PL 06/04/1986 - 6869City of Fridle� A G E N A A Fi.Atv1�]P•�IG O�h2�fISSION I�ETING idIIY�IFSI]�Y, JUNE 4, 1986 7:30 P.M. I.ocation: Council Ch�nber (upper le,�el) ,1 •��,11' ��)�+r�'�+�+�i PAGES • �� = i �� � �_ � PUBLIC HEARING• CONSIDER�TION OF PRELIMIDLARY PLAT P S #86-02, CuFE'�RTp�� p�T 2 BY RSCfi�RD HRC.'ECNER THOE;AS BLGIIBERC A TE� TTY OF F TnI,F'v; 11 - 16 Consideration of a Freluunary Plat, P.S. #86-02, Creekridge Plat 2 ny Richard Brickner, 7homas Blomberg and the City of Fricile�, being a replat of that Fart of the West one-half of the idortheast Quarter of Section 13, �30, I.�24, described as follwrs: Commencing at a Foint which is 742.5 teet North of the Southwest crorner on the West line of said quarter section and 467.5 feet East on a line which is pztallel with the South line of said quarter section; thence East on a line parallel with the South line of said quarter section a distance of 412.5 feet; thence South at right angles and parallel witn the west line of said quarter section 107.25 feet; thence West �rallel wiYh first wurse a distance of 412.5 feet; thence North a distance of 107,25 feet to place of beginning, containing one acre and two and one-half rods more or less according to the Gwerranent survey thereof, also described as F:art of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 10 and now known as Lot 14, Revised Auditor's Subdivision fio. 10, eiccept the East 249 feet, front ann rear, according to the plat thereof on Yile and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, Plinnesota, and aLso that part of Lot 6, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10, described as follows: Co�nencing at a point 467.5 feet Fast of the Southwest cocnec ot said Lot 6; thence North g�rallel with the West boundary line of said Lot 6 140.25 feet; thenoe East �rallel with the South boundaxy line of said Lot 6 412.5 feet, more or less, to a point in the East line of said Lot 6; thence South along the East boundacy line of said Lot 6 140.25 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 6; thence West along said South boundary line to the point of beginning, EXCEPT the East 249 feet, front and rear, according to Yhe plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registtar of Titles in and for Anoka Q�unty, Minnesota, and also all of Outlot A, Dennis Addition, exoepting therefran the East 249 feet and excepting therefran the West 417.5 feet, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of reoord in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka �unty, blinnesota, and also all of Lot 1, Block 1, Hidden Woods, and also all of Outlot 1, Block 1, Gena-Fae Addition, all lying in the North Half of Section 13, �30, I.�24, City of Fridley, County of Anoka, State of M.inclesota. PLPd�II3It� �2•PiISSIObI MEETING WEONFSL�Y, J[TI� 4, 1986 PAGE 2 u \ � 1/ .�} f� �?4!_.� • _:_. • • • y; 1 :. U9: � ` �- �- CITY Qf FRIOLEY PLAFUJING COHI4ISSION �1EETI�lG, F1AY 28, 1986 CALI TO OF;DER: Mice-Chairperson Oquist called the May 28, 19$6, Plannina Commission meeting to order at 7:35 p.n. ROLL CALL: Menbers Present: LeRoy Oquist, Dean Saba, Sue Sherek, Richard Svan�ia (for Fiayne Wellan), Donald Qetzold i�lenbers Absent: Dave Y.ondrick Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Jock Robertson, Community Development Director Leslie KoF�anek, 5825 65th Ave. P�o. i•li 11 i am Nonl os, 5825 65th Ave. P�o. flarris Ratnavake, 29II Liberty St. !I.E. Pastor Denyes, 472 Osborne Rd. D. Anderson, 124 N. lst St. Jin Winkels, 5780 Lincoln Gr. APPROVAL OF �1AY 7, 1986, PLANNI�IG C0�41ISSI0'I HI�IUTES: !10."ZON BY 11P.. BlTZOLD� SF.COl]DGD BY f1P.. SABA� TO RPPPOI�F' TlIF. 1dAY 7� 19A6� PL1NNIf7G COM�I:SSION l47NUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTF., ALL VOTI.NG AYF., ✓ICE—CIIAIRPF,RSON OQUIS:" DECT.RRED '?'fIF. Af0'"70"7 CARRICP UNANIT.*OUSLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CO'�SIDERATIO�� OF A SPECIAL USE PER�IIT, SP #86-04, [3Y SLIE K H NEK: Pr Se� ctio�65.18.1, C, 9 of the Fridley City Code, to allotir exterior storage of materials and equipment on Lots 1 thrnugh 8, Block 5, flnaaray, the sane being 55 - 77th l!ay N,F. MOmIOtJ BY I}R. BE�TZOLD, SECONDED BY PfS. SHEREX� TO OPEN TlIF. PUBLZC HF,ARI?!G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIi1G AYE, VICE—CHAIRPFRSOt: OQ'JIST DECLARED TNF. PUBLIC NEARIC7G OPEN AT 7:36 P,14. Mr. Robinson stated the property rras located on Gumwnod St. between 77th and 78th and just east of the railroad tracks. The property was zoned �1-Z, .heavy industrial, and most of the property in the ir�mediate area was also industrial. 