PL 06/06/1984 - 6836City of Fridley AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, �UNE 6, 1984 CALL 70 ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MAY 23, 1984 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #84-10, BY MARY ERICKSON: Per Section 205.24.4, D, of Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a detached garage, 24 ft. by 32 ft., in CRP-2 zoning (flood fringe), on Lots 34, 35, 36, Block Y, Riverview Heights, the same being 650 Ely Street N.E. 2. TABLED: LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #84-05, BY JOHN HITCHCOC Split off the Southerly 84 feet of Lot 8 H, Second Revise Auditor's Subdivision No. 21, to make a new building site at 953 Mississippi Street N.E. (Other lot will be changed to 6530 Oakley Drive N.E.) 3, LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �i84-07, BY BRANDON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Aplit Lot 5, block 4, City Uiew, in Half and add one half to Lot, and one half to Lot 6, to make two hesidential sites, the same being 41i and 415 57th Place N. E. 4. RECEI 1984 5. RECEI 1984 6. RECEI TY MAY. 14 7. RECEIVE ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MAY 22, 1984 8. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: M{lY 29, 1984 R-1 property- these items do not go to Council 9. OTHER BUSIKESS: A. Next Planning Cortrcnission meeting June 20, 1984 ADJOURNMENT: 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - 11 12 - 16 . 17"--19 20 - 23 WHITE GREEN GOLDENROD (no blue paper) ORCHID YELLOW (at meeting) CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMI55ION MEETING, MAY 23, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the May 23, 1984, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. Schnabel. Mr. Oquist. Ms. Gabel, Mr. Nielson, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Saba Meiabers Absent: Mr. Minton Otliers Present: Jim Robinson. Planning Specialist 6ordon Christenson, Redeemer Lutheran Church Greg Shuster, Station 19 Architects Richard Green, 901 132nd Lane N.E.� Blaine John Hitchcock, 905 97t1i Lane N.E., Blaine Annette Poeschel, 1441 73rd Ave. N.E. Gladys Sorum, 411 Mississippi St. N.E. Brenda & Clinton Tibbetts. 421 Mississippi St. N.E. Nels Johnson, 6456 Riverview Terrace APPROVAL OF MAY 9, 1984, PLANNING COr4MISSION MINUTES: NOTZON BY MR. KLYJDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO APPROVE THE MAY 9� 1980� planning rnmmission minutes. Mr. Saba stated that on page ]6, paragraph 5, last line, "CR-1" should be changed to "R-3". UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIR4TOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TNE MIt7UTE5 APPROVED AS AMENDED. Ms. Schnabel stated that since one of the Planning Canmission members had to leave the meeting early and since al7 the member comnission had selected their officers for 1984-85, the Planning Comnission should hold their election now for vice-chairperson. 1. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRPERSOH OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR 1984=85: Chairwoman Schnabel declared the nominations open for vice-chairperson. MOTION BY PQ2, KONDRICK, SECONDED BY !!S. GABEL, TO NOMZNRTE LEROY OQUZST FOR VICE-CAAIRPERSON. Hearing no other nominations, Chairwoman Schnabel dec7ared the naninations closed. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 23 1984 PAGE 2 � MOTION BY MS. GRBEL� SEC4NDED BY MR. SRBA� TO CAST A UNANIMOUS BALLOT FOR LEROY OQUIST FOR VSCE-CfIAIRPERSON OF THE PLANNZNG COMMI55SQV FOR I984-85. UPON A YOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING RYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRZED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARIN6: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #84-08 EUEEMER LUTHER N CHURCH: Per Section 05.0 .1, , B, to a low the a�tion o a new e owship f�all and remodeling for the handicapped, on Lot 2, Block 6, Edgewater Gardens, the same being 67 Mississippi Way N.E. MOTION BY MR. OpUZST� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO OPEN THE PfIBLIC NEARING ON SP N84-08 BY REDEEMER LUTHERAN CNURCN. UPON R YOICE VOTE� ALL YOTING AYE, CNAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated Redeemer Lutheran Church was located on Mississippi just east of Hickory St. It was a combination church and school. It was surrounded by R-1 properties except for a city park on the east. He stated Redeemer Lutheran Church was proposing a multi-use facility which would be added on to the west of the existing facility. It would involve the removal of a portion of the existing structure. It also called for the removal of approximately 16 parking stalls. Mr. Robinson stated Staff had the following concerns: 1. There be an approved landscape plan (Redeemer Lutheran Church has agreed to do landscaping.) 2. The finish of the new building be compatible with the existing building (which is brick) and in harmony with the residential character of the neighborhood. 3. Special use permit subject to approval of Rice Creek Watershed District and City En9ineering requirements (Redeemer Lutheran Church is in the process of getting Rice Creek Watershed District approval.) 4. Assurance that programming of activities will not create added parking demands which would cause an on-street parking problem. (He believed this problem had been rectified by a change in programning� Mr. Robinson stated Redeemer Lutheran Church has 259 existing parking stalls and they will be removing 16 stalls. By city code, they would require approx. 200 stalls. So, by code, Redeemer Lutheran Church has an abundance of parking. Mr. Greg Shuster, Station 19 Architects, stated he has been working with Redeemer Lutheran Church on this project for several years. He stated Mr. Robinson had sumned up the project very well. He stated the church started out with a wood-frame chapel. A sub-grade, partially below grade addition, was added on to the original chapel in 1952. That was followed PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 23 1984 PA6E 3 by a sanctuary addition in 1959 and finaily a two-story education addition in 1963. Presently, there are four levels within the existing structure. There is an upper and lower level through the sanctuary� and the rest of the facility has an upper and lower level which matches up with the education area. He stated the existing fellowship hal] is on the lower level. Mr. Shuster stated they plan to actually demolish a majority of the existing structure and add somewhat to the square footage of that parti- cular pari of the facility. Along with that, there is some adjacent existing kitchen area they hope to update and the addition of sane bathrooms and showers off the gymnasium/fellowship ha11. Mr. Shuster stated they are also hoping to add sane accessibility in terms of a handicapped multi-level lift that would make it possible to move from the four different levels. Right now, that is limited by the present state code which allows a lift to only travel a maximum of 54". The State is presently looking at adopting a new ANSII code that would allow the travel to be increased up to 12 ft. That may not occur in time for this project, but they will at least be able to provide sane accessibility down to the fellowsi�ip hall within the present code. Mr. Shuster stated the church presently has a nice landscaping type of buffer with relatively large mature trees, especially along Hickory St. and some nice,newly planted trees along the north side. The one thing the church really had not done is sane landscaping pertaining more to the church than to the neighbors. The present project proposes to create a green space along the north side of the existing facility and the interior courtyard. Mr. Shuster stated the church presentl.y has a fellowshi� ha11 at thP lowar level below the existing sanctuary. It is really a displacement of that with an area that is going to be more multi-use, and that use is not intended for any purpose such as adding to sanctuary space. The present sanctuary is very adequate at this time. Mr. Kondrick stated one of Staff's concerns was that the finish of the new building be compatible with the existing building. What plans has the church made to do that: Mr. Gordon Christenson, 184 Pearson Way N.E., stated he was Co-chairman of the Building Canmittee and a member of the church, He was also a land sur- veyor. Ne stated they have looked at all types of different materials, but because of budget problems and constraints, they are presently looking at a precast concrete exterior. They are looking at the possibility of changing that to brick, but he could not make a cortnitment at this time. They woutd like to go with brick if it is economically feasible. Ms. Gabel asked if Mr, Christenson would te11 why the church feels they need this addition, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 23, 1984 PAGE 4 Mr. Christenson stated the existing facility was built in 1952, and he thought possibly that structure was built with the intention of eventually building on a second story. He stated they have been planning for years to do sanething about this structure. It is kind of rundown� and they have probTems with the roof. It is very limited in size as to what it can be used for. It has been called the youth room for a number of years. He stated they have been in the planning process since 1978. Their present fellowship hall below the sanctuary is restricted in size for larger group gatherings. By taking care of the problem of the 1952 structure, they can make a space that is much more usable. They plan to use the addition as a multi-use facility--a feilowship ha11/gymnasium. At the same time, they are adding some classrooms and making the building barrier-free, Ms. Schnabel asked about the fenced-in area at the back of the building where there were some school buses and sane �ther equipment. Where will all that be going? Mr. Christenson stated there are two school buses, a trailer, and a small utiltty shed, They are making no provisions in the project to have that equipment on site. In some manner when construction starts, they will make provisions off-site for those buses and equipment. Mr. Christenson stated the church did invite all the neighbors to the church on Monday night to show them the plans and discuss the proposed project. He stated only one person came. He stated he wanted the Commission members to know that the church did make this effort and basically got no response from the neig6borhood. Ms. Schnabe7 stated she would have a problem with making a strict regulation on the exterior of the building, especially when cost factors are involved. She thought the Planning Comnission's major concern was that the exterior be compatible with the existing facility and the neighborhood. The Planning Carrnission members agreed with Ms. Schnabel. Ms. Schnabel stated she was glad to see that the church would be putting in some green space on the north side of the church, MOTION BY MS. GRBEL� SECpNDED BY MR. SABA� TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC NEARZNG ON SP 1184-08 BY REDEEMER LUTH$RAN CHURCH. DPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRh'OMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC XEARING CLQSED AT 8:06 P.M. PLANNIt�G Cah{MISSION MEETIhG MAY 23 1984 PAGE 5 NOTION BY 1�2, SABA� SEGbNDED BY l�t. OQUZST� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CONSZDERATZON OF A 5PECZAL USE PERMIT� SP N8a-08� BY REDEEMER LUTXERAN CHURCH� PER SECTZON 205.O7.S� 3, j8)� TO ALZAW THE ADDITZON OF A NEW FELLOWSXIP NALL AND REMODELSNG fl�R THE AANDZCAPPED� AN ZOT 2� BLOCK 6� EDGEWATER GARDENS� THE SAME BEZNG 61 MISSISSIPPI WAY N.E.� WITX TXE FOLLOWING STIPULATICYJS: 1. TfIERE BE AN APPROVED LANASCAPE pLAN, ?. THE FSNISH OF NEW BUILDING SHOULD BE COhfPATIBLE WITH TNE EXSSTING BUILDING AND IN SARMONY WZTH THE RESIDENTZAL CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORNOOD. 3. SPECZAL USE PERMZT BE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF TNE RZCE CREEK WATERSNED DISTRIC2 RND CZTY ENGINEERING REpUIREMENTS, UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHRZRFIOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on June 4. 2, PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. #84-04, PLAZA ENTER DD TION, BY RID SIN EDE R Y: eing a replat of Blocks , 2, 3, 4 an 5, Ree s A ition to Fri ley Park, including all vacated streets and alleys, and that part of the West half of the Northeast Nalf of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, lying between Lot 2 and 3, Block 1, and lying Northerly of said Block 2, which includes all of the property between University Avenue and Sth Street, South of Mississippi Street, down to, but not including the Fridley Bank Property. MO!'ION BY MR. KLN'DRICX, SECONDED BY BR. OpUIST� TO plEN THE pUBLIC HEARZNG ON PS k86-04� PLAZA CENTER ADDITZON� BY FRIDLEH NOUSZNG 6 REDEVELOPMENT AUSHORITY. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CXAZRWOMRN SCNNABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC XEARING OPEN RT 8:20 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this was basically housekeeping for the HRA. The plat would take in all the property from the northerly property line of the Fridley State Bank to Mississippi St. and bounded by University Ave. on the west and 5th St. on the east. The new plat allowed for the Fridley Plaza Clinic, future expansion of the clinic, new alignment of the roadway,the plaza, the office building, City Hall, future development of Target. as welt as future expansion of Target, and possible future joint parking arrangements with Target. Ms. Gladys 5orum, 411 MississiDpi St., stated she lived across from the Fridley Library, She stated this was a very big parking lot to look at, and there will be a lot of additional traffic. Will there be any kind of barrier along Mississippi St.? Mr. Robinson stated there will be large trees along Mississippi St., a bike- way/walkway easement, and then about 20-25 ft. of bermed green space. The parking lot will also be sunk down a little to soften the visual impact of the parking lot fran the street and the neighborhood, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 23, 1984 PA6E 6 3. Mr. Saba stated it was his understanding also that there will be an overlap of shifts at Target. so all the traffic will not be caning in and going out of the parking lot at the same time. Ms. Brenda Tibbetts, 421 Mississippi St., stated she would like to express her concern about the traffic on Mississippi, She stated that recently a child was hit on 5th St, caning out onto Mississippi. 