PL 03/09/1988 - 30679� �4� • �!� � ' _�is,l���_ � «!:!1i�. _� • �+�� �� u ���� ' • : : cAr•r, TO ORDER: Chairperson Betzold called the Pflarch 9, 198�, Plannirag Commi.ssion meeting to oraler at 7: 33 p. m ROLL CALZ: Members Present: Donalcl Betzold. Dravicl Rondrick, Dean Saba, A7.ex Barr�a, Si�e Sherek Members �,bsent: Richard Svanola. Others Present s Jim Robinson, Planning Coordi.nator Jock Robertson, Coimntmity Develognent Director Dennis Schrzeider, City Co�cil Member Frank Kitterman, 7329 Mariner Drive, Maple Grove Sandra Swnde, 7329 Mariner Drive, Magle Grove C�iarles C'a�npbell. 1�0 Tattun Street, St. Paul (See attached list) APPROVAL OF F'EBRLIARY 10. 1988. P�INNING QONINIISSION MIN[Tl'ES: � by Nir. Rondrick, seoondecl by Ms. Sherek, to approve the Febr uary 10, � 198�, Pla�vzi.ng Co�nission minutes as written. UPON A VOICE VU.['E, ALL V�ING A�YE, �IAIRPERSC�T BF�'L�D DECLARED THE MOTIOI�i C�,RR�D U1�TIl�US'LY. �jJ$'[�T(' TiF'ART�jG, dO1�SIDERA2'ION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. SP #88-03. BY FRANR Per Section 205.17.01. C. 2 of the Fridl�y City C�e to allaw retail sal es of mobil e hane ancl R V. parts an�1 acxessor ies; pe r S e ct i on 2 0 5.17 . O 1. C.11 of the Fridley City Code to allaw exterior storage of materials ana equignent on Lot 1, Block 1, Herwal Rice Creek Terrace, the same being 6400 Central. Avenue N. E. MQ�Q.�1 by Mr. Rondrick, seo�nde� by Nir. �aba, to waive the reading of the publ ic hearir�g notice and to open tYae publ ic hearing. UPON A VOICE V03'E, ALL VOPING A�, CBAII�RSCI�i BEPLLCLD DEQ,AI2ED THE MOTIOI�T CARR�D U1�JSLY, ADID THE PU�LIC HEARIl�G OPENID AT 7: 35 P. NL Mr. R�binson statecl this property was located at 6400 Ceritral Ave. , �vest of Central Ave. , a,nd south of Ndississi�i St. It was the previous Mi�west Van & Storaqe property. The new owner proposes to tise the property for an insuranc� re�xiir busir�ess including repair to damaged homes due to fire, storm d�nage, eta Most of the repairs are done off the preaises. Mr. Robinson stated one special use permit was for attendant pc>rtions of the ^ business which include retail sales of mobile home and RV parts (also -1- • __;��l�� ��_ ����iu� _,_�_ � � W?�?�� .�:_ v��_�iN.± • n relate� to the irasurance busir�ess) and for a wholesale carpet busi�ess. The other special use permit was for outsio� storage (a possible fiature use) for the possib,le sale of c�npers within the storage areas. Mr. Robir�on statec� the property was zoned M-1 (light industrial) and abuts R- 2(residentia].) on the west, C-2 (general o�mmercial) on the north, and CR-1 (office%r�nercial) on the south. Both a.mmecliate properties to the r�rth and south are vacant. Mr. Robinson stated that in wnjunction with the petition, staff has workec� on a site glan improvenent to bring the property into compl iance with the Zoning Code. Staff was proposing to redesi� the parking lot so there is sufficierit setback fra�n right-of-way for glanting.s to screen the parking lot ancl also additional ca�een spaoe on the seouth ancl north of the parking lot anal in front � the building. A new deo�rative fence would be placed along the eastern enc7 of the storac�ee yard, and the other fence that was on the south and west would need refurbishing. Screening would be �aaea where possible. NJini,mtun screening would be like vine treatments. The overall appearanc�e of the property �uld then be quite an improvement over what is there today. N1r. Robinson �ated that in adclition to the site work, Mr. Ritterman has devised a plan he is proposing to take to the HRA. Tliis area is in a redevelopnerit district. Pa�t of the plan is for additional offioe space in the foun of a solariiun an the sec�nd floor which woula extend out over a ^ aovered walkway. Also, the wl�le front of the building woul� be stuccoed ancl there would be detailing to add some reaesses to the Luilding anc3 shadow lines, anol tr�tment to the south edge of the building. New windows woulcl be �led anol some additional green space. Mr. Robin�n skatec7 they were hoping there woulcl be some major improvements to the property, both in appearance and manac,�ement. Mr. Robinson stated staff was rewirunending the follawing stipulations: 1. Redesi� parking lot with wncrete curb and gutter, striping ancl setbacks as indicatecl in City plan c�ated January 26, 1988. 