PL 09/10/1980 - 6733� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: City of Fridley A G E t� D A WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, i980 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANMING COMMISSiON MI�IUTES: AUGUST 20, 1980 '1. YACATIOP� REQUEST, SAV #80-07> PETITION q7-T980; Vacate alley easement in Block 4, Plymouth Addition> located in the 4800 � Block between Main Street and 2nd Avenue N.E. (.100%} � 2. VACATION RE UEST,SAV M80-OB, BY'ED4IARD IONAK: Vacate the P utility and drainage easement in vacated 57 1/2 Avenue lying � North of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 5, City View, that was vacate� in Ordinance 371, to be part of a new building site at 5750 3rd Street N.E. (P7ust retain N. 10' for utility & drainage�easement) _ ._ PAGES 7-7 8 -i2 13 -18 3. PUBLIC HEARIFIG: ADIENDMEP�T T0 CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRdDLEY CITY 19 � CODE GENERALLY K��Ou1N AS THE FRIDLEY ZONIN6 CODE. � SEPARATE 4. PUBLIC HEARING: RECEIVIM6 IP�PUT IN THE Ih1PLEt�ENTATION'SECTIOM 2� SEPARATE OF THE FRIDCEY COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMEt�T PLAN ,(� �o�y��,�rw,I;o,� 5. RECEIYE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIOPI MI��UTES: AU6UST 13, 19IIQ GREEN b 7. RECEIYE _ & REDEVELOPMEiVT COA7MISSION MINUTESt P WHITE BLUE Page 4: City consider including appropriate special conditions � on any building permits for^Onan or Metronic to safeguard the interests of the City pertaining to the discovery of additional contaminated areas from the creosote operation. 8. RECEIVE ENERGY COMMISSIOPJ P•1INUTES: AU6UST 26; 1980 ORCHID Page 3: The Mayor and City Council declare the week of � September 28. 19II0 to October 4, 1980, 1980 Energy Week. 9. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 26, 1980 Page 7: City of Fridley sign on University Avenue is in a state of disrepair, and request that the copy be regularly updated and the appearance of the sign be repaired and maintained by whoever is responsible. 10. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: i YELL01+1 CITY OF PRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 20, 1980 CALL TO ORD�R: Chairman Harris called the August 20, 1980, P.anning Commission m�eting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, Ms. Gabel (for Pfs. Schnabel), Ms. Sporre, Ms. Modig (for N:r. Oquist), Mr. Kondrick (for Ms. Hughes), Mr. Llharton Members Absent: OYhers Present Nane 7errold Boardman, City Planner. Mr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Meyer, 420 Ironton St. N.E. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 6 I980 PLANNING COiiMISSION MINUTES: MOTIO;I by Pts. Gabel, seconded hy Mr. Whari,on, to approve the August 6, I980, Planning Co�ssion minutes as written. UPON A VOICE VOT�, A.T,L �r�TING AYE, C3AIRMAN HARi2IS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARIbTG: REQUEST FOP. A SPECIAT USE PERMIT, SP 1f80-09, BY i i- CLYDE E. PIEYER: Yer Section 205.053, 3, D, of the Fridley City Code, to allow an existing basement apartment to continue as a rental unit in a single family dwelling, located on Lot 4, Block 1, Choinard Terrace, the same being 420 Ironton Street N.E. MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to open the public hearing on SP 4180-09 by Clyde E. Meyer, tipon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the public hearing open at 7:33 p.m. Mr. Boardman stated that the zoning on thislot is an R-1 zoning; however, it is Staff`s understanding from the �titioner that the hone has been used as a duplex for quite some time. The basement was set up as a separate apar.tment and rented out prior to this time without the City's knowledge. When the petitioner came in to check to see if the basement could be used as an apart- ment, Staff had informed him that it was not zoned for an apartment ar.d,there- fore, it would require a special use permit to allow that use on an R-1 property. Mr. Boardman stated the property just west of this property is presently zoaed duplex (R-2), the property to ti�e southwest is zoned R-3 (multiple), and the property across the street is zoned R-1. PLANNING COMMISSIOtd MEETING, AIIGUST 20, 1980 PAG� 2 Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Meyer was in the audience if the Planning Commiss�on members txad any questions. Mr. Boardman stated that if this petition is granted, Staff has talked to Mr. Meyer about the necessary improae- ments he will have to make to the apartmcent, and Mr. Meyer has agreed to make all necessary code s.odifications in order f.or the a�artment unit eo meet all code requirements. hlr. Boardman stated the apa:rtment unit is satisfactory in size. It meets the duplex code as far. as the size, and the lot is large enough. Mr. Kondri.c'� asked if any of the neighbor.s objected to this property continuing as a zental unit. Mr. Boardman stated the City has not received any cov�plaints. Ms. Gabel stated it seemed tha� instead ef a special use permit, Mr. Meqer should be asking for a rezoning. She knew the code allowed a special use permi=, but a sp�cial use permit, in effect, aas actually a rezoning, because the srecial use permit will stav with the pro_rerty. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Meyer to give the Commi.ssi.on a little background inf.orL-�a- tion regarding the house. Mr. Meyer stated the house was huilt in 1452. He bought the house three years ago, and *_he peapie eaho had buA�.t the house hzc3 lsver� ia tfie basement, sa it taas already ati a�artment thzn. He stated 'r:e .hought ti�e house because of LhL apartment. Ae statec� he has done extensive remodelicg in the basement. i?e stated he had the City Inspector cou:e out aboiit a year ago. At that time, tl�e City Inspector had told tnem theg co;.ld continue to ren�, but he. had not h�ard anyttaing €rom the City since [hen. He stated tli�y wanted to do the ri.ght tl�ing, so they had contacteci the Ci:y ard found out they needed a special. use. permit. He aZso stated that his nei.ghbox•s have no complaints about his re,.t�ng out the basement apartment. Mr. Meye*_r stated that, as far as the impxovement_s, he �ax_11 r,eecl bigger bedroo� windcws, railings, and smolce detectors. He seated the apartwent is up to code right now with nek electrical. ar.d plumUing. Mr. Harris asked a�out parking far the ten2nts. Mr. Nleyer statnd he has a douhle. car garage witt, a dow� ie driveti*ay. He recenCly widened that driveway 14 more feet for tenant parking only. He stated the tenant� have sepyrate f.r�nt and �ack entrances. Mr. Wharton aslceri if Mr. Afe�er intended to br.ing the apartmert unit up t� code before the unit was :ented again. Mr. Meyer stated he clid intend *o. Tiie anly rea�on he has not started L-he improvements is because he first wants to see if the City wiil p,rant him the special use permit. _ _ _ _ . _ . _ -�x-Mv PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 20, 19n0 PAGE 3 MOTIDN by Mr. 2reuenfels, seconded by Ms, Gabel, to close the public hearing on SP U80-09 by Clyde E. Meyer. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, - Chairnoan Harris declared the public hearing closed aY 7:45 p.m. Ms. Sporre stated that the Meyer's are her neighbors and, therefore, she wished to abstain from voting because of a conflict of issue. Ms. Sporre stated this question raises some interesting points from a planning perspective. It seemed that if she bought some land that is 2oned R-1 and was adjacent to R-2 and R-3 and was willing to put some money into remodeling and apply for the special use pernit, this precedent would say there was no reason to prevent her from doing.that. And the best way to do that is to operate as rental for awhile before applying #or the special use permi.t. Mr. Harris stated that the Planning Commission handles each case on its individual merits, but this question is me that the Planning Commission has been struggling with for sometime. It is a tough question. There are many arguments for it and many arguments against it, so the Planning Commission had decided that when these petitions arise, thec ill handle each petition �ndividually. This same case in a diiferent area, under different circu�stances, may merit denial. tinder the special use permit set-up, it is the responsibility of the Planning Commission to show just cause why it should be denied, which is different from the variance procedure. The variance grocedure req�ires that the peeitioner must show cause of why a vsriance should be granted. Mr. Boardsan stated that a duplex is ?lowable in an R-1 zone with a special use permit, but it has to have a spe; 1 use permit. The special use perev,t implies *;�at the City has to prove c in con33.tions why tnat unit cannot be a duplex. If the Planning Commissior_ .;.,3es this special use permit, they must give valid, sound reasons for denial. ihe actual issue of zoning is not an issue for denial. Ms. Gabel stated she would not have any problems with this if it was a rezoning. Mr. Boardman had stated earlier that neighbors get more upset over a rezoning issue than they do over a special use permit, but she thought this was very misleading to the neighbors. The special use permit does not explain that it is, in essence, a forn of spot rezoning. She did not think the coimnvnity as a whole realized that a special use permit goes with the property and stays with the property. Mr. Harris stated the Commission should e�camiae this case on its in3ividual merits. The petitioner is asking that the City a11ow him to continue the operation of a basement apartment in a single family dcaelling. A rezoning would allow the owner of that property to add another unit onto the structure, if he so wished, because he has enough lot area. So, the special use permit is really more restrictive than a rezoning request. Mr. Boardman stated that tre Commission should also keep in mind that the Housing Maintenance Cc�:e is set.up for all rental properties. This means that every four years all rental properties in the City are inspected. Also, there is a licensing requirement for all rental properties in the City. PLA.*tNING COMMISSION MEETIIdG, AUGUST 2C, i980 PAGE 4 Mr. Kondrick stated he agreed wi*_h Ms. Sporre. He coould be concerned about his.nei.ghbors couverting thei. dwelling into a rental unit, and a few years down the line finding yourselces in a situation you would rather not have in your neighborhood. He was also afraid of this setting a precedent. Maybe in this case, the neighbors do not miud, because it has been in existence for such a long time. MOTION by Mr.. Wttarton, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to recommend to CiY_v Council er D �ated on Lot 4, Biock 1 N.li. codes and zire e P.7 20 is rented UPON A VOICE VOTE, IiARRIS, TREUENFELS, TiAARTON, DiODIG, AP7D KONDRICK :�OTING AYE, GABEL VOTING ^IAY, AND SPORRE ABSTATNTNG, CHAIRi`fAN HARRIS DECLARED TIIE ASOTION CARRIED IaITIi A 5-1 VOTE. Mr. Harris skated SP /��0-09 would go before City Council on Sept. 8. 2. VACATION REQUEST: BY PEI'ITION ii5-1980, SAV dk80_04_ Vacate alley ease- ment in Block 6, �ridley Par.k, located in zne 6500-6600 bloek between East River Road and Hidcory Street. Mr. Eaardman stated that, as the Com�issiun knew, the City Council has paved the way for alley vacatioiis wit:n-100% getztion. On t?YOSe alley vacatzons [ahere there is 100% agree*_rient �cx the vacation Sy the property ownars, the City Council will v�aive tiie iee. Theresere, the City is taking t.:� peti*ion and starting the process on vacation oi alleys. He stated the first vacation request is along East A�ver Road be;ween GSth and liickory Street. T'nat alley is noT. presently being c�tiliie3. There are presently no utilities in the alley, aud the City would recommend irs vacation. Mr. Treuecfe.Is. seconded Council arproval �f a V.:car.ion Requc:st I>v (=��iti.on [k5-i_?B0, SAV t'8Q-04 vacate allev easeme�at ir. 3locic 6.�;ridle� Fark� locaLed in the 6�00-E6 block be.twezn c:a,t River Zaad and Hickea-� Street. �rit; the stipulaCion the Czty re*zi-n titilit atia cxairia� ea�,emeuts. � --�_ Y —_ _ _. � U£OIQ A VOICE VOTE, A?�L POTING AY$, CHAI°.I'tAN HARRIS DECLAFED THE P10TLON CARRIED UNAiVIMOUSLY. 3. VACATIO\' R]iQUEST: tii' PE;ITI6N i�d-7.980 ment in Block "L, ilo:izon rieignts, 3�ca and Buchanan St:eets N.E. to ai. Vacate alley ease- ck betwaen Lincol.n Mr. 1Boar3man stated thzs aas the sam� ati 4i8C-Q4. This alleq only goes down from 53rd Ave. and abour_ t�.o Iots to the south. At tnat point, there would be no alley dedication. They have 10p% agreement of the four property ocaaers to vacate that sma31 porYion of alley. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 20, 1984 PAGE 5 alley easement in Blocic 2 Hori Lincoln and Buchanan SCreets N. utilitv and drainage easements. he sti in the UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CEIAIItMAN fiARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLii 4. VACATION REQUEST: BY PETITION i16-198C in Block 8, Hamilton's Addition to Mec Block between 6th and 7th Streets td.E. 6^Vacate alley easement , located in the 5500 Mr. Boardman stated this was also a short stub section of a block area. The street right-of-way just north of this has already been vacated. This vacation would be from that vacated portion of street to the service road that runs along Interstate 694. This is off 7th Street right by the area w:iere the drive-in empties onto 7th Street. There is lOD% agreement by the property owners and SCaff has no problem with this alley vacation. _�vr��•u�- �+ o�ivii ncuuc5t u�:'��1L10II i�J-!.7i5U.. SAV iiDU-Ub, t0 VaC3t(.'. 31. easement in 3locic 3,�Ia�iiton`s ;dd�ticn to �dg:enani;:scille iecated iu tae. 5500 Elocic between cth ar.d 7th_ Strc.ets N.E'„ witii the stinuiation ttiat rr:, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AY�, CHALRI�SAN ?I.AP.RIS DECLARED T1iE 2;DTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - 5. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. /i80-06 BY GERALD T1 PASCHR�• Split off tlie Northerly 50 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, ancl add it to Lot 1, Block 1, al1 in Paco Industrial Park, to malce a building site for a proposed office building, the same being 7281 Comerce CircJ.e East. Mr. Boardman stated he had received a call from Mr. Paschke and no one was available to come to the�reeting �onight to e�lain this request. Mr. Paschke had asiced Mr. Boardman to e�cplain to the Pianning Commission what is being planned. Mr. Boardman stated that on Lot 1, they are planning a 31,000 sq. ft. building to be used as a three-st-ory office structure. They are requesting a Iot split off Lot 2 to make allowable room for parking available for that site. With the lot split, Lot 2 is still of adequate size to meet the zoning requirements under a commercial district. Lot 2 is about 30,000 sq. ft. and the allowable is 20,000 sq. ft. Mr. Boardman stated Staff is looking at additional landscaping and screening, and they do want to retain a ten-foot bikewayJwalkway easement along University Avenue. Staff sees no problem with this lot split request. ,-�,_ , PLAtr^VING COi�iISSIOtd MEli1'ID_1G,_AUGUST 20, 1980 PAGE 6 Treuenfels. seconded bv Mr. Wharton, to recommend to J.:it f;ec�i.t2st: L.S. t�t5i1-U6, bV Ger21c t+l. YaschK Si1 feet oi Lot 2. Blor_k I. and add it to Lot 1 in Paco Industrial Y dinn„ the sane beins' � eas�ment a1�ng liniversi UP01 A VOICE VOTE, ,�LL CDTING AYE, C.HAIFtt�fAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CAP.RIED UNa:^ITMOUSLY. o. RECEIVE AUG�.°,7.'_]2� 293�_A?'PEEILS COMMiS$lOiQ MTT?UTES: MOTION by �Is. Gabe2, seconded by Mr. Kondr.ick, to receive the August 12, 1980, Appeals Co�ission minut:es. Tu7'ON A VQICE VOTEy ALL �TO^'ING AYE, CIiAIIiMAN HARRIS DECLliRED THE MOTION C?Zt1tIED UNA?dIMOUSLY . 7. RECEIVE AUGUST 12, 5.980, CON,T�UNITY llEVELOPMENT C�N44ISSION MINTJTESt MO'SZG'� by P*.s. Plodig, seconded by Mr. Treeenfels, t<� receive the August 12, 14fi0, Cornnta�ni.tq Develonment Cu�uiasioa minutes. � � UPON A VOIC� ^�T'�, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIitM9N °FJtKIS DF,C:I�!�.RED THE MOTi0P1 CfL1tFi1ED UNA17SMC)USLY. $. CiTHER Si15LNESS: 4. Pr.oposed !u^endm�nts tc Loca.l Comprehensive Pl.�ns i Mr: Boar�man stated t:h.e Coiamiss:ion serbers had a copy of a 1eL-ter thaY. was sn_nt to i4etropolitan Cauncil regardin; the �raposed Amendment s=o Loc�l Ccmprehensiv=_ Plans. He staLed he fe2t theze were some reai problem,, with tl:;c dcr_i:ment; t:ierefore, a le.tter was put together for the Mayor's signz�.ture. ':'his letter was reviewed and ap»rovect by Ciry Gouncil o� tdonday, Aug. 18. Th� recommendat:ions made are: 1. Amendmrnts should be de;ined as those actions which ti�tve potenti.al. for sig�uficaz;_t environmerieal effect �a.4 defir.ed bg Che Plinnesotz. Pazvironmental Qualicy J3oar.d for �A'i7"s. 2. IIetail pl.am:fng decis3.ons not fallin� under the limits oi Yhe I:AS,1 should be left to t[7e local agency �aho is responsi:ble xor impiement:ation. 