PL 05/23/1979 - 30483�, � ,� CIT�C OF FRIDLEY PLAN1VTIdG COI�'lF�12SSION N�LTTPIG m M.l�Y 23a J.979 C.4I�L TO OI�D�'R : Chairman Harris cal.�ed thr Pr,�y 23, ig79, mee�ing of the Pla�nning Commission to ord.er at 7:�CO P e M. ROLI, CALL: Member� Present: N�°. Oqu�stp Mr, Hcarr�.s' i�c. Treuen�'e1.s, Mso 8chnabel� N;°, Hora (for Mr. Langenfeld), Ms. Hughes (arrived at 7:45� Members Abs�nt: NONE Others Presen-t9 Darrell C].ark� Co�nu�.°�ii�y D�ve].opment pdffiinis•cra�:or (lef'�t a•t 8:30 P.M. ) Jerry Bo�xc3��.n9 Czty 1'lanner (arri�ed at 8:30 P.Mo � l. APPt�OVE P7�i3TdIIVTG COr��SIO�T I�NI1T'� �o rF��Y 9, i979� A�OTION_ry Mro Uquis�, sec�ond�� by i�ir. T-reu�nfeJ.s, to approve the P�y 99 ig799 minut�s oi �he Pl�,nx�ing C��zissiona Ms, S�h.nabel stat�d �hat on page 3s �3a �he wo.�d "LIFE" should be "L�F`I'" a�.d xlso OI1 pagc? 9s �1�-s �h.e wOxd "LIF'E°P shou].d be "L�F+'T11. ��. Oguis•t stated �tl�a� pa�e 35, � sLa�tes tha-� Yie was absent �'rom �Che April 2�+' 197� mee�iug of �.he Co�nmunity Deve].opm�n.t Comm:ission. He L�,d s�a�ed h� wus latea not abs�r�t . ' ITi'O�d A VOZCE VOTE� /�LL VUTIN� A�.'E9 CHALRMAN HARPIS D�;CLI'�'�ED Th� i,+�'�Nt�l'ES �PPROVEIJ AS GO�CTED. 2. PUBLIC HEARINGs RE'LOPIING REQUEST9 ZOA the T•Tes� 30 ieet) �nd the Sou�h 120 Subdivision Noo 88, f'rom R- multi and limited business)o �to allow the c BY WTLLZEIR't J. : �r� n 4`��hAi�ri e��-. ' ce Ni0TI0N by Ms, Schnabel' seconded by Nix�e Txeuexafels� to open the public hea�iug. UPQN A VOICE ��OT�' ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN i3ARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC I�.4,RING OPEN AT 7a45 P.M. Mr. Clark stated that the petitioner had asked for CR-2 and should be aware that CR-2 included same limited general business and manufacturin�. It would �'it �he petitionex's wishes better iP it were CR-1 �+rhich is strictly office compl.ex and wou].d be liuiited to dentists, real estate offices and things of thmt nature, Also' there are different se�back requirem�nts �or CR-1 and CR-2 and �he petitioner's plan do�s not meet the CR-2 requirements.� For example� the front yard is 35 ieet in CR-1 and 60 ieet in CR-2 and the xear yard �equiremen�s increase from 25 feet to �0 feet. If they a�reed �o a CR-l� they would have to increase the setback of the parking lot to the service ro�d f'rom 20'feet to 25 feet. Regardin� the parking 0 PLANNING COMMISSTON MEETING, MAY 23��7� - PAGE 2 a CR-1 requires 122 stalls for this square footage office buildin�. Some consideration should b� iven �co reducing the numb�r of parking stall.s pa�ved 5 � �, �o ten or even 20 per cent over so there wou].d be more �xeen area be�tween the of�ice structure and the R-1. surrounding it. To the sou�h of this area is property zoned R-2 and is presently bein� used as R-3. The reason for that is the zoning chan�es made between �the time the buildir�s were built as apartment houses and whereby we couldn'�t build apartments in R�2 a�ter a certain date. So the area to �he south is R-2 being used as R-3 and to the norich is R-7. and to the east along Delwood is R-le This particu],ar property was originally zoned R-1 and about 10 years ago was rezoned -L-o R-3. The Commissioners should be aware that ichis would be spot zoning and would no� increase the size of an adjacen� zone. It would be an office stxucture in the middle of residential' R-3 to the south and R-1 -io the north. Mr. Harris no'ted that �here was a petitivn in the �genda on pa�e �+ si�ned. by 12 people statin� they had no objec�tion �CO this construction. MpTIpN by N1r, Oc�uist� seconded by Mr. Treuen�'els� �o receive the petition which read.s �s follows: We� the undersigined, Y�ve no objec-�ion to the co�s�ruction of a 2�500 square foote one story� office building on the property according to the legal description a�ttached"e Mr. Harris read the peti�tion to the audienceo He stated that he had also received a l.etter from Mr. and Mrs. Ray and Gladys Anderson and also irom Mro and Mrs. Ludwig� and Myrtle Ask statang �hey had no objections �o �the construc�ion. Ms. Schnabei no'ted they had signed the pe-�ition al.soe � � UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE' CHA�tMAN HARRIS DECL�RED THE PETITION RECEIVED. Mro Harris stated there was no peti�tion in opposition in the recoxds. Ms. Schnabel. asked Mr. Clark if �he Staff's �feelin� was that �he request fox rezc�ning was in the t•arong classification? • Nir. Cl.ark stated that Staff felt it would better fit the CR-1 classification. If it is �oing to be rezoned CR-1 would be mox°e appropriate than CR-2. He noted that the Co�nissioners could recommend a lesser zoning �hat is more rest�ictive. Ms. Schnabel asked what the purpose of the park fee noted on page 39 oi the agenda7 Mr. Clark s�ated this probab],,y didn't apply to this petiicion and was the second page of a petition for a lot of different things� one of which is pla'tting. Mra William Harta 61�+1 Rainbow Drive� stated tha�t he would be agreeable to a CR-1 zone and appaxen'tly misunderstood when he requested the CR-2. He felt that the office building would blend in with the residential and he would be wiJlin� to put in a fence if they want. When he talked to the people around there� he felt they would like an office building rather than an apartment building there. Mr. Norman Shuldhuis came forward and stated he owned the apartment bui.lding on � the next corner. He was concerried about the tr_affic on the ser�►ice road with an ^ office building there. • �_ F� PLANN�NG COMI�I5SION MEETI�G� MAY 23y �9 9 ° RAGE 3 Mr. Clark stated that the service drive wou].d'serve �his building. The diiference �''� in °the amount of traf�ic would depend an the kinds o�' officeso There could be ttn increase in traftic f'rom a commereial oifice building over an apar-�ment house� ho��ev�x� an apar�ment house could Yiave t�ro cax garages and probably two �o four �rips a d�y for those also. He stated that a profes�sional �type office building should not be a big tr�f�'ic �eneratore N�. Harris stated the building would be 2500 