PL 05/20/1987 - 6915�, City of Fridle� AGENDA A,ANNING OJPRdLSSION NEETING WE�TNFSIY�Yr MAl' 20, 1987 7:30 P.M. Location: Coi.mcil Chanber (upper level) CAIL � OE�ER• ROI,L CN�I� • APPROVE PIANtdING Q7t9�1ISSION MINi1PES• F1�Y 6 1967 PAGES a[mrr� �AUr�• CONSIDERATION OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT P 4_ #R7-Od. KEN'S 1ST ADDZTION BY KEN BUREAU OF Id�SF.Ya00D PROPERTIFS, INC. . . . . . . . . 1 - 1F Being a replat of that part of Lot 5, Revised Auditoc's Subdivision No. 77, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the fallv«ring described line: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Osborne Road, as now laid out, with the easterly right of way line of Northern Pacific Railroad; thence northeasterly along said center line of Osborne Road, 436.5 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described, said centerline has an assuned bearing of Nortl� 51 degrees 3 minutes 20 seconds east; thence North 15 degrees, 40 minutes 0 seconcLS west, a distance of 436.5 feet; thence north 18 degrees 5 minutes 56 sewnds west, a distance of 561.73 feet, to its intersection with the north line of said Lot 5 and there terminating. Except that g�rt taken for 77th Avenue and Main Street. Also that g3rt of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying northecly of Osborne Road and westerly of Main Street. Generally located south of 77th Avenue, west of Main Street and north of Osborne Road. � PLADII�IZNG �PMLSSION bEh'PIIS I�,Y 20, 1987 PAGE 2 prmrrr �g��- CONSIDERATION OF A SPECTAL USE PERMIT SP #87-09 BY KEN BURFAU OF 1mSEFAOD PROPEKPIES INC . ...... 2- 2G Per Section 205.18.1, C, 1 of the Fridley City Code, to allar offices not associated with a princip�l use on that part of Lot 5, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 77, Anoka Coimty, Minnesota lying easterly of the following described line: Commencinq at the intersection of the centez line of Osborne Road, as now laid out, with the easterly right of way line of Northern Pacific Railzoad; thence northeasterly along said center line of Osborne Road, 436.5 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described, said centerline has an asswned bearing of nozth 51 degrees 3 minutes 20 seoonds east, thence nozth 15 degrees, 40 minutes 0 seconds west, a distance of 436.5 feet, thence north 18 degrees 5 minutes 56 seconds west, a distance of 561.73 feet, to its intersection with the north line of said Lot 5 and there terminating. Except that g3rt taken for 77th Avenue and Main Street. Also that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, lbwnship 30, Range 24, An6ka County, Minnesota, lying northerly of Osborne Road and westerly of Main Street. Generally located south of 77th Avenue, west of Main Street and north of Osborne Road RE(�NING ZHE MBdU'IES OF T4IE FNEE�Y �Mt+�SSION MEETING OF' APRIL 26, 1987 LILAC RECEIVING THE MINUTES OF THE PARKS & RECREATION �MMISSION !•Eh't']NG �' l�iY 4, 19&7 ��'• RECEIVING �43E MINUTFS OF THE APPEALS COMt•1ISSION MEETING QF NYiY 12, 1987 YII.a,oW (At Mtg.) C11iiER BUSIlVFSS: ' i � •���l5 I M : CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAr�P�I(�G C0141ISSIUN IIEETING, MAY 6, 1987 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Billings called the �1ay G, 1987, Planning Comnission meeting to or�er at 7:33 p.r�. ROLL CALL: Menbers Present: Steve 6illings, Dave Kondrick, Bruce Bondow (for Dean Saba), Sue Sherek, Donald Betzold 1leribers Absent: Richard Svanda Otiiers Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator Jock Robertson, Conmunity Developr�ent Director Joe I1aertens, 144 River Edge lJay flichael � Dorothy Gustafson, 381 - 66th Ave. W.E. f3ernard Sciiolzen, 430 Fairmont St. David J. Sinigaglio, 4875 - 3rd St. IJ.E. Uick Olchefski, 195 - 63�z Way ��.E. Sandy Olchefski, 195 - 63'; Way IJ.E. Donna Olson, 6430 East River Road [3ernadette 6enson, hiidwest Super Stop APPR�UAL OF APRIL 22 1937 PLANi�Ii�G COMMISSION MIt�UTES: P10TIOi� by �1r. t:ondrick, seconded by P1r. 6etzold, to approve the April 22, 1937, Planning Corimission ninutes o+ith the follrn�ing amendroent: Insert between Items 1 and 2: "Public Hearing: Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #,87-05, by t•1-L' Properties". This public hearing ti•ras originally scheduled for April 22, 1987, bu: by the petitioner's request (who was not present at the Apr•il 22 meetingl,the public hearing rras held over until the I•1ay 6, 19R7, Planning Comnission meetin9. Upona voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the motion carried unaniraously. l. PUf3LIC HEARIIJ6: COtdSIDERATI0�7 OF A SPECIAL USE PER�dIT, SP r37-05, BY P1-B PROPERTIES: Per Section 205.18.1, 6, 2, of the Fridley City Code, to alla� offices not associated ��ith the principal use; per Section 205.18.1,B, 9, of the Fridley City Code to alla! exterior storage of materials and equipment on Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 2, Caba Realty Addition, generally located south of 83rd Avenue and �aest of University Avenue. Mr. Billings stated this item was scheduled for the last meeting, but at the petitioner's request was held over until this meetinn. P10TION by t1s. Sherek, seconded by t1r. Betzold, to waive the formal reading of the public hearing notice and to open the public liearing. . � PLANWING C0�1�1ISSION MEETING. �4AY 6. 1987 PAGE Upon a vcice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing open at 7:36 p.m. t4r. Robinson stated the property �aas located on the southeast corner of 83rd Ave. and t4ain St. The zoning was M-2, heavy industrial, surrounded by heavy industrial on the west, cormercial zoning on the south, commercial zoning on the east, and just recently there was a rezoning on the north to R-3 �ahich was a proposed 358-unit apartr�ent complex. 14r. Robinson stated the proposal was for three multi-use offir,e/warehouse- type buildings. They are three separate tax parcels at this time. Iir. Robinson stated the parking was approximately 1-500 sq. ft. which was a speculative parkin9 ratio for this type of developnent. It would allow for approximately 45°0 office use and still enable the rest of the space to be rented as warehouse and have enough parking. 11r. Robinson stated Staff �aas recommending tlie folloviing stipulations: l. Apply for building setback variance from 33rd Avenue and process concurrently �aith special use permit. (11r. Robinson stated because of the rezoninq of the property across the street to F.-3, it set up a situation �ahere a setback of 100 feet from a street right- of-way 4�ould be required for industrial buildings abutting a right-of-way aJjacent to residential. So, the buildings located at 90 f±. setback and 35 ft. setbacl: to the right-of-way tirould be in variance to that building se*- back code. A variance would be processed through the Appeals Cor�mission.) 2. Provide and record joint driveoray easements between Lots 3, 4, and 5 tiahere corimon use is planned. amers to agree prior to Council approval. Ease- ments recorde�i prior to first building permit. 3. Provide ir�proved facade plans for staff approval ten days prior to Council revi e��. 4. Provide screening for loading doors on Phase I building through installa- tion of approved plantings, along 83rd Avenue, with Phase I construction. (I1r. Robinson stated the pfiasing for these buildings was not certain at this tirie, so they were asking that this screening be done along 83rd Ave. vrith the Phase I building so there would be immediate screening fror� the right-of-way to tl�e residential district.) 5. Provide three decorative masonry screening �ralls to screen loading doors, one at each building. 6. Provide eigfit foot high opaque fence around s±orage area in Pliase I construction. PlANN11�G COMI4ISSION FIEETIP�G, MAY 6 1987 PAGE 3 7. Developer to supply to City tenant type and buildng area calculations prior to each occupancy to monitor building usage and parking supply. Occupancy of building not to exceed parkinn supply. 8. Landscape plan to be refined and approved by Staff prior to Council approval. 9. Provide for 2 planting islands in front of eacfi building on revised plans. Mr. Detzold stated that if the buildings were intended to be built in phases, and maybe the other twn buildings night never be built, tiihat �aould happen 4aith the rest of the space between Quilding 1 and the landscaping on 33rd Ave.? h1r. Robinson stated it would just be a natural grassy area that ��ould have to be mowed. Mr. htaertens stated his intent at this time aras to improve the soil, take out the peat, and use sand to brina it up to grade and grade it off. It �•ras his incent to improve the Phase III area over a period of ti�e as r�aterials becar�e available. f�e stated all three lots have very bad soil. 11r. �4aertens stated he had a problem with stipulation �4. He vras not in favor of the landscaping along 83rd Ave. with the Phase I construction. That land- scaping �aas quite a way fron the building, ftuilding plans could change over a period of tine, and he really tfiougfit it would be money poorly spent to landscape that area at this time. The residential buildings were one-half block a�ray fron the building. The loading docks would be of decorative blocl:. A loi of business centers sir�ilar to this really have the loading area right in front �rhere people can service it. It is a combination service area and office area, so he did not think these loading doors vrould be particularly offensive. tir. Ffaertens stated right now this is a tentative landscape plan. Things could change, drive��ays could be relocated, and ±he buildings could get slightly re-oriented. Two years from now they could be tearing out landscapinn they just put in. He strongly felt it ��as wasted resources to put in that landscaping at this time. tle�i landscapin� was not goinq to conceal these loading doors on that side anyway, especially frora a three-story apartr�ent 6uilding. Mr. Robinson stated the apart�ent buildin� aiould start occupancy in the fall. Of course, the landscaping plans a�ere tentative, but there should be some screening. Landscaping was required regardless of the type of use, anrl ir the event a driveway needed to be realigned, trees could be noved. He stated it was obvious tliat it would be difficult to screen anything fror� a second or third story of the apartnent building, but re9ardless of what goes in on the prope.rty, a 20 ft. setback was required and that has to be landscaped. He did not thinl; it was an unnecessary or unfruitful investment. PLAt�NIftG COM�1ISSION t1EETI�IG, PfAY 6 1937 PA6F 4 ' Mr. 1�laertens stated another stipulation (�5) he would like to see deleted ��ras the one providing three decorative masonry screening walls to screen the loading doors, one at eacl� building. He stated this building was going to be quite attractive, and he did not think the loading doors were unattractive, so he did not see the need for the masonry screening walls. Other buildings sir:iilar to this do not have screening walls to hide their loading doors. 