PL 07/08/1981 - 6760PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City of Fridley AGENDA WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1981 7:30 P.M. CALL T� �RDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 3, 1981 1. VACATION RE UEST, SAV #81-02, BY PETITION #3-1981 (100�, NO FEE): Vacate a 12 ft. a 1ey easement in B oc 19, Fri 1ey Park Addition, located between 612 and 62nd Way N.E. on the east side of East River Road. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. � RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 4, 1981 RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 9, 1981 RECEIVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 9, 1981 RECEIVE HOUSING & REDEUELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: JUNE 11, 1981 RECEIVE ENVIRQNMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION P1INU7E5: �UNE 16, 1981 RECEIVE PARKS & RECREATI4N COMMISSION MINU7ES: JUNE 17, 1981 RECEIVE APPEALS C�MMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 23, 1981 RECEIVE ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: JUNE 23, 1981 10. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN FOR PLANNING COMMISSION 11. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: PAGES 1-5 6 - 1L SALMON CANARY PINK WHITE BLUE GREEN CANARY ORCHID CITY Of FRIDLEY PLANNING COM�IISSIOt! MEETI�JG, JUNE 3, 19$1 CALL TO ORUER: Chairman Harris called the �une 3, 1981, Planning CoMmission meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Harris, Ms. van Dan, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Svanda, P4r. Dquist, Ms. Hughes (for Mr. Kondrick), Mr. �lharton Members Absent: None Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Charles Johanson, 424 Rice Creek Blvd. Mr. & Mrs. Eisenzimmer, 6535 Oakley Dr. RPPROVAL OF MAY 6, 1981, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: - MOTION�BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA� TO APPROVE THE.MAY 6� 2982� � PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CFfAIRMAN XARRIS DECLARED THE MOTSON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: RE�(UEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #81-08, BY REiER A. EISENZIhU'�ER: Per Section 205.051, 2, , of the Frid ey City Code, to a ow t e construction of a second accessory building, a 26 ft. by 28 ft. detached garage on Part of Lot 8C, Second Revised Auditor's Subdivisibn No. 21, the same being 6535 Oakley Drive N.E. � MOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN, TO OPEN THE�PUBLIC HEARING ON SP #8i-08 BY PETER A. EISENZIMMER. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING.AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS.DECLARED THE PUBLIC XEARING OPEN AT 7:36 P,M. � Mr. Boardman stated the proposal is for a new second detached garage, 26 ft. by 28. ft. He stated Mr. Eisenzirt�ner was in the audience if the Commission had any questions. Ms. Gabel asked Mr. Eisenzirrmer if he planned to keep the eurrent garage as a garage or did he plan to convert it into living space? Mr. Eisenzimmer stated he planned to keep it as a garage. rr - PLAP�NINr, COMMISSION MEETI�dG, JUf•lE 3, 1981 PAGE 2 Mr, Harris asked Mr. Eisenziri�ner if he planned to have a surface driveway. Mr. Eisenzimmer stated, yes, he planned on putting in a concrete driveway. Mr, Harris asked Mr. Boardman to define the rules of a home occupation to Mr. & Mrs. Eisenziruner. Mr. Boardman stated that accessory buildings, such as garages, are not allowable for use as a home occupation, so operating an auto body or any other business is not allowed out of a garage. He stated this is just a reminder to Mr. Eisenzimmer that a home occupation would not be allowed and that the garage can only be used as a storage garage. Mr. Eisenzimmer stated he understood that. Mr. Boardman stated that if at any time Mr. Eisenzi�cner would want to convert the existing attached garage to living area, he would need a variance because the setback on the side yard is 5 ft, and 10 ft. is required from living space to the lot line. MOTION BY .+II2. WHRRTON, SECONDED�BY MR. SVANDA� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARZNG ON SP #81-OS BY PETSR A. EISENZIMMER. � UPON A VOICE t�OTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAZRMAN HARRIS DECI,ARED THE PUBLIC XERRING CLOSED AT 7:45 P.M. � N�'ION BY ,�Z.S. HUGBES, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE REQUEST FOR A SPECIRL i7SE PERMIT, SP #81-08� BY PETER A. EISENZIMMER: PER SECTION 205.051, 2, A, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALIAW THE CONSTRUCTZON OE A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING, A 26 FT. BY 28 FT. DETACHED GARAGE ON PART OF IAT 8C� SECOND REVISED RUDITOR'S SUBDIVISZON NO, 21, 2HE SRME�BEING 6535 OAKLBY DRIVE N.E.� W3'TH THE FOLLOWING STZPULATIONS: � � I. THERE BE THE SU22ABLE SETBACK�REQUIREMENTS. _ 2,�� TH$ PROHIBITION OF THE GARAGE BEING USED FOR A HOME OCCUPATION. .� UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � � � Mr. Harris stated SP #81-08 would go to City Cou�cil on June 15. 2. LOT SPLI7 REQUEST, L.S. #81-05, BY CHARLES E. JOHANSON: Split lot 10 in two to make two building sites, lot 9 and North 1/2 of Lot 10, Block 6, Fridley Park, the same being 6570 Hickory Street N.E., and Lot 11, and South HaTf of Lot 10, Block 6, fridley Park, the same being 6550 Hickory Street N.E. Mr. Harris stated this was not a formal public hearing but would be conducted as an informa] public hearing. PLA'dNIf�G G�MMTSSIO��! MEETIIdG, JUPdE 3, i981 PAGE 3 Mr. 6oardman stated this property was located west of the railroad tracks, north of Mississippi St. on Hickory Street. He stated Mr. Johanson has 135.2 ft, of street frontage off Hickory St. Mr. Johanson has renoved the existing structure and fs proposing a lot spiit to make two 67.6 ft, lots. This is allowa6le under the ald platting. He stated the lot square footage is over the 7,500 sq. ft. requirement. He stated Mr. Johanson plans to build a nice looking house on one of the lots. At this time, Staff has no questions and feels this is an agreeable lot splii. Ms. Hughes asked if'there was any likelihood of drainage problems. Mr. Johanson stated there was not. MOTION BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY MS. VAN D11N� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST� LS #8Z-O5� TO SPLIT IAT 10 IN TWO TO MAKE TWO BUILDiNG SITES, LOT 9 AND NORTH 1/2 OF LOT .ZO, BLOCK 6� FRIDLEY PARK, THE SRME BEING 6570 HICKORY STREET N.E., AND LOT 21� AND SOUTH HALF OF LOT S0, BLOCK 6� FRZDLEY��-PARK� THE SAME BEING 6550 HICKORY STREET N,E., WITX NO STIPULATIONS. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRMAN HARRSS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Harris stated LS #81-�5 would go to City Councii on June l5. 3. RECEI4E MAY 7, 79$1, HU�+IAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. VAN DAN� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO RECEIVE THE MAY 7� 2981� HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES. Ms. van Dan stated that the City has hired an intern, Claire Hughes, for the surrmer to help with the Tnternational Year of Disabled Persons (IYDPj project cormnittee. Ms. Hughes will be working with the handicapped throughout the sumner. UPON.R VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED � UNANIMOUSLY. � 4. RECEIVE MAY 12, 1981, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. OQUSST� SECONDED BY MS. HUGHES� TO RECEIVE THE MAY Z2� 1981� COMMUNITY DEVELOPPIENT COMMISSION MINUTES. Mr. Oquist stated that the Commission has not yet received any direction from the City Council on Industrial Revenue bonds. He stated a motion was made for the Commission to meet with the City Council at a conference meeting to discuss the goals and objectives of the Cottmission. He stated they had continued their dis- cussion on the purpose of the commission until the next meeting as they were missing two members. UPON d V07CE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRhfe1N Hl1RRIS DECLARED TIIE MOTION CARRIED UiVdNIhSOUSLP. � PLAi1IJItlG COM;'IISSTON h1EETING, JUNE 3, 1981 PAGE 4 5. RECEIVE P1AY 12, 1481, APPEALS CUMf4ISSI0N ML'VU7ES: MOTIOII BY MS. GABEL� SECOIJDED BY MR�. OQUTST� TD RECEFVE THE MAY 12� 1981� APPEALS COMMISSION MITIUTBS. � � � UPON�R VOICE VOTE, ALL.VQTING AYE, CHAZRldAN H1IRRIS DECLARED TNE MOTIaN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � �� 6. RECEIVE MAY 13, 1981, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. HUGHES, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECEIVE THE MAY I3� 198I� PARKS & RECREATION COMMFSSION MFNUTES. � Ms. Hughes stated the Cormr9ssion had held their elections, and Dave Kondrick was the ne�a chairperson. She was the vice-chairperson. She stated the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes did not reflect that one of the reasons she had denied the nomination for chairperson was because of the fact that she found it very hard to work with Dr. Boudreau. Ms. Hughes stated that regardirtg the petition for the City to purchase the property in the area north of Hillwind Drive, east of Polk and west of Fil7more, for park use, the Commission simpiy rece4ved the petition. This property is in the Moore Lake Redevelopment Area.. She stated the Commission will continue to keep track of that qeneral discussion. The Correnission is not particularly in favor of that land for any kind of park use. UPON A POICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED�� UNANIMOUSLY. . � . 7. RECEIVE MAY 4, 1981, HOUSIfJG & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORI7Y MINUTES: MOTION BY MS, GABEL� SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN� TO RECEIVE THE MAY 4� 1981� HOUSZNG & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUT£S. � . . � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZI�G AYE� CHRIRNRN H�IRRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. 8. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Amendment to Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code, Generally Known as R Mr. Boardman stated the City Council will be opening a public hearing on Chapter 205 on June 8. The prinary reason for opening the public hearing is they are going to tai:e an action to eliminate Special use permits for duplexes in R-1 zoning, set up a separate ordinance, and delete it from the existing Zoning Code. The City Council will probably PLANtdIyG COMMISSIQP! MEETIilG,� JUNE 3, 1981 PAGE 5 discuss the .rest of the Zoning Code in conference meetings. The City Council will also be considering the Community Development Commission's recommendation on existing units of having two families in an existing single family unit. b. Cancellation of June 17 Meeting Date Mr. Boardman stated there were no items for the next Planning Comnission meeting on June 17. If the Commission members had no objections, he would recommend this meeting be cancelled. MOTION BY MR, WXARTOIT� SECONDED BY FII2. OQUZST� TO CANCEL THE JUNE 27, 2481, PLANNING COMMISSTON MEETZNG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL V6TING AYE� CAASRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY tti!!2. WHARTON� SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RA70URN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CXRIFMAN HARRIS DECLARED TXE JUNE 3� I981, PLANNING COMMSSSSON MEETING ADSOURNED AT 8:35 P.M. . Respectfully su mitted, � . �, / �-CC� Lyn e �Saba Recording Secretary �. r CITY OF FF7IOLEY� 6431 UI1tIVERSlTY AVE. NE. FF/1DLEV� MN. 6§43E (G�2),671-34u0 ADDRESS SUBJECT ZQNING ACTION YACATION PLAT �Q��� ORDINANCE NO! �.,..•«� /°�-�.(i �c�✓ 0 ZOA � SAV # ' - v � PS # PUBLISHED DATE PLRNNING COMMISSION: APPROVEA� U15APPROVED_ DATE����� NO CITY COUNCIL: PUBLIC HEARING DATE 1ST READ__r______ 2ND RfAD CITY COU(�CIL: APPROVED DISAPPROVED� DATE NO � PARK FEE REQUIRED: AMOUNT �PAID STIPULATIONS: NAME . � �- 3 - 1.�1� � %!J� �% FEE tNf,[.u.,•-�- �------�r ,� �'�'--� STREET LOCATION OF PROPERTY _,� F��O�_,c� LEfAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY NO PRESENT ZONIN6 CLASSIFICATION �c '� EXISTING USE QF PROPERTY ACREAGE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBE B'� EFLY THE PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION OR TYPE OF U5E AiVD IMPROVEMENT PROPOSED _��J!���'" �d ` c�-� __ � Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or vartiance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? _ Yes ; no. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of proper- ty within 350 feet must be attached to this application. (b} This application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an expianation given whY this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents and property owners of pro- perty in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, showing the following: 1. North direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbackso 4. Street names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 350 feet). The undersigned hereby.declares that all the facts and repre.sentations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE SI ��,7� �J- ,3 -/'�l� � ADDRESS ' • TELEPHONE NO ^ N Loeo'�'iotn 0 w[uws �.,.� 7 SP,V #81-02 �ETITION 3-I981 BLOCK I9, FRIDLEY PARK �,A.,.�. i � ,���,� STREET MA.P-CITY OF FRIDLEY � �� � �# s� � � R � � �� i � ��� , `" ` � �,, �"f` �'i,.7 . ._ ' r (' 1 . , � , � ��� .• r��T �� � � � / l �#� �-�,�� ! G � . ./+�� �' �'' � � ��:�;-�.. ���� Mr �+ �. �� _ _ ��...�..N.r�� � ����� i ■D������� !r1 ��• �-� i �. t��.�� ���� � �� � - � �r a t� . ..1 �_, �' 4 . �' � `��, ��i � , ��� ., � ♦' f ... fi ���:��: _ i'M `�������� ��/��Il��f L �f I��� — �....r.t , ,....� :� � �� , � � ► � � 7 , , �, �` '�+�fi7t iL-11A/'ri � ..►.���� �►"��i�s���� , t i� +� . i �,'�A�1 y► ., �. ��:���� .������ .� *. i���������� ��� �_,� ���__l; ►#,��{1�.�'�tsM��' ��r. ����������� �!�I���� y� ,�.� :����ttft��►��� ��.1-i`�. -:a �< <������ r��■ r������i y�` , :��� � � � � _ �_. � .«s:,:.. . � �;� , % �'!t � ��� � '� �l�i��'-�l4�� �;,� � • � • ., f\' \�\`,�� �; ��� i � �.������������;. �� � �� � �����������,, k� E , .■w�..w�r. � � �.t�: as� m � � , r ! ' � . i/� �V �1� � I . U" t ,`II� � � �� `�'� � " � � L � 3" � �� V �,,,.�"� 1 / N' , �� t� � � � � . �� � �.� �!� i� 8 . / � j � ` � %� ��;o�F� �•'�'i�-�� ! o%s !Z T=;-,:, � Z%�;�✓Z/ TS 1� i � �-s / r,�-� o�a PG, • 1% 1 � r, �,-,�:: � z;� � �. Z� C / ..�► /�'� L UYJ `�' — ��/3 ,r,�._�7 � • ��/ . •� y/����� � ✓ � _ � fi . , . . s`. / ., � _c y ��� G��._l✓�/ y //ii ��/r9 r !/ �i� [ i = � �C�✓ � . _' `� • � �Q � � i �' � -1-. -_�__ .. SAV ��1-02 PETITION 3-19�1 BLOCK I9, FRIDLEY PARK ivo ncil o[ tM1e Cit3' o! Frldiey es to17o�.�s: 1. That a71 of ehe pnrti�nv eeta ud e!leYS in Frialey ition At�O��n as 6=nM1 ll"a� �ti�a.r N.E., a��ey tn s�ndc n Elock 20, enfl unr.a:��..� ht-oGw�aY tdjacent m the of Rlocks 19 and ?0 IS�++R �. folioa•i^c tl?seribed linos: p north Iine oi 67nd {i'ay Nne desr�fDed u toi7m��a� at a Deint in t�^ north 4y IiI:_ Of F?pA {P3Y \.}'. ) [ee! northwe�ferlfA men- �iiTt a�b'les. frem ...e cen- .' main vack ot [he !:rea[ anG 6iaeant 18a lee: thcre:rum [o a �oInt (n a Sine 9araltel with and abLnl 30 faet north�resaerty. mea- �urwl at r16L: an�lce, fro:n t�c c;n- ter Ilne o[ the ttms[ we=[erl7' yard truk ot �aid Ra�lway Cnn�>r.y aa lolmerly loeated, tor.svucted a�d re- eorAed and no«- ttmo�'c�]: thenre wuthresteriy r.:rallel wi:h ani Cia- hnt 70 tee� northa•es:er7r :rom eaid aealerllne o[ yard tntk to a po�nt M N! eouth iine o( $leck �^, saiG matn track and Yar3 vack ceat=n llnn Dein6 further deec*�bed v tot- bwa: 8afd tanter IMe ot mtin track Y Eacrftred as tollo.vs: Bs{innine at a noint In !he en��- wqt auarter tine ot Sectinn 15, TmvmhiP � �orch. F.ar;a ^_7 R'esb Fourth Printi}+a1 bleriAiar., dis:zr,. 1E6 teet w�est, me�eureA alor.; e�id Wt_wHt puarter Iin= fto^• [�- e�- YnC�d wt line o[ First Avence in IAe City o[ Fridiey; tlleace 5auth- op[l�ly at an aaS;e o[ 8F° Sb' a�;;ry YIE �ubrest puarter line !�� _�np ttet to ths end O! this descnp.iun. Satd ttntei llne of [he r�o�o .'rel- Kiy 7ard [raCk iu d�acr[bed aa mIlONS: COOlmen<Ind •t t M��� �n en'd w4w•ut Quarter line in Se<ri�n li, E'rcant 1Btl ftet a�est. *�tasure3 alo�g wIA eant.wesc 0uarcer lin., Ir,� C,e �xtend2A ea.et tin? o( First A••enue h� the Ciiy of Fridixy: M?nce Qo'.:th- vatefly at in tnCie of AF• 5�+' -"h Nid embwent Qulrter lin. Ir. 17nq LNl i0 Lh! P��<R G: DZQ•.T>ITY' l�.PTrE MuthM�nterly at an an�le of 9• 30' rith lut deacrihed course tor ;550 Mt W the end o! trtia aescripCor. t. 1T� ioutr llne ot 81x� .0 ex- NnMd eaeterly A. TR� tenterilne o( the Gna[ N��ern Raflx�ay Compzry cain 6YYteVt Nat Ne C:ty e• FrAley ieslivM tAat portion of 6C:�A :[�is� V.F.. herdnEetom dzacriSe3. :or YHlit eYae°!nt. � et w'Tith liey in •ht �c�^i one.Ral[ fei_.1 0! Sec::on 25. F._v:e ti, Taa-naRip Sn, Anok:i Wcn;y. '>ti=.- r��a 4e and are her.by vaeat!l. SectlOn !. TRe tsiC vacation l:�a Men ^�de att�r �oYre ot F�,bhc RearinR 1n Confarmance a�lt� >f.nne- wta Statutes a��l Du:su^.m [o Sx- tlon 1?.Oi of Ihe C1ty Cnar!�r. Pasmd Dy the G[v Cou^r L Cuy ot FrldISY, t�is 31�t Eay o� FeDrua.ry, 1f61. j{gypT . Z', E. GI'C(g ATTEST: ne. n.