PL 01/06/1988 - 30676� �.� � �i.. �� �_�
P 11� COMMISSTnN MF'.F`.TTI� _ .7p,�[j� (_L988
(�iairperson Betzold calleol the January 6, ,1988, Planning Co�rtission meeting
to order at 7: 37 g m
R[1T T. C`AT,_T.;
Nlembers Present: Donalc7 Betzold, . Davic� Rondrick, . Sue Sherek, .
Richard Svanda
N.�mber s Absent : D�ean S aba, . A1ex Barna
Oii�ers Present: Jim Robinson, . Planning Coorclinator
Jock Robertson, . Co�ntmity Developnent Director
Dennis Schr�eider, . City Cotuicil
Norman Brody, , 2233 1�I Haml, . St �.u]. �
Georqe Appleba�nn, . 2233 I�l �1aQalix�, . St ��7.
Angela Geldert, . 6291 Central Avent�
AP�mvlxi. OF DECEI+��R 1 ti, 1987. P l�t� 40 S.�T(�N MCNiYT�F'�;
M� by Mr. Rondrick, , seoondeol by Mr. Svanda, . to approve the December 16,
1987, Planning Camnission minutes as written
tJ1�N A VOI� VORE, . ALL `70TIl1� A�, ,�C1�T BE7��%,D I�CLARED THE 1�TION
(�iRR7ED UNANIl►'�1SL�
�1NOL�•�N� OF 1�7�7�TNTMF'1�Ti� pF A N�W pLA���T1� cbtHtvrrSS �� �TTU��nN;
Mr. Robinson v�ngratulateci Mr. Betzold on his appoir�tment to Chairperson of
the Planning Ccamnission.
Mr. Betzold stated that containe�l in the agenda was a letter from Steve
Bil.lings to Nlayor Nee submitting his resignation as Chairperson of the
Planning Con4nissian af ber being elected to serve on the City Cotmcil.
Mr. H�tzold stated he would like the Co�aission meN�ers to lmaw that he did
not seek the a�intment as Chairperson of the Planning Commission Sn
fact, , he hacl turned it dawn twioe, . but after being approarhed by the Mayor
who askec7 him to serve as dlairperson, . he then accc�pted the position
1. .�1$T.TC . RTAY�• (�11�6IQERP�TTnN [)F A 1V�1�TFTC'�mTiV�T mn Tifla MM1DL+ T A� COMMORLS
$T'i'F'. PT.AN 'I� j.�T T_fNnT pN j�]i ]�TTTONAL CL� CUI' 5���� C.�EEI( �;
�I'.41�T by N1t. Kondrick, . seaonded by Ms. Sherek, . to open the public hearing
� �r. Robinson stated the City has reaeivec7 a request from Mr. Brociy and Mr.
;� ��. ���l���. •�,�iv�r.�. • � vi��i+4Y� � _�1�1: ��'
�'1 Applebaiun t3�at they be alla�ecl to plaoe an adr]itiona]. curb cut on Rioe Creek
Road, , in aol�ition to the two which were previously planneol for the shopping
center. �e original driveways were located f irst about 175 ft �rom
Central Avenue, , and then the maj or alrive�ay for both the shopping center and
the health & racquet club was locatecl in the area central to the
Mr. Roiainson stated the market people for Brody & Associates have i�ai�tea
to them that the driveway locations were r�t vonducive to l�sing the spave, .
aricl so they YiaNe requestec3 that an aclditional c3riveway be all�aecl to be
glaoed in an area pretty much in 1 ine with 63rc1 Avenue which would allav
people who are traveling west to turn ir�to the aente� Bro�y & Associates
clid send notiaes to the people in the area f rom the same mail ing 1 ist as
that used for ti�e plat in 1987.
