PL 03/21/1979 - 30506CITY OF �"RIDI�Y
P�,qN1�TTING COP��SSION T�TIP� - �Cx_21 �g79 '
� c�.� �� a.��o
Ch�,izrm�� Hrr,arx�.� c�ailed the l�rch 21' �979, ��e�iYag o� �he PZannira� Commi�sio� tm
�r�te�° �� 7:30 P.�.
RoLL cAl�s
I��b�r� P�er�e�t: R�°. S�o�1�� I�. Oqui�ic, l�x. Ii�r�ris, Ma, Sv�rbier (fo�r 2�. P��ccrse�)
Ms. G�b�l (for A'I�. Sel�b��)e �ir. Ls�ge�eld
t�bera Ab�ent: Ms�. Sc�bel� Ni�o P�tereon
O�tt���� Pa��e�a��o R�y L��k, As�oci��� Pl��e�°
�. !�2'P�iO� PI�S�PdT1�G C�N���SION M:L_1VIFi"��o _��tr�x �6. 1.979m
P�TION by Nir, I�a��en�'e��.e s�cond.ed by �ire Og, '�.6�'i9 �C� c�pprov� the Feb�x�y' 2�' 1979,
r�ia�ut�� c�� �c�� P�au�i� C��.�sion.
UUI't1N A VOIC� �d�, AIS� VO'I`ITNdfa' AXT�+ y� G�iPiI�SAN �IS D�CI�.�D �.' 1�'iOTI�liT G°A�FtR�ED
2. Ap?�ItO?� ��r����rt�I�G C���3SS.i0N �T�S: I�.A�CFi 7� �979�
� N��'T�� Ly 2T�o Cguis�a s�cc�ciec� by P���. ��b�19 �� ��g��?ve �cY�e Ni�.-r�ia 78 19798 s�i�a.ta�c��
o ` i�h� �'��.��i� C�iss�ean.
�I�dIP�USL�.' .
3. �vr�Ltc �.��r;{�: co�ys�n���o^J or A P�� F����.�ax �r��� P, sa �'7��n1�
JAY ��tfuL AI;�����i(��T � BY ��,V:�T� A. ���:T�GI���t ��in�, a r�p1a'� c� a���o� 19 �ic�
xLe� F'�.�z� �outia A�d.i�tzo�; �t��'c par1c o� 1.ofi; ��9 Bloc?s �-9 Lo���.l Addi�i�� t�
Fric.�1�3� P�x�k9 iyia� No�Ch �f i;he Sou�� � e 7`�c�'� '�he�eo�� i�clu�iin� �h�� pgr°�
Qf S�e Croa,x Str��� �d. joi�aia�� �ing S��z�h of Qutlot 19 R�,ce Cr�ek� I���� Svuth
Addi,�:iQnD �to �1.��� a��ree �i� -�o�ralao�.se c��vel.op�nt to be solc� se��P�te�yYs
�en,crr�.11y l���t�:d ora -the �a�� ��.de of P��in �tse��t ir� �he 6� b].�ek.
I�TIOYd by ��. O�uist� s�c�r�t%�d by �. S�tmrl.�� to open the ptab�.ie l��a�ri�.
o���t �ti� 7:35 �.�t.
I�. �eek st��ed t��G ����:r 8tag� R�vi��r' C��y 5���� ls�d �o probleffi �i�h �he re�us�a'�
f�r ��la�. The pux°uc��� o� ��ie �ecgu���i i� �o ch�� �xis�ing u�its 3a�;o essenti�alls�y'
o�e���xip uyaits. Sta�ff de��rmiriec� t�i�,t 3.i °�h� p�.�� ie e�prov�c�9 there ta.�ve to
be � r�+�ues� f�r ��ri�nc� �or �he t�hou�� �32� requir�me��e a�d t�'t th� 'to�a�aou�e
oa�linr�nr� requirc:� � miniriuin �r��, �or developm�nt of t�n (10) acrvs. The �sr�� of
�h� la�� in questior� 3s �°ou�til� 1�3 a� an �cx°e. Bu� City Sta�°f �rould hav� no pa°obl.ern
/''�, v�i�ti� tk�� .
Air. Nitschke st�ted it w�e � nice st�cucicure and wou1�1 make � nice �ia�le f�m31y
d��l„�,in�. pras ha� 112a aqu�,r� feet �ith �i�ro bedrooms up Qnd a Pu11 bas�emt.
Anotk►er one �s mbout ]2� sq,u�r� �eet, a�ad th� one he ia living in is a 13ttle ,�
larg�r tloan the other �w�.
A member of the awdience asked if they were t�].kix� �bou�t �ieting atruc�ures or
iY they were pl,�nnin� to add oa�.
Mr. H�rris st��ed �h�y w�re ta].Icin� abeut exi�tin� structwres.
There w�re no Yu�ther comments fro� �the �udience ei�her for or a�airist the request.
Mr. Qquist a,sked 3f h� understood it prop�rl;y tt�t these were ex3sting usits� pre-
sently rental units, �nd the petitioner w�ted to se11 them.
Mr. Nitschke st�ted ic}s��t was co�ect stnd he lived ia one of' �the units. He would
like to sell th� other icwo ren��.l units s3ngly.
Mr. Oquiet ��ked it' they need�d a repla�c for ��t. �
Mr. I,angenfeld sta�ted theg would have �� �e t�em sep�rffit� p�reels in or�er �to be
sold separately.
Mr. Oquist asked if �he lot would be sol.d with the hous�' ��1 if �aa°°a�es were there.
A�. F%rris �tated th�t w�s coxr�ct.
1�. Gabel �eked if the peti�im�aer �aoul.d need �rr�r3ances �or z�ro 10� lin�s. �
l�r. Harris s�t�ted �t�at was corr�ety they �ould ���d va�i�ees.
Nbr. I,��k s�a�ed ti��c �n ].ight oi the f�ct �Y�t �k�ey wexe �t�rn�aouse�� th�y might not
require v�xi�ces �or the setbacks �'ox zer� lot lir�e�' bu�t �ou].d fo� the �ize.
N[z°. H�a�is �t�t�d iche�ic 3t appe�reci there �ere two �ar��es �c� �tlae t}�ee units. He
aslc�d if tk�t was ccax°rect.
I�. Iditsclnke et�ted there wexe four ��r�ges, two doubles a�l. t�o s3n�les.
Mr. H�r°ris sta�ed that the tw�o e�l� ��r�ge� �rould. also be �pl.ite
Mr. Nitechk� stat�d t�a�C was eorrect.
MOTION by Ms. Gabel� sec�aded by NI�. Suhrbier� to cZose the public hearing.
CIAS'ED AT 7s�+U P.1�.
A9r. Harrie asked Mr. Le�k if they would need any additional ease�nts for the replat.
Nkr. Leek s�cated there were none he was aware o�P.
Z�r. A�ax°ria aoked ho�r the util,i�Ci�� �ed 3ra�o i,1�e waiic�� 3.� 't�i�re wer� �i�ee �ep�ra�Ce
f;, dz�at�a �rs%o •�h� u�its.
1�. IJii:scl�e �t�ted there ��� on� 1�e �or �r�te� �d one line �or �e��er. Tpa� wmt��
cou].d be a��t�r�d sep�r�tc�lyD and h� su�ested there be ara essoci��ion ���ement Yor
the s��'ex.
I�x. HH�rz°is ��r�r�d th�;�c� s�ould, be �n �gree�r�� �� �s��s3. �bou� �t�e pobrex�.
A�. Nftscbk� s�tr�v�d the p��x saas �epar�t� r�nd also �he ga� was sep�r�te.
