PL 10/05/1983 - 6824PLANNING CO�R�IISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: City of Fridley AGENDA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1983 APPROVE PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 28, 1983 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #83-10, BY FRED R. LYONS: Per Section 205.141, 3, D, of the Fridley City Code, to allow a repair garage on Lot 4, Block 3, University Industrial Park, the same being 7948 University Avenue N.E. 2. TABLEB: REVIEW 3. 4. OTHER BUSINESS: ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 14, 7:30 P.M. AT MEETING Pages 1 - 5 BRING FROM LAST AGENDA BLUE C1TY Of fRIDLEY PLANNING fAMM15SI0N MEETING, SEPTEMBER 28. 1983 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the September 28. 1983. Planning Comnission meeting to order at 7:40 p.m, ROLL CAII: Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr, Oquist, Ms. Gabel. Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Saba, Mr. Goodspeed Members Absent Others Present Mr, Svanda Jerrold Boardman, City Planner E. Louis Schuette, Ashland Oil APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 14, 1983, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: NOTION BY NR. KONDRZCK, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TD APPROVE TXE SEPT. 14� 1983� PLANNING COMMISSION XINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAZRWQNAN SCNNABEL DECLARED TXE NOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. � Ms. Schnabel stated that regarding the discussion the Planning Commission had regarding the black slag, she noticed that at the City Council meeting on Sept. 26, the City Council voted to discontinue the use of black slag and wanted a resolution prepared to send to Anoka County to encoura�e them not to use black slag on city streets. - '1. PUBLIC HEARING: SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP N83-09 E. LOUIS SCHUETTE, ASHLAND IL COMPANY D/B/A/ SUPERAMERICA: Per Section 205.17 . 3 G, o t e ri ey �ty Co e, to al ow t e construction of a service station on part of Lot 1, > Auditor's Subdivision No. 89. the same being 7299 Highway N65 N.E. (Parcel A) tlOTZON BY NR. OpUZST� SECONDED BY NR. KONDRZCK� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HERRZNG ON SP N83-09 BY E. LOUZS SCHUETTE, ASHLAND OIL COMPANY. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:06 P.N. � Mr. Boardman stated he would like to make the discussion relative to both the special use permit and the lot split since they would be tatking about the same property. . Mr. Boardman stated the property is located on Highway 65 between 73rd Ave. and 72nd Ave. N.E. It is a fairly narrow piece of property. to the extent that if the lot is split at all. the City woutd have to get sane kind of an PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 28 1983 PAGE 2 access to the property. They do not want an access �ut onto Highway 65; therefore, any access had to come from 73rd/72nd, The plan for 73rd is for a median eventually, at 7east partially back and perhaps 2/3 back on this site. There are no plans at this point in time for a median on 72nd. Seventy-third Ave. is the heavily used intersection. What this does is it essentially requires the property to have one total use on it or, if the lot is split, to have some kind of service or access facility to the develop- ment. The most logical location for that access is going to be at sane point where they can get access both east and west on 73rd. For this reason and with this particular proposal, they felt a service road was the best alternative. On 72nd there is a service drive that accesses straight across from the new proposed service drive, and on the north side, they felt it would be best because of the median and because it would be right across from the driveway location. In order to do this, they would be in a situation to require all the right-of-way to come from the lead property and that property would be the beneficiary of the service road. This situation created the need for two variances: (1) a variance for the lot size, It would not meet the new ordinance; however, the total lot itself would