3. N��tificati-on and responGe to zanir+g amendr�ents sho+ild f.allow the p�acess alreacly established by StaCe Law. 4. Follow the d-irection that Metro Council has given to local cammunities by cutting the p;:ocess time instead of length�nirg it. PLANNING COAfMIS5I0N ME�TING ALrGUST 20 1980 PAGG 7 Mr. Boardman stated thi.s �ls primariiy £or the Commission's informa— tion. The Planning ComRiissien may tva_nt to make a motion concurring with the acti.on taken ty the City ;:cuzical and the Planning Commission's action will be subrnitte�d a1.�ng witn che City Council's action. MOTION by Mr.. Treuenfels, seconded hv F7�. Modig, to teceive a letter dated Aug. 14, 198Q, Yrom Svilliam ;aee. Mayor, to Marcia Bennett, Chairman, Physical Develop�ent Comiai.ttee, Metropclitar. Council, re: Proposed Amendments to Locai Comprehensive Plans. c UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL pOTI;JG AYE, G11P.ZR.MAN HARRIS DECLARED 'fHfi MOTION CARRIEll iJPd6NINi0USLY. MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, s�conded S�N,s. Gabel, L-hat the Fridlev Plamiin� Commission co:�i;�s T��ith tii:_ action taken bv the City Cnt7ncil and that ti�e minutes ci Tne �?laar.in�Commission b-A subsitted a:LOng with the ac�ion taken by� t.;a City Council. UPDN A VOIC� VOTE, A1,L �TOTI;�G AY�, CHAIRbtAN HARRIS DECLA.RED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIVIPiOliSL;'. B. Resi�;nati._r,� frem .7im Lar.yer�feld Y�!r. ilarxis f-ead tixe lette� i�c;n 2�ir. 1,a,-egertfeld, in :,hicii �Sr. La�agen3el2� sT.atc-d tnat 1�e tir�s resi�iizg frore �ae P"tanning Couuuissiou and tY;a �nviroiuncntal Quaiity Co��uission. Y'^1'IQ� b�� pqr. 'Crzc�n,`:r�:_s, _.�roreted h,, i-_Y. .:onuricb., te r�ceive Air. Langerrceld's ietter oi resigr.aticn. UPUN A VOICE VOTE, AL1, VOTING AYE, CAAIRI+L�N ILAP�RLS ��CLARZ� 'L'HE TfOTION CARP�ED IIN�Iv`I2=SOUSLY. Mr. Harr�s statr_d this ].etter has als^ gone Lo Ci.ty Counci.l, and City Cuuncil. has ts�sen actio?2. Ms. Sporre stzted slie wouxd like to eh��ress the thanks and gr�,L-ituee of the Environ:nental QuaI;T,;� Co�ais�iozA fer Mr. Langar.ield's wozK during the time he served on the F'nvi_ronmental Qualitv Conunzs:yicn. Ae w�as chairperson of tixe ��;virunmer.ta"1 Quality L'om�i;si.o.z since .i_yi7.. She felt tfiere has been a trewend�us 3mount of em�i.ror.mental awz.reness that has been genernted, rot only iti �'r.idley, buL in tt�e caff,munlcy at large, because of ttie kind of work and ccmmitiaent T•:r. Lange;�`'eld has gi��en. ADS011P.N,fi:d'?': hSOTIpiQ by Mr. Sdharton, secrnded by M>. Modigy _*.o adjourn fi:ze meeting. LJper a v�ice vote, all votzng aye, Chai.rn;az Aarris rer_lared the August 2G, 1730, £ilanning CoL�unissian rneeting adjournz.d a[ 4:42 p,ra. Kespectfully submiT.ted, > �• -�; ' � . `�r�� Lyine SaLa Recordi.ng Secretar.y , _�; CITY OP FRIDi.EY MINNC•SOTA �� �,� / 0'�� NNING At4D ZONING FOE2M ' NUTII3ER /�� ���! ?� � � APPLICAN7''S SIGNATURE ' aearess %� 1 y�D Telephone Number PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE Address Telephone humber Street Location of Property Legal Description of Property u TYPG OF REQUEST Rezoning Special Use Pexmit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other Fee Receipt No, Present Zoning Classification Existing Use of Property Acreage of Property Describe briefly the proposed zoning classification or type of use and improvement proposed �GG�,a-�� L2%�,�.•� f!`�� 5� _ .%���I�GG.��-�'�6� �� ����5� ,� �-� Has the present appiicant previously sought to xezone, piat, obtain a 2ot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes no. PJhat was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application, (hJ This.application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for.any defect in the p:oceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property owners of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. .. A sketch of proposed property and structure must•be drawn and.attached, showing the �'� following: 1. North Direction. �2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 300 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all application are true and cnrrect, DATE /��Qd SIGNATURG� Date Filed Date of Planning Commission Approved (dates)' • Denied facts and representations stated in this City Council Approved (dates) Denied � - • -�s.nr a ., C7TY OF PRIDi.BY PETL'fION COVTP. SIfEST Petition No. 7-198D Date Received August 18, 1980 Objece Yacate alley easement in Block 4, Plymouth Addition (100� agreement) Petition Checked By Percent Signir.g Referred to City Council Disposition 0 Date , . . . . - . . .. . _.,... . . . .�. ,. . . . . . ;...,.:..,. .. . . . _ .. . . - �K Zo We, the undersigned, petition the City to vacate the alley easement in Block 4> Plymouth Addition. We understand that if we have 100% agreement in our b7ock, the fee will 5e waived. , D��� � �.��� %-��° i%� ��� 9 `��. �: ��' � �/u-��, �r � sss��/ ti �G�/►�-�-�`��Lti o�2�l172_� ��`"�'�'� Jl'ZILt/yt��I.. �. � . �h.c�c,� /�-� n e �=��-- `� ���/ � -� l�� �J i����� �5� �Gh .� � � � 7��" .���� ,/��7� �.�y � -� T .p �t,��_ ��-� y�8� a� ,� �l �, �,�,� � �fh,n, �.s�a / � U �-�/i�o e� � `�' ��"�" `� ; L��}�; ��/ � � /� s G -� �J�- ��� � n� �_ R _ �C� �/ _ R � �� y� �� /���C • . J~�5 y��� _ �' - � '�/.L ���. � ��;�1. ss�f �- � � c� �i?��/ 'f/ G3��'c%`-w" � ��� � �,�, �..� °.�`, � /2�� i����.5-3-�/_ %��' ����%�� �-c� ��.� � - �1�' _�• �'� �r� � , �'� ss��/ � C? �-�.� . ���� ��`" � � � ,. �o %L /' '/C_. y�,�. ss��-i �-z�-�,��'`�-''�'���� , � ����� o��� � ��'zG�� � `�r�',`,,�sy�; . ALLEY NUMBER 57 PLYMOUTH ADDITION Block 4 Lots 1-2 dSusanne M. 6orries 4880 - 2nd St. N.E. Fridiey, MN 55421 Lots 3-4 JCorrine Y. Kaluza 4868 - 2nd St. N.E. Fridley> MN 55421 Lots 5-6 Carl 0. & Karen L. Youngren 4356 - 2nd St. P+.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Lots 7-8 John W. & Shirley J. Roberts 4844 - 2nd St. N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Lots 9-10 ��Donald P. & Roselyn V. Brausen 4832 - 2nd St. N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Lots 21-22 � Gl adys Cudo � 4833 Main St. N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Lats 23-24 �J4Jalter E. & Ethel A. Gilstad 4845 M3in St. N.E. iridley, MN 55421 Lots 25-26 JJohn J. & Helen T. Nartmann 4857 Main St. N.E. � Fridley, MN 55421 ^ 11 Lots 27-28 Dennis J. & Bernadette C. Trombley 4869 Main St. N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 lots 29-3a James R. & Jan A. Furlong 4881 Main St. N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 ** lots l0 - 20 / City Park _. . _ ' _ ,. _.: � 12 , . . . . ., �, ... 4 �.. - .. .. . . A ` - . . t r�. ��.. , .... ' . ` , .n '... .. � . . � � � i. . . .... .. - - A �.�.�•�� . . . �\::� . 4 { . . . ..... 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" _ j la � _�_ �tb8> �.,v,� � ,. ---, : CITY OF FRIDLCY MIN�GS�'PA • � 13 �NUMfSG � lJ-�� P�NNING AND ZONING PORhf , 1'1'PE OF REQUf•ST APPLICANT'S SIGNA7URC ��c . Rezoning � /� Address _/���'„� G� ` Ci/ ���. Special Use PermiE Tele hone Number ���',�7/`/C ,� Approval of Premin- i�1.&��D��� �, ���.f��3� � -�-'� 1/� j� inary � Final Plat PROPERTY OWNLR'S SIGNATURE ��2� Streets or Alley `� a /�, �`� Vacations Addrass fJ',� Gy ,, `, ; k, Other Telephone Number j� „f a f 6 J Fee�Receipt No. 0�� SYreet Location of Property ��oi !1 ,� ,5 7��(� �r / 33 ' � v 4=G � Legal Description o� Property%Yp,GTJ,/ J�f c% �� �f�� L G YG-�J �,r�t'tvDieJlr (tu- i7Ut4'GA2i' OF S7'zFWa.,V.c, y� re� yc� ek rvn ur� 3 J� c yi G xa Present Zoning Classification Existin� Use of Property Acreage of Property % �-9� , , Describe bxiefly the proposed zoning classification or type of use and improvement proposed __ _ � Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit o the subjec site or p t of it? �' yes no. 1'Jhat was requested and when? ,�y� �'.,��� -�/'/.�SI'�,� ��ry f- The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet'for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case, (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property owners of property in question,,deiongs to the unaersignea. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, showing t2ie '�- following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 300 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts artd representations stated in this application are true and correct. . DATE ; Date F.iled Date of }icasing Planning Commission Approved City Council Approved (dates) peniect (dates) Denied — _��'� �1 ��� ,�a� � �' : :. [ � .I �, ., :� .. r, ; f � ! ,. . J 3� � �-� �, a � ��. � � �,� � 1 � . _. 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I, � � iri'i � � � 1- . 1•= .-I .�. _ �` C. 9 C n ORDlNANCS NO. �il AN ORDINANCE UNDER SECTION 12A7 OF THE CITY CHdRTF.R TO VACA'lE STREETS AND ALLEY5 AND TO AMEN❑ APPENDIX C OF THE CItY CODE The Council ot the City of Frld- ley do ortlain as follows: � SECTION 1. For the vacatlon ot 57y¢ Avenue from 2y� Street to tha .East b the West line o[ Black 28. Hyde Park Addition tl<xribed as follows: All that part ot 57y_. Avenue that !s trounded on the North by the South ]ine ot Block 27, Hyde Park Additton: on the West by the South- erly extension of the West line of Block 27, Hyde Park AAdition: on the East bY the Southefly eMen- sion of the West line of Lo[ 6, Hlock 28, HYde Park Atltlitlon: on the South by the North line o[ 81ock 2, City View Addition, Except that Oortion that ltes 1n. clde a 60 foot strip whose center- line fs tlescribed as followa: Beginning at a point on the West llne of Section 23 located 206 feet af a �.s.r.,� zadius Ss 19127 feet, a distance of 18428 feet to the point of reveru curve; thence on a tangential curve to the left whose delta angle is 55°30' tangent is 68.90 feet antl zadius is 330 feet, a distance oE 325.93 feet to the end of reverse curve; thence North tangent to safd reverse curve approximately 165 teet to the centerline of 58th Avenue, thence terminating. All lying in the Ivorth Halt (N�) of Section 2i. T30, R-29, City oP Frldley, County ot, Anoka, State of Minnesota be and Is hereEy vacated, excepted that the City of Fritlley retain an easement for drainage and utility , purposes. SECTION 2. The said vxention has been made after Notice of Public Hearing in conformance with Mlmesota Statutes and pursuant to Section 12.07 0[ the City Charte[ and ADPendix C of City Cotle shall be so amentled. , PASSED AY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF FR[DLEY TH[S 5th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1967. JACK O. ICIRXHAM Mayoz A17EST: MARVIN C. BRUNSELL City Clerk Public Hearing: Aug�st 21, 1967 FlrsS AeadinR� .4t�HU�t 21, lUG7 Second Headmg: September 3, 1967 Yublish: Sep[ember 15. 1�J67 (Publfshed in the Anoka UMon . & Fridley Free Press Sept. 15, 1'J87) 15 ,�/ D�/ r _ _ _ _.. .— ---- ----�- - _._ _ - ,� ���. J � �jo-o � �� �� ���' . � NO RTH E Ft N STRTES POW ER COM PANY b601oBTH AVENUE NOR7H BROOKLYN GENTER, MINNESOTA B648D � August 15, 1980 �� ..' s 16 Mr. Clyde Moravetz City of Fridley ' 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Clyde, In regard tu the vacation of the easement for the extension of 57'� Avenue Northeast, between 2� Street Northeast and 3rd Street Northeast, we have an oveii�iead single phase dis- tribution line located in this easement. If this easement is vacated, NSP wishes to retain a utility ea5ement for our facilities. Sincerely, � ��� a� � LaYry M. Benson Customer Service Representative North Division � � f f � 1 t � � July 23, 1g80 COUNCIL City of Fridley SUSJECT: Lot Split Request 80-05 Gentlemen: It is hereby requested that the utilities easement, retained by the City of Fridley when 5'7'fr Avenue N.E. was vacated by Ordinance 3�01, be vacated, and ihe vacation fee therefor be waived. This will enable the development of an additional building site at 5�50 3rd Street N. E. This site will include the North '70 feet of Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 2, City View, and ail that part of 57f� Ave- nue N. E. l�ing adjacent thereto, vacated by Ordinance , 37l, �i - The Southerly Tract will consist of Lots 4,5� and 6, Block 2, City View, except the North �0 feet thereof. Thank you very much for the prompt consideration and disposition of this matter. Yours truly, �,�Gf�,`��,y � y� iG��� Edward S. Jonak �;��-f � C{ , 1���v'l�r�,d(_ Lucille E. Skovran ll - w� �'r��+-yr, .. ..�-,1- ...4 , ,. 59-05_ , � ' zd 5 , �3�4� 543t� 3 � 5��5 -5942 -�g�10-. �9zs-s ; �;: , 9�� �. , : zs'. : 9�2b- 593�`% 59&32 _ `�� -_ : . 2 s 1 � 23 S -�� �.� ZZ ^ � � 4 . W � :. � W : 9�,. 9� Z �'� ��¢, �� .. y/. :' Z _ Z . Zo r ss7°Y - � ( - Zi ��.°_ / Q, � ` 7 `/9:: ',9 � - 12 , ;.. _ o ` : : . j$ '/3 � 4�0 .: ` s��e . ¢ : � , . y ¢ . � � c� : -� �- o sgg� �-5 jA6 , u� �40� ��oo a cn � �6 ,_ �S. - ` N . ,<. os - . _ :,� /i9 , i -:;;59TH�'— -,;AVENUE ': ' � N:E. ` �< % ��i5 1 ' �SB SBS�2 ' :S 5660 ^ ; � . : .� �. z: � ' : 9 - ? �584A ,y �9b � j 7 �g.�r p'•, �� b�; o� ����i �O��e ao�: e y6 "2S 29 23 ..;a �`� � 9 c: 31 M 9�9 ia , . � , . 1` 'I� Z F- N S � ` o �7� $5 � �584�` 3 a ` � ' � �9od s., 'a' ; ` w ' .. : . . in � � � �:. ,; ¢ _, N _-.-.Z� . y, . . � �5845 .��p ¢.� � . E ^ ��o ,f^ zE � M G6. �.� m '. s' 5�q � N • . -- - , ,.,,�, . � � +� �J �� w Y N L � ' k•. i rir . � 6 . : � e ..45 ' j .. �l� � �. d ljYf 'n „ .., � .:: � � � � - ^ [9i( 1 J � l. .. � � iJ � � �A 5 ►� 5884 ° 5&� . --5�32 _ Z ' �.u«; ,H� :.5aio �' -, �� z �' �58�2� � B: � e : � ,,. � � y� 3 5 26' - __ t9- �� r�6' --ti �860 S; • . / o : .5�q SSz4 � 2% a .,• , '. 5 � . . 2� - /�+ , .:S " ^ 58�J .. _31� . . � :- �U �� . �/ ° . a��. '.�� " _. :.S�P�— � �� i � a I �:� . � ..� n' _ s N �Z �� � /9 ` . Z ..w° .. o ^ /299/ �2 � : 58i'S 'z ° . ° 58re3 ' . ` B -- �-'C!� ; h >= 58do � � . . 580'ffi' , _ , . �g < ; - - ^ ^�' 4 � ° /zfa ° 4' i� a : : �i� . �4 ^ / - -- i�' . ���'' , ` o• ^ � Y '� i �� �� _ �.� - � :i � �$ �' _' @ � � °y .i n�ti�'.7i. _ s. . �.a 9 5� e - 9�_ a , �r,F� ; �=58TH = - AY�NUE _ -h};E.r �-._�► ` h -fo ,v i �:�>r Y < ��� ir sa i s4 .. -. ,�' i �a �J YreSJ� . e ° S�. � � ^ � si R � i�e . � � :�C / � � � y -� /O .,�i /�/K . h y� -e-� .. 5790 ��j ).- 2Q Sx�tO " 74 �" j' - . ��1L ♦ :� � .6 �- l Y � . 9 �. -i�.jT'! �., � B "'^ y 'i�\ N`� �1 41 ' S�S� . 9 � 8 . 3 va -3 _l _ ���_� — ) 3 3..: I r.^ ns< w 4 �,�s. , � ; 4 ,- ' S F ,e,� ;t 4 r 'y F� ' �4q -57 1- 7O � --�• : F 51.tW:,,�i'. . . ,_<: �d _' ♦ � . . J! � 60 ♦ � � E � �' '>L. iz _ 1./{_ � �'�J1Y �.: . i 60 T >ca' } /`/, 6 �.;� {� �. 4 � v f � �a IS !o .. . _ _ /,� ' ` ' ae as s T �40 � . � '. � , , � , : _ � -:,�.�_ M, j. � �: 3z 3 ¢'S : �h9 fa�J/ /2�1 �4 .5;i ,17g �! 2 3 4 5��'� q 5� 6 7i98 9 io //2 J3 J¢ i/ - � , ; / ; ;�' 2 , . s s� �j 3ei9 � ;: 31 215 217- 3 247 1 251 261 1_ �71 86 „�; iz s.�� : � "�� 1 A , -" _ . -.1� 'T T e �}ISBl rs/l.y.z9� '�.LM�E � . ... � � is i } �, - . . _ -.y'. ' . � T � �f�{ :�\' b . � . I _ T ,� ! . ; .la , _�� q ... : 2�{, zl .. � 2d0 255 %� 26?t ; � o��.:, ��5�.h�e�a ~^• y 3 4 5:. �� r 45�6Z B /o✓/ /Zi/3i¢�LS3/°✓�Z 3�4 5 . 9� 6,�oo^�, ; i �o m S. I z z2 230 � 1 : 1- �, ° Ie �" ��-�°�� f : • 26Z73' _�:--'_` �� "'- .�`._v.. —__ ___�_��__�� --. 1 _ - ----- -����v>� i � ; � �� � t _ . • .-�.� : . . 1 � . LS NS0-05 .__ �_ � . . Edward.s. Jonak .�. .�k 5750 - 3rd Street • = . _ , . . y. � , . - .. ,... . ; . , . , _ . . ., . , �, , � .._,_>_�... .:.::' � , . :, .,. , , _..,. .._.�. ... • .:.::.. ......... ..i.. .... .. - . :_. ..... . : = � !19 PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNINr, COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Publi,c�Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, Septenber 10, 1930 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose af: Amendment to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code, generally known as the Fridley Zonin9 Code. Copies of this amended Chapter 205 are available for review at the City of Fridley ` Planning Department. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. RICHARO H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNIN6 COMMISSION Publisfi: Au9ust 27, 1900 September 3, 1930 � 20 PUBIIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNINr, COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there wi}} be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, September 10, 1980 ' in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Receiving input on the Inplenentation Section of the Fridley Comprehensive Development Plan. Copies of this Implementation Section �re available for revies� at the City of Fridley Planning Department. ` Any and a11 persons desiring to be heard shalT be given an.opportunity at the above stated time and place. PubTish: August 27, 1980 5eptember 3, 7980 6 RICNARD N, HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLAidNIN6 COMMISSION � . " , lffi8J.i1Rf '� • �� z.. �� � ,.'. «: l. � - Ai�{ST 13, � 19�. ` �g �a. v�cd�eY �t ? .38 P .�. , e,>,i�h�s r �1iek Yatn$ �fll#4m, bi:�a;«PLattsi�8 :7� x �#.by.l�s. Seeger> tar- w� �a�es . a�e co the +ageat� �8ed` �y_ Mx �' A1}:er�, .�� �'#rF�'��?Ei Vice�t+lt�k�i �$ P � �x ; �� P ; _�., „ �-.F�r (N�tus-aa.isc ;l �ed Ciznt Mr. St; G1,e�ta C�+iC is�'needs vviuts�� sxaif :-�.s at the fai,r a F3.xsg.