�t _ ar...d� r u.,,,...n CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITION COVER SHEET Date Received June 2, 1981 Object Petition No. 3-1981 ` � Request to vacate alley easement in Block 19, r.} Addition, Lots 3 through 23. Petition Checked By o.J � Date C�i P' Percent Signing 10�% Referred to City Council Disposition � 10 I1 We, the undersigned, request the City to vacate the alley easement in Slock 19, ���'�e Park, Lots 3 through 23. We understand that if we are in 100% agreement on this request, the City will waive the normal fee of $125.00 on this request. NAME %IJ�- ��� %nlu�--,r �� ��� � ��� �l� � -�-/� '� „e,�,.a.,� � �`.c �, "� ����-�,�- �' �f�.., �� �y,,� � // lJ?. a �j%� It'..e�? �'nQ��� -�'1 ��-�'`'`' 1 , ADDRESS �7��/y �=�-u�..�.�., T���� ; �.,..:ct �. �<-�-r-�. 7 � �I �( n.�.�.r t,,,.,�.�;,� � -'J3 s �y3 �- �k�p��y �S��Y 3z_ 6�0( � /o > � �` ��� � /� �� ���no � 5� �/3,,1 Fr. �[/�cs 5�3�5�,� 2 �D 0 ` (a � /r`c°/ �j(�� � . � r"� �`G � • �/ o S � i � _, � S 5� 3 � �c�/�' � V' � O S S y,3 � CTTY'OF FRIDLEY HUMAN RESOURCES COtfMISSION MEETING JUNE 4, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: . Chairperson van Dan called the June 4, to order at 7:32 p.m. ROLL'CALL: 1987, Human Resources Commission meeting Members Present: Mary van Dan, Peter Treuenfels, Jayne Noble, Brian Goodspeed, Lynn Boergerhoff Members Absent: Nane Others Present: Mary Cayan, Human Services Assistant Barb Terpstra , Co-Chairperson of IYDP (International Year of Disab7ed Persons) Project Committee APPRQVAL OF MAY 7, 1981, HUMAN RESOURCES CONF4ISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. TREUENFELS� SECONDED BY MR. GOOASPEED� TO APPROVE THE MAY 7� 298Z� XUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES�AS WRITTEN. � UPON��.A VOICE VOTE��ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON.VAN DAN DECLARED THE MOTION CARRI&D UNANIMOUSLY. . � 1, DISCUSSION OF COMMISSION GOALS: Ms. van 9an stated that at the last meeting, the Commission had discussed their goa}s and had come up with an "Introduction to Goals°, "Purpose of the Human 'Resources Commission", and three "Areas of Concern: I. Numan Rights; II. Human Services; and III. Corr�nunications". Mr. Goodspeed stated that two meetings ago, he had been asked to go through the Gity's goals and objectives.and the Human Resources Gommissibn's goals and objectives and pick out everythinq relating to "youth". He stated he had done this. Mr. Treuenfels stated that regarding "youth", he�felt it directly related "human rights" as youth should be treated as equals. He``would encourage young people to take more interest and participaie mare fully in t�ie community. He stated that at one time, a'youth center was discussed for Fridley, but that never got off the ground. ' HUMAM RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETENG, JUNE 4, 1981 PAGE 2 Mr. Goodspeed stated that there are already a lot of good things in Fridley. He has suggested some kind of youth'comnission where young people could get together and possibly put out a quarterly newsletter that could be sent to schools, for example, telling young people what is already available in the comnunity. He felt the best place to start would be by bei`ng an information source. Mr. Boergerhoff stated another thing the Commission could do is seek to improve relationships between the public and the police by getting positive information about police out to the y�uth and the pubTic: The Commission outlined the following goals for "human services": II. Human Services A. Youth Goal Statement: To involve our youth in the decision-making processes and affairs of city government. Long Term Goa1: Improve cooperation between City of Fridley and all school districts. Short Term GQal: Qrganize participation of a representative body of youth from Fridley allocating the needs of their peers, offering leadership training oppor- tunities to the young people by the formation of a youth coalition consisting of representatives from Student Council, FFA, Scouting, etc. (needs to be reworded at a later time} B. Funding Goa7 5tatement: To optimize the benefits to the citizens of Fridley from the limited resources available for human services funding, to maintain objectivity and equity in granting funding requests, and to provide a means of responding to community needs and interests that may change from year to year. Short Term GoaT: To continue to work on guideiines as need arises. -MOTION BY MS. NOBLE� SECONDED�BY MR. TREUENFELS� TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON THfi COMtfI'SSION GOAIS. - � . � � � .. - � UPON A VOICE� VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � � .UAN DAN DECLARED THE MOTION � r r 2. REVIEW Of FUNDING PROCESS; - ' Ms. van Dan stated that since there are two new Commission members, she would like Ms. Cayan to review the funding process for them. �UMAN RES4URCES:COMMISSION MEETItJG JUNE 4 1981 PAGE 3 Ms. Cayan stated that the Human Resources Commission was directed by City Council to orgattize funding requests from service organizations, rather than have requests come in in a haphazard kind of way. She stated tfie "GuideTines for the Prioriti- zation of Funding Requests° was what the Co�nission had put together. She stated - that, basically, what happens is that any group interested in city funds is referred to her, Upon request, a letter is sent out specifying the required information for the consideration for funding and the deadline for application. July 1 was set up as the deadline for the Commission review process. The reason for the July l deadline is it gives the Commission two meetings to look through, evaluate, `and discuss the funding applications, to invite any agency in for a personal dis- cussion if.the Commission feels it is needed, and to get �he Commission's recommenda- tions on to Planning Commission by their early September meeting so it can be passed on to City Council in time to be a line item in the budget for the following fiscal year. ' . Ms. van Dan reviewed the scoring sheet with the Commission members. Ms. van Dan asked if the Gorrenission members would like their discussions at the 'July meeting on record when they discuss and determine the prioritization of funding 'requests. She stated that last year they did not record these discussions, and she'felt it was very important that this information be available if any of the organizations should request it. The Commission members agreed wiih Ms, van Dan and felt their discussion regarding the funding requests ai the-July meeting should be recorded in the minutes and shouTd be made available should an organization request that information. Ms. Cayan stated she anticipated about 5-6 organizations would be requesting funding. 3. DISCUSSION OF JULY MEETING DATE: Ms. van Dan stated that their next meeting would be July 2. However, since the request for funding deadline was July 1, they should probab7y reschedule the meeting so that the Commission would be able to have all the information and be able to review it prior to their July meeting. Mr. Treuenfels suggested that for 1982, all organizations be asked to submit their ^-proposals by June 15. This would then give the Commission members enough time to have the information approximately two weeks before their July meeting. The Gommission members concurred with Mr. Treuenfels' suggestion that the deadline for funding proposals be changed from July 1 to June 15, beginning in 1982. The next Human Resources Commission meeting was rescheduled for Thursday, July 16, at 7;30 p.m. ,:� 4. REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF�DISABLED PERSONS (IYDP): Mr. 8oergerhoff stated that the City has hired a student, Clare Hughes, from the University of Wisconsin - River Fa17s, who is majoring in metropolitan studies. She wilt be doing her,internship with the City, caordinated by Ms. Cayan. HUMAN RESOURCES COMt�ISSION ME�TING, JUNE 4, T9HT PAGE 4 Mr. Boergerhoff stated that Ms. Layan had written up an internship guideline for Ms. Hughes. Ms. Hughes will be working with the IYDP project comnittee. Her major responsibilities will include analyzing the current transpnrtation options available in Fridley and to plan and organize a volunteer effort to support IYDP projects. Mr. Baergerhoff stated he received a telephone call from a member of the United Methodist Church. That church has a group that has a commitment to help any needs of the disabled that are brought to their attention. He stated the church will be senoing a representative to the next meeting at Village Green. Mr. Boergerhoff stated the,y have received most of their input from the residents of Village Green. One of the major needs expressed is transportation, so their efforts are now directed in part to what is needed in the area of transportation. Apparently, their ongoing heeds are not being met by the services avai]ab7e in the City. He stated they will be compiling all the information on a71 the services that exist presently in ths City in terms of transportation and what projections there are at the State leveT or County level regarding transportation. They will be developing some kind of questionnaire that will be used city-wide. Mr. Boergerhoff stated they have a meeting on June tl with the Director of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, who has offered to he7p them come up with a viable questionnaire or sUrvey form that could be distributed somehow to try to assess the needs of the disabled in the community. 5. OTHER BUSINESS: MOTION BY e�II2. TREUENFELS� SECOND$D BY MS. NOBLE� TO RECEIVE THE QUARTERLY�RND. � YEAR—TO—DATE REPORT FOR THE.PERIDD ENDING MARCN 21�� 1981� FROM THE CENTRAL CENTER � FOR�FAMILY RESOURCES. � � - � ' � � � . � �� � � UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON VAN DAN DECLARED THE MOTSON CARRIED� � UNANIMOUSLY. . � � . . � . . � . . � . . � _ . � . ADJOURPlMENT: MOTION BY MR. G�DSPESD� SECONDED BY MR. TF.&UENFELS, TO RDJOURN THS MEETING AT � 9:13 P.M. UPON A VOICE VOTL'� ALL VOTING AYE� CHA2RPERSON VAN DAN DECLARED TXE JUNE 4, 29B1� HUMAN RESOURCES� COMMISSION M&ETING AUTOURNED AT 9:13 P.M. Respectful���ly s�itted, . t ,�t^ y �Se Saba Recording Secretary i - :: , �, p N � .. . . . . . . .. _..ia�. City of Fridley APPgALS COMMISSION MEETING - TUESDAY, 3UNE 9, 1981 � Pdg2 1 CALL 2'0 OROER: Chairwoman Gabel called the Appeals Commission meeting of June 9, 1981 to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: � . . Members Present: Patricia Gabel, Sean Gerou, Don Hippen, Alex Barna Members Absent: Jim Plemel Others Fzesent: Darrell Clark� City of Fridley pPpg6VF. APPEALS COMMZSSZON MINUTES OF MAY 12, 1981: Chairwoman Gabel noted that on page 6, line 8, of the last paragraph, "Caillier" should be "Eischbach." MOTiON by Mr. Barna, seconded bY Mr. Hippen, to approve the minutes of May 12, 1981 as corrected, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWbMF1N GABEL DECI�ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, . 1. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE REDUCE THE REAR YAR11 AT.T.OW THE CONSTRIICTI EXISTING STRUCTURE, SETBACK FOR A GARAGE TO ON OF A 16 FT. BY 26 ALONG WITH A DECK, A�. WHICH 25 BI,OCK 9, ME?�30RY MANOR 3RD ADDITION, THE (Request by Thomas J. Bloss, 7381 Memory 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CO IRED 25 FEET TO 10 FEET, T T�_ ADDTTION TO '"HE REAR OF R,}�7UCE THE SIDi YARD STR%.ET, FROM THE REQUIRED IPIG , AL:. LGCATED ON LOT 8, BEING 73II1 A'SMORY LANE DI.E. N.E., Fridley, MN 55432}, MOTION by Mrs. Gerou, seconded by Mr. Barna, to open the public hearing. UPON .. : A VOYCE VOTE, ALL VC/PING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN�GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEA7 AT 7:35 P.M. Mr. Thomas Bloss, 7381 Memory Lax�e N.E., was pxesent. Chaixwoman Gabe1 read the Staff Report: � . - . ADl4INISTPJ1TNli STN'F RFsPORT , 73f11 Mcmory Lane N.E. . A. PUBLIC FUItP03S SEt;llli0 BY kL0?llltli:]F�^IT: . � � . " . � � - Section 205.053, 4C, requires a rear yard depth of not less than 25 percent of the lot deQth, with not less than 25 feet permitted or more than 40 feet required. Public purpose served by this requiresaent is to provide rear yazd space to be used for green areas which enhance the neighborhood. Seetion 205.053, 4B, #Sb. requires an accessory building that open op the street side of a corner lot to 6e setback a minuaum of 25 feet from the property line. Appeals Commission Meeting - Jvne 9, 19a1 Page 2 Public purpose served by tltis requirement is to maintain a higher deqree of traffic visibility and to reduce the "line of siqht" encroachment into the neigfibor's front yard, 8. STATED FiARDSHIP: °We need additiona2 2iving space and can not add on without a variance. Addition will be 26 feet by 2b feet, upper and lower levels. Also, the existing house was built with the garage too clase to the side street so I ffia applying for a variance for that part of the structnre." C. ALY�7INISTRATIVE STPFF REVIEW: This lot is on the southwest corner o£ Me�nory Lane and Memory Iane cul-de-sac. The lot is a trapezi� (having 4 sides with no two sides parallel) and with the c�xisting house placement, it is almost impossible to add onto the structure witYwut some type of variance. The rear yard setback i.s now only 26 feet and with the addition will be reduced to 20 feet at the cZosest point. The adjacent structure to the rear is approximately 40 £eet £rom this structure. The existing gazage eacits onto Memozy Lane cul-de-sac and is approximately 17 feet irom the property line. The boulevard width is 10.5 feet making the garage 27.5 feet Emm the curb, This is a hoiasekeeping variance as the garage is existinq. Mr. Clark shoeted the Commission a picture and an aerial view of the area with the addition drawn on it. He explained that when the house was built, the se- quirements were 17.5 feet from the property line and were changed to 25 feet about 10 years ago and, if something happened such as the garage burning down, Mr. Bloss would have to come and get a variance to bnild a new one and that is why he is gettin4 a variance now, in case something like that should happen. Mr. Hloss said he wants to add turo levels, the upper level including living roam and office-den space and the lower level would be an extension of family livi.ng area, Chairwoman Gabel asked what he would use his office sPace for and he said he is a doctor and the office space would be for his personal business. He said he has talked to a contractor and showed the Commission some drawings the contractor had done. Chairwoman Gabel asked about the roof lines and Mr. Bloss said they would be tied in. Cnairoroman Gabel explained that if the variance is granted, the work would have to be done in a year otherwise he would have to come back and apply for an extension. Mr. Bloss said he would probably get started this s�mmer. Mr. Barna asked Mr. Clark what the distance would be from the house on Lot 9. Mr, Ciark said from the existing house to the existing garage it is about 40 feet and even with the addition it wuu�d sti12 be 24 feet. MOTIQN by Mr. Hippen, seconded by Mrs. Gerou, to close the public hearing, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLRRED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 9:45 P.M. A�ea1s Commission Meeting - June 9, 1981 . Page 3 MOTION by Mr. Hippen, secondEd by Mr. Barna, to approve the variance sequest to reduce the rear yard se�back from the required 25 feet to 10 feet, to allow the construction of a 16 ft, by 26 ft. addition to the rear of an existing structure, along with a deck, and to reduce the side yard setback for a garage which opens on the side street, from the required 25 feet to 17.5 feet, : which is already existing, all located on Lot 8, Block 4, Memory Manor 3rd �..� Addition, the same being 7381 Mer.�ory Lane N.E., Fridley, MN 55432. �UPON A�.� �� � .�VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHATRWOMAN GABEL AECLARED THE MOTION CAF.RIED � �.� �. UNANIMOUSLY. �� �2, REQUESP FOR REDt10E THE '. ALLOW A 14 '. - � THE HOUSE, � � . THE FRONT P Bruce YARD SETS�CK FROM THE ALLOW THE PLACEMENT OF A 6 ' LTNE INSTEAD OF TfIE 4 FOOT YARD, SO 3 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO� D 35.FEET TO 25 FEET, TO HE IN LINE WI2A THE FRONT OF OOT FENCE TO BE 19 FOOT FROM MAXIMUM HEIGHT P.LLOWED IN EQUIREMENTS FOR A Sh'IMMING MENT nF SLOCXS 13, 14, A13D � SAME BEING 111.-45th AVENUE N.E. (Reguest by Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN 55421). MOTION by Mrs. Gerou, seconded by Mr. Barna, to open the public hearing. ' � ���UPpN A VOICE V�E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE.PUBLIC �� � F�ARING AT 7:A8 P.M. , Mrs. Claudia Nedegaard, 111-45th Avenue N.E., was present. Chairwoman Gabel read the Stafi Report: � . -.. . � .. �� Nh4ItIIGTPATIVE 5TAl•'P [tSiPO$T � � � � . 