14r. Robinson stated two masonry walls would be very short. The one o�all that faced tiie residential area would be about 30-35 ft. long. He really felt the masonry screeninq a�alls were an important component in screening the loading dock doors. I�r. Itaertens stated another thing he would like to point out was that it i•�as his understanding tliat he would be required to have an irrigation system in the landscaped area. An irrigation system would have to be located in conjunction with the Phase II building, instead of Phase I. It would be ou± of sequence to put in irrigation in Phase I to take care of those plantin�s. t1r. Robinson stated tliat an,irrigation syster� could be put in with an extra coupling so tYiat oihen Phase II was developed, they could disengage from the Phase I system and hool; up to Phase II. t10TI0iJ by I1s. Sherek, seconded by f1r. Betzold, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, ali voting aye, Chairperson Qillings declared the publir. hearing closed at II:03 p.n. Ms. Sherek stated that regarding the landscaping along 83rd Ave., she really felt tliat landscaping would have to go in at some point, and she �rould be inclined to agree Yrith stipulation #4 that it be placed in there nov�. If they a�ere looking at a possible 5-]0 years before Phase II, she did not think it was fair to asl; the residents in the apartments across the street to lool: at the back side of the building for that period of time. As far as the irrigation syster�, that would have to be put in for Phase I anyway. MOTIOfJ by I1r. Betzold, seconded by �1s. Sherek, to recommend to City Council approval of Special Use Permit, SP #87-05, by M-B Properties, per Section 205,18.1, 6, 2, of the Fridley City.Code to allow offices not associated with the principal use; per Section 205.18.1, 6, 9, of the Fridley Ci±y Code to alloo� exterior storage of materials and equipment on Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 2, Caba Realty Addition, generally located south of 83rd Avenue and west of University Avenue, with the follaiin9 stipulations: 1. Apply for building setback variance from 83rd Avenue and process concurrently with special use permit. Z. Provide and record joint drive���ay easer�ents between Lots 3, 4, and 5 where common use is planned. Ovrners to agree prior to Councit approval. Easements recorded prior to first building permit. 3. Provide improved facade pians for staff approvai ten days prior to Council revie�r. PLAi�NII�G COMItISSIOt� t1EETING, V1AY 6, 1987 PAGE 5 4. Provide screening for loading doors on Phase I building throu9h installation of approved plantings along 83rd Avenue with Pliase I construction. 5. Provide three decorative masonry screening walls to screen loading doors, one at each building. 6. Provide eight foot high opaque screening fence around storage area in Phase I construction. 7. Developer to supply to City tenant ty�e and buildinn area calcula- tions prior to each occupancy to monitor building usage and parkinq supply. Occupancy of building not to exceed parking supply. 8. Landscape plan to be refined and approved by Staff prior to Council approval. 9. Provide for two planting islands in front of each building on revised plans. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the r�otion carried unanimously. h10TI0N by 11r. Betzold, seconded by P1r. Kondrick, to allovi Stipulation �l regarding the variances to 90 straight to the City Council from the Ap�eals Commission rather than having to cone back through the Plannin9 Corimission first. Mr. Billings stated he felt the Conmission was cognizant of the fact that the residential development across the street has, in fact, had an impact on this property after the time Mr. 1laertens entered into his purchase agreer�en±; and az this tine, the reason for the 100 ft. setback was so the residential property wasn't buffered right up against unattractive lookinq properties. He thought the variances had to be tied to a good looking landscape plan. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson 6illings declared tVie rnotion carried unanimously. f4r. Robinson stated the variances riould go before the Appeals Commission on i4ay 26 and both the variances and special use permit requests would go to the City Council on June l. 2. PU[3LIC HENRII�G: COf7$IDERATIOPJ OF A SPECIAL USE PEW1 DAVID SINIGAGLIO: Per Section 205.D7.1, C, l, of th allow a second accessory building on Lots 28 and 29, Addition, the same being 4875 - 3rd Street hJ.E. IT, SP k87-07, 6V e Fridley City Code to 61ock l, Plymouth MOTIOtd by t4r. Kondricl:, seconded by P1s. Sherek, to waive the formal reading o Tie public hearing notice and to open the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Bil9ings declared the motion carried unanimously, and the public hearing open at 8:10 p.m. , PLAIJNING COP1f1ISSI0N MEETING, MAY 6, 1987 PAGE 6 t4r. Robinson stated this request was for a second accessory building, a 624 sq. ft. attached garage. The property was located on 3rd St. just south of 49th Ave. The property was zoned single family. There was an existing paved driveway that leads to an existing garage (352 sq. ft.) at the rear of the lot. The petitioner was proposing a back door in the new garage so that tfie rear garage could also be accessed. The petitioner has expressed a desire to clean up his property. There has been sor�e problem a�ith outside storage in the past, and the new garage should help alleviate that problem. t4r. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the following stipulations: 1. Garage addition facade and roof to match house. 2. IJo outside storage of construction material is permitted in yard. Mr. David Sinigaglio stated he needed the new garage to store his trailer he pulls behind his truck. He is in the construction business and keeps a lot of his construction equipment and supplies in the trailer. P.ight now he has to keep the trailer in the driveway or yard. It was kind of an eyes�re, and f�e wanted to keep it in the garage also because of vandalism. He stated he lived in a nice neighborhood, and he wanted to improve his property and yard. �10TION by I�r. Kondrick, seconded by Pis. Sherek, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Qillin9s declared the public hearing closed at 8:13 p.m. MOTIOiJ by �1r. Kondrick, seconded by Hs. Sherek, to recommend to City Council approval of Special Use Permit, SP #87-07, by David Sinigaglio, per Section 205.07.1, C, 1, of the Fridley City Code to allow a second accessory building on Lots 23 and 29, Block 1, Plymouth Addition, the same being 4875 - 3rd Street fJ.E., with the following stipulations: 1. Garage addition facade and roof to match house. 2. No outside storage of construction material is permitted in yard. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Rillings declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Robinson stated this item would go to City Council on t1ay 18. 3. PUE3LIC HEARIfIG: CONSIDERATIO'7 OF A SPECIAL USE PEfU9IT, SP #87-08,by MICHAEL GUSTAFSON: Per Section 205.07.1, C, 1, of the fridley City Code, to allow a second accessory building on Lot 1, Block l, Meadowlands Addition, the same being 881 - 66th Avenue N.E. �10TION by �4r. Kondrick, seconded by Pts. Sherek, to waive the formal reading of the public hearing notice and open the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing open at 8:16 p.r�. PUIP�NII�G COt41I5SI0PJ MEETIN6, MAY 6 1987 PAGE 7 l�Ir. Robinson stated this property was located just north of 66th Ave. and to the north and west of Able St. on t4eadowlands Park. The proposal was for a second accessory building, a garage, to be located to the rear of the house. He stated tliere was quite a steep slope along the side of the petitioner's house where the driveway would be. He was not sure of the petitioner's plans but Staff was recommending the driveway slope be reduced as much as possible. i9r. Robinson stated Staff was recommending the follaving stipulations: 1. 6arage facade to match house. 2 3. Driveway to be at least three feet from adjoining lot. Drivev+ay slc-.e te be reduced as nuch as possibie. 4. Owner to secure NSP authorization of garage placement prior to construction. Mr. Gustafson stated that regarding stipulation �1 to have the garage facade match the house, he fiad thought of using a different type of facade for the garage, lie stated his house has v�hite steel siding, and he thought that the garage in its proposed location with the trees might look better with a reclwood facade. Hovrever, he would do whatever the City wanted. �1r. Bondow stated he agreed with Hr reciwood would have less of a visual property from the park. Gustafson. He stated he thought the impact than the white when viewing the Mr. Rohinson stated the intent of that stipulation was to ensure that the second accessory building was compatible with its surroundings. �1r. Billings stated he felt they could probably change that stipulation and let Staff approve tlie garage facade. �10TION by Mr. Betzold, seconded by 11s. Sherel:, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the public hearing closed at 8:25 p.m. MOTIOIJ by t4r. Betzold, seconded by 11s. Sherek, to recommend to City Council approval of Special Use Permit, SP �37-08, by Hichael Gustafson, per Section 205.07.1, C, 1, of the Fridley City Code to allow a second accessory building on Lot 1, Block 1, I�eadowlands Addition, the same beinq 881 - 66th Avenue IJ.E., with the follov�ing stipulations: l. Garage facade to be approved by Staff. 2, Driveway to be at least three feet from adjoining lot. 3. Driveway slope to be reduced as much as possible. 4. Owner to secure fJSP authorization of garage placement prior to construction. 4. COIiP1IS5I0N MEETIt�G, MAY 6. 