PL 07/09/1980 - 6684PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: City of Fridley AG_ENDA WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1980 APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 18 T980 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - 10 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING_REQUEST, ZOA �80-02 BY TED 6URNANDT, 11 - 15 D/a A SWING REALTY: Rezone Part of Lot 3, A.S. #25, Parcel 1100, from R-3 general multiple family dtivellings) to CR-1 (general office and limited business), the same being 421 Hillwind Road h1.E. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: R€QUEST FQR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #8d-06, BY 16 - 20 JEROME CHRISTENSON: Per Section 205.057, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to a71ow the construction of a second accessory building, a •30 ft> by 36ft. detac�ied garage, on Lots t0 and 11, Block 4, Sylvan Hills Plat Three, the same being 6260 Starlite B1Jd. N.E: 3. PUBLIC NEARIN6: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL.USE PERMIT SP #80-07 BY 21 - 25 ly`AYNE E. EK, SR.: Per Seciion 205.051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code> to allow the existcing attached single car garage to still be used as an accessory building with tne construction of a 24 ft. by 24 ft, detached garage (already built) on Lot 7, Block 2, Meadowlands Addition, the same being 810 66th Avenue N.E. 4. 5. I'UIiLiG HEARI�6: REZaNING REQUEST ZOA # 80-03 8Y CARL E CNRISTENSEN, D/B/A CHRISTENSEN AUTO QODY: Rezone Lots 22, 23, and 24, from R-3 genera] multiple family dwellings) to C-2 (general business areas), and Lot 21, from CR-1 (general ofr'ice and limited business) to C-2 {general business areas), all located in Block 6, Fridley Park, to make zoning consistent with use of the property as an auto body shop, the same being 6501 East River Road A'.E. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #80-08, BY CARL E. CHRISTENSEN, D/B/A CHRISTENSEN AUTO BODY: Per Section 205.101, 3, D, to allow a garage for the storage, repairs and servicing of motor vehicles not over tY+o-ton capacity, located on Lots 27, 22, 23 and 24, Block 6, fridley Park, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E. 6. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. #80-03 BY NEDEGAARD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Split off the Rorth 2 feet of Lot 10, Block 13, Plymouth Addition, and add it to L•ot 9, Bloci: 13, Plymouth Addition> to make a 42 foot building site, ±he same being 4526 2nd Street N.E. 7. RECEIU TO J fROM ldI PIENDATI 8. REC[IVE HOUSING & REDEUELOPMENT AUTHORITY PSINUTES: JUNE 12, 1980 9. RECEIUE ENUIRONhtENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES• JUNE 17 1980 26 - 30 28 - 32 33 - 35 36 - 37 - WHITE BLUE - -� City of Fridley Agenda Planning Commission Meeting of July 9, 1980 Page 2 10. RECEIVE ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: JUN[ 24 1980 11. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISS?ON MINUTES: JUNE 24 1980 12. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIOP! MINUTES• JUNE 24, 1980 13. RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 26, 1980 14. CONTINUED: PROPOSED CHANGES TO CHAP7ER 205 ZONTNG 15. OTHER BUSINESS: AOJOURNMENT: ORCHID YELLOW 6REEN SALM�N SEPARATE • '�^.s CITY OF FRIDLEY _ _ _---- __ .. _ _ _ ' PLANNtNG COf'Il�IISSTON MEETING, JUNE 18, 1980 CALL TO ORDER; Chairman Harris called the June 18, 1980, Planning Co�ission meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. ROLL CALL; Members Present: Mr. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, Mr..Langenfeld, Mr. Oquist, Ms, Hughes, Mr. Wharton Members Absent: Ms. Schnabel Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner ' Reynold Swanson, 418 Rice Creek Blvd. N.E. APPROVAL OF JUNE 4, 1980, PLANNiNG COhAfI5SI0N MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded bq Mr. Langenfeld, to apps-ove the June 4, 1980, Planning Co�ission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harr.is declared the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF SPECTAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MIN[TTES OP JUNE 9, 1980; MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to approve the June 9, 1980, Special Planning Cou�ission meeting minutes.as wriCten. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chaixman Harri's declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP d�80-OS BY RF;YNOLD E, SWANSON: Extension of a Special Use Permit Co continue as a mobile home sales lot, on the West 375 feet of Lot 3, A,S. �89, subject to street and utility easement over the West 40 feet, per Section 205.101, 3, P3, of the Fridley City Code, the same being 7151 Highway �{65 N.E. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms.Hughes, to open the public hearing. on SP �80-OS by Reynold E, Swanson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearing open at 7;35 p.m. Mr. Hoardman stated that this was brought to Che City Couttcil and then the Planning Commission in May, At that time, it was determined by ehe Planning Co�ission that a new special use permit be applied for and that a public hearing be conducted. This has been done and this item has come back to the Planning Co�ission for action. : PLANh�NG COMMLSSION MEETING JUNE 18 2980 PAGE 2 Mr. Harris explained that the reason this was brought back to the Planning Coa�ission was because it appeared that the special use permit had expired, according to the expiration date,and also because there were some modifications that should have been made within the context of the special use permit. Mr. Aarris asked Mr. Swanson if he would like to make a statement. Mr. Swanson stated he has tried to operate within the City laws and guidelines for the past eight years, and he will continue to do so. If there have been any problems, he has never heard about them, and he has been complimented by the City �or some of the things that he has done such as plantings, shrubbery, etc. Mr. Boardman stated that Staff has reviewed this and sees no problems. Mr. Swanson has done everything he was supposed to do within the stipulations of the special use permit. He would recommend that the Planning Commission grant the special use permit and not put in any stipulations of review on the special use permit. Mr, Boardman stated the question the Planning Commission had previously was whether the permit should expire or whether it should be handled with a review process. The diiference is that if they make the statement to have the special use permit expire, the applicant has to reapply and the neighbors have to be notified. On a review situation, no publi� h2aring is required, and th: �pecial use permit would be reviewed every five years. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Ms. Hughes, to close the public hearing on SP �k80-OS by Reynold E. Swanson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearing closed at 7:40 p.m. Council the approval of a request for a special use Reqnold E. Swanson; Extension of a Special Use Per mobile home sales 1ot, on the West 375 feet of Lot street and utilitv easement over the West.40 feet. �� to continue as a .S. i689, subject to Section 205.101. 3. N Mr. Treuenfels stated he did not concur that there be no stipulations on the special use permit. He felt a periodic review of the special use permit would be beneficial and five years might be an appropriate time period. Ms. Hughes stated that the only thing that could be reviewed is whether or not the operation was sti11 sale of mobile homes. Since that is the only thing the special use permit is granted for, it would get reviewed automatically if there was a change in that use. Unless they were going to review other people's special use permits, she did not like the idea of reviewing this operation just to see how well it was doing. She disagreed with the need for a periodic review, because the special use.perniit would be automatically reviewed if there was a d�ange in the special use. PLANFTiNG COMMtSSION MEETING JUi�E I8 1980 PAGE 3 Mr, Oquist stated he also did not think a reuiew process was necessaxy. Tf they were to go with a review process, he was not sure that five years would 6e the right timing to coincida with lease periods. Mr. Boardman stated that if there is a violaCion of Che special use permit, other than what is cleazly listed on L-he special use permit, it can be brought back at any time ar�d that special use permit can be remaved. Ms. Hughes stated she understood Mr. Langenfeld's motion to be the granting of the special use permit to the property for the use of a mobile home sales lot and nothing else. Mr. Langenfeld stated that was correct. UPON A VOICE VOTE, HARRIS� LANGENFELDS DQUIST, HUGHES, AND Wlit]RTON VOTING AYE, TREUENFELS VOTING NAY, CHAIRr(AN HARRIS PECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Harris thanked Mr. Swanson far coming and stated this wouid go before City Council on July 7, 1980. 2, RECEIVE MAY 27 1980 ENERGY COiR�1ZSSI0N MINUTES: DfOTIOP? by Mr, idharton, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to receive the May 27, 1980, Energy Cammission minutes. Mr. Sdhartan stated :�e would like to point out some important items ia the minutes, On page 5, item 4, the Energy Commission discti:ssed solar access, He stated thae ehis past week, the Cily of Minneapolis adopted a solar access ordinance. Mr. W'harton stated that the Energy Coumtission would be looking at various sourcea of solar ozdinance model material.. Mr, Wharton stated that on page 6, item S, the Energy Commission had a discussion regarding identifying energy management within the businesses and corporations in the City of Fridley, The discussion included the Energy Commission's question about what exactly was the dutq of the Energy Commission in that regard and what route should be taken to identify these people. Mr. Boardman was present at thaC meeting, and Mr. Boardman had snggested that an Energy Commission member attend a Chamber of Commerce Board oE Directors' maeting to discuss this subject. Don Wa11 will be attending that meeting wiCh Mr. Boardman, Mr. Wharton stated that on page 7, item 6, they divided the Zoning Ordinance into five sections to be reviewed by ehe Energy Cou¢nission. They will Se reviewing those sections at the next meeting. Mr. Treuenfels stated that on page 8, Ms. Cayan had stated that an "Emerge Plan° has been prepared and can be activated by Che Civi1 Defense Director Jim Hill. He asked if it would be possible to get a copy of that p2an. Mr. Boardman stated he did noC know if this plan had even been approved the City Council, but he would check into it. ' UPON A VOTCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MrSmTnu CAHRIED IJNANIp10USLY: � PLANNING COMt-nSSION MEETING JUNE 18 1980 pAGE 4 3. RECEIVE SUNE 10, 1980, COMMITNITY bEVELQPMENT CONAfCSSION MCNUTES: -.. ____.._ MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Langenfe2d, to receive the June 10, 1980, Co�unity Development Commission minutes. Mr. Oquist stated the Comutission members had wondered about the status of condominium conversions. Mr, Boardman stated the State of Minnesota'has a new law on condominiums. He thought the direction the City may be taking is the setting up of what they will call a condominium zone, maybe an R-S zone. This would mean that any change of an existing unit to a condominium would have to be rezoned. Through the rezoning process, they could control condominium conversion. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMt1N HARRIS DECLAI2ED THE MC1rI0N CARRIED UNA11iM0USLY; 4. RECEIVE JUNE 10 1980 APPEALS COMNffSSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mr, Treuenfels, to receive the ,iune 10, 1980, Appeals Commission minutes. � Mr. Soardman stated that on page Z there was a request for a variance to allow a one-fiamily dwelling to be converted to a two-family dwelling by building an apartment unit in the basement. The Appeals Commission denied the request for the vaziance, but suggested that Lhis idea be reviewed by the Planning Commission at s�e point in time. Mr. Boardman stated he had talked to Ms. Schnabel about this subject. He stated this will probably be an issue in the near £uture. They will need to decide cThether they want to look at increased densities within single family dwellings, because it is going to happen. , ' UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMEIN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY; 5. CONTINUED: PROPOSED CHANGES TO CHAPTER 205. ZONLNG 205.16 CR-1 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 205.1b1 Uses Permitted Pa e $0 Delete ��3-A, B, C, D, E Pa e 81 Insert �k4-B: "Bike racks may be provided in an atea [hat is convenient to each major building entrance, but which wi11 not disrupt pedesCriatt or vehicular trafEic or fire lanes." PLANNiNG CONIMCSSION MEETiNG, JUi� 18 1980 PAGE 5 205.163 Lot Requix'ements and Setbacks Delete �k2 Lot Width Page 82 �4-B-1-B: "eighty (80) feet" should be changed to "thirty-five (35) feet" 205.165 Parking Requirements �1 - Same change as C-1 District Regulaeions �2 - Change "wi11 be required" to "wi11 be provided" Page 83 Delete f�3-A, D, G, H #3-F - Change to read: "Storage - At least one (1) off-sCreet parking space for each 2,000 square feet of storage space." Page 84 �ik4-F, H- Sa�e changes as C-1 District Regulations Page 85 �4-I, 3, K- Same changes as C-1 Districe Itegulations #4-I. Loading Docks - Same changes as C-1 DistricC Regulations f�5 - Same changes as C-1 District Regulations Ms. Hughes stated she saw this as a transition between commercial and residential, and she would think they would want the CR-1 District regulations closer to the residential district than the commercial district in terms of stringency, Mr. Boardman sCated that any zone that comes up to a residential zone is going to have to meet certain standards, so the standards are protection £or the residential. If an industrial districC abuts a residential disCrict, there are "x" amount of setback requirements, landscaping requirements, protection of parking, and loading and unloading areas that are away from residential. Ms, Hughes stated she understood that, but she also understood the CR-1 district might be one or two lots and could be surrounded by R districts. PLADitQING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 18 1980 PAGE 6 Mr. Boardman stated that most oi the CP.-1 districts are either close to comnercial or close to intersections. He �Cated that the commercial regula- tions are more stringent than the residential regulations. Mr. Harris sCated he felt they have endeavored to protect the residential districts in all zones, and he felt they had co�itted themselves to ChaL• a long time ago wihh the Comprehensive Plan. Ms. Hughes stated that was her concern--Chat T.hey make sure they carefully protect the residential districts, and if that means making them closer to a C district, that is what she intended, Page 86 �k3-A & B- Same as R-3 and C-1 District Regulati.ons Page S7 Delete 1�3-F . �'�3-H. - Same as C-1 District Regulations Page 88 4�5. - Same as G1 District Regulations �7-A & B- Same as C-1 District Regulations Page 89 205.17 CR-2 AISTRICT REGULATIONS 205.171 Uses Permitted vkl-B - Delete "offices which generate excessive traffic flows" Add 9�1-C: "The uses are major facilities requiring minimum of 100 parking spaces." Delete �k2-D 205.172 Uses Excluded __ _ _ _ _ _ _. #1. Change "SecCion 205.161" to"Section 205.171" 205.173 Lot Requirements and Setbacks Delete �k2 Lot Width FLANNiNG COP'Q�fSSSION MEETING JUNE 18 1480 PAGE 7 Page 91 205.175 Parking AequiremenCs 4�3-F. Reword to read; "Storage - At least one (1) off-street parking space for each 2,000 square feet of storage space." Delete �3-G. Open Sales Lot Pages 92,93,94,95,96 Changes same as C districts � Mr. Harris declared a ten-minute break at 9:05 p.m. 205.18 M-1 D,T.STRICT REGULATIONS Mr. Harris stated that it seemed the only difference between the M-1 and M-2 DisYricts was the lot size. It did not make much sense to have both districts. Mr. Boardman stated he did not like having two disCricts and thought they could create one industrial district with a 3/4 acre lot size. The limit of 3./4 acre 1ot size would have some control on the plat size. After that, a company could buy cne or two lots depending upon tiiP size of the building and the parking they would need. MOTZON by Mr. Langenield, seconded by Mr, Wharton, to eliminate the M-2 District and have onZy an Pi District. All special uses currently undes M-2 would be handled wiCh a special use permit under the new M District. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL,VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTiON CARRIED UNANiMOUSLY. Page 97 205.181 Uses Penn3tted �kl. Principal Uses Ms. Hughes suggesCed that the Co�ission keep in the listing of operations (under �'kl-A)and i�l-B on page 97. On page 98, she wwld suggest [hat under �F3 "Uses Permitted with a Special Use Permit", they include the list from page 108 which was under the M-2 DisCrict. The reasoning for this would be to make sure they had some kind of listing so people would have examples of what is allowed. �'�1-A. Change to 'Tfanufacturing, fabricating, and processing businesses" After some discussion, the Commission decided to delete the listing numt�ered 1-37 under �F1-A. PLANNING COI�AliSSION MEETING JUiv'E 18 1980 PAGE 8 �kl-B. Change to: "Wholesale, manufacturing, construction or service uses ______ which will not be dangerous or otherwise detrimental to persons residing or working in vicinity thereof, or to the public welfare, and will not impair the use, enjoyment or value of any property,but not including any uses excluded hereinafter." P K 98 Delete �f2-A ' �2-D-3. Change Co: "No detached dwelling u�it shall be permitted in this district.° �k3, l3ses Permitted with a Special Use Permit - Delete A-G and insert a paragraph such as: "Any manufacturing business determined to have the potential of disrupting the general health, saiety, and welfare shall require a special use permit." Page 99 Add ��4-B: "Bike racks may be provided in an area that is convenient to.each major building entrance, but which will not disr.upt pedestrial or vehicular traffic or fire lanes." 205.182 Uses Excluded � �'l, Change "Section 205.171" to "Section 205.181" The Commission members discussed the possibility of listing "junk yards" under "Uses Excluded". They.decided not to exclude junk yards, but to a11ow them only with a special use permit with stricter restrictions, 205.183 Lot Requirements and Setbacks Delete �k2 Lot Width Page 100 �4-D-1, Change "M-1 District" to "M District" �k4-D-1-a. Insert the word "closer" after the word "or" in the 4th and 5th lines. Pa�es 101, 102, 1�3, 104 Same changes as C districts PI.ANNtNG COMMISSION MECTING JUNE 18 1980 PAGE 9 __ _._ _ ._ Page 105 205.186 Performance Standards i63-F. Reword as follows: "All raw materials, supplies, finished or semi- finished products and equipment, not including moCor vehicles, sha11 be sCored within an enclosed building or be screened on a11 sides fran view of a public right-of-way or an adjoining property that is a different district by a fence or other _ approved screen with the height of the fence not to exceed eight (8) feet ...." Delete 4k3-F-3 Page 106 ��5. Ghange same as C-1 District Regulations Pages 107 - 115 Delete all of M-2 District Regulations MOTION by Mr. Langen£eld, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to continue discussion on Proposed Changes to Chapter 205. Zoning at the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. 6. OTHER BUSINESS• A, Comprehensive Plan - Implementation Section Draft MOTIOR by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, to receive the Comprehensive Plan - Implementation Section Draft. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carrfed unanimously, Mr. Boardman stated this was for the Planning Commission to review and then send back to City Council. B. Spring Lake Park Public Hearing Notice Mr. Boardman stated this �aas the official notice from Spring Lake Park regarding the construction of a 60-unit apartment complex for the elderly. This item had been tabled prior to the May 27 Planning & Zoning meeting and was rescheduled for the June 23 meeting. He stated the Planning Coimnission was primarily concerned about the quantity and quality of water zun-off. He stated he would not be able to attend Chat meeting, Uut would attempt to contact 3omeone at Spring Lake Park before that meeting. Mr. Harris st2ted he also would not be able to attend that meeting. YI,ANr'ING COMNLCSSION Mf'ETING .TUNE 18 1980 PAGE 10 MOTION by Mr. Langenfeid, seconded by Mr, OquisC, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the June 18, 1980, Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 11:01 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lyn Sab�'-_ �y�� Recording Secretary . � � 11 PUSLIC HEARING �EfORE TNE PLANNIFtG COMM?SSIOv Notice is hereby given that there wiil be a Public�Hearing of the Pianning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hal1 at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, Jul,y 9, 19$0 in the Cauncil Chamber at 7:34 P.i�, for the purpose of: Consideration af a Rezoning Request, ZOA �80-02, by Ted 6urnandt, D/B/AJ Swing Reatty, to rezone Part of Lat 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, (Parcel 110D), from R-3 {gpneral multiple family ' dwellings) to CR-1 (general oFfice and limited business}, 7ocated in the South Half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. � Generally located at 921 Hillwind Road N.E. (Addressed at present time as 1401 Nillwind Roa� N.E.} Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and ptace. Pubtish: June 25, 1980 JutY 9, 7980 RICHARD H, HARRIS CHRIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSI�N f ____ � �„� ._r-� CX'CY nF P{�T[l(.GY hSlhlN(i�0'I'A 12 � • PI,A11N]NG At1D Z(It�ING !'O(tht NUh16f:R #�iCi - 0� .,.�'�,,,.�:,��; �,,LLZ�—f�,z.�,. ' . _ TYl'r 01' lt�QUI:ST Al'PLICAN'1''S SIGtdA'IURli�-YlrU-d�/�%� �1, , � , � Rezoning Address `, ' •�-•��e� �°���/P�-^�^-��ti'� Special Use Perniit 1 �, 'felepho��c Nurnber Jr � / ��%� �" �r�4'-� 5� %/a�b PROPI:R'fY QA'NC(:' S SiGNATURG ��-�✓lw��__�� Addz•css�_('.�{''�/ �`�*��r�.�✓�-e" l� �PProval of Premin-• inaxy �C rinal P7at Streets or Alley Vacati.ons � / Other Te3.ephone Nt.;nber 5? l LL l� �� � o�<-.�-5���aSa �/ a d `!-�-'>'� Fee3��� Reccipt No.97�/_s'_ SLxeet Location of Propexty� (��1 �b`�-l�t-���-«-+-� 1� q0' k���� F%PP�oX ihrRif 1_y / / Legal nescription of Property �f��2i t�F {�L�1 .� fi«jJ v�i.� ��S' ( pfl�fi''fC. /iOdJ Pxesent Zoning Classification �� _Exxsting llse of 1'roperty �� %9�w� Acreage of I'roperty 3/1% �Gr�, descxibe Uriefly the proposed zoning classizicata.o;: or tyre of use and improvement proposed C l3as the present applicant previously soug}it to rezone, plat, oUtain a lot sp�t or variancc or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes no. N'hat <<as requested and �ahen? The undersigned understands that: (a) a]ist o£ all residents and oianer5 of property e�ithin 30p ieet (35p feet £or rezoning) r,l�zst Ue zttached to tliis agplication. (b) This ap»lication must be signed by all o�aners of thc property, ox an expl�nation ' given ia}iy this is not the case. (cJ Gespoiisi6ility for any defect in tiic proccedi�igs resulting from the f�ilure Yo list the namcs and addresscs of all residents and . property o�ancrs of property in questiw�, Uclon�s to thc uildcrsigned. , A Sketcii of proposecl ��roperty and structure must Ue drai,�i and attached, slio���ing the follo�ei��g: 1. horth Directioii. 2. Loc�tion of propnsed structiire on tlte ].ot. 3. D17➢C)151O:1S of propert}', proposeiI 'structure, and froiit and side setUacks. ' Q. Strcct Names. S. Location a�1d use of adjacetit existing buildin�s (witliin 300 fect;. 7'h.e undersigneJ hereUy <loclares thlt all the facts and represent�tions stnted in this _ Applic..ition are Lr ic and co:rcct. DATG � ��'i c�(J �-�2%2-k�-t�.'-''� �+-� �-� y SICNA7'UP.F. v(A:'i'LICAN'i') Datc Filcd , Dntc of lCearing ���L�� • Planning Conunissirnt Al�proved C�Cy �otuuiI Apprnved (dates) penicJ (J;�tes) Denicd Planning Commission June 24, 1980 Cit Council . �-3 Y MAILING LIST ZOA #80-02, By Theodore Burandt Ted Burandt 6211 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 VIP Properties 5172 Lincoln Drive N.E. Edina, Mn 55436 A. T. Gearman 6225 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Bronson-Erickson 3231 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, Mii 55418 Sundial Realty 961 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roger rassett 1001 Lynde Qrive N.E. Frid1ey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dailey 1000 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 !ynde Investment Company 9801 Oakridge Trail Hopkins; Mn 55433 Real Estate 10 951 hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 r jt}.. i x e H. F r A t ^.