7he proposal was for outdoor storage. The petitioner has applied for a variance for a side yard setback fror� 2� ft. to 0 ft. along the c?n±er line of the vacated Gumwood 5t. That variance was approve�l by the /lppeals Corriission and would go to City Council along with this special use perr�i± on �une 2. There was also a public hearinq for the vacation of a utility easement along Gumwood. The right of way has already been vacated. PLANt�IN6 CONIIISSION t1FETING, �1AY 28 1986 PAGF 2 Mr. Robinson stated tf�e storage 3rard was approximately 1/2 acre. It sits approximately 165 ft. from 77th on the southand approximately 125 ft. from 78th on the north The area would be entirely fenced with an 8 ft. fence, which should provide a good screening of the area. �1r. Robinson stated Staff was recor�mending the following stipulations: 1. Provide an 8 foot high screening fence around the perimeter of the storage area (solid wood or chain link with slats). 2. Provide a berriing, landscaping and irrigation plan fnr staff approval. 3. Provide a storm draina9e plan for staff approval. 4, lJork with Display Arts to accomplish a joint driveway easement on the west half of vacated Gunwood, lying south of Lot 11. 5. Provide a site performance bond equal to 3" of construction value. 6. No material to be stored so as to be visible fron the ri9ht-of- ways. �1r. Svanda asked what kind of material would be stored in the storac�e area. I�r. Kohanel: stated his company r�anufactures wooden pallets. The raw wood comes down from up north in hundles. The bundles would be stored plus scx�e of the finished wood pallets. Mr. P1onlos stated he was told that the fencing would not be required on the west side along the railroad tracks. Mr. Robinson stated that was true. lie did not see any particular reason why screening would be needed along the railroad tracks. Mr. Y.ohanei: stated that with some of the stacks of wood that are 4?, 5 ft. high, since they are 165 ft. from 77th, some of the stacks might be visihle from tf�e road. P1r. P.obinson stated one thing I1r. Kohanek could do was install a berm to add some extra elevation to the fence. MOTION B� IdR. SABA, SECONDED BY MR. BE"_'ZOLD� ^'O C70SF. THE PUBLIC XE11R71dG. UPON A VOICE VO_TE, ALL VOTING AYE, VZCE—CHAIRPF.RSOC7 OQDISP DECLAP.TP THE PUBLZC HEARIf7G CTASED AT 7:49 P.rr. PLlINNIHG COH�tISSIOt� H[ETItIG, MAY 28, 1986 PAGF 3 MOTZOIT BY 7fS. SIIcREK� SrC07dDt'D BY MR, BE'"ZOLD� TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COIiNCZL RPPROVAL OF SPECIAL JSF PERMI_T, SP iJ86-04, BY LESLIL' KOHANEK, PFR SECTION 205,1B.2� C� 9 OF _^HE RRIDLEY CITY CODE TO ALIAfd EXSERIOR STORAGF. OF MATERZRLS AND EQUIPMENT ON LOTS i TXROUGH 8� BLOCK 5� ONAWAY� TXE SAME BEI7/G 55 - 77TH 41AY N,E., WZTH THE FOLLOF72NG S_TIPULASIONS: 2. PROVIDE AN 8 FOOT HIGH SCREENIP7G FENCE AROUND THF PERZMETER OF THE STORAGE AREA EXCEPS TXAT SCREENING NOT BE REQUIRED O�] THT WEST SZDE RDJACENT TO THE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. (SOLID WOOD OR CHAIN LINK WZTH SLATS.) 2. PROVIDE A BEPf1277G� LANDSCRPI7JG, AIJD IRRZGRTZOG' PLIW FOR STAFF APPROVAL. , ' " 3. PROVIDE A STORI�t DRAINAGE PLAN FOR STAFF APPROVAL. 4, WORK WITN DISPLAY ARTS TO ACCOFIPLISX A JOI!1T DP.IVEWAY EASEAfENT ON TNE WEST XALF OF VACATED GUFIIJOOD, LYIf7G 50UTH OF IAT 21. 5. PROVZDE A SITE PERFORPfANCE BOIID EQUAL TO 3% OF CO.'7STRi1CTION VALUE, 6. NO MATERIAL TO BE STORED SO AS TO BE VISIBLL' FROA; THF. RIGNT- OF-WAYS. UPON A L'OICE VOTE, ALL VOSIP7G AYE, VICE-CHAIPPFRSON OQUIST DECLARF.D THF, l40TION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. 