PL 08/19/1981 - 6762PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: City of Fridley AGENDA WEDNESDAY, AUGUS7 19, 1981 5p7it off the Northerly 208 ft. ot that part or �oL i, nua. Subdivision #10 Rev., Described as follows: Beginning at a point on North line dis. 6A2 ft. East of NW corner of Lot 16 said Rev. Aud. Sub. #10 th,ence East along North line 97 ft. thence South parallel with West line 308 ft. thence West parallel with North line 97 ft. thence North parallel with West line 308 ft. to point of beginning subject to easement over North 30 ft., the same being 1360 - 69th Avenue N.E. � LOT SPLIT REQUEST L.S. #81-07 BY L. ROBERT ERICKSON: Split Lot 6, Auditor's Sub. #89 to make two building s�tes each 66.5 ft. by 133.97 ft., the same being 1239 and 1241 Norton Avenue N.E. 3. 7:30 P.M. � �f� � � 4. RECEIVE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEN7 At1THORITY MINUTES: JULY 9, 1981 5. RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: JULY 21, 1981 6. RECEIYE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: JULY 283 1981 7. RECEIVE ENERGY COPRIISSION MINUTES: JULY 28, 1981 �n� `�8.� RECEIYE HUMAN RESDURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 6, 1981_ �� 9. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: i CITY Of FRIDLEY PLANNING COhbII55I0N MEETING, JdLY 29� 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Harris called the July 29, 1981. Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Harris� Ms. van Dan, Mr. Svanda, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Oquist, � Mr. Kondrick� Mr. Saba Members Absent: None Others Dresent: Jerrold Boardman� City Vlanner APPROVAL OF JULY 8, 1981, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: 1MOTION 8Y MR. OQUIST� SBCOD1DfiD BY MS. GRBEL� TO APPROVE THE JIILY B� 2981� PLANNING CONNISSION NINUTfiS AS WR7TTEN. UPON A t�O2C6 VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAIRMAN BARRrS �CLARED THE lIOR'SON CARRIED UHANINOUSLY. • 1. TRUCK PARKING IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS: Mr. Boardman stated this issue was brought up at City Councit and was sent down to Planning Comnission fran the City Council. He stated there is the question of whether the current ordinance on truck parking is a satisfactory ordinance. He stated the Planning Comrrission had a copy of a memo from Jim Hi11 regarding a survey of truck ordinances in other suburbs. Mr. Boardman stated that fridley's ord., Sec.506.04,states: "It is unlawfut for any person, firm or corporation owning, driving, or in charge of any bus. motor truck. truck. tractor. or commercial vehicle to cause it to be parked or stand longer than 24 hrs. in any residential district." Mr. Boardman stated they have trouble enforcing this ordinance because if the vehicte is moved even five feet. it� in effect. extends the time limit for another 24 hrs. Mr. Boardman stated that ordinance, Sec. 506.122. states: "No person shalt park or leave standing a commercial vehicle, whether attended or unattended, having a gross weight of more than 13.000 pounds upon the pubtic streets in any residential district for a period of time longer than four hours. untess in the process of loading or unioadin9 and then only for such period of time necessary to load or unload." z PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING JULY 29 1981 PAGE 2 Mr. Harris stated he did not think they should a11ow truck parkfng of any truck over 13,000 pounds on residentiat streets. The re54dential streets are not built for truck parking. Mr. Kondrick stated that truck parking on residential streets is also dangerous. Children have a way of darting out from behind those trucks and are in the middle of the street before the motorist sees them. XOTZON 8Y JUR. SRBA� SECONDBD 8Y lQ2. 1COADRICK� R'� RECOMI�ND TO CITY COUNCIL THE D�'LS'170JJ OF 58CTZON 506.04 AND 11� RECONi�^i'1D T9E FOLLON'ING ORDINANCE CIIANGE TD SSGTION 506.1�?: 506.I?2 RSSIDENTIAL PARKING: (a) NO PSRSON SHALL PARlC OR LSAVE STANDING A QONl�RCIAL VEXSCLE, W9fiTHfiR ATTfiNDED OR UNATT6NDfiD� BAVING A GR�S A'ESGHT OF 1VORE THAN 13�000 POUNAS• UPON TXE PUBLIC STR&fiTS SN ANY RTsSSDfiNTIRL DISTRICT OR ON PRZVATE PROPSRTY IN ANY RESSDENTIAL DISTRSCT LQTLESS IN T8fi PROC&SS OF LOADING OR UNLOADING 11I'1D T1iEN ONLy FOR SUCH A PfiRIDD OF TIME XfiC65SARY TD L01�D OR UNL01�D• (b) RECREATIONAL V6NICLES CANNOT B& PARXSD QN PUBLIC STREETS AT ANY TIME. UPOP A VOICS VOTE� ALL YDR7t�1G AYE� CBAIRMAN EARRIS AECLARTsD T6E NOTION CARRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. 2. RECEIVE JULY 14. 1981, APPEALS CONMISSION MINUTES: NOTSON BY 1WS. GABEL, SSCO�NDED BY l�IIi. OQUIST� TO REQBIVE Tt18' JULY 14� 29@2� APPfiRLS CONMISSION 1:INUTES. Mr. Boardman stated the two items listed in the agenda, especially the request by Naegele for Variances to allow the construction of a billboard by Holiday Vi11a9e, were brought to the Planning Commission's attention so they were aware that these two items had been before the Appeals Comnission. UPON A VOICE VOTfi� ALL VOTING AYE� CflAIR!lA1�1 1I14RRIS DECLARED Tttfi HOTION CRRRSED UNANZNOUSLY. 3. RECEIYE JULY 16 1981 HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTIDN BY KS. YAN AANr SBCONDED BY 1�IIt. SABA� TD RECBIVE THE JULY I6, 1981� EUHAN RESWRCES COMMISSION XINUTES. Mr. Harris stated that on page 5. Ms. van Dan has stated that the Alexandra House was requesting an extension of the �2.500 grant received from the City of Fridley to be used for the development of a slide show in 1982. He stated he specifically remembered that when the request for these funding proposals came before the Planning Comnission� the Planning Comni.ssion.specifi.cally requested that the As�he�rbemembered�rtheaPlanningdCortmissiontdidsn tufeelathat the development ofdia. n slide show was a proper use of public funds. PLANNING COhMIS5I0N MEETING, JULY 29. 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Boardman stated he believed the City Council approved the =2.500 to the Alexandra House with no strings attached. -- Mr. Harris stated that Staff should check with City Council regarding this grant. If there were any strings aitached� then Alexandra House should be asked to return_that grant. DPON A VOICE YDTE, AZL V02'ZNG AYE� QtAIRM1IN HARRZS DECLARED TFIE NOTION CARRIED pNANINOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE JULY 15, 7981. PARKS 8 RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: XOTION 8Y liQt. XONDRZCK� SBCONDED BY 110i. SABA� 1'O RSCEIVE TXE JULY 15� I98I� PARKS & RBCREATSON IUINUTSS. Mr. Kondrick stated the Planning Comnission should note the change in meeting dates. UP� A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOZ710G 10YE� C9ASRNA%� gARRIS DSCLARBD THE NOTION CARRIED UNANII�USLY. 5. OTHER BUSINESS: a, Moka County's Operation on Residential Streets on the East River Road Project: Mr. Harris stated the County's management of that operation is an abomination. He has talked to the project engineer and it has not done any good. He stated the County is leaving dangerous situations overnight with construction trucks parked overnight on narrow residen- tial streets� leaving excavations unbarricaded, and excavations' spoil on people's lawns. Mr. Harris stated his only alternative is to go before the County Board. He stated he had brought this to the Planning Comnission's attention so they were aware of his intentions. He stated he would appear before the County Board as a private citizen and not as a member of the City of Fridley P1ann3ng Comnission. b. Cancellation of Next P7anning Cortmission Meeting: Mr. Boardman stated he had no agenda items for the August 5 Planning Comnission meeting and woutd recommend it be cancelled. NOTSON HY NR. OpUIST � SECONlGs'D BY 1�2. SABA, TO CANCSL TJiE AUG. 5 PLANNZNG COMMISSIQ111 11�STING. UPON A VOICS VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRNAN NRRRIS DfiCLARfiD T9E lJOTION CARRISD UNANINOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JULY 29 1981 PAGE 4 ADJOURNMENT: I(OTIOH 8Y l�t. OpUZST� SSCON�D yOTB, ALL VOTING AYfi, CF1AI1iM111J CpNNISSSON lgSTING AA70U1tN8D A Res ectfully submitted� w yne aa Recording Secretary BY IIGi. SABA� TO 11ARRi5 D&CLARSD T 8:47 P.M. ALVOURN TRE NEETING. UPOU�' A VDICE T8E JULY 29, 1981, PLANNING ;- ; cirv uF r=r�io�r:.v, SUisJE:Gt ��'' t;n3� unavr_ns�rv nve. n�e. F7fCILlY, MN. S•:43L' IG'1:=::a7'I-3�1:i17 � c ADl!��ESS: 1360 - 69th Avenue N.E___ PLA�1N2P1G COY�"1IS5IOW CITY COUtiCIL: PARK FEE REQUIREU: STIPuIAT:�YS: LOT SPLII' P,PPkU'JED _. DISA?PROUED�_ DRTE, S �s #_ $1-04 _ DATE: July 27, 1981 �[�] APPRUVEQ DiSAnPRUVcD_ DATE H�1_ ANbUN7 PAID �L"+ME���F � °�- �a-?K-� ��`�Q�EE �Od `� RECEIPT NO � 7`7 PROPERTY OL•1NER(S}�r,����- �_ Q��,F� � TELEPNONE NO 1-C -L� �������� Q��r, TELEPHONE �JO���� ADD�ESS(ES)_���.�S.a•�-- `�,�v��_ r-. �� . �_.. __ .� PROPERTY I.00ATION ON LEGAL DESCRIPiIOP� OF PRCPERiY 1'� TOTIIL AREA OE FROP�RTY g`L_�(,�;.� PRESENT ZONI�G '� `� REASON F9R LOT SRLI7 -�cl S��t` - ihe uriderszg�ed hereby dectares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are trua an+ correct. �,�-�� / 4ATE: � � �1'� SIGNATURE /I.t�7'L"v" ''�+�""~--' , � �O.�ew��a.-������--� NOTIi:E: A sketch of the property and the proposed lot split with any existing struc- �� — tures shown should accompany this application. (See reverse side for additional instructions) n N � ..�. ..�I.�a�.... . _ � _ . � Y � � � �... ..,.� ' _ __.i _� . , '�u"_in�l :, � : �N+ � .. ���..�... � uaR. ae �.w o0 WEY¢15 :. ..�.a �..� ..�. � nr_'� � _ ; � � � t . _ ��..e„n \ V�� ...�..... � a co�uwu 1 c �ciarts STREET MAP-CITY OF FRIDLEY o �s„ 6,666 �o. 1 -�3 �� - � , , �a,�„ � /l � :�' �Il�._- r•- �'�T"'-�-�w-T-�-j r--r-#�-�!�itir._ - pMiV _ �10 ii�e 4i0 1�0 � � q7lp �0 • "� � s e � � i t - - �� a�� � � , , _� � ' ' �, € , 16 � 18 9 2� .�� �° `� �; '� :: .��. , � _ � � �� � �� ��` � " � � I p � '��.� . � r // � I � `. o OV�� "ti ? �• �g51 I �� ,� � � i . E � � ` tJ � , ss n s wr ; ----� 1 � $+�. !�� I ~ � b � � d �' � '�'� � � . �. sas� � • � � . „ ��o , l�6vJ (�w O�� (Nioi n sr x �'f ��y � fAr�i e✓M.'r.,wJ.wf ; �/�i �w�� ' rvitor • / � ;� '� �v.r i.�y../j) �y�, �i/,j 2 � � 3 ..�e,��'r. — -- ,-+eca-- Y, •, � -} --�a-- ---- ----�' , :� � � � i D'`� D . c�`r ��✓,�y,. / w..�ri ay� ) �� 2- � O�rcc% 6700 � ;� w soi '- (T � � �/�70p , O R � �� cc';" . 3:.N Nr- :�r 1 3 �9=�, r° , r�s� ,f H,ir.�. � sS�ice reek �� /' � . • � w - 663 "" ,v ... ,r, 'n �- J � � ' tiB t76 �"' �i°' "' � ` ,. ,t � -,;f+s ��. . ..� ,40 ' , -- __ - � � j/oaol k�l` � KSSau,. � � ~ � J 6 f � Z , � 3 �, �i 17� � ' : � �'. «3, D T O ���� ,a. . N z � ;��"�� : ��, ibo �s,: u:, ,u• ,is1 ,x� �s,a �3a> ,s�, � _ � �I � i�, � I - �t 66T AVE. _N.E. s� _�k• ' .°_ . `}� �. � y r �.. � f � i T�- � � df- �� t .�.4-L ! 4 � � . '� .s F� 'e � <-�t'Y:. �" -�j :'�w `� X 1 �` y-Y. �., y�t. t.r ...s -��:. �, ;_a._ � ._ � � . ._, � � .� y�.����� M .f�.� . 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Od RECEIPT N6 3��% PROPERTY OWNER(S) •• �; � TELEPHOPlE NO �36-��36 TELEPHONE WO ADDRESS(E5 PROPERTY.LOCATION ON STREET LEGAL DESCRIPTION QF PROPERTY � � rv a o � — TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY ��ff��o_ �. � PRESENT 70NING� � REASON fOR LOT SPLIT /�[ a'Gc � ��c�— �'`'��� � The undersigned hereby deciares that all the facts and represe�tations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE: � SIGNATURE '� •�1i�.���" ����`L� NOTICE: A sketch of the property and the proposed lot split with any existing struc- tures shown should accompany this application. (See reverse side for additional instructions) a / \ N ��:.�, �o LOGAT I O ►3 STREET MA.P-CITY OF FRIDLEY , � -��,� . . � ��:� r • '+n -�.r�ol i....M. . 1 . . i . i 'r""�i'1� � ,� !�[tIlv ! f. . � . � �e• K..+�n::...o S � �''v� ! ► iwr.i• ...,t./ . i 1 ��r ��s � � , 1 � s_... � n.�. 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DNinitions . ; The�term Ilvestock u useA �srein me�ns horses, eows, poats, rebbfts, sheep �nd fowl. (Ret. 76) TMt �ny nlmence to "ww" ahell include any animal of the cow kfnd or cattle, includinq elther male or lemale of tM �psciea. 707.02. LlwnNnp Rpuind No ponon shall enpape in the keeD��G, nfainp, leedinp or urinp for Iiwstxk within the aorporate limits of Fntlley wnhou� first havinp omamea a licenx so to do and paitl iMO the treaaury a iicense iee as sDec�hetl Mroin. (Ref. 86) - 8D1.03. M�nun R�mowl T�e person who shall keep sueh Ilvestock whhin the City of Frf0ley sMll not allow oEws �ntl emells whlch aie otfensive to the people In�aDltiny the City. Orpanle matters s�ell not bs allawed to aeeumulate (or more t�an one (1) week at e time and removed oftener If it is necesarry to eliminats otlon �ntl smslls which aro oftensive to the paoDle inhabitlnp ths City. (RSt. 78) s07.00. Mousl�p Proper Aousinp in the tum of Wm, eooDS or hutcAsa �hall bs providsd any area whero ths Ifvestoek Is permitteC to roam, s�all De adpuaNly tsncsE to insuro ths k�spfnp of tM Ilwstodc on th� own�r's promlaes. Wherever �u�h area abuta upon � real0s�tfat �raa on which dwsllinps aro er�ctetl, Msro ahdl W a�trip of land at least 30 feet wide batween such �butlinp proparty snd tM arsr on whieh the Ilwstock Is kept. s01.Ob. Uc�nslnp Pme�dur� A lieense to keep liveatock shall be pnnted only upon spD�iutlon ma0e to snd filed wit� the City. The application tor lieenae shall pe {n wrhinp tlQned by the appliunt ��d IileE with tAe Clerk. It s�all state the applicanYs tull name and adtlress and contain a complete description of tAe livestock to 6e kept u to kintl and number snd a Gescription oi tAa premlees showiny the adjolninp propsrty, fence Itnes and housing taclllties. The Council fn considerfnp whether a Iicanse should be pranied, may consider the natum of the Iivestock, t�e -�posafble effect on adjoininp Dropertfea, the fence 1{nes and housiny Tacilities, t�e sani2ation control and the •lfect on t�e peneral health and weHare ot the community. 8D1.06. F�ss TM annuel Ifcense fee antl�ezpiration tlate s�all be as provitletl in Chapter �/ ol this Cotle. 007.07. Insp�etlon Any eulAOrizetl officer of the City shall at any rea9o�aDle time De permitted uDOn the premises where livestock ia kept (or the pu�Dase of makinp inspectlon as to compliance wil� this cAapter. (Ref. 7B) 807�.OB. PNUltbs Any v�4lfon ot thls chapter ia s misdemeanor anC la subjxt to all penalties Drovitled fo� suc� violations untler thQ pfOViEfOnS Of ChiDlBf �1 D1 thiE Ci00B. � s ��p soi.oe DHlnitfons Lk�ntlnq ppulntl Manuro R�movsl Houaing lie�nsinp ProcWuro Feea tnspaetion Psnallias t31� ORDIWINCE N0.�4 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL OLD LIiAPTER 302 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY LODE, ANIFViL CONTROL AND TO ESTABLISH A NEW CHAPTER 302 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY LODE, ANIMAL CONTROL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of fRIOLEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 302.01 DEFINITIONS The fol7orrSng definitions shall apply in the interpretation and application of this Lhapter and the following words and terms, whereever tbey occur in this Chapter are defined as follows: (Ref. 462) 1. A pet shop is any person, partnership or carporation engaged fn the busSness of breeding, D�ying, selling or boarding animals ef any species. 2. A veterinary hospital is any establishment maintnined and operated by a licensed veterinarian for the diagnosis and treat- nent of diseases and injuries of animats. 3. Mimals are aW living creatures, domestic or wild. 4. M animal shelter is any Dremises designated by the Lity fnr the purpose of impounding and caring for animats held under authority of this oMinance. Such facility maY be City owned or shelter service contracted. 5. Mimal Control Officer Ss any Sndividual(s} desig�ated by the City to enforce Lhe provfsions of the ordinance, fncluding all Lity police officers. b. A dog is any animal of the canin¢ species. �7. A cat is ar�y animal of the fetine species. B. The keeping of three or more dogs or three or more cats on the same premises shalt constitute a kennel. 