Mr. H��°ris �,sked i� �h��°� �r��Q tia�c�� s�p�r�te ffie�t�r�.
Mr. Ni�sciake �t�,�ed the�e we�e t�to c�].ectx°i� an�ic�rs on the m3.dd1.� haure.
A�. �rs is 6t�it�d. �th�re �hould b� �n a�x°ee�ae;��C re�c�rdin� th� z�ete�°s b�i�g ora �h�t
bui.l�3ng .
11C" • itll�i$�'d8L'a� ��°�� e
NI�°. Haxxis �����d �ichat h� had no�ic�d ich�;x�� w�,a a dr€�i�.a�e �d util.ity e�se�ent
aerosa �h� f�°oxat oi tYae proposee� Lot 1�d �tb� pro�ose�3 I,c��t 3. He askcc� i�' thm'�
�r�s an o].d eaa��rat.
Mr e I,L�k ata'�ed I�e w�� not sure a.ud wou�7.d }�,m,ve to check e
n N,r. i��:�x��.� s�Gr�f;� if: �.�o�ed 1i��� p�rt o� ������� ��Yp r�d �aondered i� the�
wea�e r�i;ai�aing �nny o� th�t �lley �or dr�sin��e encl u�ti"� i�ye
I�ir. N�tsch�� str�ted he �d ��ch��cd pr�rt oi �ti�a� panp�x°ty �'�o� th� �ity. iJh�n
I�� �ir :t purchas�d �kae � o�a �:her� �r�s � v�c��ced sts���� ors th� no��th side of �th�
10�9 ao h� pugchascd pa�t o�' th�-� �ro�a tl�e Ci�ty ar� move� his lot up a].it'c��
furtY��r so �.n eadition�� 26 x�e� cou].d be �cld�d to �l�e parkv Ii� w�s no�t �wrar� of
a drainag� e�ss��nen�.
Nflr. H�rris s�a�c�d 'cha� ichey �rere r�pl.a�3�.�9 ,tl�e� should �e sur� the c�rai�ge
a�d utility eas�ar�n�s sho�r or� tlae rep].�t o
MC3TTON by I�. T��en.�''eld' secoalded. by N,x°, Oguis�e �o recos�.en�d to Cobaneil approval
of �he propes�d pz�elimi��� p].g�t9 PeS. �79�01, J� �'arlt Addi�ion' by Alvin A. Ni•�schke:
Bein� a r��lat of Outlot la Ric� Gs�eek Pl�za S,oui;h Addi�cio�; tYaat p�rt o� Lot 32�
Block �9 I,owell Addi�ion �o Fa�idley P�rke �yimg I�o�th o� the Souich 2.7 �eet �hereofy
includin� �h� Wes� h�lf° o� vmc�,�ed all�y ad joiriing and including th�t part of S�.
Croix S�tree�C ad�oinirag� 1yi� South of Outlo� 19 Ric� Creek Pl�za South Addition'
to �l�o� a t�ee unit �o�house cievelopa�ent �o be sold separat;e7�*' �enerally loca,ted
on th� East side o� l�in Street in �he 6640 block9 ��ri'cYa the stipult�tions -�h�t St�i�
look into the utili�,y iactors in reg�rcis to separaic� me�ie��s �o� �r��t�r� ��s and�owex° ax�c�
also to rnrake c�x°i.sin ther� �r� no probl�ms �ai�t� se�t�acks €�d ee�se�n�n��s esp�ciall�r
in r����ds �o cir�ina�� and util3'ciess and a sv m��se c�r�ain �hat �he r�irasge and
u ili�ty cas�menvs are sho�wn on �the new p.l�a�t.
Pr�nnv��� cot�¢ssioN r��r�uvc, M�RCH 21, �979 �ac� 4
� ��.-m-
�e� � a` o� �� construetion o� a
oi san �atiqu� automobile, on Ifot Ll�
e��e bein� 6871 7th Street I9.E.
.on 205.051.� 2� A' o� �he Fridl�y City
r�econd accessory buildir� £vr stor�e
Block 2� Rice Creek Terrace Plot �� the
I►�OTION by 1►�r. Ogaiat9 secor�ed 'by M�. S�ahrbier� �o orpen the public heari�.
A� 7:5o P.M. �
Rqs. G�be1 stated the correct �d�.rese v�s 68�C1 7�h Stree� 1dE' net 6877..
I�, I�ek sta�c� tl�t s,�tear Sta�'� Rebi�, St�ff h�d one concern. He re�erred to
page 39 of the a�e�a book �nd st�sted the�e �a�s no pl,anned entr�nce �o the pro-
posed �a��e �or �the s�or�e oi th�z� aut�mob�.le. Staig w�e conc�rncad �ha�C if at
�ometi�te �n en�r�nce w�s p].��ned, �the sicie �a�cci which exists �'or th�t pur�oae �d
the rear y�rd which exists �ox° �ha't pu�pm�e �ras ra'�her sm�. They �re also
conaerned � chsn�e oP o�ership in the iuture, so they would like to
see �the peti�ioner �ttempt to get ��se�ent irom hi� neighbor in �he event� �n entrance
to the gara�� was proposed in the futux°e. The othex com�nent �roffi S'ca�"f' was that
the proposed �cceseory structure 3s eome�rh�� 1�rger tl�n �hey would reco�n�nd.
Mr. I{orst �,sked tahat the S�t�f'f woua.d �ecca�a�c3 in reg�ds to size.
Mr. Leek st��ed he b�lieved S�tafY �r�nted �:ppr�im�tely 3E)0 square fe�t.
Mr. �xris stated 300 sq,�e f'eet would be �;bout 15 x�0.
I�. Korat staiced h� had origin�Ll3r plaa�ed �o m�k� i� 20 x 22� bu�t �ownd i$ vr�s
�ust a� econo�i.c�l to �0 22 x 22.
I�. L�elc sta,�cd that ir� the p�opmsed. chang�s to �he zc�nin� code, they wou].d be
looking �t 240 sqv�r� �eet �s a rasxi�av� �aithout a Bp�cial i�se Pe�mit. Ar�rthir�
over that wauld require � S`peci�l U�e P�x°t�.i.�C t0 � na�ximum siz� o� ��qu�se �eet.
A'.�. Harris sta�ed that wc�a].d b� 20 x 20.
AS�. Korst st�teel 20 x 20 wr�uld no� be a problem. His in�eu�tion was not to h�v� a
drivew�y bec�use �h� c�ra do�'t go in or out th�,t of�ten. P!� would a�oic use them
if it �aas snowin� or rainin�. He us�� them m�ybe �hree tim�:s 8 year.
Ms. G�bel �t�ated it didn't look like �here �r�,e enou�h roaffi be�reen the existing
g�r�ge and the f.enee to �et �he cars throu�hl especia].ly in the winter.
2�r. Korst �tated �there was, and h� �rould not t�e the cars out in the �rinter.
Ms. Ga►bel �sked sbaut the tree� in the bae�ard.
Mr. Koret st��t�d they wauld not r�ve any o�' the �trees.
PLAr��TING COi�SSI01d N�ETIPiG, MARCIi 2].,� 1�}%9 - P�� 5
1�. I�n�enP�ld �sked w� iie wou].d neeal � Sp�cial Uee Pe�it� �P �h� �c3sin�
��r��,e ��� �t�t�che�i to the resici�nce e
1�. Ii�rris c�t�,ted th� +�t�a�h�d. gar��� ��s co�sider�d ��ecessoay btiildiz�� so
i;hi� propos� ��ra�e �ould be � second accessozy building.
I�. Su�bier asked ig h� �oul.dl be s�orir.� ��ao �antig,ue c�ra th�r�.
