PL 12/17/1980 - 6739City of Fridley A6ENDA PLANNING COMMI55ION MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEM6ER 17, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: DECEMBER 3, 1980 1 2. IC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A #$0-04, B`/ DR. JER�ME C. SCHURSTEIN: Rezone from R-3 (general multiple family dwelling areas to CR-1 (general office and limited business), Lots 23 through 30, Block 13, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville, except that part of Lots 24 through 30 taken for Highway purposes, to allow the construction of an office-professional building, the same being 5345 University Avenue N.E. Rice Creek Area from Medtronic property for parF, purp�ses. Generally located between T.H. No. 65 ar�d Central Avenue, North of 69th Avenue N.E. (see Public Hearing notice for : complete leg�l description). 3. CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER Public Hearing open. 4. CONTTNUED: CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED NOISE ORDINANCE 5. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - } 0 11 - 26 27 - 34 SEPARATE SEPARATE CITY OF fRIDLEY PLAN�ING COMMISSION MEETIGG, DECEMBER 3, 1980 CALL TQ ORDER: Chairman Narris called the December 3, 1980, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:39 p.m. ROLL CALL: Merr�ers Present: Mr. Harris, fds. Schnabel, Mr. Svanda, Ms. Hughes, Mr. Wharton Members Absent: Mr. Treuenfels, Mr. Oquist Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 21, 1980, PLANNING C�MMISSION MINUTES: MOTION�BY MS. SCXNAB&L, SECONDED BY MR. WHARTON, TO APPRQVE TXE OCTOBER 21, 1980, PLANNINC COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HRRRZS DECLARE'D THE MOPION CARRISD UNANSMOUSLY. . . ... ... ...... ... _ .... 1. CONTINUED: PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDf4ENT T0 CHAPTER 205 OF THE fRIDLEY CITY COD nrn�rnnr� �v��ro.�n� nc Tur nrnirv nurue�r nr - Public Hearing Open. MOTION BY�MS. SCHNABEE� SECONDED BY MS..HUGHES� TO RECEIVE THE AMENDMENT TO CNAPTER 205 OF THE FRZDLEY CITY CODE, GENERALLY KNOWN AS TXE FRTDLEY ZONING CODE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - � � Mr. Boardman stated he has made the necessary changes in this document and has eliminated excess wordage. He stated he has also received Mr. Herrick's copy of the document and was able to discuss the changes Mr. Herrick feels are necessary. He stated he would like to go through the document with the Planning Commission to note the changes and discuss the recommended changes made by Mr. Herrick. 205.02 GOALS (page 2) Recommended changes by Mr. Herrick: �3. APARTMENT -"unit far single family"sfiouid be changed to "unit for one family" __ _ �14.CON�OMINIUM -"Structures housing apartment units" should be changed to "Structures containing apartment units" iPa9e 3) d15. CURB GRADE - Delete "or its equivalent for the purpose of this ordinance" . t....s PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 3, 1980 PAGE 2 Recommended changes by Mr. Herrick: (page 4) #30. kOME OCCUPATION - Mr. Herrick wanted to know what the purpose of "over-the-counter retai] sales" was and if there was no purpose other than to restrict retai] sales, he questioned whether they should say "over-the-coanter". Mr. Herrick recommended that "provided that no signs other than those normally utilized in a residential district are present" and "over-the-counter" be deleted. Ms. Schnabel stated she felt that what was written in the definition for "Home Occupation" really belonged in the Zoning Ordinance. She stated that there could be a simple definition and then the restrictions could be listed in the Zoning Ordinance, Sfie thought it would 6e fiarder in a couri of iaw io defend a definition as opposed to defending an ordinance. Mr. Boardman stated he had no problem witfi this suggestion. It might be a little cleaner, He stated fie would reorganize this and make the necessary changes in R1 and R2. Ms. Schnabel stated that another tfiing the Cotmnission had ta7ked about at one time was whether or not the City should require business 7icenses. No decision was made. Mr. Harris stated that one reason wfiy they should be concerned about the home occupation was that in �e Comprehensive Plan, they had stated they wanted to maintain and upgrade the character of the residential neighborhood, If they are going to maintain and upgrade the character and integrity of the residential neighborhoods, and if they are going to allow commercial enterprises within those residential neighborhoods, he felt they were working at opposite ends of the stick. Ms. Schnabel stated she saw the need for licensing as a method of the City gaining the knowiedge of wherefhese occupations are iocated, the neighbors knowing that the City has some knowledge of these occupations, and maybe providing a vehicle for the City to supervise what is going on. Mr. Boardman stated that the City has no business ]icensing at a17. They cannot just license some businesses. 7hey either have to license all businesses or not license businesses at all. Mr. Harris stated the real concern about home occupations was how the home occupations impacted the surrounding neighborhoods. Ms. Schnabel asked if the City receives any complaints regarding home occupations. , Mr. Boardman stated they really have not received any complaints on home occupations. � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETTNG, DECEMBER 3, 1980 PAGE 3 Ms. Nughes stated that, at this point, she did not want to pursue the question of 6usiness licensing. It may have some merit for the Comrrtunity Development Commission to pursue this question. The Co�nission concurred that the question of whether to require business licensing in the City of fridley be referred to the Community �evelopment Commission. (page 5) Recommended changes by Mr. Herrick: #32. HOTEL - Reword as follows: "A building designed for occupancy as a temporary abiding place of individuais who are lodged, in which there are six (6) or more guest rooms, and in which no provisions are made for cooking in any individual room or suite." (page 6} #45. MOTEL - Delete "each of which has a separate outside entrance leading directly from the outside of the buildings" #52. PUBLIC fACILITY - Reword as follows: "Any facility which is owned, operated, or maintained b the City of Frid7ey or other governmentai agency. (page 7) #53. PUBLIC PROPERTY -"public non-profit organization" should be changed to "governmental agency or subdivision" #64. TOWNHOUSE - Reword as follows: "A townhouse is a unit wherein the owner has title to the unit and the underlying land and common owner- ship of the real estate which is not covered by the structure." 205.04 GENERAL PROVISIONS 205.041 Declaration of Policy (page 8) Delete #2 under Declaration of Policy (page 10) 205.044 Lot Provisions - Change to"205.044 Building Site Provisions" N1. Change "lot" to"building site" ---�— PLANNING COP�IISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 3, T980 PAGE 4 (page 11) Recommended changes by Mr, Herrick: #7. Insert "more or" after "6 feet" (page 12) 205.045 Accessory Buildings and Structures #3. Delete last sentence beginning with "when permitted in a district...." 205.046 Required Yard and Open Space Delete #1 (page 13) �f3-B. Delete "provided that the giare is not visible from adjacent residential property" (page 15} #6. Solid Waste - The Planning Commission changed this to read: "Sanitary land- fills shall be prohibited." Delete rest of paragraph. 205.05 ADMINIS7RATION AND ENFORCEP4ENT 205.051 Zoning Administrator Recomnended changes by Mr.l�rrick: Delete "or hfs duly authorized representative" (page U) #5-A. Change "district" to "zoning" 205.054 Special Use Permit #1. Purpose - Delete "the proximity of a similar use", "the total number of similar uses within the City", and "or further" in the second half of the paragraph. (page 18) #2. Application - Reword as follows: "Whenever this Ordinance requires a Special Use Permit, an application therefore in writing must be filed with the City, together with such filing fee as may be established by the City Council and shall be accompanied � a site plan or documenta- tion as required by the Cit .° Delete A - J. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 3, 198� PAGE 5 (page 19) Recommended changes by Mr. Herrick: #6-A. Council Action - Delete "and tha granting of this permit will not cause an imba7ance in the number of uses of this type in the immediate area of the request." #6-B. Denial - Mr. Herrick will be providing different language for this paragraph. 