1987 PA6E 8 Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billin9s declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Robinson stated this item would go to City Council on May lII. ,/ ! • : a P.S. #87- OLIVER OLSOIJ ADDITIOIJ, QY DONIdA OLSOIJ: Bein9 a replat of Lot l, Block l, Viet's 2nd Addition, and Lot 26, Revised Auditor's Subdivision fJo. 23, according to the p]ats thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, Minnesota, the same being 6430 East River Road N.E. P40TIOiJ by t1r. Kondrick, seconded by t4r. Qetzold, to waive the formal reading of the public hearing notice and to open the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Cliairperson Billings declared the motion carried unanimously and the public hearing open at 8:26 p.m. Pir. Robinson stated this petition involved a singie parcel of residential property on the souttiwest corner of East River Road and 64%Z Way. The property was zoned sinqle family. The proposal was to split the parcel, which included a single family existing home, into three single fami?�� lots, creating t��o additional buildable lots. Mr. Robinson stated a lot split request was reviewed by the City Coiancil in 19E32, and a copy of those minutes dated May 3, 1982, were included in the agenda. At that time there was some controversy as to the size of the lots and also a proposed street easment which the City was requesting to run along the west side of the property. Mr. Robinson stated that in 1982, a lot split approved by the City Council was rejected by the petitioner, and the petitioner was back at this time ask- ing for a different subdivision. Mr. Robinson stated the proposal was for a corner 7ot (Lot 3) to be 73.39 ft. in width, the middle lot (Lot 2) to be 65 ft. in width, and the resident's lot (Lot 1) would have the balance of 128 ft. in width. Mr. Robinson stated that as far as lot area, Lot 1 was 17,177 sq. ft., Lot 2 would have 8,952 sq. ft., and Lot 3 would have 11,064 sq. ft. The code required that corner lots be 80 ft. in width and that all lots be a minir�um of 75 ft. in width. All lots must have an area of 9,000 sq. ft. so the plat as proposed had 3 variances for lot width (Lot 2 and 3) and one for lot area for the r�iddle lot (Lot 2). I�r. Robinson stated Staff was proposing that the lot widths and lot areas be as folla�s: Lot 1(resident's lot) - 121 ft. wide; lot area - 16,262 sq, ft. Lot 2(middle lot) - 70 ft. wide; lot area - 9,646 sq, ft. Lot 3(corner lot) - 75 ft. wide; lot area - 11,285 sq. ft. PLANNII�G C0�1�1ISSIOP� MEETING, �4AY 6, 1987 PA6E 4 t4r. Robinson stated a-variance would still be needed on the corner lot and middle lot for a lot width of 5 ft. �4r. Robinson stated that in 1982, the City Council approved a 76 ft. width for the corner lot (Lot 3), 60 ft. width for the middle lot (Lot 2), an�i 84 ft. width for the petitioner's lot (Lot 1). He believed the 84 ft. width must have been a mistake in the ninutes because it did not add up to the total t•iirJth of the three lots. Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recor�mending the following stipulations for both the preliriinary plat and the vacation (Iten 5 on the agenda): 1. Provide for the following lot widths: A} corner 75 feet; S3) middle 70 feet; C) westerly approximately 121 feet. 2. Provicle a 25 ft. street easement along west of property with 25 ft. triangle at intersection with 64'-; Way. 3. Provide 10 ft. utility easement (in addition to proposed street ease- ment) along west and along north of plat. 4. All future electric service to 6e underground. 5. Two park fees to be paid with building permits; Council to prescribe amount. , 6. Lot width variances are approved with subdivision; corner from �40 ft. to 75 ft., middle from 75 ft. to 70 ft. 7. Improve entrance to existing house by eliminating old garage door and re-orienting entry, (11r. Robinson stated that in 1983 a garage perr�it was issued for a new garage which now faces 64%2 Way. Originally when the garage was built, it was oriented towards East River Road. Along with that 1983 building permit, there was a stipulation that the existing garage be converted to livinn space and that completion should be accomplished within 90 days after the garage was completed. So, it lias now been several years since the garage was built, and that should be taken care of.) � 8. No access allowed on East River Road. Mr. Robinson stated the road easement that was being proposed alona the westerly side of the property was for a future road. There viere three houses on that side that were serviced by a dirt drive to East River Road, and there was a master plan {included in the agenda) that would include a 50 ft. right- of-way (25 ft. from the park and 25 ft. from the petitioner's property) culminating in a cul-de-sac which would open up access to potentially five properties. Y PLANNII�G C�P1MISSION PIEETING, t1AY 6 1987 PAGE 10 �1r. 6iliings asked what the sizes of the lots were across the street on 64'-z Way. Mr. Robinson stated those lots were 100 ft. in width. Ms. Donna Olson stated that because of the fact that she was changing the position of her home from facin9 East River Road to facing 64'z Way and the way the house was situated on the lot, cutting her sideyards down and provid- ing an easernent across the back of the lot would leave her with no sideyards or backyard. She stated she has a Targe four-bedroom house that will accommo- date a large fami]y but no yard. If the house was built to face 64'-� Way, it would probably have been built closer to 64'�!•lay, but it was sitting back farther than the required 35 ft. setbacl<. 11s. Olson stated she did olant to finish the construction they have started. The smaller her lot becones, the less money she will get fror� Twin City Federal to heip finance the finishing of the construction. She stated the City Council approved a 60 ft. width lot for.the middle lot in 1982. All she was asking for now was a 65 ft. width. She did not mind giving the ease- ment in the back as long as she had a decent yard around the house. Mr, f3etzold stated they are stuck with the parameters that are existin�. With a fairly large house on Lot l, by squeezing down the other two lots, it made a fairly small lot for Lot 2. Why not sp]it into just two lots? Ms. Olson stated she has already incurred so much expense in doing all this that it would not be feasible financially. his. Olson stated she viould also not object to the easer�ent as long as she would be exempt from any assessments for a road if a road ever goes in there. Mr. Robinson stated that was a stipulation made by the City Council in 1982, that there �rould be no future assessment to Ms. Olson's lot unless she used the street. MOTION by I�r. Kondrick, seconded by F1r. Betzold, to close the public hearing. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Qillings declared the public hearing closed at 8:46 p.m. Mr. Betzold stated the City Council was tryin9 to avoid substandard lots created by lot splits. In looking at this, he saw the existing house was on a 128 ft. wide lot, but a portion of that would be taken up for a future road. He thought a comparable lot could be created next to �t, and he would be more comfortable with two lots rather than three lots. t4r. Kondrick stated he agreed, that too much was trying to be put on this property. PLANIJII�G COM�1ISSION MEETING, MAY 6, 1987 PAGE 11 tds. Olson stated these lots have already been sold, subject to the lot split, and plans have been approved by the City for houses that will fit on tl�ose lots. Tfie houses would be a comparable value to her home. Mr. Kondrick stated that even though that was the case, he would have to vote in favor of the stipulations for the revised lot widths as recommended by Staff. P1r. 6illings stated he agreed with Hr. Detzold and Mr. Y,ondrick. He thought it ���ould be more appropriate to end up with two lots, each being approximately 130 ft. in width which would be consistent with the 100 ft. wide lots across the street. The petitioner had indicated that this would not be economically feasible. 7he Planning Commission was not obligated to do things which were motivated by financial criteria; ho�•iever, at the same time, some concessions were made by the City Council in 1982, and he thought the cor�pror�ise made by Staff on the lot widths was a fair compromise. It was not what they would li4;e to see, but it was sor�ething they could probably live with. He could no along r�ith the stipulations as recommended by Staff. Mr. Billings stated he would like to see the Planning Cor�mission recommend to the City Council that the park fees be 5750/lot for two lots, rather than $1,500, because of the additional expense the petitioner has e�one to for the replat and the petitioner's willingness to v�ork out a compromise. MOTION by Nr. Kondrick, seconded by Ms. Sherek, to reconmend to City Council approval of Preliminary Plat, P.S. #,87-03, Oliver �lson Addition, by Donna Olson, being a replat of Lot 1, Block 1, Veit's 2nd Addition, and Lot 26, Revised Auditor's Subdivision No. 23, according to the plats thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Anoka County, 11innesota, the same being 6430 East River Road, with the following stipulations: 1. Provide for the follov�ing lot widths: (1) corner 75 ft.; (2) middle 70 ft.; (3) westerly approximately 121 ft. 2. Provide a 25 ft. street easement along west of property with 25 ft. triangle at intersection with 64% Way. Petitioner not to be assessed for street improvements provided petitioner does not access new road. 3. Provide a 10 ft. utility easenent (in addition to proposed street easement) along west and along north of plat. 4. All future electric service to be underground. 5. Two park fees to be paid with building permits; each park fee to be �750. 6. Lot widtli variances are approved with subdivision; corner from 86 ft. to 75 ft., middle from 75 ft. to 70 ft. 7. Improve entrance to existing house by eliminating old garage door and re-orienting entry. II. IJo access allowed on East River Road. Upon a voice vote, Billings, Kondrick, Bondow, Sherek, voting aye, Betzold voting nay, Chairperson Sillings declared the motion carried by a vote of 4-1. PLAP�f�IN6 COh11•1ISSION MEETIPJ6, MAY 6� 1987 PAGE 12 Mr. Eillings stated he wanted the City Council to note that at least three Planning Commission members were in favor of two lots rather than three lots. Also, they would like the City Council to note that the garage that a permit was issued for in 1983 has not yet been completed. 