PL 07/23/1980 - 6731° City of Fridley AGENDA PLANNIN6 GOMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, JOLY 23, 198D CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: ' � APPROVE PLANNING CaMMISSIpN MINUTES: JULY 9, 1980 '1. CONTTNUED PUBLIC HEARIPIG: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #80-06, BY JEROME CHRISTENSON: Per 3ection 205.051, 2, A t 11 h t t' f second accessro building a • 4 � � � ; 7:30 P.M. PAGES ' 1-5 o a ow t e cons ruc ion o a y , 3� �t. 5y 26 ft. detached garage on Lots 1� and 11, Block 4, Sylvan Hi11s Plat Three, the same being 6260 Starlite Blvd. � N.E. � Public Hearing open. , 2: CONTIRUED PUBLIG NEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #80-03, BY CARL g�}p E. CHRISTENSEN, D/B/A GHRISTENSEN AUTO BODY: Rezone Lots 22, 23 and 24, from R-3 (general multiple family dwelling to C-2 (general 6usiness areas}, and Lot 21, from CR-1 (general office and limited busienss) to C-2 (general bus;n�ss areas), all located _ in Block 6, Fridley Park, to make zoning consistent with use ` of the property as an auto boc(y shop, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E. . Public Hearing open. 3. e Per Section 205'.101, 3, D, to allow a garage for the storage, repairs and servicing of motor vehecle� not over tvio-ton capacity, located on Lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, Block 6, Fridley Park, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E. , Public Hearing open. 4. LOT SPLI7 REQUEST, L.S.#80-04, D& E CONSTRUCTION: Split off the South 14 feet of Lot 7 and add it to Lot 6, Block 27> Hyde Park, to make a new building site, the same being 5775 2 lf2 Street N.E. (Lot 7 addressed as 5783 2 7/2 Street N.E.) 5. L�T SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #80-05, BY EDWARa S. J4NAK: Split off the North 70 feet of Lots 4, 5, 6, Block 2, including all that part of 57 1/2 Avenue N.E. (vacated> ordinance 371), City View, to make a new building site, the same being 5750 3rd Street N.E. 6. CONTINUED: PROPOSED CHANGES TO CHAPTER 205. ZONING_ . 7. RECEIVE ENERGY C�MMISSION MINUTES: �IULY 1, 198Q 11 - 12 (9-10� 13 - 14 15 - 18 SEPARATE (JRCHI� 9 Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, July 23, 1980 Page 2 - 8. RECEIVE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEIJ7 AUTNORiTY A1INUTES: JULY 10, 1980 WHI7E � 9. RECEIVE APPEA�S COMt4TSSI0N P4INUTES: JULY Y5, 7980 YELLOW 10. OTNER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMEN7: 0 City of Fridley PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JITLY 9, 1980 PAGE 1. CALL TO ORDLR• Chairman Harria called the July 9, 1980, Planning Cot�ieaion meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL• Members Preaent: Mr. Harris, Mx, Langenfeld, Mrs. Gabel (for Schnabel) Mr, Wharton, Mra. Hughea Membera Absenfi: Mr, Treuenfels, Mr. Oquiat Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVE PLANNING GOMMLSSIQN MIN[ITES: JUNE 18,_1980. Motion by Mr. Lsngenfeld, seconded by Mrs. Hughes to approve the June 18, 1980 Planning Co�ission minutes as written.(or amended), Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman HaxTis deelaxed the mation carried unanimously, 1. PUBLIC HEARI_NG; _ REZONING REQUEST, ZOA fF 80-02� BY TED BURNANllT, ll/ li/A SWING FtEALTY: �ezone ParC of Lot 3 A.S, �F25 Y8rce1 1100, from R-3 (general". multiple family dwellinga to CR-1 (general affice and limiead business), the same being 921 Hillwind Road N. E. Mr, Ted Bumandt, the petitioner was preaent. Motion by Mrs. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission open the public hearing on rezoning request ZOA ��80�02, by Ted Burnandt. Upon a voice vote, a11 vating aye, Chai�xa�an tiarris declared the public hearing open at 7:37 p.m. Mr, Boxrdman stated that Mr. 'Burnandtwas requesting rezoning on the house south of the neighboring property. He wants CR-1 resoning, There is a parking area located in front of the property. The lot area with this lot ia 25,065 sq, ft. and the required lot ares is 15,000 eq. ft. � Mr. Harris asked if the petitioner had anything to add to the discussion. Mr. Burnant stated that his intent was to either use the existing structure or tear 3t down and build a new structure. He had not determined which would be the Uest fox him as yet. Mr. Boardman stated that Darrel ��-ark,�uilding Inspector, had reco�m¢ended that the existing structure be taken down as it is in poor condition. If he uses the existing house, he will have to bring the structure up to code. Mr. Burnant said Chat he would like Co keep that option open as it is presently being zented as a residential unit. Ms. Hughes stated that she had some real concexn about removing potential residential land. She asked Mr. Boardman how man units could Ue placed on the groperCy. Mr, Boardman anscaered that by land area, they would be able to build approximateZy 10 untts, however, this would proUably be reduced due to low width and parking requirements. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesdav Ju� 9, 198tl Page 2 Mr. Langenfeld stated that he didn't have any problem with rezoning the property since the property just to the south �as also CR-1 zoning. This would not constitute spot rezoning. . Mr. Boardman stated thae if the Planning Commission approved this request, Mr. Burnandt should be aware of the zequirements of CR-1 zong adjacent to a=xesicieutial ------' district. ' Mr. Burnandt �tated that he had a copy of the zoning re�ulations. Mr. Boardman said that a screening fence would be required when the property is converted. Mr. Burnandt stated that this was not a requirement when he rezoned the property to the South. fie said that the Council allowed him to 6uild without the fesce because the property owners to the North said he didn't want'the fence builc. The property manager of 910 Lynde Drive, (just north of the petitioner's property) stated that she was concerned abo4t the property beittg rezoned to commercial She has tenants which face this property and if a screening fence was put up ft will mean that some of }ier tenants will be looking at a wall. Mr.-Boardman said that the parking would most likely be located in the front of the bui2ding and may cause some proble�ns for the tenants fo the north. Motion by Mra. Hughes, seconded by Mxs. Gabel that the Planning Commission close the public hearing on rezoning request ZOA dk 80-OZ, by Ted Bumandt. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chaixsakl F3arrie declared the publ3c hearing cZosed at-7;50 p.m. MOTION BY MS. HUGHF.S, SECONDED BY MR. LANGENFELD, TIIAT THE P7.ANNIrG COi�IISSIQN RECOMP�ND TD CITY COUNCIL APPRCVAL OF REZONING ASQUEST, ZOA �I80-02� BY TED Bi1RNAif'Ji, ' A/j4/A SWING REALTY, TO REZONE PART OF LOT 3. AUDITOR'S SUBAIVISION N0. 25� (PARCEL 1100), FROM R-3 (multiple family dwellings) TO CR-1 (general office and limited business) THE SAME BEING 921 HILLWIND ROAD N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CFIAIRMAN IiARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZNSOU$liY_.,, � ' 2, PUBLIC I�ARING; REQUEST FOR A SPECTAL-USS�PERMITs_SP r'�80-06, $Y JERQME CHRISTENSON• Per Section 205.51 2, A� of:the Fridley City Code, to &llow the construction of a second acceseory building, a 30 ft., by 26 ft, detaehed ga�a�a, on Lots 10 and 11, Block 4-; Sylvan Hill Plat Three,.the same being 6260 Starlite Blvd. N,E, Mr, Jerome Chriatenson, the petitioner was preaent, MQTION by Mr.. Iangenfeld, seconded t,y Mr. Wharton, that the Planning Co�ission open the public hearing on the request for a Special Use Permit, SP i180-06, by Jetome Christenson. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearing open at 8:.02 p.m. 21r. Boardman stated that the peY.itioner is interested ia building a 26 ft. x 30 ft. garage on 1ot 11, and he will use it as a storage garage. N,r. IIoardman stated thaC the staff wants to tie the two 75 ft. lots together. Lots l0 and 11 together would make a 150 ft. lot. The special-use permit is for a 2nd accessory building. ' ' The only way he can build the garage is for the lot to be legally tied together. 'It is the petitioner's intent to build the garage now. . ..� Flanning Co�ission Meeting Wednesday, July 9, 1980 page 3 Mre. Hughes asked the petitioner how faat i�e wou}d.need approval on the request? Mr, Chriateneon anawered that he wanted to start Uuilding the garage in the fall, Mr, W,K, Seaxle, 6231 Starlite Blvd. N. E, asked the petitioner how many cars he owned? He said that the garage seemed lazge fur a xesidential area, and that he �eferred to keep it a reaidential area. He esid that the petitioner had Coo many garage sales, and that he strongly opposed the petitioner's intent to build hie garage, Mr. Haxsie asked if there was any further diacuesion. Mxs, Hughes made the suggestion that the hearing be continued at future meeting, She'�sked the petitioner if he had any objection to a alight delay, Motion by Mr, Langenfeld, seconded by Mr, Wharton that *he nlanning Co�ission close the public hearing on.special-use pexidRt request, c� � SP 1180-Ofi by Jerome Christenson. . Upon a voice voYe, all voting aye, Chairman Iiarris declared the public bearing closed at 8_25 �.m. :fOTI.Ot� by Ms. Hughes, secon�ed by Mrs. Gabel, that the Planning Commission continue the request for a Special Use Permit, SP ii80-06, by Jerome Christenson, per Section 205.�521, 2, A, oE the Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a second accessory building on Lots l0 and 11, Block G, Sylvan Hills Plat Three, the same being 6260 Starlite Blvd., until July 23, 1980. T?pon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carried. 3. PUBLIC HEARI?dG: :EQii�ST FOR A SPSCIAL IISE PERMIT SP I� 80-07 Uv [�AYNE E EK SR.: rer aect3on Zu�,�1 2, A, ot the Fridley City Code, Co a11ow the exieting &ttachea eingle car garage to atill be used as an accessory bulding with the construction-Qf a 24 ft., by 24 ft, detached garage (already built) on Lot 7, Block 2, Meadowlands Addition, the same being 810 66th Avenue N,E. Mr. Bk, Sr „ the petitioner was present, MOTION by Mrs. Hughes, �condedby Mr. Iangenfeld, that the Planning Commission open the public hearing on SP �/80-07, by Wayne E. Ek, Sr. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearing open at 8:29 p.m. Mr. Soardmsn stated it is the petitioner's intent to board his present garage up and build another 25 ft, x 24 ft, garage ne�ct Co the exiseing garage. Mr, Boardman etated that the ataff doea ttnt have any problem with this request, Motion by Mrs, Aughes, saconded by Mr. Langenfe%d Chat the Planning Couemission cl.nse the public hearing on Special-Uae Permit, SP ��80-Q7, 6y �dayne E. Ek., Sr, Upon a voice vote, all �:oting aye, Chairman Hasris declared the public hearing closed at 8:35 p.m. . Mr. Wharton said he would like to see a reviewal on the request made after a certain amount of time had passed. Mre. Haghes eaid she agreed that there ehouid by a teviewal of Che aituation after 5 yeare have paeaed, In this time the family size may have changed. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, July 9, 1980 Page 4 Motion by Mr. lJharton, seconded by Mrs. Hugh¢s, that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the request with the s[ipulation that there will be a reviewal after 5 years. With fUrther discussion, the motion was WITHDRAWN, AND A NEW MOTION MADE. MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, that the Planning Comission recommeqd to the City Council, approval of the request Por a Special Use Permit, SP i180-07, by Wayne E. Ek, Sr, Per Section 205.051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the existing attached single-car garage to still be used as an accessory building after the construction of a 24 ft. x 24 ft. detached garage (already built), on LoL 7, Block 2, Meadowlands Addition, the same being 810 66th Avenue N.E., with the stipulation that the Special Use Permit expires in 5 years. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carri.ed unanimously. 4. PUBLIC I�'ARING: RE7oNTNr, RF.nili2RT �ne d6nn_n� av n.n, ., ..,.,,r�m,,,.,.�.. .. ,_.. ---• .-•_-..•-.. ..•••� �•.> �.,� u..0 c•r +.rvm a�� �generai muttpie i&t:tl7 '�3welZinga; to C-2 (generaZ businesa areasJ, and Lot 21, from CR-1 (gereral office and limited business to C-2 (general buainesa areas), located in Block 6, Fridley Park, to make zoning consistent with the use o£ the propert�� as an auto body shop, the same 6eing 6501 East River Road N,E, Mr, Carl E, Christensen was not'present. PSotion by Mxs. Hughes, s�conded by Mrs, Gabe2, that fihe Planning Commission open the public hearing on rezoning reauest ZOA �30-03, by Carl E,Christensen, Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chaixman Harris declared the public heari:.g open at 8:45 p.m. Mx. Bosrdman stated that the property in question was presently zoned CR-2 snd thaC the opexa�ion oE a r.on-conforming �uto-body shop was not allowed;,. It would require a special-use permit and a rezoning to make the shop a iegal operation, Mra. Hughes asked if the house at 6509 was pxeaently occupied, She was told that it caas. 9 Mr. Edward Brookes, 65C6 HIckory St N.E „ questioned the rezoning and special-use permit being granted due to the pollution pxobiem, including noi.sa pollution, etc. He also c�uestioned the gxanting of the requesf because of the zzainage problems involved nnd he stated that there should be some restric�ion of hours ap operation oP the auto-oody shop, Mx. Charles L, Langen, 6530 Hicksry SL, N,E, stated that he was not morried sbout Mr. Christensen's operstion but about some other operation getting established on the property. , Mr. Louis C.Nash, of 6509 E. River Rd,, stated thot he had smelled odors coming from the auto-body ahop. He also complaine d of the junk vehicles parked all ' ttxound the area, Mrs, Linda Nash complained of Mr, Christensen's being open on Saturday and thaL on 3 days last �aeek he was open until 10;30 at night. Mra. Hughes said that it was not neaeseezy to have the petit3oner here at thz meeting, Mr, Boardman stated that Mr, Christensen could be tagged Eor illegal use of property, He c&nnot expand the use of the property, Tn the enforcemenL process Mr. Chrietensen could be takeai to.court and would be for�d to clean-up hie property, --.._... -,,�a�r. , �- Planning Commission MeetinQ � Wednesday, July 9, 1980 PaRe 5 Chadrman Haxris atated that it was not proper to discuss the problems related to the rezoning tequest of Mr. Chzistensen's withnut the petitioner befng present at the meeting. . 2;otion by Mr. Hughes, seconded by Mrs: Gabel, that the Planning Commission continue "�he public hearing on the rezoning request, ZOA iE80-03, by Carl E. Christensen, D/B/.A �Ch'ristensen Auto Body, until 3uly 23, 1980. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, �Ctiairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. �,. `j. PUBL C HEARIN(i: itN� Ur.ni cvic orr..uuv,--.��.. .,.,..,.�,. . , - -'-'- - ----- — - D/B/A Christ'ensen AUTO BOAY: per Section 205.101, 3, D, to allow a garage for Yhe stoxage, repa3xs and servicing of motor veh'.cles of over two-ton capacity, locaCed on Lote 21� 22, 23, and 24, Block 6, Fridley PArk, the ssme being 6501 East River Road N.E. MOTION by Mrs. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Wharton, that the Planning Commission continuc t$e public heating on the Special Use Permit request, SP !?80-08, by Carl E. Christencen, D/B/A Christensen Auto Body, Per Section 205.1�1, 3, D, to allow a garage for the storage, repairs and servicing of motor vehicles not over two-ton cagacity, located on Lots 21, 22, 23 and 24, Block 6, Fridley Park, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E.y until ,Tuly 23, 1980. L'pon a voice vote� all voting aye, Chairr�an Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. 6. LOT-��LIT REQUEST; L,A, � 80-03, bv NedeRaard Constxuction Companv: Split off the North 2 feet oE Lot 10, Block 13, Plymouth Addition and add to Lot 9, Block L3, Plymouth Addition, to make a 42 foot buildir.r site, the same bei.ng 4526 2nd Street N,E, No one was presen[ to represent the petitioner. Mr. Boardman stated that Mz. Nedegaazd wants to tear down an existing dilapitated house and construct a new one. Ae had been to the Appeals Commission quite a while ago for the necessary variances. They recommended he try to get additional property which he was now doing with this lot split request. MOTION by Mrs. Gabel, seconded by AIr. Langenfeld, that the Planning Commission recommend to City Council �pproval of the request for a lot split, L.S. fi80-03, by Nedegaard Construction Company, to Split off the North 2 feet of Lot 10, Block 13, Plymouth Addition, and add it to Ivt 9, Block 13, Plymouth Addition, to make a 42 foot building;site, the same being 4526 2nd StreSt N.E. UPON A �'OTC� VOT� ALL VOTIPiG AYE, C4iAIRMAN HARRIS DECI:ARED THE MOTION CARRIL�D UNANIPiOUSLY. 7 AND TO JERROLD BOARDMAN FROPi WILLIANf AESLON RE: Motion by Mrs. Hughes, seconded by Mrs. Gabel to approve recommended changes i on the plan and submit it to City Council so the EQC can adopt the changes. Upon __ .� a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion was passed unanimously. E S. RECEIVE HOUSING & REDEVELQPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: JUNE 12, 1980. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, to receive the .Tune 12, L980 Housing & Redevelopment Authority minutes. Mr. Boardman stated that the City would be purchasing the Standard Oil property. OPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLAREll THC M�TiON GARRIED � UNANIM011SLY. � ' _ � _ . . . _ . _ Planning Commiavion Meeting Wednesdav July 4 1480 Page 6 9. RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL•QUALITY COMMISSION p1INUTES: J1TNF. 17. 1980. MOTTON by Mr, Langenfeld, seconded by Mrs, Hughes, to receive the 3une 17, 1980 ______ Emrironmental Quality Coimni�eion minutes. The PCA, which ie responsiUle for the development in a certain area is slso reeponaible for removing a11 thE contaminated Creosote aoiZ. UPON A VOICE VOTE, .ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN FIARRIS DECLA1tED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION by Mr. Langenfeld, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, that the PlamZing Commission request the City Council to �a?xpply the Environmental quality Commission taith copies of Depar[ment of Health Studies, Communications with the Comprehensive Health Department of Anoka County, MPCA Studies and Comnunications, memos attd communicatiotts between the City Council or City Manager and Onan Corporation and Metronic Corporation £or review to try and detezmine what, if anything, can be done about the creosote problem. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTYNG AYE, CHAIRMAN IIAiLRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRTED "' UYdANIMOUSLY. l�tion by_Tangenfeld, seconded by Mrs. Gabel, that the Planning Commission request the City Council for the latest information regarding tfie Joint Powers Agreement ; with Anoka Coun.hy. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHATR1�fAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. � MOTION by Mr, Langenfeld, seconded by Mx. Wharton, to recommend to City Coixncil, through Planning Commistzion, that Earth Week, April 19St, be declared "clean-up week in the City oi Fridley: The Environmental Quality Coimnissiop would ask the Plannii�g Connnission anc� Citq Council to give an indication of what type of support the Gity would provide; I, E„ trucks, garbage-bags,.etc. The Environmental Quality Co�ission feels the c�,cept ot planning elzt week cauld be helped by contacting local citizen agencies such as the Boy Scouts, 3aycees, etc., to assiat in carrying out the clean-up. UPON A VQICE.VOTE, ALL VOTING A!7°, CiT�IRMAN IIt1RRI5 DECLARED THE MOTION PIYSSED UNANIMOUSLY, 10, RECEIVE THE ENERGY COMNISSION MINUTES: JUNE 24 1980. MOTION by Mr, Wharton, seconded 6y Mxs, Hughes, to xeczlve the June 24, I980 Energy Coumiission minutes. The �aergy Fair is to take place in September ar the lst part of October. Mr, Boaxdman said that the City is presently working on a computer program to m�nitor street lighta co provide for b.tter energy consamption. Re s�*_d that they are promoting the i:�age that the City ia doi�ig some.zhing about energy conservation, The City ia also reducing the size of it's vehicles. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN ITARRIS DECI�ARED T1iE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, .�. �� � Piann3n� Commission MeeCing Wednesday, July 4, 1980 Page 7 11, R�C�IVE TFiE APPP�AIS COrAfISSION MINIITES; .TU[4F, 24 1980. � P40TION by Mxe, Hughes, seconded by Mr. Langen��ld, to receive the 3une 2G, 1Q80 Appeals Commisaion minutea. - - - UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CI�.9IR'•�AN ilARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED BNANIMOtiSLY, 12. RECENE TIIE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MTNUTES� JUNE 24. 1980. . MOTION by MYS, Hughes, seconded by Mra. Gabel, to receive the June 24, 1980 Parks & RecreaCion Co�niasion minutea. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHATRMAN BARRIS DECLAR�� THE MOTION PASSED UANIMOUSLY, ' 13. RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINfJTES; JUNE 26 1980, MOTXON by �'• �ngenfeld seconded by MI'• Wharton to receive the 3une 26, 1980 Humau Resources Commisalon minutes. UPQN A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CH?IRMAN IL9RRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UANAMOUSLY, 14. C�,,_,N7",IN,�UE',p; PROPOSED CI�AAjGES TO CFIAPTER 205, 20NING, MOTION hy Iangenfeld, seconded 6y tdharton, that the Planning Gommission continue Che proposed changes to Chapter 205. Zoning. Upor. a voice vote� all voting ar�e, Chairman Harris decSared Ehe mo�3ori c`ai'r3ed unanimousTg: AnJlJlI�2NMENT • MOTION by �`�'• �arton, seconded by Nis. Hughes that t'r.e July 9, 1980 Planning Commission be adjourned. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL t��TING AYE, CHAIRPIAN tIAI'.RIS DECLARED THE 3ULY 9, 1950 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING �F.DSOURNED AT 11:07 pi°• ReapectEully submitted �`----"��L/`f�l�sC% �/ ) .(��� / Patricia RindahZ Recording Secietary . PUBLIC HEARING h ' �. BEFORE THE � PLANNINr, COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, July 9, 1980 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #80-06, by Jerome Christenson, to construct a second accessory building,_ a 30 ft. by 36 ft, garage, per Section 205. 051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, on , Lots lA and 11, Block 4, Sylvan Hills Plat ' 3, the same being 6260 Starlite Blvd. N.E., Fridley, Minnesota. Any and a11 persons desiring to be heard shall be given an-opportunity at the above stated t�me and ptace. RICHARD H. NARRIS CHAIRMAN � � PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: June 25, 1980 � July 2, 1980 n a � yr 1� CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA PLANNING AND ZONING FORM NUMBER � p �G APPLICANT'S SIGNATUR� � ~ 'a,�, Address f. � L O S�Q„ /�� !3/„ � �uGr Telephone I3umber 5"7 /— (o S y y PROPERTY OWNER�S SIGNATURE \� ,_ . Address (v a �� ������itG�w !iv''° T.elephone Number Street Location of Property Legal Description of Property ��� � �� � �, �,,�;�-�g � � �`� 2 TYPE OF RGQllEST Rezoning . � Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary � Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other I Fee � �Receipt No.