2. Install autoqnatic sprinkling, berming, and landscapirag as indicated on City plan dated January 26, 1988. 3. Install deQOrative f�oe along east of storac,�e yard as indicated on City plan dated Jarivary 26, 1988. 4. Refurbish north, south, ancl west fenoe ackling slats and vir�es as neecled and ap�rovecl �y staff. 5. Special. use for outside stora�e to be reviewecz prior to such time as owr�er initiates cataper business or prior to March 1989, whichever ooine.s f irst (special use permit lapses if not used within one year ). �"1 6. Owner to work with City to desi� an acce�able building faca� -2- '_��!�� �: •!'a��t� .._ � � Uia��4� �; ur: :i�: � �"� upgrading plan. 7. Izbise to be mar�a�d to minimi.ze aclverse impact on a�jaoerrt property. 8. Stora� area li.�ating should prwide for cut-off at property line. 9. lvo storage will extena ab�ve the fenoe so as to be visible from outside of yard. 10. A11 landscaping and site work to be oompleted by October 1, 198�. 11. A performance bond or letter of credit for $?A,000 to be sulmitted prior to taking occupancy of site. Mr. Betzold stated that in t�ae avenda the Com�nissio�rs hacl rec9eivec7 a copy of a letter clatea Jan. 12, 1988, from Lisa Campbell, Code Enforcement Offiaer, listing code violations for Niiawest Van & Storage. Will those violations be addressed by these stip�lations? Mr. Robinson stated that, yes, those violations were acldressed in the sti�il.ations. The letter was included in the agenda to show the Comanissioners what kind of ooca�e problens they have had with this property in the past. 1�1r. Betzold aske� what was mc�ant by stipulation #7: "1Voise to k�e managed to � min�mize adverse impact on a�jaaent property." Nir. Robinson skated that without being too quantitative, staff just wanted to make the petitioner aware that he is acljac;ent to residential property and that if there is any truck m�enent or fork lift activity in the yarcl, he should try to make sure the r�oise is not of a vol �ne or at a time when it woulcl be a nuisance to the neighbors to the west. The petitioner has indicated there would be r�o groblems 1 ike that, but staf f j iast wanted to express that wncern. 1�i1r. Ritterman stated their busir��s was ]5 years olcl. �'izey are currently located at 1�:39 Central Avent� in Minneapolis. �e building has become too small, arid they have to move up in size. Tl�ey cater to the insurance industry, primarily as reconstruction people. They repair manufactured housing (�obile homes). Mobile homes are repaired on site, not on the pranises. 7�ey do this by utilizing 15 serviae trucks which go to the site wY�re the mobile hane is located. �ey also repair residential housing anci c�aaercial buildings in the same manner. '�heir largest area of re�air is in the churah area. One of their largest customers is the Archdiocese of Miraneapol�.s/St. Paul. The Church Board takes up about 70� of thei r husiness. Mr. Ritterman stated that maintaine� on the premises for the use of maiaufac:tured housing was some specializecl materials. An example wot�.tcl be 4 f� wiae by 14 ft. long ceiling panels for �obile homes which are �available at retail stores. It is brought in fr� out o� state and stored /�� at their warehoiase. I�e stated they can service a mobile home and -3- ' _;��!