PL 01/06/1988 - 7109PLAflNING COMMI.SSIOH 1�LETING WEDftESDAY, JAHUARY 6, 1987 7:30 P.M. Jock Robertson � Director Conummity Developu r.., ....,.,.._. City of Fridley AG EN DA pLAi�1IlVG aDNH�+�SS IO�T NEET]NG WEINESDAY, JAN[JARY 6, 1988 7: 30 P. NL .�.: . . , • .�� . - ..- - - k� � :�� �� .�� ; : _ : ";iUL ' s �i�Ml�; �� viul .. • � u1M�l �4a. �- •a •- , • . i �!� � !�� �!_ u.�. �N • :_' ;.� �w vi_ �l� • � ; �lx� ' _:_��l� �; �� u v _ � � , .. . u!:.�, k� .= � . � , 4 _ � = M ! �� • � : !� 4 _� ' . ' a: .i c :. r�. •� �. � _._� r. M • � • v � � • � • •! u �:� �.. � a� ��i��u;� �� _. i��!.� ' �_� 1� : _ �r :_� �_� � � �_�_�_ �.;� �I � �N�L� + M M; �, , .;�� � � �� � IDEBATION QF A VACATION. SAV # 8 7-12 , BY S IiO,,REWOOD PLAZA PAni'�• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 — 3G FTo vacate fhat all portion of iile Hicj�way 65 east servioe roacl lying westerly ot and adjaoerit to the ShorEwood P1aza Shopping Center, c,�enerally located at 6257 Hic�way 65 N. E. ��4�.1�_;�.4�•4 � ��. ;'�'-- .. •� �1�+ �!�u.'-'—.r_ �. � �� ' �� . . �+�t� l'._ �� � 4�l ,1�.���1���.�z� • _w� • ► �; M�i�'�+4�!� ' : ! _ . . ... �I . .T.� V. �L.�4. �, ��� . R.�.. .. 1�_. _�� «�� Ii_U . . _ .. � � U..� . �, .. � .. �. �i��l��l�►....1 � � • : �! �._. . �� .L�_. (/ _t ll... _. � :. !�... �_i...� .�. ` �.._ .1_..'i. .. � �' �1.�. � . �' • � M U��, ± ' • _ _ 11�� • � • ' .J 1 � ! • Ilql • 1 . � �. • .� � ���.I�i� .� � �I�.,_ i !. • ,1�.\�ul��l��l MM • a�;. u �� �. A�\N�\. ��IV�J � �, v��� �. � �;N�i�l: DI� �� � ��� : Qzairperson Billings called the Deceml�r 16, 1987, Planning Commission meeting to oro�er at 7: 30 p. m ' RoLL CAI.L- N1e�ribers Present: Steve Billings, Bruce Bondow (for Dean Saba), Donald Betzald, and Ridlard Svanda Me�nber s Absent : Dav id Kondr i ck and S ue S her ek O�ers Present: Jun Robinson, Planning Coordinator Mike Maney, Nor�w Corporation Pgt Faust, Rnox Lunber Jim Benson APPROVAL_OF I�DVEMBII2 18, 1987, l� mMMLSSION MIN[TI'F5: I�IDTION by Mr. Bondow, sewnded by Mr. Betzold, to approve the November 18, 1987, Planning Com¢nissian minutes as written. UPON A VOICE VC7!'E, ALL VOTII� AYE, �AIItPERSCN BII�LIl�S DECI,ARID THE N�TION C�RRIED UN�TINDUSLY. 1� PI .T _ HRARTis� ap1�IDERATION OF A SPECIAL iSE PF.R�urT'�', SP #87-21. BY I�N[�X .I�EB� Per Section 205.18.1.C.9 of t�ie Fridley City Code, to allaw exterior storage of mater ial s and equipnent � Tracts A and B, Regi stered Land S urv ey No. 6, the same being 500 - 73rd Avenue N. E. NDTION by Mr. Betzold, seoonded by Mr. S�anda, to waive the formal reading of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing. UFON A VOICE VOZE, ALL V�!'Il�T AYE, C�iAIItPERSCt�i B]I�LIl�S �(ZARID TI3E NDTION (�RR�D UNANIl�DUSLY, AND TIiE HIBLIC HEARIl� OPENID AT 7: 32 P. M. Mr. Rnbinson stated stated this petition for a special use permit is for property located on the Carter-�ay site south of 73rd Avenue and east of tJniversity Avenue. He stated the property has been sold to Northco Developnerit Corporation and �aik-�'i1e, Inc. Mr. Robinson stated the r�ason for the special use permit is to allaw outside storage on the southeast portion of the site for a Rnox Ltunber distribution center. Ae stated although there has been outside storage in the gast on this sitep the operation fvas discontinued and this is a new petitioner. He stated the special use permit p�ocess would allaw for t3ie p�roperty to be brought up to aode. -1- J : �411�. ��,vl�l `!. • � ��5�5�M1�. • � S;M:ryl: �3; Mr. Robinson �esented a dra�ing shawing the layout of the property. He stated the large manufacturing building on the site is rouc�ly 188,298 square feet and Rwik-�'ile is using 104,068 square feet. He stated Rnox Lunber would utili.ze 25,000 square feet of the building at this time and possibly additi�al spaoe in the future. Mr. Robinson stated in oonj�ction with the special use permit, a number of site impravanents were �xoposed and discussed with the Presiderit�o� Northw, Mr. Edstran. He stated staff was oonoerned about the unsightly nature of the back of the developnent tawards Locke Park. iie stated it is reoonunended a cbuble raa of Amur Maple trees be planted on the south in addition to an eic�t €oot vi.r�yl slatted fence. He stated additi�al �rubbery is proposed along the west edge o�' �e site to screen future developne.nt. Mr. Robinson �ated 73rd Avenue is pc�oposed to be wider�ed to facilitate the additional traffic generated by Target's development and redevelopment of the Carter-�ay site. i� stated a bikeway would be located along the south of 73rd fran University Avenue to Hic,�way 65, and an easen►ent is requested for t3�is purpose. He stated a tree plariting and licj�ting motifs oonsistent wi� FricIley's urban desi� star�dards are prop�sed along 73rd Avenue. He stated eritries are to be t�dated by p�'widing monunent sic�age, the driveways are to be curbed and glantings on either side are to be upgraded. Mr. Robinson stated the stipulations recommended are as follows: (1) implenent City devised landscape plan by Jtme 1, 1988. Pla�ings on 73rd to be ooanpleted upon imp�wenent to 73rd; (2) pravide autanatic sprinkling for 73rd Avenue boul evard upon aanpl eti � of 73rd Aven�e; ( 3) prav ide cor po r ate entry (montunent) sic�age by June 1, 1968. Design and location to be apprwed by City; (4) pravide a 15 foot bikeway/walkway easement along 73rd Avenue; (5) pravide an eic,�t foot c�ain li.nk fence arotmd storage yard with tubular viriyl slats as indicated on December 16, 1987 plan by City; (6) stripe all parking lats to meet aode by Jime 1, 1986; ('n curb entry drives as indicated on Deoember 16, 1987 plan by City; (6) all existing trees on site to be preserved, except where bikeway c,reates a need f or reaoval ;( 9) no retail sales of c�oods or materials to be permitted fram site; (10) no storage of goods or materials outside o� screened fenoe is permitted; (11) any expansion of storac� yard wi11 require an additional special use permit; and (12) the owr�ers of �e property agree to a fair share assessment for imprwane.nts to 73rd Avenue including: road widening, bikeway/walkway installation, boulevard tree plantings, and uniform boulevard lighting installation, as indicated on Dec�nber 16, 1987 plan by City. Mr. Svancla questioned why stipulation 11 is needed. Mr. Robinson stated there is the p�ssibility af Rnox expanc7ing at this site and if ti�is is cbne. staff would want to reviEw the plans at that time to make sure the storage yard is not expanded, without beryef it af furl3ier staff rc�iew, as additional screening would have to be pravided. Mr. Mike Maney, represeriting Northco Corporation, stated Mr. Benson, who wordinated the developnent, and Mr. Faust, representing Rnox Lumber were p�esent this evening to answer any questions. Mr. Mar�ey stated in reviewing the stipulations wit3z Nlr. Edstran, there are a -2- �J : ��,�r�. !�;����F.ti. •, y��i�MM��. • � J,W:r!„�: �1; niunber of concerns. He questioned the installation of an automatic s�inkling system. Ae stated he understands the importance of having an attractive developnerit adjaoent to the residential areas, but felt it is more a policy than �xacticality. Mr. Robinson stated the autamatic sp�rinkling system is required as part of ti�e City's urban desicyz standards and as a wde requireae.nt. He state� the landscapi.ng is required by oode to �wide screening fran resideiitial view. Ae stated the trees on the street are to p�ovide a more uniform well-kept appearanc�e. Mr. Maney sta te d th er e buffer. Ae stated they wasn't neoessary. are already existing trees and a nice appearing felt the aost for additional trees is son►ething that Mr. Robinson stated the wst for ti�e trees aould be part of the assessnent for ti�e impravanents to 73rd. Mr. Benson asked if t3�e evergreen trees were part o� the whole lanc7scaping plan for 73rd fran University Avenue to Hi�way 65. Mr. Robinson stated the evergreens are to be prwided as a buffer fa�r a]I.1 of 73rd Avenue between University Avenue and Hic�iway 65. N�. Maney questioned hvw the plantinc,}� relate to adjoining property to the west and why they are required. He stateci there is some grade differential between their site and this adjoining property ancl grading would probab7Ly be needed in the future neoessitating the need to remove the plantings. He felt landscaping at this time would serve no purpose. Mr. Robinson stated the area in question is along the southwest portion of ti�e site and the property to the west is undeveloped at this time. He stated there have been a rnunber a� inquiries over ti�e last several years for developnent on this site. Ae stated a high guality develoFxnen� is anticipated, and he felt that t3�is is one area where there is a very minimal setback and the loading docks and parking lots are visible. He felt any devel opnent � this jx oper ty woul d not impa ct th e sl ope or gr acle on th e Nar�w property or disturb �ny landscaping that was installed. Mr. Maney stated he dic�'t �derstand the City's intentions in regard to striping the parking lat. Mr. R�binson stated the c�ode requires the parking lat be stripec7, however, #he lot does have some striping at t3�is time. Mr. Maney stated the lot is underutilized at this point and the areas requiring clesignated parking would be striped. Ae stated there is a great exp�nse of parking are� arx7 for all practical purposes, it woulcll't be used for parking at ti�is time. Mr. Betzold stated Mr. N�ney mentioned the parking lat was tmderutilized and wondered about the nim�ber of enplvyees on the site. Mr. Maney stated Carter-�ay has abouk 70 snplvyees and Rnox will eagloy six �� , ;,i�ll�. ��,���i •+ �i:��Mr�. �,• � �M��i:,a+; 'I:�] to eic�it persons. Mr. Billings stated the action of the Planninq Commission is only a rea�mnendation to the City Council. He felt if there are some areas of disagreement between the petitioner and staff, perhaps these could be resolved before the iten is subnitted