PL 09/14/1988 - 7121PLAI�IIV ING QJNMISS IDN MEET Il� City of Fridl� AG ENDA WIDiV�.SDAY, SEPI'Fl�'BIIt 14, 1988 7:30 P.NL IDC�T�N: �Q)M�iIl'Y �OCATH3N (.'4�TJ.BR. 6085 - 7� Sl'1� N. E. **' PAGES C��1L�L ZO O1�ER: laLL C3�I.�L • APP1i�VE PLAt�1IlVG OJNY�l�SSIDN MINU!'F�: August 10. 1988 �NSIDERATIDN OF A SPECL�,L USE PERMIT, SP #88-11, BY ARxFr.r. D E V II D P N� T!' : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Per Section 205.07.01.C.8 of the Fridl� City Code, to allvw townhanes for the elderly in an It�l, Sir�gle Family Dwelling, zoning district, ar�d per Section 205.09.O1.C.7, to allow townhanes for the elderly in an R-3, General Multiple Dwelling, zoning district, gen,erally located north of I-694, �st of Central Avenue and west of Fillmore Street (legal description available at City Hall ); and per Section 205. 07 .Ol. C. 8 of the Fridley City Code, t�o allav townhanes for the elderly in an R-1, Single Family Dwelling, zoning district, on Lots 10, 12 and 14, Block 2, Spring Valley Addition, generally loc�ted rnrth of Rice C`reek Road, south of 64th Avernie, east of Central Aver�ue ar�d west of Arthur Street . 1 - 1HH 4)NSIDERATIDN OF A SPECIP,L USE PERMIT, SP #88-12, BY DONALD DICKISON: . . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2.I Per Section�205.05.04�of the Fridley �City Code, to allc�w an air cor�ditioning, heating ar�d electrical coritract:or off ice in an S-1, Hyde Park Nei��borhood, zonir�g district on Lots 27 and 28, Block 12, Hyde Park, the saane being 5973 - 3zd Street N. E. Q�NSIDERATIDN OF A IAT SPLIT, L.S. #88-04, BY STANLEY AND FIi�,LIS P1i�I�FOWICZ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.b correct a certifica�e of survey done in 1969�in relation to the lot line between Lot 1, Block 2, Marian Hills Second Addition arr3 Lot 2, Block 2, Marian Hills Secor�d Addition, ger�erally lo�ated at 1350 - 52nd Aver�ue ar�d 1340 - 52rr1 Avernie N. E. . 3-3G RECE IV E'l�i E MINUTES 0 F�i E PARK� & RECREAT ION ClJMMIS S IO N N�EI'Il� OF AiJG[TS°I' 1, 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . GBEEP RECEIVE �iE MIl�tJTES OF 'IIiE HTA�,N. RE90URC� QJNAlISSIDN MEETING OFALTG[7S'I' 4, 1968 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAi.�OH REC�IVE �iE MIlVUI'E5 OF �iE HOUSIl�G & RIDEVIIAPMENT AUZHORITY N�!'IlyG OF AiK�[JST. 11, 1988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHITE O'IFiER BUSIl�'.SS: AAR�U�r CITY OF FRIDLEY PLAl�TIl�IG QJNAlISSIDN N�ETIlVG, AUGUS°r 10, 1988 C'AT T, 'It� OF�ER: Chairperson Betzold called the August lU, 19�8, Planning Caimission meeting to ord.er at 7:36 p.m. 1�LL �AL,L: —�— Manbers Present: Dorald Betzold, Dmn Saba, Alex Barra, Richazd. S�rar�da (for Paul Diahlberg) Menbers Absent : Sue Sherek, Paul Daiilberg Others Present: Jock Robertson, C,a�¢nunity Develognent Director Kathlyn Castle, Planni.ng Assistarit Thanas & Sar�dra Kallmos, 146b Omr�daga Street N. E. APPI�VAL OF JULY 27, 1988, PL�I�Il�TII�1G QJNIl�lISSIDN MIl�UI'FS: NDTIDN b� Nlr. Barrs, secor�ded by Mr. Saba, to approve the July 27, 19��, Planning Cacmission mirnites with the follaving amen7ment to page 15, first I���Ph s "Upon a voice vote, Kor�drick, Saba, Sherek, Barra, Uahlberg votirig aye, Betzold voting ray, Chairperson Betzold declared the motion carried }x a vote of 5-1. UFaN A VOICE VO'�E. ALL VOTING AYE, Q�iAIRPERSON BEIZOLD DECZARF� 'IIiE NI7TIDN C�R,RIED UT3ArTIl�DUSLY. 1. P[�LIC HEARIl�IG: QJNSIDERATIDN OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #88-10, BY �iON�,S KALd,id�OS : Per Section 2U5.07.O1.C.1 of the Fridley City Code to a11ow a third accessory bu�lding on Lot 22, e�acept the west 85 feet, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, the s�►e being 1466 Omr�daga Street N. E. NDTIDN b,� Mr. Strarr7a, seconded by Mr. Saba, to waive the reading of the public hearir�g mtice arrl to c�pen the public hearing. TJEi�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIlVG AYE, Q3AIlZPER.90N BE�LOLD DECLARID �iE NDTIDN C�RRIE.'D UNI�NIl�DUS'LY P.l�ID �iE A.BLIC HFAR.Il�1G OPII�T AT 7:3'/ P.Nl. Ms. Castle stated this p�perty was located in an 1�1, single family, zonir�g district with 1�1 to the mrth, west, ar�d east. The zonirx,� to the south was 1�3, general multiple c�vellings, ar�d there were apariment buildings located there. Ms. C�stle stated the petitioner was requesting to construct a third accessoxy bau.lc�i.ng on the lot. He currently has a Lwo--car garage attached to the house and a storage shed, approx. 7,200 sq. ft. The proposed bui.lding would be 42 ft. by 26 ft. or 1,196 sq. ft. -1- PLAi�Il�iIlVG Q�NA��SIDN N�T'Il�, AUGUST 10, 1988 Ms. C�stle stated the petitiorier has also applied for bwo vari.ances. Those went to arrl were agprwed by the Appea.ls Gatmission on August 2. Those wEiC to ir�crease the total floor area of al1 accessozy buildi ngs f rcm 1, 4 00 sq. ft. to 1,868 sq. ft. ar�d to ir�crease the square footage of an accessoxy building fmn 1,000 sq. ft. to 1,196 sq. ft. Ms. C�stle stated staft was z�ecatmer�dirx� a�roval of the special use permit with the followirxJ sti�lations: 1. This accessory building is mt to be used for autanobile storage. 2. There is to be m access fmm the accessory building to Ornridaga Street. 3. The design of the building is to be architecturally can�xitible with the hause. Mr. Barra questioned why the first stipulation was for autanobile storage when the petitio�er has said part of the use of this building would be to store an autanobile, boat, etc. Ms. Castle stated it was her �ux3erstanding that the structure would not be for autamobile storage on a permanent basis. Her main o�ncern was that the buildir� rnt turn ir�to a autan�ile repair business. Mr. Thamas Kalln�os sYiawed pictures of the property as it exists r�ow. He stated he certainly had m intention of using the structure for an autanabile repair business. It was to be used for his woodworking shop which had to be mwed out of the house because of his wite's allergies arbd asttma. It would also be used for storage of yard equignent, boat, etc. Mr. Kallroos stated he had two letters he would like to give to the Cunnission from his neighbors stating they had r�o objection to a third accessory building. ND'I'IDN by Mr. Barna, secor�ded 1� Mr. Saba, to receive into the record two letters dated Aug. 2, 1988, one letter signed b� Steve Saba, 147U Or�or�ago St. N.E., arrl the secor�d letter signed b� Jon Jacxels, 1479 - 7� 1/2 Ave. N. E. ; Lero� Larson, 1503 - 7� 1/2 Ave. N. E. ; Kathy Hoeschen, 1510 - 7.i 1/2 Ave. N. E. ; Grant Tc�wnsend, 1523 - 7:3 1/2 Ave. N. E. ; Jim Vaughan, 152 0- 7:3 1/2 Ave. N. E. ; Jahn West]x, 146�/ Omrr7aga St. N. E. ; arrl George Hanson, 147 6 Omr�daga St. N. E. These letters state that the above signed were aware of R�an Kallroos' request and had no obj ections to the additio�l accessozy building. UF�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl� AYE, Q�AIRPER90N B EIZOLD DEQ,ARID �i E NDT IDN (�iRR� UNANIl�DUS'LY. Mr. Kallmos stated the r�ew stru+cture would look just like the house, ar�d it would mt be aver 14 feet hic�i. Mr. Stia.r�da asked if there would be any mise prrablens to the �i�bors with -2- PLA�Il�TIlVG mNY�lISSIDN N�.TIl�1G, AiR�TST 10, 1988 the wooclworking shap. Mr. Kallroos stated the stn�cture would be well insulated. Mr. Saba stated there were no houses bacx there so that shouldaa't be a pmblan. Ms. Castle stated the City had a Noise Ozdirsnce which would take care of any r�ise pztablens. Mr. Barra suggested that in stipulation #1, the words "autamobile storage" be changed to "autamabile re�ir busir�ess". Mr. Barra stated this p�perty was mt ra311y visible fran any accessible areas, ar�d he would have ryo obj ections to recacnnending apprwal of the special use permit. NDTIDN b� Mr. S�rarr7a, secoir3ed Y� Mr. Saba, to recoRUnend to City Council appmval of special use pern►it, SP #8�-10, per Section 2 U5. 07 . C.1 of the Fridl� City Code to allow a third accessory building on Lot 22, except the west 85 feet, Auditor's Subdivision No. 129, the same being 146� Orbondaga Street N. E. , with the following stipulations: 1. This accessory building is mt to be used for an autancabile repair busir�ess. 2. There is to be rn drive�vay access fran the accessozy building to Ornnc7aga Stseet N. E. 3. The design of the building is to be a�hitecturally can�xitible with the house. UFt�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl� AYE, QiAIlZPER90N B E�LOLD DEQ,ARID �I E NDTION C�RR]ED UNANIl�DUSLY. 2. REC�IVE JULY 14, 1988, HOUSII� & RIDEVII.DPN�TI' ALTIIiORITY MIl�IiI'F5: NDTIDN b� Mr. Saba, secor�ded b� Mr. Sbarr�a. to receive the July 14, 19�8, Housing & Redevelognent Authority miryutes. UFDN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIlVG AYE, Q3AIRPER90N BEIZOLD DECLARID 'I�iE NDTI(JN C�,RRIED UNANIl�DU�,Y. 3. RECEIVE JULY 19, 1988. JOINT ENVI13�1�Il�lENTAL QUALITY OJMMISSION/ENERGY - CDNIl�lISSIDN MINIF!'F5: NDTIDN b� Mr. Saba, secorrled bY Mr. Svarr]a. to receive the July 19, 19�8, Joirit Envirormental Quality C',amlission/Ener� Cat¢nission mirnites. UfON A VOICE VOTE, ALL �3NG AYE, QiAIl2PER9�N B EIZOLD DECLARID �i E NDT ION (�,RRTF� UNANINDUSLY. 4. RECENE ALiG[TST 2, 1988, APPEALS OJN�lISSIDN MIlVCfl'F5: -3- PLAi�TIl�1G mN�lISSIDN N�TIl�, AiR�t1S`r 10, 1988 NDTIDN 1� Mr. Barra, secor�ded b� Mr. S�rar�da, to receive the August 2, 19 � 8, Appeals Catmission mirnites. U1�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl� AYE, QiAIRPER9�N BEIZOLD DEQ�ARID ZHE NDTION C7�R,Ft� UNANIl�DUS'LY. AA70U�1T: NDTIDN Y� Mr. Barna, secor�ded b,� Mr. Saba, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voice vote, all votir�g aye, Chairperson Betzold declared the August lU, 1988, Plannir�g (',atmission meeting adj ourncd at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully sutmitted, % � Z'X--� ��.�� Lyr� Record.ing SecretaYy -4- , � 1 d 1 - _ STAFF REPORT APPEALS DATE ��'��F p�qPqWIG COAMNSSION DATE : September �4, �9ss FRI DLEY CITY COUVC�L DATE REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER APPLICANT PROPOSED REQUEST LOCATION SITE DATA SIZE DENSITY PRESENT ZONWG ADJACENT LAND USES PARK DEDICATION ANALYSIS FINANCiAL IMPUCATIONS CONFORMANCE TO ADOPTED LAND USE COMPATIBILITY WITH ADJACENT USES 8� SERVI ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERAT�NS SP 4�88-11 Arkell Development To allow homes for the elderly in an R-1 and R-3 District. Rice Creek Road and Hillwind Road. Rice Creek Cottages 2.6 acres 1 acre/12.3 units R-1 N: R-1 S: R-1 E: R-1 W: C-1 No I�n Soil Corrections, Drainage STAFF RECOMNIENDATION Denial APPEALS RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Hillwind Cottages 4.7 acres 1 acre/9 units R-1/R-3 N: CR-1, R-3, P, R-2 S: R-2 E: R-1 W: R-3 Yes Yes Soil Corrections, Drainage, Traffic Approval 1B PIBLIC HFAR.Il� BF�RE �iE PLArIl�TIl� mN�l�SSIDN Notice is her�y given that there will be a Publ ic H ea ri ng of the Planni ng Camiission of the City of Fridley at the CDN�I)NII'Y IDUCATIDN CENTER, 6085 - 7�i SPREET N.E. on Wednesday. Septenber 14, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of : Consideration of a Special Use Pernnit, SP #88-1I, by Arkell Develognent, per Section 205.07.01.C.8 of the Fridley City Code, to a1low townhanes for the elderly in an 1�1, Single F`�nily Dwellirx3, zoning district, and per Section 205.09.01.C.7, to allaw towr�l'�anes for ttie elderly in an R-3, General Multiple Dwelling, zoning district, ger�erally located mrth of I-694, east af Central Avenue arrl west af Fillmore Street (legal description available at City Halli; and per Section 2U5.07.O1.C.8 of the Fridley City Code, to a11av tavnhanes for the elderly in an I�1, Sirigle F`aanily Dwelling, zoning district, on Lots 10, 12 arrl 14, Block 2, Spnng Valley Addition, generally located mrth of Rice Creek Road, south of 64th Avenue, east of Central Avenue arrl west of Arthur Street Ar� arrl all persons desiririg to be heard shall be given an �portunity at the abave stated time ar�d place. DONALD B EIZOLD Q3AIl�T pLAi�TIlQG CDNg�lZSSIDN Publish: August 31, 1988 Septenber 7, 1988 An� questions related to this iten may be ref err'ed to the Fridl ey Canmuni ty Develognent DeparGnent. 571-3450. Page 1 of 2 Original Planning Commission Mailing List SP 4� 88-1 1 Arkell Development City Council Members Planning Commission Chair Arkell Development Metro Square Building St. Paul, MN 55101 Planning August 26, 1988 Council MAILING LIST Patricia Thies Walter Hansen 5588 Fillmore Street N.E. ]O50 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Mark Jensen Neil Allen 5572 Fillmore Street N.E. ]040 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Carol Slavick Patrick White Ted Field 370 Summit Avenue 5570 Fillmore Street N.E. 1030 Lynde Drive N.E. St. Paul, MN 55102 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 David Harris Cheryl Stinski Cathy Benson 6279 University Ave. NE 4�202 1612 Berne Circle N.E. 1020 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Oliver Erickson Real Estate ]0 Office Bldg. Harry McKinley 6279 University Ave. NE 4�202 951 Hillwind Road N.E. Box 32154 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Allan Fehn Toni Fehling Harry McKinley/Resident 1251 Hillwind Road N.E. 941 Hillwind Road N.E. 1010 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 School District 13 1400 - 49th Avenue Columbia Heights, MN 55421 School District 13 5575 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Daniel Sullivan 1161 Regis Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Allan Fehn 1229 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, MId 55432 Willard Lawrence 5562 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Thomas Jacobson 5560 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Julie Theis 5586 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Polk Street Investment 5650 Polk Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Polk Street Investment 2901 Metro Drive 4�105 Bloomington, MN 55420 Roger Frank 5512 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ok Kim 1291 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Delbert Johnson 1271 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Scott Masica 1070 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Prois 1060 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ray Wells 1000 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Yoava Klucsar 1337 Hillcrest Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ervin Kassow 1400 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dorothy Miles 1370 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Paul Litwinczuk 6291 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Gregory Stenhoff 6283 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Caleb Spooner 6271 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 1C SP �t 88-1 1 Arkell Development Page 2 Reuben Olson ]430 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Carol Dwyer 6282 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Brian Peterson 1340 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 LeRoy Tovsen 1356 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Mochinski 7256 E. Co�erce Circle N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 Rice Creek Properties 1315 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Herbert Hart 1450 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Bruce Olson 1442 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Thomas Brickner 1441 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 1443 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Beulah Lea 1426 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Marian Paulson 1425 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 David Zerby 1400 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Stanley Dahlberg 1384 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Mark Schwartz 1372 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Yoava Klucsar/Resident 1420 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 ID Mailing List - Neighborhood Meetings lE First List - Mailed by Arkell Development August 25, 1988 SP ��88-11 Arkell Development COUNCILPERSONS TO ATTEND William J. Nee 219 Logan Parkway N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Nancy Jorgenson 5730 Polk Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Steven Billings 5215 Lincoln Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Dennis Schneider 6190 Stinson Boulevard N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Edward Fitzpatrick 5273 Horizon Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 HILLWIND ROAD AREA Thomas Jacobson . 5560 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Julie Theis 5586 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Patricia Theis 5588 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Mark Jensen 5572 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Patrick White 5570 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Cheryl Stinski 1612 Berne Circle N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Prois 1060 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Walter Aansen ]050 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Neil Allen 1040 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ted Field 1030 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Cathy Benson 1020 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Harry McKinley Box 32154 Fridley, MN 55432 David Harris Real Estate 10 Office Bldg. Harry McKinley/Resident 6279 University Ave. NE 4C202 951 Hillwind Road N.E. ]O10 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Oliver Erickson Toni Fehling 6279 University Ave. NE �C202 941 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Allan Fehn 1251 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 School District 13 1400 - 49th Avenue Columbia Heights, MN 55421 o . School District 13 5575 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Daniel Sullivan 1161 Regis Lane N.E. Fridley, MMI�II 55432 Allan Fehn 1229 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Willard Lawrence 5562 Fillmor�e Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Polk Street Investment 5650 Polk Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Polk Street Investment 2901 Metro Drive, 4t105 Bloomington, MN 55420 Roger Frank 5512 Fillmore Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ok Kim 1291 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Delbert Johnson 1271 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Scott Masica 1070 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ray Wells ]000 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 RICE CREEK ROAD AREA Yoava Klucsar 1337 Hillwind Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ervin Kassow 1400 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dorothy Miles 1370 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Paul Litwinczuk 6291 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Gregory Stenhoff 6283 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 RICE CREEK ROAD AREA iCont') Caleb Spooner 6271 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Reuben Olson 1430 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Carol Dwyer 6282 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Brian Peterson 1340 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 LeRoy Tovsen 1356 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Mochinski 7256 E. Co�mmerce Circle N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Rice Creek Properties ]315 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Herbert Hart 1450 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Bruce Olson 1442 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 Thomas Brickner 1441 