PL 01/11/1984 - 6828PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER_ ROLL CALL: City of Fridley A G E P� D A WEDNES�AY, JANUARY 11, 1984 APPROUE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: DECEMBER 7, 1983 3. 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - 9 PUBLIC f1EARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #83-01, 10 - 13 WESTERN R1DGE ESTATES BY ALLEN FEHN: Being a replat of Part of Lots 1 and 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 94, and highway turnback property at the Northeast Quadrant of I 694 and TH 65 on Hillwind Road. (See pu6lic hearing notice for complete description) PUBLIC HEARING: REZONIN6 REQUEST, ZOA N83-04, BY ALLEN FEHN: 14 - 24 Rezone any part of Lot 1, of Proposed Western Rid9e Estates, To R-3 that is not already R-3 (geaeral multiple dwellings) (Part of Lot zoned R-1 (ene family dwelling areas) and R-2 (two family dwellings), to allow the development of a 10 unit townhouse type of development; and rezone Lot 1, to R-2 that is not already zoned R-2)(part of the lot R-1 (one family dwellings) for an existing double bungalow at 1251 Hillwind Road. (see public hearing notice for complete description). 25 - 29 4. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. � 83-06, BY AILEN E. SINGER: Split off 30 - 37 the Easterly 13 feet of Lots 1- 15, except that part platted as Heather Hills, including adjacent 1/2 of alley, now vacated, along with vacated Colfax Street as platted, now vacated, along with the Westerly 27.26 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, except that part platted as Rice Creek Estates 2nd Addition, and except Parcel 1860 and 1870, to make a new building site, the same being 1490 Rice Creek Road N.E., located between 1450 and 1500 Rice Creek Road N.E. (variances will be heard on this property on January 17, 1984) 5. RECEIVE ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: NOVEMBER 29, 1983 RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISS 7. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: ORCHID MINUTES: DECEMBER 1. 1983 SALMON CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 7, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: Cha}rwoman Schnabel called the December 7, 1983, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL: Meribers Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Svanda, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Saba, Mr, Goodspeed Me�bers Absent: None Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Kazimerz Tomczyk, 6060 Woody Lane N.E. Harold Swanson, 6064 Woody Lane N.E. Roland Peterson, 235 Craigbrook Way N.E. Robert MacDonald, Station 19 Architects, Inc. Donald Spano, 7300 Jackson St. N.E. Beverly Spano, 7300 Jackson St. N.E, Florence Kari, 7330 Jackson St. N.E. Steven Kari, 7330 Jackson St. N.E. Keith Bellefeuille, 7310 Jackson St. N.E. Jim Sweeney, 7320 Jackson St. N.E. Barbara Sweeney, 7320 Jackson St. N.E. Scott Coozennoy, 7899 University Ave., Spring Lake Park APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 9, 1983, PLANNING COh4�1ISSI0N MINUTES: MOTIOH by Mr, Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Oquist, to approve the November 9, 1983, PTanning Corimiission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, a71 voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #83-12 BY MR. & MRS. KAZIMERZ TOPiCZYK: Per Section 205.071, 3, A, of the Fridley ity Code, to allow the construction of a second accessory building, an 18 ft. by 22 ft, detached garage, on Lot 2, Block 1, Girdler Terrace, the same being 6060 Woody Lane N.E. MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Ms. Gabel, to open the public hearing on SP #83-12 by Mr. and Mrs. Kazimerz Tomczyk, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the public haring open at 7:34 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 7 1983 PAGE 2 Mr. Boardman stated this property was located on Lot 2, Block 1, Girdler Terrace. The proposal was for an 18 ft. by 22 ft, detached garage in the back yard of the property. This proposal does meet all code requirements. He stated Staff did not have any problems with this proposal. The petitioner, Mr. Kazimerz Tomczyk, was in the audience. Mr. Tomczyk stated his existing garage was too samll, and he needed a larger garage for the storage of such things as a snowmobile, snowblower, lawnmower, etc. He stated the new garage would tie into the existing driveway. Mr. Harold Swanson, 6064 Woody Lane N.E., stated he lived just to the north of Mr. Tomczyk and he did not have any problem with Mr. Tomczyk's proposal. Ms. Schnabel stated it seemed there could be a little sense of crowding in the back yard only because of the way the patio area was constructed by the house with a full roof over it. It looked like it was part of the house.. Although she realized it was not part of the house, with the garage as another structure in the back yard, she was concerned about how it would look visually. However, Mr, Swanson who lived next to Mr. Tomczyk was not in opposition to this proposal, and he would be the one most directly affected by it. MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Saba, to close the public hearing on SP #,83-12 by Mr. Kazimerz Tomczyk. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the public hearing closed at 7:42 p.m, MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Goodspeed, to recommend to City Council approval of Special Use Permit, SP #83-12, by Mr. & Mrs. Kazimerz Tomczyk: Per 5ection 205.071, 3, A, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a second accessory building, an 18 ft. by 22 ft. detached garage on Lot 2, Block 1, Girdler Terrace, the same being 6060 Woody Lane N.E. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the motion car.ried unanimously. Ms. Schnabel stated this special use permit request would go to the City Council on Monday, December 19th. 2. PUQLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #83-13, EVANGELICAL REE CHURCH, BY ROBERT A: MACDONALD, STATION 19 ARCHITECTS: Per Section �5.07 , 3, 8, of the Fri ey City Co e, to a low the construction of an addition to an existing church, approximately 90 ft. by 100 ft.,in R-1 Zoning (one family dwellings) on Parcel 300 in the West half of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, the same being 755 - 73rd Avenue N.E. MOTIDN by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Saba, to open the public hearing on SP �83-13, Evangelical Free Church, by Robert A. MacDonald. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the public fiearing open at 7:45 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 7 1983 PAGE 3 Mr. Boardman stated this property was located on 73rd Ave. near Madsen Park and was completely surrounded by residential. The proposal was for the expansion of the cfiurch area. They are planning on building an addition to tfie sanctuary assembly area off the back to the north. With the proposed addition, tfiey will meet all requirements for parking. One other require- ment was a workable drainage plan for tfie site. The Engineering Staff will be reviewing the drainage plan when it is received to make sure it is satisfactory. Mr. Boardman stated the City did work with the Church with a previous expan- sion, and the Church did expand their parking area into the big lot area to the north, so all the parking is in. Witli this expansion, the Church would be expanding into an area where they presently have parking, so they will be increasing the parking area on the side to the east. This expansion does meet all setback requiremenis and other code requirements such as lot coverage and building setbacks. The City will require the Church to fence the parking along the east side for the protection of the neighbors. The Church has agreed to the fencing. Mr. Boardman stated Dr. Roland Peterson, a member of the Church, and Mr. Robert MacDonald, Station 19 Architects, were in the audience. Mr. Kondrick asked what kind of fencing would be required. Mr. Boardman stated they had talked about a solid wood screen fencing-- something to provide solid screening to the neighbors. Mr. Oquist stated that in the drawing, there was a gymnasium/activity center tentatively proposed for future expansion. Had parking requirements been considered for that also? Mr. MacDonald, Station 19 Architects, stated the Church's desire would have been to add the gymnasium at this time; however, it did not work out that way financially. He stated the Church is actually required to provide only 155 parking stalls per city ordinance for both the existing church building and the new worship expansion. The site accommodates 178 parking stalls. That difference in parking stalls is what they are planning to provide for the gy�nasium expansion. Ms. Schnabel asked about the membership of the church. Dr. Peterson stated their membership is 225 persons. However, their morning worship attendance was approximately 420 persons between the two services. With the expansion, they are planning to go to one service. Mr. Boardman stated that if the Church wants to add on a gymnasium in the future, it may need a variance. He did not know at this time how the parking would be figured in. Right now, the Church does meet city code with the proposed expansion. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETTNG DECEMBER 7 1983 PAGE 4 Ms. Schnabel stated that, in any case, the City has to assure the neighbor- hood that whatever parking that would be generated by the worship area or a gymnasium couid be contained within the church property without f7owing on to city streets. So, from that standpoint, she felt it was legitimate to look at the number of parking stalls at this time. Mr. MacDonald referred to his memordandum dated Nov. 3, i983, to �errold ftoardman regarding a meeting he had with City Staff on this building expansion. He stated site data was as follows: building area - 14.72�; parking area - 53%; remaining open space - 32,5%. Mr. MacDonald stated that in terms of the east side of the property, they would agree to either fencing or landscapin9, whatever the City required. He stated they are indicating a 10 ft. setback, and the ordinance requires only 5 ft. The first neighbor adjacent to 73rd has a 6 ft. high cedar fence on the property line. If desired, the Church would continue with that type of fencing to give it the same look. Beyond that parking area, they are indicating landscaping; however, if the neighbors desired a fence, they wou]d correspond with that desire. Mr. MacDonald stated the main thrust of the expansion is to have the interest from the west towards the city park in the attempt to be a good neighbor. The existing historic entry door will be primarily used during the business week. They are also looking at chaining off some of the back parking during the week to limit the parking in the back area. Ms, Schnabel asked if there were people in the audience who would like to make comments concerning this proposal. Mr. Jim Sweeney, 7320 �ackson St. N.E „ stated he lived directly to the east of the Church. He stated the church will be increasing it: sanctuary seating space from 327 to 600, but the parking will remain essentially the same. The parking 1ot is not quite full now, but it is getting there. Mr. MacDonald stated the present church building is 8,000 sq, ft., and the footprint is being increased to about 11,000 sq. ft., of which about 6,400 sq, ft. wiil be the sanctuary itself, The rest is circulation area, ha7lways, mechanical rooms, etc. Mr. Sweeney stated the church will be almost doubling the size of its sanctuary seating, but the parking stalls are remaining almost the same. The parking requirements have been met, but he wondered if the parking requirement was being squeezed just a little bit, and were 178 parking stalls really adequate? Dr. Peterson stated there was a parking lot at Madsen Park. The Church has never approached the City to see if they could use that lot on the weekend if extra parking was ever needed, but it was a possibility. Mr. Sweeney stated the two things that concern the neighbors on the east are the driveway on the east side and the parking on the east side. They want as much green space as possible. They would like to see the driveway and the parking stalls on the east side eliminated. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMSER 7 1983 PAGE 5 Mr. Spano, 7300 Jackson St. N.E., stated he lived on the corner. It was his fence on the corner. As far as parking on the street, the neighbors do have overflow parking on the street at different times--Christmas, Palm Sunday,Easter, some Wednesday activity nights. He stated he had no complaint with the Church's functions or the parking as it is now. He stated his house is a two-story house. There is no blockage of trees between the church's parking lot and his house and no blockage of sun from 3:00 p.m. on. He felt the additional parking spaces on the east and the additional blacktop will radiate additional heat toward his house in the surnnertime. Mr. Saba stated the blacktop really does not radiate heat as much as it absorbs heat. He would be surprised if there was any problem with the black- top causing any more heat to the neighbors. He would be more concerned if it was a concrete parking l�t. Mr, 5pano stated he was also concerned about the additional traffic on two sides. Mr. Keith Bellefeuille, 7310 Jackson St. N.E., stated he also had a concern with re9ard to heat. He did not want to get into semantics about whether 6lacktop radiated or absorbed heat. He stated black asphalt not only absorbs the heat, but also retains it. He felt that evenings when he was home from work were going to be a lot fiotter with more asphalt in his back yard than with grass. Mr, Bellefeuille stated it vias nated tfiat the parking lot was approx. lfl% full with the Church's two services. That would be approx. 200 people per service. By going to one service after the expansion and having 400 people at one service, that means the lot would be 140% full. That is with the number of people now, not with more people in tfie future. The existing lot has 37 less parking spaces than the one proposed, so by adding 37 spaces to the approx. 151 they now have, he did not think they were going to take care of those numbers of peop]e. Mr. Bellefeuille stated Ms. Schnabel had asked if the neighbors would prefer parking on the street in front of their houses versus a larger parking lot. His answer would be "yes". He could put up with people parking in front of his house for Sunday church services and Ldednesday evenings. He would prefer that to an asphalt parking lot in his back yard 365 days a year. Mr. Bellefeuille stated that Mr, MacDonald had said the main entry would be on the west side. He stated any door can be called a main entry. He stated 90% of the parking spaces are closer to the other entries than the main entry. Which entry are those people going to use? They are probably going to use the closest one. Ms. Gabel stated she felt they were talking about aesthetics. She thought the'Church was going to do whatever it could to make it more aesthetically pleasing to cut do�n on the impact to the neighbors. � PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 7 1983 PAGE 6 Mrs. Barbara 5weeney stated she cou7d understand the Church's need to add on, but why go to one service and add more congestion? Why not just stay with two services and eliminate the parking spaces on the east side by the neighbors? Most churches have at 7east two services. Mr. Oquist stated he had a suggestion for a compromise for the asphalt parking problem. On the plan there are 24 parking stalls on the east side of the driveway and 8 stalls on the west side of the driveway (east side of church). He would suggest e7iminating the 24 parking stal7s and moving the 8 parking stalls back to where the gymnasium is proposed. This would give the church 162 parking stalls as opposed to the 178. 7hat would also gain 18 additional feet of green area to the east between the driveway and the neighbors. Ms. Schnabel stated she also had that same thought. Since 155 parking stalls are required by the City, and the Church has proposed 178, that is 23 stalls more than is required. By having 762 stalls, it would still give them 7 stalls over what is required. Mr. MacDonald stated it was a compromise, but he felt that for the future, it would make it very difficult for the Church to come back and use the land that is within their boundaries and within the ordinance to use. By eliminating those 24 stalls, it would make it more difficult in the future if the Church does need additional parking for the addition of a gymnasium or a classroom, He did not think the Church wanted to concede that they would never park there. Mr. Boardman stated he would not want this type of coropromise to preclude the City from going back at some point and requiring the Church to put in that additional parking. Mr. Oquist stated that property was still the Church's and can be used at a future date for parking sta77s. Mr. Boardman stated that if the neigh6ors preferred to have open area or green space, he would recommend plantings within the 10 ft. area leaving the green space. Mr. MacDonald stated he would �ot like to see the driveway on the east eliminated. From a traffic flow standpoint, it would create a bottleneck with a]7 the traffic having to enter and exit at the same place. 7hat is part of the problem they are having right now. Mr. MacDonald stated he end Dr, Peterson could not make a decision on the Planning Corrnnission's compromise at this time. 7hey are responsible to a Building Committee and a Trustee Board, who have to make the decision as to how they want to use their land. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 7 1983 PAGE 7 Dr. Peterson stated the Church did try to contact all the neighbors in the area to tell them what the Church was proposing to do. He believed the people at the meeting were the people who owned the first four lots. He had not heard any objections from the people who owned the two lots by the far parking lot. Ms. Schnabel asked when they would anticipate starting construction. Mr. MacDonald stated that if all goes well, they would like to start con- struction in the spring and be in operation by Christmas 1984. MOTION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Mr. Goodspeed, to close the puhlic hearing on �83-13, Evangelical Free Church, by Robert A, MacDonald, Station 19 Architects. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the public hearing closed at 9:12 p.m. MOTION by Mr. Oquist, seconded by Mr. Goodspeed, to recommend to City Council approval of Special Use Permit Request, SP #83-]3, Evangelical Free Church, by Robert A. MacDonald, Station ]9 Architects: Per Section 205.071, 3, B, op the Fridley Ciiy Code, to allow the construction of an addition to an existing church, approximately 90 ft. by 100 ft., in R-7 Zoning (one-family dwellings), on Parcel 300 in the West half of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, the same being 755 - 73rd Avenue N.E., with the stipulation that the drainage plans be finalized by City Staff. The Planning Commission also recommends that the 24 stalls on the east side of the property he eliminated and that the 8 stalls be added back in on the future gymnasium site, leaving the proposed driveway in, Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Sch�abel declared the motion carried unanimously. Ms. Schnabel stated this special use permit request would go to City Council on December 19th. Mr. Boardman stated that if the 24 stalls are eliminated, would it be the Planning Commission's recommendation to put in a concrete curb that is required along the driveway or should a temporary blacktop curb be put in so if additional stalls are needed, concrete curbs would not have to be torn out? The Cormissioners agreed that in order to leave this area open for future expansion of parking stalls, they would recommend the curbing be constructed of asphalt. 3. RECEIVE NOVEMBER 3, 1983, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Goodspeed, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to receive the Nov. 3, 1983, uman esources Commission minutes. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 7 1983 PA6E 8 Mr. Goodspeed stated the P7anning Commission members had received a copy of the "Guidelines fm Applications for Funding for Social Services" that was approved by the Human Resources Commission at their Dec. 1 meeting. Mr. Boardman stated he would like the Planning Commission to review these guidelines as he would like the City Council to review them at their Dec. 19th meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the minutes received. The Comnission reviewed the guidelines making the folloViing two changes: Item II - eliminate the words, "for the procedure" Item II-A - eliminate the word, "successfully",in the fourth line MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to recommend to City Council �iFe approval of the "Guidelines for Applications for funding for Social Services" as amended. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the motion carried unanimously. 4. RECEIVE �dOUEMBER 10 1983 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTNORITY PIINUTES: MOTION by Mr, Saba, seconded by Mr. Goodspeed, to r.eceive the Nov. 10, 1983, of�using & Redevelopment Authority minutes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the motion carried unanimously. 5. RECEIVE NOUEMBER 22, 1983, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr, Svanda, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to receive the Nov. 22, 1983, n� vironmental Quality Commission minutes. Upen a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the motion carried unanimously. 6. RECEIVE NOVEMBER 21 1983 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr, Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Saba, to receive the Nov. 21, 1983, a� rcT—s & Recreation Canmission miriutes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the motion carried unanimous7y. PLANNIiJG COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 7 1983 PAGE 9 7, RECEIUE NOVEMBER 29� 1983, APPEALS COh1MIS5I0N MINUTES: MOTION by Ms. Gabel, seconded by Mr. Kondrick, to receive the Nov. 29, 1983, p}f' peafs Cormiission minutes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairwoman Schnabel declared the motion carried unanimously. 8, OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Boardman stated tfie December 21, 1983, Planning Commission meeting had been cancelled. ADJOURNMENT: MOTIOPJ by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr, Saba, to adjourn the meeting, Upon a votce vote, all voting aye, Cf�airwoman 5chnabel declared the Dec. 7, 1983, Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Respectfully subiitted, � yneSaa Recording Secretary Notice is hereby given Commission of the City Northeast on Wednesday, for the purpose of: PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue January 11, 1984 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. Consideration of a Preliminary Plat, P.S. �83-01, Western Ridge Estates, by Allan Fehn, being a replat of those parts of the following described property: Lots 1 and 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 94, according to the recorded plat thereof; EXCEPT the east 200 feet of said Lot 2, which lie northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 94, according to the recorded plat thereof, Anoka County, Minnesota; thence on an assumed bearing of West along the north line of said Lot 1 a distance of 174.72 feet to the point of beginning of a line to be described; thence South 54 de9rees 21 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 41.64 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 324.27 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast havin9 a radius of 717.95 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds; thence south 80 degrees 14 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 90 feet and said line there terminating, all located in the South Half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located on the Northeast Quadrant of I 69h and TH 65 on Hillwind Road. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. VIRGINIA SCHNABEL CHAIRWOMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: December 28, 1983 January 4, 1983 �n MAILING LIST Appeals Commission 12-27-83 11 Planning Commission 12-27-83 City Council Yariances _ Preliminary Plat, P.S. �83-01, Western Ridge Estates and Rezoning R�quest, ZOA q83-04, All by A1 Fehn Allen Fehn 1251 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Johnson 1271 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Richard L. Rodgers 1301 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sheridan 1313 Hillwind Road N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Kim OK Hyun and Hae Young 1291 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 A. T. Gearman 6205 Uni4ersity Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Frank 5512 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Bronson-Erickson, Inc. 3321 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55418 Independent School District lA 6000 West Moore Lake Drive Fridley, Mn 55432 a 12 CiTY OF FRIDIEY� SUBJECT �� � ZONIN6 ACTION ZOA S 64y1 UNIVEASITY AVE. NE. . . .YACATION Sav � ca�o�sr, rwN. ssaae w+� s�z-aaw �( PLAT PS N 3- O/ ' ORDINANCE NO PUBLISHED ^ �G�/ ��ryc,�'.,� irr.7,� �'%� ¢i�*-.