to �e Coimcil. Mr. Robinson stated at �is time, it appears there is a need f or about 200 garking stalls, but there is a lot aE �leased spaoe. Mr. Maney stated another issue was the curb entry driveway and was not certain to what extent this had to be implemented. He stated they anticipate making an improvsnent along the entryway to the o�ff ioe. Mr. Robinson stated it is Ixoposed the main e�ranoes be aubed which would upcgade the entries and the cvrb extended back to the parking area. Mr. Maney felt this could be accomplished, hawever, the research and developnent building is specifically used by Carter�ay arx7 there is�n't mucii traffic to this facility. Mr. Maney stated overall it se�ns there are some a�sts for improveaents at t�is time t�iat really woulch't make a lot o� difference for the City, but realizes the City cbes have long term plans. Mr. Benson pointed out that Rnox has a one year lease for the property while �ey review t3�eir entire operations in the metropolitan area. Ae felt this is temporary in nature and yet all t3�ese stipulations have to be follawed for a one year lease. Mr. Maney stated he lmaws the City wants to make this site attractive f ro�a Locke Park, but wonc3ered if t3ie screening wasn't being addressed twice with both the plantings and the vinyl slat fencing. Mr. Robinson stated the oode requires screening anc7 felt the fencing with vinyl slats ixwides a sewnd level of screening far the storage area. He stated the fenoe was in the plans and staff is simgly asking for vinyl slats on the south portion of the property and then nor� 75 feet. Mr. Maney stated he would 1 ike to keep stipul ati on 12 as a separ ate i ssue and mair�tain their ric�ts to discuss these oosts. He stated he cbesn't feel it relates to this request f� 1�e special use permit. Mr. Robinson �ated 73rd Avenue is p�obahly suff icient to accoimnodate the residential traff ic, however, with the increase in industrial grawth, it nee� to be u�pgraded to facilitate t3�e truck traffic. Ae stated regardless of the special use permit, there is going to be an assessment for the impravsnent. Mr. Mar�ey stated they are being asked to donate a por ti on of th e 1 and f or the bikeway/wa].kway as well as sharing in the v�st o�f �e improvanerits. —� : : ��,���. •!,�w�ti, •, ��:++�Mr,. �,• � y,�a�„�: �; Mr. Betzald stated it may be pre-mature to discuss the actual assessment, but possihly Northo� should acknowledge t3�at there are future plans for the imPrwene.nt. He stated if this is included as a stipulation, it makes them advare o� possihle future assessments. He felt staff wanted to go on record that �ere are plans for improvene.nt o� this street. Mr. Robinson stated the reluctance on the part of the petitioner to this particular stipulation probably indicates they aren't in agr�ement. He stated if there are problems related to this issue, they should be discussed. He stated the im�avane.nts to the street and the bikeway/walkway are glanned for the 1988 construction season. Mr. Billings stated in the special use permit p�ooess, an att�empt is mac7e to bring properties in compliance with code requirements in such areas as striping, landscaping, etc. He stated if the land was being developed today, these requireaents would be part af the wnditions for develognent. He felt the petitioner s�iould work with staff in several of these areas, hawever, he felt the City wasa�'t requesting anything that really wouldn't directly benef it the pcoperty awner in the future. Mr. Robinson stated the special use permit and street uaprovements are not as disassociated as it appears sinoe t3�e special use permit is for storage and invQlves at least 20 trucks per day using the roadway. Mr. Billings asked the ntuaber of outbound vdlicles versus the number of v�icles inboimd to the site. Mr. Faust, representing Rnox LiBnber, stated probably 70� of the vehicles would be outbo�d wii� about 30� of the traffic coming onto the site. He stated there would be a total o� about 20 trucks per day. Mr. Billings stated it may be a good idea to have traff ic counts on University Avenue and Hic�way 65. He felt possihly Si�B ao�a � Postea to enc�ourage the use of University Avenue for this traffic. Mr. Robinson stated wi� the Target developnerit, they were requested to use Hi�way 65. He stated if t3�e traffic fran Rnox used University, it would mi.nimize the impact on the adjaoent r�ei�iborhood. Mr. Robinson stated he doesi't wish to send any negative feedback to the petitiorier ancl staff is pleased to have Northco, Rwik�'ile and Rnox in FYidley, but the main a�ncerns are ii�e perimeters of the site and to make sure they are up to date wi� today's standarcZs. NDTIDN by Mr. Betzold, seoonded by Mr. Svanda, to close t3�e pu4lic hearing. IJ1�N A VOIC� VOTE, ALL VOTII� A�, �AIltPE��1 BILLIl�S I�Q,ARID TEE PUBLIC HEARIl� (I,CS ID AT 8: 25 P. M. Mr. Betzold stated it seems the stipulations are consistent with what has been requested in ofiher developnerits. He stated in regard to striping the parking lat, t3�e petitioner �iould work with staff on a parking lot plan. -5- � ; ������. •!,v�„� •, „�:�i�M��. _ �;' � 5«:r„�:,�; ' �� He stated as far as the stipulation regarding the �iaring of the assessment for im�avenents to 73rd Avenue, he felt the petitioner should acknowledge the fact there would be improvements and there is a probabil ity of assessnents. Mr. Robinson stated there is a plan for t3�e imFravenent o� 73rd Avenue s� an estimate of Nor�ioo's share o� tlze assesenent could probably be available when this it�em is su�mitted to the City Coimcil• Mr. Bonddw stated in regard to the vinyl slats, he felt this question was ��� �i Mr. Robinson and the slating was only on the south side and then 75 feet north. 1�DT�N by Mr. Betzold, seaonded by Mr. Bondow. to reoomnend to City Council app�wal o� Special Use Permit, SP #87-21, by Northco Corporation, per Section 205.18.1.C.9 of the Fricney City Cod�e to allow exterior storage of materials and equipnent on Tracts A and B, Registered Land Survey No• 6, the same being 500 - 73rd Avenue N. E. , with t3�e fallar�ring stipulations: 1. Implene.nt City lanc3scaping as indicsted on Deoe�nber 16, 1987 plan by Ci.ty, by Jtme 1, 1986. Plaritings on 73rd Avenue to be aampleted upon impravsnent to 73rd. 2. Prwide autanatic sExinkling per 73rd Avenue boulevard upon oo�npletion of 73rd Avenu�e. 3. Prwide oorporate entry (monune�) sic�age by J�a►e 1, 1988. Desic� and location to be ap�o�vea Y�i City. 4. Provide a 15 foot bikeway/wallaaay easenent along 73rd Avenue. 5. Provide an 8 foot �ain link fenoe aro�d storage yard with tubular vinyl slats as indicated on Deoennber 16, 1987 plan tr� CitY• 6. Pravide for striping of the parking lot per a plan to be ap�avec] by staf f and oompl eted tr� Jtme 1, 1988. 7. (;urb eritry c7rives as indicated on Devenber 16, 1987 plan by City. 6. A71 existing trees on site to be Preserved. except where bikeway creates a r�eed f or renwal. 9. No retail sales of goods or materials to be permitted fran site. 10. No storage of goods or materials outside o� s�reened fenoe is permitted. 11. Any expansion of storage yard will require an additional special use permit. 12. '7he aarers of the p�operty aclmowledge �ere will prabalal.y be assessne.nts to �eir ixoperty fo� tiie street im�weaents to 73rd �� 2. � : ��,�r�. !�,�ivl -,ti • + �i�� 1,. �,� � �,«a+yi:.�; Avenue inrluding: road widening, bikeway/walkway instaslation, boulevard tree plamings, and uniform boulevard li�ting installatia�n, as indicated on Devanber 16, 1987 plan by City. Mr. Betzcald requested staff to �rwide estimates of these assessne.nts at the City Co�mcil meeting. Mr. Billings stated Mr. Benson inr�icated there is only a or�e year lease with Rnox Ltunber. He questioned if any of �e ite�ns in these stipulations could be held for one year and then reviewed at the end of this time. He requested staff review the stipulations and make any appropriate re�nsnendations to the City Cotuicil. He stated the City wis�ed to work wth Northoo and Knox and not create too many barriers where it isi't benef icial for �en to do business. UI�N A VOIC� VOTE TAI�1 Q�T �iE ABOVE NDTmN, ALL VOTED AYE, AND C�iAIRPERS ON BII,LIA�S L1EQ�ARED THE M?TD'JN C�,RRIED Ul�lNIM)IJSLY. Mr. Billings advised the petitior�er t3�is iten would be submitted to �e City CoLmcil on January 4, 1988. �� +. 1� �i; ;_ � • � • /; s ; � �ia. : '�. � ;_ 4�� :��4� : � � ; ; •! 1\�4 ; .�I • ,h, V: , �. � � i �1�� �!� � � Mr. Billings stated the City Cot,uzcil at their Deoe�nber 7 meeting concurred wi� ti�e Plaruv.ng Cw�unission's reo�omnxendation for ti�e Coimty to acquire the paroels at 12 and 21 Taimadge Way. 20 and 31 Osborne Way and 45 - 75th Way in their eritirety. Mr. Robinson stated there are several other paroels in oonrrection with this riqht-of way aoquisition where variances may be needed. He stated in discussions wit3� the City Attorney, questions were raised as to what would happen if these properties became rnrrconforming uses. He stated if case law states they don't become non-conforming uses, they wouldn't need varianoes, however, if they be�ne non-coriforming. they may neecl variances. Mr. Robinson stated the League a� Minnesota Cities was contacted and they are researc3iing case ladv rec�rding ri�t-of-way aoquisitions and will suhnit irlformati� to �e City. He felt action by the Planning Co�runission on these �roels should proL�41y be tahled tuitil t3�e ir�ormation is received fran the League. He stated there is some concern on staff's part of granting variances to non-coriforming uses. IrDTLDN by Mr. Betzald, seoonded by Mr. S�anda to tab].e this item. UPON A VOICE VOTE, CHAIItPERSON BILLINGS DEQ,ARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANINDUSLY. Mr. Billings stated the Anoka County Hi�way Committee recommended an acgeene.nt with the Blairie HRA to lease until February 1, 1988 one of the �operties the City rea�mmended be aaquired for t3�e ric�it-of-way. -7- a .,i��r�. ...,�.,��. �,_��:�:�wr� �,• � �«a���: �+: R� TV7� '*'�,"•�' �'� Rn*"L'S OF 'I'HE HfnHAN RF�DL� �""""TCeTnu MF'FTT1�T',., F NOV�MSER ,�8: 1MDTION by Mr. Eetzolcl► sewnded bY 1�'. S�an�� to receive the Novenber 5, 1987 H�nnan Resouroes C�aunission minutes. UP�N A VOICE VO►!