PL 10/29/1980 - 6736PLANNIPIG COMP•1ISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 19$0 7:30 P.M. JERROLD L. BOARDMAN CITY PLANNER City of Fridley A6ENDA PLANNING COMMISSION t�EETING DlEDNESDAY, OCTOE3ER 29, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLAfdNING COMI+IISSION MINUTES: OCTOBER 8 7980 i. PU6LIC HEARIPJG: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #80-11, BY JA�%�ES H. GILaERTSO?�: To allow an out-patient counseling clinic �•�ith small adjacent parking lot on Parcel 1100 in the North Half of Section 11, per Section 205.051, 3, f, of the Fridley City Code, the same being 7599 University Avenue N.E. 2. COPlTINUED: PUBLIC H Public Hearing open /.�N�17� 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1-5 6 - 16 SEPARATE 3. RECEIVE ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 23 1980 ORCHID 4. REGEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COh1MISSION MINUTES• OCTOBER`2 1980 SALMON 5. RECEIVE HOUSIh,G & REOEVELaPP•tEPIT AUTHQRITY 'htzNUTES: ncTOBER W};?r� ' ., , ,.,,,. 6. RECcIVE APPEALS COP1h1ISSI0N MINUTES: OCTOBER 14 1980 7, OTHER BUSIYESS: ADJOURNMENT: YELLOW O CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN6, OCTOBER 8, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Harris called the October 8, 1980, Planning Commis5ion meeting to . order at 7:37 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Svanda, Mr. Oquist (arr. 8:03 p.m), Ms. Hughes Members Absent: Mr. Wharton Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Kent Nill, Economic Development Assistant David Fuerstenberg, 1601 - 65th Ave. N.E. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1980, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by Ms. Schnabel, to approve the September 24, 1980, Planning Commission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the motion carried unanimous7y. 1. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #80-i1, BY PETITION 9-198Q: Vacate 6 foot alley easement along the East side of Lots 1-4, Block 1, Oak Grove Addition, and the 6 foot alley easement along the West side of Lot 12, Block 1, Moore Lake Park Second Addition, all north of 66 1/2 Avenue N.E. Mr. Boardman stated they have received 100q owner agreement for the vacation of this alley. This vacation includes the three properties adjacent to the alley plus the tax forfeit lot. He stated he'had called the County Auditor, Charles Lefebvre, on Sept. 23, and the County does not have any problem with vacating the easement. The County's policy is to go along with what the residents want. He stated the City would want to retain 10 feet af the westerly section of the alley right-of-way for utiiity and drainage easements. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY F112. SVRNDA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACRTION REQUEST: SRV #80-11, BY PSTITION 9-I980: VACATE 6 FOOT . ALLEY WASEMENT RLONG�THE EAST SSDE OF IATS I� 4� BLOCK 1� OAK GROI�E ADDITION, � AND THE 6 FOOT RLLEY EASEMENT AZANG THE WEST SIDE OF LOT I2, BLOCK 1, MOORE LAICE PARK SECOND RDDSTION, ALL NORTH OF 66 1/2 AVENUE N.E., WITH THE STIPULATION TXAT THE CITY RETAIN 10 FEET.OF THE WESTERLY SECTION OF THE ALLEY RIGHT-OF-WRY FOR UTZLITY AND DRASNAGfi EASEMENTS. � � UpON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRMAN 73ARRIS DECLARED THfi MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. � PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETIN6, OCTOBER 8, 1980 PAGE 2 2. VACATION RE UEST: SAV #80-}2, BY PETITION 10-1980: Vacate 12 foot alley easement in Bloc 9, Berlin Ad ition owne by Minneapolis Water Works). Mr. Boardman stated that the Planning Commissian should note on page 29 of the agenda that there are presently streets. One street was vacated and all of the alleys are vacated except for Block 9. A11 of the rest of the streets are non-vacated. Because of the City Council's policy, they can vacate alleys 6ut they cannot vacate streets. This request is from Minneapolis Water Works. Minneapolis Water Works owns 100� of the p-operfiy; therefore, there is a 100% agreement by petition to vacate the alley. Stzff has no problem with this request. MOTION BY MS. SCHNABEL, SECONDED BY MR. TREUENFELS, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUEST: SAV #80-12, BY PETTTION ZO-1980: VACATE 12 FOOT ALLEY EASEMENT IN BLOCK 9, BERLIN ADDITION (OWNED�BY MSNNEAPOLIS WATER WORICS). UPON�A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING�AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DBCLARED THE MOTION CARRIED 3. CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 205 OF Mr. Boardman stated this item would have to �e;,continued, because he was still waiting for a response f.rom the City At±�rnPy: MOTION BY MR. TREUENFELS, SECONDED BY MS. HUGHES, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HERRING ON TXfi AMENDMENT TO THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE UNTIL THE NE7fT MEBTINC',. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTZON CRRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE MEDTRONIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET: Mr. Boardman stated that Staff has reviewed this document but found that the creosote problem was not mentioned to any extent within the document itself. At the City Council meeting on Monday, October 6, the City Council agreed to have a letter go along with the document when the document is received by the Environmental Quality Board (EQB). This letter states that the Pollution Control Agency (PCA) has reviewed the creosote oroblem, and if the PCA approves it, the City of Fridley will go along with the PCA's recommendations. Mr. Harris stated he would like the following two pieces of information included as part of the record: (1) "Pentachlorophenol"; (21 "Review of Creosote Use in Natural Waters" Mr. Svanda stated he had reviewed the Environmental Assessment Worksheet {EAS); and, as Staff had mentioned, there was no mention of the creosote situation. He felt that one of the purposes of an EAS is to pull all pieces fiogether as far as potential environmental concerns. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8 1980 PAGE 3 Mr. Svanda stated he thought the EAS was a good document except for the fact that no mention was made of the creosote problem, and he felt there were a number of places where it could have been addressed. One example was on page 21 under "Other Environmen�al Concerns". Mr. Svanda stated he had attended the City Council meeting on October 6 and made a presentation to the City Council as a citizen of the City. Followina his presentation to the City Council, they entered into a discussion about the creosote problem. Following that discussion, the City Council decided to include the transmittal letter with the document. He stated he was satisfied with the letter approach by the City Council. , Mr. Harris stated his real concern is with the previous use of the dump pit which is very close to the Po ce Creek bank, and he could not help believing that there is probably a danger or hazard from the previous use of the dump pit. He felt someone should get a handle on Ric� Creek and find out if the thing does have some PCP's. He felt there is a real lack of information as to whether there is a health hazard over there. He stated he is very concerned about pentachlorophenol which is a very dangerous chemical. (Mr. Oquist arrived at therreeting at 8:03 p.m.) Ms. Hughes stated the problem with creosote and pentachlorophenol is what the decomposition products are, which are highly dangerous. It is not the penta- chlorophenol that is the problem, but the decomposition products. There'CO�Yd be a real problem at the drainage pit by the Creek. Mr. Harris asked what action was necessary by the Planning Comnission on this document. Mr. Boardman stated that the EAW was for the expansion of Medtronics. He stated the Planning Comnission had already made recommendations after their initial meeting. These recommendations were taken into consideration and went before the City Council on October 6. He stated that no further action was necessary by the Planning Comnission unless they felt some issues were missed or needed further consideration. Ms. Hughes stated the only place those things would be effective would be at the PCA Board meeting on October 28. MOTION BY MS. HUCHES, SECONDED BY MR. TREUENFELS� TO RECEIVE TXE MfiDTRONIC � ENVIRONMENTRL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET. . � UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL[DTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HRRRIS DfiCLRRED THE MOTION CRRRIED fJNANZMOUSLY. Mr. Narris stated he felt the City of Fridley should have some representation at the PCA meeting on October 28 to express the City's concerns. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTaBER 8, 1980 PAGE 4 MOTIDN BY MR. SVANDR, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL TNAT THERE BE REPRESENTATION FROM TXE CITY OF FRIDLEY�RT THE POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY'S.MEETING ON.00TOBER 28, 1980,.T0 EXPRE55 THE CITY'S CONCERN ABOUT THE CREOSOTE PROBLEM RT THE ONAN SITE RND TO ENCOURAGE�THE PCA BOARD TO TAKE WHATEVER RCTIDN OR MEASURES NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FOR A SPEEDY RESOLUTION OF THE SITUATION. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VQTING RYE, CXRIRMAN NARRZS DECLARED THB MOTION CARRISD� UNANIMOUSLY. � � 5. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 9, 1980, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. TREPENFELS� TO RECEIVE THE SEPTEMBER �9, I980, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES. � Mr. Oquist stated that the Community Development Comnission had reviewed the ordinance for multiple dwellings and had made a motion recommending additions and changes to the multiple dwelling ordinance to license condominiums. He stated the Commission's main thrust is to require a license as a way of controlling condominium conversion. Mr. Boardman stated that since the Community Development Commission's last meeting, the multiple dwelling ordinace had been changed, so it would have to be brought back again to tfie Corianunity Development Comnission for review. -�� UPON A VOICfi�pQTE,.ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN BARRIS DECLARED THE MOTI0:1.�:L4R7&D� -��"������ UNANIMOUSLY. � �� � 6. RECEIUE SEPTEMBER 11, 1980, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORIiY MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. SCHNABEL, SECONDED BY MR-. TREf7ENFELS, TO RECEIVE THE SEPTEMBER I1, 1980, HOUSING & REDEVEZAPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPQN R VOICE VOTE,�.ALL VOTING AYE,�.CHAIRMAN.HRRRIS�DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED� UNANIMOUSLY. . . � � � � � � � L RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 16, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY�MR. SVANDA� SECONDED BY MX. TREUENFELS, TO RECEIVE THE SfiPTEMBER ]6, 1980, ENVIRONMENTAL QDALITY COMMISSION MINUTES. � ��� - �� � UPON A VOICfi VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED� 8. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 17, 1980, PARKS & RECREATTON COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY MS. SCHNABEL, TO RECEIVE THE SEPTEMBER 27, 1980, PARKS & RECREATION CANMISSFON MINUTES. � UPON A�VOICE VOTE, ALI, VO22NG AYE, CN.AIRMAN HRRRIS�DECLARED TNE MOTIDN.CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 8, 1980 PAGE 5 9. RECEIUE SEPTEMBER 30, 1980, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. SCXNABEL, SECONDED BY 1�. TREUENFELS� TO RECEZVE THE SEPTBMBER 30� 1980� RPPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. Ms. Schnabel stated the major discussion at:the Appeals Comnission meeting was on the new zoning ordinance, and she would hold any comments until the Planning Comnission discussed the new zoning ordinance at their next meeting. I1PON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHRIRMAN HARRIS D&CLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. • 10. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Notice of Public Hearing from Columbia Heights (for a retail establishment to obtain a conditional use permit for a utility shed) MOTZON BY MR. TREUENFELS, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECEIVE THE NOTZCE OF PUBLIC HEARING FROM COLUMBl.'A HEIGHTS. ' UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, ChAIRMAN HAI2RIS DECLARED THE MOTION�CRRRI&D UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTZON BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY MR, TREUENFELS, TO AA70URN THE MEETING. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE OCTOBER 8, 1980, PLANNINC COMMISSION ADJOURNED AT 9:I0 P.M. � �. Respectfully subi�tted, cz Q�G"-�'� yn ' Sa a Recording Secretary _.�_.___._. _ . __ _ _ __ _ . .-"'�„'.. ��' ♦....♦.•�. ..�ri V �r..�V J YJJ r.� •...�..i���J .i . .,�v . . . eti e . . .:. .. �• :� ..__.... _'_ .._3�..�:J ^.C.^. _:.. °:...:� CJ:.). �__ �:'.:'3C�`.10.^. ,.._,:��" �; ^ 3P . . „ _i_i .� OV V __' ' �./.. ':�: (i. . � �1.�^� �'ilA^3�3 7rnl..:..� , � . . � � �G^ .013 � . i�. �=a�:c _: inw^y a.�ir_es : Aro�atic gol;�cycTic anines - Aro�atic ox7gen aad nitrogen heterocyclics Aroaatic aad zliph3tic nitriles (cyanide derivatives) Polycfclic hydrocarboas Froble� Areas: Fr.enols- 5ublethal doses nay ir�part off flavor to fis:. Also c.::onic doses of phena�s can ca�:se Ziver �nd kid..^.ey dzr:a;,� or be tutiorogen?c. Fn�nols are atso q-,_te �+ater solnble, t�a:eiore, cohc�atraticas can be cu�ulativa. Prirar.f A�i^es- Polycyclic a.nines s�:ch as naat�l aaines are carcinogenic, also slightly water soluble. Aro�atic E=_teroc•rclics- Often i���.� ofi fla•:ors to fis� and r_�} be phytoto;:ic. T'ne� zr� f=equently cu�rs of 2itier and ki�ney daQage. tdos� zse spasiaolq soZuble in riate^. • r�3ti=:.C-^'�CC.�...']l4�° C�°__^_Vc22'.1S'('3i� t�i�COU �.^..^.'� tiJ�00G� {'.OXI.n � r.� ••.n� - ..S �'I�V1IIo 2�A� � ci�.�,� wat�_ �olLbilit;�. P^�VC"C.'_:C :tTG�iOC�?^�^^S^ '.:2,^�'f �^..Y'C ��.',N::C� OF h��'� CII..C?'!O�.'.P_:.0 2�3.^_eII. . `�",._, '.iF._`�_ _u Ci:iO:i_.^..:.:'�� '?�'�'SG�� r.resezt C.'..1 ��1l.JV vv C��C��ti".�SYOQ �J .. .i�.� . ..�v�vMJ .. n �.1��I�1�GJ'v��J �.���uV�� �� .%u1�1. � .. .1.. 1.. �.. n1' _ .. ..� D _ .. � _ _ _ .. _ _ . . .. . .. . .� � . .. . '... , . .. . ....� ... -. �� �. .�.._.�v...� _..� ..�o.... ..�v�...�.:_�v�� ._�.�. L..GJ ...�_.._.�� ....,..._,......_�.i � ._.. .��........... _._ .. �._ _ _. �...�.... �:J����v �..._...°} c.� ���..� � _ r�a ?_....v�.�.�i. ..�`�.. . -'.. _ ,.. .... ..._..... ::::'_':'.'+ �.. ..YJ;.:: �� f�.. __.�.,�. _� __ �:JC: CO__...,_� :C0 :r_:.�.^��N: .,7: m . � ... . ; _.. - .. ,__.. a�a c_` .__..._;� ..� ---._':_oc: �.,_ _. ,.. n�� c_ .... i::- _.. ...a __.,,`_1 ..__._ t:.._ _.. c:-- �- ---- --_�c uce�a>,::C� c:.� .;a r_=c� of '_`_ . ,. ::. _ .., c : . __._ ., p� L� �' ^.= t ar:» .�.ir:_1 -.�it.^.r v::ic': co�. = =ss ioc3 c"a_ _. , %sL�..:.:J1:...._.�_ftu7°C1iiC '+'9i�'..l�.Qt1Ci.� Oi C"_'.^.0:7�t� o10`1IC:�U° :i�I�.J G�Cf1II�'� . °.' � @ L'.. ^ � e �.. o.. c r� ��- , � � . ;o- ��lc� _ -., FoTM�ul.. io�s �rith h_at, r ta1. �,...d p�tic`_d„ �..d �i �es s��:�ld n�t be allo::ed;• esn�cially in szsll bodies of ti:ater with little fres I circulation.. Apoarently little actu,;1 e�:�ericental rrork has been doae to @eter�:ne ti:e �irect and indirect toxic effects of creosote on fish and irildlife. It is reco..^^ea@ed t::at such a stucly be r_ade b�fore ar,� gener�l approval for ths use of . t?iic componnd in lakes o: etse.:...^s is � van. Th° dilution factor in rivers is probebly �yreut eao��h to rinici�� an;; ceasuz'a�le ia�zct on oarine life. �'�cor.-,.^.d�t:.o�s iFrzd Arr:o13) C:�'_� ri:.:.9er 1�rade creosote iths g-�c� :.�i'z'� �_a hia���t bailing ra:o�) �_o•al.d ae n��d on n°w pil_ .��. Pilin�s i�: _ ��_�te3 t;ith insect? cides o: �a•ry c��:1s sl:ould not be used. Pilings �•:hic� iave �e2n us=d previouslf or t�rh:c:� �ave bo-�a a�ad so zs to r��oce trater solubls co�poaeats of c:eosote are n_e- i erred p<.: tici:Za:ly �rhsre csater turaa � e= r�tes a: � low. m c .. . L PENTACHLOROPHENOL �' �.�.1 CtlECQCAL Nt�: Pentachlorophenol - �� .• ALTExrrA'rE Nti.��s: Dowicide-7, penchtorol, Pentacan, Penwar, k"eedone, • Sinituho . . pRlxCieAL USE: Herbicide, wood preservative, defoliant, moiluscicide SA�`fPLE DESCRIPTION: Technical material, 96%. • . � SUPIIdARY OP ACiTfE TO?(ICITY Test Organism 96 Tr. LCSO Test Organism 46 hr. LC54 Temp. & 95% C. L. . Temp. & 957. C. L. Species �B) (�) (ug/1) Species �B) (�) (ug/U . � 68 58� Chinook salmon 1.0 10 (48 - 95) Channel catfish 0.8 20 (58 - 80} 52 • .� 32 RainSow trout 1.0 11 (48 - 56} Bluegill 0.4 15 (23 - 44) � w-..,»._ .-----•-- — 205 � .head minnow 1.1 20. (ll9 - 234) • � � . � . � ,� . . . . ., __. _....�....._____.._.. . ... .. ......_. .,� 1.44 , °i ,._.........�.._,..,.......--• . � 1 � Pu��ic �+Enarr�c 6EFORE THE PLANP1IIdG COi���1ISSI0P� Notice is herby given that there will be a Pu61ic Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City liall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on 4lednesday, October 29, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Specia] Use Permit, SP N80-11, by Jaines H. Gilberison, per Section 205.051, 3, f, of the Fridley City Code, to allow an outpatient counseling clinic with small adjacent parking lot, to be located on Parcel 2700 in the Plorth Half of Section 11, legally described as that part of the P7E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 described as fol7oraing: beginning at the NW corner of the NE 1/�} of the P;41 �;4thence south along west line therecf 448.35' thence east at right engles 99.86' to the point of beginning oi' the tract hereby to be described, which point is the east�rly line of llniversity Avenue as proposed; thence continuing east in a straight line 170.36'; thence north at righi angtes parallel with the west line of said northeastrly 1/4 of northwesterly 1/4 a distance of 240.04' more or. less, t:o the center line cf Osborne Road as now layed out and:constructed, thence southwesterly,along the center line of said eoad 169.83' more or less, to the east line of University Avenue as proposed. Thence south along the said easterly line thereof 208.7' more or less to point of beginning, subject to road easernent on northwesterly 33', subject to easement to State of �1innesota for highti•�ay purposes. Generally located at 7599 University Avenue P7.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity ai the above stated time and place. RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAI RD1AN PLANNIN6 COMMISSTON Publish: October 15, 1980 October 22, 1980 L•� � _, - �...� ��L�, NEWC�MBE 8c HANSEN APPRAISALS, 1NC. ; � '��.'-S� � - � M IN N EA PO115, MI M N EeOTA 33601 i � S � E � ti � e � # ' ��/- � ���' tL�EGAL DESCRIPTION 7599 Univzrsity Avenue CiE, Minneapolis, Mn. .,� `. i „{�; ' � . "�"•� That part of the northeast 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 described as : following: beginning at the northwest corner of the northeast 1/4 o� the northwest 1/( 4�thence south along west line thereof 448.35' th2n���as� a�1�ig�it ang7es 99.86' to the point of beginning of tne tract hereby to be described which point is the easterly line � o€ University Avenue as proposed thence continuing east in a straight � Tine 170.35' thence north at right angles parallel with the west ; line of said northeasterly �of northiaesterly l/4 a distance of ' � 240.0�' more oriless to the cenier lin� of Osborne Road as now layed , out and constructed thence southwesterly along the center 1ine ofi ; said road 169.83' more or less to the east Iine of University Avenue � as prcposed. Thence south along the said easierly line ther2of 208 J' more or less to point of beginning, subject to road easement on north- 4 w�sterly 33', subject to eastment to State of Minnesota for hightivay ; purposes. Final Certicztes filed 9/15/6�'. "t \ �� 7 � � � CITY 01� FRI[11.!:1' M1N�fSp'I'A �� /�/)'/ �J—/ PLANNINr, AA;U 'LO;�11�C FORbf NUMf3ERf/9I� f� ,J � ,t- � � ( �,I • -) " APPLIC^N'P'S SI:NA'CUItE.__ (,LYnP%�, l ,�5fh'C/ : Address 6801 Channel Road, Fridlev, MN.55432,$/ Telephone Numbcr 571-0113 PROPGRTY OWtiER'S SIGNATURi .� Address 6801 Channel Road, FrLdley, MN.55432 Telephone Number 571-0113 Si.TC�:l iuCd�iui] v'i iT6ycZ�y 75.99 Universi.ty Ave. -N.E. Lega. uesc.iytion of rroperty See attached co 0 v 7'YPH OF REQUCST Rezoni.ng �L Special Use Pcrmit Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Streets or Alley VacaLions Other Fee�F.eceipt No. � �'�3 . � �v Z Present Zoning Classification R-1 Existing Use of Property Residential-unoc- cupied Acreage of Property see legal desc•Describe briefly the proposed zoning classi£icatio!i oJaS. 05'/, 3, �- or type oi use and improvement proposed S�ecial use permit for outoatient family counseline clinic with sma11 adiacent parkine area. Has the present agplicant previously sought to rezone, plat, ohtain a lot 5plit or bariance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it?_�es n no. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 feet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This appiication must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedinos resuiting ITODl LRE I3iltiT8 i:(i ii�:: uc. Iaw7ic.-i ditu duu:cS3B5 :ii nii .' :.�.O:LB ...^�C�. property owners of property in question, belotigs to the undersigned.� {� 5}:E'�C}i Of �:^vF3G524' F3TCL2T�j 3i�3 Si.T'uC�uT2 �uUnt }'ic t�T8k7i nilu Si.i.3CitE:a�+� 5}1CWiR� i.ii2 � following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3.- Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street Names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 300 feet; The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE _9124/80 SIGNATURE�!/L ��,1 ���v�vL�-- (AP LICAN7'j � Date Filed Date of Heari Planning Comirtission Approved City Council Approved (dates) Denied (dates) Denied .:.�.,. � -^ MAILING LIST SP �i80-11, James N. Gilbertson Counseling clinic on Parcel 2700 Section 11, the same being 7599 University Avenue N.E. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bloom 330 Osborne Road iV.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & P�rs. Ezekiel Moreno, Jr. 320 Osborne Road°N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gabrielson 310 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ralph P. Lynn 7599 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55n32 American Oil Compsny 4940 Viking Drive Minneapolis, Mn 55435 Osborne Properties 523 South 8th Street Minneapolis, Mn 55404 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Davis 7573 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Carl Wahlstrom 347 76th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Woodcrest Baptist Church Junior Parsonage 333 76th Avenue iV.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Baukol 315 76th Avenue M.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blosky 305 76th Avenue N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Gullickson 7573 University Avenue tJ.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 � Planning Commission October 14, 1930 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Osborne 7565 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert 4lilson 7566 4th Street N.E. Fridley, h1n 55432 Pir. & Mrs. Frank Waks 7574 4th Street N.E. Fridley, P1n 55432 Mr. James H. Gilbertson 6801 Lhannel Road fridley, Mn 55432 �---- p S Ci 0 R N E CEN7'�R �SEAND OS80RNE --_ (W �ST�_ _ 10 C� �. s . r )-----�"- - _ ._ ---- --- __ -� _ __.