PL 04/22/1981 - 6756_ _ ..._ ._ _: �._ __ City of Fridley AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN6 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1981 CALL TO ORQER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: APR1L 8, 1981 1. PUBLIC HEARIN6: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #81-�3 BY ROBERT FRIEDLY: Per Section 205.101, 3, 4„ of the Fridley City Code, to allow a bumper boat operation on a 98 ft. by 125 ft. site in Shywood Shop¢ing Center, located on parts of Lots 4 and 5, Auditor's Subd�vision No. 53, the same being 5255 Central Avenue fd.E. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #81-U4 BY KENNETH D. JORGENSON: Pe� Section 205.051, 2, A, of the Fridley City Code, to a17ow the construction of a second accessory building, a 24' by 30' detached garage, on Lot 10, Block 5, Bourdeaux's Spring Brook Addition, the same being 8101 Ruth Circle N.E. 3• PUBLIC NEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �181-05, BY LEIGH ItJUESTPIENTS, INC.c Per Section 205.051, 3, D, of th Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a duplex in R-1 zoning (single family dwelling areas), on Lot 4, Block 2, Leigh Terrace, the same keing 20 Osborne Way N.E.. 4. PllBLIC NEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMTT, SP #l81-06, BY LEIGH INVESTMENTS, TNC.: Per Section 205.051, 3, D, of th ridley City Code, to allow the construction of a duplex in R-1 zoning (single fami1y dwelling areas), on Lot 3, Block 1, Leigh Terrace, the same being 31 Osborne Way N.E. 7:30 P.M. PAGES i-4 5-9A 10 - 15 16-22' 23 - 28 5. PUBLIC HEARING: REZdiVING RE UEST, ZOR #81-03 BY JOHN R. DOYLE: 29 - 36 Rezone from R-1 single family dwelling areasj to R=3 (general multiple family dwellings), Lot 78 and 79, Block 2, Riverview Heights, so that all the property under one ownership are the same zoning, to allow the construction of two (2) 4-unit dwellings, being addressed as 391-93-95-97 Hugo and 401-03-Q5-07 Hugo Street N.E. 6. LOT SPLIT REQUEST� L.S. #81-03, BY JOHN R. DOYLE: Split off the 37 - 42 East 50 feet of Lots &0, 81, 82, and 83, and add it to Lots 78 and 39. Block A, Riverview Heights, for a building�site for a 4-unit dwelling, the same being 391-93-45-97 Hugo Street N.E. . 7. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMESSIDN MINUTES: APRIL 14, 1981 Note No.3 (Variances for 4-unit dwellings) requested by John Doyle Also No. 4, variance to sign plan YELLOW � (at meeting) Planning Commission Agenda Wednesday, Apri7 22, 1981 Page 2 8. RECEIVE HUMRN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTESi APRIL 2, 1981 SALMON E� 10. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: WHITE CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION t�EETING, APRIt 8, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Harris called the April 8, 1981, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present Members Absent: Others Present: Mr. Harris, Ms. 6abe1, Mr. Oquist, Ms. van Dan, Mr. Saba (for Mr. Wharton) Mr. Svanda, Ms. Hughes Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVAL OF MARCH 18, 1981, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION SY MR. OQUIST�.SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO APPROVE TXE MARCH 18� 2982� PLANNZNG COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRZTTEN. � UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN RARRIS DECLARED THE MOTTON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - 1. RECEIVE MARCH 11 1981, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY MS. VAN�DAN� TO RECEIVE THE MARCH 21� 1981� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICS VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARfiD THE MOSION CRRRIED 2. RECEIVE MARCH 12, 1981, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. VAN DRN� SECONDED BY�MS. GABEL� TO RECEIVE THE MRRCH 12� I98Z� HOU5TNG & REDEt�ELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. � UPON A VOICE.VOTE� RLL VOTINC AYE� CHAIRNAN NARRIS. DECLARED THE MOTFON CRRRIED � UNANZMQUSLY. � � 3. RECEIVE MARGH 17 1981 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSTON MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO RECEIVE�TNE MARCH 17� 1981, ENVIRONMENTAL flUALSTY COAfMIS5I0N.MINUTES. Mr. Saba stated there seems to constantly be new problems with waste disposal and he wondered if a survey should be conducted of industry regarding the way they handle their waste; for example, the body shops, rust proofing companies, etc. Ne thought they should look at those types of industry, because they could be another problem 10-15 years from now. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 8, 1981 PAGE 2 Mr. Harris stated that the Pollution Control Agency, through the counties, has inventoried most of the businesses in the state to see what businesses are doing with their wastes. This was done about a year ago. Mr. Saba stated he also wondered if industry really knows the d�finition of °hazardous" and "extremely hazardous". _ Mr. Harris stated he knew that the City Staff and several individuals in the City have been quite concerned with the Onan and Medtronic situation, UPON A�VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANTMQUSLX. � � 4. RECEIVE MARCH 24, 1981, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS.. GASEL� SECONDED�BY MR.�SABA� TO.RECEIVE THE MARCH 24� 1982� APPERLS COMMI5SION MINUTES. . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN��XARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE MARCH 24, 1981, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY M5, VAN DAN� TO RECEZVE THE MRRCH 24� 298I� ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTE5. UPON A y02CE POTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRTS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED . UNRIY�IMOUSLY. � 6. RECEIVE MARCH 25, 1981`, SPECIAL PARKS & RECREATIOiV C4MMISSION MEETING MINUTES: MOTZON EY MS. VAN.DAN� SECONDED BY MR.�OQUSSTR TO RECEIVE TXE MARGFI 25� Z98I� SPECIAL PARKS�& RECREATION����COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, . UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE�. CXAIRMAN HARRIS.�DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, � 7, RECEIVE MARCH 26, 1981 MOTION BY�MR. Oy�UIST� SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECEIVE THE MARCH 26� I981, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT RUTHORITY PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG�AYE��CNAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. CONTINUED: PUBI.IC NEARING: AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 205 OF CODE. GENERALLY KNOJN AS HE FRID EY ZONING CODE: Public Hearing Open. �� PLAMNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 8, 1481 PAGE 3 2p5.19 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT - Page 107 - 205.192 Procedure for Establishing a Planned Unit Development #1. Land Use Component - Mr. Boardman stated Mr. Herrick's comnent was: "Is any� use prohibited?" Mr. Boardman stated they would not be prohibiting any uses and would look at all uses. Mr. Harris stated he disagreed with "any use" as he fe3t that was too broad. Ms. Gabel stated she.agreed with Mr. Harris as they have basically prohibited land fills, junk yards, etc., in the Zoning Code. ' Mr. Boardman stated it could be changed to read: "...of public or private uses of land as allowed in any other districts in the City." - Page 109 - Delete #9. Reports from City Departments, 205.193 Adoption of Planned Unit Development - Reverse #1-A and #1-B. The new #1-A sfiould be.changed to read: "Request for PUD shall follow the same process as a rezoning request." #3. Bonding to Assure Cotaformance in General P7an of Development - Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Herrick's comment on this paragraph was: "Will it be practical and effective?" Mr. Narris stated he could not see any reason for this statement to be in this location. Mr. Boardman stated he would delete it from this section and insert it somewhere under #4. Detailed Site Plans. - Page 110 - #4-I - Change to read: #4-J.- Change to read - Page 111 - "Nature and extent of cut and fill." "Lot size and dimensions." #4-N - Delete "treatment plants and pumping stations" � - Page 112 - �7, Recreation Use Areas and Buiidings - Delete the word "reasonable" in last line. 205.20 SPfCLAL DISTRICTS - No changes. PLANNING LOMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 8, 1981 PAGE 4 205.30 OVERLAY DIS7RICTS - Mr. Boardman stated this section was approved earlier by the Planning Commission. Mr. Boardman stated the Planning Commission has received a copy of the Energy Correnission's recommendations to be added to the Zoning Code. Mr. Saba stated the recomnendations of additions to the Zoning Code by the Energy Commission have a very positive approach. They talk about uses permitted, rather than things that are not permitted. MOTZON BY MR. SABA� SECONDED &Y MS. GABEL, TO AMEND THE "AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 205 OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE,.GENERRLLY KNOWN RS THE FRIDLEY ZONING CODE"TO INCLUDE THE�RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE ENERGY COMMISSION, . . UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HRRRIS DECbARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANiMOUSLY. � � MOTION BY MR, OQUZST� SECONDSD BY MR. SABA, TO��CLOSE THE PUBLSC HEARING ON THE "AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 205��OF THE FRTDLEY CITY��CODE". � .. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLAFZED THE PUBLIC�HEARING� CLOSED AT 8:54 P.M. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE NEWLY AMENDED "AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� GENERALLY KNOWN�AS THE FRIDLEY ZONING CODE". �� UPON A�VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTSNG RYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLAl2ED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � � ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY MR. SABA�..TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHRIRMAN HARRIS�DECLARED THE APRIL 8� 1981� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETSNG AA70URNED AT 8;57 P,M. Respectfully submitted, .�> .�?�k'- ^-�-' Lynne Saba Recording Secretary 5 �ue�ic fiEnatric [3EFORE TFIF PUttyNIliG COh1MISSIDY NOTICE isherebv given that there rrill be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Flall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on l�lednesday, April 22 , 1°81 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: � Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #81-03, by Robert Friedly, to allow a bumper boat operation, per Section 205.701, 3, 0, on a 98 ft. 6y 125 ft. site located on " parts of Lots 4 and 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 153, located in Skywood Shopping Center, the same being 5255 Central Avenue N.E. Ariy arid ali persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at t}ie above stated time and place. - RICNARD H. HARRIS CHAIRM4�! PLA��NIN,G COMMISSION Publish: April $> 1981 April 15, 1981 �� Planning Commission April 7 the 17ti�� MAILING LIST SP N$1-03 Robert Friedly - bumper boat operation Mr. & Mrs. Donald Delich Robert Friedly 5284 Taylor Street N.E. 4061 - 88th Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Blaine, MN 55434 Mr. & Mrs. William B. Kuether 5268 Taylor Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Mr. & Mrs. William M. Job 5250 Taylor Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Mr. & Mrs. George Hale 5234 Taylor Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Aaron 0. Engebretson 5216 Taylor Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Mr. Steve Kantorowicz 5200 Taylor Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Bayview Associates & Pajis Equities 5151 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Counselor Investments, Inc. 1050 - 52nd Avenae N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Johnston 102 Windsor Lane St. Paul, MN 55112 Sheldon Mortenson 2289 - 85th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55432 Dick West Twin City Federal 5205 Central Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 -t 6 /— � ��' LZ_ . � ��.�..� . .����������.�..�....�a��.� 4it��ir.r.�.:.�.�....YMUnsWMrv.JV/�lr�yY.MMM�Y�Rh�W�p4IMQYq��titY... CLIYY C] !"F"if7L� Y, � '��1�.1FCT i . c:o:eaur�ivc i�r:�rv �✓r_. n��- � J Sf'EC1AL USE F[Ri�11T ' � F<«��, Y. �, J. �� „� �,;,: � ��,_:..���, �, SP ��_ �'I_ �� � � , � ,. � � � .,�.�..�-, � � a ADUf;GSS_ s_i '� �- __ --�s��,✓,� L-t/� `` DATE �l?�__/.��_�'/ PLAN��ING COIi��iSSIUN: P.H. DAT[ t{ y�/ APPr^OUCD_ DISIIl�PROVED_ DATE NO �. CI1�Y COUiiCIL: P.FL REO'D �_^ QATE NO CITY COUi�lCIL: STII?Ui.A?IOi�S: APPRO'JED DISAPFROVt:D DATE �.. N0 iJAME^ O � _ ,� ��.�,�i� FEE_ /?$ °° RECEIPT PJ0 � �/%d' STREET LOCATIOid OF PROPERTY S.� ���eb�u.+(! L-�-P.�-E"�tu� (�e'^-a-�'�-�_ Fko,t/T 9'8' G✓�1�f' .�' l �d�t'' D��P— /'A!�'rs aF LEGAl. DESCRIPI"IOP! OF PRQPERTY Co� y��St�t✓d� �53�, ANok/3 Cc � PRESENT ZOfdIP;G CLASSifICATIOiJ Co/y!M EXISTING USE Or PROPERTY (/`�Cf1MT _ ACREAG� OF PROPERTY ..3. � df //R��'� uESCRiBt 3!:?Efl_Y T'rl� PROFOSED TYFE Of U�t i+i;D IMPR.OYENiENT� IJM�'���0_gT O E�'RT�o,�/ — 7t� /NCL��� LANA — s�'�1✓� � eo C�El�'_�O,�G� /MG �: �-., ;� � , t . �-Q- . Has the present applicant previcusly sought to rezone, pi�t, obtain a lot split or rariance or special use permit or. the suujFct site or part of ii? _yes �no. k'hat was requested anu v+hen? The undersioned im�erstands that: (a) F� iist of all residents and cwners of propeetv within 300 feet mus� he :ttU�hed �o tiiis �.pplicatior. (b) 7his application rnust be signed 6y all o�yners of t!?e property, or an explanation given eii�y tnis ic nc� the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the pr•oceedings resultiiig frem the failure to li�t the nares and addresses cf al} residents and property or�ners of property in questton, belonys to i.h� ui�darsicned. A s�:etch o�' praPos�d propert;� ar•d structure ;nust be dra+vn and attached, shot,ting the toilu�rin,: 1. f�orth diroction. i. Locai:ion af ps�oposed structure on the lot, 3. Limsnsions of p;•oNerty, pt•oPosed structure, a�id frunt and side setbacks. �I. Str^et nan�es, 5. Location ar.d u�e af adjaccrl existing buildings (�y�ithin 300 , fC�t). - , 7he unc:ersi.in��d hei�eby declares that al7 the ���r�,s��nd)e�;�esenta�rq�s�.sis-�tre!_ in tf17S n4)7�1Cil�,lOf1 �lFE �:l Llc dilCi CO!'1'GCt. �y'✓i �l �.G� �/',�/!�l C��<� ` a`�.t� -' l+� , � � . � ' !� /� /I, �/t ' ' 4�..�. ' �/ i�f���: •!�"��lA`__,��� ���/ SIC��A'IL!R� J�i..�.`� "�T _� .rr . � �" " '_""—_ r ��!1�1 1!'!1� r�,..�, et�..! (:/�Jri! ) r- J A1)u���. ±, ' � � ,; ,� �._.r)ls�r /` . a --- ,(� L X!/M� � M!�/ �i"`// 2.. TCl_EPfI / I P;0_7$�=��7�_ ; � 1. � -!?.rf �woRt; � 1 l_a_1 COW N�P109 ��wn��F+ �-�1�1� . ?;�;��:• . :�.<tF.___ �s��t:. _ : A..T�� e x i�s � � € Y W � � 8 € o.m �.wa �. .. _.._../�T � v� �q� F YI�iME \ ec a- sP�a1-o3 SPp�MG la[f vMR , ,�1 "s�i lu L__ G_ lM 1�1�'I� ��_ > t i � s� �,, ��.�'��:: i w :���; _y�,.�E,�: ��'_ ,..,,,... nr,�=l+i(--�lL� � SS COLVYlI� �i i NflGMS �'��� LOCATION �► �°��:,�� _ \i (� �"" ��" STREET MA.P-CITY OF If ��� i�i�� ., �C��,�L_ �=.�II '�;���L. FRIDLEY � �, e d �II��� a j�, ' � �. �"','�! �= � � �s�� ., .� - �✓ L � � � 0 �333 6,668 �� y�� �� j d �"'�al �,I°d•� �..� : �� ��, �, �: � �[;��.�.., r y�'I' � , i ����{jj' i ..1�_ � � ANONI CP .�� + i ��H[MTi FlN CO il ' w«cuaro s �" �t�/ i lo � '"`"�' ___.� Ti . g . � ' - ( /'`� . SP; �31-03 tf .. . � � . ,: o . � / . V /,• � '� i / i '. i i .' i ': O : 1 ' � � 1 �-� ( � k i i� ,� . �.�`� ' ; . �. i �{ . � ' � '':J ; � . 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'=—�"_ t_Y� -' �,. ; . � : Z O ��� :� • �Z �'y G � PUQLTC HEARIN6 BEFORE TIIE PLANNING- COMt•tISSION NOTICE is;�ereby 9iven that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, April 22 , 1981 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #81-04, by Kenneth D. Jorgensan, per Section 205.051, 2, A, to allow the construction of a second accessory building, a 24 ft. by 30 ft. detached garage, on Lot 10, Block 5, Bourdeaux's Spring Brook Addition, the same being 8101 Ruth Circle N.E. Ariy arid all persons desiring to be heard sha71 be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNIN6 C0�IMISSION Publish: April 8, 1981 Apri1 15, 1981 MAILING LIST SP #81-04, by Kenneth D. Jorgenson 8101 Ruth Circle second Accessory 6uilding Mr. Michael Melby 8100 Ruth Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Kent Pierce 8020 Ruth Street N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Walton 8066 Ruth Street N.E.' Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Thomas E. Christian 8026 Ruth Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lester Russell 8110 Ruth Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Jahn Mitchell 8120 Ruth Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Streich 8125 Ruth Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ms. Margaret Mulrine 8135 Ruth Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Livgard 8141 Ruth Circle N.E. Fridley, �1n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Allen Blomker 8131 Ruth Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carlson 8121 Ruth Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Carrol Davis 8111 Ruth Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jorger�son 8101 Ruth Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 P}anning Commission 4-6-E1 11 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Nelson 8016 Ruth Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Randall Topeff 341 Ely Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Breilard 295 Ely Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Mykola Maroz 289 Ely Street N.E. Eridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schlemmer 281 Ely Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Freeman 273 Ely Street N.E. Fridley, f4n 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gurtis Walberg P55 Ely Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 j (c � I 7_ . c�rv a� r;�is��r_v, ,� �lS3JECT 1��� SP[CIAL USE PERIdIT y /y/��' C'� C:�1:11 UNIVLII :ITY hVt?. NC.. SP �/ �'✓ '� �/ �� Y P{1lC)LCY KN. C�h 1P_ ((i'1 1.:�Y7 —'1-�n`-+C?y� . { .�.+.ww+�un �.... AODRLSS�� � % ) cz.- (Gr C � !' G-l--� _ DATE PLAhP�IIJG COFii•tISSI0IJ: P.H. DATE �,e'� 2-L✓�Y/ Af'PRQVED DISAPPROUED � � UATE NO 2 • CI7Y COUNCIL: P.H. REQ'D UATE_ NO_ CITY COUNCIL: APPROVED_` DISAPPP,OVED� DATE_ �'4. ! STIPULl�TIONS: NAtdE STREET LOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY / ZONII�G CLASSIFICATION �� EXISTING OF PROPERTY FEE �O �' RECEIPT Pf0 ���� ' PRESENT ACRGAGE IMPROti'ENiENT pROPERTY����-���-�---%` � _ DESCRIf3E 6RIEFLY THE PROPOSED TYPE OF USE AND � : � . �I1.�_' � �J� �C<-' S� � /,l�,t�_.z-���_ � Has th�resent applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? __�'es �_ao. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: {a) A list of z�ll residents and ovmers of property within 300 feet must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all otaners of the property, or an explanation 9i��en tvhy tiiis is not the case, (c) Responsibi]itv for any defect in the proceedings resultiny from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property ot•+ners of prope+,ty in question, belongs to the undersi9iied. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be draHn and attached, sho�,�irtg the follo�ring: 1. North direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, pro�osed structure,`and front and side setbacks. 4. Street names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildirgs (ti+�ithin 3Q0 feet), The undersigned hereby declares that all the tacts and rept•esentations stated in this applic��iion are true and correct. pATE:��i �.� .�-� �/ %�/ :� �/ i1UU:�[ ;S._i�.�-l'!_.1_�_4i.Cf.y—(� % SIGt�ATUR�.����'fj'�'`' �"""_� %�ji�'i'L I GAPdT� �-- ✓ �=`-----_._ �iEL[Pf.l�i�f. f��-=�j h`��� ����) � ��,�� l�� L, J coau n�vios .........._. .�.�. `�i., 0.AIME �,i_ � � ,, ��;� ,r- '�. . �...... „..._ . ;- i��� , �� ,�.� ��' _ � I 1T, � .1 ,LL� ��G�` `.. _ Y— .. a�4� �I ''�F ��.;`� ._ ��_„ �_�r�;i,�r�., � _- ..1. � .a:,.. . .y .. � � 1u0F4 C0. � x[w1Tf�N C0. 1wINf�POl.�S SP `�'81-04 �.00AT/ON SVMHG L�[F vuK ��9.� ....ennn —� MEIGMT$ STREET AAA.P-CITY OF FRIDLEY 13 ; :; AUD"` ��U �i� ' i`,`�O�ii�� , ; r 'z ' � ' } ' _ G;r..e 'i �, ^ . � y L � ; 1 ,.. � i ' ' 'q e Iti �o V �a\ 4� .i.c 7 ,,v.t r � 1 � + ^ Y . 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I. ts, ,j. d2;k= ` a �'� I � ' t� (�rGS" , gaev—' �� _ �;�• �'Sa';,, �3�3 �u�Si'. s� �4�,z�;!2T,q zEi4, 2.�9 243 �3� -•�.`Iaz{. zi5 . I'` b L�� '� x-a rl•4<! I• ` •. =RTY ��' � °' i ;.�r'�I + 3•� � r� ' \. =� �� .A ��3om � z`i$ ��i. ,� a 27o zG6 z3't z 4 6; z.aG a°7.� Z�� i � . �s p I :,/i :I�JO�.o j� al �_I���.� f ��I (. _�c/'} .` � ' :'T .�� �V �./ � .1.. ,.�7: F� ii i?? : � �� 3'.' .. I i I �%•',%T Y�. , _1 .i � I � 1 I � �. 7 ; � , ! � 1 _. ,, r �:� M•� �,�-1YG•• :i ;�, i , � „ n • � � . � + � � t i � ,� ie,.e �� i� iP ral -i � �;: �. v • �i. a .: �c .. c - ': " �+ ::r,y: < : � �'. �,. � I � • �°�t; �....9���� `.y . . �. ��L.. I _r_ � . i ,���' �� i r ' �. . i ..- - o_ _ • , .., �a� zai zt5 !�� � .�-��- ls � � ` � l i ��1�I�.€�.��! �ti�� 1�T�T' �-���� �..��,�, �':� �. ENGI NEERS AND SURVEYORS . - - � 90�L' T£S71N0 4'.NC 9UR�/EYwa � � - � LAND PLF.*�NtNO LIVIL W MuMIGIPHI ENOINEEAIN� s', � �. 6418-SGT" AVENVE N. � . �.'� � . � U11N��EAPOLiS 27,►niNN. Sp �#gl-4 Jorgenson . Ke -t-a6a7 2nd accessory building n Ei. (� t:3 �i,1 !i : �i (i4w� 1;�11� Q� �Y k`s� Lr} E�3v�'t'RL° �� . 1..R r � , � - , ��-'� , . �• �� i r ° .i �,% `� : :, � . . , .� C � : . ���� T-t,o � r-------- . 4' � � � �� � �` ..; � -r .� � ♦ ♦ ` � � ..>� ..• GTfY `, R.U-��':', C 1�; .'� C .ti,o- �� �V� � 13 � � � ( � �, i N '� / ` 1 � `�- .—.��—��-� j � J� ` �� �' � e �.,-, -ti x �� ��. �y, ¢ �e ( .r „J -__-___"�__.� ,` �, " �- �•-� } .^ � c.� �� � :C . � ; 0�,i � Al�' i S 4 __.__�_.J.__J —� ------- . i v: ----�"„ t --4•�- � ' r.,: ,•.. � � �� � . _rr . Sca;e:1'�3� �D2na� :. �r�;. �p � � J i_�'��7 �F: �:.,, i CL^',:.���•.liy � S� F.il� i�,i-':��^.':. �aDDtT1C:?: � , � 1tiE 1iiRt.6Y CFRTIF\' T;tAT Tk�S�tFA :Rt�' �`U �_ A�Lct'U� �it i:5 i Ft�tY'��� C CCN, AW??.IS.TV151P C� NCR� Clo1fNTS,. 4A.4D A:�^_\'E DESC2(GLO Ah0 0�-,iN: �LCC�LpN . + _ �r nN�', rr:�•� va a�. sn�o �nTan. M1ND��Z Eb�6tN�.E24NC� CO., 1�1C. p�:cie lK,,_r_, a,.r a. !..l ' �_ no n��l L�a:,�.o�s�s �.:c wn.YCVO �/..- � , ' � , ..'� � . �Y. ' r i �� �... �� =�-� t' `/ � � . �.-�..��----.��� _.__ � PU[3LIC I{EARING BEFORE THE PLAPl�JING COMM:SSION NOTICE isnereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of i�'ridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, April 22 , 1981 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Special . Use Permit, SP #81-05, by Leigh Investments, Inc., per Section 205.051, 3, D, to allow the construction of a duplex in R-1 zoning (single family dwelling areas} on Lot 3, Block 1, Leigh Terrace, the same being 31 Osborne Way N.E. . Ariy arid all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. RICFIARO N. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COPiMISSION Publish: Apri1 8, 1981 April 15, 1981 PLanning Commission 4-7-81 MAILING LIST SP #81-05 Leigh' Investments, Inc. Duplex in R-1 zoning, Block 1, Lot 3, Leigh Terrace Mr. & Mrs. James fisher 45 75th Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Robert Warhol and Connie Schander 55 75th Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. George Dean 65 75th Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Rogne 7505 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Pratt 7501 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 ` Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gay 7479 Osborne Road NE. Fridley, Mn 55432 Leigh Investments, Inc. 6305 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John McCay 7449 Talmadge Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Lesley Watkins 50 Osborne Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Overvig 30 Osborne Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. David Lindom 21 Talmadge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Predrag Filipovic 31 Talmadge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Benson 41 Talmadge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 1% r r.iTV o� 1=NIC7L[=Y, � SUi3JLC7 /- l�� � � c�a� uNtvr.r�s�rv ��vc. r��. � l�illD� LY MN. ! a 1' lf.^ 1 fi79-:14�.�0 � A� G �� � �', _ Sf'[CIFli. USE PERt�IIT �� lo $P # ��" �''�J PLtiNytP�G C�ilitISSIOW: P.N. DATL h/22/81 APPROVCD DISAPPROVED � DATE NO 3 CITY COUNCIL: P.H. REQ'D DATE Na CI7Y COUtdCIL: STIPULATIOtdS: APPROVE� DISAPPROV[D UATE NO HAPhE ,1... � 1 6 J--1 � nf c/ES'f'M ENTS ��/ C. ST°EFT LOCATION OF PROAERTY '�.� f� S(3 pF FEE�J'"/.� RECEIPT NO�Sy3 LEGAL D�SCRIPTION OF PROPERTY J... � 1— ��, � c OC ,�? T,Z c' /�� Tc',e�2ACe PRES[N7 ZOIJIfyG CLASSIFICATI4Y �—% EXISTING IfSE OF FROPERTY )/AGA�.Jr �Or ACREAGE OF PROPERTY Ih9PP,OVEMENT OESCRI6E aRIEFLY THE PROPOSED TYPE �F USE ANd !/ �r.._r±Nl1_ HYYC H i C^ c �- G- T K'�� -� L J T Has the present applicant previously sought to r zone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? _ yes �C no. 41hat �vas requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and o�vners of property �eithin 300 feet must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all o4mers of th2 ptro oerty, or an explanation given �,�hy this is not �he case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting fr�m the failure to list the nam�s and addresses of all residents and properiy o��mers of proper�ty in question, belongs to t.he undersigned. A sl;etch of proposed property and structure must be dra���n and attaclled, showing the folle�tainy: L Plorth direction. 2. Location of propos�d structure on the lot. 3. Diriensions of property, proposed struc[ure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Sti�eet nam�s. 5. Location and use of adjacer.t existing buildings (within 300 feet). - . 7he undersigned hei�eUy declares that all the facts and representations stated in tliis app}ication are true and coi,rect. DA7E 7"��� ���� �-- S1GfyA7U(Z[ r.,��<<i �t� f 2'?0 . � ,��,PLICJYf ADDRf�;S �,'_ iQ-..�`✓_c`�41�.�.�'4%�-��'!�_����'.��--------- TfLCf'HOh:I; NO_�l/-yS�d N COp1 P�PIOS .w..J6�.�'-?1�1) . i�. :^ �. �s!. .,-� _ e Y, � F 6 i � a � � o.•. ove i e�uwc .�..e..,.. ����It� . ' �,� r __ ':�:" � �;•_if":�if�� a �t I ` _ '4?,. Y ,� ��_..,...... , ��I' � ��``y` � ., �'vli�?..,... � 1HON� LQ - Mr��IM C0. 4Nw(�IOLiS c � ¢ c e 19 SP �81-.0� Leigh Investments Duplex in R-1 20 Osborne Way N.E: . LoC��'�oM SMIMG L�ME YMI{ ,� J U�U� ����� es_� �x l_ � � , � f,f —,�_'� �' � y. ` ����R �� a'? f�� .:, � � �� �d.z ���I vl �� � � , ��..,.� , �,�..._,«�� ��. r, �� �1�'ul���l f�(°���.:.°",�.o,�'—.�._?;i��� - : �� ..,.i � i�` , 61� ==�3�� ,..�«. ��,� I � � si CpLWW1 3 q XE�GMTS . STREET MAP-CJTY' OF FRIDLEY -0 a333 � 6,868 >,'� i� _,l�fi" �,.. . �7;. �>' -��� �i' '•i"i. . � .� .�1 . . . . . I... ' ` I,� �"•' " '�� . _.:,. . .. 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Tecl+h�c4ll � �se a►P.�¢ Q l�o �e�(�� S,U p (�uh9 a�o w � r�ese are a l� wp�t dy s.v.� ?i ./.�. � - ��� /' iT''� /14 5 �Jt6..s �d�vo� �py ��/' �f„ — �-�` L'r�7 �.�,.�--..:.� � . . J ( I � _ �.,.. .�.,,„� � � . „� , r ,;�.r _.,: ..,,-. .c.r s. .r�s.�-e�r � ,. a�rt—r > ... 22 SP' �1t�1,-05 Leig#� Ir�vestmenis z . �uplex in R-1 2U Usbor��e t�!ay P; E..; :��- v A _ _ �;-� �� � �ry r ','t. . Ll � 3 i ! . � L ��• �� �F �"� • 1s� : ' � . . ' l� f i _ �. { ���` � ' _ { � �Y ( . �3 v . � ��� � a i�C � s � �tS+. i'i...; c i.i � i t •�'� �+ y3g� �^,��s i. F � � �C ��-`�Y7':i � " ������� ; ^ 1 ` 1 , � � t , ...�. t -� H :. : �i. � . . .. . ' '�."_.._..,. .. �. ... _.,. �... : _' _.� ... . . ... .... ..- '- , � . . . • � _ .�.� ..�_.. . -.. �c . }n�� a � {. 7= � .. .i. . -. -�- � �`� � h 3 � ^J �1��tl fr } � �e. �i. Y . •i ` 3. � _d . � ,• -. � - .�, .� ��. �' . f .�� 4` :.� e ..;� �... ..� .. ,:. .. ,- ':. -r' :�7� --:.: . f..0 �t i k +� t ; 4 y •1 t t' � ! S i.• f 1 �': � n ..• t. :. '- . ,�. _ � t � � —� c L�l'C, { � E�'i'ti`c `:' �. < wt • �.� bL.00tc r� ~� _ - � ' ��. -�,� ,.x_,..-c>.=-w _ ' � . r � � :.j� r -~ . � �'. , i y '+ � s + � i r � r � f` t �; .,.� J n -6! �'' � i�,' � .s 23 PUQLIC FIEARING E3EFORE TFIE PLAN�JING COMMISSION NOTICE ishereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, April 22 � 1981 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #81-06, by Leigh Investments, Inc., per Section 205.051, 3, D, to allow the construction of a duplex in R-1 zoning (single family dwelling areas) on Lot 4, Block 2, Leigh Terrace, the same being 20 Osborne Way N.E. Ariy arid all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. RICfiARD H. HFlRRIS CHA I Rh'J1N PLANNIYG COMPiISSION publish; April 8, 1981 � April 15, 1981 Planning Commission 4=7=81 Mailing List SP �81-06, Leigh Investments, Inc duplez in R-1 zoning, Lot 4, Block 2, Leigh`Terrace Mr. & Mrs. Dale Minar 12 Talmadge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Randy Hanson 24 Talmad9e Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Diane J. Norfolk and Glen Schmidt 36 7almadge Way N.E. Fridley MN 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Behlen 48 Talmadge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Geneva E. Duffy 60 Talmadge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Kunz 0i1 Co 7449 East River Road N.E. Fridle,y, Mn 55432 Kunz Oil Co. 7451 East River Road N.f. Fridley, Mn 55432 Leigh Investments, Inc 6305 East River Road N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. �ohn McKay 7449 Talmadge Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 �dr. & Mrs. Lesley Watkins 40 Osborne Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Harold Overvig 30 Osborne Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. David Lindom 21 Talmadge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. � Mrs. Predrag Filipovic 31 Talmadge Way NE Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Benson 41 Talmadge Way N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gay 7479 East River Road N.F�. Fridley, Mn 55432 kuraz Oi l Company R.O. Box 24091 Mpls, Mn 55424 24 /— ��� �0 crrv o:= H�in�r-v, il `�Ji3JECT G4JTUN�VGR.`i1TY AVIi. NL. rzliuu�v nr,r�. � -� ,r• tc�:��;e,-n. aasn '{ nooRESS ���� ( 0 � �o� ���_ vf/A PLAfdNING COhi(4ISSIOPI: P.N. UAlE CI1'Y COU(JCIL CITY COUfJCIL: STIPULA7IO�NS: .� i7, =• 2s SPECIAL USE PERMIT $P N,i�'3_L:.�= C,t( DATE APPROVED DISAPPROV[� DA7E�22 8 N� 4 F.H. R[Q'D DA7E NO APPROVED DISAPPROVED DA7E N� nAr�E �� i ��-� �,� ✓E s r.�, G..i rs /.�� _ � STRE[T LOCATION OF PROPERTY FEE / 7'.>'pp RECEIPT NO_� �`/% LEGAL CESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY �-o T 3 B�oe� � .LE/Gf✓ 'ir'F2.2f1�� . PRESEfr'T ZO�dING CLASSIFICATION �/ EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY �/ACA�Jr �o� ACREAGE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBE BRIEFLY THE PROPOSED TYPE OF USE AN� IMPROVEMEtdT��nFasF� C�s�' IS t.�J�rM +97�crP�Gx ���r�T 1�.! T,�FE ..._ _ - _ - _ - ._ .- ._,,.. F �s the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? _�es �no. What svas requested and 4rhen? The undersigned understands that: (aj A list of all residents and o��mers of property within 300 feei must be attached to this application. (b) This application must be signed by all owners of Che propei�ty, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the praceedings resultirg from the failure to list tiie rames and addresses of al1 residents and property o4mers of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structtn'e must be drawn and.attached, shotaing the follo��+ing: 1. Ivorth di�,ectiott. 2. Location c?f proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Street names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (+vithin 300 feet}, T1�e uridersigneci hereby declares i;hat all the facts and representations stated in this application are '.rue and correct. i � �IIT[��?�T, �. /�%�1 SIGN/ITIiRE '-� . - P� � Y /«'d -�- '__—_T___ �� —_.�11�'P 1C;SNI� A(?Df�I S`.; ��1?__ �-=r-�='-.'---1=- `-Y=^�� _�c� . __ . 7E1.[PIiONE I�10_.'S%/°%�D_ f e � y� i�-'.._,�,.! COW N11PID! � `� � � � ��; n r5).a�.� . .... .. _ _ � s Np • u f � � � o.. : � �.,.E 26 - SP N81-06 Leigh Investment - Duplex in R-1 31 �sborne Way N.E �OC4Tt0 �y / $%i1MG L�Mf VIPR ]5 - J1?s�l'�JLJL:J !L"Jl ._-°�;i_; ;�;r' �F�._�il���l.��l'I: ^�s' .-.� -_. 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Y 4 "_.. .. >. i ... . �. � � . . .. . _ .. . y ,'_ .... .�. .. � .. �._,; . �.r__ _ . -.. ..t ..'..f.. �. .p . .. �.,:.. a. _.....Q:t. ...��lr�. a'4. 5::: c 'r,:r .�'.- : _ Q�����`� l�J�� ` � , t. i _ . ..: ... �. . �. S - - � 1 . p l.� .. .. ; �. . � e -,. : y �j \. t �. . ¢ t -.4 _ ] . �OJ �� t+�` L.")[�i... i� t�1�t}S L-�r �-.rtl.� �, e .i! i� � . � � L � .i h� �'(` -��� 1 � � ` f,' 1 ( +• p' ` J. Y 1 - ` ^'f nSr.l � . � . .i_r ..n��✓S.Gw. 4+ t.Ntir: �� �tu w � . ' � _ � r . . � V5..M w. :.'... . � v..tevdx.�d ....� _.� S . _ . . . a . _ P _ r _ . PU6LIC FIEFlRING B[fORE TNE PLANNING C014MISSION � NOTICE ish�re6y given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission af the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, Apri1 22 , 1981 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezon�ng request, ZOA #81-03, by John R. Doyle, to . rezone from R-1 (single family dwelling areas) to R-3 (general multiple family dwellings), Lots 78 and 79, Block A, Riverview Heights, so that al�l the property under one ownership are the same zoning, located in the North Half of Section 3, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located at 391 Hugo Street N.E. Any arid all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAI RNUIN PLANNIN6 COhit4ISSI0N Pu6lish: April 8, 1981 April 15, 1981 PLANNING COMMISSION ApriJ 7, 1981 City C�uncil MAILING LIST ZOA N81-03, John Doyle Rezone Lots.78, 78 Block A, Riverview Heights Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bultena Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Killblock 381 Ironton Street N.E. 366 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. James Burnett 377 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs, John Gardiner 371 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 6ordon D. Favre 8255 East River Road N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Dailey 8251 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 554432 Ann Rose Kania 430 Ironton Street N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & P1rs. Arthur Erke 382 Ironton Street N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Meyer 420 Ironton Street N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Mark Northfield 8114 Fairmont Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 hir. & Mrs. Gary VelisheR 8112 Fairmont Circl�-N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hodd 8110 Fairmont Circle N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 WiT-Cast Investments, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Zuelke 8253 East River Road N.E. 8161 East River Road N.E fridley> Mn 55432 Fridley, Mn 55432 Wi1-Cast Investment, Box 22712 ' Robbinsdale, MN 55422 Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Jacobson 8151 Fairmont Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 W. G. Doty Real Estate, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Arnold 62Q5 University Avenue N.E. 8141 Fairmont Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Willson Mr. & Mrs. Montford Carpenter 401 Ironton Street N.E. 8131 Fairmont Circle N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 ' fridley, Mn 55432 Dean W. Nordahl 10665 Northmark Drive Eden Prairie, Mn 55433 Mr, & Mrs. Roger Ghai 11321 Ivywood Street N.W. Coon Rapids, Mn 55433 hir. & Mrs. Thomas Ficocello 8121 Fairmont Circie N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hegner 450 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 30 Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Cook 420 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Phillip Rosar P/K Properties 111T5 Crooked Lake Blvd. Coon Rapids, Mn 55433 Norton Quciier 358 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Pir. & Mrs. Joel Lillithun 350 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 George T. Pavey � 6816 Lombardy Lane Minneapolis, Mn 55428 Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wood 11167 5th Street N.E. Blaine, Mn 55434 Mr. & Mrs. John Kobs 369 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. David Schultz 371 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Falk 387 Nugo Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Marvin Henkel 389 Hugo Street fJ.E: Fridley, Mn 55432 Leigh Investments, Inc 6305 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 P1r. & Mrs. Gene Harstad 500 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gary Claggett G. N. Hashmi 440 Hu90 Street N.E. Gai1 C. Brooks 656 Iona Lane Fridley, Mn 55432 II184 East River Road N.E. St. Paul, Mn 55113 Fridley, Mn 55432 Mailing List, ZOA #81-03, John Doyle, Page 2 Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kellner 8182 East River Road N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Raymond M. Overson 509 Hugo Street N�.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 June Lucile Frehn & June L. Frehn 8180 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Draheim 8164 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hall 499 Glencoe Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gordon S1lensen 8154 East River Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 31 32 � :e,� ?_, G, �'SUS,�i:CT ZOtJIf;U ACT10N 'L0� !i f%'%-C%-3 � G�.� (JTY CJr i�=5al'JL�Y� -'— . — (/ r:,�:ii uiuivrnsirv nvir. n��. V(1CA,7I0({ $AV {} � t cainu v, r.rni. ��n �� ����� oi�-s�isv � PLAT PS �l ._ .,�«:<,..�m.�.�,...A..�r.,v.,.�.-.s.�..,,.�,.......e....�a..�..,,...,...,.r..»,.�.r.�.. U120Il:A;iCE P;Q PULLISNED ADDC?CSS •�`7/f .� I�,� -� lS .3 %% ,�l-z�-6 ., �1'�<L� DAT[�5 i�%a /9 / �--- PLANIdII�G C01-i'.