2. PUBLIC H[ARING: CONSIDERATI0�1 OF A SPECIAL USE PERt1IT SP #86-05 HARRIS RAT��AYAY,E: Per Section 205.07.1, C, 2 of the Fridley City Code to allor� a Montessori/ day care facility on Lots 1 through 5 and part of Lots 8 throuc�h 17, alock 1, Osborne t•lanor Second Addition, the same being 472 Osborne Road PJ.E. MOTION BY MP,. SVAIIDR, SF.CONDED BY M.S. SHF,REK� TO OPEN THE PUBLIC NEARING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYF„ 77CE-CHAIRPRRSOlJ OPUZST DECLAP.F.D THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:SZ P.M. P1r. Robinsor. stated this property was located on the southeast corner of Osborne and 5th St. The property was zoned R-1 as was the surrounriinq area which included Unicy Hospital. The proposal was for a �iontessori/ day care facility for up to 30 children and application has been made to the State to license the facility. The age group would be 2'�-6 yrs., and thr hours of operation tivould be 7:00 a.m, to 6:00 p.m. �londay through Friday. Mr. Robinson stated there was no real concern at this point on the traffic impact to the surrounding neighborhood; horiever, Staff had some concern about the surrounding traffic and its potential impact on the children. So, one of the stipulations recortanended by Staff was to provide a fenced area with tot lot equipment orior to occupancy. This fenceci area could be in the re3r of the facility. Mr. Rohinson stated the day care facility itself would be located behind the sanctuary of the church in the southwest corner. PLAPJ�JII�G C0�44ISSI0�! MEETIP�G MIIY 28, 1986 PAGE 4 Mr. Robinson stated the traffic concern was related to a lot of parkinn in the area, both on the church property and also to the south with the Unity Hospital development. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recomnending the following stipulations: 1. Petitioner to provide a fenced area �aith tot lot equipment prior to occupancy. 2. Owners to a�ork with staff to provide landscaping and concrete curbing to meet City codes. 3. Owner to provide performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to cover site improvements. P1r. Robinson stated he has talked to Pastor Denyes, saho indicated they are in the process of selling the property to Health Central and that it might be a waste of money to make the landscaain9 and curbinq ir�provements at this time. Ftr. Robinson was suggesting that the City give the church until Sep+.ember to finalize their plans, but to allow the day care facility to be instated, If by September, the church's plans are not finalized, then the church would be requir'ed to install the landscaping and curbing improvements. Mr. Betzold asked Mr. Ratnayake that if the church might be moving, would he still go ahead with incurring the cost of the fencinc� and tot lot equipment? �1r. Ratnayake stated that if the fencing and tot lot equipment are easily moved, there would not be any problem. Pastor Denyes stated that it was 9oing to take them at least a year to build their new building so they will still be in their current facility for a year after it is sold. t1s. Sherek stated she thought stipulations 2& 3 would have to be reconsidered in September, because it will then depend upon whether a church occupied the property or if Hea!th Central purchased the property. If a church was qoing to occupy the property, then the City would expect the landscapin� and curb- ing improvements to be made. If the property was sold to Health Central, then the City would have to wait until tfiey knew Health Central's plans for the property. Mr. Robinson asked Pastor Denyes if he �aould be willin� to make the improve- ments to the property if, in fact, they do sell the prooerty to ano±her church. Pastor Denyes stated he felt something could he worked out and could be part of an overall sales agreement between the two parties. He would be willing to commit to making the improvements if they do sell the property to another church. PLANNIfJG COt111ISSI0�� MEETI1dG, t1AY 28, 1986 PAfE 5 MOTION BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MS. SNEREK� TO CIASE THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VDZCE VOTE� ALL VOSING AYE� VZCE—CHAIRPERSON DECLARED TNE P[IBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 8:05 P.14. MDTION BY T7R, SABA, SF,COMDED BY MS. SHEREX, TO RECO6fMEND TO CITY COUNCIL �PROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PER1fZT, SP #86—OS� BY XARRIS RATNAYAKE� PRR SECTION 205.07.2� C� 2 OF THE FRZDLEY CZTY CODE TO ALLOW A MON2ESSOR7/ DAY CARE FACILITY ON LOTS 2 THROUGH 5 AND PART OF LO'_^S 8 TXROUGN 12� BZ,()CK 2� OSBORNE 1�!ANOR SECOND ADDITION, THE SAMF. BF.ING 472 OSBORNE ROAD N.E., WITH THE FOLLOWZP7G STIPULATIOFIS: I. PETITIOITER TO PROVIDE A FE.'7CED ARF.A WI.^fi TO_T LOT EQUIP14F.lIT PRZOR TO OCCUPANCY. 2. OWNERS TO WORK WITH STAFF TO PROVZDF, LA�dPSCAPING ANP CO.NCRETE CURBING TO MEET CITY CODES. 