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 1443 Rice Creek Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Beulah Lea 1426 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Marian Paulson 1425 Rice Creelc Road N.E. Fridley, MrT 55432 David Zerby 1400 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 1F Stanley Dahlberg 1384 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Mark Schwartz 1372 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Yoava Klucsar/Resident 1420 Rice Creek Road N.e. Fridley, MN 55432 PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR Donald Betzold 1601 North Innsbruck Drive 4C201 Fridley, MN 55432 Expanded Neighborhood Meeting Mailing List - Mailed September lst and 2nd SP 4t88-11 Arkell Development 0 Lamoine Follingstad Marvin Schmidtz Thomas Fuller 1626 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1616 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6275 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Mark Nyberg John Govoent Gary Obrycki 1501 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1610 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6267 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Willa Gonsior John Terrell Ralph Menard 1601 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1600 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6259 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Resident Donald Johanne Edward Clark 1613 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1620 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6251 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Andrew Wargo James Kubiatowicz Brian Westover 1621 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1630 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6274 Ben More Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Michael Grassini James Ring Walter Jacobson 1627 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1500 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6266 Ben More Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Andrew Kociscak Theodore Theilman Robert Carpenter 1419 West Danube Road N.E. 1540 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6258 Ben More Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Andrew Kociscak James Dahl Adib Sissi ]631 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1520 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6250 Ben More Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Craig Heieren Lester Chies Michael Gorski 152] Rice Creek Road N.E. 1530 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6245 Ben More Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Willard Kastensen Barbara Hansen A. S. Lambesis 1541 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1580 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6249 Ben More Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Darrell Cedarholm Walter Kehler Ronald Nolby 1551 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1590 Rice Creek road N.E. 6253 Ben More Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Naresh Chandan Allan Singer Carolyn Messick 1561 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1450 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6257 Ben More Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Kwei Tsang Robert Schmidt 1581 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6291 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Levi Phillips Helen Woodall 1632 Rice Creek Road N.E. 6283 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Thomas Beaui�eu 6244 Kerry Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Thomas Beaulieu 11230 Partridge Street N.W. Coon Rapids, NIN 55433 1G SP �� 88-1 1 Arkell Development Expanded Neighborhood List Page 2 George Skinner 6217 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, 1�N 55432 Mark Bue 6229 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Harold Morgan 6245 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Brickner Builders 6249 Ben More Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Walter Eyeler � 1456 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Bob Calderon 6401 Central Avenue N.e. Fridley, MN 55432 Lavonne Kowski 6391 Central Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Joseph Nelson 1357 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 John Rau 1341 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Burch 1490 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Herbert Lennox Marvin Nevala 1461 Rice Creek Road N.E. 1476 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Pence 1489 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Milsten 1487 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Arnold Ostlund 1453 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James Schaffran 1443 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Virgil Okeson 1423 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Erling Edwards 1403 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Wayne Parks 1385 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ernest Klar 1373 - 64th Avenue N.�. Fridley, MN 55432 Hjalmer Anderson 1491 Rice Creek Road N.e. Fridley, MN 55432 Dorothy Hollister 1466 - 64th Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Garris Norling 975 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James Sivanich 99] Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Milo Stenzel ]001 Hathaway Lane N.e. Fridley, MN 55432 Kim Sumner 1011 Hatlaaway Laaze N.E. Fridley, L�i 55432 Duane Peterson 1021 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Carol Frentz 1031 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 1H Dale Farber 1041 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Stephen Hansen 1051 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 John Geiger ]061 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 David Steinke 1071 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Nienaber 1081 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Kun Lee 1091 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Guiseppe Sallese 1181 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James Bagaason 1191 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Walter Maurer 1201 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James Iacono 1217 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 John Ward 5691 Regis Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James Legatt 5701 Regis Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Carol Eppel 5721 Regis Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Michael Welsh 1202 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 lI SP 4188-1 1 Arkell Development Expanded Neighborhood List Page 3 Robert Gilstad 930 Hackmann Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Pure Oil Co. 5695 Hacl�ann Avenue N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 Union Oil Co. 1650 E. Golf Road Schaumburg, IL 60196 Verner Pedersen 1030 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Larry Wright ]020 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Roger Gehrke 1010 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Stephen Eggert 1090 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Kalow 1080 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 David Anderson ]070 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Terry Reyes 1060 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Norman Abel 1050 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 An Van and Tam Thi Nguyen 1040 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Glen Davis 940 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 John Hurajt 1101 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Scot Svetlin ]081 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Rignell 1171 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Norman Larson 1161 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Arnold Ervasti 1151 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Kenneth Tigue 1141 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Peterson 1131 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dominic Colotti 1121 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 James Jorgenson 5730 Polk Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Joseph Branco 5720 Polk Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Real Estate ]0 Office 951 Hillwind Road N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Glen Davis 940 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Wayne 5741 Polk Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Gus Hageman 5715 Polk Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Louis Adams 5740 Polk Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Donald Scherer 1000 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Thomas Reed 990 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Gerald Hults 980 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Jean Stinson 970 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Wolfe 960 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Richard Brandt 950 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Jesper Jensen ]O11 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Phan Quan ]001 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Terrence Weglarz 1071 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Jonathan Goetze 1061 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Theodore McCarty ]051 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 David Lyon Robert Lehner Charles Beckerleg 1111 Lynde Drive N.E. 5725 Polk Street N.E. 1041 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 Fridley, MN 55432 SP ��88-11 Arkell Development Expanded Neighborhood List Page 4 Norman Rausch ]031 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Walter Jones 1021 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 5701 Highway Fridley, MN David Anderson 1120 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 990 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Lynde Investment 65 N.E. Robert Shapiro 55432 9801 Oak Ridge Trail Hopkins, MN 55343 General Partnership 4530 Excelsior Boulevard St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Resident 995 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Harry Zook 5690 Regis Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Peter Wojtowicz 1110 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Dolores Orr I100 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, NIN 55432 School District 13 1400 - 49th Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Lee Haugen 1160 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Harold Dwire 1150 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Marceine Loven 1140 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Donald Holley 1130 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 950 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 910 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 5650 Polk Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Polk Street Group 2901 Metro Drive 4�105 Bloomington, MN 55420 Earl Niewald 1180 Hathaway Lane N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Michael Odegaard 5740 Regis Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Douglas Strong 5720 Regis Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Warren Nolt 1181 Lynde Drive N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 1J � PLANNING DIVISION _� MEMOR,AIVDUM unroF fRIDLEY 'IO: Jock R�bertsan, Qs�¢mu�ity Developmesit Director planning ��nission Members F�M: Kathlyn Castle, Planning Assistant DATE: S�tember 9, 1988 REC�,RDING: Special Use Pernut, SP #8�11, Hillwind and Ri.oe Creek Cottages PROP06AL Arkell Develapment is proposing to cor�struct single-stAry rental tvwnlzomes for the elc�erly at two locations in Fridley: Rice Creek Road (east of Central Avenue) and Hillwind i�ad. 'I7�is d+evel�t will ccnsist of 92 one and two bed- room tmits whic3z are rented at $385 and $485 per ironth. Social and health programs will be established for the residents. PLA��]NING CCi�ISID�RATIONS ''ihis development will be discussed as two separate projects sinoe there are two locations. Ri oe Creek �ad 'I°ne Rice Creek Road prdposal is situated on approximately 2.6 acres of land in an I�-1, single f�nily cl�aelling district. Undex the zoning regulations, haires for the elderly are allawed as a special �e. Zhirty- tsao of tlze 92 a�artu�ents would be aonstructed at this location. Several variana� are needed because this is a higher density develonment in a lvwer c1�e�sity i�l district. These variances are: lo fio increase the r.�dm�un lot ooverage allaaed from 25 o to 29 0. 2, �Ib decrease �the lot area per imit fran 1 unit per 9,000 sq. ft. tA 1�i.t per 3,254 sq. ft. �he 3oard of Appeals will be reviewing these requests on SePtember 20, 1988. Oonsi�ration should�be given to the effect this dev�lapment will have on the adjavent I.L1 district. Staff is currerntly examining the effect this project will have on drainage arad p��y �1�. Traffic in the area will not greatly increase ber.�se se�ior citizens gerierally dr'ive less often than others. 1L N�N1� T0: Jock Robertscn Page twa PlanrLir�g Car¢�ri.ssion Me�nbers LIATE : Septesd�r 9, 19 88 itEGi�ING: Speci..al Use Penn.it, Sp #88-11, Hillwind and _ Ri.oe C�+eek �ttag+es Hillwind Avenue �is site oce�sists of 6.7 acres with appro�mately 2.3 acres in an 1�1, single f�nily dwelli� district, and 4.7 acres in an 1�3, qeneral multiple dw�elling district. �iae zoning regulatioa�s for these districts allvw homes for the elderly as a special use. Zhis ]ACation will have 60 living units including the Manac�nt Center. G�ce again, because of this hic� density dev�lo�nent and the odd Wnfigura- tion of the land, varianoes are neecled. These are: 1. 'Ib increase the ma�nnan lat caverage allvwed fran 25� to 25.5�. 2. Zb reduoe the lot area per imit f�can 1 unit per 9, 000 sq. ft. to 1 imit per 4, 864 sq. ft. 3. 'Ib reduoe the miniun�un hard surfaoe setbadc fran public right af-way fx�oan 20 ft. to 3 ft. 4. To reduae the building setback fran public right-of-way frcan 35 ft. to 15 ft. 'Ihe Board of Appeals will be reviaaing these requests cn Septemb�r 20, 1988. Ca�sid,eration should be given to the effect the �velopment will have on the surroimding properties. This includes drainage, traffic generation/ distributi�, and property values. Staff is currently revieaing these it�ms. RECON�TDATION Riae Creek R�ad Staff recca�rtner�d_� denial of this request fon c�anes for the elderly generally located ru�rth of Riae Creek l�ad, south of 64th Avenue, east of Central Avenue and west of Arthur Street. Staff has c�etermined that this hic� density develognent may have a detrimental effect c�n the adjaoent i�l district. Hillwind lmad Staff reammends approval of thi.s request for homes for the eld+erly g�rally located at south of Lynde Street, west of Fi].]smre Street, south and east of Hillwind Road, with the following stipulaticns: 1. �ppraval of the special use ��; t is oontingent t�ri approval of the associated varianoes. 2. �ie developer agrees to e�aecute a restrictive oovenant agresr�ent whic3l limits the age of residents to 55+. N�',MfJ TO: JocJc R�bert,son Page three Plannirig ontanissi� N�nbers DATE: Septenber 9, 1988 REGARDING: Special LTse Pezmit, SP #88-11, Hillwind ar�d Rioe Creek Oc�ttages - 3. A maintenanve a�e�rent be e�cuted between the d,evelopex and the City which ens�es the City that the buildings, landscapi.ng, streets, and utilities be naintained to the Ci.ty's satisfactiari. 4. A perfonnanoe bond/letter of c�edit be issued to the City for 3$ of the ar�nstructica� value prior to the building pe.nnit. 5. Soil wrrecti� tests are required prior to issuanoe of the building pennit. 6. Autcanatic irrigation be installed to maintain lanclscaping. 7. Iandscaping �Go be installed as per CitY aPProved plan. 8. Driveway tio be paved acoording to City Engineer's specifications. 9. Six inch �crete c�abing tA be installsd around the perimeter of driveway a¢�d off-street parking areas. KC: ls Nr 88r221 1� - � F.�o� u�. s.� a NAS1Y OURE�MI CITY IIANAOER's OFFICE DATE Augusc 30, 19ss SU9�CT; Informal Neighborhood Meeting About the Proposed Construction of the Cottages MEMORANDUM JR-75 TO ACT1pN UPOATE Jock Robertson, Cou�a►. Dev. Dir. 9/�/88 Tt'�Conncilwor�an Jorgenson and Dennis Schneider's desire to extend the notice oi the proposed meeting to the area which is highlighted in yellow on the attached information. Also, Councilmembers showed concern that the staff should have checked �aith ther� about the proposed hearing dates before the developers set up [he hearin;;s so the c;ates were convenient for the Councilmembers to attend. Th�n!: you for your cooperation. ti?10/la pc: City Courcil Jot�n Flora, Public Works Director ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- T0: Nasim Qureshi FROM: Debbie Niemeyer DATE: September 2, 1988 The Neighborhood Meeting list has been expanded to include an additional 150 property owners and residents. Please see the attached maps for boundaries. z � .. �— '� � � •• \�% •..�. � neighborhood meeting notice date: Tuesday, September 6, 1988 time: 7:00 F.m. lp ace: Fridley Comwnity Education Center 5085 7th St. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 25 August 1988 Dear Resident: You are invited to attend a neighborhood neeting about the proposed construction of single-story, senior rental townhouse units for the vacant property located imnediately east of the commercial building on the northeast corner of Central Avenue and Rice Creek Road. This will be an informational meeting which will begin with a brief informal presentation about the development. After this I will answer any questions you may have about the project. Also available to ans- wer questions will be members from the City staff and members from the City Council. Sincerely yours, 4��'��k� � John Arkell, President Arkell Development Corporation Metro Square Building • Sain1 Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 293-0910 � �o THE L�RI�EI.L DEV�,oPr�rrr CORPORATION neighborhood meeting notice date: Wednesday, September 7, 1988 tiaw: 7:00 �.m. lp ace: Fridley Conmunity Education Center 6085 7th St. N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 25 August 198a Dear Resident: You are invited to,attend a neigfiborhood meeting about the proposed construction of single-story, senior rental townhouse units for the vacant property located just off of Hillwind Road between Polk Street and Fillmore �treet. This will be an informational meeting which will begin with a brief informal presentation about the development. After this I will answer any questions you may have about the project. Also available to ans- wer questions will be members from the City staff and members from the City Council. Sincerely yours, L���� John Arkell, President Arkell Development Corporation Metro Square Building • Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 � (612) 293-0910 1P �Q D � • 0 t�6� so M ��o)�� /5 � , � s (.s�c) s. s (c� lse� (��) /B i*� � � � � �� /3 � ���� // ! C3��� 9 � C2�) 7 � �2�0) s SP 4�88-11 Arkell Development ._., ..� * : - .v n? � ��>> ;fs ��� ' ' � 3 l � _ o t��r� . (ooaa) r��t! z ' �� � ,a . � � p i7�i01 � � (� (I�� (A �, �� / p� �l/ � � - /9 �i) � �560� ��� (�-ov7 �320� � � � �a o . . �� � ; '°"r.'�.,�-- . � /� /Z /O 8 � t� � . ,r0 , ,. �... �� ��� � --- ; � , ; � � �� o t �� �� �z�> t��i . � N � � . � � ..� � . c �3; _ _ � � � f ,< s, oa ,:f t��.� � ° � 4TH AVE. N ° ` y - . � � . r,, ' K � ' �n s� j! i.r � i • �f i � :� ; /1 ^ �K) � (�►I . (�� � � , ! � `Of (�) �� (� {t�qJ �I�N� . �V�i ) � � (�� a�o) .1C � _ . � <ia6ry � l'�O� /�r� '� zd �s �" � w,� Eil� 190 � ; �� cN ; /3 --yx-- 9 7 � �r '' � ► .