� � i,,� ",�� MPV-. .: �c^.�+awxx.o-,..s r+�., v � . : 'i'i 1:..i.J:�4 A r:`.M �� ,. . � L, t ay �� � � � �: , . .:!' : � .. � . . + c.✓..a �, r . . . ,;.� ....eR�, i � � - � � � A � �� o �-- ' ,;� � : =- ,, , � ; j � � � / �`�",-�`�e' 14 � �. ,. . � `� f • 4 �� 1���ti r i- . ' t.. r.2},' S w c _ ' � . < °,�yi .,: ._.._. . ., � ... . ,.� .�«.,�,;y �.;. t � ,. :; , • k ��,:;,"�"'rS �:,., � -„� � �`� . . � t '.:� ti t .� . ; y r . S �. { .. . . .� . r,., y. . •.�. Y':��41Y �� ,rtx �' - f � `. 15. ,. t "�6'4i < '. " '' +,�•• �. 'a � � J % � M i e y F . �ce� �w- "° .�/ t � � sw `_ � '`�"'"4�r�w.� � r aY Y 't i , . , • , � � .i � � k'� -' r ,,.� � '�`;' a ` ' -. -�-�" �. � . ��;i '. f -,t. ..-w , _ p . e : . - . 1T i �' n �...� -� � i • � � y � J. 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Y _' . . � PUB�IC HEARIN� BEFORE THE PLANNIN� C0�4MISSION Notice is hereb,y given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley ju�yh9'C1980Ha11 at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: 16 Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #80-06, by Jerome Christenson, to construct a second accessory building>_ a 30 ft. by 36 ft, garage, per Section 205. 051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, on , Lots 10 and 11, Block 4, Sylvan Hills Plat ' 3, the same being 6260 Starlite Blvd. N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an.opportunity at the above stated time and place. RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: June 25, 1980 July 2, 1980 � CITY OP FRIDLEY MIN�ESOTA G PLANNINC AND ZONING I'ORM NUh1BER -{� �� APPLICIV�T'S SIGNA'CURT:�� �___5�--- Address L�- � o S�4„ (�� e3 „� ivLr_ Telephone Number s� / — (o `i 4 `r' PKOPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE Address (O a 6U L//L<vt^��L�_�r�' Telephone Number Street Location of Property Legal Description of Property ��i � �i � ��� �t� �� � + i � + TYPE OF RGQUEST Rezoning 1� � Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Streets or Allcy Vacations Other ; .��' �r7�'� Fee � Receipt No. � Present Zoning Classification 11 -� Existing Use of Property (�� � d„�3- L v/ Acreage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification �Dk YG or type of use and improvement proposed �c.G�� G� �lo��-,v,C> G�%���---�� ��?C.cG,Cc--�aOn �,�1� �� ' ;Jir n..���9 6-C� G�;.� 1���r �✓ �Lc�/ �i,.-„'� . � Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or y variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes �no. I' `� fs {Vhat was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names asid addresses o£ all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, showing the following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. Q. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (iaithin 300 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and'representations stated in this application are true and correct. pATE � � / ��� SIGNATURG C� ,� ,�LU.e/u.- - (APP ICANT) � Aate Filed _ Date of Hearing G���.� �/ /��'� _ —r—' Planning Commission Approved [dates) Denied City Council Approved (daCes) Denied � MAILING LIST SP �80-06, by �erome Christenson Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Rice 100 Sylvan Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55�i32 Mr. & Mrs. Chong Kim 6291 Trinity Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Shupien 6299 Trinity Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Barbara Thorstad 6211 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Martin F. Kasseth 6221 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Searle 6231 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Laimonis Lemkins b241 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Lillian Campbell 6260 Trinity Drive N.E. • Fridley, �1n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. William Kidder 6360 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mary Auger 63A8 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Johnson 6336 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 554?2 Elmer Isaksen 6324 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Pla��ning Commission June 24,.1980 City Council Mr. & Mrs. James Fischer 6312 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & hirs: Morris Knutson 6300 Stariite Blvd. N.E. Fridley., Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Christenson 6260 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Myron Sjostrom 6240 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Walock 6230 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Neeser 6220 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 �s � � 5 _ +- � v.) � �- � <<1 � r � � � 19 I i . �� , _.. >. .. � n , t . SP �80 66 ;]erome Ghrisi�nson �; : ._ , � . „; �.' . '` Lots 10, 11.; 81ock �4� Sylvan E.U��CO,YNER- � Hi11s Plat 3 . ^ �E c `, ;'; �� 2p - __ ___ � . . � ib��JrJ �"`' cC_ !4 ... ; � -w• irsS _ . ,__. i � 1 � }�'� „ � = �nrer-- . °n` +._—__ib}i.r75t }i��i'�,,;-:— - � Y . ' ti .t�+s<r � _�� . k, y . -•. :: . 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'�€ � 21 PUBLIC HEARING BErORE 7HE ' pLAKP1INrx GO!•iMISSION • � -- - -- � _ _ _ . _ �-_._-k_ Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in Lhe City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast �n PJednesday, luly 9> 1980 im the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for. a Special Use Permit, SP #80-07, by Wayne E. Ek, Sr., per Section 205.051, 2, A, to allow b�th a newly constructed 24 ft. by 24 ft> detached garage and an existing single car garage, to both 6e used as accessory buildings, located , on.Lot 7, Block 2, Meadowlands Addition, the same bein9 810 66th Avenue N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall 6e given an opportunity � at the above stated time and p7ace. Publish: June 25, 1986 JuIY 2> 1980 RICHARD H, HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION ° �.,, . �; ..�" CITY OP PRTDLEY t�IINNES(1TA. 22 PIJ�NNING ANU 'LONI�G PORM NUh1BER ' ��Q '� � APPLICAN7''S SIGNATUYtT; �,2/t � D� d�` Address /V'� Telephone Number�3%l "� 3 a a S 3�S" —(K7(— PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATUR ('yc- � , � � Address ��U ' �( y r%�.--' �r � Telephone Number S�(— 3�� S.. Street Location of Property � �(��.,� '� . Legal Description of TYPE OP REQUGST Rezoning _��Special Use Pem�it Approval of Premin- inary �, Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee 6��J Receipt No.9977% �', F1-�.l, a - -t!� fi` � Present Zoning Classification xistineg Use of Property �`!x �-`� � ��"`-�,t�r--� Acreage of Property Describe briefly-the proposed zoning classification or type of use and improvement proposed � Has the present appl.icant pr�viously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes no. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list o£ all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet�for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given iahy this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be dra�,m and attached, shoiving the following: 1. North Direction. 2. I.ocation of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5, Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 30U £eet). The undersigned hercUy declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct, ,) � � /j �� ( ` // � DATE SIGN 'URE �c � - ��,,� �T�� Date Piled Date of He•r.ring ' C-- ` Planning Commission Approved �ity Council Approved (dates) Denied (dates) Denicd SP N80-07, By Wayne E. Ek, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Baker 775 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Hewitt 763 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Scholl 6524 Jackson St. N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Scrimshaw 6520 Jackson St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Whittlef 6599 Clover Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Garv Erickson 6589 Clover Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Kelly 840 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Wisni�ewski 6452 Van 6uren St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Russell 810 Mississippi St. Friilley, N1n 55432 23 Planning Commission June 24, 1980 City Counci MF�ILIN6 LIST Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hartley 821 E6th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Schreifels 811 66th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mann 6611 Jackson St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 John Leschisin, Jr. 840 66th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 John Wallace 830 66th Ave. N.,E. Fridley, Mn 55432 James Ruechler 820 66th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Ek 810 66th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Marjorie Goulson 811 P4ississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Gerhard Mr. & Mrs. Celestine Neisius N.E. 821 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Thelander 841 66th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson 831 66th Ave. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Dale Johnson 851 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Jerome Gravelle 831 Mississippi St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zegland H41 Plississippi St. N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Polkey 820 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 t i ---�------_--_ L�nJPlaimin� � �%�� �' i�//r7� 24 �atJSw've m� �� �/ � ���Y����/ J.��1,1/ssiss.�,,; S�'��. y� f SUrIS lrslni� 61�n�qv�lr.i5 ?l, �,�,, � .t,��,��� � � � d i�� � E �.1 � �, I i� C. ,,,,,�.;�;� En�m�e�ny ' � SJi�zf�.GOG6 --- En�c inee� s �' Sur vc�o�s ���"�3,'����.c��3 �� ��,��'��_r," : � -------`.._ � ;_ • - �/ 0 — 6 � %�� ,� 4 ��.. ?�.c-_ . �- � � � � .BM1 r� � � 'U � _. a � T. _ _ j J _ , '_ " ; " .--__ _' .. .�._"" i �! �_•' 41 •� i. : I ' � t.e,,�,�__ . �. � s�; � �z.� ;;. . i � � ' —• ! � �� �',�� '�I: i .;. r � .. _ ..:, . , :,: u: � � ! _ E � �, L�' �. -ss.F�.._ _. _ E,; r� ;i O � , j-.- _i � i� i� i '. ' i � ° i��, ��� ; , 1 vi e �' :i ���:.,� }"Y c.'�'� 1�r.1.i. + E s.:.'n m v�. � j �roq ��'� ."'_.. 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C� .p l �'� �ry ti: . t Q . � \ � �.. � � `�7 �ti\ ,' y ����,�.� T` .ti�� 1 �`i�t 5 k � �;�-x ��':� ^�. : � .-a r t '.� 1 4 .. �t t .d. . ,_f � . ..... . . ��n . SS��.� e� :1 �.� ST�'�i. � � . Yr . �� . . r �� PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNINr, COh1MISSTON Notice is hereby given that there will be a public'Nearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Na11 at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, July 3, 14H� in the Councit Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Rezoning Reyuest, ZOA #80-03, by Car1 E. Christensen, DJB/A/ Christensen Auto Body, to rezone Lot 21, from CR-2 (general services and limited business) to G 2(general business — areas), and rezone Lots 22, 23, and 24, from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) to C-2 (general business areas), all in Block 6, Fridley Park, to make zoning consistent with the present use of the property, located in the North Half of Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of fridley, County of Anoka, Plinnesota. Generally located at 6501 East River Road N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shatl be given an.opportunity at the above stated time and placs. RTCHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSTON Publish: �une 25, 1980 Ju1y 2, 1980 , "�� CITY OF FRIDLEY HIINNGSOTA PLANNING AND ZONING FORTf NUMUERL�rtk�d�a3 l.:e,. � �. ���-�s�s� ��b� APPLICAN'P'S SIGNA'fURECHRISr�EN���`� ��iTQ $�(,?� � f502 l. River Rd. Address __.s��}��� s�� Cr�43�--� p--'nnr� T'elephone Number Phot16: 572•I60Q PROPERTY OWNGR' S SIGNA7'URFL,�'cr .,.� �.(i ;..- Telephone Number Street Location of Property � .5-c?/ � �f�.rer �� �-f ' �?-i Legal Description of Property__ Ie�' J��Lo?31 ��1la Present Zoning Classification Acreage of Property .«,� . .� _, y • ,.�"" � _ 2% TYPL OF REQUCibi �ezoning Special Use Pern�it Approvai of Premin- inary f, Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other �( � Fee � �� Receipt No. 7�D . Existing Use of Property ��,,."..�, �.�� �.�.v� Describe briefly the proposed zoning Elassification or type of use and improvement proposed �„�--z_d,n� r�+ �°��i}� ( . � n � , .. n . • n r� � !'1 .. � i w. � r.9 J-t 4�n. r�c � o, n.0 � a.... c� S Ce.(J i Has the present applicant�previously souoht t�o rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes ?c no. What was requested and when?- The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and o�+�ners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must 6e signed by ail owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case, (c) Responsibility £or any defecY in the proceedings resulting £rom the failure to list the names and addresses o� all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketeh of proposed property and stnicture must be dra�,m and attaclied, showing the foiloiaing: 1. North Direction. 2. Location af proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, anct front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (�vitl;in 300 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and reyresentations stated in this application are true and correct. DA'CE � °� ' �� STGNATURE���������„�.� (APPLICA�1'C) � Date Filed Date of Hearing �"�� � �` Planning Commission Approved (dates) Denied City Council .4pproved (dates) Denicd �.�� + L Planning Commission June z4, 1980 � City Council MAILING LIST ZOA #80-03, SP #80-08, d/b/a/ Christenson Auto 6ody _._ __ Richard Larson 6580 Hickory St. N.[. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mary Johanson 6560 Hickory St. N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Alfred Klous 6544 Hickory St. N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Langer 6530 Hickory St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Patterson 6502 Hickory St. PLE. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Brooks 6506 Nickory St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Dittmer 7595 A1den Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Gary Irene 71 66th Way N.�. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Christensen 950 Cottonwood St. N.W. Coon Rapids, Mn 55433 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nash 6509 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Redeemer Lutheran Church 61 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, P1n 55432 Anoka County Auditor's Office Anoka County Court Nouse East Main St. Anoka, Mn 55303 Otto Westenfield 81 Rice Creek Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Tycon Inc. P.O. Box 210 Mpls., Mn 55440 Sycamore Farms, Inc. 6530 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Robert H. Schleeter 6520 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Donald Wescom 117 Mississippi Place N.E, Fridley, Mn 55432 Allen Mattson 6270 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Na��rrocki 90 66th Way N.E. Fridiey, Mn 55432 William Corcoran 111 64th Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Gerdin 91 652 Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Sylvia Youmans 81 65'-z Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Murco Stations, Inc. 200 Jefferson St.. E1 Dorado, Ar 71730 Murco Stations, Inc. 6485 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 , _� 29 Page 2 for MAILING LIST ZOA #80-03, SP #IIO-OII, d/b/a/ Christenson Auto Body June Sakry � 121 64z Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Kimbler 80 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & tdrs. Leo Carda 6443 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Kulenkamp 58 Mississippi Way N.E. . Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Erlandson 60 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � . 5 li . t. � '4 yJ I � . � � � ;.. � � � '!�G v . ' I : 1 � . p w ' s � � `, i.. ��s'�Nt�� � �_ . . � r."4 .. .'�,�,�u . .'`'q....i:"r.. , �O �, i ' ( i� t''' �.. Jd e+1,� ' r� 1 i L.;, -ri ' � . ' ;: ' �"., ^�� , i �- " ZOA 1{80-03 and SP N80-08 on Lots �' �„ s �'^"'-� ` ���"; 21, 22> 23 and 24, Block 6, Fridley '- ����--� �_. Park, Christenson Auto Body by Carl I `rp � ' �I --u \' NI °^' , a))I i „'°, ; F. Christensen, 6501 East River Road � r, d ,: . I �,; a :"_r� . y�� �t u - � 9° I S�R k'� v A i. ' _ ; -_f /'i a �', Y � q � h w . �. ,l . . .+ . ,. v.. 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PUBLiC NEARING BEFORE TNE PLANNING COh1MISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public'Nearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on 4Jednesday, Ju7y 9, 1980 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: 33. Consideration of a request for a Specia7 Use Permit, SP H80-O8, by Carl E. Christensen, D/B/A/ Christensen Auto Body, per Section 205.101, 3, D, to allow a garage for the storage, repairs and servicing of motor ` vehicles not over two-ton capacity, located on Lots 2i, 22, 23 and 24, Block 6, Fridley park, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E. Any and a11 persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place, Publish: June 25, 1980 July 2, ]980 RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION � 9 _ s�„� CITY OF PRIDLtiY MINNESOTA PLANNING '�D ZONINtG FORM NUMBER S!'b'a -0 � �ar, �- _ ����.'e t-er�)t� e��"�"• APPLTCANZ''S SIGNATURE CHftIS7ENSEN AUTQ QOQY ive� frd.'�� Address FMdteY, M�► 55432 Phone: 631•1600 Telephone Number 32 TYPG OF REQUIiST Rezoning ✓ Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat PROPERTY OiVNER'S SIGNATURE�i�-�� ��� Stxeets or Alley _ _ �p�n��c,� S�. � , � I9 Vacations j Address_ �`4?`�5�� � � -_—�— 1 il , ; `�ao.,,.� a.p . ,.x 1. Other , Telephone Number 7 gS/. �,r, y� .�,� � n Fee�Receipt No. 97�d Street Location o; Property�;-�/ �`'� ��,_�,,�,,.r�„D, r r} ^ ?`t%"`(7'— ra Legal Description of Property � e� .`�r // � �,.�1,:.� � i� ., ` � Q 4 � �A �' . Present Zoning Classificatio��',,,,;;. ,�,xisting Use of Property ,�, ry, o��,,T �` Acreage of Property Descr��g l�r' l,y �he �gr�c}sed onikg, classification � �!J �-S �/ / � ,�� ` or type of use and improvement propos�.; �,,,� .t}�o ��o� �,s i� �'� � f: � r� � � �Jrr,� i- ,t i� i, ( a.xz�i I n�.L+Q. c v Has the px•esent applicant `�ir�viously sought to �ezone, glat, obtain a let split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or pa'rt of it? yes k no. lVhat was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet•for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be si.gned by a12 o�aners of the property, or an explan�tion given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property oicners of property in question, belongs Lo the undersigned. A sketch of proposed propexty and structure must be drawn and attached, shoiving the following: 1. Nortlt Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (�aithin 300 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts �nd representations stated in this applicat.ion are true and correct. � DA'PE �'�j - �C� SIGNATU �x��_ " � , (APPLIC T) � Date kiled Date of Hearing �.G __� Planning Commission Approved City Council Approved (date,) Denicd (dates) Denied � p...--'" . CITY OF FRIDLEY 33 APPLICANT: N`AE%A67,�p �RVST�tUeT/ON �-o � nnnr�FSS: .3903 Fa35 �o .� �1n�tia,�� SSN�g TELEPil0I1� �� SLoO -b070 Home Businesa PROPIItTY OWNER�S ADDRESS(ES� s� v s NE17�CA.9?�� � � �o - Lot Split ��,4�J-:�dv/=s�i-_ Uate Pi.led• Fee:$ 75°°Receipt �__ Council Action:Date RI�KAFiKS : Street City Zip Code TELEPHONE �(S� Home Business Property Location on Street �/-�- �.,.-y� � or E�act Street Address (IF APIY� �.��� ��,,.0 ,�!yfi.�F-� i/G� Legal Description of Property: � ot �(.of' Reason Sor Lot Split: �� Total nrea of Property.S�iGO sq. i1'ica The und.ersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are i;rue and correct. DATE: SIGNATURE � --� BELOW FOR CITY IISE OnLY (See r.everse �ide for additional instructions}} P CfIGCK1iU �Y STAFr DATE � € Hemarks: PLANNING COATIISSION: Date a£ ConsideraCion - Remark�: CITY COUNCIL: Date of Consideratiou - Re marlcs : / �' �� � t� NEDEGAAF2l� CO(�Si'��iCilC�iV C011�PANY 19VC. 3903 FOSS� ROAD � ST. ANTHONY, MINNES0I�A 55421 � PHONE 560�0070 June 24, 1980 City o£ Fridley Nasim Qureshi, City Manager 6�131 University Avenue N. E. F`ridley, Minnesota, 5j421 • Dear Mr. Qureshi: I am writing in regard to an approval by the City of Fridley at the May 19, 1980 council meeting to build a new house on a 42 £oot lot. The Pi orginial lot as a 40 £oot wide lot, Lot i�y Block 13, Plymouth, Anoka County, and we then acquired an additional two £eet from the ajoining lot and it was at this point that the Council, approved our future house construction. The legal description of the two ieet we purchased is as follows; The North 2 feet of Lot 10, Block 13, Plymouth, AnoIca County. What Nedegaard Construction needs is something from the City of Fridley giving us this lot split so we can record the necessary deeds and legal papers with Anoka County. Please contact Bruce Nedegaaxd or myself i£ you have any questi.ons or if there are any other problems in this matter. Yours truly, NIDF�AARD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. ������ Gill V. Gruber Treasurer _ " , ; 4�757-� � �: . � ; . v . � :t Q 7� cn ;q Zir� —_ a . =-q ri ; q7� 9 . �, �� . � '47'�5 • ia4' i ,� .. v , i , � � � x �sr tr �" � ° ,, 47TH , . . . _ . . _.<,. �, �,,..,; � 6-&tr i ze . : z • F� � ? j , � fi� O� . 4t��, : � � ' ��-�- . , � �ts . : � , `�`'i',. �b'�- j 2��� B _ I 9 ` � ! -.i� � '. . � . . - . ` t ,...._�.. .. _'..;:' :. � _...'_ , i ° A _ � �� '� �� �� �o� , . ... .., - - - r, a � o . . � °' .rr.". � ��•e> - , . �it �� G1r i7 -^M'n`T!'X � . " w � 'y' . ,3JE .n �ix. _ � ��cl —� o� •�� '.:7 4�f � `45�8 ,r,� ° Q�'44 _ x�-9 ��� -, ,,, r _ -��. : g4S�3'� ` ,, - 4 � 4 -� `-45z�3 w : � ,.., ;, ° . ` . Y } �� �_°�e.,., i .. _j'� �� . ��;i ! � _" ~ �'y`7 �F�� . j . ; �.�J ." - ..„. __'__ __ �i: ��r� � , : ,>.�,.�.. � � ,:.� ,. .,,. . . .._, '..,; ' ;. :..�_.._ . .., . L�S� �$�O3 PIEDEGAARD CANST� CA� 52 ZND STRE T M� ��9FEFOR ��oBUI�LDI�D�7G � yi�u T/9^ yiLl � t�1�Y 7 .�JlG . � R t .:` > � -- 4 72 0 709-- ' •l ,, . .4�io • , — �fa3= 4 r,pr- a .,,.4° ., , `� _ t1V F '��3"i - _ —_ - , , S :H; .:CO�rVER , r, i SEC. 26 . ' ` , _ ` , v � Q- L`O7S PLATTED AS ��REAk4�' _ � " � . - BLOCKS 93,IQd,i5,'PLYMUUTFi" ,."S _.._..__ �. ._., r . _ . _ , . . _.. � .. , ,._,� MEMO T0: Jerrold L. 6oardman, City Planner MEMO FROM: Wi7liam S, Deblon, Ilssociate City Rlanner?/�.�, MEt40 FIO: �80-62 MEMO �ATE: June 27, 1980 RE: t4etropolitan Council's Comments and Recommendations on the Fridley Critical Area Plan As you know, we have received favorable review from the Metropol- itan Council on our Critical Area Plan. Ho�ae�er, Met Council recomm�nds to the Minnesota Environmental Quality Qoard that the City of fridley's Critical Area P7an and Regulations be amended as follows to be consistent with the Governor's Executive Order 79-19: 1. Include specific environmental policies to limit the removal of vegetation, provide guidance for limited vegetative cutting, limit the increase in the rate of runoff and maintain the qual- ity of runoff. 2. Indicate the connection between the Rice Creek West Regional Tra�il and river corridor trail or an appropriate map. 3. Amend the proposed regulations as follows: a. Provide specific standards to be maintained for the quality of runoff. b. Correct the inconsistency bet�aeen the prohibition of devel- opment on 18 percent s7opes in the plan policies and the. prohibition of development on 20 percent slopes in the reg- ulations. The plan has been forwarded to the Mirinesota Environinental Quatity Board for review with those recommendations. The EQB has since notified us that they would like to have the City respond to Met Council's recom- mendations before they revie�a it. In response to this request, I recom- mend to the planning commission the following changes: 1) page 3-3, add policy 1a & lb: a. The rate of runoff'after development should not be greater than rate of runoff before development. b., The amount of erosion from development should be kept to a minimum to maintain the quality of runoff. 2) page 3-3, add 4a & 4b: � a. There should be no clear cutting allowed on steep slopes, blufflines, and riverbanks. b. Select cutting of large trees should be allowed only if cutting is appropriately spaced and staged to maintain a continuous natural cover. � � _ . .. ,� 3) Map change on page 3-19 showing connection between the Rice Creek West Regional Trail and river corridor trail. __ _ _. 