PL 07/23/1980 - 30541A
r� ' C7TY OF I'RTi7l�El' �
� . .
�'LAA�I�iNG i;0�?lr1ISSZON :�iL:�TTNG, .7UI�Y 23, 1.980 . _ . . � . _ _ .
CAT,L x0 OP1)L'R:
Chairman Harris called L-he ,7uly 23, 1980, Pl� Commission meeting tio
order at 7;3G p.m.
� R4LTyCALL : �
Members Presen�: rir. IIarris, Pir, Tr.euenfels, A'is. G�ibe1 (for Ms: Schnabel),
' • A1s , l�iugl-�es , I�ir . Whart on ' .
t�embexs Absent: Iylt. Langenfeld, Mr. Oquist .
O�hers Presentd Jerralcl Loaxdman, City Plannex
Jexome Chri��enson, 6260 Statl.i.te B1vd. N.E:
� Wa11�ce Sea.�le, 6231 Starli�e Blvd. N.�. �
. A1r. £: riis. Carl Chris�ensen, 9950 Co��onwood St. Td.W.
A�r. & A7is. Charles .Langer, G�30 �Ii_ckoxy St, N.E. ' '
� T�r. & Plrs, Louis Nash, b509 �ast River Road N.E.
Lue:�_3.1e A, Skovran, 6003 Gardena Ga.r.c7.e .
� Forrest �;eivill.e (D �: r Cors*ruc�i.on), 6426 I�t�xkwoad Drive; Cryst-a�.
i', Eu�;;ard J'nnalc, 133 Cxa.igC:7ay N.� .�
� .. Mary Ann. _I:app
�I'P1:UV1�,L, Ol' ,TUT�i.p 9� 19303 PT��>NNi1�TG- COt�Ti�ffSSIOi�T I�NCTI°FS a
A".0`�'I01�? by TMis ,�iu�l�es, �econded by ris . Gubel s�o con�inue the apprc,va7. of
t12e ��ci�.T].�.�'d �Commission minutes at the eud of the agenda. Upon a voice ti�ote,
a11 vot•ing a��, C1�aix�nau Harris declared the motion car.ried urianimously.
• 1. CQN�i?di?ED� PUI3LIC 1irAl2ZIvG: 1�EQti!?S� �OR A SPFCT�oZ US� P�P�.I�LIT, SP ��SO-Ofi,
BY .frl�G;iG CHRl:S'.tk'.IvSON: Per Se�tion 205.OS1, 2, A, ro a11ow the
• c:onstruction of a second accessory Uuilding, a 30 ft, by 26 ��. detaclied
ga►^age on Lots 10 and 1.1, Tlack 4, S,ylvan 13i11s Plat Three, tlie same
. beii�.� 6260 S�arli.�e Blvd. ' . '
. Public closed. '
rTr. Boazdman stai:ed that ai the last P1;annin� Commi�s.ion meeting, �he Conunission
requ::steu a,iegal opinior� o� cah1� �o do with t�iis second accessory builli.n�.
IIe had t-alt:ed to Tfz, Hezrick �nd i•Ir. IiErr.ick xndicatcd tliat they could tie
that properi:y 1����.1�7 to Clie athex 7.oC �ai�hou� an�* prob�lems as fa�: a� niarLg4ge
l�r.oblen,s . T1�:. liexr.:icl. had indica�ed Chat the o�ziy wa}� the mbztgage company
coulcl spa-r.�lcl t�hat mort���� nver t�•�o J ots caould L•e if �ir. Chzistc:nson himself
si�n�d �i� a�xe�me�►h tc cto so and that it would naL- automaLically cove"r both
la�so � .
� . C
PLAItiN1:I�TG G0211P•i]:SSZdIr' Mf;[:'�ttdG, J'UL,Y ?.::, 19g�J 1'AGE 2
� � ' . �
g�r. Boarclman staL'ed Lliat t�ir. IIcxiicic fel.�: this was ihe only way of handling !
� sc�cond accessory buil.di.n�, be�ause iL• �t�as iLlegal t:o cor:strucr a garage on.
a 1ot L-ha� .dic� .noC have a. main sL•xt�ctuxe._ The only ��ay to do iG is th�cough
a spC:G:I3� use �ermiE, but l:ie ihe �:tao• lo�s as one ltit.whiclz ��ould require a'
Lo� split betc�te Mr. Christienson could sell off any part of the property.
Mr,� ask.ed if there was anyonc� in the audience who wished to make a
sta�einent cancerning this •Ltem. As no aite rc�Gponcied, Mr. Harris stated that
�he F1aniYing Commiss3 on c•�auJ.d nc�t xeopen th.e public hearing .
tiro Haxxis sta�ecl he had thoughL- 7_ong and hard about tliis and had loolced at
the area, He coulcl undersCand �he petit9.orA`:; `s �esire to build a_ second
.accessor;� building and could also undersi:�nd tlie r,ei�hbors'� concerns iha� �he
second accessory bui�.ding might be used for. a.u�o body repair or repair of
aii�:amoUiles, also th�t i� migh� be used as a neighborlioo2'� sales lot. He
stated tkiat i.f the Cournission dr,es xecomme�xcl approval of this special use, he felt some� at�.pulat:inns should go with the ?:eccxi�mendaLion �liat would
restrict tLe use o� that buildin.g. �
Ms. I�ughes s�a�ed that somei:hing similar had llappened in her neighborhoad
ib�iere a neighbaa: expande.d 4�cao-caa garagz to a four--cax garage to do auto
repaix, has not been a probJ:em as lon� as ihe gara�e door is kep� closed.
in most inst'ances i�. �hese kinds o� neighborhaods, she was convinced tha� the.
noise and, �en��a1 appearancc co�!ld be cot�.�r_oiled, bu� she was not i� favar
of spe�ial u�e p�rmiL•s a.1Z th� time. Th.e F;_annzng Corrmission �eems i� g�t: r...1
a 1at oi L-l�em. She stated• �ha� it seem�d L;�c;� mighC be doing the i:eitihbarllaad
a'i'avor by allow�ng ti:is special "iase pe7�niL- �o get some o£ �he under
a roo� . ' . � �
N�s , Gabel s�ated sl�e agreed with 2•is . iiughes . It was her feeling that this
�,,Tas a r.zce neighl��rhood and zt irii�hi: be io the neig�iY,ors' advantage to get
�ihe vehicles out of sig�it. Repa�.ring cars is not a!z a1lo�aed use in that
neighbnrizoc�d; and if that is happening, i� can be iesol.ved an a coa�plaint
basis. .