�� ��. •!'��y�_.1. � � ui�+?�!� �, u�� L��: • � : : � manufactured housing homeowners and do-it-yourselfers in the area by providing material.s and making the materials available on a retail level. Mr. Ritterman state� they c�o have ancl have just initiated as of the first of the year a floor wvering busir�ss whi.ch is obne an a wlmlesale hasis only. The business is primarily the installation of all types of floor coverings for new oo�nercial buildinqs. Mr. Ritterman statec7 the warehouse at this location is dividecl into two specific areas: (1) The hic,�i oeiling t�it would be used for storage of low gooc�--carpeting ancl racks where the fork lift could operate; anol (2) The law ceiling tmit would be t�ed for storac�e of equipment which goes on ar�d off jobs 1� their service trucks. That type of equipment is primarily snaller aompressors, staple guns, v�heelbarraws, carpet welc�rs, etc. I�lr. Ritternnan stated they are looking forwarc� to utilizi.ng this area. One of the thinc,�.s they want to do for the City of Fridley is make the builc7ing �esirable froan the outwar� appearance, as well as f rom the insicle appearance. 7�ie building, as it is now, is in pretty poor wndition. Mr. Barna aske�l if the serviae vans would be kept in the outside storage area. Mr. Ritterman stated the servic� vans are not lcept on the premises. The serviQe people drive them to and f rom �he j ob and f rom thei r homes. Ora � occasion, a serviae truck might have to oome in to exchange eqt�i.pnerit before �garting for a job. P9r. Ritternnan stated tl�eir hours of operation are 7: 30 a. m to 4:00 p. m. Monc7ay throuc�i Friday. Mr. Rondrick aske� if Mr. Ritterman had any problem with any of the stilxil.ations outlira�cl �i staff. Mr. Ritterman stateol he thought the stipulations were fair and reasonable. They were not anything diff erent f rcaa what they are currentl.y abiding by in the City of Minneapol is. He stated they took a�ilding in Minrneap�l is �ery similar to this k�uilding an� upgraded it. Tl1ey reaeived an awar� f ram the City of Minneapolis for the improvenent of that laiilding. Mr. Betzolc7 stated that in hearing the nature o� the busir�ss, Y�w much clid Mr. Ritterman rely on sales to the general public? Eiis reason for asking that qt�stion was he believed it was the long range plan of fihe City to close off some of the ac�ess to the area which mic�t have an impact on Mr. ICitterman's business. Mr. Ritterman statecl 1 ast year thei r sal es total ed a 1 ittl e aver $1 mill ion. Of that amoimt, the retail sales were approximately $60,000. With this new facility, they wvuld be enlarging the store size, ana he anticigated the sal es vol �nne to doubl e. � N1r. Betzold asked how this location would affect the business as Mr. -4- •___L�"�� l ���YIY1 .1.. •� ���liL�_��_ �IS_1��1• � �"� Ritteunan was raot on a maj �r thoroughf are. Mr. Ritterman statecl their business was operated by virtue of a mailer that is serit to 15,000 Y�omeo�aners, as well as aclvertised in the Yellvw Pages. Si.nce it �vas a specializecl poarts business, the peogle wme to th�n. People cb not learn about then by driving by the store. He stated there has been some c3iscussion about the type of signage that might be used, and the montunent-type sign would be quite moderate--corporate name and address--located out in f ront of the building. Mr. Betzold statec7 the petitioner was asking esseritially for two special use permits—one for outdoor stora� anol one for the sale of c�mpers. What was the timing for the sale of campers? Mr. Ritterman statec� that in order to make the mwe, they neeol the special ta.se permit for the retail area. Since they have no neec7 for the large exterior yarc7 that is c�rrently asphalt covered and fenced, thei r thinking was