PL 09/26/1984 - 6841PLANNING COhQ�IISSION MEETING CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: City of Fridley A6ENDA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 12, 1984 2. D: PUBL 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - 12 PERMIT, 13 - 18 SP #84-15, BY LIFT SKI AND BIKE: Per Section 205.14.1, 3,C, of the Fridlev City C�de, to allow an outside boat yard and patio furniture display on Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block 1, Moore Lake Highlands, the same being 6319 Highway #65 N.E. Public Hearing open CONSIDERATION OF UNITY MEDICAL CENTER BY JOHN HAINES: Ner Sect�on zUS.u/.I, 3, �, to allow expansion of the parking lots of Unity Hospital, 550 Osborne Road and the Professional Building at 500 Osborne Road, located on Parcels 600 and 2400 in the North Half of Section 11, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. (Complete legal decription on file with the City) 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #34-10, HUGH CHURCHILL: Split off the Northerly 8 feet of Lot 29, combined with Lot 30, Block 11, Hyde Park, to make a new buildin9 site at 5963 2 1/2 Street N.E. 4. VACATION REQUEST, SAU #84-03, MINCO PRODUCTS BY KARL SCHURR: Vacate 73rd Avenue between Lot 5, Block 4, Commerce Park and Lot 13, Block 1, Paco Industrial Park from Commerce Circle West to the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks. 5 6 7 RECEIVE HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: SEPTEMBER 18, 1984 OTHER BUSINESS: A0.]OURNMENT: 19 - 25 �.I�c�", 36 - 40 SALMON WHITE Y � CITY Of FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN6, SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel ca7led the September 26. 1984, Planning Cortmission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present; Ms. Schnabel. Mr. Oquist, D15. Gabel, Mr. Nielsen, Mr. Saba, Mr, Minton, Mr. Kondrick Menbers Absent: None Ottiers Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Scott Holmer, The Lift, 6319 Nighway 65 Hugh Chur[hill, 5955 - 2�a St. N.E. Karl & t4argaret Schurr, 7818 Alden Way James Faulwell, Unity Medical Center Tim McKee, Timco Construction, Inc.,9421 W. River Rd. Tom McKee, Timco Construction, Inc.,9421 W. River Rd, Frank Hart, Jr., 6000 - 3rd St, N,E. APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1984, PLAI�NING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOiI01� BY HR. KONDRZCK� SECONDED BY MR. NIELSEN� TO APPP.OVE THE SEPT. 12, 1984, PL.WNZNG COMMSSSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLAR£D THE MOTIGW CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. 1 PUBLIC HEARING: A SPECIAL USE PERM KI D IK : er Section 205.14.1, 3, C, of Lhe hr�aley l:ity l;oae, to allow an outsi e boat yard and patio furniture display on Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block 1, Moore Lake Highlands, the same being 6319 Highway #65 N.E. Public hearing open. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located on the northeast corner of 63rd Ave. and Highway �65. The zoning was C-2. The property was surrounded by R-2 density and single fami]y density with some conmerciai zoning to the south. Mr, Robinson stated the petitioner was requesting a special use permit for what was presently a canoe storage and sales area. In conjunction with the special use permit, Staff is looking at sane stipulations in , der to bring the property up to code. Staff was recommending the following recomnendations: 4 � PLANNIP�G COM�4ISSIOfJ MEETING SEPTEMBER 26 1984 PAGE 2 1. Restain wooden fence on both sides 2, Provide a screened dumpster location with a solid wood fence on all sides 3, Mulch all existing planting beds, 4. Plant vines on chain link fence where possible 5. Stripe parking lot 6. Provide a timetable pertaining to the provision of finalized site plan includir.g parking lot setbacks. concrete cuh6ing, and eomplete landscaping. Ms. Schnabel asked the petitioner, Mr. Holmer, if he was agreeable to the above stipulations. Mr. Holmer stated tF�at regarding �2, he does have the dumpster fenced in on tf�ree sides. The dumpster was tucked up alongside the trailer so it was not visible from the normal public parking. He was reluctant to put a gate on the fence because the fence was not engineered for a gate. He would have to re-engineer the whole fence or construct a new fence. He agreed that in the past before the trailer was brought in for an additional office facility, the dumpster was in full view, but it wasn't now. Mr. Robinson stated they really need a permanent screened dumpster as that is city code, Mr. Holmer stated that regarding #3, he fully intended to mulch the planting beds. Mr. Holmer asked for the reasoning for #4, planting vines on chain link fence where possible. Mr. Robinson stated that when he visited the property, there was nothing in the fenced-in area, and the appearance was not very good. The screening provided was pretty limited. He stated a parking lot is required to be screened by code. He was suggesting that planting vines would be an economical way of screening the parking lot. Mr. Holmer stated that having the vines on the fence would destroy the sale- a6ility of the garden shop, even though he realized the garden shop was only open two months out of the year. He stated that, as Staff has suggested earlier, he had planted trees down the south side and alpine currants in front of the building, so he felt he had done quite a bit of landscaping. He really felt it was unfair to require him to block his facility from public view. This was an outdoor sales facility. Mr. Holmer stated that regarding #5, striping the parking lot, he has neg- lected having that done for a number of years. He has to sealcoat the drive- wey yearly,and he has just neglected to have it striped, He stated the striping will definitely be done this fall, r e PLANNI��G COMPIISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 PAGE 3 Mr. Holmer stated that regarding the timetable, he thought it was a 1987 timetable. In order to upgrade the parking, put in concrete curbing, etc., they would lose a good chunk of parking which would basically make them ille9al per city code. Mr. Robinson asked Mr. Holmer to explain his long range planning. Mr. Holmer stated he has taken out a 3-year permit for the office facility (trailer). His long range plans are the same as they have always been, and that is when his option to buy comes up in the fall of 1986, he will be taking over the buy-out option, As soon after that as is feasibly possible, he will add on to the building. They are cramped for space now, and that is the reason for the permit for the temporary office facility. He stated he was trying to expand as economically as possible. He thought the 1987 time- table was feasible. Mr. Holmer stated he was asking for a special use permit which he thought he had when he went to the Planning Comnission and City Council about five years ago. He had not realized at that time that the special use permit was jast for a garden sf�op; he had thought it was for all outdoor display situations. He had not i�tended to be in violation of city code, and this was an attempt to get a permit for what has been done for the last five years. Mr. Holmer stated that as far as the patio furniture part of the special use permit, at this point in time, he has no intention of putting patio furniture in the fridley location. He is doing it at his new Hopkins location and may do it in Fridley, if it works well in Hopkins. He had included the patio furniture in the special use permit request so that he would not have to come back for a special use permit at a later date. Mr. Robinson stated a solution for the fencing of the dumpster on all four sides could be a chain link fence with wooden . slats. Mr. Holmer stated that sounded like a good solution, and he would probably do that. Mr. Oquist stated that regarding planting vines on the chain link fence to screen the parking, it would take 2-3 years for the vines to be thick enough to have any affect. By then, P1r. Holmer might be taking that fencing down. MOTION BY MR, KONDRTCK� SECONDED BY MR, SABR� TO CLQSE THE PUBISC HEARING QN SP k84-15 BY THE LIFT SKI AND BIKE. UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCXNRBEL DECLAHED�THE PUBLZC l�ARING CLOSED RT 8:04 P.M. Mr, Saba stated he also questioned the stipulation requiring vines to be planted on the chain link fencing. He did not think it was a viable option, and would like to see that stipulation deleted. ti PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN6, SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 PAGE 4 b Mr. Oquist agreed that stipulation should be deleted. He stated that as far as the stipulation requiring the dumpster to be screened on all sides with a solid wood fence, he would like to see that changed to not specify a wood fence. Mr. Robinson suggested, and the Comnissioners agreed, that this special use permit should be scheduled for review in three years. NOTION BY MR. OQUIST,,SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND � THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMZT, SP p85-14, BY LIFE SKI AND BZKE, PER SECTION 205.24.1, 3, C, OF TXE FRIDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW AN OUTSZDE BOAT YARD AND PATIO FURNITURE DZSPLAY ON IATS 9� 10 AND 11, BLOCX 1, MOORE LAKE HIGY.LANDS, THE SAME BEING 63I9 XIGNWAY A'65 N.E., WITH TXE FOLZ�OWING STIPUALATIONS: 1. RETAIN A WOODEN FE'NCE ON BOTX SZDES. 2. PROVIDE A SCREENED DUMPSTER I,OCATZON WITH A FENCE ON ALL SIDES. 3. MULCN ALL EXISTZNG PLANTZNG BEDS. 4. STRIPE PARKINC IAT. 5. PROVIDE A TIMETABLE PERTAINING TO TNE PROVISZONS OF TNE FINALIZED SITE PLAN INCLUDING PARKZNG LOT SETBACKS, CONCRETE CURBING AND COMPLETE LANDSCAPING. 6. THIS SPECIAL USE PERMIT BE REVIEWED BY COUNCIL IN THREE YEARS. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOT7NG RYE, CXAIRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNIMOUSLY. , Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to Council on October 15th. 2. PUBLIC HtARING: CONSIDERATION Of A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �184-17 UP�ITY E ER Y J 11N H INES: Per Section 05. ., 3, B, to a ow expansion o t e par �ng ots of Unity Hospital, 550 Osborne Road and the Professional 8uilding at 500 Osborne Road, located on Parcels 600 and 2400 in the North Half of Section 11, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. (Complete legal description on file with the City) MOTIOY BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MR. XINTON� Tl7 OPEN TXE PUBLZC XEARZNG ON SP #84-17, UNITY MEDICAL CENTER BY JOXN XAINES. IIPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE� CXAIRWOMAN SCHNRBEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN 8T 8:10 P.M. Mr, Robinson stated the Unity Hospital comp]ex, located on Osborne Road east of University Ave., was contemplating a major parking redevelopment and expansion for completion in the spring 1985. He stated city staff has worked with the petitioners to come up with the present plan. The total of new parking stalls is approximately 250 with the proposed addition. He stated the plan was an improvement in terms of circulation. Mr. Tan FicKee, Timco Construction, Inc., stated one of the reasons for this plan was to get better control of the traffic. They felt this was a good plan and would help eliminate a lot of the confusion that has been existing. Ms. Schnabel asked about lighting, Mr. Tom McKee stated the parking lot will be well lit. He stated that is a concern of the hospital also because of the second and thirG shift employees. He stated the lighting plan will be submitted to the City for approva7. They will try to reflect the lights into tfie parking lot rather than out of the parking lot into the neighborhood. . . PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEhiBER 26 1984 PAGE 5 Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recat�ending the follawing stiputations: 1. An approved landscaping plan 2. An approved lighting plan 3. An approved signage p7an 4. An approved drainage plan 5, A $15,000 performance bond. Mr. Tom M�Kee stated they had no problem with any of those stipulations. MOTION BY MIZ, KONDRICK, SECONDED BY Mli. MINTON� TO CLOSE TNE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP N84-27� UNITY HOSPITAL CENTER BY JOHN HAINES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRlIOMAN SCHNABEL DECI,A.RED THE PUBLIC NEARZNG CLASED AT 8:30 P.M. MOTION BY !�. X'ONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. OpUIST� TO RECOMMENA TO CITY COUNCZL APPROVRL OF SPECZAL USE PERMIT, SP N84-17� tINITY MEDICAL CENTER BY JOHN HAINES, PER SECTZON 205.07.2� 3� B� 7t� ALIAW THE EXPANSIOII OF THE PRRKING LOTS OF UNSTY HOSPITAL� 550 OS90RNE ROAD AND THE PRpFESSIDNAL BUILDING AT 500 OSBDRNE ROAD, IACATED ON PARCEIS 600 AND 7900 IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION 11� T-30, R-24� CITY OF FRIDLEY� COUNTY OF ANOKA, MINNESOTA� WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPlILRTZON5: 1. AN APPROVED LANDSCAPING PLAN , 2. AN ApPROVED LZGHTING PLAN 3. AN APPROVED SIGNACE PLAN 4. AN APPROVED DRAINAGE PLAN 5. A'$15,000 PERFORMANCE BOND UPON A VOSCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOAfR11 SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on October 15. 3. LOT SPIIT REQUEST, L.S. #84-10, NIfGH CHURCHIII: Split off the Northerly 8 feet of Lot 29, combined with Lot 3d, Block 11, Nyde Park. to make a new builc�ing site at 5963 2 1/2 Street N.E. Mr. Robinson stated the property was in Hyde Park, which is a special zoning district. It is located on the southeast carner of 60th Ave. and 22 St. Mr. Robinson stated the original proposal was to add 8 ft, on to the corner lot which was 40.64 ft., making a lot width of 50.64 ft. This would make the square footage of the new lot 6,611 sq. ft. In studying this a littie further, Staff had found some concerns that should be addressed. He stated an applicatian has been filed jointly with this for a variance on the lot size since since it would be less than 7,504 sq. ft. Mr. Rabinson had discovered that in the Hyde Park area, the minimum lot width is 60 ft., so one of the stipulations would be that Mr. Churchill also app7y for a variance for the 60 ft. lot width as well as the square footage of the lot of less than 7,500 sq, ft. `, PLANNIF�G COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 PAGE 6 . Mr. Robinson stated Staff would also request that the petitioner split off a minimum of 10 ft. He can do this and still maintain the setback needed. He presentiy has 16.5 ft. so he would still have more than 5 ft. The reason 5taff is asking for this is that when there is a lot split, they require an attached garage. With an attached garage, he would need a 5 ft, setback from the lot line. ti, In addition, code requires a double car garage. So, with a 5 ft, setback and a 22 ft. garage and the 25 ft. setback which is required for a double garage from the street, the petitioner would, in fact, need 10 ft, instead of 8 ft. which was originaily proposed. Mr. Robinson stated Staff would recommend the foliawing stipulations: 1. Lot split to be contingent upon approval of variances for: reduced lot area tess than 7,500 sq, ft. and lot width less thd� 60 ft. 2. Split off a minimum of 10 ft, to allow for attached garage 3, Provide an attached Lwo-car garage 4. Provide a survey of the existing corner lot to verify dimensions Mr, Robinson stated one other concern was that if the Planning Cortrnission approves this lot sptit, are they creating the need for the variances? It becomes a matter of policy. Ms. Schnatiel stated it has been city policy in the past that the city has not allowed development on 40 ft. lots unless they meet a certain minimum lot size. The City has always felt that it wanted to maintain certain minimum sizes to be more consistent with the city overail. In fact, the City prefers, if possible, that the adjacent property owner or owners spiit the 40 ft. lots;and if it is a corner lot that the adjacent property owner keep the property rather than develop a 40 ft, lot. Ms. Schnabel stated that in the past also, the City felt it did not want anything less than a 60 ft. lot in Hyde Park and that was the reason the ordinance was passed. So, there was a problem with the width and the minimum lot size of this praposed iot split request. Ms. Schnabel stated the Hyde Park area has some unusual lot sizes and commer- cial mixed with residential,because there was not a lot of tight controls when it was originally developed. Part of the reason the whole Hyde Park neighborhood area was developed was to try to preserve tha integrity of the neighborhood,to upgrade it and make it a more desirabie area, to improve the area, to get the neighborhood more conscious of its surroundings and image and preserve it's neighhorhood. Ms. Schnabel stated they should also address the fact that they are creating the need for variances if the lot split 9s approved� and a house was to be built on the lot. The Pianning Comnission has to decide how they feel about creating the need for variances. Mr. Saba stated if they approve this lot split, the approvat should be based on the approval of the Appeals Commission on the variances. If the variances are not approved, the lot split would n�t be approved. . PLANNI��G COMMISSION t4EE7ING, SEPTEPIBER 26, 1984 PAGE 7 Mr. Oquist stated the only variances they are actually requiring are the lot width and the lot size, Once the lot split was approved� it was his understandi�g that a h�use could be built on the lot without any variances. Ms. Schnabel asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to make any co�renents about this request. Mr. Frank Hart. fi000 3rd St., stated he was at the meeti�g out of curiosity and would have no o6jection to the lot split. Mr, Robinson stated that if the Planning Commission was uncomfnrtable with making a recomnendation at this time, they might want to take a look at what kind of house could be built on this property and also wait and look at this request again after it goes to the Appeals Commission for variances. Mr, Saba stated he would be more comfortable with looking at this again after the Appeals Comnission's decision, Mr, Minton agreed with Mr, Saba. Mr. Oquist stated having a variance with a lot split really bothered him. If the Appeals Comnission approves the variances, the Planni�g Commission should approve the lot split. It was almost like the Appeals Commission should rule on this and not the Planning Comnission, betause the variances almost take a precedent over the lot split. There just seemed to be some- thing wrong with this combination. MOTZON BY MR. KONDRICK.Tb APPROV6 L(Yl SPLIT REQUEST� L.S. I184-10� BY XUGN CHURCNILL. MOTION DIED FYJR IACX OF A SECOND. MOTZON BY MR. MINTON� SECt�NDED BY MR, SRBA, TO TABLE DISCUSSZON ON LOT SPLZT REQUEST� L.S. N84-I0, BY XUGX CHURCNILL UNTIL TXE PLANNING COMMZSSZON RECEIVES THE MINUTES FROM THE RPPEALS COMMISSION MEETING OF OCT, 4. UPON A VDICE VDTE, MINTON AND SABA VOTING AYE, KONDRICK VOTZNG NAY, AND GABEL AND OQUIST ABSTAINING� CNAZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED 9Y A VOTE OF �-1. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would be tabled until the Planning Comnission receives the minutes of the Appeals Corrmission meeting on Oct. 9. Mr. Churchill stated he would thiak the City would want to see this lot improved and looking better, He stated he was tired of going tfirough all this trouble, and he would just as soon have the City refund his money, and he would forget the whole thing. � PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 26 1984 PAGE 8 Ms. Schnabet stated that if Mr. Churchill wanted to withdraw his request, he was certainly free to do so. Mr. Churchill stated he would like to withdraw his lot split request. 4. VACATION REQUEST, SAV �84-03, MINCO PRODUCTS BY KARL SCHURR: Vacate 73rd Avenue etwee�ot 5, �TocTc � omme�rcee �ar cT—ana �'f 3, Bl ock 1, Paco Industrial Park from Commerce Circle West to the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located on 73rd St. The petitioner has requested that 73rd, which is not a through street and deadends at the railroad tracks, be vacated from Conxnerce Circle back to the railroad tracks. This would allow the petitioner to use the area for green space and ponding and would improve his setback requirements. Because he is actually the only property owner, no one else is affected by this vacation. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recortmending the following stipulations: 1, Existing utility easements which presently transect 73rd St. are not to be vacated. 2. P.rovide a 5 ft, wide utility easement along the north of 73rd St. rigf�t of way for buried N5P line 3. Provide a 15 ft. wide utility easement along the south of 73rd St. for buried Minnegasco line Mr. Robinson stated these utility easements would not affect the petitioner's plans. MOTION 8Y MR, KONDRZCK� SECONDED BY MR. MINTON� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF YACATION REQUEST� SRV N84-03, MINCO PRODUCTS BY KARL SCHURR� TO VRCATE 73RD AVENC/E BETWEEN LOT 5� BIACK 4� COMMERCE PARX AND LOT 23, BIACK 1� PACO INDUSTRIAL PARIC FROM COMMERCE CIRCLE WEST 2U THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RRILRORD TRACKS� WITH THE FOLLOWZNG STIPULATIONS; I. EXZSTING USILITY EASEMENTS WHZCH PRESENTLY TRANSECT 73RD ST. ARE NOT TO BE VACATED. 2. PROVIDE A 5 FT. WIDE UTILZTY EASEMENT ALONG THE NORTN OF 73RD ST. RZGHT OF WAY FC1R BURZED NSP LZNE, 3. PROVIDE A 15 FT. WSDE UTILITY EASEMENT ATANG TNE SOUTN OF 73RD ST. FOR BURIED MINNEGASCO LINE. UPA^1 A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOSING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CAR.RIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on November 5, r PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 26 1984 PAGE 9 5. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 6, 1984, NUMAN RESOURCES CQMMISSION MINUTES: MOTIDN BY MR. MINTON� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEI7E THE SEPT. 6, 1984� XUMAN RESOURCES COMMZSSION MINUTES. - Mr. Minton stated the Human Resources Cortanission looked at the Affirmative Action Plan for the City of Fridley. Their main purpose for doing that was to monitor on an ongoing basis the hiring and promotion of women and minorities in the City. They received a five year report, 1975-1980, and that report showed quite a bit of advancement, especially in the promotion or hiring of women in higher positions in the City. The Commission was quite satisfied with the report. He stated Staff will be providing an updated report from 1980 - present, and they will see if there is any further progress. When he gets the updated report, he will pass it on to the Planning Commission. Ms. Schnabel stated she would appreciate receiving a copy of the 1975-1980 report and the new updated report, She stated she appreciated the Human Resources Commission's interest in the Affirmative Action Plan. UPON A YOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CNAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 18, 1984, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. XONDRSCK, TO FECEiVE THE SEPT, 18� 1984, APPEALS COMMISSION MZNUTE5. UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMRN SCNNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNRNIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. KONDRZCK� SECONDED BY MR. NZELSEN, TD ADJOURN TXE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING RYE, CHRZRh'OMAN SCHNABEL DECLAP,ED THE SEPT. 26� 2989� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNSD AT I0:00 P,M. Respectfully submi ted, i Lyn e Saba Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the September 12, 1984, Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, Mr. Saba, Ms. Gabel, Mr, Nielsen, Mr. Minton, Mr. Kondrick Menbers Absent: None Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Specialist Robert Lehner, 5725 Polk St. Scott Dahlquist, 63I9 Highway 65 Paul Beecroft, BASEnterprises, 3710 Central Ave. N.E. James Zukowski, 249 Liberty St. N.E. Beverly & Fred Meinke, 7883 East River Road Larry Miskowiec, 440 Ely St. N.E. John Wright, 563 Ely St. N.E. Pat Holcomb, 6312 Welcome Ave. N., Brooklyn Park Bernadette Benson 5716 - 42nd Ave. N., Robbinsdale Myrna Kostuch, 80�7 Fairmont Circle Mehboob Momin, 4615 Lyndale Ave. N., Mpls. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 22. 1984. PLANNI�G COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RPPROVE TNE AUGUST 22� 1984� PLANNING COMbfZSSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON R VOICE V02E� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMRN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP p84-14 BY OBERT LEHNER: Per Section 205.07.1, 3, A, of the Fridley City Code, to allow the construction of a second accessory building, a 22 ft. by 26 ft. detached garage to be used for storage and hobby use, located on Lot 3, Block l, Sexter Addition, the same being 5725 Polk Street N.E. MOTION BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARZNG ON SP 1iB4—Z4 BY ROBERT LEXNER. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRWOPfAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC XERRING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located just south of Hathaway and north of Lynde Drive. The proposed garage is 22 ft. by 26 ft., located in the northeast carner of the 1ot and is intended for hobby use and storage only. Total square footage of the footprint of all tfie buildings on the lot is 2�325 sq, ft. The ]ot is 10,950 sq. ft., so the lot coverage is 21% which is considered acceptable by city standards. He stated Staff had no stipulations, P_LANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1984 PAGE 2 other than they would like to make sure there was no noise problem and that this garage was not intended for any type of home occupation. Mr. Oquist stated he would like to know what type of hobby and storage use this garage would be used for. Ms. Schnabel stated she woutd like to know what the structure would look like. The petitioner. �1r. Robert Lehner, stated it would be a basic garage struc- ture with an 8 ft.by 7 ft, door in front and a service door on the side. Ninety percent of the garage would be used for storage. He had a new boat he would st�re in it. He stated he does woodworking as a hobby and would �ke to have a smalt area in the garage to do his woodworking. The garage would be insulated and heated, Mr, Minton stated he was concerned about the �oise level that might be generated to the neighbors. Mr. Lehner stated there would not be much noise as the building will be insulated. Also, there are no other homes very close to the proposed garage. MO.TION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MR, MINTON, TO CLOSE TXE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP #84-29 BY ROBERS LEHNER, UPON A VOTCE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CXAZRF70MAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARINC CLOSED AT 7:40 P.M. MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MR. NZEISEN� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL RPPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERNIT, SP }�84-I4�BY ROBER2 LEXNER� PER SECTION 205,07,1� 3� A� OF THE FRSDLEY CSTY CODE� TO ALIAW SHE CONSSRUCTION OF A SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDZNG, R 22 FT. BY 26 FT, DETACHED GARAGE TO BE USED FOR STORAGE AND HOBBY USE� LOCATED ON IAT 3� BLOCK I, SEXTER ADDITION, THE SAPtE BESNG 5725 POLIC STREES N.E. � UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THS MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on Sept. 24. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #$4-15, BY THE I BIKE: Per Section 05.14.1. 3, C, to allow an outsi e boat yard and patio furniture display on Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block l, Moore Lake Hi9hlands, the same being 6319 Highway #65 N.E. NOTION BY MR. SABR� SECONDED BY MP.. NZEISEN, TO OPEN THE PT7BLIC HEARING ON SP 89-IS BY THE LZFT SKZ AND BIKE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:45 P,M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1984 PAGE 3 Mr. Robinson stated this property was located on the northeast corner of 63rd Ave, and Highway 65. The zoning was C-2. It was rezoned to C-2 in 1979, and in conjuction with the special use permit, there was an allowance made for a garden center on the south end of the property. Since that time, the owner has also stored boats on the north side of the property with additional outside storage of canoes and boats. Staff felt there should be a special use permit on this also as it was not covered in the original conditions of the rezoning and special use permit. Mr. Robinson stated there has been some significant improvements to the property since Mr, Holmer has taken over, but there are some additional things Staff would like to see done with this special use permit: l. Wooden fence around property in need of maintenance and staining 2. Provide a screened dumpster location with a solid wood fence on all sides. 3. Mulch all planting beds 4. Plant vines on cfiain link fence where possible. 5. Stripe parking lot. 6. Provide a timetable pertaining to the provision of finalized site plan including parking lot setback, concrete curbing, and complete landscaping. Mr. Scott Dahlquist stated he was at the meeting representing Scott Holmer who was called out of town. He stated that as far as any financial arrange- ments or timetable, he was not able to speak for Mr. Holmer. It was the Comnission's concensus to table this item until the next meeting when Mr. Scott Holmer could be present in order to give Staff an opportunity to discuss with him the stipulations recanmended by Staff and to give the Pianning Commission members an opportunity to discuss Mr. Holmer's p7ans for the property. MOTZON BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. MIN�N� TO TABLE DISCUSSION pN SP H84-15 BY THE LIFT SKI AND BIKE UNTIL THE SEPT, 2.6, 19B4, pLA1VNZNG COMMISSION MEETZNG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCNNRBEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAIVIMOUSLY. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #84-16 MIDWEST S , Y RICI HOLCO B ND BERNADETTE BENSON: Per Section . 3. , 3, , o t e ri ey City o e, to a ow gasoline service along with a convenience store, on part of Lot 50, Biock J, Riverview Heights, along with that part of Lot 13, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 103 lying East of a line drawn parallel to and 150 feet East measured at right angles from the West line of Lot 13, except for that part taken for highway purposes, the same being 8100 East River Road. MOTSON BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO OpEN TXE PDBLIC HE.ARZNG CNI SP #84-16� MIDWEST SUPER STOP� BY PATRZCIA HOLCOMB AND BERNADETTE BENSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOSING AYE, CNRIRk'OMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED 2HE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLpNYING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 12 1984 PAGE 4 Mr. Robinson stated the property was located on the southwest corner of Fairmont and East River Road. It was a vacant service station and was zoned C-1. At this time, a special use permit was being requested because a special use permit was required for fuel dispensing. Adjacent land use Consists of commercial to the north and single family housing on all other sides. Mr. Robinson stated the vacant service station is in rather a grim state of disrepair. The petitioners are going in with tiie knowledge that there are a significant number of code requirements. They have agreed to do extensive landscaping along Fairmont and East River Road. Major remodeling is needed to the station itself for a comnercial/retail "stop and shop" type of outlet. The plans for the facade are preliminary with new siding and new signage display on top. Mr. Robinson stated Staff would recomnend the following stipulations: 1. Appiicant to work with the City on finalization and approval of landscape/site plan. 2, Test and/or replace all underground tanks. 3. Provide interior concrete curbing. 4. Extend fence along residential area on the south to east property line (to be 4 ft, high in front yard, 6 ft, in other yards) 5. Provide 17 ft, road easement along East River Road for possible future use by tfie County. 6. Stripe parking lot. 7. Provide a$5,000 performance bond prior to issuance of building permit. Ms. Schnabel asked if the petitioners had any questions regarding the above stipulations. Ms, Patricia Holcomb stated she questioned the 17 ft, road easement since this would run into existing islands on the property, Mr. �obinson stated it has been the City's policy to acquire easement in conjunction with the County for possible widening of East River Road. This was consistent with reques'ts of other businesses along East River Road. Ms. Gabel asked about the hours of operation. Ms. Bernadette Benson stated they did not know what hours the store would be open at this time. This could be discussed with the City Council. She stated they had originally planned to be open from 6 a.m, to 12 p.m., but were approached by some neighbors asking that they stay open 24 hrs. a day. She stated they certainly would like the option of staying open 24 hrs. a day. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. SEPTEMBER 12. 