Ntr. Rok�inson stated the oonaern raised by both the Planning Commission and
the City Council was the imgact on this neighborhood in general. 7he
r�ei�borhooc7 is fairly isolatecl f ro�n the maj or arterials, . anc7 the access
onto Riae Creek Road was or�e of �ie few which allc�wed the neighbors to go
west to Old Central. Irb ac�7.ition, , there will be t}�e possibil ity that some
traffic wo�ld cut throu�i onto 63rd Avenue to try to acaess the develognent
�iever. ,�ae Rioe Creek Road is finisfie�, . the �edian on Hi�way 65 will be
closed off so that sot�thbotuld traffic will r�t be able to turn left and go
onto 63rd Avenue.
n N�. Robinson stated the City has really r�t dor� a thorouc� analysis of the
situation at �dnis point Ale of the f�iings thought to be possible if the
ac�ditional curb cut was peroeived to be a good idea would be to possibly
work wit3� 63rd Avenue in sudz a way �vhere traffic would be alloaaed in and
out as normal, . but the traffic fraa this r�ew driveway would not be allaweal
to qo straight ahead or to turn left Traffic would be all�uec7 to come in
fraan the east and turn left in and a right out, , but that would be all.
Anc�ther idea was to have a cu],-de-sac in this area, . but that would reduce
�e oorivenienoe for acaess for the r�ei�bors in the area.
Mr. Robinson stated that at ti�is time, . Staff feels it is saanewhat premature
to mwe this �rouc� the Planning Coa�►issi�, , anol Staff r�eeds to stucly some
definitive alternatives Hawever, , they felt this public hearing would be a
goocl opport�ity ior input fran the riei�ibora l�rha� because of the cold
weather or ather arnmnitmerits, . there was only orie r�eic�bor �eser�t. �e would
suggest they table ti�is item in order for Staff to prepare some conceptual
sketches of what Qould happen in the future on 63ro1 Avenwe and the clriveway.
1Ms. Sherek stated the Planning Co�aaissi�'s conoern before was also for the
people in the H�ther Hi11s riei�iborhoal and along Moore Lake. Was there
any m�tive response previously from people in the Moore Lake Hic�nlands
Mr. Robinson state� he did not recall that there was any real r�egative
respons�e at eit�ier the Coarunissi� or the rni�borhoa3 meeting that
^ was held �'ouncilme�nber-at-I�arge Nancy Jorgenson di� receive some phone
calls of concern from a couple of the neighbors in that area, . and he
���,��!�M!� ��;vi��F,, ��� via��i+���. ; �Dlx �+' •
believed there was same discussion at �e City Coimcil m�ting
Ms Sherek asked if the possibil ity of posting 63rd Avenue f or "1 ocal
traffic only" had I�een explored 'Zhat was what has been dorre in sane af �e
ar�s aro�d Northtaan F'i.rst, , they should prohibit truck traffic on 63rd
Avenue so it is not useol at all far delivery trucks aoming to and f r�n the
shopping center, . and then, , seaondly, . they mic�t want to post it for °local
traffic only :
N1r. Z?obinson stated that was aertainly a p�ssibility �dnat coulcl be explored
He would also like to look at what they can do with the al ignment of the
c�ub cut, , and the median itself wuld be used as a tool to prahibit cross
traff ia
Ms Sherek stated the only th ing was that w ith the medi an, , it woul d
inoonvenienae people in the r�eic�borhood f ran c�tting out af the c�nter and
back to their neighborhood
Mr. Robinson stated they are currently working wi� Short Elliot-IIendrickson
on the design of Riae Creek Road Staff woulcl be oonsulting with th�n, . the
Public Works Depari�ne.nt, , ancl other in-house staff to see what would be the
best alternative for this outlet Once they have some schemes that are
workable, . they will oQme back to the Planning Co�aission with those sdlenes
!�!r• Svanda suggested the possibility af having the r�ew ac�ess somewhat off-
center fratn 63rc1 Avenue wi� the median there to prohibit peogle from going
across to 63rd Avenue, . ancl the peopte living on 63rd Avenue oould then go a
little west and then come into the shopping center. �e c�id not know if
sicg�age for "local traffic only° would do much, . a cul-de-sac would not do
muci� for liie people im�cted by the cail.-de-sac, . plus it woulci limit their
l�. Robin�on statQd one of the mo�ives of the design was to 1 imit �e amotmt
� turning motions on Rioe Creek Road, . but this was somethig S. E S was more
q ual if ied to c:�anent �.
