers in the develop�ento
� Chairperson Harris said that it vrould have to be in the deeds so that
, it ti��ould be picked up by the Title Search�, I�a said that no way �rould
the City take over that maintenance.
Mr. Harrier explained the complete lay-out of the area to the
Planning Commission,
Ms. Schnabel asked i£ it ti}�as possible for all the lots to meet the
critical flood plain 100.�oot setback requirements.
Mr. Boardman said. that he would be able to maintain the required
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld9 seconded by Mrm Oquist, to clos� the Public
Hearing. Upon a vaice votey al_l�voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously� The Public Hearing tivas closed at 11:30 P�M.
_ _ a� -_a
MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Storla, that the Planning
Commission recommend approval of �the consideration of a proposed
preliminary plat, P.S. #78-02�, Harrier's F'irst Addition, by
�"�. J. Harrier, Jr.: being a replat of Lot 25, Revised Auditor's
Subdivision No. 23, except those pieces platted as Johnson�s River Lane
Addition and Batterson Addition, subject to road easements, located
in the 6400 Block on the �'Vest side of Riverview Terrace NE with the
stipulation that the covenant of deed will require reference�to the
maintenance of the road and the maintenance and operation of lift
staiion be the responsibility of the property ovrners of Lots z,3 & 4
and that all the necessary utility and drainage easements be included
in the final plat.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
.� ; •
Replat of the NorthvJest C�uadrant of Main Stree
(See Public Hearing notice for complete legal
PLAT PeS. #78-03�
t and Osborne Road.
MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to open �he Public
Hearing. IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried '
unanimously. The Public Hearing �rras opened at 1 1; 38 P.M.
Mr. Boardman explained that the property being discussed was Lot 2
of Block 1 of the East Ranch Estates Third Addition. He said that
there were some condition that Ciiy would like to have placed on the
plat if aPproved. He said thaic Lot 1 should be included as a portion
of Frank°s Nursery.
Mr. Boardman said that there c�as a sewer easement along 77th way.
He said that it ran along the property line. He said that there was
also easement on both sides o.f the street right-of-Uray�, He said that
the easements should be indicated on the final plat.
Mr:.Boardman said that the setiaer servicing Lot 2 had to go through
Lot 3, so some easement would have to be indicated.
Chairperson Harris reminded the Commission members that there was also
a rezoning request that was tied to the replat. .
Mr. Boardman pointed out on a draMing exactly where the ingress and egress
would be for the proposed Bank.
Mr. Laing, President of Marquette State Bank, showed the Commission the
proposed Bank plans. He indicated on the plan tivhere they planned to
have drive�vays and ho�r the planned traffic flow would occur.
Mr. Boardman said that the only zoning that would be requested to have
changed �vould be I,ot 2. ,
_ .�-
PLAPiPdIIr'G COM?�IIISSIOPI MFEfitT1� -�.PRIL 19, 197�3 __ �. pa�;e 19 . .
Mr. Boardrnan poin�ted out that the platin� request ��as being made by
the Marquette State Bank for Mr. Bob Schroer. He said that it �vas
� Mr. Schroer's property and Lot 3 would remain under his ownership.
Mr. Laing said ichat the proposed bank would be considered a detached
facility. He said it dvould be close to a full-service bank, He said
the only thing that the3� won't be able to do �vould be to close on loans.
He said that the plan that he e��as showing indicated the maximum of their
Chairperson Harris said that at the present they were mostly concerned
with the egress and entrances of the bank._
MOTION by Ms Schnabel� seconc�ed by Mr. Langenfeld, to close the Public
Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. TYae Public Hearing was closed at 11:52 p�M,
MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the Planning
Commission recommend approval on the considera�ion of a preliminary plat
P.S. #78-03� East Ranch �states Third Addition9 by Marquette State Bank:
Replat of the North�Trest Quadrant of Main Street and Osborne Road �vith
the stipulations that Lot 1 be recorded as part of the plating for
Frank's Nurser•y; that the sanitary se�ver easemenic be shown following
the Nor�h property.line; an.d that a sewer easement be given across Lot 3
tvith acess ta Lot 2.
UPON A VOICE VOTE' all votin� aye,- �he motion carried unanimously.
.+...uvi�u Lt11:.1 . LV 1 L'
MOTION by Mr, Langenfeld8 seconded by Mre Oquist, to open �the Public
Hearing, Upon a voice v�te, all voting aye, the motion carried
unanimously. The Public Hearing was opened at 11:55 p,M,
Mro Laing shotived �he Commission the plan of the proposed banko FIe sa�i.d
it tivould look like a small version of a full-service bank. He sai d
that there would be three lobby tellers on �he inside and at least two
cirive-in tellers on the outside.� He said there would Ue approximately
four desks in the lobby area for customer services. He said that with
the exception of closing loans, they would function the same as a full-
service bank� . �
Chairperson Harris asked if they Motild have safe-deposit boxes located
on the premises.
PLI�.NNING COMMISSION M��TING - 1�PRIL 19, 1978 . p�,`e 20
Mr. Laing said that they vaouldn't have safe-deposit boxes. He also
said they wouldn�t be able to disperse loan.proceeds on the premises.
