PL 03/21/1979 - 6650City of Fridley AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION ME[TING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1979 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE ALANP�ING COh1MISSION PIINUTES: FEDRUARY 28, 1979 APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION h1INUTES: MARCH 7, 1979 l. PU6LIC NEARING: CO�JSIDERA7ION OF A PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PL.AT� P.S. ;'`79-01, Jr'1Y PARK ADDITION, QY ALVIM A. P�ITSCHKE: � 6eing a replat of Outlot 1, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition; that part of Loi 32, Block 4, Lowell Addition to Fridley Park, lying North of the South 2.7 feet thereof, including the West half of vacated alley adjoining and including that part of St. Croix Street adjoining, lying South of Outlot 1, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition, to allow a three unit townhouse deve7op- ment to be sold sep�ret°ly, genei°ally located on the [ast side of Mair Street in the 6600 block. 2. PU3LIC I;EARING: CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAI USc PER61IT, SP r'79-02, 6Y IRVIN KORST� Per Section 205.051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, td alloi� the construction of a second accessory building for storage of an antique aumobile, on Lot 11, Block 2, Rice Creek Terrace Plot 4, the same.being 6871 7th Street N.E. 3. TA6LED: REQUEST FOR A LOT SPLIT, L.S. '-,`79-01, 6Y P1ARVIN AND ROQERT [RICKSON: Split off the l�Jesterly 74.99 of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 89, to make t�•io building sites for double bungalows, the same being 73�5-87 and 1295-97 Norton Avenue N.E. /`���� CCNTINUED: PROPOSED CHANGES IN CHAPTER 205. ZOP7ING � ,__ _ _ _ ;' 5. �RECEIVE ENUIRONMENTAL QU�ILITY COh1MISSION MINUTES: FE6RUARY i� 20, 1979 s', 6. RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCE COMP1ISSION MIP;UTES: h1ARCH 1, 1979 `'- 7. RECEIVE FIPPEALS COM61ISSION MINUTES: MARCH 13, 1979 �-} -"8. OTNER 6USIN[SS ADJOURNMEN7: czz�r oF FRmL:�r PLA;�rItT?G C0�"�rISSIOPi b^.[T'TITtr, � r�p.RUARY 28, 1979 CALL TO CRDER: Chairman Ii�rris called the February 28, i979, meeting of the P1Anning Co�nission to order at 7:45 P.M. ROLL CALL: Nembers Present: hs. Harris� P;r. Storla, Ms. Schnabel� ids. Modib (in place of NIr . Oqui st ) Members Absent: i✓a. Oqui&t� i�`4. Peterson, I✓ir, iangenfeld (arrived at 8:15 P.M.� Others Preser.t: Mr. Eoardm.en� City Plannex• 1. APPROVE PL_qTdP1I, s CON'�".ISSIOi1 hT?'I?TI`ES; JAPIU�1RY ?_�}, 1�79; Id0`"I01 by Ms. Modig� secor_ded b,y N'r. Storla, to approve the January 24� i979, mim�.tes oi the Planning Cotmnission as written. UPOid A VOIC�' V6T'r�, ALL VOTIPIG AYE� CIiAIRP�A^I I�R.RIS DECLE.RED T�i�' P�OTIOP7 CARRIED UNA�INOUSLY. 2. F,EQi�'�I' FOR n. LOi SPLIT L.�. �'-79-01� EY .�R�'IPd AD1D RGrF^ii' ERICiC°ON: Split o£� c,e �de�terly 7.��� f'eet of Lct 10, Auditor's Subdiv_sio^ i:o. 9� to make two building sites for double bungalows� the same being 1285-87 and 12g5-97 Nar�on �venue A'.�. h'CTIOiI b,y bLr. Storlu� seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to table lot split request, L.S. j;79 . Thi� item tabled at the petitioners reouest. UPOA; A VOICE VCIPE� ALL VOTIi1G AYE� CfIAII?i�AN ::AP,FIS DECL.ARED THE NCISIOA� CARRIED UNANIA:OUSLY . 3. COid'PIP?UFD: PROPOE'�'D CHpTv :B� "_'0 C'":°'7"?R 205. 70NIPiG: N.�"'ION by his. Schnabel, seco��ded by 1•;s. b?o3i�;, to receive minutes from h:em�er Co:n.mission� on propesed chunges and to receite the minutes of the Community Development Cocr�nission of P7ovember 14� 1q?s. UPC:a A�,'OICE VO'PIs� laLL i'OTIPIG AYE� C?�AZRi�iAN ?;ARTtIS D�CL4R?�D T?��' t�'OTION Cr1RR�D UP'AP�I� i0[ JLY. h`s. }'o;�rd�r�an sta�ed he Yisd �or.e thrc��h tl�e mirules of .:n� �,p�eals Conr�ission a::d ihe Cer.:�:.�nity Pevelop�r:�nt Cot�unis��_o-, a:3 recorded thair recou��ended ch�n;;es in hi.s boolc. The �nvironmeni:al G`�uali�y Conrnission had no� eade ;;iiy sPecific recorm�endal;ions, sa t.hc�� cotild discuG;; 'tho:e mSnutes l�tci•. M:r. Fioardrnan s-���,esteii th^;� �o t.hrotL;h the Look pa�e by prA,;e, the way the Co^�n:issions dici, and they could discucr, as they went slon;;. br. ltarri� egreed. Dtr. '��osrdmrin ,t.a�tr.�3 t,hey could then go ?.,ack t�n3 nic;ke additiena]_ c�r.;r,ents er chaaiges aPte� they had gone throu�h the whole bool:. PLANP�IN, COMMISSION P�P;TING FPPPUARY 28, 1979 - PAGE 2 Me. Schnabel suggested they receive the minutes on the agenda Pirst and then go back to this. MOTIOT? by Ms. Schnabel, seconded ty A9r. Storla, to continue the proposed changes to Chapi,er 205• Zoning, until the eud of the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE� qLL VOTIS�G �YE� CHAIfiNiAN HARf2IS DECLARED TF� MOTION CARRIEA UNANIMOUSLY, �F. RECEIVE F?LR�'1Td RESO[1RCEu COA^NTSSION A7INU`I'ES: FEBRiJARY l� i979: bfOTION by Mr. Storla, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to receive the February 1� 1979, �n Resources Coririission minutes. Mr. Storla stated that Ms. Swanson had reported on the activities of the Fine Arts Co�n.mittee. F?er report was very acurate. Also� on the .last page oY the minutes� h".r. titorla noted that there was a trainin� program on February 24th for the new Memorandum of Agreement. ^1he trainin; session lasted about 8 hours and the Human Resources Commission will diecuss it tomorrow. ih'ON A VOICE VOTE, ALL Vdi'ING AYE, CHAIRidAN IIARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION .CARF.IED UNAS?IN,OUSLY . 5. RE;CEIVE APPEALS COi�7ISSI0N MINU`ir�S: FEBRURRY 13: 1979: MO'CIORT by Ms. Echnabel� seconded b,y Ms. ?�?aiig� to receive the February 13� 1979� Appeals Conmmission minutes. � hfs. Eehnabel stated they had cpent quite a bit of time di.scussing the request on the substandard lot on 2n3 Street. This request had cone before the Appeals Coffinission in PSovemher� it went tiiro•a�h the Planning Cct�ission an� the Planning Commission had recctrJnended to Council that the request be tabled For 90 days. The 90 days is up� and Council had asked Appeals to review the request again because they had received two new pieces of inPormatior, After reviewing the request� the Appeals Comcnission decided they were on target the fi.rst time. Mr. Harris asked what the new information was. NLs. Schnabel stated that in :lovember they were told the house was condemnable� that the City vie�red the house as a cander�nable piece of prooerty and the City wou13 be inclined to condemn it and wou2d order it torn dotrn. Ii; tt;x�ns out that in fact the City does not loo}t at that piece of property in that li�ht at all ar.d thi.nk that the buildir,� is rehabilitable. They were elso i;old ve:bally at the P?ovember meeting tl�at approval of Uuildirg on ±his property proLab].,y would not effect the court case. They �rere told that this Fras the ooinion of the CitV Attorr.e,y. A week or so later, they received a 2etter frcm the City .A±to-ney in which he said it probably cocil.d effect the court. case. P%s. Schnabel stated that Cheir feeling �.*as Lhat there wo.ild have to be so much renovstion done if it iv�as to be just renevated. The structure �rignially was a chicicen coop and at some poizrt �omeone moved into it. It is :in bad s1•ane ar.d strt�ctnrn2ly it needs a lot cf work. The Appeals Somir.ission felt thst by permittit,g 1;his tn re done, i.n a sense, they really would ��e goin� ai a let :enovation rather ti�an allo�•�in� buildii:g nn s�:0 foot 1ot. As i,±r. Parna ststed on pare 8 of thc minutes, i.t �roul3 be a rehabilitat9_on of the l.ot rather than a rehshilitatien of �'�e i�oase, as op�c�ed to sCar�i.r.�r, oui; w?i,h a vac^nt 1+0 fcot lot and slle�rin� so;;�et;h?.n�; to be buil: nn it. 7'!:ev .eit t?iis s��s a real di.stii�eticn. They di.d noi, feel this �aould prejudice the court. case becauce of thi.s distinction. �"' i PLANNIIdr, COim�IISSIOPI M�F.TIP)G, F'ERF.UARY ^8, 197g - 1'AGF 3 Ms. Schnabel al�o noted that in this case, i;his was rehabili.tation that the neighbors wtanted� nnd in the other caEes�'the r.eighbors did not want it. D1r. IIarris stated he agreed with 2�"s. lierrick thAt it would have a bearing on the case. N1s. Schnabel stated their distinction was that most of the other 40 foot lots were empty and are currently empty. Thia lot had been occupied by a etructure that peoole have been living ir. i'or 20 some years. They Iooked at it as rehab- i.litation, as opposed to allowing a new structure to be built on an ernpty 40 foot lot. The Co�ission reco�nended to Council again, that thie petition be approved. � A;s. 2'odig stated tt�at if they were going to tear it down and start over, it would be a vacant lot at some point. M:,. Schnabel stated it would be vacant for only a minimal a�ount of time. It's not like it was alwAys vacant. Nfr. fTarris stated that i_t sppeared to hi� that the Building Inspection Depart�:ent said that it vras a marginal �uilding at best, t�Ir. Harris stated th�t the minutes stated that Mr. Clark said that the electrical, heating ar.d plumbing was not all that bad. Structurally, the floor jois+s were over spanned, tl�e rafters were over- spanned, and it was hard to tell what was in the walJ.s. 2%s. Harris note3 that the setback cf the'existin� structure was 20 feet fron; the street. t�is. Echnabel stated the setback for the proposed st.ructure would be 30 £eet. A'Ir. Earri^, stat.ed he �ras concerned about seversl things 2:ere snd aske3 Ns. Eoardiran when the Ci�y first had a building code. Mr. Boardman state3 he tho*.�ht it came arour.d 1959 or i96o. Dir. Ilarris stated he wor.dered how they got into this place and hocr they got sen.�ices such us electrical a::d plumLing. It had to be inspected by the State £lectrical Inspector. I�dr. Boardman stated the old itles did not contain much information to help on this que�tion. � Mr. Harris stated that the existing house boarders on being �u}f3t for human habi.tation. bis. Schnabel stated it probably was zr.d th� City would not a].low it to be renl:ed out flgain, but the ow�ier could .live in it i_f she wanted. D:r. ?i�rris �sked if the l:ouse was preseni;� v�cant. his. Schnarel si,ated -_t was. hlr. 1'arris asked vrLat. :!r. I?errick's opir.ion w�� on this. Ns. SchnaUel re�d r� portion of the letter fxom 1:r. iferrick dated idovember 24� 1979 3s fo3.lows: PI.ANTiIPiG CO2�MISSIO,'1 MI�;TING, FEBRUARY 28, 1979 - pAr,E 4 "As you and the member� of the Apneals Co�ission kna,�, the grenting of a varlance is diecretionax°,� wi.th the City. It shouZd be dor.e only where there are unique circw:.stances that i.mpose a bardship upon the owners of the pronerty. This hard- ship n�ast be one that wns not seli-imposed or asflumed when the bv,yer acquired the property. In this particular circumstance, it appears that there is a dilapidated house on a 40 foot lot. This, oP course, is a non-conforming use under our existing ordinance. Generally speaking, r.on-conforming uses are not to be encouraged. The intent in allowir.g a non-conformin� use is to permit the owner to use the property for its useful life and then to have it removed. In this particu].ar case� it would appear that the City's options would be two: l. To declare the building unfit for habitation and hazardous and have it removed. 2. To grant the request for variance and allow the construction of a new building. The m°rits oY the two alternatives shou]_d be considered by the Appeals Commissior and the Co•ancil before making the :Pinal decision. I believe that th° grant�_ng o£ the request might well create some problem for the City as far as eristing and £uture request� for construction on b0 foot parcels. If it is granted� the City would have to take a position that the circumstances in this case were different: 1) because there was already a house on tnat lot� which created a substantially greater hardshi.p on the owner i;han in those situations where ihe lot was vacant; 2) that the grantin; of the variance was compatible with the nei�hborhood and would not have an adverse ef°ect o� the proper.ty values of the adjacer.t prop�rties vr the health, Uaiety and welfare of the s�irrounding resic3Antial area. In erder to argne successfully the latter point� it would Ue necessary� to ha.ve facts and iigures i;hat would differentiate the neighborhoal in this situation from neiahborhoo3s where other requests ha••�e been made." Ms. h;odi.g noted that tbere y�ere other houses near there or. �:0 :oot lots. Nis. ScY;nabel stated there were six on that block includin� one immediately ad�acent. h"r. Hsrris asked if there was any available vacant property on either side of this 1 ot . A?s. Schnerel �tated there was no p:operty availabl.e, there are houses en b�th sides, aud the oiie to the north is a�+0 foot 1ot, The ho:�se en tihe 40 foot lo't is szmilar to the n.roposed structure. *"r, `?�rris st.aied that ir, this parti.cu.lar case, t:,e-r recor.m:er,dation was the best of the elternatives r�vnila'.:le. b`.s. Echna'rel 3tated they did not see a7r' � ut2.er way tio �o. If the;� left it there, it �aould brcone a nusiance, a hazzard t�nd ��ould have a deter:ie.rating effect on i:l�e nei�hborhood. Itr. Iiarr:is etqted he c-ns concerned thnt t.h_s si.tu�tion hss existed f�r 20 `�°ars and not?a=!?�„ was done aLout it� that �.i� this da5- Hnd' a�c� neople were livi:�r� in cilicl.ei� coons. �:-.„ PLAfII�IIPiG COPmdZSSIOTJ i4LT'CI?v'�F'E;Y.RUItP,Y ?f3, i979 - rr�GE 5 Ms. Schnabel stated that the other s:ide of it was the f�ct that the present owner was in a nursing home rznd she hus a potenti-al btfi/er. We don't know her financial circumstanres� but mayte �he needs the money. P}�ysicall,y, she is unable to do any- thing with the properi;y her3elf. If they denied thi�, they would be placing a burden on her, Nu�. Lzn�enfeld stated that in approving this request� the Appeals Conm3ssion should note the special circumstaaces so as not to set a precedent. Ms. Schrabel stated the;� £elt this wa, a unique situation from othcr 40 foot lotc because this had a s•tructure on it where the other 40 foot lots were vacant. Ms. ScSna�e1 reiterated I✓r. Barna's statement thai: +his ��as really rehabilitation of the lot. ids. t".odig asked if this erould go on to Counci.l. Mr. Harri.s stated it would. Mr. Harris noted they had tabled tre item in Riverview Heiohts. Ms. Scimabel stated they had because t,he petitioner was not prepared. DSr. °oardman stai;ed they had receired another request in the same area, just north of this one. Mr. Foardman �uggested that the °lanning Ce�mnission recomtr.er.d a moratoritun on buildin; in that area. N's. Harris stated they would have to discuss that issue� en3 make a reco.�mendation to Counci_l. UPOIQ A VOICE 1'OTE� ALL VCTIPdu AYE� CFi�.IR?�lr;It Y,A?2RIS DECLP,Ft�D N,OTI01'? CAFcRIED UNAt�IP,OUSLY. 6. ILCF,IGr CO?•1`.C�idl'i'Y D,^���,�,T�:LOPP'll.''TV'P i/_Ii4LT,'_^,q. FE�FII'L�?Y 13� 1a7cj: t:QT'I0� b,y Ms. i✓:odi�, seconde3 by ?'r. L,�ngenfeld, ta receive the February 13� 1979, Ce�mLnity Develep:ne:rt Co^,r�ission �inutes. Ns. Langenfeld �tated that on oa�e 3, the seccnd para;�raah, i6r. Zoardman �tated there �.�as an alterna�ive rontie to Csbcrne Road by dropnin,� de•,�m ar.d using 73rd Ace. ae soon as possihie pset �a�'i, P,iver Road. hs. Langenfeld as::e3 what they meant Uy "as soon es poss:hle pas� East Hiver P,oad." t?s. A?a3ig stated the3� were conceraze3 4rout tY,e char.ging of the stripp+-nb en t4ississippi an3 becauee t.he3� hsve a Iot cf bilse traffic, t:•:ey taant to ;;et somethLLt:g goin; on tUis. Accor.•din; tr, the �ra�� the bikewaYs .rere set up� there was the po�sibility that chsn�es �rotild have to re n:ade with reroutir.� and they wanted to �et goi�i� nn the alteriiatives . F"r. ?cardmaa statad that tkre wprd "par,t" may-be shouldn't have been used. ^_hey meai;t 't0 S.^.y n USj.ili'�'-, %�1".�. hVE,'. ,Z6 SOO'1 3F pU^S11?�e 't0 COT1riCC'�: llp �.O i'�!:t T?j.\'C'T' RC!3C�.'� � PFS. Eoord*san stated tY:ey c.oul-d use Co�.un�rce ox• {;},ey do Y:ave bi'.ce ea�er.;ents _.�; bet:ind the industrial propertiec that �o un i.c O�Lor;�e. �`T'l�e,y will 1�.�vc to use Qsborne e� l.ittle 1,+..t, ar.d cculd probat?ly kecp sour.h cf C:borr.e or. some easemc�ntis, to �et acros �. � i;he tract3. Iti loo'.cs lil;e Osborne Road will go tc four lr.neo ir. that ar�a isoo. So they 2;ad beit.er ;tarc nlanninp; ri.�;}it r�ow to �et dovrn �o 'j3rd. `,hey can �o on 'the stseet on 73rd. PLIiY�lI�TI,Td; COI�fi•4ISSI�'4 t�EI'IA)r,, I�EPRUARf 28Z i979. - PAGF 6 PQr. f?�rris stated if they get the singlization on 69th which Council apparentl;� pas�ed on Mondqy ni�ht, that wculd help. ' h?s, b:odig stated she £elt stron�ly about something heing done about the bixeway cn tdissie�ippi. The County said thef should have four lanes of traffic available there� but they allow parking so they still have only two lanes of traffic� and bicycles besides. In the mimttes, they indicated they would like to see something done about taking over the boulevArd area between the sidewalk and the �treet and allow the bikes to �ZO there� either on one side of the street or the other. Nfr. Iiarris stated that use of the boulevards was not a panacea either, because that puts the bicycle and pedestrian traPfic side by side. ?Iow could they keep them separate? Mr. ??oardr,�an stated that right nocr, on 73rd they don't have the type of traffic that they would need to �o off-etreet. k3ut they should plan to go oPf-street at a later time. N.ississippi Street would have to be off-street� on the sidewalk. Mr. Herris asked if it Frould be wise to mix pedestrian traffic with bicycles. bir. Poardman stated they could blacktop it� mark it with stripping and mark it bikes or pedestrian, ar.d try to keep them separa'ted that iaay. He didn't know if it �rotil.d work that well� but they 3o-i�t have room ior bikes on the ro�d. Their only a1i;e^- native �rculd be to eliminate bfississippi. Street as a bikeway syste�. is. Langenfeld si ated he k�ould be against a ecrnbir,ed biYe�ray�pedestrian system n�ar the senior area. PFr. Harris and Ms. A"o,ii�; agreed. with T'r. Laraoenf'eld. id^. Roardman stated they nad also t.aliced about ha�zn� the bikew�y on one side and the wallnaay on 1,he other, but they o�ould rti11 have the use of that facility for pedestriar�. Ii anyone wants to get to ?rolly Center, tL-Ley would h�,ve to cross over to tre r.orth side. i5s. E:eard�±�n stated that duri.no the revitilization of the dow:�- to4;n area� they could pls�n the Uike and �onik�aay sgstem into �he flrea. 1is. t:edie stated she �rould like io �ee the pa.rkinr taker_ off� bu1; they couldn�t teke the p�rl:in� ac:sy £ro.a the re,idents. "'s, i��odig acke3 if it was used as a fcur lane ro: d. Dis. �chnaLel stai.ed it �aas. N,r. ?�:arris stated 'that ir, the future t11ey might haae to lim_t park:in�. UPO^1 A V�ICE �OPE� /1LL 'idi'I"!G AYF� CF?al:?D1^iP? _I�"tRRIS D�^I,A?iL'D �:� P!OTIC;: CRl'vRi� U1�:1idl:'.01FLY. D?s. Sch;ialel stated ti:cy shpuld flct on tlze motion r.•n page 3 of the minutes. D:0'S70'2 l�v i,:s. .'ndia, second-ed by "'r. 6torle, that tl�e P1�nr.in�; Conm�ic�ioa recomnend thsti ti��e tilcew;q;� s,y-s�tcr.i be con�inued on I?i�;sis�i.ppi Street wi�;h off-street bi)cin�;� ctj�d to recc,*;;rend il�at c�n niierr.;^.�ive bilieway route fo�� OsLorne ??ecid be the t�.se of ?3rd :lvenue :�s soor, ;�s por,si.i;le �,ast Pas� :,iver ?��,ad. Ifs. Sci�:i;iLel ces::ed iP .in tk.e .eror:mei�3at-ioi. fox N:i:�sis;sipp.t St:�eet i:hey were tak�::�, a n^si�4!on a; to wk�ci•e it sliould fie. � PT,ANi4'IN> CO:.^,�II�SIOi; A'�P;TIt1G, I�'F:P.P.�Jl�P,Y 28� 1.979 - PA =F' 7 Ms. 2dodig stated the po�ition was to f+_gure out some alLzrnative to w:iat they hAVe. They had meni;ioned the uoulevaid or having it on only er_e side of the street. There really v�,acn't a�,reat sclution to any of it. I.onefully, the,y can find some type of soiu-tion Uecause even if they take the MY.eway system off� people will sti11 use it for biking aad that cou_ld be dangerous. Their opinion was to do something to elininate as r�uch dar.ger as poesible. UP021 A VOICE VOTE� l�I:L VCTIPIG AYE� ClGiIRb:�Pd HARRIS DECLAF�D Tf� N�OTION C!',RRIID U.T1AN'IbiO[,�LY. 7. RP�,CEIV� Enn7IR0;TfEr',iAT Q?IFlLITY CO^u�:ISS�02'T T9Ii�TiJTI:S: S�..P1(7ARY 16� 197�: IQOTIOrJ by hL*, Langenfeld, seconded 'oy b?s. Schnabel.� to receive the Januazy 16� i9?9, Environmental Quality Cor��nissicn rainutes� and the letter dated January 12� 1979 from John Boland oY the bietro�olii;an Council, and r�lso the letter daLed January 5� i979 £rom Claude C. Schmidt of the A;etropolitan Airports Commission. Mr. Langenfeld statad that most of the minu-Ces were items that had been discussed last time. Mr. F.arris referred to the motion on p��e 7 re�arding the letter £ro� the Charter Coumission. PRS. Langenfeld siated they had received the letter and had discussed and acted upon it. Mr. Ian�enfeld stated th�t the Couor.ission's next seri.ec of minutes wou'!d answer a lot of these items. Mr. Langenfeld asl:ed hs. Boardman if tY.ere was a:i ordir.ance re;;arding jun'.; cars becauee they had a eituatioi� ;�here tUe�e were 4 or 5 c�ars parked aor over Lwe �ears. A.lso,, i:here was a problem with raultiple occupar,cy in one part oi' a d�re.ltin�. People were �oving out t�eca�xse scme youn� people c�ere creating a Multiple livi*!g situ2,tion. Could anythi:�� be done? 2Rr. Roard:uan stated if.' the vehicle was opersble and had a curr.e^t license� they co�Ad not do anythin� abou.t ii. ns. °oardman a�ked P�r. Lan�+enfelc� �ahere it was located and sta+..ed he woald have someone look into it. P4r. I,ar.genfel3 stat.ed i� �aas located at 100 63r Gl�y. i"s. T,a.