205.055 Variances (page 20) �3. Recommendations by Appeals Comnission - Change "Zoning Chapter" to "City Code" #4-8. Charge to read: "When the above conditions are not met, the variance re.quest must be reviewe.d by the Planning Commission with final approval by the City Council," (page 21) #7. Lapse of Variance by Non-Use - Change "Appeals Commission" to "City Council" 205.056 Building Permits #1-A. Delete "pertaining to the erection of major alterations" (page 23) 205.057 Certificate of Occupancy - Insert "shall be obtained" after "A certificate of occupancy" Delete #2. Interpretation (page 26) 205.07 R-1 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 205.071 Uses Permitted The Planning Commission made the following changes: #2-A. Change to read: "Private garages shall not exceed 100� of the first floor area of the dwelling unit or a maximum of 1000 sq. ft." #2-B. Change to' read: "Total floor area of all accessory structures shall not exceed 0 sq. t. Insert New #2-C. "All accessorv structures shall not exceed a total heiaht �-., PLANNTNG COMMISSION MEETIP�G, DECEMBER 3, 1980 PAGE 6 Ms. Schnabel stated that a license was not required for customary home occupations including the rental of guest rooms, but a license was required for dweiling, limited. She stated that it was inconsistent to require the licensing of one and not the other. Mr. Boardman stated that this was a change the Planning Commission had made. They had wanted some contro] on the "mother-in-law" apartment and had recommended licensing of a limited dwelling. He stated he had no problem with eliminating licensing. He stated the City Council wants to eiiminate dwelling, limited completely. MOTION BY MS. SCHNkBEL TO RECOMMEND THAT �IE NEW STEM #2-E RERD AS FOLLOWS: "CUSTOMARY HOME OCCUPATIONS": AND�THAT THE NEW ITEM �2-F READ AS POLLOWS: "TH& RENTAL OF GUEST ROOMS TD NOT MORE THAN TWO PERSONS PROVIDED A LICENSE IS OBTAINED FROM THE CITY," �� TXE MOTiON DIED fiOR LACK OF A SSCONA . MOTION BY MS. HUGHES> SECONDED BY MR. WHARTON, 2!7 RECOMMEND THAT THE NE� �2-E READ AS FOLLOWS: "CUSTOMARY HOME OCCUPATIONS°: AND TXAT TXE NEW �2-F READ AS FOLLOWS: "PHE RENTRL OF GUEST ROOMS TO NOT MORE THAN TWO PERSONS." Ms. Schnabel stated she could not vote in favor of this motion, because she felt they all should be licensed. UPON A�V'OICE VOT$���HARRIS, SVRNDA� HUGHES, AND WHARTON VOTING AYE, SCHNABEL VOTZNG NRY, CH:fZRPE12SON HARRIS DECLARED THb' MOTION CARRIBD. MOTION BY MS.�HUGHES TO RECOMMEND THAT TXE WORpS� "RND A LICENSE SS OBTAINED FROM THE CTTY" BE DELETED FROM THE NEW ITEM N2-G. DW&LLING� LIMITfiD. THE MOTZON DI,�',D FOR LACK OF A SECONA � �� Ms: Schnabel stated that at the September 30, 1980, Appeals Comnission meeting, the Appeals Commission had a discussion concerning the rewriting of the Zoning Ordinance. It was their concerm that special use permits were being permitted as a method of speeding up things and that special use permits were sometimes used with some abuse, and that perhaps rezoning was really a more logical step to take and more fair to adjacent neighbors. She stated that, keeping the Appeais Commission's concern in mind, she had to question some of the things in the special use section. Ms. Schnabe] stated that churches and private schools in an R-1 area usually take such a large body of land. Once these buildings are constructed, unless they should be destroyed, she fe7t it would be more logical for that property to always continue to be used for what it was built for and it would be more logical to rezone that piece of property from R-1 into some proper zoning. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEPIBER 3 1980 PAGE 7 Mr. Boardman stated thereis no appropriate zoning for churches and schools. It cou}d be zoned commercial, but then if that church or school was ever closed, it is a commercial zone for any commercial venture. He stated their main concern used to be duplexes allowed in a single family zone with a special use permit, but that has been eliminated. Ms. Schnabel stated that a hospital was such an enormous facility and to main- tain it in an R-1 zone with a special use permit almost makes the Zoning Code seem like it is 7acking something by not having a zone that can handle a facility like that. Why not have a hospital zone? Mr. Boardman stated they could set up so many different zones, they would not be able to control them. Ms. Hughes stated they should ]ook at the permitted uses under the special use permit to make sure they are uses that ought to be permitted. (page 27) 205.073 Lot Requirements and Setbacks Mr. Boardman stated that the City Council has talked about changing the minimum lot area from 7,500 sq. ft. as recommended by the Planning Commission back to 9,000 sq, ft. The Co�nission members concurred that they did not want to change their recomnendation and that the minimum lot area should remain at 7,500 sq. ft. Mr. Harris stated that in the Comprehensive Plan, they made the statement that they were going to promote and make available affordable housing in the City of Fridley. At the rate of land costs and building costs today, houses built with a minimum square footage of 1,020 sq. ft, on a 9,000 sq. ft, lot is probably in the neighborhood of $75,00� with an interest rate of 15%, and that is not affordabie housing. (Page 29) Mr. Herrick made the following recommendation: Delete #4-B-2: "side yard of five feet is required between building and side proeprty lines" (page 30) 2�5.076 Performance Standards Delete #1-B. "7he City shall require a special use permit for any open exterior storage.° �3. Drainage and Grade Requirements - Delete "not to exceed four (4) feet" in �3-A. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEM6ER 3, 1980 PAGE 8 (page 31} �4-A Reword as follows: "Al] for parking, driveways, vegetative cover." open areas of any site, except for areas used or storage shall be sodded, seeded, or have MOTTON BY MS. SCXNABEL, SBCONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO CONTINUfi PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AMENDMENT TO CNAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY�CODE� GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE FRIDLEY ZONING CODE. . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HRRRSS DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 2. RECEIVE OC70BER 15, t980, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. HUGXES, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIyE THE OCTOBER.I5� 2980, PARKS�& RECREATION COMMISSZON MINUT$S. � Ms. Hughes stated she thought the Planning Cor�nission shauld also see the maps of the proposed NSP easement through North Park. UPON:A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN NARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED t7NANIMOUSLY. 3. RECEIVE OCTOBER 23. 1980. CPFCTAI unucr�r, £ RFIIFVFI (1PMFNT lfllTllfIDTTV MOTIDN BY MS. XUGHES,�SSCOtyDED BY APS. SCHNABEL, 24� RECEIVE TXE OCTOBER 23, .i980, SPECIAL�NOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE, CNAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTiON CARRSED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE OCTOBER 28, 1980, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY�MS. SCHNABEL, SECONDED BY MR. St�ANDA, Tp RECEIVE THE OCTOBER 28, 1980, ENERGY.COMMISSSON MINUTES. � . � UPON A VOICS VOTfi, ALL VOTZl7G AYE, CXAIRMAN HARRIS D&CLAR�D THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE N04EMBER 10, 1480, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION�BY MS. SCHNASEL, SECONDED BY MX. SVRNDA� TO RECEIVE THE NOVEMBER 10, Z980, APPEALS COMMISSION MINU�S. � � UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CNASRMAN�HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIE➢ UNANIMOUSLY. PIANNING COMMISSION MEETTNG, DECEMBER 3, 1980 PAGE 9 6. RECEIVE NOVEM6ER 12, 198�, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECEIVE THE NOVEMBER�12� 1980, PAHKS & RECREATTON COMMISSION MINUTES. . . Ms. Hughes stated there is now a proposed Joint Powers Agreement for Islands of Peace. She stated the Parks & Recreation Commission wili 6e discussing this again at their next meeting. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRZS DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. � 7. RECEIVE NOUEMBER 13, 1980, HOUSIfJG & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MQTION BY MS. SCHNABEL�� SECONDED BY MR. SVANDR, TO RECEIVE�THE NOVEMBER 13, 1980, HOUSING 6 ftPsDSVEIAPMEN'T AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOT&, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARSD THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE NOVEMBER 78, 1980, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COf�1MISSI�N MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SVANDA� SECONDED BY MS. SCHNABEL, TO RECEIVE THE NOVEMBER I8, 1980, ENVIRONMENTAL gUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES. Mr. Svanda stated the Environmental Quality Cormission had adopted a draft noise ordinance and were recommending approval by the Planning Commission and �-,, City Council. `' Mr. Svanda stated they also made a motion to send out a letter to service � organizations in the City to see if there was any interest in participating in an Earth �ay clean-up. Ms. Hughes stated that the Environmental Quality Commission should be aware that the inierstate money that was going to go to Northeast Minneapolis has been reallocated and the Northtown bridge is now funded. That money is to be released right away. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN XARRIS DECLARED THE MOTIDN CRRRSED UNANIMOUSLY. � 4. RECEIVE P�OVEMBER 25, 1980,APPEALS COMMISSION MTNU7ES: MOTTON BY�MS. SCHNABEL� SECONDED BY P1S. HUGHES,. TO RECEIVE THE�NOVEMBER 25, I980, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY.� � PLANNING COMMISSION I�EETIN6, DECEMBER 3, 1980 PAGE 10 10. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Draft Noise Ordinance MOTION BY MR.�SVANDA, SECONDED BY MS. NUGHES, TO RECEIVE THE DRAFT NOISE ORDINANCE AS ADOPTED BY TNE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSZON ON �NOVEhIBER 18, I980. Mr. Harris stated this should be put on the agenda for discussion at the next Planning Commission meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL� VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMEN7: MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY MR. 5VANDA, 210 AA70URN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE,�ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE DECEMBER 3,�1980, PLANNING COMMZSSIDN MEETING RA70URNED AT 10:�45 p,M. Respectfully s bmitted, , �'in,L .