PL 04/20/1988 - 30681��
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CYzairperson Betzold called the April 20, 1988, Planning Commission meeting
to order at 7: 35 p�. m.
R� rr.r �:
Members Preser�t: Donald Betzold, D�via Ronclrick, Alex Barna�
Richard Svanda, Bruoe Bondow (for Mr. Saba-arr. 8: 00 p. m)
N[embers Abserit : Sue Sherek
Okhers Preserat : Jim Robi.nson, Planning Coordinator
Jock Robertson, C�nun�mity Developne.nt Director
Getald Linc�er, 6536 Claver Plaoe I�L E.
Vern Br�ers, 6548 Pieroe Street N. E.
Richard French, 1469 Gardena Ave. N. E.
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Wendt, 6�5 Monroe Street N. E.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Forter, 6870 Channr�l Roacl
Bill & Deb Fink, 6864 Charuiel Read
Nlr. & Mrs. Qenn Tonneslan, 6548 Qover Plaoe I�T. E.
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^ MQ�T.Q�T by Mr. Rondrick, seconded by Mr. Svanda, to approve the April 6,
1988, Planning Conanission minu�tes as written.
Per �ection 205.07.O1.C.1 of the Fridley City Code to allow a second
acxes�ry builc] on Lot 10, Clover Leaf Adclition, the same heing 5636
Clwer Plaoe N. E.
M�IQ�T by Mr. Rondrick, sewnded by Mr. S�anc�, to waive the formal reading
of the public hearing notioe and open the public hearing.
Nlr. Robinson stated this special use permit request was for a second
ac�essory building at 6536 Clover Place. The petitioner would like to
o�nstruct a 20 ft. by 28 ft. (560 sq. ft. ) storage building in the rear
yard to be usecl for baat storage and laa�,m eguignent storage. The property
was located in an entirely single f�nily neighborh000l. There was an
attached garage with a driveway. Since the proposed seconcl accessory
building was irrtended only for boat storage ancl lawn equignent storage,
n there was no proposal for a c3riv�ray frcm the kxiilding to the street.
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� Mr. Robinson stateol staff was re�nending the follawing stipulations:
l. �he sewncl accyessory buil�ing to be use� only for the
storage of boating and la�m equipaent, r�ot for autanobilese
2. Desic�n of the storage shed to �mplvnent the dwelling �it
by siding and a standard slope roof.
Mr. Linc�er stated that, as mer�tionecl, the storage building woulcl be used
only for boat and lawn equigne.nt. He erivisione� taking his boat in and out
of the L^uilding abouit once a month. He planned to have the new storage
building conform to the same siding and shingles as the house.
Nir. Betzold stated that preseritly Mr. Lindner had a metal storage shecl in
the back yarc7. Woulci this shec7 be renwed?
Mr. Linc�er stated, yes, he intendeol to remave the metal storage shed..
Nir. Betzold asked if there was a,nyone in the audienoe who wished to make any
ooAUaents reqarcling this special use permit req�st.
Mr. Qenn Tonneslan, 653� Qaver Place, stated he lived next door to Mr.
Linc�er. He stated he objecteci to the building. This was a residential
raeic,�borhoodl, and a structure of this size woula be a detriment to the
appearanoe of the rnighborhood. He stated it would also obstruct his view
^ of the rnighborhood. He stated it did not make much sense to have a boat if
the boat was only �ing to be taken in and out o�' the builcling onoe a month.
He stated their bedr�m winclows are on the side of �he house where the
bu].ding woula be locate�, and he just felt it would take �vay f�an the value
of the surrotuiding properties.
Nir. Linc�er stated he had �r�e a�arket analysis of his existing property
and the nei�b�rs' properties. i3e had two realtors out and both realtors
saicl that the aonstruction of a storage building in this location �voulc� not
devalue the properties, either glus or minus. 7�he property values would
reqnain the sa�ne.
MO�ION by Mr. Ronc7rick, seoonded � N1r. Barna, to close the public hearing.
