PL 09/24/1980 - 30545. �� � ,� n , CITY OF FRIDI,EY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING� SEPTEMBER 24, 1980 CALI, TO ORDER s CrLaa.rman Harris called the Segtember 249 1980, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7�30 p.m. ROLL CAI,L s Members Present� M embers Absent: Mr. Harris, Mr. Treuenfels, IVir. Oquist, Ms. Hughes, Mr. Wharton, M s. Schn.abel� (arr. @ 7=35) Mr. Svanda None Others Presents Jerrold Boardman, City Planner � Mrs. J. E. Green, '�320 Melody Drive Jack Green, 7320 Melody Drive Mary Mattson, 732� Symphony St. N.E. John Jensen, Minn. Transer Rai�way �o., 2071 University Ave., Stv Paul, Minn. M.R. Coulsom, 811 Mississippi Steve Bergerson� 7320 Tempo Terrace James Bergerson, 7320 Tempo Terrace " Gerald Dahle, 7310 Melody Drive N.E. - - . Terry Kasen, Minnesota Pollution Can-�rol Agency Tim Scherkenbach, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency _- Cary Perket,- Environmental yngineering, & Manage= ment, Ltd. Mr. Perkins, Medtronic Carl Remick, Architectual Alliance A1'PROVAL OF SEPTIIViBER 10, 1980 � PZANNING COMMISSION MINUTES s MOTIOr1 by N r. Oquist, seconded by M s. Hughes, to approve the Septem- ber 10, 1980 Planning Commission minutes as written. UPON A VOSCE VOTE, ALI, VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE MOTION CARRI�D UNANIMOUSLY. � 1. PUBLIC HEaRING s P. S. _#80-02�__REGISTERED _LAND SITRVEY� BY MINNESOTA TRAI�ISFER RATLW�IY COMPAT�Y:~ Being a replat o:� Parcel ��00 described ass The 1VE� 1/� of �he SW 1/4�, except the Easi 150 i�eet thereof; The North 50 feet of the SE 1/4� of � the SW1/� lying West of the East 150 feet thereoi, all lying in the South Half of Section 11� T-30, R-24, City of Fri:dley, generally located along the University Avenue East Service Drive, and 7�rd Avenue N� MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels,to open the Public Hearing. UPQN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING� OPENED AT. 7a35 P.P+1. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING,,,_SEPTEMBER 24._1�80 _ PAGE 2, - - - - --- --- - - _ �_ , 1 Mr. Boardman stated that they have received this request from � Minnesota Transfer Railway Company� primarily, because they are Looking at selling the property to three different property owners. The problem was that they could not sell off the different sections �' of property the way that it is laid out, because it was still one � parcel. Actually, he stated it is two different parcels, th�.s one, and the parcel on the west, east side, of Carter Day. Therefore the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company� had to get a registered land survey, in order to split the parcels, into different sections, listed as A, B, C, D� and E., as shown on page 22. This is the reason they have come in and requested this p�atting before this Commission. Mr. Harris questioned if there was a representative of the petitioner in the audience. � Mr. Jensen came forward� and introduced himself as the Chief Engineer. Mr. Jensen stated, that basically, as Mr. Boardman had expla.ined, that several years a.go, the parent Company, advanced them money, to acquire several hundred acres of property. �it this time, the parent company� feels that it is in their best interest� •, to hav� the property in the parent companys na.me. Therefore, he explained, they are deeding the property, to the parent company. In order to �repare proceedings, and have them recorded, they required a regi�tered land survey. Mr. Harris questioned Mr. Boardman, if th�re was a necessity for any easements? Mr. Boardman stated that the Engineering staff had looked at this, and yes they felt there was a necissity for easements. He stated that on tract 'C'. for road purposes should be a minimum of 66 feet wide. He stated that is usually the requirement for an industrial road. He stated that the City should have also� some bikeway- walkway dedication easement� along University .4venue, on Tract °A'. This easment for the bikeway-walkway, he stated, should be 15 feet. �long 73rd Avenue, also, he stated the easement for a bikeway- walkway easement would be 15 feet. He stated that there has been a location of corridors for the bikeway-walkway but that there has not been anything in detail as whether this would be located on the north, or �he south side of ?3rd. Mr. Oquist questioned where the road easement would be in tract 'C'? Mr. Boardman stated that the road easement is tract °C', this would be the whole tr.act. He stated that is where the existing service road is. Ms. Hughes questioned if she was.correct, in that there was no correlation between the description of what is deeded here, to the A, B� C� D� and E� tracts? ,'� '�L�NNING COMMIS�ON MEETING,___ SE�TEMBER_,�4, 1,�,8_0_ P�GE_�, l�Zr°. Boardman stated that the descripti cm on the property� is for the entire area. Rega.rding the letter on page 21, to Mr. Qureshi, the 29 acre piece lying to the west of Carter Day� would be tract �� 'B'� and the 2.45 acre parcel at the corner of 73rd and University avenue� would bP tract 'A°. The 49 acre parcel to the east of Carter Day is not shown on pa.ge 22. He further stated that there has been some question by the engineers.on staff, whether there should be some additional right of way fo�w the intersection of 73�^d•, if they would go to a five lane intersection in that area. Because of this question from the engineering staff, Mr. Boardman stated that he would like that left open, until they reach the City Council, because by then the staff wc�uld have made a decision. Mr. Harris questioned if Mr. Jensen, had discussed the needs for easements with the City's staff? Mr. Jensen stated that no, he had not, but that he would feel, �hat if it were necessary to have the easements, he would think that would'nt be a problem. Mr. Treuenfels stated that he was a little confused, to how much in acreage. was actually involved? . � Mr. Boardman stated that the 4�g acres lying east of Carter Day is no� included in�tYiis�platting, as they were able to deed this without a registered land survey. Chairman Harris questioned if there were any other questions? �, Mr. Green of 7320 M elody Drive, N.E. came forward and stated that