•1ISSION: APPROVE[7` DiS1tPPR0�:ED�_ DATE_ 4-22-81 _ NO 5 CITY CQUf;CIL: PU[iLIC HEARI(;G DFTE 1ST R[AD 2ND READ CI7Y COUWCIL: APPROVED DISP.PPROVLD, DATE NO PARK FEE R[QUI�ED: STIFULATIOP;S: �.�d��►r� NAME ��Ke�t- `K,�cyc�t t_� FEE 25(�. o0 STRE[T,LOCATIUN OF PROPERTY ���,r/�R �1✓ �� 11F°__�L_'G__�7_ PAI RECEIPT NO a� `/5 LEGAL DESCRIPTJON OF PROPERTY�rs 7R�74' -Q��,y '!J" �P��2 ✓� E.,� t,�i�d�S PRESENT "LOI�IIyG CLASSIfICATION /P-! EXISTIYG U5E OF PROPERTY��r�/ �An/� ACREAGE OF PROP�RTY 54 X!D � DESCRIBE BRIEfLY THE PRUPOSEO ZOPJING CLASSIfICATION OR 'i1'PE OF USE AIdD IMPROVEMENT PROPOSED_ �'��o,� r 71�� t�J Rccozo,qn/cE (dL1 lf{� ?C�N/nl6 n� f� � 9C.F.�!��D �oR 7i�e=yt' oPME.✓T Gl/T7�1 �Pc'c�X . Has the�present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or speciaT use permit on the subject site or pai•t of it? _�,yes -�4 no. 4lhat was request?d and when? )�{ 7l3 �/AR � An1 c� W A 5 �QJ�� rF � A.J D GQ R,�/TE r� Fv,e Us F As �l�,Pi�i,JG' �a2 F a Fa� A i o Pc. E';� The undersigned understands that: (�) A list of al7 residents and owners of proper- ty ti��ithin 350 feei: must be attached to this application. (b) This appli�aiion must 6e si9ned by e,ll owners of thz pr•o;:ert:y, or an explanation given wh)' this is not the case. (c) Responsibility fcr any defect in the proceedings resultiny from the failure to 7ist the nan�es ard addresses of all residents and pr•operty owners of pro- perty in question, be]ongs to th� uridersigned. A sl;etch of proposed property and structure niust be drat•rn and attached, sho�ving the following: 1. North direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of ¢roperty, proposed si.ruct�a�e, and 1i�eRt and side setbackse 4. Street names. 5o Location and i.�se of adjacent existing buildings (within 350 feet). The undersigned heret�y cleclares that al7 the facts and repi•esentations stated in tf�is apptication at�e true and correct. �, DATE_.3—a � — /9�_/ _ SIGtQATURC nnoii�ss �_ 30=`'--«�? _ �;� i rr.�.e�i�ovF ��o_s�� _s!��; o�_ 0 LLl i �>} BUIK . . W � � �_�, � ,,�r=_ _ 33 `� A� U i�- Z�A #81-03 John Doyle caN1 P�nms� 1 � � . �.,....�1 ���1�� ` �l •. •. � � . ? n " �` � La��Tt a� � �_...,, .;��.d._. .�.. - . � � � „..� NN G F � y QQC � .4 o� �, m i .J�L.c- i. -� _,�,��— � �° � �L lf Ihu„ g '�' �I i � �r ..� +� ������,�,i ` � - �� �f�� � � x i+� ��i) � 4� .. ° ' j; �� h � � '��...., ,� �r =-�r- ;d I � � � � � •'�� �i ; �,,. } � �� ,ii�_ � i .w�,.. �a '� ;� . Nt '��---G--�a�r.�H co. V MNrt�ML�S � $VP1HG L�ME PANN n � JI �����e ��� �"'.��—f- ��Ilf �� "'� x; q � �ir 4• :���I l�l��_ �r rT� ���J� �.� `" �l � �L J a.. I'�i�i � ,_...u+i_ .J g— 1i I M r II `� � � ;,-.n,o�'_��_[_;=£, I I��Jr � ^„ � 1 > r��.. aL�L � ��—:� r - ' l�l�� -' �fi'W �! �r�l .�. �-' l'� eL�jJ��l���i:.��i(�: � . �� -i.i V !: ' r � . I - s°'��-�C. _ �_'-Y,!, ,...,wu. . . �'''-�% nr-f �Ia�` ,= --��, ° sy COWM81� � � NEIW?S � STREET Fa1A.P-CIiY OF ��0 ��.�� 0 �333 6,668 ������� �<3: I . ` ' • �)o o- � �Yi po n 6 - . . . . . . .. yz.B �, � � � � � �• • . ' ZOA #81-03 .John Doyle • 34 ��7 i � - ?�� � � . . , : �1 � y� : �� ,� v� . . • , :::'::'. �i " �� p � I ! . . . . . . v,�_61 � - � �� S � i�. _. . ' � .. . . ' ` - . . � � C)�h ;;, • r�5 gY°� C , � ' . . . ,. p� 1 - � - � � � ; - . � c�-�Y o� . � � . '°`� 2 coo� ���t�s � �'`� -- � E�`,o�p 3 :' li ' _' _ __ i/rS.39 ---" \ ."'• . . . ! �^'^3.. : q.� �- .��. � . . . . � ..rGBof9'"... ; _ '• , �y� .}� ,C.. � . . . .�ero.:v•�--- . 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TOTAL ARGA OF PROPERTY _%'� Q, 5 F3• S� SQ F l� PRFSEhT ZONIM1�G�.3 ��( REIISON FOR LOT SPLIT , f �`7����EST �.+/Cn tI,JGT�r_�ti/ G'�r�d iK�zo.vE�Y/'k"/f '7`r � � c o c.�1 `�i.c9 a S c PE(� /-� r��J ��r �J1 ��D �.�J:¢s _��1-� W� �'ft �L��--�_cb�=�?'___l�_!� �2_�. G G R c. `� �St. f=, iT'1 v� o The under�igned hereb,y dec?:i-es �i�at all Che facts and represeirtations stated in this application are true arid cor:�ect. DAiE:_�_ 2 5_ I q S"1 �^ SI61J�� NOTICF: A sketch nf the �?roperty a�;ti the pro��osad lot split r;ith any existing struc- —�'— tUPE'S S�IOIYiI S�lOU�i] i1C,C0.`:1:)d,'11' 1:f?iS 3t)O�1Cd{:lOil. . (See reversc side for addit.ional instructionsj •T :- r. �+,, � 19II1 POLICY STATEh1ENT Oh PARK ffES ON LAND SUBDIVISI-0N Date 3° U In determinin9 fair market value of public areas for tand subdivision for cash payment, as required by Ordinance 633, the follov�ing values will be used: Residential subdivision �1,000.00 per lat Residential lot split � 500.00 per lot Commercial/Industrial subdivision or lot splits � 0.015 per sq. ft. This fee is to be paid at the time of final plat or lot split approval. The City Council may defer collection to the time a building permit is requested for individual lots created by such subdivision/lot split. The City retains the option to accept an equivalent amount in cash from the applicant for part or all of the portion required to be dedicated. PARK FEE AGREEMEA'T The undersignerl understands that according to the City Platting Ordinance, the following public park land dedication is required to plat residential, commercial or industrial zoned property. It is further understood that the public park land dedication or cash payment equivalent is at the discretion of the City. It is agreed that a cash payment of $ viill be paid according to the above stated policy for the following subdivision/lot split. It is agreed that the foltowing land dedication is provided according to the above stated policy for the follov�ing subdivision/lot split: Dedication: Subdivision/lot split: The undersigned fur•ther agrees to notify all future property o�,�ners er assigns of the cash payment requirement, if it is to be col;ected at the tiine of building permit. DfITE SIGfJ�1TURE Property Owner�— O�Fi4A/? 6G711 � ,• a,. � i N LOOp �A10105 \ I �V� � � ...,�(�c' f,m� 1 ... .. �� •..'"__- � % � � � D�n _ �:_ ;, ��'�L �� L:S. �&1-03 John Doyle39 ✓ p,� I� - — �r . .,,..,.. � j.OGAT 1 O N .����, f' �� ,r"���n� a �'°�i=_, � ��I[+�..�. � ��. ... W'I � �NOK� CO • HCIMZ�IM C0. w�nc•rais � � f SVx�NG ler[ r�n[ I I II E5 �I I�� � ; L� � �F l3'I �:�u:.�°��I�� � �"na'�.� �s��ch"c7�:� ....e„a. nnr� 16�.= � � � Ft tau�ai �, : xcicxrs STREET Md.P-CITY OF FRIDLEY p 3�393 6,666 r :rq —a �µ . . . � . . � 17o c �N� il< I�� G ' . . . . 9S. B ' , .. �''. . . q0 y �j � L.S. �81-03 � � M .,� • John Doyle �_�' w� ° ' C�.. T ry '* rr '� � �: 1' .�3. ", � ;v � . . � - • �e ' . 1 L� % � I^ s. eh� :4 . .� ° . • ` ", /" _ M �' _ . ` � �.w 8 r � ; aC�fY p�pFp�c � � � ; Z e I�LQI'� �NrILJ� ___"//JS.29___'_ � . .. . �b� o . � 'b 3 ^ y . _ � . .. _ --'ceo.la.. 1 ' _ ''. � .��-;� w. � ' ,::.. . -ioro.:v•..._ . � . .. .�j ..gie.1 s: sT y 7{� 5� :'"'" � ....tcr.i?.. 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UPON A�VOICE.VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIR440A9AN GABEL DF.CLARED TiIE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. l, VARIANCE RE9UEST PURSUANT TO CAAPTFR 205 T*�rFV ('TTV rn27F mn RFnrrF THE SIDE YARD SF.TBACK ON THE LIVING SIDE OF THE HOUSE FROM THF REOUIRED � 10 FEET TO 6 FEET TO ALLOW TrI° CONSTRL'CTION OF A 17 rOOT BY � 00 ADDT- TION ON 2'HE ROOF OF AN ATTACHED 21 POOT BY 22 PODT GARAGE, LOCATED ON LOT� 11, BLOCK 2� TEMPLE TERRACE SECOND ADDTTIONy THE�SAPIE BEING 556 53-1/2��� �1VENUE N.E. (Request by Arno H. Sylvester, 556 53-1/2 Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN 55421). Mr. Arno K. Sylvester, 556 53-1/2 Avenue N.E., was present MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:33 P.bL � Vice-Chairwoman Gabel read the Staff Report: ADSdINISTRIITIVE STAFF REPORT 556 = 53�t Avenue N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY.REOUIFII•fENT: . Section 205.053, 9B, requires a side yard setiback of not less then 10 feet adjoining living area. Public purpose served bY this requirement is to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between livinq areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and living areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposleasin conflagration of fire. It is also to allow for aesthetically p 9. open areas aroand residential structure.s. B. STATED }IN'�AS!iIP: - . . "L would like to hace this size room and also for the overall appearance of the homc. Witli this size room I believe the overall home will have a better appcarancc." � - APPEALS COMMISSION MEGTIIdG - TUPSDAY� 71PFIL 14, 19II1 � page 2 � C.� �ADMINISTRFiT2VE "STAFF �F2�'�rr�y): �� � � � � � � � � � . This home faces north (53� Avenue) with. the attached 21' x 22' gaiage on the east side of the structure and having a 2' (approx.� side yard setback. The proposed 17' x 20' addition will be placed on the top of the garage, even with the back o£ the garage, and set back 6' €rom the side lot line, This existing garage was bui:lt in 1963, is constructed of blocks rather than wood frame, and has only 4 row of blocks showing on the east side. The adjacent dwelling to the east (564-53'� Avenue) is 24` (approx.) from the common lot line. This homeowner had asked for a sideyard variance for an attached garage with living area above �n 1990 but the living area request was denied. The reason for the denial was that the structures would be too close if Mr. Sylvester ever decided to build on top of his existing garage. The attached garage was not built, but a detached garage located in the rear yard was constructed. Mr. Clark showed the coimnission a photo and aerial view of the area. Mr. Sylvester said he would like to build on top of this garage with a deck rvnning along e�:tending out 6 feet and 8 feet in the back of the garage. He said theg will be setting the living room back 2 feet as there is a valley and they have to accomodate that, He also said the deck will overhang 4 feet onto the driveway, Vice Chairwoman Gabel asked if. it was to be living room or family and if he will have any openings on the east side. Mr. Sylvester said it will be a living room and the e�cisting living room will be a dining room and the openings will be on the north and south side. He also said the deck will be on the east side to the edqe of the garage. Vice Chainaoman asked when he would like to start. Mr. SyZvester said he would li.ke to start in the middle of May and that a con*_ractor will do the work and that he will probably do the finish work on the inside. Vice Chairwoman Gabel asked about the roof Iines and Mr, Barna asked if there will be patio doors on the south side, Mr. Sylvester said the roof line wi11 be 1-1/2 feet higher and they will have patio doors on the south side with stairs going into the back yard, Mr. Barna questioned the hardship and asked why he needed additional space. Mr. Sylvester said he is going to remarry and will need the additional space, He also said he has talked to his neighbor and he has no objections. Vice Chairwoman Gabel asked Mr. Clark if there needed to be a fire wall and Mr. Clark said no. Mr. Barna noted that the change in family size is the real hardship. MOTSON by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mr. Hippen, to close the public hearing. UPON A.VOICE VOTE, ALL�VOTIT3G AYE, VICE�CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED. TAE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:43 P.M, - MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to approve the variance request to reduce the side yard setback on the living side of the house from the required 10 feet to 6 feet to allow the construction of a 17 foot by 21 foot addition on the roof of an attached 21 by 22 foot garaqe, located on Lot 11, Block 2, Temple Terrace Second Addition, the same being 556 53-1/2 Avenue N.E., Fridley, P9N 55421, .UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL�VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLAR�D THE PIOTION CARRIED DNANINIOUSLY. S �7fpPE.F.LS C�NIN,TSSION MEETING — TUESDAY, TIPRIL 14� 1981 � � �p�9e��� 2, R R' F: 3 A 4T lOR VAP,IANCES PUP,SUANT ^t0 CIIAPTFR .205 OF TIiE PRIDLEY C�. E Tlii� SIDE YRRD 5I''ICBACK FOR �AI�S ACCESSORY BUILUS.b:G � ON� F1 ��CO� TFiS F'�:qUIRP•.D 30 FELT TO 10 FE�T�,� .RND� REDUCE 2'I�P:, RPAR YAF2D 2 PE�'i' (2�'. OP' 'fIII.; LOT DFPTFi) TO 20 PEBT, TO I�LLOW THE CO�. FT,BY 34 FT. DETF:C:IED GAP�TiGE ON LOT 7r.'BLOCK 3, MEP.DOF7LAN 'ION, THE SI�P�IE IIL�ING 6651 JACK50N STREET N.F.. (Request by eid, 6651 Jackson Street N.E., Fridley, MN 55432). Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Drangeid, 6651 Jackson Street N.E, were present. LOT � B'ROM MOTION by P1r. Barna, seconded by PSr. Plemel to open the public hearinq. -UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VQTING AYE, VZCP CEiAIR470MAN GABEI, D�CLAREU�THE PUHLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:45 P.M. Vice Chairwoman Gabel read the Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 6651 Jackson Street N.E, A.� PfIBLIC PURPOSE �.SEfi1ED BY REOUIREb1ENT: Section 205.053, 4B, #Sa, requires a minimum side yard sethack of, 30 feet, for an accessory building that open onto the street side of a corner lot, when the house to the rear has frontage along that side street and the accessorf building is within 25 feet of the co�non property line. Public purpose served by this requirement is to reduce encroachment into the neighbor's front yard "line of sight" and also to allow for off-street parking without encroaching on the public right of way. Section 205.053, of the lot depth, required. 4C, requires a rear yard depth of not Iess than 25 percent with not less than 25 feet permitted nor more than 40 feet Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide rear yard space to be used for green areas which ennance the neighborhood. B. STATED HARASfiIP: "The hardship is the odd shape of the lot and the location of the existing trees." C. ADPfINISTRATIVE STAFF REVILia.: The lot is on the corner oi Jackson Street and Kennaston Drive, with the house and existing attached garage facing Jackson Street. The applicant proposes to convert the existing garage to living area and build a 10 £oot by 12' Ureezeway and a 34 foot x 24 foot attached garage behind the existing garage, with the prpposed garage exiting anto Ke�m aston Drive. Because of the curving of the lot, the east side of the garage front will be 10 feet from the side l�t line and t}le west side of the garage front will be 40 feet (approximately) from the side lot line. Kennaston Drive has a 10 foot boulevard makinq the closest section of the garage 20 feet from the street. The adjacent structure, to the rnar, has frontage along Kennaston Drive and will bc approsi.matcly 100 feet froro Uze proposed construction. }1PPEALS COMMISSION MINIIT£S �- TUESDI�Y F�PRIL 14 1981 � �� Pa� e 4 - m I�tn. Clark shoe�ed the commission an'aerial view and photo of the area. Mr. Drangeid said that right now they have a double garage they want to convert into a family for their children. He said he wants 34 feet because he likes to do wo6dwor3:ing, which he is doing in their basement and he would like to do it in the garage. Vice Chairwoman Gabel asked if this was a hobby or a home occupation. Mr. Drangeid said it was his hobby. Vice Chairwoman Gabel looked at plans for the breezeway and garage and said there appears to be an awful lot of jogging and asked iP there was a way to line this up better. Mrs. Drangeid e�cplained the locations of the trees on the property as the reason for the jogging. Mr. Plemel asked about the width of the breezeway and if they were going to use it for a living area. Mr. Drangeid said the breezeway is going to be 10 Eeet and the breezeway wi11 be more of a 3-season porch. He said this � will give them more privacy in their backyard and Mrs. Drangeid said they also have a garden they want to protect. Vice Chairwcir.:an Gabel asked if they are going to�hire a contractor.� Mr. Drangeid said he wi11 contract out the cement work and hize a carpentez to help him. Mx. Plemel noted that there is no intersection and this addition should not interfere with the line of sight. Vice Chairwoman Gable noted that there is a lot of room there and Mr, Clark had no comments or stipulations. Vice Chainaoman Gabel asked i£ they had talked to their neighbors and Mr. Drangeid said he had no objections from his one neighbor and the other house is empty and up for sale. Mr. Barna noted that there will be three gable roofs: house, breezeway and garage and asked if they are going to have open attic or close area. Mr. Drangeid said it will be closed. Mr. Barna noted that the hardship is the family growing up and entezing teen yeaxs. Vice Chairwoman Gabel said that the shape of the lot is an additional hardship. MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Hippen to close the public hearing. UPON A UOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GAB�L DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING�CLOSED AT 7:58 P.M. � � MOTION by bir. Barna, seconded by Mrs. Gerou, to approve the variance request to reduce the side yard setback for an accessory building on a corner lot from the required 30 feet to 10 feet; and reduce the rear yard setback from 31-1/2 feet (25� of the lot depth) to 20 feet, to allow the construction of a 24 foot by 34 foot detached garage on Lot 7, Block 3, Meadowlands Second Addition, the same being 6651 Jackson Street N.E., Fridley, D7N 55432. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION C1:RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. REQUEST FOR VFIRIANCE5 PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2Q5 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CQDE, TO � REDUC� THE LOT AREA FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP' A 4 FAMILY DWELLING FROM THE REQUIRED 15,000 SQUARE FEET TQ 10�236 SQUARE FEET, ON LOTS 78 AND 79, ALONG WITFi THE EAST 50 FEET OF LOTS 80, 81, 82 3ND 83� F1LL IN 3LOCK A, RIVERVIEW HEIGHT5� THE S�E BEING 391-383-395-397.HUG0 STREET N.E., AND REDUCE iHE LC1P AREA FOR TFIE CONSTRUCTION OF A 4. FAMILY D`v7ELLING IiRL'A FROM THE REl9UIRED 2 AND EA5T 50 FEET THEREOF, AIQD ALL THAT u v.�� Ll/Vl.l\ Il� Lii1VV LJti1V�LLLV 1llli JVV1L1li1�liA L1LVG Vl' Y i TO THE P111C RtIIL£.O�AD P�IGFiT �F S4AY, AIQD b1LS0 THAT PORTI�N OF - ,v�.:.�, wi�,u�-, .,v�n i.e,i.,�vr�.. �.v,�...