4) Amend regulations on page 3-36 B: change 20% to 18% 5) Add regulation 5A 1 on page 3-38: � During construction and until such time as final control mea- ' sures are fully implemented and established, adequate develop- � ment pract9ces will be maintained to insure �hat gross soil loss levels sha17 not exceed 5 tons per acre per year during ' construction or 2 tons per acre per year during construction when the site is adjacent to a 4rater body or water course; and one-half ton per acre per year after the construction activities are completed. WSD/sl 37 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY _ _ _ _ _ __..__ MEETING JUNE 12, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Houck called the June 14,'1980, Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting eo order at 7;34 p,m, ROLL CALL: • Members Present; Russell Houck, Carolyn Svendsen, Duane Prairie Members Absent: Larry Commers, Elmars Prieditis Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Mary Cayan, Human Services Assistant & Housing Specia2ist Virginia Steinmetz, League of Women Voters Ed Hamernik, 6740 Monroe St. N.E. APPROVAL OF N3AY 8 1980 HOUSING & REDEVELpPMENT AUTHO$ITY MLNUTES: MOTIdN by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Ms. Svendsen, to approve the May g, 1980, Housing & Redevelopment Authority minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Vice-Cttairperson Houck declared the motion carried uuanimously. 1. UPDATE ON CENTER CITY: Mr. Boardman gave the Authority a copy of a Ietter he had written to Mark Haggerty dated June 6, 1980. He stated that on Sune 5, he and Mr, Doyscher met with JVD (Joint Venfure Developers) to discuss the present status of their pTOposed project. Mr. Boardman stated that things seem to be looking niore positive from the standpoint that Medtronics may be wanting off.ice space; however, JVD won't be making a decision on office space requirements until June 24, 1°.80. In the letter, Mr. Boardman stated that the Authority is looking for a commitment from JVD by their July lOth meeting so that a decision can be made on whether the project will be feasible or whether the City wi11 heed to seek other proposals. Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Brunsell, City Finance Director, is working on l the cost figures on a 40,000 sq, ft, office building to see if a 40,000 sq, ft. office building would even go w3th the tax increment district. So, by the July lOth HRA meeting, they will haye some ideas as to what they can go with. Mr. Boardman stated he would keep the Authority informed. If anything comes np before the July lOth meeti:tg, the Authority may want to hold a special inioTmational meeting. a H�USING & REDEVELOPMENt AUTHORITY MEETING ,TiJNE 12 1980 PAGE 2 2. LARGE FANffLY HOME OWNERSHIP PROGRAM: A. Approve Demolition Contract for Removin Mr, Boardman stated he would like the approval of the Authority to enter into a contract Eor demolition on the Johnson property at 5832 University Ave. N.E. The b3ds that came in were $2,100 by Boland Construction and $1,400 by Herbst Construction. He stated they advertised to try to se11 the garage on that property, but did not receive any response, so the garage will be torn down also. MOTION by Mr. Prairie, seconded by NLs. Svendsen, to approve the Contract for Demolition with Herbst Construction Co. for $1,400 for the structure demolition at 5832 University Ave. N.E., including bothsi.ngle family house and garage. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Vice-Chairperson Houck declared the motion carried unanimously. B. Update on Survey on 6025 - 3rd St. N.E. and 5932 University Ave. N,E. C. Mr. Boardman stated they have gotten quotes on prices for surveying. The quotes were $600 from Suburban Engineering, $690 from Comstock & Davis, and a third quote for $900. He stated they have authorized Suburban Engineering to do the suroey on the four lots. MOTION by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Ms. Svendsen, to approve the bid from Suburban Engineering oi $600 to do the surveys on 6025 - 3rd St. N.E. and 5932 University Ave. N.E. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Vice-Chairperson Houck declared the motion carried unanimously. the New Lots as Mr. Boardman stated he had written a memo, �k80-45, dated June 6, 1980, to the Authority asking for the approval of the Authority to order the updating of the abstracts on the HRA lots being acquired. Updated abstracts are required to complete the purchase agreements for the sale of the lots. The cost of the abstracts is $199. MOTION by Ms, Svendsen, seconded by Mr, Prairie, to approve the cost of $199 for updating the abstracts of the Large Family Home Ownership Program Lots, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Vice- Chairperson Houck declared the motion carried unanimously. D. Approve Wording of the Proposed Purchase Agreement and Second Mortgage to be Attached at Time of Sale Mr. Boardman stated they had Mr. Herricic put together some wording similar to the wording discussed at the last HRA meeting. Within the Purchase Agreement, it states they are going to be placing a HOUSING & RF,DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING JUNE 12 1980' PAGE 3 -` -`" -" second mortgage on the property at 8"/ interest. That second mortgage is the difference between what the purchase price is and what the appraised price of that 1ot is prior to the time of sale. The wording also states that if the purchaser of that property moves out of the house within ten years, the HRA has first right of refusal on the property, purchasing the property at the current appraised value minus the difference between the appraised value and the 8% interest, or they will foreclose on the second mortgage. The Mortgage Note is the secand mortgage that is attached to the Purchase Agreement. If the purchaser stays in the house for the ten year period, thett -___�-, the principal and interest accumulated on the second mortgage would be classified as satisfied, Mr. Boardman sYated they sent the Furchase Agreement and the Mortgage Note to Dick Buddig, Legal Counsel for HUD, and he has no problems with the documents. MOTION by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Ms. Svendsen, to approve the wording of the proposed "Purchase Agreement" ana "Mortgage Note" to be attached at time of sale. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Vice-Chairperson Houck declared the motion carried unanimously. E. Apprnve Appraisals on the Four New Lots to be Completed Mr, Boardman stated that, as stated in the Purchase Agreement, prior to the time they lay out the purchase agreements, they have to get appraised values done on the vacant piece of properties. He was asking for approval of these appraisals from the Authority so that when they get ready to sell a property and write up a purchase agree- ment, they can go ahead and get an appraised value so theq can put that appraised value within the purchase agreement, The appraisals cost approximately $175 each. MOTION by Ms. Svendsen, seconded by Mr. Prairie, to approve appraisals on the four new lots to be completed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Vice- Chairperson Aouck declared the motion carried unanimously. 3. UPDATE ON REHAB PROGRAM: Mr. Boardman stated that with the rehab program, they have been having problems getting contractors to do the work. They have two projects with two bids, three projects with one bid, and one project with no bid. The City gives the property owners a list of contractors who are interested in the rehab prooram. The property owner is responsible for contacting those contractors and getting three bids. �. Boardman stated they feel they should move ahea@ with tlzese projects. On those projects thae have two bids, they will take the low bid, On the projects with only one bid, they are going to have Aarrel Clark, Chief Building Official, go out, loolc at the one bid, and give notice of whether he thinks that bid is within reason. They have talked this over with HUD, and HUD has no problem wi[h it. , HOUSING & REDEVLOPMENZ' AUPfiORITY MEETING JUh'E 12 198Q PAGE 4 4. OTHER BUSINESS: _ _ _ _ ______ A. Purchase of Standard Oil StaCion, 6490 Universit Ave. N.E. Parcel 3400r Plat 56652 Mr. Boardman stated the Authority had copies of a memo from Mr. Bxunsell dated 3une 10 and a memo from himself, �80-49, dated June 12, regarding the purchase of the Standard Oil Station. He staCed he would like the Authoxity'to consider th3s purchase diligently. Standard Oil is looking for a decision from the HRA no later than mid-August. He stated he felt it was a good invest- menC and could save the City a lot of money in the long run. ADJOiTRNMLNT: M(YPION by Mr, Prairie, seconded by Ms. Svendsen, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Vice-Chairperson Houcke declared the June 12, 1980, Housing & Redevelogment Authority meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m, Respectfully snbmitted, 0 � Lynn Saba Recording Secretary c "DRAFT SUB.TBCT TO FINAL APPROVAI.'� ENVIRONMENPAL QUALITY COMMIISSION MEETING JUNE 17, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Langenfeld called the June I7, 1980, Environmental Quality Commission meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL�: Members Present; Jim Langenfeld, Lee Ann Sporre, Bruce Peterson, Richard Svanda, Jon,Erickson (arr. 8:15 p.m.) Others Present; Bill Deblon, Associate Planner APPRpVAL OF MAY 20, 1980 ENVIRONMENTAL qUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Ms. Sporre, seconded by Mr. Svan@a, to approve the May 20, 1480, Environmental Quality Commission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairperson Langeafeld declared the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: ___ _ The agenda was amended as follows: �� 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Continued; Trunk Highway �10/North Crosseown Noise Ordinance Progress NPC-5 Creosote Problem Cable TV Possibilities Joint Powers Agreement Clean-Up Day Possibility Discussion of Meeting with City Council Ducks on Highway 65 Other Business ' A. 205 Zoning Ordinance 0 M�'3'ION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Ms, Sporre, to approve the agenda as amended. ,Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Langenfeld declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. CONTINUED: TRUNK HEGHWAY �F10/NORTH CROSSTOWN: Mr. Deblon stated that at the last Commission meeting, Ms. Sporre had asked iF the funding for the North Grosstown was affected.by the lack of legislative approval to the highway iunds. He stated he had talked to Charles Hutterlig, oE MnDOT. Mr. HutCerlig had stated that, as far as he knew, the fun3s were ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 17, 1980__ PAGE 2 still there and that.the Crosstown Project was a high priority for interstate substitution funding. Mr. Deblon stated that, to his knowledge, the status for the funding for Trunk Highway 10 has not changed. The last time he report- --- — e,d to the Commission, there was funding available from Highway 35 to Trunk Highway 65. Ms. Sporre asked about the technical reports the City was to receive. Mr. Deblon stated that the technical documents were being distributed only to members of the North Management Co�ittee, of which Fridley was not a member. These technical reports will be included in the environmental impact statement (EIS) and will not be available to the City until the EIS is ready. The EIS is scheduled to be distributed Dec. 1, 1480. MOTION by Ms. Sporre, seconded by Mr. Petersou, to continue discussion on Trunk Highway �10/North Cxosstown. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairperson Langenfeld declared the moeion carried unanimously. 2. NOISE ORDTNANCE PROGRESS; Mr. Deblon stated that, as suggested at the last Commission meeting, he had sent a copy of "124 Noise Control", along with pertinent minutes leading up to the "rebirth" of Ctie noise ordinance, to Kathleen Callahan of the League of Minnesota Citie�. He stated that at this time, he had not received any comments back from Ms. Callahan. Mr. Deblon stated that City Council members, Fitzpatrick, Schneider, and Moses attended a League of Minnesota Gities conference in Duluth. AC that conference there was a special community noise workshop put on by Kathleen Callahan. He stated that if the Council members atEended that workshop, it could facili- tate the Commission's efforts with the noise ordinance. Ms. Sporre stated that�"124 Noise Control" was not the original draft approved by the Environmental Quality Commission and submitted to the Planning Commission. Mr. Svanda stated that in Section 124.07 Snowmobile Requirements (Refer to Chapter 703.04), it stated that,"It was recommended that the snowmobile ordinance be amended to include noise regulations for snowmobiles." He stated he felt that it should not be worded "to recommend". It should be done simultaneously. There should be something covering snowmobiles, either in the noise ordinance or in the snowmobile ordinance. If the noise ordinance _.__ doesn't cover noise regulations for snowmobiles, it should refer to the snow- mobile ordinance. If tlie snowmobile ordinance also doesn't cover noise regula- tions, then it should be done simultaneously. Ms. Sporre stated she also hacl some concerns in this noise ordinance. She had concerns about the discretion of the noise ofiicer. The Commission had felt very significantly that enforcement of noise should not be on a c�plaint basis, but L•hat action be taken for enforcement if there is a violation. . 0 ENVIROA4IENTAi: QUALITY COt�41I5SI0N MEETING JUNE 17, 1980 PAGE 3 Ms. Sporre also referred to Section 124.10 Exceptions where it stated: "It is recognized that under certain circumstances, it would be impossible for a noise source to camply with the provisions of Section 124.03 of this Chapter due to economic or technological reasons." She stated she felt economic factors alone should not justify enfringing on the public health and welfare, There should have to be more than economic or technological reasons involved in providing for an exception to the rule. Practically any form of noise abatement involves some economic provisions, so this statement shauld be refined. Mr. Peterson stated he felt it would be more beneficial for the Commission � to be rediewing the draft ordinance approved by the Commission before it was amended and changed by Planning Co�ission. By going through this "124 Noise Control°, they may be duplicating the efforts of what they had already done several years ago. Ae also suggested.that Ms. Kathleen Callahan be invited to the next C�ission meeting to give the Commission members some more input. (Mr. Lrickson arrived at 8:15 p.m.) Mr. Svanda stated he would also like a copy of the City's variance procedures. Mr. Langenfeld stated that for the next meeting, the Commission memhers should review "124 Noise Control". He asked Mr. Deblon to obtain copies of the draft approved by the Environmental Quality Commission for the"Commission members �to review, and to invite Ms. Callahan to the next meeting. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to continue discussion on tihe Noise Ordinance at the ner,t meeting. Upon a voice vote; all voting aye, Chairperson Langenfeld declared the motion carried unanimously. 3. NPC-5 AIRPORT INSTALLATION PERMIT: Mr. Deblon stated that at the City Council - Environmental Quality Corranission joint meeting, Virgil Herrick, City Attorney, had stated that the PCA board wanted the language in the NPC-5 cleaned up, so NPC-5 was sent back to the MPCA staff. The revised draft will probably go before the MPCA Board at their ` July meeting. p3r. Svanda stated that Mr. Deblon should stay in touch with A1 Perez of the MPCA, so that as soon as the new draft is ready, he can obtain a copy of it for the Conmission to review. MOTION by,Ms. Sporre, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to conkinue discussion on NPC=S at the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson yangenfeld declared the motion carried unanimously. 4. CREOSOTE PROBLEM: Mr. Langenfeld stated this item was discussed with City Council at the joint meeting between City Council and the Environmental Quality Commission. _ • --asr�+r �. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COh�1ISSI0N MEETING, JUNE 17, 1980 PAGE 4 Mr. Deblon stated that John Flora, Public Works Director, had told him that the results were not in yet on the testing done on the four.Fridley wells and -� the four private we11s. There was no further information since the discussion with City CounciL Mr. Erickson stated they had asked for some direction from the City Council on how much the Council wanted them to look into this situation, and he did not see much positive response to that request or any substantive materials for the Co�ission members to look at. He stated that it was possible there was nothing to worry about, but as far as he knew, thera has been no substantial study done to determine just what geological formations there are. He stated that the City can do a number of things, and he has not seen the City exploring the possibilities. He stated he felt it was the Environmental Quality Co�ission's responsibility to find ont and attempt to determine what the status is regarding the creosote problem. The only way they can do that is through adequate infoxmation. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VQTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON LANGENFELD DECLARED THE MOTTON CARRIED t1NANIMOUSLY. . MOTION by Mr. PeCerson, seconded by Mr. Erickson, to continue discussion on the creosote problem at tfie next meeting. Upon a voice tzote,•all voting aye, Chairperson Langenfeld 'declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. CAISLE TV POSSIBILITIES: Mr. Langenfeld stated he had talked to Will Loew-Blosser, Anoka County Coumiunications Workshop Coordinator, regarding this item. Mr. Langenfeld asked if the Commission members were interested in having their meetings televised on cable TV. If the Commission was interested, they could either go to Northern Cablevision to have their meeting or one of the Coum�ission members could be trained to run the camera and the meeting could be held at City Hall. Mr. Loew-Blosser was reluctant to take on a meeting as a whole as it could be somewhat boring for the viewing audience, but felt single items would be better. Mr. Langenfeld stated he thought it was a good opportunity, and he would like to see the Co�ission get involved in it. . Mr. Svanda stated he felt the Planning Conm�i.ssion would be a better level to use this opportunity to communicate with the Fridley community. Mr. Peterson stated his idea of communication was not through cable TV, but through some sort of newsletter ar an insert to the City's quarterly newsletter. _� ENVIROIatENfAL QUALITY COM�ffSSION MEETSNG 3UNE 17 1980 PAGE 5 The Commission decided against using cable TV as a means of communicating wiYh the community. - - - --___ . Mr. Peterson stated he wanted to clarify that this did not mean the Co�ission did not WanC to reach the public, but they should still be looking at other ways of disseminating information to the public by newsletter or by some other means noC,yet explored. 6. JOINC,FOWERS AGREEMLNTt . UPON A VOICE VO'!'�, �+iL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON LANGSNFELD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED IINANIMOUSLY. Ms'. Sporre atated that regarding the Joint Powers Agreement or a decision like this,, is Fridley going to give input to the regional park system propasalY It seemed to her that the nature center would also fall into this question, because �i was also funded under regional monies." She 5tated there is noW a Po11Gy �O and 21, and it seemed to her that the provisions of Policy,20 and 21 ,ina�.uded eliminating Friciley from the implemeuCing agency of regional parks. She'asked Mr. Deblon to check into this. T10TxON by Mr. Erickson, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to continue discussion on t.'irie Jbint Powers A�eement. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson 7;a»genfeld declared the motion carried unanimously. , ,7, CLEAId-UP DAY POSSIBILITY: Mr. �riekson stated he was bringing this item up again, as apparently it had been talked about before:by this Commission. He wanted to know how this Goamnission could initi8te a clean-up day. Mr, Langenfeld stated that if the Comnission wanted to do this, they could xecoumiend to City Council thaL- a certain Greek be declared "clean-up week° in the spr3ag. He would a2so suggest that the,neighborfiood'system could be utilized, Mr. Ericicson stated that not oniy neighborhood systems should be utilized, but also civic arganizaCions such as Che Boy Scauts, Girl Scouts, 4-H, Jaycees, etc., that would be willing to consider being a part of a clean-up day or week. Ms. Sporre stated she chaired a clean-up day for two years.to clean up one of the City's parks. It took a lot of planning and coordination, but it was tremeadously successful. She stated they got a lot of cooperation from the City. The City provided garbage bags, bins, and trucks. Mr., Langenfeld stated he thought it was a very good idea, :The implementation of such a week would requize some discussion, �rrrr�rrirrlrr k� ENERGY COt�tIS3I0N ' 2+BETIIQG JUNS 24, 1980 �t1LL �O flRDERs _ ' .�,y'�es-Chairgerson Saba called the June 24, 2480; $nexgy Co�issian meeting � ;�� �d�r at 7s32 p.m. . � _�,� "r�i' ' � �fiambers kr$seat; -De.�a Saba, Doa Wall, Gi1es McConv311e, Jerry Cichosz �iembara Ahsent: B3�II [�haxtoa . ;�the�s PXeseat; Mary C�[yau, Human Services Asaistsnt & Housing Speci8list g,utt S�hrupp, Preside¢t, Frfdtey Saycees A�RflyAL OP MAY 27 1480 ENERGY COI�Qi[S5ION MINt3TSS: #%kTI�I,by Mr. Wall, seconded by Mr. Cichosz, to`aggrove the &fay 27, 1980, Eq�Tgy Comm#ssion minntes as written. Upon a voice vote, a1Z voting aye, Vice- C�,�is�sc�tt Sabs>declared the motioa carried unauimously. '��'$UVAT. QR AGENDA� � by Mr, Wall, aeconded bp Mr. McConville, to approve the agenda as r��t�n. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, aiae-Chairperson Saba declared � mc�'tifln earri:ed unan3mously. ,: REPURT 9N LOCAL ENJ3RGiC AWAREN65S HANDSOOR - VUZ: IT -.7ER1tY CICIiOSZ: �, Cichosz stated Chat he had £ollowed the same pattern as Mr. Saba by uttistg together an t�utline of the book with a syuogsis of each section. e,;gsve each of ehe Cejum�issioa membera a copy of this outline and also pointed yfi t'hat he had attached a copy of this outline i.n the fr mt of the book. �:. Cidhosz stated there were two sections in Va1. II, Sectio� 3 and _. _ �iitru,4. Section 3 containa typical projecCS that an Energy Awareness . _� _ �ap�.ttee can underCake Lo promote the cause of ettergy conservation. It ��earet�-to him thaC the Energy Awareness Co�ittee was really the same as ��.��tsrgy Com�ission. It need not be a civic kind bf function or anything .s8tte,�ated �ai.th gavernment, but it did fiC the roEe o£ the Energy Coum�ission ^�%� nieeiy. , 4�i.Gichosz stated that Sectioa 4 was a guide on hvw to produce various �cC�.vfties on energy awarenese. �Zhpsz stated the book really seemed to be w�ttten for a group like the r Cananission. The first section listed projes.Cs, and the second section tn�r.to go about undertaking those projeces. , { �1 • -f � t s _ _ io � 2. DISCiTSSION OF LOGAi. $�ExGY AWARENES3: Mr, Saba sCated that he thoughtrthis topic re2ated to what the Commission - can do to provide an enetgy attitude and make people aware of energy conserva- tion and the £act that th�re is'an active Energy Co�ission in the City, Ms. Cayan stated that Noxthern Cablevision has contacted her aiad axe going I • to interview her regarding the Energy Co�ission. Apparently, theq are very interested in learning m4re a�oµt-the Enargy Gou�tissian.and are spqnsorfng a'one-haZf hour Cime s1aC on th�: Energy Co�iasion, This show will be taped , JuYy 11, but she did noC:knoxv the date it would"he shown on cable TV. ' Nfs, Cayan staYed this would really help in pr'omoting enargy awareness. Air. Wail stated the C��asfon had talked about how to make the c�munity aware that there'is �n•E�ergy Coum�ission. He did not imow if'that was an important objective, but;the important thing is that they starY 1ett3ng f%e cammunity know that sa�epne fs -concexned about energy and in a,position to - counsel them and soa�ehow,eiCher make samething happen or make:the p+�ogle aware. that they wi11 have to dn ft tttemselves. I�r. Wall stated thexe has to be informatioa available that people can pick up and act on themselves. $e sCated he had seea an article eatitled,;"Forty Waps to Cool your Houae this'Svmoner and Save Money 3n,the'�"argain". Ae was not suggesting that they use'that particular arti�le, bue:it was;;tHe kind_of thing thttt can be u�ed', fte would guess that'the Minnesata Energy Agecccy had inforzna- Cion xheq cauld get out �o tke eoqm�unity. He did not want to get into a a�a3ling kind oi thing, b#�t it should be something meaningful. He did not want a 6ig "splash" and then have the whole thing dropped.