9. A permSt is the authority to keep a dog or otAer animal of the canine species within the City of fridley. 10. An anfmal tag is Drovided to individuals who are issued a permit to maintain a dog or other animal for which tag is required. 3D2.02 LONTROL It shall be untaaful for any Derson or for the parents or guardians of aRy person under 78 years of age who owns, haroors, or keeps a dog to allav such dog, regardless of age of doq, to run at large in the City of Fridley. 302.03 NUISANCE for tAe Durpose of this Chapter a dog or cat snalt be deemed to constitute a nuisance when: j- t. The dog or cat fs not confined to the owner's or custodian's - property by adequate fencing or leashing, or if the dog or cat is off the premises of the owner or custodian and is not under the ca�trol of the owner or a carpetent Derson Ey a leash not exceeding etght (81�feet in length, when not in a motor vehicle. 2. The dog or cat cammSts daamge to the person or property of anyone other than tAe owner, or creates a nuisance uDon the property of one otAer than the owner, except in the defense of the ovmer, his family or property. 137 �� CHAPTER 302 DEfINITIONS CONTROL NUISANCE _- - — . . . . . . . . _�-. � _ _ ___ --- _ _ �8 138 ORDINANLE N0. 654 Pa9e 2 3. A female dog or cat in heat off the premises of the a+ner, unless ined Sn the process of being transported to or fran the premises of the owner. While on the premises a female dog or Zat 1n heat ts not kept in a building or secure enclosure wh¢re said female dog or ut cannot be in co�tact with other awle animals of its kind, except for planned breeding. 4. The amer does not assume the obligation and responsibility required of the City Lode or does not Drevent such dog or cat fran committing any act vfiich constitutes a nuisance as defined herein. 5. The m+ner or custodian kreps a dog or cat �vhich barks, howls, c�ies or yelps so as to unnecessarily disturb or annoy any person or persons in the vicinity thereof; or which anSmat frequents school grounds or public beaches. 6. TAe owner allars the dog or cat to chase vehicles or interfere wiih walking of pedestrians. Lhe driving of automobiles, bicyctes, motorcycles, motorbikes, or snwmo6iles on public streets, alleys, grounds or higM+ays. 7. The ormer allows a dog or cat ta rolest or annoy any persan if such person is not on the property af tAe amer or custodian. 8. Every unregistered dog and every dog that runs at large or causes dSsturbance or noise in violation of the provisions of this ordinance is Fiereby declared a nu{sance. 9. A person abandons any doy orcat within the bounds of the City of Fridley. 10. ONr�er or custodian fails to have dog or cat vaccinated against rabies at least once every two (2) years, or dog's vaccination has not been within the past trro years. • 302.041 REGISTRATION REGISTRATION A permit and animal tag shal] be required for a dog or other animal of.canine species to be maintained within the City of fridley. No person shall own, keep or harbor any dog over the e9e of six �nonths, within the City of Fridtey unless a permit therefor •has been secured. Permit certificates shall be issued by the City. It shall be the duty of each person ownin9, keeping, or harboring a dog to pay the permit fee established by the Lity on or before the first day of the permit year, or upon establishing residence in the tity to forthwith pay such permit fee. The City mey cause a rrotice of the necessity of paying such permit registration fee to be printed i� the official newspaper in April of each year. Issue of new permits for the lice�se year.shall canmence May 1 of eacM year. A canputsary system of permit and re9istration is established Nhereby the CSty will issue City owne* Dermits and animal tags to owners af dogs over six months of age uDon proof of rabies vaccination uithin the preceeding year. Permits and animal tags must be applied for and obtaSneC and animal tags affixed on do9s or otAer canines requiring ta9s before they atuin the age of six mnths. The applica�t for permit must sign and agree that he is Drepared to comply rith regulations established by the tity. Upon payment of the permit tag fee the CSty shall execute a receipt tn duplicate, the original of which shatl be delivered ta tAe person who pays the fee and the duplicate retained in the City records. The receipt shall describe the dog or animal as to Dreed, age, color and owner and address a ninimum. 302.042 • ln additton to the permit, suitable animal tags, the shape or color of which shali be different for each registration year, shall be issued by the City. The owner shall wuse said tag to be affiaed � 139 ORDINhNCE N0. 654 Page 3 by a Dermanent metal fastener to tAe collar or harness of the �nimal so registered, Sn such a manner so that the tag may be seen. The owner shall see to it that the tag is constantly aorn by the animat. In case any tag is lost, a duDlicate may be issued by the CSty upon presentation of a receipt showing the payment of the registration fee for the current year. A charge as provided by Chapter il of this Code shall be made for each such duDlicate Lag. If at time of initial registration n dog is due to be vaccinated within the next six months period, then a new vaccination shatl be reQuSred before permit is issued. 9D2.043 It sha11 be uniawful ta counterfeit or attempt to counterfeit the animal Wg or take from any dog a tag legalty placed upon it by its owner with the intent to plate it upon another anir,ial, or to plece such tag upon another animal. 302.044 Mimal Eags shall not be transferable and no refunds shall be made on animal permit fee because of leaving the City or death of the animal before exD�ration of the registration period. 3D2.045 No permit shall be required of any humane society, veterinary haspital or laboratory. 302.05 REYDCATION A permit, Sf not revoked, shall be valid during the license yenr. A new permit shall be obtained each license year by every owner and a ne�v fee paid. 302.051 The City maY revoke any permit if ttie person holding this permit refuses to or fails ta comply with this Chapter, the regulations promulgated by the City, or any state or 7oca1 law governing cruelty to animals or the keeping af animats. 302.052 M anSmal permit and tag may be revoked if an amer fails to provide animals with sufficient good and wholesome foad and water, proper Shelter and Drotection from tbe neather, veterinary care when needed to prevent sufferSng, and with humane care and treatment. Alsc+, if an amer shall beat cruelly, ill treat, tonnent, overtoad, overwork, or otherwise abuse any animal, or cause or pennit any do9 fight, or cxk fight. Dull fight or other tombat between animals or between animals and humans. In addition such a+ner shall be tiable to court actian under this Code, State Statutes and tocal laws for any af the actions cited above. 3D2.053 If any person viotating the terms of this ordinance three (3) times ' in one permit year, his permft to own. keep, harbor or have custody - of aoimal(s) for which the offense was cited shall be deemed auto- natically revoked and no new permit mdy be issued for a period of one year from date Dermit 1s revoked. 302.054 ' My person whose permit is revoked shall, within 75 days thereafter remove such animal(s) permanently from the City of Fridley or Aumenely dispose of animal(s) cited in the violation being owned, kept or harbored by such person and no part of the permit fee shall be refunded. ...__ - .'.. - ------.___ _- �-- . ._ __. . .. _.. _ - -. . . .. '.—� - -- y ._. REVOCATION � - --. - _ . --�Mr' f � zo ORDINAHCE N0. 654 Page 4 302.062 LIYESTOCK See Chapter 301 of thfs tode. 302.063 MILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS See tbapter 303 of this Code. 302.064 x ,4� The section of this Chapter requiring a permit shall not apply to non-residents of the CSty who are keeping only domestic pets, provided that anim3ls of such owners shall be kept in the Lity no longer than 30 days and that the enimals are kept under restratnt. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply fnsofar as requirements for rabies vaccinations is concerned. 302.065 FEES The annual permit fee and expiratian date shall be as provided in Chapter 11 of this Code. Neutered or spayed animals shall qualify for a reduced peTmit fee as provided Sn Lhapter 11 of thSs Code. 302.07 It�O�NDING The Aniaul Lontrol Officer or Humane Society shatl take up and impound aryy dogs or animals requiring permits or tags found in the City without the tags; or any dogs or animals which are in vSolation of any of the other provisions of this ordinance. Mimals shall be impounded in an animal shelter and confined in a hwnane manner. Impounded animals shall tie kept for not less than five days, including Sundays and Holidays, unless rectaimed by their owners. If by a permit tag or other means, the owner can be identified, the Animal Controi Officer shall immediately upon impoundment notify the owner by telephone or maSl of the impoundment of the aninal. Not withstanding the provisions af this ordina�ce, ff an animal is found at large, and the owner or custodian can be identified, the Animal Control Officer, nay proceed against the owner for viola- tion of tAe ordinance. The Animal Control Officer may enter upon any public or prtvete premises by warrant or as otherv�ise provSded by law when such officer is in reasonabie pursuit of his/her duties. 302.08 ►WTICE OF IMPOUNOMENT UDon taking and impounding any dog or antawl as prov5ded in this ordinance, the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall imnediately notify the oaner, if known, and the City Police DeparUnenf. The Mimal Control Officer, Poundkeeper and Police Department shall axintain a record of dogs and animals so ieipounded. 302.091 REDENPTION OF IMPOUNDED AHIMALS In the instance of dogs or animals for which the owner does not have a requSred permit or tag, the Animal Control Officer or = Poundkeeper shall not return such animal to the owner until • a Dermit and tag, tf applicaDle, have been Durchased from the Cfty or fran the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper. The Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall remit to the City the sun paid to Ain for the pe�mit or tag and if owner has not proof of rabies vaccinations, the cost of immunizatlon, and furnish the CSty ell necessary information pertaining to said purchase lnciuding a copy of any permit certificate issued in connection therewith. In addition Lhe Mimal Lontrol Officer or Voundkeeper shall be paid by the dog or a�imal owner the impounding fee plus feM and care for each day the dog or aninal is confined in the pound. All monies received by the Aninat Control Officer or Pounkeeper shall be tumed over to the LIVESTOCK WILD ANIMALS IVND BIRDS E%EMPTIONS FEES IMPOUNDING NOTICE OF IMPOUNOMENT REDEMP7ION IMPOUNDED ANIMALS _ - - � -_...� ,_ _ _ . .. ..._._...__.__ _ -- � _._.. --.. _ _ .. l ORDIN4NLE N0. fi54 Page 5 City and placed in the general fund of the City. 302.092 My dog or animal for w�hich the amer has a current uermit tag shall be redeemed from the Dound by the owner after imDounAing by payment of impounding fee p7us feeding and care for each day the dog is confined in the pound. Fees paid shall be in accordance with those established by the City. A11 monies received by tFw Rn5ma1 Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall be Lurned over to the City and shall be Dlaced in the aeneral fund of the City. 302.10 UNCLAIMED ItdPDUNDED At�l>41L5 My dog or animal which is not clair.zd within five days after impounding, inetuding Sundays or Holidays> may be sold for not less than the amuunt of the total charges accrued against the animal in accordance with this ordinance and Councii resolution, to anyone desiring to purchase the dog, if not requested by a licensed educational or scientific institution under Minnesota Statutes Section 35.71. A11 sums received by the Mimal Control Officer or Pcundkeeper shall De Lurned over to the City and shall be placed in the 9enera7 funE of the Ci:y. Any @og or animal rhich is not claimed by ihe owner, or by a licensed educational or stientific insti:ution, cr so7d, sba11 be aainlessly Put to death and the body D�oDerly disposed of by the PounQkee?er. The time of sale or other disposition of dog or anSmal shall be at teast 120 hours after notice has been given to the animal owner Dy the Mimal Lontrol Officer or Poundkeeper. The Drovisions of notification of owner does not apply, when owner canne! be ascerta i ned. 302.11 ANIMAL BITES: QUAW1NTINE Any person knowing of a human being Sit by a dog, cat, racoon, skunk, or other rabies susce�tible species sha11 immediately rwtify the Animil Control Ufficer or Police DeJartnKnt. Nhen- ever aRy dog or anima7 has bitten any Derson the owner or eustodian of such dog or animal, having been so notified by the Mimal Control Officer or the Police Department, shall irn�ediatety cause said dog or aninwl to be quarantined at the City oT Fridley contract kennel facility or at a licensed veterinary hasF�tal or kermel for a period of 14 days after such person has beer. bitten by SaSd dog or animal. Duriny tF�e yuarantine period, said do9 or animal shall be kept under observation to determine its condition and if it fs found to be sick or diseased, the operator of the quarentine facllity shalt ��diatety repor! inMrfting to the Police Department end the Fridley Animal Control Officer, the condition of Lhe animal. The Animal Control Officer shall then take necessary steps to determine if the dog or animal is suffering from rabies. Durin9 the quarantine period, the dog or animal shall not be removed from the designated quarantine facility except by special written Dermissinn from the Minnesota Livestock Sanitary Board and the �ridley Animal Cantrol Officer. The owner of such dog or animat shall be resDOnsiDle for the cost of such qua�antine. The quarantine required by this sect5on shall not be necessary and the requirements shall 5e waived if custodian of such dog or animal. immediately upon receipt of the notice referred to aDove, presents to the Animal Control Officer or Police Departr.ient, the certificate of an vuthorized veterinarian that the do9 or animal was vaccinated for rabies on a date less than Mo years prior to the date of such notice. Such animal so exe�t sha11 be quarantined on the Dremises of the owner under strict controi for a period of 14 days for the purpose of observation for symptoms of disease. The Mima1 Controi Officer is authorized to conduct a mid-term and terminai ezam- ination of the anSmal. 141 UNLIAIMED ]MPOUNDED ANIMALS ANIMAL BITES: DUARENTINE .��71 -r+- ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 6 It shall be untawful for any persan other than an Animal Control Officer to kill or destroy arq dog or animal of the dog kind found running at large i� the City. No Animal Control Officer or other person sAall kill, o� cause to be kilted any animal susDected of bein9 rabid, except aftPr the animal has been Placed in quarantine and the diagnosSs of rabies made. 302.12 VIGIDUS ANIMAL No person shalt keep or a71ow to be kept a�yplace in the City any anSmal of a ferocious or vicious character, habit or disposition or any animal Nild by nature, any dog or anSmat sball be deemed to be vicious uDon the occurrence of tvro (2) bites within 365 calendar days exceDt those occurring in defense of the rn+ner or his property. Upon conviction for the violation of Lhis sectio�, the court may in addition to imPositian af sentence, direct the Animal Lontrol Officer to ofkthehsane�a�s,a�aYQbesdirected by the�itY of�Fridley,dispose 302.13 COMPLAINTS ,42 22. YICIOUS ANIMRLS COMPLAINTS My person comptaining to the Police Department that a dag or other animal is allegedly running at large or otherwise constituting a danger or nuisance shall identify himself upon request and shall eiake every reasonabie attempt to assist the authorities in identify- ing the dog and its owner or custodian. 