����D / � � Present Zoning Classification 11 �� Existing llse oP Property ( J� � p„� � o% Acreage of Property Describe brief2y the proposed zoning classificatiori �DU YG . or type of use and improvement proposed ���L G✓ �e-.�,.x..C� �f���--�� a � �-/� �� '" � )ls✓ �.-...--� Has'the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes J o. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list o£ all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b} This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibiliiy for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses o£ all residents and . property owners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property anfl structure must be drawn and attached, sho�ving the following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street N�mes. 5. Location and use of adjaeent existing buildings {within 300 feet) 7'he undersigned hereby declaxes that all the facts and representations stated in this apgiication are true and corxect, DATE �S�/ ��0 SIGNATURE 4 ��./�-s�-2��— [APP CANT) Date Filed Date of Hearing� �� •�g�� Planning Commission Approved (dates) Denied � City Council Approved (dates) penied _ . MAILING LIST SP q80-06, by Jerome Christenson Mr. & Mrs. Emmeti Rice 100 Sylvan lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Chong Kim 6291 Trinity Drive N.E. Frid72y, Mn 55432. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Shupien 6299 Trinity Drive N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Barbara Thorstad 6211 Starlite B1vd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Martin F. Kasseth 6221 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Searle 6231 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fr.idley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Laimonis Lemkins 6241 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Lillian Campbell 6260 Trinity Drive N.E. Fridtey, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. William Kidder 6360 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mary Auger 5348 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fr9dley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Johnson 6336 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 554?2 Elmer Isaksen 6324 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Planning Cocranission June 24, 198Q City Counci Mr. & Mrs. James Fischer 6312 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Morris Knutson 6300 Starlite Bivd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Christe�son 6260 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Myron Sjostrom 6240 Starlite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Walock 6230 Stariite Blvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Nerbert Neeser 6220 Starlite $lvd. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 v � �3 .�� � � h J � S S � � � � � � D £' � / -S F 1� � a � � i � r � '�4 IJ � � � � J � � S � . . . . - '.aa� ♦ .:. w _�y_ ' _ ^ � , _�, � ; , , 5 . �*. A . ..� l � r h . ' �. I �' 1 i .; '' r Sp �80 fl6•:,]erome �hr�s,iensort ,__ , ;, , „<t_ �.. ,. , �ti,:. • ;� � . .. � l,ots 1�,.-1d > Bloc'k 4Z SYtvan , E.V4t' '' � H�lls PtaL,' 3 ' � ' SEC COANElt - � � + r ,; „� _,» _. :' :�. �,� . :... ,> ' ` - �' � 4 � � �1 1 ' : . �... 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F • �!! �':T� �'� �<�r G ., i '4 ' r x Y � � �! ���_�\ ! . `s � ' � .V ts�... .'� .. gy„� ss. r�' : Y.. ; : � .. � f� Y pi]l _ � .,r. .. � � � r. .�.�t- F, - .. 5:�k-. _ . PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNINr, COt4MIS5I0N 1 �6 Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public'Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Nall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, July 9, 1980 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Rezoning Request, ZOA N80-03, by Carl �. Christensen, D/B/A/ Christensen Auto Body, to rezone I_ot 21, from CR-2 (general services and limited business) to G 2(general business -- areas), and rezone Lots 22,.23, and 2�, from R=3 (general multiple family dwellings) ta C-2 (general business areas), all in Block 6, Fridley Park, , to make zoning consistent with the present use of the property, located in the North Half of Section 15, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. . , Generally located at 6501 East River Road N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an.opportunity at the above stated time and place. Publish: June 25, 1980 July 2, 1980 RICRARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION � � � CITY OF FRIDLEY MINNESOTA• PLANNING AND ZONING FORM NUMBER�//1-f �v-o3 l_c��.� � �. ���•�`��e,� APPLICANT'S SIGNATURECHRISTES�SEiV AItTO SOUY 6502 E Rlver Rd Address - F:�d16je {NFn b54e3�— Telephone Number pb�g.572=1600 �� �., yr�, . l � �/L/� TYPE OF REQUEST /° �ezoning PROPERTY OWNER�S STGNATUR���� Address �F� S�c� / d�i���2�.lc�a.Y S��N L.�. s S's�'3 � Telephone Numbe�Ne~ 7�y �S-p,p Street Location of Property ,lo .SO/ �G i�f .d.vF� �( .r e?� Legal Description of Property /e ���.�� a3� �.�(o �" �-i .. Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other ��I � Fee �C s� Receipt No. i�D _ . Present Zoning Glassification � Existing Use of Property �d,,.�,.�, �«�� k�.�� Acreage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification or type of use and improvement proposed Q,�-z_e^� ra �`� (�9id� ,-. _ , f - . ( n t , n (l. r . t t� (� _ � n � t'u.. P ra ✓-e_ Qey-r k:.-� o.•�dl i e...oRSC cy Has the present applicant previously sought f variance or special use permit on the subject What was requested and when? ,rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or site or part of it? yes X no. The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents �nd oH�ners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) fiust be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsihility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses o£ all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, showing the fo22owing: 1. North DirecYion. 2. Location of pxoposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. S. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 300 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DkTE G ��O ��a SIGNATURE �� r� �_%�.._� (APPLTCA;lT) Date �iled Date of Hearing - � Planning Commission� Approved City Council Approved (dates) Denied (dates) Denied . �g Planning Commission June 24, ]?4� City Council MAILING LIST ZOA #80-03, SP #80-08, d/b/a/ Christenson Auto Body Richard Larson Otto Westenfield 6580 Nickory St. N.E. 81 Rice Creek Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Fridley, hin 55432 Mary Johanson 6560 Hickory St. N.E. Frid1ey, Mn 55432 Alfred Klous 6544 Hickory St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 ✓ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Langer 6530 Hickory St. N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Patterson 6502 Hickory St. N.E.' Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Brooks 6506 Hickory St. N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Dittmer 7595 A1den Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Gary Irene 71 66th Way N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Christensen 950 Cottonwood St. N.W. - Coon Rapids, Mn 55433 Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nash 6509 East River Road N.E Frid?ey, Mn 55432 Redeemer Lutheran Church 61 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Anoka County Auditor's Office Anoka County Court House East Main St. Anoka, Mn 55303 -Tycon Inc. P.O. Box 270 Mpls., Mn 55440 Sycamore Farms, Inc. 6530 East.River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Robert H. Schleeter 652Q East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Donald Wescom 117 Mississippi Place N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Allen Mattson 6270 R;ve.rview Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Nawrocki 90 66th Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 William Corcoran 111 64th Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Gerdin 91 65� Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Sylvia Youmans 81 65z Way N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Murco Stations_, Inc. 200 Jefferson St. E1 Dorado, Ar 71730 Murco Stations, Inc. 6485 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn, 55432 Page 2 for MAILING LIST ZOA'#80-03, SP #80-08, d/b/a/ Christenson Auto Body June Sakry 121 64� Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Kimbler 80 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55h32 Mr. & Mrs. Leo Carda 6443 �East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Kulenkamp 58 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Erlandson 60 Mississippi Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 n � a :• .� ' � � � � `` r r, - .-,.; �, ., , 1 .r- _ �• < ' 9T � � .� ��. I> Z� � z �,v �. - � � "N� :;o ..•, . ,. r �� ' �� � �a r . � �� � �{ . ;; , � `�a��„ �b � �--"` ` � ZOA #80-03 and SP q80-08 on Lots � �._. �,�. �^"'� ` � , 21, 22, 23 and 24, Block 6, Fridley � � : � . � � ' '� ' Park, ChrisCenson Auto Body by Carl ^�;; �- -�\^���w �',' ��'� E. Christensen, 6501 East River Road .-�'yo r &-�a . �i "'x � �e M _� � �k' A � �_ � � ^ L ,��'. v I C �. � irr � 17 -. N � �.. a �_ d . . . " " . 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R �5q a-,��— b41�, � - �- ;� �� -\6� ��s . . _ . '° /s '= � � � .. � . 3�� r, .,. - �:'I _�, /oE � _-2a' L�4�g ` :>tl "' �" �¢• '� I . - . , , - .. -_.� � •- . . _._ __l �_....� _ .. ... . _ , ... �' ' 11 PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNINr, COhiMISSiON Notice is hereby given that there will be a Publi,c'Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, Ju1y 9, 1980 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Speciai �- Use Permit, SP #8Q-08, by Carl E. Chr3stensen,. . p!B/A/ Christensen Auto Body, per Section 205.101, 3, D, to allow a garage for the storage, repairs and servicing of motor ` vehicles not over two-ton capacity, located on Lots 2i, 22, 23 and 24, Block 6, Fridley Park, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an-opportunity • at the above stated time and place. . Publish: June 25, 1980 July 2, 1980 RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLAUNING COMMISSION 9 .. .,� CITY OR FRIDLEY hIINNESUTA PLANNING D ZONIN`G FORh1 NUMBER S/' b�u -a � � e�r, �C .. ��t-� i �-e�-�)�+'� ��'/"`" APPLIGANT'S SIGNATURE �H�IST�NSEN AUTO SODY VBf Address FtidleY, :Mn 55432 _ _ Pt►o�� .571•1600 Telephone Number . 12 TYPE OF REQUEST Rezoning ✓ Special Use Permit Approval of Premin- inary F� Finai 41at PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE�� `�- Streets or Alley � �'s� � dpr ,� S�, /�� �, Vacations Address o .c � ��� . Qa� � � s Other T�lephone Number �7 g��/. ��,5'T� p � � Fee�_Receipt No. %7�U Street Location of Property r•�-,��� Q � � Legal Description of Property_�a � 2/1. r. t_ • 1 e a. � no.. — . Present Zoning Classificatio e� ,; ,y4�xisting Use of Property Acreage of Property or type of use and improvement propo � r n r� , n Describ���r�ly�e �pt��e}Se�o e,f< �� �� ��.. __ _ .a�n C�a y� � classification . � �o.r��C(� n � � � . ' Has the present appl� antTfir�viously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a]ot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it?