°� l,K,�� (�,zo� ° - _ I � � � �a ' Il ► � _ : �_, 1 1 . '� I . � � � �• , � � , �� ��`�jA� •ti�� A / �� ' �; .� C. y �. `�,_ � Aiv. �D, 4r i i i i �_�_ i i_� i �tii 1 . =�� � : ::�: : . . �r) � � � . s- . r: . /��.�fF00) . , a�,r ; ----- -'` (s�j , . . � �•.,, i (is+o) '�-- _ .,�� (�'d l� ,�.�' � �— -�o - � �G1� � . i �isl�P% �% �� � �. _ . ..�v (4J � � ��I' (� `� . (�o`s� , �,�.r,�(�� � � 16 j . � �5 :. : �. � A•ei/siae7�s+� � ' -Gr �i - - � � � - ' .a:rv.c� l o � � - ' �'- � ;. � y�,���,� � . - �r � �� r 8 � � �� � � d7 C � �� +� A�D• _ -� � �-` � _= -- - - —� � _ = � � . �.> -./-�- ` _. s �� - — _�� ' a�•� , rOOJ <�vlcy (911oJ � B • 6 � 2 4ll (s�� ; j{vr�e//L �to.r.+� � �..�..� � . �: �(�� j C+�� �' '� -- `�(��4J � � � � � " � �� j� I !�9 i j =';r.�.��� . ,f ' ��;i%�° j 3 ;#� � 4 �� `_ � f � .. C ,i � �.� . :wR. ��.- -- ,_ t�w GD �a �,1VE ` �r . _F _: . � � � 9 � � -���'•. :::: - �.�. - � _ � --= � �;�s��� � x N - ��:: � • � -� -4 ��� � .� - � �,a -_� - ac . _ . : . . � : _ir, . , LOCATION MAP 18 SP 4� 88-1 1 Arkell Development 1S ZONING MAP �� t u u SP 4�88-I1 Arkell Development � � v � � � ��� � �. �� � � � � � � � �o���� �.� � � . � �i g r �� �� � � D D � � 0. � �]� = F r �Y s FRIDLEY� Mp�qVESOTA O FR D 1T : � ; �� � ��i � � ,i � � r � �� , ,,, � �,ii � `1i'I �� v�; � i i li i I� i, I, � I� I r ,� I � �r;;' II. II�1 ji� ll � a�� SP �� 88-1 1 Arkell Development � � � �—••--T— / 1 \�\ ; ` � � � \ \ � , 1 ;3 � � �, � I ' .► , � , � , � r 1 1 I � , , . . , � � i\ � •, �� �� � �� �� � �. 1\��� � \` \ . e \�\ . a \\ � �� ����� i� �� �� p � O � a FRIDLEY. MNIINESOTA OF FRIDLEY' 1D 1 \`\ ;,� ��l'.�','l . 4�,'+� '' ``Y�� a�4�� �a� a�� ��Qa� ���a �. z�,� SP 4�88-11 , Arkell Development �v � i �rv� Q; , � �� � � �A���. I1 � + d� daa` Y / � i r � � / � ' ,. � �` � � :� � ;� o a � o � �� : � . . � � FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA •� -� � � • SP �188-1 1 Arkell Development �W �`t� � � �i� �q #� ` � �� � � i �� � � � � p � � ;� � $ FRIDLEY� MINNESOTA . 1% { � . . . � � � _ �. SP ��88-11 Arkell Development �Y NG MA �, M ol�L�r�.�. 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Q 1 � 0 � � A r ^ x v 0 Z � � A � __ _ � _� _ _� \ \ � � w �... � A �� � � o� :i�i � N � SP 4i8F3- I 1 Arlcell Developnent a4'- 6' �� \ Z � Z° � �� �� ' ' �/ L _ _ — J = O � � Q x 0 � � i ° IEEI __ j I � Z o U..� a 0 � _ - O�O � m I Y I � O � 1 : M \ .. � � ` O 0 I O = % I �o I �' I I � 1 ,4�-0• . 1 u � o� t � — — —� \ \, \ w �� �..� �� �� �� � �� � � So �� � � x � Z� >- J \ ��w \ \ . � . � � � � � I I � 7 � � Q � � N � � � 0 � SP �� 8t3-1 1 Arkell Developnent 34' - 8' �♦ , z� x z� �1 � 00 00 �� o, w� m L---- �--}{—� ---� U LJ KITC�EN ' ,_� , �,_o o,o 00 �� � � u�- 6• f- � „10 � �- � �o � � oN , o% �o o� w- m I � i � � sP ��ss-> > 0 � � �� �� � � i � O Do �' � �x �� � �' Z W � \ ` I i .,� ��_ 8� z� x Z � �~ SP 4�BS-11 Arl-ell De �- - - - - �j--} - - - -I u Z� i : i K Ob :�`,v.-� _ ob �� . � , I 0 O � � � . �L �+ r r� x V � Z� � �' J r O � � 1 � � � � � � . � O � V O � ^� s L'� O � �� V � �� V 14'— 0' 1 ° HH 'S=.4,'$�n�nMp • .. �"�, i�``�� 'F�tt�@l..�Y � ,���:s � i�3 { `1��ik��� ��32 E. #I;E. _ - F�R1�� . � tt� t zl� �-��c�a � `-;� �w � �� ���� - � � �� ���� I �2 �� � SP�Gf1s►� t�SE i�E�MiT S� # � .� _- �v � �.�" s�a� us� �T � � � �� � � z�r � �- �' ? � � � �" - j µ.� , ��ci�,� ���c �v�� z�r�ac ��:_. `� �l' 1 �a �' � �� � .� , s��t�� �r.r� a�ur� t��rr� n��: � a�- � �. �ROP�R'� lNFORMATIt3�1 � �_ � �� ��.�ss _ 5 ��r � ;;� #� �'�';' 1� , � __ �° � �: �' � z��tPrwN: i.�or� �3` �oc.�c � ��;�rr� ���r�.-rv{%�� �� �- �.�� � �c� �r� :� .�i�:�. �..�_- PRF�SIIdT ZON37�T ACRFAGE � _ � � ��'�� ` � }��+`�-- SP£CIAL _ U�E' P£�tM�T BE3NC;: APPLi�� �OR; ,f��/� C.�r.�r+' ;'� it -- ��: ��� � � .��`,�.�T,�. , ..`_ �• ��. , ;: 'YS� .+t. �f-. �, �. . . . . . . . . . . . � SF�mN #�' '�E f.nLL�E: '�, :� • . .>: ` +t;�ae�t**�k�t*��trt��#;**�t.�tr**��"+rr**t�**�*':**�**�*��t�,ie t ' � , : FEE '�3WN�� `'iN�t?R11AATtQN ��� , t ;��Z,—��'-'�� _ � � � � --- ,�� � r� � �.� -'�.�?3 . , ... _ _ �_ � �.R ��� � �'.����'� �ir�.�� �,�.d/ y ,G'�i,✓ �"�"y`.3 �-- ���ss � ,�-� �' s : , : . ; . �'i+iot� tQ Co t Pu sers, Fe�e. �n r L si�g� �°�a�p�l�r *tc� �r�Ce���i�g� * # �, * ��rt�t ** t�*��� ����'* r �rrT�a��� ���c���r�,��o� . �_ � � � �c�� �.�.� � �+c.�!�s'c3,� �ot� � �3+�- �/t.� Q► � :� } � � �� ��. �. ,�� (� � �� k`� t s1iJt�LIU,�W � ��� `- i=T'---� . . � . � . t � � .}�g .., : . . . . � :�'a..i�';. �- � - ,.� � � ' �'e � . „ '_. . ' .' - {' � * *u * 4 * � �� * �' �l' 'k # � * !� � � * * * * � f � '� * '� '� � 'k 'k �� "� f � * * � 7i * � � �' * '�' �� * � . �. ... . . . . . . . � � � Y �. ,�, _ ..: . ' ry�y�{ ! ,�. /'�{ �� ���. L!�4°.��4Y ` � �� . �. ' � . .. ... � �yvia-uiJ��.� — . _.`�__ . __.. � n.. . Y /� �: . �� �,�1 ) ,�� '�„^�: � . . ��p,� � ��J � \/! y� . . . . . .. ., . � . .. � . . . ' . . � . . . .,. ' M r 't!/' 'M— , . e �. '" . . e tx- �3./17a7_�- ,a �z';Eit.`;rFEi��.'i • � .. � ���� � - ,�� �:_�; 2A P[BLIC HF'ARIl� BgORE THE PLAI�1NIi� CDNA�l�SSIDN N�tice is herd�y given t2�at there wi11 be a Public Hearing of the Planning Catmission of the City of Fridlc� at the CDN�IJNITY IDUC?iTIDN CENTER, 6085 - 7TH STIt� N. E. on Wedr�esday, Septat�r 14, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of : Consideration of a Special Use Permit, SP #88-12, by Dor�ald Dickison, per Section 205.05.04 of the Fridley City Code, to allow an air coriditioning, heating and electrical contractor office in an S-1, Hyde Park Neighborhood, zoning district on Lots 27 and 28, Block 12, Hyde Park, the same being 5973 - 3rd Stxeet N. E. Ar� and all persons desiririg to be heaid shall be given an opportunity at the above stated time arrl place. DONALD B EIZOLD C3�AIRN�N PLAI�TIl� OJI�R�IISSIDN Publish: August 31, 1988 Septenber 7, 1988 An,� questions related to this itan imy be rnferred to the Fridley Community Develognent Departr�ent, 571-3450. SP 4i�8-12 Donald Dickison City Council Members Planning Commission Chair i�lhite Eagle Investment 6177 Heather Circle N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Donald Dickison 1321 - 26th Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, MN 55112 Robert Williams 5945 - 2 1/2 Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 A1 Gabel 5947 - 2 1/2 Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 John Wolfe 6007 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Frank Gabrelcik 5923 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Ione and William Alasppa 5925 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 John Pawluk 5931 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 John Ras�ussen 8855 - 230th Street E. Lakeville, MN 55044 John Rasmussen 5955 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Resident 5965 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, ZIld 55432 Lawrence Muggli 11796 Able Street N.E. Blaine, MN 55434 Plaaning August 25, 1988 Council Franklin Hart 6000 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Willard Guimont 5980 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 E. Norwood and B. Braithwaite 7412 Lyndale Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55423 Resident 5974 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Robert Ecker 5940 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Hugh Churchill 5955 - 2 1/2 Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. 5920 - 3rd Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55432 John Kelly 3801 Crystal Lake Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55422 ZB 2C August 3, 1988 CITY OF FRIDLEY To Whan I t Ma.y Concern : Re: Property located at 5973 3d St., N.E., Fridley Lots 2? and 28, Block 12 Hyde Park Addition This is to advise you that the purchase agreem�nt tha.t had existed between White Eagle Investment and the Orthodox Church of the Resurrection of Christ has becacne null and void and tha,t we respectfully request tha.t you deny their application for special use permit and any vaxiances. Sincerely, i <� � � nald D. Gazda Partner White Eagle Investment Canpany 617? Heather Circle Fi�idley, 11�T 55432 cc: Dr. Nick Kropchak Fridley Medical Clinic �i � _ � LG� CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (612) 571-345p August 25, 1988 Dear Property Owners: Enclosed you will find a copy of a public hearing notice regarding a special use permit application for an air conditioning and heating contractor office at 5973 - 3rd Street N.E. As you remember, a special use permit application was heard before Planning Commission for Orthodox Church of the Resurrection of Christ. This request has now become null and void due to a purchase agreement cancellation. As you can see from the public hearing notice, the new special use permit application will be heard before the Planning Commission on September 14, 1988. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please call. Sincerely, ��.i ��+� �'(���'��J�1 Jock Robertson Community Development Director � JR dn / � � � �� STAFF REPORT APPEALS DATE — August 30, �9ss CITYOF PLANI�ING CONWUSSION DATE f R! DLEY CRY COUNCIL DATE . REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER APPLICANT PROPOSED REQUEST LOCATION SITE DATA SIZE DENSITY PRESENT ZONING ADJACENT LAND USES PARK DEDICATION ANALYSIS FINANCIAL IMPUCATIONS CONFORMANCE TO ADOPTED LAND USE COMPATIBIUTY WITH ADJACENT USES 8 SERVIC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS STAFF RECOMMENDATION APPEALS RECOMMENDATION PLANNING COMMISStON RECOMMENDAT{ON enR �ss-22 Donald Dickison Because the building has lost legal non-conforming status, variances are needed to use the building for an air conditioning/heating/electrical contracting repair business 5973 - 3rd Street N.E. 10,324 square feet 22% lot coverage S-1, Hyde Park Neighborhood North, S-1, Hyde Park Neighborhood; south, S-1, Hyde Park Neighborhood; east, C-2, General Business; west, S-1, Hyde Park Neighborhood N/A N/A Proposed use is not compatible with the purpose of the Hyde Park zoning district. Same Traffic demand, noise. See staff inemo. Approved four of the five variance requests. 2F � PLANNING DNISION � MEMOR,ANDUM unroF F�a� T�: Jock Robertson. C7rnmunity Develc�nent Director Plannir,g Qmnission Msnbers F'laM: Kathlyn C�stle, Plannirx3 Assistant DATE: Septenber 7, 1988 RFl,A1�alG: Special Use Peanit, SP #86-12, 5973 - 3rd Street N. E. PFDFDSAL The pet� *_ioner, Donald Dickison, is requesting a special use peani* be c�2nted to allaa an air oor�dition, heatir�g ard electrical contractor oftice a*_ 5973 - 3zd Street N. E. BAQCGFaUI�D This pzv�rty is located in an S-1, Hyde Parjc Neighborhood District, whose regulations are similar to that of an i�l, Single F�nily Dwelling District. This use would be regulated urider a special use peanit. The bui ldi ng and si te requi rsnents f or the pxvposed use were eval ua ted ur�der the C-1, Loca 1 Business District r+egulations because it is similar in rsture. Mr. Dicki son also requested f ive variar�ces, faur of which were approved by the Appea 1 s Cannission. This is scheduled for the Septenber 26. 1988 Ci ty Counci 1 meeti r�g. The Hyde Park Neighborhood was creeted a Special District for the purpose of res*oring its residential character. Zhe Zoning Code states the following frn:r c�bj ectives : 1. Q�ange the present "legal, rnmor�ormir�g use" status of the residential c�aellings in the r�eigi�bozi�ood to a"eo�oanirx� use" status. 2. Re-establish the residential character of the neighbo�ood. 3. Protect the property rights of all present larid owners as much as possible, while pranoting the residential development of the nei�borhood. 4. Fstablish a zoning mechanian for the r�eighborhood that will encourage zesidenti.al ir��tment ar�d developnent in Hyde Park. This pr�s� use c�es .rrrt �ly with the intenC of the zonir�g district. 2G SP #88-12 5973 - 3zd Street N.E. Pa ge 2 Despite this, a similar special use pemmit �equest was previously granted in 1985 ar�d 1987 which allawed a different oa�mercial use in �n S-1 zone. The 1987 peanit was passed with four stipulations o�rrerning site impravenents. Due to extern�atir�g circlmstarices, the petitior�er riever used the special use peanit arri r,ever aanpleted the stipulations. Mr. Dickison's business will have a minimal affect on the surrounding oaimuni ty . H i s of f i ce wil l anplv� apprnximately bwo peapl e wi th the hopes of addi rig two to th ree more enpl oy ees i n a y ea r. Due to the na ture of the b��� riess, rn retail activity will occur so there will be rn custaner traff ic. Ii��i rs are done off-site. �r��mr�: Staff r�crnmends denial of special use pear:it, SP #88-12, to allow an ai r cornitioni�, t�.*_ir�g ar�d electrical contractor affice at 5973 - 3rd Stree*_ r:.E. Denial is h3sed on Section 2C5.04.03E which sta*es "whenever a lawrul rnnconf oan i ng use of a structure is abarY3or�d f or a peri od of 12 month s, a r�� fu*_ure use of said structure or lar�d shall be i n conf ormi ty wi th the pru�i si ons o: tt.i s Chapter". I��sB-�19 � ■ . �asr o : in �S 7 � 1=O i�.�� � : R � j0 1'' � \ � ► � � �. ` � 29 �r 2 ' �� � . . „� s � .,. ■I A . c�. i --y --- WZ, '.�`, /O ,¢, , W �.. Z : �c ea� _1--- Z • /9 /?_ lqo�= �B ��*� - %j -'� �, � H � �1 _ _ 9a ' H V� � /f � �s � N 59TH AVENUE ,o , � � °` �5''� : ° Z9 �'� -' `�`. � Z ZB �� . e. N � z7 4 , � , 5 �`�� N �+ � ' 6 24 7 ��i� � � : �, Z 6 „�,: 2 � o 2/ �w� .�p yy : Zo v �, _ /9 �� , Z_ .�� . ' � /B ,�F� � �3 , � /� ;� �4 ��: � ° r �/ � � �. 60 B 9 � �' � 2� L B Z6 25 ZQ � -� . : Z, y�� 2 Zo ��� ,"9 y�� /B �+: �. ; � /7 y, 1I1 /6 N.E. p� b 0 , ��8-" � °��27 M 25 ,C+�)2� (�) Z/ ,�0)20 /9 (��B 58TH AVENUE � . -iwE � � � � � ' ' �. ;1^ w ,�� �sv ila . �� . „ � � � a '�o` -. �' 6 -2-- 9 ` 2 !n�); i : : �'' 3 � ��� • !��y18 .� 3 bo �) , y ¢ i!vs. i}tl1�i ti�:� I ` �� � - - - -�-- 1 60 �v.�9�ir,�� Y S. • �'�, /d)� ; � e. � � • �e • � ro . ' - r7 ' .. � � _ � �.4) 3D.1 � -` *� �2 3' i / Z 3 4 $ ; -_ � ��� � ;� �. , : io �/ /z / ��S ; � =,:: , _,. �� �,� cr; ,�,, � e� � s �_ - b � �C �' 7TH� ' � �� _1 � � °° ' r- ' ' •- _ � ..� SP 4i88-12 Donald Dickison i � � it) i iife� � I I .o ,�f�y ,rf.o! � �� , 30 , �� � �i ' 27 Jr� � o t � -- .' � 2a � `„ . � _—�►r � y z7�j�' — ¢ - - ( . � ; � 26 5 �.'�•. � „ W � zs E ` �. � � � � �' � 2'� '•�� 7 � . i o Z ' .�i _ � � _ � � ` � Zj , � . 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LOCATIOiV MAP � SP 4�88-12 Donald Dickison 2J 129.0� � - - - S ITE PLA N �- _ r_,i. }} -_ r' =: -� _ , t- �..r�.� .'� �" . �' � � ��. a � a• a �, :, us 3� � - - - t � > � - . ,>. _ 3 � 4 �F :y.. M , .,-.. . � . :� .� l�'� -�P1�1� �DR�1 L:S� ,� c�, - �� � � _; '' M=' �{' * ,� d. , �-- - t -`�'. Vt ,z* 'r; x . , ����� � � t�►.�� � � ��r # s - ������ � ��� �::: � ±�r �. � r�a _ _ � � � ,��x ��::_ � ��: � ° �. �«�,��.: . �� h. .5--.- . . , . . ,:.. �-:.. . . �,- � . � c � $ � � +.;i t ,�-4 `:k .4., �.. T ,a:t t p . � �t4 .. . 2 " �� � '$` � . . _ � -. . . ...::I . , YYisii �iy" • ' � .. . � � 2 g�p� 2 �'; p�IT�_ � Si17.�a Second Addi �en PRESSJT ZC�iiIlaG HesidenE3ai - REASQ�I IOR LOr S�IT: A sketr�h cf the property a�nd tbe pro�osed lot split �ith any � esisting sttt�ctu�r� s�wn tsbonld acaampany tliis application. * * * *: # # * �-* *: * * *: *: t * • �,r #';� � t: * �,r * *,r * �: * * * * � FEE OWNER IWFORII��TIOH �g Sharoa J. � Reith D. fledgee P8� ��/ `T' ' r.3� �ss 3 v= ��d �• � • SS �/ � ' � S� _ � 8�f �p � �Of tt� ��tf8,ctt4� ��*�� �r �i ����� ,�� �r *�� � *°,� #° tF�°�r�rs, r�'�'* * * * � • � _ . _ ,� � �t�TiT10i�1ER iNFOR�Ii�t'��1 „� � �� Stanley �. &'�hylli�,I� Prt►'kaP�� . �Q9E.# b12-571-4793 _O ��g� 1350 52ad ABenne, �fEi �ii�m �11s� ffiQ 5 1 V � , ,� � ,. . ' �/'i��� ���,#�,.:����������f_,�����t�,��,� �,�;#�:,►�►*.��*�*�* �� r - �: �x x : ' :: ,$.. e �,.� : �t �...: — ., . . . _ � — . , ;� �� ���� � � ��.�. � ,�.,�,:�..� . � Q'� ��+ : . � .��� .,..,..:..;� � ��...,� � . 5��:. �,- ^ ,� — ,;;1 . � — � j�fi _ �� O` FIZ[DLEY � CIVIC CENTER • 6431 UNIVERSITY AVE. N.E. FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA 55432 • PHONE (612) 571-3450 August 25, 1988 'I� 4d�iOM 1T N�,Y CDNCEF�1: The City of Fridl� Planni� Cannission will be holdirig an irifoanal hearing on a request for a lot split, L. S. #88-04, by Stanley and Phyllis Pzvkapv�aicz, to oorrect a certiticate of survey done in 1969 in relaticn to the lot lir�e between Lot 1, Block 2, Marian Hills Secor�d Addition ar� Lot 2, Block 2, N�rian Hills Secorid Addition, generally located at 1350 - 52rr3 Avernie ar�d 1340 - 52� Avernie N. E. Anyone who wishes to be heard shall be given the opportunity at ttie Planning Ca�ission meeting on Wednesday, Septenber 14, 1988 at the C70NII+ZUNITY �CAT�N �ER, 6085 - 7�i SPR�T N. E. at 7:3U p.m. DDNALD B EIZOLD Q�AIRN��N PLANN ING �NA'SISS IDN L.S. 4�88-04 Stanley and Phyllis Prokopowicz Donald Fulcher � 5206 Pierce Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Patrick Finn 5202 Pierce Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Patrick Finn 5202 Pierce Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Richard Tkaczik 12323 Gladiola Street N.W. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Steven Stegemeyer 5200 Buchanan Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Maynard Edson 5190 Buchanan Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Charles Nara 5170 Buchanan Street N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Ronald Hoffman 1335 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 - Michael Bock 1345 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Paul Dorff 1315 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Stanley Prokopowicz 1350 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Keith Hedges 2615 Mississippi Street N,W.. New Brighton,�MN 55112 Keith Hedges 1340 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 MAILING LIST Planning August 25, 1988 Council Carl Newquist 1336 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Emily Miller 1330 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 Charles Olsen 1310 - 52nd Avenue N.E. Fridley, MN 55421 City of Columbia Heights 590 - 40th Avenue N.E. Columbia Heights, MN 55421 Planning Commission Chair Council Members 3B � � PLANNING DNtSION � MEMOR,ANDUM unroF Fr�a.�r - ZD: Jock Robeztson, �nunity Develapnent Director F'laM: Kathlyn C�stle, Plannirg Assistant DATE: Septen�er 6, 1988 R��II�]G: Staff Report BA(3CG1�Ul�ID The petitior�ers, Stanl� ar�d Phyllis Prokopowicz, are requesting to split approx�mately 4 feet b� 50 feet triangle off the southeasterly corner of their lot, Lot 2, Block 2, Marian Hills, to oorrect an ir�rorrect 1969 surve�. The larri that is split o�f will then be canbined with the property to the east. The new property lines will then correspond to the retai ni ng walls/fer,ces which are existing. �e legdls will both be altered to reflect the char�ge. PL�ING CDNSIDERATIDNS The pro�osed lot split/canbiration wi11 rnt create substar�dard lots for the d.istrict (F�1, Sirygle F�nily) it is located in. RDQ)NP�I�IDAT IDN Staff recannends apprwal with stipulations: l. A division/canbiration form be sigrrd b� the f ee aaner and returried to the City b� Decanber 2, 1988. KC/dn . I+� 88-217 G 3D _ � STAFF REPORT APPEALS DATE C��O� p�qN�VG CONNOSSION DAl'E : September 14, 1988 fRlDLEY CITY (�I�IC� DATE REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER APPLICANT PROPOSED REQUEST LOCATION SITE DATA SIZE DENSITY PRESENT ZONWG ADJACENT LAND USES P.ARK DEDICATION ANALYSIS FINANCIAL IMPUCATIONS CONFORMANCE TO AOOPTED LAND USE CONAPAT�ILITY WITH ADJACENT USES 8► SER� ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATbNS 0 L . S . 4i 88-04 Stanley T. and Phyllis M. Prokopowicz This lot split is to correct an incorrect survey done in 1969. 