PL 05/17/1978 - 30491CITY OF FRIDL�Y
_ AZAY 1 �, 1�78
Chairperson Harris called the May 17, 1q78, Planning Commission meeting
to order at 7:40 p.Y��
Members Present:
Members Absent;
Others Present:
Storla, Harris, Peterson� Schnabel, Langenfeld
Jerrold Boardman, City Planner
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to approve the
May 3� 1978, Planning Commission minutes. Upon a voice vote� all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTSON by Mr. Storla, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to suspend the rules
and handle the motions from the Human Resources Commission Minutes of
AZay 1�, 1978. -Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried
/�`�MOTSON by Mr. Storla, seconcied by Mr. Pe�terson, to receive the minutes
of the May 1�, 1978, Hur�an Resources Commission, iJpon a voice vote, al:l
voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Storla indicated that the first motion had been made by the Human
Resources Commission on Page 7, paragraph 5, "MOTION by Mary Van Dan,�
�� seconded by Mary Jo Dobson�� that the Human Resources Commission recommend
� to City Council� through the Planning Comr�ission, that an"Arbitration
P anel" be established and that an arbitration agreement be dra���m up
with the assistance of the City Attorney, if possible. Upon a voice
vote,.all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously."
Mr. Larry Dobson, Tenant/Landlord Project Committee Chairperson, was
present at the meeting. He explained that the Arbitration Panel ivould
be�composed of three members; He said one member t►�ould be the tenant�
one ��rould be of the management, and the other member
�vould be appointed as an unbiased member. He said that the third person
could possibly be a person appointed by the City to act as the arbitrator.
PLAPINIPIG COP�P�iI�SI0P1 P�rTTING - P4AY 17, 1978 Pa�;e 2
Mr. Dobson said that the �rbitration Panel vtould handle differences that
a�ose, betvreen the tenants and the landlords. He said that the process
vaould be strictly voluntary. He said both parties dvould have to a�ree --- _._�
to be heard by the Arbitration Panel.
Mr. DobsQn felt �that there vrere many problems/differences that exist
bettiveen the tenan�� and the landlords that could be worked
out bet�reen them �rithout going through the court process.
Mr. Dobson said that presently Fridley didn�t actually have major
problems in the area of tenant/landlord relations. HotiRrever, he felt
that nora�vas the time to begin a method to help avoid confrontation
situations that exist in the inner citieso
Mr. Dobson explained several examples ��here the Arbitration P ane1
could help .�rith 'problems betv�een the tenants and the oti�mers of the
complexes. He said that the P anel could also act on problems that
could result bettveen ttixro tenants.
Mr. Langenfeld asked if the Tenant/Landlord Committee vrould be dissolved
once the Arbitration P anel was set up.
Mr. Dobson said that it had been indicated by the Commissioner of Human
Rights that they tvould like to r�ork tirith the Committee as a format
in ��vhich to hel� with discrimination hearings.
Mr. Dobson cited some examples of what certain complexes in the City
were using to vacate the apartments. He said that the reasons for
doing so vrere usually monetary reasons on the part of the manager/olvner.
He said that he didn't vrant to get into specifics at tha� time because
the examples tvere� at that time� still only hearsay and not documented
truths, He said that there �rere so many people invo.lved v�rith such
actians that he felt it ivould be soon that there tivould be enough evidence
to talk about such illegal actions.
Mr. Boardman asked if the person before the Arbitration Panel had to
abide by ti}rhat the Panel decided.
Mr. Peierson said that according to the Uniform Arbitration Act, if the
ttivo parties agreed to arbitration before going before the Panel, it lvas
as binding as a Court o f Laiv.
Ms. Schnabel asked if the ormers of the compleYes involved in the
money-making evictions caere a�rare of the happenings in their buildings.
Mr. Dobson said that they ���eren't sure if the o�mer tivas
not. He said that because of the lack of evidence they
the ormers. He said that one ��ray that the oti�rners could
of existing problems tirould be to invite the oti�mer to be
Arbitration P anel.
involved or
have not contacted
be made a��aare
a part of the
r'1 Chairperson Harris said that the City could not get into arbitrations
between tenants and landlords. .
Ms. Schnabel�pointed out that Government could not get involved ti��ith
private businesses.
n Mr. Dobson felt that the Arbitration Panel was necessary to help work
out certain problems that already exist in certain complexes in the City.
He didn't tivant to see happen to Fridley v�hat tixras happening in the �
inner city (Cedar-Riverside tivas used as the exa�►ple of tenant/landlord
Chairperson Harris asked if the Concept of the Arbitration P anel �rould
need any staff. �
Mr. Dobson said that they would need some staff. He said that records
would have to be kep�;.
Mr. Boardman said that Staff v�as already over-v�rorked. He said thai
all available time �ras already being used.