�genfeld stated the let�ers fro� the i�;etropolitan Ccuncil snd 'che i;etro�olitMn Airports Co�mnissice were re�lies fros� 1e�ter., he had zrs�itten to i.hem. UPOiv A 1r0.�CE VOTP� ALL V�'I_'1� AYP� C;?.4IRT_4_TJ {':.`�RRIS DT�CL1'RED Tf_r. 4i0TI0:; CtiFR:73D LRIa:'dIP+'OI.�LY . 8. FE^,rT\;E F,1,;�;?iGT FRQJF.C`" CG.T�+ffTl�' .ffS:tT;'LS; JAlvL'�SR'f 1`j� 1`-�7�?: 1d.^lPIO,; by ?.r. Lsr.�-An£e1d, �econded by r'_;. �'chr.abel� to receive the January 27, 1�7�� i:nergy P.rojeci; i.a:mi.ttee mir.utes. h;r. �torla asked wh�t O r�i.d P stocd for cn the last po�e. ?s. Fie;rri:; stt�ted that "0" meant oi.7. and "i'" :r�ani: propar.e. �. -. PI.t1P•T1II9G COt•"11I�S70'i `�fs^r'.TIP;;� I�L'R71l1RY ?_8� 1979 - �'Ai� � r1r. Lan�enfeld cbated that the b1r. flnderson mentioned in the top para�raph of page 3 Taas ��ith t9inn:gasCo� not �]u:'. i�� . Langenfeld aJ.so nvted that on page E ot the minutesJ in the fifth �ara�raph, "1?_,000 hour�" should re�id "21t�000 hours". Mr. L�n�enf'eld stated concern wa� expressed at the last �:eeting re�ardin� the goals and oUjectives, and deciding exactly what their goals �hould be. It was very easy to �et sidetracted on technical thiii�s. They will discuss �oals at their ner.t meeting. bs. Aerris broi:gh+, the fifth garagraph on pa�e 8 to the attention of the Couunissieners. Thie para�rEp2� referred to Che Ener�;y P,�ency. UPOP; A VOICE VOTE, ALi, VOTI:IG AYIP, CF.AIRP?!1PI FIARF.IS Di:C19RED THE MOTIOPI CARRIED UA'ANI:.-0JSLY . 9. CO?T"IPiU'D: °?OPOSED r?_n?dGES TO CI1sP^.��?f? 205. ZOItI:iG: 2�',r. Poerdmzr. stated that t9e followirg reccrunendec: changes were made by the F.ppeals Co:,raission aa3 the Comm��.r.ity Development Commissior.: 205.0� rsro� � � Pa�e 1, first par�g^aph: Appeals Co�mission :eco:nmended they delete the word "inorals„ 205.02 GOAi i Fage .l, �,`-2: Appeals Cc.r�ission recomaer.�3A� they delete this statement alto�ether. P':s, Schnabei stated they ielc thi� was word.y and reullq didn'a� say a:xyl,hin3 ,;x•eat and the <�oais should say whst �he 7oning Grdinar,ce can do a:.d this state- �:ent doesn�t do that. The Corm�lissiorers conctur.ed. Fage 1, j°3� Appeals ar_d Co�^�unity Developr-!eni recommei�ded this statemer.t read: n`I'O �)T'OIl'.OtC so�.;.�•.d land .�i„',ri3.,n�C'IDCTl't 3I:1�02' I'c�a2V°�Op11;�riG Of tl;e CO?L1�UI]].t�J��. `ihe �cnW,issicr.ers concurred. Paae 1, �j;�+: PZanning Coi.rui�sion recor,�ended ti�ey delete the *,:ord "ensure" and insert the �acr3 "promotc". Page 1, ;-5: Pl.ar.nin� Co:^<.,_ssion reccr..iender. tre�� dele'�.e tl:e wcrd "secure" an3 i��sert the word "nrcmote". Fage ?, �„`;: Pl�zm:._,�;; Co��ni_s�sion recorr�:ei:dcd they delete the word °asslire" and in.^,ert the word "orcLinte". j�!lt,f.` � f ���: l�;i ,`c30�TC'17f.?ri G'tCi'i�ECi �;12`j' �itOtLO CIE:�C'�E Wp?'C'' ncn.riCl�� A(1� 11]SEY`i. {+'Jl^(1 ��urin. Pa�e 2� ;=10: A�;�eai.e, �nd Com,u�:i;;y Deve?_opn:zn�l; x�econ�mc-nded th�y c9eletc-� �•ro:rd "�m�r�de" end in,;ert tl;e s:ord "mai_?tain". 7"ie ,:c�:�missior.�rs cencurred. PLAP•I"1ING COP�^.I53IOid LTF;E`PiA'G, b'EP_RUP.RY 28� 1979 P���% 9 205.03 DEFINITIONS Page 2, �E3 APARTt.�`FP; Appeals recommended this definition be retained. It had been deleted. D4r. Eoardrnan stated it w;�s deleted bec9u�e they Pelt the definition of Apartment wae clear snd they didn't need it. Ms. Schnabel stated they £elt when e reference was made in the text to something specific like "Apartnient", there should be a definition for it. Mr. L�oardman stated some terms were co�nen enough tl�at they felt it didn't need to be defined. 2ds. Schnabel stated that since there G;as a definiti_on 1'or hotel ar.d motel� there should te a distinction made and a definition Por apartment. Mr. L+oardman staied he had ro problem with retaining it. The Conunissioners agreed to reta:n the deiinition of apartruent. Pege 2, P?ew {�3 PRZfiRL4L S'I'RL�'TS: Comnunity Deaelopment reco�aended they cHange the Y,eading to read.: "STRr,�mS, ?.R'I'F�RIl.L". They also reco?nmended they delete the word "thorou�hfare" an3 insert the word "transportation". The Commissioners co�icurred. Pa�e 2� l�µ AL1Cf�0�Ii.E �4JOR R�F,T.R: Co,�.r.unity Developmer_t recor�nended they cl�an�e heading tb read: "i:OTOR VEiiICT..F P!�iJOR REPAIR". , Dr. Narris stated that Frould incit�.de r�otorcycles, sr.owmobiles,outboard motors, automobiles� tractor:, etc. `"here ic a bi„ diiferer.ce beiween tearing down a�otor- cycle en�ine and a au�emobile engir.e. Nr. Boardman et�ted that if the�e �aere boing to change �hat to motor vehicle, they should have a definition oY motor vehicle. lhey would Zi^�it the size irh�n t.hey get into what a �arage is. t✓�r. ?iarris stated tha'c was fir.e as long as they covered it somewhere. ihe Cor.anissioners concurred they needed a defiai.tion fer motor vebicle. Page ?_: Com�•,imit� Develop�ent quastioned wfietner they needed a definition for nT+:�O? P_T't:IC.T.E i�SI'r�_n, T.?S'PAIFi". Mr. Bc�rdm�n stated t:r_ did not feel tliat has necessary because ai�yLhing not covered under re jor renair wo�,ild co:^e unner n:incr repair. The Cccnn.issicners conc.irred. pa�e 2� ,"� E�L'��p;±p?>r;;,r. g:;��rT�L �C„iIO::: Co:-Ttinity� Develo�MCnt recoc�e_ided t�iey chan;;e the head ing te "?�0'i0^ VSiIiCT. � S',� ��ICE �T9'ilOTv° T'ian�ain� Oor�mission recor:t::endeG the definitimi be ch�,n;;ed to rea,d as followc:: "A glnce wi-,e�e fuel :.nd other esacr.tinl ,^ervices related tc� tlie o�erai;ior oP n:otor �o?�icle,,—r;i•3 re;n'lcd d9.recil;/ tc, the p�.blic on ��rer�ises, inr.luJir.;; rai.=lor servicii.g a:id repn�r, but not iiieludin� n�otor vcrl�icle r�a�or repair. �-,. - PLA1vTIIPtG COT�"dI.;SIOP: I��T:TITdG� I�L'F'RUAP.Y 28, 1979 - PAG^n 10 Pa6e 3, lst para�raph: Conununity Development reco.�mended they delete this para- �rrttph. � The Coffini.esioners concurred. Nir. HArris aal;ed where they were handling self-service garages. N's. Poardman stated that would come under the definition of mator vehicle major repair. Pnge 3� Old 176 AUTO 41RECKING OR JUNK YARD: Appeals had a quest3on regarding this. bis. Schnabel stated Apneals wanted a definition for "AiFP� SATVAGE� �tUTO tIRECKIIr'G". h7r. Iloardx��an stated that F*ould come ur.der deiinitior, #43 J[,i1K Y.'�E2D. Ms. Schr.abel stated that fi.rst of all they wanted "Junk Yard" redefined and secondly� they dida'�c think t:��at "JUPdK Y!?RD" r.eces�arily applied because most people use the tern: "Auto Salvaoe" in their tit].e. Mr. noardmt�n stated Y.is su�gestion was trat they use the wording "JUdfC YP.RD; P.L�O SAL�'AGE:" ard then say junk yard would include auto wrecking yard and auto salvage yard� but dees not include uses that are entirely within enclosed buildings or City Council approved recycling centers. ihe;� do not want +o have batteriec, iron scrans� ete., which is normally what weuld be classified as a junk yard. iie felt the;,� pretty 5?ell cocered that with this defir.ition. rfs. uchn�:oel asked if auto salvage wasn�t re�.11y different from a jw�lc yard. Ds. Boardcnan �taied that the main thing they lock at there was not �;he definition. of what a junk yard is but the nature of the operation: If there was outside stora,u,e af inopArqbl.e vehicles� which we ca11 junk vehic7es� that�s in the definition. The-refcre, even though they are salva�able� tY.ey don't salvage tliem within that ya.rd or repai: theM within that yard. An auto salva�e yard hold thoee vEhicles and sells those vehicles for salva�e elsewhere. What they have in eifect� ie an ogeraiio� ��here they haul in in�perable vehicles for sale for salra;e.to be repaired. Ms. Schnabel stated s'�e felt the difference fro� �z junk yard was thet in that case, an autonot;_le remains in tact, �rhereas in a junk yarci it would be toru apart in d?fferent pieces. Mr. Soardr�an stated :it �aae still the sar:�e type of operation. They are stori7g in- operable �-eaicles on a site and ��re'cher you :�sve an auto �arecking yard where t;�ey break doum those pax°Ls for stora�;e or you have an suto sa1�.�2ge yard zrher.e they don't break down tk:ose p,>rts Por stora4;e aad they sell the vchicl.e as z part, he r.ould lnolc at it in the se:ce r��nner as havin,; l,atteriec, eld trsetox•e or �:�hatever. Ixe wishes they had never aliewed tnem ia. Nr. L�n�en^e1d stnied t;hey could insert the words "r.[�tiz:e of operati�n" at the be�:nniu� of the defi^.it,iori, an3 in Old ��6 insert i,�e woroy "see Definiticn ;':�+j'i. his. Schna;�el stst.ed the An�eals Cor.w,ission felt there should be a separate definition for "AI,TO 54L�'AGr, AUTO FdIirCKS"dG" YLANNIN;; �UiM71551UiV I4':e:l'1�+G3 !�P�tYl�ritiY 2t5 lyO �'Ht;l'; 1L 2�1r. Roerdman stated that Commm�ity Development hrtd recomu�ended they el.iminate jun); yard from the cale. They're eayir.�3 that a jtuil: yard is no longer a legal use in any zone. They are exi�ting non-conforming uces, but there is r.o longer a provisicn Por Ctiecial Use Permits. Mr. Fizrris si:ated they were a fact of life. b`.r. noardrear. stated they had the authority to zone the� out of the commnnity. Did they want them in the cormnunit,y? The� can establish the sta.ndards o£ the con¢nunity. Mr. Harris stated they would then be a non-conformin� use with no provisi.on for a Special Use Permit, but ncw they do provide for i;hem7 b1r. I�oardman stated that was the ease. Nm. Harris su��ested they put a question mark on this 2ten and he would talk to Counci.l and see w?�at they wanted to do. Pa;e 3� A'ew 1Lb EASEi�iTP: Co^imuni.ty Developnent stated they had a definition for "EA�T�NT" and a definition for "CELLAR" The� reco?r¢uended having only oue definition. Is. PoardL7an ststed he £elt they did need two definitions. The Co.:.missioners concurred. Pade 3: Cc�nunit,y Develonment reco�.�nended. the �:ddi.tion of a d�fin�tio:a for "�Ih��IAY". T1�e definit.ion woula read a.s ioilows: "A designate3 cnrt'�ce for use of oicycies". The Con�i�^,ianerc concurred. Page 3, -j'10 B?JILi:I�Iu: Hppeals recoirm:ended they delete the word "chaitels". The Ccmri.ssioners concurre3 and recemmended t!�ey iusert the words °property oi ar.y kind" . Page 3� Old ��11 iU�LD;T�Ty AFF�l1: Appeals recea�mende3 ti?ey retai�i this definition. Page 3� ;�i3 CELLtt:�: Appeais recormended 1,hey delete this de'_'inition. P�s. 6chn-�he1 stated they d5.d not need this defi�iiiioii �ecat�se it was not used any�chere eise in the text. h�. Poarcim,n a�ked if tl�ey�used "E�RSE:�:.;T" ar.y-ahere else in the text eithex. He reco:�er.ded they put a questi.on marY, by "LA�I�.�'P�i'" and see if it was used iu the text. Fage 4� ;;1!+ Ci`�z'[?'3L: Ce�l?;naitJ Peveiegment reco;-r:ended thi� dcfiniticn read a:, follows: "Tl�e :iatrarai or ;:rtificial depx•esszo*. cf }:e.rceptil>;.e es�enC� with r�efinit:e Led:; a�:d Lat:k� to confi:.e and cor.ducC c:ate: ei�:k�°r cc::i:ino�:sly or pc.ix'i�slly." �K,,t PLAIJNT�I; COihMTESI0I1 I�7.TIP3G, I'I'PRCTAI�Y ?_fl� 1979 _ P!!GE 12 Pa6e 4, #15 CIIU:?CH: Comr.�unity Develo�ment recommended they delete the words: "together rrith its accessory buildirgs and use�.° Mr. ?;arriy asked ?;ow they handle accessory buildingU for a c:�urch. Air. Ecardman stated it �.�as ran allowab2e use. Page �+, �t16 C0; LEC�OR ST:iEET: Com.munity De-�elopment recomnended the headin� be cha.^.�ed to read: "STR�T� CCLI,ECTOR". They also recoTM.n:ended they delete the word "thorou�;hfare" and inscrt the word "transportation". The Co�issioaers concurred. Page 4, �18. COAff'A`PIBI�: P�`�. Iiarris questioned this dePinition. Prr. �oardman state3 the reason "Compatihle" was in there was that late: on they put in a clause that the City Staff would r]etermire whether so�ethin� was com- patible or not� to the area. Mr. Harris stated some of these orere jud�ement ca]�s. b'�s. Schne,bel suggested they u�e the dictiorary definition. ivir. H3rris sti;gested they put a question mark by this definition and come back to �t. pa�E 4; i;npeals reco�ended the;� insert a definition for "COP;DQ.�.InTU1�i" between ;j 18 and „'19. Page �F, ��Z9 CORI�i_', LOT: Ca°a..^�unity Development recomaended the heading be changed to: "iOT� COii?:�Y�'. . Pa�e 4� y�21t DOLBLE ?�'RG.dTAGE LO`I': �!ppeals and Community Deveiopment recov^mnnded ti�is dei:inition read as follows: "P. lot ��hich has oppcsite lot lines on two nor-intersecti:?� street,, ?'oth street liues snall be coasidered as front yards." Also cham;;e heading to read: "LOT, I�O�BI�r �RC?]TAGL". The Com�uissioners concurred. Page 5, ir25 D?�,LLItiG, LiidITED: (;".OTT.:�'F.-S?v'-L�1;? APPT?"Ci>�.:T): Appeals Ccnur.ission reco�mended t'iey d� iet2 tlze worde "t�:OT'ii�R-IN-LAFT AYAit7'i ;:T11"from }:eadino. Cosr�unity Develo^��ent Co:mni:>si.on recam�:ended �hey delete word "s�r;;.>,le-famiiy" ai-d. '_nso.rt word "oae-famil5". I?r. i?oArdnan r,oted tha� in ot3ler cefinitior.,, ti;e F�ppeuls Con:ni�sien h.^,d reco���e°�ded the �zse of "si:,��le-faL:il1" rat,l:er thar. "o:ie-fa.r.i]w". T'.�e �.ppeals Co�s:issicn al.� recorc.:.er.ded they deleie the woz•ds: �rZJ'_t�llri Oil2 ,.P,l'L'�I'n �1GT3�� . t�. Fosrd:�,ar. etatel tl,�t in deletin; the words "wi.th:n one �enere.tion" they irculd lon�e control es to w.l�o would use that ^:^artme�:t. Chey �`aoul.d have co�rCro1 bec:use. othe��c.i�e t.he,y will he�e a two unit he^e in a sin;;le family area, if that apart�:ert ic rented to just anyone othe�• thar. a"r.:otl�e.r-in-law". . �.,�, PLAN[�IIdG COL`�1T:, �IO1i p;G;E;PII:G� FFi'RUA?2Y 2n� 1979 rf:uc l3 Ns. °chnahel a�ked ��hy they would want to control it t�r lon�; as chey weren�t doing anything. ' Mr. P.oardr�..flu stated that in the Pirst p].ace, i£ they were going to have a two unit dwelliag� it .^.houldn't be in a single fanily erea. If they set u� two apartments, they are settin6 up c� duplex� and by allowing a"mother-in-law" apart�ent� they would Ue opening themselves up to it becorain;3 a duolex. D1r. Herris stated that without the cale allowing for a moiher-in-law aPartment� people would t�till do it without the con�rol of making sure it was properly ventilated� etc. Dfr. Boardman stated that by allovir:g it they ha��e the potential of having tvo fanilies i� one structure, which would ct:ar.ge the density ellowed in that area. Pdr. narris stated that o1d people do exiet and soin° far�ilies h�ve the need of havin� th�m live with tY:em, and they cennot i�nore thet fact. They cannot throw che old folks out onto the street. idr. �oardman noted that tY;e idea Df duplexes Y,ad been discussed and it was decided that they would not be allo.red ir. an ??-1 area even with a special use nermit. The City Council stated they w�nted to eli�ir.ate dup]_exeE ir. R-1. ?�s. Eoardcan asked if they should require a special use pex�^�it for "mother-in-law" apart�ents in R-1. Wir. ::arris stated that would one way oi cor.trolling it. Mr. Boardmctn stated that once the special use nermit was granted� they still had n0 wa3' Of cOntrc2Z�L� it. Mr. He*ris s�?gested tk�ey rethink their definition o£ their whole i?-1 area aad put a queation mark by it and he zro:il.d talk to Council and see what they waat. Mr. Eoardman sta�ed he Lad no probleu.rrith limited dwellings oecause tihat is h�ppening a11 over. hr. Rarri� i:oted that from the ener�� standpoi.nc� it might not be right to eliminate mother-i.n-laa apartments. :�'r. L.ngenfeld noted tnat the �r.er�y Project Co�W ittee mi�ht well reco;nmend i;hat families jo-n together to conserve energy. D`s. Loardman agreed t?iat the single °ami2y l:eme oras not ener� � efficient. *7r. �,oarcmc��� stated tl;et Cerumur.it� De���iopse!it had recca,mended ihe use of the term "one-fa^��7�" ar,d Apn�Zis had recom�:;nded t1�e u�e o? tkie terci "sin��1=-iami��". �'hich w�y di:i they �aant to �o? h`_°. �oardman r.oted tY�aG they d�d use ti.e term "two-family" h:r. Iie�rri, asked hoor ti�ey used :i.t i:� the i�'.aintei�.�nce Code. r`,s. Lc?u.n?�el sttatc-d tney used "one-;?,r:i1y". �'ut 'chrou�hout the zonir.�; code tex.t tee� used thc �term "single_,=ar.ily�� ';l:e Cc� - �sslo���.ers dec_ied :;�et, t`�e term "one-fa.�i.].y' sho�ld be used thro�_i-h�ut ihe text a�ia the u�e of "�inale-fa:nily" F�'"nzid be cha.z�e�i 1'0 "u?:e-famil5>" in ihe text• a,,,,.�. pL�ra.rzr�c cnrR�zsszora r�Ttrrc, �,�c�aY 28, i979 rncr lk Page 5, �E30 D4IELi,IiQ, UdIT: AppeFls Corrurissi.on recorr�ended this definii;ion be ch�..,ged to read the same as the idainten�rice Cndc definition for llwellin� Uni.t which i.s as f�llows: "A single unit providi.n� complete i.ndenendent living fncilities for one or more persons includin� pex�^.anent provisions for livin�, sleepir.g� eatin�, cooking and sanitation." The Commissioners concurred. Page 5t ;;�31 FAtdILY: The Appeals Commission recommended this dePinition be changed to read t.he same as the D',inneanolis dePinition £or family which is as follcnrs: "An individual or two (2) or more persons related by bloa3, marriage, or adoption� including foster children and bonafide domestic serv�,nts employed on a£ull time basi.s by the fami� in the dwelLr,g unit� living togettier ae a siu5le house- keep9.ng unit ia a d'.*elling Luii.t and also inclading rocmers, provided that the family pluc the roomers shall net exceed a�tota]. of £ive (5) persons, nrovided further tha* the limit of iive (5) persons shall not app�y for the entire group li�iing in the dwellin� vnit consists of persons related by blood� marria;e� or adoption� includir.� Poster children and domesti.c servaats� or a family consistin� of parents ar_d children and other persons �aho all lis�e to�ether a� a sirgle houseY.eenin� unit {not as landlord a:�d ;;enant), sharing all exnenses o� �he family, ard who are men;bers of a£ederal tax.-exempt non-prcfit or�ani2ation; provided the total numbers of persors other than parents a:d children shall r.ot exceed five {5) in numt-er." `i'he Conmissioners concurred. %?s. Schnabel sug�ested ?•r. Doard�r_ checic {;o see if the Si;a�e 1aw says 5 or 6. N:r. 3oardma� stated that applies to �roun :�omes and was covered in the definition. Page 5, �ir3?� ;�f33� r3�, �''35� 9;-36• Delete the word "means" from all these definiticns. �'he Co�unS.�sicners concurred. Page 5� !f37 GfuRAGS'� P�2IVATF,: The °lanniag Cownissioners recoramended they delete the o;ords "recreational equiprcent by the resi.d.�nt of the property" and i.nsert the words "other personal property of the resiflei:�." Fage 6, 3�38 GI;`�l�GE, PUBiIC: t•4r. Roardsran reco�mer.ded tbey delete the words "o�her thar a privs.te �arage". The Comt:ission�rs concurred. Page 6� ,.=�=39 GAR.;.1;� REPAII2; The ApPP�ls Commission .".ad questioned •chis definition. h?s. Sct,r.aUel �t�ted t1:at .4ppeal^ felt i�hat �;`3u ai�d ;-'LO zras very ;i_milax� to ;;'4 and �5• r.r. Foardm:;r. state3 that tl�e dif£erence was tl^.at this was the nlace o£ an activity� where j'!F ;�n:: ; 5 was the activity. �� ua�e 6� ;plh? GF,R„C:P'..� LAR:;E RE?ATR: Change hee:di.ng t0 re�d "Gl�'HG�`y F�AVY DL?SF IZ�Pt;IR'� The Ceim�rSesieners concurred. FF�;e 6, Old ;;-�27 Gi'E5T RGOi�i: ReLai.�i this ciefinitio:; bncr���.se i.'t i s used in the i;ek:t. The Co?:.irrs�iar.er^, r.oncu�-red. PLl1ND?IS1G COD�-IZSSI0�1 ML'F`PIT?�=, FFTRUP.RY 2E� 1979 - p�GF 15 PAge 6� �h2 ?iON� OCCIIPA`.iIG:1; Nr. fiarris questioned this dePinition and whether they could enforce it. Mr. Langer,feld stated that insurance co�anies u�ed a very similar definition. hir. Poard:nan stated that they have enforced it and had lePt out parkin� which wauld Ue in,serted. The Com,missioners a�reed to the definition. Pa�e 6, Old �9 f?OSDIT�L OR SAi�;l�'l:.RlUii: .It was 2eceom�ended they retain this deY:initior. Page 6� Old ,•�30 HC1'EL: It was recommended they retain tt±is dePinition. Page 6, y;=43 JU:IK Yr^.RD: They hsd put a question mark on this earlier in the discu::sion. Pa�e 6, �44 I�T?.�EL: b�s, Eoardmasi stated that in the old ordSr,ance a l:ennel is not alloored in a residential are�. In other words, if a resident has three or more do�?s or c�;cs� that wou].d be defired as a ker,nel, and u kennel is not allow°d i.n a residenti�.l area. Theretore, a resident cannnt have 3 or rore ca�.s or dogs. P?o.r.e than 3 cats �.rould he ^;.assii?.ed as a keAznel. Ii"i;?�ej alicwed a 1oi okn�r to have Licre than 3 dc:�_� he would have to get a l:en?ze1 li.cense a.nd �here would ha��e tc oc sar.:e cen+rol ever t,he operat>o'si of' that kenneL PFu . Harris :.tated he clid. r.ot 1=ke i;h� �_dea of al2�ai.ng ar.yba'y to c;�m more than 3 do�s in any resider.tial zcne� other thar, puppies. bir. Eoardm.an =tate3 tiiey r�3 proble�s with this Lefore ar.d had discuseec� allowin� kennels with c�:�rols e�.ich as nlace-;ent of the ke�nel on the lct, etc. He had no p,oblen tiith not allowing Y>enu�ls in .re�:;dei�LiaZ zones. �he o1d or4.`sance does not allow i.z. The Cor,aaissio:,ers a�reed to retain the old de°inition and i.nsert_tLc words "a��d cats". P3�2 7) '�`-�j K"i`.°%�'"�i�: CCi,^•�''.iC.��.CIt�T�: 1'i72 CO.^TGi �57.0."1C.'J.^S �t,-�,Y'22d i3O Ci.C1.CtE' �;}:�:L& (iCil.:ll{�i0'1. Pa�e 7, �ld ;;�32 Z:':i'C��ITCRY: St �.•�s reco:mseriled the5- retain this dePiniiion. °a�z 7, ;''��:8 LC�P.L .�_,_T1S: Change he�ci���; to re^d: "STR�TS, L��^.Ln anu delete tllB 4IC:].'�i ��t.`:O.O'-�;]°3T'@�� 8iC1 1ri5C'�:"�(. 'r,L'2 F7CY'C3 �Li,TflPISj)Q"tL3.i•i0_7n. `i��e Co:r:.issior.e�•s ccncnrred. � on�q �� , �is�T.�. ..�a�i�. :.��'.F �-.n :Il:SG�_.,.2r•�. r'T'ECC� t0 C�'7.71�(➢ t�"'9 i, ��._..lOY� �O read r�s fol2�ws: ' ru �.rea of a t�r�l�;i:�� dPaignea to Le ix�oP. ios ]_ivi..��, pa�'- �.�OiCS SitC�i 86 �E`=9i0iJ.^.;;:��Cl ll�ii� T'CG.l3y 1-4'.I?