�-��� d�6�1 �`'if ¢ ADDRESS '� � �'r'� DATE i4`�R/l�3 PIANNING COMMISSION: APPROVED DISAPPROVED DATE �//� 3 N0. CITY COUNCIL: PUBLIC HEARIN6 DATE 2�2 7 75T READ�%�_2ND READ_��_ CITY COIAVCIL: . APPROVED DISAPPROYED DATE N0 PAR�K fEE REQUIRED: AMqUNT PAID STIPULATIONS: NAME�L �i4�y FErri✓ FEE�RECEIPT NO l//� I 3 S7REET LOCATION OF PROPERTY j 2s"i Ff iL c wi.vD J�D FR/o�c✓ .vl�vs'� �/,� �- LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY .f'EF Surtrey PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION tR! EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY9aa��N.vEC AM� 1�ENTA� ACREAGE OF PROPERTY 3c DESCRIBE BRIEFLY THE PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION OR TYPE OF USE AND IMPROVEMENT PROPOSED JZ,rzo.vs 70 23 re v,��Gn P SiN6lE F�M/L�j( RGN7`A'� �tN/Tt ,q,y,pTO�GirCFFEY�fT/N6 �t�iLO/N6 ra,�R.��2�crs Has the present appticant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? ,_yes_�no. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of proper- ty within 350 feet must be attached to this application (rezoning), 300 feet, (plat- ting), must be aitacAed to'this bppl5cation. '(b) This apptication must be signed by a11 avners of the property, or an explanation §iven why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to . 7ist the names and addresss of all residents and property owenrs of prop�rty in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, showing the following: 1. North direction. 2. Location of the proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and fron and side setbacks. 4. Street names. 5. Laation and use of adjacent existing buildings {within 350 feet). The undersi�ned hereby declares that all the facts and respresentations stated in this application are true and correct. � DATE /�� !til^fi'J�' ADDRESS !�G'�� %�<<GGt�/.vf7 /�O TELEPHONE NO 3 7°/ ��3� � , . �_ : _ . `„ ? P.S #83-01 Western Ridge Estates � � by ALLEN FEHN `�` 2 Attachment 5 a _ _ 0 . • .• • � N 3.oass.os _ r�' , � , ---�zEw--- / � � � . r' � I i i / ^� � 1� �� � � � i * � � � � ! � � � es.\ r � i � � N� o i � \� , o � � � � ' • �ra � � ��1 , - , . �, , ' � ��°^'�� ���o��\ , ,- � i � o. � `, ` � �m�\\ ...y ^ b� 1� t � J \\ \ ..r� - "^.ti,. ' i j}+...J� ' � �' , J � \ ' " " " � • �.` , , \\ ' "" "' • � • �l`�� O! ..i � �,. ~� I .�,.,�. _ --- - -.- , ; ;� ,� 1 . j,�� : �+:� == =_: � -------=: ;;X��., �� --�. .. . ��__ ===_:===::�: __--.�,:..�. �—==••_ �``� �`�' F � _ ,, .�� �, �/J' � � . • ; . : � --. 1-'_���L; ,;� i � �' � 1�". / ���;;�� ;l ` �� �� �� , ,p � �i �� f� �• � `�� / � i � i � � � (0 � ' � v � 1 � � 1/ 1 � ,` � 1 1 i� � � � r � � ,,� � �� � � 1 ' i � � N� \ � ��1�4� � � � ,y � � � i ; � ; ` W � . \ � ; � : 1 � � � \ � I ,`� �� � 1 i � 1��, I ' � � � I �J � ; 1 � � � 1 � �� � OQ - _ y � `\ Q r�' I / � � ' Q ` � t ! / I 1 1 �. � , � � i 'e ,�. � � � � � i --Y�, � � � � � � � � ,`� �� i v �� I/ i ry � i • I i���/ � p 1 j`, . 1 �� �„ ' . , � �� i i:, i;I i I r+ n _�� . � I � � I � � � � 7 ^� �Y . � � � ' � � i l� �' w i / �= �Ir �./ � � � / � i � I I 1 ' , ' , , � � v � � 1 , � i�I � � I�//�, ri •0��•OO •�`��,�! � •�. v��• ZoaE LrA/E � ��ir., �, � , . � . � I, .�i, , � �� / � , , i ,'; � � < < � � � i � r � �� ; / r ; �/; � , ' il�� �Ii )' i ` . �' � / � � � �,, • i � � � i � � � � � �� � i � ��, / ` � � I� �. / w � � � i: _ �. ♦ r. •; ' ; / t 13 � . .,� � 14 PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, January 11, 1984 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Rezoning Request, ZOA �83-04, by Allen Fehn, to rezone from R-1 (one family dwellings) to R-2 (two family dwellings) any part of proposed Lot 2, Western Ridge Estates not already zoned R-2, described as that part of Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 94, according to the recorded plat thereof, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assume� bearing of East along the north line of said Lot 2 a distance of 187.44 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence South 9 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 42.00 feet; thence West 24.�� feet; the�ce South 9 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 105.28 feet to the northeasterly line of Hillwind Road hereinafter described; thence southeasterly along said northeasterly line to the west line of the east 200.D0 feet of said Lot 2, thence northerly along said west line to the north line of said Lot 2; thence West along said north line to the point of beginning. The northeasterly line of said Hillwind Road is described as commencing at the �ortheast corner of Lot 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 94, theoce on an assumed bearing of West along the north line of said Lot 1 a distance of 174.72 feet to the point of be9inning of the line to be described; thence South 54 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 41.64 feet; thence southez�'�rly a distance of 324.27 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 717.95 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds; thence south 80 de9rees 14 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 90 feet and said line there terminating. GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1251 HILLWIND RDAD N.E., AND Rezone from R-1 (one family dwellings) and R-2 (two family dwellings) to R-3 (general multiple dwellings) to allow the construction of a 10 unit multiple dwelling complex on proposed Lot 1, Western Ridge Estates, descritiedas follows: Those parts of Lot 1 and Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision No. 94 described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing of East along the north line of said Lot 2 and distance of 187.44 feet; thence South 9 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds West and distance of 42.00 feet thence West 24.00 feet; thence South 9 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 105.28 feet to the northeasterly line of Hillwind Road hereinafter described; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly li�e of said Hillwind Road to the north line of said Lot 1; thence East along said north line to the point of beginning. 15 The northeasterly line of said Hillwind Road is described as comnencing at the northeast corner of Lot 1, Auditor's 5ubdivision No. 94, thence on an assumed bearing of West along the north line of said Lot 1 a distance of 174.72 feet to the point of beginning of the line to 6e described; thence South 54 degrees 21 �inutes 40 seconds East a distance of 41.64 feet; thence southeasterly a distance of 324.27 feet along a tangential curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 717.95 feet and a central angle of 25 degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds; thence South 80 degrees 14 mi�utes 50 seconds East a distance of 40 feet and said line there terminating. Part of this lot is already zoned R-3 (general multiple dwellings). All located in the South Half of Section 24, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Generally located in the Northeast Quadrant of I 694 and TH 65 on Nillwind Road. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. VIR6INIA SCHNABEL CHAIRWOMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: December 28, 1983 January 4, 1983 16 Appeals Commission 12-27-83 Planning Commission 12-27-83 City Council Variances Preliminary Plat, P.S and Rezoning R�quest, MAILING LIST #83-01, Western Ridge Estates ZOA �83-04, All by Al Fehn Allen Fehn 1251 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Johnson 1271 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Richard L. Rodgers 13�1 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sheridan 1313 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Kim OK Hyun and Hae Young 1291 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 A. T. Gearman 6205 Uni4ersity Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Roger Frank 5512 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Bronson-Erickson, Inc. 3321 Central Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55418 Independent School District 14 6000 West Moore Lake Drive Fridley, Mn 55432 0 17 CITY OF FRI�LEY. SUBJECT 1(ZONING ACTTON ZOA #�3-C� 6<31 IJNIVEqSITY AYE NH. � � � Y{iCATIQi� � SAV � FRIDLEY, MN. 65a30 t612/.b7'7-3050 � � � PLAT PS � ' ORDINANC6 NO PUBLISHED � ��/ � !�i _ 7l c G`�`r,r.,'.r- � � �i 5' .� rN G s 1DRESS ��S _ M_r�`� """ -" i3ATE /� p�% PLANNING COMMISSION: APPROVED OISAPPROVED DATE �//1I�3 N0. CiTY COUNCIL• PUBLIC HEARING DATE 2 t7 1ST READ 3�Z 2ND READ 3l 6 CITY COUNCIL: . APPROVED OISAPPROYED DATE NO PAf�K FEE REQUIRED: AhqUNT PAID STIPUlATIONS: NAME�LL�9-,v /��"NN FEE �nn °G RECEIPT NO %/ro/3 STREET LOCATION OF PROPERTY /¢,!Y //i�4�wi.vo RD LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF DROPERTY 1',�E ,r'�r�t r�y PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION�YZ� 1 EXISTING USE Of PROPERTY��,��,�,vF� a,vv lZ6NTNL ACREAGE OF PROPERTY ,�O �yg ���{ DESCRIBE BRIEfLY THE PRDPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION OR TYPE OF USE AND IMPROVEMENT PROPOSED�_B� RszcwEO ru R 3 Fnc.a R.2 i'0 �Gi1LD 8S/,�Vf�C %�y�L� �/1�/rs' jNbRostpiOf (>UNf%S ANO ¢NN7iS Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? __�yes no. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of proper- ty within 350 feet must be attached to this application (rezoning), 300 feet, (plat- ting), must be aitached to'this ApplScation. '(b) This application must be signed by a11 owners of the property, or an explanation given why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresss of all residents and property owenrs of prop�rty in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and aYtacMed, showing the following: 7. North direction. 2. Location of the proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and fron and side setbacks. 4. Street names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 350 feet). The undersi�ned hereby declares that all the facts and respresentations stated in this application are true and correct. DATE�O�-" l�{-"�� SIGNATURE /�E����� � HO 7'i- � �C -__.______.__ - �..�"�. _ � . ._ . ��._ _.:: , :_ __� _ _ 7Ne c�Tr Of FRI L Y DIRECTOAATE OF PUBLIC WORKS D�TE December 1, 1983 FROM SUBJECT Bili Deblon, Associate City Pla Present 2oning of Turnback Land (A1 fehn) MEMO N0: 83-78 � MEMORANOUM jp ACTION John Flora, City Council Members The zo�ing of the above referenced lands have been pa�ticularly difficult to establish due to unusual circumstances. The turnback lands in question are shown in attachments 1 3 2. The original zoning map, enacted in 1955, showed a zone division line which extended northerly - southerly through the middle of parcel A. Attachment 3 shows the original zoning in the area. The zoning division line estabtished by the original zoning map has been superimposed on attachments 1 8 2. This line apparently holds true today as no record of rezoning in the area exists. Consequently, the City can safely conclude that the p-esent zoning of the land is still according to the original zoning n,ap, as shown on attachments 1 8 2. The proposed development for this land is shown in attachment 4. The developer proposes to establish new lots as shown in attathnent 5. 6efore any of this development can occur, the following will be necessary: 1. Obtain turnback property and tax forfeit lands from City. 2. Rezoning of parts of land to the appropriate zone. 3. Platting the land to "clean" up complicated legal descri,ptions. 4. Obtain various setback variances. Request the council's disposition regarding this development proposal. If council is in favor of this, I reconnend: they consider rezonin9 other parts of lots in the area so the zoning lines and lots lines are the same. BSD/kh �C• C+�YD� � � X ,.�. `.�u ; . ; . :_ Y . � ���o . - aN � R�' , i � � �;...r,r�� j-. , 99s �;!! ,ivi� , � I.� }.i+.rk'r• '�� Z�A lt 83-04 EN �s6 ; � or,• Q :=.�4=. 'iot� . �. ,J � t r t � • • � ooe�ol0 r� .w: w�� �/ ••> ..2 SGSO� 9 12 t .J=' i�o 4 ;��,R� .3': �: � — — �. p+yJ `. : �oan�av ,, . ...s=— �¢f.tL ES/AtEG'R� � a '�aarRav �'�, c-a� AU�,o�,V:�SU i - � ��: ----+ • \3 � ._� � � '-'-...._........ �_a� . .... ... ........ _.. _ .. _. �_\ .\ �. � sco r s. ,+j57/ a SS41� �AL.� � � ` ll/L'D�RS ,�� ����� . , , 1 o��1i{i i• ,,ecA ' - i . �. , s � y... ..�.�.�,,.,.�11�1 �e � I�01 Atachment 1� �19 :HN ..LYNDE� ORir[. vy,� = i�,'e'• ,�- u" . �` ��/�% /�/. � - .-ys �r. t ' �r, ; �, �n a ' i ,::,� ' `'�,' I r�' �; � r •r ' ` ' . :: « .. M • — SaL'� y ii�il � R t�E ss�o _ �SLO � �o���i�ai ij�;iZ;•j,�Se i��ie - �" . - �, �.i..I r.,c. ir � a......