Chairperson Harris said that, if the Staff situation could be solved,
he wanted to kno�v what other eosts would be incurred by the Arbitration
^ Mr. Dobson said that they needed an agreement drafted and then they
wanted to have the City Attorney look it over. He said it �vould be
based on the Better Business Bureau's Arbitration process. He said
that there �rould also be costs in producing the materials needed.
He said that the actual costs haven't been ascertained. He estimated
n it would be betti°reen �200 and y�400.
Chairperson Harris said that he vaanted to see the Program laid out in
detail before they made any recommendations to the City Council. He
said he wanted to see a plan on ho�r it tivould be set up, the aims and
scope of the operation, and hoti�► many actual dollars would be required
as well as hotiv much Staff time vrould be needed. Mr. Harris said that
he liked the concept and s�id it tivas most probably needed in Fridley
but before it tivent any further, he wanted to see exactly how it �vould
be set up.
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the Arbitration
P anel discussion be continued until such time that Mr. Dobson developed
a total plan of the requested Panel. UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye,
the motion carried unanimously.
YL�NNING COt�(MISSION M s� TIPiG - MAY 17, 1978 Pa�e 4
Mr. Storla indicated that the second motion had been made by the�Human
Resources Comrnission on Pa�e 8, the second paragraph, "MOTION by
Mary Jo Dobson, seconded by Mary Van Dan, to recommend to City Council, n
through the Planning Commission, that a full-t.ime staff person be hired
vrith the responsibilities listed belov� and to help plan the
future devel'opment of multiple and apartment housing in Fridley....t�
Mr. Dobson said that they wanted someone to act as a center figure
in the City that people would be able to go to for help or information. n
He said they �vanted someone ���ho �vould be able to direct a citizen to
the proper place for them to obtain the help or assistance they need.
He said �hat presently people are referred to so many different people,
who in turn are directing them to other people, that the person making
the request eventually get defeated and quits trying.
Chairperson Harris read through the list of responsibilities.
1) Assist in ensuring compliance with the Maintenance Code.
Chairperson Harris said that it tvas already the responsibility
of the Building Inspection Department.
2) Establish and maintain record of all available rental property
within the City of Fridley (licensed and unlicensed)
Chairperson Harris said that it was really the job of Real Estate
Agents to provide that type of service. '
3) Refer persons in need of housing.
4) Keep current on housing needs of the community.
Chairperson Harris said that Staff already had the information ^
available. He said that people have to seek the information. City
Hall was not going out into the area giving out the information.
He felt that what was presently being done in that area was adequate.
5) To serve as liaison between city staff and Tenant/Landlord
Project Committee and, if established, an arbitration panel.
Chairperson Harris said that he would object to a Staff person
being the third member of the arbitration panel.
6) Assist in providing assimulation services to nebv tenants
(recreational services, school information, community
services, etc.).
Mr. Dobson said that �hat vras wanted was a central location for
� people to information about the City. �Ie said that one
person should be available to handle all the inquiries about
. the services and housing available in the City of Fridley.
- Mr. Boardman er.plained that it tivas difficult for one person to be
aware of all the services and housing of Fridley. He said that
n the best ti��ay City Hall can handle the inquiries w�as to forward the
inquiries to the Departments that deal �r�ith those particular
services. He said that the information tiR�as available at City Hall;
he said the citizen only had to make the inquiries.
Mr. Dobson said that some of the things that are ,supposed to,be
available, are not. He said that he has had many comments saying
that people only get the run-around urhen they make certain
inquir�:es to City Hall.
Mr. Storla said that Mr. Dobson was a very kno��rledgeable �erson in
what he ti�ras talking about. He said tivhat U�as being seen as a result
from his efforts r�as the fact that Mr. Dobson was being over-�vorked
and it should be apparent that there �vas a need for the type of
service that he tiras requesting from the City of Fridley Staff. He
indicated that rrhat tiras being proposed vras a method to help solve
many problems that crere in existence in the City of I'ridley.
Mr. Storla indicated to Mr. Dobson that obviously l��hat he was proposing
n vras not going �vell ��ri�;h the Planning Commission. He suggested getting
together vaith NIr. Boardman and reworking the proposal.
Chairperson Harris explained that the reasons the item was having
difficulty being accepted by the Commission �vere:
n A) Many of the items tivere already being done by the Staff. He
said all it vrould take to get the information would be a
telephone call.
� B) Fridley does not have the Staff available to perform the
services being requested. He also tivasn't sure where the money
tvould come from to perform the services.
Mr. Boardman pointed out that many of the services being requested were
very likely already being provided by other agencies.
Mr. Peterson did not feel that the City Government had the responsibility
of solvin� ��people problems���
Mr. Langenfeld suggested a position be established incorporating the
ten functions and have that person be paid by some type of funding
and then the position �vould be completely divorced from Staff itself.
