PL 12/16/1987 - 30675�`1
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c.�r.r• 'j�RDER:
Chairperson Billings called the December 16, 1967, Planning Commission
meeting to order at 7: 30 p. m
RnT T. ['AT.T. •
Me�nbers Present: Steve Billings, Bruce Bondaw (for D�n Saba),
Donald Betzalc3, and Richard Svanc]a
Nl�nbers Absent: David Rondrick and Sue Sherek
Others Present: Jim Robinson, Planning Coordinator
Mike Maney, Norli�c� Corporation
Pat Faust, Rnox L�nnber
Jim Benson
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NDTION by Mr. Bondow, sec�ondea by Mr. Betzold, to approve the November 1�,
^ 1987, Planning Coimni.ssion minutes as written.
1. �T.TG HE.ART� • (7pI�ID TTnN nF p� SPECLAT [SE PII2NNBT^,�,P #67 21 Bv RNpX
P+er Section 205.18.1.C.9 of i�e Fridley City Coc�, to allow exterior storage
of materials and equipae.nt on Tracts A and B, Registered Lanol Survey No. 6,
tiie s�ne being 500 - 73rd Avenue N.E.
NDTION by Mr. Betzold, seooncled by Mr. �anda, to waive the formal reading
of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing.
Mr. Robinson stated stated this petition for a special use permit is for
property located on the Carter-�ay site south of 73rd Avenue and east of
University Avenue. He stated the property has been sold to Northco
Developnent Corporation and I�vik-Fi1e, Inc. Mr. Robinson stated the reason
for the special use permit is to allotiv outside storage on the southeast
portion of the site for a Rnox Ltuciber distribution center. He stated
although there has been outside storage in the past on this site, the
operation was discontinued anc7 this is a new petitioner. He stated the
� ��cial use permit process would allaa for ti�e property to be brought up to
� ;_�f!�N��_ «� �i����+. • � ui���lr��- • � a;y�qr. �;
Mr. Robinson presented a drawing showing the layout of the property. He
stated the large manufacturing building on the site is roughly 188,29�
square feet anci Kwik-i�ile is using 104,068 square feet. He stated Rnox
Ltanber would utilize 25,000 square feet of the builcling at this time and
possibly additional space in the ftature.
Mr. Robinson stated in wnj �ction with the special use permit, a number of
site improvenents were prop�secl anol discussed with the Presider�t of lvorthoo,
Mr. F�stram. He stated staff was oonc�erned about the unsic�ntly nature of
�e back of �e developnent tvwards Locke Park. Iie sta,ted it is rewrmnended
a double rvw of P,�nur Maple trees be planted on the south in addition to an
ei�it faot vinyl slatted fence. �e stated ao6biditional s{irubbery i.s proposed
along the west edge of the site to screen future clevelo�merit. Mr. Robinson
stated 73rd Avenue is �oposed to be widenecl to facilitate the aclditional
traffic generated by Target's development and re�evelopment of the
Carter-�ay site. He stated a bikeway woulcl be located along the south of
73rd f ram University Aven� �o Hic,�way 65, and an easement is requested f or
�iis purpose. He stated a tree planting and lighting matifs wnsistent with
Frio�.ey's urban desic� skar�7ards are p�oposed along 73ra Avenue. He stated
entries are to be �dated by providing mon�mnent sic,�age, the driveways are
to be curbed and glaritings on either side are to be �gradeol.
Mr. Robinson stated the stipulations recommended are as follows: (1)
vnplenent City devised landscape glan by Jtme 1, 1988. Plantings on 73rd ta
be coaapleted upon im�ovenent to 73rd; (2) pravide autcmatic s�inkling for
73rd Avenue boulEVard upon oo�npletion of 73ra Avenue; (3) prwia� corporate
entry (moniunent) signage by June l, 1968. Design and location to be
a�roved by City; (4) pro�icle a 15 foot bik�way/walkway easement along 73rd
Avenue; (5) pravide an eight foot diain link fence arotmal storage yard with
tubular vinyl slats as indicated on Deceml�r 16, 1987 plan by City; (6)
stripe all parking lots to meet wde by J�e 1, 1986; (� curb eritry drives
as indic�ted on Deaember 16, 1987 plan by City; (8) all existing trees on
site to be preserved, except where bikeway cr�.tes a r�eed for removal; (9)
no retail sales of goods or materials to 1� permitted from site; t10) no
storage of goods or material.s outsicle of screenedl fenoe is permitted; (11)
any expansion of storage yard will require an additional special use permit;
ancl (12) the o�ers of the �operty agree to a fair share assessment for
im�oovenents to 73rd Avenue including: roa� wialening, bikeway/walkway
installation, boulevar� tree plantings, and uniform boulevard li�ting
installation, as indicated on December 16, 1987 plan by City.