111 - 45tl� 1lvenue N.E. � � . � �� A. � FUI3I,IC PURF'OSE 51•:fi1tiD IIY RE�UIRIiMI:TIT: � �. . . .. � � . Section 205.053, 4A. requires a front yard seCback of not less than � 35 feet. ; � Public purpose served by this requir�nent is to allow for off-street � parking witlsout eneroachinq on the public right of way and also for aesthetic consideration to reduce the "building line of sight" � encroachment into the neiq.hbor's front yard. , Section 205.154, 3, paragraph 2, requires a fence or wall to be not . more than 4 ieet high within the limits of the front yard. Public purpose served by this requirement is to reduce visual pollution fn the front yard, and to maintain a hiqher degree of traffic visibility and to reduce the "line of sight" encroachment into the neighbOr's front yard. 8. STATED IiI�RDSIfIP: . . "Due to the fact that our house is si.ttinq on the lot facing tfie side yard and not the front o£ the lot, it has created a narrow rear yard and necessitates a variance so the pool can be installed pmperly." ,� ; Appeals Commission Meeting - June 9 1981 Page 4 C. ALX3INISTRATIVE STAFF REVI�A: A variance was approved on June 12, 19?9 £or a house addition to be constructed 25 feet from the front property line (Znd Street). The applicant nva proposes to install a swimming poo2 in line with this addition, and between the dwe7.ling uniE and the inside side lot line, making it also 25 feet from the front property line. All swimming pools in the City are required tn have a mini.m�un of a 6 foot fence surroundinq them to prevent entrance to the pool by children, If the front yard setback is approved fox the pool, the fence reqairement must also be approved £or safety purposes. Mr. Clark stated that the house directly to the south also qot a 10 foot variance so tY.e two houses would now be in line. He asked Mrs. Nedegaard if tfiey would be locating the fence posts closer to the street and she said they would be 6 feet past the house. Mr. Clark noted that the existing Hovse is 25 feet from tiie lot line and the house next door is 25 feet from the lot and the new fence will be 19 feet from the lot line. Chairwoman Gabel asked Mzs. Nedegaard if it will be the same type of fence and how deep the pool is to He. Mrs. Nedegaard said it will be the same type of fence and the pool will be only four feet deep all the way across. Chairwaman Gabel asked Mr. Clark how far the structure is to the street. Mr, Clark said the swiumning pool will be at the house line and it will be 37 feet. Chairwoman Gabel noted that it ivould not int�rfere with the line of siqht and Mr. Barna noted that it would be no where near the corner of the lot. Chairwoman Gabel also noted that there would be no problem with making the fence 6 feet and reasonably childpzoof. MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Hippen, to close the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHP,RIWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING GT,OSED AT 8:57 P.M. MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mrs. Gerou, to approve the variance request to reduce the front yard setback from the required 35 feet to 25 feet, to allow a 14 ft, by 23 ft, oval swiauainq pool to be ia line with the front of the house, 1nd to allow the placement of a 6£t, fence to be 19 feet from the front property line i.nstead of tRe 4 ft, maximum height allowed in the front yard, so they can meet fencing requirements Por a swimming pool, alI located on Lot 2, Block 3, Rearrangement of Blocks 13, 14. & 15, Plymouth Addition, the same being 111-45th Avenue N.E., Fridley, MN 55432. UPON A VOICE V�TE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL, DECIARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: � .��- MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. EIipPen, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A .. YOTCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECIARED THE APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING OF JtINE 9, 1981, ADJOURNED AT 8:00 P.M. Respect£ully submitted� ,� �� n�. Aeb Nizni.k Recording SecretaYy CITY OF FRIDLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 9, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Oquist called the June 9, 1981, Cor�nunity Development Commission meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present Members Absent: LeRoy Oquist, Kenneth Vos, A1 Gabel, Sharon Gustafson, Connie Modig None Others Present: Bill Deblon, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MAY 12, 1981, COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT COMMISSION MINf7TES: HOTION BY MS. MODIG� SECONDED BY MK. GABEL� TO APPROVE THE MAY S2� 1981� COMMUNITY DSVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRZTTEN. UPON R VOSCE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG AYS, UNANIMOUSLY. 1, INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS: Mr. Oquist stated Mr. Oquist stated meeting. OQUIST DECLARED THfi MOTION CARRIED that Mr. Deblon had stated that he had nothing new on this item. this could be discussed with the City Council at a conference Ms. Modig stated there was some new legislation passed this year, and it may not make any difference what the Commission decides on industrial revenue bonds. MOTION BY MS. MODIG, SECONDED BY FII2. GABEL� TO RSK SPAFF TO GET AN UPDATE ON ANY NSW LEGISLATION THAT NAS BEEN PASSED RSGARDING INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONAS. � UPON A VDICE VOTE� RLi VOTINC> AYS�CKAIRPERSON OQUI5T DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANIMDUSLY. � � 2. PURPOSE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: , Mr. 4quist stated the Comnission made a motion at their last meeting requesting that they meet with the City Council at a conference meeting to discuss the pur- pose of the Commission. He stated that right now they are really floundering about what they should be doing. The Cortmission does not know what the City Council wants for this Comnission. COMh1UNITY DEVELOPMENT COMP4ISSION MEETING, JUNE 9, 1981 PAGE Z Ms. Modig stated that after they meet with the City Council and find out what the City Council feels`their goals should be, maybe then they wi11 be able to formulate some of their own ideas. �r. Vos stated the Commission could bring some information to the conference meeting regarding their goals and objectives, but he did not know how far they could proceed in that direction until they get a good feel for where they stand and what they really should be doing. Ms. Modig stated she has taiked to some of the City Council members, because she knew of Staff's strong feelings about not wanting the Community Development Camnission at a11. The City Council members seem to feel there is a definite purpose for this Commission, but she felt this shou]d be said formally by the City Council so that Staff gets the message, Mr. Oquist stated he felt they could establish some goals and objectives, but these goals and objectives still have to go through City Council, and they should first have an understanding from the City Counci] as to what kinds of things the Council wants them to be dotng. He stated Ms. Gustafson had called some other cities and had found out some different kinds of things a cortmission like this could be doing. These thinqs should be broughi up again in the discussion with the Council. ' Ms. Gustafson stated that most of the Commission's concerns have been with housing, and that seemed the most logical way to go as there is no other commission that deals directly with housing. It wou]d depend on whetfier there was any funding to do anything, too. Dr. Vos stated they should a]so talk to City Council about how the Cor�nission sees their role functioning with the Nousing & Redevelopment Authority, not necessarily in a secondary status, but one that is gaing to give the Authority some input on what the Authority should be loaking at. Mr. Oquist stated another area that has been suggested was helping to make the decisions as to where funding monies should be spent. The Commission could establish the kinds af programs that CDBG funds should be spent on. Ms. Gustafson stated she definitely felt that should be a role of this Commission. Mr. Oquist stated that if this Commission directed themselves to looking at housing, what are some of the things they should be doing in regard to housing? Ms. Gustafson stated she did not know what funds are available for the different programs, but CDBG funds are to help low to moderate income families, There certainly should be areas within the City that can have Section 8 substantial rehab housing, and the Commission could target and emphasize those areas and work towards them. They could look at the Comprehensive Plan to see what the goals are and implement those goals. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMTSSI�N MEETING, JUNE 9, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Oquist stated he felt that the information on the kinds of funds that are available should be given to the Corrmission, and they could then start setting priorities on how those monies could be spent. But, until they get some direction from the City Council, it is very hard to estab1ish any goals and objectives. This discussion should be continued untii they bring up all these thoughts at the conference meeting with the City Council. Mr. Deblon stated the conference meeting the Corrmission would be attending to discuss these items with the City Council was on June 22. MOTZON BY MS. GUSTAFSON� SECONDED BY MR. GRBEL� TO CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON TNE PURP0.5E OF THE COMMUNITY DBVEIAPMENT COMMISSION. . UPON A VOICB VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. 3. BIKEWAY/WALKWAY SYSTEM UPDATE: Mr. Deblon stated there has been strong opposition by the citizenry to the asphalt path and hiking trail along Rice Creek in Locke Park. Ne stated the County did agree to have neighborhood meetings to try to resolve some of tfie probiems. He felt there is expertise that could have avoided these kinds of problems. The C�unty is suggesting crushed limestone to be used instead of the asphalt. Mr. Deblon stated they are in the process of developing the stretch of bikeway from Mississippi to 69th Ave. The bridge witl be put in in July. The Comnission members discussed the problem of a bikevray on Mississippi Street, but did not come up with any viable alternative routes. Mr. Oquist stated he did not know if the Community Development Cortmission should be concerned about the bikeways or if this concern really belonged to the Parks & Recreation Comnission. He knew the Parks & Recreation Commission has 6een con- cerned about the bike trail through Locke Park, the Rice Creek Trail. He really feit it was more in the Parks & Recreation area. Mr. Oquist stated that the update on the bikewaylwalkway systems shou7d be put on each agenda. . 4. OTHER BUSINESS: MOTZON BY DR. VOS� SECONDED BX lII2. GABEL� TO RECETVE THE INFORMATSON REGARDING THS ZONING-SPECIRL USE PERMSTS PUHLZSHED BY THE LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES� JUNB 298L � UPOM A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYfi� CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED SHE MOTSON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. COh�tUNITY OEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 9, 1981 PAGE 4 Mr. Deblan stated this information included a court case where a developer was denied a special use permit in the Village of Shoreview and the °City Council denied the permit on the grounds that the site plan indicated an insufficient buffer from existing single-family homes, a potential traffic hazard, inadequate parking facilities, and a proposed use not in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the comprehensive plan. The City also cited the fact that the proposed site plan did not indicate bedroom capacity, thus making it impossible to determine adequacy of lot sizes." Mr. Oebion stated the Supreme Court "ruled that although some of the reasons given for the denial were legally sufficient, they did not have a sufficient factual basis, and that the other reasons given were not lega]]y sufficient because they had no substantial relation to public health, safety, and welfare. The Court concluded that the refusal to issue the permit was arbi- trary and unreasonable and directed that the permit be issued," Mr. Deblon stated the information also included an article about whether city zoning ordinances authorizing special or conditional uses shouTd require more than a simple majority of the council or planning commissfon to approve the perm4t. Mr. Deblon stated he would bring this information to the attention of Mr. Herrick, the City Attorney. ADJOURNMENT: . MOTION 8Y 1�42. GABfiL, SECONDED BY 1LS. MODIG, TO ADTOUitN THE MEETTNG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYS, CfIAIRPEkSON OQUIST DECLARED THE 3UNE 9, 2985� COMMUNITY D$VSLOPMENT COMNISSION MEETING AA70URNED AT B:55 P,M. Respectfully submitted, y���► -���.�--� Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDLEY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING JUNE 11, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Commers called the June 11, 1981, Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting to order at 1:43 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Larry Comners, Russell Houck, Elmars Prieditis, Carolyn Svendsen Members Absent: Duane Prairie Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner A, J. Remmen, Contract Development Corporation Cheryl Nybo Jim Cradit, Cradit & Associates L 9. 1981. HOUSIiVG & AND Mr. Cort�ners stated tfiat since the members of the HRA had just received these minutes at the meeting and had not had time to review them, the approval of these minutes should be continued until the next meeting. MOTIDN�BY FII2. HOUCK� SECQNDED BY MR. PRIEDITIS� TO CONTINi78 THE APPROVAL OF THE APRZL�9� I981� HOUSZNG & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES� AND MAY 4� 1982� PUBLIC XEARING HOUSING & REDEVEZAPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES� UNTIL.THE NEXT MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE.MOTION CARRIED.UNANIMOUSLY. � � . . I. CENTER CITY PROJECT A. Phase III - Retail Center 1. Update from Jerry Re�nen Mr. Remmen stated they have had a very suctessful month in negotiating with perspective major tenants for the shopping center. Ne stated they were a little concerned when Super Valu stopped ne9otiations because of the purchase and acquisition of Penny Super Markets. That has now been completed, and they have met with Mr. Brooks Hauser of Nauser's Family Center, Inc., and Penny's is now a Hauser Super Valu. Mr. Hauser is aware HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEWT AUTNORITY MEE7ING, JUNE 17, 1981 PA6E 2 of the negotiations with Super Valu and he has indicated a positive desire in the Center P1aza development. Mr. Nauser has agreed on a preliminary ieasing term, and they are moving ahead and drafting a lease with Mr. Hauser at this time. Mr. Remmen stated he felt they will be able to expedite the lease. He felt the time frame would be approximately 3-4 weeks until it is completed. Mr. Remmen stated they have also been negotiating with Snyder Drug Store and have had a positive response. They are currently drawing up a lease agreement with Snyder's. He stated he had a letter of interest from Snyder's Vice-President-General Manager. Mr. Remmen stated he has had several meetings with Our Own Hardware, and they are in the process of having lease negotiations with them. This should be completed in 10 days to two weeks. Mr. Remmen stated they have started ]easing some of the smaller stores. They have a lease in progress with Dave's Sport Shop and are working on a lease for a Spa Petite, He stated his leasing agent is talking to half a dozen other possible tenants. Mr. Remmen stated he anticipated they cou7d have these leases ready within 30 days. Upon completion of the leases, they wi71 be ready to present this project to Banco for the Construction & End Loan Industries Revenue Bond financing. Banco has indicated a time frame of approximately b-8 weeks to obtain a commitment on financing. Mr. Boardman asked if it would be realistic to say that construction would begin in the spring of 1982. Mr. Remmen stated that because of the acquisition of property, etc., it would be too optimistic to say they would be in the ground by Nov. He agreed that spring construction was much more realistic, Mr. Boardman stated ihat as far as the HRA was concerned, he had discussed with Mr. Remmen when the HRA would be in a position to acquire property. He stated he had pointed out that the HRA would be concerned about some kind of protection for the HRA as far as the acquisition during the bonding. With this in mind, they wouid only look at commitment for acquisition after Contract Development Corporation had achieved the financing level. The HRA would wait for �he financing commitment, and then would enter into the acquisitions necessary in the project. Mr. Remmen stated that would be more comfortable for them, too. 8. Phase I, II, and IV - Entertainment/Office Complex _ 1. Update from Jerry Remmen Mr. Remmen stated they were actually.talking�about Phases I and II as Phase IV is really a separate project. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, JUNE 11 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Remmen stated they have done a very thorough financial study, and he had attached this to his report. He stated they have done a market study of the rents, what office spaces are renting for in this area, and retail rents. Based on the cost analysis market study, there would really be no way they could perceive this project without the support of the HRA. Ne stated they have talked about the probability of requiring a land subordina- tion to make the numbers work, and that has proven out after doing the numbers. He stated that under the Operating Projection (Note A), on Year #1, they would be looking at a combined net loss of $77,243, on Year #2 - $2,514, and on Year #3, assuming a normal 12% CPI, they would be looking at a positive cash flow of $81,182. This would be an approximate return on invested capital of less than 8% and over a 3-year period of about 3��. Mr. Rertnnen stated they had a meeting with Mr. Herrick, the City Attorney, and his attorneys, to discuss the best methods of acquiring and developing this project. He stated they came up with a preliminary indication out- lining what would be required to move ahead (reference letter from Thomas S. Erickson to Jerrold Boardman dated June l0, 1981). Basicaily, they woutd be asking that-- 1. The HRA witl acquire the 1and. 2. The HRA wi71 clear the land and prepare it for development. 3. ihe HRA will seit the land ta Developer for a price equal to 1/2 the then appraised vaiue of the property as cleared and ready for development. 4, The HRA will deed the land to Developer in exchange for a note from Developer in the amount of the purchase price. The interest rate on the note would be 1% over the rate being paid by the City on its general obligation bonds sold to acquire the land. 5. 7he note from the Developer will be secured by a mortgage on the land. 6. The Ueveloper will agree with the HRA to develop the property pursuant to a development plan to be prepared by Developer and approved by the HRA and the City. 7. The City will agree to rezone the property to the extent necessary to allow development pursuant to the approved plan. 8. 7he City will agree to sell industriat revenue bonds. 9. The Developer will pay back the industrial revenue bonds and the note for the land out of the revenues from the project over the term of the bonds. Mr. Remmen stated that what they are looking for from the HRA is a letter giving them conceptual approval of the subordination of land in order for them to move ahead with this project and secure the financing. Mr. Boardman stated he wrote a memo regarding this letter (memo #$i-51). He stated he has met with Mr. Herrick to discuss the proposal submitted by Thomas Erickson and Mr. Remmen. He stated there are severai things that are going to have to be worked out before the final agreements would be signed in this type of an operation. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, JUNE 11, 1981 PAGE 4 Mr. Boardmarr stated that by having a second note on the mortgage, depending on the percentage of mortgage on the project, if something happened where the developer defaulted on the project, the second mortgager may be written off, depending upon how much the first mort- gager has invested in the project. If that is the case, then the City would be out the land sale cost. Mr. Herrick brought up the possibility of, instead of putting together a second mortgage on the note, they may look at it as an assessment on the property where the payment of the land would go back against the land as an assessment. They have not yet tooked into the iega7 contents of that type of agreement. Mr. Commers stated it was very hard for the HRA to make a decision until they get all th9s information. Mr. Boardman stated t�at what Mr. Herrick had mentioned was they would probab7y not be committing a whole lot on the project by going ahead with the concept of a subordination agreement that is being presented by Mr. Remnen, and they would condition that based on the conditions of the final agreement on that subordination. That would probably give Mr. Remmen what he needs to fulfill his partnership agreements and those kinds of things. Mr. Comners asked if anyone had made an analysis of Mr. Remmen's projec- tions and what kind of effect does the land subordination have on the payment of bonds? Mr. Boardman stated they have not had time to check these figures out. They have looked at the cost differential on the payment of around $900,000 to $] million that would be delayed over that period of ti� in repayment to the City. Right now on their cash flow, just based on non-investment of bonds and bonding, they are looking at a bonding potential of $5 million. 7Nat is without investment of bonds or investment through a long period and without inflation. Mr. Boardman stated they estimate about $32 million in acquisition/ relocation costs. They would have to also do some computer analysis as to what their bonding capacity is going to be with limited inflation drawn in, plus reinvestment of that capital, They are also looking at a similar amount based on the new bonds with inflation and investment. This work will have to be done prior to the completion of any final documents on subordination. This is going to take about 1-1� months. Mr. Remnen stated all he really needs is a conceptual agreement that, yes, the NRA is considering the possibility of subordination on the project. That would be enough for him to move ahead with his financial people. Mr. Commers stated he thought Mr. Herrick should be there to discuss Mr. Erickson's letter. Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Herrick had been unable to attend this meeting, but Mr. Herrick had suggested the possibility of a special meeting to discuss this issue. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, JUNE 11, 1981 PAGE 5 Mr. Remmen stated he does have some major tenants on the entertainment center for a restaurant, bowling alley, and bar and couid proceed with leases subjecti to getting the subordination. They also have a health spa interested, so they could be accomplishing a lot of work during this time if they have some conditional approval. Mr. Commers stated that when they are talking about "conditional approval", what kind of conditions are they talking about? If it is just a question of the HRA saying, yes, it is possi6le they will consider a subordination agreement, that is one thing; but if they are saying, yes, they will consider a subordination agreement conditioned upon the num6ers, then that is another story. He did not see any problem with "yes" in the first instance, but to say they will accept it if the numbers work out is a different story, and he did not know if the HRA was prepared to do that. Mr. Remmen stated that he would like to have the feeling of the members of the HRA as to whether this was something they would strongly consider, because it takes a considerable amount of time and expertise and effort to put these packages together. He thought it was indicattive that other developers have tried to do this project and have been unsuccessful. Are the members of the HRA willing to work with the developer and support the developer in the idea of subordinated land? He stated he understood that the HRA would like to study this in more detail. Mr. Boardman suggested they do not want to be committed to land delay payments unless it works out for them. Regarding the concept of land delay payments, maybe they could state, yes, the HRA would be willing to consider this type of concept in order to encourage development,based on whether the financial feasibil5ty and the final disposition documents laying out the conditions of the document are acceptable to the HRA. He stated their main goal is to encourage development, and if it is going to be financially feasi6le to do it this way, then they would definitely look at it and that is the kind of letter he would send to the developer. Mr. Boardman stated that something else brought pp by Mr. Remmere Was to consider a subordinated land lease agreement on the commercial side, The reasoning behind that is it would make it a little more feasible for Mr. Remmen to get into the purchase and remodeling of Holly Center. Mr. Re�nen stated that ideally they would ]ike to see the entire redevelop- ment of the area and, hopefully, this was the NRA's view also. They have discussed the purchase of Holly Center with Fred Levy and Paul Klaverkamp. Ne has talked to Mr. Boardman about the possibility of ground subordina- tion on the Center Plaza also, and they wauld 6e able to utilize those funds to purchase Nolly Center and remodel it into a service-type center. They felt it would be an asset to the community, and they feel having the enclosed mall center and a service center across from it would be an ideal situation. They are asking for the same type of land subordination for five years towards the purchase and renovation of Holly Center. HQUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, JUNE 11, 1981 PAGE 6 Mr. Boardman stated that at this point in time, he did not have any facts and figures as to Lhe cost and what it would mean. It could be t�ken into consideration, but he did not know how they can do anything at this meeting as far as giving a letter of consideration, Ms. Svendsen stated she and several other members of the HRA attended a meeting where the present tenants expressed their concerns, especia7ly those tenants in Rice Center Plaza and the owners of the Dairy Queen. She asked what Mr. Remmen could tell these people when they are raising these concerns and what assurance can he offer them? She stated she is very concerned a6out these tenants. Mr. Remmen stated it is always very difficult in a redevelopment to satisfy everyone. He stated they have indicated they wil7 do anything they can to keep the tenants in their stores as long as possible, If passible, they will put Rice Center Plaza as the last phase of the develop- ment, but if it becomes a heavy burden financially to do that, they will not be able to do it. He stated this was another reason why it wou�d be advantageous for them to own Holly Center as they would be able to relocate some of the tenants over there. Mr. Boardman stated that in talking with Mr. Remmen about the possibility of taking over Hoily Center, they are talking abaut a fair7y reasona6le lease term where the tenants could probab7y move into Ho71y Center with little, if any, increase in the rents they are paying now. Mr. Prieditis stated that at that meeting with the tenants, a tenant made the statement that Holly Center will become a service-type center and they need some assurance that, yes, they can be in the service center. If they cannot be in the service center, where would they be, what is going to happen, when will it happen, and how many times are they going to have to move? He stated these were some of the major concerns expressed. Mr. Remmen stated he could have a more firm time schedule in about 30 days. Mr. Commers suggested that the HRA authorize Mr. Boardman to write a letter to Mr. Remmen of Contract Development Corporation stating that the HRA has indicated a willingness to consider a delayed land payment concept in the Center Square area. The HRA members concurred with Mr. Commer's suggestion. Mr. Boardman asked.if the HRA would consider ]and delayed payments on the retail at this time a1so. Mr. Cammers stated he thought the HRA was willing to have this apply to the retail side also. Mr, Prieditis stated his main concern was the tenants from Rice Center Plaza. NOUSiNG & REDEVELOPMEN7 AUTHORITY MEETING, JUNE 11, 1981 PAGE 7 Mr. Commers thanked Mr. Remmen for coming to the meeting and giving Lhe HRA an update. Hopefully, at the next meeting, Mr. Remmen wi11 have more information and they will be in a better position to get some final decisions made. Mr. Commers asked if it was still necessary to have a meeting with Mr. Herrick regarding land subordination, specifically with regard to Mr. Erickson's letter of June 10. Mr. Boardman stated that at this time, he will be working on some finai figures so they can have Mr. Herrick attend the next HRA meeting. He stated Mr. Herrick has not had enough time to review this letter. Mr. Commers asked that about a week before the next meeting, Mr. Boardman write the HRA a memo with comments on each of the nine points listed in Mr. Erickson's letter. After they get the memo, they can determine whether or not it is necessary to have Mr. Herrick attend their next meeting. C, Letter Dated June 1, 1981, from Paul Klaverkamp - Problem in Leasing of Vacant Hardware Store in Rice Plaza (also Memo #87-46 to the HRA from Mr. Boardman): Mr. Commers stated that as he understoed this, Mr. Remmen is taking care of this directly with Mr. Klaverkamp. Ooes the HRA need to respond to this? Mr. Boardman stated he would call Mr. Klaverkamp to see if Mr. Klaverkamp has, in fact, been contacted by Mr. Remmen. He stated in his memo #81-46 he had listed three alternatives to Mr. Klaverkamp: (1) to respond to Mr. Klaverkamp that they cannot assist him at this point in time since they do not have any firm commitment on development on this project; (2� assist him in every way possib7e to encourage a lease-up of the property; (3 attempt to negotiate a purchase price with Mr. Levy for the existing structure. Mr. Boardman stated iC may be to their advantage to acquire the hardware store at this time. There,are CD66 funds available that have been ear- marked for the district. He stated another alternative was not to do anything and let Mr. Klaverkamp attempt to lease the property if it was feasible. Mr. Commers stated that maybe they should te11 Mr. Klaverkamp that he can go ahead and do whatever is in his best interest. Mr. Boardman stated mabye they should go ahead and begin negotiations on the purchase of the hardware store, Mr. Commers stated that Mr. Boardman should ask Mr. KTaverkamp for an asking price. The HRA members concurred with Mr. Commers statement. M�USING & REDEVELOPMENT AU7HORITY MEETING, JUNE 11, 1981 PAGE 8 II. MOORE LAKE PROJECT A. Proposal for Phase I Deve7opment: Mr. Boardman stated that Ms. Nybo is a partner in the ownership of this property, which is south of the Hillwind property that is Phase I of the Moore Lake Tax increment Finance District. Mr. Boardman stated Ms. Nybo has approached the City with a proposal for the acquis9tion of Ted Burandt's property so they can combine Mr. Burandt's property with their property, tear down the existing structures, and put up a new office structure of approximately 30,000 sq. ft. He stated Mr. Cradit had sane concept drawings to bring before the HRA. Mr. Boardman stated Ms. Nybo will sti]l have to go through a rezoning process on the Burandt property, but the Ciiy Council had indicated they would,look favorably at a rezoning request to CR-1 if a new structure was proposed.. Mr. Cradit stated the office structure woutd be three-stories high and would preferably be a brick structure. Mr. Prieditis asked about the trafficyproblems that already exist in that area. Mr. Boardman stated they will always have traffic problems generated in this area no matter what is developed. The City Council has and always will be concerned about the traffic situation. Mr. Boardman stated the deve]oper is looking for some assistance from the HRA in the acquisition of Mr. Burandt's property, 921 Hiilwind Rd. What they are probably looking for is a right of deve7opment on that parcel. At that time, they will start the process of approval through City Council. They wiil also be looking at industrial revenue bonds. The HRA would base their right of development contingent upon approval by the City Council. Before the HRA can grant final approval and take the necessary steps to approve the acquisition, the HRA will have to know all of those considerations by the City Council. Mr. Boardman stated he has discussed with Ms. Nybo what the HRA would probably do and that is to give the deve]oper right of development like any other program based on the conceptual documents (which the kRA has received at this meeting) and then lay out the agreements with that conceptual with the understanding that the HRA wilt not enter into any contract with the developer for the acquisition of this property until the developer gets the financing laid out and has received approval on the rezoning and industrial revenue bondinq. HDUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, �UNE 11 1981 PAGE 9 Mr. Commers stated that maybe Lot 941 should be included in the Moore Lake Tax Increment Finance District. Mr. Boardman stated they could start the amendment process to include Lot 941, but it would require going back to the County and the school districts and public hearings before both the NRA and City Council. This would require about two months. Mr. Boardman stated he did not think they needed to get involved with Lot 941, because the developer avns this property and has the possibility of selling the existing office building and moving it off, rather than demolition. The only thing the City would get involved in on that site would be the demolition, if that was necessary. He did not think the City would be picking up too much tax increment if it was included in the district. He stated they would be better off if they can keep the new office structure primarily on Lot 921, and this is an approved site. Mr. Cradit stated that about 4/5 of the building would be on Lot 921 and 1/5 on Lot 941. Mr. Boardman stated that 4/5 of the taxes generated would go into the district. Mr. Commers stated that Mr. Boardman should get a]etter from Mervin Herrmann as to the taxes that would be generated on the amount of building on Lot 921. Mr. Gradit stated the main concern and the reason this was purchased was to incorporate the whole project and make one larger building, using a little of the existing parking in order to save some cost, and positioning the building in the proper perspective to that site. MOTI�N BY MR. HOUCK, SECONDED BY MS, SVENASEN� THAT TNE HOUSING & . REDSV6LOPMENT AUTHORITY GTVE RIGHT OF DEVESAPMENT ON THIS PARCEL TO CXERYL NYBO AtVD THRT MS. NYBO PROCEBIF WITX THE NECESSARY LEGAL STEPS.