5he stated that with all this new development, she would like to see some consideration given for the heavy traffic at Mississippi & 5th St., possibly with a stop sign at Mississippi St. and 5th St, Mr, Saba stated this was a very valid concern, especially with the bikeway/ walkway along the parking lot and children riding their bikes and crossin9 Mississippi to get to the new comnunity park. Mr, Robinson stated a he would bring up this as part of the study. traffic study is being made of this area, He stated traffic concern so it is taken into consideration MOTZON BY 1NR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY 1�42. SABA� TO CLOSE SHE PUBLIC HEARING ON PS 884-04� PLAZA CENTER ADDZTION� BY FRIDLEY HOUSING 6 REDEVELOPHENT AUTNORITY. UPON A VOICE [�pTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECIAREb THE PUBLIC XEARING CIASED AT 8:25 P.M. MOTSON .BY NR. KONDRSCK� SECCYJDED BY MR. OpUIST, SO RECOMMEND TO CZTY COUNCZL APPROVAL OF CANSZDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT, P.S. M80-04, PLAZA CENTER ADDZTION� BY FRIDLEY XOUSINC. 6 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY� BEZNG A REPLAT OF BIACKS ,I� 2� 3, Q AND 5� REE�S ADDITION TO FRIDLEY PRRX, INCLUDING ALL VACATED STREETS AND ALIEYS� AND THAT PART OF THE WESS HALF OF TXE NORTHEAST HALF' OF TXE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 24� LYING BETWEEN LOT 2 AND 3, BLOCK I� AND LYING NORTXERLY OF SAID HZOCK Z� WHICH INCLUDES RLL OF TNE PROPERTY BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AVEHUE AND STN STREET� SOUTH OF MZSSISSIPPI STREET� DOWN TO� BUT NOT INCLUDING THE FRIDLEY BW7K pROPERTY. UPLW A YDICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHRII&'pMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMQUSLY. �� T KILHHKU t. �Kttn: rer �ecz�on zu�,ia,i, s, u, or tne rriaiey t;ity �oae, to a ow a repair garage on Lot 1, Block 1, Target Addition, the same being 765 53rd Avenue N,E. (See Appeals minutes of 5/15 for variance) MOTZON BY MR. OpUISS� SECONDED BY MR. KONDR7CK� 1YJ OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP k84-09, BY RICXARD E. GREEN. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECIARED THE PUBLZC 9ERRING OPEN AT B:27 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 23, 1984 PAGE 7 Mr. Robinson stated this proposal was for a repair garage on property presently owned by Dayton-Hudson. The property was zoned C-3; and because this was for a repair garage, it required a special use permit. All the surrounding zoning was comnercial. He stated that on May 15th, the Appeals Comnissi�n approved variances to reduce the lot size from 35,000 sq, ft, to 22,171 sq. ft.. to reduce the required front yard setback from 80 ft, to 66 ft.. and to reduce ihe required rear yard setback from 40 ft. to 10 ft. Mr, Robinson stated Staff had the following concerns: 1. An approved landscape plan. 2. A manageable slope must be ]eft on the east side of the lot not greater than 3:7. 3. If bad soils are found. petitioner must provide soil alteration plan which includes protection of car wash property. 4. Petitioner must agree to have no outside storage of cars or parts at any time. 5. Require that operation manage their used oil or other hazardous waste through appropriate means. 6. An approved drainage plan be required for building permit. Mr. Oquist stated there was a former Precision Tune on Silver Lake Road. It is now just a garage, and there are a lot of cars sitting around all the time. If this special use permit is granted to Precision Tune. and for some reason, the use changes to a plain repair garage, what happens to the special use permitY Wou1d the special use permit be issued to the owner and if� for some reason� orecision Tune moved� the special use permit would then expire? Mr, Robinson stated that was correct. The petitioner� Mr. 6reen, stated there was another guarantee that this would not happen, He stated Target reserves the right to approve any future business owner. Mr. Green stated the only chan9e ta this request was they may not have the drive-through bay as previously planned because of energy considerations. Mr. Oquist stated that wi#hout the drive-through bay, they may not have ar.y trouble with the slope on the east side. Ms. Schnabel asked about the poor soil conditions. Mr. Green stated they have not had any soil tests taken� but they are reasonably certain the soii is quite poor. If necessary� they will go with pilings. The excavating companies he has talked to feel they can excavate without endangering the car wash property. Ms. Schnabel stated she thought the number of parking sta175 was a little excessive for just three bays and the rapid repair turnover. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 23 1984 PAGE 8 MOTION BY MR. SABR� SECQVDED BY lIIt. ODUIST��TI� CIASE TNE PUBLIC HEARSNG ON SP M84-09 BY RZCHARD S. GREEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VC)TING AYE� CNRZItH'OMAN SCHNABEL �CIARED TXE Pl7BLZC HEARING CLQSED AT 8:42 P.X. MOTION BY 1�2. ICONDRZCK� SECUNDED BY J�i. SABA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCZL APpROVAL OF CONSIDERATZON OF A SPECZAL USE PERMZT� SP M84-09� BY gICHARD E, GREEN, PER SECIICW �05.15,1� 3� D, OF THE FRIDLEY CZTY CODE, 2'O ALLOW R REPAIR GARACE ON Z�0'1' L, BLUCK 1� TARGET RDDITZON� TXE SAME BEZNC 765 53RD AVENUE N.E., WITX THE FOLIAWING STIPULATIpNS: I. TNERE BE AN APPROVED LANDSCRPE PLAN. 2, A MANAGEABLE SIAPE MUST BE SEFT ON THE EAST SIDE OF TXE LOT NO GItEATER THAN 3:2. 3. IF BAD SOSIS ARE FOUND� PETITZONER MUST PROVIDE SOIL ALTERATION pLAN WNZCX ZNCLUDES PROTECTION OF CAR WASH PROP£RTY. 4. PETITIONER MUST AGREE 1�0 HAVE NO OUTSZDE STI�RAGE OF CARS OR PARTS AT ANY TIME. 5. REQUIRE THAT OPERATION �fANAGE TfIEIR USED OSL OR OTXER HAZARDOUS WASTE THROUGH APPROPRZA� MEANS. 6. AN APPROVED AFtAINAGE PLAN BE REQUIRED !�R BUILDZNG PERMZT. 7. SPECIAL USE PERNIT �-ZF^L^'D iL� THC PROP£RTY OWNLR AND NO'l BE TRANFERABLE WITHOUT APPROVAL OF TNE CITY OF FRZDLEY. UPON A VOZCE VOTE� 7lLL VOTZNG AYE� CXAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated the special use permit request, along with the variances, would go to City Council on June 4. (Mr. Oquist left the meeting at 8:45 P.M.) 4. LOT SPLIT RE UEST: L.S. N84-05 BY JOHN HI 8 eet a Lot , Seco Revised�ditor s being 6530 Oakley Drive N.E. Split off the Southerly sion No. 21, the same Mr. Robinson stated the lot in question is zoned R-1, located on the corner of Oakley and Mississippi St. The present lot is 18,811 sq. ft. The petitioner is proposing to split off the southerly 86 ft. to create a new R-1 lot. Both new lots would be over the 9,000 sq, ft. needed. Mr. Robinson stated Staff would recomnend the following stipu7ations if this lot split was approved: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The following variances for the existing structure be approved with the lot split: front yard - from 35 ft. to 25 ft. rear yard - from 25 ft. to 21 ft. Require owner's signature on the lot split request Park fee on one new lot of $750 Existing home to change address from Mississippi SE. to Oakley St. Lot split be recorded at the County, if approved. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MAY 23 1984 PAGE 9 Ms. Schnabel stated the Planning Cortmission had a problem with the owner not petitioning for the lot split. The petitioner� Mr. John Hitchcock, stated he is under contract with the existing property owner to buy the lot. He stated he was sure this had happened with the northerly lot that was split off some time ago. At that time, the petitioner requested the lot split and was granted the lot split. Mr. Hitchcock stated there was a change in the lot split request. The 86 ft. should be changed to 84 ft. Ms. Schnabel asked Mr. Hitchcock if he had talked to any of the neighbors in the area across Oakley St. or west of the lot about the visual impact of putting a structure in front because it would be set further ahead of any other house in the irtmediate area. Mr. Hitchcock stated he has not talked to the neighbors across Oakley. The property owner to the west is the father of the person he is buying the lot from, and he was the only property owner he had talked to. Mr. Hitchcock stated when he discussed this with Sill Deblon, Mr. Deblon felt that since this house faced Oakley, it was applicable to the houses on Oakley. Ms. Schnabel stated she still had some problems with that house setting so far forward. even though it was an Oakley St, house, rather than a Mississippi St. house. Ms. Gabel stated she had a problem with the variances 6eing approved with the lot split. She did not think this had ever been done before with a lot split. Since it was a housekeeping type of thing, that might be the reason for it; but by not following the variance procedure, it eliminated the public hearing process whereby the neighbors would be notified of what was happening. Ms. Schnabel stated she saw the following problems with this lot split request: 1. The variance situation--granting the variances with the lot split. 2. Not having the actual owner on record with the lot split request. 3. The situation of the setback impact on Mississippi St. This should be checked out with respect to the setback requirements in the Zoning Ordinance or a legal opinion. Would this be setting a precedent? Ms. Schnabel sta*.ed she realized the petitioner was anxious to move on this. but she thought possi6ly the Planning Carrnission should table this request until their June 5th meeting when these problems can be clarified. Mr, Kondrick stated he agreed that tfiis request should be tabled until these questions are answered. PLANNIIJG COMMISSION MEETING MAY 23 1984 PAGE 10 Mr. Hitchcock stated he strongly objected to this, because of the fact that he had made himself avaitable to do everything the Staff had requested. NCCY:ION BY MR. KONDRZCK� SECONDED BY lIS. GABEL� TO TABLE LOT SPLIT REQUEST„ L.S. N89-O5, BY JOHN HITCXCOCK� TO SPLZT OFF THE SOUTXERLY 8G FT, OF LOT 8X, SECOND REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 22� THE SAME BEING 6530 OAKLEY DRIVE N.fi.� UNTSL T!!E FOLIAWING CONCERNS CAN BE CLARIFIED: 1. THE VARIANCE S22UATION WITH�REGARD TO GRANTING VARZANCES WZTH -�� THE LOT SPLZT. 2. NOT IfAVING THE ACTUAL OWNER ON RECORD WITH TNE 7qT SPLZT REpUEST, 3. THE SETBACK IF�RCT ON MISSISSIPPI ST. UPON A VOICE YOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAZRWOMAN SCNNABEL DSCLARED THE MOTION CARRFED UNANIHOUSLY, 5, LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S. �i84-06, BY ANNETTE POESCHEL: Split the South T3876-�'eet except e or an excepfWest�.75 feet of South Half of Lot 31, subject to easement over South 30 feet) into two parcels to allow zero lot line for a double bungalow, the same being 1571-1573 73rd Avenue N.E. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located to the north of 73rd Ave. and east of Hayes St. The property is zoned R-3. The property is surrounded by a mixture of R-1 and heavy industrial to the south. The existing lot is 12,822 sq, ft, The petitioner is proposing to build a double bungalow on the two split parcels with zero lot iine. This meets all the setback require- ments. He stated Staff would recanmend the following stipulations: 1. Signed zero lot line covenant (The City provides a standard agreement to the owners to promote good maintenance.) 2. Park fee of $750 on one new lot 3. Lot split be recorded with the County. Ms. Schnabel asked if this double bungalow wou7d be a one-owner building or would each half be sold off? The petitioner, Ms. Annette Poeschel, stated the bungaiow would have two different owners. She stated she owns the nroperty now. She will be the • owner of one half, and her partner will buy the other half. MOTION BY MR. SABR� SECONDED BY 1�IIt. NIELSON� RU RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCZL APPROVAL OF Lf71' SPLIT REpUEST� L.S. N84-06� TO SPLIT TNE SOUTH 138.10 FEET (EXCEPT THE HORTH 2/2 AND EXCEPT WEST 92.75 FEET OF SOATH HALF OF LOT 31� StTBJECT TO EASEMENT OVER SOUTH 30 FEET) INTO 2W0 PARCELS TO ALLOFI ZERO LOT LZNE FOR A DODBLE BUNGALOFI, TXE SAME BEING 15�Z-Z573 73RD AVENUE N.E. UPON A VOICE YOTE� ALL VOTSNG AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION CAltRIED UNANZKOUSLY. . Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on June 4, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 23, 1984 PAGE 11 6. RECEIVE MAY 3. 