PL 06/22/1988 - 30684CITY OF FRIDLEY PLANNIlQG 00NIl�SSION ME�.'I'ING, JUi� 22, 1988 � - (�r,r, TO ORDER: Chairperson Betzold called the J�e 22, 1988, Plaruiing Ci�¢nission nleeting to order at 7:43 p.m. ROLL CAL�L : ��� Mc�nbers Present: Donald Betzold, Dave Kondrick, Dean Saba., Alex Barr�a., Sue Sherek. Pa.ul Dahlberg M�nbers Absent: Nor� Others Present: Jim Robinson, Flanning Coordiniator Jock Robertson, Cc�¢minity Devel�anent Director KatYil.yn (�stle, Plaru�ing Assistant Steve Billings, City Council Marv Proc��a.ska. Nlenard, Inc. , Eau C'J.ai.re, WI Steve Jahnson, Menazd, Inc. , Eau C7.aire, WI Dave Turek, Menard, Iric. , Eau Qai.re, WI Esther Sieff, 1298 Skywood Larie Nlary Loui.se Matthews, 1259 5kywood Lar�e Leon Martin, University Aver�ue Associates Peter Beck, University Avenue Associates ^ Rollin & Jeanne CYar�la,ll, 6114 Star Lane N. E. + Virgini.a S�a.bel, 1527 Wirrienere Circle N.E. •• • r- •. r �� •• i� • u N.B�'I'ION by Mr. Kondrick. secor�led. by Mr. Barna. to approve t-he May 18, 1988, Planning Cc�¢nission mirna.tes as written. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl�TG AYE, Q3A�PERSON BEI�G�D DEC�ARED THE MOTION (��RRIED iTNANIl�USLY. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSID�RATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT, SP #88-06, BY MELVARD. INC. Per Secti� 205.15.1.C.8 of the Fridley City Code to allaa+� the expansion of outside storage on Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 94, the same being 5351 Central Avenue N.E. MOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Dahlberg, to waive the formal reading of the public hearing r�tice ar�d open the public hearing. UPDN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl� AYE, CNArRPF'R�p�T BE'1rGOLD DECLARED THE MOTZON C�fRRIED UNANIl�USLY AL�ID TI� PUBLIC HEAR�� OPIIV AT 7:45 P.NL Mr. Robinson stated Menard, Inc., was located on the southeast quadrant of the Hi�ay 65/I-694 exchange. T.he property was zor�d. C-3 and was abutted by residenti.al, single family, to the east, and R-2, duplex zoning, but n whiczh is an apartrnent building c�lex, to the r�rth ar�l east. -1- PLAl�TIlVG Q�NIl�SSION N�'r'�. JUl� 22, 1988 � Mr. Robinson stated. a public hearing was apened on May 4. At that time, the petitioner was proposing an expansion of the storage yard in the southeasterly portion of the exi.sting storage yard. �cavation had already begun for that portion of the storage ya,rd as the petitioner was not aware that he needed a pezmi.t and. a special use pennit for that exp��nsion. N�. Robinson stated at this time, the petitioner has submitted a revised plan which actually results in the reduction of outside storage of approx. 4,000 sq. ft. Detailed maps for the various buildings show that Building C would be a 3- level storage structure where l�nber would be stored on the lower i�vo levels, ar�cl insulation batting would be stored on the thi�rl level, with asphalt shingles on the roof ar�d residential-type sid.ing on the outside of the structure. The structure height fr�n the storage yard grade would be 34 f�t arx7. frcan the slaped c.�ade a mi.nunLUn of 9 feet and a maximum of 16 feet, as the grade dc�es vaYy. 1�. Rabinson stated. Building B to the r�rth would be 34 feet high, but would be an apen structure ar�d would r�ot have three 1 evel s. The grade woul d be retairnd with a concrete wall wereas with Bui.lding C, the grade would merely be reta.ined with the wooden structure. 