PL 03/25/1987 - 6911I.�.s Cl� Of FY1C�Ej� A G E N D A PLANNING QONAlISSIpN t�EETING WIDNFSIIz1Y, t�RQi 25 1987 7:30 P. M. Loca tion: Council Q�anbec (uppec level) CALL � ORDER• :.�� �'lilip APPRWE PIANNING OONAfIS5I0N MINUTES: NF+R(Ii 11. 1987 � CONSIDERATION OF A VACATION RE9UEST SAV #87-02, BY JACR CHAMBERS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - ID Vacate the Northerly 1 foot of the Easterly 30 feet of the 5 foot drair�ge and utility easement located on the Southerly 5 feet of Lot 16, Block 10, Donnay's Lakeview Maror Addition, the same being 550 - 57th Avenue N. E PUBLIC HFARZNG: QOI�IDERP,TION OF A REZONING, ZQA #87-02, BY MCQC. INC .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2F 4+o r�one fzan F�-3, General Multiple Dwelling, to R-1, One Family Dwelling, on Lots 80 thzough 83, Block A, Riverview Heights, and all that gsrt of the unnamed street atutting Lots 80, B1, 82 and 83 lying between the Southerly li� of Lot 80 extended Westerly to the MAC Railroad and the Northerly line of Lot 83 extended Westerly to the FF�C Railroad right of way, as shawn on the origir�l map of said River Vievr Heights Addition, aryd all that �rt of the right of way of the Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuy�ma Range Rai1 road ComFany in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, 7bwnship 30 North Range 24 West lying between the North line of Lot 83, Block A, also known as Section A, River View Heicp�ts, extended West through said ric�t of way and said South line of Lot 80, Block A, River View Heights, extended West throuc� said ric�t of way according to the glat thereof on file and of reoord in the office of the Coimty Rewrder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, the same heing 441 Huc� Street N. E ' A,ANNII�G O�MM7SSION PGE31IlA ' NF�RQ3 25, 1987 `' PAGE 2 PUBLIC HEARING: ODNSIDEFATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERNIIT, SP #87- 04. BY JAMES DGWDS:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 3F Per Section 205.17.1, C, 8 of the fYidley City� Code, to alla+� exterior storage of materials on that part of Lots 22,_ 23 and 36, Auditor's Su6division No. 34, Anoka Cotmty, Minnesota and that �rt of the Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuyima Range Railway described as fallaas: Beginning at the intersection of the east right-of-way line of -State Aid Highway No. 1(also knawn as East River Road) with a line distant 134.5 feet north fzom and parallel with the south lire of said Lot 36; thence north along said east right-of-way line 609.63 feet; thence east parallel with said south line of Lot 36 a distance of 100.19 feet; thence south, parallel with said east rightrof-way lire 378.63 feet; thence aoutheasterly to a point on a line distant 145.00 feet east from the point of beginning, said line being 134.5 feet north from and gsrallel with said south line of Lot 36; thence west 145.00 feet to ti�e point of beginning, and that �rt of Lots 22, 23 and 36, Auditor's Subdivision No. 39. Anoka Coimty, Minnesota and that Fart of ti�e Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuyi.ma Range Railway described as follows: beginning at the intersection of the east right-of-way line of State Aid Hic�way No. 1(also knaan as East River Road) with a lim distant 134.5 feet north from and parallel with the south line of said Lot 36; thence north along said east right-of-way line 822.03 feet; thence east parallel with said south line of Lot 36, a distance of 100.19 feet; thence south parallel with said east zic�t-of-way lire 591.03 feet; thence southeastezly to a point of a line distant 145.00 feet east from the point of teginning, said line being 134.5 feet north f rom and pacallel with said south line of Lot 36; thence west 145.00 feet to the point of beainning, gererally located at 3737 Fast River Road N. E RECEIVING 7HE MINUTES OF TFIE PARKS & RECREATION QOMMISSION MINU'IFS OF MARQi 2r 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRF.ED7 RE,'CEIVING 'IHE MIIJUZFS OF g1E APPEAI,S COb�lISSION MZNUTES OF [�RQa 17. 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YEr�ow (At Mtg. ) 0`IIIER BUSINFSS : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 4-4E AAICURNt�NT CITY Of FRI�LEY PLANtdIt�G COMf4ISSI�N P1EETING, t1ARCH ll, 1937 CALL-TO ORDER: Chairperson 6illings called the March 11, 1987, Planning Comnission meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Menbers Present: Steve Qillings, Dave Kondrick, Dean Saba, Sue Sherek, Donald 6etzold, Richard Svanda Plenbers Abseni : JiM Robinson, Planning Coordinator Jock Robertson, Comnunity Development Director Charles & Mirth Langer, 6530 Hicl;ory St. N.E. Edward Brooks, 6506 Hickory St. N.E. Carl Christensen, 6501 East River Road Kenneth Vos, 990 - 68th Ave. N.E. Dan Vos, 990 - 68th Ave. N.E. Tor� Vos, 990 - 68th Ave. N.E. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 25, 1987, PLAqfJING CO�ViISSI(ly MINUTES: MOPION BY MR. KONDRICX� SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK� TO APPROVE THE FEB, 25� I987� P7,ANNZNG COMMISSION MINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CXAIRPERSON BILLIL7G5 DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. PU[3LIC HEARII�G: COIJSIDERATION OF A REZONIPJf, ZOA #87-01 BY CHRISTENSEM AUTO BO�Y: To rezone from -3, General P1u tiple �we ing, to C-2, General Business, on Lots 23 and 24 together with 1/2 vacated alley, Block 6, Fridley Park, according to ttie plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, the same bein9 6501 East River Road tJ.E. MOTION BY MR. KDIJDRICK� SEC0ITDED BY MS. SHERSK, TO WAIVE THE FORMRL RF:ADING OF THE PUBLIC XEARING f70TICE AND TO OPEN THE PIIBLIC HEARZNG. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLIlJGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE PUBLIC HERRING OPEN RT 7:35 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this petition fon rezonina was in conjunction wi*.h the expansion of the existing Christensen Auto Body facility. The property was located on the northeast corner of Mississippi St. and East River Road. The entire property Mr. Christensen now owned included the existing Lots 21-24 plus an additional five lots that extended all the way to the southern end of the existing apartment complex. The property was presently zoned R-3, and Mr. Christensen was asking for the rezoning of only Lots 23 and 24 to C-2. PLAW�aI�7G COh1t1ISSI0N M[ETING, MARCH 11. 1987 Mr. Robinson stated the rezoning history dated back to 1930 where there was a petition by 11r. Christensen to rezone the entire fi n't four lots. At that tine. it was determined that only the first two lots should be rezoned. The first lot, Lot 21,•was rezoned from CR-1 to C-2, and the second lot, Lot 22, aas rezoned from R-3 to C-2. The remaining two lots were utilized by way of a special use permit for outdoor storage. Mr. Robinson stated Mr. Christensen was planning to add on to his existinq structure which was 4,800 sq. ft. The new structure would co�nist of shop space and a two-story office building that would be in the north corner. The new structure was 7,343 sq. ft. There would also be a new storage yard and 27 parking stallf. Mr. Ro6inson stated Staff was recorunending the following stipulations: 1. Petitioner to submit for staff approval a storm drainage plan by t4arch 31, 1987. City Council approval contingent upon Staff and R.C.W.D. approval of plan. 2. Petitioner to subnit a landscape plan which is consistent with existing landscape elements. All landscaping to have automatic sprinkling. 3. Duilding facade to be consistent with design and materials of existing structure. East side of existing and proposed buildinc� to be painted to match stucco. 4. Lots 21 through 29 to be combined into one tax parcel prior to building permit. 5. Provide for County purposes a street easement alona the west 7 ft. of Lots 21-29. 6. Ne�� fencing on easterly lot line to have finished side toward residences; existing fence to have new boards added to residence side. Mr. Betzold asked why the northern-nost lots would remain R-3. Mr. Robinson stated that because the lots were zoned residential now, they felt it was in the best interest of the surroundin� neighborhood to retain the residential zoning and utilize a special use permit to use the lots for storage of vehicles and parking area. This would allow the City and the neighborhood to retain some control over the use of that property shoulri the property ever be sold to soneone else. Mr. Svanda asked what the petitioner was doinq to minimize any antifreeze leaks� from damaged cars. a PLANNIWG COt1I7ISSI0N MEETING, P1P,RCH 11, 1987 PAGE 3 Mr. Christensen stated they have never had that problem. The storage area will be all concrete and the backside of the lot will be curbed so there was no chance of anything draining onto the neighborinq property. He stated that whenever a car cories in that is leaking antifreeze or oil, they imne- diately put an oil pan underneath it. He di�i not foresee any problems in the future. Mr. Christensen stated that regarding the stipulations, he had some reserva- tions about stipulation #5 which stated: "Provide for County purposes a street easement along the west 7 feet of Lots 21-29." He stated he had just found out about this stipulation about 3:OQ that afternoon, and he wanted to get more of an answer from the County as to why the County needed that 7 ft. when the County already has a 10 ft. easement. He stated he had also just learned that tiie City wanted a 25 ft. easement -- the triangular piece of property on the corner. He could understand that 25 ft. easement becuase if there was ever a sidewalk put in, the City wouTd need that space to get around the corner. Mr, Kondrick asked why the County would be requesting a 7 ft. easement. Mr. Rohinson stated there was actuaTly more County right-of-eray on the west side of East River Road than on the east side, and he believed the County wanted to balance that out. The County did not have any specific proposal for the 7 ft. easement at this time, but were just requesting the easement. More information could be obtained before the City Council meetinq. Mr. Ed Brooks, 65d6 Hickory St., stated he owned the two lots just east of Mr, Christensen. tie stated he was in agreement with everything being proposed by Mr. Christensen and with the stipulations proposed by City Staff. He liked the fact that the rezoning was only for I.ots 23 and 24, and would not have 6een in favor of rezoning the northerly lots from R-3 to C-2. MOTION BY MS. SHEREK� SECONDED BY AII2. KONDRICK, TO CLQSE THE PIIBLIC HEARZNG. UpON A VOZCE VOTE� RLL VOTZNG AYE� CHAIRPERSON BILLZ77GS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CIASED AT 8:00 P.M. MOTIOL7 BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD� TO RECOMMEND � CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF RE20NING REQUEST� 2DA #87-02, BY CHRISTENSEN RUTO BODY� TO REZONE FROM R-3, GNENERAL MULTIPLE DWELLING� TO C-2� GENERAL BUSINESS� ON IAT5 23 RND 24� TOGETHER WITN 2/Z VACATED RLLEY� BZACK 6� FRIDLEY PARK� RCCORDZNG TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF TXE COUNTY RF,'CORDER IA AND FOR ANOKR COUNTY, MINNESOTA, TXE SAME BEING 650Z EAST RIVER ROAD N,E., WIPH THE FOLLGWFNG STIPULRTIONS: 1, PETISSO:dER TO SUB(1IT FOR STAFF APPROVAL R STORfd DF2FiINAGL PLI-uJ BY MARCH 31� 19B7. CITY COUNCIL APpROVAL CONTINGENT UPON STAFF AtJD RICE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT APPROVAL OF PLAN. 2. PETITIONER TO SUBMIT A LANDSCAPE PLAN WXICH IS CONSISTENT WIPX � EXISTING LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS. ALL I.ANDSCAP£NG SO HAVE RUSOMAT_*C SPRINICLING. __ _ _ _ PLAPJNItdG COP1f1I5SI0�r tiEETING P1ARCH 11 19�7 PIIGE 4 3. BUILDZNG FACADE TO BE CONSISTENT WImH DESIGN AND MATERIALS OF EXISTING STRUCTURE. EASS SIDE OF EXISTING AND PROPASED BDILDING TO BE PAINTED TO MATCH STUCCO, 4. LOTS 21 THRDUGH 29 TO BE COMBSNED INTD ONE TAX PARCEL PRIOR TO BUILDING PERFtZT. 5. PROVIDE FOR COUNTY PURPOSES A STREET EASEMENT AIANG 2HE WEST 7 FT. OF LOTS 22-29, AND R 25 FDOT TkIANGULAR PIECE OF PROPERTY ON TXE CORNER OF MISSISSIPPI STREET AND EAST RIVER ROAD. . 