meet all the old existing ordinances. (2) a variance for the setback on the south from 20 feet to 11 feet. There is not an existing right-of-way right now, but the variance will be created with the creation of the road system, Mr. Boardman stated the Engineering Staff has reviewed this proposal exten- sively and feel there are no immediate problems. They feel the road system will be workable, and the development, if the special use permit is approved, would be an appropriate use of this property. Mr. Boardman stated there were some issues brought up at the Appeals Commission meeting. Qie was the bikeway/walkway easement, and Mr. Schuette has shown that in the plan. There is a ditch section out in front, and the City would want to make sure that ditch section is maintained nr not altered. Ms. Schnabel asked what type of building could go in on Parcel B. Mr. Boardman stated the property is zoned industrial (M-1), and he would prefer to see it remain industrial at this time. They are talking about a 15,000- 20,000 sq, ft. building, maybe an office/warehouse type of building. Any other type of use would take a zoning change unless the use was allowed in M-1 under a special use permit. Mr. Schuette stated he is from Coiumbus, Ind „ an employee of Ash7and Oi] which is the parent canpany of SuperAmerica. He stated one of the issues that came up at the Appeals Commission meeting about rezoning either of the parcels to commercial was that it would be spot rezoning� because the properties to the north, south, and east are all zoned industrial. He stated they have no objection to spot rezoning and have asked for it many times in many places; however, because the service station/grocery store combination is permitted by special use permit in an M-1 district, there was no reason to rezone the property. He �tated they will be most critical about what goes in on Parcel B. At this time, they do not know what will go in on that parcel. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 28 1983 PAGE 3 Mr. Schuette stated that even though they were opposed to the frontage road in the beginning. they can now see some benefits to their property. He showed the Cortmission members a prototype of the building they are planning to build. 7hey have two buildings like this--one in Cottage Grove and one in Richfield, the building is almost 4800 sq. ft.�in earthtone colors�with a canopy. Under the canopy there will be 12 pumps with 24 hoses. The reason for that many pumps is because many people who buy gasoline also go into the store to buy groceries or bakery goods using a gas pump space as a park- ing space. A�ound the edge of the building is a 3-4 ft. earth berm for energy conservation. The area will also be landscaped. Ms. Schnabel asked about the hours of operation, Mr. Schuette stated he was not sure at this time. but in all probability, it would be open 24 hours. Ms. 6abe7 asked about the signage. � Mr. Schuette stated they have a new sign with new decor, There are none like it in the Minneapolis area. The only place they fiave put up this sign is in Lexington, Ky. The si9n is 8 ft, x 10 ft. (80 sq. ft.). They will also have signage on the building. Mr. Schuette stated the parking is adequate. They have 21 parking spaces in addition to the 24 spaces under the canopy. MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRiCK� TO CLOSE TXE PUBLZC HEARZNG ON SP kB3-09 BY E. LOUIS SCHUETTE� ASNLAND OIL CO. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTIN6 AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HERRZNG CL0.SED AT B:19 P.M. f Mr, Oquist stated he thought this was a feasible development for this corner property. SuperAmerica has done a nice job with their station areas. He stated there is still room for an M-1 development on Parcel B, and he agreed this property should remain M-1. . The Planning Comnission members agreed. N(1TION BY MR. OQUSST� SECONDED SY 1�2. SABA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIl A£PROVAL OF SPECZAL USE PERMIT� SP N83-09� E. Lf�i7IS SCHUETTE� ASXLAND OZL LIDMPANY D/8/A/ SUPERAMERICA� PER SECTZON 205.I71� (3) G, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� R'D ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SERVZCE STRTION ON PART OF LOT 1� AUDZTOR�S SUBDIVISION N0. 