� �OCP75 17t11C�7 t3P� U.54(� fQP f��:'�,�Zj� 'Ll!lI'i?OSP S . ' ' PLA.:III:+G CO;�'.ISSIQ�J N�TTIi:G� FTP:RJ�RY 28 1979 PflGE 16 Pege 7, �f�i9 LOT: Cormnuni-ty Development Comr:iseion questioned thie dEfinition. b1r. iiarri� stated that he did not feet that "B" was a correct stater�eni; and sug�ested they should change the heading to buildin� site. htr. boardman re�d the definition £ram the bizilding code for "lot". The Co*nmissioners aoreed to change the word "loi" to "buildin� site" and Mr. Board�ran will check with Darrell Clark to see if that vrould 'ae a problem. D':�'PICid by ids. Schnabel� seconded by P�r. Langenfeld to continue the proposed changec to Chapter 205. Zonin� until the next meeting. UPORT A VOICL�' VO`I'E� ALL VQTING Al'L''� CI-�FeIRP�llaiu HAF<.RIS DECI,AR ^T.� lilE MOTION CARRIED UidAi•iII'%0:.`SLY . 10. 07':LR BUSI'I�'SS: � Mr. Lan�enield asked if Council hzd taken a��y actS.or, re�ardin� their recom�!:endation to '.:eep £ee ir_creases to 7`�. b'x. .�arris stated they did have a consensus of opi.nion. Trey did reach an agreerrent. Ns. Lan�enfeld asked if they would pick un the Centrel Cit;� Development on the next agenda. iFS. I?arris stated trey had st2rted on it a*_i3 there iaas nothing for then to do. Nr. Fo&rdman stated he would keep them informed. Nir. Sto;la noted they had not read the tax increment financing at the time they vote3. D`:r. H;,rris stated crat w-a� correct and before the Plauning Cor.�issicn took an off�cial stand, they tirould �rani� cn discuss it. Ee reauested it �e put ur. the next agendn. h'r. _oardman steted hc t���uld ta:ce ct�re of tY.•�t. Mr. I?ar.ris stated they were �F'tting e lot of requ�sts to build single i2mily imi'�s or sur;ta�;dr,rd lots ir the ilood ;?l�in z�^ea of Riterview ftL'_c;hts. :_e as?:�d ho�: m2n;t psrcel� s�e:e Qvaila:,le ther.e. "��, ��,oardman �tated there were arov��d 7 or 8 buildir� sites in the actual floc�3 plain area. ;.�, �rr� s sts*ed t.h�t in �?rli�in� t'�rc;�.i;,`� ttiere, hr-_ nate� that ever,v�?ae of the;: r.^d a pro�7.e7 of sc�,.e sort. They nre st �in�c to �et a 1ot of ir��,vesi.s t�ecausc� b•,zildir_p sitcs in Frid7.ey ax•e silort. mne,r pres?nt,ly have t;ro reqnests a�ad the bui].d�r� s�tes are `�0 b,Y 7.17 ��i:;.ch i.s a pretty srr�l7. loi;. ??I,A2dPII.1C COP;t4TSSI0:d h'EETIIlG, Y'EBRU4RY ?_S, 1979 _ - PAGL 17 i✓a�. Langenfeld Ftated he thou.aht th�,y wcre ,r,oing to handl.e 'them on an individual basis. i1e did not feel they cou]d etart denying now. They had neve-r denied befox�e. Nn'. Harrie stated he felt the City snoc•1d set a golicy on lt as to wh2t they w311 and will aot allcra He felt they should pase a resolution asl:in? Council to declare a moratoriur on bui.lding per-mita on the flood pla.in in River-view fiei�3hts, uiitil they could �et som� data togei;her and set up some criteria for what they would a11ow there. Mx. Boardman ststed that the criteris was ulready established ar.d iY they could meet the requirements, they could i�uild. 1dr. I,angenfeld noted that i.n all previous requests in that area, he had stated that the burden was on the petiti.oner, not t1;e City. IIe was in iavor ei a moratoriw�� and sug�ested Mr. Harris approach the Council and discuss it with them. t40TI0:i by N.s. Sehnabel, seconded by IAr. Ian�eri£eld� the Chairr�an oY t?�e ?'lsnning Ccmmmission approach the Ccuncil at their next re��zl�r meeting to discuss with Cow:cil the poss:ibil�t,� of declarir�g a ncratorium os. buildin� in Rivervi.ew i'lood plain area until such time as data can be collected and a study raade tc dete_rminc whether or not buildin� snould be pernut�,ed in that area _n the future. A�. I,an�enfeld siated he *.aould 1i.ke the moratorium established for 60 days. "hey �rould be he3pir.� the persou who want to build on it by maLin; then orait so they don't get ti�ashed away. bfr. Boardman ncte3 thai t�e data *.��s already ccl7.ected and wouid iike to know exactl;/ irhat dafa +hey 4�ant, f'e siated they co�.:1d lcok a.�t the alteriiacives for development. t;r. ?iarris stated trey should just go to Cou�cil and as?t ther� ahat they war,i to do with these 1o�s. AIr. �oardman sug;;eszed they raquest a moratorium on all deve7.oyment in the iloa3 �lain a:?d thzi; the City should look et the possibil.ity of putt_n� an o�,i;ion c� 'the acquisition of ail of t�e hcuses ir; the floo3 p1.F,in area z�ret� they co��e izp for sale. D'.s. wchr.abel stai:ed �h� d�:_d ret L':c^ ',`��e idea oP the City ge�tin� into �l:at kind of business. Ir. I:oardman st�ted that in o,�der tc m�'.:e the area a',ui-ld=:ble are� t.hey have to fill it ar.d the prci:;]er.; is ti�at tit is t;•�npen;.n� pi.ecc,r�ea1 i:i o. rr.ado:n p�ttern ornicn ca�i. es drain��e proble�:ns. =P ihe City gtu•�L�se1 �tP:e entise ax�es, �t�ox�e doVn� the exis�::.g .".on;e^ and Pilled the wl;ele a-ea �jt or:ce� they couln reseil ihc l.oc� as builc'able lo'�s. P4e. �cnnat�el ste.�2d trst i;a��be tue cit zens of ;ridley did no� ::�.:, that. P�;r. Harr�s st�te�? �h.he5� �:oul.d havc �to talk tu Council.. � UPON n 001�CL VOS'Ea ALL �OTli�t2 r,!'�S, CI .I32�`.'; ",pa,IS D���L,u'�.�D '�IiP T�:OTIO�; C3R�Slill U::AP:Ii�rt00� LY . � PZA1dPIITtG CO`.�2;I; S�0?; J�i�'PI?d�, F'EI',RU�PY 28. 1979 - P�GF 38 Cha:irman IIarri.s declared the Februsiy 2E3� 1979� meetin6 of the Planni.ng Comtnission ad,journed at 11:30 P.M• Revpectful.ly Submitted: �.� <r �'/ f„L-- i'/��/�,i ,�i � 6: _ ... Y.a,.hy �,*el.toa, � eco:d ^g Secretary . CITY OF FRIDLEY PL/�IdPiING CObfhffSSIOP; D'�TSPiG, MARCH 7, 1979 CALL TO ORDER: 14 Chairman Harris called the N.arch 7� 1979� meeting oP the Planning Co�ission to order at 7:3� P•M• ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Storla, Mr. Oquist� Mr. Harris, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Peteraon Members Absent: Nm. Langen£eld (arrived at 8;�+5 P.M.) Others Present: Mr. Boardman, City Planner 1, REQUEST FOF, A LOT SPLIT� L.S. �79-0'� BY t�LRVIN ASID ROIIE�iT ERIC?{SON; Spl3t oif the ��esterly 7.99 feet of Lot 10� Aud. �ub. Pdo. 9� to make two building sites Yor double bungalows� the same being 1285-II7 and 1295-97 i�'orton Averue NE. This item was tabled at the February 28, 1979 neetin� at tbe petitioners request. It remair.ed tabled at this meeting. 2. CO2Fi'I_NU�'.,D: PROPO�ED CHAPI^,ES IN CHh.PTER 205. ZONIItiG: 205.03 DEFIi1ITI0NS Page 8� �53 MOBILE ?IOP� PARKS: Covununity Developraent Commission recoaanended the words "trailer park" and "trailers" be deleted. The deiinition would then read: "An apnroved area for the parking of occupied mobile homes." Page °, Old �43 MOTEL (TOURIST COURT): Appeals Co�nission recom.n;ended this definitisn be retained. Page 8, �'-55 NURSI,i� H0.7E: Cou�unity Development Commission recemmended the words "A nursing home shall mean" be deleted. Page 8 ��56 OBSTRUCTIOPI: Appeals Commission and Community Development Co�isszon recommended the word "means" be deleted. Page 9: Appeals Commission recommended a definition for "OCCUI'ANCY LIMIT" be in�erted after �56. The definition would read as follows: "For the purpose of health� safety and wel£are� the required msximum ratio is two {2� persons per bedroom in s flwellin� unit." Mr. Peterson stated they had discussed this and had obtained a definition from btinneapolis which took care of thi�� so did they still need a definition for occuparcy limit. Mr. �oardri.an atated they had a definitioi� for "family' snd there is a difference between "family" and "occupancy lir,:it". 2's. Poardman questioned occupancy limi� because what would be the rules and ^egulations that would limit an oceupancy limit. Right now, they look at overcrowded coaditions, but overcrozaded condi.tions Are not necessarily against the zonin� lawe� and he d.id not feel this was the location for oceupancy limit. 20 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIA?G� MARCH 7� 1979 PAG'� � Mr. Boardman stated he did not know how they could control occupancy limit. Mr. Harris stated he did not know how they cou2d control it either. Me. Gnbel stated she wes not at the meeting r�hen the Appeals Co�ission developed this definition� so could not coffinent on it. Mr. Iiarria stated if they cannot enforce it, it should not be there. He svggested it might be more appropriate to have it in the Maintenance Code or someplace e1se. Mr. Eoardman stated he would question even that. The only time an occupancy limit would be worth anythiag to them wou2d be i£ they were judging or looking at over- crowding for the purposes of the Housin� Authority. Mr. Peterson stated there was a certain integrity within a family unit that is not governments role to disturb. Mr. Peterson stated he recalled that this question came up at the request of some departments within the City where they were having difficu2ty with rental areas specifica).ly where non-related people were living in a house and causing problems with neighbors} and they had nothing in the code to deal with it and this was an attempt to deal with ic. fie could see it someplace where they would be dealing with rental iwits, but really would not like to see it regarding famil;/. Mr. Boardman state@ that if a landlord had a problem with tenants� he could determine how many people.would 13ve there. Ms. Gabel stated she would discuss it at the next Appeals Conunission meeting and report baek. • Mr. Eoaxdman stated the definition oP family was a goal one and relates to five unrelated persons who can live in a household as a Yamily� ar�ymore than 5 in the household canr.ot live as a family, unless it would be a g.roup home situation where 1 person was taking care of 5 people. ' 4r. Peterson stated that in that case, the definition of occupancy limit �as redundant and unnecessary. • Mr. Pasrdman stated he agreed. Mr. :tarris stated the sleeping arrangements within a household are the business of the household, not the City. Ms. Gabel stated she would find out exactly why Appeals recosciended this and report back to the Planring Commission. Page 8, ,�57 PARKI::G ST�: It was recommended the word "standard" be deleted. Page 8y �58 PRO°ILE; Cor,�unity Development Commission stated that the dePinition given was not a definition. Mr. Eo�rdman steted this de£ines profile as it relstes to the Overlay Ordinance. In other words it def'ines what profile is, profile is the offinial creek and river �rofile. Y7ithin the ordinance, the term profile is used and when you see the word profile thry u�e the �erm profile rather that officie creek r�nd river profile. Mr. Oquist stated it should Ue inserted into t1�e bc� y of the ordinance where 1;he term is fir�t used. The Commiseioners concurred. . 21 PLAN:FING COPR�+fISSION ME�:TING D?4RCA 7 1979 - PAGE 3 Page 8, 07.d #�7 PTI�LIC VPILITY: Appeals Co�ission recoum�ended the headin� be • changed to "UTILITY CO2+¢'ANt" and the definition be retained. The Co�issioners concurred. Page f3, #59 P�LIC It�F.OVEt+'.ENT: Anpeals Commission recommended the heading be changed to read: "PUiiLIC P'ACILITY"• Community Development Cormnission recommended the definition be chan�ed to read: "Ac�y facility for which the City or other governmental agency may ultinately assume the responsibility for construction� operation ar.d maintenance." The Commissioners concurred. Page 8: Community Development recom�ended a definition Por "REGIONAL FIAOD" be_ inserted after �59� Mr. Boardman stated he had developed the foll rn•�ing definition for "Regional Flood":' "That f2ood which has an occurance rate defined as once per every 100 years." Paoe 3, ��60 F.FG�7�ATORY iL00D PROTECTZOPI ELEVATIO:.: Community Development Commission recommended the words "(100 year flood)" be deleted. Page 8; Appeals Coascission reco�ended definit.'wns for £ront� rear and side yAr�1 setbacks be inserted after #60. They recounnended the definition for "SETBACK� FRONT" be changed to read: "The mini�xal distance between the front prooerty line oi the lot and the front oY the principal structure located on that lot." Mr. Boardman stated he had changed that to read as iollows: "The minimum di�tance betWeen the front line of a lot and a structure located on that lot." Ms. Gabel noted that the principal structure was the determining fac�or. Mr. Boa�man stated the 35 foot was the determining factor because you could t�ave a garage sitting out in front of a house. The Coumissioners concurred. Page 9, �1 STORY: Appeals Commission end Co�unity Develonment reco�:mended the words: "A basement is a story for the purposes of height regulations if one l�alf (2} or more of the basement's height is above the average level of the adjoinin� ground."' be deleted. Dir. Boardman stated his comment was that they needed that £or the definitions purposes. Mr. Oquist stated that basement was defined. pdr. Roardman ststed that for the defir.ition of a stary, a basement is a story�i£ one half or more of the Uasements height is above the average level oP the adjoinin; grouud, Mr. Oquist stated that both Commissians had questioned it and somethir.g r.nzst be wron� with it. Ms. Gabel stated that the defi�ition states "if one haZf or more of the baseMent's hei�;ht is aYlove the a��erage level of the adjeini:;; 3round."� but a lot of Ua�eme::its . are totally in the ground. PLANrIING COMIvIISSIOPI ML�TI;IG� h1�1RCH 7� i979 22 PAGE 4 Mr. Boardman stated it would then not be classified as a atory. Mr. Peterson stated that in co�cercial buildings 11: would have to do with the amoant oP parking that's required whether or not it�s cansidered a story. So someplace they would have to include that definition. Ms. Gabel stated that what tr,ey were getting at was it was still a atory but iY it's not sticking out of the ground it's not considered a story. PQr. Peterson sug�ested they define it by saying "A story is ..." rather than saying "A basement is . . ." Mr. Boardman stated they had a deY=nition for basement so they know what a basement is and here they are sayin� a basement, which is defined, is classified as a story if that basement is ... Ms. Gabel asked what it would be classified as iY it's not that. D;r. Eoardman stated it would not be e story unless it was classified as a story, it would then be a basement. Mr. 5torla referred back to the definition of basement on page 3. He stated their deYinition oP basement necessitates over hali of the basement being out of the ground� so a basement has to be a story according to the definition of basement. t�.r. Oouist stated Community Development Coumtission had qiiestioned the definitions of besement and cellar and wondered why they were separated. A1so, they uere not used in the text, so why do they need them. Tt�e Commissioners agreed to delete the definitions for "CELI,AR" and "}3ASEMENT" and to change the second sentence in the definition of "STORY" to read as follows: "For the purposes of height :egu7,ation a story is one half or more of the £loor to ceiling elevation that is above one half the level o£ the adjoining ground." Page 9, �/52 STREET; Covncunity Development questioned this definition. Mr. Boardman stated he did not see aqy problem with it and suggested they leave it as is. The Connnissioners concurred. Pa�e 9, Old ;�50 STRi1CTC3RAL ALTERATION: Appeals recommended this dePinition be retained. � The Commissioners concurred. Page 9� aj�4 TOWNfiOUSES: Co�mnunity Development Commission recommended the following Words be deleted: "euch structures to be of the town or row house type as con- trasted to multiple uweLling �partnent structures." The dePinition would then read as follcnts; "Structures housing i;hree or more dwellin� units� contiauous to each other� only by the shsrir.� of one common wall. No single structure shall contain in excess of eig:�t (8) dwelling uttits and each dcrelline unit sha21 h�ve senarate and individual front and rear entrances." PI�APII�ING CO".-a�¢SSIOr7 "'�'TIT1G 1iARrH 7 1979 _ pp�F 5 23 Mr, fIarris stated the word "contiguous" wo�].d be better than "continuous" Mr. Storla stated as he understands it, ii you hed a condominum compler, and gave each owner his own plot ef land and it *aas a one story condominvm� it would be a townhouse, which is not the snme as a row house. Here, they are talking adout row houses. . NIr. Harris stated that if you say "continuous" you are talking row houses� if you say "conti;uous" you are talking townhouses� meaning you can have one on top o£ the other or whatever. D'�. Storla stated that when you buy a condominum you buy air space and co�¢on indivisible interest in the rest of the coimnon ground. With a townhouse� you buy that air space and the land it sits or� and indivisible interest in the swinming pool and the rest of the comnon grounds. A row house is a structure that cauld be rented out� which is different than a townhouse. Pds. Gabel noted that Appeals had requested a definition for condominum. Mr, goardman stated he was working on that. Mr. Peterson stated they did not have a definition for row houses. Mr. Storla stated this was the definition ior row houses as far as he was concerned. Mr. Harris stated he agreed if they used the woxd "continuous" but not if they used the word "contiguous". Mr. Storla stated he would like a definition Yor to�.mhouses also. Mr. Petexson stated that in a row house, you get the land in front and in back of the house too, because there is no undivided interest in a row house. The Commissioners reco�,mended that definitions for townhouse, row house� condorainum and co-operatives be developed. Mr. Oquist stated that the last sentence in this definition belongs in the text of the ordinance� not in the definitions. The Commissioners concurred. N'•r.•Peterson su;gested they check with b?inneapolis and get their statement on co-operatives, Also� this should be discussed in the ox•dinance. Fage 9� ��5 U�ABLE oPETv SP.4CE: A4r. F;arris questioned this definition� espec3ally the last sentence. Ae felt it was editorializiug in the definitions. Nr. Iloardman stated he liad a poinl; there and would check to see i�' this was a usable definition. PLAN[VING COMD7TSSI0"I Nil?ETING, MARCFi 7� 1979 PAGE 6 -- • 24 Page 9� �K7 VISIO:I SAi�'ETY ZOPIL': Appeals Commission reconmended this dePinition , be chanp,ed to read as follows; "the triangular area bf a corner lot be�innin� �t the intersection of the street curb lines, and thirty (30) feet along each curb lir.e, and then a atraight line between the two points." Mr. Boardman stated that the dif£erence between the reco�ended definStion and the existing definition was that they look at as right of way lines, in other words, the property line. If you use the curb lines� the curb line is dependent on the boule- vard size, so it would be a matter of whether they want to use street right of way lines or curb linea. Mr. Peterson stated that in terss oY sofety� which is what we are trying to accomplish� curb lines are more mear.in�ful than property lines. Ms. Gabel stated curb lines were more meaningful to Appeals. Mr. Eoardman asked i£ they felt that 30 feet back from the ir.tersection of the curb lines woizld be enou�h. They are looking at the intersection oP those two lines. In some cases� there is an intersection that is not a right angle intersection� and the intersection oP those two curb lines may run some 50 feet out into the center of the street. If they use the intersection oi' the property lines, the property line intersection would still be within the curb lines. The Cor�issi.oners agreed to use the term "street right of wqy lines". The Co�issioners also agreed to delete "25 feet" and insert "30 feet". Page 9, '768 47r'ILKWAY OR SIDEWALK: Community Development Commission recoannended the word "paved" be deleted, and the word "desi�nated" be inserted. Page 9, ,��69 WATERW9Y: Co�unity Development CoIIUnission reco�ended the word "man- made" be deleted and the word "artifici2l" be inserted. Page 9, �'70 YARD: Appeals Co�ission recommended the Yollowing words be deleted: "unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward". Mr. Harris asked if that wasn't restating setback. Mr. Boardman stated they wern't, just dePining yard. . PAge 9, �71 YARD� FRONT; Appeals Cormaission recomrr.ended this @efinition be changed to read: "A yard extending across the full width of the lot and lying between the Pront line of the lot and nearest line of the principal building," They inserted the word "principal". The Commissioners concurred. Page 10, �'73 YARD, SIDE: The Appeals Commission recorcmended this definition be change8 to read as follows: "A yard extending across the width of a lot and the principal buildir.g extending from the front yard to the rear yard and having a�aidth equal to the shorteet distance between the stde line and the principal building." They ir.serted the word "principal" end deleted the word £'f ull- ;. and also deleted the word "m41n". PLANNZNG CON�fIS5I0N bD3ETINC� MARCfi 7 1979 � - PAGE 7 25 20�.041 DF.CLAP+?TIO^1 OF' POLICY ' Page 10, #1: Appeals Couunission recommended the word "morals" be deleted. The Coumissioners concurred. Page 10, �4: Cotmnunity Development Commission recommended this paragraph be deleted and placed in the ordinance. Mr. fiarris stated that did not really �elong in tbe Declarat3on oY Policy section� and was not really sure i£ that was what they wanted to say either. They could have some problems w;_th the towr_house developments on that. Wi�y couldn't they have nore than one principal building on one lot? Ms. Gat+el noted that it stated "except as provided herein" and each zoning district has it's own provisions, so she felt it did take care oY itselY and was not a real problem. Mr. Harris asked if they really needed it in there at all. Mr. Boardman stated that it says that ar�y bnildirg that