PL 09/16/1981 - 6763PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: City of Fridley AGEND WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMSER 16, 1981 APPROVE PLANNING CAMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 19, 1981 (� 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PROP05ED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. �81-03, OAK ESTATES, BY RON CHRISTIANSEN: Being a replat of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Lucia Lane Addition, generally located in :the Northeast corner of Highway #65 and Mississippi Street N.E. �`� � ��� 0 V 2. 3. Action needed: Table ezo�ck A, R.L.S. #78, from M-2 (heavy_�ndustrial areas)> Lo C-2 (general business aaeas), to allow the construction of a com- mercial office building, located in the South Half of Section 11, the same bedng 350 73rd Avegu� N.E. �-e-gC • 0�,��''�%c , LE V. HADTRATH: Per Section 205.1574, Paragraph 4, of the�Fridiey City Co e> to allow the construction of a single family dwelling in a CRP-2 Zone (flood fringe), located on Lots 13, 14 and 15, Riverview Heights, the same being 7919 Broad Avenue N.E. 4. VACATION RE UEST, SAV #81-03 BY BURTON H. SCHERVEN: BY Petition 9-1981, to vacate 66th Avenue N.E. between Pierce Street and Lucia Lane. 5. 7:30 P. M. PAGES 1-9 10 - 22 23 - 31 32-37 38 - 42 43 - 52 6. RECEIVE APPEALS CONMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 11, 1981 YELLOW 7. RECEIVE HOUSIt�G & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: AUGUST 13, 1981 WHITE � RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY COMMISSION MINUTS: AUGUST 18, 1981 Ii�I� BLUE PINK 10. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: AUGUST 25, 1981 (Action NeededYELLOW (53) Item 4.) 11. 12. 13. RECEIVE ENERGY COh4�1ISSI0N MINUTES: AUGUST 25, 1981 RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COhU9ISSI0N MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 3, 1981 OTNER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: ORCHID SALMON CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Yice-Chairperson Oquist called the August 19, 1981, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. RQLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Oquist, Ms. 6abe1, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Saba, Ms. van Dan Members Absent: Mr. Harris, Mr. Svanda Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Muriel Sharpe, 5924 - 5th St. N.E. Mary Eggert, 1080 Hathaway Lane Robert J. Baumer, Suite 206, 403 Jackson St., Anoka 55303 Lee Carlson, 7937 - 5th St. N.E. Peter Treuenfels, P.O. Box 21072, Mpls. 554210072 Allen & Carol Caldien, 1245 Norton Ave. N.E. APPROVAL OF JULY 29, 1981, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY AES. GABEL� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO APPROVE THE JULY 29� 398I� pLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOIC6 VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, VICfi-CHAIRPERSON QpUZST DECLARSD THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIHOUSLY. . 1. LOT SPLIT RE UEST L.S. #81-06, BY ROBERT & BARBARA ANDERSON: Split off ti�e—Tlort�ie-r y 208 ft. of t at part o ot ,,�u�Subdiv�sion #10, Rev., Described as follows: Beginning at a point on North line dis. 642 ft. East of NW corner of lot 16 said Rev. Aud. Sub. #l0,thence East along North line 97 ft.,thence South parallel with West line 308 ft., thence West parallel with North line 97 ft., thence North parallel with West line 308 ft. to point of beginning subject to easement over North 30 ft.� the same being 1360 - 69th Avenue N.E. Mr. Boardman stated the proposal is to split off the southerly 100 ft. to make a 100' x 97' lot. He stated Siverts Lane is now �n improved lane with water and sewer service; therefore, this lot can get service. Mr. Boardman stated Staff has no problem with the lot split. There is a$500 park fee requirement on a lot split which the petitioners have signed. There is also an understanding that when Siverts Lane went in, the cost of Siverts Lane was delayed on these corner lots. The people on the corner lots cTaimed they did not use Siverts Lane and, therefore, did not want to be assessed for any development of Siverts Lane. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST i9, 1481 PAGE 2 Mr. Boardman stated the City Council did delay assessments on these lots until such time as these tots were split for development. These lots are now being split for develvpment.and those people will be getting assessment charges on this lot. He stated the petitioner was informed of this. Mr. Boardman stated that at this time, the decision has not been made whether easements will be needed. They are debating on how to handle access to all other lots. They may want to have the access on the back ends within the county park property for a street if a street is ever needed. MOTIDN BY MS. VAN DRN� SECONDED BY 1�II2. SABA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY CWNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUfiST� L.S.�N81-06� BY ROBSRT &�BARBARA ANDERSON: SPLIT OFF THE NORTHERLY 208 FT. OF TFIAT PART OF LOT I� RUD. SUBDIVISION #10 REV.� DfiSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT R POZNT ON NORTX LINE DIS. 642 FT. EAST OF NW CORNER OF LOT I6 SAID REV. AUD. SUB. #10 THENCE EAST AIANG NORTX LINE 97 FT.� THENCE SOUTH PARRLLfiL WITH WEST LSNE 308 FT.�THENCE WEST PARRLLEL WITX NORTX.LZNE 97 FT.� TNENCE NORTH PARALLEL WITX�WEST LINE 308 FT. TO POINT OF BEGINNING SUBJECT TO EASEMENT OVfiR NORTX 30 FT.� THB SAME BEING 2360 - 69TH A[�ENUE N.S.� WITX THE STIPULATION THAT TNfi CITY COUNCSL MAKE�SOME DETERMINATION ON THE ROAD ACCESS TO SERVICE ADDITIONAL IATS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE, VICfi-CHAIRPSRSON OQUIST DfiCLARfiD TXE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMbUSLY. �. . 2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #81-07, BY L._ ROBERT ERICKSON: Split lot 6, Auditor's �ub. 89 to ma e two ui iiT ng sites eac .�by 133.97 ft., the same being 1239 and 1241 Norton Avenue N.E. Mr. Boardman stated this whole district is presently zoned R-3, which is a multi- family district. The homesites on the south are all duplex units. On Block 10 on the end of Nortan Ave. on the corner of Old Central and Norton, there are 4- unit structures. All the property in the Trico Addition is quad units. There is a large tract of land just north, i250 - 72nd Ave „ which is presently open land. There have been several proposals for multi-unit buildings on that piece of land. At 1200 - 72nd Ave., there is an apartment building. Mr. Boardman stated Mr, Erickson is proposing that Block 6 be split into two lots and he will build two duplexes similar to the duplexes he built on the Norton Ave. homesites. He is looking at two 66.5' x 133.97' lots. Mr. Erickson must also apply to the Appeals Comnission for variances. These variances will be for lot width and lot area. Even though the property is zoned R-3, they must follow the requirements for duplex zoning when putting a duplex in an R-3 zone. The width requirement is 75', and the lot area requirement is 10,000 sq. ft. Mr. Erickson has 8,909-sq. ft, The building he is proposing will not require any setback variances from the building itself. He is proposing 12 ft. on each side of the buildings with tuck-under garages. Mr. Boardman stated Mr. Erickson has talked to some of the neighbors and has obtained five signatures of people in favor of two duplexes. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 19 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Boardman stated the City usuaily does not notify the residents of lot splits. Since there are some variances, they did note on the variance natices that went out to the neighbors that the City was also considering a lot split request, Therefore, they did notify the residents within 200 ft, of the property. Mr. Oquist asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak to the item. Ms. Carol Caldien, 1245 Norton Ave., stated they live next to this property. She wondered if any consideration had been given to what it is like to live on a short dead-end street with the high density of people on one block. She stated there is no place to park. There are always people parking in their driveway. She stated it is like living in the city slums and not in Fridley. Mr. Allen Caldien, 1245 Norton Ave., stated that since the doubles were built on that street, they have had nothing but problems. The street is just not big enough to handle all the cars. They do not want to see two more doubles 90 in next to them. He stated the people in the doubles have parties five nights a week. He was sure that if the Planning Commission members checked the police records, they would find that the police are cal7ed in a lot. Tfiey had tfieir back window shot out about a month ago. Ms. Gabel stated she did not recall seeing a dead-end street sign on that block, There are some things that can be done to help, and a street sign is one. Also, maybe some additional tighting would help in that area. Mr. Oauist explained that additional street lighting could be requested through a petition signed by the neighbors. Mr. Saba asked if the neighborhood was invotved in the neighborhood crime pre- vention program. Ms. Caldien stated it was not. Mr. Oquist exQlained that since this property was already zoned R-3. a five unit could be built if the lot split was not approved. So, either way, a multi-family unit would be built because of the present zoning. Ms. Gabel encouraged need for roore street prevention program. the neighbors to contact their councilman to talk about the lighting and also to try to get into the City's crime Mr. 5aba stated he would much rather see two duplexes built there than a 5-plex. He had looked at the neighborhood and felt duplexes would improve the appearance of the neighborhood. MOTION BY �2. SABA� SECONDED BY 1�42. KONDRICK� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQU85T, L.S. �181-07� BY L. ROBERT ERICKSON: SPLIT IAT 6� RUDITOR'S SUB. H89 TO MAXE 1W0 HUILDING 5ITES EACH 66.5 FT. BY 233.97 FT.� THE SAME"B&ING 1?39 ANA 1241 NORTON AVb'NUE N.&.� CONDITZQNED UPON APPERIS COMMISSION!S APPROVAL OF THfi VARSANCSS. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 PAGE 4 UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYfi, VICE -QiAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRISD UNANIMOUSLY. . Mr. Boardman stated this item would go to the Appeals Cortmission on August 25 and City Council on Sept. 28. 3. REVIEW OF CHAPTER 301, 302 AND 303 BY REQUEST OF THE CITY COUNCIL: MOTZON BY MS. GABEL� SECONDfiD BY MS. VRN DAN� TO MOVE THIS ITEM TO THE END OF THE AGSNDA. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� VICE-CHRIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRISD UNANIMOUSLY. � 4. RECEIVE JULY 9, 1981, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEN7 AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SfiCONDED BY .4ffi. ICONDRICK�.TO.RECEIVE�THE JULY 9,, 1981� HOUSING & REDE{�EZAPMENT AUTHORITY�MINUTES.�� -���� - UPON A VOICE VOTS, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE=CHAIRPERSON�OQUIST DECLARED THE MCITION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. '' � � 5. RECEIVE JULY 21, 1981, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. VAN DAN�.SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO RECEIVE THE JULY 21� 1981� ENVIRONMENTRL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING RYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRISD UNAPlIMOUSLY. � 6. RECEIVE JULY 28 1981, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY 1�. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY�MS. VAN DAN, TO RECEZVE THE JULY 28� 198I� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION ffiSNUTES. - UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE� VSCE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � � 7. RECEIVE JULY 28, 1981, ENER6Y COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR.�SABA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO RSCElVE JULY 28� 2981, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES. . UPON A VOICE VOTS� ALL VOTING AYfi, VSCE-CHAIRPfiRSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE AUGUST 6 1981 HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: �MOTIDN BY MS. VAN DRN, SECONDED BY MS. GRBSL� TO RECEIVE THE AUGUST 6, I981� XUMAN RESOURCES COFlMISSION MINUTES. P4ANNTNG COhMISSION MEETING AUGUST 19, 7981 PAGE 5 Ms. van Dan stated that on pages 3-6 were the recommendations made by the Human Resources Comnission to the Planning Commission and City Council on funding propasals. Ms. Gabel asked if the Creative Play Center operated under the auspices of Comnunity Education. M5. Muriel Sharpe, Creative Play Center, stated that approximately 5 years ago, Community Education approached some parents and asked them to set up a parent training program for other parents to be trained as group leaders for parent dis- cussion groups on different topics. They began doing that for about a year. After that year, they found there was a real need for a place where parents could get together and have support groups among themselves. Because of the declining enrollment in fridley, many children do not have other children the same age to play with in their neighborhoods. They then came up with the idea of a Creative Play Center. Ms. Sharpe stated they went back to Community Education and asked t with this endeavor. Comnunity Education.has helped by donating the of the utilities. She stated they do get a small amount of monies School District #14, but this is primarily a preschoat account and for parent training and parent discussion groups. She stated they part by Community Education, but the bulk is in-kind services--the services, administrative help, etc. The actual tt�netary amount is hem to help room and sane through it goes strictly are funded in room, janitorial quite small. Ms. Sharpe stated they do get help from many community and civic organizations. Ms. Sharpe stated that approximately 150 families have taken out memberships. Memberships are $20/yr./family. These families participate in parent/child activities. Also a large number of the families participate in parent discussion groups and other activities. Ms. Lee Carlson, Central Center for Family Resources, stated they do interact with the Creative Play Center, and the representative from the Creative Play Center is on their Program Advisory Board. The Central Center for Family Resources has worked closely with the Creative Play Center in developing parent education classes, in which there have been 200 participants over the last two years. She felt the fact that they do interact so cooperatively as agencies was a very positive type of action. Ms. Sharpe stated they "tailor-make" their program to fit the needs of the parents. It is a time set aside for the parent and child to interact together and for children to interact with each otfier. With interruptions at home, this time is not always taken. They also focus on parent education and have speakers on different topics. Ms. van Dan stated one concern of the Human Resources Commission was the lack of trained personnel. ! PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 PAGE 6 Ms. Sharpe stated their staff has received training in child development and group leadership. She felt that the staff is well qualified for what they are �oing; and that is acting as a resource for the parents to be directed to more qualified people if there is a need. Ms. Sharpe stated that 80� of the work is done on a volunteer basis, and their budget is very low compared to other centers of this nature. Ms. Lee Carlson, Central Center for Family Resources, stated that Fridley is one of the cities that has been involved in the Central Center for Family Resources' being and was a very much appreciated part of making this counseling center possible. She stated that Anoka County is one of the few counties that does not have a mental health center, and there is a shortage of 1ow cost services fo- people in the area who have counseling needs. Their center focuses on these needs. Ms. Carlson stated that 200 peopte have participated in their parent education programs and over 585 people have participated in counseling. Ms. Carlson stated that when they first came before Fridley, as well as the cities of Blaine and Spring Lake Park, they were attempting to develop a funding base that would make what they call a"shared responsibitity", that is as brnadly based as possible. They have succeeded in getting some help from the State Juvenile Intervention Fund. This year is a very critical year for them, because it is the first year the agency has received United Way funding, which means they will be provisionally funded for two years and evaluted in Oct. 1982. A decision will be made then as to whether to enter them into a permanent allo- cation process. Ms. Carlson stated she feels they are interacting very closely with the City of Fridley, One Fridley policeman serves on the Program Adv9sory Board, and another Fridley policeman is training to be a parent facilitator in the family education program. Ms. Carlson stated they refuse no one because of inability to pay. They operate on a sliding fee scale based on a families' gross income. They also look at the extenuating circumstances. Ms. Carlson stated there does appear to be an increase in families who have problems with violence. She stated their basic philosophy is trying to meet the human needs. Coordinating with other people is very important because that is how they avoid duplication. Dr. Robert Baumer, Family Life Center, stated he is a psychiatrist and on staff at Anoka State Hospital. They are located in Anoka, but have a satellite office in Fridley. He stated they hope to become the area-wide comnunity mental health center for Anoka County. They are organized as a comprehensive non-profit community mental health center. This organization developed out of his private PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 19 1961 P�E � in-patient practice. He statedfhey provide services primarily to Anoka County re5idents. Their clients primarily are people with severe mental and emotional "health care problems. About 45% of their clients come from eastern Anoka Caunty-- Blaine, Spring lake Park, Fridley, Columbia Heights. The other 55� come from Anoka, Coon Rapids, and the Champ7in area. Of those percentages, about 19-20% are from Fridley, receiving primary services out of the Fridley office. Dr. Baumer stated that regarding overlapping services, there are no overlapping mental health services. They are the only mental health center in the area. There are private psychiatric services in the area, but they are not operating in a community mental health context. They do some counseling, and that is their overlapping area. Ms. van Dan stated the Human Resources Cortmission had a concern, and that was with the sliding fee scale. It is listed in the information that the Family Life Center does operate on a sliding fee scale; however, when one Human Resources Cortmission member telephoned Dr. Baumer's office, that person was informed that there was a set fee and no sliding fee scale. Dr. 8aumer stated they have listed the sliding fee scale that Anoka County established some years ago, but practically speaking, they do not use that. The fee is negotiated privately when the patient sees the therapist, so each case is handled individually. He stated clients in true need for services do receive services. Dr. Baumer stated they do interface with other agencies and do refer to other agencies. Mr. Oquist stated he did not understand why the need for a community mental health center as opposed to a private practice. Dr. Baumer stated that private practices do not operate in a community mental health context. They operate mainly on a fee-for-service. 