PL 12/06/1978 - 30501c n/��� ry� �.p��t� � � �t1JdL i � �21L1'Jil e C� �C L'e�J.1J••��•1 rr�a���c c:�r�zsszo� r�zrr�, n�c�Ex 6, a.978 _ ._ C��irn��n Ii�rria called the December 69 1978, P],�,n�in� Cs�r�ission M�et1mm� to order a�t 7:35 PeM. Ro� C�: N�mbera P�eeent: Ned S�;orl�i, I�Roy Qc�,uist' RicY��rd. Harri�9 Vix°ginia SchnabelD Rob�x� Pe�ers�n9 James La�engeld I�feembers Absent: None O�ch�re Pre�ent: J�rry Boardman� City Pl�nraer 1. APPROV� PLAPmTING COMMISSION t�1INUI'�S: NOV�NIBER 2�, 1978: MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld9 seconded by N1r, Ot�uist to �pprove the 1Vovember 229 1978 P��nning Co�mis�ion Mittutes. I�s. Schnabel not�3 th�� on pr��e 5a the la�st p�ragr�ph� Chairffian Harris's name w�s left off' the recarded vote. Chaia�axi H�;rris voted. aye. A4r. Storla noted that on pa�e 9, third pars��raph should ree�d: "1�. Storl� stated �hat low income peopl� pa� �en tim�s ffiore of th�ir gross income on �ner�y than �...� the t�pper ffio�� incame p�op7.�'� . Change middle in�c�me to uppep mo�t inc�aae. � �� UPON A VOICE VOTE9 ALL d�TNG AYEe CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARE,D THE AqINtF!`LS APPRO�D9 AS C�RR�CTED. 2. PUBLIC HE.AR�iV�° CQ�T 1'T) A T�N �F A PROPO� PF2FT TMTNARY PT AT' P S �7� f�r(i (''bR,G �.E�I,TY F7��"r Ar�t�TTTpI� RY �aAY R taORtvr,���u�t� Being a�°�plat of �sll oi' $he South��sic Qua��cer of th� Nor�ch�aes�t Qaa.�r�ier o�° Secti�n 2� T-30� R-2�+� An,ok� County, Minne�ota; �xc��t the Sou�h 877.87 aeet th�areofs lyfra� Zaesterl,y �f Sta�e Tru�k Hi�aw�y I�o. �7, Subject to eas�ent for u�ility p�arposes over the Nor�h 2D f���t of said Souihw�st �uarter o� ��� Nort��rest Qu�rterD 1.ying 4deste?°]� of present 5��,�e Trw�l� Highw�y 1Vo. �7 excep� Eas-�erl�y �.15 feet thez°�:of, and the �d�st �(� iee� of �the Easfie��y 115 seet of s�id. sou�th�es� Qu��er of �the North�e�� Qua�te�, lyin� We�ter�y �ncl �ad.�jac�nt to West line of State �'�°unk Flighway 1Vo. �+7s �en�ac�l�y loc�ted r�t 83rd arad University Avenues N.E. M�I�N bY I�. P�t�rson' second�a by Mr. Lan��naelcl �o open the public h�sri�:g. �� UPOId A VOTCE VOTE, ALL VpTTNG AY�, CRAIRMA:V HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPE1V aT 7: �-o P . �. I�• Bo�rdmsn atat�d thia w�s located on 83rd between Maia� �nnd University' where the House oi' Lords was presentZy located. This prop�rty was �oned heavy industri�l and they are lookin� at an acre and a half parcel. The platting as la�yed out meets all th� requiremeuts of our platting ordinance. Sew�r end water is in 83rd Street and I�in Street and �ai11 be ex�ended down th� s�rvice drive, so �11 oi the lots are ^ served by se«er and water. Mr. Board�an stated �hat Staff felt �hat it shoul.d be �'stipula�ed tbs,t before a�y d�velopment takes pl�ce, the�°e should be a storm water reten�ion plan. On a11 n�w parc�ls� pl�ta or new developments� th�re should be on�site storm t�ater retention. PLANNING COP�fISSION MEETING DEC'�MBER 6� �978 �. p��E 2 Mr. Boardman atated th�t there were 5 lots in Block 2' and 1 lot in Block l. Lot� 1�nd 2 of Block 2� and Lot 1 of Block 1.� are zoned commercial (C-2). Lota 3, 4 and 5 of Block 2 are zoned induatriaZ. A�rr. Peter�on asked what the situ�tion �ras r�garding Park Dedication. Mr. Boardm+�n stated that �rith c�ercial and f�dustrial property, they take fees with development� in o�her Hord.s� they char�e i�t of� as part of the Bui].ding Permit. With sin�le i��mi]y i� would be p�yable aic the time of the pla't. With cammerciel and indust- rial it amounts to 3�. I�ir. Harris asked the petf'cion�r to step fox°�r�rd. A"�. Re�y Wormsbecker, 3200 N. Lilac Drive came forsr�xd and stated that th� reason they w�nted �o plat �Chis piece of property was that fi�rs� of all the Housc og I�rds was buil� on part og it and �h� City, Mr. Boardman and the S`C�ff� �aas inter�s�ed in having it plat�ted out so they can use it for £uth�r devel.�pmen�� and he was doin� the 3ob. .�l 1 Nlr. Harx�is asked if they h�d all the necess�ry easements on this plat. l�ix°. Bo�rdman tYiat he believed they did, and according to the com�ents fro� Clyde, they had sll the eas�anents they needed at this time. Aqr. Harris a�ke3 if there would be a need for any easements on the south pro�perty line. Mr. Boardman stated that they wouldn'�� that all neces��iry utilitiea were in the boule- vard are�. � Aqr. Petereon asked if� reg�rdin� the storm wate� disposal, it would be the reBpons3bility ' 1 oi �ahoe��er took out a buildi� perma.t on a speci�ic parcel. Mr. Bo�rdman stated that� in this eitua�ion, they would like to co�rdina�te the dra3nage between the three pa�rcels, and,3.f this was possible� they would li.ke to have it done at thi�s time. If th�y �elt they couldn't hand�.e it at this time' they would then have �to wait for the developtnent. Mr. Harris stated that be felt the lots were l�r�e enou�h to get on-site drainage. Mr. Lan�enfeld stated that this property was the s�art3ng point of their environmental tour s�d from his observation' did no� feel tha� on-site drainage would be a problem. MOTION by �fr. Lan�enfeld, secoaded by I�ir. Peterson� to close the Public Heari.ng. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARZNG CLOSED AT 7: 5o P. r�. MOTION by Mr. P�terson, seconded by NIr. Oquist to recon�mend to Council approval oY the requ�st to consideration of a proposed preliminary plat, P.S. �78-06, CABA Realty �'irst Addition by Ray R. 4lormsbeck�r; Bein� a replat of al,l of the Southwest Qu�rter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, T-30, R-24� Anoka County, Minnesota; except tY�e South 877.87 �eet thereof, lying Westerly �f S�a�te Trunk Hi�hway No. 47. Sub ject to easement for utility purposes over the North 20 feet of said Sou�thwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, �}ring Westerly of present Sta�Ce Trunk Hi�hw�y No. 47 except Eaeter�}r 115 fee� thereof, and the West 20 feet of the Easterly 115 feet of safd South- west Quarter of the Northwest Quarter� lying Westerly and adjacent to West line of State Trunk Highway No. 47, generslly located at 83rd an8 University Avenues N.E. � ' 1 � pLANIVING COt�SSION MEETING, DECENIDER 6, 1978 - FACE � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING A`IE' CHAIRI�N AAitRIS DECLARED THE M�PION CARRIID n UNANIMOUSLY. P9r. Boardman stated that the sicipu].8tion would be handled tiri�Ch the Buildfng Perm3.t. 3. PiJ�LIC HEARING; CONSIDFRl�TION OF A REA,UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP 8-] � BY STF;T�N HANSOtJA D B A MI";t�SCYrA P�`1'ROI.EUM SERVIC�: Per Section 205.101' 3' 0� o� �he Fridley C�ie, ico allow salee and service for the installat3on o� serv3ce station �quip�ent on Lots 20, 21 and 22, Block. 139 Hamil�on°s Addition to l�iechanicaville, the same being 5333 University Avenue 1V.E. MO'I'ION by PRr. Storla� secondcd by Ms. Sch�bel9 to open the public hesr3�. UPON A VOICE VOTE� �,LL V�ING AYE' CHAitiA'!AN HARRIS DECI,ARID TH� FUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7s 53 P. M. Nir. Boaxgd�n s�a�ed that this w�as ano�cher proposal �ox° th� old Metro 5� sta�ti�n. Mr. �uist �al�ed wha'� had h�ppene� to the sign c�amPax�y tlas'� �r�s thex°e. Pgr. Boarda�n s�tated �hat the si�n compan�yy h�d pull�d out �gter ich�y rece3ved �pprov�al #'ram City Council. 4�. Boasrdm�n st��Ced that these people rep�ir an@ caork on gas pumps. Mr. B�a�dman staterl tYaey wer� loolcing at �he s�me b�s�e imp�ovemenics �hey had discussed w3th tkae s3�n co�paz�y. They were p].annia�g on do3n� lan�.sc�p3ng �nd curb3n� in the front �x°ea, and � the�e �rou�d be a bo��d-�n-bo�rd scr�e�i�� fenc� �n the b�c�c �re�. TPae�e `�auld be som� � ou�side s�ora�e of equipffi�ni� and �a�s pu�s. �1�. Bo��°dzaan poin�ed out vh�t �the l�d- scaping and curbin� and �reen �rea in front will be a gen�r�l ixriproveaaent e� �the �reap �nd �ould b� tiecl in wiich the landscapira� of the Stand�rd Station next door. Mr. Steven Hanson, i2057 Duke Drie� N.E. carae ior�aard tand read th� foJ�lo�:rin� lettere "I�13nneaot� Petrol�um was formed in NI�• of 1975. I�iinnesoic� Petx°oleum is basically � service organization �hich does work for various co�panies �n�1 3ndividuals �rho use p�troleum pr�ucts. Some of the services �re px°ovid� incluae priva�e auelirx� systems' such as the on� we �re pxesentl�r doi�� at Lambert �umber in Fridl�y. We also do installation at apar�tmen� corap].exes f or their secondary h�aici.ng systems, �rhich is usually fue]. oil. However, a�ost oi our custo�a�r� �zre ser�rr�ce s�ations. The service� which w� prov3de include repair o�' pu�s Fahich people may h�ve ran into from time �o time, equipmen� breakdo�rns, �� do underg?°ot�d �ank and �uel sys-tem ins��].lations� we do piping, hoist iustall�tions and 1.ubric�tion syste�.s. l�st of our work is done awa,► �rom shop location, however �e do need a shop �ri'th �dequa'�e outside storage for bull�y items such aa �ir co�pressors, hoists, pumps, �niscell�n�ous �quipmen�, and th�ix o�an eguipment." N[r. Hanson stated that he felt they would be an asset to �he City of Fridley and �rould try �o Yeep tl�e px°op�rty in a very tidy �nd nea'� or�aniz�tion and keep it pleasing to everybady concerned. l�r. Harris �ske3 if th� outs3de s�or�g�e a�ea would be used basicall,y gor pumps in line for repair, or ii they were goin� to store tanks back �the�e or what. I�ir. Hanson atated they have an air compressor and �asck ha�mer which�they would store �--,, on thQ side. They also l�ave several 2-wheeled trailers th�y use for hauling equipmen�t. � The punsps they yould be stor3ng would be pumps they are holdin� for customers� or pumps �rait3� for r�pair, and occasionally new pw�s. A�Ia�. Hanson st��ed they �re goin� to ins�all � fence �h�t �ould be 6�0 7 feet high� to keep everythin� below eye level� and �uld be � ience you couldnot see throu�h� bec�use th�y �rould ]L3ke to keep pe�ple a��&yr Yram those �h�.n�s. PLANNIIVG COP�lISSION A4EETING, DECENiBER 6, 1978 PAGE 4 �. Harris a�ked iY they would be stor� cont�iners