- Maybe t�iep were even talk3.ng about an `"energy fair".' At xhe last meeting, Mr. Wtzarton had auggested ,a series of slide preaent�t3ons developed by the Rochester AVTI that would be a nice project to do at the lihrary. Mr. Cichosz stated that 3h the '2oca1 Energy'Awar�ness Haadbook, Vol. II^ it told about a computer program that would help audit residents foz energy r: use. It can be„used by high schoal students and help is available frem a State Science sonsultan�, The idea of thfs raas that it was a way.of getting . help from sCudents and could be.taken on as a scfence,project in school. Mr, Wa1I stated that in �'ria7.ey, maybe thep cQUld find 20-3U; possibly 100' homes where fihe.��eowners were genuinely and serioasly interested fn doing someth3ng. They would E�ave to find out who these people are; then koxk that `fn with the higk school:science projects, ansl get those students to:do an eaergy'study of thase hQmes. He.thought that if they could get even 50_of _ these homeowners seriousky interested in doing s wiething, other people would see and hear what is goin$ rm and also became interested, It was pureZy and simply a marketing problem. - _ _ _-- _. ifr. Ciehosz stated maybe it wCuld be possible_CO print a message in the qvaxteriy eity newslettEr aanouncing what tt�e Eiiergy Commission was tryin g to do, aucl thcn ask for:hameowners who woulcl be cai,Iling to haue these audits done. . � �•�;wti�a=$i�-_ _ PAG� 3 �, Saba stated he reallq liked the high school sLudenC�idea, because when yQU get pro€essional peo{xle from the utilities doing.these sudita, there ie arcerCafu-amount o� distrust on the part'of the homevwners. 'lts, Ca�raa stated tktae Staff has been discussing the pbssibility of comtsining etaeTgp-re2ated things with Lhe Neighborhood C;ime Prevention Program. Right �`�tqw security audits are being conducted in homes through the`Neighborhood ��?�Cae prevention Program, and they think energy eould be"worked in also by usipg,an additionsl 1S-ZO minutes to do eneigy audits in the homes. So, C#tere was a whole aetwork that the Ettergy Commission could tie into. M�; Sa6a s��ed Chat maybe they could pursue this through Che Crime Preveation Pzogram,;as well as Lhrough the school syseem. p1�:,, Ofehosz sta�8d' that, with the c w�puter prog�am, they could do a"befare" �iF�id �rafte�'". That would give proof to those people who don`t balieve there is a p�ublem It is $ job they have to sell. _� . � (M1t, Kurt Schrupp> 1'resistent of the Fridleq Jaycees, arrived at the meeting.) Mr, 8chrupp stated he was et the meeting for the purpose of discussing energy afaa�'euess. Ae stated that Cheryl Mosea, City Cwncilwoman,'had'brought up a goinC at tl�e last City/School meeting as far as putting on an energg fair aC �he Co�nity Educatitm building (Parkvie;r School). He sCated°that the �$ycees alzeady had something similar scheduled on their calendar for October o�<this_qear: At the City/School meeting, they discussed the possibility cf Cvmbiaing effvrta and getting some kind of energy iair put together for S�ptember/October. The J�ycees would prefer a one day ar s,weekend at the � mr3st. Mr: t�yhra, Airector of Community Education, had stated that there were seyeral dates in October where Parkview Schaol would be available for this kind nf thing. . �, Wail stated he was concerned about getEing peogle togeCher at an energy #�iir, for example, and then people are left high and dty with no follow-up. t�; 3Chrupp stated the Jaycees are Callcing,about haying booths from different �;�. vrganizations and merchants where people could pick�up mater.ials and see ,`�slides showing them.what catt be done and whaC is needed. He stated Gheryl Moses �rd sGated she'had cpme contacts in St. Cloud who have put on an energy fair �,'Eor the iast five yeaxs and would be happy to come'dovm and help get an •eMteXXgY faiY organized. }iyc. Wall 'stated that the baok, '2oca1 Energy �1s�*areness Handbook, �ol. II" has a whale section on how ta gut on an energ,y'fair, He asked Ms. Cayan to "g�t a ropq qf this section for Mr. Schrupp and alsQ copies for Che Coumdssion � � emembers . 2iY�,, Schrupp stated that energy is one of the Saycees' state priority projects `x�,=_��� thia year, and they feel it is px�Yty import�tttt. They haue already planued ;� ,.:�fl�do something whether or not Che City participates with them, but they -�� �=��ci pxefer it be �lone on a joint effort. The City has more means to =� -,pti�liciCg than do the Saycees, '� ; - _� �- � s� -� . >. "`� � � E33ERGY C(3�FLSSIOH M8ET7NG Jt�NE` 24 19$0 ' PA�� "4 ' '�. Wall-atated that the.rqle of the Energy Conmiission was a recommending bodq to -the Pla�ing CoumEiasioas and Gity Councij.,. and they would have to go through the Planniag Coum�ssion and Citq Council to $et Che o:k. to put on an energy fair.. Re thou�ht a ms�re efEective �ffort for the Co�ission was `Co get graupa of organiz8�i peogle on the energy kfck, gtve them &upportive information, and serve as fihe focal point, • Mr, Schrupp stated that,<basieaily,,the Jayce2s would be willing to underCake the effort of'gettfng meschanCs'into a program like the energy fair, and they wou2d.like the City to haadle.the pubiicity. Mr. Saba stated he liked:Che idea of an enezgg<faix: Maybe the energy fair bn'the weekenc} at Parkvigw cauld be a:«�Cick--o�f" for an "energy week" with other events and activities planned during the week. BuC, it has to be piaaned and oxganized. �He wou2}i like to have quality speakers such as people #rom the Minnesota &nerg� Agency and the utiiities, besides just having m�rchant dispiays. iHs, Cayan stated that the ne� item on.the agenda s�as the devglopment of the RFP (request for'progosal} Eor-[he Leaque oi Minnesota CiEies. She stated Steff h�d put together aa outline of ideas fot Che proposal, and one of those ideas was an energy fair. She-stated that the uext dsy she has a meeting with Che person<in charge of gathering these proposals, and there have not been that many cities submittfng proposals, So,:F.ridley's chances look:pretty goal at this point of getting the-$9,SOO that is avai7.able, if theq can put - together a good proposal, Shz stated she felt Staff could put together a good _ proposaT by the July 15'deadliae, with the input from the Coumiission.and input fram the Community Educatian peogie. One of the things thae is rea23y going ta be looked at is a hroad hase`community deveLopment. Sy beiug involved with the Jaycees anrl Communitp 8ducation, she saw the grant as having two basic pazts:. jl) citizem education.and awareness; and (2) business:and iudustry. 2he $9,500 could,aiso b�'a big help for the.expense of aa energy fair. iir, McConville sCaCed he!fQlt tise""heart" of the publicity could be working: through the neighborhood`outreach groups. He thought`what would glve it a real impact would be to.hav� an energy week first and thea the energy fair on . the weekend, � Mr: Wa1i stated be assumed Chey were talking ahout residential rather than business or'industry 3a regard to the energy fair. He asked Mr..Schrupp if Che Jaycees had any rela�ionship to the Chamber of Gommeree. Mr, Schrupp stated the 3aycees weie hasically 1ook3ng at co�mmunity residents -and were not interesteci �tn getting into the area of business and.fndustry, He stated they have no tXes wi.th the Chambe� o€ Ccmmesce. The purpose of the Chamber is to promote husiaess::in the Fridiep area,�and the Jaycees' purpose - is to promote indivi.dual`development through conm�unity service. ?ir. 3ab� stated ite defin3Lel,y felt this should be an enes$y week with the weekend being the fin�].e; Go�nnuniey Educatioa may want to affer some programs on energy during'that w�ek and maybe some of the lbcai meichant�, such as Menards, could come up �ti:th snch things as "insulatiop specials". � : } i�E3�3SIflN MEE 1980. ; ,,; : � : "_� "'FPka SabB ataCed the 3sy��s would be responsible only for the weekend, and ___-_ t.ite Bnergy Ca�i.BSion could see what they cossid initiate fox events during �=" �ie week. He stated he fett fhe Commission was i�t agxeement xhaC the energy $Air concept wae a good one and he thought they could go along with it and help publicize it. Pir. Schrupp stated he would contact Mr. Myhra the foElowing day to choose a weekeud'in Octobar, He t�ould cositace Ms. Cayan as to the dates. He stated he wauld also meation to Mr. Myhra the possibility of an energy week. He thaught the idea of an energy.week, pins the weekend, was a very good one, and he was suxe the schools would,go along with it. He wante3 to be sure the Commissidu w�s aware that the Jaycees did uot�-have the manpower to handle more than the weekend:, but with the cooperation af Che schools and the City, he tiaou�ht,it aou7d be a tremendous thing. s �, Saba stated the Coumiasion would like to have same input from the Jaycees ", o�::x�at they plan to do for the weekend. Y':. AtY.i Sehivgp atated'they have a co�ittee chairman already, and they will be ' 'd�artit}g up a chairmanrs;pLanning guide which will detail what they anticipate, h'ow Chey ase�going to do 3t, and what they expect out of it.- He will be sure the C�iseion gets a copy of that guide so the Co�uission will be aware: of e�actly.what Che Jayeees' plans and goals are. �, C.�yati'stated she would like to have this planning guide Co submit along �.. :�,� tkte propo8al as sfie'thought it would be very helpful. -`� �se C�ission also requested Ms. Caqan to contact Mr. Myhra to gdvise him �+at Che Go�issiou wouid like to be a co-sponsor o£ the energy week: };' S. ABUELOPMENt OF THE-�,EAGCTE OF MLNNESOTA CITTES� RF£: � � �, �ayan stated she wouid like the Co�issice� to take a few minutes to go qire�r the "RFP Idea dutkine" prepared by Staff.and give additional ideas oY ��zygea they might have. She stated Staff will then put together Yhe:proposal , ', a, '�a bast they ean front the guidelines, it will have to be revi�wed.by.City =�� .`:= Cpuneil:at thei.r July 14th meeting, and then hand-delivered.to the League of 1�Ttnesota Cities on July 15. She stated that if the Commission wanted to '��xiesa the proposal befdre the City Council meeting, theg would have-to do it : a�!gl;iher a specfal meeting or she could mail them each a copy for Che3r review. 2�; &aba stated the Couw�ission has alreadp decided;te schedule a special meeting ��sx Tuasday, July 1, at 3:30 p.m., to diseus�_t� energy fair topic,and Chis �tRP could be discussed st that time also. . �`' ,.'Pjae Cttmmission members agreed that under I-C, they would pre£er to see the . ="F s�irdiug, °Crime Prevention Program", ckanged to "Aeighborhood Netwnrk". i. Wall stiggested �ha� a sample copy-of the "Frid3ey Energy Policy Guidtlines" �epared by the-�nergy Project Comnittee be attached to the proposal:�' I: ENERGY GOMMTSSSON MEETII�G� Jtfi�;24, 298.0 PAGE 6 : Mx. Cichosz Suggested thai the proposai irtclude the intenCion of student ;parCicipation at the high schoai level in an sudit projeeC through the use,: of a corsnputer"progs^am c$lled "fieat Loss Program" available £rom �tte State Science Cousultants oE C�e Mim�esota Departpzezst of Education: 4. D?'SCUSSION tiF THE CITiC OF FRIDLEY ZONTNG CODE: Mr. Saba suggested that the Co�mmission go through pages 1-22 and schedule - the other sections for atsotherimeeting. - Page,l - 205.02 GnAI,S' _ #6. Change to read; '"Tio promote the coaseruation and improvemenC of the envirottment through a desirable and warkable arrangement between natural ;£eature, laad uses,> Cransportatfon and ettergg systems." � Mr. Cichosz stated that i£ changes are mad� ta insert consideratious for.energy management, conserva�itm, ox whatever, thea Lhat sho�lc� be added to the goals. Mr. Saba agreed aad sta�i he fiad added the following goai: . 12. To provide cwxditions favorable to the use of solar and other . alkernatfve eTiexgy s`ystems depeudeszt' on access to direct sunlight and other env�ro�tmentally-available energy sources. Mr. Saba stated'he had added t�e follgwing definit3ons under 205.03 DEFINITIONS: Solar Co1lecCar: A device or structure used to gather solar sunlight �zadiation) for a vseful purpose. . So1ar,Eaergy: Radiax� ene�gy (direct, diffuse and reflected) received fx�a the sun. ,: So2ar Energy Syst�3; A set of devices whose-primary gurpose is to . col:iect solar eaergy and conve`rt and store it foZ useful purposes including heatiag and cooling of buildings and other energy-using proceyses, or to produce generated power by means of.any combination of col,lecting, transFerring; or con- verting solar generated energy. �etive Solar Euergy Syatem: A salar energy system that requires external _ mechaaieal power to move the collected heat. Passive Solar ColiecCar; A solar energy sysGem.that maximizes tkse-use of direct sun heat wiChout the use oi external mechanical power ta move the collected heat. Wind Pomex'Geuerator: A wixidmill that,conveXts wind energy by means of mechanical rotation directly into mechanized or eYectrical energy. , ._, , ��.; �. _: `xi Y �t � . PMi� } . ;§ � �` ;� ' -} a'�6$. "Util3Cy IIse; Rransmissian facilities aud atruetures Eor eleetric power, ' heat�,steam, gas, water, sewer, telephone, rai2road, radio, or television.^ � � � � � � �e ll 4� �� 2#'�-.04 f�:NBRAI.<PItt3V�SIONS �� � ' � � �i15,045 ,Accessoxy Bt�fldfngs and Structures #3, Ad@ the fol].owing to the end of the paragragh after "height limit" - "and:provided the iceereased height daes aot inCerfere with access to snttlight for pasBiue or active solar eoilect3.an apparatus in neighboring propartg." �, Pa�e 12 - -;� � � � � � 2���:Q4f ��,�t�sired �Yaxd an�d;Dgen 3pace � � � Add #3-H. '"&olar eoliectors and other altematfve energy systems." P�e 14 - 2Q5.fYr3 EnvironmenCal Quality � k#ter #5. Solid Waste, it was suggested the £aSlowing new section be addzd: Non-Fossil Fuel Energy Systems i. Solar Aceess A. Access Co Suulight for solar temperatssre conditioning will be a raajqY c�sideration in all nata eonstructian. "" B. Setbacks for !new construction must reasonably conform to that of adjoiuing lots. ° '° �H:. Saba stated thaC d£'�cu�sian on the 2oning Code.would be continued at _ `��taeiCtte�:�� meeting, � � � � � � � . 5. ' 01`HEit SUSINESS• • � • ��. Cayan stated that �-�9mm2ssion had requssted that she check w3.th the �'�`=��y �3!latek� �Ai13i�g�� T?eparCai�xit�'�o find out" tasi� ttae ma�or industria2 �and co�ereial 'f' �c�l£t�es are in Che Gity of Prid7,ey for the purpose of trying to locate �; ,.�,eix��y coordinators. Ske stated this inEormatipn fs now available for the �, r..��fision's use. , , ,r; _ EN6R.GY -G(Yt�II�iE3SZf7N 2�[EETIN�, 3UNE 24, i980 � FAG$ 8, AI3JOi1Rt�II�NNP • M�TS019 by Mr. McGonvi.Ile," seconded by Mr. Wall„ to adjourn the meeting, Upon a voice vote, all v�Zing aqe, Vice-Chafz�erson Saba declared the Jvne 24, 1980, Eaergy Co�nissian meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. . RespectfuZly�bmitted, L e Saba � Recardiag Secretary . . ' � __ _ _. �_. _ :> . " ' "'��# City of P'ridley APPEALS CON4�fISSIOti NEETING JUNE 24, :l9$Q PAGF. 1 rnTr mn nnnr.o• ENVIRONMEIVTl�I, QUlu,ITy COAAlISSION MEETING JUNE 17 1980 PAGE 7 10. OTHER BUSINESS; A, Zoning Ordinance Mr. Langenfel.d stated this item was continued from the last meeting. At the last meeting, he had told the Commission that the Planning Co�ission was reviewing the 205 Zoning Ordinance and was running into things that should be considered in the Zoning Ordinance such as solar access rights. Also, staff had been requested to accumulate documents or model ordinances that pertaiued to solar access and energy-related devices for the Conmiission members to review. Mr. Deb2on stated that he had talked to Mary Cayan, Staff person to the Energy Co�ission, and Ms, Cayan had to�d him that the Energy Commission has divided the Zoning Ordinauce into sections for each commissioner to review to see where they can incorporate any changes regarding energy and solar accessibility. Mr. Aeblon stated that Ms. Cayan had also talked to James Uttley, of Metropolitan Council, who told her that Minneapolis and St: Paul have worked on estabZishing solar access ordinances and that they have been running into some problems with it. Mr. Uttley had stated he felt that the same results could be accomglished by changing the currenf zoning codes and ordinanccs. Mr. Langenfeld stated he would be reviewing the Energy Commission's minutes. Anything that he felt concerned the Environmental Quality Co�ission, he would bring back to this co�nission. ADJOURNidEt�ff • M01'.LON by Mr, Erickson, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a yoice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Langenfeld declared the 7une 17, 198�, Bnvironmetttal Qualiiy Commission meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m, Respectfully submitted, � '7ty(- CL� � . Saba Recording Secretary Appeals Commis:;ion Meetinp .7une 24, 1980 , p�ke Z Publir yurpose ;r_rved by•these requirements is to m�i.ntain a minimum of 20 fee-L 6etween living areas in adjaceni_ structurc� and 15 feet betwecn garages and li,ving area:: in adjacent structures to rednce exposur.e to conflaqr.ation of. fire. It is al� to all,ow for �- ae��tl�etical7.y pleasi.ng ayen areas around residential. �tr.uctures. 73. .iT11TEll HAI2DSIIIP: "We need the side yard �;etlkick v v:iance in or.der to add on an attached doul�le car qaraGe and family room which utili.,zes the curr2nt sinqle car qairaqe. We need Ehe re3uce3 front vard setback because it is the cnlv �-;av to aLtach the f�nilv roan to the house." C. , AD:SItSISTR'�TIVF STAFP REVIFS4: Ail of the houses facing 66th Av�ue on the nozth side of the street, fr.or.m Central �venue to and ir..cluding this property, are setback 50 f.eet irom the fronc yroperty line with anotlier 13 feet of boulevard to the street, This property is on the deadend of 66th Avenue with Rice Creek Sc},00i property abutting the east property 1ine. The adc:ition is being pr.o}?ose.d for the east side of this property and ccith th� school to the east beimJ located further south, the front yard 2ine oE sS.ght cvill be minimal. The side yard also is adjacent to the school, and the school building is appr.oxima'tely 70 fcet aiaay, Ii the lio<�rd approves tliis request we have no suggested stipulations. Pir. Sarna asked if Mr. Iaschy's house would be a mirror image of the house across the street? Pir. Laschy said that it would. tfOTION by hir: Kemper, seconded by Mr. Barna, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYF., CHAIRWOPfAN SCfiNABLE D�CLARED THF FUBLIC HEARING CLOSTD AT 7:47 P.M. Pi0TI0N by Pir. Kemper, seconded Uy Pir. Barna, that the Appeals Co�mission approve the variances to reduce tiie front yard setback from 50 feet to 38 feet, and the side yard setback from 10 fent to 4 1(2 feet, for the constxuction of a new addiCion at 1388 66th Avenue N.E. UPON A VOICF. VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CAAIRWOtL1N SCHNABEL DGCLAR�D TRE Pf0;I0N PASSED UNANIPfOUSLY: r1� ea.1s Co�mnission Mec[in��_� Tucsd�y�Jon� 2N, 1980 Page 3 -- 2. B,�QCLST_S(�.>>11:t�A;iI;LS.__t'uRS14NT_..7'0.(:li^:L'Lr:! ::�'>_f1T_T',1F.�3iD�rv rrv _,y��,_:CSL RFiDUCh fllE S7DI; YDRD 6LTPA(a�; Q'�' FRCPt _-.�- I.2:(U1P�iU :10 IEP'P TO 8 T'L:T:1� --� ---- TIII; OTII�R I''P.014 ;3 PEL;T 'f0 1Q 1'I�:I;T;_ hSDL'CF_Tlili M7N1�1IIM GROSS FLOQR AREA � PROPf TFIP P.P: L'1�.RI:D 7h8 S UARL'. ; P,1;7' f0 746.67 Sr i1ARF PEF.'P, AP1D 'LI1P'. GAT•iAGE --4----- �-----------.�_� RE UIRI;P1;.hT FOI. L07'S OVE1. 9 000. °'pU46E Ff'Bi E� T�MPOB9RILY WALVED TO ALLC�W ,- , � T13I; CONSTRtiC'LION OP A 14f;f;7 DIT:i.I.7NC, Oi'd LOT 7. ALOCR__2�_]iIl.LCItF.S'f.' ADDIiTO:i� TIiE SAMG 13FIi:G 71.75 I:AST RIJI:P. I;O.+i:ll N.E. (l:ec,uest Ly P°s. 5 D]rs. Steven Torgrimson, 3301 Nortti County Roacl 18, Apr .�:376, Piymouth, rSinnesota 55441) Mr. & Pirs. TorgrLnson, the petitiur.ers, were present. MOTIO': Uy t�'s, i;ciaper, �econ�ed �:_• "?;�. ; arna, to ope❑ tlic publ.ic hearing. LYO"7 A VOIGr VOTE, ALL VOTii?G AYEs C129IF."',' ;!Z;::iu:'"I, P^i'LA_I'i;U T?IE PUIiLIC IiEARING OPP:N AT 7:47 P.ri. Chairwoman Schnahel read the stafi r4.port .A[�7SN1'STkUl9`I:VL-' STAPP RliPORT 7.11.5 LasC I;i.vcr P:oad t?.F.'. A. PL7:LIC PUI2POSii SiiP,VE!� L�Y R'iOL'IR7:?92�'i41': Section 205�,053, 4F3, rer�uires z Mini.rnum side yard setJ�acic of 10 feet � � adjoininy livi_ng areas. Pu}.�lic purpose served by this require�nent i� to mai.ntain a n�in5.:ro.im of 20 feet beteveen living ar_eag in adjacent structures and 15 feet bet�a�en garages ar.cl living arcas in �dja�ent stn:::tures to reduce ex}�sure to cnr.flagration of fire. I*_ is a1s� to allo.a for aesthetically pleasing open areas around residential structur.es. Section 205.053, 4B, 2, requires a 13 foot side yard setbacic ios � access to the rear yard for a detached gar.age, Public purpose served by tiiis requireme�rt is to al7.ow room for a driveway for access to a detac}l�a qarage in the rear yard. Section 205.054, 2A, 4, requires a riinimiLa of 7653 >quar� ieet of gross floor area in eacli oi tl�e uppar tiao levels of a• spliL- entxy design house. . Public Yurpose served by tlii.s requircraent is co provide zdequate house size and liviny area in resideutia7, buildings. Section 205.055, 2A, requires a:;ingle stal7. garage for all lots navin9 a minintun of 9,000 square Ecet. Public uurpose served l�y Lhis requirG;ient is to ��rovide adequzte oif•- street parking area and storaqe durinq incl.�menL weatiier as caell as to house goods and material� wl�ich :voulu otheil��i.se cau�e visual pc>1lution. Appeal-•s Commission i1cetin� Junc 24, 7.980 ___ _ Pa�e 4 B. S't'ATT:D II]112Uifi:CP: "My vri.i:e, son, and I are putting together a 235 I'iln split entry home package with Ruscon lIOmes as the builder. Recause of thc cost limits oi tliis 235 package, variances taill be requir.cd. The packaqe home plans can not be changed. Sdindows are on the fror�t and l�acl; oi the house. To have our home face the street, as desiyiied, a side yard variance o£ 5 ieet is requested. Our upper level i.s 7GII square feet. This znc.ludes a 1 foot ovcrhang. 79ie loti�er levc]. is 8 inches less in width. 9.'iiis creates a variance of 21.33 sguare fect as requested. Because of i.Le 235 PEIn cost resiraint, a garage coul.d not be constr.ucted withiu the mcrtyage li.mi.ts. Once our home is built, our fi.rst priorities wi7.l be to build a detac}ied yar.age and put in the. lawn, As funds permit, the lower l.evel will be finished to i.nclude a second batlu oom, family roo:�, and a Uii1'd bedroom, Tilis will increase the tot-al living area to 1519,67 square feet-." C. AD:dINIS'i'f2A`1`IVli STAFF P.IiVIli.9: Tlie petit�oner wants f.o locate the house t� feet fro,n the nortti line and .10 fect f:rom the south line; the drivewav i� Co be located in the 10 foot space. Ttiey al�o will bc 21 squar� feet short of the requirc�3 768 square Chaircaoman Schnabel asked if Bar_-el ;larlc had any comments. Mr. Clark said ttat in discuscing this with the Engineering Department that because of the nea: alignment of Hillcrest Avenue, th�y would like a new setback requirement from 35 feet to maybe 50 feet, which would put the house in line and make grading easier. �S,Schnabel questioned this because the Code book stated 35 feet. She asked if the street was going to curve that much? Mr. Clark said it was. Mr. Barna asked if the street was going in frort or in back of the house on the corner? Mr. Clark answered that it would be going in back of that house. He stated that it depended on hoc� the members wanted to interpret the Code. It has to be 35 feet or more. Mr. Baina said he couldn't understand that. Mrs. Schnabel said that even if the petitioner had a 60 foot setback he still would have 173 feet of building space. She asked if there would be any steps coming aut from the side of the house. Mr. Torgrimson answered no. .A� said the siae of the house space would be 24 ft. x 32 ft. �frs. Schuabel asked what the cost of the house would be. rir. Torgrimson answered $34,906 for the house ar.d $1.0,700 £or the lot. Pirs. Schnabel asked what the timetaUle for hii:i.l8idg a gara,ge would be. Mr. Torgri�Ason answered approximately 2 years, and it would be a priority item. ].s Commiss�.on Meet June 24` 7980 Page 5 _ Mr. 