square �eet and asked how many of�'3ces they were talkin� abou�L? . P�, t3art stated there wov.].d be one ofiice for them oi 1000 square feet and 1500 square ieet for tl�e othe� ofiice. T�ey did not have a tenan�; as ye�te He stated tha,t his business would gen.erate very li'ctle traffic. They have fou.r a�en�s as�d one gir�. and usu�lly �hey are �ot a].l zra at the same time. In the insurance business they do n.ot have a lot o�' people coming �o the ofiice. Most oc the business is over the phone. Mre Clark sicated tha�t tlae occupant lor�d for that structure according �o the buildin� code is 25 people� including office staif and visitors. Mr. Russe].J. Burris� 1150 Mississippi S'�reet N.Ea9 c�me iorw�rd and stated that he , h�d � pe�tition in op�ositioii which s�ta�ted tha� spot zoning or thts type is undesirable because it would be �lacin� a commercia]. prop�rty adjacent �o a residen.tial propertyo . Tlie sec�nd point was that ideal zoning should provide a proper buf'ier between residen�tia�]. and com�i.ercial and the loca�tion is nat condtasive to such a plan. Access ,^ to the propericy is r�o� sui.tabl� due to i.mpxoper ro�d �°aciliicies' heavy �raffic �nd � the iact thai icraific wou].c3 have to go past aparzr�ent buildings wi•th parker� cars `• and people comin� in and out oi their ap�rtment� and creating potential hazards � as we11 as conges�ion. Commerei�l traffic -through the area �rould further co�cpound the serious problem of iatal accidents a7.ready occurin.g too :£rec�,uen�l,y in this area particularly at the a.ntersections o� High�aay �65 and 64th Avenue and Hi�hway ;�65 and Mississippi S�r�et. The �ourth point was that there ��as a].ready an abunda.�ce of co�ercial property undeveloped in the City of Fridley while the property ior residential use has been almost all developed. This �rould not ease the housing shortage. Mr. Burris gave the pe�tition to the Coanmissioners. MOTTON by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Treuen�'eJ.s� to receiee the petition in opposi�ion. Ms. Hu�hes noted there were about �+8 signatures on the petition. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE' CHAIRMAN IiARRIS DECLARED THE PETITION RECEIVED. Mr. Clarence A. Timo� 6517 Lucia Lane IVE� came forward and s�tated he was concerned abou� these requests for rezoning because it was destroying the neighborhood concept. There is not enough residential property left to develop. He understoal that about 100� of the residential property was developed but about 2�3rds of the co�ercial property is undeveloped. He was concerned about if the business failed and the - property was unused it would become s�n eyesore. He would like them to stay with the plannin� that was set up years ago. If they allow it here� they would be setting a precedent for other areas of the City. He stated tbat he had helped °'�1 �et the signatuz•es on the p�tition and when he-taalsed to people he found that some � of them thought that��he area was already conanercial and there was nothing they could do ar�yw�y'. He informed �them 3t was not zoned commercial. Also� once they � let this in� there would be no way oi controlling what type of business could be in that buildin� in the fu�ure. There conld be a drive-in, a bar, a restaurant, etc. PLANNING CONII�SSxON MEETING, �Y 23, i979 - - PAGE � Mr. Burris stated that if �hey let this in, it �aould spread to other parta oP � the nei�hborhood. ' i� Ms. Schnabel stated that some people s�gnecl both petitions. 1�. Burris stated they had passed �heir petition on May 22 so theirs was �the most recent. Only 3 people refused to sign. The people who si�ned in favor did so beiore they signed the one in opposition. Ms. Schnabel stated that as far as �ahat types of businesses that would be'allowed in a CR-1 zone� a,��bar was mentioned and tha�c would not be permitted. She stated that some ofc the �things allowed in a CR-1 would be general offices and off3.ce uses such as real estate' lawyers� medical' dentalp e�c9 or automobile p�.rking lots providing spaces for other buildin�s. They coul.dn't even do it with a Special Use Permi�t so nathing like a bar could.go ine She stated �hey had a reques� to rezone this paz°1�icular piece of property about twa years ago for a doctor's clinic. At that time, the concern was about �he tra�'fic coming down xi�nway �b5 and going into this particular propexty. If they missed the turn on 63rd� they would pro� bably attemcpt '�o use the lef C land on High�a,�y .��65 to go there. She aAso stated that she didn't think this would generate as much t�affic as a cloctorps clinic. Mr. Aarris stated they had 1500 square ieet ur_accoUnted for. Mr. Oquist stated �ha�t if �hey didn' �C rezone it ax�d they put in a].arge apartment complex� they would have the same probl.em. Mr. Haxris s�Cated the maximum number o� uni�ts a�.].owed would b� 11, ancl g in order ��,, �o meet the setbacks. � Ms. Schziabel s�tated that when �he req,uest came beiore them iche last time9 the thinking was that the people who lived in the apartmen� know where i;hey live. - , Mro Oq,uist stated there wazld still be a traffic problem because they might not use �the in-tersectian with the traffic li�ht -�o enter. Mro Burris stated �hat the map showed a future extension of the service road and stated �that would be impossible. He felt that would never happen. Mr. Oquist agreed there was a problem� but sta�ted they would have the same problem with an apartment camplex as with an oi°fice buildin�. Mr. Hart stated there would be less traific with an insurance office than with an 11 unit apartment building. Also� there would be more kids with�an apartment than with an office. Ms. Schnabel asked if ar�y of the people who si�ned the original petition in favor of the construction were present� She referred in par�icular to the Kandel familtiy� the Anderson fr�mily and the Ask family. P�. Harris stated they were not here but showed the comanissioners the letter from the Anderson's and the Ask's indicating they would rather see the apartmeit rather , than the office. The letter w�s not dated. . ` • �� Mr. Eart stated they had aent their petitian around in March. � i . �� ' ,� i"�. � i'LAIVNING COMMISSIOII MEE'rING, P�IAY 23: 1 7�9 � - PAGE 7 Mrm I�►rris s�at�d tha� he was not sure about �he drainage. Mr. Boardraan st�ted tY�t Dzck Sobiec� hs,d reviewed. it. Ma°. Ii�xris s�tated tYu�t �he sta�L�ment was made thAt th� d.rainage would be handled wi�hin the canfin�s oa iche lot. Iie questaoncd �ahat ��ou1d h.