contains any dwelling or guest rooms shall be erected on a lot which has at ].east access of 25 £cct along a public right of way in order to get access into it. In other words� you cnnn't build on a lot without access.from a public street. Mr. Oquist stated they should change the wording to what Ns. fioardnan said and put it in the ordinance. It is in the wrong place. � Ms. Gabel agreed� it was an ordinanee� not a declaration of policy. Mr. F,arris suggested they place it in "Lot Provisions" on page 12. Mr. Harris referred to 7� on that same page and quoted the Yollowing: "Fihere the conditions imposed b�r any provision of this chapter are either more restrictive or less restrictive thGn comparable conditions imposed by any law� ordinance� statute, resolution� or regulation of any kind, the regulations which are more restrictive� or which zmpose higher standards or requirenects shall prevail." Mx'. fiarris noted that regarding the building cale, they cannot be any more or any less restrictive than a�y State Code. Mr. Boardaan stated that in the zoning code� they.do not refer to building re�ulations. D1r. Harris steted tY;at was fine, if they did not do that, but would have to be care- ful not to refer to any building code in the zoning code. hu•. Boardmen aslced what they wanted to do with �f�?, The Cccr.dssioners agreed to place �',`4 after ;;'2 in LOT PROVISIOP;S and chan�e it to rend as follor,�s: "L'very lotf i.n order to 1<� built o:i, shall have at le.:st cr.e line of which sbuts for not less than 25 feet alone a public street or alon� a permanent, tuiobstrueted easer�ent of access to the lot frcm � public streat as approved 'uy the zonin� adminisi:rntor as adequate for the purpose." PLANNING COh,R�^.ISSIOiV M[T;TI"3G� P$ARCIi 7� 1979 PAGE 8 26 205.OiF3 NOiV-COPIFORP4II?G USES .4FID STF,UCTURES Page 10� �1: Insert the following Section Number: 205.19. Page 11� �f2: The Co�issioners Pelt the wording was bad. The Commissione-rs agreed to change the wording as follows: "Nothin� in this Ordinance shall prevent the up�radin� of a non-conforming structure to safe condition when eaid structure is declared unsafe by the Building Inspector� provid�d the necessary reoairs shall not constitute more than 5� (percent) of the fair market value of suci� structure. '^he words Rup�rading and "to�� were inserted and the words placing and in" were deleted. Page 11� �12; Mr. Boardman stated that Appeals Con¢nission had s comment on this. They questioned automobile salvage as compared to junk yard. Mr. Boardm.an stated his comment was that there was a tendency to eliminate this as an allowable use. If that's true� we don�t need ii in the non-con£orming use section. ihe statement that was there said that no junk yard could cartinue as a non-conforming use more tizan one year after the effective date of this ordirance without a special use permit. Ii there is goin� to be a tendency in the code to eliminate junk yards� thex� we would elimir.ate the junk yards. They'wauZd continue as a non-conforming use just as a normal use, and then we wouldnTt have to have any other statement. Mr. Eiarris stated they had discussed auto salvage� auto wreckin� and junk yards, and their definitions and iiad put a puestion mark by that. Ae ssked i£ they could ii� fact eliminate junk yards. Mr. Roardman stated that legally they could. They could take you to coust and there would be just compensation for that elimination of the use. Mr. Harris stated they would never get that past the Council. Mr. Boardman stated the question would be do we �ant jvnk yards to continue with a special use per.nit. You could say a junk yard is a non-conforming use and is grand- fathered in� but the only way you can say that is by ttot allowing junk yards to exist. Mr. Harris stated that in other words, the existing junk yards could remain as non- conYormin uses. Eut withoizt the special use permit, we have no handle on their operation. Mr. �SOardTaan stated there are screenin� requirements in the ordinance� and even a non-conforming use l�as to comply with the screenir,g ordi.nance. The jualc vehicle ordinance states that you cann't park junk vehicles on the street, they cannot have a junk vehicle on property across the street Prom theirs� tney cannot stack junk eehicles so they �re visiUle above the screenin� fence and they must screen all exlserior storage. They also �ave noise requi.reme.,�s. T.•That more can the,v do2 They have �o meet all of those reauirements regerdless ii' they're a noa-conforming use. A non-conformin�; use states �=ou can no lor.�er build a jutilc yard or expend one in the City. 27 PLAti'.VING CON144iS5I0N h�'ETIDIr� MpgCH 7, 1979 ' PAGE y Mr. Boardman stated the only problem we could have ie if they wanted to expand and we didn't allow it� they could taY.e us to court. Ms. Gabel asked iP they put this in the ordinance� wouldn't they have to be noti£ie3. Mr. Harris stated they would have public heArings: Mr. Boardman stated he was talking to Virgil Iierrick about the notiPication. Mr. Harris asked how they would handle "reclamation center". Mr. Poardman stated that in the definition of junk yard, it states "except Council approve3 recyclino centers". Mr. Eoardman stated that in other words, if they wanted to have a junk yard and keep everythir� inside a building, there was no pro= blem with that, as lor.g as there is no outside stora�e. Mr. Harris asked if they should delete the definition of junk yard. Mr. Boardman stated they need the definition of junk yard� but tbey should delete �12 "Fio junk yard nay continue as a non-conforming use." Here we would have a problem with.a court case because as oY the adoption of thie ordinance� the$� would not even be a non-cor,formin� use. If they say that, then they have a problem. S�ihat they want to say is they are allowed� but they will restrict their business to the point r�here they cannot expand their operation. The Co�issioners agreed to delete ,��12 on page 11. f�s. F�arris questioned the definition oP Junk Yard on page 6. He stated that "waste" and "used r,iaterial" were t�,�o diiferent things, and aske3 what the definition of waste is. He did not feel that scrap iron is waste.material. The Commissioners agreed to change this de£initi0n to read as follows; "An area where i?ced material, as a pr.incipal business� are bought� sold� exchanged� stered� packed, disassembled or har.dled, includir.g� but not limited to, scrap iron and other metals� paper� ra�s� rubber� wire ar.d bottles. A junk yard includes an auto wrecking yard or auto salvage yard, but does not include uses that are entirel;r within enclosed buildinos or City Council approved recyclir.g centers.'� They deleted the words "open" and "waste and" and inserted the words "as a principal business". Page 12, �13: NIr. Harris qusstioned this statement. Mr. Boardman stated he had received this definition from T3rook�jrn Center. Mr. Langen£eld suggested they delete this. D7r. i�oardman state3 he would talk to Darrell Clark and see if we have axyything like thzs. FIe had uo proUlem in deleting this. b;r. IL3rris su; �ested they pi;t a question msrk by it uni:il blr. :.bardman talks to Darrell and b;ervin. PAr. Noardmn agreed. PLANNIn� COMMISSION N�TIPIG MARCH 7, 1979 PAGE 10 28 205.04�4 LOT PROVISIONS Page 12� �2: Mr. Boardz�an stated that someone on Strzff had queationed the statement "not more than one (1� princioal building sha21 be located on a lot." They were rePerring to situation� like Onan. Mr. Boardman stated he had commented that he looked at the buildings there as accessory buildings to the ma3n building. The Commissioners concurred. Page 12� �4: Co�unity Development Co:cmission recou�ended the worda "thoroughfare plan" be deleted and the words "trar.sportetion plan" be inserted. The Conunissioners concurred. 3. RECEIVE ENERGY PROJECT COI�STTEE ifS"IrfPES: FEBRUI�RY 14� 1979: NOTIOh by Ms. °eterson, seconded by I�s. Oquist to receive the February 14� i979, minutes of the EnerpT Project Cou;mittee. N�. Langenfeld noted the statement by I�s. Johnson on page 4� third paragraph. He felt this was a worthwhile statemer.t and he woi:ld use it as a springboard for other ideas. Mr. Langenfeld also noted the sixth paragraph on pa�e 5 where Mr. Saba had comsaended NSP and hiinnigasco because they were coming out with audits and tryin� to create awareness. He mentioned the term "Co-generation" and noted that the Commissioners would �e,hearing this term often. On page 7� they listed items Prom various drafts from different communities which they felt would be helpful ideas. The New Brighton draft s.as really for emergencies� but it was good to be aware of those things. He also stated that .ie would be using the infoxtination on na�e 9 under Section 6 as ideas and springboards for the goals and objectives of the CorBnittee. tJPON A VOICE VOTE� 11LL VO`PING AYE� CHAIftNIAN FIARRIS DECLARED THE i�I0TI0N CARRIID UNANIMOUSLY. 4. dPF�ER BUSINESS: Mr. Bcrardman stated he would like to have a special meeting of the Planning Commission on March 28. He would like, if possible, to have all tlie Co�issions present. The purpose of the meeting would be a presentation of the first draft of the Coir.orehensive Development Plan. At that point they could make a decision as to how the review process would take place. Mr. Harris stated there would be no problem with that. b7r. Atzrris stated he had discus�ed the question of kennels at the Council meeting. The Commissioners had requested he do this at the la�t meetin�. The Council felt they should chan�e "and�cr" to "and" er.d forget about private kennels. 14r. �fazris si:ated he Yad also discusse3 wi.th Council the situation in Riverview i?ei6hts unere tiher= are severel parcels of land� tHe sizes of which are 50 x 117 PLI�NNZNG COP�SQISSIOPi �ING :4AF.CFt 7 1979 - PAGE 11 Zq and they are below the flood plain radiance. Mr. Harris steted they had two• requests, but one had been withdrawn. He asked Mr. Boardman what the status of tne other request was. Dr. Esoardcian stated they were trying to �et an att.orneys opinion on whether they can vary the 15 foot requirement. The Code states that no variance shall be granted that makes the cor.ditions more dar.a,erous or less restrictive than the purpose of the ordinance. In oiher words, if the purpose of the 15 £oot out is for safety, and you grant a variance for that 15 foot ar.d it reduces the safety, if would not be ri�ht. Ms. Gabel asked what the puxpose of the 15 foot was. Mr. Boardman stated the 15 foot applies to ground pressures. Ms. Gabel asked if that area fell into the Aiississippi Corridor. Mr. Boardman stated it did. D;s. Gabel stated that any house within the 24ississippi Corridor within a certain £ootage needs a variance to begin with and if they want to build on a 50 foot lot, that r*ould require a variance also. t�s. :iarris stated that they allow construction on 50 �oot lots in old platting with a nininum lot size of 7500 square feet. These sites are less tban 7500 square feet� and because they are 5� �oot in width, they would need a variance. tir. Hax'ris also stated trat the people could build wii:hout raisir,g them by flood proofing. Ms. Gabel stated there were a lot of ho�es in that area on 50 foot lots, ar.d the Appeals Comnission tends to continue granting thcse variance because it is compatible with the nei�hbcrhood� and the neighbors don�t coaplain. °he asked what the problen was with it. Ns. Iiarris stated that iY these particular structures go in� they could impact the entire area as far as drainage and other things. Mr. Boardman stated that only one structure had been built in the flood Plain and that was a corner lot which helped with the drainage. In a corner lot� the runoff couJ.d go into the street, tiut there is no place for it to go on an interior lot. �. Gabel asked iY a developer wac interested in the area. Ms. Eoardp�an stated that peop2e were coming in requestin� Special Use Permits to build there and the code states no variance shall, provide for a lesser negree of £lood protect3on than is st�ted in the ordinance, ar.d that's where the questior. they are sending to the attorney comes up. i�r. Harris stated they could flood proof and still have drsinage problems. . Mr, L�oardman stated they could bui2d a stz•uctvre on that site without ar�y fill if they £locd proof the structure. ile also r.oted that flood proofin�; is very strir�ent. PLAPRIING COt+�1IS:�IOPI ME'�'TING D'u�I2CH 7� 1979 - PAGE 12 30 D�. Iiarris stAted he had asked the Council i£ they would be in favox of � moratorium on building permits in the Plood pla�n area until they could get all the data together and look at the aituation. The Council sgreed and sug�rested he work with Jerry and Dick. He had discussed the �oundaz^� 11nes with Mr. IIerrick and he asked Mr. L'oardman to talk with Dick and obtsin the pertinent information and bring it to the Planning Commission for setting a boundary for the moratorivm. They would look at all tl-,e inherent problems 1n the area and also come up with some alternate uses Yor the land. Mr. Langenfeld suggested.they use the grounds of safety and weifare for the moratorium. Mr. Harxis agreed and stated the Council had stAted they would go for a limited moratoriun. From the discussion, he felt it would be a resonably short one. He understocd they might go fo.r six months, but it was never said exactly. Mr. Bo2rdman suggested they could make it into a tax increment district. idr. Harris stated they should look at the total picture and discuss it. I�s. Hoard�an stated they were developiug a Housing Resource Center in the libraz^,�. They have $5,100 of F3UD Commtinity Developaent Block Grant 2•:oney. They.talked with the Library �?oard and are working with the Directer of the Board and also they will acquire about y5100 worth of u�.aterial on energy conservation, housing maintenance� etc. It will �e located in the Anoka Library. p4dI'ION by Mr. Lan�enfeld� seconded by tds. Gabel� to ad journ the P+iarch 7J 1979, meeting of the Planning Commissiott. RespectfuJ.],y submitted: i / / �% //'7 ��r� � Kathy Sh �on, /Reccrding Secretary PUCLIC H[ARING [3EFOR[.THE PLIINNING COMP1ISSION TO WHOM I7 MAY CONERN: �% Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Canmission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on bJednesday, t4arch 21, 1979 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Proposed PreliminarY Plat, P.S. #79-01, Jay Park Addition, by Alvin A. Nitschke: being a replat of Outlot 1, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition; that part of Lot 32, Block 4, Lowell Addition to Fridley Park, lying Narth of the South 2.7 feet thereof, including the VJest Half of vacated alley adjoining and including that part of vacated St. Groix Street adjoining, lying South of Outlot 1, Rice Creek P7aza South Addition, to allow a three unit tovmhouse development to be sold separately, ly�ng in the North Half of Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota: Generally located on the East side of Main: Street in the 6600 Block. • Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the a6ove matter will be heard at this meeting. RTCfiARD N. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COt•1fAISSION Publish: March 7, 1979 ' Rlarch 14, 1979 .. �,.:z MAILING LIST P. S N79-01 Jay Park Addition Alvin A. Nitschke Alvin A. Nitschke 6661 Main Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Desi gn-i^lare C/0 Raymond J. Brink 6536 Main Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 tynn D. Hansen 210 67th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Wayne F. Peterson 200 67th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Sidney R. Dahl 6551 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Darold D. Johnson 6541 Second Street N.E. fridley, MN 55432 Paul M. Johnson 6525 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 !Jilliam H. Gates 6701 2nd StreeY. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Andrew Pappas 6711 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Raymond R. Beyer 6721 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Harry Case 6730 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Wauen Rollins 672� 2nd Str•eet N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Planning Comnission March 6, 197g City Counci Robert fisher 6710 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Jeanette M. Ulinen 6700 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, f1N 55432 John D. Christenson 6570 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Stephen Matson 6560 2nd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Kevin B. Rohan 6705 Main Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Brisbois 6711 Main Street N.E. Fridley, P1N 55432 Delbert Christen 6721 Main Street N.E. fridley, MN 55432 John P. Hreha 6731 Main Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Gordon J. Aspenson 6500 2nd Street N,E. Fridley, MN 55432 Gerald Toss 6501 Main Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Gary R. Marlow 6525 Main Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 The American 0i1 Co. 6490 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, h1N 55n32 3� � 33 CITY Or FRIDLEY MINNLS01'A � PLANNING AND ZONING I�ORM NUMI3GR -�� O � APPLICt4'�T'S SIGNA'fURE �� �� . ! ��-<-(,a_���,/�,�, Address 4� �4' % �l � �. `24 u} ; � � Telephone Number � %�' 7ys `� PROPERTY OWNER�S SIGNA'CUR�-�=z-.__.C� - ����C�-z.l..l�.Q� Address c��P�o� /TJ ��. ��jL�p� �-f' Telephone Number :J �Y� %</Sv Street Location of Property Legal Description of Property TYPE OP RCQUEST Rezoning Speci.al Use Permit �Approval of Premin- ���� inary � Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee3��•�ceipt No. 9 y��.3 Present Zoning Classification E'"a; � Existing Use of Property��y�v��Ay,�t Acreage of Property � �4 P o� DescriUe briefly the proposed zoning classificatio�� or type of use and improvement proposed �° lias the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot sglit cr variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes � no. 4Vhat was requested and when? Tlze undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to thi.s application. (b) Tiiis application must be signed by aIl o�aners o£ the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proccedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property oc,mers of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, sho�<<ing the follo�ving: 1. North Direction. 2. Locatioi� of proposed structure on tlie lot. 3. Dimensioris of property, proposed structure, and frorrt and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. S. Location and use of adjacent existing Uuildings (iaithin 300 feet) The imdersigned hercUy dcclares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are txuc and correct. / /' DA'CE ,-,%_ � c' J � SIG�ATURi: /� �-C,``--C .�- � (�c� �tilt�-- �n��i�i.icnvr) Date Filed 3' � /- %�f Uate.of Planni.n� Commissioii Approved City Coiutcil Approvcd (d�t:cs) Dcnicd (datcs) Dcnicd ti � \� � i -� --,; �, . � fF' ° •.;; :. . ��� �� '. - , � �DS%� �L .. F-+ � „ ...., K . 260 � .. , • •• ,.:'; \ ^. �• .._ .� '1rP. � • �� . N �i/ �'to •�� . :L � 'y' i��� � _ fTJ• �'4� .`,I n � \.., .. Q� �Y: ...u� "+;•r � �♦ *�/Z, , �r.'.254 : ` t:;,'• . a�: 3 r, ` �� � , � g� � �, i. ;.. c \ ' � � // r.y._..:a •4 ..' ` > . 1 \ �� M1 •'S, •a (I'"1,•, v, •, \` , , ..'ii �l :;� . 2n� .;' , �;<`��� � "" � 2-„ z� '', J �. : '` �' Z�h� ;;• _ ` ." _ �� s•.; . � .i�;.�� �i ,�:',.�ya y':. �- ,,�� ,: / +"��, �� .�� �'4iw1•, JI � � � '�•���iG =. `o'�. 5 ':\\K �a a.r•r . ` i✓�y?�} .5h� l� . 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' � .4° • : � � � , w Ib�° ; bS01 ; ,.a y .:...._. �..� .,;, 2� I , LVi:• �';J .� � � \ .. : ♦ � r...� j. V :%. .\i.�3a. t ;,} L � I ' ♦ � .. � � _. _. . .._. �1��_ �-.`irv�V:�'�::S.C>�JiS.r'JCORNER^ � 1 .. � �,C.�4 V � :_�,...�,-.�:..•.,-.w �,,.«- � ♦.\.1 � f . :.�M! :��1. �:N'1 �w /I' . 6...r v � !M•r . ✓.�� .4i� I � . n � � iJ �I � � -s ��� � �r46 "(I P� � }z' �L a l f � � 6% ;� _ /)3:: W�'�e' ...__, r-! .. . . ......�-yq . PU[3LIC IIEl1RING l3EFORE TNE PLANtyING COiiMISSIOPJ Notice is hereby given that ihere urill be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431:.. University Avenue Northeast on 4lednesday, March 21, 1979 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.P1. for the purpose of: Consideration of a a request for a Special Use Permit, SP 1179-02, by Irvin Korst, per Sect.ion 205.051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to alloai the construction of a second accessory building for storage of an antique automobile, on Lot 11, Block 2, Rice Creek Terrace Plot 4, the sam� being 6871 7th Street N.E., fridley, Minnesota. Any and a11 persons desiring to be heard shall be give an opportunity zt the above stated time and place. RICHFlRD H. HARR?S CHAI Rh1AN PLI�NNING COi•1MISSION Publish: March 7, 1979 March 14, 1979 � 3� -,�.,? SP #79-02 Irvin Kcrst 2nd accessory building Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Willman 6835 blashington St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Willard Schlenker 6845 4lashington Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Berget 6855 Washington Street P�.