�y�1r. Harx�.s stated that the Coa�r,issian can ana.?ce �ha� s�ipula�ion so that the
, neigl�bc�rs an� Mr . C1a�:Q.sLenson lcxiow that the buildii�o is being built stric�l3�
�o'r s� orage alid not �ax a liome occupation o� automob�.le repair or that type '
oi thing. � � • . � .
Air, Whaxton stated thzt; a� Che 7La,s� meetin�, , ene af the neighUors had indicai:ed
that; there wexe "toa inar.y balabe sales :" Iie s��ted i:hat would Ue a hard thing
�o �-e�ulai:e� bu� i.t �aas a neiglibor's concern �nd lie �aanted to bring iic up o
I�is .�Iughes asked Mr . Christenson if he haci gotten any legal advice on this
procedu�:c .
M�. Cha�istenson s�ated h�� had no�, bue he �,�s noC ini:exes�ecl in the special .
use pe�:u�l.� if i�: invo�.ved maki�ig one loC ouL of two 1ats. �
-'°r7`v..°f.,,� . `s•,�,�.�..y.,'�.,...,� , x �,.nti,t.r...,��..-v.a.w , r. .. . . .. .°rc'�--iv'..' : Tv^`�.5•,r, •--:4> `ti::�,.t:�PS. 4 s:Y°'r � ..,.-.!^[+.�!.'�°aPJ,^.,'.'.",�tt*'t".su'�8+'.F'r�r,�w'�!�ta•a,�-+ • . « _... . _ ..
. . L�
FLAN[•t.ftdG CONII�Lf.SSION M1:LTING, JULY 23, 1980 • � PAGE 3
/1'i ' ' .
---�- -- . ��ir. P,oardman explained l-haL- they ��ere not actually mllcing i� into one 1ot.
They o�ere tieing the. two loLs Cogether �so rha� Tir. Christenson could noL• -- ------
se11 the one lot �aithout obL-aining a lot split. The mortgage on L•he one •
lo� and L-he description of the lot L-haC the mortgage 'is �tied �o is the same
description and the same number. What the City is doing is legally binding
Mr. Christenson or anyone who owns L-he properl-y so that he cannot sell ��it�►rut
getting a lot split. The City ��ai11 not approve a lot split unless there is '
. a hou'se atrached to the garage he is planning to build.
MOTTON by Ms. Huf;hes, secon.ded by Ms, Gabe1, to recornmend approval to eity __. .
Council of a request fox a speci_al use pez�nit, SP 4�S0-06, by 3eroine Christenson;
. Per Section 205.051, 2, A, to a11o�a the construction of a second accessory
building, a 3.0 ft, by 26 fL-, deL-ached gara�e on Lots 10 ancl 11, Block 4,
�lvan Hills Plat Three , the same being 6260 Starlite lilvd . N.E .,�rith the
fo11o�•�ing stipu�_ations: • � .
1. Tha�.the building be.used tor stor.age and as a garage for
parking cars. . . -
2. That �here be no automotive body ox engine repair done on the
property as a home occupation. .
• 3. That �he proper.t_y should not be used for retail sales of .
• automobiles or automobile accessories. •
�. That �he Zots sha11 be legallq tied together and any separa�e .
� sale ci the lot �o�ll _requ�.re •1ot split appr.oval by the City. '
� �
Mr. $oardman sr:�ted that if Atr. Christensan wished to ��ithdrata his request at
any time, he must submit a let�er to the City.
Mr. Harris sta�ed �hat SP �80-06 was recommended for approval �o City Council
and ��ou1d go, before City' Council an Aug. 4, 19$0 0
C1iRTST�NS�N, D/B/A CHI2ISTENSEN �iY,CO I�ODYs Rezone Lots 22, 23, aiZd Z4
from R-3 (general multiple family d�aelling)to C-2 (general Uusiness
axea.$), and T,ot 21 from CR-1.(general office and limited business) to
'C-2 (general business areas), all located in B1ock 6, Fridley Park, to
. malce zoning consis'tent �wi�h use of tlie property as an auto body shop,
the same being 650]. �as� River R�ad N.E.
Public Heaxing open.
Mr. Harris stated this i,tem �,ras continued from the �7.asL' meeting, because
Mr. Christensen �oas not pre.sen�. .
Mr. Boardman s�a�ed the reason Ptr. Christensen caas not. present at the lasC
• meeting wa.s because hc cticl �ZUt reccive his notice o£ public heaxing itt the
� mai].. '
� . .
� �
I�J',ANNTNG CUl�'ITSSION MC�TIYtG, ��'ULY 23, ].9�;0 PAG� 4
�' - , rSQL:CON by rfs . Hu�;hes, seconded by Ms . Gabel, Co receive into the record a
---�-- -- -�et:tex-dated July 23, 198U, from Rhoda rI. Spang, Salcs P.epresentative of
� the MuXphy Oi1 Ccrporation, staCing tha� Muxphy Oil Corp., o�ti*ner of the
property lccatied at 64$5 EasL- River�Road, had no objection to Mr. Christensen!s
requesL' . • ' �
Mr. �oardman stiated L-hat, as c?iscussed at �he las� Planning Commission
meeting, Chris�ensen Au�o �oay is a non-canfoxmino opexation accoxding to
�he gresent zonirtg code. The zoning at tlze' pxesent� time is CR-1, and
Mr. Ghristensen's operation is only a11o��ed�in a C-2 zone and only with a
special use permit. The parking 1ot jusL�north o� the proper.ty, cahich
r'�r. Christ-ensen owns, is zoned R-3,�and a parking 1ot is also not allcwed in
an P..-3 zone on � 11�on-conforming use. Any use af �his property is an� expansian
of a non-conforming use and is against the code to expand a non-
conforming use. To con�inue his operation or coni:inue use of thai: paxkiizg
10�, I�L-c. Christensen must get xezoning of Lo� 21 from.CR-1 to C-2 and of
Lots 22, 23,-and 24 fram R-3 to C-2, and tl�en a special use pe�cmit to operate
on that C-2 zoned lo�. .