that ri�it along with their recreational vehicle sales, perhaps they oould use that exteriar storage spac�e to it� best benefit by selling campers to help subsidize the oost of mwing to a larger area. Nir. Saba asked if there would be any display of catnpers out in front of the building. Mr. Ritterman statec� there would not. They don't want their customers who � are wming to selec.t carpet gradaes or to talk about repair of their home or church to feel they are cbing that at a camper sales area. The caanper sales area wotalcl be a minor portion of the business. The absolute purpose for redoirbg the faoe of �he buildir�g was to uphold a ni.oe appearanoe. Mr. Robinson statecl stipulation #9 stated: "No storage will extencl above the fence so as to be vi�ible fran outside the yard. " N[r. Ritterman stated the recreational vehicle store would probably be open on Saturday morninqs fran 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. However, the oontracting portion of the busirzess would not be open on Saturday or S�day. Mr. Saba askec7 if in the future Mr. Ritterman would be storing any damaged vehicles in the storac�ee yard for re�xiir. Mr. Ritterman stated, no, they will not he doing any on-site repair. All the work is done aw�ay fr�n the prenises. However, if they do go into the ca�nper sal� busir�ess, they wi11 have to service those �mit�. The work woulcl not be done out in the yard itself, but within the builaing in the shop area. Ms. Jody Bystsr�n, 6533 Lucia Lane, asked about vans aoming anol g>ing. Mr. Ritterman stated they have 15 service vans. �'hey are �nnall vans. Tl�at day they only had three vans oome in for supplies. OP the 15 service vans, the majority of the work is in churahes, and the supplies neec�eol for re�irs /� in churc�ies are primarily plaster and pairiting-�type sugp].ies. -5- '__z���f _�, ���U�SIr _1� �!� 4���i�� i._: �i�._yM•_ ' ,� M�I.Q� by Ms. Sherek, seoonded by Mr. S�ba, to close the �xabl ic hearing. UPON A VOICE VCIl'E, ALL V�ING A�, �PERSQiT BE:CZC2GD DEQ,ARED T�E PUBLIC HF�ARIlI�AGG (I,C�ID AT 8: 08 P. NL Mr. Saba statecl he had no problen with tYae special use permits as r�uested. This was probably a gooc� use for the builoling and would certain�l.y be a big imprawenent to the area. Mr. Rondrick agreec7. Mr. �etzold aske� if the Commission shoulcl c7efer the request for outside storage tmtil the appropri�te time v�hera Mr. Ritterman does need it. Mr. ICondrick stated he did raot think so. Nlr. Barna stateal stipulation �5 stated that the special use permit lagsed in one year if it was not used. Md�ION by Mr. Rondlrick, se�nded by Mr. Saba, to rewirnnend to City Council ap�roval of Special Use Pernnit, SP #8�-03, by Frank Ritterman, per Sec:tion 205.17.01. C.2 of the Fridl�y City Coo1e to allo�u retail �ales of mobil e homne and RV parts an� accessories; per Section 205.17.01. C.11 af the Fric7ley City Code to a11aw exterior storac�ee � materials and equipnent on Lot 1, Block 1, Herwal Rice Creek Terrace, the same being 6400 Cerrtral Aven�e N. E. , with the follawing stipulations: 1. Redesic,� parking lat with wncrete curb and gutter, striping and setbacks as irK7i.cated on City plan da.ted Jan. 26, 1988. 2. Ir�stall automatic sprinkling, berming, and landscaping as indicateol on City plan datecl Jan. 26, 19�8. 3. Install dewrative fence along east of storage yard as indicated on City plan dated Jan. 26, 1988. 4. Refurbish rmrth, south and west fenee ac�li.ng slats and vir�es as nee�ed ana appraved by staff. 5. S�ecia], use for outsic� storac,�ee to be reviewed prior to such time as or�ner initiates c�nper business or prior to March 1989 which- ever �mes first (special use permt lapses if r�t used within one Y�- 6. q„�r to work with City to o�esi� an aa.