1984, NUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: NOTION BY NR. KANDRICK� SECONDED 8Y M5. GABEL� R'O RfiCEIV6 THE MAY 3� 5984, IfUMAN RESOURCES COMMZSSION MINUTES, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLAl2ED THE MOTIPN CRRRIED UNANZMOUSLY, � 7. RECEIVE MAY 8, 1984, LOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTIAV BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY lR2. KONDRLQC� TO RECEIVE THE MAY 8� I984� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION lIINUTES. UPON A VOZCE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CXAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRZED f1NANINOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE MAY 15, 1984, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY XS. CABEL, SECQIJDED BY 1�2. XONDRICK� TO RECEIVE THE MAY 25, 1984, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES, UPON A VOICE DOTE', ALL VOTING AYE� CXAZRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTZON BY MR, KONDRSCK� SECONDED BY MR. NIELSON� TD ADJOURN 1ilE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHRZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED Tf1E MAY 23� 1984� PIANNING COMMZSSZON MEETING AA70URNED A2 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, i cL' c._� y i e Saba Recording Secretary PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNIN� COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Comnission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on wednesday, June 6, 1984 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a request for a Special Use Permit, SP #84-10, by Mary Erickson, per Section 205.24.4, D, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the construc- tion of a 24 ft. x 32 ft. detached garage in CRP-2 zoning jflood fringe) on Lots 34, 35, and 36> Block V, Riverview Heights, the same being 650 Ely Street N. E. Any and all persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. VIRGINIA SCHNABEL CHAIRWOMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Publish: May 23, 1984 May 30, 1984 12 MAILING LIST SP q84-10, Second Accessory Building 650 Ely Street N.E. Mary Erickson 650 Ely Street N. E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Fdr. & Mrs. Richard Cook 690 Fairmont Street N.E. Fridley, h� 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kudla 688 Faittnont Street N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scarcella 8090 Broad Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rutherford 610 Dover Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Randy Johnson 620 Dover 5treet N.E. Fridley, M6� 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Lefave 640 Dover Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Fred Larson (�7D �p Dover Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 tdr. & Mrs Dale Dickson 600 Ely Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. Steve Warner 630 Ely Street N. E. Fridley, �ln 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Malone 635 Ely Street N. E. Fridley, Mn 55432 MR. & Mrs. Don�ll�erum 651 Ely Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 13 Planning Cortmission 6-1�84 � Mr. & Mrs. Robert Werner 655 E1y Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Koczur 680 Ely Street N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. William Wagner 681 Ely Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. D. J. Reiter 684 Ely Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 . . __ ,: CiT�► OF FRIOLHY� SUBJECT , saa, u�wvEps�rv wva. �n. SPECIAL U5E PERMIT sw�o��v, wu�. e�ae is+s�.s»_a+w � 14 5Pl�`��o PLANNIN6 COhM1ISSI0N: APPR�D _DISMPROYED DATE G N0. CITY COUNCIL: . APPROYED DISAPPROYED DATE NO STIPULATIONS: NAME__L1�� STREET LOCATIO OF I LEGAL DESCRIP,�J�ry� PRESENT ZONI G�CL ACREA6E Of PROPER7Y � 5ection of the Code: FEE a2 DD "- RECEIPT NO /0�9�0 P1��. ��as� �.s 3� ,�s��,�,�,�-��� �_EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY �, OESCRIBE BRIEFLY THE SPECIAL USE APPLIED FOR: - .. _ . G a'G..� Has the present applicant previously sought to re2one, ptat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? __yes k no. Nhat Nas requested and ►vhen? She undersigned understands that: {a) A list of all residents a�d owners of proDer- ty within 200 feet Niil be attached to this application• .. • • - � � ,. " '(b) This application must be signed by a11 owners of tfie 9ropepty, or an expianation given why this is not the cnse. (c) Responsibility for any .iefect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to . list the names and addresss of all residents and property owenrs of prop�rty in question. belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure �nust be drawn and aYtached, showing the folia+ing: 1. liorth direction. 2. Location of the propased structure on the lot. 3. Dinensions of property. proposed structure, and fron and side setbacks. 4. Street names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buitdings (within 350 feet). The undersi9ned hereby declares that alt the facts and respresentations stated in this application are true and correct. • DATE � // - P s/ SI .. ADDRE55 � �. F. _ TELEPHONE NO_�7��� - �1��� 15 SP #84-10 Erickson - 650 Ely Street N.E. � 1 � ��� . , �� � . s� .�, ., _• ` `a r '= , sy y i �� ' � �' '1�1 ���� ,.. 1 �t'' fl M �/ tl � � .. ' �SJ � I� � ;�s='rp~t ft3 gE� •'� �M �, .��� �•- „ '— � t: � �lN. • - `� � � ��=t� . ' � ` ` O M " `� -. 1, ��. 1" ' i ��fi t1 t 0 .t . ��,1l 7� {=J vt � N �1 ♦ O ' � 3 � a � I�1� R. I �ill! N��w � : ' ��� � � *n!' �� � S � �� y •x " ' ��' � ' �� wr�°�1� , t _ M f ' M 1 N,� .' ' " �- t � � �C :: , . . �'p- '` . � 9 , i � . f �✓ ' �� � �O , � �' � fl � :� � _ �ir O ��� . rt- � 1 T j 4�� t . �t7�� � 2� . . � � � ` � �t L�. ii �� : D� i ! �'. ,._. ._ ,•�l►r " �� �, "��4!r�� 4 � . � . • 4- � �� ,,,e- � � ; ,. •' , G _- „a' 4 � G, �� r.M � � �tr. �� : � / • , f l` � l s �.�'"'�/ v ` h-/ �1 ��j�'/ �!, jD �y M '• � � • t t �f:7 � ' i i �l y, q ���y 'I. � II t! � • . �� .N� ■ �, • t 1 _. � 4' '3 /7 � i � ��z r \ �I• ; . �i � � i 1 � �. � \ �r"�r'' f `�! ' r = t� s, ,-� < « . � � f• .. . - 'Lg ' r . :-� : S �� � - " . � � K � f �� %! . • ' � i ' �� � ' . �,. " 't u/. E LY w., -- 25-- D 5 SP #84-10 Erickson 650 Ely St. N.E. 16 WAYfVE L'. RIDG� L�d s��.,ey� 1825 Second Aven�e � nnoxe. a%ua.v�s_�,-�, �;��� L o rs 34 3�, 3� t3 � o c i:. v �l\/l=1?V(EV�/ l-��IG�iS .s r �s 1�°^ Z � I ' � 0 r � � 4c //UUSG'. 4� ?5 � s- �. ja � n � ; 3� z >- ti- /"= zo . j Fx'-: �•'r C:� '? i;? tiliS .;�, " '^� G.' -- ,. i:,_. , , .... . . - - _': . �I i �3 Ci :i :�.•ti ';� c�.-.,.. - �. . .:'t _.,.� , .. { ..... .l ,. , �. ; . .. �. . . , . . ... . .... ....:. �.: :.:_� .:. .: �_, _ _ �L � .•�z ,z'' ��.[- '�--....------�--- 9 /c-/-t� _ -- !'•`''_� _..-------__ i�':T. ii0. �i `I 5'2 � o '___'__-'-' � 47 17 _� ,_-.�..r� .,....�.�...�..,.�.., � L � C:1T'f OF+ FRIULEY, k sua�ECT r I!i:1 �LOT SPLIT LS �`�� D5 � � ��� [i43� UNIV{iR::ITY RVi:. NL. FNIPLG`f. MN. G9 .3? l6'72) E:77-34;:0 . RECGRDED: _ ! s.v+..w..�..�.�r� U A�DRESS:�-�.--'� • _� � ��� DATE: PLANNI!!G COt•J4ISSION: APP7CV[D__ DiSkPPF.OVFD �ATE CITY CCU°;CII: APPRO'uED DISAPPRDVED_ DATE PF.RK FEE REQUIRED: STIFULi+TIO�S: PROPERTY Otd�ER(S ADDRESS(ES)_ AMOUWT PAIU. ' � . ;0 NO :J J _ RECEIPT tiQ� �6 � _7ELEPHOyE t10S!1-.�,$��/ TELEPHOhJE h0 PRGPERiY LUC�aTION ON STREET `I ,`i ,j `_` J: � 5 l,� 5��� � �� //,�I M_ LEC�FL DESCRIPT30N Of PROPERTY LD't` g'����d�� � N9_��5�1 — �� i U c $'- oZ 1 _ _ — TCTAL AREA OF FRGPERTY � III.3SR IbS�I`I I���! � t,� PRESEN? ZOP;.�JG� P,EASON FOR LOT SPLIT - � � � t '�' S��'<< -� � rb / ' T � � 1 / �/ --�----- ------ - � i . r; �L` `f Fi ... . �.:.� � C, +: r l / G! � f . _ �_ The undersigned hereby decTares that all the facts and re�resentations stated in this application are true and correct. � DATE: J'r ' q —�__ SIGNATJR . NOTICE: A skNtch of the property id th pr�t�E'Olo� tures shoti•m shculd accompa ns application (See reverse side for additicnal instructions) - /�..�.✓ � ri f J 37� r��� a�E"exist.ing struc- a •O� "� � ♦`� ° . r ._ ±.,. � .• � �!�0 j� 1� � �9_Y iBGo. g� d � � 9t ' `�o � 't � 84��5 o Hi chc ck �'�,. /i ,� y - • � " �j /9 �O � � � - -- Q21 � - - �R �. _ �. ___ ._� � � � � ¢ _� � y , 9 `I v t� ` -�,� ( /3 !� 3 ��� /►9�� ` � `1�� „t.,�� � � . y .,, a � ntj, .! i,;i,cjs 0 -� �a..� � (r� w) � � '40 O ,,.,,,; � 89� (zoon) � � i. 9 A 9C ; 92S 13 � �• � � � � � K� _ ._ ., . �pl F !� t� , o � i •' �'.t j; f 1 1 ?. = 1�lo i0eo e ie : � �r.. � �.i �: _ s� _ ti � � `. � � �� ?� � ..'�i....�.,. /i�ilU iS31� � _. � . . - - wq "�:[-i°Y s) `Y� i , ~� - ♦ .-1. ��:'.+- . � � — .. ..�t_��; *y.:�'� d^�=-r.r ��`� .� �,. �.^ �z. - .. . � n +� . _ � . �_ . ,E,. -� :i� ` � �, �f �$. � �s' �° , NA ,� ; � ,� ��M ,� A � �+ Mro • , ieQ► � oo �' • (,831 � r3 9� z ; � ~ �. _ : � ;�s �-�:N. E�.+; -�: Q- - --.: � �3 ; . _ • 1 � 3� _ /�r�v) w = Y � t� 1051 io61 I I' I «TOT ` � ��� 6� � t : f' 66� � --- � ----- � 6 E Z��' > , W '� �' 6 C __ � ,�«�. o --- � ---;- :• �w m �, ; s o = � � p ---. -�- ---� � i � ----,---- -- . i E �stc � f*c) ! � - --•-�---- ��� W css � � }�� 9 w Y�:. --- --- --- ��, - 3 � ,o p : s�t ' .. „ -r- „t- 4,,.,0 . . 8 : !/ (st �Fo : � � ,. : o w�l !e�s �etl ' � • !1 '�d � ,. ; �� � � — -----=-�r r----� i 1---- x+ . � r � � � L.S.#84-05 John Hitchcock � �' ,.7 •'- .�: .. `7 s.��.. r ..; ; � ..., �, ,,. %''� 568°4)'f5'E - -- —ise.37- � � -- -//L 35 - —� y )� . ' � �,la... � � �,`j � !i• t ', ,O e ,"' 1� � O �� �y i*)l`�' 7• � .,, =. ,p: � +'+° . i '� :; ` � .. . - ., � � �y a 1�,� ��• �.� �1_4 •4 � 7�'j y � � , - �-�. .� h{ .•:�h`,.._�,.:•a-- _ I� 19 aa ;3 � .,. _ � ��w • 33.0� � 1� � � I �r � , .,. � i I Y -�: l� a oti > �; �J i � , ' ,I � 1 1 1 / n .^ n "1 -w i , I O . , :,�k:�':�,�'"'�:' � I �_ : :�riiJ:�'`:::i�*�:��' � ,W .: .: .: . . : : . . :�: o p ' I ,W :�::���� � ��� ���������' '�'���'�'�'� � a 0 . �:....... � :��� ;��:�:�:�:�:� �:�:�:�:�:���:�:• � a ° h �:�:>r':�:�: ::;: :�: :•:• : ::: :: ::::::: � ti � 0 i� r :•: . � : . . . . . . ` .I.+: : : .•: .• . :: ::::: : : ::: ::::::� w � vl N � `''''''�;�-�::�:: 1 H :� :� �: :�::;:•,:,�'�i,t�:: ;4;:�:: �', f � � � V '•'{.' ��•.•.'.'�'..•••••• � ti•::ti-. ti•=��a: i.�'''::: �,� ! :•.•r. � T . . . ��.�'. � ���� z Q :�:;r �#� �•i.;Y!ti•�. .� �,'� :::::::::::::::: r 3 3 d S �'�%!�••�., :};;;;{. i / B!. • � . ., .., °j- _ � —/tI.3�- __ N8B•s7YS"/,/ A'I /SS /S,5/PP/ ----• ----__�.�__NBS°f7'/s Z-•— CDUN T y S L iN ------_. Sra rc ,q,o �y� � ., �'C I.: / /NC//= so FE£T. '" ' �'1'F,; !/Z /NCH /RON P/P£ SET. � �" 1 �t%J /.70%✓ �/ONUR!ENT FOUND. ��• • -" : ":t'7.' it/;F FROI..' ASSUMED DATUM. �'F.vo.Z.s iv<tO cA�4 SfT � .�'�ie� �' /wIM Jif, -. _..._" ' �.'.�.�:�_.. t' . L, .• � �. . �. CITY OF FRIDLPeY� ��HJECT sna� u�vcws�rr wvc. �w. snu�t�r, twH. as�ae �•+r,s»-saso „s�a-foqs 20 1.0T SPLIT LS / � 7 ADDRESS: ;��/ - ''� '�/$� a�7d �-lk-'� . WTE' ►I�NNING COFMISSION: APPROYEO _ OISAPPROYEO OATE _ � CIIY tOUNCII: PJ1RK FEE REQUIRED: STIPULATIONS: APPROYED DISAPPROVED QM1TE _ � ��7 PAID FEE� �O �� RELEIPT N0��9�� pROPERTY OMNER(S) �-u � /5.��*^' ���,,�,1 �`"�"� �// S 3/LA a�-,-' �� s�`�3"fiELEPHONE AD�RESS(ES)_ -� �/ �%t� � � ��� - � -�'�' 3 PROPERTY LOCATION ON STREET _ .. LEGAL DESCFIPTION OF PROPERT�! TOTAL AREA OF PROPER7Y RfASON i0R LOT N � �r y� (1G.(,�j ��i. PRESENT ZON1N ..�,s- S — �r .� d � %y � �i �o!. �D' ��> ' � � i .u�./ - , 7tie undersigned'hereby Qeclares that a11 the tacts and representations stated in this application are true and corrcct. � OIITE: 516NA � � '% �� � IIOTICE: A sketch of the prope�ty a�d the proposed tot split�riLh any ezisting struc- tures shown should accompany this application. � _(See reverse slde for sdditional fn�io���L� `� � � . Effective January 17, 1984 1984 POLICY STATF?gNT ON PARg FEES ON LAlID SIIBDIVISION Date In determining fair market value of public areas for land subdivision for cash payment as required by Ordinance /633, the folloxing values xill be used: Residential Subdivision =1,500.00 per lot Residential Lot Split S 750.00 per lot Commercial/Industrial Subdivision or Lot Split = 0.023 per sq. ft. This fee is to be paid at the time of final plat or lot split approval. The City Council may defer collection to the time a building permit is reqUested for individual lots created by such subdivision/lot aplit. The City retains the option to accept an equivalent amount in cash from the applicant for part or all of the portion required to be dedicated. PAAR FEE AGREF.MENT The undersigned understands that according to the City Pla'Ling Ordinance, the folloxing puDlic park land dedication is required to plat residential, commercial or industrlal zoned property. It is further understood that the public Qark land dedicatioa or cash payment equivalent is at the discretion of the City. It is agreed that a cash payment of E xill be paid according to the above stated policy for the follo�ing subdivision/lot split. It is agreed that the follo�ing land dedication is provided according to the above stated policy for the follouing subdivlsionJlot aplit: Dedication: Subdiviaioa/Lot Split The undersigned further agrees to notify all future property owners or assigns of the cash payment requirement, iP it is to De collected at the time of iasuance of a building permit. Date: 3/0/8/B Property Ovner Signature) 21 � •' q � _ , I j �� ,4 � � � �.� . .: « ' � '�- i�•' S7� Av e. � a: .t � •t': {S,. F/.'� d 2 3 4 S o ,� , I�.. k, S ',.����.N�,,,�5'J� PLACE � a��:.. ,a�e -i . 3 s;a 8. z .� � s , � °�^� ' I ' �'� Y��� � ' �- -- Si TH--AVENk�E-- N.E. 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'� �:. y� n e•: � � . n. . lak. ..�a �.� _ . ��x -..sr'1�yu;''�'�'A?�� �. � %.�.yi'"s_� :t i �S.e� V+ .o..tA� . :. : . . • .. - �(' �i��'.v��� � _�� ; M ' . r -3 ' �'t�-*,: S.� � :~; ^� � . �,� �,}. A. : :. . - k.�. �..- q s�» ' �t ;.-]]FA 4�F♦ � •.. � �zy!,�� Y, � �� . ��l�'� T-h .�wF�'%��� ��r� � � _ G'!' c '�r -- y-�' _ `.'° - . : : :."° .' .' _ CITY OF FRIDLEY NOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETIN6 MAY 1D, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chairperson Prairie called the May 10, 1984, Housing & Redevelopment Authority meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present Members Absent Duane Prairie, Carolyn Svendsen, Walter Rasmussen, Larry Comners (arr. 7:28 p,m.