1340 - 52nd Avenue N.E. 11,250 square £eet R-1, Single Family Dwelling District. north, R-1, Single F�ily; south, R-1, Single Family; east, R-1, Single F�ly; �Sr, x �, Single Fmmily. yes yes STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approval APPEALS RECOMMENDATION PLANNWG COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION L.S. 4t88-04 Prokopowicz � l�mftr+r. wa� _._iAt•s� --- _ . -aa �s- . � '; � i ' , W .:s.n �. r•.. Q � �ar.v � ��i • . i Z � ��'1 � � t �,� . e �� a � � � � 14 W� � ` fti y � „ (►�� � 1v � ' � .� � ` $ r a �, z �A Z . HO ; � . � � � � �,, t �� .��, �► �,� ,3 . y� ;� .,�.� ,; �� t O la � , N :,w. � �T' ! 4 � ��� . �\, � "�'► l; � '�(� W , � " �j � � 1�' Z � � � �� jl 0 � � W . 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(D) �^� r, .. �• �' � :.!s� _ _' ..., ' d!) .� . , s � ,�, . . . � w � ��A�� �� A i'1 LV�+H 1 IV1V mr+r 3B � �P �2 RICT � � ■ � � � � � ....� ..� � � ���r��'� ����,�►�� ►�:�: -•-•: L.S. 4i88-04 Prokopowicz ` � � � •1 �Qi � � � � � M-1 M-2 PUD S-1 S-2 O-1 O-2 � LEGEND � z� � , . � Z� :� _. - � � 1 �I i LIGH T INDU STRIAL HEAVY INDUSTRIAL � � PLANNED UNIT DEV. HYDE PARK NEIGHBORI REDEVELOPMENT DISTI CREEK & RIVER PRESE CRITICAL AR EA 3F ZONING MAP � L.S. 4�88-04 Prokopowicz � � !� , - fi � k � ., � 1 i-1, , /� , v �. �1.� • W ,►t� �.11 .� � � u � .► � t! �1!,}I � 4 � �►+ i! � � f! � SURVEY FOR: Stanley T. b Phyllis Prokopowicz 1350 52nd Avenue, NE Irli�eapolis, 1rIId 55421 0 � � S2nd Ave. NE. � ; ..� . - - �' • � .: L_C7T � Y � N n N8g�S5��0"E -��.1�� \ � \ • Y O ! \ �•�c 1" : �4O' ( \ � \ vtii i YI \ � �� � � �; r � •��• 0 Caweccs I.P. gtt i- � �•� � �no�'cv RLS tOBS2 � L ff., . � F • Ocwe�.: �. P. F-..,w. \l, LOT � � '>>y °`� �?,�4�� �C� Q '; �� �Sr. �p O ' �s 17 9 - � o . �. : ti ; � ��µ h�� N - -- � ��� �c + I a • -----�;= _r ww�a ��o�.€���__�;°, o.s� : ._.. - _ - � 5.W��. �. `_•1SC.1Z�. . 2,�'�.., '' +' 'S 8q' S 5' 30' W ! , r ` ?�, � 0 � � '� t ! t 1, Block 2, Marian Hills Second Addition, and that na-t of Lot 2, Block 2, :tarian� lls Second Addition described as Follows: Be�inning at a point on the East Line of ! id Lot 2; SO feet north of the Southeast corner thereof; thence south along the East ne of said Lot 2 to said Southeast corner; thence west along the South l�ne of said ' t 2 a distance of 5 feet; thence norti�easterly to the point of begitming; Cit;► of ! idley, Hinnesota. � I hercby ccrtify cFrat this sun+�y, pFan p�tt. prclimirr.iry phc or r+cporc wss prc�rared by mc or undcr my dirxt supervision and that 1 am a duly Rcgistcrcd Land Survcyor under thc lav+s of the Statc ,. . .. _ . S ITE PLA N � crry oF �uo� PARK.S & R�C�2EATION C�ISSION N�TIl�1G, AUC�JST 1, 1988 T T' TO ORDER: Chairperson K�ondrick called the August l, 1988, Parks & Recreation Catstussion meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. �ZULL CAI�: Members Present: Dave Kondrick, Dick Young, Dan Al1en, John Gargaro Mes�ers Absent: Mazy Schreiner Others Present: Jack Kirk, Director of Recreatio�n & Natural Resources Marcia Etlicher, 6870 - 7th Street N.E. Kurt Schrupp, 6171 Kerry Lane Ra3ph Vollanan, S�erintencient of Public L�Torks APPRUVAL OF JUNE 6, 1988, PARi{.S & RDCRF,ATION CON�'lISSION MII�fJ'!'ES: NIO►�ION by Mr. Young, seo�nded by Mr. Allen, to approve the June 6, 1988, Parks & Recreatian Cananissian minutes �s written. UPON A VOICE Vl7I'E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAIRPF�RSC7�1 KOI�RICK DF�CT�RID Tf� MdrION Cr'1F',It� UN1�NIl4CXJSLY. APPR�VPS� OF AGF�IDA: MOrTION by Mr. Gargaro, seoonded by Mr. Young, to approve the agenda as writt�en. UPON A VOIC,E VOrI'E, ALL VO�I'ING AYE, Q�iAIRPII2S�1 KODIDRICK D�CL�AFtID 'THE M(7I'ION CARRIID IJNANIl'�KKXJSLY . Mr. Kirk requested that item 2-D, "RedePmer Lutheran Church Request" be maved to the fi.rst item. 1. RIDEEI��R I�JTHERAN CHIJR�I �QLTEST RE: IDG�'4�TER C�RDII�IS PARK Mr. Kirk stated that aUaut two weeks ago, Kurt Sdzn�pp and r'larcia Etlicher fran Red�eemer Lutheran Ch�ch came into his offioe to discuss sare of the parking problens Redeemer Lutheran Qnffch is experienci� with the reoent growth of their oongregati�. N�. Kirk statec:i about eight years ago, Redee.mer worked out a lease agreement with the City for about 35 feet of p�k land to expand their parking lot to the east. Ewidently, that has worked out well Lmtil naa when their parlcing needs have even S�P�S� that additional spaoe. Rede�r is �eking any possibilities for another lease or purchase or tracle that would help their parking situatiari. N�. Kirk stated he had told botYi Mr. Sdzn�p and Nis. Etlicher that his initial reaction was, no, he was nat in favor of trading any park land ar l,easing any park land; haaever, if sanething oould be worked out tro satisfy both the Churrh r' P�CS & 1zECRF•ATiC7N OQ�A'�SSIO�N I�.TIl�TG, AUGU6T l, 1988 PAC� 2 and the City where the Ch�dz �uld enhanae �e existing park with sane inprave- nents to the satisfaction of the rieighbo�fiood and yet help their parking situati�, he wauld be willing to listen to any suggestions. Qoming to the Parks & Recreation Oa►massion was the first step an the part of the ��t� to explain what �ey are looking for and to get same Oatmiissian reaction. Mr. Sd�p stated they have presented srnie material to Mr. Kirk. He stated they had a sun�ey of the property d4ne to shvw what the Qiurch's needs are and what possibly �uld be d�ne to help the parking problem. He stated Swzdays and We�esdays are their t�wo biggest days for garking, and they are having to park on neighborhood streets. Wintertime was especially bad when the streets usually be oome ai�-way str+�ets . Mr. Sdir�p stat,ed they were aware that the general skating area was probably useo the most in this park; othenaise, a larg�e portion of the park is unsprinkled grass a�d is basically unused praperty, He was sure the neic�bors w�uld object to losing the skating rin)c. He stated a bikeway/'walkway does run throuc,� the park. Mr. Kirk stated it was a� fairly s�ll skating area, but the neic��borhood came to the Ca�unissi� with a petitian to get that rink a�d wauld prd�ably stro�igly abject to losing it. I�. Schrupp stated it was their observation that this park was used v+eYy little. At this time, this was all in the discussion stac�es, and they would be willing to w�rk cnzt an arrangement with the City where they vould gain irore parking �d in return they would cb sanethinq for the park to �ke it a imre usable facility for the Qty. Right naa they were imsure of what the needs were for the park. �ose o�uld probably be detennined to a large degree by the age group of dzild�en/ adults using the facility. He stat�ed they were vertainly open to suggestions. Zhe n�eighbors would oertainly benefit, beca�,lse the cars would then be of f the stxeet. 1�'. Gargaro asked what kind of use the Edgewater Gardens skating rink had gotten last winter. Mr. Volkman stated the rink was used, but the nLatbers were not vexy high. 1�'. Gargaro stated he would like tA see them do scme kind of survey of the neic�1borliood to get the neic��bors' feelings about any dzanges to the park. Ni� . Etlici�er stated Redeemer Lutheran Ch�dl would oertainly not want to cb anything the neic�il�ors wouldn't warit. Zi�ey want good neighbor relationships, and they feel they do nat always have that good relationship now because of the parking situation. Mr. Ko�drids stated he was definitely oppased to the sale ar lease of ar►y park land. Sinoe there was not anythir�g definite at this time, it was difficult for the Qaiutassion to make any kind of reaaistendation without further study. Fran the Cam�ssion's point of view, they have to be careful nat to set any kind of preaec7ent. Rtiey will have to lo�lc at �e rnmibers using the park. If somethuig PA�d�.S & RECREATI�i OLY��Il►ffSSI(�1 N�rING, AiJGLbT 1, 1'988 PAC� 3 can be worked out that oould help both the City and the Qzurdz, the Cannassi� would oertai.nly be in favor of it; but they do need sane mare inforn�ntian cn what dza�ges w�ld be macle to the park , haa much park land the City was wi lling to give �, and the impact these ciianges wauld have oai the neighborhood. Mr. Sdzrug�p stated the purpose of oaning before the Parks & Recreation Catmiission at this time was just to present �eir prc�osal and to start sarn discussions. Nlr. Allen stated he would suggest that Redee,mer Lutheran Church work with Ci.ty Staff tA oane up with sare aptions on what can be doaze. Mr. S dzn�p s tated they would oertainly be wi l ling to do a surv�y of the neighborhood. Mr. Kirk stated the City o�uld vertainly pravide the names of those in the imn�diate neighborhood. If there is sane dissatisfaction now by the neighbors over the street parking by c��ch parishioners, they might be m�re reaeptive to peaple froqn the Church ocntacting them to e�lain what the Qiurc3l is trying to acanq�lish t�o alleviate the parking problem and er�hanee the park at the same time, than they would be if the City just presented a plan without the neighbor�' involverient. Maybe scme wltmteers fran the neighborhood oould meet with scme wlimteers frcm the Qz�dz t� wc>rk out some agreeable plans. Zhen, there �uld be a full neigril�orhood meeting with City Staff to discuss those plans. Mr. Young stated he really saaa this pretty much as just a neighborhood ooncern. It was vertainly not a o�nc�ern to people in other areas of the City. Mr. Sdzn�p stat,ed they would prooeed to put together a letter, with City Staff's assistanoe, mail the letter out to the neighborhood, with the letters to be returned to the Parks & Recreatioaz Department. They can canpile that infozmatian and get a pretty good synapsis of how the neighUorhood feels. MO'I'ION by Mr. Allen, sevcnded by Mr. Gargaro, that Staff proveed to work with i��e�rer Lutheran Qzurch representativ�s to develap a survey to be mailed t�o the Edgc�aater Gardens Park neighborhood in orc3er to get input fran the neighbors regarding the reqwest by �c3eemer Lutheran Qiurch-�for the use of Edgewater Gardens Park for e�anded parking, a�d that neighborhood meeting(s) be held with City Staff to discuss scme agreeable aptians. 'Ihese aptiaris to be review�ed and disc�ssed by the Parks & Recreati� Ca�dssion. v� A wzcE varE, � vo�n�rc �, CARRIID LN�INIM)IJSLY. 2. STAF�' RF�ORT: a. N�A Youth Sof tball Zburnament KCNDRIQ{ DEQ�RED � r�7I'I�1 Mr. Kirk stated this was the third year the City has worked in �junctiori with the local FYSA in oonducting a state youth softball tournament. Several years ago, the FYSA came to the City wanting the City to look into the possibility of mm�ing a tournament as a fundraiser, but they were oca�oerned about renting the facility, because they were not sure abcut gaining enough profits to pay the rental. He stated the City then w�nt into the venture as a oo-sponsor of the tourn�rent. The FYSA did no�t rent the facility, but � PA1�tC.S & RECFIEP,TICN aCY�Il�+IISSICN MEETING, At7GUST 1, 1988 PAC£ 4 agreed to share the profits 50/50 with the Gity. �ese taurnaments have ended up being very sucoessful, and this year the City's share was $2,867. Mr. Kirk stated that as l�g as the City can oo�tinue to get the bid, he sasa no reasan for then to stop allaaing the tournament. Mr. Yoimg asked what the Ci.ty's share of the profits was �sed for. Does that mr�ney go into the City's c�eneral fund, ar can it be put into a fund for the ocntinual inprovemertt and �grading of the �ity Park? Mr. Kirk stated the �y has always gone into the General F�d, havever, it is reooc�iized as revern�e generated by the Recreatioaz Programning Department. Mr. Yotmg stated he felt if the Parks & Recreation program generated this kind of m�ey, then the City should dedicate that ironey back far sare park project, playground equipirent, etc. Mr. Kirk stated Mr. Young was bringing � a good point. Cne of the things he has thought about with the revenue generat�ed frcm these tournairents was the possibility of having a group who requests that the $600 rental fee be waived donate, for exa���e, new bases or other equipirent. �ere are always things that are needed. One of the things that might be needed in the future for scme tournamPnts was sare p�rtabLe fencing. Another thing would be sooreboarc3s. An arrangemPnt might be made where the FYSA, in lieu of giving the City their share of the profits, would purchase sare- thing for the Cam►imity Park facility. Mr. Kirk stated the O�mnassion established the rental policy and maybe that rental policy can be adjusted so that instead of a"$600 rental fee", they oould say "a donation of equipment". Mr. Kcndrick stated he agreed with this and Staff should pursue this further; haaever, he w�ould like staff to c�edc with legal counsel on any problen�s that mic�t be associated with this kind of policy. Mr. Allen asked that this be put on the September ag�enda for further discussio�. Mr. Gargaro stated he just reaently had attended the World, 18 and under, Youth and PeeWee Softball Tournaments in Nbbile, Alab�na. In conparing the facilities there with Fridley's facilities, he felt Fridley's facilities were seooaid to none aver what he saw daan thexe, and the tournaments were vezy po�rly organized. The oazly advantage Mcabile, AlabaQna, had over Fridley was more parki�ng. Nh�. Gargaro stated he would really 1 ike to see Fridley pursue the possibility of bidding for these natioa�al types of tournaments. Mr. Kirk stated he would find aut the bidding prooess. Not many Minnesata oca�ities bid on national tournam�nts. Plymouth bids regularly, and now Burn.sville does. Fridley oould prabably only bid on sare of the youth tournaments because they oally have the four fields with the 300 ft. fenoes. ` PAF�[CS & RECREATICN Q'1NIl��SSICN N�fiING, AL,'C�Sr 1, 1988 PAC£ 5 M7I'ION by Mr. Gargaro, sevoa�ded by Nh�. Yaung, to request City Staff to get n o�rmatiari on the biddi.ng proaess for hosting national youth softball tournaTrerrts in the Gity of Fridley, and to bring that inforn�atioai back to the Catanission at their next meeting. v�v A wzc� w�rE, �, varnsc �, a�xp�sa� xa�mxiac �c�n � MnIC[�T Q�RRIED I27ANINl�LSLY. � b. Fridley 49'er Days Mr. Kirk stated there we�e sare events this year that were m�re sucoessful than other years, and then because of the hat w�eather (100+ degrees), there were scme events that were poorly attended. He stated the parac3e was exoellent. and was w�ell attencl�ed. �he Lio�ns Club toak an active role in organizing the parade this year, and there were mai7y �favorable �nts about the parac�e. Friday nic,�t the Rockin' Hollywoods performed at Colisnbia Arena, and an exoellent crowd turned out to see them. He stated the carnival was also sucvessful. Mr. Kirk stated they are naw in the prooess of planning for next year, and they are loaking at the possibility of having the eve�ts at the Fridley Plaza area by the Civic Center versus the Colianbia Arena site. c. Park Iirprovements Update Mr. Vo]�anan stated new lights have been iristalled at Ruth Circle at the hockey rink. Zhe old telephone poles wPxe taken down and the lights were put on steel pol,es. Mr. Vo]�anan stated they are placing sane back stap fencing at Plym�uth Square, Terraoe, Ipgan, Sylvan, Nbore Iake, and at the Little League fields. Nh�. Vollan�-ui stated they put a lot of time installing the playgroiand equip- ment at Stevenson School. He stated the City ended up spending well aver tne $2,000 that was st�posed to be spent. He stated there was sarie volunteer help, but that help is pretty limited to Saturdays. �e City enc�ed up doing 90$ of the work. Mr. Kcndridc stated these kinds of p],ans are usually well intentioned, but in all practicality, volunteers do riot have the e�ertise and are restricted time-wise. He stated that wh� similar requests ��e to the City, the �miission should keep this in mind. Mr. Vo].]anan stated they have transferred sare playground equi.pment fran Qam�cns Park to Harris I,aloe Park. �e playground area at Harris Lake has been expanded a little, and the equign�nt fits pretty well. He stated this was in response to a reguest fran a neic��bor who said that between Harris Lake Park and C�+eelcridge, there were ncrt. any swings for the bigger dzildren. Mr. Vollanan stated new playgr�und equip�nent was being installed at Camrons Park. 'Ihe old equipment was in pretty bad shape, and they are installing about $2 8, 000 worth of new playgroimd equipment . Zhis should be do�e by Sept. 1. PAIaC.S 6� RECFYEATICN �L�M'�SSICN N�'�ING, AU(�T 1, 1988 PAC� 6 Mr. Vollanan stated he was sure the Cu�r►ission menbers had heard about the death of Steve and Paula Olso�'s daughter. He stated Steve Olson was a foxmer emplayee of the C�ty of Fridley. He stated Steve and Paula are d�oazating $3,000 to Plaza Park for playground equi�nent in meiroxy of their daughter. As soc►n as the e�uipirerit oame.s in, it will be installed. Mr. Vo]]an�n stated they will be �lor coating tennis v�urts and basketball courts at �LS, Woodcrest School, and Meac�owlands, and basketball wurts at Skylir�e, Oak Hill, and Alt�a. Mr. Vollai�an stated they have installed a different drinking fountain at Madsen Park. It is steel, and they hape it will diswurage vanc3alism. Mr. Vo7.}an�n stated they are taking the wood off all the bleachers and picnic tables in the parks and replacing the wood with altunintun. Mr. Vollanan stated they will be building a r�ew starage building at the City Garage for the storage of park s�plies . d. Nbore Lake Updat�e Mr. Vol)anan stated the (�ty O�uncil had looked at several alternatives for protecting the Dartek fabric at Nbore Lake because of the laa water l,evel c�ue to the drouc�t. The solutiori decided �on by the City Cauncil was to use a high pvwered sprinkling systc3n to keep the fabric m�ist during lvw water leve 1 periods . e. Siam�er Progra¢n Update Mr. Kirk stated the rnm�bers were up in the playground and �ball programs; hvwever, there have been less dzildren on scme days because parents just do nat send them because of the extremely hort w�eather. Mr. Allen stated that despite the heat this year, he has reoeived many favorable o�nts from the neighbors (both parents and children) aUait the playground prograQn at Benj�niYi/Briarc3ale Park. �he leaders seemed to be very nioe people, and they seemed to really keep the progr�n i.alteresting far the dzildren. Mr. Kirk stated that staff was very pleased with the peapl,e they hired this year for the playground progra�n. They have dr.