7he difference is that the private practice does not see patients who need treatment but cannot afford the services. Ms. Gabel stated she would be concerned that someone who needs help and is informed over the phone that there is no sliding fee, but a set fee, would not receive the help that person needs. Dr. Baumer stated are distributed. nothing. that most patients are referred by physicians, and brochures They do not advertise that people can receive services for Mr. Treuenfels stated he ts still concerned over the matter of the telephane ca11 made by a Human Resources Cortmission member. There are also a couple of other discrepancies he would like to bring up. One is the business of overlapping. He has found that quite a bit of work being offered by Dr,Baumer's clinic is also PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 PAGE 8 being offer�d -by other agencies in Anoka County; however, Dr. Baumer stated there was no substantial overlap. Dr. Baumer also mentioned charging $60/hr., but the fee mentioned in the literature is $75/hr. Mr. Treuenfels stated there are some very strange discrepancies, and both as a member of the Human Resources Comnission and as a private taxpayer, he would strongly recommend that the Planning Comnission heed the Human Resources Cortpnission's recormnendation that no money be funded ta the family Life Center. Mr. Boardman stated he is somewhat concerned that if this is a community service, how that service is directed to serve the comnunity. Dr. Baumer has repeatedly mentioned community mental health, but Mr. Boardman stated he still saw this center as a private practice getting referrals from hospitals and physicians, and he questioned where it tied into a cormnunity service and how it is providing a service to Lhe community any differently than the private practice. � Dr. Baumer stated that regarding the $75/hr., that is the standard charge for psychiatrists in the community, and the Center must keep their fees consistent with the community. They must do this for insurance purposes. UPON A VOICE �VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPSRSON OQUIBT DfiCLRRED THE MINUT�S RECEIV&A ... . . MOTION BY MS. VRN DAN, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRZCK, TO RECOMAlfiND THAT TSE CITY CDUNCIL CONCUR WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE BY THE XUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION FOR THE FIVR FUNDING REQUESTS RS�WRITTEN IN TAE AUG. 6� Z981� HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSZON MINUTfiS, PAGSS 3-6. � Mr. Saba stated he hoped the City Caunci} would be more informed about each organization and its program than the Planning Comnission members had been. Ms: van Dan recommended that the City Council receive all the information the Human Resources Commission has received. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � Mr. Boardman stated this item would go to City Council on Sept. 14. 9. REVIEW OF CHAPTER 301, 302, ANU 303 BY REQUEST OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Mr. Boardman stated the City Council has been having problems with bunny hutches in the City, so they have decided to send all ordinances relating to animal husbandry to the Planning Comrr+ission for review and make recommendations back to the City Council. Mr. Boardman stated some of these ordinances are quite old and probably should be upgraded and possibly combined into one ordinance. He would recammend that the Commission members review these ordinances for the next meeting. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AUGUST 19, 1981 P_AGE 9 MOTION BY .�. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY DSS. GABEL, TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM UNTIL TXE NEXT MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE,��YICE-CNAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTIQN CARRISD UNRNSMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MS. VAN DAN� SECONDED BY MR. SASA� TO AD170URN TXE MEfiTING. UPON A VOZCE VOTS� ALL VOTING AYS, VICfi-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE RUGUST 19, 1981� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETSNG AATOURNED AT 20:35 P.M. Respectfully s bmitted, Ly e a a Re ording Secretary 11 SUBJECi ZONING ACTION SqV # i CITY OP FiiiOLEY, vy���pTT N � PS 1F 1-0 B43'1 UNIVER5ITY AVL-. hB• / � PLAT � FRIDLCY� MN. 8843� tG'�1,87�-3450 . ORDINANCE N0�_�.P�B�ISHFD DATE ADDRESS �yp PLANNING COf�M1IS5I0N: APPROVED� DISAPPROVED! DATE pND READ CI7Y COUNCIL: PUBLIC HEARING DATE 1ST READ�_ NO CITY COUI�CIL: APPROVED^ DISAPPROVED DATE PARK fEE REQUIRED: _ AMQUNT pAi� STIPULATIONS: �oh `�1;r;st��r�se� NAME_ D� cic R�eYS � �r� De,nhy w� h� _ S7REET LOCATION OF PROPERTY M_ ! S S r r�.,A r Ae� FEE 00� RECEIPT NO �iIDD ._ N u,,, 6 S a�,d ►�,, �� a�a h' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY t 6 ' °,.` . PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION— K(=- EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY �� a � a r A C R E R G E OF PROPERTY � 2- DESCRIBE BRIEFLY THE PROPOSED ZONING GLASSIFIGATION OR 1'YPE OF USE AND IMPROVEMENT PROPOSE�_ p-� 'Owhcr oC cu�P i e c � t �u� s Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot spli or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? _�+es no. What'was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) A tist of all residents and owners of pruper- ty within 350 feet must be attached to thi�� anPexplanationt9iven�whYPthisais�not st be signed by ali owners of the proPe Y. the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedi�gs resulting from the failure ta list the names and addresses of all residents and property owners of pro- perty in question. belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, sho�ving the ' follotiving: 1. North directi�•osed structure,�andrfrontdandrsidersetbackse�ot. 3. Dimensions of property, p P 4. Street names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 350 feet). � - 7'he undersigned hereby declares that all this applicat9on are true and correct. pATE_� � �9 �/ SIGNATURE_ .ry � � ��%��.,�_ �� ADDRESS � the facts and ions stated in i /',�'�"�` ` .- : � �5`-19�- D+ � 7i-�ls 3 .� 1981 DOLICY STATEMENT QN PARK fEES ON LANO SllBDIVISION 12 Date l,,r-� �,� �' / �` ,� � ��` / In determining fair market value of public areas far land subdivision for cash payment, as required by Ordinance 633, the fotlowing values will be used: Residential subdivision �1,000.00 per lot Residential lot split b 500.00 per lot Cortmercial/Industrial subdivision or lot splits � 0.015 per sq. ft. This fee is to be paid at the time of final plat or lot split approval. The City Council may defer collection ta the time a building permit �s requested for individual lots created by such subdivision/lot split. The City retains the option to accept an equivalent amount in cash from the applicant for part or a11 of the partion required to be dedicated. PARK FEE AGREEMENT Tfie undersigned understands that according to the City Platting Ordinance, the following puhlic park land dedication is required to plat residential, commercial or industrial zoned property. It is further understood that the pubtic park land dedication or cash payment equivalent is at the discretion of the City. It is agreed that a cash payment of � rll�"�' will be paid according to the above stated policy for the foilowing�i'v sian/lot split. It is agreed that the following laad dedication is provided according to the above stated poticy for the following subdivision/lot split: Dedication: Subdivision/lot split: The undersigned further agrees to notify all future property owners or assigns of the cash payment requirement, if it is to be collected at the time of 0084A/lOG7A 13 PUBLIC NEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COM�iISSIOM TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Comnission of the City of Fridley in t1981i�n the1C uncil�Chambersat 7A30nPeM• Northeast on Wednesday. September 16, for the purpose of: � Consideration of a proposed preliminary plat, P.S. #81-03, Oak Estates> by Ron Christiansen, being a replat of Lots 5, 6, and 7, Lucia Lane Addition> City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. 6enerally located in the Northeast corner of Highway B65 and Mississippi Street N. E. Myone desiring to be heard with reference to the above matter may be heard at this time• RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Pubtish: September 9, 1981 CITY OF FRIDLEY 6481 UNIVENSITY AYENUE N.E., FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 65�32 TELEPNONE ( et2)571-Si 14 September 10, 1981 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You were sent a notice of a Public Hearing before the Planning Comnission for consideration of a proposed Preliminary Plat, P.S. #81-03, Oak Estates, by Ron Christiansen, being a replat of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Lucia Lake Addition, which is generally located in the Northeast corner of Highway �65 and Mississippi Street N.E. This was to have been heard by the Planning Comnission on Wednesday, Septe�er 16th at 7:30 p.m. The petitioner has asked the Planning Commission to table this item at this meeting. He will advise the Planning Comnission on a future date for the Public Nearing on this request. We will renotify you when this item does come before the Planning Comnission. You will have the opportunity to be heard on this Preliminary Plat at that time. i ..0 /, j ��._— / `;1� / 1 : 1 � • 1 � � �� % JLB/de MAILING LIST P.S. #87-03, Oak Estates by Ron Chriansen Helen M. Vagovich 1200 Mississippi N.E. M/M Joe M. Randall 1210 Mississippi N.E. M/M Ernest D. Vanaugh 6449 Deltwood Drive N.E. June J. •Johnson 6600 Lucia Lane M/M Darrel A. Goerdt 6610 Lucia Lane M/M Dean� Thanas 6550 Lucia Lane M/M Terrance L..Daun 6546 Lucia Lane Mildred E. Heine 711-6th-Ave. S.E. Irene A. Haedtke b540 Lucia Lane N.E. Gerald G. Johnson Anoka,VMN L%�.��3D3 M/M Richard L. Berganini 6596 Pierce St. N.E. Robert L. Skyhawk 6580 Pierce St. N.E. Martin B. Imbertson 6564 Pierce St. Vernon E. Brewers 6548 Pierce St. N.E. E. W. Hitcncock 6532 Pierce St. N.E. MiM Ricfiard M. Lynn 6516 Pierce St. N.E. M/M Henry T. Melcher 6500 Pierce St. N.E. M/M Emmett J. Raaen 6501 lucia Lane Planning Commission 9/1/81,9/10/81 City Council 15 M/M Clarence A. Timo 6517 Lucia Lane MJM Robert E. Bystran 6533 Lucia Lane Jackie R. and Geraldine Marie Young 6549 Lucia Lane N.E. Mearl & Lilas Crosser 6565 Lucia Lane N.E. M/M Richard J. Erickson 6581 Lucia Lane N.E. Edward Lancello 6597 Lucia Lane N.E. M/M Walter F. Leimgruber 1027 Mississippi 5t. M/M Delbert Harris 6542 Brookview Drive M/M Eltun L. Bolduan 6554 Srookview Drive M/M Loren Johnson 6489 Taylor St. N.E. M/M Richard Tollefson 6473 Taylor St. N.E. M/M Eugene T. Lane 7132 Mississippi St. N.E. M/M Richard E. Kandel 6435 Highway #65 htyrtle & Ludwig Ask 6440 Dellwood Dr. M/M Neil W. Stubber 6452 Dellwood Drive N.E. Russell L. & Carmen Burris 1150 Mississippi St. N.E. Phyllis M. Kacbina 6476 Dellwood Drive N.E. M/M John B. Skoog 6451 Taylor St. N.E. Ron Christiansen 5884 Jefferson Street N.E. CITY OF FRIDLEY PETITION COVER SIiEET Petition No. g-1981 Date Received August 28, 1981 f�A' �� i ! '--� �t' � , Object �Btalation of sanitary sewer and water stubs to the property line, according to the proposed replatting of Lucia Lane, Lote 5, 6 end 7, submitted to the City of Fridley as Oak Estates. Petition Cbecked By Date Percent Signing Referred to City Council Dieposition 0 1� 0 17 To The City of Fridley: I am requesting the installation of saaitary sewer and water stubs to the property line, according to the proposed replatting of Lucia l.ane, Lots 5,6 and 7, submitted to the City of Fridley•as Oak Eatates. �n� / � / - � 1 1 / n N �� MAP-CITY FRtDLEY �� �4= :�:� 19 �, } o - f'o�- restder�}:o.l oca � n Pla�' • �%a�iar►ces w t�ques�ad w � ii+ th� - 9�OOO Sq.�1• }O y►ar:cs p�� 1et _ 15;� t. t3o•ies pe� lot d+ r ` �- _ '�): �K ... _ � �;��i _-.. _.._�'_" ,I�I;1� _.__ -'-_.-_."_ �,Iil. . _.'."'.'_'_._ ;I��: . _ ..- _ - . .._. .���I . N� _: - — _ ;I;II r :_ __�__;:r�,: = _ __- _ � - ;; �, -_ .-_. - _ :�,;'� --=--- � - ' ---- - - -- iI' � - �;. --- - ••�,: --- - ,, , -�.^.�._�_;_-- ,'lil , �,. -------------- -- � � _._. — J: - — -.- - ----- ..:; �__ _ i; � -:x-- _. _ � � , �— _-_: � :- -- _ --.- _ ;� _- � _ �-- - _ ._ ._ _ --� --- � � -- - -- � -- ; �---�- "`-�1 �. . � ;;��;;�: ; 1`;; - �. , i i,: '�, � ,� �� V.: 1r�.-� �lil.: ��. �����N��,.1:: � �I��. � � i i � � i � � �, ; � � a a V ::: �1},1. �. ;' � u1 � � ;; • !/�' 7� f c, � � Q � 2� u �`.� I���: � ,'�� � ,�l .� ; ,,;;:; ,. � i, ���1;. ��'I ' � �I' ' � -� � 20 � � � 4� �^'- � N ,� �Q � � �� ;� ._:.� .: -� f4:Y ^� ' � � 3 d U � � � 21 � � � � ,� ., v ;: `W,.I i�� � � I! Ii Q� � ��� � �S N1 , ��" ,� � � '�;?. �, . �� � h m �� O ( a° w "' �� n_x n w � e o _ -- N� 7� � � � yxy � t I �. i . < � � 1 i� :� � � � ! J ,� ;i h� �, .� � ul � � �, IL .i m � t� /rY? � CiTY OF FFIOLEY� SU9JECT ZONING ACT10N SAV # ', Q ��r YACATION PS � •�!" 6C�� UNIVER9ITY AVE. NE. �� FiiIDL�Y� MN. 6S43E l6'121,87'�-3460 PLAT ORDINANCE NO PUBLISHED AUDRESS � S� �� /� �*"�� � � DATE PLANNING COMMISSION: APPROVED DISAPPROVED_____ DATE NO CITY COUNCIL: PUBLIC HEARING DATE 1ST READ�` 2ND READ�O CITY COUNCIL: APPROVED DISAPPROVED, DATE PARK fEE REQUIREO: AMOUNT PAID _ STIPULATIOTiS: Tri-State Land CompanY, �ou9 �ed NAME subsidiary of Soo Line Railroad Com�anv � RECEIPT NO yloO STREET LOCATION OF PRUPERTY SE Corner of State H 47 and 73rd Avenue Northeast LECaAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY aee tt PRESENT ZONING CLA55IFICATIONindustrial EXISTING USE Of PROPERTY vacant ACRCAGE OF PROPERTY 2.45 acres DESCRISE BRIEFLY 7HE PROPOSED ZOP1IPiG CLASSIfICATION OR TYPE OF USE AND IMPROVEMENT PROPOSED B.e4uest rezoning to �2 for the purposes of constructin¢ an office buildin . - -- Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or Yariance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? _�Yes _ g no. What was requested and whenY not a licable The undersigned understands that: {a) A list of all residents and owners of proper- ty within 350 feet must be attached to this application. (b) 7his application must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanation given whY this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from tfie failure to list the nam�es and addresses of all residents and property owners of pro- perty in questio.n, belongs to the un�ersigned. A sketch of proposed Qroperty and structure must be drawn and attactied, showing the foltowing: 1. North direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Oimensiu�s of property, Qroposed strucYure, and front and side setbackso 4. Street �ames. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 350 feetj. .. T'he undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true and correct. ' � DATE Aut�ust 19 19s1 _ SI6PUtTtlRE ��'`• ������"a'�' - APPLIC NT�r ' . TRI-STATE LAND COMPANY' . ADDRESS 105 South Sth Street, Mpls.,_Mn. '__ . TELEPHONE NO 332-1261 ' � WYMAN EMITN L[ONAWO T.JVSTER MSNRY M. Ff11lEMA AWIN S. MAIMON RONAlO L.NAf�(VIT2 CARL J. M[WOUIST MA11K C. M6G6C11TY 24 LAW OFFICES SMZxx, Jvs�a, F$ss�aaw, Mwuaox & Asssvirz CFIARTERED EuITE 1250 •UILDEAS E%CNANOE BUILDING . MINNEA►OUS�MINNESOtA $5�02 TEl[rMONE C612) 33P-118� FR�DL[Y DFi�tE !MI YN�VCRS�TY �VEMUE,N.E. IRIDL[r,MINNE501� 56�D2 T[L[IMONC C62J S>I-6p90 w�soa�r[s JOMN M.GI�IIN J. CMRIiTO►MER CUN[O JAM[D W�NO[iCML[R �. W RLtP.M C1tSTR V M August 19, 1981 Mr. Jerry Boardman Fridtey City Planner Fridley City Ha11 Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Re: Proposed Rezoninq of Soo Line Railway's Property Located in the SE Corner of the Intersection of University Avenue N.E. and 73rd Avenue N.E. Dear Mr. Boardman: Enclosed you will find the following documents: 1. Rezoning Application to rezone the above-described property from its present industrial zoning to C-2. 2. A list of all residents a�d owners of properties within 350 feet of the property ta be rezoned. 3. Site plaos prepared by reqistered architects. 4. A legal description of the property which in fact is registered. 5. A check made payable to the City of fridley for $300. At the present time the Soo Railway owns the property in question and is making this request for rezoning. It is very possibte that Smith, Juster, Feikema will be acting as general partners and witl have an ownership interest in the building to be built. As we discussed by telephone, it is absolutely essential that the Rezoning Application be heard at the earliest opportunity and hopefully the rezoning be approved early enough to allow ground breaking prior to the first heavy frost. I have been assured by the architects that the request for variance is not necessary even though it is contemplated that there wi11 be a drive-in 25 Mr. Jerry Boardman Page 2 August 19, 1981 facility connected to the office. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated. Yours truly, /Y Ma�� M�Hldh enclosures cc: Ronald Krank Carl A. Soelberg Terry foster Janes Philpott P.S. I discovered today that the property to be rezoned is in the process of being transferred to the Soo Line Railway's land holding company, namely the Tri-State land Company. The deed has been delivered to the Registrar of Titles but still has not been formally iiled. It is my understanding that the signator for the application has authority from both the Soo Line Railway Company as well as the Tri-State Land ComQany. PUBLIC H:JIRING BEFOkE TF�E PIANMING COMMISSION NOTICE is herby given that there wi11 be a Public Hearing of the Planning No theastnonfWednesday. September 16 ,t198}�in the Counc�l�Chambersat 7A30npem• for the purpose of: Consideration of a rezoning request, ZOA N81-04. by Mark Haggerty, to rezone Block A, Registered Land Survey #78, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota, from M-2 (heavy industrial) to C-2 (general business area). so as to allow the construction of a cormiercial office building• Generally located at 350 - 73rd Avenue N.E. Ariy arid all persons desiring to be above stated time and place. Publish� Septenber 9, 1981 26 heard shall be given an opportunity at the RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Lot 13, Rlcck 3, P":elody Ptanor - David and Renee Thiele 2� 73QQ NE h7elody Drive Fridley, P1N 55432 Lot 14, Slock 3, t�elody f9anor - Clifford and Nary Boltr�an 7301 NE Lyr�ic Lane Fridley, MN 55432 Lot 15, Block 3, P'elody Nar.or - Pobert and Monica Wienert 7311 Lyric Lare Frid;ey, tiiV 55432 Lot 1Q, Blocl: 4, t1e'.ody P!anor - Ear1 a�d Julia Nohle 7310 Lyric Lane fridley, t1N 5.543? lot ll., Block 4, Melody Manor - Alla� and dudith Qua� 3"9 - 73rd Avenue YE Fridley, P� 55a32 Let �2, R7oc!; 4, Nelady i":anor - Ph§?ip and !vinifred Knutson 7301 NE Sy�nnh�r.y Fridley, t1N 55432 Lot 13, Block 4, f�elady !?ar:or - Lot 1�, B1ock 4, 1lelody Manor - Brad3ey ar,rl Janine Ertl 46n3 NE P9erce Fridley, �+td 55432 Lat i5, Block 4, ��elody tnanor - Donald lee and Marcene Johnson 7331 NE Syr�phony Fridley, t�N 55432 Lot 14, Block 5, t1etody Nanor - Ror.ald and F+ary 1lattson 7324 f�E Symphony Fridley, MN 55432 Lot 15, Block 5, Melody 91ar,or - Edward and Narior Cza:^necki 7312 NE Symphony Frid7ey, �1N 55432 Lot 16, BtocEc 5, ��!elody P?anor � James and Virginia Sardquist 2U 7300 ME Symphony Fridley, MN 55432 Lot 17, Block 5, f9elody Manor - Ronaid and Janet Pil?ard 7301 University Avenue NE Fri dl ey, t•1N 55432 Lot 18, Block 5, Plelody �?anor - Michael and Jacalyn Chies 2760 - 219th Aversue NF Cedar Fridley, MN 55432 Lot 19, Block 5, btelody Manor - Earlar,d ar.d Jo,yce Thor Lot 1, Block 3, Commerce Park - Robert and Karen '4�ller 3334 Fremont Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55412 Part of Lot 1, Block 3, Comnerce Park - Dor�nto�n Hinute Car l�lash, Inc. 40 South Tenth Street Ptinneapolis, P1N 55403 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 1, Paco Industrial Park - S& N Cornpany 6279 University Avenue NE Frfdley, RiN 55432 Registered Land Survey �78, Parcel B- Chicago & Northwestern Trans�ortaticn Co. Certificate #49575 Book 157, Page 135 400 West Madison Street Chicago, IL 60606 Registered Land Survey �78, Parcel E- The 67innesota Trar.sfer Railway C.o. Certificate #4957F, Book 157, Paae 136 Registered Land Survey #78, Parcel A- Tri-State Land Company Soo Line Building Minneapolis, hiN 55440 (Charles H. Clay vice president) � n N �°"„ "�°' �; : ..;�i ! t � .�.E ` .Cc�cyvrio�v _ ,..� ..� ...� n� E. 29 . ; � ' + pro`'v�-�� /-� .�i • � yl 4�1.4�� J'� ��,.ce�.. � . .r ,'„"'�,. I� � �� � '� SJ�� '' :�y�^p�. � '� : "�� ' ; �r � t � rt v��9 M. . ^ � _ . . 1� �,. v� b{ ...s+w• � _- � `�J � �� l_ _ V��t�• � N r L �,�,. j � �,�., _.. 1 � � � STREET MA.P-CITY OF - �- C FRIDLEY �� ,; � _ � � � ...... � 0 �99 �66 � � . �. , --- �-- � � ..�. � `,�r.� � ..�..«u � � 30 {��ZpNE FQpM I�+OU5TRI�L TO �.�rnMEQC�4i i0 ALLa+� TTIE CONSTQ�TIOw1 OF AN OFFICE B�oG • , � _ ,m :.. ...;-�s _ _..-.... :,rs�?xr.nse���� _ r��� h %�,•°�-: �.ter,^-..,aR . : !, _,,.' ..l:,: .. . 't � �.-,:� : . E .. a .�. � .. - _ _ . ,y � � :� r .. _ . r . . . _ .. � . �' � � .�.31 �: : _ - , : , . -- - -- _ �?8RD AYE � ,: , .. _ . .� � . � W >; a H �. . �i W � Z �' . � , ...86 SPACE��: I �' '.� -,: � �u,,,,: � , i , . , i a � .,, ' - - _ , � '._ � --r . . . � ,��- , .. J -� �� rJ.—, I � _:. . ... . , _. ., ., _ _. -•- - - BANK .... _ s sr�s ° . _. s,�oo aa ni �-�-'--� 7 , �. " / "� _ / ' '�e > �� � Q . 1O i�. / � . ��� � _ ` � _ - �, � �,� �: _ . _ �i - I � �� y �� ' - � . .. . - ' �. ... .. .. � - . _ ..r . . � � .,,+�,..; . . ..�� ,: fi y.. ..��..... . . .. .. . . _ r "� � "`-�� . .. . � . .._,..._.. �� CtTY OF FRI�LEY. SUBJECT sa�, uwwews�rv ave. nie. • SPECIAL USE PERMIT FRIOLEY, MN. 6543E t6'@I, 571-�� ADDRESS . a1TE PLANNING COt41IS5I0N: CITY fAUNCIL: C.TY COURCIL: STIPULATIO'NS: 32 i �� P.H. DATE APPROVED DISAPPROYED DATf NO P.H. REQ'D DATE • NO APPROL�ED flISAPPR�YED^ DATE N0 � e NAME �/sE_,.,¢ fj�LE V, /�ADTRRTH FEE Q�00 / RECEIPT NO_yrG y STREET LOCATION OF PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPEf�TY � �Y�l-- PRESENT ZOWING CLASSIFiCA�'IOM �R� ALREAGE Of ?ROFERTY DES; P.IBE QRIEfLY TH'c PRO^QSED TYPE OF tJS: P.h'^ IMPROVEMENT NEu �iv6 FAMic�►� Dtv - Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance �r special use permit on the subject site or part of it? _�es no. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of property within 300 feet miisY b� attached to this apQlication. (b) 7his application must be signed by a11 owners of the property, or an explanation given vmy tf�is is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from i:he failure to Tist the names and addresses of all residents and property awners of property in questSon, belongs to the �ndersigned. - --- _ _. _ . _ . A sketch of proposed property and str.ucture must be drawn and attached, showing the foltowing: 1. North direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. .Dimensions of property. proposed structure, and front and side setbacks. 4. Streat names. 5. "Location and use of adjacent existing bui]dings (within 300 feet). ; � _ . The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this application are true aad correct.: OATE ,�7-y J��( � SI6NATURE��� � �APPLICANI . � � TELEPHONE N0333—�/H/ •��/J.�,.�,.. SS yo Z , __. ..� . . _ ..,,.., PUBIIC HEARING BEFORE 7HE PLANNING COM�4ISSION NOTICE is herby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, September 16 , 1981 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Request for a Special Use Permit, SP #81-09, by Dale V. Hadtrath, Per Section 205.1574, Paragraph 4, of the fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a single family dwelling, located on Lots 13, 14 and 75, Riverview Heights, the same being 7919 Broad Avenue N.E. \ Ariy arid all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at thQ above stated time and place. Puhlish: Septe�er 2, 1981 September 9, 1981 \ RICHARD H. HARRIS CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMISSION 33 M/M Roger Geis 520 Dover St. N.E. Fri dl ey, 1�J 55432 M/M Irvin W. Lindstrom 540 tbver St. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James 4. Eastwood 7995 Broad N. E. Fridley, MN 55432 M/M Donald 0. Copeland 7981 Broad N. E. fridley, MN 55432 M/M Erwin L. Small 162&2nd Ave. S. Anoka, MN 55303 Margaret S. Iverson 7899 Broad N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 M/M Garland C. Lagesse 7951 Broad N.E. Fridley. MN 55432 M/�1 Milan P. Bozony 479 79th Way N.E. fridley, MN 55432 Earl M. Gemnill 468 Longfellow St. N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55432 M/M James D. Sandquist 571 79th Way N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Joni Mari Jones 541 79th Way N.E. Fridtey, t4N 55432 Earl M. Gemnill 560 Buffalo N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Carol A. Holm 581 Buffalo N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 M/M Clarence E. Sharpen 611 Buffalo N.E. Fridley, hN 55432 MAILING lIST Stephen C. Bren 641 Buffalo N.E. Fridley, 19V 55432 M/M Gerald D. Kostohryz 609 Cheryl N.E. Fridley, hN 55432 M/M Richard N. Carlson 615 Cheryl N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Teresa A. Gazda 627 Cheryl N.E. Eridley, MN 55432 Ardath 6. Fuehrer 620 Dover N.E: Fridley, MN 55432 M/M Robert A. Rutherford 610 Dover N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Frank Marcy Shimek 7901 Riverview Terr. Fridley, MN 55432 Gordon Hedlund 1255 Pike Lake Dr. New Brighton, FIN 55112 Bruce M. Thompson 630 Buffalo N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Allen E. Bixby 600 Buffalo N.E. fridley, MN 55432 34 .. . ' � �� . . � Mun011rce� 6II6pG5 - `U�IiR��M � 6875 HqM �v No. GS H E. 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Y�`fd STREET LOCATION OF PROPERTY LEGAL DE5CRIGTIOf� Qf PROPER 33 FEE �6L0 °= RECEIPT NO �l a� y PRESENT ZONING CLASSTFICATION$L EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY L l�� ACREA6E OF PRCPERTY D�SCRIBE SRIFFLY THE PROPOSED ZONIN6 CLASSIfICATIDN OR TYPE OF USc AND IMFROVEh1ET3T PROPOSED ���/�f) 4- TA � S ��Cs+E�'/IVC�__,�i�'E,cT 1�t,lNSlrir�n/ Has the present applicant previousiy sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or speciai use permit on th� subject site or part of it? _yes �_no. klhat rias requested and erhen? %�1L15 .�F�s�'1J � �9CoL� The undersigned understar,ds that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of proper- ty within 350 feet must be a*tached to this application. (b) This applica±ion must be signed by all owners of the property, or an explanatiun aiven whY this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting f�-om the failure to list the names and addresses of all residents arid property owners of pro- perty in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, showing the follo�aing: 1. North direction. 2. Location of proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and front and side setbackso 4. Street names. 5. Locati�n and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 350 feet), ihe undersigned hereby declares that al7 the facts and representations stated in this appiication are true and correct. DATE__�������`'�`__ SIGNATURF PPLIC N ADDRESS ��,�� �,,,�� ���'J��Y/// • TELEPHONE NO , (�J/—,Q�`� _,�,�,,, CITY OF £RLDLEY PETITIUN CONER SHEET Petition N,,. 9-1981 Date Received September 8, 1981 object Property owners who abut 66th Avenue vrould like to have 66th Avenue vacated between Pierce Street and Lucia Lane Petition Checked By Percent Signing Referred to City Council Dispoeition Date 39 City of Fridley 6431 University Avenue Northeast Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Dear Sirs: � �'!� � ���d 3 40 We, the property owners who abut 66th Avenue on the corners of Pierce Street and Lucia Lane, would like to petition to have 66th Avenue vacated between Pierce Street and Lucia Lane. Name Address Date �- /yFl( J��'/ �� 6845 6S� �(v � e �/5 /6 / � , � ( � bBos 68os (.,ros> � � � - :. ;so, .. . �-..,� �� ./lariPb dlMaGb� R. Gff .�../�. �� � n� �Ct�ANNEL ROAD ="�,�'�--- -� �� � /P...� „� 68 1 686�4 „� ; � , 6801 _ ��" u`w` 6846 6830 68� '� `� � s bB 10 6808 �• ,�,� B� '�:o- � s�, � . 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';�a...._ ,_ .,.��__ r���` � � '4 _� . t�� . �� � � s; .;�� .- r�o: _,a,. r '' ��� � 1 ♦�.k.�' ...e�l L��� �� "�� � � � � ',��' ��..) � w°,` r� ; ;� �.. � � .-. � ��,�7 � ., � -,. I s ``'�• k�� 4 � � �; � �,�;. Ye � y , � r�� - 6x:��� Xp ��� ' �R ` : � •.',i31. . � �. . � � �� AR I} <,�;. s} � Ls F a .� � . i xT ;, .. ,,� � y � 43 301. LIVESTOCK CONTPOL 901.01. Dstinllions The term lirestock as usetl herein means horses, cowa, goats, rabbfta, sheep and fow1. �Ret. 76) That any refarence to "cow" shall inclutle any animal of the cow kintl or cattle, including either male or female of I�tA ,f�1t1ClOG. 301.02. Llcensinq Requirod Np Derson shall engage in Ihe keeping, raising, iee0ing or caring for Ilvestock within fhe corporete limils of fnaiey without lirst naving obtamed a licanse so to do ana pa�tl mto the treasury a iicense tee as speca�etl herein. (Ref. 86) 301.03. Manure Ramoval The person who shall keep such liveslock within the City of Fridley shall �ot atlow odors anC smells whic� are offensive to ihe people inhabiting the Cily. Organic matters s�all not be allowed to accumulate for more than o�e (1 � week at a time and remaveC otta�er if it is necessary to eliminate odors and sme0s w�ich are offen8ive to ihe people inhaDiting the Cily. (Rel. 76) 301.04. Houstnp Proper �ousing in the form of barn, coops or Autches shall be providetl any area where the livestock is permitted to roam, shall be atlequately fenced to insure the keeping ot t�a Ilvestock on the owner'a premises. Wherever such area abuts upon a resitlentiel erea on which dweflVngs are erected, ihero shall be a etrip ot tan0 at feast 30 feet wide between such aDutting property and the area on whieh the livestxk is kept. 301.05. Ucenaing Proudure A license to kesp livestock s�all be granted only upon application made to and filed wilh the City. The application for license shall be i� writing signed by the applicant antl tiled with the Clerk. It shall slate the applicant's fvll name and address and contafn a complete descriplion ot ihe Ilvestock to be kept as lo kintl antl number and a description ot Ihe premises showing tM1e adjoining propetly, te�ce lines and housing facilities. The Council in considering whather a ficense should be granled, may consider the nature of the livestock, the possible ettect on a0joininA properlies, the tence lines anC housing tacilflies, tfie sanfiatien cont�oi and lhe ef}ect on the genera� health and wellare ol the community. 301.06. Fees The annual license lee and ezpiration dale shall be as provided in Chapter 11 of this Code. 301.07. inspecifon Aoy authorizetl officer of the Cify shaN at aay reasonable time be permifled upon tbe premises where livestock is kept for the purpose of making inspectlon es to compliance with this chapter. (Ret. 76) 301.Q8. PenaltNs Any viotation of this chapter is a misdemeanor and Is subject to all peaalties proviGetl tor such violations untle� tbe D�ovisions o( Chapter 901 of tAis Code. � 301.08 DelinNions LIClOSI11Q Required Manure Removal Mousing Licensing Procedure Fees Inspeetion PanaHies 3C ORDSNRNCE N0.�4 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL OLD CIIAPTER 302 OF THE FkiDLEY CITY CODE, ANIIML CONTROL AND TO ESTABLISH A NEW CHAP7ER 302 OF THE FRIDLEY LITY CODE, ANItML CONTROL THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIiY OF FRIDLEY DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 302.01 DEfINITI0N5 The following defTnitions sha11 apply in the interpretatton and aaplication of this Chapter and the following words and terms, whereever they occur in this Chapter are defined as foltows: (Ref. 462) 1. A pet shop is any person, partnership or corporation engaged tn the business of breeding, buying, selling or boarding animals c� any species. 2. A veterinary hospital is any establishment maintained and operated by a 7icensed veterinarian for the diagnosis and treat- ment of diseases and injuries of animals. 3. Anin�als are any tiving creatures, domestic or e�ild. 4. An animal shelter is any Rremises desigrtated by the Gity for the purpose of impounding and caring for animats held under auttiority of Lhis ordinance. Such facllity may be Lity owned or shelter service contracted. 5. Aninul Control Officer is any individual(s) desi9nated hy the ti#y tn enforce the provisions of the ordinance, including all City potice officers. 6. A do9 is any animal of the canine species. 7. A cat is any aninul of the feline species. 8. The keeping of three or more dags or three or more cats on the same premises shall constitute a kennel. 9. A permit is the authority to keep a dog or oti�er animal of tlie tanine species within the City of Fridley. 10. An animal tag is provided to individuals who are issued a permit to maintain a dog or other animal for which tag is required. 302.02 CONTRCL It shall be unlawful for any person or for the parents or guardians of any person under TS years of age who owns, harbors, or keeps a do9 to allrne such dog, rn9ardless of ayc nf doq, to rw at lar9e in thc City of �ridley. 302.03 NUISANCE For the purpose of this Chapter a dog or cat shall be deemed to constitute a nuisance when: 1. The dog ar cat Ss not confined to the o�+ner's or custodian's property by adequate fencing or leashing, nr if the dog or cat is off the premises of the oNner or custodian and is not under the co�trol of the owner or a comnete�t person by a leash not exceedin3 eigl�t (8)� feet in length, when not in a rtator vehicle. 2. The dog or cat commits damage to the person or property of anyone other than the owner, or creates a nuisance upon the property of one othcr than the owner, except in the defense of the owner, his family or property. 137 CHAPTER 302 1}i{ DEfINITI0N5 CONTROL NUISANCE .�, � '38 45 ORDSNAMCE N0. 654 Page 2 � 3. A fenwle dog or cat in heat off the premises of the owner, unless confined in the process of being transported to or from the premises of the owner. White�on tl�e premises a female dog or tat in heat is not kept in a building or secure enclosure where said femnle dog or cat cannot be in contact.with otber male aninials of Tts kind, except far planned bree�}in9. 4. Thc owner does not assume the ol iqation and responsibility required of the City Code or does not prevent such dog or cat from comnitting any act wliich constitutes a nutsance as defined herein. 5. The awne� or custodian keeps a dog or cat which barks, howis, cries or yelp5 so as to unnecessarily disturb or annay any person or persons in the vicinity thereof; or which animal frequents school grounds ar puhtic beaches. b. The owner allows the dog or cat to cl�ase vehicles or�interfere with rialking of pedeStria�s, the drivin9 of autonwbiles, bicycles, motorcycles, motorbikes, or snowmobiles on public streets, alleys, 9rowids or highways. 7. Ihr nwimr allows a daq or cat to nulest or annoy any person if such pr�°:un is noti on the properl,,Y of Ihc OWBCI' OP 1!IISIOdIdll. 8. Every unregistered dog and every dog that runs at large or causes disturbante or noise in v9olation of the provisions of this ordinance is hereby declared a nuisance. 9. A person abandons any da�tor cat within tbe Counds of the City of Fridley. 10. (Rvner or tustodian fa{ls to have dog or cat vaccinated against rabies at least once every two (2) years, or dog's vaccination has not 6cen within the past two years. . .� 302.041 REGISTRATION A pern�it and animal tag shall be required far a don or nther animal of caninc species�to be maintained w-;hin the City of.Fridley. No person shall own, keep or harbor any dog over the age of six months, within the City of Fridley unless a permit therefor has 6een :ecured. Permtit certificates sha}} be issued by the City. It shall be the duty of each person owning, keeping, or harboring a doy to pay the permft fce establishcA by the City on or before the first day of the perioit year, or upon establishing residence in the City to forthwith pay such penni[ fee. Tfie City may cause a notice of the necessity of paying such pr,nnit registration fee to be printed in the offfcial newspaper in April of each year. Issue of new permits for the license year shall commence May 1 of each year. A compulsory system of permit and registration is established whereby the City Hill issue City owner permits and anima) ta9s to owners of do9s over six months of age upon proof of raGies vaccination within the preceeding year. Permits and animal tags must be applied for and obtained and animal tags affixed on dogs or ather canines requiring tags beforn they attain the age oi six m�nths. Thc applicant for permit must si9n and a9rce that he is preparnd to comP�Y wi��� regulations established by lhe City. Upun paynrnt of the permit tag fee the Lity shall execute a receipt in dupliCate. the ariginal of which shali be delivered to the person wha pays tfie fee and the duplicate retained in the City records. The receipt shall describe the dog or animal as to breed, age, color and.owner and addre5s a mSnimum. . 302.042 In addition to the pera�it, suitable animal tags, the shape or color of which sha11 be differe�rt €or each registration year, shall be i&suad by the City. The aw�er shall cause said tag to be affixed REGISTRATION ORDi��ANCE N0. 654 Page 3 by a permanent metal fastener to tbe collar or harmess of tbe anSn�al so registered, in such a manner so that the tag may be seen. The owner snall see to it that the tag is constantly worn by the anima L In cese any tag is lost, a duplicate nwy be issued by the City upon presentation of a receipt shoking the payment of the registration fee for the current year. A charge as provided by Chapter ll of thfs Code shall be made for eacb such duplicate tag. If at tin�e of initiat registration a dog is due to be vaccinated within the next six months period, then a new vaccination shall be required before permit is issued. 302.043 ' It shall be unlawful to tounterfeit or attempt to counterfeit the animal tag or take from any dog a tag legatly placed upon it by its owner with the intent to place it upon another aninal, or to place such tag upon another animal. 302.044 Animal lags shall not be transferable and no refunds sha11 be made on animal permit fee because of leaving thc City or death of the animal before expiration of the registration period. 302.045 No pennit shall be require� of any hunine society> veterinary hospital or laboratory. 302.05 REYOGATION A perniit, if not revoked, shall be valid durin9 the license year. A new pennit shall be obtained each license year 6y every ormer and a new fee paid. 302.051 The City may revoke any parmit if the person holding Chis perniit refuses to or fails to comply with this Chapter, the re9ulations promulgated by the City, or any state or tocai law governing cruelty to a�in�als or the keeping of anin�als. 302.052 An animal permit and tag may be revoked if an avner fails to provide a�in�ls with sufficienY good and wholesonr food and water, proper shelter and protection irom Lhe weather, vMCrinary care when needed to prevent suffering, and with hun�ane care anA treatnent. Also, if an owner shall beat cruelly, ill treat, torn�ent, overload, oveniork, or Otherwise abuse any animal, or cause or•permit any dog fight, or cock fight, bull Fight or other conroat betNeen�animals or be:ween animals and hum�ns. In addition such owner shall be liable ta court action under this Code, State Statutes and local laws for any of the actions cited above. 302.053 If any person violating the terms of this ardinance three (3) times i� one permit year, his permit to own, keeD. harbor or have custody of animal(s) for which the offense was cited shall be deeined auto- maticatly revoked and no �ew permit may be issued for a period of one year from date permit is revoked. 302.054 Any person whose permit is revoked shall, within IS days thereafter remove such animai(s) permanently from the City of Fridley or humanely dispose of animal(s) tited in the violation being owned, kept or harbored by such person artd no part of the permit fee sha11 be refunded. 139 R[VOCATION ��6 _. . _ _. _�- ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page q 302.062 LIYESiOCK See Chapter 301 af this Code. 302.063 WILD ANIMIIIS ANO OIR�S See Chapter 303 af this Code. 302.064 TNe section of this Chapter requiring a permii shall not app�y =p non-residents of the City who are keeping only domestic pets, provided that aniauts of such owners sNalt be kept in the City no longer than 30 days and that the anii�ls are kept under restraint. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply insofar as requirements for rabies vaccinations is concerned. 302.p65 FEES ihc annual pennit fee and expiration Chapler )� of this Codc. Neutered or for a reduced permit fee as provfdeA 302.07 IPipOUNDtNG date sha11 be as provided in spayed aninrals shall qualify in Chapter I1 of t4is Codc. iao 47 IIVESiOCK WILD ANIMALS AND BIRDS EXEMPTIONS FEES ii�e Ani�rul Control Officer ar NunNne Society shall take up and IMPOUNDING impn�nd any dxs or animals requiiing permits or tags found in the City withnut the tags; or any dogs or anima�s Which are in vialation af any of the other prorisions of this urdinance. Animals shal) be impnunded in an animal shelter and confineJ in a huttwne manner. Impo�nded aniuwls shall be kept for not less than five days, including Sundays and fblidays, unless reclaim��� py their owners. !f by a per�nit tag or otlicr n�eans, the owner can be identified, the Animal Contrnt pfficer shall imn�ediately upon impoundment notify the o�ener by telephone or i��i of the inipoundrnent of the animal. Not withstanding the provisions of this ordinance, if an animal is f�ound at large, and tf�e owner or custodian can be identffied, the Animal Control Officer, myy proceed against the owner for yiola- tion of the ordinance. � The Animal Control Officer may enter upon a�y public or private premises by warrant or as otherwise provided by law when such officer is in reasonable pursuit of hisjher duties. 302.08 NOTICE Of IMPOUNDMENT NOTICE OF Upon taking and impounding any do9 or animat as provided in IMPOUNOMENT tAis ordinance, the Animal Control Officer ar Poundkeeper shatt Departmenty nThe Animal�ControlfOff cer,aPoundkeeper and�Volice Departmsnt sha11 myintain a record of dogs and animals so impounded. 302.091 REDEMPTIOt1 OF 1MPOUNDEO ANIMALS In the 9nstance of dogs or animals fe- which the owner does not have a required petmit or tag, the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper sha11 nat return such anfmal to the owner until a perniit and Lag, if applicable, have been purchased from the City or from the Anima7 Control Officer or Poundkeeper, The Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper shall renr9t ta the Cfty the sum paid to him for the permit or tag and if owner has not proof of rabies vaccinations, tAe cost of imnrnization, and furnish the City a11 necessary information pertainSng to said connection�the�ewith.��In additionethetAnimalfContro150fficer or Poundkeeper shaYl 6e paid by tbe do9 or anfmal owner the impounding fee plus feed and care for each day the dog or animal is cenfined in the pound. A11 monies receiv¢d by the Aniuial Control Officer or Pounkeeper shall be turned over to the �� � � f REDEMP7ION IMPUUNDED M�IMALS ORDINANCE N0. 