5. COI�SIDERATION OF A VACATION REQUEST, SAV #87-03, BY OOfJNA OLSOP�: To vacate a 6 foot drainage and utility easement created by Veit's Second Addition, generally located at 6431 East River Road N.E. Mr. Robinson stated there was presently a 6 ft. utility easement that ran across the lnlddle of the existing lot. This would have to be vacated in order to build a new house. There were no utilities in that easement. The only recommendation they had was fron NSP and Nortel Cable that the easement be repiaced with a 10 ft. easer�ent along the west and along the north side of the property. The prior stipulations with the plat included the provision for that easement and also that there be underqrourtd electrical service. There o-rere no further stipulations. MOTION by 14s. Sherek, seconded by 11r. Kondrick, to recomnend to City Council approval of Vacation Request, SAU #II7-03, 5y Donna Olson, to vacate a 6 ft. drainage and utility easement created by Veit's Second Addition, generally located at 6431 East River Road N.E. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared thP motion carried unanimously. Mr. Robinson stated this vacation request and tlie preliminary plat would go to City Council on June 1. CONSIDERATIO�J OF A LOT SPLIT, t_.S. #87-03, BY E3ERNA�ETTE BENSOtJ OF P1IDWEST SUPER STOP: To split oft all that part ot Lot 13, Rev�sea HuUitor'S Sub- division No. 103, Anoka County, Minnesota, accordin� to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Anoka County Recorder, lying easterly of the easterly line of Lot 2, Block 1, tJaynes first Addition and westerly of a line drawn from a point on the easteriy line of said Lot 2, Block l, distant 1.5 feet southerly of the northeast corner of said Lot 2 to a point on the easterly extension of the southerly line of said Lot 2, Blocl: 1, distant 45.0 feet east of the southeast corner thereof, generally located at 8100 East River Road N.E. t1r. Robinson stated tife property was located on the southwest corner of Fairmont and East River Road. In 1984 a special use permit was issued for the construction of a gasoiine facility. He stated the petitioner, Bernadette Benson, had done a very nice job of rehabbing that corner. After moving into the building, they discovered their property line was not identical to the fence line west of the building 6ut ran at a drastic angle to what would be the side and back yard of the adjacent family house. In order to clean up this problem, they have agreed to split the property west of the fence and will be sel7ing the property to the neighbor who will combine that with his lot which will then bring his lot up to code. After the split, the lot area for the gas station will be 21,800 sq. ft. which was more than adequate by code. Code requirement was 20,000 sq. ft. PLANNIt�G COF44ISSION MEETIMG, MAY 6 1987 PAGE 13 Mr. Robinson stated Staff was recoramending the following stipulations: l. Execute and return street easement agreement (17 ft. along East River Road) prior to recording lot split. 2. Provide dumpster screening prior to recording lot split. 3. Provide hedging along Fairmont Street with edging, weed barrier, and muich prior to recording. 4. Suhdivided parcel to be added to residential lot to west concurrently with recording. MOTTON by �4r. Bondow, seconded by Pir. Kondrick, to recommend to City Council approval of Lot Split, L.S. #87-03, by Bernadette 8enson of tlidwest Super Stop, �aith the following stipulations: l. Execute and return street easement agreement (17 ft. along East River Road) prior to recording lot split. 2. Provide dumpster screenin9 prior ta recording lot split. 3. Provide hedging along Faireront Street with edging, weed barrier, and mulch prior to recording. 4. Subdivided parcel to be added to residential lot to o-rest concurrently with recording. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Robinson stated this would go to City Council on tlay 18. 7. RECEIVE t1ARCN 2, 1987, PARKS & RECREATION COPiMISSIQN �1INUTES: MOTION by Pir, Kondrick, seconded by Idr. Qetzold, to receive �larch 2, 1987, Parks � Recreation Commission minutes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the motion carried unanimously. 8. RECEIVE APRIL 2, 1987, HUMAN RESOURCES COP1MISSIOfJ �1INUTES: MOTION by �1s. Sherek, seconded by Mr. Betzold, to receive April 2, 1987, Hunan Resources Commission minutes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the motion carried unanimously. 9. RECEIVE APRIL 9, 1987 HOUSIt�G & RE�EVELOPP1ENT AUTHORITY t4ItJUTES: MOTION by �1r. Kondrick, seconded by t1s. Sherek, to receive the April 9, 1987, Housing & Redeveloprient Authority minutes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the motion carried unanimously. 1 PLANNItdG COMMISSIOP� MEETING, MAY 6, 1987 PAGE 14 10. RECEIVE APRIL 21 19II7, ENVIRONFtENTAL QUALITY COMhtISSION P4INUTES: P107IOfJ by Ms. Sherek, seconded by Mr. Y.ondrick, to receive the April 27, ]987, Environmental Quality Commission minutes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings declared the motion carried unanimously. 11. RFCL"IVE APRIL 28, 1987, APPEALS COMitISSIOtJ MINUTFS: F10TIOI� by P1r. Betzold, seconded by Ms. Sherek, to receive the April 28, 1937, Appeals Commission minutes. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Billings cleclared the notion carried unanimously. ADJOURIJMENT: MOTIOfI by t4r. Kondrick, seconded by �4r. Bondow, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, atl voting aye, Chairperson Qillings declared the Iday G, 1987, Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, .j�i , � �>: ). c �(C �'� cL� Lynne Saba Recording Secretary t O-�� � _ �C-t7'� /i%C�-�, �, / � � 7 ���� : `.;Oi� /%9L'[�n,» � , �-� .�. � � r � �� ,--�,��..� .,�ti�..�� , �,,,�.��.��: , ���,� Z`='�,-<.�%-�.�_ � �� ��} V j r� ��t r'1 I� F�`�� t U ��G,�� l���C��/`✓/��� -�l : �t(�� ir� � C� �-�-�k � � if' ,�,�-F,e ���F lii�/i g�!- CC� �� ��s°. y �o :�'���-n1`�.�t L- `�`'_ - ?�� "T � - — � �. - P _ %1.���' 4�s7s - 3�'s" ��7` lt� , ;�< ' �> .� c;' �i'hj �4, _- _� , r ��.� ?�d �� �✓ � �y CITY OF FRIDLEY � 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRiDLEY, MN 55432 (612)5T1-3450 _ � . _:� REZONING REQUEST ZOA � 1 VACATION RE�UEST SAV � PLAT7ING REQUEST P.S. #8�"�� �2Uf5T FEE 500.00 PARR FEE 9,217.00 RE�IFP #�✓'1�s Sa3ESxJLID PLADiN1NG WF4�ISSION MEEPING II4TE 5/20/87 SQiIDULID CITY Q�[JNCIL P'�ETING IIATE PROPERTY INFORMATION PROPERTY ADIRFSS � �g� - Attached I,�AL DESQ2IFPION: LAT BI�OCR TRACffADDITION PRF�fNT ZQJING h12 �:� � �� • � 6/15/8? RFASQd �R R$2UFST: A site plan shaaing the proposed future use is r�uired for all rezoning. Platting Request - %�y l� � � �{ E�, ***��**�*****r�**********�***x******,r*r****,r**�**,r*****:*******�x****:**��*******�** FEE OWNER INFORMATION t�Ar� (please print)�nsolidated Container Corp. ��E � Z� 339-y g3j pp�g�G 753 �ey�th 3rd Street SIGN117URE ; Note to Co r******�**•. PETITIONER INFORMATION A4�t 55401 NAI� {please print) ROS�O°d �OT'Poration pH(�IE p�pg� 1711 West County Road B Siiite 300 South i `% �r or o ocess���*� ***�**�* *****� (612) 636-8050 Roseville. MN 55113 SIGt�Ugg j�.�__,_.,_e�l� �, pa� 4/20/87 *******�*#***�***,r::******�****************�s**,r***�**,r**:**********�***�******�**** I'I�ANtdING Q�Mt•IISSION : APPRWID QTY OJUNCIL: APPRWFD STIHJLATIONS: �� ��� �• ��, ��� ��� � :� .• � • i � •• �� • Notice is herd�y given that there will be a Public Hearing of the Planning Crnunission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, May 20, 1987 in tt� �uncil Q�airber at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Prelimu,� ;, Plat, P.S. #87-04, Ken's lst Addition, by Ken Bureau of Rosewood Properties, Inc., being a replat of that part of Lot 5, Revised Auditor's S1�bdivision No. 77. Anoka County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the following described line: �unencing at the intersection of the center line of Osborne Road, as naa laid out, with the easterly right of way line of Northern Pacific Railroad; thence northeasterly along said center line of Osborne Road, 436.5 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described, said centerline has an assumed bearing of North 51 degrees 3 minutes 20 seconds east; thence North 15 degrees, 40 minutes 0 seconds west, a distance of 436.5 feet; thence north 18 degrees 5 minutes 56 seconds west, a distance of 561.73 feet, to its intersection with the north line of said Lot 5 and there terminating. Except that part taken for 77th Avenue and Main Street. Also that part of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 11, `Ibwnship 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lying northerly of Osborne Rca3d and westerly of Main Street. Generally located south of 77th Avenue, west of Main Street and north of Osborne Road. Any and all pers�s desiring to be heazd shall be given an opportunity at the aba�e stated time and place. SPEVE BILLINGS Q-IAIRMAN PLANNING �ffSSION Publish: hl3y 4, 1987 N,ay 11, 1987 lA P.S. #87-04 SP #87-09 Consolidated Container 753 North Thizd Street Minneapolis, MN 55401 Ken Bureau Rosewood Corporation S�ite 300 South 1711 4Jest County Road B Roseville, MN 55113 Action Pattern 7714 Eeech Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James Randers 51 - 77th Way N.E. Fridley, A4v 55432 Randers and Sigels Co. 3106 Piez�e Street Minneapolis, NIlV 55418 Clarence Decker 7715 Elm Street N.E. Fridley, D'A7 55432 Paul Schultz 775I E1m Street N.E. Fridley, 6LN 55432 Paul Schultz 11040 Cottorrwood Street N.W. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Richard Harris 6200 Rivezvieo.� Terrace N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Harris 13 - 77th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Harris 15 - 77th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Harris 17 - 77th Avenue Yd.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Harris 7701 D1ain Stseet N,E. Fridley, MN 55432 H and R Fliterprises 7731 Main Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Planni nq Mdy 1� 19'8"i Council D7AILING LIST PAGE 1 OF Z Signcrafters Inc. Dyno Five Co�any 7765 Main Street N.E. 7760 Elm Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Dyno Five Co. Johny Krall 8333 Sunset Road 19 - 77th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Dyno Five Co. 7733 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Thomas Sichler 7713 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ronald Cerinske 7713 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 7715 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, D1N 55432 Fdward Willey 7701 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, Mtd 55432 Rhodes Lock and Glass 39 - 77th way N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Laverne Rho3es 4017 Kentucky Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55427 Maiy Novak 21 - 77th Way N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 IIfJ E.ligineering 7770 Ranchers Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 ELiqene Oaczarzak 225 - 77th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Francis Anderson 7748 Elm Street N.E. Fridley, Miv 55432 Richard Harris 7710 P1ain Street N,E. Fridley, MN 55432 Rc�ert Schroer 7620 University Av2nue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Marquette State Bank 5250 Central Avenue N.E. Colimibia Heights, MN 55421 Resident 225 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, MI� 55432 RI�X.