�CC.Gu�- y e 5aba Recording Secretary ., _-� 11 PUQLIC HEARING QEFORE T}IE PLANi�ING COhV4ISSI0N NOTICE is hereby given that there will be a Pu61ic Hearing of the Planning Comnission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, December 17, 7980 in the Councal Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Rezoning Request, ZOA tt80-04, by Dr. Jerome C. Schurstein, to rezone from R-3, (general multiple fiamily dweTlings areas) to CR-1 (general offlce and limit2d business), Lots 23 through 30, Block 13, Namilton's Addition to Mechanics- v911e, except that part of Lots 24 through 30 taken for Highway purposes, to allow the construction of an office-professional 6uilding, ali lying in the South half of Section 23, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. . Generally located at 5345 University Avenue N.E. Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter will be heard at this meeting. RICHARD H. NARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Publisb: December 3, 1980 December t0, 1480 .. � � NUM[sGRi C�P 3''u - 0 `/ CI'fY QF f�RIDL[iY MINNESi)7'A PLANNING AvD ZONING FORM pr. JPtrMP �'� ��'�+urS7�P�Yt APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE_^ __ Address ��(%c�•� ���. Telephone Number_�'���� %� o�?2z'�e!7J PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURL Address �S'i�s�7� �� r �.�v� Telephone Number Street Location of Property ,� y Legal Description of Property tcfs .;n U TXi m��n;aS�.ri> - P,r P.r o�' a� 7v 30 Present Zoning Classification R 3 Ex 1� TYPE OP RF.QUtiST Y Rezoning Special Ilse Permif Approval of Premin- inary $ Final Plat Streets or Alley Vacations Other �o- Fee�S� Receipt No./S�� K ,co�s ag;tl�z2, ertY y's3t'r�.v�9" _ Acreage of Property� £lr7 S 7� Describe briefl the proposed zoning classificatiosi � /�' – / or type of use and improvement proposed Off/�— �1t�0��SSlUlL.9L ���C� }i8S �}lf. BTP•Sel'�i ann7.,�^"r rpoyj,rn�g7v SOL`�ht YO i°ZC:'..°.� p..^�!'� v��:�i, i� �.^.�.`. "iiit 'vT variance or special use permit on the su6ject site or part of it?�yes_�no. What was requested and �ahen? The undersigned underst<inds that: (a) a 1'sst of all residents and ocvners of property within 300 feet (350 feet'for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not tl:e case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resuiting from the failcre to list the names and addresses of aIl residents and property owners of pxopc:rty in question, 6elongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed preperty and structure must be drawn and attached, showing the ` follawing: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3, Climensians of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. , 4. Street Names. 5. I.ocation and use of adjacent existing buildings (iaithin 300 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that a12 the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. � � DATE //� /� SIGNATURE C� r .��(` : f�:� �i/ APPLICANT) Date F.iled Date of ftearing �y.r�.--,,..l-./ i�, / 4�'=� Planning Commission Approved (datcs) Dcnied City Council Arproved (datos) Uenicd . ,�� ,,,._ ,. Planning Commission 12-2-8� City Councii h1AILING LIST ZOA #80-04, Dr. Jerome C. Schurstein Rezone Lots 23-30, Block 13, Hamilton's Addition to Mectianicsville from R-3 to CR-7, for an office-professional building Dr. Jerome C. Schurstein �rlene 0'Donne1l 1102 43 lJ2 Avenue N.E. 530� 4Yh Street N.E. Minneapolis, Mn 55421 Fridley, Mn 55421: Curtis Bostrom 5652 Regis Trail N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. 6onald Klostreich 2509 Hillview Road . Moundsview, MN 55432 Larry Noble 950 Highway #10 N.E. Minneapolis, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Smith 5423 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. John Vagovich 5400 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 554�.� Joyce L Andersoq 5380 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 554�� Mr. & Mr�t. Burkhard Kappes 5370 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 554� Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Graham 5334 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 554 �Z 21 Herbert A. Ledo 5326 4th Street N.E. Fridiey, Mn 554s 2 21 Mr. & Mrs. Arvid Peterson 8029 Erie Avenue Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Flentie 5310 4th Street N.E. fridley, Mn 55L�CX 21 Amoco Oil Company 5311 University Avenue N.E Fridley, Mn 55421'. American Oil Company 5940 Viking Drive Minneapolis, Mn 55435 Steven Hanson & Roger Haugen 5333 University Avenue Fridley, Mn 55421 Western Petroleum Co. 2950 htetro Drive Edina, Mn 55420 1� Dorine Schaper 5301 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Chris Donley 5305 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Merle J. Otten 5311 4th Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Sreitkreuitz N.E. 5313 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. James Burman 20980 Sycamore Street N.W. Cedar, MN 55011 Eugene Welter 5704 56th Avenue North Minneapolis, Mn 55429 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Anderson 5360 5th Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Soderholm 5356 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Francis V. Rodgers 5330 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. James Stevens 5310 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Syers 5300 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Larry Nelson 5323 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 J & B Properties� 169 Crown Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 puane Schwartz 2525 118th Avenue N.E. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 � Plarvin Durben �y3°-�0 15th Avenae South Bloomington, Mn 55420 Steven Lischalk 5337 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Ben Bigos 3201 Orchard North Golden Valley, Mn 55422 Uerna Walter 5313 Altura Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Geiser 5325 Altura Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 � 14 MAILING LIST (PAGE 2) ZQA #80-04 Dr. Jerome C. Schurstein Mabel J. Howells 5337 Altura Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. F Mrs. Nerhert Eddy 5347 Altura Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Rabert Hinz 5357 Altura Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Corbett 5367 Altura Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Olstead 5377 Altura Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 5542 Zoning Administrator City of Columbia Heights 590 40th Avenue N,E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 n � � � ���,, B:n4E d`r:,, _l _ _ - , �_ v '�I , .�,✓ i�,� F ` cowII ew,oe � -- � - .w...y. : . n::... `.�'i1�. �� � ��,' _ � � � / � 6 V 2 YT oO 2 0 e1l: �i \ , x.'`�_ t � W: i� v� ` G i i��li � '_ � i � �� - � � + � � 1 � �. _ � �ti � �3 � �{� �� y�' _.s..,.. a� 1� i � � �� � Il��h] 4 ��;.. -��� }���: � 1 -� �� «..a _:' . . � • �I .: I 1 � � � i � r � i �� � � .wort. rn __ �.,1 A,�; , �ic�c.n� m ` ,u - �.ro,� : . • ScmNC l�nF P� 1LIL�J� ��i1 .` �; ,�- ,.. !_ � �Ii;x : > I O 3 i � � �. i:�; Sy g'✓_�a �emn• +O� i-•S�_ .v� ,� ��7��:' ,�4'`� „ �'s cOlw&a a . v.E�HrtS 15 . � , ciTY� �oF � � ``�� � ,�-�- t '� � � � December 3> 1980 CITY OF COLUMBlA HElGHTS ��_� ��.��.3. �:., 590 40th Ave. N. E. Cofumbia Heights, MN 55A21 , °:. . ' � (612) 7$8-9221 � .� . _ _.. .....__. "SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS" �.% Jerold Boardman, City Planner Fridley City Hall 6431 Univergity Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Dear Mr. Boardman: 1 am writing in response to the proposed rezoning of Lots 23-3�> Block 13, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville from R-3 �9e�eral multiple family) to CR-1 (general office and limited business). The City of Columbia Heights does not perceive the rezoning as causing any adverse impacts upon Columbia Neights land uses. Accordingly, the proposed rezoning would be consistent with Columbia Heights zoning for the University Avenue block from 52nd to 53rd Avenue which is zoned RB (retail business). Sincere y, / � � i ' i'�^�"!t � Allen Carlson City Planner AC/kp Bruce G. Nawrocki, Mayor E. ��Sebe" Heiniz, Councilmember Walter Logacz, Councilmember Gayle R. Norberg, Councilmember Kenneth E. HeMges, Councilmember EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY[R RE.ZOM/NG �GT/oN �NFl�,eMQ T/ON o�v %'h:s /'rop�� y - /97/ Fo� P. �. ;�EV�E � 1� �.-.. RE:GULAR� COSIS?CZL kEi..i�ilvo OF DEC&PiHF:R 6, 1971 . � PAGL 6 19 MOTION by Counailman Liebl to award the bid for Workmen's Canpensation Insurance for the year 1972 to P.M. Endsley Company using the loss participating dividend plan as recommended by the City Managcr and the insurance consultant. Seconded by Councilman Ke?ahaw. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The City Er�qineer suggested that the second reading of this ordinance be held up until the fina2 plans are through the subcommittees and come bePore the Council for approval, then the Conncil can aat on them together. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to table the rezoning ordinanca Ror Way Dar Land Corporation until the final plans are ready for Council action. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. C�7�'�1 OF FIkANCHI5E ANA ASSIGNS. TO FOR TH�' VIOIATION OF OF (Jouncilman Liebl said at this point, it seems prcper for. the Council to go through the ordinance and fill in the blanks as to fees. the number on the advisory committee, and any other suggested changes the Council may have. His first suggestion would be on Page 26, Section I9 to insert the number °27" television channels ---. The rest of the Council a.greed on that figure. The next aection discussed was Section 22 - Rates, starting on Page 27. Councilman BreideY said that on one of the proposals the figure suggested was $5.50 and he felt that something less than the $9.95 Bloomington used should be considered, therefore� he would suggest using the figure S6.00 as the primary installation charge. Councilman Liebl suqqested that the words "not to exceed" be used through- out the ordinance in the discussion of the fees. He said he did not want the figure set so low the company would be farced to come back beEore the Council and ask for an increase. The primazy concern is good service to the citizens, and he would not want the maximum set so low the company awarded the franchise could not live up to it. There should be a ceiling set, but not a minimum. Councilman Breider said he would agree there should be a ceiling, but not $9.95. He said he did not know how much money it took to run a cable system, but he would assume, since one company quoted a$5.50 figure, that Y.hey coul3 run their business profitably using that figure. Even if they did have to go through a rate increase, the rate;could still be aontx�olled by increments. He pointed out that on the comgarison sheet provided the Council of ccmmunities having cable television there are four coms+unities that have no connection charge. Councilman Harris wondere�' i£, on Page 36, Section 28 dealing with the Advisory Committee, suggesting fees could be one o£ their duties. The City Attorney said that the section was written with flexibility because there might be a nwnber of duties the Council would want to refer Lo the commiktee. The rate structure could be referred to them from ti.me to time. If the ordinance passes in it5 present form, the charges are aet by the ordinance� and to change them would �,", REGULAR COUNCZL ME&TING OF'NOVEMBER 15, 1971 � PAGE 8 2� The City Engineer said he would like Co point out that if the Council approves this plan, there are still Yhings required in the Code they will have to do, such as curbing on 69th Avenue. At the last meeting, he mentioned that the developer should pXOVide access to the park along with six parking spaces. His department also feels there shoUld be additional parking space provided. There are two parking spaces provided for each three bedroom unit, but the ordinance for R-3 sequires 2� parkinq spaces. Pezhaps a compromise would be to pzovide 2� parkinq spaces for each unit. There is room for this. Mr. Wiensch said they would provide the park access and �ie six parking spaaes by the park. They feel there would pzobably be 50� of the tenants with 2 cars and 50$ with l car. The ozdinance is for apartments, not townhouses. He would like to point out that with the addition of every new parking space, some green asea is lost. They would be willing to sign a letter that they will put in the additional parking if it proves necessary, but they would hate to put in unused blacktop at the expense of losing some green area. He added that as a rule you do not qet individuals renting townhouses, you get families. The City Attorney suggested the City Engineer and the Pschitect might delineate on the plans where the additional 35 paxking spaces would be ].ocated if they should be needed. MOTION by Councilman Breider to approve the plans with the following stipu- lations: �11. The wood panels are to be removed and replaced with stucco. #2. There are to be five fireplaces on 69th Avenue. #3. The sides of the garaqes facinq 69th Avenue are to be bricked. #4. The colors of the brick are to be staggered to achieve a pleasing eEfect. #5. Receipt o£ a letter £rom the developers they will agree to put in an addiiional 35 parking spaces if it prwes necessary after review 18 months after completion o£ the project. A map is to be included deli- neating the location of the parkinq spaces. #6. They will provide access to the park and six additional parking spaces by the park. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Xirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. The Council noted that the petition against the i.mprovement of Clover Place has been withdrawn as the people have changed their minds. MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to adopt Resolution #147-1971. 5econded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. t/� ��.pIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR Rf."LO�I,1C, REQUEST ZOA #71- F _'_____�_.,.. �." '"�'..... '..,,....,-.nnv mn nco,uu� �.�vnr.� u-A 'M (`_� TNA LQCATED ON T}1L E}1ST SERVIC� DRIVE OF T.}1.�#97 NORTH OF 53RD AVENUE: MOTION vy Councilman Liebl to approve the ordinance on first reading and waive the �eadinq. Seconded by Councilman Kel�}iaw. REGULAft COIINCIL MEBTING OF NOVEMF3ER.15� 1971 PAGE 9 2� i i � Councilman Harris asked if this would affect in any way the City's plans to ' request the E[ighway�Depastment to move their Eence so Fridley can use the land by the hiqhway for a park. The City Lngineer said it would have no effect. He suggested getting a letter from the developers agreeing to pave the alley at no cost to the adjoining property owners. He hoped the other two gas stations would also agree to this to qet the alley opened through. Mr. Leonard Samuelson said he woulo agree to this and thought the gas station owners would also as it would be an advantage to all of them. THE VOTE upon the motion, being a roll call vote, Liebl, Harris, Breider, Kelshaw and Kirkham voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unani.mously. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE FOR VACF,TION OF A STREET AND ALT.EY SAV #71^04, BY EDGAR W. HOUSER, GENERATI.Y LOCATEI) AT GUMWOOD STREET BETWEEN 77TH WAY AND MOTION by Councilman Harris to approve the ordinance on first readinq and waive the reading. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a roll call vote, Kirkham, Liebl, Harris, Breider and Kelshaw voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanitnously. RECENZNG THE MINUTES OF THE�PLANNING COMMISSION MEETSNG OF NOVEMBER�3�� 1971: 1. REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #71-08, GENERAL REl1LTX: LOtS 16 throuqh 22, BlOCk 13, Iiamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville to be rezoned from R-3 (general multiple Pamily dwellings) tio C-2 (general business areas) MOTION by Councilman Liebl to set the Fublic Hearing for the rezoning request by General Realty for December 13, 1971. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice voYe, all voting aye, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously . 2. REZONING.�REQUEST, ZOA #71-09, BY CASTLE MOBILE HOMES, INC.: The westerly 600 feet of the northerly 750 feet of the NE�a of the NW$ of Section 12 to be rezoned from bi-1 (light industrial areas) to C-2S (general shopping areas) The City Engineer reported the Planning Commission has not yet made their recommendation, so there is no Council action necessary. 3. REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP. #71-14, CASTLF, MOBILE HOMES, INC.: As per Section 45.101 3N of the Fridley City Code for the location of mobile homes sales on the westerly 600 feet of the southerly 320 feet of the northerly 750 feet of the NE�S of the NW�S o£ 3ection 12. The City Enginear reported that the Planning Commission has not yet made their recommendation on this item either, so thare is no Council action necessazy. 4. PROPOSED PRELIh1INARY PLAT, P.S.�#71-03, BY VIEWCON, INC.: For Phase I and II ior the towntxouse area generally located 4 mile east of Matterhorn Drive and `< mile north of Interstate #694, being a replat oE Outlot F, Innsbruck North, Section 24. ' T�` 22 THE MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL PUBLIC HEARTNG MEETING OF NOVEMBER 8, 1971 Mayor Kirkham called the Public Hearing Meetinq to order at 7:43 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayoz Kirkham led the Council and the audience in saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL: MEMBERS PRESENT: Kelshaw, Kirkham, Liei�l, Harris, Breider MEMBERS ABSENT: None ADOPTZON OF AGENDA: Mayor Kirkham said that there was one item to add to the Agenda which had been left off the index: Item 3A under Public Hearinqs, "on Rezoning Request (ZOA #71-09) by Castle Mobile Homes, Inc." MOTION by Councilman Breider to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by Councilman Liebl. Upon a voice vote, all votin9 aye, Mayor Kirkham dealared the motion carried unanimously. �../�. PUBLIC HEARING.ON REZONING REQUEST (ZOA f IWAYNE PETER50N TO REZON� FROM R-3 TO C- F.AST SF.RVICF. DRIVE OF T..H. #47 NORTH OF Mayor Kirkham read the Notice of Hearing. The City Engineer pointed out the area under consideration on the overhead projector, and referred to the Minutes of the Planning Commission in the Agenda in which they recommend approval of the request. Mayor Kirkham asked if there was anyone present in the audience who wished to speak in opposition to this request. No one wished to speak in opposition. He then asked if the representative cared to add any comments. Mr. Leonard Samuelson, representing the petitioner, Mr. Wayne Peterson, explained that they are Broposing to build an antique automobile sugply building at this location I if the rezoning is approved, the plans have been submitted to the Planning � Commission. The company is being displaced by the ireeway at its present �' location. He explained that they sell already manufactured parts to antique buffs, and they do their own remodeling. There is no dismantling of cars at this location. The ma�cimum number of cars would probahly he about 30 a day, and the majority of the business is done on Saturday morning. He stated that the � area to the south is a commercial ogexation at the present time, and the C-2 � rezoning is necessary £or operation of the proposed type of business at this � location. It is a quiet business and will not be disruptive to the neighbor- � hood. t i Councilman Liebl said that he was all in favor of the proposal as pxesented, but t�ndered if the petitioner would be willinq to cooperate with tha City and j helg finance the wst of an alley which is necessary in this area for dxainage �.v n�� �� ; �.