_,yes � no. What was requested and when? The undexsigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoningl must 6e attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings xesulting from the failure to list the names.and addresses of all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and strucYure must be drawn and attached, showing the following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Uimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 300 feet) The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. � �» — -.-- -- DATE ..� '�a - Date Filed Date of Hearing Planning Commission Approved City Council Approved - {dates) Denied (dates) Denied f Form 5-68 _. . I�J � ,--' � CITY OF FRIDLEY �� �� m 8 0 m � �� a� � m .� a� o m o •� �� � w m O U ri N •ri �� m � m O U a�m °�i-�'� N i� . APPLICANT: �7 �t" (��s rJ5'?'�� C�, n.�l ADDRI'SS : / 7�i h � .�'f�n A1 / ��1���� iU �{� Street City Zip Code m�.�rxoxE #�-� s- r� �C `� 5,a-.� � � Fiome Buainess PROPEEtTY OWNER(S ADDRESS(ES)��'.i_ 9 ., . =i%l'%� Date Filed: � Fee:$�''Receipt �{q99y,� Council Action:Date RFMAfiKS: �'1 /�q� - 37�/-9/7 Z Zip Code � Street City Zip Code mFr.FPFIONE #( 9 ) Home Business Property Location on Street r or Exact Strset Address (IF ANY? �' � � " �' S'7% .a✓�' -�b'-,fl�n �� Sr _ ,��77� ��,�.a" Legal Description of Property: �/,��_�� , ` L 7_ 8<<r z7 )�.Sf1u'�'� �¢ lif hT ? ia � l �'�,� P� o,J sq t The unders;.gned hereby declares that all the £acts and representations stated in this appiication are true and borrect. ' DATE: ��� ��— BPLOIJ FOR CZ`1'Y IISF ONLY tion (Seo reverse side for additional instruciion�� �� CHF.Cl:ED BY STAPF DATE Hemarks: PLANNING COMMISSiON: Date of Consideration - � Remarks: , CI'PY COUNCIL: Date o£ Considerati.on - RemarkB: �; b9 be 535 -596A2 ,59-05 . 5g�0- � 59�-5 33 '. ' ' 3� : 9�,� 4�� , � . 23 _ . �� ... 593�¢ .. B . �� Z � � : Zz / �� �,:; : Z Z , � : -i �� , zi. : �0 5��, y� , u! SQY.3 i�q � Z� Zo . Z : Zo�. 4�2 Z 5 ,� "4 ,. !7 /9T • T /9 .. 7G _ . , 9, v ' yIQ : ;• /,• ' � i8 �3. i - 59��'Y ��5 .'.:. � � � .� 59�pi� qA� � (/� � ' 4¢i- �oo � �ii °�9id . � 6 � JS � . • (/% ° /6 . - ! . �- . i : 59TH� � �." 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Af-1- 7'7f'�,TA1riN-�f .�� `� ��r �2� for Lot 5plit: G/ C�;�'T� L�Ai� Area c 0 Zonin� Classific�tion _ -- c��rY ofSd�r��y ��is'�-B, The undereigned hereby declares i:hai all the facts and xepresentations stated in this application are i.-rue and correct. DATE: % / � SIGNATURE��s�`r���'� BF,LpIJ F�g•Clmy iiSE ONLY (Se8 xeverse side for additional instruction;; CHECKEll 13Y STAPP DATE . . _�. Remaxks: PLANPIING CC�IMiSSION: Date of Considerai:ion -� Reu�axks : CITY COIINCIL: Dute of Cansi3eraLion - Remarl;s : c i� i�i , � 1 � _ �Ij( . ._� 1_ � `�, ; :, � � . , ; � 1 �.`�._t �' .. { �i `. �.:_ �. __ � � � � L .� � ur r � , i"' , + �,� , i_ �: v _' :i , �., �-: r�" � I y �� I i it �lr ?"' � ' ,��,�� ��ti F�: t_;'� ,� 1.�,.Ie{ ��..�.'" �.. ; � �.} i.. i . . . _.I�..� .,;�•'r� +a.e.�vT;'.T+i \�l._. � •�:=_T__y.. `l �. . . ... �� � � f ; _..- .._ , _ ,.,. �_ �� ;; ;, 6 • , ; �; �° j; :, :i � ;; � :;, I� ��� ' ;, ,� i���. 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F � f ' 1 . � i : �. .-I ..1_IKT�~,Ili��l iVl�� t'I ii � I �t �: ���i ii t��,iei � !-�'� . � C� ORDINATJCS NO. 3ll ^ � � AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION � � 72.07 OF TH£. CI1']' CE3ARTER TO YACATE STREETS AND ALLEYS � AND TO AMEND APYENDIX C _. .____ —_ . . __.... _ . _. _ _ . ._... . . ... OF THE CITY CODE � ' The Council ot the Cily o[ Fdd- �� jey tlo ordain as foLOwr. � - ' � SEC1T0:7 1. For the vacatlon of - 57y� Avenue £rom 2y� SVeet to the � ' ., past to the Nest line o[ Block 28. � � Hytle Park Additlon described as � lollows: . � AA that part of 57� Avenue that � . � 1s bounded on the North by the � South line of Alock 27, Iiyde Park � ' � • . Atldition; on the Wnt hy the South- erly extension ol the West line of - Block 27, Hyde Park Addition; .on � the East by the Southerly eMen- � � � aion of the West line oi Lot B, ' � ' ' - Bloek 28. Hyde Park Addition; on � . . � . the South Dy the North line ot - Block P, City View Adtlition, . . � Except that portlon that ites In• � . side a 60 foot.strip whose center- � Iine Is Eescdbed as follows: C � \ tl a to [ne oegmnmg ot a reverse curve . to the right whose delta angle ts S5°12'15", tangent is 300 feet and radius is 19127 feet, a tllstance oF 16428 ieet to the point ot reverse� turve; thence on a Wngential curve to the left whose delta angle Is 55°30' tangenf is 68.40 feet and radius fs 730 feet, a distance of 18593 feet to the end of reverse eurve; thence lvotih Wngent to said reverse curce appioximately � 165 feet to the centerline of 58th . Avenue, thenre terminating. All lying in the North FialL (Nysl - of Section 2d, T-30, R-24, City of F[ldley, County o; Moka, State of Minnesota � be and is hereby vacated, excepted. . ttlat the City of Fridley retain an easement for tlrainage and utiItty PurPUSes. . SECTION 2. The safd vacrtion� � . has been made after Notice of Public Hearing in coaformance with BSInneSOW Statutes and punuant to Sectfon 12.07 of the City Chartei and Appendix C of City Code shall � be so ammded. , PASSID BY TFIE CTTY COUN- CJL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY � TA[S 5th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 196Z JACK O. KIAXFiAM Mayor w�rrEST: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL Ciry Clerk Public Hearing: August 21, 1967 Ftrxt AeadinK= Auguse 21, illG7 � SeCOnd Rea�iing: September 5, 1967 � � PUblish: Septem6er 15, ]U57 (Published in the Anoka Union & Fridley F'me Press ' SeDt. 15, 1987� � 11 �y��� D � . .A��: . �. . zi `. 593 =3 .! 5�3�5 ` ,�, � 9�_ ,a�z 23 . 9, �:f� �i� W y� z, a �T -. : �z i? - 4-�0. 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Yrairie, seconded by tir. Houck, to approve the June ].2, 1980, Housing & Redevelopment Authority minutes as written, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chaixperson Commers declared the motion carried unanimousLy. I. CENTER CITY DEVELOPMENT A. JVD Proposal for Phase I Development plr. Haggerty intxoduced Mr.-Hanson fram Miller-Schroeder. Mr. Haggerty stated that Mi. Hanson was at the meeting to answer any questions the HRA might have about the feasibility of the proposal Mr. Haggerty was presenting to the HRA. • Mr. Haggerty stated they have checked witl� ifedtronics, and Medtronics is _. not willing to make a decision at this time. It seems like the companies that are major potentials either have sufficient land or sufficient access to alternative land closer to their plants and are not interested in this area, he stated they still have some problems with traffic flow patterns, and some of the companies are concerned about whether there would be adequate parking. • Mr. Haggerty stated they have done some very hard.thinking, and have had pumerous discussions with NIiller-Schrocder oe the fessibility of this development. Based oa their e::posure, if they did ren[ it out, they would be willing to go up to a 45,000 sq. ft, building. But, hecause of the AOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, JULY 10 1980 PAGE2 overall exposure, they cannot go beyond that square footage. They know - -___ _- they can get the financing for 45,000 sq, ft. Miller-Schroeder is fairly confident that they can market that based on the.financial strength of the JVD group. Mr. Prairie asked who was still involved with JVD. Mr. Haggerty stated L-hat one-third of the partnership was Smith, Juster, Feikema, Mal.mon & Haskvitz, one third was Smiley-Glotter, and one-third was Sy Sheehy and Gary Holmes. As far as financial strength, it had been determined that without Sy Sheehy and Gary Holmes, they would not be able to obtain financing. Sheehy and Hol,mes were also two of the most knowledgeable in the canstruction of buildings. Mr. Haggerty stated that Sheehy and Holmes feel the area warrants only a 30,000 sq, ft. building, because the area is untested. Mr. Haggerty stated they havE convinced Sheehy and Holmes to go with the 45,000 sq. ft. Mr. Sheehy and Mr. Holmes' response has been that if things go wrong, they are going to be the ones who are really on the line. So, they are running that risk factor. Mr. Haggerty stated they are asking for a long term-type of lease. It gives them a better equity position which will allow them to obtain a higher mortgage, which means they will have aiore ready and liquid cash to carry their operating expenses and any other foresenable expenses, plus there will be leverage�time. Mr. Haggerty stated that on the ground lease, in order to preserve the tax incremettt bonding, he thought it was very important to leave as much taxable property as possible. If things go,well, ,7VD wants to build the next building, but right now the economics are not feasib2e for more than 45,000 sq. ft. ' Mr. Haggerty stated he would like the HRA to get back to JVD as to whether this is agreeable or make any suggestions they may have. But, for right now, this is where JVD stands. They would like to do this . very quickly and try to get a resolution through for the financing at •$5 million. The reason being that if Medtronics comes in and wants 80-90,000 sq, ft. of office space, and ,7pD has a large enough resolution, they can switch gears and be back on the drawing boazd to what they originally planned. There is that possibility, but at the same time they cannot wait for that. Mr. Hanson stated that Mr. Haggerty had covered the proposal pretty well. He stated that over the winter and early spring, the bond market was pretty non-esistent. The market is pretty prime right now, The market could be off again this fall after elections, and in terms of the market, thinss are not going to be the same as they are today, The JVD project is based on s�e of Miller-Schroeder's recommendations. It is sized at HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENP AUTtiORITY MEETiNG, JULY 10, 1980 PAGE 4 Mr. Doyscher asked if JVD would agree to give the City design apprwal -- - - ----- on the building. Mr. Haggerty stated that since they are agaitt limited an economics, he would ask for design approval within the limits of $41-42 per sq, ft. That gives.them some extra room for same non-reoccurring costs and costs of issuance they have to pick up. SIr. Doyscher stated that some of the questions facing the HRA are: 1. Will the ARA accept a 45,000 sq, ft. building as a second --_•--. alternative to the original proposal? 2, Will the HRA rec�end or give preliminary approval to an T.R. tax revenue bond? 3, WiLI they Iease the land to JVD fox $Z.00 per year for 25 years, plus a day or more, to exceed the mortgage? 4. Will the HRA finance the off-site improvements and on-site improvements (on-site improvements being parking, curbing, and Iaedscaping)? 