__.. _. __----- � _. ___ _.. o . -_ _ .: � . __J- _ ___ _ _ �- �' _- - � .. � _ _- �- c-�'c __ . _ --- _ .. . � ____--____— --------- - . _ _ _ -..___ _ _ _,� � - - -- ------.. _ _� ----- � -_ _ � � � _ -- - -- _ __ __ _ .m � ' " -- �° ----- - , - � � _ _ N � � � � ,. _ ._---__... _ _ . _ m __. � - ..�.�.. __ _- __ _ ;.. , . - . __ __— -- - --- – _ A w --_ __ �y'�" C _ _ _ .. , �---- ,. , _ c ^� ___ - --- � . __^_ � _ _ _ . c a . -, v' Z. ___ =q , .,, � � _ . ___ _.. ,,,.a rn - . _ . ----- .,- 3 � _ . . ._ _ __ . .. . . .. . , �. 1 4 � �p n ��.....-- '" _ ..- -- -� . .. _ 4 y' _ __ _ m _-- _ , ._ < � ; �".� � � . __ ____. _ _ � n __ _ _ _____ _ ._ ,, ,� _ m , a .n _ b _.�.....,.., --o-__ -- _ � Y A ._ _. _ _ 'i ` ' - --- - - - ... __ A -- y � � N „( _�. _ - -_. c� _- - - -� — , _ __ _ � , G � - _ _ . � .+, _� ._-. — -- -- - _ m ' b_ Y� `� _.. _. ..�- - -- --- � - - - ,� � _ � ' _ _. . _ a � < �XtSTrNG ��v�wAY _ . 3�. � , � _ ��__—z- itt _ . . o �. � - � (� ., c� � . �A C'� s. 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Z 1 � ; ZA '�07� , . . •� w,: , .; , >I aE� ` '� Q � R CJ J . :>) � �� (Y s ,.,�a =- '' ,-: � � � � ;�.�i; u� � �-� � , , �� . : '; il SP #80-11 James Gilbertson outpatient counse]ing clinic 7599 University Avenue I M,, - .� . ; . r' � ia'r T � + * � w i J��„1/�� a � .____,..�._�_ - .,�=.....;� �:, ,`�Ap - , , ' z r-i �. _ '7i A ^ % '.° � i Y:s �'�e�� t .4 � .,. _.. - ° (�✓�:'�'l�i( -f � ,-;.-- �, t , i :"�I4�JQ ' 1 6 � � ji ,r ps A36 ' �<^ ', I��—'' . � ,. IA16,f �I y ,`r��� ' � � i � ... t�l'"!"� - � ' o�:.� � � y �IQ7 ���I 5 'S 4 ' �. � � i`, i �I� � '� . . �j ,� ��I � i ' . . �'� �.�. i� � r Y . e -j� ..��^��ir'�{�vt--i X . . : _ _ `� x 't4a.•�..::. : . A � �, Uy , t � `� - +• � ��: : _ , . w .d.. �L— �`—.:L,237 � t l � �.(J,� ' , . _ � `: i I r„�s.,i--':. . �i � /�i� 1 � i f /f�} � �/ ; �. � :.�+s..t.- -�� ""�-... � �, A 1c,'„' :9�7�dY 9�Y' � a . �rii•A ---Y' : t .t 't�.a� 3 z 7 F ,1�—'� _ . � � ( __rn ,�. . 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' - ...n_ �p� j� � � s.—. . . � I ( 1 �.i i � � � ' � � °" `` %rj�� h p . . � � s; � � �:fj: �'. ��a i �n �e n, ' isoi i�� .%(,qy� � yci y[•�, (o; , t: << I ;.. �`.il 7'S(',I ' .7.501 'r�Q?ar� �4:V. ..i ' . t 'e°. ..i.,: , . �.,. •I o'v,� � ;' l• _.�:.__"� : � : -- ' I ?5TH �\�� ;h?� � ----X ------.---- : • �' �. ' `�—�� _ .�r. ' � a 6 0 �`=�--T . .. � _. r ;... � � � ' , d50� `'� � . . ` y A . !�Y -P/�lY � ;$ $ L . . /^\ �. �� ' � � „ ; � . 4 l..J '`+ 1 1t d . .'aii t , •• V � �`,, / � �.� , � , ' : . , � ..ro , .• t`Y `••. -=�,i 3�l � l`� 4i5 ~ '7a�o,,�'., , �� �,� ' ,.� � �,� � ` '.,-.. � 1 ? �. ;,t C�i� ,� � ' ' , �>°� � ,,• 2 �c . . - � - : ,;----- -_�r: Tt, --,,VE.TT..� '� K ° ;.,�.� t; � �-:---- . - -1 � . _ . � . s . ,. l,PL�I��PTTPK; CUh4JiIS;ION tQI:IsTII;.� 1MY 23� �.979+� - rnar 16 Mr. Oquisi: stated thr�t could rK�p�en in u 20 Uy 22 garage too. 29r. Ifarric r,i;ated that r�a:� rnore unlilce7,y. N.s. chnal�e]. stated. i;hat the I�ire A^partmeni; and P. e Depnrt�r�ent should be aware of the •rricade shou:La they� need to �et an cme .ency vehicle bacl; there. Mr. Horu sta 3 th3t was a good reason f Y.eeping it as a service xoad rather than vacatin� . N,s. Schnabel stated � wo•a].d b��ore comiortab?.e i.i the petitioner were here. Y�i,. Hughes asked if tl�ic c, d bc delzty�d? 2•"s. Hora stated would be in t. hospital i:'or about 3 or � weeks. ile planne3 on hirin�; a c cractor. h',s. ocl el �tai;ed it was �iifficult to a y a Sp�cial Use Periuit. ITPOI��A S'OIC� V�'E� FlI�i� VG1'1Iv'G AY�� C:iA:�i't9F1N IL DiCLARI� TIL.° P40TIOid Cn?3RI�D UIJE1A�Ti�i0U3LY. 5 „� _ YIIt3LTC I�?��.'•i:C.T:�• Pv?'70i;IidG RT'1U"S 'LOA �;7)°i� 3i ROi3,:.ZT�C. E!1`t�• R�zone ---- -� ' ;n ,. �-- -,...<--'�"� � riJ ]tr�<<. C,y. _ i'�rCC1 �_j,.J 1 1. ,[n � � � ::i, �, :" � �. .L s i 3 s _._.. /J oi .�1�'�'.l(��.C;l��b 'tll�.l C r' � i']. , l.Q�ry:��CE. ,.C: ('V-n�l:,ir'. JF!'d�t1;..��_�''Gti] K-L 1.�...1�?�P, . f82']] �' ti�:.�.). � C t.�l ���.�_C li 1 t.� � T'a�. C._ ..CS'. �,I�"i � 11:!l��C.'a �USli;�Eb��,�i:l1P S&� I.�GB].i1Fr ( iti�� UIt1Vf.PA1i,V� �i`J.°,S]'u; 1_`�• �� ... `_�—� •�` b'..?Z'TO�d by P�s. Oquis�� secouded bf 2�s. Treuenfels� to ape� the publir hear.ir.g. UYO;J A VUICE VOT;�� ALL VOTTI�G /1YB� CfItllIUfl�i1 fIAI2.RIS D�CLAEtrD TI� PU3LIC I�.�I1u OPEN AT 10:30 P.D3. Ntr. Foar�m�n stated this ras lecated on tlie soui;heast co?°ner oP Osboz�r.e Road and University Atirenue� of'� the se:vice drive. Tl.ere is pi�esently a sin�le famil,y� structure �here with residential around it. At this tir.�: there is no corr,ie:cial zoning. The lot itselF is 'c'.3y�jO square Poot: T'age 63 or" the a�enda sho�rs t,iey wo�zJ.d Ue u:,in;; the siz,�le family : o-,e as th° efSi.ce �rith parking behind it. At this point in time� Stu"cz ��ould recor:�aend a�aitx:'t 'this request because it is spot rezoning which is sa..ething the Flanning Commission a..id the City are trying to avoid. ile �aould recoi.miend they saintain the xesideutial cliaraci;er of that area. ' Ms, SchnaUel asked what page 63 sho�.*ed? Tir. Boardman stated that pa�e 63 showed how the �;arkin„ would be Uehind the house and page 6�E showed ho�a'the house is situated on the lot. There would Ue a 20 foot drive�,��y. Thcre would Ue nccess to 1:he service drive and to OsUorne P.o�d. He was not svre tliere was enot�yh reom bet�ind tiie house coiisides•in� 1;he buildin� is 23�000 square i'eat. There is �bout GO feet bcYiind it. It'� u lar�e lo�t� but he fe11; it would be sp�t mzoniug and detremental to tkie nei�l�borhood. 12 1'I�f1Jl1lIF!G CO?tt4:G`S ;IOTd h�i2:`J.'I]IG, I4AY ?3�_1979 _• PAGP ].� - - -- - '�,1? 2dr. Iior._L ctL��;cd that he rraa the neiGhbur that lroula probnbly be moc� afSected by the incroaced tr.ai'1'�.c. lle ve,s 1.n favor oi' i;h� 3::r.:x•rlc;ide.^. rernai.nin�; i'oc i:hat renson. li� :tc:d.ed kic hacl no ohje^Cion und undci•s�and;. thc pro,�lem oi' a �ingle cas• �;urrage. IIe ctuted tLat t?ic pctltioner would use it cc� u�ar.n�;e bc�cr�use he has a piclsup� a car and a camper. ' Mr. Oquist :tc�ted ttL�t i? 'l;h� petltioner tcol: the door off i;he existin� 'gara�e� he could �et a building perrnit. Mr, P,oardman stated he would have �i:o get a variance. � Ms. FIv�h�r, noted that tY:e neigh�ors in the audience had made r.o coument�. One neighUor �tated th:�t i�he,y Sro�.ild have: no oUjection to the �;arage ii' it was the proper. di:t:nce f'r.om the lct linc buc �aould ba very disco'araged if the barricades were zemovcd. Sh� stated �luy live@ rext dcor. bi0`I'IOIv by I�s. Iivvhei;� secen?.:ed by :�"�. ScY.i;abe7., �to close �he putlic hearir.g. UPOI�I li V0�^l VOT:uJ AL:. VOTIPIG AI'i:� CF.lilltidtl_d I��ii :IS D�C?y�.Ri:�D T��; i"vBI�IC Il��liRIP:G CLOSi:�D AT 10:1.�5 P.Ai. YX7T3.Oi3 b,y bis. Hughea, secon3ed by N-.r. Tr�uenfels� to recc!r:;.:and to Covncil approvul } � r�� Pe:-r,u_-t SU ;�'(°-0'= b, Jara_s L�rsen; Per Seetion of ��.ie requt st Yor a �;;ec�al LS.. , ;, is S' 2p5,p52� 2� !i, of the ' r:idl�;,• Cit� Cc::e� �c ul].o;a constru��cion of a second - tiCC� :;02'j' rllil(_a��," �A c.�i 1�. �."f %u iC�Ji. '�.C'�:;:iC:'.(:v f��.iS'(',.ty`.'-:� 011 LJ� �:y �'�.C�'!: `2� Fi].C� C.TG2�i �!'i:I'Y'�^..C? _��i3'L•3�. �Y:P. S•'1;.".° tJE].Tl� 674� 1S�t-! $��i:'�:E'�: T'v'.}.''�. � S�s. Seh::aUel s�ai:c�i ti;at :)te h�d � quesczen r.e�;aruir..e t:-,� size. This pxopo5al is for u2?i sqt.are �'eet a��d'i:�' �re are gcia.� to b� con�isfi,�nt� �:e siiotiLci cu7sider the size ot the building. T7r. Boardman stated tl�t �!00 sqt:axe feet �rould be pretty tigh� S'or a double gara;e. They should coneider the use of the building. , D3r. Oquist stated ttk.t t�e only l�ad t�ao cars but wi.shed be had i:hat lnrge oi a garZ�e. It was a large lot� it would �it in the back: and �:here was no ene behind hiin. Fie felt this tras different from the previous request. Ms. Schnabel stated tliat the proposed �arage is larger than half the size oP the ori�ina7. llouse. The house is 25 by �+�+ which ororks out to 1100 square ieet. Mr. Oquist stai�ed he didn't thii:k that was unusuaL .'_4 by 26 is a nice size Earage. A1s. FiiL;hes ctated that stie felt this wo•a7.d enhance this particular piece of pa•op.°ri;y without �oin� overhoard. Slie rrould a(�ree if thel•e were different circiunstances bel�ind t:here. There �aould be no chance of ccnyLhin� different behind it. Mr. Hnrris stated th�t in the past� some of the�e large accessory buildin�;c en3 up as n commerciul enterprise And that would be his objection to a larbe uccessory Uuildxn�. . '1'7.Iti1P:.Tld;; CON�'.d7S:S70T3 M(;k�i'Il'(G�AY 23> >?7�____�____-_. �nr_.�s_17 . 1�; l�rs, Schnabel aciced whut ttie ti�i.dth of the house tiaas2 b1r. Doa:am,�n atated 3t rras about 26 feet Irir. Oquict +�cked if i�tiey h;:d the requirel ntu�;ber of narkin(; ctall.^Y Mr. Boardman e,i;ated t1:ry did, for that squ�r.e Aooi;uge. i+'ir. �d P.abcock came 1'orward and �t�tcd th�tt he v.as 'l;he petitioncr's u'ttuxney. lie sta'ted t,hat i.e repre�eril:ed. I�:r. P,ulph Lir.d. I::. L:ir_d �yac w:able 'to a'ttrnd bea�.usn of r.eeer_i; surF;eiy. I9r. Li.rd is retire3 and wovlcl 1'il:e to ^e:1J-• I:e fcund 'tha� the best u:e was no lcng°r residencial, i�;r. Bsbcocl: noted tliat there 1�ras stri.p zonin� alvn�; Uni.versi.ty �+:�enuc ar.d tYa;t it l:sd �.r. ei';.ect cn l.:"= othcr tL•ren c`*nc:x�s of thi_s int�r�eccion. He felt t?iis t>rai�erty woulcz �iet have it's ft11 salu� ., u residene� because of �rhat exist's en the oti;��r t•tu'ce ccrne?•s. Ee ncte3 t?.ac,`il i;il° „ n -� �;. In othcr troxds ordinancc �;he G�ora ti•an ��{;ion is us�3 i or Ct�--:!. roni...` a zcnin� �}�ould provide a transi.tion bet;.c-cn ccmn.erc: :.l and r.4�iderit:ial 2onir� I, FTe Sl'y;7�P3't�i('-C� j:1:C;y" �.OG: tlt f.i1=S 85 A Ui:llit.l�'_ �l'GG' 7..^,'� I70ii i18 U.">U3�. u,iJO� '<'�0=7i.I1��,• it :teie an i�,�erier lot� ii tr�ald be di.�i.:rer.t. 11':itl� re�t�ect to bwrrier.s� ciZ ti:e south side there is a'�oard i'er.ce ar_3 on tlie eas� sicie tiies•e is a �reen l:�d!;e. I!r. Beb I?ay, o::ns the honse to �the e�is� an3 l�e is in the x•eal estate busire^s9 wi':�h 1\'CWo iiCe:�li.,j�• I�c:\dS IZ?8ilty' �7:.�'i '�I:C 1-6.�1T1� O:1 }':Y'. LJ.i.;i'f'. �:CI:C• iL:G'y� ti:;:VC �+U': � en�ered tIItO a purch�::E-' z[{=L'£=i"^ �'(; �,r:i C'.O T'iG1: 1'iLtVC'. Fa ZiLL�"Clla?ET. 1hE;;r }LyE'. h=a�, j,IIi;C:E.�,� in ine prop^rty ard it ko�:1d appeFr tnit thi:. ,�ous.a ve a real esca�c o_fice. I� rrould not be curcna�c;d 'r.� :i �s Reality. `.Cl:ey w�tLld be rri.l.lin;; to cc:,;p].y' uith any con3itior_s i;apg-^,°d Uy tiie Cor.��r:ission. Na�. Oq,G9.�t a�ked how tiiey could be eure it would be a real esta'te ofX'ice ii i.liey did.n' G have a b�erY , Mr. IIabcocic stated �Lhat a real estate busine�s is very interested. N�, Oquist stated tYwt he understood his point re�arding spo't zoning and even thoi�;h it is not in tne middle of residenti;:lJ it is a� the s-tart of it. tdr. Babcocl, stated that he felt the cox•ner lot was affected 'uy the coimr.ercical more than any o�her lot and it would serve as a transii;ion. bir. IIosrnt�,.