N�. Norm Brody statec� he was the developer for �e p�oj ect �e would 1 ike
to give t3�e Coa�is�ion the reasoning behind their request for an additional
cvrb cut �3e �tated their marketing staff felt that with just the two
entrances that some of the tenants of the project would be in a
disadvantageous location because o� i�e circuitous way in whidi the traff ic
would have to proceec� throuc� the proj ect in orc]er to get to their
�sirnsses so, . the traffic people felt another curb cut just to allaw
inc�ess ir�to this ar� in a more oentral locati� for the businesses woulc�
help the traffic flcaw internally. B��d on that,.l3iey haol so�ne �eli.minary
discussions with the City,. and the City felt it was alright for the
developer to appl.y for ti�is additional curb cut 3e stated he was open to
any li.mitations or �aggestions the City felt were r�eaessa.ry.
Ms Sherek askecl Mr. Brody how he f el t about hav ing th i s�r iveway be an
entranoe on1y.
�:� -, ���K��. «•�U�U� -� • � ����+� � � ���r; ;+• .
!'1 Mr. Brody stated he had no objection to that, . because entrance into the
praj ect was thei r maj or oonaern
l4k. Betzold stated Staff was asking the Planning Commission to table this
item to give the City more time to work with the �eveloper on some
alternatives H�w did Mr. Brody feel about delaying this item?
Mr. Brody stated thEy were not planning to start construction imtil spring, .
but h aw long woul d th i s be del ayed?
Nlr. Robinson stated this �obably wou].cl be brou�t back to the Jan. 27th
Planning Co�nission meeting
NLs Angie Gelbert, . 6291 Central Avenue, . stated she had not received ariy
previous notioes of this develogue.nt, , and this was the first time slie had
heard of any devel opnent. She state d she woul d 1 ike to Imow hvw th i s
developaent woutd affect her assessments and how it would affect the traffic
on Riae Creek Road and Old Ceritral. She statecl it was very diffic�lt to get
out of her c3riveway onto Old Cewtral r�ow.
�fr. Robinson stated that as far as the developne.nt, , there would be no effect
on Ms. G�ldert's p�operty in terms of assessnents
Councilmember Schneider stated that as far as the City Council was
aonoerr�d, . there would be no assessnents regarc7ing roaa imp�wenenta
Mr. RoY�inson �:ated he was sorry to hear that Nls. G�].c3ert had not received
any previous notioes as she �ould have been included on the mail ing 1 ist.
rJ-e stateci Ms. Gil.dert was welarnne to stop by anytime at City Hall, . anal he
woulc7 revi� the proeck with her.
.� by Mr. �tondrick, . seconded by Mr. Svanola, , to close the ptabla.c hearing
Ui�.1N A VOI� Vd�, . ALL VOTIl1� Ai�E, .(I31�IItpERS�1 BE7Z�g,D I�CGARED TSE Nl�TION
M�Q� by Ms. Sherek, . seconded by Mr. Ronarick, . to table further
oonsideration on this issue, . anal that Staff be directecl to develop some
alternatives for hana� the traffic in and out of the develogaent with
oo�nents fran the developer.
�. Sherek stated Staff should pay g�rticular attention to limiting the
impact on the people on 63rd Avenue and to explore the possibility of an
"entranae only" at the proposed driv�ay location
2. �1� m��?�?ON OF A � VAC1�mTnw_ SAV #87- 2. BY y�HORETi1�iOD PT.k9 A AARTNF'1'i� ;
To vacate atl o� that portion of the Highway 65 east service roaol lying
^ westerly of and adjaoent to the Shoraaoa] P1aza Shopping Center, . generally
located at 6257 Hi�way 65 l�i E
� -; �i����.. k�;vi�r�., ��� uia�� � �.. . : �l�I� ;�.
