PL 08/01/1979 - 30515' CITY OF FRIDLEY
'�-� CAT�I, TO ORDER t
Chairman Harris called the August 1, 1979, meeting of the Planning
Commission to order at 7,20 P.M.
Members Presenti Ms. Hughes, Mr. Harris, lVlr. Treuenfels, Ms. Schnabel
Members Absente Mr. Oquist� Mr. Langenfeld
Others Presente Jerry Boardman� City Planner
Bill Deblon, �ss.�c�ate Planner •• •
Obiective 2. PolicV 1=Di
Mr. Treuenfels asked to what extend public tax money should be used
support private business?
Pdr. Boardman stated that in some cases it would be very valid to use
public money to spur development because the return from the public
� money used would benefit the commtanity.
�r. Harris stated that the Center City Project was a good example.
Ms. Hughes suggested they add one more item to this. "E" would read
as follows: "Plan and encourage the development of under utilized
residential land."
The Commissioners concurred.
_ Obrjective 2, PolicV 2i
The Commissioners agreed this should be changed to read as follows:
"The City should assist business to upgrade commercial and industrial
Objective 2. Palicv 2-Bs •
Ms. Hughes questioned the word"revitalization" and asked if redevelopment
�vouldn't work better?
�qr. Boardman stated that "revitalization" is a broader term and would
include redevelopment and such things as a face lift, etc.
.' e
Objective 2. Polic.y 2-Bs :
The Commissioners agreed to change this policy to read as follows� ^
"The City should continue to promote revitalization of its commexcia�
and industrial areas through efforts like the Center City Project."
(Delete "key" and insert "industrial".) .
Obiective 3s
BQs. Hughes recommended the word "encourage" be changed to "permit
Mr. Harris questioned whether we had the power to say that.
Mr. Boardman suggested they change the word "encourage" to"assure"
or "ensure".
The Commissioners concurred.
Mr. Treuenfels questioned the word "control" in the statement under
Objective 3.
Ms. Hughes suggested they delete the sentence "Piecemeal urbanization�:."
Mr. Treuenfels recommended they keep the sentence but delete the
word "totally".
The �ommissioner� concurred.
Objective 3, Policy 1:
Ms. Hughes recommended the word "promote" be changed to "permit only."
Mr. Treuenfels stated that Policy 1-B had the words "permit only" and
it was in reference to the critical areas.
�Ts. Hughes agreed that would take care of it.
Ms. 5chnabel stated that Objective 3 was no-� consisten-t with the
112r. Boardman stated they were .rewriting the Introduction.
Objective 3. PolicV 2-A�
Ms. Schnabel asked if the performance standards and design criteria
would be set up in a zoning regulation?
Mr. Boardman stated they would be.
'- �
Objecti�e PolicV �e
,'� -
Ms. Hughes recommended they change the word "modify" to "adopt".
Mr. Boardman stated that referred to the Center City for example.
They would have to modify design controls in those axeas.
Ms. Hughes stated she understood now.
Mr. Harris suggested they delete the word "key" in Policy 3-B and �-C.
The Commissioners concurred.
Ms. Hughes suggested the words "The City should protect and reinforce"
preface Policies 3-B and 3-C. .
Mr. Deblon stated that Policy 3 should have the following stat�ment at
the endi "These instances include�"
Mr. Boardman suggested they put a colon after the word "interest".
The Commissioners concurred.
Objective 3, Policv 4�-B�
Mr. Harris recommended they delete the word "key" in Policies 4-B &�-C.
The Commissioners concurred.
Mr. Deblon suggested they put a colon after the word "areas" in
Policy �F. �
The Commissioners concurred.
Objective 4:
Mr. Boardman stated this v�ras a typing error and should readi "�hcourage
appropriate land use combinations."
Ob:iective 4. PolicV 1-A � �
Ms. Hughes suggested they change "encourage"'to "set" or "designate".
Mr. Boardman stated he would rather use the word "establish".
The Commissioners concurred.
Ob:iective 4. Policy 2-A�
Ms. Schnabel stated that it didn't sound like they had a definite
time period in mind and asked if they couldn't tighten that up?
Mr. Boardman stated that it would be difficult to put a time limit
on it. For example� the Center City Project could take 15 years.
Mr. Boardman stated that the Community Development Commission had• .
recomroended adding a sub-policy� but he would like to make it i"�
Policy 4. It would read as follows� "The City should take necessary
action �o make land available for housing units by re-evaluating�its
present land zoned industrial." .
Ms. Schnabel suggested they say "all currently non-residential land"
in order to include commercial land also. She suggested they say�
"The City should examine present lands not zoned residential to
determine feasibility of making some of those lands available for
Th.�e Commissioners concurred.