�...,, LYING BET{�*EF.N THE NO£.TII I�INE OP LCT,f33, �BI,OCK A, EXT�NDED WPST THROUGH SAID - r,v• c�vr ui,v�..r- �+� a�a.vr,nvir,rv nnivaal�� ♦nc, uniir 1-403-405-407 EIUGO STREI:T N.E. (Request by John R. Doyle, 6305 East ver Foad N.E., P'ridley, MN 55432). � - PaeS ` APPEPS.S COMMLSSION MINt7TES � TU�SDAY APRIL 14, I981 John R. Doyle,"6305 East River Road, and Mr. and Mrs. Kielblock� 366 Ironton - Street NE, were pxesent. . � . MUPTON by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to open the public hearing. UPON A '� VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTiNG AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED TEiE PUBLIC�HEARING OPEN AT 8:01 P.M. Vice Chairwoman Gabel Yead the Staff RepoYt: ADMINISTRATIVE STAF'F REPORT 391-397 and 401-907 Hugo Street N.E, (ZWO 4-Plex Units) � . A. PUIILIC PUF2POSE SERVF.D BY RF.QUIREME[4T% Section 205.073, lA, #2, requires a lot area oE not less than 15,000 squaze feet for a four iamily dwelling. Public purpose served by this requirement is to avoid the condition of overcrowding in;a residential neighborhood, to avoid an excess burden on the existing water and sewer services, and to avoid reduction of surrounding property values. B, STATED HARDSHIP: "The lot size with the lots combined, provide adequate area for a 10 unit building, but divided into two building sites,-there is not enough area to meet the minimiun requirement for two 4 unit buildings. We have sold and can obtain financing for two 4 unit buildings wher� the financing is not available for the larger building." C, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: These lots are on the northeast corner of Hugo Street and East River Road, i,ots 78 & 79 are in the process of being rezoned to R-3 from R-1 (ZOA i#81-03), and there is also a lot split request (L.S. #81-03) being processed to split the area into two buxlding sites. The variance requests on lot area are subject to the approval of the lot split and rezoning requests. Any approval of these requests should be contingent upon the City receiving an additional 20-25 feet of right of way along East Ri.ver Road. Mr. Clark showed the commission an aerial view of the area and said that in 1978, Mr. Doyle applied for a special use permit, that it was reapproved in 1979, and that probably due to financing, it was never built. He said the houses to the east are set back 30-32 feet. Mr. Doyle }las three different layouts placing his structurss on this tract of land. Vice Chairwoman GaUel asked if the variance is beinq done as if the lot split had already taken place. P4r. Clark said there are actually three requests: lot split, rezoning, and reducing lot area. He stated that half of the east lot is yresently zoned R-1. Mr. Kielblock said he was concerned -about off street parl:ing. , P.Pl'EAT,S COMMZSSION MINUTFS - TIJESDAX� APRIL 14� �1961 � �Page �6� ' �- Mr.rDOyle said as Far as parking is concerned, they could have two buildings with parking next to a house or two buildings with parking divided. He felt the plan that makes most sense is two se�arated buildings with parking in the center, thus shielding parking. He said he has a purchase agreement subject to approval and that this is to be owner-occupied, that the owner presently lives in Corcoran. Vice Chairwoman Gabel asY.ed about the size of the units. Mr. Doyle said they are going to be 2-bedroom units with dining room, living room and two nice size bedrooms with in-house storage. The downstairs will be a little bit different with the laundr.y facilities. Mr. Barna asked if the laundry facilities are for both up and down units and how many square feet are the units. Mr. ➢oyle said the laundry is for both up and down units and they will be 860 some square feet. tie said they are designed to meet housing market of today and has designed building for other sites and selling condominiums. Vice Chairwoman Gabel asked if he plans to sell these. Mr. Doyle said no, they are looking at $450 a month rent, not including utilities. Mr. Y.ielblock asked if he plans to have garages and Mr. Doyle said possibly in the future. Mr. Clark. said theg will need 8 parking stalls for each building, Mr. Doyle said the buyer is planning to build garages but he was not sure if they are going to be 4-stall or 8-sta11 and he will probably interpose garages riqht into the parking stall area. Vice Chairwoman Gabel askec7 if the buyer wants one building and Mr. Doyle said he wants them both. Vice Chairwoman Gabel asked about difference in terms of financing with one buyer, Mr. Doyle said he did not really understand but he can get financing similar to single family hou�e and greater than that you be- come a cor.unercial vendor, the magical mmiber seemed to be four units. He said there will actually be two mortgages, one investor for both buildings who will live on the site. Mrs. Kielblock was concerned as there are problems in the neighborhood with renters who live on the corner of East River Road and Ironton and she was wondering wliy this is being done before it is rezoned. She said the offstreet parking might help but the problem duplexes in the area have garaqes and that does not seem to help. Vice Chairwoman Gabel said the commission is interested in the two variances that are reducing the amount of space required and they are interested in any objections. Mr, Kielblock said if there is offstreet parking and kids stay in their own lots, there would be no problem. Mr. Doyle said the 50 foot lot is presently zoned single f unily and he is well aware of the problems and they are e�ctremely difficvlt to control. He also said there are sinqle family homes:that have the same problems. He said it would be 8-unit structures with the sinqle family lot and 10-unit structure without the single family. Vice Chairwoman Gabel wondered if it isn't pushing the code with a variance from 15,000 to 10,000 square feet and why it is before the Appeals Commission before it goes to the Flanninq Commission. Mr. Barna said it would be anticlimactic if there was a lot split and Mr. Doyle did not get the variance. Mr. Clark said it went to Appeals f-irst so the Planning Commission and the City Council had the whole package to consider at one time. Ae further stated that b?r. Doyle does not want trie lot split if he cannot get the variance and the commission has to assume that it's been rezoned and how they feel about that. Vice Chairwoman Gabel felt there's an element of the neighborhood that has some feelings and �hey are waiting to express them at another place and they are not here, Mr. Barna asl:ed if the basic complaint of the neighborhood is nncontrolled rental units. Mr. Kielblock said yes and also offstreet parking. �, � �PLIiI.S COMMZSSION MINUTES - TUF.SDAY APRIL 14,�..1�98.1�� � Pa9e � Mr. Barna said �rarking in between the buildings would shield the parking and the back yard area is not that bad, most rental people do not use their yards. He said there is a park on the corner and safe walking for children and that it v�ould not be that bad of a development in the;area, even if it was not owner-occupied, but, if the people in the neighborhood have a complaint, he would go along with them. Vice Chairwoman Gabel said she was uncomfortable that this did not go to Planning Eirst as more people tend to go to hearings when you talk about re- zoning and that going from 15,000 to 10,000 is pushin4 the code and certainly has to be justified, Mr. Plemel felt that the request to go from 15,000 to 13,622 ft. was not so bad. Vice Chairwoman Gabel asked Mr. Doyle what his plans are if the variance does not go through and he said his alternatives would be to put in single family home and set of townhomes or series of double family homes. Mr. Barna said there would be enough room if it was one buildinq but because there is two buildings, there is not enough room and asked Mr. Doyle if the financing was definite. Mr. Doyle said it looks very positive, they have talked to the lenders and they do not 9ee a big problem. Mr, Hippen asked about approval o£ the requests contingent upon the City xe- ceiving additional 20-25 feet of right of waY along Sast Rivez P.oad, Mr. Doyle said he was not aware o£ this at this site. Mr. C1ark said the County is planning to upgrade East River Road, planning to widen the surfacinq in this area and they will need 20-25 feet of right of way. Vice Chainaoman Gabel said now they are dealing with two 10,C00 square foot lots. She asked Mr. Doyle if he understood that this would be a stipulation and if it was a11 right with him. Mr, Doyle asked Mr. Clark if he would have any problem meeting the side yard setbacks With this stipulation. Mr. Clark said yes. Mr. Doyle asked when the county is planning on upgrading East River Road. Mr. Clark said it is not scheduled yet, it miqlit be ahout 5 years as they are doing a section at a time, yea; by year. MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to close the public heaYing. UPON�A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:40 P.M. MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mrs. Gerou, that the Appeals Coimnission, recommend to the City Council, tfirough the planning Commission, to approve the request for variances to reduce the lot area for the construction of a 4-family dwelling, from the required 15,000 square feet to 10,236 squaze feet, on Lots 78 and 79, along with the east SO feet oP Lots 80, 81, 82, and 83, all in Block A, Riverview Heights, the same being 391-393-395-397 Augo Street N.E., and reduce the lot area for the construction of a 4-family dwelling area from the required 15,000 square feet to 13,622 square feet on Lots $0, 81, 82 and 83, except the east 50 feet thereof, and all that part of the unnamed street abutting Lots 80, 81, S2 and 83, Block A, lying�between the southerly line of Lot 80 extended westerly to the MAC railroad right of way, and also that portion of the ri4ht of way o£ the Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuynna Range Railway Company, lying between the north line of Lot 83, Block 7�, extended west through said right of way line of Lot 80, Block A, Riverview Heights, the same being 401-4Q3-405-�07 Hugo Street N.E „ Fridley, MN, based upon the eventual approval of. the 1ot split and the eventual rezonin9 and contingent upon the City receiving up to 25 feet of right o£ way along East River Road. UPON A VOICE VQTE, ALL VOTING AYE, � VICE CHAIRS;iOMAN D�CLARED TF7E MOTION C7�RRIED UNANiP10USLY. _ ,. APPEALS COMMISSION M�PTIPdG - TUESDAY, AFRIL 14, 19f31 Page 8 � 4.�� RL'QITEST FOR��A VARIANCE PURSUnNT TO CfiAPTER 214� OP THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE,� �� TO INCEtEASB TIiE HEIUEIT OP A 47ALL SIGN FROP4 3� Fli�T TO 9 FEET.OF AN �1�PPROVE➢ . crrn. nr nni onn cvnnco+nnn evnnnrnv� nc�nm+on rnnn.mr+n n�i� nrnnor ��cnn nririr�mnn �� SUBDIVISION C70. 88 TIiE SI�MS BEING 6225 HIGHWIaY #65 N.E. � (Request by Bridget M. Rud, for poug's TV anci Appliance, 4230 Reservoir Boulevard, Columbia Heights, MN 55421). Bridget M. Rud and Steven P. Rud, 4230 Reservoir Boulevard, were present. MOTION by Mr. Hippen, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECIARED THE PUBLIC HEAI2ING OPEN AT 8:45�P.M. Vice Chainaoman Gabel read the Staff Report: ADMINIST1;TfTIyF: STAFF 13EPORT 6225 Fiighway #65 N. E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SEENED BY REC7UIF2EMENT: Shopping Center Sign Plan - This plan was approved by the City Council on September 11, 1978 with a maximtna 3 foot sign height above the canopy. Public purpose served by plan was to make all new signs installed on the building to be uniform in height and place�aent on the,mansa�to eliminate the cluttered appearance that has been brought about by-riZSri-uniform signs. B. STATED 13ARDSHIP: "The cost of the move has exceeded $5,000.00 in renovating the new location (moved within the shopping center). A new sign would run several hundred dollars. At this time we are unal�le to handle any more expenses." C. ADMINISTP�ATIVE STAFF REVIE(4: The applicant presently is located in the Shorewood Shopping Center is moving to another location within the shopping center making it necessary for the sign to be moved. The purpose of the uniform sign plan was to eliminate non-conforming signs as they were taken down. �Je feel the sign should meet the uniform sign plan or a time limit set as to when it would have to raeet this plan, Mr. Plemel asked if they already have the sign and Mrs. Rud said the sign is already moved, that she filled out the variance request and moved the sign the first of the month. She said that when they moved she was not aware of any problems with their sign and that the purchase of a new sign wouid cost an additional $3,000. She further stated that the landlord does not pay all the renovation costs and they cannot handle any more expenses and would like to use their existing sign.� Vice Chairc,roman��Gabel asked if she was planning to leave on all the additional logos and Mrs. Rud said yes she was. Vice Chairwoman Gabel said the code says the sign should be 3 ft. in hcight and asked about the width. � 11PPEALS COMt9ISSIpN MEETING - APRIL 14, 1981 Page 4 Mr. Clark said it is deter:,iined by the square footage an� Mrs. Rud probably has the proper aruount of square footage but the shape does not fit the sign plan. Iie asked how much frontage and she said maybe 6,000 square feet and was not sure about the width. She said they are a small business that is sufferinq growing Qains, that their rent has been increased considerably and their overhead will be increased. She said the sign wi11 be 5 years old in July. Vice Chairwoman Gabel asked her about time and Mrs. Rud said she would like to stay there a long time. Vice Chairwoman Gabel said the sign will de- preciate in 5 years. Mr. Plemel asked how many signs are nonconforming in the shopping center. Mr. Clark said the Country Club si9n will be corrected this summer. Vice Chaiztaoman Gabel said she could understand Mrs. Rud's business point of uiew but the City has a sign code and they will have to compramise somehow. Mr. Plemel suggesting setting a time limit and asked if in 3 to 5 years Mrs. Rud might be able to get something different. Mr. Clark said the whole sign will have to be reconstructed. Vice Chairwoman Gabel suggested a time liaoit of a half a year and Mrs. Rud said there-is no way she will be able to put up a new sign in that time. Vice Chairwoman Gabel said the longer signs are left up the more difficult it becomes to get everything in compliance. Mr. Plemel suggested 3 years and Vice Chairwoman Gabel thought that too long. Mrs. Rud said nobody in the complex was aware of the sign change and has she known about it at the time, they might have moved out of the cenCer. Mr. Clark said the owner designed'the sign plan and Mrs. Rud was under the impression that the sign was okay with the owner. She said their business is a definite asset to the shopping center and would need as much time as possible. Mr. Barna had a question on the wording of the ordinance for the sign plan, that the Staff Report says "new" sign and this is not a new sign. Mr. Clark said once it comes down and is put back up again, it has to comply with code, the same as a house. Vice Chairwoman Gab'Q1 said they can give Mrs. Rud a variance for a specific amount of tiine and ifit turns out not to be enough time she can come back and ask for an extension of the variance. Mr. Clark suggested a time period of 2 years and if at the end of 2 years all the other signs coinply except theirs then you can say it has to come dowm. Mrs. Rud asked for a time limit of 2-1/2 years as their lease e�cpires in 2-1/2 years. Mr. Clark asked what month it crould expire and she said OcL'ober. He suggested by July 1, 1983 as she should know by then if they are going to reriew their lease and it would leave time between then and the lease period. Vice Chairwoman Gabel suggested the commi- ssion do it that way. h10TI0N by Mr. Barna, seconded by hirs. Gerou, to close the.public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:55 P.M. � MOTION by Mrs. Gerou, seconded by Mrs. Barna, that the Appeals Commission recommend to the City Council, through the Planning Commission, approval of the variance request to increase the height of a wall sign from 3 feet to 4 feet of an approved sign plan for Shorewood Shopping Center, located on Parcel 1500, Auditor's 5ubidivision No, 88, the svne being 6225 Highway #65 N.E., Fridley, MN, until July.l, 1983�. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE�CHAIRGJOMAN G?1IIEL DECLARHU THf: AfOTION CARRIPD UNANIMOUSLY. � � APP�PI,S COMMISSION MEETING - TiIESDAY, APRSL�1!l, 1981 Page l0 5. DISCUSSION�OIQ , A CfiAIRP7PS1 AND VICE- � Vice Chairwoman Gabel said this could be tabled until the next meetinq which wi11 be on May 12th as there will not be a meetinq on April 28th. She relninded the commission that the person nominated to be Chair will then serve as a oermanent member of the Plannin4 Coimnission and the Vice Ciiair will conduct Appeals meetings and attend Planning Commission meetings in the event the Chair is not available. MOTION by t�r. Plemel, seconded by Mrs. Gerou, to nominate Vice Chairwoman Gabel for Chair and Mr. Barna for Vice-Chair. UPON A VOICE FOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL PECLARED TH� MOTIOV CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mr, Barna, seconded by Mr. Hippen, to adjourn th2 meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1981� ADJOURNED AT 8:57 P.M. � Respectfully submitted, � � ��/yu.�i !� Deb Niznik, �itecording Secretar-y -�-,— �' �; >�' � ; �� � � � � � � -� �; � � � m�� � �� s > �' R" � 3 c��°i��s'' �..' . 3`R'' ,� 4ss.`}„ .b ' �q,���5y � �a Y«' #x1 � i 4• yS�,( � �����Fg � £ � ��� y� ; y �4.+�` �.> �,�,�` : �y �. '�i�f �, " i �1a`..a .:.� a Vi"-£� a „�.�, ��z," F�;� �'n. �¢', +. ; �a .r ° � z YC �,� k',�5 ' � i£ _ . , , s.. . .iti '�,�'^� . ..� 1.. , � � . � -5'i �� �� x ��r x + ;� * .�"S �55 Y � u� �r x� r � ` *. �' � . �...�1idC� � � . � � i � _ .. �'�l�'�`. zc _ a . _ x„ "' y.,+ �x yY�e F Ra. a�%''�"+J'�'S �?c yY#�f .: w : t r � �. �i� # .a�� � � L�_.-'a` . : b �9., �.. � u�� I� � '�' � i .. ,: rv �. , , � �y ^ � _ � � ��� b �� �� � �� /�cY : k���- 4 T �� j �i"i .�Q fP' yy ._ �i� �[ S }�T� �� E�.. � j +� �� k � a '�-`u� ' 1 � - ,� �.tm�,. =�:;ar�k e.L:.7�..i�,1rf- 3.�_ _._s _.Y:....s�..:. . .,''� �;j ' � . �� � .�� .., , � .;� � 4 "� i ; t id id�l:�.'i"&Q�.OF�'�i#�° ` � � . s "� +�ai . t.�e `�ic�rtt� � � ;p'y gr $i 5 S 'yl > »,: x E � �� e � � � _ ,w . � � . _. ......_ . EttN�t R�Sfyk1RRC�� C(�4�5„�F� �E"fiN6, APRIL 2� 19$� PAGE 2 � PIOS'ZC9�l $Y'MR. COf37�PE8Lf� SEC�N1`SSD'�BY MS. �N��r 2'1) L'1L*�T A� UNANI1�t3S BALLOT FOR 1US. VAN DAN Pt7R �SRRP.R3�1V OF Ttlfi XU/fAN Rb'SCSfiRCES. GfiM+�lSSu`�ZQN. UPON A VOICE' Vf1TS�,t'1l&L �Ci2"iNG kYk� CXA2RPE� TR��iENP`$TS DSCL�lREL? TXE MOTION CARBiED UNANTMOU&,�'. Cha#rpenson van D�r dec��et! the nominatin�s t�gen faw Vic�-Chairperson of the : Human Resources Ct�mi�sftuh.: �' . Ms. Nobte nominat� �rC�r�<(��+fspeed for Viee-Gttairp�rsan.'° He$ring na other r�#�ta�'�un�, Cftairperson vafn Dan'declared the ncmrfnations fi� Uice-Ghairper�r cl�ci. s _ _ �.L'QN" 83' MR. TREt�6N�'ELs�=. uaEC�NS>ED 9Y MS. l�i��� '�"sC� f.*AST A UNANiIY�f�T3 SALL02 FOR : ASPffED FOR #TCiS—CXA.�'3iRER50N OF THfi �l�N RSStJURCES COAfMISSit3A1. UFFiAT A�O� VOTEF AI.L YOTTS�SG ,?lYE� .CAAIRP&�SOdT I�l ,d1A�t� 7}EeT.ARBD T� MOTION CARIi�BD UNANIMOUS�'• r r . 3, SERYICE OR�,�t,QNr�ING REQUESTS = RiSCU�Ii�: F, Ms.`:v�n Dan statet�that ��=i�e last meetir�, the �r�r�tissi4rr Erad.�<df�ussed briefly the criteria for ��i�#'�^�at�: service organizai�icm fu�id9�� requests--shou]d- the Ca�nission�make a.��is�i�:�r �he�writie���sent�tfo��s only or s�ould thep�have�� � '�P�e'�argatri3ations��k?