302.14 191Z2LING MUZZLING Mhe�ever the prevalence of hydrophoCia renders such action necessary to protett the public health and safety, the Mayor shall issue a proclamation ordering every Derson a+ning or keeping a dog to � confine it securely on his premises unless it is muzzled so that it cannot bite. No person shall violate such Droclanation, and any unmuzzled dog running at large during the time fixed in the proclamation shall be kilted by the Animal Lontrol Officer without notice to the owner. KENNELS 302.15 KENNELS Because the keeping of three or erore dogs or three or more cats on the same P���ses is subject to great abuse, causing discomfort to Dersons in the area, by way of smell, noise, hazard and general aesthetic depreciation, the keeping of tAree or more dogs or cats on one premises is here6y declared a nuisance. The keeping of three or more dogs or three of more cnts on the same Dre�nises, whether owned by the same person or not and for whatever purpose, kept, shall constitute a kennel: except that monthshbefarersuchpkeeping shail�be deeemed torbe akennelf three No person shall keep ar maintain a kennel in the City of Fridley except upon obtaining a kennel lfcense consistent Nith the zonin9 requirements of this Code. � bYPtheaCity.foSuch�aPDlication shatl sha+ the�follow ngrovided 1. Location of the premises of the kennei. cats���Ifisaid dogsse d/orrcatsrareeto�be�keDtfDrjmari�Y Mithin the home or buSlding of residence of the applicant or of any other person, the apDlication shall so state. 3. The mazimum number of dogs, cats, or any combination thereof, to be kept on the premises. - — - — - - _. _ \ _ _ _ ---- - -- .. ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 7 4. My dog runs and housing for dogs sha11 be a minimum distance of 200 feet from any building structures suitable for human habitation, public place where food Ss bought, stored or eaten. 5. The premises for any keeping of dogs shall be fenced and a simple plat showing the location of fencing shall be furnished. The fencing eust be of such quality as to contain the Eogs and/or cats. 6. MetAod to be used i� keeDing the D*�ises in a sanitary condition. 7. flethod to be used in keeping the dogs and/or cats quiet. 8. The application sha11 contain an agreement by the applicant that the premises ewy be inspected by the City at all reasonable times. The City sha71 have discretion nhether to issue such license or nut. In making such determination, the City shall take into consideration the adequacy of housing the runs for the dogs and/or cats, the eiethod used for sanitation and Lo maintain quite. facilities for containing the dogs and/or cats, and with particularity any violations during the previous license period. If a license is granted and the apD7icant ichereafter faits to compty with the statements made in tAe application or any other �easonable eonditions imposed, or violates any other provisions of this ordinance, the licensee shall be notified by mail and given ten days to remedy any defects or defaults. If sucA conditions be not remedied in said ten days, a hearing shall be held after at least ten days mailed notice to the licensee, and the ticensee and all other interested parties sha11 be heard. If it shatl appear that said kennel is not Deing properly maintained, the City may remke the kennel license and the keeping of three or more dogs, or cats, or any canbination thereof, immediately snall be discontinued. tt shall be unlawful for ar�y licensee to do or permit any of the following: 7. Allowing ar�y of the dogs to run at targe on any street or public property or arty private property not owned by the licensee or under his control. 2. Allowing tAe premises to be kept in an unsanitary or unhealthy condition. 3. Burning of offal waste. 4. A7lowing the dogs or cats to bite or acrotch anyone properly on or off the premises. 5. Allowing the dogs or cats to bark, yetp or fight so as to dfsturb the neighborhood either night or day. 6. Maintaining ar�y dogs or cats so as to create a nuisance by way of noise, odor or otherwise. 302.151 KENNEL LICENSE FEE The annual ticense fee anA expiration date shatl �e as provfded fn Chapter 11 of this Code. �2.16 APPOINTMENT OF ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER The Lity may appoint such person, persons, or firm as the City eey deem necessary and advisable as Animal Lontrol Officer. Such appointees shall rork under the sucervision of the Fridley Police DeDartment and shall be responsibte for the enforcement of this ordinance. 302.17 ENFQRGEMENT BY ANI�10.L LONTROL OFFICER M9ma1 Contro7 OffScers are authorSzed to enforce the provisions 143 I(ENNEL LICENSE FEE RPPOINTMENT OF ANIMAL CONTROL OFFILER ENFORCEMENT BY ANIFIAL LONTROL OFFICER 23 . a..� p !1 ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 8 of this ordinance and other related ordinances and statutes pertaininq to animal control, including the issuance of citatians. . 302.18 INTERFERENCE WITN ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER It shall be unlawful far any unautharized person to break lnto an nnimal control pound, or attenqt ta do so, or to take or set free any animal taken by such offScer in the ca�liance of tAis ordinance, or in any way interfere with, hTnder, or aalest such officer Sn the discharge of his/her duty under this ordinance. 302.19 GUARD D065,-HANNING Businesses located Nithin the City and maintaining a guard dog for security Durposes shall post notice at the entrance to Lhe premises aarning of the presence of said do9. 3021.191 6UARD OOGS: AUTHORIUTION Businesses maintaSning a guard dog shall fite with the CSty a release authorizing the Oolice or f5re departments to shoot said dog in an emergency situation if necessary in crder to altow the potice or fire fighters to gain admittance to the premises in the performance of their duties. 302.20 PENRLTIES Any violation of this Chapter is a nisdemeano� and is subject m all penatties provided for such violation u�der the provisions of Lhapter 901 of thfs Code. 302.21 SEEING EYE DOGS PERMIttED IN PUBLIC PLALES Mhenever any blind perso� accanpanied 6y a"seeing eye" or guide dog presents himself/herself for accomdation or service on any public conveyance vehicle or to any cafe, restaurant, store, or other piace of business open to the public, it shalt be unlawful for the propriator, manager or operator of such vehicle or place of business to refuse admission to the dog or service to the Dlind person. �2.22 CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Minnesota Statutes 346.20 through 345.34 are hereby adopted 6y reference and shatl be in full farce and effect Sn the GSty of Fridley as if set out here in full. 302.23 R'cPEAL 144 �y INTERFERENLE WITH ANIMAL CONTROL OFFILER GUARD DOGS WARNING GUARD ODGS AUTHORIZATION PENALTIES SEEING EYE DOGS CRUELTY TO RNIMALS REPEAL Old Chapter 302 of the Fridley Lity Lode is hereby repealed. PASSEU AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C[TY OF FRIDLEY THIS 6TH DAY OF JUNE , 7977 ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARVIN C. BRUNSELL first Re�ding: Mav 16. 1977 Second Reading: .i,,,,, � io7� Publish: t ma 75. 1A77 YOR - NILLI •f J. NEE � � �08. WILD ANIMAlS AND BIRDS 803.01. Pru�ibltbn It 8hall be unlawful tor any person to hunt, take, 6�001, trap, kill, injura or atteltipt to fn�ure any wild animals or biMs wit�in t�e City of Fridley by use of firearms, bow antl arrow, trapa, poison or any other muns. �RSf. 390) Z5 903.04 ProhibNlon l09.02. Es�mD��en E:amptfon T�a pro�ibitions of 303.01 shall not provent a property owner or his apents Irom aredicatirtp ro0ents on his ProPeAY • 803.03. Supplumnl�ry The prohibitiona contalnetl in this c�rpter s�sll De in addition to any State or fedenl Iaw ropsrdinp the same or relatetl subjlCte. 709.W. P�nNlba Any�violation of this ehaD�� �a a mbdems�nor antl is suDject to all penalties Drovidetl lor auch violatfona under the �D�oviaions of CDepler 901 of this Code. Suppl�mentary Penalties 303-- � City of Fridl�y HOUSING 6 REDEYEI:OPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING - Thursday, July 9, 1987 Page 1 CALL TO ORDER: - Yice-Chairperson Honck called the Ju1y 9, 1981 Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting to order at 8:20 p.m. ROLL CALL: Mdn6ers Present: Rnssell Nouck, Elmars Prieditis, Duane Prairie Meobers A6sent: Others Present: Larry Camners, Carolyn Svendson Jerrotd Boardman, City Planner Jerry Raimen, Contract Development Corporation ADDITIONAL A�ENDA ITEMS: !)r. Boardroan annour�ced four iteos to 6e added to tf�e agenda: 1(3) Meno 81-63, Acquisition of Hardware store; 1(4j Heno 81-64. clarifying letter from Tom Erickson; 1[5) Dean DoysBer, negotiation points on developer agreanents; and 2(B)(2) Meno 81-66, Resolution flRA 9-1981. MOTION, 6y Mr. Prairie, seconded 6y Mr. Prieditis, to accept the additions for the ag�en a. UPON A 110ICE YOTE, ALL YOTING ATE, YICE-CHAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOtlSLY. APPROYAL OF APRIL 9, 7981, HOUSING & RE�DEIIELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION, by Mr, Prieditis, seconded 6y Mr, Prairie, to approve the April 9, 1981, o��sing & Redevelopment Aathority minutes as written. UPON A YOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYf.. YICE-CHAIRMAN HOOCK DECLARED TRE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROYAL OF NWY 4. 1981, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION. by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Mr. Prieditis, to approve the May 4, 1981, oA us�ng & Redevelopment Authority minutes as written. UPON A YOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, YICE-CHAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF JUNE 11, 1981, HOUSING & REDEIIELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION, 6y Mr. Prieditis, seconded by Mr. Prairie, to approve the June 11, 1981, oA u-�g & Redevelopment Aut6ority minutes as written. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL YOTING A1'E, YICE-CHAIRPERSON HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. CENTER CITY PROJECT A, M�oo from Executive Director 81-57 Mr. Boardman reported tBat he met with Dean Doysher and Virgit,Herrick on June 29, 1981, to discuss Center City Progress and introduced two letters from Mr. Re+��aen, dated Juty 6, 1981: (1} Status Report on Phases I, II, and IV and (2) Status Report on Center Plaza Shopping Center, Phase III on Center City Redevelopment. Housin & Redeveloproent Authority Meeting - July 9, 1981 Page 2 MOTION, 6y Mr. Prairie, seconded 6y �r. Prieditis, to receive the two letters from �emmen into the minntes. UPON A YOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARFD THE �OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. __ Mr. Remnen reported that they are in basic agreement with all three major tenants, Super Vatu, Sr�yders Drng, and pur Own Hardware. He stated the specs and plans for the new store wi11 5e given to Borson on Monday and he hoped to get a bid back in 5-7 days. Mr. Prairie asked how many stores Hauser has and Mr. Remeen said he has 12 in the metro area and that tfiey Bad a restriction for Hauser not to put in a new store in the area 6ut Hauser wanted t6e optton in case he wants to acquire an already-existing store, not 6uild a new one. He also stated that Super Ya1u does not want to sign a lease as a corporate store nnless a6solutely �ecessary and it is definitely an advantage to have Hauser. He reported tfiat tfiey Ni11 meet this week to negotiate on leasehold improvenents witfi Mr. Hauser and t�at the leasehotd improvements have been given to Our Own Hardware and tBey have replied with their requests. Mr. R�nmen figured they wi11 have the hardware 6ids 6ack on �onday and then they can sit down and finalize the lease. Re reported tFiat Snyders has tfie final lease and they are expecting the leasehold improvenents any day now. 1�Ir. Rertanen anticipated completion of the Super Yalu lease in a6ont three weeks if they can get tF�e bids back from Borson, He reported tfiat the sma11 teases are 1n different stages.. Mr. Prairie asked if Sr�yders, Super Yalu and OUr Own Hardware were the tfiree key ones and Mr. Remmen said they were and with the tf�ree of then and Dave's Sport Shop and Spa Petite, they will have 62000 square feet. Mr. Remoen stated that when they have the Super Valu lease they witl present their package to tfie finance companies (Banco} and that Banco would go ahead when t[�ey have the Super Valu lease. He said tRey anticipate approximately 40 - 120 days for com- pletion of financing requirements and they would like the H.R,A, to aut6orize a developers agreaoent to 6e executed with a minimum of 120 days to complete financing. Mr. Remnen stated they wonld like this so it is not a month to montB renewat. Mr. Boardman stated that fie would like to get approval from the H.R.A, to extend the right of developers for 120 days. He said Mr. DoYscher, Mr. Herrick and himself, are putting a package toget6er and that Mr. Herrick wi11 be meeting with Mr. Erickson (Dorsey law firm} to put togetFier an initial draft for developers agreement and that . wi11 come 6ack to the HRA for review and submitted to Mr, Rertmen for necessary modi- fications. NJr. Boardman said he did not receive the letter from Dean Doyscher (Agenda Itso 1,A.2.) but that Mr. Doyscher felt it would be in the best interests of the HRA to e�ctend right of development and roake it conditional npon developer agreement at the end of the 120 day period. Mr. Pr,airie asked if construction would start in the fall. Mr. Remmen said they have been delayed about 60 days because of the merger with Mr. Hauser and Super Valu. ltr. Boardman said they are looking at 120 days for the signing of the agreement and they woutd want the closing approximately 180 days after signing of the developers agreement and that it would take that long to take title of that property. Mr. Prairie then asked if the papers and documents would be done during the winter and construction would start in the spring. Housina & Redevelopment Authority Meeting - Ju1y 9, 1981 Page 3 Mr. Boardman said t6ey v�auld 6ave to have complete worki�g drawings on the construction and that tfiey wtll not close on tfiat property untit tfiey have alldocwnents ready for construction and tfiis wonld take t6em into April of �Aext year,at whicfi time tfiey would 6e ready to sell the property and tfiey nould 6e ready to construct, Mr. Prairie asked if the existing tenants could remain where they are until April and Mr. Boardman said they would probably want them moved by March. Mr. Prairie then asked if they were going to be able to satisfy the tenants in Rice Creek Plaza and Mr. Rertmen stated that they did an overlay of the center and they will be able to keep the Rice Plaza Building as it is 35 feet north of where the new building will be constructed. Mr. Prairie asked about Dairy Queen and Burger King. Mr. Remnen said Burger King will not have to go and they talked to Dairy Queen since the last meeting about relocating and, if they can successfully negotiate buying Holly Center, they would move Dairy Queen over there. This is okay with the owner and they might be able to work out building a new type of Brazier store. Mr. Prieditis asked about informing all interested small business parties and Vice- Chairman Houck agreed, saying they are atl very upset. Mr. Remmen said he talked to Mr. Boardman and they discussed doing some kind of monthly progress report on the development but he wanted to wait untit 'they do something on Holly Center. He said he would be very open to having a progress report and they would be willing to do a monthly news bulletin to keep them abreast of what is actually happening. Mr. Boardman asked if Mr. Remnen felt realistic about tying down the option on Holly Center in the next 30 days and Mr. Remnen said yes. Mr. Prieditis asked if the HRA should inform or initiate information in ter� of public relations. Mr. Boardman said before Mr. Remnen sends anything out he woutd like to look it over. He said it is hard to comnent at this point and he did not want to start rumors and that he has informed rtast of the parties that they can wark around Rice Creek Plaza but there are still some problems. Mr. Remmen fe}# that was a valid point and until they have the financing buttoned down, it may be better to keep them informed on a personal basis. Mr. Prairie suggested putting this on the agenda to at least discuss it and possibly send out a letter. Mr, Boardman said he talked to Steve in the gun shop and he is concerned about the planning of his bustness. 