6. NEW FENCZNG ON 6ASTERLY LOT L7NF, TO HAVF. FINISHEA SIDE TOWARD RESIDENCES; EXISTING FENCZNG TO HAVE NEW BOARDS ADDED TO RESZDENCE SIDE. �4r. Svanda stated he would recommend that the Canmission delete stipulation �5. regarding the 7 ft. easement being requested by the County. It was not part of the property Mr. Christensen was going to be building on; and fron lookinq at the drawing, it did not look like a significant amount of landscaping would be on the 7 ft. Between now and the City Council Meeting, the County should come up with a reason to justify the 7 ft. easement. He stated he shared F1r. Christensen's concern. It seemed that the County wnnted something for nothing, and if the County really needed the property, the County should go through the proper procedures and purchase the property from t4r. Christensen. He stated the stipulation could always be added in at the City Council meetinq if there was reasonable justification for it. Mr. Kondrick stated he agreed with Mr. Svanda. There were other property owners north of P1r. Christensen's property, and if the County needed a 7 ft. easer�ent, the County would have to purchase the property from those property oo-mers. By granting this easer�ent, they were giving the County the right to take the property rather than purchase it. Mr. Qetzold stated he was willing to go along with the County's request. He di�i not think it was an unreasonable request, but for reasons beina discussed by Mr. Christensen and Planning Corimission members, he would like tfie City CounCil to give this some further consideration. Mr. Billings stated he personally did not have a problem with leaving the stipulation in the motion or deletinq it. On one hand, he did agree that just because Mr. Christensen was coming in for a special use permit and a rezoning, they were asking him to give up the use of 7 ft. of his property. On the other hand, whenever people come in witli different requests, the Citv does ask them to dedicate easments, put in certain improvements, etc., so he did not think it was unreasonable to request the triangular piece of property on the corner or the 7 ft. for the County. Mr. Kondrick stated he agreed with 14r. Betzold that tfie-decision should be left up to the City Couneil. {ie would 3ike to leave his r�otion as stated. MOSION BY MR. SVANDA� SECONDED BY F42. SABA, TO AMEND THF. ABOVE MOTZON TO DELETE STZPULATION 1�5 IN ITS ENTIRETY. (STIPULATIQN NS TO BE BROITGN:" TO THE RTTENTION OF TXE CZTY COUNCIL FOR TXEIR CONSIDERATION,) PLAPINING COM�IISSIOM MEETING, MARCH 11 1987 PIIGF 5 UPON A VOICE VOTE, SVANDA� SABA, BILLINGS� AND SHEREK VOTING AYE� BETZOLP -AND KONDRZCK VOTING NAY� CHRIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED TNE AMEND:SSNT TO '� TXE MOTION CARRIED BY�A VOTE OF 4-2. UPON A VOICE VOSE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHRIRPERSON BILLIPIGS DECLARED THE ORZGZNAL MOTZON WITH THE DELETZON OF STZPULATION #5 CARRZED UNRNIMOUSLY. 2. PUf3LIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERP1IT, SP #87-03 BY CHRISTEPJSEN AUTO BODY: Per Section 2 5. ., C, 4, of the Fri ley City Co e to allow a repair 9arage on Lots 23 and 24 together with 1/2 vacated alley, Block 6, Fridley Park; per Section 205.09.1, C, 10, of the Fridley City Code to allow exterior storage of materials and equipment on Lots 25 through 28 together with 1/2 vacated alley, Biock 6, Fridley Park; per Section 205.09.1, C,4, of the Fridley City Code, to allow an automobile parking lot on Lots 25 through 28 together with 1/2 vacated alley, Block 6, Fridley Park, except that pari of said Lot 28, Block 6, Fridley Park described as follows: Beginning at the tJortheast corner of said Lot 29, thence South- westerly along the I�orthwesterly line of said Lot 29 to a point on said ��orth- westerly line distant 178,5 feet Southaesterly of the Northeast corner of Lot 12, dlock 6, Fridley Park, as measured along the Northwesterly line of said Lot 12 and the same as extended Southwesterly to the Northeast corner of said Lot 29, and the Northwesterly line of said Lot 29; thence South easterly parallel to the Northeasterly lines of Lots 12 and 13, alock 6, Fridley Park for a distance of 53 feet; thence Northeasterly parallel to the Northwesterly line of said Lot 29 to the Northeasterly line of said Lot 28, Block 6, Fridley Park; thence Northwesterly along the Northeasterly lines of said Lots 28 and 29 to the point of beginninq, accordinq to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Re9ister of Deeds in an�i for Anoka County, �4innesota, the same being 6501 and 6509 East River Road �J.E. MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA� TO WRIVE THE FORMAL RF.ADING OF THE PUBLIC HERRZNG NOTICE AND TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. UPON A VOICE VOSF., ALL VOTING AYF„ CHRIRPERSON BZLLIt7GS DECLARED TNE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMpUSLY AND THE PUBLZC HEARING OPEN RT 8:Z9 P.M. Mr. Robinson stated this special use permit had three-fold uses: (1) for a repair garage; (2) for outside storage; and (3) for parkina on residential land adjacent to the principle use. The special use permit was for Lots 23-28 and did not include Lot 29 which was a cemetery lot and did not need to be included, Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the fotlowing stipulations: 1. Special use for repair garage is issued for repair and refurbishing of automobiles within the existing and proposed structure only. No outside work, other than moving of vehic]es, is al7owed outside the building on Lots 21-29. 2. Petitioner to install two new down draft filter syster�s to minirsize odors from painting operations. PLANNIIJG COt1t4ISSI0N MEETItJ6, �4ARCN 11, 1987 PAGE 6 3. Hours of operation for repair garage activities limited to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays. 4. Special use permit for repair garage is subject to approval of rezoning to C-2, general business, on Lots 23 and 24. 5. Special use for outside storage is issued for storaqe associated with the principle use on Lots 21 through 24 only for present and subsequent owners. 6. Storage yard shall be fully screened with a solid 8 ft. hiqh cedar screening fence with opaque gates. Northerly-most gate to be closed when not moving vehicles. 7. Cars which are leaking fluids will be drained prior to storage. 8, Special use for vehicle parking is for customer and employee parkinn associated with principle use on Lots 21-24 only for present and subsequent owners. No storage of damaged cars or parts allowed outside of building or storage yard. 9. Parking and storage area will be constructed in a manner which respects the existing cemetery, and saves all existing trees not located in future paved areas. 10. Lot 29 to remain as green area to provide buffering and an access easement to the cemetery. 11. Two driveways allowed onto East River Road only, others to be closed. Mr. Christensen stated he questioned stipulation �i3 regarding the hours of operation. He asked t1r. Robinson what the hours were that were stipulated in 1981 when he expanded his facility the first time. ��r. Robinson stated that in 1981, the hours were specifie�t as 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. fao days i,�ere specified: t1r. Rob�nson stated he felt with the expansion of the facility and the fact that these were the existing hours of operation that it seemed reasonable and good rationale to have these hours applied to the special use permit. Mr. Christensen stated he did not want to be locked into those hours. fie stated many times in the winter, they get so busy they have to work later hours anA sometimes have to come in a litt7e earlier in the morning. In order to stay on a schedule for prepping, dryinn time, and painting cars, they sometimes have to stay an hour or so later at night to get the car to the point where it can dry overnight. He could not think of any time when he has stayed open until 10 p.m.; hoviever, he has been open until 9 p.m. He would like to have the flexibility to be able to stay until 10 p.n. if he would need to in order to stay on production schedule. He didn't want to be put into the position where he would have to stop work when he only had 1/2-1 I�r, of work left. He would like the stipulation to be amended to stay at the hours specified in 1981. PLAWNIp6 Cfk1�4ISSI0P� �9EETING, IMRCN 11 1987 PAGE 7 14r. Christensen stated he felt he has run a good business and has been a good neigh6or, He has had no problem with the neighbars in the past, and he saw no reason to change the hours when there have been no complaints. He stated the two neighbors most affected were the Langer's and the arooks' and they were both at the meeting to represent themselves..: Both Mr. Langer and Hr. Brooks indicated they have never had a probler� with Mr. Christensen's hours of operation. Mr. Langer stated Mr. Christensen had never abused the hours of operation. Mr. Betzold stated he would recortmend they leave the hours as specified in 1931, but stipulate that the Staff review the hours of operation to see if there �•+as a problem in one year. Itr, Robinson stated he would be i� favor of Mr. Betzold's sungestinn, MOTION BY MR. SRBA� SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK� TO CLOSE THE PfIBLIC HFAP.ING. UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE, CNAIRPERSON BZLLZNGS DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARZNG CLOSED AT 8:32 P,M. MOSZON BY MR. KONDRICX, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA� TO RECOMMEND _TO CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF SPECIAL USE PERMZT, SP k87-03, BY CNRZSTENSEN RUTO BODY, WITH THF. FOLIAWINC STIPULATIONS: I. SP£,CIAL USE FOR HF.PAIR GARAGE ZS ZSSUED FOR REPAZR AND REFURBISHING OF AUTOMOBILES WITXIN THF. EXISTING Af7D PROP0.SED STRUCTURE ONLY. NO DUTSIDE WORY., OTXER THAN MOVINC. OF VEHZCLES, IS ALLO4IED Ot1TSIDE OF BUILDING ON LOTS 21-29. 2. PF.TITIONER TO INSTALL 4SJ0 NEW DOFJtl DRAFT FILTER SYSTEMS TO MINI.MIZE ODORS FROM PAZNTZNG OPER4TIONS. 3. HOURS OF OPERATION FOR REPAZR GARAGE ACTZVITIES LZHITED TO 7 A.M.. TO ZO p.M. MONDAY TXROUGH SATURDAY, SCBJECT TO FURSHF.R REVZLT7 BY CIT1' STAFF ZF THERE IS A PROBLEM. 0. SPECZAL USE PERNIT FOR REPAIR�GARACE IS Si1BJECT 4Y7 APPROVAL OF REZONING TO C-2� GENERAL SUSINESS� ON IATS �3 AND 29. 5. SPECIAL USE FOR OUTSZDE STORAGE IS ISSUED FOR STORAGE ASSOCZATED WITH THE PRZNCZPLE USE ON ZlJTS 11 THROUCX 24 ONZY FOR PRF,SENT AND SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. 6. S?ORAGE YARD SHALL BE FULLY SCRF.ENED WI_T.H A SOLID 8 FOD"_' HIGX CF•DAP SCREENING FENCE WITH OPRQUE GRTES. NORTXERLY-MOST GATF. TO BE CLO.�ED WHEN NOT MOVING VEHICLES. 7. CARS WXICfI ARE LF,AKZr1G FLUIDS WILL BE DRAINED PRIOR TO STORACE. B. SPECZAL USfi FOR VENICLE PARICZNC IS FOR CUSTOMER A17D EMP7AYF.E PARKZNG� � ASSOCIRTED WIPH PRZNCIPIE USF. ON LOlS 21-24 ONLY FOR PRF.SEN_T APlD SuBSEQ'JE'+T OFI:CEF.S. T70 S_TGkAGE OF DA1;I+GED CARS OR Pi,RTS RLLCX•7ED O'JZ- SIDE OF BUZLDING OR STORAGE YARD. 9. PARKING AND STORAGE AREA WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN A MANNER 47HZCH RESPECTS THE EY.ISTING CEMETERY AND SASrES ALL EXISTIAIG TREES NOT LOCATED IN FUTURE PAVED AREAS, 10. ZAT 19 TL7 REMAIN AS GREEN AREA TO PROVZDE BUFFERING Af7D At: RCCESS EASEMENT TO THE CEMETERY. 22. TWO DRIVEWAYS ALLCJWED ONTO EAST RZ[�E'R ROAD ONLY, OTHF.RS TD BE CIASED, PLAfdNI1�G C0�1t1ISSI0�J �1EETING, t1ARCH 11, 1987 PAGE 8 ❑PON R VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Rohinson stated the rezoning, special use perMit, and variances would all to to City Council on April 6. 3. COtISIDFRATIQN OF APPROVAL Of THE HUP1AhJ Rf.SOURCES COPI�IISSIO�J 4JORY.PLAN FOE 1986-19P,7: MOmION BY MS. SHEREK� SECONDED $Y MR. KONDRICK, TO .APPROVE THF, NUMAPJ RFSOURCES COIfMISSZON WORKPLAN FOR 1986-1987 AND FORWRRD IT ON TO THE CITY COUNCIL, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRPERSON BZLLIHGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. RECEIVE FE[iRUARY 2, 1987, PARKS u RECRFATION COMh1ISSI0N F1IhlUTES: MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK, SECONDED BY MR. SVANDA� TO RECEIVE THE FEB. 2� 1987, PARKS & RECRERTION COMMISSION MINUTES. (IPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AyE� CHAIRPERSON BZLLINGS DECLRRED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. RECEIVE FEBRUARY 5, 1987, HUh1AN RESOURCES COMHISSIOtJ P1INU7FS: MO^.'ION BY MS. SHEREK, SECONDED BY MR. BETZOLD, TO RECEIVE SNF, FEB. 5, 1987� HUl1AN RESOURCES COMMISSZON MINUTES. UPON A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTINC RYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLRRED THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. RECEIVE FEBQUARY 12, 1987, HOUSI��6 & REDEVELOPF1ENT A[tTHORITY f1INUTES: MOSZON BY MR. SABA� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRICK� TO RECEIVE TIIE FEB. 12� 1987� XOt7SIP?G & REDEVELOPMENT AUmHORITY hIZN71TES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAZRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARFD THE P10"'IO"? CRRRZED UNANIIdOUSLY. 7. REf,EIVE FE6RUARY 24, 1987, EPlERGY COP1t1ISSI0N t1INUTES: MOTION BY MR. SRBA, SECONDED BY hIIi. KOIJDRICK, TO RECEIVE THF. FEB. 24� 19A7, ENERGY COMM7SSION MINUTES. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CHAZRPERSON BILLINGS DSCLAkED TXE MOTION CRRRZED UNANIMOUSLY. _ _ _ PLANNING COM�tISSION �1EETING t1ARCH 11 1987 PAGE 9 8. RECEIVE MARCN 3, 1987, APPEALS COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION BY MR. BETZOLD� SECONDED BY MR. KONDRZCK� TO RECEIVE TXE MAR. 3� 1987� APPEALS COMMZ5SION MZNUTES. UPON A VOICS VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MQTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OTHER BUSIP�ESS: a. Merging of the Energy Commission and Environmental Quality Commission: I"r. Robertson stated the Cor�r�issioners had received a copy of a memo from Myra Gibson to himself dated Fe6. 12, 1987. Mr. Rohertson stated he thought the City Council was looking at the possibility of inerging the two comnissions becanse of the lack of candidates to fill vacancies on the commissions. The City Council had asked Staff if maybe the two coi!rnissions should be combined since there vaas a lack of people to serve on cor.missions. t4r. Robertson stated Ms. Gibson has talked to the tnembers of bnth cocunissions, and both commissions have expressed strong opposition to merging based on past workloads and projected workloads. Both corrnissions feel their agenda items greatly differ and that the topics of solid waste reduction and energy conservation have enough differences that separate comr�issions are needed. With the recently approved qrants fror� the Department of Energy and the Metropolitan Council totalling $25,000, t4s. fibson strongly felt that both coMmissions had enough business to keep them busy until at least 1989. t1r. Ro6ertson stated Staff wanted to bring this before the Planning Conmission to get the Planning Canmission's position on this possible merc�er. Mr. Saha stated this has been discussed by the Energy Commission almost every year, and every year they have taken the position that they feel the two commissions should renain separate. As Chairperson of the Energy Cocmiission, he a+ould concur with the statements made by �4s. Gihson. He stated the Energy Corimission does have a vacancy, but other comriissions also have vacancies. Mr. Svanda stated he agreed with Mr. Saba. The Environmental Quality Conmission has also discussed this before, and they feel there are enouqh different things going on--recycling and coeiposting, and other environ- mental issues--for the Environr+e�ta1 Quality Canmission to remain separate. He would not like to see sor�e of these issues diluted down by the cor�bina- tion of the two corteiissions or having people acting on either energy or environmental issues that they were really not interested in. He also felt the City should continue to publish notices seeking volunteers fror� the conmunity on a regular tasis. PLANNING CO�V1ISSIOPJ �1EETI�JG, 19ARCH 11 1937 PAGE 10 MOTION BY MR, SVANDA� SECONDED BY MR, SABA� THA:^ THE FEB. 12� 1987, ME140 FROM MYRA GIBSON ACCURATELY REFLECTfiD TXE FEELINGS OF BOTX THE ENERGY COMMISSIDN AND THE ENVIRONIIENTAL QURLITY COMMISSION� AND TO RECOMMEND THAT TXE ENERGY COMMISSION AND TNF. F•NVIRONMENTAL QIIALITY COMlQISSIOPI CONTINUE TO BE SEpARATE COMAII.SSIONS. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTSNG AYE, CHAIRPFRSON BILLINGS DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. b. Memos -"Cars Parked on Lawns"-Feb. 20, 1987, memo from Ric Wiersma "Unirnproved Residential Driveways" - Feb. 18, 1987, memo frori Daryl Morey �1r. Robinson stated these were for the Commission's information and could be taken up in their long range planning meetings. c. Merro -"Impler�entation of University Avenue Corridor Plan" - Har. 11, 19II7, memo from Jack Ro6ertson MOTION BY MR. KONDRICK� SECONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO RECEIVE THF, MEI?O AND TO PUT THIS ZTEM ON THE NEXT MEETING AGENDA FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION. UPON A VOZCE VOTE, ALL VOTIN6 AYE� CHAIRPEP.SON BILLINGS DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. kD�]OUP.IUIEPIT: MOTIOfI BY I�R. B£TZOLD� SF•CONDED BY MS. SHEREK, TO ADTOURN TXE MF.ET£NG. UPOPI A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON BILLINGS PF.CLAP.F,D THE MARCN 11� I987� PLeLVNIN6 COMl4ISSION MEETING RDJOURNED AT 9:10 P.M. Respectfully suhmi ted, , Lyn e Saba Recording Secretary ��/-��, , � - . �/�v `� � C��r�N/1'72C/'./',✓'�--�".. %���i' • "/ �j / %� � f t�' f-'1'1',—Q, .������� ��� �. � w� E 1�1 B�oD �.s . �/� �r «� � ��U, r � SV�F'��SCS1 1� at h e�. E, l/l S � ( � � ; U� � T��, Uos ��� � s �o ,�'%°'�-�3 � A��� � � s �8 ���. ,�. �i. � �S ob tt i L�ur�l -�[ � � ..J �Sa� �s--- �, �--��-�9. y�� ���. �� ti� Y��� � �'`'� �1�� ��F Y9c 6sst� /-�U� lv�, 4 �•6) .,s .}:�5��. � CITY OF FRIDLEY 8431 UNIYERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY. MN 554SZ (612)5T1-3450 REZONING REQUEST ZOA f 1 � VACATION REGIUEST SAV f8�-�Z PLATTING REQUEST P.S. # R$?UFST FEE � I5� PARK FEE REXEIPP #� 3�S r= � sair�.m ri.Ar�n� a�r�asswN r�ernuc n�� 31Z518�- - SQ]IDULID CITY O�UNCIL MEETING IY1TE PROPERTY INFORMATION Pxo�x� lw�s 550 57 avE. ^�E L�AL DES(RZPPIO�i: � !6 B� .: o. a.�_ �., a.r, �� 1RACP/ADDITIIRd �A141AV�S LAKEVIEW MA4�OFi R— g�UFS"IED ZQ�7II�G REASRi F�R R$2UF5T: A site glan shawing the proposed futu�e use is required for all rezoning. VACATE: NORTH 0�'E FOOT OF TNE EAST j0 FEET OF THE SOU7H FIVE FQ VACATE UT I L I TV A��D DRA I��AGE EASEME��T DUE TO GARAGE E��CROACHME'df. *********************�***r********�*�r�**********�*****�*******��********�********** FEE OWNER INFORMATION NAME (please print) JACK W. CHAMBERS pH�E � 822-8890 ppgt�g 47c�0 6ARFIELD AVE. S0. MPL.SP M�! srcrmzvxE PETITIONER INFORMATlON NAME (please prir�t� JACK W, CHAMBERS ��E � 4720 GARFIELD AVE. SD. MPLS M�1 sicr�vF nq� 3/ 12i87 822_g890 3II2/d7 �#**********.*.*::*�*��*:**:�******:.**********.******************«********.*******x • i � �• � � • ••.� a� M •• MI •' • ?� n��n n�'E _ DkSi� L1ATE _ E �EC. 23, OF 22 T: 30, FR/OL E Y � ,�4 sAV #a�-o2 Jack Chambers 42 CENTE� I �I I I II $£`z L U �� L —��'.�--- - — ;-, ,. , ,�� 0 . � ,�Y �s�� . I, �� � � e � 57 TH. t. ��`: ..� � ,� ! ?ro. � �� %1�� ..... � r __---.-�r---i I . � W � Q �• Z �� � 0 a � lA . . . � � � "h � ,1 -- --� -:-- �- ; , , ,L � A I FK ,�,V AV E. fl ti� ,� �� ia ..T ,, ti��T' I ! � R ' A U [,�1/ 7 �_��_1 � �;� ,. A U C, SUBDI� --- ---------- —__ �..—__ TQTE HWY. 94---�_ —,- — _ -------------------�----------- �----------------- �3'�—` - -- -� .,j�- -------------- ----- -�- �� � T--r �- . LO��► �1�P;. t--? �t-'— : ii . j ,:� ' I '' ; « ; ,� � „ w =�- ( � f .:: ;•� .�. .� r �I�' . _'. � �� � : � �: ' � �. , �' . �" �'�(^ e�,��° � r'� . �3 � � �•. j� i I ._ � f ', � T f^'\ � � �T7�}},., 3CM:��.. * �� � � � � • � �,, r1 i� c ' �o ,.n� •• 3 � ' � � , K ] �, n S � � � ("1 � [f 1 H AV . .� �+ ' x � a t�� -.�.. ; �c •�s %''� ;s- . , �� J 1 /3 ic r� z � t.Q : 1� �' � s � iz I� ;� � a�V � w:r��.�. s 59TH. A � ie i '� r �. QQ LE A.G _ y W� r+ a a �r z � z rQ�! ` e�' �fIELD �r � e s,e M ,� 3 F F ; n�� �-� � ��� F LL ��t;,ij w MARIGOLD T A a = A , .�, ;. � �I� ' . ! . 1 . rc , r i3 /1 ,. I �.�'��Y��'14'� {VTi��!'�'1tY7JM�1 �il ��F N.E. � . ... :•;',{ °ti:{scrfo„�c��sa i A\'EN• N.E. . y •,• �. � �il� �1 • r • � • T ! �LN �� • i n • ■ • � • a � • ` -" s�r'� i • w � - � wFj• ��.• Q ♦ ..0 '' ' • ¢ • 1 1- • Y- '« : -'- i _ � ,. .,, • � ��'° . �_ ,� U �i1 � !e i) /! ' c' f f� V l 1 �sAV #8�-0� ;1B Jack. Chanibers i� � Y �� -. j �,. � �� � , � . b�� �, A �I � r�� ` •. i �' J � / I ♦ � `� e �- � 'r�J+�P�71�ZJ �l O : .. �� -a 5 E�� � !� � 3 � t i/ , u I,t �J ,I I �fIK „i ,��,�,.i,a.i,i,:,,,i •�� i� i-�,- i� i>i� �,r _ — IhiERSTATE MlGrfWqY N0. 694 • c i. ii . . le6 . .. __..' . - - - M r, �aix� , , , .�. , . . . .1b U� 1 � •�• • ��. �- � r •.. CHE I •L4NE 0 r r �� •� •• : te • •• = S•- � ` ' 'U�L�" _ r L � � , •, • • " `- � �E D� ,� . .•. • - � � . . ,.;. � - . � ':: � � `,�.��� �p . r',. , 5<TH. AVENUE N.E. i �1 y • f • `^ e 9 f•.7� 1) I 1 ♦ � � �.� � . _� r J t: � 4 . , � ` , , • �F,�Rf?°AC£` � � ,_ � ;� r � .2�Aa ? ab�i.l2• . . . . _ . . _ .:;' � r�rc3t. �v., _ _�'��� .F"��� .� .—.— L�.► -�- __;`_ � -�i�'� -= c r _,; � ' " J__. _�. ' 1�-L ��� � � . .�,�. -�_ _ ,;� �-�ty. �, �.; � 1 �� ,�� '- ' �' — - �-- `', i� � _. =- .� �- --_— � -yF � --_ - :_–"' _I�� —__ _ _� J�—�L_'L�---+ J— �� __-� ; ��� �� � � , t� - �"- _ - __ _ �.a ,- ; :_,3 ---- L•�:� � 1 t� . J ll � r~ d C n 1:� �_ i) . is '� 1 Z '/• .,r .� � 3 - i a J 7 �P � ,� / � i?'f. �1�� ( ___ _ - -S7ATp � — 1 REr �� , 4 ND O� / , 3 /.i � 1 � `�J P � , uoir� I . �1V� ��� o s s i I • � i � � �: . a 69 � 9 I zH�� a�c I Y Z 7 � �"' / ;;; ; �. � Y 1.(11 W 2 J 9` \ ` U z W � 0.8 �^0.3 r� �x� np o.e N � Jack Chambers SAV #87-02 S�i���le Land Surveyl\��; Iilc. 9001 E. Bloomington Frwy. (35W) Surveyor's Certi�cate Bloomington, MN 55420 (612)881-2455 ADDRESS LOT 550 - 57th Ave. North fridley, Minnesota 5' DRAINAGE 9 UTIUTY � EASEMENT / x FENCE 6 N� M 1� w ' Y\ J � � 0 J / 2.6 /24.3� �� / ; 2.83 / W 2 EXISTING �I GARAGE �M � n �N � N NORTH LINE � OF EASEMENT�\ � 0,15 / / i 1� / 2.4 > 4.82 x x - - 75 .00 PLAT � 74.83 M EAS. - - � � �or LINE LEGEND � Denotes iron survey pipe (Pin). I hereby certify that this sketch, plan P'P• Denotes power pole � m a, � 0 � t V '- a m u � �Z.Bf or report was prepared by me or under SURVEY WAS PERFORMED OF SOUTH LINE OF my direct supervision and that I FOLL04JING PROPERTY: am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minne- Lot Sixteen (16), Block Ten (10), Donnay's sota. Lakeview P1anor Addition,according to the map Dated this 10th day of P1arch 1987 or plat thereof on file and of record in the SUNDE LAND SURVEYING, INC. office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Anoka County, Minnesota. BY: f��� ��y Subject to restrictions, covenants and ease- Edaiard H. Sunde, R.L. . ments of record, if any. Reg. No. 8612 0 QTY OF FRIII.EY VAiCATION R�UiST NOPICE ��• r7arch 12, 1987 Dear Utility Oompany: �e City of Fridle� currently has a Vacation request, SAV # 87-02 , to vacate the northerlv 1 foot of the easter1�30 feet �£ the 5 fnnt �rainano and utilitv easement located on the soutYLrlv 5 f�t �f rnt �, uln-k in Donnav's Iakevie�a Manor Addition the same bein�550 57f-h A� an ia n F (If possible res�ond by March 18 1987) ___ Please indicate whetl�er or not you have a problan witi� this vacation re3uest. �e utility oan�ny has no Fxoblen witi� this re3uest. Sicyied --- - - - ComlxnY I�te 4he utility oompany does have a problen with this request for the following reasons: � Sig►ed Canpany �� 1D __ _. _ _ � CtTY OF FRIDLEY 8431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. � FRIDLEY, MN Sb4S4 (612)5T1-3450 ______._ REZONlNG REGIUEST ZOA f�j�-OZ � VACATION REQUEST SAV # � PLATTING REQUEST P.S. # _ " uy� l!�u�`'zv -. RI�UEST FEE 3�J� PARR FEE RD(EIPt # SQIF�LJLID Pf.AP]NING Q�D4•iLSSION MEb`PING AATE Z � sa��n,m crrr aour�cII, r�-rn�c n�.x� PROPERTY INFORMATION ...•�� •.�•�. ��, �scxiFrr�: �U���BIACR� �RACT�ADDITION �IVrti�v�e�.�,r I�ci��� PRfSENT ZONING P' � R$iUFSTID ZONING �' � REASOtd Ft7R RB�U�ST: A site plan shaaing the proposed future use is required for all ***t�*******r*x*****�,t*�**r**r***�***�**�*********r********,r*******,t******r�******** FEE OWNER INFORMATION NAP� (please print) Yh C c K 2 r.J c pH�g ; % 5 7- 6� o 0 ADIItESS 1 3 S Co a C Fn� ?�P�4 � AU F. .J. f. � � r� �,>,i,, s S.3 a 5� SIGNA7URE � l�e-u.�-„..i DATE � - / c/^ � % �*,is**,°t,t �,i*���***�*,i,i*,k�*�,i��'��F,�,�:,�,�''��,�,F*f�°�iEf�*�f��*��,��**,°,t****�ii,°��*iF��,�#********t PETITIONER INFORMATION NJ1FE (please prirn) PHONE # AtuY2F5S SLG2�7URE IIATE x**********r***r*******:�*****x******�***�x*�****x****t�****************:***�****r*** i •• � � • ••• o-� w •• � �• • a� STIPUi�ATIONS: �,a ��� � • y i�.