he understood that at sometime back, that there was a covenant, of some sort of restrictions, regarding how close, any of the industrial plants could build to 73rd street. He questioned if anyone pre sent knew if that was true , and if so would thi s transf er of land have any effect, on whether -they could build closer to 73rd, or wo�ald it change in any way the covenant, or restrictions on how close they could build to 73rd? Mr. Harris stated that what Mr. Green must be reierring to, would be the required setback between the two different zonings. Mr. Boardman stated that must be true, because he is unaware of any covenant but that the zoning requires a 100 foot setback. Mr. Green questioned then that 100 foot setback would not change with this deeding of -the land? Mr. Harris stated that no this request does not change the 100 foot setback zoning requirment. ,� �LANNING COMIV[ISSION NiEETING. SEPTEMBER 24�, 1 80 _,_ PAG� 4 ° MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels� seconded by Mr. Oquist to close the Public Hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI,L VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS� DECI�ARED THE � PUBLIC HEARING CZOSED AT 7:46 P.M. Ms. Hughes stated that this is the first time� that she has had to deal with registering to record and cor�vey the property, and that it is not a rezoning, or approval of a plat, so she questioned what criteria should be used in judging this item. Mr. Harris stated that if in fact the applicant meets the platting requirements in the City's zoning code� ttiat is really the criteria by which this is judged. Also he stated, that.they must insure, that the City has all the necessary easements, and dedications, that are needed. . Ms. Hughes questioned what they were really approving here, if it was a preliminary plat, �r a final plat? ' Mr. Boardman stated that the Planning Commission approves preliminary plats, and that the City Council approves final plats. Mr. Haxris.stated that because this is M-2 zoning, they require that the lot size be a minimum of 1a acres, and all the paxcels here, do meet that requirement.. _ - M s. Hughes questioned what they could put on plat'A' with a 100 foot setback� or axe they looking at having to rezone it? � Mr. Boardman stated that they might have to rezone it sometime into the future, but for right now, they meet all the requirements for an industrial zone. He stated that plat 'A'� is about 2z acres� and that could have a pretty good sized building put on it. Mr. Harris stated that the question before the Commission, on this item, is whether their petition meets the City's platting ordinance, and it is incumbent upon the Commission, to make sure that the petition er meets the platting ordinance, and that also all necessary easements, and dedications axe included� to meet the needs of the City. Ms. Hughes stated that at this point the only question she has is whether they would be approving some�hing that might have tb go� through different procedures, such as a variance. Mr. Boardman stated that with the required setback, they could still put a 30,000 to 40,000 square foot building on Tract "A". . MOTION by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Wharton, to recommend to the City Council approval of the P.S. #80-02, Registered Land SurveY b Minnesota Transfer Railwa Com an: Being a replat of Parcel 4800 described as: The NE 1 4 of the SW 1/4. except the East 150 feet thereof ; The North 50 feet of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4� lying West ---� � PLANNING CONiMISSION MEETING�SEPTEMBER 2?F�_ 1980 _� __ PAG� of the East 150 feet thereof, all lying in the South Half of Section 11� T-30, R-24�, City of Fridley, generally located along the University Avenue East Service Drive, and 73rd Avenue� N.E., with �'`1 the iollowing stipulations; as requested by the staff: � � A. $. C. For plat 'C', that the ro�.d dedication be 66 feet. For area labeled ° A' , and ' E' , the bi..kearay dedication be for 15 feet. For the area labeled 'A', any necessa.ry roadway right of way. UPO1V A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DEC7�ARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Harris stated that this item would go to the City Council October 6th, �or setting oi the Public Hearing for November 10, 1980. 2. : L1 c:w�LSON s Per Section 205. to a11ow the cons�ruction 2�4' x 26' detached garage, Meadowlands Addition, the �� Y�1�1ulIT, SP#��-10, BY MARJORIE F.` 051, 2� A., of the FridleV Ci'cy Code of a second accessory building, a to be located on Lot 8, Block 2, same being 811 Mississippi Street. MOTION by Mr. Wharton, seconded by Ms. Hughes� to open the Public Heaxing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, .SLI, VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS� DECI,ARED THE i'UBLIC HEARTN� OPENED AT 8:05 P.M. Mr. Boardman stated that the request as described, will be located to the rear if -the house� with acess out onto Jackson street. Mr. HarriG questioned ag the petitionerhaci anything to say? 1��: Colsom stated that she had nothing to sa.y. Mr. Oquist questioned whether she was going to use the new garage for storage? Ms. Coulsom stated that she would want to use the new garage for her car, as -the house the way she had purchased it, has the ga�rage right under her neighbors bedroom window, and she wanted to gei away from that. She stated that she has no plans at this time on what she would want to do with the exi�ting garage. She stated that also it will be easier to enter, onto Jackson, than onto M ississippi street, as she now does. Mr. Boardman stated that he has not had an opportunity to talk to M s. Coulsom� about �this, but that there are future plans to have a bikeway-walkway aYong Mississippi Street. He stated that they had at one time a bikeway-walkway along the street, but that the County widened the traffic lanes, and r�moved the bikeway- walkway along that lane. �He stated:that they have been looking at the possibility quite caxefully, on how to get a bikeway-walkway PLANNING COMIVIISSION_MEETING�,SEPTEMBER 24. 