3. OWNER TO PROVZDE PERFORMANCE BONP IPI THR AMOUN_T OF $5�000 TO COVE'R SSTE IMPROVEMENT$. S_TIPULATSONS Z 6 3 TO BE REVZf.WED Zll SEPTEMBER BY CITY STAFF. UR {tiNEi1' TllE DISPOSITZON OF TXE PROPERTY SS DECZDED� IF THE DISPOSITION IS TO AN��THEP, CHURCX, THF.N THESE IMPILYEMENTS MUST BE f29DE AT THAT T714E; IF SIfF. PROPERTY IS SOLD TO XEALTX CENTRAL� THEN THE CITY WILL TAXE T71E MRTTER UP WI."'ff THF.M. UpON A VOICE S�OTF.� RLL VOTII7G AYE� VICE—CNAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARFD THT MO_TION CARRIED UNAPTIMOUSLY, 3. PU(3LIC HEARIWG: COf�SIDERATIO�! QF A SPFCIAL USE PERP9IT, SP #86-06, RY W114t 1tLU UtVtLUI'f1tf11 : Per Section 205.17. , C, 1 of the Fridley City Code to allow offices not associated with a principal use on Lot 4, except the northerly 35 ft., Lots 5 and 6, 61ock 1, Paco Industrial Park. MOTION B3' AfR, SABA, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA, TO OPEN TXF. PUBLIC HF,AR27dG. UpON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTItIG AYF., V7CE—CXAIRPFRSON OQUZST DECLARED THE PUBLIC XEARINC OPEN RT 8:10 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this property was located west of Univeristy Ave, sourh of U.S. Swim & Fitness and north of the Coeununity Park. The proposal was for an office/warehouse facility located in h1-1 industrial zoning. At this tir�e, the petitioners are not entirely sure how the facility is going to lease up in terms of office users. Because of the high quality office/wareh�ust type construction similar to the East River R�ad Business Center,_they are anticipating it could very well iease up with a majority of office as opposed to industrial users. The special use permit is for office use in an industrial zone. P1r, Robinson stated the parcel of property is approximately 4.6 acres. The gross floor area o.` the building is 58,550 sq. ft. It would normally call for a speculative parking ratio of 1- 500 which would yield 117 spaces. What they are oroviding is 50% office/25% manufacturing/25% 4iarehouse for a total of 161 spaces. The petitioner feels that should be enough parl:inn for the intended office users. PLANIJI�IG CDHMISSIOF� MEETI!J6, MAY 28 1986 PAGF 6 Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recor�mending the following stipulations: 1, Developer to provide written coronitment to pay all costs associated with the realighment of cul-de-sac. 2. Developer to supply ongoing tenant information, prior to each occupancy, to allow the City to monitor parking need on a case by case basis. Parking demand not to exceed supply. 3. Provide a landscape plan rihich includes plantings and be rniing of all pertmeter areas; heavy screening to be provided to buffer load9ng area. 4. All dumpsters to be located inside or within approved masonry structures. 5. All roof equipment to be screened to mute visual affect. 6, Easement for joint parking with U. S. Swim & Fitness to be recorded against properties prior to buildinr� permit. 7, Provide connecting sidewalk between the U.S. Swim �4 Fitness Center and proposed development. 8_ Petitioner to combine lots for tax purposes. Mr. Betzold stated the petitioner came before the Appeals Commission on �4ay 13 with four variance requests which will go to City Council on June 2 wi±h this special use permit request. He stated at that meetinn, Dave Harris was very concerned about the traffic pro6lems in the area and wanted to see an a9reement between this property and the U.S. Swim Fx Fitness pro�erty for shared parking. P1r. Narris apparently owns the lot immediately to the south and plans to build there and does not want to see the parking situation 9et any worse. �tr. lJinkels, Winfield Development, stated he wanted to than4: the Planninc� Commissian for rescheduling their meeting in order that they might make the June 2 City Council meeting. They have worked quite closely with staff on this project for the past few weeks. The appreciated the work Staff has done for them. He stated they have no problem with the stipulations. Thay also very much agree with a shared parking situation with U. 5. Swim & Fitness and are in the process of finalizing an a9reement with them right now. Relative to a draina9e plan, they are meeting with the Rice Creek ldatersheci District and have been told by their engineers that the drainage plan is fine. Mr. Winkels stated the building itself was a multi-tenant building. 7hey are projecting it will be split 50f50 in terms of office/warehouse based on their experience in the Twin Cities with ihis type of Auilding. They currently have approx. 