'Torgrimson asked about the staCus of� the nolc?in� I�ond. Mr. Clark said l�e dldn't l�now iL i.t c:_zold stand tizith water or r.ot. rfr. Munn, of Munn Kealty was prese:nt. He stated that L-he drainage plan for the _ entire area had been approved. I?e said thaC tt;e cul-de-sac plan had been scrapped and a new plan had been devised. tle also sai.d that the Council had approved the plan on October 2, 1978, snd again 2 weeks ago. A person in the audieiice staL-ed that people on Aickory Drice had not been notif.ied of the variance requcet. Mrs. SchnabeJ. said that e}�erehad beea previous cancerii about the pondin� p1an, and if the pl.an had been changed, she didn't kno�o ii tney were aware of �he change. The pErson answered ttiat they are aware of the ponding plan, Pfrs. Schnabel asked if the wrong people got the notification? She said the right people �aould be notified when this request goe.s to the City Council. Mrs. Schnabal asked what the timing zaas for Mr. Torgrimson getting his loan. Mr. Torgrimson said it was in tne final stages. Mrs. SchnaUel stated tihat the City �aas in error on the notification, and that it should be sent to the City Council for their approval, thus speeding up the notification process. The Council would have i.t en July 14th, otherwise it wouldn't come back to the Appeals Commissioa until the 15th of 3ulp. There. would be a rec- comnendation to ti�e Council and recoY.ification ef the people on Hickory Drive. She said th2t the Appeals Commision wccld consider the vuriance rquesrs ac though everyone fiad been no[iiied. Fir. Torgrir�son was asked if he intended to blacktop his proposed c7rive��ay. Ae sai:l that he planned to do Chat. The Commission felt there.were no yroblerus �aith the plans of tiic�pro��osed house. Nlrs. Schnabel said that the Cuuncil was pushing for a different. garage Luilding requirement. However, operating on the present requirements for a garage, there would be at least a 2 year Iimir. on P7r. Torgrimson building a garage. Mr. P.emper asked how far under grade the ba�ement floor level. would bcY 1`?r. Tozgrimson said�that it would be 4 feet. Mrs. Schnabel said that the motien �.ould include a 2 year time limit, and that wrniid mean that construction on the garage completion would be August or September lst of 2482. People in the audience asked if the Coc�-lision could give them an idca of cahen the street would go in. Tl�ey were told there was an adninistrative c}ianoe cahich caused a delay ui the street ccr.structzou. MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded t�y Mr. Barna, to clos2 the public llearing. U?ON A VOICP VOT�, ALL VOTIVG AYE, CIIAIitidCPfAN SCiiNA13�L llliCLni:t?D THi: FUdLIC iiFARTPdG CI,OSED AT 8:53 F.M. Ap eal.s Comniission Meetin � — '.I_�, P Sune 24, 1980 Pa e 6 MOT?ON by Kemper, seconded by liarna, that the Appeals Commission recommend to Che City Council., to approve the following variances (1) the side yard setback be reduced from the required 10 feet to 8 feet, (2) the side yar.d setback on the South side of the house be reduced from 13 feet to 10 feet, (3) the reduction of tbe syuare footage requirement from 768 square ieet to 746 square feet, and (4) permit the delay in the construction of the required garage until it can be reviewed on September. 1, 198'L, and C}iat the front yard set6ack to be established by the Engineering Department to be no less than 35 feet, and that Hillcrest Avenue would be staked and installed this year, and th�t the drivecaay be constructed along the South side to prevent run-oS:f from Lot 8 to Lot 7. There should also be renotification of all pr.operty owners on Hici:or.y Drive. Mrs. Schnabel said that the Appeals Commission was encouraging the new street to be put in this year.. Mr. Kemper said this would establish the proper setback for the new construction. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOPfAN SGHNABEL DEGLAR�D TIIE MOTION PASS�D UNANIMOUSLY. 3. REQUEST FOR VARIANCES PUP.SUAI3T T6 CHAPTF.R 205 OF TRE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDIICE THE MINIMUM GROSS FT.00R ARTiA OF A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING FROM THE REQUI1t�D 1�020 SQUARF FiET br FINISHED FLOOR AKEA TO 884 SQUARR FF.ET, AND TAE GtiI2AGF, RrQUiREP1ENT RE idAIVI:D, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW DWELLING ON LOT 8, BLOCK 2, HILLCREST AllDITION TH� SAME SEING 7109 EAST RIVER ROAD N.E. (P,equest by Gordon Mire, 3035 Virffinia Avenue South, Apt.il29, St. Louis Pariaa MN 55426. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon hfiie, the getitioner's, were present. MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded by Mr. Barna, to open the public hearing. UPON A V07CE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, C}IAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 9:03 P.ni. Chairwoman Schnabel read the staff report. ADMIIdISTRATIVE STAFF RSPORT 7109 East River Road N.E. A. PUBLIC PUF2POSE SERVED BY REOUIREb1EI�T: Section 205.054, 2A, requires lots haaing 9,000 square £eet of area to have a minimum single family dwelliny area of 1020 square feet of finished floor aXea. Fublic yurpose served by this requirunent is to provide adequate fiouse size and living ar.ea in residential buildings. - Section 205.055, 2A, t:equixes a single stall garage £or all lots having a minimum of 9,000 square feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide adequate off-street flarking a.rea and storage during inclement weather as well as to house goods and materials wliich would otherwise cause visual pollution. A eals Commission Mceti.ng J«ne 3.4, 1480 �_ Page 7 ., �' � - -- ------ B. STA4'"ib IlAkDSHIP: . - "The house i.s an expar,dable type ki�ich I p].an money. SPe will also be adr5ing on a garaye but available to do this at tliis time." C. FaD".4INISTRF�TIVB ST11I'F E2EVIF.W:_ to do when �ve have the th� tunds are not The petitioner wants to cons�ruct a house with a iloor area of 884 square feet. They also want to detay the c�nstruction of a garage for a period of time. If the Board grants these variances, some thought shoul.d be given to setting a time limit on the ya`'age construction. Ptrs. Schnabal said that the the house the petirioner was proposing had a 2-t�edroom expansion possiblity, creating a 4 bedroom house. They could set back the house on the side yard to allow for an adjoining driveway. The house would be in iine and they could allow for a r.arrower d-tiveway. This plan could also Ue reversed. Mr. Mire sai3 tha.t total cost of the house would be $41,500. Mrs. Schnabel said that this variance wonld also have to bo to the City Cour,cil_ because. of the same notification problem. r�r. rv.re said that there would �e an addition on the back of the nouse whicn �ai11 be 10 Ei:. by 'L4 ft. � and that the garage F�OUICI UP. built �aithin 2 years. TUey caou].d share a cocimon driveway with the other neighbcr to the North of this property. A person in the audience asked wha4 the City's position wae on the dra.inage probleie. Mr. Barna stated that with the fill added, the lot would be high�r than T.he pereou`s lot in the audience. Ae asked Mr. Clark if the footings wouJ-d be on firm ground. Mr. Qa�kanswered they definitely would be. The person in the audience said he ��anted the drainage prob2em wor.tied out nnw. MOTION,by Mr. Kemper, seconded by Mr. IIarna, to close cne public heari�g. I3PGN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYr, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEI. D�CLAHF.D THE PUI3LIC AEARING CLOS�U AT 5:20 P.M. MOTION by Kemper, seconed by Mr. Barna, that the A_ppeals Commission recommend to Council approval of the variances to reduce the m iZi�num grose floor area fxom I,020 square feet to 884 square feet, and that the requirement for a garage to be built be delaye@ unti.l Septe�nber of 1982, and that Hillcrest Avenue Ue st�lced and constructed this year, and the people be the area Ue renotified of tF�is request for tha City Council meeting of July 14, 1980. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING e1Yli, CISAIFWODtAN SCiINAL;EL D2iCT ARED TTIE MOTION CARRIEll UNANIMOUSLY. 4. OTHEP. BUSINESS: Mr. Banta had a questinn about the lot size oi Lot 5, Mr. Clark stated that on a lot 9,000 squaze fect, and having a 75 ft. frontagc, the �i.ze of the house had to Appeals Commiss:ton Meeti.n�_ June 2�i, 1980 pay�e A , be 1,020 square feet. On any less than that, the square footage would have to be 768 square feet. ' Mr. &arna said that Lots 5 and 8 were identical. lle asked how Lhis house could Ue built with no variance given. Mr. Clark again stated the code requirements. ' Mr. Barna felt that on a small lot, the house had to be smaller. Mr. Clark stated that it must have a 75 ft. frontage. The difference here was that one has a garage, 3nd the other did not have a garage. A person in the audience was concerned about the, dri_veway, and why one person on the lot had to have a variance and the other did not. Mrs. Schnabel said that the driveways were not the Appeal.s Comission's field, it was the Engineer's field. � The persoa in the audience stated that his wife had talked to the City Engineer's and they did not even seem to know that the house was going to Ue built. Also, there was a drainage problem, and he did not want a law suit on his groperty. Iie did not want water to go in his neighbor's garage, and he did not want any water in his garage. He felt the property owners in that afea were all slighted. The driveway also would be on the Nor.th side of tAe house. Mrs. Schnabel said there is nothing in the Zoning Ordinance which stated such and such about how a person's property should be graded. The Appeals Commission has little control over this. N�r. Y.emper said that it �aas not�important whethex or not a variance had been granted on oiie lot, and not on the other. He stated that the person's concern seemed to be ovei whether or not the grading was done properly. The person in the audience said that tie had discussed this with the Gity Engineer. Mr. Barna stated that the forum for discussion on this issue was not the Appeals Cotnmission, Uut the City Coiincil. Mrs. Schnabel sugp,ested that the person take a look at the grading plans which had been set. The person in ttie audience replied that the person build izg his house next to his should have been issued a vari.ance. He stated that 6 months down-the road, he did not want to hear about these problems. Mr. Clark stated that if the concerned person wanted to meet at the site to discuss the grzding, e�ther he, or someone from the Ei�gineering department would be happy to meet wi.th him. ADJOURivPiENT MOTIO:I Uy P1r. Kemper, seconded by Mr. Barua, to adjourri the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYF., CIIAIRriAN SCHNABF.l i)rCI.AfiED Tllli APPEA?S CU.'�L^iZSSION TIF:rTING OF JUNS 24, 19E0 AllJ�URNED�AT 9:40 1>.PL lte.�e5�,fjully submit�ed�_ . �' . . . / 7 /J f/'/� � j .�%�C�rL/ � /'71 .� i ?!'``� cretary �� f A i .,�4''`.�C � � .. , . . . .. . x _ - . . . ..:� � '' _ . . . . . . . . � . � ,y.,�- , _ . - . .. - x � .. , . . �� , . ' '.': F i �. ' ' ' .� ' � � � . . :: $ � `�� �,. l% 1\YYvL11ciy���il�V}l�YY 4YA%Y���WA4V.U�:�.' � � . .. . . .. ;'�� � aJauliY�lYy. �� . � � JUNI: 24, 1980 . �?�. TO ORAER- `" Ghalrp�rson Hughes called tha June 24, 1980, Parks dc Recreation Commission ' meetiug-to ordet at 7:37 P.m., � � � �: � � . t�4e��'� Pleesent: $�rbsxa Iiughes, San Seeger �(arYi�red 7s4i p.m.}, Dick Young, Dave Koudrick, Dan Allen ' �l�e�bers.:AbseaG: floue ,.: 4CheY� Presea�; Chaxlee Baudreau, Parks & Kee���ioa Director Lee Ann;Spvrre> 519 Irouton St. Ai'pR4UAL bF MAY 14 i980, PARKS & RECREATION GOI�I$SION MINUTES: �f2N by -i+ir. l�llen, seconded by Mr. Young, to approue the PSay :14, 19$0, �arks & $ecYe�.tion Cou�uisaiou minutes. - - t�s; Httgj�es atated Chat Qn page 12, the 3rd pasag�agh should read; "Upon a voice vote, Young anfl Ailen.voting aye, Hnghss.a�td �eeger voti:ng nay, Ghasxpersoa H�aghes daclared the motion failed bee�use o� a tie." AF't'i}�ekL � AGENIIA• �;� f4llowing items were added to the ager��3a;. ` „, �; ,".�ew $usiness: � ; , , � B. Ruth Ci,rcle Park , i C. Regional Pa�ks - Metropolitan Ct�acii } f 4 Oid Business• � E. Coon Rapids Wai.ver of Fees Reqt�e�tS' � F. Joint �'on+ers Agreement G. Citizens �omm#ttee for Recreat�a-�.*e�ter fi t t . H: Pinal Ap�rQUal of Capitai RuGla�*,. :� � �ffi�,�tuglaes� declaped the agenda.�approved as � � � � � ;�� � � � ° � +� �� � . . . . . � _ .. . . � . . � . . . <r,v, . . . . . . � .. �.: �� . . . . ' . . . � y z ti,; . . . _ . � . . a. . .. . .. . .. : . . � � � � � . . . ,��; t., � � � • - � � . . i ` > �� . � � � � . � � � �� �'t ,` . . � � . . . � . . . . . �.. e�.' � �' � � , ,� ,h.,° . . . ��� < - . � . . . . . � .. . �;'> �y�" "" . . .�. . � � � . � . . . . .. ,,,a.: . . -�,�a� �: -, : ; PARKS & R��i�EA�EOI� C�SSii7A�'" iME&�7 � I . DiR�C£0R � $ REPOft'�: . �� Pk� 2 A. Ca�nicatie�ts 1. L'ounciYr�n BarnetCe :M(Yt'i0N by MT. ReraBriCk; seconded by-}ir. 1�ovng, to'receive the , � le�ter aa�ed May 28, k�38U, fralm Cauneil�an Bai�nette Concerning I�fatur� Center use hy p�tpgle outsid� the cna�unity aud passible fee 's¢heduie. Upon-� voic@ vote, all .roCi:ng aye, Chairpers-on Hughes declaxed• the motiva ca�t�cied unanimously. (Ms. Seeger azrived at 7:41 p.m.} " Mr, Bouii��a+i stated that Mr. Barnette was "concerned :whether the � Parks �gpsrtment is aaiicipatiug setting up rates fax use oE the Ceuter, &�hby reside�ts, and'others". Mr. Boudreau stated that • wauld be �n eat�lrely new philosophy;and agproach to the park` progra�ai� and use of the facilit3es<in the City o� Fridj,ey. To . his tmowledge, they do'aot charge for use of any.facil�ty, so this would be an enti9relq new ePPro�ch at:ravenue. �ts. Hughes state�i it really gets down to wfiat-their phtYosophy . shovid he_ior tt�� use af the parks,"in terms of what �he City'a �� attiCude should be. S�e asked'i€ the Coam�issioners tiad any � sc�gg�stions, oth$r fiha#a Che ree.eiving of the lett�r, �. � P�s. Seeg�Y end MiC. Kandrick stnte3' tliey were sat3sfied With the ; phi].c�sophy o� the par�c progra�ing and the ia'�t that tHere was ao ,.fae ci�atged Eor �se af Gity of Pridley facilities at this time. .,Ms, ttugi�es st�ted that uatil such e time as it beeomes s case of : denyitig $cc�ss:of Friii�ey peop2e to some of their faciiities, she di,d not think it was reaeonable to prapose keeping otha� att. : Tl�ese Were pulilic faci7:ities, and the public i,ncludes a11 ltixtds af , people, She did not think tha C�ission wanted to encourage-other co�etafCie� to ke�p Fr#dley people out of their faciLities._ it was nat what sh� tfiottght a good recreation philosophy should 6e bp anyone. Mr. 7�ain� atated he thought it was svmething they shauld keep in ' mi.nti fo� C�tie future, hpwever. If tKep want to equig `,the n�w'rtature : c�ter lsni�:ding the waj� it should be equigpe&; in the fu�ure, charging $ fami:ly a fee o� $SJp�aY:with unlimited use was not ;an excessive fee Mx. Xoutag,,sC�ted �hat �ha Natutal Resources Division seem�d to do a lat of gxagram�ti,mg' ii2 other communities. He wonde�d if the �atura7:'Re�auxce8 Diei.Sion was. going to cantinue_to g,p aut and-do `;progrttms in otlie� c.ementu�ities, because when the Spriugbr.avk Nature Center £�cility" g�ts �igi�,mg, they a�:e goi.ug ta' have a3;I ehey cau do ta man �1ia� #aFi�.i�}�: '> -�� ;� � . ,. . ,,, - � �. v '. .. a,Y;-� . . . . . _ . . . � � � , � : � �� � � ���� � • �� �� '.xi S . �. � � . -. . � £ � ��. � : 1 x. �� ��. ���r.�ar�rnss=orr r��irrc :�urr� ��` rnc� 3 _� ; ' -� �� Hs. SughP� �� she felt that waa ttae.:k� o€-decisfon Staff � . ;�� : aHtwld matc�#.'�:�,i;�y iaiow the demanci of �-;�A jobs and facilities._ __„_.� ; �.. ;.. , , �`:.F . -'� . . ._,.�.. . � . . � . Mx. $oud��aEt. s�,tated tht�t Mr. St. Clair has i�3.Yeady turned away about 1�4iS partic�,ga�s fr� oueside the covmtunitg, 'mostly school grovps; be�ause hs 3oes:�zcrt fiave the time. They sre talking about programming ` and ase o� a ragiona7, facility. With 'Che s�g3:ona1_faciiity, they hope to ettcnu�cage the:self-initiated pa�t#.��ation with prDgxamming done by the.NatuiCalist at that facilttq, but Mr. St. Clair is not going to;tie a}.1 af his efforts to'thaE f�ci.3:itg. They have same wonderful sesaurces in the co�uni.ty �hat,h� hopes to make better use of. �$p�Lt�i crmtract they haue w�I� Af��s3pvl�fEan Council,,�,they � -` must aper��e th�-Spri�gbrook faciiitg r?git� now as.a regiona2 €aci:lity. 2. -Bett3� it,'SeasGt - s HOTIp�`i 'by 3fs . S�egex, seconded b� t�',. KKp�BTi,cl�, `to receive a letter " daYed May �1� �9$f�, from Bettq i2. Scatt coueerning the Fridley City ,= " ;.$�,Rd:, �iFp�e a vaice vote, all votxng aye, Chairperson Hughes .declared t"` the,a�C3:?m ca��ied unanimously. 3. Mrs�. Carleou - Ref. Balli�eld at &uth=�ircle, ' s �_.•- Mr. BoudYeau stated kh:.s was ia refer�nce to a telephone coaversatiou r%.- he had:with I�s. Garlson who lives in the scauthwest cornar of Ruth- GS,rcle Parks adjacent to the ballfield a�ea they hope to establish. At the Rtirh Cizele neighborhood meeting, Chey wer� uery concerned � p abaut this 2ocat3on: of the ba1T playing,area. �t that time, they were showu aerial photos which showed:that Lhe ball diamand wouLd not fit i�tta any other location in the park, and thattfiis loration was Che s.�fest aad best location. Tke diamond to the foul lines is approxima.teiy �$-80 feet away f'rom the Garlsons' prop'erty 1iae, so he doubted �ha�.foul balls would go in.to their property very often. � He did not t,h3i�k the diamond would interfere caith their'property. .: . $e stated he ft� talked to Mrs. Carlsoa abuut.this, and he thought - �- the conceusua at the neighborhood meet$i�,scas that this-l.ocation was a good locaC�.oa foY that diamand. M��,:'=��1SOn would like the diataond moved to the southeast'cor� £sfrthe gark. Mr. Boudreau `s�ated it wou�ti't3ten enfringe at sqgreane else's property. He stated he did not thfissk: tfie: Carlsons ha& � v�d13.d complaint. All of these . thiugs were takeii ,into considera��pit �,n the planning of the park area,' " '' and'that area 3.�-not intended to be;a higis;activitq area. - Ms. Seeger sta��d she;has kind oi �L¢tted, this area, and she did aot-see where �C;'�s.a;big problem �`, s "-' �' 4. �T,etter���fxom 3;Ltn�,�G�isigl�, Pres.�,' i+`YSt� ., �� ' � � �� � „� : � ,, , f MfYCLOA b"y Mr. Ai�CC,,'�e�onded by Mr, youn,g; to receive the letter "" dat�d ,Fune I2,.3�jx' �xtra� Sfm�Klingle regarding the dzsmissa� of a � �� �' LiCY1e Lea�;�e eqa�;�ecause of_gaor a�orCSmanship. Upon a voice �' vafie, aFl vAtiytig;��e,�#pl�airge�eson Hughes declared the motion'carried. � �nanimously. _ �- , y� �_- � �� . � ' L�� - � � ` . .'�...?` i n ' :�` - , �. = -. �� �_. < �, � .k'. �� � ��" : . . g; �'�Ai�3 �'r�REATIUiT CDI[�iOiQ i3I�� ;ii$�° "�+. 14$0 . .�'A�.E �i N r. i�?rt: Baud��e�u xta�ed tbis lacfrie�rG ��i�k' place an June 2 at a Little ,... _.___.a �.�__.._ .�.:Leag�e £#�ld wheie a eo�h r�as inyo�.�+erl in an alteroati.bs� wtth � �no�her �caach. ';�e�.��le Leag�e pc�axd feit it was agaisrst the �� � � griaciples thPg ��'°�rying to �eac� s�e youth of Pridley in regard to gaod sprsrCsrna�sti�.p. :':The FYSA ha� �gnned t�te coach r€rcm partic�- pating in �nY ��t3"`gpo�ff as a co�c3s.� He staCed Ll�e I+YS� s�as kind erequgh Ca iarite � lat�ESie informing tixe 1'arks & Recxers�icxt Department af.t�is aa�ieu.;x <' - II . ' �Fi�AIBF�R�tX+i'S,' RF�i: _ _ A. Sar?.ngbxaak:t�a.tuaee.°C��e�r r r- Ni�, i#t�g�es sEiaCed 81t� met with Johrt Flcsra, Citq Pµblic Worka DirecCOY, Mr. Bondr�auf sad ai�thet p��son from t$e Public Works Depar�ment, reg��diag, a r,.�pla#'ti� $xom a citizen ahc�ut a tree that had b�en prntected as c'tmsCructiifas wa's" �t�reeda at Sp�i�zgbrvnk' and � then, �fiea i tiae Publ:ic �'ortcs Department'w�s-re�dg"to w4s%•on the::secter liney City Staff w�nt in and cuC do�m the t�ee wiChout L�ll,ing anyo� in the Parks Department that they wera do'ing'iC. She ff�ated th� meeting wa�-,to find out whst the procedure was far staff eoam�us�cat�.ss�, She Chrnight. the re&olution of the �eeting ,_ was that thera wi21 t� be��r co�unieaticat�s itt :tlYe futurs. The tree was marked �, ali. Ch� p'#,a�s_.for removal. Mr. T�lora fett he #�ad every ; "' rigii� tcs"take it,c�bw# at�'#�>:Was essenti44��.� over the line x�rhere the sewez line_,t�as, tm-go ia. . , I+LS. Hng�tes stated t6�r ptl�ex>caicern of the 'citize� was thait in putting the sewer li.s�e iiT, they wonld be,digging a<ditch which'could be �i0 feet wide because o€ s`oila�etra�itioas and because tha ditch wouid nnt be shored . - up. She stat�� tkat; aga�n`, ehose thic�s were an all the;plans and < appi^oved by everyone: caFxeerit�d, pre�umab3.'y by ;this Com�is�im�„ Pfannit�g ,"„ C�aeiss3pn, City C�uneil,. arid the a�chi�ect, and everyq� waa 8u�zpesed t e Co #tave iuiou�.t�e co�sequ�tes of those things.. � t�..Hughes,sta�ed she was a�sured t�ey a�e env#roufnentally evasciovs, ai `least itosz, `if �ot before; It is her understand3ng that there has been a likCle better fivunnua£aations betz.*eea the peaple who are supervising the.pzQjett, wl�#ch is City Hngineeri.ng sta�f, and Mx. Boudxeau and . Mr. St. C]air. . , ' , Ms. Hughes requested infox�aCion regarding:Northern Seates' Pawer's � . eas��tf in r�elationship to the Spr#ngbrook propezty. IiI. NEW flitSINESS:. A. ,bistussian of Age Desdline far Programs � Mr. Young stated he had,�eceived a ea12 almaat a monCh'ag� irom Roge� C.,Harman,`,3$$"-"�8th Ave; N.E., in rega�d eo the £act that his daughter vta6 not`b��.sg gllowed to r8gister for a T-balt program, Mr, H�rmoA's main.epmp`��int was the gY�bit�ary cut-a£f daCe of June 9th, G�aC if a chiad #.0 �ot six pears ald by',Tuti� gGh, that ctt�Ld cannot ' YegisCe� t� tk�;p�"t�7e�.� Secauee. o�` he� ►�et b�i.ttg altawe� to� register T Y A.�:�y+.k 4�:. ..`�`.Y' ' . � G. . _ .i. ., . .2._.. ..�.i� _._.'�_.�, � �:._ ... . . . . _.� . � ''.".. _!�H�' ... _ . � ia t� �=r p=ogra�, js�y�- �d to go back ir i for. 4,-3 � �;A�.ds, preschaal� �ogram _fcfi �`e.:y�ars.. She was:- prograw;° �r�ause she had to bE �es[�3.ot��it� t�� a�MYrary�date,,. dther psograms sts�e:that you shoalct be a c.ti a ce3ctain grade level. Mr. Young stated he was sympathetic Xa Mr.. 3 the rules should he bent sometimes. Ais ma: �prog:raak; are set up,; some consideration h€ts; dabes. C�zty Tots prog�am which is a tr 'She'had already been ia �st to enroll !.n the Play- c^�� old. Mr. Ha�mun was not y t:te fact that ma�#q o£ the �ai,u'age or have comgleted �cm's situation, and Ee�t i cdncern was that whe�:these :o be uiade for these arbiCrary , Ms. ffughes sYaYect they had a copy of a IetCeT"�rs� Mr. Harmoa dated � ,�s�ne �, whi�.��� cxgl��.ps his � point of uiew. �e [�� a�.so ,outTined sane � "Requiremants fvr Earticipation" by age fv�:a variety of things. �-�` .,:•�;: Harmon had gz�ne',:through all of the �eexeatiati programs and cheeked �.�i���E.'s to s0$ T7�tR�:COns�stency theYe WaS,W7.t�`! t11e�:��Tecjil3rements.���.�He.. - =�+d�`� �he Paxks, & 1{�czeatiott Department had saeie problems in what �h�y =, e.a4�,e$ t'adult" aucl;Wtth the cut-off points: He felt the Parks & Recreation °"C�issiazk might want ta Lake a look at tkese. Pfs..Hughes staCed �hat Mr. Harmon did put his cl�ild in the Tiriy,Tot program ' and was nvt requas�ing auy ci�ange at this point. This giues the.Co�nission " �ouaae time"to look at this?:and theX'shauTd` tiziuk:about w,rE�her they �;o.uld " _, <� �;3ke to make'some xecommendations ta Staff 'on age grouping, etc., for the = ��, . �817..program schedule. 3�Ir. Boudreau staCed they would we2come a:�eeommeudation from this ` ` Gu�ission on age grFuging. ,�,� �is: Seeger �tated she-had.talked to Mr. Harmon'and'when she asked him *' '- � cahat'his recqmm�ct$�3tion would be, he had suggested that the CiGy fotiow ` the school's guide�,i�es on age. She stated that maybe that skxould-De a reco�mmendatian E�rwu the`Commission. One oE 24r.. $armou's main ub�ectives was that his'I3.Ct2€"gfrl's friends were ah%e to go to the program and she was not. ` �, �r. Rondrick staEeA he agreed that fo2lewiAg the school's age guidelines ' 7doutd be a �ery gopd"£dea. He stated he did aot like rule'bending. �5 ��' � � � � Mr. Young stated I�,t �el[;the problem coulcf be solved by say�r4g a child has'either complet�d,. fox example, ki.�cdergarten ar be six years of age. Mr: Ailen stated �hat,his initial r�a�t�.oa ta this situation, because of the €act that �€�e eh3.1d had aEraady .atCeztde�l Tiny Tots £or two years, I wauld be to seriously consider allowing her,'�Q,p�rticipate in the T-6a11 ] X,� Px`oSram. a.� � MSYFiUN hy Tfr. Allen,:'secpnded by Ms. Seeger, ta receive the j.etter dated '�' ` `' June 9, I980, £rom Mr. Haru�cut xegnrding age rules. Upon.,a vvice vote, "'��< s4 ;=,�ll voting aye, Cltairperson Hu�hes decla��.d the motion carried unanimously,;. �°"` _ � , � . �� � '�� � ; � s ? , �r �� � -� �� �- ������ >t�� `� � � -.