`E. ALL VOTIl� AYE, QiAIl�P�� BII,LIl�S DEQ�ARF� THE NDTION CAitRIED UI�TANIM)USLY. ,,.1-..,,.�„�.,,� 'I'� Ihil�nTrF'� OF '�'� pipPE.n� �,�"T.�.�"Tfll� N�.'I'TIu OF DEC �� ? � �87: 1C�a�� � � 1 NDTION .by Mr. Betzoldr se�onded bY Mr. Svand�. to receive the December 1, 1987 Appeals Conar►ission minutes. UF�N A VOICE V�E, ALL VOrIl�T AYE. �3AIltPE�(N BII,LIl�S DECLARID THE NDTION CARRIED UNANIM}USLY. Ds�.,�,nnt�r R,�,� h•�1�nTi+F+G QF rl,� A(1NMFNTAT Oi)AT TTY COMMISSION MEETTN(; QF NpVEI�ER 17. 1987; ^ M?TION by Mr. Swanda► sevondea b�' Mr• Bondaw� to receive the November 17, 1987 E�vironaental Quality C�oaienission minutes. UPOI�T A VOI(� VOi�. ALL VO►i'IIT AYE, C�iiA�P�� BILLIl�S DEQ,ARID THE NDTION Q�RRIED UNANIIaDUSLY. ��y,��; : . ,ia.,� Mr. gi],lings stated in the PuYalic Works Director's meno (PW-87-3951 dated Deoember 4, 1987 regar di ng th e Centr al Av enue Impr ov e�nent s, th er e was a state�nent that °it was the concensus of the residents present that the Central Avenue parkway should provide for medians, parking on the residential side aE ii�e street, r�o parking on the park side of the street and the rred for a�f-street parking wihin the Moore Lake Park area. " Mr. Billinc� stated he attended this meeting and five residents didn't want parking on either side o� the street, or�e really didn't care, and one was o�nverned if there was Fsrking hvw they would gain acoess to their mailbox. He felt the closest they c,ame to a�noensus was no parking on either side of the street. He felt the letter 13iat is serit to the residents should be suc3i t3iat the residerits cbn't feel there is a subterfuge on the part of the Ci.ty. .....wmm��T �� srvnTnw� nnnv c�w��Q(��1ML�ATnAT Q[jj�T TTY COMMIS$IOAT 1�ETT�, OF DDCEN�3ER 15. 1987: �►.4Y��� • � • ��_i,__��r��_�: ��► M ,�. —�!_��4; : � 1' �+ M �i IrDTION by Mr. Svanda, seconded by Mr. Bondow, to concur with the reooanmendati� of the E�iviroranental 4�itY Coamnission and reoomnend to City Council extension of t3�e curbside recycling �ontract with Super G�c1e with the Fawisioa� that the r�ew wst rnt ex+ceed the current �st by 5�. -8- i:� : ,h�1,. ��,,,i„��., • � �i�;�,+yr,_ • � 5«�?„r. :�; Mc'. S�anda stated Super Gj�cle was taking a more active ap�oadz to rec�,cling and advertising in an attenpt to get people invalved. Mr. Robinson stated Super G�icle indicated today they would need a significant increase in the monthly payment in order to continue this service. He stated the present rate is $1,400 per month and this would increase to 52,400 per morith. He stated there are no func7s available to vover t3�e additional oost and is a problen that will have to be gddressed in the inunediate future. Mr. Robinson stated it appears these o�ntractors have a monopoly and th e Cotmty is not giv ing th e ci ti es enouc� time to pl an. He stated at sane p�int, t3�e City will have to make a decision if they want to disoontinue the progr�n or oontinue it with a City subsidy. Mr. Robinson stated he felt the only real solution is to �ss the cost along to the o�nsuner and a lot of cities are mwing in this c]irection. IJii�N A VOICE VO►!� T�T CN �IE AgWE AflTION, ALL VO�I�D AYE, AND C�3AIRPERSON BII,LIl�S DECLARID �iE M3TD'JN Q�,RRIED U1vANIM)USLY. S. O. B. T. D��FF jt�y T.TAr S TTF: T F.AG F AC:RFFMF'HTP • �-- NDTDN by Mr. Svanda, seconded by Mr. Betzold, to concur with the reo�unendation of the Ehvirormental Quality Co�unisson and recna�enend to City Co�mcil approval af t�e a�aenc�nents to the lease agreeaent with N5D Recycle. U1�N A VOIC� V�, ALL VOTIl� A3�, QiAIItpER,,SCiii BII,LIl�S DECI,ARID THE Ni�TION Q�RRIED LTI�NIl�DUSLY. *-+�� �1 «� � �. �. i � � + +� � �� 1�lT NDTON by Mr. Svanda, seconded by Mr. Betzold, to concur with the reo�snendation of the E�virormental Quaiity Commission and rew�nend to City Coimcil approval of the work plan and Joint Powers Agreement for Anoka Co�mty to ob�ain landfill surdlarge ftmcling for the irrterim periocl of July l, 1987 throuc,�i J�e 30, 1988 in the sun � 518,651.50. UF�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl� AYE, QiAIltPERSCrT BII�LIlI�S DEQ,ARID THE NDTION C�RRIED UNANIl�DUSLY. �i��.M �/ ��4�� � : 4DI� � �MJI�I: al� ��!� U �� v = � M������ i .I • IJ.I�I� • � (�. 1++DTION by Mr. BetzW.d, seoonded by Mr. S�anda, to reoeive the letter dated Deo�nber 15, 1987 fran Tan Briclmer regarding ways to develop Heather Qaks. U1�N A VOICE VO►rE, ALL VOTIl� AYE, Q3AIRpERSCN gII,I,Il�g �Q,p�Z.Ep THE 1�TION CAR1tIED UNAI�TINDUSI,Y. Mr. Robinson stated Mr. Brickner petitioned for a 12 lat plat; but if other �operty a�rners were included, tfie plat would include 16 lots. He stated Mr. Briclaler has not oome to an a�eenent with the other �operty awners at this time. He stated the plat for the 16 lats, as well as the 12 lots, wi11 both be glac�ed on the Coa�¢nission's January 6 agenda. -9- ii i ir�ti : ����uu� � I�MS'�I: 7i� '� � �: ������� . iV V 1\ �1�V� 'r�-i -�. _ _ �ie Planning Ca�nission di.scussea '�e requirenent that the Ccs�nission had 60 days to take action on the plat ana sulxnit it to the Council. It was suggested possibly a letter be sent to Mr. Brickner to point out the Com�nission has to take action on the plat in 60 days, whicfi they intend to do at t3ieir January 6 meeting► hut would like a waiver of this requirenent in the event they o�ulch't take action in this time period. Mr. Robinson stated he felt Mr. Brickner wished to proceed arid have the Coanmissi� take action at t3�eir next meeting. ;. �l�i� ; � � �/�+;. (Ni0TI0N by Mr. Betzold to direct staff to issue a memo to persons distributing agenda packets to be cautious and not lock thenselves out of i3ieir vdiicles). s��i��• � � a�� • • •.�• • 5�• � ; �. ��: w • ► 1+�►I +. . Mr. Billings stated he sub�nitted a letter to the Mayor resigning as (hairpers�n of �e Planning Ca�miission as of January 1, 1988. Mr. Billings stated he wished to thank the members of the Planning Ca�nmission for their work and dedication. He stated he would miss the meetings and his association with the Co�¢nission. Mr. Svanda stated it was a pleasure working with Mr. Billin� and wi�ed him sucvess in his r�ew endeavor• Mr. Betzald stated, in jestg t3�at Dave Rondrickwould a reektheathoun tahbae are �ot �esent this evenin , but is sure they 9 Y � would never leave. Mr. Billings stated after Mr. Betzold's o�nment, he aaay wnsider withdra�ving his letter of resicy�ation. : �_ • �� ! �v�����A NDTION by Mr. S�anda� seoonded by Mr. Bondav. to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voioe vote, all voting aye, (hairpers�n Billings deGlared the Deo�nber 16, 19g7, planning Co�nission meeting adj ourned at 9: 20 p. m Respectfully surmitted, Carole Haddad Reoording Secretary -10- I �I t � 9 `. � ' :;:.Y �l�yt� ��J 7i 4 �� ( �" N1 �R� �,� . '. , CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHOATE (612) 571-3450 Deoember 18, 1987 Honorable William Nee, Mayor Ci ty of Fri cll ey 6431 University Avenue N. E. Fridley, NN 55432 Dear Mayor Nee: I look forward to j oining you and the other members of the Fridley City Council in my t�ning term as Ward One Cot,mcilmsnber. It has given me great pleasure to have served as the Qzainaan of the Plannin� �anmission for fihe past eic�teen months. So much so, that I have tried ico devise a plan wherein the Ward One Councilmember serves as chair of the Planning Co�nission. •�is, however, fs not a p�ssibility. • Zherefore, I write �iis with anticipation of the new undertaking, and with reyret t3�at % leave i'ize old position. Please accept my resignati ef£ective January 1, 1987. Sincerel� � % �� � �` ;. � �� �� � Steven E. Bill irl � r c,� Councilmanber-elect Ward One C7�airman, Planning C�mnission cc: City (:ouncil N�embers Planning Coirnnission Ni�mb�rs Chairman of the Planning Commission, f� ,I B R O� Y REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT DES�GN BUILD FINANCE ASSOCIATES MANAGEMENT IEASiNt3 December 29, 1987 Dear Fridley Resident: 2233 NORTH HAMLINE AVENUE, SU�TE 220 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55113 TELEPHONE 612/636•4488 RE: Informa�tional Meeting Moore Lake Commons The purpose of this letter is to noti€y you of an informational meeting about the Moore Lake Commons Project. To alleviate traffic congestion on Rice Creek Road, we are requesting an additional curb cut onto Rice Creek Road from the new r�'tail/office center. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend this informational meeting at the Fridley City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 6, 1988. Sincerely, BRO AS CI S, INC. . George App baum GA:ss Enclosure - 0 �o��v�,� �r,r�c f1H�ViVG I � S�VIhA, & HEALTH CLUB MOORE LAKE CONfMONS RETAiL CENTER �� a: . s,oa.��o ` �� iom.a Q �1 r r � �j� � .� �I 1 � � � _ � ¢�, � ewna aoaauu � Ca � � ���`^ . . 'I ! \ � r!.% 1��/���j"� � + �., � ,o ��__.�,�_ \ ` �. i �=� ��`O�`_°�' � I'�'��� COMPREHENSIV[ PLAN EAST A100RE LAKE DRIVE FRIDLEY� h11NNESOTA �. � C. -�. �"�� , /...__.. . . , -.�: - ..I.�;::.�.... ._ ;• _ 4 / . �!' 11 � r•.i..., .1.:...._: !1 +�.. � i �. —�„_..... / � � �.�. ��. ••••••• '��'I" BMOFwNCCMIlM/ � Q�. ��. 1 ' �., ��. , t, ���p� Q.,,' ........ �-:__-_� �c�c�e�c-�c� . ..�...._..r�.r ...' `'"""� �J:j� n �1_�' � � p{ 1 �� ,. O A 0'� , , � �� �� • �� � � � � .,.._..- .. �� � - , 5 ' '} �a�� ���-� � � _:__ � �i�--��. _ �. � ., __. _ __: : - .��. :: - f , { . . = ' . � T9oyp - -- } c ^�'"� � ' � , ` ' 1 a I ? �OONB tPt[ NPCOU[T, � BW�w 8 NBn�TM CLUO (� i At00RE L�F:L COh1MONS C•ASI' F.etail/Of:ice Center area (lst Icvcl) O:ficc Acea (?nd Icval) TOT.4� Are1 Pa:�ir.g PROJHCT DATq 41,925 s/t 13,2G0 s/[ SS,18S s/f 296 A!CO(tL LAh;B C07.tSlONS WL•S7' {.'o�m,erly Shcren•ood Plaz�j !,tain Guilding Aiea 65,000 s/f Frc�_-c��'Cing 6vi!dine 25,000 s/t TOTAL Area 90,000 s/t Parking 388 � � �� y���� $.