1980 _`. PA(�E.6 acoess�onto this street, because it is heavily used for biking. At this present time, the only way to do this would be to pick up bikeway-walkway easement from the people along Mississippi, who come into the City with requests such as M s. Coulsom has. They would like to have a 15 foot easement for the bikeway-walk- way easement at this time, he stated, which would go from the property line toward the house. Ms. Coulsom stated that would run right through the middle of her yard. Mr. Oquist questioned why they wanted 15 feet? Mr. Boardman stated what they are doing in the new zoning code, is that along all bikeway-walkway areas, they are looking at taking an additional 15 feet easement. He stated that they might not need 15 feet. and that it could�be dropped to 10 feet.� He further stated that.for a two-lane bike trail, it would require 8 feet, and that would be in a combination with a sidewalk or whatever. He stated that on this area there is an existing side- walk. He stated that after car,efully looking at the axea, they have decided that what would be best, would be to put it in on the south side up to about 7th Street, and then crossing over to the north side for the rest of the distance. This is primarily because there are some house with a further setback, from the road, and also beca�ase �of the Hayes School, tr.at they could probably ge:� �,n easement o�� �asier than on the other side. Mr. Wharton stated that he himself is a biker, but that he is rather reluctant to go along with the easement request. He stated that the City keeps asking its residents to beautify the area with landscaping, but on the other hand, we then tell them, that if they plant anything along their sidewalk, -to kind of separate themselves from the traffic on Mississippi Street� that the City is apt to come along and dig it all up. just about the time that it is matured to a good hieght, and beautiful. He further stated that he cannot go along with this arbitary easement, in the anti- cipation, that somewhere down the line, somebody� might want to put a 15 foot bike path down the front lawn. Mr. Svanda questioned what implications were there, if the Comm- ission did not grant an easement� and°then at some date the City does decide to put in a bike path, what mechanism would the City have to get the easement� or the properties then? Mr. Harris stated that it would have to be condemnation then. Mr. Boardman stated that the imulications are. that if they don't get easements now� -that he would doub-t, that they ever would be able to get easements. Ms. Schnabel stated that what bothers her is that this women has come in with a request to put a different garage on� and we are saying, that we will give it to you� but in exchange� we want 15 feet for an easement. She may be the only one along Mississippi ,--.� �"1 '"�1 �LAIVNING CONIlVIISSION MEETING_, SEPTEMBER_2�1 8.2, 0 �..,� P,�1GE _� S-Greet� to come in with a request withing the next five years, but just because she happened to come in for the purpose of a garage, that the City asks her for a 15 foot easemen-�. She stated that � she feels -tha� is unfair. Mr. Boardman stated that this practice has been done before,, and that he can not see any difference in this instance, as from the times before that it was done. He then gave exa�nples of some �imilar cases a.nc� situations that have been before the Commission, and how they had been handled. He further stated that it has been done with the commercial and the industr�.al property, and through building permits. Ms. Coulsom stated that she questioned what the City plannecl on doing with a bike path through -the middle of -the yards, with all the driveways entering into Mississippi? She stated that right now with all the bikers, on the sidewalk� that it is very difficult to be cautious. Ms. Hughes stated that the area tha-t Ms. Coulsom is talking about, between Hayes School and her house, are reasonably close to the road, and from a�out a house or two beyond M s. Coulsom°s axe the houses that are setback, and �hat she could understand the rationale in that area. She stated that she is sure that a number of people along the area have planted trees, hedges, and other vegetation, just simply to cut down the visual impact.from the road, and the noise from the traffic� v�hich would be defeated, wi�th some of these other -�hings. Sh� stated that in terms of whether or not, they should ask f�r an easement, on this particular property, that even if there is a.n easement, the chances of it actually being a bike path, as a continuous route, are pretty slim. So, that it might not make an3r diiference a� all whether the easement� is dedicated. She stated that this might never come to pass, but that you really couldri't bank on it either. Mr. Board�an stated that in the City Plan, that it asks for a bikeway on Nlississippi Street, and in the rezoning code, it is saying, that where possible, and feasible, that the City needs 15 feet i'or a bikeway easement, on all properties, where they come in and ask for some-thing, from the City of Fridley, that are along de$ignated future bikeway-walkway areas. Ms. Hughes stated that she felt she would view, with the houses that sit fairly close to the road, that the additian of a bikeway, would be a very definite detriment to the property value, of those houses. She stated that to put a bikeway, with the sidewalk, in those short frunt yards, is not going to enhance the values of those properties. M s. Schnabel stated that she concurred with iVis. Hughes viewpoint� and that also, they are experiencing and increase in traffic, on Mississippi S-treet, and therefore, she feels the likelyhood� r"1 PI►ANNING COMMISSION MEETING�_SEPTEMBER 2�,._1�80 _ . PAG� 8, of a bikeway system, if the traffic increase continues, will dimin�.sh. She feels that it is premature, to begin to take easements, because of this also. ,-i Mr. Oquist stated that he too feels that there is a problem in that " he does not think -there is any possible way to get a bikeway on the street, and with the short front yards, he doesn't know if they could ever get a bikeway put onto Mississippi, and that maybe they �hould look at another area for a bikeway� with less traffic. Mr. Boardman stated that Mississippi though is the only large