of �ny kind. . � Mr. Hanson etateri they �rould possibl�y be storirig �5 gallon drwms for hoiet oil and , 1 motor oil. They would want to keep the uraderground �torage tanks that are presently therE gor �ueling theis own trucks, and make use of them� so they would not h�ve any- thin� �hat dangerous above ground. Mr. Langenfeld asked ig there would be welding on the premise�. Na�. Hanaon sta'ced that they occasionally do minor �eld3.ng� and do have an arc welder� but would uee it very seldo�. Usu�lly they would do the welding on the job' away �ro�n the shop. Most of the work �rou].d be done at the cus�omers place, rather than on the �remises. NIr. Oquist asked if they would have a paint'booth� to p�int the pumps �rhen they repair th�an. Mr. 8ansan stated they ususally don't do any painting, other than with a spray can. Ms. Schnabel a�ked howr they would use the building, if �hey would be storing any vehiclea in there. A2r. I�nson st�ted they �rou].d have tl�e hoist in there, a�nd that they do their or�n ma�in- tenance on their �n trucks, and would use it for that. Also they would stos�e pa,rts axid maintenance type items, such a� ptamp handZes, e�tc., in the service bay to the noi°ich. Alao� in �he south portion of the building' in addition to repairin� their awn trucks� they would set up � shop to repair a��hirag tha� �ot dama�ed� sueh pumps which wer� run � into. . Ms. Schnabel asked how soon they �ould a�axt operatin� after they received complete approval, �and how soon they would st�rt cmnstruction of the screening �fence. Nir. Hanson stated he would move in�o the facility as soon �s possible, and as far as the fence, }se wasn°t sure what the fs°c�st situ�tio�n was. l�r. Hanson stated that �hey had a t3metable they would follow which included removfn� the �+ lights in front� re� mov� the concrete sign in the boulev�rdD remove the bumper gu�rds on tiae existi� isl�ds, take care of the concrete 3n front so they could p].o�, a�nd so no one would step in there. He would like to get -�he fence up this year if the frost w�sn't too bad, and �as looking at 1978 to get those things done, �nd would inst�ll �he gre�n area in the front in the apring og 197g. Also they would be fixing up an office are�. Ms. Schnab�l stated she coulci understand the hardships of putting up � fence in the �inter� but was concerned about �he gas pu�ps and such which would be stored outside ancl. would create an un-sightly situation for the residents adjacent to the proper ty� and gelt the residents wouldnot like it. Mr. Hanson ststed he would Iike to get the fence up before they started storiag a�r� thing outside, and if �hey couldn�t get the whole Pence up, m�ybe they could a� least get the back part up. l�r. Boardman s�ated that he had discussed they taith Mr. Hanson and told him it a�auld probably be a condi�ion that the gence be put up as soon as possible. Mr. Boax�dman � also not�d that Mr. Eanson had a jack hammer, which Wo�.a nei�. PLAId�TING CON�9ISSION MEETING, DEC�NBER 6i 1978 - PAGE 5 M�. ScY�abel noted �h.at Mr. Hanson wa� pres�ntly loc�t�d in Minneapoli�9 and a�ked �"� i� �hey would be c�binin� �all �heir iaci].i�ies ix�to �tY�i.a one lvcation. / ' Mx. Hanson s�iated th�� they woul.d. Aqr. Lan�enYeld asked if Mr. I�o�rdnian o� P�rc. Hanson h�d made the list on p�e 20 of the a�end�. Mr. Hanson atated he had ma,de th� list arzd noted that the gence taould b� board' not chain lfnk. Mr. Oquisic no�ed that Nca. 8 on the iist m�ntioned sicorage o� solvent. M.r. Board�an st�ted th�t they h�„d three tanks un�.ergr�urad and would use one ior hea'�ing ofl, one for the sto�ca�e of solvent' 8,nd one gor gasoline for their own vehicles. Mr. I�ingen.�eld st�ted ths� the C�ercial-Ind.ustr3�� P�°chase Agreement stated the o�fer would be null and void. iP the b�r�r did no�t �ccept the property "as�is"� e�c. and would 1�� �o know if N1r. Fianson had accepted •�he property "�s-is" . Ms. H�nson stated there was an a�tacl�ent with conti�gences regarciing the hestin� sys�t�, so�and constx�zetion, �nrl approval of the S�eci�l Use P�x�t� �tc. Mr. La,ngenf'�ld a�ked iP they xovnd a�Cank l�akix�g� did th�y report it to the Pollu�ion Con�rol. � P�r. Hansc�n a�t�ted they do dea1. �ri�th the 2'�A and are ob�.i�ated to notify theffi if a cus- „. tor�ex� even susp�cts a le�k. MOTI(?N by Mr. I,�ngemfeld' seconded by P�ir. flg,uist to elose the pubiic b.earin�. UPON A VOICE VO'I'E' ALL V�'I'IiVG AY�9 CHH�iiIRMAN HA�iRI5 DECLAR�D TI� PUBLTC HEARING CLOSID AT 8:16 P.�t. Ms. Schnabel stated that �� the tiffie caf the last r�quesV on this property, �here were several neighbors ��aho came and were conce�ned about scr��ning, and if NLr. Hanson were �illing �o scree� the rear proper-ty ].ine i�mmediately, ei�her prior to start of opera- tion or at the tim� oper�ation begins9 sbe �aorald have no ob j�c�ion. Mr. Boardman stated that if �Y�ey cou].d �et the rear screened9 they should be abl� to screen all og it and felt a condition sh�uld be that th�y screen all of it immedia�e�y. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by I��. 0 uist, to recommend.�to Cauncil �pproval of the request for a Special Us� Permi�t, SP-�78-13� by Steven Hanson9 D�B�A M�innesot� Petroleum �ervice: Per Section 205.101, 3, 0, of the Fridley Cacle, to �llo�a sales arla service for the installation of service station equip�nent on Lots 20, 21, and 22� Blc�ck 13, ii�milton's Addition to Mechanicsville9 the same being 5333 University Ave. NE. with the stipulation �hat solid screening fenc� be erected immediate],y on the outside storage area, and alEO the stipulation that landsc�ping be comple�ed in �he Sprin� �nd be coordinated and comp�tible with the landscaping of Standard Oil on the south side. /—` PLANIVING COP�IISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1978 -_ PAGE 6 • Mr. Langenfeld sta�ed that he would like to commend I�r. Harnson for his presentation, and felt that if hfs business was as �ood as his presentaicion� he would be �n asset � to iche City. UPON A VOICE V�I'E, ALL V�I'ING AYE� CAAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED Ti3E MdTION CARRIID IJNAIVIMOUSLY. . 4. LOT SPLIT REQUESr L.S. #78-05 BY DAId-LAN DEVELOPMEr]T CORPORATION: Split oY� the 5outh halg of Lot , and add it to Lo't 7, �11 in Block 1' Ha�milton°s Addition to Mechanicsville, gor the purpose of movin� a double bur.�galow on the combined area, located �just snuth of 5430 5th Street Id.E. Mr. Boardman stated tha'� this �as locate3 on 5th Street �ust eouth of the property they recent],y approved for a tri-plex. Flhen that reques� wen� to Council last Mond�y� they in�ormed Council that they had picked up Lot �+' as recavm►ended by Plannin�. This lot spli�t would be on Lot 6 for the developn� nt of a duplex. The duplex would be built south of the sin�le family house which was on Lot 5 and I,ot 6. With this lot split, trere was a variance go3n� �hrough presently. The variance would be on the Appeals CoIInnission agenda on Deceanber 26. They wou].d need a variance on lot are� and also a vari�nce i'or setb�ek distance irom the single faimily house. If they approved the lot sp13t at this time, it could be subjec� �to the v�riance approval by the L�o�rd of Appeals. The reason it was coming up at t�ro d3.fferent icime like this was tha'� they received an attorneys determ3nation on iche lot split, and his determination w�s that on lot splits� variancea should be separ��e'because vsriancee require public hearings e�nd lot splits do not. Mr. Harris as��i �ahaic the situati�n was with the �ara�e on Lot 5. . N�. Bo�ardman st�ted tha� the garage w�,s being moved to the b�ck of Lot 5 and �roula be tota],y on Lot 5. The split would be righ� down �Che middle of Lo� 6. M�c. Harris asked if tho�e were �11 �+0 foot aots. Mr. Bo�rr�man stated they were and the split woiLld �ive them t�ao 6D foot building si�es� at 100 feet deep. Mx'• ��'�� ��, 5�+30 5�ih Street N.E., �am� �ox°ward and 8tated he lives in the singl.e house. Mr. King steted that there was � double bvngalow in Niinueapolis that must be moved beca�use o� a hi�hw�y� avd they would like �o buy iic and move it in' but they ha�ve no�t yet pur°ch� sed it and were nv� sure they could �et it . If �hey could no�t purcl�ase this particular duplex, they �rould build a double bur�alowr on the lot. Mr. Harris stated if th�y did move th� double btuigalow in, upon moving it in� they would ha�e �o meet all the requirements o� the City C�e, and shouJ.d slso check into the requirements of the Energy Cale� and m�ke sure it meets �he Energy C�e. Mr. Boardman stated that the C3ty'� inspector wouu�..d have to look at it before they moved it in and also after they moved it in. Mr. Harris stated he brought this up because it could ef�ec� the negotiations concerning the purchase of �the double bungalow. � � � , PLANNING CAI+�SSION M�TING, DECENIDER 6' 1978 __ __ PAGE 7 ^ M�r. Da�n Couture, 251� Jr�ckson Streeit 1V.E., asked i� '�1ae lot split �ere approved and �hey could no� purchase �he double bun�alvw, and decided to build with �he se�e % � dimensions �nd ail, �rou.�d it be a problem. �'� Mr. Harris st�ted it would not if they had the variances �nd met them. Mr. Baardman sta�ed thie �r�a was zoned R-3, so the �oning wa;s corr.ect and pointed out that the structur� sur�ounding this proper�y ��as four-plexes and multiple f�anily units. A�. Couture poinied ou.t th�t �hey had °�he only iront drie�w�}r in �he block, �nd when the �arage g��cs tuxn�d �round, �they woul.d be usin� �the alley� so there wou].d �hen b� no d.riveways in the front. Mr. Bo�rdman asked how old the structuxe ��s that they were p].�inniaag to move in. Mr. Couture s'c��ed it was 12 y��°s old �d was stucco wi�h � brick £ront. �ir. Harris asxed ii� they would ne�d �� easementse I�r. Bo�rd�n s�ta'�ed he had talkrd to Clyde� and as far �� he knew' �hey needed no easemeats. Ms. Sc}znabel. s�ated th�t she felic f�his propos�l wauld be ver°y ca�p�tible with the nei�hbo�ho�d.. Th� only sing�e g�amily dwelling belon�ed to the petiti0ner9 a�d the other structur�s were mu].tiple family uni-�s. Ira te�ms o:f visua]. 