� s.,r ,i� _ � J�il J . _ — � VISIpf�J ,.,. j . ., ,�..r '" _,�..�.. 6 R � i ,• �r , ,• . „n _. __ , �3 r� _- : �f� 7 — — — -�r _. - � ' Y � " _ �J (�l_' �+ , - .�f 7_'�L_ �• �'°9i k� 8 �:'� � .r.'�'''�� ,`""-z •� 1 i,"'•' I1 ' '"" �� .._'"' i-.�.'J r ' ""......... ` J . �.. _ — _' ' \ .r—..i Tit� y 9 , R-I � � -_—� t, �� _ ...,: � i..r. �'+� � - �. «ti �, + . . ''' _ . ... ................... ...... .�" '"" , m:�.��,,,�_�� . .r - ' '� - --- . . . . ... � ''�,�A-:'° ;R��'ii:�:;� ` _ j � S/Y R/D,d,lV � � �� ..,.-.. , � r o • , .._.+... _ �< � � r.��<�2 ��Z ��`{ � � p ��w�d . H � � • r -` o ,4 . � �333� ; ' -u � �,.rrs.� �R � ;� e _`� _ � � (. �� _�-�.. . ..�� - - -- �—_ _ .� � ) � � _ N `� �----- `�'�� � .. � �tr�T�.�_! ERST NT aTE _ - , '�.l � -~--- . I V���, _ � � -�,_ � . ',!'t i:L��'i��.lcw. � ; 7 ; .r �• I /'�� � _ , ---. : � . � � � SUBDIVISION . C �' :� 9 � 'J' V� �' ^ L•� 1200 �sao fuo' � : 00 QK� I 1 � i 1290 O 4 ►• ; HWy I __ '�o• 6; STqTE .,._ . ,.�- ' • .� � 1300 .S�/'f�Sf 13� � fi `'•°� �R � � � rw000 �.cou . -• ; r ti . . . �;a� .- � (`lyijos r �3►s,�: rs i � � �- _ ', a�Ywaoo u �. ilo� �7+ �1.RI� i k]�- � �� � � � r�r .- � �.- .. �.� � .' � �- u �� � .;- -� t�_.�.:�t • :�: �_•. , . :. � -__ '.�: ..�; :. � DZ�SToR;i�CTN MAP zo .+ �.;.' f�_Y.� _�:�, �' � PART OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE, ° ,�, t �:... -.: .; � '� � �'�����• •�����"�� � VILLAGE.OF .RIDLEY, MINNESOTA �; ;s , .. _ _ - L� E�.-�, .,..;. ;;_ ..... . _i . j, � -- �--� « ,�� � r i _ � � � s � � . � +� . . . • ENAGTEO N rt•e�'ivr.• - . � .,' � �- >— rta�nrt � . 'f-. _,� OR� t -- . EFFECTIV� DATE , ;:� d . , . •. �n� � .i ii (l ;� r 1 ' %� �MAYOR - i �;%�� f'-( j � � � , � ATTES�' �=�=��LLAG� MANAGER . ' �� � �..�1 Q�.r�� � Y' ~ j • 4� • - ' . J t �• , -' ' - � . [ J b �hi ' • ,` • ia ' r 3� � ��?` � � � �.y� ! .•�t r� � L•. � . � t, �..' u.��_ - .� � ;�..i� , #,- . ,' _ s.: �. • ` y • � ,•• . � � � � / � w, 1 � '; ! ' � . _ . • � r, n�3� � ' ' ' ��O,G AT 10 N. _� - Attachment � 3 �. , � v . . w. / �'+�i ac i ' ' . -c �' � ' . ' ��!I�%}S:ti !a� � ' j �f , " � � � � � , . . . . ,. ���sfi � r � ::�r . �,' , . . . . � - � - • _ - • - ' ". .f � '-t,. � ..' -� ' -- . " . . { ��_ � • . z . �..t. •.-t_ _ � - � .a �r ^S��F �� �'��t .� i \a �Y. �_ ' 'a ��' • � � �� /� r1 '♦ • �. y/�{I l� • � � ' ,!J � ��+_ ` 1�' ' 1 . �! l •� � . � fY. .. • . . . r.1 ,�:��;; a � ' '. +,Y.•`� ,.. �1-�.... _ �` . - .. ._..> �j,�:{�$� cir�rs ,,� ' -.uR'�' u- �-{ ��-.{.(-_ ..i: _ _ .° _. . ',+ •' �•i�� . _,� � . , `t. ♦ � i• . \Y " � .. � . ' _ '•�. � � n " � 1 ' • . 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" . ,. - : . ,. .- � ,:-�5� .. , . . :�. . . r; • C-1 �ISTRICt�. ,. � L�ewa 4��•�tt• „� �. �'= :' �C-q� DISTRICi � ++ � L�fAL• �i�M/Mt .`SN7LIt • . • r • t- .{�-. �" : .{ . � � .- _ • . . . , _� � 4 i • �. : . � ' C-� DtSTIIICt .'. ' �� 6�.rtwwa . Q�si�vss�' i � . ..{ + � ���r �-2S OtSTRICT .4, � _ : Q Q��tw.ea 'Sww�v�. t�wr�w , , ' ^ , � t� �M-! �,OI�EtRICT �� Yl� � � � L i�u� /wr��trwn,�� ,��,V �, - � 7 . ,: : � ` . ! - � � . 1 t � . ��� ..' , r � � a �: � . ' . y .. , i . �T � � Y-! D13TRICT- . � Nswvr I�va.��wiw� }' F ' •-���F� � .._ �� � � < -. � [. •� : . . . 9�'i .'' � ... .�_ � 'Y .� N � ,`�' . i +3 .c- �._1�._ 3 'aE�f� .�T.•s�--�;i,fi.--L.'-�' 41T^ S C� .ti' � ZOA H83-04 ALLEN FEHN � K'N74 C�/�?'r'f/•f1•w%/sI� .__� _T� _._�. z � � � � �i Q f- � I � •O��m�� �; �Y , �� 1 r� �r t� ;� ; � : i �� Ih v : :� . 21 Attachment 2 �� . . _ ,, -� � � oNf L/NF .. _ . ... . . . ..'.. _ z ZOA N 83-04 ALLEN FEHN v � Z � � j�� , _ 3.0[fLAi __' � . '• -_t2i91-^- 1 � � � � , �� N � � O W � • . •OOOOO� � � � , , M ` �C : ; � I f f T Attachment 4 a Q ! � �,'� •���• ZoNE LzNE 22 ZOA #83� � � �� �' o a_ W C � i � � t � , e,i AI I FN FFNN 3.Of £S 0 S i� I 0 • � / �, -y � d 0 B 23 � �70a :�J t a�v � '14 S --....-_ Sd � / • :l 'l � 5G5o . � n� pi�r� �. �. . ESTATE AD'ADi011 � , � Y��� ���:doli !o`� Ialp tr; i�,,,,� ,..�,,, ZpA ' 3-04�ALf: i oe ��oro � S�Go� at �� �157! _ _ ,;, ss�i� ".,� U'%L' � �s � • r ��,+�'e�, le d loy� re �iei ui� �ii� ,.....• w I N FE ..LYNDE' ORtVE = y�� r �� i � i I ` 1 � -il.. iQ� �+�si �,�ci � t��r� i 1 ♦ s s� i: ti1i114t� � , r--y�t ` .�s"1�'��`���J i -lw 3! : i D , /i ��� M jI'r, � l E SS�D R � !'S LD �•.4(�� AVD•a(,Vt��JV�y Y�J�O�y �w�'n'.rr i* � , ._ "�..�. , '� �.�e, , 6 � ��� � �'� sszs , - • �.. �10 fl'}0 i ` C � �_Y1 �MJ.1+L. I t 24 � � 7�• ,1, , �� 11Sa � I lio .x�.� _ � �-� _` 3S 95 , ----�-�---- -------�-��- ----+- _-- _ -- — — . .. � , . _ ... __. . . �.. � (/l.w� . , 7 _ �5,� t , � '�`*� _ F' ..,,, •- - --......._..------------• -------�----� - -- _ : - ,.r,., `, «, ... � �,, . - _. NQ.g� G�vy► � �. `�i�"� _ /,,,�� --`'���---• � ---- 8 *' -' -"- -- _- �� II�I • +,� --•--- ;«:. ----- _ . °--•---•---- -°---•---- •-• -- — _p� --- - ... xs--- _ �'' "' (JSf9� 9 � /nlii f �: '��l « � � �w.� � �---'------ � � - �' i"q� . ... _ . -'-.... 4 ....... .......................---iJ'----•" --. \ � ^ .. _' .. � , ~ > � R ��u"' �z�� SH RID 3 i�x � � - �-. � <iL.°'�- �,.., i...i o �is L. --.'------- __ _ �__ `� Itea � � � �333� , � '�°''�- � .. ,::,,., ACR S ` 1'�'_•-,--_. •--� 2r ,rs4s+� '�" � � -----. -�_ ; a � ----• �... _. ... 13f3 ,� r � — - _ "tc --- --_""' - _. _ � - - - Hl,[ct-. —� -�. - --___� --.:::_-�,. � ---_ . _ �� ;j 1NrERST + - _..___� � -�.i_ ATE Y. ' :..... .�`.�. —T ��-1 :_ �I�� S 94 � : �t --- � �. � � STAT � - . - �'�'�1D1 ' S �,-' , , SUBDIVISION �9 NQ 94 � �� . rf " „� l � V ,�.� js� ' ..0 I200 _..r_. 12L0' ► � o0 rC 1 !' � . , �, . �.� e E— - ►„'r '"�r-' -- �27Q '�� � � •r �'..� . � � I��, SI7 ,� t3�113ft 13 � .�N'S R� i' � ��,r- , �WOOD � COURT . _ �tL? I "�?''��. l;89 �"' - ,�--..— :� SKYMl000 (I?1i r � �jes f l3iS ---� ._ _. .�, i3oc ��T j (ts�) � . - - -� . � . , fL !3 ! 1337 �� ,:� PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNINr, COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Corrmission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, January 11, 1984 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M, for the purpose of: Consideration of a proposed Ordinance amending Chapter 205 of the Fridley City Code entitled "Zoning" by adding Section 205.048, fire Protection Requirements, and making some changes in Sections 205.044, 205.046, 205.073, 205.074, 205.086, 205.121, 205.131, 205.141, 205.T51, 205.L61, 205.181 and 205.182. Copies of all additions and changes are available in the Planning Department at City Hall. Any and a11 persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. VIRGINIA SCNNABEL CHAIRWOMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: December 28> 1983 January 4, 1983 25 November 16, 1983 ORIIINANCE � 26 AN ORDIi7ANCE AHEHDZHG CEiAPTER 205 OF T8E FAIDLEY CITY CODS EHTITLED •20NIliG" BY ADDING SECTION 205•Oq8 AND CHANGIHG SECTIONS 205•044, 205.Oq6, 205.OT3� 205.07b� 205.086, 205.121, 205.131� 205.1bi, 205•151, 205.161, 205.181 and ZoS. � a2 The C1ty Council of the City of Fridley Does Ordain as Follovs: - 205.04-0 BOII.DIIfG SZ?B 9. No land shall be altered and no use shall 6e permitted that results in xater run-off causing flooding, erosion or deposits of minerals on adjacent properties. �orm�,:-Ler rtn-off from a develqoed site NS11 leave at_no gre-ter ratQ flr 1esser Q�_t�y +han Lhe stormxater run-off from the s+te in an undevelo�ed condition. Stormvater run-off sha11 not exceed the rate of run-off of the undeveloped land for a 24 hour storm xith a 1 vear ret�rn frQnuency Detention facil+Lies ghall be destaned for a 2�1 ho�r storm vith � 100 year return frequency. All run-off shall be properly channeled into a storm drain xater course, ponding area or other public facility designed for that purpose. Any change in grade affecting water run-off onto an adjacent property must be approved by the Citq. 205.Oh6 REQUIRED SARD AND OPEN SPACE C. Decks, unenclosed porches, canopies and steps to building entrances may extend not more than ten (10) feet into any required front or rear yard setDack �pd not more than three (4) feet into anv reauired side vard, provided they do not extend nearer than five (5) feet to any lot line. 205.OA8 FIRE PROTECTION REOUIREMENTS ] S�r+nk�er svstems sha�l be req�+�ad +n all bu+ldinFs hereinafter g�gc�g��onstructed or altered and vhich the floor area exceeds 10 000 souare feet in Lhe follorrina zonina distriCts• C-t Local Husiness C-2 General Business C-� General �hoonina CR-t General Office H-t Li¢ht Industrial. H-2 Heavv Industrial. S-2 Redevelooment and PUD Districts. 2 SDrinkler gystems shall be reQuired in buildinqs �ith a gross area less Lhan t0,40D sQuare feet if a minimum of 20 souare feet of openin2 above prade for each 50 linea� feet of val� on at �east one side of the structure is not orovided. � Sorinkler svstems shall be reauired in every buildina hereinafter erected constructed or altered and xhich the aaererzate floor area exceeds E,SDD sqy�are feet. and said building is located in an R-3 District. D� All buildings constructed of TvDe I or II F.R. as defined bv the 9niform Building Code m�,y inerease the floor area bv �00 oercent. 5. All sorinkler ay�tems required bv this chaoter shall be constrected Sn aecordance vith the NFPA Std. #1� entitled. "Snrinkler Systems^. 205.079 LOT REQOZREMENTS AHD SETBACSS b. SetDacks, B. Side Yard: {3) Corner Lota: (a) The side yard width on a street side of a coraer lot ahall not be less than seventeen and one-half (1'/.5i feet. (b) Mhen the lot to the rear of a corner lot has frontage along a aide street, no accessory building on d S,hg corner lot vithin txenty-five (25) feet of the common property line shall be closer to said aide street Lhan thirty (30J feet; provided however, that this regulation shall not be interpreted as to reduce the buildable xidth oP a corner lot to less thaa twenty-five (25) feet. 205.0'/A BUII.DIIiC REQUIREMENTS 3. Basement. All one-family dwellings constructed on vacant lots, as of January 1, 1983 ahall have a Dasement PY�an+ if located in a flood �lain area. 205.086 PERFORMAACE STANDdRDS 1. Parking Aequirements. I+l//PX1dzIA�/Ps1CiIIxiEAI kal//1�1/�fPD�/�M9/i'R)/lt11F�TRf�/AP/k�RB/PkPk��/Ph�##/Yf/Pf9Y���P T9l/FPR�/�Nf1�1�A8/PA��f �'R)//1�fl/PP/k�AB/#�l���i/��1+#�/�f/Z9R��f�/�R/PAY/P�I��AP/➢,/11'f 749r#1fA/Y19At/YNf�//fX��Rk/�P/P/�IZY3M}Y/�t/bP79�iW1P���/P7�Jk#P8 D�PRR/PPPiIDY�A/bY/rMf/��I�Y!/Pr�/FRr/m�Rk/A/�#A��}�/�9/YhIRRlk3) 1ffX/tPfl�/YN�/i���/PP9Afl�Y/l�Pg/FX��Pk/Pi/r�TgYA/�P/�Y/P�I�Rf�i PT���/�Y/�YART�• A. ldi An existing one and one-half (7-t/2) stall garage for eaeh dwelling unit shall satisfy the off-street parking atall requirement. 205•121 DSES PERMITTBD 2. Accessory Oses. -� .r , :.. -• ,- � -f• - -• •f -�. .f.- - - •� r e- .• .� •. Su-f 27 205.131 DSES PERMITTSA j. Oses Permitted ilith a Special Ose Permit. I. Exterior storage of materials and eauioment. 205.7h1 DSES PERMITSED 3• IIses Permitted iiith a Special Dse Permit. 8. Exterior storage of materials 8pQ eouioment. 205.745 PARRZNC REQUIRII+iLHTS 3. Parking Ratio. A. At least one (1) off-street parking space ahall be provided for eaeh 150 square feet of building floor area in the C-2 District except: (1) At least one (7) off-street parking space shall be provlded for each ]f00 GQddff tLft bf lSdLZail�i� tZO,��' AtE! !6P �ZI Sour (41 aaats or simt�ar accommodations in anv restaurants, theaters, lodges and assembly facilities. NhP+�a �nv of the aforementioned ,�erve intoxicatina liq���� as defsned in Chaflter bOR of the Fridlev rir� rode at least one (11 off-street narkin¢ soace shall b� nrovided for each Ghree (�) seats or similar acco�odatiorL. 205•151 DSES PERMITTED 3. Uses Permitted iiith a Special Use Permit. H. Exterior storage of materials and eouinment, 205.161 USES PERHITTSD 3. Oses Permitted ilith a Special Dse Permit. C. Exterior storage of materials and eauioment. 205.187 OSES PERMITTED l. Principal Oses 1��;�'FfiZ�J��-1_l-�! ; ��.. - ., 2, Accessory IIses. :- c� - 3. Oses Permitted liith a Special Use Permit. m f 205.182 IISES E%CLIIDHD 5. Nuclear bf 11dx�[�"Ebdd 10t1�t! processiag or atorage facilities. PASSED AHD AD�PTED BY TSE CITI CODNCIL OF TH8 CITY OF FRIDLBY THIS DLY OF , 1983• SiIl.LIAM J. NEE - lfayor ATTEST: SIDNEY C. INMAN - City Clerk Public 8earing: First Readi�g: Second Aeading: Pnblication: 29 . i, .• _ _ Z��22° � � • CITV CF Fii1DLE�/. S11HdECT � ews� uu�vcws�rr nvc. �. FPIPLiY. MN. OS�C t012�,6T1-i�� lOT SPLI7 LS 1�3— � G �ESS: ��50 .�,� Q��z r� cr . DATE: �� PLANNING COM11S5IDN: APPROYED _ DISAPPROYED MTE_____!�_ MD Cln COUMCIL: PANK FEE REQUIRED: STIPULATIONS: APPROYED____ DISAPPROYED DATE Z- G NQ_ IIMpUNT PAID 3D T����,� � �' -�/�J �E� FEE'r'1I DD RECEIPT NO I�S i PROPERTY OHNER(S) •� A'� C— TELEPHONE NO S7/-i OQ / TELEPNONE NO AD�RESS(ES)_ i�SO K ��C ��CC K �a , PROPERTY LOGITION OH STREET A � TAC'�.