�ppen to it from �here? I�. Boardrna.n stated th.��; it would go into the stree�. The ar�rows on the plan indicai;ed the ti�ater f lows a ' Ms. Schnabel stat�d tha� �Lhe elevations ci?^cl�d are the proposed elev�,tions and the ones no�C circled are the existixag elevations. Mr. Boardauan stated. -chat when he lc�olced at i-� he had some problems alsoa Mr. Harris s�;ated �hat the drop s•�as so gradual cha � he g,uestioned it o He asked i:f Mr. Sobiech was convinced this tiaou].d ilandle i,he drain�ge. Mz. Boarc�man stated tha� h.e r,eviewed the drainage plan and if that plan was completed as designed, the drainage siiould work. , P�ir. C�quist stated t�aa-� it was in�eres�tir�� 'chat the existing elevation was 823.7 and -�h� proposed eleva'tion t�ras 823.6 e That ° s abaut a tenth of' ��'oot' or a 1it�tle over an incho Ms � Schn�bel s'ta�ced that 'che s�taten�ent was n�de a�t the Agpeals Commission that t�ae S�c�fi Repa�'t � ox •clie S�.�Eeial Use Pe��it vrould. s�ate tkiat the grousi�3 uxider �Lhe �, hou�e should b� r�t u23 e Sh.e dian9 t find �Lha�t � n che S,�eci�l Use applic.a'Lion. Mr. Boardman staced t�at �he i'irs'c �°loor of �he house has �o be raised ta &26030 That is thE first floor elevaicion oy i,he houceo Ms. Sch�abel stated they woul.d have �bo�a� 12 foot be��reen �he ground level and the bo�tom of the ha� e. The ground l�vel �rou.Zd be about 823. She also s�ated that the qu�stion had cbrne up aL the Appeals Commission regarding whether or not the sewer was adequa�;e. Tt was �heir undersi;anding that it was a.10 inch pipe south of H�o and 8 inch nor'th ol Hugo. There was a question because some of �he people in the neighborhood were experiencirzd a back�up problem. They felt -that the Engineering Department should laok and see if -�here were adequate lines to �ndle addii�ional lzouses in �the area. N�. Boardman s�taied that was an Engineering Departmen�t problem and also stated tha,t it was �robabl,y desi�ed to handle �ull development o� the area. ._ , - , � . _ . . Mr. Perrozzi stated that at the Appeals Connnission there was�concern about the pi1.e driving. Since then he found that would not be necessary and could be hand dug with a cement collar underneath so this �aould alleviate that problem. Also� there was a question about the setbacks ori �he side yard. He stated he wou7.d be willing to cut down a couple iee� on the house if tha� would help. �"� PLANNING COMMISSION MEE'rING, MAY 23: Z979 - PAGE 8 Nls�. Schnabel s�ated that Mr. K1in�beiJ, had quea�ioned the pile driving and noted that he was here. �� Mr. K1,iri�beil s�tated tha't he had heard the sta�ement by Nlr. Perrozzi. Mr, �iarris asked what happens�•to the water presently on the lot? Mr. Boardman st�ted that it looked Zike the lo� was low. Mr. Og,uisic sta'ted that �ahen he ].00ked �t it it �.00ked like it just stayed � the�e. Mr. Boardman stated �hat the water seems �o collect there. Mrs. Doris Schneppmueller� 8151 Riverview Te�°race� stated she lived next door to the south. She stated tha't the surv�y was done in the winter and she ielt �hey misjud.ged by a couple of feet. The water from her lot runs onto that lot. N1�°m Boardmaxa stated that he had to assume tliat � e survey is righ�C. Tt looks like the hvuse is 5 foot off �hs properf;y line and that the �at�age is �+ foot from the property line. 15 �'oo't is required and tha� was why they needed a vara.ance. He stated that all they could do was assume the survey w�s correct. Nlr. �hester Schack, 685 Glencoe Stree� I�9 stated that he was concerned about se�ting a precedeni;. Th�re were two lots behind him to the north. He �'elt the house pl�n �ras awkw�arc� for tha�L area and was conce�ned about the skirting around the house. He s-iatea tha'c tn.ese urould be a problem with rodents. Mro Ro H. Klingbeil, 8199 Riverview Terrace NE, stated tha�t he lives on the north � side of -the lot in question. He stated that in 1g65 durin.� the flood, �ra'�er came , into the loz� spov on the f�°ont of the �.ot. He agreed with N,r. Sch.ack a'�out the rc�den�ts and ai'cer the flood �here ^was a problem wi�ch rats on that lot beeause of the debris left behind, He noted �ha-t in Wisconsin on l�ke homes they require a poured. fowadation because of roden�sa ' Mr. John Rice' 6g6 xuu�o St. N.E.� stated tha-� ii they grant the variances for this.lot it woua.d set a precedent in �the area and �the homes would be toa close. Mr. Perrozzi stated that the gradin� ��ould not be brought up to the top of the first floor. It wou].d be pretty much as is. As far as raden�ts getting in.to the house� a wire mesh or lattice work ��ili go around the house to prevent rodents from getting in. He added that the foundation would probably be stronger than any house in the area because of the poles and eye beam cons�ruction. The City of Minneapolis has approved this type of construction. He also fel�t it was a buildable lot and felt he had met the requixements of the floa'i plain. Mr. Harris asked N�. Perrozzi if he owned the property now? Mr. Perrozz3 stated that he was in the process of buying the property contin�ent upan the outcome of his request for variances and 5pecial Use Permit. �1 � �;� %"� PLANIJING COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 23�,? 979 -_ __ PAGE q A�. Oquis� asked P�. Perroz�i, if he intended�to live in the houseB Ni�°. Perrozzi stated he did. l�s. Sch�eppmuel.ler stated that ichis would be the f�rst house bui],t on a small lot on Rivex°view f�cing tk�e xiver o Mr. Iiarris asked when this wes platted? . Mr. Boardman stated it was a very old plat- .-.� .. ...