� TXROUGH CITY COUNCIL AND THROUGH FINANCINC� GIVSNG THE DEyEIAPER A TIMETRBLE AND ALLOWING THE DEVEZAPER TO SEE IF THEY CAN GET THE� NECESSARY APPROVAL ON REZONTNG AND INDUSTR£AL REVENUE BONDING FROM THE CITY CDUNCIL. AT THAT TIME� 2'XE DEVEZAPER CAN COME BACK TO THE�HRA . FOR FINAL COMMITMENT. TTPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPSR50N COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Commers thanked Ms. Nybo and Mr. Gradit for coming and wished them luck. Mr. Boardman stated the timing on the rezoning would probably be about three months. The financing package would probably take about 60-90 days, so realistically they are looking at about a six month period of time. NOUSIPdG & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, JUNE 11, 1981 _ PAGE 10 III. IV HRA BY-LAWS: Mr. Boardman stated he had included a copy of the old HRA ey-Laws and a draft of the revisions on these by-laws. He stated he had submitted these revisions to Mr, Herrick and Mr. Newman. He had just received Mr. Newman's comments.that day (memo dated June 10, 1981). Ne recommended that the HRA continue this until the next meeting so the HRA and he would have a chance to look at and review Mr. Newman's comments. MOTION BY MR. PRIBDITZS, SECONDED BY MK. XOUCK, PO CONTINUE DISCUSSION ON THE HRA BY-LRWS UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTZQN CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. LARGE FAMILY PROJECT: A. Proposal for Additional Land Purchase Mr. Boardman stated the City has been approached by Lawrence Muggli with a proposal to exchange Lot 30, Block 11, Hyde Park Addition, for Lot 30, Block 12, Hyde Park Addition, presently owned by the City of Fridley. He stated the Enginepring Department has brouqht this to his attention as a possible HRA lot for deveiopment of a single fami7y home. Mr. Boardman stated Mr. Muggli's lot is 42,64' x 130.55' and is not an adequate ]ot size for the large family project. He stated the owner of the property to the south has an 80 ft. lot and would be willing to sell the City 10 ft. which would make the land exchange a more desirable offer. Mr. Boardman stated he told Mr. Muggli that he would go before the NRA to see if they were even interested in deveiopment of that lot. Ne had attached a sketch of where the large family house would be located on the lot. Mr. Boardman stated there were two conditions on making tfiis a buildable lot with the ten feet: (1) to get approval from the City on the exchange of property; and (2) to get an overall variance on the lot size, because iL is still under 7,500 sq. ft. He stated the setbacks and all other things meet code requirements. Mr. Boardman stated that if this is agreeable with the HRA, he would suggest they go ahead to start the negotiation for the purchase of the ten feet. The negotiations would be based on the variance and the exchange of lot area. In this case, they would probably be looking at a iot for a relative]y low price. Ms. Svendsen expressed a concern that this was quite a small lot on which to put a large family home. � HOUSING & REDEVEL4PMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, JUNE 11 1981 PAGE 11 Mr. Boardman stated the only program they have money available in is under the large family program. He stated they have two more applications under the large family program. Mr. Boardman stated that once they purchase this lot and expend all the monies, they can close out the program. After that, if they wanted to go with a different proposal like the 235 program for a lesser sized lot and not a large family, they could choose to do that. Whether that would be advisable or not, he did not know. He stated Ms. Svendsen did have a valid concern about the lot being quite small for a large family, although the lot is only S ft. smaller than the lot on 3rd St. where they built a large family home. MOTION BY .�II2. NOUCK, SECONDED BY hIIt. PRZEDTTIS� TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO BEGIN NEGOTIRTIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THS SEN FEET OF PROPERTY FROM THE L01' TO THE SOUTH OF IAT 30� BLOCK 1Z,�HYDE PARK ADDITION. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING RYE� CHASRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. Mr. Commers stated that at this poir�°c, they are not making any determina- tion on how this lot is to be developed. V. FINANCIAL REPORT - REPORT FROM SID INMAN: Mr. Boardman stated these were the interim reports for all HRA accounts and funds as of 4/30/81. He stated Mr. Inman was trying a new formet. He stated the first two pages are NRA investments from the beginning of 1981, with a year-to-date total interest of $73,598. Mr. Commers declared the Interim Reports as of April 30, 1981, prepared by Sid Inman, received into the record. VI. CHECK REGISTER: Mr. Boardman stated the check register showed the final payments for the Kerry Elder property. MOTION BY MR. PRIEDITIS, SECONDED BY MR. HOUCK� TO APPROVfi THE CHECK REGISTSR IN THfi AMOUNT OF $110�980. UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPBRSON COMMSR5 DECLARED THE MOTION CARRSED UNANIMOUSLY. VII, OTHER BUSINESS: A. Resolution No. 8-1981 Mr. Boardman stated this resolution was at the request of the City Council with the approval of the Monre Lake Redevelopment District. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, JUNE 11, 1981 PAGE 12 The resolution states that, "WHEREAS, the Fridley Housing & Redevelop- ment Authority and the Fridiey City Council has approved the Moore Lake Redevelopment Plan and Tax Increment Plan #1 after holding required public hearings, and WHEREAS, residents of the Lynde-Polk area, at those hearings have requested a one year moratorium on Housing Authority promotion of development of phase 1 of the Tax Incre- ment Plan for the purpose of investigating the potential feasibility of a park".... Mr. Boardman stated the C9ty Council would like to have this kind of aqreement from the HRA, He stated he did not feel it would hurt the HRA to hold off one year on the development of that property. Mr. Boardman stated that in the second paragraph, "phase l" should be changed to "phase 2", MOTION BY �R2. HOUCK, SECONDSD BY MS. SVENASEN, TO RPPROVE RESOLUTION NO. 8-� 1982� "RESOLUTSON DELAYING HRA ACTION FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF � PHASE 2 OF THE.TAX INCREMENT PLAN �1 OF THE MOORE LAKE REDEVELOPMENT DISTRSCT"��WITX THE AMENDMENT THAT "PHASE 1" BE CHANGED TO "PHASE 2". �� UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTINC AYE, CHALAPEILSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CAI2RIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: �- MOTIDN BY MS. SVENDSEN� SECONDED BY MR. HOUCK, TO AAlOURN THE MEETSNG. ITPON A YOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHRIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED TKE JUNE 1Z� 2982, 80USING & REDEVEIAPh1ENT AUTHORITY MESTING ADJOURNED AT 20:36 P.M. _ , Respectfully submitted, yn Sa a Recording Secretary � CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEALS COMMISSION MEETIN6 - TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1981 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Gabel called the Appeals Commission Meeting of June 23, 1981, to order at 7;40 p.m. ROLI CALL: Mem6ers Prese�t: Patricia Gabel, Alex Barna, Jim Plemel Me�nbers Absent Others Present Jean Gerou, Donald Hippen Darrell Clark, City of Fridley APPROVE APPEALS COMMISSIUN MINUTES OF JUNE 9, T981: MOTION 6y Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. P1eme1, to approve the minutes of June 9, 1981, as written. UPON A YOICE VOTE, AlL VOTING AYE, CHAIR410MAN GAB£L DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED llNANIMOUSLY, � 1. VAR . .�r�dTey, MN 55432). 205 OF THE fRIDLEY CITY GODE Nl�t Ctlnla �ouY - oo�n s, - t venue MOTION 6y Mr. P1eme1, seconded 6y Mr. Barna, to open the public hearing. UPON A YUICE YOTE, ALL YOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARIN6 OPEN AT 7:43 P.M. Mr, Ken�eth L. t4oxness, 1504 - 66th Avenue N.E., Fridley, and Mr. Howard H. Berg, 10107 Lakeview Drive, Minnetonka, were present, CRairwoman Ga6e1 read the Staff Report: AD'4II�ISTRI�TSVE ST11FF REPORT 1604 - 66th Avenue N,E. A. PUfiLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY R�2UIRSTdFNT: Section 205.053, 4A, requires a front yard setback of not less than 35 feet. Public purpose served by this requirement ie to allow for off-street parkinq without encroaching on the public right of way and also for sesthetic consideration to reduce the "building line of sight" encroachment into the neighbor's front yard. Section 205.053, 4B, #Sb, zequires an accessory building which open onto the side street of a corner lot to be setback a minimwn of 25 feet. Appeals Commission Meeting - June 23, 1981 Page 2 Public purpose served by this requirement is to a11ow for off-street garkinq without encroaching on the public right of way and also the aesthetic consideration of the neighborhood tv reduce the building "line of sight" encroachment into the neighbor's front yard. Section 205.053, 4C, requirasa rear yard depth of not less than 25 percent of the lot depth with a miniminn of 25 feet and no more than 40 feet required. 8. STATED HARDSHIP: "Front footaqe (side yard) is not deep enough with the contemplated addition to the existing house; which inc2udes a two car garage and a three season porch. Am offset of 6 feet to the �r� line is asked for in order to give a moderate break to this £ront line." C, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: This lot is on the southwest corner of McKinley Street and 66th Avenue. The fzont of the lot is technically on McKinley Street even though the existing house iaces 66th Avenue. The front yard variance £ran 35 feet to 20.1 feet is only to make the existing house plac�nent legal as it was built too close to the £ront property line, The proposed garage and porch addition will k�e added onto the west side of the dwelling but will require a reaz yard variance from 34,3 feet to 21.3 feet. The dwelling on the lot adjoining the back yard is setback approximately 50 feet from the coimnon property 1ine. Staff has no recommended stipulations should the Board decide to grant these variances. Mr. Moxness and Mr. Serg showed the comaission drawings of the proposed porch and garage. Mr, Plemel noted tfiat tfie front of the lot is McKinley and the garage is facing tfie side street, wfiicfi is 6fith. Mr. 1�oxness explained that the garage tf�ey fiave now is a single garage and tfiey want to make that into a dining and recreation area and between that, a three-season porch (screened), 12 feet wide and tfien 24 Poot qaraqe. Ne said they are going to have a base- ment under the existing garage and three-season porch, �irs. Gabel asked if he considered jogging it back the other way, towards the back of the lot and �tr. Moxness felt it was too narrow. Mr, P1eme1 said it looks like a short Back yard and asked if t[�e fence was Ais and Mr. Moxness said it was his neighbor's. Chairwoman 6a6e1 asked if Be was going to use fi71 and Mr. Berg said yes, that tAey aill use what they dig out for filt. Chairvroman Gabel introduced three letters from Mr. Moxness' neighbors in favor of the variances. MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded 6y Mr. Barna, to receive the three letters in favar of the variances from Mr. Moxness' neigh6ors. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL YOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARFD THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Appeals Commission Meeting - June 23, 1981 Page 3 Chairwoman Ga6e1 asked ahat is meant by a"Boston Ridge" and Mr. Berg explained it a way to put shingles on so tbey are sealed, Chairvroman Gabel asked who is going to 6e doing tfie work and Mr. Moz�ess said t�ey do not have a11 the bids on t6is yet, Sfie asked if he ►rould 6e doing any of the work himself and if he was going to fiave the same type of siding. Mr. Moxness said, he is not real handy and tfiat they will stay witfi the same masonite siding; it will match. Chairwoman Gabel asked NJr. Moxness if the existing garage is a one-car garage - and f�ow many drivers t6ey have in his house. t�r. Mozness said it is a very sma11 one-car garage and just fie and his wife drive. Chairwoman 6abe1 asked if the three-season porch is something for his enjoyment and Mr. Moxness said essentially it was 6ut there might be some solar heating eventuatly. Mr. Barna noted tAat he is facing the right direction for solar heating and suggested he use triple-glaze glass and have tfie attic insulated and that the cost of the giass is not that muci� more. Mr. Moxness said they are not specifically planning solar heating 6ut would like to pull t6at in. Chairwoman Gabe1 thought it a good idea that tfie driveway wi11 actually be farther away from tfie corner than it is now. Mr. Barna satd he vauld like more clarification on the fiardsfiip as stated in the Staff Report. Mr. Mox�ess said his wife would like a dining room and tfiey have no storage space for bicycles, lawn mowers, wagons, the grill, and the freezer; the present garage is used solely for tfiat. They want a large enough garage for the cars and storage of those items. He said the screened porch was highly recomnended because of mos- quitoes a� they don't have any private place outdoors and, with this porch, they coutd get some fresh air and privacy. Chairwanan Gabel noted tf�at the back yard is too smalt for a deck, especially with tf�e incline. MOTION by Mr. P1eme1, seconded by Mr. Barna, to close the public heari�g. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL YOTING AYE,CHAIRWOMAN GABEL CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARIN6 AT 8:55 P:M. MOTION by Mr. P1eme1, seconded by Mr. Barna, to grant the variance requests to reduce tfie front yard setback from the required 35 feet to 20.1 feet (existing) and redute the rear yard from 34,3 feet (25% of lot depth} to 21.3 feet, and reduce the side yard setback for a garage opening on a side street from 25 feet to 24 feet to allow the construction of an attached 12 foot by 30 foot porch and a 24 foot by 30 foot garage, a11 located on Lot 1, Block 2, Glark's Addition, the same 6eing 1604 - 66th Avenue N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432. UPON A VOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMnUSLY. OTHER BUSINfSS: A copy of page 7021, Minnesota Statutes, was included with the co�ission ageada packet. Chairwoman Gabel wanted the coffiisaion to note the last sent�ce of the firet paragraph, " The board of adjustment may impose conditions in the grant3ng of variances to insure compliance and to protect adjacent properties and the public intereat. The board of adjustment may consider the inability to use solar �ergy systems a"hardship" in the granting of variances. Mr. Barna felt the wording vas slightly confusing and Chairwoman Gabel felt it was ambiguous and Mr. Plemel asked if board of appeals has considered board of adjustment and ehe said yes they have. Mr. Barna felt it s�rould make more sense if it stated desire inatead of inability. Mr. Clark felt inability would mean 1£ someone has only the frant yard left to put it in. Appeals Commission Meetin - June 23 1981 Page 4 Chairwoman Gabel said she aas not ab3e to check on windmills as tfiere was not a Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT: x MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. Plemel, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VQICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING OF JUNE 23, 1981, ADJOURNED AT 8:03 P.M. Respectfulty su6mitted, � ����� Deb Niznik, Recording Secretary � �t�E ��:-1 �-� +i�te �. 15 ;�;` �; - �'�- 1. �_ � s � � . ��_ � �_ = - G�r'ission ��tng�'�4 6rder ���1; �#�'� :�fc#r�s�, r_� -' � _ � i� � � i� '�s �ARe#1 '�4r �+�t s " � ,. 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"�EAI �pa #� LtiEi r tt' tkt� St� c�a`i�, �rs uista�tic �r �u � r� e �C��ota s�n�=a[`�i an. -�y �i sh � �_ �r. � far -t� �lt# 1 ��- � y� � � �fits.x�d�'tape ': �r� �bout #�e pri�r; this a 1ii�i.e ���it ��; ,�ry �ee�t�. -� :. �s tdtat,' ° '� t .w�.