(IT T O -THC �AS"T O f ��Su �C'� LEGAL DESCRIPTIDN OF PROPERTY L.b'I— I�fi(��ES lS�fO�� AV�D���'S S� R�ZZ �� 3 � . � 70iAL AREA OF PROPERTY ,�! � Pi�ESEf,1Tn ZONING�, REASON FOR LOT . `, � ?he undersigned'hereby declares that all the facts and representations stated in this •pptication are true and correct. a�: /-2 -Z3 -F3 NOTiCE: A sketch of the property and the proposed lot split with any existing struc- tures shoNn should accompany this spplication. ' (See reve�se side for additional instructions) 1981 POLICY STATE�•iCNT ON PARK FEES ON LAND SUEDIVISION - Date �2�Z7 d3 In determining fair market value of public areas for land subdivision for tash payment, as required by Ordinance 63?, the following values will be used: Residential subdivision ;1,000.00 per lot kesidential lot split b 500.00 per lot Commercial/Industrial subdivision or lot splits b 0.015 per sv. ft. This fee is to be paid at the time of final plat or lot split approval. The City Council may defer collection to the time a building permit is requested for individual lots created by such subdivision/lot split. The City retains the option to accept an eQuivale�t amount in cash from the applicant for part or all of the portion re4uired to be dedicated, PARK FEE AGREEtfENT The undersigned understands that according to the City Platting Ordinance, the following public park land dedication is required to plat residential, commercial or industrial zoned property. It is further understood that the public park land dedication or cash payment equivalent is at the discretion of the City. It is agreed that a cash payment of b��� will be paid according to the above stated policy for the following subdivision/lot split. It is agreed that the following land dedication is provided according to the above stated policy for the following subdivision/lot split: Dedication: Subdivision/lot split: The undersigned further agrees to notify all future property owners or assigns of the cash payment requirement, if it is to be collected at the time of building permit. DATE I2'�7~0� 0023GAI1067A 31 -tr" l.S. #83-06, ALLEN SINGER yp2 SUHVET i 800SE i.00ATIai tnxr 0! LOTS 1^1S. DLOCi 1 ' SUEVET TOA (/Z vPCn1E° A��E Yl CIlY OP FHIDi.E! IHVINGSON ADPIiIOB 30tiN C. CARXOLL • 1450 flICE CiIEEE ROLD � r�,�E ���-F.� r�,,� _ .�_ 0 �� �"',_ _ � -- i � �� i I I 1 � qr � .�` � _~ �-►w � ' I I � � a � 1 I , , a . �, _ 33� _ __-�r..---- _ - /G � -': �LS-'� -- "-- .-- i I /! 32 �`. � ✓�� �'1� I StREFr`w � ��j �ZO c�; S.i� �` �1. Y �� � fl> i � , ��ec. - � _l _.:--- �— � °' � . �— . �' � �.r�+-�l/rnfltn, � �-- E,.� � j �„ y� � ` ' _.� l= � � �. - � ` � � � , � I ' � � 1 ` 9f%� � iL r�� �r —.� _ __� ' �l_�f �77�--- -' �� DSSCBIYTIONi The 1ortE 2I�.94 ls�t of t6e Eu i 165.32 feet of ��i �ontAdditionl' to Tiicaen (IS) both inclw lve. in Block Ous (1). 8 ` pa� (1)1CO�Pif[a nC(15�DoCh�inelusive ia �aidyplatahavlag b�retofor� b�an •aue�d. I Lsrab� e�rtif� th�t thi� �y��7 r++ �de vndat sT direct •upnrvi�ion and tbat I�a a dul) anthorisad llagLUtad L�+d Snrv�7ot �nd�= �� 1«� °f ;h� $tau of Mina�oU. 0 ,ti�U/C =S� i9� i �� �- -;�� - iiii.. s. t.q.. a.L.s. !(inn. ls�. io. ,6.787 � � . L.S. #83-06 ALIEN SINGER � i � a � ��'_• 33 � i I i� ': � �,`_ i I _ ) � L� �1 � � � �, � � . � "�,� '� �i '� c ' 'C X � � � � N 2_ � . 2, 4 � ` `^1 �� ''C � '�i..°i � � V P N \_ b � � � � � � � 1 O Vt � '� t� � � ,►. � � � � ,: � M � n� y C _4 C'1 �u W L V N 1� OC �:- z���.��'�� r' ! --�— � �� �. � %� �. � L� � � J -v, � � � M n , .o 0 � 1 L.S. #83-06 ALLEN SINGER .� A o � r 4 � W I : Y � �¢ r R ? w N � .r e W Z . � r 0 J � � H � � 4 � N f Q � � y t � __r � �� � 34 1 l�f Q� 1 c � � o � � �+ +�1 �'' �, - �' – - �bo -- 1� (� .—.—. , �_, _ . �- � o— �t - 'O i�'i . a ti � c_x i �. � � '—� _ - bo -----•• � w � Z . . __.�.. __._ __ �. - - .. __. _ . . . _____� - - - - - � � � o � t � �� W m � � W � � 1 0 r a o �;i z � L.S. �83-06 ALLEN SINGER 35 - - f- ; .....,...,..,..,.._, ................. .�...,.._..�,,,,,......;.....,.......,:,.....,...,..�,.�., �fji5 �nLrnture. .v,�,r.,e;. 3ocn .,,,,,,,i anne , �„ az _ ar��.r.. Herbert J, Seneen end Ann tt, Jensen, EuaLand and rite �: `•' • - . oJfheCou+tyo%.�OYI_.__.. nx.f\tat.�oJ !ti¢nenots pe.dee of �A.A••r po.�, e,�,r Allan E. Singer � " ' ....._ . _...__...__—_. __ ._ . _ . _ _ . _ . . . . . . o/�n�cor+a�o%..�aoke__.__.. ...__ . ._ „„,�,�r.��.,./ tlimeeota . .. ... , pa.q..... o/ ts. urood r„n. �imernm. rn�i i�,. .,,;.i �„n iee �,� n�, p..� n.,.i. ��, .,�,,.;d,�.,,r,.�, .,� n�. ,����, �,� One Dollar_(81.00).,snd otDer good end velueble conaideration -1,��i,�.,��,•,�, ro_ .t6ea._.—...._. __..�. ea.,d Pvin n� ib�,,,�,r �.,..r 7.�� rn.....,,,d �,.,.r. u,� n..,q.� ,��n...�! �. A<.eay.<rneW.d(:d.do x...nyr:. ni.u,,.p,,;n.a�,ai.,,.drr,n,rn,,.o,n,r.,,;en,,.q � o/ [Ar ueoM prq �a Aiin nn,l a.ripiu. Ibr�r��r. ,dI brr rn�•r ur µ�rr.�f oj hur,/ !q%.r p oxdbrin(iw<MCawrty�/ Lppkfl �r.J�nrr..,�/Jlinn,�..�b�..l.�...ri/,.,/.,.�:Jl,nr.. m���;e:R,pt One (1) through Pifteen (15), incluslve, Block One jl), Irv1¢gto¢ �ddStion except thnt parG plaCted as AeatLer Hills, includi¢g ad�eeeat oae-Lslf �1/2) of elley and ell of �djacent Colfex Street ee pletted, mr oscated, ecooMi[tg to the recorded plet thereoS. Sub�set to 1Yetrictiona� ieeervationa e¢d essemeots ot record, if aq7� Sub�ect to ��ortgage dated Jenunty 18, 197a: filed Sa¢uary 2B, 1974, an Doeument No. 40a2j5 and runoiog in favor of H. & Val J. Rothsc0ild, Ine. Sa tLa ori6inel emou¢t of $29,BOp, Said mortlSege vae essigned to Federal Aetional lfortgage AeeociaCion Dy Assignment Siled April 3, 19�4� pe Document 90. 407D58; vhicL tLC grsntee �erein easumee and agreee to pa� according to ita te�e, STATE DEED TAA DUE }ti32E0N 8 E Z• 70 Qo iMbt an� m DMID �b� $amr. r.,p.rn�r,,;�i, „u ii„� i,..,�d;r,.,,,,�,�i� �,,,,r „„�,,,.n�,,,,,,.,. (Aq<4IIIOD(IOR�INQ�,.t,���„���;. „�y,..� ���, .,,i r� � ,�1�,,,.�J ..�u,�.,,, rn .�. Die p.r.,a.,.r,..;t,,..��,,.•,�•...i.,,iii...,;,f Herbert J. Jensen end Ann H. Jeneen, bueDSnd aud.rlts i...deso/re�Nrei.�,n.p.. tLeaeelvee, theis i,�:..., ,,,,r.,.,�,,,,i,.,n„ �.,.,,�,,...d„ �orreae�uirhGuoid�,.n�7 ,./u....,..,d�,.,.�.his n.�tr..,,d��,.��n..i�,�n tLey are w.r�..;:.er..h.olr�,.m�,i.,.,,n�... „/,,.,.,,;,i.�u„u�„ve r,,..i.�ri,�i,.,,ei,,,,.i..,,,,,�„��,.� .omr irt mm�n<r �nd /�n. .r/,n..ni.l. o..d N�.�� ia. .,..n..rr.. (r, .. p���u utt tn..�� �.� b..�n,.. ,. dwd tluaLwY 6orjoiurdneJgruuln!lnxd. nnd /,r..��riv.. in (Ir,� rp�irl nnd prn,��.ihh� /,,,.nw.iuu ufUr� .am iA.p._ . o! u. . �..od �,,.r. hie i,.� . ,�,i „ . �..,,;,,.� „n . , • .;p,�. �„�.,,,,n�„y„ny.�e,d.,,;,,p eala<(aim fh<�oAnlrmuury�nm N���mn/..�Nj,�il /uim.Hinlnnu��rr.i/..rifl./u�r,iah�/�.r.� ru.u�ionr,l. 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(Gte -��� j• 9 �� � . � . � r.�, �: � � '� �.. ,. b, , ] 2 � ' �A�J ' •/IiM� �i rr C .r �/l + 4 S �n�i 'If�. • l.'.... � 170. ✓ t .� �_� 'l �f,t� : (��Y. 6i�° � �u Mp� `i I � , o '� : r�y° a ; t ;t , �Cr,. ��•rr�l.�� . H�r ` ���� � 'ai rAAR � �'i^ �3�r ,i✓�pi � _�f 5 e+l .� e! CITY OF FRIDLEY ENERGC COMMISSION MEETING NOVEHBER 29, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Saba called the November 29, 1983, Energy Cortmission meeting to order at 7:43 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Dean Saba, Bruce Bondow, Brad Sielaff Members Absent: None Others Present: Bill Deblon, Associate Planner Janice Thompson, Minnesota Energy Agency ApPROVAL OF OCTOBER 25, 1983, ENERGY COh44IS5I0N F1INUTES: MOTION by t1r. Sielaff, seconded by Mr. Dondow, to approve the October 25, 1983, Energy Commission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Saba declared the motion carried unanimnusly. 7. COMPUTERIZED ENERGY PLANNING PROCESS - JANICE THOPIPSON, MEA: Ms. Thompson handed out print-outs compiled by the City of Dulutfi for 7981. The "Cormnunity Energy Data Sumnary" outlined the energy in terms of fuel type (#2 fuel oil, natural gas, electricity, gasoline) and also in terms of the use sector (residential, conmercia7/industrial, local government) and totalled the costs in millions•of BTU's. She stated the summary was helpful in two ways: (1) It gave a total comnunity energy cost; and (2) It laid out where the energy concer�s were. Ms. Thompson stated the second and third print-outs were the summaries with a projection to the year 2000, based on nominal dollars and 1980 dollars. Ms. Thompson stated the fourth print-out was a"Community Energy Resource Inventory" sheet, based on conservation and renewables. Ms. Thompson stated the final print-out was a"Benefit/Cost Analysis" for the City of Duluth which gave some indication of how much carrying out the various c�nservation measures and development of renewables could cost. They can contrast that with what the projected energy savings and dollar savings would be with how much it would cost. � ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 29 1983 PAGE 2 Ms. Thompson reviewed the "Community Energy Data Collection" forms the Commission members had received earlier. She stated Item I was basic demo- graphic data, Item II was energy data in terms of electricity, natura] gas, fuel oil, and gasoline used 6y residential, commercial/industrial, and, if available, local government; and diesel fuel used by local government, if available. She stated two other fuel sources to look at were wood use by residential and propane by commercial/industrial. S�e stated she could help with collecting some of this information. Ms. Thompson stated Item III was energy resource data from local records and surveys. This information was what contributed to tfie print-out entitled, "Resource Inventory and Renewables". Ms. Thanpson stated the final pages contained an independent assessment questiottnaire. Mr. Saba asked if this information was intended to be updated annual7y or to be pu6lished anly once. Ms, Thompson stated if a community decided to go with this and decided it wanted an on-going annual look at its energy data, this could certainly be used that way. A lot of cortmunities have used it as a good leverage point to get people to do things and to get more support from city administrations. If that is the major focus, then usually this information is needed only on a one-time basis. Mr, Saba stated the Commission has promoted the MECS audit; and in discussions, the Comnission thought it would be nice to have some way to gain some useful data from before and after the audits--some kind of running status on what is happening. Ms, Thompson stated the information could certainly be used that way. Mr, Saba asked if there was ahy way of knowing how many people have taken advantage of the opportunity and used the MECS audits, Ms, Thompson stated the utility companies kEep response rate data and can usually give a guestimate by community. She thought Fridley was in N5P's Lakeiand District, and they could probably get a district-wide estimate. She stated the response rate to the audits has been rather poor. The state- wide average is only about 8%, Part of the reason fior this is because the utilities are not overly fond of having to do it. Another prablem is the utilities have put too much emphasis on the audit rather than followinq through with the improvements. The state is putting out a new set of rules that will give eome provisions for getting more extemporaneous information out of the audit so the audit narrows in on big items and gives peop7e information that is more useful to them. ENERGY_ COMMISSION MEETIN6, NQVEMBER 29, 1983 PAGE 3 Ms. Thanpson stated that regarding the energy data collection, a lot of comnunities have taken the step to go through this process to develop their energy programs. It is a good conscious-raising tool, both with the citizens and in convincing the City Councils and City Administrations to free up staff time for energy programs and enforcement of energy rental standards, etc. Ms. Thompson stated that many communities have an emphasis on economic develop- ment and redevelopment, She stated it is important to point out that energy efficiency does not exist in a vacuum and economic development and redevelop- ment can all have a strong energy component. She thought they could form a good argument in trying to work toaards energy efficiency in tfie way a corrtnunity develops. She stated energy is also now a much stronger component in the CD66 funds. Mr, Sielaff asked if there was any program for the schools to encourage energy savings. Ms. Thompson stated there is a Total Energy Management Program for schools, and she thought they fiave gotten larger sums of money. There was an Institu- tional Building Grant Program that included schools, ]ocal government bui7d- ings and hospitals. What the State has done to carry on the effort