Ms. Hughes stated they should look at R�1 zones to go to higher density.
Mr. Boardman suggested they could make a Policy 5 which would read as
follows� "The City �hould examine the feasibility of reclassifying
residential to increased density in certain areas."
Ms. Schnabel asked if there were any large parcels of vacant residential
property other than the Sears Property?
Mr. Boardman showed �he Commissioners the map entitled� "Housing
The Commissioners concurred with Mr. Boardman's recornmendation. r"�
Land Use InventorVa
Iti4r. Boardman stated there would be some rewri�es in the inventory.
He stated there were a:feW .� de�'iciencies here primarily in regard:,
to structure �oundness� conditions o� buildings, condition of housing
in the City, etc. This is weak and will be redone.
Mr. Harris asked if the 95� was a valid figure?
Mr. Boardman s�ated it was probably a little higher now and suggested
the Commissioners look at the Land Use Map Plan 1990. This map gives
the layout of what the proposed land use will look like. It also shows
existing land uses and what the land uses are in the surrounding
communities. He s�ated that the "M"s indicated medium to high density
residential. Some are existing and some are proposed. He asked that
the Commissioners stuc�y them when they have time. He stated that the
School District had not yet made a determination but had indicated in
their Comprehensive Plan that they were looking at closing two more
schools. Therefore, 1tlr. Boardman put a star near Rice Creek and Stevenson
Scliools. They anticipated �hese schools would close by 19�3. He stated
that he had put a"S" near Parkview because it is being used by the
School District.
Mr. Boardman stated that he had also put Gardena and Riverwood .
� Schools into residential land use. 1�'ir. Boardman went on to explafn
'` the other maps he had distributed to the Commissioners.
Mr. Boardman stated that the Environmental Quality Commission and
the Parks and Recreation Commission had done extensive work in all:.
of these areas and he recommended that the Planning Commission adopt
the amendments of the two Commissions. He felt it would be negating
their work for the Planning Commission to go through it as extensively
as the other two Commissions had. A summary of their recomnaendations
was distributed at the last Planning 1�leeting.
Mr. Harris suggested they go through it briefly to see if the Planning
Commissioners had any comments.
Natural Resources - Introduction�
Ms.Hughes recommended�the word "civilized" in the last paragraph be
changed to "ecological". Also, she suggested they change the word
"conquer" in the secand to last line to "alter".
Mr. Treuenfels objected to the word "alter". He preferred the word
�ir. Deblon suggested the word "exploit".
The Commissioners concurred.
Mr. Deblon stated this introduction would be rewritten.
Plan Direction:
TUIr. Deblon recommended the word "control" be changed to "management"
in the first sentence.
The Commissioners concurred.
Ms. Hughes stated they had discussed �he
definitions listed under Plan Direction
remain as they are. The reason for this
of the way Metro Council deals with this
The Commissioners concurred.
various categori�s and
and they recommended they
recommendation was because
Ms. Schnabel s�ated that she had noted that the Environmental Quality
Commission had shortened up the �irst statement under Plan Direction.
After the word "environment" it should read as follows� "that will
enhance and pro-tect natural resources from developments that may poten-
tially generate adverse effec�so" .
Mr. Deblon stated that statement would be followed with the following
statement� "These natural resources include�"
The Commissioners concurred.
Mr. Harris stated that it sounded good, but hoW would they handle it
unless they rewrite their zoning code? � -
_ ^
Mr. Boardman stated that was what they were doing. They would be
required to provide a site preparation plan, prepare a survey with
vegetation stands, etc.
Ma. Schnabel stated they should ask for a reforestation plan with
each proposal. �
Mr. Boardman agreed.
Mr. Harris stated that the DNR had come up with some new ideas rega.rding
oak wilt and stated they should discuss that the next time they go
through this.
Mr. Boardman suggested the Commissioners review the recommendations
from the Environmental quality Commission and the Parks and Recreation
Commission and make further comments at the next meeting.
The Commissioners con�urred.
Chairman Harris declared a recess at 8i4�0 P.M. and reconvened the
meeting at 8 � 5o P.t�i.
Introduction: ,�3:
lt�r. Boardman stated that the word "on" should be added after the
word "influences". �
The Commissioners concurred.
Plan Directions #1,
Nlr. Harris questioned the term "private investment".
1VIrr. Boardman stated they were talking about seed money to encourage
improvements in neighborhoods and they would encourage the improvements
be done through private investment. .
Plan Direction - #2:
Mr. Harris asked what they meant by "broader range of housing choices"?
1�2r. Boardman stated they were talking about different types of housing.
such as condominiums, ownership units, etc. They would like to maintain
a housing cycle from the first family house to the three or four bedroom
house to a smaller house after the family moves out.