} Elmars Prieditis Others Present: Sid Inman, City Finance Director Nasim Qureshi, HRA Director Dave Newman, City Attorney Rick Pribyl, Finance Officer Ed Hamernik, City Councilman APPROVAL OF APRIL 19 1984 HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MIN�TES: MOTION BY MR. RtLSMUSSEN, SECONDED BY MS. SVENASEN� TO APPROVE THE APRIL I9, 1984, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTXORSTY MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, fiCTING CXAiRPERSON PRAIRTE DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The foliowing items were added to the agenda: 1. Possible Listing Agreement for Hardware Building 2. Update on Progress Regarding Target Develapment North�of City Hall MOTION BY MS, SVENDSEN, SECONDED BY MR. RASMUSEEN, TO ADO�T THE AGENDA AS AFgNDED AND TO PLACE THE TWO ADDZTSONRL ITEMS RT TXE BEGZNNING OF TXE RGENDA. UPON A VQICE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG AYE, ACTING 1N(ITION CARRSED UNANIMOUSLY, 1. POSSIBLE LISTING AGREEMENT FOR HARDWARE BUILDING: PRAIRZE DECLARED THE Mr. Qureshi stated that at the meeting, the HRA members had received a copy of a letter from John Low, Thorpe Bros. Inc. Realtors, regarding a Listing Agreement on the Vacant Hardware 8uilding. He stated three months ago the HRA authorized City Administration to enter into a leasing arrangement with the same party for the buildings north of City Hall. Fortunately, during HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MAY 10 1984 PAGE 2 the same time frame, they were able to attract Target to build on this property so the whole question became mute. Mr. �ureshi stated they were negotiating with a couple of parties for possible lease of the hardware bui7ding. Both of those ieases did not go through. Also, with the recent development of Target north of City Hall, the Holly Shopping Center has been sold to an investment group, and it was his understanding that it was the investment group's desire to upgrade the Center, The Rice Creek Center has alsa been almost fully leased, so there seems to be a sizeab]e amouni of activity in this area. Mr, Qureshi stated Thorpe Bros. Inc., Realtors is the leasing agent for Dr, Suh's center, and Mr, Low indicated that whole center was now fu17. Mr, Qureshi stated that, because they do not want to give a long term lease on the hardware building, it is very difficult to lease the space. If the HRA feels they should be leasing the space, Staff would recomnend the HRA give that responsibility to Thorpe 6ros. because they seem to be very active in this area and have a fairly good track record in this area. They are asking a fairly minimal fee of 6% of each year's gross lease. Mr, Qureshi stated he mentioned to the realtor that the HRA would probably lease the building for $2-3/sq, ft. for 2 years maximum with one year addi- tional option and if there were any leasehold improvements, the HRA would buy out a proportionate share of those leasehold improvements. Ms. Svendsen asked if any kind of ceiling would be put on the improvements, Mr. Qureshi stated that, realistically, when anyone sees that the maximum lease is 3 years, they are not going to put a lot of money into the building. Mr. Qureshi stated that this time, they will make sure they have a solid type of lease and check on the business that leases the building so they do not have a repeat of the problems with the iast lease. If there is a valid offer for a lease, they wi71 bring that information back to the HRA for approval before signing the lease. MOTION BY MR. RASMUSSEN, SECONDED BY MS, St�ENDSEN, TO AUTHORZZE STAFF TO ENTER INTO A LISTING AGREEMENT ON THE VACIWT NARDWARE BUZLDING WITH THORPE BROS. INC. REALTORS. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTTNG AYE� ACTING CNRZItPERSON PRAZRIE DECLZiRED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. UPDATE ON PROGRE55 REGARDING TARGET DEVELOPMENT NORTH OF CITY HALL: Mr. Qureshi stated that at the last �eting, the HRA authorized the execu- tion of a contract for private redevelopment with Target. Target has signed those documents, He stated the City has given notice to a17 the tenants to move out, and it 7ooks like everyone should be out by May 30. The only question is with the renter of the house, 7hey have qualified her for Section 8 housing and have provided her with three options of places she can move to. NOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETIN6 M0.Y 10 1984 PAGE 3 Mr. Qureshi stated they have let the contract the HRA authorized the City Council to award. 7he City Council awarded those contracts at their last meeting, so they hope to move in in June and start demolishing the structures. Mr: qureshi stated Target plans to move in the middle of June and start development on the property just south of the Madsen building. Mr. Qureshi stated that at the last HRA meeting, the HRA authorized the City to hire the architect, and they have been working on the prelimi�ary plans. It is their hope tfiat by June 8, they will be receiving the bids on it and coming back to the HRA at their June meeting for review and approval. Mr. Qureshi stated they have supplied the title information from Chicago Target to the City attorney's office and, hopefully, they will be working with the,parties to make sure the title is clear so the title can be trans- ferred quickly. Mr, Qureshi stated they are also processing the plat of the area, the hearing is set for Planning Comnission, and it should go to the City Council in mid- June. (Mr. Commers arrived at 7:28 p.m,) 3. PU6LIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED SALE. LEASE OR OTHER DI5P05ITION OF PROPERTY MOTION BY MR. PRAIRIE� SECONDED BY MS. $VENDSEN� TO OPEN THE PUBLSC HEARING ON THE pROPOSED SALE� LEASE OR OTHER DZSPOSITION OF PROPERTY LOCATED Il7 UNZVERSZ2Y INDUSTRIRL PARK WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT pROJECT RRER NO. 1. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHRIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE Pl1BLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:39 P.M. Mr, Qureshi stated that at the last meeting, Mr. Paschke requested some assistance from the HRA for certain property he wanted to develop that was not feasible to develop under the present conditions of soil and drainage problems. If it is the HRA's desire to give him some assistance, the route chosen by the HRA is to buy the properties and write down the cost and sell it at a cost, so the developer can economically develop the property. When there is any public property that the HRA wishes to resell, the HRA is required to hold a public hearing. That is the process they are going through at this meeting. The public hearir.g is for the possible sale of Lots 3, 5, and 6, Block 4, University Industrial Park. Mr. Qureshi stated the HRA members had a copy of an agreement executed by Mr. Paschke. The agreement provides that Mr. Paschke will build minimum improvements on Lots 3, 5, and 6. On Lot 3, he will build a minimum 15,000 sq, ft, office warehouse building with a value of $450,000. On Lot 5, he will build a minimum 30,000 sq. ft. building with a value of $750,000. Lot 6 will be a ponding area for most of University Industrial Park. The developer HOUSING & REDEVE�OPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MAY 10 1984 PA6E 4 4. will develop the ponding area, do all the piping and draining and will give an easement to the City for ponding. The City wi17 be responsible for structural maintenance of the pond and structures. Mr. Paschke will still maintain and upkeep Lot 6 and mow the grass. Mr. Canmers asked if this agreement had been reviewed by the City Attorney. Mr. Qureshi stated Mr. Herrick has reviewed the agreement, and the modifi- cations on page 4-3 (Section 4.5, Convenants Respecting the Holding Pond and Lot 6) were discussed and worked out by Mr, Herrick. Mr. Commers asked about the numbers that go with this transaction. Mr. Qureshi stated it basically provides that on Lot 3, once the Certificate of Compiiance is issued, the developer will be paid $10,000 for the write- down, When the building on Lot 5 is completed along with the ponding and drainage on Lot 6, and when the Certificate of Canpliance is issued, the write-down will be $43,000. Mr. Commers asked about the tax generation on the two parcels. Mr. Qureshi stated on the 15,000 sq. ft. building, when full tax comes on line, the estirnate is $17,D00 a year, On the 30,000 sq. ft, building, the estimate is $32,000 a year, but there is existing values so the net tax would be $29,800. MOTION BY MR. PRAIRIE� SEQ�NDED BY MS, SVENDSEN� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC NEARZNG ON THE PROPOSED SALE� LEASE OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY Z�OCATED IN UNIVERS3TY INDUSTRIAL PARK WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA NO, 2, UPON A VOICE VO:'E, RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLQSED AT 7:46 P.M. MOTION BY MR. RASMUSSEN, SECONDED BY MR. PRRIR7E� TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO.HRA 19-84 "MODIFYING THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX ZNCREMENT DISTRICT NO, 3(NORTH ARER) WITHIN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. Z TO ZNCLUDE INFORMRTION ABOUT ZNCREASED PROJECT ACTIVII'ZES AS REQURZED $Y MINN. STAT, 5273.74� SUBD. Ij AND APPROVZNG AND AUTHORSZZNG THE EXECUTION OF A CONSRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT WITH GERALD W, PASCHKE". UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED TNE MOTZON CARRIED UNRNZMOUSLY. HOUSING & REDEYELOPMEN7 AUTHORITY MEETIN6, MAY 10, ]984 PAGE 5 5. APPROVAL OF ASS Mr. Qureshi stated that in the development agreement with Target, there is a provision that Target is supposed to pay $15,000 per year for leasing the property for the parking lot. In the negotiations, they had discussed the money that would be set aside for the lease of the parking lot. The tool suggested at that time was that Target buy a certificate that would generate enough interest to pay for the lease. Some further negotiations have taken place, and what is proposed is that Target would set aside $130,000 and that generate enough interest to pay for the lease agreement. If this instrument was bought today it should provide interest of $16>580 �er year. This instru- ment would be assigned to the HRA, and target would be released from the lease payments. This is going to be an advantage to the HRA because they will have the interest plus the principle for 30 years. Mr. Qureshi stated the purpose for this arrangement is to avoid any possible default on the part of Target on the lease payment. They are assured they have the building with the property underneath and the 7ease payment assured for 30 years. MOTION BY MS. SVENDSEN� SECONDED BY MR. WLSMUSSEN� TO APPROVE THE "AS57GN- MENT AND RELEASE AGREEMENT" BE2WEEN THE FRIDLEY HOUSZNC & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ANP DAY�YYJ XUASON D/B/A TARGET S20RES, UPON A VOZCE VpTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMMERS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6, FINANCIAL REPORT: Mr. Inman stated no action was required by the HRA. He stated Mr. Pribyl had prepared this report and was at the meeting to answer questions. 7. CHECK REGISTER: MOTZON BY MR. PRAIRIE, SECONDED SY MR. RASMUSSEN, TO APPROVE THE CHECK REGZSTER DATED MAY 4, 1984� IN THE AMOUNT OF $14�628.04. UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPERSON COMME'RS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. RASMUSSEN� SECONDED BY MR. PRAIRIE, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON COMME'RS DECLAREA THE MRY 10� I984, HOUSING 6 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING AIIJOURNED AT 8:20 P.M, Respectfully submitted, � c.�`fc_ yn a a � Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEE7ING MAY 14, 1984 CALL TO DRDER: Chairperson Kondrick called the May 14, 1984, Parks & Recreation Cortmission meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Menbers Fresent: Dave Kondrick, Mary Schreiner, Dick Young, Steve Nelson Members Absent: Dan Allen Others Present: Charles Boudreau, Parks & Recreation Director Jack Kirk, Recreation Supervisor Connie Thompson. Siah St. Clair, City Naturalist Curt Dahlberg, Park Foreman Diane Valen, APPROVAL Of APRIL 23 1984, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. SCHREINER, SECONDED BY MR, NELSON, TO RPPROVE THE APRIL 23, 1984, PARXS 6 RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES A5 WRITTEN. UPON A VDICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHRIRPERSpN KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRSED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The following item was added to the agenda under "New Business": b. Softball Tournament Request MOiION BY MR. YOUNG, SECONDED BY MS. SCHREZNER, TO APPROVE TXE AGENDA AS AMENDED, UPON R VOSC& VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: a. hbore Lake Beach Dr. Boudreau stated Moore Lake Beach wi71 open on Tues., June 5. Dr. Boudreau stated that eventually something will have to be done with the beach house on Moore Lake, if they are going to maintain it, PARKS & RECREAT_ION COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 14, 1984 PAGE 2 because it is settling and may soon become unsafe. He stated they are looking at the optioh of tearing it down. He really did not think the building was used that much, especially as a changing area. � Mr, Young stated that. looking from another standpoint, it was important to have a building for a shelter in case of severe weather. A lot of children walk or bike to the beach, and they would have nowhere to go in case of severe weather. Bathroom faci7ities were also needed, Ms. Schreiner stated she really questioned how long the lake will even be used for sw9mning. Also. is it really necessary to continue to have a guarded beach? Mr. Kondrick agreed, He stated it was hard for him to justify putting any large amount of money into a new beach house. Dr. Boudreau stated Staff was kind of heading in the direction that if the beach house is not replaced, maybe they do not even need a guarded beach. He stated some work is going to be done on the lake next fall, and they can wait to see how that canes out. b, Sumner Program Dr. Boudreau stated the sumner brochures have been mailed out. He stated he felt it had been nicely done. He would encourage the Commission r�mbers to participate or at least stop by and see sane of the things that are going on. c. 49'ers Days Dr, Boudreau stated 49'ers Days will be June 13-17. Again, the Park; Recreation, and Natural Resource Department wi11 be invoived in some of the programning. d, 1985 Budget Dr. Boudreau stated that if the Commission members had any ideas for capitai outlay items for the 1985 budget, he would like them to submit those ideas by June 15, Ms. Schreiner suggested that some monies be set aside for the new park for the Blomberg/Brickner 8evelopment. 