�tck peop�.s Eo•i� �i�c., �he daeea 3+��-�' �, �2�yz and 36, 4 1 vv�sa . � a,..xk�_. . �� a. �- �� �`� �� r . _� my -�;��n �. ., t �_ � � } yi' 2g � � �� ry%: �4 ,•�ita � 8eareatfoa r, � s ',: �w. `�i�' �S ; �ire the Suly 16> 1*�$�, ; ,'': � . . ,., . . . _-<:s v$f1; concerned . . ." �havici ,` ed. .." �i�aex n��n � ��er. suB�ne$8��: ove-the aganda as aeg�endsd. $cyndxiek declared t�e �� . ;y i�dtuY�list, ieas - F $�Lp iaith 'tite State Epp�;�ately 8:OD a.m. �@� 4z0� e.sn. to S:'UG p.m. � �eed� volua�eers .�"-e+°..�'h`c .. . _ . � ., .. "LC '. , i�ARiG4� A'S � . MeA1 vokunt� �rau�.ti, a Air.. Kvn at the StffCed exhibit B. U„pdate MB,. P�c3? receive �i•tq M� attd Aae Ms _ Mc�! "Pleasf Departi� t-espcu�e �or in3 the Anc foliowi kFikh tt expect' With rs Yoii.ce S1Xdinat �.nfur� in�e� p� �ted' :ReCi�e$1 ' pexied pr�lee : mysel€: Afs . I+it� l�ridie; fax' An+ y� :;� -� .ttion s�ater� :r shout� �c�yt so �r�le�rg vP Irick sC�C±ed � t�ate �a��' isom E�'. St.'�.a#r ; axe dc�jti� vex •� Lneke � � a�k .21ion ��tec1 1..� coPYi'p� a .......,. «.ewn..,il. `9:30 p.sn. �and says; af Loek� � lievez�gas >3n Iatke Y. !w�ll be at: Mr. iC�ns3r# �opy a� itY : f.;, , -,w. ..� h , ,, , _.,t. � . ,: � za. toan�. ��t:t? aat ax�y CQ�nl.ss�:on me�ber who wo�d like ta xC Mr. 'S't". C1a�r:, She stated A4r. SL. C]air unteers out�f� of tha Com�%ss�.on. . wauld ];ike to voi.uttteer. !3e stated he:worked �' iast year a;cd iC w�a!s a- 1ot of f�n. : He pe� au exce���C.�aTs� .Th� booth and the well. k�E was aot susR if the Commis�ioa me�ers had eCter 53�c. Saidreau hgd'wrfttett ta Ms. Qureshi, g. fihe 3ozut i'c�?ers Agreement betw�en Che GiCy . Cxat in the le�er, klr. Boudreau �ad stated; � on Augus� �, i9$D, Che Aaoka Gouaey Yark recent Join� Rowets Agtt;ement,.was given the daY1q oper�ticm'srad ��ntenarece a� Locke Park. you may 4risk� ta pes� t�n to tk�e City Cou�cil, : lt�ngera wit3 he an duGy in Lo�ke.Park at �he. ap - 6:3{i 3:3�;P.m.g Sat. � SUn. - 1t0U-g,:s0.p.m. s:pRys#cal�q �p�esenC in the pa=k� i woukd' nd rei�ted;p��blema shovid be,greatfy reduced. sttached'�b fro¢� �en Wii�'siusoa, Fridley eerning �hs u$xiations of the Aa�ka County ity of Fricl3.ey Ordimance, Aave �os&elson has roper siga�ge will b'e �slaced ��cosdiug to the' a alcaholi� tzeverage restrictions s�ill'be t week. '�tri��ly s�eaking f�[m� our Parks &' s, view�o#rit, I be23�ve that Chis Crans:ition a ve� SmooG� and effective maimer. Minimal e wili he �actdied through Dave Tarkelson and :ated that whaY,'Dr, Boud�ean eras refer�ing to was rhat , gark i�ours are aantil 1U:Of1 p.m., Sut;the paik hours r an�; �herefore; �t�cke Park, w�ll �e �:30 a,m.-until, hhm 1!f tv (h-sl.inarsPe- �accc��dj�tg ��CO CitO t1CCd fBT� thE -- Anoka rks. c: tt te wouid 1'. `s; memcs an< ng beverages oxt the properey they cat� have alcoholic idley has alloued 3,2 beet that no a]coholas beverages # - - -a ' � �ssioners to recelve a �tson'(s memo. j � 'd i - a . � � _; ..�.,_ ,._ _ . �,.� � �i �` S _ AX � ', r?i:. � 'i � ' �• ��� � � r_: __ ° y;� ��v�i3.d 33�ka -t�n '� �.• ;�s ,sigaed bjr .�jp C�z`: :�She unukd ak:� y +ar�inause ou e��� 3,2.beer. �. ��r�az�ci � rG C�?d ttt�t . the play�g�tttli i',;��!�,.playgrfstmds �#� :'�e�`8$se Fras tfiaC -� Y,b�eit 8 regulax� pla.�; rvund-gxogram for }:� l;Ssgact kaxks into`oa�a;:; r;tho�e childr�a. �� te�i th� playg7cos�4d � �t�t2iat was d,se°r.v c�,. frc�n 377 it► '1939 : � : #� I�79, tti�p�:ha� ; ti�,,ep ��d a,daily.;aCS;� LeaB genple �nexe gq�i ._ _ � . �:sieat3�s: ='�issg rk3��i tak tG did aot ga, �f td t'k�e PITS (Pfay�grot �S ye�; TheY tiad tti C�S program has-bcen; ,c„-..- �_ ---- -- -�— as #� ;� e�„ursiacs , . the a�, r� .glnyx�osuul axetarE E't'���¢ - _ ? a�� �ti� �t� � apecfa} gle �' w v;,� �=y �a ps g� � Y�Th�:.� `7 ; f�;. , :�re Ch�,�d �ass c�i� aAtt„E�s11', d�WU-rto 1{). 3`Tat ,� � , ' �� � � ��M � Y rZ �. �� r iP � � �- pA�g � ., � .• � ., 4-�,� " i � ::�f �.���� � � ����: ��� �.. �f�al copy oE thg, ' � ; ,` �t�3• ead A�uoica eou;sty' �Ciiies .1afoY�atiora u ,-�: �ag�s azui Lhe pexgiit c�g '�i ra� eaded im-Ang. l. � nf th� teu i;x� 1939. aed SCevensou Parkj L}t 19T9a illtD 8 &pCGSBI y aiao cowbicted Gr,�#,g, ' aa�d �rr6gxam :Bad of €ered � t�a : �csrk cfut vexy well . ' �` �=; tlP� aa�ra some�allac, €;e�m '� � f� n�er of:play- i� a�r�9$4, hut-theis daily '� �t`tendance of abou� o� �ko�t 5b%. .She,:�elt f�Co�nm�and the need #or � q,t�at�i�' of' the gro�x� e�: �dut -tize Bame, c` � fr� ei�h� �� sa`playgre�d focaCi.oa "� : childsesi came up Go : :X � the Streetffi) progr� was ;� ei� who did:a supeY=job. trs` the �k: �d p,}aq+3� +p�tcurs-#ons aad sPere . #e�xf' 3'ear, thep '.sire ivr: tha PITS Pass&ra� so � bf`'�e p�ayground :�`rc*��am• ;� $3 �or they.shire. In ' c.h.ildrea must have �.p- � �q�sa ioz' tiie ha�cA�.ca�$ed : �emhers. 'Tite pra$�am a�trollment c�s Il, ags� �k }�I:HC� �L�-�i$- W.fl'iZ1C�i'B�Rif „s �e 18 ehi,ldren gat to ' Ie with tha situatism, �tiss�tehah� Fails, arnd �d titie skaff inembers �rdicapped p3�ygro�l ied. i,�hea, th�a is cc�- rs seceia�� g co�ry• ` _: e 4 > � � _. _ .� .a..�-� a�W,.. � b � . . �� ��s. s� z�c�� i TIB. �_�i�rOTii ProBram;'St�. p�'agYa�; ; 1�e; ; that tr�i�apot; SBe fe�t'ttts� staff inember� ' exeelle�. �3 : gaod. S�+e.sC: �n this:�i�ea�; the presgr� 3a l�udi�aPpe� p� Mis. Mc{�fiili.oa fi�e ple �arog,rau Y .���� ����� A. �'ormaG� M»c'. Ku� ait ta'= advi,soz meetfng ehau�e�s "Mr. K�tii �£TOm�� t*FY cr� �iF brochu� ;i� f�i ;; , �a �t �ae a# £k � k*e �v ep at $x I?f �p €� � k �, �rCec� rugt �� i � 3i8eri �e@ �as a,�,, tect lect gg�st �s�p i�$i ��� C31 � =� " T`r . aAnn- �hat as an at��rowth af the sp�ci�l playground• x§idering`devffi,e{�iag saete kind af .affisr=schaol. ��tere is�s-need;'i� Ch� community, atcd"thep know L� a P�oblem Eo� Any handicaPP�d s�"tua�fon. 3gram eazi oaYp grow. They started ,caith twa �..yaunger' �ek'so�i carc� in later Wha was also �l the staff;to�ehild ratio of 3-4 was vexy ::hoped they'frad the support of Che Commissfon �t year, Staff``f's reCar�eadfng that they spiit �tally handf.capped p�agram and a phy$#cally ;the Sun Newap$�ers g�ve-excell�ac emzerage<of �s, duC 'nf tiee seveft' a*eeks af pfapgrouad t tfie Sun fouf �imes with fnll p�ato "spreads. - z'��Advisor�� d�m+ittee � � � ,�;at Ms. Iiugh�� �tad 8�afted a Let�er to be sent ��;Fridleq r�snsestixtg'voivataers for a cftizens' 9�sti the Godm�F�i,ou kati-d�,scusa�d this at:Cha last �. Boung itad aotiim�,tt�d $ome reccmme�dationc fbr fr. �d'thaC the"�a�missioa go through:the'ietter and, ��,' and the tsC��r, e+�+#,ssiom members' .ingut, copy ta tie pt�blisi�ezt iix-the fal2 recreation r ti*ere made.to ttte'lettez; snge to "Dea� Resi+3eskt"' t zhanged to read: r'If qoa are int�rested 3n . a`co�itfi�e� please let,us knaw. In the spirit �fntment �ir�ee�s bsed by the City Cauncil, we ask ;� e-some infoi�ation about yuurself; yaur interest '7 soa�thin�'; �b�it you; focal cwmmstiiCy affiliations. _ ad in appoi#�iitg �ha;carnmvuitp ma#nstays--the �` o. We a1Bo.h�pee to 8ppoint sofie nf you Who have y ;ations;ta ser� usi a building caanmittee or who � :iv�c arg��&��rnt� or neighborhot�c} advisory , ., , . � ;. � . . -- : -- _ � - -- � _ � changed �u .Y�:' : ��}te Cc�onmission wiT2 make � bctohe�. F1��a€ Sa��cat�;.qour i�,terest bg rsi of parag�ap£� t�e�;��) ` � � , I s #'Alla�t"' � '�At��b" ' i ji . �; ;..°. ��: , '� `� .: � . . . s� 1: a� 'f-f' sz' .�e F '��z` c�aaged ta te . �a: , We aee� 6EAC iRTt CO t%[e 3E'8�; �iti,��' advi�org -} E, l�:L' i�t7�IRG.' AY$, @: � UNi�F�L3E, . : c�hpgd Yarks ted he_is a f�aaduatR of wl . make them�- :. thaE clap � aspeeis. i !k axe somE ec� aug�E �d aut t3� a� ...F.r .. - . ,....:,r.',r- _. � �.: = � ; �° �' iX'' � -� i �r�+� `�.� e ' 3 _ s �^�.�.''- -a'.A -� �� `�� >v� �ct be au'excit�ng � `� n � suppc�r. ,, .�t�;a�PF�e_ t2te IetCer � L6�-'FY�2� ��quEBt,�i!$ �� �R�02� &�'IDRICK DBGLAREII _ , � � .9 �i�z,e :axc#iitect and has beeu . ye�,� . He stated he -fe1t cr� �ry3.mS .tu tto with t}�e x �a���tacl 'asked hfm to � ueighbo�oad pa�ks, �,;; p t�yim8 to �do in tbe ;� �erudreau, is lu�ak ;at ,, ..� E�at `needs to.b,e •xioq�" � . _ �' �tleV_aa,� mai� eajoys;ile sa Ls�3.�g rhe. parks. w1i�t �sed improv�ments are. 4 st�,photps of each paxk, ''qo_£iVe the Co�ri:es�,on ���?'+�P9ts i,n the parks, < x Yhat cqn�.d bx doae, ;„` �-the naeds #u the .pdYka. s Yet��lot_eqni�pmeritt, �aCh-. � 37cks, that the �tke:;need �; €�scilities . � ., � Cbey are taic#�g�,�;6g�t �-� I� s�ep would b� to: z ��g�i#,deJ.ines for e�r;k� af se�i��� to be �doqer and��.it ��#fian, . He thau�t ' ,t�s.very impr�sed:stith a�lttrvrhood parlc�. ;; aeussiau, the C�$s�,o�!s. � a�zT drinking f�ta3,#+s , -� k,ace:after fhat. Mr.;A�leEi - � �at' the parka to be greest =� K � �L�R1�S"& B��AT�� "�r�. &obiT a� a higt facf,2itia rtit, Allei �taza Pa� and Madsi Mr. Rob� the mos�: fac3liti� Ms.. Seeg� tqpes of green a�i ciaef's� .. �ir, Rnb�� w�ich wc� afld opetti parks r�i s . il - . -c�,y. �4t1'..: :��. �.s nat `� �fiiflki�g shade a� � with tlie Bria�1: Mr . Robi. P?ark. Z �czEettiu laixdscap iKr. A11e f;Yffigati �egart�ie aggrav�c - nf the n gl�.ue dv �irinki�� GraiR Pa 2�. &vb# 1�t �qd� Sa st�L! trees, � 3;& in-�t !�er�af�3= i f ' j� F � a� .. ... .... . ��� � fi. ' �' t��i'TNG �� �.3 1980 � �AGE ' 6 :� tfi�st %n his urJ.�,, he would term riestso� facilities _ �; ii�w did the Cbe�ission f�el ahov� r.esx�ssrnn �;hig#Y'priori.ty item�; f: ` � ?e fe�t` 3t wauld e3egend uptm the park. For example, 5pt x�ed a resC�obm �acili�y,.but BYiarda7,e, Craig, aouLc�.iie good garks�to��h�ve�rest�oan.-facilit3��s��.� � �d Ch�.parks witk so£khall a�xd tenafs vhieh got" d p�o�#ahly be ths parks tc� ginpoint for xestroom ;� thought the} shoaild ,tee ic+ok3ng at eart#�-sheltered e8 �at� the togs o� tise. €acf�ities could he used �or � dqtt��t:have to 1#e 6�g-or e3egaztt £&cilities, but �d tiiat Dr. #oud��e had �itfo�ed a type of st�ucture �naBaCe a Iot af c�iffereut'nees--starage, Yestroom, �er. ��nt, agaia, t2�ey wc�xld haoe ta IQOk at *ahich �thaE type of th#ng. ed �#ae s�2thi� that=e�t be dnne in.:t}te parks that t ex�ensi.ve as':Ianls�aping. .Zt is.� matter of typ� -of laz�d�ca�piBg is r�a2i:y ueaded in tzzmms of . � 1'�zaC is scmieChis}g that, eould be ongoing along g$ �ucig�t types csf'items: ;` ,' ed-�ere is a r�ai draivag� prublem iu Sriardale z�� vacant trac��-litt�le .v�£suai. appe�i artd nci t res'ldentfai and the pai�k, grading, �efp�soil, ;sod and , to 1s� imple�aented. eh�t' the park 2ooks so h�rren.' He stateif'a'beautiful � wa� installed A�taut a:mottt'h ago, buC Lhe Gity Water �lied to hook up the system, He sGated it •aas very r� n��,i�hborhvod ;� make� ttie City ,1ovk"bad. Svme soti �esi.denCS hati �P: W�te� the shrubs ta keep them hotF%+eather. A1an$ with' Che irrigatian system, . � ts aYe suppas�d to b� 1i�#ked up also. ' , � � . son ��,teQ tisat this .pa�k nee� xaes�C� y��FQ f� a blfgttCed�ltx Ctr#� =�.r'k �ss � iot of p�tent sa, sa irar �ark. i:ot oE woxk on the.tot stxucCure•in the paxk. as there �re a 2ot of big : old struetute. The park d need to ise' rnnly in 6 j. ;� ; I l� .�.. �� �. , , � �. �;y=` ,�. � ' $[3 : � �r `, � _ }° �•as a ,�reai 4 � � _ �� x �� � . � �,� " `� � � i8 t0 get vmre u88 ' � � �; _ <� ,� i����,'��use-Chere"are a iot af � ,_ . f 4,,,: fc�x e�mgle, ins�ead . ,s-. � '` .,_. - , " �� y � t �,� � . . <-, , - . � - � �'I� �1� ��ablq: be more u�e#u1 � � �F��ce w�here the existing si�+e .a��: It is shady and closer .1ias ����k�RS�n:dt�ne on ttce t�t �.ttt: ��ca�' n3�p5ers, He stated u gea4�:�a si4ng with tYee mew o€ Y.i+e'a�s� ��''Parents to sit. � ff? e LoL;zI�'� t��i�. : Ttiey ueed ;to park fa�.�';,�esiileatial a�eas, ; h as dx��', fb�snta;l�s. �rkm � ��-aa �vns��k�tly � � � � q#`. bas �,-'aiid't�tfs,` and'. o2fl : °Q����:l.iti .Ch3s.'}5ark,€or,: �is�u�� iari. - ,,.. ° de���s[ ehiZdrea in this areax de�' " � . .I�agbe .the more� � pi�sive �_ b�utr�=;GAie,park;'euch as h��e- o-,¢ si�t1;� ,a:�rtls -eC' t�e ceGsua . data =� ;[u ea+Et€.�.cr# ��e ��ghbonc�ind areas aveqaeaS,a �le�ld }ie paC #�[t each ' ; �ti-,�fr;,F�giiity migbt be a goot7 to aeef. s�e i:nnovative tiinught � wld• �l�rb�be +xsed for a t�rpe of ; ��* �sh�uld alsa thft�3c �iscs�t euexgy: tyges �f th#.ugs. . ;�� �� i��d�lc with ihe r��vr pat�xre ce�ter huiT�Ti�t�.. ���e `: �d'1>e, t��ice if the g�ar$: �Ii�s cou3&� aiaes ���iie - �' �� �fi s�tould be�.t�,c�:'tn�=ks�w�s�Eis�t E.�te��ga�k shelfiess � ���� � ,� �twre ; �iiiAtt �ust- recre�C�.�t - ��e�� i�t, an underg�^otttnd ��`���!,�haC thep are 61tia�.�3ta�s�-g��eu an�k thtnkit�g �� `� 1�. ar► top . AcY Pie�a �+� 1'su� , is cagable of _ � f :- ` °� , _ '�_ �r _ � '''4 ^ � Y': . 4 � �. S^ 33^ 1' S +.v. i ��'Pi # t � . s '� '����"a 3 h �:' � . �..� j � ,ri e.'�'�. ,�'i--', t .�' S _ i ; ... , ,� � �'� •�` T>. x. � _ v.�__.�.r.,, . ,a..,.._,.. _ .. � __ r"-�s_..- ..F . .� , ., f�� �.: d asa: �:Saoe �i enc}� � ,tl�st,.:#t� �hl.s. p ,� beett .a with ol thejr : EYP �,. ���' � �A�� h�using �i were l�i ittr sh���+ .�Cl`CtoYf �1 S%e tho�$1 rather t� a�t€I that :S parics . Sl savings v; 8seas ;in � 'M�. A11; about . '; �ite nei� �o see 1 " aarth-sl ahoul3 ; a7.so }.i:'; usea in $i�g� � l�r . Ac�1s to be � th� bik� tias a it+ Mr. AI1 area wa t�i s p�' thst wa �ir. Rs�b r � � ` t �his p� neighbo. ecn��t b� J ierraee iir . Rzst pzobi� an th� Rhe te� �Sr . AI7 basaba! of a ir? �rIY. ���'.€17 t' ' px`3,c��i,9 iEoacc�a3 waz� fti _- =� ` . � . � �� . � � <_ _ _ �._. � ;��. �. i; �° �C� PG; 'Al�� a3, 1980 �AGE 8 �� a sfia�� he verp, �pres k, he =��lt � tteect� r. riso� ��ated k--ma�rE �ba. Raod t�p�s p.i ing a��7ss � �' a�d= structufe'. As f,a� as cos#s, s�te t�augiu t}�ey p��tty high cas�&`in Ch� Pa�k iqipr�ment plans €it�d the stati�t£c,s of .3.ow vattdalism�,. the-safsty . a�Zl eoo�.iu$`in r�gard �p=�adergrCUnd stxuctures. � talk abouC ctrets €�oe� a 13.fespan geriod, �9' Fridley ivas`cotirst�n�iy dealt wiCh short-term, i�sve the ktnd af atruetuaes they'have in the L� s�tout d be i�t¢�esti� to see ahat Y.1�e cost r e-long term. She h#ted-#a giv� up tk�e gteen �arks fa� just parkftt� i+ita and' bui�dings. tr=this was an. ��ea whtfih Che Coam�iss3an knew little �y+ also Itave �tcg �ook 6t nei$hb�uod tnput--what l.dy wants in eac#t ps�iG, It would be iateresCing asgtructuxes c�t1d etss� iE 'they w�re mad� -fttto L�Cies. $u[, b�fcire theq'do anpth£ng, they �pn an those-type� e� �asG fi8nzes. He wou2d �many times tile' +rp� a�,r shelt�r i.s actualiy �, - �_ � ��" C�aE the eutt�' easy -�'s. pxetty unsfghC2y and needs �+'tot lot eqet�pment is ttee�ted, and a tie-in;wi.th �bere is a'b�auefful �ta�tci�of oak'txees;��s�d it � �ve area, � �as?verq imgreesed wfzh:this park, Che glayground. I �ive, and tiie park t�as, a beauti,ful settzng. In i kfe i:rrigatf� System would 6e the Tast thing ; i' j; Ck�ey may`wariC to thfnk about a'te�nis cnur� for �etball.,ia �emjus}et�csn �sith;-�h� tennis, Th3s- . ��; � have a tecin�� fac�2iYy of. its own, the nearest :;t s�ajor arte€i��. ;? _�;: �y he was very.impressad witir'-this gs�Ck, lie'had no �era2 2ayoufi, Ae t}scrugltt it nee8ed sQme landscagtng �•; ,ides,aTid a g��sive �2utiag area c�id be developed � Fs need to be t�fusk�'�sited,. �; _s: is • ane area Chat :irea2ly needs -tte3ffers. The ' tates the pa�k �nd uee�$ to'be reduced, W#.th more i, � that. �a�a€�-_ if #�a#3 �iaaion vas� Ca reco�end ��.�' . '42 �^fi lY7kEI� �trx-a.'�ctSRt� wxi¢as . � .. . �� i�'�s �fte�r Chuse three things , _ . �, �;ax�.�;_ ...d ..,y..� _�.�. SN� �Wi:Y.Qii' k��. . ��atscl Ctt�.* irYig.�tki s�ka� Caut to ldok;: �i% �:=�hought it<,� ;x tour of juai deve3opmeRC::p� ie �tateti they; Sice thoaghz: f ks.. e�ted ahe 'aauld .ta1.k F: Ae was Tes11q Pless e, Eelt a�:at o# per� �ec�°°�- oue af �rr;, �i�.� iet the at�� '� .. J`'�YP� 4f �� �: $�ae#hite8- C}sat � � ... `- �e�►te "r�• �t�d s6e hes 'been. cn ��.�:�€$ goi� rs ��>.� w � _. . `, . , �u . .�a_��..� ,�:.� t � . x . . � . . . .i ... moet`imPtt�;ant . �,f�s�aiva wauld g#� "han� � et wera],1: P#iori�ie's, �k.t+n su 3:udi�idua'� basis, �#►efieisl £or the Coam#:ssi4tt iu43gi3bar#�ood park a3c?ean, � aotee •ae tkeY see eqd �7.��, be a gnud idea, to C�#I t�rould be avffi�e �; �t�sidcred ia t&e s�td�read abo�+t settiug up � � "ap;srcaach of gre�t;t�g' df�; aot• do that. hat struak him in hia pt e€ sid�vzsiks in �tie -ga�ks eau}a be a pzi.me �eveloped ia the patks. �t��ght abc�C for r,he , g> .§ � �� - - - �d at_ the aatnre c�tte7c �.ity earlier' �tt- the 'week, �aa,p��ed. � The Its1t �12 %srawnd tE�e Bnilding��tas �'�iqng t�e:sides of';tfie w�ci�ity. • y '��`'s,.<.. _ . . . . _ „.2. _ .+:�:rrrc� s:'��� SAV ' `�: Q. '2b!�}.Xa� �i A'� ' ��V%li��i t�UC��N b�r_ 2tr. Ai�eA, aec a;�oice vii�e; sit vcst3� t4ugast �.3, 1984,.. Pa�ks ;� R�epecL£uilg sub fiCed�` �� L, Saba Recardiisg 5ecreter� �'. � ,�' e � :�;� ,�� . � ..