�e�able building facade t�rading plan. 7. Noise to be managed to minimize adverse impact on adjacent property. �. Storac,se area lighting should prwide for cutoff at property lines. 9. l�o storac�e will exten� abo�re the fence so as to be visible fraa outsiole of yard. 10. AZl l�dscaping ancl site work to loe oompleted by Oct. 1, 198�. 11. A performance bond or letter of credit for $20,000 to be stabnittec7 prior to taking oc�upancy of site. UPON A VOICE VOl'E, ALL VO.�IlQG AYE, Q3AIltPERSCiV BEPL�,D DEQ,ARED TI3E MOTION �1 (�RR]ED UNANIl+�TSGY. -6- ' �!�� �. •!��i�� _�_ � � via�a�4�_ �� v���� ' • . . n Mr. Robinson stated this item would � to Cit�r Co�cil on P,pril 4. S�1�iSIDERATION OF A i,rm �nr rm, L. S#88-01. BY GERI�LD JO�Il�tSON: To spl it Lots 5 and 6, Lucia Lane Adclition, in order to cr eate th ree buildab].e lots, ger�rally locatecl at 1133- 1145 Mississippi Street N. E. P�OrION by Mr. Kondrick, s�eaonclecl by I�. Barna, to waive the reac�ing of the public hearing notice an� open tYie public he�ring. L)P�ON A VOICE VC!!'E, ALL VOTING AYE, CHAII�RS�T BE�Z�D DEQ,ARED THE PUBLIC HEARING OPEN AT 8:13 P. Nf. Mr. Robir�son stated t]nis property was located just rn�rth of Mississippi St. and east of Highway 65. The petition was identical to one which the Planning Commisson reviewecl in April 1984 and wYaich the City Council appraved i.n May 1984. 7�e zoning was R-1, single fanily, and was surrvtmded by single family. �Sie prop�sal was to take two lots. Lot 5 and Lot 6, vahich are r�ow separate tax parcels and builolable lots, and subdivide them by splitting off agproximately 15 feet of the easterly portion of Lot 6 and adding that to Lot 5, and then subdividing Lot 5 in sucll a way as to create Tract A anci Tract B with access onto Lucia Lane. Lot 7 �aoulcl stay the sa�ne, anc� there was currently a purchase agre�nent on that lot. Nlr. Robinson �ated one of the previous lot split requests also included the b�ack half of the northerly Lot 4. Since that time, they Yaave been ,� successful in rewmbir�ing that p�rtion of property with the original pa�rent property so that pieoe of lancllocked property was no longer a problem. So, the petitioner was to take two lots and create three lots, which was the sa�ne petition a�roveol in 1984. The lots do meet o�de in terms of lot area ana lot width. In fact, they exceecl the lot area suYastantially. Mr. Robinson statecl staff was revoBnnending the follaaing stipia].ations: l. Owner to supply a 15 foot bikeway/walkway easement o� Mississippi Street fro� Lucia Lane to Hi�way 65. 2. A park fee �$7�.00 �ch for Tract A an� B be paid prior to issuance of �x,iilding permits. 3. Drivcway on Tract B to aare�s Lucia Lane only. 4. Driveway on balance of Lot 6 to be as far east as possible. 5. Owner is respc>nsib,le to r�tify prospective buyer af possible median on Mississippi Street whic�i o�uld preclt�de easterly mav�uer►t f rcan Lot 6 and 7. Mr. Betzolc� statecl that whera the lot split is recoraed at the Co�ty, was there any way of filing these stipulations along with it to put the buyers on notioe that these things are c�oing to be happerai.ng? � Mr. Robinson statecl they have al rea�y notif iec] the potential a�ar�er of Lot 7 7- ' _4_�I�1 !��. ���VI�� _,� _ � � I(���� �._ V��_i��i: � � about the median. He stated Charles qmpbell, the property owner's agent, has indicated he aould put related languaqe into the �archase agreements for army prospeckive buyers relating to the oenter median on Mississippi Street. ^ � Mr. Robinson stated the Commission might want to consider a stipulation reo��nending that there be a driveway turnaround installed so vehicles do not have to k�ack otat onto Mississippi Street frcen Lots 6 and 7. Mr. Qzarles (�mpbell state� he was with P�errill Lync;h and was representing Mr. Geral.d Johnson on the sale of the property. He statecl