�,� . . .. . . <*.#'�. -sj T :: ,:... .. .. . . . PARtFS S� RLC�tk���TPl�i T�ft��. 7UNE�: 24', 1980 PI�E 6. Ms . ils+gkes statteiI that"IIis�ussion af A�e Rules" st�ouid be ot� the �agenda for �h� duly;-wE'et�ag, The':Coaa�iss$oa cB�R'dis�ags a recmmieudatidn to _ __. Staf� �$ard£'� age�deadli�ies for�progt+sm5�:and alsb dlscass wheir they�� �� . wout� zecam�tiZl t1�at:Stxfk al�.ow excep�,ions and under whae sireumstances. She ask�d D�.'��dresu to include a cap� of Mr. Harmoa's letter.c�ith the egea�#� packeC:_ B. R�th Circie �axk _ Pts. Seeger sCaCed th�t Lhe paint facCorp which is across fran Ruth Cl.rcle Park is requesting an expansion on'xhe facility. She stated � that-rig�t nvw the paint fwnes are incredibly bad, ac�d thls factory has _� a 2iisrary a£.£ires. She felt this"'could be a bad health problem for thia,: gark, aait it also beccanes a probie�tFfor the Springbrppk; Nature Center ' ' t�hich ia not too far away. She feit tlte Commission had some responsibility " to the quality of th�ir'pa�ksi and she was br£nging it to the Commission's at�anCfop €ax discusaiort. i Ms. Hughes st�Cad it v#puld be diff#cul� ta get.them on any health regula- tion; It f's: poasiixla .tttet�' are scm�e sa�ety problems that: cauld be „p addressed, because o� the ktistory of fires and complaints from the n,eigi;box'�, 5he askec� the Commission members if they felt the Co'�mdasion, • fr.nm a parics aad ree�eatiod atandpoint, should be'coneerned ahouC odora �nd _hy+�ro-carban .emf&s�.ons �.nto a park area. : MT. Allen stated the;t�iijecC o£ the Coc�ani.ssion and StafP 1s tn pYOVide the. best-reereatft�rt e�xpei�%a�e for the citizenry. xf this is?a £ase whe�e someon4 i,s aoC m�king ths most o£ the park'sysCem as provided, the�+ a.t least have the resp�ibili�y to bring it'Co the attention o£ t&e Cfty Couac3l. M9TION BY MR: ICO2�7RICK, S&Cf316DED 8Y MR;� ALI.EN, TO;ASK ST/�, Ct12�fiL5SIflNS, AND= CZTY �CQUNCII. TU B� -AW.°� 4E THS PRl38LF.�I OF Tfi$ QDORS OF TfI� PATNT EACT012X i�Et�Ii�R13�H CI�LS FA$IC AND TO �'Ai�' STEPS T0 CORRLGT �CS �PR4$T,13M: UPON A ifOTCE VdTE, l�3. VOT�NG AYE, CHATHPEitSON HUGHES DECF�Al2i�D Ti� 1�bDTION - CtkRRELD ANANrMQUSLY: ;'' Ms, Hughes: as�d 25�.� Btfud�Yaau to check into the sEatus of the �int ' factory and- �n t�eit. �frcrrm the Co�issiciu, C. Regi:onal Park�.- MetropaiiG�n Council tSs. Spasre stated Chat an-erticle 3n tYi�.Matropolitan Monitor broughE' th3s.t�em to her att@�rttion; 9he stated.Bhe would'like Che Cemanissioa to receive t%i& artic�e iiYCo the record and then they'ean;tai,k about it. MOT;dN by Ms. 3eeger� seconded by Mr. 1€oudrick, to:receive t�e Metropolitan Monitor, Vol, II; Na: 1, M�y 1980, page 4;-'arCicie on !filetra P.2rks". Upon a voice ;vote, a�'i votil�g aye, Chairpexson �3�gtses declared tlie motion carrieH unaniimc�asly. � >,�� � , • � �.:� � �. ,� . . : _ � �� �, . �: . �;. � � ; � _' :;� � . � .,:, 3 -_� Y �" ` .. � .. � � ' ,< `'� *r ? � � � . �� ; � '�. . . , J � .... .,. .r.. � � t, '�•. � . ,� � ��. �tS�:R�11�.'i2?� �ION MEETING, JUNE 2� � PAGS 7 • , � � ,. � .� �� ,. � � , Ma.. Sporre staCecl ��� $€ter reading this �2�i,�c1��: sli� felt i.t was. uexy __ u_;� t�portant tq he� Llk� `�hey ]:ook at the lRi�d ;��°-;are : designating far a � ;,�� zegi�nal parkc �i� F�i��y..'�Ir was �her unde�s€ap��$' khet� tl�ere has � been� some di�aussi�n on �1ce Park, and that is the zeason she is bringfFig ' khi:s: ta the Pasks s�Z=lteereation Commission. She bel�etied tk�at the i,mpact : of a po�icy as it would be applied, if Locke Park �*as dxawn under Ct�e Anoka Cauuty power to decide, would then put the power in the hanc�s`.af ' Lhe regional government, rather than Anoka Gaunty. :� , ?< ?Ts, Sporre stated that, to backtrack a li�tle, the Commission w�as aware Ce�at there has been a proposal for a Joiut Pos�+eY� Agreemeut on Looke Park ' ' tt�th tka� County, aud she felt that the power tcs �clecide for Locke Park ` otaght to remain in tiKe City of Fridley. Thexe.lt�� been same discussion on:support £o� maintenance at the county lave�.;'8nd .that seemed reasonable because of the r�gicaual use. But, if it &eiegates the power of decision- :-�T'c3ng to Anoka CquseCy, then it falls under eomgli�tice with these tlew ,#�rtrposed regional pzslic3es, Policy 20 and 2x,; wh�,ch:sise thuught would have a signfiean� impact on the way L�ke Fa�k would'be'used. There is a s�t4ng-fee}.inp aC the regior_aI level that iCtis not,up to the Hennepin Cnnnty Park Aaset^ve Di.sYr#eC ar Anoka CounCy or tke o.ther counties to ctecide how these things should be used, but et�C a:policy should be esCab- ' � • Itshed making a11 of them have a consistent.pattern, a-consistent fee, etc. ` �`•'17xei�e axgument is that for purposes of cons%at�ncy, Yhey say spec�fically � r A� th�L they wouId eliminate Fridley, �locn�i.ngton; and-Eden Brairie from Ghe i4�4euienting .ag�tcier: aad only use the Cou�,ty,` So, -in the Soixtt Powefis �.' A�reement, if'i+ridley.retains the power to decfde� ehe £elt this wnuid i cpi;thhaid it from ehe regional system to scmte`',�acte�xt!. ''' + �18, Sporre stated it was her feeliqg that tih2s'�'vt�ission and thie City ',tt�ve :the best �de�stand-i�g of-the envisonmeli�a� sensitiviLEea Qf C�at . : site,',the unbuildai�Ze sloges, the caxrying capaclt3*. 3'hefe ars cpndiCions ta busldiug in a fZood p2ain, and she #elt that the other ageneies.have , 4vt demonstrated any.sensitivity towards the,'same;goal. :; n. .�.:.. . .. . ...� . . . . . . . .P f. . �4�.'Sporre stated she would like the Parks & Recgeation Go�nissiqn-to ta2k about any changes that might occur ict the 3oint Powers Agreement ; �s it would affect the power of decision-mak3rag for the site. �:t � '3dt. Young asked Ms;'Sp�rrre what powers af decision she was reEerring to. f ths, Sporre stated,sIs� .was referring tn th� fuucCional changes ehaC wonld � ,,� ,he made on the; sfee •far buzldings, etc. . �i�C", Young stated,�itaC ,L�� initial draft oE the 7oint Powers Agreement � t+�l� r�s going ta be exeented with Anoka.��s�ctty.lgft that power t� xhe `s � City of Fridley. . � � � �l `��-.''34s...liughes asked IIr. Boudreau to bring the Commk�sion members up �o date t op the-status of the Joint Poiaers AgreemenC.' 7 ti � } � � ��� ., s � �. � . '�r, ._ T ,� •"s �.. �'� t # "� �� s�' c4"ic � �a�3S� � -�C�t� �. , Y ...�Le nroneTMT.av %tiaww�rosan . .�....e�# � bs� �: Dr,.$asdreau,�i�towed the Cc�ission memheiea a copy of the ,Toit4t Powers. ---ti--� x--A�t`ees�m"t� whi�h �he Uity �r�iincil sent Cts the CounCy and a capy mf tbe l�egiQna� Txaf2 3oint.�awe�a"°-Agreem�at� a counter-offer, which thS Cavnty ss�st :ba�ck to the City,, }Ie ttaCed that �� Couaty is incluclitig `Lncke' Fsz'k, 7i+ack� LBke Paxl�, $nd i!laza Park ss the axea Chat is ma�iced :for the trail 8�'stem"to pass thraugh, and they aYe,jnstifying that this area is ga#� to be.a regf�nal �se trail syst�: " tYt. Sat�drgau's�ated t�at �t Metacr�olitan Council was talkititg aboat `iit C�itaE arCicle is limitit]g "Che number of implement•ing "agenei:es. Theue are only thYee`municfpp3.�.ties witftin the metropolftan area, Pridley, Bioauiington, anil Sden �'rair3e, that are iffiplementing agencies f�x^ a reg3onal faci3.i'ty. T�te Me�'�ngolitan Cou�cil is saying tliey �roai:ci pre€er Yo have ua mun%S.palities e�icept Minneapalis and St. Paul as impiementing agenc3es of a�`egipnal fa�i�ity. They atould rather these ag�ncies be a laxger acopet� organ,izatiq�,t -such as th� county or the sCate� qr 2iinnea- gnlis:,or St.-=Peu�,'ant pre proposing ta.drop Fridley, BloomingCanf'; and EikE+e �raiz�ie- a& im$Yemeatiug; agencies . DX: Sbudreaw°stated ��at.the Fridley City Gauncil went on:record at ethefr 3une 23rcF�etittg with a letter t� I+iz. Weaver, �hairpe�soa af .'Metrirpolitaa'Gtsurict'f�;' 8tati�g> "1'he City` 6ouncil has reviewed th� ReereaCion and Open Sgace Ditvelopmeut Guide Poliey Plau and'�spgoses y. C,uide i'olfcy':�'8 cm"pagi: 32.'? The City feels that the Metrapolitsu Grnineil �_ ig nat adequaYely add�ess�� the abiliC� af munici.palities to i�tplesent regYona.l faci��tiea." As £a� as Dr'. Soudreau knew, there has ti�en no aetion � t&� �olicy_ebaage�r, It is���in Ghe��diaeussion stagea at M�tro- ; politan, Couuc��. Wha{ i.mgaftt it will have on the thsee muuicipg7,i.ties that :are �.mgl�uanti;ng' ag�ncies is that scmiewhere docan the 'line, Metro- polit� Coun�il may e�xne up with oparation�i and maintenance funds.. if Frid•leg svas.drespped a� an implementtng �gency, it would not Qualify_for tho�e'aperativm�l and maintenance funds a€ a regional faGiliEy. �rid7;ey wfshes to staq Ytua3if�efl fot that fundiE�, if and when it da�s,'tome about. Ms. Sporre st�Ct�d'she agreed with the acGion taken by the �ity Grzuncil � attd applauded t�e City i�t i�s t4egotiatinas `-with the Camty on titiis agreement.,,5ke would uxge Ei�e Parks S� $ecreation Commission to be involved on a�gular basis wi.th the Cok�ttty in the plans fvr L�ke Park. Ms. Sparrp staCed that two Chiilgs tke C�ission could do is: (1) appear - - at the hearing �t Ciie pvlicies in support of the City Counci2's aetion; � and (2} not�.fq -Lhe Ccs�mty Park Ctmmiissio�i that the Parks & Recreation Cimmtission would like;to be c�gnizant o�,any proposals in :the initfal, > sta�es for I;oeke Pa�k,: Ms.'Hu$�e8 staC�d'the`.Copt�issi.on could discuss tihe second"thing �en th�y'dYsauss �tt� Sofii� i'owe�� Agreemenc under "O1d Business".' She stated �t�at the hearing on;C�tese �riaus policies begins at 7:30 g.m. on �; ., � . �tursday, �uzu� 2&. S�� st�Eed they cou�d get fr�e :copies ^ oP fi.St� policies frc�m Metropolf,i�n GouY�ii. As; long as the'City lraa taken so� garticular . , , - ' . , .. � ,-� � �:: � � �- � � � :-� ; � � � � f; �AR1FS & FE��iBA�IL3N C�IISSION MEHTING, 3UNE 24, acCirnY: if aup si �3+re, Co�i:ssion membe�s �ri -�rQU1d urge theffi �� attend as citizens, but �hem to saq they ase. members. of ttte Frid2,�� r�cc� � tend the heariucg, she ' be approgriate €or Recreation Coamiis�fon.. i�tr `- �LD `HtiSZ't�SS • A: So£tball fiuurnament Request bv TargeC Staxes - tabled �` ION bg Ms, Seeger, secancled by Mr. Kondrick, to remove this item ���om the table and to receive the letter daYed May 19, I980, from: r Gheryl i{eene,,Seeretary, T-551 Activity C].ub-. Upon a vQice vote, a11 '" ` yot�.ug aye, Chai�person Hughes declared the wotion �arried unanimously. Br.:Boudreau sCated thae he had not had any:fuxCher cammunication ��,m. . £r�n Target sinae they were informed thaC the Farks & Recreation , C�ommiss�qn meeting was postponed until June °��Lh, 'Since, they had - r�ressed ou'the phone that they would proba�Z�:�.be too short on time �."��y plan the tournayien[, he would reco�end that the Co�i.ssion deny tF�is tourqament request. I30TION by Ms.,S�eger, seconded by Mr. Kondziek, to deny the softball €flurnament request by the Target Stores' T-5S1,Activity Club.. r Ms.'$eeger ctated she objected to the iact Chat'this tournan�ent wculd'' fnvolve a11 the Target Stores persoanel from;Piianescta, North Dakota, $o�th Dakota, Tc�s,�a,':Giisconsin, and Tlli.na{.�:. �,. > , Dr. Baudreau stated it was still their goai to remove organized play � frem the ne3ghborhaod parks, and softball tournaments are, in fact, � i�sing neighborhood facilities, , IIPON A VOIGE VU.fE,: ALL VOTING AYE; CHAIRPERSON: HUGFiES DECLARED TFiE 2�Y£ION CARRIED UNANZhfOUSLX. 8; Key3ew af Nleighboxhood Park Development �� MOTION 6y Mr. KondriCk', seconded by Ms. 3eeger, ta continue this item ` until the next meetitzg, Vpon a voice wote,<aiI voting aye, GhaiYperson � �� Hughes declared tic� motign,�carried unaniucou�Iy. ��� �� � � � �° C: Improved Security i�t P' arks . , � Ms, iiugk�es stated d3�ectits�inn on this iteat r�,,eontinued from the last sreeCing in terms of w}�C�3�r;the Coumiissz�;��l�k:d to see if somethfng - �ould; be done abouC i�araved security itt ,i:�.parks . How serious did � w: ' Ehey'think the problem is ,and did the Gom��s�.ean want to suggest or ask �r k �. '.. €or any lcind of`plan? � 5,,. _ � �.x � .-, ' � � � � � � � �, ' �..�.�, � '��, U , , ., ��' - ; ��, .; � .: _ . � k'ARKS & RECATATI(3N C(k&ff�,,9.�#I�r ':�NG, 1U� 24, 1980 ; PAt#$ i{�" t�r, 1Cexitdsfcic sGated 11�e<t�c�,ht they shoatd tell the Poiice nepa�ktmeat fio cuittiaue Ci�e gooil work tPiey have' dorie in the past. Frbm the --- in#4�7naCiocc pkt>vided by Tivr Turnbull aG the 2ast meetiitg, it ap$eared �hat`Che violations f�n �.ocke Park have decreased since 19i8. fle'would lika the Police Depa�tment to know thac the Co�iss3on is;inte�ested and aware and 4ra�id lS.ke them to continue doiag gaad work: Hs, Seeger ataCed s�� a��ee�i with Mr. Itcx�dzick. • Ms..Fiughes sCa[ed site d�d aot feel i.t was that big of a prob2em, and she was not coneerne alwut it. S6g si�ted that unless the Commfssion felt 1t was a big p�k�m, �hey should table this item untf:l su�h a • time as there was a,� polic� problem. ' ; I4r, y'ouu� staCed the thin$ #hat bothered him most about LOCke Park was nflt :zhe van<ialism, bist C�e �:arge amount oi drink3ng by questionably- �- aged individua�s £n �ta pe�ng loE. He did state, however, khat:the Iast two timss he haag bseu in the partc within the last two meath�, th�re . have heen police greseslt. I�iC1N bY �. �eege�, s�eorrded by Mr. Y�rux�g, ta table discussioia aai the tt�, "Ta�gYOVed $ecurit�+ in the Parks"': Upan a voice'vote; all votAag �ye, Ghairperson Hug�es declared the motioa carried unartimously. D. Review of Con�nxn�,tx Ferk Camplex - pre;�ared by Dan Alien' 1�. Hughes stated sh� felt Ehis regort would be useful when �ixey get . into::aap selling jab-bi the_community park eomplex or any!qc�stions as to whaC Ehe projecfi is. The_Commissiaxaers retipiewed the report. � Mr: 7£owag,stated thaC on the €irst page uuder "Current Field Conditions", tt stated Lhat "one �ield at Conmons has lights". Fram canr�uts�he has heard, this lighting is barely adequate. Aiso, he wantedito poiat_out Chat.£os adult touah £ootball and youth�.fQOtball; hoth indicate s lightsd field. ThaC could;be inte�pre�ed as two iighted fields, �ah�n tAere is, in fscis on4y one lighted £i��d. _ Hs;':Fiaghes stet�d thst some tlifngs'':that need to be 8aa�a co thts report � ` aYe an outline o€ speeifi�ally what fae3lities will be done,and what k�uds of:grading, and how much they would cost--a refezenee aacua�ent. Ms, Hughes Ehauked M�. A11e� Very much:€or his ef£orts. Zt t�a$ axtremely usefal anc� very much:aPP�'eclated, ' MOT'iQN'by Ms, Seeger� secanded by Mr. Young, ta Ye`cei� the "Aeview'of tfie.Frt8ley Gcus�u�it� Park Can+plex".prepared bq Dan �llen, Upon a voice vot�, aY1�voCi.��g`aye� �ha3�person Hughes deciared-the motion cdrri.ed u�animousiy. , _.. _ _ _. . � , ..,x E. CaoII &aFf.ds' � x, �4 ���SION t�ETING, J`k �18��n�` Fees,Request �y ,-T��. ��: . � ,x k�19$4 P.AGE'11 ,; : Dr.:BOUdresu sta,tex2`.he would Iike Che E2�.asion-�to encourage the Spi€ngb�ook Nat�e'Center Foundation �ta-.�ssfbly send some repzesEntation fq the Coott f�3„ds City Cossncil and request the waiver of a$2,374 fee far prwidiag'Gat� Rapids`water acul sewer -utility services to the Springb�ook I3ature Center. He did not think it was the City's position Lo request this �zaivez, because the'City has aq agseemene with Coon Rapids that allqws C}�em tc� hook into Coon Rapids sewer and water and pay the s�rviee charge; He -fe2t it was well within the means of the Spri�?$broak AYafure Center`Foumdation to request"Coon ltapids Co participate in that p�o�ect by waiv�ng the fee. MOTLQN,by Mr. T�tuz�g, secouded by Mr. Ailen, to ask the Springbrook ,. �IRttuse Cent��„�owtdaCion to seek a �:+a�.ver of a$2,374 £ee from Caon Raplds 1 ,2�� . . . _ . . �. . far sewe� and:[�afie3t;�Qnnections £ox �he Springh�ook Nature C�ntex. Upon ''� '`,� voi:ce vsrte, a�� �bting aye, Chairperson $ughes deelared the motion cerried Unanim€r�ly:, Ma, Seeger sY.a�e�`the nexz Springbrook Natctze Center Foundation's meet3ng s�tas Tuesday, �ty�.�a �., but she would Ue unable to attend. ` DY, Bvudrean stated he would ha�e'MX. SE. Clsix' put this on the Roundation�s agen�a for discussfon. . �': Joi.nt Pawers Agreeme,nt: Dr. Boudreau stated that, as he mention� Earlier, the City submitted the Joint Powers Agreement to the Gounty� wha turned it down, but have mtxs submitted a counter-offer to-the City. `He_understood t3�at today the Anoka County,Board approved their docutuent; which is basically the same agreament as the City's. One chang2 was the addition of Locke Lake � Park and Plaza Park (page 2),because that is .th@ planned route of:theix ' ..t�'ail sysEem. Dr. &oudreau stated tZrat on page 3, under the "Gounty's Responsibilities", they have said the3� wiii '!pro•ai:de roueine;�aiatenance on a schedule...... ' as provided in the MasCer Plan aktach�d ,�.,��chihit A at a' min3mum". � Mfr. Yopng sCated k�g,sl#,� nc�t_find� anytT�i.xxg i,i�;.;this��agreement that-caas �ia � d5:sagreement with Ytie 2greement that c�e�C"�tsn �'ridley to Anoka CounCy. �'fie only thing �e-�'a�nd questionable war„page 4, Item #8, under °County =.-a Resgonsibiiities": '"To schedule spet�i&�, aetivities....Any special acCivity scheduled in the park by the��craC.g which is not in keaping '` ��"_w3t1� the�norma� day�to��:day �use of'th'e.p�k shanld be conc�rred w#�h hy� � � ' the City Manager before such activiLy �s-iield."' He felt that should ' ' be ehanged to read: "....should be'coqeurred vith bp ehe City Manager ,'; , after cansultation with the City Parks &.Recreation Director t�efora such aetivity is held.�• lls. Boudreuu-stated Che Ccuntp has changed #9 an; page 4 undex "County �tesponsibilities" to read:: "To estabYish and to collect user fees, if auy, with veto pawer by 'the City Counci�." � i. �� `r PARKS & i{$E�A2`f01+t C��£IN I�E�TSiG, JU#� 2k, 1980 �, �P� 22 Dr."�oudtreau°:`&taGe$ ��� uYU1er "Ciiy Re�apoitsibili�ies°f, page 4, �3, — -.- - r�e couney haa requ�`�, �d �isat the Gity "p�ovide stora$e fpr caunty park equipmeftC at tti��3.ty`s Public Works 3tard"'. �t is tfie City`s thoughe that �ytie �`Cpsxnty will:;:put f,n addit3oaal tencf:ng'b�eltYnd Colu�bia Arena'aasd b�r�ad C�e Rec�*eling Center fo�.stox8g� c3f their equi�nt. It wauld'n�tt tat�se an inco4aceaience ta;:the Citp �ars$e. Dx. Baudxeau sCated t�t in #4, page 3; the City is "to p;ovida Gity " l�eayyr equipmeht ta a�sisC Couuty crews on,specia! projecCS if City has equipmeut available.','� "Also in 9�5, page 5, �he City is "to p7tauiile ss�ilc�ep and mait,ttteusiu�e .at all City stre�ts that provide aCceBS to parkseays aud paYkiag �.ots". Dr. Boudreau stated these things are being done:already, Dr. Boudreau.sCaCed ,�at in Item V(Capital Improvements}; "�nq.develop- � ment plans �rle by t� Cfluntq to impzrove the park facillties oYher thrne the normal maintBaait,�� a�tivities shall be approved in catiti�ig by the City Couneil." DY, Boudreau stated_ttkea� a j>efault clause:;(Item X, page 7j was added _ by Che County. , i9r. 8oudreau stated�t at'the June 23rd Gity C�1tncil me2tittg, the - City*'Gauneil receiv, a xiapy of the'draft'going Co the Co+�nty Commis�ioners. The G3ty G�neSl c+ms� coneer�ed about the worrling in the '!Terminatiar'° ciause'(Item X1, gage 7), t:�ich read: "Ugon termination d£ this agreement, •° the City'sha2i ma��i��iss ang part of the tzail which hes beett co�structed withia-Locke Park,,Loeke Leke Pa7rlc or Flaza'Paxk, €or sucti periad o# time as the Rice Creek-We�t Regi�nal Trail is in use by the general public." The City Couacil cha�gect iC`to read tfi�t,if the Agreement is tezzaiaated bg �Fi@-Eauatq, the Gt'�utty Iias the qiaintenance responsibility �oX that trail. This;wCrding:ehang� protected Che Gity of'Eridley;so the County caxi�t back .out of the ��reement and dxcsp the maintenance o£ tIfat trail onto the Citq.. Xs h� und�tood;fC, wiCh the wording change of titat pa:ragraph and c�iCh the "v�C�Z,power" woY�ing in �9 on pagei4,`t�e County Board has a�cs�eed Chis dQC�ment as a groposed �a4nt Powers Agr�ement. It npw comea:bdck tci,�he G#�ty Council, and there was concera hq the City Co¢ncii. `i�aC lxr;' BCU�i�e2u b�iing this to the Parka & Recreatioa Co�n3ssion at Ch�s meeting'��ca th�at:the Coimnission would have the oppor- tunity°for 3iq�C before t�isy act on it. $e belieued the Citq Council will be aeC3ttg an th$s'at t�eir Juiy 7�h uieeting. Ms, HvgheB refenCed �o the "Capital Improvemente";(Ttem V; page 5), tiae � seecnii- seritence, .W1zic� for, in Yhe Master P�a�z t�n` - deeuied approved and t�o fur She=stated the Ccmmai�sioa:: consider that "any ,c�p#.Cal on 'fi1� wittc t�Tet�apo?�t�ni` � `,*. ;' ' `„• y .. � : �. tr, , � �. �� 5.y� r. . . . � r � ,`� � . eads: "Any capital�i,i�sroVements provided 1e wi.th the'MetropoliEan Council, are hereby �rx approval by .the Eify is:neces$ary;"' ght want to reco�end-Chat the Citq Counoil mprovements p�oviBed,fbr in the AiasCez' P1an wncil still re�uire appxoval by the City". ��-: .��.". l� U r...'t �� � m� L $�� � .S. Y� : ���� � � � & TON CdMMXSSION MEETII9G .iLl$IE ,�fi -:�� PAGE !3 � � � ,r; - , , . .- _ .,, , :. � -._ :. �"� �� H&. $ugltes ata��cl �ht dic� not latow fE t�r��.�rSs� �hQ �correct_wording, -. �-�-n � _ b�ct i� �ans tfta,�-;,�."big bui.ldiug or'a �83�- ���rgment project like � - tiie txail st31Y �teeds to be reviewed 8p� �e'���, pne of the reasons °� £ot Ci�at would is� to make svre the Gpuuty`fs,c;�t�i.dering the critical �reas aRd that they areu't building tr�t#1s. �. �a�pi�-:_ that will erode: I�N by 'Ms . Seeger, seconded by Mr. ICo�ic�C, to -recommend to itg Ca�ncil Xhat Item VI (Approvals) he d��"ted itom the Regiona� Trai1 Joint Powers Agreement. " ° Ms. Seeger stated tliat in "Approvals" it states that""Wherever in this agreement coacurrence or approval by'okte.�artg is required before actian __� is tak�:a by the other party, the failure ta respond to a written proposal w�.thiir thirty (30),days shall be considared:concuxrence and approval," She stated she fe1C 3Q days was not a yerp Zqng time. � x 7�Y. � � ��` � Mr. YQUag sta��d ]� d�d uot have any dif�iculty.with the clause, because x,.� ' �t pratec�s both parties, but he did have p�ob�ems with the 30 daqs. �°- Ms. Seeger stated-she objected to the coauyuxxence, approval, and the time-period. . MUi'�(aN BY MR: YQUNG,:,GECONi?ED BY MR: Rb�iPRSCK_ TO SUBSTiTiSTF 'rt3x Axnv� ; ifis. S�eger stated Chzs stiil does not give, the citizen the right to hear abossl fihe Agreement and does not give her as a eitizen or as a coumdssioner the right to reaZly knaw about it. II7 Vf t#Pt�I3 -A VOICE CAB�IED UNAN uui�, ; th� Gounty will mai.ntain the trail svstem 3�E,' ALL VOTING AYE, CIiAIRi'BRSON IiiIGHES AECI,ARED TfkE MOTIOIv 5�i.x�T.Y; �, � TO 1tECOt�3�1END T0 .. U11fG4i-.LV1k NYU S��AN'r'a'•. � . . . . . ;1�,�'E�Q A Vf?zGE V(%�E, ALT, VOTING AYE, CNAIBPERSOIQ'HUGHES DECLAREB THE ; �I47�i -GAI2RIED, BNANiMOUSLY; ` : ��, "1� ,. ��I } rv q�'� . .. . . . ... � r � � n.: � h . . �:.- . �: .. I. . : . _. �� . .� . . I ':��c'�i�'i��V�F ��i1'�I�i �1$��ris ��i�.''' t�rtk� Zi$o�. � ('. �F�.��'S �:�i� Ail'3��ON ,� M5. "SE1�E�6 , SEEI�I�EB BY Mit: Y , TQ RLCOMNffiN!1 TQ �T�i' COUNCIL TiiAT 1�IE �Ct3iQt? SENT�NC� IN SEt7fI0N V f�!�AL IMF120VE�4ENCSi :�i� �ND�D TO I�El�B: ,rANY GAY�TAY. INfPAt3VLMG1$TS iR£iillli$b FQR IN THts M15�Ey7�'F,R Yf�I�t OPi PILE WITH TH&' T�IC�'ItQP ZTAN C-4IiNC�L MUST $E AAPBUVLD BY CI�iC C�IL AND 2`�1� PARKS &;R�CRiAT�. C01�44�SSIdN:u tTPf310 ;A 't�f9'LCE VQTE, AI�, 't�t�1'I� AYE, .i�iAlttliRSdN HUQiES DEQ.A�D TH� 3�T�t�1 C�IiRIED ltNlSiii�iS�Y: ` _ Thp Camnissioners a��d the: question; Wiii snowmobiling b� allowed on the trail syste�3 They stated they would Fike clarificati;on regarding, Section XII (�,�vetat�f�iry} an.d its relationship to Meerop�i.itan Council aud the Counc�.i:�'r ��:ii�y tsi disregaxd Fii;dley's power to-�di�agree. MOTIIIA BY MR: YflUN6 �ECOL�iBD BY MR: A�.LE13 TO GONVEY TAE �E(>IflNAL_TRA�i. .� SOII� �Y�3L7ERS �GJ�'s�iiiEN,� AS f�JE;NDED TQ Ci�'Y EOBNCZL. UPO�d A V(i�GE ViPrEx Ai.L VbTIl� Ai�E, CHAIit�'ERSON HUGHES DEG�.AREb 32� ' I:Q'�ION CARitIE11 UI3ANII�3Ii5x,S�`. : G'. Citizens' Comutttes'-fpr �sc�ention Center A�te�r mnch di9��sion, it w�s the odncensus uf the Gonmtissfo� rfi�tt: the Chairpersarz fct�mulate a'I,etter. to �he citizens xequesC3ng thaT any- one interested;iu vo3unte�r$ii� for such a committes shouid:submit a � re3ume to the 1�8rlts,& Recr¢�C£cm Gouanissian. Ms. Hughes stated 9he would forrtnilate sueh � 2etCez, bring it°to SL-aff foz review, aad then it wou�d be mailed out to each househt�2c�'fu the Gity. tl. , Fina1 Approval oi Csp�t„al 9titlay MOTIQN RS: ?1P,. KONDBICS., 5'�?G€�NDED EY MR. t�LEN. TO APPRf}VG iFI�; FiI�F1Ki, ; C�PiTAS< OU3T.AY �3D TE;?'R�C(3i�i�D .