2. NEW BllSINESS: a. Facility Fees �r. Boudreau stated they now have a fee for softball tournaments, and Staff would like to recommend the Corrmisston approve a$50 per hour fee for use of soccer and football fields at the new comnunity park. PARKS & RECREATION CONMISSION MEETING MAY 14 1984 PAGE 3 This would be for groups such as Woodcrest Baptist Church who want to use the park faci7ities for soccer and football qames. _ Dr. Boudreau stated he talked to the City Attorney, and the City Attorney said the City has to treat the private schools just like any other group in the City. The public facilities are open to everyone. Dr. Boudreau stated it costs the maintenance people more money to pre- pare the soccer area than it does the softball areas. If an organiza- tion or group wants to come in and run a tournament and use the facility for soccer and/or football, the fee would be $54 per hour per field, If the lights are used, the fee would be $65 per hour, He stated a soccer game will take about 1, hours, so the fee would be $75 per game per field without the lights. Mr. Kondrick stated he thought the cost was pretty high, considering the number of people on a team. Mr. Dahlberg stated it is quite costly just to paint the fields for soccer, MOTION BY MR. YOUNG� SECONDED BY MR. NEISON� TO APPROVE STAFF`S RECDMMENDA- TION TO CHRRGE A FEE OF S50 PER HOUR PER FIELD (S65 PER HOUR PER FZELD WHEN LIGHTS ARE USED) FOR USE OF THE SOCCER/FOOTBALL FIELAS AT THE NEW COMMUNITY PARIC. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYB� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMW5LY, b. Softball Tournament Request Mr. Kirk stated they have received another softball tournament request from "Dare to Care", a Fridley-based non-profit organization that puts on concerts and other fundraising events to raise money to give to other non-profit organizations. He stated that based on their previous policy, they have one weekend available and that is the weekend of Aug. 24-25-26. He stated he called Mr. Stan Noggle, the person in charge of this organization,to tell them this was the only weekend available, and they are very interested in running a tournament that weekend. MOTION BY MR, YOUNG, SECONDED BY MS, SCHREINER� TD GIYE TENTRTIVE APPROVAL TO "DARE TO CARE" TO dOLD A TDURNAMENT ON THE WEEKEND OF AUG. 24-26, WITX TXE SSIPUZATZON THAT STAFF GET MORE IN£DAMATION ON THE BACKGROUND OR BISTORY OF THIS ORGANIZATION, Mr. Young suggested Staff contact this organization and ask a repre- sentative to come to the next Commission meeting to answer questions and tell about this organization. Dr. Boudreau stated he would invite someone from "Dare to Care" to come to the next meeting. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MAY 14 1984 PAGE 4 UPON A VOICE V02E� ALL VOTING RYE� CXAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECIARED THE MOTION CARRIED (1NANZMOUSLY. 3. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Election of Officers for 1984-85 Chairperson Kondrick declared the nominations open for chairperson. MOTZON BY MS. SCHREINER� SECONDED BY 1�Ft, NEZSON, TO NOMINATE DAVE XONDRICK FOR CHAIRPERSON OF TXE PARKS 6 RECREATION COMMZSSION. Hearing no other nominations, Chairperson Kondrick dec7ared the nominations c7osed. MOTZON BY MR. YOUNG, SECONDED BY MS, SCHREINER� TD CAST A UNANIMOUS BALLpT FOR DAVE KONDRICK AS CKAIRPERSON OF THE PARKS & RECREATIDN COMMISSION FOR 2984-B5, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Kondrick declared the nominations open for vice-chairperson. MOTION BY AIR. YOUNG� SECONDED BY MR, NELSON� TO NOMINATE JNABY SCHREZNER AS VICE-CHASF2PfiRSON OF TXE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSZON. Hearing no other nominations, Chairperson Kondrick declared the nor�inations closed. MOTION BY MR. YOUNG� SECONDED BY MR, NEISON� TO CAST A UNANIMOUS BALLOT' FUR MARY SCHREZNER AS VZCE-CXAIRPERSON OF THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSSON FOR S9B4-B5. UPON A VOZCE VOTfi� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAZRPERSON KONDRICK DECLRRED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIJIMOUSLY. b. Park, Recreation and Natural Resources Staff Dr. Boudreau stated al] the Staff inembers were at the Commission meeting to share with the Commission sane of the things that are happening in their various areas of responsibility and to give the Comnission members an opportunity to ask questions of the staff inembers. Mr. St, Clair stated that progra�mning-wise, they are very busy at this time of year.. They have groups in the nature center bui7din9 almost all day every day and usually one evening a week. They have at least 1-2 programs every Saturday which will continue all sumner. There isn't much programming on Sunday. A staff person is at the Center PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MAY 14 1984 PAGE 5 and does an activity or demonstration in tfie exhibit room for the visitors walking through which is designed to get people involved and more relaxed about asking questions and talking to the naturalist. � Mr, St. Clair stated tfiey will be starting their day camp on June 11. Several sessions are filled. Mr. St. Clair stated last year was their biggest year for pro ramming, and so far this year, each month (with the exception of April� has had considerably more programning than 7ast year. Ms. Schreiner asked how the situation is handled when a group, such as a day care group,comes in for a program which takes away from the Naturalist's time but yet there is no policy or fee structure ta address this situation. Mr. St. Clair stated that at this time. they are not charging fees to any group. If a Fridley group calls and wants a program, either at their site (such as a school classroom) or at the Nature Center� they schedute that program, However, if an out-of-town group, such as Columbia Heights or Coon Rapids, ca11s and wants a program, if Staff has available time, they will do the program for that group at the Nature Center. Staff will not go to the group's site to do the program. Mr. St. Clair they do have classes they charge fees for such as parents with pre-schoo7 children, the day camp in the suttmer, and other similar programs. Mr. St. Clair stated the programs open to the public on weekends have been very well attended this year. They average around 40 people or more almost every weekend for one of these programs. Mr, St. Clair stated a lot is gaing to be happening at the Nature Center this sumner. The handicapped trail is going to be paved and finished. The trail will be a little under 1/3 mile. Mr. St, C1air stated that the next Thursday, a Se71 Telephone Community Action group will be caning out to build a small ampitheater right out- side the front door area. It will seat about 30-40 children. It is sanething that is really needed. Mr. St. C1air stated there are a lot of Eagle Scout programs going on with them improving trails. They are gaing to approach the Jaycees about constructing another observation overlook. When that is completed, they will have almost all the locations of the trails finished. When they get the funds to do it, they wil] be expanding the trail into the �ew property on the other side of the ditch in the very southwestern corner of the park, PARKS & RECREATION COFMISSION MEETING, MAY 14, 1984 PAGE 6 Mr. St, Clair stated that regarding the drainage problems. they are working with the Engineering Dept., and they are dealing with the other municipalities north of Fridley in the Watershed. Coon Rapids is looking at developing an industrial park as soon as possible. •Coon Rapids does not want to use up the land for run-off and would like to use the Nature Center, so the Fridley Engineering Dept, wi11 be working with them on this. (Ms. Schreiner left the meeting at 8:55 p.m.) Mr. Dahlberg stated this is probably their busiest time of year and also the time of the year when they have the least amount of staff. In a few weeks, there will be additional part-time people on staff. Mr. Kondrick asked what kinds of complaints Mr, Dahlberg receives most often. Mr. Dahlberq stated the biggest probe7m is vandalism. When it is play- ground equipment, it might take a week or more to get the parts to repair the equipment. When the equipment is down for a couple of weeks, that is when they get some complaints. Other complaints are dandelions, weed complaints, and field conditions usually right after 2-3 heavy rains. Dr. Boudreau stated the park maintenance staff consists of six full- time people supplemented by part-time help who wiil start within the pext two weeks. Basicaliy, these six people are taking care of the park acreage, park equipment,ba77 diamonds, softball complex, football fields. soccer areas, and ice maintenar,ce, and he felt they were doing an excellent job, Mr. Nelson stated he has worked under Mr. Dahlberg for about seven years, He stated they do a great job with the manpower they have. Things run very smoothly, and complaints are very minimal. Mr. Dahlberg stated he will be attending an equipment show on June 13 in Anoka. The show is for golf course superintendents, park super- visors, ice arena managers, turf associations, etc. This is where all the new equipment is shown and where they get new ideas. Ms. Thompson stated now that the drop-in center is available through the Comnuntty Education Center, she felt a lot more seniors were more satisfied. She stated she works very closely with the drop-in center and congregate dining program and coordinates almost all their activities with them. Most of the programs are run at the Comnunity Education Center. The three staff inembers meet on a regular basis to talk about the programs that are being run at the Community Education Center, so there is more of a cooperative effort than there was in the past. They are able to ascertain the needs of the seniors better and try to meet those needs. PARKS &��ECREATION COhMI5SI0N MEETING MAY 14 1984 PAGE 7 Mr. Young asked how much of Ms. Thompson's time was spent working with the seniors. ,Ms. Thompson stated about 1/3-1/2 of her time is spent with the seniors. It depends on the time of the year. She spends a lot of time with the seniors during the school year, and during the sumner, almost all her time is spent with the playground programs. Ms. Thompson stated they have approximately 600 seniors on the mailing list. They probably get about 10 people a month who might have been dropped from the mailing list at some time who want to be put back on the list or are just finding out about the program, Ms. Thompson stated most of their trips have been filling up. The golf league started that day. Three years ago when they started the league, there were 20 people; that morning there were 58. Another popular program is the hiking club, Ms. Thompson stated that as far as playgrounds, last year they had 75-80% returning staff, but this year about 50� are returning which is average. Ms. Thompson stated that because of the Rice Creek School situation, they had to make some decisions on where they would locate that play- ground program. They decided to relocate it at Benjamin/Briardale, because Harris Lake is located on Mississippi St, which is a busy street and they were concerned about being on tfie lake with small children. Mr. Young asked Mr. St. Clair how many were on staff at the Nature Center, Mr, St. Clair stated he and Ms. Valen are full-time naturalists at the Nature Center. They have a part-time person, Kent Jones, and a work study person from the high school who works in the afternoon as a secretary, He has a part-time maintenance person who works in the building, and they will hire three people to help with the programming for the summer, Mr. St. Clair stated their volunteer program is going very well. They have expanded it to include a trail patrol so someone will be covering the trails every day of the week. This will help prevent vandalism, and if something happens, it can be fixed or cleaned up right away. Ne stated they have volunteers covering the building almost every morning so 5taff can be out of the building. There is a volunteer receptionist on the weekend and volunteers taking care of the animals. Mr. Kondrick asked Ms. Valen what her average class size was, Ms. Valen stated she usually likes to work with a ratio of 1- 15. They do have a situation this week where two classes are coming at once (60 chi7dren). In this situation. they try to cooperate with PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MAY 14 1984 PAGE 8 the teacher and have the teacher do an activity with the class. She stated they can do a program for 60 children, but that 9s an auditorium-type program. It is very hard to take 60 children down the trail and have them involved with activities. Mr. Young stated he really appreciated Staff taking time out of their busy schedu7es to meet with the Cortmission and share this information with the Cortmission. Mr. Kondrick agreed. ADJOURNMENT: MOSIDN BY MR. YOUNG� SECONDED 8Y 1�II2. NELSON� TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING RYE� CHRZRPERSON KONDRZCK DECLARED THE MAY 14� 19B4, PRRKS B RECREATZON COMMISSION MEETING AD,70URNED AT 9:35 p,M. Respectfully submitted, � � Lyn e Saba Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL WALITY COMMISSION MEETIN6 MAY 15, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Svanda called the May 15, 1984, Environmental Quality Carmissio meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Richard Svanda, Maynard Nielson, Bruce Peterson, Wayne Wellan Members Absent: Tom Gronlund 6thers Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Specialist APPROVAL OF APRIL 17, 1984, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COtR9ISSI0N MINUTES: MO:ION BY MR. PETERSON� SECONDED BY MR. WELLAN� TD APPROVE THE APRIL I7� 1984, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMZ5570N MINITlES APPROVED AS WRITTEN, UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON SVANDA DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. CON7INUED: WORK PLAN DISCUSSION Mr. Robinson stated the Comnission members had copies of the 1984 work plan as discussed and revised at the last meeting. The Commission members made a few changes to the work plan and approved the work plan for submittal to the City Council through the Planning Commission. 