Mr. Swanda questioned why stipulation 11 is needed. Mr. Robinson stated
there is the p�ssibility o£ Rnox expanding at this site anol if this is done,
sL-aff would want to reviEw tiie plans at �at time to make sure the storage
yard is not e�anded, without ber�ef it of further staff review, as addi.tional would have to be pro�ic�d.
Mr. Nlike Maney, re�esenting Northco Corporation, stated Mr. Benson, who
wordimted the developaerit, and Mr. Faust, representing Rnox Ltmiber were
present this evening to answer any g�stions.
l�r. NYaney stated in reviewing the stipulations wit�i l+�r. Edstran, there are a
1__, �!�Mr�__ �_� �i�,r �;. �� � 4!�l�+4��, _ • r �;��ui: al;
,^� ninnber of concerns. He questionea the installation of an automatic
sprinkling system. He stated he understanals the importance of having an
attractive developaent adjacJent to the residential areas, but felt it is
more a policy than practicality.
Mr. Robinson stated the autanatic sgrinkling system is required as part of
�ie City's urban desi� standards ancl as a wde requirenerrt. He stated the is required by oode to provi� frcm resio�lential view.
He stated the trees on the street are to provic3e a more uniform well-kept
Mr. Nhney stated there are alreacly existing trees and a nice appearing
buffer. F!e stated they felt t�ie wst for acklitional trees is something that
wasn't t�eoessary.
Mr. Robinson stated the oost for the trees wuld be part of the assessment
for ti�e improveaents to 73rd.
Mr. �enson askecl if the e�ergreen trees were part of the whole landscaping
plan for 73rd fran University Avenue to Hic�way 65.
Mr. Robinson stated the evergreens are to be p�o�ic3ed as a buffer for all of
73rd Avenue between University Avenue and Hi�way 65.
Mr. Mar�ey questioraed hav �e glantings relate to a�joining property to the
^ west an� why they are required. Ae stated there is some gracle differential
between their site and this adjoining property and grading would probably be
neeo'�� in the future necessitating the need to remove the plantings. He
felt landscaping at i-his tuae would serve r�o purpose.
Mr. Robinson stated the area in question is a].ong the southwest portion of
ti�e site and the property to the west is undeveloped at this time. He
statecl there have been a ntunber � iriquiries over the last several years for
developnent on this site. He stated a high quality alevelopment is
anticipated, and he felt that ti�is is or�e area where there is a very minimal
setback an� the loading docks and parking lots are visible. Ae felt any
devel opner�t on th i s is oper ty woul a not impa ct th e sl ope or gr acle on th e
Northc�o property or disturb any landscaping that was ins�talled.
1�r. Mar�ey stated he clic�'t tmderstand the City's intentions in regard to
striping the parking lot. N�. Robinson stated the wc� requires the parking
lot be striped, hawever, ii�e lot does have so�me striping at this time.
N�. Maney stated the lot is unaerutilized at this point and the areas
requiring desi�atecl parking would be striped. He stated there is a great
e�nse of parking area and for all practical purposes, it woulc�n't be used
for parking at this time.
Mr. Betzold stated Mr. P�aney meritioned the parking lot was �derutil izec] ancl
wonc�ered about the runnber of anployees on the site.
^ Mr. N�ney stated Carter�ay has about 70 emgloyees and Rnox will employ six
� ; s��f��. •� s;iv� .._ � � uia���r�. � � r �,�a�ui: ��
n to ei�t persons.
Nlr. Billings stated the action of the Planning Commission is only a
reoomnendation to the City Council. He felt if there are some areas of
c7isagreement between the petitioner and staff, perhags these could be
resolv�7 before t3�e it�m is suk�aitteal to the Coimcil.