�:iAT CI�.Y CUUNCIi, -ACCEPT TH2����Ai. CAYITkT. OUZ'LAY: tTitON A VOICE VUiS, AL% VOTI2`IG AI'S,. �tIATRXL'�tSON HiI�i3ES IIECLAREF`i �'$E MO`l'.TON Ct1�i2IED t3NANIMbBST,Y: All,Fl�URI?�NT: . Chairperson Hughes declared the June 24, 1980, Parks � Iteereat�.on Come�ission zne,etAng �d,jourrsed at i1:32 p:m. Respe�tfully su�t#ed, �� cE_��s��� Saha � � � � Recordittg Se€reta�y •, E ' ;, _ . � �;�. . _� _ F., y�rv: J o "��+`d:' a�t;�� ii_ �p 9_:.: t�z k,,. . . w,:_ sJ a pt 1 �_ ��"�'!` '� � 4i 7011;" � 7/J � 7) 1'` 3/!� �' O � �t q � V • :,. , �, ry , � � �: � q./ 6H� 6 = �:=s, . 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TO OHDSR• Chairpexsom Treuenfels called meet2ag to order at 7:35 p.m. the Juae 26, 148U, Human Resources Co�ission ROLL CAi.L : � Members Present: Peter Treuenfels, Marq van Dan, Sayne Noble Members Absent: ` Wayne Welch, Wayne Saunders Othere Present: Mary Cayan, Human Services Assistant & Aousing Specialist Debbie Schreiber, AFSCME Dick Young, 5695 Quiacy St. N:E. APPROVAL OF MAY 1 1980 HUMAN RESOURCBS CO�AIIS5ION MINUTGS: MOTION by Ms. van Dan, seco�ded by Ms. Noble, to approve the May 1, 1980, Human Resouxces Commission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all vatittg sys, Chairperson Treuenfels declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. BMPLOYAffiNT DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOM6N - DEBBIE SCHREIBER: Mr. Treuenfels welcomed Ms. Schreiber and thanked her for coming to speak to the Caamiasion. ' � Ma. Schxeiber stated she was a nurse and works for Hennepin County Medical . f Center, Right now she is working for AFSCME (Americaa Federation of State, � Countp, and Municipal Employees) on a tempoarary, full-time job in an organizing campaign to try to organize nursea at the hospital where she works: Ms. Schreibar explained that the Farmer I.Bbor Association (FLA) is the re-emergence of an old $roup from the 1930`s, and that is the reason Minaesota is the only etate that has a Democratic Faxmer Labor Party, while in other . states it is just the Democratic Party, In the 1930's the Democratic Party and the Farmer Labor Party merged. Zn the last three years, this Farmer L�bar Association Associstion re-emerged. Unfortunately, the Chings they wanted back in the 30`� are not here, such as, ecanomic democracy and the right of people to enjoy, control, and have aceess ta the major i�nfluences #n their lives. 1fis. Schreiber stated she felt this whole analagy applies very stroagly to vomen, that women are di;scriminated agaiast, and it is an economic disarimina- Yion. It 3s not �n accid�pt., St is an institutionalized discrimination that has been systematically �oirtg on in this country far a long time. � _ { ; � �HUMAN RHSOURCES C�S82i�i N�8"CiNG, 7UNS 26, 1980 YAGE 2 Ms. Schreiber stated she had'a fold�r of informaCion for the Commisaion'a reference and infarmati4�t. She stated she would }ike Co review thia information with tha Cc,eais�ipn. Ms. Schreiber stated C6at oa¢'of the sheets of infoxmation contained basic atatisCica about women-�� ;2te:work force, More and more women are in the �aork force, now`more th&� 50�'are either employed�ar actively looking for work. '`The demographq is basicalf�r changing as more and more women are divorced, there are more and more;s�,ngie parent householda headed by womea. Also, as the economy and inflatimt gete worse, more fatni.liea are needin$ two inCC�mea. One of the staCietica ehis�ved that 84% of vromen workfng are eithe; single, divorced or widowed, or sssr7rt's.d to men eamiag less than $15,04D. Thirtq- four perceaC of families hesdEd by a woma�s, �,fien the childrea axe iess thaa 18 yra. of age, are below the povertp level. ForCq-six poine fonr percent. of famiLies headdd by � waman; when the children are less than sY�.}resrs old, are belaot t6e povezty Eevel.; :Ms> Schreiber stated tfiat w�eea with a callege education are eazning the same sas men with an e]:emeatarq achool education.' The wage gap betweea men and �romen is 59¢ an hour: Tf�e gap, is not closing, it is actually gettfag wider. Oaie of the reasaus for thts fa job segregation and the fact that there is the `.pervasive fdea that thexe B�a lots of womea wha ar� maaagers, bustaesa executiveg, etc., so p��ple are lulled iato 'some sease that women are up ' thare earning big saiaxiea, but that isn't true.' Eighty perceat of the wc�men ' are �till 3n clasical zrpYk, £actory, service and support, in t6e very lowest pat,d jnbs. Even of t1t�1� who are ¢oasfclered prafessivaal, whi.eh factudes teachers and aurees, theae aYe traditionallp women's occupations and are �e2atively low paid ocesspaCioas. Ms. Schreiber stated C�re are many more women employed by the county than the city. The ressoa fox' th#s fs ttxe ccnenty includes aursea and a Iot mare of the service profeas#oas, eligibility technicisns, aoeial workers, etc. The city is much moxse �3kely'to have the potice, fire, highwag tinaintenance people, aad it`i�s mostly men; except far the office and clericai a�orkers, twhich shows thera ia a`verq Iarge proporCion of womeis as clericaY Frorkers. Ma. Schreiber ststpd stie had some statistics from Hennepiu Cotaetp, A nurae ia earning $1,132 a mut�th as^a general duGy aurse or $1,258 a month as a s.taff nurse in`a hoapital:` A painter is earning $1,375%month, pigefitter is earnittg $1,$90/month, a genera2 repair persanr is earning $1,356/manth. She.is not saying these preciom�.nately male groFe,SSions should be eaming less She thought e�re�yone i� entitled to a decextt wa�es but she aJ,so thought the wamen are workiag jusC:as hard and have just as'much ski11,; responsibility, education, and:'traiaivg. An interestiag thing is that the LPN's,who have beyond high schovl edueation, are earning $879-900/month. The nvrrsing ,_ aides are earning $10Q/month in a hospital, but the maintenance trades help with no parEicular advaaced education ;Is earning $1,160/month. � I :� HUMAN R$$OUKCES G01�7�lISSION DIESTING JUN4+ 26 198U PAGE 3 Ms. Schreiber stated that people are willing to agree that equal pay should be giveu for equal work, but there is a new conce�e now that is equal pay for comparable work: And, that is saying that when the twe jobs demand the same degree of skill,-trainiag, education, aad responsibility, but oae is wamen's work and one is men's work, there shouid not be a difference in pap. parious reaearches and studies are being done aroub¢ the country to prove `that Chis ia happening and to have a systematic approach to ft. There is an atCempt to systemaCize joba into a poiat system, but it is a very complicated system. It involves working coaditions, heavy liftiag involved, training, education, responsibility, etc. Even with those comparisons, there fs still very clear2y a difference. Washington State has done one of the most major ,studies on this. The startling thing is that,in most cases, even though the wcmian's job has more points, the man's job is earning more. Mr. Young stated he thought the big reason, for that differeace is that most of those jobs that involve males are jobs that are traditionally union- prganized; whereas how many jobs that women are in that are non-technical axe union and organized? The main reason the pay is different is because of the unions. He stated he is a teacher and right now their junior high school is iavolved in a p31ot program.called, "Aealizing the Math Potential", simed at girl students. They have been working wi.th tt�e girls to explain that part of the reasoa #or this job discrimination is that society for snany, many years, and parents today, tell girls that subjeces like math, chemistry, physibs, biology, are non-female Cype subjecCS. He stated they have been told that the reaaoa females earn on the average af $177/month less than malea in Minnesota'in 1978 is that girls cannot get technical-oriented jobs, ` bacause they are not taking Cechnical-oriented subjects in school. He felt that in ten years theq'will see this trettd totally changed. Ms. Schreiber agreed w3th Mr. Young. She stated it was very impartant for them to Se aware of theae things amd economic discrimination and the issue of comparable worth, which seems to be one of the hottest issues oE this decade.. It'caanot be done right away, but it can be a goal. Here at the city level, a xecommendation might be for the City to look at the city workers' jobs axtd use the Hay Study tha£ has been done in Mi�tesota. Mx, Treuenfels stated he was thinking in terms of the entire populaCion of Fridley--what the employment picture might be and what could be done about it. He did noC think much eould be done, but it was something they could be tfiinking about along the lines Ms. Schreiber had brought up. . Mr. Treuenfels asked if the FI,A or any other organization had any kind of = sCudy groups looking 3ato employment discrimination against women. He asked if there was any efforC being made Co lobby at the State Legislature. Ms. Schreiber etated they obviously don't haVe paidlobbyists, but they do have people who lobby,for various bills and issues, both at the city level and the state level. Tk�ere are no specific study groups. She stated there `was a gtoup af women looking into organizing clerical workers. Another group is trying.to put together a coalition to work on the issue of cod�parable viork and to figuxe out what to do wi,th it next. 'They also have some labar , uai.ons involved and the Cbuncii on Econamic Statas of Women is involved. � �.. � .�HiiMAN R1. , UPGE 26, 1980 B�aGE 4 Mr. Treueafels atated he �aouldr,like to look a little more into the:point system. The whoie concr�Qt of ccenparable c,�ortt really depends upon a good objective point gysCem, aud it would be �amething'interestiug to look into. Ade; Schre3her stated the Hap Study would tae [he point syst� in ffivaesota, Mr. Treuenfels stated.he``spAS it►terested in the hietorica]. developmeat that led ug Co Lhis paxtfcuisr paivat;system, what::altey;uativa point systems have been studied, h�+ they ve�e e�tluated, aad why was the point.syatem in Che Hay Study adoptedY Ms. van Dan stated she t�aught it would be iakereaCing if thep coald reviev job descriptioas for th� City vf Fridley Eo see if there was;actua.l diseximina- tion in salary fot maie�%f�males having Che same job description. The Co�mnisaioa me�nbers Chaaked Ms. 3chreiber for hez preaentat#on. I�BDTION by Ms. vaa Daa, �econded by Ms. N�Ie, ta move Item $4, "Revf.ew of Fanding Reqnests Secefv�d to Aate", to Itemcif2 ou the agenda. tlp� a voice vote, a11 voting aye, C�a4.sge�san Treuenfeis declered the motion earried unaaimously. 2. $EVISW OF F[AiDiN6 REQt1ES'l9 REC6IVEA 1YT DATE; Mr. Young stated he �raa.;at the meeting to present the fuading request for` SACA (Southern AYtoka.Cd�rtty Assistance). SAGA is askiag the Cfty tsf Fr3dley for a danation o€ $2,OOQ tv,be used ia thf.s grc>gram. Mr. Young stated he put t�et?ter s�e ba�&ground and historical information on SACA to let tise Coa�t.saiaet members lmc�t what SACA is all about. Se atated he tried to'put this.r�ueat tngether the i�est he.cou2d followfng the Cfty's fundi�g requesC �uidel�ca, aad he haped'this me6 wi:tfi the Gommais�sioa's satisfaction. ae a2so iaoaid be-glad to aris�t any questions the Cumuiission had regaFdfng this �rg�uiaat#isu. Mr. Young stated he ha8 been invcrlved with SACA far four ouC of the five years it has beeu ia eacisteuc�. He stat�i that alat of k'ridley:orgauizations are involved in�SACA. :Tttexe 2►as been qutCe alot of fnvolvement by large corporatians in Fridlzyy ecs�h as Onan, H. B. Fu11er, LaMaur. Even thaugh SACA is ZocaCed in Colitimbia.lieights, it is not a Columbia lieights arganization. Mr. Young stet�d it Waa hard`to lay out a budget #a� SACA because so many of the thinga �hey get;are darated items, It ia �d to put a dall8r value on food, clothiog, mnd• valunteer hours. 7.'Y�ey; k,itid of classify thase as in- &iiu3 donations anct are;ja8t rough:estimates: A large in-kind dortation .is from the City of Colu¢d�ia Heights, who has provided a house rent�free including ali utilities, except the telephone. - .. . :. - r .... .� ._ _ � .. ' I .. . . . � �� . � � � .. A ' >HUMAN 1tHSt#7[tCBS CONlMCSSION MEETING JUNE 26 1980 PAGS 5 ;Mr. Yourtg stated.another thing of interest that has happened within the last two months is that they have the County of Aaoka very involved with SACA. SAGA had a tull-tia� CETA employee for approximately 1'� years. With the phasiag.out of the CETA program, they contacted Mra Rordiak and Mr. 0'Bannon to see what they could do to get county assistance for SACA, as SACA was meeting a lot of tfie needs of people in Anoka Gounty that the social services department was not meeting, Mr. Kordiak and Mr. 0'Bannon worked up a program with CAP (Coumunity Action Program) where theq each'fund a person approximately one-half of the time. At this time, the job is just temporary for six mantbs, but hopefullp it will be ongoing. Afr. Young stated their service is aimed at helping the "k*orking poar", and their chief goal is to keep people oEf public assistance as long as possible. They are iavolved with people who caimot make ertds meet with today's rising prices, or people who are working who 8it a financial crisis, or a family emergency. People who c�e to them are referred by nhurches, by other welfare eocisl organizationa, or by word of mouth. They get a lot of referrals from the "First Call for Help", which is a United Fund Agency. °Mr. Young stated the Coum�ission may notice that the number of people they have served at Chxistmas time has doubled in the last two years. Any f8mily br individual who c�es for assisCance at Christmas time must be cleared through the Holiday Clearing Bureau, which is a United Fund Agency. The purpose of the Holiday Clearing Bureau is not to deny people, but to prevent the "freeloaders" from going to more than one place for assistance. ° Ms'. Young stated Chey try not to be a permanent source of help to people. `They have a guideline that if a family or individual has come for assistaace :for more than 3-4 times, they sit down wi.th that family or indivi.dual, talk to them, and try Co refer them to a social service agency in Anoka Couuty. Mr. Young stated ib fs his feeling and the feeling of the Board of Directors of SACA that $2,000 seems like a lot of money compared to the $500 given hy the City of Fridley in the past, but considering the population base of Frfdley versus other co�unities in the service area and considering the number of people being served from Fridley, a request for $2,000 is really not out of line. Mr. Treuenfels asked Mr. Young if he could give an estimate of the total number of people being helped by SACA, Mr. Young stated he could noC eyen guess at Che number. $ut, he thought thae in the month of mid-April to mid-May, they served 35 family units with distxibution of food and cloChing. This number does not include the people � who have called for advice or referrals. Mr: Young invited the Commission members to co�e to Columbia Heights and visit the Houae. The House hours are 8-4:30 Monday through Friday. They h$ve a phoue answeYing machine. Also a member of the Board lives close to the Honse so, if there is a call for help, he can open the House and give v : ! ��� -� . � . ,_.��, - �� _... �i, 1980�� FAGE 6 food out. They have beaome a part of the Lake County'Food Bank aad are able to receive potaCoes, pizzxa, breakfast foads, etc. tlr. Treueafels stated that tke Coamisaion xi21 be reviewiag SACA's funding request on a pofat aystem, aud'then it will be paased on orith recammendations to Planning Conmmission �td C3ty Counc�tl. The Conmmissioners thankect3bE. Youag for hfa presentation. -Ms: Cayan stated the fua�ttag �equesta the Commfssion have to revfetr are; Southera JlQaita Gounty Aesisteace (SACA) - $Y,U00 C�Cral Ces4tar'�ar Family Reoources - $S,U00 Sheiter far SaCC�red Women (Ale�ader-Aouse) - nat yet received buC e�ecCed withia a'wee& MaTION by Ms. vein Dan, se,canded by Ms, Noble, to continue the te�ew of the €unding requests at th+e scext �eting. Upoa a voiae vote, atl v oting aqe, Chairperson Treuenfels declared the motion carried uaanimousl}r. Ms. Gapaa stated that when tIie Commnission set up the guidelines, they had eaid they would revfew Che prraposals and fili out the point systam oa their own, and then diseuss tkvet �iat systems as a co�issforn and rescora esch requeat as a group. 3. RSPORT ON T$E 504 IiA�IDTCAPPED ACCESSISILITY CUNFSR$NCE - MA&Y CAYAIIi; 1�s. Cayan stated this was an eascellent conference with.lmowlegable; speakars gsut ��luable reswxce �at�zisl that was handed 'out. Ms. Cayaa stated rhat Lke 3une 2, 1980, haadieapped accessibility deadline the Go�isaioa was coactrned about does not apply to the Cfty. �te way-the 504 Guidelines are aet up ia ti�at each departmeat in'the Fetieral 6ove.romeat fias to co�e up wiCh itt own''set of regu2ations. HSW was the ttrst to finish theirs. The other departments are usfng th�t as 8 guideline and the other departments have Co be at least as striagent as AEId. `-,g�ce Fri;dley .does not receive anq fund� from the DeparLment of Health, Eduction and Welfare, . it wi12 be xougft]:y a two-three year period_before the City yr311 have regulatSons to meet. Ms. Cayan stated there ere severai things tleey are going to have to da. One is a self-evaluaticn xeport, which will iaci�ide re�iewi.ng employment and program policies #dr atmp�et on handicapped peraoas. So, thep will ' have to go through the,Cfty of 8ridleq's job descriptions. They had talked about doing that ear2iex for the sex discriminatian iasue, It was atr�.gly secomnended that the Ciiq have the input of handicapped peraons cnr organiza- tions in the selt-evalusCiqa report. Ms. Cayaxt atated they have already started on thia by tha`8urveys the Com�isston has dt�e on pwblic buildings. i . k, � _ _ -- -- _-,_.. � _._._ _ _ _v --- ---�---- - ' ' ---- ------- — _ - HUMAN RLaf917RCES COI�IISSION MEETING JUt� 26 198U PAGE 7 Ms. Cayan stated that oa�e the self-evaluation repqrt �s put together, they have to put together a transition plan. The traitsition plan should identify the physi.cal obstacles ia the facilities that bimit accessibility. They have to desnribe in detail the methods that will be used to make the facilities ` +accessible. With the Cranaition plan, they have;to give a budget of whaC it is goin,g to cost to do these things. Ms. Cayaa stated they will also have to identify a timetable and wi11 have to indicate a pexson who is responsible for implemenCation. Ms. Gayan stated those are the ateps they will have to take. As they get into each step, they caa go into the details. Mz. Tr?uenfels stated that to accomplish these tasks, it seemed like the Camnission ahould have a timetable of its own. Maybe this could be discussed at the aext meeting to make sure they take the groper steps at the proper time, M8. Cayan stated that the State of Washington has put together some handicapped aecessibility guidelines of how they got their whole state coordinated. The people at the conference highly recwmiended it. She stated she would make cogies of this report for the Commiasion members if they wanted copiea.' Ms. Cayan stated there was an excellent session at the conference on attitude awareuess. They were given a brochure entitled, 'The Invisible Battle-- Att3t�des Toward Disability". Mt. Treueafels asked Ms. Cayan to get a copy of that brochure for him. Ms, van Dan stated she had a copy of the "Metropolitan Council Self-Evaluation of Handicapped Accessibility, April 1980". She would reco�end that this be part of the information available to the Commission members. Mr. Treueafels thanked Ms. Cayan for her report. 4. DISCUSSIQN OT7 HAPIDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY SURVEYS: . MY. Tteueafels asked the Commission members $vw much discussion they would 2ike to have on these handicapped accessibiliCy suzveys. They had Chree surveys--oae for the Fridley Civic Center, one for The Bottle Shop, and `one for Inasbruck Natuxe Center. Ms. van Dan stated she thought any discussioxt on the surveys would be super- #2uaus. Two surveys;dane by the Commission membeers included recommendations, aad`if they all agzeed with those recao�endations, she felt these surveys . rQUld he passed on to P1 az►ning Caummission. For the survey done on Innsbruck i�atu7re Center, which did not include any recomnendations, a good example Sa�1d be Islands of Peace and what is being done for handicapped acceasibility at that faeility. ' t�. Cayan stated ahe would be w3.11ing to do an accessibility survey for the ..�iize-Depajctment as Mr. Saunders had noe beeu able to do it. _ i �� �. �� ` ` PA�E 8 `Pi,ANNiNG COI�AIISS2(1N'FOR"'�iIEIR�tEVIEW: -`Mr. Treuenfels stated ha waitd'prepare a¢over letter to be sent with Che svrveqs. : IIPOR A VOICS 40�E, ALL YO�i� �,4FS; CHAIRPBES�4 TBSUEAII+ELS DBCLARSD T8E I�TTflN CARRIED i)fT�tNZ�X. Ms: Cayaa stated that $#,�►ee fhe Commissi� will have a process theq wil2 be follo�ai.ng for hdndicappd�i aceeeaibility fn the City of Fridley as disc�zssed earlier ia the miauten, roui8 scme direction come from the Planai�ig;Cammisaion as to how iavolved fiheyr want Che Human Reaources Commi.ssion to be ia order fot the CiCy to be in c�stpiiasce with these handicapped accessibility 18wa? Mr. Treueniels ststed t#i3.8'shDUld de£iniiely'be brought up aC the Planning Canarissiat. He stated'�ttat-when the miuutes are zeceived aC the ttext Planx►ing Gommisaian meeCtag, }ie will bring tliis �p for diacussioa and poiat out that the Cacam:Easioa�would like same diz'ection from the Planniatg Go�m3saiou on how they want the H�att R�saurces Comoa,tesion to procead. AATOUR�: MOTZ�Q hp Ma. vaa Dan, secaatdeil by Ms. Noble, to adjourn the meetiag. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye,.Chairperson fireueu$els �leclared the 3une 26, 1980, H�an Resources Comsmi:sBioax naeeting adjourned at Y0:05 p.m.: "Reapectfully su,�"mitted, r :s��� ', L Saba $ecording Secr�;tarp - � ,; • „�: ' . . ! � �..�,. _. , _��-x-� , . _-.-_�-,�-.-. _ ,.4,�,�.,.._._ _�2��'�=" ;.�- � CITY OF SPP,{NG LAKE PARY. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Public Nearing before the City Louncil. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that tHere will be a Public Hearing of the City Councii of the City of Spring Lake Park in the Spring Lake Park Community Center at 1301 Slst Avenue N.E, on July 7, 1980, in the Council Chambers at 7:00 P,M, to consider the following matter. Property Owner: Partnership of Three Applicant . Osborne Apartments, Inc, - Mr. Jim Stowe __..._ Location . In the vicinity of 7Sth and Madison St. N.E. Petition . Split parcel II450 to rezone portion split off and a speciai use to construct 60 unit apartment complex for the elderly. The property is legally described as Part of Outlot t, Han Don First Addition, Plat 95072, Pareel 5450. A�y and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. 0 . i.. � .� �Z v •.c��� ��t ��� Donald B. Busch City Clerk-Treasurer � . �-- � ; . NOTICE OF THE ADOPTION OF THE TOTAL SUSPENDED PARTICULATE CONTROL PLAN FOR • THE TWIN CITIES SEVEN COUNTY METROPOLITAN AREA r?OTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Board will consider adopting the total suspended particulate control plan for the Twin Cities seven county metropolitan area at its meeting on July 23, 1980, which begins at 2:00 a.m, at 1935 West County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota 55113. The purpose of this State Implementation Plar. revision is to ensure that air quality in the Twin Cities seven cot:nty metropolitan area meets federal primary ambient air quality standards for total suspended particulate by December 31, 1982. The plan revision contains a text describing the rationale for the control strategies and information concerning air quality. i The total suspended part3culate control strategy for the Twin Cities seven county metropolitan area consists of enforce- ment of existing rules as to point sources, control of industrial fugitive emissions through permits, and a schedule _ . -- to address nontraditional sources. � � -' .,�i Those who have questions reqarding the control plan or the specific time it will be considered should contact Susan Wierman, Air Quality Division, Minnesota Pollution Control Aqency�at the above address (Telephone: 612/296-7358). Copies of the proposed State Implementation Plan revisions are available for public review during regular business houzs at the office of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Division of Air Quality. In addition, a copy of these revisions may"be obtained by contactinq,Jayne Stilwell, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Division of Air Quality (Telephone: 622/296-7280). Dated this 18th day of June 1980. STATE OF MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY ���� By: Terry n xzman �F Executi Director �" �i_ � M E T R 0 P O L I T A N C 0 U N C I L ".