1984 Ms. Schnabel stated that regarding lighting of the building and the property, one of the Planning Commission's concerns was that the lighting not be focused into adjacent property's hanes. Ms. Holcomb stated they have been looking at a type of lighting that shines down onto the lawn rather than out into the street or adjacent properties. She stated there is good screening of the homes of the adjoining properties and there are streets on two sides of the property. Ms. Schnabel asked if anyone in the audience would like to comnent about this special use permit request. Mr. Larry Miskowiec, 440 Ely St., stated that because this business would increase the amount of traffic going in and out of the station, he was concerned about the children getting off the school bus at the bus stop on Fairmont. He questioned whether there would be a need for a stoplight because of this new business. He stated a lot of people try to make it in the gas station business, and it was his concern that this business may not go and the property would be vacant again. His last question was that if this business was to r�nain open 24 hrs. a day, would this become a hang-out for kids and video machines? Ms. Holcomb stated she currently runs a store for a major oil company and has been in the business for 18 years. She stated video 9ames are the worst thing they could put into a store like this. As far as it becoming a hang-out for kids, there is no problem as long as they set the rules right away--that this is a store and they are to go in and out. There will be no reason for the kids to hang around. and they will make sure of that, because kids hanging around a store is the worst thing they could have for a business. Ms. Myrna Kostuch, 8027 Fairrrwnt Circle, stated she would also be concerned for the children who get off the bus on Fairmont Circle. She stated she would like to present to the Comnission two petitions with signatures of those against this special use permit for the following reasons: 1. High traffic added to East River Road 2. More noise to the neighborhood 3. Currently two stores in the area now--do not need anymore 4. May need traffic lights to control traffic; therefore, more tax dollars to be spent, 5. More chance of robberies and kid's hang-out 6. More litter in our neighborhood 7. Closing of the station at 8255 East River Road is an indication that the support of the area is not behind this type of operation. MOTZON BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECEIVE PETITIONS • PETITION NO. II-84 WAS SIGNED BY 18 PEOPLE, AND PETITION NO. Z2-84 WRS SIGNEB BY 1Z0 PEOPLE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMWSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 12 1984 PAGE 6 Ms. Kostuch stated that because of more people going in and out of this new business, there would be more traffic criss-crossing East River Road rather than going straight. She stated they have no trouble with what is existing. ' Ms, Holcomb stated the County is already reviewing the possibility of putting lights at Fairmont and East River Road. Mr. Robinson stated the City has talked to the County and has asked the County to comment on the possibility of a traffic light. The County intends to do traffic counts to see if this intersection warrants a light. Mr. John Wright, 563 Ely St., stated he has lived in this area for 26 years, He stated if the petitioners want to put in a gas station and convenience store, it is not going to hurt the other stores in the area, because this store will not have the room to carry as many goods as the other two stores. He stated having a station open 24 hrs, a day with lights will help cut down on crime. He did not think there would be any noise that would affect the neighborhood. He felt this station would be an improvement to the City of Fridley. Mr. Fred Meinke stated he owned Meinke Foods just to the south on East River Road. He was opposed to another store in a neighborhood where there were already two stores. He asked about the underground tanks. Ms, Holcomb stated the fridley Fire Chief has approved their keeping the tanks in the ground if they test out successfully. She stated two of the three tanks are steel and have been in the ground a long time, so they have chosen to take those out and replace them. They have had soil tests taken to make sure there is no soil contamination in the soil, and those tests have come back o.k. The other existing tank is fiberglass and is about 5 years old. If it tests out correctly, it will be left in the ground. If not, it will be pulled out and replaced also. Mr. Paul Beecroft stated the Commissioners had already received a copy of his letter dated Sept. 6, 1984, in their agenda. He stated he was represent- ing BASEnterprises, and was one of the owners of 8154 East River Road, which was the Fridley Food Market. He stated he had nothing to do with the opera- tion of the food store. He stated he would like to read his letter: "In conjunction with your consideration of the special use permit, #84-16, to allow a gasoline service and convenience store at 8100 East River Road, I ask that the following be addressed: 1. Traffic congestion has long been a problem on this stretch of East River Road. 2. Gas stations generally create a high volume of traffic and this will only increase the congestion on this dangerous piece of roadway. PLANNIN6 COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER i2 i984 PAGE 7 3, Traveling north on East River Road, one encounters a bend in the road at Liberty St. Traffic is normally moving quite fast at this intersection and it is a somewhat blind approach to the intersection at Fairmont which is the proposed site. 4. During the evening rush hour traffic, it is almost impossible to make a left hand turn onto East River Road northbaund from the west intersections of Glencoe, Fairmont, and Liberty. 5. I 6elieve an indepth study should be made into the feasibility of stop lights at the above three intersections to determine the impact of the potential additional traffic flow. 6. The appropriate safety steps to the elimination of road hazards should be made rather than the compounding of the problem. Ms. Schnabel stated that with regard to the traffic light problem, this was a County road, and it was really a county traffic problem. It was not a problem the City has any control over, even though some of the traffic is city traffic. She stated it wi11 be the County's decision whether or not a traffic light is needed in this area. Mr. Robinson stated a copy of Mr, Beecroft's letter was provided to the County Engineering staff, and the City has asked the County for comments on Mr. Beecroft's concerns. Ms. Schnabel stated that hopefully these comments would be available for the City Council meeting. Mr. Oquist stated he appreciated the concerns expressed about the traffic, but this new business was not going to bring traffic in from other areas. It would be traffic that travels the road every day now. The only problem it may cause is the traffic going into the store and getting back onto East River Road. Mr. Oquist stated that regarding the school bus situation, the children do not cross East River Road, so he did not see that as a problem. A school bus actually helps to stop traffic. Mr. Oquist stated he would like to know what the neighborhood would like to see done with this property. It is a piece of property that is in bad disrepair, It needs something. No single family homes will go in on that site; and at some point, sanething has to be done with the property, so they need to look at what would be the best use of the property to clean it up and make it a useful piece of property. Mr. Minton stated he thought the traffic question had to be focused. The only difference in the traffic will be the traffic going in and out of this location, but there will be the same number of cars. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1984 PAGE 8 Mr. Robinson stated the property was zoned cortmercial, so a commercial enter- prise could go in on the property without a special use permit. The special use permit was for the fuel pumps. Mr. Robinson stated there will be 15 parking stalls provided on the property, which is more parking than is required by code. MOTZON BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MS. GABEL� TO CLOSE THE_PUBLIC HERRZNG ON SP N84-16 BY PATRICIA XOLCOMB AND BERNADETTE BENSON. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECl.ARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RT 9:00 P.M. Ms. Gabel asked how long it has been since a gas station was operated on this property. Ms. Holcomb stated Standard Oil closed the station in 1972, and there was a 10-year freeze on pumping gas at this location. However, somewhere during that 10-year period someone did pump gas for a short period of time because there was a relatively new underground tank. MOTION BY MR. MINTON� SECONDED BY MR. SABA� 2Y7 RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERNIT� SP N84—I6� MIDWEST SUPER STOP� BY PATRICIA HOLCOMB AND BERNADETTE BENSON� PER SECTION 205.13,1� 3� F� OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO ALLOW GASOLINE SERVICE ALONG WITH A CONVENIENCE STORE ON PART OF LOT 50� BLOCK J� RZVERVIEW �$j�HPS, RLOtVG�WITH PHAT PART OF LPT I3, REV. AtID. SUB. NO. 103 LYING EAST OF R LINE DRRWN PARALLEL TO AND 250 FEET .EAST'MEASURED AT RSGHT RNGLES FROM THE WEST LINE OF LOT 23, EXCEPT THAT PART TAKEN FOR iiIGX PURPO.SES, THE SAIdE BEING 8100 EAST RZVER ROAD,-LIZTH THB FOLLZNG 1. APPLICANT 2� WORK WZTH THE CITY ON FINALIZATION AND APPROVAL ISTIPULATIONS: OF I.ANDSCAPE/SITE PLAN. 2. TEST AND/OR REPLACE ALL UNDERGROUND TANKS. 3. PROVIDE INTERZOR CONCRETE CURBZNG. 4. EXTEND FENCE ALONG RESIDENTSAL AREA ON THE SOUTH TO EAST PROPERTY LINE (2U BE 4 FT. HIGN IN FRONT YARD� 6 FT, IN OTHER YARDS) 5. PRO✓IDE 17 FT. ROAD EASEMENT AIANG EAST RIVER ROAD FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE USE BY THE COUNTY, 6. STF2IPE PARKING TAT. 7. PROVIDE A$5,000 PERFORMANCE BOND PRIOR 21� ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT, 8. ENGINEERSNG STRFF TO LOOK AT THE INGRESS AND EGRESS OF THE pRCJPERTY FOR RECOMMENDATIONS ON TRAFFIC FIAW. Mr. Minton stated that many of the concerns raised by the neighbors were valid. He was more concerned about the stop and go traffic and the congestion that might cause. However, he was not convinced they should stop the development of this property for that reason. He was also not convinced about the argument over the school bus situation, noise, or some of the other reasons, so he was urging the approval of this special use permit. Ms. Schnabel stated she was concerned about the school bus stopping, but not in relationship to this special use permit request, because those school PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 12 1984 PA6E 9 buses already stop and the traffic is already there. These are existing problems. Ms. Schnabe7 stated that, as Mr. Robinson �ad pointed out, with the exception of the gas pumps, this was a viable commercial property that could be developed in any number of ways, This was one particular plan and one of the first plans they have had since this property was vacated over 10 years ago. This seemed a viable use for the property, She felt it would be helpful for the City Council if the Engineering staff would look at the ingress and egress of the property to see if they have any recommendations for traffic flow in and out of the pr.operty. UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTING RYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCXNRBEL DECLARED TNE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms, Schnabel stated this item would go to City Counci] on Sept. 24. 4. RECEIVE AUGUST 9, 1984, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES; MOTION BY 1HS. GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. OpUIST, 1YJ RECEIVE THE RUG. 9, 1984, HOUSING 6 REDEVEZAPMENT RUTNORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� CXAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MpTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5. RECEIVE AUGUST 14, 1984, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTIDN BY MR. OQUIST� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECEIVE TXE AUG. 14� 2984, COMMUNITY DEVEIAPMENT COMMISSION MZNUTES. Ms. Schnabel stated in talking to someo�e in another community, a discussion came up about the large satellite dishes that people in rural areas are putting up for teievision reception, She did not know if the situat9on would ever arise where people would want to put these dishes up in the metropolitan area. She stated they certainly are an eyesore, and it may be something the Cortmunity Oevelopment Cortmission would want to look at in regard to having something in the ordinance. Mr, Saba stated these large sate]]ite dishes will soon be outdated, There is a lot of interest in roof-top mounting of smaller discs. KSTP will be going into this, se]]ing satellite TV, similar to Spectrum. Mr. Oquist stated he definitely thought this was something the Community Development Cortpnission would like to look at. As Mr, Saba had mentioned, if they are in fact going to start having sane kind of smaller discs, the City might want to look at this in advance because all of a sudden there could be a lot of those discs on rooftops, and what would it do as far as the aesthetics? He asked that Staff put this on the next Commission agenda and give the Commission members a little r�cre information, if possible. PLANNIP�G CaMMI5SI0N MEETING 5E?TEMBER 12 1984 PA6E 10 Mr. Saba stated that later in the meeting, Mr. Flinton was going to make a report on the status of the Ba�fill Tavern. He stated maybe the Co�nunity Development Commission should get involved with the Human Resources Co�nission in looking at the overall piece of property and coming up with some recommenda- tions on what could be done with the property in terms of preserving the historical significance of the property, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTIQN CRRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE AUGUST 20, 1984, PARKS & RECREATION COMh1I5SI0N MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY 1�92. OQUIST� TO RECEIVE THE AUG. 20� 1984� PARKS 6 RECREATION COMMISSZON MSNUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAZRWOMAN SCHNRBEL DECLARED THE bfOTION CAftRZED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE AUGUST 21, 1984, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COPIMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. NIELSEN, SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO RECEIVE THE AUG. 2.2� 1984� ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. 8. RECEIVE AUGUST 28, 1984, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS, GABEL� SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO RECEIVE THE AUG. 28, 2984, RppERIS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� RLL VOTING AYE� CXAIRWOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 9. RECEIVE AUGUST 28 1984, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. SRBA� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECEIVE THE AUG, 28, 2984, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES,A5 WRITTEN. UPOM 11 VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHRIRWOMAN SCHIJABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED BNANIMOIISLY, MOTION BY MR. SRBA� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO CONCUR WITH TNE ENERGY COKMIuSION'S MOTION ON PAGE 2 OF THE AUG. 28 MINUTES THAT THE ENERGY COMMISSION SPONSOR A CO MONITORING PROGRAM BY IRITIALLY PURCXASING 100 INEXPENSIVE DETECTION—TYPE DEVICES. THESE DEVZCES TO BE MADE AVAILABLE BY SALE OR GIVE— AWAY 21� INTERESTED RESIDENT5. TXE COST OF TNIS PROGAAM NOT � EXCEED $250. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CNAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETIN6, SEPTEMBER 12, 1984 PAGE 11 10. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Report on Banfill Tavern Mr. Minton stated that before their meeting on 7hurs., Sept. 6, the Comnission met at the Banfill Tavern and had a tour conducted by Mary Beverage,a member of the Anoka County Historical Society. He stated an article had appeared in the Mpls. Star & Tribune that week so there were some other people who went on the tour who were interested in the Banfill Tavern. Mr. Minton stated after touring the building, one of the conclusions he had come to was that the building was rapidly deteriorating, and there are some huge holes in the boards that cover broken windows. One ceiling has fallen in one of the upstairs bedrooms. The second conclusion he had come to was that it was relatively a large building with a lot of good potential. Mr. Plinton stated that as a result of the article in the paper, they have had at least three serious calls from people interested in having their businesses located in the Banfill Tavern--two of these people went on the tour and attended the Commission meeting. One woman was very interested in a"bed and breakfast" type of establishment and would also live there. Another person was interested in some kind of boutique arrangement and would live there. The third inquiry was from an arts society in the north suburban area located in the Apache Plaza shopping center incerested in having an art gallery and art center in the building. Mr. Minton stated a man attended the Corrmission meeting who had established a barbershop and home in an old school house in Brooklyn Center. He was interested in looking at the Banfill Tavern for a similar purpose. Mr. Minton stated that right now, the Commission is looking at the possibility of making recommendations which will probably give a number of alternatives: 1. It could be financed by grants from the Minnesota Historical Society, 2. It could be sold to a private individual who could take tax advantages because it is a historical building and restore it. 3. A separate foundation could be established. The foundation could accept contributions as well as grants for this purpose. 