5, Will the HRA react within a 90-120 day time schedule to aliJw JVD to initTate construction? Mr. Doyscher asked if the deve7oper would be willing to sign a development agreement in regard to annual payments.. Mr, Aaggerty stated that if the payments are based on today's situation and that type of building, he thought the answer would be yes. The only thing he would ask in that situation is that theq be given a tax break in 1981, and that is provided in the law, Mr, Coumiers thanked Mr, Haggerty and Mr. Hanson £or coming and for their information. Mr. Commers asked if it was possible or feasible for Mr. Brunsell to put together types of costs. They are talking about having to finance out of their tax increment band funding. Itt other words, what are they talking about in order to do this? What is it going to cost them on the property? What is a fair estimate oE relocation? What is a fair estimate of off-site, on-site improvements? What is a fair estimate of all those kinds of costs they are talking about, and how much are they going to use up of the tax exempt? Ae would like to see a closer examination of what those figures are going to be. Mr. Boardman stated they could get s�e estimates on this infoxmation. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEh'4' AUTHORITS' MEETING, JULY 10, 1980 PAGE 5 --- Mr: Coumiers asked Mr. Boardman what his impression was of Che overall 3VD proposal. Mr. Boardman stated he was still very concerned about what they can do - with the existing building, du they caant to take the xisk, do they want to go with 45,000 sq. ft., or do they want to hold out for a larger building and try to package the whole property? At this point in time,' he would like to see the whele package developed, but he had some questions based on what has been happening on the market issue over the last six months. Maybe they �aould be better off going with a 45,000 sq. ft. _.._. ' building and trying Lo initiaee some other activity based on the develop- ment that is taking place. I£ JVD does get some tenants into the building and fills up the building and finds the markn_t isn't as bad as everyone thinks the market in the north is, they may have some good things to generate development in the other areas. If something happens and this daesn't fill up, then they will have to start reth4nking about what their entire proposal is on Center City. Maybe they will find they should be looking at housing and something else, rather than just office development. Mr. Co�ers stated he would like to see the whole tax increment district run again with the revenues they are going to be generating as a result of the.additional "rebate" they are receiving fram the State of Minnesota. He stated it was a little disappointing because he felt this project aow reaZly docsn't meet their inieial criteria, It is totally underuti?izing the property. It raises aIl kinds of questions about what they are trying to do about density, and different kinds of things. If ttiey are going to use alI their tax increment revenues to put into a project that is under- utilizing the property in the first place, that would be cxazy. If, in the reverse, they now find they are going to be able to generate more money, maybe they should consider reopening the project and let somebody else come back in who could do a larger project. Maybe now it is more Eeasible, because things have changed in the last six months. Mr. Commers stated that another thing that bothered him waa that JVD was not putting any equity into the project. All the equity being furnished is being furnished by the City. Mr. Prairie stated that they were all satisfied caith the 72,000 sq. ft. office building and thought that was what it should be, buC may6e they were setting their sites too high in the first place. Obviously, every- body wants the nicest thing they can get, but realistically, what is that? Mr. Commers stated that besides the information he had requested, what other steps should the HRA be taking? Mr. Boardman stated he would be meeeing with the City Manager to see whether he would want to involve the City Council at this point or whether he jusC wants to involve the mayor in a small group session. AfCer he gets some direction about the involeement of the City Council, and after they get together the figures, he will contact the HRA and set up a special meeting within the next two weeks. HOUSING & REAEVELOPMENT AUTAORITY MEETING JULY 10 1980 PAGE 6 Mr. Coum�ers stated that the HR?. should probably request a meeting with the City Council. ' - - ' Mr. Boardman stated that the HRA should meet with the City Council, and Mr. Herrick should also be involved in that meeting. Mr, Coumiers stated that if there was any additional information any of the HRA members felt they should have, they should contact Mr. Boardman �within the itext week. B. Discvssion on Acquisition of Standard Oil Station at 6490 Univexsi Mr. Boardman stated the Standard Oil Station has been closed and boarded up for the last 6-7 months. He and Mr, Brunsell.met with Standard Oil about a month ago. Standard Oil is looking at selling the property. Standard Oil has had several proposers who have made offers, one of which was Mr. Donut. $ecause of the City's projects, Mr. Donut felt they did •' no£ want to put time or money into the site that could possibly be taken . dowa at some other point in Eime. Standard Oi1 was offered $85.;'OOU by Mr. Donut. Standard Oil contacted the City to see what the City's plans were, when the City is planning on acqufsition, and those types of questions. The Ci�y was not able to give them a definite answer. Standard 0i1 is now getting to the point where they are either going to sell the property or get a lease back into the property. They have given the City the opportunity to purchase the properCy. The City has talked about different types of purchase agreements. Standard Oil would be willing to go with a contract-for-deed with 25% dowa, 25% after the first year, and the balance at the end of the second year, Mr. Boardman stated there are pros and cons to the purchasing of the property. One con�would be that it they purchased the property, the tax revenue from that property would drop to zero. That really doesn't affect the tax increment district, because they_are not gaining that much in tax increment off that piece oi property. Mr. Boardman stated that the pra'in,purchasing the propexty is that the value of the property is only going to go up. The price seems to be right at this Cime. They have an assessed market value on the property of around $92,000. Standard Oil is.looking a� around $85,000. The process the City would haye to go through is getting appraisals on the property, making an offer, etc, If Standard 0i1 does sell or lease the property, the City is again involved in relocation costs, which could be anywhere from $10,000-20,000. Mr. Boardman stated that in Mr. Brunsell's memo, Mr. Brunsell does explain that things would be positive for purchase. The City Manager also feels. if it would benefit the City in the long run, they should look at acquisition of the property. Mr. Boardman stated that at this time, he felt it would benefit the City and they should starC negotiations on the acquisition of the Standard Oil Station. _ , _ . -^�. HOUSING & REDEUELOPMENT A[TfkiORITY MEETING JULY 10, 1980 _ PAGE 7 Mr. Houck agreed that it would be a good investment for the City. Mr. Boardman stated he thought it would be a good idea for Mr. Brunsell, Mx�. Herrick, City Attorney, and himself to sit down and come up with a negotiated price. into ne e to ftouck. to at [:! e o UPON A VOICE VUt'E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMEERS DEQ,ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIIIMOUSLY: Ii. R�HAB A; Receive Memo 9kE30-64 from Mary C Tinnrovement Grant ProQram UPdat �an to Jerrold Boardman re: Hane Chairperson Commers declared Memo ��80-64 from Mary Cayan received into the record. III. LARGE FAI�ffLX A. Receive t?emo ��80-65 from Mary Cayan to Chairperson Cammers declared Memo �80-65 from Mary Cayan received into the record, Mr. Coum�ers stated Chat Ms. Cayan was asking Mr. Boardman if a Vietnamese family composed of two parents, two siblings, aged 19 and 1_�, and a cousin aged 20, would qualify under the program definition of large family. Mr. Boardman stated it was his decision that w3.th t�ao sibliugs aged 19 and 20 and a cousin aged 20, this family would not constitute what they classified as a lai:ge family. The problems they may run into with a Vietnamese family is that the Vietnamese family cultures are very different. What generally would hapgen is that the two Vietnamese children would marry, bringing their wives into the house, etc. Should they classify a fasily as parents or their bhildren as direct blood relatives? Mr. Commers asked if the City or the Feder�l Government had any definition on the large family home ownership program that,they could review for criteria to define the family reTationship. Mr. Boardman stated there is no definition, The lazge family qualifica- tion is five or more persons wikhin a iamily, and they look at it as parents with chiidren. I HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETLftG JULY 10 19$0 PAGE 8 Mr. Commers stated it could be a very arbitrary thing, and there should be same very precise �uidelines on that. He stated he would request that some guidelines, or some kind of criteria,on a family unit be drawn up so they knnw what to look at. Mr, Boardman stated that right now the Zoning Code definition for family is: "An indivadual, or two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or group of not more than five persans (excluding servants) ' who need not be related by blood or marriage, living together as a single housekeepfng unit in a dwelling unit." Mr. Co�ers stated that according to that definition, the Vietnamese family is eligible, Mr. Commers stated.the solution to.this problem would be to develop their own guidelines and a definition of what they want in terms of a large family, hut they better have that put together before they start talking about- it after the fact: With the HRA�s concurxence, he would ask that ;Yhe H.R.A. staff put eogether a definition to be used in future situations. The HRA members concurred with Mr. Commers' suggestion. Mr, Boardman stated the whole purpose of the large family home ownership program is to provide housing for the low-and moderate income. What tt�ey are concerned about is that at some point in time, that family may be out of the low and moderate income area, and there is more possibility of that with more working people within the family. Mr. Boardman stated he would check into having some guidelines or a definition put together. IV; CHECK REGISTER APPROVAL Mr. Co�er.s stated the HRe1 members received a copy of the check register showing Payment for the abstracts, Herbst Construction.for demolition, and Suburban I:ngineering for surveys. All these coere approved by the HRA at their last meeting. At this time, the HRA should make a motion to approve and ratify the payments as reflected on the register.� MOTION by Mr. Prieditis, secanded by Mr. Houck, to apprwe the Check Register as presented. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperscn Co�ers declared Che motion,carried unanimously. ADJOURNNfENT: MOTION by Mr. Houck, seconded by Mr. Prairie, to adjoum the meeting. Upon a-- --� voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Co�ers declared the July 10; 1980, � Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. � Respectfully submitted, c c� � Lyn Saba, Recording Secretary APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME THE AGENDR HAD TO BE PUT TOGETHER WILL TRY TO GET THEM TO YOU BEFORE THE MEETING OR WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE MEETING f `./ �°'�n"�zc°�a�..- ���P/�.