� Fridley Limited Part. 7685 Nlain Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 RE�C Fridley Limited Part. 530 Parkland Place 1660 South Minneapolis, MN 55416 Hinrichs Properties 220 - 77th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, h1N 55442 Johnson Printing 40 - 77th Avenue N.E. Fridley, NIlV 55432 Frank Associates 300 First Avenue North Minneapolis, D�T1 55401 Farl Patch 3201 Rankin Road Minneapolis, MN 55418 Gazda Storage 7580 Co�nerce Lane N.E. Fridley, riJ 55432 gaymond rleggitt 3514 lake Eliro Avenue North Coacl�nan Rental Building lake Elmo, NN7 55042 100 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 PAGE 2 OF 2 P.S. #87-04 SP #87-09 Real Vest Ca�yxzny 4901 F Street Omaha, NB 68117 The Mogul Corporation 7541 Cam�rce Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 The Mo9u1 Corporation 7139 Pine Street Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 Charles S7nith 10512 Spring Hill Drive Carmel, IN 46023 Toolkraft Inc. 7500 C��e Lane N.E. Fridley, NIIV 55432 S4illiam Zbikaaski 7500 Conmerce Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 1C 1 � .- �. ~ ~ � ���� � �� . ':-k � .� k: �.,�. � � . '� �� ~. ..,� � � � ,/ � / / �.'1;�;Y.::4":y��y,.- L:`:~�.:~:.:' ~�. ti � ,�.. � �..... '"•�� . . �.. ;y';�,y _ • �.;,�.:. �'-.'�'� -„'.-.`-,. t �Y � � � ,,, �., ^�. '�� ��� ., � ::^.�,�-?" � "�."-..��'-...� "..,, `-. �. • ��''"..-.��'`..'�`v.:'- ^ ''�. � � � y ���. : ti. � � �� � �'�::-.�'��,.��", .�"�.,'�.�F .:.y:; :?. �'�~`; � �~� 4,,,,�''��.��` "ti � �'-..'"+. + �:. �,.,�.•.. -.'. ^+...,. . 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' a - � , - ?:9 °�`, u -.:` i , . �.,E , � .. . �� � � d � � i �. ._ I � � � PRQPERTY INFORMATION g- ; y h a.+��=..�.: 1 •� 4`:a... � o�'` ^_j ' � n pRpp� �� See P,ttached �'- ,' .5 �-'�* � ��,a, ,, ;� I.B�AL ilESQ2IP1'NN• �� � �. �` . ,�d d.� `yt'. k f✓X r4j. p w. _ � � To- _ vk 't _,'7 , , , ,L� u LOT , Br,OCX �> 4 7RACr/ADDITn7N . { '; E PERMIT SP # ��-Oi' ��, : ,� ���*��:. � R�(EIPP # c7� `t' Q �� K £' ``- 5/zn/�,� �r� �� � �:� �. . L � YA" 3' � ." f,� � . . . �'MSCSYNl 7GldViLK1 . _. raz ...... , � , �:... �p�yp . fl � � c . � : 1 . . T .. _�vit�ty� 3 .rL,-� ^+> .� c �i �!' rr.s s � .< y� . < � -.: � - � . SPE4ZP,L USE PERMITBEa1G APtLIED 1�R:�� Sved Office Warehouse` �n � NI�L +- +u� ata: � .. . ��r,. 'a," .s:.; r, . ,:+�.�+-ek ..:7�.Mt�St�����w"""s'��.:+'��a�8:� �4i"�k � g�T: . . . ..,. . ... . . .' . r '..; �r a' �. , . ;°•... . . . .. . . � . �iRll\ K 1a� W�ii �^ •. - � � . - � ` �- , c".. - . a.5 y;raz� ,v i �'.e _. .n; t ` �., 1.,. ._. -.. . .. . .. ; . . �. 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Co: �12d. �, f.tosevil�e`, N2t 55113 ~� r , ;" � .��_ �.:. - � A: , • � 04/10/87 °.,�'"�}rx ^�` ,,;'�'o'�F �,�+� �'^Bi�-.,a s r,'��L �.<�q'r�a �sihe`"�. >f � .. o , > .� . ��� t:� �r s iF�F� s ss* ��t *�t:� s•:�ts�x* s ss t: •*+r: e„�.a� "' „�..45uas�- _ '-=�'��a�a:�a•r�rar�a.� �� ::. , ..�..w�a:�'-��:M . ._ ..a.-�. _ .. ...�. � .t�ai M }s,d�`�kr�' .a �`Fr x, .�" s� �.. � ? a'�;,,.. - N� �" �y�g 'N`,'�"� �` ,.' u . . . -:x. ,r '.+.:±. {�� . �p n a 4.a�'.'.�-»���,t„rq r ... �.,i: z�. n�:. . . i '� *:% €x 3R , •H � ��� 5, �`Mf.. ��t'�j� ' Y�^ � > �.. � e HiBLIC HEARING SEFORE 'I4� PLANNING QIMMISSION Notice is hereby given that there wzll be a Public Hearing of the Planning Carmission of the City of Fridley in the City Hall at 6431 University Avenue Northeast on Wednesday, May 20, 19K7 in the Ca�ncil Chamber at 7:3U p.m. for the purpose of: Consideration of a Special Use Pesnut, SP #87-09, by Ken Bureau of Rosewood Properties, Inc., per Section 205.18.1, C, 1 of the Fridley City Code, to allav ofiices not associat�i with a pru�cipal use on that part of Lot 5, Revised Auditor's Sl�bdivision No. 77, Anoka County, Miru�esota lying easterly ot tl�e follaving described line: Canmencing at the intersection of the center line of Osborne Road, as noa laid out, with the easterly right of way line of Northern Pacific Railroad; thence northeasterly along said center line of Osborne Road, 436.5 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described, said centerline has an assumed bearing of nortl: 51 degrees 3 muiutes 2U seconds east, thence north 15 degrees, 40 minutes 0 seconds west, a distance of 436.5 feet, thence north 18 degrees 5 minutes 56 seconds west, a distance of 561.73 teet, to its intersection with the north line of said Lot 5 and there terminatir.g. bccept that �xrt taken for 7/th Avenue and Main Street, Also that part of the rbrthwest Quarter of Section 11, 'IYkmship 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Minnesota, lyin9 northerly of Osbon�e Road and westerly of Main Street, Generally located south of 77th Avenue, west of Main Street and north of Osborne Road. Any and all persons desiring to be heasd shali be given ari apportunity at the abo✓e stated time and place. SP�UE BILLINGS Q3AIRMAN P1,ANNING �ISSION Publish: N13y 4, 1987 Nr3y 11, 1987 Zn �, P.S. n87-04 SP #87-09 Consolidated Container 753 North Third Street Minneapolis, NIN 55401 Ken Bureau Rosewood Corporation Sliite 300 South 1711 West County RQad B l�seville, MN 55113 Action Pattern 7714 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, P'Irl 55432 Jarms Randers 51 - 77th Way N.E. Fridley, hL'�' S5432 Rarrlers and Sigels Co. 3106 Piezce Street Minneapolis, MN 55418 Clarence Decker 7715 Elm Street N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 Paul Schultz 7751 Elm Street N.E. Fridley, rII4 55432 Paul Schultz 11040 Cottorrwood Street N.W. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Richard Harris 6200 Riverview Terrace N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Harris 13 - 77th Avenue N.E. FYidley, NII�] 55432 Ric3�ard Harris 15 - 77th Avenue N.E. FYidley, MN 55432 Richard Harris 17 - 77th Avenue 27.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Harris 7701 r7ain Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 H and R Enter.prises 7731 Main Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 D7AILING LISf Signcrafters Inc. 7765 Main Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 D}mo Five Co. 8333 5unset Road Nlinneapolis, MN 55432 Dyno Five Co. 7733 Beech Stzeet N,E. Fridley, NAI 55432 Tho�s Sichler 7713 Beerh Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 knnald Cerinske 7713 Bee�h Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 7715 Beech Stseet N.E. Fridley, DII�7 55432 Fdward Wi lley 7701 Beech Street N.E. Fridley, NLN 55432 Rhodes Lock and Glass 39 - 77th Way N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 Laverne Rhodes 4017 Kes�tucky Avenue North Minneapolis, NA] 55427 Mary D]ovak 21 - 77th Way N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 IIA Engineering 7770 Ranchers Rnad N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 E�gene Owczarzak 225 - 77th Avenue N,E. Fridley, MN 55432 Francis Andezson 7748 Elm Street N.E. FYidley, MN 55432 2B Planning b7ay 1, 1987 Cowicil PAGE 1 OF 2 D}mo Five Co�any 7760 Elm Street N.E. Fridley,�MN 55432 Johny Krall 19 - 77th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Harris 7710 Ttain Street N.E. Fridley, NIN 55932 Robert Schroer 7620 University Avenue N.E. Fridley, P'II�7 55932 Maxquette State Barilc 5250 Central Avenue N.E. Coliunbia Heights, PIl�7 55421 Resident 225 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 RECC Fridley Limited Part. 7685 Main Street N.E. Fridley, DII4 55432 R�C Fridley Limited Part. 530 Parklani Place 1660 South Minneapolis, NIN 55416 Hinrichs Properties 220 - 77th Avenue N.E. Minneapolis, NII�7 55442 Johnson Printing 40 - 77th Avenue N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 Frank Associates 300 First Avenue North Minneapolis, P'II�l 55401 Farl Patch 3201 Rankin RDad Minneapolis, MN 55416 Gazda Storage 7580 Concnerce Lane r.E. Fridley, MN 55932 Raymorr3 Meggitt 3514 Iake Elmo Avenue North Coacimian Rental Buildirx3 Lake El�m, MN 55042 100 Osborne Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 PAGE 2 OF 2 P.S. #87-04 SP #87-09 Real Vest Crnq�any 4901 F Street pnaha, NB 68117 4he Mogul Corporation 7541 Canrerce I.az�e N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 The b7ogul Corporation 7139 Pine Street Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 Charles S�nith 10512 S�ring Hill Drive Cazmel, ]N 46023 Toolkraft Inc. 7500 Cotmiezce Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 William Zbikoaski 7500 Cormierce Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 2C 2D � �� Il C � I AN W CORN£R v � J L—'---- _SE� /! � w/r!'l'! /OioOO 7'1TL_� •- _�—��__�PS�p� _�, -...• ..wt.r " .00� .i J! f�- . 'i�� '" . . . � �.w• e�•.�. � .. . , � .� . _ � , .�T - RAIVCH � .��. �-. ; EAST ' � � ; ' ~�� ���.. � �° `_ ~� ' µ.:�.... � �� , ;�ti�EST TES �_�; ` • i1 •�' 7�. •c•'� i C, ��� =;� � ' THIR A00. , : , � � ,� �. : , `, � ; . . ..�- h . _ .,.. , ., �\ ` - � :��µ�,: '� s�� _ ` '��� ° i , 'r� Q � � �' ' �:Ir ' :. .�i,={" c ` � � r;1,`�� � .� ` . {,i" . .I' ',.:u . t, ``` ` „'�+•{. 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Z '' � -ATION MAP ��► �.$ �_ ._� ,.�� - ►�, .,,� 1l 1 `� ,,.----�-� ----=� ----_ _ �_ _= -- _=_�-� = -__ �=_ _ -- - -_ -=r - _ = =-�= _--__ q ___�= — ----_— _ ---_° — — � __--- --� _=° — — _r._ -- —_�- _� :I ; . �. j C G a j {'..., Y . i n � +� i ga' �y , a i 4�i � �I � = i�' �. L � L! � 0 � � u 0 n �I i Q Z � � � � 0 � 0 z � z � � � 4 � � �� 0 : � � J m 2E 9 e � ', VAL SUBMITTAL STAFF-PREFERRED � f I ' -'' �; i � . : � _ --- --- � --.__.-- - ,-.�-,_..� � i . �'�, � i, k � �. i r _-� � � f'� y —°�. = � —i, , � , —_ � r--�'--"'-----i i �< e i ,�i � !� � — - � �., � -� `-_ �' j s �I � ' i � , —�i �, . { II y� �' � I � DEVELOP ELEVATIONS 2F SED �: :' � � � \� 4�� �^rHl�� � \ \ �,� Y e �� �... �� r � Q g �Y J t; a ,r w = n Q � ? ��� vvi ' ° . �3`' , �;; O ' Z � +.'� �31I Q / i J � � \ �� G1-,. �^ as � . I � : c � . . . �� �iaiaSFia° I ..�.wN...._. by r y " ! .�. _G I ; s��F �f@��� 1 s�;i ,� �� j q i- �:. !