65d Page 5 City and placed in the general fund of the City. 302.092 Any dog or animal for which the ovrner lias a eurrent permit ta9 shatl be redeemed from the pound by the owner after impounding by payment of impoundin9 fee plus feeding and care for each day the do9 is confined in the pound. Fees paid shall be in accordance with those established by the City. All monies received by the Rnimal Control Offfcer or Poundkceper shall be turned over to the City and shalt be placed in the oenerai fund of the City. 302.10 UNCLAIME� IMIPOUNDED AHIIAILS Any dog or animal which is not clair�d viithin Five days after Smpounding, including Sun�lays or Holidays, may be sold for not less than the amount of the total charges accrued against the animal in accardartce with this ardinance and Courtcil resolution, to anyone desiring to purchase the dog> if not requested by a licensed educational or scientific institution under Minnesota Statutes Section 35.71. All sums received by the Aniinal Control Officer or Powidkeeper shall be turned over to the City and shall be placed in the general fuoC of tbe CiYy. Any dog ar animal which is not clain�ed by the owner, or by a ticensed educational ar scientific insti:ution, er sold, sha11 be painlessly put to dcath and tbe Dody properly dispos-� of by the�PoundY.eeper. 7he time of sale or other disposition of dog or animal shall be at least 720 hours after notice has been given to the animal owner by the Animal Control Officer or Poundkeeper. The provisions of notification of ow�er does not apply, when owner cannot be ascertained. 302.1] ANIMM1L BITES: WARANTINfi Any person knowing of a human being Sit by a dog, cat> racoon, skunk, or other rabies susceptible species shall iapnediate7y notify the Animat Control Officer or Police Department. �7hen- ever any dog or animal has bitten any person the owner or eustodian of such dog or animal, havin9 been so n��lified by the Animal Contrul Officer or the Police DeparYnient, shall inniediately cause sai4 do9 m• animal to be quarantined at the City oT Fridley contract kennel facility or at a licensed veterir.ary hospital or kennet for a period of 14 days after ,uch person�has been bitten by said dog or• anin�al. During the yuarar�tine period, said doq or animal shall be kept under observation ta deterniine its condition and if it is found to be sick or diseased, the operator of the quarantine facSlity shaili�diately rrpor! inwritin9 to the Police Departn�ent and the Fridley Animal Contro! Officer, the condition of the aniinal. The Animal Control Officer shall then take necessary steps to determine if the dog or aninwl is suffcring from rabies. During the quarantine period, the dag or animal s13a11 not be removed from the designated quarantine facility except 6y special written permission from the Minnesota tivestock Sanitary Board a�d the Fridley Animal Control Officer. The owner of such dog or animal shall be respensible for the cost of such quarantine. The quarantine required Uy Lhis section shall �ot be necessary and the requiren�ents shall be waived if custodian of such dog or animal, invnediately upon receipt nf the nntice referred to above, presents to the Animal Control Officer or Police Department, the certifitate of an authorized veterinariaa that the dog or aninal was vaccinated for rabies on a date less than two years prior to the date of such notice. Such animal so exempt shall be quarantined on the premises of thz owner under strict control for a period of 14 days far the purpose of observation tor sy�toms ai dtsease. The Animal Control Officer is authorized to conduct a mid-term and terminal exam- ination of tbe animaL 141 4" � UNCLAIMED IMPOUNDED A�7IMAL5 ANiMAL BiTES: QUIIREN7INE .� ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 6 It shall be unlawfut for arty pe�son other than an Mimal Control Officer to kill or destroy any dog or animal of the dog kind found running at large in the City. No Aninal Control Officer or other person shali kill, or cause to 6e killed any aninwl suspected of being rabSd, exceDt cfter the animal has been piaced in quarantine and the diagnosis of rabies aude. 3�2.12 VICIOUS ANIMAL Na person shall keep or allow to be kept anyplace in the City any anfmal of a ferocious or vicious tharacter, habit or disposition or any animal Wild Dy nature, any dog or animal shall be deemed to be viciaus upon the occurreace of two (2j bites within 365 calendar days except those occurring in defense of the owner or his property. Upon canviction for the violation of this section, the court may in addition Lo impositian of sentence, direct the Animal Control Offlcer to take the animal in•question into custody and forthw9th dispose of the same as maY 6e directed 6y the Gity of Fridley. 302.13 COMPLAINTS M�y Verson complai.ning to the Police Department that a dog or ott:er animal is allegedly runnin9 at lar9e or otherwise constitutinry a danger or nuisance shall identify himself upon�request and shall make every reasonable attempt to assist the autharities in identify- in9 the dog and its owner or custodian. 302.14 P1U2ZLING lE� VICIOUS ANIM0.LS COMPtAINTS MUZZLIN6 19henever the prevalence of hydrophobia renders such action necessary to pro�ect tbe puhlic heatth and safe[y, the Mayor shatl issue a procianution orJcring every person oaning or keeping a dog to cunfine it securely on his preniises unless it is muzzled so that it cannoc bile. No person shall v�olate such proclamation, and a�y unmuzzled dog running at large during the time fixed i� the prociamation shall be killed by the Aninwl Cootrol Officer without notice to *..he owner. 302.15 KENNELS � KENNELS Because tt�e keepi�g of three ar mare doys or three or �re cats on the same preinises is subject to great abuse, causin9 discomfort to persons in the area, by way of sn�ell, noise, hazard and general aesthetic depreciation, the keeping of three or.more dogs or' cats on one premises is hereby declared a nuisance. The keeping of ihree or rtnre dogs or three of more cats on the san�e premises, whether owned by the same Derson or not and for whatever purpose, kept, sha11 constitute a kenne7; except tfiat a fresh litter af puRg(kittens may be kept for a period of three months before such keeping shall be dee�ned to be a kennel. No person shall keep or maintain a kennel in the City of Fridley except upon obtaining a kennel lice.:se consistent with the zoning requirements of this Code. Application for kennel ticense shall be made on forms provided by the City. Such application shall show the followiog: 1. Location of the premises of the kennel. 2. Location of a11 structure for the Mousing of the dogs and/or cats. If said dogs and/or cats are to be kept primarily within the home or building of residence of the applicant or of any nther person, the application shall so state. 3. The maximum number of dogs, cats, or any combination thereaf, ta be kept on the premises. � .��. . , � ORDINANCE N0. 654 Page 7 4. Any dog runs and housing far dags shatt be a minimum distance of 200 feet from any building struttures suitable for hwwn habitation, public place where food is bought, stored or eaten, 5. The premises for any keeping of do9s sha11 be fenced and a simple plat showin9 the location of fencing shall be furnished. The fencing must be of such quality as to contain the Eogs and/or cats. 6. Method to be used in keeping the premises in a sanitary condition. 7. Method to be used in keeping the dogs andfor cats quiet. 8. The application shall contain an agreement by the applicant that the premises may be inspected by the City at ali reasonable times. The City shall have discretion whether to issue such Iicense or not. In making such determination, the City shall take into consideration the adequaty of hausirt9 the runs for the do9s and)or cats, the method used for sanitation and to maintain quite, facilities for containing the dogs and/or cats, and aith particularity any violations during the previous licensc period. ]f a lictnse is grantnd and thc avPlic�ml ehcreaftcr fails Co comply with the statements made in the application or any other reasonable conditions imposed, or violates any other provisions of this ordinance, the licensee shall be notified by mail and given ten •+ys to remedy any defects ar defaults. If such conditions be not r��nedied in said ten days, a tiearing shall be field after at least ten days mailed notice to the licensee, and the licensee and all other interested parties shall be heaM. If it shall °ppear that sa5d kennel is not being properly maintained, the City may revoke the kennel license and the keepin9 of three or more dogs, or cats, or any combination thereof, inmediately shall be discontinued. It shall 6e unlav�ful for a�y licensee to do or permit any of the following: 1. Allowtng any of the dogs to run at lar9e on any street or public property or any private property not owned by the licensee or under Ais control. 2. Allowing the premises to be kept in an unsanitary or u�healthy tondition. � 3. Uurning of offal waste. 4. Allowing the dogs or cats to Dite or scratcA anyone properly on or off tl�e pre�uises. 5. Allowing the dogs or cats to bark, yelp or fight so as to disturb the nei9hborhood either night or day. 6. Maintaining any dogs ar cats so as to create a nuisance by way of noise, ouor or otherwise. 302.151 KENNEL LICENSE FEE The annual lice�se fee and expiration date sfiall be as provided in Chapter 11 of this Codc. 30'L.16 IIVI'UIWIML"NT OF ftN1tML C9NTROL OFI'ICCft � The City may appoint such person, persons, or firm as the City may deem necessary and advisable as Animal Control Officer. Such appointees shall work under the supervision of the Fridley Poiice Department and shall be responsible for the enforcement of thfs ordinance. 302.17 ENFORCCMENT IiY ANIfiAL CONTROL OFFICER Mimal Control Offi�ers are authorized to enforce the provisions 143 50 KENNEL LICENSE iEE AI'POINTML'NT Of ANIFtAL CONTROL OFFICER ENFpRCEMENT BY ANIMAL CONTROL OiFICER .�. .�. ORDiNANGE N0. 654 Page 8 of thfs ordinance and other related ordinances and statutes pertaining to animal control, inctuding the issuante of citations. 302.18 INTERfERENCE WITH AN1MhL CONiNOL OFFICER ]t shall De unlawfut for any unauthorized person to break i�ito an aninwl control pound, or attempt to do so, or to take or set free any animal taken by such officer in the compliance of thfs ordtnance, ar in any way interfere with, hinder, or molest such officer in the discharge of his/Aer duty under this ordinance. 302.19 GUARD DOGS,-WARNIN6 13usinesses located within the City and maintaining a guard dog for security purposes shall post notice at the entrance to the premises warning of the presence of said dog. 3021.191 GUARD UOGS,-AUTHORIZA7ION 6usinesses maintaining a guard dog shall file with the City a release authorizing the police or fire departnients to shoot said do9 in an emergency situatian if necessary in order to allow the police ar fire fi9hters to gain admittanca to the prmiises in the perforniance of their duties. .� 302.20 PENALTIES My violation of this Chapter is a misdemeanor and is subject h�all penalties provided for such viotation under the provisions of Chapter 401 of this Codr.. 302.21 SEEING EYE DOGS PERMITTFn IN PUBLIC PLACES Whenever any 61ind person accompanied by a"seeing eye" or guide dog presents himself/herself for accomodatian or service on any public conveyance vehicle or to any cafe, restaurant, store, or other ptace of business open to the public, 9t Shall be unlawful for the propri2tor, manager or operator of such vehicle or place of business to rnfuse admission Lo the dog or service to the btind person. 302.22 CRUELTY TO ANIMAI.S Minnesota Statutes 346.2Q through 346.34 a�e hereby adopted by reference and shall be in fult force and effect in the City af Fridley as if set out here in full. 302.23 REPEAL Old Chapter 302 of the Fridley City Lode is hereby repealed. iaa 51 INiERFERENCE WITH AN[MAL LONTROL OFFICER GUARD DOGS WARNING GIIARU DOGS AUTHORIZATION PENALitES SEEING EYE DOGS CRUELTY TO ANIMNLS REPEAL PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI7Y OF FRIDLEY THIS 67H DAY OF JUNE _, 1977 ATTEST: CITY CLERK - MARYIN C. BRUNSELL First Re�ding:�ly l6_ ta77 Secand Reading:�n��o�� Publiih: dunn 75. 7977 MAYOR - WILLTAM J. NEE 52 303. WILD ANIMALS AND BiRDS 303.01. Prohibillon It ahall be unlawful tor any person to hunl, take, ahoot, trap, kill, inJure or attempt to In�ure any wild animals or birds within�the City of Pridley by use of firearms, bow and arrow, traps, polson or any otber means. (Rel. 390) 303.04 Prohi6itica 303�.02. Ex�mptlon Exemptfon The pro�ibiUona of 303.01 ahall not provent a proDerly owner or hls spenta from eratllcatlnp rodents on his propeHy. 303.07. Suppl�m�nlary Supplementary The prohi0ilions contai�ed in th(s chapter shall be ia addition lo any State or Federa{ law reqertling the same or related subjects. 303.04. Penafiies Any violation ol this chapter is a misdemeanor and is subject to all penalties piovided for such violations under I�e provisions of Chapler 901 0l this Code. Penalties 303- CITY OF FBIDLEY Appeals Camniss3on Meeting - Tuesday, August 11, 2981 Page 1 CALL TO ORDER: Chaiswa�an Gabel called #i�.e Appeals C���sion Meeting of August 11, 1981, to arder at 7;30 p.m. AOI,S: CALI,: Members Pieseat: Patricia Gabel, Jean Gerou, Donald Hippen, Jtm Plemel, Alex Barna others rreeent: par�el • Glark, City of Fridley APPROVE APPEALS COt�IIdISSION MINUTES 0�" JULY 14, 1981: Chairwoman Gabel noted one correction to be made on Page 7, last paragraph, second line, to read, "addition vrill not make the current situation any worse. .." MOTION by L�'. Barna, seconded by Mrs. Gerou, to apprave the minutes of July 14, 1981, a$ written and corrected, UPON A WICE VOTE, ALL VOTIIQG AYE, CHAIItWOMAN GABEL DECLARID TAE MOTION CARRIED:,IINANIMWSLY. 1. REQUEST FOR VARIANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205.053 i4Ai OF TfiE FRIDLEY C2TY TO REDUCE TI� FRONT YARD SETBACR FROM 35 FEET TO 15 FEET TO ALLOW THE CON S �2, Ti� SAME BEING 5924 OAKWOOD tR1NOR N.E. (Request by Gerald W. Burrow., - 20th Avenue N.E., Minx�eapolis, YAi 55418}, Mrs. Joan Burrow, 1027 - 20th Avenue N.S. and Mr. Gaylord Burrow, 5924 Oakwood Manor, were present. M�ION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mr. H{ppen to open the pvblic hearing. UPON A VOICE S�OTE, ALL VOTING AYl;, CHAIR7P�]AN GABEL DEC7ARED THE PUSLIC E�ARING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M. Chaixwanan.Gahel read the Staff Report: ADMIIJISTRATIYE STAFF REPOftT 5924 Oakwood Manor N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMFS1Tz Section 205.053, 4A, requires a minimimm front ynrd depth of 35 feet. Public purpose served by this raquire�nent is to provide open space fos off-street parking without encmaching on public right of way. It also �_. provides for the aesthetic consideration not to reduce the °building line of sight" encroacta�ent inta a neighbor's front yard. 8. STATED HARDSHIP• "The houae was built before the City established the street zight of way for Oekwod Manor". � . . "R�t',"t'-eq�p' .. x�,� ,� ,,,. �r:.��,�. ...... _ Appeals Cammission Meeting - August 11 1981 Page 2 C. AII�IINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: __ - qye ���g �aelling wss built in 1456 on top o£ a baaement house which vas construeted in the 1940's. When the basenent was construeted, the tnvmship had P�n� �t Azthur Street vrwld be its access eo the = bas�ent was set to face Arthur Street. Then Oakwood Mano= M8s 8���� �d the vi�l�ge was 4ranted a 20 £oot ense¢�nt off the eastezly edge of this lot, puttinq the house only saane 20 feet oi£ the west edqe of Oak�aood 1�1amz- if this variance is granted, �ve have no stipulatfons to en9gest, havever since there exists a 3 to 5 foot survey overlaP ia thiS area, we suqgest that the variance be referenced to the existis�g curb line which is 23 feet away £_� the exieting house- Mr. Clark felt tfie Stali 's.{�pDCt. cevered everytiLing pretty well an8 clarified the werlaps by stating that way back wheri lots �vere so18, they were done so by met85 a�xl bcwnds and were not aurveyed. He said that when they were finally surveyefl, two suzveyors rrould say two different thinqs depending an which way they started from and they wonld overlap each other in tlie middle. He atated the Ca�mission should refereace the vas3ance to the cuxb line becavse they don't know �xactly rhare the lot line is. Mrs, gurrpw• showed the Caa�ission t2�e plans for the firat and second floor addition. Chaizwoman Gebel aslce8 for an eYplanation of the living situation. Mrs. Snrrow said that her and her husbrsnd will be living with her father-in-law, Gaylard Burrovr, and $e vtill have tIie vPstairs and share meals and the kitcfien and explained further that they haroe a grovrl.ng family, Chairroaman Gabel asked if they are goinq to hire a contractor an8 Mrs. Burroov said they will hire one to do most of the work and that they might do some of ti�e fiaish work. Chaiswoman Gabel aske8 Mr. Clark if there iazany problem.with the side lot lines, just the�front lot tines and_Mr. Clark Said that was correct. Chnirvroman Gabel aoted that they miqIit possibly want to bvi18 a qarage in the future and said there would be no problem with that. Mr. Barna asked phat the dimensions of the hanse aere aad Mrs. Burrow said 30' by 30'. Chairwoman Gabel aske8 about the neighbora and Nlr. Clark said he talked to a co�le of thmn and they seemed to agree and Mr. Bnrrow said that he has goad neighbors and they all want him to bnild, Mr, Bama asked if there would be any problems in texms of the fouridation and Mr. Clark said he went over the structure with the builder already and there would be no problems. Mrs, Harrow said they would also be fixing up the cxtezios and t1�ey wwld like to start by the first of Sept�ober. Mr. 8arna felt the addition vaould bria9 the lwuse into value alignment with the rest 4 of the neighbozhoofl. Mr. Ple�mel felt it wovld be a good addition. MdTZO� by Mr. Plemel, seconde8 by Mrs. Gerou, to close the public hearing. tJPON A VOICE VOTB, ALL VOTING AYE� CHA,IRWOMAN GABEL DBCIARED TF� PUBLIC HEARING Q,OSID AT 7s40 P.M. A�esls Commission Meet3ng - August 11 1981 Page 3 MOTION by Mr. Plemel, seconded by Mr. Barna, to approve tFie variance sequest to reduce the front yard setback £r�a 35 feet to 15 feet to allow the Bonstruction of a second story to ati existing honse on Lot 18, Auditor's Subdivision No. 92, the same being 5924 Oalcwood Manor N.E., Fridley, Minnesotn, and that the variaitce be referenced to the ezisitng carb line ahich is 23 feet away £ran the existing house. UPON A VOICE VOTE. AIS. �OTING AYB, "CAAIRPIOMAN GABF•L DBCIARID THE MOTION CARRIFT) UIQANIl+lOUSLY. 2. �THEft 5[TSINESS: Chsirrraman Gabel reported that the City Council did upholfl the decision on the sign issne from last meeting an@ that the Councii thcvght that "jntersection" was anywhere traffic intersect8, Mr. Clark reported that the Staff interprete3 wn• intersection j5 �+hese a�y two lanes merged or conflict and Naegele said it nas where they cross each other end Mr, Herrick said it is where two separate streets cross each other. Mr. Barna eaid an intersecti� would be Main Street over I694 an8 2694 over University and C�tral, but he did aot consider that a real intersection; that it would be where Lwo Innes of traffic come toqether. Chairwomnn aske�i if the Commission wanted to address definin4 intersection and Mr. Sarna sug4este8 adding it to the sign code. Chaizwoman Gabel suggestad tfiat the Caomissioa make some kind of recomnendation or check aut a definition and look at them at the next meet3n9. Mr. Clark said tiie Staff will look into it and felt the flefinition should be confined to the sign code. Mr. Barna felt that the Higluvay Department would have a definition. MOTION by Mr. Sarna, seconded by Mrs. Gerou, to adjourn the meeting, UPON A VOICE YOTE, ALL YOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN DECIARED Tt� APFEALS CONASISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 11, 1981. ADJOIIRNED AT 7:50 P.M. Respectfully subnitted, Deb Niznik, Recording Secretary . c t _CALL TO ORDER: CITY OF FRIDLEY HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - MEETIN6 � AUGUST 13, 1981 Chairperson Commers called the August 13, 1981, Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Larry Commers, Russell Houck, Elmars Prieditis, Carolyn Svendsen Members Absent: Duane Prairie Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Jerry Reimien, Contract Development Corporation Gary MacKenzie, Contract Development Corporation Virginia Steinmetz, League of Women Voters APPROVAL OF JULY 9 1981 HOUSING & REDEYELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Mr, Comners stated that since the Authority had just received the minutes at the meeting, he would recomnend that the approval of the minutes be continued until the next meeting. M0270N BY MR.HOUCK� SECONDED BY MR. PRIEDITIS� TO CONTINUE THS APPROVAL OF TXE JULY 9� .I981� 80USING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING RYE� CHASRPERSON COMMERS DBCLRRED THE MOTION CARRIfiD UNANIMOUSLY. I. CENTER CITY PROJECT A. Re ort from Jerr Remmen - Phase III , Re: Letters from Mr. Rerrmen dated July 13, 1981, and August 13, ]981) Mr. Re�nen stated they are in the process of working on the H.R.A,/ Developers Agreement. He stated Mr. Boardman sent several comments he would like to see worked into it. Mr. Remmen stated he worked on those comments with Dean Doyscher and they forwarded those comments ta • Tom Erickson, their attorney, who is working on that at this time. Mr. Remmen stated they initiated their progress for construction and permanent financing. They have met and discussed several means of financing with Banco, and Banco is going to proceed at this time in exploring all possibilities. Banco has indicated a time frame for a cortNnitment to be about 30-60 days. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1981 PAGE 2 Mr. Remmen stated they are working with Oean Doyscher, Who will correiate the schedule between their development team and C1ty Staff to keep the project on line and on course. - Mr. Remnen stated they met that morning with Mr. Brooks Hauser of Hauser Super Valu Stores and had an excellent meeting. They worked out all the details except the finai price per square foot. They will be taking this to the attorneys on Monday to complete it. Bor-Son is currently working on a bidding of the plans and specs. As soon as those are completed and as soan as Super Valu has their market feasibility study completed, they will complete the lease. This should be completed with Mr. Hauser in about 3-4 weeks time. All other leases are progressing on schedule and are really subject to Super Valu's lease. B. Report from Jerry Re�nen - Phase I, II, & IV (Re: Letter from Jerry Remmen dated Aug. 13, 1981) Mr. Remmen stated they have had several meetings in the past month with Bor-Son Construction Co. Bor-Son has indicated a desire to come in and front the financing on this development. Bor-Son has indicated a desire to be a general partner on the office center, and the enter- tainment center if they are needed. Bor-Son sfiould be ready next week on the final costs. Mr. Remmen stated he saw no problem with financing the office building, but the entertainment center will be more difficult. Mr. Baardman asked what the time frame was on this portion of the project. Mr. Remmen stated he would expect they would have the financing in place on the office center by Dec. 1 and possibly the entertainment center on Jan. 1. However. if they ga with industrial revenue bonds which they discussed with Mr. Boardman that evening, December is notoriously a bad month to come out with IRB's.so it could get put over into January. January would probably be a more realistic time- frame. Mr. Remmen stated that Gary MacKenzie, their architect, would review the conceptual site plan. Mr. MacKenz9e stated the biggest change in the plan is that they have lost the possibility of attracting a theatre chain to put in a theatre, primarily because �st of Fridley there already exists a Plitt theat�t�e which is planning to expand its operation where it is currently located. Other theatre chains do not wish to compete with them. Mr. MacKenzie stated that has necessitated some rethinking on the enter- tainment center. Basically, all they have done is eliminated the theatres and regrouped the various functions to occur within the center for a more practical serviceability type of organization. Basically, there will be a very large bowling a71ey sized to 24 lanes (with the possibility of 48 lanes), a game room directly to the right and below HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1981 _ PAGE 3 the bowling alley, a night c1ub, and a health spa. Althougfi he had indicated a couple of outdoor piaza areas adjacent to the night c1ub, they have also talked about some kind of sunken plaza area which would be physically tied to a tower level of the restaurant. Some of this restaurant would be two-story with dining balconies. He stated the service facility works out quite well. Mr. MacKenzie stated the Police Department will remain where it is, and they will want to be on the lower level. so the primary change they have made at this point from a site circulation standpoint is to introduce an east/west circulation road through the site which comes off 5th St. and proceeds westward dropping in elevation so they can go underneath some type of pedestrian bridge, tie and gain access to the Police Dept. at that lower level, and then come back up in eleva- tion and tie into the parking lot which gives then an exit to the south. Mr. MacKenzie stated they have also talked about the space from the entertainment complex in behind City Hall and over to the office center becoming some type of linear development which will be on differing levels {an example is Peavey Plaza downtown)--that type of intense concentration of sitting areas, fountains, public gathering places far concerts, art shows, etc.--basically going north and s�uth and expanding to the west behind City Hall and creating a public plaza in there. They have also discussed the possibility of t8king the current service drive and going back to the corner by the Fridley State Bank, eliminating the road through the site, and pulling it down the southern border. There would then be nothing to interrupt the pedestrian flow from the office complex and City Hall to the entertainment complex. That gives them a chance to heavily develop the plaza area. Mr. Cormiers asked what the square footage was on the entertainment complex. • Mr. Remeaen stated it was approx. 36,000 sq. ft. total. Mr. Prieditis asked if the Police Dept. had any conflict with the service drive and the Police Dept. access. Mr, Boardman stated he has not discussed this with the Police Dept., but he did not see any problems. Mr. Prieditis suggested that it would be a good idea to the the Police Department's feelings on this plan. Mr. MacKenzie stated the major difference between this site plan and the old site plan is the elimination of the theatres, and because af the elimination of the theatres, the elimination of the parking structure. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETIN6, AUGUST 13, 1981 PAGE 4 Mr. Houck asked about the relocation of �he Fire Hall. Mr. MacKenzie stated they have always proposed that the Fire Hall be relocated. , - Mr. Boardman stated they have given plans to the Fire Dept., and the - Fire Dept. is gaing to do a study to determine the best location for a relocated Fire Hall. He stated the Fire Dept. is supposed to get this report in sometime in October. Mr. Prieditis stated he thought the conceptual site plan was very appealing and exciting. He liked the idea of a"Peavey Plaza" as he thought the Peavey Plaza is a very successful plaza. Mr. Remnen stated he would like to have pretiminary approval from the HRA on the conceptual site plan. Mr. Boardman recommended that the HRA give preliminary approval to the conceptual site plan. MOTZON BY 1�2. XWCK� SECONDED BY MS. SV61SASfiN� TO GIVE PRELIMINRRY APPROVAL TO TflE CONCEPTUAL SITfi PLAN OF AUG. S3� 1981, PRh'SENTED BY CONTRACT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. UPON A VOICfi VOTS� ALL VOTSNG AYE� CXAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE M02'ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � Mr. Boardman stated that while Mr. Remmen was at the meeting, he would like to bring up an articie that was pubiished in the Mp1s. Star on Aug. 11 regarding a lawsuit against Mr. Re�nnen. He stated there was quite a lot of publicity on Mr. Rertmen's development in Rustic Oaks. Mr. Corm�ers stated the HRA members could review the article and bring up any questions at the next.meeting. He thanked Mr. Remnen for coming ahd staEed they hoped to see Mr. Remnen at the Sept. meeting. C. Report from Executive Director on Standard Oil Acauisition Mr. Boardman stated this acquisition has taken place. They closed on the property on July 24th, They did it by mail and took the necessary steps to file the warranty deed with Anoka County. The acquisition price was $82,000. The City Attorney, Mr. Herrick, in a letter dated July 24, 1981, advised that he was satisfied that Standard Oil has good title to the real estate. ' Mr. Boardman stated the City has agreed to remove the structure within one year from the date of acquisition. The Fire Dept. wi11 require them to remove the tanks or fill them. It is to the City's advantage to remove the tanks, and they have an estimate for removal of less than $2,000. MOUSING 8 REQEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1981 PAGE 5 II. D. isal �.._. .._..._„_. __, Mr. Commers stated as he understood Mr. Boardman's report, they now have an appraiser and he is in the process of preparing an appraisal. He stated Mr. Boardman also made mention of possibly acquiring the property with the use of CDBG funds. He asked if it was still Mr. Boardman's intention to acquire the building with those funds? Mr. Boardman stated that was correct. This is the process the City Council went through about 3-4 months ago. They made two propasals to the City Council and the City Council chose the proposal to utilize the $280,000 CDBG funds in the Center City Project to assist in the acquisition of the property. In that proposal, the City Council did designate acquisition of properties in the southwest quandrant. The best use of those funds would be in an acquisition of an empty structure, because there are no relocation costs and they don't get involved in federal regulations with relocation, Mr. Boar�nan stated that with that in mind, he came to the July HRA meeting with the request for the hiring of an appraiser. He has one year to expend the $280,000, and they are looking at the possibility of expending those funds quicker if the building doesn't have renters. Mr. Boardman stated that at the last HRA meeting, he has asked the HRA to approve an Agreement of Cooperation with the Council to have the City Council say, yes, the HRA would operate those funds for the City, if the City so chose. He stated the City Council has not approved this agreement at this time. Mr. Boardman stated there two options: (1) It would be much easier for the HRA to agree to utilize the CDBG monies and have an agreement set aside with the City Council, because then there are not two entities involved in the acquisition process; (2) Tax increment funds will also have to be utilized in the acquisi- tion of that property; and,therefore. if there is an agreement for use of those funds, the HRA wauld be in a better position than the City to utilize that money and make use of those funds. Mr. Commers asked minutes regarding had with regard t Project. MOORE LAKE PROJECT: Mr. Boardman to secure copies of the City Council motions and whatever discussions the City Council o the uti7ization of CDBG funds in the Center City A. Report from Executive Director on Hillwind Road Pro Mr. Boardman stated that Ms. Cheryl Nybo intends to get the necessary financial information to Mr. Sid Inman by the end of August. They will be looking for a report from her at that time. � HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, AUGUST 13, 1981 PAGE 6 B. Receive Letter from Keith in Mr. Cormners declared the letter fran Mr. Keith Harstad dated July 16, 1981, received into the record. - Mr. Boardman stated he has met with Max Saliterman on the price of the property. Mr. Saliterman quoted $5/sq, ft., which Mr. Boardman felt is completely out of line. He stated the City is not in the position to make an offer because they do not have any developers, and he has gotten the feeling and concern from the City Council that they are not in a position to move ahead with condemnation. He stated this was discussed at the last meeting, and it was decided they should wait until the September meeting in order to get the opinion of the other commission members. He asked the members how they would like him to proceed with this. Ne stated they have 5-6 developers who have expressed an interest in the project, so their alternatives are: 1, put a proposal together 2. remain in a holding pattern (They have up to three yrs. to act before they lose certification.) Mr. Prieditis stated he would like to see them remain on hold. Right now they have a more active consideration in the Center City Project, and he did not like to see such high values on land. Mr. Commers asked if the .#iil.lw:insi Road Froject (Phase I) meets the requirements on the whole project as far as certification is concerned. He thought that information was important. MOTION 8Y MR. HOUCK� SECONDED BY .�. PRIEDITIS� TO CONTINUfi THE CON- SZDERATION OF CONTINUED DSVEIAPMENT SN THE MOORS LAKE REDEVELOPMENT RREA WITH R&GARD TO THB Z7 RCRE PROJECT IN PXASE III UNTIL THE SEPTEMBSR MEETING. Mr. Boardman stated Staff has also done some concept drawings on what they feel would be desireable development in these areas, and he would bring that information to the next meeting also. UPON A VOICfi VOTfi� ALL VOTING AYE� CAAIRPERS�V COMMSRS DECLARED THE . MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. III. REVISED BY-LAWS: Mr. Boardman stated the comnission members had received a copy of a memo from David Newman on his suggested changes to the By-Laws and then a copy ° of the revised By-Laws based on Mr. Newman's memo. Mr. Boardman stated the revised By-Laws did not include one section on compensation to the cortmission members. Mr. Newman stated in his memo that Minnesota Statutes 462.441 allows members to be compensated at the rate of $25 per meeting in . HOUSING & REDEYELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, AUGUST 13. 1981 PAGE 7 an aggregate amount not to exceed $1500 per �ear, and Mr. Newman suggested that a Section 7 be added stating that commission members shall ,� be remunerated for their services or set a specific amount of canpensation which does not exceed the statutory authorization. _ Mr. Boardman stated this can be added or it does not have to be added. - The main thing to be concerned about is where the funds would come from for this compenstion. Mr. Coimiers stated that possibly Mr. Herrick could write a letter advising the HRA how this could be accomplished if a section was put in the By-Laws stating that the members would be compensated. He asked Mr. Boardman to report this at the next meeting, and then the cortmission members can discuss it and then approve the By-Laws with or without that provision. Mr. Boardman stated he would get further information on this for the next meeting. IV. FINANCIAL REPORT: A. Report from 5id Inman Mr. Boardman handed out the Interim Reports as of July 1, 1981, prepared by Sid Inman, Director of Central Services. He stated that as of 6/30/81 there is a total interest on the HRA inve�tments of $137,374.04. Cash on hand as of 4/30/81 is $2,121,742.38. Because the commission members had several questions concerning the financia7 reports, Mr. Boardman stated he would either report back at the next meeting or have Mr. Inman at the next meeting to answer these questions. B. Check Register Approval MOTION BY MR. NDUCK� SECONDED BY MS. SVENDSSN� TO APPROVE THE CHECK REGISTSR AS PRESENTED ZN THE AMOUNT OF $183,417.74. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPfiRSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Comners declared the August 13, 1981, Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m. Respectfully submitted, � L eSaa Recording Secretary � �. � � ,; �l��•IRUI C�.L_TO QRi�R• Cheirperson Svanda ca7}ed th� h �a#ing to order at 7s53 p.m � . . . en� � ra� � . � . . CITY OF FRIL14Elf �NTAL QUALITY CQt�liSS��i lffETIN6 - - AUGUST 18, 1981 August 18, 1987, Envirorsaental Quality Comnission MeAntrers Present: Richard Svanda, Bruce Peterson, Marcia Schaaf, Maynard Nie7son Members Absent: 3on Erickson Dth�rs Present; Bill Deblon, Associate Planner �Y+pR(iYAl, OF JULY 27�1981, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY C(�IiSSION MINUTES: !(GP,i01li BY K5. SC$AAF� 8$COtiDED BY 11Q2. AISLSON� T4 RPFRQV6 T9S JULY ?I� 1981� 37 ,i�Rt�E7VP,ilL Dfi�LilS' 'Odi�l2'SSION lYINUTSS AS WRIRTSN. UPG�,A 96S£S �, ALL VQTSN6 AIfB� CHAIRPSRSON SYANI� �CLARBD THfi MOTION ,Ci�,%BD �1�IX4Fl3LY. � . i�liiRTH GR(}SSTOWN • M1r. �e4�on. sLated he had no new informatinn #.� rep�art. He stated that the qt#��pn t�as r�ised by Jon frickson about naise w�11s. Mr. Deblon stated that - �;�iS is availatrle and does address all situations regarding noise, but it �` paintS out thd"t noise wal�s are the most eff�ctive 3n reducing the noise. M4�.�Ileblort reco�aended that this item be contlnued. �q1'IQN SY 1KS. 3CAAAF� SB�C7�Tl�D BY PII2. NZSLSt7A� TQ �NT,INt7S DISCUSSIO�J OF d?QRR��CRL�iS2Yi�Q�. tiAliDT ll VOICB' t�UTB� aLL S�'PZNG AYB� CBAIRPSRS4N SV,fiNiIA LESCLARGD TH8 NOTION ��RRiSD UXANINQF7SLY. 2. <<Mf1#NESOTA WASTE:'MM1�fl�NT BOARD PROGRESS: !(r. Ueb14n stated he has heard nothirtg otMer than the fact that the residential areas Aa�!e beea elim3nated frcm the preliminary areas sited for hazardous waste proces�fng #a�i7ities. The next step by the Baard.is to look at the municipalities' lor�g range p]ans. He would also recommend this iteea be-continued. ENVIRONI�IENTAL QUALiT1t COMNISSION t�ETING,'AUGUST t8, 1981 PAfE 2 NDTi� 8Y /iIIt. 1Y28I3AMt SSCI�DfiD BY 1�6. SCEAAF� T1� CONTINUS 2�fi XCNNESOTA WASTE XANIIGSA�NT BfiARD PRDC�&SS. UPQN A VOICS VOTS� ALL i+19T.ii0G AYE� CBAIRPBRSON'Si�iANAA DSCLARED R88 I�TI�I CllRRIED -UXAAS11pUSLY. 3. ANOKA COUNTY ATRPORT: Mr. tkblon stated the.tatest information is that the airport is!goirtg to be ckvetoped as a mfoor eirport because of tfie tegislation'that prehibits monies to upgrade erty meiropotitan airport from minar to intermediate. The one problem is there are`intermediate dircraft tanding there now, and'even ff ti is developed as a minor airport; the ini3et9nediate aircraft wiiT conttnue to land there. However, the airport wi11 Mecane a safer facf]ity. 4. RECYCLIN6 - YIASf€ RE�IJCTIOM: Mr. 5vanda asked if �he City was at a11 interested in promoting r�cycling and/or waste reduttion. Mr. Deblon stated the Eity is wilting to prairote ►�ecycling, but he wondered if it shou]d be the rote of the Gity to implea�rtt an acfive program at this time. He felt they are p+*omoting recycling by supporting the recyclfsg center. in Fridtey. - Mr, Debton stated #h!re are municipalities that are generating revenue fran recyc1 i ng. Mr. Peterson stated it all bo{ls dawn to educating the peopte, roak#ng people aware of the ava3latsilft� ;ttf r�cysling and what the advantages of retycltng are. Ffe stated the Coamission might want to estabtish a project cornnittee to work on promoting recycting/waste reduetion by distributfng liter�tur�e and educating the peoPte. .11s.5chaaf suggested that the Co�mrission obtain �aaterials and fnfo�aLion fran other commmities thnt do.recycle and generate'revenue. : Mr. Peterson stated that Edirra has been very successful in tfieir recye}ing progra�a. they have a couple of futl-time staf€ penple who ovork°just with rec,ycting, and the City is making money in addit#on to paying the salaries of tMO staff peopte. : Mr. Svanda stated he believed there were de�instration monies available through the Poilution Cw�tr81 Agency fer local govermnents to devetap sane kind of demonstration project. He stated the City might want to look into tf►at. Mr. Svanda stated he thougNt it wns a good idea for the Goimrission to look at c►Eher coa�nfties and $et a�tt�er feel for how these eomrwnities suaceed at recycling and genera�ing � rea�ue from it. May+be this could be an ab9ectire in the work plan that Lhe Planning Department rrould like each comreission to p�epare each year. This w!�t1d go tp the City Council and they woutd find aut f►dN the Gity Councii fel# about recycling. 4 � � �:� ,,� ,�- -.n. � � ;' � ENYII�QII�lFT,__�_AL____,Qi�NL, i�'Y �ISSION�MEETIN6, AU�,tiS��'�`��14$1 PRGE�3 �: . Nr, Svanda asked Staff to provide the Cammissiorr wi�tr,ns much information as po�sihte fro� otfier-caamunities who ha:�e been successful with recycling, 5. ' GEM�lIi55iUN OBJEG7iVES't Mr.� Sv8t4d� stated that at the last meeting, Mr. $aarclmam had talked about a work plan that the,Ptannt�g Department has �eer► wnrking on and would like ta see tAe eommissions prepere yearly. Mr. Rebton skat�ed iC is.tr�sica'�1y a format th�tL woui�t fielp get a scope of things the:f.bmnission �rah£s to �D. It is a vehicle, n6t oniy for fnteraction among tfxei Gammission tae�n�ers, Ewt slso lets the City Cc�ncil know what the commissians :.arve doing artd apRrowe pf it: Ne stated the Comniss9on:has indicated that recycling ao�3d be One ob�eciive, �nd he thoughi that was a��ci'direction fn which to go. hir. Peterson statsd he would hope there would also be interaction among the other Comn{ss�ons so they could pool their efforts and pr�vent overlapQtng. Mr. Deblon st�ted he w�uld prepare a sa�ple work plan-for the Commission to ]ook at.;and tF►en #he Conmission could begin to prepare the#r own work plan. He stated �, he would �att t1� samp]e work plan out with tfie t��4t manth's agenda. 5. £�4Fl3'#i t►AY 41S£USSI�Yri: � Mr.:Svpnda stated �his was back on t6e agenda, becau.se last year they had decided ;�: tbey shau}d tsegin working on the plans for Edrth 0ay bg August or Septemher, � Mr. �f{�tson stated he feit the Lions C1� would be v�ry receptive to another pre3ez�ta�ion fnda the �trvirwaoental Quality Comatission on Earth Day. He stated he ►�i3d be very happy ta go back to the lions Club with a better plan, Mr.;Fieblun stated he saw the need for an active pro�ct eomnittee who could call pt�i,aRtions and groups and then fotlow up. Ne .