1�. Robinson sta.ted Building A was a�naller structure 19 feet high with the same exterior finis�Y�.. The reason the structure was sma].1er to the north was because of the exposure to Highway 65/I-694, so it was felt that a ta.11er structure would r�t be appropriate in tYiis area. ^ Mr. Robinson stated the C-3 zoning for Menards does extend into Outlot B which was platted with the Beverly Hills Addition. The R-2 zoning for the apartment c�nplex extermled to the Menards property line. This information was im,�ortant because it outlines the variances that were included with this current petition. He described the variances and sta.ted these would be hearrl by the Appeals Cc�nission on June 28. � 1�. Robinson sta.ted. there has been a history of a conf 1 ict related to the use of the storage yard ar�l the neighbors' enj oyment of their properties. These would be the r�ei��bors to the in¢c�ediate east--the houses which sit on top of the escar�canent scane 40-50 feet above the storage yard area.. Mr. Rabinson stated.staff �lieved the praposed structures would create a r�ise b�arrier, but to what extent they did not know. The petitioner has scme site lir� drawings which ir�clicate i-hat the site line over the building wauld intersect with the xnof of the Menard store proper so there would no longer be views into the starage yard. In addition, they are proposing to load the top level of Building C with insulation to damper the noise which has been a problen. Mr. R�obir�son sta.ted staff was also rec�¢nending the follawing stipulations to l�lp red.uce the rx�ise prablens: 1. Working drawings for all structural improvanents to be sigr�d by a registered engineer. -2- _PLAl�IlQIlViG OONAaSSZON ME�TIlVG. Jill� 22, 1988 r"1 2. Truck deliveries, tuil.oading, and stocking af the storage yard area. wil l be wnf ir�ed to : Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday No d�eliveries alla�ed (Reference to Public Works m�no da.ted May 10, 1979, whiczh refers to a Feb. 15, 1978, meeting with the residents arrl N�s, whereby an agre�nent was made as outlined above.) 3. Notwithstar�ling it�n 2 above, all other activity in the storage yard area. will be conf ir�ed to the follaaing �, ime s: Mon. - Fri. 7:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m - 6:30 p.m. S�ay 9:00 a.m. - 5s30 p.m. 4. Nlenards will provide screening slats for the westerly facing fer�es ar� �tes. 5. Nlenards will replace all dead plant material i.n the boulevard area. l�. Rabinson sta.ted the special use �rmit was being pursued at staff's request to help clean up the long-standing problem with the neighbors. Menards dQes r.x�t have a special use permit for the storage yard at this time, a�l although they are reducing the outside stora.ge, staff still felt ^ it was in both the City's arx�1 Mena�d.'s best interest to pursue and abta.in a special use permit arxl live witl�.in the guidelir�s tt�at are set up with the special use permit. Mr. Mazv. Prochaska, Menard, Inc., stated the actual grade elevation difference between the outside storage yard area and Mary Matthews' house was 60 f�t. Using that ir�fo�tion, they had drawn some site lines with the correct dimensions to exhibit wha.t will happen. In their original proposal, they were talking about a 5 foot setback fran the property line. They are now nx�ving that setba.ck further west to a 10 foot setba.ck. N�. Procriaska sta.ted he ha.d brought s�ne samples of residential siding to show the neigl�bors arml. to get s�ne input frr�n the r�ighbors as to wha.t they would like to see. N�. Proc�iaska sta.ted Building A was 14 feet high which should not affect Mrs. Matthews, but it prabably should help the nei�bors in the apartment buildings. On the south e�l, the reason they are constructing only a fence was beca.use there is a Sta,ndard Oi1 Pipelir� that runs down the middle of the property and that is under easement so they cannot build anything �*�nPnt there except a fer�ce. Mr. Procl�aska stated he had r�t seen the stipulations before this meeting, but he had discussed then sc�nc�vhat with staff. He stated that regarding stipulation #2, when those hours were dxaf ted, the store was not open on Sundays. He sta.ted Mer�rds ar�igina].ly started out trying to build j ust a �'1 sourn7. barrier type fence, ar�l it has now gone full circle to the point where -3- P.