89� TXE SANE BEING 7299 HIGXWAY N65 N,E, (PARCEL A). DPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CSAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANINOUSLY, r. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1983 PAGE 4 2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. N83-04, E. LOUIS SCHUETTE, ASHLAND OIL - SUPERAMERICA: Split off the North 331 feet of West 250 feet of the West 500 feet of the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 12, T-30, R-24, County of Anoka, being part of what is �ow known as Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 89, subject to easement of record, the same being 7299 Highway #65 N.E. (Parcel B) . 3. 4 Mr. Boardman stated that with the lot split, they will want the stipulation that a bikeway/walkway easement be retained along 73rd, He stated there is presently a Naegele si9n on the property that will have to be removed at the end of the lease period. MOTION BY MR. OQUZST, SECONDED BY XR. GOOASPEED� TD RECOMMEND TO CZTY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST� L.S, N83-04� E. LOUIS SCHUETTE� ASHLAND OIL- SUPERAMERICA� TO SPLIT OFF THE NORTH 331 FEET OF WEST 250 FEET OF THE WEST 500 FEET OF TXE N 1/2 OF TXE NE I/4 OF TXE SW 1/4 OF SECTION I2� T-30� R-24� CAUNTY OF ANOKA� BEING PRRT OF i✓HAT ZS NOW KNOWN AS LbT 1� AUDITOR's SUB- DIVISZON NO. 89�SUBJECT TO EASEMENT OF RECORD, TXE SAME BEING 7299 HTGHWRY N65 N.E. (PARCEL B), WITH THS FOLLOWING STZPULATIDNS: 2. A BIKEWAY/6'ALKWAY EASEMENT BE RETRINED AIANG 73RD AVE. 2. REMOVAL OF NAEGELE SIGN UPON LEASE TERMINATZON UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLRRED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY, Mr. Oquist stated he felt Ms. Schnabel's suggestion that the Community Development discuss this ordinance with the Chamber rof Commerce was an excellent idea. Mr, Boardman stated he would get a copy of the ordinance to the Chamber of Commerce informing them that the ordinance will be discussed at the Oct, llth Community Development Commission meeting. The Chamber can either respond by letter to Mark Burch, Asst. Public Works Director, or verbally at the Comnission meeting. Ms. Schnabel stated discussion on this ordinance witl be continued untiT after the Planning Comnission has received a report from the Community Development Commission. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 1, 1983 HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTIDN BY MR. GGCJDSPEED, SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TD RECENE THE SEPT. 1, 1983, HUMAN RESOURCES G1�MMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CXAZRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING C01�1ISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 28 1983 PAGE 5 5. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 8 1983 HOUSING 6 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITV MINUTES: MOTION BY PIR. SABA� SECONDED BY XS. GABEL� TO RECEIVE TfiE SfiPT. 8� 2983� HWSING 6 REDEVElOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A YOICE VOTE� ALL YOTING AYE� CHAZRWOAIAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE NOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY, 6. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 20, 1983, APPEALS LOMMISSION MINUTES: NOTZON BY NS. GABEL� SECONDED BY PII2. KONDRZQC� TO RECEIVE TXE SEPT, ?0� 1983� 11PPERIS Q�MM75SION P17NUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE� QlAIRWOMAN SCHNABBL DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANINWSLY. ADJOURNMENT: lllYl'ION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY NR. GDODSPEED� R1� AWOURN THE MEETINC. UPON A VOICE YOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWONAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE SEPTEMBER 28� 1983� PLANNING L1�MMISSION MEETING RZUOURNED AT 9:00 P.M. Respectfully s mitted. �,���� yn e Saba Recording Secretary r PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNINf LOMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Corrtnission of