east-west street that goes from one side of Fridley to the other. Also it .connects a.].1 the residential areas to the Center City axea, if the Center City project is developed the way it is anticipated. He staied that what was one of the criteria of -the bikeway commi- tee� was the amount of traffic the road has, and that when a certain number of vehicles, was exceeded, by their limits, then there sho�zld be an off-street biking pathway. Mr. Wharton statEd that he sees that as a falisy, because there should not be an off-street trail on Mississippi, if that is a thorough fare, he cannot see making a three mile an hour bike path so that he can get from his home, down to Snyder drug, on University Avenue. He felt it would be nicer to ta.ke a route through Rice Creek Terrace, and that back in through there, they have bike trails coming out of their eaxs. MOTI�ON by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to close the Public Hearing. �� UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE PU BLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:27 P.M. MOTION by M s. Hughes� seconded by Ms. Schnabel to recommend to the City Council approval of Special U se Permit, SP �80-10� bv Marjorie F. Coulsons Per Section 205.051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a second accessory building, a 24' x 26' detached garage� to be located on Zot 8, Block 2, Meadowlands Addition, the same being 811 Mississippi Street, Ms. Hughes stated that she feels this should be approved because it should enhance safety considerations on backing onto Jackson Street, versus onto Mississippi street. M s. Schnabel questioned if the petition er isn't required to close off the existing attached garage? Mr. Boardman stated that there is no such requirement under this item. UPON A VOICE VOTE, A?�L VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI�ARED THE MOTION PASSED UNAlVIMOUSLY. � . Cha.irman Harris informed Ms. Coulsom that this item would be on ,--� the October 6th� City Council Agenda, and advised she be present. _ �� PLA1V�dING COMMISSION_MEETING�SEPTEM.BE� _2�, 1980 __� ..�.AGE ;9_ 3: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET__FOR MEDTRONIC'S DEVEI,OPMENT Mr. Boardman stated that because they were running in-to some of �" a timing problem, these peogle had gone thraugh the process of " explaining what they are doing to the Environmental Quality Commis�ion last week, and it is being brought before the Pla�nning Commission at this meeting, with the same kind of process. He stated that their time-table requires approval from the City,�or a write-off from the City St�.ff by October 20�h. He stated that the final document will be presented to the City Council on October 6th, and if the Planning Commission has any questions,�they� would have to respond to them by Oc-tober 8th. /'1 � Mr. Remick displayed ior the Commission a chart showing the' sequence of events� and the timetable for the project. M s. Hughes questioned how many cars would there be, because they: had applied for an indirec� source permit? Mr. Remick stated that he would explain by giving some bacYraund informa�ion. He sta�Pd �hat they are doing the EAW because they are at 170, 000 sc;�uare fee�, which is the point of which, they are required to grepare an EAW. He statEd that Medtronic plans to have irom 260,000 to 290,000 square feet of gross buildir_g area. He stated -�hat the indirec� source permit, is of course based on the parking area, He stated tha-� based on �the worst �ase, they are "a�ding o:ie auto for eacn Z��O square feet of new area. He stated that tilis building.will be used for light ].aboratory,�and office. He stated �nat they are prepaxing the EAW for the projected space for beyond 1985� so �hat tYiey would not have to go through the EAW process again, if future additional space is needed. He stated that based on the square footage, they would haee a maximum of 1,000 cars. Mr. Perkins stated that the maximum square iootage that they could put�on the east and west site would be 900,000 square feet. M�. Harris questioned what Medtronic's projec-�ed final size total for the project? Mr. Perkins ques �ioned if �.e meant this pro ject? M r. Harris stated not for just this project, but for the parcel? Mr. Perkins sta.ted that the projected m�imum square footage would not exceed 400,000 square feet, within the projected future. M s. Hughes stated that indirect source permits axe required� based on the square footage, because of the number of cars they draw, and the a.ir pollution that they generate, and that is the only reason for an indirect source permit. PLANIVING COMNIISSION MEETING � SEPTEMBER 24, 1980 PAC,�E_ 10 Mr. Harris stated that with this size of a development, there would be a considerable amount of run off, and he questioned how Medtronic � proposed to handle it? Mr. Remick stated that they plan a 4 to 6 acre holding pond. He stated that would be-either in a grass land 'retention� or a reflec�- ing pond. He stated that a reflecting pond would require 1 acre, and a grass land re-tention would require between 2 or 3 acres. He stated that they axe projecting now a holding area either on the extreme east portion, of the triangular site, or -they have the option of locating a pond south of 6g. Mr. Perkins then told the Commission about the area that they are in the process of selling to the County. Mr. Remick stated that the schedule that they have, is such, that' they axe looking at beginning construction �Io�ember lst, and a general contractor has �already been selected. He stated that to have occupancy by January of 1982, as planned, they will have to have the pro ject fast tracked. He stated -that by mid-October they plan to have � schematic design, and have it priced. He stated that this will be known as Medtronic's business, and technical center. He stated that the facility that they propose.to build will be an addition of about 50f of what they now have on the site. He Stated �hat soms of the construction will be on the west side of ()ld Central Ave.. but that the majority will be to the east. Mr. Remick then showed the Commission another chart, and stated that the solid yellow area is the setbacks, as