� Mr. Robinson stated the reason for the vacation was that with the
impra��ents to the iritersection of Hi�way 65/Riae Creek Reacl, . they saw
there was a negative in terms of traffic safety because there was not
sufficient setback fran the state ri�t-af way to where 13�e traffic �aes in
and out on the serviae road 7he City was p�oposing that the entire portion
of the service road adjacent to the shopping center be vacated. �at
.property would then revert to the shopping center vwriers 73�e owners, , in
turn, .would grant, the City an easement so there would be access from the
Fric�.� Liquor Store to Riae Creek Road Al.l traff ic, , primarily traff ic
fran the Liquor Store, . would be able to circulate through the shopping
center anal tllen out to Riae Creek Road. 'IlZis proposa]. has been worc3inated
with the Public Works Die�,rtment and with MnDO�
N�. Robinson stated Staff was reao�runending the fallaaing stipulations:
L Developer to supply a storm draina� glan for e�c.isting ceriter
prior to finaa. appraval o�f vacation
2 D�veloper to supply a j oirit driva�ay easement to the City
oonnec�ing the mLmicipal liq�r store to Riae Creek Road
prior to final appraval c� vacation
3. Dpveloper to supg],y a revised parking lot layout sc3Zene
prior to final appro�val af vacation
�"ti 4. Developer agrees to implenent the lanct�cape glan suppl ied by
City upon a�omgletion of Rice Creek Road improvanents A1.1 green
areas to have autanatic s�inkling
Mr. Brody stated he felt they were in favor of �e vacation. �ney feel it
will imprare the �operty �d be in keeping wi� �e werall plan f or Moore
Lak�e Cwiunons 9e had no objecti� to the sti�wlations
Co�cilmember Schneid�er asked if this vacation would affect �ie Lift
Mr. Robinson stated 7�e Lift coud possibly be im�cted. He statecl Scott
�uln4 . awr�er of Zhe Lift, , did call tiae City but he was not able to attend the
meeting A median was being proposed on Hic�way 65, anc7 southbotuZd traff ic
would not be able to ac�ess Z4ie Lift Also, , the vacation of the service
road would tend to cut off s�me aca�e�s to the store �. L�n�iinson stated he
felt the closing of the median on Hi�way 65 would be more of a problen than
the vacati� of the serviae road
Ms Sherek stated if the servioe road was co].early markeol that the acoess was
throuc,j� the shopping center parking lot, . that should actually ease the
r�egative impact; becau9e the �vay the service roac] is now, , it is not in a
vexy c�ood position ancl is hazardous in terms of traffic movemen� She
stated she g�oes throu� tine si�opping center parking lat and past the groaery
store r�ow to get to the serviQe road, . ra�er than make that quick left onto
the serviae raad fraa Hi�iway 6�
^ Mr. Robinson �:ated the easement would reall be a
y gwbl ic easement and was
a ; ��pr�_ «• �,i���. • � u�a�x+4�r�_ i �Ur; �� . . . .
�1 not for the liq�r store only.
.� by Mr. �Gondrick, . seQOnoled by Mr. S�anda, . to reao�unend to City Cotuicil
approval of SAV: �67-12 by Shorewoocl Plaza Partners to vacate all that
portion of t�e Hi�way 65 east serviae raac] lying westerly of and adj acent
to the Shor�aood Plaza Shopping Center, . generally located at 6257 I3ic�way 65
1�L E, with the follawing stipulations:
L D�veloper to supply a storm drainage glan for existing
center �ior to fir�al app�wal of the vacation
2 �veloper to supply a j oint driveway easement to the
City connecting the m�icipa], liqu�ore store to Rioe
Creek Road prior to final appraval o� t�e vacation
3. Developer to supply a revised Fxirking lot layout sdz�ne
prior to final a�orwal a� tiie vacation.
4. Developer agrees to implenent the landscape plan supplied
by �e City upon aompletion of Riae Creek Raad imprwe-
mPnts A11 green areas to have autanatic
Nlr. l2obinson stated the City Coua�cil woulcl set a pub],ic hearing on this item
at t3�eir January 25� meeting
_ s> ��l .�_� Y � �� i i � ;.. � � � ��_�. «� ui� �_ :�_ �> \L_ _ � x_�� : ;�;��t�,lLs_ ��; _�.�
�,�1�?i�{� � ► :,� � � s_ �' ��� � ,
Mr. 1Rnlainson stated the wnvept as proposed frcm the beginning was that the
old shopping ceriter would be renoc�eled to be consisterit with �e r�ew center
in its desic� elenents At this time, . the developers are reac7y to begin the
renodeling of ti�e existing shopping center, , and it will be renamed Moore
Lake Conunons Wes� 'Il�e plan for 13ie shopping center is to construct a new
m�etal car�og� aver the sidewalk area. '�e �tal carwp�, , the acaent striping, .