Mr. Robinson stated at �is time, it appears there is a neec7 for about 200
parking stalls, but there is a lot of �leased spac:e.
Mr. N�ney statecl another issue was the curb entry driveway and was not
certain to what e3ctent this haol to be implemented. Ae stated they
anticipate making an improvenent along the entryway to the o�f ive.
Mr. Robinson stated it is �oposed the main entranoes be curbed which would
upgrade the entries and the �rb extenc�� back to the parking area.
l+�r. Maney felt this could be accomplishecl, hawever, the research and
developaent building is specif ically used by Carter-�ay arid there isn't much
traff ic to this facil ity.
Mr. Mariey stated overall it se�ns there are somae oosts for imprwements at
t3�is time that really woulc�'t make a lot of difference for the City, but
realizes the City does have long term plans.
^ Mr. Benson pointed out that Rnox has a one year lease for �e property vahile
th� review their entire operations in the metropolitan area. Ae felt this
is temporary in nature aru7 yet all these stipulations have to be follawed
for a one year lease.
Mr. Maney stated he Imaws the City wants to make this site attractive from
Locke Park, but wondered if the screening wasn't being addressed twice with
both the plantings and the vinyl slat fencing.
Mr. Robinson stated the 0000Vice requi.res screening and felt the fencing with
vinyl slats p�wic�es a sev�ncl level of scr�ning for the storage area. Ae
stated the fence was in the glans and staff is si.mply asking for viriyl slats
on the south portion of the p�operty and then riorth 75 feet.
Mr. Maney stated he would like to keep stipulation 12 as a separate issue
and mairitain their ric�its to discuss these oosts. He stated he �l�oesi't feel
it relates to this request for the special use permit.
Mr. Robinson stated 73rd Avenue is �oba4ly suff icient to accommodate �he
residential traffic, hawever, with the increase in industrial growth, it
needs to be upqraded to faci.litate ti�e truck traffic. He stated regardless
of the special use permit, there is going to be an assesstnent for the
Mr. Mar�y stated they are being asked to donate a portion of the lanc7 for
the bikeway/walkway as well as sharing in the oost of �e imgrwements.
� c�!�M��, �� �iU��.�_ �l� � yi�i?��r�. • � r��?ivi: �,�
� Mr. Betzold statec7 it may be pre-mature to oliscuss the actual assessment,
but possibly Northa� �iould aclalowledc,�e �at there are future plans f or the
impraveaerit. He �ated i.f this is included as a stipvlation, it makes them
a�are of possible future assessme.nts. He fett staff wanted to go on record
that there are plans for im�ovanerit of this street.
Mr. Robinson stated the reluctance on the part of the petitioner to this
partic�lar stipulation probably indicates they aren't in agreement. He
stated if there are problens related to this issue, they should be
cliscussed. He stated the imgrovenerits to the street and the bikeway/walkway
are glanned for ti�e 1988 oonstruction season.
Mr. Billings stated in the special use pernnit p�o�ess, an attempt is made to
bring properties in compliance with code requirements in suah areas as
striping, lanalscaping, etc. He sstatecl if the land was being developed
today, these requirenents woulcl be part af �e oonditions for developnent.
He felt �e petitioner s�noulcl work with staff in several of these areas,
however, he felt the City wasn't req�sting ariything that really woulcln't
directly benefit the p�operty awr�+er in the future.
Mr. Robinson stated the special use permit and street improvements are not
as clisassociated as it a�ears since �e special use permit is for storage
and invca].ves at least 20 trucks per day using the raadway.
Mr. Billings askeal the ntmiber of outbound vehicles versus the number of
� vdiicles inbotmd to �e site.
Mr. Faust, represeriting Rnox Lu¢nber, stated probably 70� of the vehicles
would be outbo�d wit� about 3� of the traff ic coming onto the site. He
stated there would be a total of about 20 trucks per day.
Mr. Billings stated it may be a good iclea to have traffic counts on
University Avenue and Hic,�iway 65. He felt possibly sic�s wuld be posteal to
encourac�e �e use o�f University Avenue for this traffic.
Mr. Robinson stated with t3ie Target developaer�t, they were requested to use
Hi�way 65. He stated if t3ze traffic from Rnox used University, it would
minimize the impact on the adjacent raeic�iborhood.