HEARIldG Q�C�ED AT 8: 45 P. NL
Mr. Barna asked if there were any other garages in the neigt�borhood that
were located in the rear yarc� in approximately the same location as the
building proposecl by Mr. Lindner.
Mr. Lee Wendt, 6545 Monroe Street, statecl his property was located clirec�ly
behind l�r. Linc�er. He stated his garac�g was locatec3 in the rear yard and
was almost L�ack to back to the proposecl building.
Nlrs. Wendt stated they di� not object to the �orac,�e building as proposed by
^ Mr. Lindner. It did affect Mr. Tonnaslan more than it di� thea.
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n Mr. Robin�son �ated that in looking at the aerial phato, it looked 1 ike Mr.
Lin�er's building, if apprwed, woulcl be the thir� rear yard garage in the
;��; ate gro�ing of haaes.
Mr. Betzold stated he did not reca].1 many ather acaessory buildings simil ar
to this that have been c7eni.ed.
Mr. Robinson stated that as f ar as the qarage to the west, that clid not seem
to be an issue. Ae sugqested the possibility of a landscape buffer between
Mr. Lincher's property and Mr. Tonnaslan's. A buffer would require a
little bit more setback - 8 ft. As far as Mr. Linch�er using the grassy area
to mave his baat in and out, the special �e permit oould be reviewed again
at the encl of the s�anmer to see if there had been any damage to the turf.
Nlr. Betzold askecl Mr. Tonaslan haw he felt about a buffer, lanolscaping and
shrubbery, between the two properties.
Nir. Tonr�asl� �ated there were already shrubs between the two properties.
He stated his main concern was what would happen in fihe future if l�ir.
Linoher mwed away and new a�rs used that kxiilding for a machine shop or
for the storage of a�o�►obiles. He stated he had a boat for five years and
had it stored in the driveway. He agreed having a boat stored in the
clriveway was an eyesote, and he hac7 f inally move� his boat to the St. Croix.
He stated he o�uid c�ertainly appreciate the probl�n of having a boat anc7
needing a place to store it. He stated Mr. Lindner was a very nice
^ neic�bor, and he hacl nothing against Mr. Lindner personally. He was j ust
a�noerne� about �hat large a storaqe builcling in the rear yarc7.
Mr. Betzolol askeol N[r. Lino�er if he would have a problem if the Planning
Cammission rev�nm►ended the City Cotmcil review the s�pecial use permit in a
f ew �ontl�s.
Mr. Linolzer staecl he would have no �ohlen with the City Cot�cil reviewing
the special use permit whenever they saw fit.
PRr. Betzold asked if Mr. Lindner needeecl a storage builcling quite this large.
Mr. Lincher stated the reason he was proposing a 20 ft. by 28 ft. building
was beca�e the boat he would be purchasing was 25-26 ft. long with the
tongue. A narraw structure, 9 ft. by 27 ft., woul� not look very nice.
Another option was a carport �f the garage, and he clid not think that would
look very nice. Another option was a semi-structure, a pole barn type
structure, and that would look worse yet. He statecl the size of the
building would help him in the storac3e of a lot of lawn equipment in
addition to the i�oat. He did have two cars and those were kept in the
attadled doub7.e car c,arage.
Mr. S�anda askeo1 i.f Mr. LincD�er had oonsi.c�red maving the building claser to
the hotase.
Mr. Lincher stated he would not object to having the building closer to the
^ house, but he thouc�t that would look worse than lining the building up with
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n the r�eighbor's garage in the rear.
Mr. Robinson stated that regarding Mr. Tonneslan's concern about the
building being used for a machine shop in the future, this special use
permit, if apprwed, would be filed against the property at the County, ancl
the stipulation that the building was to be usea for the storage c+f boat and
lawn equip�aent only wvul� be attachecl, so that any future owners would be
aware ��he special use permit and the stipulation.
Mr. Betzol� stated it so�mcled lake there would be � eyesore eitiler way. Jf
the special use permt was clenied, then there would be the eyesore of hav ing
the boat stored in the driveway. He stated he would be inclined to vote in
faivor of the special use permit, subject to a review by the City Co�cil in
six months and that the existing metal shed be r�naved, along with the two
stipulations reoo�amnen�d by staff.