[�Al�TIl�TG C1�i SION MEE'rIlVG. JUl� 22i 8 � they are building this entire structure across the entire back of the building arnd are sperx3ing approx. $250, 000 on the proj ect. As far as the hours of aperatian, Y� d.iscussed this with staff at previous meetings, and he felt he r�eeded an additional 1/2 hour in the evening (stipulation #3). Mr. Prochaska stated that.in discussions with the store management, management was saying that 75% of the time the 1/2 Ymur would probably work, but for all practical purposes, it should be 1 hour af ter store closing. They have eustcaners who ccene in 5 mirnites before closing, insist on buying scgnething, a�l then expect to be able to pick that iten up. It was pretty hard to chase cust�s out the d�oor, so he would like to see stipulation #2 deleted entirely and see stipulation #3 changed to add an additiona.l 1/2 hour later in the eveni.ng. Ms. Mary Matthcsas sta.ted the r�eigl�bors were not obj ecting to custo�n.ers being in the yard later in the �vening; but they were obj ecting to the rwise of the fork lifts ar�d the dropping of ltunber. Ms. Matthews asked if there were any other acoustical pravisions. N.[r. Prochaska. stated that the lawer part of Building C would contain materials that are r�isy to tu�il.oad, so they would be in th� �ound. The top level was for the storage of insulation, and those materials would be harrr7l ed by hand. At times, the top would be entirely fu11 of fiberglass insulation. - ^ N�. Barna asked if Mr. ProcYaaska was planning to put a layer �mderneath the siding on the upper back of Bui.ld.ing C, or was it j ust going to be siding aver the bQards? Mr. Prochaska. sta.ted that depending on the type of siding, they probably would r�ot. Ms. Matthews sta.ted she did r.�t feel �ney had to be spent on fancy siding. She would rather see the money spent to ensure there was enough sounci proof ing. Mr. Prochaska. stated he would then suggest that instead of using a residential- type siding, on the inside they could sheath it with a 25-30 second insulation board which was sound deadening, using a 1/2-5/8 inch flake board exterior-typ� product ar�l paint it with scane ea.rth tone color. For the iroof, they were proposing asphalt shingles wer an �lerlaymen.t. Ms. Matthews asked about the fork lift r�ise. Mr. Prochaska stated he would hope that this vaould take ca.re of all the prablens the x�eighbors 1�ad and they would not have to be concerned. about any noise. Mr. Robertson sta.ted that whsn big shignents co�e i.n, whPxe will the trucks be un].aading these shipments? Will they be in the open area which is not /� protected by the souncl lines? That was why sta.ff was �ng that the -4- 1�l�A1�Il�TIlJG CJ�N�IISSI �IlVG, � 22, 1988 ,� hours far imloading of trucks be limi.ted as stated in stipulation #2. When the trucks are being iuiloaded and the material s are dumped on the aspha.l t hard star�d, that is when a lot of the rx�ise occurs. Ms. Matthews stated. she felt the hours as proposed by staff were legitimate. The mise �ntinues tmtil 11:00 p.m. some nights when the fork lifts are nu�ning around rearranging wha.t has been iu�].aaded off the trucks. Mr. Pror�aska sta.ted they have to c:oane up with scane hours that Menards can live witht otherwise, thhey mi.ght as well leave it the way it is. Ms. Sherek stated she arid her husband were recently shopping at Menards. 57ie stated i t took f orever t� f ir�l what they had a1 ready paid f or, and i t was after 9:30 p.m. hy the time they pulled out of the yard. She stated. there were rn� other custc�ners in the yard when they lef t, but there were four fork lift txucks i.n aperatiorr-t�vo of them repeatedly dropping whole forklift 1Qads of fence pipes onto the p�av�nt. The noise was deafening. That was at the south end of the buildig. Why couldn't Menards have �nplayees doing that at 8:00 a.m. instead of 9:30 p.m.? Mr. Dahlberg asked wha.t the straight line distance was from the Mena.rd property lirie to the adjacent residents. l�ir. Procriaska stated it was