�----:x_ Mr. Klingbeil s�;ated, thrat he �Chought it tiras platted in 1926. (Platted 8/1922) Mso Hughes asked i� the S-taff was well satisfied with �his �ype of construction? Mx°. Boardana,� stated �chey �were sa'�isiied with �;he cons�tr.uction. The on1.y problem he had �ras tYia� no d.ecisions had been made by �tlze Pl�nni.n� Counnission in regards to the f].00d plaina Mr, Schaclt sta'ced �ha� they sl�ould b� coa�sistent in i:heir x�ales xe�arding the flood p].ain. �Ie didn°t think it saas ri�ht to 1et Mro Perrozzi build with poles . and soaneone else build a da.iferenic way. r� Mr. Boardman st�ted that the f'iood plain re�ula'�ions were set up by iche Federal. Gover:���t in Z975 and �he regulations must be approved by the State. .4�.7. requests re�arding �;his ilo�d plain mus� be sent to the Stateo - Mrso Schack asked if tYze garage would be bui1� on poles and r�3sed a].so? I+�r. Boardman s�tated that a st�°uctux°e was nat r�quixed �to Ue above iche i].00d plain level unless it was habi�ab7.e. It must be �nchored howevex9 so it doesn't �'1oa'�. ASr. Perrozzi stated tha� the garage would be out of the flo�. plain area. He also stated tha't the value of the house would be consistent wii;h others in the area and would add to the amenities. This type of construction was developed because land is becomming valuable. N.�TION by Mr. Oqwtst� seconded by Ms. Hughes' to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE' CHA.ZRMAN I3ARRSS DECLARED THE PUBLTC HEAItING CLOSED AT 9;10 P.M. . Ms. Hughes stated she would need more input from the other Commissioners. She was completely opposed to building in the flood plain. She would like more back- ground regarding the philosopY�y of what is aLlowed in the flood plai.n. Mr. Harris stated that he would like to appraise the Commissioners as to the � conditions of a Special Use Perznit. Under rezonings and variances it is 3encumbent - upon the pe�citioner to show cause why it should be granted. Under Special Use Permits� if i� 3s denied� �t is �ncumbent upon the Co�nissioners to lis't good and qualified reasons as to wY�y it should be denied. We have a flood plain ordinance ('1 � PLANNING CONIl�+LCSSION MEEI'ING� MAY 23, 1979 '� - PAGE 10 and. it must be complied bri'th. In this area the Corp of Engineers has stated the level is 822. Our ordinance requires th,ai any livable structure be 2�oot above the 100 year flood leve]. and this meets that regpixement. So he is meet� the requirements of the �'lood pl�in and if we recommend denial we must have �o�. cause fbr i�. Mr. Harr3a stated that it was his general �'eeling that the Ci�y and the Planning Co�nission has been neglig�nt in not adopting �eneral policies for development in this axea. Mr. Harris went to the City Council. about a mon�h �go and asked hmw the Council would feel r�bou�C a moratorium on building 3n this area. Council suggested the Pl�nning Co�nission study 3.t and form recommiendations before they declare a moratorium. H�.s particular feelin� was tha't he wou].d not like to see construction in �the area until gu.idelines are se�t upo Mr. Treuenfe].s w�s concerned about what woul.d be considered good reasons. Two aspects mentioned ��rere first9 the drainage mi�;ht noic be suf'�'icien� and second' there cou7.d be a probl�m wi�h radents.� He asked.�if these would be considered good reasons for denial? Ms . Hu�he s added tY�a� �Che 50 �oot iot was substa�.dard . Mr. H�,rris s�ta'�ed �hat in our ordin�nce' �x�y plat recorded before 1.9559 We allow construcicion on 50 foot lots provided �Y�ey ar°e 7500 squax�e �'eet. This l.ot is r�o'� bu� 'cha'� eor�c�rns th� Bo�x°�. of' Appeals. The drainage situat�n is a va].id point. He was not sure about the rQC7.en�t s:ituationa Nir. Boardman stated •th��; tne o�°dinance lay�d out �the �ypes of things they would not allow a�ecial Use .Ner.mi-t i'cr, Tkie rr�zn thixa.� they l.00k a� is if iic will cause eeonomic l7ardship elsew�.es e by causirag fl�oding on the neighboririg lots o If they can show use through en,ineering data that they are not going to do �Lha� or i�' �hey could sol.ve an exisi;ing drainage p•roblem' �hen we feel they have met �ha't requirement. • Ms. Schnabel stated they should review �the Cott�nissioners obligations regarding Special Use Permi�tse We must �ran� Special Use Permics i�' it is �ound that the proposed use 3s compatible with �he existing use and does not endanger the public health� safety and welfare of �he area. To der�y coula be deemed �rbitralcy� un- lawful and in violation oi the applican�°s rightso The bwcden is on us in that sense. There have been other cases that have established certain facts in con- nection with this. For instance' a claim that the adjacen�t property owners pro- perty would be devalued has been found by the courts to be not a reason ior denial. If the use comp].ies with P].anning9 City� police and fire departments reco�endations it must be given weight with the Council in approving a Special Use Permi�. The burden is really on our shoulders. She s�ated that she �ot this information from a memorandum sent out by the City Attorney some tirae ago. � Mr. Harris asked if this property was reaLl,y in essence act3n� as a holdi.ng pond? N1r. Boardman stated that was the �ray it looked. � �"1 � � PLANNZPiG CON�IISSION MEEETING� MAY 2�. 1.97� '-- --- PAGE 11 Mre Iiarris st�ted that :Lt mi�h� be� because of the draina�e sit'uation' tha� th.is "'1 s�rucl:ure shou7.d not be built there and anaybe the Ci-ty should look into the �ossibility of acquirin� �lia� :Lo� for storm wa�er storr�ge. This �oes back �Lo tlieir ori�inal discussion of se�l;in� up guidelines and criteria fox build3ng in this area. Ii' ��e h��l that, ��e �aould I�ve e�r�;ain �area� pinpoin•ted a� drainage stor��e areas. He was not certain that an 8 in�h pipe could h�nd].e ;;he situa�tf.on of all the starm �rater in t11e area. Mr. Bo�rdman s"�ated 'cha� �he 8 inch pipe was for se�rer. , , M�.