-"' z'> SPECIAL PllBLIC HGARING MEETING OF NOVP.MbLR $, 1971 PAGE 2 purposes. Mr. Samuelson said that he was sure Mr. Petezson would cooperate as they show the alley being utilized for traffic on the plot plan. Councilman Liebl pointed out that in'the spring there will be a water problem if the alley is not corrected. Mr. Peterson said that he was told that an alley would be necessary-when he purchased the property, and he agreed that it was needed. MOTION by Councilman Liebl to close th.e Public I-Iearing on Rezoning Request ZOA #71-07 for the Way Dar Land Corporation requested by Wayne Peterson. Seconded by Councilman Kelshaw. Upon a voice vote, all ayes, Mayor Kirkham declared the hearing closed at 7:52 P,M. '�_ PUBLIC HF.ARING ON VACATION OF A 5'PELE£T AND AE,LEY iSAV #71-04) BY EDGAR W HOUSER, GENERI�ILLY LOCATED�AT GUMWOOD STREET BETWEEI3 7�TH WAY RND 78TH AVENUE AN� EAST OF THE RAILROAD TRACKS: The City Enqineer pointed out the area under discussion on the overhead projectoX and said that the Planning Commission had recomnended approval, he added that there is a letter from Nosthern States Power Company asking for retention of some of the easements. The City Engineer said that the City is studying the� drainage in this ac'ea and should know fairly soon what area we will need for improvements, and he suggested that the vacation be withheld until all the utilities are laid out and we know what right of way is needed. Councilman Breider asked where the NSS5D line runs in this area, and the City Engineer pointed out that it ran along the railroad tracks. NSP lines go through there and there are also Minneapolis Gas Company main easements. The City Attorney stated that the last session of the Legislature had changed the law so that it is now possible for tne City to vacate streets and still retain the utility easements. MOTION by Councilman Kelshaw to recieve the communication from Northern States Power Company dated November 8, 1971, regarding zetaining acoess to existing facilities. Seconded by Councilman Breider. Upon a voice vote, there beinq no nay5, Mayor Kirkham declared the motion carried unanimously. MOTZON by Councilman Breider to close the Public Hearing on Vacation Request SAV #71-04 by Edgar W. Houser. The motion was seconded, and upon a voice vote, there beinq no nays, Mayor Kirkham declared the public hearing closed at 7:55 P.M. -_ STREET IPSPROVEMENT PR0.TECT ST. 197 Mayor Kirkham suggested that the Council take each street individually in Y.he order they are listed in the Notice ot Hearing. UNDER�PROJECT ST. 1972-1 Alden Way: Riverview Terrace to 200' North of 62nd Way: No one wished Yo comment on this street. 24 Ylannin� Commission MeetlnpL- September 22 1971 Pap� y business, but in addition, the Commission can affirm or deny the sale of Crailere on'the same premises. Mr. Schmedeke said that this seems to be the type of thing the Planning Com- m.ission has been trying to prevent. EIe would be the last to deny the peeitioner the'operation of the station. To approve selling txavel trailers would open the door to used cars, motorcycles, two wheel trailers. He was afraid that what they would be doing would be allowing each station Lo come in and start wlth ihis procedure and eventually selling used cars and tra3lers out of the station, Mr. Clark said the petitioner had been selling the trailers, and when it came to our attention, he was notified he would have to apply for a Special Use Yermi[. Leonard Samuelson, former Councilman, said that he agreed with Mr. Schmedeke and was on that side of the fence. GeneraYly speaking, the service stations in Fridley have insufficient land areas to dispense trailers. He thought that auxi2iary sales such as this does somewhat ruitt the aesthetics of a service atation. It does not give a clean look he would desire for Fridley. Referring to "covers" (camper units for pickup trucks) Mr. Minish asked if the request is denied, did that mean the station cannot sell covezs as well? Mr. Clark said the Commission could limit what they felt could be sold in the open. MOTIDN by Schmedeke, seconded by Zeqlen, that the Planning Commission close the Public Nearing of the request for a Special Use Permit, Sn #71-13, Dick's North 5tax to sell recreational trailers bn Lots 3, 4 and 5, B1ock 7, Berlin Addition as per City Code 45.IO2, 3, N, and to recommend the continuing use oP the Service Station, but to deny the addition of retail sales on the following groands: Service Stations are not permitted to se12 travel trailers under the Fzidley Ozdinance No. 483. Used travel tzailers and used autos'are Sold vnder the same state Iicense. Approving this permit could be the procedure to encouraqe the sale of used travel trailers and used cars on service statton sites. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting age, the motion carried unanimously. �, 3. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST POR RE20NING, WAY DAR LAND CORP. BY WAYNE PETERSO�I, PRESIDENT: Lots 23 through 30, Block 13, Namilton's :lcdition to Mechanice- ville to be rezoned from R-3 to C-2 for a"Little Dea: nrn" warehouse and sales office. MOTION by Schmedeke, seconded by Minish, that the PZanning Commission waive the reading of the Public Hearing Notice for the rezoning request, ZOA 1171-07� by Wag Dar Land Corp., Wayne Peterson, for Lots 23 to 30, Block I3, Hamilton�s Addition to Mechanicsville to be rezoned from R-3 to C-2. Upon a voice VpCer a11 votfng aye, the motion carried unanimoasly. • Mr. Wayne Peterson and Mr. Leonard Samuelson were present. Mr. Samuelson explained that the property lies iwnediately North of the Metro S00 Service Station and Easterly of the service drive of University Avenue. The lots have been cut up due to the acquisition of the Highway Department in the interchange of I. U694 and T.H. /f47. This property is in the Southeast quadrant of the interchange. At the South corner of 54th Avenue, the Highway Department has constructed a cul de scc. The pet��iQpers are requesting a . Z5 Planni� Commission Meetin� - September 22 1971 rap_ e 5� a rezoning change so that Mr. peterson can construct a 7,600 square foot building which will also incorporate a basement. It will be a warehouse £or automobile parts for Model T and A cars and referred to as "Little Dearborn". There are no repair facilities, no maintaining cars. Parts needed are manufacCured by the Ford Motor Company, The warehouse here will then service 3ndividual people who do their own remodelling and their<6uiiding. Their business is strictly over the counter sales. The,traffic is in and out, maybe thirty or forty cars a day. They felt that since there is a service staCion immed3ately to the Sou[h, and a dead end cul de sac op the NorCh, the requested rezoning would lend itself to a reasonable good land use. The proposed structure would look quite contem- porary and would lend itself genGrally to an improvement of the area. Chairman Fitzpatrick noted that the Public Hearing Notice was senC to a large number of people and none were present, but one letter was received concurring with the request. The letter was from the filling station to the South (Metro S00). . ' Mr. Clark said that the 5tandard Oi1 Station got a Special Use Permit when that procedure was allowed, and the Metro 500 is older than the zoning ordinance. The owner may come in with.a similarurequest as the Commission heard this evening in Item 2. � MOTION by Minish, seconded by Zeglen, that the Planning Commission close the Public fiearing for the Rezoning Request, ZOA N71-07, Way Dar Land Corp. to rezone from R-3 to C-2 Lots 23 to 30, B1ock 13, Hamilton`s Addition to MechanicsvilSe. Upon a vozce vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried ananimouslg. Mr. Peterson $aid that during the summet, they usually have £rom forty to fifty sale tags per day; in the winCer about twenty to £orty. They have four full time employees and two employees part time, and the number increases in the summer. They serve the upper midwest area - Chicago to Colorado - a five state area. They specialize in new parts for antique cars. They do not scrap or junk cars. There are approximately about Yen to fifteen companies, the same type as this one, and they are referzed to as "Little Dearborn". Each of them'manufacture a few items and interchange the molds buying from each other. No manufacturing is done on the premises. Mr. Schmedeke asked if blue spruce could be used in the landscaping, and wondered if some could be used along the alley. Mr. Samuelson explained that the alley is used by the residents and they could not encroach on the alley Yight of way. They are putting a complete Model A on display. They do meet City requirements as far as parking requirements, land area and building setbacks. Mr. Schmedeke felt this would be an ideal area £or evergreens. He also felt this land should have been commercial yeazs ago. If the Company did not generate a lot of traffic, he thought the request was a good use of the land. Mr. Clark said he had received one call on the rezoning request, but the caller did not comment whether or not he was in favor. Mt. Peterson said he received two calls asking for further information. !