about 150 feet. ^ N.Ir. Dah'lberg sta.ted that in order to construct each of these structures, it vaas going to requi.re a signi.ficant amount of excavation in the footings back into the hil l. It sec�ned to him that was going to signif icantly af f ect sane of the existing vegeta.tion in t,he area. Was there ariy provision for replacing plant materials that are disturbed.? N.f�. Prochaska stated that on the 10 foot strip that they disturb, it will be revegeta.ted, but it wi11 prcalo�ably be replanted with grass, because it will l�ave to ca.tch the drairrage ccaning dawn the hil.l arxi transport it north and south. He would not want to put in trees that would stap the drainage flow. He stated they wi11 tak� whatever precaution they can to not destroy any tx°ees on Ms. Matthews' P�Pe�Y• Mr. Dahlberg stated that Mer�rds will have to abide by those assurances to the City that they will talce every precaution, and. the City will ha.ve to trust that �*+��_s will do that. Mr. Robinson stated maybe a field survey should be done in terms of wha.t trees there are now and which trees are in jeopardy because of the construction. He thought that probably an�other stipulation should be added: "Mena.rds will agree to an erosion control plan and turf restoration plan upon ccanpletion of the proj ect. " Mr. Dahlberg asked Mr. Prochaska to give a further explanation or justificatian of wYiy it was r�t possible to control the hours of ogeration of the far�k lift vehicles and/or semis that are bringing material to the � storage yard. -5- PL�Al�T�TG CAN,ll�IISSION MEEPIl�, JTIl� 22, 1988 /'� Mr. Prochaska stated it was pretty hard to control because they have some semis bringing in deliveries frean out of taRrri, ar�. it was hard to say n�n� that the truck could r�t tuil.oa.d atx7. would ha.ve to wait until morning. He stated they really need to have 1 hour af ter closing f or truck del iveries and tm7.oading ar�cl stocking. N�. Steve Billings stated he �erstood the petitioner's concern in ternns of aperation relative to custc�ners in the yard. As far as the concern about the truck drivex who aanes in ar�l wants to unload, there has to be a cut-off time wYaen that driver is told he ca.ru�t �load--whether that time is 8:00 p.m. and. the driver arrives at 7 s55 p.m. or it is 11:00 p.m. ar�d. the driver arrives at 10:55 p.m. So, he could r�t buy the arg�mient that it was hard to sa.y "r�" to truck drivers ccxning in late. However, more 3mportantly, was his concern that the plan identif ies the structure as a sour�7. barrier. They are all sa.ying this 25-30 second sheathing is going to help the sound more i-han n4t having the sheathing, but the question he had was: Hav much sound were they deadening by these particular materials--2�a of the sound, 80�a of the sour�c7.? The r�eighbors have lived with a sound problem for ma.ny years. The fact that they are ta.lking about issuing a special use permit for storage in tliis yard is the one chance the City and the neighbors ha.ve of tzying to solve this probl�n. He would hate to waste that �e on a"gut" feeling of people wlw are r�t experie��ed as sound experts to decide this is really going to do something. It was his understa.nding that when the petitionsr applied for a ferace variance, the Appeals C�¢nission reco�ended the petitioner get a sou�. engineer to evaluate the acoustical value of that ^ fence. It was also his �lersta�cling that the reason Nlenards delayed c�ning ba.ck to Planning Cc�¢nission soonex was beca.use of thei.r need to find a so� engineer to evaluate the souncl deadening value of the fence. So, another question he had was: Has n�*��G clone that, hav much sound deadening will the fence do, ar�d what is the anticipated effect? Mr. Ba.rna stated the 25-30 sec;orx7. sheathing �terial has an enormous sound dea.dening ability to it. It was inexpensive, easy to install, and easy to maintain. N�. Betzold stated there was no question that putting