�� ��� �• _ �' ��a���C�,,,,� 1G � ���� �°� '�. � ��� �r ` ��.. � � � �' �. '• . IOCATIAN OF PROAIiSEU � • �'cs, "3. �: w� � �� �� � `'�:d°DRIVEWAY � � �`���`C f��f MOOpE LAK! CDWIpHB ��� I " BMOn%wp CCMTHP �. 9 ° d �i � � -� ��� �U:F� �� �y_�.ti -� � - - �— - -- -- - - .... _._ _. tQ =� Q��� . .___ _ _ .. . a �:� MOORL� LAKC RACQUGT G SNfA1 C4Ufi Building Cround Floor Area TOTAL Ouilding Area (3 Icxcls) Parking CRANO TOTAL PROJCCT ARHA CRAND TOTA� PARKINC 140,000 s/t :08,000 s/[ 379 3=3,585 s!f I,OU3 �1 � �, �; ; r, � y � r.: � � -t. ° a -� — .,,� ? � s ' •�-�,a. . e � �, � � �. _. . .,. ., � � � � o - �j �` �o'; 0 2B i 0 �i�■ �� a � � �� � R � � A�eAeVo� D f' � . ����� L�'o�"�"�.J " . �y' t � �`_�—�� . r" ti ' - � �`"?. , ���` . � - � . � � � ��'�,e���� v- — ��. . .�� ��' ��la��a. �� ., f ,w`�� li � � 4• �, � Gi�t) � A •; �� ; � { � �iQ��� ��I � � �.....I� �C�� s �i �. � � � � �� , . .: � � G r/ ,�► {,� j � � ,'�� i �` � � �� � � ttj��' � � Q ! � � � +`'r E,�,i � � � � I: �.� �� � � ,►�� , a;� �.. . .1 ,��� a ,,� ,�.� � �a�, � ,e - �;,.�..�..o....,�.�..����.._.,,,.-�..�:o...;��aE�s ` � T � � �' �.' � ��^_��� A���.OM� � �� l...ts ��_� e,�� Q . �--:eoe� ��° ..��, � � C7 N�� ...,,_ • ,`i� ..:A ��� \ ��� I'� � �, I �� , ��4i � F �.�� ;n. t:. t r � � � a �_; s� ' � � � , . � � ,: ;, ; � � � 'rt �a � k„� . '> i ! � � i � � . � \ � � \ I i -- - - - ----- AREA OF PROPOSED DRIVEWAY �� � � � .._ ���� .� �_ _ _ � � O� �A�AL D6�IVEVVAY/PARKIIVC LAYOUT �� � .. : I . . pi'Opos� ��tlleWaa � �,O * �o �� . Qw . .v �� �. . � ��� N� / "P\ �A �I ar PROPOS�D DRIVEVVNY/PARKItVC� LAYOUT ll'J � � ��;.-- _L^ :.a .A. . . y` ..� ' .. . . . . �a�'p� �3a'.,��'f'-.Tr Fe-a.S1��e.'�.ar�: ENClNEER51 ARCHITBCT51 PCANNERS November 10, 1987 222 EASiL11TLE CANADA RDAO, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTR 55117 612 A84-0272 Mr. John Flora Director of Public Works City of Fridley 6431 University Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Mr. Flora: RE: FRIDLEY, MINIVESOTA R�.CONSTRUCTIGN' OF RICE CREEK ROAD T.H. 65 TO OLD CENTRAL AVENUE SEH FILE NO.: 88057 � Prior to continuing w3th design work for the referenced project, SEH would like to inform you of our preliminary design efforts ,�and gain confirmation of several design details. The Rice Creek Road improvement project is part of a comprehensive plan to improve traffic flow in the immediate area. It was determined that relieving Old Central Avenue by encouraging the use of Rice Creek Road would be advantageous. Improvements to Rice Creek Road would also improve access to the existing and proposed developments. Promoting the use of Rice Creek Road requires improved street capacity and improvements to the Rice Creek/Old Central Avenue and Rice Creek/T.H. 65 intersections. � r .� A basio'3;.�ane section is proposed. Two lanes would be provided %� westbouricr and one lane eastbound. A 16' wide median would allow for left turn bays and the eastbound lane would be wide enough to permit passing a disabled vehicle. A 3 lane section is proposed because: 5^+�RT ELL/p17 !^�NCRiCii50N INC. - The anticipated major traffic flow is westbound in the evening peak hour. - The existing R/W is 81' with a 10' easement paralleling the south side. The attached typical section and layout show that the proposed section will not require additional R/W. - The intersections are thought to be the primary restriction to eastbound traffic. ST PAUL, MrNNE50TA CHIPPEWA FALlS, WlSCONSIN 2E 2F Mr. John Flora November 11, 1987 Page Two - A single lane EB has adequate capacity. The intersection of T.H. 65 can only provide 1 lane of traffic to EB Rice Creek Road. Left turn, lanes are provided and right turn volumes will not be of sufficient volume to adversely affect traffic flow. Improvements to the Rice Creek/Old Central intersection would include geometrics to facilitate southbound to westbound travel and the introduction of turn lanes. Proposed improv�ments at the Rice Creek/T.H. 65 intersection include improved signal timing and coordination, in�roduction of through, right and left turn lanes on the approaches to T.H. 65, and the reduction of driveway conflicts near the intersection. Mn/Dot must be consulted regarding the signal timing for T.H. 65 � � and the possible need for a variance from the normal 4 lane divided roadway section. Attractive street lighting and landscaping will also promote use `� of Rice Creek Road. The projected traffic volume will result in a significantly greater truck loading on Rice Creek Road. The location of tha north curb should not be changed to avoid reworking the existing �`� drainage system. For this reason, SEH has investigated retaining as much of the existing roadway as possible. Our preliminary investigations have determined the following: - The existing surfacing section (2 1/2" bituminous surfacing on a 6" gravel base) is not adequate for the projected traffic loadings. - A typical bituminous overlay will not add the needad strength. Preliminary pavement designs show that 6" of additional bituminous surfacing is needed. - Regrading is desirable in the area of the existing drainage crossing to eliminate the present "hump" over the structure. - Widening the existing street will require revisions to the cr.own at turn bays to eliminate ponding problems. These findings lead to the conclusion that the entire roadway .�: should be rebuilt. The existing curb and gutter can be retained ''� and the existing surfacing materials could be recycled. 2G Mr. John Flora November 10, 1987 Page Three We have prepared and attached a preliminary construction estimate. The estimate includes monies for improving the intersections of Rice Creek and Old Central and Rice Creek and T.H. 65, for coordinating this project with others in the area and for incorporating the City's standard red brick accents, lighting fixtures and landscaping technics, and for maintaining traffic and access during construction. /� This project could be let to bid in the spring of 1988 and construction could be complete by the fall of 1988. Thank you for this opportunity to update you on our progress on this project. We would appreciate your concurrence in writing of : 1. The 3-lane typical section. '`r° 2. The general intersection configurations. � 3. The full regrading of Rice Creek Road. `� 4. The use of red brick accents, lighting and landscaping. •-- QWith your concurrence on these items, we can move forward on the design of this project to mee� the goal of an early spring advertisement for bids. Yours very truly, Marlin D. Larson Highway Engineer MDL/}cru ENGINEERS E5TIMATE - FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA - SEH FILE N0. �8057 /� �Q J UNIT TOTAL # YTEM UNIT QTY. PRICE EST. PRICE 2021.501 MOBILIZATION 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 2104.505 REMOYE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE, CL. 5 2331.504 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MYXTURE 2331.510 BINDER COURSE MIXTURE 2331.514 BASE COURSE MIXTURE 2341.504 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR MIXTURE 2341.508 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE 2503.521 65" SPAN RC PIPE-ARCH 2503.541 30" RC PIPE 2506.507 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN 2521.501 BRICK WALK 2521.501 BITUMINOUS WALK 2531.501 aCONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, 6618 2564.532 TRAFFIC CONTROL 2575.511 SODDING L.S. L.F. S.Y. C.Y. �C.Y. TON �TON TON TON TON TON L.F. L. F. L.F. S.F. S.F. L. F. L.S. S.Y. 1 15000.00 2800 1.50 9100 2.50 3000 2.50 3000 5.00 6500 8.00 125 210.00 1050 17.00 2750 16.00 126 210.00 1050 17.50 160 110.00 64 40.00 10 225.00 2000 3.00 16000 1.00 5800 7.50 1 10000.00 2000 2.50 15000.00 4200.00 22750.00 ' 7500.00 15000.00 52000.00 26250.00 17850.00 44000.00 26460.00 18375.00 17600.00 2560.00 2250.00 6000.00 16000.00 43500.00 10000.00 5000.00 SUBTOTAL: $352,295.00 +15% LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING & SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS: 52,844.25 TOTAL PRELIMINARY ESTYMATE: $405,139.25 ��:.:a=acaae� 0 0 � i c�3' � -- -� -- - - -'- ----- �----- 31tl0 -- - -- - - - 31tl0 -- _ -- --- — -�— jo --- ---- -- --:�, �, aa�� � �4 � � � � `n �' `�.° -e �- � � — �1 � I I � 1 I �` --, =. -� �;" �-1 � � L C� cr� .r �� �� J �k I lyJ 1 t I- �-` � ---- --- i �J " � . . . ._ _ 3lV�S ' AB 03N�3H7 -- -ry� - AB 031V1ft�lV� / � QN 133HS � .S o88 eo� wsuo�sM 's��e� ennaddiy� - e�oseuuiy� ��ned '�S s�aaul6u3 6ull�nsuo� •�ul `uos��e�puaH-�iol113-�,o4S 2I �! `� ` COYY �� �RIDLEY � �431 lBNIVER�17'� �VE. N.E. �� PrRIDLEY, M10! �8432 j �� �� � 2)5? 1-3460 � i '- 1 i� :, ,� � • ' ' �� � , � �` '� ��.i - ' :) � � , ; • ' • y��r ♦'- � • �I� �1� ` � � 1 �:� I 1 • I i � • ,r„«'""` �i .S. �I�L ,� CI� ��� �'+ ,��a �l�' . .