17r. Remnen stated the gun shop did not feet it wanted to 6e part of tfle mall 6ut now they f�ave indicated they would like to go into the mall area. Mr. Prairie asked of their rent Nouid be more and Mr. Remmen said it wonld be considera6ly more 6ut tfiat his volume of business should e�cceed double of what it is now and said �aost of tBose rents are laid out and based on a percentage of what is the normal type of volume in that size store and tfiat past history indicates that he vrould do more [wsiness. Mr. Boardroan stated to Mr. Remmen that he was concerned about the 120 days and would like to see something signed early in October (90 days) if they want to get in the ground in April. He felt t6at a delay would 6e moving into June or Ju1y. Mr. Re�mnen said their target date is 120 days. Mr. Prairie asked about the first two extensions and Mr. Boardnan said they were 60 days each and the last one was 90 days. MOTION, by Ffr. Prairie, seconded by Mr. Prieditis. to grant a 90-day extension of r g t of development aith Contract Development Corporation on Phase III Center City Development. UPON A VOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIiU1AN HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOIISLY. Housing & Redevelopment Authortty Meeting - Ju1y 9, 1981 Page 4 Mr. Re�mnen reported on tfie status of Phases I, II, and IV Center City Redevelopment. He said they met with tfie Dorsey law firm and were advised to develop each project as a special development entity: P6ase I, Center Square Entertai►Anent Center; Phase II, Center Square Office Center; and PRase IY, Center Square Medical Center. He said th9s would keep t6e+� in reacfi of Industrial Revenue Bond funding. Mr. Prairie asked, if these are separate. conld they go afiead witfi one'aitfiont naiting for tfie rest. Mr. Re�nen said yes, it simplifies things. Mr. Rc�emen said he had a meeting with Mr. Boardman, Mr. Doyscher, and the architect, and they would be a61e to proceed Kith less parking requireoents than t(►ey had before. He said they met xith Ptitt T6eatres, who had the exact number of people that attend frao Fridley, and they are not interested in buitding in Fridley. Mr. Renmen doubted they xould 6e a61e to ftnd a theatre chain to go into Lfiis market 6ecause Plitt is so close and felt he ►auld like to eliminate then from tfie entertairment center. He said with the restaurant, 6owling alley, game room, Spa Petite and health spa type of center, it would give them 35,000 square feet of 6uilding and would not change tE�e total expenditures imolved (3,6 miltion). Mr. Prairie asked if it was not feasi6le to 6uitd one theatre aRymore and thougfit may be tBey are afraid of cable. Mr. Reimnen agreed ar�d said he dad a group approach him a6out a live theatre but he is hesitant to change. He said he could run tnto financing trouble with a live theatre but 6e was going to talk #o the Dining Concept International people to see if they would like that concept and m�ybe expand the bar/restaurant to include a 1#ttle theatre. Mr. Boardman said with the rertaval of the theatre they would remove concept of a parking ramp. Mr. Prairie suggested the office building could use it during the day and the theatre could use it at night. Mr. Boardman stated one of the main things the HRA should be involved in is the visual improvement of the center, the landscape and design, to keep that comnercial retail and attract office business in the area. He said if the parking ramp is eliminated that would give them rtare monies for an attractive center area and he would be working with Mr. Rertmien and his architect very closely. Mr. Prairie asked about square footage of office space. Mr. R�moen said there wi11 be two office towers, 45.000 square feet each. He said they s6ould have a revised conceptual ptan of the ►fiole area ready for the next meeting for HRA approval and he would be working closely witfi Mr. 6oardman and Mr. Doyscher on this. Mr. Boardman satd tne Dorsey law firm, Industrial Revenue Bond specialists, have been working very closely with Mr. Re�mien and they would like to go to the City Council for their meeting in August. 4. M�oo 81-64 Ctarifying Letter from Tom Erickson dated June 10, 1981 Mr. Boardman stated that Iteos 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9 fiave 6een previously agreed to by the HRA with rigfit of development and tdose areas were considered in their initial agre�nent. He said Itaes 4 and 5, su6ordination agre�nent and delay of land payments, that the HRA wonld giroe consideration to land delay payments and that condition would have to 6e worked out witfi actual deqelopers docnments. 5. Meoo 81-65 Letter frao Dean Doysc6er dated July 7, 1981 Mr. Boardman reported tfiat he w{11 6e meeting with Mr. Herrick and Mr. Doyscher on duly 13, 1981 to finalize some of the potnts 6rongfit up in his letter and that they wi11 6e giving tfie docmoents to 1�Ir. Remien's attorney to develop an initial draft of a redevelopnent agre�nent for HRA review. He said t6ey hope to have tfiis prior to the next HRA meeting. Housina & Redevelopment AutCtOrtty'Meettng - Ju1�9; 1981 Page 5 2. MOORE LAICE REDEVELOPMENT _ _ _. . A. Memo 81-58 19eeting Nitfi �t �Sa1 itterman �8 ityman Smith on Mr. Boardman reported that he met with Mr. Salitterman and Mr. Smith on June 24, 1981 regarding the purchase of property included in Phase III of the Mbore Lake Tax Increment Finance District. He said Mr. Salitterman indicated he would be willing to seli at $5.00 per square foot, which was out of the question although Mr. Salitterman indicated that he would work with them in reaching a compromise based on appraisals done on the property. Mr. Boardman would like to give Mr. Salitterman 2 or 3 names of appraisers and hoped to be able to hire one that they can agree on and that once he gets a price, he would like to go back and talk to Mr. Salitterman. Mr. Prairie asked if it was feasible to expend that much time and money. Mr. Boardman said that depends on how quickly the HRA wants to move on this issue. Mr. Prairie said they may want to move but wondered how far Mr. Salitterman woutd come down. Mr. Boardman felt that if they want to move it would most likely have to go to condemnation. If the HRA is not willing to go in that direction at this time> they should probably put off any negotiation. If the HRA is reac�y to start the development process, we should send out an RFP and seleet a developer. At that time we should consider the steps necessary for acquisition. Mr. Prairie felt this was a lot further away and they have less control. Mr. Boardman said they have three years to act for acquisition under the Tax Increment District and if the HRA has not expended any monies or taken any action, the assessed value that was established would be reverted back to the value at the time action is taken. Mr. Prairie asked if getting appraisals would be considered taking action and Mr. Boardman said he doubted that it would be. Mr. Boardman said Mr. Salitternian has his own ideas as to what that property should be and Mr. Prieditis asked what the valuation is of the tax property. Mr. Boardman said Mr. Larson did an appraisal and it was $460,000 for all vacant property and that was about 3 million off from what Mr. Salitterman wants. Mr. Prairie asked about the $675,000 hardware store figure and Mr. Boards�n said that covers building and 84,000 square feet of property and they are planning on receiving an appraisal which will be more accurate. Mr. Boardman said he cannot make Mr. Salitterman an offer because he does not have a development. He said there are 3 or 4 people who are interested in putting a proposal to the HRA but he has put them off untit the HRA decides wnat it wants to do. Mr. Prairie asked what it costs for an appraisal and Mr. Boardman said $1,200 to $1,50D. Mr. Boardman asked if the HRA wanted to move any further on this. Mr. Prairie said he would hate to have wheels spinning on that and not spend time on Center City. Mr. Boardman said they could probably put a package together on Moore Lake rather quickly and that this is all going to depend on how fast the HRA wants to move. Mr. Prairie asked.what legal redress Mr. Salitterman would have on condemnation. Mr. Boardman said he could challenge the establishment of the district and the basis for which the district was established and he can challenge the price. Mr. Prairie suggested tabling this matter until the 5eptember meeting to be able to get the opinion of the other com- mission members. Housing & RedeveloPment 1lutfw�'ity MeEttng - July 9, 1 981 Page 6 Mr. Boardman said fie met Ktth ]9r, l�lachinski (property nortfi of 7-11 Store) and that he did f�aroe a co�eeercial office 6uilaing planned tor tfiat site and [�e F�as cominced him to move tfie site south of Sandy's. He said Mr.-]Nacfiinski wi11 6e coming in with proposal for quad-fiome-type developnent on tfiat property and property �ust east of t[�e 7-li Store and ttwt tRe HRA can 6e of some assistance in preparation of tfiat land, B. Receive 7etter from County Auditor dated June 29, 1981 1. Meno 51-59 2, ero�-�. Reso7ution HRA 9-1981 Mr. Boardman reported tfiat the County Aud{tor came up rcith some discrepancies and mapping of legal descriptions during tfie certification process for the Ta�c Increment P1art #1 of tfie Moore Lake Redevelopment District. Tir. Boardman said he met with Mr. Herrick on this and rwiewed tfie discrepancies and clarifications and said that Mr. Herrick feels thit the Resolution wi11 ctarify tfiese issues and a17ow the County to complete certification of the assessed values Nitfiin tfie district. MOTION, by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Mr. Prieditis, to approve the Resolution Amending �ie 7�foore Lake Tax Ir�cre+oent Plan for Clarification of Properties Located in the District and the attac6ed Legal Description Clarification and Nlap Clarifications based on the tact ttw t this fias 6een cAecked and apprrned 6y the County Auditar, cRecked ar�d approved 6y t6e City Attorney, and cRecked and approved by the Executive Director of tfie HRA. UPON A VOICE YOTE. ALL YOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. Report on Phase I- Memo 81-60 Mr. Boardman reported tfiat F�e will be dtscussing this matter with the City Manager before gotng to the City Council. 3. BY-LAWS A. Review ne_w �oposed 6y-laws presented at dune ll, 1981 Mr. Boardman said tRat all commission mem6ers should be present to review the by- laws and suggested tabling it for the next meeting. MOTION, by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Mr. Prieditis, to table review of the by-laws untiT—the next HRA meeting. UPON A YOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLT. 4, CDBG PROGRAM_ A. Meoo from Eaecutive Director 87-61 1. Agreementof Co�o��p�eration wttfi City of Fridley 2. Time Ta�iTe on�Ti�� �rogram Housing & Redevelopment Autfiority Meetin9 - duly 9, 7981 Page 7 Mr. Boardman reported t6at the City [w s joined with the Coanty wft6 CDBG and they have receive8 appraval from �11D for Er80,000 Mf►ich is earmarked for acquisition in the Center City. He saia tfte attacGed Ayreenent of Cooperation 8etween the City and the HRA is for tfie FIRA to act as t[�e city's agent in spending this money. Mr. Prairie asked a6out any restrict4ons on monies from HUD and l�lrr. Boardman said the money would 6ave to 6e spent Nitfiin one year. Jniy 1, 1982 and referred to the attached CDBG Timeta67e. Ar. Boardman sald tfie City f�es Morked Mit6 the Connty in getting this �oney and it is earmarked to go into tfie Center City Development project and because of the conditions on H[ID monies, 6e tpuld tike to allocate this $280,000 into the acquisttion of t6e fwraware 6nilding and, as tBere are no tenants, they would not have to pay relocation 6enefits. Mr. Prairie asked if this building is to be destroyed and Mr, Boardman said yes it is and Mr. Klaverkamp has given a purchase value of $675,00 with potential for negotiation. Mr. Boardman said he woutd like to hire an appraiser a� get an appraisal done and get together on it. He said t6e 6uilding wi11 have to be torn down as it is not a usea6le 6uilding for us but we have to pay for it. Mr. Prairie said fie doesn't fiaroe a qnarrel with putting money against that area and Mr. Prieditis asked if tF�e appraisal cost v►ill 6e covered by this. llr. Boardman said it can be tf�arged against tBe program grant and tBat he needed a motion to say go ahead and start appraisal process and he wouldn't hire an appraiser until he gets the final approval on HUD monies, which would be towards the end of Ju1y. He figured he would 6e a61e to hire an appraiser August lst. MOTION, by Mr. Prairie, seconded by Mr. Prieditis, to approve the Agre�nent of o�C operation Between the City of Fridley and the Fridley HRA for administration of f1' 1981-82 Comounity Development Block Grant Fur�ds. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL YOTING AYE, YICE-CHAIRNIAN HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMWSLY. MOTION, by Mr, Prairie, seconded 6y Nr, Prieditis, that the Executive Director of the r� i�ey HRA is aut[�orized to proceed wit6 an appraisat of the hardware property and to send a letter to HUD notifying tfiem that this is our top priority use for the monies. UPON A YOICE YOTE, ALL YOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIAIOOSLY. 5, FINANCE A. Financial Re ort B. hecc eg ster Regarding the HRA Stateoent of Ftnances from Mr, Ireoan, Meoo 5A1, Mr. Boardman said w6at Mr. Irman wants is payments to the City at the earliest convenience and requested that the NRA authortze payments 6ack to the City in these amounts: Center City,Program #145 - E10,684.23 Moore Lake Tax Increoent, Program #752 - E946.43 " Hane Owne�sf�ip Refia6ilitation, Fund 08 -$1,161,77 Mr. Prairie asked if tfiis should be done every:�nonth and Mr. Boardman said it should be done quarterly. Yice-Cfiairman Hoack asked if tRey had tfw t much money on hand and Mr. Pratrie snggestea ta6ling it for furtFier discusston. Mr. Boardman said tfie HRA has a cooperatton agreenent xtth tfie City Council and tfie Coancil witl give tF�e HRA staff, etc.