600,000 sq. ft. of this type of product in the Cities anci a ie�a more building under construction, In cleneral, they are finding riqht around a 50/50 split. I(dG C�'it1I5SI0N MEETINf MAY 28 1 : Mr, llinkels stated it was suggested by Staff that they apply for a special use permit so the developer can count on that nlan in terms of the use of the property and so the City and the developer can work together to make sure the parY.ing coincides with the use. In terms of their experience, they are satisfied they have adequate parking spaces for their needs. MOSION BY IfR. SVANDA, SECONDED BY MR. SAHA, PO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARIt7G. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING.�iYE� VICE—CHAIRP£.RSOfl OQUZST DECLARF.D TNE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 8:25 P.Id. !40_TIOfl BY MR. SABA, SECONDED BY A1R. BETZOLD, _TO RECOMFfEND TO CITP COi�NCIL APPROL�AL OF SPECZAL USE PERMIT� SP N,86-06� BY WINFTELD DEVEIAPIdF,N?': PF.R SECT7017 205.17.1� C, I OF TNE FILTDLEI' CITY CODE TO ALIAGI OFFLOTS S�A.NpS�OCIRTED WZTN A PRIf7CIPAL USF, ON LOT 4, EXCEPT TIIE NORTHERLY 35 FT., BLOCK 1, PACO ZNDUSTRZAL PARK� WITH TNF FOLLOF77NG STIPULATZOtiS: 1. DEVELOPER TO PROVZDE WRITTEP7 COA1MITldENT TO PA]' ALL COSTS ASSOCTATED WITN TNF. REALZGNMENT OF CUL—DE—SAC. 2. DEVELOPER TO SUPPLY ONGOZNG TENANT IC7FOR�fATION, PRIOR TO EACFI OCCUPANCY, TO RLLO[7 TNE CITY TO MONITOR PRRKING NEED OV A CASE— BY—CASE BASIS. PARKING DEl4AND NOT TO EXCEED SUPPLY. 3. PROVSDE A LANDSCRPE PLA1'J WHICH ZNCLUDES PLA'1TIC7GS RP7D BERf4ING OF ALL PERII4ETER AP.EAS; HEAVN SCREENING TO BE PROVIDED TO BUFFER IAADING AREA. 4, ALL DUMPSTERS TO BE LOCATED INSIDE OR WZTHIN APPROVED MASONRY STRUCTUP,ES. 5. ALL HOOF EQUZPME�JT TO BE SCREENED TO MUTE VISUAL AFFF.CT. 6, EASE:!ENT FOR JOINT PARKIP7G WITTI U. S. SWI!f & FITNESS TO BE RECORDED AGA771ST PROPFRTIES PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT. 7. PROVIDF. COf7NECTING SZDE67ALK BETWEF•N THF U. S. SWIA1 6 FI TT7ES5 CENTER AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. 8. PETITIONER TO COMBINE 7ATS FOR TAY. PURP05ES. 9. EETZPZONF.R TO SUBMIT A COPfPREHENSIPE SIGN PLAN• UPOh' A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� VZCE—CHAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARP.D TIIF, MOTION CARRZED UNANIPIOUSLY. 4. REVIEW OF LAKE POINTE CQRPORATE CEFJTER PLA��S: 11r. Robinson stated that, as the Corunissioners were avrare, in January they had the rezoning and platting of the Lal:e Pointe Corporate Center. Since then, Iloodbridge has heen movin�l ahead on the environmental permits an�i has succeeded in getting their Environmental Assessment lJorksheet approved. An Environr�ental Fnpact Statemen� i�as not required. Thpy are nov� in the process of getting an Indirect 5ource Permit from the 1.CA which is q«�*�' tine-consuming. He stated they have na� submitted the construction plans for th� first buildinn �•rhich is a 6-story huildinn. In the agenda ��as a letter from David lleir of Iloodbridge Prop?rties ou*_lining the archite�`-'i''a' character of the building. Also included in the anenda �aere landscapinq plans, elevation plans and flcor �lans n° th? proposed huilding. One element of the master plan which staff wanted to bring to the commissioners attention was the use of 9' parking stalls on all surface and ramp parking. Site parking is predominantly employee parking which probably lends itself to 9' parking stalls. ■ IO�I HEETI!IG, �111Y 2Q, 1 19r. Robinson stated this was for the Comnission's information only and no action was required. 5. CONSIDERA7ION OF IOPJS RFGARDI��G THE S.O.R.T. RECYCLINf, SITF � 19£36 : Mr. Robinson stated he would recomnend this item he tahled hecause of some mis- understanding of funding from Anoka County. The ori9inal agreement with Anoka f,ounty was for 513,000 a year; however, the Joint Potia�rs Agreement was for 513,000 in a two and one half period, so this was going to have to be clarified before the Cormission could take any action on the motions. NOTID.".' BY !1R. BF.TZOLDr SECOIJDED BY 19P.. SABA� TO -TABI.F, THIS ITEl1 C777TIL TF1F. NE:fT diF.F.TZNG. UPON A?�OICE VOTF„ ALL VOTING AYF., VICE—CIIAZRPRRSn"T OOUIST DECLIIRED Ti1F MO'"ZON CRRRIF.D UF7ANIMOIISLY. 