PL 06/19/1985 - 6852City of Fridley A G E N D A PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAV, JUNE 19, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: APPROVE PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MAY 22, 1985 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION Of A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP �85-05, MACHINING, INC., BY DON SCHLOSSER: Per Section 205. 8.1, C, 9 of the Fridley City Code, to allow exterior storage of materials and equipment on Lot 6, Block 2, East Ranch Estates Second Addition, the same being 7773-7779 P,anchers Road N.E. This item has been tabled until July 24, 1985 at the petitioner's request. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP N85-06, NORTHWESTERN BELL, BY JOSEPH WHALEN: Per Section 205.09.1, C, 10 of the fridley City Code, to allow outside storage of communication computer discs for area phone system on part of Tract C, Registered Land Survey k38, the same being 5750 East River Road. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, � Per Section 205.18.1, C, 9 of the Fridley City Code, to allow outside storage of materials and construction equipment on Lot 5, Caba Realty Addition. 4. VACATION R�QUEST, SAV #85-04, BV HEARTLAND CORP.: Vacate all that portion of the University Service Road West (loop back) lying in Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Plaza South Addition. 5. REVIEW OF SP N84-20, TWIN CITY HOMES, INC., BY RANDY GROHNKE: Per Section 205.15.1, C, 3 of the Fridley City Code, to allow the continuation of a mobile home sales lot under new management on Parcel 2681, Section 12, the same being 7625 Uiron Road N.E. 0 7 ELECTION Of VICE CHAIRPERSON OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR 19 5-1986: RECEIVE HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OF MdV 0 iQR� 7:30 P.M. PAGES 1 - 12 13 - 19 20 - 25 26 - 33 34 - 39 WHITE 8. RECEIVE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES OF BLUE MAY Z , 985. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 19, 1985 -- PAGE 2 9. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES OF MAY 28, 1985. 10. RECEIVE PARKS & RECREAT1oN coMMtssrnti MrwirFS nF PAGES YELLOW GREEN 11. RECEIVE APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES OF JUNE 11, 1985. (At Meeting) 12. OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURNMENT: CITY OF FRIDLEY ALANNING.COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 22, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Ch�irwoman Schnabel called the May 22, 1985, Planninq Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Menbers Present: Ms. Schnabel, Mr. Oquist, Mr. Nielsen, Mr. Minton, Mr. Saba, Mr, Kondrick, Mr. Barna Members Absent: IJone Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Betty Wall, 5425 Quincy 5t. N.W., New Brighton Jackie Judlicki, Fridley Convalescent Home John Haines, 448 Rice Creek Blvd, Michael Boo, 2810 57th Ave. N., Brooklyn Center Cf�arley Jofianson, 424 Rice Creek Blvd. Edna & Bruce Barsness, 7589 Lyric Lane N.E. Dorothv Artmann, 254 Rice Creek Blvd. Lloyd & Patricia Larson, 7549 Lyric Lane N,E. Lance A. Lindman, 4565 3rd St. N.E. Janice Carroll, 7567 Lyric Lane N.E. APPROUAL OF MAY 8, 1985, PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRZCK, SECONDED BY MR. SABA, TO APPROVE TNE MRY 8, 1985, pLANNING COMMZSSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED SHE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. TABLED 5/8/85: PUBLIC_HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. �� aroa—w� rrtiu�[t I,UIVVHLtJI,tNI h1UMt tlY BtIIY J.�WALL: Fer $@CtlOfl 2�5.��.����f)� of t e ri ey ity Co e o a ow par ing ot expanston on Lot 1, Block 1, Maple Manor Addition, the same being 7590 Lyric Lane N.E. M_OTION BY MR. MINTON� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK, TO REMOVE THE ZTEM FROM TXE TABLE. �UPOIJ A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CXRIRWOl9A1J SCXNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRSED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR, KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. NZELSEN� TO OPEN THE PUBLZC HEARING ON Sp Ii85-03, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CNAIRk�DMAN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:37 p,M. PLANNIWG COh1MIS5I0N MEETIN6, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 2 Mr. Robinson stated this proposal was for tfie expansion of a parking lot at the Fridley Convalescent Home. The property is located on the northeast corner of Madison and Lyric Lane, TGe property is zoned R-1 and is surrounded by office (LR�Ii, R-3, and predominately single family (R-1) on the south. At the last meeting, tfie major issue was tbe access, whether it should be off Lyric Lane or of Madison St, The petitioner has requested access off Lyric Lane. He stated Cl'�y Staff had suggested access be off Madison 5t „ that the garage be relocated, and the driveway extended back to the parking 1ot. The petitioners felt this was not feasi6le because of the loading area, ambulance and emergency entrance, and the need for a great deal of filt because of the slope and that a retaininq wall would be necessary. Mr. Robinson stated that as agreed at the last meeting, City Staff inet on the site with the Health Central engineer and looked over the feasibility of other ideas. They did come up with a proposal which both agreed was possible. It would involve using the existing access off Madison, tapering that back to the north of the existing garage so the garage would not have to be moved, and then tying back to the proposed parking lot area. This would eliminate any access off Lyric Lane. He stated there are several costs associated with this proposal which the engineer had outlined. Those costs are: additional fencing to protect the patio area -$1,500 widening of the road to accommodate both trucks, cars, as well as ambulances - 1,400 relocation of existing catch basin 1,000 $3�66� These costs together with the increased run of driveway associated with this proposal as opposed to the first proposal with access off Lyric Lane equalled a total difference of $6,132.50. Mr, Robinson stated he had not spoken with the petitioners to see if they were willing to go with this proposal. but they did comply with the Planning Commission's suggestion that they analyze the feasibility of a driveway in the rear alonq with a cost analysis. He stated the stipulations as outlined at the last meeting would be basically unchanged. 1. No access by provided off Lyric Lane. 2, Screen parking lot from right-of-way and residential properties. 3. Appropriate signage be placed in parking lot 4, Parking lot lighting to be diffused. 5. Work with City Engineer on drainage requirements. Mr. Robinson stated that a variance would be needed on the north by the lot line. TFie code requires a 5 ft. setback, and what is shown is basically a zero lot line. Mr. Michael Boo stated he was representing the Fridley Convalescent Home. Their architect met with representatives from the City on the site,and they also further discussed these plans with Suburban Engineers. They remain concerned about the PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 3 . access across the back for many of the reasons discussed at the last meeting. Tfieir architect and enginear have expressed their thoughts on the feasibility and workability and concerns of this alternative plan. This.alternative is difficult for a number of reasons: 1. The cost factor--roughly a$6,100 difference between the two plans. (The total parking lot cost with access off Lyric Lane, not including fencing and landscaping, was estimated at $18,000.) 2, Traffic flow--resulting in one entrance being used for both parking lot access and, at certain times during the day, would create traffic flow problems. This wilt continue to make it difficult for trucks and ambulances, at least during that period of time. Those problems exist now and would remain with this alternative. 3. The problems will only be increased during the winter time. Snow removal will be very difficult with this locatior of the driveway. 4, The safety issue is a very important and critical problem for them. This alternative does permit them to retain most of the patio area 6ut will require fencing for safety. There will be a significant flow of traffic during certain periods of the day through a very narrow area and seasonal impacts will only make that situation worse. Mr. Boo stated they believe this alternative plan was a very difficult Dlan for them to accept, and, therefore, would urge that the Lyric Lane alternative be recommended. The Lyric Lane access will permit traffic to be more orderly or more spread out, it will permit traffic to be more controlled, and that is important to them. Mr, Boo stated he had some petitions that were signed by both residents of the Fridley Convalescent Home as well as employees who live in Fridley. These petitions again stated their concern about the need for the parking lot eiith access off Lyric Lane. Mr. Boo stated there was also a third alternative that was possible, an� that was access accross the front of the building. He did not know the ramifications of that alternative, but even in contrast to the alternative of the driveway across the back, it would be something they would want to take a look at. Ms. Schnabel stated the statement has been made about the problems with the amount of traffic generated going behind the building, the nearness to the patio area and garage, and the delivery trucks, ambulances, etc. Yet, if this new lot is to be used strictly 6y emoloyees, there would really only be traffic moving 6asically three times in a 24 hr. period. One would be at 6:00 a.m. �fien there would not likely be people on the patio area, The afternoon shift would probably experience the most traffic, but then not again at night. She wondered about the deliveries being made. Mention was made about the deliveries �eing at the same time as the shifts were char�giny, but maybe there was the possibility that the providers could be scheduled to come at hours around shift changes. She knew it was not an uncommon practice for companies to PLANNII�6 COMh1ISSI0N MEETING, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 4 request that deliveries be made only at certain hours. But, she really wondered how great an impact that traffic situation is really going to be if the new lot is only used �y employees. . � Ms. Judlicki stated many of their deliveries are in the morning. Paper products and nursing supplies come in the afternoon. The afternoon was the time when Sfie would have the concern. When a semi was backed in there, she did not know if there would be enough room for a car to get around it. Ms. Judlicki stated her greater concern was wfth the snowplowing in the winter time, and someone coming around the back side of the garage might not be able to see someone coming from the other direction. She did not know how they would be able to push the snow because the line on the north is a 6 ft. high fence 6elonging to the property adjacent to them. If they are goin9 to be pushing tfie snow through there, she did not think that fence would remain tntact very long. Mr. Johanson stated he wanted to point out that there was a 3-4 ft. dron from tf�e corner down to the parking lot of the Fridley