the City of fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, actober 5, 1983 in the Council Lhamber at 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #83-10, by Fred R. Lyons, per Section 205.141, 3, D, of the Fridley City Code, to allow a repair garage on Lot 4, Block 3, University Industrial Park, the same being 73A8 University Avenue N.E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. VIRGINIA SCHNABEL CHAIRWOMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: September 21, 1983 September 28, 1983 1 Planning Comnsssion 9/29/83 MAILING LIST Fred R. Lyons 1019 121st Lane N.W. Coon Rapids, Mn 55433 G. W. Paschke 7970 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Rice Creek Associates 470 Rice Creek Blvd. Fridley, Mn 55432 e . -� � � " � �` 4 . � _ . � � . , i , � y _ r s�l ' � _'__. . � ` _.e . _' _ J i �� � � , . ; _ _ . . --- �. -r � . � � -� _.., __. �. Q � � : R � , ; • c�- . � ��� � 1 i ^ � o_� i `a ti a�. o � ` � G ' i • \�h � f r y. . .l I � `_ _\. eypp •� ' � � '_• i'_ _ � _�' J �, � - a° . . r13 �1' . � • _._ .� .. . �-,p. ; _ • � . .�- � z`�. , t---�-;, —_ � � �,�� .; . ,�..._ - • --1`- . r� � w� � 4 �' `+ �� ��t,�+�. �i'1Z_ � N ` , � �, t po. � �o � ' � � , i � � � �� � �� � �' . . � ��' ��-�� I � �� u� � � - � €, ,� t \ \ • `_ Y � I '{� N .• V t' e� . � N .. . "' _--� — � o � r. -;� - �` 6 --�r � S� _> �� ., . 4 � � �_�� � � . 1 . � _ � _ ...�.. ` � \ --- — � ,r `� . � , ,�\ ', � _ .,, --�- . � '� . sl, � �- i �� / � � « •�, �� i ', •�j i �C.' � \ . � . --�� - . � •Oe � 4, � � �b /, t �. `; � 'j / � � i 1 � • � � ` / / �. � i� \ `�t . � �. � \ G7Y OF Fc+�oL�Y. . � SUBJECT N�1 LINIVER751T1/ AVE. NE. FAIDLEV. MN. 6�7� ��,571-�� SPECIAL USE PERMIT 3 sv � �3- /o �� CITY COUNLIL: STIPULATIONS: � �- -- STREET LOCA7ION OF PROPERTY_' LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF;PROPERTY. RECEIPT NO o/ �'yY a PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATIONs_� EXISTIN6 USE OF PROPERTY( -.i ISuilN�ua ��� ACREAGE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBE BRIEFLY THE SPECIAL USE APPLIED FOR: �� �9 °, rr G ,a � q�, E — 5ection of the Code• �� S /,c/ 1 3� -- Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? __.yes ✓ no. What was requested and whenl �� The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of pro�er- ty within 200 feet willbe attached to this npplication. -- •• - • ,. '(b) This application must be signed by alt owners of the prope�^ty, or an expianation §iven why this is not the case. listRthe�names,and addresss ofeall�res dent�and�propertylowenrsrof prpPertyu,n to question. belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, showing the following: 1. North direction. 2. Location of the proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and fron and side setbacks. 4. Street names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existi�g build�ngs (w��50 feet). The undersi ned hereby deciares that all this 1' ation re true and correct. DATE � � SIfNATURE_ ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO stated in w. � c�► sEC.t ; � S -- - - — — - d) �i i �� I� i �! I� ;� .ar� . Y_�`��_ � i �, � � �, I � /isrl � wr � �Iw !r .w�r.rw .I� J.�/ N � J�-------- � ss%�//•slVX � 9 H � � a� _ _ . 789.5' ' 788� i � i � -� »��- �83 � � � s � � � A�t � � 1 • i i ,� 1' � �� � � �� tl A � SP �83-10 Fred Lyons 5 Block Lot 4, Block 3 University Industrial Park I �� � � .�.,. - - - ,' •} t"'�" :�j „ + =�,.. � TM , � �� c �� i . r ' � i � .. �. •. _ . c e '� \ i ° � . .i �_ ,r`�� r� e I (� 4 . , � . � �.i�. � I ' 0 •er � G ' ,� W � �. ,. , „ > , � � � �=b . o J • W , ti� C � � . C `' � Q �� i � � � .t� � h * '� `. In , � � .- •�; �S �% f� �� � '+ �, � W �. �.t -� Q c a �� = f �° � _ '� t � l��,r�;�y�s�!�.sX�i � � � 4 �� 4Y � a � �T iwr "` � 4 • ' � ��1 S - ,.��� r . riw�i '_ — —_ \! �r! . . . �J�� fr � � x # ;: .+y I �i. ` - , *;.' : �+ F � , � , z � � � � �fr� � . a 78 9 S � �� '_ . ° ' . . � • � ,� i � i . � . �78%s t,. y 5 • � � iN, � � � 4 ♦ ,r�r��..L � � � � ' � b..�. � �- 1A _ _.� ..-� -; -_ � � -t�,._ N E_ ; , �� � , � !� 2 1 �} . 1 �� '�IO�1 - r � S` 1 � �sss t � �a,o = > .n0 - Y �Z � _ }"' .� £ � �" 3. 