6. REC[IVF �1AY 1 193G HUH{1t1 RES�URCES CONEIISSI�N P1It�UTES: 740TION BY MS. SHF.REK� SECOIIDED BY MR. SABA� TO RF.CEIVE THE 19AY 1� 1986� HU1fAN RESOURCES COdi1fISSZON MINUTRS. UPON A VOICE VOTF., ALL VOTZt7G AYE, VICE—CNAIRPEP.SON OQUIST DF,CLARF.P THF, '�fOTION CRRRIED UNANZFfOUSLY. 7. RECEIVE NAV 5 1986 PARKS R RECREATION COPIPIISSION F1INUT�S: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD� SECOt7DED BY MS. SNEREK� TO RSCEIVE TNF, AAY 5, 1986� PAR�S 6 RECREATION C0l4MISSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTZNG AYE� VZCE—CIfAZP.PF.RSOP7 OQUIST DECI.ARF,D TNF. 190TZON CARRZF.D UNANI1dOUSLY. 8, RGf,EIV[ t1AY 8, 19ii6, HOUSIIJG R ITHORITY MI MOPIOid HY !dR. SVAf�IIA� SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, -TO RECE_T*'E _THF 1QAY 8, 2986, HO(i57IlG & REDEVELOPY.ElT_�' AUTNORITY MINUTES. UPON A VOICE ti�OTE, ALL VOTING AYE� VICE—CHAZRPF.R507J OQUIST DECLARED TIIP MO:"SON CARRIED [INANZItOUSLY. 9. RECEI!�[ HAY 13, 1986, APPEALS C0�41ISSI0�� HINl1TES: MOTION BY MP.. BETZOLD, SECOITD£,D BY l45. SHEREY., TD RECEI?�E _TNF, tdAY 13, 2986, APPEALS COIf"fISSI07d F17NU°'ES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, VICE—CHAZRPERSON OQUIST DECLARF,D THF. MO_TIOf7 CARRIED UNN77t10USLY. r I ■ PUINI7I1fG COF111ISSIOW 41EETI1lG MAY 28 1986 PAGE 9 Nr. Qetzold stated he would like to reiterate again that because the Appeals Commission has had many variance requests regarding parking stall ��idtfi reductions, they feel it is an important enough issue tl�at the City Council should consider an ordinance change. The Appeals Commission would rather not have to continue with these kinds of requests on a piece- meal basis. 10. OTIiER 13USIIJ[SS: a. Day Care Facilities �1r. Robinson stated that because of a recent application for a special use permit for a day care facility in an R-1 zone, it had promnted Staff to re-evaluate the City's day care restrictions. He stated Staff was recor�r�endinq the following changes in the code's day care provisions: Redefine Section 205.03.32.F, Home Occupations, to read: Day care facilities that serve t�relve (12) or fewer children. (This chan9e will bring the city code into conpliance with State Law.) 2, Standardize all nor�enclature of pertaining codes, to read: Day care centers/nursery schools/nurseries. 3. Allow day care centers/nursery schools/nurseries in R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4 with a special use permit provided they are to be located in churches, private schools or other structures on arterial or collector streets. 4. Al1ow day care centers/nursery schools/nurseries in C-1 and CR-1 zones with a special use permit. 5. All day care facilities must meet Itinnesota Statutes to he considare�l for a special use perr�it. �1s. ShPrek asked if they really needed to increase the number of chil�lren to 12 to conforr� o-tith State Law (change �l). She stated Hennepin Co�mty linits it to 10, and the City of Hinneanolis has a requirement +.hat home day care cannot exceed 10 children. '1r.Robinson stated they had received correspondence from the f,i±y Attorney's office stating they should conforr� with State Law. The City Attorney had received that notification fron the State. He stated he would check into this again for clarification. The Conmission members agreed with the changes recommemled hy Staff, SSIO�! MEETI�JG, MAY 28 PAGE r MOTZON BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY PSR. BETZOLD� TO CONCUR F77TH STRFF'S i REC01?IQENDATZONS FOR CNANGES TO THE CITY'S DAY CARE PROVISIONS RS i OUTLINED ON THE PRES�SOIIS PAGE. j UPOld A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYF., VICE—C}lAZRPF.RSON OQUIST DECLARF.D THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. b, City Recognition for Pat Gabel .MOTZOt1 BY MR. BETZOLD, SECONDED BY MR. SABA� TO RF:COMMEND TO TNF. CITY COUNCIL THAT APPROPRIATE RECOGNITZON BE GZVEN TO PAT GRBEL FOR NER MN7Y DEDICATED YfiARS OF SERVZCE TO BOTH TIIF. APPFALS COMMISSION AND TXE PLAIINING C011MZSSZON. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE—CIIAIRPFRSON �UIST DECLARED THE ldOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. c. Minnesota Petroleum Service, 5333 University Ave. Hr, Oqi�ist stated he would like to see the City write a letter to Minnesota Petroleum Service commending them for a great job in cleaning up their property. fie stated they have been very cooperative with the City and did everything they said they �aould do. Both P1r. Jockf'.obertsonand f1r. Jim Robinson agreed that was an excellent suggestion. P1r. Jock Robertsons*.ated they would have a letter prenared for the next Planning Coernission meetinq and have maybe both the Planning Cormission and City Council r�embers sign the letter. ADJOURWt1EIJT : bf0:."ZOSJ BY 11R. SABA, SECOfJDED BY MS. SHF.A.EK, TO ADJOJP,N TIfF. MEETING. UPON A?