�i6E`,` - � e 't `.,� � g � ��9 =iF� s e = - r��br� ..,\ 4 1 = �, ,. �. . . _ � �� < �� \ � \ � .t;:, � \ .�� � ".� �, � � ! .5 \ � �� . . � . \ ,n.' :. i�� Y %� L� � / / • f1�• / Pp�,o , � _ s r.� t�.ea, '.J� i=�� ose°P%j�. �= - ' �. -/ �,.� � ' i _ j j� � i � �i �`� . y 1 � � lpF`'� � � _P��� LI r� ��-�� LANDSCAPE PLAN CITY OF fRIDLEY PARKS AND RECREAiIOf� COtiF1ISSI0N PIEETIt�G MAY 4, 1987 CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Kondrick called the 11ay 4, 1987, Parks R Rece�ition Commission meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: tleribers Present: Dave Kondrick, Mary Schreiner, Dick Young, John Gargaro, A1 Gabel, Dan Allen (arr. 7:30 p.m,) hlenbers Absent: Wone Otliers Present: Jack Kirk, Director of Recreation and Natural Resources APPROVAL OF MARCH 2, 1987, PARY,S & RECREATIOP� COHI�IISSIOP� MINUTES: MOTION BY f7R, GABEL� SECOt7DED BY 1Q12, YO1P.7G� TO APPROVE TNT MARCH 2� 2987, PARItS & RECREATIOtd COMMISSIOIJ ldINUTES AS 47RZTTEN, UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING RYE, CHAIR?PRSON KONDRICK DECLARED TXE MOTIO.'✓ CARRIED UNAN7MOUSLY. APPROVAL OF AGEIJDA: MOTION BY MS. SCNRESNER, SECONDED BY MP., GARGARO, TO APPROVE THE RGENDA GJITH THE ADDI2ION OF "UPDATE Ofi INNSBRUCH NATURE CErJTER'.' UNDER "OLD BUSINESS". UPON R VOSCE VOTE, ALL VOTZNG AYE, CNAIRPERS017 KONDRICK DECLARED TNE AGENDA RPPROVED AS AMENDED. 1, STAFF REPORT: a. Letters from District 16 P1r. Y.irk stated that attached to the agenda were copies of two letters dated Itarch l7, 1987--one fron Chris Huber, Superintendent of Schools for Uistrict 16, and one from Joseph Baker, Principal of Woodcrest Elementary, expressing their aianks and appreciatio.n to the City of Fridley for its participation in their playgrouttd project, b. P1RPA ConFerence 14r. Kirk stated the �4RPA has an annual conference in the fall of each year, This year the conference will be held Oct. 14-15-16 which is 14EA weekend. The conference will be held in Brooklyn Park at P�orth Hennepin PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIOW MEETI�IG P1AY 4 1987 PAGE 2 Conr�unity College. He stated there would undoubtedly be a coupie of educational sessions geared toward board and commission members. Mr, f:irf: stated the City of Fridley and the City of Brooklyn Parl; were actually co-hosting tfiis year's conference. On the t9ednesday before the conference begins, there will be some tours of sor�e facilities in both the Frid7ey area and the Brooklyn Park area. One of the tour packaqes for the Fridley area included Columbia Heights' 14urzyn Hall, Anol;a County Riverfront Park, Isiands of Peace, and Springbrook Nature Center. t1r. Y.irk stated that along with *��? sessions, there will be an exhibit hall rrith 75-30 recreation equipment and supplies displays. t1r. Kirk stated he did not have a schedule at this time, but he �aoulci get more information to the Comnissioners as the conference gets closer. He would encourage the Commission members to take part if possible. c. Springbrook Firewood Permits Mr. I:irk stated that in an effort to get rid of tornado-dana9ed trees, Springbrook Nature Center is selling fireo-rood. Permits are issued at Springbrook. The cost for an approximate cord of aspen was S15 and $30 for an approximate cord of oak. He felt the prices were very reasonable. 7he r�oney coilected rrould go back into the restoration fund. d. Park Permits for Picnicing 14r. Y.irk stated that over the years, the City has received several requests for perriits to picnic in city parks. He just recently received a request from soneone who wanted a permit to have a picnic at t400re Lake Park. He stated tliat at this time,permits for picnicing were only issued for Locke Park, and those were issued by the County. �•1r. Kirk stated the person requesting the pernit was a resident of Ne�r Brighton and was rather upset that the City would not issue a permit to pi cni c at t�toore Lake Park. Mr. Kirk stated the City really has no provisions for giving out permits and of enforcing it. If a permit eras qiven, there was no ordiriance that says the City can give e:clusive use of one of the picnic shelters to a certain group. The biggest concern was there was no �aay of ensuring the use of the facility to the group ti�ith the permit except by the Police Department. Unless tliere is an ordinance the Police Department can fall back on, there was no way of enforcing it, t1r. Kirk stated they have had very few problems in the past, and park usage has always been on a first-cane,first-serve basis. At this tine, he vrould recommend that they keep things as they are. If they ever have a park ranger system again where a park ranger could help monitor that the right people are getting the use of the facility, then they could look at this issue again. PARKS � RECREATION C0�IMISSIOf� MEETIN6 MAY 4 1987 PAGE 3 2. NEU BUSI(dESS: a. Logan Park Tennis Court Mr. Kirk stated the Commission members had received a letter fron Jim Bromenschendel at 175 Logan Parkway N.E., who was requesting that the Citv light the tennis court at Logan Park as there were several people in the neighborhood who would like to make full use of the tennis court. He stated one thing unique about this request rias t1r. Bromenschenkel had led him to believe that the neighbors might be willing to help raise funds for the lighting. Mr. Kirk stated to put in all new lighting could cost up to $7,000, but if there was already soree wiring and some poles, they might be able to light the court less expensively. I•1r. Kondrick stated he felt they first needed to find out how many people would use the tennis court to see if there was enough people to ,justify this kind of expenditure. Then, when they find out the numbers, they need to find out the costs, and then ask the neigh6ors if they are interested in helping with the funding. f4r. Young stated one question he would have was if there were any otiier courts in tlie area that were already lit. Were the Ruth Circle tennis courts lit? t4r. I:ondrick stated the tennis court at Craig Park was lit, but that was about 10 blocks away from the Logan Park area. Mr. Kirk stated another concern that �rould have to be addressed was that if the lights were in, they would have to be on the same system as the otfier lights and that was a 10:30-11:00 p,m, cut-off time. Any tine they have gone past 11:00 p.m. with lights, they have gotten complaints. He would suggest this be added to the capital outlay budget since that was bei�g looked at right now. (14r, A11en arrived at 7:30 p.m.) 14r. Kirk stated Staff could conduct a written survey of the Logan Park neighborhood sinilar to the letter the Commission sent to the Creekridge Park neighborhood reqgarding the possibility of renaming the parM.. They had received a good response to that request. Ms. Sclireiner stated that was a much better idea than a door-to-door survey. She suggested that the approximate costs be put in the letter and that the neighbors be asked if they would be willing to contribute to funding the lighting. � MOTIOIJ BY MR. GARGRRO� SECONDED BY MR, YOUfJG� TO REQUEST STAFF TO RESEARCf7 TH£ COS2 OF LIGHTIl7G THE LC.L;AN pRRK TENNZS COURT, EITHER THROUGH REIACATIOlI OR lIEW LIGHTING� AND TD BRINC THIS Il7FOP.MATION TO THF. NEXT COMMISSION MEETIlIG, PARKS & RECREATION COPI�IISSIOt� MEETING, MAY 4 1987 PAGE 4 UPON A VDZCE VOTE, ALL VOSZNG AYE, CNAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CRRRZED UNANIMOUSLY. t�ir. Young stated a lot of parks tliat have li9hted tennis courts also have off-street parking. There was no off-street parking at Logan Parl:. If the tennis court was lighted at Logan Park, there was the possibility of people from outside the neighborhood driving to use the tennis court. Did the neighborhood want to bring in people outside the neighborhood with no off-street parking? The only place to park would be on the residentia} streets. That was something the neighbors might want to consider and was a point that should be put in the a�ritten survey. b. t1RPA - City of Fridley Softball Tournament Mr. Kirk stated that in past years, they have been experiencing a decline in the nurr�ber of groups wanting to put on tournaments, not only in Fridley, but throughout tlie State of Minnesota as wel]. He thought the biggest reason was the high cost of liability insurance. As a result, the I-iRFA, as a state organization, is iooking for groups to put on tourna- ments. The 19RPA does not want to do it as a fundraiser; they just o-rant to be able to service certain teams that have few tournaments available to them. I4r. Kirk stated he was approached by the Program Supervisor for the �1RPA to see if Fridley would be willing to work with the f4RPA on a Class A ften's and Norten's softball tournament. f4r. Kirk stated the issue he wanted to bring before the Commission was the situation that if the MRPA pays the $600 rental fee, they would really lose noney on the tournament. Entrv fees are set to cover the but t}te MRPA was not primarily interested in makino money. They want to provide a service to these teams. Ne stated he wanted to look at a couple of experimental tournanents where the City of Fridley would be involved with these groups. The City would run the concessions and the grouns would run the tournament. The City stood to gain quite a bit more money than the �b00 by running the concessions; then, in turn, they are not renting the facility to Lhe MRPA since they are not doing it as a fundraiser. He would like to try this a coupTe of times as long as the weekends and days are avai7able. t1r. Kirk stated that if tfiere are any costs to the City such as field maintenance and other costs, that will be billed directly to the tourna- ment, but it was a trade-off in not charging the a600 rental fee. Mr. i:irk stated the City would not sell beer: Vie has contacted the Fridley Jaycees as they are the oniy organization that is able to have liaibility insurance at a reasonable cost. Either the Jaycees will sell the beer or there will be no beer--just food and pop. PARKS & RECREATIOt� COMMISSION MEETING, t�AY 4, 19II7 PAGE 5 MOTION BY MS. SCHREINER� SECONDED BY 71R. GARGRRO� TO AUTHORTZE 5_TAFF TO EPITER INTQ AN AGREEMEl7T WITN THF, l4RPA FOR A CLASS A MEN'S AfTD WOMEN'S �URIJAMENT AND THAT THE CITY WRIVE THE $600 RENTAL FEE IN LIEU OF THE CITY HANDLING TXE COIJCESSSIONS. ALSO� S_TAFF WILL CONTACT THE FRIDLEY JAYCEES TO WORK OUT AN ACREEMENT FOR TXE COIJCESSZON OF BEER, UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTZNG AYE� CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTIOIl CARRIED Uf7ANIMOUSLY. Mr. Young stated that a good nun6er of the concessions at the ttetro Done are run by volunteer organizations and civic organizations where they get a percentage of the profits. If this kind of tournament arrangement is successful, it night be something for the Cotnmission to talk about in tiie future for running concessions at the Conmunity Park. When the City sells concessions,they must pay employees which cuts do�m on the orofits. t4r. Kirk stated Ptr. Young's point was well taken, and that was a possi- bility, f!e stated a volurtteer group can make a lot of money at a tournament selling concessions. c. Region 5AA Softball Tournament Mr. Y,irk stated Region 5AA was the region that Fridley liigh School and Totino Grace Higti School were in. Last year Region 4 rented the Community Park, charged admission, and ran a tournament. They have not come back this year requesting a tournament, and he was assuming they did not make enough money in admissions to pay the rental fee of 56Q0. t•1r. I:irk stated he had an agreement with Fridley High School that the City will always provide the facilities for high school games. Several games fbr the Region 5AA tournament were 9oing to be played at Commons Park which is the park they usually use. He has talked to the Athletic Director at Grace High School and asked him to explore the possibility of running the seni-finals and finals at the Caixnuni�,y Park. The City will not charge a rental fee; however, the City would take admissions and would seli the concessians. �1r. I:irk stated that once again this would be an a trial basis. Ne Felt Region 5 migiit draw more people than Region 4 because these are teams in this general area. �4r. I:irk stated that when the rental fees were set up for use of the Conmunity Park, they were pretty stern about not waiving the rental fee, so it ��as importan± to note that in these circumstances it was really the City of Fridley runnin9 the tournaments in cooperation with other grouns. MOTZON BY /+IR. YOUNG� SECONDED BY MS. SCHREZ77ER� TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO EIJTER INTO AN AGREEIQE'NT WITH REGIOC7 SAA _TO RUN A HZGH SCHOOL TOURNAMENT, A17D TXAT THE CITY WAIVE TXE $600 RENTAL FEE ZN LIEU OF Tft7.' CITY CNARGII;G ADIQISSIONS AND HRNDLIl7G TKE CONCESSIONS. PAf2KS u RECREATION COt1MISSION ttEETIt�G, F1AY 4 1987 PAGE 6 UPON A VOICE VOTE� ALL VOTING RYE� CHR272PERSON KONDRICK DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANZXOUSLY. � d. Summer Program fees t4r. Kirk stated this was on the iast month's agenda, but that meeting had been cancelled. These fees have already been submitted to the printer, but he would like a concurrence from the Commission on the sumrtier program fees. Mr. Kirk stated the fees usually brought to the Commission were for the playground program, �iny tot program and the T-ball program. Last year they had raised the fees, but noticed quite a decline in playground and tiny tot participants. So, this year, they wanted to reverse that a little and reduce the costs somewhat, h1r. Kirk stated the playground and tiny tot programs were t�•�o of the few programs that have been run over the years where the participant fees do not cover what it cost to run the program anyway. Last year they ran the program every two weeks and had three sessions. This vear they will run a continuous seven-Aeek program. In checking with other communities, they found Fridley's fees were a little higher than some, There were still a fair amount of comriunities that run the playground prograr� cor�pletely free. 14r. Kirk stated Staff was recoramending the following program fees for 1937: Playground -$21 ($25 last year) - maximum per family -$34 Tiny tots -$15 maximum per family -$22 T-ball - $16 . MOTIOSd BY MR. GARGARO� SECOIlDED BY MP.. GABEL� TO APPROVE THE SUMI4ER PROGRAM FEES AS PRESENTED BY STAFF. UPQV A VOZCE VOTE� ALL VOTING AYF.� CHAIRPERSQV KO.'JDRICK DECLARED THF. MOTION CARRIED UNAPIMOUSLY. Mr. Young:stated this year the Spring Lake Park School System aias offering "Operation Jumpstart", a two-weef; summer school program he7A two weeks prior to the beginning of the regular school year for those 4rho have acedemic difficulties, so it was kind of a quick review before school started. 41ith schools starting after Labor Day (this year school starts Sept. 9), they are running a park program in-the City of Fridiey that ends with still five weeks of surmier. t1aybe some thought should be given to offering a two-week program near the end of August. 11r. Kirk stated that along those lines for three weeks (Aug. i1-26), they will be offering an all-sports program held at Cor.mons Park, two days a week, for grades 1-3 and 4-6. They will see how this proaram works and possibly expand it in the future and run it in the other playgrounds. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSIQtI t1EETING, MAY 4 1987 PAGE 7 �4r. Y.irk stated Staff a�as also going to look very closely at the whole daycare situation because it was affecting not only their summer programs, but the after school programs. The after school participants have dropped dramatically. The after school programs are run from 3:30-4:30, and many working parents are not available to pick children up at 4:30. So, in cooperation witfi the PTA, they are sending home an information sheet which asks parents that if the after school progran started imme- diately after school, when would be the most convenient time for the parent to pick up the child. Naybe they will have to run the programs from 3:30 to 5:30. They are also going to ask the same question for the playqround program. It might be that at one or two park locations, they will have to go to an all day program if tfiey want every child to be given the opportunity to participate. e. Park System Tour - June Meeting I1r. Kirk stated that for the past several years at the June meetin�, the Parks & Recreation and Natural Resources Staff and the Commission members have gone on a tour of some of the parks and then ended at Springbrook tJature Center for a potluck supper and an informal meeting. He asked the Conmission members if they would like to do that again this year. The Commissioners agreed to have their annual tour and potluck supper and meeting at Springbrook PJature Center on June 1, 1987. Mr. Y.irk recommended that the Comnissioners tour the following parks: Riverview Heights Park, Innsbruck t�ature Center, Madsen Park, Logan Park, and Springbrook Nature Center. f. tJortheast Chamber Orchestra Request t10TI0N by Mr. Young, secanded by :�s. Schreiner, to receive the letter da— te�—April 7, 19a7, rrom Betty R. Scott, Manager of the f�ortheast Chamber Orchestra, and to grant their request to fund the Northeast Chamber Orchestra for 198fl at �150 per concert for a maximum of five concerts totalling $750. Upon a voice vote, Kondricl:, Schreiner, Allen, Your.g; Gabei votinn aye, Gargaro voting nay, Chairperson Kondrick declared the motion carried. g. City Band R�quest MOTION by �4r. Young, seconded by �dr. Gargaro, to receive the letter dated April 30, 1987, fron 14eredith Schurr, President of the Fridley City Band, and to grant their request to fund the Fridley City Qand for 1988 at 5150 per concert for a maximum of �1,350 (nine concerts). Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Kondrick declared the r.rotion carried unanimously. PARKS & RECREATION COP1t4I5SI0N MEETING, MAY 4 i987 PA6E 8 Mr. Young stated that when the City provides funding for the FYSA or HAF--funds that are not.controlled by the City--these organizations have usually always given the City a breakdown as to the number of participants, expenses, and other income. He would like to see the Northeast Chamber Orchestra and tlie fridley City Band provide the Commission with the same type of information. F1DTION by Ftr. Young, seconded by tir. Allen, to request that both the oT7�rtlieast Chamher Orchestra and the Fridley City Band send the Parks & Recreation Conviission a statement showing the nu�ber of participants, a financial report of their expenses during the year, and any other income they receive. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Kondrick declared the motion carr9ed unanimously. 3. OLll BUSINESS: a. Burlington �Jorthern Park t1r. Kirk stated that about one year ago, Ralph Volkman had explained to the Comnission that the City no longer used Burlington tJorthern Park, that they had pulled out all the playground equipment and had talked about the City breaking the lease which required a 90 day notice to Burlington Northern, Apparently, the lease was never broken, and in tooking back at the minutes, a motion was never made by the Comm9ssion to break the lease. All that was said in the minutes was that the Commission haQ no problem with the City breaking the lease. 1n talking to Mr. Flora, he felt that in order for the City to break the lease, it was important that the Conmission make a motion to that effect. P10TIOPd by Ilr. Young, seconded by Mr. Garoaro, to approve the breakinq o� e lease with Burlington Northern for the use of the land knoam as Burlington Northern Park. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Kondrick declared the motion carried unaninously. b. Update on Innsbruck Nature Center P1r. tiirk stated a considerable amount of work has been done in general clean-up and removing the old board�ralk. The trails are not done, and originally when the project was looked at, Mr, Flora had said that by fall that should all be taken care of. They are still getting inquiries from the neighbors wondering when the trails will be completed, He stated that because of the volume of work that this time of year brinos in getting the athletic programs going and with maintenance in all the parks, the City is looking at the possibility of contracting out some of the work in order for the park to be useable yet this surtaner. PARKS & RECREATIOtd COCiP1ISSI0t� MEETIIJG, MAY 4, 1987 PAGE 9 ADJOURi�t1ENT: MOTION by Hr. Gahel, seconded by t1r, Allen, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Kondrick declared the May 4, 1987, Parks & Recreation Commission meeting ad�ourned at $:40 p.m. Respectfully subm4tted, ..,� ,�i�.�,..