3'' ;';. ;' ���' ` s.° � � : . MIt+�£$. � �'�'HE�![CNPSqN��. EY �t4[ls'�CUY--+-, --. . � : >'i _ �' f �., a f � � Y i i' �i EI�{fIR01iC'�N'��I, Qt1ALI'F1��CbNM'7 r��. ��,aatesta, 5tat�a 1 � t�ing and that is.'to cs . �Pia�t idea. At Ehe. sa� �arry out that id�a. '; Mr. Huddleston handed t ing ptdnntng Nbde1". :F : c�f e slGCC�nt ;p�b�i&1►es thi� with tfie Gom�issfi< Mr.�Hudtl�eston stated 1 dnd that is aery fmport : next step shauld �re in- cining, New`Bri�^�on h2 sc� really good �hings �" }�a�P corapa�iing p��,�ecf �� �rith se:verr comnrmit�►es, . - = already:, Ramsey Gourtt� `�u�sty pravtdas t� �� gt>vd draina�e. �Ir. Nuddte�ton st�ed.1 � ; prolrlems. ihat ,#s a ri� • watch otk'� for.':' Et�en �# ' - t'kU(i i '�TBT`2 N�SKi � � IF}FJG� #hir�� that probats�i #��r ;� -�G1�y �f New Sr; �a tog�ther becaus��thE �' together e Prc�r, : qf 1 reatly-sel7 tMe �Ogr�a Mr. tlur}d�estan st�ted t ; Ryan �oi�� or Jacl� Itan� 8rrd ask or+e o.t the�n ttx R�tpsey �ounty has ��c�e sit� work, site d�+r�1o� ,Mr. Huddleston; st,�ed i ptanning pro�ess � ��� Cour�cil o� haw � twas figure that yard �ste on �n annvat bas i1 � abo�t t/4-i/2� �of�at� i . the ca�mposting pr�gr� '' �t#�8 fs f�rr yard ���te . e ��r#r�g and €ali �aick• fi#ger�r�t]e has� b�� a� �� �ha�t mtterial �wi�'� r��t weic}#tt) becaus� o� t�+e &nqthEM �ptUS" 7Ft �jipl�t =;:� � ;,.; 4 .. ;;.'� i 1 � � P Y. i 14N I�ETING, SfPT�1B�R 2p� T988 ` RAGE 2' � y �. �i � � Gta�iss�on has a'ir�tcly done: the mosit important up ri�th the idea and then ��rnrit tfremselves tb �te, "the Commissis� has ta have sane suppvrt to ��pies of an arCicle entitl�d, "Yarrl Waste Cumpost- ' Sia�e�i it is relaLively deta37ed. Tt is taken out �+ th� Envirtx�ment�"1 �rotection Agency. • He ,review2d `G�tn;ission has a.Tready spoken La the City Council, � irr;�nlisting th�ir suppprt. The C�nission's niiir�g�=-out wh8t oth�r communi�ires aroiund tfie� state ar�e f�d ais eomposting program. Rart�e,� Cousty is doing i�is.;y,i�ar in fflrmu'l�ting pta►ts to help s+�t up seve� �ht^ttt�out Raiasey �ot�nty, i�amsey Catmty is'working' i�4 of?whic6 have +committeed to Ctanpostibg projects - 6=ir�nking with ea� Gity ta prepare'!the sft�. Thc �si��,; grrades :tfie Si�� to etts�re "a goiad surf�ce w�ttr pizrt �righton ccm�5t9ng pro�ect has had a lot of ���ESnd case in pQiiri for illus�trating; prt�b7e�s to �i th�re was `good;;�itizen sup�aor� an� heuler toopera- �tpp4r�t from the city'ftseif„ He thoughi antrther d the program in �pnp respect wa5 thQ f�ct Chat the p` �ra�tt from 'the S�a'te, art�d theg'put the pragram r�tnt.. He stated'hn'important thing in putting s kinck is to`gairr.potitical suppprt ��d tMen to would errcourage the Corrmissfon to cop�act eitMer at'the Ramsey Got►nt,y Envirornnental ;}ieaith Ytepartment �e and give a presentation, ,He stat�d that to da�te d$48,,000 for compvsiing programs, 7ha� involves nt, and staff tim�, : t one thing the Loi�mission will want to do in the }+.ta make an esti��te in #heir propo5al to the CiYRy wiii; be diverted. #rqm the ta�rrdf911;� They wsual]y pr`ese�f�ts.about 11� Gf the tatal foli��ii`waste:�stream - Conmissi�n ca�ld realist4ca11y a�sume't� reeaver gener*ated in Fridi�y in the first year pr trvo as ts�c,�ing. After #�ai, it wi;�1 conttnde to buitd. �� ; b� bcsth a spring z��d'-fall pick"-up. Ctaseville has : '` . Fvr.1960 and sin�e then, ihe ]eyel of"recovery in 1� over 1,004.ton� befoh� composting. You can figure 'its volume by at;least iJ� as well as {ts mass (its �s�qsition tfiat #�ice� piar.e, He st�te�d that is ' .... ���5� �fii3 protess." : _' r ;` � ; ;: �: �s���� # �2,� �z t � •- -._ .S.