�.. � _ �� ,� �u > F � �p : � � ` .L.. �'- . . y Ms. ueegei £ ? : � � S 7 51f QA � � T�Ait :he meetip$. :ifpon ieclared t`he �eation Cmimis�.ion mee�ictg adjau�rned at 9:40 p.m. �` • ; � � CITX Or FRIDLEY H013SING & REDEVELOPMENT A[TTf10RSTY P�,ETING � AUGUST ?.4; 1980 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Commers called the August 14, 1980, Housing'& Redevelopment Authority meeting to order at 7;42 g,m, ROLL CALL• Members Present: Larry Gommer�, Russell Houck, Carolyn Svendsen, Elmars Prieditis (arrfved 7:48 p.m.) Members Absent: Duane Prairie Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVAL OF JULX 10 1950 HOUSING & REDEVELQFMENT AUTHORITY NIINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Houck, seconded by Ms. Svandsen, to approve the 3u1y 10, 1980, Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting minuCes. -, Mr. Cammers s*_ated that on page 5, paragrsp?:`3,-Sth sentence, the word, "crazy° should be changed to "unwise". UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLAR�D THE rffNUTES APPROVED AS AMENDED. APPROV�. OF JULY 24, 1980 SPECIAT, AOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AU.CfiORITY MINUTES: MOTION bq Ms. Svendsen, seconded by rir. Houck, to approve the ,7uly 24, 1980, Special Housing & Redevelopment Authority meetind minutes as caritten. Upon a voice vote� a11 voting aye, Chairperson CommerS declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. CENTER CITY PRQTECT A. Receive Memo �k8�-81,.dated August 6 1980 Mr. Commers stated this memo was tr.om Mr. Soardman to the HRA and was relative to the status of the 3VD proposal. He assumed tl�e letter dated Aug. 14, 1980, from Mr.. Haggerty that was submitted , to the HRA Chat evening would go alon� with Mr. Boardman's memo. ' He asked Mr. Boardman to briefly summarize his conversations with __ _� Mr. Haggerty and the results of tlie counter-proposal. i _ �� HOUSING & REDEVELOFMGNT AUTfiORITY MEETING, AUGUST 14,.1980 PAGE 2 Mr. Boardman stated he has submitted the counter-proposal to ' Mr. Haggerty and JVD after the HRA meeCing on July 24. On July 31, . he had cal2ed Mr. Haggerty, At that point in time, Mr. Haggerty had indicated xhaC they had some problems. Sy.Sheehy had run an aaalysis on the counter-proposal and felt he could not go with the project and had pulled out. Mr. Haggerty stated he would contact Raunhorst and try to interest Raunhorst into coming into the project. Mr. Boardman stated he had contacted Mr. Haggerty again on Tuesday, Aug. 5, and at that time, Mr. Haggerty stated Raunhorst was not interested in being a partnex with JVD. Mr. Haggerty stated .1VD would not be going wi.th the proposal at all and he would write a letter explaining the reasons why. The letter dated Aug. 14 from Mr. Haggerty was that letter, Mr. Boardman stated he has started discussions with some othet interested developers. He and Mr. Doyscher had a meeting with Raunhorst that day,.but Raunhorst is a little skepical about the project. Before they will even consider the project, they say they will have Y.o have a 5�/ occupancy commitment. They are going to have Caldwell-Banker check the markeCs for them to see what Caldwell- Banker's recammendations are. I£ Caldwell-Banker says they can market a 45,000 sq, ft. office building, then Raunhorst.will come back with an offer. Mr. Boardman stated they have told Raunhorst to think about it and to come back with whatever they feel they can go with, fte stated he should have some further information on this by the September HRA meeting. Mr. Coa�ers declared hiemo �80-81 dated Aug. 6, 1980, from Mr. Boardman to the ARA, and a letter dated Aug. I4, 1980, from Mr. Mark Haggerty, Smith, Juster, Feikema, Malncon & Haskvitz, to Mr. Boardman, re: �"Joint Venture Developers Response to HRA Counter-Proposal" received into the record. 2, RECEIVE FINANCIAL REPORTS FOR THE MONTH OT MAY 1480 AND FOR THE MONTII OF ,.Mr. Commers declared the Financial Reports for the Month o£ May 1980 and for. the Month of June 1480 received into the record. Mr. Boardman stated that on page 3 of the May 1980 report, the HRA should note tizat another program has been added, Program 316. When they came over to the RRA, they transferred $5,000 from the City's Program 144, which is the.ir Sectton 8 Existing. They took that $S,OOO and_put it into-a separate program _ so they woul.d not get iC mixed up with the $140,000 program from HUD. They put it there primarily Eor aay overruns they may have on the Fund 10 or Fund 08 programs. ` • •-�a.- HOUSING & REDEVELOPML�NT AUTHORITY �ETING, AUG�iST 14, 1980 PAG� 3 3. CONTINUED: DEFITIITIGN OF LAF,(:E FAI�TCLY FC�k THE HOME OWNERS2IIP PROGRAM Mr. Commers stated that at the last meeting, they had received a staff recommendation irom Mary Cayact on the deiir.ition of "large family" for the Aome OwneYShip Program. I'his recommendation was; "A two-generatior, group of five or more persons consisting of at least one parent and four children or two parents and three children. Children must be 18 years of age or younger to be considered a family member." Mr. Prieditis srated he a�reed with Ms, Cayan's definition. It is what hE would understand a large family to be. Mr. Commers asked about foster children. _�ir. Boardman stated he had no problem with foster childien. It a11 boils down to: Who are they trying to help with the p�,ogram and to what extent? Tney are primarily trying to help those people who are a low and moderate income family who cannot afford a normal house-type situation and need that hause- type situation because there are just not large family units available in Che housing market or the Yental market within the af,f.ordable range of these large families. Maybe instead of specifying "1& years of age", they coLld say, "dependent children". That would cover those children who are handicapped or disabled. Ms. Svendsen stated she was conceraed ahou*_ elfminatiug tne family w'rio has a dependent relative (a pare.nL er uncle, for exa�ple) livi.ng �oith Cheu1, who is a part of the family, but is n.ot a. wage earner. She also stated ib was often very difficult to place refugee families, t�acause oftentimes their families did not fit Chis criteria. Mr. Boardman stated it all depended upon how �road they wanCed ta go with the deEinition of !'large familq". The definition of "family" in the Zoning Cade was a'.'group of not more than five persons livi.ng together as a single house- keeping unit". It was a very broad definition. The diffe:ence is that in the Zoning Code, they classify "family" differenfily for different reasons. In the Home Ownership Pxogram, they are focusir.g down on a needy group. They are trying to assist the�n wi*_h housing. They are f.acusing down for a prime reasan and are not opening it up to a broad range. Mr. Boardman stated anothe.r concern ha had is that a person who is dependant now may be a person who is presently uneniployed, but may have a}ob in six months. Nir. Conaners stated they wi21 always be face3 with that situatioa with anq family. The family may I�e eligible when they ccnie into the pxogram, but over a period of a few years, children may msrry and Leave the home, a spouse may leave--there could be significant changes where thaY fa,nily would no longer be eligible. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AU'CEIORITY MEETING AUGUST 74, i980 PAGE 4 Mr. Commers stated that right now selection is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Would there be any value to stating a definitioa, but along wfth the definition, stating a purpose so they would have some ability to make a selection and not have to do it on a strictly first-come, ffrst-serve basis. Mr. Boardman stated they would have a hard time givind preference, especially when the program was initially set up on a first-come, first-serve basis. He stated that oftentimes, the family that is the most needy and needs the housing the most does not get the house because they cannot qualify for the 235 funding. That is another problem. Ms. Svendsen asked if there was any way they could specify dependency as a long term dependency? Mr. Boardman suggested-that maybe they could say: "a mother, father, and dependent children or other persons with long term dependent needs." Mr. Commers suggested that Mr. Boardman transmit these suggestions and ideas back to Ms. Cayan and ask her to rework the definition. They could then review it again at their next meeting. N',r. Boardman stated they may also want to look for some kinds o£ wording for the definition in some of the handicarpcd laws. Mr. Boardman stated Chey have families for the two lots on the Parlin property, but are looking for large families for the other two lots. Ae stated these families have to come up wiCh financing within a certain period of time, and the City has failed by not outlining that period of time and setting up some resL'rictions, so tt;at if financing is not obtained within that time frame, the City can go out again and find other people who can. Some of the people have been delaying on getting financing.. . Mr. Ca�ners suggested that staff come up with a guideline on financing coffanitments ,. Mr. Boardman stated that was a good idea, He felt 90 days from the time of. application would be reasonable, and, iE necessary,the people could appeal for an extension of time. . - ' 4. CHECK REGISTER APPROVAL: Mr. Commers aslced Mr. Boardman to explain the checks to Bxiar Homes and Charles Johanson. Mr, Boardman stated these contractors were doing rehabs at each of the addresses listed on the check register. This work was strictly contracted out so they can close out the rnhab program.' The City wi11 issue the checks, but wi12 hotd the checks until tl�e rehab work is completed, and Darrel Clark and the homeocanex have signecl of-f on the work.' They are running these checks past the HRA so they can close out the program and audit. HOUSING & ItEAEVELOPMENf AVTHORITY MEETING, AUGUST l4, 1950 PAGE S Mr. Commers stated he was not sure this was the proper way to go about it. it was one thing for the HRA Cp give approval to the projects in that amount of money, but he was not sure the ARt, shoul� be approving the checks yet. The other HRA members agreed with Mr. Co�ers. Mr. Boardman stal'ed they wonld not release ere checks until the contracts are approved. If they can get the checks approved by the HRA, tahen Che . contracts are si$ned of£, those checks can be issued: Otherwise, they would have to wait anoCher month. There are also problems with sma11 contractors who can be tied up without that money, and it can cause them some money problems. , He stated this is the first time this has ever been done and will probably be • the last time. St is noC a general practice they would want L-o get into. MOTION by Mr. Houck, seconded by Mr. PriediCis, to approve the Check Register, but that the checks for rehab be issued only upon c�pletion and signing o£f o£ the projects. UPOI3 A VOTCE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG A'YE, CHAIRP�RSON C(7N1��RS DECLAREB THE MOTLON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY; 5. OTHER $USINESS: Mr. Boardman stated the HRA members had a=c�� of Memo ��JF-80-69 he h.a.d wriCten to John F1ora and a letter from Asnka County dated �uly 8, 1980. lu�oka County, based on metropolitar population counts,is now classi{-ied as an urban county. Anoka County has sent notification to Fridley that their itiT.ent is to apply for co�ununfty developmer,C block grants. This means that urban counties, such as Hennepin County, generally have better chances in getting community development block grants than small cities. Fridley has pretty much seached Che end as far as cov�.munity development block granCs. The�; have a pretty hard time justifying their expenditures of money. AnoIca � County is soliciting cities to join wiCh them in putting together a community block grant program. Mr. Boardman stated it was their recommendation to the City Council that they get involved with Anoka County, because it would only help the City. What ' has to happen is thaC Anoka County has to have a11 the communities in Anoka CounY.y involved in the program. Once a cifiy gets involved in the program, it cannot apply for its own c wununity development block grants. liowever, Anoka County applies for all Che communities, and,the communities get a share of that community development block grant program and each conmiunity operates its share of the program. Mr. Boardman sta*_ed that the City Council has svbmitCed a tetter of interest Yo Anoka County, but they have not signed any of the documen.ts or agreements _ that are necessary to become involved. _ . _� HOUSING & P.EDEVELOPMEN'� AUT[iORITY MEETING AUGUST 14 I980 PAGE 6 Mr. Commers declared Memo �JT 80-69 and additional informaCion regarding "Ciey Participation with Counky Cammuniey Development Elock Grants" be received into the record, that the HRA concurs with the action the City Council has taken to date, and that the HRA would like to review the proposal when further documenLation axrives. The othar HRA mambers concurred with this action. ADJOTTRNMENT: Chai,rperson Commers declared the August 14, 1980, Housing & Redevelopment AuYhority meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. - Res�ectfully su. itted, L d e Saba Recording Secretary �. _�" : � x � a �. ��_ � � �.: �, CITY OF FRIDLEY �� QUALITY COi�ff3S#'�� MELTTNG AliGiiST 19, 1980 , �� � � .. � � � s� .. . .. . � . . �iice-Chairperson Sparre called the August 19, Cit�mmissioa meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. . �E9�.?, GALL' 1984, Bui*ironmental Quality �F�g9:s Y�esent: Lee Aan 5porre, Bruce Peterson, Jos Erickson, Bfchard Svanda Hembers"Abaeat- Houe p�}xers Pr2seat: Sili Deblon, Associate Planner �G$Ip$ I,LriTE,R (2F RE5IGNATION FROM JIM LANGENFEE�1?; �,. Sgarre read a letter from Jim Langenfeld addr@flsed to Dick Rarris, t�irmaa of the_ Planain:g Co�ission, stating hie-'acesignation £rum the Bn!4irotlmeatal Quality Commission and the Planttitt� ��issioa. She asked ' ';' ''t�se Cc�e+mission to receive 2fr: Langenfeld's i�tter f�to the record. �31"ION bq Mr. Ericksaa, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to receive the letter of $esign�t#ou from Mr. Langenfeld. IIpon a voice vat�, a11 voting aye, �£�e-Chai=persoa Sporre declared the motion carri0d uaani.monsly. �PRQVAI. OF AGEI�A- �"�E iollowing item•was-added to the ageada under "Other Bnsiness": A. Envirodmeutal Quality Cv�ission Chairmait&l�ip Vacancy 1�TTON by Mr. Peterson, saconded by Mr. Erickstta, to approve the agenda as � amended; Upon a voice vote;. all voting aye, 'Vice�Chairpersoa Sporre declared : tif� motiari carried unanimously. tA�'i?�UVAL OF 3i1LX 1S, 1980, ENViROA1NIL+NfAL QIIAT,ITY Ct3bA1iS5I0N MINUTES: ' �t1N'by Mr. Peterson, secmtded by Mr. Svauda, to'approve the July 15, 19&0, Palivbronmeatal qual3ty Coamission`minuCes. The foliowYrag changes *aere made to the minutes: - ' Page 3; i�n Che chart showing State tloise-Standards, on both "day" '`" aad "aigttt'�,'"M-1, M-2° should be interchanged'with "Residential". T#e n�bera rema3a the same. Page 6, second to last paragraph, 4th liae, "August 19" should be chaaged to "August 26". � . ,_ ,�.._ . . ,�,„�,�-,_,�..�,_ �..F,e ...�..�rm.n�-,...,..,...-,.�.�„.-:.__a��___w,._.._�.��____ _.,..____ .. __� �NVIRONMENTAL QUALITSC CaR+AftSSIUN MEETIPiG. AUGUST 19, I480 PAGE 2 UPO1C A �OICE VfYFE, ALL vOTiNG AYE, VICE-CHAIRPEBSON SPORRE DECLARED THIi ' 21tNUTES APP&WL�D !.S AMENDED. ` . 1. CONTINUED: :NOISE .ORDINANCE - KATH7.EELd CALL:AAAN . . Mr. Deblon stated that Ms. Callahan and Mr. Loa Loken fra�m the City oE Bloomington were to be at Lhe pneeting: He stated that, apparently, sa�e-. thiag had detaiRed them, : Ms. Sparre stated that this item should be held cver to the end of the agenda, at which time Ms, Gallahatt may have arrived. 2. �Qt�TTINUED; JOIN$ PbWERS'AGREEMENT-{PASSED BY CiTY COUNCIL 7J7/80) HFYJ'ION by Mr. Erickson; secoaded by Mr. Svanda, to table further di.�cussioa ou the Joint Poiaers Agr�emeat,- Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Vice-Cha?rperson Sporre declarsd the motion carried imaai.mouslq. 3. CONTINIIED: TRI]NK HTG�3WAY 10/NORTH CROSSfiOWN : � Mr. Deblon stated he had no further inforara&Lon on this item aC this time, MCYI.ZON by Mr. PeteYSan,,seconded by Mr. Erickson, to continue discussion o0 Truuk Highway lQ/North Gx�osstown. Upon a voice vote; a21 voting'age, Vi.ce- Chairperson Spc�rre dec3ared the motion carrie� unanimously. ^ 4. CONTSNUED; .NPC-S : Mr, Deblon stated that Che status had not changed on NPC-S since:tbe last Commission meeting. The NPC-S Noise Installatioa Permit was supposed to be goiag before the MPCA Soard on August 26. Ms. Sporre asked Mr. Deblon to bring the Co�ission up to date oa the decisioa made bq the Baard at ttie next Commission meeting, MOTION by Mr. Svaada, seconded by Mr. Erickson, to continue discussion on NPC-5 at the next meetiRg. IIgan a voice vote; all voting aye, Vice-Chairperson Sporre declared .the moLioa carried unanimously. S. COHI'INIIED: ONAN/M£DTRONICS`CREOSOTE PROBLEM MOTION-bq Mr. Petersoa, secoaded by Mr. Svanda, to rece3ve into the record a memo:from Johu F1oxa to Mr. QuYeslt'i dated luly 31, 1980, re:' paan/ Medtronics Creosote Prt�hlem. Upon a voice vote; all voting aye, , Vice-Chairpersoa Sporre declazed the motion carried unanimously. MOTION by Mr. Ericksnn; seconded by Mr. Petersoa, to receive into the record two wolimmes of "Soi1 aad Ground Water Investigatina at the Site-of the Ronaer . Northern Pole G�mpang" dated 3uly 25, 1980, conducCed for Medtrouics by EnvironmeMtal Engineering and �lanagement, i,td. Up� a voice vote, all voting aye, Vice-Chairpersoa Sparre-declared the motion carried uaanfmously. _�n_•__,w,�. _,..._,,.., �, �.,.�,.a.`.....«._.n-.�..-,�,�,�.�.�-.�....,--,...m,_---.2-.,_..._ ... . . _: .._ . . :__._ ,.,,� � �,; � f .