€�a� one of the major problems � t�k'sti yr�ar, �ther than getting tao late a start an th� praJect, was tfie tack of fal�Qw-up. Mr. 3Yartdt► stated the Cc►�lssion would have to pursue a little further whether � t#rey w�nte�i #o put the esmphasfs on clean-up and target a park or neighborhood far tlenn-up, or if tfiey w�tU1d ratMer put the �has;#s on greenery and plantings ar�tl':public fnpravement. Mr. Peterson stated they s�u1d think more abaut a pra�ect comnittee. He asked I�.`�3eblun to bring a list a#-na�es of those peop9e on,ftle at the City who have . exgr�ss�d-an interest in serv�� on a project Cs�ittee or commission. Possibly threugh a proj�ct committee, they coutd.get �sore i��taivdner►t from the comnuntty. IIQTZ001 8i,' :l8t. 3+51'ERS�i� SSCQPI�D BY lSS. 3CHAAF, TO` �ONTINtIfi DISCUSSIOW ON BARTH �1Y i1�T3L T6S HFX2' 1�STZAT&. UFY#tV•; A VOZCS VOTS. ALL VQ3?NG: AYE f CHASRPER.^�ON &VAaTT�A �CLARED 2'9E MOTION CA�3&D 1Ri�{NZ1110USLY. � . a ENYIROkMENTAL 4UALITY CENN»iMISSIDN MEETING�AUGUST 18, ]981 PAGE 4 7. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Onan/Medtronic Mr. Deb]on �tated the Camnission had requested 4nformation on the frequency of testing ort We17 �Y12. He 3tated he tatked'to John F1ora, Pubtic Works Director, who stated there has been no testing since April i96t. �r. Deblon stated it was hi's understanding that there is nothing to wor�y about, and the well'is not contaminated. Mr. Peterson stated he would like to see the Comnission make a reeommendation tfiat further testing be conducted on We1i #t2 since it is near the Natianaa Do1e site. The Commission me�sers agreed that testing should commence immediately. Mr. Peterss� stated that maybe Mr. F1ara would come to the next Comnissiott meeti►t� and give the Camrission me�ers a report on the status af W�elt #7�. �4`IOH BY ffi2. P�TSRSONs SECON1Ik'D BY MS. SGi.IAF'� TO RSQp66T 1i11T SOM60NE FRAM Tf[E PUbLZC t1�f3RKS �'PARTXENT ATTSXD TSS S8PT6MHSR S1W3RONM6NTAZ QUALITY COI�lVY53IG� 11�5'STIiVG TO GIVS A R8'PQRT ON TIiB STA3'tJ� OF NELL 1/12� WBLL �13� 11AUD 1�S'NEW PFOPOSED WELL BY WE88'P12SNTTNG. UPON A VO1"�E POT6y Ailr VOR'.TNG AYE� C9AIRPBRSON SVANDA DBCLARED THE l�TSON CAF$IEn PN'ANi�BLY. AD30URNMENT: MEY1'IDN BY NS. $CH14�t�'� SSGYJA/IIED SY i�IIZ. PSTSRSON, TO Nk70URN TSE MEETING. UPON A VOiCE VOTS� ALL VD3'iNG AY$� GXAIRPBRSON SVANDA DECZARfiD TXS AUGUST 38� 2981� S'NPIRCk11�lBNTAL 4UALITY CO#HISSIOW MEETING AiUOURNED AT 9:29 P.M. Respectful9y sub itte�, i c.� e a a �cordittg Secretary rJ C CITY OF FRIDLEY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 20, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: Ch�airperson Oquist called the August 20, 1981, Community Development Comnission meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: LeRoy Oquist, Ken Vos, A1 Gabel, Sharon Gustafson, Connie Modig (arr. 7:40 p.m,) Members Absent: Others Present None Mary Cayan, Human Services Assistant APPROVAL OF JULY 28 1981 COMMUNITY DEVELOPM�NT COMMISSION MINUfES: MOTION BY XR. GABEL, SSCANDfiD BY KS. GUSTAFSON, TO APPRQVS TSS JULY 28, 1982, COMMfINSTY DE[�6LOPMSNT COMMTSSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOIC6 VOTE, RLL VOTING RYfi, CARRSBD UNANIMOUSLY. � l. WORKPLMI FORMAT: DISCUSSION OQU25T AECLARED TSfi MOTION Ms. Cayan stated tfie Commission members had received a sample workplan format with a sample goal from the Human Resources Commission. Dr. 4os stated the only problem he had with the format was the "priority" colu�. What does "priority" mean? He thought the "timetable" would tell them when they were going to accomplish the goal, (Ms. Modig arrived at i:40 p.m.) Mr. Oquist agreed with Dr. Vos. He felt the "objectives", "action" items, and "timetable" could already be in a priority list. �r. Vos stated the "priority" column could still be left in the format and used only when they feel they need it. Mr. 4quist stated the format was very good. He liked the "timetable" column as it gave them something to work for in specific months. The Commission members gave approval to the workplan format. � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING, AIlGUST 20, i981 - PAGE 2 � Ms. Gustafson stated she would like to see the Commission hold �ublic forums in order to get citizen input from different areas of the comnunity of what the co�nunity needs are. " Mr. Oquist asked how they can rea11y communicate things to the comnunity when a large percentage of the citizens reaity don't care2 Communication is a very difficult thing. He stated he definitely felt cortmunications had to be one of the Gomnission's objectives, and an action item could be to.have apen forums for discussion purposes. The Cortmission members developed the following four major goals for their workptan: 1. To ensure effective aTlocation of Comnunity Development Block Grant funds. 2. To ensure adequate housing opportunities for the residents of Fridley. 3. To ensure adequate transportation options, bath within the City of Fridley and to and from ]ocations outside the City. 4. To promote citizen awareness of local governmental actions. Mr. Oquist stated that Goal N4 dealing with communications should reaily be a goal for a11 the comm�ssions. Ms. Cayan asked if the Comnission members would tike her to send them copies of the goals and objectives in the Housing section of the Comprehensive P1an. The Commission members agreed they wou7d like to have that informatibn. Ms. Ca�yan stated that before.the Sept. 8 meeting, she would send out worksheets with each goal listed and then the Comnission members can start thinking of the objectives they wouid like to list for each goai, Mr. Oquist stated that at the next meeting, the Commission members will work on developing objectives for each of the four goals. 2. TIMING ON i982 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROPOSALS: Mr. Oquist stated the Commission members had a capy of Memo #81-62 from Jerry Boardman regarding the timing of 7982 COBG propasals. Mr. Oquist stated that since there is not much time, at their next meeting the CorrKnission members 3irould be talking about the #hings they wouid like to see the CDBG monies used for. Mr: Oquist stated he would also like to see a list of things Staff has considered for these CDBG funds. , COhfMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONMISSION MEETING AUGUST 20 7981 PAGE 3 Ms. Cayan stated that she and Mr. Boardman have come up with several ideas for possibilities for CD66 funds. She stated she would send this list to the Comnission me�ers. AAlOUf�VMENT: Chairperson Oquist declared the August 20, 1981, Community Development Commiss9on meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfutty submitted, Cyrifi Saba Recording Secretary � CITY OF FRIDLLY APPEALS CaNII4IS5ION 1�E'PI[iG - T[]ESDAY ADGI)ST 25 1981 PAGE 1 CALL TO ORDER: Cbaixw+cman Gabel called the Appeals Caa¢nission Meeting oP August 25, 1981, to order at 9s30 p.m. ROLi. CALL: Meml�ers Present: Patricia Gabel, Alex Harna, Jean Gexou Mmobers Absent: Ji7n Plemel, Donald �ippen Othexs Present: Darrell Clark, City of Fridley p,ppgOVE APPSALS C�Il9ISSION MINUTES OF AUGIIST 11, 1981: Chairwoman Gabel xioted one correction Lo be made on page 3, "Other Business", second iine, the pord "wuncil" shonld be chanqefl tA "sign ccannittee." MOTION by Mrs. Gerou, seconded by Mr. Barna, to approee the minntes as written and corrected, of Avgust 11, 1981. LJPON A VOICE 90TE, ALL VO4'ING AYE, CHAIRt90MAN GASEL DBCIAR� THE 1�TION CARRI� UNANIMdUSLY. � 1. RF7j7t1EST FQR VARIANCE PURSUANT `P� CHAPTER 205.154 OF TKE FRIDL�Y CITY CODE TO RSpUCE THE 5ZDE YARD SETSACK 1�R�+I 3 FEEP TO 1 FEST FR�B SIDE LOT LINE, TO ALLOW AN ADDITION TO AN E7CISTING GARAGE TO EXPAND 'P'ROD1 ONE A�ID �NE-� STAT.T S TO 'PWO STALLS, ON ffi.00K 3� IAT 20 CARLSON'S SOtM1IT MANOR SOUTH ADDITION, THE .,AME HBING 4916 - 3RD STREET N.B. (R�est by Joseph J. I�iike, 4916 - 3rd Street N.fi., Fridley, MN 55432). MOTION by Mr. Barna, seconded by Mrs• Gerou, to open the public hearing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, QiAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M. Chaixwwaan Gabel sead the Staff Repozt: 11Q9ZNISTRATIVE STAFF FEPORT 4416 - 3zd Strcet N.E. � l►, PUBLIC PUItPOSE SERVED SY RE4�IIRII�SI•NT° Seoticn 205.053, 48. N6, =e��es aa axessory�bnilSing to be not less than three feet fram a� eide lot lfne aot adjaceat to a street• Public purpose sesved by t2�is se4ui=�°�t ia ta zequise sufficies�t area between the stxucture e� the lot line £or maintenance oi the structuze, for dsainaqe off tlie structure, and to avoid overcra+ding of a residential aeiqhborhood. 8. STATED HARDSHIPs ■11ro car 4arage needed. �possible t» enlarge present gara4e toward the - hwBe because of •teps to the back door. Need the two feet to enlarge the preaeat 1� car 4a�ta9e t° handle 2 cazs.' A als Camission Meeting - August 25, 1961 PB�e 2 C. A�ISNISTRATIVE STAFF RLrV2L'41: The eacieting detachad qarage is 16' x 20'� 1s 3.2 feet fram the side lot line� and the froat of the 9ar+►ge is in line with the back of the 8wellinq. The adjoining house to the »orth ig 18.1 feet frcm the camcon lot line and has a detached garage on the aorth side of the lot. The apg+licant p�'oposes to add onto both sides and the back of Lha qarage makinq a ZO' x 26' 9asacJe thnt will be approsimately 1£oot fran the comnon lot liner �+rea feet from the dwelling, with an additional six. feet addad ottto �e back. If the Hoaffi approvea this zequest, vie reooamend that there be no openings in the north wall and that it be sheetmcked on the inside. Also, that the roof overhang be limited to 12 inches maxim�. Mr. Joseph J. Mike, 4916 Thixd Street N.E. was present. Mr. Clark showed tbeycaam�ission so�e drawings and n letter in favor of the addition fran Mr. Mike's nelghboza at 4928-3rfl Stxeet N.E. Chaixwaanan Gnbel read tiie letter fram Arnold an8 Iam Petereon. MOTION by Mrs, Geron, secpnfled by Mr. Sarna, to receive the letter into the recazds. t1PON A VOICE VOTfi, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMCA7SI+Y. Chaixwoman Gabel asked if Mr. Mike was going to have to disturb the big tree and how much �ace there would be between the house and gsrage. 19r. Mike eaid he wonid not have to go near the tree and theze �.auld be three feet betweea the hwse and the new garage. He also explained that thay own tmo vehicles and they iiave a real problem with storage and he doea swt want to leave a vehicle ont in the winter. He said if the variance is appraned, h� will then talk to a contractor an8 might possibly start eerly next sprinq. Chaixwoaoan Gabel explaiae8 to him that the variance is good for one year and, if it is not done within that time, he would have to coane back for an extension of time. Mr. Mike aaid he wonld Sefj,nitely bui.2d in one Year and the contractos wwld at least 90 percent of the work. Chaixwoman Gabel nsked if he was going to open up the driveway. Mr. Mike saig he is going to widen the driveway to the opening of the curb and leave the curh as it is and that the si6ing wi11 be exactly the smne as the house. Chaixrvaman Gabel asked if he would have a� problems with tHe stipulations such as no openittgs on tfie aorth eide, 5/8" fire-proof sheet- rock and the 12" werhang. Mr. Mike said he did not have any problems with the stipulations. 1�Ir. Clark safd if he wanted, he could hnve a wire-glass window on the north side. Chairwoman Gabel said she did not aee ar+y Problems as there would still be 19 feet between etructures and his neiqhbors could add on without any problems. 1lOTION by Mrs. Gerou, seconde�? by Mr. Barna, to close the public heaririq. t7PON A VOICE VdfE, ALL VOTII� AYfi� CE�+IRFRk1AN GASEL DHCLARED THE �IBLIC HEARING CIASID AT 7:42 P.M. A�eals Coa�ission Meeting - A�t 25 1981 Page 3 MOTION by Mz. Sarna, seconded by Mrs, Gerou, to approve the variance request to rednce the side yard setback frdn 3 feet to one feet fram side lot line, to allow an a8dition to an �cisting garage to expand from one and one-half etalls to tvro stalls. on Block 3, Lot 20, Carlson's S�mit Manor South Aadition, the sa�e being 4916 - 3rd Street, N.E.. Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, with the stipulations that there be no openings in the north wall, eacept for a wire-glass wiixlaw, that it be a 5/8" sheetrock gire wall on the inside, and that the roof werhang be limited to 12 inches maxiln�mm. L1�OI`1 A VOICE VOTE� ALL VCYfING AYE, CHAIRFXFIP+N DHCIARED THE MOTION fARR2ED UNANIMORTSLX. 2, RBQUEST FOR S�ARIANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205.134 PARAGRAPHS 4A, 48, and 4C, OF THS FRIDLEY CTTY CODE. TO REDUCE THE FRONP YARD SETBACK FROM 35 FEET TO 22 FEET, Ti� SIDE YARD SETBACK FROM 15 PEET TO 2 FEET, APID TI� REAR XARD SET- BACK FRAM 25 FEET TO 11 FEET, TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCt'ION OF At�7 ADDTTION TO AN EXISTING $UILDING, ON BLOCR 7, IATS 1- 5� SERLIN AUDITION. Tf� SANiE SEING 4040 MARSHAL STREET S3.E. (itequest by Roy Taylor, 9890 Highway �65 N.E., Minneapolis, MN 55434). MOTION by Mr. Baraa, seconde�l by Mrs, Gerou, to open the public hearing. UPON A yOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRFI�IAN GABEL DECIARED Ti�. PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:44 P.M, Chairwoman Gebel read the Staff Report: STA£F REPORT 4040 Marshall Street N.E. (Same as 4040 East River Rcad N.B.) A. F�LIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.139, 4A, requires a front yard depth of not less than 35 feet for all peffiitted buildings. Puhlic purpose sexved by this requir�ent is to pmvide adequate open space areas around industrial atructures for aethetic and firefighting purposes. Section 205.134, 4C, requires a minimum rear yard aetback of 25 feet. Public purpose served by this requir�ent is to provide ndequate open space areas erwnd industrial structures for aesthetic and firefiqhtinq purposes. Secti.on 205.134, 4B, requires a minimum side yard width of 20 feet. Public purpose served by this requiranent is to pzovide for aestheticaliy pleasinq open green divider areas, maintain clear access for firefiqhting equipment, and reduce conflagration of fire. 8. STATED }�RDSffiP • 'We want to add an addition to an existing building rith substandard aetbacks. This was partially caused by the property Laken for East River Road develognent." Appeals Cau�ission Meetin4 - Augnst 25. i982 Pa9e 4 C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF I2EVIEFI= Thia is an old corn�erted sexvice sts►tion. Much of its pzeaent parking and lyard eurfaced area lie xithin the right of way of East River Poad. It appears that if the City grants these variances, the awaer has aqreed W dress up the preniaes with the ranoval of s�e of the blacktop and put in same qrcen areas and landacaping. If the Board recaomends approval, we suggest that they etipulate that the owmer work with the City Planning Department to establish a landscape plan and imprw�ent schedule. 1+Ir, Roy Taylor, 9690 Eii4fivay 65i Mr. Dennis DeMars, 8340 East River Road, and Mr, Larry Machee, were present. Mr. DeMars showed the commission the plaas of the area. Chairwoman Gabel asked about the big yellow steel structure and Mr. DeMars explained ti�at is where they are going to put up their eign and it will be cavered eoon. She then asked about the other sign-type structuxe and Mr. DeMars said that will be taken down. Ae also said the gas pump ielande are go3ng to be plantere. Chairwoman Gabel asked if they will still t�ave the drive-thru access and Mr. DeMars said no, the city wante to block that. Mr. Bernn stated they don't xant thru-traffic ecming in and turning around. Mr, Barna asked if their trucks will be turning around at the swth ead of the building. Mr. DeMars said yes, and they will mark off space Eor pazking but they do not have a lot of aelk-ia bnsineas, it is done mostly oves the phone and at the job site. CHairwaaan Gabel aske�i what are they going to do to improve the appear- ance of the bnil8ing. Z1r. DeMers saifl it is qoinq to be a soli8-block building and they wi12 be putting flavers in front of it an8 there is 4oing t.o be 9raPhics in front of t3e building. Nlr. Taylor said, �til recently, they could aot get a permit for putting up a aign becau$e it was a non-conforming area. Chaix'va�nan Gabel asked how it was non-confoauing. Mr. Taylor sai8 it avas because no one moned into the bui2ding wit2tin 90 �ys after t2N= North Star station monad out. Mr. Taylor said they had to be there a certsin length of time before theY could do anything else. Mr, Clark seid the Minneapolis Water Works is behind the buildjng and the Metro- politan Seaez Soard is to the south, Chairwoman Gabel noted that they have not heard fro� qny pf those people. Mr. DeMars seid they abandonea tlie alley and he took half of it, about 12 feet er�d there is also a road thPSe that is hardly used. Mr. Clark said actually theY are all existing nariances and Mr. Sarna said the only thing tl�ey would be doing is estending the rear yard. Chairwomian Gabei noted that it would be plenty of parking for that type of business. l�ir. Clark stated they have been vaorking with Mr. Boardman on this. Chairwa�an Gabel asked when they wonld be starting. Mr, Taylor said they woul$ stnrt as soon es they get the variances and before the cold sesson sets in, to prevent ad$itional constsvctioa coets. Mr. Taylor said they store things in Lhe back end the old light stand will be takea down, Chairwanan Gabel askea if they had aay Problems with the landscaping. Mr. De2�lars said they ai.11 be working ovith Mr. Soardman closely on this and, now thet they can afford to do �ometh3ng, the area 9vi11 look aice. Mr. Barna asked about the graphics on the building. Mr. Taylor sai8 they oaill be geometric desiqne in earth-tone colors. r Appeals Ca�nission Meeting - August 2S, 19B1 Page 5 Chairwoman Gabel noted that all the variances are existing and felt it would be an improvanent, Mr. Barna felt the imprwenents would make the soutliern entrance into the city a little better. MOTION by Mr. Sarna, secon�led by �s. Gemu, to close the public hearinq. uPON A VOICE VOTE. ALL 'V�TING AYE. CiF,IRFIOMAN GABSS. DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARIN6 CSASEA AT 7;59 P.M. 21Ur10N by Mrs. Gerour aeconded by Mr. Barna, that the Appeals Cc�mission reco�aend to the City Council to apprwe the variaace request to zeduce the front yard setback from 35 feet to 22 feet, the side yard setback from 15 feet to 2 feet, and the rear yard setbeck fxc� 25 feet to 11 £eet, to allow the conatruction of an addition to an esisting building, on Slock 7, Lots 1 through 5, Serlin Afldition, the same being 4040 Marshal Street N.E., Fridley, Minnesota, 55432, with the stipulation that the owner arork with the City Planning Department to establish a landscape plan and improvemeat schedule. T1PON A 90ICE VOTB, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABII. DECLARFD TF� l�lOTION CARRIED UNANZHIWSLY. 3. REQUESZ' FOR YAR7ANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205.063� PARAGRAPHS 1 ADID 2 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CdDE, TO REDVCE TE� LOT AREAS FRAM 10��00 5QUARE FEET TO 8,909 9QUARE EEET AAID REDiJCE Tt� LOT WIDT1iS FROM 75 E'EEP 'PO 66.5 FEEP ON LOT 6, AUDITOR'5 SU�NISiON N0. 89, TO ALIAW R'HE CONSTRDCTION OF TF� INPiF�tES. TI� SAME BEIIdG 1239 and 1241 NORTOBi AVBNUE N.E. (Request by L. Robert Erickson, 2178 - 17th Street N.W., New Srighton, 1�P1 55412). 11oTI0N by Mr. earna, seconded by Mrs. Gerou, to open the Public hearing. LJPON A VOICE YOTE, AI+L 90TING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE P[TBLIC iff1�RING OPEN AT 8:03 P.M. Chair�oman Gabel read the Staff Report: AaN1ZNISTRATNE STAFF RF80RT 1237-39 & 1241-43 Norton Avrnue N.E. A. Pi1BLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUZRENN�NNT: Section 205.063, 1, requires a minimim lot area of not less than 10,000 square feet for a two family �vellinq. Public purpose served by this requir eaent is tc avoid the condition of overcrowding of a resi8ential neighborhood. Section 205.053, 2, requires a minimum lot width of 75 feet at the requited getback. Public purpose sezved by this requirane�t is to avoid tlie condition of wercmwdi� of a residential neighbor}nod and to avoid an excess burdPn on the existing vater and sewer services and to avoid a reduction of surroundi� property values. �- 8. STATED HARDSI�P: 'Present pzopezty is zoned £oz five units �t inatead, I Nould like ta build two duple�ces as that is the only financing.anailable now, and the entize street of Norton is all duplexes." ApPeals Coiauission MeeLin4 - August 25, 1981 Page 6 B. 71DMINISTRATIVE ST)1F'F REVIEFT: The building eite ie prese�ntly 133' x 134' and a lot split has been applied for that will result tn iwo lots of 56.5' x 134' which are undersized in both lot area and lot vidth for �vo fluplex units. '1ltere are dnplex units on this atreet (9 buildings) but there are also 9 aingle family dwelling units on this street, with the lots on either side of this building site beinq single f�nily units'that are hamesteaded. The pzoperty Lo the rear is saned I� 3 multiple family dwelling. It ehould also be noted that the proposed structure wiil fit on the lots vithout any aettack varfances, If the Hoard recaa�ends approval, the staff has no stipulations to zeco�end. Mr, L. Robert Erickson, 2178 � 17th Street N.W., Nevr Hrighton, ana Mr, Donovan Elias, 7390 Concerto CurVe, were present. Chaixwanan Gabel etated that this matter aas before the Plann3ng Cam�ission the previous nnd the lot split was granted. She said srnne of the neighbors were at that meeting and theze se�s to be some problems 3n the neiqhborhoofl. She �aid the neighbors talked n great deal ahovt vandalimm and the street beiag used as a turnaroun8 and that the Plenninq Ccamnisaion felt the duplexes were better than a 5-plex. Chaiswa�an Gabel notice8, when she visited the area, tbat there was a lot of junk in t1Le area, Mr, Clark shove8 tlie caamuission tHe lwuse plans end a phnto of the duplex that Mr. 8rickson built on the oorner of Norton end Old Centrel. Mr. EricJcson said it is basically the saane plan but there wou28 be 2-1/2 feet less thaa rohat he has up on the corner. Mr. Clark said he may have io push the structures back ana Mr. Erickeen said he had no problem with that. Mr. Bzickson said he will build these to seil +snd that he already has two buyexs. Chainranan Gabel aslced if the owners wonld be liviag in the duplex for a while and 1+�. ERfckson said neither of th�a would be awner=occupiefl. Chaixwoman Gabel felt oMmer-occupancy would probably eliminate e000e of theneiqhborhood Probleme. She nskad h3m what size lots he usually bnilds on and he said 75-90 feet. Mr. Elins stated he owns the two buildings acroas the street, 1240 and 1250 and that Le was not eware of the problems in the aeighborhood but he did evict a tenant that vas the cause of many oo�plainta. 