Ms. Schnabel said that it seemed Mr. Dobson was looking for someone
from the City Staff who has the authority to cut throu�h the red tape `�
for the particular people vrho �vere having the problems being discussed.
Ms. Schnabel indicated that the proble� the Commission was having was
where that Staff person ti�rould come from. She said that there vrere no
extra people on the Staff that could taYe over the responsibilities
being suggested. �
MOTION by Mr. Storla, seconded by P�s. Schnabel, to continue the
discussion of a full-time staff person assumin� the ten listed
Mr. Dobson said that they really needed someone from the Staff that
could anstir�er questions from people �vho vrere having problems. He said
they needed someone tiF1ho could tell that person ��here to go for help;
he said they needed someone vaho would not "pass the buck��.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to suspend the rules
and handle the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld' to receive the
P arks & Recreation Commission minutes of April 2�.� 1978. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye� the motion carried unanimously. The minutes v�ere n
received at 9:41 P.M,
Chairperson Harris tivanted to knov� if the system for run off in the East
Ranch Estates ��Jas adequate for that area. �
Mr. Boardman said that the Engineering Depto felt that it vaas being
handled adequately. He said that ti�rith any lar�e development ,, ponding
systems tiveTe being required, .where riecessary. - tt �„r�.s •th� same w�th pl�ts.
' _ , He said that on individual lots it �vas
being handled by permits for roof storages, etc.
Mr. Boardman said that the �ngineering Derartment bvould be setting up
regulations that tivould •�o��,rol the increased run off. He
said it ti�rould state that �vater crill not increase the capacity of the
streams and what the ti�rater quality should be. , He said that it
tivould be done tiT�hen the regulations are set under the Critical Areas.
,�-�Mr. Boardman said that City was looking at the adoption of �uidelines
and regulations to control all the areas outside of the Rice Creek
Watershed District. He said that presently those areas were being
controlled strictly by unwritten policies,
Chairperson Harris said that the sanitary sewrer system that was put into
n the East Ranch Estates and the Onaway �reas vrere disasterous. He said
the water pipes were getting constant intrusions from surface water. He
felt there should be a statement in the Comprehensive Se�ver Plan
that the Sanitary Sewer Systems should be upgraded to alleviate the
present problems.
Mr. Jeff Christenson said that they were aware of the problems Mr. Harris
was speaking of.' He felt that some statement to the effect that the
sewer systems in Fridley should be maintained should be included in
the Comprehensive Sedver Plan.
MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Peterson, that the Comprehensive
� Sewer Plan �vith the amendments be recommended to City Council for approval.
Mr. Boardman explained the entire process of Comprehensive Plans that
will be handled before December 1978� He said that City Council tivould
act on each plan individually� and then at the end of 1978 a combined
Public Hearing would be held on the entire Comprehensive Plans for the
City of Fridley.
n UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimousl
Chairperson Harris declared a break at 10; O1� p�pP,
Mr. Peterson left the meeting because of prior commitments.
MOTION by Mr. Langenield, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to receive the
outline from Mr. Boardman regarding purpose, scope, etc. of the Energy
Project Committee. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Chairperson Harris felt that he wanted to be able to read the outline
more carefully. He suggested the members taking the outline home and
give it some serious consideration.
Mr. Langenfeld said that it �vould be best to do as Mr. Harris suggested
because it �vould help the Commission actually finalize the goals and
objections for the �nergy Commission.
PL�NNING COMtt4ISSI0P1 f4EPTING - M�iY 17, 1978 Pa�e 8
Mr. Storla said he talked to a person at the Community Services Branch of ��
the Minnesota Ener�y Department and had been informed that someone Urould
appear before the Plannin� Commission to help set up the �ner�y Project
Committee. He said that they seemed most tiFrilling to give a presentation
re�arding an Energy Commission if the City �vanted them to.
. �
Mr. Boardman said that the �nergy Commission would probably need the
expertise of the Minnesota Energy Agency, but he didn't feel that the
Planning Commission would �vant a presentation. •
MOTION by Mr. Zangenfeld, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to continue the
discussion on the Energy Commission vrith the ideas of the previously
received document being used to assist in helping finalize the Energy
Commission goals and objectives.
Mr. Boardman said that he rtould advertise in the papers for members
to serve on the Energy Commission, Hoti�tever, he said he t��anted to tivait
until a purpose and the scope of the Commission was finalized.
Ms. Schnabel said that at the Appeals Commission she had received t��ro
names of people that v�ould like to be considered for the Commission.
She said thai they ���ere not necessarily experts in the field, but that
they were knorrledgeable.
Chairperson Harris said that the submission of names would be handled �
after the actual Energy Commission tivas set up.
UPO1V A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Langenfeld said that some changes had been made to the report. The
first change d�ras that the property location must be compatible �Rrith City
plans and the other �vas that the Recycling Project Committee vrould
initially be responsible with the administering of the Recycling Center.