3�apac�9 � doubl,e buri�alow would be goa.l on �hat lot. MOTION by Mr. Langenf�ld, second�d. by Ms. Schn�tbel, to recot�end to Cvuncil approv�l of th� I�vt Split request, L. S. �r78�05, by Dan-Lan Developm�r�� Coa°pora�iorn: Spli� of'�P the South h�lf of Lo�L 6, an.d ��.d �.� 'co Lot 7g �all in Bl�ck 1�., Ht3miltL��e s Addi�ion to M�ch.�anicsville, for the purpose o�f mo�ring a dou.bl� �ux►galoc� on the combined �rea' lo- cate� just saut�h oP 5�+3� 5t� street N.E. �aith the s�ipulration �th�t th� v�ri�nc� x°�ques�ts �re approved b� the Boe►rti of Ap�e�ls, �nd also th� sVipulation '�hat the bwtldin� meets the City of Fridley's Building �nd Energy Casies. UPON A VOICE VO'I'E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE M�TION CARRI�D UNAItTIMOU.SLY . 5. conrrz�: r�o�rr�v� o� �������rr: Mr. Storla no�ed tha�i ti�is it�m �d been tabZed. (. CONSULTAIv'T PROPOS�II,S FOR D(�•INTO�,TN REVITALT?�TION: P�TrIESI' PI�ANIVING AND RESEARCH, INC' DEV'ELOPMENP CONCEP'�.t' CORP�RATIONe LEON MSADSEN, PROFESSIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOP2�NT Mr. Bor�rd�an et�ted �hat Council wouLl.d probably be selectia�� a consultant a� �heir D�cember l�th meeting, and ri�ht now the Ci�y �qana�er°s of�ice was in the process of an �x��nsive review of the propos�ls. Mr. FIarris askEd i� they had rec�ived ar�y respona� from the local businesa co�unity or the Chamb�r of Cou�erc� regarding this proposal. � r. � Mr. BoaxYlman stated he had not he�r3 �ny response aa yet� and stated that at the m�eting where the consultents made theirc proposals, �b��t 70� of thQ l�ndown�rs were represented � and he had ialked to some of �hem after the mee�im� �snd Fred Lev3 w�s very interested in the proposc�la. • PLAIdNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBF�R 69 1978 �- PAGE 8 Mr. Peterson atated �hat in telkin� to busine�sm�n in th� c�mmunity who were resident r,�,� taxpay�rs, it h�d been indica'�ed to him fihat they f�lt iche big pusls for hirin� a con�ultant w�s becau�� the St�if and profession�,ls in City goeernm�nt w�re lookin� for ��` justification for plans that they would like to �r�ke pl�ce in do�ntov�n Fridl�y. Mr. Boardmar� stated th�t they had receiv�d a letter �rom �he Chamb�r of Co�nerce askin� them to look in�o this, but thez°e wss no push from Staff. Mr. Boardman indic�ted that Staf�' would like to see something happen �� far �s develo�ment go�s9 but th�y do not have development plans and would. not be pu�tting development plr�ns toge�her. Their 3ntent on the whole propasal and the way they wro�e the �rhole proposal was that they were looking for private initia'tiee wi�h the poss3bi].i�y o� pACka�ging land or mak3.n� land �v�ilable for development. At that point i� time, �n,y development proposals that would come in would be jud�ed on their own mer3.t by the City Council and the propos�ls per se� wouZd h�ve to caane from private developers� and �aould not be proposc�$ by the City Sta�f for priv�te deve].opmen�. Mr. T.an�enfeld atated th�t lae �ihought this be�ain because of iche l�nd north oiP City H�11. NI�. Boardman stated that it had s�arted when the Ci�cy Cmuxbcil was dfscussin� wh�thex° or not to purcla�se �k�� property ancl there were discuseion� with the Chamber of Copmnerce �t that time� and also with the business otirners in �he d.c�wmtown area. Thexe were a lo� of diif�r�n'c ideas �s to �rhat �o do with the land. available �nd a� �thast goiu� in -tim�� the Chamber of C�erce requested �hey look into the possibility �� hirin,� a consul�ant. At that point 3n time' Council statc-�1 �hey �aould �ut so ffiuch mon�y into � constalt�nts report ii they had a r�sponse grcaan soane of the businese or�aniz�tions. A�ter that9 the consultants lists �re put together a�ci sent out. � l+�c. Peterson stated that the do�anto�wn area� unle�s th�r couZd do somethin� with Highw�,y �� No. 47� looks to him that they have soffie very difPicul.� ti.nnes �liead just because o� t�ie probl�m of the Highw�}r in �erms o�' vyi�,� it �oge�her. bfr. Peterson a].so sta�ed ithat �f the Chamber oP C��erce and �the adjacent property owners wex°e so 3n��rested, wY�y don'�c tbey do 13ke they d3d with the Met Sicadivan, in o�th�r words' if they want Ci�y tax money spent on consultants, ihey shou].d com� up with pax°t of it' b�c�use they are the ones who would benefit. Mr. Peterson stated that he f�lt very few people would benefit �rom this study� other ����T tl�e business owners in t%e are� of downta�an. Mr. Boas°dlman stated he felt tha� the C3.�ty would tzlso ben�fi� because the City was sittia� �aith a lat o� acres that were undev�loped or und�r-deve].oped. This property is just sitting vacant and probably �rould re�ain vaeant ior a long period of tiane ar�l. the type of development th�t might come out of �h��e may not be tta.