�S� .. . h^T'1'�a�e'A�. � � iY�: f � .:; � k � g 45" +;4i. '�r'� `aY '; K `3 �� m:'- 1 �` . � .,.. y �I+iYIR4[+�1Et�T�1[. tNJAtiiY: � Mr. Fiucidteston�� S#� pra�ram. We F�as ! Minneapolfs tha� ? has heard tfiis' frv Mr. Haddkestbn s'G ta watch aut for, county'ta p�avic� colleci�on syst� about ierrible od� �had a great-d�at i wer� two reasm�s ° i�as nnt a good .qui `not we7l compust�+ Mr. Nuddleston �sJ ' cnmposting pro3ec� Mr. Svanda stated int�rest 9s gener; support to a can#�i Mr. Huddlesion 5t� off tlmes. ;Volun`', St. A�ihcmy Park,; tfio .tives i� St, i help colTect the ' : the nursery'busin� p�b3itizing the p� Mr. Hudd]eston st� is wfiat kind "of p� wi�ti have branche� sc►`e@ning �exn ou� he had an articl2 Ctmmission, He s° ° p►YreessinxJ �Q��P� Mr. DeDlan state�i the compast a€tew canposted materia' ����#lr, Peterson�stat� .: pvsted material ii - and get pe�spie to a c�artd €pr it7 the landfill, �'i�`. #4LLftd�CSCOIt S� invo'#ves sellin� d�v8lnp ihe.mark� ' Fridley as i# 3s ; ;r r � . w G, � ;M' % } � � �t�r�ac, �e�r��R ��, �� � � ���_ �n�� a�� ;� of Minneap��CiS4;has k�ad a V�q weii publicized �: I�m the pea�e;'who work far tt�e City 4f � s�heir s�pply �s€ compczst: r�erY qyickly. `He !aS, too,��t6aY�►a€�re vtr� well .ru� co�npos� pragrams. ifi� Park wa4 an�t�er gc►od�bad ex�l�e af things yf�:'St. Louis P"�rk had a deat �crrkett out with the f��Ction of l��e�. The City fe'�t that i�e ip?�rtsive;' in ai#iti�ion, there v�ere cc�laTnts t� from the co�ost stte. He stat�d St.-Louis Park �e�tir�g rid of th� com�rast: He ti�at�ht there ' I'�he proyram �is'not well public=izesl; and (2) It �t,� There wes=:�tr.$sfz and sticks ifi it, arid it was s�s any`posx��itity in invo'f�+ing 5�1RT �n the �i�i� SORT peop'k� would 6e interesterf. Their . �cting, and he thpugh� they wonld;lend tfieir ��'k. sl�nteers %�oul+t° 5upervise the sfit� dr�rirrg drop- ' even be utiTiZ��!°:to'catlect the tea�+PS." In �nt around it�, p�ck-up trucks. -A �t�rsery tnvner : ti�rked aut a�i� aqreem�rlL' v+i th the task f�+rce to ::could drop off yard waste that.he ger�rated fn :eers coul'd be t�t�lized to pass o�t handhills for rr�teers cfluld �nten concei�rabl,� dn; some heavq d�ty work. ^ cor�ern the �rmnissian wilt nee�d to }oak at want to produ�,�,'. Do they w�nt a�rrr�duct that wa�t to accept brancfies and t,�en provide for , ing them u�? S°p�ue comnursitie� do that, >He stated ling of Nood W�,stes" that;he Gould get fpr the Hntdission rwi1T fiave to gear their composting cind of product.they wani to produ�e: C�ttm'ission's iripfn cancsnn� t�as wha�°tr� tto wit►1 it;. Is ttr�re g�ing to be' a big ent�ugh demand for :y af fridley? �"t0 first determine if there is a need for can- ti�y, He thought they �}d.p�ublYcfze and educate rti'�after it is c�pastett,°is there goirn� to be w�zrt to end �,r ttauling the composted materiai to � . . �.. f�.-. "}?8Pt Of J2'kt4ifiSJ.PId Gf "�FtB COrt�1flSt' N18t2Tidl f� the beginnfhg. 'ffiey have to either create or vFJTt prob�bly pe ne�rr to � lat of p�p7e in �wi�ere else. They wiil h�ve to supp�y product `t' :� ,�, �.�; x 'i ENYi�ENtAL QUALITV �. £�INU�6« Bi,ACk Mr;.Detrlon stat� i'egl�t�tfng this i5 ; t11i� �naterial was ; t►se f3;y-�sh: I# Mr. pebton stated uses s3ag solid.' siqirs, c�arves 'and Ns. R�nn . s�tatedx � ' on iir� fiat sir�e .'.` �S`a"iOR�I S�d�E� � � C�sidiss4tut, froae , the Ci ty Caunci i . far ong winter: < surrounding comtw ' Fr1�}ey is a�d th Ms. Rann'Stated s �er�cury content � Mr��"Svanda stated T+ir �n`acidis enviror� out orr the stre�t thinys. `Mr. Svanda �tated Con�rol' Aqency:� fih�i did a water from one o# the N water. They look tfiese chemicais•�i Mr^:.Svand� ask�cF Ak^. fleblon stated ; and� ft was an i�e Mr�•.Svanda �tated � sai� �6ersUS slag: araa a9oked pxt�,e > f� the s�fetY s , l�.:'Pete►^S+Dt� st�t safer driving in C i`: �` i k, : Pt�(6ER 2£1` - 1 J83 PAGE 6 "` : �aari ze ifse i ted that thrc ash, but that s ratio of sl s 1/3 s1ag, 1 c��.is not-use� :, iG� �IVY'!G• neetin� to 31 standpoi �f Fridley � from ever they are � successful t of te5t5 � water le� � extraCt, �ot know tY Lhe si�g a !d a study �ith addiCi ^e tf�e,y bas � beak�r c �ch as arse as using s�� uid that fn Tfie sa�ag i�! point, he d• S"C(fEt1�C5, hi : this fro , y , , S '�rmat�on he had weceived fh�t the e#x'ty citq memos, s�wrorrg.; The CiGy dbes rtot �Jsa7t is Td ta L; Anoka County R sand/ and 1/3 s�lt on7y at stoP- �n; straigHt s�tr fa�s. � �he City was U�ing slag snlid sk if #6e ErFVirsonrtiental 1�Uality C,:wo��d `CO�sider �;reco�ne�+ding t�� �y'ustr�g sand)salt pn a trial basis one of tfie d4rectors from the ' ing less sa1t r�ith the sand than �de on tfie Slaq ttr�t 1^eveais 15. nd�; he b�li�rred it a�raas' dane untler t'�here was the acidic enuirot�rent d What is �aluble <are two different �ne in f9�7 by the Poltution es #or salt corrtrol. In the study, �a`!ly immersed some of tfie slag w�ter ar�d ran some tests ori the " i�; cftfomei, mercury, etc., and RY:leaching, � over sand. the b fn�irrg, the siag was free trt�t ' �.