Mr. Zangenfeld said that it tivas �he desire of the Environmental Quality
Commission to name the Center, "The Collection Center Disposal for the
City of Fridley".
MOTION by Mr. Storla, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to receive the Recycling
Project Committee Report. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Ms. Schnabel Uranted to kno�v how payment vrould be arranged between
ry�)ick's Recycling of Brooklyn Park and the or�anization the payment is
due to. She ti��anted to know if it ��rould be Dick's Recycling's
responsibility to see that the correct or�anization is paid or exactly
v��ho ti��ould receive the money and rrho Urou].d distribute the money.
She said that it ivould have to be clearly understood exactly hovr the
nvahole opera.tion vrould work, or else it �vould be a big mistake to even
get started.
Mr. Langenfeld said that she did have a good point, but he wasn°t sure
hova it tivould be handled�
Mr. Boardman said that the Pro ject Committee ��Jas all of a sudden
planning to become an 19action�� Committee and not a recommending Gommittee.
He i�ranted to kno�Fr tirhere the City's responsibility would be if the
Center ti�ras not properly maintained. He said that since the Project
Committee ti�ras an operation of the City of Fridley� it �vould most likely
fall on the City to do the maintenance, He said that he vras definitely
having problems � the Project Committee being the operating committee,
Chairperson Harris said that there �rrould have to be a contract drativn
betvreen Dick�s Recycling of Brooklyn P ark an.d the City of Fridley.
Mr. Boardman indicated that then the City of Fridley vrould become the
"operatingT� agency for the Center. He pointed out that the City �*rould
^ then be responsible for liability, maintenance, etc.
Chairperson Harris said that the Collection Center Disposal for the
City of Fridley tieould almost have to contract tirith someone for a given
period of time to see if it cauld even be successful in the City.
n Mr. Boardman said that the�Recycling Project Committee tivanted the
operation to be a volunteer situation. Mr. Fioardman felt that it ��rould
have to be sei up either totally City (tivhich he didn't think ti��as
feasible) or on a contract situation.
Mr. Lan�enfeld suggested �hat before the Planning Commission took any
action on the proposed Collection Center Disposal for the City of
Fridley that a representative from the Project Committee appear before
the Commission and anstiver many of the. questions that �Trere being asked.
MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr, Storla, to continue the
discussion of the Recycling Project Committee Report unti.l a member of
the Project Committee tivas present to answer questions, Upon a voice
vote� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
PLI�NNIIVC� �SION Y�Ir�TIrTG - P4AY 17, � 978 Pa�e 10
• � !'
MOTION by l�ir. Storla, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to receive the letter
from Charter Commission.
Chairperson Harris indicated that if any member of the Planning
Commission had any comments on the Charter or the letter from Mr. l�sh, �
they should contact Mr. Ash directly.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairperson Harris indicated that individually the members of the
Planning Commission could comment on some of the questions that had
been raised by the Charter Commission. Hotirever, r�r. Harris did not
feel it rras in the realm of the Planning Commission to make
recommendations on some of the points.
5& 6 ti�rere handled earlier in the meeting.
MOTION by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to receive the
minutes of the Appeals Commission meeting of May 9, 1978.
Ms. Schnabel explained to the Commission me�bers the reasoning the
Appeals Commission used to recommend denial of the request for a
variance of the Fridley City Code to increase the maximum square footage n,__
of a free standing sign per development from 80 square feet to 344 square
feet to allo�;r the construction of a second free standing sign to be
used by the Plaza Village Restaurant that vrould be located in the
Shoretvood Shopping Center. She said that the problem lvas mainly in the
fact that even though tti�ao signs i�rere permitted, one per frontage, the
already existing sign ti�ras in excess of the m�imur� square footage n
that tivas allot�red. Also she said that the Restaurant olrrner had been
misled by MrQ �Saliterman �vhen he told them that' the Restaurant could
use that pylon to advertise their establishment.
UPON A VOICE VOT�� all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Air. Storla, to receive the list
of Citizens rrho have expressed a desire to serve on Commissions.
IIpon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Langenfeld indicated that a slide/audio cassette tape presentation
regarding the "Non-Point Source Pollution Introduction" ��ould be sho���n
after the adjournment of the Planning Commission meeting. He said that
it tivas an informative presentation.
PL1��1NIPiG COI�Y�II �SIOP? t�i �,,,TIPdG - t�2l�Y 17q 197� Pa�;e 1 1
MOTIOPi by Mr. Langenfeld, seconcied by I�[r. Storla, to adjourn the
May 17� 197c3, Planning �omnission meetin�. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye� Chairperson Iiarris declared the meeting adjourned at
n 11:20 PoM.
Respectfully submitted,
� °
MaryLee Ca.rhill
Recording Secretary