���•��= . - - i �rEth �� i�s€�� pa�i cy: - �� � � =�.,3.� . . ` .e �n :� � -}, ax � >kl � � �'. S �' � C � . ., � - � kY TJi,.. `. . �'�QP �'+� Y'Y'�4}�. _' ������. -g:-: £��a -» �E., -� � .� s� � �z� � F ° %. �3_ . - w z '', .i; : x. . � i.1.. S �' +fisc � Y _ j%'._� 5 ,';� ai `g� ^ ,,� _i�.� � - :-"� , r -' � i . t � �� � .-: »G-�' � - �% � ✓` _: �— ��� , . _. � � 6 �t ���. � � . :i tG t " 1 / ;1: }i � 1� y �. ,, � \ � CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 8, 1981 CALL TO ORDER� Chairman Harris called the July 8, 1981, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Harris, Ms. van Dan, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Oquist, M r. Kondrick, Mr. Cichosz, (for Mr. �aba) Members Absents Others Presentc Richard Svanda Jerrold Boardman, City Planner APPROVAI, OF JUNE , 1981, PLANIVING COMMISSIQN MINUTESe Motion by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to approve the June 3, 1981, Planning Commission Minutes as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARffiS DECLARED THE MOTION CRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. VACATION SAV #81-02, BY PETITION #3-1981 �iutr�, ivu r��r�) s Vacate a 2 . alley easement in Block 19, Fridley Park Addition, located between 61z and 62nd Way N.E. on the east side of East River Road. Mr. Boardman stated that this was petitioned, and that there was 100� agreement, so that the City would waive the normal. fee. Mr. Harris questioned, if the City would retain an easement? Mr. Boardman stated that yes, the City would retain an.utf}ity and drainage easement. He further stated that tfiere are_�hree types of a�teys: A. An alley that is fully surfaced, and maintained. B. An alley that is not surfaced, but used C. An alley that is dedicated but not used. Mr. Boardman stated that this alley is in the third category, and that the City's policy, is that if there is 100/ agreement to vacate such an alleyway, that the City would waive the usual iee� and retai,n utility-drainage easements. PLANNING COMNiISSION MEETING,� NLY 8, 1981 Fa�e 2 MOTION, by Ms. van Dan, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to recommend to the City Council approval of Vacation Request, SAY #81-02, By Petition #3-1981 (100�, NO FEE)a Vacate a 12 ft. alley easement in Block 19, Fridley Park Addition, located betweeen 61� and 62nd Way N.E. on the east side of East River Road, with the stipulation that the City retain the 12 foot utility- drainage easement. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DEGLARED THE lV[OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMIVIISSION MINUTES� JUNE 4, 1�81, MOTION by Ms. van Daxi, seconded by Mr. Oquist to approve the Ju—ne�, 1981 Human Resources Commission minutes. Ms. van Dan stated that the Commission had set there goals, and that at the up coming meeting scheduled for the 16th of July, they would be evaluating the requests ?or funding. Ms. Gabel questioned what the scoring sheet used to evaluate iunding was like? Ms. van Dan stated that she was sorry she didn't have a copy with her but outlined the scoring sheet, and it's function. She stated that there is a list of criteria, such as a reasonable request accordin to their total budget requirements, such as if they request �5,000.00 and their total budget is $1$0,000,00 that would be reasonable, versus if they were to request their to:tal budget. Also she stated that another category would be how the money was to be used, as would it be used to service the City of Fridley, or used to expand the administrative part, and also how many people in Fridley would be receiving the service. Another criteria, is, could this service be provided by some other group either within_the City or within the County, or within a reasonable distance. She further stated that by using this scoring sheet of funding request criteria, the Commission is able to give each funding request a numerical scoring by which they can then prioritize the requests, that would be then submitted to the City Council. She stated that the following groups have requested fundin : a. Central Center for Family Resources -�5.�00.00 b. Family Life Center Foundation -$5,000.00 c. Anoka County Community Action - Well Senior Citizen Clinic $2,000.00 d. Creative Play Center - $5,000.00 e. SouthernAnoka County Community Assistance Program -$2,500.00 UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HARRIS, DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSIQN MINUTES: JUNE 9, 1981 MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to approve the Fippeals Commission Minutes of June 9, 1981 PLANNING COMMISSION NIEETING, JULY 8, 1981 Pa�e 3 Mr. Harris questioned what happened with the request by Mr. Bruce Nedegaard, for a pool in the front yard, because he wondered if they had set a precedent. Ms. Gabel stated that no they had not set precedent, because the pool would not be in the iront yard. She stated that it is called the front yard, because it is the narrow side of the lot, but that it would actually be located in the back M r. Harris questioned what ihe status was on the 4�0 foot lots? Mr. Boardman stated that it was still in court, at this time. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTESs NNE 9, 1981 MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Ms. van Dan, to approve the Community Development Commission minutes, of June 9, 1981. Mr. Oquist stated that the pupose oi the Commission was discussed at the last meeting, and that they will look to the City Gouncil for direction, and that they are looking at Block Grants, and at Community Housing. Mr. Harris stated that he is concerned about the use of Industrial Revenue Bonds, in regards as to the way some of Fridley's sister Community's are using them to lure business's away irom Fridley. He stated that one particular incident he was aware of, had concerned him, but his real concern was that this was not an isolated incident. He stated that within the last week he learned that Fridley will lose a$0,000 square foot building, and about 125 jobs due to some shananagins by Coon Rapids• Mr. Boardman questioned ii this business had approached the City of Fridley with an Industrial Revenue Bond request. Mr. Harris stated that this person told him that he had, but that the City wanted $5,000.00 first. to start the process. Mr. Boardman stated that what the City requires is usually $-�,000 as a deposit to begin the process, but that this money is used to cover_administrative cost. That amount not used is returned to --_— ---------- — _ the petitioner. Mr. Harris stated that he felt that the City should look into this area and see how the people that request an Industrial Revenue Bond are handled, and look at the process. He further stated that Coon Rapids, had also stated that they would do some gymnastics with the taxes, to attraet business their way. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 8, 1985 Pa�e 4 Mr. Harris stated that this particnlar type of tactics disturbs him very much, because the City oP Fridley is losing these business's and these jobs, plus the revenue it generaies, and the tax base. l�r. Boardman questioned where this business that Mr. Harris was referrring to was located. Mr. Harris stated that it was Advanced Machine, and they are located on Beech Street. He further stated that they had out grown their facility, and had some problems buildin� on at that location, they were then going to build in the Paco Industrial area and had already purchased land just north of Frito-Lay. lie siated that if Fridley's sister communities are raiding the City's induatrial base� that disturbs him very much, and iY this indeed is happening, he felt that the Planning Commisaion, the City Council� and the staff, should have some discussions with the legislature, because that was not the intent Por the Industrial Revenue Bond. Discuasion ensued conceming Industrial Revenue Bonds. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYEs'. CHAIR6iAN HdRRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UAMIMOOSLY. MOTION by Mr. Oquist� seconded by Ms. Gabel. to approve the Houaing and Redevelopment Authorty Minutes of June 11, 198i,� Ms. Gabel stated that on page SO under Large Family Project, ahe wondered what happened to the comments oF the people in Hyde Park not wanting anycnore houses on sub-standard lots. and that she had a problem with this. Mr. Boardman stated that was not going to be taking place at all because the City was not able to aequire the 10 feet that they wanted. Ms. Gabel questioned if they had anymore lots in the Hyde Park area that they were looking at? Mr. Bpardman stated that they ha�e one 60 foot lot on 3rd Street. Ms. Gabel stated tha.t she had some calls wondersng abou house that was bein� built now, that aome people th¢ugh garage was larger than the house. but when she drove by realized that the house is being built on one lot and a large garage is being built at the same time on the lot to the house. She questioned if the lot was sufYicient s garage? Mr. Boardman stated that yes it was large enough. t the t the she next ior M r. Harris atated that on page 3, there was a list of items that �r. Remmen was requestin� from the City. and of that list , �he questioned item ,�7. to what the City was saying to Mr. Remmen? � M�. Boardman stated that all the City is asying ia that he has � e assurance that the property is zoned pi�operly for the type i development that he ia looking at. ��'�Is. Gabel queationed what land subordination meant? Mr. Boardman stated that is meant that the purchaser agrees to pnrchase property frnm the HRA, but that he would want to delay payment on the land sale, but in order for him to get financing he must have title to the property. so that the City thereYore subordinates title to the property. Ms. Gabel questioned whether Mr. Boardman had talked to the people in Holly Center? Mr. Boardman stated that they had a meeting of Rice Plaza/Phase III tenants on May 12th, but have made no direct contact with Holy Center since we will not be involved in Holly Center acquisition. UPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTING AXE, CHAIiiMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 RECEIVE ENVIRONMffiVTAI, QUALITY COIV(N(I3SION MINUTE�� JUNE16. 1981 MOTION by Mr. Oquist. seconded by Mr. Kondrick to receive the Environmental Quality Comousaion Minutes of June 16, 1981. Mr. Kondrick stated that on page 2 the fourth paragraph. regarding the North Crosatown. he questioned how Yar north would that be from Springbrook Nature Center? M r. Boardman stated that would be about * of a mile North of Springbrnok. Discussion ensued regarding the North Croastown. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HARRISS, DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIlKOUSLY. 7. RECEIVI� PARKS & RECRSATION GOMMIS IS ON MINUTES� NttE_17a 1981 0�I TION by Ms. van Dan, seconded by �ir. Oquist to receive the Parks & Recreation Gommission minutes, dated June 17. 1981. M r. Kondrick atated that on page 7 of the minutes under Title 9� that there was a problem that arose becauae of boys pisying on the girls softball team. Iie stated that parents had complained that with boys ors the girls teams� that it was ari unfair advatztage to the girls because the boys were atronger, but that with Title 9 which requires equal opportunity for boys and girls, PLANNING CO�IIS5ION P4EE�ING. NLY ,8� i981 Pa�e 5 r he questioned item #7+ ��+hat the City was saying to Mr. Remmen? B�r. Board�an stated that all the City is saying is that he has the assurance that the property is zoned �3poperly for the type of deveZopment that he is looking at. Ms. Gabel questioned what �and subordination meant? M r. Boardman stated that is meant that the purchaser agrees to pprchase property from the HRA, but that he would want to delay pay+ment on the land sale, but in order for him to get financing he must have title to the property, so that the Gity thereYore subordinates title to the property. 1[s. Ga�l qu�stioned vrhathar 1[r. Boardaan had ffitiked to the poopl• in iiolly ConterY _ _ __ — -- -- -. — — _ Mr. Boardman stated that they had a meeting of Rice Plaza/Phase III tenants on May 12th, but have made no direct contact with Holy Center since we will not be involved in Holly Center acquisition. O191f � �0I4`f YOl: �LL VO?IItG AYB� CH�IAIAA HARRZS DBCLAI�PZD THE ri�MENI CA1t�IED tTNAl1ZM0fiSLY. 6 8EC$IVE ffitVIRONWlEN(T IA�4UALITY COMMZSSIOPI MINUTESi NNE1b• 1981 MOTION by H�r. Oquist. seconded by Mr. Kondrick to receive the Envirommental Ruality Gomm3.ssion Minutes of June i6, 1981. Mr. Kondrick stated that on page 2 the Pourth paragraph, regarding the North Crosstown� he questioned how far north would that be from Springbrook Nature Center? Mr. Boardman statsd that would be about a oP a mile �Vorth of Springbrook • Discussion ensued regarding the North.��'rrasstown. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTiNG AYE, CHAIRP$RSON HARRISS� DECLARED THE MOTIDN CARRIED UNANINIOUSLY. Z RECSIVE PARKS & RECREATION COMbIISSION MINUTES� JUPiE l,Z,� 1981 MO�ION by Ms. van Dan� seconded by Mr. Oquist to receive the Parks & Recreation Commission minutes, dated June 17, 1981. Mr. Kondrick stated that on page 7 of the minutes under Title 9� that there was a problem that arose because of boys p�:sying on the girls soitball team. He stated that parents had complained that with boys on the girls teams, that it was an unfair advantage to the girls because the boys were stronger. but that with Title 9 which requires equal opportunity for boys and girls, r 0 r � }�hat this created a problem, that they are still working on. � � . Kondrick stated that regarding the FIillwind Drive area, he City Council had passed a moratorium on this, so that the Park & Recreation Commission then tabled it for one year. Discussion ensued on the water problems in that area. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL`?`VOTING A7CS, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UNiI{IVIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIYE APPEAI,S C094MISSION H�INUTES � JfTNE��B� MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Koxi.drick, to receive the Appeals Commisaion minutes , dated June 23, 1982. Ms. Gabel atated that she did not have a copy with her, but that there is a Minnesota State Statute. that states that the inability to use solar heat. would create a hardship, �n considering the �ranting of a variance. Ms. Gabel qnestioned what was determined as far as windmills? Mr. Boardman stated that to erect a windmill, would require a special use permit. UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI,L VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE PdOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. Q. RECEIVE ENERGY COMB�ISSION MINUT$S� JUNE 23. 1981 MOTION by Mr. Cichosz. seconded by �Is. Gabel, to receive the Energy Commission minutes, dated June 23, 1981. (�r. Cichoaz. stated that they had elected a new chai.rperson B�r. Saba, and that he Mr. Cichosz was elected as the vice- chairperson. Mr. �ondrick wondered iY the City oY Fridley of�ered an energy audit service to homeowners? Mr. Boardman stated that no the City did not but that homeowners could contact either NSP, or Minnegasco for an energy audit. M r. Harris stated that NSP also has a program that a person could reinsulate and retrofit a house, and NSP would finance it. 13PON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VO`£ING AYE, CHAII�AN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UANIMOUSI,Y. P�NZNG CONmiSiION D�SETING JULY 8 toe� PArE 7 ],0. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRPERS�N FOR PLAtiEYING COMID'tISSION Chairman Haxris declared that nominations were opened. l�s. Gabel stated that she nominates Mr. Oquist for the vice- chairperson. M@TION by Ms. Gabel. seconded by Mr. Kondrick to close the norainations. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALI, VOTING AYE. CHAIRMAPi HARRIS DECI,ARED THE N06QINATIONS CLOSED. Chairman Harria called for a voice vote on the nomination of Mr. Oquist Yor the vice-chai.rmanship. UPON A VOICfi YO'P$, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAII�4AN HAFiRIS DECLARED MR. OQUIST �CTED AS THE PI.AIVNING COMMI5SION VICE-CHAIRMAN. il. OTfi$R BUSINESS Mr. Boardman stated that the City Council, had been looking at the policy of trucks in the city's residential areas. He stated that there is now ordinances that state that heavy trucks can not park for more thaia four hours in a residential area, or on public streets. Mr. Boardman stated that the City Council also will be sending back to the Planning Commission the definition on mother-in-law apartments for further clarification. Mr. Harris questioned Mr. Boardman what the City Council did not like about the recommendations that the Planning Commission had sent them regarding the mother-in-law apartments? Pdr. Boardman stated that he �rould outline a clearer direction fr� th� Citv Council re�ing this at the next meeting. Mr. Harris stated that the Planning @ommission would need more specifics, and direction on what areas the City Council woald like them to review regarding the mother-in-law apa�tments. MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Ms. van Dars to change the next scheduled Planning Commissinn meeting �rom July 22nd, to July 29th. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE. CHAIRBQA€V HARRIS DECI,ARED THE MOTI014 P�SSBD UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION btEETING. JtILY 8, �,Q81 PAGE $ D�OTION by Ms. Gabel� secvnded by �Ilr. Oquist to ad�ourn, the __ meeting. - -- IIPOPf A VOICE VOTE, AI,i VOTING AY&. CHAIR6HAN HARRIS DSCLARED THE Jt��,� 8th, 1981 PLANNING COMMIS5ION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8e55 p•�• Respectilxlly submitted. c�G:��� Ela�.ne R. xeed Recording Secretary PLANNING COMMISSIDN MEETING, JULY 8, 1981 Paze 3 Mr. Harris questioned what happened with the request by M r. Bruce Nedegaard, for a pool in the front yard, because he wondered if they had set a precedent. Ms. Gabel stated that no they had not set precedent, because the pool would not be in the iront yard. She stated that it is called the Pront yard, because it is the narrow side of the lot, but that it would actually be located in the back Mr. Harris questioned what the status was on the 40 foot lots? Mr. Boaxdman stated that it was still in court, at this time. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALI, VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS, DEGLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �. RECEIVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMIS5ION _M_INUTES: JUNE 9. 1981 MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Ms. van Dan, to approve the Community Development Commission minutes, of June 9, 1981. Mr. Oquist stated that the pupose of the Commission was discussed at the last meeting, and that they will look to the City Council �or direction, and that they are looking at Block Grants, and at Community Housing. Mr. Harris stated that he is concerned about the use oY Industrial Revenue Bonds. in regards as to the way some of Fridley's sister Gommunity's are using them to lure business's away from Fridley. He stated that one particular incident he was aware of, had concerned him, but his real concern was that this was not an isolated incident. He atated that within the last week he learned that Fridley will lose a 50,000 square foot building, and about 12$ jobs due to some shananagins by Coon Rapids. Mr. Boardman questioned if this business had approached the City oi Fridley with an Industrial Revenue Bond request. Mr. Harris stated that this person told him that he had, but that the City wanted $�,000.00 first. to start the process. Mr. Boardman stated that what the City requires is usually $ 5,000 as a deposit to begin the process, but that this money �s used to cover administrative cost. That amount not used is returned to the petitioner. Mr. Harris stated that he felt that the City should look into this area and see how the people that request an Industrial Revenue Bond are handled, and look at the process. He iurther stated that Coon Rapids, had also stated that they would do some gymnastics with the taxes, to attract business their way. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 8, 1981 , Pa�e �1 Mr. Harris atated that this particular type of tactics disturbs him very much, because the City of Fridley is losing these business's and theae jobs, plus the revenue it generates, and the tax base. Mr. Boardman qusationed where this business that Mr. Harris was referrring to was located. M r. Harris stated that it was Advanced Machine, and they are located on Beech Street. He further atated that they had out grown their facility� and had some problems buildir►� on at that location, they were then going to build in the Paco Industrial area and had already purchased land just north of Frito-Lay. He stated that if Fridley's sister communities are raiding the City's industrial base� that diaturbs him very much, and iF this indeed is happening� he felt that the Planning Commission, the City Council� and the staff, should have some diacusaions with the legislature• because that was not the intent for the Induatrial Revenue Bond. Discussion ensued concerning Industrial Revenue Bonds. U1'OH A VOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRhIAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UANIMOU5LY. �,QTION by Mr. Oquist� seconded by Ms. Gabel, to apprnve the Housing and Redevelopment Authorty Minutes of 3une 11. 1981. Ms. Gabel stated that on page 10 under Large Family Project. she wondered what happened to the comments oF the people in Hyde Park not wanting.anymore houses on sub-standard lots, and that ahe had a problem with this. Mr. Boardman stated that was not going to be taking place at all because the City was not able to acquire the 10 feet that they wanted. Ma. Gabel questioned if they had anymore lots in the Ayde Park area that they were looking at? Mr. Boardman atated that they have one 60 foot lot on 3rd Street. Ms. Gabel atated that she had some calls wondering about the house that was being built now, that some people thought the garage was larger than the house, but when she drove by she realized that the house is being built on one lot and a large garage is being built at the same time on the lot next to the house. She qusstioned if the lot was sufficient for a garage? b4r. Boardman stated that yes it was large enough. Mr. Harris stated that on page 3, there was a list of items that Mr. Remmen was requesting from the City, and oY that list P�LANNING CO�IMISSION MEETING. NI,Y ,8,� 1981 Pase � he questioned item �'j, to rhat`the City was aaying to Mr. Remcnen? Mr. Boardmar� atated that all the City is saying is that he has the assurance that the prnperty ia soned pnoperly Yor the type of davelopment that he ia loo8ing at. �s. Gabel questionsd what land subordination meant? Mr. 8oardman atated that is meant that the purchaser agrees to pnrchase property Prom the HRA, but that he would want to delay payment on the land sale. but in order Yor him to get financing he must have title to the property� so that the City therePore subordinates tiSle to the property. D�s. GaDel queationed whether blr. Boardman had talked to the people in Holly Center? Mr. Boardman stated that they had a meeting of Rice Plaza/Phase III tenants on May 12th. but have made no direct contact with Holy Center since we will not be involved in Ho11y Center acquisition. DPON A VOICE VOTE ALL VOTIHG AYE. CHAIR�iAN HARRIS DECLARED TIiE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 RECEIVE BliVIRONMENT/iie QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTE�e JUNE16. 1981 M�O��T_��ON by Mr. Oquist� seconded byD�r. Kondric& to receive the ttv�ironmental Quality Commission Nfinutes of June 16� 1981. M r. Kondrick stated that on page 2 the f'ourth paragraph, regsrding the North Crosatown� he questioned how far north would that be Prom Springbrook Nature Center? dir. Boardman atated that would be about � oY a mile North of Springbrook. Discussion ensued regarding the North Croastown. UPON A YOICE YOTE. ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON HARRISS, DECLAREA THE MOTION CARRIFD UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIYE PAR1tS & RECREATION COMN[ISSIQN MINUTSS� JUNE 1,7� 1981 MOTION by Ms. van Dan� seconded by Mr. Oquist to receive the Yarks d� Recreation Commieeion minutes� daied June 17. 1981. �fr. Kondrick stated that on page 7 of the minutes under Title 9� that there was a problem that arnss becauee of boys piaying on the girls softball Seam. He stated that parents had complained that with boys on the girls teams, that it was an unfair advanta�e to the girls becauae the boya were stronger. but that with Title 9 which requires equal opportunity for boys end girls, Pi,�NNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 8 1981 PAGE 6 that this created a problem, that they are still working on. M r. Kondrick stated that regarding the Hillwind Drive area, the City Council had passed a moratorium on this. so that the Park & Recreation Commisaion then tabled it for one year. Discussion ensued on the water problems in that area. UPON A VOTCE VpTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRI5 DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED IINANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE APP$ALS COA9rQIS aTON MINtJTES � JUNE 2. 1981 MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Koridrick, to receive the Ap—pe �s Commission minutes , dated June 23, 1981. Ms. Gabel stated that she did not have a copy with her, but that there is a Minnesota State Statute� that states that the inability to use solar heat, would create a hardship, in considering the granting of a variance. Ms. Gabel questioned what was determined as far as windmills? Mr. Boardmars stated that to erect a windmill, would require a special use pertait. UPON A VOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIIUdAN HARRIS, DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED IINANIMOUSLY. 9. RECfiIVE FF�IERGY COI�MISSION MIftUTES� JUNE 23. 1981 MOTION by Mr. Cichosz, aeconded by Ms. Gabel, to receive the n� ergy Commission minutes, dated June 23. 1981. Mr. Cichosz. atated that they had elected a new chai.rperson Mr. Saba� and that he Mr. Cichosz was elected aa the vice- chairperson. Mr. Kondrick wondered iY the City of Fridley offered an energy audit service to homeowners? M r. Boardman stated that no the City did not but that homeowners could contact either NSP� or Minnegasco for an energy audit. Mr. Harris stated that N5P also has a program that a person could reinsulate artd retroYit a house, and NSP wauld finance it. UPON A VOICE YOTB, ALI, YOTZNG AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSED UANIblOUSLY. PLANNING CO�ID'ISIION MEETINGs NLY � 1s8� PAGE 7 10. ELEC2ION OF VICE-CHAIRPERSON ROR PLAPiNING COMMISSION_ Chairman Harris declared that nomi.nations were opened. Ms. Gabel stated that she nominates Mr. Oquist for the vice- chairperson. MQTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Kondrick to close the nominations. UPON A YOICE VOTE. ALL YOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS 7?ECLARED THE NOMINATIONS CLOSED. Chairman Harris called Yor a voice vote on the nomination of Mr. Oquist Yor the vice-chairmanship. UPON A VOICE VOTE, AI.L YOTING AYE, CHAII�'iAN HARRIS DECLARED MR. OQUIST ELECTED AS THE PLAIYNING COMI�ISSI0IV YICE-CHAIRMAN. 11. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Boardman stated that the City Council� had been looking at the policy of trucks in the city's reaidential areas. He stated that there is now ordinances that state that heavy trueka can not park for more that3 four hours in a residential area� or on public streets. Mr. Boardman stated that the City Council also will be sendi.ng back to the Planning Commission the definition on mother-in-law apartments for further clarification. Mr. Harris questionedl�r. Soardman what the City Council did not like about the recommendationa that the Planning Commission had sent them regarding the mother-in-law apartments? M r. Boardman stated that he aould outline a clearer direction from the City Council regarding this at the next meeting. Mr. Harris stated that the Planning Commission would need more speciYics, and direction on what areas the City Council would like them to review regarding the mother-in-law apartments. MOTION by Ms. Gabel� seconded by Ms. van Dan to change the next scheduled Planning Commission meeting from July 22nd, to July 29th. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL YQTING AYE. CHAIRMAPi HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION PASSSD UNANIYIOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSZON MBETING. JUI,Y 8: i981 PAGE 8 MO ION by Ma. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Oquist to adjourn. the meeting. IIPON A VOIC$ VOTE, AiL VOTING AYE. CHAI�+'!AN HARRIS DECLARED THE JUI,'� S�h, 1981 PLANIYING COMMTSSI�N MEETING ADdOURNED AT 8es5 P.M. Respectfully aubmitted, ,�.E:G�-�2C..� �� E1 ne R. Reed Recording Secretary � � `�� �2- g . � '���r Y ; � � s4 -h'A �. e,r .' 'e_ Y � � � 3 ��t ��• ' • (� � y S us L s+ �ffi� �'zZ�t,n e� .y�. e �i�frr -'_-�ai fi � �g `i i: i 8 � j' •� i�` . � . { � �y} '`..F �2 . C�h��� 31� it�a�ijL. I�.c� v^�� � . .i �� �..'S� — �' C 3 vF Y y.� e . ( bp �� � v �y"FY'i3 g �-.�.g?_�� � -� , " �p` T �� �;y,'�i' " � _ � � M � `��7xt��. � , i + � 3 � � � �� �� � � r£' .,s^a. 4 H' �3'� ':"S'r x t } 3 k ��� {` 94 y R. � N :: .��., Yo'Ym �•y 4 i ..._. .�, t ., ...:��-� , _. _ . �=`z. ; � �� �c�N, , � �- � �, �,, ,��,.; ��J ! � r . � .... . .. � �fiC M4i �.�+ �1�,. � � .§�9� � ��. x � � �i^f; � f $ l ' 't : $.K .. . � .. . .n. � _ � �S�l�M1ENT�1. U�JAti Mr. Deblan states�'7 Ea�� River Road, w! incre�sa in traft'�i Stai�d� to :gain fr� z br#dy�, � Mr; S�anda� stated;i �tnd' is • rev#e�ui ng � 1�h*; i�eb.itrn' 5tated � ir��trr�at4.on. He Stl 6uC:vrf11 atert tqe that requi r�� c4a�a+ Mr: Erickson sia� the endironmental.;� S��i 9 ty Co�rmi s si on tOwrt �aight have. an 9� 5714'#t�; OF Nt►� l�t�": ik�l an stated � �i�t►lic hearings. i at thoSe meetiAg�:_ revieyt was` favor8itt' � discussing tMe nai; rea�#fng will soc�s I naise ordinance irii Mr, Debian stated ? F °Gi�ies for nqise se� iS; u�iflg t4e equ"i� 3t; i s nanv ' #��fi.ai�� ir�'�r�d4sy :cn notf� � set �p_�-proiserty �� a�tivit9es, �^. ��r�rtci�`st�ted; was g�lfa3q thtror,�g�t.. inf�lr�, °�.: , ��TE t�fA�G�1 l�tr:•'�ian stat�l'�< �bau� a lmeeting ts� "�i �d' �tte�ded �i�i{ y�.��s pf 60 1�� � -`Pr�6��ant9 faci"�i t� �e��4vn trf, � p�]'ic frearfings. b � � a r , . .� � � ��� fi j% aT k� � , C`3 'Y �SS�I 7»�ETIN6, �] , �6t# t.� ���ts af the C c�t i�:;� favt�able i�mac -.; at 3t���t►k ��� iis �t� �Lec� �#►�f,; ;on�t�]�t��fl>` sft��`�f� �h�� ��ie c �ei�. 1 s 'aW� o# ,he �^lr�b ike the C I imp�et : x on �e � r�i1 has ioo �, fRrm�x`�gi stated a fe ty Gounc�7. aaain at th � ;� � (: f_..:, � }��; � "� "' 16 �981 - PA6E 2' w� , ioan+ do show we`tl�ic�d traffic on rr Friidlr�y. It �hciy�s a smalTer ts� traffic o� I�-694. So. Fridley mvice with tfie �tdrtth CrassLpwn s ke$p8qg �k"ack;pf,l�is situation �nent, � Grxr��Lvwrt ►tas 'for � Gommfssion's trobl�t �vith any�th#ng they have seen, CW�'ission.ff t#�ere 1s anything �onitts"r�nq it ar�d � 'tpoking at k1 ear�c�� tha� t3�,�wiromnental :ion artc� thp�<ef�P�et �he North Cross- nier. �t�t►�b� �� g tS :present ; but the ; a511 be ; i p. Tfie second . ; Eccs�t the ; received a g�ani frc�nt tt�s E�ag�e �.Minnesota '-�ertor vefi4cie� en�arcemexrt�. 'Th�`��4�%a pepartmertt f�suing warni� and fix i� t�ck�s:urid$r State Law. ty to pass tf� tic►ise prdiroan�e r�.�t the peopte ; G�ty o�fl')��en€�ti�e noise`7imf�s ����le State has � �..,...,. ....�a..,., ,....� .� d � ie � �� �issi ct� �-was He � , Mr. Deh ' �� MF.�'��NNf : as a I�9s :. ���'���.was : ( t ) �a• � ; � , �. Fk� _ � ' . se, rnt s�ttce� nc�s�,_stt -no�5y � to hear ttiat the� �#se Ordinance ;-� t�finue ta �e�ep tF►e �r4ss9on a � � ' � f ,� �31ogMam : 1 �rul.: Ne stated x mat� g�r',whfch Fridtey ' ,i h���r,�ous waste tft�t rr85 used irt p:"�tNjA. REN'IIE'1"Q115 ��" � se 'tSs tfie source of ,,; ,�� � . � .' � irtio� � � _� �, � � r;�..,: �t��-�z�a�s,� s��- =. i�i�h�t� ���srs� a� _ �, f�=��ht , �'r, k�p 4 �+�� = : �i�� :���� ;:. � t� �,� ��ttr . . �e ; : ,� at.yss�� � ���,. ���r.� ���� � � ��� '� � u� '�" '.�: �� �:� " � �. s=- �-�o�s: _ _ . , ._ .: ;. ;> � �r ��,� �-; ' : � ���� � � Y,. +' � � �_ �. . ._.<�: j �,. , a. ���rtir�� �w & OTHER'Bt}SINE Mr: Svareda states wnndered if the i Mr. Eri�ksbn sta1 �nagfrt�tion and ; °me�itai concerns :+ ��ai ss4�n. i�x Debtan sta� issues tfiat are '� any infarmat,fcsrt a pursueti. Mr. Sva►�d� stafi� t�tefr "t9b�tf �e� �'c�r ,ese#t�le�, dtse: Sh�uld , ��e''Ca�3'i �tr�g�� e�c�urag' 9�r,�f�y? " ,: �r� €ricksun s'G�i? � C�i'SSi4n st�or�lr '�SSflf'�. �IlH'G:�S 1`�E�ii'� 'fW�fll"Iridt$AI � �acii3ty t�����v�i may n�t� but if � can ��e re��ei the C��ntss�on ar� �;ing �hetr �x�i Mr*. �Pti7i�s s�a'�� f�jecttves£.�+ b 1185 d ir�t �f ih� the �ity G��cii #1r; �ri�i�5�st� ssa�? put 0tt t#fe: Ji11�t i suh�€�ct' as to wtij re�� fing;:as one, �t�: �frob�em:c . �:. .��a: sie`t� tt��1 i€ "�R s� � `�sf the Ci �Cjr- �'�&�' o� � �taff t�►x� �#'c �f'�{�S9ri S'Ld: t� �� f��mt,y: �+ittd �p��k �t! th� �., aii��ng. � SS:. _�� F s ; . �:.��.�.: .. :.. � , � .;. . �es �e1t that th �ho�iz! 6e asking #t��as the rote fi3s' G�amissian di it�ffii�xt. He �sta1 �e1 �� -t#�S s C�rmri. xi �er�fP�ire Cit� be �r'op��#�y o��"s to ��. � ; �7�s !�e ,percef �'1 �,tssv� FpP <.��t�S N �Cr ���?� �t►e � !A�Dr�� ��sue, if : 16 1981 �PiGE 4 ;t�missian was fitlunderagg and i� Gitv Counc9l for soa�.direction F�t�� s�o�IM ss� on'� ta �t�e �� thei r�� �� wanted �► go 1n th�-`a�ea af enviran- �h� gui�tet'in�s o�°l�i�g an advisory �Ot tt#�� 8 prYtblERts becaase it has f he i� wi11�r� to g�#v� tt�e Cotmnission Fcn has 1�t a� th3Rga that'can be , :O�amrssion to discuss s� pbjeet�ves; It;y r�cye3ing plan? �r�°td init9ate a �v3�te a servi ce to ni�ssf�tt. the, b� studying those �►#��ian has � �the � red t#�e role af this-;� � and�:tk�n th�y bugl�� E�a� .