� as part of tF�at agreenent tfie 9RA wi71 reim6urse tfie City for all its expenses. qice-Cfiairman Rouck said fie vpuld like to have a fu17 quorum for tfiis matter. T6ere was farther discassion on tfie 6reakdown of the consulting services, attorneys fees, expenditnres, etc, Housing & Redevelopm�nt Autfwpity ]leeti� - Julx 9, 1981 Page 8 MOTION, Ctyl�Jr, frteditts� seconde8 6y 11r. Prairie, to approqe payment of the following exp�en itnres 6ack to tfle City .of fridley; Center City, Program �f145 -$10,684.23; Moore lake Taa fncreoent, Program 3152 r�446.43; and dome Owners6ip Refiabilitation, Fund 08 -$1,161 .77, UPON A 110LCE 110TE, ALL yOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARED 7HE 1�OTION CARRIED UNANI190DSLY. Mr. Prairie askea e6ont t6e otd Brnnkow muslc place. T�lr. Boardman said Lifestyle Mus1c bought t6e music business and they have a month-to-month lease and have signed a waiver of relocation. Yfce-C6airman Nouck asked about tf�e Christiansen building and Mr, Boardman said next tfiey are sending out notice that tfiey are closing on the optton of that fwilding and ai11 purcfiase around Sept�o6er lst or 15th. He also said the karate center will be moving out as of August lst. C. Check Register Mr. Boardman said he wonld need a motion on tfie check register and explained that there is a separate c6ecking account forthe HRA and City of Frfdley and the monies come to the HRA account frao different items suc6 as taxes, hwnestead credite, etc. MOTION, by Mr. Prairie, seconded 6y Mr, Prieditis, to approve the Fridley HRA cTiecTc register of Ju1y 7, 7981. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, YICE-CHAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARED THE AOTION CARRIEO UNANfM4U5LY. D. Bond Payment Mr. Boardman said the first payment on principal and interest on the Tax Increment Redevelopment Bonds is due August 1, 1981. He said authorization is needed from the HRA 6ecause this is the first payment and after tflet payments will 6e made every six months and will 6e sAovm on tBe cfieck register . MOTION, by Mr, Prairie, seconded by Mr. Prieditis, to approve the first payment due on t� Tax Increment Redevelopment Bonds in the amount of $90,575.00 pursuant to M�no 562 from Ar. Im�an dated July 9, 1981. UPON A YOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE- CHAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARED 7HE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6: OTHER BUSINESS; Mr. Boardman said the next HRA meeting will be August 73, 1981. ADJOURNMENT; MOTION, by Mr. Prairie, secor�ded by Mr. Prieditis, to adjourn. UPON A VOICE YOTE, L7i L VOTING AYE, VICE-CNAIRMAN HOUCK DECLARED THE FRIDLEY HOUSING & REDEYELOPMEN'f MEETING OF JULY 9, 1981, ADJOURNED AT 10;70 P,M. Respectfnity submitted, ,� ��� De6 Niznik, Recording Secretary ... e•� .,.R. ����+�'�—� ' � ; �.Y ��, �� �t.�t .2t,.-�81�, � �" 8tuca :� a;-.:�r�'�� �r �� � �f� t„eP�F�i�$i NTA�'�� �=.ar3 �. �r` ��� � � a�,�: r�as,�a�a� ; � � t�. ;. �. _. � P s" f�� �" f � s� � 4 `. # � „�_ : � c d' r_ ' �t�,�A}#t� €t11►�1�sis�n " ���CbaBfi � l�yc]ing CEnter t `�." i��' , 3 , , ���.� 3s, .��., � , , . .: � 1 : ? ..�i i'"�}'ix.��°'tt'tv -. � r f R i 5�P 'p` � _. ��- �{� * - g- _ tj ,::��c 5+��' f` � '� Lu�-Pa�?� �.� ' { �„� ��,�{$ .' _ .. '�� � � „',� __ . Y.�i- i �.°. °'�. . _ . � . . .. €�V��t�tl+lEtt'fAl QUAITTY CQh�4tS�If� i+tt£�TINf.: JUi.Y 2�'. 7981 PAGE 2 �1s. Metcatf stated that bec�use they realize a anich better progra� arould be a cUr�=sitle pi�k-up, tt►ey ct�dueted:a neighbort�od survey in March. About eiqht r�amer� weret daor-to-door in' #aur' different neighborhQnds: She stated the response v�a� very �rtcauragfng. At �East fi0% of the peopte surveyed did Want curb-side pick-up of recyclables. S�e sta#+ed they hav�• nt�v had or�e curb-side pick-up ,in the Metody, tkanor netgMbprtxaod, a►�d it wi T1 contfinue an the thi rtl 4lednesday of each mQnt� for six months, This is a pilot projeet to see what respor�se they witl get �d hrrwt ti►iTling peopte are!to go to this trottble. Stre st�ted the first pick-up h r�tas'r`athpr diseota�^agittg; F►��ver, some people ha"ve valunteered io call people in �� Me;q}���p� �} t�airtd �h�n of the pfck-up. HopefdTly, tfie �ick-up in August will be better. Sfie stated the hauler is the same one aho hauls for SOR7 and his only incomm� wil7 be lvhat h� colfiects. If the amount of recyclabtes is so little that iE is not payi� far �iis ga�oline, then it wi11 not be wowthwhi�e. Nis. Metealfi stated tt�at if qarba€�e haulers d�r nat have to haul as �ach trash, �hers realty sfiould be ss� rewaixl to the re�idents. She stated they need to ttiink atr�ut a haul�ng ehar�ge basetl on the nu�ber of garDage cans, rather than the sa+ae c#Farge for �verym�tee. t[s9's was sane't�ii�g the Co�aission �y aiant to think : ab0ut. Mr.'Svamda a�ked i#.Lt� Ci�4y has any opinion t�n`this issue �in genera7. �� Fir.�, �tardmart statec�-the Ci�y #ra� nui gotten f�vt�lved in �rying tS� reg�rTate �ontrois. In fac�;-tkre City 1�� have a mery dffficutt time regutaYitrg price t�nntrats with garb�e heu'F��s �triiess the City a�nt ittto a g�rbage system itself. . He "did r�ot s�se th1� , happe�tir►g. i�: FletcaYf stated'�omething th�t could be dt�e at the Gity level was the recycling af tsff9 ce Paper. ht�: petersotf .stat�ii-h� axs�"�� appreciate it if Ms> M�tc�lf w4uld k��p the Ga�a�fssiaf► #nforn+ed- regard�ng th� tria7 curb�side piek-up. The Gt�mmission w�u1d ata� appt�c3a�e see�itg the resu7ts of `t#r� survey Ltiat" SO&T �ota�ducted., Mr. Svanda thanked #ts. Metealf for coming. 2.' NORT3t 'CR��STtN�1: ldr. Boardman stat+�� the C��ssinn received a copy of the City Gflunctl resolution qpposing it►� Cros�st�vm i�?�er°e is a connecti� anta East kiwer i�5ad. �. STA'fl� UF NOISE �t7lf��lCE: 1�. Bnar�nan atated the ��ty Gaunc9l had th8 second resding on the Nodse Ordinance, i a�nd it ts'naw going to b�`pub7{�hed. The Ncise Ordi�+ance wi11 gn iato effect � 75' da3rs afiter the ,�ay of �a�bfi+catian. � ; .y � � � . ..�,� , u _ ,� . � � ,� �. � , _ . � � �'� 2 �. F-e�tRD t+�Ei'3�f = -° ,.�—._.:..,-..,._...". . ki8jt=� ZO ' i 11R#Z f-��ti tab1E pTtl :�ier� a� s�h� �: �` i�� � at�or► ,a��t�ri �� y�iats . ..... . . �. ..... F ,.�,. �vera� i �at�;� ader. r, some dtt�i ' Staff, besC+ the d4resti:� _ "� , =`, '�5y 1S F, f 36"� -�,3��.EE'J� : s� 1".�,�'; �:,= �� � p�s €�rr h�raardo#�s t.�jr of Fridiey.> 'F�re�e t��l pas�ad a resoju- t'r�s►us wt�te pr�a�s��tg ��1e. The 7a� �at g+-.atsaas $ �F'}& �.r.e - 'i��� s'�t�b-�e@ting �5 �36tb7 fG�Rd. " � r ` - : �, ���� s �. , _ „ � i�' :�me feel in�s ,of '�`rustr+at�t, n ; � ; r�;'.a�e a.t�m,ss,Qn. �b;�8t1 WOP�4iA�,-�!1't• iKt€#nd of prr�ss- �bul�i be � � cOme up. w�# LA �#te : ; -__., lt�s tl►e 4♦�yk,.��p4an�far�#h}�e� bt.F� �.��iP. .�'K► �{�'�'�v , G s�aie : ktnd af fe�tibatk • h� �hauqht the c�ntss�ons . ; r� a rnsrk p�at�'i5 �t #�tt � mttl d sii dow�► a+►f t!r ; i �ou14 Prtic�e,�.13�e �t �g., ; ,o acca�rt i sh t6�t year. . not necessarity=t.#� miss4Qi1. �tr es.tablisk�nent:of . : �, ., . _ z .'�.'VA.rzG. � .. . R� . .��.�i �Ir ,6i_' .. , ... � �#YIRUNMENTiU. WALITY CQhI�F�S�t�h�ETiN6, JULt' 21. 1481- PA6E 4; � Mr. Boarc�nan stated he and Ms. Gatyan are in the process of setting up sorre kind p€'fio►°mat'for four: cammiss�c�as: • Hufian Resour�Ges Gomnissi'on, Co�miuriity Qevelop- mer►t.Cetnmission, Energy C�antissi�n, and Envi�^stn�ental Quality Ctammission. Mr. Svanda state� they shauid have "Co�rissitm £lbjec�ives" hack on tMe AWgust egenda sa they can start 'Forswlatittg sane ideas. He wauld also like "farth Day" back ott #he next agenda. ; 7.' OTHER BUSINESSt , A. Water Poitu'ion {Re: Mento dated June.26, t981, froro 3ohn flora to I as m ures�j` Mr. Peters�S stettd tt� 1Aemo states ti�at water analysis o�s Municipal We17 No. 12 was ca�nducted on Apri1 4, 198i, a�d the last �sts were canducted ap �pt,; 11, 'k980. He stated fie was concerned that the wel l was not being �nitorcd ;�ore frequerck'1y;'because of the ;levei of Benzo ar�thracene fiound frt this well. Mr. Svanda �greed;ar►d stated he woutd like to see tMe City spend some money to have thfs v�e11 sampled on a�sr^e frequent basis. Mr. �oar�aat� statptt he•wculd check fn�o this situation. � At�J�lM�13'f : NEfJY'TUb� BY 1�II2. P&1"BI�ON� ,^aT'C4N�'D'BY MS. SCHAkFr TO AA70d1RN 1'XS 1�&TSN6. UPON A VOICS VOTE' � ALL VQ2'1'NG RYS. �XA.;RPER40N SVAN7iA DECLARE'D T!!8 JDLY ?3 , 1987. , SNV�RCWM&16R'AL G�1AL:tTY COI�AdZS5ION AA70URNSD AT 9s25 P.M. Respectfully submi�ted, . �Y��a�— Recnrding;Secretary . ,� _ . _.�, ...�: � . _. � � � �i CITY Of FRIDLEY ODP@4UNITY DEYELOPMENT COI�IISSION MEETING -_ JULY 28, 1981 GALL TO ORDER: -Ghairman Oquist catled the July 28, 1981 Cortmunity Development Commission meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. i�LL CALL. Meabers Present: LeRoy Oquist, Kenneth Yos, AT 6abe1, Connie Modig, Sharon Gustafson Meaibers Absent: None Others Present: Mary Cayan, City of Fridley Jerrold Boardman, City of Fridley APPROVAL OF JUNE 9 7981 COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT COT�lISSION MINUTES: MDTION by Mr. 6abe1; seconded by Ms. Fbdig, to approve the June 9, 1981 � nity Development minutes as written. UPON A YOICE YOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION GARRIED UNANIl�qUSLY. Chairman Oquist stated that because Mr. Boardman would have to be between two meeCings he would switch the agenda around to eoordinate it with Mr. Boardman's presence. l. INTRODUCTION OF STAFF LIAISON: Chairaian Oquist introduced the staff tiaison, Mary Cayan to the Comnunity Development Comnission. Ms. Cayan stated that she has been on staff for about a year and one-half and that she is a fu11-time employee. 2. DISCUSSION OF CONp�fISSION DIRECTION: Jerry Boardman Nr. Boardman stated that one of the reasons that the staff liaison was — switched with Ms. Cayan to Community Development Commission and Mr. Deblon to the Energy Camiission was because Ms. Cayan has been working with housing dnd Comnunity Development Block Grant programs. He further stated that th�re are basically four active Comnissions LhaL are interacting agents to the City and to the Planning Comnission. He stated that these Cortmissions are: Comnunity Development Environmental Quality Human Resources Energy COh�IUNITY DEYELOPMENT CObiMISSION MEETING JULY 28, 1981 Page 2 Mr. Boardman stated that regarding goals and direction, this is something a11 the comnissions are working on. He stated that he is suggesting work plans to begin with. He stateA that what he is hearing from the comnissions is that the City Council is not providfng them with a direction in which to pro- ceed. He stated that the problem is twofold; that the City Council is a very busy organization, and that City Councit is a responding body generalty, so that they do not try to mold the comnissions and set directions for them. He stated that he is recom�nding that the comnissions develop a workplan for the year, and then submit that workplan to the City Council for their response so the City Counci] could either change, detete, or approve the workplan. This �rould then give the comnissions the opportunity to discuss this workplan with the City Council. He stated that the workplan conception would give the com- missions a year long direction which gives detailed, allocated time for a project, and also removes the burden of deciding directton for the comnission from the City staff. Mr. Boardman stated that what he would like would be to fiave the Comnission develop a workplan by tfie latter part of October, or November, so that it could be submitted to the City Council. and the Council would have the time then to sit down with the Comnission and discuss the work- plan, and react to any problems they may have with the workplan at that time. He stated that it is his feeling that the directlon for the workplan has to come from the Comn3ssion, and that the final authority to go ahead with the workplan wouid come from the City Council. Mr. Oquist questioned how would the Comnission know what direction to go if that direction does not come from the City Council? Mr. Oquist stated that the comnissions do not know what they should do if the City Council does not tell them what they would like to see them work on. Mr. Boardman stated that in the past, whenever the commissions have asked the City Cbuncil "what do you want us to do", the City Counci7 has responded with "come up wlth something and we will te11 you if that is something we would ltke you to work on." Mr. Boardman stated that therefore, if the comnissions were to give the Council a workplan, then the City Council can either agree to the objectives and the goats, or change or delete. M�. Boardman further stated that he thinks that one of the things a comnission is, is first of all, an extra body of citizens that provide input and direction to the City staff, not the other wa�y around. Mr. Oquist stated that the comnissions also were created for a reason, and ' that some of that is clear, such as housing and comaunity block grants, but that 'comiwnity development' is so global, that it encompasses almost every- thing. and therefore should have some specific direction from the City Council. Mr. Boardman stated that no one wants to narrav that scope so it is up to the comnission to narrow the scope and giye it direction. . Ms. Modig stated that they are back where thGy started from. She stated that Mr. Boardman is telling them their goals and objectives are too broad, and tfiat we have to narrow them down, and then if the Comnission spends four rtronths narrowing them down th�elves, then they coutd find out that is totally dif- ferent direction than staff or the City Councit wants them to go. Mr. Boardman stated that it is not up to staff to set a direction for the com- missions. Mr. Boardman further stated that this Commission did receive an okay to work in two are�s that they had stated that they would like to be in- volved in. those areas of Block Grants and Housing. CQt�JNITY D�YELOPMEN7 COMMISSION MEETING, JULY 28, 1981 Paae 3 Mr. Qquist stated that he workstutder a workptan concept where he is employed but that workptan eo�es down from his boss regar�ing the things that he wants $cco�]#shed. Ne stated that then he takes the things that fit into his area of responsibility and then some of his peop7e take his workplan and develop theirs from it. This is a kind of downward thfng, and that you have to know �rhat your mission is to do that workplan. He furCher stated that if this Coa�missioo wants Lo just narrow itself down to Block 6rants and Housing and do only those Lwo things, that would be the purpose of this Comnission. Mr. Boardman questioned Mr. pquist if they wanted somebody to just te11 them that? Mr. Oquist stated that he wants to know if that rtwch of it is the direction the City, not staff, wants the Comaunity Development Comnission to go to. Mr. 8oardman stated that there has never been a downward flow, and to correct tk�e probiem he feels the only th{ng to do would be to go upward, and see if that is the direction the City Council wants the Commission to go. Ms. lbdig stated that as an exampte, Industrial Revenue Bonds were given to the Gomnission with no direction. She stated that without direction or know- Tedge in that area. it was difficult to change or correct it. Mr. Boar�rtan stated he felt that was wrong also, but that what has happened in the past was if something came up, the City Counc9l would direct it to some comnission, such as the Industrial Revenue Bonds was given to the Cort� munity Development Comn9ssion. He stated that this was because many of the comrtissions have asked for specifics on what to do. so that the City Council would then send them items to do. He stated that he feels that if the City Councit does not pose a direction for the Comnission to go to, then the Com- m�ssion shouid pose a direction to the City Council. Ms. Modig questfioned how the Comnission Nou1d be able to set priorities, and a7so if something came up during the year how would they handle it? t9r. Boardman stated that if the City Council were to see a specific pro6lem during the year, they could calt it to the Comnission's attention, and that could be ►vorked fnto the workplan. Ms. Modig stated that she felt that was doing things backwards, and that the priortties and direction should come from the top. Mr, 6oardman stated that since that isn't being done he feels that the comnis- sions should atteapt a workplan concept and try that. Ms. Cqyan stated that she has been working at the City for a year and one-half and that so far there has not been any conferences between