for the schools is an informationa7,promotional,reward-type of program. Another thing is a loan program where bonds will be sold this winter and schools will be eligible for 10-year loans. The group at the Energy Division that is doing this has a lot of outreach to the schools. One thing scho�ls may need help wit6 is that if they need to raise the levy to pay off that loan, some- times a city can fielp in the effort to pusfi the political decision one way or t6e other, In some cases, the schools are able to pay off the loan just by the energy savings. Ms. Thompson stated there is also an effort in the legislature to get a bill passed for a similar loan program for local governments. She did not know the status on that at this time. Mr. S3elaff stated he would appreciate Ms. Thompson getting any information on that loan program for the Conenission. Ms. Thompson stated she would. She stated she would also look into the CDBG funding as far as the entitlement emphasis on economic development. She would also send the mode7 zoning guides for wind, solar access, and earth-sheltered buildings that Mr. Bondow had requested at a previous meeting. Mr. Saba stated he thought the Commission was willing to go ahead with the energy data collection, 6ut they would let Ms. Thompson know formally after their next Commission meeting. Mr. Bondow suggested they just take some rough data or guestimates to start out with, and with that information, they could try to see where they should focus their attentian, and then they could firm up the figures. ENERGY COMMI55ION MEETING, NOVEMBER 29 1983 PAGE 4 Ms. Thompson stated that was a very good idea. That information may even be adequate for their purposes. Mr. Bondow suggested the Commission members make stime notes on how to go about gathering this information, and they could discuss it at the next meeting. Ms. Thompson stated that if the Commission members had any questions before their next meeting, they were to feel free to call her. Mr. Saba thanked Ms. TF�mpson for coroing to the meeting. Mr. Saba stated further discussion on this item would be continued at the next meeting. 2. CONTINUED: PROGRAMS FOR CABLE TV No new information. 3. OTHER BUSINESS: a. CO Monitors Mr. Bondow stated he has sent letters to manufacturers for information on any local distributors of CO monitors. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mr, Sielaff, seconded hy Mr. Bondow, to adjourn tfie meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Saba declared the November 29, 7983, Energy Commission meeting adjourned at 9:41 p.m. Res�ectfuliy submitted, ./ �'?CC � y ae Saba Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDLEY HUMAIJ RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 1, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Goodspeed called the December 1, 1983, Human Resources Commission meeting to order at 7:39 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Me�bers Absent: Others Present: 6rian Goodspeed, Peter Treuenfels, Barbara Kocfier Mary van Dan, Sob Minton Bi71 Hunt. Administrative Assistant APPROVAL OF NOUEPIBER 3, 1983 HUPIAP! RESOURCES COMPIISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by Ptrs. Kocher, to approve the November 3, 1983, Hur�an Resources Commission minutes as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Goodspeed declared the motion carried unanimously. 1. OLD BUSINESS: a. Report of reactions of Civi7 Defense Officials to reco�nendations of Human Resources Commission relating to Qreparation of the genea�al population to react to a disaster. Mr. Hunt stated the suggestions made by the Canmission were very well received by the Civil Defense Officials. They felt, however, that the December newsletter was not the most appropriate time for �nformation on disaster preparedness; but they will be making a fairly major effort in the spring newsletter as far as information on what to do durinq a disaster, identification of different sirens, etc. They are also think- ing of publishing a pamphlet for public distribution that would have the basic information on disaster preparedness. Mr. Hunt stated the sirens in the City are in pretty bad shape. The last time there was a major emergency, four of the eight sirens �'d not function. 7he City has been waiting for federal matching funds which not look like they will be coming through, so there may be a point w°� the Civil Defense people will want to go to the City Council and request that funds be appropriated for new sirens. At that time, it might be appropriate for the Commission to make some recommendations to the City Council. HUPIAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING �ECEMBER 1 1983 PAGE 2 Mr. Treuenfels asked Staff to indicate on a map the locations of the present sirens. Mr. Hunt stated he would get that information for the next meeting. Mrs. Kocher asked if the sirens were used for things, other than tornadoes and other emergencies, Mr. Hunt stated that at the present time, there were two sirens--one is a continuous siren which means people are to look for shelter, and the other is an intermittent siren which is a warning siren and people should turn on their radios to find out wfiat is going on. Mrs. Kocher stated her only concern was that if the sirens are used too heavily, soon people will quit listening to them. Right now the sirens are a very effective tool. Mrs. Kocher stated that several meetings ago, she had volunteered to call someone with the Fridley school system to find out how often the fridley schools have emergency drills. She was told the state recommendation is nine fire drills a year which the schools do have and one tornado drill in the spring. All drills are scheduled ahead of time and are held unless there is inclement weather. Mr. Treuenfels stated one concern he had regarding the schools was that when anything unusual happens that causes parents to worry, parents will actually overload the telephone lines trying to find out how their children are. It would be nice if there was sane way of ietting people know city-wide that, in case of an emergency, the children were safe and being taken care of during the emergency. Mr. Hunt stated all these ideas will have to be considered. He stated disaster preparedness should be put on the March agenda for further discussion. b. Consideration of plans for distributing CDBG funds to Human Service organizations. Mr, Hunt stated the total amount to be distributed to human service organi- zations was $17,OD0. At the last meeting, Mr. Treuenfels had agreed to draft a letter that could be sent to the human service organizations and to draft guidelines. Mr, Hunt handed out the drafted letter and drafted guidelines prepared by Mr. Treuenfe75. He stated both he and Mr. Boardman, City Planner, had reviewed them and were pleased with both the ]etter and the guidelines. He stat�d the Commission will have to establish a timetable for the human service funding. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING, DECEMBER 1 1983 PAGE 3 Mr. Treuenfels stated it was fiis feeling that one month was not enough time for the organizations to collect data, especially financial state- ments. He felt they should allow the organizations at least two months. Mr. Hunt stated the letter could be sent out in late December and the applications would be due by Feb. 24, 1984. He stated letters and guide- lines will be sent to those organizations that have received funding in the past, and if the Cormission members knew of any other organizations that would be interested in funding, they should let him know. c, Status Report on retrofit study Mr. Hunt handed out copies of the "Fridley, Minnesota, Handicapped Accessibility Survey" prepared by Julee Quarve-Peterson. He stated funds have been appropriated for accessibility improvements at City Hall. d. Report on the use of phrases "person of irtanoral character" and "person of good moral character" in Chapters 601 and 602 of ihe Fridley City Code. Mr. Hunt stated Kay Tischler Erickson, Legal Intern, had reviewed these chapters. He handed out a memo to the Human Resources Commission on her findings. In the memo, Ms. Tischler Erickson stated that these terms were not defined in either the City Code or Minnesota Statutes. She stated the City may wish to add a definition or state "good moral character and repute, as required under Minnesota Statutes". Mr. Treuenfels stated Ms. Tischler Erickson's suggestion was satisfactory to him, and he would recorrmend that the words, "good moral character and repute, as required under Minnesota Statutes," 6e added to these chapters of the Code. Mr. Hunt stated the City has an ongoing plan for the continuing revision of the Code. There was going to be an ordinance to be passed at the next City Council meeting which would simply recodify the whole Cade. They are going to divide the Code into 3-4 sections, and every year review certain things, He stated that since this part of the Code has been brought up, he would bring it to the attention of the people involved to see if they feel this adjustment should be made. e. Consideration of the promotion of volunteerism among Fridley citizens Mr. 600dspeed stated that Mr. Minton had requested that his part of this item be continued untit the next meeting. Mr. Hunt handed out copies of a N 15, 1983, meeting report of a group called "Anoka County Human Servic: Network", He stated this project was started by Mary Cayan. He stated he went to the first meeting. Basically, what they are trying to do is get all the various human services groups together to try to make them more acquainted with what is going on. At t�is meeting, Anoka Couniy Human Services made a presentation. There were 30-40 people at the meeting from various agencies. HUHAN RE$OURCES COh�1IS5I0N MEETING, �ECEMBER 1 1983 PA6E 4 Mr. Hunt stated the next meeting of the Uolunteer Coalition will be held on Dec. 9 at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Hunt stated that sane months ago, the City Manager had asked him to look into having sidewalks shove7ed for elderly citizens and handicapped citizens. Mary Cayan made him aware of a program that will do yardwork and home maintenance tasks for e7derly and handicapped citizens at no expense. It is called Senior Home Maintenance Service and is provided to people in Anoka County who are over 60 or who are disabled. The citizens provide the toais and equipment necessary to do the work, and Anoka County Cortmunity Action Program provides the manpower. Mr. Hunt stated the City Manager had thought maybe the Boy Scouts would like to volunteer for a service like this. He stated they will be pub- 7icizing this service in the winter newsletter and on cable TV, MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by Mrs. Kocher, to continue discussion on vo unteerism at the next meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Goodspeed declared the motion carried unanimously. 2. NEW BUSINESS: a, No-Fault Grievance Cortunittee Mr. Treuenfels stated the next traini.ng session for tFie procedure will be on Jan. 14, 1984, at the Co�n Rapids would invite all comi�issioners to attend that training else interested should contact him so he can notify the Human Rights of how many people will be attending this ADJOURNMENT: No-Fauit Grievance City Hall. He session, Anyone State Dept. of training session. MOTION by Mr. Treuenfels, seconded by Mrs. Kocher, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vate, all voting aye, Chairperson Goodspeed declared the Dec. 1, 1983, Hur.ian Resources Cortmission meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully subm'tted, � ' � y Sa a Recording Secretary , o �. CALL TO ORDER: CITY Of FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 11, 1984 Chairwoman Schnabel called the January 11, 1984, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:37 p.m, ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. 5chnabel, Mr. Oquist, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Goodspeed Members Absent: Mr, Saba, Mr. Svanda Others Present: Jerrold Boardman, City Planner Allen Fehn, 1251 Hillwind Rd. Allen Singer, 1450 Rice Creek Rd. Carol Fassett, 1001 Lynde Dr. Janice & Charles Sheridan,1313 Hillwind Rd. Bob Aldrich, Fridley Fire Chief APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 7, 1983 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST� SO APPROVE THE DEC. 7� I983� PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES. Mr. Goodspeed made the following addition on page 6, between paragraphs 1 r: and 2: "Mr. Goodspeed asked how many parking stalls there were on the east side of the parking lot after the width was corrected." UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MINUTES APPROVED AS AMENDED. 1, PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT P.S. #83-01 S RN RIDGE ESTATES BY ALLEN FEHN: Being a replat of Part of Lots 1 an , u itor s Subdivision No. 94, and highway turnback property at the Northeast Quadrant of I-694 and TH 65 on Hillwind Road.(See public hearing notice for complete description.) MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO OPEN THE PUBLZC HEARIP7G ON PS #83-OI BY ALLEN FEHN, UPON A VOICE POSE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:4I P.M. Mr. Boardman stated there is a section of property that actually goes along the bottom of the hillside that was part of state right-of-way. That state right-of-way has all been turned back to+:to the City. The City is looking at turning back a portion of the state right-of-way that is now city right- of-way to the property owner making this entire section as buildable property. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 11 1984 PAGE 3 MOTION BY MR. OQUIST, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECOMMEND TO CZTY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF A PRELZMINRRY PLAT� P.S. N83-OI, WESTERN RIDGE ESTATES� BY ALLEN FEHN� BEING A REPLAT OF PRRTS OF LOTS I AND 2, RUDITOR"S SUBDIVISION NO. 94, RND HIGHWAY TURNBACK PROPERTY AT TXE NORTXEAST QUADRANT OF I-694 and TX 65 ON HILLWIND ROAD, WZTX THE FOLI.OWZNG STIPULATIONS: 1. 15 FT. DRAINAGE/UTILITY EASEMENT THAT GDES TXROUGH TXE CENTER OF THE PROPERTY WHERE THE EXISTING DRAINGE GOES. 2. 1U FT. SIAPE EASEMENT RLONG HILZh'IND ROAD FOR SNOk' STORAGE. 3. ANY IMPROVEMENT ON STORM SEWER THROUGX PROPERTY BE AT EXPENSE OF TNE DEVEIAPER. 4. STORM WRTER QUALITY AND QURNTZTY AGREEMENT WITH AAIACENT PROPERTY TO THE NORTH. 5. APPROVAL OF THE RICE CREEK WATERSNED DISTRZCT WITN ALL PLRNS FOR DRRINAGE COMZNG TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. 6. LIFT STRTION BE PLACE ZN SUCX R MENNER ON THE SZTE SO TNE CITY CAN LOOK FOR FUTURE GRAVITY FLAW TO THE NORTH. 7. PARK FEE REQUZREMENT. The petition, Mr. Fehn, was in agreement with these stipulations. , �i�'ON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAZRWOMAN SCXNRBEL DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. PUBLIC HEARIN6: REZONING REQUEST ZOA h`83-04 BY ALLEN fEHN: Rezone any part of Proposed Lot 1, Western Ridge Estates, to R-3 that is not already zoned R-3 (general multiple dwellings) as part of the Lot is zoned R-1 (one family dwellings) and R-2 (two family : dwellings) to allow the development of an 8 unit towohouse type of development; and rezone any part of proposed Lot 2, Western Ridge Estates to R-2 (two family dwellings)tft�t is not already zoned R-2 (part of the lot is zoned R-1 (one family dwellings) for an existing double bungalow at 1250 Hillwind Road (See public hearing notice for complete legal description). MOTION BY MR, KQNDRZC!(� SECQVDED BY MS, GABEL� TO OPEN TXE PUBLIC HEARING ON ZOA �183-04 BY RLLEN�FEHN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING A1�� CXRIRGIOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARSNG OPEN AT 8;51 p,M, Mr. Boardman stated that, essentially, what they are trying to do with this request is clean up the zoning so it is contiguous with the lot lines. Ms. Schnabel asked Mr. Fehn to outline what he was proposing. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 11 1984 PA6E 5 Mr. Charles Sheridan, 1313 Hillwind Rd., stated he was concer�ed that with the rezoning to R-3, they would be opening the door to more R-3 developments in this area. As far as traffic, it is going to make it more difficult because they are in a closed area and it is a hard area to get in and out of. There is already a terrible traffic problem. Ms. Carol fassett, 1001 Lynde Dr., stated that if the land is rezoned to R-3, Mr. Fehn is proposing a total of 8 units. With the square footage of the property, how many units would be possible? Mr. Boardman stated that with the square footage, Mr. Fehn could put in a total of 12 units. If the land remained R-2, he could put in 6 units. Ms. Schnabel asked when Mr. Fehn proposed starting construction. Mr. Fehn stated that if all the requests are approved, he hoped to start construction in the spring. The financial situation looks favorable. Ms. Schnabel asked Mr. Fehn if he planned to construct all the units at one time or was he going to do a phase at a time? Mr. Fehn stated he would like to have that flexibility. He hoped to be able to do it all at one time, but if he would have to do it in segments, fie would like that option. Hopefully, it would all be completed in 1984. Ms. Schnabel stated the comment was made that there would be the potential in the future for selling the units off as condominiums. She asked Mr. Boardman how that would be handled in terms of the land itself. Mr. Boardman stated that generally a condominium plat is a plat that is submitted directly to the county. There would be an association. The lot underneath the units is not split, just the units themselves are split. So, all the land, including the land under the buildings, is owned commonly by the association. Ms. Schnabel asked if it was possible to split the units into townhouses. Mr. Boardman stated it was possible. There would have to be a replat, because there would be a splitting of land for townhouses, and there are variance requirements. It would still require an association. Ms. Fassett stated that a couple of years ago, there was a proposal before the Planning Commission for an apartment complex behind the swamp back on the hill. At that time, the neighborhood decided that what they could live with in that area, because of the density of rental units already in this area, was owner-occupied multiple dwelling units. She realized the units proposed by Mr. Fehn were going to be high quality, b�t sfie wanted to register some concern about tfiese units being rental units. She would be much more comfortable if Mr. Fehn was building the units to sell. She stated she lived right on the corner by the apartment buildings, and there are a lot of traffic problems, children problems, and other problems associated with living next door to an apartment building and the density of it. She stated she had talked to some of her neighbors and this was the concern that came from the neighborhood. PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 11, 1984 PAGE 7 MOTION BY MR. GOOD SPEED, SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF REZONZNG REQUEST, ZOA N 83-04, BY ALLEY FEHN, TO REZONE ANY PART OF PROPOSED ZOT 1, WESTERN RIDGE ESTATES, TO R-3 THAT IS NOT RLRERDY ZONED R-3 (GENERAL MULTIPLE Dk'ELLING� RS PART OF THE 7AT IS ZONED R-1 (ONE FAMZLY DWELLZNG$ AND R-2 (TWO FAMILY DWELLINGS) to a11ow the development of an 8-•UNIT TOWNXOUSE TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: AND REZONE ANY PART OF PROPOSED IAT 2i WESTERN RIDGE ESTATES, TO R-,2 (TWO FAMILY LWELLINGSJ TXRT IS NOT ALREADY ZONED R-2 (PART OF THE IS ZONED R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLINGS) FOR AN EXZSTING WUBLE BUNGAI.OW AT 2252 HILLWZND ROAD, WITX NO STZPULATIONS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG RYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. Mr. Boardman said these minutes would be going to the City Council on January 23rd and the Council would set the public hearing for February 27th. 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. N83-06, BY ALLEN E. SIN6ER: Split off the asterly 13 feet of Lots 1- 15, except that part platted as Heather Hills, including adjacent 1/2 of alley, now vacated, along with vacated Colfax Street as platted, now vacated, along with the Westerly 27.26 feet of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 22, except that part platted as Rice Creek Estates 2nd Addition, and except Parcel 1860 and 1870, to make a new building site, the same being 1490 Rice Creek Road N.E., located between 1450 and 1500 Rice Creek Road N.E. Mr. Boardman stated the petitioner is requesting to split off the easterly portion of the property into two lots, one lot would be 74 ft, wide and the other lot vrould he 73 ft. wide. The lots are very deep, 230 ft. and 215 ft. Mr. Singer is also going through the variance process on the width of the lots from 75 ft. to 74 ft, and 73 ft. He stated the lot split will not be established until the variances are granted. He stated one stipu- lation should be that all three new lots must be recorded at Anoka County before permits are issued, Another stipulation would 6e for a 15 ft. bikewayJwalkway easement along Rice Creek Road. MOTION BY MR, pQUIST� SECONDED BY MR, GA7DSPEED� TO RECCUIMEND TO CITY COUNCIL RPPRpVAL OF IAT SPLZT REpUEST� L.S. N83-06, BY ALLEN E, SINGER� TO SPLZT OFF TNE EASTERLY Z3 FEET OF LpTS Z- I5, EXCEPT THAT pART pLpTTED AS XEATHER HILLS� INCLUDING ADJACENT 1/2 OF ALLEY� NIX7 VACRTED� ALONG WITH VACATED COLFAX STREET AS PLATTED� NO47 VACATED� ALONG WSTH THE WESTERLY 27.26 FEET OF LOT 10� AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO, 22� EXCEPT THAT PART pLATTED 11S RICE CREEK ESTRTES 2ND ADDITION� AND EXCEpT PARCEL 1860 AND I870� Tp MF1KE A NEW BUILDING SITE� THE S.9Ag BEING 1490 RICE CREEK ROAD N.E.� LOCATED BETG7EEN 1450 AND 1500 RICE CREEK ROAD N.E.� 47ITH THE FOLL0G7ING STIpULATZONS: I. 15 FT, BIKEWAY/WRLKWRY ERSEMENT ALONG RICE CREEK ROAD 2. PARIC FEE 3. ALL THREE LpTS MUST 3E RECORDED AT ANOKR COUNTY BEFORE 11Ny PERMITS ARE ISSUED. UPON A YOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCEIAABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNAflIMOUSLY, Mr. Boardman stated this request and the variance request would go to City Council on Feb. 6. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 11 1984 PAGE 9 Mr. Aldrich stated that brings them to where they are now. He could perhaps go back to the City Council and get a second reading on Appendix E which is even more restrictive than is necessary in the City of Fridley, The reason they are looking at the Zoning Code as the place to carry this particular standard is because it is a rather broad spectrum ordinance that deals with the general health, safety, and welfare of the community and also sets standards in other areas of construction so, at least in his opinion, there is a nominal and coincidental link between building construction standards in the Zoning Code. Mr. Aldrich stated that after discussing this with some other staff people in the City and Mr. Qureshi, City Manager, and in keeping with his own feelings that Appendix E is more restrictive than is necessary, they felt the best way was to put this in the Zoning Code. The procedure for Zoning Code amendments require that they be handled through the Planning Commission with a public hearing, Mr. Aldrich stated there are 2-3 areas that carry a lot of impact as far as he was concerned, One of the chief areas is that by sprinkling a building, you increase the safety factor for fire fighters markedly, reduce the risks for them, and that is a very important aspect. Mr. Aldrich stated another think that is equally important to the community as a whole is that with the adoption of a requirement that builders and developers assume some of the burden of fire protection in their own right as opposed to making it a puhlic burden all the way, they can limit to a high degree the resource commitment of the community, as far as providing fire protection, He would suggest he could probably get by with 1/8 of the fire department personnel he has now if he had nothing more to protect than single family residences. So, it does have an economic impact upon the community as a whole and makes the job a lot safer for those who do it. Mr. Aldrich stated they feel that what they are proposing really strikes a happy medium. He felt the benefits to the comnunity as a whole far outweighed the disadvantages to the individual huilder. As fire chief, his primary role was to do what was in the best interests of the greatest number of people in the cort�nunity. He stated Brooklyn Center and Plymouth are even more restrictive than the state and it has not hampered development in those two cortrnunities. Ms. Gabel stated she did not feel the members of the Planning Cormnission were knowledgeable enough to argue with what Mr. Aldrich was recommending. She stated she respected what he did, She had a lot of faith in his recommendation, and if he felt this was in the best interests of the people of fridley, she was comfortable with that recommendation. Ms. Schnabel agreed and stated that with some of the new construction that is going on like motels and hotels, she felt it was important to have something like Mr, Aldrich was proposing. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JAP�UARY 11, 1984 PAGE 10 Mr. Aldrich stated that if the members of the Planning Comnission ever had any questions, they were to feel free to call him at the office, Ms. Schnabel thanked Mr. Aldrich for coming to the meeting and explaining this. It had been very interesting. Mr. Boardman reviewed the remaining recommended changes to Cfiapter 205. He stated that all of the other changes were clean-up changes for better clarification. MOTION BY MR. OQUZST� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRZCK, TO CLOSE THE PUBLZC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMRN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RT 10:26 P.M. MOTION BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY iII2, GOOASPEED� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCZL RPPROVAL OF A�PROP0.5ED ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE ENTITLED "ZQ*7ING" BY ADDING SECTION 205.048� FIRE PROTECTION REQUIR& MENTS� AND MAKING SOME CHANGES IN SECTIONS 205.044� 205,046, 205.073� 205,074, 205.086, 205.121, 205.131, 205,141, 205.I51, 205.161, 205,181 AND 205.I82. UPON A VOZCE VOTE� RLL VOTIN6 AYE� CHRIRWOMAN SCHNA9EL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE__NOVEMBER 29, 1983, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTZON BY MR, OQUIST� SECONDED BY MR, KONDRZCK� TO RECEIVE NOV. 29� 1983� ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOZCE VOTE,RLL VOTSNG AYE, CHAIRF70MAN SCHNRBEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAAIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE DECEMBER 1, 1983, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSIOP� MINUTES: MOTION BY MR, GOODSPEED� SEQ7NDED BY MR, OQUZST� 21� RECEZVE THE DEC. 1� 1983� HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSZAY HZNUTES. UPOIJ A VOICE S�OTE, RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT• MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY lq2. OQUIST� TO AA70URN THE MEETING. UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE JAN. 11� 2984� PLANNING COMMISSIQ'J MEETING AA70URNED AT I0:45 P.M. Respectfully su iitted, � �� yn Sa a Recording Secretary ` PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 11 1984 PAGE 8 �. MOTZON BY MR. GOODSPEED� SECbNDED BY MR. KONDRICK� Sb OPEN TNE PUBLZC HEARZNG. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWOMAN SCfINABEL DECLARED THE P(TBLZC HEARZNG OPEN AT 9:22 P.M. Mr. Bob Aldrich, Fire Chief for the City of Frid7ey, ground information might be helpful to the Planning standing why they are proposing to put what appears feature in the Zoning Code. stated some back- Co�nission in under- to be a construction Mr. Aldrich stated that prior to 1980 when the 5tate of Minnesota adopted the 79 Building Code which was a mini/maxi code (meaning they could not be any less than or any greater than the code), they had a feature in their local ordinances that treated building codes that set certain limits that were defined as fire limits,and within those limits, they had some rather restrictive controls on the size of commercial, industrial, and,multiple dwelling buildings. With the adoption of the code in 1980, the State knocked out the ability of local governments to incorporate fire limits as part of the building code; and in doing so, they knocked out a considerabte degree of fire protection requirements the City had, going almost back to 1965 when he worked with the code. Mr. Aldrich stated there has been a considerable amount of agitation throughout the state by fire service people and himself in that they did not feel the State should pre-empt local units of government from deter- mining what levels uf fire protection the community should accept. That was the opinion of most of the fire chiefs in the state. Mr. Aldrich stated that after a lot of pressure from the fire service, they were able to get the State to acquiesce and develop a,document that is known as Appendir. E, which is primarily a sprinkler ordinance. Once again, the State did the same thing, they presumed to tell local units of government that they either buy it all or not buy any of it at all. Mr. Aldrich stated he took Appendix E before the City Council. They had their first reading on it, and the City Council and City Administration asked him to look through the community seeking input. He stated he did this, primarily through the Chamber of Commerce. He stated Appendix E is considerably more restrictive than what he is proposing they put in the Zoning Code now. He stated two comments were received, and both comments were cleared up after explaining the standards. The concerns primarily dealt wiih retroactivity. and there isn't a retroactive feature per se in Appendix E. There is a retroactive feature in Section 205,048 which they are proposing be added to the Zoning Code. PLRNNING COhaIISSION MEETING, JANUARY 11, 1984 PAGE 6 Mr. Kondrick stated he felt one thing that will come into play with this is that it is going to cost a lot to build those units. Ms. Janet Sheridan, 1313 Hillwind Rd., stated it seemed they fiad their share of rental units in this area as compared to other areas in Fridley. Ms. Schnabel stated she realized the biggest drawback in this area was the intersection at Old Central/Highway 65/Hackmann. Mr. Boardman stated the City Council fias channeled some CDBG monies to do traffic studies on that intersection, along with several other intersections. There will be a major traffic analysis and recommendations from a consulting firm. Ms. Schnabel stated the Planning Corronission would like to have a chance to review that traffic analysis when it is done. MOTICYJ BY NR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY l�. OpUIST� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ZOA N83-04 BY ALLEN FEXN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SQINRBEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARiNG CLOSED AT 8:50 P.M. , Mr. Goodspeed stated he had heard a lot of concern about more renters in this neighborhood. As he understood it, a person can rent out a unit no matter what the zoning, R1, R2, or R3. He stated that if the P7anning Commission approved this zoning, was the rezoning contingent upon the plan presented by Mr. Fehn? Mr. Boardman stated it is sometimes done that way. Just a rezoning itself does not necessarily restriGt property to a development. What the City Council has done in the past is to have the first and second reading on the rezoning, but they will not publish the actual rezoning until the building permit is applied for. Ms. Schnabel asked if the Planning Comnission could approve the rezoning contingent upon this specific proposal. • Mr. Boardman stated they could put stipulations on the rezoning if they chose to do so, but he did not know if there were any legal ramifications at some point down the line if the petitioner did not develop the property as proposed. Mr. Kondrick stated the property is such that the developer is pretty limited as to what can actually be built there. Mr. Goodspeed stated the area they are talking about for rezoning is a very small area compared to the larger picture. He stated there was also the correnent about traffic. Regardless of what development goes in there, there is going to be just as much traffic, whether rental traffic or homeowner traffic. He stated he was in favor of the rezoning. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 11, 1984 PAGE 4 Mr. Fehn stated he is asking for a rezoning to R-3 to clean up the zoning in order to facilitate the development of a townhouse-type development for rental application. In the R-3, he is proposing a double bungalow and then three other structures, essentially six units tied together. In order to get the units built into the hill, get a road around the back, put in water and sewer, and make this project a financially viable situation, he is asking for this type of rezoning. In order to accommodate townhouses, he has to be in R-3. If it remained R-2 zoning and he relegated the develppment to double bungalows, it would not made any sense economically. Mr. Fehn stated the double bungalow would be of the same quality as the one he is living in. The rental unit he presently has rents for $650/month, The other units will rent for approximately the same price. He has to have high quality, high rental units, in order to facilitate the cost of the units and to facilitate the number of units he is proposing. Mr. Kondrick asked about the square footage per floor in the townhouses. Mr. Fehn stated per floor, there would be about 600 sq, ft., 1200 sq, ft. of rental with the two floors plus the garage unit below plus storage. Total for a11 three levels was 1.800 �o_ ft. The double bunaalow would have a slightly different configuration. That 2-story building would be comparable in size to the existing one which is about 1,100 sq.•ft. of living space plus garage. Ms. Gabel asked if any variances were needed on the northerly corner. Mr. Boardman stated that Mr. Fehn will be going through a variance process also. Those variance requests will be going through the appeals process and all requests will go to the City Council at the same time. Mr, Fehn stated he is also proposing an underground storage/maintenance structure, 35 ft. x 40 ft., in the northeast corner. The entrance to that building will face west. Ms. 6abe1 asked why Mr. Fehn was proposing a double bungalow instead of just making continuous townhouse units, Mr. Fehn stated there is a culvert coming across from the freeway that pre- determines what he can do with the property. It provides a drainage easement between the two properties. Ms. Schnabel asked about drainage around the units. Mr. Fehn stated that was a difficult of this project because of the steep to take care of the drainage. problem and one of the costly aspects hill. He stated they do have a plan Mr. Boardman stated this will require Rice Creek Watershed District approval. Ms. Schnabel asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to make any cortments. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JANUARY 11 1984 PAGE 2 Mr. Boardman stated there is a proposa] for the splitting off of the property and making all the section from R-2 all the way up and including the City right-of-way as a buildable project. He stated Mr. Fehn is not only requiring the preliminary plat, but is also requesting a rezoning (item 2), Mr. Boardman stated the proposal Mr. Fehn is requesting is for 8 townhouse- type rental units side by side with access to Hillwind Road and under-unit parking, It will all be done on one lot. There are no individual lots so it is not a townhouse development. He is doing it this way for the eventual possibility of splitting off for condominiums. Mr. Boardman stated Mr. Fehn was in the audience. Mr, fehn stated they have a very complicated situation here. He stated it is a very difficult piece of property because of the turnback aod R7, R2, and R3 zoning. He would like to deve7op it in a manner so that it becomes a viable piece of property for the City and for himself. He stated he is proposing to the City of Fridley that if they will turn a portion of the turnback to him, he will develop it. He stated he also owns the existing double bungalow on Parcel C. Mr, Fehn s�ated the problem with the property in Parcels B and C is that it is all on a hill. There is no sewer available to this area. There is water coming down on Hillwind Road, and they can extend electrical and gas from the house he owns. He is proposing to put in the proper sewer structures to facilitate the constr.uction he is proposing, Mr. Fehn stated the property the City now owns is somewhat possible to build on if it is tied in with the other parcels, The property would �e used to facilitate a driveway in from Hillwind Road to these buildings. He stated the buildings wi11 be built into the side of the hill. They will be 3-story buildings--garage on the bottom level, living quarters on �he second level, and bedrooms on the third level, MOTION BY MR. GOODSPEED� SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST� SO CLO5E THE PUBLIC HEARINC ON P,5, #83-OI BY ALLEN FEHN. UPON R VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNRBEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIA5ED AT B:OZ P.M. Ms, Schnabel asked Mr. Boardman when the City would make the decision on whether or not to release the turnback property. Mr. Boardman stated this will all be considered by the City Council at one time. When the City Council is considering the preliminary plat, rezoning, etc., they will also be considering the turnback release. Mr. Oquist stated he thought the replat was a viable thing in order to make a buildable plat.