` �' Suite 300 Metro Square Building, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 ,AIEMORAND UM TO: City Managers and Planners, Twin Cities Metropolitan Area June 26, 1980 FRO!�: Nancy Reeves, Director, Housinq Division � SUBJECT: HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOP*�fENT BONUS FUPIDS - REVIE�J CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES MEETING NOTICE There wi11 be a meeting to discuss the Bonus Fund Review Guidelines and appropriate uses of the funds Thursday, July 10, 10:00 a.m. - noon, Metropolitan Council Offices Room E. BACKGROUND INFORMATION As you have orobably heard, the Metropolitan Council was recently awarded Bonus Funds.for the third time from the Department of Housing and Urban Developnent (HUD). Included in the award. are $808,000 in Community Development Funds for Twin Cities Area communities, and $2,828,000 in 5ection 8. Assisted Housing funds. Approximately half of the Section 8 housing funds. enough to provide about 250 units of new construction, must be cor.unitted by September 30, 1980. The remaining Section i3 funds will be available during fiscal 1981. The Community Development funds must be committed by December 30, 1980. Additional applications for these Punds will be accepted by the Council later this summer. DISCU5SION OF T_tEVIEW CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES Because these new Bonus Funds carry with them a stronger emphasis on areawide housing mobility, the Council is asking for your thoughts and participation at the July 10 meeting. The guiding principle of the Bonus Fund (Areawide Housing Opportunity Plan) program has always been the provision of housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income people in a variety of locations outside areas of concentration. Implicit in this philosophy has been the idea that occupancy of the housing opportunities provided would be available not only to community residents, but also to people living in concentrated areas of Minneapolis an@ St. Paul. _� The Council has this import'ant as follows: "5. L recently expressed its continued support for goal by including it in the Review Guidelines use selected for res will be Implementation of this guideline will be through written agreements between Section 8 housing developers and HUD, and aIl developers applying for Section 8 Bonus Funds will be expected to indicate their intention to hold a specified number of units for center city residents. Obviously, a mobility effort of this kind will not be successful without the support of local government. In asking for your support, we are also asking for your help in designing a mobility program you feel will be accepted and successful in your community. Aere are some questions to consider in our discussion - 1. What percent of the subsidized units should be set-aside - 20 percent, 25 percent, or should the percent of units be left up to the developer or the unit of local government (a range of 10 to 25 percent)? 2. How should the units he marketed and the tenants selected? The Council, through Metro HRA, will soon have a counseling service available to assist center city residents consid- ering moving into non-concentrated areas. There are established waiting lists through the Minneapolis H?2A, St. Paul PHA, and Metro HRA. Coul.d local government play a role in the process - perhaps through local Human Rights Commissions or "new neighbor" programs? Through local employers?� 3. How long should the units be set-aside before they can be filled with other, non-center city residents? Is two months long enough? 4.' Are there other former center city residents now living in your cominunity? If so, have there been any adjustment problems that you are aware of? How would you suggest preventing any such problems? 5. As with other subsidized housing for families, the needs and capacity oP school districts should be considered. What are your thoughts on this? C � J/ i _�`.` � . , 3 6. Recent data from the Minnesota Housinq Finance Agency indicates that, while a majority of the occupants of most new subsidized buildings are community residents, signi- ficant percentages (up to 40 percent) of the units are occupied by people from outside the community. This suggests that what we are proposing is not particularly remarkable. What are your reactions? 7. Finally, what should the Council be doing to increase local acceptance and support for this areawide mobility effort? The complete Review Guidelines for the Section 8 Housing Bonus Funds are attached for your information. There may be other items you would Tike to discuss at the July 10 meeting. Please feel free to do so. Without the continued cooperation and outstanding performance of the majority of the communities in the Twin Cities Area, the Metropolitan Council would never have been selected as a Bonus Fund recipient again this year. Our detractors would say that it's easy to do all the "right" things in housing here because we don't have any of the problems of other metropolitan areas. You and I know better. Every new housinq opportunity for 1ow- and moderate-income people represents `a strong effort and a lot of hard and often courageous work on the part of local qovernment. we need your help again now, and we look forward to seeing you at the July 10 meeting. j t Citq of Fxidley 1 ( PLANNIBIG COP4fTSSION MEETING JULY 9, 1980 PAGE 1. CA�,L TO ORDEIt• Chaixmen Harria called the July 9, 1980, Planning Conmission meeting to order at 7:30 p,m, ROLL CALL• Mambere Preaent: Mr, Harris, Mr. Langenfeld, Mra, Gabel (for Schnabel) Mr. Wharton, Mrs. Hughea Members Abeent; Mr. 1reu�nfels, Mr. Oquiat Othera Preaent; Jerrold'Boardman, City Planner APPRWE YLANNING CO1�lISSION MIANTSS: Jl3NE 18, 1980. Motion by Mr. Lsnganfeld, eeconded by Mrs. Hughes to apQrove the June 1H, 1980 Plaaning Co�ission minutes ae written (or mnended). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chaixman Harxis declared the motion carried unanimously, 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQiJ�ST�_ZOA �_8_0�02, BY TED BURNANDT D B A SLTING TY • r < _ . i2ezatte Part of Lot 3 A.S. ��25 Parcel 1100, from R-3 (general: multiple family dweliinge to CR-1 (general office and limited business), the seme being 921 Hillwind Road N, E, Mr, Ted Burnandt, the petitioner was preeent. Motion by Mre. Hughes, aeconded by Mr, Langenfeld, that the Planning Coamiiesion open the public hearing on rezaning requeat ZOA ��80-02, by Ted Burnandt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harrie declared the public hearing open at 7:37 p.m. Mr. BoarcLnan etated that Mi. ;Bux�lax�twae requesting zezoning on the houae south of the naiQhboriug prop�ty. He vsnts CR-1 reeoning. There ie a parking eraa locotad in tront of the pYOp�ty, The lot aroa iaith thie lot is 25,065 aq. ft. and tho requfred lot area iQ 15,000 sq, ft. 24r. Harris asked if the petitioner had anyth3ng to add to the discussion. Mr. Burnant stated that his intent was to either use the exist3ng structure or tear it down and build a new structure. He had not determined which would be the best for him as yet. Mr. Boardman stated that Darrel'��I_k,Building Inspector, had reco�nended that the existing structu�re be taken down as it is in poor condition. If he uses the existing house, he will have to bring the structure up to code. Mr. Burnant said that he would like to keep that option open as it is presently being rented as a residential unit. Ms. Hughes stated that she had some real concern about removing potential residential land. She asked Mr. Boardman how man units could be placed on the property. Mr. Boardman anso�ered that by land area, they would be able to build approximately 10 units, however, this would probably be reduced due to low width and parking requirements. Planning Commission MeetinQ Wednesday, Jul 9, 1980 Page 2 Mr. Langenfeld stated that he didn't have any problem with rezoning the property since the property just to the south was also CR-1 zoning. This would not constitute spot rezoning. Mr. Boardman stated that if the Planning Commission approved this request, Mr. Burnandt should be aware of the requirements of CR-1 zong adjacent to s�r�6�sleritial district. Air. Burnandt stated that he had a copy of the zoning regulations. Mr. Boardman said that a screening fence would be required when the property is converted. Mr. Burnandt stated that this was not a requixement when he rezoned the propexty to the South. He said that the Council allowed him to build without the �ex�ce because the property owners to the North said he didn't want the fence built. The property manager of 910 Lynde Drive, (just north of the petitioner's property) stated that she was concerned abon�t the property being rezoned to commercial She has tenants wk�ich face this property and if a screening fence was put up it will mean that some of lier tenants will be looking at a wall. Mr. Boardman sai� that the parking would �ost likely be located in the front of the building and may cause some problems for the tenants fo the north. lbtlw by l�ss. I&��1n�, seconded by I$s. �abei �it the Plaaais� Cooat�aion c1aN Ch� pY411c 6�ia� on s�soni� raquert ZOA � 10.�2, is i�d lusamdt. Ilpon a voiw votf� sil votfs� �ra, Cha#xr„a� Sarria declared th. public hearin� cloaed at 7s50 �.a. M(YfION SY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY MR. LANGENFELD, THAT THE YLANNING COMMISSION -- RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONING HEQUEST, ZOA ii80-02, BY TED BURNAN"�'i, D/�%A SWING REALTY, TO REZONE PART OF LOT 3. AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. 25, (PARCEL 1100), FROM R-3 (multiple family dwellings) TO CR-1 (general office and limited business) THE SAMf: BEING 921 HILLWIND ROAD N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRISDECI.ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU�X:�_ .. 2. T F R S $� p�pb gy T�t . , o e ey Citq , ta oM th� c�n�truction o� ��ocrd �aowory buildiag, a 30 ft „ by-26 ft, deteched gara�;e, an Lota lU �d 11, Elomt-ka 9yYvaa Hill Plat 'Mp, the em�e baia� 6260 St�slite 31ad. N,E, t llz. J�+e�e CLrist�owa, the petitionar ra� preran[, _— _ 6 _ — _- -- —._ — . _ -- MOTTON by Mr. Iangenfeld, seconded by Mr. Whar on, that the Planning Co�ission open the public hearing on the xequest for a Special Use Pexmit, SP 1{80-06, by Jerome Christenson. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye,_ Ctiairman Harris declared the public hearing open at 8;_p2 p.m. Mr. Boardman stated that the petitioner is interested in building a 26 ft. x 30 ft. garage on lot 11, and he will use it as a sto�age gasage. Mr. Boardman stated that the staff wants to tie the two 75 ft. lots together. Lots 10 and 11 together would make a 150 ft. lot. The special-use permit is for a 2nd accessory building. "-' The only way he can build the garage is for the lot to be legally tied together. ^EL is the petitioner's intent to bnild the garage nov. Planning Co�ission Meeting Wednesday, July 9, 1980 �?a�e_3_ 1�. Yughe� ad�d tha patitianer hrno faat he nnu`�d n�d approval �the request2 Mr. Chriatenson amswered that he wanted to start building the garage in the fall, Mr. W,K, Searle, 6231 Starlite Blvd, N, E, asked the petitioner how many cars he owaed? He said that the garage seemed large for a reeidentiel area, and that he �referi'ed to keep it a residential area. He said that Che petitionex had too many garage sales, and that he strongly opposed the petit3oaer's intent to build hia SaraBe. Mr. Hasria asked if there was any further diacussion. Mrs. Hughes made the euggestion that the heering be continued at fut�are meeting, She asked the petitioner if he had any objection to a alight de�ay. Motion hy Mr, Langenfeld, aeconded by Mr, Wh$rtoa t�t� t�e AIMIIIILII� CO/�,$gj,pa niorr tha public haeri.ag ou �pcia�uee p�$.t svqu�t, 'SP #80-46 tay Jerome Christens«i . _.� a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public fieaxing; cTosed- at 8:25 p.m. _ _ ---� _ _ ___ :10TI�td by Ms. flughes, seconc!ed by �s. GabeZ, that tfie Planning Co»ission continue the request for a Special Use Permit, SP 1180-06, by Jerome Christenson, per Section 205.Q521, 2, A, of tfie Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a second accessory building on Lots 10 and 11, Block 4, Sylvan Hills Plat Thxee, the same being 6260 Starlite Blvd., unt31 July 23, 1980. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Ckwir�an Harris declared the motion carried. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: :E�UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP it 80-07 bv F�AYNE E EK SR • t'�t a�eation 'LW.�l "1, A, of the Fridley City Code, to allaa the m[iltiag att�Chw •in�le cas prate to atill be uaed ae an ecce�soxy buldin� rith the consqmctioa yf a 24 ft., by 24 ft, detached gazage (already built) on Lot 7, Block 2, Meadowl�nd� Addition, the same being 810 66th Avenue N,E, 1�. Eic, 9r., the potiti,onot aae presant. MaTION by Mrs. Hughes, �conded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the Planning Commiseion open the public hearing on SP 11�0-07, by Wayne E. Ek, Sr. Upon a voice vote, all vot3ng aye, Chairman FIarris declared the public hearing open at 8:24 p.m. l�. BoacA�ti �tatad it i� the petitioner'e inteat to board hio present gasaQ� up �d build auothax 25 ft, x 24 ft, gare�e next to the �cisting garaga, itr. 1o�s�� stated thet ffie etaff does nox have any problem with this request. Motion by Mxs. Hughes, seconded by Mr, Langenfeld that the Planning Co�iasion c3nae the public hearing on Special-Use Permit, SP �k80-07, by Wayne E, Ek., Sr, Upon a voice vote, all �:oting aye, Chafrmsn Haxria declared the public hearing closed at 8;35 p.m, Mr, Wharton said he would like to see a reviewsl on the request made after a certain amount o£ time had paesed, I�s. Hu�hae said ehe a�reed that there nhould by a reviaaal of the eituation after 5 year� have pe.sed. In thie tiue the fe�tly eize �r have chaoQed. Planning Co�ission Meeting Wednesday, July 9, 1980 Page 4 Motion by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the request with the stipulation that there will be a reviewal after 5 years. With further discussion, the motion was WITHDRAWN, AND A NEW MOTION MADE. MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, that the Planning Comission recommen� to the City Council, approval of the request for a Special Use Permit, SP 0180-07, by Wayne E. Ek, Sr, Per Section 205.051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the existing attached single-car garage to still be used as an accessory building after the construction of a 24 ft. x 24 ft. detached garage (already builf), on Lot 7, Block 2, Meadowlands Addition, the same being 81D 66th Avenue N.E., with the atipulation that the Special Use Permit expirea �.n 5 years. Upon a voice vote� all. vatia� aqe, C7iairsan Harria declared the motion carried unanimously. 4• �T�1�.' ��! BS7.nMTW� RR11TiFCT �nA $orLn� w. n.,,. „ ...s._..��____ _ .. _ . . awet�i�s' to C-2 (geaeral businese areasj, and Lot 21, from CR-1 (ge��ralsoffice and limited busineas to C-2 (general buaineas areas), located in Block 6, Fridlzy Park, to make �oning consiatent with the use of the propert� ae an auto body shop, the eame being 6501 Eaet River Rosd N.E. Mr. Carl E. Chriatensen was not present, Motion by Mrs. Hughes, seconded by Mrs, Gabe$, that the Flann�ng Coffiiseion open the public hearing on rezoning regueat ZOA �80-03, by Carl E,Chrieteasen. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chaiiman Aarria declared the public hearing open at 8:45 p,m, Mr. BoaTdman stated that the property in queetion was presently zoned CR-2 and that the operation of a non-c_onforming auto-body shop was not allawed;. It mould require a special-use pexmit and a re2oning to make the shop'a legal operat'1�0. 1hti• ll�hee asked if the houae at 65Q9 wac preramtly occupied, She was told thst it vas. _ _ ..� � ..�-.�.�.-.� Dh�• &3raord 1roolce�, 6506 dicory St PI,E„ queationed tha rezoning �d �pecial-n�o peimit being granted due to the pollution problem, including noi_se pollution, �tc. He also queetioned the granting of the requeat because of the drainage problems involved and he etated that there ahould: be eome restriction of hou�s of operation � af the suto-oody ahop, ` Mr. Charles L. Langen, 6530 Hick3ry St, N,E. stated that he was not woxried about M�r. Chixsteneen's operation but about aome other operation getting establiahed on the property, Mr. Louia C,Y3ash, of 6509 E, River Rd„ etated that he had emelled odors coming from the auto-body shop, He also compl$ine d of the junk vehicles parked all around the area. Mxs. Linda Nash complained of Mr, Christeneen's being open on Saturday and that on 3 daye last week he wae open until 10;30 at night, Mre, Hughea said that it was not necesssz}r to have the petitioner here at the - meeting, �� B��� 8�� �t �' °br'��01� �td ��ed for illegal use of v��.y. xe �t e�P�d the uee of th8 �� �1�6en oould be t�kan to ,court ��p1A�j►e for�t%e eonforceoent psocerr to cleaa-up hie property, �� � � Planning Conmtission Meetin� Wednesday, July 9, 1980 Page 5 L'hadrman Harris stated that it was not proper to discuss the problems related to the xezoning request of t�k. Christensen's withnut-the petitioner being present at the meeting. kfotion by Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. Gabel, that the Planning Commission continue �`t4e public hearing on the rezoning request, ZOA 1180-03, by Carl E. Christensen, D/BiA �I'ristensen Auto Body, until July 23, 1980. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �iiairsen Fiarrie declared the motion carried unanimously. � 'S. etorage, reps�.x an Lote �1� 22� Ya�i 1.8. n pR ection 205.1�1, 3, D. to allow a��'�a �or a►� and servicing of motor v¢h'.cles of over two-ton capacity, locatad g3� �►d 24, �lock 6, Fridlay Pssk� the �ag bein� 6501 EasC livar HOTION by 2�a. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Wharton, Lhat Che Planning Commission continue the public hearing on the Special Use Permit request, SP fl80-08, by Carl E. Christencen, .D/B/A Christensen Auto Body, Per Section 205.101, 3, D, to allow a garage for the storage, repairs and servicing of motor vehicles not over two-ton capacity, located an Iots 21, 22, 23 and 24, B1ock fi, Fridley Park, the same being 6501 East River Road �.E., until 3uip ?3, i980: �'pop a votse vota� all �oting ayn, Chafrs�an Fiarrie datlasad tite ��ien carriad unantroualy, 6. S UES • t� 0• C' Split oii 9et o t � B k 3, P m add to •t 9. Elock 1� ilpa�uth Ldditioa� tn �ic� a 42 £oot buildit� �ita. ffia oa�e bainQ 4526 2ad Stawt R�. 23a_one vsa prasent to represent the petitioner. Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Nedegaard wants to tear down an existing dilapitated house and construct a new one. He had been to the Appeals Gammission quite a while ago for the necessary variances. They recommended he try to get additional property which he was now doing with this lot split request. MOTION by Mrs. Gabel, seconded by I4r. Iangenfeld, that the Planning Commissi;on recommend :to City Council �pproval of the request for a lot split, L.S. #SO-03, by Nedegaard Constructi.on Company, to Split off the North 2 feet of I.ot 10, Block 13, Plymouth Addition, and add it to Lot 9, Block 13, Plymouth Addition, to make a 42 foot building�site, the same being 4526 2nd Street N.E. UPON A VOIC3 VOx� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIR!!AN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. RE: Motion by Mrs. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. Gabel to approve recommended changes on the plan and submit it to City Council so the EQC can adopt the changes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion was passed unanimously. 8. RECEIVE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: JUNE 12, 1980. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, to receive the June 12, 1980 Housing & Redevelopment Authority minutes. Mr. Boardman stated that the City would be purchasing the Standard Oil property. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN I�ARRIS DECLARED THE MOTiON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �..,�: �,_ ,,a,�,.� .-. : Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, July 4, 1480 PaAe fi 9. �CE1VE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 17. 14H0. MOTION by Mr, Lengenfeld, seconded by Mss. Hughes, to recaive the June 17, 1980 Em�ironmental Quality Co�iaeion minutes, The PCA, which is responsible for the development in a certain area is also reaponaible £or removing a11 the contaminated Creosote soil. UPOr A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIi6 �, CNAIB�IAM HABEIS D�CLARED THE l�TIOlf C�ARIBD IIY�II�USLY . ]qTION by 14z. Langenfeld, seCOnded by t4 s. Hughes, that the Planning Ca�ission request the City Council to �gg�g the Environmental Quality Co�ission with copies of Department of Health Studies, Communications with the Comprehensive Health Department of Anoka County, MPCA Studies and Co�unications, memos and communications between the City Council or City Manager and Onan Corporation and Metronic Corporation for reviaw to try and determine what, if anything, can be done about the creosote problen. UPO� A VOICE VOTE� AI.L VOTI�G AYE, CBAIRMAII �IS DLCI.�RED TNE MOTI01( CABAIED "' U�fJSLY, tbtiou by Langenfeld, seconded by Mrs. Gabel, that the Planning Cou�ission request t�e eity Council for the lateat infoxmation regaxding the Joint Powexs,Agreement .� with Anoka CounLy. IJPOII A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTEITG AYE, CNAIRMAN iiARRIS DEC7.ARED THE 1pTI0lf P11888D IIN�INOUSLY . ,�'jj� by kr. Langeafald, eeconded by Nr. Wherton, to rec000end to City Council, tks�uu�iZL�iag Caaiseion, that Earth Week, April 1981, be declared "clesn-up week in tha City of Fridley;' The Eixaironmental Quality Commiesion would ask the P1ann14ig Co�isaion and Citp Council to give an ind3cation of what type of aupport the CiCy would praaide, I. E,, trucks, garbage bags, etc. The Environmental Quality Cotrmission feels the &.s�-Gept of planning eht week could be helped by wntacting local citizen agencies such as the Boy Scouta, Jayceea, etc.; to assist in carrying out the clean-up. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING A°p, CHAIRMAN HARItIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSI.Y. 2�1. RECEIVE THE ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES• JUNE 24 1980. MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, to rec�ive the June 24, 1980 Energy Cosmiiasion minutea. The �nergy Fair ie to take place in September or the let part of October. Mx, Boaxdman said that the City is presently working on a computer program to monitor atreet lighte°io provide for bztter energy consumption. He a��d that they are promoting the image that the City ia doing eomexhing about energy consexvatioa, The City ia also reducing the eize of it's vehicles. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALI, VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECL[1RED THE MOTION PASSED UNANII�USLY. / . TiqatiinQ CotAUission Meeting Wednesday, Julv 9 1980 Page 7 11. �CBIVE THE APPP,AiS COf1[IISSION MiNUTES • NNE 24 1980 MOTION by Mrs, Hughea, aeconded by Mr, Langen�Emld, to receive the June 24, 1?BO Appeals Co�isaion minutes, UPON A VOICE VOTE, l�i,L VOTING AYE, CHAIR'^AN HASitIS DF.I't.�4un � MOTION PASSED UNANIMDUSLY. 12. �EIUE T� PAYKS & RF�3�TIOH COAB�ISSION M'r�rr�S; ,7[Tlk; 24 1980i 017 bq Mre. Iiughee, eaconded by Mra, Gabel, to receive the June 24, 1980 Parka & Recreation Conmission minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLAR�� THE MOTION PASSED UANIMOUSLY, 13. RECEIVE HUMAN RI;SOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES• JUNE 26 1980 MOTION by �. Iangenfeld secoaded by Mr• Wharton 26�.1980 Human Resources Commiesion minutea. to receive the June UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CH?IBMAN HAR$IS DECLA1tED THE MOTION PASSED UANAi�BJUSLY, 14, YoSED CAANGES TO CHAPTER 205, ZONING, PSOTION by Iangenfeld, seconded by Wharton, that the Planning Commission continue =he propo�sed�han�es to Cita�ter 205. Zoning. Upon a voice $oLe all voting �gg � Chaix'man AarYis decIared Etie mof3Qri_caii3ed unanimoualy: _ a, e� �, � � a MOTION by �• �arton, seconded by Ms. Hughes that trce July 9, 1980 Planning Ca�mmiesion be adjourned. UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI,L [x�TING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLAItED THE JULY 9, 1980 PLANNTNG COMMISSION MEETING �jTpt� mNED �_11;Q7.-p m, Rea tfully aubmitted /j i. �... .. c�.//7"'�" G:'vl Patricia Rindahl Recording Secretary