< ,� � � � , � ; � ,. �•'�'?I• •��:'� � l , �1; • L�AL DESQ2IPi'ION: i • : • r�: � a►N r,► �►: TRACT/ADDITION See attached R$�UESTED ZONING REASON �R R�UF�T: A site plan shawing the proposed future use is required for atl rezoning. Reauest the vacation of that portion of the easterly service road of Highway 65 ��diatelv adjaePnt to the above dec�rib�J proper�y to com�l�with the ovarall develo mn ent �lan of Moor Lak�,Cnmmons ******�************************************,t�*�**�***********�*********�**��******** F�� ��i�E� ��FoRMATS�N NAN� (please �i�t) ADi�tESS 2233 N. �l�aml ine Avenue, Suite 220 � � � . Sicrt�.vxE 7 � `� `-- - , ******** �**�****�***���*���*��te�* ���O���i��� I��o����fo� NAt� (Please p ' _ �p��g 2233 . am 5��� ************�******� Plaza Partners � 636-4468 eville, MN 55113 nA� ► �i I � 636-4468 Suite 220, Roseville, MP1 55113 ��T��1 �*�******�����*��**�*��*�**�*****��*****�** PLANNIlJG COMRffSSION : r�xiw� nn�rm . na,� CITY QDIJNCIL : APPROVID DENIED IZATE S"rIHJLATIONS: �. � - . - , � . � � `¢�. � ..;. �: �- ��; � � CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 •.PHONE (6i2) 571-3450 � Dea�nber 24; 1987 � WHOM IT l�Y �IV(��tN: R�e City of FYidley Planning Comnissi� will be holcling an informal hearing on the matter o�f a Vacation, SAV #67-12, by Shore�woocl Plaza Partners, to vacate t}�at portict� of the easterly servioe road of Hic,�way 65 lying westerly of and adjoining that part ot Government Lots 1 and 2 being a part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 30, Range 24, Anoka County, Mirmesota� generally located at 6257 Hi�way 65 1�L E. Anyone who wishes to be heard shall be given the o�rtLmity at the Planning Canmissio� meeting on Wec�esday, January 6, 1988 in the Council Chamber of City Hall at 6431 University Avenue N.E. at 7:3U p.m STEVE BII,LIlJGS dH�lIRI�iN PLI�tING Q�N�SS D'JN 3A SL'SY 4O/�1� Shor�wood Plaza Partners Mar'tin J. Burditt 1065 - 63rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 �e Lift 6319 Highway 65 N.E. Fridley, NN. 55432 Shorek�od.Plaza Partners 2233 North HamLine Avenue, #220 Roseville, Nh. 55113 St. Anthony Village 4�nter 25 University Ave. S.E. N}�ls. , Mn. 55414 AZ'.CIIVrION: Max Saliterman Richard A. Nben 1128 - 63rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Fx3ward D. Kc�wel 1114 - 63rd Avenue N.E. FYidley, N�. 55432 Fridley Churc� of Christ 1100 - 63rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, I►9►�n. 55432 John W. Bergst�an 1086 - 63rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, N�. 55432 Mary J. Timn 1072 - 63rd Avenue N.E. Fridley, Mn. 55432 Nlailing List Planning Council s 12/24/8� �' 1 i �� � � ��� �r� or! Y '�' �. - , �� � � � � � r� � � I I � ! t P • ��Q ---' - 1 � ' � �s �s �s f7o. g I � 0 �o� 4 � `� Q � Q Q v ' oGo/1�ri�J� � ' I I � �orar/msnf 1 � <� �� ; ! ���= I r. � � � � 1qo v1 � ; �, �O, \ � r I h �v t zds�� � i• �^i � �'� �pO��4i 0� ^Ny,i \� �Q�� ? , o ►�� � o� � ` o ,�h,� � �v � sa) ' '3 Cs� ti • �o u � . ... bM\ Ij - n ab �a� ! �'��/2 ��4 l ,�mB 5� ���o � �� o L11,� a 8 �:10 �f � el�. 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I �� � � '"'"w � , �r y�� � �� `�� qrt:., � 3 `dk�s N � � �( J • 83RD AVENUE', � � I; , li � �_ r----- , o �; ; � , �, , � a ; �� � , '' � Ij ; I ' - �� �� II � � `� W � �\ ��, � I I � O �� — I ---- � � > �� � _ a � o j< W l I � Q ��! .1 j �� � =-- � � .r- �=_ -\ � - -_ _ _ � - - - = __ � t - , _ ___ - �_� ,..,.�... li�,i�����,,,.. - --�.e--- a ,. - --•■■ ' i. d '_. ,A qdo',�°�+ -... !! a , ►� , .� i - +n�'�°'a. . �� , . ..i � J / /' ,�'�_� . � osed 1/acation/Parkin� Layout , . .� . � ... � ,' � R O D Y REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT DESIGN BUILD FINANCE ASSOCIATES MANAGEMENT LEASING 2233 NORTH HAMUPIE AVENUE, SUITE 220 ST. PAUL, MIfdNESOTA 55113 Mr. Jim Robinson City of Fridley Civic Center . _ �---64�3 Urii�=ersi�y:Avenue__�..E.._ _ __._ _ Fridley, MN 55432 December 18, 1987 TELEPNONE 6t2/6�&4aBg RE: 5horewood Renovation Dear Jim: I am enclosing the sign plans for the renovation of Shorewood Plaza. When you get a chance, review them and let me know if there is anything else you need. I will be out of town until the 29th, so I will give you a call when I get back. The sketches for the pylon should also be available when I get back, so I will send them to you at that time. Hope you have a Happy Holiday. GA:ss � Enclosure Sincerely, SSOC /' , I '� � GEORGE , INC. � �..,......, .�, �� -- -- .....�m . . � l�� � ..; I � �� ;�: �� � � �, �_� : �C'� . \; ( ;� i—, � C� � �� i � I Q : -� �_ i .� . � �.�,� �� op �,�`,t, � � u / � � '° � � �l - �� J� � ' ��� ; . �a , ,y 0 _� j ' ' �I� !� . , , ewz�� • smpm g • O � �T=pN C -1 u � . O pp�mZ � � C� m . F, m �� : P e�°� Q e q R i i T S Z n � � �� S binlnN A m Vr 2 . rU y O, O� y N 7b�c Im�c • m A , i � 2 � . . i I • i � , • j i ' � `. � i .� , I �' `� ' � . ' ; � i � t � . i s y ,, :;.•, � y k � � � • i = b �d : f . , ; • , . t � � .. � � , i. . • • ! . I a u m a� � 0 � � Z � �� � � , f ' � : 0 0 � p :^ o ' • . � i � z � �q $ _ . , ; . , � o � m= � � � ; ;• r s C Irl =N N � � � . . y �,� Z . � Q i R ' '� Z ` � � � r • o m a ; . . P � � • m . i �• � . ; 6 i '" � ' i • ° • � • � • _ . . m Sign Det y`j�(��l.,' ! — .. . .. _.. . . _ ..... .. .._ _�..,,.,�,4.....r'��i� , � � t - � � �� ' ` "i DESI(•aN� — CUENT' ,;. 1� �� }� ��•, a�r,�"; '�-'.,�: lr T x�� � — ... WGATION - NUMBER — 1 �1�I%�04'R� P:�'[�% R.;AiT'�E?1]! REVISED— 4A __ � pt11NW6 �� ; � m D � O z z 0 N n w � .� . ! � � � i I � � I i I � � LI�I! ��� (�� �� l�� �e �i�li ���� I� � � t,`�t,y<` "` T„ SCALE O Cl1ENT �, -'r� � c ,.:_ �-�� � � r t1►� � � e �� - �� V•� DATE .:. ��a, r v `�:_ gg.:' ° ::•..,44�j . � LOCATION`, -`- "` � NDMBER � ��'H•'�:�p� �. P', �> ,�'A'T���'`D' HEVISED� e�� : ...�.�.,...,�. _. _. , „ 4B � � � ; E ,��. �. ; ��: , .::.�.��,:x;..:� � ' � _".�j�,*'±'`'��,`:, �n ..:Z, � �,.��`;" . : ` � �:s:4s� � B R O� Y REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT DESIGN BUILD FINANCE ASSOCIATES MANAGEMENT LEASING Mr. Jim Robinson City of Fridley 6431 i3niversity Ave. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dear Mr. Robinson: 2233 NpRTH HAMUNE AVENUE, SUITE 220 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55113 August 6, 1987 RE: Moore Lake Commons TELEPHONE 6121836�4468 � Enclosed is a copy of the sign criteria for the above referenced project. The criteria will be attached as an exhibit to each lease for space in this project. Please review the criteria to ensure that they comply with city codes. I would appreciate your input in the form of questions, or comments. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, BRODY ASSOCIATES ����r�c. l�l�l� STEPHEN M. HiCKOK SMH:kw Enclosure 4D n 4E ERHYBIT SIGAT CRITERIA MOORE LARE COMMQNS These criteria have been established for the purpose of assuring an outstanding shopping center, and for the mutual benefit af all TenanCs. Conformance will be strictly enforced, and any installed nonconforming or unapproved signs must be brought into conformance at.the expense of Tenant. . The City of Fridley strictly enforces its sign ordinance. All provisions of this Sign Criteria area subject to review and approval by Che appropriate City authorities which have th� final authority to grant or deny sign permits notwithstanding the terms of this Sign Criteria. A. GENERAL REQUIREMENT$: (1) Tenant shall submit, or cause to Lessor for approval before fabricatioa mt detailed drawin�s imdicat�ing the location, and color of the proposed aigns, including graphics. � be submitted, to the least three copies of size, layout, design all lettering and/or (2) The Leasor shall return one (1) aet of the sign drawings, as soon as possible to the Tenant. The drawing caill either be marked "Approved", "Approved as Noted", or "Disapproved". Sign drawings that have been "Approved as Noted", are to be returned to the Lessor bearing Tenant's approval, or are to be redesigned and resubmitted for Lessor's approval within seven (7) days of receipt by Tenant. Sign drawings that have been disapproved are to be redesigned and resubmitted to Lesaor for approval, also within seven (7) days of receipt by Tenant. (3) After the sign has been approved by the Lessor, the approved sign drawing with Lessor's signature, must be submitted for approval of the City of Fridley prior to erecting the sign. (4) No sign shall be permitted outside of the designated areas except as provided herein. (5) All permits for signs and their installation shall be obtained by Tenant or ita representative. (6) Tenant shall be responaible for the ful£illment of all requirements and specifications. B. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (1) Signs shall be permitted only within the sign areas on the building as designed by the Architect, and as shown on the site plans. 4F (2) The vertical dimenaion of all wall sign� shall not exceed 30" in height. (3) The total wall siga area for each Tenant sh�ll not exceed 15 times the square root of the width of the ienant°� space, provided, nevertheless, that the horizontal dimension of each Tenant°a sign shall not exceed the Tenant's store width less 3 feet. . (4) No signe of any sort ehall be permitted above the roof line. C. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (1) All wall signs shall be composed of individually mounted and lit lettering. No canister type signs shall be allowed. (2) At Lessor's discretion, all wall signs shall be a uniform color. Yn such case, however, corporate logos may be in the Tenant's typical color scheme. (3) Painted lettering will not be permitted, except as specified under Article D-2. (4� Flashing, moving or sudible si�ns will not be permitted. (5) There shall be one ground sign and one plyon sign on the premiseso The dimeneions of the actual sign face of the ground sign shall be approximately four (4) feet in height and eight (8) feet in width. The area of the pylon sign shall not exceed 80 square feet. The cost of erecting the ground sign shall be borne by the Landlord. The cost of erecting the pylon sign ahall be prorated among the Ten�nt making use of the same in proportion to the area their part of the pylon sign bears to the total sign area. (6) All electrical signs shall bear the UL label, and their installation must comply with all local building and electrical codes. (7) No exposed conduit, tubing or raceways will be permitted. (a) No exposed neon lightiag shall be used on signs, symbols or decorative elements. e 4G (9) All conductors, transformers and other equipmexxt shall be concealed. i10) Electrical service to all signs except the ground sign and the pylon aiga shall be on Tenant's meter and not be a part of Common Area construction or operation costs. (11) All signs, bolte, fastening and clips ahall be of hot dipped galvana.zed iron, stainless steel, aluminum, brasa or bronze, and no black iron materiale of any type will be permitted. � (12) All exterior lettcrs shall be mounted at least 3/4" proper dirt and water drainage. or signe expoaed to the weather from the building wall to permit i13).