�. H�;rris asked �crha� they had for s�co�rn �aater? Nlro Oquist a.sked how much drainage thexe was �here? Mx°e Hsrris s�ated that it loo�:ed like �he houses-o�. both sides drained into this lo�o Ms, Schnabel sta�;ed �cha�L the house �co the south clrains triere but the house to the north do�s no�L e l��r. Boardxn�rl sta�Ed there was a, ser?es of storrn sewers 'there. P:os� of them axe a ca�;ch basi:n type system ai; the erid of each of tY�e si;reets and i� drains irom there -chrov.gh a pipe into 'che river o R�r. Harris siated that accorclin� to th.is �.ra�rin.g� the center of the str�e•t eleva'tior� is a'� 82206. That is the exisving elev2tione la t�e l��' mid��oint wY?ere trle � house �aovld si�� is 822. So i;his lo�c is act2ng a� a s�;orm w�ater ret�n+ion area. The �ax�age el�vation is a'� 82�06. The house �o �,he sou�Lh is 822.7 and the house to the�raorth is 822e8s So �hey have to drain there. P�r. Boardman st�.'ted that by fi7.line and gra.d3ng this lot� the wat�r drainiz� from the adjacei,t houses will diain into this lot and out to the street. That saould solt�e the dxainage probiem. P�r. Harris w�as npt sure i� would solve �he problem. He did no�t feel the elevation differenti�ls were enough. TYa.ere were talking abovt pretty l.ong dis�Gances and about tenths of feet. Ms. Schnabel s�ated that they were limi�ced because of the eleva�ion of the street and if they w�re �oing to change it� it might requa.re the who].e lot be f311ed in. Mr. Boardman stated that by fil�.ing in the lot� they would be crea'ting a drainage problem for the neighbors. � Mr. Harris sicated tha'� there was a house off to the northeast and there is an elevation of 822.1. in the corner of �Chat house. The swale is 823.6 so the swale is higher than the corner oi that house. A'h�. Boardman stated there probably wasn't water in that area �r�yway. Mr. Harris stated that the drop fram the back was 823.�+ and lot is 822.3 so they i�tve a foot and a tenth of an incla over not much o� a faLt. s to the front of the 1172 feet. It was PL�NNING COMMCSSION [�ETING, MAY 23, 1979 - PAGE 12 Mr. Boardman st�ted that he looked. at it based on en�ineerin6 and what can be done with the lot� and they probably did the most they covld do with the lot. � He still h�c�:reservations as far as what the I'lanning Couuniss3on's recommend.ations �riZl be re�arding the lots in the floal plaina � Ms. Schnabel asked Mr. Aarris if he would feel more comfortable if this item were tabled until he had an opportunity �to �o to Council and discuss the g,uestions �that had been raised or un�Gil further study was don� on the drainage on this lot. Mr. H�,rris stated he would Yeel moxe comiortable, yes� but fel.�C the petitioner would like �o ge�t on �aith the construction.. Mx. Robert Lindbloom s�tated he was �the owner of the property and when he acquired �the property the City told him he could bui].d on the property i�' he met the flo� plain requirements. I�ra Boardman st�'�ed tha� if they tabled it for the purpose of further discussion with Counci7.9 he would suggest they no� table i�. He ielt if �they want�d to �Cable i� in order to pu�t toge�her a policy tha-t �roul.d be a goad reason. Ntro Harris agreed. N1s. Hu�hes asked when they cou].d get to �hat kind of a study. Mr. Boardman stated he 4rould reques� a time period on �he study. He sta'ced he was �.ot quite sure �rhat tbey were looka�g for. Right now they have regu].a'�zons and if they mee'c those regul�itions they ca� bui.ld. If they donB�C meet them' they �--1 cann�t build. '1'he regula'tioras require a look a't the drainage and we have denied several based on the drainage. Tiiis one does no'c seeni �o follow that cxiteria. Mr. Harr3s stated he cauldn4t agree wi1;h �ha�to I�t �ras difficult tv gr�de within an inch. • Ms. Hvghes stai�ed that it looked ].ike �there �rould be about �-0% to 50°� hard surface on the lot after iche house is built. She asked how �ny other lots would present this same problem? Nlr. Boardman stated there were only a few � buildab].e lots in the area. The other lots would be hard to buil.d on because �hey woul.d require �+ to 5 feet of .fill. Mr. Og,uist stated that he did not see a reason to den�y the Special Use Permit. MOTION by Mr. Oquist� seconded by Mr. Treuenfels' to recommend to Council approval oi Special Use Permit, SP #79-0�+� by Joseph Pe�rozzi: Per Sec�ion 205.153� 5� D, of the Fridley City Code� to allow construction of a new dwelling on Lots 28 and 29� Block R� Riverview Heights� in CPR-2 Zoning (flood plain) the sarne being 8181 Riverview Terrace N.E. Ms. Schnabel stated that she had a problem with the elevation situation. She was not convinced that the figures were acurate and it would not cause a drainage problem. Th3s survey was done in the winter and there was a question by the neighbors regardin� the accuracy. �' � . �:r PLAT�TdING CON�NIISSION MEI.TIIVG, NtAY 23,_ 1979 � —___ PAGE 17 � Ms. Sch�abel �sked wh�,t the tiric�l;h. of the house was? �� Nlr. Boaxdman stated 3t ��as about 26 ieet • � Mr. Oquis�t asked if they had ti�e requirecl number of parkin� stalls? Mr. Boaad.man statea they did, for that square footage.. A'!�. Ed Babcock came �orward and sta�ted th.at he was the pe�iicionert s a'�torn�y. He sta'�ed that he repxesented i�'ir. Ralph Lind. Mr, Lind �aas wsable to attend because j oi recent surgeryo M�.�. Lind is retirec� and s�ould like to se].].. He �'ound. �that ; tk�e be�t use was no lon�er r�sidentialo 1�. Babcock noted �chat there was si�rip � zonin� alon� Unive:�si�Ly Avenue and �hat it had an effec�t on the other three corne�s ! of this ir�te�seetione He fel� �cha.s property would no'c laave it° s gu,ll value as a i resiclence becr�use o�' wh�'c exists on tlle other th-ree corners. He noted that in the ! ordinance i�ae word "transitio�" is used �'or CR-1 zoni?�;e Tn other words9 Cl�-1 � zoning should. pxovide a transition bet�aeen co��ne-rcial and residen�ial zonin.