Mr. Ronclrick stated he would ac,gee with Mr. �tzold.
MOrION by Mr. R,�nclrick, seconded by Mr. Barna, to recommend to the City
Co�cil a�raval of Special Use Pennit, SP ��8-05, by Gerald Lindner, per
Sec�on 205.07.O1.G 1 of the Fridley City Code to allow a seconci accessory
builr]ing on Lot 10, Qwer Leaf �dition, the same being 6536 Clover Place
Nf. E. , with the follawing stipulations:
l. Iteview of special �e permit in six months.
2. Existing metal storage shecl be re�nwed.
� 3. Seaond acoessory building to be used only for storage
of b�ting and l�m equipnent, not for auto�aobiles.
4. Design of the storage building to o�mplament the dwelling
�it by install ing matahing siding and a standard slope roaf.
Mr. Barna stated that if this was a situation where the pe�titior►er was
ooriverting the existing garage to living space, he would be a].lowed to
oonstruct the garage back there. In Minnesota it was good to be able to
store things in a garaqe, especially during the wintertime.
Mr. S�anc� asked what the six morith review was �ing to accompl ish. They
are oertainly not going to make Mr. Lindner remove a building that was
already built.
Nir. Robinson stated that if, in six months, the lawn has deteriorated
beca�se of the boat being taken in and o�t of the building, a hard surface
driveway w�ould have to be installed.
Per Section 205.09.O1.C.4 of the Fridley City Code to allow �rivate,
rionprafit cluhs; per Secton 205.09.01.C.6 of the Fridley City Code to allow
an automobile parking lot on adjacent lanci on Lot 1, Block 1, Harstaol
^ Addita.on and the south 95 feet o� Lots 14 and I5, plus Outlot 1, Harstad
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n Addition, all ger�rally located at 6831 Hi�way 65 DL E.
�f by Mr. Svan�, seaonded by Mr. Ronc3rick, to waive the formal reading
of the pu�lic hearing notiae and to open the pub].ic hearing.
Mr. Robinson stated the proposal was to use adjacent R-3 property for a
parking lat whic� would servioe the North Air I�ame Association or Rnic�its of
Coltunbus facility. The property in question was located just east of
Hi�way 65 �d north aF 68th Plaoe. 7�e ogtion property is �mder a purdlasQ
agre�ne.nt at this time.
Mr. Robinson stated the site, which is vacant, is bor�ered by a single
faanily ho�nes on the east anol a multiple clwelling unit to the south.
Staburban Engineeririg is clirectly north. Zhere are two single f�nily homes
which abut the back of tl�e property of Rni�ts of Colunbus.
Mr. Rob�inson stated they have worked cvith the peta.tioners to aome up with a
plar� whic� ryeeds several site improvements. Staff was recommend�ing the
follawing stipulatians:
1. Ir�stall lanolscaping and automatic irrigation as per City
apprwec�l plan by July l, 1988.
� 2. Install masonry dtun�ter enclosure with a dzain link slattecl
gate by July 1, 1988.
3. Irastall six inch hi�n aoncrete aarbing along the perimeter
of the exi.sting parking lat ancl proposed parking lot �i
July 1, 1988.
�. Storm drainage � to be su�mitted before the City Co�mci.l
meeting on May 2, 1988.
5. Slat diain link fenoe along the eastern anol northern property
line � the existing parking lot. Additional fencing to be
i.nstalled along eastern property line when property to the
east develops.
6. Install and slat chai.n link fenoe along eastern property line
of the new lat upon ao�np].etion of lat.
7. Resurfaoe and stripe parking lot to meet Code.
8. Supply a perf ormanae bond or letter � credit in the anotmt
of $10, 000 prior to oonstruction.
Mr. Robinson stated that becatase the dlumpster could � screened with
landscaping and the distric�. privacy fenoe, stipulation �2 could be deleted.