several of the_ comnissions and the City Council. She stated that with the workplan concept, #his might force the City Council to interact more with the comnissions. She further stated that it is her feelings that with each of the commissions coming into the City Cauncil with a workplan. it wouldn't be so piecemeal, and that the City Council wou7d be able to prioritize better, by knowing what each of the conmissions is planning on working on. COIAMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COttt9IS5I0N MEETIN6, JULY 28 1981 Paqe 4 Mr. Yos stated that theoretically you do not work from the bottom up, but that in an organization or bureaucracy. or in a political entity, going from the cortanission 1eve1 to the City Council 1eve1 may be the only way to do it. He further stated that he felt that it Nou1d not be of any use to sit down with the City Council and ask them to set priorities because they would just come back to the Comnission. He stated it might be best for the Comnission to set its priorities and then go to the Council for approval or change. Mr. Oquist questioned if they know what their priorities are other than Comnunity Block grants and housing? He questioned what areas were lacking and do need assistance? He questioned if housing wasn't in the Housing and Redevelopment Authority's area? Mr. Boardman stated'that they do, in a sense, by providing the implementation for a Comnunity Development Block Grant. tte stated that the HRA does not get into setting policy or the direction of expenditure for the City in the area. Mr. Boardman stated that public transportation is another area that may need attention and atso an involv�nt in the bikeaay system. He furtfier stated that it is his feeling that the federal government is heading in the direction of more Community block grants. He stated that because the City of Fridley has a computer system on board, he thinks they will be seeing a lot of useful data coming in. He then'explained the various types of inforn+ation that might be gained from the computer. Mr. Oquist questioned if the Comnission was ready to discuss goals? Mr. Vos stated that coming from education, they shoutd first set their goals> but from practical experience, sometimes it doesn't happen that way. He stated that possibly it might be best to concentrate on developing a workplan and from that would evolve the goals and objectives. Ms. Cayan cotmiented that sometimes what works best is finding the problems and from that they coutd determine their goals and objectives. Mr. Oquist stated that was where he was coming from, such as recommending providing block grants, which is a problem, and something to do with housing by narrowing that down. Another problem he stated, woutd be providing con- tinutng input to the zoning ordinances of the City, and also he feels that they would not want to give up on bikeways. He stated that these are all problem areas, but thaY they are also goals that the Commission might want to set for themselves. Ms. Cayan questiooed if it might not be helpful if staff were to draw up a tentative format for eacfi of the comnissians for a workplan, so that it was uniform from each of the commissions. She stated that this would also help the City Council in reviewing workplans from a11 the tommissions. The Comnission manbers agreed that staff should draw up a tentative format for commissions workplan, so that they could look at it for input and change. 3. GOALS AND OBJECTIYE: Dfscussion Mr. Oquist stated that from a workplan the Comnission could set their goals and objectives. fAMMUNITY DEYEL4PMENT COt�tI5SI0N MEETING JULY 28 798] Pa e 5 ltr. Vos stated that was what he had in mind atso. Ms. Cwstafson stated Ehat before they set the goals and objectives, they would have to obtain a lot of background material. a. Wi11 be prnviding materiats at meeting based on dzrection discussed with the City Council. Ms. Cayan passed out to the Comnission members a report (CURA reporter) on Twin City Conversions of the Real Estate Kind, another report titled "If the Twin Cities Housing Market Nas Worked So We11, Why is Everyone Worried?", also an outline from the League of Minnesota Cities Conference regarding housing and lftereture on eli9ible and ineligi6le Cort�nity Development Btoek 6rant activities guidelines. She stated that further infornration could be obtained as needed or requested. �� 4. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Boar�nan questioned the Commission members if they would be able to ac- compl;ish what was needed in the two weeks before the next seheduted meeting? The Coamission agreed that fior Ms. Cayan to do a format for a workplan, and for thea�selves, it would be best to extend the next meetfng. The C�nmisston concurred to change the next scheduled Comnunity Devetopment Comnission meeting to August 20, 1981. A{1JOURNMENT: M07ION by Ms. 6ustafson. seconded by Mr. Gabel t'ti �djourn the Ju1y 28, 1981 �immunity Development Conmission Meeting. UPbN A YOICE COTE. ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRMAN OQUIST DECLARED THE MEETING GLOSED AT 9:15 P.M. Reep�Stfully �b�mi��ted. �L�[�c� a= f'�°t Elaine Aeed Recording Secretary . GiTY 0F : f.t�1&.� a.F��_ R..:,.,� - r; �� � .� .;J�Y Z$, t9�3 �� -- �,� :� ;'�. ��ali�d.#�`��r �8. i-�,,E�u � � � �, ����:Y�►art.o�r: .i� >, � t�' :�� ��� . � = T�= �x ` `3 �c#�� � �� . , v ' ; �at� €��arn� � - - �-�: a .�,�.§�> - � 23.�� `� � `�iIS�i� �� _ . �� ,� �e. °� ��as - � �.,�!'c .�, c�a�' _ ��.,.-� e� � �� �� : `��.�_ . _. _- _ _ r :=_ �- ; . Y���4 :���, � " _ �� �:x: ��i�meet9� ta: orcler �-.�Gonvi� lt � ,�s 2�, �gsz; .s�vs�x t8II Tl#� i�t'1�1 CRRRTSD ��} for sqne �� the !�g. He s_f.a�si : !�� kte�el t`Cpm�TSSit►n, � d� the �re�'�op Fr# , � � i s ��►ira�v�r! mi €h �dt11.: �0 h85 �e8t� �t�tfF s�ted i n ihe" a�a, a€ �#85#on� �1d 145:-.�aYBn �ssion. id witlt e�issi� is. �e�, He staY.ed S�ii� �+sas . � �r3eCt#ves, which �Ti� u�.#�e' er�d tif the year° �o tst�bl�&h � a��lt�plan. '�anr►iny �3�tssf�n and � � a;�„a..�;..,. �+ .a;..�i,t �ane ��Y � p�b7� �.'� �� ��� � Ii�. t� � t�'IF� �t ab�u�. a='' ' �k'F`�-`�3:i ��� Mt" �' d�e�t�ti� tt�at �t� C�:�`� F �f� ; ��si l�Ti*�.:� �i �. �Il 3�� `� �3 i � ���s#� a�s�'� �_.��� ��. � �%� i �,".'a�ti lI�+YS 8fi! .�#RY1: J� �$ i9' i - '� i� : .� B E G J � : � � te€� 1 � �nnitssi�n' b�tr� : �t�r�i #r��n wculd titen �et: . �� ar #� ��ss�csr� �-h�. ��ee1 �t- � ��n���� �IE�� _`�: �� �: �N; � �7 A 4T,I£�dF`F1+$��S` A7 ��I1QI'Ritl4t�lt 1�81 I�[5 �Ofi �� far � ��'� it f�1^ L�r�.��E" cr the ���i n. a►ttt Civti sp ¢�t�_a�:L� i�arF Ga'r� t�� P� 2 �ni ssi on ir�ectiart �or I r�ti ttees . �ca�mittee I 2 gt�od things t€�rtise in �? j't'I IIIE . �� - ttse�l it� the �! anc�, in �ib?e �ran,the � the year. �d the Enargy � �e �t�^s; Rrehi - �s, bui �; he had � �ist no nne _ `� ��:i�s�o��s: � :s,�; Et�1'PAE GARAGB s ?X!I[?N$ PARIC.' �i �ARRIED ��e� e �ark and �rntu�.: " � �s no� t� �a��: � ncm�: �i �it�s;:��1 �� ; � �-♦� � t6�;;� �� � { ��"�� P�_� :; �I #�+rse.rep��� �s� the�-r�o��s. �v ��s�ostr� u^r�4n9 rentsl= {�.r��ert� r..�'�t�tttS. � ���'e - �ted Fi� �#�ad: a�ked : �f�t �att c�6t�ir� st� Is ��wa� �A���.� � an #d�: � i� �nee ��t�ar �4 ��e t�t:pe�l�v�i� : : up. ai ti�e:; l� �eeti �►g �:�s that �f� re��r ��.��#ttg, .�" or �t� by_ ` t sht�t� �rch� �dr�- ��e-c�7�Cy�4-�z t�d�?e �r�si�sn regar�fi��� �°� �'d�zi�nce �t�i�+� - #�g.- - �€ bi3'Is tt rxwld:be �e,���li�,�-�fes � � ,�: s�� �ete�#�e :: . �_ , s t�ot �c# . but �st; ; 't��s se� � .� ��� � } t ane _j f�e' ag¢rrda. c�nnier �#a ; that,.a �tsLed on � see f�an for t� �ar � ansl,ri�ie. �e an ��nt�r. ' � �af+y. �i�d bs �s � ride- - = C�+ier- �t dnd � a t#ti�versity, fi �k �r�! ri de �pr�� or a�, identi �.a l�t �#�r -' a�_ itaying'. ��, a�d ta your car � � �a �y =#n t#�e � t�ve �� � .�; ��t��. :� '� � 2 .. tvy P�s' ��t� f�mi cut � Ri�-.��:in�?��v�- i�r � �9unragi�g t0 � � � retar'� � � _ t t�s#�ss� �� dis��ss�t� �t..e�it���ent -��ea =: the ��s�n'. �� ,the f�ai� re�s�ve PI� .� G1k - �=�tfti�u!�� ;z : � �., ��� � a�,� c�t. _ ',: � �.�r�� � � ,_�. � V' � �, �, I �r`°f�e �i��sf �#es �� any . � �� � � _ ���YY � �pi.e use ��rkfng 'sp�tts' �ae •piaEes #ar psr�c °an� �.�G1ta�er of Ga�rce: t t�a �sta�]ishing. � �e: re#ai t ers wa�d ��u#her �etiii `tti� a 1���er�'C� tfie' � ccsp4es af t1� ��s- �• - }� �'Gne; - :rusc�sza� � �a u� �-a�r€�= �sv . e�r =� �� ' �:��:�: � :� i� wes asks� a�t �� �: t�tfore,thfis Gs�is�i�a. ��ak tt�e Ci tie� c�f �r�Y e�ser�ittn `. � � ��titut Pra9�s'. �g a repert ti+ � att�4i�, �u� 3� rtot��Q #e �, - - :� � �i s ���..,�. , - -� �- ` �� ���� � s, '�� �s��i� ►�-.. ��� �� stai - � He s3��ed t#re Mirni+ B�r �t�ft#tc�KU►. st� �4r-: lii�cfrtr�s� v�as �Rr. �it��4 �s i �. "N���nv�3'�e. s�ai' f'� tu�t tha� �►y� ��r �ra'infi� �sr' �%rite �5;� p�tt� tA�'<>�us� d#t��+srS 8� #i�s # on � ��I ��� ��� � �s� =ha��: � 't� �rfic, A.�►se i�: ���� �� t� -3'�ili#�}t�.5 `8� '� %�igal �st'�tr�t �t��'f� f�, a�±�� � €�iat��r: t#s��+ r.�n ` �;��s �1't4r�.; id�� #���t� s� �'L�r€ �: � � " t�i`� ��i �#a� �# d� �3dtfrrg� i� sF _ � � .�_ �,. at t i , !: �5 <�. ..•.�. � :;; :t ,g . �.�,,:_- s;. #QAS � 3 r�astti t D�" Ctn +� fl�' �if hr�a Fi ��ar� °Gs�nss�at �����tt 3 i'��s,�e� by � t�i t . � �#nu� � �i�€� si�i � � fi��, �at�'f� b� � ti�-i r a��r �c�r .iuii_� �; -�� ro���� t-i�� i� €ac�. �4� !s c�ti� be se�r�e� p+�i�e� is ti�� � ; - ;�.�. � _ ��.� !8r i98�, �.� . ain ui�f v�rs; ty. - tti#� progr�a. �!. :ed he �e.Haus@ iod gafining tea� of ' �rs� s�nd tiien three a}1y does ce wark, nneapot;s E�e h� certi - t�s�t : � w�e1c they � � n�s �a:r�t 'to [�s#& t#ie C�fine p�te fias to ;� #3�P1 �9 VflICE _ {�* CITY OF fRIDLEY HUMAN RESOURCES CONMISSION MEETING AUGUST 6. 1981 CAt,L 7U ORDER: C{�airperson van Dan ca1}ed the August 6, 1981, Human Resources Comnission �eeting to o�der�at 7:31 p.m. � . �, , �!. CALL: l�aers Fresent: Mary ven Dan, Brian Goodspeed, Peter Treuenfels, Jayne Noble, lynn Boet^�erhoff t�embers Absent: 4thers:Present: None Mary`Cayan, Human Resources Assistant Barbara,Terpstra, IYDP Co-Ghairperson Lois Cariey� SACA Irene Earsons, SACA JYQT7AlV 8Y XR. TRSFTENF�ISw SSCONDSD BY dIIi. GWDSPS$;�F TO APPROVE Z7fE JULY 26� S98I, � RESWRCSS COMMiSSIDN �TNUTSS AS WRITTfiN, fIPQN A TR71'CS VOTS• ALL yOTING AYE� C9AIRP8RSON fT,�i D14N DSCLARED THS MOTION G`RRRSh'D DHANZ1�t7SLY. E�PPROYAi Of A6ENDA: Ms. vaa Dan stated that the agenda should be rearranged so that the representatives ft�oan SAGA are first on the agenda and the IYDP update is second on the agenda. ],�1�7'1'I� BY �IIt. COOASPSSDi S&CQNDSD BY !!R. TRSUfiNF&LS� TFl AI�ND ' TTi8 RGSNDA S�i fiHAT iTEX I is R�.A.C.A." AND ITBM 2 is "IYl�-IIPDATE". UPf3N A I�p3GE VOTE, ALL YOTING AYB� C9AIRP8RS�J YAN DAN I�CLARED SBS MOTION CAAGRIED LHVANIIUW/BLY. i. S.A.C.A. (Southern Anoka County Assistanc�_} -�port Reaard9nq Funding �sce�ve rev�ous ear: -�Is. van Dan stated that at the last Comttission`meeting, the Comnission members i�riewed the funding requests. At that time, SACA haa not sent the Cortmissfon � accounting,of the.funding received the previous year. Since that meeting, S�4�A has 3ent an update regarding that funding. The Caimission merobers recedved , tt�is irtformation with the9r agertda. a ►na� R�sou�ea c�tssto�° ��7z� nu�u�r ��„t9ra� P�s� 2 � � Ms. � van� Oan stated ,i�+at Ms� �'�r��t�a and'Ms, �rte� from SACA vrere at the�� �eting - ��o �nnswer any que��'InrNS th� �C4�ssion I�mbers mi9ht have. - z� Ms. Parso�s stated they h�r�e se�► a steady i"tt�rease.9n Lt�e n�r of applicants eac.h year. She stated #t t5 i+ery hard for i� to �ec��ical7y stat� wfiere the money arent tfiat the'City t�' �'Nidisy funded. �t��t. pa�isy �n4 ittto �b�ir main acco�nt, and they jusi k� a xecord of wher� a�i o� the mm�ey t�oes. As needs arise. they give whst is ��ded. She stated,ut�►�iever, that they are beginning to try �o keep mare sp��f�ic-t��s. Sfie stai�e! thai �sne thing they do not want to do is get into the` titarenuar►�y a# red tape �it Qape�rorlc, because �his is real7y - a service #o Lhe �p�e. : Ms: Carley stated she �lo�� f�tvt�e each of �£om�f�"sinn m�mbers to come and vfsit their facilif� it �s a,t�+o-story h�-whtc�r �as'd�nat�d �d is maintained � by' the City of Co't�3d H��h't� �� She stated��+: h&u� �� f4Gd rot�nt and � an � tMe second itocr, tMere.;ar� r@cfis, G� ctothing--t� roo� #nr cfi#ldren's olt�thfng, one roan for men's cla�iiag, �`�e room for w�een's c�th#ng. She stated they now have an aux9liary eYf @ec►pE� whc� °co�e in to sort and hang c�Qtt�BS and put canned goods on the sh�l�. �: s�ai�1- awst o# tk#t a�srk #s cf�uie by yottu�teer hetp. Ms: Cnriey stated t�ai �S� is d�ing a]ot 9t r�ork for battered � by helping s�t �ese wemen u� in a�a�ian�nts again. ,The�* � nnL pay;for tbe rent, 6ut he1p, u not orrty with faod'� c1�ir�ng+ but wlth fiou�+�hotd thfngs, su�h t�s kitchen utensils, draperles. etc. bis. Parsons state�f �h�i S�iCA is'for emerg� hetp atiy. it i4' nt►t a regular hand-out. Card fi�s ar�:�pt a�d only r wittx- c�finite n� � fielped. She stated mest pes�1R at� u�uaT3y referred.�Sy ch�irc"l�es. Ms. �an aan ihankes�•1�: ns°and MIs..Carl�t�. for �am4ng ta ti�e ine,eting. Mr. Treuenfels sLa�ed f�e �s v�t'y impressed �tiLh Ms: PtrsQrr's stat�ent that they are aare interest�d fn,ba#�g a� se�'vice to tt�e people iha� in filttng �tu# forms. 2. IN7fRNATiQNAL- `1�#t l� �S�:E'D FERSQNS �;,���) - 4�PDA?€: Ms. tarpstra stat� i�eY �►ed the boaLh aL the Ai+�a Goue►ty Fafr .bn Tuesday � a��� 1:00 p.m. She� �a�test .� ba��]�on sa�es t� +�y wef'e� vexy p�w�^, but �the sal�es on Wed�esday was �y r�F#s1ng: They $re t►t�ng � batl�nns w47� aell weTl. They are-also setT�?►g.�c�per st4cker's and b�s.- They wf11 be a� ihe fair tt�rough Sun�aY e�9�i. : Ms. tsrpstra stafi.s�i th�t �he Frfdley Lions C1ub d� fialf the rental money fdr tfie tent� the ��ghti ,.iab�e, and chni�,=r�uhf� the City o# Coa� Rapids supptied the oth�r ha'!f �:� rental money. li��r,. th� Coan Rapids TYDP has to reimburse thet*� aftsr n for t#�e- rentaL:�e�r �0�` �� tent and the plot of 0` yround. She stat+et! t,h�tt��ti� the Fr3d1e� 41oit5 i�� dOnat�d tihs �rtey 'to the � Frldtey IY�DP, a]i�."I�s- ,� �`�+ make wi11 #�,.�f�"a�d will gd t.dwarils their sur'vey. �,`. �.� �' � � _._ :�t.<�, . �� , . _ ..�' � � ;��. sHi�A�IN RESOURCES CQt�1I$SION MEETIN6. AUGUST 6, 1�981 PAGE 3 Ms. van Dan stated sbe would like to comnend Ms. 7erpstra for all the time and effort she has spent on this project. t!�^. Bpel�gerhoff stated that afternoon he and Ms. Terpstra were interviewed by 9arhara Hughes for cable TV. He stated these interviews will be shown in late Au9ust, Ms. van Dan stated she would like to commend the City of Frid7ey for putting the IY� logo on its city envelopes. . ��� SY 11lR.. TREU6NFSLu�'� ��SSCQNDSD BY XS. NQB���.�TO--SXPRBSS TffE HiJMAN RESOURCES�. - . G'�ISSIQN'S DSSP APPR8GIA2'ION FOR TBS ACTi�;THB C,iTY CDUNCIL HAS TA1�'N IN i�i13?Y,TC„'�ZZ'N�', TXS INTBJIHATI�IdAL YSAR OF DISABLSD P$RS�S. tf�G7N A VOICS VQTB'� ALL VOTING AYE� CSAZRPSRSOX V11iV DAN �CLARED THS MOTION G.i�RIBD ilIVANIXOUSLY. Ms. Cayan statsd the International Year - Minnesota Symposium at St. Cloud State t�►iversity on Ju1y 24-25 was cancelled due to the:state emptoyees' strike. �. C.Ohff�LE7I0N OF FUNDIN6 REYIEW AND RECOMMENDIkSIONS: 1�s. van Dart stated she thought the Comnission members 'could use the following qu�de:in comp]eting their funding review for submittaT to Planning Commission artd City Counci9: Name of organization Bnsic pttrpose Budget request Scoring Recomnendation and reasons for ranking Restrittions (lj S.A.C.A. (Southern Anoka County llssistance�, ` 7he primary purpose of SACA is ta provide emergency assistance to Southern A►wka Gounty families who need help for food, clothing, household items, and/or small loans, 7hey are a non-profit organization. Budget request: ;2,500 - total budyet 9s �5,800 cash. Scorin9: 78.8 points' NOTION BY AIIt. TREUSNFSLS, SECONDED 8Y 11�. BDERGSRliOFF, TO RSCOMi1SND TO PLANIVING pOMMISSIIXO AND CITY �UMCIL TXAT TXS 2'OTRL ANOUNT RfiQUBSTED BY SACR BS FUNDSD NITX NO RfiSTRICTIONS. RSASON FOR FUNDING IS COHMUNTTY NESD. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYB� (�AIRPSRSON VAN DAN DECLRRED TB8 lIOR701P CARRISD UNANINOUSLY. N�1 i�SOURCES Gt�TS�� M6 AUGUST 6� .)�8i PAGE 4 Mr. Tre�r�fe]s s�aki�sd �hey have ta €�►�isfider that the total dollar 811KlU11t l�'�i}g i@C�lS�Ed.`fTENn ft'id1E� �3de5 T16t C011lp3fi'f to the ;high degree af 9rµkf�{ ser�ce beirtg provided by the. Cfty of Ca3umbia Neights. hls. van Dan a�}t^�Eii.' � stated th�ii ev� �o�yh Cotumbia Hs3ghts had a hfglier nu�r af reciplent5 {ii�i t6 fri4Ftey's 150j. �ol�nbia Heights' in ki��R�rvi�es add a cw�i�ertt�e amount tp tfieir donation-- much more tt�� �i ?s requesting � Frfdley. (2) We11 Set�,,,ar Gi ``: CTinic The pri��y��r�is�€ e� the We1l Se�i�' Ci�iz�h Ciinic is to he7p senior citixets�p"#'�in indepenr�t anti t���t#Xy by pravi�ding lsealth ca�e s�r1�►1. nnd physica'� ez�s #� help fdentify.and � �antrol �,m#c11r,.�1, ���s. It is a� �oka Co�rrtY Coaaa:n#t� agency � whi ch is, ►ian-�p , , ; _ . � � � � � Budget redj��t ;''���:_�,� Number c� i.�'ittt� rwtsident9:���is 1�. � � � � � � �Scoring.- �4 3 ��t3._ �� � ero�zox a��,a�t. ���'s, s�scaa�n. s� �, ��o�, �. Rs�Nn TD PI+#N�.1'�1G L�+SS�iC� .9ND CITY CQ�tCil+ �AZ TBE TOTAL �NT � � � °�ar�i;ss�rox crrr�'"+e�� �a'F�aer� sx �s CS2'Y ��ti�'�i�tt° 3R�3' R&STRtCTi�F3. RS�iBt�'1S Fl.�? FrJ!ND�tNC �688 TAffRB A88`-AT(? � t'.�' SBRVICE3 +i�D ST S$'$il& TQ H� JIIEB�'S10i's A NSSD I37 TB8 �`�� IJPON A V�CS VG�r ��TING 1lYEi` CRAIRPi6'RSON V71TT UAN HSE�L7IRSD TlTS MbTTt�YV' ' . .<tXN�1iZ1Y�USLY. ' (3) C+entrai �kn��r`�i` �,�}ity Re_sources T#re prli�ty #� ,` �e �rl` the Centr�� °�nter fie�r Famity, Re3atrces is to cour�l� # i�c: �"1�rily wi� ehil�n 13 years uf ag� and younger, vdw"ha�e $djt�sta�ent prcQk� a�t#� ccmnunity. ho�e, or �� school,�' Se�ii� ar4P�vided ttrpr�vent'present Prs�le� from becaning..ehr�n'l�3, It 4s a nor+-P►�if9� •org�t�dsatton. ,:,; Budget reqwes�c�"�►�Q - total trudget i� $51,46�. #umber of �� � ����►t7�es served i� �5�8. �►f which i9% are Fridle� ;;=��{}��s; n�ber af Fr#d�ey� famfilies fnvoxved in ` s` �du�tional prognams:9s 91�, 5coring: i2,+�<:���►ts Ms. vAn C�t► S�� th�e staff3ng ws� Ce►^tt�►�iy wetl qualii#ed. Sfie �iso s�a��d ��e �entral Cen�tr 'far ��a'ltq Resoarc�s ,�aes list other �tvertap�'��r4ees. �: � � � � � .; „. . � � � � ���. � � � �, . .. � .. � .... �� R t. .. . . � (4) 5 NpTION BY MR. 2'3iSiTENFEIS. SEG�ONDBD 8Y l�flR. 600ASPBSD� TO RECOMMEIJD R1D PLANNING COMMISSION APD CITY G1�UNCIL TAAT MOST OF TAE AMOUNT REQl1SSTSD SY TPf$ CENTRAL CfiNTBR FOR FAMILY RESOURCSS B8 FUNDfiD BY TEE CITY QF'�DLEY� TSS CITY COUNCIL TO DfiT6RMINE TS% FINAL AMOfAVT. UPON A[+OI£fi.VOTS, ?RSUSNFEIS� GOOASPSSD��BND SOBRGSRAOFF VOTING AYE� VAN DAN NOTIXG NAY� AND NOBLS A8S$a4IN.IDir, QIAIRPSRSON VAN DAN DSCLARED TFIE NOTION GARRISD WITB A VOTS OF 3-1. Creative P1ay Genter The primarq purpose of the Creative Play Center is to develop programs apd support groups to meet the needs of parents of pre- school children through planned recreatifln dnd social interaction. Budget request: $5,U00 - tota] budget is �10,335. Scoring: fi�.2 points ' Mr. Boergerhoff stated it seemed the puYpose of this Center is to provide an enviromnent for parents to pta�y with their children, and �st people do #fiat in their own home. i5) Ms. van D8R stated that ma�ybe the Center is trying to provide some- thing #or tfie child who does not have an opportunity for social interaction--to get used to being with tather ehildren and people. Ms. Nob1e stated that the request far:�5,000 represented half of the total budget. Ms. van Dan stated one of her biggest concerns was that there is reatly no trained personnel. MOTIOAi BY 11Q2. -�';tEUSNFBZS, SSCQNDED SY �IS. NOBLB, TO RECOMMEND TO PIANNING COI�lt33ZON AND CITY ODANCZL THRT SQMls' OF TXE AMOUNT �piTSSTBD 8Y Tf7E CREATIi� PLAY Cffi�TBR HE FUNDED BY TH8 CZTY OF FRZDLfi7� T9E CITY (X�UNCIZ TO DSTSRMIIVE THS FIIJAL AMOUNT. UPQN A VOICE VOTS. ALL VOTING dYE, CltA1RPERSON VAN DAN DSCLARED THS XO'fION CARRIBD UNANIldOUSLY. Family Life Center The primary purpose of the Family Cife Genter is to provide intensive out-patient mental health services including evaluation, treat�nt of major mental illness. and professional intervention, including crisis intervention. It is a private, non-profit organization. Budget r�quest: .,�5,W0 - totat budget is $178,Ott0. Scoring: 50.2 p+�iinrts ' van SSSlI6S stated th�'Family Life.Center does npt list any over- rice�: bui:ihe Conmi u�K�n is aware that thera are over- ri Ce�,. t. �J6?S� SBCPNDED P2" MR. COfSI#SPSSD. 'TO �171�ND l��srib]�:AND CITY C6UN�'iL TBAT �ONS_OF;TitS ANOUNT ' T1g8- Fa�AfI.�`iY LIFE CEIJTffiR 7t$ �1�EA HY 4718 .GS4'Y OF FRIDLEY. AIOT `FUd�11�r` INCI.T7� T88 I�'RCT THA2' TBS$S A� OVERLAPP.ING f8 "1r1�s ' T$1!T" TItB FAkIL)F LliB Q�NTSR APPARSNT&Y UUES NOT I SLflSING 1!748 SCRLB� ,i��+t �CAU3B 2'IiS A1�OUN2 R8liP1E'STSD i�US°F � � � � LIPOH ll D¢TC� �r��FS'VOTING AYS� E't�1ZRPF�RS� VAN DJIN I�°L`LARED T88 �T1QA` �A b�11lTi3'NOUSLY. Fts, Ca�yan.stated she 4►as �► raquested in the past hy organizativns that they � be �ept more c�osely infoi� 0#,the status_t!f`their reques#s.'She asked if the tbmpriss3on would 1'ike t�ew':�a +�Ea"!`�fy the'orgarti�ntians on the status af their requests and notify than a� fh�a';Planning Ca�tssiorr meeting. The Ca�mission me�rers c�rred that those �rr�anizations �o have requested informati'on be in#�d by leti�^ of the st�Lus of their requests and the date of tfie Planning Cami�issi� �eetin9• They sttot�ld a]so be finformed that the minutes of '�Che Hwnan Resour�es °£t►�issicm meetings 3te av�i`iabte upon request. 4. UISCUSSION Of k"�(T�ttSiC� Ms. van Dan statetl Lh�t � motian grantfng an exLenS mon�y for the deas�,�pmen� Cha�rtpan Harris sta'ted th year's funding proposals. had specificatty re?quest but not for media o�r a the City Councit had �nt lls. van Dan stateei she h bring the Human Ress�urce Ms. Cayan stated she had Coamission minutes and t the discussiai ealicernfn wec+�nendati on on to Ei t Honse but that the aa►aey 7he City Cooncil c�ncur�^ �ast Canplissi�►n;�ne ne F time tu;the Aiexa slide sFrow. At th ng:, thc Comnission made a n l#ouse to use tfie grant iannit� Gonmission meeting, s3on ►�sviewed tt� previous "he s�ci#ically r�.anbered that the Plannittg Comnission �tt Lttat the fu�ing De used for stsffing artt! operations, dvi�isirf�. The P1ann�irrg Co�ntission had, atso thought that #� re5trictions an the use of that fand4ng. � a5ked Ms. Gayan � r�esearth th�s in the mfnutes.and �Omniss9on up to �ite. �►dp ct)pies of the Septeaiber 24, i980;, Planning �.Qctoher 6, 1980, City Cra�ac#1 minutes �v#►ich contained ��liaxandra House. The Pla�r►fng Coam9ssion passed a i;;.£s�unc=il that the $2,500 be frtnded to the Alexandra �t p�ed for the seri+ice �ul ac�aihistration of the House. � w�i#► the Planning Gt�mnlss9nn's r�econmendation. <<�. � � a aat N1s. Cayan stated she had spoken to Mr. Boardman �k+csut this, and it is t�r. Boardman's recommendation that a tetter go ont from Staff to Alexandra iiause explaining the sfituation, including copfes of past minutes to clarify fi�+e situation, and asking Chem to give a general accounting of what the money wi91 t� used for. a�12'SQN 8Y llR. TRSUENFSLS, S&CONDSD BY KS. NOBLE, TO RSQU&ST STAFF TO SSSUE A FRRNAL:RSQUSST TO ALSXANDRA HOUSL� FOR A GSNSRAL ACCOUNT3NG. iiPX�T A VO.TCS VOTB� ALL VOTING AYB, Cf1AIRPfiR5�11 VAP DAN �CLARED TA8 lNOTION G'.tRR7$D UNANI1tlOflSLP. 5. TIMETABLE FOR THE IMPLEMEN7ATION OF GOALS AND �3ECTIVES: Hs. Cayan stated that several of the member commissions of the Planning Commissian �ava been having difficulty with their direction, particularly the Community Developr�nt Commission. Many of the goals were Qs�ablished years ago and are �tat as important now. Also, one of the major carr�laints received from comnission members is the lack of direction and lack of cantact rtith the City Council. For these reasons, Mr. Boardman has decided it is probably a good time for all cpnmissions to re-establish their goals and objectives. i!Is. Gayan stated that the Planning Staff has tassed around a lot of ideas and 1.s fr��roducing the idea of developing a formal work plan in which goals and ob�ectives wi71 be listed for the foilowing year. This work plan woutd then be submitted to Lhe City Council for its review, revision, comnents, etc. This way the Ci#y Council woutd qe giving the comnissions sane direction and the commissions ra�uld have contact with Lhe City Council. Nls. Gayan stated Staff has spoken to the Cortmuni�y Deve}opment Co�nission, the �nvirot�ental Quality Comrnission, and the Energy Cortenission. The reactions frpm these comnissions haae been favorable. Ms. Cayan stated she had develaped a sample work pian format for the Cortpnission to,look at. All the commissions' work plans �ri11 be consistent and all the corr�issions witl receive each others' vrork plans. ,Mr. Tre�enfeis stated fie was very pleased to see this work p1an. �is. varr 0an asked the Gommission members to take the satt�le work plan home and review it so they can begin to put together their work plan for the coming year. RDJOURMMENT: 1�0R'ION BY XS. NOBLB, SEOONDED BY 1�t. 1RSUSNPELS� T0 AA717URN THfi MEETING. UPON A VOI�E V02'8, ALL VOTIWG AYB, CHASRPSRSON VAN DdN ffiCLAHED THE AUGUST 6, 1982, . NitM1119�RESOIIRCES G10MMISSION AISSTING ADJOURAIED.:AT 9:�30�P.M. . �.. R,eSpectful}y submitted, �4, .-�,..., .11. �.., Lynnk 58ba . Recording Secretary �. �:.. . '2 . � :. y ... . �.. � . . � � ; i 3 i 1 � �L � CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 CALL TO ORDER; Yice-Chairperson Oquist called the August 19, 1981, Planning Comnission meeting to arder at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Oquist, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Saba, Ms. van Dan Members Absent: Mr. Harris, Mr. Svanda Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Muriel Sharpe, 5924 - 5th St. N.E. Mary Eggert, 1080 Hathaway Lane Robert J. Baumer, Suite 206, 403 Jackson St., Anoka 55303 Lee Carlson, 7937 - 5th St. N.E, Peter Treuenfels, P.O. Box 21072, Mpls. 554210072 Allen & Carol Caldien, 1245 Norton Ave. N.E. APPROVAL Of JULY 29, 1981, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDSD BY MR. KONDRICK, TO APPROVE THE JULY 29� 1981� pLANNING COMMISSZON MINUTSS AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOIC6 [�OTfi� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CXAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED TXE MOTZON CRRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - � 1. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #81-06, BY ROBERT & BARBARA ANDERSON: Split off the ort erfy 20 ft. of t at part o� ot �d. SYbu 3ivis�on #10, Rev., Described as follows: Beginning at a point on North line dis. 642 ft. East of NW corner of lot 16 said Rev. Aud. Sub. #l0,thence East along North line 97 ft.,thence South parallel with West line 308 ft., thence West parallel with North line 97 ft., thence North parallel with West line 308 ft. to point of beginning subject to easement over North 30 ft., the same being 1360 - 69th Avenue N.E. Mr. Boardman stated the proposal is to split off the southerly 100 ft. to make a 100' x 97' lot. He stated Siverts Lane is now an improved lane with water and sewer service; therefore, this lot can get service. Mr. Boardman stated Staff has no problem with the lot split. There is a$500 park fee requirement on a lot split which the petitioners have signed, There is also an understanding that when Siverts Lane went in, the cost of Siverts Lane was delayed on these corner lots. The people on the corner lots claimed they did not use Siverts Lane and, therefore, did not want to be assessed for any development of Siverts Lane. . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 19 1981 PAGE 2 Mr. Boardman stated the City Council did delay assessments on tFiese lots until such time as these lats were split #or deve]opment. These lots are now being split for develDpment,and those people will be getting assessment charges on this lot. He stated the petitioner was informed of this. Mr. Boardman stated that at this time, the decision has not been made whether easements will be needed. They are debating on how to handle access to all other lots. They may want to have the access on the back ends within the county park property for a street if a street is ever needed. MOTION BY ttS. VAN DAN� SECONDED BY iIIt. SABA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL RPPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST� L.S.�#81-06� BY ROBERT & BARBRRA�ANDERSON: SPLIT OFF THE NORTXERLY 208 FT. OF� THAT PART OF LOT I� AUD. SUBDIVISION q10 REV.� DESCRIBED AS FOLIAWS: BfiGINNING RT A POINT ON IdORTH LINE DSS. 642 FT. EAST OF NW CORNER OF LOT 16 SAID Rfi'V. AUD. SUB. N10 TXENCE EA5T ALONG NORTS LINE 97 FT.� THENCE SOUTH PARALLEL WITH WEST LINfi 308 FT. THSNCfi WSST PARALLEL WITX NORTX.LINE 97 FT.� THENCE NORTH PARIlLLfiL WITH WEST LSNE 308 FT. TO POINT OF BfiGZNNING SUBJSCT TO EASEMfiNT OVER NORTH 30 FT.�.THB SAME BEZNG Z360 — 69TH AVENUE N.fi.� WITH THE STIPULATION THAT TXE CITY COUNCIL MAKE SOMB DETERMINATION ON THE ROAD RCCESS TO SERVICE ADDITIDNAL LOTS.� � .. � UPON�A VOICE VOTfi� ALL VOTING AYE� VICfi—CXAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 2. LOT SPLIT being 1239 and 1241 Norton 1-07 BY L. ROBERT ERICKSON: Split Lot 6, Auditor's ing sites eac . t. y 33.97 ft., the same Avenue N.E. Mr. Boardman stated this whole district is presently zoned R-3, which is a multi- family district. The homesites on the south are all duplex units. On Block 10 on the end of Norton Ave. on the corner of Old Central and Norton, there are 4- unit structures. All the property in the Trico Addition is quad units. There is a large tract of land just north, 1250 - 72nd Ave., which is presently open land. There have been several proposals for multi-unit buildings on that piece of land. At 1200 - 72nd Ave., there is an apart�nt building. Mr. Boardman stated Mr. Erickson is proposing that Block 6 be split into two lots and he will build two duplexes similar to the duplexes he built on the Norton Ave. homesites. He is looking at two 66.5' x 133.97' lots. Mr. Erickson must also apply to the Appeals Co�mnission for variances. These variances will be for lot width and lot area. Even though the property is zoned R-3, they must fallow the requirements for duplex zoning when putting a duplex in an R-3 zone. The width requirement is 75', and the lot area requirement is 10,000 sq. ft. Mr. Erickson has 8,909 sq. €t. The building he is proposing will not require any setback variances from the building itself. He is proposing 12 ft. on each side of the buildings with tuck-under garages. Mr. Boardman stated Mr. Erickson has talked to some of the neighbors and has obtained five signatures of people in favor of two duplexes. �. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Boardman stated the City usually does not notify the residents of lot splits. Since_there are sane variances, they did note on the variance notices that went out to the neighbors that the City was also considering a lot split request. Therefore, they did notify the residents within 200 ft, of the property. Mr. Oquist asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak to the item. Ms. Carol Caldien, 1245 Norton Ave., stated they live next to this property. She wondered if any consideration had been given to what it is like to live on a short dead-end street with the high density of people on one block. She stated there is no place to park. There are always people parking in their driveway. She stated it is like living in the city slums and not in Fridley. Mr. Allen Caldien, 1245 Norton Ave., stated that since the doubles were built on that street, they have had nothing but problems. The street is just not big enough to handle all the cars. They do not want to see two more doubles go in next to them. He stated the people in the doubles have parties five nights a week. He was sure that if the Planning Coironission members checked the police records, they would find that the police are called in a lot. They had their back window shot out about a month ago. Ms. Gabe1 stated she did not recall seeing a dead-end street sign on that block. There are some things that can be done to help, and a street sign is one, Also, maybe sane additional lighting would help in that area. Mr. Oauist explained that additional street lighting could be requested through a petition signed by the neighbors. Mr. Saba asked if the neighborhood was involved in the neighborhood crime pre- vention program, Ms. Caldien stated it was not. Mr. Oquist explained that since this property was already zoned R-3, a five unit could be built if the lot split was not approved. So, either way, a multi-family unit would be built because of the present zoning. Ms. Gabel encouraged the neighbors to contact their councilman to talk about the need for more street lighting and also to try to get into the City's crime prevention program. Mr. Saba stated he would much rather see two duplexes built there than a 5-plex. He had looked at the neighborhood and felt duplexes would improve the appearance of the neighborhood. MOTION 8Y FII2. SRBA, SECONDEA BY PIIi. KONDRICK� TO RECOMMSND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT RTsQUSST, L.S. N8I—Q7� BY L. ROBERT ERICKSON: SPLIT LOT 6� AUDITOR'S SUB. #89 TO MAKS TWO BUILDING SZTES ERCfl 66.5 FT. BY 233,97 FT.� THE SRME BEING I239 APJD I241 HORTON RVENUE N.E., CONDITIpNSD UPON APPEALS COMMISS20N!S APPROVAL OF THE VARIANCES. � � a F PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 PAGE 4 UPON A VOICE VOTS� ALL VOTING AYE, VTCE -CflA7RPERSON ODUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRISD UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman stated this item wauld go to the Appeats Commission on August 25 and City Council on Sept. 28. 3. REVIEW OF CHAPTER 301, 302 AND 303 BY REQUEST OF THE CITY COUNCIL; MOTZON BY MS. GABEL� SECONDfiD BY MS. VAN DAN� TO MOVfi THIS ITEM TO THE END OF TSE AG$NDA. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AY&� VFCE-CXAIRPERSON 09UIST DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 4. RECEIVE JULY 9, 1981, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTZON BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY 1�t. RONDRICK, T0 RECEIVB THE JULY 9� I981� HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. _, UPON A VOICfi VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE,� YICE=GHAIRP8R90N-OQ(7ZST DECLARED THE F1t�TION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. � '.' ' 5. RECEIVE JULY 21, 198], ENVIRONMENTAL�,UALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. VAN DAN� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO RECEIVE THE JULY 21, I981� ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMZSSION MINUTfiS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING RYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE JULY 28, 1981, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION M_INUiE_S_: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDfiD BY 1�SS. VAN AAN� TO REC82VE THE JULY 28� I981� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSSON MINUTES. - UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL YOTING RY&� VICE-CHAIRPfiRSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOi1SLY. 7. RECEIVE JULY 28, 1981, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY Ffft. SRBA, SSCONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO RECETVE JULY 28� 1981, fiNERGY COMMISSSON MSNUTES. UPON A VOICfi VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OijU2ST DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - � � � 8. RECEIVE AUGUST 6 1981 HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. PAiV DAN, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO RECEIVE THE AUGUST 6, 1981, XUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. AUGUST 19, 1981 PAGE 5 Ms. van Dan stated Lhat on.pages 3-6 were the reco�nendations made by the Human Resources Corrmission to the Planning Comnission and City Council on funding proposals, Ms. Gabel asked if the Creative Play Center operated under the auspices of Community Education. Ms. Muriel Sharpe, Creative Play Center, stated that approximately 5 years ago, Cor�nunity Education approached some parents and asked them to set up a parent training program for other parents to be trained as group leaders for parent dis- cussion groups on different topics. They began doing that for about a year. After that year, they found there was a real need for a place where parents could get together and have support groups among themselves. Because of the declining enrollment in Fridley, many children do not have other children the same age to play with in their neighborhoods. They then came up with the idea of a Creative Flay Center. Ms, Sharpe stated they went back to Comnunity Education and asked them to help with this endeavor. Comnunity Education.has helped by donating the room and some of the utilities. She stated they do get e small amount of monies through School District #14, but this is primarily a preschool account and it goes strictly for parent training and parent discussian groups. She stated they are funded in pdrt by CommuniLy Education, but the.bulk is in-kind services--the room, janitorial services, administrative help, etc. The actual monetary amount is quite small. Ms. Sharpe stated they do get help from many community and civic organizations. Ms. Sharpe stated that approximately 150 families have taken out memberships. Memberships are $20/yr./family. These families participate in parent/child activities. Also a large number of the families participate in parent discussion groups and other activities. Ms. Lee Carlson, Central Center for Family Resources, stated they do interact with the Creative Play Center, and the representative from the Creative Play Center is on their Program Advisory Board. The Central Center for Family Resources has worked closely with the Creative Play Center in developing parent education classes, in which there have been 200 participants over the last two years. She felt the faGt that they do interact so cooperatively as agencies was a very positive type of action, Ms. Sharpe stated tfiey "tailor-make" their program to fit the needs of the .;parents. It is a time set aside for the parent and child to interact together and for children to interact with each other. Witfi interruptions at home, this time is not always taken. They also focus on parent education and have speakers on different topics. Ms. van Dan stated one concern of the Human Resources Commission was the lack of trained personnel. ! I PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 PAGE 6 Ms. Sharpe stated their staff has received training in chiid development and group leadership. She felt that the staff is well qualified for what they are doing, and that is acting as a resource for the parents to be directed to more qualified people if there is a need. Ms. Sharpe stated that 80X of the work is done on a volunteer basis, and their budget is very low compared to other centers of this nature. Ms. Lee Carlson, Central Center for Family Resources, stated that Fridley is one of the cities that has been involved in the Central Center for Family Resaurces' being and was a very much appreciated part of making this counseling center possible. She stated that Anoka County is one of the few counties that does not have a mental health center, and there is a shortage of low cost services fo^ people in the area who have counseling needs. Their center focuses on these needs. Ms. Carlson stated that 200 people have participated in their parent education programs and over 585 people have participated in counseling. Ms. Carlson stated that when they first came before Fridley, as well as the cities of Blaine and Spring Lake Park, they were attempting to develop a funding base that would make what they call a"shared responsibility", tfiat is as broadly based as possible. They have succeeded in getting some help from the State Juvenile Intervention Fund. This year is a very critical year for them, because it is the first year the agency has received United Way funding, which means they will be provisionally funded for twa years and evaluted in Oct. 1982. A decision will be made then as to whether to enter them into a permanent allo- cation process. Ms. Carison stated she feels they are interacting very closely with the City of Fridley. One Fridley policeman serves on the Program Advisory Board, and another Fridley policeman is training to be a parent facilitator in the family education program. Ms. Carlson stated they refuse no one because of inability to pay. They operate on a siiding fee scale based on a families' gross income. They also look at the extenuating circumstances. Ms. Carlson stated there does appear to be an increase in families who have problems with violence. She stated their basic philosophy is trying to meet the human needs. Coordinating with other people is very important because that is how they avoid duplication. Dr. Robert Baumer, Family Life Center, stated he is a psychiatrist and on staff at Anoka State Haspital. They are located in Anoka, but have a satellite office in Fridley. He stated they hope to become the area-wide comnunity mental health center for Anoka County. They are organized as a comprehensive non-profit community mental health center. This organization developed out of his private PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 19 1981 PAGE 7 in-patient practice. He statedfhey provide services primarily to Anoka County residents. Their clients primarily are people with severe mental and emotional "health care problems. About 45� of their clients come from eastern Anoka County-- Blaine, Spring Lake Park, Fridley, Columbia Heights. The other 55% come from Anoka, Coon Rapids, and the Champlin area. Of those percentages, about 19-20% are from Fridley, receiving primary services out of the Fridley office. Dr. Baumer stated that regarding overlapping services, there are no overlapping mental health services. They are the only mental healtfi center in the area. There are private psychiatric services in the area, but they are not operating in a community mental health context. They do some counseling, and that is their overlapping area. Ms, van Dan stated the Human Resources Commission had a concern, and that was with the sliding fee scale. It is listed in the information that the Family Life Center does operate on a sliding fee scale; however, when one Human Resources Comnission member telephoned Dr. Baumer's office, that person was informed that there was a set fee and no sliding fee scale. Dr. Baumer stated they have tisted the sliding fee scale that Anoka County established some years ago, but practically speaking, they do not use that. The fee is negotiated privately when the patient sees the therapist, so each case is handled individually. He stated clients in true need for services do receive services. Dr. Baumer stated they do interface with other agencies and do refer to other agencies. Mr. Oquist stated he did not understand why the need for a community mental health center as opposed to a private practice. Dr. Baumer stated that private practices do not operate in a canmunity mental health context. They operate mainly on a fee-for-service. The difference is that the private practice does not see patients who need treatment but cannot afford the services. Ms. Gabel stated she would be concerned that someone who needs help and is informed over the phone that there is no sliding fee, but a set fee, would not receive the help that person needs. Dr. Baumer stated that most patients are referred by physicians, and brochures are distributed. They do not advertise that people can receive services for nothing. Mr. Treuenfels stated he is still concerned over the matter of the telephone tall made by a Human Resources Commission member. There are also a couple of other discrepancies he would like to bring up. One is the business of overlapping, He has found that quite a bit of work being offered by flr.Baumer's clinic is also � r PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 PA6E 8 being offered by other agencies in Anoka County; however, Dr. Baumer stated there was no substantial overlap. Dr. Baumer also mentioned charging $60/hr., but the fee mentioned in the )iterature is $75/hr. Mr. Treuenfels stated there are some very strange discrepancies, and both as a member of the Human Resources Corrmission and as a private taxpayer, he would strongly recomrr�nd that the Planning Cortmission heed the Human Resources Commission's recommendation that no money be funded to the �amily Life Center. Mr. Boardman stated he is somewhat concerned that if this is a community service, how that service is directed to serve the cortmunity. Dr. Baumer has repeatedly mentioned community mental health, but Mr. Boardman stated he still saw this center as a private practice getting referrals from hospitals and physirians, a�d he questioned where it tied into a community service and how it is providing a service to the comnunity any differently than the private practice. Dr. Baumer stated that regarding the $75/hr., that is the standard charge for psychiatrists in the comnunity, and the Center must keep their fees consistent with the community. They must do this far insurance purposes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CXAIRPERSON OQUIb'T DECLARED TH8 MINUTES RECSIVED. MOTION BY MS. VAN DAN� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CZTY COONCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY THE HUMAN R&SOURCES COMMISSION FOR THS FIVE FUNDING REQUESTS AS WRITTEN IN THE AUG. 6� 2981, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMSSSION MINUTES, PAGES 3-6. • Mr. Saba stated he hoped the City Counci}. would be more informed about each organization and its program than the Planninq Comnission members had been. Ms. van Dan recommended that the City Council receive all the information the Human Resources Commission has received. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING RYE, VICE-CHRIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTZON � CARRZED UNANSMOUSLY. � . � Mr. Boardman stated this item wou7d go to City Council on Sept. 14. 9. REVIEW OF CHAPTER 301, 302, AND 303 BY REQUEST OF 7NE CITY COUNCIL: Mr. Boardman stated the City Council has been having problems with bunny hutches in the City, so they have decided to send a11 ordinances relating to animal husbandry to the Planning Comnission for review and make recommendations back to the City Council, Mr. Boardman stated some of these ordinances are quite old and probably should be upgraded and possibly combined into one ordinance. He would recommend that the Commission members review these ordinances for the next meeting. . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 14 1981 PAGE 9 MOTION BY FIIt. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MS, GABEL� TD CONTINUE THZS ITEM UNTIL TXE NEXT FIEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTS, RLL VOTING AYE, d7ICE—CHAZRPSRSON OQUIST DECLAI2ED THE MOTION CARRISD UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MS. VAN DAN� SECONDED BY 1�II2. SABA, TO AA70URN TXE MESTING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VQTING AYE� VICS—CHASRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED TXE AUGUST 19� 1985� PLANNING CQMMISSION MEETING ATJTOURNED AT 50:15 P.M. Respectfully s bmitted, -Lyf� e aba Re ording Secretary