�u stated tnat he felt the corner lot oras more affected by trafiic than coiwnercial and the sam° poii:t cotld be used iox' all the lots along the service drive. A].1 the lots to the GO11L11 are r,ffectcd Uy traf�'i.c� access, 7.i�h1:s� etc. If they pui; that houce on the malket as 3 single i'a�nily residence� it zaould be sold that Eaay. There are houses bein� built a1on�; G94 and also along i;he 2itulin�- ton lines that are affected Uy i:r�ffic noi�c snd thosc homes rare Uein;; eolcl. By stuz•ting cor�nercial aloi�„ thut service road they would lia•re ma,jor problems as i'ar as �aecess on i;o OsUorne. As�y corner deveJ.opraent wo'�zl.d sp�•ead alon;; University And they wou].d l�ave anoilier strip coimr.ercial ci�velopment. �Ll�o� this zonin; ic not cousietent witli the Covrorel�ensive llevelopment P1an the Cii:y adopted in i974. PLAt�I�lP�C CO1,MI�SIO;t I✓,I�7sT.T.I;G� DiflY ?..3, 19(9 - PAGP ].i3 -' -- — -- — - _. ,-, -�S Mr. I3abcocY, ctrited th;it hc felt there wus more er.po�ure on the. corner and d9.d not i'ee1 it ti�ould necer;,arily put them in the po�ii;ion of rezouin�; i;he lots �to thc south. Mr. Oquict staLed it r�ould make it Tr,ore dif.iYculi; �»d it is the start of it. P�ir. L'o�rdn��n stated that if the Plr.nnir.g Cor:misaion approved this� th�y would have to lvok at the ��oad sys�;e:n.. 7'he;/ 4rould need more oi a loop acce�s for tiie interc�etion of O.,k�orne �a�,d iin:iver�ity. 'Pi.ere arc �;oi.ng to b0 changes on that interaection that rri.11 require soru� medians� riEz,liti and lei't turn lanes and tizo:�e type , of �;hin-�;�. Ii' rezonin� is approved in this area� and he would recor.anend agaiizs� it, t1?en he �aauld recom.�r.d a portion Uc denicaLed for a loop-bacic cysteia and that i:he pre:s�nt structus::� thc ivay ii; is presc;ni:ly set up� not be �llowed to be utilized. Ae felt thvy would have 1,0 loo�: at se�lin� that struci;ure and removin� i�t an3 developi.r,;; sor.:et2�i.n;; alo*�; that : ite i;hat trould tceet a roaa pattern system. If *.,�e s+a:t devel.oping ecr�u::erci:l� this s�t'rec{; p�:ttern wiJ.l not service it. Ti: w�ii n:;��e io Le chanc,ed. IIe ��rould 7.ike a commiti��-nt on i:he service drive and the setLac3cs for. the 7.00p-bacI<_ s� sten. Mr. B�,bcocl. ctai;ed t)�ey �acul.d iry to meet the coudi�ions. fie would have to constilt laith hi.s client< `1'ite lo� dimens5.ons <.r.e 135 t'eet on the �rest� 21� ulong tne east by Ubout 130 f��t. I�s. Frank S�?a?;s� 7574 �+th Street ?:�', stated �hat �t,Le peo�le in that two blocic a:-ea were r.espUnsibl� for the rezoning �rani2ice Creel•: �0 73rd. Fs. Lind was in on tk�a� pei,it�on. A1� one t:ir.:e, a truil.or couri zaas proposed fox across the strP�t. b�. Lind �ra.s iu en �l;e peti'cicn 'to stop 'tha't:. He i'elt th� roadway they werei con,iderii?g along tl?e bac.c �.culd 'o° a fir.e taansiticn For D�r. Lin3� but not i'or the other 5 1.�=op�rty� c:,merU alor;; the-re. Iss. Waks s��,ted his urope�t�� r.*as 200 feei: frcai Dir. L_iuds. T:i:� t,ad a�en�tle:aen's aox•ee.r:ent that 5th �,�reet taould not be use:i to get �o Ul.ity I:ospital. H� s1;ut°d he couldn't see �La?sin� Lhat ha�e, �rhich is z beautiful b:icic hc�r�ey and making it comm,ercial. The other 5 propert,y o�m�rs �.�auld suffer r,:ore than bs. Lind. D�,. Lor.raine Bloslry� 305 76tn st. IW,_ stated that she lives behind �he Sence. She :tated ihey ha��e Ueen there Por 2�+ years and hnd watched all •the chan�es. She did not r�ant the parkiug and •traffic noise. There would be an increase in traffic on thz service road. Mr. Robert Alosl�y, 305 76ch Ave. ATE, stated he had a petition with 32 si�nattu•es against the rezoning. They live to the south. $e agreed with his wife and didn't believe there shou].d be a commerci.al property on ti�at corner. D'lrary Treanor� 7542 l+th St. IV�� �tated i;hat �Fth Street was one block long and was a nice resideni;ial ctreei;. She would like to lceep it that way. MOTION by T1�. Treuenfels� secorided Uy Dir. Oquist� to reeeive the petition. UPON A VOICE VOT�, ALL VOTIA1G AYE, CfG1IIiAU1N lI/LRRIS DiCIJ�12�D TIIE PLi'TTION P�CEIVF.D. 16 1;0'1'IOIv` Ly .7r„ �clmubeJ.� :;eccnded'Ly 21. Trcu�:nJ.'c1.� to clo�e thc public hearing. UPON A VOSCE V01T� ALL V(YI'I:i•; AYL?� C:(AII��ATZ 11AI:t;IS DIsCL�R�D TIIP I'UBLTC FCiARIP?G CJ�USisD !;P l.l:Oj P.td, lds. �chnabcl stuted that che didnTt cee the v;.tlicllty of tk:r reque.t f.or. rezonin�;. 5he Se1t it �ras spo� zor�ir.�- r.inl was s»rrcunled by me.idcntial. on O�bor.ne an1 cn Univer:,iCy . s taell <<.s tl�e hou�e, b'a_tt bac;: tm to i't on �+th Street. Tt�e tr.i.'fic paL'tera :is a cr9:(:ica1 pc:r� e.nd fc].t it wciild be a mi;i:ake to even con�idex puttin� the parl:in� in 'the rear �aiL'ei un .;ccess to Q:;uc.nc road. It �rould be � v�ry dFZngeroua situt;tion. A1so� a �rc,at deal o,'' ti:e ni.i.�;hborc are opgosed. D;O7'TO'; U� tdr.. Schr;:bel� �econcled by I.r. O�uisi,� t,o rece:r�^:er,d to Ccune:il denial bl P@'L.OI17.Ii� lC(jL1�5� :��it'� ;17i-n.�i) ��;/ IiG:IGI'i: �i. ii3�J;i. J:�3L'O*i� �.'f;7'i:E:� r jQv lyan� in the I';orth II�3�.f of Secti.on 11, �-�0, i;-��+� Cit;;� o� Fri�iZey (��° 1'uhlic iiearin� notic�� r'or cemplete 7-e�,al)� frc:;! A-1 {s=n�le i�,:ni1y dzre).lir.� aitias) to C�:-? (Uene;�al afx"ic� ar.d 1ird�tcd busin�:,�s �), 1:he sa?*.e bcin,n, 75.°i Univcssity A�re. _T�.E., for tiie follo�r.in� reason>: 1} spot rezonia�; - sr�^roi:.7dcd Gy resident:.�l, 2) CSF;iI'�:17� Li ��&:1�CY'GUS Gl"Cw3��.C:1 v,1{;il r�;Y'}:lY:,.� 111 '�}.:f: lu'$S 8.1!'1 fICC(,'SS 't0 OS'JU]'riC� c'i�a. 3} Er�at deal of nei;;iibor'r.b�d opposi�ion. his. Hughes stated th� t she aUreed coinpletely. D;r. Tz�eueniels staced that :�;r�t:en c�usin�, is i�eeded in I'xzd�e�r and r.,ost ef t1�e xeeident`Lal 3af�3 hac leen :ie:elcp�d. Also, '�here are a nu:�ber cf ts�ees on the lo{� 'Chu'� ini�;h� not :svr�ive. Fo'r th�ee z•�4�;ons hc: 33d not t'c�l it �ro��:td be i.n the best interests o2 the C:ty �o rezone resideirL��tl 'to co��.er�iaJ_. LTPOP? n bo�r,r vc�L, ALL VOiII'.^= AIE� CIIASP,Dii�id H/??tRIS D�:CLA?1ED Ts� I•SOTIC�ii CPu�.t;:t� Ui1?i:I'37�"•i0i1SL`l . blr. Il;;rri.� inforr.ied the petitioner th.at tlie Commi.ssion ti�as recorr,v�ending that Council. deny Lhis peitien aad re:r.inded hi�! that he had the op'�ion to �riti�araw his request. Iie sLated this eould go to Council on June 4� 1979 and Council � V�ov1d set� a puUlic hearing ior Ju1y 16, 1979• ������ �✓ `% �`"'� e� ��� Chairroan Harris declared a recess at 11:10 P.h;. and recom•ened the meeting a 11:25 P.M. 6. rvar.zc sawe N,OTION Uy D4r. Oquist, seconded UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL o�r� nT 1i:25 r.M. , a n�s.� AYE� CHAIRh1ATd Rezonz i,r: o are;s , to open the public hearing. D�CLARED THG PUBLIC Ii�4RIT�G ..', _, ,� . . 43.Gy Qf $'�iBiE G� �k.,19, . .. ; 831}. 6$x3rtvn e Aofutl.d Yi� ? Giles-l�SeCO�yi11� t4�sy CSlean r 2iwoan S�tsv: fi.� � �i98c1 PAqe 1 i:;� '� :� �gy Cq�ission �estiag Citiie�sz� De3ti Sab,a, �950° gYOVe thE August 2K� liBU Vt71`x2iG AYE. C�AiR��iSC�F ': ey�. : The �Center is_:� its' - �.;'�� f; p.la. on Saturdays a�fl olosed Giti+ neut ta the GiLY 9�� �p. haul the recyc�ixles : ali rep�ar�Bd c�;: �E � i`acts -tttat s�e 3i�,s rs. 'She s��t: �Y;.k�1T4, a studyc�ad�e bp't3�e d that ci#.�,e�' ` qa��.t�x �z'nblem was d�:sgasal :o€ the last leq��: �assed a solis3 w�te biS1 � to designat�- .,. �,;: She fnrther r�pprted that .;;; � #�'�eguired to sugptg,b�e� and r `ali': -the aleetriral;-r�ads of �i.sco for S months. Mrs. Metaa�.f �sized pop Fsottle 9rou7,d 3igAt �` t� � pounds of ette�c,� a day. ti that is r�r.yeiing i:ts _� �uld be dGAe 3nw`i;fte i�i�y. ISecyaling Centet on ' p€ people to e�e and• ��eCs sovnd li.ke 4aod poster �f also stated that S4RT is ;�t#i�r that the State has a €j�t,erials (Pla,stic, paperJ �� � �.c�-�Y�th the Chamber oi �:�th 6uhurban Chamber � 'b��ter toawork tt€rough. '�+�!;.� ���IOI�i>� 3: �RGY �'+A�tR=� l�s. �ayast��egoxCe� �Ycx4i9b tira� 'stoxm � in t3a�e. �tts �is!�' CiLy �sletf:er b�1 $et�dfng' out 8 �40� i 8e�'ved the Co�i t1iAti:th�y couid ngi seseio:►e'will be 3� that'7�exe wik�=be t�t:L� speakera ; sit�?�p aad 'several �atsatiCB s2sould t�E : titi E?tay. , Svei�rthi.ng 3 ���y �chWls a�+ ` g� to`3� ots C8� k"ei� �xd' &�� sadi+ �.` Saba'-repcarted ' qeGtltig psE�gie iiiv 4. ' �T2ti1�N�� . A�CiP�` ��+%iis9 � m�ie clw$+�s -�oi� �rit� : '�'�k� i�eave �heir name.� 1ri31� �#s �n�,ie threi �a� �ded t� 4�� �r �rie�rqy �'#ti #� `id'a�+t ei�le as ;: � �= t�s��'i�sio� crnter�ii t�`, �+�i3 then: s ii°[�s�i:r�g � ttaa t� �C � �e��E t!� � C�yast tv qn an ttt��' q�egtians 'ti� 5. S�� � �an's�h�rton x he voill bt tint 4� �3 ma�rn3ng. Ms: c�nentgd that i.t pt�3ici:aa tireia �as 6, Dis�i�i'�E .. .�atf��n' �saxton;' � � pub3:i�'h�e�ra�j wiilt tltiia atfd �3t a� he wE+�.1.d Yz� �%�i: C:tsaixheaYl � t�8 `� ?� � �� t�ie�• 6a� � � ;; : `; ; , �r 23i �,;� : � z � �,� �s � not �oi� �a1 cse�.i:`iately. She s�,i.d that in Fridl� ick ia Jtu unti�` 8 � School I. iarge:to a. Cable i:er,� „�ix aaighC be i out wi€1 �r co�tes rxting !to 3 be send �e to ao Q - 1�#1tY �sst �` th�c iri- e� THE �St "�Y.1b8diS��Ofi E ... �3 �sxi it vr�ll `no� k� Yepaf.red b� no Pa;t� `3nftirnmatio� , in 'the next o£=:th$ Piatiniag bu3g�t sisd will:he r.. : Sh�a=saiS t#�t t�se J�*�es re- s ata8 weYB �armed %� "�iaiBi Aiphsa .m,� tke.nig�it befo#e, [�ast o� the ara¢y. ..t�a�.x� Wltart.cm r�ported fe Eneigy i�air, Mf. Sa£�a ;reported L"� �a21 be #abie 'to � tai��=e+it-thrspot 5e.avat�abY;t at>the FAi�... Fifteen �i +�ssd�21 disp�ay and � eolar dts- � Fi,�re Depaarfimeat x� the e3e- fq� �:Week. :�m �venson is g3,g;: abpu� �ezgy W�ek aitci the Energy �g :t�t �i3ic servic� �duncaments . Csi�`,aiY�'.thez� g+�e�aS t� #� no prablem � �ai��tl 3�h��n Btagge9ted that �: �ue��or� 3,c�cir��, €a�: �itten ��fit � �e8t3,an $3` faz people to q try atc maice '�e Coam3eafarx a�cessi- h� st�g�BB�d't�at; p2�9 and action , ask i� t#�eY �u1+3=� to aee nggesti,tiri#, '�e s�idted that it s}wuld ssa7�re. Mr: `Md��svt.11@ a�iced about � and wt�o ?�e rciv�ng, r�.?ortera.' � could b� ii�n ��x�i. of a statement �$�itut `�t t,he ,City' of 1�`rid2ey and �#it�n t Q3;3;a�sfa�Zi Wlt�r�s instructed ��.ouii�re � �f she `sx�aes up with � � aF�,-OP totiat+t �`: ��I�1 �epor-�d ti�at t� h� a*12� bs °ati]te t� be there in �`�eY� mocC t� tite �ap: Mr. Saba � Di .�e C:exitet ita hi�. �xe to _ �.;� ���t�se, 3«� .a�till opeta ae f'ar as �:�ss%�+ �hould,"�a1ce. Lheir time a�,krac� �4. rhat#9e' �C�kti.�J• Mr. Wal2 i �es��t� tt� ��yatemat�`�8�-��l ra+siew �io�;:�€as b���ally �� `�h�ough �.3� ��i�a.�3:c t��'�:e� arxi that �" � ��„ � � =� .T"�' _ ��-� � �-. - � . �� i j� �� . - . :SS.. �-��- `" �` a�isid -be 3.n at� zaurin4 ordin� Y+:a y �e at t�l8 $AmS ti.mB MGt �xmlttfa' ak. k�r. Sa#sa- fe2t fhis i:ssue haf = Y�q�tti� .°to 3ixarilsl a soiar bm+er �$�ntt�d itave the x`ight to 45 degX`� ,z a�i7�� �ut Whar�on askefl if i ' 1fita� pexmi.i:s that i:o be bui.lt y��1��n_` #ar wists�i.11s. Mr. Saha said �: ,...t _ �� � ation �ri _f� w�c%1 to say i�t g.c�,-fGY 8',' ` e, just a speGia � �s�id cf�-ap�t; theY are clo€ng:3 �e5i� '��.-.. . L: _with wiIId taqG ley � �ss.thes�-ma�tess� eft uns��.�: •✓ kl�. ;Saba a� 1+t�. tai� apoz�r=sir ��sz saaeone is gaiag � �, �ax�ilIe felt that the � _�eus,s�rtr`�h8.iiman Si�artc>a s� � #� ,�3 ta3,k 'to �he Go�a�s� s have e.mer�8 as :buildis�g �d±�. �e �ite i�-hizt�� etcergy pa�sas sL= e�itr.ees„: it <was aeciaed � . �9� to �he aast C�mmissi� -�;g a�`L�at" �i�#314. ' - ed to dis¢�a�,`�Y P���Y �=' Q€: infoz�a�i,pn sesources was � 5i�saion � �r� `to re-sub�t: cil ca�aeettt�d tt�at the 9�.� l.F+g f�' k�uY:'thsy t6ink thaY i� r� tk�.`t�st rs�#i,t ?�v i:s the zoninq : n.cl,ear�q-�p�e�arrE the. �.t d by' Mr. Chi;� � '83' BQt11p�BIlt3l1$ �SIF@C�� BbOUt �t�r::;cate9ories are �1i9�'��n�lr �ts. :Chairman Whartwi said : cd%nq a person's accsss to th� :� c�er�cin his right ta'hiifid a � i�essed. Mr:, �7ull said na, one �. Mr. McConviYle iaai.d a t$�t�ing after that eo�id he i�d he anything in fi2ie zozsf.tig ?