and the stucao sic,� band will be wnsistent i.n both �ie oeriters and will be
tmiform in aolor. �e only deviation of �olor will be for re�c�ized logos
for future or existing tenants whidz mi�it be a different color. 7]nis was
oonssistent to what has been d�ne in other slnopping centers '�e City feels
this renodelir�g will be an excellent diange to the �opping ceriter.
Mr. Robinson stated Staff was reoo�nnencling the follawing stigulations:
L Sic�n criteria to be �avided whiciz are wnsistent wi� i3aose
surmitted for Moore Lake Co�nm�s
2 All sic,g�s for both exi.sting and proposQd ceriters to be the same
�lor im].ess appraveol by the developer and the City.
3. Pylo� sia,� size for existing center wntinc�m upon approval
of the varianae for area.
^ Mr. 1Robin�on stated tlae present pylon sign size was 224 sq. ft The
developer plans to relocate the sic� and remoc�el it at the same square
� ,; ���pR�. �� ���1�,_ • �. v��i�i+1�A�. : i�rra :� _•___ _
�"'� footage. �e si� wvuld be not only f
whole N�oore Lake Commons develo�nent
varianae for the sign, . whiah has been
e�dsting sic� whidz is grandfathered in
sic� that would end up being located i
or ti�e exi�ting center, . but for the
�e alternative to granting the
applied for.. would be to keep the
I� is an old, . obsolete, . ancl ugly
n the parking lot when the area is
Mr. Brody stated the sicyi would be a maxim�an af 25 ft hic� and 19 ft wide
and woulcl be a montmnent-type sign. 71ie actual square footage of the
lettering would be not more than 224 sq. ft , which is what currently
exists 7hey would have spaoe for up to six tenants and identif ication of
the entire �SOjec�. 'Ihe basic materials would be prefinished alunin�n in a
bl� colar with whitQ letbering, .�� the Moore Lake Commons portion of it
would acttaally be routea out in blt� and iriterr�ally lit so the letters will
glow. �e tenants would have Fsnels that slip in with white lettering with
blue o�tie arot�d it so it would be very tastefully c7or�.
Mr. Betzold stated the Appeals Commission wi11 have to consider the sign
varianoe request,. Frcan his past experienoe on the Appeals Commission, . he
was always tmwmfortable wYaen the Planning Com�unission and the City Council
would decide things anol then wou].d senc� these things alown to the Appeals
Coa�anission witi� the c�ecisiwzs already made. As mudz as posssible, . he v�ould
like to leave ti�e Planning Co�mnission out c�F the decision on the pylon sign
and let the Appeals CoQnmission wnsider it and do as they see fi�
^ �. Brc�dy stated they just felt it was a good i�a to let the Planning
C.�nission see �e plan and make c�aents �e felt t�e rnw pylon sic� would
be a big impravenent wer what was thre naw. He statec3 he had no problem
with the stipulations
Ms Sherek stated she did not think the Planning Commission could approve
the c�omprehensive sic� plan bef ore the Appeal s Cwmaissi on make s a c1e ci si on
on the pylon sign. It was like they were then telling the Appeals
Coaruaission that it should be dor�e this way.
Mr. Robinson stated one of �e stipulations was that the pylon size for
t�ne existing center would be coningent upon the appraval o� i�e varianoe for
�e area. 8e stated they aou].d leave the pylon sign out of �ie sigi package
and j ust go with tYre ter�arat sic�s
Ms. Sherek stated slne would be willing to approve the Comprehensive Sic1n
Plan wit�i 1i�e deletion of stipulation �3 �
� by l+�s Sherek, . aeoonded by Mr. Rondrick, , to apprave the Co�nprdlensive
Sigia Pla.ri for the Shorewooc] Plaza Shopping Center with the following
L Sign criteria to be Iawidecl whidi are oonsisterit wi�
those sul�aitted for Moore Lal�e Coa�¢n�s
2 Rtl si�s for t�oth existing and proposed centers to be
the same color Lm],ess ag�prared by the developer and the City.