2. CONSIDERATION OF RECYCLING AND COMPOSTING SURVEYS: Mr. Robinson stated that at the last meeting, the Commission members had received copies of two recycling and composting surveys--one that was con- ducted for the City of Seattle in Sept. 1980 and one conducted for the Metropolitan Council, St. Paul, in Oct. 1980. Mr. Robinson stated the first major conclusion in the St. Paul survey was that "If curbside pick-up is offered, either for free or at a small monthly savings, over 90% of area residents say they would participate". Mr. Robinson stated the Minneapolis program, and most recently, the St. Louis Park program, have been successful. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 15, 1984 _ PAGE 2 Mr. Svanda stated one advantage the Cities of Minneapolis and St. Louis Park have over Fridiey is they both have municipal hauling contracts with haulers. Most of the successes he has heard of for recycling� source separation. and composting programs have been in a captive audience situation xhere the city has a contract with one or more haulers. Mr. Robinson stated he would iike to learn more about the Minneapolis and/or St. Louis Park curbside pick-up programs. Perhaps we should invite someone from the Minneauolis program to come to our EQC meeting to explain the proqram. Mr. Svanda stated that about 1-1� years ago, the Cortmission had invited Dan Krivit, Metropolitan Counci7 environmental planner� who was at that time in charge of getting the Minneapolis curbside pick-up program started, to talk to the Comnission, Mr. Svanda stated Staff could see if saneone from the City of Minneapolis or St. Louis Park would be willing to come and talk to the Cortmission about their programs. One question that could be asked was: How would a curbside recycling program like theirs work in a free enterprise system like they have in Fridleyt He stated that if they do get saneone to come to a Commission meeting, they should also invite Connie Metcalf, as SORT has done a couple of test curbside recycling projects, and her input would be important. Mr, Robinson stated he felt the neighborhoods would play an important part in getting a curbside recycling program going. Someone would have to be responsible for reminding people about recycling. Mr, Robinson stated another interesting item in the survey was that "Convenience of tocation is an important factor to consumers in deciding whether to participaLe in a recycling program...Two-thirds say they would participate if the center was located in their neighborhood at a place they normally shop...However, if the Center is separate, not at a neighbor- hood shopping center, most people {79%) would not participate". The Commission mombers and/or gt, Louis Park recycling programs. agreed to invite saneone from the City of Minneapo]is to the next Commission meeting to talk about Mr. Svanda stated the Comnission members should review both surveys before the next meeting. Mr, Svanda asked Staff to pursue the possibility of a canposting site by the City Garage/SORT Recycling Center, Mr. Svanda stated one recycling program that has been successful in the City of Fridley is the oil recycling program, He asked Staff to get an updated report from the Public Works Dept. on the oil recycling program. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALI7Y COMMISSION �EETING, MAY 15, 1984 PAGE 3 3. ELECTION Of CHAIRPER56N A1lD VICE-CHAIRPERSON FOR ]984-85: Chairperson Svanda declared the nominations open for chairperson of the Environmental Quality Canmission, Mr. Peterson naninated Maynard Nielson for chairperson, Hearing no other nomi�ations, Chairperson Svanda declared the nominations closed. MOTION BY MR. PETERSON� SECONDED BY F�2. WELLAN� TD CRST A(INANIMOUS BRLLOT FOR MR. NSEZSON FOR CHAIRPERSON OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QURLZTY COMMISSION f�OR I984-85. UPON A VOICE i�OTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SVANDA DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. Chairperson Svanda declared the nominations open for vice-chairperson of the Environmental Quality Commission, Mr. Nielson nominated Wayne Wellan for vice-chairperson of the Environ- mental Quality Cortmission. Heari�g no other nominations, Chairperson Svanda declared the nominations closed. MOTION BY MR, NIELSON� SECONDED BY MR. PETERSON� TO CAST A UNANIMWS BALLOT FOR MR. WELLAN FOR VICE-CHAIRPERSON OF THE ENVZRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION FOR 1984-85, UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIFPERSON SVANDA BECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMEN7• MOTION BY MR. NSELSON� SECONDED BY MR. PETERSON� TO AA70URN THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE V02'E� ALL VOTING RYE� CHAIRPERSON SVANDA DECLARED THE MAY I5� 2984� ENVIRONMENTAL pUALITY COMMI5SION MEETSNG AA7WRNED AT 8:54 P.M. Res ectfully sub itted, c.0 Lyn Sa a Recording 5ecretary CALL TO ORDER: CITY OF FRIDLEY ENER6Y COM1ISSION MEETING MAY 22, 1984 Chairperson Saba called the May 22. 1984, Energy Carmission meeting to order at 7:43 p.m, ROLL CALL: Members Present Members Absent: Others Present: Dean Saba, Brad Sielaff. Dale Thompson Bruce Bondow Jim Robinson, Planning Specialist APPROVAL OF APRIL 24. 7984. ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: M0�"ION BY MR. SIELAF'F, SECpNDED BY XR. TXQYpSQN, R1� APPROVE TXE APRIL 24, 1984, ENERCY COMMZSSION MINUTES AS WRITTSN, UP0:7 A VOICE YOTE� ALL WTING AY£� CBAIRPERSON SABA DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED flNANIMOUSLY. l. REVIEW OF 1984-85 WORK PLAN: Mr. Robinson stated the Comnission members had a copy of the drafted 1984-85 work plan. The Comnission members reviewed the drafted plan, making several changes and additions. Mr. Saba stated maxi-and mini-audits were conducted in the City buildings by TKDA & Associates in July 1980 as mandated by the Federal Government. There were many things recommended in the audits for energy conservation. Ne stated the City Council did take action on several items, but not all of them. Mr. Thompson asked if it would be beneficial for the Commission to re-review the maxi-audit for durthe'r�possible energy cons.ervation recommendation to the City Council, Mr. Saba stated that was a good idea and that could 6e included in the work plan as an action item under Goal �il: To set an energy Conservation example for the citizens of Fridley through management of City energy consumption. ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING� 19AY P2, 1984 PAGE 2 MOTION BY MI2. SIELAFF� SECONDED BY MR. TXOI+II�SON� TO ADOPT THE 1984-85 &NERGY COMMISSION WORIC PLAN AS AF�NDED AND SUHMIT IT 1V CITY COUNCIL, UPON R VOICE WTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON SABA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 2. REVIEW OF "MANDATORY ENERGY EfFICIENCY STANDARDS" FOR RENTAL HOUSING: Mr. Saba stated the Commission members had received in their agenda a copy of a 7etter dated April 19, 1984, from Steve Youlan, Minnesota Dept. of Energy & Economic Development, to Jim Robinson, regarding information relating to the mandatory energy efficiency standards for rental housing. Also included with the letter were copies of tfie enabling statute artd regulations whicfi implement the program. Mr. Saba stated there was also a summary sheet that detailed the standards required by Jan. 1980, July 1983, and July 1985 (proposed). Mr. Saba stated this was a lot of information, and he would like the Commission members to review this infore�ation for the next meeting. Mr. Robinson stated he thought it would be interesting to have Steve Olson, the Environmental Officer for the City, come to a meeting as he was the one who had to enforce tfiese standards. Mr. Saba stated that was a good idea, and they should invite Mr, Olson to a future meeting. Mr. Robinson stated he would get copies of the Housing Maintenance Code for the Commission members. 3. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON: Chairperson Saba declared the nominations open for chairperson. Mr. Sielaff stated he would like to nominate Dean Saba for chairperson. Hearing no other nominations, Chairperson Saba declared the nominations closed. MOTILYJ BY 1�4t. SSELAFF� SECONDED BY MR.�THOMPSON� TO CAST A UNANIMOUS $ALLOT FOR DEAN SABA FOR CHAIRPERSON OF THE ENERGY COMMISSZQV FOR 2984-85. UPpN R VOICE VOTfi, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON SABA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairperson Saba declared the nominations open for vice-chairperson. Mr, Thompson nominated Brad Sielaff for vice-chairperson. Hear.ing no other naninations, Chairperson Saba declared the nominations closed. ENER6Y COMt4ISSI0N MEETING, MAY 22, 1984 PAGE 3 XOTION BY MR. TEIOFII�SQY� SECONDED BY MR. SAHA� SD CAST A UNANZ?70US BALLpT FOR BRAD SIELAFF FOR VICE-CHRIRPERSpN OF THE ENERGY COM!lSSSION FOR 2984-85, UPQN A WZCE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG AYE� C!lAZRpERSON SABA DECLARED THE 1NOTZON CARAIED UNANZMOUSLY. 4. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Next Meeting Date Mr. Saba stated that he would not be able to attend the June Comnission meeting. The Cammission members agreed to cancel the June 26th meeting. Next meeting date: Ju1y 24. ADJOURNMENT; Chairperson Saba declared the May 22� 1984. Energy Comnission meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ynn Sa a Recording Secretary i CITY OF FRIDLEY l PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 6, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the June 6, 1984, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p,m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Ms. Gabel, Mr. Kondrick, Mr. Minton, Mr, Saba Members Absent: Mr. Oquist, Mr. Nielson Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Specialist John F7ora, Public Works Director Mary Erickson, 650 Ely St. N.E. Ran Miller, 953 Mississippi St. N.E. Jahn Dunphy, 155 Stanybrook Way N.E. John Hitchcock, 9516 Tyler St. N.E, APPROVAL OF MAY 23, 1984i PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO APPROVE THE MAY 23� 2984� PLANNING COMMISSION MINUSES AS WRITTEN. UPON A[�OICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #84-10, BY Y ERICKSON: Per Section 05.24.4,D, of ri ley City Co e, to a ow t e coi�nstruction of a detached garage, 24 ft. by 32 ft., in CRP-2 zoning (flood fringe), on Lots 34, 35, 36, 61ock V, Riverview Heights, the same being 650 Ely Street N.E. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR, MINTON� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON 5P N84-20 BY MARY ERICKSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated the property is located on the south side of Ely Street in the Riverview Heights area. The petitioner is proposing to build an accessory building (a garage) in the rear yard. The foundation is in at the present time. The setbacks are adequate and do meet code. The special use permit is required because this accessory building will be in the flood fringe. Staff would recommend the following stipulations if this request is approved: 1. Need to waterproof to required elevation of 825.25 ft. This may consist of two additional courses of block or the use of water resistant wood. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 6 1984 PAGE 2 2. Structure shou7d be securely anchored with anchor bolts. 3. Driveway to garage should be paved with concrete or asphalt materia7. 4. Garage to be completed by Sept. 1, 1984. 5. Petitioner will eliminate the continuing outdoor storage and curbside parking problems. Mr. Minton asked why ihe stipu7ation that the garage be comp7eted by Sept. 1, 1984. Mr. Robinson stated Staff felt that because of the nature of the problem they are trying to correct here, the garage should be completed im�ediately. Staff felt a date of Sept, 1 was ample time for completion by the petitioner. Ms. Schnabel asked the petitioner, Mary Erickson, if she had any cor�nents to make. Ms. Erickson stated she was concerned about cost, and she was assuming the two additional courses of block would be sufficient. She stated they do intend to have the garage built imnediately, so she did not see the need for a completion date of Sept. 1, 1984 as a stipulation of the specia7 use permit. She stated there was no problem with paving the driveway as almost all of it was concreted at this time. Ms. Schna6el stated that regarding the outside storage and parking problems that currently exist, would this garage eliminate those problems? Ms. Erickson stated the garage would be used for storage and this would eliminate the problems. MOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MR. MINTON� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC NEARING ON SP 1i84-ZO BY MARY ERICKSON. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED SHE PUBLSC HEARING CLO5ED AT 7:46 P.M, Mr. Saba stated he had no problem with this request as long as the stipulations were met. Ms. Gabel stated she thought this construction was an excellent idea, and it may be a way of solving a problem that has been going on for a long time. She fe1t the stipulation of Sept. 7 for the completion of the garage was a necessary stipulation. MOTION BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT� 5P �i84-20, BY MARY ERICKSON� PER SECTION 205.24�4�D, OF FRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DETACHED GARAGE, 24 FT. BY 32 PT.� SN CRP-2 ZONING (FLOOD FRINGEJ, ON LOTS 34� 35� 36, BLOCK V, RIVERVZEW HEIGHT5, THE SAMF, BEING 650 ELY STREET N.E.� W2TH THE FOLIAWING STIPULATIONS: �LANNINu" COMMISSIDN MEETING JUNE 6 1984 PAGE 3 I. NEED TO WATERPROOF TO REQUIRED ELEVATION OF 825.25 FT. THIS MAY CONSISS OF TWO ADDITIDNAL COURSES IJF BLOCK OR THE U5E OF WATER RE5ISTANT WOOD. 2, STRUCiURE SHDULD BE SECURELY ANCHOHED WITH lilJCHOR BOLTS. 3. DRZVEWAY TO GARAGE BE PAVBD WITH CONCRETE OR ASPHALT MATERIAL. 4. GARAG�' BE COMPLETED BY SEPT. 1, 19�84 5. PETITSONBR WILL ELIMINATE THE CONTINUING OUTDOOR STORAGE AND CURBSIDE PARKING PROBLEMS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL POTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on June 18. 