��ght aow the zoning eoda makes �< �ily coacerned abo�t tkt� quaSity � � sai� there could be prc�islem.s i� it ovex. - t�tr. wall said we - � ie ; what we reco�end a�i , s�;;�e�t. Ctiai�mac� iahaY#.sur ! :r�� -'iRl �nntennae, hae� -�cu�ess s�4's!alar crollectors. _ : tl+�- a3sa � �,aAinq ordis�snce::u� s�8 : � �:t �at this matte�: has ta be �- in wi.th a request � Qut .';F'� �.czade, is' the best' place : for s; . s� that sa�eone fr� �ra: a�ut also Jerry Boarc�a��' �n. Ms. Cayan sai� �a�' - - '�tro Council _ and -I�e'- 3s ��rkisi9 kSa,ct Plr. IItley and i�'. ° Boarclman �:S�ui.:this- could b� t$te tssYai � =� ��es and he said khl[t Che . ` s�.�rom the 4uidelines. _' ��€€ey. Ms. cayari' repNCted titat F :�- the basic thrust af �rhat . e �ewrifinq. Chairman whartan :�ence and Mr. Viall said the .�r' a�ui be auailabl� to the �1,i.cY is c�iaq tcs 3�e. �e also e< �i��ttrci the meeti.ng. `i1PON A ' � MEE't1:46 ADJOLTRAIF¢} AT 9s56 P AS ,� , ,y, � ;, ` �r� �tA��Y st��#.tted, � ` > �� _ �,� `�-��"� f °� ��°.� ��.���dittg Seeretary . , - . . - � �.,� � � .-�� � � ` . ' ,} � ��� , � : �� � ,�` -- ' .� , �.�. �, . _ � � Ht&!IAN� RESOURGE5 Cfi� DISCUSSI�'!hF�f� OC706ER-2, l� y `� #Ift[�ER: ��; � '�' e � : r�; _ - .� t��`.r K�. ' IFi ' Treuenf�ls stated that there was not a quorum; but since ee�;Quar,ue-Peterson of the Minnesota State.Cauncil for the Handicapped. �s�s#t'at the meet9ng to answer questians rega�rding handi�apped accessi- �u�^ the c'rty buitdings, this would'be a di�cussion meeting only. �ssic�7C:�ting began at 7:35 p.m, Al.L : 5�S: Feter Treuenfels, Mary van {lan �;.A#raent: Wayne Saunrlers, Wayne Weieh, ,�;z€�. Noble =�esept: :Mary Cayan, Hwnan 5ervices Assistdtlt= °-Julee Quarve-Peterson, Mir�nesp:#.a 5tate CounciT for the Hand#ca�d : �Ttt�tF-Qf_:A REP�Rf 9N :HANDIGAPPfU Ik�..CI7'�.t��itDINGS FOR SUBMIS�IUN >.fV "f7�i�riRlqlYliR] l.V}•Y91.7J1V%: . ��;;�'��tien�els stated that the Cortmission me��s } �t���i��y's�rveys of tfte uarious cfity b�9r}d�dg; �1yic Ccnter and the Fridley Fire Deparianent. -tte: ! Y� �east now prepare a repnrt for subm�ssa.wt t� �� 1a�t� outline whai is rteeded to make t�1e�e �, d. Tfie report wou1Q also inciude s�gq�� t. � se ct�a�9ss cautd:.�p ma�e.so that �;� ��ts aske� Ms.,,�cwe- ;ing spaces. � wh� • �(8:. re I done handicapped such as the Fridley >ted the Co�nnissiun he Planning CommissiQn dings accessible to the �ns and(or recommendations dings could come ioto ' qui:rement was for ha�ndi- � one parking ��c�. The �' � a si9n f�-�p�ir� ha thing he kne�`�t:�ded :i 1 i ty' on the����=;��or pped parkirtg space rking spaces must capped parking, within the Civic � �;�,.� stated shehad noted that the E��,�.baoth needed to be made �i�s�ble. �� Alsa, the wate�� fot�nta�t� �;�� accessible to� hapdicapped� � �����i`�rt � � � �� �.; . i HtJt+�N: RE54URC£S CAC�iSSTON MEETtI�, OCTOI��R ��80 PA6E 2 Ms. Quarve-Petersw► s:tated t�at, regarding the telephone booth, the tele,phon� c�arty is responsifile for that attd wi11 make:tP►e necessary ehanges at no extra cfiarge. She stated that ai�h many water fountains, often �anotFier basin can be attach�d at:a 7a�uer #ie'�g}tt�for the harr�#capped. Ms. van Dan stated tt� maih thing-wi:th the Ci�ic Cent�r is thte aic�t�ssibility for the handieapped ia� the!°base�ent level so they wou�d not hav� fio come 9n> thrCUgh the storage area. '��� st�tted that she- h�d t�crticed ttaere w�s au employee entr�xe on the soutFrern et�Rofi the building �here there was a 1it���gardenJ picr�i� �rea. it,was fier s#i��tion that this be ramped Eo tHe sidewa'ik, curbed, wfith h�nei3capped paY�ftiny, #�tr an r:ntrance to the=baS�nt level ;for ihe handicapped. M5. Cayan stated �#tat the Fire pepartme�t affice a�a was also inae�essibte for the handicapped with 2-� steps and na rail#ng or ramping. � Ms.:quarve-Peterson sugges't�'d that she tour t�re Givic.Center with Ms. van Dan �nd Mr. Treuenfels, �nd she;.a�rttld tnake recomriendations and suggestians-:on what is r�eedea. ; M5. Quarve-Petersn�i statedssf��.�1d atso be �iliin� to do the 6es� sh� eould with suggestions that were cs�t`�'�ficient when the f,�amission was �ady ta prepare its r�eport< She si�t�+tl,�s�e has a catalc�g of har�vare eqe�ipment:and appit�nCes rrhic,l�,�i�s the;�t o# items tha��;ne�ted=and aisa teits where these i tems c.�n'i �e obtai net�; , Mtr.-Treuenfels sta� that:'9hf�raration wauld #� very helpful`in;the preparat�on bf the report. He :t�S�i�ketE=lNS. Qu�rve-Petersd� for cotait►g ta the t�'F:ing artd far her recanmenda�3�ns �tur#�rg �h� tour. ' Y.: OTH�R BUSINESS:" Mr. Treuenfels state� he r�rkct lfike the Gomnfission to consider expartdiAg the ca�nniss4on mer�ersii�p #r�t=°;� �e�rs to 7 me�bers, because of tkre €reqaent dff�9cuity ia gett� a qu6i�um for the rt�etir�gs,`and be�au�e he fet��the � Cammission m�nbers r�tgfi�t tt� � helping mare r,�th the preparation o# r�eports, etc., wfiich wout� re7aeve �are pf the staff �ftne. He stated Si�€f has been ; : v�ry �nerous and helpfu3.r�t,tr their time; but the Commission shou�d�be able to hetp out more. ";#te st�te�€ ttrts: could be discussed at the_ next. Cc�nmissia� ' reeeting. f i Mr. Treuenfe�s sia�t� thrtt;She �tetropotitan-��il's Adv�sory Gom�9ttee on- � Agirlg had sent him: some iti��m�a,tiort regardin� 'tit��r discussi�ns art�what to do about aging and had in�}t,�i t�e 19$1-1483 Area filah for Programs gn pging u�der tk�e Title 3�rpgram. They have outliae�# some yaafs they warrt ^Ccri �et; ' a�� have dist#ngut*�d ti�e� goa}� into high prforit�r gaals and 1ar �riority a gaais,. He stated a�e of �� goals they had lis�ed under i� pr3ority was i °emplvyment", and he felt }� deserved a higher pri�^#ty ratin9.' ; ;_, ` E � . , , � 'r` , � . E .. . , . , � ' . . . v'•_ . . . �. .J- �. . . � . ... .. ., .. .. . .. ... . ?a.�...,_ _ a. . . � . . srr-:. .. . � .. .. _ . � � � ..,.. `� >�xk� ���1;f�ETING, OCTOBER 2> t;9�1, , i�F�r�s.����d,t��KWt�uld like the Caamission. tq cansider adopting a t�.sti�on �n���ing t.�r3s �.tq be .passed �vn � ��-:A�#�ro{wlitan-Cauncil�'a � ksc►tgr Coi�mi.tt�e. on Aging. This coutd als�t 15�: +��scussed at the next a�ssi�nn �ti.ng.: , `���a>��ated she v�ould send copies of the A�a Pian for Programs on`Aging � , � ssion members�. � � � � � t. :�5��55ion meetin er�ded at 8:35 .m. 9 R L? � �. � . .: . . . �:��u+ �y sduxc� c�ea, aa s�n� Secre#ary �'.. � � � 4 yF . ft � # " 3 a � � � j9 f � . � .. . '��:��: iri � CIYIG` eENT£R '�tC�f5Si#�ILITY TfIUR OCTOBER 2, 198d I. MTSG€ClANE08S � �. Alt��eommon���trarc��da�^fr��ust�have no��rfp 1�vers installed. � � � 2. 7he Teiephone Co�re� is r+esponsible {�or iow�rfng;th� pLblie tetephones. They wi11 also inst�tl adaptors for tlte #�earing-impa9red upon request. 3. The staircase h3nd�ils should be exttnded arx�und the corner €or the guidance-of tAe ris�itY-�#npaired. r: :4. A portable`f�ap is't�¢ �ior� the court roan jury bmc. 5. Adapt the water fo�€t��#n �v accomrrodat� �rsc�s 'in wheelchains by adQ.ing a 10� levc��. fau�r�ain to the exisxfr�' �eq+�ipment. b. The Fire Departrtaentx�t�a[t:�ntrance shGC►ld be �amged. 7. The Q#fiee with Lhe-�irik.�n #he Engineer#ng Uepartment is the:most promising lsasation �`tir an upper levet restraom. II. RfSTR00MS 1. The mirror should bi���vered ar a ful)-length mirror insta'F7� to accommudate persan�;#n wh�elchairs. j�n`s rc�mj`. 2. The sink shQUid be ;�9"' frt�r the ft ' fi a�qua#e knee'-space �or a�person in d aheetch�tir: 3. The pipes und'er tfie��sink �hould be wrapped v�9tY�• insu7ated tape °ff the water tempera,ture f5 11Q° ar higher. . � 4. Install extsnders �+ o�e stall in each �estraom ta pt�ovide .er�otsgh space for a whecJ�ltair. - ; 5. �nstall twa.grab bars in each hantiicapped accQSSf�Ie stali; orte;l shaped bar on the masonary,wa}1,`and either a horiaantal or diagonal bar on the back wall. ` {. Instatl �e:��'te in�fica�inn signs at a low enough leve�l Lo be'reachec! by �persom "tn a whe2Tth�ir. III:' ENTRANC£ TO i#1� LD�t€� �.E�EL" OF THE GIYI� C�NTE�t ihe most logicat +�rrtra�e for adaptation #s Lhe rear `door� adjacent :to the outdour employee lunch<�i�a. This enLra�ee wilt �et'accessibflit,� require- `�ts when: 1. A paved pd�►`.3s in�alfied fran tMe sideraa]k to t�or. 2. R curb�cut is made`fin L6e'sidewalk. 3. A parking ,space i�,�f,tle�d •and desi�ated a�-handicap�pgd #�arking with proper sigrrf�g. ` { i , .. .. . .. .. . � � �..l�a eE e.::. . . � � m�. u:...: �. .. . . . , . ': . CITY OF FRIDLEY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING OCTOBER 9, 7980 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Commers called the October 9, 1980, Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Larry Commers, Russell Houck, Elmars Prieditis, Carolyn Svendsen, Duane Prairie Members Absent: None Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Dean Doyscher, Professional Planning & Development, Mankato Jerry Remmen, International Multi-Housing, Inc. (IMI) Gary MacKenzie, International Multi-Housing, Inc. (IMI) APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 11, 1980, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTFS: _ MOTION BY MR. HOIICK, SECONDED BY MR. PRFu�22E, TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 11, 1980, HOUSING & REDEVEIAPMENT AIITHORITY MINUTES. Mr. Commers stated that on page 2 of the minutes, second paragraph, second to last line, the word "shouldn't" should be changed to "should". Mr. Correners stated that on page 4 of the minutes, the Authority made a motion to adopt the definition of "Large family", but the definition was nat written into the minutes. Mr, Boardman stated that definition should be inserted under Item B,"Receive Memo #80-93 - Definition of 'Large Family Ownership Program "'. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MINUTES APPROVED AS AMENAED. I. CENTER CITY REDEVELOPMEN7 A. Proposal for Phase IlI Development Mr. Boardman stated he would like to have I.M.I, present their proposal. Then the Authority shouid discuss what direction they take with Phase III. Mr. Doyscher stated that he and Mr. Boardman had met a couple of times to talk about where they were going on alternatives. Mr. Boardman and he had met with the City Manager, and the feeling expressed by the City Manager was that Phase I should be done prior to anything e1se, hecause he was concerned, basically, that the citizens of this community would see things that they felt were in relatively good condition by comparison being taken down. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, OCTOBFR 9, 1980 PAGE 2 Mr. Doyscher stated that they had this discussion with Mr. Remmen. After the meeting with the City Manager, they communicated to Mr. Remmen that the City is still very concerned about a piece of land that is substandard and the politics of letting that land stand and moving into another area. Mr. Commers asked Mr. Remmen to go over I.M.I.'s proposal, which the members of the Authority had received prior to the meeting. Mr. Remmen stated that Gary MacKenzie, his architect and associate, was also at the meeting. He stated they have discussed some changes with Mr, Boardman regarding the possibility of adding some square footage. He stated they have a layout of the proposed shopping center, and they gave copies of this layout to the Authority. He stated that in the interest of increasing taxable return to the City (which would be in I.M.I.'s interest also because it would increase their tax flow), they felt they could even expand upon this. Mr. MacKenzie stated this proposal was very simi7ar to what they hae proposed some months ago. They have slightly increased the square footage and, in talking with Mr. Boardman that evening, they can see that they will probably be reducing the amount of parking that occurs on the oeriphery of both University and'Mississippi Streets. Sa, where they.say they are going to have 575 parking spaces, they prob�bly wi'71 have somewhat less than that. Previously, they had reflected a net renta6ie area of 86,0�0 sq, ft. in the booklet, and right now they are at 90-92,000 sq, ft. They don't know how the 20-30 ft. setback along these two streets is going to affect them in terr,is of parking and square foot ratio, but they wi71 work to a very tight ratio and try to increase the square footage of the shopping center itself. Mr. Prairie asked what had been thought of for the pedestrian traffic back and forth across Mississippi Street. Mr. MacKenzie stated they have not provided any pedestriari access in their proposal. They could put in some kind of pedestrian overpass, but it would probably not be used, so it has to be something on-grade with maybe a stop sign or a controlled light. Mr. Boardman stated they may be able to go with a stop sign or a push- button light for pedestrian cross traffic. Mr. MacKenzie stated they had recommended very strongly at their last presentation that the City consider some type of shuttle bus service that would service the whoie area. Mr. Commers asked Mr. Remmen to review the cost figures with the Authority. HOUSING & REDEVELO�MENT AUTHORITY MEETIN6, OCTOBER 9, 1980 PAGE 3 Mr. Remmen stated that the proposal has 6een expanded since these cost figures were submitted to Mr. Doyscher and Mr. Boardman, so these cost figures are now outdated. 