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� Mr. Robertson stated that rec�-arding stipulation �4 regar�ing the c�rainage
pl�, he woul� reo�mmenol that the drainac�e plan be sukxnitted sufficiently
early for adequate staff review before the City Co�mcil meeting. He statec7
that becat�se the City Cot�c�l has been eabroiled in a wuple af i.sst�s where
the drai.nage glans were not sukanittec7 in enough time for a�equate staff
review, and the City Council would be � to approve a project
contitzgerit upon staff rev�.ew.
IMr. Robinson stated staff has worked out a schedule with Suburban
Engir�eeringP and the drainage plan will be availahl.e withira a week.
Mr. S�anola stated that regarding the landscaping, they are looking at some
fairly heavy duty lano�caping on the south sic�e-20 feet whici� wa11 take in
a�bout 15 feet of the current].y surf aced area. Isn't there garking along
there now and aren't they wns�unit'g some 20 spaoes just to c3ain 20 spaoes?
Mr. Vern Brewers stated he was President of the �oard for North Air H�ne
Association. He stated they were cons�uning 13 parking stalls along the
south eclge, and were gaining 20, for a net qain of 7 parking stalls.
P�r. Robinson �ated there was a grwision for a�other 12 parking stalls on
the north sic� of the, so they wnuld actually gain 19
Mr. Brewers stated
Robinson. They ar
Waters�ecl District
^ codes.
they are well aware � the stipulations outl ined by Mr.
e working with Suburban Engineering and the Ric� Creek
ancl are prepared to comgly with all stipulations and
Mr. Betzold stated the r�eic,�bors in the area are very sensitive to traff�c
up and down Lucia Lane and about people parking along Lucia Lane. Would
these ao�ditio�al �rking spaees help alleviate some o�f the parking problems
on Lucia Larie.
Mr. Brewers statecl he oertainly hoped it would help.
Mr. Bill Fink, 6864 Qnannel Road, statec� he livecl �irectly behind the
proposed parking lat. He stated he really did not know how he felt about
the proposed parking lat or how it will va�rk out.
MIr. Fink stated the tra�fic leaving fran Lucia Lane go ri�t by his window.
He stated there was not much room between his house ana the existing
building. He s�tated that when there are parties at the Rnic�ts of Col �unbus
Hall� often peogle go out in the parking lat �a arir� �a thr� bot�.es �a
trash into their yard. He statec7 they have gotten used to it, but if a
fenae was put u�, people might not realize there is a house behincl the fenae
and mig�t thraw more trash aver the fenve, thinking it was a good place to
thro� things. Iie stated that if a wooden fence was constructed, he would
1 ike to see it be a sol id woodlen f ence so that car 1 ights cannot shine
throu� the fenae. It was only 30-40 ft. at the most to his window fran the
proposeol parking lat.
Mr. Richard French stated he was also on the Board for North Air Home
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^ Associati�. He stated that in looking at these plans again now, he coul�
see a oouple of thinc,� tYaat the Planning Crnmnission mic�it wnsider dzanging:
L Reqarding the 20 ft. buffer strip along the soukh side, the ora].y reside
noes that ber�f it fram that strip was the a�rtment dwelling iimnediately
to the soukh. It almost seemed like a waste af �ey to lose 13 parking
sgaoes there when they are trying to create more parking spaoes. Maybe
the Pla�ning Co�mnission could consider narrowing that buffer strip.
2. The oonnection between the two parking lots aould be el iminated on the
northeast oorr�er, making two separate lots. Z'his would el iminate �ome
of the tra�f ic passing by the haneawriers' properties.
NIr. Rondrick statec7 he liked Mr. French's idea of closing the passage
o�nnecting the two parking lats. It would also gerierate a few more garking
Ms. Viola Porter, 6870 Channel Road, statecl she lived next door to the
Fink's. She asked if there was a divisi� between the propos�ed parking lot
and Suburban's� �rking lot � the north end.
Mr. Robinson stated there was curbing anc� a green setback area o� 5 ft.