� ��� � • a Notice is heceb� given Comnission of the City Northeast on We�esday, for the pur�.vse of: A)BLIC HFARING BEFDRE �3E H,ANNING Q�MFIISS1lJN that there will be a Public Hearing of tY�e Planning oi Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue 1+HrcY� 25, 1987 in the Council Chamder at 7:3U p. m. Consideration of a Rezoning request, Z�, �87-02, by MCCK Inc., to rezor�e fcan F�3, General Multipte Dwelling, to R-1, Ore Family Dwelling, on Lots 80 throuc� 83, B1ocK A, Riverview Heights, and all that part of the unnamed street atxrtting Lots B0, 81, 82 and 83 lying between the Southerly lire of Lot 80 extended Westerly to the MAC Railroad and the Northerly line of Lot 83 extended Westerly to the [�,C Railroad ri9ht of way, as shown on the origir�l map ot said River Viea Heic�ts Addition. and all that Fsrt of the right of way ot the Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuyima Range &iilroad ComFarry in the Southeast Quarter of die Northwest Quarter of Section 3, Zbwnship 30 North Fange 24 West lying between the North line of Lot 83, Block A, also known as Section A, River Vic�r Heights, extended West throu� �id right of way and said South line ot Lot 80, B1ocK A, River View Heights, extendea West through :aid nc�t of way acoording to the plat thereot on file and of rewrd in the oftice of the Co�mty Reoorder in and ior Anoka County, Minnesota, the same being 441 Hugo Street N. & Any and all pecsons desiring to be heard shall ne given an opportimity at the above stated time and g�ace. STES7E BILLINGS �3AIRtR�.N A,ANNING Q�MMISS7DN Publish: March 9, 1987 Marrh 16, 1987 2A *.'vC1{ Tnc. 7.OA #8�-02 Jeriy Kielblocic 366 Ironta� Street N.E. Fridley, t+4I 55432 Arthur Erke 382 Zronton Street N.E. Fridley, NIDI 55432 David Kahl 420 Imnton Street N.E. Fridley, I�v 55432 Mark Maloney 391 Zronton Street N.E. Fridley, rII� 55432 Phillip Willson 401 Ironton Stneet N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Randy Croaell 7312 Lilac Iane Excelsior, MN 55331 Paul Muesing 421 Imnton Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dean Nordahl 423 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, NIId 55432 Jerrnie ThacQson 411 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Jerome Tho�son 2070 Cornell Drive N.E. Fridley, NII�] 55432 Andr�a Bulteria 381 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, NA7 55432 I,eonard Dailey 8191 East River Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 7itaih]s Adc�7[s 430 Ironton Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 MAII�II�G LISf Ryan Falk 381 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, NSI 55432 Guy Lundsten 389 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 S and J Construction Co. 441 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, D4d 55432 S and J Construction Co. 3264 Rice Creek Terrace New Brighton, bII9 55112 M;7CK Inoorporated 13562 Central Avenue Anaka, MN 55304 CoLmty of Anoka 325 E rlain Stseet Anoka, NL^I 55303 Frank Hegner 450 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 Gary Claggett 440 Hugo Street N.E. EYidley, MN 55432 Mitchell Cook 920 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James Seveiun 360 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 David Schultz 371 Hugo Street N.E. F'ridley, MN 55432 John Kobs 369 Hugo Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 EUgene Zuelke 8161 East River Road Fridley, MN 55432 plaziniTlq March 6, 1987 2� Council David Jacobson 8151 Fainront Circle N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 Raymond Arnold 8141 Fairnnnt Circle N.E. Fridley, NII� 55432 RodneY I.amb 8131 Fairmont Circle N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Alfred Kellner 8182 East River Road N.E. £ridley, NIN 55432 June Frehn 8180 East River Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ernest Draheim 8164 East River RQad N.E. Fridley, MN 55932 Scott Quit2PJi1 499 Glencoe Street N.E. FYidley, [�1 55432 Gail Brooks 6184 East River Raad N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Division 1 Real Estate 1920 lst Avenue Anoka, t�4�1 55303 �_' —�;-r -� � . . -�_� ,� 9 � ; �`'sK � ° ,, � '.� h� ., � zoA �s�-o2 2C 3 i i R��'� ,r ; MCCR, Inc, �J� , .� i� ° = : .,.1 `� � P� ' ; F�r 3 l�� V- 4'� � i � � �r ` � ,•e� ` � � � � II � 9s ° 9�� �'� � =s �� io • � - , a �, .. . ,. .� e Y OF ; � CIT . , � ,, . SS, . .3�,'�'� `�;, 3�' ,, , COON RAPIDS� `' \ ..•"' "_"//TJ.l9"'__ ; .. .l p 7 ' � - 'i �. .� �:.... .....,r a.ls'..... � 7: I � � Y S ''•� � .. d.ti: _'/�re.N4.... . i . � . r 1 ( �•![lN••.� � q • ,� ' �rs. T— � t � I � � , � �� � . 9z�t'a� CITY OF '� ' � " � �� r " '� J � f Q� �.� � 'N (srol � 1 .� . _ '� , , „ �' • ,+► g.�.,:. . RI�LEY � � �, � ' � Li p 7 J. ;� N F,sir � �!�' I� ' V � w -� ,.. EV. ,° AUO: :)'� `y � 4 � �p�. S �� 1� � D ZF1 ; . � �r.-� ed? r.aeer.e/� ` . 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LOCATION MAP � �,, ' ,''"���� . • . / � '�� . � � ... ,,,., �1 ..�� �_w� � ' — �� - - � �i'�• • ' � • `���+•1� � I • �•• -1:/ • : • ,.ca• - � r1' •: ���.��.; .. � `, • • �� 1� �i� ,� � �� ..��.�� � � A9��� � �+„t. ,��./ tI � 1 � �� ;�;� f � .�� _ • v � � 9 0 � , �� � `. , � �' 'w� : � `?r.. , '-"�� � ..- ,, . � ' �8.�.� t,,,,. c � 2D i `�"� � '^ "� ��nc � .:j � � ,� � I,, "� � '"� ��.� �:� �T �+ ;3 � ,� ;� �° �' c., �� � ���_�'� -� `�� � ��p��`��' °' `���� �,���"���.�� ��', ..:�'•�,,�� ��'�� �, �,� f;.. �.� �. � ' � , � �� r�� �� ��� • 3 � � f,,,; �.� ,,� , ,, OF � �� ��,� �� �� n � � f'; ?`i F� ` : • ,r \ ' � � , �. .� � �� ����.�'�, � •>, ' � .�.,,, , , :, v ��i�i�'� i!.:!_ii�/� I !.. i�Yi�".�:�iillllii �„ ��� ��i���� , i.�'����./ � �aua•�rrs:a�:; s �7������/. ��i� �''� �ilii/Y�� .� �r+:�7.:,���i� O�=� � ���,��,�, � '�'�.��si! «-.. �a .�,,: a ��� e� . _. ����o � � �� ' 0 . �i�= ► i� ���= ' � ^ �. � y � ���. •�• • •�• ���• � • � • • • �• � ' ' �� ��� �� •V�� •�,j -�N�.7���!� ,�'� • ti •.'��� es ��� �•�.,���. . s � , .... ,�! A ,� ':� �., .•.•. .•.�•�•�•.•.•.••;• � ti • � � �, �����• • ���� �• • 179 • ` 'J ,c5'e .� .� . . . . , � •+ � •.MEd • .'.K�` s "fi .r �. ... .s.. 1• y , �� + �� � '� ,��•��,�•�� �•�����e� � � e !. . � . 1 r { � � � . . . • 4T ' � �t � 0 ilP• �� �����T��• yb.. ♦ t �� �, V+{� '4� �' ti� / � . ! + , � . y ti • 1 ♦ ♦ � f " ' � , i . � ��� � .4 ..w ���� CA/NE � ASSOClATES -- LAND SURV£YORS, /Ne. �7720. Niqhwoy 65 NE - SaderriNS, Minxsoro 55304 434-7646 ZOA #87-02 �, ��. CLH;7FICITE OF StiBVHY FUR: Don Chocinard 1.2G1�:, DLSCPI?Ci0':S: - Partel d: 7hat o�rt pf Wt� 80, 81, C2, and 83, elocY. A, PiVEa PI�1:•; IiF.I�HTS, Anoka County, _ Hinnesota, l��in� ves[ of 2he east 90.9n {ce� oF snid Loiz. . :�nJ, all th�t rart of the unnar.ed atre�� 3nu!ting W[s 40. 81. 87, and 87 l��in� � betw�een the Southeilp line of Lot 89 cx(rnde� +esterl�' to'the Y1C 4ailroad and . the �ortheYl}• line of ynt A3 extenucd F:esce:lr [o tSr 1fAC Railzoad ri9ht af wey, . as snovn on the ori,inal map ot Faid ?.ivPr vi�x 9eigR!s AJdition. � � — And, a11 tha[ oarf of thC Iinht O! k3° of thP .°inne`ro:i�, Anoka and Cucuna Ranqt Railtoad Company in the Southenst Quaiter of Ne Vo[Ch.w�es[ quarter of Section 7. 7owns?�in 10 'JOTth Panrte 21 Fcst lyinn [m[wecn t�e t:o:th line of Lot 8], Elock A, also §nrn::r. a� Sectior. a, ?ivcr �'ic+. HeiahGS, exlended Neat iSrouqh said riv�t of vay and said Souih 7ine of Lot BC, :lock ♦, Fivrr 'Jitw.'I!eiahte� cztended 4ost throunh said riaht o� �:a•: accnr�iire !a t�� nlat therepC on !ile end of recozd in the office of the Countv 9ecorder in ar.�: f�r Ann':. ('�unt��, !linnosota. SuSiect to easements for s[reet and vtility nurpoEes over the swth 12.00 feet theteof, and also over the vest 15.OR fee[ thecenf, Pareel B: The vest �0.00 feet o! the east 90.00 feet of Lote B0, 81, 93, and 91. nlotk A, RIVF.R VIEi" IILIGHTS, Anoka Coun[y, Minnosot�. Sutrjecc ao an ¢asement for street a� utilitv nurposes over tne south 12.00 fcet ihereo'. �+amc] C: Lcts 78 and 79, and [he east 30.00 feet of Lo[F B0, 81. U1, and 91, all in Block A, RIVERI'TEK BF.IGH:S, Anoka Countv, Yinnesnta. 1 Sub?ect to an easement for streei and uiilit�� ournoser aver the snuth 12.00 feet t;rren'. t ,� 1 � 1 � A�"N9 `5'9'39 �I�' � ---i�'c_*-- _ �o �t _ . �a oc _ � ' � , 1� ' _� 'S�`=� ,� r .. 1 ' �' I �� �� � �-- --/��_. __ .. -- —. I ��� ' �� �� � ��' , L/ ^L �� �W a`_ � ' --- a..?' _-- - . b ,� - _ . : , �, 79 .d -�-, �� -' ' �- -, 4 - � �!�,.�`,\ j `> ` �N -_ __. . _. —_ r M� I 0 ii � �U ' ' � :a �.1 . �i. S< O i �' \e ' � - ��. r_ . ____ +.e -.-_ �� � :O � C� `� , c0 . t � .'� n'�,�'—�,``____i�' _��_'__ _`(r' —_�-�-- _ i __ � 1. . �� t �Sf.eet.:r.l.t� � E<.srm..�r � BO X� �" '- 10.00 '� �' 70.00 ' ,, ,' �U��lST STiPEET , 1� �� ` -- Y 1 . �, � ;� � 1 • � �'(�IfM [O�N� lF�� A/J l� .V[ M KItlI� ri M[IW[O A 1f W 1�Y/ � OIf[� SuI[M�td �! /N� i OLL� IfYlfll[O l�W IIIV[1W I�tll SGL£.� //AC7IaJ`� FEE7 e arr > �.r iu'r d rrso i. o AETtl7FS //P M�'/ A9Cri NPE SF7. ^ . •OENOTES .�N //UY MMVYENT FpGNp 's"%L'"y+`y ��� C'= L o BFAR/AGS ,yqYN AIPf fROY ASAIIIIFQ pA7tlY u.r fi d�y /11� wn �o_ L I J c i —ou-I— -- �� 7O _ � 9638 � �jl;�i0 ��cs � �_ _7U— —. �iEs s� ra�-o2 , Inc. ��o I� v � �/y�NFO L..£ ji9C S ; �r —� c. �;,y si.`�iG = I : S�i 2F , ..r. ...«.v��-.,�rw �.,ae�.�.r ,�,w�- ,.'P*+emt- ,-.�r;-"'....� .' _.�-xpe';i��."�v: ,w.,..�....» . � ��ir�n Y..WY �+b�N°".I+vw...+w..e�.. �' GTY OF FRIDLEY : : j 8431 UN)VERSITY AVE. N.E. _ y � FRIOLEY. MN 6s492 SPECIA! USE PERMIT SP ��/�� (612)577-34b0 / + �.�' AtSFr��'f'.'�' . � �s,.0 ,�.:..... � �, � � � ��o �� � �.3��-� �. s�m�n.m x�xrr�c ao�a�ussnaN t�rBUC n�e: r"' as��m�rsm �i'ri ao[�c�cu, r�a .�-r�xa �,�.: PROPERTY INFORMATION pxo�rr nn�ss 3 7 37 �. �� r��t. DesazzprmN: See RTtA-� Ken Sv Q-�Qy ; IAT BLOCIC '142ACP�AI�ITIIX4 �Bar za��uc rn- t r�s APPRox. �- SPECIAL USE PERMIT BEING APH,IID FOR: �� �� S�ION OF 'IIiE WOE: 4 . „ - :. -.�M.;. ,t • * * r ,k • w * • • * * t • * t * * t t • • r t * t �e • t * * � • * t * * * ,t * * � , �., OWNER INFORMATiON - , �, , r- : ,; , _ _ , ;.. ; N� �`Burlington llorthern : � , " PIiQNE # 298-7263 ; ��� 176 E. Sth St. Paul, t+ai 55101 . �� SIGNA'IURE %�% %��i'V n�/�-�- IY�TE o!- i3 �% * * * 4 * # t t * f i � t ! # • !, # R ! ! ! t # ! * * # • +k * R • f t !r ik * � * �k *.�.. PETITIONER INFORMATION r� �!� c�nr�s R• t��� S x�crrs ��8I7'io 1 �s °'3 3� . Q��a Rd. M 1s rvt,. SSK�, , i�e-� �: 5��� _ �.� a -�3-�� �` Rgt,9. , �, � ! * *��:�#�s � �T it # • f # f * !� *�* * # # R�t t # t i * ft • � t ik�i s ! � R rt * * . . . -. � � . . . � . . � . . �� . � PLANivIIJC Q�Mi'LI.S.S7L)Id: APF�tQi7FD Dfi�°IED IYi'PE � .»�° =.n ' ' ,.. _ , .` ,e_ ' , .'; . . . , .,, : . � q. QTi QuNCII�� a• APPRQ�%ID ,,_ �S1�D P •«;:�.�<.a4TE ,.: STIHILATID�IS• HJBLIC HFARII� BEFURE �IE H,ANNING OJN4I73SION Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Conenission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, t+�rch 25, 1987 in the Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #87-04, by J�nes Daads, per Section 205.17.1, C, 8 of the Fridley City Code, to allaa exterior storage of materials on t]�at Ixirt of Lots 22, 23 and 36, Auditor's Subdivision No. 39. Arqka Cotmty, Minnesota and that Fart of �e Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuyuna Range Railway described as follows: Beginning at the interaection of the east right-of-way line of State Aid Hic�way No. 1(also known as East River fioad) with a line distant 134.5 feet north from and g3rallel with the south lire of said Lot 36; thence north along said east right-of-way line 609.63 feet; thence east Farallel with said south line of Lot 36 a distance of 100.19 feet; thence south, pacallel with said east ric�t-of-way lirn 378.63 feet; thence southeasterly to a point on a line distant 145.00 feet east from the point of beginning, �id line being 134.5 feet north from and �rallel with said south line of Lot 36; thence west 145.00 feet to the point of beginning, and that part of Lots 22, 23 and 36, Auditor's Subdivision No. 39, Anoka County, Minnesota and that part of tl�e Minneapolis, Anoka and Cuylma Range Railway described as follaas: beginning at the intersection of the east right-of-way line of State Aid Highway No. 1(also Imaan as East River Road) with a line distant 134.5 feet north fran and parallel with the south line of said Lot 36; thence north along said east right-of-way line 822.03 feet; thence east �rallel with said south line of Lot 36, a distance of 100.19 feet; thence south parallel with said east ric�t-of-way lire 591.03 feet; thence southeasterly to a Fnint of a line distant 145.00 feet east fzom the point of beginning, sid line being 134.5 feet north fzom and parallel with said south line of Lot 36; thence west 145.00 feet to the point of beginning, generally located at 3737 £ast River Road N. E Any and all pecsons desiring to be heard shall be given an opportimity at the above stated time and glace. STEUE BILLINGS CHAIRNY�N P[,p,NNING QJMMZSSIDN Puhl.ish: March 9. 1987 March 16, 1987 � SP #87-04 James Daads James Daads 3737 East River Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Burlingtrn Northern 176 E Sth Street St. Paul, NRa 55101 City of Minneapolis 350 South Sth Street Minneapolis, MN 55415 John Daads 899 - 23rd Avenue S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55421 MAZLING LISP Planning March 6, 1987 Council G: F,��d *, .a �• � ' . i �. oo/a 1 , y i �1 _ .' r� �� : t .� � a �• � tio e i faA � o�� . � r�ao� µ c:t� as ' ,� Minn�IPO/iJ ` �y� � :' .= � J� ' / ' . � 1 -h^-' -..e_-. �y :T .�„ j r-' �,1 36 � (f�00) � !,'fj c{ Mi..nla�aH,r �' ,. - V % � g- .i `,..xavEUt- � `-' �t"e..,nu� � ;' -- -- 3DIV1�10 . `�B) .f3So 37 RT. .[�47.IS.s �. _ . /�edh Subu,^An Sar.i,fary Scw« �/Ifr/c f ;'r, (fso°J 38 �u�a, ry 1 . . , ., . r—T-r•-r+� I "°`"��f � � o����� � � � ��. � :� II��:.�,,, ::,.�r',.�;R� .. � I a x � ,--- � - 1 f e �j � L� Y 0 . 