^ Mr. Betzold stated he would a].so re�aend that the lon si
g� gn varianc� go
i "\
:� ; �I�K��. «�;viur�:,_ � �. vi�±�+� �. ��l�l; ��' �
directly fram the Appeals C�¢nission to the City Cot�cil without having to
first oome to the Planning Co�uni.ssion throu� the minutes
'Zhe Planning Commission members were in agreement with Nir. Betzol �' s
' a � �►L �;� � _ui��� _ ' _ _ �!_ i. _ k� U�u� _7- • !� v� �1 �±y�.
Mffi� by Mr. �tondrick, . seoonded by Mr. Svanda, . to reoeive the Nwember 24,
1987, E�rc�r Co�nission minutes
' � �►I � � u��l�+ ' � '.xS_;� � � ��? ' � • •� i � _ ,. •
_ � M � !vu � v� �,1���
M4'�4�T by Mr. Itondrick, . sewnded by Ms Sherek, . to reaeive the December 7,
1987, Parks & Recreation Co�aissi� minutes
iJ�)N A V�I� V�, . ALL VO►PIl� AYE, ,�AIltpERSC1y BET'L (g,D � Q,ARED THE Nl�TION
r"� Mr. �or.drick statecl that on poage 8 of t11e Parks & Recreation Commission
minutes, . i3�e Co�amission had made a mation to reoo�nerml to the City Co�cil, .
tiarouJn t3�e Planning Comnission, , ti�at a city ordir�anae be c�rafted that woulcl
make it illegal to feed the ducks on any public property. 7his motion came
about because � ti�e Parlss & Recreation Comnission's oonaern wer the lar�
ntmber of ducks and geese in the publ ic 1 ake area s, . ancl the poll ut i on th e
ducics and geese are creating in these areas It was not a very healthy
Mr. Rondrick �tated the City has spent a lot o�' money, . along with state and
federal m�ies, . to clean up Moore Lake, . and now it has been learned that the
c�cks are polluting the water. He �tated that even thou� they cannot stop
the ducks and oreese frcm being on the lake, , they would like to discourage
people fran feec]ing thaa so that, . hopefully, . this would gradually �crease
t�e n�nber of ducks in the area wer a period of time
Nlr. Rondrick stated also the City planned to place a couple of sets of
artificial sswans in Nbore Lake this year. �e s�vans are natural enemies of
the qeese and help keep geese away fraa the lake.
� by Ronclrick, . seconded by Mr. Svanda, . to concur with the Parks &
Recr�'tion Coamnissian and to reoo�¢nend to City Cotuicil that a city ordir�anoe
be alraf ted that would make it illegal to feecl the ducks on any publ ic
Mr. Betzold stated he vote against the motion only beca�ase he did not
think it wouid be an enforaeable ordir�anae.
���!�� �FR�. �R;uiu�F., � � s,ial�{+� _�_ ; �l�l;_��' �
�''1 Ms Sherek �tated �he agreed wit% Mr. Betzold
lMr. Svanda stated he agreed with l�r. Kondrick that something needeol to be
done about the problen with the ducks and geese, . but he also acgeed that it
would be very diffic°.ult to enforae an ordinanoe of this kind
. �,��:I�; : ,�. M� � :
Mr. Bet.zald stated he and N1r. Ballings haa disaassed the wanposition of the
Planning Co�nissi� and if there was possibly a better way to �tructure the
Pl�nning Coauaission Apparently, . at o�ne t,ime the Planning Coimaission was a
s9eparately appointed body, . clifferent from the other commissions 73ien,
there was the iciea that there needed to be some continuity between
oo�naissions and the Planning Comnissi�, , sb it was decided that each one of
the Planning Co�nmission m�cibers, . ather than the c�iairper�n, ..3�ould serve on
one of the commissions. Sut, , then the problem arose that the member s
appointed to the Planning Coaamissian were rmt neaessarily representing the
poirits of view of the various commissions, , anol the commission members
oomplair�ed about this, , t]ne City Council asked each �mmission to
elect a dzairperson and that chairperson would then sit on the Planning
Commission, , whid� was the preserrt structure af �e Planning Connnission.