Medical Center, Any car comi:ng and sliding on a piece of ice could end up in that oarking lot. He stated the engineer from Suburban Engineers said that no engineer would recormnend this alternative and said that if this access was put in, the Fridley Conva- lescent Home better increase its insurance because there will be accidents. Ms. Betty lJall stated she was Chairrnan of the N�rth Suburban Hospital District Board. The District owns Unity Hospital and the property where the Fridley Convalescent Home is located. She stated they have requested th�s permit to make it a little bit easier for them Lo keep up with the changing health care. They have made a simple request for a parking lot. In making this request, they are going with what they think is the cheapest way. They did not want to raise any more issues on cost than they have to. Fridley is part of the North Suburban Hospital District, and Fridlev is also contributinq to t6e costs the District incurs and the expenses the District has. So, this is part of Fridley's program. Mrs. Johanson is Fridley's District representative. Because of illness, she could not be at the meetinq. She stated all District Board members are requesting that the City of Fridley give them permiss*on to do the%r parking lot. They do not want to make an issue or trouble for anyone and wi11 abide by whatever recommendation the City makes. Ms. Edna Barsness, 7589 Lyric Lane, stated she had a petition which contained 69 signatures representing 41 of the 51 homes on Lyric Lane. In her oninion, it showed that the neighborhood was really against a parking lot with access �onto Lyric Lane. She did not think they would be opposed to the access being on Madison. Ms. Barsness stated she had some concerns about safety. The nursing home people are concerned about the safety of the residents and the additional cost for fencing. She looked at it from a different point of view. The residents are adult-size people and only the employees would be driving behind the building and only at the time of shift changes. The nursing home could fence the patio area and impose a reduced speed limit. Yet, they don't see that same PLANNI��G COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 5 traffic as posing a risk to the neighborhood by putting access onto Lyric Lane. Cfiiidren are compulsive by nature; they do run out into the street, and young - cfiildren are not as visible as adults. The speed limit on Lyric Lane is 3� m.p,h., and any excess traffic on that street is really a safety hazard. t-There is a lot of traffic on Lyric Lane now. Ms, Barsness stated Health Central has made it known that they want to please the area residents and keep a happy neighborhood, and the residents do, too. She thought access onto Madison would be a much better° compromise and it would give the nursing kiome the parking 7ot they need, Therefore, she hoped the Planning Canmission would maintain no access onto Lyric Lane. MOTION By MR. KOtiDRICK� SECONDED BY MR, BARNA� TO RECEIVE PETITIONS 9& 10 - 1985 FROM TXE FRZDLEY CONVALESCENT HOME� EMPLOYEES OF THE FRIDLEY CONVALESCENT XOME, AND RESIDENTS ON LYRIC LANE. UpON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING .iL°E� CXAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRZED UNANZMOUSLY. Mr. Bruce Barsness stated the point the homeowners wanted to make was said at the last meeting. As far as the new proposal with access at the back of the 6uilding, he would be willing to accept that plan if a couple of things were added; 1, landscaping--that there be some way that the City reviews the plans or work afterwards to make sure adequate landscaping and screeninq is put in. 2, a fence that goes on the south side of the lot to the building 3, that a"right turn only" sign be posted at the driveway onto Madison so traffic leaving both of the lots has to turn north on Madison rather than south. If the traffic turns soutFj,it will go on Lyric Lane. Mr. Barsness stated he was not against Health Central, Unity Hospital, or the Fridley Convalescent Home. He wanted them to be able to exnand and maintain their businesses as best they can but not at the expense of the neighborhood streets and oot at the expense of the property values of their homes. Mr. Lloyd Larson, 7549 Lyric Lane, stated there are no sidewalks in the area, and the children have to walk in the street. By having access onto Madison, this situation could be corrected. He agreed with a"right turn only" sign coming out onto Madison. He stated that at the last meeting, Mr. Haines had 6Pought up his concern about no stop signs on Osborne at IAadison. That would also help the situation, He stated the way things are now, their homes fiave been devaluated by the construction and the traffic. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 6 Ms. Dorothy Artmann, 254 Rice Creek Blvd., stated she could not see where there would be tfiat much traffic coming out onto Lyric Lane when the lot will only 6e used by employees and only at three times durin,q the day. She was also speaking as a taxpayer of Fridley, and that was her tax dollar, too, ` t6at was going to help pay for t6e increased cost of the driveway if it has to go around the back of the building. Ms. Judlicki stated that regarding snow removal, they are a 24 hr, business, and it is not a matter of having the snow cleared by morning; it is a matter of keeping tfie parking lots open at all times of the day. If people com�are the rates of the Fridley Convalescent Home to other nursing homes in the area, tiiey will find they are very cost-conscious people. She stated they try to keep tfieir rates reasonable and fee7 they offer the best long term care in the area. They are concerned about their rates and do not want to have to increase the rates so that it is a bigger burden on the residents. Mr. Haines stated he would be concerned about the suggestion of a"right turn only" sign coming out of the parking lot onto Madison. If they were to do that, they could say that all the traffic coming out of the parking lot in front of t�e fiospital would also have to go left instead of right. They have a lot of employees and patients who live in the Melody Manor area. Are they going to make these people go all the way around or are they going to let them go right Fwme? He also hoped they could get the County to help them with some of the traffic by getting stop signs on Osborne at Madison. Mr. Haines stated that last year the hospital had 52,000 patients (11,000 in-patients, 42,000 out-patients�, usually coming with other people or emer- gency vehicles. The in-patients have a minimum of five visitors while they are in the hospital. That results in a lot of traffic. He stated they do want to be sensitive to the neighbors and have tried to demonstrate. But, on the other hand, he lost a lot of sympathy when people have moved in knowing the hospital is there. He has also had people tell him that the reason their houses sold so quickly was because the hospital was there, and he knew of two families who bought homes in the neighborhood because the hospital was there. Mr. Barna stated mention was made of the possibility of access across the front of the building. He stated what is considered the front of the building is actually the side yard since the front is the narrow part on a side street lot So, the southern end of the lot was the actual side yard, and they could have a driveway tfirough a side yard 17 ft. from right-of-way setback. Roughly guesstimating, the Frid?ey Convalescer.t Hcme would have room for a nice wide � drfveway, shrubbery,plantings, and reom for snow removal. He asked if the nursing home had looked at the cost of this alternative. Mr. Boo stated it was just simply an option they would like to look at if access to Lyric Lane is denied. They do feel it would be a cheaper option than the access around the back and, more importantly, they would not have the same safety or snow removal issues. PLANNING COMh1ISSI0N MEETIN6, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 7 MOTION BY�MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR, SABR� TD CIASE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ' �-Q3� FRIDLEY CONVALESCENT HOME� BY BETTY J, WALL. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CNAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLIC �-FIEARZNG CIASED AT 8:32 p,M. Mr. Oquist stated the issue before the Planning Commission was to allow the parking expansion, He definitely saw the need for that parking expansion for the employees. He did have a concern about the driveway access ontn Lyric Lane, altFiougF� thai was the most logical place to have it. If they allowed access onto Lyric Lane for the nursing home, they would have to allow the same access to the apartment complex. From his experience on the Planning Commission, that would happen. He would be in favor of approving the special use permit with access onto Madison, either in front of the building or behind the building with proper landscaping. Of those two alternatives, the front was probably the most logical. It might cost more because of the extra length of driveway, 6ut yet it might not be because of the fill that would be required for the driveway in the rear. Mr. Oquist stated he did agree with the snowplowing concerns and the safety concerns in coming around the garage in the rear. He could not agree to a "right turn only" sign onto Madison because there are people who live in the area, and it is not fair to make them go all the way around. He did not think it was necessary to put up a fence around the parking lot. He felt that proper landscaping and berming by the parking lot would be more than adequate, MOTION BY MR, OQUIST� SECONDED BY MR, KONDRICK� 20 RECOMMEND TO CZTY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP N85-03� FRIDLEY CONVALESCENT HOME, BY BETTY J, WALL: PER SECTION 205.07.2� C� 6� OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO RLLOW PARKING LOT EXPRNSION ON LOT 1� BLOCK I� MAPLE MANOR ADDITION� THE SAME BEING 7590 LYRZC LANE N.E,� WITH THE FOLLOWING STIPULATZONS: I. NO ACCESS BE PROVIDED OFF LYRIC LANE. 2. SCREEN pARKING LOT FROM RICHT-OF-WAY AND RF,SIDENTIAL PROPERTILS 3. APPROPRIATE SZGNAGE BE PLACED IN PARXZNG LOT �17 INDZCATE El�LOYEE PARKING. 4. PARKING IAT LIGHTZNG TO BE DIFFUSED, 5. WORK WITH CITY ENGINEER ON DRRZNAGE REQUIREMENTS. 6. IF TXE CHOICE IS THE DRIVEWAY ACCESS ON TXE NORTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING� VARIANCES ON TXE NORTH IAT LINE TO BE AUTOMATICALLY APPROVED WITX THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT. Mr. Saba stated the "right turn only" sign sounded like a good idea and should probably be investigated. The nursing home might just want to make that request to the visitors and employees who do not want to add to the problems of the neighborhood. He stated this is a beautiful neighborhood, and if he lived in the neighborhood, he would be opposed to the access onto Lyric Lane. He did feel that putting access in front of the building would spoil the visual image of the building. He knew there were problems, but he felt the only fitting place for it was in the rear of the buildinq. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 8 Mr. Barna stated he would concur wit6 tfie motion as stated. Ne stated that regarding the "right turn on7y" sign, if the nursing h�me did put up that sign, it was not a sign t6e police would enforce. It would �ust be a ,_d 1�ectional information sign for visitors and employees of the facility. The cost of the sign and the cost in good will might help the situation. The sign would not restrict anyone from turning left on Madison. Ms. Schnabel stated she could appreciate the concern about keeping the traffic off Lyric Lane. What she was really interested in pursuing was that if the Planning Canmission or the Citv of fridley could be of any assistance to Mr. Haines in his effort to get the stop signs on the corner of osborne and Madison, she was sure they would be more than willing to help in any way possib�e. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNRNIMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on �une 3, If the Fridley Convalescent Home representatives came up with another proposal with the driveway in front of the building, she would urge that they have that plan prepared for the June 3 meeting. 3. TABLED 5/8/85: PUBLIC HEARING: COPISIDERATION Of A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, �P�83�4, er ecEion ��'T,T; 3, ,�o fie�ridley 1 y o e to a ow t e cons ruction of a second accessory building, a 20 by 16 foot garage, to be used for storage of a classic car on Lot 26 and the North 25 feet of Lot 25, Block 16, Plymouth including the vacated alley, the same beinq 4565 - 3rd Street N.E. Pu61ic hearing open. MOTION BY MR. KONDRZCK� SECONDED BY MR. MINTON, TO RF,MOVE TXF, ITE14 FROM THE TABLE. UPON R VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Robinson stated this was a single family lot located just east of 3rd St. and south of 46th. The proposal was for a second accessory building/garage to store a classic car. The garage would not have a driveway. The petitioner will drive the car only at the most once a week during the sumner and not at all during the wlnter. TF�e on7y stipulation recommended by staff was that this special use permit be reviewed in a year to make sure the driveway is not worn. Mr. Kondrick asked if there had been any comments or concerns from the neighbors, Mr. Robinson stated they have not received any telephone calls or letters from any of the neighbors. PLANNING COhMI5SI0N MEETIN6, HAY 22, 1985 PAGE 9 Mr. Minton asked if there was room for a dri�[eway if it was warranted, - Mr, Robinson stated that a 10 foot driveway was possible, They could pave up to the house and up to the property line if the owner had an agree- *-ment with the neighbor. Otherwise, he needed a 3 ft. setback. Mr. Lindman stated he now has a metal shed in the back yard, According to the City, he could fiave a 12 ft. x 20 ft. building without a special use permit, wfiich would be fine if he was only going to store his car. But, if he takes down the metal shed, he will need the extra 4 ft, to store lawnmower, tools, etc, He did not see wfiere his garage would have any impact on the neighbor- hood, His next door neighbor has a 3-stall garage to the south of the building. Mr. Lindman stated he did not want to put a driveway in as he did not want to destroy the property with blacktop. If he was going to drive the car in and out of the garage often enough to leave marks in the grass, he would not do it. He did not want to spoil the appeararce of the house. He stated he will probably drive the car in and out of the garage twice a month. In the winter time, he would not use it at all from about the end of October until the first part of April/P1ay. Mr. Lindman stated he has had several estimates for the construction of the garage, and he wi17 be going with the best quality he can find. The garage will match the house. Ms, Schnabel asked if Mr.Lindman had thought about adding the garage behind the existing garage. Mr. Lindman stated he had thought about adding it onto the back of the existinq garage with a connecting door, but it would add to the cost. Having the garage back in the corner of the lot gets it out of the way and still leaves a lot of room in the yard for the children to play. Mr. Barna stated that if �tr. Lindman added the new garage to the existing garage, he might need a variance also, because the square footage of the garage would exceed a percentage of the footprint of the house. So, he was better off witfi a special use permit for a second accessory building. MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MR. BARNA� � CLOSE THE PUBLZC NEARING ON SP 85-04 BY LANCE A, LINDMRN, • UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE PUBLZC _HEARZNG CZASED AT 8:55 P.M. Mr. Barna stated he had no problem with the special use permit. The size of the garage was not excessive. It was just barely big enough for the car and lawn equipment, PLANNII�G COMMISSION MFETING, MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 10 MOTION BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BRRNA, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCZL APPROL'AL-OF�SPECZAL USE PERMIT� SP N85-04� BY LANCE A. LINDMAN: PER SF.CSION 205,07,1� 3� A� OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE� TO RLIAW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A � SECOND ACCESSORY BUILDING� A 20 BY 16 FOOT GARAGE� TO BE USFD FOR STORAGE OP A CLASSIC CAR ON LOT 26 AND THE NORTH 25 FEET OF LOS 25� BLOCX 26, PLY- MODTH INCLUDING THE VACATED ALLEY� TH£ SAME BEING 4565 - 3RD STREET N,E.� WITH TXE STZPULATZON THAT THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT BE REVZEWED BY STAFF ZN ONE YEAR. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARF,D THE MOTION CARRZED UNANZMOUSLY. Ms. Schnabel stated this item would go to City Council on June 3. 3, COPJTINUED 5/8/85: CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINA�JCE RECODIFYING THE FRIDLEY 1 r r rn r rl� cTCRIC . Mr, Robinson stated the Planning Commission had asked that this be reviewed by the Appeals Corrmission. The Planning Commission members had a copy of the Appeals Commission minutes of Jan. 29, 1985, when the possible revision to the sign ordinance was discussed. They eliminated any talk about changing the overall square footage of the sign and strictly stayed with trying to clarify what a legal non-conforming use was, when a legal non-conforming use was no longer a legal non-conforming use, and becomes illegal. They also defined what a variance was and how long a variance remains in effect. Mr. Robinson reviewed the changes with the Comnission. Mr. Barna stated the only other area the Aopeals Cortmission discussed was the political sign section. They discussed that the 4 ft. x 8 ft. signs shouldn't be allowed in a residential area--that 4 ft. x 8 ft, signs be allowed only in areas where normally that size of sign would be legal. The Appeals Comnission reconvnended that 2 ft. x 4 ft. be the maximum size sign allowed in a residential neighborhood, MOTION BY A92. BARNA� SECONDED BY MR. OQUIST, TO RECOMMEND THE FOL7AWZNG CHANGE TO CHAPTER 214 ENTITLED "SIGNS": PAGE 44� SECTION 214.06,3.A. BE CHANGED TO READ: "R MAXZMl1M SIZE OF THIRTY-TWO (32) SQUARE FEET IN AREA� WITN TXE EXCEPTZON THAT THERE BE A MRXIMUM SIZE OF 2 FT. x 4 FT. (8 SQ. FT.) IN ANY R DISTRZCT." DPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY MR. KONnRICK� SECONDED BY MR. NZELSEN� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCZL APPROVAL OF AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING THE FRZDLEY CZTY CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTER 214 ENTITLED "SIGNS" WITN THE RECOMMENDED APfENDMENT REGARDZNG POLZTICAL SIGNS. UPON R VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMRN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PLANNING COWTIISSION MEETIN6, MAY 22 1985 PAGE 11 4, RECEIVE MAY 2, 1985, HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES• 1NOTION BY MR. MIN21�N� SECONDED BY MR. SABR, TO RECENE TXE MAY 2� I985� � HI7MAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MZNUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED TXF, MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE P1AY 6, 1985, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES• MOTION BY MR, KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR, NIELSEN, TO RECEIVE TNE MAY 6, I985, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSZON MINUTES. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAZRWOMAN SCNNABEL DECLARED TXE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE MAY 7, 1985, ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES: MOTION BY MR, SABA� SECONDED BY MR. BARNA� TO RECEIVE TXE MAY 7� 2985� ENERGY PROJECT COMMITTEE MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAZRWOMRN SCXNABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE MAY 14, 1985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BARNA� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICX, TO RECEIVE TNE MAY I4, 2985, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAIRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. OTHER BUSINESS: a. Discussion about Skywood Mall Mr. Nielsen stated the Skywood Mall merchants are very upset and are complaining that the owner has the "Skywood Inn" sign but that there is very little that identifies the tenants within the mall. Ms. Schnabel stated there are some real problems going on with the Skywood Mall. The tenants have no signed leases at this point, so they are in limbo. Their signs have all been removed from the front of the building and, as a result, they feel their businesses are suffering because no one knows they are there, They feel that the developers took the money, in terms of the bond money that was given theM, and used it to build the Skywood Inn, but have not been applying that money to the shopping center. Some people are curious about where that extra money is at this point. PLANNING CONP+IISSION MEETIN6 MAY 22, 1985 PAGE 12 Ms, 5chnabel stated there is some concern about the sign that has gone up. She was a little surprised that there are several signs that say - "Skywood Inn" and very little signage to identify the mall. The sign ._ that went up for the Skywood Inn is in the center of the property, and she thought that it was to go nearer to 52nd. The sign is bigger than the Menards sign, and she thought it was to be the same size as the Menards sign. Ms. Schnabel stated another thing she has heard is that the landscaping has not been completed,and the site has not been cleaned up. Ms. Schnabel stated she has received a call about the water retention on the motel roof. It is not holding water, and as a result, all the water is draining into the pond. The pond is not large enough to hold the water. There is a pipe coming up out of the ground onto 52nd Ave., and all the excess water that cannot be held in the pond is draining out onto 52nd causing the street to wash away. She wondered if it was illegal to pipe water out of the pond onto a public street. Ms, Schnabel stated that because she has heard a lot of questions raised about the whole Skywood project, she was a little nervous about it. The Planning Corrmission mem�ers agreed there were many questions and concerns that should be answered. They felt the City should definitely get tough with the owners and give them a ti�e limit in which to get things done or they forfeit their performance bond money. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. MINTON� TO ADJOURN THE MF,ETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CXRZRWOMAN SCHNABEL DECLARED TXE MAY 22� I985� PLANNING COMMZSSION MEETING AAIOURNED AT 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � C �t_i_ �-ti� ynne a a Recording Secretary PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNINS COt•iMIS5I0N Notice is hereby given that ther- will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Frid,.y in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, June 19, 1985 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP k85-06, Northwestern Bell Telephone Co., by Joseph T. Whalen, per Section 205.09.1, C, 10 of the Fridley City Code, to allow outside storage of communication computer discs for area phone system on part of Tract C, Registered Land Survey N38, the same being 5750 East River Road N.E. Any and a�� persons desiring to be heard shall be giver ar. o.�ror±,nity at the above stated time and place. ViP,GI',IF� SCH',;,cCL CHnI R'r��r;r,'� PLANIJING COMMISSION Publish: June 3, 1985 June 10, 1985 1� �''' � -. � CITV OF FpIDLEY� I SUBJECT •�77 UNIVER5ITY /1V6 NE. fN1OLEY. MN. S�'! 161Z1671-�460 �O/J9/d5 SPECIAL USE PERMIT �1 �,'- 14 sP � S OLQ �E ! _ - . FI�E D'tTtr ADDRESS DATE S' 1�I "tjs PLANNING COh1�1ISSI0N: APPROYED DISAPPROVED DATE N0. C1TY COUNCIL STIPULATIONS: APPROVED DISAPPROVED DATE. NAME NoR-rNwES%�R�v �S� STREET LOCA7ION OF PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY , ���Ek f.o�c ��"F��v ofFitc oF lRAc7 � 7�E!�cr�a� IPT NO /� 70 �- � � r- _ \ �c ,c : — .-� r% PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION I�- 3 EXISTING USE OF PROPERTV %/",;� C�-� --u�.��-.� ACREAGE Of PROPERTY DESCRIBE BRIEFLY THE SPECIAL USE APPLIED FOR: 5�-,� _ � � . �_ • - � - - >� - E -� �:"1 ' _ >__ � Section of the Code: ��5, D�. /, �(/0% y � j Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a lot sptit or I variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? __yes no. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of prooer- ty within 200 feet wi91 be attached to this application. �' � • '(b) This application must be signed Dy a11 owners of the prope�tY+ or an exp7anation cjiven why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any ,lefect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresss of all residents and property owenrs of prop�rty in question. belongs to the undersigned. A 3ketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and attached, showing the follarin9: 1. North direction. 2. Location of the proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure> and fron and side setbacks. 4. Street names. 5. Location and use of adjacent existing buildings (within 350 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and respresentations stated in this application are true and correct.� DATE 5�' S - 5'f � � SIGN, CVe�L 6ilpa.J � f/h�C� �DDRESS 33oa Rc �� / a [� .� C e .r �-r.L ��v,cQ �'C i,� w 5"5"y3 f TELEPHONE NO .SZG- �03! Planning Commission 5/31/85 MAILING LIST SP �85-06 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. 5750 East River Road Georgetown Court Apartments 5750 East River Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Evergreen Land Service Co. 3300 Bass Lake Road Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 Attn: Joseph Whalen Anoka County 325 Main Street Anoka, MN 55303 Property Tax Service Co. 1520 Shelard Tower Minneapolis, MN 55426 15 ,t, --r 7 * : � i , 1 .. i � i 1• � Q ���.��yC,,, , n j�C e_. '_.:. :.'.� SP �f85-06 .� s�Q: -. a .., ; r i c p war u o qih� Northwestern Bel l � '•��•••.:. , a Telephone Co. , ••:.•sr• • �,,i< / � • 5750 East River Road �' '' Q ' - � = F i�~/ , - `= ♦ • 4 f i � ��i i• • �w � 1 �� i ♦ i 1 �� ♦ °�! �� � f i 1 I '� . 1 1 •.�' �•7'� •� . 1 • i i��T45 w � [r S ; :�.�.�a�•*p�� ; � ( . • A � i �v ` i ri� 1 � i , 1: RIVE �•,' . � . i.,�i..�ty�.'., , ' �. E�QE ' , . � � � WAY �U , � , r�, ,.� �' I ,. ;� � � ` i : � 5ii. a � F ' v .r vi.e �.! ✓ • �f ,� � �`�'1 t�1 � C �f F I � '! • 1 ti �—_ � •�YMiN��•� • �.lMf�'.�!: ;e y .3 � ^ 1 i � !' n � � _ � • ��J � G.Y ti:� � 1 �, _ _ / a � 1 �Y_ ' v.� r �.4 j t.' v i I� � /,. 1.'iJ .RGb� ��T LOUIS� � ' � / F ✓ � i, �`-� �TEJENSON � ' I7j i , i � � , CHASf'S . ,� �,j `�C;1C�01�'� � // � � ISLAND CHASE'S R�El�q�ep � � �_ .'. . . �� ...L' .. .. t� "�'- i.a. �j �� i �v • • , , � j � �j _v cHnPt � sT ; � �Q r • � ✓ Z. —. . __ _ . _.._ _ __. . 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I ,�� � '_�L _.._ � ;c�' . . ,� ,o ..�j._ � `c , )' ` �- '/ i '\, �-' ' ' !�`� �' _ ' i � �;���� �� - � t �, ` ;; ,��, - , '° • �;-: >r`� ii ro� / / � I i.� C: / S � / / I. / / � ,�.; �; �� ;t �' , V �/ / � � / � l ���, . �,� �. � .;c � : �� \ O�' � , 'O Go�oi y � � // J � . bq� > 0 13 LEGAL DESLRIPTION A portion of Tract C, EzHIBIT "A" Reqistered Land Survey No. 38, Anoka County, Minnesota SP p85-06 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. � 5750 East River Road N.E. 19 N � � �� _ ; �,,t� ` sET /� iRCr, PiPE /�•/ M` � �� ,' .. ✓,H� , � � / � /- �_i � / , � �. � Y / / i \ � \ / � . ' . i/ ' � / � ' P ��- �,� �� � . � �_�� � / � � 1 PC�P .' i <y0 / i �\N�JS /� / � e�t J \���N j . ; � 0J PpOQ�S� / ' a Ir .- P ^> n���10 \ b aV � E� �p•*�� �� `� � / � % / / � '4'�� / � tM�N � �. / / � / ,- PQpP PG�S `'zE / / GpR � = , r /r � _?� � � � } � " / • � / :'' ' � ,� '-'r •� ti4'� a ` . - / .2 � � P- �,^ '^ � i , ✓ N ; Pp � ?, � ' �' v�,D --FOJND 3/4" IRON P�PE r, NOT PR�PERTY CORNER PROP. CORNER i FOUND 5/E" IRON R �� • / _ � . PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNIN6 COh1MISSIO�, Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Lortrtnission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, �une 19, 1985 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP �85-07, Maertens-Brenny Construction Co., by Joseph Maertens, per Section 205.18.1, C, 9 of the Fridley City Code, to allow outside storage of materials and construction equipment on Lot 5, Block 2, Caba Realty Addition. Any and a11 persons desiring to be heard shall be given an oppor±�nity at the above stated time and place. Publish: June 3, 1985 June 10, 1985 VIRGI'�lA SC�'rF.S�'. CHAI R��M:,'; PLANF;ING COMMISSIO�� 20 �Ir� l8s � CITY OF FRIDLEY� � SU9JECT - saa+ uNivews�rr wve. we. SPECIAL USE PERMIT Fw10lEY, MN. 6:�3C [6121 571-90S0 sP � S D ADDRESS DJITE PLANNING COMMISSION: ADPROYED DISAPPROVED DATE N0. CITY COUNCIL STIPULATIONS: APPROVED DISAPPROVED DATE NAME /y%¢,�/17FJt/S— B2�n�Ny �ii1%S7�CO�ria.� �o FE�Z�' RECEIPT NO %�n %�' � STREET LOCATION OF PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF .PROPfRTY LoT S, G�oc.e Z C/16R �'p,u>y ,yZyyi�i�,✓ -i�--T PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION //'J-Z EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY �/�fc,�„iT ACREAGE OF PROPERTY /, S OESCRIBE BRIEFLY THE �SPECIAL USE APP�IED FOR: G°"�, .,,��,. �.�.a.lc..:.0 a.+.( Section of the Code: Z p< Has the present applicant previously sought to rezone, plat, obtain a 1ot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? _yes�no. What was requested and when? The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of a11 residents and owners of proper- ty within 20t1 feet w1i1 be attached to this application. '(b) This application must be signed by a11 owners of the property, or an exp7anatio� cjiven why this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any Jefect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to list the names and addresss of all residents and property owenrs of prop�rty in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be drawn and aYtached, showing the follaving: 1. North direction. 2. Location of the proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dimensions of property, proposed structure, and fron and side setbacks. 4. Street names. 5. Location and use of adjacent ezisting buildings (within 350 feet). The undersigned hereby dectares that atl this application are true and correct./ DATE /yl/Ry ,(f /98S ADDRESS ZS� sentations stated in No �8�- yB 96 S7/- �i7d I 21 Planning Commission 5/31/85 SP N85-07 Maertens-Brenny Lot 5, Block 2, MAILING LIST Construction Co. Caba Realty Addition Maertens-Brenny Construction Co. Joseph Maertens 2531 Marshall Street N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55418 Julian M. Johnson 9009 Washington N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 Midwest Federal 801 Nicolett Mall Minneapolis, MN 55402 Bryant Investments 3140 Chowen Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55416 22 N ° RAPIDS SP #85-07 F� Maertens-Brerfily, onstruction Co. ��t-5i B}eFlc-2, h� Qoalty Addition _ _ rra�� �- - — � 23 CITY OF BLAINE � � � ,, `3-` `i j +j C�.,�� ;!y �' .� ;` � �� �� a+� ^) � `� � � � .� \' � �'' �.�i�-=-� � ' '> � "� n, /" �, f'� r' � � . f-. � w� � _ � 3 f` ,� c - . � ,,, � � � �+ �` `} � , � � � =-' � ' .� „,• i _? -� �';3 . • � . E � � .` ��` �\ �} ' � � ,, . i " � � . , � � y"3 _ � ✓�{� .., '' FM RIC' �'� r j - a G, /'..' �, �°° - , .-., . ' - � =" f".• ' L: �'.-. � ' �� � '�. �-, �r . i�� -t '� . J^. f i 3 `� ..� /� � y � r. ...� - • : - 7 .+ �' l ti, ' .. C F `J � . ' � ' �.' �� v ,- ,. � '? ' (. . ti' G v ., � � -1 . _i -", f,. �� � _ r � ,� '� � � � L. 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Cn�a�. qi.� �n.e �lti WI/.wa[ IYrI •e' r^K •. . :e S � /i ��M (l f��� [i /i/. ioa C' �r/ •/�� O 1 ii :7 �� I 'llllllllllll I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I IT�I I I�I�n i11111111111111111111,�11 11111�I�i11111�11111 II I IIIIIIIII11111�1111111 a�� �ti I IIIIIII1111111111,1111 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIII • JI�IIII11111111111111111 �r I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�i�l�ll�l�l�l�iil,il�l I i�������l�l�l�l�l�l I�I�I�I�lilil�l�l�l I i�l� I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�i�i�l�lil�l�l�l i I�i � � ��1IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIII ji��iiiiiiiiliiii�i�i��ii�i�i�i�i'�'iii'i�i�i�i /�•w+� • I i I I I I I I I i I I I��I � ftl �.. c� � '_ - —1��.������:1��JJ� �.1.1:'��:�:1.YL'�;j��' �i lw.w...,r i Lir A�..w'+.�� 4. l b.0 �, ��. ii...� A4rw 25 sir' ' —�Fl�l'1 h'fT'SZ�rY'r`t i�i f�f'r`rhYr1-t� f1'fTYT9'i I�I�I�I�I�I�I I�I�I�I�I���I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�i�l�i�l�l��l�l�l�l�l � ����������������������������������II�I�I�III�I�I�1'I�1�1�1'I�I�I�III�I�I I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I���III�I I�I�I�1 I I�I�1�1�1�1�1 I�I I I I�I I�I�IIIII�I /�����������������������I����III��������������III�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�yI' 1�I�1�1�1�1�1�1���1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1 1 III11111111111111111111111111111111 lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll �II 1111111111111illlll�i11111111111 I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII � �����i�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�lllll�l�l�lll�l�l�l�l�l.l�l�l�l�l�l� I�I I�i���l�l�l�l�i�l�l�lll�lll�l�l�l�i�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l �I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�IIIII�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�III�I�I����I�I�I�I �I��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111 IIIIIII I����i��ii�i��,����I���iI�I�III�IIliI�l�lilll�I�I�lI1�1,1�1�1�1111������� IIIIIIII,III�11111111�1�1111�11111111� IIIII�I�I11111111111111111111:�111111 Illlllil-IIIII�IIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIII �L IIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111 II11111111111111111111�1 1�11111.1111 illllllllllllll�lllllllllllllll III ' lillllllllllllllllllltll�lllllll�llll ����,�,iiiiiiiiii��iiiiiiii�iii�ii �����i��iii��i�iiiiiiiiii��iiiiiiiiiii �� �,���������������������������,�� ��,���������������������������������� ������������,��������,����,�������� IIIIII1111111111111111111111111�1111 IIII111111111'iI�llilllllll11111111 Illllllllllltl�il� II'lilillli Illill IIIIIIIIII I�I �II Illlilllllllll 'i i i i i i i i i i i'i i i YMA i FMA'i i i i i i i i i i�� i i i5 L Ilililllllilllli ��ill���lll� iil I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1{tl�1�L�1 I i�l i',I I i I I I! 