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" • i � �I �� I c �� $�� o 3F CITY OF FRIDLEY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 2, 1987 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Kondrick called the March 2, 1987, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mernbers llbsent Dave Y,ondrick, Dick Young, Dan Allen, A1 6abe1 Mary Schreiner, John Gargaro Otliers Present: Jack Kirk, Director of Re.creation anA Natural Resources Siah St. Clair, City Naturalist Rick De6ardner, Program Supervisor Bruce Nelson, Stevenson PTSO President WELCO'9E NEW C(IMMIS5I0N MEMBER, AL GABEL: Mr. Kondrick welcomed Mr. Gabel to the Commission and intraluced him to the otlier Commission members. APPROVAL OF FEBRUARY 2, 1987 PARKS & RECREATION CONt1ISSI0N MINUTES: MO.T.ION BY I4R. ALLEN, SECONDF,D BY MR. YOUNG� TO APpROVE THE FEB. 2� 2987� PARYS & RECRERTZON COMMISSSON PlINUTES AS WRITTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRPERSON KONDRZCK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIBD UNANZMOUSLY. Mr. Young stated he would like to report what tias been done at the Innsbruck 4ature Center since the last meetin9. He statPd his son had taken on the clean- up of the park as an Eagle Scout project. In the last two weekends, they have put in about 85 hours of labor. He stated 10-15 people, both parents and Scouts, have come out each weekend to work. He stated they have removed, dismantled, and hauled out all the bridges, hauled out debris fror� broken boardwalks, brushed and cleared all the switchbacks, and cut a lot of dead trees and piled up brush for habitat areas. He stated the City has been in and put in a culvert in one of the areas and filled that, so a lot has been accomplished in the past month. Mr. Young stated he has talked to a couple of other Scouts who wili be workin� on Eagle Scout badges, and he thought there was a lot more work the boys were willing to do at the park. He stated they really seemed to enjoy working at the park. PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING HARCH 2 1987 PA�F 2 Mr, Kondrick stated the work Mr. Young and his son and the other parents an� Scouts had done was commendable. It was nice to see citizens interested enough to come before the Cortmission and express their concerns about a•park area. And, it was very nice to see such a quick response to this concern by the City. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTIDN BY MR. GABEL� SECO1fDED BY MR. YOUNG� TO APPROVE THE ACENDA AS WRZTTEN. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTIDN CARRIED UNANZMOUSLY. 1. STEVENSON ELEMEIJTARY PLAYGROUND - BRUCE NELSOP�: Mr. Nelson stated he was the President of the Stevenson PTSO. He stated he had approached the Corrcnission last year after they had had a successful fund- raiser in the hopes of working with the City, the Parks & Recreation Depart- ment, and the School Board in updating their playground equipment. At that time, they had only one set of equipment for the school that was the ol�l wood and it wasn't adequate. After polling the teachers, citizens, and students, they all agreed the best use of the funds raised �vas to make the playground area better. �4r. Nelson stated the City of Fridley contributed 54,000 worth of materials and $1,000 worth of labor, the Stevenson PTSO contributed $5,000, an�i the School Board contributed $5,000, thereby building a very nice outdoor play- ground. He stated the new playground was so well received and so evident that the parents really got behind the fundraiser again this year. Mr. Nelson stated that when they have fundraisers for the School, when they buy VCR's, maps, etc., for the school, the parents do not see those kinds of things like they see a playground. He stated that since their fundraiser this year was such a success again, they again polled the teachers, parents, and children and decided to continue with the improvement of the outdoor play- ground area. Mr. Nelson stated right now they have two areas--the brand new playground equipment designated last year for the intermediate aged children, and the old wooden equipment designated for the primary aged children. They would like to renovate the old wooden equipment and add some new equipment which would not be nearly as expensive as the project last year. Mr. Nelson stated last month he went before the School Board to again ask them for financial support, and he went before the City Council the week before, and now he was before the Commission to ask for financial support. The estimated cost of the renovation was $14,000. The PTSO has $5,000, and he asked for $5,000 from the School'Board. One of the problems voiced by the School Board this year was whether they should make it a policy to match funds whenever someone comes in with a request. The School Board tabled the item until their next meeting. PARKS � RECREATIOP� CONHISSION MEETIN�, MARCH 2, 19II7 PAf,F 3 Mr. IJelson stated he felt that last year everyone benefited from the new play- ground equipment at Stevenson--the children, the community, the School Roard, the Parks & Recreation Department, because each of them individually could not have done as much as all of them together. t1r. Kirk stated that last year when they received the request frori the PTSO, J�hn Flora, Public ldorks Director, had explained that they were able to come up with some funding during that calendar year; however,any future requests would be for the following year, so any request now would only be looked at for 1988. Any request would have to be put into the capital outlay list, those requests are prioritized and are then looked at during the hudget process. 7his would then have to be approved by the Ci±y Council. He stated he had explained this to Mr. Nelson. �4r. Nelson stated the sooner they can have the fundraiser and then turn around and have a project completed so it can he seen vlhere the money went, that was neat. He was sure that was why this year's fundraiser went so well. He stated it would be nice to have this second playground completed in 1987, but even if it was a year into the future, he was sure Stevenson Elementary School would still say, "thank you", because this really seemed to be ho4i they wanted the money spent. Mr. Kondrick stated that every year there are many demands on the budqet; however as a Commission, they could recormend to the City Staff that this request be added to the capital outlay list for 1988 and recommend that it be looked upon favorably for next year. t1r. Young stated he had some reservations, because there are playqrounds in otlier areas that are in need of new or replacement equipment. and the fact that the City already has contributed $5,000 toward playground equipment at Stevenson School. He stated Hayes School could come back in with another request, tJoodcrest School in the Spring Lake Park School District could come back in with another request. I�orth Park Elementary, even though it is in the Columbia Heights School District,could come in with a request, and it could be a never-ending situation. Before he could voice a strong opinion in favor of this request, he would like to know if there are other playgrounds in other neighborhood parks that are in need of equipment. Mr. Young stated this would be approximately 310,000 worth of equipment that would meet the needs of a small portion of the children who live in Fridlev. Mr. Kondrick stated they will have to deal with that question when they prioritize the capital outlay itens. If they feel there are other areas in the co�munity that need more attention financially, they will have to take that into consideration at budget time. Mr. Young suggested t4r. �Jelson approach Anoka County because Stevenson School was quite close to the Islands of Peace Park. Islands of Peace did not have any playground equipment, and the playground equi�xnent at Stevenson coul� complement the Islands of Peace Park. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 2 1987 PAGE 4 MOTION BY MR. ALLEN� SECONDED BY MR. GABEL� TD RECOMMEND TO CITY STRFF THAT SHEY PLACE THE STEVENSON PTSO REQUEST FOR FUNDIN6 FOR PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT ON THE CAPITAL OUTLRY LIST FOR TNE I988 BUDGET. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRZED UNANIMOUSLY. - Mr. Kondrick thanked Fir. Nelson for all his efforts. 2. STAFF REPORT: a. Program Supervisor Introduction Mr. Y.irk stated he would like to introduce Rick DeGardner, the new Program Supervisor. Mr. De6ardner was a recent graduate of the University of Minnesota-Duluth and has worked for a number of years in their recreational sports program. b. Fridley 49'er Days t�1r. Kirk stated the Fridley 49'er Days was scheduled for June 17-21. He stated that after last years celebration, the leadership that had been witfi the organization for many years decided to step down. For several months there was no leadership, but then the fridley Jaycees discussed the possibility of taking it over and have now decided to do that for this year. Scott Lund, President of the Jaycees, was coordinating the meetings and there seemed to be a lot of enthusiasm. Ne stated the Jaycees are still relying on other organizations in the community to help oiat. Mr. Kirk stated the parade will be on Wednesday evening (June Y7) and the other events are being planned at this time. He stated he would keep the Commissioners informed and, hopefully, by the next meetinq would have a complete schedule. c. Springbrook Nature Center Restoration Mr. St. Clair stated he was at the meeting to bring the Commission up to date on what has happened regarding the restoration of the Nature Center. He showed a few slides to give the Canmissioners an idea of what the damage looked like after tfie tornado. Ne stated it had been hard to assess the danage and to know how much was really going to have to be done to restore the area until fairly recently after some of the clean-up has taken place. Mr. St. Clair stated he would like to report to the Commission about what they are doing to try to alleviate some of the big open treeless areas. He stated he has been working very closely with the Springbrook Nature Center Foundation, and they have more or less taken on the responsibility of raising the funds necessary to replant and reStore some of the areas. They have prepared a preliminary plan and the devastated areas of the park have been divided up into designated areas of so much acreage, certain kinds of habitat, etc. There are about 10-11 different areas identified PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING, MARCH 2 1987 PAGF 5 that have to be cleaned up and restored in some capacity. They are trying to put a price tag on how many man hours it will take to clean up those ' areas, how much it is going to cost to acquire trees or equipment to . remove trees, and how much labor to plant trees, and how much it will � cost for materials and labor to put in some kind of temp�rary watering system so that over a three-year period at least, they will have so�e kind of watering system to ensure the survivability of as many new trees - as possible. Mr. St. Clair stated the aspen areas were designated the highest priority in order to get the mess out of there. They will not replant in those areas, because aspen pretty much regetterates itself. They don't want to be in there with vehicles or dragging trees out of there when the growth starts this spring. Mr. St. Clair stated they did have a contractor who was taking wood out for firewood, but right now they are paying people by the hour just to cut the wood. Then, they have a lot of volunteers (crews from the County Court System who have service hours to work) coming in aimost every week- end. Two weekends ago they had 85 Girl Scouts working. Last week, they had a large 4-H group and an Indian Guide group, so there are �any volun- teers who are working to pick up the wood and stack it along the trails and to drag the brush and put it into burn piles. Mr. St. Clair stated they are going to try to work out sane kind of permit system where the public can come in and for a fee take out the nspen and the oak. Those people will not be allowed to drive into the park at all but will have to figure out how to get the wood out on their oYm. Mr. St. Clair stated once they figure out the costs for clean-up and when they go into the clean-up and replanting for the different areas, for the majority of the areas back into the park itself, rather than try to purchase trees or get seedlings, they are going to try to go into the areas where they have a lot of young trees, remove them with tree spades, and replant thPm back in the open areas. They are going to try to get some kind of drip-line watering system to water these trees. Mr. St. Clair stated at the imrt�ediate entrance to the park and along the handicapped trail, they would like to brinq in nursery stock, large 6- inch diameter trees, to restore some of that shaded aest,hetic value right in front of the park. They will be spending more money there, but it will be more attractive sooner. Mr. St. Clair stated on those areas immediately to the side of the entrance on both sides of the front of the park, they are going to try to take about 3-4 acres, work with the DNR, to turn those areas into model outdoor exhibits--"how to plant in your backyard to attract a�idlife"-type of areas. That kind of plan would be kind of expensive and will take sorie real detailed planning. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETINf, HARCH 2 1487 PAGF 6 2. Mr. St. Clair stated he was hoping they can have most of the replanting, with the exception of the backyard wildlife exhibit area, by early surtmer 19II8. After that, it was a maintenance program trying to selectively thin the growth, etc. Ne felt it would probably be ten years before it will look more like a park than a devastated area. The reai problem right now were the root balls that are stickin4 up, some of them up to 12 feet tall. They just cannot be torn apart. Mr. St. Clair stated they have had a tree surgeon looking at the old white oa�s, burr oaks, which are much less susceptible to Oak Wilt, to try to save as many trees as possible. They are goinq to restore and actually develop completely new trails for about half the park. Many of the old trails cannot even be found, Mr. St. Clair stated they have estiriated it was going to cost about $50 per tree to remove it from one site to another. Then it was going to cost about $15 per tree to put in the temporary watering system, and then a little mare for final clean-up. The total figure for clean-up and replanting was $122,320. The Springbrook Nature Center Foundation h�s already raised 59,000 through individual efforts, button sales, T-shirt sales, and a fundraising drive in the newspapers, $2,�00 from the Fridley UFId, $500 from the Fridley VFW Auxiliary, $500 from a local business. Mr. St. Clair stated the money they are getting for clean-up was primarily 1986 CDBG funds in the amount of $18,544. They hoped to get $2�,000 more in 1987 CDBG funds for trail rehabilitation. 7hat left about $82,000 that needed to be raised, The Sprinqbrook Nature Center Foundation and he were working and applying for grants and doing fun�- raising on a major scale to places all over the metropolitan area. Mr, St. Clair encouraged the Commission members to come out to the Nature Center and take a look at it. He stated they v+ould find the park looking totally different than it did right after the tornado. NEIJ E3USI�lESS: a. National Youth Sport Coaches Association Mr. Kirk stated this was a program that was new on the national level within the past five years. The Minnesota Recreation and Park Association within the last four rtanths had affiliated with the National Youth Sport Coaches Association in an attempt to get local Parks & Recreation Depart- ments and local youth sports associations to become Chapters and train their coaches according to the guidelines set forth 6y this organization. Mr. Kirk stated he has discussed this with �dr. Defiardner and Mr. DeGardner will become certified as a clinician so he can train coaches within the City to become certified coaches with this program. The real highlight of this was it not only dealt with the sport but also dealt with the emotional development of the children so the coach doesn't do things or say things tfiat have a neoative impact on a child. It also looked at PAftKS Z RECREATION COM�4ISSION MEETING, MARCH 2, 1987 PAf,f_ 7 training coaches on prevention and care of athletic injuries. A� a total package, he believed it was somet;iinq that would be a real benefit to the - City and to the FYSA. Mr. DeGardner stated the training clinic would involve two three-hour . sessions. Everyone views three fiims: (1) Psycholoqy of Coaching; (2) Haximize Performance and Injury Prevention; and t3) Basic First Aid. After the films,the coaches would break up into their individual sports, - and at the end of the sessions would take a test. Mr. DeGardner stated each coach gets a patch, a membership card, and a certificate of completion. The biggest benefit was that each coach receives $300,000 in liability coverage. �4r. Kirk stated the cost was $15 per coach. A lot of communities are going on a 50/50 basis or some type of split with the city/sports association/ coaches. The drawback of telling a volunteer coach that they would like hirn/her to pay $15 for a program and spend 6 hrs, on the program was a negative, even though there are some real benefits to the pro�ram. Once the coaches get involved and see how the program works, he has heard nothing but positive things from people in Minnesota and across the country, Mr. Kirk stated he has talked to Jim Sydow, President of the FYSA, and Mr. Sydow was very Much in favor of the program. There also seerr�d to be a lot of support from other members of the FYSA. Some of the leaders seemed a little bit concerned about asking coaches to pay $15 for the program. He stated he had discussed with Mr. Sydow the possibility of working something out between the City and the FYSA. Mr. Kirk stated that about six years ago, a fund was set aside from money received asa "user fee" from the FYSA. Th�s fund amounted to about $15,000, and it was supposed to be used for mutuai projects agreed-upon by the City and FYSA. As long as they have had that fund, no one has cor�e up with any projects; and two years ago they did away with the��user fae"contribution from the FYSA. The City nrn� gives the FYSA a per parti- cipant fee, so no nore noney taill 5e comina into that fund. He stated he and Mr. Sydow felt this was a worthwhile project for the use of sor�e of that money, He estimated that the first year the program would cost about $1,000 to get all the FYSA coaches certified. Even if they committed to the cost for two years, it would cost about $2,000. Roth he and Mr. Sydow were very supportive of this approach. 7hey feel it is a worthwhile project and would like the Canmission's support. They feel there is enough incentive from what the program has to offer that if they make the program optional, they will get better participation. Their goal is to eventually make it a requirement for al'1 coacties in the youth sports program. Mr. Young asked if there was a hockey aspect to this program where th? fridley Hockey Association could be involved also. Mr. Kirk stated hockey was a sport included and the Fridley Hockey Association could be involved. PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION MEETIPJG, NARCH 2, 1967 PAGE 8 MOTION BY MR. YOUNG� SECONDED BY MR. ALLEN� THAT THF. CITY FUND, THRDUGH _ TXE CZTY-FYSA FUND� THE FYSA COACNES TRAINING PROGRAM FOR A TWO-YEAR PERIOD. UPpN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE� CXAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THF. MOTZON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. b. 1987 Softball League Fees Mr. Kirk stated the Commissioners had a copy of a memo showing the break- doYm of the entry fees for 1987. He stated the fees have changed. The fee for any state registered leagues has increased from $300 last year to $315 this year. The fun ieages have increased from $270 to $285. The only league that was not at $315 or $285 was the Men's Plajor League. They have about 4-5 teams each year that are better than the rest, and other comnunities have the same concern that there are a few teams that are better. So, Mr. DeGardner and he have met with representatives from Columbia Heights and Blaine to combine the three communities in order to give these peopte the proper league and the proper canpetition. Because this league was more specialized, Staff was recommending a little higher fee at $340. MOTION BY MR. ALLEN� SECONDED BY MR. GABEL� TO RPPROVE THE 1987 SOFTBALL LEAGUE FEES� AS PRESENTED BY STAFF. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CNAIRPERSON KOPIDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED UNRNIMOUSLY. ADJOURt�P1ENT : MOmION BY MR, GABEL, SECONDED BY FII2. ALLEN, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. UPON A VOZCE YOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAZRPERSON XONDRICK DECLARED TXE MRRCX 2� 1987� PARICS 6 RECREATION COMMZSSZOA MEETING AATOURNF.D AT 9;Z0 P.M. Respectfully subm� Lyn� Recording Secretary � PLANNING DIVISION � � MEMORANDUM CITYOF FRIDLEY l�END 7Dc Nasim Qureshi. City ilar�gez - Jock Robertson, OartnimitY De�elopnent Director N�ND tI20M: Jim Robinson. PTaruiing Coordir�tor�. rENp II�1TE: March 12, 1967 RF�AxAiNG: Gateway IIanents for the River Road B�siress Park With �e substantial oomPletion of the NBY CbmFanies East River Rc�d Business Center developnent, approximately 758 of the entire Business Pack is naa oo�mgleted, In aonj�nction with tt�e developaent, an improvement to the 51st Way cic�t-of-way to inrlude the oonstruetion a� additional turning lanes with a center lanclscaFed median is planred. In eddition� staff felt that it would be desirable to implenent some special monunentation/signage which calls attention to the Busiress Pack as a Whnle. I have been in contact with Ken Belcpsde, ti►e dzveloper a� the F8Y p�oject. in an effort to aoocdinate su� a project with him. Mr. eelc,�rde has been very reoeptive to this idea and has hiced Sic,yi Consultants, Inc. to desic,gi the schematic Nhich is shown on the attadments. 9�e proposed �tEway elenents would be q�asi-goverrmes�tal signs which Would include the City of Fridley l090 and name as we11 as a nev nomenclature for the industrial �rk, that being River Road Business Pack. Tr�is gateway elenern, which is materially oonsistent witi� gateway elsnents proposed for the University Avenue Corcidoc project, would serve the folla+ing functions: 1. Create an attcactive city gateway el�nent vhich would be visually aooessihle to wer 100,OD0 motocists per day. 2. Hic�lic�ts a g�ality business Fark in the City of Fric�ey. 3. prwides an identity for the busirnsses in the Park. 4. Tmprwes cues for acoessibility to the busiresses located to the rear of the Busiress Park. 4A rtasim 4�e�i Jock Robertson March 12, 1987 Page 2 9he specific pcoposal includes two locations, as outlired in the attachments. botY� of which are located on city ri5�t-of-way. 7he sign elements are both bcick structures roughly 30 feet long and 12 1/2 feet in height. Zhe City log� and River Ra3d Business Park veria39e are three dimensional aluninwn letters with inteznal neon tubes which illuminate an acrylliC face. An artist cerx3ering of this aoncept is availahl,e. Fach sign location would be -acoosnpanied b� three flags which would be identical to the flags located on the south side a� the FYidley Civic Center, with one United States flag in the �enter at fourty feet in heicj�t, a Fridley flag and a Minnesota flag at either side at thirty feet in height. 7Y�ese flags would be ill�aninated during the evening hours. Lanciscaping in and around both gateways has also been propoaed in order to implenent the package, it would be advisahle to add a section to the City's sign code, Chapter 214. which would f acilitate city c�teway/busiress park signage. RY�is entty would have to detail when and where the City would allow such signage to be impl anented. It is not the intent to set a preoedent whereb� individual busiresses or individual strip centers would be allowed to glace signage in public right-of-ways. A reasonahle 1 unit to place on such sic�age would be that it be associated with oamnercial/industrial plats or gcoups of develognent with at least 40 acres of area ard at la3st five distinct tax parcels. It �ould be noted that the curcent pcoposal is foc placanent in City ric�t-of-way and does not involve pexmits fran ti�e Coimty or State Hicjrway DeFartrnents. In addition to the Code anendmpnts as outl ired, the other action requested to facilitate 13�is imprwenent would be an agregaent between the City and t�Y Companies wheceb� the City r.vuld �y 408 of the aost of the c�teway and flag elenents. Mr. Belc,�cde has sukmitted an estimate of the total oosts which oomes to 564,439.88. 4he City's portion of �is oost would equal $25,775.95. You will rote fcan the estimate that if poor soils exist at the pzoposed locations, an additioral $5.500 in total cost wuld be added to the project. �e Planning Camiission has reviewed the plans suFmitted by I�'�Y and found t2ien to be desirahle, both in tern+s of t3�eir attractiveness and functional aspects. 7hey support the project vith the imderstanding that the pzoposals should be wnsistent With any futuce gateway elements which may be implemented with the Dniversity Avenue Corridor project or other gateway/Corcicbr Faojects If Co�cil concurs with the project and agrees to the necessary actions to faci.litate ti�is project, i.e. mde ciian9es and firc-�ncial camnitrnent, we will proceed with the recodification and inform Mr. Belgarde that the vnplenentation of trie project is feasihle. 