� ���' p�^ese�tations �i�'sb? ��fie �ta�d th�, i�pission should probabiy come up w#th �csi�;xritten cr3t�r#a +Dn whpth�r ar not at�gartizations shoul� a�so appear befcr� �he:Gti�a#ss�an in addi�.i.ot� to their written gropnsa7s. Mr."Tret�tfeis st��ed � maybe that �inf�tion should 6e incc�rparated in the c4�er tetter that-is a��ed to the props�BT g�i�ifnes that awe s�bmi��ed to an ongattization t� is,��ng fundittg. Ms. Cayan stated �t r�-a��t'e�dy laid out i� the �#�st paqQ oF the guideiines. T» �dd#tion, she,�lrta�ys �istiudes a personal#ied edver letter, Sh� felt 9t was fai�^7� ctear to i�ie nrg�izattons that the"Nuanan Rest�urces Cbmrtission is acceptin rvri�ten doct�nts, re�t�fng the right to.ask the^arganizatic�n to appear before tkie-�Ctusmiss�on {�r-£he �'#ss#Dn�has any�-qu�stioti�s � � M�. van Dan; stated the e�i��r letter shouid spec{f�+, E�t ;the orga�ixation send in a wr9tte� reques�;`f`or fuEtd#nq, and if the C�niss#on:6as any questfons, they wi11 g3v2 tFte orgarriz+3�tm i� t�ppartunity to g#�e a�rirt pr�serrtai'ion.a# Yheir next me��iqg. ��. : . �;. �� M5. Caya� stateil,it'6it��d atso depend ott ht�t mat�t;�: r��uests ttEe,y+ actual]y receive. Ms, van t7an stat�tt at it����ast �eting, th� €oitf�tf3sitm �ent�tiveiy set the Ju1y meeting as the �et�r�g'�a`�cviea the fun�ng �e�ue�ts. I-f the G�tission has'any questions of any �rg�n�'��ory, they could r�qtaes#: €Etdt the argani,zation°come to the Rugust meetl�t�g,, 'iPi�'`C�mmission shoutd make, ��i� firral deci59ans in Septembe at ��e laiest. � �� ' •,, �„. , r. �. , � -�� : � �- , �,. � . ��� _ . _. _ � �� ;.�� ��..-- ;� � � ; ��-� .�� r. } -�---° F` ;;�� � ;� � �� +� ��,<: �i �. . � . t .: ��� __ . , ' �� $�. �, ��� ° : � s ��s .: � ' ;' r. af 2���U �f? �-.�:� ����: - , :, � ; • r �!� �'�#�; �, ,,� ry �- ' in ?6 �t�ss. ' �� x ,� _ ; �w�� �. � att� `��i€�nS a�w�►C�g � , � ���= i�n #:R c�+st� � � ,�,, �,�.�� ,�� � � � � � � � �, , � >� � _ �-� � �- � '�Pdirecl�at-tfYe � � �. �� ; �� �*. � 'r '� � ,�`� r �j y� } �y� E�i � r� 4 . N`. I.T�t�t �y��.�'.����i x� ? N .. � � �pf df'�" Am� �S � . ' .. �2.�E f F���. r}-r�" }'"�''��'F�a ; �� v' Fi � ��� ��E.r � .,� fYf� - �t}8 � } �@Ci��'iUi'�'�P =; j Fi��"��1 � i�eting. � ;-0 ., � � < � , ��#� �€� � z b � ", 51�'stat�ed.,tki� : � � �'�� � , " C�un1 t,y l�por� , 3 4 �n( �. , f��"4 .,,. ; '� �P§ . i �' C� �. j!. ` . � � � ��'�'�`� '��r_ : l � ,� � �'� T LS#,� � r � � s � � ra � � � �s � �� `'� q 4'irt-j"'""..''` LLy t' t �'. 7. �' R -i� �.e � - s' b .}�." a ...� �� � _.,i..e �� . ...�. _ _,.. s _ .. .u��' }Ik�+tAI�Y iEE�UREES Ct�FSS�4�'`��T`FF#�ffG,� APRI �,, l�$fi ' ;, PA6E 4 5. CUMMISSi�N GQA� & 08���7i�S - OfS�USS�t}l�: Ms. Cayatr staLed �'Cot�i�5sirni �nbers hac�-�ts�C�d k��' tn �ontact fAetropotitan Counci} to see if ���r Fl�rt"t�sources Divi�Sion had,anything regarding goajs and otr�ectives. T#� Me�r�#�itan Coun�il se�s8 a cqpY a�f their htetrrtrrpolitan Counci. Goa} Statcment altr� w3i#i `"f��e�tives of the �p8rtmer�t of Human Resost~ce Plennitfg for:t981". These.s_were fbrht�e Canmission'-;s �nf�rv�t£Ar+. Mr. Treuenfels si���ed wha°� fie �nvisioned wa� usir� �Che City of Frfidley Goals & � Objectives as a r��t�+d�'%��t �`�r formulatingttheiP � 1on9 range goals and � s�ttr4� �kange goals,r�° '1lCJ1"IEkI �Y MR. TREf1�11t'E��'°�ffi�"LNft?ED SY 1�S.:1�. Ttl' F�Itt6 IN3"d''�.RECQRD� 3�"sG�'tfAl 6.33r TXE-ffiU�fAN �E7LIRCls'S COMdlISSTI�'$ PViiP��" AN37SCRP82 �S C227 OF PR.IDIEY �AL+ & DBJE�TTiI��'wi ,9Ni9 T$E ME2"ROPd�LT'd'AN �iL �OAL STA2'S�s"NT. UPt�fF;A VOICI's VOTSf ALL Vfl2'S�G RYE, CHA2'RPEI'�.50N VAR[ � DECLAiiED TIfE MOTZON GARl22&D I7NAI�FZMC��BI.Y.? =t' Ms. van Dan stai��she w��t1d 'like to see L�e �o�tiss��n use the Ciiy of Frid7ey Grsa�s & Obje�ttv���=fett^�t.�rrd try to fit �h� Gom�ssfan'� goals �rrsl ob�eetives ���� I i�ta: that format. ' She ���ted that �actt:-�a�r+is5lc�t�memtier tak� �he areas in bnt the Human Resource'Gommissicsn's Goals & Ob�e�tives and the City of �rfdley 6oals'& fib,�ectfves they ere inte��ted.in.and try � fit ti�in�o ti�e City's goals. Mr, TreuenfeIs st�C�d he wovt�t be wilt�ng �:'Iflok ��C �1Z00 (Ha3p foster an attitucfe whi�h stimuiates T;i�e-iz�rr� ���ivati�n for ���"��� a� cutturfal developmeni), � {l50E? {Encourage p�gra�s`desdgt2ed to proa�te°�f€e���f�te hu�ian understanding within ih+�-ct�e�nity,} ��1mth� i��y df Fridl9ey Ci�al� & C�#r3�tives,-and "N�manities°, '}tuman Rigt�ts", :"�iti�e A�t�", artd "HousSngl�ub�ic As:ct�modatings" from the Human' Resourees GarcmisS'�tsrf's ��is & Qb�ectives��,_� Ms. 'va� Dan state�� xFie aa��cl take DS� (Prti�vids �SC�bii� it1#ormafion and c�nunicati in or�er to fvsie� �rt d��`�ss nf' the C�t�f'S var1�3 activities a�d avai7ability af th�se aetivi�Lf�s:�j i°ra+�t;t�r� 6ity of �r��t�y �tuils & tl��ectives and "Comnunica- tftnis" from the Hi�ktn i����rces ComniSSio�#`s •�oa{s & Objectives. ` Ms. Cayan sugges�il ttsa�"t�arding "Gu�xnu�#ca[tions", the Commission may want to pui a coiumn in �ach ci� news?etter as a regalars'�e.�ture from tlte Human Resources Commission. , '. . i. �I Ms: Nable statetl �t� wotl�d take D400 iProRKSt�-ef�'e�t�i� f4r pr9viding essential hum: seryices to a11 pr�r�ons=#n'the co�mnurritp.}'fran #��.L�ity of Frid��y 6oals & Objec• tives and "Nuroan Resactt�3�-,#�livery 5ystems � Chfi�� d3y C�re Centers° €ram the Human Resources �mniss�',�'�oals & Objectil�s. " Mr., C�csodspeed stated he. w��d take D510 (Prt�aie-t,�e developmen� of the youtM of �he c�nsnunity th�"at�l� cur�+ti�rstandi�ng of th�ir ne��,`�a�rd enca�trage'�prG9rams ihat- witi prnuide far.these ��ds).from the Gi.�y oF Fric�ley Gpals 8� Abjectives and "I#uman Rel�t9ons :- ;Yo�w���1J�ct"� �� and "F�n�n R�sDUa�e Deliv�ry� �yrsiems ��- Educa'tiari" 'from �iae �-'�sources Ccx�n�s�k�an's 6�,a�s & Objectives. � . _ � �� .� � � . . - � �— � f � � � �t "v � `� y ty u�.,: , . ��y�^ ��. . . "� q � � '�� �3���4 . . . fi� x y? ';. ' `���,�? , � �E5 � ; � T �� �'� �iG � APRI l .2 t9�`�� r. x �° �-, • FAGE 5 � . � r ' �� ` s • . , _. _, e : � ��#i asked�Mr Ge��e� to-address� a17 the ��S�rie�ati�ng to "youth° � •� ,�f�� ;C�naiss�+�n�"s ���s �� WtJectives and��h� ���`���`ridley 6oal��s & .F � �„e� 4 9M ` ` . . . � . . . . `� . ���s sL�tt�d t�►&t��regarding the.Cqa�issin'�-.���;;���c�ial/Econumi'c � � �,.•� Gorr`eGtiorc�"> he wou7d encourage Ms, t�an t3�'' ta ask the Plann�ng �#���#�#�h cQnmission. ihey Felt �outd be tb� I���'��,�e� io,work with ����� �y _ y�. ' fJ�� � . . �.: � � �k . E , . � � � . � ,� '�T��R1 p �: C��lt st��ed"this may be itttpor�ant later in t#re yea�,;'t�cause with �the �- g�p,�3a�str�iion's bt,�get cuts, the latw En€orc�terit.i�sistance Act's fundsG Q�� �E�°as�ical]y cut, and there may no langer bs any;,federal funding going., ° �� r�r^ime preysnC3on :pr�gt^�m. Within the bi��� y�a�, the City Counc#1 � ��,� ��assame �inancial respor�sibility, so any su�t from this ComniSsion�� �� !� �#�� G�►uncit:m�gh'� b� very_�heipfut for tha� prcrg��,, 1�%�1 9�n,;�;tated ihat. r�9arding the Com�ssi.� goa�, "F�an Ri�i�tts", �� ���en�e�s m.i4tsi wd�'�.t4 cpntact the Coon Rapids iftt�dr� ���}h#s Cc�issio�, ,:� ��� �en 9�iven th�. �u�i+ority`_ta make�� decis#ssns r�+�� ���tven��s a�d � }$�:�ik"Q�pdkli� (j#T'Etitj. . � °'` � ;. � �� �� . . �� �at�'���d stt�.MU1`UT.d 7ike�ach Commissin�r����';�tork�on these gc+�% ; - ` `� 'i� a�t trY to get the �-in#Qrma��ion �o tfis, �ya`��� least T3�� w�ek� �� ��€ �,�he �ext meetin� �o.�i�. Cayan can include it in �tl�e aq,enda p�ckets. S�#e ��i�,�ch.�ea�er �q,r•eview this inFormatioa b�#�Y�e �#e meeting for dis�4ussion. t ���+� ;���8��#�e,��text ����nr�'s agende to�be s�rl���y:�r d�ev�e}oping goals fo�� � a�tr�d t��st�tti�.. � ,� � � � � . , � • ti�S5: . t � s�ed s4�e ha� s�.en ta Qack Kirk of ttie P�rtc� & Recreation Department ; �, 'F� ��rks�8� RecCsa�'�an Department has been wark�"ng very closely w�th the j �c��7'-:tti;.�a+��zaLi4n. Because csf the poor r�l�tia�s bt�tween the C#ty ar�d ; �i5, � are�gaing ta �ry tu�evas� -the C3t����ai+'! �etings by only havi�ng �� � ��t�-ng� ��tic�e a year a�ct instead of involvi[ay tlie City Council and the 5choo] � �, ��.i��1� �inv4l�e C��n�taff-and SchaoT� Sta#�, , Ha�fu�3y. � there �i 11 be ���( �¢��►�ersy 3n' �ss�:t4i8t ca� up and s�aff :�epple �il fiave someone to ` �`�i��� �p. BecauSe of��tiis ehange, the HumaTt #tesour`ces Comnission w�iYl no } �r�=�v�A canm5.ssion-p�,9pb�r attend�ng these ��ti�t�k; ` � � � ���` � � � � i �� ��� �, �. a�?.� s�ra�,�.s, ��n�v:ax rrs. nrvar�,: � �zur�ar �us -r�a�r.rarc_ uPOav ��s � �� , � F�d'E� ��L YA2`i�6 A1'E, .t5#}LIRPE1tSON V�tO DAA' ��,A, TIIE APRIL 2� 23BZ, ; 9i;�'St?�1RL�#' CiRM�tiSSXDK ;MSETING a9ATOURNE`S3 �* f�3 ti+7: P:1�. ' � �:: ,. �:. =. � } gw,.'�"�.�i���J! "SU�iI '�@(ia. . . . .. .. .. .. .. ....i � ,�`�'.�� . . . � � .. . .� , _5. .._, :' _., .. . '���,( �i�9 s�re�ai`� � �_ _ ; . � � _ � � � . ���" � �� �� �� � � � � � a � 4- . -,�... �. � � z �`�t �.Y�..�¢�i"�.r � �;; ��„ r�,�C ;;: i y —.� , �� �� �(�� , '>.. a� � p x � �� h� ��4y �'. 6y� �'v a'T L' ✓4+ T �> t p � � f � � . 4 {� 2 � - 3 �3+`a�� 4 ��. �; ��r ; _�5�� p � ( ' + � J � x� �: _, $ � .;. �' � % � � � � '- 3 � ii s rpp: S" � � . ,. . � ��-EL ig a T � xx : ,' � ; ; ," i 4 ' t „ i• � � { I i � ' �" i � 3 �. fi Y � �" r 1 i I' �. ; � ; <: � .;,, . . �: �: F�:; _s< �, ! k ' � °r .�" '�Z Q� d x. L . d �C � � rv� 3-� � .j! a ' �t Y �za 2"�4 � �.� �`` Sj . f . V �/1' t� s, � ,n �' Y �; f CIFY Q� �1�y H11l�1N RESRURCES C�kl � MI�ETIHG � APRI! 2. 19$i .� r `3": � �� ��S��3Pt `�' ���`ifets c�l"ted'the Rpril 2, t987, Huaran Resvurces Co�nissio tt!�r 8t ?: �Q ;p.�t. �nt:. Peter '��euen€e1s, Mary van D,a�, Ja� Nob1e, Brian 6�ads �. t `E ��:. tiotte :y 't�se�nt:. . Mar,y Gayan, Human Services Assistaat� ' .:�� 5, 1981. `HUfk4N :RESOURCES' CtN+NtiSSIf1�i ��5: �. 'AN A4Nr 6��fl8D BY llR. GODDSPSSDi �fi AP�ROiB TFIfi A3ARCH 5� S'&81{ `+ CO11tl�1ISSTGAP"�UY'$S AS WRIT1'8N. M,�Y ALL �'!'�NG AYSy QIAIRPI3RSON T�&LT.�'8�+6 D�GLARED TH& MOTZC�t �S1SLY. �YY�1�t. CEJO�E5�+88Ar 5ECONDED �Y AfS. NOHi&� TO RSGRiS�t7LLY ACCBPT J�82. h*ELG71'S !�-�A% T}�W' �ffE $iIMAN RE'SfXgit�s'S COMNZSSi01�. �:L]'. ;h had been an asset to tF►� Cc�tfission, and she tyas �� ElVG 11Y£., CFIAIRP8R90N R�lB�IS =,DSCLARED Tf1E MOTION �sr�.'fr��enfeis cte�lared,the nominaiiorts open far Chairperson of- th� a�es�€�S ��ission. : �'�ew,�fi�lrted Ma�y vaA Dan for CMairperson: ��..oLh�r n�ninations, Chairperson 1're��ttf�ls declared the nominations a�i�sa��eTosed. � ,, Ht�iAN RESOURCES C�MMISSION MEETING, APRIL 2, 1981 PAGE 2 XOTION BY MR. GOOASPEfiD, $&CONDfiD BY MS: NOBLE� TO GAST R UNANIMOt1S BALIAT FOR �� MS.�VAN DAN FOR G7�FRIRPERSQN"OF THE HUMAN RSSOURCES COrtMISSION. - �� UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING'AYE� CHAZRPERSON TREUENFSIS DECLARED THE HOTZON CARE?IED IINANIMOUSLY. Chairperson van Den declared the nominations npen For Vice-Chairperson of the Numan Resources Co�eni-ssion. Ms. Noble nominated Brian Goodspeed for Vice-Chairperson. Hearing no other rtaninations, Chairperson van Dan dectared the naninations for Vice-Ghairperson clnsed. MOTICAN BY MR. TREUENFEiS�'S$CONDED BY MS. NOBLEy TO CAST A UNANIMOUS BALTAT FOR MR. GODASP&ED FOR t�ICE-CHATRPERSON OF THE XUMAN RESOURCES 'COMMISSION. OPDN A VOICE VOT&� ALL VOTING AYfi,,Cf7AIRPERSQN I�AN DRN�DECLARED TRE MOTIDN CARR3ED UNANIMOUSZ,Y. 3. SERVICE ORGANi1A7I0N FUNbIN� REQUESTS - DISCUSSIDN: Ms, van Dan stated that at the last meeting, the Cotnmission had discussed briefly the criteria for handling:service organization funding requests--should the Commission make a deci5io�t on the written presentations only or should they have the organizations inake oraT presentations also? She stated the Cortmission should prababl.y come up with some written criteria on whether or nof organizations shoulc also appear before the Cottmission in addition to their written proposals. Mr.'Treuenfels statec3 that maybe that information should be incorporated in the cover letter that is attaehed to the proposal guidelines that are submitted to an organization who is seeking funding. Ms. Cayan stated it was already laid out in the first'page of the guidelines. In addition, she atways includes a personalfzed cower letter. 5he felt it was fairly clear to the organizations that the Numan Resources Cortmission is acceptinc written documents, reserving the right to ask the qrganization to appear before the Comnission if'the Commission has any questions. M9. van Dan stated the cover letter should specify that the organization send in a written request for funding, and if the Gomnission has any questions, they will give the organization the opportunity to give a short presentatiqn at their next meeting. Ms. Cayan stated it could also depend ort how many requests they actually receive. Ms. van Dan stated at the tast meeting, the Commissian tentatively set the July meeting as the meeting to review the funding requests; If the Gomnission has any questions of any organiz�tion, they could reqtaest'that the organization come to the August meeting. 7he Cortmission should make their final decisSons in September at the latest. 3 �Yr �r �F �,���. .. �H�.s RYtll I�iC�TTLtf`.-. llilfli� ?�..� � i' �l^ � � , �y q�,�*: � � � � '&x. w.S+.2 „ . .. . . �&. ._ . . . ;ARt FD PERS[Nd- - liPl "� �t�r�;�#-the Minneso�a Epilepsy r��,G�' psople who are lgram for Afinneapolis/St. Pdttl, 'artd their goal is to sian ai the Landnark in St. P�uT:-some-time in the �ali. E qf the committee �t�s a� ep9leptfia and there were a'. ; ; involved in the program, 5}� stated it was very t�eae people participate and develop this program� " r�1ng far ideas to help th�m deueiap;their program�,so: ;, � any new �ideas. Sfie stated she �nd Ms, Cayan ditl�#�.,.. :- �eryl Engstrom, who is the Fnf4rm8tion 5pecialist �^ �he �isabled Person - Mine�sota, and State Caordinator the Handitapped. Ms. van iian stated she k�ad invited them at the organizatfcu�at tneet4tag on Apri1 21, and : accepted'the invftation. i ths�t, because of the problems in,get�ii�g a r�eting roo� at vas acsessible, the peopie at Villag� Gree�:=ha�te agreed to let qmctn�ty Rot� at Village Green, which �s..��Iete9y accessibie and iaiti'�s. d she found but there was:going tn:� an arder of 20,�Q0 city ed so thQse-'envelapes aftl' be printed �p witi� the iYDP lagn orr �;en��topes,wiil be in service its :a�t a. pi�nth. Sh� sta�ed:the wil? come put of the Conmissian budget. �i.thfl north :bulietin board has been res�� far the meeting; �r the .ecr�i:re week. precedi ng the m�it�?, .', ' � � � �,�.��� �n article announ�ing the d�eetirtg �ras ir►cloded �n the Spring ��;�: �he h�s deuelnpe� sane f'4yers tfiat �a�?l'� be pasted in ]6 places, �qa�t ��ect si�e wtlt; D�• �iTing .letters to��f:�� �trganizations announcing �q. dnd �he wi'lt {5e. s�nding notTCes a�tt=�+�t^�'#'�tbl.ication in church �;#3s . , _ , ���-there wit3,be an interpreter for tfie heariny impaired at the � #.c►:;��i s� �'�an T,a�guage. i€ needed. . �tm 5��a��d .there w�s pramotionat literature from the tl�.N. that the Commission may �t y�E�as� and hdve avaita#ia at the �:eting. ��siar+ me�bers co�ettrt�ed thai Ms. van flan ;&t�'�d-pick out the literature pe�t=�ras; best to haue availabte for distr�+�ser�►rt a�k=the meeting. r� �!s:i�te� Ms. Cayan. has tieen dc�ing a fantastic job. She stated the ���qt�a] rt�eeting wi-i1 be on Apri1 27's� at Vi'tiage f�reen Community Room, ����� � se� al l t�e C�rriss3ort membens tl�ere. � ,` HU�1AN Rf50URGES CQtAM1IS5I0N M�ETIN�, APRIL 2, 198T PA6E 4 5. COMMISSION GOALS & 08JECTIVES - DISGUSSION; Ms. Cayan stated the Commission members had asked her to contect Metropolitan Council to see if their Human Resources Division had anything reqarding goals and objectives. The Metrapolitan Couneil sent a copy of their Metropolitan Council Goa1 Statement along with "Objeetives of the departrtmnt of Human Resource Planning for 198P'. These'were for the Commission`s information. Mr. Treuenfels stated what-he envisioned was using the City of Fridley Goals & Objectives as a reminder 7ist for formulating thear own long range goals and short�range goals. MOTION BY MR. TREUENF'EIS� SEGONDED BY MS. 1VOHLE� TO RECEIVE INTO THB RECORD� SECTZON 6.53� THE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSSON'S PURP0.SE AND SCOPSi THE CITY OF FRZALTY GOALS & OBJEGTIVESp BND TXE METROPOLZTAN COt1NCIL GQAL STA2$MENT. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VCY1"ING AYE, CXAIRPERSON VAN I.L�lN DBCLAHED TX8 MOTION CARRIED UNAATIMOUSLY. . Ms. van Dan stated she would like to see the Cortmission use the City of Frid7ey Goats S �bjectives' format and try to fit the Comnission's goals and objectives into that format. She suggested that each Commissi�n member take the areas in bo the Numan Resource Commission's Goals & Ob}ectives and the City of Fridley Goals Objectives they are interested in and try to fit them into the City`s goals. Mr.`Treuenfels stated he would be will#nq to laok at D200 (Help foster an attitude which stimulates }ife-long motivation for learning and cultural development), D500 (Encourage programs designed to promate`effective human understanding within the conrnunity.) from the City of Fridley Goals & Objeetives; and "Humaniiies", "Human Rights", "Fine Arts", and "Housing/Public Accomnodatinqs" from the Human Resburces Coirmission's Goals & Objectives. Ms. van Dan stated she would take D800 (Provide public information and cammunicati in order to foster an awareness of the City's varied actiwities and availability of these activities.} fr�n the City of Fridley Goals & Objectives and "Communica- tions" from the Human Resources Comnission`s Goals & Objectives. Ms. Cayan suggested that regarding "Communications", the Commission may want to put a column in each city newstetter as a regulan feature from the Human Resources Comnission. Ms. Noble stated she wauld take D400 {promote efforis for providing essential hum� services to all persons fn the community.)'from tfie City of Fridley Goa7s & Objec- tives and "Human Resource°Delivery Systems - Child Day Gare Centers" from the Human Resources Commission's Goals & Objectives. Mr. Goodspeed stated he w�u7d take D5]0 (Pro�note the`development of the youth of the community tfirough understanding of their needs and encourage programs that will provide for these needs) from the City of Fridley Goals & Objectives and "Human Relations - Youth Project" and "Muman Resaurce Delivery Systems - Edacation" €rom the Human Resources Commission's GaaTs & Objectives. ;: s 981 Ms. �+an Dan asked Mr. Goodspeed to address all the thinys,relating to "youth° in }�h the Comnission's Goals & Objectives and the City of Fridley Goals & Ob,�e�'�ves. M�`. 'freuenfels stated that regarding the Comnission goa't,:"Social/Economic De��]opment'- Corrections'; he would encourage Ms. van Dan to ask the Planning Comhtission which comnission they felt would be the best one to work with the � � a � � Vo13ce Department. � Ms. 