�OICE VO_TE� ALL VOTING AYE� VICE—CXAIRPERSON OQUIST DECLARF.D THF. 14AY 28, 1986, PLF�N.NING COlf:+17SSION AfEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:28 P.M. Respectfully su6netted, 1 , y aa Recording Secretary .'� � CITY OF FRIDLEY 6�S•°.1 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FKIDLEY, MN bb492 (6121571-S4b0 REZONING REQUEST ZOA � VACATION REQUEST SAV � 11 PLAT7ING RE�UEST P.S. � ��'- �Z R$�UFST EEE��Od PP.RK f£E 1�1/I � ���: �ob_Sg 9aiFiULID PLAtavLNG NA4IISSION MEETING II4TE SQ��IIIJLID CI'PY QJUNC7I. MEETING IY1TE PROPERTY INFORMATION x�o�exTr aD�ss / � s � - �i 6 �� ,Q Y� LF�AL DES(RIPfION: IAT BS.00K 1RACT�ADDITIODI � Fi1�N/ f /9r�A/ . rs�sFrrr zaan� S� �. Glln •�� x�uFSrEa zar»c f•91i'I� RFASQd FUR R$1U�5I': A site glan shoaing the prop�sed future use is ra3uired for all rezoning. PG,�r �/jv� 'G /R-/ l 07'1 �i(��� L( � � ���lC(f- - G2��� i�"7C(�,( �l a �.-� ,.,* .............*,*,,,,,.,,,�.*�,.�.*,..,,**,.�,,.**.,,*.*�*,,.*,***..,*.�,,.,...*� OWNER INFORMATION NAME (Please print)4Ela�s�/1 �icilNl-n. PHCNE # 6'!l -/6�-b r,�mrss i v� 3 - l L'� ,j✓c 1� i✓ NE'.� ljlzi cf �a,� -�t"'r�l v sicru�uxs naTe f' i - �.� .�..*:.**.**..,��..:..�...:...*..t:..�.*�...��..*.**.**..*:.�*.***.,�**�.***:**.*..+z* PETITIONER INFORMATION tur� cplease print) /1 � c1��lt� ��tlt�.t'wNn x�avE #� 3/- / y�-� r+�x�ss � 1�� -lY� AdC- N• hi NEw �rfli,y�'rti - s'ri�v 5��� .. ,�` . : i� �� ., , .,1. �: _ �.� f- s• �� ....*,*.*,.**�....��.�.*t.���**.*...*�*.t.,,*...**....t .................��*..,*,,,.. 1 �• � 1 • ••• ?� �p 101� �• Q�' �II+: SPIAJI,ATIDNS: •• • ?� � 1�1� 1' PUBLIC HEARING BEFY)RE RiiE PI,F�INING WMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of FzidlEy in the City Hall at 6431 Univetsity Avenue Northeast on We�esday, June 4, 1986 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. tor the purpose of : Consideration of a Preliminac}� Plat, P.S. #86-02, Creekricige Plat 2 by Richard Brickner, ZhQnas Blombezg and the City of Fridley, being a zeplat of that g3xt of the West one-half of the Norttieast Quaztec of Section 13, �30, R-24, ciescribed as follaas: Commencing at a point which is 742.5 feet North of the Southwest corner on the West line of said quarter section and 467.5 feet East on a line which is parallel with the South line of said quarter section; thence East on a line �ara11e1 with the South line of said quarter section a distance of 412.5 feet; thence South at right angles and parallel kith the west line of said quarter section 107.25 feet; thence West parallel with first oourse a distance of 412.5 teet; thence North a distance of 107.25 feet to glace of beginning, containing one acre and two znd one-half rods more or less according to the Gwerment survey thereof, also described as psrt of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision iva. 10 and now known as Lot 14, Re�ised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10, except the Fast 249 Yeet, front and rear, according to the glat thereof on file and of recocd in the office of the Registra� of Titles in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, and also that part of Lot 6, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 10, describeci as follows: Corunencing at a Foint 467.5 feet East of the Southwest �rner of said Lot 6; thenoe Nocth pacallel with the West boundary line of said Lot 6 140.25 feet; thence East �ra11e1 with the South boundary line of said Lot 6 412.5 feet, moxe or less, to a point in the Fast line of said Lot b; thence Soutn along the East boundary line of said Lot 6 140.25 feet to the Southeast corner of saici Loc 6; thence West along said South bountlary line to the point or beginning, EXCEPT tne East 249 feet, fronc and rear, according to the glat tnereof on file and of record in the Office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, Pli nnesota, ano also all of Outlot A, Dennis Addition, excepting therefrom the East 249 teet and excepting thezefrcm the West 417.5 feet, according to the m&p or glat