Mr. �,oui.s Nash, 6509 �as� F.iver Road, "sta.ted tha� he was the proper�y owr:�i
rtexi: to the tY:ree open 1o�s that Mt . Christer�ser_ wan�ed to tu�^n into a��;:::..�ng
10�. He had uo compiain�s aUou� Mr. CliristefZSen or his Taoxk or his work�:.-s,
but he did n�i: think_ a xesidenLia7. a.rea shoixld have a body shop, especially
a laxge one. He also had many ques�ions concerning po�.lu�ion con�rol, noise;
dust of auto body �7ork, an.d fumes. With taxecked autos, there are the hazards
of contaminates In the pa�king lot, eifiher gaing do�m, the sewer or into
adjoining p?'oper�ies, eati�.g up the pavemeut and creata�ng a fire hazard.
Mr. Har�is asked Mr. Christensen if he would address Mr. Nash's concerns.
Mr. ChrisL-enseil stated tha� as iar as poilutants and chemicals, there are �
a 7_ot of r_hemicals involved in auto body xepaix. The I'xidley Fire Dept, was
a.t his Uusiness tha� day regardin� the u�daiiiig of anything that might be
needed, and everything was sa�isiactory. He sL-ated this could Ue verified
with bob Aldxick of the Fire nepL. As iar as aix purificat�on, he has an
elec�ronic air puri.fier �haL is l».g enough to handle the size of the buil.ding
he owns . As far as fi.ltering oui.side, lie has i.o� had any compZaints regarding
exhaus� iiom both�bors I.ivin.g nea� door o� neighbozs down. the line.
Ms. Hughes asked rir. Chris�ensei� if he l�ad ag�;eed to, a landscapin� plan or
if he had prepared a:�e . ' .
Mr. Christensen stated he has discussed this �� Mr. Boardman, and he is
3.n agxeeaneiit wiL-h any landscaping that needs to be done .
r�s. II�t�h�s aslced Ni�. ChLisCensen if he could opelztc the business i.f he had
the rezatt3.n� �Jithout being zUJ.e t� h�ve access onto Miss�.ssip�i S�.
rr,nr�rlc cor�rr.ssxorr r�:�fizrtc� �ur�Y 2�, 19?0 PAGJ: 5
� Mr. Christensen sCaeed ehat at the present L-imc', no, because L-he overhead
• clnors going ii�to the buildLng are on Mississippi St.
Ms. Hughes lie would haridle using the door onL-o Mississippi S�. and
then�storing cars i.n Che back lot--how taould they get �o the back loL-?
Mr. Christensen statiecl L•here is a drivec�ay lett-in� him in off Mississippi '
in�o,the building and tllere is also a driveway into the parking lot on the
oL-her side. I� would involve pulling out ontc, PZississippi and coming around
and iri on East River Road. The only o�her wa�� would be to put an overhead
daor into tlie back o:C �he building L-o a11ow access out to the parking 1ot - m.� .
tha� way, and that could be doue. .
Ms. Hughes asked if he could run the operation with the doors closed at a11
times. • •
Mr. CIi�°istensen stated they do keep the doors closed during the winter, but
do not in the summer because of the hea�� �
AZrs, Langer, 6530 Hickory St. N.E., stated �hat on behalf of Mr. Edward Brooks,.
6506 Hickory St. N.E., who could not be present, he had indicated that he �aas
not opposed �to Mr. Christensen's present operation or the noise or pollution.
He objected somewhat the to C.-2, because of the fact that if
r1r. Christens�r, sold �he proper.�y, sou-�e oL-her fonn of business, such as �
n . restaurant, that the neighborhood would no*_ like could go in there. Mr. ��ooks
. had also stated he would not like an apartment building �here.
Ms. Hughes sta�ed tha� the t�uilt-electronic'air purifier Pfr. Christensen
had referred to was an electrostatic precipitator and handles just particulates
or dust and probably has a very good efficieney, but does not do anything for
fumes and hydro-ca�bon solvents such as Nr. Nash was concerned about,
Ms. Gabel asked if Mr. ChrisL-ensen had any future plans �or expansion.
M�. Chris�ensen stated he would like to add 20 feet to the back of the
building for off-ice and storage. It �aould not involve adding any stalls to
the operati.on. Tt would involv,e put�ing an overhead door in the center
through to the other side ot the lot so they can get fram the shop out into
L-he parking area. The,office would be in front and the storage in back and
tlixougll the middle c,rauld ba a liallcaay �ohere the cars �aould g�t through into
the parlcing lot.
P1s . Gabe1 as�ed how many cars c.�ould be parkea i.n the lo� at one �ime and
how long did it �ake to process tliat amount of cars? '
Mr. Christen.seii stated that, at the most, there might be 15-20 cars in fihe
parking lot. They t-ry to schedule ihe repair of cars I�tonday through Friday ""- •-
so that mos� ot t�e cars are ouL- by ��iday. There would usually be no more
than si:c cars in thG ��a��k3.n� lot on the rveekend, tCao oi wliich are l�is cars.
�"`� . .
a� ' .
- � w. .�..,,..nn�..,._.._..o..e,�..... _..,.._.._._,^....._._.., ...__..._ .__ . ._..� ..._ . . '
- . , . .,�.,�,
PLAIdNTNG CO�fISS70N MCI,TING, JULY 23, 19EC1 � ' _' __ PAGE 6
' rirs. Lan�cr stated she felt they sliould be very equitable to the people
involved, because a11 of �hem kr�owing the body shop was. L-here,
�"�����- .-�J and-they had no objecCion at that time. In fcairness to Mr. Chr�.stensen,
he had upgraded the business cansiderably, and she did no� thinlc they should
be doing thin�s ro put him out of business. Iiowever, Lhey should considex
the fact that if Mr. Christansen shoul.d sell, they would not wanC the praperty
rezoned to C-2 whexe tlzey could ge� some business in there that the neighbor-
. hood.would not want. •
Mr. Harris asked if there was srnn� way �ha� Mr. Christensen could aontinve
L-o operaL-e his business_in the present size building ancl use the area to the 1 a parking lot under R-3 zoning wi�hout changing the zoning.
M�c, Boardman statEd he can use 12-� zoned progerty with a special use permit,
but there is the question tliat by �he�use of that R-3 zone, would Mr. Christensen
'�e�expanfling a non-confoi-ming business? The only way Mr. Boardman felt he
caould be allowed to do that is �o rezone the coruer properey where the building
�.s located to a C-2 zone and L-hen a�.low �l�e use of the adjacent R-3 property
'with a special use permit. The problem with xestricCing the C-2 property to •
just the corner lot i.s that �iiey are resiric�ing any expansion possibilities
�or P4r. Christensen and would also be creating a substandard C-2 lot.