a niunber of other real estate oompanies and developers have attempted to util ize this property. He stated they have advised Mr. Johnson that the best tse ancl the easiest way to market this property would be to cp ahea� with its intendec7 use wlv.c°h was single f�mily Y�anes. He had a�vised Mr. Johnson to c�o aheaal with the lot split baseci on the market value and his investment in the property. Mr. Johnson has agreed with this ancl is motivated to sell the lots and have hcanes �nstructed. Mr. C�n►pbell stated they have made an arranc�emerrt with Brandon Construction to build to sui� They are advising a wa].kout r�nlaler type of home in the $100,000 price range. It is what they call a ghost listing so there could be an acljustment in the lot or type of l�use that is built there, but they are trying to �l.ert buyers tYaat this is the type of construction they see for these lots. 7Szey cb have a purcllase agre�nent on Lot 7, the lot closest to Highway 65. 73�e buyers for that lot have been in touch with Mr. R�binson anc7 he believed they lazow about the sti�l.ation� and the proposed median. 1�1rr. C�mpbell stated he had mentionea to Pgrr. Robinson before the meeting that the olriveway oould be further to the east on Lot 6. The median issue was relatively new to him, but he haa no problem with it and will put a statement to that effe�t in the advertising ancl can have a stipt�lation in the purchase agre�nent if that is hel�ul. Mr. Bet�olol aske� wYaat N1r. (�mpbell thought ab�ut a driveway turnaro�d. Mr. C�mpbell statec� the buyer was satisfied wath the deal he is getting on the lot, ancl he wi11 know the location anc7 the traff ic sittaation. Any further stipu].ations mic,�t make it a little harder to market the property, but he did not see a big problem if the Commission wanted to make that stipulation. Mr. Saba stateol he liked the stipulation for a turnaro�d because of the safety prohlens whic,li oould be created by cars backing out onto Mississippi Str ee� Ms. Jody Bystran, 6533 Isucia Lane N. E. , statedl there is a lot of on-street parking on Lucia Lane whic�n aoritinues to be a problen. Even with only two r�ew driveways exiting onto Lucia Lane, there was the gotential for a lot more cars garking on the street. iia� any thought been given to this probl en? Mr. Barna stated that the staraolard oode requires an adequate paved clrive�aay � . �i ���� �._ •��Vlst� _�_ � 4���_ i� V�.� �� � � and doub].e car c�rac�e ancl a 35 ft. setback f ran the street, tahich gives the poteritial for five cars to park on the lot. He stated the neighborhoocl could always petition to have "no parking" sic�ns put up; but, of course, that would then a�ly to everyboa� including the rbeighborhoocl. It seenerl to be the gerieral wncensus of those in the audience that single family �ousing was what they have always wanted for this property and were in agre�►ent with the lot spl it. � by ilr. R�ndrack, seoonded by Mr. Barraa, to re�rimiencl to City Co�cil a�roval o�' Los Sgl it, L. S. �88-01, by Gerald Johnson, to spl it Lots 5 and 6, Lucia Lane Addition, in oro�r to create three buildable lots, generally located at 1133 - 1145 Mississippi Street N. E. with the following stipulations: 1. Owner to supply a 15 foot bikeway/vralkway easement w�a I�lississippi Street fran Lucia Lane to Hic�way 65. 2. A park f ee of $750 . 00 each f or Tract A ancl B be paicl prior to issuance af building permits. 3. Driveway on Tract B to acxess Lucia Lane anly. 4. Driveway on balanoe of Lot 6 to be as far east as possible. 5. Owner is responsible to r�tify prospective buyer af possible median on Mississippi Street which o�ulcl precltade easterly mwenent f ran Lot 6 and 7. The Comanissioners were in agreeaent that a c7riveway turnaro�c7 was a goocl � idea, but felt it was up to the r�ew hamearaners to make those �cisions. UPON A V02(� V01'E, ALL VOrI1�iG AYE, Q3AIl2PERS�1 B�L�D DECLARID TI�E N�TIOIJ CARR�D U1�1NIl+�U�Y. RECEIVE JANUARY 14. 