�"" `� 26 PlanninR Co�mnission Meeting - Se tember 22 1971 _ p8S�-6_ ; _ MOTION by Zeglen, seconded by Minish, that the P2anning Commission recommettd appz'oval of the Rezoning Request, ZOA N7I-07, by Way Aar Land Corp., Wagne Peterson, to rezone from R-3 (general multiple family dwellings) Co C-2 (generaI business area), Lots 23 through 30, B1ock 13, Namilton`s Addition to Mechanics- ville to construct a warehoase and sales office for a Little Dearborn, with the stipnlation that the second reading of the Ordinance be held up until the building pezmit was given. Upon a voice vote, a12 voting aye, the motion carried unani- nausly. 4. VACATION REQUEST: SAV 1171-04 EDGAR A. HOUSER: Vacation of Gumwood SCreet between 77th Way and 78th Avenue and also vacation of the alley running on Westerly property line from 77th Way to 78th Avenue in Lots 1 through 8, Block 5, Onaway Addition. Darrel Clark said the application was brought in today together with the signatures of almost all the people concerned. Mr. Houser should also get a release from Northern States Power Co., Minneapolis Gas Company, Northwestern Belk Telephone Co. and the owner of Block 5 to dedicate the other part of the cul de sac for turn around on 78th Avenue. The North half of the land is vacant. The petitioner will either sell or build. The Southern half is occupied. Access is on 77th Way. The power line is on Gumwood and is overhead. Mr. Houset has built his own sewer -- one lot depth North of 77th Way. The North half of the block will be served by 7Bth Avenue. The easements for the Gas Company and Tdorth Suburban Sanitary Sewer District aze along the railtoad tracks. The huge 315 KV power lines are also along the tracks. The alley will be dedlcated back [o the City for utility easements. .This will prohibit the alley being opened outside of the land owners. MOTION by Minish, seconded by Schmedeke, that the Planning Commission reCOm- mend that the Council act favorably on the vacation request of 5AV H71-04, by Edgar Houser, for the vacation of Gnmwood Street between 77.th Way and 78th Avenu6 and a2so the vacation of the a11eg running on wester2y propert9 line from 77th Way to 78th Rvenue in Lots 1 through 8, Block 5, Onaway Addition because it is appropriate with the current development of the area, sr�bject to the ded,ication of the cu1 de sac on 78th Avenue at Western terminus and dedication of easements for any existing atilities. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried vnanimously. AIlJOURNMENT : There being no further business, Chairman Fitzpatr3ck adjourned the meeting at 19:00 P.M. Respec/�t�ull�� submitted N<.=,2 C �I1,1+.ivLq-v� Haz.�l 0' Brian Recording Secretary NOTICE is hereby given Commission of the City Northeast on Wednesday, for the purpose of: PUBLIC HEARING BEFORC THE PLANNING COMMISSION that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue December 17, 1980 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. Consideration of a proposed preliminary plat, P.S. #80-03, a Registered Land Survey, by David Torkildson, Director, Anoka County Parks and Recreation �epartment, being a replat of all that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 12, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Quarter Quarter; thence North 88°35'36".West assumed bearing along the south line of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 159.31 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence North 51°55'41" West a distance of 472.93 feet; thence South 36°25'23" West a distance 42.89 feet; thence North 63°11'07" West a distance of 214.66 feet; thence North 28°15'30" West a distance of 112.06 fezt; thence North 88° 35'36" West a distance of 553.79 feet to the West line of said Quarter Quarter; thence South 00°}g' 25" West along the West line of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 436.83 feet to the Southwest corner of said Quarter Quarter; thence South 88°35'36" East along the South line of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 1198.85 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to Easement of record for State Trunk Highway Number 65. Generally located between T.H. No. 65 and Central �venue N.E. north of 69th Avenue N.E. ( Anyone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter will be heard at this meeting. RICHARD H CHAI RP9AN PLANNIN6 Publish: December 3,198Q December 10, 1980 HARRIS COMMISSION 27 CITY OP PRIDI.GY hiTNNF.SOTA ����:� d3 PLANNING ANll ZONINC PORA1 NUMBER �- /� �f APPLICAMf'S SIGNA7'Uf2G_��k C i����•.•, DireCtor Ano a o, ar s& ecreation Address 550 Bunker Lake Blvd., Anoka, MN 55343 Telephone Number 757-3920 2U TYPE OF REQUEST Rezoning Dep�— Special Use Permit �_ Approval o£ Premin- inary � Final Plat PRQPERTY OWNE2�S SIGNATURE±��1�'��0����J� ��Lh�"^+ Streets.or Alley e ronic, c. Vacations Address fi970 Central Ave. N.E., Minneapolis, MN 5 54 3 2 Othgr Telephone Number 574- 4QQ0 CSAH #35 (old Central Ave$ee Receipt No.` Street Location of Property & 69th Ave. (Co. Rd. H) Lega1 Description of Property see attached Present Zoning Classification R-1 Existing Use of Property open space Acreage of Property 8.6903 acres Describe briefly the proposed zoning c2assification inaluding highway easement • or type of use and improvement proposed public Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? yes X no. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) a list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet (350 £eet for rezoning) must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resvlting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property owners of property in question, be�ongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, shoiaing the following: 1. North Direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the Iot. 3. Dimensions of pxoperty, proposed structure, and front and side seibacks. 4. Street ftames. S. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 300 feet}. The undersigned hereby deGlares that all the facts and representations srated in this r !C .-'../C E�.�-� �. ` •�� � application are true and correct. ,.•/. - �': /�-: ! DATE �SU�2-4r=i98II- SIGNATU (APYLICANT) P�U2 G�� Date Filed Date of llcaring �c� �� /!YJ O�4F'e QQ'EL Planning Commission Approved (daics) DenicJ� City Council Approved (dates) Denied � 29 LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS 1. Medtronic, Inc. 697A Central Ave. N.E, Minneapolis, MN 55432 2. Anoka County Park & Recreation Department 550 Bunker Lake Blvd. Anoka, MN 55303 �T , �� E;t� � � J�.µ� n��a�t� cavr�tr su�c�Fyo� Roland W. Andcrson Rnom C21 A, County Court tiouse ANOKq,MINNES�TA 55303 612•421-4760 421-4760, Ex. ! 314 July 15, 1980 DESCRIPTI�f� fOR PARKS DEPARTMENT PART Of MEDTRONICS, INC. PROPERTY All that part of th Quarter, Section 12, Fiinnesota described e Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Township 30, Range 24. Anoka County, as follows: Cornencing at the Southeast corner of said Quarter Quarter; thence irorth 88 deorees 35 minutes 36 seconds 4test assumed bearing along tfie south line of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 159.31 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence tJarth S1 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds 4Jest a distance of 472.43 feet; thence South 36 degrees 25 minutes 23 seconds Ilest a distance oi 42.89 feet; thence North 63 degrees 11 minutes 07 seconds t�est z distance of 214.66 feet; thence North 28 deorees 15 minutes 30 seconds l�:est a distance of 112.06 feet; thence North 88 degrees 35 minutes 36 seconds !�test a distance of 553.79 feet to the h'est line op said Quarter Quarter; thence South 00'degrees 19 minutes 25 seconds f:�est along the idest 7ine of said Quarter Quarter a distance of 436.83 feet to the Southwest corner of said Quarter Quarter; thence South SS deorees 35 minutes 36 seconds East along the South line of said Quarter Quarter a distance.of 1148.65 feet to the point of beginning. � Subject to Easement of record for State Trunk Highway t�'ur,�er 65. Affirmative Action ! Equa) Opportunity Employer 30 Planning Commission 12-2-80 City Council -_— ------_ _ - - MAILING LIST P.S. N80-03, Registered Land Survey by David Torkildson, Director, Anoka County Parks and Recreation Dept. David Torkildson, Director Anoka County Parks & Recreation Dept 550 Bunker Lake Blvd. Anoka, MN 55303 Michael J. Perkins Metronic, Inc. 6970 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Mrc & Mrs. Harry Nelson, Jr. 1370 69th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anderson 1360 69th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Allen 1380 69th Avenue Fridley, Mn 55432 ��Tikkonen 1400 69th Avenue Fridley, Mn 55432 Erickson N.E. N.E. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Germundson 1390 69th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Weispfenning 1310 69th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Edmund Widzinski 1320 69th Avenue N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Lillian Aasland 1330 69th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Logid 1340 69th Avenue N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Bacon 135� 69th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 i]j � r—. l:J ' .� � I i �� � a � • e � � ,, _, , � ,3,�� . 'I151 � �7) - ...: S /i�i� ,� ' ` �,rp �� , , .L .. p . . r _. :,. .. r � � . . ' � e i ♦ � ` :: , '.:i.i . � l�41 6 ./i . � i �� �) � , � :. 