Mr. Harris astced Mr. Ch:cistensen if he had �hought of any alternate use for
the proper�y, ^+�her than the auto Uody. regai��.
Mre Chris�ensen stat�ed he had nofi. Auto body repair is his profession and ;
he felt we11 qualified in tha�: profesSion. He stated he tries to run a good,
clean shop. He is not looking a��selling the property but just making a living
far Yiimself . '
Ms. Nash askect if the property-could be landseaped �.way from their property
so that no Lransmission oils, etc., would seep into their property.
1Ki. Christensen stated that, yes, that could be dorie. _
Mr. Nash. stated he did noi. thinlc an 8-foot tence t•�as conducive to a residential
area . . • ` .
Mr. Chris�ensen suggested t1-►at�the 8-foot fence be put in the�back half
where �he cars would be parlced and the fronL- �ali could be all landscaped.
Aexoss �he si:reet :�� the Spur Sl:a�Cion, they had dropped. the fence down to .
a 3-ioot h�ight in t'he front area so th aL• �he reszdents did not ieel.7.ike �
they �aere lootcing at solid wall.
M�c, l3oardman statecl he had no proUlem �aith �:hat. Th'eir main requirement is
Chat a11 parking has to be screened irom a di�iei;e�.t zone, based on city code.'
Hosa much screening could be de�ermined Uy the'Commission.
Ai0TI0N by ASs. liugl�es, se:.onaca ry r2s. GaUel, t� close the public hearing on
ZOA ��80-03 by Carl �. Christensen. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye,
Chaii-man llarris deciareci the public heara.n� cl.osed aL- 8:3b p.m.
,.. �_...�a...n.,.�.�,....w..�..._. w..�....e�..�..�.�,-,.�...,.��..�„��.,���.,,,.,-..,..,_-�
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o '
PLAP�IQTIIG CO,�it�fISSION 1•11.I:TTrIG, JULY 23, 1.980 '. � '�.PAGE 7
Ms. Hughes stated she was somewhat reiuc�ant to vatc for rezoning in a block '
where residential,•and it seemed sensible to�leave Lots 22, 23,•.
and 24 as an R-3 area, In looking at the properties on the four corners of
tliat intersection, it r�tas nat out of character to leave Chat corner lot ,
coum�ercial in some form, 2t would seem eo her very possible for this property
to become a lot more attractive for ather uses than an auto�body, onc� rezoned.
Ho�aever, she did not see any good way out oL tlie dileum�a of puttin� it aZl into
one kind �of zoning. If she Iived in �hat area, she would zather see it not
rezonecl, but she did not get that feeling from most of the neighbors. There
are certainl,y noise impacts and visual impacts just by the character ot Mississippi
.and East Fiver P.oad at that point. F.ast P.iver Road is a major highway at that
point and nb� particular?y conducive to residential uses. She though[: there
z,ras some good rata.onale for rezoning, but the i.mpac� ar� that property is going .
to come �7hen the proper�y is sold for some other use,
Ms. Gabel.statied she heard thc neighbors saying it was no problem with an
auto body repair shop, but taere concerned about rezoning and cahat could happen
doc+m the 1ine. She was con�erned aUou� that, too. Also, it was really a spot
rezoning, an e�pansion of. a non-conio.cnling use. .
TZr. Harris sCated he has looked over the building quite extensively. He sta�ed
he could not vote for rezoning to C-2 for the reason that; rezoning to C-2 •�
wouZd p-rabably solve thc i�nmediate problcm, but they have to Iook at the
n ultimate impact on the surraunding neighbo��ood. �The rest of that block is
zoited R-3. As much as he wouZd like to see tir.. Christensen have a thriving
�.business, he c�u1d not vate for rezoning, because it does not fit c•�ith the
cliaracter of the res� of the neigh�orhood.
MOTT�n by Mr. t�har�on, secanded by Mr. Treuenfels, to recommend approva7. to
Ci��� Council of a rezoning request, ZOA ��3Q-03, by Carl E. Christensen, D/E/A
Christensen Autu Sody: Rezone Lats 22, 23, and 24, frcm R-3 (general multiple
family d��elling)to C-2 (general business areas), and Lot 21, from CR-1 (general
oftice and liu�ited business) to C-2 (general business areas), all 7.ocated in
Bl.ock G, I�'ridley Park, to make zoning consisteizt with use of the property as body shop, the same beiug 6501 East River Road N.E. �
MOTIO�T by T�s . Hughes , seconded b}� ris , Gabel, �o recommend approval to City
CounciJ. of rezonin�; rec�uest, ZOA ��SO-03, b}� Carl E. Christcnsen, D/B/A
Chris�ensefi �1u�o T3odti�, L-o rezune T�ot 27. only �fiom CR-1 (general office and
limited business) to C-2 (�;enera]. Uusiness areas), l.ocated in Flock 6,
Fridley Pa��lc, to malce zonin consisCent taitli use of ttie property as an auro
body stiop, t11e same bein�* G501 East River Road N E
Mr. Treueniels stated he would like to see Mr. Christensen's business expand,
e . '
PT,ANNING COMMZSST.ON A11'si?.TII1G, JULY 23,L 19$0 4 � • • PAGI: 8 _
Mr. Harris stated thae ZOA �kEO-U3 wo.uld be before City Council £or approval � �
on LoC 21 only . . , . � •
. BY CAF.L �. CARISTENSLid, D/�%A (:,IIKYSTEI�SFN AUTO BODY:. Per Section 205:101,
3, D, to allow a garage fo� the storage, rnpairs and servicing of motor
vehicles not over two-ton capacity, locatecl on Lo�s 21; 22, 23, and 24,
Block 6, Fr3.dley Park, the same being 6501 East River Road N.E.
� MOTIOIJ by Ms . Hughes, seconded by rSs . Gabe1, i� � open the public hearing on
SP �80-08 by Carl E: Christensen. Upan a voice vote, all voting aye, .
' Chairman Harris declarAd the public hearing open aC 9;29 p.m. .
Mr. Boardman stated this special use permit is for the auto body operation.
•� In order to allow the use of Lots 22,.23, and 24, which are zoned R-3, two
• speciai use permits are going to be needed--one to a11ow Lot 21 to be used
as an auto body repair shop and one to allow parking on Lots 22, 23, and 24.,
.Mr. Harxis asked if L-here were any s�ipulations �,rith the use of Che building
that the Co�ission should be concerned abeut such as a filtering system?