�e an exoellent job, and he was happy to hear about these favorabl,e ��nts. He stated being a play- groi�d l,eader was npt an easy job. And, this year, with the heat, it has been extremely difficult, especially at Creekridge Park where there'is no shelter at all. (7he Oa�¢nissioai me�ers reoeived a petitiai at the last meeting fram the �eigYdoo�s asking for a shelter at Greekridge Park.) I�. Kixic stated there had been a near-dre�wning at Nbore Lake an Simday, but because of the quick action of the lifeguard staff in perfo�*.ting CPR and calling 911, the 8 year old girl was revived. A polioe car happened to be going by at the time, stopped, and was on the sePne with oxygen itmiediately. He stated staff was very happy that this situatian t�r�d out 1 P1�1RK8 & RECREATICN Q'Y"II�SSION NF.ETING, AUGibT 1, 1988 PAC� 7 well. He stated he has �k� the Red Cross to send him an application, and he was going to pursue an�„i�d of inerit for thcase 1if� guards who were involved in saving a life. 2. NE�n] BLSINF�S: a. Region 5AA Softball Request Mr. Kirk stated that for the past twt� years, they hav+e worked with Region 5 in r�ning theix region softball games at the Caturnanity Park. Zhe majority of the games have been nm after school when the fields are available. ZY�ey just run the final four tea¢ns in a c3auble elimination tournament. Mr. Kirk stated again, because of the oonoern about not making enough moa�ey to pay the rental fee, the City has not dzarged a rental fee, rather the City takes admissicns and nms the crnoession stand. Onoe again, it has been to the City's benefit. The City brou�t in $805 in a�nissions alone, plus additiazal inoane for vonoessions. Mr. Kirk stated Region 5 was requesting a softball tournament for May 25-26 and May 3�Jtme 1, 1989. He would revaYU�end that the Oc�rnnission approve this to�nament request. It did not impact the City's program negatively in any way. Nr7I'ION by Mr. Gargaro, seoonded by Mr. Allen, to approve the Region 5AA Softball tournatre�t request for May 25-26 and May 30-June 1, 1989. UPON A WIC� WTE, ALL VOTING AYE, �IAIRPERSON KC�TDRICK IFQ�ARED � NIC7rI0N CARRIED iN�NINnISLY. b. Minnesota State High Sc3�oo1 League �Zequest Mr.Kirk stated he had �c�eived a request fran the Minn�sota State High Sd1oo1 League for the fourth Girls State AA Softball Zburnairent at C�ni.ty Park for June 9-10, 1989. Zhis year the tournamerit was c3zanged from a Tuesday/t�ednesday format to a Friday/Saturday forn�t. MO►I'ICN by Mr. Gargaro, seoanded by Mr. Young, to approve the Minnesota State High Sdzool League request for the Girls State AA Softball Zburnament at �m�ity Park on Jtme 9-10 , 19 89 . I]PCN A VOICE VO'�, ALL VOI'ING AYE, CfI1�IRPERSCN IONDRIQC I�Q�ARED THE MC7!'IC7rT CARRIID LNANINPJUSLY. c. ShaannUile Mr. Kirk stated the City borrowed Brooklyn Center's Shaann�il,e for the 49' er Days. 1�. Gargar� st�.tec] the first time the ShaannUil,e was used was on W�sday e�nis�g for the reviewing/judging stand at Hayes School for the 49'er Days 3. PAFdCS & REC�ATICN OQI�SSICN NFEZ'Il�IG, AUGUb'T 1, 1988 PAGE 8 Parade. Zhe seoond time it was used was for the Rockin Hollywoods rn Friday ev+ening. In both cases, the showmr�ile worked perfectly. He vould see the Shcx�mcabile being used for m3ny events, including City Band ooaloerts . To i llustrate the m�bi lity of the ShoHmnUi le , Brooklyn Center people brought it over at 6:00 a.m. Wec�esday, came back and got it Zh�sday marning for their parade rn�ursday, and then brought it badc to Fridley on Friday and set it up at Co1lm�bia Arena. It is vezy mobiLe and easy to maneuver and use. N�. Gargaro stated the Sha�mxabil,e would be a veYy good investment for the City of Fridley, and he wouLd like to see the City look into the possibility of purchasing cne. Mr. Kirk stated there were also rental possibilities with aaning a Shaa- mabile. He stated he has put in a budget reqoest under the capital inprov� ments for 1989 for a Shc�nnobile. Whether the City would fund any or all of it was unknaan at this ti�re. Mr. Allen stated he liked the idea of raising half the moazey throuc� oamrnmity organizations and businesses. Nt7I'I0� by Mr. Young, seoocided by Mr. Gargaro, to reoamrend to the City Cb c.il that a portabl,e ShaalrraUiLe be a priority item in the Parks and Recreation capital i�rovement budget for 1989, with the rearturendaticn that the City furid one-half the �st with matc�ing funds. t�a� A wzc� w�rE, � vcyrnsc �, a�xP�sav xrnm�ac �� � N�IO�T CARRIED [NANINDUSLY . OLD BixSI1�S : a. Innsbruck Natt�e Cent�ex - Naturalist-led hikes Mr. Kirk stated two years ago, son�e peq�le fran the neighborhood ca�ne before the �dssion asking far, nat only i�rovements to the Nature Center, but also for sane progranming there. At that time, he had stated the City was short staffed in its Naturalist Division, that they were cbing all they oould to staff the Springbrook Nature Qeriter and that without a building at Innsbnzck, they wiere nat mm�ing any organized programs. As a oc��romise situaticn, Staff oonsented that rnoe a ironth on Sunday afternoons, they would have a nat�alist led hike. Iast year, in Jur�e, there w�ere 7 peaple, in July there w�ere 12 , and in August th�re were 12. No one shaw�ed up for the Sept., Oct:, and Nav. hikes. In Marc�, April, and May of this year, no cne showed � for the hikes. In Jiane there were 6 and in July there w�re 3. Because the City had advertised the hikes, staff had to be there those Sur�clay a.fternoons . � t PAFd{S & RDCRF�ATICN OC�A'�SSICN NEEZ'ING, AUC�[z5T 1, 1988 PA(£ 9 Mr. Kirk stated he wauld like to reva�unerid that registrations be required for these sc�eduled hikes; and if 8 people are not registered by the previous �iday, the hike wauld be canoelled. For the future, if they cb not even get 8 peaple, they might want to consider advertising that naturalist led hikes wauld be avai.labl,e for groups � an arranc�ment/reservatio� basis. Mr. Kirk stated it just was not working staff-wise to have a naturalist cp to the park and have no one show up. ND�:[CN by Mr. Gargaro, seoazded by Mr. Young, that when a naturalist led hike i ss d eduled, if 8 people are not registered by the Fric3ay before the scheduled hike oal Stmday, that the hike be canoelled. L�I A WIGE Vt7I'E, AI.L VO'�ING AYE, Q�AIRPERS(N KC[�IDRIQ{ DEQ�2ED ZHE NY7rICi�T CARRIID LNANIMrJiSLY. � � • •� � M7rI0N by Mr. Allen, seocs�ded by Mr. Gargaro, to adjourn the meeting. tJpon a vo.Toe wte, all wting aye, Qzairpersaz Krndrick declared the August 1, 1988, Parlcs & Recreation C7cam►issi� meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Res ctfully submitted, � "�'j' '7� .�1��--!ri:._.: Lynn Saba Reoording Secretazy t CITY C�' FR�LEY I�iMAN RESOURCES C:C�'A'LISSIOIV MF�.TIl�IG, Ai�IJST 4, 1988 CAIS� TO O1�ER: Chairperson Sherek called the August 4, 1988, Human Resauroes Camnissioai meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. ImLL CAIS�: M�nbers Present: Sue 5h�erek, Paul WestJ�y, Claudia Doc�ge, Stiie Jackson, Francis van Dan Members Absent: Nane Others Present: Samantha Orduno, Mznagem�nt Assistant Jessie Ellingworth Rc�ger Blahm APPROVAL OF �Y 19 , 19 8 8, A1�ID JUNE. 2, 19 8 8, fi[�N RESOURCES C�A�IISSION MINUI�S : N10�ION by Ms. Jackson, seoonded by Mr. Westby, to approve the May 19, 1988, aad June 2, 1988, Human Resources Comnission minutes as written. UPON A VOICE VO2'E, AI�L VOTING AYE, CHA�tPERSON SHEREK DE7CI,AFZED THE MQTION CARRIID UNANIMOUSZY. APPFtOVAL OF AG'II�IDA: MOr!'I0�1 by Ms. Dodge, sev�nded by Ms. Jackson, to approve the agenda as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL V0T7NG AYE, CHP,IRPER.S�T SHEREK DDCL� THE NY,7rldN CARRIID UNANIMOUSLY. NL�. Sherek stated tha�t sinoe Mr. Ellingwarth and Mr. Blohm w�ere at the meeting, she would like i�a mave "New Business" to the first itan of discussiari. 1. N�nl BLSII�SS: a Coa�sideratioaz of Issues Relating to Persans with D�.sabilities 1) Update of 1983 Handicapped A�coessibility Study Mr. ElLingwarth stated they have signed the vontract and are naa waiting far it to be sent back. He stated that as he had told the Oatunissioners at a previous �eting, he has been in oontact with fornier and present city staff who were inwlved with the original acoessibility study, he has reaeived informatioa� fran past �rneting minutes, a�d he will be reoe��rir�g sane infozmation, "Short Cuts to Acoessi.bility," frcm the City of Bloaanington. He stated he wanted to build up a c�ood background of information, a�d then probably the next step w�ould be to put together a survey with possibly a telephone followu�� in oertain areas of the City. Zhey would also ]ike tA make a lot of site visits by both disabled and non- disabled persons. HLA�1 F�SOURC'ES OONIl�SSICN NEETIl�IG, AUGUST 4, 1988 PAC� 2 N�. Ellirigworth stated after they pull all the infonnation together, they can start putti.ng the acoessibility study together. If they can get the bodclet "camera �ady", he was pretty sure M�dtrcnic wculd be willing to dr� the printing. Nh�. Ellinyw�rth stated he wauld also like to discuss with Mr. Bill Htmt just exictly wri�at kind of in-kir�d servioes wauld be available. Mr. E1lingworth stated that onae the study is printed, they will have to decide on the various areas of distribution. Mr. Bl,ohm stated he has talked tA Keny van Fleet of the Fridley Chamber of Ca�nnerae abaut the possibility of getting same assistance fran the Cha¢�ber of Cam�eroe. As he related to Ms. van Fleet, what the City of Fridley and the Cha¢nber of Catm�eroe have to look at is that many cities, within Anoka Conaity, for exanple, do not have an aooessibility boaklet per se to distribute to tlie disabled. Nis. van Fleet stated there were approximately 200 members i.n the Fridley Chartnber of Ca�nreroe, and she thought �ey oould provide sane assistanoe in doing the survey of the businesses. NiS. Sherek stated another possi.bility for assistanoe w�ould be to c�ntact the Scout Masters for the Boy Swut Troops in the Fridley area to see if there were any Eagle candidates loaking for oamnmity servioe projects. Mr. Ellingworth stated he would like to see as many disabled persans as possible involved in this project. Nl�. Sherek sugg�ested that maybe in the acoessibility study, they oould "star" thase businesses that hav� made an effort to be acvessible. Mr. Ellingworth not�ed they have discussed that possi.bility and will aertainly give it scme ocezsideratioai. I�. Blahm stated that, in looki.ng at this selfi.shly, FYidley can be the ' starting point for the handippped as far as acoessible business j plaoes for all Anaka O�unty. Zhe acoessibility guide oould represent sudz a start for all of Anoka County. Mr. Ellingworth stated he has also been in vontact with O�nnie That�s�, the Fridley Seni.ar Center Ooordinator, for sane assistan� with Medt.ronic. He had e�]+ained t,o Mecttronic that at le�t 40� of the elderly over age 65 have sane . disability. He further stated that Nledtra�ic does lean taaard helping the elderly. Ms. 7ho�psoci had stated sl�e wvuld send a letter of s�port to Medt�roni for this study, and the S�niar Center would help with the marketing. Ms. Sherek stated that in additicn to mibility i�airnients, were they including the hearing ��� �d a�d the sic�t inpaired? Nh�. Ellingworth stated, yes, this was not c�eared only to the physically disabled. HiJ1�N �OURCES OCNIl�SSICN 1�'I'ING, AUQJST 4, 1988 PAGE 3 Nis . Sherek stated the reascn she was asking aUait other dis abilities was the fact that a few years ago she had the occasiaz to txy to find a bank that wo�ul.d help a p�rsari who was visually i.npaired. It was a difficult prob]�m. She was particular thinking of busir�esses ]ike banks that ��uld have servioes avaa.lable far vi.sually i�aired peaple and that might have TI'Y lines available for the hearing ing�aired. Maybe the acoessibility study oould include the TTY li.nes far the social servive agencies. Mr. Blohm stated the need far transportation is a problem, because peopLe need tra�spartati� to get around to these businesses. l�fi. Sherek stated that if transportation beoanes a prob].�esn, they shauld feel free to �tact �e dcnenission far assistanoe. Anather plaae �� th�y mi�t be able to locate sac�e transpo�rtati� help would be �rough the Fridley Senior Qenter which m�c�t have sane i.nterested volunteers. N�. Ellingw�orth stated they had also talked about a wr�rd prooessor, and they hav�e di.scussed the ic]ea of renting a w�rd processor. He did nat know if the City had o�e that oould be used or nat. Mr. Blohm stated they were txying to keep their capital outlay as m;n;�l as possible. Nis. Sherek stated the Qzaaber of O�reroe mic�t be anather resauroe for the use of a word prooessor. Ms. Ordimo stated she would chedc into the availability of either a portable . word prooessor ar using a TI-990 terniinal i�house. 2) Transportaticn Issues Mr. Blohm stated basically his business career in the last 12-13 years has been in the transportatio�'i field. Rhe ca►�any he naw c3oes o�nsultant work for, and was formerly an a�layee of, is a distributor of sdlool buses, oarmercial buses, arid special care buses. Oa��ercial and special c,are was ltiis forte per se and nvw he is a wer of said product. So, he has spent scme time in the transpartatian area, and he hoped to have enough knawldge to help in this area. Mr. Blohm stated he has talked to �ie �son, and it was his im�der- standing that the Senior Qenter was in the prooess of purr.hasing a 16 B-2 v�ehicle with a 1ift. The Federal Gwernirent pays 80$ of it, and probably the City of Fridley was paying the cyther 20$. 4�fien the grant requ+est is written, sarecne has to show nat �ly the need for the vehicle, but also that they can financially take care of said vehicl,e. Zhe way the bidding prooess goes, he w�uld not ex�ect them to reoeive the vehicle before Christ�nas of this year. Mr. Blcahm stated he had told Ms. �onPs� he would be willirig to assist them in a�y way he auld. � HLl�1N Ii�OURC�.S Q'Y++IlKISSICN MEE�IlJG, AtJQST 4, 1988 PA(.�E 4 Mr.-Elli�rth stated �SC�H's goal was to act as a catalyst to get eleCted offiCials, citY PeaPler etC.� invOlVed and t�o 9�t Px'a9r'�� far than. In t�n �t3�,H offers assistanoe, advise a�d resauroes. He statsd he has bee.n quite inwlved in the area of transportation �th Metro Mc�bility which was naw the Regiona]. Transit Board. He was the last dzairperson of the N�ac�ient Oo�mittee of Metro Mobility, and th� he was a�point,ed to an advisory vca¢nittee of the Regica�al Transit Hoard. He has been inwlved with the County programns that have been instigated on �e special prograan for 000rdination. Mr. Ellingw�th stated �at tluovgh the Cbordinatioa� Proc�an, transporta- tion is pravideti for the Seniar dent,er activiti.es—shoPP�, therapeutic, swiittrnng, and special events at a naninal o�st. A lat of effort has beezi ��'� �tY, P�ticularly throuc� ti�e Coo�rclination Proc�am a�ui cyther doutity adadnistrators, to develap a"hub" at Northta�m Shop�ing Oenter for those who need tra�spartation. Mr. Ellingwa�th stated if the Qate�a.ssio�n needed mc�re inform�ti.on on tra�sportation, he or Mr. Bldm1 would be ha�py to g�et it for them. Mr. Blahm stated sinoe su�osedly the Regiorial Transit Board wahts t�o develop public trans-p�rtati�, v�aat has happened in saoe cities ]ike Detroit is t�ey have p�t smaller vehicles on the raad. Large vehicles are v�exY hard on resic7ential streets, and it looks ridiculous to fiave two people sitting in a 40+ passengpx bus . Zhe Hiar�an Resourves Oo�:iru.ssion mi9ht want to oonsic3er �is suggestion if the R�ia1a1 Transit Hoard oates to �e Gi�y for a mare elaborate tr�tirn system in the City of Fridley. Mr. ElLingwarth stated that on Sept. 17-20 , the Qooa-dinaticn Program was going to put on an Expo called "Easy t�eeling° .to aoquaint the residents of Andca �urity of the easy to use and i�a�ensive transit resoutoes that are available to than. 1�'. E1lingwc�th stated there was caunty-wide tra�sportation called the "Do�ty Traveler" where transportation is provided to alirost an� wh�xe in �ncaka axmty, and special trips ca� be arranged outsic7e the Qo�mty. Agai.n, this pzngrmn is for ag�s 60 and aver. He stated there a� still a lot of program� neec3ed for those p�ople under the �e of 60. Mr. B1otBn stated the o�rganizations within the City of Fridley who provide transpo�rtatial for the haridiwpped are Care Bus, Handicabs, Yellvw Taxi, I►brl,ey Bus Co. , and Metro Ride. Mr. E1]ingworih stat+ed the Regional Transit Board does have a lot af public aQaarer�ess hearings. Che is sd�edul,ed for Au�t 11. Mr. Bl�tun stated the Hunan Re.so�aes docimissa.ai had a better ciia�ae of gettinq e�osure and infarmation t,� the disabled about the available 'tx'ansi�ortatioa'i 't-han indiviciials sudz as he and Mr. El] i�rth. Many ha�dicapped people are introv�ts due to their inability to get around; therefoze, they are reluctant to be aggressiv+e in finding HiIl�N RESOUFZC,',E5 OCi�'A'�SSION MEE�'TIl�iG, Ai7f,'�,ST 4, 1988 PAC� 5 � out hvw they can get transportatiari. Fbr exanple, disabled or handi- capped peaple and seniars are entitled to a Metro Mability card (at a oost of $5) and many are nat aware of that. Zhey wauld appreciate the Cannri.ssiari's help in getting the w�rd aut. Mr. El lirigworth shaaed a c�apy of a brodiure that can be put � cars that are illegally pa�ked in handicapped stalls. Thi.s broc�iure was used or�oe during Handicapped Awareness Week. Handicapped �aareness week is usually the end of April. Mr. Westby stated that he works with quite a few disabled athletes. Orye athlete was talking about cbing a roller skate trip from Superiar, Wisoca�sin, to Minne�olis. Would Mr. Ellingworth be interested in soa�iething like this? Mr. F11ing�ao�rth stat�ed, yes, he �sauld be interested. He asked bir. Westby tA get him rrore informztion o� it, and he would bring it before the NSCAH Boa�. Mr. Blohm stated publicity in the manner of inforniation, nat clerogatory remarks or demands, is what is neeci�ed. He statecl his goal and the goal of NSCAH at the present time �s to wo�c towards using Andca County/the City of Fridley, with NSCAH as the Lmibrella group. �at they are loaking for, hapefully, was a plaoe in the City of Fridley where all these organi- zatiazs can gather together. This wauld d� a great deal of c�ood for the City of Friclley's exposure, a�d it would also help Anoka Cotmty. Related to that, the City of FYidley aazd Anoka O�ty c7o not have a representative cn the State O�uncil for the Disabled. What they hape to dr� as a handi- capped organizatirn and he as an advisor to the gro� is to make Analca County #1 in the o�.mties that take care of their disabled ueaple, young or old, and their senior citizens. Mr. ElLingw�orth stated they are also outgrowing their spave at Islands of Peaoe, and they are ]AOki.ng for another site. Mr, van Dan stated he was wondering what pravisions I�ight Rail Transit offered a wheeldzair ar imtio�-inpai.red pers� to board or disembark frcen a train. • Mr. Blohm stated they wauld have to either provide a ra�, or elevator. Zhe Fecleral La�a says thact if any federal maney is involved, all means of transportatioai mist be ac�essible to �e handicarpped. Mr. van D�an stated maybe this inforniation should be ma3e avai.]able to �e PeaPl,e involved. Mr. Ellingworth stated that was a good poisit, that Anoka Ornuity should be m�re inwl�ed in this. Mr. Blnhm stat�ed if they are going to get transportation in sare of the s�uarban areas far the handicapped, they need either smallex buses, special care with lifts in them, or irore N�tro l�b�ility. Nbre Metro Mobility was prcabably the c�eapest way tA go and the most sensible way. Y HLII�,N 1�5WRC�S Q'Y��SSiCN NEF.TII+TG, AUGLbT 4, 1988 PAC� 6 �e only way �e handivap�ed were going to mwe in the City of Fridley car the State of Minnesota within a metrapolitan area was by vans thxouc� Metro Mobility. - Nis . Sherek stated she really appreciated the time Mr. Ellir�gworth a�d Nh�. B1oYmi have spent with the Qatmission, �t only at thi.s meeting, but at a previaus meeting. If they need arry assi.stanoe fran the Htan�ri Resauraes �umussion, they should feel free to aontact her. �. Sherek stated that regarding the issue abwt publicizing the infonnatiaai in order to c�t the �ard out to those who are disabled, onoe they get an idea of when fihey will be publishing the ug�dated handi�d aooessibility study, she would like to tie the release of that stvdy in with the publicity on C�annel 13, Fridley Focus, and possably the Cxty N�wsletter. Zhe rest af the agencia it� were o�ntirnaed imtil the next meeting. AUTOiJFd�TN�TT: M�T'ICN by Mr. Westby, seoonded by Ms. Dodge, to adjaurn the meeting. L�on a v° o vate, au wting aye, C�iairperson Sherek declared the August 4, 1988, Hiun� Aesouroes Ocsm�is�ioaz meeting adj aurned at 8: 46 p. m. Pespectfully suba�.tt�d, _ .3 ' '1, � . .���� � . r Lyrir�e S a Reoo�rding Sect�etaYy CITY OF FRIDLEY HOUSING & RID�,VII,OPI��]T AIJ`IHORI'1'Y M.IN[J'I'E�, AiTGUST 11, 1988 (',�T,T, ZU O�ER• Chairperson C.anners called the August 11, 1988, Housing & Redevelognent Authori*y neeting to order at 7:12 p.m. 1�LL CAL�I.