19$8. HOUSING & RIDEVEL_n�'1� AUrHORi'� MINUPES: � by Mr. Saba, sewndec3 by Mr. IC+�ndrick, to reaeive the Jan. 14, 198�, Housing & Redevelopnent Authority minutes. UPON A VOICE Va!'E, ALI, VU.�IlVG A�, Q3AIItPERS�1 BE�L($,D DE(�ARID THE MOTIOAT C�IRRIED U1�TIl�TSt,Y. $�� FF:RRiTARV ].. ]9$$. PARKS & R�uF.z�'i'TON COMMISSION MIN[7rESi MQ►�Q�T by Mr. Rondrick, seaonded l�y Ms. Sherek, to reaeive the �'eb. l, 1988, Parks & Recreation Commissio�► minutes. UPON A VOIC`E VOl'E, ALL VO�ING AYE, Q3AIltPERS�T BII`Z�D DE(yARED THE 1+�OTION C�iRRTED UIi�ANI1+�USLY. ��-F.TVF'. �Rrrnuv 4. 1988. H[lr4AN RESOURCES C�iISSION MIN[TPES: � by Nls. Sherek, se�nded by Mr. Barna, to receive the Feb. 4, 1988, H�nan Resouraes Commi.ssi� minutes. �`1 TJP�ON A VOICE VOPE, ALL VOI'IlVG A`.�, Q3A�ERSCt�1 BEI�Z�D DEQ,ARID THE 1MOTIOIV -9- z�ls� �� !�,tr��t� ,_� • � ai��f.� �;_. y�z���i: r, .. 1 ! I� . 1:�'� i RF�,EIVE FEBRUARY 16. 1988. ENVIROI�MEEIITLAT OUALT'�'S' C�ISSInN MIN[TrES: � by Ndr. �arna, sewndeol hy Mr. Saba., to receive the Feb. 16, 1988, E�viror�mental Quality Comnission minutes. UPON A VOICE VOPE, ALL VOrING AYE, �A����1 BETZOL+D DEGLARED THE MOT�ON Ci�RRIED UN�NIl�JSLY. N1r. Robinson statecl that on page 5 of the Envirormiental Quality Commission minutes, the Coaarnission had made a motion re�omanending that the City Coimcil support the proposec7 Comprehensive Waste Reduction & Recycling Act; that the City Council �ass a resolution in support of the Comprehensive Waste Reduction & Recycling Act; and forwarcl the resolution to the r�9PCA, Waste t�anageme,nt Boarcl, Metropol itan Co�ci1, Anoka Cotmty, and State legisl ator s represeriting the City of Fric7].ey. The Environmental Quality Coiranission would like the Planning Co�nission to aoncur with that reoommendation. Mr. Robinson statecl there have been pub�].ic hearings on the bill and most of the curbside haulers are oppose� to it. Staper Cycle was vehenently opposed to i� They feel. they are doing a good job and are follawing the initiative put out by I�etropolitan Cotmci]. and feel the bi11 is cletrimental to what they are try�ng to achieve through curbside recycling. � Mr. Robinson stated they have k�een looking at bins for curbsicle recycling. It has been prwen that bins increase �rticipation dr�natically. Frid].ey has gnne to bi-monthly pickups, but it still has not increased participation very muc;h. The biggest problen seemecl to be the lack of a clistinction between recycling arid garkaage placed at the curb. The bins are a strong visual ctae to peogle to recycle and mi�t help increase participation. Ms. Sherek stated she ac,�rreec7 that gark�ge pickup hacl to g� hand in hanc7 with recycling. People just do not get ir�o a o�nsistent pattern of putting out recyclables. Mr. Saba statec7 he thou�t bins were an interesting idea. Maybe the EQC voulal look into this and wme up with something similar to wY�at Minneapol is is doing in their campaign promotion, maybe even get together with Minneapolis and other wmQnimities and make it a metro-wide effort. Maybe the wsts for bins would be much cl�eaper when �rchased in large vol�nnes. Nls. SYaerek aske� if businesses in the �onuntuiity recycle. Does Super C�icle pick up recyctables fran b�sir�sses in Fridl.ey? Mr. Robertson stated the Ch�nber of Commerce Board has talked about oryanizing recycling. �iere is a lot of interest on the part of building owr�ers in organizing it becaise there is a real oost savinc� in rec�cing the amo�t o� paper that has to be hauled away. �orzovl by Mr. Rondrick, sev�n�d Ysy Ms. Saba, to c�ncaar with the motion made ^ by the Ehvirorunental Quality Cot�nission to rewuQnencl that the City Coimcil -10- ' _i_t!