thereof on file a�d of record in ti�e office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, Plinnesota, and also all of Lot 1, Block 1, Aiaden Woods, and also all of Outlot 1, Block 1, Gena-kae 1lddition, all lying in the Nortn Ha1f of Section 13, �30, R-29, City of Fcidley, County of Anolsa, State of r.innesota. Any and all person aesiring to be h�rci shall be given an opportunity at the above staten time and place. PATRICIA GABEL Q-IPJI&70[�IAIv pLANf1ING �p�•IISSION Publi`h: bay 19, 1986 May 26, 1986 12 P.S. #86-02 Richard Brickner Richard Brickner 1233 - 12tfi Avenue N.W. New Brighton, MN 55112 Byron Bacon 6525 Central Avenue N.E Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Brickner 1358 - 66th Avenue N,E. Fridley, MN 55432 Rohert Nelson 1439 Mississippi Street N.E Fridley, MN 55432 Myron Ostlund 1400 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Thomas Blomberg 1661 Camelot Lane N.E, Fridley, MN 55432 Herbert Bacon 6523 Central Avenue N.E. Fri dl ey, PiN 55432 Camilles Parks 1341 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, MfJ 55432 Howar�d Young 1361 Mississippi Street N.E, Fridley, MN 55432 Gary Phillips 6519 Central Avenue N,E. Fridley, MP� 55432 Chock Huie 1328 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Burdick 1316 - 66th Avenue N.E, fridley, MN 55432 Planning Council MAILING LIST Douglas Nyberg 1376 - 66th Avenue N,E Fridley, MN 55432 Joseph Menth 1388 - 66th Avenue N,E. Fridley, MN 55432 Curtis Barsness 6581 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Grace Larson 1340 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Roger Riebel 1475 Creek Park Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Traczyk 1455 Creek Park Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Brickner Builders 1425 Rice Creek Road Fridley, MN 55432 Brickner Builders 1405 Creek Park Lane Fridley, MN 55432 5(16/86 Gary Braam 1436 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Herbert Egeness 1465 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Gerald Jensen 1475 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 13 Kurt Creager 1360 Creek Park Lane N.E. fridley, MN 55432 Robert Overman 1340 Creek Park Lane PJ.E. Fridley, MN 55432 �obert Thompson 1320 Creek Park Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Tor Gloppen N.E. 1421 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Gambrel N.E. 1341 Creek Park Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Swanson 1400 Creek Park Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Steven Gaynor 1414 Creek Park Lane N.E Fridley, MN 55432 Brickner Builders 1410 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridiey, MN 55432 Russell Japs 1422 - 66th Avenue N.E Fridley, MN 55432 Andrew Ywong 1321 Creek Park Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Thomas Blomberg 1311 Creek Park �ane C1.E. Fridley, MP! 55432 Harry Erkenhbrack 6537 Central Avenue ��.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Herbert Johnson 1381 Mississippi Street l;.E Fridley, MN 55432 P.S. #86-02 Richard Brickner Richard Podvin 1391 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Edward Gottwaldt 1415 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Edward Cebula 1427 Mississippi Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Country House Inc. 6501 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James Deline 1327 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 David Mech 1315 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 GeQrge Peek 6633 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Larue Riewe 6617 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ronald M. Ennis 6601 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MPJ 55432 Curtis Loschy 1399 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Roland Zacharias 1387 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Bridgeman 1375 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 MAILING LIST - PAGE 2 Frank Ratasky 1363 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Jane Hoppe 1351 - 66th 0.venue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Walter Peterson 1339 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Grace Larson 1340 - 66th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 14 1 �I �—T-- I �� "4: GR 6��', �I c�ry at F..drry ( r.,r� oe�t. 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