` � �3i;�. IIeblon sta��d ihsY f�om vhet he was told � f�� -'tAe auomary aad eonclusion ttf, this studq and doc.u���3te, the MPCA has coaa�url� that there are no major �t�blems and th�t a building peimi.t will be iasaed to Medtronics aud Onan G�t�ptazati.oa. CreosoCe snd some other Cypes of ehea�i:cals srere found in the soil, §ut aothing.suhs[a�tially;filteriag into Che orater aupply. ;� l3a. Sporre etated that she would like to knaw i#; Ehe MPCA has formally signed �4fi:on these study-dacuatents for adequacy,: Mt. Deblou stated he did krtow that answer. Mr. Er3ckson stated thaC this is the thiug he is ccneerned about. There 3s 8!ti„iatorp behind this oi h�w xhe parties became aw�re of the problem, The G�noduisg39n has only xeceived bits and pieces oE that'in£ormation, which seems ta be that Qnan appazently became aware of the probiem when they started digging $apr,eupansion, the pzoblems being that they were fiuding chemicals that were be3iag stored underground or had seeped in. The MPCA was called in and the MPCA tt�pk:Cests and fouad a high concentration of certain-chemicals. Mr. Ericksos atta�ed thexe is tte possibiliYq that the problem might be very estensive, and �xqbe it is aPt. The indications are that it is not nearly as serious as the �ro�iem ia 5t. Louis Park. Sut, he stiated he has aevex heard,read, or been to7.d Chat aay o€ the parties involved in the situation—the City of Fridley, �'�rqnfcs, 0uan, or the MPCA; have actuallg made`that kind of statement. 1+�. iSpsszre staCecfi the Caimnission has no eviBees�e that the MPCA has actually �ii3.ed un the ad uac of the research done b the en ineezin' firm for :�. . e9 Y Y 8 8 �6i, ,�. pro; sena Mr. rsat� � Svanda atated that in the doe�ents, one of the conc2usfons by the con- Caats is thaf it is theii opinion, based on investigations of Medtronics ?ertyr selected for study does not contain levels aE contami.natian.,..mhich kd sigmificantlp affect gronnd water quality. Erickson asked if City Staff was satisfied with-this report, that any ground z:r contgmi�ation poesii�iiities.in theareas indicafed are basical2y minimal . theXe'3s nothing the C�Cy or citizens of the City should be concemed,about? 37�blon stated that he believed it was Citp Sta€f's position that there tiot a'big problem. #t`. Eticksoa asked Mt. Debloa if he could obtaia.the MPCA's feeling ou th3s r�ps'tt and its.cantenta. M�. De�loa-atated he would'�on:tact �meone from MPGA and f3nd out this : itt£�r�s,aLion. �4s. Sparre stated she croude=ed ifthis studp covered bath;the Medtronics and �t�ziau �� $3fies �. � �� � � � � � ._. :�.,...-„:1....,�:�.-.�.,_::._,.� �. _� �...,-_ . _. ..__- EN9IRONMENTAL QUAI,ITY CQMMISSZ01+}-`MEETING, AUGIJ$T 19 1980 PAGE 4 Ms. Erickson stated that on page:_Z of the atudy, the Sa�marq stated that the groperty owned by Msdtronics, Inc „ wasthe grimary £ocus bf tt�isinvestigat�on. - Tfie parcel west of`Old Ceniral appeared from Che air photagraphs tn have been used for waste diSposal hq zhe plant, but this}arcel has been assessed on3y Yo a very limited exten¢ by this study, Mr. Erickson stated that according to this summary, the Medtronics propertp wasised juat for wood'storage, whereas the tfuan pr�perty wastsed for waste aad waste disposal. It'seemed to him that there could be more posaibilitiea'of pt�ob2ems in a'disposal area than a storage area. 34r. Erickson stated thaL c?a page 4 of the study under "Purpose of the Study", iY atated: "Thexe investfgations have heen undertaken to deterniine the extent to which selected portioastf Medtronics property of Fridley have`been affected " by the wood preserving op2rations of Northem Pole Co," Mr. Erickson stated it seemed that siace this study was paid for bq Medtronics, it was.conceutrated on the prapertg belongittg,to I�fedtronics. Mr. Ericksan stated that nn page k of the stuay, Objective $1'o#the studp was "to dete�mine whether se2acted gortions of Medtronic propesty has been used £or di,sposal of wood preserving-waete. Objectibe �tZ of the study was "to deter mine whether selected portions oE Medtronics properfy has been affected by vood treatiag nperatians in a manner as limited to the use of the property." MUTION by Mr. Svantia, seconded hp Mr. Erickaon, to recommend that Staff check t.+iith the,MPCA peeple involved with the crepsc�i:e problem to obtaia ihe MPCA's thoughts aad ec+nelusione ou this report. UPtIN'A VOICE VOTE, AI,L VOTING AY�, VICE-CHAIRPERSON SPORRE-HECLARID TEIEI{1TION GARRIED t7NANIMOUSLY. ` Mr. Svanda stated he would also 13ke to knx�w if any special conditions would be put-on the buiiding permit-to be issued to Medrronics and Onan. He wou�d think it appropr3ate for the City to put some special conditions on the building permit 3n the event that in exe�vating, far example, one oE the campanies'came upon another mass;af•eaturated soiL The Coffiaissioners'concurred. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL YOTING AYE, VIGE-CHAIRPERSON SPORRE DECi.ARED 2HE:MQTi�N CARRIED UNANTM�tTSLY. Mr, Ez3ckson stated it was his'understaading tt�ar>there was a2so a Department of , Public iieaith seport or analysis on the water. As a'citizen� he would feel more comfortable seeing that report and knowYng that the Department of Public 8ealth has said the wate€'is all right. ' 'Mr, Petezson asked Mt. Debion if he would also try and obtain a cogy o£ this report from the Dept, of Public Health. � . _ ..�„r�,: >..._. _ �',' i ' �:; ,� � 9 a � # � M,�,. IQ2`�OAI by Ms. Svand�,seceipded by Hr. Peterson� to -COttfiiaue discussion nn the �n/f4edtFnnics Creo�ate PrPbtem at the next me0C3.�$,,` t3pon a va3ce vote, all �E�g ape, Vi�e-Chaitpe�aan Sporre declared tha mti��� carr3ed unanimously, i. ,GONTiNU$D: EARTH DAY`CLEAN-UP €i,;Deblon stated the Commission members had a copy'of a memn from lohn Rlora �ct°Ghe C;ty Manager regarding the City of Fridley Clesn-up Week and some A,fcrrmatioa from surrounding coa�nvnities on their methods of supporting a clean- ug-program. Lir� Eriskson stated that in the last paragraph of Mr. Plora'a memo, Mr. Plora :.�aii:atated: "It is euggested that the City designate a clean-up period, and Ch�tithe Environmental'Qnality Commission investigaie,methods to obtain �s�izational voluntary suppart during this period before any commitments '+p�` Lhe City�s perspmnel is considered," Mr. Erickeott stated he would interpret '` �i to a}ean that before there is any co�itment of �tty:personnel, Mr.'Flora t�,ats to-see how serious the Commdssion and civic ozganizations are in under- tak#�g a:project lilc� this. Tfie Commission's firat cosroa;tment at this Cime is to do that. He asked if Staff would be able to conta¢t ti6e various civic orgauizations in the city to see how many organizatious would be wil7.ing to i�elp and snpport the City's clean-up. i�TION bq l�fr. Ex3.�kson, seconded by Mr. Yeteist�n, to reqttest Staff to draft a l�tter to-be seat to the various citg service organizatioas to see if; (1) they . ��8�e 3R��rested in assi�tiug, participating, or o£fe�1�,$'their people in a city j; d(2) h h t h t t f lean4 c g,�n+-up psogram, an t ey aoe any svggestions 8s a w a ype o-c up ; g�ograat or procedures they would like to see and F+�ta�.�ype oftelp they could c►f£er. t#s."S�+anda stated they should not overlook the posaibility of recycling some af Ch8 materials collacCed €rom the clean-up, and tkfs.should be tied into the ci.ean-up progzam. iiFt7� A VOZGE: �FUTE, .Al,i VOTIIiG AY�, VICE-CHAIRPERSflN SP4?RRE DECLARHD THEMOTION CiI�LiT� UNt�NIMOUSI,Y. �l��OAi by tir. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Erickson� to continue diacuasfon on -�,��f3ay 'Clean-Up at another meeting. Upon a v�sice vote, all voting aye. '#Ti�,e�-Chairpersot� Sporre declared the motion carried nnanimously, iY f3T„�,tER &U$INESS: A. $nv3.ronmenCal Quality Co�i�B3aa Chairmaa�ttip uacaacy Ms. Sporre stated that, at this time, the Commission is iacking a member. She stated she falt the electioa of a new chaisperson should be hel& up until there is a full five-member commission. She stated tkat if any af the members know of anyone who wouldte interested in aerving, they ahould ask that person to submit a short resume to the Cfty Council: She stated that Sta€f should aisa loak 3n the 81es to . se0•if there are"any namea af other people who have expressed an interest 1a,the Eavironmental Qualitp Commisaion in the past, <.{ 3'� � � y; i; ,1;�„ ,.�. r PAGE 6 Ms. Sporre stated she wodld also 13ke each metaber to seriovs2y consider ihe chairm�nship o€ the Cpmmission, keep�ngin mind that it also iavolves being a mpmber af the Planning<po�ission an8 attending two _ Planning Commission meetfngs per month, She stated she won2d continue : to handie the responaibilities of this Commission and the Planning Go�tission'until a new chairperson is elacted: $. ,GONTiNIJED: NQISE ORDINANCE Mr. Deblon stated that Ms. Callahan apparent3y had not been ahle to attend the meeting. ,He etated he had xnet with Ms. Callahan and they had gane over the proposed ordiaance and had come up with same interesting points and changes. fle stated he would review these'changes with the:Commiasion. HOTION by Mr. Erickson, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to receive "A Proposed Drdinance Relating to Noise, Provid$ng for the Prevention and Elimiaation of Excessive and Uanecessary Noise, and Smposing a Penalty far Violation" and a letter dat_d 3uly 24,'3980, from Kathleen Callahan to B311 Deblon re; Noise Otdinance. Qpon s voice vote, aiI voting ape, �I3ce-Chaixperson Sporre @eclared the motion carried unanimously, S�ection:l, Defiaitions: I�Ir. Deblon stated that Ms. Gailahan had gone through and checked off the minimvm amount of definitior,s the Gity needed and then re£erence would he m,�de to the rest. They ha� �lso discussed trying to incl�e alI the definitioas so there was 2ess cross refereneing. He stated he would rprepare the definit3ons both wags, but he preferred the second alternative as it `euhances Yhe ordinance:as a pu611c infotmatiou'dcicument`.' , Sectioxt 2: Mr. Dettlon stated that.Ms. Callahan had changed the "Property Line 10o3se 5tandards" to "Rece�iving Land Use Standards". Sec 2 Suhd 2' Mr D�i �: •• . , nn s�ated that they were going So spe11 aut the zoning districta. Sec. 2. Subd. 3: `32c. pej�7on stated this me.aztt that Federal, State and CaunEy h3ghways are exempt,from these Receiving I.and Use`Standards, and it may he something that they would not want to say in'xhe ordinance. Theze are p�esently speed and mufflex laws that aze in effect ri;ght now, and [hese laws wi12 reduce noise £rom these sources. The only,;other way to reduce the noise emitted aiong these socxrces would be nbise walls,`lierms, and plantings,'and this was.not feasible to do everywhere i:n the City. PLr. 5vaada stated that Ms.. Callahan had stated iu her letter that Sec. 2, ' Subd. 3, was "disputable". Maybe Mr. Deblon eou18 find out what she meant by that statement. .Sec. 3, 5ource Emissinn Standards, fiubd. 1, Motor Vehiele Noise Li,m#:ts: Mr. Debloa stated he wauld probably spell out the regulations in full, but would only refex to PiPGA 6MGAR55 {�tor Vehicie Noisa Limits-1977). , Sea. 3, Subd. 2, £onstructtoa;Eqa3pment: Mr. Dehlon etated he had nated that he shouid check Sectioa YIO of the City Cade. Also,.a aoise leveb of 85 dba should be inserted in the'third line, 4'P « q= � y 7 .x ' � `,S'�, 4, CepGZai Ait Condit3oning Equipment: s�c:.��t stated he would have to ,,_ �#���ki�=�e �u£��1#ng eade �o sse #f there is anytii�u�-�`�i�ting to control central- �.$> �eastdiLion#a$ e4qipmeat, `'$ea. 5, Uperaiiona]: Lim�ii8, Subd. 2, Outdoot i'bwer.Implements: Mr. Deblon atated this was changed fTam "7:00 a.m. and iU'tOD }i.�n. oa weekdays and 9:00 a.m. . a�td 9:D0 g,m. on 5atu�daqs" tp "7:00 a.m. aad 14.00 p.m. on weekdays and 9:00 a.m. ,s�d::4:qQ g.m. ou weeke�sc� end holidays". Sec, 5, Snbd. 3, Gonstruc�ian Activities: Mr. I��oa stated this was to be �I�ted as it wa� covared .under Section 110 of the exi:sting code. 9ee. 5� Suhd. 4, Refuae Hauling: Mr. De41oa state3 thia was an addition, and �y,�ould refer tfl°SecC4on 113r10 of the Citp Code. Sec. 6� �ublic Nuisance Noises Psohibited, Subd. 1(A) Horns, Signaling Devices, s�.'t 21r.-Dablou siated this was not clear aad may haveto be reworded. �sc�r6, Subd. 1(B) Radios, Phonographs, etc.: Mr. Deblon stated thaC "pagiug apstems" would have to be addressed in this sect3on. See.`b, Subd, l(D) Aaiap�Is; Mr. Deblon stated thep would refer to Chap�eX 3A2.�3 0€ the Citp Gode. •&eg.,£, Subd: 1(E} Exhausts: Mr. Deblon stated that the iast sentence r�e�+�rsizxg to snawmobi.lee w�u7.d be deleted. S�c.: 6, Sub�. 1(H) Recreatianal Hotor Vehicles: Mz. Deblon stated the following �t�].d be added to the end of the sentence: "except where othexwise allowed �g;lav oz Where r,rzitten pezmission is obiained.° Sec. b,:5ubd; 1(I) Minn.,Stat. 169.69: Hr. Deblaa-stated thisstatyte would �e spelled out: in fu1L �ec.-B, Powers and-Duties of (Noise Control Officer), Subd. 4, Noise Impact StaL�eRts: Hr. Debloa stated he would look up Section 124.04 of the Gity Gpda aad �ncorporaCe t�is reYiew into the Planning Gommission. At the last �ts�aissibn'meeting, it was t�isc�ssed that the Coffiui:ssion would like the Plauning Cpmmi.�siou to be iavolve@'in the =eview of thia noise impact statemex�t. S.ee. 8, Variances: ,Mr. Deb#ou statied they wauld re£erence the Ci:ty`s variance p�'oF-�dure.. �Se,�. �fl� Euforcement: Mx. IiE�+7� stated ha had a, icsote to iook at Chapter 901 s�£ � uid city ordinance+ : 3i�. De�loa stated that in going over the nolse ordinaace, two questions the �Goilom�3.s&ian membera shau�dl�ep in mind are: %'1. Is th3s addressing the Gity of`Fridley's prnblems2 2. Does thaiity of Fridley really want a noise ordinance? 3 �' ,�. �, � �..�..���.,�.�;. �, ., _. __ . EEIVIROPtI�fENTAL QUAI,ITY COMMI3Si0N MF.ETINGx AITGiJST 19 1480 PAGE 8 Mr. Deblon stated Lhat Ms. Callai�an iawilling to foliaw'thie noise ordiasnc�e t6rough Planning'Cou(ntission and Citg Coiincil, and she is.moye thaa wiYling'to attend another commisaion:�aeeting to discuss it'fuzther. ?ffiTIQN by Mr. EriCkson, seconded=by-Mr. Svanda,. to coptinue discussion on the propased noise ord3nance at the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, a22 voting aye, Yice-Chairperspn SpoYre declared the motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENt: i+�SIDN by Mr. Ericksoa, seeonded bq Mr. Svanda. to adjouro theneeting. Upon a voice vote, all vnting aqe, Vice-Ghairperson Sporre declared t5e August 19, 1980, �vironmental Quality Coma�i.ssiot� meeting adjourned at 9:SO p,m. �espectfully submitted, G�.�G� L e Saba - 'ltecordiag Secretary _ � , , - �; �, 't�l,e. : August� 26�. �,�. C;SiiITk1T11.18 �il.trnE Associa v�ssin, ,P�*�u � I 3+�?JaaG 1 4.I�SYF4t . !i�XC�� ,� -� � = `. � �,e��Y Ca�+�}s�ian <t � �;" � k `- `r X 4 �r�'� {%I.C�1�"a8 � . , $�, v .�° -- . _-� . � _..,�. �''--` :; . � � _ �� � � t.-, ; �, J T%�S s ` #3SBLZ Ci12Y1��9 '1"Aa- ��}Q123S� {38':�:s���:0��.i - - ,$`� -.'�21$ Y�FO X!t� �it3'�C7SB� ��S$Xi�E'S � l�t��.f1 P;�',�. `: � 2'Ii..Ctl. �Tl'C : } _ � ,�t.;�,p�slove, the €u��s. Upsn a �;,s���ared the � _..:;, h: � ; . �, � �� for tietoher 4�- ;;�otild'be held ���ed th3t ���; �ih � astd �°��e�Y �'3esk. �,�,` iz� �.3nin� �,�y�r �}i�i9 h&YE ��'��8'�'iR7JEi'� ZYSi�.. �� - �1i3 ''�11�'C 't}18� " c3ty -an t3�e�e � ��'��#: the vorr�;,unity xtael�e. in. the � �.d1�3€ r�ews7.et�ter: _:: � .`� di-scussie�:, -thi su�port,4a�d �; lat thay E��d.��' }r���� . �ve�so� �u� tabl� o�. � ��, � , q�ze�t�:c�� �nex�;y n€is. `te� c��.�r,�ass�sasi; t �ta�ct ����f ��'��b�� ���u�l-� �c�u�e� ree �e���.a��i:ra,, �d a .� �s'�y is �?�t�^7 ir,�p � °S'Gev�i2so3�, �'�ate !6- 5G�10�?� S�S'�.� `3 i : -� �t1��'S� 1TL '�21� °�T'ld .._.,.�._..�.�.,.,_.. ,,. ��d t#ia� >'�t�Y i i3.1 be tkt° �?o� d= that; ti�� �ar� :10 X 49 �'b�e��h; aied ��.a'� �ey ��-�.ij'ifl 'ttf;�.'31��� E �9�3��i2�� �6fL@'� i tlnYl �#'�fL �$�_ � � �doratt,iss�€�3�.d"e+ e Ja�ce=e�--�.th" he word: �is�sp�rz .� the ����i . �: possibl. � ��Y� rl?at pe���-�t€�� wiount v� �ne�* -r - �ea.t�3�€ �� t�� : i, �iie'���� Co�ztni����'c,- � ta�� � v�� ��is� th� Et���r � ene�y ci���ru� . �� � -�a :0035. ` - �:�c� � : �s�x'' radia �xznsau�iCe- �i "a iao.3�, on� p.r�or. i£e fur-ther Za flisr;;' �i��cted� �e`s wi3,1:: � ,� enti�]. �xhi,b�,tors.-: {�S$rC�3.S�. � p�€}�t�E, .. : 3. #�.i�3t �ii� �-e�i ssf "promn�a:cin �r�i.no �er �liazt �:�t �hey �ro��.t� be ulcl l�av?�- ���`{ on e educati�l : fi1i��.e ' 4YlY1Y111� � � �f`i�£'i`� COYi��S�. .�a �n�.� tne� ce �ner�� ��ir, �x-.` �roul.d tt� ;��si.an cau�d s�t , sl:�e �nd�u��-F .�1d and a� d?��,� ; ��ng , ch�r�� �or tg a�ound =�f3. €7q ° �'4� thi s�ta�� .. �t . >t% :�he pr��e ai ;rrergy CQ�strfis�i�n . anct nn`t re���re � oi' the :��ailxie �eission was witk�out �ta�red th�.t tYzey �ts:th�t they 3�,��and a�passib3e � � eifarts that �ve so�aevi� carrtaet a ene�g�i; poste� ' �i i ; i � i :� � � i }GU:�� 1 :fD ��ct by ,..r. G3� s�'-��idl.ey. de; ;��r ?�th, �9�j �3.rig, aYe, 'v`Y��: aou,s�,y. '�IaS�UPi G;TIFfi�ti; �.� `�p �LR4H 'CY1�8 F� ;ur. ':J�.1.1,:.' ; S�,'�e� �-'-r��. � �b 1%,�t�i de��ar i�'� C@DE ��� : F�ovi�2�:_ ` ��;�� s' that � 3,�Pac#:s tti�t >== �. ttte� c�3�ed upvn i` i`-%�r� �orri.n� ecsdQ. `{. S31 �C���"Gf� .iY�7�? i�i'. �]: 3 �h� ��.#.���, t m t�enY ��s�:-hia s,u�g - -�(i ; � u::�t�,�3O�-G@L'S. - ::.