A�. Kors� �t���d he �o�zld. Prese�a�].yg tYac c€�r� -�ere be� stored et di��'erem�t
pl�ces� �e i�. axi �p��°tmenic �ara�e he rented �'or t�t purpose. Iie w�e �rarried
it �rot�d be s°tol,�n fro� ichere.
Mr. O�,ui�t a�l��i. if' �e wot�d add ��errrice ar�� to the �ar�g�.
Mr. Korsic sta�ed ?se wou].d not.
I�. Oquis� a�ked i�' h� �d 9�'ee� bet��2e� �ti►� ].ot �i�e �xad �he ��iet� g�r�e.
Mr. Korst s�L��;ed �h�t w�,s correct9 �nd he h�� 10 Peet or� the o�he�c sid.e oP t�e
I�. Oquis� s�€�ted tha�t 9 ieet wvuld be ad�q�te to get •�he ear t}arou�he
I+�s. Gabe7. atated �hc-�t �ri�h � lo� of' s�c�r �.t �ro�al.d be di�fict�].t.
Mr e K�r �t �-���i�d h� I�d t�ou�h� �bou'� pu'c� i�� i� a pol� o� tdz e i�nce so he cogal,d
n m�ve i;he ���� i� r�eed 'bee but he do�s ��� p�,�,a to t�:}�� �he car� aut 3:n �t�� wia��e� s
A�r. D�vie� C�ok' C� 4T�shingta� S�. N.E.s st�'�ed, �iis pro�e�°t�r ���� ���t �i R�.
Kox°��s' pr�p�x��y�9 a� �sis i���I� ��xd taa� �������� t� p����ed ��rtac�ure. A'i�. Cook
stated h�; 1��. ca p��io mxad poz°�h a.n his %�,cl� y�,x�ci, C�u°a��t].�9 Mr. Y�ors�so gr�p�x�y
im lt�nclseap�d r�i�h s�.abe �d tr4e�9 �nd. A�. Cooit's c�i�ce�a �r�s ��t ��tx°uc�ur�
lik� tkais woula c3etr�,c� �'s s�n nct ��► i;h� �est�a�tie beau�y af �ze px°opert�� but
would �].so }aave a r��g��i�� �pace c�n �he x��l es�a�`te v�].u� of ich�^ ac�jacent ��°op�r�ye
NI�°. �Coolc �t�t�d. he �ad � re�l. es�G�-�e a��nt �ive hi� aa� opinion� �.�d his opiuioa� w�s
tha� it would de-tr$ct froffi the a°��l ��ta�� �°�sl.u�. I� �c}�a�t is true9 me �rou3d n�t
lae in i'��oa° oi ��truct�rs; o� this s��� b2ia� �ci j��cent �� his prmp�rty. 1�°. Coolc •
�sk�d �lgat when the CQ�e,rn�.ssi� m��es �la�ir d�eis�on' h� �roulei like thEm to consider
wl�t th�ir reco�ezaaai�ion �rou�d be iY tl�� s��°°uc�tu�� t�ras in �their b�ck ye�rd.
P�s. Suhxbi�r as�� �ah�t the �xte�ior o�' the progos� structure �rould b�a
I�Sr. Kors'c stat�d he wouJ,� us� mr�„soaaite s�din� ar�ad m�'tch i�t to thc� trim calor
on his itouse.
Mr. L��ng��eld asl�ed what the hei�h� o�' 'c7ae ��rage «oul.d be.
I�. Korst st�ted i� �ould h�ve 8 foot s�uds ar�d sta�ad� 22 degree truss. He
did r�ot w�xnt �o m.ak� it any big�er �han nec�ss€�ry.
_. ��.
pyAPriVI1�G COMMISSION N�ETING, MARCH 21, 1979 _____ - PAGE 6
I�°. S�torl� �sk�d Mr. Leek iY �ths pe�i�i�raer go�t �Che sugg�sted e�se�a� f'r� �ia
nef�hbor� cou7.d he or ��uture a�ner p�ve t�t �rea Por a drieeway. �
Ms. Gabel asked 1Y he could t�ke �t up �o the propea�iy line.
N1r. Hax°ria ste;t� tlz�y r�quired, �be driveway to be 18 i�ches �raan t�e prop�rty
Also, they req,uire i�t to be 2 f�et fxvm the house.
Mr. Stoa�la stated that would then leave lesa �han 6�'eet, approxi�te�r 5�8" . Cauld
he pave that.
N1r. Leek s�a��:c1 tl�t l.00king ��t it uo9a, he could p�,ve it.
N1r. Kmrst stated there was � conere�e side�ralk up �to house. ;°~ :� ��; ��
Ms. Suhrb3er �sked if he wAUl.�d be doin� c� reg�ix or rc�build3ng.
Mr. Kvrs� s��ated �there r�ould be sor�e� but i� would not be ��u� y��°d with Pe�ers
�nd junk laring a�ow�d. He keep� his y�i°d up and woul.d continue �o do so.
l�r. Aarri� exlol�ineci to the �titioner th�t � Speci�l Use Pex�ai.t is is�ued to tlae
propea°ty' not to the person reques�ti�ag it� and i� st�ts wi�h the prop�r�cy.
Mr. Lan.�ex�P'eld r��d the followi.n� 3.n regard.s tc� Specia� Use P�x�ai�s: f°If eviderace
is presented �t the h�arin� tlzast ��}a� rc:que�ted use is co�p�'��.ble w�.th �he b�sic
use su�Chorized �thin the p�rticulax z�ne �a does r�o�t ��cia�e� �Che pub7.a.c hea].the
saiety or �en�xal �elf'are o� tt�e erem effect�d or �the cominu�.�y �s €� �rho].e9 e�r�d �
complies with such other standards as sp�cified in S�c�tio�a 20�.01' �Che Specia]. LTse
Per�►it shou].d be �€�n-�ed �;nd a d��i�1 �rou�.d be d�er�i arbi�tr��'� u�].awi�a],� �a�d isa
�iolation of the applican�s cons�itutional. ri�hts." I�r. I�a�enfel�3 st��� he brought
this up to point ou� �Chc� f�c� �h�� it t�oiilc� b� veyy di��icut� in this case de� �a
S�ecial U�e P�rmi�.
Mr. K�rs� s�ated that he intends �o mske �he buildi� at�ractive to his hom�.
Ma. G�bel asked. if he Y�ad s�ta�ted. he wdu� go �ri�h a 20 x 20 r�ther t� a 22 x 22•
Mr. Kors� stated he w�uld be ve�y �ri�.l.i�g �to �o �ri�th a 20 x 20.
2�. H�rri� asked i!c there woul.d be �y paving.
1`+�. Korst sta,ted he t,rould have a 3 foot apron.
Pds. Suhrbier �sked i� ��at wouldn'�t the �r�ss� not h�ving � paved drivewqY•
�ven taking th� car ou�t on?�y occ�sion$lly.
Mr. Korst stated he would not take th� car out �rhen it w�s w�t.
I�. Oquist aslsed if A�r. Korst had considered l.�n.dscapin� arou�d the buildin�.
Mr. Korst stated h� wauld landsc�pe iiP nece�saay. -
. �
��a,�a�c cor�rzss�0� t�Tlra�9 �nHC� 2�., �.979 P��E 7
Mr o(kiui�t s'vr�ted he wr�� thinkixig of so� ].�r�e s�ib �cr�s� �k�� br�ck th�t �rvt�lld
hc�.p �to hic�� �l�e buildi�' �nd m�e it ffior� ��itr�etiv�.