dicatated by the � Fridley zoning ordinances � and the white area, �ias been designated as buildable area. for the new facilities, east oi Old Central. M s. Schnabel questioned what method they planned to use to connect the buildings? Mr. Remick stated that they have investigated both under the road, and over, and they are finding right now, that it would be far more feasable, to go over the road, but this has not been fully determined. He stated that they plan to go four stories above grade. Mr. Remick stated that the striped yellow axea is the area that the PCA has determined could be used for blacktop, with the possibility, -though it is remote, of coming back in the future, and having to treat that a.rea� or remove soil from that area. So that the striped yellow area will not be buildabel� but, that it could be land- scaped, or blacktopped for a parking area. Mr. Wharion questioned if there have been any soil borings as yet, and what do they indicate the water table to be? Mr. Perket stated that yes borings have been taken� and the water table is approximately 20 fee-t below surface grades. He then showed the Commission a gra�h to better depict it. He stated that generally� the water level is decreasing as it approaches Rice Creek. �. � �L�N�1. N�C.,c9�l.�S��QN_--MEETj�VSa.,_�EP�EMBER���8� _._.__ .�_.___� _.PA�.._19. -- Mr: Wharton questioned if there will be any dewatering during construction� or footing drains? . Mr. Perket stated that any dewatering during construction would be kept to a minimum. Mr. Perkins sta.ted that the only problem is to sink for the elevator shaft will go into that will be some slight dewatering. on the west site, the water table, and Mr. Remick stated that it is not planned �o go several stories below grade, and at this time maybe just one story below grade. Mr. Remick stated that this building wil�. be without pilings, and that they have investigated a system called Ribro flotation in which they inject the ground, and reorcler ihe soils in effect, with the pressure of the injected water, and ther is r.o runoff. This would not penetrate down to the clay layer. He stated that: it is a patented process, that has been used many times. Mr. Harris asked then if' there would be no dewatering during construc-�ion? Mr. Remick stated that he couldn't say absolutely riot, but tha� their intent at this time is that there would not be. CY�airman Harris ��ate�. that it has beer_ �rought farwaxd from the Environmental Quality,Commission, at the last me�ting� and he -� questioned if the people from the Minnesota Pollution Control �'� Agency could enlighten the Commission on �he contamination problem in that axea? • ,�1 M r. Kasen stated that the situation as the agency views it, began in 1953� when a pole_treating company owned -the asea. He stated that they have an old aerial photograph showing the area of the pole treating company. He stated that they had two different operations, one the dipping process, and the other the pressure treating process. He showed the area that was basically used for storage of ra.ilroad ties, and poles. He then showed where the central care of the operation was located. He stated that they did have a waste disposal method, that did interreact with the soils. He stated that the pole �treating operation was last owned by Burlington Northern. And as best as they can see it, that the company was losing money, so that they destroyed it� and took down their buildings, and covered it over, in approximately 1963• He stated that the majority of the land had storage of poles and ties. He stated that it was split into s°veral parcels and sold. He stated the MPCA knew nothing of any problem, or contamination until the spring of last year. Onan began to put in soil borings for construction, and in -the process, they hi� a buried �tank, that con�tained some pole treating product in it, an.d the soil axound it were very heavily contaminated. At this time the MPCA was informed of this, and made an inspectior� at that time. The MPCA requested that Onan excavate the heavily �ontaminated soil� and make further soil borings for ground water testing. The MPCA _� PLANNING CO�ISS�ON_M�ETING , SEPTEMBER 2�l_ �80 _ _ _ _ __PAGE�12 = put in approximately ten wells throughout the Onan site, and sampled and tested the ground water. Some of the test showed contamination, and the MPCA requested that Onan proceed further with a more extensive investigation to determine where the heavily contaminated °� soils were located. He stated that at this point Onan refused to ' proceed any further as they felt that they had invested enough. At this time through further historical investigation to determine previous ownership, a meeting of M edtronic, Onan, and the previous owner Boise Cascacle was arranged. It was suggested that the three company's get together and do a testing of the entire area, as it would be more cost efficien� to do one set of testing of the entire axea. M edtronic, and Boise Cascade both indicated an interest in going through this process� but Onan refused to do anything further. Because Medtronic at this time stated that they planned to construct on their site, thE MPCA has been working with them ever since. Mr. Kasen stated that Medtronic has put in a matrix of soil borings, and ground water wells� and submitted the data to the MPCA. The = indication from the submitted data showed that there was indeed contamination, more extensive than the area along the track, that the MPCA was concerned about, but none of �;he contamination is of the magnitude of' the contamination that is fou�hd on -the Onan property. So that it is a degration from the Onan property to the M edtronic property� and this contamination is on -the surface layers of the soil. Some of the chemicals have been found io a depth of 8 feet. This is why the MPCA has requested that no construction be done along the track. He stated that the health d_epartment feels that maybe the best remedial action �or this site cn the i�Iedtronic property would be a pax�k�izg lot, �u�i; this has not been determined as of yet. He stated that �Ied�ronic has worked closely with the MPCA on this � pro ject. . , Ms. Schnabel questioned what the nature of the conta:mination is, or what substance initially caused the contamination? Mr. Kasen sta-ted originally the pole treating plant used creosote, which is a black tar based substance, and as technology increased, they began to use PCP's� which is commonly used in the idustry today, and that there have been high levels of -these contaminants found on the Onan property, and they have been found on the Medtronic property, bu-� as stated before, they are in degragation. He stated that in high conce�;rations i-� would give tas� to the water. He stated tha� there are water quality standards for PCP°s, but that there are no such standards for some of the other organic conta��ninants. 