-J �$jf 'COUId �7.�u.� t.71c1t :. . `��''r ."4Lk�C� �iH . :��. . 13,a t171C1 -G30i'it@ ' r�aybe so:r.eon� °'a talk - _, 3 .`Fridley feek of ek. � arton, declared � BY TriE nu�d.: °� r. 't�3 t31e Yt+EXt * �ate, all � �� on Passed, " t;� ; =�� .ioa me�ihexs c�€itl� _� te Cc>s¢�i:ssican :`a ,`; F�ams to provi:de -x �sa apply e�ergy �`� �eSe poiieies � ::chapter� he r$ ta usa as �,: . 4 ' . _:= �iar. zoning ecYde:s �� �neetin� =� �� wou�.d b� ��e'�i.r�g. ^ k�is changes : a�t � . � 33;,�.. • U'�'12���-"�'� r � aen-�� . � .:_3 >Y� ch��es. _ ,, � z -- � i 1 i ,p � � , ; -.� xn� =:t� thQ >�t ��� �ts�eer .:3h ��� =�t�-�efl t:i t �vC�3.�i be av t��� ;w� on� � Eon �st�bl�-sh ��:� �"-'° � �_ � ,, - E? �: -'f.�El'I„` < - �3��'`�$�*.�`�'�3,i�% ': - ,�� �y _ �� _ : �-:i"<�li��. �� ''h11 tfl See� � ���:��i�� t�.�� €2 h�a r�ue;s���rt his` p�cnhl�-�` � _ ��etin�. .. �'��- �� '��ibut�d �t�_ � 6rin�; then f : af th� G� �,�.i�s�or� ut���i�s .���_i?�.`r.n� - � on �rre��� ��.� to the ;Q.;st�i.ssion y w�;s �.aok�.ng into �� i;i�brary:; 't�as � ha�I erthe� �s�s- done, :s�n st�t��3.:�� %h�s :�se I,sl�ra�. , -, `�djourn 't#�� �.tt�st 25, .e vo�e a1Z`���ri� �sl�oit�n�d �"�.�e�F{) P,�.c- - _ - �,,..•z.; he � �d �, ; � � ��R City of Fridley APPEALa COMMIS5ION - RtlGUST 26, 1980 Page 1 CALL TO OR[7ER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the Appeals Commission meeting o£ August 2b, 1980 to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Virginia Schnabel, Jim Plemel, Patriaia Gabel, A1ex Barna Members Absent: Others Present: Dick Kemper Darrel Ciark, Chief Building Official APPROVE APPERIS CAMMISSION MINUTES: AUGI35T 12 1980 MOTION by Mrs. Gabe1, seconded by Mr. Plemel, that the Appeals Conunission minutes of August 12, 1980 be approved as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MdPION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. i. LOTS 1. 2. 3 Church, 666 IT : 205 OF THE ERIDLEY CITY COD: �N THE ENTIRE PERIMITER OF:T.H; AND TO ALLOW 13E PARKING LOT 24 AND 25, BIACK 2(�iRI�TI� ADDITION Tf� SA1 "REET N.E. (RequeSt by �t�ey-United Methodist Street N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432). Mr. William S. Peterson, 3021 Fillmore Street, was present and representing Eridley United Methodist. Mr. Alfred Rejman, 633 Bennett Drive, was present and Mr, Ed Andryski, 636 Mississippi Street, was also present. MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mrs. Gabel, to open the.public hearing. UPON A VOICE WTE,-AIS. VO�TING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:40 P.M. Chairwoman Schnabel read the Staff Report: ADN9INISSRATIVE STAFF REPORT 666 Mississippi Street N. E. A. PUBLIC PURPO5E SEAVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.075, 1B, requires_the entire perimeter o£ the parking stalls, aisles, and access driveways to be curbed with si3s (6) inch high curbing of poured concrete. Public purpose served by this requirea�nt is to protect the required green areas and the btiilding from damage by vehicular traffic, and to present a finished appearance to the landscaping. i � APPEALS COtII�i2SSION MEETING - AUGUST 26 1980 Paae 2 B. STATED HARDSHIP: We would like to landscape, instead of instal2ing concrete curbing, around our existing parking lot. We cannot a£ford the concrete curbing. fihe quote we have for concrete curbing is three times our initial estiunate of $2-$3/foot - it is going to run $10/foot. Landscaping woutd have a much greater effect on the area. C. ADMIDTISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT: We feel that curbing does serve a vital purpose in keepinq parked cars oEf the landscaped areas and that the Board should consider denying the request or that a perioc3 of time could be granted for Code compliance. Mr. Clark reported that 3 years ago it was agreed with the Church to comQlete the required cuzbing. He feels that the curbi.ng is necessary but the Church feels that it costs too mucii. Mr. Clark suggested that maybe the Church cauld do • in in phases. I�Ir. Peterson stated that they have put in sod and shruhbery along with south side of the building and that putting their limited funds into landscaping would iae more effective than curbing. Their plans wouZd include some culvert sections and striping for pazking. He stated that they could get ha2f done this fall and the rest done by spring. It would cost approximately $1,000 to $1,500 to do evexything that is shown; the culverts would be delivered and the labor would be donated. He stated that on the Bennet Drive area the grass has held up and he hasn't seen any vehicles driving on it. Mr, Rejman seported that he is concerned about the amount of traPfic by his house and he feels that curbing would be better for his yard as he gets a lot of water in it. Mr. Peterson stated that they could put posts in front o£ the shrubs. Mr. Clark reported that there is no zone £or a church so they have been using commercial zone, which is a 20foot setbaek requirp�nent. 8e also stated that if they were forced to move back ZO feet, they wou2d lose a whole row of parking. Discussion among the Cortmiission members followed, with several expressi.ng the thought that church property was not similar to commercial property 3n the sense that the people using the parking lot are financial contributing membezs. Commercial property was more public, and its income was derived £rom the sale of goods or services. Church property is more private, and its income is derived from its membership, who, in turn, have a vested interest in the maintenance and care of the property. Therefore, the church`s income was limited, and we should not be as strict in the application of the zoning requirements when a financi.al hardship was shown. - MQTION by Mrs. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Sarna, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE,�AIS, VOTING AYE, CHAIRWpMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSEA AT 8:15 P.M. - MOTION by I�rs. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Plemel, that the Appeals Commission recommend to the City Council, through the Planning Conanission, approval of the variance to waive the requi.rement ior concrete curb on the entire perimite'r o£ the parking stalls, and replace it with landscaping; and to alZow the parking lot to be 0 feet from the property line instead of the required 20 feet, {on Bennett Drive and SE corner on Monroe Street) located on Lots 1, 2, B, : ✓ _ APPEALS COMMISSION MEETTNG. - AUGUST 26, 1980 Paae 3 .. . ..._._ .___._ . ..__. _._. . ... ... . _..._---- 22, 23, 24, and 25, Block 2, Christie Addition, the same being 666 Mississippi Street N.E., Fridley, Minnesota; and that instead of curbing a physical barrier of some kind be placed on Bennett Drive and that the landscaping be worked out with the City Staff and, that they come to the Appeals Commission and the City Council for a review in three years to determine if the physical barsier has worked. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALy.VOTING AYE,��CHAIRWOMAN SCFINABEL DECT�RED TF��- MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � ' � . � 2. 7�FEET.�TO ALL,OW A 2 STREET N.E. (Req Minnesota 55432}. A t� THE SANSE BEING .5753 '/ Street N.E., Fridley, Mr. Gudim was not present at this time. MOTION by Mrs. Gabel, secoaded by Mr, Sarna, to continue this matter at the end of the meeting.- UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG AYE, CHAIRWQMAN SCfINABEL DECLARED THIS MATTER C013TINUED UNTIL TfiE EbID OF THE MEETING. 3. REQUEST FOR VA'RIANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO iNt`REASE THE MAXIM[IM HEIGHT OF A FENCE ffiITHIN THE LIMITS OF FRONC YARDS, TO r�,z.ow LANE N.E. (Request hy Mr. and Mrs. Zng Siverts, 6850 Siverts Lane N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432). Mr. Ing Siverts, 6850 Siverts Lane N.E., was present and Mr. Darrel W. Bacon, 1350 69th Avenue N.E., was also present. MOT20N by Mr. Plemel, secpnded by Mrs. Gabel, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC FFEARING OPEN AT 8:32 P.M. Chainvoman 5chnabel read the Staff Report: AI7MTNISTRATTVE STAFF REPORT � 6850 Siverts Lane N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.154, 3. 2nd Paragraph, requires that a fence or wall not exceeding four t4) feet in height is permitted within the li.mits of front yards. � Public purpose served by this requirement is to xeduce visual pollution in the front yards of residential neiqhborhoods and to prevent the elimination of a neighbor's "line of sight." B. STATED HARDSHIP: We request to build a 6 foot hori2ontal redwood fence along the peoperty line facing Siverts Lane which is across Erom the park. Since the change of road configeration, added privacy and security is necessary. Auto headlights now shine in the livinq ioom wi.ndow and traffic has increased, therefore a security fence is necessary. ` '� APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - AUGUST 26, 1980 Page 4 C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT: Statf has no objections to a 6£oot fence. Euture plans for high density �use of part property to the east could justify having a 6 foot high security fence. Mr. Clark reported that he had Engineering write the Staff Report and that the fence be set 8 to l2 feet back Por snow storage to prevent damage to the fence. Mr. Siverts stated that, since the change of the road, headlights of vehicles � have become m,;te bothersome (shininq in their windows) and there appears to he a bit more traffic even though it is a dead end lane. He £eels the added privacy and security is necessary, especially with the anticipated use of the pask across tlze Lane. Mr. Bacon stated that he has no objections to Mr. Sivert's proposed additional fence. At this tiune, Chairwoman Schnabel read a letter from Bob and Barb Anderson 1369 69th`Avenue=N.E':�. neighbors of rlr. Sivert, as follows: "To the members of the Fridley City Council: We are unable to attend this meetinq so are sending letter to voice our opinion. We are against the 6 ft. privacy fence that the Siverts want to put up, We went along the sewer, watez & blacktopping of the road CSiverts Lane) because we felt they needed these iraprovements. As a result they have put a large sand pile behind our property for �he drainage ditch, which has cut off our view beyond our fence. Now they to block what little view we have left by putting up this fence. If they are permitted to put this up we might as well move our house to b94 and 2ook at the wood sound barriers there." Mr. Bacon stated that the Sivert fence wonld not block the Anderson's view. MOTSON by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mrs. Gabel, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIFNiOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLZC HEARING CLOSED AT.8:55 P.M. � � MOTZON by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to receive the letter from the And�rson's, dated August 26, 1980, regarding the Sivert fence. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAI12WOhfAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE LETTER FROM THE ANDERSON'S REGARDING THE SIVERT FENCE, DATED AUGUST 26, 1980, OFFICIALLY RECEIVED BY THE APPEALS COMMISSION. . APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING - AUGUST 26, 1980 Pa e 5 I�TION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mr. Barna, that the Appeals Co�ission recomnend to the City Council, through the Planninq Co�nission, approval of Yhe variance to increase the maximum height of a fence within the limits of front yards, from 4 feet to 6 feet, to allow for,additional privacy on Tract C, Registered Land Survey No. 3, (parcel 250) the same being 6850 5iverts Lane N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, with the stipulation that the Eence be 10 feet back from the edge of the blacktop. UPON A VOICE VOTE, Ar.r . iIOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTTON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 4. Gy��T (Request by Gerald Paschke, 7258 CoLUUerce sota 55432). e 1e East, Fridley, Mr. Gerald Paschke, 7258 Commerce Circle East, was present. MOTION by Mrs. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Barna, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIii470MAN SCHI3ABEL DECLARED THE PUBL2C HEARING OPEN AT 9:03 P.M. Chairwoman SchnaUel =ead the 5taff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 7151 Comtnerce Circle East N.E. A. PUSLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.Z35, E3, prohibits o££-street parking (blacktop) any closer to a main building than 5£eet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to protect the building from unnecessary maintenance due to vehicles hitting the building. B. STATED FiARDSHIP: We do not want to install concrete curb behind the building in the loadi.ng area. No buildings in the area has concrete curb in rear yard. C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT: This area is not used for parking towards the F�uilding, therefore protection of the building probably does not apply. It is an inside court which is not visible from a public riglzt of way. If approved; we do recommend that posts be placed around the gas meters and transformers. _. . . � _ _ _ _ �.� . �.APPEALS�COMMISSION MEETING - AUGUST 26 �1980 � � Page 6 . 'Mr. Clark reported that Mr. Paschke rents a sweeper to keep the area clean and it is easier to maintain �rithout curbing. He stated that the public view oE the courtyard is rather limited and it was a staff error that curbing was not there before. Mr. Paschke stated that the tenants do not maintain their own area and that his sweeper sweeps right np to the buildings. He also stated that if curb.ing were thexe someone would have to shovel,for snow; the snowplowing would be limited. He said that the loading docks are protected with rubber and there , is a remate possibility of damage to the building. He also said he will put barricades around the gas meters, MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to close the public hearinq. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HPARING CIASED AT 9:16 P,M. MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr.:3.'1eme1, that the Appeals Coic¢nission reconmrend to the City Council, thmugh the Planning Commission, approval of the variance to a11ow the blacktop in the loacling area at the rear o£ an exfsting buildinq, to be 0 feet instead of the required 5 feet, 2ocated on Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 2, Paco Industrial Park, the same being 7151 Commerce Circle East, Fridley, Minnesota, with the stipulation that protective ppsts be placed around the gas meters and power transformers. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TKE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. At this time, Mr. Timothy Gudim, 5753 7th SCreet N.E., arrived regarding Item #2. Chainaoman Schnabel read the Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 5753 - 7th Street N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: � Section 205.053, 4B, 5a, requires Ehat the side yard setback on the street side of a corner lot shall not be less than 17.5 feet. Public purpose served by this reqtiirement is to maintain a higher degree of tra£fic visibility aud to reduce the "line of sight" encroachment into the neighbor's front yard. B. STATED FiP.RDSHIP: The side of the existing house is 7 feet from the lot 1ine. I want to extend the front of the house 18 feet foxward which would also be 7 feet from the side lot line. This is needed for the aesthetic value of the house and for ease of building the addition. i Yy` \. . APPEAL5 COMMISSION MEETING - AUGUST 26, 1980 " � Pa e? C. ADMINISTRATI(iE STAFF REPORTc The existing house was buiit prior to 1950. The side street (59th Avenue} was constructed in apprwcimately 1962. The house is set back 59,6 feet (verified) from the front lot line (?th Street) and 7 feet (not verified) from tfie side yard lot line (58th Avenue). The petitioner proposes to construct an 18 foot x 28 foot addition onto the front the house (toward 7th Street) which would extend, but not decrease, the existing non-conformi.ng side yard setback. Because , Yhe house has a large front yard setback and because the house adjoining the rear yard faces Washington Street instead of the side street, the pmposed addition would not create any new traffic visibility problems. MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to open the public hearing. UPON A 1TOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMEN SCHNABEL DECLARED TtIE PUBLIC HEARiNG OPEN AT 9:30 P.M. Mr. Clark reported that the addition would not encroach into the traffic and would probably benefit the neighborhood to have it larger. He had no objections or stipulations. Mr. Gudim stated that i.t is his mother's house and these are her wishes. They are also planning to dig a base�tent and thinking about redoing the e�cterior of the whole house. He stated he will do the interior work and a carpenter neighbor will do the framing and a contractor will do the base- ment and blocks. He said he would like to start as soon as possible. MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr, Plemel, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, A%L VpTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAAS SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLZC HEARING CLOSED AT 9:42 P,M. MOTIoN bY bir. Plemel, seconded by Mr, Barna, to approye the variance:iequQSt to reduce the side yard setback on a rnrner lot from the required 17-112 feet to 7 f�et, to allow a 28 ft. by 18 ft. addition to an existing house, located on LotS 13 and 14, Block 2, Adam's Street Addition, the same being 5753 Tth Street N.E., Eridley, Minnesota. UPON A VOICE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN 3CHNAB&L DECLAREO THE MOTION CARRIED UNpN2MOU5LY. 5. OTHER BpSINES5: Mr. Plemel stated that it has come to the attention of the Appeals Commission tfiat the�City of Fridley siqn on University Avenue is in a state of disrepair and the Appeals Commission requests that the copy be regularly updated and the appearance of the sign be repaired and maintained b� whoever is responsible. AL)JOL7RAAfENT: MdPION Hy Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mr. Barna, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TTHE AppEALS CQMMISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 26, 1980, AA70URNED AT 9:50 P.M, Respectfully submitted,, �� �� D� Niznik, Recording Secretary i � 1 CITY OF SPRING lAKE Pf�itK or�zcr�z, rusi,zca�zoN Public Heari?eg.befoze the City �l�ming and Zrniing Co�,i.ssxon, - To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby givai that there will be a Public HP=.