� Location of all openings for conduit and sleeves in sign panels of building walls ahall be indicated by the sign contractor on drawings submitted to the Project Architect. Sign contractor shall install same in accordance with approved drawinge. (14) No signmaker's label or other identification wi11 be permitted on the expoaed surface of signs, except those required by local ordinance which shall be in an inconspicuous location. i15) All penetratione of the building structure required for sign instsllation shall be neatly aealed in a watertight condition. P � (16) Sign contractor shall repair any damage to any work caused by his work. (17) Tenant shall be fully responsible for the operationa of Tenant°s sign contractors. D. MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS (1) Tenant will be permitted to place upon each entrance of its premises not more than 144 aquare inches of gold leaf or decal application lettering not to exceed two inches (2") in height, indicating hours of buainess, emergency telephone numbers, etc. (2) If Tenant has a non—customer door for receiving merchandise, it may have uniformly applied on that door in a location se directed by the Architect, in two—inch high block letters, Tenant's name and address. � (3) Lessor sha11 install on the front of the building, if required by the U.S. Post Office, the numbers only for the street addresa. Size, type and color of numbers shall be as determined by the Lessor. E. TEMPORARY SIGNS (1) Temporary signs shall be limated to the use of banners, pennants and holiday signs in Tenant's interior window area for use not more than sixty (60) days within one calendar year. (�2) Window signs shall not exceed Fifteen (15�) percent of Tenant'e window area or 25 square feet, whichever is greater. F. ADiiINISTRATIOPt � In the event of any conflict of interpretation between any Tenant and the O�aner as to the application of these criteria, the Landlord's decision shall be final and binding upon the Tenant. APPROVED AS TO LESSOR: By P MooreSign �21 APPROVED AS TO LESSEE: By �H ' CITY OF FRIDLEY ENERGY COI�Il�IISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 1987 CALL TO ORDER: r. Chairperson Saba called the November 24, 1987, Energy Commission meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Dean Saba, Bruce Bondow, Bradley Sielaff Members Absent: Gerald Welf Others Present: Myra Wicklacz, Planning Assistant APPROVAL OF AUGUST 25, 1987, ENERGY COMMISSION MINUTES: MOTION by Mr. Bondow, seconded by Mr. Sielaff, to approve the August 25, 1987, Energy Commission minutes as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SABA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. OLD BUSINESS/STAFF REPORT A. Update on D.P.S. Grant Developments Ms. Wicklacz stated that no inspector has been hired. Mr. Dick Larson of the Fire Department has been doing inspections. Ms. Wicklacz has provided information information and reviewed the standards. Inspections are done on a complaint basis, and a series of inspections are done upon renewal of rental license. Mr. Larson will check for weatherization items even if the complaint is not energy related. Mr. Iarson provides l�.s. Wicklacz with a report at the end of each month which is included in the report sent to the Department of Public Service. r:r. Larson handles only rental property inspections. Thus far, about $3,000 of the grant has been spent. Because Mr. Larson goes out to inspect items other than energy-reiated problems, only a portion of his time is charged to the grant. If he fias five two-hour inspections, about four hours would be charged to the grant. Mr. Saba asked if the commission would be provided with a report from Dick Larson. ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 24, 1987 PAGE 2 ! Ms. Wicklacz stated that she prepares a report monthly which could be given to the Energy Commission. Mr. Larson is willing to take an auditing class if one is available. Ms. Wicklacz will try to have Mr. Larson attend a class at SRC. Generally, Mr. Larson knows what to look for. He investigates all rental complaints. Section 8 complaints go to Pat Wolfe; however, Mr. Larson is sometimes involved in these inspections, too. Ms. Wicklacz has spoken to Mark Schoenbaum, D.P.S. He understands the position that the City is in. Few cities have any inspection of rental property. In Fridley, headway is being made. Three standards are missing from the code agproved by the City that were added by the State in 1985. If not adopted by the City, staff will look for them anyway because they are part of the State code. B. Update on Radon Issue Prior to the discussion on radon, Mr. Saba stated he had received a number of calls about CO2 monitors since a couple died in their home in Columbia Heights from carbon monoxide poisoning. He would like to provide for the public information about how these monitors can be ordered, from what company(s), and the cost. He also recommended providing that information in the city newsletter. Mr. Bondow stated that the monitors have a shelf life of about three years and are good for 30 days after taken out of the packaging. He stated he has information on a company that has these monitors and will bring that information to the next meeting. Ms. Wicklacz indicated she had received the video from KSTP Channel 5 on the radon contamination information series telecast in late summer. The commission viewed the tape. The EPA standard for acceptable radon levels is 4 pecocuries per liter of air. Many areas in the state when tested had levels higher than the recommended standard. Several types of detectors are available to measure radon levels. One is a charcoal detector which measures radon levels for a short term and is inexpensive. Another is an alphatrack detector which measures radon levels for one-year and is reputed to be a more accurate in�icator of radon levels. This detector is approximately $20 -$60. Mr. Saba was under the impression that the State was going to do a study. Mr. Sielaff stated the State had planned to do a study but the request was turned down. Mr. Saba stated that people can do some things to reduce radon levels in their homes including sealing cracks in basements, adding ventilation, and covering floor drains. Various articles on radon indicate that a prime source of radon is rock formations, which are common in Fridley. Mr. Saba requested ideas on what the commission could do. Mr. Sielaff stated he would speak to Mr. Charles Lane about any information he may have regarding radon. ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 24, 1987 PAGE 3 Mr. Saba recommended getting a supply of booklets to have available for the public at City Hall and to put a notice in the newsletter that these booklets are available. He would also like to do some testing or promote some testing in Fridley. Mr. Sielaff will check to see if he can get a number of booklets on radon from Mr. Lane. If interest could be generated, the City may be able to get funding for a project. There may be interest in a limited pilot program which could then be publicized in the city newsletter. The legislature will not be doing anything this year as far as the budget is concerned. Ms. Wicklacz stated some testing could be done with the charcoal detectors. Mr. Saba indicated there are a large number of radon detectors being advertised but he did not know how reliable the sources were. Mr. Saba would like to get information on radon, find out what can be done, and go from there. He would like to see testing done in the City. Mr. Sielaff stated that any costs incurred would be for the detectors. There should be no cost for publicizing and distributing detectors should not require funds. The Lung Association of Minnesota has detectors available. Mr. Sielaff felt they should be contacted to see how many they have. Mr. Saba stated literature is available, but information can also be available through the cable TV, newspapers and civic organizations. Mr. Saba would like to see if something is available for broadcast on cable. Mr. Bondow stated the University of Minnesota has a Communications program seeking projects for interns. The interns could perhaps develop a program for cable. This would however require funds to pay the interns. Mr. Saba asked if there were grants available for this type of project. If so, it may provide enough funding to hire an intern to do research. Mr. Sielaff thought this should be done right away so that testing could be done during the winter months. The charcoal detectors would allow for testing and to get results quickly as opposed to the alpha detector which takes a longer reading. Mr. Bondow stated the alpha detector measures a cumulative exposure to radon. The final reading then provides an average radon level for the testing period. �, Wicklacz stated she would be interested in putting each type of detector in the same home to see what the readings would be for each type of detector. Mr. Bondow indicated the most meaningful results would come from a detector that is worn by the individual so see what radon levels the person is exposed to. ENERGY COMMISSION MEETING, NOVEMBER 24, 1987 PAGE 4 Mr. Saba asked Mr. Bondow to get information on the alpha detector, and asked Mr. Sielaff to get information on CO2 detectors, charcoal , radon detectors, and brochures on radon. 2. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval of 1988 Meeting Dates Ms. Wicklacz presented the proposed 1988 meeting schedule for approval. She also indicated she would requested future �eetings be held in Community Room I. MOTION by Mr. Bondow, seconded by Mr. Sielaff, to adopt the 1988 meeting dates as proposed. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SABA DECLARED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. OTHER BUSINESS A. Attachments Ms. Wicklacz referred to the attachments sent out with the agenda. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mr. Sielaff, seconded by Mr. Bondow, to adjourn the meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPERSON SABA DECLARED THE NOVEMBER 24, 1987, ENERGX COMMISSION MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:26 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Z�t tJ L vonn Cooper Recording Secretary � � CITY OF FRIDLEY PARK,S & RE]]CCREATION COMNTSSION NEErIN C DEC�NBF�t 7 , 19 87 CALZ TO ORDER: Chaixperson Kondrick called the Dec�ber 7, 1987, Parks & Recreation Cammission meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CAI�, : N�ers Present: Dave Kondrick, Nary Schreiner, Dick Young, John Gargaro, Al Gabel N�b ers Ab sent : Dan Allen Others Present: Jack Kirk, Director of Recreation & Natural Resources AppRpVAL QF NOVEN�ER 2, 1987, PAI2KS & RECREATION CO1�A�ICSSION M.NCTI'F�S: MnION by 1�. Schreiner, seconded by N+r. C�bel, to approve the Nov. 2, 1987, Par�s & Recreation Ca�eni.ssion minutes as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTINC AYE, Ci�i�iIRPERSON KONDRICK DEC�ARID Tf-iE 1�OTION CARRIID UNAIVIMXJSLY. l. STAFF REPORT: a. School Census Information N�. Kirk stated that at the Octd�er meeting, th� Cca�mission m��ers had requested that Staff get census inforniati.on from the four schpol districts in Fridley: Anoka-Hennepin School District 11, Colw�nbia Heights School District 13, Fridley School District 14, and Spring Lake Park School District 16. He stated they did receive addresses frcm all the school districts except Anok�Hennepin, and they were able to break those addresses daan into age groups, i.e., KindergartP-rr' C�ade 5, C�ades 6-8, t�ades 9-12. Th�en tY�y went back to tl� schools and were also able to get information on �Sreschpolers. This infornia- tion they plotted on a map. I�. Kixk stated the other schpol districts were very cooperative, but it seaned quite dif f icult to get this inforntation frcan the Anoka- Hennepin Sch�ool District. He stated Anoka-He.nnepin indicated the best they could do for the City was to give the n� er of households that have chilc�en who attend school. Th�y stated that in the north- west section of Fridley, north of 79th Avenue (an area tY� City was concerned about), there were 282 houselwlds with school-age children. N5. Schreiner stated the Anoka-Hennepin School District was on the same ccmputer systan as Spring Lake Park and F`ridley, so the same information sh�uld be available. � � PARK,S & RDCREATION CONflMISSIQN Ng.'PING, DDC�NBFR 7, 1987 PAC£ 2 Mr. C�rgaro stated that in that area of the City� 282 hr�useholds with childr�n in school seaned like an excessiv� nimber. �tren if there was only one child in each household, that would be 282 children for the area, arri apprax. 23 children per class fran that area. NY. Kondrick stated he would like to see th�n be as thorough as poss3� le in getting this information gathered together. And, then it should be updated prc�ably every 2-3 years. It �aas the only way t.he Cannission was going to be ab le to keep abreast of the rnunber of children in tY� different areas of the City regarding ice skating rinks and other activities that are planned in the parks. He stated he questioned the 282 households also. Nr. C�rgaro suggested the City contact the bus ca�ariy that transports these children to schr�ol, as the bus ca�any must ]mov hr�w many children are picked up froen that area. NY. Young suggested N�. Kirk call Anoka-Hennepin School District 11 again and ask to spealc to the Transportation Coo�linator. That person would not be able to tell them ho� many preschoolers were in the area, but at least they could get an idea of how many school children are in the area. M7rI0N by Nr. C�rgaro, se�nded by D�. Schreiner, to request Staff to recori- firn these census figures to make sure the figures are ccmpletely accurate, with special attention giv�n to the 282 households in the Anoka-Hennepin Scl-�ool District 11. UPON A VOIC� VOTE, AI�L VOTING AYE, CHP�ZRPERSON KC)NDRICK DDCI�E2ID THE M7rION C�FtRIID UNF�I�TIDOUSLY. Ms. Schre�ner stated she would like to carn��d Staff on the good work they had done in getting this school census inforntiation. I�Y. Kisk stated they will get the addresses plott� on maps that are of manageable size for the Camiission m�nbers. 1�Y. Kondrick stated accuracy an these statistics was critical. This will certainly be valuable inforn�ation in helping advise the Cc�mission ar� the City on other activities, other than winter activities, tYiey could be plan- ning for the parks in the city. NY. Kirk stated the census inforntiation could also help them set some guide- lines as a Conmission such as trying to service at least 85� of a certain population in not having to cross a major barrier to get to an ice rink. b. NYSCA Program Update NY. Kirk stated that about a year ago, Staff explained to the Carnnission a nESa program that has been in the country for a couple of years called National Youth Sports Coaches Association, a training program for youth sports coaches. PARK.S & RECREATION CANMSSIQN NE�Z'II�TG, DE�'BF.R 7, 1987 PAC� 3 Mr. Kirk stated he felt it was an excellent program; and after having seen it in c�xation in the City for a year, he was even more convi.nced of it. It was one of the first attempts to actually take the coaches beyond the basics of a sport and bring t.��n into an aaareness of the care and prevention of injuries and tY�e psychological impact th�e coaches can have on the children. The coaehes have to go through a training using nationally developed video tapes. 1�. Kirk stated that the City made it a voluntary program and used the City/FYSA funds this year to fund the program. There were 55 coaches certified this year. He stated that in the different sports, the follaaing nunb er of coaches were certified: Soft3� all Bas� all Soccer T-Ball Football Basketball 10 11 3 3 2 26 I�. Kirk stated the only sport they did not get �ouch respc�nse fran was the soccer program, but they have their ovn state certification so were reluctant to take part in this training. 1�Y�. Kirk stated the people in the FYSA were pleased enough with the program that they are looking at requiring all of their coaches to be certified in the future. A lot of the coaches felt they got a lot out of the program, and sane of t.Y�m even asked to take the video tapes hcene to w atch in order to pick up scene more coaching tips. He stated the City feels this program is go�ng to be a real plus for the youth program in the future. 1�Y. C�rgaro stated he really liked the approach taken b y the City in that they encouraged all the coaches to participate in the program, � ut that it was strictly a volunteer program. He s�ated they should continue to prcmote the program heavily, b ut h� would hesitate in making the training program mandatory, because it might discourage scur�e volun- teer coaches because of the time inwlved in taking the training. NY�. Kixk stated he could.understand Nr. Cxrgaro's position. He stated he thought that once sane of the coaches took the training, they found out it was well worth their tune and th�ey did learn someth�ng. In addition to becctning certified, each caach receives $300,000 worth of liability insurance, and that is a real added b enefit to the program. c. Winter Program Brochure and Registration NY. Kirk stated the �rinter program started that day. He stated they do think the naa brochure format is reach�ng more people. They are get�ing more nunb ers in the programs and lots of phone ca11s. PARKS & RECRFATION CONA�SSION NEETING, DDCENBF�R 7, 1987 PAC� 4 Nr. Kirk stated the Turkey Shoot was very suocessful. They had the largest turn-out they have ever had. There were 148 parent/child teaQns that took gart. NY. Young stated that under the"Children's Instructional" part of the winter brochure, 1-� sa� a class being offered for C�ades K- 2 called "Steve's Saturday Wrestlers". He stated that brought up a concern he had, not regarding the wrestling itself, but reqarding AIDS and wrestling. Mr. Young stated that in the State Wrestling League, if a wrestler has a bloocly nose (which is very conmon in wrestling and which could happen in any sport the City sponsors, even in the Martial Arts/Karate class), beginning this year, the boy with the bloody nose must clean up his awn blood and disinfect the mat. ?do referee or anyone else can touch it. If a boy has a bloody nose three times in one meet, then the match is i�iately stapped. At every meet, there must be a sealed con- tainer where the cotton or gauze that is used can be disposed of, and then that container is properly disposed. Mr. Young stated that because of the concern that has currently arisen because of AIDS and because one of the ways to get AIDS is through contact with sc��eone's blood who has AIDS, this could happen, even in the City of Fridley. He stated he was asking that Staff check into this a little further. The City might be opening themselves up to som� liability if someone should ever contact AIDS through any kind of activity sponsored by the City where it is possi.ble for an injury to happen where blood is present. This should also be discussed with the FYSA and HAF. Mr. Kirk stated he was even looking beyond sports to the playground progra� where the leaders help children when they get hurt. It was definitely something the City should be looking into. 2. NEW BUSINESS: a. Tae Kwon Do Center Mr. Kirk stated the Conanission members had received a letter from I1 Keun Kim, Master Instructor of the Tae Kwon Do Center in Fridley, dated Nov. 16, 1987, in which N,r. Kim questioned why the City of Fridley was deliberately hurting local businesses by setting up programs in direct con�etition to those businesses. He was referring to the "Martial Arts/Karate" class offered to Grades 3-5. Ms. Schreiner stated she disagreed that these classes offered by the City were in