-4flltoi�. d�ot See any diff�rence between +hn��a#iN� �#fic �a6n1� Ynutr�rcnn.li+an:�� � . . ere is�°t fresH snow. Aiso,. �ore effectt�e than sand. safety sta�ndpa.fiat, and,he felt ����V ;y �� � � `�afi r 3�i" t7FiJ r �y�= �r' �� if� �"r .. „ � ttte uSB.s�_ _.� y_;.��`4$ iA "I�. ROitlr�'s , � jb� R L�iS�` `¢ .:has b,:�p is bitt�r.t�r opp9�se� xR : s�.fi ..�=K'F�iwkc �{w+n +As l�ive�n t �-4`'kn^ , �Ie SdpQ -dRi ��g. s a �+ t�. + w�►rt�erin�y,.� I�. j. : use of sand for oi�e w�nter; � wasn't .�attclv c►f a c�rS�. � sx�g, he=would �:on�ider-,'; �: sa�tg. equa] in ccst, hie pers�na] p sp�end the mone�+F;on sa4f t! ?be df €#�ca�t. � - �e�iting this 'con�rn. �.;�3me and"effor�.ar�d �,� �1t. Rs` of'��4u�. l.r�;' g�rissfon woutd conti� ta. F. i`� � �. �,' __,. �, : �,NYIRt3PIMfN7AL QU, RDJWJRt�9ENT • 1�10TId11! BY 1�H2. FE: A YOiCS YOTE� AL; �IRONMENTAL QEJi f1MMTS[TON N�'FTTNf,_ SFDT�'f�IFR �Ef IOA� ' oer.c a ERS�V� SEEQN37�D:SY I�t. GRONLUNA� TO AA7QURN TXE MSEiING. UP011 YOTIWG AYBr'CHifIRPER50N SVANDA DECL�II�tE71 �HS SfiP�'. 20� 1983, LITY COMMIu�ZDAt l�tL`'fi22NG AL170UF11!SS AT 12xQ2 P«M. : Respectfutly submitte� � ' t �n a a Recording-Secretary a I_; , .�i�.`:... y;_ � �� � � � � \ �� CITY OF FRIDLEY � � �`• PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 5, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Oquist called the October 5, 1983, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mr, Oquist, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Svanda, Mr. Kondrick, Mr, Saba, Mr. Goodspeed Members Absent Others Present Ms. 5chnabel Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Fred & Pam Lyons, 1019 - 121st Lane N.W, APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 28 1983, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. GOODSPEED� TO APPROVE THE SEPT. 28� 2983� PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES. Mr. Goodspeed stated the following sentence should be inserted on page 4, between the first and second paragraphs: "Mr. Goodspeed stated there was a Naegele billboard on the property, and he asked if this sign had to be removed." UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICB-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MINUTES APPROVED AS AMENDED. � 1. PUBLIC NEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP FRED R, LYONS: Per Section 205.14�, 3, D, of t—�ie Fricl to allow a repair garage on Lot 4, Block 3, University the same being 7948 University Avenue N.E. a�-iu, at ey City Code, Industrial Park, MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP #83-10 BY FRED R. LYONS, UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:37 P.M. Mr, Boardman stated the location is on University Ave. in the new Paschke commercial development. The repair garage would be located in one of the back buildinqs along Ranchers Road, The petitioner is proposing to set aside two bays witF�in the development for a repair garage. Mr. Boardman stated a repair garage is allowed in C-2 zoning with a special use permit. Mr. Boardman asked Mr, fred Lyons to explain his proposal. PLANNING COFtMIS5I0N MEETING, OCTOBER 5, 1983 PAGE 2 Mr. Lyons stated they are proposing to open a nechanical repair shop. It would be located in the back building of the Paschke development about midway in tfie 6uilding. There are cement walls on both north and south sides. The area is 2,400 sq, ft. He has talked to the fire mershall, and there are no problems other than it has to be sprinkled and the normal required extinguishers at this time. Mr. Lyons stated the name of his business is Vehicle Maintenance Service (YMS), and he has been in business since May 1982. They are currently located at 127 - lst Ave. N.E, behind Ray Elliott Buick, but they have lost their lease. Because he has built up his clientele, he would prefer to stay in Minneapolis, but he has been unable to find another building