�ng of the Pl�ming �d Zcming Coirmissian of the City of Spring Lake Park in the Sprin; Iake Park Courrnmity C�ter at 1301 - 82st Avenue N,E. � september 15 19 80 � in the Cotmcil G1�nbers at 6:30 :, to cansi t e o Iv�nng m3fter, Property Owner: Noward J, Dumphy Appl icant . Flo`ward J. Dumphy Location . Dumphy's Lakeview Second Addition, in the vicinity of Central Avenue and Lakeview Lane - '"" • Petition . Plat approval of Dumphy's Lakeview Second Addition. The property is legally described as Outlot A Dumphy's Lakeview . Lots 8 and 9 and the.West 250 feet of Lots 3 and 4 in Block 2 Lakeview Addition. Any and all persans desiring to be heard shall be givai � opportlmity at the abwe stated ti.m� �d place. Publish , September 5, 1980 �� �i'%f.' ��.�� n�a s. s� , � Gity Clerk-TYeasurer -. v • � «.rr� �f F �� 1. � CONSTRUCTiON C0. 6fM t4 � �s I� � �S� .� 1MIP��;,. ESTABI.ISHED 1918 7900 BEECH STREET N.E, • MINNEAPQIIS, MINNESOTA 55432 • TEIEPFlONE 7869800 August 18, 1980 City of Fridley 6431 Univezsity Avenue N. E. Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Attna John G. Flora Gentlemen: INDUSTRIAL EXCAVATINO ■ ROAD BUILDINO � r vi�E oAiviNa ■SEWER,WATER � INSTALLATION ■ BRIDGES � � ■ GOI.F COURSES ■ SUB DIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT ■ EOUIPMENT RENTAL ■ EN6INEERING AND DESIGN Enclosed please find our application to park R. V. Trailers and a copy of the plot plan as to where these trailers would be parked. We are proposing to install sewer, water and electrical service lines to serve approximately six of the recreational vehicle type units. These units would be used on a temporary, occasional use basis and would serve as sleeping quarters for our "out of town" superintendents who are work- ing on projects in the Metro Area. The units would be parked on the property according to the plot plan and hidden from view from both Beech Street & 81st Avenue. Each of the units would be parked about a month or so at any one time and there will be no charge to our emplayees for parking. We request that we be put on the adgenda for the next City Council meet- ing to get approval Por this service. If you have any questions please feel iree to contact us at any time. Sincerely, P RK CONST i�ION COMPANY r C� \ `��i%/LOw,�+�+-.. Duane E. Prairie, Senior Vice President se encl. . �.� c'�Yy o� c��:�,tl�y �T iMt �► O� i/1C TR'IM� ""•� CO�NUMIlY O:Y7LC'dP.NY dV, � : MOTlLTIYd Y•::9�LTtON F::?I. � . Cltt Nnll G::7PLRV G7��� •••5J CI�'COO�i470 � HOUS� TRAILER APPLICATION - r•s I o I l./31/73 ( i t 1 soo -• ••• ••� • ; y •� •u':�► , .�� � s � � u � • B. Caner�hfp of Trailcr.; VARIOUS OwNERS C. 1Nscription of Trailer (I:�ke und Size); VARIOUS=TRAVEL & RECREATIONAL' b. ha�a of Canei of Lend: PARK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Aaaro��: ' H. Period of Ti�e Traile: is to be Storad or Occupied: ONE-2W0 MONTHS AT A T F. Use of Trr,ile_: SLEEPING QUARTERS � ' � � G. Signature3 of Adjoinii:g Pro�erty C:�nera Granting Appxoval: H.• Location of.Treiler on ?reQo;ed Prope=ty (Attnch Plot Flan of Praperty): SEE PI.AN I: �[r'here 1'rail�r ts t0 be Occupie3, t•inct ie: 1: Teiatiosichtp bet�>een `Lraile� C-aae. &nd Land O.�ner; EMPLOYEE/St1PAR7NTRN � 2, Tt�acs nnd A�e:c of e111 Occup�nta; � 3. Fncilitics For Sc:•�agn pic�osal, jdatcr ana Electricity: WE WILL BE IN— ' STALLTNG SEWER & WATER & ELECTRICAL SERVICES The upplicalion, cahen preser.ted Lo the City Council shnll ehow tha reeoma�endation of the zoning l�.dministrutor nnd/o: IIuilding Inopector. �lcaae find attichcd check in tha tmount of � for parkld�, � for occupying �1 t�au:,n Crzilcr. Appzoved pyt Applicant pnte , . �Recnipe No. Licenao No. T"!" ' . � �-�� 3 6 �„ , , �, • s 7 N I) r-----� ! ) t � .�A.� i K � � � ` ; � I ,,�{' 3. f. C \ k° i S H 6 � u � � uo ,` � ` �v4 a _„� z, �5 3DY3a =�y Jh �`"J Qer 7 V V > S i O v �• r`� � ncr .� � �� � . l � 1 I OI � z � � s J Y q "'.{z N� Y f a I 3 � � � � �� E . _; Y/ z r s s J W � �__ _ �_ _ _ e ,� �, FRIDIEY CODE SUP1M11RY Section 205.01 -205.02 - Generally the same Section 205.�3 1. Added definitions 4,7,12,13,14,18,27,46,52,53,54,55,58,59,60,64,65,56, 67>68 2. Deleted definitions (old code} 7,13,40,53,54 Section 2�5.04 1. Added - 205.044 (paragraphs 5 and 6) which allow for sidewalk and bikeway easement along all designated thoroughfares and collectors as noted in the City's Bikeway Plan. Added - 205.047 Environmental Quality - This section expands controls for all districts rather than just Industrial as laid out in existing code. Section 205.07 - (R-1) 1. Deleted 2-family units as an allowed use with a Special Use Permit. 2, Added L�mited dwelling as an accessory use. 3. Changes churches from allowed to allowed with Special Use Permit. 4. Changes lot area from 9,000 square feet to 7;5�p square feet minimum. 5. Changes lot width from 75 feet to 60 feet minimum. 6. Deleted garage reqGirement. 7. Deleted house size requirement. Section 205.08 - (R-2) 1. Delete�! R-2A Double Bungalow District - Classified as strictly 2-family dwelling district. 2. Churches require Special Use Permit instead of an allowed use. 3. Deleted garage requirement. 4. Deleted house size requirments. Section 205.09 - (R-3) 1. 8asically the same as the existing code - Performance Standards are more clearly defined and put into Section 2Q5.096. Section 205.10 (R-4) 1. No main cfianges, however, did add Section 205.105 Performance Standards which layout responsibilities more clearly. -1- -�,,.- c ' Section 205.11 - (Townhouse Develo ent) 1. The restriction of 5 acres was deleted. 2. Added process for approval to be same as amendment process. Section 205.12 - (Public) 1. Added requirement for public improvements to comply with same standards in other districts for which improvements would be allowed. Section 205.13 (C-1 District) 1. Eliminated C-1S District (to all be equivalent to C-1) 2. Added potential for requiring bike racks. 3. Changed retail parking requirr.ient for 1/150 square feet to 1/200 square feet. 4. Set a minimum landscaping cost of 1 1/2% of construction cost. 5. Changed stall size requirement from 10 by 20 to flexible standard. S_ection 205.15 (C-2 District) 1. Changed additional setback requirement of 50 feet from any other district to 50 feet from any residential district. 2. Added potential for requiring bike rac!cs. 3. Changed retail parking from 1/150 square feet to 1/200 square feet. 4. Changes stall size requirment from 1Ox20 to flexible standard laid out in Federal Western Control Catalogue PPA-2 (1974). 5. Set minimum landscape cost of 1 1/2% of construction cost. 205.15 (C-3 District) 1. Reclassify all C-2S Districts to C-3. 2. Re-define a�lowed uses to relate to larqe parkin� requirements. 3. Rear yard changed to:40 feet in all cases. 4. Additional 50 foot setback from any district changed to any residential district. 5. Also 2 through 5 as per C-2 Dist'rict. 205.16 - (CR-1 District) T. Addition setback added - 30 feet from any residential zones. 2. A15o 2 through 5 as per C-2 District. 205.17 - (CR-2 District) 1. Same as CR-1 changes. -2- ° 205.18 - M-1 6istrict 1. Eliminated M-2 zone which requires 1 1/2 acre parcels and place all controls under M-1 zoning. 2. Also 2 through 5 as per C-2 District. 205.19 - Planned Unit Development District 1. Defined necessary information in more detail that old code. 205.20 - Specia] District 1. No changes 205.30 - Overlay Districts 1. Set up new district to include all necessary overlay re3ulations. -3- � � � CITY OF FRIDLEY i " PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1980 CALL TO ORDERs Chairman Harris called the September 10, 19a0, Planning Commission meeting to order at '%s40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Presents Mr. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, Ms. Hughes, Mr. Wharton, Mr. Peterson, (for Ms. Sporre) Members Absent: None Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Lucille A. Skovran, 6003 Gardena Circle Ed Jonak, 133 N.E. Craig [^Iay Duane Prairie, 489 Rice Creek Terrace Garry Rohling, 817 Gates Ave., Elk River, Minn. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 20, 1980, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: Ms. Schnabel stated that on page 3, the second paragraph, the last word 'issue', should be ehanged to 'interest'. MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Wharton, to approve the corrected August 20, 19go Planning Commission minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRIVIAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. .V easement in t31oCk µ, rtymautn Aaaizion, loca� Block between Main Street and 2nd Avenue N.E. Vacate alley 3:in the 4800 i10�%) Mr. Boardma.n stated that the City has no problem with the vacation, arid that they_would like to re.t�i;,'n�c�r,ai�age�'�n1�•tatilSty� �`���ments. . ..ii _ � •.rr,,, _ . _ . . . . _ , _ � - i . . . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTESvIBER 10, 1�80�^�._ PAG�_ Mr. Jonak questioned, as to where exactly would this easement run? Mr. Boardmaxi stated that it would run east to west, along the northerly ,1D feet of Lots 3, 4, 5 and b. Mr. Jonak questioned if he was correct in assuming the easement was to provide for drainage, utilities, sewer, and water? Mr. Boardman stated that based on the letter they have from NSP, they had stated that they have an overhead single phase distribution line within the easement. Much discussion ensued about the location oi the power line, and pole. Chairman Harris suggested that this item could be tabled until the time when Mr. Jonak could contact Mr. Benson with NSP, to find out where the utility pole was located. Mr. Jonak stated that he ieels that this has been tabled too many times already. He further stated that it didn°t seem to him that he was getting any service here. He then stated that everytime he comes in to do something, that there is a new obstacle. He stated that he started by paying $400.00 ior a survey for the lot, then $7�.00 £or a lot split fee, and now $125.00 for a vacation iee, and now he doesn't know what it will cost for a relocation of a telephone/utility pole. He stated, that if he had known all this at the onset, he may have not gone this route, because oi the expense. He stated that he is going through all this expense to add to the City's ta,Y rolls, and now he is being penalized ior it by having to pay all these iee's. He stated that he has asked ior the fee's to be waived. Ms. Schnabel stated, that because not everything was finalized at ihis point, she felt that maybe this item should be tabled, until NSP had been contacted. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 1 � � 8 i � •�� •i he was afraid that if there was a restriction like that placed in the zoning code, they would be discouraging retrofitting existing structures to be more energy efficient. Mr. Harris ihen gave an example of someone wanting to insulate there place, and then the City would have to tell them that would be fine, but that they would then have to pay for upgrading landscaping, and putiing in eoncrete curbing. M r. �harton stated that he had a personal feeling, that when somebody starts saying that they are requiring someone to do landscaping, that he thinks abaut what the purpose people have and the objective people have in governsnent. He iurther stated that he wondered how much are we going to a.l.low gavernment to tell us what to do. Much discussion ensued on how this item could best be handled without discouraging upgrading of property. Mr. Oquist questioned whether they were referring to commercial or residential structures? Mr. Harris stated that he was getting tired of everything happening in the town happening to the industrial and commercial. property, and noone touching the residential, because they might vote. He further stated that he wondered who was paying the �reight? He £urther stated that he felt that they have been hounding people who have been entrepeneurs, and businesspeople in the community for twenty years, aboui some little curbing someplace, because it is__blacktopping instead of concrete, and yet the City hasn't completed it's curbing projeet. He stated that in fact, in front of the City's Mayor's house, he still has got blacKtopped curbing. He wondered when that would be ripped out and then charged about $16.00 per foot? Mr. Harris stated that this was also true of the curbing in f'ront of the City Manager's Aouse. He further stated that not to many years ago, the City turned around and put. in a parking lot, while reauiring the rest of the City to put in concrete, the City put in blacktop. Mr. Peterson questioned if on page 13, section 3. A., that when the noise abatement ordinance is passed, if that would then be added to this section. Mr. Harris stated that yes it would be included at the time a noise ordinance is adopted. Mr. Wharton stated that the Energy Commission has looked at the Zoning Code, bui that they are not at the present time in a position to make recommendations on this amended zoning ordinance. He iurther stated that he would hope that the public hearing would be le�t open so that the Energy Commission could make reeommendations on the code. PL�NNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEltqBER 10, 1980 _� PAGE 6 Mr. Haxris stated that on page 4, item #30, that he was still having a problem with this section. M r. Boardman stated that he has a tough time with it, bui that you can°t stop it. He iurther stated that hopefully, they could eliminate some of the home occupations that are offensive to the sArrounding neighbors. M r. Harris stated that was the point he was aiming at. That if there was indeed a way that they could control it if there was an impact on the nei.ghbors. Discussion ensued on the various types of home occupations that may cause problems, and ways of controlling any occupations that do cause problems to the neighbors. Discussion ensued on the limiting oi home occupations by means oi requiring a special use permit. Ms. Hughes stated that she felt that some home occupations should be allowed, and in some areas. Mr. Boardman suggested that the Commission might want to consider requiring all home occupations to be licensed. Mr. Petersen stated that if his wiie cannot have a few piano students come to their home ior lessons, without having a license, that he felt that was a real infringement upon his rights. M r. Harris stated that vue talk about all these high and mighty things, but that when it comes right down to the practicality oi it, nothing much happens in the residential areas to clean them up. He then stated that he objects to it. He iurther stated that then they talk neighborhood preservation, and upgrading the living standard in Fridley, but that when it comes right down to the doing it, it isn't done because somebody might not vote. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Peterson to continue the public hearing on the amendment to Chapter 205 of ihe Fridley City Code, generally known as the Fridley Zoning Code. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRNIAN HARRIS DECZARED THIS ITIIvI CONTINUED TO THE NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTIQN by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to amend the agenda, in order to hear Mr. Duane Prairie speak on an item. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI,AREI1 THE AGENGA ANiEPI�ID. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEM.BER t0 1980 PAGE $.