N�°. Korst sta�ed he co�a].d put it on t� a�her �ide of �he f�nce, on �k�e easerc�..e�t.
t�r. Og,u3sic ask�d if h� �rauld h�„ve 2 ie�� be�r�ee�a the ��rage �nd tho f�nc�.
Mx°. Kore�t �t��ed th�r� would bc � f�et couzat3n� th� otla�r siae og ths� Yea�ce. He
st�t�d he Fras not tayi�g ico �n-ca.�onize �,n3r neighbors e .
P�x°, L�ngex�ead not�d. tha� Speci�l U�e P��miics wese sub ject to a�u�1 �evie�9 �aad
he �roulci like to �ph�size �the c�n�rol on Speeial Use Perraits 3neolve�l herem
N%a Stos°l� st�ted he i��t resale v�a�u� could be a r�r�son to de�y9 i� it effects
aes�h�tics to iche paix�t of di�ninishix� 'che �eig�abors proper�y v�1ue.
Mr. Kers�t e�a�ed ichere were o�her houses in ihe blocic th�� I�d �af �es se�t 1�ack
�roffi �he houses.
Mr. Storl.� rzsk�d he�w ma�►' buil�i��s' in �the ia�dia�e a�°eas were ae� ota �the b�ck
of the J.�t e ,
Nlr. �rsti: st�`�� he wae not �u.�e o
N1se Joa� I�l.ockus9 6$3�J W�sh-tngtoxi S�. I�� s��ted sh� �e1�t �Che s��� �,s the Coo�s9
and �h�y do use �h�i�° '�ack y�rd e�r�d wo�xl.�, no� lilfe to s�� a a���,rh�� ��,���eo Th@r�
ar� sea�e �ex°o�s �;1�.� st�°���t o She �t�t�d �h� d.i� not �rs��at �A ����id th� suu,��� 1.00li3�g
�•-� a� -�his bi� l�uildi�gm S�e c�:i� �sot t�€�a�•� to c�u,s� ��y p�obl.��s� but ��roba�.d lil�� �;o
h�ve a r�s�1 e�taL� ageffit cor�e ou� ��1 �e7.1 hcx° � this �roulc� d�trac�c i�ror� �he ss.�c
o�' h�� hou�e a
Nls. Suhrbier as�ed if -t12er� �r�re det�ched gm��a�es �,cr�ss 'ch� s�r�e� �'rom her.
Ms. Kl�kus s��,ted th�re were so�e on �C�� othe� side o� �das3�ingtora' but not
�n thelr side o:� �he a�cree�.
N,�r e Harris s��ated he �ras cox�cerned aboui� the f'u�ures grhen r�nd ii Mr. T�ors� d�cic�ed
�o se].l his cax�s or dgaellinge they woulc� be �.c�ft �riich � s�cond �cc�ssory b�ild.i�
on iche back of a 1ot wi�h � 9�voi �ccess' �rhich is px°�t�y �ti�h�. I�. �r�is s��t�:d
he �ras no� sure how �h.��t �rould �af�fect t1�e. �eigkabor to tl�� north. H� �sk�d Nix°. ISors�
i� he k�d �,pproached hi� nei�hl�or for an easetne�ic.
Mr. Korst s�a�ted he h�d r�ot.
Nir. Harris s�a�t�d h3.s concern was th�� th� nexic ownex woul.d �aanic �o use it as a
gara�e� and with only 9 fe�t of access� it would be a problem.
R?r. I�ngenfeld stat�l that the p�tit�o� re�d "�econd acc�ssary build.� for sto�a�;e
oi �n an�ique automabia�1t and if th�� in�ended use then used' it would Ya�ve to come
be�ore Council.
s =<
Mr. Ha,rris BiG�'�@d �t WOUld�s$ re�llya beceuse the buildin� woul.d be exi�tin� anri
t�sed for storing au�tomobil�s, so how could �th�y der�y �n �xisting use.
M�. Suhrbier aeked i� they wanted to �turn i� into a re�ular ��r��e� couldn'it they �
put in a 5 foot drivew�y.
Mr. Harri� �tated -that was �he problean. Tn p��ctic�lity' they wou7.d need all of
th� nino feet they coul.d ge�. He a�lsed Mr. Koxst iP the fence there wras his.
Nlr. Korst stated it w�s,
Ms. Gabe]. stated it would �eem to her that �hat's where �hey would draw the line�
bec�use they couldn°t have e� drive�aay wide enough to pex°mi� usin� it aa a�are�e.
Mr. Ha,rris s�ated he was concerraed abou� allowrin� a bui�ding that was in i�ct a
��r�ge �ri�chout ac�es� to �e� into it.
Ms, Gabel s�ated �hat fu�ure buyers would have �o unders�and th�t the bu31d3� was
for stora�e, not fo� a gara�e. -
I+4r. Harris stated they woulcl use it as a gara�� a��y'.
Mr. Lan�enfe].d s�ated at thfat poi�t they co�d h�ve � problem wi�th the h�aZ't,h9 saPe�y
and wel�ax°e o� th� surroundin� ar�a.
Mr. S�or1a asked if there was a miniffiumn width for dr3vevr�ys. -
h�. H�rris stated it wo� ha�e �v Ue �t ],e�,s�c � fe�� bec�u�e ��ia�t° s how �aide c�x°s n
ar�;' but r�ur code wou].d aao�G �7.�.o�r it in this c�zse bec�use �hexe �u�t be 18 ixaches _
be��reen �i�e p�°oper'cy line and �he drive�ray �►nd 2�'e�t be�we�n the house �rad tYae
A�. Lee� st�ted there was no ��ipu].��ion iai the cozle �o� the width of �Che drive�r�y.
Ma° � Storl� stated it would be allo�red �hen �'o� them to pu�t in a sm�,l� er drive�ay.
Mr. �rris noted tha� �he house �ras se� 57 f��t b�ck �ro� 7th Str�eic.
A�r. Kors�i st�ted thex°e wa� no �rayr he could put it in fror�t of the hou�e.
Ms. Sul�rbier �sked what the s�yle oi the house was.
Mr. Korst stated it �aas � t�o stos°y �rith � roof sl.antira� d� in �'ront.
M�. G�bel noted that all the hou�es o� that block were s�tbacl� the s�e� so �then
�here woul.d be a v�ari�nce problem' and she felt iic wou7.d look bad to build in fro�aic
of that house.
Mr. Korst sho�d the Conm�issionez�s a pictuxe of his house.
�r.,�np� co�sszo� r�rara�� t�acx 2�A 1979 —- - PAC� 9
t�. . Sto�� easkc�, i� he couldn°t h�ve th� pro�oscd. g�r�,�e c�os�� �ta his ho�e.
��``�� A�. ICo�s� ���t�d �l�t 5 fe�� eith�r wra�y wcauld �ao� mt��: ��r �12��erexice, ��o� i�t
�c,uld be �r�ry ici�ht.
Mr. L�n���sf'eld �.s�ed wiaa'� kia�.d of ha�s°dship t�.� p�titiog�er vsou].d ��ice i�P thc� reques�c
�r€�� den�.ed..
I+�r. Kor�t atated he �aa� pres�nt�jr paying $�Js00 � month �o rera� ���xa�� to store
the c�r ��ad �lso %�d the wor� 'ck�at i� might l�e s�to].en. Alsoa he is stoxi� one
et�r in his pr�s�n� ����es so his oi;hc�° car �i�s �,u� ev�a�+'d�y. '
,a•�w.� :-: , ' . I�r. Kor�� ��t��ed �kaat �,ahem lae pureY� sed the iao�ases �laere
was ta].kD no� f�oia Cit� Fia11D bu�c he he$rd oamvt�rhere� -��t lae cov�.d get an e�semer�t
to put a garage �kaere . He c�u1c� put a driv�et,�y oaa �th� othet� side o�' �he house4 bat
then his back y��cl wc�u��. 1.00�: like � pax�kin.g lo�:.