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wall 6850 Washington Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 David Glenn-Lucile Cook 6840 Washington Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Darwin Klockers 6830 Washington Street N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Fred J. Lautizi 6820 Washington Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Heinz Esch 6810 Washington Street N.E fridley, Mn 55432 Harry & Albert Windus 6811 Washington Street N.E. Fridley, P1n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Zembal b821 �th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. �oyce Johnson 6831 7th Street N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Korst 6841 7th Street N.E. fridley, f4n 55432 Planning Commission 3-6-79 � [ MAILING LIST Mr. & Mrs. Gerald.To1'1akson 6851 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Pin 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Olmstead 6850 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Elmer �ohnson 6840 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Armond Grage 6830 lth Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Jachymowski 6820 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & fdrs. Byron Johnson 6862 Washington Street IJ.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Audrey Shenkle 6858 Washington Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & P4rs. Arlan Schires 6854 Washington Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chesley 564 Rice Creek Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pullen 6852 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Koering 6855 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. lJallace Jahn 6853 7th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 I�, '� CITY Or Pl2IDLGY MINNL•SUTA • PLANNFNC AND ZONINC FOftM Nl7MIIC•it � % -tf�, � : ,_ . , �.°�� . AFPLTCAN7''S SICNA71lit�'�- � � aaar�55 ;(- g5�/ �'`� � S' T ,r/� . Telcphone Number S� �' S ! `� � S'�� - i�'/ � o � '_�-' �s.��.� PROPERTY 01�'NCR'S SICNATUR� �--n_,___ r--- � 'Address1S��l/ % � ST. �f%� � Telephone Number S 7� — ���L Strcet Location of Property� $�/ '7 � S% • NCn • TYPC �F REQUEST ' 3 � Rezoning ✓ Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final PI.aY Streets or Alley V8C&ti011S Other � Fee .��� � Receipt No.9�� Legal Description of Property � p T �/ �Jcc.N .Z �� 0 7"' �� '+��� e'��"t! L:'/r'-/�.Fi'CC � Present Zoning C2assification j�— � Existing Use of Property��� j��� � Acrcage of Property Describe brie£ly the proposed zoning classification f ° GR ,pl��E or type of use and improvement proposed y�,�(J?/e.GlB ��'}-1'� �5771+?�?-�E }ias the present applicant previously sovght to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the suUject site or�part of it? yes�no. What tiaas requested and when? 1'he undersigned understands tliat: (a) a list of all residents and o�aners of property within 300 feet (350 fcet for rezoning) must be attached to this appiicntion. (bj This application must be signed by all n�aners of the property, or an explanation given iahy Yhis is not the case. (c) Responsi.bility for any defect in the proccedinos resulting from thc failure Lo list tlie names and ad�iresses of ail residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to thc irodersigned. , A sketcll of proposed property and sYructiire must be dra���i and attached, shoiainfi the folloiaing: l. North Dircction. 2. Location of proposcd structurc on tlie lot. 3. Uimmisions of property, proposcd structurc,.and front and sidc setb�cks. ' 4. Street Names. 5. Locution and use of adjaccnt existing buildings (witliin 300 Pect}. The undersigncd hcreby cleclares app2ication are truc and c-----` DATL,,,� -_ � � �� '7 S� Date Fi�cd � that all the facts and representations stated iii tliis Dntc of ]►caring Plnnn:ing Conunission A��proved City Counci2 Approved (datcs) . llenicd (datcsj Denicd w h � �s' T �na�o.2 co E.asw,.r�,✓T y' -^ --_n,_- �_ro_ _`.�uc� , _,_-..._ - Pno ao.s�� . �oA�44l.E � ,'/ I \ � "1 i� v 56� s i1 �-- � � L,oT' 1�/ /,jLK z P�oT3 R tc�:a G �e��.e -r-e,�,e a-�:.e , S%� G�l�/ - �� sT. N� , r�5 � 7��sr NE � �1 � i v 3y �C�--� -� � ?;�.z • �'r .,.. o , .. ' 1 :, . „ �` ,� ,, � „ ",:�il,t � E 1 r• , � ; . . 5 ` ' / ��'..% c.:� , � �" '�,A . ' 61 ,': �r ,, �Jn� ' ` �°�. ��a;°d� `�,�'6r�7.� �.�.�i ` , . .. <' •' _..�._"' , ` 5�'� �<��;, j�� : `, a ' /[/y) _ .. . . ` . . . ' ' ,,j r , ' � k c . L ' ' " 7v �,;.` i . � p i . . � • ' f. .. 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"DRIePT SUF.J�CT TO FII�lkL APPROVA+L" ENVZHDi�TNLIVTAL QUALITY COi�Il�'LCSSION t�ETT.NG FL�BRUf�RY 20, 1979 PSsMBERS PF�ES�tdT: Jim Langenfeld, Bruce Peterson, Lee A�ui Sporre P�MP,ERS ABSs�NT: Connie Metcalf, t4arvin Hora OTHBRS PRESEI3T: Ray Leek, Planning �side Cl�LL TO ORDER: Chairperson La:.genfeld called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. I�PPROVfsL CiI' Jr9ti�JAP�Y 16, 1979, E1QVIr^,OI�i7Tt.L QU�tLITY COt'R!ZSSION MLNt1TSS: MOTZON by� Lee Ann Sporra, sveended �y Bru_a i'e.t:c._-scon, ct+ =p�rove the Jan+_�r;r 1�, 1979, Envire�nental qualit� G�mmiesicn L11Rli�,:�S. MrrI.angenfeld indi.cated that or.;a�e l, 1�.st psragraph, 5*h line, the wor3 "not" should be inserted aftnr tne :avr3 "did''. � .�*.. �.�r . . Mr. Langenfeld stated that on page 3, first paragrap:�, he had questioned cohether he should be Gariting letters on behalf o£ the Coa�ission stati_n� z pcsition t,y ehe Commission and whether they needed City Council approval ia order to write these kinds of letterc. fie asiced if P4r. Leek had checiced into this. ldr, Leek ststed he had and the opinion fo-rurulated by staff, between Mx. Boardman and P2r. Sobiech primari2j>, caas that it- was appropriate fcr tiie commissioners and the chairpersone to corr.espond �vith other agencies or �ersorzs on points of information, but iL- was not apprupriate to use city staeienery ia order to express a commission's opinion if it had net fi.rsC Ueen looked at and approved Uy the City Councii. Ms. Sperxe stated that on page 3, last �aragraph, second to iast sentcr.ce should be changed to read: "So, D1AC`s ans�.er was they were going to 3zv�Iop a plan Chat coas consistent with tlie role for use defir.ed U*ietropoli.tzin Couizcil and P4etropolitau Coutzcil ���as saying that: t'tze so7.e �.�ould be defir,ed based on tlie masler plan tahich cao�.�Ld be pra��red by tl�e MMt1C." 11PON A VO?C� VOTE, 1;I,T, VOTING ltX�, CHfaIP.F]?;ZS6Pd i,!+T�GL'11TFII.D llFCI,P,I'.SD TIIE .TANUf�P.Y 1(�. 19i9.^ liNVI.I'nNP'isNTAL OCIAI.I2'1' C(li�1i7:SSTOt`i Ti[I�U?'ES �PPPiO�'ED �i5 ERTVIRONNiENTP�. QUALITY COMMISSION M6�TING, 1?f:I3RUitItY 7_0, 1979 - PAGi 2 APPItO\rAL OF AG�NDA: The following additions were made to the agenda under "Other Business"o A. Springbroolc ATature Center. I3, Letter from Charter Commission C. M.F.C.A. Makerial MOTION by Rruce Peterson, seconded by Lee Ann Sporre, to approve the agenda with the above additions. U�on a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Langenfeld declared the motion car"ried unanimously. 1, CONTIN[tED: Mn/DOT PLAN ( EKHIBIT 1- HEARING EXAMINER'S REPORT): Mr. Leek stated that when he had received the copies of the Hearing �xaminer's report, he k�ent through it and -tealized that ih only addressed the rules per se that MnDOT was proposing and not the underlying issues of the MnDOT F1an. Mr. Leek stated that since he had just received this report last �aeek, he was going to draLt a letter to both the Hearing Examiner's office and one of the gentlemen who caas present at the Nov. 9, 1975, public hearing requesting clarification and response to those issues the Coumiission bro��bht u� beioxe and, fcr refe*�er.ce, would attach a,copy of ca�at the City Council had apnrove3. He stated the-re �aas not rnuch he could say about this zeport, He had examin�d the rrles before December and,,for L'heir purposes on the plaixning staif, there was r.eally noti:ing to a*hich Chey cared to respond. But, they had somu verq real cc%ace�ns in regard to the issues of tLe plan itself an3 esere disappoinied that the report had not responded to these issues. Mr. Spor:e stated that she, too, had requested a copy of the full transcript from the Aearing Examiner's Of£ice and had not yet received it. Ms. Sporre st-ated she wouZd like to add a couple of things regarding the airport. She stated she had been revi.ewing 3 coup2e of documents and both of them gave reference to the airport plar.nin� in the Twin Cities. On.e was the plan for the environment called, "Protecting the EnvironmenC through the 1980's--A Discussion Statement". Ti�is was a report that the City of kiinneapolis had prepared. Ti1 that report`s priorities, chapter, airport. noise reductior. caas a high prioriCy (priority �k2). They identified noise as a proUlem affectina the cit-y's sbiLicy to stabilize population and aL-tract young families L-o residential nei�hbor)zoods. In addressin� a solu�ion for. i:oise, on gage 35 of that r.eport, there is a statement tl�at rcads: "The city SIlOUId seelc phasing out oE mili.tary and corporate :iir- cra:t use of idold-Ch:unberlain. As air tralfic increases over the next decade and ground aiid air s}>ace is more at a premium, conditions will preclude their operating from the airport." ,, _-, ENVIRONN�"NT?J. UALITY COi�A1ISSI0N k'�iFTING �I:I?RUARY 20 1979 - PAGL'. 3 Ms, Spor.re stated that their defi.nition of prior.ity �F2 was on page 2 of that report: "Iiigh priority shoul�l be given to actions which will strongly help the city's �oal to sCabilize our populaL'ion, in particular those acL'ions which make neighborhoods across the city pleasant are important.° So, their solution was to put the airport somewhere else. Ms. Sporre stated that, realizing what it was they were puL-ting somewliere e1se, their statement about airport noise concluded thati the military and corporate aircraft had not been adhering to the procedures on noise reduction to any great extent since they were �aoluntary.at pres�nt. It seemed to her that this raised the question of whether they understood that movin� the noise did not alleviate the problem. Since Metropolitan Council and the Metropolit�n Airports Couunission were in the process of reviewing that impact, she thought it should Ue taken int'o consideration that si.nce it was a detrimental thing, moving the airport to Anoka County was not a solution. She was concerned ahout tlie efiect the City of Minneapolis would have in a lobby effort if this was their intent to solve the problem. Mr. Langenfeld indicated that the report had not said Anoka County. Ms. Sporre stated it did not say Anoka County, but what they said was they were going to phase out military and corporate aircraft at Wold-Chamberlain. They were not saying where it would go, but it would have to go on to an airport that had enough size and capacity to handle it, and the Conunission did knoc•r [hat there was a plan underwa� to uparade Anoka County. The Covu�iission did know that the military was part of the planning stage of the "Airporr Develooment Guide" that was approved by Metr.opolitan Council in December of 1977, so there was an intention to bring .it Y.o Anoka County, bused on the °Airport Development Guide". She did not know if the Commission should xeact to this at this time, but she thought the Commission should know a.bout it and that it was a high priority for Minneapolis. Ms. Sporre stated another document she had been reviewing was called, "Construction Activities--Packet 1, Water Quality Management Flanning fram M.P.C.A. dzted Augu�t 1978". There was a reference on page 35 of this document under "Airports": "The Minnesota State Plauning Agency projects a need for 12,000 additional acres to be used for new airports and existing airport expan,ion by 1990. MoYe than half of this acreage caould be in khe metropc�litan a.rea." Conc7.uding from tlzat statement, the State.Planning Agency was well aware that they intended to add 6,000 or more acres of airport land to Che system Uy 199Q. She stated sk�e thought again this showed a pretty definite statement of State Planning as they see it £or airport expaasion; Ms. Sporre stated again that she felt the Commission should be aware of all these things. It was cropping up more and mo?•e in government documents and the '.'Airport Revelopment Guide" was nol- shocaing any other alternatives. They caerc not shoiaino another major airport, so they could ouly wonder from Chac if it wasn't for the Anoka County Airpore. rir. Peterson state.cl it was good for the Commission to be aware of these things, Uut Chere was nothing thc. Comnission cou18 do about it at this Cime. ENVIRONMtsNTAL �UALITii CO,��A�L[SSZO:".d P":T.�ETINGs PEL'IsUARY 20, 1979 - PAGE << Ms. Sporre stated that in a testimon.y she had given as a citizen to the MnDOT Plan, ehe had accused the Department of Transportation of trans- planting Cne proUlem L-o Anoka County as their solution to'the noise abal•emeni'.questi.on This was the first time she had seen it zppear as an official statement in a Minneapoli.s document--that' their solution to noise abatement was to remove cc�rporate and military traffic from Ldold-ChamUerlain. Mr. Peterson stated he had a auestion concerning tlie January 22, 1979, City Gouncil minutes on page. 6, referencin� the Environmental Quality Commission minutes of Novemter 21, 1978. Mr. Sobiech had stated that the Environmental Qualitv Corr�ission was concerned regarding the status of the Anoka County Airport and had nreviously requested the City Attorney be directed to take whatever steps necessary L-o insure the Anoka Coun*_y Airport remain at its present status. In the Iast paragraph on p.age 6, Afr. Sobiech nad "suggested that seaff compile what has been adopted by the Council to da.te and pass this information on Co the Envi:onmenCal, Quality Co�ission." Mr. Peterson asked Mr. Leek if the Co�ission had received this informa*_ion., Mr. Leek stated he was not aware of that request. Mr. Peterson atso referred to page 7 of the same City Council minutes, paragraphs 4 and 5, in which °Councilman Schneider asked if stafi could corrs,unicake ��ith the Metr,crpelitan Airports Commzssion eo eee i.f. alternatives ttuve be�ri discussed." �,x. PeC�3T'SOR asked if this ha3 been done. Pir. Leek sta+_ed tnat thi� had tieen dvn.e a�zd t'�ese 7.ettexs caere Exii:ibits SA and SB and would be recezved znd discusseu u:'i�iar Item 3. 2. COfiTItdIIED: PURCH�45E Or TAPE RECORD�P.: Mr. Leek star.ed he had checked with LaBelles, rayhons, and Soun.d Center to ottain cost figures fcr a Cape recorder. Neither Daytons or LaBelles had any poxtable cassette recorders a*itii a built-in microphone with the specii-ied pick-up range. The price range for the kinds of recorders they had'availaLle was $30-60. Pir.. Leek stated that Souud Center, whicli carried a more extensive line of recorders, indicaLed they did not have anything with a built-in microphone with a lotig range pick-up, b+rt it was Possible to obtain an accessory pick- up microphone with rang25 of 25-50 feet� for the recorders they so1d. They indic�.te3 a good quality pick-up microp4one ior that purpose would run about $30. Tl�is pi.clr-up miCrophon� put tugetlier wil-h a better quality and e�:tremely cortpact �ape recorder �aould cost' aoouC $120 %etal. P4r. Leek stated he felt it was possible to spend leGS on the cassett-e record.er iL-seLf. Dfs. Sporre stated thaY the question was brought up in xhe Planaing C�umission minutes aUout wh}� sneuld c,�e ueed to record cahen there was , offici�.l records of. every yuUlic meetirg. SLe stated �ae should not have SIv'VTROIdMENTAL QUALTT.Y COMhiI�3I0N MEHT'Li•�G: FEARUAP.Y 20, 1979 - PAGE $ Question �k7: <1ns�aer ��7: QuesLion ��'8 Answer if8 question gi9 Answer �k9 Should Ciie Council increase in si.ze now that Fridley is much larger than when the Charter was adopted? City Council could alleviate this problem by more extensive use of citizen coimnissions. uhou?d newly created Boards, Conti�ittees, etc., have a termir.ation date or is rejustification necessary for furthe.r. existence? Periodically this is done without Chart'er revision. Can a person hold more than one el.eceive off-ice? Charter should be revised so a person cannot hold more L-han one elective office because of conflict of interest. �ueetion �'k10: Should there he a fair camoaign practices sectioa? Answer r�10: No revision is needed in Che Charter. Question �k11: Should thz Charter have something on ethics ot Council members ar_d City �cmiu.istration? Answer �Fll.: No revision is needed i.n tha Cncarter. Question f12: Ref. Section 205 - Should tlie;-e be a change ocx Uow vacancies of unexpira3 terms of L`ouncil4�en are fillzd? Answer �k12: Question. �k13: Answer 'E13: The revision.has already been made to let the people vote. Should there be an auCOmatic recount on close elections? Commission concurs,with opinion in letter from League of Women Voters to Charter Commi_ssion dated Nov. 21, 1978. Que,tion �'k14: Should each Council member and Mayor appoint one member to each board or commission suUject to the Mayor's approvalY Shc,uld the Playor also app��int memUers to Civil Service subject to the approv�l uf the City Council? Answer �;'14: No revision is needed in l-l�e Charter. Mc, SPor.re stated that since the Charter Commission was also askirig for any additional. inpuC the commissions mighe have, she felt tl.ere ought tn be a policy fer hi.rin� Chat more reflected tlr: comnlexity of decisiens in emplo�nneut pYactices in the city, Shn �eould suggest.that. the Charter Commission address Clie po7.icy of using rui cmpl.o}nnent Uoard so tl:at there would Ue a more open metl�ocl of selecl-ion :or key positions and so il would remove �ny accusatio�is of cliscri.miriation. There weie no defiacd einpLoyn:eut pi�actices no�,� ccvered in tUe Ch:�rcer, and it ca.as co^_imonlv done in nt1���r- �overnnene vni.Cs. Idi:: l,z�ni;�.nLeid :?t:d Pir. 1'el'.erson•coacurred wii:l� rls..Sporre's cu�gest:lon. ENVIRONMIiNTAT�UALITY COI+AffS5'LON MEET.IPiG rEP,RU�,RY 20, 1979 - PAGL� 7 LEE ANN Cli YETERSON Y, The Commissioners agreed that they would like to respond to the questions li.sted in the Dec. 18, 1978, letter from the Charter Commission, and thal' these responses be fonoarded on to the Charter Commission. Question �F1: Should the Mayor and/or Administration give a State of the City Message annually? Answer �'�1: No, it does not require a Charter amendment. The Charter does not need to address this item. Question �f2: Ref. Section 2.08 - After setting their salaries, should the Council members ctand for re-election before receiving the increase? Answar d�2: No revision is needed in the Charter. Question ik3: Should there be a limit on expenditures for opponents to a uetition? Should they also file wit12 the City if they orbanize .thernse7.vws? An��aer ii3: Question �k4 Answer �F4: No re�,rision is needed in the Chartzr. Shou23 r.he Cit}• t•fanaoer serve totally at the pleaaure of Cne Ci_ty Council, making the joU politi�ai? No revision is needed in the Charter. Question 4�5: Re€. Section 7.02 - Should there be a limit en the mone� spent in addition to the mi11 limitation? Something like lir��it dollar increases in the Uudget to the rate of inflation plus 1 or Z percent. Answer �FS: I�To revision is needed in the Charter. Question ,��6: Should theT-e be a limit on the number of terms a person can serve on the City Council? Answer �k6: Mr. Peterson felt it should be a limiL-ed term. Two advantages to a limited term: (1} Bringing in sorie new life blood--new ideas into the city (2) Preventing a massing of too mucEi power and influence in the city. Mr. Peterson felt a limited L-errn should be a masfmum of tw�o terms . Tir. Lrmgenfeld fel_t L-he limit of terms could be handled by L-izc voters . �NVIP.OIvtEt7TA.T. QIIALITY CONJ�ffSSION NIIiE1ING,_.FP.I3xUl1AY 20,_1979 - PAGP 6 Ms. Sporre stated thar Mr. Schmidt's letter o�as very encouraging. Mr. Peeerson stated thaC, referrirg Lo the City Council's January 22, 1979, minutes, he woul.d hope that any further cvmu�unication directed by City Council and done by staff would be carUon copied to the Envirorunental Quality Commission. Mr. Leek stated that it would. 4. DISCUSSION OF AIP POLLUTI6N (EXHIBIT 6 and 7)_: Ms. Sporre stated that if Ms. Metcalf had any position statement she would like to propose for the Coumiission on enforcement of vehicle emissions, Ms. Metcalf might want to include that in with the agenda packet for the nert meeting. Mr. LeeY, stated he �oould convey thi_s message to Ms. Metcalf. 5, pry'IiF'R �L'SINrSS: A. S rin brook Natur.e Cente't Mr. Pete:sen stated he had received a letter from Mayor Nee which was in response to the Commission's.motion on page 6 of their Dec. 19, 1978, minutes in wnich the Commi�sion took exception to the changing of Springbrook Nature Cente: to North Park and had requested an explanation. E. LeCt-er from Charter Covanission Tis. �porre stateci shA coould lil:e to include into the record a letCer dated Noc. 21, 1J78, written b} Pat Brennan, League of Women Voters , President, whirn was puUlisiied in "The Pridley Voter--Dec. '78 -,Tan. '79" and given L-o the CUe�rter Commission by the League of Wome❑ Voters. Trc leLter pertai.ued to the item of automati.c recount on close elections. Siie chougiit it was �.