11r. Belcy�cde would oonstruct the gateways at such time as buildings 5 and 6 are mrnnenced. Lastly, prior to impienenting stxi� a plan it is out intent to r�otify each o�f the 6usiriesses in the park of the proposal and to seek theic oomments as to the nomenclature. location ar►d design of the elenents. JLR�� 1�87-63 cc: Iten Belgarde Jcahn Flora z : -_= , t l i =LL o� '' \\� `�' ' fe aO' 4o ' � � � � iO Z� � ` \ x � ° � �9e9e � j .. � I sa 3o e � I � mn mw s � �K � I � p � ' � � " iLL f :'=��'{} �Q �x � :�� � I 9=. 9g' � I o° e: I ��; �I � � 0 " i' �i ! + / a � � � (�� � . « � -='- � , � ° 1. r :.•.:.::;:, :•sj �� � . ; =��� � ' ���_-�. / ; ' r) �, � ' /� �'/� ` �.� „ �- /��.��', l ^ , I�/ ` ,, � �i w , � � < ' .. 1 j a �� �/ , . � �.</ o -� J / ' / � ' /i , ��/�' '"Q �� � ,'.��i �,. ^ . r � '' : � �\ ` � �—_ -- `— -- _ i-ea� — < ��I � W\ I Y \ \ � U; \\\ /, I /\� \` ,GZ�� _�� C,./ = - !'% . . ' � _� _ �-. , � � 1= � �� N � O cn Z ic� �1 4$ II I A �� ��. �° z C —_�..., �� :ii.. ....xii •' /�-r �� � ��? 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Metal Cap and Access Panels & Lights "NOrth Stdr". . . . . . . . . . 90.00 250.00 200.00 6,820.00 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000.00 SUB TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overhead 108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surveying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plans and Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GRAND TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Add $5,500.00 if soil conditions do not allow for slab on grade construction of sign monument. *� Plan apecifies 8" diameter poles. Vaughns, distributers of poles, says that 6" is largest standard pole in 30'; 7' largest in 35'. JM:jt 3/9/87 552,490.80 5,249.08 2,OQ0.00 3,200.00 1,500.00 564,439.88 4E CI7Y OF FRIDLEY APPEALS COMMISSION h1EETING, MARCH 17, 1987 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Qetzold called the tlarch 17, 1987, Appeals Commission meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. R�LL CALL: Mer�ibers Present: Donald f3etzold, Alex Barna, Jerry Sherek, Kenneth Uos Menbers Absent: Diane Savage Others Present: Darrel Clark, City of Fridley Bill and I�lary Bissonett, P.O, 296,Prior Lake, �1n, Dick Reynolds, 14p1s. APPROVAL OF �U1RCN 33 1987, APPEALS COPI�9ISSION 11I�IUTES: MOTZON BY l4R. S�A, SECONDED BY MR. SHEREK, � ApPROPE TNE MARCH 3, 1987, APPEALS C014MSSSION MINUlES AS WIZZTTEN. iTPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSQN BETZOLD DECLRRED TXF. MOTZOt7 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. �. MOTION BY-Mk. BARNA� SECONDED BY MR. SXEREK� TO WRIVE TXE FORMAL READZIIG OF THE PUBLZC HEARSNG NOTICE AND TO OPEN THE PDBLIC HEARZNG. UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYE� CHAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED TNE MOTION CARI27ED UNANIMOUSLY AND THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 7:32 P.M. Chairperson Betzold read the Adminis�rative Staff Report: ADMINISTRATIV[ STAFF REPORT 155 - 195 SATELLITE LAPJE N.E. VAR #87-06 APPEALS COtiMISSION 11EETIN�, 11ARCH 17, 1987 PAGE 2 A. PUBLIC PURPOSE SERVED BY REQUIREMENT: Section 205.09.3, R, 2d,requires that accessory buildings shall be set back a minimum 5 feet from any property line in side yard not adjacent to a street right-of-way. Public purpose served by this requirement is to maintain adequate side yard setbacks, maintain clear access for fire fighting, and reduce conflagration of fire. Section 205.09.3, D, 2b, requires that where a driveway is provided in the side yard, the minimum required side yard is 25 feet. Public purpose served by this requirement is to reduce visual poliution in areas adjacent to lot 19nes and to separate parking with landscaped areas. Section 205.09.3, D, l, requires a front yard setbacY, of not less than 35 feet for all structures. Public purpose served by this requirement is to provide desired front yard space to be used for green areas and to provide adequate space for fire fighting purposes. B. STATED HARDSHIP: "To correct non-conforming setbacks to lawful, variance, conforming setbacks." C. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW: The Cherrywood apartment buildings and garages were constructed between 1965 and 1966. The property management team for the Cherrywood apart- ments is seeking three variances for conditions that are currently non- conforming, in order to "clean-up" the property from a legal point of view. These three variances are as follows: 1. Reduce the side yard setback of an existing garage from 5 feet to 2.9 feet; 2. Reduce the side yard setback of an existing apartment buildinc� from 25 feet to 23.5 feet; and, 3. Reduce the front yard setback of an existing apartment building from 35 feet to 34 feet. Also, the existing garage that requires the side yard setback is located across a 10-foot utility easer�ent. The utility companies have indicated that they are unarilling to vacate this easement. The petitioner under- stands the liabilities relating to their garage 6eing located on this easenent. APPEALS COHMISSIOPJ �4EETING, MARCH 17, 1987 PAGE 3 Mr. Clark stated a survey was conducted on this property in October 1985 and shortly after that the petitioner did petition to have the mentioned easement vacated. Both Northwestern Beli and NSP do not want the easement vacated, because they do have utilities in that easement. As stated in the Staff Report, all the apartment buildings were existing and were built some tine ago. Two of the three vacancies met code at the time the buildings were constructed. Mr. Clark stated he had talked to the City Attorney a6out the easement, and the City Attorney recommended that unless the petitioner could get letters from the utilities a9reeing to the encroachment into the easement, the City should not grant the variance for the garage. Mr. Clark stated he had talked to a representative from NSP, and though they are not asking that the garage be moved, they were not o�illing to put it in writing that they did not care if the garage was on the easement. Mr, Bissonett stated he was representing the petitioner and property owner. He stated they have had a new mortgage put on the property, and the lenders have indicated they want the title cleaned up. So, the reason for the variances rras to clean up the title. And, if they were ever to sell the property in the future, if the title was not cleaned up, it would just be another problem at the tine of closing. Mr, Bissonett stated the buildings were constructed at a time when they were supposedly legal. The front yard setback, whether an error in staking or whether there was a change in the survey at that time, was not known, but it was a minor variance (1 ft,). He could understand why the City would not want to grant the variance for the garage. They do not like having that easement over them, but it was there, and for some reason the garage was built under a power line. Obviously, they would like the easement vacated and the power line moved, but if the garage were to burn down or be destroyed, it cou7d be very easily relocated on the property, so that vaould not be a major hang-up for them. Mr. Betzoid stated the concern he had was that if the City granted the variances, the City was saying there was something unique about the property so that any- thing that ever goes on that property in the future could be 34 ft. instead of 35 ft., etc. Mr. Bissonett stated he spent 11 years as a Planning Commissioner and City Council member in another community, and had approached this type of thing a number of times. The way they usually approached it was that these were ciean-up items that did not make the property unique and that the act'ion of approving the variances did not grandfather the City's permission to another developer to do the same thing. These were specifically items that were germane only to this property and were clean-up items. If the variances had been granted at the time the ordinance was changed, it would have been very 7ogical, but that was not done, and now it was just a matter of cleaning up the title. APPEALS COHMISSION t4EE7ING PIARCH 17 1987 PAGE 4 Mr. Betzold stated he did not think there was much they could do about the utility easement. He didn't think they would need a variance for the side- yard setback from 25 ft, to 23.9 ft. because it was already a legal non- conforming use. The building was constructed according to the code at the time, and they cannot make anyone move the building simply because of a code change. Mr, 6issonett stated the only problen with that was when they are dealing with income property, the mortgage companies get very paranoid at the thought of having a legal nonconforming property. When it is a legal nonconforming property, there is always the outside chance that if the building was destroyed in any way, they might have to rebuild to a smaller size or a different con- figuration which would affect the income stream; i,e., make it difficult for the oVrner to repay the mortgage. Mr, 6etzold stated that was his concern--that if they do grant the variances and the buildings were ever destroyed, that the owner could re6uild exactly to where it was right now, even though the code was changed. P1r. Bissonett stated if the variances were more like G-8 ft., he wouldn't strongly argue for these variances, but they are sciall dimensions, and he did not feel it was anything that would cause any real problems. If the variances were not granted and the buildings were destroyed, they could probably build the 6uilding the same size, but they would have to relocate the foundations to do it and that would be a big physical problem. As far as the garage, it was on a floating slab, and if they had to move that, it would not be a big deal. MOTION BY DR. VOS� SECONDED BY MR. Bl�RNA� TO CIASE THE PUBLZC HERRING. UPON R VOSCE VO"_'E, ALL VOSING AYE, CHAZRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED AT 7:45 P.M. Mr. Darna stated he had no problem with the front yard setback and the one side yard setback. As far as the back line from the garage, there was additional property to the east. f4r. Bissonett stated that right noY� the property immediately to the east was part of a planned unit development proposed to the City of Fridley by Lundgren Development Corp., and the chance of purchasing any property at this tir�e would probably be very difficult. Mr. Qarna stated one of the guidelines the Appeals Commission had to look at was whether there was property available that possibly could be purchased. Mr. Clark stated the owners could take the garage that now faces nest, turn it and face it south and back it up 6 ft. off the north line, and they would not lose parking but would actually gain some parking. Mr. Barna stated that if the garage burned down, and the owner came in for a building permit to rebuild, would this �,asement enfringement be caught at that time? APPEALS COMt4ISSI01d MEETItIG MARCH 17 1987 PAGE 5 Mr. Clark stated the survey v�ould be in the folder for that property so it was a r�atter of record at the City. Dr. Vos stated he had no difficulty with the variances as requested. He had a hard time even spotting the 2.9 ft. to the property line since everytliin� was vacant both unrth and east of the apartment buildings. He stated the best looking property in the whole area was the apartment buildings. He did not think anyone would sell 2 ft. just for an apartment garage; and, from tlie lot line to the next building on the east side, there was quite a distance. Mr. 5herek stated he had no problem with the side yard and front yard variances for the building, but he would not support the variance for the garage setback. He felt the mortgage company's complaints about not having these setbacks con- forming with respect to the apartment building, he could understand that and could see rihy it would be extremely important. It was not a consideration they sliould probably be dealing with, but the property was already developed tliat v�ay, and it was not the fault of the present owners. Even if ttie garage did burn, he did not think that would significantly affect the income stream and the nort9age company shouldn't cause any kind of penalty because of it. The garage could easily be rebuilt. I+Ir. Betzold stated his concerns were more legal tt�an practical. Practically speaking, the City was not going to make any changes. He did appreciate where the petitioner was coming from, because he did know mortgage companies did get sornevrhat unreasonable sometimes. However, he was really concerned that by granting the variances, the City was s�ying there was something unique about the property that created a hardship which meant the buildinq would have to be built 34 ft. instead of 35 ft., 23.5 ft. instead of 25 ft., etc. He did not see that the uniqueness was there, and he would like to think that there was some less restrictive alternatives available, and that