�"� - - �.4.d�-� � � �'3 � /f� J _, ��'� f6�� . l/ ��•t'`� �i' r/ � ! , �, / , ,i /; �r ���� i� ' � /� � � . v I 1 , . �� _ � i � . �. . / ' / , --�.__, . �0��9 � �� �ar,3,����� 6�2� �j�-��-�-` � �?�"�"{ (o �i � v /3�-�,�,�;6 /.�,,.� �v�--- 99s'��a��w��e�� � G � '3✓ iG:�-'�a-`"��?" /'�.C�.,� . - �7 ' , _�,., _,. _ �. � <,., - � CITY OF FRIDLEY ,� • PLAANING COhIhIISSION MEETIftG, JULY 23, 1980 CALI. fi0 OIiDER: Chaixman Harxis called the July 23, 1980, Planning Co�ission meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. ROLL CALL• Members Present: Mr. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, Ms. Gabe1 (for Ms. Schnabel), Ais . Hughes , Mr . Whart on Members Absent; Mr. Lang�nfeld, Mr. Qquist Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Jerome Christenson, 6260 Starlite Blvd. N.E, Wallace Searle, b231 SCarlite Blvd, N.E. Mr. & Mrs. Carl Christensen, 9950 Cottonwood St. 1Q.W, Mr. & Mrs. CharLes Langer, 6530 Hickory St. N.E. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nash, 6509 East River Road N.E, Lucille A. Skovran, 6003 Gardena Circle Forrest Melville (D & E Construction), 6426 Markwood Drive, Crystal Edward Jonak, 133 Csaigway N.E. Mary Ann Kopp APPROVAL OF JULY 9, 1980, PLAflNiNG COMl1ISSI0N MLNUTES: MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to continue the approval of the Planning Co�ission minutes at the end of the agenda. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman flarris declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. COPIPIN[TED PUBT,IC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMCT, SP �680-06, BY JEROME CIiRISTENSON: Per Section 205.051, 2, A, to allow the construction of a second accessory building, a 3Q ft, by 26 ft. detached garage on Lots 10 and 11, Bl.ock 4, Sylvan Ai11s Plat Three, the same being 6260 Starlite Blvd. Public Aearing closed. Mr. Boardman stated that at the last Planning Commission meeting, the Cammission requested a legal opinion on what to do with this second accessory building. He had talked to Mr. Herrick and Mr. Herrick indicated that they could tie that property legally to the other lot without any problevus as far as mortgage problems. Mr. Herrick had indicated that the only way the mortgage company could spread that mortgage over two lots would be if Mr. Chrzstenson himself signed an agreement to do so and that it would not automatically cover both lots. PLANNIftG COI�IDfISSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1980 PAGE 2 Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Herrick felt this was the only way of handling a secoad accessory building, because it was illegal to constxuct a garage on a lot that did not have a main structure. The only way to do it is through a special use permit, but tie the two lots as one lot which would require a 1ot split before Mr. Christenson could sell off any part of the property. Mr. Harris asked if there was anyone in the audience who wished eo �ke a statement cancerning this iCem. As no one responded, Mr. Harris sCated that the Planning Commission would not reopen the public hearing. Mr. Harris stated he had thought long and hard about this and had looked at the area. He could understand the petitioner's desire to build a second accessory building and could also understand the neighbors' concerns that the second accessory building might be used for auto body repair or repair of automobiles, also that it might be used as a neighborhood sales 1ot. He stated that if the Conmission does recommend approval of this special use permit, he felt some stipulations should go with the recommendation that would restricC the use of that building. Ms. Hughes stated that something similar had happened in her neighborhood where a neighbor expanded a two-car garage to a four-car garage to do auto repair, and it has not been a problem as long as the garage door is kept closed. In most instances in these kinds of neighborhoods, she was convinced that the noise and general appearance could be controlled, but she was not in favor of special use permits a11 the time. The Planning Co�ission seems to get a lot of them. She stated that it seemed they might be doing the neighborhood a favor by allowing th3s special use permit to get some of the vehicles under a roof . Ms. Gabel stated she agreed with Ms. Hughes. It was her feeling that this was a nice neighborhood and it might be to the neighbors' advantage to get the vehicles out of sight. Repairing cars is not an allowed use in that neighborhood; and i£ that is happening, it can be resol+red on a complaint basis. Mr. Harris stated that the Coamiission can make that stipulation so that the neighbors and Mr. Christenson Irnow that the building is being built stricely for storage and not for a home occupation of automobile repair or thaC type of thing. NIr. Wharton stated that at the last meeting, ane of the neighbors had indicated that there were "too many garage sales." He stated that would be a hard thing to regulate, but it was a neighbor's concern and he wanted to bring it up. Ms. Hughes asked Mr. Christenson if he had gotten any legal advice on this procedure. Mr. Christenson stated he had not, but he was not interested in the special use pexmit if it involved making one 1ot out of two lats. PI,ANNING COI�ICSSION MEETING, JULY 23, 19$0 PAGE 3 Mr. Boardman explained Chat they were not actually making it into one lot. They were tieing the two lots together so that Nir. Christenson could not se11 the one 1ot without obtaining a lot split. The mortgage on the one 1ot and the description of the 1ot that the mortgage is tied to is the same description and Che same n�ber. What the City is doing is legally binding Mr. Christenson or anyone who owns the property so that he cannot sell wi.thatt getting a lot split. The City will not approve a lot sp13t unless there is a house attached to the garage he is planning to build. UPOI3 A VOICE VOTE� : ALL VOTING AYE, CkIAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARE D THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Mr. BoaYdman stated that if Mr. Christenson wished to withdraw his request at any time, he must submit a letter to the City. Mr. Harris stated that SP �k80-06 was reco¢miended for apprwal to City Council and would go before City Council on Aug. 4, 1980. 2. l:riK1.71'G1VS�1V� U/!5/A 1it11C1J'1�1'+1VJ�1V Lid�f.1:U lSULY: K2ZOS12 LOLS LL� L.3� 3I]Q L4 from R-3 (general multiple family dwelling)to C-2 (general business areas), and Lot 21 from CR-1 (general office and limited business) to C-2 (general business areas), all located in Block 6, Fridley Park, to make zoning consistent with use of the property as an auto body shop, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E. Public Hearing open. Mr. Harris stated this item was continued from the last meeting, because Mr. Christensen was ztot present. Mr. Boardman stated the reasan Mr. Christensen was not present at the last meeCing was because he did not receive his notice of public hearing in the mail. PLANNING COI�AIISSION MEETIIQG, JULY 23, 1980 PAGE 4 MOTION by Afs. Hughes, seconded by Ms, Gabel, to receive into the record a letter dated July 23, 1480, from Rhoda M. Spang, Sales Representative of the Murphy Oil Corporation, stating that Murphy Oil Corp., owner of the property located at 6485 East River Road, had no objection to Mr. Christensen's request. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTTNG AYE� CHAIRPIAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAN7MOUSLY: Mr. Boardman stated that, as discussed at the last Planning Co�ission meeting, Christensen Auto Body is a non-conforming operation according to the present zoning code. The zoning at the present time is CR-1, and Mx. Christenseu's operation is only allowed in a C-2 zone and only with a special use petviit. The parking lot just north of the property, which Mr. Christensen owns, is zoned R-3, and a parking 1ot is also not allowed in aa R-3 zone on a Aon-conforming use, Any use of this property is an expansion of a non-confoxming use and is against the zoning code to expand a non- confovming use, To continue his operation or continue use of that parking loC, Mr. Christensen must get rezon3ng of Lot 21 from CR-1 to C-2 and of Lots 22, 23, and 24 fram R-3 to C-2, and then a special use permit to operate on that C-2 zoned lot. Mr. Louis Nash, 6509 East River Road, stated that he was the property owner next to the three open lots that Mr. Christensen wanted to turn into a parking lot. He had no complaints about Mr. Christeasen or his work or his workers, but he did not think a residential area should have a body shop, especially a large one, He also had many questions concerning pollution control, noise, dust of auto body work, and fumes. With wrecked autos, there are the hazards of contaminates in the parking lot, either going dowa the sewer or into adjoining properties, eating up the pavement and creating a fire hazard. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Christensen it he would address Mr. Nash's concerns. Mr. Christensen stated that as far as pollutants and chemicals, there are a lot of chemicals involved in auto body repair. The Fridley Fire Dept, was at his business that day regarding the updating of anything that might be needed, and everything was satisfactory. He stated this could be verified with Bob Aldrick of the Fire Dept. As far as air purification, he has an electronic air purifier that is big enough to handle the size of ehe building he owns. As far as filtering outside, he has not had any complaints regarding exhaust from both neighbors living next door or neighbors down the line. Ms. Hughes asked Mr. Christensen if he had agreed to a landscaping plan or if he had prepared ane. Mr. Christensen stated he has discussed this with Mr. Boardman, and he is in agreement wiYh any landscaping that needs to be done. Ms, Hughes asked Mr. Christensen if he could operate the business if he had the rezoning wiehout being able to have access onto Mississippi St. PLANNTNG COP'ALCSSTOA MEETING JULY 23, 198Q PAGE 5 Mr. Christensen stated that at the present time, no, because the overhead doors going into the building are on Mississippi St. Ms. Hughes asked how he would handle using the door onto Mississippi St. and then storing cars in the back lot--how would they get to the back lot? Mr. Christensen stated there is a driveway letting him in off Mississippi iato Yhe building and thexe is also a driveway into the parking lot on the other side. It would iuvolve pulling out onto Mississippi and coming around and in on East River Road. The only other way would be to put an overhead door into the back of the building to allow access out to the parking lot that way, and that could be done. Ms. Hughes asked if he could run the operation with the doors closed at a11 times. Mr. Chxistensen stated they do keep the doors closed during the winter, but do not in the su�er because of the heat. Mrs, Langer, 6530 Hickory St. N.E., stated that on behalf of Mr. Edward Brooks, 6506 Hickory SC. N.E., who could not be present, he had indicated that he was not opposed to Mr. Christensen's present operation or the noise or pollution. He objected somewhat the rezoning to C-2, because of the fact that if Mr. Christensen sold the property, some other form of business, such as a restaurant, that the neighborhood would not Like could go in there. Mr. Brooks had also stated he would not like an apartment building there. Ms. Hughes sCated that the built electronic