Mr. Boardman stated thai the Plan Direction in general incorporated �
three main directions� Rehabilitation and preservation of neighborhoods�
�- a variety of housing in the housing supply, and also providing resources
for people who cannot afford housing to get housing.
PQr. Treuenfels stated that one of the reasons people were having
trouble staying ir their homes was taxes.
Nlr. Treuenfels noted that the word "discriminatory" was spelled wrong.
Objective 1, Policy 1-Bi
Ms. Schnabel asked how much of that was currently available at the
Public Library?
Mr. Boardman stated they had just established a Housing Resource Center
at the Librarye They had given $5,000 towards books and materials.
On September 15th there will be an Energy Day with three consecutive
programs. In October; they plan to have 5 programs, one each week,
on rehabilitation and home maintenanceo In the Spring they plan to
have one on landscaping and exterior development, This is all part
of an expanding program on energ,y and energy conservation and home
Ob:iectiv.e 1 n 1'olicy 1-A �
Mr. Treuenfels asked what kind of housing improvement programs they
were talking about?
Mr. Boardman stated that referred to such things as tax increment
' financing, etc.
Mr. Haxris stated that was a high-minded policy but there was a pro-
blemo They were saying they were going to promote neighborhood rehab
and preservation through private investment and seed money. The problem
is we tax them for that and �then we replace the streets and gutters �
and then impose a�pecial assessment. It might be better to do it �,n
phases. First promote the neighborhood preservation and then a year or
two later, come in with the street improvement programs, etc.
Mr. Boardman stated they should consider the cost effectiveness.
Mr. Harris stated that people might not be able to afford it all in one
ltZr. Boardman suggested they change it to reada "The City should make
public improvements where �feasible to coincide ...".
Mr. Harris stated that would help. He suggested they look at using
some of the block grant money for public improvements.
^ Mr. IIoarciman stated they could use 251 of the block grant money for
public improvement and it wouldn't have anything to do w�th low or
moderate income. But then they could turn around and if it has something
to do wi�h low and moderate income, pay for the improvements through
utilities. '
Mr. Harris suggested they look into that. ' . :
The Commissioners agreed to having the words "where feasible to ���''1
coincide with" included.
Obiective 1, Polic.y 2:
Ms. Schnabel stated that energy was mentioned frequently throughout
this but she was not sure how it related back to the Goal.
Mr. Boardman stai:ed that energy was part of suitable housing and
living environment.
Ms. Schnabel stated that she wasn't sure that energy should be the
only focus.
P�lr. Boardman stated it was the focus of the policy. He didn't see
any other area to include it in. It was a large part of housing.
Mr. Harris referred to the statement under Policy 2-B. The first
sentence of that statement would require a major shift of City policy
to implement.
Mr. Boardman stated that it was the intention all along to go into
single family housing with this policy on a mandatory basis at the
time of sale. This is stated in Policy 3-A. P�r. Boardman stated that
this statement should be placed under the objective. It is really out
of place here. ^
Objective 2:
lt�r. Treuenfels questioned the last sentence in the second paragraph
in the statement under Objective 2. He asked why condominiums were
not included in that statement. He suggested that tl�ey change quad-
raminiums to condominiums because people were more familiar with the
term con�iominiums.
The Commissioners concurred.
Ob:iective 2. 1'olicV 1-D�
Ms. 5chnabel asked about land write downs.
Mr. Boardman stated the words "where available" should be added �fter
,. the word "programs".
The Commissioners concurred.
Obiective 2, Polic.y 2:
Ms. Schnabel s�ated that this posed a dilemma. She asked if there was
a concern about the number of existing units being converted to condo-
miniums. �
` � .
Mr. Boardman stated that this referred to new �onstruction. •
�'"� P�s. Schnabel asked how they would handle people who want to convert
existing structures to these same types of units.
Mr. Boardman stated there would be some conditions and controls they
would have to look at.
Ms. Schnabel stated that her point was that some of these statements
may not be valid or might need some redirection.
Mr. Boardman stated they were valid with new construction.
Mr. Harris stated tha-t they had asked the Communit�r�Development
Cormnission to look at the question of eonversion.
Ms. Hughes stated that Policy 1 talked about multiple units which
tend to be rental units and Policy 2 talked about townhouses and
quadraminiums which tend to be ownership units. She asked if that
inference was correct.
Mr. Boardman stated that was correct. Policy 1 referred to rental
units and Policy 2 referred to owner occupied units.
Ms. Schnabel stated that if they were going to encourage this then
maybe they should encourage the conversions of existing housing too.
�^ Mr. Boardman stated that was not necessarily true, They c� ld achieve
a balance with new construction.