Mr. Robinson stated he d�sn't wish to send any negative feec7back to the
petitioner and staff is pleased to have Northco, Rwik File ancl Rnox in
Fric�ey, but the main wncerns are the perimeters of the site and to make
sure they are up to date with toc�y's standards.
NDTyDN by Mr. Betzold, sewnc�d by Mr. Svanda, to close t3�e pub�lic hearing.
HEARIl� Q,� ID AT 8: 25 P. M.
Mr. �etzold stated it seens the stipulations are consistent with what has
been requested in other oo�evelopaents. He stated in regard to striping the
^ parking lot, the petitioner should work with staff on a parking lot plan.
� �s �I�M1�. M� ulUt '�. •_� ul�i:M���_. • 1 ,ii�i�,IC �; .
^ He stated as far as the stip�].ation regarding the sharing of the assessment
for im�wenents to 73rd Avenue, he felt the petitior�er should acknowleclge
the fact there would be improvenents and there is a probabil ity of
Mr. Robinson skated there is a glan for the im�avenerit of 73rd Avenue s� an
esstimate of I�rthoo's share of the assessaent could probably be available
when this item i.s subnitted to the City Coimcil.
Mr. Bondaw stated in reqard to the vinyl slats, he felt this question was
anavered by Mr. Robinson anc] the slating was only on the south side and then
75 feet r�rt�i.
NDTION by Mr. Betzold, sewndecl by NIr. Bondow, to rewirQaend to City Council
approval of Special Use Permit, SP �67-21, by Northco Corporation, per
5ection 205.18.1.C.9 of t�e Fridley City Co�e to a].lav exterior storage of
mater i al s ancl equipnerit on Tr acts A and B, Regi ster ed Land S urvey No. 6, th e
sa�ne being 500 - 73rd Avenue N. E. , wi�i ti�e fallvwing stip�r].ations:
1• Imglenem City landscaping as inc7icated on Deoember 16, 1987 plan
by City, by Jtme l, 1988. Plaritings on 73rd Avenue ta be
aamp].eted upon impravenent to 73rd.
2. Prwide autanatic sprinkling per 73rd Avenue bouievaral upon
aomgletion of 73r� Avenue.
^ 3• Prwi�e c�or rate
P� entry (mon�une.nt) sic,�age by Jime l, 1988.
Desic� and laation to be appro�vec� by City.
4. Pro�ic�e a 15 foot bikeway/wallavay ease�nent along 73rd Avenue.
5. Pro�i� an � foat diain link fenoe arotmd storage yard with
tubular vinyl slats as indicated on Dec�ber 16, 1987 plan by City.
6. Prwide for striping of the parking lot per a plan to be a�oved
by staff and aompleted by J�e 1, 1988.
7. C�irb entry drives as indicated on Dec�nber 16, 1987 plan by City.
8. Atl existing trees on site to be �eserved, except where bikeway
creates a r�eed f or renwal.
9. 1� retail sa].es of g�ds or materials to be permitted frcro site.
10. No storage of goods or ma.teria].s outside � screeneci fenoe is
11. Any expansion of storac� yard will require an additional special
use permit.
12. �e a�rs of t3ie property acimawledge there will Ixobably be
�� assessments to their �operty for �e street ungrav�erits to 73rd
�_ x ��P�.�, �� ui�+p _� • � vi��+4���. • " r ,�;a�ui. �;__ ._�
r-� Avenue including: road wi�ning, bikeway/walkway iristallation,
boulcvard tree plantings, and tuiiform boulevard lic,�ting
installation, as indicated on Deoenber 16, 1987 plan by City.
Mr. Betzald requested staff to pravide estimates of these assessaents at ti�e
City Cotmcil meeting.
1�. Billinc,�s stated Mr. Ben�n inclicated there is only a or�e year lease with
Rnox Liunber. Ae questionecl if any of �e items in these stipulations could
be held for one year anc7 then revic�wed at the end of this time. He
rec�uested staff review the stipulations and make any appropriate
rec�mnendations to the City Co�cil. He statecl the City wishe� to work wth
Northao and Rnox anc3 not create too many barriers where it i�'t beneficial
for then to do business.