1�r. Treuenfels questioned other than adding taste to the water, is there any known medical effects from these conta.minants, that could be harmful? Mr. Kasen stated that some of the.organic compounds at some levels are carcinogenic. M s. Schnabel questioned if those levels are present here? �, .�---, I�LANNING COMMISSION MEETINGy SEPTEt1IBER 2�,,__�980 _ .,_ � PAGE 1� Mr. Kasen stated that they suspect in the soil on the Onan side, that the soil is heavily con-taminated, and they would have levels � that the MPCA would consider should be removed. � � Mr. Scherkenbach� stated that what has to be differentiated, is the levels in the 5G1�., and what is ingested. He s�ated that wha� is in. �he soil may be the source of the contaminate, but that noone eats the soil. He stated tha� what the MPCA is worried about, is if �he source is down to the groundwater. He stated that when you talk about the levels in -�he soil, you must look at the levels that are being consumed by humans. He stated that when you look at this, you have to look at the whole chain. The MPCA looks at this and goes back up the chain, and say even if its the soil, they must figure out even if ifis this level in the soil means in terms of crea-ting the potential for problems else- where. Then you have to look at the specific site, and say, what groundwaters are you worried about, and is that used out - in that axea by anyone, and where is it going, and in this the shallow groundwater is flowing into Rice Cr�ek. So that if you have contax�inants in the soil, you ask what do you do? Some of the remedial�actions, would be to remove some of the soil� or you could put a parking lot, or something tha�c basically would pre�rent water from getting down to it, or some type of barrier wells. Mr. Kasen stated that the Health Depaxtment has tested �!� private v�ells, and � municipal wells, and at �his �ime i-t is their plan • . t� sample the�r a:�ain, but that at this time, they feel the water �> -. ^ is safe to drink. - Cha.irman Harris stated that he is concerned with the Medtror�ic property, but that wha� really concerns him is the property on Onan, that nothing is being done about it. Mr. Kasen stated that the MPCA is working on it, and that it isn't just being ignored. Mr. Harris questioned that then the municipal wells are okay? Mr. Kasen stated that he has talked with the Health Department, and several people who have done the analysis, any they have said that they will continue to monitor the wells, but at this ti.me they have not expressed a concern abou-t these wells. Mr. Perket then showed the Commission the water flow chaxt� and explained its meaning to the members. Mr. Harris questioned if any sediment samples have been ta,ken from Locke I,ake� which is somewhat of a�ettling basin? Mr. Scherkenbach stated that they have taken sediment samples from Rice Creek� and they did not find anything at tha-� time to warran-t further samples of any o-�her areas. but because of this new infor- mation� of Zocke Lake being a settling basin they would take samples !"� oi sedimen� from it, and east of it for a comp�a..rison. 0 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 2�. 1980 __ _� PAGE�14 � Mr. Treuenfels questioned exactly what the MPCA is looking at Onan ' to do, such as specific information, or soil borings or what� Mr. Kasen stated that they have met with Onan several times in the � hope that they could come up with a plan that Onan could go ahead with, to provide the answers that the 1�PCA needs. He stated that the plan is to conduct more soil borings� and examine the soil for the extent of contamination� and to look at the groundwater, and basically find areas of contamination. From that point, then they could determine what has to be done. Discussion ensued on the possibility of what remedial actions might have to be taken. • Mr. Svanda stated that the Environmental Quality Commission had gone through the EAW presentation last week, and that they concurred that with the concurrence of the.MPCA, that they were - giving Medtronic, and the conditions that they were placing on it, that from that standpoint, that the Commission did not have any problems with this paxt of the project, recognizing that there is another issue, with the bigger problem oi the Onan site. He stated that the EQC had felt that the MPCA should try and get a resolution on the Onan issue. Discussion ensued on the PCB's and the PCP's. � l�;s. Hughes que���oned what they had meant by that the property was covered over, after the pole treating operation was closed? � Mr. Kasen stated that as far as they can determine, Onan, when they purchased the property did not know, that there ever was a pole treating operation there, because the buildings were Imocked down, or removed, and something was put on top to cover the ground. Chairman Harris questioned the impact that this project would have on the surrounding neighborhood, specifically� traffic. Mr. Remick stated that they have done a traffic study� and the study was based on a.�l tenative occupancy of the site. They have taken every employee, that would possibly work on this site, and taken their zip code, this indicated tn.at most axe from a ten mile radius, they then from that determined from which direction most would be approaching the site. He stated that this is pretty well distributed to the north, south, east, and west, but that about 35� of the traffic does approach the site irom 69th street. He stated that without benefit from anything to reduce auto trips per employee, even though Medtronic does have programs for that reduction, that there would not be a problem on any of the inter- sections. As a matter of fact� �here did not even appeax to be a need for a traffic light installation� within their projections. ''1 PLAN�3ING COMMISS�ON MEET�N�, _ S�P��IBE$_2�, ,i980__ .