� Discussion ensued on whether this item would require diiierent zoning, and the precendents, if any. Ms. Hughes stated that the Planning Commission does not have licensing come beiore them, but if the City Council has the right to issue licanses, then they could act on this, but if they are seeking her opinion through the Commission, then she would have to say that she ieels this would require rezoning. Mr. Prairie stated that he had no objections to any of the stipulation discussed cancerning the number of vehicles, the reviewal of the license annually, no charges for parking of the vehicles etc. Mr. Oquist stated that he felt that ii the Park employees were willing to sleep there, under those conditions that he was willing to allow it. MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to recommend to theCity Council, the approval of the license application of Park Construction, for the paxking of six recreational vehicles (k,V.) on the Park Construction Company lot, with the following stipulations, that the number of vehicles be limited to six, that ihis license be reviewed annually, and that the reereational vehicles not exceed 28 feet UPON A VOICE VQTE, MR. OQUI3T VOTING AYE, MS: HUGHES VOTING NAY, WITH THE REASON TfiAT SHE BEI,IEVES 2'HIS TO BE A REZONING, THAT IS NOT BEING HANDLEi) PROPERI,Y AS A REZONING, MR. WHARTON VOTING AYE, MR. HARRIS VOTING AYE, MR. TREUENFELS, VOTING AYE, MS. SCHNABEI„ VOTING AYE, MR. PETERSEN VOTING AYE. CHAIRMA.N HARRIS DECZARED THE MOTION PASSED. Chairman Harris advised Mr. Prairie that he should be back for when this item comes to the City Council at 7:30, September 22, 1980 Chai.rman Haxris recessed the Planning Commission for a five minute recess. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: REGEIVING INPUT IN THE IMPLIlVIENTATION SECTION OF THE FRIDLEY COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PZAN �� MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Hughes to open the public hearing on reeeiving input in the implementation section af the Fridley Comprehensive Develpment Plan, Upon a voiee vote a1Z voting Aye, Chairman Harris declaxed the Public Hearing opem at 10:15 p.m. Mr. Boardman stated that the status of the complete Comprehensive Plan, is that they have requested an extension until November 1st from Metro Council. Ms. Schnabel stated that she had a question under the modest cost housing opportunities, there is an item about loca.l housing bond programs. She questioned whether this was the same type oP program that was being done out in San Diego? PLANNING COMD'LISSION MEETING SEPTFMBER 10. 1980 _� PAGE 9 Mr. Boardman explained that this is the same one as what is being operated in Goon Ravids. He iurther explained that it is like an Industrial Revenue Bond, but that it is when a Community sells bonds, and they allow those bonds out at a lower interest rate. Mr. Boardman further explained how some of these bonds work. Ms. Schnabel stated that she has read some articles relating particular problems that have been encountered with some of the housing bonds, in different areas of the country. Mr. Petersen stated that he found he had problems with some of the wording in some areas, in paxticular on page 22, on Land Use, at the bottom oi the page. He stated that they are referring to State and Federal suggested guidlines. Mr. Petersen questioned what about any local ori�etropolitan guidelines? Mr. Boardman stated that the Flood Plains are strictly regulated by the Federal and 5tate guidelines �rough the �l_dR,_and tY,e off3ces oi the Federal Emergency, and there are no otYier guidlines for this. Mr. Petersen questioned what_�baut—the Rice Creek Watershed, or something like that? Mr. Boardman stated that they get all their information directly from the Department of Natural Resources and that the City has to comply with Federal and State Regulations ior the adoption of the Flood Plains. Mr. Petersen stated that on Page 23, the Noise Abatement Program he felt that it should be worded 'the City will implement', not "strongly consider", because he stated, they are working on it rig�it now. APter much discussion the Commission stated that the words Mr. Petersen stated that he wanted to read something that would pertai.n to "the City Budget" that was passed on to him; and that this was in regards to the Nature Center at North Park. "The implementation for the Nature Center at North Park, is in jeopardy now, and the Commission must clear�y reiterate its desire to provide staff, and program funds to support implementation of the Nature Center. All outside efforts now in soliciting funds from Corporations, such as Medtronics, have been used at the Nature Center to complete the building.facility." Ms. Hughes questioned if this statement was a recommendation, and from_whom? PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTIIVIBER 10. 1Q80 PAGE 10 M r. Petersen stated that these remarks came from Lee Anne Spore, and that it was something they have discussed, and something she has studied. M r. Boardman stated that he did not lmow if they would want to put in those exact wores. He stated that they might want to state 'private industry, for potential iunding resources.' He further stated that he did not know if they would want to make a speciiic statement about one park. Mr. Petersen stated that the concern was that North Park was not left out. He stated that when they talk about the joint powers agreement for Locke Park, he understands that there are certain things being left out of the Nature Center's building facility because of funding problems. Mr. Harris stated that if things hadn't been discarded, the building might not have been built, because the bids came in $ 100,000.00 over budget. He further stated that hopefully things could be added to the facility as funds becatne available. Mr. Petersen stated that would be doubtful. He iurther stated that if everything else is getting all the money they need, he wondered why the Nature Center facility wasn't? Ms. Hughes stated that there are funds being raised for the Schroer Property, playfield, both ior the construction oi the facilities up there, and potentially for a building, when gau have all kinds of other needs in terms oi community parks. Ms. Hughes stated that the VFW was donating $50,000 to iinish one ballfield at the Schroer Property. She further stated that Medtronic was asked for a sum of money, in an iniormal approach, about two weeks ago, for a potential recreational building, on this site. She further stated that what Mr. Petersen is saying is, that this kind of Yund raising, and talks, and requests, with the idea of raising money for that area is happening, when there are needs in the eommunity parks, and when there are a,lso needs up at North Park. She iurther stated that it is never money for a park system, but rather ior a particular project. Mr. Harris stated that to back up a bit, he stated where was all this funding £or North Park when that building was iirst proposed then? All the iunding that has been provided for North Park to his understanding, is really t�payers dollars, whether it's local, state, or federal. He �urther stated that they only had so much money to work with, and in order for that building to come within that budget they had to do what they could. Mr. Petersen stated that was not what Ms. Sporre was referring to, but rather that she was saying lets take care of what we have, before we staxt looking into future things, that we haven't even started developing yet. PLANNING COMMI�S,ION MEETING �EPTIIVIBER 101 1980 PAGE 11 Mr. Harris stated that if that was the case then, that was a determination that Planning, and the City Council should make in a Policy Determination, and that it really doesn't belong in the 2mplementation Section, oi the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that he felt though that it should be discussed. Ms. Hughes stated that she agreed. Mr. Boardman stated that most of your resources ?or certain parks are funded because of outside iunding sources. He ?urther stated that with North Park it was with $365,000.00 that was gotten irom Metro Gouncil. He further stated that if they were talking parks, it was going to be close to $560,000.00 that they are getting from LAi�aCO*i, that if they were to apply for �he same money for North Park they would not get those .I.A??COt� unc�s.—He iurther stated that they were talking about difierent needs in difYerent areas, and there is no way that you could take your different resources, and put them into one bunch. MOTION by Ms. Hughes,seconded by Mr. Oquist, to close the Public Hearing on Receiving Input in the Implenentation Section Oi the Fridley Comprehensive Development Plan. UPON A VOICE UOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLAREI) THE PUBLIC HEARING CI,OSED AT 10:4� p.m. MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to recommend the Imglementation Section of the Gomprehensive Plan to City Council with amendmen�sl.as discussed. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED IINAIYIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSIOIV MINUTESa_AUGUST_13� 1980_ Ms. Hughes stated that she wanted to note that the Parks and Recreation Commission continued their discussion on of development, and remadeling of neighborhood parks. Ms. Schnabel stated that in reading the minutes, that she felt tha� Mr. Robinson's observations of the parks were some oi the best reporting that she has seen on the parks in a long time. She further stated that she felt that it was a realistic opinion, and report. Ms. Hughes stated that the one problem she had with it was that there was apparently no camparision done with the census iigures. Mr. Treuenfels questioned whether 3.2 beer was allowed, or not, in Locke Park? PLANNING COD'ID'IISSION MEETING 5EPT�IiBER 10 1980 ,._ _ PAGE ].2 Ms. Hughes stated that when they accepted the property from the Douglas Chapel, for Locke Park, that in that:deed was the provision that no intoxicating beverages would be allowed in the park. She stated that the problem gets to be what is intoxicating. She stated that they have posted a sign that states this. Mr. Harris stated that regarding the letter to the residents, he felt the sentence was not to clear that stated; "we are interested in appointing the community mainstays, and interested folk. " Ms. Hughes stated that the Commission had ehanged that, and that what she had said was "that we are interested in appointing people who were members of organizations, people who are with a building backround, and then just paain folk." but, she stated they felt that was insulting too. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Treueniels, to receive the Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes, August 13� 1980, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIIdUfAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE MINUTES RECEIVE➢. 7• Ms. Schnabel stated that perhaps it would be wise for the HRA to proceed with a different phase, of development, that perhaps the conditions ?or phase 1 development are just not good enough at this time. M r. Boardman stated that they are considering all p�,ases. MOTI�N by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Petersen, to receive the Housing & Redevelopment Commission Minutes, of August 14, 1980. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRI5, DECLARED THE MINUTES RECEIVED. 8. RECEIVE INVIRONMENTAI, QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 19, 198a Mr. Petersen stated that he would like to mention the EQC's feelings regarding the creosote problem. He stated they feel that the matter is not totally solved, and that there is still a question until they receive some further information, and reports. He further stated that they ieel they would not be able to close the issue, until they got a sign oif from the PCA, and the Minnesota Department of Health, with their final findings. Discussion ensued on the issue, and various departments and the lack oi reports. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTIIVIBER 10, 1980 _ PAGE 1�_ Mr. Petersen stated that he questioned the Planning Commissions ieelings on the EQC's £eeling that a stipulation be placed on the building permit, so as to protect themselved, and provide an"out if somthing further is £ound either while building, or in further tests, or reports. M r. Harris stated that he felt that it would be wise to seek City Council direction on this matter. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded b� Ms. Schnabel, to receive the n�vironmental Quality Commission Minutes, dated August 19, 1980. UPON A VOICE VOTE AI�L VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI,ARED THE ENVIRONMINTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES RECEIVED. MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Ms. Hughes, to recommend to the City Council to include appropriate special conditions, on the building permit on the t�iedtronics site, to safeguard the interests of' the City, and the general health, safet , and welfare, pertainin� to the discov�ry of additional contaminate areas, from the creosote operation. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRIvIAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIVE ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTESs AUGUST 26, 1980 MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. TreuenfeZs, to receive the Energy Commission Minutes, dated August 26, 1980 UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIId1'I,�1N HARRIS DECI,ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSZY. 10. RECEIVE APPEAL5 COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 26 1980 Ms. Schnabel stated that she would like the Planning Commission to note, that the Appeals Commission recommendation, that the City oi Fridley sign on Universtiy Avenue is in disrepair, and that whoever is responsible, should have it updated, and repaired. Mr. Boardman stated that it was Naegeles responsibility, axid that they are ready to fix the sign, but that the City has not as yet decided what they want to have on the sign. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to receive the Appeals Commission Minutes, August 26, 1980. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN H�IRRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIlVIOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTIIYIBER 10, 1980 I�AGE 14 11. OTHER BUSINESS: A. City of Spring Lake Park - Official Publication Chairman Harris questioned ii this Plat approval would impact the City of Fridle�? Mr. Boardman stated that no it would not. MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to receive the publication from -the City of Spring Lake Park. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. B. MSD Recycle - Mr. Dave Locey Mr. Boardman stated that he had spoken to Ms. Modig, on this item, and that she felt that it probably was a ploy by the can company's to get the legislature to not impose a deposit on soft drink can. She also felt that this would not impact the existing City's recycling center. Mr. Boardman iurther stated that what MSD was looking at was to set up a temporary recycling center, at the Pop Shoppe location with a payment to people per pound for what they bring in. He further stated that they would start with accepting steel, aluminum, and plastic, and if this proved successiul they would then apply Yor a permanent location, that would be North of the Pop Shoppe building. Mr. Harris questioned if this was to be located in the parking lot? Mr. Boardman stated that the present one, would be located in the Pop Shoppe parking lot. They would have in the lot an office trailer, some holding containers, and a magnetic separator, and van. Mr. Harris stated that they then would require a spec3al use permit, and that he would like to see some better plans. Because this would impact the surrounding area, Mr. Harris stated, he feels they must apply for a special use permit. Mr. Treuenfels stated that this would give people an incentive, and you would see a lot oi litter disappear. Ms. Schnabel stated that she concurs with Mr. Harris, and would like to see a better drawing of what is planned. MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to receive the MSD Recycle letter, oi September 8, 1980. UPOPi A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. PI,ANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTIIVIBER 10L �SO PAGE 15_ MOTION by Ms. Schnabel,=seconded by Mr. Oquist, to recommend that MSD Recycle, apply ior a Special Use Permit, and come in with drawings to scale, and definitions of the equipment required. UPON A YOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLAREU THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Treuenfels, questioned how much this Company would have to pay for a special permit, £or something he consider� highly beneficial to the City of Fridley? Mr. Harris, and Mr. Oquist, stated that they did not know ii it was beneficial at �his point, and if it is, maybe it should not be in that location. ADJOURNMENT� MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by YIs. Schnabel, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRI5 DECLARED THE SEPTPIVIBER 10, 1980, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11s45 p•m. Respectiully submitted, ��- � � Elaine R. Reed Recording Secretary