Mr. Billings advised the petitioner this item would be sukanitted to the City
Cotmcil on January 4, 1986.
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• � �. lta�; ��� x �
N1r. Billings statecl the City Council at t3�eir Deoember 7 meeting concurre�
^ with ti�e Planning Commission's re�nendation for the Catmty to acquire the
paraels at 12 anol ?1 Talmadge Way, 20 an� 31 Osborne Way anci 45 - 75th Way
in their eritirety.
Mr. Robinson stated there are several other Fsroels in c�nnection with this
ri�t-of way acquisition where variances may be needed. He stated in
discussions with the City Attorr�y, questions were raiseal as to what woulol
happen if these properties became norrcor�forming uses. He stated if case
law states they don't become non-conforming uses, they wouldn't neeal
variances, however, if �iey beoome �n-conformin9. thEY maY n+eea variances.
1Kr. Robinson stated the League of Minnesota Cities was oontacted and they
are researching case law re�rding ri�nt-of-way ac�quisitions and will sul�nit
ir�formation to the City. He felt action by the Planning C�unission on these
paroels �ould probably be tabled �til the iryformation is rec�iveol fran the
League. He stated there is some concern on staff's part of granting
variances to non-cor�forming uses.
P�DTIDN by Mr. Betzold, seaonded by Mr. Svanda to tak�l.e iilis item.
Mr. Bil l ings
acgeanent with
p�operties th
stated the Anoka County Hi�way Committee recommended an
the Blaine HRA to lease until February 1, 1988 one of the
e City reooimnended be aoquired for the right-of�aay.
� �z_����N1�. M� �I�1 . ,_ • � u���_�Mi_ i 1 :�i��iVl: �� .
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1K�TION by Mr. Betzold, seoonc7ed by Mr. Svanda, to receive the November 5,
1967 I�iunan Resouroes C�anmission minutes.
�rvTNr m�: iw�rNC� OF �]E 1��'.�r� rnnmurr�.G��l� OF DECENBE73 1, 19�7•
NDTION by Mr. Betzold, sewndecl by Ntr. Svanda, to receive the December 1,
1987 Appeals ComQaission minutes.
NOVEMBER_ 7 7. 1987:
NDTION by Mr. Swanda, sewnded by Mr. Bonclo�v, to receive the November 17,
1987 E'nviror�nental Quality Conuaission minutes.
���ei�; : . �ia.�.
Mr. B111irags stated in the P�b],ic Works Director's meao (PW-87-395) alated
D�ec3ember 4, 1987 regarding th e Centr al Av enue Impr ov enent s, th er e was a
state�nent that "it was the concensus of the residents gresent that the
Central Avenue parkway should provi�e for medians, parking on the
resideritial side of �e street, r� parking on the park side of the street
and the r�eeci for off-street Farking wihin the Moore Lake Park area. ° Mr.
Billinc,�s stated he attendecl this meeting and five residents didn't want
parking on either side of the street, one really c]i�n't care, anol one was
ooncerr�ed if there was �srking haw ��y would gain access to their mailbox.
F�e felt the closest they came to a ooncensus was no parking on either sicle
of �ie �reet. He felt the letter t�iat is serit to the residents shoulcl be
sucii that the residents don't feel there is a subterfuge on the part of the
[«� �s U �� T..� � k • u.�L � �> ,'L�!� U ��l���i� ���Ul_���I�: � ; � �� UIV. _ � �� �-- �� �
� y,M�i�l_: �� —
�I.Yk�4� � �. � K�; .� �� _ �?t� �i , �_ _ �� ��Y� � � �' �a � M_ -
INDTION by Mr. Svanda, seconded by PRr. Bondow, to concur with the
re�o�runendation of the Enviroranental Quality Coimnission and recomnend to City
Coimcil extension of the curbsic�e recycling contract with Super G�cle with
the prwision that �e riew aost r�t exceec� the current �st by 5�.
�_�_� �[�p���. ��1�i�a��:._ • � vi�;��l�: r ► �;�;��i: �.�
^ Mr. S�ar�da stated Super G�rc1e was taking a more active appraadi to recycling
anci advertising in an attempt to c�et people invalved.