�alunble i�}formati_on and somel'hing the Cor.unission � s'.iould have. ENVTRONT�iNTAT, QUALITY COMMISSION NiGE'PING, rBBP.II�RY. 20, 1979 - PAG� 5 to, buC the fact wab that the official record seldom reflected what actually happened in regard to deCail.. The record was condensed down to the point that iL- covered the subjecC matter, but not the particular guestions and who asked them. Ms. Sporre stated that one instance �ahich made her realize that it would be Ueneficial to tape record a meating was when Mayor Nee, Mr. Boardman, and herself were at the Minnesota Energy Agency and a very top state official made a statement about the fact that they had reached their conclusions prior to the hearing. She couldn-'t believe that a thing like Chat should go by, and that kind of information should be made known. Mr. Leek stated that was true, but was it fair to respond to what was tape recorded or what was officially on record? Another thing to keep in mind related to the policy regarding communications. In a situation like the one Ms. Sporre had just mentioned, it might be possible for the Commission to respond to what was said and taped at the meetino, but it might not be possible for the Commission to respond officially without City Council aFproval if it involved a matter of opinion that had not gone before City Council. So, the effectiveness on the basis of the tape was in question. Ms. Sporre stated that the Commission could use the tape recorder £or gathering infonnation, Uut could not use it for policy shaping. The use of any of that ir.f.ormation wo�!ld require City Covnci.l approval. 3. RECEIVE M�2, DIRECTOR OF METROPOLIT�aN AIRPORTS COMMISSTON (E7,'I3IBITS 5-N AND 5_li): iJPON 12 SPORRE. TO RECEIVE Tk'0 LETTERS i,'R< CLP.ITDli SCHrff.bT TO PSii, L�EIZ TO Nr. Leek sl-ated tliat Exhibit 5-A �aas the letter he �arote in response [o the City Council`s request' to direct staPf to contact the Metropolitan Airports COLN11S81011 to deternine whether ttie master pl.n included alternatives (referred to by Mr. Peter.son on page 4 of L-hese minutes), Lxhibit 5-D taas Pir. Schmidt's response stati-ng ttrat"tiie Master P2an coi11 assess the 'do nothin�' alternative for Anoka Couney Airport." EbIV]�R�Jldr➢�NTf.L QUALITY G'OI;�tISS70id 1ii,F;TINGz tEBY.UARY 20, 1979 - PAGE 9 C. M,Y.C,A, Mater.ial Ms. Sporre stated she would like Co make the Commission aware of the fact that chere are a couQle of major decisions that are in the process of being made and reviewed in the city. Oiie item was a final plat in the ai•ea of: 83rd and University, aad another was a pla� being called Co;:�snUia lndustrial Park. Because of the scale of the developm�at of thcse p1aCS, it seemed to he-r that staff and this commission ouoht to Ue more aware of the considerations for developin� those p1a[s. There had been lots of discussion about drainage and xun-o£f rates, brkt there was a lol of: information that was not- being reviewed now and sh.e thought Chey ought to he reviewing it. Ms. Sporre stated she had gotten a copy of a"Construction AcCivities" pacicet on Water Quality Management Planning from th� blinnesota Pollution Cont�ol .Agency. She stated sh� would lilce the Con�missioners to get copies of this information, because she thought it was verp usef.ul information. There were two sets of packets, but, so i-ar; she had oaly received the first packet. She stated the Commissioners should call. Paul Davis, Department of Planning, Bivision of Wa�er Quality, pi.lon�� - 296-7241, and ask for Packets 1 and 2 on "Coustruction Activities". (Along with these packets, the I�SPCA would se.nd along a very elemantary booklet on tize "do's" and "don'ts" of construction which was also very useful.i Ms� Sporre sr.ated tY�ere wFs a chapter on the i.nfluence of devel.on.n�ut regar.ding velocit;�. �7rx i�:;g� � ci tkie Jaa. 2L, 1S'79, C;.i�, Council minutrs, Dick SoSiech ;�as expizini.7�g G]'-at ih�p were �ui�:�� to he. addressxng ruii-off rate. For Chis reaso:z ane fcr. r.easons e.f otliez 1P.fOYR:,9l`1011. TtGi:7.Z'C� 7.i. IPO�Ci-II� 3t ��ESF. ti:'.';+E.'�_C1i��;2i:A1:5� .�f.'S. Jr�O:I"7'E; iF.1i: this inforRativn �aeuld be useful to che deveioper� because it CallcecY about the velccity, the need for depressions for iufi.ltration, how current landscaping tended to conflict caith better ways to process water, eec. On page 23-25, Cheze was �om� use,'.ul information, and she thouoht some of Che terminology �aould be ��iseful if used with Y.he developars in the implementation of those plats. IC ,�2emed Co her th;:t Cite Seart property tlzat is being developed (Columbza ;ndustrial Parkj is a si.zeabLe developraent and could pose some real �aater probl.ems because of ir.s proximily to Rice Creek. The oiher large dzvel.opmeizt area (83rd & Univ.) could also pose some real caaCex grobless,s. Ms. Sper.re stated iC �aas usefu2 ior tne Cormnissioners to get ccpies of thi� iuformation and go thr.ough �t, at;. 1�asC for the lan.guage and the reasons. It would provide L'he n:c.aii�rgi'ul Ur.cicgrocnd for revie�oing tliese plats and would help the ctafL 'scno�a that the Environmental C��:ality Commission was interested, Idro L�ai;.�en£�lu asl:ed Mr. Leek if he �aauld call Pir. Davis at the I°II'CA and r.eqvent six sets of "C.or•.stxuc.tion Activities�', Packets 1 and 2. ML. T,ee6 sCated he wo.iid. TsNt1IRONMENTAL_ t�U_ALITY. COr1MI5SI0N M('sETTNG, F'�131'-.UARY 202_ 1979 _� PAGG 10 ADJOURIv'i'iBNT ; MOTICN Uy Bruce Petersott, seconded by Lee Ann Sparre, to adjour.n tlie meetiug. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson L�ngenield declared the I'eUruary 20, 1979, �nvironmeneal Quality Commis.eion meeting ad�ourned at 9:45 p.m. Respect;:ull.y submitted, � - ...2; q1's � �✓ L•yn e Saba Recording Secretary � AUMA2Q RESOURCES GONMtSSION ME�TING MARCH 1, 1979 MENII3ERS PRESENT: Ned Storla, Mary van Dan, Mary Jo Bobson, Marlyis Carpenter MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTI�ERS PRESEATT: BetCy Christlieb, Housing Specialist CALL TO ORDEft: Chairperson Storla called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. APPROVAL OF F�BFU1aRY 1, 1979, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTESa M6TION by Piary van Dan, seconded by P4arlyis Car.'penter, to apFrove the reUruary 1, 1979, Human Resources Commission v�inutes as coritten. Upon a voice vote, a1l voting aye, Chai_r}?erson Storla declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. OTY,E4 Mr. Storla stated YhaC siuce A,r. Sill Wilson would probably no loziger be Co¢unissioner of the State Human Rights Depart-ment and since the Commission had received two copies of a new Memorandum of Agreement, this discussion should probably Ue ta6led at this time. If the Commissioners at any time had any recommendations for this Commission, this item could be brought back at a later time. MOTION by Marlyis Carpenter, seconded by Mary van Dan, to table the consideration of the Human Rights Ordinances (Minneapolis, St. Paul, and.BloomingCOn) until a member of the Human P,esources Commission requested it be put Uack on the agenda. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairperson Stor.la declared the motion carried unanimously. , 2. DISC;JSSLON ON UNZCF.F YEk,R OF THE; CIIILD ACTIVITIES: Mr. Storla seated he had received only one letter in respouse Co Che leLL-ers the Coaunission llad sent L-o cocrununity oxganizations iniorniing them of: tl�c Int:ernaCional Year of the Chi1d. �m„:.,.. IIU:�fAT7 RESOURCP..S CO➢4MISSION MEGTING, MAP�CR 1, 1979 - PAGF. 2 Ms. Carpenl'er sL-aLed slie had noe received any reeponses. She stated that if not'tiing else, the letters wer.e at least making the organizations aware, if they were not already, of the Year of the Child. Ms, van Dan suggested that maybe the Commission could come up with a proclamation regarding the Year of the Child and have the Mayor sign iC. Ms. Christlieb suggested that the Commission might want to form a project crnr�ittee and come up caith a project for the committee to worY, on. Ms, van Dan made another suggestion that the Co�ission approach the schools and see if they could get the schools interested in developing a presentation on the "UNIGEF Rights of the Child", Each school and each grade could come up with a project (an art projeck, for example), the projects could be judged, and a presentation or award given by City Com7cil to the winning group. The Commi,ssioners concurred with Ms.van Dan's suggestion. Ms, van Dan stated she would be willing to pursue this idea with either the elemeneary school coordinatox or Dr. John Hansen, Superintendent of Schools. The C�r.��?,ssioners also agreed tbat a proclamation regarding the Year of _ the Cl�itd would he a gooct idea. 1�.(r.. Stnrla drafted tl�e Following' rro;�ld:aation to be presanted t� T-ia�ur :�c:e: "The United Tdatio;:s passed a resotution pro.2a�ming i9?°, the InLeri:atioi.al Year of tl:e Child (lYC} . Tti aives all countries a special year to put a fresh focus on children's conceras. In recognition of this event, be it resolved that the City of. k'ridley eacourages the promotion of tihe status of our children and celeura.Les ehe contri6utions of our children." Ms. Carpenter stated sl�e would be responsible for having the proclamation writ[eu in calligrapizy for presentation to Mayor tdee. 3. SLA'CUS OF L7IGRE5 FURITITUR� LETTL+'R: PSr, Stc.rla stated he had sent a letter to Wickes FurniGUr.e iniorming l'hem of tlte discriminaticn complaint by Mra & Mrs. Hentges and stating that tdiciccs rvr.n.iture could notify thz ITuman Resources Commission if it needed anv assistance in this matter. 4. OTit;sR BUSZtdT'SS: R. MeeLintiAttendance. Mr. Storla stated that the stafL was having difficulty contacting Conmiissioners regarding tl�e meetings. � _,. HUMRN RCSDURCES COr1hII 5SION MGETING, MARCH 1, 1979 - PAGE 3 The Commissi.oncrs agreed that iC should be the responsibili.ty of each Commissioner to notify the city if thay were unable to aCtend the Cormnission meeting. B. CenL-er City Project Mr. Storla showed the Commissioners a map of the proposed downtown Fridley and gave the Commissioners the background on the Center City ProjecL'. He stated that the Planning Commission was now discussing the re-enacCment of a Housing and Redevelopment Authority and was going t'hrough the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. SCOrla stated he did not see where L'he goals of the Human Resources Commission fit in arith the Zoning Ordinance and he could not see any areas for the Commission to be involved in at this ti.me. However, he wanted the Commission to be aware of this; and, at the Planning Commission, the new Human Resources Commission chairperson should be sensitive to the concerns of the human resources` perspective and report to the Commission anything that should be a concern of the Commission. C. Handicapped Awareness Week Ms, van Dan informed the Co�ission that Yandicapped Aware.ness Week was going to be May 13-1°. In the r.egard, she would li.ke Co de��elop another proclamatiori invelving the handicapped in the city. She would bring that proclamation to the next Covunission meeting. Ms. van Dan sl-ated that she had not been able,to pursue the handicapped accessibility survey in which the Co�age Center tiad ag,reed to help the Commission. She thought this was something �hat should be done during the su�er, and the Ilandicapped Awareness Week (May 13-19) would be a good week'CO have the kick-off for that program. D. Village Green Update. Ms. van IIan stated that she understood that all of the apartments were pretty well set for occupancy by May 1st. In tlie nesct two weeks, the Initial Fesident Selection Committee would be getting together to start the initial scr.eening for the senio* citizens, They caere loolcing at a June lst or Ju1y 1st occupancy for the senior highrise. (At 6:00 p.m., Ms, van Dan left the meeCing and A4s. Do�son arrived at the meeting.) E. Plinnesota Department of Human Ri�hts No Fault Mr. Storla stated that this was a mauual that could take tUe place of the old rfemorandum of Agreement. He state3 he had attended the training program on hoia to use this manual on Peb. 24, 1979, at AugsUurg College put on by the StaLe Hmnan Rights nepartment. . , , �,,,-,.; NUMAN RTSOURCES COMM'[SiION t�fiTING MARCFI 1 1479 - PAGR Gt Mr. SL-orla stated that' if L-he Commission w:is to decide to adopt thi3 traiuing manual, the Coisnnission might want to consider putting on a seminar inviting alI tlie businesses and landlords in Pridiey. 13e also stal-ed that before going throubh the training manual in depth, Che Commission might want to wait and see what the new Commissioner of the State Human RighCS Department was gofng to do with it. Ms. Carpenter suggested that the Corccnissioners review the manual, react to it, and be ready for whatever l'he SL-ate does decide. They toould at least understand it and know what to do with it as a Commission. MaTION by Marlyis Carpenter, seconded by Mary Jo DoUson, to continue discussion on the"Minnesota Department of Human Rights No Fau1C Grievance and Charge Processieg Maaual" untii the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Sforla declared the mot-ion carried unanimously. Ms. Carpenter and Ms. Dohsoa commen.ded Mr. StorZa for his exceptional performance as chairperson of the Commission and for his long hours, h�rd. woxk, and dedi.cation to the Huma*_e fiesources Com�mis�ion. pt(77'LON by Pfar}� Jo Dcbso:z, seconded 'oq P4ar2yi.s Carpenter, to adjo+�rn the meeting. Unon a voice rete, a11 vot'ing aye, Chairpersen Storla declared th� ?Iarch 1, 1979, Human Resources Commission meeting adjourned aE 6:55 pem. Respectfully submitted, �f L /� ,,• :/9-•��rF �:�P�!ii'�C1 �_ LrLyz;�te Saba P.e.cording Secretary eZTx oF r'RIDLEY APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - MARCH 13 1979 _ CALL TO ORDER:. . Vice Cheirwoman Gabel called the March 13, i979, meeting of the Appeals Co�isaion to order at 7:3Q P.M. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. Gabel� hk. Plemel, Mr. Barna Membera Abseat: Mr. Kemper� Ms. Schnsbel Othera Present: Darrell Clark, Cortmnunity Development Administrator i. aPrxovE arrEaLS cor�sSioN a�navr�s: r�uax�c 13,i979: t�TION by Mr. Barna� seconded by Mr. Plemel� to approve the February 13� 1979� miautes of the Appeals Co�ission. � Mr. Barna stated that in the second motion on page 12� "Mr• Gebel" should be changed to "Ms. Gabel". UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE CHAIRWOMAN GAHEL DECLARID THE 2+RNUTES _ APPRQVED AS CORRECPED. 2. REQ[lEST FOR VARIANCES PL�ftSUANS TO CHAPT�R 205 Or THE FRIDLEY C1'F� COAE� TO 1t�UCE T� t�x��M Lar t�+ FxoM 750o s@vAZt� F'�fi �ro 675o s4.ut� ��, �u Tp RIDUCE TFiE SIDE YARD SETBACK OF Tf� LNING SIDE OF A HOUS� FROM 10 FF�T T� 7,1�$ FF�'� q`0 ALIAW THE CONSPRUCTION OF A I+L�S�i DWULLING AND GARAG.^+, AT S3� FAIRMONT STREET N.E. (Request by Mr. & Mrs. Ronald�-Skotak� �►90 Faix°mont S�treet N.E.� Fridley� Mn 55�+32)• MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mr. Aarna, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VO'PE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL AECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OP'EN AT 7:35 P•M. . Ms. Gabel read the Adminiatrative Steff Report as follows: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 534 Fairmont st. . A. Pi�LIC PLIltPOSE SERVEB BY REQU�EI��fir: Section 205.053, 1, B. For a lot on a plat racorded beYore December 29� 1955s the minimum lot erea is 7,5� �1�re feet. Public purpose served by this requirement 3s to avoid the condition oi over crawding of e residential neighborhood and to avoid the excess burden on the existing water and sewer services and to avoid reduction of surrounding property values. , `� APPEALS COMMISSION t�E'TII�, MARCH 13, 1979 _ PAGE 2 • 5ection 205.053, h, Q, 1. Requiring a side yard setback of 10 foot on the �living area side of a house. Public purpose served by this requirement �s to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between Tiviri9 areas in adjacent structui°es and 15 feet between garages and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposui°e to conflagration of fire. It is also to allow for aesthetically pleasing open areas around residential structures. B. STATED H�RDSNIP: Originally purchased adjacent lot to insure maintepance (upkeep) and improve neiyhborhood. P;ow desire to have new hume built, remain in Fridley and saine neighborhood, It is aTso no ionger economically feasible to hold ownership of tliis ]ot just for aesthetic reasons. C. ADMI�dISTRFlTIVE STAFF REVIE4J: It s!�ould be noted that according to our latest aerial photogra.phs that if the Coirmiission approves these variances, the new structure wiil be in front of the detached gara�e at 544 Fairinont, therefore, the required 15 feet between living area ar.d 9arage will 6e attained. for this reason, the siaff has no rECOmmended stipultations io suggest to the Commission if these variances are arproved. bJ's. Gsbcl asked iP thcre hadn't been a previoua requeat Por a variencc on this lat. Mr, Clark stated there hxd becn and the person who had made thnt request wss btpring the progerty� but the doy after the Board oi Appeale met, her option to buy had eacpired and the poep2e selling the property chsnged thcir minds� so the iasue wae droppcd. The reque�t wa�a Por a 2 foot varis�nce on the southeast'corner. Mra. Bketak came forward and �tate8 ahe was the owner of che property, Mr. Plemel asked if they had ;nnde the previous variaace request on this lot. Mre. Sko�iak stated they hnd aat. Ms. Gabel aeked if the house wes setback 35 Yeet. f�Srs. Skotak stated it waa. Mr. Barna noted they had a good size boulevard and that Yt wan lerge Yor that area. Mr. Clark stated the baulevurd wr�s 10 to 12 feet� and they had nbout 5 feet more thnn others in the area. ar�aLS cora�assiox u�rirrc, tanRCx 13, 1979 PAG� 3 Ms. Gabel stRted tlint the people rrho owned the vacent lot had aleo owned the little houae next door and aeked if they etill owaed it. Mrs. Skotak stated that ehe owned the little house� but had eold it for contrect for deed. She added that ahe also awned the ad�ecent property at 490 Fairmont. Ma. Gabel �aked ii they planned to mwe into the propoeed houee. Yh�a. Skotak atated they planned to move iato the new houee and eell the one they preseat],y live in at 490 Fairmont. Mr. Clark etnted tlut they survey was incorrect� that the garage on the adjacent property wae three fect iro� the property line� not on the property line. Mn. Gabel aoted thnt the lot waa pie shaped and salced hata that had happened in the middle aY a block. Mra. Skotak stated thcir presmt home ie also on a pie ahaped lot� there are three in all like that on the block. Mr. Clark etated that lud luppened because two plats came together there. � Ma. Gabal asked how big the houee Would be. Mr. Plemel stated it would be 40 x 38 minua a couple coracrs, including the garage. Mr�. Skotak noted it would be e 2 level.ha�e. Mr. Ralph Swanaon, 511 E?y Strect N.E. came forward snd etsted �hat he lived in the house behind the vacant lot. He aaked how far from the bmek of the 1ot the proposed house would be. � Mr. Clark atated it woul.d be 37 feet. 1�. Sbtanson asked ii the nariance request wse foT the side y�rd. Ms. Gable expl�ined that Mrs. Skotak aeeded a variance tor the side yard and ior the egusre footage of the lot. Mr. Barne etated that he hnd svggested 'to the people who made the lact request on thia lot that iY they could purchase 14 Seet irom Mrs. Skotak� it would hsve mede it a oqwre lot. Mra. Skotak stated they do hold the contract for deed on thst property� by it ia oflicial]y sold. Ma. Gabel uked Mr. S�ranson if he had auy objections. Mr, Swansoa etated he had objected when the last request wa,s m�de. Ma. Gabel expinined thet ii he did ob�ect they would send the request to the City . Council� otherwise they would make the final approval at thfs mceting. Mr. Saanson etated he would like Council to look at it. Mr. Plemel aaked Mr. S�raaeon rrhat hia ob jectiars was. -.,� APrEa�s Coa�asszoN �rnrc, a2axcx i3, 1979 PACE 4 Mr. Swaneon atated he feit tha lat aize vaa too small. Ae did not Want to see that large of e house on that small of a lot. He atmted that vith a etory a�d a half� it would be quite high in the back. He also ateted that most of the homsa in the nrea were ramblera. Ms. Gabel atat,ed it was a ep2it entry� and was a little higher in the back� but there rrere other homes in the nrea that were similar. She noted that the bouee directly across the street wes a split entry also. 2+�TION by Mr. Plemel� seconded by Mr. Barna� to cloae the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VC1i'E� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE PLffiLIC HEARII� CIASED AT 7:55 P•M• Mr. Plemel stated he had no objections because it was en attractive home and the precedent had been set ior bui2ding on lote oi this size in the area.. Mr. Beraa stated he had no objection and that 90 percent of the homes in the neighborhood were on smaller lot�. He did not object to that ttouse on that .Lot because to get any room on e small 1ot, you have to go up. Ms. Gabel agreed. She had no problems the last time this was discusced nnd she felt ii would be ga� fox the neighborhood ar�d would enhance property vslues. MOTION by Mr. Plemel� seconded by Mr. Barnm? to reco�end to Council approval of the rcquer�t f.or variances pvrsuant to Ci;apter 205 oY the Fridley City Code� to reduce the minimura lot area irom 7500 square feet to 675o square feet, and to reduce the aide yar8 setback of the living side of the house Yrom 10 feet to 7.�+8 feet� to a11ow the constructioa of a new dwelling and garage at 53� Fairmont Street N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE CFIAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARID THE MOTION CARP.IID UNANZMQUS.'r,Y. Ms. Gabcl explained that they were recoffiending approval oi the variance request� but bacause of Mr. Swanson's objection� the City Council vould make the final approva2. 