'Cayan stated this may be important later in the year,'because with the � Reagan Administration's budget cuts, the Law Enforcement Assistance Act's funds have b�en drasticat]y cut, and there may no longer be any federal funding going ir�to that crime prevention program. Within the budget year, the City Council 1qay;Mave to assume financial responsibility, so any support from this Cottmission Lo the Ci�y Council might be very helpful for that program. �� +Is,'van Dart stated that regarding the Commission goal, "Human R�ghts , �.,7reuenfels might want to contact the Coon Rapids Human Rigfits Commission, �h�ch has aeen given the authority to make decisions regarding grievances and nas a whole program going. Ns, uBn:Dan stated she would like each Corrmission member to work on these goals a��,�+#ajectives and try to get the information to Ms. Cayan at least l� weeks b�fore the next meeting so Ms. Cayan can include it in the agenda packets. She p�ld like each member io review this information before the meeting for discussion. B�ts'would like the next meeting's agenda to be strictly for devsloping goats for i�8i and beyond. 6. -0T#iER Bt1SINESS: Ms. Cayan:stated she has spoken to Jack Kirk of the Parks & Recreation Department Staff. The Parks & Recreation Department has been working very closely with the City/School organization. Because of the poor relations between the City and Sehools, they are going to try to revamp the City/$ct�nol meetings by only having the meetings twice a year and instead of invoiving the City Council and the School Boat�d, it wi11 involve City Staff and School Staff. Hopefully, there will be ��s cpntraversy in issues that come up and staff people will have someone to refgr things ta. Because of this change, the Human Resources Comnission will no �onger,have a comnission member attending these meetings. rtn:muonuacuT. . . . . . � .. . . .. ;AQ� ON�EY�1�. TRfiUSNFELS� SECONDED BY�MS. NOBLE,���TO AA70URN THE MEETING.� UPON A� pqI(�E (?'OTE� ALL VOTZdG AYS, CNAIRPER50N VAN DRN DECLARED THE APRIL 2� 29B2, NUMiUV RESOURCES COMMISSION MESTING AATOURNED AT 4204 P.M. Respectfully subm'tted, ' � ynne"Saba £Recording Secretary ;....5.. .. . . k. - .'.�..;�:� . . � . . . [. , .. . . .. . . . . . r �. CITY OF FRIDLEY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AU7NORITY MEETING APRIL 9, 1981 CALL T4 ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Houck called the April 9, 1981, Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting to order at 7:41 p,m. ROLL CALL: ' Members Present: Russell Houck, Caro7yn Svendsen, Elmars Prieditis Members Absent: Larry Commers, Duane Prairie Others Present: Jerro7d Boardman, City Planner ' Jerry Rerranen, Contract Development Corporation Gary MacKenzie, Contract Development Corporation APPROVAL OF MARCH 12; 1981; HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTNORI7Y MINUTES: MOTZON BY MR. PRIEDITZS� SECONDED BY MS. SVENDSEN� TO APPROVE THE MARCH 12,. 3981� �HOUSING & REDSVELOPMENT AUTHORSTY MINUTES AS WRITTEN. . �UPON A VOICS VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� YZCE-CHAIRPERSON HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C NEARING MOTION BY MS. SVENASEN� SECONDED BY�F4Z. PRIEDITIS, TO APPROVE TNE MARCH 26, 198Z� HOflSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PUBLTC HEARSNG MINUTES. Mr. Boardman stated that on the first page in the motion to open the public hearing, the time should be changed from 9:35 to 7:35 p.m. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 1. CENTER CITY PROJECT A. Update - Phase III Development Mr. Remmen stated they recently met with Super Valu and had an excellent meeting. At the meeting, the major problem was parking'ratios. Super 4alu wanted 125-150 parking spaces, and they were able to meet that ratio, so Super Ualu was satisfied with that. They also worked out a loading ramp and parcel pick-up lane to Super HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, A?RIL 9, 198T pAGE 2 Valu's satisfaction. Another problem was traffic flow, and that was worked out to Super Valu's satisfaction. Mr. Remmen stated they discussed the approximate price range with Super Valu, and it was within Super Valu's specifications. Mr. Remmen stated he felt it was just a matter of working through the mechanics now with Super Valu to get things runniryg smoothly. He stated it would take Mr. MacKenzie another 4-5 days to rework the drawings to what was discussed with Super Valu. At that time, they will begin their leasing procedures with other interested tenants. Mr. Remmen stated that Super Valu has a certain procedural system they must go through. Even though this is an established area, and Super Valu has physically inspected the site, they still have to go through a normal market survey study, so it will take approximateTy 60-90 days to get a firal 7easing arrangement with Super Valu. He stated he and Mr. I�acKenzie have been talking with P1r. Boardman on how they can �xpedite things and still come viithin the schedule of breaking ground this fa-11. Mr. Prieditis asked if Mr. Rer�anen had some kind of conceptual drawing the HRA cauld see. • Mr. MacKeniie stated that after working on the traffic circulation for Super Ualu, he would put together a more finished drawing for the HRA. Mr. Remmen stated it was his intention to have this center as a�etail-type eenter and to eventual7y convert Ho7ly Center to more of a service-type center. Mr, Boardman stated the HRA had a copy of the schedule for the project that Mr. Remnen had brought to the meeting. Ne stated that the HRA had giveti Mr. Remmen an extension on this project until the htay 14 meetinq. The way it looks they are going to be looking at the NRA's July meeting before they actually get a cortenitment. A lot of that is going to depend on whether the HRA wants to take any action before Mr, Remnen gets comnitments for development from the major tenants. If that is the case, they are tooking at an extension of time. He recommended that the HRA give an extension of time, because they are not ready to comnit untiT they are guaranteed some roajor tenant commitments. He did not think they would have those comnitments until July. If it happens ear7ier, they could have a special meeting. MOTION�BY MR. PRIEDITIS��SECONDED BY MS. SVENASEN� TO EXTEND THE TIMETABLE ON THE PNASE ZII DEVELOPMENT� TO THE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTH082TY�S JULY 9� T983� MEETSNG. TXAT EXTENSION TO BE BASED ON SATISF�iCTORY PROGRESS. . UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOUCK.DECLARED-TNE MOTION � CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � � � B. Proposal by Contract Development Corporatiorr - Schematic Designs by Mr. Boardman stated they have received a status report on Phases I- IV, and Mr. MacKenzie will be sharing the plans requested by the HRA at their February HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, APRIL 9,7981 PAGE 3 meeting. He stated at the February meeting, the HRA gave Mr. Remnen 60 days to come up with some concept drawings on the other phases in the Center City Project. Mr. MacKenzie and Mr. Remmen are here with the concept drawings and to'request a"right for developrient" on the rest of the property. Mr. MacKenzie stated that when this process started, they made a proposal which encompassed all the phase areas at that time. They feel they have arrived at a proposal which is more in scale and much more in character with what they think the area will support and what they know the private sector is willing to build and comnit for. Mr. MacKenzie stated there were a couple of elements he had talked about in their previous proposal that he still fe7t were valid: 1. M enclosed pedestrian connection between ail the various activities that are going to occur. 2. Providing parking.for these new facilities. Mr. MacKenzie stated that on the corner of Mississippi & University, they are proposing an entertainment complex--three theatres, large nightclub, large bowling alley, health spa of limited resources tvith mainly apparatus and whirlpool. This would basically be a one-story complex with the exception of the health spa which would be on the roof of the bowting alley and the pedestrian spine would be all the way across the site. Adjacent to the pedestrian spine on the second floor would be 7imited office space, approximately 15,000 sq. ft. . Mr. MacKenzie stat�ed they would recommend that Fridley City Hall be maintained in its present locatidn, but wouTd recommend that the Fire �epartment be taken out and relocated--one suggested location could be the property across from the Fridley State Bank which is designated as redevelopment land, This would be a good location for access. Mr. MatKenzie stated they would propose a two-stage office building--each half being self-sufficient of 45,000 sq, ft. each for a total of 90,000 sq. ft. of office space. They would propose a grade level connection--some kind of covered pedestrian walkway--to Fridley State Bank, so the pedestrian spine wou7d be tied all the way from the bank to the entertainment complex. Mr. MacKenzie stated that at some time in the future, he would like to see a pedestrian way across Mississippi on the second level to perhaps a spe�ialty office building (dental or medical clinic) that could be approximately 20,000 sq. ft. This office space could be doubled in the future if there was a demand for it, with very limited parking space on grade and the balance of any parking space to be located underground and parking ramp. Mr. MacKenzie stated that in order to provide the.parking for the entertainment complex and office com�lex, they would propose an underground parking ramp that would basically be under the whole site area, which would a7so contain service for the restaurant. They have discussed the possibility of it containing the police automobiles and having a security entrance to the police station from the lower levei. The restaurant people have indicated a desire to have some on-grade parking adjacent to their "front door". So, in place of the fire station, HOUSIWG & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, APRIL 9, 1981 PAGE 4 they would propose some type of landscaped, on-grade parking to be utilized by both City Hall and the entertainment complex. Mr. Prieditis stated he liked the scope and fee7in9 of this project. Mr. Boardman stated he was very satisfied with the concept drawings, Mr. Remmen stated this was going to be a very expensive project, but he was very pleased with it. He has tenants who are ready to go on this. He discussed the office center with Bor-Son Construction �nd talked about the en.tertainment center possibly going in this fall and the offices in the spring. Bor-Son indicated they had no problem with this fa71 for both the entertainment center and the offices. He stated he is looking at a cost factor of $2-3 million so it is going to necessitate an economis sl�dy. He stated that from a financia] angle, it i& more difficult to finance this type of project than a shopping center as there is a greater risk factor. Ne stated that if the NRA is willing to work with them, he believed they could solve this and do it financially. Mr. Remnen stated it has been their feeling from the'beginning that they want to do a"class A" job and make the city a showplace. He fe7t the City woutd become a showplace with what they are proposing and it would make a very nice "downtown Fridley°. Mr. Boardman stated they have to understand that in order to get something,here, they are going to have to spend some money. That is why the district was established. Ne fett the financing couid be arranged, but it was going to take a considerable amount�of time and effort to look at the firtarcing. They are looking at 150 days or so before the HRA wiii be in the positiun to comr�it to this praject. Mr. Boardman s4ated tiaat if the HRA feels comfartable with the conceRtual plans presented by Contract Development Corporation, he would recommend that the HRA get involved with a right of development with the project as shown in the con- ceptual plans. Mr. Remmen stated he would like a six-month timeta6le. MOTION BY MS. SVENASEN, SECONDED�BY MR.. PRIEAITIS� TO APPROVE A RIGXT OF DEVELOP- MENT WITH CONTRACT DEYEIAPMENT CORPORATION FOR PHASES I- IV FOR A SIX-MONTH �PERIqD TO TNE HRR'S OCT. 8� Z98I� NIEETING BASED ON MOXTHLY UPDATES; AND TD AUTHORTZE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO PUT TOGETHER THE PROPER DOCUMENTS�ON RIGHT OF DEVELOPMENT SIMILAR TD TXAT DONE FOR OTHER PROJECTS. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CXAIRPERSON NOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION� CARRIED UNANIMOOSLY. �� - � . Mr. Houck thanked Mr. Rertxnen and Mr. MacKenzie for coming to the meeting and thanked them for their presentations. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEYT AUTHORITY MEETING, APRIL 9,-1981 PAGE 5 C. Standard Oil Acquisition Mr. 8oardman stated they have received a response from Standard Oil saying Standard Oil is wilTing to eliminate leases and side track agreements as an item of the purchase agreement; however, they cannot remove the easement condition since easements presently exist on the property. Mr. Boardman stated that, re�ard�ing the underground tanks, Standard Oil has stated they are not requiring the b�yers to remove the tanks, but only to conform with the laws in the State of t4ira�esota regarding the tanks. They do not feel it is their part to share the cos� of removal of the tanks. Mr. Boardman stated he has gotten some cost estimates for the remova7 of the tanks. The cost estimate from Minnesota Petroleum to remove the four tanks and fill the site 6ack to grade is going to cost $2,325. He stated that was a reason- atrle cost, and he had no problem with it. Mr. Boardman stated he was still concerned about the last condition. Standard Oifi is wiTling to remove the requirement that the service station building be demolished within six months from the date of delivery; however, if the service station building is not demolished, Standard Oil wants some kind of alieration to change the appearance of the building. He staied it would cost more to alter the building than it wou7d to demolish the building, and he was not uncomfortable with demolishing the building. The main thing they have to consider is that the $82,000 purchase price is a fairly reasonable price. He stated they shou]d ask for an extension of time from six months for the building to be demolished. They could say that they anticipate a commitment from a deve7oper; however, because of the situation that no commitment is forthcoming at this time, they would request an extension of one year 6efore they would demolish the 6uilding and that they would not agree to remode}ing the facility. He stated he tnought they should also have a legal clause as part of the stipulations with Standard Oil that the Gity is �at responsible f�r any possib]e soil contamination when removing the tanks. He stated they might also want ta state that the City will remove the building at the same time the other buildings are removed in the area. MOTION BY MS. SVENASEN, 5ECONDED BY MR. PRIEDITIS� TO INCLUDE A LEGAL CLAUSE IN �TAE STSPULATIONS WITH S'TANDRRD OIL THAT THE CITY IS NDT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY.SOIL CONTAMINRTION AND�TO REf,�UEST A ONE-YEAR EXTENSZON ON AEMOLITTON OF THE BUILDING WITH NO MODIFICATION TO THE STRUCTURE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON XOUCK DECL1fRED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated he liad requested an extension of 60 days on the purchase price and Standard Oil has agree��'to that extension. D. Receive Letter dated April 1, 1981, from Fridley Auto Repair, Inc., MOTION BY MS. SYENL�SEN, 5F.CONDED BY MR. PRIEDITiS� TO RECESVE A LETTSR DATED APRIL Z� ].981� FROM FRIDLEY r1UT0 REPAIR. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, APRII 9; 1981 PAGE 6 UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� YICE-CHAIRPERSON HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. , � � Mr. Boardman stated they have received a letter from Roland E. Hardel and Steven G. Hardel, owners of the Fridley Auto Repair, They are planning on relocating their business so the property will be goinq up for sa7e. They are allowing the City to have first option to purchase. Mr. Boardman stated he wou}d like to request the HRA to allow him to start negotiations for the purchase of that property. This will probably involve getting an appraisal on the property. The reason for thai is the City Assessor's market value on the books for that property is $36,500 which is very tow.' The purchase price on that property in 1979 was $80,000. t�1r, Boardman stated he wi11 wa�+t to negotiate a reasonable purchase price. MOTSOAI BY MR. PRIEDITIS, SBCONI7ED BY MS. SVENASEN, TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUl'IVE DIRECTOR TO�S2RRT NEGOTIATIONS ON A PURCHASE PR7CE�FQR FRIDLEY AUTO REPAIR. UPON A VOICE VOTfi� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CXAZRPER50N HOUCK DECLARED.THE MOTION � CARRIED itNAN2M0USLY. � Vice-Chairperson Houck declared a ten-minute break at 9:20 p.m. 2. MOORE LAKE PROJECT UPDATE: Mr. 8oardman stated that the City Council, at their April 6th meeting, approved the establishment of the Moore Lake Redevelopment Districfi and continued the Public Hearing on the Tax Increment Plan until May 18, 1981, Mr. Boardman stated they are presently working on the rewrite of the Tax Increment P1an and wi]1 have it for the HRA prior to.their May 14 meeting. 3. LARGE fAMILY PROJECT: Mr. Boardman stated the HRA staff completed two transactions on March 30, 1981. The property located at 5760 - 3rd St. N.E. was purchased from Mr. Jonak and Mrs. Skowran for $T4,350. Mr. Jonak put $2,500 in escrow for sewer and water, and he paid the City a$1,000 park fee. Mr. Boardman stated they sold the HRA lot iocated at 5831 - 3rd St. N.E. (Johnson property) for $4,000 to a family whose 235 financing was approved in mid-March. Building construction will begin early next week. Mr. Boardman stated the day 6efore they received the news that the financing for the De7 Price family come through. As-soon as they get notification from the mortgage company, they will set up a closing.date. They hope to have that property closed out and ready for construction by late April/early May. HOUSiNG & REDEVELOPMENT AU7HORITY MEETING, APRIL 9,, 1981 PAGE 7 Mr. Boardman stated they have the mortgage financing for the people who will 6e purchasing the Jonak property and now all they are waiting for on that property is to get all the things filed so they can update the abstracts and close on that property. So, all the financing for �e families has come through. Mr. Boardman stated he is asking the NRA to give a 60-day extension on financing for all three families to ensure adequate time to complete all necessary procedures for closing on the HRA lots. MQTION BY MR. PRIEDITIS,�.SECONDED BY MS. SVENASEN� TO GRRNT A 60-DAY FINANCING EXTENSION TO THREE FAMILIES IN TXE LARGE FAMILY HOME OWNERSHIP PROGRIIM. (IPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL.VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOUCK DECLRRED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY..� • Mr. Boardman stated that, based on the current budget for the Large Famity Program, they have sufficient funds to start acquisition of the property at 5849 - 3rd St. N.E. He would like the HRA to give him authority to go ahead and purchase that lot. MOTSON BY �.