4. Or,-there could be a lease-back arrangement with the County. Mr. Minton stated the Comnission wants to explore these various alter- natives, formulate their recommendations with stipulations and bring them before the Planning Commission and City Council before forwarding them on to Anoka County for Anoka County to take the next step. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1984 PAGE �2 ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. MINTON� TO ADJOURN TXE MEETING. UPON A VOSCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TXE SEPT, 12� I984, PLANNING COMMISSFON MEETING AA70URNED AT 10:20 P,M. Respectfully submitted, Ly ' Saba Recording Secretary � PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fridiey in the City Hali at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, September 12, 1984 in the Council Chamber at 7:3� P.M, for the purpose of: Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP M84-15 by The Lift, Ski & Bike, per Section 205.14.1, 3, C, of the Fridley City Code, to allow an outside boat yard and patio furniture display on Lots 9, 10 and 11, Bl�ck 1, Moore Lake Highlands 3rd Addition, the same beinq 6319 liighway #65 N.E. Any and a>> persons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time and place. YIRGINIA SCHNABEL CHA I RWOMAI� PLANNING GOMMISSION Pubtish: August 27, 1984 September 3, 1984 � GTY OF FRIDI.tYi � S�BJECT � ��, �,,,,v�qc,.r ,q,E �,�s. SPECIAL USE PERl�11IT iA1DLEY. MN. 6Sa,! ti'Q! 6H-�p . �� PL,A1MiIN6 COlMISSION: CITY COIRICII: STIPULATIONS: NAME TH� c�F,— STREET LOCATION OF PR LffNL DESCRIPTI�1 OF ; G� �� �DISl1PPROYED � ,y,. "- � SP ! �-/S APPROYED OISAPPROYED DATE ►� � =RECEIPT NO / 9° y �oT Y-/ o- / PRESENT ZONIN6 CLASSIFICATION C2 EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY o�rs�oe noaT Yan� t- ACREAGE OF PROPERTY DESCRIBE BRIEFLY THE SPECIAL U5E APPLIED fOR: OOTS�D2 [3o�T Y�tno t PAT�O rUM��7�a D�JN�1)' - Section of the Code: Has the present applicant previously sought Lo rezone. plat, obtain a lot split or variance or special use pero�it on the subject site or part of it? �es no. Mhat was requested and when? 1479 R�czoNR t srec�,�� usa PEnn�T �on, ,Q�tTdoon. C.waoewr SNOP The und�rsigned unde►stands that: (a) A list of a11 residents and owners of prooer- ty with>>20o feet Mi11 be attached to this application• .. • • - � ' �. � '(b) 7his application must be signed by all owners of the p�operty, or an expianation �iven why this is not the case. (cj Responsibility for any Jefect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to - list the names and addresss of all residents and property owenrs of prop�rty in qulstion. belongs to the undersigned. A�ketch of proposed property and structure wst be draxn and a{tached, showing the fofl aring: 1. North direction. 2. Location of the proposed structure on the 1ot. 3. ` Diwensiw�s of property, proposed structure, and fron and side setbacks. 4. Street naiees. 5. Lxation and use of adjacent existing buiTdings (within 3i0 feet). The undersi�ned hereby declares that all the facts and respresentations stated in this application are true and correct. - OATE 7 - 3 ! -&'Y SI6NATURE ���� n -v.1 - •- • ADDRESS fo3+9 y�.+r 6S FR�Ot.lLY Ss`+22TELfPHONE NO S�/—V�So MAILING LIST SP #84-15 Lift Ski & Bike 6319 Highway #65 N.E. Scott Holmer Lift Ski & Bike 6319 HighwapC #65 N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Norman E. Schildheisz 1256 8th Lane Anoka, MV 55303 Kennard & Kenneth Littler 41 Ri ce Creek Way N. E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Bergstrom 1086 63rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mary �. Timm 1072 63rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Mr. & Mrs. William Hauan 6301 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. John Keller 6315 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Marlin J. Bounds 6378 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Long 6366 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Mills b342 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Patterson 6328 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fr9dley, Mn 55432 Terry E. Dalzen 6308 Dellwood Drive N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Planning Commission 8/2�/84 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Burditt 1065 63rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 1� ,_._.._ .-� ' � 1--1J � -- - - - �- SP #{84=T5 tifi't"Ski b-BtRe-- __ •`• —��r—��r�- —t--:�,'�3tlNF1�i STAT� l4�d 1HG .� � a •- 4�Z 9G8 �60 910 10/0 ��� Lfl9 �f50 N7� �.. :, � ps�� 119� �:,v± r�.y IZOO lsip it S • � Y • � • i 7} ' �,f �`�fJe . JY/11-•t ' � \ � 2 r � •' ¢ � � �•�l ��1 �W / I � � ri• , 1�� � , � 1 ! ��r�/I � I `f Z t od�.- ( �,� mj � - �__ �-' , !� 1: .�IZ✓A'N�4'= � 2w "_ . .. � 1�! i: � (smJ �+ w , cta/4 O�j '-�� E'� � � i 1�� ,� ;�' �� J� , �+'�4 � �;,� � _ � �p'p� ; _UDI S �o � �,,sSU�DIVtSiON = � «�� � '� � � r �e �t�� � r u ���� F O \�� �,^7` w'�4� C L� � � r !i/w. O �� �; � N�+ % H ��_ : Z ��.4�r� we6� � ,►�1 �� l -• �' . f • L�iE!/� � 01 � . J � LI- i' 1 \ ` '°° � !r' �24 ; �. 1� �. � ..lwE.,:=i/�,�i_ �'.,�,anv[�..�j, , ` i� .s. : � _ _ i e � vc � � �;;� �� 9 a h: ( f �t.� . Q.' 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I K f U3 �= •• �. � , �' , a � ' , . a r ' � � _ `�T� O / /� / •��• s � � � ♦ • � � � ♦ ♦ •�G�♦ ♦ � �1r � ♦ � � � ♦ ����♦ ♦�a�♦ •���♦ S b ��—� .. � . c ,� • r � • 1 ��� w ✓ ; �3 � R�C .CREEK � � � P.4RK " .� � xu���d��. ,� r .: G' ;-��.��- `v J! i 'SC' �� �3C �f � e i ' .� . � � .; c r � J u SA � SP #84-15 Lift Ski & Bike ;: - :3;�: _„�:.;� � �� � � � � t � J t 3 I "I� I � I — — — — �> i ". � u I ' ` $ n . � � d � ' �� � ' a� � �r � � � ti! m f_4 �. — � � � ! � ' W � � _� - --- - ---��--- - � � _ i ' ,� �{ r J L ` � � T � � � � � i � ;� �� � �, � ._, � '" ,`' 3 � - �i � ' i � � / � � ! / x :� /,{(E3 al/ F6uCE � /� -00000-ea � �000000 0 00000 ao°O0000 0000000 ? >000000 i o°o°a°o°o°o° 3 0000000 >0000ao 000000 >o�o�o 0 0 0° � � =ao�ooao �000000 � o o�o o�o o� d i o°o°o o°o°a 000000 � a00000a � i o°o°o°o°o°o a°o°o°a°o°o°o a°o°o°o°ooa J i o°o°o°o o°o 000000 a000000 000000 JOO0006 � 000000 p00000 000000 'JOOOOD JO000�00 J�O O O O�O� ��O�O O O�O t� p _ +r Q �'��;r�N � lUiv1��51E�v 3 � � V �' A c � — r� `,-i�vN �EN�c' � � � � � o I .s :f `I J plu�cy TQ � �J _ � ` LL :;C3D R�� Ti�= G/RB � � � o � v � � 9 � � �' / � PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE 7HE PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Pianning Comnission of the City of Fridley in the City Na11 at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, September 26, 7984 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #84-17, Unity Medical Center, per Section 205.07.1, 3, B, to allow expan ion of the parking lots for Unrty Nospital, 550 Osborne Road, and the Professional Building at 500 Osborne Road, located on Parcels 600 and 2400 (compTete legal descri�tions `available at City Hall), in the North Half of Section 11, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. Any and a>> persons desiring to be heard shall be 9iven an opportunity at the above stated time and place. VIRGINIA SCHNABEL CHAIRWOMAN PLANNIN6 COMMISSION Pu6lish: September 10, 1984 September 17, 1984 19 O�iity Medical Center SP #84-17 Unity Medical Center c/o John Haines 550 Osborne Road Fridley, Mn 55432 Fridley Assembly of God 472 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Grace Lutheran Church 460 75th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Garth L. Willhite 7574 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Michael L. Flaten 7566 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Bonnie Little 7558 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mark N. Rlfredson 7550 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Stephen C. Oltman 7542 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Howard W. Rolseth 7534 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Michael Traufler 7526 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55�32 Irene Barber 7518 5th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Robert J. Harding 7510 5th Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 MAILING LIST Earl J. Dahlin 7502 5th Street N.E Fridley, Mn 55432 Darrel A. Johnson 7501 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Thomas 0. Stimart 7509 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Dennis J. Kugler 75T7 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Kenneth A. Christiansen 7525 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Robert D. Moseman 7533 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Kenneth J. Maeller 7541 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55�32 Alvin W. Schlangen 7549 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Jerry D. Larson 7557 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Harold I. 5orenson 7565 4th Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Jean D. Davis 7573 ath Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Peter Van Hauer 350 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Planning Comnission 9/12/84 Vernon E. Godeen 375 76th Avenue N.E. Fridiey, Mn 55432 George D. Wilder 361 76th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Carl Wahlstrom 347 76th Avenae N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 41i 11 i am ,l. Adams 400 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Dorothy Danzl 401 76th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Bertram R. Smith 7450 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Eugene B. Vnuk 7440 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 Kenneth Johnson 7430 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Dorothy Wicklund 7561 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Harley Thureen 7559 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Denis Christianson 7553 Lyric Lane N.E. Lloyd Larson 7549 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 Urbin P. Mayer 7545 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 zo Mailing List Page 2 SP �84-17 Unity Medical Center Kathleen E. Shocinski 7539 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 Linda H. Dunn 7535 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Jerome R. Meyer 7531 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 Gary L. Miller 7527 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Daniel P. Pilarski 7523 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Frank R. Gams 7517 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Glen R. Byl 7513 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 Michael Gibson 7504 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Thomas E. Helm 7505 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Ke�neth Amundson 7501 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Albert E. Jorgensen 7500 Tempo Terrace N.E. Frialey, Mn 55432 Howard P. Helgen 7502 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 David Jakubik 7506 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Arthur J. Langlais 7508 Tempo Terrace N.E. fridley, Mn 55432 Kenneth J. Bourdeaux 7512 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert L. Reber 7516 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Thomas Zimmerman 7518 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Rona?d' J. Kloyda 7522 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Walter F. Erickson, 7524 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Alvin R. Overlie 7528 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Kenneth R. Westeren 7530 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Mark M. Kennedt� 7534 Tempo`Terrace NE Fridley> Mn 55432 Fridley Medical Center 7685 Madison Street N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Unity Yiew Condominiums R. L. Hofirtpuist 450 75th Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Arno E. Rosin 7400 Lyric Lane Fridley, Mn 55432 Donald Peterson 415 74th Avenue N.E. Fridley> Mn 55432 z� Dale Messerli 7410 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Thomas M. 6ronlund 7411 Lyric Lane N.E. Fri�ley, MN 55432 Ethen Tsai 7431 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Albert L. Roberge 7431 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Robert W. Powell 7441 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Thomas Schonebaum 7420 Tempo Terrace N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 Harlan D. Mahowald 7451 Lyric Lane N.E. Fridley, Mn 55432 City of Spring Lake Park 1391 81st Avenue N.E. Sprin9 Lake Park, Mn 55432 � CtTY QF FRIDLHY� SUBJECT ' , s�a. u�wvaawrv wa �. SPECIAL USE PERMIT FR1DLtY. MN. 69s�E fi'1i� 67'1-?�f0 � �� � . . �� �ppj� SOo � 5'So p,�-s,„✓ /��-- 011T 22 sP ! 8'i—�`1 9�✓, COhMISSION: APPROYED DISMPROVED DATE � N0. C1TY COl�1CIl: STIPULATIONS: APPROYED DISAPPROYED DATE � NANE Unitv Medical Center FEE�200.00 RECEIPT NO#/�l3a�f' STREET LOLATION OF PROPERTY 5' LE6AL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY �^%� GvU J�•� �-�os i PRESENT ZONING LLASSIfICATION J�—j_EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY�� GUI�I,L�.. ACREAGE OF PROPERTY ��'� DESCRIBE BRIEFLY THE SPECIAL USE APPLIED FOR: i Section of the Code- 0?0 5��" �) �. � Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone. plat, obtain a lot sp7it or rariance or spec'ral use permit on the subject site or part of it? �_yes no. Mhat was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of proaer- ty within 20f1 feet wiilbe attached to this appiication. .. - • ' ' " .. '(b) This application must be signed by aiT awners of tfie property. or an exp?anation jiven why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for aRy Jefect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to . list the names and addresss of all residents and property owenrs of property in question, belongs to tAe undenigned. ��rt $,cl► of proposed property and structure wust be drawn and attached. showing the fo�owing: 1. North direction. 2. Location of the proposed structure on the tot. S. Di�ensions of property, proposed structure. and fron and sfde setbacks. 4. Street nawes. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 350 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and respresentations stated in this application are true and correct. �.� � DATE September 4, 1984 5 ��� ADDRE55 550 Osborne Road, Fridley, MN 55432 _ TELEPHONE NO ��a FR�a — _ r,.1M��ea '125-G`�'/�f ca�m�c.zm_. ���aY4� J � ° ��I � � � • . � � N�� -o� � . . , . . . . . . . . . ��'�F�� �' � , � � , R �,. , 3N�►,. 17iYlf M71MM MM1 . r ' SP #84=17 �� ' _ ' . ' ' ' ' _ ' - - . . . Unity Medical - - - Center � - « „ . , : _ - � , , • , . . . . .� i tn �a � � � , h • w ' Z i ' � � = w � • i � : 4 : � i . + � � • � i < ?_ ^ � � , . . = e q , • � i - = i . �. ...- �---` - _.. _ � 4 • , ; , ._;��{ - -�` :-� r , —: ----- � � �� � � I� � � Z � ^ �` '� �. � � � `� ♦� � � '�-�' p � " �t '' '� °� 14 ` 'cs-� �' � l� ^�" � A s ' `�t � i ;�fi ��il � �' :+�. _ `��l`�, `` ' l� _�\ �"_ � � + ----�--- ` � ' 1`r 't � t. `a � :\. - ` � � � , N � ' � \' �.` , � r `° \W �_ ,\' � '�y��^� ' Y :t ` �. � ° t i4''� - � ' , � °✓ � � 4 �� F� ' ,�x � .�.��„�� O• �' � w + ' ' ` � ` ��`-j °� � �a � =.T ' x ' '� �3 �; �r' \• � , 7 ��iP /♦ . �: � � � `'✓� 1 �� �� �` oia .` _ � �� � :\, r �V . �� � ��.. ^ �I \ � ,4 0'R, �r. a� . '�1 i�� Q c y�1 cI L�T� � w �`�I`! .. a� s �. � `� , �. �`\:° ! '•;; . � � ,, a� � I �. `. �-.. �• . . , , ' r- _1 = � �.� .-�� . �">.., 3• � -,-.� C ♦ � � . '� 1 � Yy�� ��� ' •.��.. 0 • • ,J , . 7 _J / ' a � i � , ' f. � f , ti-.. Odlp WI �� � - .�4� ��'^�., ��'r j�...��. y� �" ' ,� �• .^.. ��1 +1 �� • . ; - j • I� • � � -� N . 1-�'+° ��y,ll •v:.. \ `�.. � '1 � . �• „w � -� • t +.,,,.. ,.. � �. 3. :3� �� . � r � .;..�,� �---; ; r c�y . � �� � - � - J � �;� . � -� � � _ � ;' �-�., � ' — i .1 .J.i .i ' � � :�`"'`a' '`� '� ,� ' o� 1 , • ' 1 ' i � ' {�'s �rK. � , 4� � i; . � u�us iur • R ,,.. • " - ` ,,, , n I ' Y, � ,� , ,�, • ,-���� i � • � , . . . .._, , . � � __-.. .._�-...r . � ..�...�-- � �1 : + � — ��,,.T��,+ = �r�s-- � _ �" --_�"_ `�.1~��� — "'�' — , ao��_ ,_„-�--- �' I X N. F �� � 8 l/� .�• ...- � �... .....��� � •� � , 4w' �'lh' ' �• V _ � �e .• g♦ a.' ^. e. $! $" a °a` a R` : : '" g 8° a a b 3 t 8 � g � � � " _ a : +.� � o . w s� � � I � p •, .Y�i C � .� � � �. � � 4 _ � � 1 E � . R -. 3 � �4 � � � SP #84-17 Unity Medical Center 25 t,, ------ ---J � �--- . 6�'n� Sl4fFT ME � . , � , ,( \ . ; �e � r' t'> �, .� �� :�Q � n r- • ` L ,\'. ` --- \ �. \ ,.. .Y Il r� r� r a�,4,,,,'� � '�&; , Ev�.. :,:,..;.�. . 