� : Nianbers Fresent: Larry Catmers, Vin�inia Schrabel, John bieyer, Walter l�snussen rlanbers Absent: Duar� Pr-airie O�tiers Fresent: Jock Robertson, F�cecutive Director of HRA Julie Burt, Assistant Firance Director ° ntha Orduno, N�Zragenent P.ssistant Dave Nevanan, HRA Attorney Jiir. H il l, Director of Publ ic Saf ety Jim Casserly, 215 S. llth Street, Suite 200, N�ls. Gordon Sangster, 7169 Rivervi.�a Terr., School Dist. 14 Jim Furr�son, 6381 Squire Drive, School Dist. 14 Lou & June Lurr3gren, 343 Kellogg Blvd. , S*. Paul Rc�bert Silvennan, 2200 First Bank East, N�pls. Kevin Jensen, Stn*_e BGnk of Springfield AT�n RQUSe, 17 86 Heru�epin Ave. S. , N�ls. Jai & Shirrjae Suh, 12 Islar�d Road, St. Paul Joe CaTaners, 2233 No. Ha[nline Ave. , F�seville B ruce Lundgrer., 7545 Off ice Ridge Ci rcl e, D3en Pr i ri e B ruce Peterson, 7 545 Of f ice Ri dge Ci rcl e, Fr3en Pr i ri e DEwe� Johr,son, 7545 Office Ridge Circle, �3en Prairie David Erickson, 7545 Office Ridge Circle, II3en Pririe William Fogerty, 12340 �disson I�. , Blaine C�rol Slavick, Arkell Develognent Mark Clenens, Arkell Develognent Ron Christenson, Bossardt Christenson Davic Krnos, Boamzan & Associates FPr�dJVA?� OF JT�Y 14, 1988, HOUSING & RIDEVIIDPMII�FI' AU'Ii-iORI'PY MIN[PI'FS: NDTIDN b� bir. l�snussen, seconded by Mr. Meyer, to approve *he June 14, 1988, Hcusing & Recievelognent Authori ty minutes as written. UK��Iv A VO ICE VOTE, ALL VOTII� AYE, QiAIRPER9�N CDI�R''A�RS DECi�RID 'I�i E MOT IOIv C7�RRTr� UNAI� I1��U�Y. Mr. Rabertso�l stated he woula like to change the agenda and r.ave "Tax Incranent Districts/Refur�l c� Schooi Levy" as the first itan on the agerr_3a. 1. Q�NSIDE�s�.�� �c 'I'F,i� �3CRII�4F�TI' DIS"I'RICTS/REFUND OF SCHOOL LEVY: i:r. C'�unners sta ted the H RA menbers had a copy� of a 1 ette r f rcm J im 0' riea rG , -1- HOUSING & RIDhVIIfJPN�FP AUIIiORI'1'Y MEEr]I�, AUGUSI' 11, 1988 which v,ras a follaa� to the HRA's �rlier re�uest to him with respect to the refund of certain portions of the tax increment. fund to the schooi districts. Ms. Burt stated that since the last meeti ng, Mr. O'rieara had cane to the City ar�d reviewed the bond arranganents tha* were made with the bonds tha* were sold arid h� they related to thi s change i n the tax law. There are three situations that can occur. C�tego�y 3 stated that if the districts are certified after the last day of the bond sale, we will autana*ically have to provide that mor� k�ck to the School District. The r�son for this is that we were rnt planning on those funds when the bor�ds were sold, so, in essence, we did mt r�eed than. Ms. Burt stated situations 1 ar�d 2 are a littl e bi t di f f erent i n tha *. the districts tha* were certified previously have bond requiranents for which the increnent was being pledged for tr�e debt service on those bor�ds. Ms. Burt st�ted that due to the fact tha� a couple of the HRA's major develognents huve rnt gor� through, the� are mt gaining the incr�en* they had projected in on those projects; therefore, they do not have the funds the� origirslly thought they would have to pay *he debt service on those borrls. Se, the� need to firr� other sources. Ms. Burt stated Mr. Pribyl and staff's reca;unenda�ion, along with P�ir. O'M�rG's, was tha* they do make the payment to the School District for cir�unstar�ce #3. Unfortuna*ely, tha*. doilar amount was quite snall, 51,674. The r�;son for this is that the two districts that it appl ies to are j ust beginning--the Wirifield District arzd *he Shorewood Di strict. As of this p�int in tirr,e, the Shorewood District is rnt ger�er*ing ariy incranent. It. will begin gener*ing increnent next y�r; bu*, again, that ar�oun* will be snall . The Winf ield district is gener tirx� a snall �naunt of incranent. r,s. Burt stated the� should look l�ck in a year on *he other districts arxl at tha* time if the develc�nents are going a little bit stmnger, maybe the� can came up with the option of working in cooperation with the School District to get than scme more mone�. But, right naw, it would be unwise for the HRA to do anything like tha* because th� need the mor� to �y the dd�t service on *.he borxis. Mr. Cam�ers stated that, as he w�derstood it, they just have a very snall amount �hEy are re�uired w�rler the law to return to the school districts, ar�d t7�at was $1,674, arrl it was staff's arrl the atton�'s reccmneroation to do that. As far as the other alterra*ives of returning money, those were r�ot sta tuto�° requi renents but were di sc retiona ry ; a rrl, i t wa s s ta f f' s a nd the attorne�'s reccmnenda*ion that with regard to *hose alternatives, they would not return arly mor� at this time. Ms. Burt stated that was correct. They have pledged that money to the borriholders, arrl th�y have an abligation to the bondholders first. Mr. Casserly stated Ms. Burt haci surmed the situation up very succi nctly . The p�irit that is being made is that because of the stage of development, -2- HOUSII�]G & RIDEVIIIJPN�Tr 1�LTIIiORIrt'Y N�Er7T1G, �UGt75T 11, 1988 the� just do rnt ]a�� today the anount of reveriue that will be available. Mr. Gon�on Sangster arrl Mr. Jim F�sr�ason fmn School District 14 were in the audience. Ms. Burt stated actually the $1,674 was for School District 16. There was no mor� for School District 14 at this time. The Shorewood District was the only devel.ognent in School Di strict 14, and there were � borrls pl edged in that c�istrict. Mr. Sangster stated he was a little corifl:sed about the timing and had sane ques*ions about it. bis. Burt sta*ed Mr. Prib�l had attanpted to contact sane people fran School District 14 to go over this with than, but was unable to do so before he wen* on vacation. She sta*ed staff could go over this in more depth with *he Schooi Distric* representa*ives at ariother time. D1r. Care��ers st�ted that if there was scgne issue on tr.e timing and wha* ir,crenen*s should be taker. into considera*ion and which increnents should rnt, he woulci suggest tha* staff arrnge a meeting with the School District 14 Bazru, city representa*ives, arrl Jim 0'N1e�r to get this resolved. Ns. Rd�ertson arrl Ns. Burt agreed witr, Mr. Car�ers' suggestion. Ni�I'IDN b� Mr. F�snussen, secorr�ied 1� Ms. Schrabel, ta approve the sta*utory refund in the amoun* of $1,674 to School District 16, and alsc to School D� stric*_ 14 to the extent ttiere is ariy refund due to tr.en. U�N A V010E VOTE, ALL VOT7IVG AYE, Q-?AIkPER90T� QJMP�RS DEQ�ARED 'IHE DiJTIO.v C�.RRIED UI�1�TvINDU�Y. 2. QJiJSIDERATIDN OF UJU LUI�IDGREN P��SAL: Mr. l�bertson stated tha* a good s�unary of the status of t.his proj ect appeared or, acenda �xge 1-F which was the secor�d page of Dir. N��an's Augus* 5, 198�, letter. The three itans l�sted were the itans of financial a ssi sta nce tt��a * I�1r. Luridgren say s i s r�eeded : (1) a letter cf credit for $700, 000; (2) additiorr�l firancing in the approx. anount of $2, 300, 000; arr3 (3) interest or write-daan of 2 1/4� on a l�n of $7,922,700. Mr. �bertson sta*ed that frmt the time in January when the letter af crecli* was due, Centennial D�rtgage was the chief financial underwriter and had indicated that if there was ariy problan with the financing package r:r. Lundgren had proposed, they could make that up with some e�ui t.y participar i on f rom an equi ty pool . As the H RA could see, in the quasi-acceptance by Centennial N1�rtgage, that was rr�t included; therefore, what the� had all hoped in terms of a fimncial �c}�ge had not occurreci. -3- HOUSING & RID�VECOPN�lr �LT�iORrIy ME�.�]NG, AIK3UST 11, 1988 Mr. Rnbertson stated that because the� have rnt made substantial progress, it was not only his j udganent, but al so Mr. Newman' s and Mr. Ca sserly ' s collective judgenent, that even though NIr. Lunngren has made a sincere effort, he has failed arri that the HRA should tennirate their relationship with hun and cash his letter of credit. Mr. �Uertson stated Mr. Lwx3grer. has re�uested time to explain his position more fully, to explain his letter, and to speak to Mr. Newman's Aug. 5 letter. Nx. Lundgren stated he could rnt ca�nent specifically on Azr. Ne�anan's letter dated Aug. 5, 1988, because he had not seen it before this meeting. He had not received his cop�. bs. Lurrlgrer. stated he was disappointed that Centennial Diortgage had not. cane up wi*h trie size mor*gage arrl/or the g3rticipating mortgage th�y had assured hiir: and the City they would do. Haa�ver, thc�� dic: ccane up w i th a mort.gaoe proposal, and the HRA had that. I�r. Lw�dgrer. stated he haci explained to staff that he believed the tY•.ree itans listea in Mr. NeNanan's let*er can be abtained before he woulci clvse. He stated he has asked for nine specific points in his letter dated Aug. 4, 1988, to the H� to find out. where the HRA stood on certain tr.ings. �bviousl�, if *he HRA was seeking sane mor�, he had to krx� wha* the amount tias; and, depending upon how the HRA would respond to these garticul�r Gues* i ons, that anount would vary . DZr. Lur�grer. stated he believed he would need to have sane real evidence *ha* t�1e HP1-� had *he ability to have land control, arrl he *hought ariy other developer with arr� other mortgage finn would require the same. He could rn*. put a�ckage together based on the tiuning of certain things ar�d then let i* sit. for 120 days. Th�y have actual constructior. bids, and th�y have aleady ne�t than. on 65 days. He mic�-it be able to keep than a little longer, but only with *.he sub-bidder's consent. He believed he was very close. He beli.evc�z' he haa a project the HRA and the City wants for this site. He believed there was r� evidence that he had exterrled in ar�� fashion, i.n tenns of sper,dinc, mor� or time, the exposition of getting the things tha* were requi red. N1r. Lundarer. sta*ed with hur� at the meeting were June Lundgrer.; Robert Silvern,ar_, his attorney; Kevin Jensen, President of the Sta*e Bank of Springf ield; and P1Gn Rouse, one of his associates. NIr. Lurr.�qren stated he would like to have the HRA discuss the nine points he has listea in his letter. He did rr�t expect the HRA to say "yes" to all cf than, but he would like an answer to each point, and he would like an extension. He stated he did not think the HRA would find ar�y other develaper who has worked harder on this project than he has, but more ti.ir�e was r�eded to consu�r,ate this particular project. He was requesting an exter.sior� of 60 days. Ar�, he thought staff should be instructed to work out. a de�.�elognent agresnent. -4- HOUSIlVG & RIDEVIIIJPN�Tr ALTIHOR�I'Y MEETING, AIK�iJST 11, 1988 Mr. Rd�rtson stated that before the HRA could enter into a develognent. agreanent with NIr. Luridgrer,, the HRA had to have scme ntunbers, haw those ntunbers were going to work, and the level of assistance the HRA could provide for this project. Mr. Lw�dgrer. stated he appreciated tha*. He was not asking for than *o enter into a develognent agreanent; he was asking then to discuss and work out a development agreenent. Mr. C'.amlers sta*ed he felt every itan listed in I�:r. Lundgrer.'s letter had been discussed arr� gone over in detail before with Mr. Lw�dgrer.. Mr. RnUert Silvern�an stated he has been working with Nir. Lurxigren since D1�y 1988. He stated he did r�t have all the history of the project, but he has been follaving g3rt of it. Mr. Lurrlgrer.'s Aug. 4th letter was responsive to the continued requests frcro staff asking for his proposal. And, Mr. Lur�dgrer_ was saying what his prnposal was ku.sed on Centennial's crnunitmen±:. There have r�een plans, �nd Ns. C�sserly has made runs cn ttle niunbers. Ne stated the only rnmbers he had seen w:lich Mr. C�sserly had concludea i n D:�y were m* fa-�sible, were based upon the assunption that the City was going to put in an $850, 000 parking garage. That garage was not part of Dzr. L�undgren's proposal an�more. So, to the extent that Ns. C�sserly's ntunbers sha,�� *_hat the project is infeasible h�sed upon $850,000 tr,a* is rbt goirx; *o be spent, he would suggest that rx. Casserly go la�ck and rerun the rnunbers �sed upon rir. Lundgrer' s present proposal . NIr. Silvenr�ar. sta*ea that bot1�� he arrl Ms. Lundgrer haa mt seer bir. Newman's letter until 5 minutes before the meeting. Mr. Newman's letter n�ade reference to an a=�rlier proposal fnzn 11r. Lurxigrer. asking the City and the HRA if the� would facilitate the firancir�g b� helping Mr. Lungrer. write daan tl�.e r*e, thereby increasing the amount. That was still a part of rir. Lwidgrer's wish, but they would understanci tha* if the City could not do *ha*, if *he HRA is uraailling to Farticip�te, the� would have to find sane other scurce to do tha *. The�% were working on doi ng tY,� _*.. bs. Silvezman s*ated *he�� agree that it has been a lorx� time, bu* they r,�ve been working on the project. The� firally got the mortgaae canmitrnent in late Ji:ly. As soon as the� get one set of p3r�neters, the� have to firr� ou* what the o*her p3r��eters might be. Based upon what the mortgage ca�ni trnent said to thar,, Mr. Lunclgren had written to the HRA arrl asked thar� to consider those 9 points. Mr. Silverniar stated it was correct that the City arrl the HRA have the lec,�l ri�t to acquire title to the property essentially after 90 days after filinr, the petition and quick-take. But, 90 days fran August llth was not October 1, arrl it was Fast the date when Centennial has requested *hat P�:r. Lundgrer have land control arn close. D1r. Silverir�an stated that at the meetings he has attended, there has been a reluctance on the p3rt of city st.�ff to catmit to go out and get the land. Urs3ers�ndably, thc� want to know a little more about the proj ect, but tr.e City has mt even started the corrlannation procedure. They have asked *he -5- HOUSING & RIDEVIIDPN�Tr AUgiORI'PY MEErING, ALK�[JST 11, 1988 City to begin negotiations with the lar�d aaner to find out what the price is going to be, but as far as they kna�a, the City or the HRA has rnt done that.. So, yes, the� can put the project together ir� 90 days easily, but they need *he willingness to do it, and it was difficult for the developer to ccaluni t himself tc� close the mortgage in 60 days if the land is not going to be controlled for 90-100 days. Obviously, without the land, rn mortgage can be cl osed. Mr. Silverman stated that regarding the road locations, it was his underst�,r�dir�g that staf f has had deta il ed f ul l worki ng draw i ngs f or sane tune, arid saneone can estimate what the cost of all the public impravenents mic�ht be. A�iin, that was �art of the proposal, but they� have rx�t heara the City or the HRA say, yes, theY� will do tha*. Nlr. Silvern�an stuted the tax g�yment for $900/unit was what the mert�ge was processed on, and if the taxes are goi� to be more, the� should knoc� tha t. TheY• have clone sane studies arrl presented thar. *o staff saying $900 per t:ri* per ye-ar represents the market. 'I'hat is goirx� to ger�er te "x" dollars wortri ef tax incranent, arrl tl�t is either eiwugh or no* enough for the Ci!.y to �rticip�.*e b� writing down the land and doing the public improvenen*.s. The� r�ave mt received an ar.swer to that point. Nir. Silverir�an stated regarding the letter of credit, what was *he purpose of tt:e letter of credit and whe*her or not it has been served b� the thousands a rrl thousa nds of dol la rs tha t I�s. Lundgren ha s spent on the proj ec t a nd h i s ccmmitrr.en* to the proj ect. Mr. Lundgren has worked on *he proj ect for i n excess of *.s�,-o yaa-�rs, and he contirnies to shav good fai*h to contirnle working on tne project. If the letter was there as a�ood faith deposi* to prrn�e that rs. Lw�dgrer_ was going *o try to canplete the project, he r�s me* tt,.at tes*. Mr. Silvenr�n sta*ed with respect to proceeding wit�Y-i develogzler.t contracts, the�r agreed to do that. N`s. Silvern�an stated *ha* regarding the second mortgage, the presen* develc�nent cnntract says DZr. Lundgren will give the HRA a secorrz mortgage. TheY� cannot do �* w�der this firancing proposal. If the City insists upon ' a second mortgage and is no* going to get enough money f rom the tax increnent. this proj ect gener tes, the,� caru�ot do the Centennial f inar�ci ng proposal. � � Ns. Silvern�an stated it was discussed earlier that tY�.is proj ect and ether projects have rnt yet created sufficient taxes to �y the school districts � arrl to help the borr3s. 'Phat was true, but the real �uestion was: Was ar�% ' other cievelaper going to do it arly quicker? Mr. Lundgren has put in two ' years worth of effort. He has full working drawings, full plans and specs, � a contractor on bc�rd, ar�d a mortgage camtitment, even though it is not tY�.e best mortgage cazmitrnent in t�he world. He is still saying he wan*s to ao the pmj ect. The� can pmceed tc7 work cooper tively wi th the H RA a nd Ci ty Staff, but if the HRA says, sorry, the project is v�er, he did rnt think the City wds c�oing to get a better development, or arzy develognent at all, quicker than th�y would in contirniing to work with N�r. Lurrlgren. � HOUSII�IG & RID�vIIfJPN�lr ALTIIiOR�i'Y ME�rIl�IG, AIJC�JST 11� 1988 r1r. Crnmers sta ted that if bZr. Lw�dgren is al l aw ed to go f orwa rd w i tY� the project, he has to c�btain sane kind of additioral firancing in the �nount of $2, 300, 000. Wha* type of protectior. would the City have if the� author� z ed Mr. Lw�dgren additional tiir,e to do that, and in the meantime, the Cit.y started to take the property? Mr. Silvennan st;ated tha* was a hard timing question to answer. Obviously, the City would prefer mt to aa�uire the lars3 until the proj ect is totally put together. On the o*her hand, *he longer time the HRA takes before th�� a�uire the land, the less opportunity Mr. Lundgren has to get firancing arrl to arrarx,�e the a;ui*y. It seaned to him the City has the opportunity, and it was rn*_ inconsisten* with o*her ca�nunities that have polic�es to take a "bligh*ed area" arrl stir up develognent b� ao:xuiring the larx� in advance of a develogr.ent proposnl. He dici rnt kix�w if tha* was the Ci�% of Fridle�'s policy, but it was certainly a way to proceed. It would take a lot of uncertainty out of the project fmn D�r. Lurrlgren's starrlpoint. h�r. Ca;gner� asked if Mr. Lundgrer, believed tha* withir. 30 day�s he could cane up wi �h sanetY�ling to caver the ac'.di*ior�l e�ui ty that is re�ui red. bir. Silvenr�n stated Mr. Lurrlaren was certainly working on it. b1r. N�%er usked why ac�uirir�g the land was such a critical point in tenr,s of Centennial having an agreanen�. con*ingent upon the land being availahle. Does Centennial Glways have to have a deed in hand before they sign a caYmit�nent? C:ouldn't they� just say, "upon ac�uiring the land, Mr. Lundgrer shall get the r�ortgage canu�,�itrnen* ". ..? b"r. Silvennan sta*ed Centennial requires this to happen by Oct. 5. Cen*ennial has crnmitted a f�xed interest rate at 8 1/4�, but they won' * ca;mit i* �st Oct. 5. N`�r. D�er sta*ed Centennial knr.�,�s i t i s goi ng to take the H RA 9 0 day s to ac�uire the lar�d, yet the� are sayirx,� the� need the cammitment in 60 day s. �ti'1-h t ki nci of canni trnent i s tha *? H e sta * ed he thought Centennial wa s us i ng thi� as a ploy to get out of a commitment. He stated he was very disa�poirited in *.t�e way Centenni�l has been stringing Dir. Lundgren and the Ci*y arn *he NRA alang. He sta*ea he supported everything Mr. Silvern�an has stat.ed about Mr. Lundgrer and his good faith and credit, but he was disappointed in the whole process of things arrl tha*_ this was a never endirx,� game. Mr. C.