5ince then, they have decided to increase the square footage of the shopping center which will increase the tax return and also increase the cash flow on the center. They are looking at 117,000 sq. ft. for the shopping center with 95,000 sq. ft. net rentable. Mr.Coiraners stated that in Mr. Remmen's letter dated September 21, 19�0, Mr. Remmen had talked about a purchase agreement for a cash sale price of $1,250,000. What did ihat refer to? Mr. Remmen stated that was the asking price that Mr. Levy has agreed to give them a six-month option on the land which includes everything except ihe Dairy Queen, the car wash, Standard Oil, and the Northern Lights Euilding=-total site, approximately 8.7 acres. Mr. Boardman stated the City would have to be involved in the acquisition of those four buildings. Mr. Boardman stated they have done a computer run on the estimated real estate taxes, and they feel they are pretty accurate at $1.00/sq. ft. On 107,000 sq, ft, they are looking at an annual tax of around $110,000. By adding additiunal square footage, this will be adding additional tax. Mr. Doyscher asked Mr. Re�nen if he fe7t this was a good concept plan and that there is a market for it. Mr. Rerranen stated he felt it is a good concept plan and that there is a market for it. Mr. Doyscher asked Mr. Remmen if Mr. Remmen felt he was personally capable of arranging interim and long term financing on an industrial revenue bond level. Mr. Remmen stated that was a very difficult question. In talking to Miller-Schroeder, there is no industrial revenue bond market. He stated he is assuming this will change and he will be able to arrange industrial revenue bond financing. Mr. Doyscher stated he was referring to Mr. Remmen's own personal credit position in terms of equity financing, Did Mr. Remmen feel he would be strong enough to do that? Mr. Remnen stated they would not be strong enough to do it as a separate entity at this point. They generally bring in a partner of substantial strength, and it will be subject to their bringing in that kind of partner to obtain all necessary financing. At this time, he has two equity partners who are willing to go with him. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEPlT AUTHORITY MEETING; OCT�BER 9 1980 PAGE 4 Mr. Commers asked Mr. Boardman to run ov�r the economic side of the picture. Mr. Boardman stated that on any development that would go on this praperty, if they are talking co�nercial development on the west side of University based on their redevelopment plan, they are talking about a maximum lot coverage of around 107-117,QOQ sq. ft. 7he rate of taxing on commercial is different than office space, and any develop- ment on this land is going to need he7p from Village Green. He wanted the Authority to understand that. In going over this, unless t�ey go with samething thatis more tax equity to the City like of{ice space, they are talking more in the neighborhood of $2.00/sq. ft. instead of the $7.00/sq. ft. they geC for commercial. If they put office on the west side of University, it is going to kiiT their possibilities of putting office on the east side oF University. So, if they are talking about retail at all, they are talking about assistance from Village Green. Mr. Boardman stated that one thing they have not done and could do on the computer runs is an income ba7ance. Mr. Commers stated he thought Mr. Boardman should make that analysis and put it into a bookTet for the Authority before their next meeting, so the,ALthority can have that information availa6le and know what the alternat.ives are: ,A lot of consideration is going to have to be given as to the direction tfie Ruthority takes on this, and they aiso need to 7ook at ii from the point of view of maximizing the bonding with invest- ment on Viliage Green. Mr. Commers asked Mr. Remmen what Mr. Remmen was loaking for from the Authority and whatlhis timing was, Mr. Remmen stated the sooner they can obtain a letter of intent to move ahead from the Authority, the sooner they can exercise the option with Mr. Levy and get leases and obtain financing. They would like to break ground in the spring of 1981 and are looking at 6-months lead time. Mr. Prieditis stated it was his concern fihat since there was no physical relationship between the clusters of buildings with the busy traffic artery running through the center, he would like to see some attempi made at a common tie a°chitecturaliy--some kind of visual recall. Mr. MacKenzie stated they were thoroughly in agreement with this. Mr. Boardman asked what the Authority's position would be on the office facility and what Mr. Remmen's position would be on developing an office during or at the same period of time that a shopping center is being developed. They still have to look at the poiitical Togistics of developing across the street prior to the time they develop structures that are substantially in worse shape than those across University. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING OCTOBER 9, 1980 PAGE 5 Mr. Commers stated thatis something the Authority will have to discuss. Mr. Soardman stated that if it is decided that this has to be done, would Mr. Remmen be willing tb work with the City on it? Mr. Remmen stated this has been discussed, and they would be wi7ling to move ahead with the office building and the shopping center. They have the capacity to work on both projects at the same time. Mr. Remmen asked when he could anticipate some action from the NRA. Mr. Commers stated the Authority would discuss it further that evening, and, if necessary, a special meeting would be scheduled. The Authority may want to getadditional input from other sources within the City. He stated they would have Mr. Boardman contact Mr. Rerranen with a day or so to let him know what the Authority has decided. Mr. Comners thanked Mr. Remmen and Mr. MacKenzie f.or coming to the meeting. 1. 114. " ves° Mr. Boardman stated that the Authority had asked him to lay out some development strategy. He stated there were so many options, he could not possibly cover them all in meino form. So, he had started looking at three alternatives based on a concensus that the redevelopment plan that was initially developed in the beginning was a good plan. This memo was strictly for the Authority's information and was to be used as a starting point for discussion. Mr. Commers stated he would like to have some more time to look over the memo more closely before discussing it in any great depth. Mr. Commers asked Mr. Boardman for his suggestions regarding the I.M.I. proposal and the other things discussed that evening. Mr. Boardman stated he felt if the Authority gives Mr. Remmen the go ahead on the project similar to what they did with Joint Venture Oevelopers, I.M.I. can get the market decision going, and the decision process for the Authority is not going to come before March or April of1981. Ne has always felt that redevelopment in any phase is going to spark other development. He felt it is much better for them to go with something that they know is sound development and is going to put something in the City, because they have time to hold on other development. The way the Christenson property is right now, he feTt they would be much better off developing first and then taking the Christenson building down, because it is a detriment to any improvement they would ever want to make. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORIZY MEETING, OCTOBER 9, 198� PAGE 6 Mr. Commers declared a ten-minute break at 9:15 p.m. Mr. Commers asked Mr. Boardman what the Authority should consider at this point with I.M.I. Mr. Boardman stated he would like to see the Authority take an action in the form of a letter of intent to allow Mr. Remmen to do a marketing analysis, This wovld not harm the Authority to a17ow I.M.I. to go ahead with their analysis. He stated that prior to the time the Authority gives Mr. Remmen the go-ahead, the Authority needs to make a decision on what they want to do with Phase I. They have to decide whether thev want to tear the structures down in Phase I, Mr. Commers suggested that the Authority give Mr. Remmen the go•- ahead with the Authority having a 90-day option in which to determine whether or not he is tied in on Phase I also. Mr. Doyscher suggested that the Authority instruct Mr. Boardman and himself to draft a letter to NJr. Remmen for the Authority's approval,much as was done for Joirit Venture .Developers, that specifies timittg and conditions+Mr^. Remmer must meet. Mr. Corcaners stated he was saying that one bf the conditions should be that the Authority have an option for a ceriain period of time in which to determine whether they want to tie Mr. Rermnen into Phase I also. MOTION BY hpt. pRIEDITIS, SECONDED BY MR. PRAIRIE, TO SNSTRUCT MR. BOARDMAN AND MR. DDYSCHER TO DRAFT A LETTER TO MR. REMMEN OF IMS (5IMILAR TO THE LETTER SENT TO JOINT VENTURE DEVE7APERS} GIVING MR. REMMEN THE AUTHORIZRTION TO PROCEED WITH PHASE III STATING CERTA7N CONDITIONS SUCN AS WAS SUGGESTED BY THE CHRIRPERSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL YOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTIDN CARRIED UNANZMOU5LY. . � 6. Purchase of Brunkow Music Building Mr. Commers asked if a purchase price had been agreed upon with Kerry Elder. Mr. Boardman stated that Ms. Elder accepted the City's offer of $115,000, He stated he is meeting with Mr. Herrick the following week to draw up the purchase agreement on the building. He stated he thought one thing they should look for is a contract for deed with full prepayment provisions withoui any kind of penalties. � HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, OCTOBER 9, 1980 PAGE 7 C. Q Mr. Boardman stated that would probably be the best way to go, then they can close on the property and use the tax increment mon�es they have in the bank right now for purchase and for initial payments on the property. At any point in time when they sell bonds, they can close out on the p-operty. Purchase of Standard Oil Company Mr. Boardman stated the same thing should be done with the 5tandard Oil Company as was talked about for the purchase of Brunkow Music. He stated he has not.