� type of development that wou].d be beneficial to the City. If the City9 with the support of �he CYiamber o�F Commerce snd the businessmen in the ax°ea can put together packa�es to spark development� wi�y not? Mr. Peterson stateci that he s�ill felt that the property o�wners wou�d be the ones to benefii and they should coan� up with some money and not take it out of the City tax money which is basically residents. Mr. Peterson stated he was no� sure this was a legitimate function of City government. Mr. Lan�enfeld stat�d that he had no�ed that throughout the documen�s he had noted that they would utilize tax increment financing mechanism and �rould like an explanation of that tex m. �� Mr. Boardman stated that t�x increm�nt financing w�s that it takes propea�ty that is pre- �� sently property that is at a lower t�x base, and throu�h the selling of bonds they acquire ` �the property, develop the proper-�y to a higher tax level and the difference be�ween the two tax levels pqys off th�e bonds, and then over a perial of years or what they eall " increments, those bonds are paid ofi' �ith the di�£erences in taxes and at �that point in �_� time� the City �ou1d be �ettir� a hi�her �tax level out of the property. PLA�JNING CON�dISSIOPd A�ETING, DECEA'I�F.�i 6, 1978 - PAGE 9 A�r. L�,ngenfeid stated th�t i'� sounded speculative to him. r� A�r. Eoardman st��� -thia wa� used. rs'thex heavily all over the S�Cate. l�s. Schnabei ask�i i� that �as done by re-zon�� the property or by i.mpx°vving the property. . N1r. Bo�ardr�an sta�ed it �as done by �h� Housing a.nd Redev�lo�pment Author�.�y acquir:Lng the property �hro�h borbds� they thes make the property aeailable for developmen� a� X number of doll�rs, and when the buildira�s are con�truc�ed or cosrr�leted' they go on t�e tax rolls at a hig�ex level, and the �iffer�nces �n taxes f'rom before anci �fter the develapmenic is �hat they use �o paty of� the bonds. So it is b�sically property i.mprovemeni; . Mr. O�uist st�ted he had heard. discussions•to the effect that it wouldn°t be worth doing any�hing to �ownto�rn Fpid.ley b�cause of the three m�jor shopping centers, Nox�th- totim, Apmche, and Brookdale. Mr. Harris sta�ced it coulci be a combination of 1.ocal shoppin�� of�ices �d residential. Mr. Oc�,uist as�sed who �aould pay for -the development. Mr. Boardman stat� priv�ice deuelopers �rould p� for i�t. i� � � A"s. Bo�rclm�n sta��ed th�t �his wa s a s�c�ged develop��:nt type of propos�l. Sta�e I wotald be a r�:vi�w og the �rke�ts analysis, review o� soi]., revie•� of sevrer a�n.d �?ater Loca�:ions �broughdut tL�e area. St��;e TI t�a1d be to an�?.yze �n econo�c feasibili'cy stuciye to see if it w�ould be feasible for �the Cit�re �hrough �ax i�acrcffien�; and. �other financi�l or �'undin� pro�rams, to pu�t t�g��ther pacl�a�es oi l.�nd. Stage TII wmu].d be a develop�ent p�ospectus �here th�y �rora.�.d put ��e�ther prospe�tus e tA send ou-t �o developers s� �hey could h�ve devel.opmen� propesaZs co�g bac�s to the City at the type o�" dollars �hey would be lookin� f or' ior i:he pack��es . Mr, Oquu�..st asked i� they h�d a�,y �uax°�ntee �a°o�n the exisici�g land owners and businessmen, that �rhichevex° consultan� they cho�se, �hey �aill �o �lon� with it and be �aill.in� to develop the �rea. A�r. Boax°dman stated the cQnsialtants w�a.ld �ork ve� clase],y with the ].and owners and businessm�ny hopeftally organiz� some �ind oi la�d deve].opment pr�ram �rith them. Mr. Q�uist stated it should come �rom iche businessm�n and land owners� not fxom the City, in orri�r i;o insure �hey btill back it once �hey are ichere. I�. Peterson stated he felt it was no� bein� developec� at pres�nt b�cause it obvious]y would not be ecanonically ieasible uziless the City camea in and Uail.s out �he present property owners with tax dollsrs, and wh�t they are actually doing was subsidizi.ng � existing property owners to get the property -to sell it io another developer a� � lower than realistic cos� und that doesnQt add up to him that they should be �oir� this with ^ tax dollars. � � -�-_; PLANIVING COMMM�SSION MEETING, DECEMIiLR 6� 1978 PAGE 10 Mr. BoaYdman st�ted they �ould make that mon�y up with the amount oi' taxes they �rould �et out o� the praperty a�'ter i�C wae d,eveloped-. NLr. Lar�enfeld stat�d that frc� the meetin� the othe�° n3ght where this w�s discuseed� he underatood that if Phase I showed it �ras not economically feasible� it wouZd end the whole thing, an.d also �he people he had talked to about this ielt that �Che v�ijor shop�in� centers �ere smoi;hering �the busin�sses economically in Fridley mnd because of that they wou7.d end up wi�h this type of study sooner ar l�ter. �ir. LangenFeld etated he felt �ther� was an ecomo�►ic d.eterioration goin� on ri�ht now in the City aL� FridleY9 and �hey would h�ve ico act to re�ri�il�ze �he �ahole economy. i�Ir. He.rris st�ted they had tried pri���e develapment in the are� said i� didn°t work. It �ppe�rs to him �tha,t the� need leadership and iche consultan�s �aould provide that. The idea behind th� consul•tants was to h€ave th�m tell the City what �rac�t they should be on. They reccmrr�.