2. TABLED: LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #84-05, BY JOHN HITCHCOCK: Split off the Southerly 84 feet of Lot 8 H, Second Revise P,u itor's Su�division No. 21, to make a new building site at 953 Mississippi Street N.E. (Other lot will be changed to 6530 Oakley Drive N.E. M.OTION BY MR. KONDRICK� 5ECONDED BY M5. GABEL, TO REMO[/E LS N84-OS FROM THE TABLE, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHRIRWOMAN 5CHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRSED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated they still need the owner's signature on the lot sp7it request, and the owner, Ron Miller, was in the audience. Mr. Robinson stated the property ir question was located on Mississippi St. west of Oakley Drive. It was a corner lot. Previous7y, the northerly 81 ft. had been split off, and at this time the petitioner was asking that the southerly 84 ft. be split off, This lot is presently built on and the house faces Mississippi St. Mr. Robinson stated one of the problems expressed by the ^lanning Comnission at their last meeting was the variance situation. He stated three variances are scheduled to go to the Appeals Commission on June 12. The lot split will create a new front yard for the existing house. Presently, in the frort yard there is an accessory garage building that would need a variance. Another variance would be that tFie front yard be �5 �t. versus 35 ft „ and a variance that the rear yard be 21 ft, versus 27 ft. Mr, Robinson siated the proposed house on the new lot would front Oakley Dr, Mississippi St. then became the side yard, and 17.5 ft. would be the required setback. However, Staff was suggested that 3� ft. be provided. The adjacent house �as a front yard setback from Mississippi of 110 ft. There are similar setbacks as they proceed westward to Jackson St. After Jackson St., the houses are closer to Mississippi. He stated the side of the proposed house would be on Mississippi and would not be consistent with the neighborhood. He stated Staff would recommend the following stipulations if the lot split request is approved: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 6 1984 PAGE 4 1. Approval of variances created by lot split (scheduled for Appeals Commission on June 12) 2. Existing structure (now facing Mississippi) have new address on Oakley Dr, after lot sp7it 3. Signed park fee agreement for one lot of $750 4. L;t split to be registered with County p�ior to issuance of a building permit. October 15, 1984 is deadline to split 1985 taxes. 5. Existing garage (accessory buiiding in front yard) to be relocated to side yard if it is to be replaced or substantially improved (at 50q of garage replacement cost) 6. Owner to sign lot split and variance requests Ms. Gabel stated she felt this was aiT inconsistent with the neighborhood. She could not remember any instance where a variance was granted so a garage could be put in front of a house. She stated the garage in front of the existing house was the biggest problem she had with this lot split, and she was not sure what could be done to alleviate that problem. Mr. Kondrick stated the house and garage are already there, and that will not change, The people who build the new house are going to see the same thing. Ne stated he did riot tiave.a problem with this request since the situa- tion is an existing situation. Mr. Saba stated he agreed with Mr. Kondrick, but he could also understand Ms. Gabel's point of view.of what this was doing to the neighborhood in general. All of a sudden they are allowing a qarage to be in a front yard, and the City would be setting a precedent. Ms. Gabel stated she also felt they put some burden of proof back on the City if they grant this kind of a lot split, because this lot split does require variances, and this was not a variance she had ever seen before. It was not the kind of variance that comes because of the "lay of the land". Mr. Kondrick stated he would agree if they were ta7king about new construction. He stated he would consider the new proposed house more of a visual problem than the probTem of the garage in front of the existing house. Ms. Gabel stated she thought the intitial problem started with the garage in front of the existing house, but then it was compounded by putting a new house on the corner of Mississippi and Oakley Dr. when the setbacks are as far back as they are in that area, Ms. Schnabel stated Ms. Gabel had a valid point in that the variances would not be necessary if the Planning Commission does not grant the lot sp7it request. The City, in effect, is creating the variances that become necessary to be appeaied. The variances are not something the petitioner is creating, but the City is creating them if it approves the lot split. Ms. Schnabe7 asked the petitioner or the owner of the property if they had any comments to make. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 6 1984 PAGE 5 Mr. Hitchcock stated he could see a problem if they were proposing to con- struct an auxiliary building in the front yard--something the neighborhood would be upset about. He was not sure what Ms. Gabel was objecting to. Ms. Gabel stated she was clear7y concerned about the garage in the front yard. She felt it was inconsistent with the Cornprehensive Plan and the total plannir�g for the City. The visual impact is that people cannot see the house from the street, only the garage. She stated her other concern was that the P7anning Commission's granting of the lot sp7it was what was creating the variances. If the Planning Commission does not grant the lot split, there is no need for the variances. What is the position of the Appeals Corrmission in denying the variances when the Ciiy has granted the loi split? She stated she was very uncomfortable about granting the front yard variance for a garage in the front yard. Mr. Hitchcock asked if Ms. Gabel would be more willing to look at this if he moved the garage to the side of the house. Ms. Gabel stated, yes, she would be more willing to take a look at this if the garage was moved to the side of the house. Mr. Hitchcock stated he was not convinced that moving the garage was going to improve the looks of the property, but he would do whatever was necessary. Mr. Robinson stated that if the garage was moved, there would be quite a difference between the proposed house and the existing house. The petitioner might want to consider moving the proposed house back 5 ft, to make it more consistent with the existing house and the new house to the north on Oakley. Ms. Schnabel stated she was very reluctant to grant the lot split. She honestly had a hard time visualizing a house going in on the corner of Mississippi and Oakley in front of all the rest of the homes in that two block area. She felt it would dramatically change the nature of the street. It was really inconsistent with the neighborhood. Mr. Hitchcock stated that considering the fact that they are in conformance with the homes on Oakley Dr., could the Plannin9 Comnission impose something that was stronger than the code? Ms. Schnabel stated the Planning Commission can only make recommendations to the City Council, Then all the legalities have to be handled by the City Councii who has Tegai counsel. 7he Planning Commission does not have that legal counsel. The P?anning Comnission can only go by what the Zoning Code says which does not give them legal expertise. Mr. Hitchcock stated that because of the demand for Tand being what it is, he believed that at some future time it was likely that this same kind of lot split would be proposed for the other side of the street on Oakley, If Fridley wants new construction, it is going to have to work with these types of things. PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 6 1984 PAGE 6 Ms. Schnabel stated they did not know what was going to happen in the future. She agreed land was not easy to come by, but she still felt the Planning Comnission had an obligation to preserve the neighborhoods. Mr. Kondrick stated that because of the trees on the lot, he did not find this as objectionable as he would if it was up about two blocks, He stated he did feel this was the best use for the property as opposed to having nothing there. He would be in favor of the lot sp?it, even though it was going to create some problems for the Appeals Corrmission. However, he would be in favor of a stipulation tfiat the garage be moved to the side of the existing house. Mr. Saba stated he agreed with Mr. Kondrick, He stated this is a very unique area, and there is not a lot of conformance in that whole area. His main concern was the garage in front of the existing house. He would be in favor of the 7ot split with the stipulation that the garage be moved to the side of the existing house. Ms. Gabel stated they will be creating a"monster" if this lot split is granted and it theri goes on to the Appeals Comnission. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUP]CIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #84-05, BY JOHN HI?CHCOCK, TO SPLIT OFF THE SOUTHERLY 84 FT. OF LO'l 8 H� SECOND REVISED AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. 2Z, TO MAKE A NEW BUILDING SITE RT 953 MISSISSIPPI STREET N.E. (OTHER LOT WiLL BE CHANGED � 6530 OAA;LEY DRIVE N.E.)� WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: �Z. APPROVAL OF VARIANCES CREATED BY LOT 5PLIT 2. EXISTING STRUCTURE (NOW FPCSNG MIS52SSIPPZ ST,) TO HRVE NEW ADDRESS ON OAKLEY AFTER IAT SPLIT 3. SIGNED PARK FEE AGREEMENT FOR ONE NEW LD?' OF $750 4. IAT SPLIS TO BE REGZSTERED WZTH THE COUNTY PHSOff TO SSSUANCE QF A BUILD- P,.�2MIT, OCTOBER I5, I984 IS DEADLINE TO SPLZT I985 TAXES. 5, EXISTING GARAGE TO BE MOVED FROM PRESEITT LOCATION TO A TACATION SOUTH OF THE PRESENT HOUSE 2HRT IS CONTIGUOUS WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE. 6. NEW HOUSE ON THE NEW�LOT i'O BE SET BACK AN ADDITIONAL 5 FT, TO 40 FT. . (AS�OPPOSED TO 35 FT.J FRO.N OAKLEY DR.� BASED UPON WHERE THE EXISTING GARAGE IS RELOCATEb. � UPON A VOTCE VOTE, KONDRICK, SABR� AND MINTON� VOTING AYE, SCHNABEL AND GABEL VOTING NRY� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Schnabel stated the variances would go to the Appeals Commission on June 12. 7he lot split request and the variances would then go to the City Counci7 in one package on July 12. 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L S. #84-07, BY BRANDON CONSTRUCTIQN COMPANY: Split ot , B oc 4, City View, in half and a one alf to ot 4 and one half to Lot 6, to make two residential sites, the same being 411 ana 415 57th Place N,E. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 6, 1984 PAGE 7 Mr. Robinson stated there are three existing lots on 57th Place, located just east of TH �47. The petitioner is requesting that the middle lot, Lot 5, be sp)it in two, and that 20 feet be tiven to each of the adjoining lots to make two 60 ft. residential lots. The lots are each 40 feet by 140 ft. Total square footage of the three lots right now was 16,860, yielding two lots each at 8,430 sq. ft. Since this plat was recorded in 1887, the Code states that 50 foot widths or greater and 7,500 sq. ft. or greater, are allowed, so even though the proposed lots would not be up to today's code, they are acceptable because the are was platted prior to December, 1955. Mr. Robinson stated there are several 60 ft. lots in the area, so this would be in scale with the neighborhood and would meet all setback requirements. Mr.Robinson stated Staff would recorrmend the following stipulations: 1. Signed park fee agreement for one lot of $750 2. Houses to face 57th Place (as others on double frontage block) 3. Lot split to be reg istered with the.Count orior to issuance of a building permit. October 15, 1984 is dea�ling to s�lit 1885 taxes. Mr. 3ohn Dunphy stated he was representing Brandon Construction. He stated he believed this was a very simple lot split. If everything goes well, the builder would like to start construction the first half of July. He stated he felt these new homes would really improve that neighborhood. MOTION BY MR, KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO RECOMXEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT RE()UEST� L.S, k84-07, BY BRANDON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, TO SPLIT LOT 5� BZACK 4� CZRY VIEW� IN HALF AND ADD ONE HALF TO IAT 4 AND ONE HALF � LOT 6� R1� MAKE TWO RESIDENTIAL SITES� THE SAME BEZNG 411 AND AI5 57TX PLACE N.E.� WITH THE FOL7AFIING STIPULATIONS: I. SZGNED PARK FEE AGREEMENT FOR ONE ZAT OF 5750 2. HOUSES TO FACE 57TH PLACE 3. LpT SPLIT TO BE REGISTERED WZTH COUNTY PRIOR TO ZSSUANCE OF R BUZLDING PERMIT. OCTOBER 15, 1984 ZS DEADLSNG TO SPLET 1985 TAXES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHAZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, Ms. Schnabel stated this request would go to City Counci7 on June 18. 4. RECEIVE MAY 10, 1984, HOUSING & RE�EVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTZON BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY 1�R2. KONDRICK� TO RECEIVE THE MAY 10, 1984, XOUSING 6 REDEyELOPMENT AUTdORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ,qI,L VOTZNG AYE� CHAZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 6 1984 PAGE 8 5. RECEIVE MAY 14 1984 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. MINTON� TO RECEIVE THE MAY 14� 1984� PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIDN MINUTES. Ms, Gabel stated that in reading the Parks & Recreation Comnission minutes, she was quite concerned about the possibility that the beach house at Moore Lake would be torn down and not be reconstructed and the possibility that the beach would not be guarded. She stated the beach is really used, and there are really too many people using the beach and the lake to not have a lifeguard, Mr. Kondrick stated there Were alot Qf�esti_ons_about th�.use of the beach, ____ the lake, and the beach house. He stated' that at this time, ihis is all just discussion and nothing has been decided. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOSING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. 