,� Mr. Betzold stated a question that came up in his discussion with Mr.
Billings was whet�er or not the Planning Coamnissi� .�iould have separately
appointed manbers with aertain expertise (for exarnple: legal backgrounds, .
banking backgro�ds, , etc , such as the HRA has). If �e Planning Commissiwl
c%ci-ded 'they r�eeole� people with da.ffererit kir�ds of expertise in such areas
as zoning, , ardnitecture, . for e�mple, , aould the Planning Co�unission appoint
I�eople to do that without having to put those people on a commission ancl
then have t�ie dzair of that a�saission be on the Planning Coanmissi�?
Mr. Betzol.d stated another thought he had was whether or not people get
"burraed out", . because it irrvolves a lat of work, . and c.�mnissi� dzairpersons
must usually attencl at least three meetings a month. �iey might be
dis�ouraging people who mic�t like to j oin a oommission but who csrmot do it
because they c�nnot mak,e that kirul of time arnrnnitrnerlt.
Mr. Svarblala stated he felt the present structure of the commissions, .
including the Co�mnissian, . works very well. If they went back to
the old structure where ii�e Coanmission members were all appointec7, .
he would not be irlterested in serving on a comQnission, . because he olid not
think he would have any kind of wnduit to anyone else in city goverrsment
outside ti�e staff person the oa�nission works wi�. �e present structure
at least allaws the various c�nunissions to have a direct conduit up th rough
the Planning Commission to the City Cowzcil. OtheLwise, . it was dead, . and he
would not waste his time being on the c�unissi�s
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�1 Mr. Robertson stated that as the commissions were structured now, . any
oomm�issi�, . including the Planning Co�unission, , had the authority to appoint
people with whabever expertise fda�y felt was nec�ssary to serve on a task
foroe basis �at expertise would then be available to the commission
whenever it was rieeded
Mr. Svanda statecl his experienae with the Planning Carmnission over the past
years has been very favorable in terms of bringing in soaae of ti�ose outside
opinions and interests fran the various w�aissi�s, , whidl, . ira turn, . help to
proovi�e a real good blend on the Planning Coa�nissian
Ms Sherek stated having the dzairperson of eadl m�nber aoQmnissi� serve on
the Commission provided a real coimatu�ication link between the
ao�¢nissions OtYaerwise, .�ere was eery little way of learning what the
ather a�mnissi�s are abing
Mr. �obinson stated that at the preserit time the�e are six members on the
Planning Commission, , ana� there were only four members present at this
meeting At �e when the Co�mntuiity Developaent Canmission was active, .
there were seven meab�ers on the C�aaission l�rha�s there was room for an
°at-large" manber. �ais would make it easier to have a quoriun and full
representati� on the Co�ission
Mr• S�anda statec� he dic] not think getting a quorun has ever been a problea
9e did not think there has been more than one or two times in many years
^ where there has not been a quor�nn, . and it was the rare exception when they
_ have �ly had four menbers p�eser�t.
Nir. �binson asked if the Coanmission menbers felt four menbers were enough, .
especially when they have �b].ic hearinqs.
Ms�. Sherek stated she felt it was �e Planning Co�anission was not making
fin�]. decisi�s; they �uere on].y making rev�mmendations to the City Cotmci.L
Mr. Betzold statec3 he j ust warited to bring this up to the Coimaission manbers
ancl ask then to give it some thou�t in case this issue is raised at the
Ci.ty Cotmcil level.
� 4 a�_��ivi' ��
c� 1�' Mr. �r�olrick, . se�nded by Ma. Sherek, . to ao�j ourn the meetng Upon
a voice vote, , all voting aye, . Chairgerson Betzolci declared the motion
carried unanimously and the January 6, . 1988, , Planning Co�nission meeting
adj ourr�ed at 8: 40 p. m
Re�pectfully suhnitted, .
^ Lyru�e aba
Reoording Secretary
. .
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