�mers sta*ed tha* in all practicality, the HR�i probably cannot get larrl control by Oct. 5. He sta*ed that once before theY° were very close to c�wning the property, but they backed away fram it when they found the project was rnt going to go. Tl�e HRA was mt interested in avning propert.y arrl being larrilords. N`lr. Casser3y s�+::�sz r�f� �,�rnbYar was more seric�us tt�an was being said. This is not G market r��e martyage. This is not a pr'ObIHn where they have crnmitted fw�ds for a given period of time in which they have gone eut to purchase assets. This is for an 8 1/4� mortgage. It doesn' t make ary -7- HOUS ING & RIDEV�7_O PN�Tr AU'IHO RI'PY ME�T ING, AUC�JST 11, 19 88 . difference if this catunitrnent ran to Dec. 1, Jan. 1, or Feb 1, because the cam�itment was �t very me�ningful. N'.r. Silvern'�an stated he was mt defending Centennial, and he saw the s�;�e problens the HRA arid staff were raising. He did subsnit it was a s*arting point to see if the� can make the proj ect work. Ms. Schrabel asked Mr. Lundgren that if he was unsuccessful in obtaining additioral firancing in the amount of $2,300, 000 by Oct. 5, did he have a contingent plan at that time? rir. Lundgrer. stated, yes, he was workirx,� on alterrare sources of fundirx� but he was not pre�red to discuss those at this time. DL�. Schrabel sta*ed it would sean to her that if Mr. Lundgren cannot obtain the additioral $2,300,000 b� Oct. 5, Centennial's deadline, that Cen*ennial will pull it.s camlitrnent, and Ns. Lw�dgrer. will be k�ck a* square one. I�1r. Lundaren stated his two alterrste sources of furr3ing would not rely on the Centennial mortgage. Mr. l�isnussen sta*ed he felt. this has ji.:st gor�e on for too long a time, anu ne thought they should tennira*e the negotia*ions m�:. As drastic arr� harsh as i t sc�w�ds, he thought it was time to call it qui ts. Mr. C�sserly stated g�r* of the problen wirh the arr�lysis in terms of t.rying to deterrr�ine what is available is tha* this is a constantly moving target. Ori gi relly, when the�.� were tal}ung about taxes bei ng $1, 350-1,100 per uni *, they were then talking about a parking structure being in, sometime:� Ltil�ties are in, sanetimes utilities are out, and public improvanents. Wher. the suggestion k�s n�ade that. the market ra*e would only sustain $900 per unit in taxes, at tha* time the dete�nination was made that. the develognent be responsible for the pxrking structure, arid the t�,xes would be reduced daan to the $900 level to try to make this p�j ect work on a ma rket rate basis. These are consta.ntly moving kirrls of tl�lings. It was importan* to point out that the� do mt do a new run every tune tt-�e� have a variation w2-:er scmething is suggested. Mr. Casserly stated, more impe�rtantly, they have been looking at other options arri the developer has beer looking at other options, and he has brought a rn.m.�r of people into the process. The� had rather an extensive n;eeting on J;�.y 20, 1988, when theY� were told that the project was going to be short of f�srls ar�d N�r. Lundgren was going to r�eed sane k.ind of sl:bsid�zed interest rate. The prospect was raised at that meeting tha* a very interesting and very innavative financing schene be suggested. It was outlined in Mr. NeNanan's letter, ar�d it was indicated that the City could riot be r�egative or positive in tenns of that �c}�ge because it was putting the HRA in the position of issuing essentially a S9 1/2-10 million bond issue arrl having that be quarnteed. It was zn interesting concept, but staff could no* see the HRA wanting to get into t�;�* part of the firr�ncing. Dzr. C�sserly sta*ed s*�ff suggested, however, that this method of financir.g : .� HOUSIr1G & RIDEVIIDPN�3�Tr AU'IIiORI'1'Y N�ErIlVG, ALTG[JSI' 11, 1988 has been done, and if the developer could Frovide staff with more i nf onr� * i on on how thi s wauld work, staf f woul d be happy to rev i ew i t a nd present it to the HRA, because it was thought at tha* time that the mortgage ccmmitment was n�t going to be adequate. However, that infonna*icn was never received. I�'�ybe staff was a little bit too nec,ative and maybe it was determined b� the developer that it was mt worth pursuing. Mr. C�sserly sta*ed several meetings were held last week and the pmblen was this siir�ple: The p�j ect was $2, 000, 000 short, arrl the interest rate was 2 1/4$ w�der market. He just did mt knaa ha� ar�one was going to be able to r;.ake up those deficiencies. It might be possible with some kind of interesting �rtici�tion process which was discussed in N1�,rch, April, and N1a�•. But, it was naw August, and they are still looking a* po*ential partici�tion arrl *rying to ficure out who is going to firance the project. N�s. Silvern�an sta*ed he would concur with blr. Casserly tha* this is a mov� ng target arxi was going to contirlue to be a movi.ng ta�et. If no*hing else, at la=�st Center.nial Dlortgage has stabilized one of the moving thir.gs, and no� it was the responsiblity of the developer to go forwarc arid see wha* he can do. Ms. Silvenr�r� sta*ed t.h�* witri rec�-rri to the iru�wative proposal, i_t was a proposal the� would er�courage if the City and the H RA f el t good about i*. He �n�cuid quote frrm rLr. Diewman's letter to NIr. Rabertson dated July 21: '�0�1^� Jim (C�asserly ) and I e�ressed in very cloar tem�s our cii sappointrr.en*. in thi� proposal and eur belief tr�a* in the current political clima*e and �ith our current deacilines thn* ��e are extranely doubtful tha* either the City Colir�cil or tr�e HRA would approve this proposal. " Tha* v;as a pre*ty r�tive si�l frrn� *he City. If it was G proposal that. was ��iable arrl *he staff and NRA war.tea to pursue it, it would solve a lot of problens. rir. Ccnmers askea what the sta*us was on TZr. Lundgrer.'s letter of credi*. Mr. Nevar� n s*..u- * ed the 1 et ter of c redi t ma tured on � ionday , A�gus* 15 . b�r. Kevir Jensen, President of *he Srmte Bank of Springfield, s*a*ed *he Bar�k would i�e ���illing to extend the letter of credit to give Mr. Lundgrer. sane additioral time *o keep working on the project. The� have worked very closely wi*1-� Mr. Lundcrez:, and i t was the Bank' s bel ief that there was �.�eter�tial for this pro3ect ar,�i tr�at Mr. Luncic�rer can put the project together shortly. If he c�id not feel th;�i�. v�ay, he woulc not be at the mee* i ng. Mr. Jensen st�ted t..�!-. regarciir�g the Jt:1y 20tri meeting, he had obtained a real F°sta*e a�*orriey to sit in on that meeting. It was the attorney's reccnunendat�ion after the discussion regarding the city participation prr.�posal tha* they should not pursue city participation because of tr.e n�ti.ve reactior, received fr� city staff. NDTIDN b� P�ir. �snussen, secorr3ed b� Ms. Schrnbel, to tennirate r�egotiatons with Ms. Lw�dgrer. for the develognent of the Rice Creek Shopping Center property and to nraw on the letter of credit witri the Sta*e Bank cf � HOUSING & RIDEVIIUPN�Tr AiT�iORI*!'Y MEET7NG, ALTaJST 11, 1988 Spri ngf i el d. Ms. Schrabel stated she had seconded this motion with mixed f eelings. She certair�y felt Mr. Lw�dgren has been an e�tranely faithful person te this project, and she dici not feel he has shirked any responsibility *o the proj ect; in fact, he has been extrenely active in try ing to seek sarie ki nd of firancing. But, this has appeared to becane a�xttern month after month where he jL:st r�ver seans to be qLiite uble to put the �xckage together, and she felt they were at a point now where that was just not going to materialize. The $2,000,000+ seaned like a large hurdle to avercc�ne in light of lx� DZr. Lunlgren has worked to get where he is today. S`he dic� not have arh� conf idence that this was goir�g to be a successful proj ect in terms of firancing. It was with these feFlings that she had reluctantly seconded the moti on. U�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, Q-IAIRPER90N CDNIMMERS DEQ,ARED 'If-iE A�TION CARk� LTI� 7NDUSLY. N`x. C'urmers sta*ed there have been a lot of feelings involvea with *his �r�jec*. A11 the menbers of the HRA were impressed with wha* blr. Lundgrer. has tricd *o do, ard his sincerity about it; but, unfortunately, it haa to cane to a ha�d one way cr the other at scme poi nt i n time. Rega rdi ng the let*er of credit, he would suggest that r]r. Lurdgrer. and his representatives contact city staff arrl staff legal cou.nsel tc see if there was sane pr�posal rsr. Lurrlgrer. would 1 ike to make. A's. Lundarer. thanked the HRA menbers for their ccsapliments. He sta*ed he r.as spent in excess of $1/2 million on this proj ect, and he was not a qui tter. Mr. Silvelsr�n stuted t.�ie moticn, as he understood it, aid two things: *o termirate negotiations with Mx. Lundgren, arr� to cash Ns. Lundgrer.'s letter of credit. H�ever, Ms. Cu�ners' ca�nent might be interpreted to mear *hu*. the second issue was rnt qui_te as hani arrl fast as the first issue. bZr. Caruners sta*ed the sense of the motion was tha* t1��e HRA does intend to cash the letter of credit, but the HRA would be willing to niscuss arh� proposGls Ds. Lundgrer. anci nis attorr� migrit wish to make with respect to the amount of t.hose fur�ds. Mr. Silvern�an stateG. th4* accoruirx; to Nir. Ne�,�m�an, the letter of credit must be cashed on n�naayP ar�d that did mt. leave mucr tune to work out any kind of proprssal. Mr. Ca�aners stated he would assune the� would cash the letter of credi* and obtain possession of those funds, subject to anY� proposal Mr. Lundgren mic,�-it want to make in tei2ns of making ar� adjustrnents. Mr. Silvenr�an stated there was rr�w a tr.ird garty that had to be inserted into that discussion, and that was the State Bank of Springf ield. If tre letter is drawn, the Bank is out $200, 000, and it needs to proceed bac:yc against Ms. Lur�dgrer.. If it was the sense that the HRA did not need to -10- HOUSII� & RIDEVII1JPi�fr AtJ'IIIORI'PY N�'I'Il�IG, AIKZJST 11, 1988 deficit project. The� din mt see any w,ay at that time that the project would pay back in taxes what would be re�ui red for investrnent up f ront. The HF� directed staff arrl Nir. Casserly to work ou� sane additional analyses given updated i�orn�ation fmn both developers and to ccme back with sane firal ccnclusion on whether this was going to be a deficit proj ect and haw much of a deficit project it might be. Mr. l�ertson st�,ted about a weelt arr3 one-half ago, Mr. Casserly contactea him ar�d said his ar�,lysis irrlicated ttiere mi�t be a different ntur,ber tha} might be involved in an acuuisition of a ke� parcel . At that time, staf f took the initiative to hire a consuitant to get an estima*e on what. *Y_�e cor�clanrr�tion procedure might be on that ke� �s�el. Mr. Rcabertson stated he arri :�s. C�sserly met yeste�r7ay morning �aith one cf tY��e developers to get sane clarification on the project. Mr. Casserly finished the aralysis last night ar,d was ready to give his report at tl��is meeti ng. Mr. Casserly harried out copies of his August 11*h letter. He stated that because of the questions raised at the last meeting about the rn.ui;bers usea f or Gcqui si tior, ard relocation Grd �ecause the HRA �as a 1 i t tl e uncanfortable witt-� those r.ur,bers, the City-'s consultant was asked tc ao a very quick arslysis. The f�tures ar�d relocz*ion rnzt�rs were averges. I-?e statc-�c'� thE one property that k�s significantly different was the F,�,pid Oil property. Before, theY� were using acr�uisition arrl relocatior costs of $705 arrl 5725 arn rr� they� have tha* down to $581. On the third spreaG sheet attached *o his letter 3t the bo*tan of the page was the ntunber 5776,50U ($622,500 for aarusiticn, relocation costs, and various other costs plus $154,000 for ir�rstructt:re, reloca*ion in.�olving water, sanit�,ry se�-er, and street? .'I:hat was *he rnnlber he used to detenr,ine haa much this proj ect couid sustain. F'.e sta*ed thEy would be geting $350, 000 for gayment of tt•:e larra. Ir. orrier for the proj ect to end up with 5776, 500, additional revenue needeci during the life of that district was $412, 000. NIr. Casserly sta*ed th�* if his suns were accurate arid thEy get $350,000 for the larn, *he H� was going to h�,ve to put in $412, 000, either througr. speci.al assessr�ents or sanething. Dir. C�sserly stated the second spread sheet was the same except in this scer�.rio, there was a$400, 000 �yment for the land, and if the developer �ys $400, 000, Gdciitior�l reveriue needed was $294, 000. The final spread sheet. shaaeci what happens if there is a$450, 000 developer payment for the land, ther. there wouid be about $176,000 in the district wer its life. Mr. Casserly sta*ea he w�s suggesting this project can zero out and can be desiyr�ed so there would be rn additior�l reverrue re�uired b� the HRA. There were a whole variety of things that could happen: (1) thc� could exterrl the district b� a y�r; (2) they eould get a little larger develaper payment or have a sr�ll a�:�aunt: of �t for spE�cial assessr.ents; (3) the� could look at a litti� d.�£ferert ir�flation factor. He had used a fairly moderate one at 3�. Mr. C`.asserly stu*ed there was also tr�e possibility tha* the infrastructure -12- HOUSIlIG & RIDEVEIDPi�ir AiJIHOR�PY MEE,TII�IG, ALK�(JST 11, 1988 expenses might be less than $154,000. Public Works gave hi.un a range of $75,000-$154,000 to work with. Mr. C`asserly stated he did not think before that the develognent could sustain itself because of the higher nt.unbers he �as using. So, his recannerriation was tr,at the HRA proceed with the proj ect only if the proj ect can be made to balar�ce which would require m outside HRA mone�--that it be a self supporting development. Mr. Robertson st�,ted tY�t staff was corivinced that either develaper prnbably has the wherewithall arrl experience to put together a"daable" proposal. P.s suggested b� Mr. C�sserly, the desirable course would be for the HRA to pick a developer to proceed with trying ta put together a viable proposal tha* would essentially p3y for itself with more specif ic caiunitnients, give the developer a deadline, and if the developer cannQt meet that deadline, then the�.� would go with arr�ther developer. Ns. RoY�rtson stated tha* since both developers were represented a* the meeting, the HRA might want to call on than for further clarifications on their thinking about the proposal as reviewed b� N`s. C`.asserly. Mr. Bill Fogerty, Winfield Develognent, stated the� are willing to spend mone� on this project. He stated they have been very busy with another proj ect, but he felt they had proceeded to do every*hing the City had r�uired than to do. He stu*ed thc�� do have a lx�nk for their major tenant, but it was difficult t� get the firal cannitrnent frrzn the h�nk at this time for sanething they� do rnt have yet. He st�,*ed the� are deali.ng witr� between $11-13 per s�uare foot, depending upon haa mucr mezzanine area will be or tl:e second f 1 oor. Ns. For,er±y stated the� rave a very high quality, attractive, develognent for this site, and he did think they would be a�le to put the prcject together within three months. Within 45 days t.hey would be willing to propose a$50, 000 letter of credit or whatever the HRA deaned necessary. Mr. Joe Cc7rmers, JL:P, sta*ed th� were very enthused about enteri ng into a defir,itive agresner* for the ctevelognent of the 57th Place site. They have been very aggressive in working for the City and the HRA. The� did all tl�* was required b� city staf f. The� aggressively pursuect aacrui sition arri ended up with 67$ of the t.otal �c}cage, leaving a couple of lots arri a duplex t.�-�* is on the m�rket. Mr. Joe Crnmers stdted tha* at the last HRA meeting, he had talked about the fact tha* if the HRA was able to g�y cash for public impmvenen*s, baseci or. $150, 000, it would make about a$300, 000-400, 000 difference. If the publ ic improver;ents were closer to $100, 000, the difference would be even more substantial. Mr. Joe Crnmers stated the� vrvaald re�uest. the c'tiance to represen* the City of Fridl� arrl the HRA. He stated the� have an excellent winning tean: to put a good project together. The� are preg�red to do the project quickly arrl th�.� will stand Ly a constructior, schedule of Apri1 1, 1989, arrl i�e open -13- HOUSING & RIDEi7IIDPTg3�Tr AU�iOR�!'Y N�,'rING, AiJG[JST 11, 1988 b� Octaber 1989. Mr. Larry Canmers asked Mr. Joe Cqmmers to ca�unent on the rnunbers D:r. Casserly han presented where the only v,�� this proj ect was going to work was b� coridanni_rg l�pid Oil arid a�uiring it for less than $300,000. Mr. Joe C,airiers sta*ed he would ask Mr. Bruce Peterson, his associate, to speak to t.��* issue. Mr. Bruce Peterson stated the� recently discussed this suggestion of tt�e corclenration of �hpid Oil. They have done a lot of work with Rapid Oil and are pretty aware of what l�pid Oil facilities cost and what the� are worth, both existing and r_ew. They have �one these kinds of automo*_ive ctevelogr:ents before. It was their opinion that what P,apid Oil is used to seeing is all the way frnm $8-10 per square foot on tl:ese snall parcels of property. JLP really questions the practicality of believing th.a* v.Tithout j ust a rt�l }�tt1 e tl�t these costs can be achieved arri tha t P,api d O i 1 ca n be ac�uireci. It was one thing to be buying vacant land, but it �as ar�o*her thirx3 to be acx_ruiring a business tr,a* is successful ar�cl making a profit. He sta*eci theY just feel the City is looKir.g at a much grea*er nt.unber than tl:ese f i�ures shcr� . bFr. Joe Ca�mers stated they have worked with Rapid Oil since day one in a cooper*ive n�aru�er rnt to exclude than, but tc� include ther�. They feel i* is a morl �ligation to acca�nnoda*e l��id Oil. The� look at Rapid Oil as a favor�le business tr:isactior., ar�d the� have work.ed hard with city staff to i ncorporUte i�pid Oil i nto the develognent in a very campl unent�, ry rlar.ner. If it. requires a iittle bir of camFranise on where Rapid Oil would be lc�*_ed, the�� are willing to be flexible, bu*. it was a fact tr:�*_ *r��� were in their present positior, because Fa.pid Oil allawed. *her *o enter into an acreaner.t. witx: an option to purchase. l�pid Oil was a pri.vate enterprise, and *heY� have certain rights. He stated their la�alties would be severely questioned if triey were to tell Rapid Oil they were no longer ir. *he �roj ect. N�r. Robertson stated tha.t in the g3st, both the Planning C�mission arrl Ci *y Cour�cil have �ressed the wish tha*, given � preference, the� wot:ld like to see a norra�tanoti�e orien*ed business develognent cn this quadrar.t tr.a*. sets the tone for the southern gateway to the City, and to have as mucr_ property value as possible in there. Mr. La rzy Carmers st�, * ed *ha t si nc e rlr. Joe Ccnune rs wa s a rel a t ive, whu t w-o s his responsibility as chairperson af the HRA as far as voting on �,rry motions? Mr. Ne�amn stated the State Statute .referreci to a menber of the HRA havir.g scme kind of econanic interest in th� pr�j ect; and since Mr. Caimers did rx�t have ar�- econanic interest ir the groj ect, he could vo*e on ar� motions. Mr. Bruce Lt:rri�rrer s��:.ea he would stress that regarding the tenart mix, Rapid Oil was orzl�� 8% of their proj ect. He d.id not think the� were tr.G* far G�rt between the two concepts. They recently contacted sane fir,ancial ��� HOUSING & RIDEVF�DPN�3�Tr AUIIiORI'Iy N�TII�]G, AUGIISP 11, 1988 institutions and received sane favordble catments. He sta*ed the� are very flexible. If tY��e HRA wanted more retail service-type terants, the� would be happ� to discuss a tenant mix that the HRA would desire. They were not locked into an�one o*her than F2apid Oil, arrl Rapid Oil was a very minor �r* of the proj ect. Ms. Schnabel statect that having been irnrolved with the City Plannir.g CcMnission for a good rnmber of years before becaning a manber of the H RA, and having been involvea in a lot of discussions on planning for the future of the Ci.ty of Fridle�, as well as working on the Metropolitan Council directed Canprehensive Plan, it was her personal preference tha� the develoFanent for the property fell more in line with that proposed by Winfield Develognent. That wos rnt tc say that the JLP proposal was not a good one, but she did not feel tha* was the best selection for tha*. �rticular site. As th�y look at the entrance to the City off the fre�ay ar�d as i t has been the City' s desire for many years to try and upgrade every*hing along t'niversitY Avern.