con�etition with the Tae Kwon Do Center or any other business. It always seesred to her that �-�ene�Te_r a program or class was offered at a lesser rate, they were stimulating interest in that area. So, if children who take the class are interested in continuing on, they will naturally flow to the Tae Kwon Do Center located in Fridley or another business. Actually, the classes were a benefit to Mr. Kim. � P�FtKS & RECREATION CCI��Il"BSSION r�E,TING, D�S�R 7, 1987 PAGE 5 r�'. Kondrick stated he agreed with Ms. Schreiner. This was a non-pressure kind of incentive for children who have a casual interest, who might find that interest graw, and as a result of that interest, might go on to the Tae Kwon Do Center in the future. rsr. Kirk stated this was the second season for the P�9artial Arts/Karate class. He stated that many times they advertise in the program brochure that if anyone has a skill or craft or special interest he/she would like to share, they should contact City Hall. He stated a gentleman by the name of Vince Boss, a Fridley resident, called the City stating he was a mas-tial arts instructor and wanted to knaw if the City was interested in having a martial arts class after srhool. Staff talked it over with Mr. Boss and told him they wanted an introductory, instructional, one day a week class after school. Mr. Boss set up the program and it was offered to four ele.r.ientazy schools in the co�nunity. In the fall they had 28 children at Hayes, 17 at Stevenson, and 9 at Woodcrest, so 54 children have taken part in the program. The cost was $16 for 8 weeks; each session to be 1 hr. 20 min. No outfit or special eguipment was required. Pir. Kirk stated this was not the same level of service as that offered by Tae Y.won Do. He stated they offer mQVies, for exan�le, and they are not txying to co�ete with the video rental places or movie theatres, but it was another type of recreational activity for the citizens of Fridley. Another exai�le was aerabic dance, aqtaatics, etc., that local health clubs offer. This is caY�etition in a way, but there are other amenities that go along with belonging to a health club, the cost is much higher, and the City is offering these programs at much lawer costs. Mr. Young stated it was not just the City, because they can go to Comnunity Edcuation and find courses that co�ete with businesses; for e��le, a oourse offering small engine repair. 4&�at was chea�r • �o repair your awn gasoline engine or to go to a private business? So, they could look at alm�st every class or course offered in coinrninity education or a parks & recreation program and find a business that is being cor,peted with. Mr. Kirk stated another thing to consider was that the City program was a non-contact class--there was no physical contact in the DZartial Arts/ Karate class. The Co�nission m�mUers were in agreem�nt that they would like Staff to respond to r1r . Kim. Mr. Kirk stated he would be willing to write a letter to Mr. Kim explain- ing to him that the riartial Arts/Karate class was strictly an introductory class, the City does have a qualified instructor, and the program was not in co�etition with his business. In fact, those who develop an interest in this introductory program might, in fact, pursue this sport at Mr. Kim's place of business. � - P��KS & RECRF',ATION C(�A'iISSION N�'TING, DECII�ER 7, 1987 PAGE 6 Mr. Gargaro stated he also wanted to euq�hasize to 1`Zr. K�-m that the City was approached by Mr• Boss asking the City if they would like to offer such a class, and that this type of class was definitely not in direct co�etition with his business. 3. OLD BLTSINESS: a, FySA participation Rule - Basketball Mr. Kixk stated that a co�le of nx�nths ago, P4r. Young had asked if the City had received any response from t1�e FYSA regarding the participation rules. Mr. Kirk stated the City contributes $4 per participant in financial support to the Fi'SA with the st�Pulation that there be a parti.cipation rule for each sport. He stated they left it up to the individual sport to coi� up with the participation rules. He stated he naa had those participation rules and they were as follaws: Boys Basketball (House League) Each player must play half the gar�e• Boys Basketball (Traveling League) - Grades 6-9 Each player must play at least one quarter per game• Girls Basketball �iouse League), Grades 3-4 Equal playing time for all players will be required during the regulation portion of the game unless preapproved. Girls Basketball (House League) - Grades 5-6 Fqual playing tirie is expected of all participants. No player can have more than one interval of playing time m�re than any other player in any one garre. A violation of this rule will result in a forfeit of the game. Players whose playing time is being limited must be reported to the scorer's table prior to the game, if possi.ble, and to the referees if the action occurs during the contest. Girls Basketball (Traveling League) E�ery girl will participate in all games unless for disciplinary reasons. Mr. Kirk stated there was some controversy over the participation rule, especially on the traveling team level, because some teams frc�n other ccrut►unities do not have participation rules and are playing their best players while the Fridley team must play all the players. '�-s W� discussed at a Con�nission meeting, and the point was ma.de to the FYSA PARKS & RECREATION CC�MISSION N�rING, DEC.'EMBER 7, 1987 PAGE 7 that the sports do riot have to have participation rules, but in order to receive the matching participation funding from the City, that was the requirement. Mr. Kirk stated the Fridley FYSA or the Conmission might want to reconxnend to the Traveling Association that a participatio,n rule be adopted in every community. Ms. Schreiner stated that would make the games more fair, but of course they do not know if ot�zer conmunities feel the same way Fridley does about the i�ortance o� equal participation. Mr. Young stated they run into the situation in other co�munities where it was a very strong likelihood that youth sports associations do not receive financial support from the city directly. It is usually run by a private group with no funding from the city. So, the City of Fridley was unique in this respect. The CcrrIInissioners agreed that the participation rule for the Girls Basketball Traveling League was very vague. It did not say anything about playing a game; it just talked about participation in a game. Ms. Schreiner stated they could convey to the caaches of the basketball traveling league that this participation rule seemed very vague, and what did the word "participate" really mean? Mr. Gargaro agreed. A'Ir. Kirk stated there was certainly time to do that. He could go back to the FYSA and tell them that four of the five basketball leagues° participation rules were very clear as to what was intended, but the Co�ranission did not underst-�nd the meaning of the participation for Girls Basketball Traveling League. He stated he would also e�nphasize to the FYSA that the Commission has taken the approach that if the FYSA wants to continue to receive City funding, they must provide a partici- pation rule that the Conanission feels is appropriate . Discussion continued until a future meeting. b. Ducks and Geese Prablem at Moore Lake/Harris Lake Ms. Schreiner stated she attended the last Planning Conurtission meeting for Mr. Kondrick. She stated she had expressed the Commission's concern about the problem with ducks and geese at P�oore Lake and Harris Lake. She stated she had received no support fram the Planning Comnission. They felt it could not be taken care of an ordinance, and someone suggested the Comnission approach the DNR about the problem. It was pointed out by Alex Barna that there was a bald eagle residing along the river, and that there were two falcons in Sprinc�rook Nature Center. Both eagles and falcons eat ducks. PARKS & REC�2EATION COMR'LISSION MEEI'ING, DDCII`ZBER 7, 1987 ..n : Ms. Schreiner stated she had talked to the DNR, and the woman she talked to at the DNR was not aware of a bald eagle i.n Fridley, nor did she think Mr. St. Clair at Sprinc�rook Nature Center was ware of it either, and she said she would get in touch with him. The woman from the DNR felt that as long as there is water that is being aerated (as is being done at Nioore Lake), there will always be a problem with th� ducks. Mr. Gargaro stated he was more concerned about the feeding of the ducks, and he thouc�t that could be taken care of by passing an on�inance against feeding ducks and geese on public property• The swans a Mr. Kirk stated that, as he had stated a oouple of ineetings ago, the City has purchased a couple of sets of artificial swans which will be put out in the lake f�e�xlt yeai�e� saans are natural en�nies of geese and help keep geese away the Ms. Schreiner stated the City has put in a significant ar,r�unt of rioney, along with federal and state monies, towards the cleaning up of Moore Lake- She stated she would like the Chairperson to again go to the Planning Comnission and ask the P1anrLing Com�nission to consider an ordinance that would discourage people fram feeding the ducks. r7arzoN by r�s. Schreiner, seconded by Mr. Gargaro, to recorrmend to City Council, through Plaruiing Conunission, that a city on�inance 1�e drafted that would make it illegal to feed the ducks on any public properties. UPON A VOICE VOrTE, ALL �10TING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KOrIDRICK D� T� MOTION CARRIED UNANIl`ZWSLY. Mr. Kondrick stated he would pursue this further with the Planning Comnission . AD,70URI�Y"iENI' : MOTION by Mr. Gabel, seconded by Ms. Schreiner, to adjourn the meeting. VOICE VOrI'E, ALL VdI'ING AYE, CHAIRPERSON KONDRICK DF7CLARF•D ThE DE� . 7, 19 87 , & FtECREATION CQNA4ISSION ME�.,'I'ING ADJOU�ID AT 8:30 P.M. UPON A PARK.S Respectfully submitted, �i � i�'h�1'a- ��t�.�l`-'�...: Lynr� Saba Recording Secretary