�e He ' suogested °chey look at 'this as a unir�ue si�e and nat as usual spo�L zonin�. Ii it wer� an interior lot� i� would be different. idith respec'� to barriers� on �the south side there is a board fence and on �he eas'c side �;l��re is a�reen hed�e. � Nire I�ob Hays owns the Y�ouse to �he eas�� and he is iu �the �eal estate bu.siness9 wiich � News Reali-t��. RTetirs Reality has the l.ist3ng on I�'fr o Lind' s h�ne @ They have no� erztered into a purchase.agreemen�; and do not have a pvschasera They' have had interest in �he property and it would a�pear �hat this woutd be a real estate officee It � would r�ot be purchased by I3ews fieality. They ��rould be wiZling to com��y yri�h j any condi�t;ions imposed by tY�e Conunissione �, Mr. Oquist asked ho*f� they could be sure i�t wou�d be a re�l es�Late office if they did.n' � have a bvyer2 Mr. Babcock sta�ted �hat a real estate business is ver,y interested. Mr. Oquis�t stated that he understood his poin� regarding spot zoning and even though it is not in the middle o:f residential' it is ati the start of it. Mr. Babcock stated that he felt the corner lot was affected by the connnercial more than any other J.ot and i� would serve as a transition. Mr. Boax°c�man sta•ted 4hat he iel�t the corner lot was more affected by traffic than commercial and �the same point could be used �or aJ.]. the lots along the service drive. All �he ].ots to the south are �,ffected by �traffic� access� lights� e'�c. If they put that house on the market as a single iamily residence� it would be sold that w�y. There are houses being built along 6g�+ �nd also along the Burling- ton lines that axe affected by traffic noise and those homes are being sold. By star�ing commercial along that service road they would have major problems as �ar as access on to Osborne. Any corner development would spread along University and they wou18 hav� another strip commercial development. Al.so� this zoning is not consistent �aith the Comprehensive Developmen� Plan the City adopted in 197�. � PLANNZNG CONIMI5STON MEETING 2�AY 23, 1979 �„„ - PAGE 18 Mr. Babcock stated •that he felt ,there was �nore exposure on the corner �zad did not ieel it �aould nec�ssarily put them in �he position oi rezoriing the lots to the south. Mro Oquist stat;ed it would make it more di�iicul� and it is the star� of it. Mr. Boardman.st�ted that if the Pl�nning Commission approved �his, they would have to �ook at the road system. Th.ey would need �iore oi a l.00p �ccess for �he intersection of Osborne and University. There are going �o be changes on thaic intersection that will require some medians, right and left turn la�nes and those types of thin�s. If rezonin� is approved in this area, and he would reco�end against it� then h� w�uld recommend a portion be ded.ica�ed for a loop�back systeffi anci tha�t the present struc'ture, the w�y it is presen'cly set up� not be a]lowed to be utilized. He felt they ��rovld. have to look a� s�L1.ix�g that structure and removing it and developing somethin� al.on� that -site �;ha�t -would meet a road. pattexn. system. If we start developing co�am.ercial' this stree'c pa'ttern ��ill not service it. Tt will have to be chan�ed. I% taould like a commitm�nt on the servic� drive and �the setbacks ior �he loop�back system. Mro Babcock sta�ed �hey would try to mee�t �he conditions. T3e woul.d haee �o consult tri�th his c1 ient. The 1ot dimensions are 185 fee�t on -the wes�� 215 along the east by abou�t 130 ioote . Mr•. Frank Waks� 757� �-th Street NE9 s�ated.-tha� the people in that ttao block area were responsible �or the rezoning from Rice Creelc �0 73rdv Mr. Lind was in on thrzt petition. A� one �ime, a trai��r covst was proposed �'ox across the streeta N�r. Lind ��ras in on 'che peti�ien to stop �hato He felt 'che roads,ray they t•rere considering �along thE back �•rovld be a f'ine �ransition �'or Mr. Lind9 but no'c for the other 5 property owners alonb thereo Nir. Zdalss s'ca�ed his propericy was 200 fee't f'r�m Mr. Linas. They had a gentleraex�'s a�reement that 5th �treet wauld not be used to get �o Unity Hospi'cal. He sta'c�d he couldnt�t see �taking �hat home� 4rhich is � beautiiuZ brick home' and ma,king i�t coanmervialo The other 5 property owners wnu7.d sufier mo�e ichan Mr. Lind. Msm Lorraine B1.osl�y' 305 76th st: 1�,. stated tha� she liv�s behind the fence. She stated they have been there for 2�+ years and 1�d watched a].l ��the changes. 5he did not want the parking and traf�ic noise. There would be an increase in traif3c on �he service road. Mr. Robert Blosky, 305 76th Ave. NE' stated he had a pei;ition with 32 signatuxes against the rezoning. They live to the south. He agreed with his wife and didn't believe �here should be a commerEial. proper�ty on tha� corner. Mary Treanor, 75�+2 �+th St. NE� stated that �+th Street was one block long and was a nice residential street. She would like to keep it that way. MOTTON by Mr. Treuenfels� seconded by Mr. Oq,uis'�� to receive the petition. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIlZMADT HARI�IS DECLARED THE PETITSON RECElVED. � �;� . �� �� �_ ^ PLANNING COMI'�SIOP1 NL : ING� t�Y 23L �-979 ___ PAGE 19 MaTION by NLs. Schnabel� secondecl by Mr. Tr�uenfels, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOZCE VOT�� ALL VOTIT��G AYE9 CHAIRMAN FiARRTS D�CI�RED TFiE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSID AT 11.:05 P.M. Ms. Schr��,bel s�ated th.at she didn't see �the va].idity of �the request fox' rezoning. She fei-� it was spot zoning And was suxroun.ded by residential on Osborne and on Univ�rsi�ty as well as �che houses 'that back up to it on �th S�reet. The traffic pa'ctern is a critical part and felt it �aoul.d be a mista�e to even considex putting th� p�.r�:in� in tlze rear with an access to Osborrie road. It ti��ould be a very dangerous situation. A1so, a great deal of' the nei�hbors are opposed. MOTION by Ms o Schizabel9 s�conded by Mr e Oa�uist9 '�o recorr�end �o Council denial o� rezoz�ing reques�L ZO�, �t7y-03� by Robert G. �Iayst Rezone Parcel 2700 lyzng in �he Tdorth. Hal.f of SvctiGn 119 T-30� R-2!I•� City oF Fzidley (see PubZic Hearzng notice ior complet� legal.)p �°rom R-1 (sin�;le family d�:*el.linb areas� to CR�I (g�neral af�'ice ar1d limit�d business), i;l�.e sa�e bei7ag 7599 Uni�rexsi�y Aveo N.Es9 for �Lhe follozaing reasonso 1) spo'c x°ezonir�.