�r s. !��viv� .�� •� �t[���_ �� v►;y�?� ' ^ support the propo�d Compr�hensive Waste Reduction City Coimcil gass a resolution in support of the Reduction & Recycling Act; and forwarol the resolution Management Boarcl, Metrop�l itan Cotmcil, Anoka Co�ty. representing the Cfty of F`ridley. �� ^ & Recycling Ac;t; that Comprehensive Waste to the I�C`'A, the Waste anol State legi sl ator s UP'ON A�TOICE VOl'E, ALL VU�PIlVG Al�, �P�'12SCi�T B�L�,D DECg,ARED THE 1�IOTION (�ItR7ED UI�TIl�JSLY. ia�.i�; �' �i - 1. National C�BG Week l�r. Robinson stateal that April 2�9, 1988, has been designated as National CDBG Week by the National Association of Housing & Redevelopnerit Officials (1�EIR0). 7�ie purp�se of the week is to promnote the CDBG program as a vital resource in the development ancl redevelopnent of our wmammities. '1i�e progr�n has been cut drastically in the past few years, about 44� since 1981, and the outlook for FY ]9�9 is cbubtful with both the T�.i.te House and the OFfice of Management and Budget calling for further cuts. Ms. Sherek stated that an article that caught her eye recently in the F'rid].ey Fbcus was that the Association for Retarcleol Citizens received block grant monies fran four clifferent mtmicipalities last year to start a toy lending library, and ARC credited the CDBG's of the cities from which they reoeived the money. Ms. Sherek stated they might ask Bill �unt that in publishing literatt�re, he ask Anoka County ('AP ar�d the different organizations that the City supp�rts to acknowlerlge (�G moni.es as being a p�rtion of their f�ding. 7�e same thing �uld apply when th�y are using CD�G monies to acjquire Riverview Heights properties or anything else. Any sic�age there should acl�owlecic�e (�G monies the same as the architect, the 13RA, or anyone el� are aclmowledc�ed. Ms. Sherek state� that right now they will he making the grants for 19�9. 7�ose peogle are still an oontact with people in City Hall for the 1988 qrant monies beca�se they have to c�ive proof of expenditures, etc. When aomantuiicating with these people wer the expenditures, etc. , city staff should make the suggestion that any signage or brochures publishe� creov.t C�BG f�nds as a souroe of fimoling. Mr. R�binson stated that m.aybe ht�nan servioe orv,anizations' C�G ftmding cotald be included as �xirt of a petition that would be sent to senators anci represeratatives. M� by Ms. Sherek, seoonded by Mr. Harna, to rewr�maend that the City participate in National CDBG Week, April 2-9, ].98�, and that CDBG �nies visibly spent in the City of Fridley be reco�ized and identified as such. -11- f'�����!�� ���viv� ,� • � ui�� �; vr• �t�: ' � UPON A VOICE V�, ALL VOTING AYE, CIiAIRPERS0I�1 BETZ�,D DECLARED THE N�TION CARR7ED U1�TIl+�iJ�GY. _ �1 �� �_�'��_ �a MOrION by Nlr. Rondrick, seaondecl by Mr. Saba, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a voic� vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Betzold declared the March 9, 1988, Planning Comanissi� meeting acljourned at 9:00 p. m Respectfully subaitted, �/. / ;� 1:�` IJ.�: /�:�� �. - _ . - .. . . - � - � n -�- .. � r�'.1 - � / 9�� _ _ � _ / I�;�--��- C� _ _ _ _--_ � � _ -_ � �� _ � 3a �j � � .�- - - - - ,,��.-�.�e- yZ�,c> - -- - � c� t� �� �� '� ,� ��z� _ _ _ -__ - (�-'����7 �✓��2L.� 1��0 �n'I Sl � �.�LG _. .: �C3 - `,� �a�=1�ori"��_ _ L� S,$�e� �,.�r-r�.�v �a �.�..� . •5 � �3�- __ .� _ . ��,���1 ,�?�. - -_ __ _ _ _ � � � 9 �..e� � , � , � , � -- ��� ' � '' � - - -_ - - __ _ ��.5���'- " - � _ _ . . .. _ --_..- _ ��_ �.�i'rr��G --����rr�'� ._ _ __ .�.5'/_ � v�',u��.%.c.. ��''� � � - ���� �z�� �- ✓ ���� � / ° �� �j� � ' ``� ���^'�- � -- J��� - ��� /�UG� _ ��,.,�L�, - - ___ __ _ _�o s 33_ L...c,E.e�. _�,.,�_ �a,�.� ,. J � . __ _ _ c� � � � � �.�.� � � � _ _