Mr. Laing said that they vranted to bring the character of the bank �
building located at 52nd & Central out to the new location. He said
that the buildin� would either be a wood/stone exterior or a stucco
exterior. He said it would definitely be an attractive addition to the
community. �
Chairperson Harris asked if there would be problems �vith the particular
intersection of Commerce Lane (Main Street) and Osborne Road.
Mr. Boardman said that they didn't initially foresee any major problems.
Ms. Schnabel said that she ti�ras somebrhat concerned about customers
exiting from the bank at that point because of the speed that cars
turn onto Commerce Lane. She said that because o� the tivay the street
�uas set up, it was quite easy for cars to accelerate as they turn the
Mr. Boardman said there was enough setback and he didn't feel there
would be a lot of problems exiting at tha� Point.
Chairperson Harris asked if Mr. Laing tivas aware of the requirements
of the St. Paul VVater 1'Vorks.
2�lr. Laing said that they tivere a�vare of the require�ents. He said
that they vreren't planning on generating that much traffic, He said
that the bank v�ould have limited capabili�tieso �
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Aqs. Suhrbier, to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the mo�ion carried
unan�mously. Th.e Public Hearing was closed at 12; 09 P.rq, ,
Mr. Langenfeld said that it seemed that it was the trend of the area
to shotiv grozJth� He said that the City should be cautioned to the fact
that they did not vrant another 53rd & Central established at th:at point.
r40TI0N by Mr. Langenfelc�, seconded by Ms. Suhrbier, that the Plan�ing
Commission recommend approval of the Rezoning Request, ZOA #78-029 by
Marquette State Bank: Rezone tlie Lot 2, Block 1� of the Proposed Plat,
P.S. #78-03, East Ranch Estates Third Addition, from M-2 (heavy
industrial areas) to C-2 (general business areas) to allotiv the development
of the property for a Commercial Eank� located at 225 Osborne Road NE,
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimouslyo
.__ • r
SION t�i� � TP�G - APRIL 19, 1978 Page 21 .
MOTTON by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to open the Public
Hearing� Upon a voice vote� all voting aye, the motion carried
;"`� unanimously. The Public Hearing v�as opened at 12; 13 P�M.
Mr. Boardman said that the property pras located north of the Real.
Estate 10 building on Hilltivind Road� He said that the proposecl operation�
would be similar to the operation on II�iversity Avenue.for Capp Homes.
Mr. Boardman, said that in looking at the plan, there were things that
vrould have to be changed. He said that Mr. Burandt planned to use
the existing ��Vausau�home. He said that the manner in which the drive
way and parking V�as indicated i�ould have to� be wor�:ed on so that it
would meet all the codes.
Mr. Boardman said that the praperty was presently zoned R-
to be rezoned in order to have a real estate office located atdthathsite.
Mr. Burandt said that he vurchased the building for a real estate office.
He said it would be used by Lampert Homes.
Mr. Burandt said that he had tried to buy some adjoining land but� the
property owner vras not interested in selling �
Ms. Schnabel sho�ved concern about the elevation of the lando She felt
that possibly Mr. Burarid.t lvould have to const�uct some type of retainin
walle g
=r� P�lr. Burandt said that the existing garage area of the house would be
used as offices.
Chairperson Iiarris asked if the driveway of the
o�fice could be located ori �he other side of thePprop�etyrthanethetplans
Mr. Burdand� said that there tivas an equal amount of room on both sid
�Mr. Boardman felt it �vould be better to have the drivet�ay to the
area enter into the property on the North side and have Parking
rear area. He some screening could be utilized bettiveen t ekdr�vewayhand
the residential structure,
M�'o Oquist Uzid ihat he felt the� drivecvay �v�uld be better located on the
Bouth side af the property� next to 1;he Real Estate 10 establishment
Mr. Boardman said that he ti�rould v�ant to look at the � •
deciding ��rhere exactly the drivetivay should be located.�pe�ty again before
Mr, Burandt said that he preferrad to have the drivevray on the South but
he tvould agree to do whatever the Staff decided tivould be best. �
yi�.. �
Chairperson Harris asked how wide the lot was.
Mr. Burandt said that the survey he had indicated that the lot was
87.90 feet.
Mr. Boardman said that a sketch of the site sho�ved that there would be
approxima�ely 25 feet on the North side of the building and 1Z feet on
the South side cf the building. He felt that the driveway should be
put i.n on the North side of the pro�erty.
Chairperson H arris said that due t� that fact� the.possibility of having
the drivev�ay located to �he North of the property and using proper
screening should be the way to go.
�, ;
Mr. Boardman read the requirements for the use of screening as district
separations. He said that a 100/ screenin� fence would have to be �
installed that euould be setback from the front of the house� back along the
property line.
i�r. Burant didn�t feel it �vould look very nice, but agreed he would do
as indicated. .
1�IOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms, Schnabel, to close the
Public Hearing. Upon a voice vote, al]. voting aye, the motion carried
unanimouslyo The Public Hearing was closed at 12:39 AOMm
MOTION b� Mr. Oquist� seconded by Mss Su.hrbiera �that �he Planning
Commission recommend app�oval of the �ezoning request� ZOA #78-03� by
Theodore Burandt: Rezone froffi R-3 (general multiple family dwellings)
to CR-1 (general office and limi-�ed business), Lot 1, Block 1,
Hill!vind Add?tion9 to allo�r a model home to be used as a sales office'
tlie s�me being 91�1 Hilliv�.nd Road NE with the stipulations that
iencing be put on the North side starting at th.e front of the house
and that the driveti�ay be moved to the North side of the property
tivith rear yard parking (providing there is more room measured on that
side of the prope�°ty1
UPON A V�ICE VOTE� all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by t•2s. Suhrbiera seconded by I�4r. Langenfeld, that the Planning
Commission receive the March 27, 1978s Parks & Recreation Conmission
minutes. Upon a voice vote, all votin� aye, the motion carried
unanimausly. The minutes tivere z•eceived at 12:4�. A.M.
MQTION by Mr. Storla� seconded by Mr. Oquist� that the Planning
Commission receive the April 6� 1978, minutes of the Human Resources
Commissio:�o � " .
; ��
-. -
�-� -
� �
PL�1NNIrS___ G CCt�NiISSION. ME�TIPIG - APRIL 19, 1�78 � Pa�e 23�
a. Congregate Dinin�
i�r. Starla said that the members of the Human Resources'Commissiorr
vrere er.tendin� an invitation to the Planning Commission to appoint
someone from the Planning Commission to be on the Congregate Dining
Committee. He said that April 26, 1978 �vould be the first meeting
of the Committee. �
Mr. Oquist suggested that Mr. Storla represent the Planning Commission.
Chairperson Harris asked that Mr. Storla represent the'Planning
Commission on the Congregaice Dining Committee. •
Mro Storla said that he vdould. He said that he was pr�sently a
representative for the Human Resources Commission, but that he would
resign because there tivas another member of the Human Resources
Cammission that v��anted to serve on the Congregate Dining Committee.
UPON A VOICE�V�TE9 all voting aye, th� motion carz�ied unanimously.
The minutes �rere receivec� at 1 Z; 48 A.M.
MOTION by tis. Schnabel, seconded by Mr, Oquist� to receive the Appeals
Co�nr�ission. minutes of 1�pri? 11, 1978.
NIs�, Schnabel said �hat the first sentence, of the last paragraph on P�ge 5
�'"1 shauld be clarzfied. She sa3.d that at the end of the sentence the v�ords�
��due to the proximity of the garage on the pr��eriy on the PTorth" should be
� Ms. Schnabel said that the �oncern vvas that the house was tr�o feet from
ihe lot .line an�. the propes�ty adjacent to it had a garage thai lvas also
close to the lot line� She said that the Commiss.ion members were concerned
in case of fire that�it could spread to tY�le house and Lhe new addition
which were to be bedrooms and windo�vs vrould be required for exits.
Mse Schnabel said that there had been no election of officer� because
there ivere not enough people present at the meeting.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously.
The minutes tivere received at 12:50 A.M.
MOTION by Mr. Stc�rla, sec�nded by Msa Schnabel, ta nominate Mr. Langenfeld
for Vice� Chairperso:a of the Plann'ing Commission. �fter calling for moi,e
nominations, Mr. Harris declared the nominations closed. Upon a voice
vote9 all voting aye9 the �notion carried unanimously.
.s ____._____.
MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to table the
discussion an the �nergy Commission. Upon a voice vote, al.l voting aye� ��,;
the motion carried unanimousl�. � -
Air-port Proposal - Mr. Langenfeld
Mr. Langenfeld said that Ms. Sporre had given the report and he
had taken a fetiv notes: He read to the Commission items 1�2 & 3 of
Resolution 139-1977, dated 12/19/77: He also read the general comments
that had come from that presentation. •
Mr. Langenfeld submitted his presentation to the Planning Commission
to be made part of the minutes.
Mr. Oquist said th at he was also at the meeting.
basically t�vo topics daere discussed:
a) The Airport Expansion
b) The N'ational Guard Heliport
He said that
Mrm Oquist explained that the National Guard Heliport had to get
out �f Hollman Field in St� P aul because the Federal Government z�von't
approve Federal Dollars to do needed construction ��rork at Hollman
Field beca��.se the Field is located in the Flood Plaino He said
that there ti�rere some Federal Legislators that were �rorking tivi�h �
the Committee and State Legislators to get some Federal dollars so �.
that �hey won't have to get out of Hollman Field.
Ms. Schnabel said she had the understanding that the Metropolitan
Council had decided not to expand the Anoka County Airport.
Mr. Oquist said that the P�Ietropolitan Council d.ecided that they
didn°t need another major airport. He said that they �rere now
proposing to expand the Anoka Airport to an. intermediate airport.
MOTIOI�T by Aiso Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Storlaf to adjourn
19?8 ?lanning Commission meetin��. Upon a voice vote, all
Chairperson Harris declared the meeting adjourned at 1:06
Respectiully submitted •
Marylee Carhill _
Recording Secretary
the April 19�
voting aye�
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