in Minneapolis, He stated that about the middle of September, he got in contact with Jim Benson who got him in contact with Jerry Paschke. He and Mr. Paschke discussed the business and he now has a lease with Jerry Paschke if he gets approval for the special use permit from the Planning Commission and the City Council. Mr. Lyons stated his business is basic mechanical repair of cars and light trucks, similar to a repair garage. There will be no gasoline and no tires. Mr. Lyons stated he t[ie past six years. Coon Rapids area. and his wife have lived in Fridley or Coon Rapids for They feel this type of business is needed in the fridley/ Mr. Kondrick asked about the number of stalls. Mr. Lyons stated that out of the 2,400 sq. ft., 4�Q sq, ft. will be for office and reception area, and in the remaining 2,000 sq. ft., there is room for about 4-5 stalls. Mr. Kondrick asked about parkinq. Mr. Boardman stated the parking is set up for commercial so that will give the Commission an indication of the number of stalls in the Center. Mr. Lyons stated there are 265 strip parking stalls in University Industrial Park. Mr. Boardman asked if there would be any vehicles sitting in the parking lot. Mr. Lyons stated the cars are asually in in the morning and out by evening. The exceptions are when they have a problem getting parts or they are unable to reach the owner, or there is a major repair. He stated Jerry Paschke was very specific that there be no cars sitting outside, especially over- night, and that the cars be kept inside. Mr. Lyons stated that all cars will be kept inside. Ms, Gabel asked the hours the business would be open. Mr. Lyons stated they will be open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, OCTOBER 5, 1983 PAGE 3 2. Ms. Gabel asked about the exhaust system that will be used. Mr. Lyons stated the exhaust system is a blower that sits on the floor and it exhausts out the back door similar to what is used in a gas station. Mr. Saba asked if there would be any outside storage of parts. Mr. Lyons stated there will be no outside storage of parts. Mr, Kondrick asked about signage. Mr. Boardman stated the signage is limited based on the sign plan for the complex. MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO CIA5E THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP �83-ID BY FRED R. LYONS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:55 P,M, Mr. Saba stated this soun�ed like a very good,clean operation, and he would be in favor of approving the special use permit. MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST� SP �#83-10� BY FRED R. LYONS� PER SECTION 205,141� 3� D, OF THE pRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO RLIAW A REPAIR GARAGE ON LOT 4� BLOCK 3, UNIVERSSTY INDUSTRIAL PARK, THE SAME BEING 7948 UNIVERSITY AI/ENUE N.E,� WZTH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: I. NO OUTSIDE STORAGE OF GARBAGE CONTAINERS 2. NQ OUTSIDE REPAIR OF CARS � 3. NO OVERNIGHT STORAGE OF CARS OUTSIDE THE BUILDINC 4. STAFF REVIEW OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT AFTER ONE YEAR UPON R VDICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� VICE- CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Oquist stated this item would go to City Council on Oct. 17. This item continued until a report is received from the Community Develop- ment Commission. 3. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 20 1983 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING: MOTION 8Y MR, SVANDA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL, TO RECEIVE THE SEPT. 20� Z983� ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE MOTION C.�lRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING; OC70BER 5 1983 PAGE 4 ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA� TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARED THE OCT. S� 1983� PLANNING COMMTSSION MEETZNG ADJOURNED AT 8:30 P,M. Respectfully submitted, Ci1 Lynn Saba Recorc�ing Secretary \ �,� � ��--. . ���� ��� ��-�— —i—�C/ � - �- �'� � ��� � ` ��'�=� �� s j /Ss�3 � G��-" jD/�/,�/ �`T �c«-Lc� %% GU. o � �� �a/%�� /%�"G�L , r�ry a� Sj3°� �z� �� ��� /�� ���� �