�nd.ed at the �eeting w�..�ch Council9 that �hey s�ta�e this eonsultanica bus�.n�ss in four s�ta�es �rhich would eoincid.e with the c�nsui�snts' phases. Aft�r each phase' th� City would �eceive a report, an�lyze i�t a�d then decide if th�y sha�.d go on to the tt�xt phase. Mr. Harris stated th�,t one oi the thiffigs �tha� bothered him about the proposals wes �ha� the langua�e regax°ding prices wr�s kind of loose. If you added up the top end of all tlzeir rangee, it add�d up to �42,000. Anoiher -�hing �chat bothered him was that the proposals implied tYiat in order to en-�ice a priva'te developer in here' they �ould have to �ive aw�}r something. It was not in �here in writiag, but was im�liede Mr. Boardman stated that he felt tih�y meanic tha,t the City would have to provide incentiv�� using seme of the financial tools ��ra�ilable to theffi to encoura�e d�velopmen�. If they use ��x dollars to encourage development, tbey wou].d get �ax dollars out of it. Mr. Peterson ststed he couldn°t see �rhat they �rould put in to generate �Gax dollars, if � i�t wasn' �c c�ammercial . , .� I�. Eoardman stated they could, gor instance, gu�t in a six story buildin� with of�'ic�s, residents, and lower comu�ercial. Mr. Peterson stat�d that could be done by changin� zoning. Mr. L.�n��n�'eld st�ted that they should contact some o� the �th�r cities that have gone through this. In �he city o�' F�rib�ul�, for instance, he was aware that it didn't �rork to have consultants pl�sn developme�at. Mr. Boardman stated they were present],y checkirng �ri�ih all the other cities these con- sult�nts have �rorked for. Ms. Schn�b�l asked how many acres ef l�,nd they wex°e �alking about im the s�tudy. �4r. Boardman stated that had estimated tY�t the �aoun� of' l�d tha't cou]..d be open for dev�lopment was from 30 to !►0 acres. Ms. Schnabel stated. that she was not recoumm�ndiiag they do it� but it seemed to her that $42,000 was not s lot of money when they were talkin� about �+0 acres. � , 1 � PLAr1NING COI�lP•4ISSTON MEETING� D�CE67BER 6, 1978 - PAGE 1Z �--� Ma. Schnabel t�Qiced if fche Chamber of Coffimerce or tl�e busines�n involved h�d bc�en � appro�ehed to come up w3th som� oi' th� mon�y. Mr. B�rdman s�;ated� to the be�t o� his kn�rled�e, '�hey had not. M()TION by Mr. Pe�erson, seconded by Ms. Schnabel to recommend �o Council that they pro- ceed wi�h a consultm,n�t' bu� that �h�y proceed with eiiher spec3�.1 asse�mment of the properi;y owners in �he area or �rith a cooper�tive financin� of 2�3rds - 1�3rd. 2%3rds oP �ax dollars and 1�3rd #'rom 'che �ropert,y oranexs 3n �he are� t� p�y far it. A�s. Schnabel stated �n �tte�apt should be made to try 'co encourage the 'businesa community in �he aree to b�come involved in a financ3�l �ray. UPON A VOTCE V6TE� ALL V�ING AYE9 CHAIRN�,AN HARRIS DECLfl,�R� THE MQ'iION CARRIID UNAN1fi�QLPSLY . Mr. Hsrris stated he Pelt they shou�d select the leas� erpensive consul�tan`t' Px°oiessiona� Pl�,nning and Development, because Phase I and Ph�se II �*ould be �he s�me i�°om ag�y of the three consuli:an�s. Professional Planning and D�veiop�ent would cost �15,500. MOTIOPd by Mr. Storl�� seconded by Mr. Oquist to �°ecommend to Council th�t they select Proiession�l Planni.ng and 3�eveiopment. � Mr. Lan�enfeld stated he would like to he�r �kaat other c3ties that have used, �his con- sult�nt had to say. He �'eZt Profession�al Planning r�nd Devc�opmen�'s presentata�n was � Ytoo technical snd i� �ras difficu.l� to understa�nd wh�at he ��as saying. /; Ms. Schnabel stated that Pro€essional Pl�nning anci Development tends to l�an very heavily toward �overnra�nt financing �Ti�h a lo� of the projecics �hey had discussed, more so 'chan the other t�ro. Not h�ving heard th� �,etual prop�sals rn��.e by the people fnlrol�ted witli this, she would vote $gainst �th� mo�i�n bec�us� shc� did not feel qualified at �his point to go al�ng with this reco�mendat3.on. Nia�. Bo�rdman st�t�d tha� al]. o�' t�� coxisultants wouZd have �to use som� kind of tax i.ncre- men� or federal funding. I�. Peterson stated he fel� soraewhat 13ke Ms. Schnabel, but hav�ng read the proposals, he �elt Proiessional Planning and Dev�lapment r�as �o�e realistic as to where �%e m�ney was comi� �rom i;han the other tt�o. Mr. I�rria stated he was disappointed with �the response they rece3vede in receivin� pro- pasals fx°om only three. Also he felt the consultan�ts who did submit propos�ls cou].d h�ve done more grvund work. P�. iiarris st�tcd he i�lt they did not heve a�ood feel as �o what -�he Cif;y �aas looking for' but may'oe iic wasn° i wausual at this poin�t. Mr. I3oard�n stated thmt Pro�essional P].ann3.ng ar�d Development had pushed for involvement of the downtown business co�nunity. A�. Langenfeld stated that he felt more s�CUdy should b� done� and w�uld not vote for � the motiou ^ Ms. Schnabel s�a�ed she wasn't agaiast it, bu-� didn't feel p�epared to select one plan / 1 over �he other. UPON A