Mra Harris st�ted �h�t �r�ss no� m, �oa�. ide�.
Mr. T.�n�enfeld stated th�� 25 pro�e�°ty o��rn�x�s �r�re no�ified a�d on],y two t�r�re �a�t
the mee:-��..n�. HP �sk�d if �la��r� were �or��nts f'ror� ot�er nei�h�ors.
Mr. Yors� s�a��d he h�d he��. r�o compl,�ints f��m his a�ex.�c door nei�hbo�� o� �� og
'th� Otlicr' il°7L�.�ibpi°S.
Ms. K].oc�us s�iet�d tha� ��e bui�d2as� wo�l.d. o�ly e�'f�et th� p�opl� behir�d. h:f�s no�t
th� p�op�e iai f�or�t� an� �;�;b��°� �:��°e only s�: Y�ouse b�hzr�d him.
�� bi�ION by Y�3r. L��en�'e1d9 secoffioiec� by M�. Gwbe�. to c]�o�e �cka� p�ablic hea�rin�.
CT�lOSEi� �l 8: 25 P. A�.
I+�. Suihx°bi�r sta��d it �r�s a v�rr,y►► nic� ����D �nd �rauld na�C �.ike ied see an �ae°tra
bUj.J.dlI1� llll 178C1is
M�. GabeZ �$a�Ced she c�u1d n�� �gine suyoxi� t�yin� ta pu°� a driv��a�y in ��ie�eo
Mr. I��eafelci stated t}ze�°e �1ere r��y ichi�G �o eoxis:idez°� �h� right of the px�ope�-�y
o�1n�r a�1d �h.� ri�h-ts of the pevp7.e in. �he sur�°ouncli� �rea9 ich� fu��e9 aesthetic�9
�nd s].so �he x�ul.�s s°��aaQdin� Sp�ci�1. Use Pe�i�s.
N1se Suhrbi�r �t�ted �h�,� if �he hous� wer°e so7.�9 a�°��1, �str�te �ge�t coul.el list it
�s � �hr��-ca�r ��x°a�e.
Ms. G�b�l stated �hat �rould depend on if tk��re wa� a driveway thereo
Mr. I�ngenseld s�a��d he did not fe�l �here �r��e �uffici�a� g�ouiads ior denial
oi a Speci8l Use Permit9 and emphazi�d th�t the build�ng wa�s for s�torage of an
antique �xutomvbi�e.
��y A�. �ngenieZd, secoxided by Nfs. G�be].� to �°ec�nd to Cowacil �pprrnral.
o�' th� reqez�ot for � Speci�l, iJse Permit� SP �79m02, By Irvin ICors�: Per �ection ,�
205.051� 2' A� oP the �idley Cfty Cale9 �CO al].aw �he con��truction oP a sec�nd
acces�ory► building �csa° at�r��e o� an an�c�.g.ue �utomobile' on Lot 11' B].ock 2' Rice
Creek Terrace Plot �� the same bei�sg 68�+1 7�h Stree't N.E.� with �he Yo1,].a�i�g
stipulatior�ss no driv�way will b� p�a�niict�d no� o� in �he future� the buildin�g
sizc: wi1Z be 20 x 209 �snd �ndscapa�� �aith sl�rubs be done behind th� buil in� to
e iminate viaual po ution, he�e s�ip t or�s w�x°e ix�coa°porat into �he �o�i.�n
ta �ter the foa.].o�rin� diecus�ion)
A�s. G�,bel sta�ed she woul� like the stipu].��cion 3.ri �the �otion �Y�at no dr3ve�aqy
would b� added to �o in�o the bacis yax°d.
1�. Fiarris at�ted th�y woulci pxob�bly not put �, drivew�y in, bu't would. just drive
on the �re� s s .
�. G�bel. stated it wou].d be ext��m�ly dif�icul.�; �a� soan�o�e to get back there in
the �rinter wi�hou� a p�v�d sur��,cee bec�iuse of' the incl.ine. .
1�. Stor�� sic��ed the-'buildin� �rou7.� then be inrpr�ctical unles� a person k�d �nt3que
c�rs to st�re there.
I�c. Ii�rris s�ta'ted it w�u].d unle�s �hey h�d � stipul�tion t��t the buildir►g could not
b� u�ed ior �uythi�g o�h�r t3�an sto�^�e .
Mr. Langen�'e],d st�ted th�t �r�� �� Tae %d ��tress�d �cce�sc�a~� ��o�°�,�e bu�i.lding.
/�"1 -
Me. G�bel stated she would l,ilc� to aar�r�d �h� �ot�.on to iaac�ude �he stipul��ioxt '
th�t there be no ds�ivew�r.
1�. Oguist �sked i� thc�a' ��chaai��3.1yg woulcl he be �able �o use tk�t �rea to get
intm his �$x'a�e.
Mso G�bel s�tated she �ant a paved driec:w�.
1�1r. L��ex�eld ata'te�d, t�at ia x���rde� �o the driveway� when %hey pl�ce s�ipu],a�ions
as �a m�axis o� control. �h�y a�xe p3�cing � dictc�torial ty� of h�rdship on the p�titioa�er.
I�. Gabel no-�eci th�t N'rr. Krost did. noic �rant to put in � p�v�:cl dri�ew�,y.
Me. Suhrbier �sk�l how much the gara�e wo�id cm�t.
Mr. Krost �tated it wou].d cost about $3'S00 to $�+D040.
I�. I��k s�ated �hat the code requixes �.clx°ivew�y be either haxd sur�aced or gravel�
�o if they ��tipulate dr�v�way, t�aat would b� ea�ough.
Mr. Lan�en�eld stated he �,rould �11ow th�: incorpor��io� o� 'that �me�nt.
Mr. Storla stat�d that was sayia� they could use it as a dxiee�ray� �s long �s they
dan't iffiprove it.
F �,
pI�AN1+iINC� CON�JTSSION MF�ETTriTGp 1NA..�iCH 2�, 1� 979 - PAGE lI
- �� ,.�..o.. ,._..._
�1�. G�b�i s��te�l sh�s e��reed wi�h Aqr. I��enfel�' tti�,� �hey did, raot h�,ve sufiicient
� �Z'OU1St3E t� deTly �hj.�; �'e(jlte6't.
h9�. Suk�.rbier st�teci sh� d3d no� lil�e to s�e extr� ��ar�es �oing up �xound Fridley
gor s�Lorage g�urposes.
I�r. Oq�aist ��lsed! if they �rou].d stipul���e th�'� the �ara�e be 2a x 2Q.
Ms. G�b�l sta�cd th�t A'�°. Korst h�d ��°eed to �c��� but �aoul� �gr�e to �1�� it a
��ipu].�tion iP it w�s agre��ble •�o P�. I,�n�e�eld,
R�. Lan�e�e]� r�reed.
I�r. Cook ��k�d i� �&� Cc,�amis�io�e�� would con�ider requigin� some °ty� of shrubb�ry
$o b�du�iiy �lzs b�ck oi �ihe buildi� e
Na°. Oquis� s�a��d thr�t if' the �a�r�t�� w�s 20 x 20� he wo�1d have � fe�t b�hind �th�
gar�a�e �o pls�n� �hrubbe�°y. �
N'�r. Cook asked th�y be �a��e speci�ac �s to wlaat perc�nic Q� th� b�ck �aota].d be covex°ed.
l�r. I.��nx"��d st�te� he �aoiald �rner�d ich� mo�ioaa to incluc�e shh��ibbe� bu� oa�],y to �Che
poirb� �rhe�e i�c �afald ��,i�ie��� visual poll.�.tion. �i� di� �o� f°�el i�h�y co�, sti�ul�'��
�, cer��in p�rce�t�gea
P�. Oquu�..�t; ��xE�c1� �,�d s�,g�s�t�. �h�a� pixa� �t�ees woul.c� �ke �acx�. cove�°��e.