� . � /.e ✓ `'Lynne Saba Recording Secretary CITY OF FRIDLEY ENERGY CO?1MISSIOr MEETING APRIL 28, 1987 CALL TQ ORDER: Chairperson Saba called the April 28, 1987, Energy Commission meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Dean Saba, Bradley Sie2aff, Gerald Welf N,embers Absent: Bruce Hondow, Glen Douglas Others Present: Myra Gibson Wicklacz, Planning Assistant APPROVAL OF FEBRUAP.Y 24, 1987, ENERGY COMMISSIOU MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Sielaff, seconded by Mr. Saba, to approve the February 24, 1987, Energy Commission minutes as written. � UPON A VOICE 1'OTE, ALL \'OTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SABA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNAnIP]OUSLY. � � l. INTRODUCTION OF NEW ENERGY COMMISSION MEMBER: GERALD WELF Ms. Wicklacz introduced�Mr. Gerald Welf and introduced him to the members.� Mr. Welf has had experience in the housing business for 25 years and is now the Contract Manager for Public Housing, `linneapolis Community Development Agency. He works with programs funded by HtiD, gets involved Hith early budgets, and is responsible for keeping highrise buildings up to housing standards, '1r• Welf joined the commission tecause he is interested in the workings of city government. The other commission members introduced themselves and provided some background information. � 2. liPDATE 0� RENTAL REHASILITATION GRAKT Ms. Wicklacz stated that no bank was interested in sponsoring the rental rehab loans. The city cannot administer loans without a bank. Therefore, the City will administer the rental rehab grant. Someone was sponsored under the grant and rehabilitation was done on an 8-unit apartment building. Ms. Wicklacz distributed copies of a proposal and agreement from the County of Anoka to have Ms. Lucy Beckwell help with administering and prpmoting rental rehab. This proposal has been approved by the City Council. The City is now trying to get a clearer statement of what Ms. Beckwell's respons- ibiiities are. Under the contract,� Ms. Beckwell would be doing administrative and paper work; however, some questions still need to be answered. In the meantime, the City will administer the program as they have in the past. EnERGY COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 28, 1987 PAGE 2 Mr. Sielaff asked why banks were not interested in sponsoring the loans. Ms. Wicklacz stated that the bsnks had administered similar loans in the past and that the rei�bursement didn't offset the administrative time commitment. Mr. Welf asked if any buildings had been tagged for rehabilitation. Ms. Wicklacz indicated that they have none at this time. The City has two people who inspect. The City is now in the process of hiring someone who will be taking over this responsibility. To date, the energy problems have been mainly buildings that are cold�in the winter and yet the buildings have been in compliance. The Section 8 person knows of property that is ttot in compliance, but generally the persons living in these buildings don't pay for utilities, so they aren't concerned. The City has a list of rental property. Only landlords with S or more un.it buildings qualify for the grant. HUDr?�iFA allocate up to one Section 8 certificate or voucher for each $7,500"in grant funds, to be made available to eligible families. Ms. Wicklacz did not Im ow of any other programs for assisting landlords. Mr. Welf asked how concerned the City is about the condiLion of rentaZ property. M. Wicklacz indicated that, while the City is concerned about conditions, a number of questions still need to be answered. The City has received a �grant to help mandate that landlords bring buildings up to code. The City Council however has not passed the rental Energy Standards Code because of concerns over enforcement and costs of enforcemenL The City has not decided . �-. who will be responsible for the code compliance, Properties not in compliance � -are knocoa, but to go ouT and inspect is very time ronsuming and costly. Ms. Wicklacz also did not know how intense it would get. r's. idicklacz is wait—. ing for the CYYy Manager to decide who will do inspections and how in depth they will get into the process. Mr. Welf asked if NSP or Minnegasco provides audits. Ms. Wicklacz stated tha* they provide audits for private homes for $10, � . but did not know if they do so for rer.�tal units. � Mr. k'elf asked if ±he City ased the State code. Ms. h'icklacz indicated that technically buildings need to comply with the State Code, which has not been approved at the City level. N,r. Welf asked what would happen when a coCe enfotcement person was hired. Ms. Wicklacz did not know. The City has funding for a staff person to do the inspections. At the present time, the fire department could do some of the inspections, but their staff are not auditor certified. This is a difficult process to get into without looking at long term effects. Mr. Welf asked what qualifications the City requires for an inspector. Ms. Wicklacz was not.sure what qualifications mere recjuired for the code . enforcement position, but she felt a housing background was not part of the requiremaits, imfortunately. This posibion has been open for over two months. ENERGY COMPfI5SI0N MEETING, APRIL 28, 1987 PAGE 3 Mr. k'elf stated that this person would need a housing and energy bachground? He asked if funding was a problem. Ms. Wicklacz sYated that there is a limited salary with no benefits, which is part of the reason why it is difficult to fill the position. 3. DISCUSSION OF RENTAL ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE Included in the discussion with agenda item 2. 4. OTHER BL'SINESS a. Ms. H�icklacz referred to the Community Energy Council grant rules which were enclosed with the agenda. b. Ms. Wicklacz referred to the Energy and Housing Report copies included with the agenda. r;r. Saba referred to the article on radon and also referred to the article on radon which appeared in the April 26, 1987, Minneapolis Star and Tribune. Mr. Saba would like to see 1,000 homes tested and a sun•ey done. � c. Mr. Sielaff suggested submitting a proposal for funding to the Minnesota .- Commission of Resources. They will start the funding cycle in July and start the proposal at the beginning of next year. d. Ms. Wicklacz requested suggestions of topics the Energy Commission would like to see included on future a�endas. At this time, the only topics are rental code enforcement and radon contamination. Mr. Saba asked that radon contamination be kept on the agenda and requested having someone knowledgeable about radon attend a future meeting. Mr. H'elf asked if the City had any programs available or recommends anyone who does things such as caulking for residents. Ms. ldiciclacz indicated that the City had recently done a number of House Doctors and N.E.H'. workshops for residents which provided a number of energy improvements. ACCAP is still providing assistance for lower income residents. ^1r. Welf asked how people were notified. Ms. Wicklacz indicated that people who were on fuel assistance, as well as others receiving some kind of assistance, were notified. They received a letter from the County. Notices were also published in the newspaper and direct mailings were made to residents. Ms. Wicklacz stated that these would not be done again for a while. Mr. Sielaff asked if the City had su6mitted a proposal for the new round of funding for Exxon overcharge monies. Ms. Gibson stated that there is no proposal at this time. She d2d not imow to what extent the funds could be used. The problem is that, if we hire someone for the position, technically they can stay only for the . term of the grar.t. Then what will the City do? Ancther problem is that other cities are not enforcing the energy code. COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 28, 1987 Referring to the Exxon funds, Mr. Idelf asked if the City had a back up heating system. PAGE 4 Ms. Wicklacz indicated that the City does have a backup system. Mr. Welf indicated the City may be eligible to get some of the money back used for back up heat. If the City submits what was bought and � what was used, they may be eligible for reimbursement, and the City can also get direct reimbursement on oil us�d during a certain period. . He suggested contacting Mr. Eric �athanson, City of Minneapolis, for the details. � � Mr. Sielaff felt there were areas that the commission could get involved in for a grant proposal. The deadline daie to apply is .- June llth. He thought the commission should discuss the possibility .�� of doing something to submit, such as business energy conservation. �� Ms. Wicklacz stated there were questions regarding the allocation of � �funds and stated she would check further to clarify. � �� Mr. Sielaff would liice to submit a proposal for business energy � conservation. This is something that has been discussed in the past. Mr. Saba thought they could continue to promote energy audits. � '?is. kicklacz thought they could use the funds to pay for audits for rental units. Mr. Sielaff asked Ms. Wicklacz to get more information and to include �- - this item.on next�month's agenda. � Ms. Wicklacz indicated she. had not intended to apply for funds because she did not know if the City will hire an inspector and hoped � that this would be done before submitting further proposals. Mr. Sielaff asked if the question of hiring an inspector would be .. resolved by the next meeting. Mr. Saba asked if Ms. k'icklacz could�see that this is done. He wondered if it was possible to get someone who is already working part time for another city. � !��. ldicklacz stated that Minneapolis has a part time person tiho is very busy. She did not.know about sharing a person. She had thou�ht about hiring a person at SRC to go out and do the whole project. Mr. Saba requested that the discussion of a possible proposal be included on next month's agenda. He requested that a memo be sent to those members absent referring to the rules and to page 5 listing eligible activities, and that the commission has until June 17 to apply for funds. �� Ms. k'icklacz indicated she would need some guidelines by the next meeting and asked members to let her know before�the next meeting if ?hey had any ideas so .she could start working on a proposal. __ � ; EnERGY COMMISSION MEETING, APRIL 28; 1987 PAGE 5 ; Mr. Sielaff indicated that the commission may want to meet earlier to � discuss ideas. If this is the�case, P:s. TJicklacz should be contacted. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mr. Sielaff, seconded by Mr. Welf, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SABA DECLARED THE APRIL 28, 7987, ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, '' � �Lu-a-u.,,� �a��: e_l./ ` Lavonn Cooper Recording $ecretary