in these types of materials should absorb more sound, but mayl� it was r�ot the best way. Ms. Matthews' h+owse was on the hill. Was it possible that by putting in scsne of these materi.als, there might be a ricocheting effect, and it mi.ght even ir�rease the r�ise to scsne e�ent7 He sta.ted N�. Billings' point was well taken, ar� they might r�ed scene kind of expert to look at this. Mr. ProcY�aska sta.ted he did r�t table this at the Planning Cc�¢nission level last ttime to go out and hire a sound engineer. They tabled it just to review the whole proj ect to see if they even wanted to do it or if it was feasible for Mp*�*�a and to help the noise problem for the neighbors. He sta.ted he had talked to Dave Kelso, Pollution Control Agency, and. the person recca[aner�.ed at Mim�esota Depari�ment of 'I`ransportation. Both of these people said sour� barriers and stopping sound was, at best, a"practice", like practicing law or practicing medicine. They said if the site line was reduced ar it intersects tha.t site line, Mer�s will lzave done as much as ^ th�y can. 1�. Prochaska sta.ted Mer�a.rds has done that. They have gone as � PLAl�Il�TIltTG O�PM�SSION N.�°I'IlVG, JUl� 2�, 1988 - � � high. as they have to tryy ar�rl intersect that site line, beca.use they ha.ve been told that site lines arid sound lir�s pretty much follow the same pa.th, and tl�a.t intersecting that site lir�e shou7.d reduce the so�d.. Mr. Dahlberg stated he thought Mr. Proc:haska' s co�ents were accurate and appropriate with respect to sound. being transferred. He sta.ted that if the Planni.ng Cc�unission is going to request that a whole scientif ic study be ur�7.ertalcen to detern►ir� what sound is going be transferred with respect to this particular proj ect, then Menards is probably going to say they will forget the whole proj ect axx7. rx�t do anyl'h; �' at all arxl cantirn.ie to function as they have. He stated. in ter.ms of rn�ise, the present situa.tion was going to be worse tl�an if they let Menards do what is being proposed. Ms. Matthews sta.ted tha.t �less there is sane guarantee that what is being proposed is going to improve the situation, then they might as well live with what they already have. Why go to that expense? She thought Mr. Billings' request was legitima.te. She did not think Menarda ha.d to go to the expense of a big scientific study, but she would like some assurances tl�at this proj ect is going to prove scgnething. N�. Saba stated. the whole point of a souncl absorption material was to absorb the sound and r�t to reflect it. MOTIQN by Ms. Sherek, secorad.ed by Mr. Saba, to close the public hearing. �.., UEaON A VOIC� VOTE, ALL VOTIl� AYE, Q�.PER,.SON BEIZ�,D DECLARED THE P[JBLIC HEAR�TG C�OSID AT 8:45 P.Nl. Mr. Barna. sta.ted that at the Appea].s Cat¢nission meeting, he was in favor of having a sour�l engiraeer look at this. Naa, in seeing this type of design, he was more ccenfortable with this design than. with the so� b�a.rriers MnDOT has put along the highways. He stated he really f el t this type of structure, as groposed by Menards, would help cut dawn the noise to the residents adjacent to Menards. Mr. Saba stated. he thought this was a far better plan than the la.st orie, and was an act of g+ood faith on the part of Menard.s in solving the problem. They are going to c�eat expense atx�7. are getting the neighbors irlvolved. Mr. Dahl..berg ar� Mr. KorKlrick stated they had no obj ection to the special use pezmit. Mr. Barna stated he really felt there should definitely be some working drawings for all structural imprwenents. N�. Kondrick stated he could see nothing wrong with the current recc�anerg7ation by staff for the truck deliveries. He sta.ted the company he works for relies on truck deliveries; but when the doors close, the trucks must sit outside ar�7. wait until the r�xt n�rning at 7:30 a.m. to unloa.d. The truck drivers soon learn what they can arx7. canr�t do and that is what they have to abide by. � He did understarsl with the retail business that when a � custc$nex ct�nes in 5 minu.tes before closing time, it can be a real hassle ar�l -7- � QON�tISSION N�ETIlVG. JUi� 22, 1988 � extra time is needed, but he thought 1/2 hour after closing time was adequa.te. Mr. Robertson sta.ted. Mr. Billings was suggesting that stipulation #1 be a little more specific in referring to structural drawings, particularly for the structure with the sound proofing. He sta.ted that stipulation could be strengthened before it goes to City Cc�uncil. 