P�s. Porter stated cars cutting through the parking lot c�as one of her
^ aonoerns. �d, also, if there was a fenoe betv�een the proposed parking lot
and Suburban Engineering, it mi�t eliminate some of the r�ise that is bo�md
to be generated ira the parking lot.
Mr. Barna stated he thou�t the noise frcan the parking lot would be pretty
we].1 taken care af with the proposed wooden fencing. If there was a problen
with the Suburban Engir�eering �rking, that woul� have to be worked out with
Suburban Engineering.
Mr. French stated that ric�t now the property was hic,�ner, but it was going
to have to be lawered. By the time the parking lot is built, the parking
lot will be about 10 ft. bela�r the grac7e of the homes.
Mr. Betzold stated he felt a fenoe between the proposed parking lot anol the
Suburban Engineering parking lo� was not going to be r�eoessary, but it oould
tie discussed by staff before this goes to City Co�cil.
� by Mr. Rondrick, sQwnded by Mr. Barna, to close the public hearing.
I3F�RIlVG Q, CT ID PdT � e 30 P. M.
Mr. Rondrick stated he had no problem with the proposed parking lot It
seemed like the impra�tenents would be an assset to the area.
Mr. Barna statecl he also liked the idea of the two parking lots l�ing
�", divided. �hat way i-hey aould gain some parking stalls that are being lost
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,-� on the south end.
Mr. Robinson stated the glans will be redrawn to inwrporate the suggestion
agreed ugon by the Planning Commission that the two parking lots be
Mr. Brewers stateci he was oonoerried about the July 1, 1988, deadlir�e for the
stipulations. He stated they have r�t even gone out for bids yet.
The Planning Canmisson agreed on Sept. l, 1988, as a more realistic deadlirie
for fihe stipulati�s.
�.Q�T by Mr. Koncirick, seoonded by Mr. Svanda, to re�nmend to City Co�mcil
appra�al of Use P�rmit, SP �88-04, by North Air 13ome Association,
per Section 205.09.O1.C.4 of the Friclley City Coale to allow private,
r�n profit cluut�cs; per Section 205.09.O1.C.6 of the Fridley City Coae to
allaw an a�o�aobile �rking lot oa' adjaoerit land on Lot 1, Block 1, Harstad
Additi� anol the south 95 feet aE Lots 14 and 15, plus Outlot l, Harstad
Addition, all ger�rall� located at 6�31 Hi�way 65 1�L E. , with the following
1. Install landscaping and autanatic irrigation as per City apprwecl
plan by Sept. 1, 1988.
2. Jnstall six inch high a�nerete curbing along the perimeter o� the
existing garking lat an� proposed parking lot, as per City plan,
by Sept. 1, 1988.
,,,1 3. Storm drainage gl� to be suvaittecl before the City Cotuicil �eeting
� on May 2, 1988.
4. Slat chain link fenoe along the ea�ern property lir�e of existing
parking lat. Additional screening fenoe to be installed along
eastern property 1i.rie when property to the east develop�.
5. Install wlid wood privacy fen�e all along eastern proFerty lirie
of the new �xirking lat upon a�mpletion of lot.
6. Resurf aoe and stripe parking lot to meet Code.
7. Supply a performanae bond or letter � credit in the amo�t �
$10, 000 prior to wnstr uctiora.
P9r. Rohinson stated this it�n would go to City Co�acil on May 2.
cc��.sToN r��� •
M(�'ION bY Nir. S�anda, seaond�ec7 by Mr. Bondow, to reoeive the l�arch 15, 1988,
Joint F�viromne,ntal Quality Crnomission/�ner�r Gommission minutes.
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� M� by Mr. Barna, secondeol by Nir. Ronolrick, to receive i�he April 12,
1988, Appeals Comanission minutes.
MOrION k� Mr. Barna, sewnded by Mr. Kondrick, to adjourn the meeting. Ugon
a voiae vate, all vating aye, QZairperson Betzold declarec7 the April 20,
1988, Plaru�ing Conanission meeting acljourned at 8:45 p.m
Respectfully sukmitted,
Lynn� Saba
Rev�rding Secretary
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