3, REQUEST FOR VARIANCES PURSUANi' TO CHAPPER 205 aF TFTE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO RIDUCE mi� rwwn�� r.o� axEa FxoM 750o s�uaxE r�r To 660o sq,ua� r�r, TO REDUCE THE REQUIRED SIDE YARD OId A CQRI�t LCYl' FkON. 17Z FEE.fi T0 12 FTsE'P� TO REDUCE TEE REQUIR�D SYDE YARD FRdM 25 �T �OM A SIDE uTf2EET TO GARAGE OPENING TO 12 FE�ET� TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF LIVING AREA OVER AN ATTACI�D GARAGE AT S95 G�NCOE S'Pt.iEET N.E. (Request by §�. & Mre. Dsright Mennanga� 595 Glencoe Street N.E. Frldley� Mn 55432}• MO'TION by A4r. Barna� seconded by M:. Pleme2� to open the public hearing. . UPON A VOTCE VOTE� ALL VOTIP7G AYE� VICE CHATR410MAN GABEL D�CLARED TAE PtIBLIC HEART2� OPEN AT 8;00 P.M. pPp'EAI,S COMMISSION MEETING . MARCH 1 1. 9 P�� 5 Ms. Gs'bel read the Adminiatrative Stafi.Report aa iollows: ADMINIS7RATIV[ STAiP REPQR7 595 Glencae Strceti , A. PU6LIC PURPQSC SERVf:D (3Y RCQUIRfIf�Et�T: Sectian 205.053. 1. B. For a lot on a plat recorded before December 29, 1955, the minimum lot area is 7,500 square feet. Public purpose served by this requirment is to avoid over crovrding in a residentiai neighborhood. Section 205.053 4, B, (5, a). Side yard, requires a minimum side yard of 172 feet on a corner lot bet�•reeen the right of way 3nd a structure. Public purpose served by this requirement is to maintain an open area on a corner lot for traffic visibility. Section 205.053, 4, 6, (5, b). Side yard, requires a side yard setback of 25 feet from an accessory building which opens onto a side street and the right of way,line. Pu61ic purpose served by this requirer:ent.is to niaintain enough open space in front of the garage door to park a vehicle without encroaching onto the City right .of ti�+ay. B. STATED HARDSFiIP: 7his building now exists and all the petitioner plans to do is to construct living area on iop of the existing garage. Ft would be impractical to meet the code at this i:ime. C. ADI�iIP;tSTRATIVE S7FlFf REl'IEId: Since all of these code variations are existing, and the home already has substantial value, and the home o��mer wants to improve l�is existing structure, we would not make any further stipulaCions if the CoiMnission determines that the variances sltould be 9ranted. t�. & Mrs. Mennenga came forwerd and explained tlaat they wanted to build an addition ovar their attached garage. The garage vae sttached to the basement and had e flat roof . Ma, Gabel aaked if all the property withia the white fence belonged to thtm. }1r, Mennenga stated it did. ... ,�t APPEALS COMMISSTON MELTINGLMARCH 13, �979 - PAGE 6 Mr. Plemel atated they entered the garage from Broad Avenue. Mrs. 1+knnenga atated that waa correct. Ms. Gabel eaked whst the living aren wae preeent],q. Mr. Barna atated it xee 912 sqnare feet. Fie knew the previous ownere of the ffic�me. Mr. Plemel asked if they had any plane for the propoeed additioa. Mrs. Fkxsnenga shoved the Commiesioners a rough drew:fng and stated they wanted to have an L-shaped fami�y room with sliding glass doors goi.ng out to the deck. Ms. Gebcl asked if they were ,going to do the vork thenselves. Mrs. Mennenga atated thcy would have some help. Ms. Gabel asked what the founclation wae. Mr. Ciar& stated he had not been into the garage� but it aas appsrently built to be built on top of. Mrs. Mennengs stated there was cemeat block there. It had double joiets ead they Would put in a steel beam in it also because it is wide� 2d x 22. Ms. Gabcl asked whst the,y Would do with the roof line. NbC. Barna Etated the ridge wquZd rur_ aorth and sottth and tie into t5e kitchen. Ma. Gabal asked ii they wert going out any further on the side. Nir. Mennenga stated they Wouid nat, but vould tie right into the structure. They would put a deck on the other side. Ms. Gabel stated sh� sras camcerned about the neighbora privacy, but that would not present a problem, ii they did it that w�y. She also statcd that *aovl.d aot make the visual inapact a�{y worse than'it is. Mr. Clsrk atated it Would not present s safety h�zard. Ms. Gsbel noted that 3t was s bsd corner now. Mr. Barna stated they had final]y mnde it in�o a right of wqy. Ms. Gabel asked fi therc would be room ia the driveway to park one car lengthwise. Air. Mennenga stated thexe was roam tor one car lengthWiae and two acroas. . . . . _ . . . . . , . _ .. . . _ . ,�sr ApPEAIS COhIIdISSION 1�ETII�, �CH 13, 1979 ' —-- PAGE 7 Ms. Gabel asked if they presentJy had access to the house iran the garage. Mr. Meffienga etated they did� through the basement. Ms. Gabe1 aeked ii they had talked to their neighbore. ' Mre. Nknnenga stated they had talked to the neighbors on both sides� and they had ao objectioae. Nr. Plemel asked what the exterior of the houee eas ead what they planned Yor the new addition. Mr. i�nnenga stated it was shakes� aud they were thinking oi stqying vith that. They hoped to take ofY what is on there and use what they can. Mr. Bsrna noted they were diiPicult to take off and also that they were made of asbestos� so they should be careful in cutting them. i MOTION by Mr. Barna� seconded by Mr. Plemel, to close the public hearing. IIPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AXE� VICE CBAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE Pi1BLIC HEARING CI,OSED AT 8:05 P.M. Mr, Berna stated he lived in the neighborhood and i�ad no objections. Nr. Plemel stated that because there wo•sld be no further eneroachment on the lot linea or the side street� and no further saPety hszard� he would have no objection. MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to approve the requeat for varianceE to reduce the minimum lot area from 7500 square feet to 6600 square feet� to reduce the required side yard on a corner lot from 172 feet to ]2 £eet� and to reduce the required eide yard fr� 25 feet fr� a eide street to garage opening to 12 feet� to a11oW the construction of liv3ng area over an attached garage at 595 Glencoe Street N.E. t3fON A VOICE V�i'E� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEI, DECLARED TI� N%�TION CARRIED UNANIi�t0U5LY. Ms. Gabel informed Mr. and Mrs. Menaenga they were free ta get s building permit. '~ _ 4. crr�[t atrsirtESS: Ms. Gabel stated that at the last Planning C�lssion meeting, they were reviewing the Zoning Code and had discussed Appeals recouanendation for a limit of tWO persons per bedroom. Ms. Gabel stated she was not at the meeting vhen the Appeals Co�nission made this reconmmendation� so she could not explain hor* it came about. She had told the Planning Cor�ission she would eak £or an explanation and report back to them. Mr, Barna stated they had questioned havin�S two adult persons ia the ho�e� but had thea obtained a deiinition oi fami]y from Minneapolis. _.�,� ,APPF,ALS COh1MISSION MEETING, MARCH 13�19� PAGE 8 Ma. Gabel stated tha't the'P},anning Cormniesioa httd diccussed the definition of fumi]y anit ielt that dePinition would cover this." Also, thc Pl,anning Coarmisaion Pelt an occupancy limit would be getting ixito people°s peraonal lives toa much. Mr. Barna and Mr. Plemel egreed the occupancy lim.it detin3tioa should be deleted. The Commiseioners agreed that tho- deYinition oP fami],y should handle it. Ms. Gabel asked if ihe City Gouncil had declared a morstoriwn or ii' tkey had �ust said they �sou]sl be agreeable to one in the flood plain area. Mr. C2ark etated he h&d talked to Dick Sobieeh and fran his discussion witY�Yrir. Sobiech he tu�derstood that Council felt there wcre laws governing building in the Plood pl.ain, and if people can me.et those laws and requiremente� they should be ailowed to build. Ma. Gabel noted that the flood proofing laws were qnite stringent. Mr. Clark aeked wby the Planning Counnission had considered asking for a moratoriwn. � Me. Gabel stated they would ooncerned about drainage anc3 impact on the aeig�boxhood as a whole. Mr. ular7s stated that if the City Council or the City feels that st�rze3ay t��t whole fload pletin should iaP a City park� then they should not allow hc>mes to be built ott it. However, 3.� tY�� is nat in the plan� they cannot expect peopl.e to pqy t v:es on it if they caa meet the requirements. D1r. Flexiei s�.�.,ea tbey hnd discussed it at one time under the lirnan henewal Pro�rrsa�. ;�. C3.,rY st�a4;cd he was not su:e abaut that. MUTIOii by h1r, Barna9 secc�n�ed by Mr. Plemel� to adjourn �the i�.vxr.b. 13, 19i9 ��z'�i�k3 of th� Apgeala Co�:fs�ion, UPO:d k VOi�E V07'Es AL.L Vi}I'Jltiv AYPy VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL L'.:GLr'Lt"2F:D TAE N�c`•TTPcTG ADJDFIRZdT� nm ae3o P.r�. RespectPully Submi���dt �� ; " J'``_ >� ' a%'": / i �'"��- f �i� �.�k18.X.f'..UTI� }i�'CQR'C�.].atvtT uECiCf'.O2'j� / r . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . , p`.` xl. / CITY QF FRIALZY i PLA1Rfl11C} CQl�fiSBIOA 1�'Plll!} - MAitCB il, 19T9 CAI�i TO �i / Cia3rr�a garris callei tire �raL 21� 1979s ae�tia� K tke PL�snifu� C�risai� tm ori�r wt 7:�0 r.M. ROLL CALL: 1�Dsra 2r��tat: IRr. St•r].R� 13r. Oquist� ltr. IIsrria, ]ta, Suirbier (imr Mr. P�ters�t) �. a.b.i (rer �, sara.vei?, r�. z..ac.'r.�.a leaa�.rs Al.s.st: Ma. seis.b.l, Mr. F�t.=:.a Otiert Preoeats Rsy 7wek� Asscaciate Plaat�r 1. ArPAOVi PT.A�EtIHfi GOi9lTSSIOH 1lI1fJPi8: FSL�RUAR7 28, 1979: liiTI03f by l�r. Laf�eafeli� ote�nelN by Mr. Oqnist� t� ayprmve tly February a^8� 1979, a�s �t tk� Plaatia� Gc�irai�. tROlf A VOItR VOPi� ALL VOTINI� ATf� CHAIR�4Uf HARRIS II�GLARfD T9� 18�I��f CARRIlD iJl(Ati'DlWSLY. 2. AP?RO�i ?LAlilfLf(i COl9(788IO1f l�AVi'iS: MAY{CH 7, 1979: l�1TTI09 b� Dlr. Oqwiist, aeao�iad by Ms. Gabel, to �pprete tke lA�rak 7� 1979, ��es ii PTwia� Cc�issi�. illOU A VOICY VOTi� ALL VOTING AYi� CHAIRMAlt HARRIS I1�CiASID R'9E t�TIWf CARi?T6D UIfANLqUBLY. 3. li�I,IC i�ARIdR}: GUASITiRATION (7�' A PRUIO�D TR�I.�lINAH7C PLAT..t �P,.B. -vl� ��A�A D�$�—�. : Beia� a rep t• vat � is� a t iLicm; t gRrt of lot 32� Bl�k 4,� LcKell Additiq 'to Fsiillq Park, lyia� Iforti of tye 8m�ti P.7 t�et tker�oi, iaeludi'i tiiat'art oi St. Crais Strea�t djeiaia�� lyias BoutY �f Out3o�C 1� Riee Crsek PLza SnrC� Aiiiti�a, ta allw a tiree uait bovni�oxae der�lepaeat t� be aold aep�rate],y� suera'L�,p l�¢at�d or tlk �aat side aS Maia Str�et iY tie 6600 bl�ck. ipTI01f by lrr. Oqssiat, wawi�d br Nr. Sfi,�rla, tc opex tke publlc keari'g. �1( A VOIGZ PO'PZ� ALL VOTI�G AY&� CSAIRNAA HIIRRIS D�CLAR�D T� lUBLIC E�ARIAG ot� AT 7=35 �'.K, 1�. Le�k stat� tLat after Stalf Reriev� City Staf! ia� as probl.�a viti ths reqne.t for a pLt. Tk� purD�se ot tla reqeseat ia t� sia�� existi�og uaite iate .seeati�],�y �sii.Y wita. Staif detsr�ia� tieat 1f tis )i�t io �rwsi� thers vwil.d 1a�a t� bt • x+�qveat !� ��riaaae f�r �ke t�xaiousa aiae r.q�nire�eata aad tiat tie toweiwte a�tiaaue nquiseo a�+*i�s= ar�a fer is�elopae�t of toa (30) acr�s. R'ie area wf ttluu i�t in qaeatia� ia reu�Yly 1�3 a[ �as asre. But City Staft rrouli luve x� preblq aiLk tlmt. � r�a�x�c cowasaioz �ina, w�tca 7, i9'r9 rt�c� 2 �, aitaa�xe st�ttei 1t va� a aia• �trnecture aa�t ,rou�.a awke a ntee aiai.te r,,.s�r dwellio�. Oa lu�a L12m aqw�re fest vitk tve beir�s tip ud a tull baw�eat. Amotlur w ilati aboaL 1200 rq�e fest, aai tlu 6aa � is livias ia is a littl� larier tian tke otia� ti». A�ql�r �f the auiitace aoked 1i they vere talkin� about exiotimg stnzcturec or if ti�y wre p].anais� to a�d oae. Mr. Harria otstal tiey �»re talkia` a'b•ut exiati� etxti¢tur�a. Tkere s�re ao fur�her eo_enta ire� tYe avRliesce �itier for or a�s�iaat ti►e rsqwat. Mr. Oquipt a�k�8 if h� naderatood it �rop�rly tLt tlune wen exipti� uaita� pre- watlr rastal vaitc, oni t,k� p�titioaer want�d to sell tlus. Nr. Ifitwike ststsd tkaL wae cort�at ui ke liwi ia aae af tke uaitc. He va�li liks to e�ll tLs atLtr tR+o restal woiie aia�ly. Mr. oquiat sslua ir i�ey a..aea . r.�L►t tor ti.i. Nr. I�afeli stat�dl thq rouli is�e to a�ke tiai atpl�rate paroslo ia oxd�r to be sold sayarate],r. Mr. Oquist aak�i if tlu lot vrouli be �li witk tke haur�� amd 1i �ara�eo r»ro tt�r�. ldr. Barrla stated tiat wwe aorxr�at. �. (i�l»2 •�Yed ii tke petlti�er rould �eed �ari�ncea ior zero lat li.a�s. Nr. Earris atatd tl�at rraa correat� tLey wwld aNi rari.axo�s. Nr. Ls�k at�tei tiat im li�kt oi' tke faet tiat tiuy wr� tornkouses� tkey ai.iht �ot roqnirs v�ri�a¢�c fer tie �tbacka for ztro lot li=eat bnt rw].i t�r tlie sise. Dir. Hax'ria s'F,�►t�i tiat it app�axyal tlare t+tty two �araQec f� the tl�troe units. He a� i! tiat xa� ¢�rrect. Mr. NitacUk� �tated tkere wer� four aara�a� tvo iaiblea a�i tww oisal�s. I�Er. Barria eCated tlut tke tr. Aia�l� �arasea wou],i al�c b� split. lir, ltiteohke atat�i that �a s�rrsat. MD'PI�11 by 1�. (iabel, oe�ai�d by Ma. SvirMer� te al�ae tiu publi¢ kearing. U101t A VOIQ VORB� ALL VOTI�6 AY�� CHAIRNAfi HARRIB 11SCLARm T� Pt1BLIC EQARIIG CIA�3iD AT 7:40 P.M. Mr. Harris ask�d ilr. Leek i! tkry weu],i aeed au�r additioeal e�a�asat� !�r tte rrpLt. Mr. Leek rtated tkere vere aop 1u siae arars oi. PLA�IG cODQ�S8I011 l�TLG, NARCH T, 19T9 PACiB 3 Mr. Hrrrie 4sk�t ]dew tke utilitie� imi iato tie �ite� if tlar� rrmre thre� s�pArata aropo iato ths �uits. Mr. Nitooike atated Sksr� rrso aa� liae i�r Water aai one liae fer srw�er. The ira��r ecnZi �e �t�r�l stparately� asi ]se su�e�tal tiere be ati aa�oeiation rgi�eamsat iaa� tka ssw�x'. Mr. Sarria a�rt�d ther� alual.i be aa agHe�t ani aelua �b�ut tlte pew+r. Mr. Bito�Llu stated the po�wr wae aeparate ami also tke gas raa eeparat�. Nr. Earris aakad if tkere rrere tire� qeparate a�t�rs. Mr, llitseike otated tiere rrcre two eleatria msters on tho niddls in�uae. i�r. S�rria ctated thsre akould be an �rsese� r�sardia� the setere beiag �a tiat bulldi.a�. Mr. Dfitamylce agread. b�r. Harria ata'�ed tloat h� 1aa1 aoticed tlure vae s� dr�iaogs � utility �aanieat acreas tke iroat oi tie propoaed Lot 1� the propeaed Lot 3• � sskad ii tiost sras �a o],d eaae�omt. I�Ir. Usk statad lu waa aot eure and ac�u],d hsre to cl�eck. Mr. B�rria stated it lo�kei like part oi a we��#ai a�1 woniered if they wre xytaiaing auy of t�at alley for drwisage anA utllity. Mr. Aitamike �tated he Lad purahasei part of tlwt property iroa the City. Whea Le firat pureluieed tYs lot� there sraa a �aaatoS strest �x the aorth aide of tke lot� so ]ee pvrmLaaed pert oi that irca tia City ami aiovad hie lot uy 4 little furthez as aa aiaitiemal 26 feet eould b� add�d to the park. H� was aot aware of a irai�e eaaeeeat. Uh. B�rria atste8 that since tlaey vere replatim�i„thay ahould smke sure tie draina�e aaai utility easeasnts sharor on tke rsplat. MOTIOIQ by Mr. Lasgenftld� see�el by Mr. Oquiet, to recamead to C�uncil apprwal a, • prop�sad �r�limiaary plat� P.S. �'j9-fll� J�y Park Aiditicm� by A1�1a A. �titschte: B�i.as a rep].aL of OutlaE l� Ri¢e (��ek P].�za 8vuth Additi�n; t�t �srt ot I,et 32� Block 4� Lorell Aiiiticm to Fridl�y lark� ],rias �rth mf th� Swth 2.7 fe.t thereel� ia¢luiias tha.Wsst half of �aeat�d all�y adjmisis� aa�i ineluding that part cd' St. Croix Street adjoining� lyia� 8o�th of Outlot 1� &ica Creek P].aza South Additfoa, tm all�v a thr�e uait ta+aho�ue develo�ent to be eoli separate�jr, gexerW,y locatai or► tlte 8aat eide of Maia Str�et ia the 6G00 blxk, with ths sti uletions tLat 3t�ff look iatm the utilitv faetora i� reaaxds to ��arate ast�rs> aar xatar, Saa srd praer pa UPO1P A VOICi V0T&� ALL V(JTIliG A1'�� CHAIHMAI� HARRIB DDiCLARTD T� b1DTI0H CARRI� �I�qi�LY. lLAIIl� �SBI01f t�TII1G, 11ARCH 21, 1979 PAGR 4 $. Pt�LIG I�ARIU(i: COIISITiRATI01f OF A i�ST F0� A SPECIAL f1S& P�Rs : P�r c ox .0 � � � of F pI Cit�r �e • oar eoa ti� of • seec�ad aa¢�sa�rr bui].iiag ior storag� c- -L oi n runtiqw autoaobil�� oa Let 11, Biwk 2, Riae Creek T�rrace Plot 4� tk� oi�e be�af 68i1 Tth Stre�t iQ.E. 1DTION b� Ilr. Oquist� see�lad by Mr. �ul�rbi�r� to op�a tke publlc ieariaQ. fJPON A VOIC: VOTi� ALL VOTIIIG AYY� CHAIRMAA EARRIS �CLARED THS rCIDLIC H�ARING OPP� AT 7i5U P.M. Ms. Cawl atut�d tk� aorr�et aidreaa rua 68�►1 Tti Stxti�t tS� g�rt 6871. Mr. Iw�k rt;ted tLat after Staif Re�iw� Staif }+ai a� ¢oaa�ra. HR ref�rrsd to p�¢e 39 oi tke �eals boat a�i otatad there vae so Dlaun�i tatranoe to tlu pro- pet�i �ara�e far tke storKe oi th�t antrobile. Stalf vaa Qoneernai that if at ac�tise +ix �aLra'ee ws glaanei� tke aiie yarr� vilek existe f�r tiat purpose asi tie rsar �ard vkish �ziata for thut ps�rp�a� wa� ratlur saall. Tkey vere alao aoae�ra�i s'�tarilag A chaue oi �urship in th� futue�, ao tkey wanild likr tc sse th� p�titi�r stte�pL t� Ret �aoueat fr�s L1A ati�ibor im tlu evest aa satr�a¢e to tla prKs vas propesed ix tke future. The atier ea�ent iroa StaYt wao tiat tie prr�a�i aca�aomry etructure ie sa�evLat Lrser t� tksy r»uli recaoswad. Dir. 1Cerst Rsk�i v]�aS tk� b'taff wuld recaaead ia z�ards to size. Mr. 7wek ctsbei lu believei $tsif trestN �ypr�siaate7�i 300 aQwu'e ftet. Mr. Iiarria stated 300 aq�u�re feet vould be about 15 x 20. I�. ICoz�at 4tat�d he had sri�iatl]y plaued to aake it 20 x 22� but fotimd it vas just.as e¢oxaaieal to `0 22 x 22. Mr. Leek stated ti�►t ii tlu prapoa�al eha��s to tl�e z�aiar oo�le, they rrw�ld be lwki� at 240 aquare fset �a R�axiaum with�t a Bp�Msl iiee Pernit. �ythina o��r that Wauld requirs a Sp�cia]. Uaa Per�it ta a aaxianm s1z� oi bW sqwrt ieet. Mr. Harriq atated t�t veuld be 20 x 20. 1�. IS•rst et�t�d 20 x 2U xaiu].d a�E be a pr�bls=. Hia inteatioa wao aot to have a drivev�y bscause the �aro d�e't �o ia �r out that c�tes. Se xould art use thq i! it ws�a cua�vlaQ or rainiut. Hr uaes t�e� �r'ha three tises 4 year. Ma, flabel rtated it diis't look like tleere was eaowgi reaa betveea tke exietias g�ra�e aad tlre fesae t� �et tlrs cora threu�h� em�eeciall�r in the wiat�r. Mr. Korat atatei tlmere was, amd he voulR aat talc� tke care rn¢t im the wiater. Dls. Gabel aakad ab�ut �Ehhe trees ir+ the bsclqrari. Mr. Kprat atatal tiey would aot reawe a� oi tlu trses. PLANAi1fG COl![[BSIf>F 1�TI1R}, 1tARCH 21, 1979 PAG� 5 DIr. TAese=feld askad xipr he weuli nyi a Special Ua. P�rrit, if the axicina gar�e xas �t'hasked to tlu reoiience. Itr. Harria st�tei the attasked prage vaa aoaaidared u Aeeesaoxy buildisg, so tkia. pr�pewd �araQe xould bs a secwwl aaa�ae�ry building. l(�. bu�rbiex salui if ke xould be atorisQ tvo antiquo c�rs ther�. 1it. Kor�t stat�d iN vow]A. Preaeatly, tke osra innts beia� atorei at dilferszt plaa�c� aae im �un ai+artreat �arase he r�at,�i for tiiat purpost. He t►ao �rarrid it t�uli be otol�s fret tltese. Mr. Oqnist askei if he i»�ld awli s aex�rine area to tke �ar�e. Mr. K�rat rt�t�d ke Neuld =ot. llr. OQuia�E +►slud if he Lai 9 feet b�trrttY the lot liue �nd tht exiati�ag �►rage. !!r. Ksrat atated tloat vas corrset� sed ke hwi 10 leet oa the otksr aids � tke koua�e. Mr. Oqnlot ststad tLat 9 r�st �rould be adequate to Qet the car throE�gla. ids, fiwbel atatei tint witk a lot of aaow it vott],� bs difficult. Nr. Karst atat�i he had ticuQht About puttiag ia a p�le oz the fese� co is acruld ao�s.tiie �tt ii meed be� but he doea nat plan to take tke cars out is tie wiater. Nr. Da�ii Cwk, 68�W Waski�toa fit. H.�., at�tei iia Dreyperty w�a eaot �? Mr. Koratr' prep�ri7, aad Lie loaak yard wao aijacemt t� �s�i strwstuiv. Mr. Cook ctate� ie ia8 a�atie and p�ok in hia ba¢k yari. Curr�stay� %r. ICorats' �r�pert9 ia laniaeaped vitk akrube ani traes� a+�l Mr. Cook'a c�ncera was that a structure like tkia voul,i istraet frw aet o�]y the s�atkttia beauty ef the prep�rtys but veuli alco��lu�» a�ative L�aai �n the real •otate valne mf the aijaee�st property. Mr. Cwk stated he Lad a rtal estate aeent �ira kis aan opisiem� � hic apiai•m wsa that 3t w�vld detramt fraa tk� r�al eotate valw. If tiat io trw� he rrw1.3 aot be iY fsror oi a atrueture o! tiia aize beiaQ a8jase�ot to hia piwperty. Mr. Gok •ekad tist viem th� Cmisaiea milua tkair deeiei�s� he srould like t� to a•aaider vlat tleeir reaa�adatioa Kouli ba if tiat atr�rEure vaa ia tkeir back yari. Ids. Sairbi�r aeked viat tle� erCerior �f tie propowi atruature wuld bs. Mr. Korst atatad ie rrouli uw saa�i.te �idi.nQ aad m�tmi it to tke triai eelor on kis h�se. Mr. Lanieaftld aeked wlut the k�i`kt of ti� �arage vsu18 be. Mr. Kq�at stat�d it x�ul.d kave 8 foot ctuda a�ri otar�iard 22 deQre� truso. Hs ili arC vaut te sake it �* big��r tLan ieceesary. PLApNI1it3 �Ule�ssl0� !�, 1tAECH 21, 1979 rIIG& 6 Dh�. �CorL sokei Nr. I.Mk it tffie p�titie�ur �rt tLe �oted u��est ira� hie aei�hber� seu]A i� or a futuse e�aer pare tLat �r�a for a drirewar. 1�. Gab�l aoked if he cwSi take �t � to t1u prrportr liie. llr. Harri� etat�i thyr r•quir�i the dri��rqp to be 18 ischee ir��t�e property lias. Also� tk�y r�quir� it to bt 2 fat fran tle hou�e. idr. St�la atat.�i ti�t rc�u7,a t1w leave Uas tiaa 6 i�t' approxiar�te�v 5"8". Gn].a ke p�re tiwt. Mr. Leak stat�d t�t loekina at it aow, h� eauli p��e it. blr. K�sot etatei �her�a �+a� a conante aiieva7.k uB t� houce.�'=�.e::ra,s;s, Ido. Sniriier wokd ii ke rwli ba ioiag ¢ar rr@air er rebuildinQ. Nr. S�rat a'Gtt�i tlwn waul�i b� ame, but it woril.i =ot be a,nalc yax'd vitk feaiers aai Jw�k lYin6 arctmd. He k�e�a ltis yard uP wl w0ul,�t comtisw to do co. 1�r. Harria esp3a�d to t�e p�titi�er ti�� a Speaisl Uee Pernit is iccuei to tlu prop�erty� not to tke pere� reqwetiag it� aai it at�s xith ths property. 