1�. Saba. stated. that regarding stipulation #2, if Menards fir�ds these hours really do r�t work, they could always ccsne ba.ck at a later time and ask f or an extension of Y�ours based. on �st experience. N�. Barna agreed. He stated. that 6-8 �nths af ter the proj ect is ccenpleted, if the neighbors-are satisfied, Mer�s cfluld c�ne ba.ck in arx3 request that the hours be changed ar�c7. ask for delivexies on Sunda.ys. Mr. Dahlberg sta.ted. he did not agree. He stated they should come to an agre�nent on hours tl�at are reasonable for both Nlenards and the City. Maybe they c:ould allow deliveries on Sundays, but limit the hours. 1�. Kormlrick asked Mr. ProcJnaska wha.t Ymurs he would like for Sunday. N�. Prochaska sta.ted there are rx�t many truck deliveries on Sunda.ys, because it was only Menards trucks delivering on Sunday, ar�l it was d.ifficult to set h+ours for that. HHowwever, he would be in agre�nent with the hours 9:00 a.m. ^ - 5:30 p.m. � N.bD'I'ION by Nls. Shere7c, secflnded by Mr. Dahlberg, to rec�¢nerr7. to City Council approval of Special Use Permit, SP #88-06, by Menard, Inc., per Section 205.15.1.C.8 of the Fridley City Code to allaw the expansion of outside storage on Lot 9, Audi.tor's Subdivision No. 94, the same being 5351 Central Avenue N.E., with the follc�wing stipulations: 1. Working drawings for all structural impravenents to be sigr�d by a registered engir�er. 2. Trvck deliveries, unload.ing and stock.ing the storage yard area. will be conf ir�d to : Mon. - FYi. 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Saturda.y 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m, Suxx3ay 9:00 a.m. - 5 s30 p.m. 3. Notwithstarrling itezn 2 above, all other activity in the storage yard area. wil l be conf ir�d. to the f ol lowing times : l�n. - F`ri. 7:00 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Satuz�day 7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Sur�7ay 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 4. Menards will provide screening slats for the westerly facing fen�ces ar�d gates. 5. Nlenards will replace all dead plant materials in the boulevard area. � Pl,Al�1IlVG �S�SION MEEZ'IlVG, Ji1NE 22, 1988 ^ 6. Menards will agree to work with staff on an erosion control and turf restoration plan prior to building pe�nit to provide sound. deadeni.ng. 7. All portions of sheds that are abcnTe grade ar� abut residential properties shall be insulated in the walls ar� ceilings with rx� less than 25-30 secorgl insulation bQard or c�aarable material and sioleed with exterior (flake board) or similar material ar� be roofed with r� less than 1/2 ir�h a�hal t roofing. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl�TG AYE, Q3A�PERSON BEIZCILD DECLARED THE N�TION C�RRIED U1�TIlI�OUS�,Y. MOTION by Mr. Barna. secor�rled by Mr. Saba, to serrl SP #88-06, along with the varian�es to be heard at the June 23, 1988, Appeals Commission meeting, to the City Counci]. on July 11, 1988. iTR�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl�TG AYE, [NA��SON gEIZCff�D DECLARED THE 1�TION C�RRIED jTl�TIl�US�Y. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: CANSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PFRMIT, SP #88-08, BY , WILLI�,M BERTRAM: Per Section 205.14.01.C.2 of the Fridley City Code to all�rv autamobile agencies to sell or display new and/or used vehicles; per Section 205.14.01.C.8 of the Fridley City Code to allow exterior storage of ma.terials and equipment on Lot 2, Block 2, Springbrook Apartments at ^ Northtown, gen�rally loca.ted north of 83rd Avenue and west of University Avenue. r"1 MOTION by Mr. Saboa, secorxied by Mr. Kor�3rick, to waive the fon.nal reading of the public h�ring rmtice ar�l. open the public hearing. UFON A VOIC� VOTE, ALL VOTIlJG AYE, �A��GON BE�GOLD DECLARID THE PB�TION C�RRIED UNANIl�USLY Al�ID 73� PUBLIC HEARIl�TG OPE�T A'T 9:10 P.M. 1�. Robinson sta.ted the purpose of this special use persnit was to a11�t an aut�obile dealership for the sa.].e of r.�v arx7. used cars arid for the outside storage of vehicles arx�7. equi�anent. The petitioner ha.s ha.d some technical problenss arrl the starm drainage plan was r�t submitted on time. In talking to the petitioner, staff reco�nended that this iten be tabled unti.l the next Planning Co�nission meeting, and the petitioner was agreeable to that recc�mnendation. Mr. Robinson sta.ted that Mr. Peter Bec]c and Mr. Leon Martin frr�n Belgarde & Associates were in atterxlance representing Springbrook Apartments and would like to speak on this itsn when it is heasd by the Planning Ccgranission. N�TION by Mr. Korrlrick, secor�ded. by Mr. Saba, to table SP #88-08 until the r�xt regularly sclzeduled meeting. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, Q�AIlZPERS�T BE�G�,D DECLARED '1'E3E N.�TION C�RRIFD UNAN�USZ�Y. � PLA1�lIlVG 4�NIl+�IISSION N�!'Il�TG, . JUl� 22 , 19 88 /"� 3. (bNSIDERATION OF A VACATION, SAV #88-01, BY Ti� CITY OF FRIDLEY AND TARGET NORTHERN OPERATIONS C�IIt: To vaca.te a six f oot easement f or stornn sewer described i n Dociunent 2 6 82 7 4 in Book 659, Page 569, dated Navember 3, 1964, and to vacate a 12 f�t easenent for canstruction and ma.intenance of a storm sewer described in Doctunent 280899 in Book 697, Page 441, da.ted Octc�ber 20, 1965, all gerierally loca.ted. at 6499 University Avenue N.E. N�. RQbinson stated. the loca.tion of the vaca.tion of these ea.sements was in the southeast corner of Mississippi St. and University Ave. 'I"hese were abandoned storn► sewer lir�s that have been r�n�ved with the construction of Target building in 1984. For sane reason, the vaca.tion was rmt processed at that time so this is admini.strative cleanup. NIOTION by Mr. Kondrick, seconded by Mr. Dahlberg, to reconunend to City Counci.l appraval of Vaca.tion, SAU #88-01, by the City of Fridley and Target Northern OpPxations Center. U1�N A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIlVG AYE, Q�PERS�T BE'IZCILD DECGARED THE MOTION C�,RRIED UNANINDIJS�,Y. 4. RECEIVE TI� NQ�Y 2, 1988, PARKS & REQtEATION O�N�lISSION M�IUTES: MOTION by Mr. Korx7,rick, seconded by Nlr. Dahlberg, to receive the May 2, 1988, Parks & Recreation Ca�anission minutes. ^ UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl� AYE, �A��G�T BEl'LOLD DECLARED THE MOTION C�iRRIED UNANIl�IDUSLY. 5. RECEIVE THE NQ3Y 5, 19 88. HUM�T RESOURCES O�N.�JISSION NmW 1'ES : MOTION by Ms. S'herek, seconded by Mr. Kor�drick, to receive the May 5, 1988, H�ian Resources Cc�¢nission mirnxtes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl� AYE, Q�A7RPE�SON BEIZ�D DECLARED THE 1�TION C7�RRIED UNANIl�USLY. 6. RECEIVE THE 1v.Q�Y 12, 1988, HOUSIlVG & RIDEVF.�OPN�NT AUTHORITY NID.VUTES: NlOr!'ION by Mr. Saba, seconded by Ms. Sherek, to receive the May 12, 1988, Housing & RedevelaFanent Authority minutes. UPON A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, Q3AIRPERSON BE'IZ�D DECLARED THE 1KOTION C�,RR]ED UNANIl�US'LY. 7. RECEIVE THE MAY 19, 1988_, SPECIAL HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION MEETING M7NUTF.S • �_.• MOTION by Ms. Sherek, secor�ded hy Mr. Barna, to receive the May 19, 1988, Special Him�an Resources Cce�unission n�eting minutes. ^ UP�T A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIlVG AYE, Q3A�.tPE�tSQN BE'�GOLD DECLARID THE MOTION -10- PLAt�TILVG Q�NIl�SSION N�TIl�TG, JUl� 22, ].988 II�vT; � ��� »r � iu��, � 8. RECEIVE THE N.