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IIIIIIIIiiI�ll�lilllll.l1111111111,1�11�111�1 IIIIII� illll�lllll�.11llllllllllllllilllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii+ Illiliiilill�����ii�ll�llllil�iililllllll�] I�I�I�I�I�I�i�l�l�l�l�i�l�l�l�llllli! I •,I :.��,I�IIIIIII�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�II�I�I�I�11 �i�i�i�i�i'��iii'i'i'i'i�i�i�i�i'i'�'i'��i'i'i'i'i�i'i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�i�iii��1 ��.� �aw��✓� �w+�++!'J �a+'i�i�!i� �.�',iJ''i����.u:i���.L���.a!i,l����.�!�! r in a�... e�iu:.huai de� �� e�TV oF c�atour. ssa+ wwvEns�rv �.. �. sww�Er. wr. ss�.+e �sm,sr+-a+w �ooa�ss c�1 i�l� SUBJECT IONING ACTION ZOA / YACATION SAY � `,- � PLAT PS M - ORDINANCE NO PUBLISHED :t. r� PLANNIN6 COMIISSION: APPROVED DISAPPROYEU uai� '•�• CITY COUNCIL: PUBLIC HEARIN6 DATE 1ST READ 2ND READ CITY COUJLIL: . APPROYED DISAPPROYED DATE NO PARK FEE REQUIRED: AlDUNT PAIU STIPULAtI0N5: NArtE fi1c^�iiav,n r. STREET LOGATION OF PROPERTY ��REGEIPT NO LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPER7Y PRESENT IONING CLASSIFICATION EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY ACREA6E OF PROPERTY DESCRIBE BRIEFLY TH,� P1ROPOSED Z�OnNING LLASSIf� _1CATION OR TYPE OF USE AND IMPROVEMENT PROPOSED vac.a'Fe.-_,� s�n�i ��-- _ L i , ,� , 1_ . ,. T2� � _ � R��C2 �-vC�K- �iAZLL �-cAl�'1 !�� J� . Has the present applicant previously soug to rezone, p1at, obtain a lot split or variance or special use permit on the subject site or part of it? _,_yes no. ;� What was requested and The undersigned understands that: (a) A list of all residents and owners of proper- ty within 350 feet must be attached to this application (rezoning), 300 feet, (plat- ting), wj1] De attacAed to'this appl5cation. '(b) This application must be signed by all arners of the property, or an explanation �iven ►vhy this is not the case. (c) Responsibility for any defect in the proceedings resulting from the failure to . list the names and addresss of all residents and property or+enrs of property in question, belongs to the undersigned. A sketch of proposed property and structure must be dravm and attached, showing the folla+ing: 1. North direction. 2. Location of the proposed structure on the lot. 3. Dinensions of property. proposed structure, and fron and side setbacks. 4. Street nawes. 5. Location and use of adjacent ezisting buildings (within 350 feet). The undersigned hereby declares that all the facts and respresentations stated in this application are true and correct. pATE SI6NATURE ADDRESS TELEPHONE N0�_ � ;� C(TI�OF F'RlDLEY CIVICCENT'ER • 6331 UNIVERSI7 Y AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (6I?) 571-345p MEMO T0: Utility Lompanies MEMO FROM: Debbie Mootz, Plan�ing Secretary MEMO DATE: June 6, 1985 REGARDING: SAV N85-04 Please be aware that the portion of the said Vacation is only the loop back lying wi!hin Lot 18. (See Map) The portion of the service drive lying along the West of University Avenue M1.E. will still be maintained by the City of Fridley. Please advise if you need to have retained any easements within the loop back portian. Encl. Minne¢;�sco has no facilities within the above described area proposed to be vacated and has no objection to its vacation. Thanks for the advance notice. ,. �' , 4.' � ,. Mmi�e�g�soo - ,��. ,�. _ -�� �— William R Schram Aa,T,;r.�stra:or — Rea! Estate 612•313-7019 . - _ . . � . . -�:}"�. 27 .� ., , �� ,y '\ _' � \` � - U � June 6, 1985 Ms. Debbie Plootz Planning Secretary City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. NE Fridley, MN 55432 ,''� Northern States Power Company North Division 450t 68th Avenue Nonh B�ooklyn Cen�ec Minneso�a >5429 Telephone (6t21 566�9120 SUBJECT: UACATION OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE WEST SERVICE ROAD LYIPdG IN LOT 18, BLOCK 5, RICE CREEK PLAZA SOUTH ADDITION Dear Ms. Mootz: In regard to facilities on tained (5' on facilities. the above mentioned vacation, N5P has existing overhead that service road and asks that a 10' easement be re- each side of the line) in order for us to maintain those Sincerely, t �. , �i'' / � _ _ ,u�'-•'r�c/� L. h1. Benson Staff Assistant Northern States Power Company NORTH DIVISIOPJ LMB/s 2a 4�� ,,�\„ �� � �+%U� � �ti 29 Y Northwestern Bell 6540 Shingle Creek Parkway Brooklyn Center, MN 55430 June 4, 1985 City of Fridley Debbie Mootz Planning Secretary 6431 University Avenue Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Debbie, This letter is in response to the vacation request for "all that portion of the University Service Road West lying in Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Plaza South Addition." Currently, Northwestern Bell has one aerial cable running north and . south, on the west side of the Service Road. Also, we currently have buried 9-way conduit and underground cable running north and south on the west side of the Service Road. Therefore, if this vacation request is granted, Northwestern Bell requests a utility easement for our facilities. Sincerely,`— � � / . L. Thistle Engineer-Distribution 30 � JACKSON-SCOTT f� ASSOCIATES, INC. 2100 N. Snelling Avenue Roseville. M�nnesota 55113 (612) ��9 �oDD��9 �^�er Managemem. Leasmg. antl Develo0mem May 31, 1985 Mr. Clyde hbravetz City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E., Fridley, Minnesota 55432 Re: Holly Shopping Center Dear Clyde: Pursuant to our discussion, please consider this letter a request for the City of fridley to proceed with proceedings to vacate the University Avenue west service drive within Lot 18> Block 5 Rice Creek Plaza south addition, Holly Shopping Center, Fridley, Minnesota. - Please give me a call if you have any questions on the above. Yours very truly, JACKSON-SCOTT & ASSOCIATES � Gary W. Jackso� GWJ/sb � ` CITYOF F Rl DLEY O�Tt ��oy i uNE CT OIREGTORATE OP PUBLIC WORKS M E M O A A N O UM n. Elimination of Service Road (Loop Back) at the Northwest Corner of Mississippi Street and University Avenue John F1 (-y; , � o Q o Plr _Ja �_ F= PW 85-142 �: f 10� IM� O --� — Public Works Direct In order for the City to proceed with the obliteration of the above mentioned loop back, it would be recanmended to abandon the right-of-way. At the request of the HRA to eliminate the loop back I recommend vacating that portion of easement lying within Lot 18, Block 5, Rice Creek Plaza South Addition. The balance of the easement or right-of-way should be retained as the slip-off into Holly Center will remain. . The vacation Public Hearing could be scheduled for the June l7th Council meeting. CUM:JMO v� -/ � �• 1�• •.. S,C �,�0,`�,,.5 R �• � � • � ' -= ;` �'�- ,� pti .�3 �y• 2 QV � . `�° �1 � . i• - . . ii s ya'�! ��0.�� � ' ✓:.a. .;F �j'i o � � �..� : ."' �,. ' 1 o jOa " a� 6 . ' • �y y �!.' '•O j� . °Zb p 220 ��'° '�9i5� � { �! �F '� � % ��� • l i �'j '2�0� .� -y • ., � . ,� . ,:i. � ��� � y1� �� / !. �t . ` ., �.• Q' y� 3 ��� � � � { , s° Z ",F z �: �s4 � � �°L�1 � ' ' • = 40�� '�'� � ,e ,.- ., ,. � �. �t + S, � _ � s �' z � 419 � , c�io v� �T�� v6 �'`� ?•,.�•^ Y' � � i �j �.f-: Z Giro. = t��� �„ �� I� ���;.•,2l0 ` ' �` ~ � . � � • _ � � , f. 351 � •'�.• o: � i— ; e j� s 31i � i �i ��5 ��o { ,,, ,. • �• ,�j1 � • ". 4i1' ' ... ' ' z • � . '`e `. t.� Q ' , , . ri? 4 ��� N, .�60 � 70 3�0 390 �/�u �o � 5�l0 -1� �\ � � � 1 3 - � S o C�•I � f+ ,� •,. r I Ib � �� •, � ' �Y . � q nI �/ r� �i � e . . • ' �Oe W � � � _. �`� � e � 0 � b�9 � � 'sss ,. ��� � �c,� � �q 3. , . . ��o� � � ` 6 7H b ' � � E, �3 ��3;� ��. � 3 �z400> (� ,�. m' - � E � � � � ; �;1_ I iI .J /l.. // ,.. ... I .al ,.. �� .,• � , e ' �.. ... ... . � • _ �oo �� ,-2 • �' C , s � CRE i_� 5 ,, �° 3� 36S 373 y�i yii .. 1,"• ••�- o— � .. -- �� CE}NNTY STATE t►ID HIGHWAY NO SAV #85-04 Heartland Corp. � • � . � PbRT�ON 6ElN4 ADRT101V 8E1Nbv Y��� � ��TAlNEp �341H�2p) SAU #85-04 Heartlan�,_C.er�-:--- -- � -tn � / r \ /' . 7 ` N / �y , �� t �. ..�� � , � . � ���� _____ r � I � F � _ ._ -—-.. . X � � �? • - - -- — — — � — ! —� �:--, L� :� � �::::::'::1 '���-- — _, — -- z � ubusii� ��e..e I 33 � .� � CITYOF' FRIDLEY CIVIC LENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITV AYE N E. FA�DLE�. MINNESOTA 55�32 • PHONE 16121 57i�34b•. llovember 19, 198�7 ltrin City Homes, Inc. D/B/A Hoblle Homes USA c/o Randy Crohnke 9550 Highway 65 N.E. Blaine, Mn 5543� Dear Nr. Grohnke: On November 5, 1984 the Frldley City Council officially approved your request for a Special Use Per�it, SP /BL-20, to allow Lhe continuation of a mobile sales lot under new management, on Parcel 2691, Section 12, a site approximately 300 feet by 600 feet, the same being 7625 Viron Aoad N.E. with Lhe following stlpulations: 1. Clean up the rear yard. This Sncl�des removing deDris from moDile homes, several dipalidated storage eheds, and �unked aheds. 2. Aepair and maintain Lhe gate on the screening fence surrounding the refuse container. 3. File e drainage easement xith the County and the City. 4. SuDmit a landscape plan. This plan should include additional screening along the northvest and aouthwest corners of the property. 5. Existing slgn must be brought into compliance or a variance approved for excess square footage. 6. Setback trailers a minimum of 35 Ft. from right-of-vay. �. This Special Use Pe�it approval is contingent upon petitioner submitting a E5,000 performance bond. 8. lll improvements to De campleted by November 30, 198� vith the exceptio❑ of landscaping to De completed by June 1, 1985• 9. Special Ose Permit Lo be revieved at the first Planning Commission in June 1985. As of January 1, 1983, the City ia required by State Lax to record all formal City Council actions affecting real property with the County Aecorder. lccordiogly, it vill be to your advantage to complete t6e above stipulations as ezpedieatly a� possiDle. 34 75 J Txin City Homes, Inc. D/B/A Hoblle Homes OSA c/o Randy Grohnke (7625 Viron Road N.E.) Yovember 19, 1984, Page 2 If I can aasist you in this matter, or any other matters, please contact me at 571-3�50, eztension 171. I can be reached at this n�m ber Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thank you for your time, cooperation and mnsideration in this matter. Sincerely, / �' , yltr� a ��l7/fuele"J�l'� �ames L. Robinson Planning Coordinator JLR/de I acknovledge receipt of this Sr.formation. Name Date cc: Files J. Naxwell 3/5/17/20 _-_�_ --------- --r i _ ' •- �..;. � ► i �+ , ' h- -f F rk i! _ ; ��� ���.�: � U �. � �- � f ��OL''�� I � � ., : � J I I I 4J � 7tTM lvE. � j• / .. i� .1 ._ �.Y.7 �, = � /! � _ �y Y _ .! ! ~ '}� � : . :w: -:; ' .J ~ a ! • •f:•1 '..i :j"'\ i .� `i y--� ' K��p" �! � � '!.• �D. �; 73 TH �vE Y E � _ : � • ��_ _ � � •.t.., � 'I _ : i� . r � • � t� i .