Ns . Hughes stated she did not. thi�ik so with the size oi tliis building. The_ .
only thing she would expect is that if Mr. Christensen opens up a door to the
pa-rking lot, the.r_e might be some need for them to require any future door on
t�e north side to be closed at a11 times. 5h� did not see any proUlem �� /�'1
J.eaving the Mississippi St. dooZ open,. because that does not now and is not, --
Iilcely to impact ihe neighborhood i.n tea:ms o�E noise.
Mr. Boardman stated that since the first special use permit is restricCed
only to Lot 21, it would require Mr. Christensen to do some landscaping on
Lor 21. Another rhing that should be considered at this time is bikeway/
walkCaay easements along Mississippi St. wi.�hin the 20 �t. green area. This
�aould not restric� his area as far as parl:ir.g area ar the building.
MOTION by Ms. Hugl�es, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to close �he public hearing on
par� 1 of SP �SO-08 by Carl E. Christensen�. .
Mr. Nash statecl.he �thought there should be a limit oxi,Mi-. Ghristensen's
business hours. �, ' . � �
. Mrs. Langer stated she has never heard any noise from Mr. Chris�ensen's
business, l�ut they do hear noise from the cax� wash across the streeC, which
opeza�es un�il Iaee hours. �
CLOS�D �,T 9:54 p.m. . . ._ . � �-- - .. .. .. - -
�^a..+�-.q„�.....-« . , .. . . :��°,�Y'w.��T.°,^°°...,,�.K..�...- ..��.t.-�..�s�.-.v.� n. -,�mr.r.o°r,r-Fw...r-.,�r:_: �..�,�, ..._,,'?"7',em�c"�'f•'t,.t'c�!"s°'�'.��ftF;. .�..'�°f"�r.7S'e°..m'oZt,e*!�C!g".:� :^r.�,�
MOTiUN by M�;. �Iu��thes,. scconded by Mr: TrcucnfelsL tc�. recommend approva.l to
City Council of parC 1 of the -rcc��.test for. a sp�cial use permi.L-, SI' �k80-08,
� Ca.rl L. ClirisCensen, D/I�/A C}►�i�stensen AuCo �oc�:. �To allo�� a-gar�-��c for
the use ot an auio body shon l.ocated ori Lot 27., Blocic 6, r�idley Park, the
same Uei� 65U1. Isast P.ivrr F.oad Id,E., witli the following st-ipul�1tions:
� i. That an =;cce���able landscapi��l�lan U� a�pLOVed by CiL-y Staff.
2. Tha� �asemenL•s be ded�.cated for a_bikec�r��/walk�•�ay system on
° Missi.ssi_�i St^
3.. That any future door oa the nortih side of t�e bui7.ding be kept
elosed except �•aheri vehicles �o in and out during the hours of
business oper�.tion,
4. That the hours of business be IimiCe� to 7:00 10:00 p.m.
Mr. Whartion stated he intended to vote in favor of this motio►-�, and he also
intended to do everything he could to keep Mr. CIiristen.sen in business.
MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms.. Hughes, to open the public hearing on
part 2 oi SP �80-08 by �ar1 �. Christensen. Upon a voice vote, all��voting aye,
Chairman Hariis declared the puUlic hear�ng open at 10:�30 p.m. .
� 1��r. �oard�,an :�.'.����-ed tlii� wcxcl3 �e� a special �ase pe-�-ai3.t to a�.J.ow tlie use of a
parking 1ot or� R,-3 next to .an adjacenc busin.�s to be used ior tha� business.
� I� �aould have to meet the se�back.requiren�ents and xequire a landscaping
ciCCO:::Cj.1_12S�T �O C1.�y' COG�. � -
Mr. Harris stated he thouglzt i� would be for Mr. Chris�ensen and
p�r. 1Lasli to get toge�her �rith Staif to discuss the landscapin.g on the north
end oi Lhe property to come up taitll a I,andscapin,g plan �hat woicld be agre�able
to. a11 parties . , � •
Af0'TTON by Mr. Wharton, seconded by :"Is. flughes, to close the public hearing orl
��art 2 of SP ��a0-08 by Carl E. Christensen. iTpon a voice vote, ai1 voting
aye, Chairman iiarris declared the pu�lic hearing closed a� 10:05 p.m.
' . MO�.'ION by Ms. GaUe7., seconded U_y Mr. Treueniels, to recarancnd apprc�tlal to
CitS� C�uzlcil of parC. 2 of �the reques� faz a speci�ll use pennit, SP �'kE0-08,
by Garl �. Christensen, D/Ti/A Chris�ensen Auto Bod�; To all.o�a the use of a
�atl:iii�; lot zoned R-3 adjacent t:o 1' business to be used for that Uusiness,
located on Lots 22, 23, aild 24, �ilock 6, Fridley Park, the same Ueiiig b5.01
East hiver ltc���d N.E., �oith Lhe Lollo�aing sLiPular.ions: �
� 1. That a landscapin� plan be �aarlced oue sa�i.siactorily �aith City
Staff, Mr. Cl�ristenseni and Pir. Nash on itie north eiid of the
.�L`,rtSr .
2. Tha� easements be dedicated for a bikewaylwllkway sys�eni on
� Piississxp �i St �
n. 3. Tlia� the hotn:s•of Uusi.ness Ue limited �0 7:00, to 10:00 p.m.
� CAI:P.x�D UNAI�lIMOUSi,Y: . . .
r�nrn�ztac eor�rrxssxort r��:�;�.ezrac, J�� ��19$� a.. � PncE _lo_
Mr�. li�rris stat�cl thaL- �oth parCs of SP tf8U-08 •w���te recmumnended to City
Co�br�cil fa� �pproval. . � � �
Mr. �oardmaai sta�ed Lh�� �he rezonin� requcst w111 gcs �o City CouncLl on
Sept . 1.5 . Acti:.,�. an tn� special use permi.c FaiZl p�-oUa�bl.y be tiabl.ed by City
Council un�il. L-h�:y take action �u the on Sept. 15. �.
4. Zi�T SPI,�T kF..C�i7�S'C, Z:S: ��80-U���, A& E C�Id�TRUCTtt�N: Spli�t off the
Sr.suth 14 feet c�f Lat 7 4!nd aci�1 i� t4 Lo.� E, I31ock 27, Hyde Park, �o
m�ke a new buildi�g si.:e, thc: same bein, 5775 22 St. N.�. (LoL 7
addressed as 5783 2 2 St . Iv.E o)
Mr. Iiarris.stated this was not a public hea.r�ng, but they would conduc� it
as an znformai public hearing.