� tten any response back from Standard Oil on the purchase price. Ne stated he felt from the initial conversations with Standard Oil that the $80,000 is going to be acceptable. He stated he would try to contact Standard Oil soon and would give the Authority another status report at the next meeting. Current Status of Christenson Deve7opment Mr. Boardman stated the final option on the Christenson building is done in April of 1981. The City either buys or loses their option on it. There are no more extensions on the option. He felt the property should have6een purchased a long time ago. He stated that at the �uthority's November meeting, the Authority should put together a package to go to City Council askir,g for bonds to purchase `he Christenson building. III, LAR6E FAMILY PROGRAM � STATUS REPORT Mr. Boardman stated the me large family house construction, and is moving ahead quickly. He they had available that they had action on is construction will 6e started yet this winter. IV. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Cable TV Public Access (Parlin's property) is under stated the second property ready to be closed and At the previous meeting, Ms. Svendsen had been asked to speak with Mr. Will Loew-Bloesser about what would be involved in using cable TV to inform the citizens of what is transpiring with the HRA. Mr. Commers asked Ms. Svendsen what information she had received regarding cable TV public access. Ms. Svendsen stated that Mr. loew-Bloesser stated he was looking at a program time-frame of about 15 minutes. The program would not be edited. The format that would probably be used would be where a representative of.the HRA would be interviewed, and they would like to do this once a month after each HRA meeting. Mr. Loew-Bloesser had stated they could simply bring along a copy of the NRA agenda to go over and could talk a little about what had transpired at the meeting. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETIyG, OCTOBER 9, 1980 PAGE 8 Mr. Commers stated he felt the Authority has an obligation to inform the public of what they are doing. He asked if Ms. Svendsen would talk to Mr. Loew-Bloesser again and tell him the Authority, as a whole, the Executive Director, and one or two others would be willing to have about a 30-minute program giving an initial summary of where the Authority is at now and an initial update on all the programs. Tfien the Authority could answer questions. This program could be done in December or January. Ms. Svendsen stated she would talk to Mr. Loew-Bloesser again about these suggestions and would report back to the Authority in November. B. Industrial Revenue Bond Request for Office Construction Mr. �oyscfier stated tfiat �e City Nanager has asked him to go to the City Council meeting on October 20 to give a presentation regarding the Paschke office p°oposal. He stated that City participation is being requested in the form of industrial revenue bonds for office construction, and it is the City Manager's position that by deveioping office space on 73rd & University, it could have a negative impact on the program approach on Center City an�, therefore, the City shcuid; not participate in issuing indLStria'`revenue bcnds. The City Manager has asked him to present that point oi view to the City CounciT on October 20. Mr. Doyscher stated he was bringing this up before the HRA, because he thought that maybe the HRA should be taking a position on this and not himself. Mr, Boardman stated the question is: If the City Council does pass an industriaT revenue bond request, does the HRA feel it is counter- productive to what their intent is for the development of Center City? Mr. Prieditis stated that maybe the Authority could state that this office development does not appear that it would enhance or help whai they are thinking for the Center City project. But, he_thouqht it was up to the City CounciT to make that decision. Ms, Svendsen stated that if Mr. Paschke can go ahead and buiTd this office building anyway and the City does not issue the industrial revenue bonds, it could Q-eate hard feelings. Mr. Boardman asked the Authority if they would want to tell the City Council that it was the intent of the City Council and the HRA to develop office in the Center City area, and the Autharity feeis that careful consideration should be given to the fact that this proposal is going to be cotm ter-productive to this intent. Mr. Cortmers stated that Mr. Doyscher couid appear before the City Council and just give the facts as to what the issuance of 9ndustrial revenue bonds wii] have on the Cen#er Gity Devel�pment. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEE7IN6, OCT06ER 9, 1980 PAGE 9 The Authority concurred with Mr. Commer's suggestion and decided not to take any formal action on this item. C. Approval of Check Register MOTION BY MR. HOUCKi SECONDED BY MR. PRIEDITIS, TO APPROVE THE � OCTOBER o', 1980� CHECK REGISTER AS PRESENTED IN THE RMOUNT OF $376.25. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING RYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMER5 DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . . D. Special Meeting Date A speciai meeting was scheduled for Thursday, October 23, 1980, at 7:00 ror the purpose of reviewing the drafted letter to Mr. Remmen of I:M.I. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Commc�rs declared the October 9, 1980, Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Respectfuily su�tted, u �-� yn Saba ' Recording Secretary City of Fridley APPEALS COMMISSION L7EETING - TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1980 Page 1 CF�LL TO ORDER: Chaixwoman Schnabel called the Appeals Commission meeting of October lA, 1980 to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: � . Members PL'esent: Virginia Schnabel, Patricia Gabel, Alex Barna, Dick Kemper Members Absent: Jim Plemel APPROVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEh1BER 30, 1980 Chairwoman Schnabel made one correction under OTHER BUSINE55 at the end of Line 4 to read "7500" instead of "75." MOTICN by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mrs. Gabel; to approve the Appeals Commission minutes of September 30, 1980 as written and corrected. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE � MOTION CARRIED UNALiIMOUSLY. � ' 1. VARIANCE REOUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE�FRID'LEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE THE SQUARE FOOTAGE REOUIREI�NT FOR A DOUBLE BUNGALOS'I FROPS 10,000 SOtiARE ,�^T TO 7.812 SQUARE FEET, TO ALLOF7 THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DOUBLE BUNGPS,OTA '�ON THE SOUTH HALF OF LOT 6, AND ALL OF LOT 7, BLOCK 11. HAPIILTON'S ADDITION TO MECHANICSVILLE THE SAME BEING 5430�32 STH ST3EET N.E. PTHEN TkiIS.�DDUBLE BUNGALOW 1S CONSTRUCTED THE DN'ELLING NOi^7 ADDRESSED A5 5430 STH STREET WILL BE ADDRESSED AS 5436 STH STREET N.E. (Request by Chuck R'estling, of Westlin Construction, 2523 Woodcrest Drive, New Brighton., MN 55112). Charles V. Westling, 2523 Woodcrest Drive, New Brighton, MN, was present. MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded by Mrs. Gabel to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARE7D THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:40 P.M. Chainaoman Schnabel read the Staff Report: �1UMIIdIS.RATIVP STAF'F REPCFT 5430-32 Sth SY.reet P7.E. A. PUBLIC FUI2PO�E Ei:i:B✓L"D HY ggQpIRPPiE!dT: Section 2U5.063, lli, requires a lot area of not les� thar. 10,000 square feet for a L-wo family ciw�l).ii�g uiiit. 2'ublic purpose served 'ny this requirc:.ent is to avoi�i the condition oi overcrowding in a residential neighborhood. • B, STATED fJ11RI�tIIi' � � . "This lot had previuusly been grantcd such a variance. I purchased thc lot expecting to build a double - when seeking the pernit I was informed that the variance had expirod and that I had to rcapply," APPEALS COMMISSZOf3 MEETING - October 14, 19f30 Page 2 C. AllMZNI5TRP.TIVE STAFF 32F:VIES•7: The Appeals Comnission on llecember 6, 197Fi and City Council un January 8, 1979 approvea variances for lot area und a side yar.d setbdcic to allow the construct�.on oi a two far.iily dwellir.g on tnis �roperty with the�stipulatior. that the structure be setback 16.1 feet �rom t�ie north property line to provide 20 feet bet,veen aljacent living areas. The present apulicant has a building plan tiiat needs o:'_y the lot area varia,^.ce to allow cons�xuct;.on, ,and the structur� n�� `_�een posi�icr.ed 18 feet frc„t ;:;e nurth proper:y 1_ne. iha location d�es lead itself to tiie construction of a Lwo fanily 3we11inq sixice the property is properly zoned an3 much of the surroun3ing area is presently occupied by multiple d�rellings. There is no aciciitionai land avai.labie to add to this pzoperty is meat the lot arez requirement. Mr. Westling showa_d the Con¢nission members bl.ueprints of the proposed side-by-side double bungalow. He said the windows will be triple glazed, there will be a basement, garaqe and a storage area on the s±de. The building will be 52 feet long and will neet front and rear setback requirements. He said there will be two bedrooms uc�stairs with room for a third bedroom doomstairs. He said he will not iive in the. building but wants to keep it and wi12 se12 it if he cannot qet financir.g. He further said the building will be trimcned in oak, with oak doors and c��iiets and ceramic baths. Mr..[4estling asked if the side yard setbacks would``allow hi.m to put up a little deck. Chairwoman Schnabel said he would be ab1.= to pnt up a deck and further stated that most of the concerns with the previuus requests have been answered or are no longer applicable. She also stated that she talked with Mr. Clark who sai.d the quality of WestZing Construction is very good and he did not see any problems with this request. Chaixtaoman Schnabel further stated that this building would be compatible with the r.eighborhood and the many multiple dwellings in that area. She also reminded Mr. Westling that the variance is on2y good for a year. MOTION by �ir. Kemper, secondec3 by Mr. Barna to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOT�, AI�L VOTING AYE, CHAIRWO."4AN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:45 P.M. MOTION by Mr. Kemper, seconded by Mrs. Gabet, to recommend to the City Council approval of the request to reduce the square footage requirement for a double bvngalow from 10,000 square £ePt to 7,812 sguare feet, to allow the construction of a dou6le bungalow on the south half of Lot 6, and all of Lot 7, Block 11, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville, the same being 5430-32 Sth Street N.E. When chis double bungalow is constructed, the dwelling now addressed at 5436 5th Street N.E, will be addressed as 5436 Sth Street N.E., Fridley, MN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mr�. Barna, seconded by Mrs. Gabel to adjourn. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOhfAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE��APPEALS�COMMISSION MEETING OF���� OCTOSER 14�-1980 ADJOURNED AT�.7:52 P.M. � �� . Respectfully submitted, /#f��..� ��Y,�<�,/rc'-/'�� � � . Deb Niznik, Recording Secretary � ."'' �����-� ����. ����y� i5�� �' .� ,����- �� � � �, !J/l . 66 ���J'uM � � � , _ �,�� � ��-- � ' S� G-�/ r�.S, �`-/, C� 3o�-?la �, ��le /l?� .� �� �- �� �G e ����, 68 01 CQ��� Q� � � : � / / � .,< CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COhTtISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 29, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Harris called the October 29, 1980, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, Ms. Schnabel (arr. 8:00 p.m.), Mr. 5vanda, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Wharton, Mr. Oquist Members Absent: None Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Dr. Bob Wilson, 7566 - 4th St. N.E. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blosky, 305 - 76th Ave. N.E. Dr. James Gilbertson,6801 Channel Road APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 8, 1980, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. TREUENFELS, TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 8, I980, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #80-11, BY JAMES H. GILBE TSON: 7o allow an out-patient counseling c il n c with sma adjacent parking lot on Parcel 1100 in the North Half of Section 11, per Section 205.051, 3, f, of the Fridley City Code, the same being 7599 University Ave. N.E. MOTION BY HR. WHARTON, SECONDED BY MR. TREUBNFELS, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #80-11, by JAMSS H. GILBERTSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HRRRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:42 P.M. Mr. Boardman stated a rezoning request for this property was brought before the Planning Commission on May 23, 7979. At that time, the rezoning request was for CR-1 (general office building, clinic, lawyers office, retail office, etc.). At that time, the Planning Co�nission recorronended denial of the rezoning request, and the application was withdrawn before it went on to City Council. Mr. Boardman stated this time the petition is for a special use permit to use the property as a psychiatric c7inic for out-patient family counseling. Because the property is R-1, this type of clinic is allowed with a special use permit in an R-1 district. The questions the Planning Commission will have to consider are: If this clinic is allowed, even though it is with a special use permit and can be controlled, what kind of p�ecedent would that have on the residential district itself? Would this special use permit be a viable use for that corner property? d�. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 29, 1980 PAGE 2 Mr. Harris asked if the petitioner, Dr. Gilbertson, would like to make a statement at this time. Dr. Gilbertson stated that he is a licensed, consulting psychologist and is a resident of Fridley. He lives at 6801 Channel Road. His practice is largely a family practice inthe sense that he sees approximately 60% children and 40% families or adults. His business profile is extremely low. He thought that perhaps it was even more limited than one would expect from a residential house being used in that fashion. He stated he had calculated some figures for the � anning Commission to consider. From Oct. 1979 - 6ct. 1980, he saw a total of 242 patients for one calendar year. The number of contacts on those 242 patients were 970. He averages approximately 20-25 hours of office work a week. The rest of his time is spent in consulting at various agencies--Unity Hospital, Family Life Center in Anoka, North Memorial in Golden Valley, and two hospitals farther southwest. Dr. Gilbertson stated he bought this property with the intention of trying to see if the City of Fridley would look favorably upon a special use permit for a clinic operation that would have a very low profile. Dr. Gilbertson stated he went through the entire application for the rezoning to CR-1 and was aware that it was a contested piece of property, that there was presented in favor of rezoning the notion that it does sit on two busy streets and is a very noisy place for residential. He was also aware that the Planning Cormnission had been concerned for three reasons: (1) in the City Charter, they did not wish to spot rezone; (2) the traffic issue; and (3) there was a good deal of neighborhood opposition in the form of a petition. Dr. Gil6ertson stated that as the property owner, he would be using the two bedrooms as offices no more than 25 hours a week. That averages out to less than 8 patients a day. He schedules patients for one hour or for two hours if he is testing a youngster. That would place the traffic at abaut 6-8 cars a day which he did not believe was a great volume, and he did not think it would annoy the neighborhood or cause any kind of congestion. Dr. Gilbertson stated he grew up in the Spring Lake Park area so he knows the area well. He would not be an absentee person. As a professional, he felt he was bound to abide by the professional standards of conduct. Seventy-five percent of his clients are Anoka County people, so in terms of community benefit, in terms of the outlay of services and outreach of services to this community. as well as other communities in Anoka County, he could say he is fairly responsive. Dr. Gilbertson stated that from the mailing list he received from the City, he went on a house-to-house canvass of those people who were within 250 feet of the property to solicit their questions and concerns and to explain to them what he had in mind for the property. He stated he was p7eased in that he did not receive the same kind of opposition or resistance that was apparently visited upon the commercial rezoning application. He stated he had stressed at that meeting the points he had already stressed that evening: (1) That it would be a very low profile, (2) That he is a Fridley resident, (2) There would be no traffic congestion, and (3) There would be no structural changes to the building as it now exists. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 29, 1980 PAGE 3 Mr. Oquist asked Dr. Gilbertson where his office was at this time. Dr. Gilbertson stated that he basically has three offices at this time. One office is at his home at 6801 Channel Road, he has a very small office at North Suburban Pediatric Clinic, and maintains some office space in the Center for Health Assessment and Treatment in Golden Valley. He would like to bring these together and have one central office in this area. Mr. Boardman asked Dr. Gilbertson if he had a secretary or receptionist. Dr. Gilbertson stated he hoped to hire a part-time secretary. He is in solo practice with no partners and would be the primary occupant of this building. Mr. Svanda asked Dr. Gilbertson if he planned on putting up any signs. Dr. Gilbertson stated that, typically, he has not had to use signs before. At his home office, he has a sign approximately 2 feet by 16 inches. He thought he would like to have a larger sign than that on the corner where Osborne and University intersect. Mr. 5vanda a'sked if Dr. Gilbertson had considered any additional landscaping around the parking rea. Dr. Gilbertson stated that he understood that it was part of the City's mandate that parking should not be visible from the street. He stated that on the southern boundary of M s property that he shares with Mr. & Mrs. Blosky there is a fence that is need of repair. That could certainly be fixed. There is no existing fence or shrubs indicated in his drawing on the western side of the property so that would have to be added. Mr. Harris asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak to this item. Mrs. Robert Blosky, 305- 76th Ave. N.E., stated Dr. Gilbertson's use of the property was fine with them. They would like to see something go in there as the place is beginning to run down. Dr. Bob Wilson, 7566 - 4th St. N.E., stated he is a psychologist with the Columbia Heights Schools. He stated the Dr. Gilbertson is widely recognized for his work, his work is excellent, and he would be a credit for any community. Dr. Wilson stated he is a neighbor several houses away and he would welcome Dr. Gilbertson as a neighbor. It would be an excellent way to use that property. He was concerned also that the property was not being used. (Ms. Schnabel arrived at the meeting at 8:00 p.m.) Mr, Wharton stated he lives at 6887 Channel Road and has noticed Dr.Gilbertson's siqn. He stated that if the traffic on Osborne and University is as quiet as it is on Channel Road, there will be no problem at all. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 29, 1980 PAGE 4 MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL USE PERMTT, SP#80-11� BY JAMES X. GILBERTSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRZS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HSARING CLOSED AT 8:05 P.M. Mr. Oquist statedhe was on the Planning Commission when the request for rezoning came throuyh. He agreed that it was not a good corner for a single family dwelling. This see�ned like a reasomablQ recEuest for use of that propQrty. iie did not think it was goi�p to bc a proble� for the neiyfd�orhood and traffic was not going to be a probiM. XOTION�BY MR. OpUIST� SECONDED BY HR. TRELI$NFELS, TO RSCOMMEND TO CITY�COUNCIL� APPROVAL OF-SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #80-IZ, BY�JAMES H. GILBERTSON, TO�ALIAW AN OUT-PATIENT COUNSELING CLINC WITH SMALL AA7ACENT PARXING LOT ON PARCEL 1100 IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION �.il, PER S&CTION 205.051, 3, f, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, THE SAME BEING 7599 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E�. WITH TXE STIPULATIONS THAT THE SIZE OF THE CLINIC BE LIMITED TO THE EXISTING STRUCTURE, AND THAT THE PETITIONER WORK WITH CITY STAFF ON L.iNASCAPING AND EXTERIDR DEVELOPMENT, � Mr. Tre.uenfels stated that siece this budinee; d�alt with counseliny, he �+ould iike to see one handica�d parkin� sy�u. Mr. Boardman stated that could be arranyed. Mr. Treuenfels asked Dr. Gilbertson if he was associated with the Central Center for Family Resources. Dr. Gilbertson stated he is an on-site consultant once a month for the Central Center for Family ReSOUrces. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE� CHRIRMAN HARRI5 DECLARED TKE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Harris stated that SP #80-11 was recommended to City Council for approval with stipulation and would go before City Council on Monday, November 10. 2. CONTINUEO: PUB U C HEARING: AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY Public Hearing open. MOTION 8Y MR. TREUENFELS� SECONDED BY MS. SCHNABEL� TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. ��. PLANNING CON�1ISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 29, 1980 PAGE 5 , 3. RECEIVE SEPTEh�ER 23, 1980, ENERGY COhA1ISSI0N MINUTES: MOTION BY l�IIL. WHARTON, SECONDED SY MR. OQUI5T, TO RECEIVE THfi SEPTEMBER 23, Z980, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIINOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE OCTOBER 2, 1980, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. TREUENFELS, SECONDED BY MS. SCHNABEL� TO REC�IVE THE OCTOBER 2, I980, HUMAN RESOURCSS COMMISSION MINUSES. UPON A VOICE VOTfi, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMRN HARRIS DSCLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE OCTOBER 9, 1980, HOUSING & REDEUELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION BY MR, OQUIST� SECONDEA BY MR. KONDRICK� TO REC87VE TNE OCTOBER 9� 1980, HDUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. � Mr. Boardman stated thatihe HRA had a special meeting on Thursday, October 23, and they gave IMI the right of development on Phase III, giving IMI 120 days to come up with adequate financing. He stated he thought IMI had a very realistic viewpoint on the way cormnercial should be developed there. What the City is looking at right now is whether they will take options on the property or go through condemnation. It is a question the HRA will have to answer within the next one to one and one-half months. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE OCTOBER 14, 1980, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. 5CHNABEL, SECONDED BY .�IIZ, TREUENFELS, TO REC&IVE THE OCTpBER 14, I980, APPEALS COMMIS5ION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. WHARTON, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO AATOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE OCTOBER 29, 1980, PLANNING COMMISSION MSETING AWOURNED AT 8;30 P.M. Respectfully s mitted, L�/a a � Recording Secretary