Mr. Robinson stated Super Cycle indicated today they would nee� a
signif icant increase in the monthly payment in order to continue thi s
service. He stateal the present rate is $1,400 per month and this woulci
increase to 52,400 per morith. He stated there are no funds available to
aover the additional wst and is a�ob].ea that will have to be addressed in
the iuunediate future. Mr. Robinson stated it appears these wntractors have
a mon+opoly anol the Coimty is not giving the cities enou�i time to plan. He
stated at so�ae poirit, the City will have to make a�ecision if ti�ey want to
aliswritinue �e grogr� or c�ntinue it wi� a City subsidy. Mr. Robinson
statecl he felt the only real solution is to pass the cost along to the
oonsiuner anc] a lot of cities are mwing in this direction.
• � �;��• :��` �.�:� � r�. l±4 �_�+�iv����_
1��N by Mr. Svandla, secondecl by Mr. Betzold, to concur with the
reooimnendation of the EnvirorYnental Quality Com�aisson and rec�nnnend to City
Co�mcil apprwal of t�e amendmerits to the lease agreenent with N6D Recycle.
�..� (�iRR�D UNE�TIl�DUSLY.
_ :_.�i� __ 1; �:rs �. _ _ ; !_ �. 4� • � _.�:� � ; •! ���4
ND�ON by Mr. Svanda, seconded by Mr. Betzold, to concur with the
reooimnendation of the E�virorIIne.ntal Quality CAmmissi� and reoommencl to City
Coimcil approval of the work plan anc7 Joint Powers Agreement for Anoka
Co�mty to ob�taain landfill surdiarge ftmding for the iriterim �riod of July
1, 1987 throu� J�e 30, 1988 in the stmn o� 518,651.50.
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NDTION by Mr. Betznid, seQOndecl by Mr. Svanda, to reaeive the letter dated
D�ec�ember 15, 1987 fro�a �n BriclaZer regarding ways to aevelop Heather O�ks.
Mr. Robinson stated Mr. Brickner petitioned for a 12 lot glat; but if other
property awn�ers were included, the plat would include 16 lots. He stated
Mr. Brickner has not oome to an agreenent witli i�ie other �operty owners at
this time. He stated the glat for ti�e 16 lats, as well as the 12 lots, will
both be glaced on the Canmission's January 6 agenda.
� �, ����M�. •!lu�vlF,,. �z� ����{I�Y�_ i � �,ii:���: �i;_ _�_
,� �e C�uaission disc�ssed the requirenent that the Coo�¢nissioai had 60
days to take action on the plat anol subanit it to the Co�cil. It was
suggested possibly a letter be sent to Mr. Brickner to point out the
Cwmnissi� has to take action on the plat in 60 days, which they intend to
c� at t3�eir January 6 meeting, but would like a waiver of this requir�nent
in the event they wuldn't take action in this time period.
Mr. Robinson stated he felt Mr. Brickner wishecl to proceeol and have the
Comaaission take action at their next meeting.
(MOTION by Mr. Betzold to direct staff to issue a memo to persons
distributing agenda packets to be cautious and not lock the�nselves out of
their v�icles) .
RES TCNL�R'i'ON - S . BTT.i.T1�:� •
Mr. Billings stated he subanitted a letter to the Mayor resigning as
QZairperson of the Planning C�uaission as of January 1, 1988.
Mr. Billings statecl he wished to thank the members of the Planning
Co�nnission for their work and dedication. He stated he woulal miss the
^ meetings ancl his association with i�e Co�nission.
Nlr. Svanda statecl it was a pleasure working with Mr. Billings and wi�iec7 him
succ�ess in his r�w endeavor.
Mr. Betzold stated, in j est, that D�ve Kondrick, Sue Sherek, and Dean Saba
are not present this evening, but is sure they would agree they thought he
woulcl never leave.
Mr. B�lli.n� stated after Mr. Betzold's �nanent, he may aonsic3er witfidraaaing
his letter of resic,g�ation.
NDTION by Mr. S�anda, seoonded by Mr. Bondaw, to adjourn the meeting. Upon
a voioe vote, all voting aye, (hai.rperson Billi.nqs declared the Decenber 16,
1987, Co�mnission m�ting adj ournecl at 9: 20 p. m.
Respectfully surmitted,
Carole Haddad
Recording Secretary