T•�r. }3oardman stated there is pxesen.L-ly a dix�,lex on Lots 7 and 8. Lc�� 6 i.s
a sepa;ca�e lot tha� is •a 4�J-�t. �.ot. Whdt, �he peCitioner weuld like to do is
add I4 fL', tzken, from �oL- 7, and acld thas� onto Lot 6 Lo make Zot 6 a bui.ldable
1o�t sa�e, That makes T ot 6 a 5$-t�. lot. He sta�ed that a dupl.ex-si4e Iot,'
requireuient �s 10,000 sq. ft.y a�d �his 10+,: split bri_n�s the 10� size of �he
auplex aot�ni i:o 9,b00 sc�. ft, Thy.s is stil�. over 9,000 sq. f�. which 3.s allowed
�or a s3.ngle family, and a singl.e fumiZ� is only a1lo�ved in L-his speci.a�. zoning
disf:�ict . .
gts ��a13e1 stateci she �,ras cancerne<� about �i��� � size of the house that ��ra.s gc:ing
�o be pui: on �Iiis lot and tahat lcind of -va�'inA4ces wauld te :sF`ded to bu�Ld �l�e .
house< -`
Mr�, Baar�max� stat�d �I1at the builder, Mx. �'c�x-rest Me1v�I1e, D& E Construction,
�aas in the aud.,'_ence an�1 could a,.zswer thc,se i�uestions e
Pir. A4elvi1le statec� D& E Gor�stxuc�ion �aas representiztg Mary Ann Kopp a He
stated trlia� �theS* aie aC�eu�pting to do is puC in a 24' x 36 ` or a 24 ��: 4fl`
house, and it wo�!ld proUalaZ;� ha�,:� �� be Fui� endways on �.:he l.ot, btlier:aise,
the lot c,;ould no� have enoagh seCback. Pis. Kc�pn is going nn a 235 mortgage
�an.�a under a 235 mca�i:ga�e she ct�xtnot afford �a buy a lot over.$10,000. Tha�
is t•�hy Chey arc� attemptin� to ��i: Lir� 1at, split and 1:eep the cost do�a:i. One
ut Lhe aeasons the�r a;ce beiore the Planniilo �orcnnission is because tl�ey �ad �
anot:l�e�_ IoC fox` P4s .� Kopp, . Uu� i� caas four.d uitbui7.dabl:� . As a result of that,
1+1� . I�opp had al.ready sold her ltouse trailer and is n���a living Lrom place to
piac�• �vitY� her t�4�o children, zhe�i are atf.-emp�i� to utave as fasC as they c�n
as sYae needs a place to live . • • � •
�2r. 1�1c11ri1Ie st:�ted D FK E C�nstxuction works witli'a company called Lhe
Stxat�ord Comnai�y in St�atfa��l, idisconsiii, cahich builds houses that are
:.o�7sid4rG�3 moc?uZe. The building is Uuilt cut af state �ut wi11 pass all
riinneso�a s�ai:e regulai:ioris and �Iil� r�qui_xe�nent�, �L•c. - -. �
. '�
-c'm.a.-• ,'.s�-oc,.a.-rr�^¢+�.*.1c^�-'F,,-r-•,va�;�,,...4.+e.,•vw.e. ..�5p., . ,.. r,�.-«,.r,�Tf,+�x;:.'S�- ^:�dw:*-`ha:5"cn-v:,r,e��.-.n.�.«R�n,i;t°"'�'t�,�aa'pRSr.�.^."'v'S'�,!}�°+'vuen"'"°q•:�-....-.,-oo...'�-..
- - . .. "�':.�%s"?
PLf+NNLNG COt•�IISSION ril:GT'CNG� JULY 23, 1980 • PAGT: 11
�•---'� �� � 2•iUTT.ON by Ms . Gabel, seconded 1� Mr. WnarCon, to• recol��nend a rovnL ta Cit-y
' � � Cotmcil. of Lot Split .Reqties�, 1,,5. ��$U-04, D&� C�i►stru�tion; 5plit off.
the South 7.�E feet of I�ol: 7 and acld it t•o I.ot G, Plock 271 Iiyde Park, to
make a new building sitc, the same•bein� 5775 2 1/2 St°reer N:E. (Lot 7
addressed as 5783 2 1/2 Si:reet N<E.
Mx. Iiarris 'stated L.S .�80-0!r� would go to City Council on August 4. ,,,..._
5. LOT SP�.TT REQUEST, L;S; �k80-�S, �Y EPWARD Se JONAK: Split off the North
. 7U �ieet o� T�ots 4, 5, 6, �lock 2, i_ncluding all thai: part �f 57 1./2
Avenue r;.Eo (vacaEed, ordina�tce' 37I), City View, to make a nec•� buildii�.g
site, the same being 5750 3rd Street N.E. � �
M�°. Boardman staCed the problems they are having wi�% this i.s that back i"n
1957, tlze Gi�y vacated the stzeet right-of-F�ay but" 1e�t ttte utilities and
drainage across the cahol.e 33 feet of vacate3 stre�r. In the staff review of
. �his reques�, they came across tl�.at and toZd Mr. Jonak tha� in order to
approve the 7.0� spiit, he woiild also have %o gei: a va�ai;ion aa those utility
easements. T�ey have talked to Engirieering, and Fngineexing sees no problems
in vaca�in�, L-1-.o �e ease:nent areas as �l�exe aze no utilities in that 33 f�eet. -
�FiL��d@V�'�y SLaff c�ould 7.i_ke tha� vacafiion done to �o alang wit� the loL- spi�?�.
�� �i�r. ��ardman s�ai:ed that there are pteseii�lq :�o utili+�ies on 3xd StrE�L- �nci
t�ie �oi�.1y u�J_3.i.ties available to L-lia� proper�y are ou 57�h P1ace. 2•ir. .7onak
owns Lots 4, 5, an3 6 fi:o tlze svuth .and ease�er�t�. would have E:o be de�icat:ed
. o�f �those 1oL-s �o allo;a utila.ty easemeiz�s to get ug �o that new ioL tc, bui�d,
Mx. Poarclman stated his recom.mendatiion. caould be to continue the Iot split
xequest until the vacatian of utilities is applied for..
Mr. Jonak stated he �aould l,ike to submi.t the request that �he u�iiity �ase-
ment xetained e�y the City bc vacai:ed and thaC the va.cation fe� be �aai��erl,
Mr. �oardman s�ated �his reques� would have �o be submitted to the City
Council as the Planning Coinmissxon does no� have Che authaxity to waive fees.'