1I t -�� �.; � :; �°-', �- ,II' ll _i `= - �I � \ ��TTTi�I l��. � ;` .,. _ .. __ i i I ; � - -- � � ' „i ' � � : ., NA'� A.WWNOIyy � � � � a/1�Nxli��l-.rf ' . -�!�_. ' . I. \l ' 3 .. "' � � ' i +. !`- �. • *' Ai — r. I f '� S i 's _` '. , 1 b s u = - ' I U117P�I I U — '� .� � �. � 4..., ,. `�. y' ` ... ,° ,.,. I �� — —1lrU— . Y Ir/ '�'��• } �rrof1'2� S \.� /✓�1i�� fOf nM�._ �� 1 . `, I ��I � I �`.`_ ' .. - . i ... � � _ y : _-, ,= ' , f i�-- � 3 �\�� . �N . � � Yv 1 � " � �` Z f -.. T -• � '., V c: � g 2 �. � � I' r'I 1� ' ___—..a .. !� ^ _ � ' 's ��_�� ��, ' . : r j � I � � 1 • ' ? � . _-- � � 1 1 ' iI'`� 1 ,: ,, ` � _ � � I� I O i/"_}«i•�� -I- _— I I �•i \ � /..+ . R i J \I����r�l�.' ' I I ' I I I t'.:�� �t �e ���, { � �IIIIIIIIII ._{ . ,� . '\ I ! I '� Y ._� w`y ` _� .� � r: �_l-�=L ,JIfhFK.CipLW I I I I I i i I t li•,,.� � �s.t.,. .Ht.� "� .� � �_. _1� � e . . .. � t�' __' � _ MGDl50.v ST4EFT . _ —70{C2— _ �'� r ' � I� � . � �i .' r • �� CITV OR FAI�LE�/. ISUB�ECt iw�r u�vcwsrrr �wc. Na. FP110LtV. MN.Oiyi 1��i1,i71.7�l4 vi� S�'. LOT SPLIT M�NNING COMIISSION: APPROYED _ 015APPROYED CIiY tOUNCII: PARK FEE REQUIRED: STIPULATIONS: 26 � � t•s. SY-io --- .—��.: I Z>�� DATE �� � � APPROYED_ DISJIPPROYED MTE _ _ _ N0, �}q� PAID �E1�, °� RECEIPT N01Y,� PROPERTr ONNE (S)� � TELEPHONE NO 57/ -YS85 _ ,i„ o �+ �„� 1� ' TELEPHONE NO AD�RESS(ES)_ °xrr.rf �h �'-�' PROPERTY LOUTION ON LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERT� ..f / • 1 n� w!/. i, �ir/ , �- _s-� � 3 a TOTAL IIREA OF PROPERTY �, G L l?�� �`� FT PRESENT ZONING 5`I Ct�� ��-IC REA50N FOR LOT SPL The undersigned�hereby 6ecTarcs that all the facts and representntions stated in this application are true and corrett. a�: q�`�i �&' Y NOTICE: A sketcA of the property and the proposed lot sptit �rith any existin9 struc- tures shoMn should �ccoapany this appliution. ' (See revene side for �Qditionat inst�uctions) �� ��� Effeetive January 17, 1964 1980 POLICY STATEE?fEENT OA PAR& FEfiS OP LAIID SUBDIVISIdN Date In determining fair market value of public areas for land subdivision for cash payment as required bq Ordinanee �633, the follosring values xill be used: Residential Subdivisioa Residential Lot Split Commercial/Industrial Subdivision or Lot Split 51,500.00 per lot E 750.00 per lot = 0.023 Per sq. ft. This fee is to be paid at the time of final plat or lot split approval. The City Council may defer collection to the time a Euilding permlt is requested for individual lots created by such subdivision/lot split. The City retains the option to accept an equivalent amount in cash from the applicant for part or all of the portion required to be dedicated. PARR FEE AGREEl�NT The undersigned understands that according to the City Pla'ting Ordinance, the following public park land dedication is required to plat residentia2, commercial or industrial zoned property. It is further understood that the public park land dedication or cash payment equivalent is at Lhe discretion of the City. It is agreed that a cash payment of � xill be paid according to the above stated policy for the following subdivision/lot split. IL is agreed that the follouing land dedlcation is provided according to the above stated policy for the following subdivision/lot aplit: Dedication: Subdiviaion/Lot Split The underaigned further agrees to notify all future property oxners or asaigns of the cash payment reQuirement, if it is to be collected at the time of iaauance of a building permit. Date: �/y/�y Ovner Signature) 3/0/8/B � � � G7YOF FRIDLEY CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNNERS[TY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEI'. MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (bi?) 571-3450 September 14, i984 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Plannin9 Commission will be holding an informal hearing on a reouest for a lot split> L. S. �84-10, to split off the Northerly 8 feet of Lot 29, Block 11, Hyde Park, and add it to Lot 30, Block 11, Hyde Park, to make a new building site at 5963 2 1/2 Street N.E. As this lot will only be 6,611 square feet, there will be a hearing on the reduced lot size by the Appeals Cormission on October 9, 1984. You will receive a notice of this hearin9 also. The Planning Commission will be discussing the Lot Split at their September 26, 1984 meeting which will be held in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast. Any and al] persons who wish to be heard on this item will be heard at either the Planning Commission meeting on September 26, 1984 or the Appeals Comnission meeting of October 9, 1984. VIR6INIA SCHNABEL CHAIRWOMAN PLANNING COMMISSION Mailing List for L.S. /84-10 29 ,/ � Hugh Churchill DATE 09/t0/S4 CITY OF FRIDLEY PAOGFt11M 11�02 MASTHR 11DDA&SS LZST SY PIN PIlt: 23-3�-2#-22-0026 0000 STd1VS: A STRBET S&'ih�NT: LQT: 16 THRO 17 �.��� 6 PL1T: 563oe PARCEL: 2040 ADDITION: HYDfi PARB PLAT DBSCAIPTION: PROPERTS �DDRBSS: 251 60TB A9SNDE RFSIDffifT: HAIDLET A BJOflIC OtlNER : SNADLSY 4 BJOR% 04INBR iDDRBSS : 251 60TH AVENUE COl4�NT3: BOl�STSAD ?IN: 23-30-24-22-0027 0000 STATOS: A LOT: 18 TBRU 19 BLOCH: 6 PLAT: 56308 PLAT DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6011 2 1/2 STREET RESIDENT: SOGENE C YOEHLER Oi1NER : EOGENE C NOEHLER OHNER ADDRESS : 6011 2 1/2 STREET COl4�NTS: HOMESTEAD 55432 RSSIDENT BDSINSSS: Oi1NER BUSINESS: , FRIDLEY � �� STRfiET SSGl�NT: PARCEL: 2080 ADDITION: AYDE PARR 55L32 RESIDENT BUSINESS: OMNER BUSINESS: . FAIDLEY , 141. PIN: 23-30-2A-22-0041 00�0 STAIVS: A STREET SEGt�NT: LOT: 12 THAU 13 BLOCR: 7 FLAT: 56308 PAACII,: 2560 ADDITION: HYDE PAAK PLAT DESCAIPTION: PAOPERTY ADDRESS: 6004 2 1/2 STHEET AESIDENT: GHEGORY L RAPAUN OWNER : GREGORY L 1CAPAUN OfiNER ADDRESS : 6004 2 1/2 STREET COl4fENTS: HOMESTEAD ?IN: 23-30-24-22-0042 0000 STATOS: A LOT: t+l TNRU 15 SLOCB: 7 PLAT: 56308 PLAT DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6000 2 1/2 STREET RESIDENT: RUSSFI.L D GIRARD OFINER : RUSSQ.L D GIAARD OWNER ADDRESS : 6000 2 1/2 STREET COl4�NTS: HOl�STEAD PIN: 23-30-24-22-0085 0000 STAIVS: A ! LOT: 1 THRU 2 BLOCR: 10 PLAT: 56306 PLAT DESCRIPTION: PROPEATY ADDRESS: 5980 2 1/2 STREET AFSIDENT: DAI.E � F BNOTT ONNEA : D4LE F EliOTT OiiNER 1DDRESS : 5980 2 1/2 STREET CO!l�NTS: �i PIN: 23-30-2�-22-0086 0000 STAIVS: A LOT: 3 TH11U 4 BLOCH: 10 PLAT: 56308 PLAT DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5948 2 1/2 STREET RESIDENT: DONALD L !lORROM OiiNER : DONALD L !lORROW OfiNEB ADSRESS : 5948 2 1/2 STREET COlAIENT�HOMESTEAD � 55432 RESIDENT BUSINESS: OHNER BUSINESS: , FRIDLEY � �� STREET SEGMENT: PARCEL: 2580 ADDITION: HYDE PARK 55432 RESIDENT BUSINESS: Oi1NER BUSZNESS: . FAIDLEY �ii� STREET SEGFIENT: PARCEL: 4130 ADDITION: HYDE PARR 55432 RESIDENT BOSINESS: OMNER BUSINESS: , PRIDLEY � �� STREET SHGMENT: PARCII,: 4780 ADDITZON: HYDE PARR 5543z RESIDENT BUSSNESS: OWNER BOSINESS: , FRIDLEY + �� 55432 55432 55432 55432 55�32 55432 DATE 09J10/A4 PHOCRAM HA02 CITY OF FRIDLEY NASTER ADDRESS LIST HY PIN PIN: 23-30-24-22-0119 0000 STAIVS: A STREET SEGHENT: LOT: 25 �RU BLOCR: 11 PLAT: 56306 PAACEL: 5200 ADDITION: HYDE PARR PLAT DESCRIPTIDN: PROPERTY ADDAESS: 5945 2 1/2 STREET 5543z AFSIDENT: ROBERT P WILLIAKS RESIDENT BUSINESS: OIiNEA : ROBEAT P IiILLIAlLS OHNER BUSINESS: OWNER ADDRBSS : 5945 2 1/2 STAEET , FRIDLEY , l4d, COt9�NTS : PIN: 23-30-2�1-22-0720 0000 STATUS: A LOT: 26 THRU 27 BLOCK: 11 PLAT: 56308 PLAT DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 59u7 2 1/2 STREET RESIDENT: ALFRED P GAB Q. OWNER : ALFRED P GASII. OFfNER ADDRESS : 59u7 2 7/2 STREET COMMENTS: HOMESTEAD PIN PZN: ��� STREET SEGMENT: PARCEL: 5225 �DITION: HYDE PARK 55u32 RFSIDENT BUSINESS: ONNER BUSINESS: , FRIDLEY , �, 23-30-24-22-0121 0000 STATUS: A STAEET SEGMENT: LOT: 28 THRU 29 BLOCK: 71 PLAT: 56308 PAACEL: 5265 ADDITION: HYDE PARK PLAT DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5955 2 7/2 STAEET RESSDENT: HUGH CHURCHII.L OWNER : HUCH CHURCHILL ONNER ADDAESS : 5955 2 1/2 STREET COtM1ENT5: HOl�STEAD 23-30-24-22-0087 0000 STATUS: A LOT: 5 THRU 6 BLOCK: 10 PLAT: 56308 PLAT DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5942 2 1/2 STAEET RESIDENT: OWNER OWNER ADDRESS : 59�2 2 1/2 STREET COPASENTS : �{,,� r ' \ � � 55432 RESIDENT BUSINESS: ONNEA BUSZNFSS: , FRIDLEY �e STREET SEGMENT: PARCEL: 4220 ADDITION: HYDE PARK 55u3z AESIDENT BUSINESS: OHNER BUSINESS: . FRIDLEY 3 RECORDS SII.ECTED PIN: 23-30-24-22-0099 0000 STATOS: A STREET SEGMENT: LOT: 2� THRU 28 BLOCK: 10 PLAT: 56308 PAACEL: 4670 ADDITIUN PLAT DESCRIPTION: LOT 28 AND N 30' OF LOT 27 PROPERTY ADDAESS: 5945 2ND STREET 55432 RESIDENT: JOHN T BACHAND AESIDENT BUSINESS: Oi1NER : JORN T BACHAND Of�'NER HUSINESS: 0{fNER ADDRESS : 5945 2ND STREET , FRIDLEY COF4�NTS: HOl�STEAD , �� HYDE PAAK � �r ?IN: 23-30-24-22-0700 0000 STATUS: A STAEET SEGMENT: LOT: 29 THRU 30 BLOCB: 10 PLAT: 56308 PARCEL: A685 ADDITION: HYDE PARK PLAT DESCRIPTION: PAOPERTY ADDRESS: 5957 2ND STREET RESIDENT: MARR A SPII.HAN OWNER : !lAHR A SPII.HAN OMNER ADDRESS : 5957 2ND STAEET C014fENTS: HOMESTEAD 55u32 RESIDENT BUSINESS: OWNER BUSINESS: , FAIDLEY �� 55432 55u32 55u3z 55�32 55432 55432 30 ATE 09/10/84 EiOGRAH MA02 CITY DF FRIDLEY NASTER ADDRESS LIST BY PIN Ix: 23-30-24-22-0023 000o STATUS: A LOT: 10 THAll 12 BLOCR: 6 PLAT: 56308 PLAT DESCRIPTION: S 6' OF LOT 10, PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6020 31tD STREET RESIDENT: 811AAY J TfiERWX OWNEA : AARRY J THEAOUX OHNER ADDRSSS : 6020 3RD STAEET COt4�NTS: HOMESTEAD 31 STREEf SEGMENT: PARCEL: 1900 ADDITION: HYDE PARC ALL OF LQT 11 AND N 22.5' OF LOT 12 55432 RESIDENT BUSINESS: OhiNER SUSINESS: , FAIDLEY , �1, 55432 I�1: 23-30-24-22-0024 0000 STATUS: A STREET SEGMENT: LOT: 12 THRU 14 BLOCR: 6 PLAT: 56308 PARCEL: 1960 ADDITION: HYDE PAAK PLAT DESCRIPTION: LOT 12 (E% N 22.5^) ALL OF LOT 13 AND THE N 11' OF LOT 14 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6010 3RD STREET 55432 AESIDENT: FRANK J REARNEY RESIDENT BUSINESS: OWNER : FRANR J REAANEY at�INER BDSINESS: OWNER ADDRESS : 6010 3RD STREET , FRIDLEY , lIId, 55�132 COP4�lENTS: HOMESTEAD 'IN: 23-30-24-22-0025 0000 STAIVS: A LOT: 14 THRU 15 BLOCR: 6 PLAT: 56308 PLAT DESCRIPTION: LOT T4 (ER N 11') PROPEATY ADDRESS: 6000 3RD STREET AESIDENT: FRANI4.IN H HAAT OWNER : FAANKLIN H HART OkNER ADDAESS : 6000 3RD STREET COhA1ENTS: HOMESTEAD 'IN: 23-30-24-22—ot01 LOT: 1 THRU 2 PLAT DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ADDRESS: RESIDENT: iIILLARD OWNER : WILLARD OWNEA ADDRESS . COtR�NTS : STAEET SEGMENT: PARCII.: 2000 ADDITION: HYDE PARK AND ALL OF LOT 15 55432 RESZDENT BUSINESS: OHNER BUSINESS: , FRIDLEY , I�4d, 0000 STANS: A STREET SEGMENT: BLOCK: tt PLAT: 56308 PARCEL: 47u0 ADDITIDN: HYDE PAAK 5960 3RD STREET C CUINONT C CUIMONT 5403 �OLFAX AVENUE NO 'IN: 23-30-24-22-0702 0000 LOT: 3 THRU 4 BLOCR: PLAT DESCRIPTION: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 5974 RESIDENT: DAVID OWNER : DAVID Oi1NER ADDRESS : 5974 COt9�NTS : 5543z BESIDENT BUSINESS: OHNER BUSINESS: . HPLS , M� � STANS: A STREET SEGMENT: 11 PLAT: 56308 PARCEL: 4T70 ADDITION: HYDE PARK 3RD STREET 5543z OHLIN RESIDENT BUSINESS: OHLIN OIiNEA BUSINESS: 3RD STREET , FRIDLEY , �'�'1, PIN: 23-30-21►-22-0103 0000 STAIVS: A STREET SEGNENT: LOT: 5 THRU 6 BLOCR: 11 PLAT: 56308 PARCII.: 4820 ADDITION: HYDE PARK PLAT DESCRIPTION: PAOPERTY ADDRESS: 5440 3RD STRSET RESIDENT: ROBERT J ECICER OHNER : AOBERT J fiCKER OWNEA ADDRESS : 5940 3RD STREET COlMENTS: HOMESTEAD 55�32 RESIDENT BUSINESS: OWNER BUSINESS: , FRIDLEY , �, 55u3z 55430 55432 55432 L� L S. #84=10 Hugh Churchill 5963 2 1/2 Street NM' �'OR ER � J C. 3 J i ... /..., �,�� - - - ,�...� � -- -- — �� , , .rr, . / - ilr a✓ � . , . . � i I I ; 41 Z N � � Z Q � i 4 • 30 2O9 b630 bo`2t b�2 �.. �111� B sz +�+� � Z- {,6iz /L �ia boo� , '�' a : W 2 F- � �0�� 59TH � �� Z N _ =' e� � _ � 3�zb �U �[pTu r¢ 5E� � �ot� � • --- _ � � ir94� ` I�D �� 6 0 2q� � �r0� i.A`+7 �6zo -� ` .DS�t?fl� �P " "' f 159LS 5��10 - 'f ' �- Z' 6 W 2� , I Z 2 o ii 1 /9 /2 1 F i.i y 54oi s��io AVENUE N � N Z H � 32 �.� ' -- _dy.. � l, ----- /{ : �� . . ic ��, 1 � '6o7ii � 3 '• ?d k *• � � i ' s � � �D . 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Action by City: llpproved : Date: Time: Rejected: oate : `�� `i �� `� Time : I D'• y S �t'�'� ____ gy : BY � ��" (If approved - complete stamp on Document) 9. Reasons: (Cross out inappropriate words) a. Subdivision Regulations (do - da=�+iet1 apply. b. Subdivision f-rlgs+a�ed - not approved). (If approved - attach certified.copy of Resolution.) c. Restrictions �- not waived) by Council. (If waived - attach a certifie� copy of Resolution.) 10. Conditions Zmposed: � Combiaation with PIN No. (Petition of Owner shou d be attached.) � Others: (Specify) . NOT£: IF SUBDIVISION INVOLVES TORRENS I.l�7D, CONTACT THE EXAMINER OF TITLES AT COUNTY COURTHOUSE FOR FORM OF DESCRIPTION. (MINNESOTA STATUTES SECTION 508.47) n� V ' � a` z -x� NT � � Y t �4 `_ . (. _ ' _ a crrv oR �=iw�.�vj '. . SNBJF. rCT y�� i�l s+a+ unMVEwwrr wv�. �+�. � T saio�sr. war. ss.�e ww+ts�+-K� T �� _ , QRDItWICE M0 � , . ;... . . . ' ;..� . . ' ., � . - . . , ,• f 4.L'i�� ` .. . ,_ ��. . �]�tlnoo Produot�, � Tsb. � il�Cd 9�00 Commerne Iatie. iMidl�f. !a. . � � ZOA i SAY /� PS i [SHED 8-31-84 �°I��IIp6 COIMISSION: APPROYED,,,,_,DISAPPROYED ' `DATE �Y4 NO• � C �pUNCIL: PUBLIC HEARIN6 OATf 75T READ '� 2ND READ CIT1' QOtl�tCIL: . AVPROYED OISAPPRQVEU 8�lTE � PAlfk FEE REQUIRED: MOUiT ' PAID STIPULATIONS: ' : -.. „AF� Minoo Produote, Ino. (1(arl 3ohurr) fEE �5� RECEIpT NOJ y3°,�1�--. STREET IOCATION OF PROPERTY 73ra Ave. from Commeroe Clrole N. to E.B. tradks. LE6AL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY___Please see Appendiz 1, attached. . ,. PRESENT ZONING CLAS��F���ON M-Z EXISTIN6 USE OF PROPERTYc.r re so�r� r, ee n�..ec�e (, ACREA6E OF PROPERTY .? acr� pESCRIBE BRIEFLY TNE PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION OR TYPE OF USE AND IMPROYEMENT PROPOSED Please sea Appendiz 2, attaohed. y �3�,.� �f'.� Flas 'Ehe presenf applicant previous variance or specia] use per�it on What was requested and when?. � ' �+-/� ' � � /7i to rezone, plat, obta t sfte ar part of it? - - �- �n� o� 1 i t or �"�' _�yes z no. The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of proper- ty within 350 feet must be attachbd to this application (rezoning), 300 feet, (plat- ting), �aust be attacABd ta'this bppi5�ation. '(b) This application must be signed by a11 avners of the property, or an explanation given v►hy this is not the case. (c) ReSponsiDility for any defect in the proceedings resuiting from the faiture to . list the names and addresss of atl residents and property owenrs of propRrty in �uestion, belongs to the undersigned. �;:.: : A s� of proposed property and structure �ust be drawn and attached, showing the #a�iGiipg: 1. North direction. 2. location of tfie proposed siructure on the lot. " 3. `-3HNensions of property, proposed atructure, aod fron and silk 3etbacks. 4. Street aa�es. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (withi�l 350 feet). Tfie undersigned hereby deciares that atl the fscts and respresentations stated in this application are true and correct. � DATE AuB�t 71s 198�► 3IfiNATURE � +�l��+�+% ADDRESS �►�+ ?3� Commero� Lsa�, Prialh TElEPHOltE 110 571-3121 . 37 VACATION request, page 2, Minco Froducts, Inc. 8-31-84 Appendlx 1: Lot 5, block 4, Co�merce Park, on north side of 73rd Ave. Lot 13, block 1, Faco Industrial Yark, on south side of i3rd Ave. Appendix 2: Vacating the street to owner of adjacent lots will enable use of a portion (at west end) as a holding pond for water run-off and a portion for parking (through removal of slde yard restrict- ions). There 2re NSF easements along the street rlght-of-way, so there can be no building there. However, use for holding pond and parking wiil permit more efflcient use of the adjacent lots for addltional manufacturing facilities. Please see accom- panying slte drawing and plat maps. Advantages to the City of Frldley would be deletlon of any future need to extend Gnd maintaln t:nis port�on of tne street from Com- merce CSrcle West to the aurl�ngtor. Northern tracks. By allow- ing more efficler.t land use of adjacent lots, soze inorease Sn tax base should result in the long range, and �cre jobs should becooe avallable for local resider.ts. i:lnco plans plar.t expansion on lot 5, block.4, ir. tne i�medlate future, ar.d probeble develop�ent on lot 13, block 1, in tne next 3 to 5 years. Neither depends on approval of this request. How- ever, your ap:roval is respectfully requested ar.d wlll be apprec- Sated, slnce it will affect our detalled p1a:.ning. Tnank you. V � \ \ . 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CITY OF FRIDLEY HUMAN RESOURCES COhMISSION MEETING SEPTEM6ER 6, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: After a tour of the Locke House/Banfill Tavern, Chairperson Plinton called the September 6, 1984, Human Resources Comnission meeting to order at 7:57 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Bob Minton, Brian Goodspeed, Peter Treuenfels, Barbara Kocher Members Absent: Arlie Niemi Otfiers Present: Bill Hunt, Administrative Assistant Samantha Orduno, Manaaement Aide David Strootman. 