8e thonght the rest of his tenants were good tenants and did aot hear many complaints fro�m them directly and askecl if there were problems with breaking and �tering in the neighborhood. Chaii�+aman Gabel said it sounded like it from the etoriea they got and that the Pl8ntii.n9 Ca�ission suggeete8 the neighbors contact the police deparffient abont a Crime Watch Progrsm. AB far as the duplexes, Mr. Elias would not like to see the neighborhood more crowdesi but e8mitted thet he 818 not do his h�ework on this and had no serious objections. He saig he diS not understan$ the lot split and asked aboat single-fa�aily dwellings. Chaixwomaa Gabel explained that the lot split has been recamnended to the covncil aad the conncil has not acte8 on that and that the Planning Camniseion ielt that the duplexes were bettar than a 5-pl�c, which Mr. Hrickson aruld bnild. Mr. Serna said apparentlp the vacaat lots fiave beaane a trash dvmping area and this wen2d improve the aree aad the taa base. Avpeals Cpmnission Meeting - Augnst 25, 1981 Pa9e � Mr. Brickson said he had suimitted a letter, a copp of which was attached to the agenda, asking the hameownesa in t5e asea - not the renters - if tfiey would be in favcr of twa dnplrxes instead of a quad building a� t6at 5 of the haueovmers signed the letter in favor. Chaizwa�an Gabel asked h3m what he would ao if the variance was Senied and he said he wovld build a 5-plex, even tlicugIi iinnncing was a little harder to get. ge saia be favozs iwilding the duplexes and the taac base would be better, Chairwmnaa Gabel safd she did not have any pzoblen with the type of structures iie vrould build and it vould be better to build duplexes and asked 2�lr. Clark what tLe distance vaould be between the structures, Mr. Clark said it looks like they are at least 15 feet ofi Y�e common lot line. Mz. Erickson said these would be 29-1/2 feet between the bnildings and 12' 3" to the lot line and they wovld set back farther than what is shown on the plans, to ebont 45 feet, 8e said they are 2-be�lroo� units witi� 1,050 leet of living space xitIi a fnll basement, He said he would pzo- bably sell for a base price of $61,900 ppX half which oaould include osk trim, ceramic tile bath, concrete dYiveway. Chairwomien Gabel said her biggest concern is what this �vould do to the quality of life in the neighborhood and askefl it he would considex tao single favnily dwellings. Mr. Erickson said no, ft is a very good rental area. Mr. Elias said he was not sure about the duplexes but it would be bettes than leaving the lots eupty aad Sid not knat about the impact on the area. Mrs. Gerou�said ahe did not aee any probl�s with the dupl�es. Mr. Baraa felt that the �Plexes would be better for the neighboz'hood than a 5-plex. Chairwoman Gabel agreed with that and statea that Mr. Erickson built a nice looking structure on the corner and poi.nted out that the single-faonily homeowners si9nefl 1Ir. Erickson's letter in favor og tIie tvro duplexes and tbat they were aware of the meeting and the Y8T18riC@S. MOiPION Hy Mr. Barns, secanded �yy Mrs, Gerou, to close the public hearing. UPON A YOICE VOTE� ALL S�UPIDIG AYE, CHAIRNAMAN GAHEL DECIARED THE PUBLIC E�ARING CIASED AT 8;35 P.M. MOTION by Mr. Baxaa� sernnded by Mrs. Gerou, that the Appeals Ccm�nission recomnend to the City Council approval of the variance to reduce ti� lots areas from 10,U00 equare feet to 8,909 square feet and reduce the lot aldths from 75 feet to 66.5 feet on Lot 6, Avditor's Subdivfsion No. 89 ana ttse east 66.5 geet of yot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 89, to allow the construction oi two duPlexes, to be 1a�own as 1239 a� 1241 Norton Avenne N.E., Fridley, Mixuiesota, 55432. UPON A �IOICE iI0'rE. ALL 90TING AYE, CHAIRWO�MAN GABEL DECIAREfiD Tt� MOTION CARRIED t7NP+NIl�lOUSLY. 4. PRQPOSED C�ANGE TO CHAPTER 214 OF THE FRIDLESC CITY CODE: It wae disaussed to change Chapter 214, 5ection E, Para9rapIi 5, to zead as follcia*s: "5. Distance frcan Intersections: Not closer than five hvnflred (500) feet to the intersection of eay street, hi4hway, oz ramP w�=e traific crosses or mexges at the smae elevntion. (Said distance to be measured from the intersecting �nterlines)." Mr. Barna felt the chaa9e aounded moze like what the com�ission has been tal7�in4 sbout. Chairwaaaas+ Gabel sai-d this vaould take care of the problema tfiey have had there. Appeals Commissioa Meeting — August 23 1481 pa2e_8 l�TION bY Mr. Barna, secondea by Mxs. Gexou, that the Appeals Comnission concurs with the proposed change of Chqpter 224, Section E, Paragr$pIi 5, of the Fridley City Code, to read as lollaws: "5. Distance fr� Eatersectiona: Not closet ti�n five hundze8 (500) feet to the intexseciion of aay street, highway, or ra� where traffic crosses or merqes at the seme elevation. (Said distance to be measured froan the intersecting ceaterlines)." tm8 that the Appeals C�ission reco�ends said chnnge to the Planning Ca�isaion for their consideration. TJPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHAIRWC�MAN GABEL DDCIARID THE ilOTION CARRIF.D Ut�II4N2MOUSLY. ADJCxTRtd�IENT : MOTION by Mr, Barna, sec�onded by Mrs. Gerou, to adjourn. UPON A WICE VOTE, ALL VO'i'ING A7CE, CHAIRWOMAN GABEL DECLARED THE APPEALS COI�ASISSION MEETING OF AUGUST 25, 1981 ADJWRNED AT 8:45 p.m. Respectfully subnitted, Deb Niznik`�� Recor8ing Secretnxy � �. G9ehaszs � t�irCiiaG�±7i91 N� ♦ � . _ _ — £�-`� �._ _ - _ ';� _ a�-FkGt►r►ville : lS�T�f.? ��� iTVitY siv� �&�}: - � {rI'�Y � TM�i�ii0p .•- • � �SNf7i! B& WR���N. $�H TA$ -1�IS3N �$ m - � fi�Ni�t���$'$� " �� �� �r��,���:: __ - _ , � _k, .- .,_ . ._ � �:�, � :� �a�s ,�a� .����a `-�°°.� � i� t#tiav : had i i a#�+t# iS�i��'�Y's Et�. ' � � � � �� �,A _ _ �� �1 � � (- -v. v� : � A'_ �� �� �� ` ii�s1.`+�tt�e��-p' �`�s�� �* abte`�rr �{ip �nto �he �i�' �t� � � ��a � av�#�aC�� =� �. - � �s�*�� c#t r s�a�d �?m trtettance �t'rtfr ��� �it���€c� �S ,#� #� �gar_c�n��tfrt av� ��E_ ` - � gar�`�d r�� t�r°. #i�' �.�"�s �#tat � �i � Esrer�r � a� �r with imt; rrat ft wc r ,r 4 �...� �� _ � . y � Q � y� �� t }�1 ' �aae a c�?PY - 3�ion � �ings � e�!'#aitt. �`e a as tQ he � �� �r�y ..��^e .�.,��t'l� �-at �re �ty c�f tne'' '��ot�,�7asr�ts �i�st�^es =to s�ve ` �t��c�v �in•�!1 � �5, � �ei�, �� 1�3# �� iS dUGf fl9 �+ �� �ft�ng5 hE �r�, � ��d n�t took �fs1n. ` at�A. �te atso �SfC'(�." 8rtd � hs�t �i►ey �e t�flding t� iti '�he :�tln at' .,.� __. �� i � _ � �� . _ ���° 4�z,� , , '4�R":ia�.c,�3Y ���y�. �s. �.af�-_� .Sal'b1 S�E ff�ll��'�� prt��� �4s: � e- Go�f ssi�� w �tion or �� .�'Ppt+rt, irttere�t��i S�e af tfie� rva#i�►ns i�e#f�' � ta �a� ��_�ftie hf�a �, ��epra��ia�# '��� ti _ - �Ai#G �_ � �TF_ �ntt��-iYi7J r , � �ep�rts are a31 f�rnt-ty{� ta' talk to soaie�le frc�+ f�aa rlfUlt`s obsers���ion ' ��d-a�range at �om� time ;�: a�tice ahservaiiows on �s€it�rds) : fn � t�tur o�' ,rr�e a time. � state� � et 'ihe �ept�se� a�e�1r��. " �` �.. . � �y t�e State legi�l�ture, -�:'Mcw 7yr!<a�43..a.- t....1.. . .�..��.. •"w'f" _ _ �i� ,. _- �u�prab7�s=�� f" +��ti�� tt+is sFtsctessi� .._., _�_�,__ .�_ r,. �. �__e_...._ _�� �,._....r.._ r_.. _ king. L��� �tt t�fE ittx-dOBs s� �t ��.s�� n�� re �s s�et#i�g already ' 9�art f+^� tis�. Tf ��g �t #�' tfl�r@ r@31'!y x��s a Tittle �it ta�e,' � �°�re fs�ts. pe sta�u]° t� f�r ttte s�ext��etit�g. ` ���..�.��5 e �tap €� the �apre- " t�if�aR C�utt�i} at� t�r rev�wv. He �#ated - =� _ � � ��� _ � #�rf' � �� - Da!�€ e�:.t {?�`. Fk�. fl � 5, : E � ��..� :�.� �;".� �"`:- � �f � � �'%` -;t � � ��z ���- � � � � � 4� ���y . � ��� i �t �-�ide ia��: �1 teri� s�' ; ��r fe8s fib' � 0�.=��t#�'�.`% � -� ►1� -ie�'t �i��ier�; �1�tt �#at���k f+� � and �t t�� � �Tit��« t��� �T�� 3�t�ti-:#� i� �s� �1� i� �} ! ±i�:3Y't� a. � �� �.��: c,�a sr4� �Fat�.#�s'E� r.i�_ 3�t�:�a��4 �ts fian��r�aa��n `t�ii ���I�r �`� ��t� V02t'8 4�PB, =;ALL W �vsr,�. � ;..�" �� tt�:t6 �.m. ) �#t �#�t�t#o�' �' ��t ta .#he Y R�ZEI?'�1'� � `Mr. �'iQ ��,_, � �•Al�r�tseso# f�ts it�utd enC{TUtr � �s passth7 � �s tie r�se�v �-�Inis�rt. �, �� �HA21iP� �. ,: — ' -{ 4 s � _ ,- � � _'° ' �:_.. � - , ; ..,,,.�:. _ _ ; �t�lfta� �'re���n►lsston -, _ ._ '�i�Ce #o ca7�;at��a.� tha � �d _St. .Rhi �t i ps>.��1►: 'ts �aY,lt���#ge 8 Sk�d Na71) have � are�l have b�n re���# because p�ss'�b11 tti�S :a�ut t�t�c 'ittLo _ � c� �+P' with s1� i�s fior s#�ut� not fc�rge� ;#� serwice roads, .: . :: v� �zs. ea�s�r:'�� � :�_ : u_ i �-. - �: � ��>{ �_ �� � 2 3�r . "-:�.� � ir. �, � ac�ty �sin #he �tiele Share n. Ma�. Ia�t�: t���eie�l that q�s£,� `and. t�ir eonsu?tant t� �� �tri ����, �n�s � _ ��#c�t�; #�e vra�id , ��v� �r €�v s�n T&a �3'.ttu¢ '�'8D �cxivzs�er� n�et�s�€� c�v : ��a � ��ra� �t�'so y �� �:, . P'��1.-3+wq(�i- ityu�..:iar _... KIY{h.� �2.� .i _ ,T^�--�`��3..'�y�.- ' _ _ � "_��£ 2. - _ , �`3 r° �+"' <'�„� _ - . �.�i�SA81I tli iiY�.F w�4 ia�� � :' � � ����� � �"� �- .;. = � £ - _ _ �' � �� � ��,�� � r � �-�'s.?�-� - _ .... _ .. .. =�'L -� �;�� _ . - ..t:�:'.�: �tc: � � �._; k-' k: � ti � ;>:.- � - ;�` � _ �- ;: Y �i ` � t � � . <..-_ _ ti., . ,..s _-«..: , __ E� �.,. Y V �� �� � ;`; � - � � ;.� < <� = �� � . - ;:� ; . _ ~ k .: I „ F , . ' � � ^ t - 9 � - �� ti9`� �.��� � �Ynn� - —�_�a� ,: J ,-� � CITV OF FRIDLEY NUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 3. 1981 CALL T4 ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Goodspeed called the September 3, 1981, Human Resources Commission meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. RQLL CALI: Members Present: Brian Goodspeed, Peter Treuenfels. Jayne Noble. tRynn Boergerhoff Members Absent: Mary van Dan Others Present: Mary C�yan. Human Resources Assistant APPROYAL OF AUGUST 6, 1981, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION PoINUTES: MOTION BY M2. TRBf)h'NFSIu� SECONDBD BY I�ES. NOBLfi� TD APPROVE TNE SEPTEMBSR 3, 298I� SUNRN RfiSOURCBS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VDICB VOTB� RLL VOTING AYE� VSCE-CHAIRPERSON GOOASPfifiD DECLARED THE MOTTON CARRISD UNANSMOUSLY. 1. INTERNATIONAL YEAR Of DISABLED PERSONS - UPDATE: Mr. Boergerhoff stated that the Camnission members had a copy of a letter fran Kevin Frazell, from the City of COOn Rapids, telling,about the outcome of the balloon sates at the Anoka County Fair. Mr. Boergerhoff stated the balloon sale was not a very good money maker. Provided the Fridley City Council does not want them to pay back the money received from the City, tAey received a totai profit of s7B1.72, of which Coon Rapids receives $90.56 and Fridley receives $90.56. He stated a lot of time was put into the effort, but not a lot of money was realized. He stated he felt fundraising to pay for any projects for their comnittee was going to be very difficult. Mr. Boergerhoff stated that if the City does consider this money a donation, rather than a loarr, the IYnP Comnittee will use the money to pay for the return of questionnaires they have prepared for mailipg in the city newsletter. He stated there are 16,385 questionnaires that have been numbered by postal area. They wi11 p�y postage only on those questionnaires that are returned by mail. He stated they are going to approach the churches and ask them if they can have an area in the vestibute for questionnaires to be dropped off which wi11 save on postage. , .., . . HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEN�ER 3, 1981 - PAGE 2 � hfr. Boergerhoff stated the questionnaire is designed so that every househo]d can fi11 out a portion of it, even if there are no disabled in the household. He stated they are asking that the questionnaires be returned by Oct. 10. Mr. Boergerhoff stated they took bids for the printing of the questionnaires, and the bids r�nged from $607 to 31600. He stated they went with the cheapest bid of $607. Ms. Cayan stated there was an article in the Sun Newspaper about the question- naire, letters have been sent to the 75 disabled persons in the City they are aware of. letters have heen sent to several businesses requesting they publish it in the employee newsletter, letters have been sent to churches requesting they publish it in their bulletins, letters have been sent to service pro�iders and civic organizations, and notices will be put on ca61e TV. She stated that 1-ater.on, reminders wi17 be mailed with the water billing, and reminders will be put i�i church bulletins, etc. Mr. Boergerhoff stated that the Coon Rapids IYDP comnittee is planning an employ- ment fair for October, and they vrould like Fridley's participation in that. He stated he would be finding out what Coon Rapids has in mind as far as participation and wiii let the Comnission krrow what happens with that. 2. RECEIVE LETTER Of AUGUST 13, 1981, FROM THE ALEXANDRA HOUSE: MOTION BY 1�. TREU6NF8L5� SECONDED BY MR. BOBRGERXOFF� TO RfiCEIVE THE L6TTER FROM ALEXANDRA AOUSS STATZNG TflSY WILL USS THS FUNAS RECSIVBD FROM TXS CITY OF FRIDLSY FOR GENERAL OPERATING BXPENSSS AND WILL PROVIDE TRE CITY WITH A FULL . ACCWNTING OF�THE FUNAS AT THE��Sd1�D OF TB75 CALSNDAR Y&RR. Mr. Treuenfels stated he has his doubts as to restrictions on funding, because it is reather easy to arrange accounts so that money appears to be spent for the purposes specified. ,The Atexandra House can put the $2,500 to the use the City has stipulated and can use other money to purchase the slide show. It really makes no difference. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL YOTING AYE, YICE—CHAIRPERSON GOODSPEBD DSCLARSD TXE MOTION CARRIBD UNANIMOUSLY. 3. 'AORKPLAN: DISCUSSION OF GOALS OBJECTIVES AND ACTIONS Mr. ireuenfeis stated he had taken the area af concern, "Human Riqhts," and had out}ined the objectives, actions, priorities, timetable, and technical assistance or information required. This followed the workplan outline develnped by the Planning Department. Ms. Cayan stated that for the second area of concern, "Human Services", the Comnission did not have a broad goal statement for that area. She wondered if the Cort�nission would like to develop a broad goal statement for "Human Services" and then have "Youth", "Funding", "Accessibility", and "Child/Day Care Centers" as objectives. T � � � 't � � � HUMRN RESOURCES COF9dISSION MEETIN6, SEPTEMBER 3: }98fi - PAGE 3 4�s. Cayan stated the thied area of concern, "Com�nications° should fit quite easily into the workplan autline. The Cann9ssion members divided the objectives under "H�an Services" as follows: Youth - Srian Goodspeed Funding - Peter Treuenfels AccessibTlity - Lynn Boergerhoff Child/Day Gare Centers - Jayne Noble Mr. 600dspeed stated he would ask Ms. van Dan to work on the third area of concern, "Communications". Ms. Cayan stated that as each of the commissions has been working on its workplan. each has mentioned that communications is a very important area; in fact, the Ca�munity Development Comnission has recomnended that each comnission have "Communications" as a goal.: Ms. f.ayan stated #fie Gity has just hired a part-time Media Specialist. The Planning Staff is going to be getting together with him to develop a communications plan, and they are going to try to come up with an organlzed form of coordinated comnuni- catton. They are looking at perhaps soliciting �ney for a monthly commission newstetter. They are also looking at a three-pronged approach: 1. Inter-commission communication--so there is more understanding among the caronissions as to what each commission is doing. 2. Commission/City Council communication--so tfiere is more discussion going back and forth between comnissions and City Council. 3. Gomnission and general public Mr. C,00dspeed stated that, rather than receive copies of the City Council minutes, he ►vould like to see the Human Resources Comnissiorr members receive copies of the other comnissions' minutes. Mr. Treuenfets stated he would like to see them continue receiving the City ' Council minutes, but he agreed that he would like to receive copies of other commissions' minutes. These minutes could be distrfbuted at the meetingfi to avoid any mailing cost. ��M02ION BY NR. TRS�UENFSLS� SSGONDSD BY MR. 808RCSRIIOFF� R1D I2ESPfiCTFULLY ASK STAFF 21�! 3QOK INZ'O THE POSSIBILZR'Y OF PROVIDINC COPIBS OF OTHfiR COMMISSION MINUTES 21� THASS COXNTSSION MSldBSRS WHO WOULD LII� TO RECEIVls' T&fiM. . UPpN A VOICB�POTE� ALL VOTING AYB� VICE—C81lIRPSRSON�GOOASPEED �CLARfiD TNS MOTION CARRISD UNAAII�USLY. �JOTION BY XR. _ TRSiJ�NFBLS� _SSCONDSD BY A15. NOBLE� TO "RECESVS TEE GOALS AND - OBJECTNSS QA ",Tf(iNAN RIGH2S° A3 PREPARBD;BY MR. TR�Ul+'NFEIS. Mr. Treuenfels stated that regarding Objective l under "Human'Rights", "Look into the establishment of a grievance procedure", Ember Reichgott� Attorney and member of the Brooklyn Center Human Rights Carmission. had expressed a concern HUMaN RESOURCES COFG�IISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 3 7981 - PAGE 4 � that there is one area where the City could possibly get sued. That was the fact that the Department of Human Rights puts a time Jimit of haif a year between the alleged occurrence of the discrimination and when they receive the grievance. If the City cannot resolve this grievance at the local level. the case should go to the Department of Human Rights. So, the City would have to decide within six mont6s whether a case should go to the State. That means the City could be sued if the City drags its feet and it is over six months before the people can take their case to the Department af Human Rights. The City shoutd probabty have people sign a waiver statement that states that if.the parties cannot reach an agreement witM n two months,.the case woutd autanatically go the Department of Muman Rfights. Mr. Treuenfels stated that tMe Cities of Coon Rapids and Columbia Heights have established grievance procedures. He stated he woutd try to find out how they handls these procedures. Of course, the Cortmissfon wi11 have to make the decision as #o whether or not.they want to again pursue the establishment of'a grievance procedure. UPON R VOICE VOTS, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON GOOASPEfiD DfiCLARED TSB MOTION CARRIED'UNANIMOUSLY.' Ms: Cayan stated that under the "funding" objective under'the "Human.Services° goal, she felt the Commission's doing a good job in making funding recammendations is contingent upon the Comnission!s understanding of what other resources are available in the community. Perflaps an "action" plan under this objective wouid be an ongoing effort to be aware of what resources are avaitable. She stated she had mentioned before that the CAP (Community Action Program) Agency has put together a plan for their agency and part of that ptan is the devetopment of a Human Services Council, They will be sending out a questionnaire to all the service providers in the County to hopefully get a better idea of what is happen- ing in the County. She stated she felt the Cortmis.sien will want to keep track of the results of this questionnaire. Perhaps the Commission woutd like to send a representative to the Human Services Council's meetings which are once a month. Mr. Treuenfets stated that was an area he was interested in and would like to volunteer to be the Human Resources Comnission representative to the Human Services Council. Ms. Cayan stated she knew a epeaker from the CAP Agency wou]d be willing to come and speak to the Comnission about their plan and the Human Services Council. It might be interesting for the Commission to get the County's perspective. Mr. Treuenfels stated this could be put on tMe next meeting's agenda. He woutd be willing to meet wlth someone from the CAP Agency, but other commissioners have expressed the desire to not°have lengthy presentations at the meetings. He thought the comnissi4ners should think about this and vote whether or not to have a representative from the CAP Agency come and speak to the Comnission, :. ; � .