UPON A VOZG`�" VO`I'Fa �i. I,�;NGEl t�F'��D� R9�S. GABE� �1VD ��Et. a:vIJIST Vf�?'IILG AY�'+e AI�ID M�i. �RRI�e
1�'I,S o 5L1S�'�3�R, �lND 1�9R. S�'C�i��' � G`1'Tlvu� 1:TAYy CHA�1='��`,N I�Rk�IS D�'C1�!-�k'� '.�3E 2�'�'IOI�' F.I�IL,�
ki�THOU`T' 1� �II��,R �iAJOKI'I'Y .
A�°. ii�g°xis $slced if ther� was another mc�tion.
Th�r� �rer� no fu�her moti�ra�. •
A4r. I�rris ��cat�d th� x°ec�u�st wr��ald b� s�n�c to Council wi�hout � reco�endaVi.on. �Ie
inf°o�xa.�d the audienc� ax�c.� get�tlo��r ich�$ �this i�tem ��ou1.d appe�r a� th� April. 9tia
Cs�t�ncil ���tin� �d su�g�s��t�d tl��� a3.1 in�t�r�sted p€ar�ic:s '�e there.
5• '1'�� Y I'iE' QUES'1' FOR A S�0'j' SPLIT9 �. S.-y�� 79�-Q1� BY MARVIN �ID iiOPER'I' EF►ICT�S0�1':
�.i of�' ��e Fde�•�e�°1.y 7•99 0�' L�t �.0,, Ptac�i�o� s uu�cla.vis9.or� Ido. 9r �to mal��
t�ro builc�iti� sa.�t�s i'a.�- d.ouble bta�al.o�rs9 ii�� s� ���n.� �385-87 a�da 1295-97
TJoxto� A�renu� N.E.
I�. Leek s�tat�d tl�� �h� neti•�iouer had r�quested, tl:� i��m r�ain ts�'bled �at '�his
6. cor�rzrTV�n: �oPOSS� r,�c�s z� c� 2oy. zo�rn�:
A20TION by N,r. L�ngen�eld� secondc:d by �is. Suh�°bier' �o co��3nue th3� i�em un�i1 t3�.e
end t�o �the �e�ti�.
P��vc� cor!a�sszo� t.��rz�e�� r�cx 2�9 i979 - rac� a2
7. �c�zvE �r�v�or��rai, Qut�r �t co��sslo�a ��ss r�a�v�Y 209 �.979:
NOTION by I�. Lan�enfeld.� ��cond�d by Ms. Su.�bi�r' ico rec�ive the Febz°u�s�r 20� ].979���e� o� tl�e Environmentr�l Qu�li�ty Co�is�ion.
8. x�c�� �� �so�c� cor�ssso� r�rr �,s: r�c� a.9 �979:
MOTION by A�. Storl.a9 seconded by I�9r. Og,u3��, to r�ceive tk� P�rch �' 1.9?99 mi-nutes
o� the Hu�a� Resaurce Cormnission.
9. �CE� ��s cor�sszorr ��s: r�cx z3' �979�
MO�ION by Ms . Gabel� seconded by A� . I�n�era��lci' to receive �he r�a�ch 1.39 � Z979,
minutes o�' t;he Appeals Corr,missioxia
V1YE91YJ.i`'11AV�J. e
�.o 0 0'I'I� 33UiI1VEvS:
Mr a Zasa��e:+af'�ld. si��eci tl��t �n e�dP� °to p�eb�sse a�a�ae �°ecox°d��t � motion must be ^
made di�°ec�cl;�° �t� Cau�.ci1' becauye �`h�4 is cox�sid�red �, capi�ul. e��ncli�ure.
Ch�ia°�x� I��a:�.s ca�c].,ared � r�c��� �'� �ss� P,Ma �a:�.d r�eon����d °the �ee�Cin.� �av 9s3.0 P<Mo
�i. co�r � e PROpos� cAa�fiES �rr c� 205. zo�n�:
2(?�.O�,�s- LC�' FROVISIONS
P�ge 13, �6: Apg�e�ls Commission h�d recomm�nded 1�his b� �hara��d. to �°e�,d: "4dhere
the ir�it ��� setback of zxis�ing buildin�s �aithin �a dis�ance oi 100 feet on bo�th
sides of' �� stx�uctux°°e to be erec�tecl is more �h�,n �he aiinimiam �ron yax°rl se�tbaek re�
g,uir�ds -�hen th� setb�ck ior �he s�id buila3.�g eould be 6 feet less of tLe nean
dep�kxe (s�el.��e words BPmore or"� I� xao case sha11 i�t be le�s �}�a,n �the req,uixed
minim�um setback ior tha't zone." (�o1d °the word `°miniwum" }
The Co�itissioners conc�°red s
205.0�5 �cc�ssoxY Bvx�vzNCS � s�uc,�t�s
P�°. f�rris not�d there were Q lot o� �dditioas to this section.
Mr. I�ek etat�d tlaat in gexa��cal' �he sense of the cY�ranges was �o increa�se the accept-
ability o� accessory buildin�s to �he nei�hbors by increasi� �ihe dist�nces ir�
lot lin�s �and th3n�s like th�t. � �
PLAI+TI�TiI� Ct�N��SS70Td P�ETII�GG, r2nxc�i9�9 - P�� �3
P�� :�3� #1:
'� �. H°.��is ��te�tEd he 1�ci � proble� � thi�. �t ffif�ht b� an �,e1v�,nta�e �to put up
fe�nci�� �n c�ie°°t�in grope� �'or g�n�r�� sa.�'ety x°e�,sons.
N,�°. Oq�i�t �slced if tl�e �ox� "genciaag°' ahould be ira �3aere. Fencixag 3s no� an
�ccc��or�i bu3.ldin� or s��.cturr�.
I�rr. Iimrris st�ted ther� �+�re t�s th�y �ou1d x°�q,u..� �'er�cing.
I�. Leek ��a��cl �he key th�x°� wae �hey xio� b� r�qui�ed before ieseaance o�' � bu31c1i�
permit .
1Hs. G�bel s��%ed ih�re co�a.ld be i�stances �rl�ere ti�ey ��La].d ne�d 'ch�r� �d sta�geste�.
t�e�r d�le ce �the �rdx°�i "��nci�,Q .
�.'Ya.e Co�ssioner� concurx°ed.
Prage 139 �2C : �
1•li- e 1�C5� ��g i3�� b�.6i ��ui .L.� °+'� 11�� ls� �.pn P.��L%�.�° �� 1.1��°ei5�� O� �5 ��� U Pi��9 b�i'�a��e.
tb.�t w�u1.d be a�°ix�e h�z�,�°d �,�d s�a��: ���r p:�o�l.effi. fI� su��este�3 �I�ey ���za�i�e �2Cs
th�:� 3�'�et �r�s �.�rt ri�hi;. �3� thoc�h� �Lha� '�ctze Fi�e D�p�°csn��� �ouid r�qtair� �5
I�ir. Ir��I� �t��eel �ie would c1i�cL i�to thiv �� repo�°� b�cl�. •
i'� Pa�� �3r i�e
I�rr. Ii�r:c°��s �i��:�e� �� b.�d a��o���� �3�th a����� li�.i� o� 2� �'���tm Ee �'e1.°t 24 f�e�C
��s pr� ��y ics�:�,1. a
Mre 4auisi, �o��d th�„� 7� �t�t�d �Ck��t rao acce;ssory buil�fng cou7.c� �xce�c3. �h� }aei�ht
or si�� o� �;h� pr3ri�i�� '�u�i�di�a H� �lso no4e.�d �L1aat ��i�y ���.9�a re��h �k�'t he�.���t
�riich a •�Q�o s�toYy hous� e
A�°. I�a��nfelo� �sk� i� °�hi� section reier��. �o xe��de�al;i�s:1 oU].ya
A'f�. fla�°ris eta-�ed i-t re�erx�d �t� a�1 �o�ae�a.