VOICE VO'PE, A�, HARRTS, MR. PETERSON, MR. OQUIST, A9R. S�ORLA VdTING AYE� AND MS. SCHNABEL AND MR. LANGEIVFELD V4TING NAY, CHAIRNiAN FIARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRiED 4T02. PLANNING COMMISSLON ME�TINGa DECEMBER 6, 1978 _ PAGE 12 7. RECEIVE COMM(JNITY DEVELOPP�NT CONINQSSION A9INUTES: 1VOVEMBER 14, 1978: �,.,� r � MO'�IOPl by Mr. Oquist, ceeond.ed by Ms. Schnabelt to receive the Noveffibex° 1�+� 1978� Community Development Co�isaion minutee. Mr. Oq,uist stated they kiad spent the tahole time goin� �chrough the zottin� changes� an�d hoped to Finish i� off n�xt time. UPON A v02CE VOTE� ALL VaTING AYE' CHAIRMAN IiARRIS DECI.ARED THE M�ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �, RECEIVE EPIII;GY PROJECT C0� A�INUrES: �tov��ID�t 15m_ ?�978: MOTION by Mr. I�ax.�aen�'eld, seconded by PRr. Storla, to receive t�e Nov�mber 15' 1978, Energy Project Commi�tee nninutes. Mr. I%rris stmted they had a�ood turn�caut and �t the next mee�in� they would �e].ect a chairman. He woul.d not be �b1e to attend the next meet3� and asked Mr. I�an�enfelc3 to lead 3t. PRr. Bosrdman stasted tha� 1VSP and M��.negasco �aoul.d haee resoiarce people at the next m�etin� �nd they wou]d �].so h�ve resource people �tt�nd the meetings re�arly. NYr. Langenfeld asked P9r. Harri� 3f he �w�s open for nom�nation to chair �the Caammittee. Mr. Harris sta'�c�d he wou].d do wha���rer the Camm3ttee wrant�d him t� do. � � � 1 UPON A �'OTCE VOTE, ALI� VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRSS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIID UNA.NIl'�OUSL� . 9, RECEIVE APPEAIaS CONIMISSION MINU�'ES: SPECIAL MEETING, NOjIEI�ER 28, 1978: A?OTION by Ms . Sch�asbel, seconcled by Mr. Pet�rson, �o receive the N'o°�ember 289 1978' Appeals Co�mission minutes. Ms. Schnabel stated they w�re still work�.ing on the �oning ordinance, but would not have another special meeting. Page 1 ref�rs to their concern f'or rle�initions for "Fe.mily" and "Occupancy Limi�" and had received a copy of Minne�polis° housin� caie and their definition of "Fami],y" was brie�'ly''they eonsider fa�ily to be pereons who aa°e relaicec�, by blo�3, marriage, �doption, etc., and fo� �hai there is no limit on the numbex of g�rsons per household. People who are non-related are 13.mi�ted to 5 p�opl.e per household 3n excess o� par�rats and children if it is � fosier home or that t3rpe of thing. I+�. Lan�en�eld asked if Mr. Bo�rzlm�n would bro�den hi�self regarding his coimnent on page 1� the last �aragraph9 regax°ding periodic review of Special Use Pe�nits. Mr. Boardman had sta-�ed that periodic r�view would crea�e=a lot of extra paper work and wouldn't accomplish mueh. It would be better to handle it on a complaint b�sis. Mr. Boardman s�ated that was what he wanted to say, and didn't se� the productiveness of periodic review. A�r. Lan.�enfeld asked if Mr. Boardman he�d found ar�ything regarding sta�e cales on � buflding permits. � 1 1�. Boardman stated he hadn't looked into it yet. UPOId A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CAAIRMAN HARRT� DECLAI�ED THE A�ION CARRIID UNANIl+�OUSLl'. PLANNING CONIMISSION NIEETSP;G, DEG'�NBER 6, 1978 - Pt�GE 13 � 10. �I�R BUSINESS: ; 1 Aa Mr. P�'cerson �tated tha� th� P�rka and R�creatios� Coa�3.asi�n had met on Nover�ber 27� �° but the minutes �rer�r�'t h�re yet. B. Mr. Bo�rdman st�,ted that hr�d made �pplication for IiUD bonus money for acquisi�ion o� sub-s'c�ndard un�tts for development ior lo�r ffiortgrage or �ubmfin��cfal mortgage rate housin� for law and. malerate income large fa�i.liea. At this time we have m�de a list o� �entative units �hat could be acquired. We ere no�C looking at condominu�s� but actual �c�ui3it3.on of the properties with negot3.a�ions �oirig on pr�sent�}r. It looks like �ae woul.d be eJ.igible for �32'000 for acquisition. C. There �re two LA�dCQN projects �rhich they ha�e subnnitt�. to Metro Cotaxicil City Planni� Agency. They r�anked No. 3 on construction o� a n�ture cen�er buildin� at North Park for �25090009 $180,OQ0 state and federal �onies, $na $63,000 �.oc�� r�onies. We ranked No. 5 tirith th� acqui�i'cion of' the Sears property �nd are in the �eg�tia'ting pr�cess at �this point in time' with Bob Shore a D. Mr. Peterson su�gest�d that they con�ider cancelli� the Deeember 20 meeting of the Planning Co�i.saioa�. Mr. Bo�rda�n was not swre snything had been scheduled.. MdI'ION by Mr. Pe�erson, s�cond.ed b�r I�s. Oqwtst to ca�cel the l�ecember 20' 1978 meei;in� of the Pl�nnir.e� C�ssion. UP�N A VOICE V�'Z'E' AIaL VO�ING Al'Ey CHAiRMAN HARR2S D�CLoA�iED THC Ni0TI0N CARRIED UNAI 1�`°NiQU�LY. Y4i�I0N by Mr. Lan�wxifi'elc�g s�conded by I�. Pet��rsc�� to ad jour�a. th� Decea�ber 6� 1978 meet�ng of iche P��nn�.ng �om�3.ssion. UPO1V A VOICE V id�E� AT,L VOTING AYEe CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI.ARED THE P'IEETING ADJOt�NED AT ].0:10 P.M. � R�s'pec�tFul].y Subm3t�;�ds %/�./.r`�i �% � <" ' -� :-,c._ K�athy Sh�l�on, Reco�rding 5ecx°�tary �1 � �