+ '�' � �. t' • F�� � I 2. �J ... .1 � ;�; ;;� "� Rf. � � ii f W� � , t .• � c-L ' _ . `u,�' �� ��''�_Y�/ I _ _. !- •' �_ .. � L1Y 1f M: y �f^e^ ,^< c,'. � ��°i 1 �// �� 4�� `- � f` � �� 1���'� �� � r � ti �� � `l`► � , f 3 � > �.. - r ' i \��. . . � i i. . .� �� � � W 1� '1� \wi� :� .'i��. ; � � n �o O 2 ; � �� 36 �� � �j .._ lJ� ' � `. � -�:�• • • i*s �Q � 9.'.•��� i . .... . .r•��' p.... . .. 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CITY Of FRIDLEY HOUSI��G & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING MAY 9, 1985 CR6L TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Prieditis called the May 9, 1985, Housing & Redevelooment Authority meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: Menbers Present: Elmars Prieditis, Carolyn Svendsen, Duane Prairie Members Absent: Larry Comners, Walter Rasmussen Others Present: Nasim Qureshi, HRA Director Sid Inman, Director of Central Services Dave Newman,City Attorney Kent Richey, 0'Connor & Hannan Dick Graves, Miller, Schroeder APPROVAL OF MARCH 74, 1985, HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES: Vice-Chairperson Prieditis stated he would like the approval of the March 14, 1985, Housing & Redevelopment Authority minutes continued until more members could be present. 1. FINA� APPP,OVAL OF HOUSIN6 & REDEVELOPMENT BOND CLOSING: Mr. Qureshi stated the HRA members had received the final copy of the resolution with all the pertinent items filled in. He stated Mr. Richey from 0'Connor & Hannan was at the meeting to answer any questions. Mr. Prairie stated this has been discussed numerous times. He asked if there was anything different than what has been discussed previously. Mr. Inman stated that other than the items that specifically related to final numbers, the concept had not changed at all, Mr. Richey stated the only new addition related to designating the City Clerk as treasurer to keep track of the funds. They tried to find out who the treasurer of the HRA was, and they could not find any record of a treasurer, so they put in the City Clerk. He stated that if this was not acceptable to the HRA, they could put in whomever the HRA wanted, but someone had to perform tfie funotion of calling for the funds. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITV MEETING, MAY 9, 1985 PAGE 2 MOTION BY MR. PRATRIE. SECONDF.D BY MS. SVENDSEN� TO APPROVE HRR RESOLUTION NO. 8-I985 OF THE HOUSZNG & REDEVELOPME.NT AL'THORZiY IN AND FOR THE CISY OF FRIDLEY APPROVING SALE AND PROVIDING FOR, TERMS,.PLEDGE OF TAX ZNCREMENTS�AND FZNPINGS, COVENANTS AND DIRECTZONS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT REVENUE BOND OF 1985 OF THE HOUSZNG 6 REDEVELOPMENT RUTHORITY ZP? AND FOR THE CZTY OF FRIDLEY RR�D AUTHORIZSNG EXECfJSION AND DELZVERY OF A BOND PDRCNASE AGREEMENT� ESCROW AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENTS TO COOPERATION AGREEMENT. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING A�E� VZCE-CHAIRPERSON PRIEDITZS DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. APPROVAL OF AWARDS FOR FRIDLEV CITY CR05SING CONTEST FOR INTERSECTION OF .,..,�,.��.-.. . Mr, Qureshi sta*.ed that in a joint meeting witfi the City Council and the HRA on Monday, April 29, the submittals received for the University/ Mississippi Intersection Competition were presented. It was the concensus of both grouos to identify the fourmes Transition Concept as the best submittal, followed by tfie Light Columns and Cable Suspension. He stated tF�e awardees were as follows: First Place -$1,500 Andrew Leicester and Steve Baker Second Place - 500 Jerry Allan and Georgiana Allan Third Place - 200 Saunders Schultz & William Severson, assisted 6y Jerry Allan Mr. Qureshi briefly explained the three proposals. He stated he would recommend that the HRA give the official award approval. Mr. Prieditis stated he felt that none of the pro�osals were realistic. They were all very imaginative, but something was missing, and maybe the City was not specific enough in what they were requesting, However, he felt this pub- licized the City of Fridley, and the City's interest.in some new ideas and some new thoughts. It was simply a matter of looking further. MOTION BY MR. PRAIRZE� SECONDED BY MS. SVENDSEN� TO RPPROVE THE FOLIA47ING RWARDS FOR THE FRIDLEY CITY CROSSING CONTEST FOR THE ZNTERSECTION AT UNIVERSITY AND MZSSISSIPPI ST. FIRST PLACE - 51�500 ANDREW LEICESTER AND STEVE BAKER SECOND PLACE - 500 JERRY ALLAN AND GEORGZAIJA RLLAN THIRD PLACE - 200 SAUNDERS SCHULTZ & WILLIAM SEVERSON� ASSISTED BY JERRY ALLAN UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON PRIEDITIS DECLARED THF MOTION CARRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. 3. REGEIVItJ6 A GONGERT FOR GENTER CIT1' IMFROVEh1ENTS �N THE AREA OF MISSISSIPPI Mr. Quershi stated tf�ey have shown the HRA a number of times the plans and proposal for how they intend to improve the traffic, landscaping, and general appearance of the University/Mississippi intersection. What they have tried HOUSING & REDEVELOPMEpT RUTHORITY MEETING, MAY 9 1985 PAGE 3 to do now is get some guesstimates of the costs and an allocation of those costs. He stated these costs were itemized on pages 3A and 36 of the agenda. Vice-Chairperson Prieditis stated tfie HRA fia4 received tfie concept of the costs _ from the HRA Director and agreed in principle with tfiose costs. 4, APPROVAL OF FINAL ESTINIATE N0. 2 FOR DEMOLITON OF STRUCTURE - MISSISSIPPI STREET M7TION BY MS. SVENDSEN� SECONDED BY MR. PRAIRIE� TO APPROVE THE FINAL ESTIMATE NO. 2 FOR DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURE AT MISSISSIPPI ST. AND UNIVERSITY RVE. UPON A VOZCF, VOTE� ALL VOT2NG AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON PRIEDITZS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. FIIJANCIAL STATEM�NT: Mr, Inman stated the HRA had received a financial statement which required no action. Mr. Inman stated there was no check register; however, the HRA had received a billing from the Citv in the amount of $6,994.70 for personal services from Jan. 1- April 30, 1985. He would ask that the HRA approve that billing. MOTION BY MR, PRAIRIE, SECONDED BY MS. SVENDSEN, TO APPROVE THE BILLING FROM THE CITY OF FRIDLEY FOR PERSONAL SERVICES FROM JkN, 1- APRZL 30� 1985� ZN THE RMOUNT OF $6�994.70, UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VZCE-CHAZRPERSON pRIEDZTIS DECLARED THE MOSION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr, qureshi stated that at the last meeting, he had discussed informally with the HRA members the possible purchase of a piece of property where an offer was made by tfie property owner to sell. It was the concensus of the HRA members at that time that it would be prudent to purchase the property because of the location and the reasonable cost. Mr. Qureshi stated they have finally executed the purchase agreement, and the HRA members had received a copy of the purchase agreement in their agenda packet. He stated the action needed by the HRA was to authorize the HRA staff to execute the purchase agreement and proceed with the purchase of the property. MOTION BY MS. SVENDSEN, SECONDED BY MR, PRAIRIE� TO EXECUTE THE PURCXASE AGREEMF.NT DATED APRIL 10� 1985� FOR THE PROPERTY IACATED AT 6391 OLD CENTRAL AVENUE N,E. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING RYE� VICE-CHAZRPEP.SON PRIEDITIS DECLARED TN.E MOTZON CARRZED UNANIMDUSLY. HOUSIN6 & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING, MAY 9, 1985 PAGE 4 Mr. Qureshi stated they anticipate the closing to be on May 31. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION BY MR, PRAIRIE� SECONDED BY M5. SVENDSEN� SO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE-CHAIRPERSON PRIEDITIS DECLARED THE MAY 9� 1985, HOUSZNG & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEEPZNG AA70URNED AT 8:00 P.M. Respectfully subm ;tted, C" t� Lynrte' aba Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDLEY ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COhg�1IS5I0N MEETING MAY 21, 1985 . CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairperson Wellan called the May 21, 1985, Environmental Quality Cortanission meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present Members Absent: Others Present: Tom Gronlund, Bruce Peterson, Richard Svanda, Wayne Wellan Maynard Nielsen Susan Merriam, Planning Aide APPROVAL OF APRIL 16, 1985, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Gronlund, seconded by Mr. Peterson, to approve the April 16, 1985, Environmental Quality Commission minutes with 2he following change in wording on page 1, item 1, paragraph 2: Mr. Peterson stated that, since the Metropolitan Council is considering making recycling mandatory, the Council shou'd consider doing something to promote recycling programs. UPON A UOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON WELLAN DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: MAY 1985 TO MAY 1986 Vice-Chairperson Wellan decla�Ed the nominations open for chairperson. Mr. Gronlund nominated Mr. Wellan for chairperson. Hearing no other nominations, Vice-Chairperson Wellan declared the nominations closed. MOTION by Mr. Gronlund, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to cast a unanimous ballot for r. Wellan for Chairperson of the Environmental Quality Commission for 1985-86. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON IiELLAN DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Vice-Chairperson Wellan declared the nominations open for vice-chairperson. Mr. Wellan nominated Mr. Gronlund for vice-chairperson. Hearing no other nominations; Vice-Chairperson Wellan declared the nominations closed. EI'VIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 21, 1985 PAGE 2 MOTION b,� Mr. Wellan, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Gronlund for Vice-Chairperson of the Environmental Quality Cortanission for 1985-86. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIN6 AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON WELLAN DECLARED THE �-hqTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. UPDATE ON RECYCLING PROGRAM Ms. Merriam inforrned the cortmission that the City had received two bids for the recycling program, and that Bernie Beermann of Beermann Services had been awarded the bid. Two other parties were interested in the program but did not submit a bid. One party has submitted their reasons for not bidding. Beermann Services has indicated that they may call on someone in the City of Fridley to handle missed pick ups. Complaints will be handled by Beermann. Ms. Merriam indicated that the City's telephone number wi11 not be included in the publicity. Mr. Svanda indicated that recycling is now voluntary. However, if there is not a 16% reduction in waste by January 1, 1987, the Metropolitan Council is looking at making recycling mandatory at that time. Additional funding may be made available through future legislation. MS. Merridm Stdted thdt the City will be receiving over $13,000 from the County of Anoka and over $5,000 from the State. The program wi1� start June 1ath. The City is divided into three sections and each section will be scheduled for a pick up once a month. Ms. P� rriam distributed copies of publicity plans and an article that will be going out with the City news?etter. Ms. Merriam indicated that a newspaper comes out for "49'ers Week" and felt it would be beneficial to advert�se in this publication since it goes to all homes. The cost for dn dd would be $94.00 for a quarter page. The committee felt the ad would be a good idea. Ms. Merriam indicated that information on the recycling program is on a billboard at 83rd and University and the billboard in front of City Hall will also have information on the program. Each refers to information in the City newsletter. Ms. Merriam stated that one meeting had been held with block captains and about half of the block captains attended. The block captains raised the question of how haulers would know the garbage from recycleables. The comnittee felt that if the hauler was in doubt, that he should go ahead and pick it up. Should recycleables be in containers? The cortmittee felt that containers could get expensive, and having containers would not guarantee that items would not be spilled or that broken glass would not fall on the ground. ENVIRONMEN7AL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING, MAY 21, 1985 PAGE 3 Ms. Merriam distributed copies of information sheets which have also been given to the block captains. The sheets provide additional information on the recycling program, and were given to the block captains to be distributed in their neighborhoods. ` Mr. Peterson stated that he and Ms. Merriam would be meeting with the Jaycees after the meeting to discuss the Jaycees involvement. Mr. Peterson felt the Jaycees would be receptive to working on comnunity action projects. In addition to making signs and distributing fliers, Ms. Merriam suggested participation for the September publicity campaign. Mr. Svanda suggested that someone from the Jaycees attend tfie Environmental Quality Comnission meetings so that the commission members and the Jaycees could come up with some ideas together. Mr. Peterson and Ms. Merriam 9ndicated they would present these ideas at the Jaycees meeting. Ms. Merriam distributed copies of an article prepared for the Community section of the Minneapolis 5tar & Tribune using the theme "Friday in Fridley." Mr. Svanda suggested that the article include that Beermann Services is under a contract with the City of Fridley and that pick ups would be made the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Friday of each month. Mr. Wellan suggested a kickoff event with area officials which could also be used by the media to provide additional publicity. Ms. Merriam indicated that an article had been in the Fridley Focus the previous week regarding curbside recycling. The article basically repeated the material g�ven to the block captains. Mr. Svanda suggested repeating one of the articles or combining information from previous articles to continue to provide coverage. He also suggested including a quotation from the letter written by Sandra Gardebring to Ms. Merriam. Mr. Svanda also suggested reques.ting the editor of the Fridley Focus to print an article on recycling on the front page each week until the program starts on June 14th. ADJOURNMENT: MOTION by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A YOICE VOTE, ALL YQTING AYE, VICE-CHAIRPERSON WELLAN DECLARED THE MAY 21, 1985, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COM�4ISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, �� ��� ,Q1�ti,v Lavonn Looper Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDLEY APPEALS COhA1ISSI0�� MEETING, MAY 28, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Cfiairperson Gabel called the May 28, 1985, Appeals Commission meeting to order at 7:34 p,m. ROLL CALL: Mernbers Present Members Absent: Otl�ers Present: Pat 6abe1, Alex Barna, Jim Plemel, Donald Betzold Jean Gerou Darrel Clark, City of Fridley APPROVAL OF �9AV 14, 1985, APPEALS COPIMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BARfiA� SECONDED BY MR, PLEMEL, TO APPROVE THF. MAY Z4, 1985� APPEALS COMMZSSZON MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLRRED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 1. VARIANCE REQUEST PU ron TO CHAPTER 214 OF THE FR _ �nryue�L ny Lne pres ., Fridley, Mn. 55432) CITY CODE TQ . MOTZON By MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY M.A., BARNA, TO ?'ABLE SHE ABOVE ZTEM BECAUSE OF THE ABSENCE OF THE PESITIONER. UPON A VDICE VOTE, ALL VOTING RYE� CHAIRPERSON GABEL DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT: MOTZON BY MR. BET20LD, SECONDED BY MR, BRRNA� TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHAIRPERSON GRBEL DECLARED THE MAY 28, 1985� APPEALS COMMISSION MEET77dG ADJOURNED AT 7:36 P,M. Respectfully submitted, �-r� �.� Ynn a a Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATIO�! COMMISSION MEETING JUIJE 3, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Kondrick called the June 3, 1985, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to order at 7:30 o.m. ROLL CALL: Menbers Present: Dave Kondrick, Dick Young, Dan Allen, Steve Nelson Meribers Absent: Mary Schreiner Otiiers Present: Charles Boudreau, Parks & RECreation Director Jack Kirk, Recreation Sunervisor Connie ThOmp50r1, Program Supervisor Siah St. Clair, City Naturalist APPROUAL OF P1AY 6, 1985, PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES: MO�SON BY MR, �:LLF,N, SECOIvDED BY MR, YOUNG� TO APPROVE THE MRY 6, 1985, PARKS & RECREATIO"l COM.':ZSSION MZNUTES RS WRITTEN, UPON R VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRPERSON XONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTIDN BY MR. NELSON� SECONnED BY MR. RLLEN, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN, UPON R VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRpERSON KONDRZCK DECLARF.D TXE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: a. HAF Report Dr. Boudreau stated the Commission members had received a cony of HAF report prepared by �lerry Bethel, HAF President. He stated he was very impressed with the detail in the report. He felt Mr. Bethel should be commended by the Commission for supplying the Commission with such a complete report. Dr. Boudreau stated that as had already been discussed by the Commission at tf�eir Nov. 20, 1984, meeting, the City will oay the HAF $3/registrant for the House and Broomball programs for tfie season 1984-85. P1r. Bethel had figured tfiat out in his cover letter of ��ay 20, 1985, at $3.00 X 137 registered plavers totalling 5411.00. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIO�J MEETING JUNE 3 1985 PAGE 2 Dr. Boudreau stated he would recommend the Cortmission make a motiun authorizing the pavment of $411 to the HAF for the 1984-85 season. MOTION BY MR. YDUNG, SECONDED HY MR. ALLEN� THRT Tf7E CITY ISSUF. A CNECK IN THE AMOUN2 OF $411 ($3.00/137 REGISTRAlr'.'^S) FOR THE 2989-85 SEASON TO NELP SUPPLEMENT TNE XAF HOUSF. AND BROOMBkLL PROGRAMSj AND THAT STAFF SEND A LETTER TO MR, BETHEL TNANKING RZM FOR THE VERY COMPLETE REPORT, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DF,CLARED TNF, MOSIDN CARRIED UNANIMDUSLY. b. Park Design and Improvements Prior to the meeting, the Commissioners had gone on a tour of some of the park areas. Dr. Boudreau stated that each of the Commissioners had been given an aerial photograph of the following park areas: Sylvan, Madsen, Commons, Flannery, Riverview Heights, and Meadowlands. Dr. Boudreau stated the Comnissioners had also received information and preliminary plans for the Meadowlands Park area. He would recommend the Commissioners read through this information so they have an understandinn of what is being proposed. Dr. Boudreau also asked the Commissioners to look over the maps, making recommended changes or improvements to the park areas. He stated this input would then be forwarded on to Mr. Flora. c. R. V. Dump Station Dr. Boudreau stated he had received a call requesting that the City put in an R.V, dump site in Fridley. He asked the Commissioners if they felt there was any reason to consider such a request. Mr. Young stated he felt an R.V, dump station was really needed in this area. He stated people are paying $2-3 to dump, but he stated that if there was a dump station, it would have to be some place where it cnuld be sunervised. He stated there was a dump site in Fridley that has gone into disuse, and that was at the Rapid Oil Change station. Maybe they could be encouraged to use it again. Mr. Kondrick stated he wondered if this was really a parks and recreation consideration. He did not know if the Parks & Recreation Commission should be addressing it. Dr. Boudreau suggested the topic of an R.V. dump station in the Citv of Fridley be brought u� at the next Planning Commission meetinq, and it could then be funneled to the proper cortmiission. The Commissioners agreed with this sug9estion, and Mr. Kondrick stated he would bring it up at tfie next Planning Comnission meeting. PAP.KS Y� RECREATION COMMISSIO�J MEETI�JG, JUWE 3, 1985 PAGE 3 d, Sumner Activities Dr. Boudreau stated he would like Nr. St. Clair to introduce the members of his staff. Mr. St. Clair introduced Barb Tuckner, who will be working weekday evenings with the public programs; Karen Shanberg, who has been with the Dept. part- time for awhile doing programming for school groups and other activities and who will be directir.g the summer day camp program with two par±-time people working for her; and Kent Jones, the Interpretive Srecialist, who works Wed, througfi Sun. and develops all the weekend programminq, coordinates school groups and other groups, and coordinates all the volunteer orograms, publicity, etc. Dr. Boudreau encouraged the Convnissioners to be more visible and to stop by the nature center and the parks to observe some of the oroaraemiinq that is going on and see what these people do. He stated the Comnissioners represent a lot of people in Fridley. Ms. Connie Thompson agreed, She stated she would really like and encouraqe the Commissioners to see some of the programming, especially the Tiny Tot and playground programs. They run family night programs, and every year during staff training, she tells her playground staff that there is the possibtlity of the Commission mem6ers coming out and visiting their park. She stated the playground staff would really like the Corttnission members to come out so they can show the Comnission members what they do with the children in Fridley. Sf�� would really like to see the Commission members come to a family night or a pu;.oet show sometime during the summer, if nothing else, just to show the staff that the Coranission members care. She stated the staff would really ap�reciate it. Mr. Kondrick thanked each member of the staff for coming to the meeting. He stated the Commission mer�bers would certainl,y try to take this qood advice and be more visible in the community. AD,IOURNMENT: MO_TZON BY MR. ALLEld� SECONDED BY MR, NELSON� YYJ AD7pURN THE MEETING. lJPON R VOICE VO'_^E� ALL VOTING RYE, CNAIRPERSOP7 KONDRICK DECLARED THE JUNE 3� 2985� PARKS 6 RECREATION COMMISSION MEETZNG ADJOURNED AT B:IS P,M. Respectfully s bmitted, yn a a Recording Secretary C I T Y 0 F F R I D L E Y MEMO T0: FRIDLEY PLAPiNING COMMISSION FROM: BILL HUNT, STAFF PERSON TO T� FRIDLEY HUMA.4 RESOURCES COi•L"f I S S I O\' SUB,TECT: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR C.D.B.G. FUNDS TO HLTL4.