P70�.rr.c►z�* by r�__�n,arLo�� seconded tsy Ms . G1be1, to reco�nmec�d a�iprova7. to City .
Caunci,l of. lot eplit r: quesL�L,�. ;{SO-05, �i�� Ecl�oard S. Jonalc• Sp7_it of.f
�Yir_ i�orth 70 i:e:c�i of Lot-s_4 S, G, Filocic 2, includzri� al:� �har paxC of`
57 1/2 A��ciluu N,1; e v�cZted ordin�nce 371� Gi.r ��' �
�_-�- �--.---' . , ) ��_e�a, �o make a netv buildinh
siL-e, t:he sam� beitZg 5750 3rd SY.. N.E.� subjecL �o the vacation of t.he
utilities iu the adjoa.ning street2 wit:h the iol.lot�ing sL•i�ulation:
�-.Tll:li, e<1SC1n�i1L' L�e al"lo�aecl tor utilitie� along the southerly portion
O� r,OtS �+, "J, 8riC1 Cl,
��_ . . • .
�,/II�I�1iTIG C�s�t°1l:SSxO1�I 2•4:��1'7LTdG, JULY ?.3 1.9�0 PAGF. 12
.-_ -. - . �hai�.'man }tarri.s dec].are3 a Lei�-r�i.r�ute Uxeak aL- 10:40 p.m.
MOTION by Mr. �,Thartc�n, secon.dcd by �'is . G�be]., ta con�inue discussion on
Proposed Changes to Chapter 205. �oning. 11po�-� a voice voL•e, a13. voting aye,
Chairman decJ.�red ��he moZion carri.ed u�.�.nimously.
7. �,;�I;x�tF' ,�UI.,Y 1, 1980 SPFCIAL rNERGX CU:a�CSSIO;�T I�I:T�FNG MINUCES:
MOTI4�.v by t4x. Whar�on, sc.condec� by Ms. Gab�1, to receive the J'u1y 1, 19��, --f�.�_
5pecial Energy Commission meei:in� minutes. • .
Mr , ��Thar�an s�ai:ed the meP�ing was called to discuss the grant
, pror�os�.1 submit�ed tc the League oi N[innerota. CiLies. He stated Mary� Cayan .
. did an oursf:anding jub i�n. ��:ep��ri_ng �he• propc�sal, and she feels tha.L- Fridley
ilas a pre�t� good chance at getting �he $9,500 grani e -
Mre Whart:on stated the other �iL•cm �iscussecl, �s•ras the En.�•rgy Policy, and they �
u1�de a mot3_on xeai:t-ixming thei�' co^miitmen.t to the l�ridley Energy as •
sus�l�i1�.�:Led to Cicy . �.1�1C.' }�'Tie�gy Pa3.icy ha.s now c�me aut.. as �he "Fn��g.y:
Cnrmi� s�ion Guidelines" whicli was �assed Uy City Caunci:l.. �
7�';'CI•; A VC:��1; j���:.'�, AT_,T� VC�'�:C1l� A�'�, CiiATlti�fl�1� T;�.I'P.,TS Dk�.Cf.Al'.EA T�i� MOZZOi7 � �
• C[1R��gED iTrIAT�ITiOUSLZ' : _
� 8 �^ RECT;:� VF; .,T[TLY 10, __19 8�, IIOi1Sl�I:�G. �: It�DL'4'T�L�PI�I''.P AiTitIORIlY NIl:I�UT�S ;
MpTI��1 b�> Ais . Hughes, seconded t�y T'ir. Treuenfeis, ta xeceive the Ju1�t �0, 19fi0,
Housir�g £� RedeveloPinent L�,ui harity n�inutes . • �
Mx. 13uardman sta�ed �h1'� th.4 ]�,�, wi1.1 be �:.icaeti�.xg on Ju�y 24 to make a decision
. o�. JVD's p�:o��sa1. �� thai: meetzng, he sai�.1, l�e recomrnending a counter-
gxososal to .7VD. If the HP.,� aP�xov�s tl�.at uoun9�er-proposal, it will go �o:
�cn} e Z f�TVi) does noL• accept tlie counter-graposal U, �!ug . 1, Chen they �aill,
� go out fox bids again, , � .
iTP01'' E, VOICr V09�'E, ALL' VO�.'IZ�IG �'i'� 9 CIiAIP.1�3AI�' HAP.i'�I� DE�LAI2ED �'fiE MOTIdN
C!�1tR��D UN1�Ti�10USLY o ' '
9. �.�c�i�r �u�Y 7.5 , 19so, A���?�s cor�r�ssiar ruil��rs s
. �IOTTO�I b3� I�i�o, Gabel, secanded by Mr. Treuc�n�els, to receive Lhe July 15, I9S0,
Appeals Counnissiore minutes . tTpon a voice vo�e, all 'voting aye, Chairman liarxis
de�laied the s�o�ion c�a:ried U21�11111110U^aly .
�.o . nri�i.ov� .�tn'� 9 > �-�IIO, �����c cor�n:iSIQN A�I�IUT�S : .
14CtTtON by- r4s . Ilu�h�s, seconclecl Uy NIr, . Txed�erfels, to ap�,rove the .7uly 9, .19a0, �
�'lann3n� Commi.ss3.ai1 mii3uCcs . � � •
. . . �
... __ ..�. .. _.. .,..._..., ._....� _......-.,.. .,��..,,�n�Y.�-,-�, . . -�-n- ° . , "� �.,�,,,�
� _ __-- --- -- -
PI.AP�trtNG COIIMTSSION r![:L'1'rt1G, .71il�1' 23, 7.98o rncr 13
Ms. Hu�hes made the correcrions:
-Page 1, second to last paragraph, second line: ."man" should be changed
�:O ��fi3I1Y�� . • '
�age 4, paragraph 8, "Mrs. llugfles" shouZd be changed to "Mrs. Gabel"".
,Page 4, second to last paragraph, re«oxd sentence as follows: "Mrs. Hughes
aslced ii it was necessary �o have �he �etitioner here at the meeting."
Ms. Gabel sta�ed �hat on page 5, item ��6, regarding the lot split request,
L.S. ��80-03, by 14edegaard Construc�ion Co., she would lilce it noted tha�
the reason she made the motion L-o approve �he lot splii: was�Uecause.she felt
it was the only way to get rid of �hat house as th4'house �aas a health hazard
and theq had Ueen dealing with it for over t��o years. A1so, the neighborhood
was total.lq in favor o� L-he lo� split and wanted a house ve�:sus wha�.�hey are
dealing with now. .