�,y 24, 1988, APPEALS �NIlv.QSS20N NmVUTES: NIOTION by Mr. Ba,rr�a, seconded by Mr. Saba, to receive the May 24, 1988, Appea"ls Cc�¢nission mirn�.tes. UPDN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTIl�TG AYE, Q3AIR.PERSCd�T BEIZCa,D DECLARED THE MOTION �,RR�D UIVANIl�US'L,Y. 9. RECEIVE 'rHE_ JLTNE 14, 1988, AP�AT,G CD1�,SSION NlIlVUR'E,S: r!�t'ION by 1�. B�arna, seconded by Mr. Saba, to receive the June 14, 1988, Appeals CaY¢nission mi.nutes. TJ1�N A VOICE VOTE, Ai,L VOTIl� AYE, (�AIRPE�ZSON BEfiGCff.�D DECLARED THE MOTION �RFtIED U1�NIl�USI,Y. 10. O�!'HER BUSIl�SS: a. Preliminary Findings/Recycling Bins fNt�no to Planni.ng Cce�unission frcan Jim RQbinson dated 6/22/88) Mr. Robinson stated that at the joint �C/Energy Commisson meeting on June 21, 1988, the Envirormlental Qua.lity Commission reviewed the n pZ'Pr1.�m��W researc;h on the types of bins available and their costs. The �QC rec�¢nended to the City Council that the City Council ir�lude in the current budget funds for the aoqui.sition of recycling bins and that the City's exper�di,ture match contri.butions raised frc�n civic groups and private sector d�rrations. 1�. Robinson reviewed the typ�s ar�cl costs of bins used by the Cities of Plym�uth, Golal.en Valley, Minneapolis, a� Coltunbia Hei.�its. Mr. Dah7.berg sta.ted there was scsne discussion about the possibility of ta.gging along a purchase with arwther or�ni �ation or city in order to get a price break on a voltune purchase. MOTION by Mr. Baxna,, seconded by Mr. Dahlberg, to concur with the reca�¢ner�ation of the F�nvirornnental Qua,lity Car¢nission at their June 21, 1988, meeting to recom�nend the City Council include in the current budget funds for the acquisition of recycling bins and that the City' s e�ernl.iture match contributions raised from civic groups and private sector dor�ations. UPDN A VOICE VOTE, ALL VOTING AYE, C�iAIRPERSON BETZOLD DECLARID THE ND'PION (�RR�D iTl�,NIl�USLY. b. City Council Update Mr. RQbertson gave a report of the actions taken at the June 20th City �"� Council meeting. -11- Pi�A1�Il�]Il�� CANIl�II,SSION N�!'�. �JUl� 22, 1988 ^ c. Resigrration of Jim Robinson as Planni.ng Coord.inator Mr. Robinson sta.ted he laas accepted a position with the City of White B�' Lake as Ca[m�.ity Develognent Director. He stated. it has been a real pri.vilege working with the Planning Ccsnmission ovex the past 3 1/2 years, both present arml. pa.st members. He stated he has gained a lot fram working with the Planning CcYr¢nission members and appreciated. all their help along the way. N�. Betzold sta.ted Mr. Rabinson has had a tough j ob to do, but he has done it well. Mr. Betzold stated Mr. Robinson has always been a prof essional ar�cl has been ver.y thorough in his work, and he f el t Whi te Beax Lake was getting one of he best. On beha.lf of the Planning Ca�¢nission menbers argl himself, 1� wanted to t�hank Mr. Rabinson for all he has acccanplished. Mr. Robertson stated Mr. R�binson was a�eat help to him when he came on bQard at the City several years ago. He stated he, too, was really going to miss Jim, but that it was a great career mwe for him. Ms. :chnabel stated she was Chairperson of the Planning C�onnnission when Mr. Robinson first became staff person for the Planning Cammission. She stated Mr. Robinson had been a deli�it to work with throughout the entire time she cha.ired the Commission. She stated Mr. Robinson's resigr�a.tion was certainly a loss to the City, but a gain for White Bear ^ Lake. It was a�eat career mwe, and she wished him the best. AA7QUR1�Pr: MOTION by Nlr. Sa'ba, secor�ded hy Mr. KorxiricJc. to adj ourn the meeting. U�n a voice vote, all voting aye, Chairperson Betzold declared the June 22, 1988, Planni.ng Cc�¢nission nleeti.ng adjourr.�d at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully sul�niitted, L Saba Recording Secretazy � -12-