`I SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS DATE: JUNE 14, 1985 On June 6, 1985 the Fridley Human Resources Coffinission me[ to consider requests from [en (10) organizations for 1985 CDBG f�nds. A chart showing the amount of the requests and an extract from the unapproved minutes of the mee[ing are enclosed for your informa[ion. Each of the organizations submitted grant applications to the Hinnan Resources Co�ission, and on *tav 15, 1985 representatives from each of [he organizations made an oral presentation to the Commission. Your review of [he funding recomnendatins on page 9 of the minutes would be appreciated so that the matter could be considered bv the Fridley City Council a[ its meeting of July 1, 1985. Cc: Mayor and City Council (for information) Members of the Human Resources Co�ission k FRILLEY HUhF�t: RFS(X1R�5 mFTiISSICN, �Y 2, 1985 Requests for 1985 Q8G I�ds . ..- . , �- e _ . ,'+ =� - ;._: .- �• 1. FYicIle� Senior Citizen Oentez 2. North Stiburhan Farrily Serviee Oenter 3. ibindation for Islands of Peaoe 4. Aroka Cb�ty Qmsinity Action Program, Znc. S�ecial Senior Citizen Progranming S. Alexindra Bouse 6• i�inbow Sc�,00l and Qii1d Care Center 7. North Suburhsn Nns�ner Advocates foi the Handimpped B. F�ily Life Afental Health Ctr, 9. Southern Anoka Qo�ty Assistanoe 10. Central Center for Fa:ily Resouroes Zbtal Requests F 1986? $11,940 C 1986 S%,755 ? ? AF 1984 $3.4 Million AF 1984 $78,000 F 1986 5387,638 F 1985 $136,000 AC 1984 $ 450 C 1985 $227,116 F 1985 $34,122 C 1985 $203,000 Amoint Avail�le for Distributim *F=Fi scal Year C-'C�lendar Year A=Actial 56,700 $4,000 $9,500 $4,388 $3,000 534,663 $1,200 $3,000 $5,000 55,000 $76,651 $19,176 HUNAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETIN6, JUNE 6, 1985 PAGE 6 many of the services Mr. Klein had talked about the seniors needing, She was not talking about this service including f�idley people, but a service that could be used as a model, Mr.Klein stated he was not familiar with that particular program, but was familiar with the concept. A lot of what Ms. Sherek was talkinq about was similar to a"skills bank" where people volunteer to do those tasks they are skilled at. Tfiev have done a lot of research on it and have attempted to put some funding together to expand their chore proqram. Mr. Minton asked Mr, Klein if tfiere was any role the City of Fridlev could play in any of this. Mr. Klein stated he saw two roles the City of Fridley could nlay: (1) a fundinq role; (2) a supportive networkinq, cooperative, coordinatina role with volunteers and local initiatives where, for example, they could expand the caoability of reaching the seniors. Mr, Klein stated the,y would like to see the City helo�^q the County identify tfwse individuals wfio fiave a desire to provide corrvnunity service; the County could work with the City to train them and coordinate and utilize their skills in support of a staff initiative. He stated they are a big fan of using volunteers to supplement staff; they are not a verv big fan of volunteers as a replacement for staff. Mr, Klein stated he would really encourage the City to look at the chore service area. That was a totally untapped need that is just really co�inq to the surface in the County. Mr. Minton stated Ms, Zurawski had thanked them for the Commissioners done to bring this coming. appreciated the G�ork Mr. Klein and information to the Comnission, and he b. Consideration of proposals from human service organizations for 1985 CDBG funds 5outhern Anoka Lommunitv Assistance - amount requested - 55,000 Ms. Sherek stated she liked the uniqueness of the program, the wi�e ranqe of needs that are served at a low cost, and the large number of Fridley residents served at a co�paratively low cost. The peoole served, for the most part, are the working poor--peo�le trying to make it but who need a little help. She would recommend full funding. Mr. Minton stated he felt SADA served a very basic human need. Mr. Billings stated he had heard a presentation by Rosemary Byrnes fro� SACA several months ago, and 'nad gotten a good overview of SACA. He, too, would recomnend full funding. HU�1AN RESOURCES LOMMI55ION MEETING, JUNE 6, 1985 PAGE 7 The Alexandra House - amount requested -$3,000 Ms. Sherek stated that after hearing the presentation at the special meeting on May 15, she did not feel the proposal was all that clear as to what thev intended to do, but tfiey obviously do fiave some well defined goals and plans to achieve tfiose goals. They are actually doing outreach to the grroups tfiey consider critical to reach, including the school children, law enforcement personnel, volunteer groups, etc. She felt this would be money well spent because there is not any other organization performing this type of service, They are cooperating with the schools and are n��t duplicating any existing programs. Mr. Minton stated the amount req�ested was really for a budGetary purpose; it was earmarked, but that did not bother him, It was a very worthwhile orqanization, Mr, Billings stated he would be in favor of funding the total amount re�uested. Anoka Countv Community Action Program, Inc - amount requested - 54,388 Ms. Sherek stated this would be a completion of a year's commitment to having the senior outreach worker, She saw this organization performinQ a lot of valuable services and having a lot of good ideas, but she did not think the City should be funding tfie employment of an ongoing prograr�. She thought that should be a definite stipulation for the fundinq of this organization. Mr. Minton agreed. He stated he felt the Commissioners had made that pretty clear at the special meeting on May 15. He felt the outrea�h pro- gram was doing a very valuable job, Mr. Billings Stated he would be in favor of fundinq the total amount �equested. Central Center for Family Resources - amount requested - 55,000 Ms. Sherek stated all the counseling services look like qood services to fund, Central Center for Family Resources was a counseling service that is performing some unique things, one of which is the counselinq of children, and the large number of grouos that they serve which tends to hel� reduce the cost. The other thing that entered into her decision was that Family Life Men�al Health Center was way out in Anoka, and as has been pointed out, when people are in crisis situations, the trans- portation and proximity to services is very important. North Suburban Consumer Advocates for the Handicap d- amt, requested - 51,200 Mr, Minton stated he was not in favor of funding the total amount requested, He felt the request for office equip�ent for $550 was a worth- while project. He thought the ins�ruction and the seminars seemed a little HUHAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING, JUNE 6, 1985 PAGE 8 vague. He would like to see them get some funding to help them become a better organization, and he would agree to 5550 for office equipment. Ms. Sherek stated she would also agree with the $550 for office equipment. Rainbow School and Child Care Center - amount requested -$34,863 Ms. Sherek stated that after tistening to tfie presentation on May 15, the person from Rainbow School really fiad no idea how she would even adninister these funds if they got tfiem. Mr. Billings stated Ra�nbow School was addressing the same problem that was expreszed by Mr. Klein. Since there were so many children on a waiting list,any ptttance tfie City �aould be able to contribute directly to Rainbow School �ouldn't be close to being able to resolve any of the prohlems. The problem is so large, and the City's funding caoability is so small. The CommiSsioners agreed they would not reco�mend any fundinq to Rainbow School and Child Care Center. foundations of Islands of Peace - amount requested - q9,500 - Ms. Sherek stated again this was a salary request. Islands of Peace was requesting the entire amount from Fridley, even though there are other communities that use Islands of Peace. They did not come up with any clear idea of how many people from Fridley would benefit if the City did fund it, and they did not have any clear plan of any sort for future fundinq. Mr,Minton stated another consideration was that they were initiatinq some programming, and they did not have any good rationale or necessity for doing that progrartr�ing. The Commicsioners agreed they would not recommend any �funding to Islands of Peace. Fridley Senior Citizen Center - amount reGuested - 56,700 Ms. Sherek stated the one proposal request she felt was reasonable was the request for fans for Congregate Dining in the amount of 5500. She did not know if she could agree to paying for their ongoing travel and utility costs. Mr. Minton and Mr. Billings stated they would agree to the 5500 for the fans. The Comnission felt there were other funding capabilities that have not been explored at all. Famil Life Mental Health Center - amount requested -$3000 (18 mo. request) or u ur an ami v ervice enter - amount requested - 54,000 Mr. Billings stated Ms. Sherek had mentioned the fact that both Familv Life Mental Health Center and North Suburban family Service Center are far away from Fridley, He tended to agree with Ms. Sherek that if some- HUMAN RESOURCES COMMIS510N MEETING, JUNE 6, 1985 PAGE 9 one has a problem and is in need, is that person going to be physically able to get to Anoka or even Coon Rapids? I5 the fact that Anoka is so far away going to be a 6arrier? Ms. Sherek stated tfiat if they are talking a6out service to low income residents, the question is: Can they even get to Anoka? They can get to Spring Lake Park, because there is bus servite right by Central Center for Family Resources. The Comnissioners agreed to split whatever fundinq was left over between Family Life Mental Health Lenter and North Suburban Family Service Center. MOTIOti BY MS. SHEREK� SECOtiDED B}' MR. BTLLZNGS, TO RECO"!.MEAD TD CITp COV?fCZl TH£ ALLOCATIO."� OF 19R5 CDB� HJ.MAt: 5£RVIC£ FC'S'?S AS FOLLOI:'S: SOL�.TXEA,K Ah'O1CA CDMML:h'ISY ASSZS.TANCE THE ALEXANDRA HOUSE ANDi::; COUb'TY CAP� INC, NOR.TN SUBL�RBAA' C07dSU.MER ADVOCATES FOR THE NA.4'DICAPPED FRIDLEY SEtiIOR CITIZ£.': CEM1TER CE!CTF.hL CEh'TER FOR FA"'ILY R£SOURCES FA.".':LY LIF£ MENTAL XEAiTH CEN;ER NORTH SUB�RBA'+ FA.MIL� SEPVICE C£NTER — $ 5,000 3,000 4,388 550 500 3,000 1,369 1,369 519,176 UPO.'� A VOZCE VOTE� RLL VOSIhG AYE, CNAIRPERSON MINTON DECLARED TN.E MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOL'SLY, c. Consideration of matters relating to the ethnic background of Fridley residents Discussion continued until next meetinq. d. Consideration of pedestrian safety on main thoroughfares in Fridley (See May 6, 1985, letter to John Flora from J. 5. Katz, District Traffic Engeiner) Mr. Nunt stated he would keep the Commissioners informed. He stated he would check with Mr. Flora and try to give the Commission a pro9ress report from time to time. Ms. Sherek stated her greatest concern was that no one, especially children because children tend to be so impatient, can cross Highway 65 on a single signal cycle. so they are always trying to beat the traffic. Because of the way the lights are timed, if traffic coming off Highway 10 or I-694 can hit the lights just right, they can go all the way through fridley and Spring Lake Park at 65 m.p.h. If someone is driving 65 m,q.h. and has not had to slow down for any lights, if a child goes darting out tryinq to make it across the street, that person is not going to be able to stop. Because