1�r. I,�rasafeld r��i th� follarie� in regards to S?ecial Us� Peraite: "If evidsaee ia preeta%ed at the heariss tiat tke requeatai use is aa�pst3ble with the baci¢ uo� tutherizsd vithia the partioular z�as uad d�so ac>t eidaa�er tlu pub3ie isaltk� �afei,y er �eaer�l ►nlf�re �f tke ar�a effset�i a' tk� ¢e�Waity aa a wkols� aid cer�lies vitk aueL otker ataniarla as �ye¢ified ia S�etian 205.01� the Sp�aial Use l�rrit oia�li be arazted ui a d�aial wauli be iN�ed arbitrary� uslavtul� aud ii riel�ti�a of tlu applicaats Qomstitutic�al riskt�." Mr. L�ns�aPald statad he brm�kt tiia � to pe1aL omt the faot tLat it vrild be verr iiificult ia tLis cASe Ss�qy • Sp�eial lJ�t P�rait. Mr. Korst ctrted tiat hr iatend� to aake tho buildia` attracti�e to hia hqe. M�. Gabsl ask�d if he itd at�te8 la rw�l,i ge vith A 20 x 20 ratiur tiai a 22 x 22. Mr. grrst stat�d ke wuld be rery williag to �o witY a 20 x 2�. Mr. Harria askei if tiere w�ul� be a� pavia�. Nr. Koret statd ha voc�li hwT� a 3 fost apran. Dla. E3uirbier aakM if tiat rreulAg't ruia tie erase, nct baving a yaved drivevqy. avea takia�a t� car out cm]y eecasioaally. Dtr. Kaqcat a't�ted he v�uld net take the ear out ekea it rras wet. 1lr. Oquiat aakei if Mr. Korat Lad eoaaiiersi ].a�daeapis� ar�uuad th� buildiag. U�. Korst statwd h� weald ].�adacape 1i uec�acary. LJYfa�A.Lf�V \iVAaJ.ITi1�1� a'l�liaRT1 alIW1Vl1 G.i) l�� �' CA4l� � Mr. Oqniat at�tad yne vse tkiakia� ot safs lsr�s eix�b sarose tie baek t3u�L r»uld ielp ts hiie ths buil+dia`� oad sake it more attraative. llr. Korst ata�ed he cau7.d put it oa tlme other sid� �i tl�e fesoe, oa tke eaeessat. Idr. Oqnict aakeQ it ke xm�ld have 2 feet betvee= the gara�e and tio fsace. Nr. IC�st atated ti�re veuld b� $ ieet c�uat4� the otlwr ciia mf t1Ye feaee. He �tatad lk vaa net #syiag t• aatasomize aLy aei�bors. Mr. La�esf�ld aoted titt Speeial Uee Pex�ite were aubject to a�mual reviev� aad tie vould like to ssp�aeize the c�strol oa Special Use P.r�its itivolved h.re. Yh�. S`torla atated �a felt reoale value could be • sv;sor+ ta denpr, iZ it efiecta testiati¢a to tko p�int oi diainichi� the aeii�kbora prapsrty ralue. Mr. K�ret stated thare rrere other hauces ia the bloek tlut i�d `�rqgea set baak fro= the Sause�. Mr. Storla •rlad kw �� buildin�s� in the i�aediaLs area� wero set a� tke back of tke lota. blr. �ottsti stat�d he vaa aot wre. Ma. Joas �.�kue� 6830 Waalain�toa St. I�, atatei ehs felt tie saae os tie Ccok�� asd tlesy $o uae tkeir baak yard asd xo�il.a aot like tv ses a detaehei �araQe. There are aa�e aeroQa the etrset. Ske stated ohe Sii aot waat to spsmmd the si�oear looking at �kia bi� builiiag. She did mot vaat to esuoe a� prableaac� but wovld like t0 ix�� a rq]. eatate ageYt eoae €�ut awi tell her'.ii thia would detr�ct Preaa the sale ot ier k�uu�e. Ab. SuLrbior aaked ii there vere ietached garagas seroae the etrwet frcm her. Ma. Rloekus stated then rrere ease oa the other eide of Waakit�tca, but aat aat t1e;�r siie of the streat. ldr. Harris etated he was emacermed abeut t!e f�ature� t�n aad if Mr. Korst daeided to esll his ears or dve711ag� they iruuld be left with A 8QC0� aceeeaory buildinQ on the baak of a lot xith a 9 fomt sameso� which is pretty tight. Ah�. Harris stated he �ras aot eure hew that wc�uld eaff��t t�lie sei�hbor tm tke north. He a�ked Mr. Korat if hs bud ap�roached hip meiihbor Yor an eaawent. Mr. Kmret atated he had not. Mr. Hsrria etated hia concera tiras thst the nert ovnsr vuuld vant to use iL a� a s�tra�t� asd with omly 9 fest of a¢cos:� it vould be a problem. Mr. Lae�sateld stated ti�at the petitiar reatl "seeoad aecesaory buildiag for atorags et aa aat3que 4uta�obile" and if tbat inteaded uce then used� 1t aould have to cOme before G�uaeil. PI.ANAIHG COb0�1I8si0x I�ETIHG, MARCH 21, 1979 P�8 8 Mr. Harris stated it xc�ulia't rsallys beeause the building would be ra�istiag p,urd uasd.ic�r storiMg auto`ubilta, eo hrnr conld tlaey dsmr an existing vae. Ms. Suhrbier aaked if tkey vai►t�a to turn it i�tto a resula�r garage� coulds't they put in • g root drivewyy. Mr. Harrie atatad tLst vao the pr�blem. In p�aetiaality, they woul.d ased all of tkt aias Iest th�y aould Qet. He asked lAr. Korst ii tie issce there was his. Mr. Korat stated it waa, Ma. Gab.l atatsd it svould reee� to her that tlaat's rrhere tltey we��uld drnv the 11ae� bscauce they emalda't 3or�e a drivetiray wid� eaeugh to perait ueing it as a(�arase. I�. Harria s'tAtad he vae caa�eerned about allwiag s bui],ding tLat vae in fact a �r�e witkout accsec to get into it. Ms. Gabal atqtad tlaat fu�ure b�rers rtovld loa� to understand tk+at the building rras for storye� not for a gara�e. Mr. Harric ctatsd they would uae it aa s garag�s a�+ety. Mr. I,arganfeld etated at that point tkeq could Isarm a problen with the health� eafety +tad wslfax'e st tite eurroua�diag area. Mr. 3t�rla aakmal if ther� was a aiaisims width ior driveways. lfr. Harris atated it vwil�d Y+ava to be at les4t 8 Last becauae t�t's hart�rr viia ewrs are� but o�r mods vc�uld not allov it in thia easa bscauae there �ust be 18 iaches betxeea tbe prop�rty liae and tiae drivrvay aml 2 f�et betrraan the house anai the dri��vt�y . Ah�. 7.esk stat� there vao ao �tipulatioa ia thm eode for the width of the driverqy. 14e. Storlq statad it w�uli be allrnred thea !or tlun to put in a ems].ler drivew�y. ilr. Barrie act�d tLat the h0uae �raa eet 57 feet back froa 7th Stre.L. lfr. Korat stated there �ra� so rr�q iie coul.d put it is front ef the houae. Ms. Suirbier aak�a wiuPt the atyle of the houae wae. Mr. Herat sta'C�d it u*aa a two stcxy xitk a roK slanting dmva im front. Ms. (i�bsl aeted that all t�e h�utaes oa that blaak snre eetb�ek the cwee, e� thea theTe vowld be a v�riaaee probl.ea� �aal eLs f�lt it vouli look b�d to build in freat cf tlqit houet. Mr. K�rst affiaved the Cc�eodeoicnsra a picture of his houee. PLAHIIT�} CQtQ�QSSIOA M�TING, 1(ARCH 21, i 79 PA(iE 9 kr. Sterla aaked if l,s eoulin't Mve tme propow8 Qarage cloaer to kis ha�e. Mr. �arst �'6ated that 5 fpt either wqy vatli sot aske a�r differsa¢e� also� it wouli be very t�ht. Mr, I�g�af�ld aalud aiat kind �f gax+dehig tiM petitioner xould fa¢e if the rsqueat vas ienid. 1�. Korst statcd lu was preeeat]Y PeprinQ $40.00 a�anth to ramt • i�'+�e to etc�re tyu sear aad alw iyd tL�e woxz� t�t it might bs stnlea. A].so, he ie storing e� oar im his preesat Qara`e� eo kie ather aar sito �uut everyd�q. -- � _��t w ,_,. ':� �z.�,�,�; �e ��u�_d ;�v�. Mr. Kcirat atated tiat vh�a he purala�cai tiu l�ous�� there xac talk� a�rt iroa City Hall� but he keard �wk�re, tLat lu ¢ould get a' eaoemait t� put a�ar�ge there. St aw]+d put a 3rirer�y on tie stlur cidle oi the housei but tkem hia baok y�ri �wwl�l look lilu a parkina lot. MT. HwTTj.B 8"tA'ttd 'CYd'Yr SiiB HIYtr i�Ofla idl�. Mr. Iaos�nfeld stated thut 25 propsrty ovaera �re notiiied pa�i only txo r►ere at the asetia�. H� aaked ii tlure wre oa�eato frea other meishbors. Alr. K�rat ctated ha had heari s• oa.plaints irrn his ma�xt daor aeighbor/ oie a�r e�f the vtker aeigkbore. �ts. �oskus atRted tLat She buildimg tireuli on]y elftat the People beltind him� set the peaple in freat, and tkere *rere en]y eix hwae bthiad him. DIDTIOP 'by Mr. I�aoQeafsld� esc�aid by* Mc. Gabsl te clooe the publia iearing. UPt)ffi A VAICa VOTS� ALI. VOTIH(3 AY$� CHAIRMAK HARRIS DECLARED T� PtIDLIC i�ARING CIASSD AT 8:2$ P.11. YL. Sutirbior atatod it vaa a very sice area� a�ri waul� sat 11ke to aee as extra builiin� is baek. Ms. Gabel eiat�d ehe could not 4ssgine aRyone tryina te put s drivevay is tlure. Mr. Lan�ealall atoted there were sa�y thingc ta coaeiderj tLe ri�ght of the proparty �ner wed the ri�ta oY the �e�pl� in ths surrewaiia� area, tlu future� aesth�tioa� an8 alao the rulea regariing Special Use Pex�ite. Na. 6uhrbier atated t�t if the hmue� trer. aold, • real aotat� a�st cou]Al list it aa a tmrN-ear sar�e. bl�. G�bel state8 tl�t xould iepeml oa if th�rs �raa a a�riveway: �here. Mr. Ltusaf�ld atated h� di8 sot feel thsre t+ere ouffiaieat ar�unda for desial uf a. mpsci�7. iJse Pernit� +wd eapisziei tiut tle buildi� vaa for atarage of ai agtiqwe autoeobile. 2LA�l�I1Ki G93�SSSItilf I�rIHG, MARCa 21t 1979 PAGE 10 l�lOT7Al( by Mr. L�safnld� ascv�ied by Ms. Gabal� t� aseo�s�i ta Cauxcil appxwrra7. � s�tqwst. far� � Spoeial Uae Permit� SP �79-02i B--y �rv�a Korat: Per Seotiou 205.051, �, A, ef �ke Frlilqr City Coie, ta allea tks construatioa ei a ceew�l aan�ssory l�vildiag Y�or stmrKs K as amtique a�tawbile� os I,ot 11, Blxk 2, R1ae CrNk Terraes Plet k� tie a�ae beia� 6841 7tk Street it.&., with tke folletiri�g a#1pnL�ieaoa Yo iri�aY vill b� p�r�itted xw �r ia the iuture tke buildin� •izs vi11 br 2C s . asss vi�s a'6s`"6e iC"wu �i'i u iei e I�. Gahel atatal � veuLi like tke atipulatiea ia tie s�rrtit os tlu�t no drirr�r�p* weuli b� ali.i to �o into tke b�ak yard. Mr. H�rsis stat�d tbsy xouli probably aot put a dri�wsy ia� but wouli just drive oa the sraaa. Mr. fiabel stnte& it wauld be extxvse]y �iffiault ier aoaeone tc get back there im tYe viater xiti�ut a pqvai eurfa¢e� baeauss af the iacline. Mr. SE�rla atated the buildi�es vouli tken bs ia�practisal w�lasa a peraen iad ntiqw aar• te ats�ee thsre. Mr. Harria atst�d it Wouli wslesa they Lad a�tipvlatiee thRb the builiing eould not b� u�a7 for anp+tLisi otker t5an eterage. Mr. Lan�eafeli stated tist vao vrl�y he iad streaeed aceeaeery atar�ase bui].Iling. ida. (iabel atatad she rreul.d liko to aseal tie aoti�m to inclnis the atipulptiom tkat tksr� be so drivewqy. Mr. Oquiat askad ii thea� tecloni¢a11y, vaul� hs bs ;bla to uce tYat arsa to get iat� hii �arag�. Ms. Gabtl 4tatad �he saa�t a pawi drivowqy. I�. Lt�ageafeld atatad 4ia't in re�wrde to t3u iriwvay*� vYen tkey plaae atlpulatioaa as a wm� oi amotrol th�y ara plaeiaQ a dietateriql typt of Bsrdship q the petitiaeer. Mo. Gab.l aotei tiat tdr. %raot �i� aat vait tm put ix a pavad dri�ev�q. Ma. SuLrbisr aalud iuR+ �aia14 tis sar�ge wou]:i oeat. Mr. Krost atRtai it rculi ¢oAt about $3�500 te �4�000. Mr. Lrek etatsi t3at tie cad� r�quina a drir�way 'be sithar �rd aurfaeei or gr�vel� ao ii tluy eti�ulatt irivw�,q, tiat rnuli be erwsk. Mr. Lae�anfeid a%ated ha vwld all,ow the ineorperaties oi' thnt a�eadmeat. Mr. Storla atat�d tl�st was eqyiag they could use it ao a drivrwy+� �e long ac they ltm't ia�revs it. PLAIINI1fG CAI�IISSI02f 1�'PING, MARCH 21, 1979 PAAf}& 11 i9a. f3aiel ota�ted alm� asr�i with iir. Iwng�afel,d, tlut tlwy did sot lu�e oufPicieat �rauaie to i�uy tki• req,wat. Ne. 9uhrbisr �at�8 aha i1i nrt like to �e eztra Qar��e �oin� up nrow�d Fridley for atmr�� purpoaee. Nr. Oquist aaked if th�y would atipulate tLat tlw �ar�e b� 20 x 20. lla. (ia'bel a't.�ted tbat Mr. Kerat had agr�ai te tks�t� bnt waul,d xgr.e to r�ke it a stipvlation if it xaa aars�able te Mr. Loa�aat�ld. �. I�an�esf�ld �r�ad. Nr. Ce�k askd if tLe Co�iosio�rs vould aoaeider nquiri� aa�e type of cl�rubb�ry to 1»autiir tke baok of Lhe building. Mr. Oquiat statwl that if the gar�e xaa 20 x 20� ie v+suld haw 4 feet behimd the i�='�i� to plaat aLrubb�xq. Mr. C�ok aak�d tLq be rre ep�aifie aa to wh4t perceat of th� baek weia].d be ecrrerai. Mr. La�anfeld atatd he vmxLi aeMmd tha aoti� to include eLrubbery but on],y to the poiat rh�re it would sliain�te visual pellutiea�. Iie iid aot !•�1 thqr eould atipu].4be a nrtRia p�raunt�e. Mr. Oqniat s�r�ei� aad auQgerta� tbat pime trwa WwaLi saie ged eoverage. tlPO� A VOICE VORZ� 1�. LA�SI.D� 1�R. GABEL AP� l�t. OQUIST VOTING AYE� AI�ID Mi. HARRIS� M$. SUHIiB7Zlt� AI�ID l�i. SPORLA VOTIi� NA7� CHAIIiMAlP HARRIS DECLAI�D T9S MOTIOH FAILED WITH�OUP A.CLBAR IiAJ�iITY. Mr. Harria aakei ii there rtas �ther sotioa. There wr� no further notiara. l�h�. Harris atatai the reqwet irould bf wat to Couaail rrithout a rece�niation. HR infors�8 tlte audi�na! wi peLitio�r thnt tkis item vovli appear at tLe April 9th Cam¢il a��tiaQ a�d sv�eatad that all latensL�d y�arties be thare. $> TABLID: R�Q,L�� F(Ht A LOT SPI.IT, L.S. �79-01, BY MAR6I1f A� RO�YRT ERICK801f: vpaa��.wa ra n��`rsc.y� 1�.77 vs w� av� nwsi�vr's o�awa�a�ava aw. v» w. rrc tw Dui].die� citea !ar donbla bussaleva� tka eau beia� 1385-87 aud 1295-9? ifart� Avsaiue N.E. l�ir. Lsek stat�8 tlu�t tk� pe�Eitia�er lywi reqwat� th� itea r�naim tabl�i at tiie a�rtiaQ. �i. COPTI1rt�Ds PROPOSBD GHAi1GS8 I�T CHAPP�t 205. ZOIfIIG: ._.. -. 193TIf)!i by Mr. Lu��sf�la� s�¢ami�d 'by Ms. Sularbier� Cs a�tiaue thia item w�til the � o ti�e aettin�. UPOH A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTIP� AYS� CHAIRMAlf HARRI3 LiCLAliED TS� t�I01f CARRIED i71fANIIA13[TSI.7. PLAMAIl� COIelI88IOi1 1�'tiNfi, NARCH 2]., 1979 P� � 7. 1�CSIV� B�vIIt�1�1�mAI. QuALiTY c�+AIISSIOI� D�NVr&s: F'EeRtrAFtY 20, 1979: 11JTIOlf by Mr. LanEemield� aser.ni�i bp i+t�. Suirbier, to reaeive the Felrwuy 2�, 1q79� aia—u�ss of tho �avironetntal Quality C�is�ioz. UPON A POIC� YOTE� ALL YOTING AYE� CHAIIiMAA HAItRIB D�CLAIiID TBE N�TIO�i CARRIlED ti�ADlII1DU8LY. 8. R�CiIV� H[BRAIf RSSOLStCE COI�IIBSION MIIi[7P&S: MARCH 1, 1979: llOTION by Mr. Storila� seco�led by Mr. Oqulst� to r�asire the March 1, 1979� minutee i�ie H�ae� aesour¢e Ca�iesioa. UU�01( A VOIC� VO�� ALL VOT7�G AY&� CHAIRMADT HARRIS D&CLARED THB MOTION CARRI� [1NANIId�UBI,Y. 9. aac�rrvr ar�nt,s coa�aassiox �vr�s: Maxca i3, 1979: ElOTIOM by Ms. Gqb�l, sscoaded by Mr. Laagemfeld� tm r.ceiva the Mareh 1�, 1979� a�es ef tke Appoale Cammiasic�m. iR�01( A VOICB VOTE� ALL VOTING AY�� CHAIItMAP HARIiIS DYCLA� Ti� 19D�IO2i CARRIED ZJ&A1fII�GUBLY. 10. OTHBR BLSINESS: I�Lr. I��nfald etAted tlut in order to pureLaee a taps reaordoot� a motiaa muat be aaie directly to Cwneil, beeavie tiut ie coneiderai a capital expenditure. Chairaaa Harrie deslared a resess wt 8:50 P,M, asd neeanveaed tffie �eting at 9�10 P.M. 11. CoxTIIYU&u: PROPOS�II cHa1�3�s Ia CHAPffit 205. 7AxrnG: 205.A44 IAT PROVI8I0H8 P�e 13, �bs Ap�sals Camisei� had rec�emded thie be chatiged to read: "Where tlw iraant yari attbaek of sxieting buildings within a dietance of 1�0 iset aas berth aidee ed a�truetnse to bo erected ie aore tiam the siaimun Iron yard setback re- quired� tkeg the eetbaak fer tke aaid buildi.x� couli be 6 f�et leea oi the aeAs ieptk. (dsl•te vordo "a�ore er") Ix so ca�e siall it be leas tlua the requirad aiaistiroa setbaak Yor tLat saee." (a8d tie wmri "aainim�") The Carissionsre co�eurrsd. 2og.o45 �CC,essa�c Bt7�nInic� A� stxv�'t�ss i�r. Harria me>ted there were a lot �'�adiitioaa to thia secti�a. Mr. Iwek stated tlwt ia �aaeral� the saase oP the ahugss tiras to in@raase ths accwpt- ability of aeceosory buildings to tke aeighbore by increas�mg�;the dietancee fr�s 1crE liaar aad tiin�e lika tiat. ;I' �;Y �� i.J ' � � .IS` i�f f • � H: Dtr. Harria etat�d that he a�e ee�ceraed tLat �eeeecery builiings 3ateaded Yem AtcrraK� �nnl,d be useai for ka.e �ect�atioas or akeps if tl�ere eere allm+ed to be tirt bi�. Mr. &trrie at��stad tkey look at 2D a�aia s� discuea it lat.r ala� xith 2C. The Caaa�iesloasre acacurrei. Paas 13, �: 1Sr. H�rria soted t�t the a4titnm aize allovsd vas 7� eQuax'e Peet accardisg to thie. MB. QrAtlfl 4'tA'tei Lha'L iT6H t$e �in,i!s� 91Ze al].WlB On i 110U86. Mr. Harrie su�g.eted tkeq trrite a�epxrate seatisa Por R-1 for aecesaory builditags. Mr. Lt�lc �eated tiat 2F �rkick atnt�s tLat acaerse�y bui.liisga in aggre�ats aot oeeuyy sore tL�u 35 Peroeat of the area oP a requireil r�r y:r8, weulal take care 6i 2B Yor reci8tstisl areaa. --- �. HErria atat�d tLat �nld allov a big building� dependieg oa the lot cize. 1�. Qabe1 plc�t if the enrreat ¢ade diia�t raquire a aaxim� siz�e of 40� squRre iset an� vlpr vere the,y up�rading it. �e atated tiut eht did �at like 2F. D�r. Harrie etatei tLat em a 50 x 75 rmet area, that vro�ld allow an aceeseory buildi.� of about 1312 Bquaro Yeat. Mr. Harrie su��stsd tLey rethiak the whole amseaaory bui].iia� ssetica� fra� �l to �2F' and e�siter �+riti�aQ a eegarate seetiam en aceeaaory bnll,diaga i� r�eideatial zoaee. Tke Cc3eiaaiaaure coacurred. Ms, t3abel atatal ahe waa t�+tal.�y appased to 2F. P�e 13s i�3s A�eala Ca�iisaima had reaose�iei a defi�aitioa for "roof housea" be aeveleped. Idr. FL►rrie stat�d tie w�rd "aor° should be "or". Mr. Oquist questioaed rrhether tgie ltaa related to aocesaory buildim�s. He nated tl�t e�eons eould put e� de�o cn nn aaseeaory buildfi�ng with aa he3git lieit according tm this. 7�. Loek atatd he umderatood t]nia referred to thiags attached to the aiais buildiag� and felt t�at ahould be elarified. Mr. Harria av�eeted tist be re-writtea also. Tke Cm.isaiaaera concurrd. PLA� CQIOQSBIOIP bI66TI1RL MARCH 21, 1979 PAGE i� P�e 14� lat par�rqpi: 1Ir. flqni4t at�at�d tLst tiia paraQraph� +hieb xsa aot aw�berad by the wa�+i aad �3 oY p�e 13 deal aitk tla luiett ot tke priaaipal buillir�t +w'1 akaili aot be innlvd�l S,Y tiia seati� oa weaassery buildiags. Mr. Harris au�g.ated tiis paraQraph be leokei at ale� vitk �3. Tk� Criaeiaaure soaeurr�i. P�e 14, �4: Mr. Iw�k stat�d that in his book #4 w�s ieleteat. It xae aot ielstsi ia tke bookc c�f the Ccn�issian�ra. Tiu Cwaiseioaera �reai tiat Mr. Leek ahou]ai look into �. 205•ok6 Fi�4UIR�u YARD AI� oPS� �ACE ?a�e 14� �l: Mr. Harris a'F�ts�1 l+e ec�ul.d not wderstewd *�t they irer. tryimg te �sy. dh'. Uek atat�i tkq t�a�s sqia� tiat ia saces trhara the code allwa lest atrim�ent apaee rsqui.rs�ents,atie preseat c�vaer of tiat lat a�i buildin� caencrt ibdues tke op�s ar�a fziatiag. Mr. Harria aaked ii tby cou].d wke tL�t etiak. Mr. 7wek statad tluy probab]y emil,i. ML_e. (iayb�l s'h.�tNd t.�l_u_�t^ allQt�l�+aty syea�ays�le tkat if you sia��n�tj �t�o emaay�ye..♦ eaywthing�'I�yVou/��v Y�1�. Y� �/ � •�i�Yw@f �iR L�Y 1�t �� �Q �QMi�}�y � YNY �Y �Q tYY wY`vy • ML`. L!!k eti'tl1� hR Xall18 B!R �.i 1t 00111da�'t t9! Si$11�ii�d. Pa[e 14� �2s Alr. (iab�l sv�sst�d they delote the rrorda "other crp�a epacesy or". l�h". I+eek �greed. Tke C�osicai�ra conovrrad. P�go lb, �3A2 Ms. Gabel •eked vbat a°lintfl° wse. Mr. Iwek atatsd it vae a baas uetaully wer a aoervp*. Ths C�isaivaere rac�emled there ba e►_sc3sa ait�r the voxsl "yard°. PI�l�fItiG C011QSSIOP !�R'ING, 1(ARCH 21, 1979 - PAGS 16 Mr. Herria Asked it ¢anepise were l�led in aaother ss¢tiog of the eode. Mr. Iwok atated it vse his w�deratanding they vc+uld b� �11�1 here• I% eu�gested it b� iaaluiN i.n �3C • The C�ioeioaera ccracurrs�. Mr. Leek stated h� vould be Willie� to eiiL th� decs�t t� delete suah things as doubl. a�ttises. Ss felt tiat eaaecme rko vas got i.arolvad in vriting it shoul.d 8o tiis. Th� Camiaaioaere aw`curred. Pe�a 14, �: Mr. I.e�k statad tYe Boiat o1 thie �rao that tkey did aot want lighte g].aris� in peap].e' e wimaen►e. Ma. Gsbel avgg•sted they deltte the worde "frae the publia�rigit"ef-wqy.___ The Ca�iad�erc ereacursed. Pas� 14, �3C: Tke Cw�iasionere egreed te inaert;the �rora "easopiea" after t� word "entx�nc�c"� 1�. Oquist etatsd tiat not alleving atepe to extead aearer tlua 2 feet fro■ a drim- r�y vaa i�raetieal. A�q/ene with a eide dmor could aot do it. Avy three-tier atepc vill a�rCead 4 feet. 7ou caanot live xith tLat 2 feet. Mr. Starla qwectione8 the nox+ai "required" an�d sugBeoted they delete it. Ms. Gabel auggeated they add the vord e�etbsek there bo clsrity it. She stateS tlos�t "requirNl yard" iwd "eetbaak" �ere txo different thinQa. They ehould d�fine Wiat they sre talkia� about there. Mr. I,e�Ic at�tsi tkr,y asast "eetback" here� aad auggte%ad the�y aLaege i� to "aetbaak" ia all w�ea. Th� Ca�iaeic�ere cm¢urxvd. Ide. Gabel otated tkey wou13 iure a probles xith the 2 taot r�quiivment ani it Kould men asre va�iaaes reqnso'ta. i4. Leek rug�satei they drerp the vorda "aa8 aore tloau 3 feet into any required side yari eetbaislc" as�i alse delete tih. wardc."parkiag Aad driviag"� ia those ixstanoes idnere thqy e�pen direet�y onto tiu d��eway. Tke Ccsiiaaieaers ¢oncurred. PLAflIlIN6 C�sIOA �ING, NARCH 21, 1979 PA(3B 17 Paae 1$� �3D: Hr. Harris qeustioa�d vhetYer the 1� ieet tliere would afet With the State Fir� Coi�. Mr. Lsak stat�d he wcruld olusk tke State Fire Cei�. Pai� 15, i�3�: Yfr. Leelc etated thie xao talcen t�o� the exieting eede. He umderstoo8 this item seldresoed tke plac�nt of a�y obetruetioa ca • l�t line. t�. Harris suigeeted thia be re-rmitten� it waa tou rroriy. Tke C�isei�ra coscurxwi. P+�6@ 15, �3F: lr1a. tiabal etat�d ehe vas pppowd to thie beeause there wae an apartaon�E behind her wi ia ord�r te eev�r tho bad looke o2 the apartaesL� her shrube wre higher t�4 tmat a�i wou]d sst hiQlur still. I�fr. I.�egesfeli asked What tke iatent rrae here. Mr. Leek �tated the intest raa to haadle �mke�pt appearanaes in heigee higier tban 7 f�et. It was difficult to tria hedges highmr than t1�at. Me. G+�bel ctat�d ehe had ao problsu with ao�?allwisg 8 foot feaces or 8 faot he�g.e oB cornera vkerm they wc�ild prssent a viewal prmblem for ssfety� but felt they were orer etoppiag bouade by r��latisQ h�rt high had�a boar,diug lot lines coali be. If people t+sat 3aadaes 10 ieet tall for privaoy� tLet vac their aYfair� sert the Citq�e. Mr. i.sok otated hs would not havc a problea either vqq with it. Mr. Harria atat.i they ehould defiae "alaae�yr grown lud�e". Mr. Leak atatsd he did not feel it vae equitabla to liuit iencec rad aot 2udges. Mr. Lam��aisld askadl iY it vao a part of ar{y S`Eate Code. �9r. Leek etated that to tho beet of his kacreladge� it s�sa not. Mr. Iaa�eafeld aeked xLat Mr. I,eek felt �bout it. Mr. Leek stat�l his oa�y conaera wovld be xhere it related to eafety for froat rieual acceae and rear a¢ceas to utility. He atat�d snother eoncera vould bs rrl�ore penrtr liaes ven along lot lin@a sed the hadQoe iaterfered. Mlr. Harris ex3ggested tltey dePine hadgs. � cc�ss=oa a�mixc, a�xe$ ti., i979 rncE i8 , M02ION by Mr. 8torlai seconded by Ma. Gabel� to adjourn the MQreh 21� 1979 neetis� 0I the Plannisg Gmiasiem. I1�UF A VOIC$ VOTB� ALL VOTIPC AYS� CHAIRNAN SARRIS 17�CLAR&D 'P� A�u'TING ADJD[IItI�D AT 10:2f1 P.A1. Re�ptetfvl7,y Subritted: /�//� � � ' � f;rf3� i?� �[3Tl�: .7'f�T.+ii'T'�:^�'."f 3':y*