9024+- 101st Ave. N., Brooklyn Park Richard Kovala, 11832 Zion St. N.W „ Coon Rapids Adelyn Harvala, 241 Russell Ave. S., Mpls, Mary Beverage, 831 Rice Creek Terrace Mary Jo Minton, 1538 N.O.berlin Circle Dean Saba, 6325 Van Buren St. N.E, APPROVAL OF AUGUST 2, 1984, NUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MIIJUTES: M�SON BY MR. TREUENFELS� SECONDED BY MS. KOCHER� TO RPPROVE TXE AUGUST 2, 1984, HU�fAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON MINTON DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. OLD BUSINESS: a. Consideration of Banfill Tavern Renovation Ms. Orduno stated Donna Lind, Executive Director of the Hennepin County Historical Society, had a prior comnitment and was not able to come on the tour or attend the Cortmission meeting. After the article came out in the Mpls. Star & Tribune and after apparently talking to some people at Hennepin County, Ms. Lind did not seem quite so upset about the idea of putting a business into the Ba�fill Tavern as long as one of the stipu- lations was that the business would not be one that would detract from the historical significance of the house. Ms. Orduno stated she had talked to Henry Harron of the S�ate Historicai Society, and he had sent her a"Grants & Aids Manual" which told about the funding, tax credits, incentives, etc. HUFiAN RESOURCES LOMFIISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 6 1984 PAGE Z Ms. Orduno stated that regarding the question raised by Mr. Minton at the last Commission meeting, it was possible to �hange title. The house can be sold. The one who holds the title is the one who can get the most federal funding. Mr. Harron had suggested the Commission members review the "Grants & Aid Manual"; and then if the Commission members had any further questions, he would be happy to answer them. Ms. Orduno stated one point Ms. Lind had made, which was indicated in the manual, was that whoever owns the house has the responsibility to keep the house open to the public at least 8 days each year. The exterior and interior have to be preserved to the date stipulated by the National Registry. Mr, Ptinton stated the recent article in the Mpls. Star & Tribune certainly did stir up some interest in the Banfill Tavern. He had received some telephone calls, and several people were at the meeting. He stated there Has some interest in establishing a boutique in the home and some interest in establishing a"bed and breakfast" establishment. Mr. Goodspeed stated fie had a telephone call from Mr. David Strootman, who was presently operating his barbershop business in a restored building, Mr. Strootman was at the meeting. Ms. Orduno stated Mr. Harron had suggested that one of the Commission members might want to attend the meeting where they review the grant applications in order to give the Comiission some ideas on how to write applications, etc. Before going too far with this, both Mr. Harron and Ms. Lind stated the Corrmission needed to establish some type of plan of exactly what they wanted to do and then they would better know what type of funding to seek. Mr.Minton stated the Commission r.�as at the point where they were going to have to establish some guidelines and then, upon the completion of those guidelines, make a recommendation to the Fridley City Council and then Anoka County. He felt they needed guidelines for the following: 1, historical guidelines--to preserve the historical character of the building 2, guidelines tfiat would be appropriate for a county setting, if it remained county property Mr. Goodspeed stated he thought one of the reasons they wanted Ms. Lind at the meeting was to help the Comnission in establishing some guidelines. Ms. Orduno stated that both Ms. Lind and, especially Mr. Harron, seemed hesitant to do that because of what happened in the past with Anoka County wanting funding and then pulling out at the last minute. Ms. Lind thought the Comnission or Anoka County should formulate a plan before they would be willing to move a�ead, HUPIAN RESOURCES COMt4I5SI0N MEETING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 PAGE 3 Mr. Minton stated he thought they should consider governmental funding as only one option among many, especially if they learn what the tax incentives might be for a private individual. He stated it was important to remember that the Cormiission was just an interested party that will make a recommendation that will eventually reach the Anoka County Board of Comnissioners. That recor.mendation could include sane stipulations that the building either be sold with certain covenants to the title or that it be developed by the county through a lease with certain stipu- lations. After seeing the house that evening and its state of deterioration, he felt it was very important that something be done rather quickly. Mr, Treuenfels stated he would like to see the financial picture clarified a little more. He felt it would be good to spend some time in the consideration of the guidelines, but he would also like to see the financial picture--possible sources of income and revenues laid out, especially what burden , if any, the taxpayer would have to assume. If there was any chance that public tax maney would be used for this purpose, they sfiould be aware of that fact and call attention of that fact to the public bodies that make the decisions. Ms. Orduno stated that Ms. Lind felt that Mr. Harron (or Charles Nelson) of the State Historical Society would be the person the Commission should discuss this with as any funding or any applications would have to be channeled through him anyway. Those two people had been unavailable for this meeting. Mr, hiinton stated he would first like to have the actual regulations from the tax code in whatever form they are so the Commission could read them. They should probably invite Mr. Harron to the next Commission meeting in October. Mr. Goodspeed asked Mr. Strootman if he liad any comments regarding the Banfill Tavern since he had put a business into a restored building. Mr. Strootman stated that in his case, he wanted to preserve the exterior of the building (schoot house) but did not want to restore the interior to a one-room school. He stated his situation really did not apply specifically to what would be done with the Bar�fi71 Tavern. He stated he had read the article in the paper and since the article mentioned a barber- shop as a possible tenant, fie had come to the meeting out of interest and was interested in staying informed of future discussions. Ms. Adelyn Harvala stated she has been looking for new property, and she would be interested in purchasing the building and property and restoring it to its original state as an inn--hopefully, getting the post office back in as a special post office, using the building for private dinners and luncheons by reservation only, not open to the public. She did not want to get into a cortmercial type business, but wanted to keep it family and community-oriented. With her sister, she would like to use the older part of the building as a boutique, either on a year-around basis or on a seasonal basis. She stated she personally would need residence in the building--it wo�ld be her home. HUPtAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEPI6ER 6, 1984 PA6E 4 Mr. Minton asked Ms. Harvala how she would feel about having the building open to the public 8 days a year. Ms, flarvala stated she would keep it open even 2-3 days a week by appointment only; and then, if need be, 8 days a year to the general public without appointment. She would have �o objections to that, pro- vided it could 6e done on a scheduled basis. She stated this was the type of building she was looking for, and it would be in co-ownership with her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. 5aba asked if the Cortmission members had explored what has been done with similar establishments. He wondered if it wouldn't be beneficial to do a study on what the potential was for a building like this and what capabilities a building like this could have. He thought a restaurant was a good idea, but maybe more should be done on a larger scale with more than just the building, Maybe something should be done with the old Red River Oxcart Trail to really preserve the historical integrity of the whole area. Mr. Hunt stated he had vacationed in Door County, Wisc., this summer and had visited a town called Ephraim which has an old country store/ warehouse which was set up by a Norwegian settler in the 1870's. The town has established what they call the Ephraim Foundation which has restored the building. The warehouse is used as an art gallery,and old store has been restored to a 1910-1920 per�od with different types of goods. He stated the idea of a local foundation was an interesting way of funding restoration. If Fridley had local people who would buy into a foundation, they could have a broader purpose than just restoring the Banfill Tavern, It was one other possibility of seeking funding from local groups. It could also be a receiving agency for grant monies from grant-making foundations. Mr. Saba stated he liked the idea of creating a foundation for this type of tl�ing. He stated local industries are usually very interested in projects like this. He thought they should look at the possibility of establishing a foundation and investigating that type of fund-raising approach. Ms. Beverage stated she thought the Banfill Tavern was a very unique building, architectura77y. She could think of no other landmark that was used in this manner. Mr. Minton stated he liked Mr. Saba's idea of a broader plan for th2 historical context of the whole area. Mr. Minton stated there were several possibilities they would have to discuss: (1) What would have to be done for a grant; (2) What would have to be done if title was passed to a private individual for private development (tax considerations); and {3) the possibility of establish- ing a foundation. Ms. Kocher stated they should also discuss the possibility of the City of Fridley purchasing the 6uilding. HUMAN RESOURCES CON�IISSION MEETING, SEPTEhffiER G, 1984 PAGE 5 Ms. Orduno stated one alternative Ms. Lind had suggested was passing the title back to the State Historical Society and letting them restore the building. This has been done in the past. Ms. Orduno stated she would also like to contact some people who have restored homes themselves and see what they have done in order to get some first hand information on obtaining tax credits and if there were problems involved in doing that. Mr. Minton suggested Ms. Orduno contact Lhe Naegele Restaurant Corp., which owned Forepaugh's Restaurant and Pracna-on-the Main. Mr. Minton thanked Ms. Beverage for conducting the tour through the Banfill Tavern and thanked the people in the audience for their interest and for coming to the meeting. Mr. Hunt stated he was very concerned about the house now that winter was fast approaching. He stated the windows have to be sealed in some way to keep out the ravages of winter. He stated he would contact Mr. Torkildson, Director of the Anoka County Parks Dept., to see what the County's plans were for preparing the building for winter. Mr. Treuenfels stated the Cormnission has talked about various options for the building. He would like to see them develop a flnarcial picture for each particular option. Discussion was continued until the next meetinq. b. Discussion of Disaster Preparedness Mr. Treuenfeis stated he had a lengthy discussion with 7im 7urnbul7 of the Police Dept. that covered a nurt�er of aspects. He stated they discussed the technical aspects a little bit more. Right now the City is mainly interested in getting a reliable warning system in Fridley, and he could understand that. Mr. Treuen�els stated two things he was interested in were voice transmission and rotating sirens. He stated he would like to pursue the possibility of voice transmission a little bit more; however, Mr. Turnbull did dissuade him regarding the rotating sirens. Apparently, not much is gained with a rotating siren, and the cost is considerable. Mr. Treuenfels stated he had hoped that with a rotating siren and using a higher decibel rate and throwing the sound farther, they would be able to reduce the number of sirens. According to Mr, Turnbull, that did not seem to be the case. Mr. Treuenfels stated another technical aspect mentioned at the last Co�nission meeting was the emergency power supply. Apparently, as far as radio transmission is concerned, it does not take too much power and that can be accomplished by some standby battery system. The same kind of idea can be applied to the sirens. They could have "storage" batteries that would be charged off the power supply, and in times of emergency, the stored batteries would furnish power for the operation of the sirens for up to 30 continuous minutes. HUD�N RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 PAGE 6 c. Mr. Treuenfels stated he was also interested in the financial aspect and Mr. Turnbull indicated that Hennepin County was in a much better bargaining position than Fridley because they would be interested in considerably �re units and would qualify for a wholesale price. However, Hennepin County has indicated a willingness to order extra units to sell to fridley and other communities, Then the question is whether Hennepin County was interested in the same type of siren as Fridley. Hennepin County seems to lean more toward a one-way transmission siren and Fridley leans toward a two-way transmission siren. He stated Mr. Turnbull is going to meet with Hennepin County officials and will report back to the Corrrnission. Mr, Treuenfels stated he would contact Mr. Turnbull before the next meeting to see if there was any new information. He would also ask Mr. Turnbull about any reports from various comnunities that have voice transmission. Discussion was continued until the next meeting. Status Report on Latch-Key Program in Fridley Ms. Kocher stated she really had no information to report. The President of the YMCA and Tom Myhra will be approaching the Fridley School Board this session to ask for a room in one of the Fridley schools for a latch- key program, rather than in the Riverwood Community Center. She stated there is apparently a corps of parents interested in getting this program started. Mr. Treuenfels stated the subject of a latch-key program in Fridley came up at a meeting of the Cortmunity Education Advisory Council. It was discussed and it was found there were many open questions connected with such a program. One point was made that apparently there is a kind of social stigma attached, and that a family that is in need of this type of program may hesitate to come forward and admit that, because of their financial condition, they cannot afford the program. It was felt that once the program is started, more parents will be rtrore willing to come forward, The Community Education Advisory Council decided that the usual thing to do would be to form a committee and open it up to all interested parents. He stated Ms.Kocher, because of her interest in getting a latch-key program started in Fridley, might want to sit in on this canmittee. 2. NEW BUSINESS: a. Consideration of Affirmative Action Plan of the City of Fridley Mr. Minton stated the Corm�ission had received this plan with their agenda. He stated someone on the Planning Comnission was interested in seeing how the City was doing with regard to employment and promotion of women. In looking at the plan, it looked like some progress had been made between 1975-1980. He did not know what has happened between 1980 and now, but he felt he could report to the Planning Commission that so�e progress has been made. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 6 1984 PAGE 7 Mr. Minton asked Mr. Hunt if there were any plans for an update to this report in 1985. Mr. Hunt stated there was no magic point at which a report would be done. Besides this report, they also have a fairly extensive affirmative action program. Fridley's affirmative action program was one of the first in the whole state to be approved by the State Dept, of Human Rights. He asked what form of information the Canmission wanted. There were a lot of ways this information could be updated. Mr. Minton stated f�e would be interested in some updated information comparable to the chart included in the Affirmative Action Plan entitled "Utilization Analysis" for permanent employees. Mr. Hunt stated he would update this information as of July l, 1984, and would get a copy of the Equal Er�ployment Opportunity Commission report to the Comnission members when it was ready. Mr. Treuenfels stated he had a concern regarding the "City of Fridley Supplemental Personnel Data for Affirmative Action Recruitment" form. He would like to suggest that Mr. Hunt look into the possibility of deleting the asking for the name of the person filling out the form. Even though completion of the form was optional, he really felt being asked for a name had the pffect of making people less willing to fill out the form, 3. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Review of Progress on Work Plan Mr. Hunt stated he would invite Liz Chevalier of the Police Dept, to the next meetir.g to speak on Police/Comnunity Relations. Mr. Hunt stated he would contact Anoka County regarding the status of 1984 CDBG funding. ADJOURNMENT: MOTZON BY MR. TREUENFELS� SECONDED BY MR. GOOASPEED� TO AA70URN THE MEETIlJG. UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG RYE, CHAIRPERSON MINTON DECLARED THE SEPT. 6� 1984, AUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSZON MEETZNG ADJOURNED AT 9:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ly Saba Recarding Secretary CITY OF fRIDLEY APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Gabel called the September 18, 1984, Appeals Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m, ROLL CALL: Members Present: Pat Gabel, Alex Barna, Jim Plemel, Jean Gerou, Donald Betzold Menbers A6sent: Others Present: None Darrel Clark, City of Fridley Karl & Margaret Schurr, 7818 Alden Way N,E. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 28, 1484, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BRRNA� SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD� TO APPROVE TXE AUGUST 28� 1984, APPEALS COMMZSSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN, UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� UNANIMOUSLY. GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED 'i 1 1 1• �• • � 1 �• � 1 1 11 1 � . ,�. ��� ��. � � �. . , � 7.1r,;,�yl���ii 1 � • �y1�1�l1;1:�a?l:LI � � • eL�7.341LT7�y���i�Llw��]?�3�L•a�f�ii:ll INDUSTRIAL CENTER, THE SAME BEING 5341 EAST RIVER ROAD, FRIDLEY, MN. 55432, equest by ene o erts, or quist ign o., 312 est a e Street, Minneapo7is, Mn. 55408) Mr, C1ark stated the petitioner called that afternoon and requested that this item be continued until the next Appeals Commission meeting. Ms. Gabel stated no action was needed as the item had not been removed from the table. 2, REDUEST FOR A VARIANCE PURSUANT TO [. (Kequest by Karl Schurr, , Fridley, Mn. 55432 �I cLS, inc., MOTZON BY MS. GEROU� SECCYJDED BY MR. BARNA, TO OPEN 2HE PUBLIC HERRING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAZRPERSON GABEL DECLARED TIIE PUBLIC AfiARING OPEN 1ST 7e33 P,M. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1984 PAGE 2 Chairperson Gabel read the Administrative Staff Report: ADMINISTR.4TIVE STAFF REPORT 7300 Comnerce Lane N.E. A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.18.3D.2 requires a setback of not less than twenty feet between any building and side property lines. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide open space areas around industrial structures for aesthetic and firefighting purposes. 8. STATED HARDSHIP: "The MPCA is requiring that we provide a better storage area for nonflammable chemical wastes as they accumulate prior to haul-away/ storage. Such wastes are presently stored in drums in an open, fenced-in area at tfie same location where we propose to erect an enclosed storage building. This building would be attached and compatible with our existing plant. Per MPCA's verbal indication, ±his would satisfy their requirements. It also would permit us to relocate noisy air compressors from their present location in the machine shop area," C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: Tf the Board recommends approval, the Staff has no stipulations to suggest. Mr. Clark stated he had a survey of the property showing where the addition would be built. He also had a floor plan of the facility that would house the drums and barrels mentioned in the petitioner's request. Mr. Clark stated he thought the property Would probably look better aestheti- cally when this construction was completed. He had specifically checked with the Fire Dept, and the Fire Dept. has no problems with this location for this facility. Mr.Barna asked what the distance was from where this addition would be to 7otino's. . Mr. Clark stated there was a driveway and a loading dock, so he would say there was probably close to 100 ft, between the buildings. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 18 1984 PAGE 3 Ms. 6abe1 asked the petitioner, Mr. Karl Schurr, to explain their proposal. Mr. Schurr stated a year ago when they had an inspection by the MPCA, everything was fine with the outside storage area. This year, the MPCA inspected again, and are now objecting to the outside storage area, They want it canpletely redone. They want a chain link fence around it and concrete impermeable face. They also want the overhead roof drain removed, Mr. Schurr stated the MPCA's objections are what prompted this addition and the variance request. At the same ttme, Minco is trying to get something beneficial out of it, because they would use the addition to move the air compressors out of the shop. They tfiink this will be the best in terms of eppearance and serviceability. They will have ready access to Commerce Lane for the haul-away of the accumu7ated waste. He stated it costs $85/drum plus disposal costs to have a drum of waste hauled away, so it behooves them to not have a partial drum but a full drum and have a reasonable number of drums to be hauled away. That is why they need the storage area. Ms. Gabel asked how many drums are being stored at a given time before being hauled away. Mr. Schurr stated they recently had about 60 drums hauled away. This was their accumulation for a 2-year period, so that is about 25-30 drums (55 gal. drums) a year. Mr. Betzold asked if the MPCA had been apprised of these plans and were in agreement to put the drums in the same area as the air compressors. Mr, Schurr stated the MPCA has no problem with it, Ms. Gabel stated she would much rather see these drums stored inside a facility rather than outside because she thought the drums sitting outside were vulner- ab7e to some undesirable and unpredictable situations over ��hich the company would have no control. Mr, Barna stated he wondered why it wouldn't 6e more feasible to store the waste product at the back (the west end) of tfie buiiding where no variance would be required at a)1. Mr. Schurr stated they are planning an expansion to that side of the building very soon, The plans have already been submitted to the City. The reason why they would prefer to store the waste product in the new storage area was because of the accessibility to trucks to come in and pick it up and haul it away. Mr. Barna stated there was the deadend in back on 73rd Ave. where they could still get a truck in and out. ' Mr, Schurr stated they are planning the expansion to make the optimum use of the land back there. He would be very reluctant to give up parking space to allow trucks to come in. The expansion would extend back about the same APPEALS COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 18 1984 PAGE 4 distance, and there would be a toading dock that will come out on 73rd Ave., but it would not be a5 convenient as storing the waste in the proposed addition and having it picked up off Commerce Lane. The loading dock was intended for bringing in materials and not chemicals. MOTION BY MR, PLEMEL� SECONDED BY MS, GEROU, TO CIASE TXE PUBLZC NEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIA5ED AT 7:49 P.M. Mr. Plemel stated he had no objection to this plan and would vote in favor of the variance request. Ms. Gerou agreed. She stated the plan posed no problem with the Fire Dept „ and there was a large distance between the building and Totino's. Mr. Barna stated he had no problem with enclosing what is presently a storage area. He could understand the convenience to the Commerce Lane driveway, but he had trouble with the stated hardship. The hardship said that the MPCA is requiring Minco to provide a better storage area. Even with the future construction plans, they have available space where they could build a better storage area which would not require a variance. He was having a hard time finding a viable hardship in this request, Mr. Betzold stated the requirement was from the MPCA. The plan was an excellent one to have the waste enclosed, but it is going to be done one way or another. The drums are not going to remain outside, because the MPCA is goirig to require that they be in some kind of enclosed area. The proposed addition is probably a more convenient place from the operation standpoint, but it was not impossible to have it in the back of the building. He agreed the hardship was a little thin. Certainly the distance between the building and Totino's was adequate now, but what would happen if Totino's would add on to their building to the south? Would it make it more difficult for Totino's to do that? Mr. Clark stated he certainly could not speak for Totino's, but the way their plant is laid out, they absolutely need the driveway along the south property line, because that is where the major portion of their product is brought out and shipped, He could not see that changing, Mr. Barna asked how soon Minco planned to begin their expansion. Mr. Schurr stated the plans were to start just as soon as they can, and involved in that is the MPCA's approval. He stated he wanted to add that a new building is extremely expensive these days, and he would be very reluctant to use that new part as storage space just to collect drums to wait until there are enough for pick-up and hauling away. It was not a very practical invest- ment to put storage in the new area. APPEALS COMMISSION MEETIN6, SEP7EMBER 18 1984 PAGE 5 Ms. Gabel stated that, in addition, these plans have already been drawn up, and there is a great deal of expense involved in that, too. Mr. Barna asked Mr. Schurr if he could say that their hardship would include tfie fact that they are expanding the building to tfie west in the ir�nediate future and they are expanding tfieir employee parking to the west in the irtmediate future. If they had to give up any of the western property for storage space, it would create a hardship as far as manufacturing space and employee parking. Mr. Schurr stated that was absolutely correct. Mr. Barna stated that after hearing that, he would have no objections to the variance request. He stated he would like the above statements added to the hardship before it goes to City Council. Ms. Gabel stated the public interest was also served by containing this hazardous waste material, and she would be in favor of the variance request. MOTION 8Y MS. GEROU� SECONDED BY MR, BRRNA� TO RECOMMEND 2b CSTY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF R VARIANCE REjJUEST PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 205 OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE � REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACX ALONG TXE NORTH SIDE OF TNE PLANT FROM 20 FT. 21� 10 FT. TO RLLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF R 10 FT. BY IDO FT. ADDITZON ON LOT 5� BLOCK 4� COMMERCE PARX ADDITION� THE SAME BEING 7300 COMMERCE LANE, FRIDLEy, MN, 55432. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Clark stated this item would go to the Planning Comnission on Sept. 26 and would probably go to the City Council on Oct, l. ADJOURNMENT: MOTZON BY MR. BET20LD� SECONDED BY MR. PLEMEL� 21� AA70URN THE MEETING. UpON A VOICE [�OTE� ALL vOTING AYE� CXAI'RPERSQV GABEL DECLARED THE SEPT. Z8� I984� APPEAZS COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:00 P,M. Respectfully submitted, , � Lyn i Saba Recording Secretary � � � I � CITY Of FRIDLEY PLANNING COMMISSION MEE7ING, SEPTEMBER 26, 7984 CALL TO ORDER: Chairwoman Schnabel called the September 26, 1984, Planning Comnission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, P1s, Gabel, Mr. Nielsen, Mr. Saba, Mr. Minton, Mr. Kondrick Menbers Absent: None Otliers Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Scott Holmer, The Lift, 6319 Nighway 65 Nugh Churchill, 5955 - 2; St. N,E. Karl & tdargaret Schurr, 7818 Alden Way James Faulwell, Unity Medical Center Tim McKee, Timco Construction, Inc.,9421 W, River Rd. Tom McKee, Timco Construction, Inc.,9421 W. River Rd. Frank Hart, Jr., 6000 - 3rd St. N.E. APPROVAL Of SEPTEMBER 12, 1984, PLAIJNIN6 COMMISSI�N MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. NIEISEN� TO APPP.OVE THE SEPT. 22, 1984� PLr1NNING COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHASRWOMAN SCXNRBEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. TABLED: PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT SP #,84-15 SKI D IK : er Section 5. ., 3, C, of t e Fri ey City Co e to allow an outsi e boat yard and patio furniture display on Lots 9, 10, and 11, Block l, Moore Lake Highlands, the same being 6319 Nighway #65 N.E. Public hearing open. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located on the northeast corner of 63rd Ave. and Highway #65. The zoning was C-2. The property was surrounded by R-2 density and single family density with some corrunercial zoning to the south. Mr. Robinson stated the petitioner was requesting a special use permit for what was presently a canoe storage and sales area. In conjunction with the special use permit, Staff is looking at sane stipulations in :-der to bring the property up to code. Staff was recommending the following recomnendations: PLANNING COMMISSIOPJ MEETING, SEPTEMBER 26 1984 PAGE 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Restain wooden fence on both sides Provide a screened dumpster location with a solid wood fence on all sides Mulch all existing planting beds. Plant vines on chain link fence where possible Stripe parking lot Provide a timetable pertaining to the provision of finalized site plan includina parking lot setbacks. concrete cu'r6ing, and Eompleie landscaping. Ms. Schnabel asked the petitioner, Mr. Holmer, if he was agreeable to the above stipulations. Mr, Holmer stated that regarding #2, he does have the dumpster fenced in on three sides. The dumpster was tucked up alongside the trailer so it was not visible from the normal public parking. He was reluctant to put a gate on the fence because the fence was not engineered for a gate. He would have to re-engineer the whole fence or construct a new fence. He a9reed that in the past before the trailer was brought in for an additional office facility, the dumpster was in full view, but it wasn°t now. Mr. Robinson stated they rea7ly need a permanent screened dumpster as that is city code. Mr. Holmer stated that regarding #3, he fully intended to mulch the planting beds. Mr. Holmer asked for the reasoning for #4, planting vines on chain link fence where possible. Mr. Robinson stated that when he visited the property, there was nothing in the fenced-in area, and the appearance was not very good. The screening provided was pretty limited. He stated a parking lot is required to be screened by code. He was suggesting that planting vines would be an economical way of screening the parking lot. Mr, Holmer stated that having the vines on the fence would �estroy the sale- aBility of the garden shop, even though he reaTized the garden shop was only open two months out of the year. He stated that, as Staff has suggested earlier, he had planted trees down the soutfi side and alpine currants in front of the building, so he felt he had done quite a bit of landscaping. He really felt it was unfair to require him to block his facility from public view. This was an outdoor sales facility. Mr. Holmer stated that regarding #5, striping the parking lot, he has neg- lected having that done for a number of years. He has to sealcoat the drive- way yearly,and he_has just neglected to have it striped. He stated the striping will definitely be done this fall. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 26 1984 PAGE 3 Mr. Holmer stated that regarding the timetable, he thought it was a 1987 ti:metable. In order to upgrade the parking, put in concrete curbing, etc., they would lose a good chunk of parking which would basically make them illegal per city code. Mr. Robinson asked Mr. Holmer to explain his long range planning. Mr. Holmer stated he has taken out a 3-year permit for the office facility (trailer). His long range plans are the same as they have always been, and that is when his option to buy-comes up in the fall of 1986, he will be taking over the buy-out option. As soon after that as is feasibly possible, he will add on to the buiJding. They are cramped for space now, and that is the reason for the permit for the temporary office facility, He stated he was trying to expand as economically as possible. He thought the 1987 time- table was feasible. Mr. Holmer stated he was asking for a special use permit which he thought he had �hen he went to the Planning Corr¢nission and City Council about five years ago, He had not realized at that time that the special use permit was jast for a garden sfiop; fie �ad thougfit it was for all outdoor display situations. He had not intended to be in violation of city code, and this was an attempt to get a permit for what has been done for the last five years. Mr. Holmer stated that as far as tfie patio furniture part of the special use permit, at this point in time, he has no intention of putting patio furniture in the Fridley location. He is doing it at his new Hopkins location and may do it in Fridley, if it works well in Hopkins. He had included the patio furniture in the special use permit request so that he would not have to come back for a special use permit at a later date. Mr. Robinson stated a solution for the fencing of the dumpster on all four sides could be a chain link fence with wooden , slats. Mr. Holmer stated that sounded like a good solution, and he would probably do that. Mr. Oquist stated that regarding planting vines on the chain link fence to screen the parking, it would take 2-3 years for the vines to be thick enough to have any affect. By then, P1r. Holmer might be taking that fencing down, MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO CLQSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP H84-IS BY THE LIFT SKI AND BSKE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARE'D._TNE PUSLIC BEARING CLOSED AT 8:04 P.M. Mr. Saba stated he also questioned the stipulation requiring vines to be planted on the chain link fencing. He did not think it was a viable option, and would like to see that stipulation deleted. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 PAGE 4 Mr. Oquist agreed that stipulation should be deleted. He stated that as far as the stipulation requiring the dumpster to be screened on all sides with a solid wood fence, he would like to see that changed to not specify a wood fence. Mr. Robinson suggested, and the Comnissioners agreed, that this special use permit should be scheduled for review in three years. MOTZON BY MR. OQUIST,,-SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO RECOMMEND TO 2NE CSTY CDUNCIL RPPROVRL OF SPECIRL USE PERMZT, SP #85-14, BY LIFE SKI RND BZKE, PER SECTZON 205.14.1, 3, C, OF THE FRZDLEY CITY CODE, TO ALLOW AN OUTSIDE BOAT YARD AND PATIO FURNITURE DISPLAY ON LOTS 9, 20 AND 12, BLOCK I� MOORE LAKE HIGN.LANDS, THE SAME BEZNG 6319 XIGHWRY N65 N.E.� WISH THE FOLZ,OWING STZPUALATZONS: 1. RETAIN A WOODEN FENCE ON BOTX SZDES. 2. PROVIDE A SCREENED DUMPSTER Z,OCATZON WZTX A FENCE ON ALL SZDES. 3. MULCN RLL EXISTZNG PT,IWTING BEDS. 9. STRIPE PARKING ZAT. S. PROVIDE A TIMETABLE PERTAZNING TO TXE PROVISIONS OF THE FZNRLIZED SITE PLAN INCLUDING PARXING LOT SETBACXS, CONCRETE CURBING AND COMPLETE LANDSCAPZNG. 6. THIS SPECIRL USE PERNZT BE REVIEWED BY COUNCIL ZN TXREE YEARS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNIMOUSLY. , Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to Gouncil on October 15th. 2. PUBL1� HtARING: CONSIDERATION Of A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #84-17 UNITY E ER BY J HN H INES: Per Section 05.0 ., 3, B, to a ow expansion o t e par ing ots of Unity Hospital, 550 Osborne Road and the Professional Suilding at 500 Osborne Road, located on Parcels 6�0 and 24�� in the North Half of Section 11, T-30, R-24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, Minnesota. (Complete legal description on file with the City) MOTION BY MS, GABEL, SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, Tp OpEN THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP N84-17, UN227 MEDICAL CENTER BY JOHN HAINES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIF3JOMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN HT 8:I0 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated the Unity Hospital complex, located on Osborne Road east of University Ave., was contemplating a major parking redevelopment and expansion for completion in the spring 1985. He stated city staff has worked with the petitioners to come up with the present plan. The total of new parking stalls is approximately 250 with the proposed addition. He stated the plan was an improvement in terms of circulation. Mr. Tom F1cKee, Timco Construction, Inc „ stated one of the reasons for this plan was to get better control of the traffic, They felt this was a good plan and would help eliminate a lot of the confusion that has been existing. Ms. Schnabel asked about lighting. Mr. Tom McKee stated the parking lot will be well lit. He stated that is a concern of the hospital also because of the second and thir� shift employees. He stated the lighting plan will be submitted to the City for approval. They will try to reflect the lights into ttie parking lot rather than out of the parking lot into the neighborhood. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTE�BER 26 1984 PAGE 5 Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. An approved landscaping plan 2. An approved lighting plan 3. An approved signage plan 4. An approved drainage plan 5, a $15,000 performance bond. Mr. Tom M�Kee stated they had no problem with any of those stipulations. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. IdZNTON� TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SP #84-Z7, UNITY HOSPITRL CENTER BY JOHN HAINES, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAdRNOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CL0.SED AT 8:30 P.M. MOTION BY MR, KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST� TO RECPMMEND � CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIRL U5E PERMIT� SP N84-17� UNITY MEDICAL CENTER BY JOHN HAINES, PER SECTION 205.07,.2� 3� B� � ALIAW THE EXPANSION OF THE PARKING LCYlS OF UNSSY HOSPITAL� 550 O5BORATE ROAD AND THE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING AT 500 OSBORNE ROAD� LOCATED ON PARCEZS 600 RND 2400 IN THE NORTH HALF OF SECTION IS� T-30, R-24� CITY OF FRIDLEY� COUNTY OF ANOKA� MINNESOTA� WITX THE FOLLOWING STIPULATIONS: 1. AN APPROVED LANDSCAPING PLAN 2. AN ApPROVED LIGXTING PLAN 3. AN ApPROVED SIGNAGE PLAN 4. RN AppROVED DRAIN,7IGE PLAN 5, A�'$1$�000 PERFORMANCE $OND, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECZARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on October 15. 3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. #84-10, HUGH CHURCHILL: Split off the Northerly 8 feet of Lot 29, combined with Lot 30, Block 11, Hyde Park, to make a new buiir,�ing site at 5963 2 1/2 Street N.E. Mr, Robinson stated the property was in Hyde Park, which is a special zoning district. It is located on the southeast corner of 60th Ave. and 2z St. Mr. Robinson stated the original proposal was to add 8 ft, on to the corner lot which was 40.64 ft., making a lot width of 50.64 ft. This would make the square footage of the new lot 6,611 sq. ft. In studying this a little further, Staff had found some concerns that should be addressed. He stated an application has been filed jointly with this for a variance on the lot size since since it would be less than 7,500 sq. ft. Mr. Robinson had discovered that in the Hyde Park area, the minimum lot width is 60 ft., so one of the stipulations would be that Mr. Churchill also apply for a variance for the 60 ft, lot width as well as the square footage of the lot of less than 7,500 sq, ft. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 26 1984 PA6E 6 Mr. Ro6inson stated Staff would also request that the petitioner split off a mi.nimum of 10 ft. He can do this and still maintain the setback needed. He presently has 16.5 ft, so he would still have more than 5 ft. The reason Staff is asking for this is that when there is a lot split, they require an attached garage. With an attached garage, he would need a 5 ft, setback from the lot line. '<. In addition, code requires a double car garage. So, with a 5 ft. setback and a 22 ft. garage and the 25 ft, setback which is required for a double garage from the street, the petitioner would, in fact, need 10 ft. instead of 8 ft. which was originally proposed. Mr. Robinson stated Staff would recommend the following stipulations: 1. Lot split to be contingent upon approval of variances for: � reduced lot area less than 7,500 sq. ft. and lot width less than 60 ft. 2. Split off a minimum of 10 ft, to allow for attached garage 3. Provide an attached two-car garage 4. Provide a survey of the existing corner lot to verify dimensions Mr, Robinson stated one other concern was that if the Planning Commission approves this lot split, are they creating the need for the variances? It 6ecomes a matter of policy. Ms. Schnabel stated it has been city policy in the past that the city has not allowed development on 40 ft. lots unless they meet a certain minimum lot size. The City has always felt that it wanted to maintain certain minimum sizes to be more consistent with the city overall. In fact, the City prefers, if possible, that the adjacent property owner or owners split the 40 ft. lots;and if it is a corner lot that the adjacent property owner keep the property rather than develop a 40 ft. lot. Ms. Schnabel stated that in the past also, the City felt it did not want anything tess than a 60 ft. 1ot in Hyde Park and that was the reason the ordinance was passed. So, there was a problem with the width and the minimum lot size of this proposed lot split request. Ms. Schnabel stated the Hyde Park area has some unusual lot sizes and commer- cial mixed with residential,because there was not a lot of tight controls when it was originally developed. Part of the reason the whole Hyde Park neighborhood area was developed was to try to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood,to upgrade it and make it a more desirable area, to improve t�e area, to get the neighborhood more conscious of its surroundings and image and preserve it's neighborhood. Ms. Schnabel stated they should also address the fact that they are creating the need for variances if the lot split 9s approved, and a house was to be built on the lot, The Planning Comnission has to decide how they feel about creating the need for variances. Mr. Saba stated if they approve this lot split, the approval should be based on the approval of the Appeals Commission on the variances. If the variances are not approved, the lot split would not be approved. PLANNIP�G COMMISSION h1EETING, SEPTEPI6ER 26, 1984 PAGE 7 Mr, Oquist stated the only variances they are actually requiring are the lot width and the lot size. Once the lot split was approved, it was his understanding that a house could be built on the lot without any variances. Ms. Schnabel asked if there was anyone in the audience who would like to make any comments about this request. Mr. Frank Hart, 6000 3rd St., stated he was at the meeting out of curiosity and would have no objection to the lot split. Mr. Robinson stated that if the Planning Commission was uncomfortable with making a recommendation at this time, they might want to take a look at what kind of house could be built on this property and also wait and look at this request again after it goes to the Appeals Commission for variances. Mr. Saba stated he would be more comfortable with looking at this again after the Appeals Commission's decision. Mr, Minton agreed with Mr. Saba. Mr, Oquist stated having a variance with a lot split really bothered him. If the Appeals Commission approves the variances, the Planning Commission should approve the lot split. It was almost like the Appeals Commission should rule on this and not the Planning Commission, because the variances almost take a precedent over the lot split. There just seemed to be some- thing wrong with this combination. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK.TO APPROVE LOT SPLIT REQUEST, L.S. k84-10, BY HUGH CHURCHILL. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. MOTION BY MR. MINTON� SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO TABLE DISCUSSION ON LOT SPLIT RE(jUEST� L.S. N84-Z0� BY HUGX CHURCHZLL UNTIL THE PLANNING COMMISSION RECEIVES THE MINUTES FROM TXE APPERLS COMMZSSZON MEETING OF OCT. 9. UPON A VOICE VOTE� MINTON AND SABA VOTING AYE, KONDRICK VOTING NAY� RND GABEL AND OQUZST ABSTAINING, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNRBEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED BY A VOTE OF �-1. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would be tabled until the Planning Comnission receives the minutes of the Appeals Commission meeting on Oct. 9. Mr. Churchill stated he would think the City would want to see this lot improved and looking better. He stated he was tired of going through all this trouble, and he would just as soon have the City refund his money, and he would forget the whole thing. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 26 1984 PAGE 8 Ms, Schnabel stated that if Mr, Churchill wanted to withdraw his request, he was certainly free to do so. Mr. Churchill stated he would like to withdraw his lot split request. 4. VACATION REQUEST, SAV #84-03, MINCO PRODUCTS BY KARL SCHURR: Vacate 73r Avenue etween Lot 5, oc 4, Commerce ark an ot 3, Block 1, Paco Industria1 Park from Commerce Circle West to the Burlin9ton Northern Railroad tracks. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located on 73rd St. The petitioner has requested that 73rd, which is not a through street and deadends at the railroad tracks, be vacated from Gommerce Circle back to the railroad tracks. This would allow the petitioner to use the area for green space and ponding and would improve his setback requirements. Because he is actually the only property owner, no one else is affected by this vacation. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1, Existing utility easements which presently transect 73rd St. are not to be vacated. 2. P.rovide a 5 ft. wide utility easement along the north of 73rd St. right of way for 6uried NSP line 3. Provide a 15 ft. wide utility easement along the south of 73rd St. for buried Minnegasco line Mr. Robinson stated these utility easements would not affect the petitioner's plans. MOTION BY MR. KONDRIGK� SECONDED SY MR. M2NTpN� TO RE'COMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF VACATION REQUEST� SAV N84-03� MINCO PRODUCTS BY KARL SCHURR, TO VACATE 73RD AVENUE BETWEEN LOT 5� BLOCK 4� COMMERCE PARK AND LOT I3� BLOCK I� PACO INDUSTRZAL pARK FROM COMMERCE CIRCLE WEST 11� THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD TRACKS� WITH THE FOLLOWSNG STIPULATIONS: I, EXI5TING UTILITY EASEME'NTS WHICH pRESENTLY TRANSECT 73RD ST. ARE NOT TO BE VRCATED, 2. PROVIDE A 5 FT. WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT RLONG THE NORTH OF 73RD 5T. RIGNT OF WAY FOR BURIED NSP LINE. 3. PROVIDE A 15 FT. WIDE UTILITY EASSMENT ALONG THE 50UTH OF 73RD ST. FOR BURIED MINNEGA5C0 LINE. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CXRIRWIX4AN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRSED UNANIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on November 5. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 PAGE 9 5. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 6, 1984, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. MINTON, SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO RECEIVE THE SEPT. 6, 1984, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTE5. Mr. Minton stated the Human Resources Commission looked at the Affirmative Action P}an for the City of Fridley. Their main purpose for doing that was to monitor on an ongoing basis the hiring and promotion of women and minorities in the City, They received a five year report, 1975-1980, and that report showed quite a bit of advancement, especially in the promotion or hiring of women in higher positions in the City. TF�e Comnission was quite satisfied with the report. He stated Staff will be providing an updated report from 1980 - present, and they will see if there is any further progress. When he gets the updated report, he will pass it on to the Planning Commission. Ms. Schnabel stated she would appreciate receiving a copy of the 1975-1980 report and the new updated report. She stated she appreciated the Human Resources Commission's interest in the Affirmative Action Plan. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANSMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE SEPTEMBER 18, 1984, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MS. GABEL� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECE3'VE THE SEPT, I8� I984� APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN�SCHIPRBEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANSMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. NIELSEN�.TO ADJOURIJ THE MEETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CXAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE SEPT. 26� 2984� PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 20:00 P.M. Respectfully submi ted, Lyn-� Recording Secretary ' ; �-%�%%�a'���''� �G'�,y%J�.ru.a.a� ��J�� , ) �%�,/� - y6� i5yy � '�� �Q-�� �� i� S�CC9T��/G9C,.M2/� - ZEElL LLF� �� ����«;� ��.��° �- o'���� Jc,���. ��-- �/� (/ ��n'i /�f �%G�� — %i Nl c.o CavisT� -��n c� . .o �OJ"Il'/LJG�` '//�'H(.p CONSJ� .�NG� H t/� �� K �AR-'T �K- � Cc 31 `i N`^� Y to � S � s �S -a?s�,U �, � �r � �e� u�� ����' ��.�,� ��� l✓/�i j %i�Oic�lG �,✓1��� �'/�/Zi W. 2i✓e�2 2r� %�/Z� !iG'. %Z1✓G2 IZYJ� �BO¢J_ �je��%. � � ,