A. S ign �rar. zance
Mr. }3oardman statecl that about a month ago, Gharlies in Fridl.ey asked
fox a t=ar_iance c�n their sagn. The var:ia�c.e �oas issued to the owner
oi' Ck�axlies. Iiowe��er, �he p�operty has chan.;ed hands wi,�hin the 1as�
�wo ���eeics, and. l�ir. Raphael has �akeil over as . awner. � Mr. �oardir►an
wanLed to know if the �lar�.ning Commissipn. had any objection to City
Counca.l allowing the variance to go to the new ot�,mer �ithou� having
Mr. Raphael go �tlirough the tahole appeals process ,
Mr. Ii�.-rris stated that as lon� as there was no substantial change
in the variance request, he could see no izeed for anothe� variance.
Ms. Gabel sL-ated she was sure the Appeals Commission��vould not have
any pr.oblems with � that ei�lier.
]�. "Metropolztan Counci�. for Review o� �ro�osed Amendme�its
to Local Comprehensive Plans" ' • � •
Mr. ��axdman s�a�ed this �vas MeCropolitan�Council's amendment pro-
ceduzcs to the Compi•ehensive Plan. The amex7dnient procedures are
��tite lengtl�y. Ai1y chai�.ge in fil�e Comprehe�tsive Plan tha� �ai1s
within these .�mendnient procedures h��s L-o be ieconnneitded by Ghe C�t�y,
has to be Zevietsed by :� nei�hborin� caQnmu�lity, and has to go before
reviel�i aL• MetxopoliCriu Couilci.l.. He st�t;ed he caas �re�:y conce�ned
aUouC rhis dacument, �
-c��, :�e .,,-.:..i�. •... .,.owa.,.. .: .,..o....�-.......,.. . ......o .. '" . . , .,._�.....,. ,.� � ,.... .,. .- , .. .. _, ..-. .. . . �a . -. wamn r , ..n... r. s.. y . �.�e«. . .... . . ..
. ... . i a �. • .:q�°"
IrLAPJY1I:i•dG C0;?hTtSSION MI.E1'ING, JUL;' 23� 1980 PAG� 14
Mr. Boardman'stated that Ci.ty Council p��,ssed' a resolu�ion Lo extend
the fo1 corrnnent on these .guidcl�nes unti7. Sept . 2. Tliere .is .a
public hearing on July 31 �.t 2; 00 Z�.m, i�1 tlie�Metxopblitan Council
chambers. lie stat:ed he hoped to get s�me ccxnmenL-s tio�ethea: ior -that
meeLing. '
Mr. Harris staL-ed tihe Planning Commission could discuss this again
at the nex� mecting.
C. Regional 7.'rails Join� Powexs Ag�eem�n�
T�Ir. Eoardman st��ed the Comani.ssion had �ec�uestec� a copy of the
Ttegional Trai,ls ?oint Po�aexs .. Agreement• passed by Cit_y C�uncil and
Anol;a County.
r�OTION by rTs . Ilughes, seconded by Mr. Wharton, to receive the
Re�ional Trails Join� Potaers Agreement. Upon a voice vote, all
voting aye, Chairman Harris declarecl ihe. mo�ion carr�ed unanimously.
D � Energy Commission Guide].ines
r20TI0N by P2r. �dharL-on, secanded by 1�Is. Gabel, to recieve the "City of
Fridl.ey Energy Commi.ssion Guid�li:nes" . Upon a v.oice vote, all voting
ay�e, C'�a.irman Harris declaxed tl�e mo�i.on car�ied unanimousZy.
Ee City af Sprin� T.ake Paxk Oftici�.l rub:.i.cation.s
- F.
PZr. Boardman stated tlie Flanning Co�an.ission had a copy of two official
notices from Spring Lalce �'axk--one for a public hearing to split
parcel 8450 L-a x�ezone _portion sp1i� off �rom C-3 to a proposed R-6
and a special use germi� to construct a 60 unit apartment complex
for the elderly; � and or.e iar L'lie �consideration oi an amendn�ent to the
Spring Lalce Park Municipal Code �o� i�sciude an R-6 classiiica�ion for
housing the e1de11y a.xtd handicapped .,
Mx. i3oaxdm�n stated Chese �.�exe �or the Commission.°s infosmation.
Paxt oi S�a�e
T�ain Cities Aietro Area
Ad�nted 7123/S� �
ation � fior Tota1 Sus
ed ParticulaL-es iiz
ired U�;� C1�aii �iir Act: AmendmenL-s of 1977) -
Ms . Hughes sL-ated this documen� taas �ar�: o� the Sta�e �.mpl.ementation
Plan for cont:�olling total suspended g�rL-iculates in tihe Twin Cities.
I� says �liey a�e going to eonduct a si:�udy. pii how to contro]. non-
traditional souxces o�' dus�, smolce, etc.. A� the end vf the seudy,
�hey are to come up caith p�:oposed strategics for coiZtrolling
c�us�. The local govern►nei�.t4 planni_ng a�id zoning clepaxtments, and
zon�n� voards could be invo!.ved. •
Dis. �Hugties s�ate3 this ca�Y� for �:he �oaunissl.on's iutormation and to
tore��az� �lze Canm�issioii �:llai ihis �.s a possiUility az�.d could affect
Fxiclley . . �
. �"�.
. � �,,,
r�,nrir�xrrc c�r�r�zsszorr Mrr:7'TNC, av�,�� 7_ .__33_ ly8p � Pncr 15
�'�"1 • • � . . � ' �
' MOTI:ON by Ms. Ilugltes, secunded by Ms, Gabe1, to �:eceive "Paz� of
SL-ate Implcmenration Plan fox Tol-al Suspended Paxticulates in '
-.-- -------_. __._ .r._------ ,r�ain Cities r7eL•ro Arca.". Upon .a voice vote, all voting aye,
Chairman Iiarris declared the motion carried unanimously. �
Ii�_ TION by Mr. Whazton, seconded by Ms, Gabel, to adjourn the meeting. Upon '
a voice vote, alI voting aye, Chairman Hara��s declared the July 23, J.980,
� Commission mee�ing adjourned a� 1].:4.0 p.m. .
Respectfully subm�•tted, . '
� , , �.
Ly Saba � �
Recordi,ng Secretary � _
�� . .
y4.. n .
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