Ms. Schnabel stated that she still felt there was a conflict there.
1�Zr. Boardman suggested they add "D" to Policy 1 which would read as
followsa "The City should develop guidelines for conversion of existing
housing stock." This would be added to �bjective 1, Policy l.
The Commissioners concurred.
Obiective 2, PolicV 2s
Ms. Hughes stated that the words "the supply of" should be added after
the word "sunplement".
Obiective 2. PolicV 2-B�
Mr. Haxris stated that this statement brought them right back to the
question of 40 foot lots.
NIr. Boardman stated that this statement was meant to refer to garage
requirements and those types af things.- -
Nlr. Harris st�,ted that then they should say ihat.
The Commissioners agreed this statement should be changed to read� -
"The City should periodically review its residential zoning ordinar��'"'�
in order to consider new approaches to the housing problems." .
Objective 2, Polic.y � ,
112r. Harris asked what they meant by the word "innovative".
Mr.Boardman stated that referred to housing different than current
Ob i ective 3 s
Mr. Treuenfels asked what was meant by "composition".
Mr. Deblon stated that referred to single-parent households, non-
related people�hous�eholds with children, etc.
D4s. Schnabel questioned the statement re�arding rental housing being
denied to households with children. She stated that some people pre-
fer to live in buildings without children and she felt they-were
Mr. Boardman stated that was discrimination.
Mr. Harris stated that it might b� segregation but he wasn't sure
it was discrimination. - ^
Pds. Schnabel stated there should be some flexibility.
Mr, Boardman stated that he felt the City should support open occupancy
Pds. Hughes noted that it stated "improved access" not guarantes".
Objective 3. Polic.y 2�
Ms. Schnabel recommended they delete the words "owners and renters"
and insert the words "landlords and tenants". .
The Commissioners concurred.
Objective 3, PolicV 3�
Mr.Harris stated that they had talked abou�t doing that at one time.
Mr. Deblon stated that this referred to battered women, etc.
Ms. 5chnabel recommended they alter this statement to read: "emergency
shelter and group housing".
�The Commissioners concurred. " . �
Y ♦
� N[r. Treuenfels noted that Policy 9 and Policy 4 seemed to be rela`ted
r and asked if �9 should follow #4�.
Tl�e Commissioners agreed that Policies 5 and 7 should be combined
and Policies 5 and 8 should be combined.
Housin� Inventor�r e
Mr. Harris stated that paragraph 3 indicated the rate of growth. Para-
graph 4� states that by 1980 they would have a total population of 32,500.
By 1990, we would have a total population of 34,500. Household size is
dropping as indicated further down in the paragraph. Tdtr. Harris stated
it�was not the same ratio. They would be going from 3.19 to 2.85. He
a'sked where they got 2300 more units from that. He s�tated that if you
take the population of 1980 which is 32,500 and divide it by 3.19 it
would come out to 10,188 housing units. In 1990 there would be 34,500
divided by 2.85 and that would equal 12,105 housing units. The difference
would be 1917 instea3 of 2300. Mr. Harris stated that was about �00
units less than projec.ted and it could make a big difference on our
thinking about the zoning.
Ntr. Boardman sta�ted that Metro Council had said that we need an
additional 18�0 units. We looked at it and we are looking at an
increase of 2000 people. If we have land aVailable that we can
use for the additional 400 and if we can support that many wi�th
employment, why not?
/"`, .
Mr. Halcris stated that he was concerned a'bout whether we actually
have the land to do that. Ii we don't need the additional 400,
we could make it less dense and do more with open space�s� e��.
b2r. Boardman stated that they shouldn't take the figures literally
hecause �hey are goals based on proje�tion,. a�d may not be reached.
Mr. Harris s-�ated that without accurate gigures, they could not make
accurate pro jec-tions.
Mr. Boardman stated that they would have to look at these figures
because of lot of the figures were taken from the Housing Plan. He
stated that the problem with the pro,iections was that most of them
were from Metro Council and they use federal projection levels.
Ms. Schnabel stated that when the census figures for 1980 come in it
will help considerably.
Mr. Boardman agreed and staiced that was anotlier r�ason wi�ey th�X cou�,dn t't
take the �figures literally. The prbjections wera b�sed on �,� thex.
were somewhat inac+�urate.
The Commissioners continued to discuss the projections and agreed that
when the �'inal drait for this plan is ready, the figures would be
� updated. D2r, Boardman stated that the �igures change all the time,
but they would update them at that time.
MOTION by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to adjourn the �`
Aug st 1, 1 9 7 9 meeting of the Planning Commission� :
Respectfully Submitted�
Kathy S lton, Recording Secretary
. ��