I�+ir. Oqtsist no�Ged °th�� 2� ��et �ras a�ost 3 stori�s.
A�. T�n��nfel.d ����ted �h� �hould d�sig�t� Y�ei�ht acco�°�ia�; to �esid�n�i� aaid so
Mr. H81Y'ii8 st�ted tY�t �r� acc�ssora► bu3ldi�g vras ueed for stox��e and should not be
as bi� as �th� pxincipal b�.i�.dixa�.
Ms. G�b�l noted •���; �� Medtr�ics� �he �cce€soxy buildings �ae�� qui�e large.
Nir. O�uist sugg�s�ed, they delete �he wo�nds "to t� heigh� limit of 2� fee�" and
1e� �2i� �tr�c� c��e oi it .
��;� a
�ti�ac cor�zssr�x r�r�G, r�c� �i, �.� g�, .- rA�E �.�
?�r. �rri� st���c] �h�� k�e ta�,� concc���d �h�t �cc���or,y�s 3aa�;e�ded. f'ryr
stora�� �rou].d be u.sec:i �'ar home occupe�tions oac ah�s if tY��r�: �a�xe al7.o�ed ta b�
�hat b3.go N�. H�a�ri� �u�est�d. ��,ey laok �t 2D �ain �nd di�cuss it lat�r �.10� /�'1
wi�h 2C.
T�� Co�ui.ssione�s co�cu�red.
P��� Z3, ��
I� a H�,rris �oted �ha� the m�xx.imum �i�� a].l.o�a�c1 w�s 7� squ�re ��et accord3�n� �o
t�. �abe� statc� thFiic g�as �h� ��.;_..��_� size �11a�red o� a houseo
M�°. I��°is s��es�eci �Chey �axi�ce a sep�r�t� sect�can �or RPI, fox� �cce��or�r buiJ.dingsa
I�. L�ek �u���sted 2F �rhich s���tes ic3�� accesso�r bu3.ld�.ngs in ���rega�t� r�e�t
occup,y m�re Jc�,ai 35 Fex�ent o� t�e sge� �f' ��ec�ui.�°e� r��� y��d� vr�sv� '�ak� c�,re
o£ 2E iox� 1°��ider�ti�eJ. �°e�se "
NL�e �,rris s���ed. �th�,'u raould ��a a b3.g b'u,�.lda��➢ d�Ppendi�.g on �the l.oi� si��A
Ms. G�Uel ���ed if tYtr ct»�r�n�t ccxi� d�dnf t rec�txis°e a, r��xit�.mm �ize o� � ��u���
f�et ��asi �rY�y �r�re t�ae�y tzp�r�adi�.� �t e �h� �t€���d th�� s1a.� dia �ot ].ike 2�"e
RSr. �ia�ris a�;��� �b.s�� on a� �� �c 7� �o€�t ���a�, '���C �r�'�.d� ��.1�� an �ecesso�y
buildir� o� �.'��u� �.312 squ:�:�6� ����te b�o �i��°ris s�;es-�ca �hey re�,iaia�: tb.e �aao].�
a��es��z';� be��.ldi� s�e�i�� f�r_a� •�`�`-1 to ��' �� �o:�sids�r u�ii;ira� � se�r��e secti� �1-�
o� ncFes�ox°y� �u�.l,�i�.,;s �'o� ��si�r�`�i�� �c�a���o
Th� Ca�3.�sic,�.e�s co�cta��°�red.
I'�s o Gab�I. ��'c�t� she wa� }co���.ly a,p�os� to 2F.
Pa�e ].3s �3: �p�e�,ls C��aion �.� r��o�end�d ;� de��i��mn Por "roo��"
b�: d��elapedo
b:Ir. Ha�ris �ta'�� the �ra� `A�ao�" siao�d be B9or".
Mr. Oquis� �ue�i:�e�ned �rhet�er ��,is i�L�ffi �°e�,a'�er� �� �ee�ssea� buildi�s, He not�d
that so�n��ne coul� pu�t � d.�c� on a.� �ccessor�► '�uild3.n� �i�t1a no hei�t lisu�.� acr�rdin�
to •this.
P�. I,�ek at��ted he rz�ders�tood �hi� �c��erred to .�isi�s �tt�ched to the m�in buildings
and ielt that ��ou.ld be clr�ri�i�d .
Mt°. H�►rris su{�es�� �riat b� re��rri��Gen alsoo
T�ie Cammissia�sers eo�acvxr�d.
__ . ��-�
Rs,.. ?w
PL�PIN�I��G C�3 �,IS�TON 2�TRs�� MAgiCFI 21., 19 (9 � PAC� S.}
..�..�.�.--.m -
_ P��c 1G�� �.a't p�r�grr�ph:
''�� Mr. Og�.�t statcd •�lx�t �chia �a���rap�� w�i�ch w�s nat n.u�bez�ed by �he taay9 �,nd �3
on pa(�� 13 dc�]. wi�h �h� hei�ht o�' tk�e pri�cf��]. buildin� �d s�aoi�l.d �ot b�:
incl,�scl�� 3n Lhi� s�c�Cicua. oa� �zceeesor�r buildin�s.
Ayr. iis�rris �u�g��t�d this par���s�ah b� lool��d a�t �lo� � �3.
The Cr�s�fo�aera concurr�.
Pa�e l�+t ��+o
I�. I�ek staic�d �h�t in his book ;�+ w�,s d.e�.e��d.
It �r�s �aot c�ele�ced irn th� booiss o� �Che Co�amissior�ers.
Tka� CoraYnissionex°s abrec-� thFZ� Mro L��� shou:�d �oo� 3n�o �4.
2o5ao!+6 r��t�.� Y�tD �mm ��E� sP�c�
Page l�+➢ �=-1:
Nr. H�rrie sta�ed �� could. ra�t ua�d�rst�d w�at �h�y ��r��°e •��yyin� �bo s�yo
N�re ���k st��ed •they t��r� ��yira� �h�t in cr��es w1�e�°� t3a� co�,e alZo�rs ].�ss svrin�;er�t
spaec r��,uir�►��,�i;�g ��� p�c���;a��� c�c�� ca� �tha�e Zo'e� and bu�3.�.di�� car��� z°�d�.ce t��
o��n a�°�a ex3.stin�e
" Y�ix°. I�.a�rs.s ask�d �� th�y cou].d r���.�� �Yia'c ��ti�:l�e
R9x°e L,��k s�m��a �hey �ro�c�b].;y co�lal.
N1se Gs�Y�eZ ���a�e� �h��; �all fh�� m��.�s :Ls �h�,t i�' Srou �rs��.t �� chaa�� som�th�9 y�,�
h��r� to g� i, a v��^i��c� o S�e ��1� ���� wo� �.;� w�,a 1��culi�r �nd th�� i�t tvas tcao �rax�a�o
Mr, Le�It s•tc�t�d he w�u.�.c� s�� iP it c�u].d�°� be �impZigied.