6. RECEIVE MAY 15, 1984, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MS, GABEL� TO RECEIVE THE MAY I5, I984, ENVZRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE [/OTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRSED UNANIMDUSLY. 7. RECEIUE MAY 22, 1984, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR, SABA, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECEIVE THE MAY 22� 1984, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES. . UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU5LY. 8, RECEIVE MAY 29, 1984, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDSD BY MR. MINTpN� TO RECEIVE THE MRY 29� I984� APPEAIS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTTNG AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � ADJOURNMENT: MOTION By MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON� TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A i�02CE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLRRED THE JUNE 6� 1984� PLRNNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:30 P.M. Respectfully su mitted, c:G Lyn� Saba, Recording Secretary PLANNING COl�IISSION MEETING JUNE 6 1984 PAGE 7 Mr. Robinson stated there are three existing lots on 57th Place, located just east of TH #47. The petitioner is requesting that the middle lot, Lot 5, be split in two, and that 20 feet be tiven to each of the adjoining lots to make two 60 ft. residential lots. The lots are each 40 feet by 140 ft. Total square footage of the three lots right now was 16,860, yielding two lots each at 8,430 sq. ft. Since this plat was recorded in 1887, the Code states that 50 foot widths or greater and 7,500 sq. ft. or greater, are allowed, so even though the proposed lots would not be up to today's code, they are acceptable because the are was platted prior to December, 1955. Mr. Robinson stated there are several 60 ft. lots in e area, so is wou be in scale with the neighborhood and would meet all setback requirements. Mr.Robinson stated Staff would recommend the following stipulations: 1. Signed park fee agreement for one lot of $75� 2. Houses to face 57th Place (as others on double frontage block) 3. Lot split to be registered with the Count�Y orior to issuance of a building permit. October 15, 1984 is deadling to s�lit 19�5 taxes. Mr. John Dunphy stated he was representing Brandon Construction, He stated he believed this was a very simple lot split. If everything goes we17, the bui7der would like to start construction the first half of July. He stated he felt these new homes would really improve that neighborhood, MOTION BY MR. XONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. SRBA� PO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #84-07� BY BRANDpN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY� TO SPLIT LOT 5� BLOCK 4� CITY VIEW� IN HALF AND ADD ONE HALF TO LO'P $ AND ONE HALF TO LOT 6� 21� MAKE 1'WO RESIDENTIAL SITES� THE SAME BEING 41I AND 4Z5 57SH PLACE N.E., WITH THE FOLLOPIING STIPULATIONS: S, SIGNED PARK FEE AGREEMENT FOR ONE LOT OF $750 2. HOUSES TO FACE 57TX PLACE 3. 7AT SPLIT TO BE REGISTERED WITH COUNTY F'RIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. OCTOBER 15, I984 IS DE'ADLSNG TO�SPLST 1985 TAXES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNRNIMOU5LY. . Ms. Schnabel stated this request would go to City Counci] on June 18. 4. RECEIVE MAY 10, 1984, HOUSING & REDEUELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECEIVE THE MAY 10� I984� HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN 5CHNABEL DE'CLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. � C����- � - ��-� . � ��, �-� '�, ; ����, �' `�% �J `��� ���-�-� �� ��z �����- �'��-���'// � � � !, / ��� � ���..� � �/ �; ` �� 6, , s�� = ��-a �� .,�' Y� � i-� � /�t�s �S f� �v�. ��.�. )f7��✓�f/�� �t-ir' :i� vUr1 G' lI` � ._ . -�_._. ,_...._.�.,_: _� i '' CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 29, 1984 CALL TD ORDER: Chairperson Gabel called the May 29, 1984, Appeals Carmiission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Pat Gabel, Jim Plemel, Jean Gerou, Donald Betzold Members Absent: Alex Barna Others Present: Darrel Clark, City of Fridley Duane C. Weisen, 1682 Osborne Rd. N.E. Martin E. Bestram, 420 - 67th Ave. N.E. APPROVAL OF MAY 15, ]984, APPEALS COhA1ISSI0N MINUTES: MOTIOM BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL� TO APPROVE TXE MAY 25� I984� APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRSTTEN, UPON A VOZCE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GRBEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UMANIMOUSLY. 1. REOUEST FOR UARIANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 Of THE FRI . Weisen, l�$� Osborne Road N,E., ey,— Ftn: —55432) MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD� SECONDED BY MS. GEROU� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARSNG. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HERRING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M, Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIYE STAfF REPORT 1682 Osborne Road N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERUED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.07.3D.2c.2 requires an accessory building on a corner lot, within 25 feet of the comnon property line, to be set back a minimum of 30 feet from the side street Property line. � APPEALS COMMISSION �4EETIN6 MAY 29 1984 PAGE 2 Public purpose served by this requirement is to allow for off-street parking without encroaching on the public right of way and also the aesthetic consideration of the adjoining neighbor to the rear who has frontage along the side street, to reduce the building "line of sight" encruachment into the neighbor's froni yard. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "If the garage is built at the required setbacks, it would be positioned right in tfie middle of the back yard and also with the doors being positioned on the north side of the building, entry would be extremely difficult." C, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The purpose in the setback requirement is to avoid placing a structure in the adjoining property's front yard and obstructing their view. In this case there is a rather large evergreen tree already obstructing the line of sight for the neighbor, therefore, if the Board approves this request, the only recommendation we have is that the overhead door to the garage be placed in the north wall as shown on the plan. t9r, Clark stated he had no additional comments. He stated the plot plan shown in the agenda showed where the garage would be positioned. The petitioner, Duane Weisen, stated if the garage had to be placed according to tlie setback requirements, it would be in the middle of his back yard and he would have very little back yard left over. He stated he did want to place the garage door to the north so he could have privacy from the road (Stinson Blvd.), and he would have room to park vehic7es in the driveway, rather than on the street. Mr. Weisen stated the reason he needed the new larger garage was because his present garage is very small. He stated he has a truck and a van and neither one of them fit in the present garage. He stated he will remove the large overhead door from the present garage. His plans are to eventually turn the present garage into a family room. Mr. Weisen stated he has talked to his two neighbors to the south and the neighbor to the west. They expressed no objection to the construction of this garage. MOTZON BY MS.-GEROU� SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD� TO CZASE THE PU$LIC HEAP.IL7G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TXE PUBLIC HEARING CL0.SED AT 7;40 P.M. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETTN6, MAY 29, 1984 PAGE 3 MOTIOfI BY MS. GEROU� SECONDED BY hII2. PLEMEL� TO pppRp[� THE REQUEST FOR VARIANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO REDUCE TNE SZDE YARD SETBACK FROM 30 FEET TO 9 FEET TO ALLOW THE L47NSTRUCTION OF A 24 FOOT DETACHED GARAGE TO 8E LOCATED ON LOT S, BLGLK Z, SPRING LAKE PARK LAKESIDE ADDSTION� THE S11ME BEING Z682 OSBORNE ROAD N.E.� WITH THE STIPULATION THAT TXE OVERXEAD GARAGE LbOR BE PLACED ZN THE NORTX WALL AS SHOWN IN THE PLANS. Mr. Plemel stated that since there appeared to be no neighborhood objection to this request, he had no problem with granting the variance. Ms. Gabel stated she could see no problem with the granting of the variance. She could understand that if the petitioner cannot use his present garage, it was logical for him to want to be able to store his vehicles inside. 5he stated she felt Mr. Weisen really did have a hardship, and this request seemed reasonable. Mr, Betzold agreed. He stated corner lots are always troublesane in trying to make everything fit within the codes, especially when the lot is in the corner of the whole city. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERS017 GABEL DECZARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. REOUEST FOR VARIANCE PURSURNT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO cn i�nnn�� r�ni �� in� anric �L11'IU Ycv - viin r+�cn� n, estram, - venue .„ ri ey, n. MOTION BY MS, CaEROII, SECONDED BY MH. BETZOLD� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HERRING. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHRIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLZC HEARING OPEN AT 7:45 P.M. Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REPORT 420 - 67th Avenue N.E. A. PUBLIC PURP05E SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.07.3D.2a requires a minimum setback of 10 feet 6etween any livinq area and side property lines. Public purpose served by this requirement is to maintain a minimum of 20 feet between living areas in adjacent structures and 15 feet between garages and livinq areas in adjacent structures to reduce exposure to conflagration of fire. It is also to allow fcr aesthetically pleasing open areas around residential structures. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING MAY 29 7984 PAf,E 4 B. STATED HARDSHIP: "Family size warrants more living area." C, ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The garage to the east is approximately 9 feet from the common lot line which results in a 16 foot distance between the structures, Therefore, no fire wall will be required if the 6oard approves this request. Mr, Clark stated the petitioner really had a two-fold hardship. One, of course, was the family size, and the other was the fact that he presently has a single car garage and has enough personal property to need a larger garage. The present garage cannot be enlarged because it is already about 7 ft, from the lot line. Mr. Bestram is going to bui7d a 36 ft. x 26 ft, garage in the rear yard and then convert the existing garage into living area. The conversion of the existing garage is what caused the variance. Mr. Plemel asked where the driveway would be from the street to the proposed garage. Mr. C7ark stated there is 70 ft. between the house and the westerly property line. Mr, Bestram has talked to the neighbor to the west who is willing to give permission to reduce the driveway setback from the side lot line from 3 ft, to 0 ft. He stated the plan showed the position of the prcposed garage in the rear yard. There wi)1 be enough room in the back yard to turn the vehicles around to drive out forward to the street. The petitioner, Martin Bestram, stated his neighbor to the west, Wayne Kwatera, 410 - 67th Ave. N,E., had written a letter stating he agreed to extend the driveway to the lot line. MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD� SECONDED BY MS, GEROU� TO RECEZVE THE LETTER FROM M1Z. XWATERA� DRTED APRIL 29� .I984� STATZNG MR. BESTRAM COULD EXTEND NIS DRIVEWAY TO THE LOT LINE OF TNEIR AA70INING PROPERTIES, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� CNAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. Mr. Bestram stated he will remove the driveway and the overhead garage door to the existing garage. He stated he will be putting in a decorative brick driveway to the proposed garage. Mr. Betzold asked Mr. Bestram to explain his hardship. Mr. Bestram stated he still has two college age chi]dren living at home. There are four cars in the family. He stated he has a small basement, and there is a real need for more garage space and more living space. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING MAY 29 19$4 PAGE 5 MOTIQV BY MR. PLEMEL� SECONDED BY MS. GEROU, TCT CIASE TXE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CAAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AS 7:55 P.M. Mr. Plemel stated he could understand the reasons for this request and since there was no neighborhood objection, he would be in favor of granting the varia�ce. Ms. Gerou agreed. She stated remodeling was more affordable than moving. Ms. Gabel stated she understood the plight of the single car c�arage. She felt it was a valid hardship, especially when four cars have to be moved around. The neighbors are not objecting, and the one neighbor is willing to go more ttian out of his way to facilitate this and help make it happen. She had no Qro6lem with approving the variance. Mr. Betzold stated he, too, had no problem with granting the variance. MOTZAV BY M5. GEROU� SECONDED HY MR. PLEMEL� TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR VARIANCE pURSUANT � CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRZDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE TXE SZDE YARD SETBACK FROM 10 FEET TO 7 FEET ON THE LIVING SIDE OF THE HOUSE SO ALIAW THE CONVERSION OF A C,ARRGE TO LIVING AREA,LOCRTED ON LOT 8, BLOCX 5, RICE CREEK TERRACE ?LAT 3� THE SAME BEING 920 - 67TH AVENUE N.E, UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOSZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. PLEMEL� SECONDED BY l�2. BETZOLD� TO ADJOURN SNE MEETZNC>. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAZRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MAY 29, 1984� APPEALS COMMZSSION MEETING ADJOURNED RT 7;57 P.M. Respectfully sub itted, i tc� "�- Lynn Saba Recording Secretary