7 ! :� r . . ... .. L} . . kY � � ��,.. ' . � l> 1 �' . . w 'f1f , S,�i { J• f '� f L� �� � ✓i 1� i J^~ '�"J . A .1163tid if�$ �oi� 1239 �245 f1��f � u0i.'"�_i�F�J, �'i� %101 ( :.. _ , , . � . . � ;� �i=NOR70:" - -3`—" — - °'� L '• Sf52 � ' ==—'._---_�=-`=' ' - �- .' r � �r ' ' I;.i' i �y`V �y `t" � �' ` ! t0 � •� ��'n°• .� . II � i(r�no) l..: f� .,�._. � �^�,( i ..��s ,. i :�)�a l��i ' d � 1 r a� �� s� r, �• •• •• � ` �1170� Iz00 tzt4 � .�i :�:�.&;,� t:��� ( ,'�.���s� :.i� .- . :�`.-;r�----i�= , " .-=-- w ��� II ... � . .. _ .. U<.nzu..� fNC l!'�nd.:T.a . F�- � �" T ._ • N ✓ . MlNNESOTq --` .. - . - � ; �_: .. _ , , . ' ----_—�. 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MlnneSnta des�ribvd as�fi�iln;:y: COnr�en[ing al..tlie ;nn'h��r:C cernrr nf •,�id O��arinr QVdrCCr; tt�rn[�• :lnst4� "..; iL-�-,,.�5 iS niim,r.r; ?..rconris wes[ assm�,n,1 trnrirq ainip i�c. ,,��uV: lin�, of :airl QuArtcY Qica�'tcY 2 dt4t.���,c ni 1`�1. il fn�.t. d� Li�¢ «luzl poln[ Of L?ainriinr�;� Ciu�ncr :n�rih 5� dn,..�.�i 5`i fcnutus 41 secoaAS 4e;C d G�staw.�� nf d72.99 f�:�^ tl�.er,ce °outh 36 de9ree; 25 ninuCes Z3 s�-cnirrls !ICSt a aistance nf 42.@3 feet; thence f:orfh i.; Srarees 11 i'�eu+oc D7 sceonds kr.st a nicr;,,,,_.. nr -ic o r _� .... � . . .. ... :. . .... 15 minutes l�J seconQS 4!r.t a oui�mrr. oi V12.tif� f¢nL; UiGnCC �lOrTh £:; tlenrc�s �� c5nu.^� : xortis i1=�st e distance ef 553.7i� h-et :o tnc 41est lin� ot zr.iU Quarter Quarter, [hence `outh 00"dr��ree�: 19 rt:i,mtes 25 secends'.est ala�g th� :;est line�ni s��n6 9var[er Qoarter a distance o� 43i.23 fcet tn r,hr °outfrva�;t Corner of said Quarter Q��rt��r, [he�.ate Soutn �'.ii deqYezs 35 minute9 36.seconds East alono rne Soucr� line of srin Quarter Quarter a disiao:t of t19P.,55 feel to [he {�int of begi�ning. Subject to Easement of rtcord for State Trunk flighway Nurtber b5. That the sucvey showrn he��in is a cerrer[ dclincatian of Said su�ve , as surveyed hy ne ehi;�� day of �✓-�-C/1�p�,1pi20. q . Signed JY.?"!�!�d' !��_�,-_ HegiStEred Ldna Sm'velor, i�.inn.��iey. �,lo.s-��S This Reeistered LanA Sur•�ey r;as anproved and accepied by the C�ty Covncii of !!,c C�ty of fridl_?y, Minnesota, at a re9ular meeHr:g ti'iereuf held tl�i5 _�_ _day Df J9:�. City Council of�the City of Fridley, Yinr.esota BY.___—_.. ---_—diaYor 6y ,Llerk Chetked and approved [h+� _day of 1980. ` 1'�no.a oun[y Sm�veyor r .`� S;:ILE: O.NE lNFN-fCOFE£T fn,.:R/A'ES ,9.�IDY:V .liE iLSS!/,N£D O PC:YP) FS !�?[bY FY,9'_' OO.:AY�; £S A:iOKA Q�•'1VTY MLt:7/.�ilC.Y7 ,e omc: tY I,'::1!'e,-�:.i �•'-> ��:r^r.:'. -.� .�.� t.i�.. % s". .... . t ., � . . +...l(�.r� � ��b f o E-r I � i. � ilrSUiA l'`'�P�1'.,......� �y r. � 4�'�:x^3 � j 1 SOG=1ti' 2.`i1Y. x:sr ��r.; :� . .,. (: :. ::i i:�n .a..���. � .. �-, 9 �. { � f 1 CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 17, 1980 CALL TO ORDER: Ghairman Harris ca7led the December 17, 1980, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Harris, Ms. Gabel (for Ms. Schnabel), Mr. Svanda, Mr. Oquist, Ms. Hughes, Mr. 5aba (for Mr. Wharton) Mer�ers Absent: Mr. Treuenfels Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Dr. J. C. Schurstein, 1102 - 432 Ave. N.E. C. Schurstein, 1100 - 43Z Ave. N.E. Lawrence and Joyce Zimmerman, 5380 - 4th St. N.E. Laura Vagovich, 5400 - 4th St. N.E. APPROVAL Of DECEMBER 3, 1980, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MS. HUGHE5, TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 3, 2960, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTE5 AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL i�OTING AYE, CHAIRMRN HARRIS DSCLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANSMOUSLY. � 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A REZONING RE UEST, ZOA #80-04, BY DR. JEROME C.Schurstein: Rezone from R-3 general mu tiple family dwelling areas to C- genera office and limited business), Lots 23 through 30, Block 13, Hamilton's Addition to Mechanicsville, except that part of Lots 24 through 30 taken for Highway purposes, to allow the construction of an office-professional building, the same being 5345 University Ave. N.E. MOTIOPJ BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ZOR j/80-04 BY DR. JEROME C. SCHUIZSTSIN. UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING RYE, CHAZRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:40 P.M. Mr. Boardman stated this property �5 located south of 694 on University Ave. He stated there is a short dead-end service road that cul-de-sacs right along University Ave. This property is presently zoned R-3. It is just north of a C-2 district which is presently occupied by a Standard Station and a gas pump repair service facility. Behind this property is R-3 property which is multiple family and some single family. South of 53rd Ave. in Columbia Heights is all commercial along the service drive. Across University, north of 53rd, is al7 R-1 and south of 53rd is R-3. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 17, 1980 PAGE 2 Mr. Boardman stated that the9ubject property is a little awkward in shape and there was a little �fficulty in fitting in the structure Dr. Schurstein is proposing. The structure Dr. Schurstein is proposing will have to go for variance; however, he is bringing it before Planning Commission to see if he can get rezoning before applying for a variance on the building. Mr. Boardman stated that there was a rezoning action on this property back in 1971. At that time, the petitioner was asking for rezoning to C-2 for an office structure. At that time, Planning Commission recommended approval for the rezoning, City Council recommended approval for rezoning. They had the first reading on it and were holding the second reading for the Building Committee. The application was then withdrawn because the financing was bad, and they could not build the structure. Mr. Boardman stated that Dr, Schurstein does have plans for a two-story office structure. It is a difficult site because it is a triangular site. He stated he has worked out the parking with as few variances as possible. Mr. Lawrence Zimmerman, 5380 - 4th St. N.E., stated he wanted to know what was proposed for the alley that was behind the property. Mr. Boardman stated they did have a problem with the alley that is right behind the parking lot. There has been some talk about vacating the alley, but there are too many garages off the alley. He stated the alley may have to be improved because there are a lot of garages on the alley, especially further down by the Standard Station. Mr. Harris asked if the petitioner wished to make a statement at this time. Dr. Schurstein stated he has been thinking of different things for this lot for a couple of years. When he first started, he was interested in an office/ resident complex, but there is a problem with financing something like that. They are now applying for rezoning the property to commercial. In the last two years, commercial has been rirore likely to receive financing than housing. It would be terribly expensive for housing because of the odd shape of the lot. He stated he would like to see this property developed, and that is why he has come before the Planning Commission to try to get a zoning change. Mr. C. Schurstein stated that based on projections right now, they are looking at a return on their investment that would be economical to build the building and they are also planning on building a substantial buiiding--probably a precast building so the longevity of the structure itself will be easy to look at and will be an asset to the area. They feel the property has some commercial value. Ms. Hughes asked if they had any idea of what kind of tenants they would have. Mr. C, Schurstein stated they are planning on having tenants that are professionally- oriented--attorneys, insurance companies, dental offices, medical offices, etc. They are not looking at a drugstore or retail ouilet. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 17, 1980 PAGE 3 Mr. C. Schurstein stated they feel it is an adequate plan. They feel there is a good opportunity for certain types of investments and that the building is in a class that would generate enough interest because of its size and cost. They feel very confideni that, given �ime, they can finance the building. He stated he is a real estate broker so he does know something about the business. Ms. Gabel asked if they had any idea how many tenants they would have in the building. Mr. C. Schurstein stated that would depend on the type of tenant. A regional insurance office may require 3,000 sq. ft., while a doctor or dentist may require only 1,000 sq. ft. Ms. Vagovich, 5400 - 4th 5t. N.E., stated she has talked to most of the neighbors, and they are all in favor of an office building as opposed to having an apartment building. Ms. Hughes stated that with the rezoning to CR-1 and with R-3 next to it, there would have to be a fence, and the variances seemed quite simple. It seemed to her that the noise impact from the highway was such that they would never want to put residential in there. The office building and the fencing could be of real benefit to the neighborhood as far as noise. She could see no problems and felt the rezoning request was a reasonable proposal. Ms. Gabel stated she could see no reason why anyone on the Appeals Commission would have any problem with it. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ZOA 80-04 BY DR. JEROME SCHURSTEIN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTSNG AYE, CHRIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 8:14 P.M. - Mr. Oquist stated he agreed with Ms. Hughes, and that this was a viable solution for that corner property. MOTION BY MS. HUGHfiS, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL RPPROVAL OF THE REZONING REQUEST� ZOR N80-04, BY DR. JEROME C. SCHURSTEIN: RE20NE FROM R-3 (GENERAL MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING AREASJ TO CR-1 (GENERAL OPFICE AND LIMITED BUSINESS)� LOTS 23 THROUGH 30, BLOCK 13, HAMILSON`S.ADDITFON TO MECHANICSVILLE� EXCEPT THAT PART OF LOTS 24 THROUGH 3D TAKEN FOR�AIGHWAY PURPOSES� TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN OFFICE-PROFESSIONAL BUILDING� THE SAME BEING 5345 UNIVERSITY AVENUE N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Harris stated this will go to City Council on January 5, 1981, and a public hearing will be set for February 9. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 17, 1980 PAGE 4 2. RATION OF A PROPOSED PRELIMINARY NAkKS & kt�RtRIlUN UtNHKIMtNI: Ine purpose or Lne Kegistierea �ana �urv is to separate t e Rice Creek Area from Medtronic property for park purposes. Generally located between T.H. No. 65 and Central Avenue, North of 69th Avenue N.E. (see Public Hearing notice for complete legal description). MOTION BY hIl2. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. SABR� TO OPEN THE PUBZIC HEARING ON P.S. �80-03 BY DAVID TORKILDSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:19 P.M. Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Torkildson was unable to attend the meeting. He stated this property is just south of the Medtronic bui7ding. It is the low- land property along Rice Creek. The County is purchasing this as part of the Rice Creek Regional Trail West, which is part of the Regional Trail System. Medtronic has agreed to the purchase, and the Fridley City Council has agreed to the Anoka County plan for the Rice Creek Regional Trail System. The City Council has also agreed with Medtronic that for any reason of dedication of this property, the City would allow Medtronic to build to a density of 40% which would have included the property in the first place. That was one of the conditions of the purchase agreement for the purchase of the park property. Mr. Harris stated there probably should be some kind of agreement that the City and the County are not responsible for any necessary soil corrections due to the creosote problem. MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY h42. SVANDA, TO CL0.SE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON P.S. N80-03 BY DAVID TORKILASON. UPON R VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUIILIC HEARING �CLOSED AT 8:38 P.df. MOTION BY MR. OQUI5T, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO RECOMh16ND TO CITY COUNCIL� APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLA.T� P.S. 1I80-03.� A REGISTFSRED LAND SURT�EY�BY DAVID TORKILASON, DIRECTOR, ANOKA COUNTY PARKS 6 RECREATION DEPARTMENT: THE PURP0.SE OF THE REGISTERED LAND SURVEY IS TO SEPARATE THE RICE CREEK AREA FROM MEDTRONIC PROPERTY FOR PARK PURPOSES. GENERALLY IACATED BETWEEN T.H. NO. 65 AND CBNTRAL AVENUE, NORTH OF 69TH AVENUE N.E. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING RYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY .�II2. OQUIST, SECONDED BY TII2. SABA, TO RECOMMEND THROUGH CISY COUNCIL THAT THE CITY OF FRIDLEY AND ANOKA COUNTY TAKE THE NECESSRRY LECAL PRECAUTIONS TO�ENSURE THAT THE CITY AND THE COUNTY ARE NOT LIABLE.FOR ANY CLEAN—UP RCTIVITISS BECAUSE OF SOIL CONTAMINATIONS AS A RESULT OF THE ADJACENT CREO50TE PROBLEMS. UPON A VOICE VOTS, ALL VOTING AYE, CHRIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 17, 1980 PAGE 5 3. CONTINUED: PUBCIC HEARING: AMENDMENT.TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY Public Hearing Open. Page 32 - 205.08 R-2 DISTRICT REGULATIONS Mr. Boardman stated that R-2 has primari7y the same changes as R-1. Page 38 - 205.09 R-3 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 205.091 Uses Permitted Mr. Soardman stated that Mr. Herrick had a question under #2, Accessory Uses, where they talk about parking areas and garage structures. The second sentence under #2-A states: "Use of garage space to satisfy parking requirements shall not exGlude sufficient unenclosed spaces to satisfy all off-street needs." Mr. Herrick's question was: "What is 'enclosed spaces to satisfy all off- street needs"'? Mr. Herrick stated that something like this may be hard to defend. Mr. Boardman stated they have never had any problem with this language in the Zoning Code, and he would recommend that there be no change at this time. The Planning Commission concurred to leave the language as stated. Page 48 - 205.103 Lot Requirements and Setbacks #1. Lot Area - Change to read as follows: A. Each site in a mobile home park shall have a minimum of 3,500 sq. ft. � shall have a mi #3. Setbacks - change to read: "No mobile home shall be placed any closer to a public street right-of-way than 35 feet or a� closer to any other property line than 15 feet." Page 49 - 205.104 Parking Requirements #2. Curbing and Drainage - change to read: "All interior streets shall be concrete and road surface constructed accord4ng to city standards to handle drainage according to approved drainage plan." PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 17, 1980 PAGE 6 Page 55 - 205.13 C-1 DISTRICT REGULATIONS Under #1, Principal Uses, A- E, Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Herrick had a question on what was "small" such as "small convenience stores and services", "small retail services", and "small offices". Mr. Boardman stated he has never had a prob7em with this. The Planning Commission concurred to delete the word "small" in each paragraph. #3-E, under "Permitted Uses with Special Use Permit" - change to read: "Banks and financial institutions" and delete "or other uses having drive-in fac—�iities" Mr. Boardman stated that C-1 has basically the same changes as R-3. Mr. Boardman stated that whenever "Zoning Administrator" or "City Engineer" appeared in the Zoning Code, it should be changed to "City". This change should be made on page 58 where "City Engineer" is written twice. Page 65 - 205.14 C-2 DISTRICT REGULATIONS 205.141 Uses Permitted Delete #3-E-(6) -"Building used as automobile service stations shall be so constructed of materials that are compatible with the adjacent area." #3-J - Animal clinics, etc. - Delete "or goals" Delete #3-J-(1) -"The building shall be of masonr construction, outside wal] minimum thickness to be eight (8� inches, with a precast concrete roof." Page 69 - 205.146 Parking Requirements #4-E - Change the word "catalog" to "document" The Comnission completed review of C-2 District Regulations ending on page 73. MOTION BY MR, OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA,�TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, GEN&RRLLY KNOWN AS THE FRIDLfi'Y ZONING CODE. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHRIRMAN XARRIS DECLIiRED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 17, 1980 PAGE 7 4. CONTINUED: CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSED NOISE ORDINANCE Mr. 8oardman stated that Kathy Ca]lahan, of the League of Minnesota Cities, will be at the next Planning Commission meeting to talk about the proposed noise ordinance. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY AiR. SABA, TO CONTINUE THE CQNSIDERATION OF R PROPOSED NOISE ORDINANCE UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING RYE, CHAIRMAN NARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. OTHER BUSINESS: A. "II-V n Hrea inq Requirement" and "I Mr. Boardman stated these are recommendations from the League of Minnesota Cities for modifications in state laws. It is for the Commissian's information only. MOTION BY MS. HUGHIs'S, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO RECEIVE INTO THE RECORD "22—V, CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION PLAT FILING REpUZREMENT" AND II2. XOUSING IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA". UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL vOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. InduStrial ReVenue Bonds Mr. Harris stated that at the City Council public hearing on the industria7 revenue bond request for office construction at 73rd & University, it surfaced that there were no guidelines or criteria for issuing industrial revenue bonds in frid7ey. So, they would like the Community Development Comnission ta try to put tagether some guidelines for industrial revenue bonding. Mr. Oquist stated this was a good time to bring up a concern that the Community Development Corrnnission had expressed at their last meeting. The Commission members are concerned that the Community Development Commission is not doing much, and the feeling is that the Comnission could be more involved in a lot of things that are going on at staff level. Mr. Oquist stated that before the Commission can work on any guide- lines, they will need to have some information on industrial revenue bonds so they can gain a better knowledge of what industrial revenue bonds are atl about. PLANNING�COMMISSION MEETING, DEGEMBER 17, 198� PA6E 8 ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY hIIt. SR.BA, SECONDED BY MS. HUGHES� TO ADTOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYfi, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE DECEAIDBR 17, 1980, PLRNNING COMMISSION MEETING AA70URNED RT Z0:35 P.M. Respectful1y submitted, tt,f_ �,�i�/ yneSaa Recording Secretary � . , �.�i�+�lic�*-%h i�!!�='� ;•,�.G-�c� � ��..-�..l,"f /7j /y�v � �,,%2,�Gu�� i —�� �� � � ��:�. _ , ���� _ iio� Yvs'� ��/,� f��, /�o� �� L ,�� ��_ .S3 �o � � � S � �d y �� �j, f ° s�a a ��. ��,