__��AGE 1; _ H� stated that they do gractice socne flex time, to a staggered hour approach, and that would continue. • �`"' M r. Harris questioned how many employees axe there at M edtronic?' Mr. Remick stated that right now they have about 1,100 to 1,200 employees, and will le adding 1�120 by 1985• Mr. Harris stated that then they are looki.ng-at about 2,000 auto°s for the employees. Mr. Remick stated that was correct� that there would probably be about 2,200 employees on the total site. Mr. Perkins stated that unfortunately, M edtronic has employed programs, such as sha�e--a-ride, to reduce vehicles, but so far �hey have not done well, but they will look ir�to other programs. ' Mr. Harris asked if there was something M edtronic could do to re- direct the trafiic that is going down �entral Ave., and exited on 57�h� Mr. Remick stated that he could ask the consultant, and that he would probably answer that question. Mr. Harris questioned Mr. Boardman as �o Y�ow many �.Pehicles Onan would have? . '� /'� Mr. Boaxdman stated that he believed there would be about 2,000 vehicles, ar�.d because it is a more direct rou�te, � he �hought they would mostly exit onto 73rd, and go to highway 65. M r. Harris questioned, that if sometime into the iuture, that signalization beca.me necessasy, would Medtrc�nic, be will to shaxe in the cost of the signalization? Mr. Perkins stated that he could not answer that, except tha�c if that time came they would then have to look a� it. He stated that so far the only peak period is between 4:15 p.m ai�.d 4:30 p.m.� He fur-ther stated that they have not worked ��ith Onan, but rather they have set up their schedules, and so fax it has worked out well. Mr. Oquist, stated that the interseetion on Old Central by Moore La,ke is very conjested at axound 4a00 since �chey have taken away the no turn on red signal, and he can't seem to convince some council people, that has created problems. Discussion �nsued on means and methods of cax pooling. Mr. Harris questioned Mr. Boardman, if the City has adequate servic�s, as far as water mains� e�c., to handle this facili�y? � � P�NI1,�G COMM SS ON MEE�T NG.,.._SEgTE'iVIBER_24�,. 1980__. ___�.___ PAGE 16 , Mr. Boardman stated that yes they would be adequate. Mr. Perkins thanked that if there is any them with, that they the Commission for their indulgence, and stated further information that i�ed-tronic could supply would be happy to do so . 0 MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, that after looking at the EAW from M edtronics, they would recommend that the City Council, direct their attention to these specifics; the restriction the PCA has put on the dewatering, during construction, the loca�ing of a parking lot, the requirement for wells, and the statement on title and t� records. We would also caution the City Council� on that they have some interest, in seeing what could be done to mitigate traffic� on this site� in conjection with Onan, and that they might want to consider cost sharing on any signalization that might be required in that immediate axeas intersections. UPON A VOICE VOTE� AZZ VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. VACAT' ment Blo ck T: SAV #80- o vacate alley in i�locx between 2nd Street and 2 ?ETITION #8-19804 100f Agree- , Hyde Park, located in the 6000 Stree� N.E. ' N:OTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels, to recommend to the City Council approval of Vacation Request: SAV #80-09, Petition #8-1980 a 100f Agreement to vacate alley in; Block 7 j Hyde Park, located in the 6000 Block between 2nd Street and �2 Street N.E. with the stipulation for an utility easement. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECALRED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. VACATION REQUESTs S Northerly 1 foot of located on the South Addition, to a.11ow a encroaching on this Avenue N.E. AV 80-10, Richard Waltzs Vacate the a 12 foot drainage and utility easement, property line of Lot 9, Block 2, Hillcrest new dwelling to be constructed without easement, the same being 7105 Ashton Mr. Haxris questioned if this item had cobe to the Appeals Comm- ision for a variance? Ms. Schnabel stated that yes it had. Mr. Boardman stated that there is a house being built on this property� and the house is being built within 11 feet of the property line, and there is presently a 12 ioot easement. He stated that engineering staff has no problem, if they want to drop it frvm 12 foot to 11 feet. He stated that there are several requests from the engineering depaxtment on this item. ��; � ��`, � _ PLANNING_COMMISSION,_SEPTEMBER 24. �98_0_ _ PAGE_�� He stated that this is the access �he City uses to get back to the pond for maitenance work. He sta,ted that the proposal is for a portion oi this 12 foot easement to have a driveway over it, and there is a pipe that extends through that easement. It is the owners intent to extend that pipe, so that it opens up beyond the house. He siated the stipulation would be that this extentsion mus� have approval from the engineering department. Another stipulation woula be that the owner must keep �hat easemen� free from all barriers, fencings, and any plantings, etc., so that the City would be able to get their vehicles back to the pond. Discusion ensued about any other means or ways of having access to the pond area. MOTION by Ms. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. Oc�,uist, to �ecommend to City Council, approval of Vacation Request: SAV #80-10, by Richard Waltz; to vacate the Northerly 1 foo�t of a 12 foot drainage and utility easement located on the South property line of Lot 9, Block 2, ' Hillcrest Addition, to,allow a new dwelling to be constructed without encroaching on this easement, with the following stipulatiunss A. As requested by the City that the resulting 11 foot easement, be kept free and clear, from any future �lantings or obstuc- tions, that might impair access, of City Vehicles. B. That at the owners expense the pipe will Y,e extended, and approved by the City Engineering staff. LTpON A VOICE �:'�TE, AI,L VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI�ARED T�� n MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. CONTINUED a._PU BLI C HEARING : AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER _ 20� OF THE FRIDLEY CIlY CODE, GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE FRIDLEY ZONING CODE. MOTION by M s. Hughes, seconded by Mr. Treuenfels to continue this item. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALT, VOTIIVG AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNANIiVIOUI,SY. 7. RECEIVE HU'MAN RESOURCES COMMISSION NlINUTES_s SEPTIIVIBER 4, 1980 MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by �Ir. Svanda, to receive the September 4, 1980 Human Resources Commission Minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECZRED THE Ni0TI0N PASSED UNANSi�OUSLY. 'Mr. Treuenfels explained the method that the Human Resource comm- ission used in arriving at the score -�otals for priorities in funding. He stated that the results were; Central Center for Family Resources-80 points, S.A.C.A:-77 points, and Alexandra House-74 points. He further explained that the Commission still had questions azzd reservation about the funding for the Alexandra House, as it did not fit into their guideli.nes, because the request � for funding was for an information filmstrip, not directly to the home. � PLAIVNING COMMISION, .. SEPTEt1IIBER 24�. 1280 _____ , , PAGE " 18_ Ms. Hughes stated that she would agree because few foundations will' fund films anymore, because they are very expensiv�, and become dated quickly. She stated she would rather have the money go directly to Alexandra House for direct needs. Mr. Truenfels expla.ined the various organizations. and their requests for funding to the Commission. MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by M s. Hughes, to recommend to the City Council� that they fund the Central Center for Fa.mily Resources� the $5�000.00 as requested, and $2,500.00 for S.A.C.A. and $2�j00.00 for Alexandra House� wi-th the recomendation that the funds be spent on actual services oi tY�e house. - Ms. Hughes quesiioned if it was wise to fund the money to the Alexandra House for something other than fc�r what they had requested funding for. She stated that she felt that they were certainly � as worthy as the others� because of their scoring, for funding. MOTION by Ms. Hughes, seconded by M r. Oquist to amend the Motion to read: the $2,500.00 for Alexandra House be used for the'service and ad.ministration of the House • M s. Schnabel questioned if this would also rule out them using the money�for an educational purpose, other than the film? M s. Hughes stated that•was one of the th�:�gs that makes her un- comfortable about giving them the money without them having asked � for it� or until they come back and ask for monax for some�hing else. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALI, VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECI,ARED THE MOTION AMENDED. UPON A. VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECL�4RED THE AMENDED MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. �. RECEIVE APPEALS.__COiVIMISSION MINUTES s SEPTEMBER 16, 1,�,80 MOTION by M s. Schnabel� seconded by Mr. TrPUenfels, to receive the Appeals Commission Minutes, of September 16, 1980. Ms. Schnabel stated that regarding the last request on page 6� of the minutes, that this fellow wanted to put up a small structure� because he felt that he had a definite problem in construc-ting the entire house at this time, and within a years ti�e, he planned to add on a family room and a gaxage, which is typical of this area. She stated that she thinks this is fairly typical oi the kinds of requests that they are going to be receiving from young people� because it is a very low cost way of them to get into a single family home, if they are to get into one at all. She stated that it may seem like a lot of variances, but that the Comiaission felt that if it helps them get the type of single fa�nily house that they want then they should bend the rules a little bit. Also ''�'� she stated that this person was very positive in that the home would be completed. . "PZFsN�JING COMMISSION MEETINI��^FpTEMBER 2�, 1�80___ _ PAGE_19 ; . . .. M�.� Harris ques-tioned what about Viki � i.ngineering? ' Mr. Boardman s�ated that they had gone beyon�: �e time limit, and �""'� therefore, they had to reapply. UPON A VOICE VOTE AI,L VOTING� AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLAR�D �HE MOTION PASSED UNI�NIMOUSLY. 9. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Oquist stated that a't the last Community Developement Commission meeting, they moved to have licensing of condominiu�ns, si�-nilar to what they have for apartments, as a means of controlling,it. Ms. Schnabel questioned the City Council's action regaxding the Pop Shoppe's request for a recycling a.rea, and the timing of the action without the Planning Commission's minutes. • Mr. Boardman stated that they did have the infor:nation from the Planning Commission meeting, an.d the Council did approve it on a temporary 60 days basis. Mr. Boardman stated that for the Commission°s information, regard- �he Large Family Housing, the lots down in Hyde Park, they will be closing �n the property September 25th, and there will be a house started� probably within a week ai�d one-half Mr. Harris ques-tioned what price range? '�`� Mr. Boardman stated that they are talking about $52,800.00 Mr. Oquist stated that the Car Wash by Target� has now got a solar panel, as the people had proposed they would get. �DJOU RNMEN T : MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by �is. Schnabel, �o adjourn the Sep�ember 2!�, 1980 Plannin� Conunission. Meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALZ VOTING AYE� CHAIF�tVIAN HARRIS DECI,ARED THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11c25 P.M. Respec-tfully submitted, . -� r� �c, ��.(�� � .. laine R. Ree Recorc:in� Secretary �