�. HI�IAN RESOURCES CDMMISSION MEETING, SEP7EF�EI� 3;_1981 - PAGE 5 -�*. Mr. Boergerhoff stated he woutd recommend that they also see what other funding sourees are available in the community and promote and encourage other funding services to be used by any project comnittees that may need funding. Maybe that coutd be included under the funding objective. He knew that was going to be a need of the IYDP Committee fairly soon. Mr. Treuenfets stated he would certainly put that down as something to work on,. but he did not know if any sources of funding were available for that kind of thing. ADJOURNM�NT: MOTION BY M�. TRSUENF6LS� SECODiDED BY llS. NOBLE� TO AATOURN TAE MEETING. UPON A VOICS VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYB. VICE-CdAIRPBRSON COODSPSSD D�CLARED TfIS S�BTE�SR 3� 1982, AUMAN RBSOURCE5 C01�PIISSION MESTING AU70URNED AT 8:38 P.M. Res ectfully submitted, ill.P ([�,� aa Recording Secretary _. _ _ .-..e._ �,� .,,- � .�� ` , / �% . �¢�. /G-� %y� 3`'��'�' �'� �j,.'�`� / , ,, %/ � �, , , , - � , �� � �i � �, � , ,. .; ,. _� . � _� ,.. � .� �.i� ------ - � � 5� y/ � � G�.�e tiC 5-�� ��� . �- - i.�� �,-� sa�s ,—�. . ���� ��� �,.���d s���.��.�1�, 79.5( I�.f.�P��=. �'��o�� �-- -- 1 i 1 7 CALL TO ORDER: CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, S�PTEMBER 16, 1981 Chairman Harris called the September 16, 1981, Planning Cortmission meeting to order at 7:38 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr. Harris, Ms. 6abe1, Mr. Svanda, Mr. Oquist, Mr. Kondrick, Ms. van Dan, Mr. Saba Members Absent: None Others Present: Bill Deblon, Associate Planner Mark Haggerty, 6441 University Ave. N.E. Ed and Carol Holm, 581 Buffato St. N.E. Erland Thor, 7325 University Ave. N.E. Dale Hadtrath, 5285 Taylor St. N.E. Steve Bren, 641 Buffalo St. N.E. Garland td9esse, Jr., 7951 Broad Ave. N.E. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 19, 1981, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR, OpU2ST� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO.APPROVfi THE RUGUST 19� 1982, PLANNING COMNISSION MINUTES.AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRNAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. .� . l. PUBLIL HEARIN6: CONSIDERATION -0F A PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #81-03 �. L411V Y�.41V11� yG11GIP and Mississippi Street N.E. a repiat or �ots 5, b, ana i, n the Northeast corner of Highway #65 Mr. Deblon stated the Commission members had a copy of a letter from the petitioners asking that this item be tabled for two weeks to one month. Mr. Deblon recommended that this ftem be tabled until the Oct. 7 Planning Commission meeting. MOTION BY MR..SRBA, SECONDED BY MS. VAN DAN� TO RECEIVB THB LETTER DATED S8'pT. 9� I981�Fft���.:F7E�tBSsLL:..fiiiiAT��AND RICHARD RISRSGORD� AND TO TABLE THE CONSIDfiRATION OF A.-:PROPOSED PRELIMINARY PLAT� P.S..��iI81-03� UNTIL TXS OCT. 7� 1981, PLANNING COMMISSION MSSTING.� UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL B02'ING AYE� CHA21tXA14 XARRIS DECLARED THE�MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEP7EMBER 16, 1981 PAGE 3 Mr. Haggerty stated the main thing right now is the rezoning, and they are asking for the flexibility on the rezoning to go from tao stories to three stories and sti1T stay within the same parking ratio with this plan so they come within the City guidelines. Mr. Erland Thor, 7325 University Ave. N.E., stated he owns �ne of'�he dauble bungaloes and is concerned about the traffic flow that will be coming onto 73rd Ave. It is bad enough now going around the service road and getting onto 73rd. Mrs. Erland Thor stated the main problem is University Ave. She stated there are no left turn lanes on 73rd crossing Univ. Ave. She works at Minco and now with the new Paco office building, the traffic coming out of there is terrible, and there have been a lot of accidents. Mr. Thor stated that with more traffic from the new bank and office, there is going to be total chaas. Mr. Harris stated the traffic from the bank could either exit onto University or it could take the service road past the ice arena to 69th Ave. Mr. Haggerty stated that one thing Staff considered is that by turning the building around, there may be a lot of people going �ut the other direction so it may be splitting the traffic up in both directions. Mr. Narris stated that one thing he did not tike about Staff's configuration is that on business days, they are going to have a problem with stacking on the frontage road to get onto 73rd. His concern was with the short distance frnm the northerly driveway to the intersection. Ms. Gabel suggested that the northerly driveway be an entrance only. Mr. Haggerty stated he could see no problem with that. The second driveway could be both an entrance and exit, and the southerly driveway could be an exit only. Mr. 5vanda stated it seemed to him that the traffic flow in Staff's plan is just going to be a mess. In fact, he might not even bank there because of it. He su�gested that they go back to the petitioner's original plan for the building, but that the traffic flow be reversed so that the traffic flow to the auto bank is not cg�ing through the parking lot. Mr. Haggerty stated that +���ob�s�est to bring the traffic in the northerly driveway and through the auto bank. The auto bank traffic wou7d not come through the parking lot, and then all the traffic would exit out the southerly driveway. The northerly driveway could be an entrance only. They may even be able to add some more parking. Mr. Harris stated that Mr. Haggerty ehould check with the County to see if the County has any plans for a left turn lane at 73rd and University. With the ice arena, the City Garage, the park, and now this building, a lot of traffic will be generated in this area. PLANNING COi�AISSION MEETING SEPTEh� ER 16 T981 PAGE 5 3. PUBLIC IT E. HADTRATH: Per Section 205. 5 4, Paragraph 4, of the Fridley ity Code, to a ow the constructian of a single family dwelling in a CRP-2 Zone (flood fringe), located on Lots 13, 14, and 15, Riverview Heights, the same being 7919 Broad Ave. N.E. MOTION BY FII2, OQUIST� SSCONDED BY MR. SABA, TO OPEN THE PIJBLIC HSARING ON SP �81-09� BY DALE V. HADTRATX. � UPON A�VOIC& VOTE, ALL.VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLRRED THE PUBLIC X&ARING OPEN AT�8:45 P.M. � Mr. Deblon stated the petitioner plans to build a single family dwelling in a CRP-2 Zone (flood fringe), The City has adopted a flood plain ordinance that allows the building in the flood fringe with a special use permit and other flood proofing measures. The major measure is to fi11 the property until it is one foot above the flood elevatian; in this case, that elevation is 823.7 ft. Mr. Harris asked about a drainage plan. He stated his only concern is drainage out of the property. Mr. Garland Lagesse, 7951 Broad St. N.E., stated he was concerned about the questl0n of liability if drainage problems do exist, and he was also concerned about encroachment problems. Mr. Harris suggested that the house be shifted toward Broad St. to within 17.5 ft. of the street. Then the petitioner can fill around the whole structure and slope it so that all the water is drained off the property. This would solve Mr. Lagesse's coneerns. MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECOHDED BY MR. SABA, TO CIASE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP #81-09 BY DALE V,.HADTRATH. � � � UPON A VOICE VOTS, ALL VOTING AYfi, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE PUBLIC BEARING CL0.SED AT 9:40 P.M. Mr. Oquist stated that if a drainage plan is prepared and that plan is acceptable, this seemed like a very worthwhile and attractive hame. HOTION BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY NR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPSCIAL.U5E PERMIT� SP #81-09� BY DAL& V�. HADTRATH: PSR SECTION 205.1874� PARRGRRPX 4� OF TXfi FRIDL&Y CSTY CODE� TO ALLOW TXE CONSTRUCTION OF R SINGLE FAMILY DWSLLING IN A CRP-2 Zl�REG��'N�H¢y:�'EOC�$EHGJ(D$:i(3TS�33� 14, AND 15� RIVERVIEW HSIGHTS� THE SRME B&SNG 79I9�BROAD AVENUE N.S., WITH TAE STIPULAPION TEIAT A DRAINRGE PLAIY B& PROVIDED AND TXAT THE PfiTITIONER WQRK WITH CITY STAFF TO ENSURE PROPER DRRINAGE RND THB PROPER LOCATION OF THE HOUSfi ON THS PROPERTY. � � � � , -. . UPON A VOICE VOTB, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN XARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � �� PLA�NING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 PAGE 7 7. .RECEIVE AUGUST;13, 1981, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY M�NUTES: �%OTION BY MR. OQUIST�� SECONDED BY .�. SVANDA� TO RECEIVE TAE AUGUST 13� 1981, fl0USI14G 6 REDEVELOPMENT AfiTHORITY MINUTBS. UPON R�VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRTED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE AUGUST 18, 1981, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SVANDA� SfiCONDED BY MR. SABA� TO RECEIVfi TXE AUGUST 18� 1981, ENVIRONMENTAL 9UALITY COMMISSION MINUTES. � Mr. Svanda stated the major thing the Commission is looking at is getting some- thing going with recycling of garbage and solid waste. He stated City Staff will be getting in touch with the MPCA about the ,possibility of grant money being available to set up a demanstration project in the City of Fridley. Mr. Saba stated that at the Energy Canmission's last meeting, the Energy Commission viewed the video tape, "The Forgotten Fundamentals of the Energy Crisis", by Albert Bartlett, Professor of Physics, University of Colorado. He stated that would be an excellent video tape for the Environmenta] Quality Comnission, because one of Professor Bartlett's conclusions was that people better start recycling everythiag., _ Mr. Harris.asked Mr. Svanda to keep the Planning Canmission up to date on the status of Well �12. UPON A VOZC& VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � �� 9. RECEiVE AUGUST 20 1981 COMMUNITV DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. OQUIS.T�..:SECQPiDED BY MS. VAN DAN�.TO�RECEI[�E TXE AUGUST 20� 1981� . COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTfiS. UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYfi� CXAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THS MOTION CR.RRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. 10. RECEIVE AUGUST 25, 1981, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTIOH BY MS. GABEL, S&CONDfiD BY MR. SVANDA� TO RECEIVE THS AUGUST 25� Z981, APP&ALS COMMISSION MINUTES. Ms. Gabel stated that the Appeals Cortmission is recorm�ending a change to Chapter 214, Section E, Paragraph 5, of the Fridley City Code on "Distance from Street Intersections". Ms. Gabel stated this was the result of a problem with Naegele over the inter- pretation of intersections. In order to take care of problems with the inter- pretation of intersections in the zoning code, they are recomnending this change. PLqNNING 'COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTE�BER 16; 1981 PAGE 8 Ms. Gabel stated the Appeals Commission would like the Planning Commission to concur with their recommendation on this change. NOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDfiD BY e�7R. SABA� TO CONCUR�WITH THE APPEALS COMMISSIDN'S RECOMMENDATION .7�8Y`T!$IFjBE@O&�IDIiID-''�'DQ�-QSTFTL'�NE�E�4'R�'d"�93E`�`��LFAWSNv°:'C&`i�`i8`:BE� MADE �A-'C6t��'.'��2�12d,� -,$`�&T2'dA(.�Ey`PA'1�A�R�H�ES���� OF THS FRIDLEY CITY CODEs "5. DISTANCE FROM INTERSSCTIONS: NOT CLOSER� THAN FIVE HUNDRED (500) FSET TO THE INTERSECTION OF ANY STREET,. XIGXWAY� OR RAMP WHERE TRAFFIC CROSSES OR MSRGES AT THE SAMS EL&'VATION. (SASD DISTANCE TO�BS MEASURED FROM TNE INTERSfiCTING CENTERLINES.)" UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DSCLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 11. RECEIVE AUGUST 25, 1981, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY !�. SABA� SECONDfiD BY�MI2. OQUIST� TO RECEIVE TXE AUGUST 25� 1981� SNERGY COMMISSION MINUTES.� . UPON A VOIC& VOTE��ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRXAN HARRI5 DfiCLARED THE MOTION CARRIED 1�. REGEIYE SEPTEMBER 3, 1981, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS, VAN DRN�� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO RECSIVfi THE SEPTEHBER 3, S9B1� HUMAP RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES. � � UPON A VOICE VQTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN SARRIS- DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANINOUSLY. � 13. OTHER BUSINESS: Canc�,3lation of September 30, 1981, Meeting Mr. Deblon stated there are no items for the September 30 Planning Commission meeting, and he would recommend that this meeting be cancelled. MOTION BY MI2. SABA� SfiCONDED BY MR. OQUIST� TO CANCEL TNE S&PTEl�ffiER 30� 2981� PLANNING COMMISSION MBSTING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRMAN�HARRIS DECLARED TAE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO AA70URN TXE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE,�ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRMAN HARRIS.DECLAR&D THE SEPTEMBER 26��198I� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 20:50 P.M. Respectfully subm' ted, Lynn Saba, Recording Secretary PLANNING COMMiSSION MEEtIN6 SEPTEMBER 16 1981 PAGE 6 Mr. Harris stated SP #81-09 would go to City Council on September 28, and he would recommend that Mr. Hadtrath have all the necessary plans prepared by that time. 4. VACATION #81-03 BY BURTON H N. , etween Pierce By Petition #9-1981, Lucia Lane. Mr. Deblon stated that at this time, the land is being used for gardens which is probably the best use of the land at this time. He stated that NSP has requested that the City retain x0 ft. for a utility easement, and the City is requesting about 30 ft. be retained for a drainage easement. Staff is recanmending that this entire area be retained for utility and drainage easements. MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SSCONDED BY !�. SABA, TO RISC&IVE THE LETTER ➢ATED SEPT, 15� I981, FROM NSP REQUESTING A UTILITY EASSMSNT. - �. � UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYS� CXAIRMAN NARRIS DfiCLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANTMOUSLY. � �� �� Mr. Oquist questioned why this area isn't made into a street so that there is another way to get off, Lucia Lane, rather than having to come all ihe way back to Mississippi St. Lucia Lane is a6out 2-3 blocks long. He stated there are only four people listed on the petitian that are directly affected, but what about the other people in the area? Mr. Harris stated he understood what Mr. Oquist was.saying, but there does not seem to be any pro6lems: MOTION BY MR-. KONDRICK� SECONDfiD BY MR. SABA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUEST� SAV#81-03� BY BURTON H. SCHSRVEN: BY PETITION i�9—Z981� TO VACATE 66TH AVENUE N.�. BfiTW6SN PISR@E STREET AND LUCIA LANE� WITH THfi STIPULATION THAT TNfi CITY RSTAIN THE WHOLE 50 FT. FOR UTILITY AND DRAINRGE fiASEMENTS. � � UPON A VOICE VQTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTIOH CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. - . . 5. MOTION BY 1�, OQUIST, SfiCONDED BY lIIt. SABA, TO CONTIN176 TXIS ITSM UNTIL THE NIs'XT MEETINC,. UPON A VOICS VOTfi� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRMAN HARRIS DSCLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � 6. RECEIVE AUGUST 11, 1981, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. C,RBEL, SECONDED BY MR.�OQUIST� TO RECEIVE THE AUGUST 1Z� I98S, AYPEAZS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOATE, ALL VOTING AYB, CHAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZSD UNANIMOUSLY, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 16 1981 PAGE 4 �MOTSON BY 1�II2, SABR, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST� TO CLOSS THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ZOR #81-04 BY MRRK HAGGERTY. UPON A VOICE VOTS, ALL VOTING AYfi� CNAIRMAN XARRIS DECLARED TAE PUBLIC XEARING C7ASED AT 8:38 P.M. . Mr. Harris stated he had one basic problem. The Planning Corrmission is being asked to rezone this property on faith without a guarantee that this structure will be built on this property. He felt the office building and the bank will be an asset to the City of Fridley. He stated the problem is (and it has happened before) that after a property is rezoned, for one reason or another, the proposal isn't carried through and then there is a parcel of land that is rezoned for a multitude of other uses that may not be as desirable on that particular piece of land. Mr. Haggerty stated there should be a stipulation made that states that the rezoning is contingent on the building of an office building on this site and that the rezoning will not be approved until the building permit is pulled. NOTION BY MF2. OQUIST� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPRQVAL OF�REZONING'REQUEST, ZOA #82-Q4� BY MARK HAGGERTY TO REZONE BLOCK A� R.L.S. #78� FROM M-Z�(HSAVY ZNDUSTRIAL AREAS)� TO�C-2 (GENfiRAL BUSINE5S AREAS)� TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTSON OF A COMMSRCIAL OFFICE BUSLDING� LUCATED IN THE SOUTH XALF OF SECTION I1, THE SAME BSING 350 - 73RD AVENU& N.E.� WITH THE FOLLOWZNG STIPULATIONS: ' � L� TXAT TXE �P`FEOE BUILDING PROPOSfiD BY MR, HAGGERTY BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE PROPERTY� AND THAT THE REZONING NOT BE APPROVED UNTIL THE BUILDING PERMIT IS PULLED; 2. TXAT THS TRAFF�C FLOW BE WORKED OUT AS DISCUSSED WITH THE STRUCTURE � TO BE POSITIONED PER MR. HAGGSRTY�S BUIS�DING PLAN WSPH THE NORTHERLY � DRIVEWAY TO BE AN BNTRANCE ONLY AND THS SOUTHfiRLY DRIVEWAY TO BE AN EXIT ONLY. ZF THIS.IS NOT PQSSIBLE, THEN 5TAEF'S PROPOSAL SHOULD BE- �� WORKED OUT. � � . � Mr. Harris stated that three s�ories�is allowed by the zoning code and it will be tied in with the building permit. Mr. Svanda stated he liked Mr. Haggerty's proposal as the motion stated with the une entrance and the one exit, and he did not like Staff's proposal because of the traffic patterns. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE� CXAIRMAN HARRIS DECLARSD THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Harris stated that ZOA #81-04 will go to City Council on September 28 for setting the public hearing. The public hearing at City Council will be on Oct. 19. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING; SEPTEMBER 16 1981 PAGE 2 2. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONIN6 RE UEST, ZOA �81-04 BY MARK HAGGERTY: Rezone oc , R.L. . , rom -2 eavy industria areas , to C-2 (general business areas), to allow the construction of a commercial office building, located in the 5outh Half of Section ll, the same being 350 73rd Avenue N.E. MOTION BY MR. SVANDA, SfiCONDED BY MS. GABSL� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ZOA�#82-04 BY MARK HAGG&RTY. � UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG RYE� CHAIRMAN NARRIS DECLAR&D THE PUBLIC XEARING OPBN RT�7:44 P.M�. - Mr. Deblon stated that Staff has looked at this design from a land use standpoint, and Staff does not have any problem with the rezoning. Staff feels this type of use is better than what could be built under M-2. Mr. Deblon stated the overall site plan had some problems with the traffic flow and accessibility because of the nature of the drive-in type bank. He handed out a design that Staff felt was a more proper design for tbe site for traffic patterns, etc. He stated the.�etitioner's initial proposal has only one driveway, and Staff felt there would be a lot of congestion because of the ingress and egress of the auto bank. Staff felt it would be better to turn the building to face the frontage road �nd then have three driveways with a separate driveway for the auto bank traffic to exit out onto the service road. Mr. Haggerty, 6431 University Ave. N.E., stated this request is in his name. In this juncture, they have a tenant who has already approved the site and the loca- tion. t�is is a bank in the area, but the bank would prefer tm remain nameless at this time. The other tenant will most likely be his law firm which will relocate in this building. He stated those are the two main anchor tenants. Mr. Haggarty stated they had no abjection to Staff's groposal to the three entrances or to the switching of the bank buildinq 45 . They would like to retain as many parking spaces as possible and the flexibility to go three stories, pro- vided they retain the same ratio of parking per square foot as in their initial request. He stated it is possible they will be breaking ground this year if things go smoothly and they can put the rest of the package together. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Haggerty if he had any elevations of the proposed building. Mr. Haggerty stated he did not at this time. He stated they were waiting>for some feedback from Staff in order to take the changes back to their architect. The primary prablem is traffic flow and now that they have a feel for what Staff waRts, they can work on that. He stated another consideration with the three stories is that they may have some soil problems that wi11 not support three stories. They have been told this by the City Engin�ering Dept,