�; - surrow.ided by resideil�tial, 2) creatin� a d�n�exous si�;uL.�Vion wi�Vh par.king in -4hc rear and access to Osborne� �nd 3) great deal of neighborhood opposi;tio�.e Mso Hughes s�ta�;ed �h.�'c sh° a.greed compZetely. Mr. Treuenfels s�ated th�,t fusther housing is needed in F�id].ey and most o�' the residEn�L�_a� 1.and has bee� deve�op�do Also' there are a number o�' trees on 'che 10� that rn�.�ht �ot st:rvive. t�or thc; e T'e'a6011v he did r�o� �'eel i'c wou7.d be �n -i1�.e bes�t inte-rests of the City to �"EZOne residen-tial �Lo conunerciale � UPO� A VOTCE VOTE� ALL VOTIT'yG Al'�� CI�AT�tT�tAid HAP,Fi.IS DEC:L�ARED TFL NIOTZ�N CARRIED UNAI�FIMO�SLY . Mro Harris iniormed �he petitioner 'chat the Commission was reco�nending th..at Council deny this peition a�d re�ni�d.ed him that he had the option to witlzdxata his request. • He stated this would go to Cowaci]. an June �+� 1979 and Council would set a public hearing for July 16' 1979. Chairma.n Harr3.s d�clared a recess at 11:10 P.M. and reconvened the meeicir� at 1.1s25 P.M. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: REZON�ING REQ.UEST, ZOA Lots 14 , Block , Cit.y View, �'rom R-2 (�eneral business areas) to allow a new same being 5701 Universi�y Avenue N.E. � 0�+, BY TAE GRAVES COMPANY: Re 4ro iamily dwel in� areas��o C- MOT+ ION.by Mr. Qquist� seconded by Ms. �iu.�hes� to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI.L VOTING AYE� CHATRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC FIEARING OPEN AT 11:25 P.M. .��, PLANNING COMMTSSION MEETING, MAY 23, 1979 -� PAGE 20 Mr. Boardman gave �he Counni.ssionArs soane aerial pho�to�raphs of the site. Iie s�ated. the s1.te wao located in �;be �.00p-back �rea that the City has a�� 57th and University Avenue. The exis�ing s�tructure will be taker� down. There are �� four lo�s k�i�h one o�mer and the �'lx�� 3 lots are zoned Cm2 and iche fouxth lot is zoned R�2o They would like the R-2 lot zoned C-2 so i� �rould be consistent with the other -L-hree lots and they rroul.d be able to construc�t a s�ll of�ice with a L•iinchell Donut oa� the corner. This is located across the s�reet Prom whex°e -Ghe ne�a approved Super Americ� Sica'tion wi].1 go. He ielt this plan with 'the landscapin� would be an im�rovemen-�•over �he existing station wi].Z all �the blacktop on �this corn�r. � Mr. Treuenfels ask�ed if �r.ere wa�izet a second possibility concerning the xoad? Mr. Boardm�n s�a�ted they had loo�ed at i'c in the r�siden�cial context because `�here is a resid�n'cial s�true'cure ti�ere a There t�re�e t��o alt�rna'cives e One was to lcave tl�e service road where it is. T'�,ey ielt tha'� i� iche existing house was ever des�croyed� tha�; proper�c,y wovld probably Lecome cor�nercial. He ie7.'c that ��rith �cha'cs road pat-�ern i'c taas noi, a good loeation ior residenti:al.. If they developed t�e road pat�t�rn in a�ianner to 3 sola'te i:ha'c house �'rom this co�ne�cial area9 and eli�n.ina'ce 'chis �°o�,d system9 ii� zaould be tied mox� into a resid.entia]. a�e�e They felt ichis p�an ��ras the l�es'co Mr, Eu..�ene Grav�s stated they would like to ge'c the �'our lot�s together so they eould put up a be�c�:er building o M�. 8chriabe�. as�.ed if they had Winchel].PS ].ineci up as a�tenar�t2 Mr. Gr�ves s�ta��d they did� but as oi �oday '�hey didnP'co Bu� i,hey still �aan�c � to �e'c the four lots toge�her. Mso Schnabel s�tated that the plans indicated they wanted �CO put o�'fice and retail in and asked wlaa� type of faciZities t�ey �rere �Chinking up? Mr. Graaes sta'ted that-he had no tenants lined up. . Ms. Schnabel aslced what the square footage of the buildin.� trould be? A4r. Graves stated he was no� sure �nd on�.y had sketches. They planned �o present the plan.s when they applied ior the building permit aficer the rezoning was taken care of. Mr. Boardman s�ated that the plan the Commissioners had indicated 'che maximum amount of space and parking that; would be allowed on that site. Ms. Schnabel stated that the following �aere the types of businesses allowed in a C-2: Drug s�COre, hardware s�ore, bakery, department store� bars and taverns' household equipment repair shops� commercial recreation� res�taurant, excluding drive-ins� and several others that would not be applicable. Also� add3.tional things would be allowed with a Special Use Permi.t. � PLA�NIIING COMMISSION MEE°I'ING, ME1Y 23� �979 __ __ _ PAGE 21 M.ro Boardmsn noted that �hree of the lote were already zoned Ca2 and also the �°°ry strip commercial to the north and south are C�2. Ms. Grace M�thiaen, 348 57th Pl�.ce NE� staiced tha� she owned the other three lots and asked how this would agiect her7 She ��kecl if �che Super America was gaing �;o come in7 ' Mr. Boardman stated it was. • Msa Mathisen s�tated that the station -�hat was there didn��; both�r her and it � was a��ace�u.l corn�r. There �ras � trafiic problem. NIr. Boardma� showed Msa :�i�hisen �the �roposed plan. I P�s . B�Ia•�hisen stated ehe wov�l.d h�ve no ob jection if they fo1l.o�r �this plan wi�h the huild.i� in the baek and 'che parYin� on the sou�h and wes'c. M.s. Hv.gh.es s�a�ed tha�t ii �;ha'c whole s�Crip inc].udin� I�, T�,�thisenos property were rezon.ed �-2� it wovld te:ad to encxoach in�a the residential.e Mr, Boaxd.m�n stated tha'� in �this si���tion he woua.d not have �ha� much o� a i - proY�lem with tha-� because of the sex°vice road. The service road that is presently exi ,ting -�here is a�ra�fic generator because oF Mac�Joxial.ci's' etc m MOTION by Ms, fi�he�9 secanaed by Nira Hora9 to c].ose the public hea�'i�. , �,: UPON A VOIC:E V07.'E' AT,T, VQ`i'71VG AYE� CHAT�it MAN HARRIS 1�ECI��'D TH� PI7.BLIC I�'EARING CIaC�S�D AT 11 a�7 P e M. Mro Oquzs� sta'ted that he clid not see any problems witY� this request. A4a'_►�ZON by Nira Oquist, seconded by Mr. Hora, '�o recommend to Council approval, of rezoning request ZOA �79-0�+9 hy the Gravea Companys Rezone Lots 1-�+, Blocic 6' City View, from Rm2 (�two iarni.ly dwellin� areas) �to C-2 •(general business ax°eas) to allow a nezJ developmen� of sma17. oifices8 the same being 5701 University Ave. NE Mr. Treuen:Cels s�ta�Ced that he regre�ed seeing any residentia� zone rezoned to co�ercial. Mr. Boardma,n sta�ed there is a dedicated easement set up by the Highway Department �or a right turn lane and on the fourth lot there is an 8 foot; dedicated easement. UPON A VOICE VOTE� �II.L VOTING AYE, CH'ATI�T HARRTS DECLARED THE MOTIOPJ CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Aarx�is informed the petitioner tha� this would �o to Council on June �+ and Council will set a public hearir� for Jul�y 16� 1979• r� �!!.