P��e 1�+8 �2:
Ms. G�b�l su��s���. they d�le�e �che vr�a�ds "o�her ��O�n sp�e�se or11.
Nlr. T.eek r��r�ed.
Th� Coanmissio�.�rs concu�red.
Pa�e 1�+, �3As
diCi s Gabe]. ��LlQ.� �d1b7� a t,��p V�•"b" �S •
P�ir. I,�ek st�ted it �am�s a beatn usu� aver e doo�rciy.
�e Ccu�is�ion�rs reco�aer,ded there be a_ coa�na �f�er �thc� wox°� oey�u �
p�v�rr� cor�zss�oN r�rz�TG r�c� 2i i979 - P�G� i6
Ptir. Ha�rris a�l��cl if cano�ies we�e �radl�:d in �no�her Becti�n of t�e cai�.
Mr. L�elc st�ted it w�s his und.ers%andi� they �rould b� l�adl.ed here. H� sug��s��
it b� included in �3C.
Tka� Cormm�.ss3on�rs eonc�arred.
1�r. L�ek stated he �ov].d be �rill.iaa� i�o ed.i� th� docum�nt �:o delete such thin�s ae
dou.blc ne�a�iv�s. He �e�.� th�t ao�meone �r%o r��s� n��; i��olv�. i� �riit�ing it �houlcl
ao t�.�.s.
The Cor�aissior�e�s concux°r�d.
Page l�, �3B>
�. L��k sta�ced th� poiait o� th3s w�s ��� th�y cii� no� w�n� I.i�%ts �lt�,r3�� in
peopl�°� wi�.dows.
Ms. G�be�. 6ug��s°��d �h�y delete $��e �+r�1�s 9tf�om �h� pub�iC �i�k��-�$'��r�'v '.
The Coz�nissie�ra�rs coa�cu�x°ed e
P��e 1�+9 ��Ce
TL� C�u�r�nissbar�e� g �ga��d. �o ins�� ��Che �•ro�d. iPc��opi�*�14 �.�te��° �he worci "ex�•�x°�nce�f° �
�r. U��?is�i, s����� tk�a� �ot a�l,a�aira� ste�s t� �a�'t�nd ne�ae� �ha� 2 fe�� a�rom �
�;�r w�.s irapxac�ic�.:t. 1lnyone :aith a�icie do�:� �ould �o� d� $_�a A�r 'tk�x°�em�a,�� s��ps
wi7.� ext�yad �r f�c:� . You canr�ot �3ve �ri�� •'cl�a'� 2 i eet .
I�a°. S�to�la �,,�aes�iQn�d. �tkae �sc�xd 1°�°�guired" �d s����t��. tiaejr �.eZe�Ce it.
I�ts. G�bel ���es�ed °they �dci •�he �eaord setb�ck 'the�°e �;o c�.ari�'y it. Sh.e� sta�ed �tk�v
"requi?�ed. ya�c�." �nd 'e s�tbac�" z�er� two di3fex��a�t 'chi�� o T�aey �UU? a de�ine �ah�t
they are ��ll�in� abou� tka�� e
I�. L��k st�'c�c� tr��y r���s��C 4t i� V��C.°74.9t Yaer�' s�nd su�este� i;hcy c�.�e i� �CO 148�°�i�7(�,CZ{74
in �7�]. c���s.
The Coa�issio�ers coracua��d e
Ags. G�b�l s����d �l�.e� �rou3d b,�ve. a p�oblem �rith th� 2�'�� �eqiai.rem�nt e�d i� �ro�d
an��n mc�re varir�n�e reqtaes�s.
Mr. L�e�l� suggested theV �rop th� wox°3s °ta�td more �h�m 3�ee� in�o any required side
yax�, eetbacls'� ��ad also c�ele�e the t�rords "��rl�in,� �ed dx°�viu�"' in �hose ins�anc:es
wher� they open dix°ec��y onto tlne c�rivew�yy.
The C�aissionears concurred.
PLAidNI1VG COI+��fTSSION N�ETTP3�,_ MARCIi 21, �.979 _ - PAGE ].7
'' ���e ��� ���3D:
, �
I�. Ha�ri� ques�ioned �ahether the 1 2 feet there would m�et w3tk� the St�te Fir�
�. L�ek st��ced he woutd cheek the S�a�e �'ire Cesde.
Page 15: �'3� o
I�fr. T.��k stated �Chis �,� t�lcen froffi the exist�.ng ccsd�. He u�.derstood this i•�effi
addressed the p7.�,cemer�t o� ar�}r obst�a.c�tion o� a lo� lirae.
I�. Hexri� sug�es�t�d this b� xem�rri�tten� �t ta�,� �oo �ro�y.
The Co�ission�x� co�acu�ede
P�g� ��� �3F':
I�Iss. Gabel atat�d. she �*�s appas�d. �o this b�cauuse �here «�� � a�artffi�n�C bel�iald h�r
�nrl iaa ord.�r �o �over iche 'b�:d ].or�ks os" 'the �p�r�m�nts her sbxi,ibs wrere higher tha�
tYaz�� �,nd �ou�d �e r hi�her sti.�l.
N'.�r. Laa��enbe�d ask�:ci wh�t �;h� in��n� �1as heree
1'�°. ?'�€:Pk �t�iceci °cl�c: in�e�aae �aa� to Y�a.�.��e ur�effip� app�aa��races in h�d��s h3.gher th�,n
7�����. I� vr�s c�a.�°�icu1.°� tc, tri�a h�d��s h��r �i�rs �ha�.
� �
Ms < CT�'���, st����dl she hh�d r�o �z°ob].�� �a�.th not �1J.o�ai� 8�oc�i; f��,ces or ��oot hc-:�1�;,�s
o�a coz°nE�°s ��aere ihey woulei ��eaen� � vi5'�� �rob��m x"�x° sab��ty� but fe�,i; �Che�r were
over s�ept�ing bovaads by� r���.il.�ti.:�.� ho��r hr��e� b�rdia� 1.o'c lin�a �� be. Tf'
people �ra:��t hed�es ].0 iev•� t,a;�.]. i�r �riv�cy� v�ia�� �a�s �heir a�'f�i�°9 �:o� th� Cx�y's.
�Ir. •Le�� s�mtec�. he woiz%d no�c have � prob].em �i�he� �•r�,y �i�h it.
blr. Aarris s��,t�d tYaey shoul.d d��ix�e `9�losel� �rown h�cl��°' e
Mr. L��k st�t�d he ciid not fe�l i� �r�e �qui.�abl� to l.�mi�c �ences €a�ad not he��es.
A�r. Lar.�e�eld �sked if it �a�s � p�r� of a�y St�a�e Code,
Mr. L�ek stated th�t to th� best o� his kno��rl.�sl�e� it �r�� no't.
Nia�. I�r�enf�? d asked wha'� Mx° o I,�ek fe�� abou.t it.
Mr. Lcek s��ted his onl,y concern �aould be �Y�ere i� related 'co safe�y fbr �'ront
aisual access and rear access to utility. He st�ted ano�ther concexn �ould be
where pow�r linea �re alon,� l.o� lin�s �nd th� hed�es iaaterSerecl.
A3�. Harris suggested they deiin� hed.�e.
_ �
Ni0TI0N by Mx°. Storl,a9 s�can�ed by Nia. Gab�1.p to �,d joiarn i;3ae March 21' 197� meeting
of the P�ing Co�ission.
, �
AT 10:20 P.M.
Respectifu�� Submitted.i
�!, �?,� �'°``i�
�.,_. �� < �'� ^.� 'f-_ ��-�. .. r >_.,f ,
K��hy 5�.�1�con9 hcco�° Seeret��r