air purifier Mr. Christensen had referred to was an electrostatic precipitator and handles just particulates or dust and probably has a very good efficiency, but does not do anything for fumes and hydro-carbon solvents such as Mr. Nash was concerned about. Ms. Gabel asked if Mr. Christensen had any future plans for expansion. Mr. Christensen stated he would like to add 20 feet to the back of the building for office and storage. It would not involve adding any stalls to the operation. It would involve putting an overhead door in the center through to the other side of the lot so they can get from the shop out into the�.paxking area. The office would be in front and the storage in back and through the middle would be a hallway where the cars would get through into the parking lot. t?IS. Gabel asked how many cars would be parked in the lot at one time and how long did it take to process Chat amount of cars? Mr. Christensen stated that, at the most, there might be 15-20 cars in the parking lot. They try to schedule the repair o£ cars Monday through Friday so that most of the cars are out by Eriday. There would usually be no more than six cars in Che parking lot on the weekend, two of which axe his cars. PLAP NG CONNiISSIDN MEETING JULY 23, 1980 PAGE 6 Mrs. Langer stated she felt they should be veYy equitable to the people involved, because a11 of them bought homes knowing the body shop was there, and they had no objection at that t3me. In fairness to Mr. Christensen, he had upgraded the business considerably, and she did not think they should be doing things to put him out of business. However, they should consider the fact thaC if Mr. Christensen should sell, they would not want the property rezoned to C-2 where they could get some business in there that the neighbor- hood would not want. Mr. Harris asked if there was sane way- that Mr. Chrtstensen could continue to operate his business in the present size building and use the area to the north as a parking lot under R-3 zoning without changing the zoning. Mr. Boardman stated he can use R-3 zoned property with a special use permit, but there is the question that by the use of that R-3 zone, would Mr, Christensen be expanding a tton-conforming business? The only way Mr. Boardman felt he would be allowed to do that is to rezone the corner property where the building is located to a C-2 zane and then allow the use of the adjacent R-3 property with a special use permit. The problem with resCricting the C-2 property to just the corner lot is that they are restricting any expansion possibilities for Mr. Christensen and would also be creating a substandard C-2 lot. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Chrtstensen if he had thought of any alternate use for the property, oCher Chan the auto body repair. Mr. Christensen stated he had not. Auto body repair is his profession and he felt well qualified in that profession. He stated he tries to run a good, clean shop. He is not looking at selling the propexty but just making a living for himself. ' Ms. 13ash asked if the property could be landscaped away from their property so that no transmission oils, etc., would seep into their property. Mr. Christensen stated that, yes, that could be done. Mr. Nash stated he did not think an 8-foot fence was conducive to a residential area, Mr. Christensen suggested that the 8-foot fence be put in the back half where the cars would be parked and the front half could be a11 landscaped. Across the street at the Spur Station, they had dropped the fence down to a 3-foot height in the front area so that the residents did not feel fike Yhey were looking at solid wa11. Mr. Boardman stated he had no problem with that. Their main requirement is that all parking has to be screened from a difFerent zone, based on city code. How much screening could be determined by the Planning Go�ission. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the public hearing on ZOA �k80-03 by Carl E. Christensen. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearing closed at 8:36 p.m. PI,ANNING G�II�ffSSION MEETING, JiR.Y 23, 1980 PAGE 7 Ms. Hughes sCated she was somewhat reluctant to vote for rezoning in a block where everything is residential, and it seemed sensible to leave Lots 22, 23, and 24 as an R-3 area. In looking at the properties on the four corners of that intersection, it was not out of character to leave that corner 1ot co�anercial in some form. It would seem to her very possible for this property to become a lot moxe attractive £or other uses than an auto body, once rezoned. However, she did not see any good way out of the dile�a of putting it all into one kind of zoning. If she lived in thaC area, she would rather see it not rezoned, but she did not get that feeling from most of the neighbors. There are certainly noise impacts and visual impacts just by the character of Mississippi and East River Road at that point. East River Road is a major highway at that point and not particularly canducive to residential uses. She thought there was some good rationale for rezoning, but the impact on that property is going to come when the property is sold for scme othex use. Ms. Gabel stated she heard the neighbors saying it was no problem with an auto body repair shop, but were concerned about rezoning and what could happen down the 1ine. She was concerned about rhat, too. Also, it was really a spot rezoning, an expansion of a non-conforming use. Mr. Harris stated he has looked over the building quite extensively. He stated he could not vote for rezoning to C-2 for the reason that rezoning to C-2 would probably solve the immediate problem, but they have to look at the ultimate impact on the surrounding neighborhood. The rest of that block is zoned R-3. As much as he would like to see Mr. Christensen have a thriving business, he could not vote for rezoning, because it does not fit with the character of the rest of the neighborhood. MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to recommend approval to City Council of a rezoning request, ZOA 4�80-03, by Carl E. Christensen, D/BJA Christensen Auto Body: Rezone Lots 22, 23, and 24, fr ai R-3 (general mulCiple family dwelling)to C-2 (general business areas), and Lot 21, from CR-1 (general office and limited business) to C-2 (general business areas), a11 located in Block 6, Fridley Park, to make zoning consistent with use of the property as an auto body shop, the same being b501 East River Road N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, HARRIS, HiTGHES, GABEL, VOTING NAY, WHARTON AND TREUENFELS VOTING AYE, CHAIRNL4N HARRTS DECLARED THE MOTION EAILED BY A 3-2 VOTE. Mr. �'reuenfels staCed he would like to see Mr. Christensen's business expand. UPON A VOICB VOTE, �3ARRI5, HUGHES, WHARTON, GABEL, VOTING AYE, TREUENFELS ABSTAINING, CHP.IRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED - PLANNING CO�ffSSION MEETING, .7ULY 23, 1980 PAGE 8 Mr. Harris stated that ZOA ��80-03 would be before City Council for approval on Lot 21 only. 3. CONTIN[1ED PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �'i80-08, BY CARL E; CHRISTENSEN, D/B/A CHRISTENSEN AUTO BODY: Per Section 205.101, 3, D, to allow a garage for the storage, repairs and servicing of motor vehicles not over two-ton capacity, located an Lots 21, 22, 23, and 24, B1ock 6, Fridley Park, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the public hearing on SR ��80-08 by Carl S. Christensen. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Aarxis declared the public hearing open at 9:29 p.m. Mr. Boardman stated this special use permit is for the auto body operation. In order to a11ow the use of Lots 22, 23, aud 24, which are zoned R-3, two special use permits are going to be needed--ane to a11ow Lot 21 to be used as an auto body repair shop and one to allow parking on Lots 22, 23, and 24. Mr. Harris asked if there were any stipulations with the use of the building that the Co�issinn should be concerned about such as a filtering system? Ms. Hughes stated she did noC think so with the size of this building. The only thing she would expect is that if Mr. Christensen opens up a door to the parking lot, there might be some need for them to require any future door on the north side to be closed at a11 times. She did not see any problem with leaving the Mississippi St. door opeu, because that does npt now and is not likely to impact the neighborhood in terms of noise. Mr. Boardman stated that since the first special use permit is restrictad only to Lot 21, it would require Mr. Christensen to do some landscaping on Lot 21. Another thing thaC should be considered at this time is bikeway/ walkway easements along Mississippi St. within the 20 ft. green area, This would not restrict his area as £ar as parking area or the building. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close the public hearing on part;'l-of SP-�80-08 by Carl E. ChrisCensen. Mx. Nash stated he thought there should be a limit on Mr. Christensen's business hours. Mrs, Langer stated she has never heard any noise from Mr. Christensen's business, but they do hear noise from the car wash across the street, which opexates until late hours. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HLARING CLOSfiD AT 9:54 p.m. YLANfTING CONiMCSSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1980 PAGE 9 a use of an auto bodv shoD located on Lot "L1. B °-F�7 a 3. That any futuxe door on the north side of closed exceut when vehicles eo in and out 4. That the hours of business be limited to 7:00 a.m, to 10:00 Mr. Wharton stated he intended to vote in favor of this motion, and he also intended to do everything he could to keep Mr. Christensen in business. IIPON:A YOTCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED Tf� MOTION CARRIED UI3ANIMOUSLY: MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Hughes, to open the public hearing on part 2 of SP ��SO-08 by Carl E. Christensen. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearing open at 10;00 p.m. Mr. Boardman stated this would be a special use permit to a11ow the use of a parking lot on R-3 next to an adjacent business to be used for that business. It would have to meet the setback requirements and require a landscaping plan according to city code. Mr. Harris stated he thought it would be appropriate for Mr. Christensen and Mr. Nash to get together w3th Staff to discuss the landscaping on the north end of the properCy to came up with a Landscaping plan that would be agreeable to all parties. MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Hughes, to close the public hearing on part 2 of SP fk80-08 by Garl E. Chxistensen. Upan a voice voee, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearing closed at 10:05 p.m, Gabel, sec tensen Block a svecial use oermit. SP o ue us River Road N.E., wlth the::followiiig stipula 1. That a landscaping plan be worked out s Staff, Mr. Christensen, and Mr, Nash on pxopexty. 2. That easements be dedicated for a bikew of business be with use oY a on UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VQTING AYE, CHAIftMAN HARRIS DECI,ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIVIMOUSLX: FLANNING COI�ffSSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1980 PAGE 10 Mr. Harris stated that both parts of SP 9�80-08 were recnu�ended to City Council for approval. Mr. Boardman stated that the rezoning xequest will go to City Council on Sept. 15. Action on the special use pexmit wi11 probably be tabled by City Council until they take action on the Yezoning on Sept. 15. 4. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L:S; #80-04, D& E CONSTRUCTION: Split off the S wth 14 feet of Lot 7 and add it to Lot 6, Block 27, Hyde Park, to make a new building site, the same being 5775 2'� St. N.E. (Lot 7 addressed as 5783 2'� St. N.E.) Mr. Harris stated this was not a public hearing, but they would conduct it as an informal public hearing. Mr. Boardman stated there is presently a duplex on Lots 7 and 8. Lot 6 is a separate lot that is a 40-ft. 1ot. What the petitioner would like to do is add 14 ft, taken from Lot 7, aad add that onto Lot 6 to make Lot 6 a buildable lot size. That makes Lot 6 a 58-ft. lot. He sCated that a duplex-size lot requirement is 10,000 sq. ft., and this lot split brings the lot size of the duplex down to 9,600 sq. ft. This is still over 9,000 sq. ft. which is allowed for a single family, and a single family is only allowed in this special zoning district. Ms, Gabel stated she was concerned about the size of the house that was going to be put on this lot and what kind of variances would be needed to build the house. Mr. Boardman stated that the builder, Mr. Forrest Melville, D& E Construction, was in the audience and could answer those questions. Mr. Me1v311e stated D& E ConsEruction was representing Mary Ann Kopp. He stated what they are attempCing to do is put in a 24' x 36' or a 24' x 40' house, and it would probably have to be put endways on the 1ot. Otherwise, the lot would not have enough setback. Ms. Kopp is going on a 235 mortgage and under a 235 mortgage she cannot afford to buy a lot over,$10,000. .That is why they are attempting Co get the 1ot split and keep the cost down. Qne of the reasons they are before the Planning Conm�ission is because they had another lot £or Ms, Kopp, but it was found unbuildable. As a result of that, Ms. Kopp had already sold her house trailer and is now living from place to place with her two children. They are attempting to move as fast as they can as she needs a place to live. Mr. Melville stated D& E Construction works with a company called the Stratford Company in Stratford, Wisconsin, which builds houses that are considered module. The building is built out of state but will pass a11 Minnesota state regulations and FHA requirements, etc, PLANftING COMNfiSSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1980 PAGE 11 IIP�d A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI,ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAN7MOUSLY; Mr, Harris stated L.S. ��80-04 would go to City Council an August 4. 5. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, I.:S: �680-05, BY EDWARD S; JONAK: Split off the North 70 feet of Lots 4, 5, 6, Block 2, including a11 that part of 57 1/2 Avenue A.E, (vacated, ordinance 371), City View, to make a new building site, the same being 5750 3rd Street N.E, Mr. Boardman stated the problems they are having wiCh Chis is that back in 1457, Che City vacated the street righC-o£-way but`left the utilities and drainage across the whole 33 feet of vacated street, In the staff review of this request, they came across that and told Mr. Jonak that in order to approve the lot split, he would also have to get a vacation on those utility easements. They have talked to Engineering, and Engineering sees no problems in vacating those easement areas as there are no utilities in that 33 feet. However, Staff would like that vacation done to go along with the 1ot split. Mr. Boardman stated that there are presently no utilities on 3rd Street and the only utilities available to Yhat property are on 57th P1ace. Mr. Jonak owns Lots 4, 5, and 6 to the south and easements would have to be dedicated off those lots to allow utility easements to get up to that new lot to build. Mr. Boardman stated his recommendation would be to continue the lot split request until the vacation of utilities is applied for. Mr. Jonak stated he would like to submit the xequest that the utility ease- ment retained by the City be vacated and that the vacation fee be waived. Mr. Boardman staCed this request would have to be suhmitted to the City Council as the Planning Co�ission does not have the authority to waive fees. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DEG7,ARED THE MOTION CARRTED UNANiMOUSZY; PLANNING CON4ffSSI0Id RIEETIftG JULY 23 1980 PAGE 12 Chairman Harris declared a Yen-minute break at 10:40 p.m. 6. CONTINUED: PROPOSED CHAftGES TQ QiAPTER 205. ZONiNG: MOTI� by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to continue discussion on Proposed Changes to Chapter 205. Zoning. Upan a voice vote, all votin$ aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. 7. RECEIVE JULY 1, 1980, SPECIAL EPERGY COI�PITSSION MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to xeceive the July 1, 1980, Special Energy Coum�ission meeting minuCes. Mr. Wharton stated the special meeting was called to discuss the grant proposal suhmitted to the League of Minnesota Cities. He stated Mary Cayan did an outstanding job in preparing the proposal, and she feels that Fridley has a pretty good chance at getting the $9,500 grant. Mr. Wharton stated the other item discussed was the Energy Policy, and they made a moCion reaffirming their commitment to the Fridley Energy Policy as submitted to City Council. The Energy Policy has now c�e out as the "Energy Courcnission Guidelines" which was passed by City Council. UPON A VOiCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED TEIE M(1TZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: 8. RECETVE JUS,Y 10, 1980, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AV1ii0RITY MINVIBS: MOTIOA by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to receive the July 10, 1950, Aousing & Redevelopment Authority minutes. Mr. Boardman stated that the HRA will be meeting on July 24 to make a decision on JVD's proposal. At that meeting, he will be recou�ending a counter- proposal to JVD. If the HRA approves that counter-proposal, it will go to JVD. If 3VD does not accept the counter-proposal by Aug. 1, then they wi.11 go out for bids again. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN NARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED URANIMOUSLY; 9. RECSIVE JIJLY 15, 1980, APPEALS COI�41'lSSION MCNUTES: MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to receive the July 15, 1980, Appeals Co�ission minutes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. L0. APPROVE JIILY 9, 1980, PLANAING COAII+IISSION NIINUTES: MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to approve the July 9, 1980, Planuing Coum�ission minutes. PLANNlNG COI�LCSSION MEETIftG, JULY 23, 1980 PAGE 13 Ms. ftughes made the following corrections: Page 1, second to last paragraph, second line; "man" should be changed to "many". Page 4, paragraph 8, "Mrs. Aughes" should be changed to "Mrs. Gabel" Page 4, second to last paragraph, reword sentence as follows: "Mrs. Hughes asked if it was necessary to have the petitioner here at the meeting." Ms. Gabel staCed that on page 5, item iF6, regarding the lot split request, L.S. �k80-03, by 1Cedegaard Construction Co., she would like it noted that the reason she made the motion to approve the lot split was because she £elt it was the only way to get rid of that house as the house was a health hazard and they had been dealing with it for over two years. Also, the neighborhood was totally in favor of the lot split and wanted a house versus what they are dealing with now. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIIiMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE JULY 9, 1980, PLANt7ING COMMISSION MCI3UTES APPROVED AS AMENDED: 11. OTHER BUSINESS• A. Sign Variance Mr. Boardman stated that about a month ago, Charlies in Fridley asked for a variance on their sign. The variance was issued to the owner of Charlies. However, the property has changed hands within the last two weeks, assd PSr. Raphael has taken over as owner. Mr. Boardman wanted to know if the Planning C�ission had any objection to City Council allowing the variance to go to the new owner without having Mr. Raphael go through the whole appeals process. Mr. Harris stated thaC as long as there was no substantial change in the variance request, he could see no need for another variance process. Ms. Gabel stated she was sure the Appeals Co�ission would not have any problems wieh that either. B. "Metropolitan Council � to Local Comprehensive of Proposed Amendments Mr. Boardman stated this was Metropolitan Council's amendment pro- cedures to the Comprehensive Plan. The ameadment procedures are quiCe lengthy. Any change in the Comprehensive Plan that falls within these amendment procedures has to be reco�ended by the City, has to be reviewed by a neighboring community, and has to go before Yeview at Metropolitan Council. He stated he was very concerned about this document. PLAflNING CONAIISSION MEETING, JULY 23, 1950 PAGE 14 Mr. Boardman stated that City Council passed a resolution to extend the time for coument on these guidelines until Sept. 2. There is a public hearing on July 31 at 2:00 p.m. ia the Metropolitan Council chambers. He stated he hoped to get some canments together for that meeting. Mr. Harris stated the Planning Co�ission could discuss this again at the next meeting. C. Regional Trails ,7oint Powers Agreement Mr. Boardman stated the Co�ission had requested a copy of the Regional Trails Joint Powers Agreement passed by City Council and Andka County. M(YfION by Ms. Hughes, seccmded by Mr. Wharton, to receive the Regional Trails Joint Powers AgreemenC. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. D. Energy Commission Guidelines MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to recieve the "C3ty of Fridley Energy Cosmission Guidelines". Upcm a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. E, City of Spring Lake Park Official Publications F. Mr. Boardman stated the Planning Co�i.ssion had a copy o£ two official notices from Spring Lake Park--one for a public hearing to split parcel 8450 to rezone portion split off £ram C-3 to a proposed R-6 and a special use permit to construct a 60 unit apartment complex for the elderly; and one for the consideration of an amendment to the Spring Lake Park Municipal Code to include an R-6 classification for housing the elderly and handicapped. Mr. Boardman stated these were for Che Co�ission's information. Ms. Hughes stated this document was part of the State Implementation Plan for controlling total suspendedparticulates in the Twin Cities. It says they are going to conduct a study on how to control non- tradiYional sources of dusC, smoke, etc, At the end of the study, they are going to came up with proposed strategies for controlling dust. The local governmenC, planning and zoning departments, and zoning boards could be involved. Ms. Hughes stated this was for the Comnission's information and to forewarn the Commission that this is a possibility and could affect Fridley. PLAl�TiNG GOM�ffSSION MEETING, 3ULY 23, 1980 PAGE 15 MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to receive "Part of State Implementation P1an for Total Suspended Particulates in Twin Cities Metro Area", Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimously. AATOURNMENf • MOTIOft by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Har�cis declared the July 23, 1980, Plaani�tg Coumiission meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m. Respectfully subm'tted, L Saba Recording Secretary