� - \ PI,ANNZNG COMMISSION MELTING, MAY 23� 1�7� � - PAGE 22 � ._...v..� 7. vAC� reali�n � e s.�v �2� CITY OF FRIDLEY: ver�ity Avenue. of Propert� to Mr. Boardman s-tated this was located in the same area as the previous reg,uest. Zt is the Super America proper�y. The exis�ing se�vice arive is too close to �he corner and they �vant to pull the service drive in beYaind �o ge�t around the median lines'. Most o�' this pioperty was Sta�e property �and was turned back to the Ci'cy of Fridley �his year. They n�go�iated an erchan;e of property with Super America to �11o�r them the additional xoam they need �nd st�ll provid� a service accesso Tn order to do �hat they had to �o across the car dealership9s p�operty and in -�hose negotia�;ions they turned. back some og �he property to thP car dealership. Super America wou?d get PaacceJ. 1 and Parcel 2p and �he dealership �rou7.d get �arcel 3• This plan wi1Z ��so solve the proolem wi�h the �craffic f�om �he drive-ine Ms. Schnabel sta�ed �there �a�s an apartmen.� building behix�d and as�ecl if they zaere noti�ied o�' -�h� s? Mr, Board�an s�ated they t�rauld not get notii�.ed. They know about the service driveo Ms. Schnabel sta'ted i�l�'� she �aou1�. be concprraed i�' she lived. in �hav apax�ffierat and the drive-in �as let'cix►� cars go throu.�,h the-re. Mr. Og,uis�c asked if �here wasnet � parkin� lo� there? I�1s Q Schnabel s�a�Ced it was no°t tha�i: big. Mr, Har�is s�ta�ted they had to elean up tha� �n-tersection. Ms. Schnabel �sked about the accesses for Super America. Mr. Boardman sta�ea �here would be an entrance on Parcel 1 arad Parcel 2 and an access off �the service drive ico �he eas�e Tlzere would be one access off 57'th and '�wo of� the service drive. Mr. Treuenfels asked if there would be any direct access �o University? A9r. Boardman stated �here would not be any access to University. MOTION by Mr. Treueniels� seconded by Nr. Oquis�t� to recammend �to Council approval of Vaca�tion Request� SAV �79-02�� City of Fridley: Exchange of property to realign service road �or University Avenue. UPON A VOICE V4TE' ALL VOTING AYE� CAAIRMAN IiARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRTID UNANIMOUSLY. F� �1 , �; . _ � PLANPdTP1G COMMISSION I�ETTNG9 P�AY 23s �979 ' PAGE 23 � �- 8 0 �LECTTON OF VICE CHl�IRPERSO�t FOR PLAT�IING CQMMISSION: Ms. Hu�hea nominated Mso Schuabel ior Vice Ch�.irperson. NIr. Hor� nomivated N1r. Langenield for Vice Chairperson. MO�ION by Mr'. Treuen�'els, seconded by Mr o Og,uist, to cl.ose the nominations . UPO1V A VOICE VOTE, AI6L VOTING AYEp CH�Il�NIAN HARRIS DECI�RED T�E NOMINATTONS CLOSID. The Corrrni.ssioraers voted by secret ba].1o� �znc� Mso Schnabel �aas elected �to the posi�ion or Vice Cha,irperson oi the P].anniiag Commission. 9, xFC�� z�tmt�rT r,�sovRC�s cor�'lI+�LLSSTON T�NCPi'ES: r�Y 3, 1979: l�(7TION b3� 7� e Treuezz�e].s, seconded by %�S . Schnal�el9 to receive the l�lay 3' 1979, minutes of' 'che �h�rnan Resousc�s Co�nission. UPON A VOICE VOTE9 ALL VOTiRTG AYE' CHATRN�T HARRIS DECLARED THE 1�i0TI0I�T CARPIFD U1V.AI��P✓�OUSLY . l0 o RECENN��" PATZFi i& RECRE�ITTON COATI�LCSSZON b�IT�?CiTESt M�IY (� 19`T9 ° M(?TTOT� by Ms a Hu�hes� sECOnd�a by Mr. Treuen-�els� �o rec�ive the �y 7, 1979� minutes o� the Pax�ks and. R�crea�ion Co�uni.ssioraa � UPOI� ��rOICE VOl^Ey �'iL.L VOTITdG AYE, CHl-��'�iA1V I-i�F,RIS D�CT.�.R�D TF� MOTIOI� CA�ZR�D UNAI3II�IOUSLY e llo R.�,CEIVE APPEALS CON.fM�:SST0IIT P�INU'I�ES: Z��Y i5., 1979: MOTIOl�T by Psqs. Schnabel, second.ed by Mro Treueni'els' to receive the May 15, Z979, Appeals Commission minuteso Mr. Harris s�ated he was sus°prised on the determin��cion on �he lot size regardin� the r�quest involving the �'looc3 plaina � Ms. Schnabel stated they had approved other 50 foot lots of �hat size in tha-t area. UPON A VOICE VOTE9 ALL VOTING AYE' CAAI�MAN HAI�IS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED Wi ANII�iOUSLY . ' 12. CO�TINUED: CONlAREHENSIVE DEVELC?PMEN'T' PLAN: MOTTON by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Oquist� to continue the discussion on the Compreh�nsive Development P1an. Mr. Doardman stated they should plan to discuss it during the June 6, �979 meeting and he would like to set up a special meet3ng on June 1�+� 19T9• � UPON A VOTCE VOTEy ALL VOTIIVG AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLAR�D THE MOTION CARRIED UIVANIMOUSLY . - � -..�.�,.,...� PLAI�TNING COMMTSSION MEETING, MAY 23, 1979 � __- PAGE 2�± 13. CONTIJ�TUED: PROPOS�D CNANGES TO C�TAPTEfi. 205. ZONSNG: MOTION by P�. Oquist9 seconded by Ms. Hughes, to continue the discussion on the proposed changes to Chapter 205. zoning. UPON A VOICE VOTE' AI�, 9'OTING A1'E� CHAIf�iAN HAFdRTS DECLARED `�HE MOTION CARRI�D t71VAN"'1MOUSLY. ' l�. P,FCENE HOUSING & REDEVELOPr�P}T A.tJ2'HORITY t�ETING: M11Y ��+, 1979� . MC)'I'ION by Msa Schnabel� seconded by Ms. Hu�h.es to receive �he R'�y l�-�, 1979 minutes of the Housing & Redevelopment Autho�ity. UPON A VOICE VO'1TEy ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAIRMAN �iARRIS DECIi.A'�� D T�' N��'1'IUN C�Z� UNt�1VIM0USLY e � � A�OTION by P�ir. Oquis'cp seconded by NiZ°. Treueniels9 to ad jovxn the May 23, �979� meeti� of the Planning Corcrmissiono UPOI� A VOICE VO�E9 ALL VOTIPIG AYE, Ct3ATP,MAN F�1�:RRIS DECZAE'�D THE N1F�TING �iiDJ'OURNED AT 12aJ.5 P.M. . Resp�ctiully submitted: �,i --�,.P �� � � s,,,`� �:�y, "�',e ,i`'�. ; , - �.. _ ,�'r_'> -� � � .w:�,. � �- Ka�hy She3.ton9 Reeorda.rag Secretary �"� = s: I � F � _ �