� �aki� s��e �I �ssil��tity of a h�za�+ i t��es on t#�e ct a sh�ld fiave �I�e t�� ���Ct�rssion �nd C3t� �oa�=g��undwt5rk; ' �ii p�4ri";tt�p o€ and �s. info� : t� si�bject af„'?r�cyciit xh� t�ey c�r ;s�rt �acc� � t#�e an tft� � si�t� �euel `.�rna�iives or o��'of the � �s part o# �tealth Depa otis vla�te {�rc�cessin9 ; Y;of frf�le�!, It 3 i n c��ivork' s� they i �+nci3.. H� `savt�� � , : s� g'same fit�mework, and � � � � � �,� rrs for` th�5 �o�nrission. but ri gh� ri�af'"t#5e Comni asi on �[ �tiot► ant! reCOati�ndations to j �'F' as � 9�rt�tr81 � iOpS c;be F�ating i��`�itln=on�the � , �n4 �sira�►o3�tan t�vet for �rts of the p1�rt. af Mandiing 3� # bn �►�5 i�stt�. i�xa�k�tl,i?fr, Deblon ,;; y�ai� �tr' t.�e C�i�Sfon wFiat so� �� �� �tzf'�cy�33r#g. ! M�tf� if�ere is sbme- � �` f::(t@i�$'�Gla. , ;_ , ; � , Is" �1# Lhe sFia��sf ct�k sc�one from �' �#t� Y ° rtt<fl�►ssibly B� I�tt�hir�son) to come � vu�t,y�i� dofng ,abt�ut�r�eye�ing, if __.� � � �t �� r�t �; � �, _ �s ��*��k� �� t�� T � � �,9 ing �; �__�.� '�is�ue�:�� �� ��.-�e.f: ���' ��'. /s. ;'� i '' a ;•p f �f. " k >^. �. ' ♦ a . �3i$ss ii� 8CI! . �.. .��" , =�so urer,, z�e.� ��+�d .be- �i �Y i 3 ,90� ng t4 �t�.t�: Sr . .n�. t. i� ,^ t; i:C s " � �w , i i � $ ��� . ,.✓ X , '% y' e.:' x . . Y .,.,'.?, `.: - t.� R Ya 2 - � sCf. 8 ; � � v� ` � �" Tr, t � �' nS : �2 � x �. ; �,�:9gt,....°+ � . .. r,�i�. 5 A ;� � � .,�� �-�� � ��,,r : �- - < ,�� v � ' t-��°�a . � ,:��.i �� �= a . � ^� _ � , . . . �, y..:.� , x �. .� .'' . a : G�TY OF FRiDLEY :: PRRKS & RECRfAFIflN C(�t��5i�1 MEETIN6 JUNE 17, 148i �• ..�,,:.�.__ , : S�,IC�mdxf:�k c�Tled the;June il,;i9�i, Parks:5�ttecreation Ccmz�ission ts` or�� at T:39 p.m. :' : ?resent: E�ar� 14R�lriek, Barbara Ftughe5r Dicic Yaung, Dan R}7en, J��r 5e�er j arr. 7: 49 �.at. ) ►�et�t: �:N�tn� � � � � � � � �esetits .Ck�rTes'-Soudreau, Parks & Recreati�n-Dfrector Ja�lc Kirk, Reereation Sup�rvis�r' � tA�Y }3. -}�81., R�KS-i RECRERTIt�F Qf�}ISSiflN FfINUTE5: fDEA BY-NR. �tl.tEl�, TQ RA2'�OVE .2� �AX Z3, 13dS� PARKS >& P�:AS :Nt2ITTSN. : 'S� JlYB� CffAIR�'MASDN �CK �E.'L�iRED TIiE NOTION I�J�! Lo LhE 8t,�11d3: �t��asir►�ss) � � � � � � � �wnixy Park Site �su�ir."yetie�v Businessj � �^i�brc�ok Natur^e Center Foundatisn (wrderA'id 8�slness) "�. Y�NG. $�1ASD 8Y i�lR. A%i�&i'r TO APk'�V.� T,�$ AGENLI�1 AS Ad1EN1�D. �$` �s : �L& YOiING AY$, E`�RIRPSRSY� &C�II�,t,`CK Iffi'CLARED '1'flls` !Up'i'SON ��iA�dt?$LY. ` ; 7#iR�..�_.Y,S :�� �T: � �.�.I: ' x �# � �he iast �L��,� he wds reque5ted'to �resent' � �pP� � A�s�� �fe -�4ty Ccuncit an #be � � �'. �= ` ,; , - >_. , �-�= �� - : � � �+ , t� i : �� �, � } ' �a� tl _ :. �' ��1 mf�tg 3 �� A j f�� �1 5 �sat'ks x cxplt�' vtitfi-;. �. c���! �, �f' r� �e � s � �i �' Mr. K means Ecana � ��� �� , t-..<, - �rs�f�. :.� �s. 5ee� I�t'. K�t'�c � . �'i�lt� yes� � �S;-�ffe� ` 19��i, t�Y ��tirit4�; � Qe�rea�ii� � ag�#� �y-,. i9�'7 td �+, � �`c(�+ f%��s -�+ � ft� �1 � � �� ra���; � bsrt �id �+ Mr. Kirk•:i �� �� a�ifd houcs _ _ _. n.� � k�ings the,� +,t# val ency ,gct he has ' the� {�urp� �ett�ad: a� � ;� �k �`h�� a ffl►�au1 a ��:�`F'�ur� x nurnher a �'� ',` :���t�x: _ � '��`�t�h each of � �. `the total c � at 7•4�J p.�c) in t4�, rent a��iv �ant ho�rs �+m a li tt ; ber►e�"Ft r �w of �rti 1YIYIG�} u .. _ >. , ,: ; ,' � � :� � ;� 3 �� 1981 pAfiE 2 ' ; �i^ly� pre+sen�' �to t#►�rG��y ' C�unci 1 ;t�exj .�s patr�t gf an e�+eluatttm too7 �^ �5k� !�i^. �:�Ic �o a� tfl tt�9s �ting �s� at°�ern�tive me,'��s, and program � `ihee�=to do. �: ��_hav� been I�c�i�q w�th �idr�#� f�d seen ,at�=aF�1t�e zn a`' �i�; !� }rad �s8ke+i 1dP..Ki.rk to G-,up with, ,-Fr�ept tha�,. tfi�y ta� up. .. : Mr. Kit�c s�ated `�y tvuntF it : �ti�n re�gartN#ng�t1►�a do}7ar vatue! f:' =�y,: I�� is pra�aDty � �First aite�npt ,� �� : r#�alue �an a r�r��w�i�; serv5ce in the "�f x T#p x h��tF z� -E�I", rth9ch }tarticipar�s �c mit►i�� a� :, � �' : �iffer� ac��viities. they ieke the �ti:.:'and cane u�i wi�ii- n eost benefit ' ' � �� �t ve�� ckosB�y4�"`th!e last y� �en#.t 3n �977„ t#uey stat�ttl with � had'�'�1 di8�`e►�t3r.acx#vitie�. in " � �; ar�i f�t 1'��; =� �ad 12�C dffifierer�t �' �8� yp�a�^ h�tve � , t�ally been � be#��� ��78 �nd =��M° furt_'� nerea�s�d � �f �refltS '�tCrea��t!`�3�ii�a�ly�from" �r�ea�#ng, Ti�Y $� � revenue for r�gr�m as re�eCja�k:#�� the��budget � _ ": '#�a'L 3�t th�• athd S�rl�ing went ?;�? `�p�"��rttc� �h�h. w.�tCh yeat- the � r�; r�^ g�, �s f� a� �e cost bene#it r�13:d.�t �rea� #hatx�t�e� �e��td year, . . � �' r� b�r�it,ratio far 1� 9s r+a+v .TfiG. � r��s �at ��tfr-.e;�pens�s have ra�►t�-�#^th�;�u�aber=4! �ctivities "' �;: . ':� , ,. ___ was ofi�e� ,#u►d t�e E�I t i l � �t t x'�' �' � .� ,�..,� _ :hat while th in planning tr��rinq to estatriish a dallar:i+a ration for and tha# is pri�i^t�� ►. It op�ns up s�ne afi��rnat�i� �eir first attempt at e�t+ ,t�pir tion is r+ortF►. t:stat�d-t�is is the fi.rs� � �:se�and part of their.�5e�t� tkifrd part is the es#��r��st��t,� �� �R� t� ���h�sorhopd �ip�t kr{.#h �.wt equip� : �i�Pt l��ds�r�g. ks . 5�" Pt^a�t�� . r { ;.��� � ,� t � ��" � �� ry, `�, ` }> �;; x � , ;, �,3: _ � � �;. �- .,� �-�r s�� '�"* x ? ,i t t 4r �� ; �:, a .� � :: ; RAGE 3 n planning, i"t caA't be rogram, , this EEi as a means and e'-on thase:activities they heir classes. It daes give and gfves:th�vn some ideas, #.o:;p�t e da'tlar artrount on Lheir presentation to Gity ur� 3s the. capitai outiay 1s set forth by the Parks & e:eacplaining t.€� the City gotng an at th� Pt�tut� , and vahat they hape the�r be to continue �n the develr�p- fountains,;rep'}acittg o7d , and �be ass�fi��ic vnit�e to the pa�?k system He sta ta see af�►g is'under way. He st�ted t6e ?nsoet a►as cancelled because they arag� Certtei� is going to run a day : i>�' th�ir� pdrk�s �& recreatiun fie�fers � :�h;�, gain 6etter knowiedge and exper- t�1?e.St�r3" begins un June �8, a'�6rxg �. r �.,«�,�-,�__:,� �;�. ...,��,.��-,.�. �1e-"st�ted they are usua�ly:v��y �ily a����t�s �ul are we1.1 .a�t�. � ��u s���.svftbatt is running t�ue #o farm with sar� p�isb�ems. �`�L�t�, �C}i �S �As d11d '�}tE.fBtt[l��il` �lSS i1@E11 �18C@� {�1 �l�t1Y'e 18$8. �±g siat�d that mast handi�ap ed childr�n attend sumner sclirot until fdle af Jul�. That Cou1d ear�sirs` �t�y ther_e was An7y ane re�istrant ! hand#,u�Al'� P1 �Y��nd Rr'a9Ya�a. '�e i��ki capped chi i dren #hen pvi� a.tfine Lag�fi� t�e ��,� �l��y unt�7 -schoo1 starts�5n� � �i,��nd i� is �t+met�rntes very i€�#..;�_�►arettis of handicap}�ed efif��7dr�en- k�tle recreatirm ciur��rg that �r� .cff �e sumnmer. Fle stated �Ir�a�+ ma�:�t '��a,.� this in c�� �� qext st�er* and o#fer a tpp�r! p1d�"�ttnd P�`��`�t larter #� :, .3 , �it�w s#ated tt� #��t wagon v�il� �-�n �eratf� soon: - , � . : ,. ..._ % �;� �� r ' _ _ 4 � "'"" ,,�,,,1�#s,�,F�i R���E�fIS f3r. �oud� mirtg whit ° ttise new t _ �., - Dr. BGUCli � .�� r��aiic c. fr#�� ub _>, _ Dr. '� The pe to f�a� use a� di d re the Sc �� he dfid ,. kttti�v- w � was f� �: �. . { s�� �i :ERSf� 't'�e chairp � , . � , �. +�at nuai� �; a, iti�sr r Er#'�. Si �vfi�, , fi�u�ti s � " G�p#� �$F�! i curr� na�iai� left Dr., 8� [�+-. • S' t0 �A1 . . �„ .�.,..... 13r. 8� a�� s� n :,; �, turallst to repw*t , �;�s n�r sr, r�t► ���s : have t�ee� Ea� #�t z n addi � h� �t,'s��#ous �fi� � ��ci tfty-md h�:w '� fE+��:: Wf:M@ Y'@�1. #��� of�'i�e�;fac'�ii�j t�'t,�i �36.43' x y,�t #�al attttfife� $�� �na4ni� d: ;� �. , ,_#tas taike� �-�+� ��786. Ii r: Sp��i aX �K��; w. �att-.b�E �: ��e�:� � "��-�� iS � � � � � � *`� �:; � � � � �: �k , i1, � .���� ;��� �.� . >$ � �rp �s affewih9 lii�t.ssk pragram- ;�i� td ��lete tlif�`tmsi� � �,' ,; r� t4 ge� a�und� at�d $eia sane of �et,� :�s, strc�ecl- d�"E� ta a1i the � � i�ts- Gity �ourl�it t� �Ak�y 2�. �ri�ly`�ri�ll��i F 'lk wswld like -- �ri�'Sc#too]. wh�e ��y can contr�ol �' 't4s�F i{e siete�=t�ie ��ty C�runcil ` ': € �pi�ifl3r ��fd��� ��ic,.ts� a�tprpa�h jr 1� �c#�1 Di s�c'�. #ie s�a�ted r�St�o?� �oa�i yB'�t`���tr� di�# rtot °�tr� Scha�7 &taf�d; Fle"'�ta#ed �his �:r - £; -�.:, ,� �1 s ^�'im�: :.,� -; ;t �d by tit,� �►#ss#.dtt to c�e up ' rgbt"�k`�fd�i`e'�eY�er wfth dGt�ar � eG Mr. St, il��t�;�►�.listed t++ase j :it'ted,, N�ng�st^�b�-�iature Center, `. . > N' .1ae��d►ia�'i�Sm �#�fS also� had a i � t�?'�itr�� See�ww��; sttaw�ng the ;�� ,, ' ;r�e�tes and �x�ee�?tures for the �e �s a gra1� -i�ttlrt �rf �33,�1;3.81 s ;`� , >s ,: °: r � e��nses; � t�a�t aske� �s';°�;�+hat �iis ►�ei�Is_are right n�avr �d. �ire;�lf thGSe tt�' �irCa#n e �� ,Dtrt�i�rw t�` i�rogra��rn3 st�d l�tr,., St, G��^�r �s "Eolsking at �; t'`k�.�'��ent t�s4"'�t�m,s°can be _�,. � �- " ce �1� Ma�a9eh" �, 'F�e �teM ;i►�� �il a�,� , � �;. !s� 3s , , � t�! isr- 'i�e �ier r"���?�ec�ai �s�s�� t�rhi�h will � �.;: :� �� � � r �;. }� � � � � .3".fc F a..- _ . . .. �- ' z t i° � wrtr��n -�. �i -. . nFPN c . � � ex�e9s, �pnies to r;�t the pr��i�g aides and some of the hi�� are r�ded, t�wt1��+,� ,4 st - 19$2. riaf�list�R,�Yiston B�d��a �t�s�! t�e ftems t#ey �a�s,�+at�.�neluded irt� the fTrst 9ist ! b�er► <in��.t��ri c�rtder Caqitai dui��:ti��t� a total artwunt of $27,535. #t�i�#res.�2ated-�i�e was ck�cerned;,a�a� �y Mr. St. Glair had: chQSen z.�.:.:e._ r_4_�.ic_ __:lSti1:a _��_-:.�v.iu_�,.i�__. .. ... . � .:_ �" Rcat►s� �f '�ae;naise ] f�pOP. to a1 .�rpeting.; S�e would : �ith an i'ndr�strial carpet :a:5ecause af the hard tion:on-_to Mr. St.<`:Cla3r..�� ��ks & Recreation �ummission �e �a�miss3an may �ave. ,8Y"N8. JI�S� BSCONDE2� 8Y 1�5. �?It� Y'U;S&ND'A C13PY OF' S.TD INMA3N't�: �;D STI�F� 9r 2g6�. "ON R8�8NULS ANS►;S.�SHD1'PURES.FOR THE dA�'i1R8' C;SN�: . $T+RiNGB�K �dTfTRB 4�X;{'�R` F"l,Y31P3�Ifi.ZQk�. AS?I[� .Y(32'�.i A�:L i+037A1G a7t8� {'�AiRPB�'SpH i{C�7DRICK 3�CLARS1i THS CAitt�IBY+ E�'34Af1Y�5[13X.1'. $I" lLS. �N�r 8$F,.ONDED BY Ddt. Yl�PG'f.+�`O APP1t�VE T718' CAPITAL 3#$QU8�2'� �:� I� TiLE AiA'1'iJRAT.I3�' DZ'f�'i�3Ct�. ' XOICB YA�'y Ai,L �'lTN� AYS, QtA1RP8 d:GN9RiCK DBG.LAit�I� 2H,S GRRT1tD t�P,�1RS�€TsLY. t.,Ui1L1b1� �st - 19$2. F�'Ic�,�, �l9vi$���► ��`e�s1 s't�.y "t��t at the la�t-meeti�g, he':#�ad asked the CCmnission s'ko �� h9m if ttcey had a� cag.�tai �utiay iLems ta add. ` t�d. h� had �t t�ceived any it.s�5. so �l gane at�esd with tbe capital �equesL, ��i�tg up wftFr two figuYes-. FFe stated they liste6 the � G�aity ��rk s�arate7y aL �],�1.: 7he tota7 capita]' �utlay e P�►r�c D��atrt�nt �s $827,?FiS, g�it�g'�M►�rrr�a total� af �38��753 ' t=the � �'�r='P,�rk. €�es a3k�d, ti;rf#y he put the Pl���str�an Buildings in °the l autl�y.wF►en they shauld tze ott the b�d referendum7 udreau s�i�ed he �►as not surs �her� v�ruld be a bor�s! referer�c�m+, h�� n3 &S�tti"E€�Ct -�h8�� if thsY� t�tS �: b0�d Cefee"eti.di,�t� i# :WDpld bE SiiJ� , ��' �,���� >� � � i�. iiu�he� �t ��,�a , , ��A� ,+��� � rtt�ttl �s�i' vi�ced.t� a ` di ti i�t � :� ��. � Dr. $t3udr+ � , ei�her bei � his: �fiughe: �. : -• ° R�'.�a"4c�nt "-1 �� Park when � �+ut bu�i � #'�'FdS. a� �=� �yt�t#�h> , � - * "i�8g !+ CA� ` iTFQ�► A iA� s � ;�2'ST�� GJA g, � � � � < �ls: H�tgh� � � ; � z ta! t#i- `�he � �� ` ��4 p� � Y�- � ��� �: � TIs�' Cc�nm4; #� first ; � ` e� a� }, .� .: ' ' �;:. . � :... - �lft .tt8'GfY�t t Qa r ,�, 'tlf� Cit as a �vh � a t of th� ot sure i sm �xp� rather ± � � ' .� � . DSY� �lRil���k:��li�GS 2'DTAi d�:,s �r �TIl�'G dY6� ,.. ;�$� : � �a� f�=�hey �ut s��� s i f �fier 1ae;c� �� !in tf�e 60 m�urre� ur• ;�� � ;�w����� � '� � F } � 3_ k L�. �._ � �S ��� � ' �� , �. w�e �it +,m a :�ti a�ferendum, - �er.�idE»h: Fs��e s be�a�se tCuey ? ; '�y f�ti;tt►e;ac�. �nr�c� for,�ic�€yo�a. �-wa� e�t'can- irt �h��e b�il * and s�re eiin�s. bkd '� b�.� i�� t high. s i� f�s�br`.�f 1��:��ciiities iii�in ,�� c�.f.ties. � ±det#�� 'l�es� P��grt�und/ tk►�.ma�esy �rrai*d�`;,i� Gortnwni'tY e�t i��th� a��e �C�n9��to taik ;t�n°2�eJt^�St►'Dqp�' fitit�i ii ty, �c a� �tt�e t!� �l#c address fH7'G,e. fi�i 1�1�3,�' i�`� �1514 �3tl:$r4t�D'. �I�'�±ilifL`D T�E' ' ; ; � .'# ort�i� i�k i'{+� = as Fri�ri ty NI a (�d :�'F�en� �ss i �ms : � f ' e �t�: t,t� tti� 'C�ttfi'�y #'tark y P�k- is #� rs� �:C►t�i�rity, e" st�ri th8�"- C�uni ty Park a, : ss++.4/n' iaa�.T, ti:.xAV*✓�r.{��s.{ r� :s�q� �`, a + � #�OTSDAG ]�b`� �itTRP� �1KQ�tTrY. ,�;i:- J9���te���i¢n d ��i�g was regit��e�d' ���s vtitl ��a �f # 4�'woutci cnn ° e� W71'ING :�YE' �3'. �: �� . 1.�� �,Z',�AL ��ODTLAY � 3�V L�P' �. N9510 AND'. � A,�' FT+I�#'�'�1!�`-NZ. L` .� �',�I'C�C ��Cj�tSD Tllfi , ,,� � ,� � `� � : � t�� Etect��'�'1�►`r Di vi s i on _ ;' � ae �ty' Goa�+�il artd -esking ,j €v�#�^Fan��#e�� ahd nat . � �+� i 1fP.AROi�b ��'lAL C}ITl`t,AY. ,- y '' S: ]f1�'1' G1f' �.��f#6�. ' �' : � : ,. �Z�'1C � IF. RltE �' ��, � t � � ; _= ,'. , � �.r . �' � � V� �� � ,�::, !�.&.RE �'i0�1 ISSIOM MEETING Jt�E 1.�? -�. � PAGE 7 `. #. T�'�le � . . �r. �° i� � ' ` ��� f� � .�89 .�_, : �T3' :. t. - � £� .., � [}C, . $t r:�Q�" � f�r5i °�# f 13r. 8� a ver� �tmg: state� be �eas referring tks a t���phcine cal t he had recei ved � pareat a week ago q�stio�si.ng t�ee fYSA's firis Sa�tball program. Fanri7y.had enro�led both of t#re�r da�ters in fir9s Softba7x and f&c�d out that ihere v�ere bays en;�#�e.of t�e teams. yet a11 the ;., aat#� �ndicates it is girls` sot�a�i, wng:sta�ed fie had cailed:Jfm Kting'�e, President of the FYSR, who �e �s aware of #he ,probt�. �y -do not encvurage bays to piay, s�ause o# the ft�ral law wh�cFt r�uires squsi opportunity for boys ir]s, %hey;�ust a31� boys to p��y;:Mr. Young stated it was his � �.�a�d#x#g th8t �vett if yDU ailt�t et�udl ctppnrtunity, it does not have the: s� sport. For exaaq,rle.�Litt#:�E League Base6a71 is provided sys and an e4ual op�nrtunity is offered for girls through 6ir1s �U.: Th�#-.is tha way the seht�4rls.o}terate. ning.�ta#.e�l there:have been other p�rr.�nts,':including coaches, wha �e.er+;�p�et�about this. The boys aCe abt+iously �tronger than the o#.�e 5�me aye,,and the teaA� �tith the boys have the advantage :he :t�s t�ith a}1 girls. ��eau stated neither he or Mr. Kir�.��e aware of this problem.` �k�d that 3-4 years agot.they.had et±��gad the FYSA to call the ° �. "yc�uth"';sports,:rather than diff�retirtiafx between "girts° Qr "boys". ;. This was th� fixst they rtere �r�.�f this. He stated tbey watrld �' ', fnto t#�e pr€�6lem. ; � T�affic a#� New Park Site .- : �t�[g-st�ted that in a discassicn at a Little League game,-a persson � � ,�ressed coneern ab�t the fp�t Ga�sed: by- the trucks ltaui ing di rt I� ?�bput the faet that the, truck dt��€wsrs hawe no concerri �'or the r�qf.pr�vaGc cars. These drivers;f�� a�tualiy run peopleioff the �tlr�e,au staLed that Park Lqn�truc�'��,had Proroised io water to keep r�t :tloMm anrl. to sweep the `fn�ers��t#�. He had observed the sweeper i�>the itt#erse�rtian quite o�t.�n. � S#ated he has receiw�d only �sr�e�� cai'4� �t i�g drivi�q #r��:.��` iite-�'truCk dr9Kers, and thet rt l�as le� �he rwli�e tn sta�t �#��� the drivers. ' �dr^sau st$ted the netghbs�rs tsave bstn proreised that the tracics '{ �acl4�ag and.3eeding +vi11 be cc�lp�veted the latter part of Septe�er/ ,,; part of Qctt>ber. He stated ttr�y are atte�pti�g to hntd ti�us to � �^. fiQra, Pub3�c Works Directur,,has #nfot^�ned the neighbo�s. ; �ud�eau s#.a#�d �hat for tt�is big-a �; Fark Gonstruction is doing ha ` �°�+�od job..et maint:�fning ihe cturk �e�et �►d street cleanness level. ,� � . �, n � #*�-�4 r.��t'�ION CU4� ���� �.�VJ���:.�.. s ���} A�_ry��y� .��. �� .���lfl��'V£)�1� ��'. �il�t"E$�f ;� the �citi�g � E_. "� pnnd, ane� _ ��ve�#ved fra� area af tMat i �T A 4'.�11", $OLtt11'4.'&U.'S �{�j�1ByP�Q� �1*6PDjU�� 1� o . r.11G..�YYlItY.-'� �1� � `� r �4I`�l �Y l�'�': � `� 3'LsLIP3'7�3�Z �,=: �, � s ° u�rr � vtrrc�:�+ TfFB' i�?lTCR1*' 4�34 �'. i�f �@ C� � ��"� - �` �3r. ,�auc�tt� s ���h was t�' j ' e. ; �3�1F� SySt�:. t��°�tv h�'� R �.. ., iD...c74 S47iS5 �lR►t�L =7 � ..>be �tranged� �kt�a : #tt�= a tas� �tlt�� Gqun�il of �e �i 8aard trf �Che GOra# ��y �ritJ' 8oarti# of "t i#ie;`�aunty �h t�ii �� tra�'f sysT�hi �n t � _� $ ' ',..r,..,.,,...�" � �6 � �'� �Ff e' J�E�`Ad4;53 �"" Cd[�TY Ai I.�SR'yTbyy'R'• D1l4�8`}Z A �' �OLY Z�R ��3T� RES�ASN3'� fli?fl�rt A t+C?i� �C3�� 5 '+�i�€xi 'i� � ; -7., . � _.{ f,he tast � the Ni11 �►aue. HE tim�i�f' and .i'NG Ab'E. C tt3iY. rait SvsUe � iry boa�d ari�:� K±bf1�D 3�` MA; : �; � .; , � � ; '�81 'F�I�E H` i e, e� —; �t�es�ed to bring y. i�Ie slze af G3�c►st the total ,: ;i ... -- —, __ _--�,r.,._.. � � 'j� }���', : ;': ERSQY .�AtiL�L'X'� �J�� � � � • - _ .. . _ ion �Y ld �� � .:� t a i.�wa -�v� a� uwsas vnc ,�cw . �i` ap�rcistma#aely� �ti�e=�e$r. �f�r 1nn wu.sris .n#dMk[aats/ftir.�:�r � . in�ed py £h� Caurt�y � be d�� i.nted by the �p�e �il� sit down with R1ce �Gf��k West propased +�41�5 r G'�' ( F:lvL�"3t �E-i � rS• 'R%�S1C ly � t �� JiL+iY1DR BS,+ � , �'l? 3�Is' R�ORD @7-31ACG2'l9I+BY� �A �:�BS � � � �Ir CUI�G`ffi!�!1$D A� CITY iL'DUNCIL '�D TICE � 5 �. � ' :� ,� ' � ;�M� �P� m� �Fia �� r� � ££ � Et� i�E7IN6, JtlNE 1?.;���'ir PAGE 9 ' . �'�" _ �k .i�tut� Cen#e+° Foand�tian �s staisd she would like to tEl1 th� Cc�rnissio�ti that th� �iuk Ndtare Cen�er FoundBtian �a�;ra�sed'snme man2y, and'that T1 go to the deYelopmeert af Spri�tgbr�ok @�ature Gen�er sane- ti.e f..+.� s 8D 8Y J�Si. YOU�!$, '� �flDRH TH& MSSZ`SNG. URC80 A C8PIIRPERS[Ml KtiN.$�T�:�L71R83> THE Ji1A�& 27, 1982, N NP81'ING AD3i`Mii2N8a,�_3�sd5 P.X. �#iFity'fi�, ���ti� � � � � a .€ d% Se�r�tary �, - „�;-` , '� __w �, _� � . . . _� _ w .