�e ar�d give visibili±y to *he en*rance to the City, then *he Winfield Develognent proposal best fulfilled those aesires. Ns. Casserly suggested *here be a sur of mon�� r�uired fran the developer *c be used for appraisals, soil borings, etc. He would suggest a stur. of 55,000. �10TION by Ms. Scrinabel, seconded by Mr. F�asmussen, to grart exclusive cie�Elognen!-. ri�h*s to Winfield Develognent, Inc., for 90 days (ivav. 10, 1988) for the 57th Place Redevelognent; ariu that on or before b�onday, Augus* 22, 1988, V��infield Develognent �y to the HRA a sun of $5,000 to be used for �pprisals, soil borings, and ernrirnrmental evaluations. If the payment is rnt received b� August 22, 1988, then Winfield Develogner.t. will have the burden of doirx,� the necessary appraisals, soil borings, and errvirorirlental evaivations sa*isfactory to City Staff. N�. 4�Tinfield stated he had m problan with this, bec.ause tl-�ey will have to do scil bori r_gs ar�•way am would be willing to share tha* infonnation to tt,�e Ci *y . Mr. Tv�,ar st�.*ed he v��anted Ms. Fogerty to understand that V;infield did not have exclusive rirht to the appraisals, soil borings, and erivirormental evaluatior ir.�om�tion. That iriforn�atiorl becanes public inforn�ation. L;P'ON A VOICE VGTE, SC�i�vABEL, MEYER, RASMUSSEN VOTING AYE, COMI�iE�S PBSI'A�II�, Q-�P.IRPER90N QJD��RS DEQ�ARID 'II-iE NL`TIDN C��R.R�D. Mr. Larry Carsners stated that since he felt it was in the HRA's best interest for hiir: ta refrin from voting, he wanted both developers to know that i t. was alsc his preference tha* Rapid Oil not be included in the proj ect. All the z�rks macie b� Ms. Schrabel were apropos. Nir. Larry Carenei:s sta*ea the HRA certainly appreciated the work and expense put ir�*.o these proposals �y both developers. -15- 4. HOUSING ,& RIDEUIIi0PN�3�r ALfII�iORI'I'Y MEE,TIlJG, AIK�(JST 11, 1988 Q�NSIDERATIDN OF RF50LUTIDN AMII�IDING CIVIC CII1I'ER TAX INCRII��E[�TP DISTRICI' 'IC� INCLUDE PL,AZA R1�MP: Mr. l�abertson stated the question about the HRA using tax increnent funds for the constructior� of the Civic Center parking ramp was put to Mr. Jim O'Mear. Ir. Mr. O'N1ear's first reply dated July 25, he made an asstunptior which pmveci to be in error in tenns of the time the bonds were sol d. H e correctea that in his August 5 letter in which he stated: "It also appears rr�a that the concept is that the HRA's cost under this program woulc be funded at la3st in part frcm excess proceeds of tr:e 1985 tax ir�crsnent boi-�d. �� rs. Rnbertson stated *ha* after reviEwirr� this opinior with Mr. Nevanan, the� both believe that (1) yes, the HRA has the basic legal authori ty to cons*ruct this p3rking ramp; (2) yes, the HP,A can g3y for these expenses out of tax incranent; and (3) yes, the expenses can be financed through the isst.,ance of a tax exer�pt i ncrenent borri. bir. R�bertson st�,ted Mr. O'biearG further sta*ed in his August 5 letter: "..ha�ecer, those prior bonds have sicni.ficantly more lenient restrictions in the several araas I men*ioned in my prior letter, and we feel ho�eful tr,at that can be done wittioLt arh� prnblens. " rx. c'�bertson sta ted theY° wil 1 probab ly need rlr. 0' blea ra ' s a s s i s ta nc e to guiae ther, in subsequent actions. Nir. R�bertson stated Mr. 0°biear-G hG� drGftea a resolution fcr the I:P,A's consider tior. (agenda Faoe 3-F) . In anticipatien of t.he next i tem (Consider*on of Bids for Constructior. of Plaza Ramp) , he would point out tr,a * ti�e rganber under "1. Reci tal s, ( f)" shol:�ld be changed f rrm $7 85 , G 0 0 to $840, 000. r1r. Camlers asked wl-±y N�. O'bla�ra had stated in his letter thar if the HP.A was getting rert f�n �he office building, *ha*_ raises questions about tax exar�pt f i r�i nc i ng . 1�1r. Casserly stated it had to do with the percentage as it relates to the debt service of the mortgage. If more than 10� is used for private business, then it fails the private purpose test. He did not believe tr.is was a prnblan ir tr�is instance. At the time the bonds were issued, the fonnula was 25�, ar�cl the �nount of rer,t t]-�ey are paying was a very snall sun, and rnt urr�er ar�� ci�unstances weuld the amount the office builoinc� was g�y ing support ar�� more than 25$ of the debt service on tha* issue. Mr. Caraners stdted this also raised the question (regarding bir. Nev,�nan' s August �, 1988, letter, agenda page 5) tha* if the HRA refuses tc subordirate the secor�d mortgage or if the HRA refuses to give the office buildirx� the refur�d beirig requested of $81, 000 under the Lease Guarantee F�rid, would that have Gr�� bearing on this project? Ns. N�anan stuted tha� in all their aiscussions, it was simply tha� since the City would be leasing 9,000 sq. ft. frcm the office building for a year, -16- HOUSII� & RIDEUIIIJPN�Nr AUIHORI'I'Y N��']I��, AiJGUST 11, 1988 the office buildi.ng will agree to waive any condannation claims w� th *he construction of the r�unp. Mr. Robertson stated it was staff's reccmmendation that the HRA adopt tY�.e resolution and ma�e forwa�i. NDTIDN b� Ms. Schrsbel, sec�orxied b� Mr• N�er, to adopt Resolution rlo. 2 to inclucie the Fridle� Plaza Parking l�unp within the Tax Incranent District, with the araerr�:ent to 1. (f) to reflect $840,000 worth of estimated cos*s. UL�N A VOICE VOTE. ALL VOTING AYE, Q?AIRPER9�N CDNY�IEERS DEQ�ARED 'IH E I�i�T ION C�,RFZ� UNAIv INDUSLY. 5. CDNSIDERATIDN OF BIDS FUR CDIISTRUCTIDN OF F'L�ZA RAMP: NDTIDN b�� Mr. l�snussen, seconded b� N�. Me�er, to accept the bids f or ttie Frial�� Plaza �cnp Budget/Bids. August 1988. Mr. N`��er stated he had looked wer the plans arri specifications arrl, ir his opinion, the� were well done and very canplete. The� seaned to ref 1 ect the type of control the HRA has talked about tr.at the architect make *he ultim�a*e decisions. Ns. Rasnussen sta*ed a questior� he had was r�iruing security in the ramp. N's. Davia Kroos sta*ed the lic�hting level inside the rdnp would be the first concern for security, and that was adequately covered. The other thir.g �lked about. at a previous meeting was the censidera*icn of sane painting inside tlie r�unp to incra�se the light le�el. This was an itan the� were mt able t.o get into the base bid packa�e because of the timing, but was certainly samething they could do in the future. In addition, they r:ave *alked about placing security c�r,ers inside the rarap wired to the Pelice Departrnent, so that was an option. He stated th�y do have one camer� loca*_ea a* the lobby point tc the lawer level, but there are no camer�s Gctually placed inside the ramp tY�t are wirEd to the Police Deg�rtrner�*. Dn,s. Schrabel suggested the possibility of cameras beirig plGced a* ar:�� point tihere people woi:ld access the laaer level of the ramp. She, too, was very concerned about security in the r-�mp. She statea as a wcman, i_t was a terribie thing to �rk ar�d be afrid. Ar�d, no ma*ter where she parks, she is afraia. A4r. Jim Hi11, Public Safety Director, statea the HRA rnanber� have *o realize that, d7viously, ar�thing is possible, but this is Fridlc�, r�ot rliru3eapoiis, arr] this is only a one level r�anp, not a multiple level r�unp. There will be hirh visibili.ty throughout the ramp. There is a main entryway into the building so there will be cars caning atrl going constantly, so the need for securit�° was much less than it would be for a multiple level ramp. Ne sta*ea *1�eY� will certainly take all the security thc� can get; haaever, the big prnblen is *he m�+i�paaer to watch the monitors. Was the City or the HRA prep3red to hire additioml enplq�ees ta watch the moni tors? -17- HOUS IlVG & RIDbV II�0 PN�31r AiTII IO R�I'Y N�.T Il�, At3C�JST 11, 19 8 8 Mr. Me�er suggested an alternative of s]-�siek alanns in lieu of camers. N`�. Caruners stated it seaned to be the sense of the HRA that the� would like to make sure the security is maximized as much as possible. They were approving the bicis as presented, but if it was going to cost mere to increase security, the� would like to look at those figures. Mr. Hill stated there was ne question tha* security would be increased �c whatever level the HRA wanted to p�y for it. Mr. C'.rnaners asked Nlr. Rabertson to work with Mr. Hill ar�d the ar�hitects *o work up same options for security, and to bring �ck options and costs for review b�� the HRA. UR�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, Q3AIRPER9UN CDN�lERS DECZARID 'IH E bTJTION C�RR� LTNANIl�DUSL,Y. Ms. ScY�rabel stated there was still the issue of if the ramp opens cnly into Ci ty Hall, dia it meet the criteria for the use of publ ic moni es, or �r.ust there be access to the adj acent of f ice buildi rx�? r'�r. Robertson stated there is a stairv,ay that is available to the office building, Gr� *hat does meet the criteria. 6. FURI�iER CONSIDERA'lUN OF LDU LUI�IDGRII�]'S LEITER OF CRIDI'I': I�Y• N��r, sta*ed tha} based on a di scussion with kobert. Silvennan, Mr. Lur�cic�rer's attorr,e�, he would recarunend th�,*, cor�ditioned upon the HRA staff receiving a certif ied check in the �nount of $25, 000 on Monday , P_ugust 15 , and f Lrther condi tioned upon Dir. Lw�dgrer. and the H RA excha ngi ng f ul i a nd ccmple*e releases for ar?y and all Claims that either party micht have against �ch o*.her, the HRA will agree rnt tc take ar� further action or. r�ir. Lundgrer's letter of credit and tha* the HRA will release the letter of credit. NDTIDN b� P•�. l�st;ussen, secorrled by Mr. Me�er, tha* the HP.A agrees not tc ta}�e ar�• further action on rs. Lu.ndgren's letter of credit arrl t.t�at the HPA will rel�ase Ns. Lurr3grer.'s letter of credit, kx�sed upon the follawir_g �wo conditions: 1. The HRA staff will receive on Dbnday, August 15, a check in the amour�t of $25, 000 fnZn the S�,*e Bank of Springfield; arri �. I��r. Lundqrer, arrl the H RA w il 1 exchange f ul 1 arr3 canpl e* e releases for any arri all claiir�s that either g�rty mi�ht have against each o*�er. Mr. Silvennan stated this was agree�ble with his client, Mr. Lur�dgren. L'A�N A VC�IC� VOTE, AI1L VOTING AYE, Q-IAIRPER9UN COMI�RS DEQ�ARID `IH E r�T ION � UNAh1I�9USLY. 7. CDNSIDERATIDN OF SLBORDINATING 'II�iE HRA' S SECOND Nl�RTGAGE ON THE FRIDLEY -18- HOUS ING & RIDEV IID PNIENr AL��iO R�I'Y MEE.T II�, ALTGfJST 11, 19 8 8 PI,AZA OFFICE BUILDII�: Mr. C'�ers stGteci the members had a cc� of a letter fran Dave Newman to Jock Robertson dated August 2, 1988, sta*_ing thd*. the atiners of the Frinle� Plaza Office Building are asking the HRA to subordinate their second mortgage of 539,999 to the first mortgage which the buyer of the builciing will be t,�kirx� out. Ci�rrently, there is a first mortgage in the ori.�inal principal amount of $1,500,000 to which the I:RA's second mortgage is subordi ra ted. N`�r. Caruners sta*ed the Office Building has also asked the HRA to authorize tl-ie release of funds held in the Lease Fund and Purchase Fund to the builciing aariers. There is approximately $81, 000 in the Lease Fund, �nd ap�:rox�ra*ely $16, 000 in the P�rchase F�ur3. Mr. Caraners sta*ed as he understood it frcm TMI.r. NewTnan' � letter, the Purchase F`urr3 was really rnt of ar�� value or use to tY�.e HRA. The Lease F�:rx: wa� a little different. Ir_ his letter, Mr. Newman haa sta*ed tha* the purpose of }he Lease F�nd is to provi.de to the Trustees a fonn of securi*y *o ensure that the building awner makes tiunely rental payrnents on *he �:ri�..ing lot. 4�fiile the Indenture of Trust was nct clear as to whether cr r�t the N rZA can r�ui re the disbursanent of f Lnds f rcm thi s Fund f or the purpose of n�aking delinquent rental payments, in the past when the HFA attenptea *o use this fur�d for the g�yment of delirr�uent parking lot rent, the Trustee refused to release the funds to the HRA. N'�r. Ca;uner� stGted he had no problen with the subordinatior of the seccnd mortgage, �rxi the Purchase F�u�d was sanething the HRA really c'.ia not riave a richt to ar��ay, but he did mt krr.� if he agreed with the release of tre Lease F`und. �?e did riot have enougr, ir�orn�tion to make a gc�od j udgener.t on i t. Ms. Ne��n sta*ed he has read portions cf t1�e bond dociurent pertaining to tr�ese funds, ar�d it cloesn't specifically st�.*e that the landlord has the ric,ht to tY�iose funds. Ns. N�an�r, statea stzff was looking at this f rcm the perspective that the office building is in trouble, Gr�d the� would like to accammodate and hei� ther, as much as possible. Mr. ihsn�: ssen sts ted he did rx�t 1 ike to see the H RA rel ease f urids of a�� kirrl, ars� he would abstain from voting on ��� �r.otion tha* would release arh� f w�ds . NDT IDN by NIr. N� er, seconded b� Ms. Schnabel , to agree to the subordi ra * i on of the HRA's secor�d mortgage witr� the Frial� Plaza Office Building and to agree to the release of fur�ds held in the Purchase Fund in the amount of $16, 000 and in the Lease F�u�d in the �r:aunt of $81, 000 to the aNners af t.he Fricile,� rlaza Buildinq. Nir. Ca�eners sta*ed he thought the way this has ccme up at the last ::.irute just before the closing on Monday caused hin. to be very skeptical. Ne -19- HOUSING & RIDEVII.OPI�Tr AVIHORrI'Y MEE.TIIVG, �IJGtJST 11, 1988 stdted the HRA should have been told earlier arrl given time to look at this more thoroughly. It Hra.s mt fair arrl rx�t appropriate ar�d w2s not the way to do business. It was almost like a leverage-kind of thing--either the f-? RA rela3ses the furids or the sale wi11 fall ap3rt. Again, he was not against suborrlirsting the second mortgage or the release of the $16,000, but he was against the release of the $81, 000. Ms. Schrabel stated if the HRA was to turn davn the motion and not release the funds a* this p�int, the sale might fall through; but then, it might mt. It might er�courage the owners to cane to the HRA with a stronger case. She shored Mr. CaYUner' s cor�cern, ar�d she was uncanfortabl e wi th thi s whol e thi ng. Mr. Rasnusser statea he was c�pposed without more inforn�ation. I�.R. MEYER WI'IHDREYJ HIS NDTIDN, WI'IH 'II3E QJISSII�TI' OF MS. S�iNABEL. Mr. Caraners stated if the HRA does mt agree to subordinate, in order for the aaners to close on the property, theY� �re going to have to pay of f the nlortgage am �y the HRA $40, 000. Nir. Neva��ri stated the HRA r.ad to realize that if *he builciinc� went into fareclosure, the H� could lose the whole aR:ount. Mr. Newmar stated that, as he understood it, the HRA was looking for �-erifica*ion of t1-�e a�nounts, the source of furr3s, arxi the origiral agresnent f or those f unds . Ns. NeHanan sta*ed he could w�derstand the HRA's concerns. He did think, thouqh, tht,* some of the questions the NRA was raising were separate fran the issue pertainirx� to the subordination of the mortgage. The building aar�ers could close in escrow, but he suspected the� would have a hanier tur�e closing if the HRA doesn't irrlicate ar�� interest in suborriirr�ting the secorrl r,:ortgage. Mr. l�:mussen sta*ed he just did mt think tY�,e $40, 000 was geing to make cr break the deal. 8. UPDATE ON "'II3E CDTTAGFS" DEVIIA�II�F!' P1�L�SAL: r's. F�er�son stated *his was an infom�ation itan. He stated in order to proceed with an econanic ar�lysis, staff was in the pnxess of ar�lyzing the four itans listed in his memo dated Aug. 4: (1) the tax I.D. rnmlbers for the p3rcels which the� interrl to use for the develognent; (2) a descrip*ion of the type of assistance they wil l be seeking f ran the H RA; ( 3) the developer's estimate af what the� believe the n�rket rate real estate taxes will be without the use of arh� assistance; arrl (4) evidence of site contr�cl. Nlr. R�bertson stated the c�uestior� th�±- v�as raised in July was the financiGl �ili_t�� ���� r�r',��il C:c�s�oration. He han included a letter of intent fran FY�u:.�� z'��a�:.rties to enter into r�egotia*ions to necane the co-developer or aNr�r �f Prkell Cottages. -20- HOUS IIVG & RIDEV F�C1J PN�Tr ALFIHO RI'PY N�r 7I�1G, AIJGIJST 11, 19 8 8 Mr. Rc�bertson staten Ms. Carol Slavick and Mr. Mark Clanens fran Arxell Corp. were at the meetirig to answer ar� questions. Mr. Robertson stated it was staff's recaa�nendation t,hat staff work with the aevelapers between rn�a ar�d the Septenber meeting, and upon favorabl e rev i ew b� the HRA, staff will draft up a develognent a,rreanent. He stated he had ir�cluded sane site plans of the proposed layout for the two locations in the HRA infon;�*ion g�cket at the meeting. Mr. Rasnussen stated he would like to re�uest more infonnation on F�u� tec Corpor ton. Mr. Robertson sta * ed Jim H il 1, Publ ic Saf ety Di rector, had rai seci the question abou* whether sto�n shelters wol:ld be prvvicied on both sites. N:s. Siav�ck s�tea stonn shelters would be provided at both sites. They have 92 units plGnned for bo*h loca*ions, and one unit on eacr. site will be G calmL:nit�° center �itri a Ya�sanen� w7dernea*h it. Ns. Hill stu*ed the CitY has specifications for storm shelters, and he weuld like thar, to check into those specifications. b1r. C'�aruners st.d*ea there has al�rays beer. an access problan on Hillwirrl Rcx�d, anci re dia r�ot krr�a if there was a solution to that Prnblan or nct. N,r. RcaUertson stated that rec,�i�ding *he traffic and access concerns, the �ccess *_o Hillwim Rtx�d will be improveci when the intersection a* Higriway 65/Oici Certral is improved• S*aff also feels tha* because of the age of tl-!e ter�rts (55 y�rs of are arrl older) theY' will m*_ generGte as much �uk hour traffic as the mrir�l t�nhouse terant mix would. rZs. Slavick s�ted the pu�hase agrea;�ent for the Hillwind proper!.y l�s been sigr�ed arrl tiill be put together the r�ex* daY• �'erl'thing has been agreed ;ipon by i�o*h �rties. r:s. Slavick s*a*ea t:neY' have a$300, 000 estur�ate on soil corrcctior costs on tY��e R:.ce Cree� Rcad property . i�1r. Rc,bert:son s�ted thc� antici�te having eriough irifonnation for thi� to be ar. ac*ion itar at the next meeting. 9 . F�'T II�TFS • �_' �,ID� x�; p,y�. ��hr�el� secondeci ix NLS• Irasnussen, to approve �.e follawing estimates: Talberg Lawn & L�ndscape - $4, 580. 36 Solidification, Inc. - 2,293.92 UFOI� A VOICE t7G"I'E. ALi.= �Oi'Il�iG AYE, C�iAIRFE:�Iv' l�Dn"��RS DECLARID 'IH E NTDT ION CAkFcIED U"NAN INDUSLY. -21- HOUSING & RIDEVII.DPi�3�Tr AU�iORI'I'Y MEETII�]G, ALIG(JST 11, 1988 lu. CS,Al.''�iS (1785-1795) : MOTIO?� b}� rs. F�sr,�.:sser., seccnnea L�� �.r. ^!ey�er, to approve the crecr; register �s surrr,itten. U1�2v A�'CI� VC; �, AL,L, VOTII�G AYE, Q-?r_�;PER9�:v CD:�'�f��k� DECZARID 'II-i E:�DT TC:� C�Fck� UI��T; �DUS�Y. AATOURI�Lr�II�TI' : C�ir�erscn Ca-rr.er� aeciarea the �uly l�, 1988, I'.cusir�a & Rede��elcg;,er.t At:t-ncr� t�y- .;.eet � r,a ac� o�:rnea a t 11 : 2 0 p, m. �sr�:� �f.�:� ��,� ttea, :.�}�:� ��:------ -:e-cora: rx. Secret� r� 'GL- /� � - `_, �,� � ��., � ; y,,�, � � ���' i � ��l i L_.,_�,/�-'�` ' � �,�,��i %`��1; -_ J`�. �� � � e,�,_ ��c �' � � ,�f��� 7�- � � i i �� � i � ' �>'1'.� �� �7 � .� �,-� : c.}rv� 5. �-��� i� �. �`�. N ='�-3 �n5- ►�=-�;_.;_.�-c:� 3����� sr ��: � �� _ . -> ; 01 � 1 ,. � � � ' �.1�., :c , , ,�UI J �. �'_ .��'�:t�t, � �� � � - ,�� ;�vF_f� �,,;;�`r r,A� ���� ��1:�" A��N� � � ���.� � ��_��;��,ti �, -` � -- t,,/ S � � ' � � : Y z � _- `� � .5�= � � � ! � ��� ��� ��. � � - r /�1� � i .._ . ... . -^ N_ �� t �•I „� -_-'`j � ='�}�.i �� . � T . � A / L ` \ ��; ; J � � ,� �'' , .-.. \�' �% ' �� � I. � • ��� . i � � ( � - _� � - _ -� � � -V_ ". . . _ �- �� _ . � � � _ . L � � . -. 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