�pRIEDITZS, SECONDED BY MS. SVENDSEN, TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY AT 5849 - 3rd ST. N.E, �UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � Mr. Boardman stated there are tax forfeit properties in the City. There are several tax forfeit lots he had indicated to the City Council that the HRA may be interested in purchasing. The City Council has agreed to request purchase of a #ax forfe3t property (60' x 144') located at Liberty Street for the NRA. This purchase will take place in June. He stated that if the NRA is in agreement w�th his request to the Gity Council, he would like that agreement in a motion. MOTION BY MR.�pRIEDITIS, SECONDED BY MS. SVENASEN�.TO AGREE WITH THE EXECUTIVE � DIRECTOR�S REQUEST TO THE�CITY COUNCIL TO ACQUIRE TAX FORFEIT PROPERTY FROM�. ANOKA COUNTY FOR THE HRA�.�,�� ' ��. UPON A VOSCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � � 4. OTHER BUSINESS: A. Completion of Rehab Program: Mr. Boardman stated they have received a Certificate of Completion, along with a cover letter, from HUD congratulating them on the successful completion of the project. B. Interim Reports from Sid Inman: Mr. Boardman stated the HRA had copies of the interim reports for all activities for the HRA for the quarter ending March 31, 1981. Tfiey should note that the total fund balance as of 3/31/81 is $2,250,997,04. NOUSIN6 & REDEVELOPMENT AU7NORITY MEETING, APRIL 9, 7981 PA&E 8 C. Check Register Mr. Boardman stated these expenditures totalling $14,425.25 were for the Jonak property. MOTION BY MS. SVENASEN, SECONDED�BY MR. PRIEDITIS��TO APPROVE THE CHECK REGISTER IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,425.25. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE, VICE-CXAIRPERSON HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � � ADJOURNMENT: F10TSON BY MS. SVENDSEN� SECONDED BY MR. PRIEDITIS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOZCE.VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHRIRPERSON HOUCK DECLARED THE APRIL 9, 1581, XOUSiNG &�REDEVELOPMENT PUTHORITY MEETING AWOURNED AT 10;15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, L�Saba Recording Secretary � � � -� _ � �- � _ - : __:�-�-� - - _ _ _ - .�_ z._ ., _z � . �__�� _ -___ - :L-1� v _ �.�..�,. _,6d'ty�•a-...� -� .���� _- lC�r��_ 'Cc�ol� ,— -- _ �---- I��c6�A �j � t � D � ��� �i'��YUY(�O,U�n ���,�? � . -�'t-- � _ ��� _ . _ _ ��� _ <fcsG %� � : ��� � ��c- �� ��-; �� � ��d s,�. Yo�l �� � �,� j ��-�,� I �03� �°Al.�t ST ��DA� - s�.�.y �z� �.f �� � ��y d%3�G/��-�'1 .SSa� I�v TA YL D� ,S T.�ii� ���� �1� �.�Fit,°� � �i�.�,c�s,su� �''lol _a��..��-, �''� b �fo 8 %,P.�y�/�T� � _ 3 � �� c.� V �C� �� �� p .� ' � �� �'-� �. S�r OSea�ad' u/Ay s� �4�3.�--� �"� � � ww-�.a v- �y�vvue.v ty N.�lfc.c� � b IY.�^-'- � ; -. it.�,� .l�.c,R..✓ ._ r� _ __ l s' _ 7s'-"� ?�%a� /l( .�" � - ' - ��� _ _ '�'�'�' _ _y�n?�Ct�y� _ � � I � � � , CITY OF FRIDLEY � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Harris declared the April 22, 1981, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Harris, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Svanda, Mr. Wharton, Ms. van Dan, Ms. Hughes (arr. 7:48 p.m.) Members Absent: Mr. Oquist Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Robert Friedly, 4061 - 88th Lane, Blaine Kenneth Jorgenson, 8101 Ruth Circle N.E. John Doyle, 6305 East River Road Jean Ann Hegner, 450 Hugo St. Camilla Schultz, 371 Hugo St. Karen & Mitchell Cook, 420 Hugo St. Richard Lund, 18036 Palm St., Cedar G. A. Hale, 5234 Taylor St. N.E. 1udy & Aaron Engebretson, 5216 Taylor St. N.E. William Kuether, 5268 Taylor St. N.E. Peter & Norma Filipovic, 31 Talmadge Way Diann Norfolk, 36 Talmadge Way Les Watkins, 40 Osborne Way Robert J. Galush, Twin City Federal Harold & Harriet Overvig, 30 Osborne Way Jan Dean, 65 - 75th Way N.E. Nancy McKay, 7449 Talmadge Lane APPROUAL OF APRIL 8, 1981, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY FZS. VAN DAN� TO APPROVE THE APRIL 8� Z981, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 1. PU6LIC NEARING: RE� UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #81-03, BY ROBERT FRIEDLY: Per Section �TOI, 3, 0, of tTie �d eT-�ity C— o— e— ,�to aT ow a umper oat operation on a 98 ft. by 125 ft. site in Skywood Shopping Center, located on parts of Lots 4 and 5, Auditor's Subdivision No. 53, the same being 5255 Central Aven ue N.E. h10TION BY MR. SVANDA� SECONDED BY MR. WHARTON� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP N81-03 BY ROBERT FRIEDLY, � UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED PHE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:37 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. APRIL 22. 1 Mr. Boardman stated this was the property between the existing miniature golf operation and Twin City Federal. The proposal is classified as a special use permit because this type of thing is a lease operation within the shopping center property itself and is similar to other leasing operations within shopping centers. The proposal is for a seasonal-type of operation where tfiere will be a large area of water with innertube-type boats with smal] 2 H.P. motors. Mr. Boardman stated two concerns Staff has concerning this type of operation are noise and appearance. It was stressed to the petitTOner that because this is a seasonal type of operation, it would have to look good all year around, and that is very difficult to do. Mr. Boardman stated Mr. friedly is in the audience to answer questions. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Friedly if he wished to make a statement concerning his proposal. Mr. Friedly stated he would be willing to do any landscaping that is required by the City. He stated Mr. Boardman had indicated the need for trees, and Mr. Friedly is willing to make the area attractive during the months of operation and during the months it is closed. Mr. Svanda stated his biggest concern would be the noise impact on the surrounding neighbors. He asked Mr. Friedly if he knew what the noise levels would be. Mr. Friedly stated that 1 meter away, it is 58 decibels, 10 meters away, it is less than 40 decibels, and 150 feet away, the motors cannot be heard, only the participants having fun. He anticipated there will be 12 boats, not al] operating at the same time. Ms. Gabel asked about the hours of operation. Mr. Friedly stated he would probably open about June 1, and the hours of operation would be approximately 12:00 noon until about 11-12:00 midnight. Mr. Harris asked about the depth of the pool. Mr. Friedly stated the depth of the pool is 30 inches. He stated there is little opportunity for accidents. The person is strapped into the boat as a safety precaution. He stated this type of thing has been in operation for five years, and tfiere have been no accidents. He has checked into the insurance requirements and will have the proper insurance coverage. Mr. Harris asked how large an area there would be for the whole package. Mr. Friedly stated it is approximately 84 feet wide and 125 feet long. He recently purchased the miniature golf course and intends to convert the golf course into something more aesthetically attractive. His intention is to make the area a family fun center. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Harris asked how many parking stalls there would be. Mr. Friedly stated he feels the parking area allocated for the golf course is under-utilized. The prime hours of operation are when most of tfie shopp9ng cenier is closed. He is in the process of negotiating a lease agreement witfi Mr. Mortenson who owns the shopping center, and the lease agreement is contingent upon the City's approval. He stated parking has not been addressed, but he could make sure that it is addressed. Mr. Harris stated that parking is one of the City's concerns. Mr. Friedly stated that the City of Coon Rapids recently approved a similar package and they estimated 10 parking spaces needed for a single operation. (Ms. Hughes arrived at 7:48 p.m.) Mr. Wharton asked about fencing. Mr. friedly stated he intended to fence the property, and would be happy to put up a six foot fence if the City required that, Mr. Boardman stated Staff is concerned about the type of traffic there is in the shopping center and the type of attraction this operation �ill have for kids. Another concern would be with landscaping, not only with the pool area, but also with trying to bring the shopping center up to overall standards, which they have not been able to do in the past with other special use permits within shopping centers. Mr. Friedly stated that in the other two operations he has observed, this has attracted adults and families, as well as children. Children running through the parking lot on bicycles has not been a problem from what he has observed. Mr. Boardman stated Staff is also concerned about how long this operation would last if it was approved and built. They look at these things as temporary operations, although the owners of the business and the people making the proposals look at them as something that will work over a period of time. He stated Staff looks at the miniature golf course operations as being similar in nature to this bumper boat operation, and all three golf course operations in Fridley have not lasted very long. He believed that aiter a short period of time, the City would have an operation that is not a functional operation and is not maintained. Mr. Friedly stated he does not intend to invest large sums of money to let this go by the wayside. Mr. Richard Lund stated that the Coon Rapids Planning Commission recently approved a bumper boat operation. It was well received by the Planning Comnission and the City. He stated that an operation such as Lilliputt in Coon Rapids draws families from the entire north area. As such, there is quite an investment in that area. If this bumper boat operation was approved and a miniature golf course was put in with it, they would have a package very similar to what they have in Coon Rapids. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 4 Ms. Judy Engebretson, 5216 Taylor St., stated she lives above the area proposed for this operation. She stated their main concern is the noise. All their homes were built with the idea of taking advantage of the view, with living rooms and bedrooms facing the back. She is already concerned with the noise they receive from the freeway, Central Ave., from the comnercial area below them, and from cars racing up and down 52nd Ave., and now they may have to take some additional noise. She did not know that when they built their home 17 years ago they would be over- looking a carnival-type atmosphere. She stated this area could possi67y also become a hang-out for kids. Ms, Engebretson stated she did not think the bank would appreciate this kind of operation next door. She did not think this kind of operation would be in improve- ment to this area that already needs a facelift. Since it is a seasonal operation, there is the question of safety when ii c7oses in the fall, because children can climb chain link fences. Ms. Engebretson stated she is also concerned with traffic. Because of the traffic situation on 52nd Ave. with no traffic signal, the State has recommended that the people in her neighborhood go through the shopping center and use the 53rd inter- section to take advantage of the traffic signa7. On the weekend, the parking lot is becoming so full that it is overflowing onto the driving lane through the center, and she did not see where Mr. Friedly was going to get t6e parking spaces for his operation. Mr. George Yale, 5234 Taylor St., stated his property is in direct view of the proposed area. He was concerned about noise, because they have had a problem in the past. He was concerned about the concept of using a shopping center for an amusement center. Is it a shopping center or is it an amusement center? He would appreciate the Planning Comnission keeping this in mind when making their decision. Mr. Robert Galush, Twin City Federal, stated there were several things about this proposal that disturbed him: (1} The traffic danger to children coming around this area where they have a drive-up window. TCF is planning on expanding that drive-up from a single lane to 3-4 lanes and this is on the north side of the building. (2) In the purchase agreement, they have an agreement that pertains to the fact that TCF has 2� parking spaces in the shopping center in addition to the parking they now have on their own land. (3) He is concerned about how it is going to detract from the general appearance of the "main street" of Fridley. (4) Where are the kids going to go to use restroom facilities? They will probably use the bank's restroom facilities and drinking fountains. (5) The noise factor. It is going to be difficult to try to speak into a microphone in the drive-up lane with 50 decibels of noise going on right next doar. Mr. Galush stated this type of operation just did not project the kind of image they would expect from a shopping center area, He felt it was a nice thing for kids and families, but this is not the place for it. Mr. Bud Kuether, 5268 Taylor St. N.E., stated he would like to reiterate everything Ms. Engebretson had said. He was also advised by the State to use 53rd Ave. inter- section to get onto Central Ave., because traffic is really bad between 3:00-6:00 p.m. Traffic is extremely bad on Friday and 5aturday because of traffic to the bank, the flea market on 5aturday, and the only safe way is to use the 53rd Ave. intersection. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 7981 PAGE 5 MOTION BY l�S. GABEL� SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HF.RRING ON SP #81-03 BY ROBBRT FRIEDLY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMRN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:20 P.M. Ms. van Dan stated she was really concerned about the noise to the residents. Ms. Gabel agreed that the noise was a big concern of hers also. She would also be concerned about the area becoming a hang-out. Mr. Friedly stated he would be willing to put in restroom facilities if the City required it. Mr. Wharton stated he could not understand why they were so concerned about the noise level of this operation when they see the baseba7l fields in residential areas of the City with bright lights and noise going on until 10:00 at night. To him, noise was not a big factor. He would be more concerned about restroom facilities. Ms. Hughes stated she would agree with that if some hours of operation were attached to the special use permit, such as 70:00 p.m. She had some concern about the direct sound lines that wou7d go from this area to the neighborhood's bedroom windows. They are forcing people to air condition their homes when they create further noise problems. In terms of energy, that was something she would object to. Ms. van Dan stated she was also concerned about the parking. It is a pretty full parking lot, even during the day. She has also used the 53rd intersection, rather than go onto Central Ave. at 52nd Ave. MOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MS. HUGHES� TO RECOMMEND TO CZTY COUNCIL THE DENIAL OF THE REQUEST FOR A SPECTAL USE PERMIT� SP #82-03� BY ROBERT FRIEDLY� PBR SHCTION 205.101� 3, O, OF THE FRSDLEY CITY CODE� TO ALLOW A BUMPER BOAT OPERATION ON A 98 FT. BY I25 FT. SITE IN SKYWOOD SHOPPING CENTER, LOCATED ON PARTS OF LOTS 4 AND 5� AUDITOR'S SUBDIVSSION NO. 53� THE SAME BEING 5255 CENTRAL AVE. N.E., FOR TXE FOLLOWING REASONS: I. THE ALREADY EXISTING NOISE LEVELS 2. TXE TRAFFIC SITUATION AND THE POTENTIAL PROBLEMS WITH PARKING 3. THE SAFETY OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE WHO WOULD USE THE AREA UPON A VOICE VOTE� HARRIS� GABEL, HUGHES� AND VAN DAN VOTING AYE� WHARTON AND SVANDA VOTING NAY� CHAZRMAN HARRIS DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 4-2. Mr. Harris stated the reason he voted nay was because he did not think this was an appropriate use as an accessory use to the shopping center as he has opposed all similar accessory uses to all shopping centers that have been put in in the past. Mr. Harris stated that SP #87-03 was recomnended to City Council for denial and would go to City Council on May 4. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 6 2. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #87-04, BY KENNETH D: JORGENSON: Per Sectaon 'LIT5�5T�—A; o� �ie�rid e City Code, to allow the construction of a second accessory bui7ding, a 24' by 30' detached garage, on Lot 10, Block 5, Bourdeaux's Spring Brook Addition, the same being 8101 Ruth Circle N.E. MOTION BY t�i, SVANDA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TQ OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP #81-04 BY KENNTH JORGENSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:37 P.M. Mr. Boardman stated Mr. Jorgenson's proposal is to build a detached garage with access off Ruth Street. Mr. Jorgenson presently has an attached garage. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Jorgenson if he would like to make a statement. Mr. Jorgenson stated that because of the need for more storage and housing cars, he plans on building a 24' x 30' garage. His present garage is 20' x 22' and later on he plans to convert the attached garage to living space. Mr. Harris stated his only concern would be that at the time of the conversion of the attached garage, the driveway to that garage be removed. MOTION BY MR, WHARTON� 5ECONDED BY MS. HUGHES, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP (I81-04 BY KENNTH JORGENSON, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:45 P.M. MOTION BY MR, WHARTON, SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THS REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT� SP �81-04�BY KENNTH JORGENSQN� PER.SECTION 205.OSI� 2� A��OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING� A 24' BY 30' DETACXED GRRAGE� ON LOT 10� BLOCK 5� BOURDEAUX�S SPRING BROOK ADDITION� THE SAME BEING 8105 RUTH CIRCLE N.E.� WITH NO STiPULATIONS. MOTION BY MS. VAN DRN� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO AMEND THE MAIN MOTION TO INCLUDE THE STIPULATION THAT WHEN THE PRESENT GARAGE I5 CONVERTEA TO FAMILY LIVING SPACE, THE DRIVEWAY BE REMOVED. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE AMENDED MAIN MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CHASRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MAIN MOTION A,S AMENDED CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Harris stated this would go to City Council on May 4. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, ]981 PAGE 7 3. [:oae, to aiiow t dwelling areas), 20 Osborne Way N , iN�.: Ner �ection cu5.u5i, s, e construction of a duplex in R-1 on Lot 4, Block 2, Leigh Terrace, E. , o teFri eyCity zoning (single family the same being MOTION BY MS. XUGHES� SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP #81-05 BY LEIGH�INVESTMENTS, INC. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:50 P.M. Mr. Boardman stated the proposal was for a duplex to be built on the corner of East River Road and Osborne Way. He stated this meets all the requirements for lot size and setbacks. He stated the petitioner is in the audience. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Doyle if he wished to make a statement. Mr. Doyle stated that on two separate occasions on this particular lot, they have had single family homes sold and on both occasions when it came to obtaining financing, the lending agents declined to provide financing 6ecause the lot is on heavily traveled streets. In order to get the lot developed and done in a manner consistent with what the neighbors would like to see in this area, they are proposing a duplex design that from the outside has the appearance of a single family home. They would like to get a buyer who would be able to begin with a small family and would eventually utilize the whole home. The upstairs floor plan is identical to the home next door. All they have done is taken that same floor plan and duplicated it downstairs and provided an entry way, a small laundry, and an entry way area. In addition to that, they have supplied two single car attached garages to provide the garage and parking facilities necessary. Mr. Boardman stated that he just realized that a three-car garage is required for R-2. Mr. Les Watkins, 40 Osborne Way, stated that due to the fact that this lot is on East River Road and traffic is heavy and the fact that they are unable to get a single family dwelling on this lot, he would like to see the Planning Commission approve this duplex, rather than see some other kind of usage of this lot later on. Mr. Harold Overvig, 30 Osborne Way, stated he lives next door to the lot. He would like to see something on this lot; and if they cannot have a single family home, he would not object to a duplex, provided Mr. Doyle gets a family or a couple to buy the property and live in it and rent out the second apartment. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Doyle if he planned on fencing or having a barrier along East River Road. Mr. Doyle stated he probably would have to because of the noise level on East River Road. The problem is interfacing the fence with the bike easement. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 8 Ms. Diann Norfolk, 36 Talmadge Way, stated they bought their home in August 1980, believing that the area was all privately owned homes. She stated that Mr. Doyle has stated he plans to get a family to buy the duplex and eventually take over the entire home. She stated that would be fine, but supposing the other side of the duplex is empty for six months or more, then there are more reasons for vandalism and wild parties. She recently moved from a duplex and knows the numerous problems with transient people and the poor upkeep of the dwelling. There is not the feeling of a total community once there are transient neighbors. She did not think this duplex was what they needed in their neighborhood. Mr. Doyle stated he felt that if they get a buyer who is the owner-occupant,the owner is_:going to have as much pride in the property as the rest of the people in the neighborhood. He also plans to make the duplex affordable. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES� SECONDED BY 1�. WHRRTON� TO CL0.SE THE PUBLIC XEARING ON SP #81-05 BY LEIGH INVESTMENTS, INC. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSEA AT 9:15 P.M. Ms. Hughes stated that this plan as drawn seems to be very appropriate for this neighborhood and gives the apperance of a single family dwelling. She stated she liked the arrangement in trying to control noise by having the garage on the street side. She did not see any disadvantages to the proposal at all. MOTION BY MS. HUGHE5� SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A REQUE5T FOR A SPECIAL USE P&RMIT� SP N81—O5� BY LEIGH INVESTMENTS� INC.: PER SECTION 205.051� 3� D, OF SHE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF R DUPLEX SN R—I ZONING (SINGLE FRMILY DWELLING AREAS), ON LOT 4� BLOCK 2, - LEIGH TERRACE, THE 5AME BEING 20 OSBORNE WAY N.E.� ACC_ORDING_TO BUILDING PLAN� . �_ _ -----_. — ___ EXHIBIT A, WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATION5: _..- ._._ _ .._. —____—__--.._�- - 1. TXAT IT MEETS THE 10,000 SQ. FT,�REQUIREMENT FOR DUPLEXES . __ 2. THAT UTILITY, DRRINAGE� AND BIKEWAY EASEMENTS.ARE PRESERVED 3. THAT THE THIRD GARRGE IS PROVIDED. � UPON 8 VOICE VOTE� HARRIS� SVANDA� HUGHES� VAN DAN� AND WHARTON VOTING AYE� GABEL VOTING NRY� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 5—I. Ms. Gabel stated she has no problem with this plan, but she voted nay because of her opposition to spot rezoning. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #87-06, BY LEIGH INVEST- r�Enis, 1N�.: ver Section ZUb.Ubl, s, u, ot tne rriaiey ciLy �oae, Lo aiiow t e construction of a duplex in R-1 zoning (single family dwelling areas) on Lot 3, Block 1, Leigh Terrace, the same being 31 Osborne Way N.E. MOTION BY MR. SVANDA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC NEARING ON SP #81-06 BY LEIGH INVESTMENTS, INC. UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 9:25 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 9 Mr. Boardman stated this lot was across the street from SP #81-05. This lot is not 10,000 sq, ft. which is required and would require a variance if the special use permit is approved. The proposal is also for a duplex which is set up with a double garage. It would also require an additional third stall. It will meet the setback limitations. Mr. Doyle stated that this is the same idea as SP #81-05 but with a different plan. The house is specially designed for this lot. He stated they were trying to accom- plish the same thing with this dwelling and they were doing it for the same reasons as the previous proposal. He stated he would like to address the issue bf the lot size requirement. He believed that when the lot was platted, the City had taken into account the St. Paul Waterworks property as green area in the back and that it was considered the same as a 10,000 sq. ft. lot. Mr. Boardman stated he would check the records regarding this. Mr. Les Watkins, 40 Osborne Way, stated he was in favor of this proposal for the same reasons he had stated for the previous proposal (SP #87-05). Ms. Jan Dean, 65 - 75th Way N.E., stated that on this particular corner, there is a bus stop and the area is essentially level. It is an interesting piece of land, and now Mr. Doyle wants to put a two-story dup7ex in there. She thought this was going back to spot rezoning. She did not have any real objections to the duplex going in across the street, but she did have problems with this proposal as she did not like to see another spot rezoning when there is going to be so many variances. After checking the City records, Mr. Boardman stated that the plat was approved by the Planning Commission in 1975 with the condition that they get written easement from St. Paul Waterworks. There was a]etter of agreement from the Water Dept. of St. Paul dated April 15, 1976, that would allow the use of the St. Paul Waterworks property as a portion of lot size with conditions. The City Council approved the plat on May 17, 1976, and because of the agreement, it brings this lot to over the required 10,000 sq, footage. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES� 5ECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP �81-06 BY LEIGH INVESTMENTS� INC. UPON R VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIF2MAN HARXIS DECLARED THE pUBLTC HERRING CL0.SED AT 9:42 P,M. Ms. Hughes stated this plan may be the only way this 1ot can be used, but it did not have the advantages of the other lot as far as the buffering of noise from East River Road and as far as screening East River Road fran the living rooms. She stated that at this point, she could not approve this request as she was not sure this was the structure they wanted to see and she was not convinced this was the right use for that property. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES TO CONTINUE THE REQUEST FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT� SP #82-06, BY LSIGH INVESTMENTS, INC., AND ASK THE PETITIONER TO COME BRCK WITH A BETTER DESIGN FOR THE LOT, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 10 MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION BY MR. WHARTON� SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT� SP N8Z-06� BY LEIGH INVESTMENTS� INC., PER SECTION 205.OSI� 3� D� OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUC- TION OF A DUPLEX IN R-1 ZONING (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AREAS), ON LOT 3� BLOCK l, LEIGH TERRACE, THE SRME BEING 32 OSBORNE WAY N.E., WITH NO STIPULATIONS. Ms. Gabel stated she felt the third car garage stTpu7ation should be added to the motion, 6ecause of the traffic problems on East River Road. If there was any parking in the street, there could be even more problems. Ms. van Dan stated she was concerned about trying to squeeze a lot of building onto a small piece of property. Ms. Gabel stated she objected because this was,again, spot rezoning. The house is an atrocity, and the neighbors seem more opposed to this structure. UPON A VOICE VOTE, SVANDA AND WHARTON VOTING AYE, GABEL, HUGHES� AND VAN DAN VOTING NAY, AND HARRIS ABSTAINING, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION FAILED BY A VOTE OF 3-2. MOTION BY MS. VAN DAN, SECONDSD 8Y MS. HUGHES, TO TABLE THE REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �8Z-06, BY LEIGH INVESTMENTS� INC., PER SECTION 205.OSZ, 3, D, pF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DUPLEX IN R-1 ZONING (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AREAS), ON IAT 3� BLOCIC I� LEIGH TERRACE� THE SAME BEING 31 OSBORNE WAY N.E., AND TO REQUEST THE PETITSONER TO RECONSIDER THE DESIGN OF THE DUPLEX. UPON A VOICE VOTE� HARRIS� VAN DAN, HUGHES� AND WHARTON VOTING AYE� GABEL AND SVRNDA VOTING NAY, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARBD THE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF 4-2. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONING REQUEST, ZOA #81-03, BY JOHN R. DOYLE: Rezone from R- single fami y we ing areas to R-3 genera mu tip e amily dwellings), Lot 78 and 79, Block 2, Riverview Heights, so that all the property under one ownership are the same zoning, to allow the construction of two (2) 4-unit dwellings, being addressed as 391-93-95-97 Hugo and 401-03-05-07 Hugo Street N.E. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES� SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO OPEN THE PUBLZC HEARING ON ZOA #81-03 BY JOHN R. DOYLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 9:55 P.M. Mr. Boardman stated that he and Mr. Doyie have discussed the potential for develop- ment for this area. They discussed several possibilities. Mr. Doyle is proposing two 4-unit dwellings. Mr. Boardman stated it was his recommendation that the parking be put between the two structures. This would buffer the noise and traffic situation from the single family homes. He stated Mr. Doyle has applied for a variance on lot size. The City will be requesting bikeway easement within the property area itself. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 11 Mr. Harris asked Mr. Doyle if he would like to make a statement. Mr. Doyle stated that three years ago, he looked at putting a 10-unit building on this site and had all the documentation for approval for the permits. Unfor- tunately, that was about the time financing tightened up and the situation has worsened since. At this point in time, if you are looking for any financing for over 5 units or under 25 units, the lenders are just not interested. So,that put him in the situation of looking at alternatives. Mr. Doyle stated that one alternative was to put a single family home on the single family lot and some type of apartment on the R-3 zoned lots that are left. In order to meet the financing requirements, it would probably entail going into some kind of condominium-type of arrangement. That rea7ly did not appeal to them very much because it dumps a lot more driveways onto Hugo St., and traffic is a big concern in this neighborhood. Mr. aoyle stated another alternative was to do a double side-by-side with a single family home. The density would be about the same, but it would be dumping more driveways onto the street and there would be more ground coverage in terms of buildings. Mr. Doyle stated they have tried to put something together that is aesthetically pleasing, but will allow them to obtain financing. At this point in time, they have an owner-occupant buyer on both of the bui7dings. Mr-Frank Hegner, 450 Hugo St., stated he bought his home with the understanding that there would be a single family home on the R-1 lot. He cannot see two 4- plexes in there. With apartments in there, their property va7ues will go down. He would rather see two homes go in and leave apartments where they are supposed to be in another neighborhood. Mr. Hegner stated that Hugo St.is very narrow and a car cannot get through if two cars are parked on both sides of the street. The driveway coming out from the four-plexes would be right across from his driveway. Ms. Karen Cook, 420 Hugo St., stated she felt there would be a lot of problems with traffic and safety. In six houses on the street, there are already 13 children. People visiting the apartments would have to park on the street, and the children are constantly crossin9 the street to go to the park or the Fridley Food Market. Another concern is the poor upkeep of apartment bui7dings. Ms. Camilla Schultz, 371 Hugo St.,stated they are between East River Road and the railroad tracks, and they have enough noise. Mr. Boardman stated that because Mr. Doyle wants to split the four-plexes into separate ownerships, he has applied to the Appeals Commission for variances on each property. Ms. Gabel stated that the Appeals Comnission took a look at the overall impact of the fact that Mr. Doyle can, in fact, build 7 units on the existing R-3 lots, and it was the Appeals Comnission's overall feeling that it was better to split it PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 12 into two buildings, rather than have one large mass of building sitting there. They felt that would be better for the neighborhood. Mr. Harris asked about storage, Mr. Doyle stated there would be storage within the buildings. He stated it is the buyer's intention to build some garages over what is now the parking area. Mh. Hegner stated he was concerned about camping trailers, boats, etc. Where are these going to be kept? MOTION BY MR. WHARTON� SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON 20A N8I-03 BY JOHN R. DOYLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN H.ARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 20:45 P.M. Ms. Hughes stated that in looking at the total package and what has been requested, one item that disturbs her is the variance from 15,000 sq. ft. down to a 10,000 sq. ft. zoning requirement. That is one-third of the lot. Since they are dealing with rezoning, she would find it very difficult to separate the rezoning from the lot split just because of that factor. She would bp inclined to decline the rezoning, and she thought it would be useful to see what kind of proposal Mr. Doyle could design for 7 units for the existing R-3. Ms. Hughes stated she would be more inclined to see a lot split to make a 75' single family ]ot and then possibly a four-plex on the other part. Mr. Harris stated he also did not like this plan. He thought asking for two four- plexes was asking for too much. It was trying to put too much on too small a piece of property in this particular location. The units are quite small, there is not really any storage, no garages, and 16 parking stalls is the bare minimum. He agreed with Ms. Hughes that 25 ft. could be taken from the R-3 property and added to the R-1 to make a 75' single family lot and then a four-plex on the rest. That would make five units. MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY MS. VAN DRN� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL DENIAL OF REZONING REQUEST, ZOA �I82-03� BY JOHN R. DOYLE, TO REZONE FROM R-.Z (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ARERS) TO R-3 (GENERAL MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLINGSJ� LOT 78 AND 79� BLOCK 2� RIVERVIEW HEIGHTS, SD THAT ALL THE PROPfiRTY UNDER ONE OWNERSHIP ARE THE SAME ZONING� TO ALIAW THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO (2) 4-UNIT DWELLINGS� BEING ADDRESSED AS 390-93-95-97 XUGO AND -402-03-OS-07 HUGO STREET N.E,� FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: 1. INADEQUATE LOT SIZES 2. THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM IS INAPPROPRIATE TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND STREET CONDITIONS UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. --7 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 13 Mr. Harris stated ZOA #81-03 is recommended to City Council for denial and will go to City Council on June 8. 6. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #81-03, BY JOHN R. DOYLE: Split off the East 50 feet of Lots 80, 81, 82, and 83 and add it to Lots 78 and 79, Block A, Riverview Heights, for a building site for a 4-unit dwelling, the same being 397-93-95-97 Hugo Street N.E. Withdrawn at petitioner's request. (Mr. Wharton left the meeting at 11:06 p.m.) 7. RECEIVE APRIL 14, 1981, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SSCONDED BY MS, HUGHES� TO RECEIVE THE RPRIL 14� .Z981, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN NAR.RIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE APRIL 2, 1981, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. VAN DAN� SECONDED BY hES. GABEL� TO RECEIVE THE APRIL 2� 198Z� XUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES. Ms. van Dan stated the Human Resources Commission is in the process of redefining their goals. One of their old goals is "Social/Economic Development - Corrections", The Comnission questioned whether the Human Resources Commission should be addressing law enforcement issues and crime prevention. Does the Planning Commission feel this is the responsibility of the Human Resources Co�nission? Mr. Boardman stated he did not feel that it should be the responsibility of the Human Resoures Commission to address those types of issues. Mr. Harris agreed with Mr. Boardman and that the Human Resources Commission is not the appropriate commission if they do not fee7 comfortable with it. UPON A VOICS VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED 9. RECEIVE APRIL 9, 1981, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDSD BY MS. VAN DAN, TO RECEIVE THE APRIL 9, Z98I, XOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 22, 1981 PAGE 14 ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN� TO RDJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARR25 DECLARED THE APRIL 22, 1981, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT II:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �� Lyn Saba Recording Secretary