somehow the attorneys for both parties could work together to come up with some promise by the City that the City would never do anything that o-rould impair the property unless tlie buildings were torn doo-rn and something else was built on it. 11r. [3etzold stated he would have to vote against the variances for these reasons. #4�. Betzolrt stated he wuuld agree with Commissioner Sherek that he could not go along with the garage setback because by sanctioning that variance, they were putting the City on line that if the utility company comes along and i£ there was a lawsuit or anything, the City would get caught in it, and the City did not want to be put in that position. MOTION BY MR. BRRNA� SECONDED BY MR. SHEREK� TD RECOMMEND TO CZTY COUNCIL RPPROVAL OF VARIANCE REQUESTS� VAR N87-06� BY LRNG-NELSON, PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 205.09.3�D� 2b� OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE � REDUCE THE SIDE YARD SETBACK OF AN RLREADY EXISTING APARTMENT BUILDING FROM 25 FT. TO 23.5 FTj AND� PURSUANT � CHAPTER 205.09.3� D, 1� OF TNE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE FROS7T YARD SETBACK OF AN ALRERDY EXISTING RPARTMENT BUILDING FRDM 35 FEET TD 34 FEET� ALL ON LDT 1� BIAQC 1� SYLVAN HILIS PLAT 8, AND LOT 2� BIACK 1, SYLVAN HILLS PLAT 6, THE SAME BESNG 155-195 SATELLITE LANE N.E., FRIDLEY, l9N, 55432. APPEALS COPiMISSION MEETING, M{\RCN 17 1987 PAGE 6 UPON A VOICE VOTE� BARNA, SHEREK� VOS VOTING AYE� BETZOLD V022NG NAY� CHAZRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRIED BY A VOPE OF 4-2. MOTION BY MR. BRRNA, SECONDED BY MR. SHEREK, TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COONCIL DENIAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST, {�B7-06, BY LANG-NELSON, PURSUANT TO CNAPTER 205.09,3,D� 2d, OF THE FRIDLEY CITY CODE TO REDUCE THE SZDE YRRD SETBACK OF RN RLREADY EXISTING GARAGE FROM 5 FT. TD 2.9 FT. ON LOT 2, BZACK 1� SYLVRN HILLS PLAT 8, AND IAT 2, BLOCK 2, SYLVAN XILLS PLAT 6� THE SAME BEING ISS-S95 SATELLITE LANE N.E., FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA 55432. UPON A VOICE VOSE� BARNA� SHEREK� BETZOLD VOTING RYE, VOS VOTING NAY� CHAZRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED RY A I�OTE OF 4-1, ADJOUR�I�IEN7: MO_TION BY DR. VDS� SECONDED BY MR. SHEREK� TO RDJOURN THE MBETING. UPON A VOICE VOTE, RLL VOTING RYE� CHRIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARED THE MARCH 27� 2987� APPEALS C014MZSSZON MEETTNG ADJOURNED AT 8:10 P.M. Respectfully sub tted, ��'..9'Y. '>X/L�,G Lyn e Saba Recording Secretary . :u 1_ _+ ► ,:. 4� ► ' + I • 1. PETITIOPER TO ENCLOSE �EW STORAGE AREA WITH 8 FOOT HI(�I CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH STAFF APPROVED VINYL SCREENING SLATS ALL ALON6 THE NORTH AND WEST SIDES PRIOR TO ANY STORAGE. 2. F'ETITIONER TO SPRAY PA{NT EXISTIN6 SLATTED FENCE iWHERE UINE GR(7rJTH ALLOWS) TO MAT(}I I�EW FENCE SLATTING BY JUfJE 35�, 1987, 3. PETITIUNER TO INSTALL LAf�DSCJaPING AS PER CITY PLAlV DATED MARCH 18. 1987 BY .1UNE 30. 19f37 ����.� XIS� �' C�:� ei�o�vrvv�.( .9�'.�''�'r�'�� �- � !>F3�V� � � wA �7"z 7`�I.Ct� o� � 1� Iw�..� G� 4. PETITIOPER TO �R� IRRIGATION1�����GAPING BY JUNE 3l�, ��%, L�-iue } -c�, r�� -�� �-t �, � � I f�'�C cv�z �t�l,�� A7s� �s���� V�lu�s. 5. PET I T I OPER RENIOVE aR REPA I R SECUR I TY F#JT AT MA I N ENTRY BY JIdJE 310 , 19tf7 . l b, PETITIOf�ER TO INSTALL BLACKTOPPING AND CONCRETE CURBING FOR SALVAGE YARD ' AND SHORTY'S TCWING AS SHQ^1N ON CITY PLAN DATED MARCH 18. 1 8� BY JULY 31, 1987 .��3�--c� �� �� Y�YZ�� r�'l �� �,,«„��-� 7, PETITIOPER TO CCMBINE EXISTlNG PARCELS UVDER HIS Q�VNERSHIP {NTO ONE TAX PARCEL PRIOft TO COUNCIL APPROUpL. : � LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION B4SED UPON COUNTY AND NSP CONSIDERATIONS, �lr�� C�cfi..L(L-fsPP�l�—� BUf�L I NGTON NOR7HERN MUST AGdEE� TO REM(7JE THE B I L�OARD�L �I�TF��EAST OF EAST RIVER RQ4D AND SOUTH CF 44TH AVENUE NORiH • 1H. S�ciaL UsE PEra�ir dF EXISTING SPLVACf PUB1.. I SHED. IS FOR 1HE PROPERTY LYING APPROXIMATELY 6H9 FEET NORTH YARD. WHICH REPRESENTS A LESSER AMOUNT THAN THAT 11, A PERFOF�IANCE BOND OR LETTER CF CRED I T I N 7HE PMOUNT OF $�0.P100 TO COV ER IMPRWBViENTS TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY PRIOR TO EFFECTUATION CF SPECIPL UsE PERfn i T #{87�4 . i� � i l-'. � �, � PARKING CRITERIA FOR ATHLETIC CLUBS BLOOMINGTON Code has no specific requirements since athletic clubs differ in so many ways Judgement call - Look at the operational characteristics . Number of inemberships . Building - maximum capacity . 1 1/2 persons per vehicle Provide parking for 1/3 maximum capacity 9' x 18' typical stall WOODBURY - Parking criteria for athletic clubs is not specifically noted in code, thus it is determined by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council - 9' x 20' typical stall BROOKLYN CENTER - 20 stalls for the first 1,000 gross square feet, and beyond that 1 stall for every additional 300 gross square feet, and 2 stalls for every tennis court - 8'8" x 19'6" typical stall MINNETONKA Racquetball or Tennis Clubs: - 20 stalls plus 1 stall for every 500 feet of floor area Health & Fitness Clubs: - 1 stall for every 225 gross square feet - 8'6" x 18' typical stall � ; �, , � -2- EDEN PRAIRIE - No specific code requirements, but - Approximately 5 stalls per 1,000 square feet of building - 9' x 19' typical stall PLYMOUTH - Base of 20 stalls for building plus 4 stalls for every 200 square feet - 9' x 18'6" typical stall ST. LOUIS PARK - 10 stalls for the first 2,000 net square feet and 1 stall per 300 additional square feet - 9' x 20' typical stall and 7'6" x 15' for compact cars BURNSVILLE Tennis, Racquet and Handball Clubs: � - 4 stalls per court plus 1 stall per employee (largest work shift) � Private Clubs: - 1 stall per 3 persons based on maximum capacity of the building - 9' x 18' typical stall and 8' x 16' for compact cars EDINA In Commercial Areas: Court Clubs: - 6 stalls per court Aealth & Fitness Club: - 1 stall per 200 square feet of building In Industrial Areas: Court Clubs: - 6 stalls per court .I i . �_` � �� ' "" _ GZYOE' FRfDLEY � -CIVICCENTER • W31 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE(612) 571-345p Naici� 24, 1987 NLs. Pat F�rer 6716 7th Stieet FYidley, tTl 55432 SUBJECT: No Parking Ban Dear lis. Faner: � Attached is a listing of aFartrnent facilities located within the City. We do rot have a reoord of the building managers for ary properties owned by irdividuals outside of the City limits. If it is your desire, I Would remmnend that letters be sent to the attention of the managers of those rental property which have absentee owrera I have discussed the sponsorship of the public meeting vith the staff representatives to the City Planning Comnission �ey cesponded positively and the item will be presented to the Planning Comnission at their MHrch 25 I meeting. Recommend you call me after the 25th to confirm theic � w-sponsorship of this meeting. I have reserved Community Roam I in the Civic Center for a 7:30 p.m. meeting on April 14, 1987 for a discussion on the 2:00 a.m to 6:00 a.m. No �rking Ban d�ange to the City Ordinance. If I can be af further assistance to you in this meeting, please feel fcee to oontact me at 571-3450, exstension 159. Sincecely yours, �_;�'�-�- John G. £loza Director o� Puhlic Works JGF/mk Enclosues , •.- f' � � . +� CINOF FRI DLEY �o= FROM: I14RE: DIRECTORATE OF ' PUSLIC WOFiKB MEMOAANDUM Nasuo Qureshi. City i9rxger John G. F7ora �lublic Works Director March 12, 1987 SUBJEC,T: 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. No FBrking Ban �( � � �' ii+187�8 Last fall, we proposed a No Parking Ban during the winter snaw remwal season ducing the period of 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. Rt�e Council at that time suggested we bring it �ck to then for aonsideration in April. ge League of Wanen Voters have agreed to oonduct a puhlic meeting on this iten on April 14, 1987. I have �ntacted the New Bri�ton Iblice CY�ief, John Relly (633-1533) and Golunbia Heights Putalic Works Director. Fred Salsbucy (788-9221) and the Blaire City Mar�ger, Rici�ard John9on (784-6700) who have agreed to speak at the meeting in regards to their City's use of the No Parking Ban during the winter months during the 2:00 a.m to 6:00 a.m. period. Based upon the I,�gue of Wanen Voters' meeting. I recommend that the No Parking item be scheduled for oonsideration by the City Council at their April 20, 1987 meeting. JGF/ts Attac�ments �0: John G. Flora, Pu4l.ic Works Director FW87-53 FROM: Bob Nordahl, Operations Analyst lY�TE: Februacy 19, 1987 SUB.TEQ': City Wide "No F�rkino" Ban for Snow Renwal Last fail, we discussed a"NO Parking" ocdinance chanoe that would i�n Ferkinc on City streets fran Nwenber lst until April lst from 2:00 a.m. imtil 6:00 a m. �is recommendation was sutmitted to improve our snow renaval activities and reduce mst. �is winter was not a typical Minnesota wirter to analyze the parking proYalen (Snowbirds) or. Fridley Streets that the Putlic Works crews have enwuntered in the prior three winters. Although, on Novenber 20, 1986 (the first declared sraa energency of this winter) , almost 200 vehicles wece taaged and 2 vehicles weze taved duting cleanup opecations. 7fie pre�ious winter of 1985-1986. 459 vehicles were taooed and 23 vehicles were towed. Oaer 90 peroent of the tag�ng takes place during the initial snv,a cenaral opetations. The canaining 10 percent ace tagged gzioc to the cleanup operations. Parked vehicles on the streets :1av the initial snow renoval operation and cause snaa to be left in the streets entil the cleanuF oFerations tegin resulting in reduoed traveled ways, obstructions to vehicles, pedestrians and energency equipnent and increased s�w remwal costs. �e street renains snow-covered in those spots �mtil the cleanup is cosn�leted which oould be a considerakale �nount of time. Rhe cleanup operations become very eacpensive. Nany times, it requires wertime labor hours with additioral equignent and fuel costs to complete tl�e cleanup. In the past winters, we have estimated cleanup opexations costs to range between $2,000.00 to $4,000.00 per storm oepending on the snaafall anounts. If vehicles were not parked on the streets during the snow plowina operations, tl�e completion time would be shorter, less expensive and result in imprwed public acceptance. Imglenertation of a�cking ban fram 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. ducino the winter month� would allow all residents to remove their cars fion! tl�e streets without havino to decide if it will sna� at night, if the streets will be ploaed oz receive a�rking and/or taring citation. It will also allav the Public Works crews to open the Etnneraency routes faster and initiate full snow renwal operatiens in a more responsive manner. Ma� cities have ado�ted or are wnsiderino adopting this p�rkino ban to enhance and imprwe the efficier.cy and reduce costs of the snow renoval operation. Attached is a list of cities with =imilar ordinances in effect. JGF/Bty�ts ORDINAN� N0. - 1987 AN ORDINANCE RECODIFYING `II3E FRII�EY CITX CODE Q�IAPTER 506 ENTITLED "VF1iIQ,E FFIRKING° BY ANENDI� SDCSIDN 506.04. 7he City Co�mcil of the City of Fridley heret3+ ordains as follows: 506.04 UI�.TPL•NDED VFi3IQ,F5 1. No petson shall stop, park or leave a vehicle imatte�r3ed upon a street or highway in the City for a period in excess of 24 hours. anv vear to and includin4 the first day of Mav of the followinq vear• 506.05 SNCW RF2I7VAL - VIOLATIDN AND 7CY7ING 1. During the winter months, commencing on the first day of Novenber of ariy year, to and including the first day of May of the following year, it shall be a violation for any person to stop. �ark or leave standing a vehicle on any street or highway in su� a manner as to impede the glaain9 and/or renoval of any snaw, ioe, or waste on sud� street or hlcj�way. 2. whenever it shall be foimd necessacy to the proper direction oontrol, regulation of traffic, plaaing and/or the removal of snow, ioe or waste, or mainterance or imprwanent of any highway or street to renwe any vehicle standing on a highway or street in the City, then any Folice officer is authorized to prwide for the renwal of such vehicle and have the same ranoved to the rearest oonvenient c�grage or other glace of safety. Any vehicle stop�ed, parked or left standing on any highway or street in vialation of law and ranwed as prwided therein above, may be renwed upon order of a police officer and the cost of r�noval and storage of the same charged to the a�rer of the vehicle, as well as tl�e person causing sudi vinlation (Ref. 583) PASSID AND ALOPPID BY 7t3E QTY QX7NCIL OF 7HE CITY OF ERIDLEY THIS IYiY OF , 1987. ATTES T: SHIRLEY A. HAAH4LA - CITY Q,II2K First Reading: Seoond Reading: Put�lic-ation: WILL7AM J. NEE - hF�YOR